#but I like to think ppl think I’m just drawing on a real piece of wood
dragoncuspid · 10 months
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In my natural state. My wife took this pic of me drawing the other morning
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tragedykery · 1 year
not saying you absolutely cannot elaborate on ozai in fanfic but I do think it’s often. weird especially considering his place in the narrative which is. quite literally to be the Evil (tm) the protagonists need to defeat (mostly imperialism & child abuse). like there’s a difference between adding nuance to a villain and writing an uwu fluffy romance fic between said villain and his wife (whom he canonically abuses in the comics!) with zero critical thinking (and possibly accidentally becoming apologism for the things the villain symbolises)
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devilishdelights · 2 years
Awaaaaaghhh (just some thoughts)
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addie4ddie2005 · 3 months
THE NEW CHAPTER IS SO AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAVGDFCHBVKDSVBKHFBJLSVBJLSSJLVBSLJBVLS🦅🦅🦅🦅💥💥💥💥 GOOD FKN SOUP IM DEVOURING IT RN it might be my fav chapter thus far........It has elements of The horrors tm and scenes that make me kick my feet in delight GODDDDDD🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏 AAAAnd as usual I have some new silly doodles that I've got (Sadly I cant draw fast enough to finish my fan art for this chapter BUTIMWORKINGONSMT). I do have the RGB reader designs that I mainly use so that other fans could (maybe....just maybe...) mold their reader/player into whatever they want but I DO have a design that caters to my fav design tropes...
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ALSOALSO- I've got a folder righttt 👉here where I'll compile some more sketches (and the animation with the right sync good gracious me-) so that I dont BOMBARD you with 50plus images.
Thank you I'm so glad you love it!! 🦅💥 (Nonsense emojis are becoming a habit I have to stoppp...)
It's so funny you said that cuz I have a Doc called "kicking my feet blushing giggleinf" that I use to jot down the "fluffy" moments when the inspiration worms hit x0
And take your time with the art gurl!! What you've already done is amazing!! The most important thing is that it's fun and engaging for you,, no pressure 🫶
Those RGB designs are a banger btw they have so much personality!! I forgot to mention I loved the color scheme of your animation. I'm a sucker for some super saturated RGB...
OKAY now I'm gonna gush abt your art >:o] I love your insert she's too spunky!! She looks so done w him LOL. Also your style is delightful and fun!! I love your habit of drawing ppl with tired eyes and no mouth. It speaks to me.
The “You look lonely” piece is gorgeous btw :) He’s so shinyyy,, Insert looks tireddd. I know it’s the meme format or whatevah but I would be too.
I hope you don’t mind me sharing screenshots? Just let me know :o) I’m abt to holler abt some sketches.
THESE!! These made me so soft oml. I know in my heart he feels like a Squishmallow or whatever those fat chibi stuffed animals are.
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DRIP KINITO 🔥🔥🔥 I giggled. Also baseball Kinito is canon now. To me. I just KNOW he picks up random human sports and tries his darndest to play them with only two people. (Reader cheering him on and also looking thoroughly depressed is so real LMAO)
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I think that's all I have in my heart for now... TY for this plethora of art you went above and beyond <3
BTW I’m gonna provide a pic of the players here for easy viewing cuz they’re cool as freak 💯🐊
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EDIT: I am so glad!! You love my fic!! I heart U!!
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beeseverywhen · 11 months
so i’ve noticed a few ppl following me on here still have default icons and i’m not gonna block you so dw, if you are reblogging stuff/interacting or have a description or whatever, i can see you are a real person!
however, i always see overly negative posts about this and never any actually offering any advice so i’ve decided to make a post collecting together ideas for icons, in case you guys just dont know where to start (i’ve been there)
i think one of these bottle caps would make a cool icon
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these pies from animal crossing are also pretty cool
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this (@oldwindowsicons) a blog full of old windows icons which is pretty cool. They have old style pixel ones and also newer ones from vista ect. And they collect ones from other software and games, you might find one from your childhood!!!
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if you are particularly attatched to your default icon, this person (@anonymous-leemur ) makes edits of them! so they are still the same little guys but different (and very cool imo)
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there are loads of other blogs dedicated to collecting icons for ppls use so see if you can find any others!
other options:
there is an icon tag! where ppl post icons theyve made for people to use
is there an artist you really like on here? send them a message and ask if you can use a piece of their art as a header/icon (many artists are completely fine with this, tho in the case of art you should always ask)
if they do commissions you can even commission a custom icon from them!
are you an artist? share some of your art with us! draw yourself an icon
particularly like a certain character? take a screenshot from a show/published comic and use that
take a photo of something you like or find a stock image/ clipart on search and use that. your icon could be your favourite fruit, an animal,  a tool you need for your job/hobby, a landscape, any other object (picture of an orange??? a fish? a paintbrush)
pretty much, the world is your oyster. there are loads of options, the general etiquette is just that if an image isnt in the public domain already (by being in a show/published comic/stock image) you check with the artist that they are cool with you using their art. if someone is posting stuff tagged as icons, they want you to use them and you dont need to ask! some artists will ask that you credit them, you can do this by making a post saying thanks to @[artist] for the icon/header
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neet-elite · 10 days
i’m sry that ppl are being insane in ur inbox!!! even more so than other forms of art, i think ppl feel entitled to someone’s writing skills. most ppl can’t draw very well, but since most ppl can write, it’s seen as an easier task, even if it’s a higher quality piece of writing than most are capable of. idk if that makes sense lol but it’s smth i think a lot abt as someone who writes
writing, more than any other creative outlet i've participated in, comes with this expectation of entitlement. not just for those of us who are posting fanfics for free, but even for published authors i've found. others feel entitled to the work in such a cringe way, as if their opinion on the work matters more than the creators, and its fucking weird.
like i love it when people come to me with their thoughts and opinions of my work, that's not the main issue, even if we disagree. the issue comes when users feel the need to talk down to me, to state that my writing is in some way, shape, or form, wrong or otherwise harmful and it's like babes. they're not real people. it's not that serious. in the nicest way possible, i dont gaf if you disagree with how i write a character. instead of telling me about how wrong i am, write the correct interpretation yourself?
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andromeddog · 7 months
the way your draw uniforms tickly my brain very nicely, they always look amazing! do you have a specific source for reference pictures or have you drawn them so often now you don't need them that much anymore? xoxox- struggling artist who can't find good refs
hehehehe anon i love talking about uniforms so this ask is a real treat… this may get long so it’s going under a cut
first of all thank u for noticing i do really try to make the uniforms as accurate as possible. i spend a long time trying to figure out what specific coat/gun/boot/helmet/whatever people are wearing and what its purpose is…. thats really just googling around and clicking on links until i find something. luckily for band of brothers/ww2 related stuff theres a lot of interest and you can often find ppl on forums from like 2003 discussing the minutiae of gear that will point you in the right direction. ww1 related stuff is a bit harder to come by but i bought a full illustrated book to help with that lol
as for straight up references- pinterest is one of my main resources!! there are lots of pics of the boys from bob if that’s what you are specifically looking for (some boards i like are here and here.) these can be hit or miss sometimes if you’re looking for ref of a very specific thing, because they don’t always capture the angle of that bag or clear shot of a belt that you need.
if that’s the case then i just… rewatch the show lol. i have it downloaded on my phone through the amazon prime app so if im drawing a scene or looking for very specific reference i will literally go frame by frame to get what i need. i cannot tell you how many times ive watched this series just looking for reference. so many. too many??? for this secret santa piece im doing i have watched the same 10 second scene so many times that i can see it when i close my eyes. the bad thing about that is you cannot take screenshots (fuck you amazon prime) and also, it’s rly easy to get sucked into the show and spend an hour just watching it bc it’s a damn good show. i think ive watched the breaking point like 20 times by now bc of this. this is insane idk if you want to do this but if you are looking for straight up accuracy then it’s not a bad option
also, and this is not specific to uniforms, if you draw something enough the pieces will start to stick in your head… this happened to me with 1917 and ww1 british kits lol. i drew them so much they just stuck. knowing what layers are under a jacket, where a belt sits and what’s attached to it, the specific shape of a helmet (fuck you stahlhelms fuck you m1s AND FUCK YOU BRODIE HELMETS) and shit like that just comes with drawing them a lot. and also watching how they fit and move on an actual person is why rewatching the show is good. researching stuff also helps but i know ppl don’t always want to spend hours doing that shit if you’re just looking for a basic reference. but i’m rly into uniforms so that is fun for me!!
i’m realizing this is a lot but…… i like uniforms! thats part of why i like military history shit. its fun to think about how all the gear interacts and moves with a person! how different each country’s uniforms are and how they carry everything they need on their backs and how they change over the years! i just think its neat!
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oldmanffucker · 3 months
just want to address something i've been getting in tags of reblogs of my art, and something i've seen in regard to other artists/writers with a great deal of skill who decide to use that skill to make fan art.
I received two separate comments on two separate art pieces of House fanart just yesterday saying my skill is wasted on them, and i have a lot to say about that.
while i dont think either of the comments were intended maliciously, i think we need to reframe our idea of good fanart being a waste of time/energy/skill by the artist/writer.
in real life, i am a professional artist. i am an art instructor. i make "real" art that goes into exhibitions, and yes, i also decide to spent my time/energy/skills on drawing blorbos.
I think that drawing the things you are connected to and drawing silly fandom art for the heck of it is exactly how you Get those skills. I am good at portraits because I frequently draw or paint portraits. And I frequently draw or paint portraits bc I want to be able to capture blorbo bc I feel like it and I can.
Someone said my 'skills at colors and expression' was what was wasted on them and I want to emphasize that I’m able to capture their microexpressions bc that is what I want to be able to capture, so I make an effort, and I keep practicing until I’m able to do that. When I’m drawing portrait of random ppl online as portrait practice I’m just drawing what I see instead of trying to capture an essence of a person or character I'm familiar with. And that’s a different skill!
And I’m good at colors (partially bc I’m an artist who paints a lot but in this specific example it’s:) because doodling a blorbo is low stakes. I try new things and learn new techniques bc it’s just something I’m doing for me, for fun, and I’m not getting graded on it and I don’t need to hang it in a museum.
It’s art for the sake of being made, which is exactly what you need to make to continue getting better at making.
The stupid hyperfixation of drawing all the frames of a gif is ridiculous when it’s all for a house md effort, objectively yeah lmao, but it’s the equivalent of studying any other image for hours and distinguishing how micro movements affect which muscles, and how the movement of different muscles changes the shape of shadows and light, and it helps anchor understanding of anatomy.
And drawing all this stupid stuff is especially fun for me bc I can see my actual real art skills improving with every drawing I make or thing I write which benefits my real world art. Like I know this might sound some type of way, like I’m trying to make it sound like drawing gay old man medical malpractice yaoi is subverting the zeitgeist and some sort of momentous critical imperative but I don’t think it’s that serious. Which is my whole point! It’s not that serious, it doesn’t matter, AND I’m genuinely improving my craft while doing it so what’s the issue is basically my point ig. And I wouldn’t be drawing at all currently if I wasn’t drawing them bc there’s nothing I feel drawing to capture in this medium irl!
(and if you've left this comment in tags or otherwise, this is not an attack! it is a backhanded compliment to receive/give, but I also acknowledge that it's not usually said with malice, and not something you were likely thinking about to this level. that's ok! just listen & learn yk)
Using your skills for things you enjoy is never a waste! You're exercising your art muscles and bulking up! if you make art outside of fanart it WILL benefit from these endeavors. and if you don't make art outside of fanart, then you're still engaging in the wonderful beautiful practice of creating!
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cobaltsunflower · 8 months
Lotsa thoughts in the house tonight
Should i make a separate blog for stuckpiece? I don’t think talking about it on duck(verb) or here is really appropriate since no one cares about it anyway
Can someone please teach me how to put picture on ao3??? And how do ppl do the cool formatting stuffs???
I think i have a lot of bots followers on this main blog so it pushes the number wayyyy too high. Block or no? Tbh it’s too much to bother by now
Cool one piece artists why are you following me?!?!?!? Specially this main blog?!?!? I offer nothing of value besides reblogs and only draws indulgent buggy and crossovers that no one cares for anyway you are making me self conscious please
Ok calm *Calm* i think it’s stationary
Should i post in vnmese? I won’t have anything better to say but at least swearing would be more satisfying eh. Would serve to make my blog even less approachable i believe
Planned to do so many things in this semester break. Ended up w executive dysfunction and doing nothing. Still want to draw, write down stuckpiece, pick up italian again, finish 2 books i borrowed from the library,... no where with anything yet
Sometimes i feel like me being overenthusiastic is pretty cringe maybe. Im always too eager to chat and answers questions for one piece newbies honestly i just want to make some friends. But i think i’m so cringe.
Maybe i’m not and it’s just a depressive episode from this fucked weather and loneliness. I can’t really talk to my friends about much due to difference in interests and one of them is spiraling in depression that I cannot help and it honestly makes me depressed too every time it came up
If i do an art trade with another artist, do we both post our pieces up and tag the other? Is there a consensus or assumed understanding to post or no? I approached the other artist a bit too abruptly and now I’m embarrassed to ask about posting since it feels like i’m asking to use their name for attention, since for real I wasn’t and was just excited for art motivation. It has been a week and I haven’t post it, would posting/asking permission to post now be too weird?
Should go to sleep now it’s late
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dungeonbf · 11 months
it’s like we’re in the same containment cell. or the same enclosure at the zoo lol. or even better we’re in different enclosures across from each other and we stare at the glass at each other and sometimes bring over rocks to show and stuff. it’s a mighty bit enriching!!!!
OK i’ve thought on this actually! i think by the time amelia puts everything together (which wldn’t be unreasonably long but not unrealistically fast either) she’s already grown somewhat attached to jesse & enjoys having him as a roommate (they’re not romantically involved YET) (yet…) so she weighs her options. she could kick him out & look for another roommate who might not be as bearable as him OR she can just. pretend the bad stuff isn’t real. she opts for the second option, lol. she does not approve of him selling meth & has strict boundaries on the fact that he can’t bring any home & that he has to wash if he comes home smelling like the crap. it’s more personal for her bc she’s worried abt a potential relapse so she’s sort of harsh abt it but. other than that she doesn’t bring it up bc she’d rather not see jesse in that sort of light.. ignorance is bliss, blasé blasé. her relationship w jesse & w drugs is something i think abt often ngl.
on a less serious note, auth right wld block anyone who leaves hate comments under his art bc it actually hurts his feelings ok arguing over which ppl deserve to live in his community that’s different but his ART? nah he’s crying in the bathroom on that. bc I feel like when he draws he lets his inner child, that sad little lonely pathetic boy, take over so it rlly hurts. he might say a slur b4 blocking actually… anywho i wld support his art bc i like all art ^_^ I think each piece of art has beauty in it and idm if the proportions are wacky bc a lot of styles r like that tbh when u look at them for more than 5 seconds. plus I think it’s cute he wld draw us kissing that’s just rlly funny cute
— @boykujou
@boykujou OMG YES… bringing over little rocks and flowers and such (authright headcanons) to your enclosure (ask box)
i’m very curious btw what’s your fave thing to do with either jesse or authright (or both)? i like jesse, i think he’s a sweet bf and has good intentions. i encourage his wrongs. anyways, i’m super curious about how his drug dealing affects your relationship, especially considering your s/i’s stance on it. i also think considering the highs and lows of the relationship is one of the more interesting parts of self-shipping, like maybe it’s just me but i like thinking about conflict and strife and how to get over issues!! sorry this is like wordvomit but you get what i mean… we’re on the same wavelength.
also curious.. how IS jesse in a relationship? cuz obvi you know him better than i do, please feel free to share any headcanons :3
AND NO THATS SO REAL, he definitely gets super emotional about it. i think it’s a good thing though (getting emotional about art) cuz it shows that he’s passionate about it! it’s something important to him! i feel like at first he views it as a weak soyboy cuck activity but he genuinely grows to enjoy drawing, even if his art isn’t conventionally good. headcanon that he draws up propaganda posters and tacks them up all around the extremists’ house.
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clubmates-a · 2 years
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y’know how i put a tl;dr of my general hcs for yuri in one big hc dump to expand on later? well, i’m doing it again, this time with miss sayori–let’s do this, yall! <3
>her parents are actually lovely ppl, (unlike yuri’s rip), it’s just their situation sucks, you know? i’ll make a more fleshed out post abt this later, but. well, tl;dr ???– >her dad is. very sick, he’d been in-and-out of hospitals for varying periods of time, eventually settling with home visits/care instead. which leaves her mom, often out working til the late at night and generally stressed out as she tries to keep a roof over her families heads, and pay medical bills in the same breath. >and that’s probably a big reason why sayori is. the way she is, bc she’s used to putting on that happy/brave face around her family, considering their situation. both to try and help them, and also to not stress any of them out further tbh?
>her love of literature surprisingly started young–telling scary stories at sleepovers, reading fairytales, playing pretend, making silly ocs, etc etc. she’s rlly good at improv + quickly brainstorming ideas, and. nowadays, she’s really into dnd and similar things. >she has a dnd group that has sessions online, since that was easier on her w/ her depression. but even that’s too much for her sometimes, she tries, though.
>since her room is on the second floor, when she wants to relax/be alone with her thoughts, she’ll climb out her window and sit on the bit of the roof underneath. >when her and MC were kids, they’d sit out there together and stargaze, but they haven’t done that in… years. but sayori still remembers it, and thinks of it fondly. >collects a lot of little enamel pins, stickers, action figures, and comic books! probably has a ita schoolbag and a flip phone with a cutesy charm attached.
>has a goldfish named ‘kerria’, her and MC rescued (by which i mean stole) them from a kingyo sukui booth at a festival when they were kids, around ten or so. >it was getting late, so the booth was getting taken down for the day, and there was only one (1) fish left, and. sayori was worried abt what would happen to them, so! she scooped them into a fish bag, while MC kept the stall keeper distracted. >let’s be real if they had just asked the guy about it, they most likely would’ve gotten the fish with a lot less fuss, but. hey, it’s a fun memory at least, ok…
>sayori was on the track team throughout junior high, but backed out before entering senior high, both bc of a low point in her depression + being stressed out in general. she spent the next few years hopping from club 2 club, trying 2 find somewhere she belonged once again. >but, well. she’d always end up getting kicked out after a few days, if she wasn’t outright turned away because of that unlucky reputation. >almost setting the cooking club on fire, trying to act out a scene and accidentally hitting s/b while gesturing in the drama club, tripping and falling into some of the newly finished pieces in the art club, etc etc. >she was. tbh, ready to just give up and attend the go home club instead, when monika suddenly approached her about the newly forming literature club! 👀👀👀
>sayori has a habit of doodling on anything she can get her hands on, her desk, her schoolwork, her skin, etc etc. she finds the action of scribbling away v relaxing. >it’s a good way 2 keep her mind off whatever might be bothering her, and it keeps her fidgety hands busy, y'know? her art is pretty decent too, round, cartoony and colorful, wouldn’t look out of a place in a kid’s book or something, to be honest! >being a comic book fan, she also draws her own sometimes, short ones mostly starring herself and her clubmates, about any misadventures they might have! >there’s def one abt the 'wine incident’……………………………....................
>sayori taught herself how 2 play ukulele as a tween, but her interest and will to practice slowly fizzled out as she got older. until recently that is, she’s started playing again w/ support from a certain club president! >sometimes, when one of them is having a particularly bad day, sayori and monika will skip class and hang out in the school’s music room, play s/t together, and talk about whatever comes to mind.
>sayori’s feelings on monika post-game (in the good ending) are… complicated, esp after becoming club president and dealing w/ all the self-aware stuff first hand. like, she understands it, in a way? >is she still mad/upset? obviously, they were friends, or at least sayori thought they were, but monika still… y'know. but after becoming club president herself? she gets it! because it kinda sucks! like a lot! so, cool motive, still shitty, but sayori does forgive monika in the end. >but, also: she isn’t sure if her forgiveness would even mean anything to monika, bc. does she still see them as ‘just code’, or what? i mean she brought them back for a reason, but… who knows. sayori hopes it’d make her feel a little better, at least. she misses her sometimes.
>she likes video games, even if she doesn’t play them as often as MC, she WILL kick ur ass in super smash bros + mario kart, and likes animal crossing. also, there’s an arcade in town, she’s the highest score on a lot of their games. >learning to bake from natsuki, but still can’t cook worth a damn–can and will eat breakfast stuff 4 every meal if u let her. (also rlly likes cheap gas station slushies) >has lots of little rituals, like not stepping on sidewalk cracks, sorting candy by colors before eating them, making wishes @ 11:11, etc etc. it might seem silly to others, but it rlly does bother her when she can’t complete them for w/e reason. >likes making braided bracelets bc she finds the repetitive task calming, has most def made the rest of the club + MC ofc friendship bracelets, all in their 'main color’. (blue for sayori, green for monika, pink for natsuki, purple for yuri, and red for MC.)
>sayori is a earring gay, she has lots of funky ones she switches out everyday or so, having special pairs for holidays and such. she often makes a lot of them herself, with her crafty skillz(tm).
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splatoonlink · 2 years
ppl will be like “at least game of thrones has dragons in it” but then all of the dragons are gray and generic and boring and look exactly the same. like they don’t even have that going for them.
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one of these dragons breathes fire and one of them breathes ice. can you tell the difference? cause i sure can’t!
and the worst part is, they’re probably doing this cause it’s “realistic.” but if they wanted them to be realistic, couldn’t they just draw inspiration from real life animals? there are so many reptiles with interesting and cool-looking coloration they could have referenced. and even if they wanted something understated, the common lizards i can find in my backyard look cooler than the plain boring gray scales they went with.
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idk, i just find it kind of insulting that the main piece of media people think of when they think of dragons could be so uninspired with its designs… they look like a generic template that you would use as a base to make something that actually looks interesting.
ok rant over i’m done here
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spookyheaad · 1 year
May I say your artstyle is so fascinating? There's sth about the way you draw bodies that is just 👌 *chef's kiss*
And completely random comment, but the way you draw kisses is so impressive. It looks... Realistic? I don't know how to explain this one. It just looks right, you know?
Aaaah thank you so very much I appreciate it!! I love drawing bodies & characters the most, and I like to practice musculature a lot. I’ve essentially memorized the masculine form due to how much I draw men, and I’m slowly getting there with the feminine form as well. I kinda became obsessed with how muscles connect and how our limbs connect to the torso, so I like to draw that flow, have ribs be defined & jut out to show said form, etc.
I’m also deeply infatuated with how the male body moves, how it can look at certain angles, how it can look robust and muscular but then be soft 😌 and I always draw my fictional husbands with their tits out - for uhh practice, of course 😅 we all have our vices I guess (fr it helps with anatomy practice tho)!
It all goes pretty well with my style I guess? I love sharp edges and grittiness, I also actually like my art more when it looks a little messy, or even unfinished. It’s still ever evolving as I continue to draw tho.
Also I know exactly what you mean, sometimes when ppl draw kisses it can look a little off; obviously that’s subjective, but I like having kisses and intimate moments feel and look real. Whether how two characters kiss, or how one’s lips meet skin. I do use references a lot for how two ppl kissing & how their lips - interact, I guess???? LMAOO
Or even by not showing the kiss directly, that’s effective too!
I’m pretty sure some of the art that I correct & change the most are my ship pieces where two characters kiss, because if it looks wrong to me/the faces or lips look weird I NEED to fix it and it will bother me if I don’t. To be a little more gentle towards myself tho that could genuinely be an aspect of my OCD, but I’ve always been a little fastidious with how my art looked. I’ve found that many artists are in some way perfectionists, I definitely get that way with my own art.
But thank you thank you thank you for the ask!! You made my day (it’s currently the evening but I saw your ask before I headed off to work earlier & it helped me get through my shift so I can make more art!)!!!! I’m always happy to hear other ppl’s comments abt my art, what others think, what emotions it conveys to them; it does bring me a sense of accomplishment, to know my art is connecting with others!!
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darkfrog24 · 1 year
A few weeks ago, I read Pamela Paul’s defense of JK Rowling in the New York Times. According to Paul, Rowling only said a few things about trans men and trans women, and they were very mild. With all this hate on J.K. Rowling for being anti-trans, I figured I should probably find out what she actually did. I found this article in Glamour.
JKR wrote a joking post in which she implies another post that says “people who menstruate” should have just said “women.”
JKR posted, “I don’t hate trans ppl and would march with them, but I think sex is real and has consequences.”
So far so not that bad. This is similar to what Paul said JKR said. But the Glamour article goes on to cite a post on her own website where we see Rowling’s views straight from the source.
Rowling says she’d been researching trans issues for a book, including taking notes on Twitter posts, and she accidentally hit “like” instead of just taking a screenshot on one of them. She doesn’t say what this Tweet said but does say that she was harassed after that, so I’m guessing it was transphobic.
Again on Twitter, she followed a then-dying lesbian who’d been (JKR’s words) a “a great believer in the importance of biological sex” and supporter of lesbian women’s right not to date “trans women with penises.”
She says TERFs shouldn’t be considered trans-exclusionary because “they include trans men in their feminism, because they were born women.”
She cites stats on people detransitioning out of regret that strike me as probably inaccurate. I heard elsewhere that most people who detransition do it because of prejudice from the outside, not belief that their transition was wrong.
She cites parents claiming that whole peer groups of girls decide to transition at once. That strikes me as questionable.
She seems to think that girl-presenting young people transition to male roles because they want to “escape their womanhood” and the sexism it entails.
She acknowledges that transition is the right choice for many people, acknowledges the increased risks of violence they face, and says she knows and likes at least one trans woman and thinks of her as a woman.
She says that women and girls are in danger from policies that allow “any man who says he’s a woman” to enter bathrooms. It’s my understanding that men don’t pretend to be trans women to enter bathrooms to harass women.
Okay, so in this essay, she seems sincerely afraid for other women, but the thing she’s afraid of—predators pretending to be trans women—isn’t real, and it would be relatively easy for her to learn this. What I’m drawing from this piece is that 1) Rowling doesn’t think she’s anti-trans. 2) She is anti-trans access to women’s spaces. 3) She has a number of misconceptions about trans people, many of them harmful. 4) She claims to support trans people in terms of protection from violence.
Back to Glamour.
Rowling deleted a Tweet praising Stephen King right after King made a pro-trans post and blocked King.
Rowling claimed there were fake Tweets on Twitter attributed to her.
Rowling said gender affirming care was like conversion therapy and that doctors were pushing it on teens.
Rowling wrote a fictional book about a man who disguises himself as a woman to kill women, which matches her fear of men pretending to be trans women.
The article cites Tweets in which people send death threats and say nasty things to Rowling.
Here’s my take-away: Rowling’s not the cartoonish proud anti-trans Mel-Gibson-style ranter I was expecting. She’s someone who’s anti-trans but doesn’t think she is. Not everything she says about women and trans people is wrong, to the point where I can understand why she doesn’t understand how any of it is wrong. She has indeed been harassed and hounded online. This is consistent with posts I’ve seen claiming that Rowling went through a process similar to the one that turns teenaged male netgoers into incels and fascists. They say something somewhat offensive out of ignorance, then they’re met with hostility, and then they allow themselves to be driven away from facts and toward self-justification. The difference is that those boys are children who can be forgiven for not knowing better and Rowling is an adult.
If Rowling comes back from this, it’ll be by putting her money where her mouth is: She claims to feel solidarity with trans women because they’re at risk of domestic violence like she was. JKR could follow up on that by supporting legislation, advocacy groups, and other organizations that protect trans people from violence. However, even according to Paul, JKR has argued that trans women should not stay in the same domestic violence shelters as cis women.
In the United States in the 20th century, many whites voted for laws that said “separate but equal.” I can’t think of an example of even one who went to bat and demanded that Blacks be given equal facilities and resources as the law seemed to demand.
This does not address the concerns about Rowling and antisemitism.
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mmechanicat · 2 months
i know everyone hates their own art and compares themselves to others, but man looking at other folks’ work—especially commercial art which artists are making real money off of (at my day job i work in an industry that licenses art)—has to be a constant reminder that i can DO art. pretty well, actually. the only thing separating me from many of these artists is the Terror of putting myself out there and the amount of things i don’t even let myself draw bc they’re cliche/look bad/too commercial/sloppy/not commercially-viable enough etc. i can see ‘flaws’ in work that lots of people adore and that honestly makes me feel so much better. a lot of ppl will finish and publish and receive glowing feedback on pieces that i couldn’t imagine myself considering finished—not as a scrape on the other artists, just that i may do slightlyyyy too much in a way that makes me never finish anything!! :(
i’m wary of thinking this bc i want everyone in the world to feel empowered and confident to make art freely without gatekeeping around technical skills, but i don’t know why i feel so guilty about having art as a skill. i’ve been drawing and painting my entire life. i get paid to do plenty of things i’m much less good at (like graphic design lolololol). i don’t want to be mean to anyone by saying “maybe i need to lower my standards” but i can only see so much sloppy sketchy linework and blobby watercolors thriving out there before i conclude that i am also allowed to make and show off my art, even when it’s ~imperfect~ 😅
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inkdemon-whore · 2 years
✦—uwu new pinned—✦
【archives: C.O.R.E. | 2016-'18 | 2018-'20】
tumblr b-day: february 20th, 2016 January 14th, 2016
al/alta/alex | 23 | he/him | aspec
fandom hopper | proship | atheistic satanist
╔═⋆promo section⋆═╗
i’m usin the old post format, so this isn’t really working, but here’s my tgftos fanfic “mo chroí” on ao3
doin commissions, click here for the post!
you can also just throw money at me for a cosplay i’m working on. any money i get will be payed as a group/pitch in commission. you can pay $1, $5, $50, whatever you want, so long as the $100 goal is met. when the goal is met, i’ll draw a commission level piece as a thank you to everyone that donated! this goal is set for mid september, and if it isn’t met, i’ll just draw a smaller, less impressive thank you to those who donated
i'm multi fandom and kinda hyper fixate on one or more for a period of time. here's some fandoms i'm in/i've drawn stuff for:
pokemon ✒
undertale/deltarune ✒
steven universe ✒
dream smp ✒
fnaf ✒
fnf ✒
OFF by mortil ghost
yume niki
centaurworld ✒
encanto ✒
the girl from the other side ✒
AUs/tags ya'll can have cuz i probably won't draw more content for them: player!spamton/darkener!kris (aka tag au), sitting ducks DSMP au/🐷🤝🦆
blog contains casual swearing, artistic and/or suggested nudity, and maybe sexual jokes. my best assumption of my audience age range is 15 to 30-ish. blog also has some pro-ship stuff. i don't tag swearing or capslock.
here's a blacklist for your filtering needs (it's in account settings [zendesk help], or use tumblr savior [chrome / firefox] or xkit [chrome / firefox]):
★ ya should | ✦ ya could | 〇 if ya wanna
★ NSFW - for text and sometimes added with the tw nudity tag
★ nude - can also include censored/suggested nudity
★ tw ship - for explicitly shippy stuff like brumira or techno and quackity smoochin
✦ ship suggestive - for joke ships, or up in the air shippy vibes. it depends on context and your own view of the art
〇 qpr - queerplatonic relationship
✦ rpf - real people/person fiction, like shipping content creators rather than their smp characters (i don't think i'll ever use this cuz i don't make that stuff, but ya never know)
〇 #🐷🤝🦆 - a qpr qacknobros au tag, adding here because there’s too many to go through and add #qpr to. all of it’s qpr unless tagged with “tw ship”, which is like, one
✦ discourse - there’s not a lot, but it’s a tag if ya need it. it’s mostly if i’m talkin about somethin i’m seein on my dash
ask and submissions are always open. :P
please, if you like my art, reblog it.
you can use my art as icons, just put "icon by @altadoodler" somewhere visible, like your blog description.
you can also use my art as inspo for fanfiction and fanart! feel free to @ me if ya do so. here's my Ao3 if ya wanna send/gift me fanfics (https://archiveofourown.org/users/ALtaDoodler)
if i’m on your DNI, just block me. that’s arguably better than me unfollowing you, especially if i’m reblogging your post and you see me in your notes. cuz if i unfollow, i’ll completely forget, probably see your stuff again, and follow again. my memory is trash, just block me so i can’t interact.
Tumblr media
this post will be edited as needed.
a bunch of other stuff, like links n whatnot, that i'm puttin under the cut as to not fill up ppls dash, or mobile viewing of my blog. there's also a lil meet the artist under there that i drew up in like, 20 min, because i realized i haven't done one of those, and it also feels like a good ref for my sona
(tumblrs post beta post editor is fucked rn, i might re-post/re-edit this when it’s not trash, i just wanted to add some stuff while i was thinkin about it)
Dream SMP boundaries carrd: alldreamsmp.carrd.co
Dream SMP boundaries blog: smp-boundaries
My pro-ship answers: [-1-] [-2-] [-3-] tl;dr, it's just art, fiction =/= reality, i do not support irl incest/pedophilia, i should have said something sooner but past events made me want to not say anything about it. i'm willing to have a civil discussion about any further questions ya might have, but don't come into my ask with a "kys", hamster murder story, or anything worse.
don't show content creators my ship art of them :/...
a carrd i found for pro-ship info: https://learnaboutproshipping.carrd.co
post about proship and purity culture: https://fandomeldersintheirthirties.tumblr.com/post/687012217015730176/demongender-vibes-fozmeadows-star-anise-foz
other blogs i've made/am a part of that have 0 updates, but still exist:
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