#but I knew about it before I knew I was gay
mindmelter · 2 days
Felix The Perfect Toy
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Felix was the hottest jock in my school. Everyone knew who he was and everyone wanted to be his friend.
And I was no different; I was obsessed with his good-looking face, his fit athletic body, and his loud yet charismatic personality, and he had this casual, effortless way of carrying himself like he didn’t even realize how perfect he was.
But it’s not just the looks. Felix is different. While the other popular guys are absolute douchebags, Felix is kind, even to people like me. He could have anyone he wanted—everyone wants to be around him—but he never treats anyone like they’re beneath him. That’s what makes him even more attractive: he’s not just the best-looking guy in school, he’s actually good. It’s maddening how perfect he is.
I dreamed of having him all for myself, but I could barely approach him without having a full-blown panic attack. I knew someone like him would never pay attention to someone like me.
He was the captain of the school's swim team which gave him a fit athletic body to fantasize and drool all about.
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Every time I watched him swimming, my mind would wander, fantasizing about licking the water on his body, tasting his hairy armpits, or finally seeing what he hides under those speedos. Unfortunately, that was all he was to me; a fantasy.
When my parents died when I was twelve, I moved in with my very wealthy grandfather. At first, he seemed like a frightening and enigmatic figure—an imposing man of few words, as people would say. But as the years passed, I gradually grew accustomed to his unique personality.
I never knew what he worked for, how he became so rich, or why he was always traveling, which consequently would leave the mansion all to myself. It was lonely, I will admit, I had no one else to share that beautiful mansion with.
One day we were having breakfast together. He was wearing a black robe, flipping through the newspaper with his usual silence, rarely acknowledging me. I sat across from him, stirring my coffee absentmindedly, my mind wandering back to Felix, as it often did.
"You seem distracted," my grandfather said without looking up.
I froze, unsure how to respond. I never talked about my feelings, especially not around him. He didn’t seem like the kind of person who cared about teenage crushes.
"Just... thinking about school," I muttered.
He lowered the paper slowly, folding it neatly before setting it aside. His cold gaze fixed on me, making me shift uncomfortably in my seat. “You’re not a very good liar, boy. What’s on your mind?"
“It’s… this guy,” I finally admitted, my voice barely above a whisper. I could feel my face heating up.
He already knew I was gay, so that wasn't a surprise to him.
“A guy?” he repeated, almost as if testing the word. "Go on."
"Yeah, a guy from school," I said, avoiding eye contact with him, “Felix. He’s... I don’t know, he’s just... perfect. And completely out of my league.”
My grandfather remained silent, his eyes never leaving mine. I couldn’t tell if he was judging me or just waiting for me to keep going.
“I mean,” I continued, unable to stop myself now that I’d started, “he’s popular, everyone loves him. He’s the captain of the swim team, and… well, I like him. A lot. But there’s no way he’d ever notice me. I’m... no one compared to him.”
For a long moment, my grandfather just watched me, his expression unreadable. Then, he gave a small, almost imperceptible nod.
“I see,” he said slowly. “So you have feelings for this... Felix. You wish you could have him?"
I nodded, feeling embarrassed for even admitting it. "Yeah. But like I said, he’s way out of my league.”
There was a strange look in my grandfather’s eyes, a glint of something I couldn’t quite place. He stood up from the table, smoothing his robe as he moved toward the door.
“Enjoy your breakfast,” he said cryptically before disappearing into the hallway.
I didn’t think much of it at the time. I thought maybe he was just being his usual mysterious self.
A week later, it was my 18th birthday, but it could as well be any other day since I had no one to spend my birthday with, not even my grandfather, as he was still traveling.
That day at school, I noticed Felix had missed all his classes. That was odd since he had swimming practice that day. I was sad because I was eager to watch him getting all wet in the pool that day; it would be my birthday gift.
Later that day I came back home from school. The house was eerily quiet, as it often was.
When I opened the door to my room, the sight stopped me dead in my tracks. There, in the middle of my room, was a large and long box. Confused, I approached it cautiously, there was a red present lace on top of the box, I pulled it off and slowly opened the box, and inside I saw... I let out a scream and fell to the floor.
My breath caught in my throat.
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He was motionless with his eyes open, while he was wearing a white tank top and black shorts. He looked perfect, too perfect—like a doll.
I backed away, my heart thudding in my chest. "W-what the hell...?"
This couldn't be Felix; it must be an identical replica of his body, I thought. There was only one way to find out. I slowly approached him and ran my hand on his face, and I felt his soft and warm skin. It was really him, but somehow... different. His eyes were empty, and his body was unnaturally stiff. I gently placed my hand on his chest and felt a heartbeat. It was very slow... actually, too slow for a person—one beat for every five seconds—but at least he had a heartbeat.
A low chuckle came from the doorway. I turned and saw my grandfather standing there with a grin on his face. He stepped inside the room, his cold eyes drifting between me and Felix.
"I see you’ve found your gift."
I swallowed hard, "What... what did you do to him?"
"Consider it your birthday present," he said, "I couldn't let my grandson put himself down over a dumb boy, now you have him."
I stared at him, speechless.
"You don’t have to be alone anymore. He will keep you company when I'm out traveling. He’s yours now, exactly how you wanted."
"But... he’s not... he’s not real, he can't be real!" I stammered.
My grandfather smiled. "Oh, he’s real. But let’s just say I’ve made some... modifications to his brain." He stepped closer, looking down at Felix with a clinical detachment. "You can do whatever you like with him. He won’t resist. He was programmed for obedience only. He sees himself now as a toy, and you as his ultimate owner. Isn’t that what you wanted?"
*Programmed for obedience?* The thought of it sent a shiver down my spine, but not in a bad way.
I glanced up at my grandfather, and for once, I didn’t feel like I had to hide my feelings. “You... did this for me?” My voice cracked. I could barely believe what I was seeing. Felix—*my* Felix—was lying right in front of me, his perfect body ready and waiting.
My grandfather nodded, his expression still cold, but there was something else in his eyes—satisfaction.
"Of course, the way you spoke about him, I know what it means to desire something so deeply, you feel powerless. So I decided to remove that powerlessness for you."
“I don’t know what to say,” I whispered, my eyes never leaving Felix’s perfectly still body inside the box, “I’ve... I’ve wanted this for so long, but I never thought...”
My grandfather chuckled, “No need for words, boy. Just enjoy your present, he’s been prepared for you.”
I stepped closer to the box, Felix's features were serene while he stared at nothing. He wasn’t just a fantasy anymore—he was real, and he was mine.
I reached out, my hand trembling as my fingertips brushed against his handsome face. Warm. Awake. And yet completely not.
“He won’t... fight me?” I asked, almost breathless.
“No,” my grandfather replied. “He’ll do exactly as you say. He’s been modified to please you, to follow your every command.”
I turned to my grandfather and smiled. “Thank you,” I said.
My grandfather gave a small nod. "I knew you'd understand. You're my blood, after all. Just remember to never let him out of the house. He's still missing as far as everyone knows. You're 18, so he's your responsibility now."
I looked down at Felix again, feeling a sense of ownership, of power, that I had never felt before. My fantasies were no longer just in my head—they were right here, ready to be made real.
As my grandfather turned to leave the room, he paused at the door, giving me one last glance over his shoulder. “Oh, and there's a manual in the box, enjoy your present."
Once he was out of my room, I locked the door for privacy. Then I picked Felix up from the box. His body was heavy, as expected, but after some hard effort, I managed to drag him to my bed.
Just for fun, I posed his right arm, making him flex.
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He looked so serene, so peaceful like he was asleep. But his eyes, those beautiful eyes that I had dreamt about, stared into nothingness. They were the only indication that something was wrong—or right—with him.
I couldn't hold any more second and started to undress him, first taking off his white tank top, then I pulled down his shorts. I was surprised to see he was wearing his swimming speedos.
He probably was abducted after his swimming practice. His body was even more amazing from closer, and to think that for so long, I just watched him from afar...
The realization of having Felix lying on my bed made me start leaking.
I lifted both his arms into a flexing pose.
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A smile crept onto my face as I buried my face into his armpits and took a deep sniff, but I was disappointed; he didn't smell like I was expecting to. I wanted to smell his sweaty, musky armpits, but instead, he smelled faintly like a factory or a lab.
I took a deep breath, trying to calm my racing heart. I had to figure out how to make him more 'alive'; I needed him to produce the sweat I was so looking forward to sniffing and lick. I wanted him to act more like the real Felix.
That's when I remembered about the manual my grandfather talked about, the instructions were surprisingly detailed. It was like a manual for a very expensive, very human-like sex doll. But this wasn't a doll; this was Felix. After searching for a while, I found a section titled "Activation and Customization."
"To activate your toy, you must press a button installed in your toy's nape. This will initiate the awakening process," the instructions said. I quickly started searching Felix's stiff neck for the button, finally, my fingertips found a small, unnoticeable button hidden under his skin at the base of his neck.
I took a deep breath and pressed it. Nothing happened at first until his eyes fluttered and started to roll in circles as if it was imitating a loading icon.
Suddenly, Felix's body jerked to life. He looked around the room with a vacant expression, his pupils dilating as he took in his surroundings. I watched, frozen, as he sat up and swung his legs over the side of the bed.
"H-Hello, Felix," I managed to say, my voice quivering.
He stared at me, his gaze unflinching and his movements mechanical. "Hello, Master," he responded in a monotone voice. "I'm your toy, Felix. How may I serve you?"
"Ummm, can you... Can you act more like the old... umm, real Felix?"
I watched as his eyes started to swirl again; he then looked at me—the same look that I had seen countless times at school when he was about to tease someone or when he was flirting with the girls. "I'm sorry for acting weird, dude," he chuckled, his voice sounding so much more natural, he then smirked and looked around my room. "That's a nice room you have, did you win the lottery or something?" He joked.
"Well, kinda... ummm... but you are definitely my best prize so far," I said, It was funny how I was still nervous about talking with him, even though I knew he was my brainless toy now. "So, how do you feel?"
Felix rubbed his head and chuckled. "I feel fine, man. A little stiff, but I guess that's to be expected after being in a box all day." He looked down at his body, then looked at me with an eyebrow raised, "But, dude, what the fuck? Why am I in only my speedos?"
I blushed and stumbled over my words. "Well, you know, you don't have to wear clothes around me, you're my toy now."
Felix relaxed, "You're right, I don't have to wear clothes around you." With that, he stood up and pulled down his speedos, revealing his big soft cock. I gasped at the sight.
"W-what are you doing?" I stuttered, my eyes glued to his cock.
"You said I don't have to wear clothes around you, speedos are technically clothes, aren't they?" He said with a cheeky smile.
I nodded. "Yeah, I guess so."
He walked over to me, his cock swinging gently with every step. He was so close that I could feel his warm breath on my face. "So, what do you want to do with me, dude? I'm your toy, and as a toy, I deserve to be played with."
"I-I would like you to do push-ups for me, p-please," I said, trying to keep my voice steady.
Felix nodded and dropped to the floor, his muscles rippling as he pushed himself up and down. I watched, mesmerized, as he performed the task with ease.
"Is this what you had in mind?" He asked, looking up at me with a smirk while still doing push-ups.
I nodded, my cock now rock hard in my pants. "Yes," I managed to say. "It's exactly how I fantasized for so long," I pulled my hard cock out and started jerking off to the sight of my crush, obeying my every command.
For so long I had jerked off to Felix's photos, and now here he was, in the flesh, doing push-ups in front of me. The reality was so much better than any of my fantasies. I couldn't believe this was really happening.
After almost one hour of nonstop push-ups, Felix's amazing body was glistening with sweat. The smell was starting to fill my room, it was heavenly! He looked up at me with a hint of exhaustion in his eyes, I kinda wanted to know how far he could keep doing pushups, but I didn't want to break my new toy.
"That's enough Felix, sit on that chair over there with your hands behind your head. I want to taste your sweaty armpits."
"Yes Master." Felix obeyed immediately, sitting down with his arms behind his head and looking up at me expectantly.
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My cock bobbed as I walked to him and sat on his lap; I leaned down and took a deep breath, filling my nose with the musky scent of his armpits. I then slowly stuck my tongue out and licked the saltiness from his skin, savoring the taste of the most popular jock in my school. His body tensed, but he didn't move away.
"That's so disgusting dude, how can you get off by licking the dirty armpits of another dude?!" He exclaimed with a mix of shock and confusion, but he didn't resist.
I chuckled and kissed him lightly on the cheek. "It's not just any armpit, Felix. It's yours."
After spending the entire evening sniffing and licking every inch of Felix's sweaty body, I decided it was time to take things to the next level. "Alright, Felix," I said, getting off from him, "I want you to lift your legs and spread them, keep your hands behind your head."
Felix looked at me with a mix of curiosity and confusion, but he did as he was told, his body now programmed to obey his new owner.
"That's so humiliating," he murmured.
My heart was racing. This was it—the moment I had been dreaming of for so long. I looked down at him, his body now mine to explore and use as I wished. "Don't worry," I whispered, trying to reassure him, "you're going to enjoy this, I promise."
I leaned in between his legs and kissed him softly. His body tensed up, he clearly wasn't happy about kissing another guy, but he didn't pull away and just let me explore his mouth. Encouraged, I deepened the kiss, my tongue sliding into his mouth and exploring it as he lay there, unmoving. "That's fucking gross.... uuurrghh, I'm not gay," he mumbled against my lips.
"It doesn't matter if you are gay or straight, Felix," I whispered as I continued jerking him off, "You're my toy now."
He stared at me, his eyes wide with a mix of fear and anger. "What the fuck, man? I'm nobody's toy!" He breathed out, his voice cracking slightly.
The programming really did a good job at mimicking Felix's real straight personality. Ignoring his protests, I reached down and grabbed his cock, stroking it gently, but he wasn't getting hard, of course he wouldn't, I thought with a chuckle.
"Get hard for me," I commanded, watching his cock swell in my hand. "Does this feel good?"
Felix let out a moan, his body betraying his protests. "No, it...uurrghhh... it doesn't," he gritted out, his voice filled with need.
"Then let's try this," I aimed my cock against his tight ass, I felt his body tense up, but before he could react, I inserted the tip, feeling his muscles clench around me.
"What the fuck!" He shouted, trying to sit up, but I pushed him back down gently.
"Don't move," I whispered, "I want you to love this. Remember, you're not just my toy, you're my sex toy. Your purpose is to give me pleasure."
I watched Felix's eyes rolling in circular movement for a few seconds, then he suddenly looked at me with needy puppy eyes.
"Aawwwwwwghhh! This feels so fucking good! I love how you fill my ass, dude!" He moaned.
I grinned and pushed deeper inside him, feeling his tight straight ass envelop my shaft. I began to thrust in and out of him, setting a slow, deliberate rhythm. His moans grew louder and louder; the command for him to love it was really proving to be effective.
As I fucked him, I couldn't believe how perfect it felt. Soon I was fucking him real hard, my hips slapping hard against his ass, the sound echoing through my room. As I thrust inside him, I leaned in and buried my face in his armpits. I took deep sniffs as I heard Felix's moans grow louder and more desperate.
"You're mine Felix, forever!" I moaned against his armpits as I came inside him.
While I was still inside of him, I commanded him to cum, but just when he was in the middle of his orgasm, I pressed the button in his nape, and he froze mid-orgasm, his face now frozen with his eyes rolling back and tongue sticking out.
But I was surprised to see his cock was still shooting cum all over his abs, some even landed on his face and tongue. I guess the programming isn't able to stop an ongoing orgasm.
Pulling away, I looked down at him, lying on the chair with his body covered in sweat and cum leaking from his ass. His handsome face, was now distorted in a mindless dumb expression.
I decided to give him a bath, to clean off the sweat and cum that covered him, but also because he still had some of the "factory" smell on him.
I filled the tub with warm water and called him to get inside the bathtub. He was in his mindless, obedient state; that was his default mode. I wasn't in the mood to bathe a loud and rebellious toy.
His eyes were glazed over as I cleaned his body, it was so cute.
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As I washed his pecs, I couldn't help but playfully pinch his nipples. I continued my exploration, moving down to his abs and then to his hard cock, which was still hard since I first commanded him to be.
"You're such a good toy," I praised, giving his shaft a gentle tug. "I've always loved you, Felix, yet you never noticed me," I whispered as I washed his hair with shampoo, "you were always surrounded by so many friends and busy with girls, why would you notice someone like me, right?" I said, washing his pecs and abs. He didn't respond since he was in default mode, but I wasn't expecting him to. "I'm so glad we have each other now. I promise we will have a lot of fun together."
When I was finished, I told him to step out of the bath and sit so I could dry him. As I was drying his muscles, an idea suddenly came to me. I pressed his nape and gave him a command...
After I was done with the command, he tilted his head and smiled at me.
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"Why use a towel, Master? Use your tongue to dry my sexy body." He then pulled the towel from his lap, giving me full access to his throbbing shaft, "And I think you should start with my cock."
I've been enjoying my new toy for months now.
Felix's disappearance is commented on to this day, no one knows what happened to him after he left the swimming practice. Somehow, the organization in which my grandfather worked managed to clear all the evidence of his disappearance from that night.
I was back home after a boring day at school, and like every day since I got Felix as my toy, I spent the day looking forward to coming back home to him.
As I walked into my room, I was greeted with the sight of Felix "sleeping" on a chair.
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He always spends the day "Inactivated" when I am out. I walked to him and pressed his nape, activating him.
When he saw me he gave me a warm smile and stretched his arms, teasing me by showing his armpits.
"Welcome back Master, please come take your daily dose of your toy's armpits."
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starboye · 2 days
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starring: simon "ghost" riley x male reader
request: Hey OP saw that you wanted some requests for Ghost and I was wondering if you could write some Ghost x male reader 🤭🤭 where they’re roommates (could be civilian AU or military) who both claim to be “straight” but are so gay for each other. I kind of make this opened ended there’s like zero Ghost x male reader stuff 😭😭
warnings: smut, some fluff i think, cursing, pervert!simon, pervert!reader, civillian!au, jerking off, fingering, making out
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you and simon ended up as roommates after learning that he had nowhere to stay after getting of his mission and now every day is a struggle to stop yourself from pouncing on the man, you and him both claimed to be straight, casually bringing it up while on a mission with the 141 team but your actions tell a different story, longing glances and drawn out touches says that you both like each other, but both of you don't know that about one other, to sure that the other is strictly straight and doesn't hold any feelings.
the dynamic is kind of simple around the apartment, you usually cook and clean while simon is out working and he'd do the same when you're out, but recently simon has wanted to take the role of cleaning more often, that was a lie though he hated cleaning but when he realized he could use it for his own perverted nature he was eager to do it more, when doing laundry he'd steal a pair of your used underwear just to sniff it and jerk off with it.
fucking into his fist in the dead of night when he thinks you're sleep, using your underwear as a sort of gag to capture his deep groans, the imagination of fucking you senseless flooding his mind over and over till he came with choked back grunts that you heard unbeknownst to him, you both sitting on the couch watching tv the next morning as if he didn't imagine fucking you till you moaned every letter of his name.
and you well you weren't nearly any better than him, always sneaking into his room when he was at work to lay in his bed, sniffing whatever scent of him was left on his pillows and wrapping yourself in his blankets to then finger yourself to the thoughts of him using you like a cum rag, filling you up over and over till you cant think, and you knew that your fingers could never match up to what simon probably felt like but you wanted to know so bad.
you both wanted each other so badly but never knew if the other wanted it to, till one fateful night where you were both chilling in the kitchen cooking up some dinner when you turned around and bumped into simon, his hands quickly moving to hold your waist so you don't fall and you both stood there for some time, just staring into each others eyes "oh uh sorry" he stuttered releasing his grip on you and baking up "don't be" you quickly say wrapping your arms around his neck to kiss the man.
you having to stand on your toes just to reach his mouth with yours and with that you pulled back, a couple more seconds of silence following before he's picking you up and taking you to his room, and my god was that night good, you were both living out your fantasies of each other simon cumming over and over again till he was milked dry and you ending up a messy and incoherent mess splayed on his bed.
after that it was like to rabbits fucking constantly, over and over, day and night or even morning time by this point the neighbors were begging you guys to calm it down but that still didn't stop you guys, to drunk off one another love to even think of stopping, now here you were making out on the kitchen counter with simon after trying to bake desserts like you too didn't fuck that morning, after simon came home from work, and before dinner seems like tonight's gonna be a loud one.
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paraphwrites · 2 days
i think it's interesting that in episode 3 of dbda when all the ghosts are coming in to get the boys on there case, there's a man who comes in like "hey this painting keeps getting younger and younger while i grow older and older"
like. did we collectively forget that that's the inverse of the plot of dorian gray. dorian commits a faustian deal (sells his soul) for immortal beauty. there's a painting of him that ages instead. for those uninitiated, dorian is a homosexual. he's a gay. the whole book is gay. it was used in oscar wilde's (the author's) sodomy trial, that's how gay it is
look dbda is an incredibly well made show. and there are so many details and i KNOW i'm not picking up on them all, but many of the details i have noticed are all queer-coding in nature.
"orpheus and eyrudice" look obviously charles is comparing them to a romantic story and it's like oooh romance but far beyond that, o&e is a greek myth. greek myths & allusion to them have historically been used by authors -including oscar wilde- to intentionally queer-code characters at a time when they could not write about it plainly
the painting thing i mentioned before? guys oscar wilde was gay as shit. man fuckin' went to jail for it. like it's NOT a coincidence that they're referencing queer media here!!
(and, i would like to note, that i think the fact that (a) edwin immediately knew how to handle the situation, and (b) the man was aging instead of the painting, that symbolizes something. perhaps edwin's lack of vices, seeing as he has not yet given into hedonism and/or homosexuality. perhaps the fact that this story will not end as dorian's did. perhaps that by not giving into homosexual desires, it also wears on the soul. or perhaps it demonstrates how they didn't wanna get copyrighted.)
look i am not SAYING that payneland is cannon or that it is the only valid interpretation. all interpretations are valid. but i AM saying that there is repeated intentional queer coding. they're busting back the 1800s use of subtext and i think that's banger actually
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bengiyo · 2 days
Hello 👋
All of your favorite horniest sex scenes?
Hello! I've been busy, so this has taken forever to get to!
I don't always need the guys to bounce around on each other and gyrate enthusiastically for it to out as horny. Oftentimes, I find myself more drawn in by the building desire between the characters, and the explicit acknowledgement of release. I like when the sex feels like it's also revealing something to us about the characters. I've highlighted many of these before, but it's fun to revisit.
Ghost Host, Ghost House Episode 4 Couch Scene
I will never get over this scene, and especially the director's cut of it. These guys knew they liked each other almost instantly, and it was so rewarding to see them reach a place where they could express that. Bonus points for discussing the logistics of gay sex.
This show has been on Gaga and YouTube for a while, but it's also now available on Viki!
La Pluie Episode 6 Floor Scene and Episode 7 Bed Scene
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I liked this scene so much that I wrote about it. Again, there's a lot of anticipation between these two, and you can tell how far it's built up because Patts has to dial it back down when Saengtai wants to stop. It's especially important to me because Saengtai does blow Patts in the next episode. If you're on iQIYI, there's an extended cut of that at the end of the video lists.
Mood Indigo: The Post-Funeral Scene
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These two are so horrible for each other, but damn are their sex scenes compelling. Theirs are the kinds of scenes only possible between two people you know can never work long term. I was so glad that we got back to Haruhiko in Playback, and the first thing he did was blow Rio in a car. If you haven't seen the Novelist, and you're itching for hornier BL, it's right there.
The End of the World With You "You're Soaked"
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From the same team as The Novelsit, we got to experience baby's first fuckboy in this incredible show. Again, I love when we get scenes with couples who aren't ready to work, because they're allowed to have raunchier sex. They get to amp the intensity of the physicality because they need to give a reason why someone was so caught up and missed the warning signs. I actually love the car scene later as a more romantic intimacy scene, but we're focusing on horny here.
Jack o' Frost Birthday Sex
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A common theme here with the Japanese offerings is that people are allowed to have more interesting sex scenes right before they split. This is true even in Jack o' Frost. We get a really great oner from the leads that precedes their breakup and Ritsu's accident. I think this might be my favorite of this list because the actors have to build the entire scene together since there aren't any cuts.
Gameboys 2 Bed Scene
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Cairo and Gav are one of my favorite pandemic couples we got on screen, and I was quite relieved for them when they finally got to have this moment. We also confirmed they switch, and I love that.
Wedding Plan: Namnuea Showing Off His Stamina
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No list for me would be complete without including them. I really loved seeing two gay men go at it after clearing out all of their misunderstandings. They had already had sad goodbye sex. It was thrilling to see them having enthusiastic, athletic sex. This also leads directly to one of my favorite emotional payoffs for a closeted character of all time.
Kiseki: Dear to Me Reunion
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The second couple stole this show, but damn if I didn't love the way these two played out sex across multiple years between their characters. These two really suffered, and I really love the way Taro Lin and Hsu Kai captured the changes between these two as Bai Zong Yi grew and matured. This really was a solid sex scene.
Love Class 2: Sungmin and Joo Hyuk
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I just really wanna thank them for reassuring me that if Korea wanted to, they could deliver.
Sleep With Me Jeans Scene
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I am not a lesbian, but I share their beliefs. This scene was so good. I loved that these two, who have different kinds of disabilities, were able to have a very fun sex scene. I really like when it's clear both characters want to be there.
Only Friends: Boston and Top in the Car
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Despite my eventual disdain for this show, I was impressed with Neo and Force for giving this incredibly selfish sex scene between their characters. This entire scene is about injured egos, and it's a standout scene from this show. We won't discuss the rest of the show here.
Thanks for the ask!
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garciaasfluffypen · 2 days
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take care of me (like i take care of you) pt.1
pairing: jemily x adhd!reader word count: 2.4k warnings: emily smokes in this one (SMOKING IS DANGEROUS LADIES, GAYS AND THEYS pls dont ruin ur lungs), reader is mentioned to vape but it is not shown, female terms of endearment - "little miss", y/n has a minor flashback to a previous relationship where they got belittled that leads to an rsd breakdown a/n: THIS PART GOT TOO LONG AND I DIDNT EVEN GET TO THE MAIN PLOT POINT UNTIL 2.4k WORDS IN so its being split into two parts teehee :) also... i should have put this in the first part, but the house they live in is jj's house from cm evolution bc i'm quite literally obsessed with it anyway pls ignore the fact that it's clearly not three femme presenting humans holding hands i couldn't find a gif like that anywhere
you all had been blessed with a whole week off. a whole week that you got to spend with your favorite people in the entire world and not have to worry about being called in.
it had been ages since you had a whole week where you didn’t have to worry about a single work thing bothering you. the last time you had done this, you had convinced your then best friends to take you to their favorite park and have a picnic, go to the movies and even take you to the trader joes to get your favorite snacks. but this week, this week was different. firstly, you were now dating your best friends, and had been told to stay at theirs as long as you wanted to. you hadn’t left except to go to your apartment and grab a suitcase full of clothes. secondly, the case you had just finished drained the hell out of the three of you. a majority of the time was spent curled up on the couch cycling through shows on netflix and amazon prime, everyone taking turns picking a show to watch while eating leftover chinese food and cuddling. but today you were determined to get out of the house.
the local zoo was holding a sale to celebrate the birth of a new baby giraffe, which happened to be some of your favorite animals ever. so naturally, you got three tickets for the three of you last night and made sure you were up before both of your girlfriends to ensure you got your hands on tickets to feed the giraffes. it had been on your bucket list for a long time. ever since you were little, giraffes had intrigued you. they just looked so soft and cuddly. and you wanted to touch one. so, so bad. 
which is how you found yourself up at seven in the morning, squeezing yourself out from between the two older women and seaking downstairs, curling up in the armchair that you had claimed to yourself and grabbing your ipad. well, technically it was emily’s but she barely used it so therefore it was yours. you had all your favorite games on it anyway, so it was only fair that you used it more since you liked to play games on the jet. making sure you got to the website bright and early, you went to the page where you needed to buy the giraffe experience tickets and waited patiently until 7:30am hit and the first wave of tickets were sent out into the interwebs. within minutes, you had the three tickets you needed in your email. the next step to buttering up your girlfriends for a day at the zoo was to make breakfast. 
you knew exactly what breakfast each of them liked, and had memorized it a few weeks prior for moments like this. emily loved her bacon crispy, her eggs over easy and a marlboro gold by the bay window. jj, on the other hand, loved when you made the pillsbury biscuits with honey and butter, some sort of potato and getting kisses from both you and emily. considering emily usually woke up a little bit before you and jj on a typical day, you decided to start on hers first. you grabbed the box of cigarettes from her purse and put it over by the seat next to the kitchen table, opening the window so the cool dc air would flow through the kitchen as you cooked. sometimes you were tempted to light up a cigarette and see what they were like, but you couldn’t let go of your favorite fruity little flavors. that was another thing you added to your mental list of things to never let emily find out, since you knew she’d give you the look that she gives you whenever you’ve somehow disappointed her. 
jj had found out by a total accident a while ago, clocking your antsiness before you even did. you had stepped out for a breath of fresh air, not realizing that jj had followed you until you were mid hit and felt a presence behind you. while she had been disappointed, she knew that the oral fixation couldn’t be stopped if you weren’t chewing on your chewy necklace. you did your best to wear it, but sometimes the need for the nicotine buzz was stronger than your little necklace and you wanted to feel the dopamine. she sat with you outside while you tried to explain the way it made you feel, and she sat there the whole time and listened to you. she made you promise to lower the nicotine level, which you agreed to, but kept forgetting to go down whenever you stopped by the shop. 
despite the fear looming over you of disappointing emily, you couldn’t help but realize everything had been so easy with them. from communicating your needs to even just asking for them to sit with you. they made sure you were their number one priority. to this day, you were still scared of waking up in your dingy one bedroom all alone and still single. but now, here you were, slowly moving your stuff into their apartment and preparing to leave most of your old appliances at the local goodwill. it was a pleasant change, knowing you were moving somewhere nice and calm and where people supported your every move. where they wouldn’t yell at you when you forgot to refill the soap, or restock the cheese drawer after a grocery trip. 
shaking yourself out of your thoughts, you heard the bedroom door creak open and the padding of emily’s sock feet grew louder as you started smiling. 
“you’re up early,” emily beamed at you. “what’re you doing?”
“taking care of my girlfriends.” you shrugged. “cigs are on the table for you next to your window.” 
emily narrowed her eyes playfully at you. “you have a plan for today, don’t you?” 
“maybe i do, maybe i don’t.” you playfully smiled back at her. “you gotta wait for jayje to wake up.” 
“you know, you can be bad at hiding things sometimes.” emily came over to you and wrapped her arms around your waist. “you have the cheesiest grin on your face right now.” 
“can i not just make breakfast for my girlfriends when i want to?” 
emily placed a peck on your cheek, then captured your lips in a kiss. “you’re a devious little thing, lovey.” 
“and you adore me for it.”
“that i do.” 
you placed another kiss on emily’s lips before ushering her over to her window, grabbing the sheet pan of biscuits and slipping them into the oven. you relished these small moments with emily, where it was the two of you. you got these moments with jj at night, since emily typically stayed at the office later than you guys did. taking the mornings with just the two of you was something you tried to do more often than not, since you craved quality time with both of them. you loved having time with both of them together, but alone time with each of your girlfriends was something you cherished. you made sure to get emily’s coffee mug filled just the right amount and bought it over to the table, wrapping your arms around her from behind as the smoke flowed from between her lips. you had at least five more minutes before you had to start cooking the bacon and eggs, which meant you could sit with emily and bask in the moment. 
before you knew it, jj made her way into the kitchen, smiling widely as she came and wrapped her arms around you as you stood over the pan. your eyes momentarily closed as you leaned back into the blonde, letting her place a few kisses on your neck before turning around and capturing her in a kiss. you smiled at her before turning back to the bacon, making sure that side was crispy as you could get it before flipping it around. 
“what’s all this?”
“well… i uh, i had a plan for us today.”
you saw emily struggle to hold back a chuckle out of the corner of your eye.
“can you guys both be ready by nine thirty? no wait, be ready by nine fifteen and in the car by nine thirty because we need to be at the place by nine fifty in order to beat the crowds and get to where we need to be on time for our tickets because our tickets are for eleven.” you paused, looking at your girlfriends. “can you be ready by nine fifteen?” 
“i mean, yeah.” jj looked over to emily. “do you know the plan?”
“just that little miss over here woke up before us and i woke up with no blankets on me because in the midst of everything you stole all of them.” emily joked, poking her tongue out at jj. 
you started rocking up to the balls of your feet. “so um… there might be a new baby giraffe at the zoo and i might have gotten us tickets because i really really wanted to see the giraffes and they’re my favorites and they were running a sale because of the new baby and--” 
jj chuckled. “you are adorable, did you know that?” 
“is that a yes?”
“of course it's a yes, bubs.” jj placed a kiss on your cheek. “i’d love to go to the zoo with you.” 
“emmy?” you looked over to emily, the new nickname slipping out of your lips with ease. “can you come to the zoo with us? you’ll probably say no which is okay because i can always invite penelope or tara but-”
“why would you think i’d say no?” 
negative feelings overflowed your system as you remembered vividly the face that had been pulled when you asked to go to the zoo or do anything you considered fun. you felt yourself slipping into a dissociative state, fingers looking for something to stim on as you worked through your feelings. the harsh words of “why the fuck would you want to go to the zoo?” reverberated through as memories of one of your previous flings flew to the front of your mind. the shame you felt for wanting to enjoy your time together became unbearable and overwhelming, making you realize that your girlfriends could become annoyed with you like that and change their minds. what if they thought you were childish? what if they figured out you were too much for them?
emily looked over to jj. “did i say something?” 
“i don’t know. i don’t think so?” jj looked over to you, your eyes glazed over. “um.. shit wait, okay, i think they’re having an rsd episode, i’ll get their work bag. the marble fidget they use to calm down is in there.” 
emily scooted out from behind the table as she put her cigarette out, sneaking behind you to grab the pan off the stove before the bacon burned. she put her arms around you and pulled you close, running her hand up and down your back lightly as she waited for you to come out of your funk. she locked eyes with jj as she came back into the room, digging through the bag for the fidget toy in question, sticking it in your hands before you could start scratching at the side of your nails. a few minutes passed before you came back, the feeling of both emily and jj’s arms around you grounding you in the present, pushing the negative feelings to the back of your mind.
“‘m sorry.” 
“it's okay, lovey. do you want to talk about it?” 
“um… can you just… i’m not too much, right?” 
emily pulled back. “what makes you think that?” 
“whenever i asked about doing things that i liked, nobody really wanted to do them.” you looked down shamefully. “i shouldn’t have presumed you’d want to go with me.” 
“y/n y/l/n” blue eyes looked into your own. “you don't need to hide yourself with us. never hide yourself with us. you’re allowed to have your likes and act on them.” 
“ah ah,” jj tilted your chin up, making you look at her. “don’t you dare.” 
it was almost as if a switch had been flipped in jj, her eyes darkening slightly as she stared at you. it caused your legs to turn to jelly, rendering you practically useless in your girlfriend's arms. you weren’t entirely sure what was happening, but it sent a wave of excitement through your veins. 
“we’re going to the zoo with you, we’re going to have fun, and we’re going to have a good day.” jj shot emily a ‘we need to talk about this’ glance before continuing. “go get dressed and ready for the day, we’ll finish our breakfasts and go enjoy the zoo.” she gave you a pointed look. “capeesh?”
all you could do was nod, your eyes widening in… whatever this feeling was that you were feeling. 
“words, y/n.”
“y-yes.” you swallowed. “okay.” 
jj smiled, switching back to her normal self and placing a kiss on your lips. “thank you for breakfast, by the way. it smells delicious.” 
you shyly smiled back. “i wanted you to be in a good mood before i asked you to go to the zoo.” 
emily pulled you in for a hug. “you never have to do anything for us to be in a good mood around you. we-” she paused. “there’s nothing you could do to put us in a foul mood.” 
“are you sure?”
“we’re sure. now go get ready, lovey, we’ll be up in a little bit when we finish our breakfast.” it was emily’s turn to kiss you. “don’t forget your meds.”
“oh shit, my meds!” 
emily and jj watched you run out of the room, both of the older women chuckling. emily wrapped her arms around jj, placing her head on her shoulder. 
“we’re going to need to work on talking about feelings, huh?” 
jj nodded. “it seems like it.” 
“would it be too much to castrate the exes who hurt them?” 
“uh… yes? we’re not castrating anyone.” jj lightly slapped emily’s arm. “go finish your bacon, we have places to be.” 
“we do need to have a serious talk with them about it, at some point.”
“yeah,” jj agreed. “lets just… they need to know we’re here for them. let’s focus on them the rest of the week and go from there.” 
emily nodded. “we’ll go from there.”
taglist: @jayden-prentiss
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willmiwi · 2 days
Thought I'd analyze Eddie's reaction to Buck coming out to him bc i don't think it's given enough credit.
First thing after buck tells him tommy and buck were on a date is Eddie looking confused, I don't even think what Buck said really set at all. He made the connection of the date and the first thing he wondered was "wait. Tommy's gay?".
Then, goes the question "so .... You two were...."
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And he looks... Shocked, kind of hesitant too, doesn't even end the sentence, maybe afraid he misunderstood somehow.
Doesn't matter because Buck comes to the rescue to finish it. He smiles fondly at Eddie like his hesitance is endearing and kind of like saying it's "hey it's okay, yes we were on a date, you don't need to hesitate."
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Buck is immediately insecure though; it's been a second and Eddie Still looks like someone has dropped a bucket of cold water on him. I think he's more focused on how this new information shocked him than doing what one does after someone comes out to them: reassure them. It's okay though, he's just surprised, nothing weird. And so Buck asks. "Is that weird?"
And he's looking at Eddie with that analysing look, searching for something and Eddie's quick this time. Pulled out of his own head.
"No . Absolutely not." You just took me by surprise there.
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Buck's still looking at him like that, like he doesn't really believe it. And so Eddie's quick with a joke too, he looks kind of nervous? From now on? Like we Needs this situation to feel lighter somehow.
It works. Buck finally relaxes and laughs.
Then, this scene:
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And Eddie's just trying to reassure him, telling him what every queer person hopes to hear when they come out, "this doesn't change anything, I still love you"
But Buck.... Oh buck, looks like that's somehow Not? What he was hoping to hear? He literally pouts, breaks eyes contact and goes "that's uh. That's good to hear"
Doesn't sound like he means it though.
He goes on:
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Eddie proceeds to yap on best friend @ best friend advice: If he doesn't call u back he's an idiot.
But then. THEN!!!!
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Eddie's reaction is what gets me the most here so I'm getting a gif that's a bit longer so u can see the reaction he has to that line:
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Again. Same reaction. But from Eddie this time. Pouts, rises his eyebrows defeated, and pointedly looks away. All while looking upset and Not all all overjoyed about his best friend is crushing on someone. Hello?
Eddie then gives him some advice about not giving up and Buck gives it right back to him. Eddie takes that opportunity to all but Run off to talk to Marisol:
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I think it hits him then that as much as he wants to run, to think about this on his own without prying eyes that want an answer from him right then and there, and just, Sit with it, That this is..kinda Huge, and maybe he should just put his feelings aside for a bit and reassure Buck a bit more. Like he doesn't want there to be any hint of doubt that Eddie's not okay with this.
So he stops by the door, turns around and they hug:
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That's it ! I just think this tells us so much about their relationship, especially since after this Eddie doesn't seem to want to hang out with Tommy anymore. And the few times they do he doesn't look like he's having the best time, if u compare it to before (he knew about Buck's crush).
If you got here, thank you for reading!
gif creds: @beets @livelovecaliforniadreams :)
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electric-rabbits · 23 hours
Falsettos is my favorite musical and I've lost count of the times I've seen it, but for some reason it just hit me that when Marvin says "I left my kid, I left my wife, to be with you", it's a direct answer to Whizzer's "All your life you wanted men, and when you got it up to have them, who knew it would end your life?"
Because Whizzer is talking about AIDS. He's been an openly gay man for much longer, he's been with other men, and he knows how repressed Marvin was. So, he's commenting on how tragic it is that now that Marvin allowed himself to enjoy this, they'll both end up dead.
But Marvin knew he'd lose his life for this. He had a tight knit family, perfectly patriarchal, and he put it all on the line in the name of Whizzer's affections. And they're both stubborn and they're both drowning in toxic masculinity and so neither of them actually admitted this simple truth: Whizzer was afraid of loving Marvin because he thought all he wanted was sex.
It takes Whizzer's death for them to finally fix their greatest misunderstanding. Finally Whizzer says "I'm sorry it's over, now that you could have the sex you wanted", and Marvin replies "It wasn't the sex, it was you. I'd end my life again if it meant I could live with you. I did it before already".
And I'd like to believe that I'd do it again, and again, and again.
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kairithemang0 · 2 days
Alr chat am I cooking?
So the original reason the little mermaid was written is because Hans Christian Andersen attempted to pursue a relationship with a man, and was rejected and they both knew it could truly never work because of the time they lived in. So. what if this was Curtwen? And if I added random shit to it
Curt and Owen have been spies together for years, however their relationship never truly went past sex. They never became the duo we know, they stayed as more of a friends with benefits type of thing.
They survive for years, however on seperate missions they end up gravely injured and decide they should leave the field, knowing their lives as spies would never be the same due to their health declining rapidly and Owen being paralyzed from the waist down.
They drift apart, letters become less frequent, until 1976. Owen sends Curt a letter confessing how much he truly loved him, how much he misses him and wishes they could be together. He asks Curt to come visit him, Owen knows he isn't going to live much longer. His health is declining, he misses his job. He misses Curt especially.
Curt sends him a letter back. Not one of acceptance of Owen's feeling, but an apology. He worries he's misled Owen. He's got a wife now, a baby on the way. He claims to be happy, Owen believes he is. Curt isn't as happy as he wants to be, in truth he isn't. He's gay and refuses to admit it to himself. What he had with Owen was a once in a lifetime thing
He does tell Owen he'll visit in the coming months, once his wife (possibly Barb) is on her feet again, he'd go the England to visit him before he passes.
He's too late, Owen passes a few weeks after receiving the letter. When searching through his house the police find hundreds of unsent letters to Curt, dating from when they first met all the way up to days before Owen's passing, all love letters. They found ones he had received too. They're sent to Curt, who's heartbroken by Owen's death. He never tells anyone about his relationship with Owen, only realizing the extent of his love for Owen after he's gone
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20doozers · 3 days
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★Small problem★
TW: dressing room sex, unprotected sex, spit as lube, semi-public sex, quickies, m!reader, anal/gay sex
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Bill whined when he heard his dressing room door open, expecting it to be one of the staff to interrupt him. Yet when he felt hands on his waist he realized it was his boyfriend, sighing and letting his eyes close as his hands gently wandered his sides, occasionally slithering up under his t-shirt.
“Sorry if I interrupted, jus’ needed to see you before the set..” m/n murmured, kissing at the side of his neck with a small yet sly smile. Bill just rolled his eyes, going back to doing his makeup in the full body mirror. He always found it easier to stand and do his makeup before shows anyway.
“No big spiky hair?” M/n hummed, his eyes locked on Bill’s figure in the mirror and the lack of his boyfriend’s spiky hair like he usually had it.
“Nope, it’s an acoustic set anyway, just enough volume to look good.” Bill hummed. He had his hair down a bit, it was a lot less spiky and more reminiscent of his past style the year before.
“So no scolding if I want a quickie and mess your hair up?” M/n teased, smirking as he nipped at the side of Bill’s neck, leaving a little red mark. Bill whined, feeling his boyfriend’s hips press against his ass.
“Cmon.. please bill? We have like 30 minutes before the show.. surely that’s enough time.” M/n whined, pleading with bill for a compromise.
“Without lube? You’re out of your mind.” Bill scoffed, he was so anal about it (no pun intended), it was just a quickie anyway.
“Bill please.. help a man out…” bill couldn’t help but blush at the needy whine, letting out a huff as he set his makeup palette back on the small vanity.
“Fine. But quickly.”
Bill moaned as m/n’s hands groped at his ass, their lips moving almost in sync as they kissed. Bill could feel himself getting harder, his tight jeans not helping one bit as m/n basically dry humped him while they made out. How desperate. Bill frowned when m/n pulled away, pouting as he watched the other boy undo his belt, his frown fading at the sight of his boyfriend’s erection, a bead of precum already gathered on the tip as bill quickly turned and undid his own jeans and pulled them off. He had to change his jeans before the show anyway after spilling soda on them.
“Mmh.. fuck..” m/n moaned, watching as bill stripped his lower half and m/n quickly used the opportunity to press him against the vanity. He spat in his hand and slicked up his cock, pumping himself a few times before pushing into bill, earning a hiss from him as he adjusted to m/n’s size.
“Sorry.. fuck.. I would use lube if I had any baby..” he murmured into the crook of Bill’s neck, glancing at the mirror to gauge Bill’s expression for any pain. Bill’s eyebrows were furrowed like he was concentrating really hard, either trying not to show it or too focused on how it felt. Either way m/n was trying extremely hard not to cum right away as bill experimentally clenched around him, making small whines fall from his lips as he tried to not be too loud. They could never be too loud in case they got caught, nobody ever really knew how thin the walls of dressing rooms were so it was better to be careful.
“…move.. please..” bill murmured, moaning as m/n’s hips began to slowly move, thrusting in and out slowly as he tried to form a steady pace. He froze when bill let out a strangled whine, his cock having hit Bill’s prostate a bit roughly.
“What? Did I hurt you?”
“N-no.. Scheiße keep going please..“ bill whimpered, moaning loudly when m/n began to pick up his pace, bringing a hand to slither up Bill’s chest to gently pinch one of his nipples through his t-shirt. Bill‘s nipples were extremely sensitive, bill could cum from only nipple play most days if he did it right; one wrong caress and his hardened nipples would give away how aroused he was.
M/n’s pace slowly sped up until he was rutting his cock deep into bill, soaking up every whine and moan bill let fall from his lips, letting out little grunts when bill clenched around him.
“Ah- Scheiße.. I- ‘m gonna-“ bill couldn’t even finish his sentence, moaning as m/n gently pinched one of his nipples as he orgasmed, spurting cum all over the vanity as m/n wrapped a hand around Bill’s cock, milking every last drop out of him as he picked up his pace a tad more, only a few seconds behind bill as bill clenched around him and brought his orgasm over him harshly.
M/n's thrusts slowly came to a halt, his hips only lightly jerking forward as he and bill slowly came down from their highs.
Bill frowned as he pulled on a fresh pair of jeans, staring sadly at the makeup palette he had accidentally knocked off of the vanity while coming. He crouched down to pick it up, scanning it over for cracks or chips. It wasn't broken thankfully. He looked over at m/n who was currently working on wiping Bill's cum off of the vanity, having used about 5 tissues already.
"I swear bill you spray like a sprinkler..” he huffed, earning a whine from bill as he wiped up the last bit of cum and tossed the wad of tissues in the trash, chuckling when he went over to bill and pulled him close.
"Oh c'mon don't give me that look, it makes me want to kiss you even more.." m/n teased, earning a small giggle from bill as he leaned in for a kiss, his hands planting themselves on Bill's hips as their lips met in a sweet and gentle kiss.
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YAY! Another fic done, some bill smut for you guys. This one was a bit rushed but I promise I tried my best if it’s shit. Love you guys!!
Tags: @itsmealaiahh @itsmealaiah @itsangelll @cherry-rawr @divinelolita @d0wn-in-the-morgue (let me know if you wanna be added to my taglist!)
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f1ghtsoftly · 9 hours
my head is scrambled but in Kate Manne’s “The Logic Of Misogyny” she put to words something I always, always knew was true.
Most of the time Men don’t hurt women for no reason, they punish women who assert themselves/their personhood. Misogynistic violence is a punishment, it’s a form of conditioning to get women to behave submissively towards men. To punish women for existing in public without male protection. To punish women for daring to think her intellect, athletic or artistic achievement could come before her sex.
I don’t present super femme anymore or hang around men outside my family basically ever-but when I did I was frequently targeted for sexual assault, usually by men who were frustrated they were attracted to me but couldn’t have me. They felt like I was taunting them-but asserting my right to exist as someone they were attracted to/without any sort of male protection or a male protection that didn’t involve sexual favors/submission. That wasn’t an accident, I’m sure if I meekly cowered behind a big boyfriend, I’m sure if I stayed inside, I’m sure if I didn’t assert myself as extraverted, intelligent, funny or charismatic those men would have left me alone-but that would have meant hiding myself from the world, hiding myself from other women and to me that was a bigger loss than a ‘lil danger. I made choices as a young person that I knew with certainty would bring me in closer proximity to men who wanted to hurt me, I decided that living a freer life was better than living a safe one. I don’t necessarily regret my assessment of patriarchy, I am sad that the price you pay for being an independent woman (in a social sense) in public is assault. I don’t blame women who think their safety is more important than making a statement. I’m sad for us both. I’m grateful I was able to find feminist communities because victimization isn’t just something casual you can shake off, even if it feels like men constantly target you/women in general.
Assault doesn’t just roll of your back either. It hurts. In the moment and for years afterwards it hurts. It’s always senseless. Always dehumanizing to the extreme. Always enraging. Always profoundly violating. Always a shock. I struggle to reconcile what I know about rape with what I know about people. I know people can be cruel, unthinking, insecure. I don’t know how someone can plot the rape of a friend or a stranger who has done nothing to deserve it. I don’t know how men can secretly tape their lovers, manipulate a young woman into sex she doesn’t want or do any of the things men do consistently or routinely. I don’t know how a boy could look at the face of his too drunk friend and go “this is my opportunity to have my way with her” instead of putting her to bed. Carelessness, thoughtless is easy to imagine. Conscious cruelty is not. Men know what they do and they either don’t care or like it.
I’m crying in a park in my Dad’s pickup truck. “There are worse things than this, you didn’t die-you’re alive” He says “this wasn’t your fault, I just want to keep you safe and what happened to you isn’t something I can control even though I wish I could”. “I’d feel better if you lived in Austin, because their self defense laws are better, there are lots of gay people there too”
He makes me laugh. I won’t move to Texas. He’s right, it’s not my fault, and helping me get better at self defense helps him feel like he can do something and while self defense does help-it’s not a perfect strategy. The misogynist’s prerogative is to snuff out the life force of the woman he interacts with, the only way to stop him from trying to do that is to become apart of the living dead. Even then, he’ll get your corpse.
There are worse things than rape in this life. A woman alive is better than a woman dead. I guess, but what life is it when constantly forced to battle for your right to live? When at a moments notice you can be filled from the inside out with death. Rotted from your insides out. I wish New York would let me have a gun. I wish I could make men afraid and polite in my presence the way I feel afraid and polite in theirs. I’m so tired of this.
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Since it is almost 911-day, and I am sure to be proven wrong about all of my headcanons (can't fucking wait!), I need to put some out there about my special guy. Don't even know if any of this makes sense, but here you go.
When Tommy opened his eyes, he stared at the burnt-out corpse of a helicopter.
Oh, he thought, I'm back here. His thoughts felt thick and slow, and he couldn't quite make sense of what he was seeing.
He had been here before.
He had crashed his chopper once before. He had done several emergency landings, but only actually fell out of sky one time, and that was in the army.
He couldn't fully remember. He couldn't remember what went wrong, and the theories that everyone else had were just that - theories. All he knew was that he lost control, he crashed, and was the only one to survive. Three were dead on impact, one died before recovery, one died as the medics were still working on him, and Tommy made it.
He hadn't been awake when they had gotten him, and he had only seen the photographs of the crushed chopper, so whenever he found himself back here, he stood outside of it, staring at the thing that clipped his wings for years to come.
After, he was discharged and sent home, and the thought of flying filled him with anxiety, so he didn't. He stayed on the ground, only able to stare up into the endless blue and yearn and fear. About so many things.
He blinked.
He turned around, no longer in the middle of nowhere staring at a broken chopper.
He was in the backyard of his aunt's house - his father's sister. The person who had spoken was Michael, one of his cousins, who, like the rest of the family, insisted on calling him Tom because Tommy is juvenile! Grow up!
"You know the rules, man," Michael continued, sounding almost apologetic.
Tommy remembered this day. His mother had just died a couple of months back and he was still getting used to the loveless house and the polite coolness of his father's family that his mother had done her best to shield him from.
His thoughts felt disjointed, and he couldn't quite remember what this was about. Someone said something that made Tommy feel awful, at the very least, and when he tried to speak out, Michael had stopped him.
You know the rules.
Like be seen, not heard, don't disagree with the adults, and, most importantly, don't be gay.
It was the moment that Tommy realized he needed to keep quiet about everything. Don't speak up, don't do anything but nod when faced with their opinions, be straight.
He blinked.
There was only one person who called him Thomas, and only one person who did it like this - slurred together into almost one syllable, always sounding angry.
He was back in the living room of his childhood home, seventeen, a backpack slung over his shoulder, his father sat on the couch with a bottle of whiskey.
He had trouble grasping his thoughts for a moment - hadn't he just been in the yard? Much younger? What was that about a helicopter?
He knew what would happen that day. He'd kissed Andrew Jenkins behind the old hunter's shack three weeks ago, and the rumors had finally reached his dad.
"What did I always tell you?" his father asked, or tried to.
He had said a lot. Never anything worth listening to.
"Didn't ya hear me, boy? What did I always tell you!?"
Tommy's father was not a man who liked being ignored. He yelled and roared, spittle and drops of whiskey flying from his mouth. Tommy stayed quiet.
"No fucking son of mine will be one of those queers, you understand me, boy!? So, when I ask you whether what I heard is true, you better say no!"
Tommy had to think of something about a forged signature, of running away, of a camp and drills and training and men just like his father, of a helicopter.
"Is what I heard today true, boy?"
"You're a sorry excuse for a man." Tommy was reasonably sure that was not what was supposed to come out of his mouth. He never said anything like this. He only ever wanted to.
His father, in a blur, suddenly stood in front of Tommy. His face morphed into Gerrard's for a moment, then back into the haggard, cross-eyed man Tommy had known in his youth.
He was close enough that Tommy could smell his alcohol-stained breath, something he had become too familiar with. When he was young, his father had seemed scary, intimidating to him. Now, he seemed weak, not able to keep himself upright.
All his life, he had wished he had taken a swing at his dad, just once. Fought back, just once.
Violence ran in the family, after all.
He had a hand fisted in the collar of his father's shirt. He didn't know how it got there.
His father smiled. He had never smiled. Sneered, yes. Frowned, a lot. Never smiled. It didn't suit him. "Do it, you coward. Be a man."
He hadn't said that in this context. Not to Tommy. He had said it to his brother-in-law after Tommy's mother had died and a fight between his father and the rest of the in-laws caused them to never contact Tommy again.
God, Tommy hated this man. He didn't hate many people, he didn't think. Vaguely, he thought that he would normally just wash his hands of them and never think of them. That sounded better.
But he would never completely remove this. He was his father's son, after all.
He blinked.
They had moved from the living room to the entrance. He wasn't seventeen. He was 40, holding onto his father's shirt collar, and in the open door of his childhood home behind him stood Evan.
He reached out a hand, and Tommy immediately dropped his father in favor of turning around and accepting Evan's grasp. His grip was strong, a bit tight, clutching at him almost in desperation.
"Tommy," he said again, but there was almost an echo there, far away and urgent. He seemed to be staring right through Tommy.
He gripped Tommy's shoulders with both of his hands. "Tommy, come on. You gotta be here."
"I- I am?" Tommy said, or he thought he did. His voice got lost in Evan's.
"Tommy, please."
He blinked.
Then again.
And again.
He smelled smoke. The side of his face felt tacky and the sun was painfully bright in his eyes. His head was pounding.
He tried to sit up, but everything in his head slid off a slope and he dropped back down, closing his eyes against the spinning tree tops.
He breathed against the nausea rising up in his stomach, but that just made him cough thanks to the smoke. God, his ribs hurt. He'd probably cracked a few.
His copter had gone down, he remembered suddenly.
He had told them that something wasn't quite right, but they had sent him up anyway. And then, he started having issues with the rotor controls.
He'd tried for an emergency landing, but when there was nothing but forest underneath him, there wasn't excactly room to safely land a chopper.
He remembered being conscious after hitting the ground. He remembered crawling out of there and throwing up as soon as he got his legs under him, before he stumbled away as the hunk of junk left of his copter burst into flames.
He had made as far as his legs could carry him until he collapsed to the ground.
His head hurt. Breathing hurt. He kind of just wanted to go to sleep.
He smiled a bit. Maybe he could go and find Evan in his dream again.
"Tommy!" Louder this time. Closer, it seemed. Urgent.
How long had Evan been shouting for him? He'd heard that same urgent undertone in his dream.
He could hear additional voices, now. He couldn't identify them. He could hear the sound of several heavy boots making their way through the undergrowth.
Good. He didn't think he could talk if he tried.
For a moment, the sounds stopped. Then picked up again, louder, and faster, and coming closer.
"Tommy!" A heavy body crashed to the ground next to him, and hands on his face gently, slowly helped him turn his head to look at Evan, kneeling next to him.
He slowly raised his hand. His shoulder hurt a bit, too, but not as bad as his head. Evan took his hand before he could try to figure out what to do with it.
"Can you talk? Where are you hurt?"
Everywhere? Tommy didn't think he had broken anything but his ribs - miracle of miracles - but he was pretty banged up. He'd probably be bruised all over. He was probably also concussed, now that he thought about it.
He opened his mouth. Closed it. Swallowed, and it felt like nails scraping against the inside of his throat. Kept looking at Evan, despite the presence of other people appearing at his side, other hands trying to figure out what was wrong with him.
"Ev-Evan," he croaked, and almost regretted it immediately, if it wasn't for the relieved smile it caused.
"Yeah, it's me, it's Evan. We've got you, now. You'll be okay."
Tommy nodded as best as he could, and Evan didn't leave his side for a moment when he was picked up.
He kept mumbling his name over and over whenever Tommy's eyes shut for too long, whenever it looked like Tommy was about to slip away. He kept holding his hand.
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Season 7 - Episode 5
Buck: My date was right there and, as you can imagine, the night ended pretty quick. He left me standing outside the restaurant, and I just, I feel like a fraud.
Maddie: I’m-I’m sorry, who left you outside the restaurant?
Buck: My date.
Maddie: Can we go back to the pronoun?
Buck: Yeah, okay? I was on a date with a guy. Again not-not really the point.
Maddie: It could be very much the point.
I want to focus on the last line specifically. I really do believe Maddie wasn’t surprised by Buck’s coming out. The entire conversation up to this point was Buck feeling guilty about lying to Eddie. I want to believe Maddie knows Buck has feelings for Eddie and just isn’t aware of it himself. She’s not going to tell him this, she wants him to figure it out for himself.
Buck is the one that leads the conversation towards how he identifies with his sexuality and Maddie chooses to be an active listener in that process. She’s surprised in that moment, because although they never had a conversation around the topic before, she just assumed Buck was fluid in his sexuality and didn’t feel the need to come out.
I’m going to use myself as an example. Before I came out as Bisexual to my family, many of my family members assumed I was gay because like Buck, I would make pride posts. I justified my attraction to women as something normal. It felt like the people around me knew I was gay before I knew I was gay.
When I first watched this scene I was confused by Maddie’s confusion towards Bucks sexuality. But rewatching it, I really do believe her confusion was towards who Buck was projecting his attraction towards.
I could just be projecting my situation on to Buck, but that’s what theories are for.
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chasing-posts · 1 day
I like to imagine Dai was a constant figure in Kakashi's life, and not just because of Gai.
I have scenarios in my head, of Dai saluting Kakashi in the street after he graduated the academy when he was 5/6, or when Kakashi became a chuunin Dai congratulates him on the promotion. Being a snarky/ traumatized child, and seeing how most adults are sarcastic or talk down to him about his promotion due to his age and father, I imagine Kakashi actually talks down to Dai at first. Mentions that just because he's older does not mean they are equals, and that Dai'll probably never be promoted.
Dai however, instead of being prideful or boisterous, thanks him for the "advice" Kakashi gives. And thanks him for the support. Dai explains that he would never dare to look down on a ninja who outranks him. He knows Kakashi earned that promotion and that he looks forward to be in the presence of such a spectacular ninja.
Kakashi is... confused. And a bit weirded out by Dai but... thankful? Keeps to a professional relationship where like Gai, he sometimes watches Dai from afar. Watches him give 100% into every day, no matter the mission. And sees him mean comments wash off his back like water off a duck's back. And in comparison to his own father, who could not handle the harsh critism and scrutiny, watching Dai walk through all that publec scrutiny with eas and with his head held high is...commendable. Even cool.
I also like to imagine Dai one day was by Kakashi 's house while looking for a lost cat, and noticed his chickens were not fed that day/ the yardwork/ outside of his house was a little shabby. So he feeds the chickens, cleans their coup and gathers their eggs, before he cleans up the front of the house a little. Maybe fixes a minor repair before heading off, since he knows Kakashi was away for a mission and that he must be busy/ too young to know how to fully take care of a house. So he decides to make a detour to feed the chickens every day, until Kakashi returns.
Kakashi finds out its him right away because Dai has a recognizable scent and he confronts him on why he was near his house while he was away. Dai simply explains he meant no harm, and just didn't want Kakashi's chickens to die while he was away, or for their eggs to go bad. He's sorry to intrude on his home though and will avoid doing so in the future if Kakashi insists. Instead, Kakashi asks about the small home repair Dai did...and if he knew how to fix leaky faucets too.
And so, Dai starts coming over and helps Kakashi with some home repair. Kakashi tries to pay him for the man's services, but Dai is simply unable to take money from a child and says its his neighborly duty, and asks Kakashi to accept some challenges from his son more often instead, and to never let their eternal rivalry lose its spark.
I think a final turning point happens when one of Kakashi's chickens, his FAVORITE chicken to be precise, gets sick and he's not sure what to do. He ends up calling Dai who after examining her, finds out she is egg bound. Kakashi starts to think this is it and its time to kill her, but Dai stops him and with some quick thinking, he's able to help the chicken and get her to lay the eggs that were clodding her system, and keep Kakashi from doing something he regrets.
Its the first time Kakashi ever hugs him, before letting go all embarrassed!
From there on, Dai's a constant figure in Kakashi's life. Helping him with household repairs, cooking him a meal and leaving it in the fridge when he's away on long missions so he doesn't have to cook on his return, and telling him fun stories every time they meet. Dai becomes a cool figure in Kakashi's eyes, not for his ninja status, but for his resiliance and kindness. And in the end it helps him make a closer bond with Gai too.
In the end its just nice to imagine Kakashi having such a kind uncle figure in his life, who loves him like a second son.
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lexithwrites · 10 hours
Pls prongsfoot.
I am on my knees. Begging.
im just gonna write basic prongsfoot and not sugar daddy au prongsfoot incase this isnt about that,,,,enjoy!
i love the idea of sirius and james growing up together, like they went to the same preschool and begged their parents to hang out every day and they both cry when they have to go home
they also go to the same primary school and BEG to go to the same secondary school and of course they got their way, their parents weren't about to deal with the fallout of separating them
their school life is similar to hogwarts, they meet remus and peter and they're THE group, like they're nerds and play DND but also play football and are great with the teachers and their grades are good too and they're always up to some shit
but james and sirius have always been a little closer, not to the point of jealousy in the group but just,,,its different
james isn't super sure of his sexuality in secondary school but sirius is like,,handsome and pretty somehow? he likes girls, lily evans is still the hottest girl in school and his first crush, but sirius is,,,there's something about him
sirius knew he was bi since forever lmao he's dated guys and girls but nothing has ever really been 'love' for him, at least not yet
he loves james though, obviously, he's always loved james how could he not? he's handsome and funny and smart and charming and tall and—
they're each others first kiss at a house party in year 10, its awkward and they're drunk and outside in the garden trying cigarettes for the first time and its,,,nice?
james finally dates lily in sixth form and they're the school's it couple for months, they are really cute together and they're affectionate and they're both top of their classes, lily is the school's netball team captain and james is the football captain, its great
and then lily breaks down in their last year crying because she thinks she might be gay and she's been so scared to tell james and hurt him but he's the most supportive guy about it
he cries with her because he feels awful for making her feel bad about it
of course he's upset, he really loved lily and always will, but if it isnt meant to be, it isnt meant to be (he cries to monty and effie for a few weeks before finally coming out of hiding and he and lily stay close, james even helps set her up with girls when she's too nervous)
when sirius finds out he basically runs to james' house, he's so worried about his best friend and his heart is hammering in his chest and when he gets there they talk about everything and james cries a little, lily was his first crush, first love, first girlfriend, he lost his virginity to her, she's a huge part of his life and his story
and sirius feels awful because he's happy james is single...because maybe he has a chance?
sirius kisses him and its bad,,,james reels. back, he's so confused and upset and so is sirius and sirius goes home and they dont talk for like two weeks, its awful
peter and remus are awkwardly talking as the other two are silent until peter breaks and begs them to just stop the petty arguing and talk because they're best friends and this is weird, remus quietly agrees and tells them to grow some balls and talk about their feelings like men
sirius apologises for kissing him, smoking a cigarette outside the bike sheds as james kicks stones around and its awkward for sure but they make up
and james is slowly back to his old self after the break up, he and lily hang out and everything is okay, but sirius is,,,james feels different about him
he's more handsome than ever, more charismatic, he was always like this??
and james realises he fancies him and he whines to remus about it and remus, the very gay man that he is, just tells james to tell him
silly remus
james instead just tries to hang out with sirius like its normal, even after they finish sixth form and look for uni's to apply too together james is looking at sirius' lips, his fingers, his hair, his ass, his chest, everything
he's just,,,,gorgeous
and then their first week of uni happens, freshers is underway and remus is down from edinburgh and peter is back from holiday and they all go out drinking with their new flatmates and classmates and its great,,,then james sees sirius chatting a girl up and his heart breaks
james tries to drink it away but that wont work so he just huffs at sirius and drags him to the toilets to yell at him for flirting with someone and sirius is SO confused because why does james care then it slowly sinks in and as james is yelling and nearly crying, admitting that he wants sirius to flirt with HIM and ONLY him, sirius just grabs him and kisses him, dragging him into a stall and locking it
its so heavy and hot and passionate and everything they wanted and needed and maybe they jerk each other off in the bathroom, whose to say? but they come out red faced and with messy clothes and they're both grinning because god theyre idiots but they're each others idiots
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exhuastedpigeon · 1 day
Lemme help with those Hockey AUs...
Kenna I knew I could count on you.
39 for 👨🏽(ps this fic was inspired by your manip of hockey player Eddie with a moustache)
Where Buck’s mustache is still pretty light, Eddie’s is dark and lush and honestly, Buck wants to put his mouth on it. 
Which is not the way he’s supposed to think about his teammate. 
Even if that teammate is also Buck’s secret husband. Emphasis on the secret part. While they were out to the team and their family and friends, they weren’t out publicly at the advice of their agent and the Kings front office. 
But Buck might accidentally out them this November if he didn’t get himself under control. It was just, Eddie looked kind of insanely hot with a mustache. This wasn't the first November he’d known Eddie, in fact this wasn’t even the first November where he’d been in a relationship with Eddie. It was just, this November something seemed different. 
“Why are you staring at me,” Eddie asked with a laugh on November 5th. His mustache was already looking thick and sexy, unlike Buck’s which was still a little patchy and definitely too blond to look good right now. 
“I like the mustache,” Buck said with a shrug, trying (and failing) to sound casual about it. 
“Oh, you do?” Eddie stopped buttoning his shirt so he could turn around and look at Buck directly instead of in the mirror. 
“Y-yeah,” Buck couldn’t take his eyes off of it and here in the safety of their bedroom he was allowed to look, so why should he stop. 
“If you managed to keep out of the box tonight, I’ll let you do whatever you want to my mustache.”
“Whatever I want?”
“Well, within reason,” Eddie laughed. “We have to get on a plane and fly to Boston tomorrow morning.”
“Okay, I can stay out of the box,” Buck said confidently, even though there was a very good chance he was lying. It wasn’t his fault they were playing the Ducks. Everyone knew the Ducks sucked, that was just a fact of life. The sky is blue. Eddie Diaz is the love of Evan Buckley’s life. The Ducks stopped being cool in 2006 when they changed their name from the Mighty Ducks to just the Ducks. 
“I’ll believe it when I see it,” Eddie laughed and pressed a kiss to Buck’s mouth. Buck had expected the mustache to tickle, but he found he actually liked the feeling of it against his skin. Oh god, did he have a mustache kink that had somehow only now unlocked in him?
(He didn’t manage to stay out of the box, but Eddie let it slide because Buck had only gotten thrown in the box after he’d dropped gloves with Jonah Greenway after he ran Chimney in the crease.) 
“Someone on Twitter called Eddie’s mustache the gayest thing they’ve ever seen in the NHL and, this is a direct quote, that’s impressive because hockey is the most homoerotic sport to ever exist,” Chimney said on November 13th. They were on the world’s shortest flight from Long Island to Philly and Chimney was entertaining them by reading funny tweets about the team. 
“Everything I do is gay,” Eddie said without opening his eyes. He’d played over thirty-five minutes in their game the night before after Millsy had blocked a shot with his face, so Eddie was so exhausted that Buck could feel it radiating off of him. 
It wasn’t like Buck hadn’t played an extra few minutes last night too, but Eddie was a left handed defenceman and so was Millsy, so Eddie had done a lot of double shifting. It had paid off, they’d won the game by one goal. 
“Is your mustache this season extra glorious and sexy this year because you’re fully embracing your gay-ness?” Chimney asked and coming from anyone else Buck knew Eddie would have been a little annoyed, but Chimney was - well he was Chimney. He was always in their corner even when he was pissed at them. 
“Probably,” Eddie smiled, eyes still closed. “Maybe I’ll dress up as Freddie Mercury and post a picture saying we have more than just a mustache in common.”
Buck’s brain short circuited for a second at the mental image of Eddie dressed up like Freddie Mercury, but he was thankfully pulled from that thought before it got not safe for work when Chimney spoke again.
and 39 for 🏒 under the cut
They’re tied 1-1 in the third period against the Ducks when Buck lays a hit on Smith along the boards in the natural zone, knocking him off the puck long enough for Eddie and his fucking beautiful hands to gain possession. Buck grins at Smith as he pushes off of him and follows behind his defense partner, entering the zone two seconds after him. Buck back checks the Duck’s defender that’s coming up behind him to keep him away from the puck and give Eddie another second to put the puck on net. 
And here’s the thing, Buck knows their team is good - they’re the second best team in the western conference right now. It’s like Eddie was the missing piece they’d needed to really take them up to the next level, but in the middle of a game he isn’t thinking about that. All he’s thinking about is that he needs to give the guys the best chance they have to score. Eddie sends the puck back to Mateo and screens the goalie as Mateo passes the puck to Buck at the point to reset the play. 
It’s like it happens in slow motion - Buck takes a shot from the point, not because he thinks he’s going to score, but because he wants to get the puck to the net so they can try to score on the rebound. Except the rebound doesn’t come. Instead, Eddie tips Buck’s shot, redirecting it over Gibson’s shoulder on his stick side, sending the puck into the back of the net.
The ref signals that it’s a goal and before the horn can sound, Eddie is on him, practically tackling him to the ice in celebration. Buck wraps his arms around Eddie on instinct, holding him close as TK, Paul, and Mateo crash into them.
"You're a fucking beauty, Buckley," Eddie says, his mouth pressed against Buck neck in a hug.
They manage to hold onto the lead and when Chim insists on taking everyone out for a drink after because they held onto the lead and didn’t let their defensive play slip even when they were winning. Buck says yes without second thought. He’s expecting most of the younger guys to come out with them, the ones without wives and girlfriends at home. The ones without kids waiting for them. 
He’s expecting Eddie to say he needs to get home to Chris. He isn’t expecting Eddie to say, “I’m in.”
“Is Carla staying late?” Buck asks quietly as they change after cooling down and showering. 
“Shannon’s got him tonight,” Eddie says just as quietly. Buck’s pretty sure the only other person who knows about Eddie’s complicated relationship with his ex is Coach, for some reason being in on that secret, to have earned that kind of confidence from Eddie, makes Buck warm all over. 
“Well then it’s dad’s night out, huh?” Buck grins and slings an arm around Eddie’s shoulders even though they both smell fucking rank and they should really hit the showers. 
“There aren’t many nights where we win, we don’t have a game for five whole days, and I don’t have to rush home to relieve the babysitter,” Eddie grins right back. “Let’s go get fucking hammered, Buck.”
They’re in the locker room surrounded by their teammates. There’s at least two reporters in the room with them right now. Buck can see Ravi has his phone out and is probably live on Instagram. None of it matters, not with the way Eddie’s smiling at him. Not with the way Eddie pulls Buck into his orbit and keeps him there whenever he’s in the room. 
“I-I think everyone is going to get hammered,” Buck says, eyes on Eddie’s mouth because he can’t seem to stop himself. 
“Yeah, but I’ll be doing it with you,” Eddie says and then he ducks out from under Buck’s arm with a laugh. “Come on, we gotta shower. I bet you smell worse than Sid’s lucky jock.”
make me write
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ancha-aus · 2 days
Some thoughts about Priest Cross in the Ghosts & Medium AU.
Warning: Religious trauma and slight homophobia (All because of XGaster)
My friendo @mikimakiboo already wrote a bit about it before but I figured I should write a more expanded version of this :D
Cross used to be an orphan but both him and his, future, brother were adopted by XGaster.
XGaster was a man of religion and a priest in a church himself. The church he worked at and resided did not interact a lot with the spiritual and supernatural nature of the spirits and wandering souls. Ironically this group was more focused on bringing peace to the living to enable them to move on immediantly instead of helping the wandering spirits find peace.
XGaster believed that the spirits who wandered didn't deserve to find rest. He believed it was a punishment for them for things they did in their life.
As you can imagine. People did not enjoy this and XGaster's public image was not the best. But as head of the church he needed to havve a good image. So. XGaster decided to adopt two different orphans.
Two because he wanted the children to raise each other instead of XGaster having to focus on them.
Cross however craved approvement and acceptance. He tried everything to be liked by his new father. He helped with the church stuff. Talked with people. Second all of XGaster's opinions. Anything to get him to like him.
It didn't help that Cross from a young age knew he prefered boys over girls. He just found them more fun. cute. and everything.
It didn't help that XGaster would sniff as he saw gay couples and mutter wbout how they would just become more lost and wandering spirits for their sins. (XGaster only spend time with likeminded and clsoeminded people.)
Cross made a show of only dating a few girls when he was younger. Thenwhy he hit puberty he went to the church with XGaster and made an oath to swear off all those sinful thoughts and ideas.
It worked. Xgaster would pay attention to him and include him more. While Cross's brother became more independed Cross grew more and more depended on Xgaster because he just wanted his approval and parental love. Cross never trully got either.
All that XGaster cared about was his image and Cross helped improve it.
Ironically. Cross's perfect little world came crashing down when he was forced to confront his own interests in the form of Dust.
Dust and Cross met when they were teens. Dust being 15 adn Cross 17.
Dust was pretty much a mess. He had been living on his own on the strees for 5 years at this point. But he also had this cheap van that he could already drive.
Cross was so interested and intrigued by Dust and just kept gravitating towards him.
The two over tiem got a bit of a casual relationship and friendship. Dust wouldn't call them friends friends but Cross, who hadn't ever had friends, did call them friends.
They would hang out. Cross would show him things of the church and Dust would show him rituals. how to talk with ghosts. how to help ghosts move on.
Dsut even once pulled Cross along on a trip to show him how to help spirits and how to calm them down.
Dust pretty mcuh pulled Cross out of the religious cult he had grown up in and showed him the other side of the wandering spirits. Showed Cross that they were worth so much more than just dismissal. (the only reason Cross was even willing to listen was because of his crush lmao)
But XGaster foudn out about them hanging out. and XGaster made it clear that Dust was a waste of space and that Cross won't interact with him anymore.
Cross... was confused... wasn't the church meant to help those who needed help? shouldn't they help Dust?
XGaster just called him a lost cause and left.
That was another crack in the facade of it all. Because Cross didnt believe dust to be a lost cause. Dust had a mission and did many things to help others. How is that a lost cause?
eventually dust left the city again, as he does. XGaster made a snide remark that Dust wanders already, much like those useless wandering spirits.
Cross worked at that same church for two more years before he just couldn't lie to himself anymore. he was miserable. He hated parts of himself thanks to xgaster. and he was so lonely.
Cross ended up running away.
and after a month he ended up in a different city where there was another church. Cross, who didn't know waht to do ended up going there. ashame of running away. ashamed of becoming a mess he is.
But... the priests there were understanding. They took him in and made sure he ate and rested.
Cross had found a new church were they did help the wandering spirits as well. They helped everyone who needed help, because no one deserves to be hurt.
Cross remained with them. took up with teachings and learnings and started over.
Later on he met dust again and realsied that dust would return to this city as well.
Cross saw it as a sign and remained right there. slowly healing under the much more gentle guidance from the people around him and the priests there.
And then later... he messed up the ritual and got stuck as ghost while killer took his body for a joyride.
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