#btw if anyone is interested in this AU feel free to ask about it
resuri-art · 2 years
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When it's too cold Bakura shifts back into a snake and hangs out around Ryou's neck.
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Paring: jeonghan x fem!reader
Requested: yes [Can you please write something angsty for prince DK? Or if this is too vague, what do you think about a bet au with Jeonghan?] [By anon]
Genre: angst, coworkers to lovers, fluff, fuckboy au, opposites au, bet au
Warning(s): misogyny, jeonghan is an asshole and so is seungcheol, [if you find more pls inform ]
Summary: Jeonghan had plans on never talking to the quite coworker they hired, but like doesn't always pan out the way we want to. But when you add money to the problem, plus both your feelings, you have the perfect recipe for disaster.
Word count: 5.2k
Other works
disclaimer: this is not the exact representation of the subjects in real life. I just use them for my inspiration.
a/n: I request each and every one of you to comment on this fic don't be a silent reader it helps me as an author to understand my readers and i would love to communicate with all of you. Constructive criticism is always welcomed by me so do talk about this fic or send me an ask.
a/n 2: i hope it was what you wanted, thanks for the ask btw!
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Everyone at the office knew that Jeonghan was a free spirit, he worked hard and partied even harder. He like living his life in the most happening way possible. Be it weekend trips, bike trips to the mountains or staying in the countryside for a week and working remote while enjoying the serenity that comes with it, he was down for anything.
Funnily enough he was referred to as the least energetic person in his friend group. So, one can imagine overzealous they normally were.
His work more often than not was impeccable, no one could fault him at all. The rising star of the corporate world they called him at the office. In his five years at the job the man had garnered more approval than anyone else.
He liked his life, and he would not trade it for anything else.
Now, unlike Jeonghan you resided on the other side of the spectrum. Your kind of life was pretty monotonous waking up before your alarm, making your bed, skipping meals, and surviving on coffee, reaching, and leaving work on the dot and crying while rewatching your favorite shows, was your kind of life. You like staying in during the weekends and cleaning up the mess you make in your living space during the weekdays and trying everything in your power to not upset your cat while doing so.
Its calm, chill, maybe a bit boring but it worked for you and brought you peace.
You were the newest recruit in your office and from the first day you captured the attention of most of your coworkers for your meticulous and polite words.
More often than not you refuse to talk to your coworkers ensuring that there stays a professional boundary between you all and if they would not catch onto your behavior, you would politely decline them.
Never that interested in networking, you refuse to talk to more people than you need to.
Jeonghan caught onto it pretty early, but why did it matter to him what you did, so like everyone else he went on his own way and simply chose to ignore you.
Ten months into your new job was when you first had a real conversation with the man. It was pretty late at night, both of you had to stay back for overtime. That was when you saw him struggling with his presentation for the next day’s meeting.
That day you broke the ‘no talking to my coworkers rule unless and until it’s very important’ rule.
“what’s the problem?” you politely asked the man.
“Oh, I am having slight problem with the numbers here,” the man replies looking visibly confused and surprised.
“If you want, I can help you out” you kindly stated as Jeonghan casually just turned his laptop towards you.
So, for the next one and half hours you both sat there and diligently worked on the presentation and by the end of it the material looked rather good and presentation worthy.
Looking extremely grateful the pretty man said, “I am so thankful you helped me out today, so why don’t I repay you by dropping you off at your house, it’s pretty late you know.”
Looking at your watch you politely replied, “no worries, plus if I rush a bit, I can catch the last bus home so please don’t bother.”
Jeonghan looked bummed at this, but he was obliged nonetheless as he knew you to be an introverted lady and he did not want to make you uncomfortable.
The next time you and Jeonghan had a conversation, was again at a night when you both were staying at the office over time. By this time, you have become pretty comfortable with each other, not enough to hold a conversation but enough to spare a quick nod and a smile while passing by each other’s cubicles.
He was done with the day’s work and was about to leave the office when he noticed you hunched over your laptop looking frustratingly at your screen which showed you an open excel sheet with infinite numbers.
Feeling like he owed you the help, Jeonghan strode towards you and calmly said “let me see.”
Jumping in shock you looked at him and replied, “oh no don’t bother I can figure it out you should go home it’s pretty late you know.”
Tsking at your reply he grabbed a chair to sit beside you while saying “it’s only fair, you helped me out so I should help you now.”
You let him, in actuality you needed that little help from him, the data entries were annoying you and you absolutely did not like it one bit.
Just like that time passed by again resulting in the clock to show that it was quarter past one by the time you both were done.
This time though Jeonghan shut down all your protests to go about his own way and your reluctance to inconvenience him with a simple “it’s pretty late and I won’t let you get followed by some creeps on the road plus the last bus is gone anyways so you are coming with me.”
On the way he stopped at a convenience store to get some dinner for you both and you devoured your ramen while chatting with him.
You both were pretty similar, in some cases for example you both had this extreme love for Legos that existed beyond measurable amounts, both of you loved your pets to death, albeit his was a rock and yours was a cat, but as he said “we don’t discriminate peoples pets here, they can have what they want to but given its legal and safe for the pet.”
On the other hand, Jeonghan liked you too, he was happy he could be the first one to break your shell to meet the real you and he was proud of this. It was close to an achievement for him.
“Han like this new chick in his office.”
Joshua loudly announced to the group of boys sprawled in his living room one evening. Jeonghan’s friends had come to his house to hang out and to get drunk out of their wits to forget the stress of the tedious weekend they had. They were all friends from college, now working jobs in the most contrasting industries ever like Seungcheol was the manager for their states football club and Soonyoung was a choreographer working with famous celebrities, Hansol on the other hand was the proud of a pet shelter and the one and only Joshua was an English history professor who most days worked overtime at the university. But at the end of the day, they were all the loud and obnoxious assholes he knew and loved from his younger days, and nothing could compare to that.
“Really you never told us about this one hyung?” Mingyu enquires.
“Nah she is just a new hire at the office, does not like talking to people at all. She is more antisocial than Wonwoo’s ass.”
“Really now, antisocial?” Seungcheol enquires, not missing Jeonghan’s defensive tone.
“Yes, Cheol antisocial, plus I don’t even know her enough,” the male says while rolling his eyes at his friends interest with you.
“Maybe you could talk to her and get her out of her shell, you are a pretty good mediator in our group I think you could do that,” pipes up the ever so benevolent Seokmin.
“Yes, you could,” Seungcheol joins him smirking a bit.
Now thoroughly annoyed Jeonghan exclaims “no I cannot. The only way someone can get that stuck up bitch out of her shell will be fucking her or something and I do not want to do so!”
“What if I pay you, will you do it then,” Seungcheol says still smirking.
“Do what?”
“Fuck her enough to get her out of her shell.”
The whole room goes silent at that statement.
“Hyung, I don’t think it’s right,” the youngest of them, Chan, suddenly speaks.
“Yes, its morally incorrect man,” Jeonghan agrees.
“I will pay you, plus life is pretty boring. This will give us something to talk about for at least the next year,” the oldest explains still smiling a bit.
“I agree with the others, its emotionally taxing and nothing good will come out of doing something like this man, plus what are we teenagers making bets about emotionally harming others?” Joshua says.
“Jeonghan, you do it and I will give you a thousand bucks,” the oldest says calmly. At the same time all the men in the room let out an exasperated sigh, knowing there is no winning with this stubborn man, while hoping silently that Jeonghan does not succumb to the greed.
But alas they were wrong, so wrong. An amount that lucrative will only be passed by a fool and Jeonghan was no such thing. He stood up from his place at the loveseat and confidently strode over to Seungcheol.
“You better keep your fucking word,” he says while shaking the older man’s hand.
While Seungcheol smiles and says, “you know what you complete the bet within the next six month I’ll give you a five thousand and if you don’t end up doing it, you gotta pay me pal.”
After that evening with his friends, Jeonghan was pretty stressed, because why should he not be? Making you sleep with him is hard enough, but making a situationship out of it sounds even harder. Now he thoroughly regrets accepting the bet.
You on the other hand are pretty happy and quiet as you often are. Very much unaware of his internal turmoil, as you keep talking excitedly about the new Lego death star you bought.
Yes, you and Jeonghan have bonded quite a bit these past few days, he likes spending time with you too, and so do you. It is a nice and comfortable friendship you both have built, and you like it.
“Why don’t you let me come to your place this weekend, and we can build the set together. We can get takeout later too,” he suddenly speaks up shocking you with such forward proposition.
“Well only if you want to though no pressure, it’s just that I really wanted to build the death star and was planning to buy it but like couldn’t make enough time to do –”
“Sure, you can come,” you speak up stopping his nervous rant.
“Are you sure?” Jeonghan asks just to make sure he heard it correctly.
“Yes, I am, it will be fun to build the Lego set together,” you say smiling.
“Yes, it would be, but like are you really sure,” he says again to make sure he is really not hard at hearing.
“Jeonghan if you ask me once again, I will take back what I just said.”
This makes him stop talking at all and he proceeds to show you his beautiful smile, making you feel a bit giddy inside.
“So, I will come this Saturday and we shall make the death star cuz we can,” he sings, making you bark out a laugh at him.
Little do you know you just poured a cool bucket of water on the burning flames on anxiety inside Jeonghan’s brain and he is extremely happy about that.
The next Saturday comes rolls in slowly, the tedious and boring week is over, and it is time for self-care and a lot of friendship building activities or that’s what you thought.
The man was mad and when you say mad you mean it. The Lego making only lasted for like two hours before he had hidden all the pieces of the part that you were making, resulting you to search for them all over the house. Moreover, after diligently searching and finding nothing, you had given up when he had produced all those pieces from his pockets shocking you to the core.
This little stunt had made you force him to pay for the takeout and when you were both fed and watered, he had proposed a game of chess. Only problem, you never knew one could cheat in this game too. He moved the pieces wrong.
Result. You both had the pettiest fight ever wherein the man with all his might tried to convince you that the rook was indeed supposed to move diagonally.
“You don’t understand, that is how the game is played. Are you sure you ever played this before?” he had asked.
“Hani you are wrong, please the rook never in its whole life moved diagonally, it always moved straight.”
“Maybe that is what your problem is, you are so uptight, you refuse to accept the differences in our opinions!”
“Oh, now I'm uptight, you are only being this difficult cuz you are losing!”
“I wouldn’t if you let me play the rook diagonally.”
“But that is not how it is played! Why don’t you—"
All your rants stop just like that, it took you at least five business days to actually realize that Jeonghan had kissed you. But once you got over that shock, you closed your eyes and moved your lips along with his.
Jeonghan, thoroughly exasperated by your intense argument, impulsively sought to quiet you by placing a soft, lingering kiss on your plump lips. Almost immediately, regret washed over him as he feared he had acted rashly at the worst possible moment. Mentally preparing to distance himself from you for the rest of your time together, he was taken aback when you reciprocated the kiss, instantly dissolving all his worries and leaving him pleasantly surprised.
You broke the kiss to take a breath, both looking visibly flustered.
“Do you want to stay the night, or do you want to go?” you asked him while looking at him with your sparkling eyes, making Jeonghan want to glue his ass to your house, but he being the gentleman he was declined the offer.
“I would really like to take you out on a date. As I really like you, so I won’t spoil my chances with you by staying tonight.”
To say you were surprised would be an understatement. You always thought of the man to be a Casanova, so the idea of him taking you on a date while simultaneously insinuating that he won’t take any harsh steps with you was a nice little change and you were all for it.
It was all smooth sailing after that.
Jeonghan took you to an amusement park for the date next Sunday and oh boy did you enjoy yourself to the fullest.
Both of you had the time of your lives. Making sure to go on every ride, play every game and eating every junk you found there. By the end of it you were visibly exhausted and elated with how the day went.
The following day you were visibly happier in the office and even had a small conversation with one of your coworkers.
This went on for the following month, with each and every date you opened up to Jeonghan more and more, and so did he.
He loved spending time with you and vice versa. It was during your regular Friday movie nights, a ritual you both had established as you both liked watching movies and bonded while talking about them, when Jeonghan absolutely bored with the movie scooted a bit too close to you in hopes of gaining your attention by annoying you, a typical Jeonghan move. When you both ended up making love on the couch.
This was only the start of a lot of escapades you would have with the man.
After that one night, Jeonghan was all over you at all times. Be it at the office or be it at home he was with you or texting you all the time. Your nights were now filled with heavy make outs and intense love making sessions.
Everybody at the office knew about you both. On top of that you were more extroverted than ever. You even went out with your coworkers for an office dinner. Somehow, Jeonghan was praised for the change he brought in you, and like his ‘kind’ self, he declined all those compliments with a gracious smile.
He didn’t like to say it out loud, but he liked your changed self, more than your reserved one. Plus, he also took credit for the change, but it’s not like he would tell you that anytime soon.
 It was almost five months into dating Jeonghan, when he asked you to meet his friends. You knew he had a very loyal group of friends and you had never met them before. On the contrary Jeonghan had met your one and only best friend within only three months of dating. In the most best friend manner, the lady has hated his ass the whole-time side eyeing him constantly and leaving petty remarks here and there. But that night she had called you and told you something she didn’t ever say for any of your boyfriends “I can see he loves you a lot. For the first time you chose the correct guy.”
Getting your strict best friend to like Jeonghan was like clearing the first hurdle of your relation. For the first time, you were proud of your choice in men and especially your boyfriend.
“Oh, I would love to meet them, but would they like me,” you were rightfully concerned about the boys liking you. As much as you were independent, you would like to gain the approval of your boyfriend’s friends like any girlfriend.
“They are dorks through and through, they will love, don’t worry” he had said while kissing your forehead to calm you down.
“Plus, you will fit right in, they are nice people,” he later added.
That evening, Jeonghan had taken you to the Korean BBQ place downtown where they all were meeting. The night had started rocky but within an hour you were having fun with Mingyu and Seokmin, all worries forgotten. Jeonghan had looked at you with pride blooming in his chest with how happy you looked with his friends, enjoying yourself.
It seems that all the twelve of them had liked you a lot saying you were the perfect partner for Jeonghan, someone who could ground him at the same time let him be himself.
The BBQ party came to an end, but the boys still had a lot of energy, so they went to the karaoke next taking both you and Jeonghan with them. Although you were thoroughly exhausted, you had complied to go, seeing Jeonghan have so much fun was a sight you didn’t want to miss.
You had gone to the bathroom the first thing right after reaching the karaoke place, to wake you up and also to do your business. Seungkwan had accompanied you claiming, “all that soju and walking has made my bladder shake like never before!” it’s not a lie though, they did drink like it will be the last time they ever get to drink.
As you came out of the restroom, Seungkwan gave you a kind smile and said “I have never seen Jeonghan this happy before, not even with us. I'm sure he likes you a lot.”
Smiling at him you said, “I think I love him; I have not said that to him yet, but I really think I do.”
With a sassy ‘good for you’ from the one and only Boo, you both made your way to the room that your group had booked.
As you reached closer, you could hear all the boys talking to each other.
“I approve, she is an angel, she even consoled Soon when he cried” said one of them making you smile a bit. By this time Seungkwan had stopped with you too eavesdropping on his friends as he is as dramatic as one can be.
“She is nothing like what you described her to be you know, she is nice and kind and far from being stuck up,” someone else said.
“Nah she is not, that stuck up once you get to know her, contrary to that she is very cheery and I like her you know,” Jeonghan had replied making you feel extra giddy inside.
“Hey bro if you like her that much maybe we should call off the deal we made, I see how much you like her and if you ask me, I will say she is a keeper,” with this statement, a silence washed over the whole group. You looked at Seungkwan to understand what was happening, but the man refused to look at you still stubbornly pretending to listen to the conversation.
“I said I like her, not like her enough to let go of the five thousand you offered” you suddenly heard Jeonghan speak making you even more confused about the whole ordeal.
“I think you will regret it you let her go hyung,” Seokmin suddenly said with a very somber tone generating a lot of assertive noises from the group.
“She won’t bring me five thousand, plus I fucked her got into a relationship with her and made her the fun-loving bitch she is now. It was a tedious process, but I completed my work, so I deserve the money.”
It was hard hearing the man you loved so much make such a degrading comment. At this point you were shaking with emotions so much that even Seungkwan who refused to look at you during this whole time, had to hold you steady.
“Did you know about this,” you asked him.
The boy with his eyes downcast just nodded his head.
“I won’t even ask you why you didn’t tell me about it, I get it you are his friend makes sense.”
“Hey none of us wanted him to do anything like this, but your Jeonghan is unstoppable sometimes and about the wrong things.”
“I think I should get going, I’ve heard enough.”
“Hey y/n we like you a lot, so please stay in contact with us later, no matter what your verdict is,” the younger man pleaded with glistening eyes, making you almost accept the request out of pity.
You ignored everyone and strode into the room bustling with men, heading straight for the couch. Without hesitation, you grabbed your bag and, as you walked out, approached Jeonghan and delivered a firm slap to his face. "We're done," you declared before exiting the room without glancing at anyone else.
The minute you had left, Jeonghan felt his life crashing down on him. The looks of disapproval from his friends and the pure disappointment that radiated off you caught him off guard. He had thought he could get out of it with both the girl and the money, but suddenly he realized he didn’t even need the said money, he only needed you. The weight of his words came to haunt me as soon as he had spoken them.
He immediately attempted to follow you but was stopped by Seungkwan, “did you see her face, if you follow her now, she will resent you more. Not like you don’t deserve it, but you are still my friend.”
The tone of his voice showed how much he was upset with Jeonghan. So much so that the younger male could not even look at his face.
“You are my hyung, but you know what I like her more, never have I ever thought you would do something like this,” he continued, “I hope she never forgives you.”  
Hearing that Jeonghan couldn’t control himself and punched Seungkwan and a fight broke out. The boys trying their best to resolve it.
“It’s already a mess, can you both stop making it worse!” Mingyu said as Seungkwan punched Jeonghan back square on the jaw.
“Tell that shit to not meddle in my business then” comes Jeonghan’s voice.
“Maybe if you didn’t break her heart I wouldn’t, she was a fucking nice person,” Seungkwan shouted back as Mingyu dragged him out.
The night was ruined, and it was all because of Jeonghan.
That night you came home and cried your heart out ignoring all the calls from Jeonghan and the other boys, with whom you had exchanged numbers during the hangout. Thankfully, it was a Sunday the next day, so you didn’t have to look at the man who broke your heart, but it pained you so much to even move a muscle. It was like your heart was ripped out of your body. The pain was immeasurable.
There were at least a hundred missed calls on your phone and thirty of them from all of the boys. Your best friend come to your place that Sunday and tried her best to console a sad you, but nothing could stop you from beating yourself up for trusting a man like him. it’s true you loved him, and you regrated doing so, you didn’t blame Jeonghan for breaking your heart, you blamed yourself for being weak enough for you to let Jeonghan do so to you, for letting the man step all over you like you were a piece of trash that had no place in the normal world. The degrading things that he had said about you kept echoing in your ears, making it hard for you to think of anything else.
It was like you had forgotten all about your vow to never let anyone step over you and take away a piece of you from yourself. You were so hurt that you refused to see Jeonghan at all. So, on the next Monday you asked your HR for a weeklong leave and the kind lady obliged owing to your stellar performance at your department.
You turned off your phone that week and went to stay with you friend as the house was too lonely for you and the more you stayed there, the more you felt the memories of you and Jeonghan coming to haunt you.
On that Monday, Jeonghan woke up with a newfound determination. He was resolved to confront you and explain that his hurtful words from that night stemmed from his own inability to accept his feelings. He believed that once he clarified his side of the story, your compassionate nature would lead you to forgive him. He was even prepared to humble himself, willing to beg for your forgiveness if necessary. However, fate intervened when he discovered you had taken a week-long leave from the office.
The realization of consequences hit him suddenly. Yes, he understood the gravity of his actions, but he was willing to face any repercussions if it meant having you back in his arms. Anything seemed bearable compared to the thought of losing you.
By Wednesday, Jeonghan found himself standing at your doorstep, desperately knocking, hoping to speak with you. To his dismay, a neighbor informed him that you had been absent since Monday. His heart sank realizing he had missed his chance to reconcile with you.
He had made a solemn vow to himself that he would reach out to you no matter what obstacles lay in his path, willing to go to any lengths to make amends. However, he now realized the depth of his mistake. Reflecting on his actions, he understood that he should have heeded the advice of his friends earlier, but it was too late for regrets.
Jeonghan's determination to win you back consumed him. He felt a deep pang of regret for not acting sooner and for failing to appreciate the warnings from his friends. Now, facing the reality of your absence, he grappled with the weight of his impulsive behavior.
In the days that followed, Jeonghan resolved to wait patiently for your return, determined to seize any opportunity to make things right. He hoped against hope that he hadn't irreparably damaged the bond between you. Each passing day without you served as a sobering reminder of the importance of listening to his instincts and valuing the counsel of those who cared about him.
The next week you opened your phone to see it has blown up with Jeonghan’s messages and there were a few from Seungkwan asking you if you are okay and telling you that he had punched Jeonghan for being an asshole to you and that most of the people didn’t agree with Jeonghan’s antics but its hard to stop Jeonghan when is like that.
Taking pity of the boy you and answered him accepting his apology and telling him you were happy that he punched the guy.
His answer came immediately, saying he was happy that there is no bad blood among you two and he prefers you more than Jeonghan anyways making you laugh at his cuteness.
When you returned back to the office, the first thing you did was hand them your resignation letter. The next thing on your list was avoid Jeonghan till you leave work, at which you were pretty successful.
And just like that you were done with your time in the office and were moving onto another job before Jeonghan could even get hold of you.
Its has been three years since and life had never been better. You became friends with Seungkwan, Seokmin and Soonyoung immediately. You four hangout quite frequently. The three younger men like you a lot too. It’s a strong bond you have created with them. If anyone asks you would say the only good thing that came from your ex was the friends you made while with him.
On top of that you also have been in a relation with a man who treats you right and loves you to death. Its like you have at last reached the light at the end of the tunnel.
Jeonghan on the other hand drowned himself in work after you left, the man tried his best to forget your existence and was very thankful his work helped him do so. But whenever he was out with his friends he couldn’t stop himself from asking about you and always he got the same answer of ‘none of your fucking business’ from Seungkwan.
But it was different this time, it was the ever so kind Seokmin who answered him.
“Hyung she moved on, and you should too.” Hearing that he stood up, he didn’t know why. Would he go to your house and beg for your forgiveness again or will he call you while asking you to give him another chance?
Truth to be told, he didn’t know.
“Hyung please don’t mess this up for her. She is happy,” Seokmin spoke up again, kindly holding his hand to pull him down back onto his seat. It felt like Jeonghan’s life has come crashing down on him once again. One lone tear left his eye, too embarrassed to cry in front of his friends, he puts up a happy front while saying “of course Seok, I would do nothing to hurt her.”
All his friends looked at the man in pity, hoping that faith was kinder to him. but they couldn’t deny that he single handedly destroyed his life either. He was still their friend and he deserved to be happy to but so did you. The man sat in silence for some time till Joshua loudly declared he wanted to go to the arcade and all the others enthusiastically agreed, happy about the distraction.
That is when Jeonghan realized life has gone on and not stopped for anyone, the time he was supposed to seize his moment has passed and it wont ever come back. He now has to live his life without the presence of one of the most precious thing he ever had the privilege to possess, your love.
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a/n 3: thank you all for reading !!
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finsterkiibo · 5 months
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this year I themed the list around out-of-game/non-despair style stuff, as i stuck more with ingame for the last two lists! (but that doesn’t mean you can’t theme it around ingame if you want to btw!) i still kept all the prompts vague as hell though cuz I really LOVED what people came up with last year when I made it vague, it gives a lot of creative freedom not being specific!!! AND ALSO it’s still hopefully writer friendly bc of that as well!!! I usually try not to make AU designs or like. specific outfits prompts in recent years cuz!!! it’s not super writer friendly aha BUT!! THAT MEANS THAT THEY CAN LITERALLY BE IN ANY AU OR IN ANY OUTFITS YOU WISH SO!!!! YEAHHH
ANYWAYS!!! IM SO EXCITED!!!! FOUR YEARS….. OF FINNY SAIIBO WEEK…. ISNT THAT CRAZY…. feel free to share around/reblog etc etc if you think anyone would be interested in joining the saiibo journey this year! excited for the new people I may be reaching through tumblr this year!! need the saiibo love to stretch beyond instant gram me thinks hehe
also!! if anyone has any questions about this saiibo week, please don’t be afraid to ask in the comments or through tumblrs ask system!! would be delighted to clear up any confusion or answer any questions!!
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tragedry · 2 months
What headcanons do you have for the spider-man Tyler AU? (It's awesome btw!!). How did he get bit? Does Taylor know? What are the others up to?
sorry for the late response anon, life got a bit busy (projects, responsibilities, getting sick, etc)
anyway, this ask has been haunting my narrative for so long and i really wanted to go ham with my answer, and now that i'm in bed rest (as per my doctor's advice) and bored out of my mind, i feel like i can finally settle down and answer your questions!!
1. how did Tyler get bit?
he got bit during the summer, specifically on a trip to savannah. okay, so in this AU the location is set to NY bc i really can't imagine spiderman being anywhere else lol, which means this AU is very different from the canonverse.
though the twins were still born in Georgia, they're now studying in NY with full scholarships (to get that 🤑🤑) they still make the effort to visit home every weekend if they can (for their mom)
which brings us back to how Ty got bit.. so during the summer, the twins spent most of their time at home, and on their way back to campus, they went to Savannah on a whim and that's where they came across the weird haunted house and Ty got bit by a radioactive spider.
(i don't really have much thoughts about the details, but the event was very wild for the both of them, hence why the two have a matching 'I survived my trip to Savannah' t-shirt lol)
2. Does Taylor know?
Yes, her sibling intuition was definitely telling her something was up after their weird trip to Savannah, and the more Ty seemed to change and keep away from her, the more she needed to know what was going on.
She finds out eventually, but the cost is very high... (referring to my last spiderman tyler art)
3. What are the others up to?
As of the moment, i've only ever thought about Ashlyn in this AU apart from the twins.
Basically, she's Ty's lab partner.
(i already have a fic i plan on writing for this, but it's not gonna be ready for a while)
Ty is still part of the varsity (for hus scholarship)
Tay is in the mechanics club (she ends up helping Ty with his spiderman suit later on once she finds out about his double life)
The scars on Ty's face is from the traumatic accident™
Ashlyn is the second to suspect Ty's hiding something, though she doesn't really pry him for answers
Everyone's a bit older in this AU, i'm thinking 16 or older tbh
alright, i think that's it for now. thank you for letting me yap about this AU of mine, and if anyone's interested to know more, feel free to ask me stuff!!
(you can also check out the tag 'AU: SPIDERVERSE' for any updates!)
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hdra77 · 8 months
Ok since this blog is kinda getting alot of attention i'll just make a pinned post about a little bit of myself
---- interested in commissioning me? my art commission page can be found here! i accept payment through ko-fi or paypal! feel free to dm to inquire or if you have questions! :D
Btw please read this before following my blog!! There would be gore,body horror,dark themes and even some suggestive themes Sometimes but overall i do not post any explicit nsfw here !! (they can be filtered through tags but just putting this here as a heads up)
tags are usually: #cw body horror, #tw body horror #cw gore, #tw gore, #cw suggestive, #tw suggestive
Heyy! i'm Soren!
You can call me zarou or dra
I am bilingual but im more comfortable speaking in english (still bad at it actually)
i really like cybercore,webcore,warcore aesthetic it may not look like it right now but expect a whole bunch of techcore designs soon
Oh and i am also a huge fan of astronomy,space and all of that sort. Along with post apocalyptic settings,body horror elements and eldritch beings.
Using my art as PFPs/Banners is okay! As long as you give proper credit! But reuploading my works without my permission or claiming them as your own is NOT okay. I will find you and i will hunt you down and turn you into a helpless flopping fish gasping for air.
Inspirations is ok too!! But please do not directly copy from the original work.
Commissions: open
Art trades: friends/mutuals only
my DNI are basically the general DNI: proshippers,homophobes,etc. you know, the general
my interest varies but i currently hyperfixtate on these fandoms so far:
Nine Sols
Animator vs Animation/Animation vs Minecraft
Warrior cats
My dms here are also open so feel free to send me a message! (No weird dms or you get instant block)
Im busy and i dont check discord as frequently but i would be happy to talk to you! I would also be glad to make friends im not intimidating i promise i dont bite totally-
My ask box are always open! Ask me anything basically, my aus, ocs, pretty much anything. You can also send some requests but they will take a gajillion years to finish but i promise ill get them done soon!
My socials:
Twitter - HINDRANCE77 (!! page contains some suggestive themes !!)
Youtube - HINDRANCE77
Tumblr - hdra77 (you are literally here right now)
My tags:
#hdra7shitposts - yes, shitposts
#fishdoesart - all my art comes here
#fishdoesdoodles - random doodles and some occasional shitposting, mostly on ms paint
#fishdoesrequests - all my art requests comes here, so far this is where you find my ship requests (still open for now btw)
#wips - wips
#fishbites.txt - ramblings
#othersart - gifts/fanarts! Sometimes some reblogs
#asks - all of my responses comes here
My other blogs:
@nyaworld-askblog - for the nyaworld au! this blog is story driven but asks for specific characters are always welcome!
@fallowclans-unruly-demise - for a warrior cats clangen blog, still stuck in hiatus void
My Rainworld AU tags:
#rw voided au - simple AU about iterators called voideds who drains void fluids out of other iterators, theres also some rot infection going on too
#rw disarray au/SYSTEM FAILURE - a virus in Lttm's code had created a fatal error in her system which caused her to slowly spiral into insanity as she would slowly loosen her grip onto reality, claiming that she had found the solution to their problem..but was it really the answer all along?
#rw nyaworld au - joke au about the entire rainworld cast taking place in the 2000's this one is purely just for nostalgia purposes
#into the sigverse - technically considered an au. this is just a silly little askblog about different versions of NSH interacting because for some reason they can now magically interact with different alternate universe versions of themselves. ocs being used to interact is allowed to!! anyone can use this tag however they please you don't have to send me asks to be a part of the sigverse
My Rainworld Oc tags:
#Sector7c - official oc local group tag!
#7c dystopian arbitrary
#7c golden life
#rw ocs
-- still WIP --
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yoon-kooks · 1 year
better than sex | myg | 3
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🍑Pairing: Yoongi x Producer!Reader
🍑Genre: fluff, smut, studio!au
🍑Summary: As Min Yoongi’s studio neighbor and self-proclaimed nemesis, you’ve always seen him as someone who knew how to maintain a clean, well-put-together image without any careless slip-ups. But after nearly walking in on him with a hand around his cock, you gain a new perspective that leads to steamy fantasies in your bedroom and much-needed inspiration in the studio for Bangtan’s next album.
A week before track submissions are due, you give Yoongi a taste of the dirty demo, and now the selfish bastard wants to claim it for his own solo album. In exchange, he offers to help you produce another Bangtan track by the end of the week. Your only condition is for this track to be better than the sexual fantasies that inspired its predecessor.
🍑Word Count: 2.3k
🍑Parts: 1 ◆ 2 ◆ 3 [discontinued after this chapter]
🍑Warnings: this is the last part im posting for this series even though it was supposed to be longer, the ending here isnt conclusive but im posting it for anyone interested! if you have questions about the couple or where the story wouldve went, feel free to send some asks🥹 no smut in this chapter btw
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Yoongi🍑👹 [6:47PM] “We’re filming near the BigHit building if you want a break from the studio”
Y/N💅 [6:48PM] “is there free coffee👀”
Y/N💅 [6:48PM] “asking for a friend”
Yoongi🍑👹 [6:49PM] “There’s a whole taco truck here for dinner”
Yoongi🍑👹 [6:50PM] “And free coffee for your friend”
Y/N💅 [6:51PM] “okay ill be there in a sex🐁”
Yoongi🍑👹 [6:51PM] “Sex?”
Y/N🐭 [6:51PM] “SEC”
Y/N🐭 [6:51PM] “fuck you”
You don’t really want to see Yoongi after an embarrassing typo like that, but you can’t say no to free food and coffee. Besides, the studio gets awfully boring and lonely when the boys aren’t around all day. It’s been like that as of late, aside from your late-night studio sessions with you-know-who. In times like this, you’re grateful the boy thought to invite you out for a change of scenery.
After throwing a cardigan over your shoulders and tucking your mini lyric notebook into your pocket, you step out of your studio and head over to the address Yoongi sent you. Your tummy immediately starts to feel like shit, but it isn’t hunger. It’s the kind of nervous feeling you get on a first date—except this isn’t a first date. It’s just the first time you’ve been invited by one of the guys to go behind the scenes of something other than music production.
Just as you’re about to message Yoongi about your arrival, you spot Jimin and Taehyung waving their tacos at you from right outside the area for filming.
“We’ve been expecting you, Y/N,” Taehyung says as if he’s the butler of some royal mansion. It matches his slicked-back hair and fancy gentleman costume that he’s only partly changed out of.
“Yoongi told us you were dropping by for table scraps or something.” Jimin hands you a to-go box loaded with tacos. It’s still nice and hot. “He said you’re like a little mouse scurrying around for free food.”
“Great. Did he just invite me over here so y’all can insult me?” You narrow your eyes at the boys, even though “little mouse” is the most endearing insult you’ve ever heard.
“He wanted to see you, obviously,” Taehyung shrugs. “Bro won’t shut up about that track you’re working on with him. Said you came up with a pretty sick hook.”
Oh, so he’s insulting you and complimenting you. Sounds about right for the nemesis you know.
The boys bring you inside to what looks like the set of a cologne commercial. Who knows. Maybe it’s actually a personal moisturizer for self-pleasure in that black bottle they’re advertising. 
One by one, you spot and say hi to the rest of the guys. Seokjin and Namjoon are getting their makeup touched up, Jungkook is devouring what appears to be his second box of tacos, and Hoseok is looking over the shots he just finished. The only person unaccounted for is the boy who called you over here.
Then you look over to where all the cameras are pointed. Yoongi is lying comfortably on a leather couch, legs propped up on the armrest. He holds the black bottle up and studies it like he’s reading a book. 
He looks good on that couch, but not nearly as good as he looked on the one in your studio last night. On your couch, he had a different look to him. He wasn’t the calm and well-mannered idol you see posing for the camera now. He was very much into finger-fucking you and making a mess out of you on your couch. And it was hot as hell.
Still, you have to admit you’re here drooling over him in his suit and tie like he’s the CEO of your heart or something. You’re not used to seeing him in anything other than sweats or jeans since there’s apparently no one worth impressing in the studio end of the BigHit building. And as much as you adore his naked face and casual look, Hot CEO is definitely a style he should adopt more of.
“Did you come here to stare or to eat?” Yoongi asks as soon as he gets a break from the cameras. No hi, no how are you. Just more slander. It should be illegal to be mean and handsome at the same time.
You came because he invited you! And because you like free food! And because maybe he’s nice to look at! But you’re not going to waste your breath on telling him something he already knows.
“I heard you called me a little mouse.” You cross your arms as he takes a long sip of water. “Is that your new pet name for me?”
He chokes on his water. Good. “You weren’t supposed to hear that.” Aha, you were right. And to be honest, you wouldn’t really mind him calling you his Little Mouse from now on. “It’s because you sent that mouse emoji earlier.”
Ah, yes, the infamous mouse emoji that came right after your infamous sex typo. Good to know he hasn’t burned that cursed text from his memory the way you have.
The boy points to the box in your hands. “You should eat.”
“Did you eat already?” you ask, fidgeting with the notebook in your pocket. A tiny part of you is hoping he hasn’t so you can eat together. Then he’d have some time to look over the lyrics you’ve been working on for the song.
He shakes his head. “Now’s a good time—”
“Yoongi, we need you back for maybe 30… 40 minutes?” a camera guy calls out. You thought this was supposed to be Yoongi’s turn for a break. You thought this was your turn with him.
“I’ll be there in a sec,” he says, pulling you around the corner to a narrow hallway. The strong grip around your wrist is an odd mix of comfort and clinginess. “I heard the tacos are good. You should eat before they get cold.” In other words, eat without him because he doesn’t have time for you.
“They’re already cold.” You don’t mean it as a complaint. If he ate with you, you’re sure a cold meal would be just as satisfying as a hot one. But the thought of eating cold tacos all alone is kind of pathetic. And that makes you sad.
With a frown, he takes the box from you and pulls a taco out, examining it closely like the hottest certified health inspector in town. You’re suddenly hungry. The taco does look quite appetizing in those hands of his. Anything he touches becomes a thousand times prettier.
He takes a small bite as if whatever’s yours is his. You don’t mind, though. At least you know he’s getting some food in his stomach before returning to work.
But then he turns the taco to you and holds it up to your lips. You feel a piece of tortilla cling to the corner of your mouth as you bite into your dinner.
“Good, right?” The boy picks the tortilla bit off your cheek and pops it into his mouth before you can hide the mess from him—can’t get anything past his eyes.
You nod as you munch on the taco. You’ve never heard of a mouse being fed like royalty. But you have to admit, you kind of like it.
Satisfied with your answer, Yoongi tucks the half-eaten taco away with the rest of them in the box. You reach for the box, but he pulls it back out of reach.
“You’re not gonna grab some coffee too?” he asks.
You’d long forgotten about the coffee. Besides, what’s the point if you can’t enjoy it with the biggest coffee enthusiast you know?
“Maybe next time.” You swipe for the box again like a cat making a move on its prey. But once again, he holds the box as far away from you without actually distancing his body from yours. You both know there’s nowhere to run with that taco box in this narrow corridor.
“How about tomorrow morning?” he casually throws out. What, like a coffee date? Like an actual date? There’s no way. “I’ll pick it up on the way to the studio.”
Right. He can’t be seen out in the open with anyone other than his members and managers. You just wish so badly that that wasn’t the case.
“Yeah, that’s fine.” Besides, the two of you are just friends. A coffee date with him is asking for too much. You feel yourself shrinking against the wall and fail to notice the way he studies the hint of disappointment in your eyes.
Before you know it, his lips find yours. They’re soft and lazy but also comforting—more comforting than any cup of coffee you could’ve gotten from here. And that’s when you know the small trip you made tonight was all worth it. Any time you get to spend with him is always worth it, no matter how short it may be.
“I’ll surprise you with something good,” he hums against your lips before finally handing the box back to you and walking toward the cameras. “See you around, Little Mouse.”
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When you get back to your studio, all you think about while eating your cold tacos is Yoongi kissing you again. This time was different, though. It wasn’t prompted by sexual tension or frsutration. It was the kind of kiss you’d give when parting with a lover after a perfect night spent together. What business did Min Yoongi have with sending you off like that? You’ve heard of superheroes being charmed by the enemy, but you won’t let yourself be that easy. Not that way.
So after you take the last bite of your tacos, you shake off the thought of his soft lips and reach into your cardigan pocket for your notebook. It’s time to get back to work.
But the pocket is empty. The one on the other side is empty as well. Oh fuck. The notebook with all your lyrics is gone. All your hard work is suddenly gone. You must’ve dropped it on your little outing for free food.
And that’s not even the worst part. There are things in there no one else is supposed to see. If it falls into the wrong hands—i.e. Yoongi’s large veiny hands—you’re going to lose your goddamn mind.
You should probably go back and find it before the enemy does.
As soon as you step out of your studio, your body smacks right into a solid chest. You square up on instinct like it’s some late-night intruder, but it’s just Yoongi. And he’s got his stinken hands on your notebook. Of course he does.
“Oh good, I was looking for that,” you say as innocently as possible before swiping your paws at him. He takes a step back along with the notebook.
“First of all, ouch.” He rubs his chest right where you’d collided with him. “Second, you’re welcome for returning this safely to you.”
“Thank you, Yoongi. You truly are the best,” you mutter, somewhat distracted by the hand on his chest. It’s so veiny. “Happy now? Can I have my notebook back please?”
“Wait.” He holds a finger up like you’re a puppy in training. You only obey because you really need the notebook back. “What are all those lyrics in here?”
“For the song we’re working on, obviously.” A half truth.
“Some pages have dates from years ago.”
“Well you weren’t supposed to see those.”
“Well I read all of them.” He finally hands the notebook back, but it appears to be too late. He knows your secrets now. “It’s a waste of good lyrics. Assuming you weren’t planning on using them after all these years.”
“I’m not.” You cling to the notebook as if there’s anything left to hide in it. Anybody who’s read them could tell those other lyrics weren’t written for Bangtan songs. They were clearly written for you, from your perspective. Your unfiltered feelings, good and bad, make up approximately 99% of those lyrics. You might’ve even written soft shit about Yoongi. 
“Okay, well, I’m glad I got to read them at least.” He leans against the doorframe. You’d expect him to be smirking after reading all the sappy things you’d written in that notebook, but he’s well-behaved tonight. “I wouldn’t be mad if you put out your own music eventually.”
“Very unlikely.” Although you appreciate him subtly supporting everything you do when it comes to music. “I already have my hands full with you, don’t I?”
“Oh, am I too much for you to handle?” There’s the smirk.
“Perhaps.” You press both hands into his chest and walk him backward to escort him out. There shall be no smirking or charming boys in your studio tonight.
“I have to head back before we wrap up.” He nods in the direction of the shoot as your hands continue to rest on him. “Will you still be around in an hour?”
“Nah, I’ll probably be out of here in about twenty minutes.” You pretend to check your phone even though you know you’ll still be in the studio for at least a few more hours. You’d rather not encourage him to come back and extend his already long day. “I just need to jot down a couple of ideas first.”
“I’ll see you tomorrow then.” He starts walking away before turning on his heels. “Oh, by the way, there’s been a change of plans about the morning coffee.”
Your heart sinks. No coffee? Got it.
“The photoshoot was supposed to be a two-day thing, but since we’re finishing it up tonight, I don’t have any work scheduled for tomorrow.” A free day? For Min Yoongi? Unheard of. “I’ll pick you up in the morning. Just bring your guitar. And that notebook.”
“You forgot the part where you tell me what the actual plan is.” You’re skeptical. He’s being sneaky, and that’s never a good sign.
“I told you it’s a surprise.” He dips before you can protest.
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oh-shtars · 4 months
I would like to ask.
How does dark magic work in RFTS and how is it different from light magic? Is it considered dark magic if it's used for malicious purposes or is it considered dark because it demands sacrifice?
Are stars capable of dark magic? Does Sueño use dark magic in his "snap" moment to attack Magnifico?
Dark Magic in the RFTS!AU:
Hehehehehehehe….This one question deserves a post all on its own since I have much to say >:))
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Before we start, let me just explain the basics:
Can anyone learn to do magic?:
Anyone can take on learning magic if they want. The most important part first is that they learn to connect with themselves. Then the pre-existing magic surrounding them will follow.
Magic present in the human world isn’t just summoned. It’s like matter. Neither created or destroyed. Magic is just borrowed from the surroundings and harnessed for usage.
Some spells are harder to harness from its surroundings. These require more experience and study. Or even certain ingredients/tools.
Summoning light is the easiest and is usually a spell for beginners. (Same goes for nature-related magic. They are common first spells learnt by those pursuing the art of learning it.)
What about Dark Magic?:
I went with the latter you’ve mentioned. Using Dark magic requires something you’re willing to sacrifice. It’s like a cheat. It makes a certain outcome more easily achievable but at a cost. Dark magic doesn’t have to be malicious (though it can be most of the time), but it’s just an easier, lazier and riskier alternative.
Some innocent and positive spells have a dark magic variant. That variant can be easily attained if sufficient effort is given to meet the requirements and the cost is accepted. The cost is different depending on the type of spell.
Example: There’s plant magic used to (obviously-) grow plants. Let’s say you want to grow a watermelon but you haven’t been successful yet with harnessing that skill. So you turn to the dark magic version of plant magic because you can’t be bothered to work hard and learn it the hard way.
You collect the requirements such as a special root that was soaked in tree sap and then enchanted by a forbidden chant to activate the use of dark magic. Then you’re free to grow as many watermelons as you want easily now that you have that dark magic in your possession. HOWEVER, you can feel your hands become itchy and turn into a more wooden structure the more it is used.
Now that we’ve covered the basics of magic in the Human Realm, let’s see how it differs to magic in the Astral Realm. Star Magic:
Special and literally out-of-this-world. Even the oldest sources and best sorcerers and astrologists don’t have a definite answer for its limitations for a long time.
Comes from a Star’s Core. (The most vital part of a star)
A Star’s magic can actually be split into two categories. Stellar Magic and Wish Magic.
(1) Stellar Magic:
The core is responsible for the star’s Stellar powers; their own seperate and individual magic. It is SEPERATE from Wish Magic. Allows the star to:
Shape-shift, by rearranging the wishing star’s dust making them up. 
And Manipulate light
No visual swirls of Wish Magic are seen when they use their own power.
Their powers are basically just things you can associate with a star. But that’s it.
It is more limited and relatively less powerful than Wish magic. Unlike Wish Magic, it doesn’t require passion from a wish to work.
Btw, speaking of Wish Magic, this one fact inspired me on how this works:
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And so I took that interesting fact and rolled with it:
………… (2) Wish Magic:
Star Cores harness passion (strong feelings) from their wish maker or their surroundings to produce wish magic.
Since a star’s core is made from an Act of True Love, the strength of wish magic relies heavily on positive emotional energy. So it can be charged powerfully through positive auras.
Unfortunately, this also means emotional outbursts from a star can cause unpredictable magical results. This is why young starlings are not allowed to go down to earth because they should learn to control their powers first.
Since it’s magic foreign from the human world, it’s not permanent and the passion of the wish determines how long the magic lasts. It’s like training wheels. It will last longer to help if the person REALLY desires it. It’s ultimately and completely up to them to accomplish their wish for themselves though. 
Alpha stars are the only ones with the power to choose to make wishes permanent if deserved.
Pure Wish magic CANNOT bend the will of the person affected by the wish. Usually, if the person affected doesn’t desire the Magic’s effect, it doesn’t work. 
Can’t bring people back from illness because like I said, it’s not permanent and things usually would just go back to what they were. 
Curse Magic:
Now this is where it gets interesting. Curse Magic is the green dark magic variant of pure Wish magic. It’s what Magnifico uses from the power he obtained from Sueño’s capture when it comes to desperate measures. While he uses pure wish magic to grant Rosas’ wishes, he tends to have it transition into curse magic when punishing certain people in secret and put them back in line. But sometimes, it’s on pure accident when he gets pissed or having a bad day. Unfortunately for us, Maggy has anger issues and is emotionally-driven.
Curse Magic turns green whenever a negatively passionate wish or very negative emotions surrounding it are harnessed instead of positive. Like regular Wish magic would’ve for a positive aura.
If you’re willing to take the cost, then its capabilities are almost limitless. (I did say Dark magic is the easier but costly alternative)
It CAN BEND a person’s will and is more permanent.
But if it’s Dark magic, then what’s the cost?
Trust me bud. With a magic this strong, the cost is nasty.
The more a person uses it, the more of their sanity corrodes away. They grow more apathetic and irrational little by little. You get more insane in using it every time. This could go on and on, slowly and steadily if no effort is done to stop it, until they’re nothing but a mindless being of destruction.
A way to break its hold is if its counterpart, Wish magic, is powered up with great pure positive feelings. Since they’re equally powerful counterparts, they can both counteract each other as long as they have enough passion to overpower the other.
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SOOO, it’s why Magnifico reverses these effects whenever he’s in the brink of losing it by crushing absorbing positive emotional energy from some wish bubbles. (*coughs* like another arsehole I know…)
Amaya makes sure her husband uses Curse magic responsibly and as little as possible
She doesn’t want to have him lose control over himself and lose him before they could properly execute their plan for Rosas’ 100th. Sometimes, in the back of her mind, Amaya wonders if it’s worth the risk of losing her love for this. But hey! At least you know why these two would be drifting apart. :D
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And to answer your last question, I hope what I just explained about Curse magic made Sueño’s ‘snap moment’ make a little more sense.
The strong negative feelings bubbling from within, arising to convert his magic into Dark Magic and why it made him lose his mind and rationality in the moment. Why he was about to do something he wouldn’t ever see himself doing. To intentionally hurt and make someone pay for everything….
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There’s honestly still a lot more I could say and stuff I’m still working to expand upon, but I think that would be stepping too much into spoiler territory at this point.
Sorry for the ramble and if this even made any sense at all. 🥲😅
Believe it or not, this is my first time creating a magic system from scratch since the one in the canon Wish movie was almost non-existent. @signed-sapphire @rascalentertainments @annymation @uva124 @your-ne1ghbor (You might find this an interesting read into my AU ;)
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anartificialsatellite · 2 months
For the choose violence ask game: 12, 17, 18, 22. Feel free to answer as many or as few as you want!
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
Is there anyone in Hetalia that's truly like, unpopular rather than just not being as popular? I'm having a hard time with this one! I think more people should like Kugelmugel, even though I'm not huge on the micronations in general myself, because liking Kugelmugel is art.
17. there should be more of this type of fic/art
there should always be more USJP that caters specifically to my interests, thank you
but actually I think there should be always be more fanworks where people write/draw their heart out and do not feel compelled or obligated to make everyone a softboi with their rough edges sanded smooth because they're scared of what the reaction will be. if you like really soft and simple stuff that's extremely fine, btw, I've written plenty of that myself? i just know that i have heard from a lot of people in this fandom that they feel apprehensive about sharing their work because of the reputation the fandom has and the reactions they've seen other people get, and that's a real bummer imo. so long as you put an effort out to be respectful when addressing serious things and take good faith criticism into account when you get it (note that i said good faith!!!), then I think it's completely fine.
18. it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on…
the cross-fandom potential of this fandom specifically with various types of historical fiction and period dramas, or things with immortal characters in a real-world setting, is deeply underappreciated and i think it's in part because people get weird about crossovers... which is sad, stop worrying about being weird and start worrying about how to get your blorbos into a room together
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
most of it actually i think it might be the universal language thing. i wouldn't say everyone ignores it by aaaany means, but i do know it's controversial. also the fact that the nations are known to be a thing in canon, humans know about them, this is canon, and the problem is not that people ignore the concept but they ignore that it is canon? we do not need an au for it because it is canon!
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Fan-Fiction: Worried About Copycatting
Anonymous asked: A few months ago i stumbled upon a fanfic, from an author i never read before, and it was very similar to a concept i had in the same type of au all purely by coincidence. Since they posted their finished work first and had way better execution i decided to scrap mine to not seem disrespectful. However ive been bothered by all of this way more than what a sane person should, and now im paranoid about my own works and the inspirations feeding them, fearing to be seen like a bootleg or to be accused of copying. In this case my questions are: what is common fic and general writing etiquette regarding inspirations, tributes and similarities ? At which point should one ask for permission or give credits ? And, what recommendations do you have to get rid of that "copycat paranoia" ? Thanks a lot for your time btw c:
When it comes to writing fan-fiction, you've got hundreds of writers from one fandom all inspired by the same source material, so you are bound to see a lot of similar stories. This is especially true when it comes to stories seeking to fill gaps in canon, fix canon wrongs, or explore obvious premises. But similarities abound in fiction, even in original fiction.
If I told you I was reading a story about a human who meets someone special, learns they're a vampire, and discovers their small town has a supernatural underworld, I could be talking about The Vampire Diaries, Twilight, Glass Houses, Dead Until Dark, or any number of other vampire love stories. None of these authors "copied" any of the other authors. It's an obvious, basic concept, and anyone is free to write it. And since they all share a similar premise, there are bound to be other similar elements, too, such as a small town setting, other supernatural beings besides vampires, the human protagonist turning into a vampire or other supernatural being, ancient supernatural beings as villains... Again, this isn't "copying." These are tropes of the genre and elements that go hand-in-hand with the premise.
So, you really have to keep in mind the difference between basic elements that are fairly obvious given the premise/source material, and things that are actually unique to a specific story. So, the human finding out their best friend was secretly supernatural all along--a pretty obvious element given the premise. The human turning out to be the doppelganger of an ancient supernatural being, as is their vampire love interest--that's pretty unique to The Vampire Diaries, and the odds of coming up with that idea without being knowingly or unknowingly influenced by TVD is very, very slim. It would be an incredible coincidence. So, when you think something is similar, odds are it's not something unique but rather an element or trope that is obvious given the premise (and/or source material for fan-fiction.)
Hopefully, understanding the difference between basic / obvious elements and really specific/unique ones will help diminish any paranoia you might feel about being thought of as a copycat.
As far as etiquette with fan-fiction, you don't have to worry about apologizing for or asking permission for those kinds of obvious or minor similarities. They happen. All fan-fiction readers and writers know it. No one is going to accuse you of copying if you write a fan-fiction story where Bonnie and Damon get together even though there are 40 others exploring that same idea. But if someone else writes a story about Bonnie and Damon going on an Alaskan cruise together where they get involved with a dangerous coven of witches and have to fight their way out, and you also write a story about Bonnie and Damon going on an Alaskan cruise and getting involved with a dangerous coven of witches... that's a problem. Because you know and I know you probably didn't completely unknowingly come up with the exact same totally unique and unexpected premise as someone else.
And if you want to riff off someone else's story, write a fan-fic of their fan-fic, expand on it somehow, take it in a different direction, whatever, proper etiquette dictates that you must ask for permission. If they give you permission, they will probably ask you to credit them for the inspiration and link back to their story, which you absolutely should if they ask. If they say 'no,' don't answer, or you don't ask, don't write the story. Figure out something else to do.
Similarities vs Plagiarism Taking Inspiration from Another Story’s Premise Afraid of Plagiarism Accusation
I hope that reassures you. :)
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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hotcat37 · 5 months
I really liked your answer about missing horror in Käärijä/JO fics, I wanna hear more! <3 do you have some ideas what would make it good?
also 🍌
I'll answer the fruit ask first and then share some ideas!! :D
what's the funniest joke/reference you've made in your fics?
I generally don't rlly pay attention to humor in my fics tbh, if an idea for a funny moment or dialogue comes to me in the moment I'll write it but otherwise jokes are usually accidental. But something that does come to mind is the subtle running joke in the deaf! Jere AU that Kris is still the only single in the group lmao Also in stalker! Tommy, writing Tommy as being shocked and dejected whenever Jere reacts badly to him doing something evil like killing people is extremely funny to me like what did bro expect 😭☠️
Anyways here's some horror concepts for JO/Kä crew 👀
Stalking in general I feel is a great concept for psychological horror. Whether it be one of the JO/Ka members themselves or stories where the fans are the obsessive ones. I was going to do a stalker! Jan one but I also think a fic where the band/Ka crew have to deal with parasocial fans could be very interesting. I wouldn't think of it as villainizing fans but more so calling out the sometimes scary behavior some people have towards their idols. The more realistically written, the better imo
I'm also very obsessed with doppelganger horror. I wrote a short doppelganger Käärijä story back in the summer but I think this concept would also be super interesting with Häärijä as the evil clone/copy. He's such a comedic relief and unserious character so it'd be very cool to see him in a scarier role like trying to steal Jere's identity etc
Another concept is body horror with Jere but I do feel more hesitant about that one because I was thinking of it in a medical context. How horrific it is to feel your body slowly decaying and that you become weaker and weaker. This one would have to be written very tastefully and considerate though because it's a real trauma Jere went through and I wouldn't just want it to be something written for shock value or gore. But I do think horror is an underrated way to portray those topics
Hope these were interesting anon! ^_^ If anyone wants to experiment with any of these concepts absolutely feel free to btw!!
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Ok! So as I said this is my little Metal Family ships ranking! All I will say now are my headcanons. you can disagree with them, just remember to not being rude just because someone likes something you don't like!
Main Characters + my oc!
Glam x Victoria - one of my favorite ships! I think they fit together perfectly! I love love love them <3 10/10
Glam x Chive - I think they may had some small romantic relationship in the past. But it's not what I would call a permanent relationship. ( tbh I have a small headcanon that Chive and Glam could flirt with each other when they are drunk lol.) I like them together but prefers their relationship more as brothers/best friends! 6/10
Chive x Victoria - whaaaat..? No, it wouldn't work lmao 0/10
Chive x Anna - naaaaah,, :/ I don't like this ship. I see them as good friends + I think Anna prefers girls. In my headcanon Chive may have flirted with her at beginning but nothing more came of it. Just best friends! 0/10
Victor x Chive (oc x canon ship!) - so basically it's my otp, what can I say about them. I don't think anyone here knows much about this ship because Victor is my oc but I will try to describe you more this ship. When I was creating Victor I wanted to combine opposites! Victor is often stressed and Chive would help him chill out. I think they would complement each other. In my AU Victor would also help Ches out of addiction at the beginning. I just really like this ship. 10/10
Anna x Victoria - it's an interesting ship to be honest. I think like with Glam x Chive there may have been a closer relationship at first but then it turned into a platonic friendship + I think victoria is straight lol. 3/10
Anna x Glam - whaaaaat? 0/10
Dee x Heavy (proship) - NO. -100/10 pls don’t, it should be illegal!!
Dee/ Heavy x Glam/ Vicky/ Anna/ Ches/ anyone over 18 (proship) - HELL NAHHH. If someone ships this, I'll find that person. <•>_<•> -1000/10
Dee x Lif - Cute! I like their relationship it's sweet how Dee tries to impress her! I hope they can be canonically together :> 9/10
Heavy x Lif - I’m so sorry… but they fit so perfect together too…. I'm undecided whether I prefer Dee x Lif or Heavy x Lif (I’m so sorry Dee) 9/10
Dee x Diana - I think she has a crush on him but he doesn't care LMAOOO. But they would be interesting together. 4/10
Heavy x Diana - I don't know what to think about this ship. It wouldn't be a long relationship 3/10
Bob x Lordy - Just best friends! 1/10
Glam x Lydia (proship) - ._. No. Pls no. 0/10
Gustav x Mary - poor Mary.. :( toxic af 0/10
Gustav x Roft - slay. 10/10/j
Chive x Donuts - canon ship. 100000/10/j
Other probable ships with my oc!! (AU)
Victor x Glam - I don't think they fit together. I see them as best friends. In my AU Victor and Glam would take care of Ches in his hard times, which could bring them together in friendship! 0/10
Victor x Victoria - nahhh same thing as with glam, only best friends! Btw In my AU Victor would have a better relation with Victoria than Ches (because, you know, she would often get nervous at Ches) 0/10
Anna x Victor - Nahhh, they don't like each other in my AU lol. 0/10
Dee/ heavy x Victor (proship) - NO. Pls don’t ship this,, -10/10
If you have any questions feel free to ask! I would also like to know your opinion about Metal Family ships!
Have a nice day!
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tiredsurvivoronmain · 2 months
Btw feel free to ask anything about the AUs, they're still works in progress but I'll do my best to elaborate more on anything if anyone is interested :>
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Hello! I've been an avid fan of All changed, changed utterly for a while now (really looking forward to your American Gothic au soon too! :3) and love hearing about your japan adventures. If this is over stepping, no pressure to answer, just curious- what made you move to Japan? And what do you do for work? I've heard it's pretty hard for foreigners to get into work that's not teaching/modeling/translating.
Btw on my next trip to japan (at some vague timeline of Sometime in the Next Few Years), will be using your recommendations on cities to visit :) I'm exposing my lurking here, but the detailed reviews of each city was really interesting to read!
Hope you have a good day <3
Aww, I'm so glad you're looking forward to the next fic! I hope you enjoy it as much as All changed!
Japan and I have a long and meandering history. I've been coming and going for . . . oh, fuck me, 16 years now? I'm actually leaving again in a few months. I came as a student originally, when I was in undergrad, because I wanted to study Japanese. As a fun fact, I was an extremely mediocre Japanese student. I learned much more quickly and effectively in my 30s than I ever did my early 20s. In case anyone has the mistaken idea that there's an age cutoff for this stuff. There's no trick to learning another language as an adult, it's just time and willingness to put in the work.
What I do for a living is edit fiction and the reason I'm back in Japan right now is more education. I have taught English here, a long time ago, but never would again. I hated it on a level that words cannot describe. But it really is difficult to get a job in Japan from overseas, and with the weak yen I would not recommend it. It does make for cheap (if overcrowded) travel, though.
I'm so happy to know that my little Japan travel posts are giving you ideas! I am always delighted to give recommendations and advice, so feel free to ask any time.
That may or may not have been a very interesting answer, but it's what I've got. And I hope you have a good day, too! <3
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albywritesfiction · 11 months
Helene Route Thoughts
Ohhh ok, sooo sorry for the ask I got a lil too excited about this scenario for the comments section 😅
So, first of all, as a serial lurker and consumer of IF... I've noticed a trend (not the first person to notice/comment on this btw) of fans getting... kinda demanding & entitled regarding the work that IF authors are producing these days. I wanna say up front that I adore what I've seen of your IF concept so far, and also- even if I didn't already love it? Please don't let us fans or anyone else pressure you in any way/shape/form into deviating from the story YOU want to tell! (Like y'all go to a book store & write a nastygram to a published author bc the synopsis doesn't press all your buttons...? Why the hell would you do that to someone who's publishing amazing IF content, often for free!? Who raised you!?)
With that outta the way- personally I'm perfectly OK with Helene being the stereotypical 'White Lotus' of manhua fame- man we love tropes for a reason, why wouldn't I want to see that story play out in IF form?!
If you really want to explore her potential as an RO tho? I can think of 2 different Helene flavors that I would personally find compelling...
First is one I have observed in manhua before, if rarely (and it's killing me that I can't recall the character/series I'm thinking of...) Helene is basically groomed/raised to fulfill her roll of bagging a prince or other high ranking individual for her religious institution's prestige/power. This is the only thing she's been raised to think she's suited or useful for, a power grab. Maybe MC can show her how amazing she is and the power she wields personally outside of the church's influence over her fate? Empower Helene to pursue her own desires! Poor girl never knew how to want for anything... until she met MC... 👀
The other thought I had is totally the opposite end of the spectrum... A Girl Boss that wants power & influence, and doesn't care much about the collateral damage in achieving that. Like, path of least resistance, I'ma play every dudes fantasy & become the perfect woman to get the power of this dim-wit prince. Once she's won, she starts looking around thinking... ok this mask is kinda stifling, how long after marriage should I wait b4 I poison this guy? Meanwhile, she meets MC and... surprise! She has a competency kink! Suddenly... a celebrated, wealthy dukedom has most of what she's after anyways, without some of the schmoozing & red tape associated with the top of the monarchy... 'Ok, changed my mind, I want THAT ONE instead! For world domination purposes ofc' (In my head this Helene is def a bit of a red flag character)
These are just a couple thoughts from someone who's already in love with the universe you're creating 😊 I'm really excited to see where your story takes us, with or without any changes to the already established ROs!
Hi msmuffino!
Oh, I greatly appreciate the concern! Thankfully, everyone's been really nice and accepting about the things that I've established for ATE, like Ædric and Cyfrin being the only ROs and them being set as male, MC having been in love with Ædan ever since they met, Ædric and Cyfrin having pre-established feelings for MC, significant details like that 😄
My curiosity is really the main reason why I had this poll 😅 like I got super interested in hearing what you guys had in mind if Helene was an RO, and I really enjoyed reading all the Helene-route-thoughts asks I received 😄 as in, if you guys decided that you wanted to make fanfics about your MC and Helene with your ideas in an ATE AU, I'd be really interested in reading them 😄
Thank you so much again for the kind and supportive words, and I'm also really excited to share ATE with you guys when I finish Chapter 1! 😄
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arthursaus · 4 months
Hey guys, I’m back. I have a little creative juice, so I’ll be writing some stuff for my HTF and FNaF AUs. For FNaF, I’ve actually been developing my AU in the background for a few years, both when I was posting about it here, and when I wasn’t, so I have a lot of stuff to share, and I might even post my designs (I use Gacha Life 2 as a medium, btw), if anyone shows interest in them.
As for HTF, I’m probably going to get a certain someone to watch it with me (ahem, ahem, @112-darling who wants to watch my comfort show??) and maybe we can brainstorm back and forth.
My inbox on this blog is always open, so feel free to ask anything about any of my AUs, yes, including my Sheik AU that hasn’t been posted about yet. I don’t expect anyone to actually send anything, though, since this blog gets so little traction, but… one can be hopeful, right?
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jkgnggj · 2 years
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hii welcome to my little twin stars / kiki and lala themed blog! my pfp is a zoomed in poff bear of a drawing i commissioned my friend @aoki553 i like to combine my love for little twin stars with my other interests, in this case tori (⁠*⁠˘⁠︶⁠˘⁠*⁠)⁠.⁠。⁠*⁠♡
i post / rb any toritsuka reita content I can get my hands on (⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠) i try posting daily (for now) feel free to msg me or ask me anything! i take drawing reqs and ff prompt suggestions! im always looking for new friends and other tori enjoyers <333
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˳⁺⁎˚꒰ఎ about me ໒꒱˚⁎⁺˳
my name is ruby but you can call me ruchan ♡ im currently 20 my pronouns are she/her i speak spanish and english and im an artist, writer, cosplayer, roleplayer, and the number one toritsuka reita enjoyer (self proclaimed) xp
i like fairy kei fashion, pastels, unicorns, cats, musicals, sanrio esp kiki and lala / little twin stars ☆
i enjoy watching slice of life, sports animes, and anything involving delinquent / yakuza characters, the fictional character im currently obsessed with and have dedicate this blog to is my baby boy ꒰⁠⑅⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠꒱⁠˖⁠♡ toritsuka reita from saiki k ♡⁠˖⁠꒰⁠ᵕ⁠༚⁠ᵕ⁠⑅⁠꒱
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˳⁺⁎˚ ꒰ఎ tags ໒꒱ ˚⁎⁺˳
#mikorei monday
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ every monday i try posting / reblogging mikoto aiura x reita toritsuka related posts (art, hcs, coms, ffs, etc.)
#torikechi tuesday
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ every tuesday i try posting / reblogging touma akechi x reita toritsuka related posts (art, hcs, coms, ffs, etc.)
#yumetori wednesday
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ every wednesday i try posting / reblogging chiyo yumehara x reita toritsuka related posts (art, hcs, coms, ffs, etc.)
#torisai thursday
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ every thursday i try posting / reblogging kusuo saiki x reita toritsuka related posts (art, hcs, coms, ffs, etc.)
#satori saturday
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ every saturday i try posting / reblogging hiroshi satou x reita toritsuka related posts (art, hcs, coms, ffs, etc.)
#ruchan writes
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ tag i use for when i post / promote my fics (my ao3 acc is the same as this one, as well as my twt, insta, discord in case anyone wants to talk thru those platforms instead)
#ruchans art
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ tag i use when i post my art, whether it be my half of an art trade, a gift for a friend or just a drawing i thought id share with everyone <3 i only do traditional art as of now
#ruchan rambles
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ tag i use for mainly text posts of me rambling about my hcs or aus
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ tag i use for keeping track of all the amazing drawings ive commissioned (im the number one lu-kario fan btw (also self proclaimed))
#art trade
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ tag i use for keeping track of all my wonderful art trades with friends and mutuals :> i try tagging their tumblr or instagram so anyone can follow if theyd like <3
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˳⁺⁎˚ ꒰ఎ misc ໒꒱ ˚⁎⁺˳
ofc I cant promise ill be able to post every single day or that ill post stuff thats specific for the theme / tag of the day, sometimes ill post torisai stuff on a monday if i really feel like it (⁠。⁠•̀⁠ᴗ⁠-⁠)⁠✧ and theres gonna be times i wont be able to post or run out of stuff to post but ill do my best to stick to this schedule ive set! ʕ⁠ ⁠•⁠ᴥ⁠•⁠ʔ⁠ᕤ☆ also if u have any suggestions for what the theme for fridays and sundays should be then pls lmk! I'm thinking psychickers sunday and art trade fridays? name still pending...
anyways i hope u enjoy ur visit, baii ~ ♡⁠(⁠˃͈⁠ ⁠દ⁠ ⁠˂͈⁠ ⁠༶⁠ ⁠)
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