#bug the heartless
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KH Re:Coded doodles!
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gummi-ships · 1 year
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253 notes · View notes
dancingastralwitch · 1 year
I'm now convinced the most evil people on the planet are my landlady and landlord
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kaos-mass · 2 years
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Characters I didn’t use.
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askrossiel · 9 months
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//Oh, the places you'll (in your mun's imagination) go...
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babyloniastreasure · 2 years
not to be that guy, but those Americans DNI posts related to rising temps in the UK right now bother me because they paint us as arrogant assholes who don’t care about the effects of heat stroke.
americans made fun of the UK once about heat intolerance when people were crying about 70 F / 21 C being unbearably hot. Those are winter temperatures for some of us.
Now that heat is rising with the summer, yall’re acting like americans are  cheering heat-related UK deaths and making fun of the risk--at twice the temperature.
americans never once made fun of people calling 40 C dangerous, or dying of heat stroke, or spreading information about taking proper precaution at those temperatures. heat like that IS a health risk. we know it is. and we never fucking acted like it wasnt.
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ronwestbreeze · 5 months
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you're gonna go far | 7
pairing: jake sully x neytiri x tsu'tey x fem!human! reader summary: a scientist arrives on pandora (unwillingly) a year after the exile of the rda. now she must deal with the likes of a clan leader, a great warrior, and a thanator rider. . . word count: 9.5k
read on AO3
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“Sully, pour that alcohol again and I will stab you.” You hissed, body flinching whenever he took the now bloodied rag and pressed it to your injured shoulder.
A faint smile flashed across his face, “S’not my first time dealing with whiny patients. You can try though.”
“Don’t challenge me, dickhead. I will do it.” You hissed which made him chuckle.
“I believe you.”
Once the blood was finally cleaned off your shoulder, he grabbed some bandages and began wrapping your shoulder up. At this point, there was an unnecessary closeness between you and Jake that you were far too aware of at the moment. He was close to the point where you could see the star-like freckles across his skin, the eyebrows that furrowed together in deep focus, and the way his lips moved ever so slightly as if he were talking and yet no words left past his lips. Just small murmurs here and there.
You didn’t necessarily mean to stare for so long. Especially not long enough for his yellow gaze to connect with yours. You were just too dazed to even gather yourself right now. Hell, your body wasn’t as guarded as it usually was whenever you were around Jake.
Fortunately for you, Jake didn’t bring attention to it. “This should hold up until you bring the body back to the compound.”
He examined your shoulder and studied your face—possibly for more injuries. In the back of your mind, you realized that this was the first time you didn’t feel as small next to Jake. Only because you were in your avatar’s body for the first time in front of Jake. It was slightly jarring to what you were used to but it brought you some type of comfort. At least he wasn’t large enough to where he could crush you as easily as a bug.
“How’d you know it was me?” You found yourself asking him quietly, ignoring the feeling of wanting to crawl into yourself with how intense and unwavering his gaze was on you.
“What?” His response came from the rumble in his chest, his tail swishing behind him slightly.
You finally leaned away from him, feeling your back pressed against the wall behind you. “For all you knew, I could’ve been a random avatar lost in the forest. How could you tell it was me?”
He seemed to get at what you were trying to imply rather quickly, “You think I wouldn’t have saved you if I had known it was you?”
“No. I think you’re a jackass not heartless.” You shrugged, bringing your knee up to your chest. Jake snorted and finally scooted away until his back hit the wall across from you. You pressed your lips into a thin line, “How the hell did I end up trapped in a shack with you of all people?”
“Ouch.” His legs were a little longer than yours, so he managed to stretch to your part of the wall. His thigh nudging yours slightly. It was a tight space. “Norm said you were pretty blunt.”
Thunder rolled by. So loud to the point where it was nearly startling if not for the quieter rumbles from earlier. The silence that settled between the both of you was both uncomfortable and tense. Like there were unspoken words that you were unaware of.
What else was there to say when it came to you and Jake? Frankly, being stuck in a shack with him wasn’t the ideal situation you wanted to be in right now. But what choice did you have?
“What were you thinking?” He then asked you with a frown. Ah, there it is. You let out a breath, your annoyance visible enough to make Jakes's scowl harden. “You could’ve been killed goin’ out there in that weather. Especially with all those fucking creatures.”
You raised a brow, “And yet, you’re here too. We both were pretty much almost killed.”
“I could’ve fought them off. I, unlike you, was trained to.” He tried hard to appear worried and pissed at the same time. It was quite impressive compared to the usual unreadable mask he always wore around you. “You shouldn’t have endangered yourself like that.”
“I don’t know whether I should be flattered or insulted you care so much.” You mumbled, taking out your now dirtied dagger and examining the dried blood on the blade. “Frankly when it comes to you, I’m deciding to go with the latter.”
Jake stared at you for a moment, a beat longer, and then shook his head with a short scoff.
Another silence settled between you. You should’ve been used to it by now, with all the times he’d come to visit the baby in the tank room. There were several instances where there was a comfortable silence between the two of you. But now?
You didn’t understand what could’ve been different. Sure, the proximity wasn’t ideal but that didn’t mean the tension had to be tripled tenfold.
Another clap of thundered shouted through the skies when you finally decided to break the silence this time, “What were those things anyway?”
Jake examined your knife—or more so the blood on it—before responding, “They call them palulukan. They’re possibly one of the most dangerous creatures here. Usually, we tend to avoid them. My first encounter with them wasn’t so pretty. You killed one, right?” Reluctantly, you nodded honestly. He sighed, “Fuck. I don’t know whether to be impressed or pissed. But I guess when it comes to you, I prefer the latter.”
The taunt was obvious—you rolled your eyes heavily at it—but you watched him for a moment. The pain in your shoulder now dwindling to a constant throb somewhat added to your now-growing irritation.
Jake noticed, “What?”
You shrugged, “You’re confusing and inconsistent. Is that only reserved for me because I’m human scum or are you always this way—”
“Human scum, huh?” Jake scoffed in disbelief. “I used to be human scum, remember? Same human scum that saved your ass—”
“But you’re not human anymore.” You said simply. A fact that Jake couldn’t deny—or accept considering the flinch he didn’t bother hiding on his face.
“That’s not…” Jake cut himself off, another wince crossing his features. “I’m always going to be human at the end of the day. Doesn’t matter what skin I wear.”
Gently, you pressed the back of your head against the wall, the sound of the rain growing louder as you did. “And you’re accepted despite that. You’re one of the people. You are their great warrior—what was it again? Toruk Makto? Did I pronounce that right?”
“Toruk Makto.” He corrected, not meeting your eyes.
“Mmm, yeah you still sound American as fuck when you say it so I’ll have to ask Neytiri.” You hummed earning a small glare from the man. You brought your other knee up to your chest while examining the bloodied dagger. It wasn’t red but black, from the palulukan. “We’re not the same, Sully. Not even the same species—”
“If I hate you, it’s not because you’re human.” Jake interrupted, running a hand over his face. Strands of his hair stuck to his forehead when his hand sluggishly ruffled his hair up a bit. “Just as I know you don’t hate me because I’m Na’vi. I’m—I’m trying, okay? Is it so bad that I’m worried for your safety out of kindness? Would you rather I continue to be an asshole?”
“We tolerate each other at most.” You reminded him, beginning to feel the exhaustion catch up to you. “I don’t need you to worry about me. I have Norm for that. Other than that, I’m a big girl. I don’t need your or anyone else’s protection. I’ve been on my own for a while now. And I’ve dealt with a lot of shit. I’m not a rookie when it comes to this, Sully.” You sat up straighter, careful not to put any strain or pressure on your bandaged shoulder. “We’re colleagues. Let's start acting like it.”
Jake watched you for a moment. His face was restrained but not intense. Back to being guarded.
After a beat he allowed a small grin to tug at his lips, “Colleagues, huh? That’s progress I guess.”
“Progress from what?” You frowned. As far as you knew, that’s always been your relationship after you settled in on Pandora.
“Sometimes I feel like I’m walking on a bunch of landmines when I talk to you, you know.” Jake shifted a bit, that was when you noticed the subtle flinch of his body from the sudden movement. Drawing your attention to his body more so than his words. “I like to know that I’m at least on safe grounds once in and while. Believe it or not, Reeds, I don’t like fighting with you all the time—what are you doing?”
You had tucked your dagger away and went for grabbing the other med kit next to you and suddenly started crawling toward Jake, close enough so you could examine his body. But Jake grabbed your good arm—the one holding the med kit—and gave you a small glare, “You shouldn’t be moving—”
“Shut up, Sully, and let me look.” He blinked but reluctantly let go of your arm and allowed you to lean just a little bit closer. Carefully, you pressed your hand around his upper body, searching for the injury. His chest, upper arms, waist—that’s when he grunted. You navigated your hand gently around his waist, your poking becoming a lot less rough, knowing that this area could be tender.
When you finally felt a warm liquid and a lump on the side of his waist, you raised your brows at him accusatorily, “So you take care of me and don’t do anything for yourself? Didn’t take you for being so hardheaded.”
From the med kit, you grabbed a clean rag and reached for the half-full alcohol that he used earlier on you—only to wince slightly when you realized you were reaching with your injured shoulder.
You ignored the slight jab in your shoulder and tried reaching for the alcohol on the table, only for your arm to be snatched away from it by Jake’s iron grasp. You scowled at him as he raised a brow at you, “And you’re annoyingly stubborn. So I guess that makes us even.” With a roll of your eye, you moved to remove your hand from his grasp, only he held firm. Jake nodded to the alcohol, “Don’t be stupid and use your other arm, Reeds.”
Reluctantly, you placed the rag in your lap, reached for the alcohol, and held it up in front of him, “Happy?”
A grunt was his only response.
After pouring the alcohol onto the rag, you moved his arm to get a better look at the wound. It was an ugly gash but manageable.
You moved to press the rag against it but Jake’s grip on your arm tightened, stopping you. “I can do it.”
Ignoring him, you pressed the rag against the wound, earning a hiss from the man., “An arm for an arm. Come on, Sully, do you really expect me to just sit back while I know you’re bleeding?” Jake studied your face. That intensity returned and yet you still couldn’t figure out what exactly he was thinking at the moment. You glared, Kind of unfair you get to read me while you close your walls whenever I do it.”
At that, his ears rose as he grinned, “You’re tryna read me?” You rolled your eyes and pressed on his wound harder, earning a sharp hiss. “Bitch.”
You ignored him and continued cleaning it. Once you were satisfied with the cleaning of it, you brought out the bandages.
While you were working at wrapping the white wraps around his waist, something gentle fluttered near your ear.
At first, you ignored it. It was probably a small fly zipping around your ear unprovoked. But your attention was focused on the white bandages so you could zone it out pretty easily. Except the fluttering happened again, this time there was a warmth next to your ear and then a small tug on one of your braids. You looked up, finding Jake examining your braid. He had this concentrated yet far-away look on his face, the braid threading through his long fingers.
There was little space between you two again. You needed to stop ending up in this position.
But you were strangely curious as you allowed your eyes to lock for that brief moment before the next thunderclap. His heavy-lidded eyes lazily scanned your face, another frown tugging on his lips.
What was he thinking about? What were you thinking about?
And why were you so fucking close to him?
Once you were finished wrapping the bandages around his waist—which was kind of surprisingly difficult with how wide his waist was—you leaned away, taking the braid with you.
“Neytiri did it.” You mumbled quietly, tucking the braid behind your ear. You gave his side a gentle pat, “You’re all good now.”
Jake straightened his body and nodded, “Thanks.”
You scooted back to your spot, bringing your knees up in front of you. Jake was still watching you, this time curiously. Maybe just as curious as you had been staring at him before. The two of you just sat there for another moment. Letting the rain fill the silence.
“When you said we weren’t the same, maybe it’s true for the most part but we do have one thing in common,” Jake started, his legs moving back up in front of him, mirroring your position. “I lost my brother. He’s pretty much the reason why I came to Pandora in the first place. Burned his body and then a week later I’m hightailin’ it to this place. Taking my brother’s place…”
You bit the bottom of your lip, “Sorry about your brother.”
He shrugged, his face guarded again, “I would’ve been pissed if I was forced onto Pandora. I would’ve been rash, I would’ve destroyed my brother’s shit if he asked me to. I would’ve grieved anyway I knew how. Like you.” He chuckled, “But because I’m such a jarhead, it took me too long to see it from your perspective. I’m sorry.”
A hum left your lips as you pulled your knees closer to your chest, “How many times are you going to keep apologizing to me?”
He grinned a little, “Til’ I stop being a jarhead.”
“Mhmm.” The corner of your lip twitched. “You are kind of one, aren’t you?”
Jake chuckled and you hid your face in your knees.
Again, it was silent.
The storm went on.
“Thank you for protecting the baby. I didn’t get to say it last time.”
You shrugged, “S’nothing. Anyone would’ve done the same.”
“Humble and an asshole. A little contradictive, don’t you think?” Jake laughed.
His laugh was infectious, you realized. Your chest was a little lighter when you heard it. It echoed in the isolated shack and rattled your ears like reluctant music to your ears. The rain brought a sense of soothing, adding to his laugh. It was, in a sense, a wonderous melody. It was peaceful.
You’ve never felt at peace before.
Gently, you tugged at your braid, “It wasn’t anything heroic. Especially on my part…my mom’s—her forest burned down just before I found out she died. She left it to me and I failed her. Can’t shake that even now. Then the tank malfunctions, the baby could be in trouble, and all I can think about is ‘Fuck, don’t let me be a failure again’. It’s not humble. It’s not noble. It's completely selfish.”
A beat went by until his foot nudged yours. “I don’t care for the why. You still saved her. That’s all that matters to me.”
Thunder rolled by again.
You pursed your lips, “You still want me watching over her?”
Jake smiled, “Yeah. She’s pretty safe in your hands.”
And then he was leaning forward toward. And then that precious space between you had suddenly left. It was just because the shack was small. That was why.
He paused for a moment, considering his wound, before leaning close enough to grab the knife from your pocket and hold it up in front of your face. “You gotta get better with this.” He grabbed your wrist—and you let him—and wrapped it around the knife’s handle, “You’re good with your right, yeah? Always keep a tight grip on it and when you aim, go for the lethal spots.” He then guided your hand to the side of his head, “Temple.” He then moved it to his neck. “Throat.” And lastly toward his left chest, “And heart. Those are just some of the basics. Angular and quick movements. You gotta be sure of your attack—if you’re not, it won’t land and you’re as good as dead.”
You nodded, all too aware of his hand mostly covering yours. Eventually, he let your hand go with a grin. For a second, you twirled the knife before tucking it back in your pocket.
“Thanks, Sully—”
Suddenly, your body went limp.
And you opened your eyes to find your link bed opening.
With a large intake of breath, you sat up just as Norm appeared next to you, “What happened out there? The storm’s getting worse and I thought you’d be sensible enough to unlink but you hadn’t! Is there a good reason for this or did you simply want one of my veins to burst?!”
You winced and rubbed your ear, “Volume, Spellman.”
“No, what the hell, Reeds?! I was fucking worried!” He let out a breath and stepped back, “And now I have a stomach ache because of you.”
With a sigh, you finally got up from the link bed. “While I’m flattered, I need that energy lowered to a minimum.”
Norm sighed and leaned against the link bed across from her, crossing his arms, “Alright, I’m calm. So, what happened?”
“You sure you don’t need a cup of tea or something? Maybe a cracker—”
Eventually, you explained the events to Norm in a brief summary. Of course, his expressions were difficult for him to control—he easily became distressed as you told him everything leading up to getting out of your avatar’s body.
Once you were finished, he was knowing on his nails, “Well, you’re certainly lucky Jake was there. And since the avatar’s safe, you need to get to bed. Like I promised, your garden’s been taken care of along with the baby. All you need to do is go to bed.”
And Norm didn’t allow room for you to argue as he ushered you off to bed.
Fortunately, sleep came easy that night. Perhaps it was the exhaustion of the storm mixed with interacting with Jake and fighting off the palulukan all crashing down onto your body once you hit the pillow.
By the morning, you immediately went to the link room after shoving down the breakfast Norm made for you, your focus honed in on getting your avatar back to base.
“Stay with Jake,” Norm told you as you got in the link bed. “He kept you alive, remember that.”
You rolled your eyes, “Yes, Dad.”
When the link bed closed, you opened your eyes to find yourself back in the shack. The throb in your shoulder wasn’t missed but at least you weren’t cold. The blanket on your body wasn’t there before you unlinked but you appreciated the warmth it brought when you woke up.
Next to you, the door was open. There wasn’t any rain but from what you could see, the sky was still grey rather than blue. Another storm would come soon.
Despite the comforting warmth, you pushed the blanket off of you just as Jake ducked inside the shack, both your yellow gazes meeting. “We should head out before another one hits.
Seemed like he had the same idea.
With no argument coming from you, you took the hand he offered you and allowed him to pull you to your feet.
It was cool outside when you stepped out of the shack. Jake went ahead while you followed close behind. You may have been flippant before with Norm but you sure as hell wasn’t going to get lost again. Jake snuck a glance at you and chuckled. You glared at him.
The two of you kept going, you at this point had no clue where you were. And your tablet wasn’t working so you couldn’t look at the map or the coordinates you were given, just to memorize them in case you needed to come back to the shack for more restocking.
In other words, you had no choice but to follow Jake in a strange silence. A silence you didn’t feel like deciphering. At least for the most part, there wasn’t an uncomfortable tension between the two of you as there usually was.
“How’s your shoulder?” Jake asked, walking over a fallen tree.
You followed, “Still hurts but I can manage.” You tilted your head while staring at his back. His muscles flexed with every movement. “How’s your waist?”
The smirk was easy to imagine as he responded, “I’ve had worse.” He glanced back at you and grinned, “Thanks, Doc.”
You shrugged, stepping over a little creek, “If you had bled out, I would’ve been stuck with a body too  heavy to carry.”
There was a sudden shuffling in the bushes, causing the both of you to come to a complete stop.
“Oh come on.” You grumbled.
“You’ve gotta be kiddin’ me.” Jake hissed at the same time.
Whatever it was, it was big and coming fat. You took out your knife and Jake brought out his machete from his chest strap.
Only seconds later a bunch of pa’li came out of the bushes, all of them mounted by other Na’vi. Which—after you finally got over the shot of multiple horse-like creatures coming at you—you realized was led by none other than Tsu’tey.
Jake relaxed. You put the knife away but remained tense.
“Ma’ Jake!” Neytiri’s voice came first. Her pa’li stopped closer to Jake before jumping off and rushing toward him. Tsu’tey followed seconds after with a bow as they wrapped their arms around each other. A clear relief settled among the three of them.
You remained where you were, maybe inched away from them a bit until Neytiri's eyes fluttered open and locked with yours over Jake’s shoulder. “Ma’ tanhi?”
“Hi, Neytiri.” You offered with a jerkish nod.
She smiled at you—like she always did with that white crescent moon—but it quickly went away when Tsu’tey also happened to notice you. He moved out of Jake and Neytiri’s arms and stalked toward you. “Tsu’tey—”
Jake tried to catch his arm but missed.
Tsu’tey now stood in front of you as he hissed, “You should not be here!”
“There was a storm.” You replied dryly and simply. His nose flared as you continued, “Hard to get anywhere when you can’t navigate it—”
“You are to stay with your kind. I told you if I ever saw you here again—”
“You would kill me? Yeah, I didn’t forget. Good thing I was doing that before a whole herd blocked my path.”
Jake appeared next to Tsu’tey, placing his hand on his chest as he tried to get between the two of you. He spoke in Na’vi, nothing you could understand. Just certain words that were familiar from your lessons.
Neytiri moved to your side and carefully pulled you away from Tsu’tey so that there was enough space between the two of you. It was a bit comforting having someone at your side like that. You weren’t completely alone here.
It wasn’t like visiting with the Tsahik for the first time. This time—this time was different, wasn’t it?
Tsu’tey lifted his chin, backing up only slightly. He pointed behind him with his bow, “There is a dead palulukan not far from here.” Jake winced while Neytiri frowned. The warriors on the pa’li didn’t react but were staring intently at you, judging you. Nothing new there. “Was that you? Is that why you are covered in its blood?”
“I’m covered in my blood mostly if you hadn’t noticed.” You glared, ignoring the look Jake was sending you. “It attacked me and got a chunk of my skin with it. What did you expect me to do—“
“‘If you hadn’t been out here, it wouldn’t have had to die.” Tsu’tey scowled. His eyes glanced toward Jake’s bandaged waist and you could’ve sworn his face turned a dark shade of blue, “And now you’ve endangered my mate with your presence here!”
Jake stepped in the way of the angry leader, his hand back on his chest. “Hey, hey, listen to me. I’m fine, okay? She was alone and I decided to help her—it’s not her fault I got injured—“
Neytiri hissed in Na’vi, stepping in front of you so that Tsu’tey couldn’t get any closer. She looked particularly fierce as she spoke. Whatever she was saying made Jake wince and Tsu’tey appear even more pissed as he dragged his eyes back to you.
“No!” He yanked away from Jake’s hold and stepped around Neytiri as he growled toward you. “You’ve done enough, demon! All you and your kind do is cause destruction wherever you go! I should’ve killed you the moment your ship landed—just like the rest of your clan!”
This time you stepped forward until you and Tsu’tey were nearly nose to nose, “Then do it.” You replied quietly. He snarled but you never broke eye contact with him. “Kill me.”
Neytiri immediately protested in their language while Jake just stared at you.
Jake had decided then that you were unpredictable.
There was still grief hanging around you. That was all he ever knew of you whenever the both of you crossed paths. Then of course there was the anger that accompanied it. But it was always a sort of rash anger, similar to how he would’ve reacted if he had the time to process his brother’s death and if he could feel his emotions without being terrified of the outcome. Without being terrified of losing focus.
You on the other hand felt your emotions. Wore them even though your face didn’t show it most of the time. Jake hadn’t seen you in your avatar body until now and he could see it more clearly. In your human form, you were able to hide it well. Be almost deadpanned and robotic.
But in this form, it was hard to hide it. This body was too expressive for someone like you. Instead of drooping down, your ears were now pinned to the side of your head. Instead of practically limp, your tail lashed behind you as you stood before Tsu’tey, the challenging glint in your eye unmistakable.
Before you had just been a shadow of yourself—even when the two of you were together in that shack—but now?
Now you appeared as sharp as a spear. The last time he had seen this was when you snapped at him the other day.
But the other times it had always been directed at Tsu’tey. As if only he could bring out this hidden side of you—one that would’ve remained cleverly hidden if not constantly forced into a corner like a wild animal.
That’s what the two of you were. You and Tsu’tey. Wild animals. Ready to pounce at any second.
Good thing both Jake and Neytiri were long used to these unpredictable creatures.
Jake grabbed ahold of Tsu’tey’s arm, this time a lot more firmly than before. “Hey, hey,” His mate finally looked at him, fortunately allowing Jake to pull him away from you. “It’s already done. Let’s just go home.”
He then looked at you. Dried blood—both red and dark—on the left side of your ear and neck, glimmering yellow eyes—a warrior’s mask.
His chest felt strangely tight at the sight of you. “Easy, alright? I’ve got him.”
You blinked, finally realizing that Jake had been addressing you. Your eyes gazed at him and then down to his now joined hands with Tsu’tey. Right, they were mates. Just as well as they were with Neytiri.
Well, you had an inkling but never gave it much thought until now.
So you backed off. Of course, you had no chance of even fighting the man anyway. But you were somewhat still high on adrenalin. You believed you could do anything at the moment. Reckless or not.
Neytiri tugged and held onto your arm, drawing your attention away from the two, “I will take you back.”
“Neytiri—“ Tsu’tey tried but the look on the woman’s face quieted him instantly.
“I will take her back.” She repeated, almost daring him to say otherwise.
Tsu’tey huffed, lifting his chin. Finally, he backed off, allowing Jake to lead him back to the warriors on the pa’li. Neytiri made some sort of a whistle sound and her pa’li galloped toward her. She took her queue, connected it with its antenna, and got on. You grabbed her hand and got on behind her.
She kept your hand around her swollen stomach as she signaled the pa’li to move.
But Tsu’tey spoke first, “Arvok will go with you.”
A pa’li galloped next to Neytiri’s. On top was a younger male. He briefly glanced at you and nodded to Neytiri. She acknowledged him well enough—which sort of told you that they were familiar with each other. Come to think of it, the male—Arvok—looked like a younger Tsu’tey as you examined him closer.
Neytiri guided the pa’li forward. Arvok followed.
You had never ridden on one of these before so unconsciously, you held onto the nearest thing. Which was Neytiri’s waist. She didn’t seem to mind it, her hand that wasn’t guiding the pa’li rested on yours to make sure it was secure around her. You glanced over your shoulder to find Jake getting on a pa’li. Tsu’tey was saying something that you could not make out by how far you were away now.
Jake met your gaze. You pursed your lips and nodded his way.
Before you could see his response back to you, the trees covered your vision of them.
The ride back to Hell’s Gate was quiet but not uncomfortable. You felt safe somewhat and familiar. Being around Neytiri had that effect on you. You were so used to her presence that you almost missed it now that you had it. It was peaceful, in a way, around her. There was a point where you almost rested your head on her shoulder, just because you were so at ease around her.
And you missed this. You missed her.
“Why did you stop coming around?” You found yourself asking casually.
You couldn’t see her reaction since you were sitting behind her. After a long pause and a subtle look your way from Arvok, Neytiri responded, “I could not come for a while…but that will change.” She looked at you from the side, “I want to see your garden and what you’ve done so far.”
And it was nice to hear. You weren’t even really mad that she disappeared. You just always assumed she got busy with her clan. And then there was the subtle bump of her stomach that you felt under your hands.
She didn’t hate you either, it seemed. Surprisingly, neither did Jake.
Just Tsu’tey, which wasn’t much of a surprise.
“I can’t wait then.” You nodded.
Neytiri smiled at that.
It wasn’t long until you arrived back at Hell’s Gate. She steered the pa’li toward the compound where your garden was and the longhouse where you could put your avatar. You slid off and walked toward the garden, just to check on it. You knew Norm said he took care of it but you just wanted to see if they were doing well—just out of curiosity and slight worry.
Neytiri followed you as you started picking at the crops. They all seemed healthy and growing well. Norm did a pretty good job—which you weren’t surprised by since he always studied the Na’vi way. If anything, as much as you liked to make fun of him, you probably trusted Norm the most with it.
It seemed Neytiri was also content with the garden too. In the corner of your eye, you spotted Arvok hanging back, watching the two of you. While he looked similar to Tsu’tey, he didn’t wear the same scowl as him. Or judgment. That probably meant he was just better at hiding it.
“This one is limp.” Neytiri pointed to one of the crops a few feet away from you. “Needs more water and sun.”
You frowned, looking up at the grey sky. “We probably won’t have any of the latter for a while. I should talk to Norm about finding some covering for the plants or else they’ll drown.”
“I will come back tomorrow with something like that,” Neytiri said, standing. She glanced back to Arvok, you watched her expectantly. “For now I must return. But there will be another storm, ma’ tanhi. Be safe.”
You nodded, your chest warm. With that, Neytiri got back on her pa’li and followed Arvok back into the forest. The sound of their gallops slowly disappearing in the wind. After staying back for a bit to check more on your garden, you finally went to the longhouse and unlinked. Feeling a lot more at ease than you usually did.
Something was assuring about this feeling. Like for the first time in a long while, you believed that things were beginning to look up for you soon. You didn’t know why you felt this way but it was nice to just feel it.
And enjoy it before it disappeared from your grasp.
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After your unexpected adventure through the storm had come to an end, you were able to finally get back to a semblance of normalcy with your schedule.
With that in mind, you began tending to your garden again.
Neytiri came back the next day with a large leaf meant to cover the crops. Of course, it rained again but it wasn’t as awful as it was last time. So because of the light rain, you spent most of the day covering the crops with Neytiri as she gave you more lessons in her language. Some words were a bit familiar while others were new and harder to pronounce. She then would explain more about life within her clan, what duties the People are required to do, and other ways they get food besides gardening such as hunting.
You took in most of the information while replanting some of your mushrooms with her guide.
“I am training to be the next Tsahik,” Neytiri explained next to you while planting new mushroom seeds. “Some day I will be taking my mother’s place and rule the clan with my mates. Tsu’tey is—”
“Olo’eyktan.” You hummed.
“Yes.” She nodded contently. “He took over after my father. Jake is Toruk Makto. The great warrior who led the clans to victory against the Sky People. They are both great men.” The proud look was unmistakable in her eyes and on her face. You observed it quietly and she noticed, a soft frown now on her face. “Tsu’tey has lost a lot because of them. That is why he is hard and does not want you here.”
You nodded, “Yeah, I know.” You dusted the dirt off your hands as a thought struck you, “What about Jake? He was human once. How did they become mates? How did you become mates with them?”
And just like that, the question for some reason brought a bright smile to her face. Wider than you expected. Sure, you knew she probably loved her mates—that’s no doubt—but this much excitement was quite a lot. Maybe you just weren’t used to showing love so freely or watching someone do it.
Neytiri grabbed one of your hands and squeezed it, “It is because we love him. He is ours and we are his. Ma’ Jake saved Tsu’tey and our clan. He has a strong heart and spirit. That is all that matters. His body did not change that.”
Again, you nodded. She was pretty much confirming what you already knew about them. Well, suspected. Ever since the three of them came to declare that all three of them would take Dr. Augustine’s baby and raise it as their own.
“It is the way here. For Great Mother to bless us with more than one mate.” Neytiri explained while playing with your fingers. “To make more of her children after losing so many. It is our gift to her. Sometimes three, most times four. We believe four is enough for Eywa’s approval.”
“Mmm, well, you’re almost there.” You pointed out, resting your chin on your knee.
Neytiri nodded with another smile, “Yes, we are.”
You then looked down at her swollen stomach, “How far along are you?”
“Nearly four months.” She looked down and rested her free hand on her stomach.
“Congrats.” Your lip twitched. At that, Neytiri’s face grew brighter for some reason. You didn’t mind it of course.
And you could’ve sworn she was the sun in all of this grey.
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You also resumed checking in on the baby and fortunately, she was coming along well.
To be honest, you weren’t sure how long the avatar was pregnant, all you knew was that it was discovered.
It could be coming at any moment with how big the stomach was now and the heartbeat was as strong as ever. Actually, around this time, babies could probably hear and recognize voices.
That was where you found yourself the next day after tending to the garden with Neytiri. You stared at the tank for a bit, clutching the tablet to your chest with long contemplation. And you really contemplated.
Wondering just how stupid you would appear if you did this.
Well. No one’s here. Might as well try it. In the name of science.
You grabbed a nearby chair and sat in it.
Biting the inside of your cheek and mumbled, “Hi.” Of course, no one responded. You forced out more words. “You might be coming soon. You have um, a lot of people waiting—excited for you to be here.” You rested the tablet on your lap and cleared your throat nervously. “I’m-I’m just the scientist watching over you, don’t worry. You won’t have to listen to me for much longer. Your parents, well, even if I have my reservations about one of them—there’s no doubt that you’ve hit gold with these guys.” Looking down at the tablet, you brought up the recent ultrasound of the baby.
She had grown exceptionally. No longer a little dot on the screen. “I can’t lie, I’m kind of interested to see you. When you’re born. Did a lot of shit to keep you alive and that includes dealing with one of your dads.”
You would’ve laughed. For a while you were quiet, listening for any footfalls before you continued quietly, “I hope you’re born into a better life here. It’s a lot better than Earth. Trust me, you’re in good hands.”
It wasn’t so bad, you realized. Talking to her.
Plus, it was good for their brain and ears. At least that’s what you read. So, for the next couple of days, you came to the tank room and had a small conversation with the baby. It was always about different things. Your day, your garden, wandering through the forest with Neytiri. Whatever to keep yourself and the baby company.
“Mom loved kids,” You told her two days later after you first started talking to her. By now you were somewhat comfortable talking into the silence. “She probably would’ve loved watching over you. If the others hadn’t opted to take care of you my mom would’ve jumped at the opportunity in a second. She’s always wanted to be a mother, there would be no question about it.” Your fingers grazed the glass of the tank, biting the inside of your cheek. “Sorry, I’m not her. We’re honestly like night and day. Unfortunately, you’re stuck with the night. Hopefully, you’re not scared of the dark.”
Something in the corner of your eye moved. You stopped talking instantly and turned to find Jake entering.
With Tsu’tey right behind him.
You frowned and stood from your seat. Jake greeted you with a nod and a smile, “Hey, Reeds.”
“Sully,” You returned the nod, eyeing the other warily.
Tsu’tey just scowled at you before going to the tank. His face slowly softened into awe upon looking at the stomach.
You moved toward the doorway, “I’ll you the two of you alone with her—”
“What were you doing with her?” Jake asked from his spot at the tank. He stood near the chair you had sat in while Tsu’tey was on the other side of the tank.
“Nothing.” Your answer was too quick. And Jake, of course, noticed.
He grinned, “Come on, don’t get shy on me, Doc. I heard you talking before—were you perhaps talking to the baby by chance?”
Seeing no point in denying it, you shrugged and hugged your tablet, “She’s far enough along to be able to hear voices and such. Maybe even recognize them. I was simply feeding my scientific mind with a hypothesis.”
Jake made sure to show you he wasn’t convinced with the large smirk on his face. Though Tsu’tey frowned at you, “Why?”
At first, you didn’t know whether or not he was baiting you into another verbal fight. Jake was here at least, which brought you somewhat ease. At least he’d be able to get between the two of you in case things did go south. You hummed, “It’s to help build their memory early. Also, mothers usually form closer bonds with their children that way. We do that a lot back on Earth.”
Tsu’tey narrowed his eyes, “And you intend to bond with this child? That is why you were talking to her.”
Jake looked at you curiously then. You shook your head, “It’s not my baby to bond with.” Tsu’tey now looked unconvinced but eventually turned his attention back to the tank. You didn’t miss the thoughtful expression on his face—most would with how much scowling there was—but unfortunately, you didn’t. “You can try it if you want. It’s about time she meets her future folk.”
“We won’t be long, Doc.” Jake sent you a small smile.
You waved him off, “Take as long as you like. I was just about done anyway.”
The next day was spent protecting your crops from the rain which was a lot worse than it had been a couple of days ago. Neytiri wasn’t here today because she was hunting with her clan—which was fine, you could handle most of the garden yourself that day anyway.
Now usually, you’d unlink and go check on the baby, but you decided to save some time and run over to the tank room in your avatar body.
There, you found Jake sitting at the tank. Talking to the baby.
“—and I can’t wait to see you, baby girl,” His voice was soft as he smiled at the swollen belly. “Your mom and papa can’t wait for you to come and hold you for the first time…”
 He trailed off when he saw you standing in the doorway. For a moment he didn’t say anything. And in that same moment, you contemplated leaving him alone.
What stopped you was his grin, “Lookin’ more and more Na’vi every day, huh?”
You looked down at yourself curiously. Compared to your human form, your avatar wore a holey crop top that was now covered in a bit of dirt with shorts that were now rolled up above your knees. And if you had to guess, your hair was probably a bit wild—come to think of it, it wasn’t in a ponytail as usual. Except for hanging down your face, wet from the rain. You shook your head as you walked further into the room, “No, just a mess actually. Sorry if I interrupted.”
Jake shook his head, “No, you’re the doc after all. I took your suggestion and started talking to her and I think she’s becoming used to my voice—c’mere and look.”
Reluctantly, you walked toward him with the heart monitor behind you. He grabbed your arm and guided you into the spot he had been standing before.
You followed his gaze toward the stomach, “Every time I talk to her, the stomach shifts—” You looked at him to find a white grin on his face. “She kicks whenever I, Tsu’tey, or Neytiri talk to her. She knows who we are, it’s—it’s amazing.”
“She’s coming along.” You nodded in agreement as Jake moved to the other side of the tank. While watching the heart monitor, you glanced toward Jake, more specifically his waist which now appeared to be wrapped in long green plant strips. “How’s the wound?”
“Healing.” Jake nodded to your newly wrapped shoulder, “How’s that big guy over there?”
“Sore.” You sighed, taking a seat in the nearby chair. It was smaller than you but you managed to sit in it well enough. "But still alive surprisingly.”
There was a low rumble from him which you assumed was a hum. “Don’t strain yourself. It hasn’t been that long since that shoulder was bitten off.”
“Mhmm.” You mumbled, grabbing your tablet.
“Fine. Don’t listen to me. Just don’t come crying to me when your arm falls off.”
“Highly unlikely but I’m unfortunately flattered by your concern.” You mumbled dryly, not looking up from the tablet.
Jake grinned, adjusting his loincloth, “You’re welcome, asshole.”
Minutes later, Jake departed, leaving you with the baby. You got up from the chair and squatted down next to the tank to get a better look at the stomach. “Looks like it’s just you and me, little one.” You hummed at the name you gave her, testing how it felt on your tongue. “I figured it was better than calling you fetus.” After checking the heart monitor again, you continued, “I think you’re Jake’s favorite. Already stealin’ hearts and you’re not even out of the womb yet. Impressive, little one.”
It was subtle. The shift in the stomach. Right after you spoke.
The little upturn in your lip was subtle too.
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It seemed the skies weren’t clearing up.
There was a lot of rain and a lot of dark clouds. You, while standing in your garden, looked up at the sky with a frown.
“Keep these covered,” Neytiri said, drawing your attention back to her as she was hunched over the mushrooms.
You nodded thoughtfully. Neytiri stood, tilting her head up to let the small drops of rain fall onto her face. Curiously, you mirrored her and for the most part, it was pretty peaceful. The rain dripped down your face, the cool water contrasting against your warm skin.
Finally, you looked at Neytiri to find her already looking at you, “Can you teach me more of your language?”
She blinked in surprise, “I am.”
“Yeah, I know, but I want you to teach me so that I can understand what the three of you say whenever you argue over me.” You chewed the inside of your cheek. “Just to at least get a chance to respond with the correct snark.”
Neytiri eyed you for a moment before nodding, “I will.” Thunder rolled by in the distance. “When the storm passes, ma’ tanhi. I must protect my clan first.”
You nodded instantly, “Of course. I can wait.”
When Neytiri left, you double-checked your cops before grabbing your bag to begin your foraging. While it was pretty windy and raining, you were still able to start your trek through the forest—but not too far unlike last time. No more overnight adventures, thank you.
You took your hunting knife and began cutting a few berries and vegetables, not too much to the point where you caused any damage. As you ventured further into the forest, you marked the spots you passed, just to make sure you’d have a way to get back in case you did somehow end up lost.
Traveling through the trees became easier the more you did it. It also happened to make your foraging a bit easier as there were more plants up in the trees than on the ground. Of course, you kept your portions fair, despite the thickness of the many plants and how greedy you were to grab them all. Fortunately, you had a lot of self-control.
By the time you filled your basket with more fruit, you moved to go back in the direction of the compound only to stop when you spotted something slumped near a creek. Something blue and long.
A body.
There was hesitance but your moral compass eventually won as you slid down the tree and crept toward the fallen Na’vi.
“Hello?” You whispered as you got closer. The body didn’t move. You knelt next to it—him. He was male from what you could, despite him lying on his stomach. Carefully, you turned him over, “Are you—”
The question died away when you saw the blood coming from his abdomen. And your eyes widened when you realized this male was from the other day. The younger version of Tsu’tey. What was his name again?
His eyes fluttered as he whimpered. Quickly, you pressed your hand against the wound, the basket of fruits and vegetables long forgotten.
He grunted.
“Hey, hey, it’s okay. I’ve got you,” You whispered assuredly. With a racing mind, you ripped a part of your shirt and tied it around his abdomen to slow his bleeding. “What’s your name—Hey, stay with me. What’s your name?”
There was a croak from his mouth. You leaned closer to hear better.
Yes. Right.
“Please,” Arvok gripped your arm, desperately.
You nodded, “I’ll help you, okay? Just tell me where your home is and I’ll take you back to your people.” You stood, looking around until your eyes landed on a nearby pa’li.
It must’ve been his.
Carefully, you approached the pa’li. Of course, it was skittish but you continued forward carefully, remembering how Neytiri did it.
“Easy.” You assured, raising your queue. The pa’li didn’t move away from you. “Easy.” Eventually, you got close enough to connect your queue with its antenna. When the pa’li didn’t immediately recoil from your connection, you sighed a quick breath of relief and went back for Arvok, who was now watching you carefully. He must’ve recognized you too.
“You are the dreamwalker.” He said in English as you knelt beside him. “How did you—"
“Save your energy.” You told him as you carefully sat him up. He grunted from the movement but you pushed forward and got him to his feet, supporting most of his heavy weight on your injured shoulder. Didn’t mean his grunts stopped, “Sorry, sorry.”
Once you finally got him on the pa’li, you got on and grabbed his arm to wrap around your waist. “Hold tight, okay? I need your guidance so I know where to go. Do you, uh, do you understand me?”
He nodded against your shoulder, his breaths shallow.
At first, you thought it was the rain but your ears eventually twitched at the sound of bushes rustling behind you. A second later you could’ve sworn you heard the thwump of an arrow flying from a bow.
Arvok had heard it too, “They’re still here!”
Without thinking, you steered the pa’li around. The arrow came flying through the crowd of trees and barely missed you by a slice in your left shoulder—instead of hitting Arvok’s back before you had turned around.
“Straight head!” Arvok grunted against your shoulder. “Go! Now!”
You ordered the pa’li to book it straight. Whoever had shot at the both of you was now far behind as the pa’li galloped through the forest. At least that was what you hoped.
Now all you had to worry about was finding the clan. And the last time you went there was in a Samson. Which meant you probably wouldn’t make it until night came.”
At this revelation, you tried not to panic. You worried that Arvok wouldn’t have much time since he was bleeding too much and his breaths were getting shorter by the second. You were so worried it made you dizzy.
“You,” He croaked, drawing your attention back to him. “You—You were shot.”
You frowned and glanced at the small slice in your left shoulder blade. Compared to his stab wound it was just a cut at most.
“Don’t worry about me, okay? Just keep saving your energy. We’ll—We’ll get there in no time—just keep directing me.”
After a beat, he nodded into your shoulder.
And that was what the next few moments were like for a while. The sky was getting darker as time passed and the rain hadn’t let up in a while. If anything, it had gotten worse to the point where it was difficult to see ahead of you.
It was cold but despite that, your skin was warm and sweaty. Sometimes you shivered which only reminded you that you were only wearing a crop top and not something to cover your body. And yet Arvok was practically naked and he was worse off than you were right about now.
A sudden jerk launched you and Arvok off the pa’li and into the wet ground. A yelp left your lips while Arvok landed a few feet away from you. Your dizziness got worse, possibly from the sudden fall so it took you a moment longer to get up while blinking away the black spots.
You scanned the ground until you spotted Arvok lying a few feet away from you. As quickly as you could, you scrambled toward him and grabbed him by his arm, heaving him up and supporting his weight once more. Only this time you wouldn’t be putting him on a pa’li. It was long gone by now and you just prayed that you were closer to the Omatikaya Clan’s base.
“Sorry, I don’t know what happened.” You muttered to him. He said something in Na’vi but thankfully didn’t seem angry as he allowed you to practically carry him. “How far are we?
Arvok sluggishly took in your surroundings and forced out weakly, “Halfway.”
Exhaustion was catching up to you rapidly. Making it a lot more difficult to drag the male along with you. Your left shoulder—where the cut was—was throbbing.
You ignored it and pushed forward with screaming legs and arms. But you didn’t complain. This man had been stabbed and was bleeding out with your pathetic attempt at a bandage around his wound. Your problems were nothing in comparison.
The sky was dark. You weren’t sure where you were and Arvok was losing consciousness.
“No, no, come on, Arvok. I need you.” And for some reason, you weren’t feeling too well either.
You were becoming desperate. So desperate to the point where you were screaming for help. Screaming for someone—anyone to hear you.
It wasn’t long until there was a response.
Just as your legs were about to give out, there was rustling in the bushes again. You cursed.
But seconds later a few Na’vi suddenly came out on pa’li. Drawing their bows back.
“No! Don’t shoot! Please, I’m only here because I found him injured!” You quickly said, gesturing to Arvok who hung limply against you. “He’s bleeding, okay? He needs help!”
One of them spoke and got off their pa’li. This warrior pointed at you while speaking in Na’vi. You shook your head, “I can’t understand you—here.” You gave Arvok to the warrior. Another came to help and brought him onto the pa’li. By then you were practically drenched in blood and rain.
Now that his weight was off of you, your body began to tilt. You caught yourself and shook it off quickly just as another pa’li appeared. Instantly, you recognized the scowl on Tsu’tey’s face as he drew closer.
You had never seen him so livid, especially when his eyes landed on Arvok who was now slumped against one of the warrior’s back.
He leaped off and stalked toward you. This time there was no one to stop his approach. All you could do was stagger back and sputter out quickly, “I found him and brought him here—that’s all I did. He was really hurt and—”
Tsu’tey didn’t hear any of it. Instead, he yanked you by the arm, his grip as firm as steel. He seethed as the thunder clapped above you, “You’ve gone too far, demon—”
But you didn’t hear the rest. The world tilted violently, your shoulder throbbed and the black spots in your vision worsened.
For some reason, you couldn’t breathe as your body hit the forest floor. You weren’t in control of your body anymore. It moved on its own accord. Your muscles became stiff as you convulsed against your will.
You wondered if you’d unlink after passing out. How would your real body react to this?
Shouts and rain faded from your ears.
All that was left was silence.
And your racing heart.
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heyyyyy. so for starters, happy late new years! i was thinking we would start off or finish january with a new chapter of you're gonna go far! and i went a little overboard again but hey, i think the sacrifice was worth it heheh.
hope you enjoy it and thank you all for waiting patiently!
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(i'm not adding anymore people anymore!)
taglist: @doggyteam2028 @bigbootahjudy @innercreationflower @n7cje @celi-xxmoon @readerofallthingss @sillyblues @saturnhas82moons @1mawh0re @aprosiacperson @loserwithnofriends @garfieldsladybird @slutforsmut4ever @lik0
508 notes · View notes
asmosmainhoe · 5 months
MC is the opposite of pride
Notes: Since Lucifer won the poll❤
Gender: neutral
Warnings: none
It's a refreshing change for him. Your lack of pride and arrogance is making it extremely easy to get along with you, but he'd be lying if he said that it doesn't sometimes annoys him
It's not outright annoyance. It's more that it bugs him
You're being praised for doing a good job? "Oh, no, it really wasn't a big thing don't worry."
Someone gives you credit? "Actually I never would have finished it without the help of the others."
And you're so humble with your talents as skills as well! What is this? Just pride yourself for once! It doesn't seem like you're self conscious or anything. You're simply naturally a very humble person. The complete opposite of Lucifer
You're literally his better half and the brothers were absolutely shocked when they found out that you guys are dating
"How can someone as heartless and arrogant as Lucifer manage to be with MC?"
"He's quite attractive though."
"It still doesn't make up for his awful personality."
"I agree with Satan!"
"You idiots do realize I'm standing right next to you?"
You're his pillar that keeps him from crumbling down, his anchor that makes sure he stays in place. Whenever he flies to high you bring him back to the ground. Yes, he really does need someone to keep him grounded
Lucifer has the tendency to pick the wrong kind of battles just to have his pride refuse him to back down from them. That's exactly why he has you. You remind him of the risks and side effects with just a look in his direction. No words are needed between you two
789 notes · View notes
rosedom · 1 month
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"in an open match, 【 🦢 】 has invited KAVEH to play . . . a swan's song: the rhythm of rebirth
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✦ㅤㅤ 【 CW 】 dom!gn!reader, sub!ftm!kaveh, mentions of alhaitham (you are a throuple), cunnilingus, subspace, semi-public (no getting caught), gentleness + praise + a lot of assurance .
A/N : no ask attached due to it being a thread over the course of multiple asks . . . dt my sweet swan anon <3
"do you want to watch, [PLAYER]? press KEEP READING to spectate the match."
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Kaveh said goodbye to his mother, all those years ago. He stood beside the lighthouse—the very lighthouse he designed, all it’s petaled curves and swooping lines—, and he waves until the silhouette disappeared on the horizon. She, in all senses, became swallowed up in the fog of the winding river. He had half a mind to stroll with her, to run, to try and keep pace with the slim boat as it traveled the water, up ‘til it’d reach the falls, ‘til his dearest mother would need to take to land to reach the second harbor of Sumeru.
He wanted to chase her, but he did not. (She wishes she smiled to her boy, that first night she left.
Her boy, who she loves so, so dearly; but who chains her to a past full of only pain. 
She loves her boy, and her boy loves her. It is in this love that he tells her to leave.)
Now, Kaveh visits his mother once a year—twice, on special occasions. He brings Alhaitham, on some; he brings you on others. Rarely does he bring the both of you. (He is scared that it would be asking too much.) And Fontaine is beautiful, really, and he loves seeing his mother’s designs dispersed in the streets of the court. And through it all, he tells himself that he does not miss her. 
Telling—saying—, however, is easier than believing.
He visits that lighthouse every month, right down in Port Ormos. It’s tradition, seeing the beacon in the sky—the beacon that became the last tether he had of family in Sumeru, where he was born, raised, and where he will die.
It's sad, in a way, that the remnants Kaveh will leave in Sumeru are of a building: a cold, heartless building. He wishes he could leave himself. 
(He misses his mother, but he says he does not. This lighthouse is a testament to that fact.)
Tonight is the fifth of May, and tonight Kaveh sits in the silence of a Port Ormos’ night. The lighthouse sits far into the bay, granting him true solitude, a loneliness to match that which seems to haunt him. Pharos’ beacon of light extends through the cold mist, and the bugs which it illuminates are his only companion, here.
Until you come along, that is. (Alhaitham is not here, tonight. You told him to stay home. 
After all, if Kaveh is so hesitant to invite you both to Fontaine, perhaps he fears something of the two of you together. You don't want to risk that, here.)
“Thought I'd find you here,” you murmur, steps awfully loud in the quiet. The wooden boards creak beneath your feet before you step onto the stone that surrounds the lighthouse.
Kaveh’s face blends into the darkness, but his eyes do not; and you see them, wide and shimmering, the wet sclera catching on the errant rays from the beacon behind him. He does not say anything, but he lifts a hand for you to take.
His hand, calloused, slips easily into your own, your fingers lacing with his. Even the crooked jut to his pinkie fits perfectly against your own phalanges, the two of you cut from the same clay the archons molded either of you with. You stroke along the back of his hand, thumb gentle in its motions as you take a seat on the hard stone that lines the ground around the lighthouse. Like this, his and your back are pressed against the slate that builds the gate’s wall, the gentle eave blotting out parts of the sky when you gaze upwards towards the moon.
It’s silent, for a while.
Until it’s not. “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” Kaveh asks, voice meak. 
You don’t know what he’s referring to, but you say, “Yes,” anyway.
He shakily sighs. “I worked so hard,” he continues, empty hand dragging along the intricate patterns etched into the stone that makes up the grandiose arch, “and she still left.” (It’s a testament to how long he's been out here, alone, ruminating in his thoughts, the way he lets himself be vulnerable so easily.) Another sniffling sound escapes him, and he’s quick to let go of your hand to cover his mouth. Through his fingers, he says, tries so desperately to convince, “I mean, I—I’m glad she left, she deserves it; but why don’t I?
“Why don’t I get to start over, like she does?”
You pull him into your arms then. Even as he makes like he’s going to pull away—like he doesn’t want your comfort—, he turns into it all the same, burying himself into your shoulder as his arms come to clutch desperately at your back. Softly cooing, you hold him tight, hands making grand sweeping motions across the expanse of his back. 
“Because you worked so hard,” you murmur, pressing a gentle kiss to his hairline. “You have made a name for yourself, Kaveh: not many people can say that about themselves.”
“‘m only got some stupid moniker.”
At that, you laugh. “Yeah, ‘Light of Kshahrewar’ is pretty stupid; it hardly highlights your accomplishments.”
“That’s not what I—”
“I know,” you say, curt, even as you keep your lips pressed softly to his forehead.
You only continue once he sniffs, a single time, loud and stark. 
“You could leave at any time you wanted,” you say, “and you know that—but you stay anyway. You stay, and you persevere. You are the strongest man I know—” at this, Kaveh’s chest hiccups in a barely-contained sob. You only squeeze him harder. “I am so proud of you, y’know.” 
“But—” he shakes his head vehemently against you, hands clutching, pulling, at the front of your shirt, “—but why? I’m nothing special.” 
“Nothing special? Kaveh.” You pull him out from your neck, cupping his face in your broad palms. Even as tears slip down his cheeks, he nuzzles into you, eyes fluttering shut. “You are everything to me and Haitham.” 
At the mention of the other boyfriend, Kaveh wetly laughs. “He told you to say that, didn't he?” 
You only coo again. “Maybe,” you acquiesce, “but he only told me how to say it. What I’m saying is genuine, lion.” The nickname fits, when he blinks open those lion eyes of his, ruby irises managing to shine even in the pitch of night. But then, quietly, you ask, “Do you really want to start over?”
Kaveh is silent for a moment; and then he slowly, oh-so slowly, shakes his head, side to side, right there in the palms of your hands. 
“You’re not your mother, Kaveh, and you're not chained down to her. You're your own man, and we are so, so proud of you for who you have become. In spite of everything bad that has happened to you, you have remained the sun in mine and Haitham’s sky.” 
He reaches a hand up to wipe his own tears but you softly bat it away, using your own thumbs to catch the errant saltwater that drips. His eyes have gone hazy, far-off and far in thought.
(For Kaveh to be so—so silent, is jarring.)
Trying to reel him back in, you lean forward and gently kiss the swell of his right cheek. “Kaveh,” you murmur, “do you understand me?”
Slowly, he nods. 
“Can you repeat what I said, then?” 
His eyes go wide, and he shakes his head.
You shake your head right back at him. “Yes, you can, sweetheart.”
All it takes is one word.
It takes one word, and it’s easy, pulling Kaveh under. He admitted to you and Haitham, all those months ago, how, when he submits, his brain becomes cotton-filled, mind pleasantly quiet. It’s how he comes down from stress, and, well—he’s pretty damned stressed, here. 
But, “We’re—we’re in public,” he mutters, shaky, even as you can see the reflection of the moon brightening in those growing pupils, even as his legs begin to spread.
“Nobody’s around, sweet thing, and nobody will come around ‘til tomorrow morning.” 
His eyes, wide as a pup’s for all the lion that he is, jump across your face, searching for something; and then, suddenly, he falls backwards and catches himself, stands up ‘til he’s looking down at you. “I—I don’t have lube!” 
He doesn't have lube, and he’s worried, he thinks he’s going to be pleasing you. (He should know, by now, that your own arousal is your least concern.
Sure: old habits die hard, but still.
Silly boy.)
“Sweetheart,” you murmur, hands coming to take hold of his hips. You move to your knees, lean forward until you can lay a soft kiss to his clothed navel. “We don't need lube for me to suck you off, now do we?” (You’ve learned your tease from Alhaitham. He rubs off on you, and you on him; the two of you a perfect push n’ pull, an edge to an overstimulation, a bad cop to a good cop. You and him make up the stars and the moon and Kaveh the sun. 
Alhaitham is his mirror, and you are the frame around its glass all the same.)
The light of the moon falls on the bob of his throat as he swallows heavily. Eventually, he mutters a soft, choked-out “no” that’s more whine than word. 
You hum, nosing at his hip, now, even as his legs begin to tremble beneath him. 
“The—” his breath cuts into a sharp whimper when you take away the fabric that spills from beneath his belt—the long, hanging cloth covering between his thighs—in order to mouth over the swell of his mound. 
It’s a rather ridiculous spectacle that you put on, but, while nobody is around, you're still in the open far too much for you to want to strip him down in, anyways. The bare sight is for your (and, had he been here, tonight, Alhaitham’s) eyes only—not even the moon is privy to the view. 
You decide, then, that you need to move him; but you need to hear what he wants to say, first. “The what, sweet thing?” You encourage him with your lips, speaking against the seam of his pants, a whisper of the pleasure you can give him. 
“The boxes,” he chokes out, hands coming to brace themselves on your shoulders. “There—there’s boxes just inside.”
You coo, “Smart boy,” sucking once, harsh, at where you know his cock lies, hard and swollen just beyond the thin fabric separating you. You’re quick to stand up, after, arms curling under Kaveh’s thighs to pick him up. 
He yelps your name, body curving over your head. “Stop acting like Haitham!” he whines, voice still meak from crying, voice still airy from the headspace he’s fast sinking into. (He’s not in the mood for a tease, you see.)
He's dangerously light as you carry him inside the gate, under the awning, right on ‘til you set him down gentle on the boxes that surround the lighthouse. He squirms when he's sat, blinking up at you slow n’ soft, trusting like that pup, and you find yourself drawn in, leaning down enough for your lips to brush his, to settle warm hands on his hips instead and press him into the wooden lid of the box. 
Though his tongue peaks out, anticipating your messy kisses, you merely chuckle against his lips, once, leaving a soft peck on his pout as you ask, “Can I suck you off now, sweetheart?”
He nods, this slow—almost lethargic—up n’ down that disrupts the flow of his hair, smears his bangs into the wet on the apples of his cheeks. Old tears and, now, fog, is already beginning to blur his eyes, cotton filling his brain, and it’s so, so beautiful—seeing the way Kaveh submits to you and finds bliss in it never fails to amaze you. “Please,” he adds, just for good measure, the good boy he is.
You say so, a gentle, “Good boy,” that forces a soft hitch of his breath.
The stone is cooler, here, without so much as a scrap of the moon’s light to illuminate it. It seeps into your skin as you kneel, even through the cloth of your pants, but you pay it no mind; the warmth of Kaveh’s thighs settling around your shoulders squanders any uncomfy feelings. 
As you nose back into the apex of those thighs, the skin still radiating that same heat as it did earlier, the fabric still slick with your saliva. You’re grateful for these pants, far less formal than the ones he typically dons, simply because of the loose zipper at its seam. The zipper is loud when you pull it down—but quiet in comparison to Kaveh’s desperate whinin’, “C’mon...”
“I’m goin’,” you say, hot breath fanning over his slicked up boxers. You grin, coy, at the way the seat of them are sticky-wet. His hips lift into you, and you slide a hand beneath either leg, bottom-up... and tug. 
“H-hey!” (Even in subspace, Kaveh finds the wherewithal to gripe.
How adorable, really.)
“I have a spare,” is all you say—and you’re not lying. You have another pair of boxers stuffed in your pocket, inconspicuous but revealing your motives entirely. Kaveh’s got hardly the time to mull over the idea, though, half-muddled up as he is, and especially-so when you put your mouth right on the hot jut of his cock. He positively yelps at that, hips jumping enough that you need to press him back down into the box, hold him tight by his hips to keep him there. “Stay,” you murmur, then: “You can put your hands in my hair, okay?”
Tentatively, his fingers come and wrap themselves in your hair. He treats you so gently, so adoringly, even as he’s slicking up your lips with nothing but a soft lick. “There you go,” you continue, leaning further down to tongue below his cock, between his puffy labia, “jus’ like that.” The vibrations from your voice make him arch, but his hands stay perfectly put; they neither pull nor twist, simply there, grounding himself as his mind seems to get lost in that delicate headspace of his, witnessed by nobody but you. (You meant it, earlier, when you said that not even the moon would gaze upon Kaveh’s unraveling; she lays hidden beneath a dusting of clouds, an approaching storm shielding her eyes from the absolute debauchery happening under her waning light.)
Now, you’re not a scholar: hardly such. You don’t have the eye for beauty that your sweet Kaveh has (apparent in the way Kaveh insists he be the one to decorate the home with.
It seems Haitham isn’t the only one with a bad eye in the relationship.)
However, you don’t need to be a scholar to know how absolutely enthralling Kaveh is. From the way he looks—the cute cunt you’ve got your face shoved in, the chubby cock you’re tonguing at—to his sounds, his actions... you may cum in your own pants, you realize, at nothing but the taste of him on your tongue.
“You—mm—” you try to speak, your sentence cut up in a moan, Kaveh’s cock pressed to your lips, “—you taste divine, sweet thing, the absolute sweetest...” For the scholar you claim not to be, you sure are well-versed in lathering him up in praise. 
At the lack of response—that is, lack of a legible one—, you look up your eyelashes and are met with a sight that makes you throb: Kaveh, gazing down at you, watching you, looking at you suck him off, eat him out. 
Subspace always makes him like this. He’s floaty, sure, but simultaneously honed in, in an odd juxtaposition that makes heat swirl in your belly and sends your tender heart aching in your chest. For all the cotton stuffed in his mind, all the fog covering his lion eyes—he’s watching you, aware only of you and the pleasure you give him. 
Each new breathless plea makes you speed up, makes you slide your tongue under the hot jut of his cock and point it, drawing soft but hard circles on where he’s most sensitive. He whines, entirely nonverbal, now, wholly lost to that which threatens to swallow him up—you.
“Close?” you ask, muffled into his slick n’ spit slick cunt, the lewd mix of liquid absolutely slathered across your face, leaking down to his untouched ass. Teasing, you lick at his perineum before returning back to his cock, working fast and efficiently, just the way he likes, desperate to feel him unravel above you. 
He nods, vehement, thighs threatening to close had you not held steadfast to them. He’s squirming up a storm—not so dissimilar to the storm you know is coming, the storm that shields you from the moon’s gaze—, sweet moans and whimpers alike falling from his lips unbidden. It’s beautiful—the taste, the sight, the everything, all that which screams, simply, Kaveh, Kaveh, Kaveh.
Something else screams, too.
“Cumm’n!” Kaveh cries, voice loud. His voice is entirely wrecked, but you pay it no mind; after all, why wouldn’t it be, after so long of nothing but whines tearing at his throat? You bask in his cry, the way his cock pulses heavily above your tongue. At the smear of slick you feel against your chin—which, you notice now, is nudging at his perineum, at his leaking hole, too—, you nuzzle down, giving his cock a welcome reprieve and allowing his cum to dribble into your open mouth.
It’s quiet, after that, save for the lap of harsher waves in the distance. The storm is rolling in as Kaveh sinks back, hands falling limply from your hair. You stand up slowly, massaging his thighs as you rise above him to kiss him gently, to lick into his mouth and spread the sweet taste of his cum between your lips.
He’s slow n’ sweet, now, silent but breathless as his eyes are still welled up wet. You thumb away the tears, his long eyelashes clumped together, noses pressed together. You bask in the gentle silence as you tend to Kaveh; first, using a torn piece of cloth to mop up the mess between his thighs, then getting him in that spare bare of boxers you have. It’s a tussle, getting a spacey (hah) Kaveh to step out of his torn underclothes and his pants only to force him right back in—with a new pair, of course, but the same ol’ pants—, but it’s worth it in the end, when you can get an arm beneath his knees and one supporting his back, carrying him like a bride.
(A bride, huh?
... What a thought.)
“Let’s get you home now, yeah?” You kiss at Kaveh’s temple, even as he buries his face into your throat and hums, still floating, still quiet. “Hayi’s waitin’ on us, and the rain’ll start soon.”
Kaveh nods softly at that, kissing your throat once before his breath evens out, and he’s out like a light. The light of Kshahrewar, snuffed out in a doze—the only way your light should ever be dimmed.
The next time he visits Fontaine, he brings you and Alhaitham, together. 
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when i said i can't imagine kaveh without haitham, i meant it. i hope that this lil' addition was okay . . . threesome with the two guys when? also, it would be a whole day's trip to get between sumeru city and port ormos, but this is video game logic, and i don't give a fuck. having your boyfriend in ur arms and ur other boyfriend waiting at home with a warm meal can make a guy defy the laws of physics smh. also, i went less heavy on the aftercare, but it's definitely there ! kaveh will be getting pampered when he gets home to you and haitham, where you can spoil him together<33
8 MAY 2024, @rosedom, rosey .
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creedslove · 1 year
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Agent Whiskey (Jack Daniels) x f!reader
Summary: he was ready to give you the world, except one thing: be the father of your baby
Warnings: angst, hurt, angst, agent whiskey (because he is a trigger warning himself), asshole!agent whiskey, pregnancy, mom!reader
A/N: YAY, finally my first Agent Whiskey story!!! Came up with this idea last night and I was so excited about it. I love angst and he is such a handsome angsty asshole! I hope you guys like it ❤️
2.2k words
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The moment Jack lay his eyes on you, he felt different.
He didn't understand it at first, it felt so odd, so foreign, so unexpected. Something he hadn't felt in years and years, not after his beautiful, little family was ripped away from him.
He tried fighting it off, it was his first instinct, he couldn't do that, not after all those years, not after having his heart broken the cruel way it was. But at the same time, everytime you smiled at him, asked him about his day, called his name, something as simple as that, it made him weak on his knees.
That cowboy had it bad. And he had it bad for you.
So he made his first move and invited you out. You accepted.
Three years later, Jack was the happiest man on earth. He had a woman he loved very much by his side, you were gorgeous, so perfect for him, you made him feel so good, so worthy of love, and he treated you like a goddamn princess.
You spent more time in his apartment than anywhere else, he wanted to ask you to move in with him, but it didn't feel quite right yet. One of the reasons was because he didn't actually like living in that apartment, he thought maybe taking you to his ranch would be a lot better. You wouldn't be so busy all the time, the daily routine stress wouldn't be as bad as New York, you would be all the time around nature and things would be fine between the two of you.
But you guys weren't married.
And Jack didn't know what to do with himself when that particular thought crossed his mind. He had never, even considered marrying someone new after he lost his sweetheart. He just couldn't, it would be impossible, he could never replace her.
But then again, whenever he saw you, his heart fluttered and he couldn't help daydream about watching you walking down the aisle with a pretty white dress all for him.
Whenever he was out, he would check jewelry store's windows and picture which ring you would like the best.
Until he finally got the balls and bought one for you. He hadn't proposed yet, he still didn't know how he could do it, but he had made up his mind. He was going to make you his, you would become his sweet, beautiful Mrs.Daniels, his world and nothing could ever come between the two of you.
The night Jack proposed to you, you were both lying on the grass, spending a summer weekend at the ranch, where you two stargazed and made love for what it seemed like hours, and when you felt him move, you turned around just to see him on his knee, a ring box in hands and his pleading eyes, asking you to become his.
And you said yes. You were Jack's and he was yours.
And you would continue to do so, until you began feeling sick. You were sure it wasn't nothing more than just a stomach bug, maybe you were coming down with the flu or something like that as you also felt light headed. You insisted Jack didn't have to take you to the doctor, but he was overly protective and quite stubborn too, so it was better just to let him, instead of trying to talk him out of it.
He held your hand the entire time, as you two waited at the reception and the only reason why he didn't go inside with you was because the doctor insisted you had your appointment on your own.
A few questions asked and a blood exam later, the doctor called you and Jack into the office.
They had the results that neither of you expected: you were pregnant.
Jack's world crashed and collided at that very moment. He felt the ground disappearing from under his feet and his heart dropped to the pit of his stomach. He couldn't do it again, he wasn't ready to lose everything that mattered to him.
He couldn't believe you, out of all the people in the world, you couldn't do that to him.
He had lost a wife and a baby before, and he wasn't going to go through that again. He had said many times he didn't want to be a father, he didn't want to have a baby and he thought he found someone he could rely on, he could trust.
But he hadn't.
No matter how many times you had tried to explain to him you were on birth control and that they could all fail, Jack wouldn't listen to you.
You argued, yelled at each other, he told you so many horrible things to which you replied even more horrible ones.
But the end of the line was when he suggested you get rid of the baby.
You couldn't and you wouldn't.
You had never thought of yourself as a mom, you didn't even think you had the maternity bug in you, but the moment you learned the news you were carrying a little someone inside, someone who would grow to become a baby, and then a beautiful child, you just couldn't bring yourself to do it.
Jack even offered you money, so you would interrupt it. But you didn't even bother answering him. You took off the ring he had given you, placed it back in the box and left it on his pillow and you walked out of the ranch you had called a house once and never returned.
You hadn't seen Jack anymore. But you still felt him around sometimes, you just couldn't tell if it was real or just a product of your imagination. You would catch whiffs of his cologne, or you would glance at a man that looked like him and would simply disappear in the blink of an eye. As your bump grew, the loneliness and the heartbreak were visible. You would smile, but the smile wouldn't meet the eyes.
Still, a small part of you thought and maybe hoped he cared for you, but he never came after you, he had nine months to do so and you had no news.
When you learned you were having a baby boy, you felt a pang in your chest and for a moment you actually worried about what he and other people would think. You didn't want to compete with her, you weren't a replacement of his family, you knew he had lost a wife and a baby boy, and life had given him a bride and a baby boy and he chose to walk away from that. You realize then, you weren't competing with anyone, you were living your life and it was not your fault if someone else lost theirs in such a tragic way. Then, after that realization, your heart filled with nothing but love and pride of you beautiful baby boy. If his dad chose not to be around, he was still a tiny piece of Jack you would keep, to remind you of all the good times you had spent together and the moments you were happy.
When you gave birth to your beautiful baby Wyatt, you thought you had seen Jack. You were almost sure you woke up in the middle of the night and found him in the room. He was dressed exactly the way you saw him for the last time, dark clothes and cowboy hat, and he eyed you and the baby.
You didn't have the strength to say anything to him and you just closed your eyes when you saw him picking up Wyatt so carefully into his arms.
In the morning, the doctors said you had experienced a fever peak through the night, so if it was actually Jack or just a cruel feverish dream, you couldn't tell. You even asked around, but no nurse had seen a cowboy over the nightshift.
Time flew, you never actually believed in that whenever you heard people saying, until you realized the tiny newborn became a bigger baby and that baby turned into a toddler in the blink of an eye.
Life was hard without Jack's financial support, you had to admit that, but you lived a happy life with your son, who painfully reminded you of his daddy. The sweet warm pool of brown chocolate eyes, to the cute curls that grew wide if you didn't give him a haircut every two months, to the smartness in him and his fascination with farm animals.
It was actually kind of funny, Wyatt had never met his daddy, he had barely acknowledged the fact other kids had a father and he didn't have one, and yet, he was just the spitting image of his. Sometimes you wonder what Jack would think of him, if he would be proud, happy or pleased to see his boy and himself were so alike. You still had that feeling Jack was around at times, when you took your son to play dates at the park, when you were out shopping and he waved at someone behind you you couldn't never actually see.
And also the times a mysterious amount of money came in handy whenever you found yourself struggling with some bill.
A tip or a bonus in cash your boss didn't actually know how to explain where that came from or when some of your debts simply had disappeared, but you couldn't track the source of the money. However, you only knew one person who had enough money to actually be able to do such things.
You just didn't understand why Jack did all that, if he was so clear about not wanting you nor your baby you didn't get why he still took some of his time to go after the two of you and not only that, he was also putting money into you. Not every month, like child support but enough so you could be comfortable.
On the weekend, you decided to take Wyatt upstate. He was so excited to go to the small farm, a nice ranch where families could spend the day and see all kinds of animals. Your heart ached as you thought about the time you lived with Jack, if you hadn't gone separate ways, Wyatt would love to live there, play with the animals all day and interact with them. It could have been a different story, for the two of you and also Jack, but it was his choice after all.
The little toddler was so excited as you walked around the entire place with him, you were so patient with your son, holding his little hand and showing him all the animals he wanted to see.
He liked the chickens, the horses, the baby pigs and was so excited, but his little heart raced when he saw a man standing a few feet away.
"Mommy, wook! A cowboy!!!" He squealed excitedly as he still struggled in pronouncing the Rs and let go of your hand, running freely towards the man.
You called his name, but knew it was no use at all, so you forced yourself to run after him. You fastened your pace, worried about losing your little boy in the crowd and froze as you saw your son standing next to a man you could recognize miles away. He was in his typical cowboy clothes and he had one arm wrapped around Wyatt's small body.
He smiled at the little boy, nodding gently at whatever he was saying to him. You looked at them in horror, shaking your head and not understanding why that could be possibly happening.
You took some steps closer and whispered your son's name. Jack immediately looked up at you and smiled softly
"Here's your mama, little one" he said in his thick accent "looking pretty as ever" Jack added and got up, lifting his son up and felt his heart clenched at how tiny arms wrapped around his neck. He trusted him so easily, as he was so sweet and affectionate, without even knowing him, without having a clue he was his dad. Of course that sweetness was all you.
You teared up and swallowed hard, extending your arm to Wyatt who was still mesmerized at the big boy.
"Hat, mama!!" He pointed excitedly at Jack's head and made the older man chuckle.
"I see you are a little cowboy yourself, aren't ya?" He asked and took his hat off, handing it to the little boy and placing it on his head.
He kicked his little legs in excitement and finally agreed to go with you, holding your hand and twirling around in pure happiness.
You didn't have any words to say, you wanted to stay away from Jack, and keep him away from your son, he had rejected you, and now he had no right to claim either of you.
You immediately took Wyatt's hat off and shoved it back to Jack. He only stood there, disappointment in his eyes but he understood it.
"It was nice seeing you, sugar. You're looking gorgeous as ever" he said but you only gave him your back and walked away from him.
Jack had lost his first family and out of fear, he lost his second one too, because he was a coward, he was a bad man and he would have to live with that guilt for the rest of his life.
A/N: of course my first Agent Whiskey piece had to be an angst one. I hope it was alright ❤️
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sexydoffyman · 6 months
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Phillip Graves
genre: smut
A lil TW: there's a bit of Stockholm syndrome.
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You weren't really an enemy of his. You didn't work under any organisation or army. But you did certainly mess things up for him. When he saw what you did, he understood that his downfall was not your goal. Your little attack didn't even look like a threat.
Really, he was wondering what it was about for a while. One revolver and a sniper rifle missing. One man dead. Three injured. 30k missing. Something that he doesn't want to overlook but is not that big of a deal due to the size of Shadow Company.
He first thought that there was a spy amongst his men who was gathering some stuff to attack. What bugged him about the whole situation was that two weeks' worth of food had also gone missing.
He figured that the person who did this must have been only gathering supplies needed for survival. The harmed soldiers just got in the person's way. After this little incident he started noticing you more and more often.
He always figured it was you. You left black burn-like marks on the ground, and everyone was killed in a similar way. Graves didn't make connections between these two cases at first because he expected you to kill mostly with your sniper. After looking a little more into it tho. He realised that you always used your teeth or a knife and then finished the person off with a revolver. The same way you killed one of his men.
He was intrigued by you.
He got lucky when he spotted you after running into a freshly killed man. You were about 60 meters away already. Fortunately for him, you were heading into a forest near the spot where your killing took place. He knew that forest, so he ran around you to not make you aware of his presence.
Once in the forest, you felt someone was watching you. In your years of experience, you learned to trust your instincts. And that's exactly what you did. You tried to hide behind a wide tree. You were looking all over the place while not making a sound.
Suddenly, you heard his footsteps. You made a run for it. Bushes scratching the skin of your forearms, air drying up your eyes. You ran for your life. You heard him getting closer as you frantically thought of a way to get away from him.
Unfortunately, you didn't think fast enough.
He jumped at you, pinning you below him. "Asshole", he laughs, putting a gun to your head. "You stole 30k from me." He says almost threateningly. "What about the poor man I killed?" You questioned his morals. "He is replaceable." He said with a little guilt in his eyes. You thought about it he wasn't completely heartless. Maybe you'd be able to get out of this forest alive.
"You gonna shoot that thing?" You provoked him. "You want me to?" "You're talking like you want something." He chuckled, looking over your form. "You took a body from me. It'd be only fair if you'd give me one." He paused and then added. "Just for a couple of minutes."
"Exchanging lives for sex?" You were back to questioning his morals. "You want to live?" He said it in a teasing voice. "Sounds like we have a deal." You chuckled yourself at the situation you ended up in.
He tore your pants off of you while pulling his dick out. He held the gun to your head and kept pushing your body to the ground while thrusting into you. He was fucking deprived. You shoved no signs of resist.
He liked that. You took whatever he threw at you. I assure you he'd never go easy on you after what you pulled. He just fucked the shit out of you. He caught himself thinking about how adorable you looked. Tears in your eyes, your face pushed against the wet dirt and bark of the dark forest.
He wasn't planning on being nice with you. You looked so fucking dumb. His dick stretching you as he finished inside of you.
Be more aware of your surroundings and make sure no one is watching you when you leave the scene. He gave you a fucking advice when he left. Cocky asshole.
Strangely, he started noticing a certain sniper covering for him on his missions. How adorable.
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woso-fan13 · 8 months
Whumptober 2023: 10
No. 10: “Can’t you see that you’re lost without me?”
Broken Phone | Stranded | “You said you'd never leave.”
It’s the last night of camp, and tradition states that a team movie must be watched. Everyone had gathered in the room that you were sharing with Georgia, sprawling across the beds and onto the floor. 
You weren’t even sure what movie was playing, too focused on your phone. You wished you hadn’t started looking at social media tonight, now unable to look away. The more you scroll, the nastier comments that you read. People were saying horrible things about the way that you played both in the last game and in general. There were compilations of all of the mistakes you had made- both recent and from your time on the U teams. It was awful. 
One post in particular was your breaking point. It was a photo that you had shared of yourself playing football as a toddler, a giant smile across your face. The caption was heartless, talking about why this little girl would have made so many lives better if she had quit. 
In a fit of emotions, you throw your phone at the wall. You’re desperate to get those awful things out of your head. 
All of the eyes in the room immediately lock onto you, watching as you struggle to process. Georgia stands up from her bed, walking over to sit next to you. She puts an arm around your shoulder and wordlessly pulls you into her side. 
You turn into her shoulder, sobbing. Everyone else watches on- shocked. Eventually, Leah gets everyone out of the room, leaving you and Georgia alone. She didn’t know what was going on, but she figured you didn’t need an audience. 
“Shh, bug, what’s going on?” she asks you softly. 
“I- I-” you stutter, “they’re right”
“Who’s right?”
“Everyone- the people online. I’m not good enough, I made stupid mistakes and I caused the team to lose.”
It’s quite for a moment, Georgia processing what you said. 
“Oh, my love, you didn’t cause us to lose. You know that, football’s a team sport- win together, lose together.”
“Yeah, but I was bad. If I had been better, the team could have been better.”
“You were perfect, sometimes we just lose. You can’t listen to those people on the internet, what do they know?”
“They have proof, tons of videos of me failing. G, help me,” you’ve dissolved into tears again. 
Georgia pulls you into a tight hug, knowing that the words she has to say won’t affect you right now. Instead, she focuses on pouring all of the love she can into you from her embrace. She rocks the two of you slowly, occasionally making a shushing noise or pressing a kiss to your hair. 
“I know, I know, it’s awful. Just get it all out, we’re going to figure this out.” 
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chaosandmarigolds · 11 days
Blob blop - here’s some more Mafia!reader and Simon :p pt 3
“No!!” You laugh, walking beside the daunting man as you stroll aimlessly through the dimly lit and very well decorated corridors of the museum, “Oh come on! What was I supposed to do? watch and be like: oh that’s sucks.”
Simon gave you a look, it you thought he did, judging by the way his eyes squinted at you, “Well…I don’ think runnin into a busy street is th’ proper reaction to a kitten almos’ gettin hit.”
A moment passed and you stared at him, “So you’re just a heartless monster then.”
He seemed taken back and he stopped walking, turning to face you fully, hands shoved into the jean pocket, “prefer to not think tha’.”
You scrunch up your nose and shake your head, “Nope. That’s a horrible answer. It’s goes cute kitties, cute puppies, cute turtles, cute baby bunnies, ducks, birds, and then people.” When he laughed to that you gave an equal smile, or, again, what you assumed to be a smile.
For the most part you walked through the museum in silence, and every so often you would end up rambling on about some price of art and how it related to some aspect of your story. And he listened, nodding and putting in his own two cents every so often.
“An…Ivon…he just…” Simon faltered off as he looked over his shoulder as you both were now sitting in the lobby of the museum, since you wanted to figure out the certain painting was located, “he jus….follows ya?”
You hum and look at Ivon, waving and then going back to your little map, “Mmhm. Like I said I think he took out like a huge loan from my dad and couldn’t pay it back.” You stay quiet and then look up at him, “That sounds awful. But…uh…my father, he’s a bit of a loan shark.”
“Loan shark?”
“Get him out of my sight-“ Before he had the chance to finish his phrase a loud ring of a gun echoed through the office and he groans, “Outside!! just redid the carpet.”
The man, who very often was just called Cary, winced and then looked at the new hire, and then back to his boss. A good looking man for his sixties, peppered hair and a suit that was worth more than his name, so he then took a step forward. Mindlessly going to pour a glass of whiskey, as he normally would after a poor sap crossed his employer.
“I swear these new boys have no respect for the business, gangsters, drug lords- they’re all too stupid to see the business behind it.” Dominic grumbled into the glass as he was handed it, “It’s not all guns, you don’t have to be trigger happy son. You want to shoot you become a solider.”
By that point the twenty year old was already shaking in his boots and he does his best to keep his gaze directed low.
Dominic shakes his head and then shoos the poor boy out, maybe a few more days of training- as good workers were hard to come by and he wasn’t about to murder a good man in the making. The body laying on the ground spoke otherwise but he doesn’t care much about that man, a rotten person: thinking they could backtrack and tell someone of his trade.
After a few moments he lets out a sigh and turns his chair to not look at the body, “Send Ivon in.”
Cary faltered, “He is not yet here, sir.”
A pause, “Really? Where are they? It’s not Friday and bug didn’t put anything in the calendar.”
“A new friend sir, from the flower shop, a Simon Riley. We already pulled a background check, aside from a few juvenile charges and a foster care- he seems to be good, clean.”
Dominic held out his hand and looked as the small folder was placed into it, looking over the picture of the man clipped to the front of it and he gives a nod, “Strong build. Looks depressed.”
“He was prescribed Prozac and trazadone, he has not refilled either within four years.”
He laughs, “Alright. Tell Bug to invite him to dinner.”
(Annnn that’s all! Comments and feedback actually mean the world to me! Toodles!!)
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ohnonononononono567 · 4 months
Bit by Bit - Simon "Ghost" Riley x m!reader (mostly angsty)
Continuation of Games btw (Here you go @aliciamorov bro, i gotchu)
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"I love you."
"I don't want to love you."
A sentiment he heard from some highschool girlfriend he had for two weeks. Back when love meant skipping your shift at the arcade to buy them Mickey D's. 
Back when love was finding peace from your crap father and the butcher shop wouldn't let you pick up more shifts. 
He had said it stupidly. In her bed, having done nothing more than drink a beer stolen from her father and his lips swollen from her insistent biting while they made out. Her giggling filling the room, always had a sense of humor that one.
Sitting next to her, hands interlaced, his words slipped out. When she hissed out her reply, he felt a chill run up his spine. Never a fan of snakes.
She liked him nonetheless. She wasn't heartless. But she'd leave for a bloke going to the same college as her next week anyways.
After enlisting, he learned why he was wrong to say what he had said.
Love was strong. And he was weak. He was weak for the way you laughed, for the way your face scrunched up in the morning. He was weak when he yelled at you. He was a weak man. It was shitty to let a girl he can't even bother to remember the name of linger in his mind. But it kept at his brain every second of the day.
When he allowed a thing—No, a person—a person like you into the cracked parts of his being, you filled it with gold. Bit, by bit. You didn't "fix" him. You weren't a psychiatrist picking at his brain and trying to poke and understand why his mindset was "toxic" and "self destructive." You just made him see the beauty he always gloated about.
He wasn't ugly, far from it, but he saw that gnawing pit growing inside him as the ugliest part of him. And that was what was disgusting. It was a part of him.
Yet a man like you never saw him as disgusting. You never saw the chill of 300 bugs crawling inside your skin begging to acknowledge you're a piece of shit on this earth. 
You saw a man, in distress.
You didn't tell him to toughen up. You never even touched him if he didn't allow it. 
Simon always told himself he'd never allow another man make him feel weak like his father did. It's why he'd find himself fidgeting at your door, wondering if it's even worth it to walk in with those flowers he'd know you'd die for. 
But when you open that door, staring at him, and that goddamn dog jumps to meet him, those thoughts leave.
He wants to love you. He wants to be the one to carry the privilege of loving you. But he's weak. And you'll learn to seek better. You're a tough man, and life will fall onto you. 
And in his weakness, he'll be unable to carry the burden of hurting you by leaving. So he'll tell himself he's not loving you. 
He'll allow you to give him that squeeze in the airport before he leaves. He'll tell you that you'll always be his man. That all his happiness lies with you. He wants it to be true. He knows you'd never want to love him. So he'll protect himself. Internally he'll tell himself he's not in love with the bubbly man who stands in front of him, with their lips connecting.
You see every part of him. And you know he'll realize it's love. He feels what you feel, maybe even stronger.
Bit by bit, he'll realize it.
I DONT WRITE AND I WROTE THIS WHILE IM SAD PWEASE BE NICE :(( (Edit: nobody told me writing #[blank] wasnt the same as tagging your posts i thought i was shadow banned lol)
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milaisreading · 1 year
I really loved the kaiser and reader children I could ask please if you can one of ness I would love to see him as a small child clinging to reader if you can
Author: soo... are toddler aus now my trademark or smth😭☠️ anyways, hope u all like this one and thank u for the request 🩷
Warnings ⚠️: Reader uses she/her. Requests are open
⚽️Blue lock belongs to: Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura⚽️
Pt 2
"Who is a cutie?! You are! Yes you are!" (Y/n) cooed as she pinched Ness' cheeks. The now 2-year-old boy laughed and grabbed both of her hands.
"Hmmmm!" Ness exclaimed as he nuzzled them.
'He is the most adorable, little baby! I am shedding tears!' (Y/n) thought, removing her hands from his face and hugging him tightly.
"I think (Y/n) won't mind watching Ness for the day, Noa-san." Anri laughed a little as the French man nodded his head.
"Looks like it." The man answered, secretly taking a picture of the two.
'I sometimes don't know if he is a bigger simp or if she is.' Ego thought before returning to his previous work.
"(Y/n)... why are you kissing Ness' cheeks?" Aryu asked as he glared at the magenta-eyed boy, who was sending him and Rin a victorious smirk. What had happened now? Well, after the boys found out about Ness' condition and saw the way he was clinging onto (Y/n)... a jealous hell broke loose. The first people to show it were Aryu and Rin. Although the two would like to pretend they were rational, they weren't, and instead of practicing properly they decided it was a smart thing to scare the toddler by shooting the football a little too close to him. This of course caused the boy to start crying and pissing (Y/n) off.
"You two are completely heartless! Scaring a baby like this!" The girl scolded the two as she held Ness in her arms.
"It's just Ness, (Y/n). Calm down, by tomorrow he will forget about it." As soon as Rin said that, he regretted it when he saw the glare she was sending him.
"Never mind! We are sorry, Ness!" The younger Itoshi gulped as Aryu rolled his eyes, but apologized as well.
"(Y/n)!" Ness yelled as he hugged the girl's leg, hiding from Isagi and Kurona's glares. The girl looked away from her papers and down at Ness, raising her eyebrow.
"What is it?"
"Hug!" The boy exclaimed with a smile, causing (Y/n) to let out a squeal and hugged the toddler.
"You are so adorable!"
Isagi and Kurona looked at the two in shock as Ness poked his tongue out, hugging (Y/n) tightly around her neck.
"That little bastard..."
"I hate him so much. When are they leaving?" The duo wondered, looking at each other. While the two boys were plotting a kidnapping, (Y/n) was just cooing at Ness, who was enjoying every second of it.
"No." (Y/n) said as she pushed Ness behind herself, the boy just smiling and holding tightly onto the girl's pants.
"No Kaiser, you are not playing football with him." The German pouted and walked closer to (Y/n), causing Ness' alarm bells to ring.
"Come on, (Y/n)~ I won't play rough with him, you know me!" Kaiser said as he swung an arm around her shoulders. (Y/n) glared at him and tried to pull his arm away.
"Yeah, I know you that's why I am dying you the chance. Look Kaiser, Ness is a toddler now and can't play like he used to. Just leave him alone." (Y/n) said as Kaiser moved a little closer, trying to speak up again he was cut off by Ness. More accurately by Ness kicking him in the leg, causing Kaiser to let go of (Y/n) and grab on his bruised leg.
The girl looked at Kaiser in concern as he groaned and Ness poked his tongue out.
"Are you alright?"
"No! That little bug kicked me!" The blonde said, pointing at the magenta-eyed toddler.
"Ness?" (Y/n) asked looking down at the boy, but before she could scold him, Ness showed her his puppy dog eyes, causing (Y/n) glare to melt.
"Awww~ did the mean, old Kaiser scare you? Come here, it's alright~" (Y/n) cooed and picked Ness up, giving him a few kissed on the forehead as the boy giggled.
"It's alright, nobody is mad at you!" Kasier watched her behavior in disbelief and anger. The anger was more directed at the way Ness had the girl wrapped around his finger.
"Am I a nobody now? I am mad at him!"
Ness started crying at the sudden yells and hugged (Y/n) around her neck.
"Kaiser, you are scaring him again!" The blonde flinched at the glare she was sending him.
'I can't be losing against a toddler?!'
Chigiri knocked on (Y/n)'s bedroom door and waited for the girl to open it, which didn't take longer than a minute.
"Chigiri, what did you need?" (Y/n) asked as the redhead showed her his haircomb.
"Can you braid my hair tonight?" Chigiri asked with a small smile. (Y/n) was about to say 'yes', but was interrupted by Ness.
"(Y/n)~ sweepy..." The two looked down at the magenta-eyed boy, who was yawning and stretching his arms out.
"Ness? What is he doing here?" Chigiri asked, growing a little annoyed that he was in (Y/n)'s room. The girl hummed and picked Ness up.
"He didn't want to sleep in his own room tonight." The girl explained as the boy laid his head on her shoulder.
"And you just let him into your room?! Just like that?!" Chigiri asked with wide eyes, not believing a toddler-sized Ness was outdoing him.
"Yeah? Sorry Chigiri, I need to put Ness to sleep, maybe you can ask Aryu for help tonight."
"I... fine..." Chigiri grumbled, both annoyed and jealous of the situation. They both said their goodnights and just as (Y/n) was about to close the door, Chigiri saw Ness poke his tongue out and smirk at him. Dumbfounded Chigiri looked at the closed door and let at an annoyed groan.
"Stupid German and his stupid ways... I will kick his ass once he is back to normal."
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miguelsslvt · 9 months
miguel o'hara x cheshire cat! spider! reader drabble
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word count: 580
TW: angst, fluff, literally makes no sense
A/N: basically as i'm writing a goth girl! reader smut, i was listening to the playlist 'alice by heart' and i just thought of a cheshire cat! spider! reader comforting a lost in grief miguel? i dunno, it probs dont even make sense. but maybe when i'm free next i'll write a smut fic of miguel going to wonderland to capture an anomaly and she ran into cheshire cat who offers him some 'distractions'? ;) anyways posting goth girl! reader smut soon!!! welcome to the club!! ^^
y/n l/n. alias? cheshire spider. from earth-444, also known as 'wonderland'. you were a skilled spider, but very irritating to miguel. he had allowed you into spider society purely for your good agility and strength. agility of a cat, powers of a spider. and the fact that you could disappear and reappear whenever you please was useful too.
on a day you wanted to bug and annoy miguel, you walked in at a bad time. he was looking through past images and videos of his daughter.
'..who's that?' you asked, as miguel's eyes widened in shock and anger. 'get out.' he said bluntly. 'no. who is that?' you asked. 'get out cheshire!' miguel snapped. 'no miguel i want to know who that is.' 'didn't curiosity ever kill the cat?!' 'tell me.' you snapped back. 'i'm sick to death of you cheshire! you just dk nothing but bug everyone, i'm sick to death!!' miguel yelled angrily, as you looked completely unphased. in fact, you smiled.
'looks like i hit a soft spot.' you said, smirking. you disappeared suddenly, your smiling disappearing last until it first reappeared beside the current video of miguel and his daughter playing together. '..y'know i'm actually good with grief?' you said. miguel raised an angry eyebrow at that. 'what?' he said, confused slightly. 'what, you think none of us cared when alice left us?' you said, raising an eyebrow. '..that's nothing compared to my pain.' miguel spat coldly. 'senseless, heartless. you won't ever give this girl's soul up?' you asked, tilting your head, miguel gave up arguing. he sighed, frustrated. '..my daughter. gabriella. i..i killed her.' miguel said quietly.
you looked down, nodding as you listened. '..was it a multiversal collapse?' you asked, as miguel nodded, looking down. '..some things fall away. you just have to accept them.' you said. 'how am i supposed so accept something so devastating?' miguel asked, sounding offended. '..just cry and it's a crisis. if you let your grief sink in, you'll be able to move forward. losing a loved one is incredibly hard, the mock turtles told me all about that, but you're living in shock here. your heart is cold. how can you protect the multiverse if you're so cold and distant on yourself, let alone your team-mates?' you said, raising an eyebrow.
miguel was shocked. for once, what you said made, some sort of sense. no mockery, no jokes, no riddle. did you genuinely want to help him..?
'i may not know how you feel,, but i'm sure that i can try to help you out of this rut.' you smiled softly. '..why are you so.. different?' miguel asked wearily. 'you're so mischievous, so snarky and sneaky, why?' miguel asked. 'hm.. i suppose that's how i was raised. wonderland is very different to nueva york.' you stated, sitting on his desk table.
'you mustn't grow up, you mustn't disobey the queen, you mustn't be late for tea..' you rambled, before smiling again. 'you mustn't hide within your shell of grief.' that caught miguel off guard. he let out a small chuckle.
'you're right, wonderland is very different to nueva york.' he said, looking down. you two sat in silence for a few moments, but it was.. comforting. the silence spoke thousands of words. it was a.. good silence. miguel hadn't heard of a 'good silence' in a while.
'..maybe you could come visit wonderland?' you offered, smirking. 'no way, cheshire.' miguel replied, breaking a small smile.
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