#bungo stray dog
happy-little-arts · 2 days
fem skk
Drew this while listening to the new class of 09 game. They're so hot, but Jeckole and Skk <3
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ghostja · 9 months
The Misunderstanding of Mori(BSD)
I have realized Mori is a misunderstood character in BSD due to his abilities name, Vita Sexualis.  I recently finished reading the book, and the title is misleading.  I assumed it was an erotic book; I could not have been more wrong.  It’s a story about Kanai(MC), who is writing about his sexual experiences intended for his son to be provided as a means of sexual education.  It is not inappropriate whatsoever, and the act of sex is never described in detail.  
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Throughout the story, you come to understand Kanai and how he has a lack of sexual desire.  The story starts when he is a child, and adults tease him for his innocence.  It was disgusting seeing adults toy with his innocence, especially since the story starts when he is six.  
Later in the story, when Kanai is close to graduating from university, his parents think it would be best for him to marry.  A meeting is set up for Kanai to meet a girl whom he finds nice.  But he debates the difference between this girl and all other nice girls.  He also questions if most men settle for a nice girl due to their sexual desire.  Since Kanai has a low sex drive, he believes this is the reason he can’t settle.  I believe he is bringing up the difference between love and sexual desire. Also, how sexual desire can act like love.  
Here is a quote about Kanai's thoughts on marriage,
 "I suspected that some probably decided under the stimulus of sexual desire. Because I was deficient in this area, I guessed that even if I felt the young lady was quite nice, the deficiency was probably why I didn't want to marry her."
There is an incredible tetralogy called The Sea of Fertility by Yukio Mishima, which discusses the downsides of sexual desire. In the first book, Spring Snow, Kiyoaki(MC) becomes infatuated with Satoko. He lets his desires control him and wishes Satoko to marry him, but she is engaged. Instead of putting her happiness first, Kiyoaki lets sexual possession take control of him, leading to his demise.
In the third book, Temple of Dawn, Imanishi created his own story, "The Land of the Pomegranate." It's about how sexual love leads to possession.  As soon as the people in this world reach peak desire, they are discarded.  This stops sexual possession from taking over.
I bring up these books to further show the difference between love and sexual desire. And how controlling this feeling can be with it acting like love.  
I believe the author(Ogai Mori) is trying to tell the readers you are most capable of love when young because you have no experience. Sexual desire can be extremely passionate to the point where it controls you. In the story, Kanai reflects how once a month, his roommate Koga would let his sexual desires loose. While he personally found no importance in those activities. I find it vital to state even though he doesn't care for sex, it doesn't mean he wants to be alone. In the story, he says,
"Yet even though I had a longing for love and affection, I didn't feel, as one normally would have expected, any real sexual drive."
Now to connect this back to BSD, I believe Elise is a child to represent innocence. Maybe Mori himself is like Kanai and does not care for sexual relations. And what is the opposite of that? A child who knows nothing of sex and does not care for it. They do not have sexual desires, and it has nothing to do with their type of love. Elise might simply be someone for Mori to love and receive the same type of love back. Or she represents his innocence and the type of love he craves.
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I believe she could also represent his hidden innocence because when you are older you wouldn't want to be called innocent or pure. It's embarrassing to be labeled a virgin or not understand a sexual joke. But not everyone cares for these things, and some yearn for a different type of love, one that is not sexual.
Hopefully, people will stop labeling this character as a pedo and look for the meaning behind his ability instead.
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mackerel1522 · 4 months
Hey guys, have we already considered that maybe Fyodor is the same as IRL!Dostoevsky?
We know he already met Bram at least a few times and Bram Stoker's "Dracula" is set in the late 19th century - the same century IRL!Dostoevsky lived in.
What I'm trying to say is: What if our Fedya was actually born in 1821 just like the real author? What if our Fedya is actually the Dostoevsky?
First: Dostoyevsky's Works
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Fyodor's character/ability/environment containt lots of references to most of his works:
- Crime and Punishment: the crime is being killed and as a punishment he take over the body of the killer + his character is heavely Raskonikov-coded
- The Demons: Fyodor is often refered to as a demon (or as the "Northern Devil")
*also another title of this novel is 'The Possessed' which heavily refers to his ability too
- Notes From The Underground: Fyodor's philosophy has a lot in common with the one of the "Underground Man" (the narrator and protagonist of the novella)
- The House of the Dead: his organisation "Rats in the House of the Dead" is based partially on the novel
- The Gambler: we see him play at the begining of the manga against Ace (and nails it) + later the Sky Casino where he sends Sigma
(The list continues but it'd take way too long for me to cover all of it TuT')
- The Double: his double-personality-faking after his breakdown in mersault is "The Double"-coded
- The Brothers Karamazov: in an interview, Asagiri revealed he based most of Fyodor's personality on a scene of the novel (the one where Ivan Karamazov talks to 'the devil')
Secondly: Rodion Raskolnikov
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Fyodor and Rodion share a lot of common points - Fyodor being heavely Raskolnikov-coded:
First and most obvious: Fedya's ability is C&P and Rodya is the protagonist from C&P
The complex personality: Fyodor is a highly intelligent and enigmatic character. He is confident, exceptionally intelligent, manipulative and can easily see through his enemies' desires and plans. Rodion, on the other hand, is a lonely former student who actively rejects the society's morality. Just like Fedya, Rodya considers himself an exceptional man and wants to test the limits of his own freedom by committing murder. His personality is also tormented and complex.
Common themes: Both characters explore deep themes such as guilt, suffering, redemption and human nature. They both embody dark and complex aspects of the human psyche.
Thirdly: Dostoyevsky and Dostoyevsky
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IRL!Dostoyevsky and Our!Dostoyevsky also have a lot of common points:
Both were born on November 11 in Russia
Both have been sentenced to death/sent to prison
Both are very religious people
Both traveled a lot around the world
Both have chronic illnesses (epilepsy/anemia)
Both share a similar philosophy (Orthodox Christianity and Utopian Socialism)
Common themes: religion, redemption, guilt, suffering, human nature, gambling, death, chronic illness, psychology, etc...
Fourthly: Crime and Punishment
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"I am crime. I am punishment. Crime and punishment are close friends. Borders vanish. Rooms awaken. The incarnation of death, the master of the ability-consuming fog… Eat, howl, and make violence as your instinct desires. This is neither a loss of control nor a singularity." - Fyodor Dostoyevsky (Bungo Stray Dogs Dead Apple)
There is definitely more to Fyodor's ability than "just" possessing the one who just killed him. For instance we have what happened in Dead Apple but we also have some more details that should be noticed (I think): Don't you find it intriguing how everytime before he dies his eyes are light but once he is resurrected his eyes turn dark again? The same happens when he fakes a double personality after his breakdown in mersault: his eyes turn the lightest we've ever seen him have but once he abandons the act they turn pitch black again.
Y'all remember how Harukawa said something like "the darker the eyes, the darker the personality, the lighter the eyes, the closest they are to the good side"? (sorry I don't remember the correct quote but it's something like that)
Intriguing, huh?
Finally: "Dostoyevsky is immortal!"
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In his novel "The Master and Margarita", Mikhail Bulgakov says "Dostoyevsky is immortal!". In the manga, we just learned Fyodor's ability which, as said before, consist basically in taking over the body of the one who just killed him. Based on all the canon events of the manga, mostly everything conducts us to think Dostoyevsky's, in fact, immortal. Could Asagiri have been inspired by this quote? That could be possible. (Would it be extremely cool? Hell yeah.)
What if our Dostoyevsky is the Dostoyevsky but in a reality where he is, in fact, immortal?
What do you guys think about it? Do you have another theory? Do you wanna add something? (I'm open to everything! Tell me what you think - whether it's the same or the opposite, I'm curious!)
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im-a-chunky-potato · 9 months
Somewhere out there, there's someone who only knows bsd lore from Gacha videos...
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falloutboyyaoi · 1 year
Dazai: hey ango why does odasaku call u babygirl?
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koihanwrites · 5 months
AHEM- *cue dramatic Ranpo laugh*
I saw your post about needing more mutuals to rant about bsd with! I also saw that you like twst! I also like bsd and twst! So therefore I propose an offer!
Trade offer:
You recieve — A bsd moot who will rant about bsd stuff with you
I recieve — Another person to drag down to the depths of hell with me A bsd moot who can rant about bsd stuff with me
Do you accept this trade?
Yes □
No □
I am a riddle rosehearts fan (kinnie)
LET'S BE FRIENDS FROM NOW ON. Here's the contract ~
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yourfaveis-hyperose · 3 months
Fyodor Dostoevsky from Bungo Stray Dogs is hypersexual, please?
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Fyodor Dostoevsky from Bungo Stray Dogs is hypersexual!
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la-squadra1234 · 1 year
Happy birthday atsushi!
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frenchonionsoop · 2 months
HUZZAH almost 10 months in the making I present my biggest project so far!! My new bsd stormbringer animatic is UP NOW GO WATCH IT
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mackerel1522 · 5 months
sooooo fyodor's ability basically works like this
crime => being killed
punishment => takes over the body of the killer
how the hell did he find out about his ability
it surely wasn't something happy
that must've been horrible tbh
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im-a-chunky-potato · 1 year
So I was just explaining the beast manga to my dad and he just went, oh so that means Wan is an alternate reality too.
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crowatyourwindow · 3 months
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Do you think it would have been cool if Atsushi's white tiger aged with him as he grew up
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lotus-pear · 5 months
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nekovale · 16 days
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I was in a mood
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piedpip3rrr · 9 months
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Canon dark era fr
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