#also when people are like well bad people also deserve love and happiness or whatever (genuine take I’ve seen multiple times btw)
reinventinglia · 13 hours
seeking your higher self in 2024
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hello, angels ⭑.ᐟ today we'll be taking the first step to our personal journey to be our higher self and achieve our dream life. an important reminder is that it is never too late to change and to allow yourself to be. if you are reading this and you feel like it is too late or that you're so far behind everyone else, or thinking "can i even do it?", take a deep breath, because you can! if this is your case, i highly recommend watching this incredible bevy smith ted talk, which is a major inspiration for this post.
i talk (or rather write) a lot, just so you know.
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it is what you make it
you need to understand your power. life is all about perspective, about what you put into the world and what you'll receive in exchange. as much as i believe the "it is what it is" mindset is important so you can come to terms with your own reality (there's no moving forward if you can't accept where you are), this is just as important. this is my own interpretation of this mindset, but i'd love to hear yours as well!
many things in life are out of control, but some—and a lot of them—you can control. you can choose your own mindset and the energy and intention you're letting out to the world, as well as how you think about yourself and whether or not you believe you're worthy of good things. trust me, you can't move forward and achieve your higher self if you don't believe you're worth it! you need to work on your self-concept in order to be yourself, because otherwise being yourself means being worthless, or whatever it is you repeat to yourself.
you are in control of your life.
i'm not talking about specific situations that unfortunately you can't control, and i'm also not saying you deserve what you're getting, because no! no one deserves bad things happening to them, but unfortunately they do happen regardless of what we think or believe in—even people who you believe have the perfect life have to go through rough times.
still, in the end, you need to take charge. you might not be responsible for what happens to you, but you can control how you react to it. it won't be necessarily easy or comfortable, but it needs to be done. even a small step can make the difference as long as you're moving forward.
one thing you'll need to be working on for the entirety of this journey is your self-concept—there are a lot of things to talk about it, but for now focus on understanding how you view yourself. in order to do so, here are some prompts that can help you with it:
⭑ how do you currently perceive yourself?
⭑ what is one negative self-belied you hold? how can you challenge it?
⭑ when was a time you doubted yourself? why did that happen?
⭑ how is your self-talk and how does it impact you?
⭑ what is a part of yourself you're critical of? why?
⭑ what is a part of yourself you're proud of? why?
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find your motivation
i'm currently in my early 20s, which is a strange period in life. of course i've also thought my teenage years were strange, but being in your 20s is different (maybe in ten years i'll say the same thing about being in my 30s). it's not all about comparing dating or being popular or getting the best grades or whatever, now the people i'm surrounded by are having jobs, or being the perfect university student, or living overseas to pursue their professional athlete career, or even doing scientific research with influential people! and they're all my age.
it's very intimidating to realize that age doesn't mean anything and that you can do anything regardless of being younger or older. but it's also reassuring, because it allowed me to understand that we all have our own pace—which means that you're not behind just because you think you are; in the end, your time will come. the time where you'll be satisfied, happy, and thrilled to live your life because it's finally what you wanted! but for that to happen, you have to do the work.
to start seeking your authentic self and live as your higher self, you need to do the work. the first thing is looking inside and realizing your reasons.
of course being authentic itself is a motivation, because who wants to live in the shade of how other people want you to be? putting on a mask everyday is exhausting and you can't live like that.
but this is not easy. it is an uncomfortable, hard, and hurting journey, but it leads you to healing, to real happiness. this is exactly why you need to have your motives, because you need a strong foundation so you won't give up. i say this because i have given up a few times, which is exactly why i might have started this journey at the age of nineteen, but i only properly started it this year, at the age of twenty-one—two years after i convinced myself i'd do it.
here is a journal prompt that might help you get to the source of your motivation:
⭑ what are your core reasons for wanting to change?
list your emotional, personal, or practical reasons for pursuing this journey. anything can be a motive, really. maybe you just don't resonate with your life, or you want to reinvent yourself. whatever it is, as long as it comes from a place of authenticity and truth, it will help you during this journey. embrace whatever it is that's motivating you and allow it to guide you to a life that resonate with your true self! the path may be challenging, but it's always worth it.
after thinking about why you want to change, work on these prompts to understand exactly what you want to change:
⭑ if you could see your life in five years, where do you want to be?
⭑ what do you look forward to most in the future?
⭑ what area of your life do you want to improve the most? list five things you can do in order to achieve that
⭑ make a list of how your life would be if you could be and do anything in the world
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being authentic
a great part of becoming your higher self means understand your authentic self. now, what does it truly mean to be authentic? of course we all know the definition: being true to yourself, to your values, and to your beliefs, even when others may disagree. but let's take one step further and ask yourself: what makes you you?
i wouldn't be surprised if many of you came up to me and said that you actually don't know the answer to that question. most of us have become used to suppressing your true selves and the best parts of who we are so we can fit in other people's expectations. but it's not okay to make yourself smaller just so someone else can feel better. if you recognize someone in your life who falls into this category, it's time to walk away! trust me, you'll be better off without that kind of energy surrounding you. instead, focus on people who uplift and inspire you to be authentic.
being yourself is a blessing, and for this i'll be quoting shakespeare: “to thine own self be true”. this means not worrying about pleasing other people and remaining true to who you are—therefore, being authentic, which is the ultimate goal. as bevy smith so beautifully said in her ted talk, “nobody can be you but you, so you might as well show up and show out”. make the most of your individuality and celebrate it!
⭑ is there a difference between how you act in public and how you act when you're alone? if yes, why do you think so and do you believe one act is more authentic than the other?
⭑ if you could be like anyone in the world, who would it be and why?
⭑ if you fully believed you're worthy and enough as you are, how would you be/act?
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get to know who you are
knowing yourself is a lifelong journey because we're constantly changing and evolving, and you can't truly be you if you don't know yourself—quite obvious, right? yet, for so many people (and trust me, i've been there before), this isn't easy.
often, it's because they don't actively spend time with themselves, which may sound ridiculous at first, because logically we're always with ourselves, but simply existing isn't enough to know yourself. to truly understand who you really are, you need to engage in self-reflection, which is why i've been leaving journal prompts for each section of this post—that's truly one of the best tools to connect with yourself.
with that being said, you need to take some personal time for and with yourself. some people struggle to even say their favorite movie, or their favorite color, or something as basic as their favorite food or drink. the truth is, if you don't know the basics, knowing your deeper complexities, which is vital to understand who you are, will become challenging. so, take the time to ask yourself some questions! reflect on the things you might easily know about your close friends or family but might not be able to answer if they ask you.
⭑ every day before you sleep, make a list of ten things you like. it can be a movie, a color, a piece of clothing, or products. anything
⭑ if you could describe yourself in three words, what words would you choose?
⭑ describe two significant events in your life you believe have shaped you into who you are today
⭑ what are your beliefs and your personal values? list at least five
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putting yourself out there
another important aspect of knowing yourself includes putting yourself out there. as someone who has struggled with social anxiety for a long time—and still does—i can tell you this: letting your fears control you won't do you any good. stepping outside your comfort zone is essential for growth, even if it means taking a small step—after all small steps will still lead you to where you want to be, as long you're moving forward.
make an effort to go out. you'll learn a lot about yourself by visiting a new park or attending an event you've never attended before. if you have the means, consider traveling as well! the key is getting to a fresh environment where you won't have to mold yourself into whatever labels people have put on you. you can also start a new activity, such as taking a poetry class, exploring a new sport, or joining a club. each experience is an opportunity for self-discovery.
even if you struggle with social interactions, which i totally understand, meeting new people is also a very interesting way to learn more about yourself. it means you'll be exposed to different perspectives, which can reveal things you've never realized before.
you might meet someone with views so different from yours that you can't help but wish you never fall into that mindset, but you can also meet someone whose perspective resonates with you, and you'll discover qualities you aspire to embody. each interaction offers you a chance for growth and a deeper self-understanding, which is, again, essential!
this doesn't mean you have to mold yourself to be like that person—by all means, don't! you don't have to be exactly like someone else in order to achieve your dream life. however, you're allowed to be inspired by them. most of our beliefs and values come from experiences we've had with other people—it can be something as simple as believing that family comes first. you can learn a lot about your own values and who you are deep down by interacting with other people.
⭑ what three things you admire in your loved ones?
⭑ how have your friends impact your beliefs?
⭑ what beliefs do you share with your loved ones?
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take a note, give a note
as i mentioned earlier, many people who are my age are making extraordinary accomplishments—including friends of mine—and it has brought out a lot of different feelings within me. insecurity was one of them, because i often questioned to myself: if people my age are able to do all of these amazing things, why am i not doing it? what's preventing me from being as accomplished as they are?
the truth is, we don't have to be like everyone else. i've said this before, but it's important to understand that having different trajectories in life is included in not being like everyone else. just because someone your age is achieving a certain goal doesn't mean you should be doing the same thing—maybe that's not even what you want. understand and accept that you have your own path.
for example, i have no interest in being an athlete or to engage in as many academic activities as some of them are. and even if i did want those things, it's important to remember that what's meant for me will come in due time; maybe this just isn't the moment yet. this doesn't mean that i'm behind, it simply means i have my own pace. i'll continue to work towards my goals, because giving up and letting the universe do absolutely everything is not something i believe in, but i don't have to exhaust myself just because i'm not achieving everything i want right now.
now, with all that being said, implement a new ritual in your life. understand that each person has its own journey to fulfill and that everything you want and are meant to have will come in due time doesn't mean that you'll get over it easily. i understand that it can be hard—which is why we seriously need to work on our issues with believing everything has to happen in this exact moment.
the take a note, give a note ritual is supposed to help you with it, and i believe is a simple and effective way to do so.
the premise of it is: when you see someone having what you want, or what you think you want, instead of letting feelings of envy or jealousy take control, take charge of those feelings instead. ask yourself: is this what i really want? do i actually want what to be where that person is? regardless of the answer, as long as you're honest and true to your feelings, tell yourself this: “their wins have nothing to do with my worthiness.”
then, give a note. the note is nothing more than a sincere "congratulations". you can comment on their post, message them, or even call them, just don't let your previous envy and jealousy take control. allow yourself to be genuinely happy for others without having to diminish their achievements. as bevy smith said in her ted talk, “when you remove malice from your heart, not only do you feel better, you look better.”
don't punish yourself if it doesn't come naturally to you. unfortunately, believe it or not, it does happen to some people, especially those who were raised in an environment filled with negativity and competitiveness. instead, adopt new habits in your daily life to get rid of it, such as focusing on the good aspects of your life and what you're grateful for (i highly suggest doing a list of things you're grateful for each day before sleeping), practice mindfulness, and go to therapy or talk to someone about it.
⭑ how do you handle envy/jealousy?
⭑ what are three self-defeating thoughts that show up whenever you feel envy/jealousy?
⭑ how can you overcome negative thoughts when you feel envy/jealousy?
⭑ remember a recent time when you felt envy/jealous of someone and why. how did you handle it? what did you do to overcome that feeling?
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thank you so much for reading, and i wish you good luck and a great life! i talk a lot, but i find each of these topics very important. if you want to talk, send me an ask or message me if you can.
xoxo, lia ✮
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cosmics-beings · 1 year
ugh so many megatron thoughts that i am honestly just too afraid to post but i have so many meta about him that i wanna write but im just afraid of how people will take them.
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tragedykery · 2 years
not saying you absolutely cannot elaborate on ozai in fanfic but I do think it’s often. weird especially considering his place in the narrative which is. quite literally to be the Evil (tm) the protagonists need to defeat (mostly imperialism & child abuse). like there’s a difference between adding nuance to a villain and writing an uwu fluffy romance fic between said villain and his wife (whom he canonically abuses in the comics!) with zero critical thinking (and possibly accidentally becoming apologism for the things the villain symbolises)
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arielleslipgloss · 7 months
How to Reinvent Yourself!!
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(none of these photos are mine!) “Pour yourself a drink, put on lipstick and pull yourself together.” - Elizabeth Taylor
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Mindset!! This is one of the most important things that comes with reinventing yourself. Therefore that toxic, negative, insecure, and judgmental mindset has gotta go. Say hello to your new positive, secure, lavish, and uplifting mindset! Now, first thing you need to do is stop taking EVERYTHING so personally. Should you really be spending your whole day overthinking what this person says about you. NO! The only opinion that should matter when it comes to you, IS YOU. Next, think with a “so what?” type of mindset. Someone doesn’t like you? So what! Someone judges you? So what! Say so what, and move on. Lastly, take care of your mind!! You can’t create a whole new mindset if you don’t take care of your mind. So, heal whatever is making your mind stressed and fill your head with lots of good thoughts. You could compliment yourself, do shadow work, watch uplifting videos, just do whatever makes you feel good.
2. Set boundaries!! Not only should you set boundaries for yourself, but also for your relationships. Whether thats with a bf/gf, family members, or even friends. Whoever it is, they need to understand to not cross the line. Now, if they don’t understand then they obviously shouldn’t be around you. This year we are only surrounding ourselves around people who deserve to have access to us. Now, let’s talk about examples of having boundaries . First example, someone may be touching you in a way that makes you uncomfortable. For that reason you move a bit away from that person and clarify that they’re making you uncomfortable. If they call you selfish, so what? They need to understand to respect your boundaries. Second, someone is disrespecting you? Tell them that you don’t like their behavior and to stop. Last example, a stranger is using your belongings without your permission? Tell them that they should have asked and you don’t want them using your stuff. If any of these people don’t respect your boundaries, get them out of your life!!
3. Change the way you dress, talk, and walk!! I would like to clarify quickly, only do this if you want to. Moving on, I’ve learnt that slower walking and talking is better. Now I’m not saying to walk and talk in slow motion. Just slightly do it slower. This way, you can play attention to your behaviors more. It can be really important to observe yourself. Not only that but in a world moving fast, walking slow makes you stand out. Also make sure when you speak, it’s clear. That way people can understand you and what you’re saying. Finally, let’s go over the way you dress. Wear outfits that make you feel good, stylish, and fit you well. If you want to wear an outfit, don’t shy away. Wear it if it makes you feel happy! When you wear an outfit that makes you confident, the outfit is even cuter. Don’t forget, have fun with fashion and experiment with pieces.
4. Self-worth!! You need to understand that you’re an absolute BLESSING on this Earth. You are here for a reason and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. There is not a single flaw in you. You see your insecurities? Yeah, well someone out there has them too. Just because you have a few insecurities, doesn’t mean that should bring your value down. You should bring your value up and add taxes by realizing your worth.
“It is far better to be alone, than to be in bad company.” - George Washington
Love you dolls sm!! Remember to always wear a smile and stay pretty 💋
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Pinterest: Arielleslipgloss
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beggars-opera · 10 months
Hey, so we don't talk enough about A Christmas Carol as being at least a little bit about not continuing a cycle of abuse and neglect, both against others and yourself.
In the book little Scrooge is left languishing over the holidays in a boarding school for some never-explained reason, but it is made very clear that this is miserable and unfair, and that his father is doing this on purpose. His sister specifically comes to tell him that "father is so much kinder now than he used to be, that home's like heaven." This also reflects a bit of Dickens's own childhood when his father went into debtor's prison and little Charlie was forced to support his family working full time in a shoe-blacking factory at the age of 12 (which is also why so many of his books seem to have a moral of "hey, kids are people too and maybe we shouldn't make them work in the mines.")
Whatever family reunion happened after didn't work out, because Scrooge continues believing that no one is coming to save him and pulling himself up by his bootstraps at the detriment of all other social relationships is the only way forward. And the more he lives by that philosophy, the more miserable he gets, because obviously he pushes away anyone who has that hope that he lost. They threaten to break down the walls he's built and teach him that a big pile of money doesn't have to be the only thing that he can rely on, if he'd just let himself be vulnerable and have a relationship with people who care about him, because they're out there even if he's ignoring them.
There is a certain type of person still very much out there who thinks this way. "I've never been happy in my life, so no one else has a right to be either. I was abused in my childhood so it's only fair that everyone else suffer as well." We see this in parents who still try to use corporal punishment, and in wealthy people who ignore the social factors keeping others down and scream that everyone else is just entitled, that only those who suffer and scrape deserve happiness. And they especially hate the people like Fred who represent the past that could have been, who have maintained hope for the future, and seem to be rubbing their optimism in your face, when in reality they're just maintaining hope because it's the only way you can survive.
It's so important for Scrooge to actually see the impact this thinking has on both himself and multiple generations. Rich people have this weird hangup about this story because they think Scrooge is bad because he's rich. He's not, he's bad because he's a horrible person and a miser - he doesn't use his money to better anything, including himself. Salting the earth, everyone suffers here, including him. And he learns that he's going to die old and alone without ever having spent or enjoyed his money, and that his family feels sorry for him, and that the nameless masses of poor people out there that he decries so much are in fact living, breathing people, including tiny disabled kids who don't deserve to suffer just because you decided life isn't fair.
In the end he takes responsibility for actually uplifting the people in the next generation who are trying to make the world a better place and no longer punching down, because it doesn't have to be this way. So many people out there just give up hope because things are hard and they think trying to improve things is a pointless exercise that makes them look dumb. How dare you grow a year older and not an hour richer! How dare you marry for love! That's the only thing more ridiculous than a Merry Christmas! When in reality, there are plenty of people who would love to see them happy if they just had a chance.
It's really sad that, while the language used to describe it has changed, these problems still persist. That people feel so wronged and isolated that they spend their days ensuring everyone else will be as well. That they fail to see their fellow humans as fellow humans who are just as deserving of love and kindness and a roof over their heads. I don't care what time of year it is, we should all be lifting each other up rather than tearing each other down.
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monimccoythings · 22 days
Headcanons for Logan Howlett/ Wolverine (X-Men 97')
Wanted to do some X-Men 97' because this Logan deserves as much love as any other. One thing I'm glad is that he has been put more aside giving the others a chance to shine. I like they all get their moments as a team.
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Will endlessly flirt with you, he can be quite blunt at it. He is also very fond of petnames for you, 'Sweetcheeks', 'Babygirl', 'Princess'...
His ideal date is hanging out at the pub playing pool. But he will let you take him wherever you desire, he tries to act all macho and though but will do anything to make your happy.
Very protective. Won't let you go on any mission unless he is on it as well. The others (and by extension, you) have learned to let him get his way, there was one time you returned slightly hurt and he went berserk.
He is a possessive man, always with a hand on your waist or an arm wrapped around your shoulders... whatever thing that shows everyone you are already taken.
As with any other Logan, it's very easy to make him jealous. That hairy feral man will throw himself at anyone who looks at you funny. He has started so many bar fights because of you.
May seem rude and careless, but he is always following you around like a lost puppy or keeping an eye on you. He wants to paint himself as the big bad wolf when he's just a soppy wet dog with very sad eyes.
Many people will just ask 'what do they see in him'. Hell, he doesn't know either. Doesn't mean he's willing to let you go so easily.
He loves to slap your butt. You'll be doing your own thing and out of a sudden *SMACK*. He has zero shame about it.
Doesn't like to share his things, but damn if you don't look ravishing wearing one of his shirts.
Logan is extremely fond of cuddling with you in bed in the morning, before the rest of the team is up, though he would never admit it out loud. He just puts his arm around your waist and pulls you closer to his chest while his nose nuzzles your neck, taking in your scent. He won't allow you to leave until there's the signature annoyed knock from Scott, telling you to get up from bed.
Will never tell, but the more time you spend together, the more he imagines settling down with you, in a cabin close enough to the mansion in case he is needed, but far enough for some well deserved privacy; and raising a couple of children that hopefully take after you. And maybe, just maybe. This time will work.
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lexsssu · 9 months
Odd (Hiroki Dan)
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TAGS: Dan/F!reader, yandere, possessiveness, obsession, breeding, impregnation, smut, oneshot Ao3 ver. | Ko-fi | Commissions (OPEN)
Dan was always…odd.
Even when you were both still young preteens fumbling their way through puberty and middle school, there was always something about him that stood out from the rest of the student body.
Sure, he was smart, handsome, and came from a good family especially with his father being the current superintendent general at the police force. He had all the qualities that ensured his constant popularity, but despite how amicable he was towards your peers he always retreated back into himself.
At least, that was when it came to everyone else that is.
Because the biggest oddity you could find in him is his blatant need to ALWAYS be around you.
Whether he was merely within your immediate vicinity or engaging with you in some way, the dark-haired male was drawn to you like a moth to a flame. The eyes are the windows to the soul and for someone like him who was a master at molding his expressions in whatever face he needed at the moment, his eyes clearly revealed how genuine he was towards you.
Perhaps you should be scared, especially when his expressive eyes widen and dilate whenever your eyes meet with him for even a second. How it seems as if he’d been staring at you for long periods of time without you even noticing how heated his gaze was, but…
Was it bad that you found his attention…endearing? 
Flattering even that such an eligible man such as him only had you in his eyes?
Dan never did anything that made you feel uncomfortable, but rather knowing that you had his eternal attention almost felt like a safety blanket was wrapped around you and that there was never really anything for you to fear. He is a gentleman first and foremost, but the longing within his eyes are unmistakable and the genuine smiles he bestows upon you wear down the walls you’ve placed around your heart little by little.
That is why is there really any surprise that you’re wedded beneath the sakura blossoms as soon as you’ve both graduated highschool? 
To most people, marrying so early seemed like such an archaic practice or that you were both throwing your lives away so early. 
Such a thought never passed through your mind however and much less your husband for that matter. If anything, both his family and yours were very supportive of your decision as they had all been witness to the love you both shared for one another through all these years. Plus, it also helps that his family was well-off enough and Dan himself driven enough that your father had no qualms handing you over to his new son-in-law because he knew that you’d certainly be taken care of and cherished.
However, as much as you were grateful to the family and friends that celebrated your union, nothing could still overcome the happiness that overflowed from your heart as you met this man at the altar and exchanged vows and a kiss to seal your everlasting love to one another.
Dan was certainly odd…but you loved him all the same.
“The doctor said that this is the best position to allow my seed to reach your womb and we’d be remiss if we didn’t follow her instructions. Besides, Masahiro deserves a new sibling, don’t you think so? I long to see you again growing ripe with my child…your breasts filling up with such fine drink that I’m already salivating just thinking about it…”
You don’t know what happened during work to set him off like this, but you weren’t complaining as Dan did his utmost best to practically rearrange your guts with how hard he was bearing down on you. The pillow he’d slipped beneath your hips just moments ago certainly helped as skin smacked against skin and bodily fluids dripped and stained the once pristine bedsheets.
The handsome investigator’s usually combed dark hair was in disarray as strands clung to his sweat-stained face, his movements & expression reeking of desperation and overflowing affection as he sought to get his cock as deep into you as he could. With luscious thighs wrapped around his narrow waist, hands raking against his strong back leaving faint red lines, and your lips kissed and bitten until it shone a bright reddish color, Hiroki knew that this might as well have been heaven.
For it is everything he wanted and dreamed of.
A precious young son sleeping in his own room, and the love of his life: his sweet little wife who still cared for him in spite of his need to ‘commit good deeds.’
And now that the newest member of your family was actively being made, Hiroki would make sure to continue his mission to cleanse the world of the filth that dared taint its goodness.
“ Leave it to me, darling. I’ll rack up enough ‘good deeds’ for you and all our future children so that you may all live without fears or worries… ”
With your face buried in the crook of his neck as you slept on top of him, his cock still stuffed inside your sopping cunt in order to prevent any of his seed from slipping out, the man smiled and closed his eyes and followed you into the land of dreams.
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xoxochb · 3 months
Hi!! It’s like my first time requesting so please prepare for the amount of times I type out ‘like’😭 I hope you have/had a good day!!
So percy is kind of like the person that everybody has had a crush on at least once, right?
Basically, percy likes the reader and let’s also say that they’re one of the most nicest people on camp but, today they’re kind of irritated because they had a bad day. To add onto it, percy tries to talk to reader but they’re like so irritated that they accidentally raise their voice at him and reader apologizes to percy. But this leaves percy kind of sad and he’s overthinking, reader—a few days after the incident—goes up to percy and apologizes, they give him like a small gift bag(??). Percy, having feelings for reader, is ecstatic/giddy because of this and is also kind of taken aback from this, he plays it off and acts all nonchalant about it but he somehow makes it so painfully obvious as well. So the whole day, he just kind of sits around and admires the reader.
But turns out that the reader also likes Percy and their siblings kind of tease them about the gift basket. The reader also admires percy whenever he’s not looking at them. (This can just be a little bonus!!)
If you need specifics, can the reader be from cabin 10/Aphrodite’s cabin (but like it’s up to you!!😭) and uhm maybe fem!reader (?)
Anyways, have a nice day!!🫶🫶
⋆·˚ ༘ * looking at you got me thinking nonsense
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warnings: none
pairing: percy jackson x daughter of aphrodite
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you were the camp sweetheart, a pure soul. everyone admired you and your generous demeanor, but today you were in an irritated mood from being packed with camp duties along with a few personal favors
it started this morning when you had gotten up early to the screaming of your siblings (they had been rudely accusing each other of stealing their clothes), then you had to help set up a breakfast double-date, archery practice after, you didn’t have time for lunch because one of your friends needed urgent love advice, then you had offered to wash the dishes after lunch, and now it’s four in the afternoon, you haven’t had any time to relax
even now when you were supposed to be relaxing you couldn’t find your favorite lipgloss so you had to tear up the cabin to find it, which you didn’t, because that’s what your still doing after twenty minutes of searching
but soon enough your search was interrupted by your favorite son of poseidon, percy jackson
you usually would have been happy to see him but today every little thing- even the smallest thing- would add on to your irritation
“I haven’t seen you all day” he states
“yeah, well, I’ve been busy. I don’t always have time to see you, you know?” you open one of your siblings drawers, disappointed to see your lipgloss was not there
percy knows something’s up because you never talk to anyone like that- especially him “are you alright? have you eaten today? I know you’ve been busy”
“I’m fine! If you really knew that I was busy you would leave me alone” you snap
he frowns at the tone of your voice “oh… I’m sorry. I’m gonna go, we’ll talk later?”
“whatever” you mumble
percy leaves cabin ten with a sad demeanor. what had he done to anger you? he lays awake that night wondering what he did so wrong to make you- the nicest girl he knew- out of all people so frustrated with him
little does he know, you lay awake also wondering why you snapped at him. he was only trying to be nice. he was concerned for you, he cared for you more than anyone and you treated him terribly
how could you make him forgive you?
for the next few days you think of how you’re going to make it up to percy, he deserved more than just a simple ‘I’m sorry’
as your skipping rocks on the water you realize what you have to do. you quickly stand up and rush to the edge of the water, where you search for as many tiny seashells as you can find and once you get back to your cabin you begin making your present
when you finish it you put it in a small box with a pink bow on top- your specialty
unfortunately for you, you were caught by silena with the box in your hand
“what’s that?” she smirks
“it’s nothing, I have to go do something, sorry” you try to rush past her but she stops you
“who’s it for?”
“you’re not leaving until you tell me”
you sigh knowing this information was indeed true
“It’s for percy”
she nods with a victory smile knowing she’s got what she wants
“go get him”
you thank her before rushing to cabin three, which you find him exiting
“percy!” you run over to him “can we talk?”
“of course”
“great, uhm, so first I wanted to say that I’m so sorry for the other day, I was so busy and I had nothing to eat, not even a cup of coffee! you know how I get when I don’t have coffee. but anyways I was so irritated with everything, and you came in right when I was in the middle of looking for my lipgloss and I was getting angry because I couldn’t find it and I just took anger out on you, and I swear it had nothing to do with you, I lov- you’re my best friend, I would never mean to hurt you on purpose” you ramble “I made this for you” you hand him the small box
If you were anyone else percy would’ve hated getting a present with a pink bow on top, but since it was you he could never hate it
“as much as I love you giving me a gift… why are you giving me this?”
“I felt bad about the other day, you deserve more than just an apology”
percy was trying to act chill about this but it was you! the most gorgeous girl at camp- but if you asked percy he would’ve said in the universe.
and you were standing in with him in front of his cabin giving him a gift, looking at him with a loving look!! he swore his heart was about to explode out of his chest any moment
but besides his heartbeat, his face was adorned with a bright red hue “thank you” he tries to fight a wide grin, he didn’t want to appear as a lovesick fool (although the was)
“you’re welcome” you smile and plant a kiss on his red cheek “will I see you later?”
“yes! yeah, definitely, of course” he stumbles over his words
“great! you can come to my cabin after dinner, I’ll see you then!” you kiss his other cheek before giggling and skipping your way to the dining pavilion
at dinner percy couldn’t keep his eyes off of you. how could he? that can’t be possible! you looked beautiful laughing with your siblings, and the sound of your laugh oh gods, it was oxygen to him, truly.
and your smile? don’t even get him started because he’ll never finish, he could go on about your smile for eternity
your voice? as soft as a newly washed blanket, he wanted your voice injected in his veins if that was even possible, which he was sure it wasn’t, but if there was a way he would do it
and over at aphrodite cabin you snuck glances over at percy whenever you could (which was whenever your siblings weren’t looking, they would tease you forever)
however every time you looked over his eyes were already on you, then you would both look away quickly trying to pretend you never made eye contact, but you both knew you did
the same way you both knew that tonight you would’ve gave percy the kiss he had been longing for since he first saw you under the twinkling moonlight
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jeonginsleftcheek · 3 months
happy birthday, love
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pairing: bang chan x afab!reader
genre: hurt/comfort
word count: 2.0k
warning/s: talk about insecurities and feeling unworthy of love, kinda corny me thinks, not proofread
a/n: i'm soft for him fr🥹🤍 i'm not completely satisfied with this but it's been in my drafts for weeks and it's my birthday soon so this is a little self-indulgent... hope you enjoy.🫶🏻
~check out my: Masterlist
You were never really big on celebrating your birthday. Many people made it seem like it was something so important, so grand when in fact it was just a day like any other. At least, that's how you always viewed it.
You always felt weird receiving gifts and special attention. It made you want to disappear. And it didn't help that every birthday you felt very melancholic, and you don't even know why. Often times, that melancholy would result in overthinking, feeling abandoned and then ofcourse - crying. It wasn't your birthday until you've had a little cry session in your bed.
Maybe it was because of those people who made it look like something worth anticipating, and when the day actually comes - nothing special happens. The world doesn't stop, the sun doesn't shine brighter, the flowers don't look prettier. Nobody and nothing cares. The Earth keeps spinning like it's none of her business.
That's what you told your boyfriend Chan too. You'd only been dating for 8 months but he wasn't afraid to shower you with affection, and you felt bad for not being so out there with your feelings like he is. You felt embarassed enough every time he got you a surprise present just because he thought of you. He knows you struggle with showing your feelings, much less talking openly about them but you really do love him and you are willing to do whatever's in your power to show him that you love him as much as he loves you.
Maybe through a warm meal you prepare for him when he's done with work, maybe with a shoulder to lean on when he's having a tough time, maybe with some good-hearted advice when he needs it, maybe with your embrace when he craves comfort... Maybe with your kisses, slow and intense, passionate and loving, wet and deep.
And you're sure he's the type to throw you a whole ass surprise party, make a grand gesture, buy you many gifts and that's why you begged him before your first birthday together not to do any of that.
Chan respects that, he only fears that you're pushing away his gestures because somewhere deep inside you feel undeserving of them. But he also wants to give you time to think and work through your problems, ofcourse leaning on him whenever you need to. He's always there in a blink of an eye for you.
It's hard for him to hold it in, his desire to shower you in gifts and affection but he doesn't want to seem too overbearing. It's not like he wants to buy your love, he just can't help himself when he sees something cute that reminds him of you, or something he knows you'd like or even something you two can share like a couple item.
He tries not to rush anything cause it took you a long time to even open up to him, he accepts your differences and definitely doesn't want you to change for him. He just wants you to know you deserve to be pampered, loved and gifted.
Chan thinks hard what he could do for your birthday to make it special, but also that it's nothing too grand or crazy at the same time. He knows you hate surprise parties so he crosses those off the list. He tosses and turns in bed, trying not to wake you when suddenly there's a lightbulb above his head.
It's just another Friday. Well, coupled with the fact that it's your birthday and your sweet boyfriend is the first to congratulate you as soon as you open your eyes.
"Happy birthday, love."- he whispers sweetly, his lips pouty and eyes shining as they look at you with so much admiration.
Him by himself was a good enough gift for you, perfect even and you lean in to kiss him as he wraps his arms around you tightly.
"No surprises, okay? I mean it, mister!"- you poke his chest as you part from each other.
"Yes ma'am!"- he smirks mischievously at you as he plays with your hair.
"You're planning something, aren't you?"- you squint your eyes at him.
"I don't know what you're talking about."- he moves away to stretch his arms and you sit up.
"Don't joke around, Chan. I told you I don't want any grand gestures."- you say.
"Who said anything about anything grand? Come on, let me make you breakfast, hm? That's not considered grand is it?"- he smirks and pinches your cheek. You swat his hand away whining in fake annoyance at your silly boyfriend.
You could do with breakfast before another stressful day at work.
You're tired, begging for the day to end already and you can't stop thinking about dinner and a nice warm bubble bath when you come home. Maybe even a comfort movie and cuddles with your boyfriend under the blankets.
"Channie, I'm home!"- you yell from the door.
"In the kitchen!"- he yells back, a little too eagerly and your brows furrow in suspicion. Your heart starts thumping in your chest as you walk towards the sound of his voice.
When you enter, you're greeted with a smiling Chan standing next to a table full of food, candles and flowers in the middle.
"What's all this?"- you swallow, your chest tightening.
"Dinner for my birthday girl."- he smiles, coming towards you, his hands gently grabbing yours.
"Ugh, don't call me that. But fine, I'm hungry anyways."- you say and let him lead you to the table.
"M'lady."- he pulls your chair out and you giggle at his antics.
"You made all this for me?"- you ask, looking around the table.
"Yeah, ofcourse."- he looks at you so lovingly that your heart flutters.
"Oh, Channie. You really are too sweet. Thank you."- you say. Even though you hate your birthday, Chan didn't do anything grand just like you asked and you appreciate the work he put into cooking dinner and how mindful he was of your wishes. It makes you appreciate him even more.
"It was my pleasure, trust me love."- he smiles at you and you almost melt into a puddle.
You can see how much effort your wonderful boyfriend put into dinner, making all of your favorites and making them extra tasty, like he spiced it all up with the love he has for you.
"Chan, this is amazing! I didn't know you could cook this well. I don't mean that you're a bad cook!"- you panic, frantically waving your hands around. "This is just different."
"It's okay."- Chan chuckles. "I actually called Minho for advice."- he admits sheepishly, cheeks becoming rosy.
"Oh... Did he tease you?"- you chuckle.
"He teased the hell out of me."- Chan shakes his head, a little laugh escaping his lips.
"Well, we both know he would do the same for his significant other no matter how unbothered he acts."- you say, getting up to get rid of the empty plates.
"Oh no no, you sit down. I will get the plates."- Chan is on his feet immediately.
"Baby, it's really no problem."- you say but he snatches the plates out of your hands.
"Please, sit down."- he pouts a little and well you can't say no to that face.
"Close your eyes."- he adds after he places the dishes in the sink.
"Chan, no... I told you I don't want any surprises! Nothing too crazy..."- you shake your head.
"It's not crazy. Just humor me, okay?"- he says.
"Fine."- you roll your eyes in fake annoyance and then close them, a little smile of anticipation on your lips.
You hear shuffling, then feel Chan's presence closer as he puts something in front of you on the table.
"Open them."- he whispers, closer to you than you think he was.
You brace yourself and open your eyes.
"Is that a cake?"- your eyes widden.
"Yes, it's a cake, love."- Chan chuckles at your cute reaction. "I baked it for you."- he adds proudly.
"You baked me a cake?"- you melt again.
"Lix helped with that but yeah. You said nothing grand... even though I would buy you anything you ask for. But I just wanted to do something for you. Especially after a hard day's work."
Your eyes water suddenly, vision blurred and Chan gasps.
"Baby?! Are you crying?"- he panics, leaning down to take a look at your face, his arm wrapping around your shoulder.
You don't know what made you sob this hard, but you can't even speak, tears flowing down your cheeks and sobs leaving your lips.
Chan doesn't know what happened or if he did something wrong but he wraps his arms around you instinctively, pulling you into a hug. Anxiety washes over him as he rewinds what he said or did to make you so upset. You clutch at his shirt, burying your face in his neck, finding comfort in his warmth.
"I'm sorry."- you lean back after some time, wiping your tears away with the back of your hand. Chan shakes his head as he hands you tissues.
"You have nothing to apologize for. You know I'm here for you. I just... wanna know if I did something wrong."- he says, biting on his lip nervously.
"No, no way. You're perfect, Chan. It's me... You go and do all this for me and I feel like an ungrateful bitch crying over nothing. I feel like you deserve someone better, someone who can treat you the way you should be treated. At this point, I don't even know why you're still wasting your time on me."- you spill your deepest feelings out, fearing that Chan will agree with you and you'd be left with nothing then. You barely look into his eyes and he looks hurt.
Why did you have to say that? You should've kept your mouth shut.
"H-how can you say something like that?"- Chan's voice wavers. "Don't you see how wonderful you are? How good you are to me? You may not say stuff outright like I do, but I see that you care for me in all the little things you do. You're always there for me, you cheer me up and believe in me even if I don't believe in myself. You understand me like no one ever did before. Sometimes even without words. You always think of me even when I forget about myself."- he talks, and fresh tears start sliding down your cheeks.
Your chest feels tight, and you blame yourself for upsetting your boyfriend, who has nothing but good thoughts about you.
"And I know we haven't been together for that long. But ever since the moment I laid eyes on you, I knew you were the one."
"Don't exaggerate."- you hiccup, trying to move away but his arms tighten around you.
"Don't you feel the same?"- he asks quietly and you look at him.
The puppy eye look kills you and you can't help the small smile spreading on your face.
"Ofcourse I do. I love you with all my heart, Chan. I just didn't think you love me so much. And it's really nothing you ever said or did, so don't think it's your fault. It's the stupid inner voice inside my head, telling me I'm unworthy. And whenever my birthday comes around, the feeling amplifies. I keep checking my messages and waiting for people to congratulate me. I cry if I think one person forgot my birthday. And then I feel like no one cares and that I'm all alone. I know it's dumb and it's not true but I can't help how I feel."- you explain.
"Do you feel alone now?"- he asks, cupping your cheek with his hand, his thumb swiping at the tears sliding down.
"No."- you whisper, your eyes fluttering as you lean into his touch.
"Then my plan was successful."- Chan smiles, leaning in closer to you.
"I knew you had something up your sleeve this morning."- you smirk, the sadness inside you slowly fading away.
"See, you know me so well."- Chan says and you giggle, your lips meeting his in a gentle kiss, the love he feels for you pouring from his lips to yours.
"I guess I do."- you smile as you part.
"Technically it's not midnight yet so it's still your birthday."- he starts.
"What did you cook up now?"- you ask and he chuckles.
"How about I prepare you a nice warm bath?"- Chan asks.
"Only if you'll join me."- you smirk.
"I think that can be arranged."
✨Taglist: @moonchild9350 @janepg
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tiredfox64 · 5 months
Can you write about a female reader that is being bullied by other clan members because she's not considered pretty and doesn't have a nice body and tease her the Smoke would never have feelings for her, so the reader becomes depressed and volunteers to go on a dangerous mission thinking she won't come back only for Tomas to step in and go with her so he can be closer to her?
Beauty is in the Eye of the Beholder
Prior notes: I’ve been taking some fat naps. It’s not important but y’all know now
Pairing: Tomas x Afab reader
Warnings ‼️: That foundation was 45 dollars put your head up!
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Why are they so mean to you? What could you have done to deserve their ire?
You thought the Shirai Ryu would be a more accepting and safe environment. It’s not the clan itself, it’s the people in it. A mix of different people with different personalities. Yet they treat you like an outsider. A freak even. Especially the women.
They saw how you would look at Tomas. Such love and affection in your eyes when you got a glimpse of him. He’s so nice and caring while also being incredibly skilled and strong. How could you not fall for that face? Or even that voice. Hearing his voice made you feel warm every time. When you heard his cute chuckle it made you feel good about whatever you said.
Those nasty girls put you down the moment they realized you liked Tomas. First it was your face. Somehow they would see acne scars that, according to them, made you look messed up. They weren’t even that bad, barely noticeable. But after that you noticed them much more. Freckles, moles, dimples, no matter the unique feature on your face they would say it looked unnatural and ask ‘who were you trying to fool’.
Their comments about your body were the worst. It fluctuated between people. Some said you look like you were starving yourself. Some said you look like you were eating for the whole clan. They treated body hair as if it were unnatural as well. There was nothing to be happy about when it came to a happy trail according to them. And stretch marks? Apparently nobody has those. Not on their chest, their stomach, or their thighs. What a lie. A bunch of lying, hypocritical bitches.
What hurt the most was when they told you that Tomas would never like you. That all those conversations where you two would laugh were all smoke and mirrors. He was only doing it to keep the peace and not seem like the bad guy for rejecting the loser of the clan. He would only find them attractive because they were better. Better looking, better skilled, better overall. You are just the background character getting in the way of what was supposed to happen. The background character doesn’t get with the hot guy.
You were hurt, you won’t deny that. You always thought you were beautiful no matter what. But they all made you think you were ugly, a beast. You didn’t actually have a chance with Tomas. You were just bothering him this whole time.
So you pulled away from him, avoiding any sort of contact with him. You even tried your best not to be seen by him. That depression hit hard for you. You felt so alone and isolated from everyone else. There was no other home to go back to. You’re stuck in this hell hole. A hell hole where you won’t find love and you will be shamed for anything and everything about you.
There is only one way to leave and that’s to take the dangerous mission. The mission that no one wants to take because they fear they will never return. That’s what you want. If you’re going to leave you rather leave by the way of death. Death by choice, leave with honor.
You were wrong. Everybody was wrong. No one had the right to assume Tomas’ feelings and desires.
He was disappointed that he wasn’t seeing you much anymore. It felt you just got up and disappeared. He couldn’t even get a glimpse of you anywhere. Not even during training or walking around the temple. When he would ask other clan members some would agree that they haven’t seen you either or some said they just saw you but only for a moment. He got really suspicious when those same girls who were bullying you would wave the topic away as if there were other important matters at hand. Tomas wouldn’t give them the time of day. He would walk off with a pout, sad that he hasn’t heard your sweet voice in so long. Maybe Kuai Liang would know.
When Tomas asked his brother whatever happened to you he told him that nothing happened to you, you’re just preparing for a big mission. Of course he asked what kind of mission. Kuai Liang hesitated, knowing his answer would enrage Tomas. He admitted he was sending you on a high risk mission. A mission that involves you getting close to the Lin Kuei. He was right to think Tomas would explode because he did.
“How could you send her out there?! Do you know how dangerous that is? She could get killed!” Tomas protested.
“She volunteered, I did not force her hand. She was the only one willing to do this.”
Kuai Liang believed you were doing this out of braveness and commitment. You hid your true intentions well. He was clueless to the situation between you and Tomas and how you have been avoiding him. Tomas could sense the bs however. This was not like you. Not that you weren’t brave but who in their right mind would willingly go into something like this on their own. That’s a suicide mission at that point. Tomas couldn’t and wouldn’t let you do that!
“Then I will go with her as well! We can’t send her out there on her own.” He volunteered to go with you.
Kuai Liang was very hesitant. Even just letting you go was a hard choice for him to make. But they needed the info on the Lin Kuei. He will admit it was a wrong choice but it might not be bad if Tomas goes with you as well. He nodded before speaking.
“Go get ready now. She will be leaving soon.”
You had all your equipment ready. Your weapons were sharpened and your mind set on something. Try your best to complete the mission. And if things fail and you are on death’s door, accept it. Either way you will leave or come back with honor. You took a deep breath and with a big step you-
“You’re not going by yourself.” You heard Tomas’ voice.
He grabbed onto your hand to prevent you from going. He pulled you back so you were right next to him. You were shocked to see him here. You didn’t understand why he was stopping you. He looked like he was preparing for a mission too. Before you could ask what he was doing he spoke up again.
“Why would you think it was a good idea to go alone? I know you’re brave but this is way too risky to do by yourself. You should have asked me to come,” he sighed before looking forward, “Well, we are already prepared. We should get a move on.”
This was shocking to you. Not only did Tomas willingly find you but now he was holding onto your hand. He held it tight like he was worried you would run off and leave his side.
He was. You were running away from him all this time he can’t let you go. He’s been wanting to talk to you for so long. Get close to you and find some sort of excuse to touch you. But you’ve not just been avoiding him, but everyone in general, like they were the plague. He doesn’t even care if he gets an explanation he just wants to talk to you again.
“You look very pretty today. I mean you look pretty every day but I thought you should know you look pretty, heh.” Tomas struggled a little but he hoped you got the point.
You didn’t, not because you were ignorant or missing signs you just didn’t believe him. Those girls really messed with your head and made you think everything he says to you is a lie. He sounded convincing yet your mind just wouldn’t accept it. You were afraid of being hurt even more. If you did die you don’t want to die with anymore of a broken heart.
Tomas’ heart aches when he didn’t get a response from you. You even turned your head away from him. He almost thought he was bothering you. He would have let your hand go but he was more afraid of losing you than bothering you. So he kept holding on and trying to talk to you.
“Did you sharpen your weapons? You do it so good. I might need you to sharpen my karambit if you don’t mind.”
Still nothing from you. You were hurting more than you were before. You wanted to talk but your mind was at war with your heart. You held your tears in but they threatened to burst out of you.
Tomas saw right through you. He saw that you are struggling but with what he doesn’t know. You’re more reclusive. Even your clothes spoke that. You looked like you were trying to hide your body more and even your face. You never wore a mask before. Why were you hiding all that beauty from him?
“I’ve missed talking to you. It was nice to have a break in my day where I could talk to someone about anything other than the clan. I’m sorry if I did something to scare you away. I don’t like doing that to people I care about.” He spoke softly to you as if to make you understand how much he cares.
You couldn’t. You just couldn’t.
Your heart was hurting and so was his. He just wants to be close with you again. If this is all he can get for now so be it. He wishes it was more, much more than this. You wished you could believe him again. See him as a man who could love you. You wished you could look at yourself and love who you are. You do and you hate that you let those pricks alter your belief.
In moments of weakness like this it gives others the perfect opportunity to strike. And that they did. As your two were having this mission to gain more info on the Lin Kuei, they too had orders to gain more info on the Shirai Ryu. There were more of them and they ambushed you both.
Tomas let go of your hand and took out his karambit to defend you both. This was a shock to your system and you took too long to get your kunai out. You defended yourself to the best of your abilities. Kicking and striking whenever you could. It wasn’t enough and they knocked you down. In that moment you realized that you didn’t want to die. You couldn’t tell if you didn’t want to die in an ambush or didn’t want to die in general. You were horrified and your eyes expressed that greatly to the assassins. You put your arms up to defend yourself one more time.
All you heard after was Tomas yelling ‘no’ before seeing a bunch of smoke burst in front of you. A bunch of slashing and grunts could be heard but you couldn’t see anything. When the smoke cleared all you saw was Tomas standing in front of you with all the assassins dead on the ground. There was about ten of them and he took them down in seconds. He helped you up before holding your face to check for any injuries.
“Oh god, are you hurt? Did they injure you in any way. Are you okay?” He asked as he pulled your mask down so you could breathe better.
He asked if you were okay. You knew he meant physically but you needed to hear it mentally. Those tears that have been building up this whole time slipped out slowly. He realized that there was more to this than he had imagined. He brought you into a tight hug as one of his hands went into your hair and the other rubbed your back. He whispered to you that it will all be okay and that he doesn’t want you being alone in this.
You missed him so much. You missed his touch even if it was minimal before. You can’t stand being away from him again. It doesn’t matter what those girls say you have as much right to be with him as anyone else does. No matter what you actually are you know you love him. You don’t want to die anymore. It won’t help your soul. He doesn’t want you dying either. He missed you. He needs you. You’re so special to him not even for your beauty but your personality. He would never want a girl who would drive someone to their death. That’s dishonorable and cruel.
“Come on, let’s go back. I don’t want you getting hurt anymore.” He whispered as he took your hands again.
Before you could protest by saying the mission won’t be fulfilled an opportunity opened. There was one Lin Kuei assassin left alive. Tomas was about to end his life before he begged for mercy. He said he will tell them everything but just let him live. Looks like you two didn’t have to go far for this solution.
Tomas dragged the assassin back while keeping you close. When you two returned Tomas gave the captured assassin over to Kuai Liang. He was surprised but was happy that no one got hurt in the end. And seeing that the person was willing to talk that means the mission was accomplished. He thanks you both and told you both to rest up.
Never once did Tomas let go of your hand. He wanted you close and safe even if you guys were back in the temple. Even if you don’t tell him immediately what was wrong before he was glad that some progress was made. You were looking at him again with that softness he loves.
“Let’s get you comfortable, alright? Then after that we could talk just like we used to.” He said as he walked you to your room.
You nodded and for once in a while you smiled again. You felt that warmth in your body. Whatever those girls said before was a lie. You can see that for yourself. Everything they said was a lie.
The truth is that you love Tomas and he loves you. There is nothing fake about this. And there will never be even if those jealous idiots try to say otherwise.
You are beautiful and loved. Don’t forget that.
After notes: 🍊…🦊 WHY IS MY BOLD AND BRASH PAINTING ON THE FLOOR? WHO WAS BOUNCING OFF THESE WALLS? ARE YOU EATING MY WORK AGAIN? I think I’ve manifested foxes in my town. They don’t come here and they shouldn’t. Next thing ya know the deers and vultures will come back. I don’t want to square up with a hawk again…I never did that. Adiós!
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guardian5tiger3 · 5 months
Waddup B) . Another general reading
Pick an album ! -
1 2
3 4
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1. Ice cube group
In da house!! Haha I feel like y'all in da energy of being bout yo money. Or the color green is significant. Shoot y'all might be about the green rn if u kno . This doesn't have to be a super conscious thing a lot of you either way though are in the energy of richness like that so you gonna be attracting money or it's because you're destined to be prosperous at this time or in the near future like that. For some of you it's because you're supposed to use that to help get rid of some form of negativity in the past some how. Others of you should consider getting a new pet if that will make your heart happy you know or confirmation if that's what u been thinking bout. Spirit wants you to make sure you're open to receiving at this time and in the future though cause some of you have an imbalance were you're a bit too humble maybe struggling with your own worth and self perception and this is making me feel sad so I'm really sorry and you guys need to maybe use your logic to conclude it's only the truth that you're a human with a good heart that deserves good things and anyone who ever told you other wise..... Is tripping like they're wrong and delusional and probably a hurt person anyway. If your childhood was bad you're manifesting a lot to replace stuff from all that time and make up for it and stuff and you all are just heavily in a deep great energy I can see y'all auras are mostly either green , blue and a very few of you purple. One specific person has some red. Make sure you stay in touch with your feelings though as I can see how the world might be making you a bit numb or you feel like a bit depressed actually when it comes to the fact that things constantly happen like , in the past I've been depressed and contemplated like how could it be that I have to drink water then go to the bathroom over and over again and it would wear me down thinking about it. It's good to practice having control over your own mental and perspectives ok. Just hella green and gold so wealth wealth money $$ . One love
2. Group KORN !!
You guys are winners in my book . I don't even know why I felt I had to say that . If you actually listen to Korn, while either way you got to listen to their first two albums you know... After that they were cloned for sure just saying . Ok anyway ...
You might catch something right in time whatever that might mean. This could be anything it depends on the individual, someone saying something, something falling almost, idk.if that does happen it must also be a confirmation of something. So I'm seeing a complete ending and then a revival. This group is somehow dealing with the general concept of time ... I'm seeing for some of you this is all past energy some of you right now some of you the future this could even be like way in the future ok. So it just depends . Someone most likely am adult male is speaking well on you and possibly other people you care about or can be related to yourself. This is looking good for your reputation and it might even be saving your reputation. U know what for a few of you this could be someone that's catching something right on time that's what that is for you . Something about something working and smoothly at that, or a job or you working with someone . This could be someone you know from work. Looks like they love you like they have love for you and a lot of other people , this is someone with a good heart even if you can't tell by their personality . Something's " falling apart " I heard and someone's getting away smoothly from anything affecting them . There's an energy of some type of trick being played or more so just an attempt at that. Maybe some type of verbal communicative manipulation. Maybe trying to convince someone to do something they shouldn't like join a group, sign a contract, say something wrong or that can be taken out of context so be careful but I see it being a separate energy that just has no place anywhere and is kind of awkward lol. I got 3 7's . Be careful of deceit at this time and moving forward. Especially regarding people's words and your own. People might be analyzing you or someone else or a situation . I'm getting almost like an investigation for some of you maybe a real investigation . Like the feds even. Especially if by the time you're reading this this as an older post. Holy f*********** I picked up another deck started shuffling and a card that says I investigation popped right out and a little magnifying glass I drew it's also an orange card like I d***n near wanna take a picture and show you guys. Strangely the other card I got is cult
So this is super deep in some way some form of group of people, big or small, serious or silly, depends on who is reading, has attempted to silence someone. I'm guessing a great majority of you it's you that was or is trying to be silenced. I'm getting the metaphor... If you can call it that this isn't even a metaphor I just don't even know I'm kind of appalled cause what I'm getting is that like if you like just decided ok this one needs to go to another life not stay on earth you know so they took something away and try to deprive them of something so either that happens or so that they do not have the energy , capacity, capability of being able to speak the truth but guess what that's the desert card and after that I have the wave card so not just here's a glass of water let's throw you in the ocean and let a wave roll over you ... Metaphorically for whatever you were being deprived of...... And also a card that says break through which also has rain in it :) . So this is gonna hit really fast cause of course that's the universes will. It's kind of like actually a miracle type of energy im even getting the word biblical and also maybe the story of the guy who parted the red sea or together is significantly sorry I should remember his name I read the bible 300 times as a kid haha. But, you guys this is really good the final two cards are the ace of sword , y'all know that's the truth, and four of pentacles so I feel in my heart chakra specifically a sense of calm and that everything is gonna be set right and you'll be feeling good and a there's a good amount about stability. Maybe church is significant to someone. Or a house of worship I don't know. Or a house in general too for some of you. Or a bulldozer ..? Also substantial evidence for a very few of you .
3. No Doubt !!!!
You guys might be family oriented, live with your family, I can pick up on some people's energy of a kind of busy household maybe the sound of pets nails on a hard floor (cute I miss that with having dogs )
Do not drink any open drinks at this time whoever I'm talking to you wouldn't expect this either you trust someone who would do something or you wouldn't expect it of the brand...or something I don't know I don't want to make anyone paranoid just keep your drink on you in your sight or drink unopened ones you know . I can also sense baked chicken I think or grilled you know when it's not fried or anything though ?? You think someone is loyal to you also if you have a dog this is significant. Im getting calm energy somewhat I think spirits around you are in that and trying to stay around you and have that energy around you :) honestly someone around you might be dangerous this isn't a matter of you getting paranoid this would , if it is true for you, be a matter of you coming to terms with something you've probably had hints about for a prolonged period. Maybe since you were young or it's multiple people even for someone else that this also resonates for. Y'all feel really cool like you investigate things kind of like a mystery vibe it's dope . Rainy days and cabins maybe you can dig that or that's what you give other people if they can read energy well. The things you might be into or interested in in the past too might be significant and spirit considered it to have been or be technically research y'all are really smart don't let anyone block you or stop you from anything ? . For real. Yep y'all are super cool and a smaller group y'all might have anxiety or any big or small issue you should practice breathing exercises. You know I make tea and breath in the air when it's hot it also helps asthma or I placebo that for myself but either way it's nice haha. I'm feeling like my brains working faster you guys are really sharp you might also like caffeine lol me too. You guys are so dope you're like putting together a puzzle or intuitively trying to figure something out and you will this is kind of a destiny situation like I can feel in my heart you guys are just the dopest but seriously w really intelligent pile I feel that something is time restricted , destiny, everything youre supposed to get to and have happen and do and it feels super fast paced and so do you , even if u don't notice cause youre used to it. You also feel like you avoid really negative things as easily as a ghost can avoid a human. Better days a head too even. Your bed is significant somehow . One thing I'll note is you may have to, and if so should sooner than later deal with any negative ideas ever put in your mind about yourself make sure you heal your heart and mind . You're moving so damn fast . Your soul has a PLAN . Like, a mission dudes. It'll all make sense in the end I suppose. Keep going 💯💯💯
4 . The Maiden !!!!!
I feel like you guys have some good philosophy or mentalities in life like you know how to and when to go with the flow. Like picture floating down a river and it's to chill out then you're like alright now I gotta get up and out cause there's a rock that will hit me in three feet. Your intuition might make stuff easier . Sometimes your intuition might surprise you or it would if you pay attention you know. You may get a bit frustrated because you don't get to straight up know the future lol I can relate. To. That.
The movie ice age might have something to do with something or if you remember watching it at any point maybe the memory is significant??,
Or someone you remember watching it with for someone. The universe wants to give you what you want and need but you already seem like a generally content soul just with like yourself existing I noticed from the start this is a super chill group . You guys definitely see danger before it comes. Breathing exercises to the point of deep relaxation might be helpful. You're just not supposed to consciously know the future though I'm not sure why but I guess it would technically like by law mess it up possibly . Remember to be calm , at peace when doing any form of work but also remember work is play deep down just like deep down we're still the kids we once were when we were young , which is a good way to realize every person is not so different and I was going to say also that you should maybe focus somewhat on your relations with other people and your social interactions. Just to sharpen your social skills I guess. There looks like there's chaos around you but I don't see it touching you so you're good . Mellow vibes just enjoy the moment and work on patience and stuff maybe. Working would be beneficial you might get joy out of that even if it's building something or it could even be playing in the woods, going to the store, but I am also getting to go play outside and they want me to say like play like you could go pick up a stick and start digging in the dirt hell kinda sounds like fun . Peace and rock on .
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stvrni0lo · 1 year
𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐜𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐨
chris sturniolo x reader
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summary: headcanons for dating chris
warnings/notes: none?
requested?: yes
> > >
it’s been established already that Chris’ love language is physical touch
but when you start dating, it definitely kicks up a notch - holding your hand constantly, arm around your shoulders, knees touching, holding pinkies, etc.
he tries to be as attentive as he can, but sometimes he won’t necessarily notice that you’re in a bad mood, so you have to let him know
is always open to communication. that’s his number one thing in a relationship. it can be something completely minuscule - he doesn’t care. he always wants to hear if he’s done something wrong, and vice versa he’ll tell you if you’ve upset him
he actually doesn’t mind pda, but if you’re not comfortable with it he’ll 100% tone it down for you
holds your hand and puts it in his hoodie pocket if it’s cold
he has his set taste in music, but if you suggest a song or artist that you’re really excited about, he’ll listen to them occasionally even if he doesn’t like them
always wants to see you happy. he’ll make stupid jokes or do something that he knows you’ll laugh at just to see you smile
his ideal date doesn’t really involve something extravagant. he really just wants to be in your presence, so most of the time he’ll plan something cute like a movie marathon or trying to bake together. (in chris’ words: “just come over bro and let’s just kick it bro”)
loves when you play with his hair. he doesn’t like when other people touch it, but for you he’ll make an exception
constantly taking pictures of you. you could be eating and have sauce all over your face and he’ll still think you’re beautiful and wants to capture the moment
always wants to wake up next to you - he loves sleepovers
will pay for you when you’re out no matter how much you refuse. he just loves treating you to nice things
he genuinely believes you deserve the world
chris is incredibly understanding and patient when he needs to be. he lets you talk things out and will sit and listen intently no matter what it is
also he’s surprisingly good at giving advice
his favorite place to kiss is definitely your forehead and hands
places little pecks on your palms and hands whenever he’s holding them
he’s the type to cover the corners of the tables when you’re leaning down to get something so you don’t hit your head
he’s always giggly and giddy around you and will be flustered whenever you’re on camera with him
your relationship will probably be away from the public eye for a long time, but if you ever did go public he would constantly post videos and pictures of you guys together because he loves showing you off
speaking of showing you off he’ll 100% hype up your outfits and social media posts
he does have slight commitment issues but once he’s committed he’s all in - 101%
incredibly loyal and will stand up for you no matter what. he doesn’t appreciate people disrespecting you and encourages you to stand your ground as well - like dude will stick out his neck for you and anyone else he loves
fr the type to throw u over his shoulder and run with you into the water when you’re at the beach
if you have mental health issues he’ll ask matt for help or do his own research on how to help you best
he’s always there for you. no matter the time, no matter the place. if he sees you’re uncomfortable or you express that you’re upset he’ll do his best to bring you somewhere quiet so you can talk it out or just have a breather
will sit in silence with you if you need it, but is also really good at distracting you from whatever is on your mind
all in all this boy is head over heels for you
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topmalereaderblog · 1 year
You deserve better // Miguel O'Hara 🌸🚨⚠️
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Theme(s): Fluff / Angst / Mature
Warning(s): Infidelity, abuse, realization, jealous Miguel, happy ending.
Summary: Miguel hates it when people have everything and are still ungrateful for what they have that person being his co-worker, your husband.
Parts: Part 2 / Part 3
Words: 1.6k
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Miguel hated when people were ungrateful it got him upset, and today, he was upset at his co-worker, your husband. You and Miguel met at an Alchemax event. You were alone but held confidence, and when he got to know you, he was surprised, to say the least.
How did someone like your husband end up with some like yourself? You were both complete opposites. You looked well built, confident, a little intimidating, sure but kind no the less. As for your husband, well, he was a chum he was well built like yourself, but his attitude was distasteful, just like a lot of the other jerks that worked here, and as you both talked through the event he got to learn more about you.
"Can I ask a question?" Miguel said hesitantly.
"Sure," you smiled at him.
"How did you and C/W/N meet? I mean, you don't have to tell me. I'm just curious."
"No, it's fine. we went to the same college together, and I know it might sound touché but we pledged the same frat house."
"Mm, sorry for asking. It's just that you're both so-."
"Different," you finished for him "Yeah he wasn't always like this. We have our good days and bad days like any other couple he's a good guy to me for the most part of it. I guess I just need to try harder," you said, turning to look at your husband he was chatting with a woman.
Miguel could only remember your face that day. You look a little sad, and the more he got to see the way your husband treated you, the more it made him mad for you. You were a catch, at least that's what Miguel thought you often brought your husband lunch, which he usually gave away or through it out in the garbage.
According to Miguel, he felt lucky to try your food after his co-worker offered him the lunch you made for him and fuck was it good.
"Miguel, do you want it? I was gonna through it out but might as well ask."
He started at the lunch box in front of him, "Sure."
"Cool, just give me the box afterward. My husband tends to over due it on lunches." He said, walking away.
When Miguel opened the box, he was impressed the food smelled good, and there was clearly a lot of dedication and love put into it. He picked up the note that was on top of one of the tupperware.
*Love you so much C/W/N I have a late shift today at the station, so I might take a while to get home ill see you later maybe if your up to it we can go to the gym when I return or watch something anyways love you have a good day at work - ❤️❤️❤️ *
Miguel placed the small note to the side, re-reading it periodically while he finished the lunch you prepared.
"Here it was amazing." Miguel said, handing the lunch box back.
"Oh, that's good."
"He also left you this," he said, grabbing the note from his pocket.
"Can you through it for me? I have somewhere to be right now," he said, walking away with the lunch box in hand.
He didn't through it he kept it in a small drawer even though it wasn't for him. The note was sweet he often day dreamed of you bringing him lunch instead of C/W/N. Wait, day dreamed what was he thinking you were a married man and taken he can't be think of you this way but he was as the day went by he often got to eat your prepared lunches keeping the notes you left inside.
The part that made him get annoyed with your husband was when he was bragging about you to his colleagues.
"So wait, he just does whatever you want?"
"Meh, sometimes if I ask for something like massages, he does it, but things like sex are rarer. He is not bad, both top and bottom, but doesn't mean I can't have some side action, " your husband said while the other laughed.
"He's such a stupid guy," one of the colleagues said while they continued to laugh.
Miguel only reacted when he felt the ink in his pen start to spread in his hand, cleaning himself up before it tried.
One day, Miguel bumped into you in the grocery story, and gosh, you looked amazing. You were wearing your cop uniform as you recognized him.
"Hey Miguel, right?" you said, extending your hand out to him.
"Yeah, nice to see you again. How are you?"
"I'm good for the most part. I just got out of a shift, so I'm free for today. I was gonna spend time with C/W/N, but he went out with a friend, but anyways, what about you."
"I've been here and there, nothing much really."
"Mm I- I was gonna get ice cream your welcome to join me if you want."
"Sure, but I'll probably have to leave. I've been really tired this past week." He said walk with you to the cash register bags in hand.
"That's fine. Everyone needs a break sometimes. You look tense. Maybe you should go to a chiropractor sometime it could help."
"Never thought about it."
"Come to my place. I'll give you a massage."
"I wouldn't want to intrude. You're probably gonna be busy later."
"No, I insist I'm basically free this weekend, and C/W/N is gone to. It'll be nice to have a friend around, " you said, smiling at him.
"Okay," he signed out. "At what time I don't mind going after we get ice cream, but I'll need to leave my bags at my house."
"That's fine, how about 6 pm."
"Sounds good," he said as you parted away to get to your cars.
After that day you and miguel became good friends often going to the gym togther since your partner didn't want to go but not only that, somewhere within Miguel, jealousy sprouted, he was jealous of what his co-worker had.
Your place was homey and comfy after the massage you made dinner, and it was amazing, but he also felt pain knowing he didn't have this someone who would treat him like this someone to look forward to. You were amazing, and you deserved better.
It took a couple of months, but one day, you invited Miguel over he was oblivious to what he was gonna walk into as he made his way over to your door and knocked. No answer.
He thought you forgot and started walking away till he heard something fall quickly going back to the door and opening it with force he walked in on you on the floor with blood on seeping from your head as your husband had a belt he landed a whip but before he could do it again Miguel stopped him.
"Calm down," he said, raistraining your husband.
"What the fuck are you doing in my house." He said struggling to get out. Miguel let him go and went to aid you. we have to get him to a hospital, and he'll need stitches.
"Do whatever you want." Your husband said, leaving.
Miguel visited often in the hospital his co-working was bo where to be seen for the past couple of days, and a police report was made for what he did to you.
"Hey," Miguel said, entering your room.
"Hi," you replied. "How has work been?" you asked.
"Good, nothing exciting," he said, taking a seat.
"I caught him," you said, looking forward while your head rested. "He was cheating on me. I started the divorce process. it's my fault." You said he could hear the quiver in your voice and the way your eyes filled with tears.
"It wasn't your fault" Miguel didn't know what to say he didn't know what to do either right now he just felt sympathy for you how a big strong and confident guy like you looks so valuable.
"Wasn't it if I wasn't a bad husband if I was good enough, maybe-"
"You aren't." You were cut off by Miguel. "M/N, I know we only know each other for about what half a year, and in that time, you were the most caring husband I've ever met hell alot of the other spouses don't do what you do." He said, placing his hand on your thigh.
"I know this is a bad moment, but if I'm being honest, I- I was jealous of C/W/N after the event I paid more attention to him, and you. He gave me your lunches. I was gonna tell you about it but I didn't know how. I would read the notes you left him they were cute and sweet." He said, looking down.
You stared at him, and you didn't know what to say.
He took a deep breath. "What I'm trying to say is you deserve better, and I want to be the one to prove to you that I know it too soon." He said getting up.
"All I ask is that when you're ready, give me a chance." He said, walking away with his head down.
"Stay," you said, stopping him from leaving. "It gets lonely here without someone."
"Are you sure I would want to intrude."
"It's nice to have a friend around," you said, scooting over a bit and patting the spot next to you in bed.
This is it. Miguel smiled at you as he walked over and got in bed . He tucked his head under your chin and rested.
"You know you were basically my personal Spiderman," you said, looking down at him.
"Maybe I am," he said, staring at you.
"Well, in that case, you need to wear the suit more often," you said, laughing to yourself.
"Miguel, I'll give you a chance, but I want to move slowly very slowly."
"I'll wait for along as it takes." And with that, you both feel asleep holding each other close, Miguel resting his head on your pecs.
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abstract-crossverse · 7 months
helloo! I love your writing so much, and saw you were taking requests for doors so I decided to slide in!
if I may, could I request a Jeff x Reader thing? only if you want to, I just haven’t seen much of him and I think he deserves more attention :)
Helloo! Im glad writing is enjoyable! I’m still getting into the hang of things again, so do excuse me, its about time I get to doing my long ass how you meet/dating headcanons with fic intervals again One Jeff comin’ up!
Jeff x Reader [Hc/Fic, fluff]
Jeff, the sweetest entity and friendliest one in the Hotel.
Surprise surprise, he's not one of the Human turned Entity ones
Genuine supernatural creature right here
Unlike Jack and Shadow, the founders of the hotel, he’s just here for business, and was also hired as the hotel’s chef, he makes one good pasta I’ll tell you that
Also he’s not a maniac who loves to torture people for funnies like the other two… well, at least that Jack’s whole spiel, Shadow… is too reserved, and we don't know his motives with the hotel, he only helped with the furniture and keeps knocking down bOOKSHELVES
Jeff never really leaves his room after the Library, it's a good room, and he got a pretty good deal with Jack to make his room unavoidable for players, poor things must be famished
Which means if you come over to his room hungry and mentioned, you bet he’s going to sit you down and make you some food, in exchange for some coins of course, this ain't free dining
Most players just stop to take a breather in his room, have a chat with Goblino and buy something they need from his wares
Flashlight? Lucky for you, he has one with a full battery today! Cross? Skull key? Lighter? He has it all, being a shadow like entity has its perks, he slithers around the shadows at times and snatches anything he can get his hands on unnoticed, nothing on drawers though, it's too risky to be seen and Timothy doesn't quite enjoy visitors too much… and Jeff himself is not the biggest fan of spiders
Anyway, you meet like everyone else meets him, get past Figure, get to his room, take a breather from the adrenaline dying down.
He greets you from his stand with a wave of his tentacle as Goblino also greets you, and Bob couldn't even be bothered to look your way
You’re a regular, technically everyone is, but some don't spare too much time to chat or even tip, how rude!
You, however, stick around for a while to talk to either Goblino, buy a snack or one of the things on his stand, and you always tip, because of course you do.
Your friendly nature draws Jeff to you, looking especially happy whenever you come around, waving excitedly, he shakes your hand when you approach as a greeting as he keeps himself in the shadows, the lights hurt his eyes so he’s not crossing his stand ever.
He watches you from his stand as you talk with Goblino, something warm cooking in his heart, he gets flustered when you talk with him, how odd, he’s never felt this before
He doesn't talk, he can, but he doesn't aside low rumbles or clicking/chattering, you're not too sure what those sounds are, he can't speak English or any other language aside his mother tongue, which is cryptic and hard to understand for anyone else who doesn't speak it, though the other entities seem to understand him, even Goblino, you wonder if it's just players who can’t.
He can write, crudely, but he’s trying, after all the S on his sign is backwards, he’s learning, give him a moment.
You two can keep up conversations sometimes, he writes on a notepad you gave him once, and you speak, he’s glad you try to adjust to make him comfortable and include him
His sentences are broken, but you get the gist
You sighed before opening the door to the “Store” room, a familiar tune filling your ears and your heart with relief, Figure had been more aggressive today for whatever reason, you wondered if something upset it or if it was just in a bad mood?
You didn't have a clue, but that didn't matter now, you just hoped they would calm down until you reach the warehouse, for now, you can breathe again. Jeff looked over from his stand, visibly lighting up in mood as he waved an arm at you, turning towards you as Goblino greeted you from his seat.
“¡Oye, amigo! Good to see you in one piece!” the goblin yelled, counting the coins he had snatched from drawers, you waved, about to say something before the goblin turned to the skeleton beside him “what’s that? … HAHAH! Yeah, Bob says you sure don’t look alive!”
It made you chuckle a bit, you knew you didn't, you were getting tired of all these runs and repeated cycles, the adrenaline only fueled you so much, and the runs you actually got to the elevator weren’t feeling as satisfying as they used to be. You silently agreed with the goblin as he went back to counting his coins, sitting on the chair Jeff pulled up next to his counter
Noticing how tired you looked, he moved the radio across the room to the table next to the duo, lowering the volume a bit more to make it ambience noise for you both, you appreciated the small gesture, as much as you liked his music it was starting to give you a headache
He pointed at the items on the counter as his head tilted with a chirp, you shook your head
“Not now at least, buddy, I’m just-... tired…” you said leaning against the counter, he nodded in understanding, moving the items behind the counter, leaving only one of the pillows he previously had set a crucifix on.
His arms pulled a notebook from behind the counter and a pen, gifts from you, it made you smile a bit as you faintly remembered the day you gave him that to talk with you, he looked so happy, though you were brought back to reality when he turned the book to you
“Figure angry tonight, because of Ambush I thinks, you okay? They hurt you?” as you read, he made worried rumbling sounds at you with worried eyes, seeming to look you over for any injuries. His gentle concern was appreciated, smiling warmly at him despite your tired eyes
“I noticed, they didn’t hurt me, I’m alright, I just… I dunno… just tired, this cycle is getting exhausting, I might be starting to realize I won’t ever be able to leave this place…” you let out a couple sad laughs, looking down at the counter, it was true, the possible harsh reality was setting in, and you didn't know how to take it, but it wasn’t well, you may never see your family again, if you even had one, you barely remembered, this place fucked with your memories and you hated it.
Out of your view, Jeff seemed saddened by your mention of leaving, he tried not to think about it much himself, but the idea of you leaving made him scared, sad. He didn't want you to leave, but he knew that this place wasn't built for your survival in the first place. Silence hung thick in the air for a moment before you heard scribbling again, the notebook sliding into your view, “Have you eaten? Drink water? Want anything, friend?” The hospitality made you scoff a fond laugh, shaking your head again, “I'm fine, Jeff, thank you though.”
You heard him chirp again, closing your eyes just for a moment, you felt his arms gently tug at your arms up, you looked surprised as he silently asked you to raise your arms a bit, pulling the pillow still on the counter to you before scribbling again, “rest head, tired friend, you need it. May I play with hair?”
You laughed, warmth rising to your cheeks as he put an arm on your shoulder, gently tugging you down, “sure buddy, god how I am so lucky to have met you?”
He let out a happy thrill as you laid your head on the cushion, sighing as he played with your hair, another arm gently rubbing your back as you crossed your arms over your head, slowly slipping into sleep, he wouldn’t mind if you took a nap, would he? Nahhh…
Jeff looked over your relaxed form, completely forgetting anything else around them as he focused solely on you, your hair, your face, your mannerisms, looking over you softly, love struck as ever, letting out gentle thrills and almost purr-like rumbling, he knew he was completely infatuated with you, he knew his kind’s mannerisms regarding love, he just needed the perfect time and words to let you know
El Goblino and Bob had long moved on, figuring to give the two of you some privacy, despite Jeff completely forgetting they were there in the first place. The lights in the room dimmed with a flick of an arm before gently wrapping around you, pulling another cushion for himself as he laid his shadowy head beside yours, glowing eyes gently casting light on your face for a couple of moments, seeming to either have really fluffy, long hair or fur sprawling on the makeshift balcony as he slipped into sleep himself
I was very tired and sleepy when I wrote this, can you tell I think falling asleep near each other and cuddling is the biggest sign of trust? It's also my favorite thing in couple scenarios, I think it's so cute
Anyway, his shop room is completely off limits for other entities, really only Rush kinda breaks that rule sometimes, he just has no other way to go through, Jeff understands but it's a pain to replace the lamps
Jack can’t do shit if he finds you two being sappy with each other, Jeff isn’t someone he can control like that, he’s a business partner, and he can't just kick the guy out because of something so “petty” in the eyes of other entities, also too much paperwork
He CAN however make the entities go nightmare mode on you out of no where, increased difficulty mf good luck
But he won’t find out, why? Because Jeff is very good at hiding things, including other entities and players, so you’re the only one allowed behind his counter
He’ll hide you behind there if he feels Jack’s presence approaching, it's so dark in there that if you make not sounds he wouldn’t have less of a clue you're even there
I’ll be honest I don’t feel like writing how he confesses atm, so I’ll be owing y’all this one, but let's get into the dating hcs before those ideas cease existing in my mind
Jeff is the softest coziest entity to cuddle with, he goes neck to neck with Rush in that department, with Rush only being a bit tougher due to whatever he is, meanwhile Jeff is all soft all around, squishy
Like the other he has two forms, I like to think as much as he may have smooth tentacle arms and shit, he’s a fluffy ball of shadow, and in his humanoid form, that fluff goes to hair
It's long too, like that shit almost drags on the floor, he loves when you play with his hair just as much as he likes playing with yours
He’ll actually melt in your hands if you play with his hair or trace his face
Usually he wears a long coat in his humanoid form, like a cartoonishly shady seller on the street, not much under it aside black pants and, oddly enough, a ruffled white shirt, he doesn't even wear shoes
He likes cuddling with you in the dark of the room he stays in, it's a comfy little room just like the other bedrooms you can find, it's just different in ways that it's personalized to Jeff’s liking, it’s also connected to the kitchen
Cooking? Amazing. With you? Even better. He’ll call you over to help him cook you anything if you want to, give you a headlight and batteries for it, and get to work!
Best cook for sure, he’ll cook and bake you anything you’re craving, just give him a name and maybe a recipe and he’ll do it
Gift giving and quality time are his love languages, for sure, he adores listening to you ramble about anything you like, explain lore of any media you like for hours, he’ll listen and write down questions for you to answer, sometimes he’ll tune out and just look at you with the dumbest love struck expression ever.
Anything he finds in the hotel floors and stuff that remind him of you are going directly to you when you get to his room, even of how he found it is… less than conventional
“Hey Jeff, how are you, hun?” *happy chirping as he gives you a shiny brooch* “oh that's cool, thank you so much!- why is there blood on it.” *confused thrilling*, he thought he cleaned it well enough, ofc he got it off a corpse
You are not immune to receiving comfy knitted sweaters and scarves from him, he knits as a hobby too, anything he makes for you will be to your preferences and sizes, it can get pretty cold in the hotel sometimes!
Surprisingly, Guiding Light is not a worrywart if you ever tell them you're with Jeff, they like Jeff and knows he’s a good… entity, so he gives you both their thumbs up of approval
The other entities, though? If Jeff ever tells them, it's a lot of mixed feelings
“Oh hey Jeff what's going on?” *chattering and chirping* “oh that's cool glad your business is going we- FUCK YOU MEAN YOU'RE DATING A PLAYER?!?!?!”
BUT LIKE, THEY CAN’T DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT, I mean, this guy is associated with Jack so for all they think, they work under him too, they sometimes fear what he could do if they dare fuck around with him, as much as he’s a sweetheart. Don't hold it against them, though, they're not used to constant niceness from entities like him
Regardless, he’s honestly the best one to date in the hotel, sure Jack would make your runs a nightmare, but he wouldn’t touch you with a 10-foot pole if he can help it, as long as it doesn't hinder Jeff’s job then you’d be fine in theory
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diddybok · 1 year
finding a present you got them.
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all characters depicted in my writing are from my own imagination and do NOT in anyway represent nor reflect the people in real life :)
➩pairing: ot8 x gn!reader
➩genre(s): fluff, boyfriend!stray kids
➩warnings: swearing, violence (not bad i promise), suggestiveness
➩wc: 4.2k (4,200) each varies from 330-700 words!
➩author’s note: isn’t it funny how you’re reading this and it not actually happening to you? come my love, let us hold hands whilst we cry and be delusional.
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You decided to visit Chris at work. You had bought him a present that you think he would really appreciate. Greeting the staff members, you made your way up to his studio and entered the code to get in.
You always loved seeing him hard at work, it was just something about how he concentrates so deeply on a song that was so sexy to you.
You walked in and placed your bag and some food you got him on the sofa. He had his headphones in so you gently wrapped your arms across his shoulders and placed a kiss on his cheek. He instantly paused what he was working on and took off his headphones.
“Hey baby what are you doing here?” He asks excitedly as he brings you to sit on his lap. He doesn’t let you reply straight away as he draws your face closer to his to kiss you lovingly.
“I have a surprise for you.” You say softly.
“Is that so?” He says raising an eyebrow at you. He pats the side of your thigh as you get up and run to your bag and pull out the gift box you have.
You make your way back over to him, but you miss the almost sorry look he gives you before it lightens up again.
You hand it to him to open and he does, careful not to make a mess of the wrapping paper. As the item is revealed he gasps.
“Wait woah, I wasn’t expecting these! Baby thank you so much oh my gosh!” He gleams.
“You like them?” You ask as you watch him pull the new noise cancelling headphones out of the box.
“Like them? Babe I love them. Thank you so much!” He says pulling you onto his lap to place kisses all over your cheeks.
“There’s more waiting for you at home.” You say laughing at how cute he looks trying his new headphones on.
“Is it the new joggers you got me?” He says admiring his newest addition to his studio.
It was as if the DJ had just scratched the record and the waitstaff just dropped flutes of champagne. It hadn’t dawned on Chris what he had just said until he looked at you and the smile fell from his face and the reality of what he just said settled in.
“Oh fuck. I meant what is it? Haha.” He awkwardly laughs to try and cover up his mistake. It was too late though as your arms had begun their journey to cross over your chest and your bottom lip en route to stick out.
“No don’t do that.” Chris says now mirroring your pout. “I promise that was a mistake. I wasn’t going to tell you that I saw you wrapping up my gifts. You looked too cute and happy to ruin the surprise.” He explains trying to pry your arms open. Lucky for him you weren’t putting up much of a fight and he wraps your arms around his neck and carries you over to sit on the sofa.
“You deserve an Oscar for that performance” You mumble. He chuckles lightly and sways you gently.
“I do don’t I?” He agrees, but it earns a sharp glance his way and he quickly apologises.
“Well since you knew I was going to give you those. Can you be surprised when I say I also brought you dinner?” You ask.
“That I didn’t actually know so let’s eat together. Then I’ll treat you to whatever dessert you want as an apology”. At that your face broke it’s annoyed exterior and you both smiled.
He may have known what you got him but at least he tried to act like he didn’t. Honestly, who could ask for a better boyfriend?
You’re laying on your bed on your stomach scrolling through TikTok’s. Your ‘For You’ page has been filled with loads of videos that have been making you laugh, some getting a snort out of you.
“Uh oh seems we have a little piglet that has entered the house.” Minho says jumping on your legs and straddling your thighs.
“Rude and disrespectful. Though these are really funny videos.” You say humming with laughter. Minho starts making a beat, slapping your butt cheeks and giving them a squeeze here and there.
You would act surprised, but his infatuation with people’s bums are something that should be studied. But by STAY, not you. If you come across one more video of him attacking the boys’ butts you will start to side eye him.
He continues his impromptu song-making session as you continue to scroll. Doongie strolls in and jumps up on the bed, curling up by Minho’s pillow. Resting his little head to sleep to the sound of ‘drums’, he is startled by your eruption of laughter.
“Shh you woke Doongie. What are you even watching that’s so funny?” Minho says now laying fully on top of your back leaning his head around yours to see your phone.
You go to turn and explain to him what the video was, but a strong scent filled your senses. A scent you have smelt before, but certainly not on him.
“Min, babe, I like your cologne. Is it new?” You question carefully.
“Yep! I was looking for your nail file in your bag and found a wrapped present addressed to me. So I obviously opened it. I smell good don’t I? I’ve been receiving a lot of compliments from it today. Thank you by the way.” He says dismissively, giving your cheek a quick peck.
“How long ago did you find it?” You say trying to seem unbothered.
“Hmm, maybe a week?”
You choke slightly. So all that panicking thinking you had lost this really expensive cologne was for nothing. Because your boyfriend had found it and was getting all the compliments from your present to him.
You turn around the best you can underneath him, your phone to one side replaying the video over and over again. He looks down at you with a cheeky smile.
“Not cool.” You say.
“Oh come on, I’m sorry. I couldn’t pretend I hadn’t seen it though. Does it make it better that today was the only day I had worn it?” Minho says in between planting kisses all over your face.
“Forgive me? I know of some ways I can make it up to you. Ways that will need for me to reapply it once I’m finished.” He purrs winking at you.
You turn your head to stop him from seeing the way you blushed at his words. He gently grabs your chin and turns your head to face him again.
“I think you squeezing your thighs together is a yes hmm kitten?” He whispers against your lips. Unable to control your breathing, you groan and run your fingers through his hair.
“Doongie, please leave. I don’t want you to see just how I am going to show my forgiveness to Y/n.” He says directing that at the orange fur ball but smirking at you.
It seems Doongie got the message because he swiftly exited the room. Just as long as you both don’t overrun and miss his and his sibling’s dinner time like last time!
Changbin walked in the house and threw his gym bag in the utility room to unpack later. He had finished early at the studio today so he thought to get his gym session in earlier today and surprise you.
However, there was no sign of you anywhere. He went to your shared bedroom and that’s when he heard the shower on and your lovely attempt at singing one of their songs.
Deciding he would very much like to join you in the shower, he goes to the wardrobe to grab a clean towel. Something had caught his eye, a bright red bag at the bottom of the wardrobe tucked away in the corner.
His interest piqued, he pulls the bag out and brings it over to the window to see it better in the light.
Inspecting the gym bag he smiles knowing this was all you, but then he finds ‘Chang-been getting swole!’ written down the side. He lets out a roar of a laugh clearly amused by your choice of word play.
It seems he was laughing for so long and very loudly that he didn’t hear the shower turn off and you call out his name.
You come racing in to find him bent over laughing wiping stray tears. Changbin immediately stops laughing when he feels a sting on his backside. He turns around looking at you incredulously, holding the cheek you just attacked.
“Should’ve named it ‘Chang-been caked up’ that shit jiggle.” You tease, wrapping your towel tighter around you.
“How. Dare. You. Smack my butt and then say it jiggles.” Changbin says eyes wide. Momentarily looking at you in your towel, but then back up to your face.
“How dare you laugh at the present I was going to give you?” You fire back. “Plus I couldn’t help myself, it’s just so juicy.”
“Yah!” he says before chasing you around the house. You had better hope you run and hide quickly if you still want to keep your backside!
“Babe?” Hyunjin pokes his head around the corner of the kitchen looking for your whereabouts. He was in the studio finishing a painting before he heard you scramble in. Usually greeting him with a kiss, he hadn’t seen you. That was an hour ago.
Trying his luck upstairs again, he sees the door to his studio is shut. That’s strange, I could’ve sworn I had left it open? He slowly approaches the door, placing the side of his head on the door to listen for any sign of you inside. Nothing.
He swings open the door and sees crumpled wrapping paper thrown all over the room. However what catches his eye is the mahogany wooden box, open to reveal the most finely crafted paint brush set.
He makes his way over to admire the collection, gently picking up and inspecting each brush before setting it back down in its designated spot in the box.
He quickly tiptoes out of the studio, making sure he left everything as he found it. As he was walking down the stairs with a wide grin on his face, he runs straight into you.
He jumps back all dramatic whilst you stand there staring at him with one eyebrow raised, a lollipop in your mouth.
“What’re you doing?” You question, folding your arms.
“What, no kiss hello? What flavour lollipop is that?” Hyunjin asks not giving you time to answer as he snatches it out your mouth and puts it in his.
“Yum strawberry, imagine that?” He releases the sweet with a ‘pop’ and places one arm on the wall. “Well I mean it is red so one could only assume. Though nowadays watermelon sweets are red so it could be tricky to decipher which is which. Then again you could just read the label-”
You groan overzealously which halts his rambling. You drop your arms and head in defeat and lackadaisically wander around him to the kitchen.
“What?” He says right on your tail. “Did you want the lollipop back? I mean you can have it if you want, but it’s kinda tasty.”
You shut him up with your lips on his. His eyes are wide as he looks at you quizzically.
“I hope you enjoy them my love” You say rolling your eyes as you caress his cheek.
Hyunjin bashfully looks at you and places the lollipop to your lips. You part them willingly to let the sweet treat in and immediately you are lifted off the ground and spun in the air.
“Thank you thank you thank you!” He exclaims as he spins you causing you to laugh. He places you down gently, removes the lollipop from your mouth and places a soft kiss on your lips. “I love you sweetheart.”
Jisung was playing games on your phone and singing some of their unreleased music as you were in the kitchen cooking.
He was about to get ready to belt the next line when a notification caught his attention.
‘Your Dior Order Confirmation…’
He may have gotten excited and clicked on it considering you were both talking about some Dior sunglasses the other day.
What had surprised him though, was the style that was seemingly what you had bought, looked a lot like the ones he had on his wish list. Matter of fact, he is certain they are the correct ones.
“Hey Ji, dinner’s almost ready!” You yell from the kitchen. He gets up hurriedly and makes his way into the kitchen, getting plates from the cupboard.
Though he tries, he can’t contain the excitement that is clearly showing on his face.
“What’s got you smiling so brightly? Did you complete a hard level of Wordscapes?” You ask plating the food.
You look around the empty apartment. “Yes you, ain’t no one else in this place.”
Jisung is still gleaming as he makes his way around you, getting glasses and filling them up with your respective choice of drink. As he goes to walk past you again, you carefully stop him, placing your hand on his chest.
“Ji…what did you do?” You ask him slowly.
“Nothing! I just love you so much. You are the best ever and I’m going to marry you someday.” He says smiling down at you. You smile softly and place a loving kiss on his lips.
──・──・・✿ ・・──・──
Your belly was fully after finishing your dinner. Jisung had washed up and insisted you both have ice cream for dessert. Though you felt you were about to explode.
As he was digging around in the freezer, you checked your phone for any messages. As you unlocked it, you were surprised to see the page it was left on.
You put two and two together instantly and couldn’t stop the rumble of laughter. He really did remind you of a toddler in many ways. It did bum you out sadly that you couldn’t surprise him fully with his gift, but it’s okay.
His mood was much more jovial since he had read that email and you found it unbelievably cute. Now here he was stuffing his cheeks with ice cream. You called his name to see the full ‘quokka face’ in action. Big eyes, raised eyebrows and big puffy cheeks. You leaned in and kissed his lips, they were cold and tasted like chocolate. You wiped the edge of his mouth with your thumb and sucked off some of the creamy goodness.
“I love you and your inability to hide anything from me” You chuckle. He tilts his head and swallows what was left in his mouth.
“Why would I hide anything from my baby?” He asks genuinely confused.
“I know you read the email.”
He starts shaking his head apologetically and mumbling incoherent apologies. “I really am sorry, I didn’t mean to look at it, but I was just playing the game and then it popped down on the screen and then I got excited because we were talking about it the other day. I’m sorry!” He rambles.
“It’s okay JiJi” You laugh watching him scramble to put the bowl once full with ice cream down and cuddle up with you.
“When I said I was going to marry you, it wasn’t because you buy me things, but because I really do want to spend my life with you. You take such good care of me when I sometimes don’t.” He confirms.
“I know, I would never think you would marry me for my money because you’re obviously not doing well for yourself huh” You joke.
“Ha ha real funny”
“Okay okay, I love you and your wallet Ji.” You tease kissing his forehead before snuggling up to him.
“Fifi and the flowertots~” You sing around your shared apartment looking for your boyfriend. You went into his gaming room and was shocked to see he wasn’t there gaming or building lego sets. You take a look at the office chair he has and remember all the conversations about him complaining about his neck and his back.
You sigh softly and continue down the hall to the kitchen, humming along to the song of choice you use to call your boyfriend.
It certainly wasn’t a lovely day as what you saw stopped you dead in your tracks. It had been a while since Felix baked, but that wasn’t what surprised you.
It was the ginormous chef’s hat he was wearing. The one that you had bought as a set with his-
“Oh hi doll, ‘m making brownies!” He exclaims facing you with flour on his cheeks. You look down at the apron he’s wearing.
‘Don’t brown nose me for my brownies >:(’ it reads. His eyes follow yours and he looks down at his apron.
“Oh yeah, I really liked it and I couldn’t wait to bake with my new attire. So…I put it on and started baking.” He sheepishly admits, bringing his fingers to his neck.
You run over to him, unable to deny how cute he looks in his gift and pull him into a warm embrace.
“You know you look really cute right now. That’s the only thing from stopping me being mad at you for unpacking my gift and wearing it without me giving it to you.” You giggle.
“Cute? I don’t know, I think I wanna look sexy in this.” He says cupping your face with both hands and pretending to think.
“That’s an easy solution to fix. Clothes off. Apron and hat on.” You propose. You see a faint colouring of pink adorn his honey freckled cheeks.
“Oh. I mean. Well yeah sure.” He chokes out. You smile and bring his lips down to meet yours. He smiles into the kiss and releases with a sigh of content.
“Hey Lix”
“Don’t ruin my surprise again.” You say smiling.
“Don’t worry doll I won’t! You can have some freshly baked brownies as a sorry.” He clears his throat. “Then maybe we can test the whole, just apron on thing.” Felix lowly speaks.
“I would say you would make me a very happy person if you did both” You smile and kiss him once more before moving to sit at the island and patiently wait for your brownies.
Lucky for you, he thinks that’s his only gift. It’s going to be hard work lugging a gaming chair to his gaming room without him noticing!
You fumble with the keys in your hand trying to unlock the front door. Why you thought you could carry your bags, some food shopping and takeout all in one trip you don’t know. Yet here you are cursing at some metal for not getting in the hole.
Suddenly the door opens and your fingers breathe, the weight being lifted off of them. You walk inside and close the door quickly. Careful to not let all the heat from the house escape outside.
“Thanks minnie” You sigh as you kick your shoes off and join him as he unloads the shopping.
You wrap your arms around him and rest your head on his back, enjoying the warmth he emits.
“This hoodie is so soft, I am definitely stealing it for a day” You say rubbing your cheek against it.
“Aht Aht! Stop rubbing up on my hoodie. You’re not stealing this one, this one is special.” Seungmin says turning round to embrace you properly and place a kiss on your forehead.
“Why?” You say as you step out of his embrace slightly and look at his new hoodie.
“You gotta be shitting me.”
“The food smells so good, I’ll plate it up. You go find something for us to watch” He says ignoring your last words and grabbing the food containers.
“You’re wearing it!”
“Sight is such a spectacular thing to have. I’m lucky we are both blessed to see” He nonchalantly states.
“Why can’t you be a normal boyfriend and wait for me to surprise you with a gift instead of you surprising me by wearing it?” You say lightly slapping his arm to which he fails to hide his smile as he tries to avoid the onslaught of hits.
“‘Cause then I would have to pretend to not know that you got me a gift. I always know as soon as I see you looking at the labels of my hoodies or asking the boys what clothes I’ve been looking at recently. It’s cute.” He smiles kissing the pout off of your lip.
“Thank you baby I love it. Now let’s go eat.” He says kissing you one more time before tapping your butt to send you off to the living room.
One day you’ll be able to surprise him with a gift. Just not any time soon.
You and Jeongin are walking hand in hand down the street, running errands and aimlessly browsing in stores. One of your errands was to pick up your ring that you had got replenished.
“I’ll be right back, ‘m just gonna get my ring. You can go in the clothes store and I’ll meet you in there?” You say giving a slight squeeze to his hand.
“You sure? I don’t mind waiting.” He says looking at all of the jewellery in the store before settling back to your eyes.
“Yeah I wont be long, plus I’ll know what section to find you in anyways” You reassure.
Jeongin nods once before squeezing your hands three times. ‘I love you’ he says through the action and you quickly respond, giggling to yourself.
──・──・・✿ ・・──・──
Getting your ring back took longer than expected. So much longer that when you went to find Jeongin in the store you knew he’d be at, he was already waiting outside of it sat on a bench nearby.
He had a big bag of clothes and shoes that he said he would show you once you were home. He said he ‘Couldn’t help himself’ and ‘You weren’t there to monitor him’. To which you just rolled your eyes in response.
Now you’re sat on the sofa as he gives you a fashion show, which you are thoroughly enjoying.
“And for the last outfit, drumroll please” He announces around the corner. You start to tap the armrest of the sofa to mimic drums which cues his entrance.
The smile that once adorned your face fell all the way to your knees as you stared at his outfit open mouthed in shock.
“That is not a ‘he’s so sexy I want to rip those clothes off of him’ look.” Jeongin says freezing in place at your reaction.
“What did I do?” He says mildly panicking.
You quickly rush to your bedroom and pull out a ginormous gift box from underneath the bed. You run back in and practically throw it in his arms.
“Woah! You got me a big gif-”
“Shut up and open it.” You interject. He looks at you taken aback before quickly doing as you say.
He reads the little note you left on top. ‘Thought you would look good in this <3’. He coos before he looks further inside the box.
He pulled out the shirt and held it up in front of him. He clears his throat and lays it on the back of the sofa. He then pulls the jeans out the box and places them below the shirt. Laying the outfit out in full, his face goes pale. He looks back in the box to see a pair of shoes.
“What the actual fuck is going on in Beyoncé’s planet earth right now?” He speaks solemnly.
You look down at his outfit and then to the sofa, then back to him. You had literally bought every piece of clothing, including the shoes, for him and was planning to gift it to him.
Without intention, you both put up your fists and start to circle around each other.
“Who are you, imposter?” You threaten, bucking up.
“Me? You’re the one that’s in my head apparently. How did you know I would get this exact outfit.” He retorts.
You go to throw a punch, but he ducks out the way just in time. He stumbles slightly and you use that as the opportunity to strike him in the stomach.
“OW!” He screams. You feign gasp and step back.
“Oh sorry! I didn’t mean to actually hit you!” You lie. He huddles over sputtering and pretending to die. You crouch down besides his body and get close to his face.
“You ever pull some freaky shit like that again, I will send your ass to Area 51. Trust.” You whisper before placing a kiss on the side of his head.
“Oh and I’m keeping the outfit for myself!” You say grabbing the clothes and putting them in your room.
Jeongin sits up and starts uncontrollably laughing to himself. He grabs his phone and starts a group facetime with the boys.
“You will never believe what just happened.”
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ʚ hope you enjoyed ^.^ you can support me by liking, commenting and reblogging! it is heavily appreciated ᵕ̈ ɞ
i do not permit my work to be translated or reposted in any way, thank you.
© 2023 diddybok
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cfr749 · 5 months
Initial Thoughts on Chenford in 6x07
All right... I'm feeling... a lot at the moment, so just sharing my initial reactions before seeing anyone else's. I'm sure my feelings will evolve. Also this turned into a GD essay and I'm sorry.
The Good
Grey acknowledging that Lucy was going through a lot ABOVE & BEYOND the break up. I just wish he'd mentioned the shooting, too. Lucy deserves to be more than her relationship with Tim and I need to actually see that in the future.
Lucy laying out 2 key things in her conversation with Grey - how easily Tim walked away and that he had no right to make that decision for her
Prior to the last scene (see The Ugly below), I thought Tim's interactions with the therapist were reasonably well done; if only therapy was that easy in real life lol
"You've always got a home with me" - I loved this final scene between Lucy and Tamara. I don't really have feelings either way about Tamara at this point, and this still hit me right in the heart.
Smitty's poll made me laugh, but also another solid indicator that these writers / producers do in fact really enjoy laughing at the expense of the fandom and shippers (which, whatever, I don't care that they do, I'd prob do the same; but it does irk me when people act like these writers should be worshipped because of all the things they "give" us)
The Tim
"I'm not depressed. I broke up with her."
"I was her TO." Not her friend, cuz god knows Tim has yet to deal with the fact that he started banging his former Rookie I suppose.
I dunno whether to put this in The Good or The Bad at this point; it depends on where they take it, so instead Tim gets a section all about why he's a dick.
To be clear, I do not like that Tim is a dick. But I actually do kind of like that it is very clear TO THE AUDIENCE that Tim is being kind of a dick. Do I still think people will bend over backwards to defend him? Of course they will.
From my perspective, I love Tim, I understand that he thinks he's doing the right thing, and has lots and lots of trauma. I've never seen Tim as a character that magically healed at some point between Seasons 1 & 5 (please see his storyline with his dad, his ongoing issues with UC work and unwillingness to confront or deal with them, his feelings about therapy historically, his inability to dump Ashley, etc. etc.). He's never been perfect and he doesn't need to be.
All of those things are true. None of those things give him a free pass to be kind of a dick. He still has to take accountability for how he treated Lucy (which, to be clear, was like sh*t).
The Bad
Lucy being petty AF with the invites to Tamara's dinner - let her be ANGRY, but give me villain Lucy over this dumb sh*t.
Lucy having no one other than Grey to talk to.
Others acting like Lucy is actually kind of pathetic (why do these writers love sh*tting on her so much? girl could not be down and kicked any harder at this point) -- Celina / Nolan and the double dumping crap, Lucy thinking Grey paid actors and him telling her she was out of her damn mind
The last interaction between Lucy and Tim. I am so angry for her. I needed to see that from her, but instead it felt kind of like her being dumped / a kicked puppy all over again. We got it, thanks. What's next? Lucy being incredibly happy with the hottest man on earth? I'm here for it tbh. Lucy plotting Tim's murder? Also here for it at this point. LOL.
The Ugly
I could not hate the implication of that final scene with Tim and the therapist and the door shutting more. There was ZERO reason they couldn't have had him show up during the day, and it actually disgusts me that they are pushing this line again, but especially with Tim. I am literally NEVER this dramatic, but in this case I really hope they did that to just get a reaction, because if anything were to actually happen between Tim and the therapist, I'd be 100% done with this ship and show as would a whole lot of the audience (I think). If I kept watching, it would only be to see Lucy be absurdly happy without Tim.
Well, what'd I miss? What did y'all think?
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