#bruno madrigal x f!reader
daisies-daydreams · 7 months
Hello, I hope ur having a lovely day. ^^ (I have a fic request for Encanto, 22 yrs old btw)
May I request, Bruno Madrigalxfem!reader, in which they have a couple dynamic similar to Roger and Jessica rabbit. The reader is one of the most beautiful and sought out woman in all of the village, villagers constantly ask for her hand/show interest in her, not knowing she’s already in a relationship with Bruno. 🥰 If it were up to her, she would gladly and proudly display their relationship to the village but Bruno told her to keep it a secret for now since he feels like he’ll ruin her reputation 🥺
Maybe one day the madrigals are having a family dinner together and Bruno decides to tell his family about his gf but no one believes him, they all think he’s lying about being in a relationship 😭 even Mirabel struggles to fully believe him even though she tries to be optimistic about it lol. Until his gf actually shows up one day and the whole family is shocked 😂 not only is he in a relationship but he scored the most sought out woman in the village. 😂
The villagers to the reader: “What do u even see in that guy!?!?” 🤨
Reader: “He makes me laugh 😏”
Bcuz of this experience, reader decides it’s time to no longer hide their relationship. And proudly shows off her man to the village, lots of pda with a very flustered but happy Bruno. 😊💕✨After all that, Reader and Bruno have a picnic date together, where smut ensues~👀✨
(BONUS POINTS if reader is taller than Bruno 😭🙏🏻✨)
(Sorry for the long request. I tried to be specific as possible, no worries if u can’t write all of it ^^)
Thanks again and have a good day. ❤️
Mi Vida (Bruno Madrigal x F!Reader)
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Pairing: Bruno Madrigal x F!Reader Category: Fluff/Smut  Warnings: PDA, Secret (not so secret) Relationship, Unwanted Flirting, Hand Jobs, Oral Sex (M! and F! Receiving), Delayed Orgasm, Sub!Bruno Madrigal, Unprotected P in V Sex (You Know to the Drill), Cowgirl Position, Semi-Public Sex, Cumming Too Quickly, Cum Eating, Swearing, Pet Names   Word Count: 6.5k+ A/N: OMG Bruno is literally my favorite Disney character! 😭🙏🏻💗 Thank you so much for your sweet request and I hope you enjoy!
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“¡Muchas gracias, Señora (L/N)!” Mirabel chirped as she took the box of fresh Aborrajados from you [Thank you very much, Ms!]. You smiled and gave the young woman a short nod, some flour still caked on your face after rushing over from your bakery.
“De nada, Mirabel,” you smiled warmly [You're welcome]. You caught a glimpse of Bruno slinking behind one of the newly reconstructed pillars of Casita, his eyes soft and lips drawn into a sheepish smile. You giggled softly and leaned down to Mirabel. “Tell your familia I said hello,” you grinned warmly [family]. She hummed before following your line of sight. Bruno tensed and quickly tried to shift back into the shadows…only to trip over a large potted plant.
You gasped and nearly rushed to his side before he stumbled back to his feet. Bruno’s eyes were as wide as saucers as his cheeks flushed with pink. The dark-haired man flashed you a toothy grin and gave you a small wave. You giggled and waved back. Mirabel looked between the two of you and gave a small smile.
“Thank you again for the treats,” the young woman beamed. You blinked.
“Hm? Oh, you’re welcome,” you said before stealing another glance of your beloved…only to find him gone from your line of sight. "Buenas noches, Mirabel," you sighed while giving her a tired smile. The young girl gave a quick nod before you saw yourself off. A soft sigh left your lips as Casita slowly closed the front doors with a light creak. You bit the inside of your cheek as you turned on your heel, the sun already starting to set over the crest of the tall mountains surrounding the Encanto.
Suddenly, a high-pitched squeak resonated through the air. You froze in place before hearing it again, this time followed by a soft rustling of leaves. You slowly took a few steps closer towards a bush nearby, your heart pounding beneath your chest as you hesitantly pushed the branches back. You gasped when a baby capybara suddenly poked its head out; it's button eyes sparkling as it titled its head curiously. You cooed and bent down, your large, colorful skirt billowing around your legs as you picked up the tiny creature.
“Aw, que linda,” you murmured [how cute]. The little, furry pup tilted its head to the other side and sniffed your hand before squeaking happily. You laughed softly as it rubbed its head against your palm and flicked its ears. You looked up when you heard Alma Madrigal and the others gathering around in the dining room, their voices filtering through the open window just above your head.
"What are those, mi vida?" Julieta asked her youngest daughter as she carried the box of treats into the room.
"Aborrajados. (Y/N) brought them from her bakery just now," the young woman piped up. You smiled as you stroked the capybara's soft fur while it cuddled up in your lap.
"(Y/N), eh?" Felix asked. Mirabel hummed in reply as she took her seat. "I remember when your Tío Bruno had the biggest crush on her when we were teenagers," he chuckled. You cover ed your mouth and giggled as you recalled the first time you caught Bruno staring at you in the marketplace; his hand picking at a loose strand of his ruana as he gave you a shy smile.
"Aha, yep," you heard Bruno chuckle nervously before he started to drum his fingers on the table. The sound of silverware clinking filled the air as the family began to feast on their meal.
"She's always been such a sweet girl. Remember when she danced with you at Julieta's wedding?" Alma piped up. You could imagine your love tugging at the collar of his brown shirt as cleared his throat.
"S-Sí, Mamá," he muttered. A giddy smile crossed your features as you recalled him constantly muttering apologies for stepping on your feet...only for you to hush him with a quicky peck on his cheek. You've never seen someone blush such a deep shade of red in your life.
"I always wondered why she never married. She's the most beautiful woman in the whole village," Félix stated nonchalantly. You felt a gust of wind explode from the room as a low rumble of thunder reverberated across the walls. "That is…the most beautiful woman after you, mi amor," the man's voice wavered nervously. You could only imagine the look of irritation on Pepa's face.
"You know, I always wondered why she never found a husband, either," Mirabel said. You tucked your bottom lip beneath your teeth as you shifted your gaze to your beloved. His face was drawn with a tense expression as he sucked in a sharp breath, his fingers almost vibrating against the table as he bounced his leg.
"Probably because we've been seeing each other this whole time," Bruno suddenly blurted out. Your jaw dropped as the whole room went dead silent.
For so long, he refused to confess your relationship to the village...let alone his own family. You understood why - even after he “returned” to the Encanto and helped rebuild his home, quite a few villagers were still weary of the prophetic Madrigal. Despite the countless times you've reassured him that you didn't care what everyone else thought, he refused to allow his reputation to "ruin you".
You were pulled back to the present when you heard the Madrigal's whisper amongst themselves.
“Really?” Bruno’s brother-in-law, Agustín, bluntly asked.
“Agustín,” Julieta chastised her husband with a loud whisper. You peeked through the window as you cradled the pup in your arms, your fluttering as you waited for Bruno to continue. The whites of his eyes nearly swallowed the two pools of hazel resting within them as he gulped. Your beloved eventually took a deep breath and puffed out his chest a little.
“S-Sí,” he answered while knocking on the wooden surface of the table. A long pause remained as your heart skipped a beat. You anxiously held your breath as you studied the faces of everyone in the room. The family members exchanged glances before a low rumble of chuckles filtered through the dining room. You furrowed your brows as amused smiles washed over their faces.
"That's a good one, bro!" Félix chortled before slapping his hand on the table.
“B-But it’s true!” Bruno stammered as he frantically looked around. Your heart burned as you clenched your jaw and narrowed your eyes. His gaze locked with his youngest nieces as he furrowed his brows. “You believe me…right, Mirabel?” your love asked with pleading eyes. His niece tensed in her seat, her lips drawn in a tight line.
“I…I don’t know, Tío,” she sighed while looking down at her lap. Bruno's shoulders slumped as he wrung his hands together. “I mean, it’s not impossible…but how come you never really mentioned it until now?” Mirabel questioned. The chatter suddenly broke when the youngest Madrigal, Antonio, gasped.
“Where did Sofia go?!” he cried. You squeaked and ducked your head as everyone began to scramble around the dining room. You looked down at the baby capybara and raised your brows while it sniffed your palm.
"I'm guessing that's you," you whispered. You flinched when someone suddenly poked their head out the window. You instantly relaxed as Bruno met your gaze.
“Hola, hermoso,” you murmured [Hello, handsome]. Bruno blinked, his cheeks still dusted with scarlet as he gave you an uneasy expression.
“Hi…” he quietly replied as his eyes trailed down to your lap. "You found Sofia," he muttered. You giggled and nodded as you handed him the pup...but not before you stole a quick kiss on his cheek. Bruno's eyes widened as you let your lips linger against his stubbly skin.
“I could come inside there right now and prove them wrong, you know,” you said as you twirled one of his thick, curly locks between your fingers. You leaned forward a little more, your warm breath falling against his lips as he nearly dropped the young pup. "I've missed the feeling of your lips against mine," you purred. Your love swallowed thickly as he stared at your mouth with his deep, hazel eyes.
“Is she out there, Bruno?!” his sister, Pepa, suddenly shouted nearby. He tensed and shifted his gaze between the dining room and you. Bruno squeezed his eyes shut and sighed heavily.
“Lo siento, mi corazón,” he murmured while giving you an apologetic look [I’m sorry, my heart]. You reached out as he dipped back inside, leaving you kneeling on the patch of grass below. You sighed while everyone rejoiced in the dining room, happy to have found Antonio’s little friend. You smoothed your hands over your skirt before slowly rising to your feet. Your heart ached for your beloved as you began to walk away from Casita, the house shutters groaning and waving at you as if beckoning you to return. You simply shook your head before turning back to the stone path ahead of you.
The sky was painted with a collage of orange and blue hues as you stepped into the village. Streetlights flickered overhead as your footsteps echoed down the pathways. You scoffed and rolled your eyes when one of your many “suitors” suddenly stepped into view.
“I was wondering where you’d run off to, Señora,” the tall, muscular man lilted as he flashed you a blinding grin. You tried to pay him no mind as you walked past him. You gasped when he suddenly rushed forward and stood in the way of your abode. He held a single red rose towards you as his eyes flickered with desire. A bitter taste washed over your tongue as you crossed your arms.
“And I wondering when you’d learn to take a hint, Sebastian,” you huffed, venom laced in every word that fell from your lips. The man placed a hand over his chest as if cradling a fresh wound.
“Oh, mi mariposa. When are you going to realize that no one else in this village is fit to be your husband except me?" he cooed [my butterfly]. You rolled your eyes again before pushing past him. You muttered to yourself as you yanked your key out of your pocket. You sighed as he slid his hand against the wall of your home while hovering over you.
"You know I'm one of the second richest men in the entire Encanto. And I could provide for you...in more ways than one," he purred while going to tuck some hair behind your ear. You scoffed in disgust as you yanked on your doorhandle. You quickly stepped inside and blocked him from entering, your fingers white-knuckling the threshold of your precious bakery.
“I’ll never realize it - you know why? It’s because of three simple words: I’m. Not. Interested,” you spat before slamming the door in his face. You huffed and quicky locked the door behind you.
"¿Dios, alguna vez me dejará en paz?" you groaned while running your hand down your face [God, will he ever leave me alone?]. A small pang echoed inside your chest as you gazed around the empty room, the last sliver of golden light fading from the walls as the sun dipped past the ridge. You sighed as you lit a candle and stepped towards the back of the bakery where you resided.
You frowned as you shuffled into your personal kitchen - a plate of arepas waiting on the slightly chipped surface of your counter. You sighed and slowly pulled the towel back before snatching one from the plate.
Your eyes suddenly lit up just as you took a small bite from the pastry. A playful smirk stretched across your face as a wicked idea crossed your mind.
You refused to allow Bruno’s family to accuse him of lying...and you knew just what to do.
Mirabel blinked when she opened the door for you the next morning.
“¿Señora (Y/N)?” she asked as she eyed the stack of boxes in your arms. You gave the young woman a bright smile.
“Buenos días, Mirabel,” you grinned ear to ear [Good morning]. She tilted her head and pursed her lips.
“I don’t remember us ordering anything else from you this week,” Mirabel said. You laughed, the boxes bouncing a little as you gave her a shrug.
“Sí. I just wanted to show my…appreciation for la familia Madrigal, so I whipped up some breakfast pastries for you all,” you chirped. She raised her dark brows.
“Well, thank you! That’s very thoughtful. I’ll just-“ you pulled the boxes away and shook your head.
“Oh, no need, my dear. I’d be more than happy to carry the boxes wherever you need them,” you said. Mirabel blinked.
“Uh…okay,” she said before pushing her green glasses up the bridge of her nose. You followed her inside as she led you towards the back. “This way: we usually eat breakfast outside,” Mirabel commented as she held the door open for you. You saw the family setting the table as you walked through the threshold.
“Thank you, Mirabel,” you beamed. The young woman nodded as she watched you walk over to the long table. Everyone except for your beloved were preparing for the first meal of the day.
“¡Ah, Señora (L/N)!” Alma called with a bright smile. You reflected her expression as you walked over, Julieta coming to your aid and helping you set the boxes down. “To what do we owe the pleasure?” the matriarch of the family asked. You maintained your bright smile as you held your hands out in front of you.
“Oh, I just wanted to stop by and show my appreciation for La Familia Madrigal,” you motioned towards the boxes. You watched as Isabella opened one of the boxes to sneak out a pastry…only for the real Isabella to clear her throat with a raised brow. Camilo sighed as he shifted back to his original form and slipped the treat back inside.
“How thoughtful,” Alma said while clapping her hands together. “Would you like to stay for breakfast? We simply have too much food now,” she offered with a chuckle. You placed a hand over your chest.
“Oh, Señora, you’re too kind,” you said. Alma grinned ear to ear.
“Please, I insist,” she replied while motioning towards an empty seat Casita was already nudging across the tiles. You pretended to think about it for a moment before shrugging.
“Mmm...okay!” you said with a large grin. Alma’s eyes lit up as she smiled.
“Excellent! I’ll have one of the boys get a plate for you,” she grinned with a nod. You smiled before making your way over to an empty chair. Antonio’s eyes lit up as you sat next to him. Sofia slept soundly in his lap as he gave you a toothy grin.
“Thank you for finding Sofia yesterday,” he whispered. You chuckled softly.
“You're welcome, Antonio,” you whispered back. You thanked Agustín as he brought you a plate while the rest of the family filed in. You turned when the little one tugged on your sleeve.
"Everyone said that Tío Bruno was lying, but Sofia told me he wasn't," he said. You smiled when Sofia perked her head up at her name.
"Muchas gracias, Sofia," you whispered gently. Bruno suddenly came stumbling out the door, his hair bunched up in a mess and clothes disheveled as he leaned on the doorframe. You pursed your lips when you saw his pupils blown wide as he panted heavily.
“Forgive my son - he’s always been a late riser,” Alma smiled. Bruno straightened his green ruana before locking eyes with you. You gave him a warm, genuine smile as he froze.
"Mi vida..." he muttered under his breath [my life]. Everyone at the table watched as you rose from your seat and sauntered over to your man. You saw the shock grow in his eyes as you approached him, your lips parted as you dusted some sand from his dark, curly hair.
“I’m so happy to see you…darling,” you said aloud. The whole family gasped when you dipped your head down and kissed his cheek, letting your soft lips rest against his face as you slid your palms onto his thin shoulders. Bruno flapped his hands as his eyes widened even more, the rest of his body as stiff as a statue. You cooed and cupped his cheek as his face flushed with red.
“M-Mi cielo…” he whispered while nervously glancing back and forth between you and his family [my heaven]. You smoothed your thumb across his stubble as you smiled.
“Hermoso…it’s time,” you murmured. Bruno gulped as you slipped your hands into his and squeezed them gently. He straightened his shoulders as much as he took a deep breath and nodded. You beamed before turning to the barrage of shocked faces. Bruno cleared his throat as he clenched your hands.
“Mi familia, this is mi amor...(Y/N),” he smiled sheepishly while motioning towards you [my love]. You smiled and waved at the family.
“It’s nice to be properly acquainted with you all,” you giggled before tucking a strand of loose hair behind your ear. The table quickly erupted into utter chaos.
“Are you for real?!" Félix boomed.
“Are you sure this isn’t an elaborate prank?!” Isabella gawked.
"I knew this whole time," Dolores shrugged with a quiet whisper.
You and Bruno turned to each other, his face turning red once again as he shrank and winced under their rapid-fire questions. You placed your index finger and thumb against the corners of your lips before whistling loudly. The entire family quickly came to a halt as they whipped their heads towards you.
“I'd be happy to answer all of your questions…if you’ll still have me for breakfast, that is,” you said with a twinkle in your eye. They all slowly sat back down in their chairs while Alma cleared her throat.
“Of course,” the matriarch said with a small smile before motioning towards two empty seats.
A Few Days Later…
“Are you sure about this, mi vida?” Bruno asked nervously as he kept his hood up. You gave him a gentle smile as you pulled his hood back down. The two of you stood in the dimly lit foyer of Casita, a picnic basket slung around your free arm and a quilt over his.
“Absolutely,” you replied with a firm nod. Bruno swallowed thickly as he tugged his hood over his curly locks once more. You sighed and gave him a patient smile before flipping it back over.
"Mi amor, I don't want to spend the day with Hernado, or Jorge, or any other persona of yours...I want to spend it with you," you cooed. Bruno perked his head up as he finally let his hood remain draped over his shoulders. You giggled as he suddenly nuzzled his face against your collarbone, the top of his head brushing against your chin.
“Gracias, mi amor,” he said with a hushed whisper. You smiled brightly as you pecked the crown of his head.
"You're welcome," you replied. "Now...let's go show the village who I belong to," you winked while playfully bumping his hip with yours. Bruno chuckled softly as the two of you stepped outside hand-in-hand, the mid-afternoon sun hanging high above your heads as you began to stroll through the front yard of the Madrigal estate.
You felt Bruno's grip on your hand tighten as you approached the village.
"I'm right here," you reassured while brushing your thumb over his knuckles. Bruno nodded and took a deep breath. You grinned before stopping in your tracks and kissing his temple. You giggled as his cheeks grew red as you moved your lips to his nose.
"(Y-Y/N)," he muttered before going to pull his hood over his eyes. You giggled at his bashful behavior and placed your hands over his wrists.
"What? I'm just letting the village know how much I adore my Bruno," you beamed before peppering his face with more kisses. His cheeks burned even more as he white-knuckled the hood of his ruana.
You chuckled before quietly continuing your walk alongside him. Several villagers turned their heads as you passed by. You swayed your hips side to side, flaunting your beloved as you slung your arm around his.
Bruno immediately stopped when you suddenly stooped down and pressed your lips against his. You gasped when he suddenly reached up on his tip-toes and kissed you back.
"Bruno," you said with a breathless look while he pulled away. You heard a few young girls giggle nearby before their mothers shooed them away. The two of you shared a quiet laugh before continuing through the bustling market. Bruno seemed to relax with every step he took, his tense expression softening as he sighed. The sun peeked out from the parted clouds, the golden rays beaming down on your face as you inhaled deeply.
The two of you exchanged smiles as you made your way out of the small town and towards the lush, serene forest. You sighed as the two of you hiked through the dense brush before coming upon a familiar opening. Bruno wore a goofy grin as the two of you began to unfold the quilt and set the food out. You hummed a little tune while grabbing a bottle of wine before Bruno cleared his throat.
“Here: let me get that for you, mi amor,” he grinned. You raised your brows and handed him the bottle and opener.
“By all means, hermoso,” you giggled. Your love winked before he screwed the opener on. You watched as he fought and struggled with the cork, his elbows flapping wildly as he muttered to himself. You gasped when he fell back, the bottle flying out of his hands and into the brush. He flinched when the sound of glass shattering echoed through the forest, several toucans and other birds flying out afterwards. The two of you exchanged glances before bursting into laughter.
“It’s okay: I prefer the taste of your lips anyway,” you purred before pecking his lips. Bruno chuckled as he cupped your face.
“And I yours,” he murmured and brushed some hair out of your face. The two of you enjoyed the next hour as you fed each other the delectable treats you packed.
You eventually found your head in his lap as he slipped a plump grape past your soft lips. You closed your eyes as you savored the sweetness of the fruit and slowly. A gentle breeze swept over the forest as you sighed happily.
"Do you remember what happened the first time we came here, hermoso?" you lilted while opening your eyes. Your lover's breath hitched as he nearly choked on a piece of fruit. You flipped yourself over and rubbed Bruno's back as he cleared his throat.
"I-uh-I do," he flushed while picking at a blade of grass. You smiled and bit your lip, your breasts peeking out from beneath your lacy, white blouse as you wiggled your hips.
"We were both so nervous," you said as you slid your hand over his thigh. Bruno's gasped as you rested your chin between his ankles, your eyes locked on his crotch as he gulped. "But you did so well…made me the happiest girl in the whole world that night," you purred while sliding both of your hands up his legs and beneath his ruana. Bruno swallowed thickly as he fell back on his forearms, his legs spread out as you pounced on him like a lithe jaguar. His breath quickened as you hovered above him, your barely covered breasts grazing over his chest.
"Would you like to relive that moment?" you whispered as your lips brushed over his. You swore his eyes nearly shot out of his head as his face burned a bright red.
"B-But mi amor...what if someone sees us?" he muttered with a shaky breath. You chuckled before pecking his lips while rolling up his ruana, revealing his scruffy happy trail that led to the bulge growing beneath his slacks.
“Don't worry, we're far enough in the forest," you whispered into his ear while tracing your fingertips down his lean stomach. "No one will see or hear a thing," you said as your lips curled into a seductive grin. You felt his muscles tense beneath your light touch as you hooked your fingers around the band of his pants and tugged them down his lean thighs. Bruno gasped as his semi-hard cock sprang free, his tip growing flush as his shaft twitched in the exposed air.
You smiled as you dipped your head down and captured his lips in a passionate kiss. Bruno moaned softly and gripped your hips as your lips caressed one another in a heated embrace. He gasped as you slid your hand all the way down his stomach before wrapping your fist around the base of his burning, veiny shaft. You panted against his mouth as you gently squeezed his length.
"Pobracito...you're so pent up," you cooed before swiping your warm tongue along his bottom lip [Poor thing]. Bruno's eyes rolled back as you began to slowly pump your tight fist around his dick. Quiet moans fell past his parted lips before you slipped your tongue inside his wet cavern. He squeaked and bucked his hips forward as your tongues entangled with a wet squelch. You groaned into his mouth as you continued to rub his aching cock, each noise and shift of his hips causing the damp spot in your panties to grow wetter.
“Mmmm-mi corazón,” Bruno whined when you pulled back for air - a thick string of spit connecting your swollen lips as he breathed heavily. His cock twitched as you smeared a hot bead of precum across his flush tip. You cooed and kissed along his jaw as he arched into your touch.
“Would you like to feel my warm, tight mouth wrapped around your cock, Papi? Hm?” you husked into his ear as you continued to stroke his now rock-hard shaft [Daddy]. Bruno released a guttural groan as he writhed against your body.
“S-Sí…por fa, Mami,” he panted while desperately trying to gain any friction against his dick [Yes…please, Mommy]. You grinned and nipped at his ear before trailing your lips down his jaw and neck. Bruno's eyes grew half-lidded as he watched you create a painting of hickeys and small bite marks across his skin, goosebumps rising wherever your lips landed.
“I love all the cute noises you make, Brunito,” you chuckled against his collar bone before lashing your tongue against his bare skin.
“(Y-Y/N), por favor. Te necesito,” your lover begged while rocking his hips into your tight, warm grip [I need you]. You grinned and licked over the tiny bite mark before shuffling down his body. You swiped your tongue over your lips before letting your hot breath fan over his dick. Bruno's eyes grew clouded with lust as you pecked his bulbous tip, the salty taste of his precum leaking over your tastebuds while you moaned. Your beloved groaned as you swirled your wet muscle around his tip in sloppy, wet circles.
“M-Mierda,” Bruno hissed between gritted teeth as he watched you wrap your lips around his head before shallowly bobbing your mouth up and down his throbbing shaft [Shit]. You moaned and hollowed your cheeks, a wet slurping sound reverberating through the air as you took him in deeper with every dip of your head. You relished in the way your lover trembled as you cupped his balls in your free hand, tenderly massaging his sac as you fluttered your lashes. His dick felt so heavy as it glided along your tongue, the texture making your pussy clench and ache for the familiar drag of his shaft.
“God, (Y/N),” he moaned and bucked into your slick cavern, drawing a small gag from you. You gazed into his eyes when he gasped and shifted back, leaving your lips wrapped half-way around his sex. “I-I’m sorry, I didn’t-“ his jaw went slack when you grabbed one of his hands and placed it on top of your head. You tilted your head to the side and began to quicken your pace, your spit now smearing down his balls as you squeezed them in a loving grip.
“A-Ah!” Bruno yelped as he grabbed your luscious hair, his nails digging into your scalp as you eagerly sucked him off. You squealed when he gripped your hair and guided you along his length, his eyes half-lidded and lit with pure desire. “S-Sí, Mami - tan buena,” he rumbled [Yes, Mommy - so good]. You smiled and kept your cheeks hollowed as you took him deeper and deeper. You moaned as you felt his cock twitch inside your mouth, his tip now soaking the back of your tight throat with salty precum.
Bruno's grunts and cried grew more desperate before you suddenly pulled off of his length with a slick “pop”. His eyes snapped open as he looked at you with a mix of confusion and yearning.
“(Y/N),” he whined and desperately thrusted his hips up. You immediately stole his attention the second you shuffled out of your white bloomers and skirt, the fabric falling onto the blanket with a soft thud. Bruno’s face turned cherry red as you pulled your shirt above your head, revealing your supple breasts to his hungry eyes. You giggled at his dumbfounded expression as you slowly sank down onto your knees and straddled his waist.
"Lo siento, Papi...but I need to feel you inside me," you sighed as you slowly grinded your hips against his. Bruno's eyes rolled back as your wet pussy lips caressed the sides of his cock with every stroke of your hips.
"Fuck, Mami," he whined as he wrapped his hands around your waist. You sighed and smoothed your palms over his slightly hairy chest as he dug his nails into your supple flesh. You moaned as the weeping tip of his cock glided over your puffy clit - pulses of pleasure sweeping through your empty heat as you gazed into his eyes.
"You feel so good beneath me, Brunito," you murmured while cupping his cheek. Bruno's bottom lip jutted out as he gulped.
"Mi vida, please," Bruno grunted as he gave you a soft, pleading look. You grinned softly and laid your hands on his stomach while you adjusted your hips. He gasped when you wrapped one of your hands around his dick, rubbing his head against your entrance teasingly before deeply gazing into his eyes.
You released a heavy sigh as you slowly sank down on his hard cock, his length deliciously gliding against your gummy walls with a wet squelch.
"Oh bebé," you moaned as you arched your back. You shivered as you buried yourself down to the hilt, a rush of heat swelling through your core as his dark bush gently brushed against your bundle of nerves. You paused for a few seconds, relishing in the feeling of his dick stuffing you to the brim while he panted beneath you. You swallowed thickly before you raised your hips and brought them back down.
The forest was filled with your combined grunting and moaning as you bounced on his cock. The sound of wet slapping between your hips made your legs shake as Bruno sank his nails into your hips.
"You stretch me so good, hermoso," you whispered as you leaned forward, your breasts now pushed against his chest while you captured his mouth in another sloppy, heated kiss. You smiled as you felt his cock twitch inside you, his head kissing your soft cervix each time you gracefully brought your hips back down. He gasped for air when you pulled back.
“Mami, I-I’m so close,” he said through gritted teeth as he dug crescents into your perfect hips. He shivered as you kissed along his scruffy jaw, your walls sucking him in and sweetly caressing his swollen dick. You soon sat back up on your knees, your breasts bouncing as you sped up your movements.
“Go on, Bruno: claim this pussy with your cum,” you moaned. You squeaked when he shoved your hips down as he released a deep, guttural groan. You trembled above him as you felt streams of his thick, hot cum paint your gummy walls as he stiffened beneath you.
“Sí, Sí,” Bruno mewled like a broken record as he writhed with pleasure. You moaned as you felt the sticky mess between your two bodies, a few beads of his thick cum leaking from the seam of your stretched out hole.
“Mmm, Papi,” you sighed as you rubbed your hands over his chest. Bruno slowly opened his eyes - his hazel pools glossed over with pleasure as he heaved.
“Did you…” his voice trailed off as he furrowed his brows and gazed at the space where your sexes were snugly joined. You chuckled softly and shook your head.
“No, but it’s-“ your eyes widened, the world around you passing in a blur as Bruno suddenly laid on top of you. You blinked as he cradled the back of your head with his soft palm, his long fingers smoothing through your locks as he panted above you.
“Por fa, mi princessa…déjame mimarte,” he rumbled while pressing soft kisses to the junction between your jaw and neck [Please, my princess…let me spoil you]. You moaned as he peppered your sensitive pulse with kisses as his hands smoothed over your breasts. A soft sigh escaped you as he gently rubbed his thumbs over your perky nipples, his mouth suckling on your exposed skin as he slowly pulled the rest of his soaked length out of you.
You mewled at the emptiness, prompting your love to coo and lick a bold stripe over your pulse.
“Bebé,” you keened while stroking your fingers through his thick, dark hair. Bruno’s eyes sparkled as he gave you a sheepish smile.
“What I want to do is a bit…different, if that’s alright,” he said as his cheeks tinted with pink. You chuckled softly and kissed his forehead.
“You know I’ll still enjoy it,” you said while smoothing your thumb over his cheek. Bruno’s smile grew before he took a deep breath. Your body trembled with anticipation as he traced his lips between the valley of your breasts and down your soft stomach. Your jaw went slack when he slung your legs over his shoulders, his warm breath falling across your dripping sex as he licked his lips.
Bruno flicked his eyes back to you, hesitantly waiting for your response.
“It’s alright, Brunito,” you reassured him with a soft whisper. Your beloved snacked his lips again before delicately tracing the tip of his tongue around your swollen clit. Your legs shook around his head as he moaned against your sex, the vibrations of his voice sending ripples of pleasure through your core.
“God,” you moaned as Bruno swiped his tongue along your drenched slit - his wet muscle collecting your combined juices before he hungrily slurped it up. You gasped when he teased your weeping entrance, shallowing pumping his tongue inside your cunt as his nose rubbed against your sensitive bundle of nerves.
“S-Sí, Papi. Sigue adelante,” you breathed as you tugged on his dark locks [Yes, Daddy. Keep going]. Bruno grunted as he closed his eyes, savoring the flavor of your cunny while flattening his tongue over your folds. You moaned and rolled your hips against his face, his stubble lightly scraping over the inside of your thighs as he swayed his head back and forth.
Your eyes nearly crossed when he suddenly puckered his lips around your engorged bud, a cry of bliss escaping from your throat as the tension in your lower belly swelled.
“B-Bruno,” you gulped for air as he spread your labia apart with his nimble fingers. Both of you shared a quiet gasp when he teased the rim of your entrance. His lips curled and suckled on your clit as he slowly pushed a digit inside, causing the thick cream stuffed inside your cunt to come pouring out.
“Mi vida,” Bruno whispered, his lips dancing over your mound before he dove back in. Stars began to spark in your vision as he curled his digit against your plush g-spot while he slowly worked another one inside. Your legs trembled as he steadily pumped his fingers in and out of your fluttering hole; every dip and curve of his digits perfectly massaging your walls.
“Sí, p-por fa,” you moaned as he sloppily made out with your clit while thrusting his fingers deeper with every stroke. Your lover groaned as you raised your hips, his grip around your thighs tightening as he rumbled lowly. You screwed your eyes shut as you felt the delicate surface of his warm tongue caress over your slit. Bruno continued to moan as he savored the sweetness of your juices while spreading your hole open with his digits.
You suddenly came with a final long drag of his tongue against your clit.
“Bruno!” you screamed his name as you snapped your hips forward, his face completely buried against your cunt as you cried and thrashed in his grip. Your melodic moans cascaded through the forest as you heard him slurp up your thick cream, his eyes rolling back as your gummy walls pulsed around his fingers. You mewled and fucked yourself on his digits as you came; completely soaking his hand with your arousal.
You whined and babbled incoherently as your body shook with pure bliss, jaw slack and eyes nearly crossed.
“God, yes,” you swallowed thickly as tears of pleasure rolled down your flush cheeks. You slowly blinked your eyes open as the overwhelming pleasure began to fade. Bruno’s nostrils flared as he exhaled through his nose, hid eyed glowing with pure admiration as he laid a soft kiss over your puffy cunt. You flinched as you felt him smile against your folds.
The two of you simply gazed into each other’s eyes for several moments before he slowly placed your hips down on his lap.
“That was…amazing,” you said breathlessly. Bruno chuckled as another sheepish smile crossed his features.
“I’m glad I made you feel so good, mi amor,” he beamed, pride glowing in his eyes as he slipped away. Your face burned when you saw how soaked his chin was as he licked his lips. Bruno cooed and patted your hip as he slowly pulled his fingers out of your tenderly fucked pussy. You smiled and kept your arms open as he crawled on top of you, his soft, soaked dick slipping against your sex as he planted a sweet kiss on your lips. You sighed and brushed your fingertips through Bruno's hair as he laid his head on your chest.
"Te amo mucho, mi vida," your lover whispered as he laid his head on your chest [I love you so much]. You smiled warmly as you placed a soft kiss on the crown of his head.
"Te amo mucho, mi corazón," you murmured.
Thank you for reading! 💚
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zafirosreverie · 1 year
Little furry friend (Bruno x F!Reader) part 2
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For @hectic-hector (ily 💕)
Part 1
"Julieta!! Do something about your sister!!"
The healer sighed and rolled her eyes fondly before turning to see Pepa effortlessly carrying Bruno into the kitchen. She knew that her brother justified that with the weight loss he had while living in the walls, but the three of them knew that Pepa had always had incredible strength and that she could lift both of them on each arm without breaking a sweat.
"Julieta!! Tell your brother to stop being a crybaby!!"
"I'm not a crybaby!"
"Yes you are!"
"Okay, that's enough" the older one said, trying not to laugh at Bruno's pout when Pepa sat him down in a chair "what's going on?"
"Your sister is a nightmare"
"Your brother is an airhead"
"...okay, something else I don't already know?"
Julieta laughed at her siblings’ expressions and rolled her eyes again. Sometimes it was exhausting mediating their fights, but she truly loved them with all of her being and wouldn't have them any other way, no matter how many gray hairs they gave her in a day (definitely more than the six grandchildren combined).
"And you're supposed to be the good triplet?" Pepa crossed her arms with a pout.
"I always said that we should be careful with her, she has a mischievous glint in her eyes" Bruno whispered to the redhead
"So it's against me now?" the older one said, putting her hands on her hips "two seconds ago you were arguing for god knows what"
"oh yeah! You're right"
"Oh no, did you have to remind her?"
Bruno growled when a rainbow invaded the kitchen and Pepa got a little closer to her older sister, taking her by the hand like an excited child. It was always funny how Pepa could change her mood so quickly, especially when she was with her siblings, when she felt safe from being judged. But it wasn't as funny when he was the victim of her plans.
"Let's invite Y/N to dinner!"
"We are NOT going to invite her to dinner, Pepa!"
"Why not? You already spend all day with her anyway, Bruno"
"It's different!"
"Because you are not there to try anything"
"Excuse me?!" the redhead thundered "well sorry but someone has to take the next step if you're not going to do it yourself"
"There is no next step, Pepa, we are just friends!"
Julieta sighed again and pinched the bridge of her nose as her siblings returned to a heated discussion that must have started long before they entered the kitchen. She could understand Bruno's anger or concern, and would usually agree with him that things should happen on their own.
The thing was, this time, she was on Pepa's side. It had been months since you showed up at the house with Bruno's rat in your hand and the whole family had been surprised at how well you got along with him. She had to admit that like her sister, she felt quite betrayed that he hadn't told them about you sooner, but she understood that he had a right to his privacy as well.
And if she was honest with herself, she was relieved at how well you treated her little brother. It wasn't common for townspeople to associate with him of their own free will, even after the candle fiasco, but you didn't seem to have any problem, you were kind to him, you treated him as an equal, and you were even one of the few people he felt comfortable enough about physical contact with.
Of course, the nervous mess he was when you were around him, or the blush that would always come over his face when you smiled at him, or the goofy smile he had all the time when you talked to him, didn't go unnoticed either. Dolores even confirmed that his heart raced every time he saw you or someone said your name. It was obvious to everyone that Bruno Madrigal was completely in love with Y/N Y/L/N, and would be cute, if it wasn't for him refusing to do anything about it.
Her brother was already exhausting the family's patience and even Casita had tried to intervene (which is why Bruno chose to go to your house instead of having you visit them). Julieta was really beginning to consider that they would have to take that step for him.
She snapped out of her thoughts when Pepa's thunder began to get louder. The kitchen began to be filled with black clouds and if she didn’t intervene soon, all her effort would be wasted due to the rain. However, she did not have time to do something when you popped your head through the window, with a small rat on your shoulder.
"Hi Juli!" You said, always smiling "What are you doing?"
Months ago, it would not even have occurred to you to be so open with her, but after the kind reception that the whole family had made, you could not help but feeling comfortable and happy every time you approached Casita.
"These two, always fighting" she returned the smile
"For the last arepa again?"
"No" she laughed, remembering the time Pepa almost threw a knife to Bruno when he took the last arepa, although she quickly calmed down when she saw that he had taken it for you "for something that Pepa wants Bruno to do"
"Ohhhh" you said, with curiosity in your eyes "What thing?"
She was about to answer when Antonio suddenly entered the kitchen. The boy smiled widely as soon as he saw you and ran to greet you. After Bruno, Madrigal's youngest son was the one who more time spent with you.
"Hello Y/N!"
"Hey Buddy!" You answered "Long time no seeing you"
"Yes, you didn't come for three days!" he pouted
"I'm sorry, I had things to do in the carpentry" you apologized
You did not even notice that the black clouds had disappeared, or that the Madrigal triplets were looking at you with curiosity, kindness and nervousness.
"It's okay" Antonio smiled at you "is just that the animals began to ask me where Uncle Bruno's girlfriend was" he shrugged
You felt your cheeks turning red, and you quickly looked where the seer was, a few steps behind his nephew. He did not look better than you, on the contrary, he looked pale and two seconds of fainting, while his sisters smirked and tried to hide their laughs behind their hands, although the rainbow that filled the room betrayed the redhead.
If you were honest, the idea itself was not bad. Actually, you had long accepted your feelings for the younger triplet, even if you didn’t plan to do something about it because you did not think the man returned your feelings. But now, seeing him so red and nervous, you committed to question it.
"S-she’s not my g-girlfriend" Bruno stuttered, resisting the impulse to hide with the hood of his Ruana
"She's not?" Antonio asked innocently
"No, I'm not" you replied
For a moment that seemed frozen in time, you could feel the eyes of the three adults on you, Pepa seemed disappointed, Julieta contained her breath and Bruno looked really defeated. That was what made you take a risk.
"Toñito, your uncle and I share Sebastián, remember?" you said gently
"That means we have a child together" you smiled with malice when you heard the triplets gasps "I am not his girlfriend, I am his wife"
Pepa and Julieta laughed at their brother's complete shock, and you couldn't help noticing how adorable it was. But then, as if he was a statue, he fell backwards, harshly hitting against the ground.
".... ooops" you said.
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spookyspecterino · 1 year
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❤️ NSFW/18+ | 🧡 Mature Teens | 💛 SFW | My AO3
A Quiet Place: Day One
Eric x Reader
💛 "Focus on Me" | GN!Reader
You and Eric share a first kiss
💛 "Try To Live, For Me" | GN!Reader
You meet Eric on the boat. Getting attached is dangerous.
💛 "Together at the End of the World" | GN!Reader
You're stuck in the subway with Eric the day the asteroids hit.
Starfield - Sam Coe/Delgado
Starfield Masterlist
Bullet Train - Tangerine
Bullet Train Masterlist
Far Cry 5
Jacob Seed
❤️ "Out Hunting" | F! Reader
Jacob goes hunting, only to be followed by the deputy. Things don't go as planned, which might not be such a bad thing.
John Seed
🧡 "Unconditional" | GN! Reader
John is caught off-guard by a surprise visit from the deputy and they confess something he wasn't expecting. Will this be a turning point for him?
Stranger Things - Eddie Munson
❤️ "Distracted" | F! Reader
While in class, you and Eddie get to talking. Which quickly becomes something else when certain things come out...
❤️ "I'm With You Till the End" | F! Reader
When Eddie's trailer shows up on the morning news and cops come to your door asking if you've seen him, you panic and go looking for him.
Marvel - Stephen Strange
🧡 "Annoying" | GN! Reader
During an argument you let slip that you may have once had a crush on Stephen Strange, but Stephen doesn't reject you and some interesting things are revealed...
💛 "Is it Worth That?" | GN! Reader
When Stephen Strange tracks you down for practicing forbidden magic you are forced to make a crucial choice.
Encanto - Bruno Madrigal
💛 HeadCanons & A Few Short Blurbs | F! Reader
HeadCanons about Bruno's feelings for you. Blurbs are short stories about Bruno asking you out on a date and Bruno and you getting ready for Julieta's wedding.
💛 "Think About This, Before It's Too Late" | F! Reader
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
When you've loved Bruno from afar for so long and he's never reciprocated, you think it's finally time to move on. But moving on isn't working and you're faced with a choice.
💛 "I'd Like a Vision, Please" | F! Reader
You go to Bruno for a vision, but what he shows you isn't what you expected. Trying to question The Seer only gets you more tangled up.
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sillygoofyselfshipper · 6 months
Intro ‧₊˚❀༉‧₊˚.
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Hello! I’m icarus! It/xe/he/they, 21.
I’m new to actually engaging in the self ship community, however I’ve considered myself a self shipper for a few years! I’m aroace spec and often sex repulsed, so don’t expect to see much explicit content here!
I have a few F/O’s, a couple romantic, a couple familial, and a couple platonic ! I love lots of things, and lots of people ₍ᐢ. ̫.ᐢ₎
I’m currently writing an x reader about one of my romantic F/O’s (the spot, from astv!!), and will post updates about it here!
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This list will be updated as my F/O’s change!
Romantic F/O’s
Jonny D’Ville (the mechanisms)
The Toy Soldier (the mechanisms)
Harvey (stardew valley)
The Spot (across the spiderverse)
Logan (the sanders sides)
Jonathon Sims (the magnus archives)
Martin Blackwood (the magnus archives)
Tim (marble hornets)
Jay (marble hornets)
Platonic F/O’s
All of the sides sans Logan (the sanders sides)
Sammy Stevens (king falls am)
Familial F/O’s
Stan Pines (and the rest of the pines family) (gravity falls)
Bruno Madrigal (encanto)
Eda Clawthorn (the owl house)
If there is anyone else who shares my F/O’s, romantic or otherwise- please interact! As long as you’re not someone who will get into a “I know more about them than you” thing, I would love to talk about them!
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lesbianjackies · 3 years
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Bruno Madrigal x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 1,181
Warnings: Y/N has anxiety
Summary: You've never been to a Madrigal's gift ceremony before because of your anxiety. You want to go to Dolores's daughter Sofia's ceremony, though, because she's your favorite Madrigal and it's the first ceremony since you got married to your husband, Bruno. Will Sofia's ceremony remind you of why you never went to one before?
A/N: First fic since opening requests for Encanto! This one was requested by my dearest friend, @caladrius103.
Dolores’s daughter has finally turned five years old. You’ve loved Sofia since the moment she was born, and your love for her has only grown as she’s gotten older. You’re usually not very comfortable with children, especially small ones, but Sofia’s always been different. She’s quiet, for one thing, which is definitely your favorite thing about her, and she’s also calm, intelligent, and observant - all unusual traits for a five-year-old.
The only Madrigal you love as much as Sofia - though you do adore all of them - is your husband, Bruno. You and Bruno got married three years ago, seven years after you first started dating, eight years after Bruno reappeared, and 18 years after the two of you first met. You still can’t believe you’re part of the Family Madrigal; you’d spent years putting them on a pedestal because of their gifts and the miracle that created Encanto. It’s especially unbelievable that you’re married to Bruno, the man you’ve loved for eighteen years and thought you’d never see again after he disappeared. Encanto is full of miracles, though, and that apparently applies to your life too.
Today Sofia will get her gift. It’s the first gift ceremony you’ve ever been to - you’re prone to anxiety and loud, crowded spaces are a particular trigger for you, so you’ve stayed away from the celebrations everyone else seems to adore. You want to go to this one, though, because it’s the first gift ceremony since Bruno got back and it’s Sofia’s, and you can’t miss out on your favorite Madrigal (sorry Bruno) getting her gift.
“Are you okay, Tia (Y/N)?” a soft voice asks, and you jump. Though you appreciate Sofia’s quietness, it does make her prone to accidentally sneaking up on people.
“I’m all right, Sofinita,” you tell her. “Just excited for your big day!” You give her a genuine smile.
“You didn’t seem excited.” Sofia’s always had an occasionally annoying knack for seeing through people. “You seemed nervous.”
“I’m a little nervous, to be honest,” you admit. “But it’s not because of you. I truly am very excited for you to get your gift. I’m just worried the loudness and people will be overwhelming. Did you know that your ceremony will be the first I’ve ever gone to?”
“Yes,” she says. “Mama told me.”
You nod. “I just love you so much I couldn’t let my anxiety get the better of me.”
Sofia gives you a rare smile. “I love you too, Tia (Y/N).”
You almost tear up. Sofia isn’t very prone to showing affection, so even little things like a smile and an “I love you” mean a lot coming from her. “All right. You need to go back to your Mami, Sofinita. It’s almost time for you to get your gift, and your Abuela will cause a storm if you aren’t ready in time.”
Sofia nods. “Bye, Tia.” She walks silently out of the room.
You sigh. You hope you can keep your anxiety under wraps for Sofia and the rest of the family, but you’re scared not only that the ceremony will be overwhelming but also that you’ll ruin it if it is. You told Sofia it was almost time in excitement, but that same fact is making anxiety swell up inside you before the ceremony has even begun.
“Hey, (Y/N)?” Another voice startles you, but this time it’s because you’re absorbed in your thoughts. Bruno walks toward you, looking concerned. “Are you okay, mi amor? It’s almost time for Sofia’s gift ceremony and you’re still in my room.”
You look up at him and your lip quivers. It’s so hard to keep your feelings under wraps when Bruno’s standing right in front of you. A tear falls down your cheek, followed by another, and before you know it Bruno’s arms are around you, his rough hands trailing down your back comfortingly as you sob into his shoulder.
“Hey, hey, what’s wrong, (Y/N/N)?” he asks you quietly, pressing his lips to your cheeks as the tears slip down, kissing them away as soon as they hit your skin.
“I’m just scared I’m gonna mess everything up,” you whisper.
“Mess everything up? (Y/N/N), how could you mess everything up?”
“I’m scared it’ll be too overwhelming,” you say, voice shaking. “That with all the noise and the people it’ll be too much and I’ll ruin everything by having a panic attack.”
“Oh, (Y/N/N), it’ll be okay. I’ll be there the whole time, let me know if you start to feel overwhelmed and we can go out and take a breather. And even if you do have a panic attack, you won’t ruin anything. Mirabel and Sofia and everyone will understand.”
Your sobs quiet and you let yourself be consumed by Bruno’s embrace until you’re fully calmed down. “Thank you, Bruno. I love you.”
“I love you too.” He pulls you up. “Now, we have a ceremony to get to, don’t we?”
You give him a teary smile and nod. He takes your hand and the two of you join the crowd of people waiting for Sofia to receive her gift. Abuela died a few years ago, just after you and Bruno got married, so Mirabel is standing by Sofia’s door with the candle. She looks both mournful and excited as she looks out into the crowd of people, and then smiles and nods at Sofia.
Your niece walks slowly and steadily forward. Mirabel bends down so Sofia can put her hands around the candle. “Sofia Madrigal,” she says, “do you promise to protect your family and make us proud, with or without your gift?”
“Yes,” says Sofia solemnly.
Mirabel smiles. “Open your door, Sofinita.”
Sofia smiles and touches the doorknob. Her hair whooshes around her head and her eyes glow blue before she says, “Tio Camilo, it’s rude to call my gift creepy.”
Camilo blinks. “Did you just read my mind?”
Sofia looks mildly surprised. “I guess I did.”
Mariano squeals with excitement and sweeps his daughter up into a hug. Dolores puts her arms around them both. They set Sofia down so she can open her door. Her room is filled with electric cool colors - neon blues, pinks, and purples. There are so many bookshelves you can’t possibly imagine how she’ll be able to read them all, and the room is decorated with engraved runes and eyes. It’s beautiful, but strange, and it fits Sofia perfectly. She looks around with the biggest smile you’ve ever seen on her face, and the rest of Encanto follows her in. The music begins, and it’s loud, but instead of shrinking away you begin to dance, twirling around and laughing with your family like you never have before.
At the end of the night Bruno pulls you aside. “I’m proud of you,” he says.
“Proud of me?” you repeat, confused. “Why?”
“Because you let yourself enjoy tonight,” he says, smiling. “You had fun instead of letting your anxiety take over. You deserve that and I’m proud of you.”
You smile back. “Thank you, Bruno. I’m proud of myself too.”
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honeymatrimony · 3 years
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gay panic
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salty-selfships · 3 years
i just rlly need  a hug rn so i drew my self inserts and f/os lmao
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m0chaminx · 3 years
Hello Moo Moo's and Welcome to the m0chaminx page ! You can call me M0, but anything will do!
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daisies-daydreams · 8 months
Bruno Madrigal x F!Reader Request: Sneak Peak
Hi everyone! Thank you all so much for being patient and supportive while I work on requests. I thought I'd share a sneak peak for a Bruno Madrigal x F!Reader request I'm currently working on for @duckiimo. I can't wait to publish it soon! -Daisy
"Do you remember what happened the first time we came here, hermoso?" you lilted while opening your eyes. Your lover's breath hitched as he nearly choked on some fruit. You flipped yourself over and gently rubbed Bruno's chest as he cleared his throat.
"I-uh-I do," he flushed while picking at a blade of grass. You smiled and bit your lip, your breasts peeking out from beneath your lacy, white blouse as you sighed.
"We were both so nervous," you blushed as you slid your hand over his thigh. Bruno's breath hitched as you rested your chin between his ankles, your eyes locked on his crotch as he gulped. "But you did so, so well...made me the happiest girl in the whole Encanto that night," you purred while sliding both of your hands up his legs and beneath his green ruana. Bruno swallowed thickly as he fell back on his forearms, his legs spread out as you pounced on him like a lithe jaguar. His breath quickened as you hovered above him, your barely covered breasts grazing over his chest as you smirked.
"Would you like to relive that moment now?" you whispered as your lips brushed over his.
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zafirosreverie · 1 year
Cuando la veo (Julieta x F!Reader) part 4
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Part 1 <<>> next
She sighed as she reached down for another wooden clasp. It wasn't even her turn to do the laundry, but her mind was so noisy and her head hurt so much that she just couldn't take another day without doing something, so she told Pepa that she would take care of the laundry for her, she had a few towels she needed to clean anyway. Her sister didn't ask and she just went with Bruno to the fields for a picnic. It really hurt her that no one had thought of inviting her, but she told herself that she shouldn't be selfish, her siblings deserved their bonding time.
Agustín was another story.
He no longer spent time with her unless their daughters were present, no longer joked, no longer smiled at her, no longer offered to help her, no longer sang softly for her, he didn’t even said good morning to her, just nodded gratefully as he took the breakfast that was offered to him, he ate in silence and went off to God knew where, appearing only for dinner. She suspected that if it weren't for the situation they were in, he wouldn't even be interested in sleeping with her anymore. She was turning invisible to her husband.
It was terribly painful, that the man who had sworn to spend the rest of his life by her side was slipping into her hands, while she drifted amid a sea of family indifference where little by little her voice faded. She didn't want to, she really didn't, but she was becoming a ghost while she was alive, and she didn't know how to stop it, she didn't know what else she could do.
"That's a very deep sigh, dear, are you okay?"
Julieta tried not to jump too much, even though she felt her soul leaving her body for a moment. She was so lost in her thoughts that she hadn't even noticed the shadow that had approached. She quickly turned around to find Laura, who was trying to hide her amusement behind her hand.
"I'm sorry dear, I didn't mean to scare you" the older woman apologized, although her tone was charged with affectionate mockery "I thought you heard me coming"
"It’s okay, Laura" Julieta smiled kindly "I'm sorry, I'm a little distracted today"
"Is it a bad time? I can come back later"
“No, no, it's okay” she said quickly, leaving the clothes in the basket on the floor “is something wrong? Y/N is ok?”
The brunette froze in her place as soon as the words were out of her mouth. She didn't really know why you had suddenly appeared in her mind, it just felt natural, as if deep down, she really had been thinking about you all the time without realizing it.
"I-I mean, I hope she's settling in, you know, making friends and stuff" she quickly added.
She had intended to fix her little slip, but she only seemed to make it worse, at least for herself, because her treacherous mind now couldn't stop picturing you, so beautiful and innocent, meeting new people, probably your age and forgetting about her. She knew she was being silly, that you probably would have already forgotten about her anyway, but for some reason, the thought hurt her.
"Oh, she's fine, thanks for asking" Laura replied, seemingly oblivious to the other's nerves "although the thing about making friends...let's just say it's still in progress."
“My little girl hasn't really wanted to leave the house much” your aunt admitted “sure, she's met a few people, but nothing beyond warm smiles and polite greetings. Really, I think you're the only one she truly smiled sincerely at."
The confession was terrifying and hopeful in equal parts for the eldest of the Madrigal triplets. On the one hand, it filled her chest with a warm and bright feeling, with an unjustified pride in knowing that she had really left a good impression on you. But it also made her feel bad and guilty, because you shouldn't have that kind of effect on her.
"I don't want her to lock herself up at home, away from everyone" Laura continued, snapping her out of her thoughts "and I thought maybe you could help me."
"Me? What do you need me to do?" the younger answered perhaps a little too quickly, fortunately, the other woman didn't seem to notice, or at least she didn't mention it.
"Well, I was wondering if you could give her cooking lessons?"
"Cooking lessons?"
"Yes, you see, Y/N is really talented in many things, but let's just say that cooking...was never her forte, she can't even get close to hot oil" your aunt smiled fondly "I have no problem cooking for both of us, but I won't be here forever, and she really needs to get out even if it's just to get a little bit of sunlight."
The brunette smiled softly without realizing it, imagining how cute you must look trying to fry something, only to jump when the boiling oil made strange noises. Would you scream like Pepa used to? Or would you go as far as you could like Bruno? Maybe you would use a pan lid as a shield like herself when she was learning to cook at 6. Either way, she was sure you'd look absolutely adorable.
The thought took her by surprise and she mentally sursed for catching herself blushing just thinking of you. She really shouldn't be reacting to you like that, it was inappropriate, it was wrong and she had to stop before embarrassing herself in front of you or Laura.
"Well, I know that the family is busy with the reconstruction, but I can't think of someone better than you to teach her" the older woman continued when she had no response from the other "after all, no one can deny that your food is the best in town, and since she already knows you, I can trust Y/N not to get nervous and try to escape from you" she joked
"I'll take it as a compliment" Julieta laughed, trying to control the treacherous thoughts that invaded her
"You should, you really left a good impression on my girl" Laura smiled knowingly "...although I understand if you're too busy, I wouldn't want to interfere in-"
"No! No, it's fine, I'd love to” the brunette said, definitely stronger than she intended.
"Are you sure dear?" your aunt asked with a raised eyebrow "because I can look for someone else if you-"
Laura jumped a little at the other's outburst and Julieta mentally kicked herself for being so impulsive. She really needed to control herself, take a deep breath, and think things through. She knew that perhaps the best thing to do would be to tell the kind woman to find someone else, that she shouldn't get into the eye of the storm when her mind kept thinking inappropriate things about you, but she couldn't help the wave of unwarranted jealousy that washed over her just thinking that someone else could teach you.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to raise my voice" she sighed.
"Don't worry" the other smiled maternally "but are you sure you feel well, my dear?"
“Yeah, yeah, I'm just…I'm fine” she lied “when does Y/N want to start?”
"When you say"
"What about tomorrow?" she said, praying the other didn't hear the anxiety in her voice "about 10?"
"Oh, perfect, I'll tell Y/N to be here early" your aunt smiled "thank you very much, Julita"
Julieta simply smiled back, letting her kiss her goodbye with a quick kiss on the cheek, and watched in silence until the other woman disappeared from her sight. If her mind was already spinning and her head ached before, it was definitely getting worse. She didn't want to think about how much she was beginning to wish it was tomorrow, or about the way Laura made her feel safe, the way her own mother hadn't made her feel in months.
"I wish Casita had fallen on me" she sighed and turned to continue with her task.
She knew that if Félix found out she was having those thoughts, he probably wouldn't let her rest, her best friend really hated it when she went into those states of sadness and deep self-loathing, but since he wasn't there and Dolores couldn't give her away anymore, she would allow herself a moment of darkness.
"Say it"
Julieta sighed. Of course Félix would find out. She really wasn't sure how he had done it, and she was terrified to think that he knew her well enough to know even her deepest thoughts. On the one hand it comforted her that she could tell him anything, but on the other, it embarrassed her because, if he knew about her dark and self-hating thoughts, who said he wouldn't know about the terribly inappropriate thoughts that assailed her when she thought of you?
"Say it"
"No, you know the rules, say it" he smiled at her mischievously.
"I'm two seconds away from hitting you with this rolling pin" she warned him.
"You can do it later" he shrugged "now say it"
She crossed her arms and stared at him for a few moments before she sighed in defeat. She knew there was no human power to dissuade him when he made that stupidly optimistic face and looked with that hopeful glint in his eyes. The man really was a ray of sunshine at all hours, ready to illuminate everything in his way, and she was grateful for that, even though he was insufferable with her at times.
"I'm so sorry I spoke ill of myself" she said reluctantly.
"And?" he smiled
"And I won't do it again" she rolled her eyes, she felt like a little girl being scolded.
"And...I didn't really mean it?"
"What else do you want? I already said it all!" she frowned
"You lacked 'and I have the best friend in the world, who reminds me of the spectacular woman I am, therefore I owe him tasty gossip'" he joked, raising his eyebrows.
"You're an idiot" she laughed and playfully smacked his arm.
"Ouch, that hurt, Madrigal" he laughed "now you definitely owe me a gossip"
"Don't be a crybaby" she scolded him softly "besides, you know I rarely leave this place, I am the least indicated to tell you some gossip”
"I don't know, that visit from Laura looked pretty serious"
Julieta froze in her place, almost dropping the knife she had on her hand. She knew it was logically impossible for him to know the surge of shocking images and feelings he had just evoked in her, but she wasn't entirely sure he didn't either. He always knew everything. Besides, it's not like she hasn't told him about that wonderful day that she met you.
"She just came to ask me something" she said, trying to appear calm, even though her heart was pounding loudly in her ears.
“…she just wanted to know if I could give Y/N cooking classes” she said
"Oh? And did you accept?
"Yeah" she shrugged "I'm not helping much in the rebuild anyway, and it'll be a good way to make money"
Felix smiled and watched in silence as his sister-in-law continued with her soft rambling. He was sure she didn't realize it, but he knew her better than anyone, and the way her hands trembled a little as she cut vegetables, or the way she shifted her weight from one leg to the other constantly, told him there was more to what she was telling him.
"Are you sure that's the whole reason?" he gently pressed
Julieta stopped all her movements and closed her eyes for a moment. She really hated the way her mind couldn't seem to pick a single emotion, how could she go from being calm and happy in the company of her best friend, and suddenly feel like crying?
"I-...maybe I feel alone" she admitted softly, sighing "I feel like I'm drowning in this house, Félix, with nothing to do, unable to be with my family because I'm just in the way, unable to reconnect with my siblings because I don't want to take away their time together, without being able to tell my daughters what's happening between me and Agustín…I can't do anything…” she gripped the sink tightly, trying to hold back the tears that were already stinging in her eyes.
"Juli-" Felix stroked her back gently, not knowing how to comfort his friend.
“So I thought…if I can help Y/N even a little bit, even with something small like cooking, then I…wouldn't feel so empty and useless”
"You're not useless, you’re-" he quickly assured her.
"I need to distract myself" she interrupted him "maybe I can think better later"
He looked at her with concern, but he felt that she was not in a position to continue talking about this, that this was not the right time to push her further, so he simply sighed and nodded, squeezing her shoulder gently as a silent support.
"You're right, a distraction would be beneficial" he smiled a little.
Julieta smiled weakly back at him and let him pull her into a warm, comforting hug she hadn't known she needed until this moment. She closed her eyes to concentrate on his familiar scent, not caring that she had to make food, there would be time later. She really didn't want to think about the other reason she'd agreed so quickly: she wanted to see you. That simple and at the same time so complicated for her.
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heretohelptheidiots · 3 years
Hii, may I request a camilo x reader where they start out as friends and then as time passes, they realize they are practically dating? Yk those relationships when you do stuff and then realize 'hey? Isn't this what couples do?' then ask one another if they r dating:3
(Do I make sense..?)
You and the shapeshifting Madrigal had been friends of years. You were about the same age, and had found an affinity for one another. Even once he was expected to spend a bunch of time serving Encanto, you still found ways to spend time together. Eventually the whispers started. You had been feeding him a piece of fruit after telling him how good the bit you had was. He had taken it from your hand with his teeth, and agreed that it tasted excellent.
A week later, someone saw him drop to a knee and present you with a bouquet after you’d sprained your wrist, and then spend the rest of the day, even though it was healed, fussing over you. You even got a special nickname. ‘Delicate little flower’ he called you, earning a light swat on the arm. After that incident, you’d snuck up behind him in public, putting your hands over his eyes and telling him to guess who. When he said his wonderful best friend in the world, you said, nope just me, and he billed you onto the bench beside him.
You had meals together publicly. He would kiss your hands. You would walk arm in arm through the square. If there was music you sought out each other first as dance partners.neither of you had recognized this as being anything other than friend stuff until.
“Could you tell your boyfriend, that I need to speak to him.” Someone said to you. You blinked.
“My what?”
“Your boyfriend. Camilo.”
“Oh we’re not dating.” You said quickly. You got a raised eyebrow from that person and they gave you an ‘uh huh’ before walking off. You spent the rest of the day going over and over recent events in your head. You were close for sure, but dating? But friends didn’t usually want to kiss their friends, right? That wasn’t a normal thing.
“Hey, Camilo.” You said, the next day, slipping up behind him.
“Hey what?” He answered, “oh that’s a less than f thrilled face.”
“Are we dating?” You asked. His face malfunctioned, the size was an infants, but the eyes were Tio Bruno’s, and the mouth was Luisa’s.
“Do you want to be?” He asked, once it was fixed.
“I mean… yeah.” You admitted quietly. There was a long pause before he spoke.
“Wait. Really?”
“Yes.” He swept you up into his arms, spinning you around in circles. He whooped exuberantly.
“I have a partner!” He cheered loud enough for his parents to hear from across the square. In the distance Felix and Pepa hugged.
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onlybeeewrites · 3 years
Hii bee how are you!!
I was asking if you could do an bruno x female reader with the prompt "you're leaving already?"
I just finished the last blog you did AND I LOVED IT,you are talented af! (In a good way)
I’d be over the moon if you did!❤️❤️
You got it, love!
A/N: Hey so I wasn't sure if you wanted a fluff or maybe more angsty with this so I'm going with angst. If you'd like a fluff version, I'd be more than happy to write that up too!
f/c = favorite color
Requested by: @brunosswife
Prompt: you're leaving already?
Pairing: Bruno Madrigal x Fem!reader
warning: angst :(
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It was a wonderful day! Your niece, sweet little Mirabel was getting her gift today. Casita and the village were buzzing with excitement for the next gift to present itself. The last gift was Camilo's, and just a few months ago on his fifth birthday, the same excitement buzzed around the town. You had never seen a child so excited about their gift. Well, maybe besides little Isabela. You had never seen a little girl get so excited over flowers before.
You had married into the family around the time Julieta was pregnant with Isabella. You had known the family for a bit longer before that. Your husband, Bruno, had needed a push from his sisters to pop the question. When he finally did, it was a whirlwind of happiness. Even his Mama, Alma, was surprised that her son had found someone. Especially someone like you.
Someone so beautiful, so graceful, outgoing, kind, patient. You came from a good family in town. And you had many features Bruno may have been lacking. But she came around, as she always did. And soon Alma grew a large soft spot for you. Besides, having you marry into the family meant more children to grow in the family. Meaning more gifts, and the miracle she was blessed with would continue on.
Though you had told her, along with your sisters-in-laws, that you and Bruno would have your child when the time was right. You knew the thought had always made Bruno nervous. That he would mess up and be a terrible father. Especially with how many people were turning their nose up at him for his gift.
You, yourself, had been scolded a few times for marrying such a man. Many of your friends had told you how much bad luck he would bring. He was a bad omen. But you knew better. Bruno was a gift and you cherished him. Bruno would hear your reassurances at night when you would lie in bed. Why would someone like you agree and go through with marrying him? It blew his mind.
But the thought of his child growing up with such slander? What if they got a gift similar to his own? Would everyone in town shun them like they did to him? Would his child's Abuela be disappointed, as she was disappointed in her own son? He couldn't live with that, so you both agreed to wait until you both were ready.
Another thing he loved about you. You never pushed the topic. You understood when not to push or question. Reassured him that you would wait, and you were happy as long as he was at your side.
And he watched as you played with your niece before her ceremony. "look at you! Muy bontia," you said as you tickled Mirabel's little tummy. You adored children and were grateful that you had so many nieces and nephews to keep you busy. As much as you wanted your own, you knew something in your husband's mind held back. One day he would talk about it, but for now, you were at peace with the little rascals running around currently.
"Tia Y/N, what do you think my gift with me?" she asked as she looked up at you with her big brown eyes, her little glasses framing her chubby cheeks. Mirabel had always been special in your heart, almost favoriting her over the others; not that you would admit.
"Hmm.." you hummed as you smoothed the skirt part of your f/c dress, pushing the dirt off of it. "I'm not sure, amor. But whatever it is, whatever you are blessed with you will always be my favorite Madrigal," you said, saying the last part in a whisper as she giggled.
"Even more than Tio Bruno?" she asked with a wide grin. And you nod, "Even more than Tio Bruno. Don't tell him though," you add in a serious tone. The little girl nodded and zipped her mouth shut. Just then Alma called Mirabel over to have a moment with her. "Go on," you shooed her away before standing up from your knees.
"Ready, Mi Vida?" Bruno asked as he finally walked over to you. He had been watching you and his youngest niece. His heart clenched at the sight of you with children and wondered what it would be like to have your own.
You turn and smile, leaning up to give him a soft kiss on the lips.
"Always. Your mother is just telling Mirabel the story again," you say as you take your places by the bottom of the stairs that led to Mirabel's door. The town's people filled the home as they eagerly awaited the new gift. Amongst you are Felix, Pepa, Isabela, Luisa, Camilo and Dalores. Julieta and Agustin are at the top of the steps next to the door.
Soon Abuela walked over with the candle, and little Mirabel stood at the entrance. You all looked and watched her proudly, happily. As she passed you and Bruno, you gave her a small thumbs up which she giggled in response before walking up the stairs.
Then that's where it started to go downhill.
Mirabel touched the candle after Abuela's speech, nervously wiping her hands on her dress before touching the doorknob. It was like everyone was holding their breath at the same time. And the shock that hit everyone as the door disappeared was heavy. "Mirabel.." you mumbled in concern as the little girl looked to her Abuela, lost and confused.
The party still occurred aftward, though everyone was confused and worried. Julieta and your worry were about Mirabel. Alma's worry was what if the miracle ended with Mirabel? So that was when Alma approached her son.
"We need to know what happens to the miracle. Please, it cannot end like this," Alma pleaded to her son. She needed that reassurance but she couldn't have anyone know about this fear. And Bruno just could not say so.
So he eventually found you in the crowd, saying that he had to leave. You looked at him confused, stepping away from the kids. "What? Amor, you're leaving already? I know the gift ceremony didn't go as expected but you should still be here," you say. He should be here with his family. But where would his family be if the miracle disappeared?
"I promise, I'll be back later on. This is important," he said, and you nodded. Of course, you did. You trusted him with your whole being. You trusted him to come back, even just for Julieta.
"Alright. I'll see you later on then. I love you,"
"I love you too,"
Those were then the last words that you would hear from him for a while. Bruno went to his tower and saw the vision.
That one vision that would change everything. Of Mirabel, the house, the Encanto, the miracle. He had to protect her. But it meant leaving you behind. It broke his heart to do it, but it was to protect her. To protect you all. So later that night, you were found panicked as you couldn't find your husband anywhere.
The search went on for days into weeks before people gave up. Him leaving broke you. You cried every night to fall asleep. His scent on his things was beginning to fade.
And one night, after a month or so after Bruno's disappearance as you looked over the Encanto, to the stars, you places a hand on your lower abdomen. "We'll find him, Mija. I'm sure of it.." you whispered softly to your baby.
Of course, a baby wasn't planned. But perhaps the baby was a gift. A little piece of Bruno for you to have. Bruno left out of nowhere and it truly broke you. But you would be strong for your baby…you had to be. For your little miracle, even if Bruno wasn't there.
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untitled-writer-013 · 3 years
This request will be angst but with fluffy ending. May I request a bruno x reader fic where the reader and bruno are married, but before bruno went into hiding the reader wanted to have kids only to find out she is infertile. So towards the end where the reunite again her kids are the rats that bruno has and even named them himself. Plus I would love the reader interact with the grandkids moments, but at the same time they don't know she is infertile only mirabel when she was asking about bruno
Bruno Madrigal x F!Reader
warning(s): mentions of infertile reader, encanto spoilers!, angst w/ possible fluff, mentions of rats
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(Y/n) and Bruno had been together for a few years, and were now happily married. Mirabel’s gift ceremony would be in a few months, and (Y/n) finally felt ready to admit to Bruno about wanting kids. She was slightly nervous, but she knew that Bruno wouldn’t ever hurt her. (Y/n) pulled Bruno aside when he wasn’t too busy, admitting that she wanted to have a child or two with Bruno. At first, Bruno was flustered by the question, asking if she really was ready before he agreed, telling her that he would love to raise a child with her. They both were happy, and later that night Bruno had taken them somewhere that Delores wouldn’t hear them, and had tried for a baby. It wasn’t until the fourth try they finally realized that (Y/n) was infertile, making her sad as she realized she couldn’t have kids. Bruno comforted her, telling her that he would figure something out.
The night after Mirabel received her gift, Bruno was asked by his mother, Alma, to look into the future. She was worried about the magic, and persuaded Bruno to see if he could find anything wrong with their miracle. He had the vision of Mirabel in front of the home, the home seemed to have cracks because of Mirabel, but the vision kept changing. He went into hiding, not wishing for the family to view Mirabel as a bad person like they viewed him. (Y/n) was distraught, always looking for Bruno and couldn’t sleep for days. He felt horrible, and as a way to ease her worries, left her his green poncho.
(Y/n) didn’t know where Bruno was, but the poncho served as proof that he was never too far away. She decided to spend her time with the grandkids, always cheering them up and taking care of them whenever she could, knowing it would help her at least act motherly. (Y/n) made Luisa take at least a thirty minute break whenever she managed to convince Luisa it would make her stronger. She would play with Antonio and always gave Mirabel something to do, no matter if she could do it herself or not. She even had Isabela help with growing ingredients for meals since she could do more than grow flowers.
And anytime she could, she would have Camilo help her with cooking, since she knew that cooking was pretty therapeutic for Camilo. (Y/n) missed having Bruno by her side, and she began doubting she would ever see him again.
It had been a very long time since the last she saw Bruno, and she always worried about how he was, and if he was taking care of himself. It wasn’t until the house had been destroyed and Mirabel returned that she finally saw Bruno again. She ran straight into his arms, holding him tightly and was relieved to feel Bruno return the embrace.
“Bruno, where were you? You’ve been gone for such a long time..” (Y/n) stated, close to crying as she cupped Bruno’s face, watching him lean into the touch.
“I was always right here, mi amor, I’m sorry that I left you for so many years. But, I brought back a few friends, who I think you would love to meet.” Bruno stated, whistling and (Y/n) watched as a group of rats went towards Bruno, letting out soft squeaks as a few sat on his shoulders, while the others sat at his feet.
“I don’t know how you feel about rats..but I thought maybe since you can’t have children, you might like to raise these g-” Bruno was cut off by (Y/n) pulling him into a hug, but she was careful to not hurt the rats on Bruno, thanking him for being so thoughtful. Bruno smiled, introducing her to each rat, and (Y/n) made sure to remember every name.
(Y/n) didn’t feel so lonely anymore after that, always spending her time with Bruno, the rats, or the rest of the Madrigal family. She let out a sigh, putting the last rat to bed, having fed them all a bowl of healthy food before having them sleep. She joined Bruno in their shared bed, cuddling with him as he held her close, the two of them falling asleep after a lovely day.
author’s note: i loved this! it was a bit angsty at first, but i’m glad it ended on such a sweet note. all of the rats are the same gender (since having both would be chaos-), but you can decide what gender they are! (including nonbiney rats :3) as always, requests are open, and i will write them as soon as possible! <3
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honeymatrimony · 3 years
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clingy gf :/
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kimmyluvg · 3 years
Rapunzel ~ Pt. 2
Summary: Y/N, an abandoned baby, was taken in by none other than the youngest Madrigal Triplet, Bruno… What would happen if the family found out her glowing hair?
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Finale (6)
This will be take place during the events of the movie.
Pairings! Bruno x Daughter!F!Reader, Camilo x F!Reader
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The first one who noticed Y/N’s disappearance was Camilo. He would find you to help comfort Mirabel, after her ceremony but he couldn’t find her anywhere.
He came to his mamá’s side to asked where you were or have she seen Y/N anywhere. Pepa’s breath hitched as she turned to her husband before carrying Camilo to her brother’s door. Just to find out that the light of it disappeared… “Mamá!” Felix said, calling out to his mother-in-law while he calms Pepa down. A cloud forms quickly on her head… That was the moment when Camilo found out that he lost his best friend and cousin…
10 years have passed and Camilo couldn’t get this image of a little girl out of his head. He tried to focus on his chores but the shadow of that little girl with glowing hair was engraved into his mind. He wondered who was that little girl… What was she doing inside of his mind?
He hoped that sleeping it off would do the trick. He went to his bed that night and accidentally kicked his drawer with his foot. He groaned in pain, “Hermano? Are you alright?” Dolores, who is now 21 years old, asked her little brother due to her hearing his groan in pain, “I-I’m fine Dolores! Just stumbed my toe a b-bit!” Camilo said as footsteps of Dolores faded away from his door. He sat down on the bed as he rubbed the feet when he noticed a necklace on the ground. His eyebrows curled as he reaches for it and placed it on his palms. It was a golden sun necklace. He figured that his mamá would be the owner of this necklace but he decided to neglect that idea because she never wore necklaces as it scratches her neck and chest. He wondered if this was his, so he’ll ask his sister about this.
The next morning, Mirabel is usually waking up everyone while they do their chores. By the time the chores are done, the rest of the family gets ready for the youngest’s gift ceremony.
Usually, Camilo would help out with his shifting and all but he had his energy drained so he would just help with the smaller details… Like, “Camilo, we need another José.” His Abuela said as Camilo turned into José in just amount of seconds.
Now that his chore is done, he now got the chance to ask his sister about what he had discovered. He went to Dolores and ask her about what he find and pull it out of his pocket. Dolores silently gasped as she examined the necklace, “This… This was Y/N’s… She gave it to you when you were getting a gift.” Dolores said as she traced her fingers on the golden metal of the sun, “Y/N? I don’t remember someone named that…” Camilo said rubbing his head, “She was a friend of yours… You both were inseparable when you two were just kids.” Dolores said and Camilo smiled, “Then when can I see her again?” Camilo asked as Dolores’ smile turned upside down, “You can’t… ‘Milo, she left with our Tio 10 years ago.” Dolores said saying sorry to her brother for not telling the truth.
Meanwhile, behind that wall, a 15 year old girl was listening through that conversation. She gave out a small smile before going back to her place. She was living in the walls for 10 years with her adoptive father, “Y/N? Where have you been?” Bruno asked his daughter as she sighs, “I heard Dolores was calling… She gave us some of Camilo’s stash of arepas!” Y/N said with a low voice, trying not to alert the family outside. Bruno looked down and smile as he saw the bundle of arepas on her hands, “Alright, let’s get this on the shelf there.” Bruno said as Y/N helped her father put the arepas when Bruno accidentally cut himself, “Papá…” Y/N said as Bruno grunt in pain.
Y/N quickly wrapped her long hair around the cut and began to sing her healing song. In a matter of seconds, it was back to normal, no cuts or anything. “Thank you, hija.” Bruno said patting Y/N’s head. The girl giggled as she sat down and began to play with the rats. Bruno began to think about telling Y/N that she is adopted but he wouldn’t want his relationship with his daughter to fade… So he let it be…
That night, Y/N and Bruno sneaked out of the painting and to the balcony of the second floor, without being seen by any of the family members. Bruno and her took a peak on Antonio and found that he is scared to walk towards his door.
Y/N eyes stare at the little boy before he reaches his hand towards Mirabel, who is now much more older now. Mirabel joins him as they go up the stairs, “It’s just like 10 years ago…” She said recalling the moment Mirabel touches the candle and the handle but the door disappeared. But this time, the door glow bright.
Animals was then came beside Antonio as the door glow with his face and animals by his side, “We have a new gift!” Abuela says as the crowd cheered, Bruno and Y/N sighed in relief before proceeding down to the kitchen, “Free food.” Y/N said as she get to Camilo’s secret stash of arepas that Dolores showed her.
But soon it was to be interrupted because of hearing cracks. Y/N’s eyes widen, then dragged Bruno to the butterfly windows then saw a terrified Mirabel and cracks all over the walls. Mirabel went inside of Antonio’s room, to warn everyone, “Y/N, heal Casita.” Bruno said as the girl hurriedly placed a handful of hair then pressed it on the cracks then began to sing a siren song.
Inside of Antonio’s room, Camilo heard an angelic siren song. Dolores hears it too and immediately covers the door so that Camilo wouldn’t go out. “Dolores, let me out.” Camilo bluntly said to his older sister, which made her say no. Camilo then shapeshifted into a kid and quickly went passed her.
He went out and saw no more cracks but a girl around his age with incredibly long hair. Y/N then placed her hair in a bun before looking around if anyone sees. She turned to the second floor and there was Camilo, staring at her. Her breath hitched as her eyes stare at his muddy green ones before leaving towards the dark and to the other stairs, “Hey, wait!” Camilo shouted as he immediately ran off towards her. Y/N ran towards the back stairs and went inside of the painting. As soon as Camilo went up the stairs… Y/N was gone. His chest puffed the released at the reality on his face. ‘Who was that girl?!’ Camilo thought as he heard the family coming out of Antonio’s room. Y/N, on the other hand, was almost out of breath… She couldn’t believed that someone saw her… Did he saw her use her gift?! Maybe not… But one thibg in her mind was Camilo’s eyes… They were, leading her into an abyss that she would love to draw in.. Wait, love?
Taglists: @dai-tsukki-desu, @hiroyuki27, @deeznutsriki, @xxhome-is-where-ria-isxx
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