#browser cleaner
littlemssam · 8 months
!Important Warning!
These Days some Mods containing Malware have been uploaded on various Sites.
The Sims After Dark Discord Server has posted the following Info regarding the Issue:
Malware Update: What We Know Now To recap, here are the mods we know for sure were affected by the recent malware outbreak: "Cult Mod v2" uploaded to ModTheSims by PimpMySims (impostor account) "Social Events - Unlimited Time" uploaded to CurseForge by MySims4 (single-use account) "Weather and Forecast Cheat Menu" uploaded to The Sims Resource by MSQSIMS (hacked, real account) "Seasons Cheats Menu" uploaded to The Sims Resource by MSQSIMS (hacked, real account)
Due to this malware using an exe file, we believe that anyone using a Mac or Linux device is completely unaffected by this.
If the exe file was downloaded and executed on your Windows device, it has likely stolen a vast amount of your data and saved passwords from your operating system, your internet browser (Chrome, Edge, Opera, Firefox, and more all affected), Discord, Steam, Telegram, and certain crypto wallets. Thank you to anadius for decompiling the exe.
To quickly check if you have been compromised, press Windows + R on your keyboard to open the Run window. Enter %AppData%/Microsoft/Internet Explorer/UserData in the prompt and hit OK. This will open up the folder the malware was using. If there is a file in this folder called Updater.exe, you have unfortunately fallen victim to the malware. We are unware at this time if the malware has any function which would delete the file at a later time to cover its tracks.
To quickly remove the malware from your computer, Overwolf has put together a cleaner program to deal with it. This program should work even if you downloaded the malware outside of CurseForge. Download SimsVirusCleaner.exe from their github page linked here and run it. Once it has finished, it will give you an output about whether any files have been removed.
For more Information please check the Sims After Dark Server News Channel! Or here https://scarletsrealm.com/malware-mod-information/
TwistedMexi made a Mod to help detect & block such Mods in the Future: https://www.patreon.com/posts/98126153
CurseForge took actions and added mechanics to prevent such Files to be uploaded, so downloading there should be safe.
In general be careful, where and what you download, and do not download my Mods at any other Places than my own Sites and my CurseForge Page.
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miwtual · 1 year
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howdy! so i’ve recently come to realize that i haven’t come across any tutorials for creating a glitch transition on photopea. as someone who has done this transition many times in photopea, i figured that i should create a tutorial to show how i personally do this effect!
what you need:
photopea (basically photoshop in your browser, completely free!)
basic giffing knowledge, because i won’t cover it in this tutorial (other tutorials: tutorial by @benoitblanc​​​​, tutorial by @ashleysolsen​​​​)
i also recommend watching this youtube video for a real time visual of what i’m going to be describing in this tutorial. this video is what taught me how to do this glitch effect, so if how i’m describing it is at all confusing, check out the video to see it in action!
without further ado, make sure you save your psds regularly and let’s begin the tutorial :)
step one: making your gifs
before we do anything, you have to first make the gifs that you are going to doing the glitch in between. for the sake of this tutorial, i will be transitioning between two gifs, but this tutorial works for however many gifs you want to glitch between for your edit. here are my two gifs that i will be transitioning between:
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i highly recommend keeping these individual gifs small in their frame count to make sure your final gif doesn’t go over tumblr’s size limit. the gifs i am working with are both 22 frames; you dont have to make the gifs have the same amount of frames, but i do it because i think it looks cleaner.
with your two gifs, edit them however you would like. if you have a specific order you’d like the gifs to look/a way that your finished product will look like (ex: black and white with a transition to fully colored), then you should color them accordingly. here are what my gifs look like after fully editing them:
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once you’re happy with your editing, go to file > export as > GIF and save your gifs. now that we have our gifs to transition between, let’s make our canvas!
step two: making your gifs’ canvas
now that we have the gifs we’re going to be transitioning between, we need to make a “canvas”, or place where we put these two gifs in order to transition between them. so, going to file > new…, create a new canvas. here are the specifications for my canvas (size of your canvas may vary, depending on your cropping for your gifs):
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the background for this canvas doesn’t really matter like it does when you’re blending two gifs, but i still made my canvas’s background black because it contrasts the brightness of the gifs i’m placing onto it.
with your canvas now created after clicking “Create”, open up the two gifs that you will be transitioning between. right click the gif’s folder in the layers panel on the right, and select duplicate into… and choose the canvas you just created. once your gifs have been duplicated into the canvas, your layer panel should look something like this:
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if you didn’t duplicate your gifs in order, arrange your gifs however you want them to appear. from here, we can now get to the purpose of the tutorial, creating the glitch effect!
step three: creating the glitch effect
generally, with any transition effect, i like to make my gifs seem like they are endlessly looping. while this is a little more work when it comes to giffing, i do think it gives the gifs a nice polish and doesn’t make it feel like there’s a harsh transition between the gif’s looping cycle.
click the eye next to your top most gif(s) in order to make it invisible, as we will worry about it later. scroll down to the layer titled “_a_frm0,50”, right click, and select “duplicate layer”. this should create a new layer, “_a_frm0,50 copy”, on top of the original layer. double click on the copy, and you should see this pop up:
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below the fill slider, you should see something titled “channel” with three checkboxes with R, G, and B next to each checkbox. you can uncheck any one of these checkboxes for a different effect; unchecking the R box creates the stereotypical red/blue glitch effect, unchecking the G box creates a green/pink glitch effect, and unchecking the B box creates a blue/yellow glitch effect. for my transition, i have chosen to go with the blue/yellow glitch effect by unchecking the B box. however, you can play around with whatever effect you prefer for your gif.
once you have chosen what checkbox to uncheck, click “OK”. with the “_a_frm0,50 copy” still selected, make sure you have the move tool selected (the curser at the top of the left toolbar), and choose the direction you want your glitch to go and move the layer using the arrow keys on your keyboard. it can move as much or as little as you want, whatever looks good to you! i chose to move this first layer 10 clicks to the left and 5 clicks up, which creates this effect for my first layer:
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which looks cool, right? now, you could stop here with the glitch effect, but me being me, i’m extra, so i’m going to include the next half-step that you don’t have to follow unless you want to.
step 3.5: the glitch effect, advanced
with “_a_frm0,50 copy” still selected, go to the left toolbar and find the rectangle select tool (right under the move tool from before). this part is a bit tedious, but i like the results, so i feel that the work is worth it.
using the rectangle select tool, make a shape around part of the layer, and then go back to your toolbar and select the move tool again so we can move the selected section. do you remember how many clicks you used to move your layer and in what direction it goes in? well, now, do the opposite; since i moved 10 clicks to the left and 5 clicks up, my selected section needs to go 10 clicks right and 5 clicks down. below is what this looks like before and after moving the selected area:
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once you’re happy with the moved selection, go to the top bar and go to select > deselect so that you are no longer selecting the section you just moved. repeat this step however many times you like; i tend to do this about 5 times for each layer of varying sizes/lengths to allow variety. here is what the final product looks like for this first layer:
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and viola! your fully glitched layer one. now we can move on with the rest of the tutorial.
step three, continued: creating the glitch effect
now that you have finished this layer, make sure you have selected both frames “_a_frm0,50” and “_a_frm0,50 copy” by left clicking while holding down CTRL on your keyboard. with both layers selected, right click and choose the “merge layers” option in the popup; this ensures that the glitch effect that you have created stays as one frame.
now we get to do this many more times! make your next layer, “_a_frm1,50”, visible by clicking the little box next to it in the layer panel, and repeat the before steps. i personally alternate between what direction my glitches go in to add more variety and interest for my gifs. so, for example, with my “_a_frm0,50” frame, i moved it 10 clicks to the left and 5 clicks up; this means, for “_a_frm1,50”, i’m going to move it 10 clicks to the right and 5 clicks down, so on and so forth.
i do this for the first 3 frame layers and the last 3 frame layers for both gifs. when your gifs are finished with their individual gif transitions, they should (individually) look like this:
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and together, they should look something like this:
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and that’s the hard part done! congratulations, you just made a glitch transition!
step four: finishing touches
now, this entire step is optional, as if you already did stuff like add text to the individual gifs you are using this transition with, you’re probably already done. however, if you’re like me and you’re making a gif where the text remains stationary on top as the gif itself transitions underneath, take this time now to do so.
i will also note that if you want your gif transition to match with the rest of your gifs, you can do that in this layer. for example, i want the blue in the transition to be purple like in the rest of my gif; to accomplish this, i will use a combination of a hue/saturation layer and a selective color layer to make the blue be purple (which does change the purple a little from how it was originally, but i don’t mind). i would put these layers on top of both of my gif layers so that the transition layers in both gifs get the same coloring. doing so creates this effect:
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(that isn’t a step that’s required by any means (nor do i do it all the time), but in case you wanted to do that, now you know!)
now that i am fully happy with how the gif looks, i will add my finalized text and end up with this as my final product:
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now, if you run into the problem of your gif being a little too large for tumblr’s size limit (for example, my finished gif was 10.7MB, and the limit for 540x540 gifs is 10MB) and don’t want to redo all of the process of doing the glitch effect after deleting some frames, i recommend using ezgif’s gif optimizer. it helps shrink the size of your gif without costing you the quality of your gifs. :) i dont normally recommend that for other types of gifs where it’s easier to delete frames, but in this case i know that deleting frames and having to recreate the glitch effect may be annoying!
other than that, this is the end of the tutorial — congrats, you know how to make a glitch transition in photopea! good for you! :) if you ever need any help with photopea, or have a request for how i have done an effect, please feel free to shoot me an ask and i’ll do my best to explain or make another tutorial to help!
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Reddit has a lot of nerve putting this cringe bullshit in front of you for using a VPN when you can literally just replace the “www.reddit.com” with “libreddit.eu.org” and see everything you need in a simpler, cleaner, mobile friendly, ad-free environment.
And bonus: you can use the LibRedirect browser extension to do it automatically for you, meaning you’ll never have to see the pop-up (or the Reddit main site) ever again.
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prismaticpichu · 10 months
One day, deciding that ShinRa’s finest SOLDIERs are far too distracted during work hours, Lazard decides to implement a security browser that allows him to see what the Firsts are searching for online. Just to make sure they’re staying on track. Just to make sure they know their own intelligence and don’t need to rely on the World Wide Web.
Morbidly curious, he decides to take a look at the results after the first day.
Genesis’s Search History:
• Is Mona Lisa dead?
• Is the color red better than silver?
• Is WWE real?
• is the color brown better than silver
• what’s the adjective for one without love?
• How to be emo
• What’s the first book in the Bible
• Are rapiers better than katanas
• Does ice expire
• why do people tell me to shut up
• Are phoenixes better than cats
• is it illegal to steal a street sign
• How to put out a microwave fire
• can metal go in the microwave
• why the hell does my friend have slitted pupils
• how can I get slitted pupils?
• contacts with slitted pupils low price
• silver elite homepage
Angeal’s Search History:
• my kids are fighting what do I do
• my adult kids are fighting what do I do
• seafood pasta recipes
• my teenager won’t stop eating cinnamon dog biscuits what do I do
• is it practical to carry a sword you never use
• what temperature should cacti be kept at
• where is the internet
• do sunglasses make you cool
• honor synonyms
• what is lucid dreaming
• Kraft mac and cheese
• is ShinRa ethical
• is “puppy” considered derogatory
• is it normal for your friend to growl
• are plants good listeners
• what are phoenixes
• why does my teenager never listen
• local diners help wanted
• is it possible to send two adults to military school
• how do I delete my last search
Sephiroth’s Search History:
• is it normal to growl
• Why are my pupils slitted
• is silver hair natural
• chemical composition of a single strand of spaghetti
• cute panda videos
• are sprinkles edible
• is it normal to hear voices in my sleep
• is silver a better color than red
• how to tell someone to shut up in a language they do not speak
• are trees sentient
• cute seal videos
• is my father my father
• is it incorrect to be shirtless
• why is it incorrect to be shirtless
• is it normal to be able to lift a jeep
• can the human body handle the consumption of a mole of spaghetti noodles
• current day slang
• loveless SparkNotes
• how to tell my friends that I love them
Zack’s Search History:
• What do anteaters eat
• What is a city people live in called
• Sodium chloride
• What is the square root of one
• who invented walking
• Loveless SparkNotes
• Does General Sephiroth like hugs?
• world squat record
• Are sombreros allowed in the military
• How many marshmallows can fit inside of a whale
• where does the word laptop come from
• how much water is too much
• how to make my mentor proud
• Do rattlesnakes actually have beans in their tails
• how many pounds of pepperoni is unhealthy
• How much of Dr Dolittle is true
• How to tell someone they are loved and wanted
• sophisticated words of today
• why are they called graham crackers
• toaster alarm clocks
Lazard closes the computer, letting his head fall into his hands.
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The dirtier the mind is, the cleaner the browser history is.
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bakedbakermom · 1 year
Hey so reddit is (rightfully) getting a lot of shit for the astronomical rates they're going to start charging app developers for accessing their API. This is going to force mobile users to use the official reddit app (which is shit and full of ads and trackers) as opposed to 3rd party apps which are cleaner, track less, and have a lot of really useful features absent from the official app.
Some users (like me) get around the app thing all together by accessing the site via a mobile browser, which can be set to desktop mode or old.reddit and works just great.
Or it did. Until this morning.
They have apparently de-optimized their site for mobile browsers and it's now nearly unreadable in Chrome or Firefox. For some reason my default Samsung browser is still showing what it looked like yesterday. Here's the difference. Same thread, two browsers, only one of which is actually accessible to anyone without owl vision.
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Thanks for yet again choosing to alienate the user base who are the only thing who make your site exist.
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not-goldy · 11 months
JK ending both tkk and jkk 😭😭 he said 'don't come' to his supposed boyfriends. I thought your partner will be welcomed no matter how you or your house looks.
Actually in real life, we shit our pants, run to the store to get supplies, call the cleaner, change the beddings, douche, wax, floss, floss again, spray vanilla essence on our vaginas, delete call history, browser history, go through contacts to block people, cook something, make sure it's not burnt, check the bed again, run a steamer over the bed- and then come back to answer the door like we weren't in our onezies all weekend.
But you straights can't relate cos your mans don't even wash their ass
Unless I'm depressed there's no way my woman is coming home to meet a mess I'm sorry but I'm tryna impress her and get some.
You sound unfuckable. When was the last time you got fucked? Nasty ass.
But you are right
He ended TKK.
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Look at the screen- not a great day to be a Tuktukker 😭😭😭😭😭😭
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If my friend said they were coming to my house with my crush unannounced I'd panic too😵😵😵😭🤣
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warningsine · 8 months
All right, since I bombarded a poor mutual yesterday...
Privacy is not security and security is not privacy. These terms are not interchangeable, but they are intrinsically linked.
While we're at this, anonymity =/= security either. For example, Tor provides the former, but not necessarily the latter, hence using Https is always essential.
It is impossible to have privacy without security, but you can have security without privacy.
A case in point is administrators being able to view any data they want due to their full-access rights to a system. That being said, there are ethics and policies that usually prevent such behavior.
Some general tips:
Operating System: Switch to Linux. Ubuntu and Linux Mint are widely used for a reason. Fedora too. And don't worry! You can keep your current operating system, apps and data. If you're on a Mac computer, you can easily partition your hard drive or SSD by using Disk Utility. If you're on Windows, you can follow this guide.
You want to go a step further? Go with Whonix or Tails. They're Linux distributions as well, but they're both aiming for security, not beauty so the interface might not be ideal for everyone. Many political activists and journalists use them.
You want anonymity? Then you need to familiarize yourself with Tor. Also, Tor and HTTPS and Tor’s weaknesses. When you're using it, don't log in to sites like Google, Facebook, Twitter etc. and make sure to stay away from Java and Javascript, because those things make you traceable.
Alternatives for dealing with censorship? i2p and Freenet.
Is ^ too much? Welp. All right. Let's see. The first step is to degoogle.
Switch to a user-friendly browser like Firefox (or better yet LibreWolf), Brave or Vivaldi. There are plenty of hardened browsers, but they can be overwhelming for a beginner.
Get an ad blocker like Ublock Origin.
Search Engine? StartPage or Duckduckgo. SearXNG too. Like I said degoogle.
Get a PGP encrypted e-mail. Check Protonmail out.
There's also Tutamail that doesn't cover PGP, but uses hybrid encryption that avoids some of the cons of PGP.
Skiff mail is also a decent option.
Use an e-mail aliasing service such as SimpleLogin or AnonAddy.
Check OpenPGP out. Claws Mail is a good e-mail client for Windows and Linux, Thunderbird for Mac OS.
Gpg4win is free and easy to use for anyone that wants to encrypt/decrypt e-mails.
Instead of Whatsapp, Facebook messenger, Telegram etc. use Signal for your encrypted insant messaging, voice and video calls.
Get a metadata cleaner.
Get a firewall like Opensnitch, Portmaster or Netguard which can block Internet for trackers.
Alternatively, go with a private DNS that blocks these trackers. NextDNS is a good paid service. Rethink a good free option.
Replace as many of your applications as you can with FOSS (free and open source) ones. Alternativeto can help you.
Always have automatic updates on. They are annoying af, I know, but they are necessary.
Keep your distance from outdated software.
Always have two-factor authentication (2FA) enabled.
Do not use your administrator account for casual stuff. If you're on Linux, you probably know you can be sudo, but not root.
On Linux distributions use AppArmor, but stay away from random antivirus scanners. Other distributions default to SELinux, which is less suited to a beginner.
Never repeat your passwords. If you can't remember them all, use a password manager like KeePass.
Encrypt your drive.
Honestly, VPNs have their uses and ProtonVPN, Mullvad and Windscribe are decent, but eh. If you don't trust your ISP, why would you trust the VPN provider that claims they don't log you when you can't verify such a thing?
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(minors dni)
so it seems that tumblr will now display an overlay that blocks the entire page on certain tag pages which “may contain potentially mature content”
e.g. viewing my own #Art tag page now looks like this—even while logged in with “show me mature content” enabled in my own settings! 🤪
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Mature Content
This blog may contain potentially mature content
View blog
Go to my dashboard
this effectively makes my #Art tag page dashboard-only 🤪
fortunately, a simple CSS tweak removes the overlay, and the posts are all actually still there. scrolling down also successfully loads more posts
just add this rule on a user stylesheet for tumblr:
.community-label-cover__wrapper {    display: none !important; }
I personally use the stylus browser extension for firefox (I’m sure there are other extensions that do the same thing). I added it to a stylesheet (one I’d already made) that’s applied to all URLs on the domain tumblr.com, and it looks like this:
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cool workaround to have to apply to look at my own fucking blog
(I’m putting an unnecessarily finer-grained solution under the readmore, that’s a little more selective about which urls it applies to, but the above should be fine)
if you want to be more selective, you can make a stylesheet that applies only to urls on people’s non-dashboard blogs, not on the dashboard or rest of the site (just in case hiding .community-label-cover__wrapper elements on the dashboard would be a bad thing for whatever reason)
there’s likely a cleaner way to write this (the cleaner way I thought would work didn’t seem to work...) but at any rate, adding a style for URLs matching the regexp https?://(?!www).*\.tumblr.com/.* does the trick: adding it looks like this
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 it doesn’t apply to tumblr.com or www.tumblr.com, but it does apply to e.g.
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agheaven · 2 years
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The American Girl Magazine Scan Project
I'm finally biting the bullet & working to scan every single American Girl Magazine issue that I currently have in my collection! I don't have every single issue, but I still have a solid chunk of the 2000s issues and that's not nothing.
I'm approaching this scanning project by scanning and cleaning in batches of months rather then by year. So instead of scanning all of my 2003 issues in one go, I'll be scanning every September/October issue I have. I plan to clean and upload all the scans in the batch before I move on to the next batch.
You can find a list of all the American Girl Magazines I have in my possession on this page.
Current Progress
Recently Purchased Issues/Provided Scans that I still need to upload:
Sep/Oct 1996
Sep/Oct 1997
July/August 2000
Jan/Feb 2001
March/April 2001
May/June 2001
July/August 2001
November/December 2001
July/August 2004 (Cleaner scans with missing pages present)
March/April 2014
November/December 2014
March/April 2016
May/June 2016
July/August 2016
January/February 2019
Where to find these Scans
The Internet Archive
Read the magazine in-browser!
Leave a comment!
Download JPGs or the PDF!
I would like to one day share the original files, including my original rough scans so people can make their own edits/adjustments to the original scans. However, the sheer scale of the project & the file sizes are much more data then google drive offers by default. If I'm able to find a suitable solution or workaround, I'll note it here.
Help Needed
A lot of these issues were the same ones I used in my childhood, and as a result a lot of bonus materials are missing, such as the mini mags, posters or any stickers or posters. In some extreme cases, I'm even missing the magazine cover.
I've tried to make note of the pieces I'm missing both in the file names, the file description on the archive page, and on the list of AG Magazines currently in my possession. It's highly possible I might not notice pieces are missing until I'm scanning.
If you happen to have the missing materials/pages and you are gracious enough to scan it on my behalf, I will be in your debt. The missing material will be added to the uploads, and credit will be given to you as desired. You can find details on how to submit missing scans to me through this SUBMISSION POST!
If you do not have these issues, you can also help me buy issues by donating money to my Ko-Fi.
I hope you enjoy these scans!
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kintatsujo · 1 year
Something interesting about the internet use health discussion, to me, is that there's no distinction made between checking your phone and being online continuously
I'm online pretty much all day, yeah, but what I'm doing is shit like scrolling Ao3 or Tumblr while I'm waiting for the carpet cleaner to finish foaming or the microwave to beep, or checking a notification I just got in an ongoing conversation I'm having.
That's small, but it adds up. I had to fight my current phone because it kept scolding me for spending so much time online, when half of it was just quick checks and the other half was leaving a browser or app open BETWEEN quick checks. (And by "fight" I mean whoever designed it made the settings hard to find.)
Meanwhile if I spent all that time consecutively sitting at a laptop or desktop, yeah I'd get at least being concerned for my back and my vision.
But I'm typing this post laying on my back before getting up, because it's my day off and I was trying to wake myself up by scrolling Tumblr and saw a post that made me think of this.
So golly I've been awake less than an hour and been online for ten to fifteen minutes already, I must be addicted [/sarcasm]
Also how tf do you count turning on YouTube on your TV or similar device and leaving it on for some background noise, I feel like that shouldn't count either yah fuckin moralizing concernmongers
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roo-bastmoon · 2 months
While we're all here...
Did you know you can install YouTube Music as a desktop app for smoother, less glitchy streams?
Go to the top bar where you have your url, bookmark icon, etc., and click the little icon with an Arrow for Download...
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Then it will auto-install (you can pin to your taskbar) and you can play from the app instead of the browser for cleaner streams:
Love, Roo
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go-learn-esperanto · 1 year
Also you mentioned a VPN, but are there any free ones? Specifically like a Firefox extension or something like that? I can't pay money for one, and i'm gonna switch to Firefox soon anyways (long story). Also ik I said this before but thx for the kitties :D
I'm not very knowledgeable on PC VPNs but I found this article linking some
What you've got to be aware is that if they're free they're always gonna have limitations.
For your phone I'm only knowledgeable on Android. Opera has a built in limited VPN. It works only on the Opera browser though.
However I've found an app that basically works as a VPN for your whole phone
It's limited in servers and I recommend you keep checking the VPN symbol from time to time as after a while it automatically turns off the VPN I think but it works for all apps that use your location which is really good.
I went looking and found this one that has a bunch more server options
It can have very long ads but that's the price for being free. Using it right now and it works 👍
I've now also tried this third option
At first it may appear like it has more options than the last one but don't be fooled! Most of the servers are premium. It does have better options if you want your location to be the US or Canada but that's mostly it. The Super Unlimited Proxy is better for European server options.
Well that's what I found for free! I hope it helps even if I know it's probable that you have an Apple device instead of Android because that's the US norm. —_—
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mousieowl · 1 year
My Favourite Gnome Extensions
Over the past few years I've found myself settling into gnome and I would like to introduce y'all to some of my favourite extensions.
1 - Gtile
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Gtile is easily a must add to any Linux install with gnome, a highly customise-able shortcut to tile your windows onto a grid size of your choosing. An absolute must have for people with large/multiple monitors and a perfect extension for the power user in you. GitHub: https://github.com/gTile/gTile Gnome: https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/28/gtile/
2 - Just Perfection
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Just perfection is the tool for getting those slight tweaks you didn't know you needed out of gnome, from hiding parts of the system UI to simple behaviour changes its got at least one feature for you. I personally use the workspace wraparound while disabling the visibility of the activities button and workspace popup for a cleaner UX. GitLab: https://gitlab.gnome.org/jrahmatzadeh/just-perfection Gnome: https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/3843/just-perfection/
3 - Dash to Dock
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Dash to Dock is my preferred options in a sea of dash replacements, its simplicity and ease of use with excellent GTK theme compatibility and array of options won me over compared to the others GitHub: https://micheleg.github.io/dash-to-dock/development.html Gnome: https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/307/dash-to-dock/
4 - Honourable Mentions
Here's the spot for all the extensions that are great but i don't think need a whole spot and a GIF (pronounced GIF of course) Caffeine Caffeine is an extension that goes on your toolbar, it adds a button to disable your screen from fading over time, excellent for when you need to keep something open. GitHub: https://github.com/eonpatapon/gnome-shell-extension-caffeine Gnome: https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/517/caffeine/ Workspace indicator Another toolbar extension to display whatever workspace you're on at the time, a perfect pair with disabling the workspace popup in just perfection for a clean minimal alternative GitHub: https://github.com/tty2/horizontal-workspace-indicator Gnome: https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/3952/workspace-indicator/ Launch new instance A great extension included by default with Ubuntu, ever have your browser open on one workspace and try to open it on another and it takes you back? this fixes that, you can now pretend to be productive on one workspace and open Tumblr on the other with ease ^w^ GitLab: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/gnome-shell-extensions Gnome: https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/600/launch-new-instance/ Rounded Window Corners For my final extension I'm going to mention something not everyone needs but I use for the aesthetic. Does your GTK theme have rounded corners but some windows (I'm looking at you Firefox and gnome terminal) have sharp corners at the bottom? Fear no more, this extension gets rid of those pesky right angles with a wide array of settings to customise the angle, size and even border of those corners. With options to blacklist certain applications and even have custom settings for specific applications its a must have for the ricer in you. GitHub: https://github.com/yilozt/rounded-window-corners Gnome: https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/5237/rounded-window-corners/
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hexeology · 9 months
love your computer. buy it a fun skin. put stickers on it. get it a keyboard cover. clear out the browser cache and run the disk cleaner program. set up a custom cursor. give it a name. love your computer.
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catluniscia · 10 months
Warning Glitch Effect
Tumblr media
So this is like one of the first art ideas I had in my mind when working on my fanfic Two of Hearts (which is on AO3 if you wanna read) its kinda supposed to come off like those scenes in like chain of memories or 358/2 where you are trying to remember, and memory is a bit glitchy and fuzzy
I don't do glitch effect animation that often and I just wanted to try a different style which I think worked more for this piece. It kinda works I might attempt again once I understand glitchy animation better.
There is also video if you want a cleaner version...seriously will more browsers please accept animatied pngs they look nice
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