vixlenxe · 1 year
Returning to the manner was probably the only moment he felt at all nervous. The hustle and bulse of the servants made him smile as he thought about thanking them after the ball was over, knowing that this was a lot more work then normal.
It wasn't till he reached the ball room that he stopped walking. He noticed his families concerned gaze and was quick to wave of their worry.
With one last nervous breath he open's the doors to the ball room and walked in.
The Quenderlain ball
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The Manor was a-busy like it hasn't been in a while. These halls has seen a number of balls, but never one quite like this. This was special. Many familiar faces already lined the halls, Estinien being among them, who smiled & nodded in the man of the hour's direction as she moved through the main hall towards the ballroom. Truly, the dragoon wished that man all the luck & happiness in the world. For what he did for Ishgard, for the Warrior of Light, he deserved nothing less.
And for the man of the hour himself, he picked little better hour, little better a moment, to come back to the Quenderlain home.
"Haurchefant!" A chipper & excited voice called for him, not from the ballroom, but the main hall, followed by the high paced clipping of heels.
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"Haurchefant!! Up here!!" From the main hall, on the balcony that overlooked the room, there she stood. Ivy, clad in her light blue dress, adored with moonstone & her hair neatly tied up in a elegant braid, was Ivy. Lips a new shade of pink, eyelids a blue to match her dress & nails freshly dried with blue & white.
Like a goddess waving down at a mortal lover, she waved to him excitement to gain his attentions.
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peteroo · 5 months
“Doge on it, mom! I do not want to smile! I am a mean inu—bad to the bone! I would not smile for you if you proffered me a bulse of gold-flaked, peanut-butter-filled bacon bites! I willz fights!” “Raaah-rooo—your fingers feelz nice. Aaalrights.” ; )
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wally-b-feed · 4 years
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mali bulse
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jrockexplosion · 7 years
Satomimagae- “Bulse"
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buenosairesar · 3 years
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sparrowstrikewrites · 4 years
Cutting Roots
Drabble for @tendaysoftenzo 3 (Rouge Ninja) and Day 4 (Sensei)
Summary: It all happens fast. Mokuton responds to emotions and Tenzou’s angry. Next thing he knows, he’s got Danzou’s blood on his hands, 2 kids in dire need of a medic, and a horrible suspicion about the Uchiha Massacre.
Rating: Teen (curse words, blood, canon typical violence)
At first Kakashi tried to ignore the banging, but it just kept going and the front door didn’t deserve that abuse.
Kakashi rolled off the couch and heaved himself to his feet with a groan. A quick glance at the clock said it was just after 2AM. I’m going to give them so much shit, the teenager grumbled. He hadn’t been asleep, but it was a principles thing. When someone takes 3 days off for bereavement, you don’t show up at their house at 2 in the morning.
“The world better be ending,” Kakashi growled as he pulled the door open. The words died on his lips as he recognized the anbu on his doorstep.
Tenzou was wearing his sleeping clothes, gray standard issue for anbu. A splatter of what Kakashi assumed was blood crossed his chest. His shoulder length hair was messy and his eyes were too wide.
Something was very wrong.
“I didn’t know where else to go,” Tenzou said. His voice was hollow. “We need help.”
Kakashi pulled the door open the rest of the way. Standing behind Tenzou were 2 kids. They couldn’t be more than 5 or 6. The taller one, his hair looked about the same color as Kakashi’s in the moonlight, leaned heavily on the smaller, dark haired one. They both stared at Kakashi with blank expressions. 
Kakashi noticed they were both armed like shinobi, from the kunai holsters on their thighs to the swords on their backs. He stepped back inside and pulled the door with him, a silent invitation.
Tenzou staggered inside and the kids trailed him to Kakashi’s kitchen.
Kakashi stuck his head out the front door and looked up and down the street. There was no sign of any pursuers, for now.
Kakashi grabbed the first aid kit out of the kitchen cabinet and turned to Tenzou first. In the light of the kitchen, it was definitely blood on his gray shirt.
“Where are you hurt?” Kakashi asked.
Tenzou shook his head. “It’s not my blood.”
Kakashi narrowed his eye at his kohai. He couldn’t see any visible injuries.
“Shin’s sick,” Kakashi glanced at the kids. It was the dark haired one who’d spoken. He was holding the other boy upright in one of Kakashi’s chairs. 
Kakashi gave Tenzou one more look over before he shifted his focus to the kids.
Kakashi crouched down beside Shin. The other kid shied away from Kakashi, but refused to leave Shin’s side.
“I won’t hurt him,” Kakashi promised softly. 
The dark haired boy looked skeptical, but he didn’t draw a kunai so Kakashi wasn’t too worried.
Shin, didn’t look good. His skin was cold and clammy, and his cheeks were flushed with fever. At Kakashi’s urging he opened his eyes, but he couldn’t seem to focus on the shinobi’s face.
Kakashi put his ear against the kid’s chest and listened. Even without a stethoscope, he could hear the way each breath rattled.
Kakashi stood up and stepped back. “Shin needs to go to the hospital.”
The dark haired kid’s grip on Shin’s hand tightened.
“Can’t,” Tenzou muttered. “The hospital will just send him back to the anbu health center. They have orders not to interfere with Root.”
Kakashi whipped around and stared at Tenzou.
Tenzou was staring down at the blood on his shirt.
“You mean these kids are Root?” Kakashi demanded.
Tenzou didn’t say anything, just dabbed at the blood with his finger.
“Danzou-sama trained us,” the dark haired kid said from behind Kakashi. 
Kakashi didn’t take his off of Tenzou. “How long do we have before Danzou’s on my doorstep? Does he know you took them?”
“I killed him.” The words fell out of Tenzou’s mouth like rocks. He blinked a couple times, like he’d surprised himself. 
Kakashi’s eyes went wide. His mind was moving miles a minute. The only thought that stuck was, we can’t stay.
“He was making them fight,” Tenzou’s voice rose in pitch and volume, “Like Kiri. Like the Bloody Mist.” He sounded half hysterical when he finally looked up and met Kakashi’s horrified stare.
“I didn’t mean to do it. I couldn’t sleep. I kept thinking about Itachi and I thought a walk would clear my head. I heard them in the arena and went to see who was training. When I saw Danzou and the kids, I knew what was going, but I asked anyway.” Tenzou’s chin quivers and his voice wavered. “Danzou told me and he said things…” Tenzou trailed off. His mouth twisted into an angry snarl, “things about the Third, the clan heads, and the Uchiha. He said things about you and Itachi and it just happened.”
Judging by the way the wooden floor was sprouting little branches and grabbing at Kakashi’s ankles, he didn’t have to guess what “it” was. Tenzou’s mokuton was powerful and it responded as much to his emotions as much as his thought. He’d worked so hard to wrestle it into submission, but there was only so much control you could exert over a kekkei genkai you were never meant to have.
“Good.” Kakashi’s tone left no room for argument and it surprised him as much as it did Tenzou. Just like that the tension in the room broke. 
Tenzou’s shoulders sagged with both exhaustion and relief. 
“Go get cleaned up,” Kakashi ordered. “Grab some clothes out of my closet and start packing go bags. Mine’s already packed, but you and the kids will need gear. It’s not the worth the risk of going back to the anbu compound.”
Tenzou nodded once and made for the stairs.
Kakashi turned back to the kids. “What’s your name?” he asked the dark haired boy.
The kid hesitated. 
“ ‘S kay, Sai,” the other kid mumbled. His head was resting on Sai’s shoulder. If Sai moved, he would have fallen out of the chair.
The dark haired boy, Sai, glanced between Shin and Kakashi. “My name’s Sai. This is my brother, Shin. Please don’t let him die.”
Kakashi felt like someone kicked him in the chest. Instead of Sai, he was looking at another dark haired kid. “Promise me you’ll protect Rin.”
Kakashi took a shuddering breath. “I’ll do what I can. I’m not a medic.”
Sai nodded. He could accept that. 
“I’m going to move him to the couch,” Kakashi said. He figured if he didn’t startle the kids, they were less likely to instinctively put a kunai between his ribs. He’d seen first hand how efficient and skilled Root made their anbu. Just because they were kids didn’t mean they weren’t lethal.
Kakashi slipped a hand under Shin’s knees and another behind his shoulders and lifted him out of the chair. The kid seemed to weigh nothing. He shivered and shifted in Kakashi’s arms, pressing closer. 
Sai trailed Kakashi like a shadow from the kitchen to the living room. 
Kakashi hummed softly. He remembered his dad doing this when he was small and sick. If the tune had words, Kakashi’d never learned them.
“Can you put a pot of water on the stove and get it boiling?” Kakashi asked Sai.
Sai nodded and disappeared back into the kitchen.
Kakashi stared down at Shin and considered his options. He had some fever tablets. They could bundle him in blankets and try to sweat out the fever, but that wouldn’t do anything for his lungs. They were definitely full of fluid.
Kakashi checked Shin’s bulse. It was light, fast, and irregular. The fever was the easiest thing to treat, but probably not the thing most likely to kill him. 
Sai stuck his head back in. “It’s boiling.”
Kakashi nodded. He grabbed a blanket off the back of the couch and tucked it around Shin. “Good. The steam might help clear his lungs.”
Kakashi carried the pot into the living room and set it on a stack of hot pads beside the couch. He put the fever tablets in Shin’s mouth. They were the sort that dissolved. 
“How long has he been sick?” Kakashi asked Sai.
“Forever. He coughs when we run and sometimes he wakes up and he can’t breathe. It’s been getting worse for 3 months. He used to cough a lot, but not anymore,” Sai explained.
Kakashi nodded. “Where do you sleep?”
“We have barracks.”
“Cold, damp, crowded?”
“Yeah. Lots of people get sick. Danzou-sama takes them away when they complain and we don’t see them again. Shin didn’t say anything, because he didn’t want to leave me,” Sai’s voice was small and he clutched the hem of his black shirt in little fists.
Kakashi wanted to scream. Instead he held his breath and counted to five before he let it out. “Watch Shin. I’m going to go see if I have any other medicine upstairs.”
Sai settled on the floor beside the couch without a word.
Kakashi found upstairs Tenzou digging through the closet for blankets.
“How are you holding up?” Kakashi asked.
Tenzou shook his head. “I don’t know. I feel numb.”
“I don’t know if Shin is going to make it. I’m thinking he’s got pneumonia and probably something else too. Pneumonia’s usually a secondary infection.”
Tenzou sighed. “They didn’t want to fight. Danzou was trying to force them. The other kids ran when I… Shin wasn’t able to run and Sai wouldn’t leave him.”
“I’ve got some antibiotics in the medicine cabinet. They’re old, but they might help,” Kakashi sighed. “I need to know what Danzou said about Itachi.”
Tenzou hugged the blanket he was folding to his chest. “He didn’t say anything outright, but the comparison he was making was between you and me and Itachi. He said Itachi was a good soldier. That the new Root were all good soldiers.”
Kakashi leaned against the wall. The world was spinning. He and Tenzou shared the same critical flaw in Danzou’s eyes. The fact that they were both still breathing was evidence to their failure as soldiers. They questioned orders. They disobeyed orders. They failed to kill each other and failed to kill their hearts. 
“I think Itachi might have been following orders,” Tenzou gave voice to the half formed thought Kakashi was trying to grasp.
“Fuck,” Kakashi breathed. 
Tenzou just nodded. They’d both taken Itachi’s betrayal hard, but Kakashi had seemed determined to shoulder the blame. He was Itachi’s captain for 2 years, he said he should have seen the instability in the Uchiha.
“I can’t think about this right now,” Kakashi muttered. He turned on his heel and began ransacking the medicine cabinet in the bathroom.
The bottle of antibiotics was almost full. They were woefully out of date, but Kakashi’d read that most medication remained effective well after its expiration date so he’d kept them. The bigger issue was that they were dosed for an adult man. 
Behind the antibiotics were an untouched steroid dose pack. Kakashi grabbed those too. They’d been meant to be taken alongside the antibiotics.
Kakashi mentally did the math, guessing at how much Shin weighed and how to break the pills, as he walked back down the stairs.
Sai had moved from the floor to the arm of the couch, where he could perch and easily keep his fingers on the pulse point in Shin’s throat.
Kakashi decided to give the kid a whole antibiotic and half the starting dose out of the steroid pack.
SInce it looked unlikely that Shin could swallow the pills, Kakashi ground them up and mixed them with a little bit of milk, it was the only thing he had that might mask some of the flavor. 
“This is going to taste pretty awful,” Kakashi warned Shin. He wasn’t even sure the kid could hear him now. “But you need to try to swallow it.” 
The sludgy mixture slid down Shin’s tongue and he whined. His face scrunched up, but he didn’t try to spit it out.
“Good job,” Kakashi soothed.
Shin seemed to settle. 
Sai looked at Kakashi. His eyes were so dark that Kakashi couldn’t tell where the pupil ended and the iris started. It gave him a perpetually wide eyed look. With his blank expression, he reminded Kakashi of the old legends about fae and changelings. “What happens now?” Sai asked.
Kakashi hesitated. “We’ll see how Shin is in a couple hours and go from there.”
Sai nodded. “We’re traitors now, aren’t we?”
Kakashi flinched. 
“No. The village betrayed us first,” Tenzou said from the bottom of the stairs. He had 3 backpacks in his arms that he dumped on the floor by the door. “Danzou did horrible things. The village is better without him.”
Sai looked at Tenzou and cocked his head to the side in confusion. “But we’ll need to run away right?”
Tenzou glanced at Kakashi. “You and Shin are going to go with me. We’ll find someplace nice and quiet where Shin can get better.”
Kakashi frowned. “I’m going with you.”
Tenzou shook his head. “I can’t ask that of you.”
“You aren’t asking. I’m telling you. I’m going with you and we’re going to get answers.” Kakashi’s jaw was set and there was a spark of fire in his dark eye that Tenzou hadn’t seen since the Uchiha Massacre. 
Tenzou motioned for Kakashi to step into the kitchen. Out of sight and earshot of the kids, Tanzou met Kakashi’s questioning stare. “You want to go after Itachi.” It wasn’t a question.
Kakashi nodded. He’d argued against it just 2 days ago, when the blood hadn’t even dried yet. He refused to kill Itachi and he refused to let Tenzou shoulder that burden. Now, they had an excuse to take Itachi alive. 
“If Danzou ordered the massacre, he set Itachi up to take the blame. Itachi may have escaped the village, but there’s got to be Root anbu on his trail. Danzou couldn’t afford to have Itachi tell anyone the truth behind the massacre. It’d tear the village apart. At the very least the Hyuga would riot.”
“Assuming Itachi didn’t just snap like we all thought.” Tenzou said it without any weight. It didn’t make sense. Never had.
Kakashi nodded. “I want answers and Itachi needs backup. Even if he’s batshit crazy, he’s still part of Team Ro.”
Tenzou smiled at that. For someone with the title of Friend-Killer, Kakashi was the most loyal person Tenzou’d ever met. He pretended not to care, but when shit hit the fan, Kakashi was always ride or die. It was exactly why Tenzou knew he could do this. “I need you to stay here,” Tenzou said.
Kakashi’s head jerked in surprise. He’d thought when Tenzou smiled that the discussion was over. 
“I need someone here that I can trust and pass information to,” Tenzou explained. “I made this mess. I need to clean it up.”
“And Itachi’s my mess,” Kakashi argued.
Tenzou folded his arms. “He’s not your responsibility anymore. He was Danzou’s mess and, as the most senior member of Root, now he’s mine.”
Kakashi opened his mouth to keep arguing, but Tenzou cut him off.
“When Danzou’s death is discovered, it’s going to throw the village off balance. The Third loved him like a brother. Knowing how he reacted to Minato’s death and Orochimaru’s betrayal, it’d be foolish not to expect every politically hungry creep to come out of the woodwork and take advantage of the situation.”
Kakashi nodded. The Third had been relatively passive his second term. Everyone knew he’d lost his edge and his confidence with Orochimaru’s defection. If Kakashi were being generous he’d say that was why the man had such a blindspot towards Danzou.
“I need you here, the village needs you here, and so does Itachi. He left Sasuke for a reason.”
Kakashi’s shoulders dropped in defeat. Whatever deal Itachi had made with Danzou was now void. If the youngest Uchiha had any political protection, it died with Danzou. There were a lot of eyes on Sasuke and none of them were friendly.
Tenzou saw the fight go out of Kakashi. 
“Alright. I’ll let you go, but if you get yourself into trouble I’m coming after you.”
Tenzou nodded and put his hand on Kakashi’s shoulder. 
Kakashi pulled Tenzou into a hug. It was stiff and awkward, but neither of them made any move to pull away. Kakashi noted that Tenzou’d had another growth spurt they were about the same height now and with Tenzou being 2 years younger than him, there was no doubt that he was going to end up taller. 
After a long minute, Kakashi let go of Tenzou. 
“Let’s go take care of you kohai,” Kakashi muttered and nudged Tenzou back towards the living room.
Kakashi watched Tenzou for a second before following. He was gangly, like most 14 year olds, but he moved like a vveteran shinobi. Kakashi knew Tenzou could take care of himself, but that didn’t mean he liked the idea of letting him go alone.
Tenzou was bent over Shin, checking the kid’s temperature when Kakashi picked his way over to the couch. 
Kakashi caught Sai’s eye. “Congrats, you’re getting promoted. Welcome to Team Rho. We’ve got an impressive mission record, so don’t mess it up.” 
Sai sat up straighter and squared his shoulders.
Under his mask, Kakashi’s lips twitched into a humorless smile. “Our first mission is to determine the truth behind the Uchiha Massacre and whether or not Danzou Shimaru intentionally destabilized the village. I’ll be running point in Konoha. Tenzou-san will be leading the away cell.”
Tenzou blinked in surprise. “I guess that means I’m getting a promotion too?”
“You were due,” Kakashi shrugged. “The 3 of you should get some sleep. I’ll watch Shin and wake you up before dawn.”
Sai reluctantly let Kakashi make him a bed on the opposite end of the couch from Shin. THey were both so small that their feet didn’t even touch.
Next, Kakashi shooed Tenzou upstairs to the bedroom. 
Kakashi took up Sai’s previous post on the arm of the couch and watched the kids sleep.
Tenzou didn’t sleep long. An hour later, he was back in the living room. He sat on the floor by Kakashi’s feet and didn’t say a word. 
Tenzou listened to the boys’ breathing and Kakashi humming softly. His heart was racing. His mind kept replaying the night over and over again, like it was still trying to believe that it had actually happened. 
Danzou had raised him. He’d thought of Danzou as his father for most of his life. When he learned the truth, he’d hated the man. But even then, the hate had been tainted. How could he really hate the man who made him what he was. Who was he without Danzou?
Shin whimpered in his sleep. 
Kakashi reached out to brush a hand across his sweat soaked forehead and murmured soothing promises until the boy settled.
Tenzou tensed. The magnitude of what he was taking on crashed down on him. He had no memories of his life before are 6 when Danzou saved him from Orochimaru’s abandoned lab. When he was sick, Danzou told him to push through it. When he was hurt, Danzou told him to get used to the pain. When he was scared, Danzou told him to bury it. 
Tenzou had no idea how to care for a kid, let alone a kid like him. 
“Stop panicking,” Kakashi ordered. His voice was low to keep from waking the kids.
Tenzou took a shuddering breath. 
“Just be the person you need when you were their age,” Kakashi whispered.
Tenzou closed his eyes and nodded. He couldn’t get the words out around the lump in his throat to tell Kakashi that he was the person Tenzou had needed.
“You can do this.”
Shin’s fever broke an hour before sunrise and he slipped deeper into an exhausted sleep.
Kakashi bundled the kid in a couple blankets and settled him in Tenzou’s arms. 
Sai knew how to shuushin, so the 2 older anbu figured he’d be able to keep up. 
Kakashi stood in the doorway and watched the road long after the 3 Root anbu had disappeared. 
When the sun started to brush the roof, kakashi went inside to burn Tenzou’s bloodstained sleeping clothes and destroy the rest of the evidence of his housemate.
Too full of adrenaline to sleep, Kakashi spent the rest of the morning drafting his resignation from the anbu. With 2 of his teammates rogue shinobi, he’d never be trusted again. Besides, Kakashi had a mission and he could do it better outside of the anbu. Sasuke needed someone to protect him and train him. Danzou had been the driving force behind Konoha’s jinchuuriki policy. With him dead, Kakashi intended to carry out the promise he’d made to Minato and Kushina’s graves. 
Tenzou had his kohai. It was time for Kakashi to go get his.
Tenzou stopped late in the morning, just outside of a small town in the middle of nowhere. 
Sai was exhausted and Shin’s fever was back. It was time for Shin to get another dose of medication and they were far enough from Konoha that Tenzou was willing to let their little team rest.
The woman at the front desk of the town’s only inn took one look at the tall, skinny teenager in an anbu uniform and the 2 kids with him and handed the teen a room key. One look was all it took to decide this was the sort of shinobi stuff you didn’t interfere with.
As soon as the door was open, Sai staggered in and collapsed onto the nearest of the 2 double beds. Tenzou was pretty sure the kid was asleep before his legs stopped moving.
Tenzou settled Shin on the other side of the same bed as Sai and dug the medicine Kakashi had sent out of his backpack.
Shin stirred and opened his eyes. 
“Hey,” Tenzou said softly.
“Hi,” Shin mumbled. He smiled when Sai scrambled across the bed and pressed himself against Shin’s side.
“Think you can swallow some pills?” Tenzou asked.
Shin nodded. He took the pills Tenzou put in his hand and sipped from a water bottle. There was color back in his face and when he coughed it sounded like the fluid in his lungs was breaking up.
Tenzou breathed a sigh of relief. They were going to make it. They’d stay here for a few days, let the search parties pass them by, and then make for the Land of Rain. The last reports had Itachi crossing the border and heading towards Ame with a masked man.
Note: I might come back and add to this piece someday, but I’ve already got an in-progress long fic, so for now this will stay as a drabble. 
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ilovetheater-nl · 6 years
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Nieuwe m usical precies 121 jaar na “J’Accuse!” Aanstaande zondag 13januari 2019 is het precies 121 jaar geleden zijn dat Emile Zola zijn beroemde brief aan de president van Frankrijk publiceerde in de krant l ‘Aurore: “J’Accuse!”.Het artikel zorgde voor de kentering in de affaire ‘Dreyfus’:een doofpotzaak zaak die –gevoed door Fake News–Frankrijk gedurende 12 jaar (tussen 1894 en 1906) op z’n kop heeft gezet.
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moony-rose · 4 years
It’s that time again (Wolfstar WIP kinda)
Time for me to start another hobby that I’ll inevitably get bored of and completely neglect within a couple of months/weeks/days, yay!
I used to be super into creative writing but I kind of fell out of love with it due to boredom, writers block, the usual stuff etc etc. I thought that now I’ve finished all my uni work for the year and I’ve got plenty of time on my hands with the lovely rona ruining all my plans (ooh my first rhyme, definitely got poetry whittled down to a fine art), I’d try getting back into the wondrous world of writing (and there’s some alliteration, how good am I already??)
This blog is mainly just a dump for my random fanfics/poetry/short stories so here’s my first contribution to this dumpster fire: I got bored after reading Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix so I decided to start writing (SPOILER ALERT! MASSIVE SPOILER HERE!!!!) Sirius’ death from Lupin’s perspective, since they’re two of my favourite characters and I like to torture myself (and y’know... #wolfstar4ever). Here’s a very rough start of draft of a WIP of a story that may become a bigger fanfic(?). I’ll make it expandable because it’s of the length that would be mildly inconvenient to scroll past if you were not particularly interested in this sort of thing; if you are somehow still interested after the above shitshow, then enjoy!
~ Moony
‘Come on, you can do better than that!’
Remus couldn’t help but smile to himself as Sirius’ wonderful bark-like laugh rang out across the cavernous room. The taunt preceded a blinding flash, as bright as a full moon. Remus’ head shot around just in time to see Bellatrix’s curse hit Sirius squarely in the chest.
‘No – ‘
Time seemed to move in slow motion. The body of his best friend in the world, wide-eyed and open-mouthed, froze for a split second before it lurched backwards then gracefully slid away through the fluttering black veil.
‘SIRIUS! SIRIUS!’ He could see Harry on the other side of the room, leaping down the steps towards the dais. Had he not just told him to get out of there?
Almost instinctively, Remus turned on his heel and sprinted towards the spot where Sirius had been standing moments before, reaching out with one hand as if to pull Sirius back from the floating curtain, but instead collided with the screaming Harry, automatically grabbing him around the chest as he desperately struggled to free himself.
‘There’s nothing you can do, Harry -’ He so desperately wished to be wrong, more than he ever had in his life. He wished for a time turner, something to go back to just a few moments before, to slap himself for being such a fool and not seeing what was coming.
‘Get him, save him, he’s only just gone through!’ Harry yelled, thrashing violently in an attempt to throw Remus off.
‘- it’s too late, Harry.’ Remus said quietly, still staring at the veil, which had suddenly become quite still.
‘We can still reach him – ‘
‘There’s nothing you can do, Harry…’ He repeated, though more for his own sake than for Harry’s. ‘nothing… he’s gone.’ He could think of nothing more useful to say; his mind had gone blank and his mouth and throat were so dry they had begun to burn.
‘He hasn’t gone!’ Harry bellowed, staring desperately at the great archway. ‘SIRIUS! SIRIUS!’
‘He can’t come back, Harry.’ Said Remus, his voice breaking ever so slightly as the situation began to dawn on him. ‘He can’t come back, because he’s d – ‘
‘HE – IS – NOT – DEAD! SIRIUS!’ Remus was relieved Harry had interrupted him because he felt quite certain he would not have been able to finish that sentence. Sirius, dead? The idea was absurd, and yet here he stood, helpless and numb, listening to the victorious shrieks of his best friend’s cousin-turned-murderer.
He shook his head as if trying to wake himself from a bad dream and hauled Harry away from the dais and back up the stone steps, maintaining a reproving grip on his arm as Neville Longbottom slid down to their level, his legs making wild jerking motions as he came.
‘Harry… I’b really sorry…’ he said, struggling to talk through his broken nose. ‘Was dad man – was Sirius Black a – a friend of yours?’
Remus’ eyes began to sting and he blinked rapidly to fight off the tears that were threatening to fall at the mention of Sirius’ name. To distract himself, he quickly grabbed his wand and pointed it at Neville.
‘Here,’ he said, barely a whisper. ‘Finite.’ Neville stopped dancing immediately. Remus turned his attention to the floor, his face as white as a sheet. He felt dizzy and he could not keep his mind focused. He had a vague sense of what was going on around him but nothing concrete.
‘Let’s – let’s find the others.’ He stuttered. ‘Where are they all, Neville?’ He couldn’t bring himself to look across the room towards the veil and so faced away from the arch, a pained expression on his face that he attempted to hide from the two boys in front of him, without much success.
‘Dey’re all back dere. A brain addacked Ron bud I dink he’s all righd – and Herbione’s unconscious, bud we could feel a bulse – ‘
Remus was barely listening to anything going on around him, let alone Neville’s ramblings, until a deafening bang ripped across the room, bringing him half to his senses.
He finally registered the scene behind him. Kingsley was laying on the ground behind the dais, Moody had Tonks in his arms, Remus breathed a sigh of relief as he saw her head turn weakly to face him. Dumbledore had the remaining Death Eaters immobilised in invisible ropes while Bellatrix made a run for the door, laughing manically. In this particular moment, however, Remus could not bring himself to care much about anything, the word ‘Sirius’ was circling in his brain, seemingly sapping the last of his strength. His grip slackened and Harry took this opportunity to rip himself free of Remus’ grasp.
‘Harry – no!’ He cried half-heartedly, making a feeble attempt at grabbing the back of Harry’s jacket before dropping his arm heavily at his side. There were yells from all around him and his head pounded, unable to focus on any one sound.
‘SHE KILLED SIRIUS! SHE KILLED HIM – I’LL KILL HER!’ Harry roared as he sprinted after Bellatrix, out the door and out of sight.
Remus dropped to his knees, staring after him as he ran. A numbness seemed to consume him as the world around him darkened, unaware of his name being called out from somewhere behind him.
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inhophetaminex · 6 years
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Dawno nie było zwykłego portretu. Bitch face forever. . It was a long time since I shared a portrait. Bitch face forever. . #inho #inhophetaminex #redhead #ginger #polish_girl #tattooed_girl #inked_girl #bitchface (w: Sheffield) https://www.instagram.com/p/BulSe-elzjz/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1dty2d54ziek2
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zanimljivaekonomija · 3 years
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DeMar DeRozan i Luka Dončić proglašeni za najbolje NBA igrače u februaru 2022.
Dvojica sjajnih košarkaša dobili su priznanje igrača meseca.
NBA.com, 3. marta 2022: Bek Čikago Bulsa Demar DeRozan i plej Dalas Maveriksa Luka Dončić proglašeni su za NBA igrače meseca za februar 2022.
Iskusni All-star bek Čikaga potvrdio je svoju fantastičnu sezonu 2021-22. monstruoznom serijom igara u februaru. Demar je doveo Bulse do 8 pobeda (uz 5 poraza) briljantnim igrama tokom celog meseca. DeRozan je treći u NBA ligi po broju poena (34,2 poena po utakmici), sa procentom šuta 55,3% (43,2% za šutu za 3 poena), uz 6,2 skokova, 5,2 asistencije i 1,3 ukradene lopte po utakmici. Postigao je 30 ili više poena u 10 uzastopnih utakmica – jedan manje od rekorda Majkla Džordana u Čikagu - u februaru. U obračunu sa Filadelfijom 76ersima 6. februara, DeRozan je postigao rekordnih 45 poena i zabeležio devet skokova i sedam asistencija u porazu svog tima 119-108. Bulsi  su sa 39 pobeda i 23poraza trenutno drugoplasirani na tabeli Istoka.
Izvanredni plejmejker Dalasa, takođe učesnik nedavnog All-stara, zablistao je tokom februara i doveo Dalas do 7 pobeda (i 3 poraza) svojim izuzetnim partijama. Sveukupno, Dončić je imao najbolji mesec u sezoni 2021-22, sa prosečnim skorom od 34,7 poena, 10,3 skokova i 8,8 poena i zauzeo drugo, 18. i sedmo mesto u tim kategorijama u februaru. Luka je zabeležio rekord karijere od 51 poena u pobedi Dalasa protiv LA Klipersa rezultatom 112-105 (10. februara), međutim, nije se tu zaustavio. Tri dana kasnije, ponovo je briljirao sa 45 poena, 15 skokova i osam asistencija u porazu od Klipersa 99-97. Sveukupno, slovenački reprezentativac je postigao 30 ili više poena u sedam od 10 februarskih utakmica Dalasa. Mavsi su sa 37 pobeda i 25 poraza trenutno peti na tabeli Zapada.
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peteroo · 1 year
Waving with friends rides a most priceless crest, never bought even by bulse of the best.
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prokopetz · 7 years
Folks sometimes talk like contemporary tabletop RP podcasts are making fun of the hobby by giving everyone ridiculous names, and all I can think of is the fact that one of D&D’s earliest published modules -- yes, I mean in print -- includes the following example PCs:
Beek Gwenders of Croodle
Cloyer Bulse the Magsman
Faffle Dweomercraft
Flerd Trantle
Fonkin Hoddypeak
Frush O'Suggil
Gleep Wurp the Eyebiter
Redmod Dumple
Roaky Swerked
And that’s just from one source. Other early publications include such luminaries as Darg Blonke, Fage the Kexy and Fnast Dringle.
The game has literally always been like this.
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juyeonbot · 4 years
You tried to say, but was ignored. "OK YES DOUBLE DATE IT IS!" Fast foward....The restaurant was ok, nothing too fancy maybe overdressed a bit. I was across from you and Yuna, while I was beside the oh so handsome Yunho. "Soo Yunho..." your eyes were trying to send daggers to me as you saw how Yunho's arms were wrapped around my waist the whole night. Annonyed about how I did not even talk to you at all. You knew me, you knew that it was pratically bulse eyes if I get my "appointment" tonight. "E-excuse me, I don't think I am wanted here." You announced causing me to turn around to look at you for the first time tonight. "Hey Juyeon!" I scream while running to catch you. After a few minutes of chasing, I finally caught up to you. Grabbing your wrist, you knew I wasn't the strongest so you let it be. "Juyeon, why are you being such a downer. This restaurant is great! Yuna is great! Your bestfriend is great! Only thing that isn't great is you mister." You turned around, your face looked like it was holding so much back. "Juyeon...calm down, why are you so mad?" Your body soften as I wrap my arms around you. "Don't..don't, don't touch me." Removing my arms around you, softly removing my wrists. "Juyeonnn...heyyy stop being like that. You're being so complicated..Why are you always like this? Whenever I am about to finally get a date you are always like this. You turn mean, sulky, and frankly irritating. My ass has to beg for you to always come back or tell you to stop being a baby. Like Juyeon CAN YOU JUST STOP BEIN-" My words turned silent as your tears fell. "Now why are you crying?" - 🐈‍⬛
“I just- don’t touch me. I just feel like I’m gonna lose you any second. That you’ll start spending so much time with them that you’ll have no more time for me. That you’ll just forget about me. I don’t like the people you go out with either. There’s always something that’s wrong with them to me. I feel like they won’t love you like I do- I mean um- treasure you like I do. I just want you to be loved like you deserve. Is that too much to ask for?”
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safitheartist · 7 years
So @3ternal3nigma and me were talking about an idea I had about Demyx and Larxene being half siblings and well...(it's also based losely on this theory: https://youtu.be/jvLnWYNEKm8) if you guys have suggestions for a name for this au go a head. (Also hinted Zemyx because I'm trash).
This was bad. Myde couldn't quiet help thinking as he stared down at the bag of munny his father, *their* father, threw him before leaving.
This was truly worse then anything he could have imagined their reunion to be like. Him and his father were never close, the old man hardly ever was around, always going off to who knows where and one day he just didn't come back at all.
He figured out that he was from another world not long after, really it wasn't hard to tell with how people were talking behind his back. His mother confirmed that on the day he...
He took a deep breath, it wasn't the time to cry about the past now. Not in a shabby looking pub in Traverse town, not with *her* of all people around. He took a glup from his potion, almost wishing it was a alcoholic drink instead so he could blame the moisture in his eyes on it.
He supposed he could have gotten a drink in this particular bar, he might not be 23 yet and didn't have any documentation to his age anyways, but the bartender hardly seemed to care much anyways.
Besides, she got a glass of wine and he was older then her if he remembered right.
Age, it's funny how he suddenly has to worry about that again.
How old was he when he last saw his father? 10? It was around 3 years before he joined the organization if he recalls. His mother started her 'dancing' job around that time, it was also when she started acting strange. He wonders if his father even knew about that. He doubted so, he probably didn't even realize how Myde himself lost his heart judging from his reaction upon seeing him.
He actted like he was a old drinking buddy he owned some munny rather then his long thought for dead son.
He took a look at his 'drinking companion', for a lack of a better word (he refused to awknowledge her as anything else). She was at her 3rd glass of wine now, the bottle was left in reach for her to grab. The bartender was smart enough to avoid interactions with her. He would love to tell what is on her mind right now. To know what to say.
He averted his eyes, and got the bartenders attention. "Do you have something that has alcohol in it but doesn't taste like it does?" He asked and the bartender raised a eyebrow. "Just give him a pussy drink Eugene." She piped in, rather loudly and Demyx felt his cheeks turn pink. "Are you even old enough? Because if you are..." Demyx felt quiet intimidated as the older man leaned forward, raising a eyebrow at him in a suggestive manner. He was quiet massive, but more in his width then his hights, his hair was oily and he was positive that was not his own blood on his apron. There was a perverted kind of glint in his eyes. Right, he thought as he leaned back a bit, feeling nauseated by the stench of alcohol and other substances, that was one of the things he really didn't miss about being a somebody.
"Just give the boy his drink you perverted old man. And if I see you put anything strange in it I will cut your little sauccise off." She said before taking another sip from her wine. Then she threw one of her blades at the dart board on the other site of the bar where people were gambling. Hitting the bulse eye.
Eugene visibly paled as he stumbled back to prepare the ordered drink. Myde signed in relief, he almost forgot his voice could have that effect on strangers.
"Don't mention it."
He fidgeted with his hands, wishing he had his Sitra to play with right now. This truly was all such a mess. First he was reborn, then he met *her* of all people in this world, Traverse Town, the place people without anywhere to go back to would go was what Zexion told him that one time Demyx saw him reading about it. (He knew why he was there, but her presence was truly puzzling, he was fairly certain her world had been restored.)
And then they see his shitty father. *Their* shitty father, and he honestly just wished he didn't bother. But he was hopeful, for what he wasn't sure, but he was hoping for something, anything, that would have resebled affection. He hasn't felt fatherly care since Lexaeus....
His drink arrived and he took a long swing, trying not to think about his former friends and the possibility of them also being alive. He had enough things on his plate right now, he could deal with everything from better parental figures to lingering romantic feelings at another time.
The sweet taste of raspberry concealing the alcohol was a small comfort. He felt light headed already. He knew he wasn't good at holding liquor, if that one time Xigbar let Demyx and Zexion drink when they were 17 and 18 respectively was anything to go by he probably should take it easy.
He really didn't need to suddenly sing about his one sided crush again. It was bad enough in a room full of people he knew, a random bar probably would be disasterous.
He was ripped out of that embarrassing memory by a breathless laugh next to him. "Mon dieu, we really had no clue." She said, he could tell the alcohol was starting to get to her. The wine bottle was almost empty by now, he wondered how that was even possible on a genetic stand point. Vexen probably would know.
And Zexion.
He took another sip.
"I always knew he was sleeping around. But I thought he would be smart enough to avoid doing the same mistake twice." She said, Myde wasn't sure she was talking to him or to herself. He nods anyways. "And then we both end up..." She broke off with a breathless laugh, "And we had no clue."
"To our defense, it's not like we knew eachother for long." They really didn't, she was the last one to join before....he took another sip from his drink. Yeah, no way he was remembering *that* now. The point was, the time they did know eachother neither of them really liked the other. Heck, he remembered Demyx was glad she was gone, something that quiet honestly made him feel sick now. Or maybe it was the alcohol.
It was really hard to tell.
"Shitty old man." She held her glass out for him to toast and he didn't need to be told twice. He was indeed a shitty old man after all.
"Wonder if there are anymore of us scattered around." He said as he took some of the nuts from the counter, they looked pretty old but he honestly wasn't very picky right now.
"You mean the organization? Or siblings?" She asked, amusement in her voice, or maybe it was the alcohol. Who knew at this point?
"Maybe. Probably."
"Should we search for them?"
"You do what you want." She said as she threw her money on the counter, "His stuff is on me too." She announced before standing upright. "Where are you going?" Myde asked, she ruffled his hair as she walked past him, "getting ride of this stupid heart."
"Are you insane?!" He exclaimed. "You're gonna kill yourself!" He shouted after her. She didn't pay him much attention as she waved on her way out. "One or the other, same end result." She said.
Myde stared in mild horror after her, this wasn't good, he thought. He should just search for the others, convince them to let him stay with them.
She was a bitch anyways. Always has been. And it wasn't like he would be able to talk her out of it or keep her save, he was no good for that after all.
He....he signed as he downed the rest of his drink.
"Arlene wait!" He yelled as he hurried after her, catching up with a slight stumble in his step.
He knew he would regret that. He knew he would regret a lot of things from now on. But what was he suppose to do? Like it or not, she was his sister after all.
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shogunstyle · 5 years
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Grats bulses!!!! Tehenks for the partey! 🎉🎉🎉 puyat na puyat ako HAHAHAHA (at 19 East) https://www.instagram.com/p/Byy7ZEznxaB/?igshid=1hmvstlld72j1
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ehila · 7 years
Satomimagae / Bulse (official MV)
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