#but I feel bad
elitehanitje · 4 months
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Bryan Keith is All Elite
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antiendovents · 2 months
i just wanna make another post addressing the whole issue of the vent that told pro endos to kill themselves (link to original post here, link to response / explanation post here)
I just wanted to say that one; I do not condone harassment or telling people to actually kill themselves (I mentioned this in the tags of the original post but I'm not sure if I made it clear enough), by that I mean I don't support people actually going to pro endo blogs and telling them they should kill themselves and stuff. But, I also do not support harassing people for "thought crimes". Sure, it's not the nicest thing to wish death upon those you hate, but as someone with NPD who does this quite frequently in my head I kind of understand it. And I'd rather that person come here to vent their frustrations than say actually go around telling people to do it. You get me?
Two; this is a vent blog, made for frustration at it's core. We made this blog because endos made us mad. They made us frustrated and upset and hurt. So we made this blog for us and other anti endos to vent their anger about it, and that's what we'll allow. We have said multiple times we do not condone harassment nor do we condone actually telling people to kill themselves, but if you wish to come here and vent about it and about how you feel then you are welcome to do so.
And finally, about the delusional statement; I don't agree with that either. I don't believe delusional should be used as an insult but I feel it's important to recognise that they likely didn't mean it in that way or maybe didn't even know it was a insult.
I don't know, I'm not them and I can't comment on their actions or why they did what they did, but I can comment on why I posted it, which is because well, that's what this blog is made for. I'm sorry if you were hurt by their words, I can promise I didn't intend to hurt others, but this is a vent blog and while yes I do like to keep some things light hearted here it's also important to understand that well. As I've said. It's a vent blog.
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autumnliminal · 9 days
😰 god I feel pretty awful. I was talking to my friend who was suicidal and I told them I was pretty exhausted, but I was trying to support them as much as I could although I’m kinda burnt out from working 6 days in a row…
and then as soon as they seemed okay I think I passed out from relief, but then woke up to texts from them saying things were getting even worse and they were going to the mental hospital.
I know it’s probably not my fault but I just kind of feel like my support was inadequate— like if I had just pushed myself a little harder I could have offered better support and they wouldn’t have had to resort to that 😥
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wanderingmind867 · 1 month
hey there!
just wanted to come in here and say I really like reading your posts! I don't know much about Marvel or Percy Jackson, but they're still really interesting to read, especially because you seem to enthusiastic about it all. hope you've had a lovely day!
(also, I believe you can block anons! it blocks their ip address so they won't be able to harass you anymore. Looks like you've turned off anon asks (don't blame you, I would have done the same!) but just in case you wanted to block the guy who was sending all the hate mail for the future)
@spiritbox713 Thank you for the response. I almost wish I'd gotten this response immediately, because your information would have been incredibly helpful. But I've already deleted all the anonymous asks, so I can't block him now that I've done that. And I'm not sure I'm ready to allow anon asks and allow him to stake a second offensive, so to speak.
And while I'm here, I'm going to turn this into a vent post all it's own here. I still feel bad that I haven't told my dad that I have this account. Because literally, I never originally intended to post here. But the button was there and I realized I could use it to share my ideas. From there it grew, to the point where it's 3-4 years later and I have 11,000 posts. And my dad knows about none of them. He knows I have an account, he doesn't know about the posting. And I don't know how he'd react. I don't want to break his trust or make him feel bad. My dad is the only person I have irl who I'm close to, and I'm very dependent on him. I'd feel bad admitting this. But I probably should. When nobody in my real life knows I have a blog where I've shared my first name, age and hinted at my location (if not outright said it once), that's probably a big problem. So, idk what to do.
I didn't even want to use this account for posting initially. I'd stop posting as frequently if I could browse tumblr without an account, even! But tumblr won't let me do that! So now I live on the dashboard being sedentary 95% of the time. I hate it! I wish I could browse anonymously sometimes!
I probably shouldn't keep venting here for now, so I'm going to end this here. But expect more vent posts soon, because I still have all this on my plate.
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cubot · 11 days
My head did not hurt when I woke up, but got worse over the day. I should probably go to bed, but I'm having fun. I'll have some caffeine and pain killers and hope they make love in my body and the emotions kill my headache in a pink powerful beam of sparkles and hearts.
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asktadckrew · 2 months
hiya proto! just a heads-up, you should probably block @/randysworld2009. he harasses roleplayers and creators, steals people's OCs, pretends he's dating them and sexualises women heavily.
Yeah I'm he's weird asf
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thvnderdraws · 7 days
what happened im so embarassed to post my art now
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midnightdemonz · 1 year
I think everybody likes StickHench (Henchler) but me
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wormswhosaybruh · 3 months
Me when I tell my parent something about my sibling and it ends up with them getting yelled at 😧
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thelunarsystemwrites · 4 months
When I'm not front locked anymore, the other headmates are gonna be SO confused-
"Slenderblog—You're STILL doing that??"
Or Mal will probably say something like, "What the actual HELL is that!?" *pointing to undertale art*
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fishybehavior · 9 months
Am I a bad person for not wanting to cover someones shift tonight?
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uplatterme · 1 year
hii no fics except maybe one (if i try hard enough) this following week because i have so much on my plate rn with work and i also have to handle like a bunch of other things at the same time kahwbdb
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satisfiedskye · 1 year
queued a bunch of doodles from the last month or so. sorry there’s not a lot of finished works or anything, i guess i’ve gotten lazy. i’ll try to work harder to make more finished stuff.. blegh
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maverickcalf · 9 months
I wish I didn't feel guilty about eating
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mynameis-a · 1 year
there are 2 wolves inside of you:
the first wants to show off and brag a bit
the other feels bad showing off or bragging
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gatheryepens · 1 year
Me trying to ask people if they can return my books to me, let’s see how this goes…
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