#bsd young bloods
angolicious · 2 years
What are some of your headcanons for Doc?
I’m so glad you asked~
• he has a series of medications that he is SUPPOSED to be taking but he forgets a lot because he’s a very busy man.
• people are always trying to pull him every which way because he’s the head medical supervisor in the mafia, so he has a lot on his plate. I imagine sometimes, taking care of himself is not first priority. Please god remind him to take his medicine. Force him if you have to.
• he won’t physically fight you. He knows he has to take the medicine. He’s just forgetful. It’s not that he doesn’t want to. But thank god he wouldn’t fight you because he’s stronger than he looks.
• now, he’s not nearly as strong as anyone in the rest of the flags. And he’s not even strong enough to pick you up… but he IS stronger than he looks. You once startled him and he grabbed your wrist with such a firm grip it left a little bruise. Was it hot? Absolutely. Did he apologize profusely afterwards. Absolutely as well.
• he’s cuddly. But not in a normal way. He isn’t one to wrap his arms around you often. In fact he’s not really even a big hugger. But he LOVES being in some form of contact with you. This comes in many forms, such as bumping his forehead against your shoulder and just kind of leaving it there for a minute. He also likes to come up behind you and rest his chin on your shoulder. If you’re sitting down, he’ll lean his body up against you, or perhaps lay himself down into your lap depending on his his day is going. He never says anything about it, he just does it. He likes it when you pet his hair too, but he never ASKS. He just grabs your hand and places it on his head and allows you to piece together the rest.
• he knows a lot about what foods are nutritious and good for you, and the certain vitamins and proteins in foods. Despite this… he does not really know how to cook. He’s no where near as bad as some others on the team… *cough* pianoman and albatross…. But he isn’t great. He can make himself sandwiches. But he doesn’t do that… feed him i beg of you.
• he really likes super gory horror movies and psychological horrors. Sometimes you can barely handle some of the fucked up shit he watches, but he barely blinks and eye. Just cuddle up to him on the couch and he may ACTUALLY put his arm around you if he senses that the movie is spooking you.
• he says the strangest…. Most out of pocket shit all the time. Like… he’ll just mutter shit to himself that makes you have to do a double take. Once was sitting on the couch and murmured.
“Well… obviously ketchup doesn’t come in cans… you couldn’t microwave It then…”
And you had to whip around and go, “motherfucker WHAT.” And then he just looked up at you like he hadn’t said anything at all.
• should you ever get sick or injured he’s there in an INSTANT. And he’s so sure of himself. When doc is taking care of your medical needs, you can tell he’s most in his element. His voice becomes more firm, but still gentle. He remains focused, and talks you through everything he does and why he needs to do it. His touch is feather light across your skin, and he treats your body like priceless porcelain. This makes you feel special because you’ve seen first hand that he isn’t as careful with his other patients. But with you, he acts as though any pain you’re in he can feel too. It’s precious, really.
“It looks like a moderate syndesmotic injury… just a sprained ankle. I’ll need to get you some ice to put on it, and I’ll prescribe you with some anti-inflammatory medication that should assist… let’s go ahead and get you on some mild painkillers too while we’re at it- nothing too serious.”
“I can go get myself some ice, dear. It’s okay-“
His grip is on your wrist suddenly, firm. His other hand is on your thigh, and he holds you in place on his medical table.
“I don’t recall telling you you could get up yet. I’ll get you ice. Sit. You need to be resting. I don’t want to see you getting up unless you have to for the rest of the day.”
“But doc-“
“Doctors orders.”
• he’s actually super self conscious, and sometimes doesn’t quite understand why you’re with him. He knows he’s smart, but he doesn’t really perceive himself as physically attractive or necessarily fit. He isn’t inherently open about these insecurities… but you can tell in the way he clams up and gets noticeably stiff and anxious with a more physically intimidating man starts to speak to you. For a while he would even clam up slightly of the rest of the flags talked to you. But you caught on and just attempted to be a little more intentional about letting him know how handsome you thought he was, and how much you love him. He seems a lot more comfortable now, and doesn’t seem so threatened by others anymore.
• he gets SO disgruntled if he can’t sleep with you when he’s ready to curl up and go to bed. If there’s any reason you can’t spend the night with him he’s going to be so grumpy the next day. His patients better watch out because he will be in a MOOD.
•he likes to sleep laying on his side, typically facing the edge of the bed with his back facing in towards the center. It makes it easier for him to keep his IV connected should he have to. He sometimes has trouble sleeping if he can’t feel you pressed against his back. He likes to have your body wrapped around him, but if he can’t have that, even having you slightly touching him is enough to help him sleep.
•over all 10/10 relationship but please take care of him. Not only does he need it but he deserves it. He’ll pay you back ten fold for whatever you offer him. He’s a weird boyfriend, but a really really good one.
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syobaitrashimoto · 1 month
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still praying, hopeless and in vain.
I was going to draw him doing the saturn eating his son pose like in the video but I decided to predict the future instead. Reblogs appreciated but no pressure pookies
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dandeli0nhands12 · 1 year
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currently reading stormbringer
I kin albatross so much it’s honestly funny
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kentopedia · 1 year
♰ his parliament's on fire — dazai osamu
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.𖥔 ݁ ˖🕸️🕷.𖥔 ݁ ˖ KINKTOBER NO. 1 - nightclub owner!dazai
every man in yokohama has a long list of crimes they’d commit to be with you, but none quite as long as dazai’s.
contents. fem!reader, nsfw minors dni, port mafia boss!dazai, port mafia member!reader, bsd typical blood / violence, unprotected sex, established relationship, takes place before doa, dazai & reader are a lil unhinged bc they're in love, praise, soft dazai, riding dazai, sub reader, v slight breeding kink oops — 10.1k
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The music shook your chest as you watched people head to the front of the club for a dance, a combination of those that were regulars, and those who were just desperate to blow their money on an evening in one of the finest night clubs in the country.
It had grown hot in the club, even for an autumn evening in Yokohoma. There were more people filling the tables than usual, standing only to swing their partners around on the dancefloor. A woman sung sultrily to the crowd, a song that you hadn’t heard in ages. Even for a Saturday, it was crowded, the capacity met, and then surpassed, packed to the brim as a group of foreign billionaires weaseled their way in by paying twice the entry fee.
You swirled your glass, sitting alone at the bar with your legs crossed, the tight, red dress rising up on your thighs. Beside you, a man was puffing a cigar, blowing the smoke back in your face so frequently that it took all your effort not to cough. Still, he paid you little attention, too enraptured by a skinny young woman that giggled every time he touched her arm.
A few more individuals made their way to the dancefloor, tracking unaccompanied dancers like prey, hopeful that they could score a partner for the evening. It was amusing, really, how often you’d seen some of the same men come back. They’d throw stacks of money on the table in a desperation to acquaint themselves with beautiful, upper-class women, even if they’d go home unhappy and broke.
Ice clinked against the sides of your glass as the last drop disappeared down your throat, warming you up for the rest of the evening. Already, you had caught the glimpse of several men in the club. But those who knew who you were knew to keep their distance, and they never tried to sneak more than a subtle glance in your direction.
Those who didn’t usually noticed nothing but your striking beauty and the allure of darkness that seemed to follow you. They were drawn to you easily, smiling at you like they were entitled to gawk at your appearance, like it would be criminal for anyone so beautiful to shield herself away from the world.
Rarely did that ever end well for them.
You handed your empty glass off to the bartender—a dear friend that you’d convinced to work for you at the club—and made your way over to the dance floor. The crowd parted for you with quick glances and slackened jaws, stumbling on their own feet to get out of your way. Once you passed, the world seemed to resume itself. Everyone continued about their business, averted their gaze, even if they were careful not to get too close to you.
Something about that made you smile.
For a while, you danced on your own, grinning carelessly to yourself as you twisted your hips, unbound yourself to the music and the alcohol that ran through your veins. It was a different kind of freedom, and though you’d once been wary of the watchful eyes, they no longer bothered you. You loved losing yourself in the rhythm, loved feeling transported to another realm.
The setlist for the evening included a few of your favorites, and you carried on until there was sweat on your forehead, a single bead trickling down your temple, one that you hastily wiped off. Breaths came to you more stiflingly, heaving inhales and exhales that paired with your thirst.
Finally, the tempo of the music slowed, just enough to snap you back into the present, and the energy zapped out of you as your mood darkened. The time of the evening had passed when you realized that it was no longer fun to dance alone.
You sighed, and with a frown, let your gaze trail across the room to find the cool brown eyes that you loved more than the music you spun in circles to. But Dazai was already in a conversation with someone else, tapping slender fingers against his glass full of amber liquid. He listened intently to a conversation between two men twice his age.
Beside him, Chuuya stood at the edge of the table like a loyal bloodhound, his arms crossed as he leaned back against the wall. You caught his eye instead and smiled to him, though not a single muscle in his face twitched. It seemed as though he was intent on keeping up the charade for the evening.
As much as you wanted to smile even more sweetly and taunt him mercilessly, you didn’t let yourself get too distracted. Instead, you refocused your sights on your other goal.
The stocky, tall man was right where Dazai said he’d be, sitting with a couple woman and a few empty glasses in front of him. He had a neatly trimmed, graying beard, sporting a watch that was, at least, a couple million yen.
You caught him watching you over the edge of the table, his smile slow as you bat your eyelashes at him, sauntering past him with a perfectly coy expression. Eyes lingered on the curves of your hips; the smooth skin of your legs revealed by the dress. The lust came in near waves off of him, thick and heavy as they reached you.
It made your job easier, the obvious attraction that they never tried to hide from you. You smiled to yourself, and felt a sense of satisfaction, despite his disgraceful leering.
The seats at the bar had been filled up when you returned, leaving no room for you and your new companion to retreat.
A younger regular, one with an overabundance of nerves and an awkward smile, spoke in hushed whispers to his friend, one that was dressed in a suit far too cheap to be in this club.
You tapped him on the shoulder, smiling at him in the way that had everyone bending over backwards for you. “Excuse me?”
He looked over, irritated for a fleeting second before realizing who it was that had approached him. Immediately, he was to his feet, stammering over a greeting while his friend gawked at him with incredulity.
“Sorry to bother you,” you said, softening your voice. “I was wondering if I could have those seats. I hate to—”
“No, no,” he said, practically shoving the other man away, pushing him out of the chair while he sputtered confused nonsense. “Take them! We’ll be out of your hair.”
You thanked them before placing yourself neatly back onto the stool you’d occupied before. It was far too easy.
The bartender sent you a knowing look, all too familiar with your games, before going back to mixing a drink.
Moments later, you felt the presence of another behind you, an overwhelming smell of tobacco and pine assaulting your senses. He was taller up close, taller than Dazai, at least, and older than you’d originally thought. Deep wrinkles weathered his skin, his eyes, and though there was still a hint of black in his dark hair, it was slowly being overtaken by the signs of a life that was twice as long as yours.
“Pretty dress.” That was the first thing he said to you, letting his eyes wander over your chest, lips curling into an ugly smirk. “It suits you nicely.”
You wouldn’t be won over so easily, so you merely smiled at him, nodding in thanks. Though, that had him coming on twice as strong, as if the simple eye contact that you’d made earlier had been a full invitation to fuck you. He took the seat next to you, signaling the bartender over.
“Let me buy you a drink,” he said, and though it was a kind proposition, it always made you laugh. You received a million free drinks from strangers here.
Still, you shrugged and let him, unsurprised that he knew what you’d been drinking earlier. It was a clear sign that he’d been watching you since before you even got up to dance.
“What’s your name?” 
“Should I give it away that easily?” Your voice was silky in your response, unimpressed, but luring him in, nonetheless.
He laughed, and offered you his own instead, Tanaka, as if you didn’t already know it. You’d been planning on springing him into this trap since the moment he’d arrived that evening. It was a target and a plan that had been set in motion for days.
His grin was uncomfortable, but he thought so highly of the way his lips curled, seemingly luring you in.
In reality, you weren’t sure how any woman could stand to get down on her knees for that.
Half an hour passed as you talked with him, preening under his endless string of compliments, wishing that you could string him on for a little bit longer. You enjoyed the words well enough, just another thing to stroke your ego, but the minute he moved closer, you inched away, placing distance between you before he could touch you.
It was obvious it frustrated him, but one look at the flash in his irises had you knowing that he enjoyed the chase.
He droned on, careless conversation about hobbies you didn’t want to understand, and though you smiled, pretending to be interested, your focus drifted to the table where Dazai sat.
His conversation had shifted to Chuuya, the two other men from earlier gone. It seemed strained between them, sharp words spoken as they glared at one another, visibly at odds about something.
Despite the clear dispute, anger cleared away from their expressions within seconds, Chuuya straightening like a board beside his boss once again.
Dazai looked up; it was less than a second that your eyes met, but your knees had weakened, heart stuttering in your chest as it skipped a pulse.
A soft exhale left you, and you longed for Dazai, craved the feeling of his strong palm on your skin, the kiss of his lips on your neck. You had half a mind to say fuck the mission and walk right over to the table and plant yourself on his lap.
It would certainly cause a scene, especially when there were so many new customers there who knew about Dazai but didn’t know about you.
Still, you knew Dazai wouldn’t object. He’d merely smile into your hair and curl his hand around your hip, continuing on with his conversation like nothing was out of the ordinary.
You looked away. If you were to make it through the rest of the night, you couldn’t get distracted by the beautiful man just feet away from you. “Sorry,” you said, turning back to Tanaka. “What were you saying?”
His interest in conversation had already waned, and he faced Dazai, displeased by the uptick of fascination within your expression. “Found someone more interesting already?”
You laughed, shaking your head as you pressed your palms into your thighs. You may have longed for Dazai, been so desperate that you couldn’t spare him another glimpse, but you could still play this role well. There couldn’t be another slip, every move had to be precise.
“I’m just curious,” you said, puckering your lips in a pout. “He looks important.”
Tanaka took a sip of his drink as you spoke, nearly spitting it back out when your sentence concluded. His eyes were hard, narrowing at the sight of Dazai just meters away, surrounded by a security of sorts, “You don’t know him?” He coughed.
You frowned, tilting your head. “Should I?”
“That’s Dazai Osamu. He owns this place.”
There was room for a theatrical pause. You took that moment to pretend to think. “Oh, of course. What a silly question,” you said, humming, and set your chin down on your hand to glance back over at the table of Port Mafia personnel. “I hear he owns a lot of things.” You tilted your head, gauging the man with siren eyes. “Is that true?”
Tanaka huffed, but he didn’t deny it, looking down at his two-million-yen watch like it was nothing more than a trinket. “A pretty girl like you shouldn’t worry about him.” He seemed irritated, though he didn’t let it show, his voice the only indicator that you had upset him. “But I can tell you it sure gets hard to run a business in Yokohama when the Port Mafia owns half the city.”
You widened your eyes, leaning forward. “You’re telling me the Port Mafia owns this place?”
Tanaka laughed, loud and haughty, looking at you like you were just a poor idiot from the countryside, even if the dress you wore cost just as much as his entire suit put together. “Oh, hon, if only you knew.”
The condescending tone sent a screech through your entire body, momentarily halting any proper responses in your current act. But he was unfazed, already moving onto the next topic of conversation, telling you all about the business dealings that you’d known about from the long list of jobs within his file.
There was, truly, nothing about him that you hadn’t already dug up. It was boring you immensely, but you smiled on, nodding enthusiastically as he spun the most lackluster story you’d ever heard.
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Dazai, across the room, stared at you as you conversed, clenching his jaw at the way the man eyed you, the gaze that scoured your body like you were nothing more than a piece of meat.
Oh, he would certainly enjoy tearing him apart later, even if he would be too easy of a case to break.  
“When are we leaving?”
Chuuya’s voice snapped him out of his onlooking, and Dazai leaned back in the chair, shedding the tension in his shoulders to resume a comfortable position.
“Not until they’re both in the car and I can confirm with Tachihara and Gin that she’s safe,” Dazai said, crossing his arms over the table. He couldn’t forget that there were others around him, those who would never say a word to him, but knew who he was, knew what he stood for. Even here, he couldn’t let his guard down.
“Safe?” Chuuya laughed, though it was without any humor. His irises flashed dangerously, steely grey darkening into a deep silver. “You trust that idiot not to lay a hand on her? He’s undressing her with his eyes.”
Chuuya seemed intent on irritating him that evening, as usual.
“I don’t trust anyone who comes here.” Dazai scowled. “Don’t be a fool.”
A moment of silence lapsed between them, and Dazai became sickened by the way the man was eyeing you. Though you took it all in stride, leaning just far enough away so his knee didn’t graze yours, and his palm didn’t brush against your own, it still lit a fire deep within him.
It was all the better, he supposed, to feel such deep hatred for his enemies. It made it easier to tear them apart without any guilt. 
“How long are you going to make her do this, huh?” Chuuya spoke up once more from beside him, his voice nothing more than a grumble as he whispered down to Dazai. “This charade you two are carrying on has lasted long enough. I mean, you’re whoring out your wife for fuck’s sake—”
Dazai reacted without a thought, despite not wanting to take his eyes off of you for even a second. He gritted his teeth and turned on Chuuya, his hand gripping the gun in his pocket, finger tight on the trigger. Enough of a warning for him to know how sincerely the simple comment irritated him.
“Don’t ever insinuate that I don’t love my wife, Chuuya, or it’ll be the last thing you ever say.” Dazai spat the words out carefully, just under his breath, holding Chuuya’s piercing gaze without blinking. “You may be a valuable asset to the Port Mafia, but I will not listen to your opinions on matters that don’t concern you.”
Chuuya stared, setting his jaw before turning away once more. The two of them looked back to where you were smiling, leading the other man out of the room, though still not touching, placing a respectable distance between you.
“I’m just surprised, Dazai.” Chuuya leaned back, crossing his arms as he titled his head, watching your figure fade into the shadows. “You love her so fiercely, and yet, you watch as this carries on time and time again. I don’t understand.”
Dazai stood from the booth, tucking the gun back into his waistbad, under his coat. He straightened his shoulders, inhaling deeply. “I think you’re underestimating her if you truly believe she doesn’t have a handle on the situation.” His hands slipped into his pockets as Chuuya followed, grumbling from just a few feet away. “Besides, I’ve never forced her into anything. It was her idea in the first place.”
Dazai sighed, though it was almost wistful, the mere thought of you enough to turn him into a lovesick fool. “Perhaps it is because there are many men that seem to think they can crawl into her bed so easily, and she enjoys their humiliation when they realize that they are so far beneath her.” Dazai shrugged, and smiled lightheartedly, his eyes crinkling at the corners. “Perhaps, she just wants to make everyone’s lives a little easier, including yours. You should thank her sometime.”
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Tanaka sat beside you in the car, his hand lingering in the leather seat between his thigh and your own. Night had fallen deep across the city, the sky a navy through the haze of streetlights. Though it was nearing one o’clock in the morning, there were crowds of people out and about, lines at all of the much more affordable clubs in the area.
It hadn’t taken much to get him to come with you. You’d batted your eyelashes, smiled at him from under them, and told him you had a car waiting out back.
That was enough. When you’d pulled yourself down from the barstool, he’d followed after you, eyes blown wide as you’d begun leading him out of the room.
All it took was a dress that hugged your curves and a small grin, and he was in the car with a man that worked for you, heading to a building that your husband owned.
“Do you live far?” Tanaka asked, itching to put his hands on you, even though you’d convinced him to hold off until you got back to your room.
You placed your chin on the inside of your palm, glancing out the window at your own reflection. “Not too far.” You turned back to him, offering him a shy smile. “Why? Are you getting impatient?”
He grinned wolfishly. Your stomach churned anxiously at the sight of it, even when he was no match for you, nor all the other, powerful individuals that surrounded you. “I don’t think I need to answer that.”
Through the rearview mirror, Tachihara met your eyes, and they softened, just barely, silently showing his support from the front of the vehicle.
It was, in a way, a relief. You relaxed, regained a sense of composure, and let your ruby red lips spread over your teeth, cocking your head as Tanaka indulged himself in whatever fantasy was milling about in his mind. His eyes were cruel, though the darkness in them was nothing compared to what you were used to.
Idly, he made comments in your ear of all the things he wanted to do to you, his unpleasant breath tickling the skin there as you tried your best not to recoil. The smell of him was growing heavy in the car, overwhelming and nauseating. You sat even more stiffly, pressing Tanaka away with a palm to his chest as you giggled to yourself, pretending to enjoy his vulgar words.
Tachihara pulled the car around to the back of the building, letting the two of you out as he put it into park.
Any fool should’ve known where they were, what the dark building in the middle of the city stood for, but Tanaka was all too focused on you, intoxicated and inattentive. The mafia headquarters loomed overhead, dark, and unassuming, a triad of buildings stacked perfectly against one another.
“Thank you,” you said to Tachihara, winking at him as Tanaka turned his back, too disoriented to take in anything but the sight of you right before him.
The car drove away, then, and you were left to guide your guest into the building, towards the room that you had already planned to meet Dazai in. When you reached the elevator, Gin was waiting for you, dressed in female attire, this time, charading as a worker instead of the trained assassin that she truly was.
“Impressive building,” Tanaka said, as if not noticing all the obvious signs of the mafia base. “You must come from quite a wealthy family.”
You smiled at him over your shoulder, curious as to why he didn’t assume you’d come into the riches on your own. “I suppose you could say that.”
Gin opened the elevator, then began typing a message to her boss, alerting him of your arrival. Tachihara had taken the longest route back, giving Dazai just enough time to arrive home before you.
“Are you a renter?” he asked, staring as the numbers on the elevator increased, climbed higher while you went towards a floor that was only two below the penthouse.
“We own it.”
Tanaka turned towards you, eyes wide with surprise, perplexed even further by the alcohol running through his veins. “You didn’t say—”
Abruptly, he cut himself off. Whatever comment he was about to make was overshadowed by the fact that he’d met you at the Port Mafia’s night club. That was certainly no place for anyone that didn’t have a million yen to spare in their pockets.
Finally, the elevator dinged, and you relaxed at the sight of the familiar hall, the carpet that had recently been replaced, the paintings that you’d personally added, ones that had been purchased at an auction. There were traces of you everywhere, and though it belonged to many members of the mafia, it was, inherently, your home.
You grabbed Tanaka’s hand, realizing just how cold it was, wrinkled with calluses and dirtied nails. It took everything in you not to grimace as you pulled him towards the fourth door on the right, the one that had been used for every interrogation over the past two years.
It had become something of a holding cell for the mafia’s enemies, and most didn’t remain here long. You doubted that this man would be of any exception.
Tugging him along, you increased your speed, an invisible string guiding you right back to Dazai. He was your fiery beacon, and though you were still separated by walls, your heart thumped at being so near to him.
“Eager, are we?” Tanaka asked, and when he grinned in the lights, you realized how slimy it was, a hunger dripping off the edges of his yellowed teeth.
You smiled right back, but it was forceful, painful as it etched its way onto your cheeks. An itch started in the cracks of your palm, willing you to snatch it out of Tanaka’s hand and scrub it clean. Still, you held on, remembering that this was for the Port Mafia, this was for Dazai and everything you’d worked for over the years.Your determination increased tenfold. “It’s just around the corner.”
Finally, you reached the room where you knew Dazai would be waiting, and just like every other time you’d done this, every time you’d brought another willing victim into a den of wolves, you could finally relax.
You entered the room, not bothering to flip on any of the light switches. There was furniture, but it was dusty, bloody, and it would make it far too obvious that you were not leading Tanaka back to your bedroom. You didn’t want him turning tail too quickly, running when he discovered you had no intention of rolling around in the sheets with him.
He shut the door behind him with a quiet click, advancing on you like a hunter. It would’ve been threatening, intimidating perhaps, if you had not been able to sense Dazai on the other side of the wall. You knew that whatever control Tanaka thought he had on the situation had quickly evaporated, and it was only a false blanket of security that he’d wrapped himself up in.
“Can I get you anything? Maybe a drink?” you asked, stopping Tanaka with a flat palm to his chest, not allowing him to come any closer. “The alcohol in me is starting to wear off.”
He ignored your wishes entirely, upon you once more. One larger hand ripped yours from his chest, pulling you just another inch closer. “I’ve had enough tonight,” Tanaka said, teeth flashing in the dim starlight. “I’m dying to fuck you.”
You frowned, eyebrows wrinkling. “Well, I’d like a drink first.”
“I’m not in the mood.” He yanked on your hand again, and this time, you knew he’d kiss you, knew he’d plant the cracking pale lips of his own on yours. The thought of it made you ill.
Without thinking, you slung a fist across his face, a crunch sounding from his nose at the force of your hit. Blood trickled from one nostril, flowing in a fast stream over his lips, into his teeth.
He bent over, and you stood, straighter, staring over him as he cursed. The punch had been much more forceful than you’d intended.
“What the fuck.” He was angrier than before, and though his pain was immense, it did little to dissuade him. You kept your face hard, inching backwards as he stood tall, so much bigger than you’d remembered. It wouldn’t take much for him to lift you, throw you onto any surface he wanted.
You’d use your ability if you had to, kill the man if it was necessary, but that would mean the entire plan had gone to waste.
“You bitch—”
Without letting any fear cloud your face, you took a step back and bumped into something solid and warm. A cologne more familiar than Tanaka’s enveloped you in a safety net. 
The older man made it one step further, aggressively, before every ounce of determination waned from his eyes. He staggered, tripping over himself and stared back at the man that had slowly come up behind you. The one that was brushing soft fingertips between your shoulder blades, his steady breath tickling the crown of your head.
Dazai smiled, in a way that was so menacing that your heart thumped twice in its chest before resuming its natural melody. Tanaka took a step back, scrambling away, nearly tripping over himself in the process, eyes dilated in fear.
“You,” he breathed. “Dazai—” Tanaka didn’t finish his sentence, too stunned as he stared between the two of you. “What’s going on?”
Dazai stepped forward, letting his hands fall away from you as he cornered the newest addition to his long list of enemies. Already, you missed the warmth of Dazai’s touch, the security that came with his proximity.
Tanaka cowered before him, suddenly so small, weak under the breadth of Dazai’s power. A sense of twisted satisfaction curled within you, lightning up every pore under your cold skin.
“I believe you owe my wife an apology,” Dazai said, and his tone was even, hard, not a hint of amusement laced within the words. Tanaka’s eyes darted to you, where you stood with your arms loose at your sides, eyes softer, every inch of you more delicate now that Dazai was in the room. 
“Wife—” The word tumbled from his mouth before he could stop it, hesitant. “You said you didn’t know him. You asked me questions about him.”
You slid the ring back onto your finger, the one that you’d kept tucked away in the pocket of your bag. It glimmered in the beams of the moon, the diamond and rubies sparkling. “I can lie just as easily as a man can.” Crossing your arms, you sighed, and stared at Dazai’s taut back, the strained muscles in his shoulders as he stood over Tanaka. “You’re all so stupid sometimes. It only takes a simple question, and you never ask it. Anyone in that club could’ve told you who I am.”
He balked, considering his own ignorance, and followed your eyes back to Dazai, who had gone just a few steps behind you, to the small storage of top-shelf alcohol that you kept locked up in the room. “What is this about?” he asked, shaking his head to clear away his distress. “You’ve obviously brought me here for a reason. What is it?”
“I find it funny that you think you’re the one in control of the situation,” Dazai said, turning his back to fix himself a drink. He didn’t doubt that you would watch Tanaka for him with careful eyes. Even the smallest twitch of his eyebrows would be telling. “You don’t get to ask questions.”
“I haven’t done anything,” he said, and though his voice was hard, there was underlying panic. “I’ve stayed well out of the Mafia’s business, as promised—”
“Perhaps.” Dazai interrupted smoothly, coolly. “Our agreement wasn’t broken, per se. I just happen to think that working with outsiders is an act of much higher treason.”
Tanaka blinked, faltering. His jaw went slack, a mere second ticking before he replied. “I have no idea what you’re talking about.”
“Don’t try to lie to me.” Dazai glanced over his shoulder, dark eyes narrowing. “I’m talking about Dostoevsky. The rats that are trying to take over my city.” He tsked, rolling the glass around on the counter, clinking it against the granite. Then, he popped a crystal bottle open, letting it fill a quarter of the glass.  “Such a shame. You’ve built quite a name for yourself in Yokohama. Is this really worth losing all that?”
Tanaka stuck both hands in his pocket, shaking his head vigorously. His fingers flexed against his sides. “I don’t know what you’re talking about. I don’t know who that is, I’ve never crossed anyone by that name.”
Seeing an opportunity while Dazai’s back was turned, Tanaka began to pull out a pistol from his coat; one you had, stupidly, forgotten to check for. It seemed he doubted that you were a threat, and if he could just kill Dazai, you’d be an easy target.
You moved without thinking, making the single-step distance between you and Dazai. There was a gun relaxed at his waistband, and you stole it, knowing exactly where he kept it hidden. Before Tanaka could point his own at the head of your lover, you’d acted first, aiming Dazai’s gun, your jaw tense and back straight. “Put it down.”
Tanaka, caught off guard, locked his jaw, and his fingers twisted tighter around the handle of the gun, inching towards the trigger. For a moment, he contemplated, but even without knowing the thoughts in his mind, you could read his actions.
You wouldn’t give him the opportunity to do as he wanted. Instead, you fired your own gun, digging the bullet into his fingers, shattering them, blood spattering as Tanaka dropped the pistol to the floor in a ghoulish scream.
For a second more, he writhed in pain at your own hand, once again. You held your arm taut, before letting the gun drop to your side as Dazai hummed behind you. Tanaka had fallen to his knees, tears welling up, his vision glossy as he dropped the maimed hand to his thighs.
Dazai came up beside you, smiling at you, and brushed his fingers down your arm. Slowly, he took the gun, placing it back into his waistband, his touch electric on every centimeter of your skin. “You’ve handled it beautifully, my love.” Dazai squeezed your hand, tilting his head so dark hair cleared away from his eyes. “I can take it from here.”
You nodded, and though Dazai was, by no means, pushing you out of the room, he could see how exhausted you’d become by the whole ordeal. If you wanted to leave—and you did—he wouldn’t object.
“Will you be long?” you asked, just a whisper over Tanaka’s heavy breaths of pain.
Dazai laughed easily, his breath ghosting the bridge of your nose. “Akutagawa will be here soon.” A touch lingered on your hands for a minute longer before he pulled away completely. “Then, I’m yours for the rest of the night.”
It was already late, but you’d take whatever time you could get with Dazai, even if you were drained. You nodded, and he turned away, going back towards his enemy, pulling Tanaka up roughly by his collar. Dazai’s expression changed into a man you almost didn’t recognize, if it hadn’t been for the moments that you’d had to see him shift into the underworld’s fearsome demon.
You left the room, yawning, Dazai’s voice the last thing you heard before you shut the door silently.
“Now that you’ve learned your lesson, perhaps you’ll be more willing to tell me everything you know,” he said.
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Despite Dazai promising to leave once Akutagawa arrived, he’d been gone for nearly two hours, with no indication that he’d be returning anytime soon.
You waited for him in the penthouse of the Port Mafia headquarters, the home you’d come to know well in the past few years. A glass of imported wine was beside you on the nightstand, resting between a book you’d been too tired to read before bed.
You sat up, unable to fall asleep, and chewed your lip thoughtfully. It seemed ridiculous, really, for you to already miss a man that you woke up next to and fell asleep beside every night.
Still, you couldn’t help the desperation in your chest, the need to see him, to brush the mask of the Port Mafia boss away so Osamu could take his place.  
You finished the wine, then headed towards the door. The room felt cold and lonely, and if Dazai wasn’t going to return soon, you’d just find someone else to bother on the lower levels of the building.
Though, just as you were about to slip on a pair of shoes, the door unlocked, swung on its hinges, and Dazai stepped through the threshold, a vision of gore and violence and every ounce the man you adored.
“Osamu,” you said, and even when you’d said his name a thousand times before, it still left your lips like a prayer. A smile formed, and you dropped your shoes, eyes sparkling, as you regarded the mess that he was in.
Dazai took one look at you and relaxed, shoulders falling as you closed the distance between the two of you. “Sorry it took so long, sweetheart,” he said, craning his taller frame down to kiss you.
You gripped the lapels of his coat, holding on tight as you pressed into him, deepening the kiss. Dazai’s bloody fingers cupped your cheeks, smearing red along your jaw, ruining your clean skin. Though, as you exhaled a sigh deep into his mouth, you couldn’t have cared less.
“I thought you said Akutagawa was going to take care of it?” you asked as Dazai released you, offering you a small, almost defeated smile.
He walked past you, towards the bathroom, feet dragging as he shrugged off his dark coat. Under the crisp top, his muscles were stiff, strained from all the stress. He wiped another hand over his face, doing little to clean up the mess of red that remained on his cheeks.
You followed him, trailing a few feet behind, feeling silly for wanting to cling to him so tightly. Yet, you couldn’t get enough of him, and you watched as Dazai remained silent, pausing in front of the mirror to regard his own appearance. He made a face in the glass as he gazed back into his own expression, sticking his hands under the faucet. The water ran in a steady stream, staining the sink a rose color as he scrubbed the blood from his fingers, his nails. There were parts of his bandages that had been soiled, and he ripped them right off, exposing pale wrists that hadn’t seen the sun in ages.
You mimicked his action, washing your hands in the second sink before scrubbing the blood from your face, clearing away the smear of maroon that he’d put there. The water shut off, briefly, and Dazai regarded you, frowning as you rid the evidence of his crime from yourself.
“I sent Akutagawa home.” Dazai finally answered your previous question and sighed, frustration evident. He stretched his hands over his head, the bones popping in one fell swoop. “Tanaka cracked right open; he really didn’t know anything.” He blinked at himself in the mirror once more, tidied his hair, then scowled. “He’s just a low man on the totem pole, and he paid for it with his life.”
Dazai seemed at odds with himself, and he drummed his nails against the countertop before patting his hands dry. The blood had been cleaned from his skin, and even though his hair was still unkempt, it was the only evidence that any wrongdoing had happened at all. Nothing but a speck of blood remained on his collar, the rest garnishing his coat instead.
You shifted, leaning against the counter. “Did you get anything out of him?”
“Names, a location.” Dazai clenched his jaw, fists tight at his sides. “He wasn’t lying, but who knows if they’re real or not. He could’ve been given fake locations. I’ve asked Ango to check on it.”
Dazai, once again, left you standing, contemplative, in the bathroom. You could hear him shuffle around in the other room; he released a small sound of relief as he stretched out his sore muscles.
When he’d finished moving around, you returned to the other room, and he was settled in the red armchair, legs spread out in front of him. Dazai rested his head against the back cushion, his eyes closed in serenity, a deep exhale expelling the tightness in his body.
It was almost a sight too serene to spoil.
“Do you want some space?” you asked, and though you’d always respect his wishes, that was the last thing you wanted to give him. You wanted to consume him completely, to press yourself against every crevice of his being and swallow him whole.
Dazai opened his eyes and blinked at you. Instead of replying, he smiled, slowly, and gestured to his thighs, sparing a glance at his knees.
Your heart pounded, launching its way up your throat, and you scrambled over yourself to crawl into his lap, straddling his thighs, the muscle strong beneath you.
Gently, he smiled at you, and brushed your hair over your shoulder to rub your neck. You let your arms rest on his shoulders, and slowly, you removed the bandage from his eye, hating whenever he tried to hide any part of himself from you.
You waited for him to protest, but he relented, and let you kiss his forehead, the very darkest parts of himself on display for you alone. It was hard not to collapse under the weight of your love for him.
You discarded the bandages, tossing them onto the table as Dazai tapped a pattern in the crevices of your skin.
For a moment, neither of you said a word. You noted every feature of his that you loved so dearly, and Dazai just watched you study him, tried hard not to smile against your lips when you kissed him.
If only he could see how beautiful he was, surely, he would understand that he deserved a life so much better than the one he’d been dealt. That someone with a smile brighter than a dying star shouldn’t have it taken away by years of endless anguish.
Finally, Dazai spoke, whispering your name in a tone he never used on any word but that one. “You don’t have to do this anymore if you don’t want to.”
“Hm?” you asked, tilting your head, so distracted by the endless galaxy within his eyes.
Dazai huffed, placing a possessive hand on your hip. His thumb grazed the bone and you shivered, smiling at him in confusion.
“Sweetheart, I don’t ever want you to feel like you’re obligated to do something just because you’re my wife.” He looked past you, an uncertainty beneath his words that he was ashamed of. “If you don’t want to take on any more assignments—"
“I told you already, Osamu,” you began, brushing the hair at the back of his neck that was hidden beneath the collar. “I don’t mind.”
“I know, but—” Dazai hesitated, his gaze steady on the doors behind you, the ones that led to your bedroom. Somehow, he seemed to think all the answers would be there, a script written out for him to recite to you. “Chuuya brought it up to me earlier. He said that I’m…” Dazai swallowed the words, shaking his head. “Look, it doesn’t matter. I just want you to promise me that you know if you want to stop, you can stop. Even if you wanted to quit the Port Mafia altogether, I’m happy to give you whatever you need.”
You smiled, kissing the wrinkle between his eyebrows in the hope that it would ease the anxiety in his expression. The tension was such an unusual thing for anyone but you to see, as Dazai had such trouble revealing his vulnerabilities to the world.
“I promise.” You swept your thumb over his lip, watching as it bounced right back into place, so soft and lovely. “I just don’t want to quit.” You leaned back on his lap, so you were able to see the entirety of his face.  
Dazai’s eyebrows drew together once more, putting that worry right back on his appearance, and a part of you hated that of all the things he had to be stressed about, it was something as silly as you not wanting to quit your job.
“Why?” Dazai asked, tilting his chin, searching the depths of your soul for an answer that would appease him. “I don’t understand. You hate them; you tell me you hate them every time they try and lay a finger on you.”
He wasn’t wrong, certainly not about something like that. You loathed that men looked at you like you were something that they could just steal away, like they were entitled to the subtle way that they brushed your hip in passing, caressed your back when they walked behind you.
You just didn’t hate everything about the work you’d been doing. After all, it was your idea.
“I just don’t want to,” you said, looking over his shoulder to the open curtains, the bright expanse of Yokohama laid out before you. Twinkling star lights from skyscrapers and the port in the distance. “It doesn’t matter.”
It was your home, your city, and it always would be. You wouldn’t let Dazai die, wouldn’t let anyone take him from you—including himself. You’d continue to do whatever it took to protect that. Whether or not you used your appearance to achieve those ends didn’t matter. When it was all said and done, Dazai’s enemies would be dead, and you’d still have him to come home to.
“It matters to me.”
You shook your head, chewing on your lip thoughtfully. There were a million different ways you could’ve explained it, but none that were intelligent. “It’s embarrassing, ‘samu.”
Dazai laughed, a genuine noise, and kissed your shoulder as you sighed, relaxing into him once more. “I can’t think of anything about you that could possibly be embarrassing.”
You held his gaze, wishing for him to relent, to just give up and let you have this one. Instead, he just smiled back patiently, hoping you’d reveal another part of yourself to him as he slowly traced your hard collarbone.
Those pools behind his eyes were too distracting, the thumb on your neck dangerously close to your throbbing pulse. You swallowed, letting him feel every movement as your throat bobbed up and down.
“I guess,” you said shyly, “I like it. I like leading on your enemies, letting them think that they could possibly have a chance with someone like me. I like the look on their faces when they realize they’ve been made a fool of, that the girl who they wanted so badly belongs so completely to the boss of the Port Mafia.”
Dazai studied you for a moment as you shrugged the revelation off, his deep brown eyes darting over every crevice of your face. “You want to make them jealous of me?”
“Maybe.” Your cheeks heated, and though you’d been together for years, loved him for even longer, you still shied under the weight of your own desire for him. “I don’t know. Maybe I just want them all to know that I’m as much the boss of the Port Mafia as you.” You wound your arms around his neck, anchoring yourself to him, the only person you’d ever need in the dangerous world. “They’re blind to their desire, and they refuse to see that I have complete control over them.” You smiled, lazily, fondly. “Don’t they know that this is my city, too?”
Dazai’s strength made an appearance then, and he gripped your cheeks, holding you with a spiraled mix of possession and affection. “It is,” he whispered, ghosting his lips across your own, “and I’d burn it all down before I let anyone take it from you.”
Your heart stuttered in your chest at his deepened tone, the seriousness that drew on his normally playful inflection. You grew hot, and a twist of desire started deep within you, spreading down easily, slowly turning your thoughts into a muddled mess.
“I know,” you said, trying to keep your words steady as Dazai drew lazy circles up and down your sides. “Everyone knows.” You met his eyes, soft, yet dark, clouded with a longing you weren’t unfamiliar to. “The woman who brought them to their knees is still nothing more than a simple fool for Osamu Dazai.” You inhaled drawing your fingers to his open collar, the crisp bandages around his chest. “What could they ever do to deserve that kind of devotion?”
Dazai waited, watched your smaller hand run across his neck, his smirk slowly growing on his lips. “I’m a lucky man, indeed,” he said, drawing the words out slow and lazily. He tipped your chin down to him, his smile displaying the almost sharpened points of his canines. Slender fingers caressed your hipbone, pressing you farther down onto his thigh.
You let out a small sound, not taking your eyes off of his as his expression grew wily, and the slip you wore slowly began to rise up your thighs, exposing the softer skin of your leg.
“I admit, I can’t stand that everyone in this city wants you so fucking bad.” Dazai sunk his lips to your neck, kissing the space between your shoulder and jaw. “But I can’t blame them. My beautiful angel.” He smiled under your jaw, gripping your hips harder, forcing you to drag against his thigh. A puff of air left your throat as Dazai grinned, spiking your arousal. “It’s for the best, isn’t it? I’ve ruined you for anyone else.”
Your eyes flashed; Dazai bounched his leg, just once, his eyes shining, every move calculated. He’d always known exactly how to touch you, and he’d never forget, never stop enjoying the way you jerked so easily under his palm, the way you were already trying to rub yourself against him.
“Osamu,” you began, desperate for just a moment of friction, to feel his rigid muscle drag against your cunt. You wanted him so badly that your heart stumbled over itself, all the love you held, locked up there and looking for a way out.
He made a sound of disapproval, holding you still with a tight grip on your hips. His fingers dug into the bone, but it did little to ease your aching need for him.
“See?” Dazai’s kisses were light as he whispered against the shell of your ear, the sound nothing more than a breath of air. “I barely have to touch you and you’re a whimpering mess.”
You swallowed, tugging at the hair at the base of his scalp, trying to remain steady, if only for him to give you what you wanted.
Dazai seemed to be in a generous mood, worn from the previous mission, and he was grinning lazily, two fingers slipping under your dress.
His grip loosened, and you shifted, letting him pull on the strap of your panties, drag them down your thighs, over your knees, to discard beside the chair. Already, there was evidence of your desire, a spot of wetness obvious against the red satin.
He let the garment hang between his fingers before he looked back at you, watching as it softly fell to the floor. “If only they knew how easy it was to get you wet,” he said, shrewdly, “they’d want you twice as much as they did before.”
You let out a soft whimper, trying to direct his beautiful hands back between your thighs. Though, Dazai kept his fingers away, and in an act of desperation, you pressed your forehead to his, conveying every ounce of your affection for him.
“Osamu,” you breathed, blinking into his warm irises, a shade of brown that had easily become your favorite. “I’m so crazy about you.” You kissed his cheeks, smearing your lip gloss all over the skin he’d just wiped clean. “I couldn’t stop thinking about you all night. Everyone in Yokohama watches me, but I ache for you.”
His eyes flashed, pleased, and he relented, nudging his thumb to the inner most part of your thigh. The smile was still mocking, but he gave you at least some relief; Dazai let you sink back down on his thigh, the pressure just enough to have you clawing your nails into his chest.
He kissed your nose, but kept you where you were, perched on the middle of his leg and much too far from his cock. “What would you ever do if I wasn’t here to take care of you, hm, darling?"
You softened; even if his gaze was taunting, there was utter devotion between his dilated pupils.
All those men who fell for your act may have been complete fools, but Dazai was even worse off than them: he was a fool in love.
“It’s so hard not to crawl into your arms every time you’re around,” you admitted, grabbing the buckle of his belt to undo it with a clank. The mere sound, the feel of the leather between your fingers, nearly had you salivating. “I’m stronger than a lot of men in Yokohama.” Your features contorted then, eyes vulnerable as you looked up at him through delicate lashes, no longer a vision of authority, but of someone who desperately wanted to be taken care of. “Not you, though.”
Dazai’s grip on you relaxed, and something in his eyes shifted, lips parting as an exhale left them. He said nothing as you removed the belt, and instead, let himself sink deeper into the cushion, bearing your weight.
Hastily, you pulled down the zipper of his slacks. The weight of his heavy cock in your hands was so familiar. You stroked him gently, watching for any reaction, and while his face remained steady, you could sense the change in his heartbeat.
“I don’t need you to be strong around me,” Dazai said. His voice had deepened, your name leaving his lips, raspy by the end of his sentence. “You can fall apart if you want to, my love.” His erection grew slowly in your palm, and he brought you closer, your bare, soaked cunt dragging against his thigh. “I’ll always be here to put you back together.”
You smiled, flushing as he hardened, his breath growing uneven. When you had him leaking within your palm, you shifted forward on your knees, grinning at his reddened cheeks. Dazai’s eyes drifted towards your chest, just inches from his face.  
Uncertain, you hesitated, even though you wanted him, needed him with every fiber of your being. It was an unfamiliar position. He could take control of the situation at any moment, but you weren’t usually the one looming over him.
“What?” he released with a sigh, and in one swift motion, lifted your hips so he was positioned at your entrance. “You walk around my nightclub in those dresses I buy you, force those pretty tits into other men’s faces, but now you’re too shy to fuck your husband?”
You made a face, knowing he was just trying to get a rise out of you, and if only to prove a point, you sunk down on him, your folds slick. Dazai slid into you easily, a sinful noise breaking the silence between you as he grinned. “I’ll f-fuck you,” you stuttered, swallowing under the heat of his watchful eyes. “It’s just…” Your words failed again as his cock went deeper in you, your focus entirely on your own pleasure.
“Just what?” He stopped you for a moment, planting you on his thighs, his cock still straining, filling you. Glaring, vibrating with need, you opened your eyes, lips parting as he whispered against your mouth “Finish your sentence, sweetheart.”  
“It’s not my fault, Osamu,” you said, on the edge of a whine, squirming within his hold. “I can’t help that they stare.”
He laughed, then, and it was just a brush against your swollen mouth, the one he kept coming back to. “They can stare all they want,” Dazai said, tilting your chin up. “As long as they know who you belong to.”
Finally, he let you go, his hands tracing the edges of your knees, and you started a slow, steady pace, gasping as you held onto his neck tightly. He bowed his head into your collarbone, and kissed you once, before leaning back lazily, watching you take and take and take.
“Doing so good, angel,” he said, watching you with such a passion that it was distracting, as he let his palms rest simply on your thighs. “You always look so pretty stuffed full of my cock, don’t you?”
“Feels so good,” you muttered.
“I know.” Dazai seemed too devilish with his dark hair fanned out against the red chair, grinning in a way that twisted up your insides, sweat beading down your forehead as you tried to reach your orgasm.
You were hot with his piercing gaze upon you, but he didn’t bother to move his hands, did nothing to even pretend like he was fazed. You sunk down faster, heart racing, as the muscles of your hips strained, burned. Already, you were growing tired, sleepy from a full evening, but still so desperate to come around him.
You leaned forward, trying to angle your body, gain some relief from the position. Though it did little, and instead you were left sighing in frustration, wishing that he would do anything, instead of just look at you with a lust blown smile.
With every moment, the pain began to grow, the ache in your legs far too much to give way to pleasure. You started back at Dazai, frustrated, eyes glossy with need.
Dazai laughed at you then; it wasn’t quite mocking, but it wasn’t kind either. “Don’t tell me you’re already tired.”
Frustrated and impatient as you dripped down your own thighs, you grabbed his throat, thrusting his head into the back of the chair.
Dazai, eyes wide with surprise, stopped smiling as you curled your hand around his neck, his fingers digging into your thighs.
“Are you just going to sit there, Osamu?” you said, your words high-pitched and desperate. “Or are you going to—”
The end of your sentence was cut off by him gripping the back of your hair, smashing your lips into his own. The hand on his neck fell away, drifting to the lapels of his bloodstained collar, as he brought you down hard on his cock, hitting a place deep inside you that you hadn’t been able to reach with your own strength.
Dazai’s fingertips left bruises on your skin as he devoured the inside of your mouth, bringing you down over and over, stretching your walls with each movement.
“So pretty and desperate for me,” Dazai laughed, but he was breathless, his own tenacity crumbling from adoration. “Can’t do anything by yourself, can you, baby?” His kisses were sloppy as he dragged them across your neck, tongue grazing the sharp vein under your ear.
“No, but you said—” you were losing your breath and your words. “You said you’d take care of me. I don’t want to cum all on my own, ‘samu.”
Dazai groaned, his gaze drifting down to the space between your bodies, where you were sucking him back in, your own body aligned with your heart, never wanting to let him go.
“Fuck,” he said, slamming you back down on his thighs, his eyes hazy with love. “Of course I’ll take care of you.” One hand guided your hips as the other curled around your jaw, setting the pace with half his strength. “You’re my whole world.” His words stuttered, aching cock twitching inside you. “I’m nothing without you, understand?”
You nodded, but you weren’t quite thinking straight, the words a jumbled mess when they entered your mind. “I love you,” you said, gasping the end of his name. “I love you, Osamu, need more.”
Dazai breathed, just as heavily, softening as he regarded you. He’d always loved the look on your face as you came apart. “You take it so well,” he said eyelids fluttering over hazy eyes, and he kissed your forehead. You dragged your hands all over his chest, just wanting to touch any part of him. “Wish you could see yourself. You’re so beautiful.”
You groaned, pulling him closer, until there was nowhere left to go, surrounded completely by Dazai; the smell of him, the taste of him. “Say it back,” you muttered, “say you love me too.”
He choked on a laugh, and the lewd sounds of your wet arousal were loud as he came in and out of you. “I love you, angel, you know how much I love you.” Dazai kissed you, then, and your heart sped at how hoarse his voice had become, how easily it was for you to make the most powerful man in Yokohama fall apart at the seams. “You’ve got a pretty ring to prove it, don’t you? I don’t want anyone but you. I never will.”
“Come inside me.” Your eyes squeezed shut as his cock reached impossibly deep within you, stretching you, your legs shaking as you tried to ignore the dull ache within your tense muscles. Tears sprang to your eyes, coating your lashes; it was almost devastating how much you loved him. “Please. Feel so full, ‘samu.”
“Yeah?” He reached between you to play with your clit, and you were so close, crying out a broken moan as he touched you. “Need to remind everyone that you’re my girl, hm?” He knew just how you liked to be touched, how easy it was to get you to come when he fucked you like you needed. “Want me to put a baby in you next, sweetheart? Shit.” He curled his fingers, bruising your mouth as he stole the oxygen from your chest. “Everyone would know then, wouldn’t they? How could they doubt you’re mine when you’re carrying my child.”
You cried out, then, breaking, spasming around his cock as you fell onto his chest. Dazai said your name, kissed the top of your head, but you were too full of love for him. You breathed heavily as he brought you down once more, twitching against him from the ache in your sensitive cunt.
A moment later, Dazai jerked, then came inside you, spilling his warm cum against your folds, the white ropes dripping down your thighs, staining his dark, wrinkled slacks. Slowly, he pulled out of you, letting you rest on his chest as you breathed, your legs sore. A gentle touch ran up and down your spine as Dazai wrapped his arms tight around you, his cheek resting against the top of your head.
“God, you’re perfect,” Dazai said, and his voice sounded almost broken, devastatingly emotional. “You can’t ever leave me, okay, angel? I need you right here by my side.” Lips grazed your temple, so sweetly, gently. “What’s the point of all this if I can’t share it with you?”
You smiled, resting your head in the crook of his neck, eyes full of tears as you kissed him. “I’m not going anywhere, Osamu. I promise.”
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OCTOBER MASTERLIST - leave a comment on this post if you'd like to be added to the tag list
tag list: @satohruu (hannah i planned this one bc of your tags on my last pm dazai fic HDSFHSFH) @cha0thicpisces
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4K notes · View notes
kyoukamybeloved · 11 months
Chuuya looked at his face, then broke out into laughter. “You really are the worst. Don't let your plan fail and kill us both or I'll kill you, Dazai.” Dazai laughed as well. “Sounds good. Let's go, Chuuya.”
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soukoku webweaves: 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8
normal people - Sally Rooney// I know the end - Phoebe Bridgers// Part II - Paramore// the song of Achilles - Madeline Miller// art by @taxolotl// bloodsport - Yves Olade// please stay - Lucy Dacus// the night we met - lord huron// unicorn - Angela Carter// art by @thornedarrow// I set it in stone - Venetta Octavia// panel from bsd: beast drawn by Sango Harukawa// He Held Radical Light: the Art of Faith, the Faith of Art - Christian Wiman// eat your young - Hozier// never love an anchor - the crane wives// spring, the apple trees at olema - Robert Hass// the notebook// art by @taxolotl// Joan Tierney// snow and dirty rain - Richard Siken// house of hunger - Alexis Henderson// the moon will sing - the crane wives// waiting room - Phoebe Bridgers// I had a dream about you - Richard Siken// art by @marrewis// phlebotomy, as told by the blood - Torrin A. Greathouse// art by @twilicidity// Cassandra - Christa Wolf// rejoice - Julien Baker// take me to church - Hozier// the encounter - Louise Gluck// art by @yomeiu// a garden, swallower - Lyric Hunter// alone with you in the ether - Olivie Blake// allies or enemies - the crane wives// like real people - Hozier// strawberry moon - Franny Choi// official bsd art by Sango Harukawa// until is started choking on our memories - Tina Tran// art from @/mizumoe_ on twitter// Pavana Reddy// art by @carrotkicks // Friedrich Nietzsche, from a letter to Mathilde Trampedach// cosmic hero - car seat headrest// born to die - Lana del Rey// Giovanni’s Room - James Baldwin//
consider this your halloween treat ;)
tagging lovers of this series (thank you sm for all your love) :
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xiaosonlybeloved · 8 months
Too Late~ Dazai Osamu
featuring:- PM!Dazai Osamu, gn!reader (no pronouns mentioned), Chuuya (briefly) warnings:- angst, hurt/no comfort, being hostage, mentions of torture in captivity, graphic mentions of blood and violence, major character death, lmk if i missed anything a/n:- im already sighing on looking at the warnings... it IS bsd i suppose.. well here's what im best at again, in a new fandom, so have some angst that is VERY late set some time before Odasaku's death
wc:- 2.5k || masterlist
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Not many people knew what it was like to have known Dazai before he joined the Port Mafia. To be one of the few people who had been trusted by him. Keyword being ‘had’- for some, some unfathomable reason, he’d drifted away, leaving you behind, alone. Making you wonder if for some reason he wanted nothing to do with you anymore.
It hurt. It hurt that you could lose him so easily, despite having been with him throughout the years, making sure he knew that you would always be there for him, silently tending to him after yet another attempt. It hurt because you had no idea what you did wrong to push him away. It hurt because he didn’t care anymore, for you, for them, for your shared childhood. 
A fool could have probably known that you shouldn’t have gotten so close to the brunette, that he leaves nothing but a trail of suffering and sorrow in the wake of the people who dared to care for him. You, however, argued that he wasn’t like this before. At all. Again, a fool’s excuse.
Perhaps the Port Mafia had changed him, so much more than it changed you. Because now, he was completely unrecognisable, almost like he was a different person altogether. And you can’t help but dully wonder where the man you once knew almost inside out went, the man who once did his best to stay with you no matter what, when he abandoned you yet again during a joint mission ordered by Mori, citing some logical reasons of why it was better for you to not be with him during a mission. (Like always.) Not even bothering to get your opinion or response, something he never did before joining the Mafia.
You watch silently as the brunette slowly disappears into the horizon, leaving you behind. Again.
That night, as you return to your apartment alone once again, (Bittersweet memories surface in your mind- young Dazai cheerily walking you back home, laughing.), you get the distinct feeling that something is off. You are a mafioso after all, you need to have a keen sense for danger to be alive in this industry. You’re instantly on high alert, even though you look calm as always, with your hands in your coat pockets, ready to pull out your knives in a moment. But you still can’t sense anyone following you. Just to be sure, you take a detour home. 
You take a deep breath at the threshold of your door, relieved to be back here. That sense of danger wasn’t as prominent anymore, and you were dying to get some sleep in an attempt to get a certain brunette out of your mind. You’d deal with whatever the problem was tomorrow- you’d had enough today. You can’t help but smile forlornly as you walk into your dimly lit home-
-And then suddenly you’re falling, falling, into a void of darkness, surrounded by the people you care, by him, hurling words at you that stab you like a thousand knives in a nightmare, and dumbly you realise that you walked right into an ability user’s trap, before the unknown ability takes your consciousness, bringing a silent darkness and pain. 
Mimic. A foreign organisation, a group of extremely skilled soldiers who sought the Port Mafia for unknown reasons. People who are willing to go to extreme lengths to get what they wanted- much like your own boss, really. And the ones who are your captors.
You can’t move, you’ve been chained. You assume that they want someone valuable to the Mafia as a hostage, and apparently you serve the purpose well. And dammit, you’ve been completely disarmed while unconscious, you can’t feel a single weapon on you. You’re alone, too, but there’s definite signs that someone’s been here, multiple times. There’s also an assortment of sharp weapons some distance away from you, and you think its cruel to leave them in your sight but out of reach. There’s no windows or openings either.
Footsteps echo outside the door of the room you’ve been kept in, breaking your survey of the room and your thoughts of escape routes. Two men walk in, dignified. It’s clear that they are war-trained soldiers. One of them stops talking with a grin, as he notices you awake.
They want an individual from the Mafia on orders of their boss. They claim that Mori has been taking too long in making a decision, and they apparently hope their decision to take you captive will either force Mori to choose, or force you to give up the individual’s identity yourself in exchange for your freedom under pressure. But you can’t, won’t do the latter.
Because the individual they want is Oda Sakunosuke, Dazai’s new best friend, and you know damn well that he would utterly despise you if you gave up his identity, if you took away the one who gave him his reason to smile these days. Bitter thoughts cloud your mind, of how he abandoned you completely over some new friends, and you wonder if it would be better to just tell them. But then, your mafia sense kicks in, reasoning that if Mori doesn’t want his identity to be revealed yet, then you're probably as good as dead if you choose for him instead and return alive. (You would later realise that this thinking, too, was planned out by Mori, that bastard.) Your captors let hints slide that they’ll let your absence build up for a while, then let the Mafia know of your being their captive. Hopefully they do something. 
You’ll just have to do your best to get out of those damn bonds by then, or survive till then. This was a very convenient time to wish that Dazai had taught you his little trick on how to unlock handcuffs, you think wistfully.
As it turns out, surviving is an extremely hard thing to do after a few days have passed since Mori was apparently informed about the news of your captivity. Mori still hadn’t responded with his decision. Proof being the various cuts and bruises littering your skin already, a few small bloodstains already on the wall and floor. Not too much. Yet. They were intent on forcing your answer out of you, and clearly wouldn’t mind going to extremes for it.
You did your utmost to not make a single reaction when the knife pierced through your skin again, despite the pain that shot through your body for the umpteenth time. Unfortunately, you were well trained on how to not divulge information in captivity- after all, the Port Mafia really couldn’t risk their insider secrets getting out. 
You were still intent on escaping, on getting out. You still had a flicker of hope in you, that someone would come for you, that he might come for you, despite the past few days proving fruitless. You refused to give up yet. You still believed in him, in them, that you wouldn’t be abandoned so easily by your kin.
‘Such a naive belief’, you would dully think some days later.
Hope seemed like such a foolish thing now. You had lost track of time in the room without windows. No idea of how many days or weeks had passed. They weren’t coming for you. Of course they weren’t. You weren’t that important anyways, easily replaceable. Casualties happened often, what did it matter if someone died by being taken hostage? You truly attempted to free yourself, many times. You never succeeded, and each time you only received more wounds as punishment. Your captors were merciless, to say the least.
Wounds. That seemed like a small word to use at this point, with how battered and bruised you were. Your clothes were bloodsoaked, and you’d lost count of the number of scars and cuts you’d gained from your captors a long while ago. You could sense they were getting extremely frustrated by the lack of response. You didn’t mind, you didn’t care. You’d even stopped screaming when they cut you particularly deep- you just didn’t have any strength left in you at all. You passed out a few times from extreme blood loss. You could almost hear Mori in your mind, scolding you to get up already. 
Mori. Of course, everything was probably a part of his heartless plans, fully willing to use any number of pawns for their execution.
At this point, you just wanted to be put out of your misery.
Your wish was granted some time- days?- later.
Dazai was initially relieved when you didn’t show up to your next joint mission. He wouldn’t have to ensure your safety and hide his feelings again. But he’d quickly figured out that something was wrong when you didn’t show up again, and again, and you were nowhere to be seen around the Port Mafia buildings either. He’d gathered up the courage to go to your apartment, but had immediately sensed the ability at the entrance and deactivated it. That was what confirmed it for him, and finally, he allowed himself to feel fear for his childhood best friend. For you.
He was well aware that he didn’t deserve to, after how terribly he treated you in an attempt to protect himself from his emotions. His only defence was that he was afraid of hurting you- he knew his reputation well. But that didn’t matter right now- he had to find you. Except not a single person had a clue of your whereabouts. The only person he hadn’t questioned yet was Mori. 
Somehow, he couldn’t bring himself to go beyond the doors of Mori’s office. He was scared. Scared of what he’d find.
Again, that would prove to be one of his biggest mistakes, when Kouyou grimly approached him, having accidentally obtained information about you that she wasn’t even supposed to know in Mori’s office. Kouyou cared for you enough to let Dazai know of your situation.
Dazai felt sick to the core when he saw the single picture attached in the message Kouyou sent him, along with a decision to choose between you and the future-seeing ability user- Odasaku. His heart dropped into his stomach even more when he saw that the last message was a few days ago. What if-?
No. Dazai refused to think of that possibility. He’d track down the source of that picture, he’d hunt them down, make them regret their decision, and he’d get you back. He’d make sure of it. He had too many apologies he owed to you after all, even if they would never make up for all that he’d done. He would.
You were surprised that their boss hadn’t shown up to interrogate you yet. You simply stared hollowly at the walls as the door slammed open and the highest-ranked individual in the facility walked in, knife in hand. 
Not a single piece of information slipped past your mouth, as he went through the routine torture process. 
Time passes, and you can see that he’s grown extremely frustrated with your lack of response. One of the others standing at the door, watching your misery, suggested that he simply kill you and get it over with. It was pointless to keep you around anymore.
‘Finally’ you think darkly. You didn’t think you could hold out for much longer. 
You close your eyes, not wanting to see your killer. Instead, you remember the people you care for, silently apologising to them for giving up. Somewhere, in the background, you hear the distant noises of shouting. Probably some of the other soldiers playing cards or something again.
Despite you willing yourself to not make a sound, a shattering scream tears itself out of your throat when you feel the knife harshly stabbed straight into your heart. Your killer twisted it roughly- another scream, your last- and then pulled the knife out. 
You feel yourself fall forward, double in on yourself, wrists held back to the wall. The agony is excruciating, but hopefully it won’t last long. To you, it feels as if your screams are echoing in the room, or maybe in your mind, and your vision has gone blurry in pain. But then, you realise through your numb haze that your screams do not sound like that- you’ve heard the sound enough.You realize that maybe someone has attacked your captors.
There’s a terrified shout mixed in all the clamor, and its a voice that you would recognise anywhere. ‘But there’s no way’, you think hollowly. No one cared enough to come for you.
Then you feel yourself falling forward suddenly, blood gushing out from your chest, into someone’s familiar arms as your eyes close. The handcuffs are gone. Faintly, you hear a voice- his voice- through the ringing in your ears, saying something unintelligible to you. You can’t understand what's being said, but you struggle to open your eyes one last time to see.
And somehow, Dazai is there, holding you tightly, eyes full of panic and terror, everyone else in the room crushed to the ground. He’s saying something worriedly to someone behind him- Chuuya. You briefly wonder if you’re hallucinating, but decide against it- this all feels too real. This must have been the shouts in the distance.
They came for you. In the end, they came, albeit a bit too late. You feel yourself being lifted, and then Dazai is running out, holding you carefully as if you could break any moment- you’re already broken though. You feel the cool night breeze for the first time in ages, see the beautiful moon again. A small smile rests on your lips as you feel yourself finally fall limp in his arms. ‘He still looks as pretty as before, and maybe, just maybe, he still cares for you’, is what you think.
You shut your eyes again, surrendering yourself to the darkness beyond the agony.
Horrified is much too mild a word to use, when he sees your condition. When he sees you being stabbed in front of his eyes, when you fall limp in his arms. The next moments are a panicked blur, Chuuya saying something to take you somewhere, that he’ll handle this place. He runs straight out, towards the Mafia building, towards the doctors, towards the hospital, anywhere, anywhere you can be saved. 
But its already too late, he knows it when you don’t move in his arms anymore, when your bleeding chest doesn’t rise and fall again, and he doesn’t know what else to do apart from screaming in sorrow and fear, because he’s just lost the one person who understood him like no one else, who cared for him like no one else, who he stupidly pushed away, and its all because of him. He falls to his knees, still clutching your lifeless, bleeding body. Your face had a hint of a smile in your last few moments, and that is what finally breaks him. All he can do is cry out apologies continuously, tears freely streaming down his face, for everything he’s done wrong, for how he’s treated you, for being too late to save you.
finallyyy, and as usual, votes, comments and reblogs are very much appreciated also lmk if you guys want a happy ending :D
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anqelically · 1 year
you don't get to cry | osamu dazai x gn!reader
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word count: 1.8k
content: no manga spoilers, angst, death, blood, past unhealthy relationship with dazai
navi | bsd masterlist
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attachment to something you hold dear is a curse. it becomes your weakness, something that can be both exposed and exploited. the demon prodigy of the port mafia had no weakness. that was until you came along.
what dazai learns to love is lost— taken away and gone forever. why must he live in a world that does such? living such a life becomes nothing but a pain; a thorn in your side that’ll make you relieved once it’s out.
oh, you were all too similar to him.
when dazai first stumbled upon you, he had only been in the port mafia for a couple of months. a young child taken in by mori and hidden away from everyone else, that’s all you were.
you were sitting, gloved hands playing with a toy when he walked into your room (it was more like a cell). you thought it was mori, so you dared to look him in the eye. normally, you’d kill anyone who got a good look at you, but you found yourself unable to activate your ability.
so you ended up screaming.
with your nails painfully scratching your cheeks, you yelled, even when it hurt to. mori rushed to you, trying to subdue your cries when your eyes lit up. if it weren’t for dazai, he was sure he would’ve died that day. and you, the child taken away from your guardians and forced to serve under mori, would’ve been his killer.
you didn’t see dazai again for years. the next time she showed up, it was with an orange-haired boy that seemed his age, maybe a bit younger. he came to fetch you because mori told him you had a job to do.
a job? you don’t get anything in return. this was a task you had to carry out. if you didn’t, mori made it clear he’d slit your throat with one of the scalpels he always carries around. you were just another kid forced into a life of bloodshed and death through manipulation. dazai was just the other side of the same coin.
he seemed to deal with it much better than you did. his blood was as black as his clothes, stained with the crimes he had committed with such ease. cunning and manipulative, dazai was a force to be reckoned with.
so it was odd that the two of you somewhat began to get along. you worked in the shadows of the port mafia, so much so that a lot of members didn’t believe you actually existed. the only one that knew you— your name, ability, and could see through your mind was dazai. the two of you were children of darkness, locked in a room stripped of any light.
with someone so similar to him, dazai found the capacity to genuinely care for you. you, mori’s toy, also learned that you didn’t want or need the man. dazai understood you, he cared for you, and he’d help you. you needed dazai, otherwise you would be all alone again with no one else. oh dazai knew it wasn’t healthy at all, how you’d cling onto him and constantly ask him to stay with you, but having someone hold onto him like that made him feel just a bit better.
and that’s why it was unfortunate when he left the port mafia. 
you crumbled without him and fell into the hole that would kill you. the four years after he defected from the port mafia pass by in a bloody blur. people used to question your existence, but you racked up so many kills, gaining the attention of many, that they knew you were real. police and or mafia, they knew who you were at this point. you were ruthless, so much so that even akutagawa didn’t even dare to cross your path.
the number of lives you had taken couldn’t be reversed, so the government planned to put you to a stop.
your ability allowed you to set whatever you wanted ablaze just by looking at it. it was so dangerous that it even harmed you, the one who wields the power. the day dazai met you, you only let out that horrifying scream because he saw the burn marks on part of your face.
you were young, unable to control your ability when you accidentally set your own home on fire. it killed the rest of your family and left you with burns on bits of your body. 
that was how you met mori, the man that pushed you onto this dark path. you just happened to have the wrong doctor treat you, and now you had to live your life as a wanted criminal. though, the crimes you committed started to be out of your violation at one point.
soon enough, the government hands your case over to a certain agency— the armed detective agency. their goal is to arrest you and send you to a prison on another continent. but what if they can’t contain you? then, the answer is simple.
the armed detective agency will be the one to take you down for good.
you thought that you could burn them down with ease, but they immediately pulled out their trump card. he stood tall in front of you, his attire much different than what you last saw him in. there was a certain glow to dazai’s body that you couldn’t put your finger on.
the brunette stood in front of you with no fear, that was obvious to anyone. it was only because he knew you wouldn’t kill him by setting him on fire. you didn’t have the heart to do such a thing to him, even if he left you.
“long time no see. i’ve heard a lot about what you’ve been up to these past years.” his nonchalant voice is silky smooth, despite the fact that you were able to set everything around the two of you on fire.
you glare at him, hurt flashing your eyes, “and i haven’t heard a thing.”
dazai sighed, his shoulders slumping ever so slightly. his expression turns serious, “turn yourself in, y/n. it’s for the best.”
“ha, what will you do if i don’t?”
“we’ll take you down ourselves.”
you hear a click as dazai points a gun at you. setting the firearm ablaze would only end up with it shooting on its own, so you don’t try. you’re also suddenly hyperaware of the other presences around. you know the other members of the agency are around, so you suddenly feel the urge to ask…
“why’d you leave me for them?” you shake. “you left me without a word. the last thing you said to me was that you wouldn’t leave me behind! so why? why’d you leave for them…?”
dazai replied calmly, “i have my reasons.”
you squint your eyes, realizing that he wouldn’t dare to reveal the truth in front of his colleagues. you were right, they must not know much about him. letting out your pent-up emotions, you fought the agency.
you were a monster, most of them thought. not only was your ability dangerous, but your fighting skills were as well. they were limited in what they could use due to your ability, which made it even harder. you weren’t afraid of setting them on fire, but fighting them on your own and beating them seemed much more satisfying.
but in the end, you, for once, were defeated. you lay in your expanding pool of blood, the bullets to your chest being the most fatal of your wounds. if the agency didn’t have their doctor on their side, you were sure you would’ve won.
the one to shoot you was dazai himself. as you bled, he walked towards your body. his expression was blank, and you weren’t sure what to say. you even activated your ability and burnt two of the agency’s members. but their doctor, akiko yosano, used her ability to heal them and return them to their normal state.
all of the killing you’ve done and this was how you met your end.
“it was only a matter of time until this happened,” he said, still standing by you.
“i guess you’re right,” you turn to the side, not wanting to look at him. “but i couldn’t even take out one of your friends, could i?”
silence ensued and you remained bleeding on the floor. you heard the clicking of heels approaching from behind, but you resisted the urge to turn around. you knew it was their healer, and you wished for her to go away. you wanted to speak with dazai one last time to put your mind at ease.
“did… did you hate me?” you ask. yosano gives dazai a glance behind your back, but he doesn’t reciprocate. “i’m sorry if i was annoying… i- i just wanted to stay with you. i’m sorry… i’m sorry, i’m sorry, i’m-“
“i could’ve taken you with me,” dazai interrupted your train of apologies, “but i chose not to. you needed to stand on your own two feet, y/n. but now, i see that decision wasn’t the right one.”
you hear dazai sigh, so you turn around to find him kneeling by your side. you watch as he unbuttoned the top of his collared shirt and reaches for something inside. what he pulls out is the end of a necklace.
“y-you,” your eyes widen, “you kept it…”
he hummed, rubbing the silver chain between his fingers, “i truly cherish it, believe it or not. i don’t hate you, y/n. i could never hate you. i would’ve taken you with me, but i was in a sorry state myself. what you needed at that time wasn’t me, but to learn how to live without someone like me. maybe if i went about it a different way, things wouldn’t have to be this way.”
your eyes began to sting as tears flowed freely down your cheeks. you were scared, and it was obvious. you reached for dazai’s hand, and he let you take it. he caressed your cheek with his free one.
“i hate mori,” you tell him as you cry. “i didn’t want to kill, b-but he told me that i was made for it. and i… i thought he was right. he saved me, so i thought it had to be true. my ability is made for killing, but me? i let myself turn into a monster… but even so, i’m glad that i got you… you, who was in the same situation as i… why couldn't we have met as normal kids? why?”
you weakly squeeze his hand, “dazai, i don’t want to go… but-.”
“i know,” he responded. “i know.”
in silence, he sits by you as the light fades away from your eyes. your hand continues to hold his as it grows cold, and dazai can’t seem to let you go. he was sure he loved you, but your whole relationship was ill-timed. maybe in another life, like you wished, you’d meet him again under normal circumstances.
“ah,” dazai is surprised at the droplet that hits your cheek. his face hardens as he whispers to himself, “you don’t get to cry.”
he killed you, after all.
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note: this is kinda messy i'm sorry 😭😭 i love it but hate it skjsk but you guys are the real judges. request is here
reblogs are appreciated + join my taglist !
@nagicore @enomane @er0ses @spenzitz @wineaddict2904 @aeshiiteiru @chuuyrr @ashthemadwriter @sanjis-fav-w1fe @bejeweledgirl
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Oh my God… as soon as I read your post I had a thought… Probably unnecessarily cruel… What if the Children of Oda (46) and Ai (7) end up in Tayvat with the reader… This would make things more difficult for the poor reader. Because In addition to trying to survive, there is also the need to take care of children… And absolutely ordinary children without abilities. And the rest will panic greatly. Especially if the reader herself is a child or a teenager, although the plus is that the reader looks like just a young creator, if this seems too cruel and/or difficult, you can ignore or change my request, thank you very much for your attention, good luck!!!
If you were not alone
Part I
Self-Aware! BSD AU x SAGAU Imposter crossover
Self-Aware! Platonic! Aya Koda, Self-Aware! Platonic! Katsumi, Self-Aware! Platonic! Shinji, Self-Aware! Platonic! Kousuke, Self-Aware! Platonic! Sakura, Self-Aware! Platonic! Yuu
Reader: Teen! GN! Reader
Warning: English is my second language
👧🏻 🚸 At first, the situation didn't look too bad. Yes, all of you woke up in the wilderness, and you have no idea, how you get here, or how to return home, but, none of you were injured, and hilichurls looked surprisingly friendly and didn't try to attack you.
However, the emotions in the group weren't even slightly positive.
You were hugging crying Sakura and Shinji. The girl buried her face in your chest, and the boy was clinging to your side. 
Katsumi, Kousuke and Yuu were trying to keep themselves together, trying to act as big boys. But you can see tears in their eyes. Soon, they joined the group hug.
Aya was silent. She was a little bit tougher, then Oda's kids. You will be tough, if your adopted father is Vampire Count Bram Stoker. 
But she also was hugging you. Because now, she was a child. Not a Defender of Justice.
You were whispering reassuring words, promising, that all of you will be safe.
You want to believe that.
When you were more or less calmed down, your small group start moving to the nearest city.
Aya, Katsumi, Kousuke and Yuu were walking before you. You were holding Shinji's and Sakura's hands. You were making sure, that no one will get lost.
As the oldest in this group, you must take care of them.
 👧🏻🚸 Mondstadt was strange. From the game, you got an impression, that Mondstadt were a friendly city. So why... Why everyone were glaring at you?
 The answer came in a form of a statue. A statue made of gold. A statue of an adult version of you, made of gold.
 The statue was terrifying. It wasn't too big. It wasn't scary. But sometimes felt wrong. Something in every little bit of the statue made you feel frozen with fear and disgust.
 And, it seems, that your companions got the same feelings as you.
 You felt glares on you. Mondstadt was quiet. Waiting for something.
 The silence were overwhelming.
Yuu's voice could be mistaken for screams in this silence.
 "[Y/N], don't worry, this monster may look like you, but you will be looked much better, when you grew up."
 And the first of many "Imposter! Dirty Sinner!" came.
 🚸👧🏻 Your lungs were still burning. Sakura and Shinji were holding to you for dear life. All of you were chased away from Mondstadt. But, you were sure, that the people of Mondstadt weren't satisfied with simply chasing you away. No. The anger in their eyes. They wanted blood. Your blood.
 It was a miracle, that you survived. And the miracle had a name.
 Klee managed to hide you all away and get you to the Dragonspine. Right now, you, Oda's kids and Aya were resting in Albedo's lab.
While Klee tried to cheered kids even for a bit, you were talking with Albedo.
🚸👧🏻 The situation were terrible. You and kids are now wanted criminals, you can't trust anyone from Teyvat. Your only chance to get home - meet with Alice. The bad news is that she is forced to travel from nation to nation, not staying on one place for too long. There would be a big chance, that you would miss her.
And you must protect six kids.
You stayed with Albedo for a week. You discussed everything you need to know.
You decide to travel to Sumeru. If Albedo wasn't mistaken, Nahida would help you. Maybe, Irmensul have answers and knowledge on how to get you all home. At least, you could hide you, until Alice arrived.
Albedo gave you clothes, backpacks, supplies, blankets and much more. Everything you need during your journeys. It won't be enough for the whole journey. But, at least for the next few days, you won't worry about food and water.
And he showed you something. Something, that took all members of Hexenzirkel to use their powers to get and stay safe. Something, they stole from "Creator". What was left of a previous person, who looked slightly similar to "Creator".
"I don't want to scare you, [Y/N]. I just want you to see, what would happen, if one day they caught you. Or you decide to go to them on your own free will." Albedo looked sad. He can't go with you. He must protect Sucrose and Klee.
You nodded solemnly. You will try to stay safe.
To keep others safe.
🚸👧🏻 During your journey, you were careful. Refusing to go near people. During your journey, you start stealing. You can't let kids become hungry. You did everything a teen can do to keep children safe. While situation never called for that (you always manage to ran away) you knew, that you will fight for their lives.
When people from other nations came to Sumeru, trying to find you, you and kids were hiding.
But you were fond.
According to Lore, Capitano was a noble warrior 
In Teyvat, only your hold was stopping him from striking Aya.
You were angry. You wanted to protest kids.
Your emotions reached their peak. 
What left of First Creator's powers obeyed your silent wish.
The portal opened under your feet.
🐾 In Real World, BSD Cast were restless. Six kids and one kid disappeared without a trace! There is no way for them to stay calm.
Especially for two of them.
🦇 Bram Stoker lost two kids.
🍛Oda Sakunosuke lost six kids.
🍛🦇 Oda and Bram are looking everywhere. Criminal underworld lost huge number of criminals because of that. Ida and Bram going after any possible suspect.
🍛🦇 And when, after weeks of being missing, you seven finally returned, and this giant warrior were trying to kill you, their anger gets out of control.
👧🏻🚸🍛🦇 For the next few weeks, seven of you won't be left alone. Oda and Bram will constantly stay close to you.
👧🏻🚸🍛🦇 No one would ever hurt you. You will never be scared, cold or hungry again. You won't need to steal to get food for Aya and Oda's kids. You don't need to fight for their lives.
👧🏻🚸🍛🦇 Journey to Teyvat was stressful. Thankfully, it was over.
Tag list: @withered-blossoms , @myluckymoon @cocodrilofeliz @c4xcocoa @vvyeislazzy @whisperingwinters
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iridescentdove · 1 year
of seeing so many Yandere! BSD x Reader, and it’s always the character or everyone being Yandere for Reader, I have to request a Platonic! BSD x Yandere! Teen! Reader, in which Reader is in any organization of your choice, and since Reader is underage, they see said organization as their family, precious people that they hold dear to their hearts, and don’t wish for any of them to die or leave and abandon them. This triggers their Yandere instincts, and ultimately they kill anybody who’s hurt their darlings in any way or attempts to "steal" their attention or worse, guide them away from Reader.
platonic!bsd x yandere!teen!reader
A/N: It's nice to go a bit gruesome sometimes lol- anyways, so I just decided to choose the PM for this.
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Let's just say you were similar to Dazai in a way. As a homeless young child, you had no home or family and friends to even call your own.
And to say the least? It was a little lonely.
This was something rather different, as you grew up to have an understanding that the world is never fair. Even before being taken into the Port Mafia by MORI, you were already much of an unhinged criminal yourself.
In a way, it was bad due to how young you were, but given this was a wretched world on it's own – many things can happen.
You killed, you stole, you did many things. At some point you probably rivaled Dazai's crime list because yours looked like an entire fucking receipt.
And that is what lesd you to the mafia.
MORI had found you, and went 'fuck it', deciding to just grab you and take you back with him to the base.
Well at first – you got a bit defensive, not knowing his real intention and thinking of fighting back yourself. But it was when he gave you new clothes, gave you food, and actually took responsibility of you was when you realized.
This man was just ... taking care of you.
And for the first time? You were really excited. It didn't take very long for you to grow accustomed to the Port Mafia.
Sure they made you do dangerous and gruesome missions, but you were used to it honestly. So it didn't matter that much. You met new faces and grew very attached to them, the dreaded loneliness that creeped into your heart grew into–
Yes, that's right. You found no other reason to dislike them at all, and they treated you like no one else ever did.
Like family.
CHUUYA was rather nice to you, despite his aggression and the rough edges he seems to pull off. Since you're underage, he drinks grape juice with you. Lmao ye, we love that shit. You liked being around him, defending him against accusations and giving him a shoulder to lean on.
He was like a brother to you. You adored most things about the fancy hat man. Scratch that, everything about him.
He releases one of those rare genuine smiles – mostly only to you, and he just thought you were the sweetest.
Oh, how wrong he was.
It was only one simple conversation. CHUUYA was talking to another mafia members in the lower ranks, discussing about the topic for the next PM meeting at hand.
Of course at first glance, they didn't look close at all. Just a normal chat between acquaintances. But did it make you mad?
Obviouely it did.
The very next day, the orange haired-man was looking for the same said man he spoke with the day before. Yet he was rather confused to see he wasn't around.
What the hell? Well that was weird, he could have sworn that he asked to meet them in this same spot right now.
Well, guess he wouldn't be meeting with them after all. In the distance, you were smiling – hiding that dead, cold expression on your face as you wiped the blood off the saw, a few splashee of blood and guts on the weapon.
But of course, you wouldn't let him know anything~ ♡
And simply, KOUYOU made it much easier. She was like a sweet, elder sister that spoiled you and taught you everything that you needed to know.
You simply loved her, and loved the times when you'd just hang around each other and dress one another up in various clothes. Be it trendy outfits or putting makeup on one another.
She took care of you as she should, and she grew very attached as well. KOUYOU was rather protective and sweet.
So when you saw her spoiling another girl in the picture, you were fucking livid.
How dare she pay more attention to another kid than you?
She was treating KYOUKA in private as if she was more important than you ever were. And it began to hardem your heart once more, growing angry at your elder sis paying more attention to some useless assassin.
You were way better than her, stronger even.
So imagine how relieved and prideful you felt when that girl had left the mafia to be with the detective agency instead. She wasn't even loyal! She doesn't deserve to be in the PM!
It left KOUYOU feeling agitated and sad, so you did what a younger sibling would do. You were the one comforting her, even manipulating her with your sweet words. You lured her in and had her give you more attention than before.
Just like how you wanted it to be.
AKUTAGAWA was honestly a tough nut to crack. You can easily tell he doesn't care about you at all. Well, he'd acknowledge your abilities a little but that's all you're getting.
But that won't stop you from killing those who tried to get even the slightest close to him.
After all, family members must stay with one another forever.
You didn't really mind much about that blonde girl who admires him and follows him around. It's not like she can take him away, he doesn't give a damn about her.
Plus, his sister was very nice! She gave you the love you needed, and she actually cared. Even though her brother was pretty cold, you'd think she also was – but in reality, GIN is a sweet, somewhat shy girl who gave you gifts and attention.
No matter which mafia member it was – wheneve ryou were with them, you were so sweet and caring, such an adorable teen who looks out for all of them and their wellbeing.
Yet behind closed doors, while they weren't looking, you glared daggers at other kids or people they payed attention to, your greedy self wanting all of it to yourself.
It wasn't fair.
It wasn't!
You never held back. You spilled their guts out, you ripped out those fools' hearts – crushing it under your foot, knowing you deserved the love more than their ignorants asses ever did.
And most of all? No one noticed a thing. MORI had continued to send you out mission after mission. He didn't notice the desperate pleads of those immature adults, the heartbreaking cries of those innocent children.
If it was for family, you'd do anything.
After doing all that – you give them a sickly sweet smile, as you pull them to hang out and play with you, no questions asked.
They never noticed.
And quite clear, you were a sadistic young teen. After being so pissed seeing those people getting close to them, it's like a breath of fresh air when you hear the bloodcurdling screams coming from their mouths.
TACHIHARA wasn't that observant, but he could tell that there was something not right about you at all. Yet, he himself was not free from the depths of your pure, honest love. He'll find himself spoiling you, loving you – like you're his very own sister.
He was going to fall into the trap whenever he likes it or not, because you love them way too much.
If someone else tries to destroy that happiness,
They'll just have to dissapear like the rest.
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simpforchuchu · 8 months
Stay by my side
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Prompts: DAY 2 - solitary confinement @febuwhump Characters: Chuuya x reader Fandom: BSD Summary: He found his lover in a dungeon…
A/n for prompts: Hello guys! This is my first time trying a prompt challenge. I hope you like the short fics I wrote. I will finish them by writing some of the requests I have. I love you 💜
Sorry for the grammer or spelling mistakes.English is not my main language so...
Thank you and love you 🥰
Warnings: mention of fights, torture, blood and killing…
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The young mafia executive ignored his rapidly beating heart. Fear took over his entire body. He killed all his enemies in the building, and his men were taking care of the rest. He was searching for the most valuable person in his life.
He was sure that he had checked all the floors and looked behind every door. But he couldn't find y/n anywhere. He was about to cry. He wanted to scream in fear, but he couldn't. He seemed speechless.
He quickly went down to the ground floor and headed for the door. But as he was running, he noticed an area on the ground making a strange noise and stopped.
It was as he expected. There was a secret door. He lifted the lid and noticed the stairs leading down to the basement.
He shouted as he descended the stairs in fear.
“Y/n! Can you hear me ? Y/n, baby if you are here please give a shout!”
The young man opened his eyes with fear when he saw the dungeons in the basement. All dungeons were empty. He walked quickly to the end of the corridor and saw one of them’s door was closed.
The door was not locked. He opened the door and saw that someone was hanging on chains from the ceiling of the dungeon. He shouted to the men coming behind him.
“Turn on the hallway lights, now!”
After a few seconds, the lights turned on and Chuuya shouted in fear.
Her lover was hanging by a chain. He ran inside and examined the young woman. Her face was bloody, it was obvious that they tortured her.
He wanted to scream, cry, blow this place up. But first he had to take her home.
It wasn't hard to break the chains. He gently took the young woman in his arms and quickly took her out of this dark dungeon.
When they got out, he took her to the car and ordered the driver to drive.
His eyes filled with tears as he looked at the bloody face of the woman in his arms.
“I'm sorry baby, I'm so sorry. This happened because of me."
He caressed the young woman's face in fear. He hugged her gently and kissed her hair.
“I promise you, they will suffer much more than the pain they caused you.”
Chuuya had fire in his eyes. The feeling of revenge was so strong that he did not notice the young woman waking up. Y/n slowly reached out and caressed the young man's face.
“I just want you to stay by my side.” She whispered.
Although Chuuya was startled by the young woman's fingers touching his face, he softened with her words. Because he didn't want her to be afraid anymore, he kissed her palm and whispered.
“I'm not leaving you and going anywhere. Don't worry my love.”
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Hello!! I hope you’re doing okay, this is my first BSD request so I was hoping if I could ask for Kunikida, Dazai. Fukuzawa and Ango with a s/o who is a hopeless romantic! Like they love LOVE if you get what I mean? Their love language is every love language! A s/o who is super affectionate, and has a lot of love in their heart for their partner and their biggest simp!
Thanks so much!! 🥰
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Headcanon: Love is something expressed, with actions ft Kunikida, Dazai, Fukuzawa , Ango Masterlist Please look at the request rules in masterlist before requesting Hi! tysm for the request, I hope you are doing great as well. This headcanon is so wholesome I hope it aren't that disappointing.
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How do I even start with this man?
You would randomly bargain into the office to hug him. (Dazai be laughing at Kunikida's face)
Now, this man has everything timed and we know how busy he gets, but that doesn't stop him from receiving a hug from you.
You would write letters for this man, and I am pretty sure he has a box full of it at his room just dedicated to the things he receive from you.
He would return home tired and dejected perhaps, thanks to Dazai but your forehead kisses would always bring a smile on his face.
Now its not only you who would be such an affectionate one in the relationship.
He would totally bring breakfast to bed if you ever overslept. (He doesn't impose his schedules on you , he is such a sweetheart)
Who says everything is perfect when scheduled? Your affection for him was the only schedule he never made, and is the only schedule he ever broke.
You would probably be texting this man 'Next time I hug you, I probably won't let go for a long time.' just for him to hurry up and get home so that you can hug him again.
Kunikida is 100/100 rule breaker for you and only you.
Dazai howling at the backstage. *bonks Dazai*
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We all can agree he would love this
He thought you were someone who despite romantic moves and affection considering your past conversations with him.
He legit screamed "Y/N GOT LOVE-O-VIRUS" Just because you kissed him more then thrice that day.
This boy loves it when you hug him from behind.
We all know this man might as well as be traumatized and haunted by his past, so you being his lover, suggests forces him to lie down and sleep
What on earth did I think about all the time before you?
Your affections just make him so happy that ADA team gets scared.
"I always wake up smiling. I think it's your fault."
Power couple 10/10>>>>>
"Even though I'm unsure about most things in life, I am certain that I love you, and I will continue to love you forever." Totally can imagine Dazai speaking this to you as you both will be cuddling.
You would just gift this man some perfume and hand knit sweater and the next day his appearance would be so different. Did he really had that long legs???
As much as you worship him, he worships you more. Hope this aren't going yandere next
I don't know if you read Reunion with blood and tears, But like i said, i can totally imagine Dazai receiving headpats makes him feel safe.
I honestly imagine him being touch starved, and with all that trauma he received at such an young age, his S/O being super affectionate gives him comfort and bonus.
Dazai deserves better
He loves whenever he returns home and is welcomed by a warm hug.
You two would often be drinking alcohol by the balcony and your drunken state would tell him how much you love him.
He loves you
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He still gets surprise with your sudden interactions
Lets be honest, you will be hugging this man and he would do nothing but return the hug and smile.
You would probably be gifting him a cat someday on his birthday and he would probably be so happy he would return a favor with a kiss and maybe hugs
YOU & CATS>>>>>>> that's his ideology.
THIS RELATIONSHIP>>>>>> its pure fluff
If you ever flirted with this man, in your youth days it would probably be "If loving you was a job, I'd be the most deserving, dedicated, and qualified candidate. In fact, I'd even be willing to work for free!"
He would let you style his hair whatever you feel like it, even if it ruins or ends up knotted. But he loves you so its worth it.
I am pretty sure he would love it whenever he returns home and sees you setting up the table for both of you to eat. I MEAN YOU WAITED FOR THIS MAN TO RETURN HOME DESPITE YOU WERE LOWKEY HUNGRY.
Please he is just lucky to have you.
Your adoptive ADHD child Ranpo along with the rest of ADA team would be dropping off and visiting you on weekends, where you all would play board games minus the yelling in monopoly.
He would probably giving you massages whenever you felt stressful and hug you in a comfortable way.
You both feel safe in each others presence.
You would be scrolling down the street, as your hand intervene his watching the peaceful Yokohama city you protected and preserved.
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this man is very microwavable.
Blushing 10/10
Your way of affections to him was headpats and nose kisses.
You both work as partners, so its very normal for you to slip your hands into his
Nose kisses>>>>>>
You would be randomly be resting your head on his shoulders whenever you take a mini break and he would always reply you with 'Y/N- we are at work'
You would always pass comments along the line 'You are literally the cutest thing I've ever seen in my life.' only for him to blush.
Please he cant even act serious when you are around him standing so protectively. You are just damn cute for him.
You would be making him Coffee as he overworks, even if it meant to wake up at 1 am and make something for him.
His heart melts every time you do small acts for him.
Making coffee? His clothes fully laundered? You making sure he eats food? Yeah every small thing you do for him makes him feel loved and just bring back all the zoo feelings in his stomach again as a high school teenager.
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I lowkey doesn't feel like it was exactly written along the lines of what was requested, but I hope this doesn't disappoints you.
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chuuyrr · 1 year
every dead-end street
bungo stray dogs x scarlet witch! reader
masterlist of the series
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╰➤ CW(s): spoilers for bsd, slight hurt/angst, fluff ending
╰➤ PAIRING(s): dazai osamu
╰➤ SYNOPSIS: every dead-end street led you straight to him, or in which you, the scarlet witch of the port mafia, fall in love with dazai osamu despite everything.
╰➤ SONG SUGGESTION(s): all of the girls you loved before
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since then, nothing has changed for you. in fact you always found yourself at a dead-end street.
even if your position as the harbinger of chaos and the scarlet witch of the port mafia, together with your talents and gifts have shaped you into who you are.
all you could see was darkness, pitch black, a bitter ending, but only until you met someone with whom you could share that darkness.
dazai osamu—the demon prodigy and the port mafia's youngest executive, having already held such a position at such a young age.
a young boy who has veiled himself in darkness, living a life of death and carnage, similar to how you have lived your life since then, but his blood was thicker and deeper, fully black, whereas yours was still red.
you've always known about him because of the prestigious rank he holds, which is far greater than yours, and the whispers and gossip about him. you weren't deaf or blind.
mori constantly talked about him whenever he could, and given your ability to see into people's thoughts and read minds, you had long seen through that mask of his; of how much more of a demon he is than a human, and of how little he cared about life and morality.
you were well aware of how twisted and cruel dazai was, as well as the innumerable hearts and bones he had broken with sadistic scrutiny.
and yet, you just found it odd how someone like dazai appears to be none of those things at all whenever he came to visit you in your little office, which was either to whine and complain to you about his partner, nakahara chuuya, or mori.
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"here again for the third time today?"
you furrowed your brow, looking up from the materials you were reading as you hover in mid-air, your red psionics raising you along with some papers in the air, "you do realize i'm busy, right?"
"of course i'm here again, and i know that! that hat rack is annoying!" dazai grumbled childishly with folded arms and a pout, "are you sure you can't hex him just a little bit with those wiggly-woos of yours, [name]-chan?"
"no," you replied, now focusing on the documents you had with you as well as some other data and no longer gazing at dazai, "you know damn well my ability isn't for fun."
"not even if i give you my black card?" dazai smirked evilly as he waved his card, "don't you want to see the chibi suffer as much as i do?"
you twitched your fingers, taking the black card he was holding out to you with your red psionics, to which dazai's face brightened up, only for it to scrunch up as he let out a little "ow!" when you flicked the black card to his face along with a crumpled up paper.
given dazai's reputation, which you were aware of, you just ignored him. you merely stayed kind yet also aloof with him, which was difficult given how he kept coming back to you again and again, especially late at night, and often he would stay.
"do you even sleep at all?" asked the boy dressed in black and bandages as he entered your place this time, which was not far from your office in the headquarters, to find you still working on something despite the fact that it was late.
"if i was, then i would be asleep right now, genius," you groaned as you shook your head and interlaced your fingers, tugging at his hair with your red psionics.
"ow! you're such a meanie, [name]-chan!" dazai grumbled as he massaged his hair, "and here i was with drinks for two. you know, sometimes i wish i could nullify your "wiggly-woos" just because."
"quit whining and just sit down," you chuckled as you patted the empty seat on your sofa next to you, which he softly smiled at and sat down as he showed you the plastic bag of ice cold beers and food he had.
you two would then drink, eat, and talk about whatever came to mind, whether it was about your assignments, random thoughts on things like stars and plants, dazai's rants and complaints about his partner, chuuya, and his subordinates being idiots, and his failed attempts to get with other girls.
but then, dazai would already be gone when you woke up in the morning, may it be when you're on the sofa or in your own bed.
and eventually, dazai did stop coming back to you at the age of eighteen, and it was fairly literally speaking, given how he left the port mafia some time after sakaguchi ango's defection and the death of oda sakunosuke.
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another dead-end street for you again.
you didn't care, and you wished you didn't, especially when you see him resurface in public as a member of the armed detective agency, not as the demon prodigy or a port mafia executive.
it was very amusing to say the least how quickly dazai seemed to turn over a new leaf, but in reality, you know you can do the same because you can alter reality if you so desire given your talent.
but, unlike dazai, you chose to remain in the midst of the slaughter, death, and the deepest depths of your heart, while he basked in the light that he seemed to have discovered and was now chasing following those happenings two years ago.
indeed, seeing dazai interact with his colleagues and be a lot more comedic and now intent on finding a lover to do an attempt with, you weren't exactly surprised given the amount of women he had but has left crying before, hence chuuya's previous comment of him being an enemy of women, even way back when he was still in the port mafia.
but then again, you didn't care, and shouldn't.
all those times dazai would stay late at night with you in your office, just talking to you about whatever, occasionally with the flirting and poking fun of your wiggly-woos, or whenever you were assigned together by mori, or even the times when you snuck out together from the mafia, holding hands, and killing time like the teenagers you guys were supposed to he.
you just couldn’t love dazai even if your heart said otherwise and hoped that he could have asked you to come with him that day before he left, and if he really did love you, he would have come back for you too, right?
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you haven't had a drink in ginza, tokyo in over two years. you weren't a big drinker, but tonight felt like a good time. as you went down the flight of steps, you were greeted by a quiet, inconspicuous badger's nest packed with a counter, stools, empty bottles stacked up against the wall, taciturn regulars, and a bartender wearing a scarlet vest.
"ah, [surname]-sama. it's been a while. will you have the usual?" the bartender inquired as you sat down on one of the stools.
"i told you, just [name] would be fine," you chuckled quietly, shaking your head as your gaze flitted to the bartender, "but yes, the usual, please."
"very well, [name]-san."
you observed the bartender nod and make your drink. you sighed to yourself as you removed your red coat and bundled it nicely on your lap, clasping your fists together and resting your chin on your knuckles with your elbows placed on the bar table.
"looks like you never changed your taste for drinks at all," a familiar voice said, followed by the clinking of ice against glass as the seat beside you was occupied.
you didn't dare turn your head but a small smile tugged on your lips, "are you waiting for someone?"
he is silent for a moment before a smile pulls on his lips, a smile that didn't appear to change, just like your drink preferences didn't.
"yeah, you."
a surprised expression writes across your face, but it immediately fades. after a brief moment of chewing your bottom lip, you finally turned your head and stared at dazai osamu for what seemed like an eternity.
there he was again, there in front of you, dressed in a long brown coat instead of black, his black tie replaced with a bolo tie, and the rest of his garments a much lighter brown color, similar to oda sakunosuke.
dazai was no longer eighteen just like you, much taller than you, and had already lost the bandages and dark film over his eyes, though it was still there if you looked and dug deep enough with your ability as the scarlet witch.
"why?" you questioned, tilting your head and staring deeply into his eyes.
"because i want you to leave the mafia," dazai explained almost immediately before downing his beer, "you don't belong there."
"of course, i don't," you said, a little amused by his statements, "i know that very well."
"so, why stay there?" dazai asked, still maintaining eye-contact with you as the bartender placed down your drink in front of him.
"because i have nowhere to go, and besides, it's for the better," you stated as you stared down at your cocktail with a small sigh.
"but you can change that," dazai muttered.
"you need something from me, don't you?" you shook your head, a faint crimson glow apparent in your [color] eyes as you sipped your drink, "name it already. you know i don't like beating around the bush, dazai."
"i do need something from you," dazai said in a matter of factly manner, "i need you."
"how many women have you asked that question with, dazai?" you laughed, shaking your head, "i bet all of the girls you loved before are laughing."
"i'm not asking to die with you. i want to be with you, [surname] [name]."
"but why only now? what took you so long?"
"well, i'm asking now aren't i?"
following that exchange, there was silence between the two of you. you both held your breath while staring at each other, peering into each other's souls.
"i love you, and, yes, i know. i should have asked you to run away with me way back then," dazai said in a softer tone now, his hand slowly reaching yours, him giving it a squeeze when you don't pull it back, "and you're wrong. you're the only one i've ever loved like this at all and came back to. this, i swear upon my life."
you knew you and dazai were parallel lines, with the same past, and perhaps the stars did align tonight as they intertwined.
love. it's a foreign word to you.
with losing people being something that has always been a part of you like a curse, your fate of never knowing love was sealed the moment you lost your parents to a bombing, followed by your twin brother, and it was a curse you welcomed with open arms—a dead-street that you always seem to find yourself going into.
so you basked in the darkness of the lack of love, loneliness, blood, and death that has surrounded and been a part of you since you were a child, even more so when the port mafia took you in, particularly mori ougai given your ability to manipulate reality and psionic energy—a weapon he could harness for the port mafia's own good and cause chaos and destruction upon its enemies.
but this time, everything was different.
all you could hear and see in dazai's mind were memories he had of you, all of it from his perspective, from the moment he met you through the times you spent together before he left, and lastly, you being with him now, right to this minute.
it was right there; love, and every dead-end street led him straight to you, just as it had done for you.
you closed your eyes after witnessing everything, reliving it all with the power you were cursed and graced with, and sighed, a smile tugging on your lips, "i would have said yes if you had just asked me, dazai."
i love you more. that's what it actually was in between those lines you uttered, and catching that on, dazai's brown eyes twinkled with hope.
"i'm sorry to have kept you waiting, my love," he said softly with an even more tender and endearing smile, "but i'm here now, here to stay and get you out of there, okay?"
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[ author's notes ! this wasn't a request but something that i wrote while listening to taylor swift's lover album in the middle of the night, particularly all of the girls you loved before, along with cruel summer and afterglow.
tbh, i think my writing for this one is kinda messy ngl, but hopefully it's okay-ish, because i kinda didn't know exactly what i was going for, but lmk what ya'll think (_ _ ") ... !!! ]
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Idk if this is going to make any sense, but I always feel like there's something missing when I read thoughts about sskk and it really is the impact Kyouka has on them.
Like, a lot of it is "look at the impact Atsushi and Akutagawa have on each other" and "they are so similar at their cores" which is true! And essential for any bsd partner dynamic! But Kyouka also has commonalities - she has Atsushi's general wonder, simple wants and joys, and desire to be helpful and kind, but also Akutagawa's laser focused objectivity, initial lack of questioning orders, and straightforward ruthlessness when required.
But a lot of the external influence on sskk I see mentioned is Dazai and Chuuya's... which I get, because they're the previous double black, but also Chuuya is very minorly involved by proxy only, and while Dazai undeniably is at the heart of sskk conflict (and it's good to analyze in depth!!!), I feel it's understated how much it was actually Kyouka who kickstarted the development between them - Atsushi was brand-new to the Agency, but saving Kyouka cemented his mindset of proving his worth and also gave him someone to look out for - his position became less fragile from that point on and more permanent. Her mix of kindness and darkness also forces Atsushi in the Guild arc to reassess the idea that people are either "good" or "bad". (He's working on this still, but his judgements are becoming much more nuanced than at the beginning.) And as for Akutagawa... I have a lot of thoughts on their dynamic and how I really don't think there's a whole lot of bad blood there anymore after my all-time favourite scene where they fight in Cannibalism arc - but all I will say is that he legitimately thought what he was doing would make her strong enough to survive, and both Kyouka and Atsushi telling him this is wrong, that people can't live being beaten down like that forces him to reassess his own situation in the Hawthorne and Mitchell fight. (He still has a ways to go, but I seriously hope he eventually realizes that his treatment by Dazai was horribly unnecessary and cruel.)
But what's great is that Atsushi and Akutagawa influence her development too! I don't even need to get into Atsushi's: he believes in her potential and sees her as the young girl she is - not a weapon but a person. She starts off pretty much attached to him and only him, but as time goes on, she starts to adopt a more positive mindset and becomes more confident making decisions as a result of his faith in her. With Akutagawa, she is, like Atsushi, forced to reassess others, especially after he tells her he's glad for her having found that will to live. Kyouka is unable to continue fighting him after that, and I get the sense she saw him as a person there, instead of only the man who harmed her. I also find it really interesting that she has no shame or concern about her mindset aligning much more closely with his, to the point where she'll work with him if necessary.
This is a bit of a mess but really it's one long-winded ramble on how I loved these three working together in Dead Apple and would love to see them working and fighting alongside each other again. I know, I know, this is probably not going to happen because it's supposed to be about sskk as a duo but consider:
They are a trio in my heart.
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vofart · 7 months
So Pirate au 
Basicaly this is the last like 48 hours of thought and im just typing it up so yall can see the shit im seeing.
Abilitys are replaced with curses from like the sea gods or smth
Dazai is cursed to die on land -> lo he can’t die on the ocean
Chuuya is cursed to like berzerk haven’t thought about the technical on him yet other than he has almost zero control and will cut down anyone in his path
Completely underrealted to the curses Dazai is the only one who can stop Chuuya (him being basically immortal helps a lot with this)
I haven’t thought about any other bsd characters maybe i will later
I think that Chuuya and Dazai each are captains of their own ships but they sail together 
OR they are Captain (Dazai) and first mate slash co-captain (Chuuya)
Chuuya has some connection to the navy not sure what yet
Dazai is probably far older than he looks do to his curse
Dazai’s called suicidal most because he pulls crazy stunts and is involved with Chuuya
Dazai drinks but hes built up such a tolerance it barely does anything
Chuuya is still a light weight but by pirate standards
Chuuyas corruption marks is just blood and Dazai tenderly wipes it away
I think Dazai is navigator/cartographer
I think Chuuya is very good at all weapons
Oh and it gay (way outa left feild with that one I know)
I think that Dazai was found at one point floating along
Maybe Chuuya was enlisted to the Navy at a very young age and defected after he met Dazai
I gave Chuuya a navy sword and George Washington inspired shoes so I think this works nice
As far as Dazai and never being able to go on land I think there are some sort of floating/stilted ports that are mostly safe for him to disembark on
If I were to make the other bsd characters they would be on these ports because I don’t see them as pirates
Both of them are famed pirates that the navy occasionally tries to kill
Im kinda hoping to do more with this but… we will see, ya?
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Can i request an ADA x teen!reader ( platonic ofc ) where reader lives in a very toxic house w an abusive father but all the ADA member start to worrying abt them and think something is wrong bc they always come back with injuries and they finally decide to do something after that reader just broke down and they comfort them
:( i need some comfort so yea if its ok ofc u can skip it have a nice day ♡♡♡
Sorry this took some time anon, thank you for requesting, I wouldn't dare skip it. I hope you’re doing alright, you're never alone know that. If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here for ya.
TW// mentions of abuse, blood, child neglect
Word count: 2k
Just angst and sad weather. Hope its good for my first BSD fic.
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A soft breeze filled with springs essence flowed gently into the quaint office placed atop the red bricked building. It wasn’t much to look at, not really, other than its red exterior taking the eyes attention for a split second, there wasn’t much else to it.
Unless one was aware of its top floored residence. Quite the loud bunch many would complain. Always someone shouting and screaming about tardiness, unsettling comments about severing limbs, and often other occupants would notice a trail of emptied snack bags leading to the office. Simply a place to stay away from.
Now that was what you called home. 
The hums of the crowded streets played out in a symphony in front of you, just another side walk to cross and you were home. Home .. If the word stayed on your tongue for too long it might lose it meaning, or worse, become sour in taste. 
That top floor, was home. It had only been maybe 8 months since you began working there as an assistant. The Armed Detective Agency, the name really says all there was to it. The work wasnt too difficult, after all, you were a hardworker and you’ve been working your whole life one way or another. The president had made some adjustiments to your workload considering you were still a high school student. Of course you adamantly expressed your capabilities, but underneath it all, you were relieved. 
The breeze grazed your face and ruffled your hair, adding more knots into it after you had done so much to ensure it looked perfect, like nothing had happened. You sighed with a hint of ire plaguing not just your voice but your eyes. Perhaps holding your tongue could have granted you another hour or two of sleep. Alas, thinking of such what if’s was something you slowly learned to block out. It was pointless to fantisize of what could be anyhow.
You continued to fix your hair as you walked up the stairs, soon reaching the gates to your heaven with the oh so familiar sign positioned at the door. You hesitated briefly even as the sign urged you to come in just as the Earth welcomed rain. Thoughts began to overwhelm you. Mornings were never easy. You weren’t a sunflower waiting to greet the sun as the sun showers you with blessings and you return its gift with a smile. It was always terrifying. He was terrifying.
No matter what you did, no matter how hard you tried, you would never be enough to satisfy his will. At times, that thought alone shot bolts of desperation throughout your body, like an injured animal finding some way to stop the bleeding. What were you so desperate for? Home. It’s right in front of you, so why can’t you accept it now?
‘I didn’t get enough time to cover some of the bruises, what if they-’
“Ah you made it L/N-chan!” 
You shot up slightly at the new sound that entered your bubble. Your gaze turned towards the young boy’s voice, noticing his ragged hair. ‘Always quite slanted, not a single strand the same,’ you mused. “Atsushi you startled me aha..” Although the chuckle may have been a bit strained, you were happy to know your voice wasn’t void of that hint of delight to see him. 
“A-ah! Sorry! I guess I’ve been sneaking up on a lot of people lately. The other day it was Lucy, I made her drop her dish in the cafe- I really did apologize but she was very close to throwing me from a bridge aha-” Atsushi had a tendency of causing trouble from simple, and often innocent, actions. It was always amusing to hear about from him, they’ve never failed to crack you out of your reclusive state. 
Atsushi’s eyes wandered briefly to a mismatched coloured blotch on your arm, one you tried to conceal under your sleeves. When you took notice of his gaze, you quickly shifted that arm out of view; watching his shy and gentle eyes become disturbed with remorse. That unconcealable wrapping on your leg wasn’t any better to look at you figured, and you were sorry he had to see it. It was only for a moment though. He seemed more at ease once you smiled back at him. 
“If she did push you, I’d call Kyoka-chan.” You continued back at where the conversation left off at. At that Atsushi shaked his hands, trying to prevent the fictional scenario. “N-No! Kyoka might end up doing more than dragging me out of the water-” You both laughed at the scenario at the underlying understanding of Kyoka’s protectivness of Atsushi’s well being.
As you both walked into the office together, a scent of candies and coffee lingered in the air and the bustling office welcomed your arrival. Your eyes lingered on Atsushi as he made his way over to his desk to get started on what you could only assume to be another stack of Dazai’s unfinished paperwork. ‘I should go and get him some coffee, he might need it to finish all that.’ Looking at that stack was alone to make you wince and move towards your own desk. 
You usually make your rounds to greet everyone, but today was a difficult day and you were more tired than usual. So you figured finishing your work early would be the best way to go about things. As you began, the usual shenanigans continued to buzz around the agency. Naomi chasing Tanizaki begging him to bother himself with her rather than his work, the murmurs of the president and his secretary disgusing financial documents in his office, Ranpo-san’s loud crunches as he muched on what could’ve been his 15th chip bag of the day, and to top it off, Kunikida’s excessive yelling. You may be a hardworker but in this case, you couldn’t hold a handle to Kunikida’s work ethic. He kept everyone on task, or so he tried. 
While he was on his daily rant about Dazai’s tardiness to anyone who would listen, you felt a dreadful turmoil brewing in your head.
That buzzing in your head was a little more than unsettling. And just as your hand went to go reach your head, there it was again, that word. 
Why was it coming to the forefront of your mind? Why couldn’t that thought be subdued? Why were you so unlucky that the only word that haunted you was the one you cherished just as much?
He. Your father. Just a shadow of what he could’ve- no, should’ve been. A shadow who gained sentience and refuses to let you breathe. 
Your ‘home’ was hell personified. Every move you took would inevitably burn your feet. So you took no steps at all. Yet even then the fire raged on and clung to you. 
And right now, that fire was engulfing your head. 
You could faintly see Dr.Yosano in the distance, making her way to you. You couldn’t quite make out her expression when you dropped to floor and the fire took your eyesight.
Sometimes sleep was the only solace you could get, so you tried to cherish it whenever you could. This time, there was something different about the black void of unconsciousness. A dull pain.
It lingered and poked you in the void. Slowly voices became more clear, and feeling returned to your hands. Still, those wonderful eyes of yours refused to leave the dark. 
A part of you couldn’t deny that you liked it that way, but that poking sensation wouldn’t let you dream. 
You never had time for it.
So your eyes opened, breaking through the fire, and into the blinding lights of the ceiling panels. 
“You’re awake-!” There a pair of wide yellowish-purple eyes looked back at you, secured with a load of concern.
It was Atsushi, worried about you as always. You wished he’d worry about himself more. 
It didn’t quite hit you that you were on Dr. Yosano’s lap or the fact there were tears in your eyes, slowly streaming down your eyes. Not until Kyouka, who sat next to Atsushi wiped them gently. 
What happened to you? 
Your body must’ve been more aware than your mind as it expressed it’s emotions more freely than how your mouth could vocalize them. Slowly you sat up and noticed exactly what had caused you to lose consciousness.
“What happened… y/n?”
Blood loss.
Dr. Yosano looked at the open wounds on your legs, carefully unwrapping the loosely tied bandages around them. She was inspecting the wound just as she was inspecting your face. 
They all were looking at you. Kunikida with a glass of water held firmly in his hand. Kyouka who stayed quietly by Atsushi, looking at your wounds. Yosano who looked slightly unnerved at the blood yet continued to press on; cleaning the wound. Atsushi who looked at you as though he knew and didn’t at the same time. But he wanted to know, oh how he wanted you to tell him. 
And suddenly, it was hard. 
You were young. You couldn’t hold it back anymore.
The tears poured out and so did the words you held in for so long. You tried to hold it all in, but everyone has their limits. Atsushi held you closely as you cried into his arms. Kyouka followed and joined the hug. 
She understood. 
You may be older than her but she knew your pain just as well. 
Yosano worked on your legs with utmost care and gentleness. She knew better than to ask to heal using her unorthodox methods. She’d rather not do that, even if it took away all the physical pain, it wouldn’t do anything for your mental anguish. So she helped in the ways she could. 
Kunikida offered you that glass of water as you talked and cried. He stepped back for a moment, eyes still intently on you as you spoke with your shaky voice and teary eyes. Until he caught the sight of someone hidden in the corner of the agency.
His expression was unreadable as always yet there was a sense of conflict stiring in those lax eyes of his that Kunikida rarely saw. Just as Kunikida noticed him standing there in obscurity, he left through the agency’s doors. Kunikida knew to follow him in case Dazai had finally built a sense of justice and planned to do something rash.
When the tears stopped, you sat there with your ragged yet quiet, breathing. Atsushi never once left your side. Kyouka still sat by you, unmoving. Kenji had returned a little while ago and brought you over some tissues and began reciting stories of his farm life adventures. 
Ranpo finally appeared again. His whereabouts were always where his interests lied…. Or where the snacks were. Thus, it wouldn’t surprise you if he had been there the whole time, just hidden away. 
With a lollipop still in his mouth, he looked down at you. You couldn’t read his eyes, you barely ever saw them when you think about it. Kenji, continued to talk while your attention shifted to Ranpo. He brought his arm forward, in his hand, a single lollipop. He motioned you to take it. 
When it was in your hands, he was already gone back to whatever he was doing, yet you stared at it as though it were gold. 
Home…. A place that’s warm.. A place you feel loved..
You were home. You were safe.
And so you smiled, it would be okay.
Weeks had passed since then, your father was arrested on accounts of child abuse and neglect and you were free from his torment. That moment when Kunikida had left that day, he must’ve gone to seek out your father you supposed. Regardless, you were thankful to not just him, but the entire agency. 
You were free, and you would be okay.
That ‘home’ meant nothing to you, so with Fukuzawa-san’s permission, you were allowed to move into the agency dorms. Again, nothing you could do would expression your gratefulness towards him.
Although old habits and traumas never die, you were healing. You had people who loved you and cared for you. People who would laugh with you as Kunikida and Dazai fought. People who would eat with you when you couldn’t sleep. And people who watched over you, even if silently.
You weren't alone, and most importantly, you were happy.
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Nobody's son, Nobody's Daughter {Dabi}
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A/n: I absolutely love writing for Touya and lowkey writing this reminded me of my first ever anime crossover ff of Bnha, jjk (don't talk to me I'm still sad) and bsd. YALL DON'T READ THIS IT'S POORLY WRITTEN
Pairing: Dabi/ Touya Todoroki x fem!Zoldyck!reader
Tw: reader is a Zoldyck which means she offs people so... yeah
Genre: angst
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Eating lukewarm unpaid noodles at a closed up mini market could be deemed as illegal, though after taking a close look at all the crimes you've committed, this one was the most legal yet.
The mission hadn't been a difficult one but you wholeheartedly preferred having a couple of eyebrows raised on you being late at the mansion to showing up early and having to deal with everyone there.
Being the second child to the infamous Zoldyck family was so much fun. Missions upon missions ever since you completed your 'danger-free' training, being the best assassin amongst your siblings yet constantly being ignored and pushed to the side.... it was fun.
If it weren't for the colour of the flames, you wouldn't even have noticed that the bowl and your noodles were burnt to a crisp.
Blue flames. Such an unusual colour for fire.
"Those were my noodles." You muttered, turning your head on your left to look at the person standing next to you.
"I couldn't care less. Get the fuck out of here unless you want to join your noodles."
You didn't know what it was exactly but you immediately bursted out laughing. "No offence man but... if you weren't holding a cup of noodles yourself and most importantly if you weren't a Todoroki, I would have taken you seriously."
You felt it then. The man's expression remained just as unbothered as before, but something in the atmosphere around you changed.
You watched as he sat at the chair next to you, clearly not in the mood to talk and began poking his noodles with his chopsticks.
"Touya, right?"
"I'm not going to ask how you know all this."
How could you ever forget? Hearing the screaming of a young boy getting burnt... You had wanted to help him. Despite all that hard training, the near emotionless state you were in because of it, you wanted to help him.
But Illumi would always tell you that you needed no friends. You just had to do your job, get paid, and then leave.
You could almost hear his voice now, telling you that friends would get you nowhere.
How could you forget that by the time you returned to the forest, half of it was burnt down and the other half was full of police officers looking for that boy? Yet you couldn't do anything because you couldn't disobey Illumi.
"You're not going to deny it?"
"As if we'll meet again..."
"Right..." You mumbled.
It felt oddly comforting, the fact that he didn't even bother to question anything. You felt a little embarrassed nonetheless. It was a really awkward first meeting.
"A Zoldyck, aren't you?"
"Should I ask how you came to that conclusion?" You settled down again with a new bowl of noodles in front of you.
"You haven't really changed since I last saw you." He stood up to throw his empty cup on the trashcan. "When was it?" He stopped to think. "Oh... that one time when our parents decided to have a get-together..."
Oh, right... yes, that boy back in the forest... Touya... he used to be your friend. Until Illumi found out.
Illumi or his father? You couldn't remember.
"I don't do friends either. Not anymore, so hopefully, when we do get to meet again..." With his back facing you, Dabi turned his head around, enough for you to see blood running down his cheek from his right eye. "We will be too different people with two different families."
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