#burntrap x reader
sphaliro · 1 year
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The reason he only has one semi-normal finger is because he is obsessed with Candy Crush & none of his goofy-ass pointy robot fingers can make a phone work. It's still too crusty to be 100% effective, so that's where I come in as the Designated Fingering Boy.
I can't judge any of you Sun/Moon simps when I'm like this. Please understand.
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spookiifi · 2 years
Afton Fans Come Get Y’all Juice
I made a playlist for your guy’s favorite crusty rabbit man.
I call it GlitchTrapp’d. 
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thegamemastersworld · 5 months
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I always come back
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cinnamonroll-anon · 26 days
Hello! If its okay to request, Could you do fnaf?
With Springtrap, Scraptrap (and Glitchtrap/Burntrap ) react to Reader as William Afton's daughter. With the reaction of them with ghost of Afton (or Afton's fatherly love or any alike) to his adult daughter, who's working in Fnaf location(s) and also the only living/surviving family member
Lost to Time: Springtrap x Daughter!Reader (Platonic)
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A/n: Of course I'd do fnaf! It's literally like my favorite! I know you asked for different versions of Springtrap and to keep things from being confusing I'll spilt them into a timeline order. Sorry if this isn't what you requested have a nice day anon!
Warnings: Platonic Paring, Angst, Gendered Reader but i still used GN pronouns
You were the youngest of the Afton family, being around 3 when the incident at Fredbears Family Diner hospitalized and killed Evan. You were treasured in the family, but you couldn't understand what was happening around you. At first, Evan was gone, then your mother left, soon Elizabeth disappeared and last but not least your father was presumed dead. The remaining family member at the time was Michael, but he was barely a teen, he couldn't take care of you.
He had learned about everything that had happened, from the divorce of his parents, the tragic accident that killed Elizabeth and the eventual madness of his father. Michael was glad that you were left out of all this and felt both happy and heartbroken by how young you were, you wouldn't remember this. He gave you up for adoption and requested that your last name would be changed, hoping to spare you the burden of your real family, and to correct the sins of his father.
You grew up into a normal family, you had never once doubted the legitimacy of your relation, but you had odd dreams. Times of different faces and colorful birthdays, patterned walls and floors. In the end it all drifted away like a fever dream, one that felt so close and real. You eventually came across Fazbear's Fright, a horror attraction based on a long urban legend of the town you recently moved to. You had much fun reading through the documentaries, yet the mystery of the man behind the slaughter was still unsolved. He was presumed dead, and you hoped it stayed that way. You didn't want to end up on the victim list.
You remember the first day you came to work, how the man on the phone was ecstatic to have actually found one of the old animatronics. You flicked the cameras to look at it, or as much as you could in the dimly illuminated space it sat in. It was horrible to look at, it was rotten and was practically on the verge of decay, which made it perfect for the attraction. The room that you were in was stuffy, the constant need to check on the ventilation was tiresome throughout the night. You would check the camera's and look at the rabbit suit, you swore it wasn't looking at the camera when you got here. You brushed it off as a lack of oxygen or the animatronic glitching and moving. Yeah, it probably could do that.
The next night you knew you weren't crazy or delirious, that thing moved on it's own. The most uncanny part of it was it's movement, it was too fluid for a rusting robot. Eventually you figured out a way between handling your hallucinations of paranoia and redirecting the animatronic throughout the attraction. It was a frivolous task, and you weren't sure how long you'd make it, until eventually it was looking at you through the glass in front of you.
He wasn't sure how long he was stuck in that closet but he was sure glad he wasn't trapped again, that was until he realized he was in another building, one that imitated the old locations. It was like this place was taunting him, reminding him of his past, of the horrible choices that had sealed his fate. As he tried roaming around the building at night he realized he wasn't alone, someone was watching through the cameras. A twisted idea came to Springtrap's mind, if he couldn't get out of the building by his own means, he could hunt down the guard here for sport.
He continued with this plan, promising himself that he was only killing whoever was there for their keys, yet he knew that deep inside of him he just wanted to quench a crazed desire. On some night's, when he didn't turn to follow the taunting noises of children's laughter he would make it to the glass that separated you two. He would observe you, quick glances to intense stares. The glass was obviously dirty, it was hard to make out your face, bit something deep down told him you were familiar. Were you one of the old guards? Or perhaps someone he was aquatinted with? No. You looked too familiar, almost as if he could put a name to your face. As these nights continued he not only grew more reckless but also more desperate to figure out who you were. Who were you to remind him of the time he was alive?
One night you were falling behind on your tasks finding yourself, having to decide between running the chance of that thing getting inside of the office or having clean air. You survival instinct kicked in and you chose to run the ventilation, gasping for breath as you hungrily breathed in, trying to get rid of the lightheadedness that fogged your brain. It was his chance, he swiftly moved into the office, acquaintance or not he was done being trapped inside the forsaken place. That was until he got a good look at you.
It was as if his very heart felt a sudden pain, a newfound sense of dread washing over him as he froze in place, looming over you too closely. You were terrified of this thing in front of you and you both entered a long and painful stare down. You couldn't be, but you were. His child, his youngest. What he used to find the most precious in his life. It was complicated, he was used to being this, being Springtrap, but right now he could only feel the presence of William. He couldn't hurt you, old memories flooding his mind as he inspected you. He ended up retreating back into the furthest room and you were panicking at the close call of your certain demise.
He sat and contemplated, he would remember how gently he held you when you first came into the world. How your laughter would light up his heart, he would've done anything to make you smile. You were so young and now you were so much older. He couldn't believe it, how he had practically forgotten you, so driven by his bloodthirst. He wondered what became of you, of Michael. Michael? Where was he? Was he with you? Did you grow up without them? Had you cried when everyone had left? As he sat he could almost cry, he had abandoned you, he had acted so reckless that he had carelessly thrown away all of his life. All of your life. The life of his entire family.
It drove him insane thinking and spiraling in that room. He would dig his hands into the moldy and matted fur of his so called body. He wasn't that man anymore, he was something else. He had made peace with that, but a part of him, this old spirit of William Afton would come to haunt him. It brought a new sense of terror to his situation, a headache to deal with who he was. He was Springtrap not William, but there would always he a sliver of William in him.
The next nights were odd for you, he wasn't moving around much, neither did he appear hostile. He would go up to the window and stare at you before walking away mindlessly. In a sense you were still his beloved daughter, even if you were the last of what remained from the past. Then one night, things became more creepier to you because he'd begin to do something that normal animatronics could do... He began to talk. And not preprogrammed daiolgue, this thing was talking on it's own. You wondered what would've been more unerving, this thing spouting out jumbled speech or showing signs of actual sentience.
It had started once again where the glass separated the two of you, his voice came out pained and raspy, truly worthy of his appearance. "Who are you?"
He already knew the answer in his heart, but he felt this strange need to connect with you. Either that or the sheer isolation of god knows how long, he wanted to get to know you better. That's how you would spend the night, talking to this animatronic. As you got a better look at him you began to notice something alarming, he had organs, decaying organs.
"What about family? Any lost members or accidents?" He wanted to know if you remembered, if there was any hope you knew about him.
"No, just a normal family in the suburbs, well as normal as we can be. I've seen my sibling chug down a whole litter of soda in one sitting, though." He was amused by you, but he was quickly losing hope in you, about you actually knowing who he was.
"Really? No divorce or family issue?" You've had to remember his split with his wife, these things are what children tend to remember... right?
"No, my parents love each other to bits, the only time I've seen them fight was over who ate thier ice cream before movie night." You were beyond weirded out by his specific questions, but that morbid curiosity kept you answering them. Maybe it's because you also would've interrogated this thing, had you not been felt like a cornered animal. You were lucky that the night was coming to an end but you needed to figure out what this thing was before you left.
"What even are you?"
"You could say I'm what little remains of the man I used to be." He answered as he looked over his own body in contemplation.
"And who would that be?"
"I was once known as William, William Afton." You felt the way your fists tightened and the sense of terror that struck you. You were now in very real danger. Stuck in a building with a murder. A child murderer.
"Why? Why haven't you killed me yet then?" Possibly the worst thing to ask a six foot animatronic with a serial killer for a resident.
"You remind me of someone, my youngest child, but I'm afraid they were too young at the time." He mused to himself before leaning closer to the window, making eye contact with you. It was chilling, those glossy and clouded silver eyes, eyes of a decaying corpse.
"What utter nonsense, I'd never be related to a monster like you!"
"Is that so? Then have you ever bothered to ask if you're related to your so called parents?"
"Don't you dare bring them into this!" You practically barked out to the now smug animatronic.
"Upset much? Not that it matters, I know my own when I see them. You look so identical from when you did before." He responded almost fondly as his gaze softened for a fraction of a second. As soon as the clock hit six you bolted out of the building and into your car in disbelief.
He had left you with more questions than answers. He was William Afton, the infamous killer and co-creator of the Fazbear company. That and how much he was digging into your own past, like he knew something was off. You didn't want to believe him, that atrocity, but you had decided to confront your parents that night.
You felt as though your world came crashing down. What do you mean you were adopted?!
"Why didn't you tell me this before? Why did you keep this away from me? I'm old enough to know. It wouldn't have changed how I viewed you, but this has to do with my biological family!" You were beyond distressed, you felt mortified by these new findings.
"Trust us we wouldn't have kept this away from you had it not been by his wishes."
"Who's wishes?" Who else's say in the matter could be more important than you knowing the truth.
"Your brothers wishes. Listen, you came from a... complicated background, he wanted to save you from that burden. He requested to have your name changed so that you'd have a better chance at life than him." You could tell by their look in their eyes that it came from a place of sincerity, this wasn't done to cause you any strife.
"Please, I just want to know the truth... How was my life before the adoption? Please." Eventually they sat you down, before explaining to you your foreign past.
They first explained the death of your two middle siblings, Evan and Elizabeth, how your mother had divorced your father. And lastly that your father had died tragically as well. This story wouldn't have been so disturbing had they not explained why this happened. Because you were an Afton, the daughter of William Afton. They tried to explain to you all the sickening details of your past and how eventually it was just Micheal and you. You felt tears in your eyes as your parents comforted you. You couldn't believe you were related to William Afton, and it felt worse knowing that he was still alive in that bunny suit.
You had understood why your past was considered better buried, it was the connections to a tragic family and evidence to the murders. Your parents told you how Micheal had told them everything, it felt like a secret they needed to hide from you to give you the semblance of a normal life. You wondered if Michael was still out there somewhere. Was he alright? You couldn't really bother asking those what if's, especially because you'd have to return to work tomorrow. Back with him.
It was an awkward meeting but he felt delighted to see you again. You talked with him cautiously, I mean he was now a rotting corpse and a killer. You ended up learning that as much as this was your father he had also changed, like his spirit lived on but not who he used to be. He talked about how he lamented not taking care of you, ignoring everything for his ultimate goal and eventually giving into his sinister desire. But in a bittersweet way he way glad you never got involved, unlike Michael, he still remembers how terrified Micheal was of him. You granted him some grace to get to know you, and deep down in his un-beating heart he was greatful, for a part of him still recognized you as his beloved child. He was not only more gentle towards you, but even caring about your life outside of this attraction. You'd end up telling him that it made sense why this attraction was so distant and familiar to you, it used to remind you of the old diner and birthday parties you had seen. Glimpses of your old life.
He found it odd how he cared for you even going as far as holding you close in his embrace. It brought small tears to his eyes when he did, when was the last time he held you or anyone in the past thirty years. He allowed his parental love for you to shine through and you allowed it to reciprocate, when you felt comfortable enough.
One day this little routine of yours changed, you were swapped with another night guard and given the day shift. It was odd, it's not like you saw him as your father, you knew he couldn't be that to you anymore, not after what he did, but still you wanted to know him. Like the small bit of your past you could talk to, the closest thing to your old family. As semi disappointed as you were you continued the week working, hoping to maybe sneak around to talk to springtrap, but to your horror the attraction was burned down. When you had arrived in the morning, there were police and firefighters. The attraction was burned to the ground only ashes and some old structure remained, charred and on the verge of collapse.
You went home with a sense of dread and grief in the pit of your stomach. The man you could've called your father could now be gone forever. You waited restlessly for any news, hoping that he was still alive somehow. You got an email letting you know that you were let off, nothing was salvageable, only small objects and that the original fazbear suit was gone, presumably burnt to nothing. You felt yourself swallow a lump at your throat, it wasn't fair, you had just found out the truth only to have it stripped from you again, your family stripped from you again.
Time would go on until you found another job at Freddy Fazbear's Pizza Place. You were honestly trying to cope with everything, the death of your father, the guilt of what he had done and not being able to find your brother Michael. You were hired as well as another man, he was a bit older than you and looked sickly, but you never commented on it. He would often wear a mask to hide his face, probably to hide whatever condition did that damage to him. You both would scavenge and build up the pizzeria, bringing old animatronics in. The one that caught your eye was a familiar bunny costume, a run down green one you never thought you were going to see again.
When you brought him in at first he wouldn't recognize you. It stung in your heart as he would become another one if the mindless animatronics thirsting for blood and vengeance. You stayed longer after your shift with your coworker, telling him that you just needed a couple of minutes before you left. You'd end up confronting him, or what he calls himself now, Scraptrap. It took some back and forth between you and this version of him.
"You can't just go ahead and ruin their lives, my life, and not possibly remember. Here I thought you actually changed, but you've showed me that the old William Afton didn't give up on his despicable goals!" That voice, he knew it, like a nagging feeling in his gut before he heard that name. William. William Afton. That's who he was. Nobody else knew, unless. He called you out by your name, too apologetically, stunned as he inspected you.
You turned and faced the estranged face of Scraptrap, he looked at you more softly, gently raising his hand before gently cupping your face. How could this be? Could fate really have been this cruel to merge your paths again? You couldn't help the tears, after all he's done he was still your father, and he wasn't dead.
You'd both would spend some time again with each other, making sure your coworker didn't catch the two of you talking. It would've been one really awkward conversation. You lamented Scraptrap, his mind was deteriorating, getting corrupted by his twisted impulses. You feared the little remnant of your father would fade into nothing and you'd be stuck with a deranged killer in his place. Scraptrap could feel that strange sense in his chest again, that desire to protect you, to show you compassion and care. Could he even be capable of that at this point? He felt like he was in too deep to back down now.
It was soon the end of the week, you were so proud of how far you and your coworker were able to get this place up and running. That was until the animatronics, or one of them began to talk, Scrap Baby. She carried an ominous and erie message, almost like the cards were in her favor until the communication cut off and another man began to talk, Henry. He had revealed in the message that Scrap Baby was Elizabeth, you swore you almost entered a breakdown again. Elizabeth? Elizabeth Afton? Your sister?
Both you and your coworker had collected all the possessed animatronics, with Henry wishing to set them free and to end William for once and for all. You could feel the way the building grew more hotter by the second and the escape route was mentioned and you began to panic. You tugged on the sleeve of your coworker, trying to get him to leave with you.
"We need to leave, now! I know this all seems crazy but we can still escape, come on!"
"I'm not going anywhere, I've made my peace with this."
"What are you even talking about?! We need to go now!" You could feel the way the fire was slowly approaching your office, you could hear the terrible noises those creatures made. It was agonizing, especially knowing that Scraptrap was one of them, but you couldn't afford to save him, not when you could barely save yourself.
"I want to stay here and let this whole tragedy end, I'm right where i need to be. There's nothing out there for me."
"You can't just say that!" You could practically taste the smoke, a sheer miracle you haven't started coughing.
"You don't understand! I'm William's son! I'm that monsters family, I've been working to undo the damage he's caused, to right his wrongs. I've been following his trail for all of my life and now... I just want to rest..." He said as he finally drew his face mask off. He looked horrible, his skin an unnatural color, down to his bones.
"Michael?" You felt the smoke begin to prick your eyes, this sudden revelation only adding fuel to your watering eyes. He looked at you in entire disbelief, he had used many different names, leaving this one behind, you couldn't have known.
"How? How do you know my name?" He asked hesitantly, looking you up and down, trying to see if he might recognize you from anywhere. Any hint to know how you knew his name.
"Micheal, I'm your sibling... An Afton." The way his eyes widened and tears began to spill from his eyes made your own cascade down your cheeks.
"No, no, this can't be you're not supposed to be here! You can't be here! You need to leave!" He urged as he looked around in fear, the fire was just outside the doors, illuminating the small room you were in.
"Hey! Wait! You need to get them out please! Show them the way out, please! I'm begging you!" Micheal cried out desperately, hugging you close, as he tried to protect you from the fire himself. There were too many emotions in this hug, from a ruinting hug to a comforting hug. He held you tightly, hand cradling the back of your head protectively. Guess big brother instincts always kick in.
"If you wish to get out... you need to get through the ventilation system, there will be a locked panel at the end of it, use the key in the desk to open it. Hurry, you don't have much time. I'm nearby." Henry's voice came in softly, and Micheal quickly rummage through the desk and handed you the key with shakey hands.
"You heard what he said, now go." He said through his tears, you couldn't help the sob that creeped through your throat.
"No please, Micheal I can't lose you too." He gently held your face in his hands, you could barely make him out through your watering eyes.
"Go now, I'll be okay... you were the only good thing that came out of all of this." He said with a somber smile, before leading you to a nearby vent. The fire had eaten up most of the building stability, you could hear the loud snapping and crashing throughout the building. You said your final goodbye to your brother before beginning to crawl through the tight space. It was too hot in here, the metal had heated up and the air was heavy. You were heaving as you made your way throughout the vents, you were on the verge of a coughing fit, being this high up where all the smoke was.
Your watery sight made it hard to distinguish turns, having to feel the burning metal to know where to go. Soon you were met with a vent that was locked, you could feel the cool night breeze from the outside and you fumbled with the keys and lock. You sighed desperately as you heard the lock click and fall before hastily shoving the damn thing open.
You fell down into some bushes, gasping heavily as clean air filtered through your lungs. Before you could process anything else you felt something pick you up by your arms, guiding you away from the blazing building. Henry walked you carefully until you reached a car and he sat you down inside the passenger seat. He did his best to comfort you through all of this, as you practically sobbed into his shoulder.
After a while sirens could be heard and as police arrived on the scene Henry began to talk to them. You were talked to by the police, looked at by paramedics and interviewed by a local news channel. It was obvious Henry was here only to put up a front that this was an accident and not planned. After a long while the police and emergency crew let you off by Henrys request. Now you were in your apartment looking at the interview that they did with Henry.
"This accident is an unfortunate one, everything in that building was reduced to nothing. I'm happy to say that one of our employees made it out safely and no other critical damage were sustained. Unfortunately, one employee remained stuck in that building. We have suffered a tragic loss at Fazbear Entertainment..." You watched apathetically having already been through your breakdown with Henry. You swore you told him everything yet it wouldn't be enough to calm that guilt and restlessness in your heart. He hopped that with everything gone, you'd eventually find peace and that the past could finally be put to rest.
It had been years, you just about made peace with what had happened. Yet like you always do, you always found yourself looking for things of the past. "Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex", your new job. You had worked here for a little over a year, having seen the development of animatronics. You were a security guard, you were quickly introduced to the animatronics, getting to know them. Their ai was convincing, they almost perfectly simulated being alive. This was a much better alternative than the horrible option of possession from the past.
You used to work the night shift, until she got more involved... Vanessa. She was the reason you were swapped from the night shift to the day shift. There were a handful of sketchy findings during the night shift and she had managed to pin the blame on you. Luckily you had the animatronics and fellow staff vouch for you, so instead your shift changed. Better than getting entirely fired, but your boss wanted to revoke your security acess. You had aready gotten a bad feeling about this place. The disapearances and strict security, you had managed to climb your way to the highest security access and you weren't about to let it go to waste. So instead of handing it over you made up an excuse, wether it was that you had accedienly left the card in your uniform as it was washing or having simply lost it, they seemed to have believed it, not prying anymore.
It was helpful to have it at hand, usually if you accidentally left something at work, you could always come back during the night shift to collect it. Vanessa hasn't caught you once, and the animatronics don't seem to question your access or the fact that you're there. You were grateful, until one night you had forgotten your storage keys while on your day shift. You had recently moved from your old apartment to your first house, had you been working the night shift you could easily get work out of the way while also having all day to unpacking. But seeing that this isn't how life was for you, you lost track of those keys to a rented storage unit. You had dressed up in you uniform before taking your security pass and shoving it into your pocket.
You slowly parked your car in the vacant parking lot of the Pizzaplex, god, it was so dark and eerie. The front doors had already been closed for a while, luckily there was always staff entries. You thank the heavens that they didn't confiscate your pass as the locked door unlocked with an audible click before you made your way inside the building. You could take a guess why Vanessa hasn't caught you, first off this place was huge, but you wondered if any staff actually looked over the security footage. You also had quite footsteps, years of experience from moving around your family home at night. What could you say, you needed those midnight snacks. It took a while before you had arrived at your office, sighing in relief as you aquired your keys, that was until you heard a noise approaching the office. You guessed it to be Moon, he'd always got a kick out of scaring you whenever you came in, even before the dayshift change.
"Okay okay, look I heard you from a mile away. So why don't you put your hands in the air mister?" You called out into the hallway seeing a figure... but that didn't look like moon. And correct you were, it was Roxy, but she was torn down. You were in such a state of shock as you saw her, that you almost didn't duck out of the way as she dashed at you. She sounded furious as she chased you, until you were able to baricade one of the doors. Taking in desperate breaths as you jogged away from the door, the sounds of her banging and crying muffleing with the noises of the Pizzaplex. The animatronics weren't supposed to be roaming around at all. What the hell was actually going on tonight?
This is how you'd spend the night, ducking away from the animatronics as you ran into them. They kept calling out for a kid, was there a boy stuck here? You had to get out, but more than anything, you wanted to figure out what was exactly going on. That was until you heard quick footsteps approach you, heavy ones. As you turned to look at the incoming animatronic, you gasped as Freddy came to a hault in front of you. He didn't look any better but he wasn't acting strange like the others.
"Officer! I didn't think I'd run into you tonight!"
"God! You scared me! And trust me when i say this wasn't planned at all. Anyway, can you mind explaining what the hell is going on? No ones supposed to be out of thier rooms, and whats all this I'm hearing about some kid?" You aksed as you looked up at the animatronic, hands on your hips as if you were interrogating a child.
"Officer, I'd love to tell you but... you're not working with Vanessa, are you?" He ased almost nervously before you heard what you believed was tapping in his chest. You brushed it off as something broken or any other logical explanation.
"No Freddy, I'm not. I don't like her, not since she got me booted off of the night shift, that and I'm not exactly supposed to be here either."
He seemed to be relaxed by your words before he had a sense of urgency. "Come with me to parts and service and I'll explain everything", he spoke as he already began to walk away, before starting to run.
You quickly followed after, making your way with him to the stage before descending to part's and service. As you both arrived there you looked over at him while catching your breath.
"So, why did we need to come down here for?"
"Just promise me you won't freak out..." You only blinked up at him before nodding hesitantly before his chest cavity opened, AND WAS THAT A CHILD IN THERE?! You've seen Freddy fit all kinds of cakes in there, but not a full kid. It took some coaching from Freddy for the kid to talk.
"Gregory, it's alright. You can trust this guard, I've known them for quiet some time. They'll help us!"
The kid introduced himself as Gregory, before he explained his situation and everything that's been happening throughout the night. How he was evading Vanessa and some strange white rabbit lady, that and that he's been upgrading Freddy. Oh, that explains the state of the others... and Freddy's purple hands....
You'd end up tagging along with the both of them until finally 6AM. God you were ready to just run out and get Gregory as far as you could from this place until he realized, Freddy couldn't come with. So you both stayed inside the Pizzaplex, trying to solve any other hidden mystery hidden in this place. After giving Freddy his final upgrade and much exploring you were all able to find an old elevator, with only one trip left in it. As you all descended, deeper down, with the music distorting, you couldn't help but feel that similar sense of dread building at the pit of your stomach.
You weren't sure what you'd run into while down there, but you most certainly didn't expect a wastland of inferstucture. As you and Gregory worked around trashed endos, you were finally able to get the generators up and running again, making your way over to what seemed to be a room with tables and a stage. Like a private showroom of shorts. Not only that but there was a gaping whole in the floor, that led to god knows where. Soon Gregory hopped inside of Freddy, a sight you were sure you'd never get used to, and began climbing your way down into this unknown. Freddy soon recalled that this place was familar to him, that she had brought him here, Vanessa. The more you heard of her, the more she left a horrible taste in your mouth.
The worst part was yet to come, you swore you could hear gushes of wind, but as you made your way down to the bottom, it wasn't just a broken vent. It was breathing. Large and monstrous inhales and exhales. Almost like a low rumble, on the verge of a growl. Like that thing was dormant. You weren't even sure what you were looking up at, it was nothing short of an atrocity. A mess of metal and wires, with the occasional Freddy Mask littered over its meshed body. And whatever Freddy was saying was definitely not helping. Soon the wooden planks underneath you began to tremble and crack, giving in to the additional weight as you all tumbled down into a different floor. As you got up from your rough landing, your ears ringing from the sudden noise and adrenaline, you shook yourself up and looked around... Another security office?
As you all apprached the desk, you say something moving throgh the cameras. Something getting out of a recharge station. As you took in its withered shape and remaining organs you gasped in horror at the sight before you. No, it couldn't be... He couldn't have survived. But he did, and the proof of that was his jagged movements on the cameras. William Afton had lived. You weren't wrong with your initial guess of his ever deteriorating mind, slowly slipping into madness. You could barely even recognize him as springtrap, less your father. No, this thing that stood before you wasn't your father, it was the furthest thing from him.
As you were frozen in place, just watching that thing move, Gregory made quick work of the other animatronics, shutting the doors on them or hiding from them. You noticed how Burntrap was rummaging through different rooms and different buttons were near their respective cameras. You preseed the button, and flames soon enveloped the room. You swore it was just out of curiosity the first time, but now you knew what you needed to do. You kept at it for as long as you could, that horrible creature from before slowly making its way into the room. Eventually the fires that were set off didn't go out, instead setting the Pizzaplex on fire. As Freddy and Gregory began to dash out of the Pizzaplex you couldn't help but look back one last time, seeing Burntrap reach out uselessly before getting taken away by that thing.
You could strangely still pitty him, before you turned on your heel and began to catch up to Freddy and Gregory, escaping the collapsing Pizzaplex. You had all made it out safely, albeit dirty. You managed to fit them both in your car, before speeding away from the location. The sky was slowly illuminating, signs that it was clearly morning.
"Hey... is it okay if we can stop to watch the sunrise?" Gregory asked after much of the drive being in silence. You looked over at him, after all you've been through, this was all he wanted? It was simple but endearing, you nodded before driving off to a park, it was huge, so there would be no problem bringing Freddy out woth you. Speaking of Freddy, he was beyond excited to see the world outside the Pizzaplex.
After a while of walking your little group made it to a hill with a single tree. You didn't realize how tired you were until you finally sat down on the grass. You heaved out a tried sigh, letting your hands feel the dewy grass. You looked over next to you, seeing Freddy and Gregory talking happily before they both quickly hushed as the first beams of the sun began to rise from the horizon.
It was breathtaking. It truly had been to long since you've appreciated such a small yet meaningful thing in your life. You finally allowed your mind to process what had happened, and you began to cry... had it been out of relief, happiness or grief was a mystery to you, but you felt odly at peace... maybe this could all finally be put to rest. Maybe this would be the end. You knew you'd still have to take care of Gregory and Freddy, that and look for a new job, but it all felt like it would be alright in the end.
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veryverysleepdeprived · 11 months
“One Final Goodbye”
Part 1 || Part 2
Pairing - Sun X SecurityGuard!Reader
This oneshot is finally based off vanilla FNaF, no fancy AUs this time. I’ve had this idea in my head for a good while now, and I’m finally putting it into writing with a 2 part oneshot!
I tried super hard to make this story make sense and fit into the FNaF Security Breach timeline, with it happening somewhere around Gregory’s visit and before Cassie. Also, since the canon ending is still being debated, I’m sticking with it being the Burntrap ending since it fits with the oneshot better.
Art below is made by @bamsara, they make super simp-worthy art. I quite like their moon stuff, super adorable. (Also they make really funny shitposts)
I’m leaving a cut here because although there’s no sensitive content here, it’s still pretty long.
As always, enjoy and please leave requests for me!
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Art from this post : https://www.tumblr.com/bamsara/689589092337483776/blush-doodles-from-stream-we-were-talking
“Rulebreaker! Rulebreaker! You are banned from the Daycare!”
You heard the loud commotion what in the world was happening out there? Peaking out from the balcony, you saw Sun carrying a child out of the Daycare.
“Security alert, security alert! Woo! Wooo!”
You flinched slightly at the sudden slam of the Daycare’s doors. Sun was rather far away, but you could make out him sighing, and him reattaching his cable before gliding back towards the balcony.
Sun gently landed on the balcony, disconnecting his cable and giving it a tug to signal it to zip back up to the roof.
“What was that all about?”
“I’m sorry sunshine, but some kid appeared and caused so much trouble, I had to deal with him!”
“I saw the lights turn off, did you…?”
“Yes, Moon” he sighed, “luckily, he targeted him and not you.”
Sun sighed, grabbing a pillow off the ground and hugging it. He found you asleep at the security desk after closing, and once he discovered the sudden violence going on, he brought you up to his room to hide until opening hours. However, the recent event has made it questionable how safe this hiding spot really is.
“Anything you need, sunshine?”
“Nothing, it’s fine.”
Sun tilted his head slightly, clearly using his built-in mood scanner to examine you. After a while of awkward silence, he spoke up.
“Is something bothering you?”
“It’s just…”
“You can speak, sunshine. No one’s here to hurt you.”
“What if the lights go out again? There was that kid to distract Moon this time, but what if there’s a blackout? Who will be there to protect me from him?”
Sun's heart ached at the thought, his mood turning somber. He could clearly see how afraid you were, practically shrinking into the corner of the room.
“So… what can I do to help, sunshine?”
“I’m not sure.”
Sun thought for a moment, for any possible way to get you out of your current predicament.
“How about we use the fire exit?”
“Not a chance, that thing is locked behind a VIP pass, remember?”
“So, why don’t we get a VIP pass? As long as the lights are on, I can bring you around. There’s an upgrade machine in Customer Service, we can get one.”
You seriously considered the idea, although it was ridiculously dangerous, it could get you out of your situation.
“So, what do you say sunshine?”
“Sun, please be careful…”
“Don’t worry sunshine! This cable can hold more than 400 pounds of weight, more than enough for both of us!”
You held on to Sun for dear life as he carried you bridal-style while gliding around 20 feet in the air. It was a good method to get around the Pizzaplex without incurring the wrath of the fellow animatronics, sure, but it sure didn’t help with your fear of heights.
“Look, we’re almost there! Hang in there sunshine!”
Sun gracefully glided through the air, landing gently next to the front doors of Customer Service. He placed you down carefully before immediately shoving you behind a pillar.
“What was that for?!”
“I’m sorry sunshine, but I need you to hide!”
“Sun, who were you talking to?”
Oh, Vanessa. Right.
“No one! I was just having a nice conversation with Moon!”
“Uh-huh, and why are you outside the Daycare?”
“Well friend, I wanted to… check on the upgrade machine! If it breaks, no one will be able to get a Daycare pass tomorrow after all!”
“Well, you’re in luck. Some bratty kid broke it with a Mr. Hippo magnet, so it won’t dispense anything but Daycare passes.”
“O-oh… so it won’t dispense, let’s say, VIP passes?”
“No, luckily I had it sent to Parts and Service to get it fixed tomorrow.”
“O-oh. Is there any other upgrade machine nearby?”
“Oh, yeah. I told a staff bot to grab a spare from the security office. It was too heavy for them though, so I left it at the Prize Counter until I could get Monty, but I can’t find him anywhere.”
“So, you’re saying that there’s an upgrade machine at the Prize Counter?”
“Yes, why?”
“Oh nothing at all friend, I better get going now!”
Sun hurriedly pushed Vanessa aside until she was out of view, and then scooped you up quicker than light.
“Great. Now we’ve got to go even further for that pass.”
“Not at all, sunshine! The Prize Counter is actually nearer to the fire exit! You can grab your pass and get out faster!”
“Huh. I guess you’re right.”
To be continued…
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faegramme · 2 years
𝔐𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔩𝔦𝔰𝔱 <𝟛 (updated 8/10/22)
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𝔴𝔦𝔩𝔩𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔱𝔬 𝔴𝔯𝔦𝔱𝔢:
- smut - x reader, some character x character - death/major character death - angst - fluff - specific headcanons - prompts of characters OR [reader] with specific features/personalities etc. (for example; a plus sized reader with a love interest character of your choosing, writing a main character as transgender, etc.) - SOME longer story ideas - yandere/dead dove/darker prompts - age-gaps (LEGAL ONES) - multiple love interests - gendered reader (usually i write an androgynous reader, but if you're looking for anything specific i don't mind delivering on that one ^^)
𝔲𝔫𝔴𝔦𝔩𝔩𝔦𝔫𝔤 𝔱𝔬 𝔴𝔯𝔦𝔱𝔢:
- underage smut - incest of any kind - heavy, heavy gore - zoophilia - fetishization - physically abusive romantic relationships (meaning i won't write an entire one-shot of someone b34t1ng you to d34th)
𝔲𝔭𝔬𝔫 𝔯𝔢𝔮𝔲𝔢𝔰𝔱𝔦𝔫𝔤…
please specify a detailed prompt, which fandom, which character(s), details of [reader] if needed, what topics, and any other detail i might need to know for your prompt. i will always try my best to have them pumped out fast, but i both work and have school, and lack of detail may hinder the timing of your request! if i am not provided enough detail, i may abandon the request unless i ask for follow up. i also reserve the right to refuse anything i am not comfortable with. please do not spam my inbox with your request, if it isn't eventually uploaded, it's possible that i wasn't comfy with that particular request. please always feel free to revise and resend or submit a new prompt, no judgement here whatsoever.
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꧁༒☬𝔧𝔬𝔧𝔬'𝔰 𝔟𝔦𝔷𝔞𝔯𝔯𝔢 𝔞𝔡𝔳𝔢𝔫𝔱𝔲𝔯𝔢 ☬༒꧂
phantom blood: - johnathan joestar - dio brando (more upon request...)
battle tendency: - joseph joestar - caesar zeppeli - kars (more upon request...)
stardust crusaders: - jotaro kujo - oldseph joestar ᴍɪꜱᴄᴇʟʟᴀɴᴇᴏᴜꜱ ʀᴇQᴜᴇꜱᴛꜱ: ~ one ʜᴇᴀᴅᴄᴀɴᴏɴꜱ ᴏɴᴇ-ꜱʜᴏᴛꜱ
- noriaki kakyoin - jean pierre polnareff - muhammad avdol - 3io brando (more upon request...)
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꧁༒☬𝔞𝔯𝔠𝔞𝔫𝔢 ☬༒꧂
vi jinx caitlyn kiramman jayce talis vikor mel medarda silco vander sevika ekko
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꧁༒☬𝔯𝔢𝔡 𝔡𝔢𝔞𝔡 𝔯𝔢𝔡𝔢𝔪𝔭𝔱𝔦𝔬𝔫 𝟚 ☬༒꧂
arthur morgan john marston charles smith javier escuella sean macguire (more upon request...)
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꧁༒☬𝔰𝓀𝔶𝔯𝔦𝔪 ☬༒꧂
!all characters requested must derive from a faction or hold significant story value! validating factions include: - companions - dark brotherhood - imperial legion - stormcloaks - thieves guild - dawnguard not a faction, but characters with defining personalities and story value in the dragonborn DLC also validate to be requested.
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꧁༒☬𝔯𝔢𝔰𝔦𝔡𝔢𝔫𝔱 𝔢𝔳𝔦𝔩 𝔳𝔦𝔩𝔩𝔞𝔤𝔢 ☬༒꧂
- ethan winters - lady dimitrescu - karl heisenberg - donna beneviento - mother miranda
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꧁༒☬𝔰𝔞𝔩𝔩𝔶 𝔣𝔞𝔠𝔢 ☬༒꧂
- sal fisher - larry johnson - todd morrison - ashley campbell - travis phelps - maple cohen - chug cohen - robert silva
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꧁༒☬𝔯𝔦𝔠𝓀 𝔞𝔫𝔡 𝔪𝔬𝔯𝔱𝔶 ☬༒꧂
- rick sanchez - bird person (more upon request...)
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꧁༒☬𝔣𝔦𝔳𝔢 𝔫𝔦𝔤𝔥𝔱𝔰 𝔞𝔱 𝔣𝔯𝔢𝔡𝔡𝔶'𝔰 ☬༒꧂
any animatronic from the previous games can be done, just outline what type of plot and/or personality you'd like me to execute, or i can write them based off of my own headcanons ^^ - glamrock freddy - glamrock chica - montgomery gator - roxanne wolf - vanny - vanessa - sun and/or moon - any variation of william afton, dave miller (pre-springlock failure, springtrap, glitchtrap, burntrap, etc.) - any variation of michael afton (OF AGE, security guard mike, post-scoop michael, scooped micahel, etc.)
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꧁༒☬𝔱𝔥𝔢 𝔞𝔯𝔠𝔞𝔫𝔞 ☬༒꧂
- asra alnazar - julian devorak - nadia satrinava - portia devorak - count lucio - muriel (more upon request...)
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꧁༒☬𝔣𝔞𝔩𝔩𝔬𝔲𝔱 𝟜 ☬༒꧂
!all characters requested must be a valid romanceable character, or hold significant story value! validating characters include: - nick valentine - preston garvey - john hancock - cait - piper wright - maccready - curie - paladin danse - deacon (more upon request...)
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cubicle-eyes · 2 years
Hi! I'm Skylar, an apiring writer on this multifandom blog! I am genderfluid, but if you would like to use pronouns, he/him or it/its would be perfect, thank you.
Lets get into it!
I don't write fem!reader unless it is for a lesbian or a bi female. Otherwise everything else is Male. (i.e, robin buckley)
I write:
f character x f reader
f character x m reader (on occasion)
m character x m reader
gn/nonbinary character x gn/nonbinary reader
I suppose requests or chats are open! Feel free to request characters, or give me gentle constructive critisism. Im trying 🤧🤧
Who I Write for:
Steve Harrington
Billy Hargrove
Eddie Munson
Dustin Henderson
Mike Wheeler
Nancy Wheeler
Will Byers
Jonathan Byers
Jane/Eleven Hopper
Max Mayfeild
Robin Buckley (f.reader)
Fred Benson
Barb Holland
Chrissy Cunningham
001/Peter Ballard/Henry/Vecna (Not monster form)
Helluva Boss
literally everyone ❤️
I think everyone but mostly the DCAs
(except like burntrap, vanny/vanessa)
Luz Noceda (platonic)
Camila Noceda (PLATONIC)
Eda Clawthorne
Lilith Clawthorne (Platonic)
Darius Deamonne
Raine Whispers
Adrian Gray
Emperor Belos (/srs)
Phillip Wittebane (i know theyre the same but he just looks twinky)
Amity Blight (platonic)
Edric Blight
Emira Blight
Willow Park
Gus Porter
Hunter/Golden Guard (rip Flapjack)
The Collector (only w/ god+child reader. YOUNG LOVE DO NIT SEXUALIZE THIS!)
Masha (we stan them)
and probably others just ask lol
My little rules:
I don't write full-fleged smut, but will right suggestive and/or spicy content. It makes me a little uncomfy, heh.
Nothing TOO spicy with underage characters. Please. I beg of you. Some light making out is okay but no like,,, yeah.
More is to come as I figure out what I will and won't right!
DNI list pending, but the obvious is p^deos, anyone who supports non-con/r@pe/relationship abuse, and anyone who uses the " x male reader " tag in xfemreader content. Burn.
(The optional Bio)
Favorite Color: Black and Blues
Favorite Songs: Anything ACDC or Mindless Self Indulgence
Huge Thanks to the xmale readers of tumblr. Sometimes they just dont get enough content.
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slashersimpwrites · 2 years
𝙨𝙚𝙘𝙪𝙧𝙞𝙩𝙮 𝙗𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙘𝙝 𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙖𝙘𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙨 // 𝙝𝙪𝙢𝙖𝙣 𝙖𝙪 𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙘𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙤𝙣𝙨
human!security breach cast x gn!reader
headcannons for the looks and jobs of them + headcannons for how they would be in a relationship!
tw: swearing, slight nsfw mentioned with burntrap and bonnie
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/ glamrock freddy /
would definitely have a dad bod, with quite a bit of muscle hidden underneath
100% a poc, you cannot argue with me on this
honestly, he would dress however he wanted, he does not lock himself down to one certain style
tends to dress just slightly more masculine than feminine though
likes to wear face paint, or at the very least, eyeliner
dyes his hair often and it is very fluffy
the softest and kindest brown eyes ever, he does always look tired though
the prime example of a smart dumbass
founder and creator of his band, the glamrocks
constantly makes dad jokes
one of the sweetest people to exist
freddy with a s/o;
a gentle lover hands down
gives THE best hugs
LOVES to cuddle with his lover, does not care whether he is the little or big spoon
treats you like royalty: always checking on you, pampering you, making sure you know that he loves you
probably one of the healthiest relationships out of this list, along with sun
is also your best friend, that's just how great of a person he is
tries his hardest to make you laugh, especially when you are feeling down. he doesn't like seeing you sad :(
will drop anything and everything when you need him
does not get jealous of you when you hang out with other people, he knows you love him
would be the type of person to drive across the country just to give you a lil kiss kiss
all around, he is the sweetest person and would give you the world <3
/ glamrock bonnie /
i like the theory of bonnie being the aggressive one towards monty and that's why he got decommissioned, or just something along those lines
this kinda creates the basis for my personality for him
i see him as being one of the more aggressive ones out of them all
like he would take it upon himself to personally fight or call out anyone who was being an asshole at their shows
'oh you wanna put your hands where they shouldn't be? well get up here buddy and i'll show what i do to people like that.' stuff like that, y'aknow?
he was the bassist for the glamrocks until he left cause it didn't feel quite right and he wanted to go off and find himself
probably has super fluffy hair dyed purple
wears makeup, is not afraid to be in touch with his feminine side
dresses very punk, but like, bright colour/neon punk
bonnie with a s/o;
he can be a bit possessive, but it's not to a scary extent
like he'll let someone know your his if he notices them flirting with you (whether or not you look comfortable) through hands on you, a deathly stare, stuff like that
likes to go off and just do random things with you, like exploring and abandoned place, learning a random new thing, etc
he's an adrenaline junky
he is a bit more kinky than the others, mans has a big breeding kink no matter what's in your pants (he's a rabbit what do you expect)
he does try his best to take good care of you though, dw
he tries his best not to lash out and hurt you, and if he does, he will be apologizing for days and doing literally everything in his power to make it up to you
loves when you play with his hair, and loves playing with your hair
/ glamrock foxy /
drag queen? drag queen
used to do shows at harmonizing paradise's little drag area attached to the nightclub until they shut it down
now he's a backup keyboardist for the glamrocks
wasn't enough people there to cover the costs and bla bla bla
i see him as being quite a bit like julian from the arcana, with like the eyepatch and the fluffy slightly long red hair
though i see him as having more orange hair with blue streaks in it
he likes to dress a little bit on the 'elegantly medieval' side
has a pirate hyperfixation
cannot stress this ebough, THE KING OF DUMBASSERY
foxy with a s/o;
can be a little possessive like bonnie, but is more obsessive than anything
not yandere level though, dw
you'll be acting as an authority figure in this relationship, this man is a fckn mess, like i said, king of dumbassery
a very "messy" lover
like, he don't clean that much, showers just enough, very forgetful, etc
it's cute though, so you don't mind
completely melts around you, no doubt about it
likes quality time more than anything, he's fine with whatever, as long as he's with you
though he adores cuddling sessions
and likes movie dates at home where you kake fun if the characters
he's just a sweet chaotic boi
/ montgomery gator /
monty is 1000% a poc and i take no criticism, he is the king of rock and roll and black people invented it, so it's only fitting
he would have a floridian accent, or at the very least, a southern one
he would obviously have the iconic mohawk, but he would have amber eyes
he would dress pretty alternative
he would wear his iconic glasses, purple fingerless gloves, purple combat boots, and all his spiked jewelry
would have his fingernails painted black, they would have some chips
he would probably wear motorcycle pants, tripp pants, or a mixture of both with tank tops and cropped jackets
though we all know this man would try to be shirtless as much as possible
lots of freckles + faint scars
he would be the bassist for the glamrocks, but he became a new addition since bonnie left to find himself
he fit in very quickly though, some people grew to love him and some were resentful
definitely the most flirtatious and open of all them tho
monty with a s/o:
he was the one to come up to you and make the first move, we all know he wouldn't be the type of person to "keep it in his pants"
would prefer to take you on more simple dates like concerts, movies, amusement parks, etc. though, every so often he'll plan a weekend-long outing for you guys
he's tries his best to act all tough and bad-boy-ish around you, but a simple lil kiss on makes him melt
please give him forehead kisses!! he loves them!!
will not admit it, but he loves being the little spoon
this man just wants someone to love him and tell him he's perfect and more than a replacement :(
more than anything his love language would probably be words of affirmation, so be ready to get told how perfect you are <3
he would also definitely want to show you off because he's so proud of you and you mean so much to him <3
/ dj music man /
i also see djmm being poc, got no reason for this one other than vibes
he would wear sunglasses 24/7, but underneath probably has really pretty brown eyes
pretty flamboyant and likes to wear bright striking makeup and bright clothing
basically fits in with the rave scene real easily
wears very bright and very shiny clothing while working, probably an obnoxiously shiny suit (minus the jacket)
off of work he wears more comfortable stuff like a simple tank top or hoodie with some tattered jeans
would definitely have some facial piercings, probably a tattoo or a few hidden somewhere
despite his flamboyant dj persona, he's a pretty quiet person, preferring to drown the world out with music
main headlining dj for the harmonizing paradise nightclub (which just happens to be the main hangout spot for the glamrocks)
was one of the founders of said nightclub
djmm with a s/o:
alright, first thing's first: this man would be incredibly difficult to bag
i see him as being someone who is oblivious to romantic advances, so at first he just thinks you're being nice to be friends with him, but realizes when you just outright tell him you think he's hot
very wary in the beginning, worrying about if he'd just end up hurting you, but after telling him a few times about how much you trust and cherish him, he'll become more confident
his love language would be acts of service or gift giving, so expect errands to be randomly done, little gifts left for you, songs written for you, etc
he just wants you to know that he loves you, even if he can't be there all the time
expect lots nd lots of cuddles when he gets home from work, he really misses you and loves being in your presence
adores being the little spoon
will give you hugs nd kisses in public, he's not ashamed to let people know how much he loves you <3
/ sundrop /
this man would literally be the sweetest fucking person ever, you would get a toothache just from being in his presence
he would have short & messy natural blonde hair, maybe with a little bit of orange from sun exposure
he would have sun-kissed skin with a few faint freckles and very pale blue eyes that would look white from far away
he would probably have some acne scarring along his forehead and chin
he has the brightest smile, literally radiates sunshine
would prefer to wear softer and brighter colours
his clothing style would fall under yellow academia x softcore
would wear a few rings, no necklaces, and bracelets from the kids
would work in a daycare with moon, like they would work in the same room together
the two are definitely besties
the kids probably prefer sunny over moon and he feels bad about it, moon deserves love too!
was nicknamed 'mr. sunshine' by the children because of how bright his personality and clothing are
sunny with a s/o:
he would be such a sweet and caring partner
would always be checking up on you, either in person or over text, to make sure you're okay
sometimes it can be suffocating, but you know he means well <3
his love language would be physical touch, so expect lots nd lots of cuddling, hand holding, etc
would be very awkward in public and only exhibit a little pda; soft touches here, hand holding there, sitting close to you, etc
was definitely the one to make the first move, this man has a hard time holding things in (though you almost did it first)
his favourite things to do with you are watching movies, crafts, and exploring
he is definitely a chaotic dumbass please watch him
/ moondrop /
i feel like moon would also have skin like sunny, cause of the mask and how white the real moon is
he tends to look stern more often than not, but it's not cause he's mad! he just has a resting mad face :(
^ it's part of the reason the children are more scared of him than they are of sun
he would have heterochromia, his left eye being brown and his right eye being blue
like sun, he also has a bit of acne scarring around the edges of his face
he would keep his hair a little long, sharp, and styled. this plus his pretty pale complexion would kind make him look like a vampire :>
he is a very neat and tidy person
he would wear comfier clothing than sun, but it somehow ends up looking more formal
he'd do the whole sweater/sweater vest over button-up thing with some jeans and dress shoes
would wear tons of accessories, necklaces? yes. rings? yes. bracelets? absolutely!
he seems like someone that would need glasses idk
he works in the daycare with sun
the children nicknamed him 'mr. moonrise' cause he's the one in charge of nap time
moon with a s/o;
he would be a quiet but passionate lover
he wouldn't like pda, especially in front of the children, but he would be all over you when you guys were alone
he loves telling you how great you are and how much you light up his world
he kind of has ups and downs when it comes to his passion though, sometimes he's cold and distant at home too
it would just be because he's overwhelmed though, and he wouldn't want to get triggered by something small and lash out at you
be sure to stay away for the time being and just vibe with him, maybe read to him. he'll calm down within no time <3
in the case you do get on his nerves during this time, he van become a bit obsessive and possessive
he would be one to worry over your sleep, making sure you go to bed at a reasonable time, getting enough sleep, not sleeping in a way that is harmful to you, etc
speaking of which! if you ever show signs of insomnia or sleep apnea he will do as much as he can to help you! he would love to read you some stories and sing you some lullabies <3
please give him jawline kisses!!
/ burntrap /
this man is the coldest mother fucker to ever exist
now don't get me wrong, i am extremely down bad for him, but he can be a real asshole sometimes
he loves causing chaos, especially if it involves pranking his s/o or turning the glamrocks against eachother
in this au he is in his mid-late 30s, he is not a peepaw here
he would have lots nd lots of scars all over his body
shaggy and very messy dirty blond hair
white eyes that seem to have a purple hue in the sunlight
probably one of those bitches who wears the same thing every day. is it clean? does he only own the one outfit? when did he last shower? who knows.
probably wears a casually formal style -> loose button-ups, heavy boots, patterned trousers with some tattering, loose ties, loose vests, a few rings
works as security personnel for the glamrocks; sometimes they hate him, but he is the best they've had and keeps them quite safe
very reserved about his personal life
obviously has the iconic william accent, a little more gravelly though
burntrap with a s/o;
loves loves loves pranking you
his relationship with you would be much more sexual in nature than it would be with any of the other guys
gets very jealous when other guys, and sometimes even girls, look at you
makes sure to let everyone know you guys are together, be it a display on your neck, jewlery, or just him always being at his side
will sometimes sneak you in to shows to either have fun, or so you can see the glamrocks for free (score!)
can be very sweet at times of course, but it's only ever when you are alone with him, he has a façade to keep up
loves holding you and hugging you from behind
adores when you give his scars light kisses
overall, he can be a gentle lover, but he would rather have people not know that
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madamewickedfiction · 2 years
Is it alright if I request if you have any cute or fluffy headcanons for Sundrop and Moondrop?
Horray! Thank you, Anon, for my first request for the lineup of Security Breach fics. This was actually something I've always wanted to write since Sun/Moon are the cutest characters in the game! So, without further ado, these are some of my personal fluffy headcanons with our favorite daycare attendants!
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Character(s): Sundrop, Moondrop, Reader
Y/N: Gender Neutral
Genre: Fluffy
Warnings: Small Mentions of Minor Injury
How the two robotic caretakers came into your life was quite the story. It happened during a family birthday trip to Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex. You were the oldest of two other siblings, a middle brother and a baby sister. Since your sister was far too young to play arcade cabinets, laser tag, or drive a go-cart, they had to drop her off in the Daycare so she wouldn't be left out.
When it was time to leave, your folks instructed you to head back to pick her up while they pulled their car to the front of the building. However, once you were inside, she wasn't anywhere to be found. After searching everywhere for her, you eventually found her at the Daycare's first aid station, where the Sun animatronic was attending to her scuffed knee after tripping over one of the wires from the generators (seriously, they need to fix that before a lawsuit happens).
After cleaning it with a warm towel, he stuck a Freddy Fazbear™ themed bandaid on it before pressing his faceplate to give a kiss to her poor booboo. You didn't know why, but it strangely warmed your heart to see the robotic sun character tend to your sister's injuries, like a parent. Sure, it was his job to look after young children, but seeing him cheer her up after taking a hard fall was moving, even for an AI.
A friendly greeting soon turned into more visits at the Pizzaplex, and the two of you got closer and closer each stay. Soon, a few months later, Sun was happy to call you his beloved ray of sunshine, and the two of you became a couple! There were definitely some cheesy yet adorable moments that came about as the two of you dated.
On days you went to the Pizzaplex, you brought your sister along so that you and Sun could keep her company while you spent time together. She looked forward to seeing Sun just as her big sibling did.ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
Sun always looked forwards to your visits! Sometimes he'd look at the clock several times to check just how long until you would get here, just the thought of you coming made him all warm and fuzzy inside!ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
With how slender his arms are, he would greet you with the biggest hug, snuggling you into his chest before pressing his faceplate to your cheek with a "mwah!" to kiss you! Oh! And he'd be sure to greet your little sis with a friendly hello too!ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
The two of you would often spend the day looking after your little sister and the rest of the rambunctious kids in the daycare, and you would join in on the various activities that took place each hour while enjoying each other's presence.ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
One day, while doing arts and crafts, Sun took the time to make you a very special gift. He would make you a ribbon bracelet in your favorite color with bells attached like his. He even wrote, "to my one and only sunshine, (Y/N)" on the back of it with extra sparkly glitter glue.ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
When he presented it to you, he even said something along the lines of "the bells sound so sweet, but not as sweet as the chimes of your voice." You swear you had to hide all the red on your face because you worried Sun would think you were running a fever.ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
Being around Sun always made you enjoy feeling like a kid again! From sliding down the slides with your sister in your lap several times to having a playful fight of tossing the colorful balls at each other in the ball pit.ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
Of course, all this playing would make you and the kids exhausted. So when snack time rolled around, Sun made sure to figure out your favorite snack and the flavor of Fizzy Faz from the Fazbear vendor bars and save them just for you. He even sits next to you with his head resting on your shoulder; how sweet!ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
When it was time to clean up after each activity, you helped with instructing the kids on how to clean, helping them put things back where they belong, and making sure everything was neat and tidy (and to make sure Sun's OCD wouldn't kick in, the poor thing stresses way too much!)ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
When everything was tidied up for the day, he sometimes awarded each of the kids with Sunnydrop candies. He gives one to your little sister and one to you (or two if he's feeling extra special) as a thank you for everything you do to help him with the Daycare.
Needless to say, your relationship with Sundrop was nothing but fun and enjoyment. However, there was still something that did seem... off about your visits with him. You began to notice that before a specific time, he would try to usher you from the Daycare for a short time until he lets you back in.
At first, it didn't seem like a big deal, but it began to happen more and more in your relationship, more than you'd like. After pushing it off for long enough, you tried to talk to him as to why he would have you leave. Knowing that he could hide it for much longer, it was when you discovered the animatronic's other half, Moondrop.
Moon was drastically different from the bubbly, energetic, and outgoing caretaker you knew; he was more secretive, defensive, and always kept to himself. Sun feared that if you ever met him, you wouldn't love him anymore! The poor thing was scared that you would be scared of him. But after communicating with him, his nerves were more at ease, and he trusted that you wouldn't freak out. It was about to be naptime in the Daycare, so Sun would soon say goodnight.
As expected, Moondrop was hesitant to approach you the first time he came out. He has never become attached to people, even if Sun knew them well enough. It took several days before Moon decided to tentatively stalk towards you. He spoke only a "hello," before tucking in the kids in their sleeping pads. Regardless, you were patient and friendly towards him, just as you would for Sun.
But it was that patience that Moon began to realize what Sun saw in you. You weren't scared or revolted by him when most saw him as a scary boogeyman. And that's all he ever wanted... to not be feared. When he got the courage to do so, he confessed his feelings to you, and of course, you full-heartedly accepted. Moon was an important part of Sun. After all, they wouldn't be the Daycare Attendant without them both, now would they?
Since you and Moon were now dating as well, you decided to bring some spare essentials from home to the Daycare for your little sister and the kids, such as comfy pillows, soft blankets, and even nightlights for those afraid of the dark.ㅤㅤㅤㅤ
Before it was naptime, Sun would always be sure to give you a peck on the cheek before saying goodbye for now and awaiting the automatic countdown for the lights to go out. Once they were off and he switched to Moon, he was pleased to see you here with him once again.ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
Moon was always more subtle and casual when it came to affection towards you. Instead of greeting you with hugs, or kisses, it's little things such as asking how you and your little sister are, how your day went or saving your favorite spot to sleep during nap time. It was sweet of him to be so considerate towards you!ㅤㅤㅤㅤ
When it was time for the kids to rest their heads, Moon would always incorporate you with the activities, such as helping him read aloud a bedtime story or even sing a soft lullaby as a music box plays within his chest compartment.ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
As with Sun, Moon also made a little something special for you. Although he wasn't as artistic as Sun, he decided to make a beautiful origami crescent moon made out of construction paper, and on the side, written in glow in the dark ink, reads "to my precious moonlight, (Y/N)."ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
He was so anxious about whether you would like it or not; he's NEVER given a gift so special to him before. But after receiving a single kiss on the cheek of his faceplate, his systems quite literally blanked out as he tried to maintain his composure. He's so cute when he's flustered!ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
One of the things Moon struggled with most was kids waking up from a nightmare, or they can't sleep. He doesn't always know the right thing to say or have a way with words. But with your help, you offer a hand to escort the kid back to his sleeping pad and help him back to sleep with a Moondrop candy.ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
After doing so much for the kids in the Daycare, it's only fair that you take part in naptime. Once the kids were settled in, you and your sister decide to climb into a sleeping pad of your own as Moon gently tucks a blanket for you and wishes you both a goodnight.ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
Little did you know that once you were asleep, Moon couldn't help but observe you from afar. Not in a way that seemed creepy. You just looked so calm.. and peaceful. He sometimes would watch over you until naptime was over, silently looming beside you as you're swept away in dreamland.ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ
A few minutes before the lights would turn back on and naptime would be over, he would lean his faceplate down to your sleeping form, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead before whispering, "I love you, moonlight" before switching over to Sun to wake everyone up.
Many people would find it strange being attracted to an animatronic, let alone the caretaker of a children's place. But Sun and Moon were more than just animatronic Daycare attendants; they were your partners. Even beneath their metal frames, they still have emotions, thoughts, and feelings. But those are only shared with one special person in their lives, one that means more to them than all the stars or clouds in the sky... And that is you.
Whew! That was a lot, but it was worth it! Thank you so much for reading and the support I've got in the past few days. Please be sure to drop a like on this and a follow if you'd like to see more FNAF work like this! More requests coming soon, so stay tuned.
~ℳ𝒶𝒹𝒶𝓂𝑒 𝒲𝒾𝒸𝓀𝑒𝒹
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spookiifi · 2 years
Yall Afton fans are insane and that’s why I love you guys so much
I’m not an Afton simp, but I love watching yall go haywire over a half dead scrimblo man and his rotting son.
You go you funky little rabbit people
Happy father’s day???
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mooonyx · 2 years
SB characters hugging the reader! Under the cut since it got long
Glamrock Freddy
🧸 Wouldn't initiate the hug, but he would gladly give you one if you asked!
🧸 A little cold since he's made out of metal, but he definitely gives the best hugs! He'll just hold you close in a very reassuring way
Montgomery Gator
🐊 Wouldn't give hugs unless you asked, and he's probably really confused about it
🐊 Awkwardly pats your back and stomps away afterward
Glamrock Chica
🐥 Loves hugs! She would hug you all the time
🐥 Would probably steal food out your bag/backpack while you were hugging
Roxanne Wolf
🐺 Would never give hugs to anyone, and would be very reluctant to actually hug you if you asked
🐺 It's probably really short, and she'll say something kinda rude or snappy
☀️ Won't initiate the hug, but they would give you one if you asked
☀️ They have foam or soft padding, so they would be warmer than the other animatronics
🌙 They'll hug the life out of you
🔦 Won't give a hug, and if you asked for one she would probably just look at you weirdly
🐰 They would give you a hug if you asked, but then they would remember their mission
🐰 Hugs the life out of you
You really wanna hug that thing? 😭
The blob
Yeah, there's no coming back from that
Staff bots
👀 They would probably ask you to remove yourself if you hugged them
👀 If you don't they're calling security
Map bot
🗺️ Doesn't react besides telling you to take a map
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weenwrites · 2 years
Could I request for a Scraplet reader(but like a scraplet that only eats dead Cybertronians and Cybertronian animals, kinda like Earth's vultures) being found by the Autobots or the Decepticons or both if you want. (You can choose who finds them)
Hello! Here's your request, I hope you enjoy it and have a wonderful day!
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glamrockerfredbear · 2 years
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˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ r u l e s
No eroticism for DJ Music Man. Just no. I plan to only write platonic headcanons and stories for DJ Music Man as well so sorry if I disappointed anyone.
No weird age gap shit
No weird piss shit
I won’t write for Gregory unless it’s a motherly/fatherly/parental fanfic of the reader or family member looking for Gregory type of thing. I won’t write kid! reader x Gregory either because I don’t know what sickos are out there. STRICTLY platonic.
Sundrop/Moondrop is not a ped0ph!le and I’m tired of people thinking of “maternal” men as ped0s because it enforces the idea that men can’t be good caretakers/parents.
Burntrap/Springtrap/William is going to burn in hell :) I’m an avid William hater.
Absolutely bring ur theories I love hearing people’s theories!
Just be respectful and if you notice something off with my writing please give some constructive criticism. We all have things we could improve on.
Will write for Vanny doe. Cause she’s smokin’.
Please absolutely tell me your FNAF ocs! I love hearing abt ocs!
I DO MATCHUPS (temporarily closed)
newest installments all down here!
. . . ⭒ 𝐆𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐫𝐨𝐜𝐤 𝐅𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐲 ⭒
. . . ⭒ 𝐑𝐨𝐱𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐞 𝐖𝐨𝐥𝐟 ⭒
. . . ⭒ 𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐠𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐫𝐲 𝐆𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫 ⭒
. . . ⭒ 𝐆𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐫𝐨𝐜𝐤 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐜𝐚 ⭒
. . . ⭒ 𝐎𝐟𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐞𝐫 𝐕𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐚 ⭒
. . . ☼ 𝐒𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐨𝐩 / 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐨𝐩 ☽
. . . ♬ 𝐃𝐉 𝐌𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐜 𝐌𝐚𝐧 ♬
. . . ☹ 𝐕𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐲 ☹
. . . ⭒ 𝐆𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐫𝐨𝐜𝐤 𝐁𝐨𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐞 ⭒
. . . ⭒ 𝐆𝐥𝐚𝐦𝐫𝐨𝐜𝐤 𝐅𝐨𝐱𝐲 ⭒
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pizza-glitter · 2 years
Writing Requests: Closed!
Current Requests:
🎈 El Chip X sick reader ✅ 🎉 Chica X reader (SFW and NSFW) ✅ 🎈 Chica/ Roxy X sensory overloaded reader ✅ 🎉 Glamrocks X animal facts reader✅ 🎈 Glamrock Bonnie/ Daycare Attendant Love Languages✅ 🎉 Roxy X New mechanic/ old regular 🎈Sun/ Moon X Space facts reader
This blog will contain both SFW and NSFW content! I will tag things as best I can but let me know if you want something tagged for any reason! NSFW will be tagged "spicy pizza"!
Characters I'll write for:
✨ Glamrock Chica (she/her) 🍕 Roxanne Wolf (she/they) ✨ Montgomery Gator (he/him) 🍕 Glamrock Freddy (he/him) ✨ Daycare Attendant (he/they) 🍕 Glamrock Bonnie (they/them) ✨ El Chip (he/him)
Things I WILL write:
🍕 Animatronic X reader scenarios (SFW and NSFW) ✨ Animatronic X animatronic scenarios (SFW and NSFW) 🍕 Platonic animatronic X reader/ animatronic scenarios ✨ Human AU animatronic content
Things I WON'T write:
✨ R*pe/ nonconsensual content 🍕 Underaged readers in NSFW scenarios ✨ Burntrap/ William Afton (he nasty)
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shittyblogname · 2 years
First of all, my profile picture is made by noisx as far as I know, please update me if that’s wrong. 
Second, the header picture is NOT mine, I do not know who the original creator was.
Third, if you are here to call me or my readers Necrophile’s, click off this blog please. William/Dave/Vincent OR Michael simps !!DO NOT!! simp for the “corpse” part inside Springtrap/Scraptrap/Glitchtrap/Burntrap or the “corpse/decaying” part of Michael Afton. WE SIMP FOR THE FANART CREATED FOR THEM (mainly by noisx and other talented artists!) Thank you. (of course I can’t speak for everyone, and unfortunately there are actual Necrophile’s in the FNAF community, although this blog has nothing to do with this and I will ONLY write for the human/fanart form of everyone.)
Now, let’s inform you about all the different stuff I am willing to write for the WHOLE Afton Family! 
°self insert
°x reader
°Fluff/Comfort/Angst that goes both ways
If your genre wasn’t listed, just ask in your request!
Thank you for your attention, have fun on my blog.
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slashersimpwrites · 2 years
masterlist of works
here you'll find a masterlist of works, seperated by fandom
requests are currently open, feel free to req something if you don't see as much as you'd like!
/ original works /
The Day the Shadows Came;
prologue ; coming soon
chapter one ; coming soon
/ fnaf /
security breach // human au headcannons
human!sun x reader ; coming soon
human!glamrock bonnie x reader ; coming soon
human!burntrap x reader ; coming soon
/ bioshock /
elizabeth x afab!reader ; coming soon
/ dragon age /
da2 companions × gn!reader headcannons ; coming soon
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