#but I can’t bring myself to delete it bc it’s just so funny
mr-e-nigma · 6 months
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I have hired this fucking thing to stare at you
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ciakina · 22 days
A Second Chance
Viktor Hargreeves X Fem!Reader
Viktor reconnects with one of his past lover
A/N: I love Elliot page, and I think it is a CRIME that there isn't more Viktor fics out there. This is in the timeline of season 4 which I WILL rewrite bc idk wtf I watched but it wasn't Tua.
(Y/N will be used but won't be described)
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"Viktor has officially ran through every woman in the town" A guy announced in the bar making everyone laugh. "Okay that's enough" Viktor said taking the keys a woman had slammed on the counter. Viktor walked back behind the counter to pick up the ringing phone "What is it Luther-" Luther's words faded as he looked at the entrance to see a woman walking in. The woman walked up to the bar leaning on the counter, watching Viktor put the phone away without saying goodbye.
"Hi Viktor" "Hi Y/N"
2 months earlier
"That's absolutely ridiculous V" Y/N laughed watching Viktor make breakfast. "I'm being so serious; we went back in time" Viktor giggled. Y/N took bacon from the pan "Okay so where are your so-called powers" Viktor rolled his eyes "I told you we lost them" "You lost them after coming out of a rich hotel with a killer bodyguard" Y/N busted out laughing realizing how stupid it all sounded. "It's not funny" Viktor wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her closer. "But it kind of is" She placed her hands on his cheeks.
They stayed like that for a moment, just enjoying being in each others arms. "So what else did your powers do" Y/N asked playing with his necklace "It was like energy blasts, vibrations and stuff" Viktor replied. A smirk grew on Y/N's face "Did your hands vibrate too" Viktor looked at her confused then sighed when he realized that she was thinking of "You're so annoying"
"You know you love me" "I do"
2 weeks earlier
"I can't do this anymore" Viktor said looking at his feet. "Come on, it's just a burger. You can finish it" Y/N giggled. Viktor looked at the woman in front of him. She was everything Viktor could wish for. She was perfect. Too perfect. It scared him. "I mean i can’t do... This." He gestured toward him and Y/N.
"Are you breaking up wit-" "Yes" Viktor interrupted. "Why? I thought we were okay, no actually. I thought we were great" Y/N stared trying to understand where they went wrong or what she could of done to make Viktor not love her anymore. Viktor had no explanation other than he was scared of falling in love with her. Even though he already has. "It's just.. too complicated. Your parents already don't like me and i have to run the bar, we barely even see each other." Viktor lied looking at his plate. Y/N had made them burgers and cake because of the success of the bar. And for their 5 month anniversary.
Y/N knew he was lying.
"I bring you lunch every day at the bar and I'm always awake when you come back. I even offered to help out. YOU were the one that said no." Tears started to fill her eyes trying to find an answer in Viktor's. He refused to look at her. Like she no longer mattered. "V. I've told you so many times that I don't care what my parents think. Or anyone else. It's my life, I choose what I do, and I can love who I want." Viktor needed to leave. He knew if he had looked at her everything would go wrong. Viktor headed for the door of Y/N apartment stopped when he heard Y/N's final words.
"Viktor, I want to love you... because I do but you- You have to let me love you."
Viktor left leaving Y/N with confusion and tears.
A/N: sooo.. should i delete myself and my page or keep going...🌚 PLEASE tell me what you think i genuinely don't mind advice as long as it's respectful.
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lovesick-boyz · 1 year
well… after being stalked and harassed for the past couple of months, i am finally back!! stay tuned lol i got some fics lined up for y’all 😁
anyway if you read that first line and thought to yourself “WTF?!?”, here is the full story for my curious readers (just a warning, it’s long and i rant a lot):
a couple of months ago, i started getting tagged by random accs on tiktok and insta that posted vids accusing me of the most random and heinous shit. honestly, it just baffled me the first time i saw them bc they made absolutely no sense whatsoever.
when the first ones popped up, i just blocked them thinking it was a random troll and went on with my life.
but then i kept getting spammed by other accs with new posts where they not only involved me but also my friends, and accused us as a friend group of being horrible ppl.
i had enough (i can’t even remember how many accs i blocked) and deleted ALL my social media apps for a while (i.e. more than a couple of months, oops) and basically isolated myself from ppl so that i could focus on other things to distract me (i ended up making daily exercise a habit so ig that’s one good thing that’s come out of this lol, i also rewatched all the marvel movies in timeline order hehe). i wish i continued writing so i could’ve at least had more content to share by now, but i was feeling so negative and pissed that i couldn’t even bring myself to write anything (i even uninstalled notion from my phone and that’s where i keep all my drafts and fic ideas)
i only found out the full situation less than a week ago when i reinstalled tiktok bc i missed it, only to find more burner accs harassing me. i finally had enough so i reinstalled insta to rant about it on my spam acc for my friends to see and to my surprise a couple of them knew who it was and explained the whole situation to me.
it was my first time interacting with ppl outside of my family in months lol, when i tell y’all i isolated myself i really did mean it 🙃 my irl friends didn’t even know anything out of the ordinary was happening bc i’m notorious in my friend group for going off the grid for months at a time bc of how bad my mental health gets sometimes, they know to just let me be and let me deal with it alone bc they understand that’s how i work best. (they won’t see this bc they don’t know this tumblr exists but i wanna apologise to my dear friends for my disappearing acts, my bad, i love y’all for being so understanding and still being my friend after all this time 🫶🏼)
anyway, it turns out the culprit was this guy that my friend had rejected previously and he’s so bitter and hateful that he decided to harass me bc he knew i was one of her bffs (the ppl he targeted were the ones in her closest friend group which included me)
when my friend found out she was so surprised and appalled that he was harassing me too, bc him, my friend, and the other ppl he targeted all go to the same college together (and i’m the only one in the friend group that goes to a different college, so to reiterate once again: this guy barely knows me! the last time we spoke was at my friends bday party 3 years ago!! he’s literally insane!)
she knew he was harassing my other friends since they’re all in the same school and know him in person, she didn’t think i would be involved too and i couldn’t believe i was.
anyway, i just wanted to rant about this whole thing bc i’m having a hard time processing it tbh. i hope that guy rots in hell and also finds a job there bc he was acting hella unemployed like who has time for this? he made me feel so confused and paranoid for weeks and i hope he gets all the karma he deserves in the universe.
y’all wanna know something funny tho? i started writing a changmin stalker fic in june, way before this whole situation happened. life imitates art ig 🤪 anyway i finally finished it and i’m gonna release that fic next after i fine tune it, at least now it’ll be somewhat realistic lmaoooo
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aajjks · 9 months
ouch 💔
wow, that hurt.
another shot to your feelings and throwing something back at him, you just nod your head and say “you’re right.”
you head to your room and pack all of your things, your clothes, your toothbrush, everything. you fold the clothes jungkook gave you that one night and put them on the made-up bed so when he comes to maybe clean the room, he won’t have to worry about them.
you throw on a pair of shoes, not even bothering to change out of your pajamas and just leave without uttering another word to jungkook even leaving sage behind.
funny thing is, you never asked for him to understand you. you never asked for anything, really but that’s what you get for not listening your first thought and checking into a hotel.
all you said was that he was wrong for tossing his feelings onto you like that but you don’t expect him to be considerate because he never had to be.
“this isn’t high school, oh yeah? if this isn’t high school then why the fuck are you acting like your shoe size?! i never knew ambushing someone with your feelings was a good thing. you’re so fucking inconsiderate, jungkook. FUCK YOU!!” you scream in your car after throwing your belongings in your backseat. you left out that deep breath you’ve been holding and start your car because sitting in his parking lot just has you pissed off.
you decide to head to the nearest hotel that’s closer to your job and although the check-in is expensive, you’re hoping by the end of this week you’ll be out of here and in your new apartment.
“hey girlie!! what’s up?”
“can you come over?”
“uh oh…what’s wrong?”
“danny….i just really need you here. i just need someone to hold right now”
“i’m coming. you’re at jungkook’s right?”
“no. i-i left. i’m at a hotel now”
“why are you at a hotel?”
“i’ll tell you when you get here. i’ll send you my location”
“okay. i’ll be there soon. love you”
“love you too”
“that’s called emotional dumping y/n. that’s when someone unveils their feelings without awareness of the other person’s emotional state or needs”
“he said he wasn’t expecting—“
“it wasn’t right, y/n! you’re going through a breakup and if he’s been through one then he should know how long it takes for a person to be completely over their partner. it hasn’t even been a week and..oh my God that just pissed me off. i can’t believe him. first eunwoo and now jungkook, why does the men in your life suck?”
you shrug before bringing another spoonful of ice cream to your mouth.
“he’s right about one thing though, eunwoo has changed and you can’t sit here and wish on stars waiting for him to come back to you, y/n. you have to move forward. i’m sure eunwoo loves you but now you have to change your perspective and love yourself”
“you’re right and maybe jungkook—“
“fuck no. i said ONE thing. everything else was just uncalled for. you’re going to move on and guess what? you’ll be loved by a real man who doesn’t kiss you without your consent”
“thanks danny. i really needed this and you know what? i don’t need either of them. i’m going to get over eunwoo and i know i’m going to love myself”
“and i’ll be right here whenever you need me. i’ll be the shoulder for you to lean on, the ear when you need someone to listen, and the arms in case you need a hug”
“i love you so much”
“and i love you too, girl. always”
that evening, you and danielle began looking and calling landlords that are willing to let you rent out an apartment within your budget and you began to feel your spirits lifting again.
reluctantly, you deleted all the pictures of you and eunwoo in your photo gallery, changed your home screen and lock screen, and guess what? you impulsively (very impulsively) bought a cute pomeranian puppy and named her stormy because of her black and brown fur.
“oh there he is!!!!” says jihye as she pulls her son to the living room “jungkook, meet soojin. she’s a model and doesn’t wear shitty coveralls”
He just wanted to cry in his room, bury his head into his pillows and curse you out, but yet he is here at his parents home..
Against his will, really.
And his night has just gotten a lot of worse because soojin is standing right in front of him, along with his dear Mother. “Ahhh I know her.” he rolls his eyes, why the fuck is destiny doing this to him?
He still hasn’t forgotten that she is the reason that he doesn’t have you in the first place, what the fuck is she doing here? He has no idea.. “mother… I don’t want anything to do with her. Can you tell me why I’m here?!” he can’t help with the way his tone is getting sharper and sharper with each word he lets out.
You left him and soojin is trying to come back in his life- and it looks like that his mother will let her, “ I don’t care if I am being rude. I don’t want anything to do with this bitch.”
If anything he has taken from his mother is… every bit of her negative attitude and blunt personality, Jungkook is so fucking depressed that all he wants to do is smoke weed so he can get his mind off of you because alcohol isn’t helping him enough.
You are still in his mind, you even left Sage… that broke his heart even more. “No no no. I don’t want to marry anyone right now and I don’t want to date anyone.”
He crosses his arms across his chest, “you know who I want Mother? And if you can’t give me her- I don’t want anything to do with the girls you show me.” it’s not like his mother can help him get you once again.
What is he going to do?
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tenko-nii · 4 years
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avintagekiss24 · 3 years
Hi! I don't want to start anything on here and am always willing for civil conversations. At this point there's so much I've found out about Seb (besides the video he liked, the tommy lee thing, and the girlfriend thing) that I feel so guilty if I would continue to support him. I love him sm but it just doesn't look good rn. He is associated/follows an organisation (for helping veterans) that has posted a blue lives matter flag picture and who's co-founder has sexual assault allegations against him, and worked with him in 'The last full measure'. His friend Paul Walter Hauser has done blackface in the past, and when called out on it he just listed a few people that also did blackface. There's more, I found a discussion on here that I can link. I seriously don't support "cancel culture" bc I don't think it helps anyone but there are just a lot of 'mistakes' and shady people that can be linked to Seb, I wish it wouldn't be that way. I honestly don't know what to think about it anymore.
Hi! I’m also open to having civil conversations and I don’t believe you’re trying to start anything. I really do think this situation of dragging up a four year old video and taking it completely out of context is harmful not just to Black people, but to fandom/activism in general. This is gonna be long because I’m going to take your points one by one, and I want to preface this by saying that I will not answer any derogatory, sideways asks pertaining to this subject. I will delete every single one and will block your silly ass. I’m not going to argue with people who think I’m blindly supporting Sebastian because I’m just trying to get fucked by him, or people who think I hate myself and am trying to appease some white man.
So, on with the discourse!
The video he liked - this video was taken completely out of context and that is my main issue with this whole situation. It was not a video of a white man saying that he thinks he should be able to say the n word as everyone claimed it was. They were quickly debating on whether or not it's okay to say in rap lyrics. He was told no, that's not okay, that's never okay and they moved on from it. That's it. End of story. That somehow was twisted into a click bait style headline of "Sebastian Stan likes a video of a white man defending his right to say the n word" when that is absolutely not true. My other issue is that people are more upset that Sebastian liked the video than they are about the white man in the video literally saying the n word. So, do you really care about the use of the n word like you're claiming? Cuz if you do, you'd be more upset at the white man that said the word than you would be about the white man simply liking the video. Or, are you just using this as an excuse to grandstand against a white man you don't like?
The Tommy Lee thing - Sebastian Stan playing Tommy Lee does not make Sebastian Stan a bad person. Is Charlize Theron a bad person for playing Aileen Wuornos, a prostitute who started murdering men? Is Leonardo DiCaprio a bad person for playing a slave owner? Is Edward Norton a bad person for playing a nazi sympathizing racist? Actors play bad people. That doesn't mean that they themselves are bad people. 1990's Tommy Lee was a bad person, but that should have no bearing on who Sebastian Stan is or his character as a man.
The gf/Paul Walter Hauser thing - Why are we holding Sebastian accountable for what the people around him are doing? Again, why are we more upset that Sebastian is associated with people who have done questionable things than the specific people themselves? I'm not going to speak on the kimono wearing -- I'm not Asian. It's not my place to say whether or not its offensive because it's not my culture, but she posted that picture and attended that party before she started dating Sebastian, quite possibly before she even knew him. Same with Paul. I think that black face thing was long before he knew Sebastian. Now, if Sebastian was defending these actions, going around saying "I think it's okay for white women to wear Kimono's" "I think black face is fine" "I think white people should be able to say the n word" then we'd have a different story, wouldn't we? But that's not what we have, and that's not what he is doing. He is not responsible for the things his friends do or have done in the past just because he's more famous than they are, and he is not required to speak on them. Let's put it this way -- would you be comfortable having to be responsible for something a friend of yours did before you knew them? Would you want to have to be forced to answer for your friend when you yourself had nothing to do with the questionable behavior?
The organization that supports the military/blue lives matter - Sebastian cannot control what message that foundation puts out and it does not mean that he is or is not pro-police himself. There is not enough concrete evidence -- if any evidence for that matter -- that Sebastian is a blue lives matter supporter. Did Sebastian donate before they put up the blue lives matter post? Or after? I don’t know, cuz I don’t follow him that closely, but if he donates before they come out with a particular stance, that means he should be held accountable for that? I know I donated to an organization once and they turned out to support something that i’m 100% against. That means I’m a bad person because I couldn’t see into the future? Another point, how can we be certain that Sebastian saw the blue lives matter post in the first place? I know I’m not online 24 hrs a day, I miss posts all the time and I’m just an average person. I make three or four tumblr posts a day, and I’m gone. I have to play catch up on social media, and even then, I still miss stuff. So I’m sure the same happens to a working actor. As for the co-founder, I don't know who this person is and would rather not get into any allegations against them because I don't want to trigger anyone who comes across this post. If Sebastian knows about these allegations, is a willing participant/supporter of this person then yeah, that's pretty shitty, but we don't know the inner workings of this friendship/acquaintance/work relationship. We don’t know how close they are or if they even still speak.
I’m a pretty big fan of Don Cheadle. He’s a stand up guy, he’s a great actor, he’s funny, he’s political and stands up for what he believes in and in a very public way. I support him. Don Cheadle is also friends with Chris Evans, RDJ, Mark Ruffalo, and Letitia Wright (just to name a few). Chris Evans has a bipartisan forum that highlights/promotes right wing politicians, RDJ defended Chris Pratt during the whole “he’s the worst Chris in Hollywood” crap, who’s technically done black face, and who once said to a female reporter “nice tits” when she walked into the room, Mark Ruffalo just walked back his support of Palestine, and Letitia Wright retweeted/supported an anti-vaxxer/anti-trans Pastor who equated an ingredient of the covid vaccine to the devil because it contained some parts of the word Lucifer. Does that mean Don is now a bad person because he’s friends with these people? Why isn’t he getting any heat for his friendships with them? Why isn’t he being held accountable for what they’ve done and said? Oh right, because he’s not a white fave. So people don’t care one way or the other, which brings me to my next point. 
I can guarantee you that if Sebastian’s gf or Paul or this co-founder were not associated with Sebastian in any way, nobody would give a shit about her wearing a kimono, about Paul doing black face, or about the co-founder/organization being blue lives matter supporters and in that lies the actual problem. Being critical of people and their actions should be consistent and should happen all the time -- not just when they interact with your white fave. That’s when it becomes performative and looks like you just want to be able to show internet people that you follow/support/stan unproblematic celebrities, when really, you don’t care.
I think the moral of this post is that I think it's unfair to hold a complete stranger to a standard that I cannot hold myself to. I also don't view celebrities the way most teenagers/twenty somethings do, and that’s because when I entered fandom we didn't have social media, so I grew up with a wall between myself and said celebrities. There is no wall now with the presence of social media. "Fans" nowadays have a weird ownership feeling over celebrities because they can read their personal thoughts or view personal pictures and think that they have this personal quasi-friendship with them. I can't get on board with that. I prefer having the wall and I still keep the wall.
If supporting Sebastian makes you uncomfortable, then by all means, stop supporting him. Just make sure you are making this decision for yourself based on credible sources and concrete evidence and that you're not letting this fake woke activist mob make you feel uncomfortable. Internet activism means nothing unless you put your money where your mouth is in your real life and 90% of the social justice internet warriors do not. Real activism is bigger than changing your avi to a black square.
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leviiattacks · 3 years
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author note :: honestly not my best at all..... like at all..... this was actually pretty good but the entire draft got deleted and i just lost all my effort but i felt bad for starting it and not completing it for anon so you may take whatever i have managed to salvage. i hope u enjoy it :’( i am extremely sick rn and yeah writing is the only break i am currently getting from anything :-) SO AGAIN I’ M SORRY ANON..... i may write a 10k + word fic on this though so i can redeem myself bc this is just disappointing 😭
word count :: 3.3k
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every single thursday you stop by ackermart. maybe it’s because the day is convenient for you or perhaps it’s because of a certain cashier that works the evenings...
HAHA it’s got nothing to do with a cashier why would it have anything to do with a cashier? :-)
today is like any other. you walk through the fresh produce aisle then proceed to make your way towards the bakery section picking up a loaf of bread
it’s stupid, you know it is but... you think you’ve worked up enough courage to speak to him today!!
and who is him you may ask?
levi at till number four. his tired eyes always happen to pierce into yours and his calloused thumbs brush past your skin when you hand him your rewards card
levi is what his bright red name tag says and although he doesn’t look like a levi you’d like to think your crush isn’t stealing someone’s identity so you believe that it’s his real name
anxiously fiddling with your basket you’re beginning to think this was a horrible idea
the girl ahead of you is flirting up a storm with him and although he’s not reciprocating it by any means you still feel deterred
levi bags the last of her groceries and looks up at her when she asks for a way to contact him. he doesn’t look mad... just bored?
“ma’am. this is an ackermart i don’t think it’s appropriate you ask me for my number. the customer service line is listed on our website.”
the woman raises a brow looking completely flabbergasted. okay, if everything before this wasn’t a warning THIS sure was
she stomps off when she realises levi isn’t kidding and you think you’d feel bad for her maybe if she was more respectful about it
“next customer.” levi calls over his shoulder and you shuffle forward pretending to be engrossed in your phone
“cash or card?” he asks plainly.
you hear the BEEP of your groceries being scanned and think on it for a while before replying with “cash”
you’re clearly pretty good at your pretend to be totally into your phone act because levi tries to get your attention but you don’t hear what he has to say till the third time he repeats himself
but even then you’re still unsure what it is he’s said????
looking down you see his hand is stuck out in front of you and now you’re even more confused
faltering for a second you look at his palm and then speak
“um, i guess your hand is nice? it’s pretty big compared to the rest of you actually.”
“i was asking for your cash?” he says and now you look at his palms in mortification
gasping you yANK your hand into your purse as you laugh awkwardly fishing around to find your money
“oh, OH i knew that. just kidding!! i mean- i meant that thing about your hand?? but i thought it was- i funny? yes the joke funny? i’m-”
he leans back into his spinning chair and sighs contently. “you’re not making much sense peaches.”
“pe- peaches??” you repeat. no way you’ve heard that correct
levi lazily points at the abundance of the aforementioned fruit in your grocery bags
“you must love em.”
“i, well yeah i do like peaches but i also like...” um??? what food would make you look sophisticated and professional?
“FRENCH CUISINE :-)!!!!” you say rather proudly
“...cool. i guess.” levi hands you your grocery bag which is basically an invitation asking for you to get out
he doesn’t seem mad but he’s definitely going to look back at this encounter and laugh his ass off at how stupid you are
hanging your head down low in embarrassment you make your way out towards your car
there’s always next time!! maybe you can practice in the mirror yeah that does sound like it would help!!!
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okay so.
it is officially next time.
actually you never got the opportunity to practice in front of the mirror because you chickened out of looking like an idiot even if it was in the privacy of your own home
but!!! you did try to practice some cool pick up lines because who doesn’t like a good pickup line or two??
the two mini milk cartons in your hand and the pack of doughnuts you have tucked under your arm aren’t too heavy so you aren’t too worried about having to wait in the line
for some reason the guy in front of you keeps turning around and glancing at you as if you don’t even exist
you are not casper the ghost
also casper is a little boy and you definitely aren’t a little boy
finally after a good five minutes the man ahead of you is having his stuff scanned but he’s STILL doing it. even levi notices and gives him an odd look which borders annoyance and anger.
“can i pay for your groceries? maybe walk you to your car?” the stranger asks suddenly
so that’s what this is, he’s simply taken an interest in you
my god this is new but it is uncomfortable and you’d rather say no
“oh, i actually walked here and no thanks i can pay for my own. enjoy the rest of your day!!” you hope your white lie is enough to fool the man but instead of agreeing as any other person would he looks majorly deceived
“i saw you in the parking lot.” ok this is getting a bit too uncomfortable for your liking
“c’mon i’m offering to buy your shit too?”
his voice is raising and you’re not sure what exactly you can do but thankfully for you the manager steps in and takes him away before any more threats can be made
the man had taken up so much of your attention you almost forgot levi was even there until you turned back around
“do you want a member of staff to accompany you to your car? it’s getting dark out.” levi’s comment helps ease your nerves and you try to laugh off what just happened
“i’m good :-)” you say shaking a little. you’re unsure if it’s the cold or the fact you still haven’t completely calmed down
“you sure peaches?”
“i haven’t bought any peaches this time.”
“you’re still peaches to me.” your cheeks flush at his confidence
wait, maybe this is your chance. you’re the last person in his line and they’re closing up for the day so...
“could you walk me to my car?”
and to your surprise even before you can take back what you’ve said levi agrees
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it stays like that for a while.
every thursday levi walks you to your car by the end of his shift, all the while the two of you exchange a few words together
like last week you asked him what his favourite colour was (he said purple) you’ve learnt about his hobbies (he’s a decent cook), you’ve even found out about some of his own personal problems. he had mentioned suffering with insomnia in passing.
to be honest each and every time he walks you to your car he has to notice that you begin to park further and further away from the front entrance. but if he does notice he doesn’t say a word about it
“is that all you’re checking out?” you ask with a cheeky grin plastered across your face
looking down at your new dress your lopsided grin is far from fading away any time soon. you especially picked this one out after asking levi what his favourite colour was last week
god. this is so embarrassing but never actually have you had a crush this huge
levi who’s sat behind the counter shoots you a look which almost seems to be on the verge of uninterested. he isn’t entertaining this at all or this is just his typical bored face, you can’t really tell
BUT..... you still have a huge crush on him and you aren’t one to give up this easily
for the record you don’t harass him or anything, just the occasional hint is thrown around but he’s either really dense or doesn’t care
his expression does you no favours, you can’t tell what he’s thinking half the time
“you’re always buying energy drinks... might want to cut down on those they’re no good for you.”
warmth blooms in your chest. he’s just saying it to make small talk but the fact he even thinks to bring that up has your heart fluttering
“i- well- yeah i will!! just have a few overdue essays to get over with :-)” twiddling your thumbs together you think that makes your nerves too obvious so you begin to scratch at the back of your neck
if anything is a dead give away it’s your constant neck scratching, thankfully levi hasn’t picked up on it
“so you wore purple today?” his eyes linger on the thin straps of your dress and you feel the goosebumps rise up onto your skin immediately
“oh yeahhhh-”
“did i tell you yellow was my favourite colour last week?” he asks holding up a neon yellow pack of crisps and for the first time you see him smile
he looks so ?!|>\€|^ pretty ?!/)/&
wait?? yellow??
“didn’t you say purple?”
“no?” he crosses his arms playfully over his chest thinking for a bit
“maybe i did but no it’s really yellow.” he says as he hands you your bag
nodding your head you smile “yeahhhh sure it is.”
damn, now you’re going to have to find a yellow dress just to make him revert back to purple because who even likes yellow?? that’s a deal breaker right there??
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it’s been two weeks!!
and a yellow dress has been found and secured B-)
it’s been a pretty rough day at work and you need to desperately collect a pack of green tea and get going
you don’t know when exactly being a secretary meant you had to babysit your boss’ children but that’s what the last week has entailed
being made to work overtime to this extent has had an effect on you and you’re ready to head home as soon as you swing by ackermart
not seeing levi for a week made you a little :-( because to be honest he’s the highlight of your thursday evening BUT!! you’ll be able to see him today at least
walking in through the entrance you’re met with connie smiling right at you, he holds the door open for you and smile back greeting him
“so you didn’t come last week...?”
it’s weird for him to ask that, after all you don’t really speak to anyone here apart from levi, you’re surprised you’re enough of a regular to be known by name
“oh i didn’t think anyone would notice? but yeah i had to work overtime you know what boss’ are like.” groaning you crouch down and look at the pot noodles on display
“i didn’t notice it. boss man did.”
“boss man?” you ask feeling out of loop
“levi.” connie answers as he hops into the backroom
isn’t he just a cashier??
“you still look confused.” connie remarks as he heads back out with a cardboard box full of pringle’s tubes
“levi’s the boss man, this is his store. he literally only ever mans the cash register on thursday evening because of you.”
at that you start laughing because it makes no sense at all to you
there’s no way connie is being serious
“good one.” you say as you stand up with a chicken flavored noodle in your hand
“i’m not kidding?”
turning around you give him a skeptical look
he sighs and shakes his head.
“listen. me and the part timers are tired of making bets on when he’ll give you his number and i bet that it would happen today so if you could confess to each other that would be perfect!!!”
“who said i like-”
“anyone with a brain can tell you both like each other.” he’s rolled his eyes so far into the back of his head you begin to take him a little more seriously now
“i... did i make it that obvious??” you’re directly facing him trying to get out as much information as you can
“yeah. very. at least levi wasn’t as bold.”
“i think you’ve got the wrong end of the stick he definitely doesn’t like me.”
connie gives you an “are you fucking with me?” look and you look away trying to distract yourself with the the canned goods lining the shelves
“he was worried sick when you didn’t come in for the entire week. he even asked me if he scared you away.”
“maybe i’m just his favourite customer?”
“favourite customer my ass he has a crush on YOU. confess.”
playing around with the ends of your sleeves connie sees he’s fighting a losing battle unless he gives you definitive solid proof
“please... i’ll get free barbecue if i win the bet and i’m kinda broke rn :-(” okay, you do want connie to eat well and be treated and maybe this is a good thing. if levi doesn’t like you then you can move on!!
“i’ll think about it.”
before connie can continue talking you make a beeline towards the tea aisle whilst throwing a “see you next time!” over your shoulder.
by the time you’ve gathered all of your groceries your basket is full to the brim. you’ve been lingering as much as you can out of fear but you think you’ve collected just enough courage to ask for his number
looking at the cash register levi is sat there and your shoulders slump. he’s probably going to say no and you’re going to look like a huge loser.
right as you’re about to take a step towards him levi finally spots you and gives you one look before standing up from his seat
“hi!” you wave at him
“...hey!” he smiles wide but he bites it back pretending it was never there in the first place
placing your basket in front of him he eyes what you’ve got
“hm... lots of peaches as per usual peaches.” the nickname that rolls of his tongue makes you tremble a little. will he call you that after you fuck everything up with this stupid confession?
his tongue pokes at the inside of his cheek when he gets to the heart shaped box of chocolates
“a gift for a friend? didn’t know you had those?” he teases as he scans the barcode
“gift for a crush!” you reply back enthusiastically as you dig through your wallet looking for your card
levi doesn’t respond for a few seconds and an awkward silence fills the air. you glance up to see him looking at you open mouthed in shock
“good luck.” he murmurs under his breath he’s not even returning your gaze at this point and is hurriedly scanning through your barcodes
“you okay?” you ask worrying about his mood
“yeah, yeah. great.” he’s quieter than usual.
the rest of your encounter is the same, levi silently bags your groceries and you can’t tell if this is a good or bad response.
just as he’s about to place the heart shaped box into your plastic bag you lunge forward holding his wrist to stop him
“no i don’t need those.”
he cocks his eyebrow upwards trying to analyse your expression and gain an understanding of your thoughts
“don’t tell me you’re chickening out. whoever it is will say yes.” he scoffs as he places the chocolates into the bag handing them over to you with a warm smile
there it is again. the fear returns and you swipe your tongue over your slightly dry lips.
no way.
is he telling you to confess to someone now? so he must not like you?
taking the bag away from him you scratch your neck out of habit and huff feeling frustrated
“he keeps giving me mixed signals.” you say hoping he catches your drift
“give him the chocolates and let him put two and two together. don’t even say anything.” his advice would be great if he weren’t the guy you were trying to confess to in real time
nodding you reach into the bag and bring the box back out before gently placing it in front of levi
“are you serious?” he asks and your face drops seeing the possible displeasure in his eyes
great, connie and the part timers just over analysed he doesn’t like you, obviously he doesn’t like you, why would he like you?
without looking back you hurry out, the embarrassment is eating you away now and the thought of ever returning to ackermart isn’t even feasible in your mind
at this point you may as well change your name, identity, dye your hair, have a few children and wear sunglasses the next time you come back so you look like a soccer mum and not the foolish y/n who thought they had a chance with their cute CASHIER???
god, you probably look like a creep
the sound of footsteps can be heard behind you and labored breaths follow before levi calls out for you
“please wait up.” he grumbles. slowing down your pace you let him catch up to you. he grabs at your wrist and sighs in relief
turning you see him savour the air
is this the part where he confesses he likes you too or—
“your receipt you forgot it.” he gasps as he opens your hand for you and places it into your palm
fingers clasping shut onto the paper you feel the humiliation seep into your pores
“open it.” he offer you a boyish smile and your nerves don’t let you find comfort in it
you grimace as you fold it open, you’re imagining he’s charged you an extra £100 for having unwanted feelings for him and if that’s the case you’ll die on the spot
but instead your eyes light up in joy. you’re pleasantly surprised
inside of the receipt is his phone number haphazardly sprawled across in black biro - you even double check by comparing it to the number for the customer service helpline
“if you just wanted to return the chocolate this is embarrassing.” he’s the one who’s now scratching at his neck and you find that he’s endearing this way
the streetlight from above illuminates him, the shadows cast over his face and his brows aren’t furrowed as they usually are
you open your mouth to reply but connie cuts you off unintentionally. he can be heard YELLING into his phone ecstatic that his plan has worked out
you and levi look at each other and laugh, reassuring the other of what has just happened.
you guess this is the start of something new? maybe??
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daz4i · 2 years
Bestie. Bestie. I know I've already sent him for a character meme before, but that was a long time ago and also this one is ~detailed~ so. Takuto, if you'll indulge me? :3
Also! If I may, I'm sending Akechi too 'cause we all want to talk about our blorbos ^^ <3
mwah thank you bestie 🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤🖤
What I like about them: he’s genuinely such an interesting character. his role in the story is generally such a sexy one (anti-villains are p rare from my experience so it’s so cool to see one). i love his confidant and even his class questions and his presence is genuinely very calming
What I dislike about them: why are you me. i’m me
Favourite moment: that one scream after the fist fight. you know the one
Least favourite moment: hmmmmm not sure if i have one i particularly dislike but ig while they’re very plot and character important, his one on one conversations with the thieves can be a bit slow and at times even uncomfortable to watch bc of second hand embarrassment lmao 
A situation with this character that I want to see explored more: i really wanna know what happens to him in his reality! we see him basically become a nobody, the thieves don’t recognize him, and i assume it’s his doing? so i’m curious, once everyone’s happiness is actualized, what does he have left to do?? what does he do??? pls i need answers
An interesting AU for this character: curious to think abt how thing’s would’ve gone if he told akira from the start he knows they’re the pt and abt the metaverse and cogpsi. like, how would the thieves react? would they be more guarded around him, or more open? would he become a confidant to them all? idk it’s interesting!!!! idek if it counts as an au bc it’s more canon divergence but eh.
A crossover: i’m ngl my brain is flat out of ideas. fuck it. the bible. biggest crossover of the year. ig it’s technically already canon but anyway
OTP: takuto x you u3u 
Other ships?: takurumi ofc! and i think his ship with zenkichi is cute! 
BROTP: shibusawa true bro xx
NOTP: whatever his ship with akira is called. for obvious reasons
An assortment of headcanons! (but this post is long enough as is so i’m limiting myself to one): that man lives in the lamest ass apartment you’ve seen in your life. he does NOT get paid enough to afford more. rip king 
What I like about them: the mental illness(es) and everything else also
What I dislike about them: uuuuuuuh ig he’s got some moments that give me second hand embarrassment?? esp in his detective persona. i’m sorry goro you posted cringe you’re gonna lose subscriber
Favourite moment: any time he’s being unhinged during the third semester 😍 but esp as a navi
Least favourite moment: genuinely can’t choose bc any moment that may be cringe is just so funny or i’m simply too happy he’s there that i can’t bring myself to dislike it. ig in his original confidant some of the ranks were a bit boring? so just pick one of those rank ups where he just says how interesting it is to talk to akira despite us never seeing them talk 
A situation with this character that I want to see explored more: you know that deleted content from royal where he’s in a rehab center? yeah i wanna know what’s up with that and have more information and see how he heals and how he is afterwards
An interesting AU for this character: actual detective goro........ him solving crimes he didn’t commit himself.......... solving mysteries........... connecting dots and following leads...... perhaps with a trusty partner who looks great in drag called watso- *gets shot* 
A crossover: i’m making him besties with dimitri fire emblem even if it’s the last thing i do 
OTP: my special little polycule of goro x akira x haru x yusuke. but also just akeshu 
Other ships?: akekita, akeharu, ryugoro
BROTP: futago and anngoro!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NOTP: recently found out some ppl actually ship him with shido and well. i’m not here to police anyone’s ships but Keep That Shit Away From Me 
Extra headcanon: autistic king. masking expert and hyperaware of people’s perception of him due to years of trauma. his special interest is featherman. stims by fiddling with his gloves. i’m right about this 
send some characters?
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ushiwakaout · 4 years
Things I believe Oikawa Tooru (pro brazilian volleyball player) would say if you lived together (from the moment you wake up, to the moment you fall asleep).
for my sake, i’m gonna use mexican spanish bc i KNOW there’s such a big difference when speaking portugués - i’ll translate it anyway.
you live in brazil w oikawa too, and you do pottery
warnings: slight nsfw and major spoiler warning for timeskip
“Hey, lazy butt. Rise and shine.” (4:00 am)
you: “Oikawa, deja me en paz (leave me in peace).”
“No me hables así, soy tu novio. (Don’t talk to me like that, i’m you’re boyfriend).”
“I’m gonna go on a run, i’ll be back.”
“Make me some breakfast before i come back, will ya?”
“Shoyos probably gonna stop by so make extra! love you, bye!” (4:30 am)
“We’re back! And i’m brought shoyo, like i said i would!” (6:45 am)
“You’re lucky they’re willing to cook this morning, tiene una manó (they’ve got a hand(for cooking)).”
*taps your ass when passing by you in the kitchen*
“Thank you for the meal.” *forehead kiss*
“Gah! I’m stuffed! Thank you baby.” (7:30 am)
“We’ve got practice in the afternoon, you wanna come or?”
“What do you mean you can’t.”
“Oh, right you have projects you need to deliver... Good luck with that then.”
*tooru very much gets pouty when you can’t go to his practice bc he likes seeing you sunbathe*
*once hinata says thanks for breakfast and dips, oikawa will just watch you finish up your projects*
“You need help filling up the kiln?” (8:30 am)
“Do you need help glazing?”
“What about this one? Do i put it in the kiln?”
“Oye! Te estoy hablando! (Hey! I’m taking to you!)”
“Give me a kiss before you get a muddy and dirty.”
“Can we recreate that one scene from dirty dancing?”
“What? I watch american movies too you know!”
*although you say no, Oikawa will 100% sit behind you to reach his hands under your shirt, kiss the back of your neck, maybe tuck your hair out of the way so he can leave marks*
*you can’t tell me that this mother fucker hasn’t made you sit on his cock while you do pottery... please god. It will get so messy because he picks up your lap enough for him to fuck you so slowly*
“You got some on your face, come here.”
“Don’t get too messy”
*loves seeing you covered in pottery clay tho bc he knows you work with blood sweat and tears the way he does with volleyball*
“I’m gonna go ahead and get ready for practice.” (11:00 am)
“I gotta leave at 12, you sure you can’t come?”
“Be ready by the time i get back, we’re going on a date.”
“If you’re not ready i’ll go on the date by myself.”
“Do you know where i put my sunglasses?”
“Can i steal your sun cap, i can’t seem to find mine.”
“I’m gonna head out now, come give me a kiss.”
“Give me another one.”
“I won’t be late amor (love), just give me some sugar.”
“Hey get you’re clay hands off me.”
“I’ll be back around 4, i’ll let you know if i’m gonna be late.” (11:40 am)
*you smacked his ass on the way out and he didn’t even bother to check the fat hand mark on his shorts*
*over the phone “Hey amor (love) i’m gonna be running late okay?” (3:50 pm)
*still over the phone* “Don’t be mad, kay? I’ll be home as quick as i can. Besos (kisses), love you too.”
“IM HOME! I’ll shower and we’ll get going.” (4:30 pm)
*smacks your ass* “You look good.”
“Give me a kiss.”
“What do you mean no?”
“Oh come on, you like it when i’m sweaty~”
“EY! No me pegues! (Hey! Don’t hit me!).”
“Did you buy me more leave in conditioner?”
“Bring me towel!”
“No i genuinely forgot it this time, please hand it over i’m getting cold.”
“Gracias amor~ (Thanks love)”
“okay okay, i’m ready let’s go!” (5:00 pm)
“Hold my hand.”
“No te passes, dame tu mano. (Don’t cross the line, give me your hand).”
“Do you want food? I’m hungry- did you eat lunch? Okay good, i know you forget sometimes.”
“Let’s go get some acorda de mariscos” (açorda de mariscos is a seafood bread stew)
*will get recognized in public once and a while bc beach volleyball is a pretty big sport in portugal from what i know, correct me if i’m wrong, i’m mexican/american*
*will speak perfect portuguese to his fans, they’re always surprised*
*always has to show his residency card to prove that he’s of age to drink*
“They always mistake me as a minor, it’s annoying.” (5:30 pm)
“It’s not funny, can a man not get a paloma (a paloma is just a type of cocktail with tequilita and a type of grapefruit juice/soda) in peace?”
“Should i grow a beard? Why not? I think i’d look good.”
“A baby a staring at me, should i scare it?”
“Ow! I’m kidding, i’m kidding.”
“I want a baby, give me a baby.”
“What do you mean i’m enough? I don’t think that’s a compliment.”
“If i propose right now, will you give me a baby?”
“You’re such a bore.” 😤
“Let’s go to a club , i wanna dance.” (7:00 pm)
*you can’t tell me oikawa doesn’t know how to dance like a god*
“Stop being a prude and get closers, it’s not like we haven’t been closer.” (7:30 pm)
“Stop blushing...”
*when oikawa dances, his hands are roaming everywhere youre body*
“I’m gonna get another drink. You want anything?”
*you sit by your lonesome, and obviously someone has to hit on you because oikawa isn’t around*
“Hey- piss off, they said they aren’t interested and they are taken, by yours truly... So how about you run along now.”
*if oikawa wasn’t so humble about you he would probably beat the shit out of someone*
“Finish up your drink and we’ll head somewhere else.” (9:00 pm)
*he definitely club/bar hops*
*probably will get drunk at the third or fourth club*
“Baby~ Come give me a kiss.”
“Honey~ do you love me?”
“Yeah? give me a kiss.”
*will 100% make out with you in the club. one hand gripped at the back of your neck so you don’t push away*
*quicky in the club bathroom bc he’s not willing to wait, hand over your mouth and a bites your shoulder bc he’s as loud as you are*
“Let’s go home yeah?” (11:00 pm)
“Let’s take a shower together~”
*fucking in the bathroom*
*if you couldn’t tell, he’s horny when drunk*
“Oh! Iwa-chan is calling”
*both of you lay in bet together while he’s on the phone with iwaizumi*
“He wants to talk to you.”
“She said she doesn’t want to.”
*will make you lay on his chest while he just pets your hair*
*sees that your asleep and takes pictures of you while sleeping*
“Yeah she’s asleep now..”
“No, I haven’t found the right ring yet.”
“I’m not getting old iwa-chan! i’m getting younger by the minute.”
“It’s not like they won’t say no... right.”
“Hey! don’t make fun on me- when you meet the right one, you’ll know how i’ll feel.”
“Shh- go back to sleep baby, i’ll go to sleep in a minute.” (12:00 am)
*kisses you’re forehead*
“Hey honey, am i getting fat?”
“Look in the mirror, i see someone beautiful and then you- the second most beautiful.”
“Stop telling Shōyō that i like getting my blackheads popped!”
“Hey- schedule me a manicure will you?”
“Take a picture with me and shōyō and then send it to tobio-chan.”
“Wax my brows, and do it right this time!”
“Hey, do my makeup- why? Because i wanna look better than you.”
“Woah woah woah, who said you can take pictures of me.”
*fiddles with your fingers in public*
*will propose to you when he wins against msby bc he just wants to publicly address that he’s the best and has the best*
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ready-to-obeyme · 4 years
[OM!] Mother!MC with Demon Brothers + Luke Headcanons
Scenario: Instead of a younger human, the Devildom welcomes a mother (with a 3-year old son in tow) into the exchange program. 
intro + headcanons about how the brothers would interact with her 
no romance… just uwu
bonus how the brothers would treat the son (why son? Perhaps because I too want a son)
Female reader!! (MC is referred to as she in this post) 
bonus character: Luke :3c
Lucifer wasn’t prone to believe in fate-- and the beginnings of the exchange program was just another reason why he did not. He let the breeze-- the wind pick a human applicant for him; and if he had gone through every application (though he wasn't completely sure he'd be sane by the end of it all) maybe this situation wouldn't have happened. 
"What do you mean you can't be one of our exchange students?" Diavolo inquired, more curious than anything, an amused smile gracing his lips.
"I have a son," she said hesitantly. And there he was, peering around at the assembly room in his mother's arms that were wrapped protectively around him.
A mother and her human child, Lucifer thought blearily. One could only imagine what would happen if both of them remained here. (Which is why he never cut corners in anything he ever did ever because the one time he does, things go to shit. Damn Diavolo for enabling him.)
disgruntled by the adjustments made to accommodate a human child and his mother; mf will he ever rest
probably has to worry about babysitting duties delegated to his brothers 
however, pleasantly surprised by MC's calm demeanor and reliable personality; finally another competent person in the house he doesn't have to really pick up after
...actually adores her and her son
accidentally does things to please her without really realizing it and hates the slight disappointment or worry he sees when he goes through sleepless nights or lashes out from anger
doesn't remember the last time he's been chastised, but he's as embarrassed as he can be when she fusses over him
the hell coffee she makes for him every morning and the snacks she brings during his breaks makes him lowkey wanna cry-- he doesn’t know how to deal with a selfless, unconditional love
is used to being a single parent ngl so taking care of her son is kinda… easy especially if the son is compliant
finds himself pressing a kiss to his forehead absently and catches himself only after he's done it (bonus points if Barbatos takes a pic of it and sends it into their trio gc) 
“Barbatos, please delete this picture.”
“Oh, are you sure about that?”
ah he's attached, and so are his brothers, which kind of perturbed him a little but he’s kind of in the same boat after a short week or so
(if there was one brother who had a chance of harboring feelings for a mother mc, it’d be Luciiiiiiii uwuwuwuuwuuw; what can I say? He can’t resist the milf) 
eventually, he opens up to her about the war-- because if there was any human he’d trust with his secrets, it would be MC
he's crying 
he doesn't think anyone has ever talked or held him as gently as MC
similar to the game, absolutely adores her and can't even lie about it
ok jk he's still a tsundere, but blushes every time MC looks at him with a knowing look because he can't lie convincingly enough that no, the head pats dont feel nice and no, he's just eating the lunch she made because it'll be a waste otherwise, ok?!
Her son definitely thinks he’s related to Mammon
Definitely the first one to accidentally call her “mom” 
But hey don’t blame him-- he’s weak to how MC looks at him endearingly as she brushes hair out of his face motherly, like he can do no wrong 
Nothing can compare to how Mammon feels when MC tells him she’s proud of him
feels legit guilty when she calls him out on his habits of stealing things to the point he remembers her voice when he tries to do it again-- basically his conscience ngl
she's like a cold hand to his feverish forehead, a cooling balm to the burn on his hand
when she defends him from his brother's insults, swears he'll protect her and her son 
on that note, adores her son too and her son adores mammon!
surprisingly (or not) good with kids and treats them well; plays with them, very lively and dynamic
takes babysitting pretty seriously-- makes him consider the fact that he might actually want to be a father in the future if possible
not that he doesn’t have reckless endeavors with her son... they just end up okay so no one is none the wiser until it shows up on someone’s devilgram or spoken about through Barbatos/Diavolo
Honestly doesn’t know how to to react 
A little miffed tbh that he finds it so easy to talk to her about…. Everything??? 
When he enlisted her (and her son) to get his money back from Mammon, did he expect to rant to her about all his animes and gush about his figurines to her because that was one of the first time someone’s allowed him to indulge in his hobbies and listen patiently?
No, and now he’s crying 
And the fact she gently addresses his self-deprecating comments and urges him to see how she sees him (smart, witty, forgiving)---
Will probably do anything for MC and anything she says at this point; the pact is just a formality LOL
Listens to her and genuinely thinks the things she does for him is in his best interest 
Had a hard time knowing how to deal with her son for a while, simply because he doesn’t know what he could do to actually entertain the child
Then finds out he could literally put up TSL or any of his favorite animes and the kid will watch it-- and ABSORB
Levi might as well be the kid’s best friend at this point-- dubbs him ‘Henry’-- which is really the greatest compliment MC thinks her son can get from him
Honestly volunteers to babysit him and proceeds to spoil him rotten
Slightly annoyed at how motherly she is at the beginning-- he takes her care and actions as if she treats him like a child
Finds it frightening how soothed he feels when he’s around her
There’s something about an older, calming presence that saps the anger from him and makes him feel like he can be himself around MC
Surprisingly the second person to accidentally call MC by “mom” probably an hour after he makes fun of Mammon for doing it (lol karma)
isn't one to seek out her attention like with levi, mammon, or asmo but is pleased whenever he does have time to spend with her because she always seems to have insight on everything and a strange wisdom that all mothers apparently do
has a lot of late night talks with her about her life, her career, what it's like having a child
often finds himself asking her for advice, and even if she doesn't have the answer, he always comes out of it thoughtful and clear minded 
always willing to take care of her son; delights in reading him his favorite books and enacting the exciting scenes 
always treats him like an adult to the point that their conversations are really funny to listen to
"So would you say the author's intent of the blue door was to convey the agony of grief?"
"I like the color blue."
"As did the protagonist; hm, you bring up a good point."
the son is Satan's partner in crime against Lucifer 
"It's better if we do this, isn't that right?"
"Yeah!" MC’s child says, happily chewing on his favorite snack that Satan always gives to him and honestly not caring about the conversation at hand at all
"See? He agrees with me!”
And Lucifer just sighs bc he always loses in these arguments and Satan is unbearably smug
similar to Satan, finds her presence in Devildom to be very pleasant and calming
she never seems to be disapproving of his past times, and Asmo is endeared by the way she never fails to say "stay safe" or "have fun!" or even "do you want me to leave the front lights for when you come back?"
the little motherly ways in which she shows she cares makes Asmo adore her
loves taking her shopping; always has a good time just gossiping, trying new clothes, or having a girls night out with self careeeee
when her son tags along, loves to have him dress up too or try on make up and it's too adorable NOT to post on devilgram
pretty sure MC's son has trended on devilgram before-- but that was the first and last time because Lucifer yelled at him for advertising the fact there was a human child in Devildom
which Asmo thinks is silly because he's pretty sure the caption under the selfie of the three of them ("So adorbs! I've only had MC's son for a day, but if anything happened to him, I would kill everyone in Devildom and then myself. Teehee!") would have deterred any demon from laying a finger on him
When Asmo has him for babysitting duties, always loves to bathe him and play with bubbles, morphing his hair into an afro or an equally fashionable hairdo
actually very attentive to the child!!
Not much changes from how Beel treats MC, but does view her actions in a more motherly manner 
I think one thing that would change is that-- considering MC is a mother of her own child, is actually very protective of the brothers and sensitive to their changes in moods
When Lucifer gets angry at Beel and Luke, MC is furious and furiously protective, not yielding one bit or hesitating to put herself in front of them because of her instincts-- Beel has never admired her more 
Physical strength has always something he can easily understand, but it is the strength of wills and of bravery that surprises him every time 
After Mammon and Satan accidentally calls you “mom” Beelzebub has no qualms with calling you by mom either-- I mean, what’s the shame in that? Everyone already thinks of you as their mother-figure anyways
MC helps him deal with the loss of his sister
With MC’s child… You know that one meme with the two ways dad deals with kids: one is softly kissing his child on the forehead as he sleeps and the other is carrying his kid by the leg with one arm
Both of them is Beel 
carries the kid around in the weirdest ways sometimes, including on his head, in one hand like he's holding a trophy, upside down (dw the kid thinks it's funny)
main transport is on his shoulders though; thinks it's kinda cute how the kid puts his arms around his head
wouldn't love anything more but to nap with him, but Beel is afraid of hurting him when he sleeps
Is the softest with MC’s son--- he’s not used to being the older brother, so he takes this responsibility kind of seriously 
Always makes sure the food that MC’s son eats is appropriate so he tastes/tries it first… and sometimes ends up eating all of it, but he always manages to succeed in feeding the kid so it’s all good
Wants to hate MC so badly the first time they meet when he’s in the attic
He’s supposed to HATE humans, damn it-- why the hell is MC trying to be so motherly and understanding, huh?? How dare she make him guilty after he lied to her like wlkjaflksjfkjasdlfj
Out of all of them, seeks MC the least; whether it’s from guilt or the fact that her presence reminds him of the things and resentment he used to hold against her 
Takes a little more cajoling from MC to talk to her and explain how he’s feeling so they can move past it
He’d rather die than let anyone else know that he teared up when they talked about Lilith and how he felt about everything; urges Belphie to talk to Lucifer and seek reconciliation with him individually (because it may be a family problem, but the feud was between the two of them, don’t you think?)
Finally gets the redemption arc he deserves and feels a lot lighter knowing that everything that has happened is now in the open and he’s ready to start healing 
In avoiding MC after the whole debacle, Belphie ends up spending more time with her son because he thinks Belphie is fascinating and Belphie has no clue why 
Similarly to Satan, treats the kid like he would anyone else but does find it amusing if the kid chases after his tail like a cat
Always ends up napping with him whenever MC’s son takes a nap-- after all, what’s easier than looking after a kid if you’re BOTH asleep?
Keeps an eye on him by putting a hand on his torso as they nap together
Uses MC’s son as an excuse to not do something, especially when Lucifer tells him to do something he doesn’t like to do
Honestly the son is a part of his arsenal-- he knows how weak everyone is for this kid (and so is he tbh but more lowkey) so cute pics of him is like… currency (Mammon WISHES he thought of this first) 
MC practically adopts him the moment she lays eyes on him-- how could she not? Luke may as well be her other son
Luke can’t say no, especially after she saves him from Lucifer
Definitely calls her mom by accident and the brothers tease him-- only for him to retort back that “don’t you ALL call her by mom?” and they shut up lol
Simeon still gets to tease Luke though heheh 
Really really really tries hard not to refer to MC as mom, but it slips out sometimes and no one even bats an eye 
Baking together is such a family bonding moment
Treats MC’s son most like his younger brother almost automatically and makes sure he doesn’t get into any trouble while he’s taking care of him (though he does anyways) 
Kind of likes the responsibility of babysitting MC’s son; makes him feel trusted
(MC takes the cutest pics of them together when they fall asleep; starts thinking about maybe having another child wouldn’t be so bad)
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eberles · 4 years
Little Things
Drew Starkey
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(gif is by @snkkat :)
Request: OMG I’m the anon that requested Your Song...AND I ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT OH MY GOD!!!! It was even better than I imagined!!! Thank you so much!!! Could I request another one? Maybe little things by one direction with Drew?
A/N: Hiii thank you so much that means a lot!! this ones really sweet, i hope you like it!! lowercase bc i just like that vibe better!! bold = lyrics
Warnings: insecurities?? fluff
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your hand fits in mine like it’s made just for me, but bear this in mind it was meant to be and i’m joining up the dots with the freckles on your cheeks and it all makes sense to me
you and drew were sat on the couch with a little bit of space between the two of you watching some random netlfix movie he picked out. he had your hand in his and he was playing with your fingers and cooing at how small your hand was compared to his.
“our hands fit perfect together” drew spoke over the tv playing and brought your hand up to his lips kissing it softly. you blushed and moved closer to him kissing his neck lightly and resting your head on his shoulder, never letting go of his hand.
after a few minutes watching the movie, drew decided to pause it and switch positions so he was now laying on his back and you took the opportunity to lay on top of him in between his legs and rest your head on his chest. before playing the movie again, drew looked down at you noticing you were already staring up at him and smiling widely. he brought his hands up and traced the freckles going across your nose and cheeks.
“i think we were made for each other.” drew claimed and you nodded in agreement. never understanding why he said, but you felt it because it just made sense to both of you.
i know you’ve never loved the crinkles by your eyes when you smile, you’ve never loved your stomach or your thighs, the dimples in your back at the bottom of your spine, but i’ll love them endlessly
“you coming down to the pool baby?” drew asked walking into the hotel room you were staying in. you were standing in front of the mirror with the only bathing suit you brought on you body. “you look hot.” drew added.
“i look stupid, look out everyone thunder thighs are coming and i’m so bloated today. why didn’t i bring a one piece?” you groan moving away from the mirror not wanting to look at yourself any longer. drew sat next to you on the edge of your bed and put his hand on your thigh.
“i know you’ve always been a little insecure about these things, baby, but you’re perfect to me. maybe my opinion doesn’t matter, but it’s true.” drew looked down at you giving your thigh a playful squeeze. “i love everything about you that you don’t, i hope you know that.”
you smiled up at your boyfriend and kissed him wondering what you did in a past life to get someone so wonderful and understanding. just a few simple words and you felt a little more confident, sure it might not last, but it was something in that moment that made you feel good.
“thank you, handsome.”
you can’t go to bed without a cup of tea, and maybe that’s the reason that you talk in your sleep and all those conversations are the secrets that i keep thought it makes no sense to me
it was 3 am and drew had woken up due to you mumbling in you sleep beside him. most of it he didn’t understand, but currently he was lying awake trying to put the pieces together.
“i just hgnn really love,” you stopped a bunch of times and also said a lot of incoherent things drew wasn’t able to put together. “love forky.” drew waited a few seconds to see if you were done with that sentence and when he didn’t hear anything else he grabbed his phone opening the notes section.
“she really loves forky - the toy story character or the utensil?” he typed into his ‘y/n’s dream speeches’ and locked his phone setting on his nightstand. he had about 100 random thoughts from your dreams saved on his phone, he never asked you about them just wanting them to be his little secret. he always assumed it was due to the copious amounts of warm tea you drink before bed, but he never knew for sure. either way he loved that about you.
i know you’ve never loved the sound of your voice on tape, you never want to know how much you weigh, you still have to squeeze into your jeans, but you’re perfect to me
“drew delete that video! you can’t post that!” you laughed trying to grab his phone and delete the video he just took of you for your tik tok account.
“why? it’s cute!” he exclaimed making you roll your eyes and give him a “duh” look.
“it may be very cute, but i sound horrendous if i knew you were recording i would’ve put my ‘fake i’m on camera’ voice on, bub.” now it was his turn to roll his eyes, he didn’t think you sounded any different on or off tape. drew saved the video, but didn’t post it not wanting to upset you. “come on, we have to get ready anyways.” you rolled out of bed and looked in your dresser for a pair of jeans to replace the comfy shorts you were wearing. drew watched as you pulled the jeans up your thighs and jumped up and down trying to get them over your butt. he chuckled to himself always thinking it was super cute whenever you did even though he didn’t understand it. once you finished putting your pants on he came up to you wrapping his arms around you from behind.
“you’re perfect, you know that?” you asked with a cheesy grin on his face making you turn around in his arms to face him and kiss his cheek.
you’ll never love yourself half as much as i love you, you’ll never treat yourself right darling, but i want you to. if i’ll let you know i’m here, for you, maybe you’ll love yourself, like i love you
“why are you even with me drew?” you were already crying when you asked making him scoot closer to you and hold you tightly. he hated seeing you in such pain.
“i’m with you because i love you, because you’re smart, beautiful, talented, funny, sexy, gorgeous, caring and i could go on all day about why i’m with you.” drew grabbed your face as he spoke and held your cheeks in his hands making you look at him. “i love you, and i want you to see that you’re worthy and deserving of love. i’m here for you, no matter what.” he stroked your cheeks with his thumbs wiping away any tears that fell. you wrapped your arms around his broad torso and cried a little more into his shoulder while he rubbed your back.
“i’m gonna keep trying to see what you see, it’s an everyday struggle, but i owe it to myself. i love you.” you hiccuped in between most of your words, but drew understood every one of them.
“i’ll be right here with you every step of the way, reminding you how perfect you are, love.”
i won’t let these little things slip out of my mouth, but if it’s true, it’s you they add up to, i’m in love with you and all your little things
drew knew that your insecurities, flaws, and other quirky things about you is what drew him to you from the beginning. he always appreciated everything about you especially the little things that you didn’t let everyone see. he constantly reminded you of how perfect you are and how everything about you makes you, you. drew couldn’t imagine being with you without all of these things in your relationship. he loved you for who you are and he wouldn’t change it for a thing.
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booksinsteadofdrugs · 3 years
my thoughts on captain america: civil war (2016)
wow i haven't watched this movie in a while everyone looks so different
okay yeah, start the movie with bucky being tortured why not, it's not like i feel bad enough for him already
seb... babe i love you but who made you say отвечач instead of отвечать (okay okay, i'm just joking i know it's a small pronouncation mistake)
steve&nat teaching wanda how to watch her back during a mission is so cute (also wow, my queen has come a long way since this movie)
"he's cute go on pet him" SAM STOP PQJDOWBDIW
i feel like rumlow could've been used more in these movies why did they just kill him off like that
"who's the homeless person on the couch" i love howard
"if that's true you'll be a great man someday" and he did become a great man howard, he did, indeed
tony feels guilty about sokovia, wanda feels guilty about lagos and bucky feels guilty about his past. give them a break marvel
zemo switching into his own accent as soon as he got the hydra agent tied up lmao
"compromise where you can, and where you can't, don't. even if everyone is telling you that something wrong is something right. even when the whole world is telling you to move, it is your duty to plant yourself like a tree and say no. you move." sharon believed that with her whole heart and look what they did to her now I'M MAD
"staying together is more important than how we stay together" and she gave her life for them at the end no matter how much she didn't want to go
THE KING HAS ARRIVED (we miss you chadwick)
''we have orders to shoot on sight" meanwhile bucky: oooh lemme get some plums
ok so caramel chocolate bars are bucky's favourite, that's good to know
awww bucky couldn't even control his strength in this movie (throwing people off the stairs, hitting them with bricks, punching the shit out of them) and now he is barely even using his metal arm bc he's scared of killing people AWW MY BABY
i swear to god if sam wasn't there to save these two's asses all the time *eye roll*
when bucky grabbed that motorcycle we all felt something right?
i remembered how much it broke my heart when rhodey said "congratulations sam, you're a criminal"
vision cooking for wanda is still the cutest thing in this movie
"so you like cats" SAM
the fact that they were so scared of bucky that they had to put him in an extremely protected capsule thing... THE POWER HE HOLDS
"pregnant?" "uh, definitely not" and a few years later we see morgan wearing her mother's helmet WHY AM I MAKING MYSELF CRY
i love how steve was actually about to sign the accords until tony mentioned wanda
i forgot how much i wanted to punch zemo in this movie, he was literally so desperate to find bucky that he had to turn 7 billion people against him
"let's talk about your home, not romania, certainly not brooklyn no" well, we have some news for you zemo
the look on bucky's face when he sees the notebook and how he immediately starts screaming after hearing "рассвет" hurts my soul
sebastian looked so ripped in this movie holy moly
wtf he really is like a death machine he could've easily killed steve in that helicopter scene
"it's so hard for me to believe she is someone's aunt", "we come in all shapes and sizes you know" AUNT MAY I ADORE YOU
"i retire for like what 5 minutes and it all goes to shit" well he's not wrong
"move or you will be moved" ayo always steals the show with one line (tfaws spoilers guess?)
the scene that started it all guys "can you move your seat up" "no"
"thinks for thanking of me" SCOTT LANG IS A TREASURE ALRIGHT
when the craziest thing happened in the mcu was spidey joining the avengers ah good old times
the airport fight was sooo good omg
i love t'challa is just like ''just lemme kill barnes i don't care about your white nonsense"
scott's "hohoho" will never not be funny for me
this movie got me so hyped up for a possible buckynat storyline dude i'm still mad, they had such potential
peter getting scared of tony approaching him shows how hard their job actually is i feel so bad for them
vision accidentally shooting rhodey OH MY HEART CAN'T TAKE THIS
and wtf did sam do tony for fucks sake
zemo calling the hotel from moscow so they can find the body in the bathtub lsndjsbdjs he's such a diva
avengers getting treated like criminals is still pissing me the fuck off
"you better go get a bad cop cause you're gonna have to go mark furhman on my ass to get information out of me" OKAY MY FAV SAM WILSON LINE
zemo killing all the winter soldiers instead of waking them up is a great way to show his ideology actually
"there's a bit of green in the blue of your eyes" well that sounds poetic
i don't know which is worse: seeing tony watching his mom killed, or the amount of guilt bucky must've felt in that moment, or the way tony managed to keep his cool until he realized steve acted like he didn't know the entire time AGH IT HURTS
"i remember all of them" and that look on his face SEBASTIAN STOP
the fight between steve&tony&bucky was actually one of the best scenes in the mcu in my opinion, especially when bucky's arm gets destroyed (seriously tho, watching the way he pushes tony into the wall, trying to rip off the arc reactor with his metal arm and the fury in his eyes agh i love this scene)
aww zemo deleting the voice message of his wife before attempting to kill himself broke my heart
i remember crying in the cinema watching steve and tony beat the shit out of each other... my friend who's never seen any of the mcu movies before was looking at me like i was an alien
bucky still trying to protect steve by gripping tony's foot i- HE LOVES STEVE SO MUCH
oh when tony lifted his hand to protect his face with that terried look, he thought steve was gonna finish him
i!!! wanna!!! die!!!
"are you tony stank?" stan lee we miss you, you beautiful man♡
"i've been on my own since i was 18" having multiple illnesses, and probably mental ones as well, steve only had bucky on his side. he was the only one who always got his back, making sure he was okay, always protecting him. so he knew he had to do the same. bucky was the best friend he ever had.
soo, this gave me enough trauma for today. i think i'm gonna go cry until the next episode of tfaws.
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menalez · 5 years
ive been saying that i’ll be posting receipts on the hetfem server, which was also heavily requested by plenty of people on here. this post is going to be pretty long, so i’m putting it under a read more. keep in mind, this isn’t every single wrong thing that has been said on the server, some may disagree with some parts even being wrong to begin with, and this post may have more added to it afterwards in the reblogs. the individuals who have provided me with receipts were all feeling threatened due to knowing how vicious and prone to harassing others the women in this server often are. so ive been sent countless receipts with context, which i have tried to summarise as well. please remember that the point of this post isn’t to call out specific individuals, but rather it is to showcase that the concerns and ‘rumours’ going around about this server were reasonable and true, and to show how lesbophobic and racist this server is (which many have publicly stated before being dogpiled by members of the server). 
first is the zionism and racism in that specific regard. “theHettyishere” is black-diaspora, “Autumn” is probablyaterf. both are partaking in the erasure & justification of how israel is treating palestinians, erasing palestinians proven ties to their country, erasing the war crimes israel partook in, and also erasing the racism within israel which prioritises ashkenazim over mizrahim and black jews.
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then they got more blatant and started saying that if you’re anti-zionism then you’re .. anti-semitic ?? keep in mind these people aren’t even jewish 
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then they go onto defending christianity
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and falsely claim hitler ‘deeply respected’ islam. interesting considering hitler called muslims ‘half-apes’ and all but oh well!  
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second set of receipts is the defending of blackface and justification of it. in both these ‘debates’, they literally only present one side and then act like they had a great discussion at the end of it when they’re all just confirming their pre-existing beliefs and using one another to support that. anyways, girlsfrommars had previously come under fire for publicly defending the blackface tradition existing in her country, the netherlands. this is her doing it again after backpedaling on tumblr on this topic, and people in the server standing by her. battleking is bookrebelwordwarrior on tumblr. 
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the conversation kinda goes on for a bit and girlfrommars does the same thing she did on tumblr not long before this convo, which was give a “oh ok i’ll reconsider!” which may not be her truth anyways.
next is people on the server saying straight women don’t have enough good representation and even talking about being upset over bi women and even lesbians being represented?? again, autumn is probablyaterf. laughing bird will appear in the screenshots a lot, although i’m not sure what her url is.
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idk how to tell these het and bi women.... that lesbians have practically no good representation. especially not as much as het women. there’s a lot of parts of this conversation that are highly questionable. tldr its bad if lesbians or bi women headcannon gnc women as bi or lesbians. also its bad if gnc characters aren’t straight.
this next screen is coming from a het woman so keep that in mind. i don’t know how to put into words why i find this iffy so yall can see it and decide for urselves
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she justifies it w this when a couple of members make it clear they find her message questionable:
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on a different occasion, girlsfrommars, a white woman, decides to randomly ask other white women in the server what they think about reparations. a bunch of racist white women show themselves during this conversation. please keep in mind i was not the one censoring their usernames so i myself have no idea who these women are, but the person censored in white is emanon, who has a tumblr. i dont know what her tumblr is, but she will appear in multiple other receipts after this. keep in mind this entire channel ends up being deleted by probablyaterf to cover up the racism and prevent the collection of receipts, which you’ll see evidence of later on in this post.
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then one of the white women dismisses the impact of racism, basically,
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then woc start to chime in (white is the white woman, ‘emanon’)
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then, after this conversation went on for a while, a mod decides to tone-police and shame the woc for taking issue with what the white woman was saying. this mod is also white.
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“my race doesn’t matter, but i’m jewish” sounds convenient. especially since this person admitted to being white and stated thats why she should stay in her lane the previous day:
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back to the dispute between LB and the woc:
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remember LB’s tone and behaviour in  the above screenshots as you’ll see how different it is from how she acted when a white woman was being lesbophobic on the server. 
probablyaterf eventually comes in with “both sides were bad :)” basically
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girlfrommars makes a non-apology apology about bringing up reparations the way she did
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the next set of screenshots is just.. i dont even know what to say about it? yall can see it for yourselves because i think its self-explanatory. battle king = bookrebelwordwarrior, thehettyishere = black-diaspora, autumn = probablyaterf.
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then the subtle lesbophobia comes in
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this convo was then moved to a channel that was eventually deleted (receipt of that will be shown on this post).
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probablyaterf then comes in and says lesbians are All saying the things mentioned above 
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then radfemkitten talks about how upset she was and probablyaterf goes on about how this conversation should stop or something 
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PAT then lowkey admits that part of the point of her server is to be able to talk shit about lesbians without being criticised for lesbophobia: 
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radfemkitten more or less confirms this
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PAT basically says “if you think women here are lesbophobic then leave but if you keep criticising what is said then i’ll mute and maybe even kick you!” ok
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after this PAT muted that woman for saying that some of the women were being lesbophobic. 
someone showed exactly where lesbophobia was present 
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 “straight women should have a space where they can shit talk lesbians without criticism” basically ^. this is the 3rd screenshot where members of the chat, specifically the creator PAT, states that the server exists partially so that non-lesbians can say shit without being criticised for being lesbophobic. 
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this was then said by emanon (racist reparations lady): 
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then probablyaterf coddles the women who were upset for being held accountable and kicks out the women who called out lesbophobia
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probablyaterf deleted entire channels which involved members being lesbophobic and racist for the bullshit reason she provided here, basically admitting she would remove things to prevent the collection of receipts:
this is why she is so confident on her blog about how people can’t possibly have receipts on her server. because she makes sure to delete the evidence. issue is, she did it too late. she then started twisting the story and lying to save face. she removed the conversations regarding reparations, separatism, the accusations of racism & lesbophobia, them complaining about there not being enough good representation of straight women, etc were all removed. evidence:
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then it gets even more blatantly sketchy, where PAT basically tells the members of the group to not repeat the drama or dish the details of it, as any honest and open person not hiding questionable shit would do, apparently. 
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the details and specifics of this drama were all kept quiet by those involved as well, and those involved agreed to not talk about what has happened in detail.
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the bit “one of the members was crying SO MUCH because you called her lesophobic that she almost LEFT HER JOB :(” is funny as y’all can see the situation for yourself up there, she said something and people questioned her on it. this wasn’t a case of a poor defenseless victim being cruelly attacked or whatever.
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“a lot of them do tho clearly” keep in mind that there were like what .. 4 lesbians that took issue with the server? and initially there was even less than that.
radfemkitten then goes onto a lesbophobic rant.  
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then they changed the story within the server and claimed that the accusations of racism were directed at woc... when it was directed at white women exclusively, as shown above. keep in mind the person claiming this and putting racism in quotations is a white woman herself so. hmm.
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next incident is some white woman being very blatantly lesbophobic on the server. several people took issue with it, and she received multiple warnings but was not kicked. keep in mind that earlier, someone was kicked simply for questioning a member on the server and saying they were being lesbophobic. yet when someone is blatantly lesbophobic, they receive multiple warnings and then get away with it. “pinkie the feral one” goes by roxxy, i don’t know if she has a tumblr. notice how laughing bird is comparatively very civil and patient with this roxxy person. 
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bi & het women determining that lesbians talking about thinking of pussy somehow implies ‘homosexuals are sex crazed deviants’, is what’s homophobic, btw.
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next are when the hetfem server came under fire after TD spoke against it and drama ensued. i was initially 100% for the hetfem server and said those opposing it were being illogical. however, after a while of that drama, some lesbophobia was starting to come out from the hetfems which is when i said i think both sides are wrong. the hetfems took this very personally and proceeded to make lesbophobic comments about how im just bitter bc i dont have a gf or something (altho i was in a relationship back then so lol) and then they blatantly said they dont think het women have power over lesbians. the convo resulted in them full on arguing that lesbians have it easier than het women.
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next coming is the hetfem server arguing that abrahamic religions actually *helped* women and how radfems should be talking about that. keep in mind some of these are the same people that mock people who say islam is a ‘feminist religion’. 
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next is them arguing on the hetfem server that Nasime Aghdam, the youtube shooter, is male and referencing a meme as a source. they completely ignored the fact that Nasime’s childhood photos make it pretty obvious that that meme was inaccurate anyways. also probablyaterf argued that it’s somehow racist to note that nasime aghdam resembles many other people in the middle east (somewhere im from & where ive lived my entire life). its interesting considering how many things she argued weren’t racist or homophobic, yet noting that someone isn’t a Weird Unusual Looking Alien like she wants to claim is ..racist
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the probablyaterf goes on to strawman that i claimed all iranians are clones of each other or smth simply bc i said nasime aghdam’s face is not unusual in countries like iran. also keep in mind the person censored in red is a white woman lol.
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henryhetta = foxfur-nadine.
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listen.. ive seen women wearing borderline clown makeup in my country. it doesnt make them male. anyways then PAT says ‘maybe im wrong but ill insist im not anyways’, basically.
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next is the time black-diaspora posted a pic of my mom taken from my country’s gov facebook page, which provides people with her first & last name. this was brought up on the server. they said i was lying (i was not) and went on about how im crazy and need to get laid. also calling me a ‘nigel’ in one of those screens.
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then they just keep justifying it and insulting me. instead of taking issue with what a member of their server did.
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so basically “calling out lesbophobia is bad, but posting information that leads to someone’s mom’s full name and facebook is ok, and somehow posting something from a ‘public news article’”
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then they said “homosexuality is legal in bahrain” to somehow justify any of this??? as if Bahrain doesn’t have a history of killing, imprisoning, torturing, and exiling Bahrainis that they see criticising the government (which i frequently do) or anything. not like around 200 people have lost their lives for critiquing Bahrain’s government or anything. moreover, plenty of things are ‘legal’ in Bahrain but still lead to punishment. sex outside of marriage is illegal and gay people can’t legally get married, for one. and people have been imprisoned in Bahrain for kissing members of the same sex. but whatever i guess. anyways then radfemkitten argues that i sent a picture doxxing my own fucking mother to black-diaspora. so i endangered my own mother and then begged these people to delete the information they posted, apparently? 
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sadly, that is the end of the receipts i have on the topic of BD endangering my mom and the hetfem server justifying it and finding ways to blame me for BD’s actions. so i don’t have the bit that confirms how she explained herself to others and justified it, however she did justify and defend it publicly when i called her out on it. BD was not kicked or muted or anything of the sort for what she has done, and as you can see, everyone justified it and took it as an opportunity to insult me. this wouldn’t have been as much of an issue if i wasn’t from a dictatorship and if my blog wasn’t so political. what BD posted is STILL present on another blog and i could not get staff to delete it, so if the information falls into the wrong hands i don’t know what’ll happen to my mother, or even to me.
next is them justifying allying with the right despite their homophobia, racism, etc. keep in mind some of these women reblogged white supremacist propaganda in agreement with it so this isn’t particularly shocking. christmas begins in november = autumn = probablyaterf.
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the issue with this, by the way, is associating with a group that is often misogynistic, homophobic, and racist solely to have a slightly larger platform of people who are more or less heavily for gender, gender roles, and more, sends the message that somehow these are ok things to side with as feminists. yall notice how many ‘radfems’ are literally just conservatives who are against some aspects of misogyny or trans people? these are the people you’re roping in a lot of the time. and this makes the voices of radfems easier to dismiss by the left as well. instead of establishing a space in the left, you end up placing yourself closer to the right and effectively putting the success of your movement to a halt.
these coming screenshots are the hetfems arguing het women have it The Hardest in radfem spaces 
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separate event is just some lesbophobia, again.
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“imagine a straight/bihet woman wondering what the purpose of a lesbian is” go outside. there’s plenty of that. one idiotic woman saying that about bisexuality doesn’t somehow override that.
more blatant lesbophobia in a separate event. note the reactions underneath the text (all in agreement)
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how often have gay people talked about how the stupid “you have equal rights now uwu” bullshit is simply bullshit? this is exactly what men use to dismiss feminists, why do it to dismiss talk of homophobia?
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a bunch of white & het/het-passing women joking about making a straight pride or kkk march
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remember the white woman, emanon, who argues against reparations because “what about poor white people? :(” she comes in with more racism, and some intersexism too! this is her calling caster semenya, an intersex black woman, a man and using ‘he’ pronouns for her. girlfrommars, the white woman keen on defending blackface, comes in to express her agreement.
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then they argue that semenya was raised as a male.. because she refused to wear feminine clothing including in school & because some people thought she was, and thus treated her as such until they realised shes not, a man??
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this is more recent than a lot of the previous receipts. i reblogged one post by radfemkitten a while back, and she was so flattered she felt the need to complain about it on the hetfem server, to which someone replied by likening me to a male hippo from madagascar. 
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embrassemoi · 3 years
(1/8) You're really out there publising new chapters in such a short amount of time and each chapter is better than the last one!   I'm seriously in awe of your talent! It's so difficult to pick a favorite chapter but this one might be one of my favorites. First of all, I loved what you did with the chapter title, whiskers literally taking padfoot's place in the order they were named on the map. It was sirius' worst fear and it happened. Also Remus and mc's chemistry is so great. I'm a big fan
I've had so much inspiration and free time this past week! and I'm going to start getting really busy this upcoming fall so I want to try and upload as much as possible!
(2/8) of how naturally their friendship and relationship grows and how different their dynamic is compared to mc and sirius. The way she was braiding his hair in common room and the way map practically flirts with her. Their little moment in the halloween party was so great as well, mc (who is dressed up as mcgonagall) drunkly playing with remus' (who is dressed up as FILCH) is probably one of my favorite moments in the sbtmas. Speaking of the costumes, I wish I was a good artist so I could draw
yeah! it's always a struggle to write two different dynamics when it comes to a love triangle because you don't want it to be:
a) the same
b) have it be unfair (although rn it's kinda unfair but hey, sirius will have a chance)
c) please both remus and Sirius stans (its been hard bc sirius stans are so mad with me rn LMFAO its kinda hilarious. I'm sorryyyyy! I SAID SLOWBURN DIDNT I? I WASNT LYING)
and oh my gosh - this chapter was literally so fucking fun to write and I think that really showed in my writing this time. the map - omg - since it's technically remus' magic for his little messages, the map is unable to insult her and I think it's just so cute :)
and I think dressing up as the professors would be so fucking cool! actually, fun fact - this idea was originally supposed to be for fifth year. Sirius was supposed to be McGonagall and MC was still supposed to be a cat but I obviously flipped shit around. for seventh year - I've had their costumes all picked since I started writing and I CAN'T FUCKING WAIT TO WRITE IT MY GOD
(3/8) a fanart of them. Lily as a 20s flapper, marlene as carrie, dorcas as dorothy (it's official, dorcas is the cutest person in this entire series) and sybill as the crazy cat lady (hands down best costume)! And of course marauders as teachers. Remus as filch was son unexpected yet brilliant! I almost died when marlene started flirting with mc for a grade and james called her hot (and also mcgonagall took a photo with her, minnie and marauders era students is always so fun to read about. Can
THE FACT that you would even think of making drawing fan art is literally the most ego-filling thing ever. woah. Thank you for even just mentioning that lmfao.
also, I love Dorcas. I love her. I adore her. the version of her that I created in my head - I'm obsessed. the same goes for Lily. omg I can't forget to mention Marlene! omg I'm a mess. I love them all.
(4/8) you imagine her keeping all of those memories in a box and looking at them after most of her students from that time period die in the war.) Peter had some really good costume ideas after all. But honestly, thank you for... giving peter a personality. In most fics he's just there, only eating in the background (similar to movie!ron). But in sbtmas he's so great and has a great sense of humor (he got his hands on a pen and chose to write "evans' bitch on james' face, an icon). I feel like
okay, that hurt my feelings. I can just picture McGonagall getting teary eyed as she stares at a picture of the Marauders after the second wizarding war, wishing she could have saved her students.
(5/8) this is going to make his betrayal so much better when it eventually happens. I mean, I was genuinely disturbed when james started to talk about how sneaky he was (famous last words). I loved all of the pranks they did in this chapter as well. The exorcist music and ballpoint pens were so creative (and they gave us that adorable scene with dorcas and nifflers) and also... funny. I feel like in a way, it showed how much marauders learned from "The Prank" and matured because of it. Last year
Peter was a marauder through and through. he was just as sneaky as the others, brimming with personality and just as smart. maybe not in academics, but the fucker had strengths in other areas. It was such a pet peeve of mine when they didn't include him in the fics I used to read. idk, sbtmas is everything I guess I wanted in a fic that I didn't get 💀 (I sound a bit egotistical here. If it comes off that way, I don’t mean it to)
(6/8) their halloween prank with spiders was a bit cruel. But this time, it's somethig that would make everyone laugh and maybe a bit annoyed, but still less harmless. Everything was funny and great and honestly, while I was reading this I was laughing the entire time... until I got to the "five years" part! Now that was cruel! You really did used costumes and pranks as a distraction and hit us with the angst! One second I was laughing and the next moment I was having an existential
oh definitely and I'm happy that you caught on to the change in severity from their pranks!
(7/8) how we have no idea about what future will bring and you can never know how much time you will have with your loved ones before it's all taken away from you. But I guess that's the appeal of the marauders era, we all know about the tragic ending they will have but still want to learn about their hogwarts years. And of course the song you chose perfectly captured that. It's halloween 1976, exactly five years before lily and james' death. And they have no idea about how they only have five
(8/8) years together. James and lily was laughing along with peter! There was something so beautiful yet disturbing about the innocence they have and you captured it beautifully. I can imagine sirius, sitting by himself somewhere, thinking about how he lost his friends and not having any idea about the tragic things that'll happen to him (or how he'll try to break into hogwarts on halloween 1993 to kill one of his friends). Okay now I made myself even sadder, I'll just shut up. -🌸
aw, sirius :(. I obviously didn't add him in this chapter but while writing, I imagine him to be in Padfoot form, silently watching the fireworks. just thinking. :((((( I just made myself sad again :( I think I even wrote a small blurb of that part but I can’t remember if I deleted it. If I didn’t, I’ll totally upload it to the outtakes eventually
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pascalpanic · 3 years
omg congratulations baby🥺🥺 i think personally that i would ship u with javi bc he NEEDS some sunshine in his life & i think u could be that for him so perfectly🥺 like u would walk into his office one morning & he would catch himself SMILING & then would be like. fuck. fuck. but then eventually come 2 his senses &realise he cant keep away from u🥺🥺. but anyways , for me, im like short & small but thats whatever, i think what i find most important abt myself is my dedication &care that i take in my happiness . & i wouldnt ever date someone who doesnt have that similar mindset , like if u arent trying 2 be healthier& kinder & sweeter & wiser every day then i just cant rly understand u😭. omg what else . im rly cheerful! & playful i guess ???? like today i picked up a broken mat that had split from its underneath layer& i turned 2 my friend & used it as like a little puppet & went hola 2 her & i was shocked 2 discover how funny she thought it was😭 i was like this is a regular activity for me 😭😭. idk what else i have forgotten everything abt myself . i like sunshine & hugs& dancing 2 music in the kitchen. i hope thats enough oh my god. thank u so much u are such a wonderful vibrant light te amo
please I’m the sunshine person?? have you met YOU?? first of all you’re so cute ily
I would ship you with Marcus Pike!
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Committing yourself to being better every day is a total Marcus move. He’s all about positivity, even with the shit he’s been through with love, but he’s always hopeful he’ll find real love again. That’s where you come in!
Marcus is a total goofball and the little making-inanimate-objects-talk thing is something the two of you end up doing a lot of. He loves your humor and levity and he never stops smiling around you. How could he ever frown when he has the warmth in his life that you provide!
Any rom-com trope you’ve ever loved has been embodied in Marcus Pike. He’ll slow dance with you in the kitchen while you cook dinner or bake dessert together, brings you your favorite drink in the mornings before you wake, and just loves on you endlessly.
Your height is adorable to him, that you’re so much love in a tiny package. He tells you that constantly. He has millions of soft and sweet nicknames for you, often just calling you Sunny rather than your name. You’re so warm and exciting and he can’t help but fall for you the moment you meet.
ships are CLOSED, any more sent will be deleted!
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lessons-from-moths · 4 years
Fic writers let’s goooo
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Found this circling online and I will be doing it ok and I would love to see all of your responses ! 
I love writing Friends to Lovers and Hurt/Comfort
Hardest fic of 2020 was “I love you 5 thousand different ways”
Easiest fic of 2020 was “The stars are the exception”
Favorite story ever is probably one I haven’t published yet (sequel to “The hands we’re given”)
I hop really badly. It makes editing super difficult lol
I’ve never deleted a published fic because I see them all as my writing history. Even the unfinished ones, even the awful ones. I’ll probably always keep them up unless someone finds them offensive/hurtful.
Best writing advice: rewrite. I hate it so much but it’s really good. I also like the reminder that readers are only seeing 10% of your character, but you still have to develop 100% of them anyways. 
The worst: just write! What the fuck does that even mean? It’s unhelpful and doesn’t make me want to write. 
I have not collabed! I do come here for help though and the Pac-Man gang always has my back.
I currently have 40 WIPs, 25 of which will likely never be published. 
I’m most proud of “Broken Toys” bc even though I hate the writing I love that it’s been an educational tool for those who don’t know much about asexuality and a place for other aces to feel seen. 
I’m currently really invested in “The Art of Burning”  by hella1975 but I truly can’t pick just one I have so many favorites and have a ton of respect for other fic authors
Best review? I also can’t pick. I have the most incredible readers who are way too nice to me and make me feel very loved and appreciated. When I’m especially sad I’ll reread comments from “Big Dai Energy” because everyone there is so nice even though I don’t deserve it 
Worst review omg okay so back in my Teen Wolf writing days I got this insane comment where they were angry that I gave someone’s werewolf betas to a different alpha for the purpose of the plot, and they ranted like crazy about it. It was so funny, and I got a ton of comments aimed at that person from other readers who were like “???? What is ur problem?” 
Hmm I think I’d write a prequel to “you told me that you fell in love with it, hadn’t gone as I planned” by @just-a-gay-bean because it would probs be angsty as hell and she created such a rich history that it would probably be a pleasant write
I do reread my own stories, mostly to cringe and remind myself how to make my future ones better
Nah, being published seems like a lot of work. Writing is just a nice outlet. I think it would be kinda cool to develop a TV show (my friend and I are sort of working on one right now)
I love writing Akaashi Keiji and Kuroo Tetsurou
It’s hard and not as fun for me to write characters that I don’t think much about, like the Miya twins, Hinata, and Yachi. I think they’re great characters, but I just have no clue how to write them. 
I set tons of deadlines. If I can’t make them, I usually get pretty discouraged.
Oh god okay justagaybean, hella1975 and literally I can’t think of any more specifically and I promised myself i wouldn’t look things up
I want to try a magic AU, I think it would be a lot of fun.
I will never write A/B/O outside of actual werewolf fanfic (Teen Wolf in particular lol) or mpreg. Just not my thing.
I’ve been posting on AO3 since 2015 but I posted works to Wattpad and Quotev (Quizzaz at the time) back in 2011. They were really, really bad.
Other fanfic writers are a huge influence! I also take a lot of inspiration from music and life experience.
Hardest part is staying true to the story and the characters, and making sure that your vision stays consistent.
Easiest part is coming up with a loose plot and shoving in the characters you like haha
Best part of writing fanfic is reimagining your favorite characters in interesting storylines, happier worlds, and/or with deeper connections than they have in canon. I love how there’s no limit to the possibilities
Plot of a WIP: Character A moves into a new apartment after leaving their abusive ex and starts a shiny new job. They meet Character B (their neighbor) as well as a ton of people at their job, in the apartment, and at the corner store. They slowly grow into A’s support group and A is just like “huh, weird that people can still like me even after I’ve been ruined” and then eventually A and B strike up a great friendship that turns into something more and it’s really angsty but also really hopeful.
I think I bring versatility. I try to reimagine the characters as I see them rather than what the fandom sees them as in fanon but I also think that it helps that my fics are all incredibly different. 
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