#btw i dont mean art as in drawings i mean art in general
max-iwtaco · 1 year
the more i learn to appreciate and feel art the more i fucking despise criptobros and all the losers that are trying to turn art into content
like their idea of art is so fundamentally different. they view art as something to own, as a little trinket to put as their profile picture completely ignoring the emotional part of it AND ALSO ruining it for everyone else while claiming its fine for them to use things youve worked on without your consent actually
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newtbingo · 7 months
random doodles + bonus old mane 6 redesigns
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arolesbianism · 1 year
I need to draw my sona more and specifically I need to draw it doing freaky shit I didn't make it a shapeshifter for no reason I need to draw this guy splitting its face open right now
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cherry-shipping · 1 year
JESUS. I WANT TO DRAW ME AND SANS. because im out of posts to make about him but i sure as fuck aint out of feelings so thats the only thing i can do to express myself now. except im also out of drawings to make that arent unbearably embarrassing, so………..
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calp0sa · 3 months
How do you do the symbolic art thing... I wanna try it but I'm just not creative..💔
first of all dont ever say that because you absolutely are (it came free with being a human person) second of all im not exactly sure how to answer this. my creation is a result of the way i am, and the way i see the world, and how i sense different sorts of things (literally im synesthetic which factors tremendously in my art) so i dont know how to apply this to a general demographic… but i’ll try my best! if you want to do whatever this “symbolic art thing” is, i guess the best thing i can tell you is that you can find great meaning in nonsense. when you do this sort of stuff youre mostly going to have no idea what youre doing, which is completely fine… actually a great mindset to have in this circumstance imo, because youre giving your art an opportunity to define itself (which if you see art as a sentient entity like i do then you’ll know it loves when you do that) i know this sounds a bit confusing but im basically telling you to go with whatever you feel beckoned by; if you draw your favorite character Sloppy Joe Glumpsmith II or whatever and you suddenly feel like a kitchen sink would go good with the muted vermillion palette you chose to color them with then by all means put a damn kitchen sink there. Put some gardenias put a beluga whale put whatever doesnt make sense but takes you by surprise when it somehow starts to make sense because it was rooted in your subconscious which is quite frankly the most reasonably nonsensical thing in the universe (art loves taking you by surprise in the creative process!!!) this is what symbolism is all about in my personal opinion (doesnt even have to be symbolism but thats what youre calling it right now) and remember there is literally nothing that can stop you btw. Idk why they always say think outside the box when there is no box there the box was a lie There was never a box in the first place and you are always roaming. youre creative because you cant help it and youre a human. uhh what am i evensaying rn LOL i hope this is somewhat helpful if i sound insane its because i am Have a lovely night ❤️
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silly-lil-scribbles · 6 months
Introduction post!!
status: eeuurggghgg
current chance of a response if you dm me*: 34%
* does not apply to mousie cuz its my emotional support friend
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- My name is Finn! You can also call me scribbles, soup, or really any dumb nickname will do. it/he <3
woah look at that.. its me.. on another website!! slight flash warning for spacehey btw ^^
if you havent read this in a while, i would suggest reading again cuz i update it a lot <3
- im oriented aroace! and graysexual (i think? idk man i just work here.)
- im boyflux but also im just a creechur
- I MADE A JAIL ACCOUNT SO IF IM JAILED I MIGHT BE OVER THERE ‼️ @soup-has-been-imprisoned-noooooo
- I post about the magnus archives/protocol and my chem frequently, though I also just reblog a ton of random shit. may be nsfw but never anything explicit. Also I forget to tag for spoilers a lot so just know that there are magpod spoilers in general on my blog.
- Music artists I like: Cavetown, MCR, Mother Mother, Lemon Demon, Will Wood, Dazey and the Scouts, FOB, Nova Twins, p!atd, Noahfinnce, qbomb, Gum Disease, Sparkbird, Mischief Brew, Poppy, Be Your Own Pet, Pierce the Veil, Chloe moriondo, Faetooth, IDKHOW, the mechs, rabbitology, madalyn mei, scene queen, MARINA, she/her/hers, femtanyl, leathermouth, baby queen, pansy division, the spook school, specimen, egg, the crane wives, and of monsters and men
- Shows/Podcasts/Other Media that I like! DANGER DAYSS, Malevolent, The Magnus Archives, Stranger Things, Welcome to Nightvale (though I haven’t finished it yet), the Osemanverse, Nimona, Adventure Time, Gravity Falls, ATLA, LOK, It, Hilda, Camp Here and There, Radio Rental, warrior cats, the silt verses,,,, there’s probably more but my memory is shit
- my blog is super messy so all of my art is under the tag #scribbles draws a thing and my original text posts (not the short personal ones typically, just the one i actually want people to see) are under #scribbles says shit.
- my body hates me very much (probably fibromyalgia but like doctors suck so undiagnosed)
- surprise, my brain also hates me very much! And yes also undiagnosed!
- tone tags are appreciated <3
boundaries n stuff:
- not ok with sexual or romantic comments
- platonic flirting is ok if we’re moots
- sex averse, feelings on romance fluctuate a lot but usually indifferent
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- my feeling are really fucking wonky so 80% of the time i dont/barely feel emotions. please be patient and if i sound like i dont mean what im saying, i promise you that i do. but since i know how i would feel if i could, but i still cant feel anything, im trying my best to react accordingly so it may seem like its not genuine but it is. like. imagine youre writing. youre writing your characters reactions to everything, despite not actually being able to feel it. but since you know your character, you can judge hiw they feel in the situation you make them react accordingly even though you arent actually experiencing it yourself. now replace the character with you, thats kinda how i feel. sorry i know that probably didnt make sense but trying my best here lol
- i have a tmagp fic i just starting writing! If you wanna know more, posts related to that are under #electric desires have unraveled all my wires :(
- I have 4 cats and a dog, also a gecko
- i have a queerplatonic partner!! hes awesome and swaggy and writes so much. so. much writing. wow. not saying wow in a bad way im just genuinely impressed. chou if ur reading this i love you <3
- i also have a lovely best friend named zero whos super fun and cool and pathetic /vpos. my favorite excitable soggy cardboard box ilysm <3
- coyotekin therian !!
- My favorite colors are purple, cyan, neon green, and red
- I love interacting with mutuals and getting asks! plspls send me random shit in asks im begging
- I’m creating an animated series called Catlantis (still in progress)
- I have a love hate relationship with writing but i do it anyways so oh well
- Frogs.
other tags i use a lot are:
#soup poorly draws gay people out of obligation; my series of promised dyhard drawings.
#soup gets pathetic abouut friendship; me when im a sappy bitch about my friends or partner
#objectives list; save file for when i say im gonna do something so i dont forget about it
#catlantis save; hoarding info for catlantis
#insomnia induced rambles; i cant sleep and im making it your problem
#our lady of sorrows; not the song, my mcr inspired goddess i made up for my dnd character to worship
#scribbles asks; asks
#info save; good to know
#scribbles liveblogging tmagp; exactly what it sounds like
#art save; resources for doing art
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virydia · 3 months
Hi! so sorry to bother u lol and i’m sorry if you’ve already answered but what app do you use to draw? I finally saved up and have an i pad and pencil and i was gonna get procreate and i saw it was 13$… i dont mind getting it if it’s worth it but is it? Do you use it? If not then what app would you recommend? This is my first time digitally drawing btw i’ve drawn on paper before! Also honestly any tips on general on drawing digital would mean a lot! :) thank you and i hope you fave a fabulous day! 🫶🫶🫶
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My such high praise 🫣 thank you so much!!
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I’d say procreate is very much worth it! Though I do have some qualms about it such as it’s limited layers (depending on your canvas size) and the fact that you can’t select/edit a group (you have to do it individually, but there are workarounds)
Another one you can try is ClipStudioPaint, I don’t personally use it but my friend does and what’s cool is that if you have it on pc, from what I’m told you can connect your account on mobile and pc for a cross platform situation
Aside from procreate I also use PaintToolSai2 for pc when I’m streaming and I usually have like 50+ layers per artwork, so it was definitely a huge adjustment when I first started using procreate 😂
As for tips, definitely find references if you can! I usually use a 3D app called poseit (mobile) or posemyart (web) and it has helped me significantly! (My 3D animator ass can’t live without them now 🥲) though I don’t always follow the pose I make to a T, it’s there to help me visualize the bits and pieces I can see in my brain 😂
My process usually goes like this:
vague Shitty thumbnail —> reference/3D posing —> art
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But honestly my best advice is just keep drawing and have fun with it, no need to think too much, never stop learning new things and if you have a hyper fixation that’s even better 😂
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luneariann · 1 year
Hey Lune, you got your username from Land of the Lustrous, right?
I was thinking about it and just had a thought:
Chuuya == Cinnabar
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Dazai == Phosphophylite
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Chuuya and Cinnabar are just too alike with their highly destructive abilities, but my only logic for Dazai is "Phos gets damaged a lot plus gay ships."
But yeah, just a cool thought I wanted to share because your user made me think of that awesome anime again ^^
OKOK SO!!! Since you said you weren’t that attached to Dazai being a Phosphophylite I thought him being a Lapis would actually be more fitting! Since they were known for in the manga for their immense intelligence curiosity, moral ambiguity and being generally hard to read! Which I feel fits him rly well!
As for Chuuya as Cinnabar yiure SO CORRECT, so I propose that he’s a weirdly mutated batch of it that actually has his poison (?) contained inside his body, in order to use it he actually needs to break, (like when he uses corruption cough cough) he’s the strongest fighter in their school and since he obviously wanted to protect everyone he would often abuse his ability, which is harmful because I’m order to use it he needs to literally break himself + the poison in of itself is corrosive and actively damages him everytime he uses it ASIDE from destroying everything around him!
It’s really effective for killing Lunerians but it also means he often shouldered the burden of protecting everyone alone because he rly can’t use it with people around him, and I imagine the others in the school would really look up to Chuuya as the strongest, kinda like they do Bort in canon! So they wouldn’t rly see this was harming him cuz he wouldn’t want them to know cuz he would feel this would be letting them down
Which is where Dazai comes in, I think he would originally not be a fighter type, I think he used to work at the school in research and strategy without actually being in the battle field, up until he encounters Chuuya and takes an interest in him bcz ofc he does. He’d be the first person to actually really see what’s going on with Chuuya overworking himself and breaking himself for the sake of the others, and I think he would step in by becoming Chuuyas partner, which Chuuya obviously wouldn’t want but we all know how persistent and cunning Dazai is so he somehow get his way
As for why he wanted to be Chuuyas partner in the first place? Because he wanted Chuuya to stop breaking himself and he knew that him being there achieved two things 1. Chuuya cannot use corruption because Dazai would be near him, and 2. Chuuya wouldn’t have to use corruption because Dazai would be there to come up with attack strategies on the fly
And this double black would be born!
(Also a fun side effect of Lapis Dazai is we get the red and blue symbolism back)
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Anyway tysm for this ask! It’s honestly been a rly fun au to think abt :)!!!
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just-antithings · 10 months
I've 2 OC's that are siblings (39 +20) who are very clearly in love but my anti friends assume it's normal family stuff and I'm Only putting it in the nsfw channel because I "dont want people to think I'm a proshipper" and I" want only trusted people to see it." 🤨 I've always stated I'm okay with seeing most things in fiction besides loli/shota which is legit illegal in my country
Btw the art of the siblings is they are in bed kissing each other with tongue with barely any clothes on but okay sure yes totally not incest it's absolutely family friendly fun times and I'm just really shy to post it in general if it means I avoid death threats.
( I didn't realise they were antis until a few hours after I posted the drawing since I've posted a lot of problematic nsfw art)
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beebundt · 7 months
fwiw that rude commenter is a transphobe, a post a few down on their blog is real blatant (and in that vein I think their comment was less a judgement of your anatomy and more saying Charlie is 'too' muscular/angular)
It's rude and out of pocket REGARDLESS but I also think you're a little hard on yourself! You even said, you hadn't illustrated exactly what you were after with her, and you hadn't intended for a collection of doodles you happened to still like to blow up. You're entirely right that we should all be drawing more than conventionally attractive people, but idk. It's a process and you're a great artist who's working toward it! Don't feel like you have to answer this btw I mostly wanted to let you know that commenter was a double idiot and started rambling. Hope you have a lovely day!!
oh absolutely! i have a feeling you're right abt what they meant considering i saw the transphobic comment they made a couple posts down on their blog lmao but i wanted to add that part anyway. and i appreciate your words a ton, but dw im not hurt or upset! i get a lot of weird comments all the time, i just wanted to use that one as a platform to bounce off of a thought ive been having lately. i wouldn't post a negative remark like that unless i wanted to use it for something. the actual comment was mostly irrelevant to the point i wanted to make, which is also not meant to be super serious, just a thought soup to stir around
and i mean my interpretation of my art as purely objective, i think its important to think critically about yourself and in general. from an objective standpoint, i dont believe the way shes drawn is too out of the norm and is fairly tame (disregarding her ox/bull parts lol), thats basically what i was aiming for with that section. i constantly get stuck in a rut without improving by much because im usually just drawing to doodle after a school day and not rlly with any purpose. i tend to keep drawing the same things out of habit and it gets stale really quickly. so i know my faults and im rlly looking forward to getting better!
also rq, what you said about how we need to draw more than conventionally attractive people- while i do agree with that, in my post i was more saying its important for people to be more open-minded about how they view gender expression and attractiveness in general, myself included! i dont think how i drew charlie was very revolutionary, but ive seen so many tags speaking otherwise. which is either reflective of how small the bubble is for whats acceptable or maybe i have a skewed perception of things? for example if having a bush or something is gender envy we need to look at ourselves. bush is so normal to me. (which i dont if thats what even drew ppl to it BUT. just as an example). would those same people say the same if i drew a very fat woman with a beard, unibrow, etc.? i have no idea. but i have had my eyes opened so many times before its incredible. little things ive never thought about before through new perspective. so thats why i want to encourage it too. i hope that makes sense. thank you so much i hope you have an equally lovely day!! 🫶🫶
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kroosluvr · 4 months
persona is not even that "bad" of a thing to be obsessed with. its *extremely* popular, both casually and obsessively. i think your art is great. i actually downloaded all your p2 art because there is not enough of p2 art in general (not to repost of course, fuuuuuck reposters, but to look at it again later even if i dont have wifi). i think your art is worthy of that. but even if it wasnt, its not healthy to bottle yourself up forever. if you want to express yourself, even if its fandom, even if its not something you can show off to non-fans, that matters. you deserve to be able to do that no matter what imo. and if its not safe to express yourself around your 'friends' like that, they suck. being able to complete rendered art like you have is genuinely a feat. ive always wanted to "draw" but ive never been able to get past shitty sketches on paper even when i had ideas. most people dont even try at all, even when they love something a lot. so i think you should be proud your love has "bore fruit" i guess. you can point to your work as the labor of your love. thats something really nice, i think. i hope you dont take any of this the wrong way (im not great at conveying tone) i mean all of this 100% on your side.
prsona fandom has always been so kind to me.......... ;-; <3 there r so many cool creators here... fanartists and fanfic writers and EDITORS and VOICE ACTORS and i think everyone is so cool and inspirational im so glad to be a part of it all EVEN JUST A LITTLE BIT,.... UEUE
but thank you so much really.. ;-; <3 im just glad my art shows my love hehe..... thats all that matters to me bc i have so much love and i need to put it all somewhere
(and re: p2 art omg.... i love p2 so much but i feel also a little shy to share my ideas(and etc) since im so new to it?!?!? i wish i got into it YEARS ago like 3-5 so it could have time to swish around in my head....... but i have so many sketches aaaa I JUST GOTTA FINISH THEM... i also want to rewatch+probably play is/ep myself to get FULL EXPERIENCE UWUAGHHW AT SOME POINT AAAAAAAAAA but im really happy you enjoy my p2 stuff in particular because its so new and refreshing to me and i looooove drawing stuff for p2 so much ;w; MORE TO COME I PROMISE I PROMISE I PROMISE and omgim so flattered that you thought to download my work JUST TO LOOK AT IT MORE?!?! MY HEAD EXPLODES CLEAN OFF. THANK U OMG............ //)
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demvalhaken · 2 months
Dem Rambles lol (I am insane)
I honestly wanna create a PMV or something but I SUCK AT THAT TYPE OF STUFF. I’ve honestly never been good at drawing frames, but maybe trying something new will fix this horrid artblock
Lol, I don’t even know what song I would do tbh
My guilty pleasure is liking those silly yt essays about Spongebob and internet shit. I now realise how nerdy my history has become. I’VE BEEN READING ENTIRE WIKIPEDIA ARTICLES ON BEES AND WATCHING HOUR LONG EXPLANATIONS. I watch science stuff for crying out loud, and commentary… Layze, Chad Chad, Danny Gonzalez, Drew Gooden, Soda Pets… I DREW FAN ART OF FUNKYFROGBAIT AND WATCHED THEIR VIDEOS LIKE 6 TIME EACH. AUHHHHHGHGHGHGHGG
I feel as though That Handsome Devil doesn’t get a lot of love on his music except for Savages and Charlie’s Inferno. My favourite song by him is Inside You or Stockholm Syndrome or the entirety of History Is a Suicide Note and Your Parents Are Sellouts AND THAT HANDSOME DEVIL (Name ablum)
Tbh that song is kind of comforting for me, please take a listen to his underground music, I am not a Gaslight, Gatekeep, Girlboss! I am a TRUTH, SHARE, GIRLBOSS! I DO NOT GASLIGHT OR GATEKEEP
Btw can we all agree that no one is an “AI Artist.” I was watching an essay video on youtube and this (Not to be mean) interviewed dumbass said that he was an AI Artist. Oh, poor him, his AI images are being shared around the internet and he’s gonna probably do a DMCA thing. I don’t give a shit that your “AI Art” is being shared around, go back to your basement >:( We shouldn’t call anyone an “AI Artist,” it’s not art, it’s an generated image using data from billions of stolen images from photos and artist. I just have a burning HATRED for these people. Dem Facts for you!
Sorry for the ramblings, I fell asleep to 9 chad chad videos and now I can confirm that, no, she does not give me nightmares :)
I’m not even gonna read any of this and just post it, I mean no hate to anyone unless they deserve it. Love you guys, I read every comment btw if you’re wondering
Dem Rambles, women are hot and I eat powdered sugar
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gilbirda · 2 years
Hello again! I've actually written the down some of my "Jason and the Spraypaint 'Thief'" idea tho its mostly scaffolding and i dont feel ready to share it just yet, but progress is being made!
If I may ask for your advice once more, the story has begun leaning towards Anger Management vibes (thanks for that brainrot too (affectionate)), but i dont feel great that the genesis of Jason and Jazz meeting is after Jason basically stalks Jazz in his hunt for whoever is buying his spraypaint before he can. Like, she is the one buying the paint, but the dynamic feels too onesided atm in terms of agency, but idk what Jazz would be doing that could parallel Jason.
The best Ive got is she tried to find out who bought out the yarn she was knitting with (it was Jason being petty), but I dont think she'd care as much as Jason does with the paint and it also feels too samey.
...Just had this thought while writing this, would it vibe with Jazz's character if she kept tabs on the Batfam for Danny? Like in terms of location. Ive got it that Danny dosnt want anything to do with the Batfam atm, Gothem is their turf fighting-wise and he dosnt want to encroach on that (tho he does help people in need when he comes across them), he just wants to make cool art in weird places (and maybe some ghost king stuff, not sure on that just yet) (maybe as a coping mechanism bc I do like the angst that comes from 'Danny leaves Amity bc the Fentons reactly badly to him being a halfa', tho still not sure how he gets into spraypaint yet, that feels like an important detail), so Jazz keeps tabs on their patrols for Danny so he can spraypaint without drawing their attention, and then Jazz notices Red Hood acting a bit odd and does her own investigating to make sure its not ghost business (she would know that RH has ghost vibes from Danny and his current spraypaint investigating behaviour maybe looks like a ghost obsession without context), and maybe she ends up pulling a Tim and figures out Red Hood is Jason, just due to ghost vibes instead of acrobatics.
I havent even gotten to them actually meeting in my planning yey, its just discovery eachother from afar and general thoughts of 'thats the person Im looking for, they're kinda cute' so far. Current vauge idea is they meet in a fight, tho i might be biased bc i did recently reread 'cant help falling (in love with you)' (i think i said this before, but amazing story btw, eagerly waiting for the next chapter!)
I hope this makes sense. This is the first time I've had an idea I've wanted to share with other fandom people and felt comfy enough to do so.
(your ask got sent twice so im gonna answer one and delete the other. Just Tumblr things I guess)
I see Anger Management and go feral
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I see what you mean about there being a power imbalance in their meeting situation - but we have to be aware that the source material is like that. Jason is a crime fighter and a vigilante and also a very extra boy. He is petty and arrogant and sometimes he is not above using his skills for personal use.
You can make it so she knows what's going on and leads him in a wild goose chase just for funsies. Make Jazz petty as well. Make her highly competent. Make her win in his own game and boom, no more power imbalance. (Also that can be a cool "I need to know more of this woman" kind of situation.)
Another alternative, is making her think he is stalking her for unsavory purposes and beat the shit out of him.
I like what you said about Jazz being the one that keep tabs on all the vigilantes. She could have profiled them all, studied their patterns, and Tim Drake her way into memorizing their patrol routes so Danny can paint in peace.
So that's why when her new stalker starts bothering her, she is so Done(tm) that she is not afraid to gatekeep, gaslight, girlboss her way into making him stop.
How she does it? Dealer's choice.
(I'm weak to the fight approach, if it wasn't obvious (✿◡‿◡) )
(But outsmarting him could work as well.)
(Jason is into women that can kick his ass, be it physically or in smarts)
So in conclusion I think if you want to not fall into icky power imbalances and not fall into highly competent Mary Sues tropes, the sweet spot would be Jazz making the choice to take act or not, and base it on actual conflict: If she can't just beat the shit out of him, explain why. If she is not going to make a deal out of it, explain why. Make the character have agency and a choice in the matter, even if that choice is inaction.
Thank you for showing me your progress!!!! I'm so happy when people make content for the crossover and my favorite ship!!!
Also thanks for reading my fics!
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sleepy-vix · 2 months
What kind of book covers do you find the most appealing?
i LOVE when books have olden day art like in penguin classics or a certain hunger!
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i also like books with cool toned or muted/monochrome pallets that put an effort into looking intellectual and deep, like these:
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idk how else to describe them :,)
on the other hand, i hate books that are generic, have cartoon drawings, or really basic decoration that can be found on dollar store congratulations cards.
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they just seem so low effort and uncoordinated, or purposefully simple. idk,, i dont like it when books purposefully market themselves as low effort reads because it seems so cheap and meaningless.
though! by cartoon covers i DONT mean covers with good and unique art. also, dont get me wrong, i do like colourful books. like these:
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(btw i havent read any of the books in this post. i only judged them by covers)
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THE ASK!! this was really fun to consider :D i always love answering ur asks
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puphoods · 9 months
claire from the start of the year vs end btw. :)
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i think ive improved a lot but on small things... i think im better at drawing bodies + have a better understanding of where things go when i draw a person(/whatever)... i think the way i draw faces is better but i really need to improve on how to draw mouths + different expressions its something i dont have a good understanding on. i dont think ive improved much with colours which is another weak point of mine that i struggle with a lot. i think my lines look more confident and purposeful and i think im better at at least trying to draw things im not confident in rather than avoiding it or drawing around it as a copout. umm what else... i feel like ive gotten better at drawing hair. realising i much more enjoy making it look more realistic + that i enjoy my art looking more realistic (comparatively) in general so i want to work on that but also work on exaggerating shapes and poses and lines etc. etc.
some things i want to try and focus on next year... that stuff i already mentioned ofcourse but also really need to buckle down and focus on learning to use colour better. i want to figure out a colouring style i enjoy more as well bc i dont really enjoy the way i do it Or how it looks rn. i also want to try drawing different perspectives and more interesting looking + dynamic poses and art pieces in general. id also like to start focusing on drawing things that arent just characters as i would enjoy being able to do things like backgrounds props scenes etc. sometimes. i also really need to figure out how to draw multiple characters interacting + touching etc. and how to make it look natural/good bc it always looks stiff and awkward
i would also love to try drawing with different styles and methods (ie painting/rendering things sometimes stuff like that) bc the times i do try out different styles i enjoy it :) i need to do style studies. i also need to look at some tutorials or whatever for different digital art methods like painting which i dont really enjoy bc i can never seem to find any that i like
and i need to remember to have fun with it... i always end up trying to draw so people will think its good rather than because im enjoying it and i really need to focus on that again. and i want to draw More which i say all the time but i really do as ive said i dont draw much more than gets posted but even if i do sketches or practice more often would mean a lot to me. i really have in the last little while been much more motivated to actually start creating some of my stories that i have and while i think im still a long way away from being in a position where i would feel confident starting i want to start doing things that are pushing me in the right direction and alot of this here is doing that (along with practice writing and stuff but thats a big different thing). well i dont know what else to say. goodbye
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hellonerf · 6 months
your mutual here :D
Id say i really want to make friends with you! (like some other anons lol) i love your art and your ideas and i feel lucky we both like caname...(and rusame) 😭You are part of the reason that i keep drawing caname frequently and every time i received a comment from you i felt so delighted and warm. I love the unique way you draw ame and i was so attracted to your art even before i started to post my doodles. And Im increasingly curious about you after that...I really want to interact more with you but im always afraid that you may not like it and after browsing your main blog i realized i actually know very little about you. (its sad TT...btw your artworks are always so amazing and so do your ocs and original stories so its like we are in two worlds) Anyway i really want to talk with you more (even if you leave hetalia fandom someday)and i really hope you wont mind my disturbance😭
ah thank you ... thank you so much ❤️ im really warmed people are having so much fun with my art as i am... and i am happy with the people wanting to be friends ☺️ i get nervous and weird about mixing the different profiles i have on the internet 😭 so there will be a lot split across my profiles... and i am nervous about sharing my thoughts in general, so i apologize if it makes me seem unapproachable 🙏 (also i forget to talk to people often) im fine with people talking to me, i do mean this. it is just that i mainly don't want a set internet identity so i try to pull focus to my art mainly... even still i really don't mind people approaching or talking to me ☺️👍 i dont feel disturbed by it so dont worry
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