#bsd season five episode 11
thepiratearcinhamlet · 9 months
As someone who didn't want Bones to animate unreleased content, I recant, I repent, I apologize to everyone who heard me complain.
Dazai's funky little giggles. This man is so SKRUNKLY even while he has a broken ass and a broken leg and who knows how many other injuries. I love him <33 (I bet his funky little cast thing was made by Chuuya. Now I need Dazai with a cane.)
CHUUYA WAS NEVER A VAMPIRE? This just went from tragic to HYSTERICAL. You're telling me this little guy who isn't as good at lying as other characters managed to lie to FYODOR OF ALL PEOPLE and put on the best acting job of the CENTURY, all the while wearing cosplayer contacts and fake vampire teeth, superglued by Mori??
Nikolai's conflicted and gay little monologue whilenhllding Fyodor's severed hand. Need I say more.
BRAM! HAS! A BODY! AND HE IS AYA'S KNIGHT?! LET'S FRICKING GOOOOOOOOO (Now I need him to forcibly adopt her and take her away from her pathetic excuse of a father <33)
TERUKO GOT TO KILL FUKUCHI!!! My friend freaking called this a long time ago and it was So. Incredibly. Satisfying. Just yes.
Fukuzawa's tortured screams. Fukuzawa not being subjected to the "old man mentor must die" troupe. Fukuzawa slowly dying inside as he listens to Fukuchi's fricked up plan. Fukuzawa unable to kill him. Fukuzawa needs SEVERAL HUGS-
KUNIKIDAAAAAAAAAAA !!!!! (that is all <33)
Also who knows what the frick is happening in the last 50 seconds of the anime, but Akutagawa in his Detective coat from the BSD Mayoi game, a neck scarf, and a knight?? helmet?? is honestly such a slay, I ain't even mad.
Bravo. I'm content. Now I can finally enjoy this arc in peace, knowing they ALL LIVED HAPPILY EVER AFTER (except for the OP villains. Goodbye, and good riddance. RIP to the Fyolai fans.)
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oliverorchard · 9 months
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Chuuya looked so cute in the new episode <333 I love him I want to hold him in my hands
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bibiblocksberg1234 · 9 months
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This has SO many implications..Does Mori happen to have a stash of fake vampire teeth lying around? Did he stock up when the vampires popped up?? Is this what he has been doing the past episodes?? Walking into cosplay shops and buying vampire teeth?? Also, imagining Mori supergluing vampire teeth on Chuuya is way too funny
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kanejpercabethstan · 9 months
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ahugenerdynerd · 9 months
BSD S5 E11 theory with spoilers (obviously)
Kind of a 2 in 1.
So l've been thinking about the last episode a lot over the past couple of days. Mostly about how unsatisfying it felt. It's been about 6 years since everything with the DOA started in the manga. That's 6 years of wondering what's going to happen. How are the ADA going to get out of this one. Are my favourite characters going to be ok.
Only for it to end up being that they where never in any danger to begin with.
It was all staged. Tanizaki and Kunikida would have been fine no matter what, all you had to do was unplug the machine. Chuuya was never a vampire to begin with. Dazai escaped the prison and got the antidote. Fyodor is finally killed. Everyone's fine. It was all just a convoluted set up.
But then that got me thinking. It all ended a little too perfectly.
Enter the book/page.
What if someone wrote in the book to help the agency so that everything would end happily ever after. The machines where dangerous. Until someone wrote in the book that they weren't. Chuuya was actually a vampire. Until someone wrote in the book that he wasn't.
And so on.
So then who would have access to the book/page. Well we don't know where the book is, that's what everyone is looking for. People most likely to actually know where it is would be Taneda and of course Natsume. Of those two Natsume is the most likely. We haven't seen him since the Canabalism arc and we know that he's always working behind the scenes to help out. So what was he doing while the agency was being framed?
But let's leave that as a possibility for now and move onto my second theory.
The page. Last we saw Fukuchi had it. So that leave's Fukuzawa, Ranpo and Teruko with easy access.
But here's what l'm thinking.
The otherside of the page was supposed to be written on that night. But if Fukuchi was already planning on dying then how would he do that?
The answer is he wouldn't. But you know who could? Teruko.
We already know she talked with Fukuchi before everything went down and that she was on his side. So what if Fukuchi gave the page to Teruko and told her what to write. Or maybe just gave it to her for safe keeping.
Either way Teruko would have the page. And what would you do if you where just forced to kill someone you love and you have the ability to manipulate reality. You'd try bring them back.
Enter weird Fukuchi from the end of the episode.
We already know that the book/page can bring people from inside the book outside the book because of Sigma. So what if in Terukos grief she wrote on the page for Fukuchi to be a live.
But because our Fukuchi was already dead it wouldn't make narrative sense for him to suddenly come back to life. So what if instead the book brought a different Fukuchi from inside the book into the main world.
Or if we're going of how the book works in Beast then main world swapped with a world where Fukuchi was alive. Which would also explain Akutagawas weird outfit.
Anyway that's my weird theory about the last episode. Guess we'll find out in like 2 years if l'm right or not.
TLDR: The ending of the last episode was weird and I think that either Natsume wrote in the book to help the agency or Teruko wrote on the other side of the page to bring Fukuchi back and that's why everything went to shit.
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empathicapathy · 9 months
The fact that I’m expected to go on about my day and go to class and live my life after all that is absolutely insane. I’m in mourning but I have to do my astronomy homework.
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severaltuesdays · 9 months
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halokarii · 9 months
/// BSD Spoilers up to Ch. 110
So I realized something interesting about the teaser for the next episode of the anime: Dazai getting shot by Chuuya is very explicitly shown in the preview.
At first I thought "Oh yeah they just wanted fans to know that we'd be getting to chapter 109 in this episode already". But then I realized that it's actually super weird that they would "spoil" the big twist (Dazai's potential death) in the teaser already. That feels a little bit like if had chosen to show a clip of Chuuya drowning in episode eight (which they obviously didn't - it was supposed to be The Big Thing of that episode, it was meant to shock anime-only fans and leave them with a cliff hanger that would have them come back the following week). So why did they make the decision to show (what one would assume) The Big Thing of episode 10?
And it's not even a subtle hint that only manga readers would pick up on. We flat-out see Chuuya shoot Dazai in the head in 4K colorized version.
People have theorized that episode 11 would actually wrap up this arc by showing unreleased manga chapters, which is a theory I'm inclined to support (what's the alternative? Storm Bringer crammed into 20minutes? Chapter 110 but it's just Aya falling for 15 minutes? A beach episode?).
However, one twenty-minute episode feels way to short for wrapping up an arc as big as this. We literally have four different POVs to follow simultaneously - five if you count SKK and Fyodor/Sigma in Mersault as seperate POVs. Half of the cast is currently bleeding out somewhere. So we'd have to assume that the last episode is gonna be significantly longer (probably fourty minutes, if you want a more or less clean wrap up off all the loose ends). Which in turn leaves us with the question - why not just do an episode 12 and thus bring this season to a standard BSD length?
But let's assume this issue gets fixed somehow.
Narratively I think it would make sense to leave episode 10 with the absolute lowest point of our protagonists. Which I guess you could say it does but that leaves 110 and Aya's little Beastzai moment out. It would be odd to start the episode with Aya jumping because her POV needs to be the first one resolved (since Bram controls the vampirism). It also wouldn't fit with the assumed episode's theme of regaining the upper hand in the battle/ with things looking better for our protagonists.
In conclusion, episode 10 will likely feature Aya's jump as The Big Thing for anime-onlys to be shocked about and in episode 11 we'll get unreleased content and the big finale of this arc.
Is this a theory I personally like? Not really because it leaves the possibility of an incredibly rushed ending to this overall fairly good arc. It would also take away at least a couple of months' excitement for new manga chapters away since these would already be featured in the anime.
But I think it is the best option we are left with. Unless Bones pulls a Haha Jk on us and there is no 11th episode.
I don't usually post rambles like these and my thoughts are probably all over the place so forgive me if this is too confusing T_T
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I have a couple of theories as to what might happen in episode 11 of bsd
The world is going to end. In the anime at least. It sounds crazy but what if that was asagiri planned this? We know he works with bones studio so maybe he wanted two create two different universes, kind of like the beast au, with the anime and the manga. If that's the case I think that in the anime the world ends, but in the manga something else happens and the Ada or whoever would save the day. Doing this would put emphasis on the book and how it can create different universes, or just the weird multiverse thing in general that we see in the beast au. This would also explain why bones was so quick to churn out season five, so that it could actually catch up with the manga so that they could pull this twist. It would be sad if that did actually happen though because I genuinely love this show and never want the anime or manga to end. I might just be crazy but I think this would be interesting if this did happen though.
I've seen theories that Verlaine is gonna show up or something, which doesn't sound too far fetched. I haven't actually read stormbringer, so I don't actually know how long stormbringer is, but brining in Verlaine would be a good segue into the next season or movie. I imagine that bones would take time to animate stormnbringer while giving time for more chapters of the manga to come out in this case.
Whatever is going to happen in the next chapter happens and we just wait a couple of years for a new season of the main story.
We get a flashback or something. Like a more fleshed out version of sigmas backstory or something similar.
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cloudcountry · 7 months
i just finished bsd season 5 (procrastinated on the last episode for WEEKS)
what the FUCK was that /pos
omg i just like bro what like omg im sad now?? i feel sad and distraught and so many other emotions
yippee for bram and aya!! fukuchi what the hell i didnt know id actually sympathize with him?????? fukuzawa made me feel SO depressed thats my DAD right there i dont wanna see him sad!!11!!!!!1! and FYODOR LMAO
i hope nikolai sticks around at the least cuz i love him (still feel sad about sigma though)
but ur right season five was wild as fuck i didnt expect to sympathize with fukuchi either??? i remember when everyone on pinterest hated him...theyre really quiet now JHSAGJFDSDHFG
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finally started watching BSD season five! Wanted to catch up to the final episode, (episode 11) because I've avoided spoilers thus far :>
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interstellix · 4 years
hi hello this is your local anime guru speaking :’) idk for some reason ppl often come to me for recs pffth sO uh this is mainly to my bby chick @astronomlns​ but tbh i feel like everyone should watch these so i’m just gonna post it like this lmao 👉👈 also the bolded titles are links that lead to their?? summary pages ig??
anyway i also lose control when people ask me for anime recs and i even reached a limit for the gifs so some don’t have one fjdkjfdk. idk if i should feel sorry or not, i’m probably not but ye anyway @ chick have fun picking one lol
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haikyuu: tbh i recommend this one to everyone and everything with a living heartbeat any day of the week fjdkfd. it’s about volleyball but listen i’m a loser for this shit and hands down my favorite anime
currently has four season, though a fifth one will be out in october unless corona causes another delay djkfdld
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tower of god: honestly what are yall doing if you haven’t watched this one yet :// acc based on a webtoon and full of losers but tbh i have nothing more to say about this one, just watch it pls there’ll be no regrets (also stray kids made the opening :’))
finished barely a month ago but there’ll definitely be a second season
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the god of high school: also a webtoon, the budget put on the animation is high af k, the story is gr8, the opening is The Shit, the ending is made by cix and all in all you should watch this
on-going, currently has five episodes out
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konosuba: idc what you say, if you want to laugh watch it
currently has two seasons + a sequel movie
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asobi asobase: pls don’t let the cover and opening mislead you bc it’s anything aside from what they show. pure comedy and batshit insane sooo :’) watch it :’)
has one season, doubt it’ll get another one but if it does consider it a blessing straight from god
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boku dake ga inai machi: ik i literally just said this but. watch it. watch it and suffer. it hurts sm man.
has a single season and won’t get another one
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enen no shouboutai: a supernatural/action about fire fighters, was lowkey sceptical about watching it but yEah no highkey worth it 11/10
one finished season and an on-going second one
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violet evergarden: literally one of the most beautiful animes ever. that’s all
one season + a sequel movie
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one punch man: what are you doing go watch it
currently has two seasons, will probably get a third one otherwise i’m throwing hands
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natsume yuujinchou: hella soft and cute but also had me crying (a friend asked me to keep track of how often i cried throughout the series and ended up with a total of 62 times lmao)
currently has six seasons and a sequel movie, might get a 7th season
noragami: hella fucking cute but also has a gr8 story
two seasons, miight get a third one??
owari no seraph: never thought i’d be into vampire anime but lo and behold i got obsessed
also two seasons but those hoes seem to refuse giving us a third season fjfjkds
bungou stray dogs/91 days/baccano/gangsta: just gonna put these four in the same category since they’re more or less in the same area. tbh idk where why or when i got obsessed with mafia anime but all of these are great (though bsd tops the list fjdkjfk). unlike 91 days and gangsta, the other two also have supernatural in them
bsd currenlty has three seasons + a sequel movie but there’ll might be a season four in the future
91 days, gangsta and baccano all have a single season and probs won’t get any more
yuru yuri: honestly this is just a bunch of gay girls that hade me ctfu for three seasons straight
well, ye, three seasons
net-juu no susume/wotakoi: both are pre much the same, comedy/romance about two gamers, the first not knowing they’re both playing the same online game, the other being childhood friends
both have only one season, probs won’t get any more
durarara: this one’s a mess, i’m not even gonna bother explaning anything except that it’s Great
four seasons, don’t think it’ll get another one
jibaku shounen hanako-kun: a pretty new one from this winter i think?? it’s abt supernatural and spirits and such, dang cute but still has a story with one hell of an animation
hit pretty big so it might get another season some time soon
akagami no shirayuki-hime: listen this is soft and cute and just fjkdkd af pls just watch it
currently has two seasons, not sure if there’ll be a second one
gekkan shoujo nozaki-kun: this one’s just cute and hilarious through and through, highkey recommended for a nice change of pace
has a single season, not sure if it’ll get another one though
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bibiblocksberg1234 · 9 months
I was wondering who managed to turn Chuuya into a vampire…guess we got the answer
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bibiblocksberg1234 · 9 months
What is going to happen in episode 11 (just theories, in order of probability)
Option 1: Unreleased manga content
We know Asagiri is involved with the anime, so I don’t think he would let them do quite whatever they like. Bones also had the chapters way in advance, so it’s not too far-fetched to believe they could have other unreleased content (chapter 110 came out a week ago and there is no way they could have finished animating a part of it in time). We also know Asagiri has finished writing the entire arc, so the content exists.
Option 2: Different anime ending
Still possible, if you believe the manga would not go ahead of the anime
Option 3: Some light novel episode
There has been no light novel adaptation this season so far, which would make it the only season to have no reference to light novel content. Even season one has a weird adaptation of Dazai’s Entrance Exam. However, they only have one episode left. Unless they make it 2 hours long, there is no way they can adapt Beast or Stormbringer. This only leaves The Day I Picked Up Dazai, which is short. However, this would count as a Dazai flashback episode, which umm would kind of raise huge red flags regarding Dazai’s odds of survival based on anime tradition, so I hope it’s not this
Option 4: Some general flashback episode
Not likely, but if they didn’t know how to fill the season, why not
I know this has no chance of happening, but imagining a beach episode is my way of coping right now so let me be delusional
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ahugenerdynerd · 9 months
Ok but like
where’s Yosano
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bibiblocksberg1234 · 9 months
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I feel really sorry for Nikolai. This whole shot is just beautiful, but so tragic at the same time.
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