#bruce banner x christine palmer
couldntbedamned · 8 months
Couldntbedamned's Master List
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This is my Master List of fics I’ve written.  I’m linking them to my AO3 account.
Please be sure to carefully read all the tags and warnings posted for a fic – YOU are responsible for the content you choose you consume.
Updated as of 25 April 2024
Reader Fics
Right Now, Take Me Down (I Let You In) Tony Stark/Female Reader – Mature, Complete
Tony snoops through your phone and discovers some uh, fantasies and desires you’ve been keeping hidden. He takes it upon himself to make those fantasies and desires a reality, thanks to his amazing nanotechnology and trusted AI.  (A/B/O Roleplay)
Til the Veins Start to Shiver Bruce Banner/Female Reader – Mature, Complete
You decide to tease Bruce with some provocative photos while he's working. Bruce decides to tease you right back, and then some.  (Light Dom/Sub)
A Little Evening Break Stephen Strange/Female Reader – Mature, Complete
The Reader isn’t quick to comply with Stephen’s instructions and he gives her a hard time.
There’s Only Butterflies (Take Me Away) Stephen Strange/Reader, Strange Supreme/Reader, Defender Strange/Reader, Supreme Strange/Reader, Sinister Strange/Reader – Mature, Complete
It’s a pocket-dimension full of sunshine, with love that’s all theirs.
A Sweet Escape (To Better Days) Stephen Strange/Reader, Strange Supreme/Reader, Defender Strange/Reader, Supreme Strange/Reader, Sinister Strange/Reader – Mature, Complete
While it at first it weighed heavily on her, the knowledge that five of the most powerful beings in the multiverse were with her instead of protecting all of reality, she couldn’t deny the thrill that also came with that. The universe truly revolved around her. Her loves revolved around her and everything she was, she had, she did was for them in return.
Sometimes It Hurts Instead
Stephen/Reader (unrequited), Stephen/Clea, Reader/Reader's Husband - Teen, Complete
You see that the man you'd once had feelings for has moved on. You're not sure how to feel.
Waiting for the sun to be rising
Stephen/Chronically Ill!Reader - Mature, Complete
After a wild romp, you relax with Stephen and contemplate your relationship, reassuring him that regardless of what he does (or doesn’t) say you know exactly how he feels about you.
With a little peace and some harmony
Stephen/Chronically Ill!Reader - Teen, Complete
You’re sick and thanks to a weakened immune system, having a hard time resting and fighting it off. It’s absolutely miserable but lucky for you, Stephen is more than willing to step into the role of caretaker and help you feel better.
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 Starker Fics (Tony Stark/Peter Parker)
Please note that Peter is an adult in all of these.
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This is What You Came For Mature, Complete
Mr. Stark has had enough of what he considers to be Peter's not-so-subtle hints that he wants to get f*cked. He decides to teach Peter a lesson.
An Absolutely Peerless Cure Dark!Tony – Mature, Complete
When Peter gets the hiccups while on patrol, Tony takes it upon himself to help rid him of the pesky problem. Sure, that Wikipedia article could be absolute horseshit, and sure, Dr. Strange had been tipsy when he agreed with it, but it's a risk Tony's willing to take in his quest to draw Peter closer to him.
…And Many More Mature, Complete
Tony has a surprise for Peter's birthday, putting a true Tony Stark spin on a long-standing wish that Peter's had. Because whether he's giving or receiving, Tony is always in charge. Not that Peter's complaining.
(Just to See How It Feels) Mature, Complete
It's late. Peter's tired and wants to sleep because he has a big exam in the morning. Tony's horny. So maybe he can convince Peter to let him put in just the tip. (It's never just the tip.)
Getting the Best Mature, Complete
Peter Benjamin Parker is a genius. A once-in-a-lifetime type of genius.
And the little prick has the nerve to be undecided, even with the promise of a full-ride to MIT.
Even Saints Into Savages Mature, Complete
The mission was supposed to be a cake walk. Get in, get the stupid mystic alien amulet, get home. So, they figured it was safe enough to bring Peter along. Only Rocket assumes something, and that assumption leads to an awkward situation for everyone involved. Tony'll do whatever it takes to save Peter. If only he didn't know that he'd enjoy it so damn much. (Aliens Made Them Do It)
Back to Where You’ve Never Been Mature, Work in Progress
In an alternate reality, Peter Parker is living out his dream of being Spider-Man and working as an intern for Stark Industries (and the Avengers!) under his hero, Tony Stark, before heading off to college.  For the most part, it's incredible.  Okay, the Avengers treat him like he's still a child, and Mr. Stark's not exactly the friendliest mentor. But still, it's good.
Except that recently, Mr. Stark's been in the worst mood and Peter finds himself the unwitting focus of the man's ire.  He tries to keep his spirits up and tell himself that it's not personal, that anyone in the lab would be a target, but when Mr. Stark kicks him out, Peter knows he's done.
Then he finds himself falling for what feels like an eternity before returning to New York.  Only it's not his New York City and the Iron Man he ends up fighting alongside is definitely not his Iron Man.  Anthony Stark is kind of perfect.  The Other Avengers are kind of perfect.  Everyone here seems to love him.  And when he and Anthony are tapped by Dr. Strange to help seal the rift between realities, Peter finds himself wondering if he was supposed to be in the reality with Anthony all along.  (AU of an AU)
Updated with Chapter 14 on 02 January 2024
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SpiderStrange Fics (Peter Parker/Stephen Strange)
Please note that Peter is an adult in all of these.
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One in Fourteen Million, Six Hundred and Five Dark-ish!Stephen – Mature, Complete
Stephen doesn't have time to admire Peter as much as he'd like, given that they're trying to stop total Armageddon. This is the fate of the universe at stake; his attraction doesn't really have a place here. But even still...
("Oh, we're using our made-up names? Ok, I'm Spider-Man.")
Something about this stupidly brave and chatty guy intrigues him.
Now That I’ve Found You (I Won’t Let You Go) Dark!Stephen – Mature, Complete
All Stephen wants is for Peter Parker to be happy and safe... with him. When Peter rejects Stephen? Stephen doesn't take it very well. He'll just have to ensure that Peter realizes that Stephen is his future.
Only Of What’s Mine Mature, Complete
Peter wasn't expecting to find an Alpha so soon after turning 18. After all, many Omegas don't bond with an Alpha at all until they're in their mid-20s at least. But after everything on Titan and the Snap and then the Blip and Mr. Stark nearly killing himself to destroy Thanos once and for all, Stephen had taken an interest in Peter. And Peter, god help him, was just as taken with the Alpha. (A/B/O AU)
The (It’s Not Sex Pollen!) Powder of Prana Mature, Complete
Stephen warns Peter to be careful while exploring the Sanctum. Peter, naturally, doesn't listen. The Powder of Prana goes flying. And now Stephen finds himself the only person Peter trusts to keep him from dying. With sex. (Sex Pollen AU)
Private Practice Mature, Complete
Peter Parker's appointment with Dr. Strange doesn't go as he'd planned when the good doctor prescribes a certain medical procedure. (Medical Kink/Medical Play)
Yours to Break (But Always Mend) Mature, Complete
Peter’s tears had long since stopped, replaced by weak, hitched sobs sometime after what might have been the sixth or seventh blow. He couldn’t remember why snapping back at Stephen like a brat had seemed like a good idea. He couldn’t remember why breaking the rules in the first place - starting all of this - had seemed like a good idea. (Dom/Sub)
I Know the Storms Will Always Come (But I Still Love to Have You Around) Mature, WIP
After Endgame, Stephen returns from another dimension to find Peter's life threatened by Quentin Beck's schemes. He undoes the damage and takes a struggling Peter into his care.
Peter needs time and a safe place to rebuild himself; Stephen's happy to provide that, even as he works to push aside the feelings he has. It's a tricky line to walk, setting boundaries and structure for Peter while imagining those same things in a very different context.
As Peter begins to come back to his usual self, personalities and wills clash, occasionally helped along by a certain Witch and a perpetually amused and exasperated Librarian. And Stephen finds that he can't plan for everything.
These Inconvenient Fireworks Mature, WIP
After a battle, Mr. Stark crosses a line with Peter. Peter, tired of being on the receiving end of Mr. Stark's anger, asks Stephen - who's witnessed everything - to take him away. In doing so, Stephen starts down a path with Peter he didn't see coming.
Alternatively: Peter's heart gets broken and Stephen helps put it back together.
Updated 23 Sep 2023
It’s All Routine Mature, Complete
Peter Parker is back at Dr. Strange's office for a physical required by his upcoming internship. He's hoping it will be quick and easy, but when Dr. Strange finds out that he hasn't had a physical since he was a young child, his hopes are dashed. Dr. Strange intends to be very thorough. (Medical Kink/Medical Play)
You Kiss Your Sorcerer With That Mouth? Mature, Complete
During a mission, Spider-Man lets some choice words for Dr. Doom slip. Stephen's less than pleased at Peter's disregard for how he's supposed to conduct himself as Spider-Man when he's in the public eye. He gives Peter some time to think about what he's done, and has a creative way to ensure Peter thinks twice before doing it again. (Domestic Discipline)
Help Me Up, Let’s Keep On Running Mature, Complete
Peter and Stephen have several rules set up in their dynamic. The two biggest? That Peter will look after his health and well-being, and that they will always be honest with each other.  
Peter manages to break both of them in one fell swoop, and Stephen is none too pleased.
Discussions are had, actions lead to consequences, and Peter emerges from the experience secure in the knowledge that Stephen will do whatever it takes to make sure he's cared for and loved. (Domestic Discipline)
I Can See The Man That I Fell For Fighting Mature, Complete
It was supposed to be a quick in and out job. Just into the study to grab his book he’d left in there by accident the night before, and then out before Stephen even knew he was up and about. Harmless.
It wasn’t his fault that Cloak decided it needed to follow him around like some overly nosy puppy. Or that Cloak decided it needed to join him in the study as he looked for his book. Or that Cloak had decided to apparently “guard” something in the study in way that just screamed suspicious and naturally piqued Peter’s curiosity.
In and out, no harm done.
But when it became clear that Peter was overstaying his welcome in the space, Cloak had also felt the need to snitch.
He’d really, really fucked up. (Domestic Discipline)
This Back's Not Going to Break So Easily - Part 1 of 2, This Back’s Not Going to Break So Easily - Part 2 of 2
Mature, Complete
When Peter comes to Stephen upset and insisting he needs to be punished, Stephen knows something's wrong. Given a chance to calm down and feel safe, Peter explains what happened while he was at the Tower working in the labs and interrupted by Harley. Stephen reassures Peter that he did nothing wrong and does his best to comfort him.
Also featured: Stephen confronting Tony and Harley like a boss, Peter and Stephen's love, trust, and mutual respect for each other, lots of fluffy/dirty teasing, and pizza. (Domestic Discipline)
And I Let the Knots of Time Come Undone Mature, Complete
After breaking one of their established rules, Stephen finds himself at Peter's service for the day. Tasked with his least favorite chores, Stephen tries to maintain his sanity and make it through, all while reluctantly admitting to himself that all things considered, he's getting off easy.
If only he could get rid of that damn bell... (Domestic Discipline)
Our Road Gets Better With Every Bend Mature, Complete
Peter's getting ready for his junior year at Columbia. But before he goes back to school, there's the matter of his 21st birthday to deal with. Which is inevitably going to affect The Rules he and Stephen have. And what should be a nice night out for Peter's birthday takes a bit of a detour when a former acquaintance from Peter's freshman year unexpectedly runs into the happy couple.
Stephen's not jealous. No, not one bit. (Domestic Discipline)
Maybe If I Hold You Close, Baby We Could Just Let Go Teen, Complete
While the idea of accompanying Stephen to the high-brow fundraisers and charity galas seemed glamorous at first, Peter found the reality turned out to be much more disappointing. Everyone looks down their nose at him; people are forever swarming Stephen and flirting with him; and Peter usually finds himself alone, bored, counting the time until they can leave. However, he keeps attending in the hopes that he'll finally get a chance to dance with Stephen like he'd imagined.
One night he gets to dance with a surprising friend, which may finally lead to a bit of happiness at the damned events going forward.
Or Stephen might take issue, if another friend doesn’t take it upon herself to give him a clue. (Domestic Discipline)
I'm Counting On A New Beginning, A Reason For Living Mature, Complete
Peter's been in a bad mood and his recent stretch of bad luck isn't helping matters. Stephen hasn't been able to get through to him, and even when Peter takes his punishments for acting out, something's off. Worried about his partner, Stephen tries to think of what it is he might have done wrong. Upset, Peter pulls away.
It takes a bad set of prototype arrows, saving someone's life, a friend snitching, a stern Dr. Palmer taking control of a situation, a very un-teamlike spying session, and an uncomfortable discussion or two before Stephen and Peter are back on the same page. (Domestic Discipline)
Man, What Are You Doing Here? Mature, Complete
He only had one final left to take... and then he was done with everything until the fall semester of his final year as an undergraduate. Since his final wasn’t until Thursday afternoon, he didn’t see the harm in going out with some friends to celebrate and cute loose on Tuesday evening.
Would he have chosen a bar? No. He wasn’t supposed to drink on school nights and honestly, he preferred going to the movies or a show. But he was in college and honestly, it wasn’t like it needed to be a big deal.
And it wasn’t like Stephen needed to know. (Domestic Discipline)
Cold Comes From the East Side (Ch. 1)(Ch. 2)(Ch. 3) Mature, WIP
Peter breaks one of the rules in a spectacular way and suffers the consequences. It's rare for Stephen to actually be angry with him, but given the circumstances, Peter supposes the anger is more than earned. It's a hell of a situation for the pair of them and Peter wonders if they'll actually make it through. (Domestic Discipline)
Published Chapter 3 on 14 August 2023
Goodbye Grey Sky, Hello Blue Mature, WIP
In an alternate universe where trains and zeppelins are still common forms of travel and the internet and cell phones exist, Peter Parker has few options left after he's swindled out of his inheritance. Unable to pay for college, let alone keep the house left to him by his deceased aunt, he's running out of time before he's out on the streets. Desperate, Peter signs his life over to the Bureau of Civic Spousal Selections to take his chances as the selected husband of a complete stranger. After all, he only has to make it through a year and then he can choose to annul.
Dr. Stephen Strange has little interest in marriage, preferring to focus on his career. When his career is threatened by what a nosy board of directors considers a "lack of personal fulfillment and settling down," he opts to select a spouse through the BCSS and chooses Peter Parker. The young man's profile suggests intelligence and compatibility. It's not ideal, but if after a year it's not working out, he can always annul the marriage and send Peter on his way.
It's a marriage neither truly wants, with sharp learning curves for both. It's either going to be forever or it's going to go down in flames. (Domestic Discipline, 1950s-Modern Fusion AU)
Updated with Chapter 34 on 25 April 2024
Nevertheless, Recover Mature, Complete
Peter finds himself once again in Dr. Strange's office, hoping to find a reason and a cure for his latest ailment.  He's come to the right place, since Dr. Strange will do everything it takes to diagnose and treat Peter. Hopefully, Peter will survive the embarrassment. (Medical Kink/Medical Play)
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Doctor 13 Fics (Christine Palmer/Sharon Carter)
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Baby, You Don't Gotta Fight Mature, WIP
Ch. 1, Ch. 2, Ch. 3, Ch. 4, Ch. 5, Ch. 6, Ch. 7
Dr. Christine Palmer is just living her life, content in her job as a trauma surgeon and happily moonlighting as Peter Parker's general physician at her old friend Stephen's request.
One evening as she finishes up examining Peter, she encounters the force of nature that's Sharon Carter, who seems to have a reckless streak a mile wide.
She's not sure what to make of the spy-turned-Avenger, but she can tell Sharon's hurting, and Christine's healing nature won't be ignored.
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Iron 13 Fics (Tony Stark/Sharon Carter)
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Feels So Right, Can’t be Wrong Teen, WIP
Prologue | Yellow Tulip | Blue Salvia | Yellow Narcissus | Red Morning Glory
The setting: Sanctum General Hospital in Sanctum Heights, New Amsterdam
Starring: Sharon Carter - former Central Security Bureau operative, Selecting Spouse in a horrifically failed Bureau of Civic Spousal Selections marriage, patient AND Anthony Edward "Tony" Stark - owner and CEO of Stark Industries, Futurist determined to rebuild a world his father built weapons to destroy, love interest
With Appearances by:  Nurse Wong, Orderly Rintrah, and Billy the Admin
And Featuring Doctor Stephen Strange as "the Surgeon"
Or, "Five Dates Tony and Sharon Had in Her Hospital Room and One They Had After She Was Discharged"
Updated 23 November 2023
The Phoenix Protocol Mature, WIP
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3
No one else but Tony thought anything was off about Sharon. Investigating on his own, he discovered and brought down her Skrull impersonator and when he found the real Sharon near death, he made a choice that would change both of their lives.
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This is What I Brought You, This You Can Keep
Stephen Strange/Clea Strange/Peter Parker - Mature, Complete
...who is he to deny the woman he loves - the woman who has seen into his soul with all its trials, agony, and dreams and loves him because of it! - who is he to deny her anything she desires?
If you feel so moved, feel free to buy me a cup of coffee! Couldntbedamned's Ko-Fi
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lovelybishop · 1 year
Character/Fandom List
(Updated February 5th, 2023)
*Strikethrough means currently not accepting requests for said character/fandom
*If you see a character that is not listed, please ask! I’m sure I write for that character, I just forgot to put it on this very long list!
*If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask!
DC Extended Universe
Suicide Squad (2016) / The Suicide Squad (2021)
Abner Krill/Polka-Dot Man, Christopher Smith/Peacemaker, Cleo Cazo/Ratcatcher 2, Floyd Lawton/Deadshot, Harleen Quinzel/Harley Quinn, Rick Flag, Robert Dubois/Bloodsport
Birds Of Prey
Dinah Lance/Black Canary, Harleen Quinzel/Harley Quinn, Helena Bertinelli/The Huntress, Roman Sionis/Black Mask
Fear Street Trilogy
Cindy Berman, Deena Johnson, Heather Watkins. Christine “Ziggy” Berman*,Kate Schmidt, Nick Goode*, Ruby Lane, Samantha Fraser, Simon, Tommy Slater
*Please specify which actor
The Last of Us (HBO)
Joel Miller, Tess Servopoulos
The Good Place
Chidi Anagonye, Eleanor Shellstrop, Janet, Jason Mendoza, Michael, Tahani Al-Jamil
Marvel Cinematic Universe
Ajak, Alexei/The Red Gurdian, America Chavez, Bruce Banner/The Hulk, Carol Danvers/Captain Marvel, Christine Palmer, Clint Barton/Hawkeye, Darcy Lewis, Doctor Stange Variants, Drax the Destroyer, Druig, Gamora, Gilgamesh, Hela, Hope van Dyne/The Wasp, Ikaris, James “Bucky” Barnes/The Winter Soldier, James “Rhodey” Rhodes/War Machine, Jane Foster, Jimmy Woo, Katy, Kingo, Lady Sif, Loki, Makkari, Mantis, Maria Hill, May Parker, Melina, Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow, Nebula, Nick Fury, Peggy Carter, Peter Parker Variants, Peter Parker/Spider-Man, Peter Quill/Star-Lord, Phastos, Phil Coulson, Pietro Maximoff/Quicksilver, Sam Wilson/The Falcon/Captain America, Scott Lang/Ant-Man, Sersi, Shang-Chi, Sharon Carter, Sprite, Stephen Strange/Doctor Strange, Steve Rogers/Captain America, Thena, Thor, Tony Stark/Iron Man, T’Challa/Black Panther, Valentina Allegra de Fontaine, Valkyrie, Virginia “Pepper” Potts, Vision, Wanda Maximoff Variants, Wanda Maximoff/Scarlet Witch, Wong, Xialing, Yelena Belova
Disney+ Series
*This list is for characters who have not appeared in any movie (with the exception of Captain Carter.)
Agatha Harkness, Bruno Carrelli, Jennifer Walters/She-Hulk, Joaquin Torres, Kamala Khan/Ms. Marvel, Kate Bishop/Hawkeye, Layla El-Faouly/Scarlet Scarab, Madisynn King, Mallory Book, Marc Spector, Mary MacPherran/Titania, Matt Murdock/Daredevil, Maya Lopez, Mobius, Monica Rambeau, Nikki Ramos, Peggy Carter/Captain Carter, Ralph Bogner/”Pietro” Maximoff, Star-Lord T’Challa, Steve Grant, Strange Supreme, Sylvie, Taweret
Agents Of Sheild Series
Melinda May, Grant Ward, Daisy “Skye” Johnson/Quake, Leo Fitz, Jemma Simmons, Lance Hunter, Bobbi Morse, Alphonso “Mack” Mackenzie, Lincoln Campbell, Elena “Yo-Yo” Rodriguez, Deke Shaw
Netflix Series
*I plan on watching all Marvel Netflix Series. Though Because Matt Murdok was in No Way Home and She-Hulk, I still will write for him.
The Amazing Spider-Man
Gwen Stacy, Peter Parker/Spider-Man
Into the Spider-Verse
Gwen Stacy/Spider-Woman, Miles Morales/Spider-Man, Olivia Octavius/Doctor Octopus, Peter B. Parker/Spider-Man
Alex Summers/Havok, Bobby Drake/Iceman, Charles Xavier/Professor X*,Ellie Phimister/Negasonic Teenage Warhead, Erik Legnsherr/Magneto*,Hank McCoy/Beast*,James “Logan” Howlett/Wolverine, Jean Grey/Dark Phoenix*,Kurt Wagner/Nightcrawler*,Marie D’Ancanto/Rogue, Nathan Sumers/Cable, Neena Thurman/Domino, Ororo Monroe/Storm*,Peter Maximoff/Quicksilver, Psylocke*,Raven Darkholme/Mystique*,Scott Summers/Cyclops*,Wade Wilson/Deadpool, Warren Worthington III/Angel*
*Please specify which actor.
Free Guy
Guy, Millie Ruck, Walter “Keys” McKey
The Office
Jim Halpert, Pam Beesly
Ajax Petropolus, Biance Barclay, Enid Sinclair, Gomez Addams*,Larissa Weems, Marilyn Thornhill/Laurel Gates. Morticia Addams*,Tyler Galpin, Wednesday Addams, Xavier Thorpe, Yoko Tanaka
*Please specify which actor.
Star Wars
Ahsoka Tano, Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader, Ben Solo/Kylo Ren, Bix Caleen, Bo-Katan Kryze, Boba Fett, Captain Phasma, Cassian Andor, Cobb Wanth, Din Djarin/The Mandalorian, Fennec Shand, Finn, General Hux, Han Solo, Jyn Erso, Lando Calrissian, Luke Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Padme Amidala, Poe Dameron, Princess/General Leia Organa, Qi’ra, Reva Sevander/Third Sister, Rey, Rose Tico, Zorii Bliss
Stranger Things
Dustin Henderson, Eddie Munson, Eleven Hopper, Jim Hopper, Jonathan Byers, Joyce Byers, Lucas Sinclair, Max Mayfield, Michael Wheeler, Nancy Wheeler, Robin Buckley, Steve Harrington, Will Byers
*I do not write for Billy Hargrove
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ironstrangeao3 · 2 years
Glitter & Gold
by BonniesFamiliar
In which the avengers watch the life of Toni Stark and her life.
"They're my rings on her finger. It's my name she's taken. It's my bed she shares. So you having a crush on her isn't fucking relevant." - Stephen Strange to Steve Rogers in Age of Ultron.
Words: 35756, Chapters: 7/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, Iron Man (Movies)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi, Other
Characters: Avengers - Character, x-men - Character, Maximoff Twins - Character
Relationships: Toni Stark/Stephen Strange, Penny Parker/ Matthew Murdock, Frank Castle/Karen Page, Christine Palmer/Pepper Potts, Carol Danvers/Maria Rambeau/James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Bruce Banner/Thor, Hope Van Dyne/May Parker, Harley Keener & Peter Parker & Tony Stark, James "Rhodey" Rhodes & Tony Stark, and more - Relationship
Additional Tags: Female Tony Stark, Female Peter Parker, I wrote this instead of Sleeping., Steve Rogers bashing, Wanda Bashing, but she gets better, It's more comic.
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/42762684
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sukorakurai · 1 year
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I posted 19 times in 2022
4 posts created (21%)
15 posts reblogged (79%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 10 of my posts in 2022
Only 47% of my posts had no tags
#loki x tony - 4 posts
#tony stark - 4 posts
#ironfrost - 3 posts
#loki - 3 posts
#thor - 3 posts
#tony x loki - 2 posts
#fanfic - 2 posts
#marvel mcu - 2 posts
#fanart - 2 posts
#celestial beings - 1 post
Longest Tag: 22 characters
#fanfiction from fanart
My Top Posts in 2022:
0 notes - Posted April 1, 2022
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Okay I ran out of room in my first tower so I made another one. Yup I'm a fan nerd. Hopefully soon I will get a large shelf so I can display my shawarma Avenger collection.
0 notes - Posted January 15, 2022
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, WandaVision (TV), Loki (TV 2021), X-Men - All Media Types, Hawkeye (TV 2021), Iron Man (Movies) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Loki/Tony Stark, Jane Foster/Thor, Bruce Banner/Natasha Romanov, Michelle Jones/Peter Parker, Christine Palmer/Stephen Strange, Alexei Shostakov | Alexi Shostakov/Melina Vostokoff, James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers, Ralph Bohner/Agatha Harkness, Mobius M. Mobius/Sylvie (Loki TV) Characters: Loki (Marvel), Sylvie (Loki TV), Mobius M. Mobius, Wanda Maximoff, Vision (Marvel), Billy Maximoff (Wandavision), Tommy Maximoff (Wandavision), Pietro Maximoff, Agatha Harkness, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Yelena Belova, Alexei Shostakov | Alexi Shostakov, Melina Vostokoff, Sam Wilson (Marvel), Sarah Wilson (Marvel), Peggy Carter, Sharon Carter (Marvel), Steve Rogers, James "Bucky" Barnes, James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Clint Barton, Kate Bishop, Peter Parker, May Parker (Spider-Man), Stephen Strange, Wong (Marvel), Christine Palmer, Logan (X-Men), Charles Xavier, Jean Grey, Scott Summers, Scott Lang, Thor (Marvel), Jane Foster (Marvel), Frigga | Freyja (Marvel), Hela (Marvel), Odin (Marvel) Additional Tags: Finding Love, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Family, Fluff, Romantic Comedy Summary:
Loki Friggason is the Keeper of the Lighthouse in Salt Rock Maine of Mar-vel County. He haws made a nice quite life free of the constant rejection by the adoptive father that never wanted him and the crushing break of past relationships. His last Love nearly broke him to where he closed of himself to new relationships. He is content to hide away in his village gathering the locals as family and friends who would never hurt him or his heart. That is until two Mysterious Brothers take to port and dock their boat called the Iron Man into the harbor. No one really knows why they settled here and opened up a crabbing business but it looks like they're here to stay. One of the brothers has taken a liking to the lighthouse keeper and could pose a threat to that peaceful life Loki has been living. On the other hand Loki see something in those brown eyes that speak of a guarded heart and painful past underneath the charm and smiles. Is it worth the risk for something more or will it lead to heart ache and despair
This a fiction written for Snarky_Ship(Pink_Wisteria) who does great doodles and often inspires me. This was inspired by her Lighthouse Loki and Fisherman Tony Doodles which can be found on Tumblr under @SnarkShip
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Lighthouse by the Sea art by @snarkyship​
Greetings on and All. My Plot Bunnies have taken over and have started a Fanfiction for Lighthouse Loki and Fisherman Tony drawn by @snarkyship​ the first chapter is up and Posted on AO3. here’s a little preview and I hope you’ll read more and Kudos are always welcome.
“Loki Darling did you hear? The New guy is pulling in quite the catch.” Agnes laughed.
“I’m afraid you have lost me Mrs. Harkness.”
“That new fisherman Tony, that moved here five months ago. He’s been drawing the attention of almost every woman and even some men in town. He is a handsome piece of eye candy.” The older woman winked causing Wanda to roll her eyes.
“Yes Agnes so you have said. We’ll see you later I need to talk to Loki about next farmers market, we’re in charge of the stall placements.” Wanda hooked her arm with the Raven and pulled him into the store.
1 note - Posted April 6, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Plot Bunnies at Work (WIP)
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A rough draft I did during the holidays but got too busy to finish. Eventually once I catch up on my chore on other projects. But for fun can you identify which plot bunny is who? Try not to cheat by reading the tags. LoL 😂
5 notes - Posted January 19, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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for the OTP drabble challenge 59 IronStrange
59. “Can you dance with me?” - “You’re not mad?”
Tony let his eyes ran on the small crowd that was gathered in front of him. He was happy for Bruce, and he was extremely glad that the world seemed to be in peace, or, at least, it had been in the past couple of weeks which was the best he could ask for if he had to be honest. He knew they simply couldn’t stop and call off their duties toward humanity, though if the bad guys decided to go on a vacation, who was him to complain?
What he could complain about, and had been very vocal in doing, though, was his boyfriend’s intention to ignore him toward the entire engagement party. Which wasn’t their, even if a giant part of Tony wanted it to be. Not that he wanted to steal Bruce and Christine’s happiness, but just - he really, really wanted to show the entire world the Wizard was his, hands down and all the things. The problem was that instead of asking him, like every other function human being would have done, he just yelled in Stephen’s face that they would never cross that line. Which led to Stephen to left the Tower. Three days ago.
And Tony knew that Christine was the only reason why Strange was there. Or maybe Bruce too, it wasn’t like Tony had been jealous of the other Doctor before he asked the Wizard out, not at all. Not that he regretted to have tried to have the two spent more time together. Not that he literally jumped of joy the moment Banner told him that yes, he wanted to ask a doctor out, but said doctor was Stephen’s best friend, not the man himself. Nope, Tony wasn’t jealous of one of the few real friends he had. But still, Tony knew Stephen wasn’t clearly there for him. Because he was angry and he had any right to be, and still Stark couldn’t bear himself to look at the man he loved, especially if their story was over. And, about that, he didn’t want to think about.
“Can you dance with me?” A deep voice reached him and the only thing Tony could do was trying to understand if the person he had been looking for the entire night was really by his side. Stephen was there, beautiful in a three pieces deep blue suit, a soft smile on his lips, one of his real and rare ones.
“You’re not mad?” Tony asked, and still, he leaned closer, letting one of his hands to hold Stephen’s trembling one. Stephen shook his head.
“Why should I? Because I’d been stupid because we both had been?” He asked, and Tony couldn’t help but look into Stephen’s beautiful eyes and disappear in those. “I’m sorry.”
Tony smiled, pushing his body against his boyfriend’s fitted form. “I should have asked you, instead of, you know, yelling and the rest.”
“I’d say yes if you ask nicely,” Stephen answered, silencing what was coming next with a soft kiss while dragging Tony closer to the dancefloor.
send me a ship and a number for a drabble!
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broadwayfan92 · 3 years
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jahdalli · 2 years
𝕁𝔼𝕊𝕌𝕊 𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖𝕤 𝕪𝕠𝕦❤️
Let me introduce you to the avengers kids
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This is an au I've been working on for a long time, these children were born thanks to a roll and each one has an origin story, created to coincide with the dates of the MCU (or so I tried)
First GOD I will tell the origin story of each child, but this post is an opening to the question box if you want to ask about the au (And any other topic of my other au's)
Torunn 160 years old
Henry 16 years old
Morgan 14 years old
Robert 13 years old
Donna 8 years old
James jr 6 years old
Plus: Peter is their spider nanny
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About who would you like to know origin story first?
Follow me on instagram!
More avengers kids of this au is coming
Where I'm from, the mother's last name is also used and of course the name of their mothers last name will also be used. :)
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stxphxn-strange · 3 years
moments we had and suddenly lost
a/n: wanted to write smth self indulgent and fun and sweet and cozy, this was the result. for most of it. sorry not sorry for the ending (tw for character death though)
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“Did you see the way Bruce just spoke to me in the groupchat?!” Stephen asked, not at all angry but very surprised.
“Finals stress is probably hitting,” Christine replied. “I keep suggesting he tries meditation.”
“You’ve suggested that to everyone.”
“And none of you so far have listened!”
“... okay true.”
Christine rolled her eyes at Stephen conceding. “Where’s Ant?”
“Studying with Carol and Rhodey I think,” Stephen said, not yet realizing that someone had just gotten home. “Or in class, I don’t remember if he said his class was meeting today or not.”
“It wasn’t,” Anthony replied from the mudroom. He shrugged off his jacket and hung it up, stretching in place for a moment. “Hi Christine.”
Christine waved with the hand that wasn’t busy highlighting her notes, glancing up slightly as Anthony crossed the room.
“Rhodey’s still out?” Stephen asked. He looked up from his computer, reaching out for his boyfriend.
Anthony nodded. “He went to get lunch and run errands with Carol and I think someone else. I dunno, I came home because I’m tired.”
“I’m not surprised, you haven’t slept more than a few hours this entire week,” Stephen replied. He kept his voice low and soothing, partly to ensure he didn’t distract Christine from her reading.
“Hence why I’m admitting exhaustion-induced defeat! I’m going to take a nap,” Anthony said. “If I’m not up in an hour will you wake me up please?”
“An hour and ten?” Stephen suggested.
Anthony sighed fondly. “Okay. Thank you.”
“Go get your sleep,” Stephen murmured, hugging him close. Anthony was half sitting on him at this point, but neither of them minded much. “And get under a blanket, you’re fucking freezing.”
“It’s cold out!” Anthony replied. He softly kissed Stephen’s hair. “Good luck with studying, both of you.”
“Thanks man. I’m going to dinner with Hope later tonight so that’s making this a little more bearable. I can’t stand your boyfriend,” Christine said, throwing in a friendly dig at Stephen.
Anthony laughed lightly. “Don’t worry, I can’t either.”
“What did I do to deserve this treatment?” Stephen asked, unable to hide his amusement and laughing with them.
“I’m obviously kidding, you’re good to study with. And a half decent friend I guess,” Christine replied.
Stephen flipped her off and pretended to scowl, his facial expression softening as Anthony kissed him again.
“I’m going to go sleep,” Anthony said. He pulled Stephen in for one last kiss. “Love you lots, good luck!”
Stephen smiled. “I love you too. I’ll wake you up after an hour and 10.”
“Thank you!” Anthony called as he left the room. He was already forming a plan to steal one of Stephen’s hoodies and nap in it, thinking about what music to listen to while he rested.
Christine left at the same time Stephen’s alarm went off, reminding him that he promised to wake Anthony up. He didn’t want to, knowing his sleep deprived boyfriend could really use more rest, but too long of a nap would keep him from falling asleep later that night.
“There aren’t enough hours in the day,” Stephen muttered to himself as he headed towards his room.
“Amen,” Wong called from his own room, the door slightly ajar.
Stephen poked his head in. “I didn’t even know you were home.”
“Because I’m being quiet, obviously. I’m meeting Pepper and Loki to study with them, and I think Bucky is coming too,” Wong replied. He was neatly arranging his backpack, filling it to the brim with books and notepads.
“Got everything?” Stephen teased.
“Don’t you have anything better to do than bother me? Go bother Ant,” Wong replied mirthfully, taking his laptop out of his bag to quickly repack the whole thing.
“He’s sleeping! I was on my way to wake him up, forgive me for wanting to check on you,” Stephen bantered back.
Wong just rolled his eyes, giving Stephen a good natured shove as he passed him in the doorway. “I’ll see you later, good luck with whatever you’re doing for the rest of the day.”
“You too,” Stephen replied, finishing his trip to his room as Wong continued in the opposite direction. His heart burst when walked in to see Anthony still sleeping and wearing one of his hoodies.
He looked so comfortable and relaxed for once in his damn life, and Stephen hated to disrupt him just as much as he hated breaking his word. He gently shook Anthony’s shoulder a few times before beginning to brush his hair back from his face. It was about two minutes later when Anthony woke up, blinking in love and annoyance while expelling the stray sleep from his eyes.
“As much as I hate waking you up from your rare moments of sleep, this drowsiness is cute on you,” Stephen murmured. “Good nap?”
Anthony huffed in exasperation and pushed his head against Stephen’s hand. “Too short.”
“I know,” Stephen soothed, continuing to play with his boyfriend’s hair. “Sometimes it feels like no amount of sleep is ever enough to feel rested. Even when I slept for 11 hours that day I was still tired.”
“Sounds like a personal problem,” Anthony quipped, still a bit out of it. “How was your studying?”
“It went well. I’m not going to worry about this test tomorrow morning, I’m just going to try and relax tonight,” Stephen said, ignoring the first thing Anthony said. He smirked, knowing he wouldn’t be able to take his next words seriously. “Maybe I’ll even to go sleep at a decent hour.”
That... didn’t happen. It just didn’t. 
One (1) coffee driven all-nighter later, they sleepily headed off to take their respective last exams of the semester. Stephen’s exam was earlier in the day, but Anthony went with him when he left “for good luck.” That was only half true, he just wanted any reason to be around Stephen and vehemently told him that.
“Anthony I adore and appreciate you but you really didn’t have to walk with me,” Stephen said. “You could’ve slept before your test.”
Anthony scoffed. “I really don’t think a power nap would have any effect. Besides, I want all the time with you I could possibly have.”
They stopped walking in the hallway, Stephen looking at Anthony with a loving gaze and smiling at him. “I can’t wait until break starts.”
“We’re almost done,” Anthony replied. “Aside from waking up early for our flight tomorrow, we’ll be able to sleep in for the next few weeks!”
“We’ll be able to try and sleep in,” Stephen corrected him.
“We’re saying the same thing,” Anthony said with a little laugh that made Stephen smile even more.
“All I want to do is lay on the beach with you at least once while we’re away,” Stephen said.
“That can be arranged,” Anthony replied fondly. He looked up as a clock chimed somewhere in the building.
Stephen yawned. “That’s my cue to go and look over my notes before the exam.”
Anthony nodded and pulled him close again. “Good luck! You’ve got this, I love you,” he murmured against Stephen’s lips, kissing him between each clause.
“I love you too, see you at home?” Stephen replied.
“Of course. Pep and I are going to lunch after we’re done at 12:30, text me if you need or want anything and I’ll bring it,” Anthony said.
“I might be asleep, I’m taking a fucking nap before Bucky’s party tonight,” Stephen said. “Or not-party. Whatever it is.” 
Despite the fact that no one outside the friend group was there, Bucky’s game night/dinner quickly spiraled into a full on party. There was dancing and snacks and jokes, everyone finally relaxing for the first time in weeks. Tired as everyone was, partying and dancing the night away was a good way to get rid of the last bit of final exam and grade stress. Grade point averages didn’t matter, just friends and memories. And because they were... themselves, Stephen and Anthony were late. 15 minutes late was actually pretty good for them, but their tardiness was always amusing to their friends. 
“We would’ve gotten here earlier had Anthony not changed his shirt three times,” Stephen explained to a fondly exasperated Bucky.
“I only had time to do that because you fell asleep! And you had the audacity to be annoyed with me for waking you up, even though you asked me to,” Anthony replied.
Stephen didn’t say much, unable to argue with that. “I hate to say it, but you’re right.”
“At least you’re cute about being woken up,” Anthony said, unable to refrain from teasing him. “Your tired face reminds me of my sister’s cat when she’s angry.”
“I’m going to take that as a compliment.” Stephen rolled his eyes.
“May I host my damn party please?” Bucky tapped his foot impatiently. “Are you done with this interruption or can I finish talking?”
“Honestly I thought you were done,” Stephen replied sincerely.
“I don’t think Bucky is ever truly done talking!” Sam called from another room.
“Hm, you both have that in common,” Stephen said to Bucky and Anthony.
“Oh hush,” Anthony quipped, looking at Stephen with nothing but love in his eyes. 
“Conveniently for you bickering jackasses, we’re telling embarrassing stories about each other. Basically you have to tell a story while the rest of us decide if it’s a true story or not, and we can ask three clarifying questions.” Bucky had a fiendish look in his eye as he explained the game. “And since you were late, I think it’s fair we put one of you on the spot.”
“I think we know an appropriate amount about each other already,” Wong muttered jokingly. 
“You don’t want to hear about the time Loki stabbed me with safety scissors when we were kids?” Thor asked. “Rude.” 
“That’s all you ever talk about, and I said I was sorry!” Loki replied. “At least I didn’t get banned from Michael’s for a few years... Hela.” 
“I’ll dump my wine on your head,” Hela said in an icy voice. 
“Not on my white carpet!” Bucky muttered. 
“Hey how much do you want to bet that the Odinsons are going to start wrestling by the end of the night?” Wong asked Stephen as he and Anthony sat down and joined the others.
“Oh they definitely will. If they don’t I’ll buy you a sandwich when we come back from break,” Stephen replied. “Anthony will you be a witness for this incredibly stupid bet Wong and I are about to shake on?” 
Anthony, curled up against Stephen’s side, nodded with a yawn.
“Great. If the Odinsons don’t piss each other off enough to start fighting, Stephen owes me a sandwich,” Wong declared. They sealed the bet with a very gentle high five, Stephen loosely lacing his finger’s with Wong’s. 
Wong dropped his hand. “We’re not close enough to be that affectionate,” he said teasingly.
“Aww but I’m tired! I want to hold hands with everyone,” Stephen mumbled. “Anthony will you hold me?” 
“Anytime baby,” Anthony replied, pulling Stephen into a hug. 
Both Stephen and Anthony were extremely physically affectionate, even more so when they were tired. The long week drained them of their energy and stole 90% of their snark, leaving them “annoyingly snuggly” according to their friends. When they got home from the party, Rhodey rolled his eyes at how clumsy they were, completely sober but completely exhausted. 
Anthony didn’t even bother changing out of his suit when they got home, brushing his teeth and collapsing into bed as soon as possible. He left the lights dimmed, just bright enough so Stephen could see while he was in the bathroom. Anthony was almost asleep when his phone rang, annoyed at the interruption until he saw who was calling. 
“Buona sera, Mamma,” He greeted her warmly but sleepily. 
“It’s a bit late to be considered evening, isn’t it?” Maria asked. “How was the party? Or was it not a party? I don’t remember.”
“It ended up turning into a party and it was only our friends there! But it was super fun, we’re just really tired,” Anthony replied. “We’re getting up in a few hours for our flight.” 
He looked up as Stephen ran into something and cursed colorfully. 
“You okay?” Anthony asked, holding the phone a bit away from his face. 
“I tripped over my bag,” Stephen replied, unceremoniously laying on top of him. He was also still wearing his suit, knowing he’d probably sleep more comfortably in PJs but at this point it was too late to care. 
“Stephen’s been clumsy again,” Anthony informed his mother. 
“He says that as if he didn’t almost fall down the stairs this morning,” Stephen added. 
Maria rolled her eyes on the other end of the call. “Stop bickering and get some sleep, you two. I’ll see you Sunday, okay? Anthony I was just calling to see how the end of your week went, we can talk more tomorrow.” 
“It went well! I just can’t wait to spend time on the beach and see you and Natasha,” Anthony replied. 
He could hear the smile in his mother’s voice as she replied. “I’m excited too. I’ll let you get some sleep now, sweet dreams! I love you.” She was talking to them both, their happiness warming her heart. Maria smiled when they said they loved her too. Stephen was basically her son-in-law at that point (she even addressed him as such), and she couldn’t wait to see them both.
Stephen was asleep before Anthony even hung up the phone. He meant to set an alarm, knowing Anthony had one set but they both had a tendency to oversleep. It would just be an extra precaution, a “just-in-case,” but at the time he was too tired to set it. 
Luckily, something was on their side and they were begrudgingly awake on time. They met an equally tired Bucky in the morning, their only relief being that they could try to sleep on the flight.
“I’m buying a coffee at the earliest possible opportunity,” Bucky said as soon as they got to the airport. 
“You sound like Anthony,” Stephen remarked. 
“In this one instance maybe. You guys have more in common than most people I’ve ever met,” Bucky replied. “But I guess that makes sense because you’ve known each other since the beginning of time, you’re basically the same person.” 
“That’s not true! I’m taller,” Stephen said. 
“You asshole,” Anthony quipped. He yawned and leaned closer to Stephen as they walked towards their gate. “Bucky what kind of coffee do you even drink? I thought you didn’t like it.” 
“Somehow Sam convinced me that cappuccinos are good,” Bucky replied.
“They are,” Anthony insisted.
“Oh I agree, but as far as Sam knows I’m still on the fence about them. I can’t have him thinking he’s right,” Bucky said humorously.
Anthony winked at Stephen before replying. “True. If he finds out he’s right you’ll never hear the end of it.”
“I hate you,” Stephen said, his words betrayed by his loving tone and the way he reached for Anthony’s hand.
“It’s going to be such a long flight sitting next to you two idiots,” Bucky muttered. 
Stephen was unsure if he scoffed or laughed at his friend. “We won’t bother you, at least I won’t. I’m going to sleep at, as you put it, the earliest possible opportunity.”
He fell asleep before the plane took off, resting his head on Anthony’s shoulder and staying as close to him as possible. Anthony didn’t mind Stephen’s using him as a human neck pillow and fell asleep shortly after, leaving Bucky with peace, quiet, and a chance to take embarrassing photos of them (to send to the groupchat later). They slept for almost 75% of the flight, just in time to hear the announcement that it’d be landing early. Bucky, concerned about missing his connecting flight to Vancouver, relaxed at that news and closed his eyes to sleep until they landed.
“We could go to the beach today, if you’d like,” Anthony suggested softly, still waking up. “Of course we have a bit of a trip to take before we’re home, and there’s no telling what traffic will be like when we land, but we could probably go for a bit.”
Stephen hummed in agreement. The beach wasn’t far from Anthony’s house, and there would be plenty of time over the holiday. He’d be lying if he said the idea didn’t entice him. He didn’t say much of anything out loud, but smiled as Anthony kissed his head as if to say he understood.
“Bucky are you all good for time?” Stephen asked as they walked through the airport. It was a relief that they landed early, even more of a relief that LAX was surprisingly quiet.
Bucky shrugged his backpack over his shoulder, looking at his phone and presumably checking his flight information. “Yeah I’m good, I have about an hour.”
“Want company while you wait?” Stephen offered.
“No, I’ll be fine,” Bucky said, shooing them away. “Go home and sleep or go to the beach or some shit. Be safe okay?”
“You too, have a good flight Buck,” Anthony replied.
“Why are you saying that like I’m in control of the plane? I didn’t go to flight school,” Bucky quipped.
“What would we ever do without your snark?” Stephen teased. “How are we going to survive the whole break without you Bucky?”
“The two of you are snarky enough for each other, you know that. But if it’d make you feel better, I’ll roast you the next time I see you,” Bucky offered. He then added, mostly to himself, “Or in the groupchat.”
“What was that last thing you said?” Anthony asked, vaguely registering what Bucky said.
“Don’t worry about it, I’ll see you guys!” Bucky replied, effectively ending the conversation. He smiled as the couple waved to him and continued walking through the airport, automatically finding their way to holding hands.
It was just under half an hour later when they left the airport, preparing for a scenic drive with hopefully minimal traffic.
Stephen glanced at Anthony as they got into his car, putting on his sunglasses. “How does it feel to be so bright that you put the sun to shame?”
Anthony shrugged, lightly tapping the steering wheel. “I dunno Steph, you tell me.”
“We’re not talking about me, douche” Stephen replied.
“Really? It seems like we are,” Anthony murmured. “Is there anything you want to get on the way home?”
“I don’t think so,” Stephen said with a yawn. “I’m just tired.”
Anthony nodded in agreement. “I don’t blame you, I don’t feel like doing much of anything today, we can see how we feel once we get in.”
“I don’t care what we do, I just want to be around you,” Stephen said breathlessly. He was still holding onto last night’s exhaustion, which only made him even more affectionate (and Stephen knew himself to be an extremely affectionate person as it was). 
He couldn’t help but smile when Anthony told him the feeling was mutual. 
The next day, Anthony woke up to his phone ringing and at least 60 missed notifications from almost everyone he knew (mostly family). His mailbox was probably full from the amount of calls he got, everyone from his sister to his mother’s assistant trying to reach him. It was a sharp contrast to their afternoon spent lazing on the beach and by the pool, their air of panic almost tangible in Anthony’s phone.  
“Fucking hell,” he muttered, quietly enough so he didn’t wake up Stephen. He’d just scrolled through all of the various missed call, voicemail, and text notifications when Natasha called him again.
It was the combined noise of the annoying ringtone and Anthony slipping out of bed that woke Stephen up, the med student pouting slightly. “Anthony turn your alarm off.”
“I’m sorry Steph. It’s not my alarm though, my phone’s ringing. I’ll be back, I think my sister needs something,” Anthony replied. He softly kissed Stephen’s cheek before going into the kitchen to see what was going on.
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Natasha didn’t answer Anthony’s text, calling him instead. “Do you really not know what happened?
“Good morning to you too,” Anthony replied. “And no, will you please tell me? You’re starting to scare me.”
“Hold on,” Natasha said. She hung up, only to call him back from their grandmother’s home phone. “Okay I’m back.”
“I thought you and Nonna were going to get Mom from the airport, what are you doing home?” Anthony asked.
“Did the flight get delayed? I haven’t heard from Mamma since yesterday, she missed my calls,” Anthony continued.
Natasha became increasingly sad and frustrated with her brother as he kept interrupting her. He wasn’t doing it to be hurtful or dismissive, the siblings regularly talked over each other and it was in Anthony’s nature to speak his stream of consciousness aloud. Just this once Natasha needed him to listen first, to tether him to reality if only this one time. “Yeah, because—”
“I was hoping I’d have a call from her when I woke up, but she’s one of the only people I haven’t heard from today. Even her assistant called me, and he doesn’t usually—”
“Chiudi il becco! Per amor di Dio, chiudi quella cazzo di bocca e ascoltami!” Natasha snapped.
“Mi dispiace.” Anthony apologized immediately, hearing how upset Natasha was. “What’s wrong?”
“Look at the news,” Natasha replied, her voice shaking.
“Should I be looking for something specific?” Anthony asked, turning the TV on. “They’re about to go to a commercial, and—”
The rest of his response was cut off as he dropped his phone in shock.
Stephen was just falling into heavy sleep when he heard something crash, followed by frantic cursing from the kitchen. He sat up and was about to go see what was wrong when his phone rang, announcing a call from Rhodey. “Hey man, what’s up?”
“I just called Tones but he didn’t pick up and his mailbox is full, I was only calling to say that I’m so sorry and I hope the both of you are okay,” Rhodey said. “And obviously my family and I are here if you need.”
“What are you talking about? ... Did something happen? We just woke up, Ant went to go talk to Natasha,” Stephen replied.
“I shouldn’t be the one to tell you,” Rhodey said. “You guys can call me later if you feel up to it, okay?”
Stephen was still super confused, his concern increasing as he heard Anthony swearing again. “Okay, thanks Rhodey.”
He tossed his phone aside and stood up, walking a bit faster than normal for a sleepy Saturday. The situation, whatever it was, was too cryptic and Stephen was almost afraid of whatever he was about to find out. He was relieved when Anthony hugged him tightly, relieved that he hadn’t fainted the way Stephen worried originally. 
Even still, he was inconsolable and shaking like a leaf seconds away from falling to the ground. Anthony stumbled over his words, sentences turning into high pitched sobs as he tried to explain what happened. He eventually broke the hug and moved to sit in another room, still trembling as Stephen sat beside him. Anthony was close to panicking, needing comfort as much as he wanted to curl up alone and hide. He laid with his head on Stephen’s lap, his eyes staring sightlessly at the rug his mother picked specifically for this room and this house. He’d turned the television off after seeing the headline for the first time, refusing to accept it. He was still holding onto the remote, debating whether or not to turn the news channel back on as Stephen began to comfortingly pet his hair. Eventually he decided to do it, knowing he wouldn’t be able to say the truth himself. 
Anthony was stubborn, even in his worst and most painful moments, and forced himself to try anyway. “They hadn’t gotten to the airport yet,” he said, his voice strained from crying. 
Stephen, who’d been looking at him the whole time, just hummed and waited to see if Anthony would say anything else. 
He didn’t, and he didn’t need to as the anchorwoman on TV said everything there was to say. Stephen felt his blood turn to ice as he heard the story, each word in the anchor’s professional tone hurting more than the last. 
“Good morning and breaking news if you’re just joining us. Howard and Maria Stark were reported dead early this morning just outside of New York City, following what looks like a collision with at least one other vehicle in a major accident. Sources are unsure of exactly what happened and where, but the Starks were confirmed dead at the scene. They were reportedly on their way to JFK airport when the collision took place, Mr. Stark himself at the wheel. More updates to follow as we receive more information...”  
tags: @atypical-snowman @stark-strange-love2 @h3mmy @kiwidino @chocopiggy @doctorstephenvincentstarkstrange @maya-custodios-dionach @majesticnerdynerd @spooky-n-spunky @thespacecryptid @ocforeverything
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couldntbedamned · 4 years
couldntbedamned’s master list
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This is my Master List of fics I’ve written.  I’m linking them to my AO3 account.
Please be sure to carefully read all the tags/warnings posted for a fic – YOU are responsible for the content you choose you consume.
Updated 3 September 2023
Reader Fics
Right Now, Take Me Down (I Let You In) Tony Stark/Female Reader – Explicit, Complete
Tony snoops through your phone and discovers some uh, fantasies and desires you’ve been keeping hidden. He takes it upon himself to make those fantasies and desires a reality, thanks to his amazing nanotechnology and trusted AI.  (A/B/O Roleplay)
Til the Veins Start to Shiver Bruce Banner/Female Reader – Explicit, Complete
You decide to tease Bruce with some provocative photos while he's working. Bruce decides to tease you right back, and then some.  (Light Dom/Sub)
A Little Evening Break Stephen Strange/Female Reader – Explicit, Complete
The Reader isn’t quick to comply with Stephen’s instructions and he gives her a hard time.
There’s Only Butterflies (Take Me Away) Stephen Strange/Reader, Strange Supreme/Reader, Defender Strange/Reader, Supreme Strange/Reader, Sinister Strange/Reader – Mature, Complete
It’s a pocket-dimension full of sunshine, with love that’s all theirs.
A Sweet Escape (To Better Days) Stephen Strange/Reader, Strange Supreme/Reader, Defender Strange/Reader, Supreme Strange/Reader, Sinister Strange/Reader – Mature, Complete
While it at first it weighed heavily on her, the knowledge that five of the most powerful beings in the multiverse were with her instead of protecting all of reality, she couldn’t deny the thrill that also came with that. The universe truly revolved around her. Her loves revolved around her and everything she was, she had, she did was for them in return.
Sometimes It Hurts Instead
Stephen/Reader (unrequited), Stephen/Clea, Reader/Reader's Husband - Teen, Complete
You see that the man you'd once had feelings for has moved on. You're not sure how to feel.
Waiting for the sun to be rising
Stephen/Chronically Ill!Reader - Mature, Complete
After a wild romp, you relax with Stephen and contemplate your relationship, reassuring him that regardless of what he does (or doesn’t) say you know exactly how he feels about you.
With a little peace and some harmony
Stephen/Chronically Ill!Reader - Teen, Complete
You’re sick and thanks to a weakened immune system, having a hard time resting and fighting it off. It’s absolutely miserable but lucky for you, Stephen is more than willing to step into the role of caretaker and help you feel better.
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 Starker Fics
Please note that Peter is an adult in all of these.
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This is What You Came For Explicit, Complete
Mr. Stark has had enough of what he considers to be Peter's not-so-subtle hints that he wants to get fucked. He decides to teach Peter a lesson.
An Absolutely Peerless Cure Dark!Tony – Explicit, Complete
When Peter gets the hiccups while on patrol, Tony takes it upon himself to help rid him of the pesky problem. Sure, that Wikipedia article could be absolute horseshit, and sure, Dr. Strange had been tipsy when he agreed with it, but it's a risk Tony's willing to take in his quest to draw Peter closer to him.
…And Many More Explicit, Complete
Tony has a surprise for Peter's birthday, putting a true Tony Stark spin on a long-standing wish that Peter's had. Because whether he's giving or receiving, Tony is always in charge. Not that Peter's complaining.
(Just to See How It Feels) Explicit, Complete
It's late. Peter's tired and wants to sleep because he has a big exam in the morning. Tony's horny. So maybe he can convince Peter to let him put in just the tip. (It's never just the tip.)
Getting the Best Explicit, Complete
Peter Benjamin Parker is a genius. A once-in-a-lifetime type of genius.
And the little prick has the nerve to be undecided, even with the promise of a full-ride to MIT.
Even Saints Into Savages Explicit, Complete
The mission was supposed to be a cake walk. Get in, get the stupid mystic alien amulet, get home. So, they figured it was safe enough to bring Peter along. Only Rocket assumes something, and that assumption leads to an awkward situation for everyone involved. Tony'll do whatever it takes to save Peter. If only he didn't know that he'd enjoy it so damn much. (Aliens Made Them Do It)
Back to Where You’ve Never Been Mature, Work in Progress
In an alternate reality, Peter Parker is living out his dream of being Spider-Man and working as an intern for Stark Industries (and the Avengers!) under his hero, Tony Stark, before heading off to college.  For the most part, it's incredible.  Okay, the Avengers treat him like he's still a child, and Mr. Stark's not exactly the friendliest mentor. But still, it's good.
Except that recently, Mr. Stark's been in the worst mood and Peter finds himself the unwitting focus of the man's ire.  He tries to keep his spirits up and tell himself that it's not personal, that anyone in the lab would be a target, but when Mr. Stark kicks him out, Peter knows he's done.
Then he finds himself falling for what feels like an eternity before returning to New York.  Only it's not his New York City and the Iron Man he ends up fighting alongside is definitely not his Iron Man.  Anthony Stark is kind of perfect.  The Other Avengers are kind of perfect.  Everyone here seems to love him.  And when he and Anthony are tapped by Dr. Strange to help seal the rift between realities, Peter finds himself wondering if he was supposed to be in the reality with Anthony all along.  (AU of an AU)
Updated with Chapter 13 on 11 June 2023
(Honestly, if you read one fic by me, read this one.)
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SpiderStrange Fics
Please note that Peter is an adult in all of these.
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One in Fourteen Million, Six Hundred and Five Dark-ish!Stephen – Explicit, Complete
Stephen doesn't have time to admire Peter as much as he'd like, given that they're trying to stop total Armageddon. This is the fate of the universe at stake; his attraction doesn't really have a place here. But even still...
("Oh, we're using our made-up names? Ok, I'm Spider-Man.")
Something about this stupidly brave and chatty guy intrigues him.
Now That I’ve Found You (I Won’t Let You Go) Dark!Stephen – Explicit, Complete
All Stephen wants is for Peter Parker to be happy and safe... with him. When Peter rejects Stephen? Stephen doesn't take it very well. He'll just have to ensure that Peter realizes that Stephen is his future.
Only Of What’s Mine Explicit, Complete
Peter wasn't expecting to find an Alpha so soon after turning 18. After all, many Omegas don't bond with an Alpha at all until they're in their mid-20s at least. But after everything on Titan and the Snap and then the Blip and Mr. Stark nearly killing himself to destroy Thanos once and for all, Stephen had taken an interest in Peter. And Peter, god help him, was just as taken with the Alpha. (A/B/O AU)
The (It’s Not Sex Pollen!) Powder of Prana Explicit, Complete
Stephen warns Peter to be careful while exploring the Sanctum. Peter, naturally, doesn't listen. The Powder of Prana goes flying. And now Stephen finds himself the only person Peter trusts to keep him from dying. With sex. (Sex Pollen AU)
Private Practice Explicit, Complete
Peter Parker's appointment with Dr. Strange doesn't go as he'd planned when the good doctor prescribes a certain medical procedure. (Medical Kink/Medical Play)
Yours to Break (But Always Mend) Mature, Complete
Peter’s tears had long since stopped, replaced by weak, hitched sobs sometime after what might have been the sixth or seventh blow. He couldn’t remember why snapping back at Stephen like a brat had seemed like a good idea. He couldn’t remember why breaking the rules in the first place - starting all of this - had seemed like a good idea. (Dom/Sub)
I Know the Storms Will Always Come (But I Still Love to Have You Around) Mature, WIP
After Endgame, Stephen returns from another dimension to find Peter's life threatened by Quentin Beck's schemes. He undoes the damage and takes a struggling Peter into his care.
Peter needs time and a safe place to rebuild himself; Stephen's happy to provide that, even as he works to push aside the feelings he has. It's a tricky line to walk, setting boundaries and structure for Peter while imagining those same things in a very different context.
As Peter begins to come back to his usual self, personalities and wills clash, occasionally helped along by a certain Witch and a perpetually amused and exasperated Librarian. And Stephen finds that he can't plan for everything.
These Inconvenient Fireworks Explicit, WIP
After a battle, Mr. Stark crosses a line with Peter. Peter, tired of being on the receiving end of Mr. Stark's anger, asks Stephen - who's witnessed everything - to take him away. In doing so, Stephen starts down a path with Peter he didn't see coming.
Alternatively: Peter's heart gets broken and Stephen helps put it back together.
Updated 29 Nov 2021
It’s All Routine Explicit, Complete
Peter Parker is back at Dr. Strange's office for a physical required by his upcoming internship. He's hoping it will be quick and easy, but when Dr. Strange finds out that he hasn't had a physical since he was a young child, his hopes are dashed. Dr. Strange intends to be very thorough. (Medical Kink/Medical Play)
You Kiss Your Sorcerer With That Mouth? Mature, Complete
During a mission, Spider-Man lets some choice words for Dr. Doom slip. Stephen's less than pleased at Peter's disregard for how he's supposed to conduct himself as Spider-Man when he's in the public eye. He gives Peter some time to think about what he's done, and has a creative way to ensure Peter thinks twice before doing it again. (Domestic Discipline)
Help Me Up, Let’s Keep On Running Mature, Complete
Peter and Stephen have several rules set up in their dynamic. The two biggest? That Peter will look after his health and wellbeing, and that they will always be honest with each other.  
Peter manages to break both of them in one fell swoop, and Stephen is none too pleased.
Discussions are had, actions lead to consequences, and Peter emerges from the experience secure in the knowledge that Stephen will do whatever it takes to make sure he's cared for and loved. (Domestic Discipline)
I Can See The Man That I Fell For Fighting Mature, Complete
It was supposed to be a quick in and out job. Just into the study to grab his book he’d left in there by accident the night before, and then out before Stephen even knew he was up and about. Harmless.
It wasn’t his fault that Cloak decided it needed to follow him around like some overly nosy puppy. Or that Cloak decided it needed to join him in the study as he looked for his book. Or that Cloak had decided to apparently “guard” something in the study in way that just screamed suspicious and naturally piqued Peter’s curiosity.
In and out, no harm done.
But when it became clear that Peter was overstaying his welcome in the space, Cloak had also felt the need to snitch.
He’d really, really fucked up. (Domestic Discipline)
This Back's Not Going to Break So Easily - Part 1 of 2, This Back’s Not Going to Break So Easily - Part 2 of 2
Explicit, Complete
When Peter comes to Stephen upset and insisting he needs to be punished, Stephen knows something's wrong. Given a chance to calm down and feel safe, Peter explains what happened while he was at the Tower working in the labs and interrupted by Harley. Stephen reassures Peter that he did nothing wrong and does his best to comfort him.
Also featured: Stephen confronting Tony and Harley like a boss, Peter and Stephen's love, trust, and mutual respect for each other, lots of fluffy/dirty teasing, and pizza. (Domestic Discipline)
And I Let the Knots of Time Come Undone Mature, Complete
After breaking one of their established rules, Stephen finds himself at Peter's service for the day. Tasked with his least favorite chores, Stephen tries to maintain his sanity and make it through, all while reluctantly admitting to himself that all things considered, he's getting off easy.
If only he could get rid of that damn bell... (Domestic Discipline)
Our Road Gets Better With Every Bend Explicit, Complete
Peter's getting ready for his junior year at Columbia. But before he goes back to school, there's the matter of his 21st birthday to deal with. Which is inevitably going to affect The Rules he and Stephen have. And what should be a nice night out for Peter's birthday takes a bit of a detour when a former acquaintance from Peter's freshman year unexpectedly runs into the happy couple.
Stephen's not jealous. No, not one bit. (Domestic Discipline)
Maybe If I Hold You Close, Baby We Could Just Let Go Teen, Complete
While the idea of accompanying Stephen to the high-brow fundraisers and charity galas seemed glamorous at first, Peter found the reality turned out to be much more disappointing. Everyone looks down their nose at him; people are forever swarming Stephen and flirting with him; and Peter usually finds himself alone, bored, counting the time until they can leave. However, he keeps attending in the hopes that he'll finally get a chance to dance with Stephen like he'd imagined.
One night he gets to dance with a surprising friend, which may finally lead to a bit of happiness at the damned events going forward.
Or Stephen might take issue, if another friend doesn’t take it upon herself to give him a clue. (Domestic Discipline)
I'm Counting On A New Beginning, A Reason For Living Mature, Complete
Peter's been in a bad mood and his recent stretch of bad luck isn't helping matters. Stephen hasn't been able to get through to him, and even when Peter takes his punishments for acting out, something's off. Worried about his partner, Stephen tries to think of what it is he might have done wrong. Upset, Peter pulls away.
It takes a bad set of prototype arrows, saving someone's life, a friend snitching, a stern Dr. Palmer taking control of a situation, a very un-teamlike spying session, and an uncomfortable discussion or two before Stephen and Peter are back on the same page. (Domestic Discipline)
Man, What Are You Doing Here? Mature, Complete
He only had one final left to take... and then he was done with everything until the fall semester of his final year as an undergraduate. Since his final wasn’t until Thursday afternoon, he didn’t see the harm in going out with some friends to celebrate and cute loose on Tuesday evening.
Would he have chosen a bar? No. He wasn’t supposed to drink on school nights and honestly, he preferred going to the movies or a show. But he was in college and honestly, it wasn’t like it needed to be a big deal.
And it wasn’t like Stephen needed to know. (Domestic Discipline)
Cold Comes From the East Side (Ch. 1)(Ch. 2)(Ch. 3) Mature, In Progress
Peter breaks one of the rules in a spectacular way and suffers the consequences. It's rare for Stephen to actually be angry with him, but given the circumstances, Peter supposes the anger is more than earned. It's a hell of a situation for the pair of them and Peter wonders if they'll actually make it through. (Domestic Discipline)
Published Chapter 3 on 14 August 2023
Goodbye Grey Sky, Hello Blue Explicit, WIP
In an alternate universe where trains and zeppelins are still common forms of travel and the internet and cell phones exist, Peter Parker has few options left after he's swindled out of his inheritance. Unable to pay for college, let alone keep the house left to him by his deceased aunt, he's running out of time before he's out on the streets. Desperate, Peter signs his life over to the Bureau of Civic Spousal Selections to take his chances as the selected husband of a complete stranger. After all, he only has to make it through a year and then he can choose to annul.
Dr. Stephen Strange has little interest in marriage, preferring to focus on his career. When his career is threatened by what a nosy board of directors considers a "lack of personal fulfillment and settling down," he opts to select a spouse through the BCSS and chooses Peter Parker. The young man's profile suggests intelligence and compatibility. It's not ideal, but if after a year it's not working out, he can always annul the marriage and send Peter on his way.
It's a marriage neither truly wants, with sharp learning curves for both. It's either going to be forever or it's going to go down in flames. (Domestic Discipline, 1950s-Modern Fusion AU)
Updated with Chapter 28 on 23 August 2023
Nevertheless, Recover Explicit, Complete
Peter finds himself once again in Dr. Strange's office, hoping to find a reason and a cure for his latest ailment.  He's come to the right place, since Dr. Strange will do everything it takes to diagnose and treat Peter. Hopefully, Peter will survive the embarrassment. (Medical Kink/Medical Play)
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Doctor13 Fics
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Baby, You Don’t Gotta Fight  Ch. 1, Ch. 2, Ch. 3, Ch. 4, Ch. 5, Ch. 6, Ch. 7
Mature, WIP
Dr. Christine Palmer is just living her life, content in her job as a trauma surgeon and happily moonlighting as Peter Parker's general physician at her old friend Stephen's request.
One evening as she finishes up examining Peter, she encounters the force of nature that's Sharon Carter, who seems to have a reckless streak a mile wide.
She's not sure what to make of the spy-turned-Avenger, but she can tell Sharon's hurting, and Christine's healing nature won't be ignored.
Updated 07 Jan 2023
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Iron 13 Fics
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Feels So Right, Can’t be Wrong Tony Stark/Sharon Carter – Teen, WIP
Prologue | Yellow Tulip | Blue Salvia | Yellow Narcissus
The setting: Sanctum General Hospital in Sanctum Heights, New Amsterdam
Starring: Sharon Carter - former Central Security Bureau operative, Selecting Spouse in a horrifically failed Bureau of Civic Spousal Selections marriage, patient AND Anthony Edward "Tony" Stark - owner and CEO of Stark Industries, Futurist determined to rebuild a world his father built weapons to destroy, love interest
With Appearances by:  Nurse Wong, Orderly Rintrah, and Billy the Admin
And Featuring Doctor Stephen Strange as "the Surgeon"
Or, "Five Dates Tony and Sharon Had in Her Hospital Room and One They Had After She Was Discharged"
Updated 02 August 2023
The Phoenix Protocol Tony Stark/Sharon Carter – Mature, WIP
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3
No one else but Tony thought anything was off about Sharon. Investigating on his own, he discovered and brought down her Skrull impersonator and when he found the real Sharon near death, he made a choice that would change both of their lives.
Updated 3 September 2023
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This is What I Brought You, This You Can Keep
Stephen Strange/Clea Strange/Peter Parker - Mature, Complete
...who is he to deny the woman he loves - the woman who has seen into his soul with all its trials, agony, and dreams and loves him because of it! - who is he to deny her anything she desires?
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strangely-a-mcu-fan · 4 years
Here's your daily reminder to consider Brucestine more because it has an incredible potential which deserves to be explored !
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solign0501 · 6 years
Shall We Begin
Part 25
Summary: As a SHIELD agent your work alongside the Avengers means you and Bucky start to get to know each other but then one day you are ordered to go under cover away from him. When the mission goes wrong, the Avengers are called in for a rescue.
Warnings: Reference to torture/violence/vague sexual references/references to blood/angst
A/N: Here it is, the penultimate part - just the epilogue to go and I promise it will be full of fluff! I’m almost sad to be finishing this. Thank you all so much for your love and support through this fic. I wish I could say how it makes me feel whenever I see your comments, likes and reblogs. For my first fic, this has really taken off and I couldn’t be more proud and simultaneously humbled. Y’all are awesome. I hope you enjoy it.
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You didn’t recall getting back to the compound. After the gunshot, everything was a blur. You remembered shouting, someone heaving Bucky from you. There was even someone screaming, though that could have been you. 
Bruce, keenest scientific mind on the team - no offence to Tony, had used what medical knowledge he had to keep Bucky alive on the journey home. Coulson had called ahead and arranged medical assistance whilst Natasha piloted the first jet. 
Steve had bundled you into the second jet, restrained by Thor and Loki whilst he jumped in with Bucky. You were frantic, which was making you more of a hindrance than a help. 
Now here you stood, covered in the now dried blood of the man you love, staring at the door through which he had just been stretchered away. Your legs were lead and everything around you was a deafening hum. 
“Y/N!” Sam’s voice drew your attention as he shook you, finally pulling you into the present moment. “Y/N are you alright? Were you hurt?” You shook your head as you registered what he was asking. “Come on, let’s get you checked over anyway.”
He draped your arm over his shoulder and wrapped his own around your waist as he half walked-half carried you towards the med bay. You saw the doors leading to the operating theatre swing open as you approached and Steve  stepped out, the sound of voices and bleeping machines hitting your ears. His hands were as red as his eyes as he looked at you. You opened your mouth to speak but no words came out. 
Suddenly there was the sound of an alarm bleeping and two nurses rounded the corner at speed with a crash cart, disappearing into the room where Bucky lay. The sound of a single, continuous monitor tone reached your ears in the brief moment when the doors were open and your legs buckled. You were unconscious before you hit the floor, the last thing you recalled seeing were Steve’s hands, still covered in his blood, reaching out to catch you. 
You blinked awake slowly, harsh fluorescent light stinging your eyes and making you groan. Your throat was dry and it felt like you had swallowed something large and whole which had become lodged partway down. 
With a groan, you tried to sit up, brain scrambling to piece together where you were and why. Without warning, it hit you and you gave out a strangled cry, darting upright so quickly that you almost fell off the bed. 
“Easy there doll, you'll hurt yourself.” The croak was quiet but every syllable sounded like the loudest, sweetest music. Your head snapped to the right as your eyes locked onto two orbs of the most beautiful blue you had ever seen. Bucky smiled weakly and your heart skipped.
“You’re...” you said, almost unable to form the right words. “I thought...”
“I’m here, love, I’m okay.” 
“Oh, thank god,” you sobbed as you launched yourself from the bed and flung yourself towards him. 
“Woah!” He half-laughed as he held up his flesh arm to protect himself, his metal arm having been removed temporarily during surgery. “I’m alive, but I’m still a wounded man.” That was when you saw the bandage around his abdomen and you broke down, tears running freely from your eyes as you struggled to regain a steady rhythm with your breathing. 
“I’m so sorry,” you hiccoughed around your tears. “You were trying to save me. That was meant for me and you saved me. You could have died.”
“Technically I did...”he said, instantly regretting it as you launched into a fresh round of wailing sobs. “Hey, hey, come on now doll.” He made his voice as soothing as a post-op dehydrated grumble can be and reached out for you. Without a word, you clambered onto the bed beside him, careful to avoid touching the bandaged area, resting your head in the crook of his scarred shoulder. After a minute you managed to get your tears under control. 
“I nearly lost you. You took a bullet for me, but I’m the one acting up about it,” you said eventually, admonishing yourself, your voice thick with emotion.
“And I’d do it again, no hesitation.” The seriousness of his tone caught your attention and you propped yourself up on your elbow to look at him. He had never looked so sincere and you swallowed hard at the intense look in his eyes. 
“I wouldn’t ask you to,” you said. “Not after...” He shook his head, cutting you off. 
“That wasn’t your fault. I know that now. I over-reacted at the time and didn’t give you chance to explain. For that, I can’t apologise enough.”
“You don’t need to, you never need to apologise, not to me. I should have known, I should have been able to tell sooner.”
“Hey,” Bucky gave a half-shrug, wincing slightly at the pain the movement caused him, “he’s one heck of a trickster.”
“Well,” you said, smiling briefly. “He is the god of mischief.”
“Yeah well, he ain’t my god doll, so there’s no way he’s taking you away from me.” 
“Never.” It was your turn to be deadly serious. “If this whole thing has taught me anything, it’s how much I can’t do without you. I don’t know what would have happened today if you weren’t there. Even if you did break protocol and go rogue to help me.”
“You’re welcome,” he said with a wink. Gingerly, he reached up with his one arm and cupped your chin, running his thumb across your damp cheek. “I love you so much,” he whispered. You slithered a little up the bed, careful not to jolt him. Then, leaning forward you turned his head towards you and captured his lips in the sweetest, yet most passionate kiss you could muster. 
“I love you too,” you breathed against his lips.
Bucky stayed in recovery for over a week, the bed next to him being kept there for your use so that you could stay with him - something that apparently Steve had insisted on, and something that you thanked him for profusely the first time he came to visit. 
Day by day Bucky regained his strength, his dose of the super soldier serum playing its part in his accelerated healing. Eventually he was strong enough to have the weight of his arm back on again, then to leave the med bay for short walks, and finally to return back to the residential quarters in the main compound. 
Whilst he was recovering, Tony and Steve had worked together to move both of your things into a larger room and he was able to integrate back into normal life. Doctor Palmer advised that training should wait until he was fully recovered, but that didn’t stop him from coming along to watch and encourage you. 
Loki had been in to visit during his recovery and whilst it was tense at first, Bucky had offered his hand for Loki to shake, thanking him for his part in getting you out from under Lukin’s control. Conversation had flown easily after a while and the three of you seemed to get on well, much to Steve’s concern. You pointed out that all three of you had been brain-washed at some point or other and after Bucky’s lame joke of you being the brain-wash trust, the nickname stuck - especially once Tony got wind of it. 
A movie night was organised for when Bucky was finally given the all clear and he got to choose the film.
“It has to be Karate Kid,” he said when you and Steve brought the idea to him. 
“But you’ve already seen that one...” Steve pointed out, arching an eyebrow. Bucky looked over at you. 
“Yeah, I saw it after one life-changing moment, only fair I watch it again after another.” You and Steve looked at each other with matching quizzical expressions before the blonde man shook his head. 
“Sure Buck, it’s your night. I’ll go tell the others and we’ll set it up. See you down there.” With that he left and you turned to Bucky.
“You do know they remade it, right? Fairly recently, with Jackie Chan and Jaden Smith.” Bucky’s blank look made you chuckle. “Remind me to introduce you to the Smith family. Fresh Prince of Bel Air, you’re gonna love it.” You turned to leave but paused as you felt Bucky’s hand on your arm. You spun back round to him, your smile faltering as you saw the serious look on his face. 
“Buck, honey, are you okay?” you asked, concern seeping like cold ice into your bones. Without a word, he reached past you and shut the door to your room. Then, hand still on your arm, he steered you over to the bed and sat down, pulling you down next to him.
“You know,” he said after a moment, his voice so low you had to strain to hear him, even with the air of the serum. “I’ve been through so many things, done so many things, but I can count on one hand the amount of times I’ve been truly scared.”
“Pun intended?” you said, trying to diffuse the sudden tension with humour, but he didn’t seem to hear you.
“The first was when I fell from that train, the second when I woke up in Zola’s lab. The next was when Hydra got you the first time, then when I saw Loki handing you over to Lukin. And then there’s right now.” He looked up at you and you could see the fear in his eyes. You reached out and took his hands in yours.
“What’s wrong Buck?” you asked, your own fear starting to build. “Why are you scared? What’s happening?” He sat in silence for a moment, then stood and paced as a thousand scenarios flitted rapidly through your mind. He came to a brief stop in front of you, looked as though he was about to say something, then started to pace again. You waited patiently, knowing that words didn’t come as easy to him as they may have done before the War. 
“This isn’t how I should be doing this,” he said eventually. sighing deeply as he raked his flesh hand over his face. “You deserve better. Wine, candles, a nice dinner. More than...” he gestured wildly to the room around you, “more than this.”
“Bucky,” you said, finally becoming a little exasperated. “What on earth are you going on about?” 
“Marry me,” he blurted out. Immediately he clamped his mouth shut, as though horrified at the words that had just left it. You sat, stunned, simply blinking at him for a moment as the words sunk in.
“Did you just...?” You couldn’t formulate the question properly. it seemed so bizarre. After a second you burst out laughing, the tension resolving itself to hysteria with you. Bucky looked confused, then offended, then he too started laughing. 
Eventually the laughter died down and the seriousness returned as you looked at each other, but it had been enough to give him confidence. Taking two strides towards you, Bucky grabbed your hands in his and dropped to his knee before you, wincing slightly at the residual pain from his now almost completely healed wound. 
“Y/N, I don’t honestly know how long I’ve been in love with you for. Sometimes it seems only days, others like it’s been my whole life. The only thing I know for sure is that I don’t want to take another breath without you being mine completely, body and soul. I know I’m old-fashioned and I know that marriage may not be exactly high on your list of priorities, but I can’t think of anything I want more in this whole world. You have made me a better man and I promise that if you say yes, I will spend every day of however long our lives now are showing you exactly what you mean to me.” He looked down, looking slightly sheepish. “Now, I know I’m not perfect but if you’ll take me, incomplete as I am, then I’ll be yours completely.” He trailed off, waiting for your answer, but none came. Tensing slightly, he chanced a look up at your face and his heart stopped. 
Tears brimmed in your eyes as you looked at him, biting your lips together over the top of your teeth to hold back the sobs that threatened to spill forth from them. Slowly, you nodded, becoming more emphatic with the movement as his face lit up.
“Yes,” you choked, your throat feeling like it was closing in on itself. “A hundred, thousand times over, yes!” You launched yourself forward onto him, wrapping your arms around his neck and planting salt-tinged kisses all over his face. 
“Oh thank God,” he breathed, pulling you into a tight embrace and burying his face in your hair. “You had me worried for a second there, doll.”
“As if I could ever refuse you!” you said with a laugh.
“Good thing too,” he admitted as the two of you finally pulled away from each other. “I don’t know how I would have broken it to your mother. I swear, she was so excited when I asked for her permission that you’d think I was asking her to marry me instead.” You threw back your head and laughed. 
“She’s just happy I’ve found somebody mad enough to take me.” You sighed deeply and looked into the eyes of your now fiancé. “Mrs Y/N Barnes... how grown-up that sounds!”
“Well, you are technically engaged to centenarian now...” he pointed out.
“Ewww,” you said, pretending to be grossed out and batting his hand away. “That’s gross. I take it back!”
“Nuh uh,” Bucky said, standing and pulling you up with him and into his arms. “You said yes, that’s for life now, doll.”
“And I wouldn’t have it any other way,” you said as you kissed him.
@hillywooddestiel @imaginecrushes @thebookisbtr @fandomlover03 @rosep16 @marassberry @capandbuck @not-so-bad-ass @diinofayce @characterxreader @steverogersbish @rediscoveringdebbie84-deactivat @amor67figment-love @markusstraya @theglowstickofdestiny @littlerinoa @slowlybeingforgotten @captainwinterfalcon
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moonlit-imagines · 4 years
Headcanons for being Dr. Strange’s Apprentice
Stephen Strange x apprentice!reader
a/n: for some reason i never retain any information from dr. strange stuff? so if this sucks its because i cant process it. i dont like how this one turned out i literally have no ideas
prompt: anonymous: “Hcs for being Dr. Strange’s apprentice?”
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you were led to become strange’s apprentice after a tragedy and a brush with death
you woke in the hospital with bad news, there were no other survivors in the accident you had just experienced
while you were recovering, a doctor came in to visit you
“hi, y/n. im doctor christine palmer, and im so sorry for your loss. but i think i know a guy that could help you through this”
she gave you an address that you sort of recognized
“177A bleecker street? isnt that the funky looking house in greenwich?”
“something like that, just trust me on this one”
“thank you, doctor”
at first, you were a bit skeptical, but you tried your odds and hobbled to the place on your crutches
when you knocked, a man in blue robes and a red cape answered
“can i help you, y/n?”
“oh, hi? sorry, a doctor at metro-general sent me here”
“doctor palmer, im aware”
“ah, she called ahead?”
“no. come in”
you were very weirded out
“so, what is this place? and who are you?”
“you ask too many questions”
“oh, okay”
from the moment this wizard met you, he saw himself in you
lost, hopeless, upset with the way the world had treated you
“to answer your earlier question, i am doctor strange, the sorcerer supreme”
“oh...i dont know what that means”
he found you somewhat funny
“in time, you will”
he looked back on the teachings of his former master to show you what it meant to start your training
you honestly didn’t know what to think of the kaleidoscope of the world projected in front of you
“are you ready to commit to your training?”
“sure...i mean, i dont have anything else to do”
a valid reason, truly
“your leg will heal naturally, your mind, on the other hand...”
“i know, i gotta do some spiritual shit to help myself”
“thats one what to put it”
it took some time for you to understand what it was that dr. strange was teaching
but once you grasped the puzzling concepts, you excelled
there was a fine contrast between you and your master
he was much more sophisticated than you, but he had a sense of humor
you were on the bubbly side, always goofing around with your magic
“y/n, how many times must i remind you that opening portals into the freezer for the ice cream is misuse of your magic”
“oh, come on! i just cant resist the hunka-hulka burnin’ fudge!”
“just...just walk to the kitche—did you seriously just grab it while i was telling you not to?”
*through a mouthful* “sohwry”
wong watches the two of your sorcerers converse often, it’s one of the only things that really makes him laugh
calling the cloak of levitation “cloakie”
it drives strange crazy dbshahhsh
but cloakie answers to it just fine
during battles, it sometimes flies away from your master to give you a quick assist
“thanks cloakie!”
being assigned “homework”
so much reading it could’ve driven you mad
strange explaining the eye of agamotto and the time stone to you
“now listen, this comes before everything else, you must learn to protect yourself because i’ll let you die before i lose this”
“what a comforting thought”
stephen was pretty up front with you
he didn’t like the way that the ancient one kept so many secrets, so he informed you and as much as you should know
“those yellow gloves look like you’re getting ready to wash the dishes” (no hate i actually liked them lmao)
meeting thor and loki!
“i think i’ll just send loki through the looping portal while i take care of business with his brother, would you mind keeping him some company?”
“i’d love to!”
and then you gracefully fell with him, he didn’t enjoy your presence very much
stephen would tell you about his life before he became a sorcerer
all was well for a while after that but then lmaooo a famous scientist just happened to crash through the roof
“woah, you’re bruce banner! love your ice cream”
“not now, y/n”
“my bad”
meeting tony stark and just kind of...not vibing with him
but something about him seemed familiar
“no shit, sherlock” (seriously im mad i this wasn’t in a3 or a4)
epic battle on the streets of new york that led to your master being captured by aliens
you and wong went back to protect the sanctum, but you pitched in to help fight the real battle
much to the dismay of wong
and then wong dusted, so you were left to protect the sanctum
you missed your master very much
in the next five years, you did all you could to learn about your magic
and your skills proved spectacular
you suspected that you might need to take dr. strange’s place for good
until wong reappeared right in front of you
“hello again, y/n. did you miss me?”
“miss you? wong, i’ve been dying over here!”
“that seems like an exaggeration”
helping to open portals around the world (and galaxy) to get everyone to the big battle
and finding your master, all had become right once again
“doctor strange!”
“y/n! i have to say, im impressed at how you handled yourself after thanos”
“you mean youre happy i didn’t destroy the sanctum or become interested in. the dark dimension?”
“more or less”
a teamup to remember between master and apprentice
returning to the sanctum with strange
“did you move the relics around??”
“...i wanted to remodel”
i cant think of anything else???? im sorry shhshshshsh
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The Marvel Kiddos
Let’s face it. They’re my kiddies and I adore them.
Posters Team 2 Albums Team 2 AMV Team 4 AMV Team 5 Albums
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Amanda Wilson (Sharon and Sam)
Áræði (Fandral, Bucky, Loki)
Astri Danvers (Brunnhilde and Carol)
Benjamin Rogers (Carol and Steve)
Carson Lang (Natasha and Scott)
Catherine Murdock (Natasha and Matt)
Charlie Barnes (Bucky and Loki)
Cori Palmer-Strange (Christine and Stephen)
Danneel Starr (Ava and Warren)
David and Lewis Lang (Hope and Scott)
Eerca Quill (Gamora and Peter)
Elena Lokisdaughter (Wanda and Loki)
Elizabeth Barnes (fem!Steve and Bucky)
Emma Danvers (Carol and Thor)
Frigga Lokisdaughter (Brunnhilde and Loki)
Georgina Strange (fem!Loki and Stephen)
Henrietta Thorsdaughter (Jane and Thor)
Hope Sophia Stark (Sylvie and Tony)
Irene Danvers (Rogue and Carol)
Isaac Lewis-Lang (Darcy and Scott)
Jamie Rogers (Wanda and Steve)
Jensen Barton (Natasha and Clint)
Jillian Stark (Maria and Tony)
Jorund Lokison (Natasha and Loki)
June Barnes (Maria and Bucky)
Lena Parker (MJ and Peter)
Luka Barnes (Natasha and Bucky)
Maggie Howlett (Peggy and Logan)
Melina Banner (Natasha and Bruce)
Michael Maximoff (Wanda and Vision)
Mila Stark (Natasha and Tony)
Monty (Loki and Mobius)
Nathan Barton-Barnes, Evan Barnes, and Harper Barton (Variations of Bucky and Clint)
N’Dazhne (Ororo and T’Challa)
N'Daré Howlett (Ororo and Logan)
Oscar Danvers (Carol and Loki)
Raelynn Starr (Ava and Brunnhilde)
Rebecca Barnes (Wanda and Bucky)
Regina Wilson (Natasha and Sam)
Renae Wilson (Domino and Sam)
Riley Parker (Felicity and Peter)
Samuel and Katiya Rogers (Natasha and Steve)
Sasha and Terrance Wilson (Sam and Bucky)
Sebastian Strange (Wanda and Stephen)
T’Chané Parker (Shuri and Peter)
Timothy and Carol Rogers (Peggy and Steve)
Tyrkir Thorson (Natasha and Thor)
Unnem Munroe (Ororo and Okoye)
Vivian Lewis (Darcy and Loki)
William Howlett  (Ava and Logan)
Yri Fandraldaughter (Fandral and Loki)
OCs that aren’t Marvel Kids, but I made them too    
The Kiddos and the Other OCs as OUAT Characters (WIP)    
OC x CC: Oliver Barnes (Geneva and Bucky)
Updated: 12/29/21
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petalsofpoppys · 3 years
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( she’s a rainbow, the rolling stones )
: : POPPY STEWART, 32 : :
( the bubbly biochemist, annie murphy )
» full name: poppy anne stewart
» nicknames: pops, “dr. p” by some of her close friends
» age: twenty-six (at the time of the snap), thirty-two (at the time of the blip)
» birthday: july sixteenth, nineteen-ninety-one
» birthplace: manhattan, ny, usa
» zodiac sign: cancer
» current residence: varies but primarily manhattan (upper east side), ny, usa
» gender: cis female
» occupation: currently, poppy works as a biochemist for oscorp laboratories. her research varies but primarily focuses on recombinant dna technology and genome editing. while obtaining her degree from new york university, she worked in the pathology laboratories at metro-general hospital. both her masters and doctoral program allowed her to travel to numerous international labs to work on a variety of projects. as such, she was able to lend her time and efforts to research facilities across all seven continents. most notably, poppy has worked with the lead scientists in wakanda and under dr. cho in both korea and at the new avengers facility before it was destroyed by thanos’s army.
» physical health:
» scars:
» broken (any) bones:
» extrovert or introvert:
» logical or creative:
» optimist or pessimist:
» phobias / fears:
» problems:
» goals / dreams:
» quirks / habits:
» likes:
» dislikes:
» flaws:
» parents: morrison stewart (father, fc: alan ruck), maureen stewart (mother, fc: laura dern)
» paternal grandparents:
» maternal grandparents:
» sibling(s): n/a.
» children: n/a.
» height: five feet, seven inches
» weight: one hundred and thirty three pounds
» eyes: deep green with small golden flecks
» hair: medium champagne blonde with tanned blonde roots
» face and complexion:
» build:
» defining marks:
» dress style:
» faceclaim: annie murphy
» marital status: never been married.
» sexual preference:
» ever had sex:
» opinion on sex:
» opinion on relationships: one of the ways by which poppy asserts her autonomy is through dating. pressure from work can be immense so she enjoys the frivolity of flirting. always on the move, poppy rarely has the time to maintain a steady relationship. she never knows how long she’ll be in a given city or which lab she’ll be jetted off to next. for the most part, no one she has been with has been open to accompanying her on her spontaneous journey through life. poppy doesn’t blame them— it’s an exciting yet stressful way to live. instead of trying to find her “one, true love”, she involves herself in various short-lived flings to fulfill certain pleasures of the hopeless romantic that lives inside of her.
» turn ons:
» turn offs:
» past relationships: many of poppy’s romantic encounters have not advanced into a relationship but one of her more serious interactions was with [name] (fc:), an aerospace engineer, for whom she dated for close to two years.
» future relationship(s): poppy eventually ends up in a committed relationship with a member of her doctoral cohort, maxwell “max” stevens (fc: sam claflin). 
» big group of friends or several close friends:
» best friend:
» ever lied to a friend:
» the most horrible thing they did to a friend:
» list of friends:
; marguerite “maggie” hall ( former classmate & best friend / jenna louise coleman / @margueritehall )
; shuri ( close friend / letita wright )
; darcy lewis ( close friend / kat dennings )
; christine palmer ( close friend / rachel mcadams )
; stephen strange ( friend / benedict cumberbatch )
; jane foster ( friend / natalie portman )
; bruce banner ( friend / mark ruffalo )
; scott lang ( friend / paul rudd )
; steve rogers ( friend / chris evans )
; sam wilson ( friend / anthony mackie )
» ever been drunk:
» lied to a significant other:
» cheated on significant other:
» gotten into a fight:
» deepest regret:
» religion:
» instagram (as if they were living in the modern day):
» inspiration: honey lemon (big hero six)
» gifboard:
» people:
» playlist(s):
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Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Tony Stark/Stephen Strange, Bruce Banner/Christine Palmer, Stephen Strange & Wong - mentioned, Peter Parker & Tony Stark & Stephen Strange, Christine Palmer & Bruce Banner & Tony Stark & Stephen Strange, Bruce Banner & Peter Parker Characters: Tony Stark, Stephen Strange, Christine Palmer, Bruce Banner, Peter Parker, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Wong (Marvel), Cloak of Levitation - Character Additional Tags: Age Regression/De-Aging, Bruce Banner and Christine Palmer acting like parental figures, Kid Fic, Kid Tony Stark, Kid Stephen Strange, Tony Stark Bingo 2019, IronStrange Bingo 2019 Series: Part 3 of Tony Stark Bingo 2019 Fills, Part 1 of Ironstrange Bingo 2019 Fills Summary:
TONY STARK BINGO. FILL A4: KID FIC|| IRONSTRANGE BINGO FILL. DE-AGING || “He’s not Stephen’s kid,” Wong said, allowing Bruce to think to something different. “He is Strange, and the shy boy over there is Stark.”
This is my fill for @ironstrangebingo and @tonystarkbingo 
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philinda-ao3feed · 4 years
by Orca478
4 years have passed since the return of Ultron, and things are going great for Tony. He has his team, his friends, his wife, and his daughter.
But everything comes to a stop, when the biggest threat of the universe arrives. Thanos.
Now a race for the Infinity Stones has began, as Tony and his team must give everything to stop Thanos.
But the problems don't end there. The quest for the stones is causing the Titans to awake, the stones must be found before the time ends for the awakening of King Ghidorah, a beast that even Thanos fears.
Oh and to make matters worst, Steve and his crew have escaped prison thanks to the commotion, and they are bound to try to mess things up, as being in prison for 4 years have made Steve more delusional than ever.
Words: 422, Chapters: 1/45, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of The Council of the Elements
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types, Aquaman (2018), DC Extended Universe, Godzilla: King of The Monsters (2019), Guardians of the Galaxy (Movies), Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (TV), Harley Quinn (Cartoon 2019)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Tony Stark, Mera (DCU), Thanos (Marvel), Bruce Banner, Thor (Marvel), Harleen Quinzel, Phil Coulson, Peter Parker, Godzilla (Legendary | MonsterVerse), Mothra (Kaiju), James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Carol Danvers, Stephen Strange, T'Challa (Marvel), Scott Lang, Hope Van Dyne, Skye | Daisy Johnson, Rodan (Kaiju), King Ghidorah, Pamela Isley, Diana (Wonder Woman), Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Sam Wilson (Marvel), Clint Barton, Wanda Maximoff, Loki (Marvel), James "Bucky" Barnes, Brunnhilde | Valkyrie (Marvel), Vision (Marvel), Pietro Maximoff, Alphonso "Mack" Mackenzie, Melinda May, Jemma Simmons, Ruby Hale (Marvel), Leo Fitz, Nick Fury, Pepper Potts, Sharon Carter (Marvel), Christine Palmer, Jane Foster (Marvel), Luis (Ant-Man movies), Wade Wilson, Eddie Brock | Venom, Logan (X-Men), The Black Order (Marvel), Peter Quill, Gamora (Marvel), Nebula (Marvel), Rocket Raccoon, Groot (Marvel), Drax the Destroyer, Yondu Udonta
Relationships: Mera (DCU)/Tony Stark, Bruce Banner/Brunnhilde | Valkyrie, Jane Foster/Thor, Pamela Isley/Harleen Quinzel, Christine Palmer/Stephen Strange, Sharon Carter/Carol Danvers, James "Bucky" Barnes/Loki, Pietro Maximoff/Vision, Michelle Jones/Peter Parker, Laura Barton/James "Rhodey" Rhodes, Phil Coulson/Melinda May, Ruby Hale/Skye | Daisy Johnson, Scott Lang/Hope Van Dyne, Nakia (Black Panther)/T'Challa, Godzilla/Mothra (Kaiju)
Additional Tags: Civil War Team Iron Man, BAMF Tony Stark, Protective Tony Stark, Tony x Mera, Tony Stark Acting as Peter Parker's Parental Figure, Thor (Marvel) is a Good Bro, Bruce Banner Is a Good Bro, Phil Coulson Is a Good Bro, Thanos is coming, not team Cap friendly, Not Steve Rogers Friendly, Not Natasha Romanoff Friendly, Not Clint Barton Friendly, not wanda maximoff friendly, Sam Wilson Redemption, Awesome Carol Danvers, Stephen Strange is a Good Bro, T'Challa Is a Good Bro, Scott Lang is a Good Bro, Protective Skye | Daisy Johnson, Yondu Udonta Lives
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