#btw i’m here for queer eddie
steddielations · 8 months
*sighs dreamily* steve being eddie’s queer awakening
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fake-80s-yaoi · 1 year
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hellfire club name origin?? p cool!!!
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AITA for sleeping with a 20 year old?
tw: mentions of potential grooming, age gap relationships, nsft/nsfw, vague discussions of sex
So, me (38m) and my wife (39f) are in an open relationship. Basically, we’re both bisexual and not quite ready to limit our sex lives to one person yet. So, we decided to allow friends with benefits situations outside of our relationship. No romantic stuff, no dating, just sex.
In January, my wife went to stay at her best friend’s (28f) house and have some fun together. I don’t mind at all, I was kind of glad to have our apartment to myself for a week. Now, there’s this queer bar that me and my wife frequent and it’s a good mix of all age demographics and identities.
There’s this one trans guy, I’ll call him M, that most people in the local community know because he’s very attractive. He reminds me of a very short Eric Draven mixed with Eddie Vedder. (Oddly specific, I know) Like, he has long-ish curly brown hair, big brown eyes, the sweetest smile ever and he dresses very well. A little grunge here, a little rockstar there. Good jewelry. You get it.
I always catch people staring at him when he’s at the bar with his friends. (We live in Europe btw, legal drinking age is 18.) In short, I find him very cute. He’s basically a micro celebrity among the community and he doesn’t even know it.
So, while my wife was away I went down to the bar and his friend group invited me to come sit with them. We started talking, he’s super funny and we began talking about Pearl Jam because of the shirt I was wearing. Found out he’s obsessed with the music scene of the 90s, specifically rock and grunge, and I happen to have a collection of merchandise of the big 4. I invited him to come check it out and he eagerly accepted. None of his friends wanted to come, so it was just us two. Showed him the stuff, he got super excited about it and I even let him keep one of my Soundgarden shirts and some CDs.
I offered to cook dinner, we ate and then had some weed brownies for dessert. We got posted on the couch, talked for a good while and he began confiding in me. I’m not gonna go into detail because that’s shitty, but he basically told me he’d never had a positive sexual experience up to that point. Apparently all of his exes were switches leaning submissive and he’s purely submissive, so things never really worked out and he never finished with any of them.
I told him about me and my wife’s arrangements and some other stuff about our sex life. (Don’t worry, my wife is 100% okay with this. Even in this context.)
Here’s where I might be the asshole, if not the creep:
Now, I was pretty high at that point and I joked about how I could give him a positive experience. To my surprise, he actually eagerly accepted. I was a bit hesitant because we were both buzzed, but he kept reiterating that he’s consenting and that he’s sure he wants this. So, I made sure he had a good night and he actually ended up sleeping over and we cuddled. It was super nice and he seemed genuinely ecstatic about it the next morning, it was adorable. I was honestly just happy that I was able to give him a positive sexual encounter.
We exchanged numbers, kept texting for two days and he ended up coming over again. Had some more fun together and he went to go sleep over at a friend’s place. At that point, I sort of realized that I may be catching feelings for him. Which is against me and my wife’s rules and also just a horrible idea, especially considering the age gap. So, I let him know that I need some distance and he was super understanding. He was understandably a bit disappointed but didn’t complain or anything.
Once my wife came back, I told her about everything. This is just a thing we do because it helps avoid speculation and unnecessary jealousy. We always tell each other about what happens with our other sexual partners, but only if they consent to it. Which most of them do because they’re our friends. She seemed a bit unnerved by it, not because of the fact that I had feelings for him, but because of the age difference. She said it’s weird and predatory and told me she needed some time to think.
Apparently, she went to go check in on M and asked him if I pressured him into anything. He said it was a 100% mutual thing and he’s very much into older guys, so he enjoyed it quite a lot.
This put her mind at ease but I’m still quite shaken by it. I never stopped to consider the fact that the age difference is quite concerning. I can’t help but feel like a nasty creep that bribed some poor 20 year with old band shirts to come sleep with him. I don’t like that I didn’t even think about it. Talking with M came so easy and we share a lot of interests. I’m not about to go and say he’s 'mature for his age' because he isn’t, he acts like any other 20 year old.
I was just so focused on how attractive and interesting he is to me, I fear I might’ve acted extremely selfish and should’ve stopped to take his lack of experience and his naivety into account. Of course he’d sleep with me, he’s 20 and doesn’t know any better. It should’ve been my job, as the older adult, to put a stop to it. Please don’t hesitate to give it to me straight.
What are these acronyms?
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nerdy-frog98 · 2 months
Okay, so I just finished my first watch of s2 of 9-1-1, and here are my overall thoughts:
- So Abby just completely disappeared? No decency to tell Buck they were over? No wonder I’d never really heard about her.
- I’ve only known Eddie for one season but if anything happened to him I would kill everyone and then myself.
- Guys, when I’d heard about the Buck and Eddie ship, I’d expected subtle queer coding, not blatant flirting…? The times they interacted this season were charged with sexual energy, what do you MEAN some people don’t see it?? I guess if you see that shit for seasons and then nothing ever happens about it, I can see why people would complain of blatant queerbaiting.
- in kind of the same point as the last… Buck and Eddie don’t really seem like best friends yet (because their interactions are few and far between, and when they do interact, it’s laden with sexual tension), but I ADORE how much Buck already seems to care for Christopher. I know there is much more to come, but it’s cute seeing them in the early days.
- The threads for Buck’s bisexuality have been there from the beginning btw, said as someone who knows very little about what the plans were. If the intention was to have Buck be a straight man, they maybe shouldn’t have had him connect with basically every gay person he meets & then stare at boys like that.
- The character development happening with every single one of the characters is soooo satisfying. This show is addictive. My fav character is definitely still Buck, but Hen is a very close second.
- I love Maddie so much, and her story is very heartbreaking. Mildly triggering, tbh, but important.
I definitely liked this season better. The character dynamics are more natural now, storylines are getting more satisfying conclusions (though I would still love more of the stuff they mention off screen to happen ON screen), and because the season was so much longer, there were episodes that were dedicated to the backstories of the characters…which helped me connect more with them. I love every character in the 118 and I’m nervous about what’s coming (bc I know the tsunami is coming 👀)
Okay thanks for sticking with me. More later :)
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audhd-nightwing · 2 years
more of punk!steve bc i adore him
steve first runs into the Party at the arcade (where he works part time because he wants to make his own money as a ‘fuck you’ to his parents and cuz it’s a chill job) and he becomes their favorite worker and they become his favorite customers. one day steve takes a smoke break in the parking lot and sees some kids bullying the Party and his older brother instincts kick in.
he walks up behind the party like “well well what do we have here?” and the Party is like “steve!! :D” and steve in his leather jacket and ripped jeans and combat boots glares down the bullies and they scamper off. from then on steve tells the kids to go to him if someone is bothering them and it becomes town-wide knowledge not to mess with byers wheeler henderson & sinclair. he basically becomes their personal Scary Dog.
the parents end up wanting to meet this young man who kept bullies away from their kids (and they’ve heard all sorts of rumors about him and he dresses like That so they’re suspicious) and steve’s like “yeah sounds great!” and immediately charms all of them because he’s a sweetheart and does genuinely care about and want to protect their kids. from then on he’s the go-to babysitter / ride to school / campaign host. steve pretends to be annoyed but he loves it and treats them all like they’re his younger siblings (especially lucas and dustin)
joyce and steve bond especially and they have coffee dates every sunday and just talk (joyce tries to get steve to come to her when he needs help or just someone to listen). at first everyone who sees them is super confused because what is paranoid mother Joyce Byers doing with the high school bad boy Steve Harrington?? but after a couple months it just becomes commonplace and people will even stop by to say hi
i also think jonathan and steve would end up being best friends in like freshman year and steve would get jancy together in s1 (steve and nancy don’t date). he’s never a third wheel though they have a great “this is my boyfriend and our best friend steve” type relationship. (plus jonathan never takes the creepy pics and the whole fight never happens so they’re all chill).
steve and robin are fellow outcasts so they’re chill. then steve beats up some guys who harassed her and they become actual friends and steve lets robin come over whenever her parents are being shitty. steve lowkey converts her into a punk and they basically do illegal shit and have a bunch of fun.
btw steve is a fully realized biromantic demisexual (or just queer whatv lol) and he has an extremely accurate gaydar which is partially why stobin become friends. anyways i’m mentioning this becauseee
steve meets will byers and Immediately Knows and pretty much comes out to him and tells him it’s okay and he becomes wills Gay Mentor (imo jonathan can either be straight or queer and just not really informed abt gay shit so steve would be the mentor in his place bc they’re basically brothers anyway (joyce absolutely tries to adopt steve multiple times)).
steve meets max at the arcade before any of the Party befriend her and she immediately becomes another of his favorite customers (the ranking is dustin, will & lucas & max, mike). she thinks he’s super cool and basically projects onto him as an older brother figure and he’s happy to play the part. he notices the way billy treats max and threatens him that if he ever treats her like that again he will kill him and hopper will help him hide the body. things are pretty peaceful for max after that. additionally neil hargrove gets arrested for domestic and child abuse and billy takes his car and leaves without a word. max’s mom still drinks so steve kinda unofficially adopts her, she has her own room in his house and ends up staying there most days. he ends up actually adopting her later but they’re still more of an older brother & younger sister dynamic than father & daughter
steve doesn’t interact with eddie until s4 but they know of each other and are on neutral terms until the byers move to cali and eddie starts DMing for dustin lucas mike erica and max (who steve managed to convince to play). they’re wary of each other at first but eddie realizes steve is actually a huge softie and steve realizes eddie is just a cute dork who reads LOTR and plays D&D.
steve isn’t on any sports teams or anything but he works out on his own, goes for jogs every morning with jonathan and nancy especially after the demogorgon and demodog shit. basically he’s fit and good at fighting (due to more experience with it) and nancy taught him how to shoot so he can do that too. most of his scars are from demo-creatures instead of fistfights, though he has a few of those too (not from jonathan or billy tho).
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buddiebeginz · 7 days
There’s a difference between getting blocked for simply not liking BT, and being blocked for making negative posts about BT, especially when you say things like “anyone who likes BT just wants to see two men kiss.” that’s a hurtful thing to say about someone, and it makes sense that people who do support the ship—especially queer men, who have been vocal about the way fandom has repeated homophobic rhetoric when criticizing BT—don’t want to see that. I’m sorry you’ve been blocked by people, but that’s the real issue here.
I'm assuming you're referencing this post
First of all everyone is entitled to curate the kind of online experience that is best for them. I was not telling anyone they can't block me or anyone else. Personally I'm not someone who likes to block a lot and a do follow people who ship B/T usually they're multi shippers or people who I was following before they started shipping them.
I have blocked a lot of B/T shippers though because a lot of them have been vile towards Buddie, Eddie, and the Buddie fandom and it's not just been on their own blog it's been right in the main 911 tags or even in the Buddie tags. Or sometimes right on my own posts in reblogs and comments. That has been my main issue because if it was just on their blogs most of the time I'd simply unfollow. I'm not telling anyone else to do the same btw that's just how I usually operate.
In my post I wasn't just trying to whine about being blocked, like I said people have the right to have whatever online experience they want, what I was mostly talking about was how upsetting it is that the Buddie fandom as a whole has changed drastically since B/T became a thing. I'm sad that I've lost people I followed for a long time some who were even mutuals now that Buck is dating T*mmy. And yeah you can say it's not just that it's also because they don't like what I'm posting but a lot of these people used to be all about Buddie and I always assumed they would have been ride or die for them no matter what. It's hurt to see to so many of them drop Buddie all together or even if they haven't completely they're defending B/T hardcore now.
As for you talking about how there's a difference between simply not liking B/T and making negative posts about the ship what you're really saying is I'm not allowed to voice my opinions about the show. I see no issue with talking about why I don't like B/T so long as I am not harassing anyone with my opinions and keeping it on my blog away from the people who like that ship.
Not sure if or when I said "anyone who likes B/T just wants to see two men kiss" in the post I'm assuming you're referencing I said "Did so many of you really only care about seeing two men kiss?" It's possible I have said that before though I've ranted a lot on my blog and sometimes I do talk about the fandom as a whole when I'm venting. But I do get that not everyone thinks the same as they collectively might come across. I get that there are different reasons why some people might be drawn to a ship.
I know there are different reasons why people might like B/T but for me that ship has had very little substance (especially compared to Buddie). I do believe everyone should be able to ship who they want. I have plenty of ships I've loved that aren't even canon and had no kisses. At the same time B/T shippers call Buddie shippers delusional for even hoping for Buddie to go canon. So yeah I'm going to get defensive and say you're attacking us for shipping two men who share six years of history, intense chemistry, and are literally raising a son together when comparatively most of the things B/T have shared have only been physical.
I have a huge problem with people trying to equate any criticisms of B/T with homophobia. You can't call any criticisms of a queer ship homophobic just because you disagree and frankly as a queer person myself that really bothers me. I hate when people try to weaponize our sexuality like that.
My problem with the ship is I don't like T*mmy as a person. Like other characters on the show (Taylor, Buck's parents, etc) they haven't done enough to show how he's grown from who he was in s2. More importantly I haven't liked how T*mmy treats Buck. He's been snappy, dismissive, unsupportive, and just doesn't seem to get who Buck is. I'd also argue that we saw T*mmy putting all this effort in when he was spending time with Eddie, literally flying him to other states and we haven't see a single shred of that kind of effort in his relationship with Buck.
Also as for the dinner scene in 7x10 because I've seen a lot of B/T shippers claim it was homophobic to criticize that scene. That people just didn't get that is how queer men talk. I made a post about that here. The issue was not kink the issue was that it wasn't the time and place. And btw if it was a convo Buddie were having I still wouldn't have wanted Eddie to say that within the context of that conversation. You don't talk about daddy kink when your partner is literally talking about how their dad almost died.
Honestly though I don't get why so many B/T shippers seem to be messaging me or even care what I'm doing on my blog. I'm sorry if you've seen my posts and you didn't want to like I said I do my best to keep them out of your tags. But I'm also not going to just stop sharing my thoughts on the show. The main reason I even do is so that other Buddie shippers feel supported and know they're not alone in feeling frustrated with the show and the state of fandom right now. If that means I get blocked by people who once claimed to love Buddie well then so be it.
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matan4il · 1 year
Hopefully, this doesn't sound weird, but I have been trying to better educate myself and pick up on queer coding. There was one line in season 4 that pinged with me, and I was curious about your thoughts? Eddie tells Carla being with Anna is nice, it's easy. Remember the 2 cake birthday dinner???
But it hit weird outside of the follow your own heart line for me. If a friend of mine said that to me I would be happy for them. It's not a cry of like this relationship is nothing I actually want. I would kind of assume it's the same for same sex couples? Like the goal of a relationship is, it's easy. Sure you want passion and all, but typically that's not the way the conversation goes you know. It's almost as if Carla knows something?
Am I reading into his line or delivery? I mean, is it just boring to be comfortable with a lover that I read more insecurities into that line than needed be?
Hi Nonnie! Thank you for the ask.
It sounds quite sweet, actually! And that’s a very interesting line that you touch upon. Okay, so I’m gonna answer in two parts, one in general, and one with a specific queer angle in mind.
First, the general angle. I do think being comfortable with your lover is one of the goals of relationships, to get to the place where you’re not scared of losing them, so you have the freedom to be fully yourself and fully confident that you have each other, that you have chosen each other. But at the same time, I don’t think it’s only being comfortable that’s the goal. I believe like most things in life, it’s about the balance. It’s about being comfortable in your daily life together, but still maintaining a certain thrill and excitement when it comes to more intimate times. It’s about knowing you have this person, but then every once in a while still looking at them and thinking that they’re SO amazing, and how did you get so lucky that they chose to be with you? It’s about still sharing this challenge and spark with each other in the bedroom (or outside of it, if kids aren’t around) even after you’ve been together for quite a while. Don’t get me wrong, if all you have is excitement and you never get to the point where you’re comfortable and secure in the r/s, that’s not good. But it’s also not good to only be comfortable and lose every bit of passion and fire that the r/s offers, because that’s a part of how we feel alive, and sustained by this partnership.
We learn that being with Ana, at a relatively early stage of the r/s, is already lacking that thrill for Eddie, which says that there’s something wrong with their chemistry. He knows she’s great, but it sounds like it’s an intellectual understanding, not something that he feels in his bones and drives him crazy with how incredible it is that he gets to be with someone that great. (BTW, I just gotta throw in here a reminder about how it’s canon that Buck thinks Eddie is THAT great, and that’s what made him that jealous in 201. Or that Eddie becomes convinced Buck is THAT great, and that’s why Eddie’s so willing to partner up with Buck and even introduce him to Chris)
At the same time, there is a queer angle. Because look, if you’re gay, for most of human history, you were expected to give up on the thrill of real attraction and settle for what society tells you that you’re meant to do, which is marry someone of the opposite sex in order to have a “normative” family together. That’s what Eddie convinces himself he should do when it comes to Ana, give up on what he wants to have in a r/s in favor of giving his son what’s best for Chris. He thinks he should give up his personal happiness and fulfillment for the sake of the normative idea of a family. So yes, there is absolutely a queer angle to this line on top of the general one that says if all you are with your partner is comfortable, if there’s nothing about being with them that sends a rush down your spine, then they may not be right for you.
I hope I managed to explain this? Have a great day! As always, here’s my ask tag! xoxox
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outrunningthedark · 1 year
You know the other day when you said you don’t understand if people are jealous of tarlos shipper being happy, or what. I for example don’t care about tarlos if they’re happy I’m fine with it, I’m pissed at tim for transforming our show in a sort of experiment to make things better for ls, like you and your anonsnoted tarlos propose being made from the legal guardian thing, Judd/grace that interact every episode while madney every 5, completely ignoring the og audience etc
Okay, this is a perspective I get, and this is why *my* personal issue with Tarlos isn't the ship itself - I've reblogged quite a few gifs through the seasons and I do think it's important for queer rep that people enjoy to remain on screen - it's the fan base. People don't HAVE to watch a canon gay ship if it brings them no comfort or happiness or entertainment. (Just don't be an asshole about it!) They don't HAVE to feel bad about wanting two characters on another show, characters that existed before the other two btw, to be in a relationship when "there's already a canon m/m ship available". It's great that R & R get to give interviews about the relationship and preach the importance of representation, but LS is not automatically the better show because of it. That's an opinion. Not a fact. Let's expand to another area of both shows, the dispatch and firefighter relationships. People think I hate Madney because I'm (openly) not a Maddie Stan. Untrue. What bothers me is that the relationship does not feel equal, and seeing as Chimney is my favorite individual character (which is why I always try to stay out of the Buck and Eddie as separate people discourse - I'm here for Buddie as a couple, especially because of Chris and my connection to that part of it) I want him to get the recognition he deserves. I mean, it doesn't get much worse than writing out a day one character because "he wasn't gonna stick around without his girlfriend" who came in later. LS provides me that missing element with Grace and Judd. Tim gave LS what he wouldn't on OG. One fan base's excitement does not make up for the disappointment felt by another.
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bookofmirth · 2 years
please share your stranger things thoughts i’m curious 👀
okay but I am not going to tag this because I don't want people yelling at me! I am disagreeing with posts that have 5k+ notes so... I will put everything under the cut and still tag it as spoilers.
Fair warning! Stranger Things 4 spoilers below.
(Sorry it got long-ish, I have a lot of thoughts. I liked the season overall, btw. I know a lot of people are pissed about how it went but I'm not!)
The second - the second - that Mike told El he loves her, I was like oh shit. Here we go. That fandom collectively just imploded.
While I understand why people ship it - why wouldn't we want Will to get everything he's ever wanted? - I never thought it would actually happen because I saw no hints at all that Mike is queer.
I didn't feel either way about it happening, for context. If Mike/Will happened great, if not great. I'm not super attached to... probably any of the ships at this point, other than lumax. I've never really cared about Mike/El, at this point breaking up Nancy and Steve in season two feels like a mistake they are now trying to fix, I guess Joyce/Hopper is alright. My point is that I had no horse in this race.
Is Will queer? Obviously, and idk why people are mad that he didn't come out. Like what would that even look like? This is 1983-1986, remember. What community does Will have, as a queer person? What role models in his immediate, personal life? How do people around him talk about queerness? (A friend pointed out that they were also in the middle of the AIDS panic, which would have a major influence on how Will sees his own queerness, if he could even define it or label it in the first place!) I understand that there are fantastical elements to this story, obviously, but they are still living in our world, in our 1986.
It's super easy for people on tumblr to be like "just come out, just say you're gay!" but we have basically this whole website as support to do that, we can find communities online. When Robin "came out" she didn't actually say anything either? She just said "Steve" and gave him A Look until he figured it out. Call me crazy but these two characters can exist being queer without wearing their "I'm gay, ask me how" buttons to work/class every day.
So yeah I personally don't think there was any queerbaiting because, as a bisexual who has watched this show since the beginning and probably rewatches once a year, I am satisfied that Will is indeed queer and Mike is not and Robin is. I don't need a ship to happen, I guess, I just need the queer characters to actually be queer, and I think that Jonathan's talk with Will in the pizza place set that up perfectly to happen in the final season! Because now Will knows 100% that he can live his life, figure out who he is, and perhaps find someone to be with who is not his straight best friend. I don't think that anyone is arguing that Will isn't queer. (I keep using "queer" instead of "gay" because I did lowkey think he was aro/ace for a while, and he hasn't put a label on it. He's probably gay because that was some serious unrequited pining, but anyway.) We know he is! So are people mad that he and Mike aren't happening? Because ships aren't a guarantee. That particular ship not happening is not queerbaiting. It also reminds me of e*riels sorryyyyy I had to say it, it's just another example of making mountains out of molehills!
Like I said above, Will is obviously queer, and they have set him up to live his best queer life in the last season. I don't feel "baited" in the slightest.
(Side note, I don't pay attention really to interviews or articles or whatever is said outside the show itself. Much like any interview or event with Sarah J Maas, I don't rely on that event to tell me things that the show/book hasn't already told me.)
Now, Eddie. His death was sad, I cried both times (because I've watched the episode twice haha) but it did make sense, to me. He felt guilt for having left Chrissy behind, though obviously he couldn't have done anything about that. He couldn't have saved her, but like Max's guilt over Billy, that doesn't make him feel any better about how he responded to the situation. His death was not pointless? When he and Dustin went back to Hawkins, they would have ceased being a distraction for the bats. The second they leave, the bats would go back to the murder house, where Steve, Nancy, and Robin were trying to kill Vecna's body. They were supposed to be a distraction for a reason, they weren't just on a field trip to the Upside Down. So Eddie stopped, realized he was running again, and that doing so would actually in this case have been leaving other people in a lurch. (Now that I am writing this, I wonder if Steve had an influence on Eddie's decision to stay and fight. Something to think about.)
One more thing, but I also don't care that Vickie was kissing her boyfriend? The girl could be bi! Bisexuals exist y'all, and the fact that people are annoyed that a potentially bisexual woman was kissing her boyfriend,,,,... it just grosses me out tbh. Is Rickie their ship name, btw? So yeah, bisexual Molly Ringwald is gonna hopefully be a great girlfriend for Robin.
idk, some of the criticism I've seen just doesn't totally make sense when we still have another season coming. And when, like with Will, I feel like these things are going to continue/be resolved. I was watching something a while back and Oliver Stone was talking about the movie Wall Street, and how being a director means knowing that the viewer is absolutely going to misunderstand your intentions. I think there is a lot of that going on right now.
I liked this season. Some of the memes making fun of it had made me laugh. I'm not trying to be an active member of the fandom, I just have a lot of thoughts. (If this somehow gets outside of my usual fandom/followers, just FYI that I don't hesitate to block a bitch.)
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witchthewriter · 2 years
hey again!! i hope you’ve been doing good, it’s always a joy seeing your writing on my dashboard. i was wondering if i could participate in the ship event?
fandoms : mcu, grishaverse, stranger things
a little about me! : i define myself as queer (attracted to whoever basically, regardless of gender or whatever) and asexual, and i use any pronouns. 
my mbti type is enfp, and i’m a libra if that helps any <3
i’m pretty outgoing! i like talking to people, i just suck at small talk lmao. apparently i come off like i’m flirting with people a lot of the time whoops-
shitty jokes are my jam. i have a mix of 13 year old boy and grandpa humour.
i’m creative but work in sporadic bursts, i’ll do nothing all day but then bust out a painted jacket because i get a surge of energy at one in the morning
big fan of organized chaos, my room is kind of cluttered but i know where everything is. i’ve got a personal vendetta against minimalism
i love making stuff for people and giving them gifts! it’s my love language lmao
i kickbox and do mma, i like the contrast of me having bright pink hair but being able to kick ass ahsgdgg
i also play bass and guitar! can’t sing for shit though
dream job is either as a freelance illustrator or museum curator. something that i’ll enjoy but will still give me time to myself. my idea of hell is having an office job
Want one? Here be the rules 🦋
I actually literally want to be your best friend. You are CHAOS PERSONIFIED and I love it. I really hope you enjoy your ships <3 message me whenever!!!
What the ships have in common:
⋆ They’re lively/outgoing  ⋆ Fun-loving ⋆ Chaotic ⋆ Interesting ⋆ They literally ARE the party / scene/show stealing
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I ship you with Valkyrie! (Pls keep in mind I haven’t seen the recent Thor movie so if things don’t make sense ... idk man, I guess they’ll just not make sense ;) ) 
I think you would be absolutely brilliant together. Valkyrie would not shy away from you at all; you would make her life even more exciting (which is hard to do btw). I think people would be incredibly intimidated by the both of you too. 
・Pick each other’s outfits. I think you two would be ICONS. Like seriously. 
・You know she has responsibilities and duties, but she juggles them really well. 
・She likes to call you really over the top names, like ‘sugar bun,’ ‘sweet cheeks,’ ‘bunny boo.’ She likes embarrassing you
・You two love sparring with each other. Both very competitive and are always trying to one up each other. 
・She likes slow dancing with you thought - look up the song, ‘I’m Kissing You’ by Des’ree. It’s literally your guys’ song.
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I ship you with Jesper Fahey! (And don’t worry, I looked up his sexuality and he’s bisexual.) 
・When he first laid eyes on you, his breath hitched. Even in the Grishaverse you found a way to go against the crowd. 
・Relationship tropes: ‘chaotic duo,’ ‘something usually breaks wherever you too go,’ ‘aggressively supportive.’
・I do feel as if there is angst in this relationship - especially at the beginning. You would see Jesper as this playboy who wouldn’t even notice you. But he thought you hated him. Obviously that wasn’t the case. Not unti lnej was like ‘pull your head out of your asses guys c’mon.’ 
・Wants you to feel as included in the gang as possible. You were probably hired as Kaz’s bodyguard due to your training. That’s how you’re associated. 
・You become a part of the inner circle; it’s Kaz, Inek, Jesper & you. 
𝐒𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬
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I ship you with THE Eddie Munson <3 absolute king. Okay, so just like with Jesper, you two would be absolute chaos. Just shenanigans outright wherever you go. I definitely think you and Eddie would be a more traditional couple. In the sense that ... it makes sense you’re together. You’re very similar personality wise. 
・Met at your job; you worked in a record shop and Eddie was a regular there. Obviously you knew the rumours about him; his ‘devil worshipping’ and one day you decided to ask him about it... 
   “Summoned any demons lately, Eddie?” You asked casually. 
“Ugh - what was that sweetheart?” He looked at you with his eyebrows raised, one arm on the counter, the other reaching for his tapes. 
   “You know, with your satanic worship and such...” You trailed off, and gave him a cheeky smile. 
“Oh definitely. I was going to ask him about my homework question.” 
・You guys are really cheeky with each other; constantly flirting, until one day one of your friends was in the store as well and asked if you guys were together. 
“What...” you looked at Eddie, and suddenly an idea came into mind. 
“Yeah, how’d you find out?” You looked at your friend with a comical expression; eyebrows raised, eyes wide. 
  Eddie played along, after all he did have a secret crush on you ... 
“I think she might be my soulmate,” Eddie said breathlessly, taking you into his arms and pressing your head to his chest (forcefully it was all very very dramatic.) 
・And when your friend had to go, you said: “why don’t we hang out ... you know ... a date ...” 
    He was shocked. 
And immediately said yes, but tried to play it cool. “I mean ... I guess ... I’ll check my schedule.” 
・I could literally talk about you two all day. You’re so easy to write about - I think the gang would know you previously because you work in such a popular store. 
・You would be great friends with literally everyone. You’re so outgoing and they all love you so much. You teach Max how to defend herself, you talk to Lucas about basketball, Dustin literally has a crush on you etc. 
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itbeleeeee · 2 years
Sorry, long Stranger Things rant ahead. Spoilers, btw
Would it kill the industry to get some consistent writers??? Like when I write I have to know EVERY DETAIL in case I need it down the line, and the writers just... FORGOT Will's birthday??? Y'know...the Main Goddamn Character, that has been paid DIRT this season? THAT one??
And the whole Steve-Nancy-Jonathan business??? Like yeah talking to people about tough things is hard and pretending things are a-okay is a lot easier to cope with, but Nancy was over Steve. Steve was growing away from the douche persona that only cared about himself and just following in his father’s footsteps. He cared about the kids, about his friends that he made in his fucked-up life and was moving on from the girl that he thought he needed. But noOooOOoo, he has to be this cookie-cutter character that wants the kids and the house and the girl and he had a little growth, but in just didn’t matter. Steve still loves Nancy, Jonathan loves Nancy but is still lying to her because he’s afraid of losing her but doesn’t know how to tell her, and Nancy is caught between the has-been and the now-doing... and instead of talking to her fucking partner about it or talking to Steve about it she does nothing and pretends everything is fine, which is totally what her character would do, yep!! Totally!! I’m totally not being sarcastic!!
(The thing that bothers me most about this is, as someone on both aro and ace spectrums, I thought that Steve would be that sort of representation that would show that you didn’t have to be in a romantic relationship to feel important or loved. That finally, there would be a character who had a love interest in the beginning, and then realizes gradually that they don’t need that to feel like a person, they didn’t need a relationship to be validated. I was thinking, “Hey, Steve has the kids and Robin and Eddie ((Rip, we’ll get to him in a sec)), and maybe Nancy and Jonathan. He’ll be protective and a self-sacrificing idiot that will eventually be saved by someone because that’s who he is, but will learn an important lesson at the end of the day” but there was NONE of that. He went back to Nancy because it’s impossible for Steve “The Hair” Harrington to be on his own and he has to have a love interest at all times. Seriously, fuck that dude. He was such a good character, and now there’s this bullshit.)
Now the queer representation.... I’m not exactly surprised how that turned out but with the amount that the Duffers were talking about Will and all the hints that were dropped, only for him to have one moment with Mike in the back of the van that the oblivious mfer didn’t pick up on and one moment with Jonathan (that was very sweet, I quite liked that scene)... it was like.. wtf?? That’s it??? Will only slightly alludes to it and Jonathan says he loves Will for who he is, and then Mike goes and tells El his life started when he met her?? Will is so much more than Sad and Gay, but that isn’t how the people that wrote him treat him. And it’s implied that Robin is going to get together with Vickie, who is a side character and has been seen three times in the whole show. Like I really kinda did want Ronance to happen, but it was a stretch and I understand why they didn’t go in that direction but still it just kinda sucks that the only confirmed lesbian character is dating someone who is insignificant in this series. 
And Eddie. Sweet, sweet Eddie Munson who did not deserve this. His death I feel was absolutely more shock factor than anything else than give Dustin motivation for later on and...emotional value??? Idk, the fact that he was so queer-coded and an immediate fan-favorite only for him to die in the end? And to be the only character that died (when there were several teases that more characters would die)? It’s just ridiculous. Someone else on here pointed out that the writers probably had no way of clearing his name so they killed him off instead of... idk.... writing out a solution for him and I’m inclined to agree. It’s just a cheap shot at emotional shock value when there were like 20 other people to pick from.
WHICH brings me to my final point, WHY WAS HE THE ONLY ONE WHO DIED?? Yeah, I was heartbroken when Max “died”. I would have been even more upset if Steve or Robin or Dustin died. I would have been heartbroken, which is what would have made this show so much better. I came into this thinking, “Okay, at least three people are gonna die, and I need to prepare myself”, but it just didn’t happen?? Instead of just keeping her dead Max is now in a coma and probably blind and all of her limbs are broken. Like, huh??? What’s the f u c k i n g point??? She’s definitely 10x more traumatized than she already was and what can she do about it? Absolutely nothing. Characters dying sucks.. but it feels like the show means business when it kills of a main character. If Steve had died like I and so many others feared, it would have meant that we had so much more to fear because it would have made us think about who was next. It would have made us value the time we got with the character that died, and to carry on writing about the character or drawing them to preserve our memory of them. It would have resulted in the audience seeing a new side of some of the characters who were close to the passing character and show us how they dealt with the death of a loved one. Like we’re gonna see that with Dustin in his relation to Eddie but that was really...it. Mike gave 0 fucks and Lucas was worried about Max (respectfully), and nobody else really knew him and the town hated him. If Steve had died?? We might have seen the elusive Harrington parents and their reaction to their son dying, we might have seen Nancy grieve over someone who was very close to her for a long time and then suddenly wasn’t in her life as much. We might have seen Robin who hasn’t dealt with death in relation to the Upside Down yet, break down over her close friend dying to protect her or something equally heroic. Eddie (I give 0 fucks about Jason. Did he even die?? Does anyone really care??) was a dumb sacrifice that wasn’t justified or deserved and I will not forget this injustice. Fuck you, Duffers.
Can I also mention that the “Two Days Later” thing was dumb? Like I’m sorry we just skip over some potentially crucial moments for the sake of moving the story along and easy writing? How did Nancy, Robin, and Steve react to seeing Dustin holding Eddie’s body? Was Erica okay and how did she react to seeing Max like she was? How did Max wake up? What happened to the, uh, idk, giant hole in the middle of goddamn Hawkins? Doing a flash-forward doesn’t solve all your damn issues, it’s sloppy writing if you’re just using one to move the reader past all the unanswered questions.
The last two episodes just kind of pissed me off. There was so much that went unsaid and unfinished, when I was expecting it to be finished. It was like the first part was one season and part two was an entirely different part. They had consistent ideas for part one and then lost all their notes and then suddenly had memory-loss for a few days and then started on a whole new season until they suddenly remembered they had 7 episodes out already. Takeaway here is: consistency is key. Get a beta reader or two. Actually re-read your work.
I dunno. I don’t know. I’m frustrated. I’m disappointed. And I’m a tad angry.
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Hey everyone ❤️
I wanted to say sorry for the lack of updates. I wanted to be honest with you all that I’m not doing well unfortunately and it’s impacted my ability to write.
I live in the USA and you might have seen how desperately horrible it is getting here. I’m a queer woman and I feel helpless as I watch my country fall right into fascism. Me and my friends and family are getting our rights taken away every day. And I just don’t know how to write my cute fluffy Eddie fics when the world is crashing down around me.
I’m still working on requests and little stories I have, but it’s hard to work. Thank you for being here. And I hope you will be patient with me.
I hope things will get better for us here.
(Btw, I know it’s so much worse other places too, believe me I know it could be even worse. And I hope those other places can fight back and heal too)
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raspberryjars · 2 years
Stranger Things 4 Spoilers ahead!
Mentions of sexual content!!
Hi, and welcome to my ted talk on why Eddie Munson is a flaming homosexual.
In several scenes you can see a handkerchief or bandanna in his back pocket. In the 70’s/80’s handkerchief code was widely used by the Queer community to hint to people about what you were ‘into’.
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Eddie’s handkerchief is a black and white pattern which is either safe sex or just S&M, I’m not 100% sure.
Here’s some photos of said handkerchief:
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Obviously it was also pretty popular for metal heads to wear bandannas in their back pockets but for Stranger Things, a show that pays extremely close attention to small details like this, it’s just a bit too specific to be a coincidence.
Then later on when we see Eddie’s bedroom, you can see handcuffs on his bedroom wall.
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(Ignore how disgusting my laptop is)
Which is a) a pretty weird place to keep handcuffs unless you’re using them for something like S&M and b) supports my reasoning for the handkerchief code being about sex.
Edit: Just remembered, lotion on his bedside and stains on his bed too, defo for sexy times.
Also, I’ve had a couple people ask me what S&M is so.
interaction, especially sexual activity, in which one person enjoys inflicting physical or mental suffering on another person, who derives pleasure from experiencing pain. gratification, especially sexual, gained through inflicting and receiving pain; sadism and masochism combined. Abbreviations: S&M, S and M.
(from google)
And thank you so much for pointing this out but the fact that it’s in his left pocket means that he’s a top btw :)
If anyone says “Oh but what if it’s about sex with girls???” I will actually scream, because it just isn’t.
Anyway Eddie is gay, and Steddie is half true 🫶🏻
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swimmingleo · 3 years
hi leo! you're absolutely my favourite dad rock enthusiast, do you have french music recs? music is very important for me in the process of language learning so I'd love to know if you have some suggestions! thanks 💖
hiya! this is so sweet aaaa
This is mostly contemporary artists because french oldies are quite talked about already aha but if you want some vintage names too come back to me!
Orelsan is insane, man dips for 5 years but as soon as he moves even the president tries to get clout from him lol Manifeste is the perfect storytelling pace and an unsettlingly real depiction of the current tension in France.
Pomme my love my life!! Raw diamond! She sings a lot about queerness and mental issues in such a poetic way and I’m sure her texts are very interesting to translate!
MC Solaar really made a lot of what french rap became, beautiful texts and insane vocabulary
Angèle belgian but crushed french music economy lmao
Yseult purest beautiful-est voice, her lyrics are sensible yet straight to the point, lovelovelove
Stupeflip very iconic and conceptual band: punk, rap, rock, you name it
Lomepal one sad lunatic
Therapie TAXI typical pretentious parisian style but vibes are here
Paradis your quota of French electro
Eddy De Pretto great vision of rap and one of the rare out gay men in french music!
Noir Désir veeeeryveryvery controversial but big part of french rock culture
Monsieur Roux very local personal one lol
And you know what let's get crazy, those are two musical tales I grew up OBSESSED with (what later evolved in my The Wall obsession I suppose). They both feature a lot of different genres and well known old French musicians:
Émilie Jolie it's about a little girl feeling... bad in her life. She escapes in a tales book and wants to ~fly away. The tales characters try to make her realize life isn't that bad. Yes, it can get very dark pretty quick if you think too much abt it oop
Le Soldat Rose it's about a little boy feeling... bad in his life so he locks himself in a supermarket at night and omg the toys are alive!! He meets a pink soldier who's also sad and they try to make each other feel better <3 the pink soldier character is an absolute gender queer fuckery btw he's sad bc he doesn't fit w/ neither girls and boys??? yooo
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glitterparpaing · 3 years
i’m gonna scream y’all are cowards for not saying it
like,,,,, just look at him!!!
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this little dude has a different flannel and tie and jacket everyday!!!! and i, as a trans guy, know that we do tend to have a little too many flannels and ties and stuff
another thing. a hypocondriac, socially awkward, white, brown-haired male.... as a dude who spent all summer 2019 here instead of going out, this strongly reminds me of someone, doesn’t it??? yeah, i’m definitely talking abt eddie kaspbrak here
now ik, eddie’s not canonically mlm either but who cares everyone knows he is
now that we’re done with the queercoding thing, let’s talk abt how it would’ve been
listen. this is a french-english series with 10 seasons, and yet i’ve never seen even 1 unimportant queer character. the impact this would’ve had would’ve been ENORMOUS.
and we’re not in the 20th century anymore guys, ur audience wouldn’t have dropped that much, it’s quite the opposite actually, ppl would’ve been curious and gay ppl would’ve loved u
moreover, that makes u a whole new type of secondary intrigue!!! aha, is the commandant homophobic?? ofc he’s not, but u won’t see this until the end of the episode
u know how much i would’ve loved seeing a saint-marie pride THIS WOULD’VE BEEN SO COOL
and his male love interest doesn’t even need to be in the police, just watch this:
-neville has a murder investigation, as usual
-but the more he talks with a special suspect, the more he (weirdly) cares abt him
-he cares abt him sm that when this guy’s a serious suspect, he doesn’t sleep for 2 whole days trying to prove that he’s not guilty
-and the guy ends up in jail (but like not the definitive one, u know the one next to the police’s office) and neville and him start to talk a lot
-just at the end of the episode, as usual, neville has a revelation and boom the guy’s not the murderer everything’s fine
-in the entire episode, u throw intense eye contacts everywhere + a feeling of perfect understanding of e/o everytime they talk + neville being all happy at the end and miserably failing to content his happy rant on the way back
-but that’s not it!!! in the episodes after, u see the guy more and more in each episode, and neville being all awkward everytime he sees him in a far (btw his colleagues don’t understand why he’s acting so weird)
-the bartender sees him gushing over the guy once and she’s like "honey why didn’t u tell me u were gay" and he panicks and he’s all red and he goes "i’m not gay wHAT r u saying hahaHAHA"
-long story short he ends up coming out one morning to all his colleagues and during all this episode they’re like "hey are u sure of that neville" and he goes "do u say that bc i’m gay" "no i’m saying that bc ur investigating on a crayon"
- and he ends up telling the guy he loves him and boom they kiss and oh shit did i just write a death in paradise au
now, dear death in paradise directors, if ur not just a bunch of cowards, contact me and i’ll fucking write for u bc what i just told u deserves it
and this would unlock so many funny narratives and jokes why tf didn’t any of u do this yet
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xaeyrnofnbe · 2 years
just finished with the new season of stranger things, gonna talk about my thoughts a little bit
(spoiler warning btw in case that wasn’t obvious)
first off, the reveal with that dude being vecna was SO sick. i was on the edge of my seat. and i’m not the smartest guy around so i really liked being able to piece things together right before they happened, made me feel real smart.
also really loved how everything tied together so neatly. i wasn’t expecting that!! good stuff right here
i uh. can’t be the only one who’s noticed all the queer vibes going on. right? like maaaybe i’ve been watching a lot of genuinely good queer shows lately but it doesn’t FEEL like i’m making it up. like it feels like there’s something going on. don’t hold me to that though as i am fight a bit of a fool sometimes.
love robin and steve so much. i’m in love with both of them actually
the new guy eddie is pretty fun too. he’s cute. funny
generally all the characters this season have just been SO likable, spare maybe a couple. and i tend to be pretty picky about the characters i like.
and finally. idk what’s up with will this season but man needs a new haircut, some new outfits, and maybe a boyfriend or something cause this kid is having a ROUGH time.
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