#but I think it would have been better if edgeworth did not just tell you the expression to look for for every logic chess
vonaegiremblem · 1 year
I'd heard from a lot of sources that Ace Attorney Investigations 2 was a major step up from the first game and that it was generally a really solid game in the Ace Attorney seres, but I always took comments like that with a grain of salt because the people who were going to seek out and patch the game with the translation were already going to be heavily invested in the Ace Attorney series, and would thus be inclined to enjoy it more. I finished the game the other day, and I can now definitively say that it is a very enjoyable AA game and is leagues ahead of the original in terms of gameplay and pacing. If you're a fan of the AA series you should give it a try at least up to case 3 due to just how much fan service is in the first three cases
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doctorsiren · 8 months
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So I said this in the tags of my last post, but then I went wacky and doodled up some pages of this other AU idea that stemmed from the idea of that comic I did
In this AU, Miles goes to Diego Armando’s office a few weeks after the Fawles trial. There is no cocky, arrogant, or smug air about him like there was during the trial and instead he seems really shaken and nervous. Diego’s like “hey what’s wrong?” And Miles is quiet but then says that he needs help. He tells Diego that he can’t get the image of Fawles’s suicide out of his head and that he has no one he can talk to about this. Diego asks about Miles’s mentor, but Miles says that there’s absolutely no way he could ever go to his mentor for help with emotional stuff because it would show “weakness” and he also isn’t comfortable with von Karma. To make a long story short (because I’ve thought so much about this), Miles ends up pleading with Diego to protect him from von Karma just in case he goes after him for switching sides to be a defense attorney. He knows that von Karma will see him as weak and a traitor for switching teams after a single case, but Miles can’t be someone he’s not. Diego points out that Miles seems to be trying to be who von Karma wanted him to be. So he asks Miles what he wants to be, and Miles responds by saying he wants to be his dad (just like in my 1985 animatic 😭).
So Miles decides to renounce prosecution. He rips off his cravat and throws it in the garbage in Diego’s office and declares that he’ll become a defense attorney. He also asks Diego is he could be his mentor to help him in both being better at defense law and also just being better with interacting with people.
He joins the Grossberg Law Offices and works alongside Mia and Diego to gather evidence on Dahlia Hawthorne, as he now too believes that she has done terrible things.
After Diego is poisoned, Miles freaks out because people just keep dying or getting hurt around him and it scares him. (Oh…baby boy just wait until Mia dies too-)
He takes the case to defend Phoenix, gets TERRIFIED when Phoenix eats the poison necklace, and then at the end, Phoenix was like “oh wow! You’re a defense attorney now?? Lmao when did that happen??” Bc he had been too busy simping over Dahlia. But Miles tells him that he should still pursue law so that they could work together and also so that Phoenix’s law classes and studying wouldn’t have gone to waste. So Phoenix becomes a lawyer and works with Miles and Mia at the Fey & Co Law Offices until she dies and then it becomes Edgeworth & Co Law Offices because he had been a lawyer for longer.
I like the idea that in this AU, Phoenix and Miles obviously have huge crushes on each other, but these idiots still refuse to acknowledge or admit it <3
Also :((( when Diego wakes up, he still goes on his whole antagonist arc as Godot, and Miles refuses to tell Phoenix the truth about who he is. See, I also like the idea that in this AU, Nick and Miles are still as cagey with their past and truths as they are in normal AA
As you can see, I am perfectly normal !! I think about ace attorney a very normal amount!! 🤭
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tacobellabeanburrito · 4 months
Ok so, there's this website called deep ai that I've been experimenting with for a while now (Mostly just to get the answers for my Finance homework) and I was like, well, if it can do that, what else can it do?
Mind you, I searched Quizlet for hours trying to look for the answers, and you can just put the questions in and it gives it to you straight. My friend showed it to me.
So I started telling it to write stuff (like, ok so I have this original story I wanna write but I only have a bare bones idea for it so I was like whatever) and it like, wrote the whole idea kinda? For it? It was weird. But kinda cool. It was more of a plot summary than anything.
But then I was like "Hey, what if I asked it to write a narumitsu fanfic" and I did that and it actually came out, weirdly semi-decent?
Here's the fic ->
Phoenix Wright sat at his desk, staring blankly at the pile of paperwork in front of him. It had been a long day in court, and he was exhausted. Just as he was about to give up and call it a night, there was a knock on his office door.
"Come in," Phoenix called out, hoping it wasn't another client in need of his services. To his surprise, it was none other than his former rival and best friend, Miles Edgeworth.
"Phoenix, may I speak with you for a moment?" Edgeworth asked, a hint of nervousness in his voice.
"Of course, Edgeworth. What's on your mind?" Phoenix replied, gesturing for his friend to take a seat.
"I...I wanted to apologize," Edgeworth began, his gaze fixed on the ground. "For everything I put you through during our time in court. I was blinded by my obsession with winning, and I lost sight of what truly mattered."
Phoenix was taken aback by Edgeworth's words. He had never heard the stoic prosecutor apologize like this before. "It's okay, Edgeworth. We've both made mistakes in the past. What matters now is that we've grown from them and become better people."
Edgeworth looked up at Phoenix, his eyes shining with gratitude. "Thank you, Phoenix. You have always been there for me, even when I didn't deserve it. I...I don't know what I would do without you."
Phoenix felt his heart swell with emotion. He had always cared deeply for Edgeworth, despite their contentious past. And now, in this moment of vulnerability, he realized just how much he truly loved him.
Without thinking, Phoenix reached out and took Edgeworth's hand in his own. The prosecutor's eyes widened in surprise, but he didn't pull away. Instead, he squeezed Phoenix's hand tightly, as if seeking comfort and reassurance.
"I love you, Miles," Phoenix whispered, his voice filled with sincerity.
Edgeworth's breath caught in his throat, his eyes shining with unshed tears. "I love you too, Phoenix," he replied, his voice equally heartfelt.
And in that moment, with their hands clasped together and their hearts open to one another, Phoenix Wright and Miles Edgeworth knew that they had found something truly special – a love that was stronger than any objection, and would stand the test of time.
So uh, yeah, kinda weird huh? You probably couldn't even tell if you saw it on like, A3O that it was written by an AI (or maybe you could, there's some shit that points to it being AI written). But I've been wondering, have people been doing this with fanfics? Probably, I don't know. But it's just, weird to think about. You could probably write a whole chaptered fic without actually writing it and just using AI to write it.
I just wanted to point this out, it was kinda a cute story but yeah, creepy. And unethical? Maybe? Have there been any discussions about AI in the writing community like there have been in the art community? I feel like I only really hear about the art side of AI.
🚨Also! I am not defending this! I am merely just showing what I ended up finding on an ai site. I am also a creative (I write fanfics and do art)
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sandboxer · 9 months
edgeworth masturbation session where phoenix is in control 👀
Phoenix has one leg crossed over the other while he sits in the chair, but Edgeworth’s are spread wide on the bed. Phoenix is still dressed in a buttoned shirt and blue slacks, but Edgeworth is bare, save for a ring that doesn’t leave his finger.
“Slow down.” Phoenix’s voice from Edgeworth’s right is kind, though his words are cruel.
But it isn’t Edgeworth’s brain running this show, it’s Phoenix’s. It’s Phoenix giving him pleasure, only through Edgeworth's own faculties. Edgeworth’s hand on himself slows, despite his every wish, because Phoenix willed it so. The urge to buck his hips is tamped down quickly, dutifully. 
“Take your middle finger and run it over your lips for me.”
“Which hand?”
“Which do you think?”
Edgeworth doesn’t have to turn his head to see the smirk on his partner’s face. He brings the hand that was just pleasuring his cock up to his lips, rubbing the lubed pad of his finger against them. The sensation itself isn’t particularly pleasant—but as always, the feeling of submission, of giving up his desires to act out Phoenix’s will, sends a heady buzz through his body. His needy cock twitches as he drags his middle finger across his sensitive lips.
“Lick,” Phoenix instructs. Edgeworth pokes out a tongue and laps at his finger. It’s already wet from the lube, but this isn’t about preparation. It’s just about pleasure. “Good, Miles. Really good.” Pleasure for both of them, clearly, when Phoenix's voice is as gruff as it is now. “Tease your nipple now, slowly.”
Edgeworth drags his slick finger down his chin and clavicle, making a real show of the movement for both their sakes. And when he reaches the bud, he can swear he feels Phoenix’s strong, calloused hands on him, all visuals to the contrary. Before long, though, Phoenix—a man of mercy—directs Edgeworth back to his aching cock.
“Go ahead and touch yourself. I want to see how quickly you can make yourself come.” Phoenix’s voice is strained, but he’s still clothed. Edgeworth dare not look at him directly, lest he push himself over the edge prematurely. 
Eager to follow Phoenix’s command, Edgeworth takes himself in hand and touches his cock the way they both know he likes. Rough, fast, with disproportionate attention to the head. Under his own expert touch, it only takes a few minutes before he’s ready to let go.
Desperately, Edgeworth tosses his head toward Phoenix, finally taking in the sight of his partner, now sat wide-legged and tenting his trousers. Phoenix’s chest heaves with his breath and his mouth hangs open.
“Please,” Edgeworth begs with wide eyes, awaiting the final word of permission. “I’m there, I’m—please.” His hand continues to fly over himself, and he’s a syllable away from bliss.
Phoenix swallows and his mouth shuts briefly before he opens it again. “Hands off. Don’t come.”
Edgeworth could come and cry in equal amounts, and he sobs as he pulls his hand off himself. His cock twitches, deep red and hard. Even now, he could still do it, could still let go and pump all over himself.
But he’s little more than an arbiter of Phoenix’s will, and he’s been denied the pleasure. Edgeworth casts his eyes to the ceiling and moans or wails. “Please.” His hips buck into the air, seeking the tight wet heat of his fist once more.
“What did I tell you?” Phoenix asks.
Edgeworth whimpers. “Don’t come.”
“Hah,” Edgeworth chokes, half a moan and half a sob. “I won’t come.”
“You better keep that promise,” Phoenix chides, his voice suddenly nearer.
Edgeworth hardly has a moment to register Phoenix standing from the chair and kneeling on the bed. All too quickly, Phoenix has his throat around him, and Edgeworth sobs with the pain and pleasure of obedience.
Send me prompts for ~300 word drabbles
(I know I said these would be 300 words but you hit a horny nerve here)
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iceaxeflynn · 2 years
I was playing through PA:AA Trials and Tribulations, and I just realized that no one talks about Recipe for Turnabout.
Why? How can no one in this fandom not go bat shit insane for Phony Phoenix? I mean look at this man
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He’s bat chit insane. The madlad is literally an anti-Phoenix. He calls himself the Tiger. He growls at the jury. He’s so scary the Judge hides under his desk.
Gumshoe, the Judge, Maggey, AND EVEN MAYA don’t register that its NOT PHOENIX.
He’s constantly screaming. He’s growling. He tells Phoenix that for every dumb question he asks he’s gonna sue him $50,000.
I refuse to acgnowledge this Furio Tigre erasure. That case was a fucking wild ride. That man impersonated the most popular defense attorney and almost got away with it, and it was heavily implied that he was dating the granddaughter of the
Did I mention he roars like a tiger? I don’t think you understand. This man has AUDIO DIALOGUE THAT PLAYS EVERY TIME HE ROARS. EVEN PHOENIX HIDES UNDER HIS DESK FROM HIM.
And then lets step away from fuckin Tiger Phoenix for a minute.
We ALSO learn that Gumshoe is SUPER SOFT for Maggey Bryde. She gets arrested for supposedly being the murderer, and Gumshoe is in HYSTERICS. He runs around like a lost puppy doing everything he can to get Maggey out with the same if not more panic than he had when Edgeworth was arrested. AND ITS SO??? WHOLESOME?????
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Like he’s SO CUTE TOO. He makes Maggey lunches, because he notices she’s been loosing weight and doesn’t want her to be unhealthy. When he understands that Maggey is mad at him because of a misunderstanding, he avoids her because she says she doesn’t want to see him, and he doesn’t want to push himself onto her.
Not only that, but they have PERFECT ENERGY TOGETHER. They’re both like energetic dogs you can rely on. They’re excited, and they’re here to do their best. They can do no wrong.
Also, Gumshoe and Maggey LOVE the same foods and it’s adorable. You can’t change my mind; straight ships can be adorable too I’m literally a gay man call me homophobic I dare you.
First up we’ve got who I like to call
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Grandpa Seedman (A.K.A. Victor Kudo)
What a man. What a madlad. He makes me want to dump him in a fucking silo of birdseed.
Why is he here? Why does he have all that birdseed? Why can’t he calm down and stop throwing it for five seconds? If I had to guess what Wendy Oldbag’s ex-husband would be like, this is exactly who I think it would be. They’re both insufferable to no end. Let me throw them outa window.
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Then we got Monsieur Essential Oils (A.K.A. Jean Armstrong)
What In The Royal Fuck. Where are these roses coming from. Why does his restaurant look like a Hello Kitty Lolita Cafe. He’s also half a million dollars in debt. I would ask why but if you took one look in hid goddamn restaurant you would understand why. Also literally everyone in the game thinks his food is shit.
Please sir. Please you’re so gay it hurts. He’s literally April May but a guy. Actively flirts with Gotot which is pretty funny so you get some extra points.
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Wednesday Addams (A.K.A. Viola Cadaverini)
So little miss is the granddaughter of a fucking MOB BOSS and she is literally true crime. Constantly mutters about offering you tea. Would be a nice gesture if the murder in this case WASNT CAUSED BY SOMEONE BEING POISONED THROUGH A DRINK also the fact that the MURDERER IS HER BOSS
She’s actually pretty chill, despite how off-putting she is. Would love to listen to true crime and watch the Twilight Zone with her. She deserves better.
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He also rides a teeny fuckin scooter thats like neon pink and blue which is so goddamn funny to me especially considering the fact that that tiny ass scooter caused a massive crash which he walked away from unscathed but the DRIVER was sent to the EMERGENCY ROOM and had A MILLION DOLLARS worth of surgery done.
This man can fight god and win the only reason he didn’t get away with the murder is because bitch straight up went “haha Phoenix Wright you dumb bitch thats not the poison bottle I used get your facts straight” and Godot has a fucking ANEURISM because all of these witnesses are SO FUCKING STUPID
Godot was the real victim here holy shit this fucking case was the most bat shit insane stuff how the FUCK did no one talk more about this PLEASE
TL;DR Give Recipe For Turnabout more love. It’s the most unhinged shit on the planet.
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the-bar-sinister · 27 days
Lucifer Was an Angel As Well (52743 words) by thesavagesabretooth
Summary: A sheltered young artist with a tragic past finds herself caught in the web of dark affection by a beautiful and sinister murderer, and his carefree rockstar brother.
catch up here
September 05, 2028– 10:15 am
 Move in day. 
Mr. Edegworth had initially volunteered, of course, to help ferry her and her new things to her new dorm, but the day before, she'd gotten a text from him, saying that Klavier had offered, and if she would mind the switch.
As much as she was happy with Edgeworth’s help, she took Klavier up on his offer, promising to meet with Edgeworth and tell him all about it later. With a quick text to Klavier as well, she began putting her things by the door with an eager smile.
It was going to be a hard few months– brutal and testing of every faculty she had, but she refused to give up.
As she finished her preparations, the letter she had received the afternoon before, after coming home from her therapy session with Simon Blackquill, was fresh in her mind.
Funny to think this is the last letter I'll be sending to this address for a while. Thank you for making sure that I have the correct one for your dorm. I'd ask if perhaps we should pause our correspondence until you're finished with your training, but I admit it would be a bit lonely for me, even if I thought it was prudent.
She hummed cheerfully as she threw some of her last minute things– her precious nail polish, her brush, a fresh sketch pad and pen and a number of other things she’d used only just that morning– into a smaller bag to set upon the others.
In her reply, she’d told him that prudency was well and good but she had no intention of stopping their letters. Taking Simon’s advice she signed it with a heart, to hell with whoever may object. 
It was a simple little flourish. Out of context, almost nothing. But how much would it change the context of her letter? How would her guardian angel take the change?
She hoped– prayed even– that he’d understand. That he’d notice and apply it retroactively. If not…she would simply have to be bolder with her next letter.
She grabbed the letter in question, looking over his words once more as she carried it to the bag with the rest of her essentials.
His letter, like all of her guardian angel's letters, was warm, encouraging and cordial.
After signing the heart, Vera suddenly found herself second guessing if that was all it was. She'd confessed to Klavier Gavin that she wanted his brother's affection; and she'd confessed now to Simon Blackquill that she was in love.
But how did he feel about her?
It was something they’d never been able to talk about through the ambiguity of letters. Through the polite, warm, florally scented written word, they’d only ever been innocent exchanges. Hopes, dreams, discussions of their past and encouragement for the future.
She knew her heart, and the way it beat for Kristoph Gavin– but she wouldn’t lie to herself. She couldn’t. There was a solid chance that for all her hopes and affections Kristoph only saw her as a student. A young woman to help guide into the next phase of her life. A friend.
She bit her lip and held the letter to her chest.
Nothing in Kristoph's letters indicated he wanted to be anything more than her mentor and her friend. Nor had their brief interaction in his prison cell.
But there was one thing she could hold on to that indicated that the cordiality of his letters was possibly– or even likely to be– a false veneer.
Twisted as it was– it was Klavier Gavin's reaction to the whole thing.
Her face burned as she thought of it. Klavier– he’d been so certain from the little she’d told him at first. He took one look and he seemed to know. 
Yes…it was twisted, but it was that very thing that gave her hope that there between the written lines was the love and affection she craved.
Klavier knew better than anyone the way Kristoph could hide intent behind a false veneer. And what exactly he might be hiding.
From the sound of it, once prying eyes were away, Kristoph Gavin was not exactly a man who withheld his affections. Of some variety, at least.
Vera packed the letter carefully away with her bottle of perfume, her eyes lingering on it a moment more.
When prying eyes closed or averted— it was possible she would have to see for herself just how true that was. 
A knock on her door brought her back from her reverie to reality. Speaking of Klavier…
She looked up and opened it with a smile , her eyes darting for any helpers or unexpected visitors before her greeting.
It was just Klavier though, however, on his lonesome– a little more conservatively dressed than she's seen him so far, with a t-shirt that actually covered his stomach, and a button down shirt unbuttoned over it.
"Fraulein! Good morning! I got up early to help you with your move, ja?" He grinned widely, clearly aware that 'getting up early' at 10 in the morning was 'early'.
Vera grinned playfully.
“Good morning, big brother. Thank you so much for coming! You look like you’re ready to carry some of my heavier bags…” She laughed into her hand. “you’re lucky…there’s no room in the dorm for my drafting table…so it’s mostly essentials and clothes for my leave days.” 
Klavier made a muscle jokingly. "I could carry it easy, little sister, I promise. But a little birdy told me that your dorm was already furnished and you would only need help with some boxes and bags."
“Exactly!” she gestured to the admittedly small pile of boxes and bags by the door, even a she slung her bag of ‘essentials’ over her shoulder. “Maybe if I ever get the chance to move for real, I’ll put t-that to the test, though.” 
"Ahhh, liebling, if you do, I will have to assemble a little army of worker bees to make our work shorter– while I carry all the heaviest things, of course." He strode into her apartment, and started grabbing boxes.
“Worker bees?” Vera laughed quietly “...you don’t mean Miss Skye do you?” 
She bent down to grab a rolling suitcase herself. She selfishly took a minute to watch him bend down to grab a box with a flush. His jeans were tight and hugged his form, giving her a good view of the rockstar's ass that a tabloid would have killed for.
"Ja, fraulein! Frau Skye would be one! Oh and perhaps Athena Cykes as well– she's got quite an arm!"
He started hauling her boxes toward her door, which he propped open with another box.
“I’ve noticed. She’s shockingly strong.” she said with a satisfied smile as she started rolling her case out the door. “Would…would we have to pay Miss Skye in Snackoos?”
"And she would complain the whole time even so," he nodded, "Enchanting, isn't she?"
There was a small truck parked outside at the curb, and Klavier started loading the boxes into it smoothly.
She worked right alongside him. She wasn’t the strongest but she’d been working to improve that even over the last two years. Running, morning exercise– anything to heal from the ravages of the poison.
“Honestly, she’s very enchanting…heh. And kind of an inspiration. She’s why I specifically want to go into forensics.” 
"She inspired you, liebling? Have you told her? She'll be very flattered, even if she doesn't say so." He smiled, leaning on the truck for a moment and tossing his hair.
Vera tossed her bag up and into the truck with a soft laugh, looking at him appreciatively for a moment. 
“Back during the trial for my life her forensic investigation techniques were decisive evidence of my innocence. If it wasn’t for her and her work, they might have executed me already.” She smiled gently “I haven’t had the chance to really tell her though…I’m hoping that I might now that I’ve promised to be a little more…e-emotionally honest.”
Klavier put his hand warmly on her shoulder, leaning close to her. "Oh yes, liebling? I am thrilled to hear that. Perhaps I can set up a little meeting for the two of you! We could go to lunch, the three of us if you like."
She chuckled softly as she leaned into his touch.
“I had a talk with mr. Blackquill. ...he thinks I need to have a late stage ‘teenage rebellion’ and commitment to opening up even if I’m a bit past the usual age range.” She looked up at him “if you could I’d be over the moon, big brother~. You’ll get to see her face when she t-takes a little flattery.” 
"I'll make a date, fraulein, I can't wait to see her face!" Klavier's fingers played with her hair for a moment. "So, you spoke to herr Samurai. He's surprisingly wise in things like that for such a forbidding man, ja?"
Catlike, Vera gently rubbed against his touch with a half smile.
 “Uh huh…I can’t wait either.” She closed her eyes thoughtfully. “he is…when I saw him I wasn’t sure what sort of advice he’d give but…ah. he..he seemed to see through everything I said and gave me some pretty great advice. I think he’s got experience with it..” 
"A surprisingly experienced man, too." He chuckled and after a moment grabbed her shoulder again gently to lead her back for more boxes. "I have often seen him in his bold and public flirtations."
She followed along, even as her face heated a deep pink. “...he may have given me some advice on that too.” 
"Oh did he now? Was it bold and flirtatious?" He scooped down for a couple of her suitcases, still grinning his wide, easy grin. 
“You could probably call it that.” She said with an awkward chuckle, bending down to grab one herself and hefting it with a huff. “...I guess he has experience with… ah, sneaking– moments– with people who aren’t supposed to have moments to sneak.” 
"Ahhh, yes I see what you mean," Klavier nodded, amused. "From when he was a prisoner himself, sneaking time with his own detective. I'm sure he was eager to share tips."
She snorted softly, her smile as flustered as she felt. 
“He hasn’t shared them yet but he promised that if things worked out…he..he’d give them.” She bit her lip “I mean, I don’t even know for sure that they will, big brother.” She dropped the box in the truck..
Klavier carefully put her suitcases in the truck and promptly cocked his head like a lost dog. "What do you mean?"
Vera rubbed the back of her neck with a smile. 
“...I don’t know if I’ll wash out of the Academy despite my best efforts..and…” She hesitated, putting her fingertips to her lips. 
His bold smile fading into a worried expression, he slipped his arm around her shoulders. "Tell me what's on your mind, fraulein."
Vera leaned into him with a gentle hum. “You know my letters with Kristoph…I tried to be a little bolder with my reply today..”
His voice dropped a little quieter and curiously he goaded her. "Oh yes?"
“It wasn’t much! But I put a little heart at the end.” she laughed quietly. Despite her smile, her eyes were wide with worry. “and then I started…worrying.” 
He leaned his cheek against the top of her head. "Worrying? About what? That you overstepped something?"
She nodded quietly. 
“I had the sudden worry that I’d read too much into things because of my own …adoration.” She bit her lip “and that there was a chance he only saw it as…as…you know…” 
Klavier's eyebrows raised dubiously and he cocked his head again, looking confused.
“I don’t think it’s the case!” she protested with a shaky smile “..but i thought of the worst case scenario where he…he just thought of me as a student or…something.” 
Klavier made a choked noise. "Ah– fraulein– let us go inside for the rest of this conversation, ja?"
She offered her arm to him with a sheepish smile. “alright..”
Once they were safely inside, Klavier pushed the box he'd used to prop open the door away and leaned on it. He ran his fingers through it nervously, playing and toying with the strands.
"Fraulein, little sister— I think perhaps you are under a misconception about Kristoph."
Vera nodded quietly, her brow knit in worry. “...yes? What do you mean, b-big brother?” 
He kept toying with his hair, looking off away from her. "You say that you worry he might think of you as a student. When you say that, what exactly do you think you will be missing from him if it's so?"
“Not a student…I know there’s some of that in his letters.” she held her hands up “I’m not entirely sure. I just worried my…overt display may surprise him, or maybe he won’t b-be happy with my…” Her voice dropped quiet “need for affection.” 
To her surprise, Klavier laughed and shook his head. "Fraulein, if he didn't want to show you affection, he wouldn't bother to take you on as a student. For Kristoph– brother, student, friend– they are all the same. Lover. Either he pays attention to you, or he does not. And it seems like he's been paying a lot of attention to you."
Vera’s eyes widened, and her hand covered her lips. 
“He either pays attention to you…or he does not…” she repeated.
Over 500 letters stood in evidence only just to her right in her drawers and table. One burned a hole in the bag currently sitting in the truck.
“He…has been. Every week, twice a week, he’s never missed a letter…he remembers the things we say , and notices little details…” She bit her lip with a deepened flush “They’re all…lovers…to him?” 
Klavier tossed his hand dismissively. "My brother is very polite and sociable to everyone. But I've never known him to actually pay attention to or get close to anyone he did not intend to take to bed– more than that– I have never known him to get close to anyone he did not intend to, in his own way, romance. I'm sure that Phoenix Wright was surprised when their weekly dinners turned into dates. But I was not surprised."
“Because you know him…and his unique way of seeing the world and romance…” Vera mused thoughtfully. She bit her lip, face flushed red. “He only gets close to those he intends to romance in one form or another…meaning the fact he’s kept up these letters, even…even if it’s been unsaid directly…” 
"He sees you as an intended target of his physical affections," Klavier nodded. "Or he wouldn't have bothered. And he's already so completely ensnared you, it's all but guaranteed, ja, fraulein? That is why I call you little sister so quickly."
Vera bit her thumb quietly, turning it over in her head.
Kristoph’s mere act of continuing their relationship– of initiating it and never letting it lapse– was a sign of his intention. His intent to ensnare her and draw her closer to share his physical affection, and maybe more.
She nibbled at the pad of her thumb with a flustered half smile. It was guaranteed, as Klavier said.
She truly was accepted into the ‘family’. Into his life, so soon and so completely. 
“Thank you…” she grabbed him suddenly in a hug, looking up at him with genuine warmth in her slight smile. “I didn’t know, but it makes so much sense when you explain it, big brother. No wonder you call me it so quickly…and accepted me so quickly.” 
He hugged her back as she grabbed him suddenly and smiled as she flushed against him.
"Ja, liebling," he chuckled, and petted her hair. "I am certain that my brother intends to keep you as close as it is possible for him to do. And so, knowing his intentions, it is my job to keep you close when he cannot.'
Vera nuzzled her head against his hand with a flustered laugh. 
“I can already tell you’ll do a wonderful job, Klavier…” she looked up at him with a teasing smile “so what’s my job?”
He chuckled and lay a finger on her nose. "Oh, a dangerous question, fraulein, I could answer that in many ways!"
Vera gently brushed the tip of her nose against his fingertip with as innocent a look as she could manage in her quiet and muted affect. 
“I’m used to danger.” 
"What a shame," he purred, smiling. He cupped her cheek with his hand."I can't say for sure what my brother intends for your 'job' to be, but for the past two years I think you have been a comfort, and a companion to him. I would like it if you would be that for me as well."
Vera tilted her head into his hand with a shy smile as she leaned her body against his.
“I’m glad…glad to be a comfort and companion to my guardian angel,” she started with a quiet stammer. “and I would love..absolutely love it…if I could be the same to you, big brother Klavier.” 
"That makes me happy, little sister. I have been lonely for a while, I have to admit." He leaned in and he kissed her forehead.
Vera closed her eyes, his hug and the affectionate kiss warming her heart. He’d been as lonely as she had been, she believed him when he said it. Despite the crowds of ‘friends’ at the club, and his easy smiles, she believed it with all her heart.
“Me too.” she murmured against him “not anymore?” 
He gathered her close to him and nodded. "You've done much already to ease my lonely heart, fraulein. There's something about you that fills a comforting space. I suspect that's how my brother feels too."
Vera snuggled against him, letting him draw her close with a pleasant and happy hum. Something about me that fills a comforting space.
The thought brought her joy. The idea that, as lonely and isolated she’d been for so long, there was still something about her that could comfort and ease…once she found where she fit.
“You’re probably right,” she closed her eyes “easing both our lonely hearts…and Mr. Kristoph’s too.” 
"So tell me, liebling, does that ease your worry?" he asked. "I'm sure your little heart flourish will be well received. In fact, it may easy my brother's own worries, that he has not sufficiently conveyed his intentions to you, or that you harbored no interest in him outside of as a mentor."
She nodded against him with a happy hum “no more worry…it’s very eased.” she chuckled softly “...good. That’s what I wanted. I wanted him to see how I felt.” 
"I am sure he will be thrilled, liebling." Klavier smiled. "So– let's get the rest of these boxes moved and get you into your dorm, ja? So you can start your detective's path."
“My detective’s path…“Thanks for helping me take my first steps, big brother.” She leaned up to give him a peck on the lips and then she looked at the boxes with a half smile. “We should hurry before Pearl starts thinking I’ve chickened out.” 
September 05, 2028– 12:20 pm
By the time Vera and Klavier had reached the academy dormitories and started bringing boxes in Pearl Fey seemed to have been already moved in.
As they scooted the first round of Vera's things in the door, they spotted her and her companion– Iris Fey– sitting at a little folding table drinking tea.
Vera tried to wave…only to nearly fumble the box in her arms and have to right herself with a soft squeak. 
“H-hey Pearl! Hey Miss Iris!”
Iris Fey looked up from her tea with a quiet smile and a nod “We were wondering if you’d gotten lost.” 
Pearl, meanwhile, had hopped up to run over and help Vera with her box, short hair bouncing around her ears.
Klavier laughed. "Nein, nein, it was my fault, I'm afraid. I was terribly late in picking Ms. Vera up. She has graciously forgiven me for my terrible manners, ja, fraulein?"
Klavier was lying to make Vera look better…
She glanced at him with a tilt of her head as she handed the box to Pearl. 
“Ah..t-thank you Pearl!” He didn’t have to lie for her– especially on something so small– but she smiled with a nod. The die was cast, she wouldn’t contradict him., and it was sweet of him in a way “I’d forgive you for a lot, Mr. Klavier, and it's not like there was much of a rush.”
Iris tipped back the rest of her tea and stood with a stretch of her lithe body. The battered old military coat she wore slipped down over one shoulder. She was wearing some sort of tank top under it, baring enough skin that Vera could see the main body of her floral tattoo.
“Don’t worry too much about it.” She winked at Klavier “...lemme see what I can do about those boxes, ok.” 
"Ja, Frau Iris, we would be overjoyed to have some of your muscle helping us schlep the rest of these!" He grinned broadly, tossing his hair.
With the team effort, getting all of her belongings into the dorm took less than half the time it had to get them out of her apartment.
As they carried the last boxes up– well after Klavier and Iris were inside– Pearl grinned at her. "I can't believe you got Klavier to come help you move!"
Vera laughed, quiet and shy as she grinned. 
“You can’t? Really?” She hefted the box in her hand “I know he’s a rock star and everything..” 
"Yeah, and he's kinda lazy!" Pearl teased. "he's super nice though so maybe it's not that surprising."
She lingered by the half open door before they entered the dorm proper.
Vera gave Pearl a wink. 
“Big brother Klavier is incredibly nice…did you know he took me out drinking the other day to celebrate?” She chuckled quietly. It immediately t dawned on her that she’d slipped up with the ‘big brother’ addition, but she continued as if it were nothing. “I think he’s excited to hear that we’re going into law too.” 
"I guess he is!" she chirped. She dropped her voice low. "Big brother, huh?"
Vera turned a vivid pink, and nearly dropped her box. 
“uh…” She gave her a flustered smile “....turn of phrase?” 
Pearl grinned. "Let's talk about it later."
She held the door open for Vera as they brought the rest of the boxes in, and that was that.
September 05, 2028– 2:10 pm
Klavier and Iris stayed for another cup of tea, and chatted eagerly with Vera and Pearl about the move and the beginning of their training, but eventually they'd both left, to let the two of them get started on their unpacking. Klavier had left her with a gentle touch on her head, and a promise that he'd be keeping in touch.
And so, she and Pearl had gotten to work unpacking.
Vera’s excitement beat in her chest as she worked to unload her clothes and essentials first , box by box. Seeing Klavier and Miss Iris was nice– exciting even– but there was something amazing about unloading her things in a new room.
It felt real, this first major step in her detective’s path, when she finally placed an old and hand-stitched stuffed cat on the bed she’d chosen. 
Fey hovered over her shoulder, having less to unpack than Vera did. "Oh, he's so cute! Or she?"
Vera blinked over her shoulder at her with a smile. 
“She. I made her myself so I’d have a friend. Of course…she’s a copy of someone’s toy I saw at the Gramarye show.” 
"You made her yourself?" Pearl gasped, covering her mouth. "That's so amazing! Of course, I should have expected you could."
Vera picked her back up again and wiggled her at Pearl with a shy smile. 
“Thank you…I could make one for you too, if..if you wanted something specific. I’m sure I could find the time.” 
"That's so sweet!" she cooed. "Maybe! But I think we'll both be pretty busy, huh?"
Vera hefted her bag of essentials onto the bed…unpacking her perfume, her nail polish, the latest letter and other daily needs.
“They’re not going to go easy on us one bit, so I think we’ll wind up being pretty aggressively busy, Pearl.” She chuckled quietly “..but we can tough it out…”
Pearl made a muscle. "Darn right we can! We gotta– with all the people rooting for us, right? Speaking of which…"
Her smile took on a teasing edge as she looked at Vera.
Vera tilted her head with a smile. Part of her had a vague idea of where this might go, Pearl’s ‘we’ll talk about it later’ rising back to the forefront of her thoughts.
“Y-yeah Pearl?” 
"You and Klavier– I had no idea you were close!" Pearl hopped onto her bed and looked at her curiously, hands in her lap like she was expecting a story.
Vera turned a deeper pink as she moved to put her cosmetics on her night stand, smiling a little shyly at Pearl with a shrug of her shoulders.
“Well…back during the trial , my trial, he was the head prosecutor…and for a long time he used to visit me every now and again to take me out and see how I was doing…” She bit her lip “..I’m about 80% sure that Mr. Edgeworth started looking out for me because Klavier asked him too. Even if we didn’t spend a ton of time together back then.” 
"Aw! That makes him sound almost like a guardian angel!"
Vera sputtered , grabbing the letter off her bed and shoving it into her pocket with a tilt of her head. 
“...something close to it. Perhaps. Recently …recently we started getting a lot closer because of some stuff.” 
Pearl chewed on her thumb thoughtfully. "When we talked when you came over, you mentioned you had a guardian angel. I wondered if that was who you were talking about!"
Vera stared down at the nail polish by her bedside for a moment. Simon had told her– told her that she had to be more open. And she’d been thinking of telling Pearl back when she’d first brought it up when they were talking about the future.
The world didn’t work like her father had always told her…
She ducked her head with a deep breath before she said “he’s close to my guardian angel…he’s done so much for me, and has promised to be there for me…but the person I was talking about is someone else.”
She bent down to grab another box , before setting it by her pillow. “...my Guardian Angel is my demon as well. Kristoph Gavin.” 
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heaven-s-black-box · 7 months
The Edgeworths-Prosecutors office
Return to File
Recovery date: July 13th, 2020
Description:  Edgeworth and his kids
Notes: An entry from my 2020 research project into the universe of Ace Attorney. You can find the next entry here.
Word count: 563
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“Mr. Edgeworth!” Kay screamed as she tackled him in a hug.
“Oof! It is good to see you again Kay. How have you been?” He smiled, awkwardly returning the hug.
“Good! Good! Is Sebby here? I haven’t seen him in forever!” Kay let him go and began scanning the room.
“Prosecutor Debeste is currently in the middle of a trial, however you can stay at the prosecutor’s office until he returns. I have some people I think you would enjoy meeting.” He turned around and waved at her to follow him.
Kay had spent the last few months abroad, helping Franziska and interpol. With the recent end to an investigation, Franziska and her had returned to LA. Franziska would be leaving again in a few days, she only had to retrieve a few files, but Kay was planning on picking up an investigation here. She really did miss LA and it’s prosecutors.
“So, who am I meeting? Is it “that man”?” She asked, doing a terrible Edgeworth impression. He rolled his eyes.
“No. We’ve acquired two new prosecutors I’d like you to meet.” 
They climbed the rest of the stairs, with Kay telling him all about her time with Franziska. Apparently Franziska had been done with Kay’s antics after day two. So, she’d told Kay to just investigate on her own, that explained the call he’d gotten. Not long after the two had left, Franziska had called him to tell him he was insane, and nothing else.
“Now, they are a little strange to say the least,” Edgeworth said, as they approached an office. “I’ll introduce you to prosecutor Gavin first, he’s the more… calm of the two.” He muttered something else that she missed. “Prosecutor Gavin,” he said, as he pushed open the door. They were met with yelling so intense, she was surprised they hadn’t heard it outside.
“Herr Samurai while you have a point-”
“Gavin-dono your refusal is futi-”
“Oh my god! You’re Klavier Gavin!” Both men stopped yelling at each other and turned to the door.
Kay stood jaw dropped, pointing at Klavier, and Edgeworth just sighed. She ignored him and ran up to Klavier.
“I love your music! Can I get an autograph? Or better yet,” she fished around in her bag and pulled out a Gavineers CD, “Can you sign this?”
Klavier shook off his shock, and glared at Simon who had started snickering. He turned back to Kay and smiled, “Of course Fraulein.” Kay let out an almost deafening squeal. “And who am I signing it to?”
“Kay, Kay Faraday. I thought Sebby was lying when he said he worked with THE Klavier Gavin… I guess I owe him an apology,” she grumbled the last part. The two prosecutors were shocked when Edgeworth gave Kay a fond smile.
“Now,” he said, turning back to the two prosecutors, “What on earth were you two fighting about?”
“Gavin-dono and I were merely having a heated debate on whether Justice-dono would accept the proposal of a date with him,” Simon smirked, watching as Klavier’s face turned pink.
Edgeworth nodded, “Please keep these debates civil, or do not have them at all. But for the record, I’m sure Mr. Justice would absolutely accept the proposal of a date.” He smiled, before turning around to leave. “Do not cause too much chaos Kay, Prosecutor Debeste should be returning soon.”
“Yes sir!”
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“Did you mean what you said, back then? Do you... still think I should have stayed dead?”
A Wrightworth drabble I did a while ago. I actually still quite enjoy it, despite the awkward way I switched between whose mind we could read into at a given moment. It’s very sweet and very much will not be the last Wrightworth thing I write.
I wrote this before I finished Turnabout Revolution, so if there’s any weird statements that’s why. I think it would take place between Turnabout Revolution and Turnabout Time Traveler (though to be frank I haven’t finished Time Traveler, lol). I did edit at least one line to make sense given Revolution.
Words: 1.3k
Edgeworth stares out the window from his office as Chief Prosecutor. The Steel Samurai figure on the windowsill feels like an oppressive gaze, judging him for what he's about to do. He quietly turns the figure to face outside, then swivels around in his chair, glancing at the papers upon his desk.
Of course that oaf is late. How unlike him it would be if he were to be on time to something as important as th—
The door creaks open, and Edgeworth's finger quickly zips up to his glasses to adjust them. "I was wondering if you would ever arrive."
"What," the not-so-fresh-faced attorney says, "and reject a personal invitation from the Chief Prosecutor himself? Never." Phoenix grins, quickly taking a seat in front of Edgeworth and leaning forward attentively. "So, what was it you needed?"
Edgeworth clears his throat. "Right. So, I'd like your opinion on something." He turns some papers on the table to face Phoenix, then pushes them towards him. They're retirement papers.
"I've been thinking about early retirement. I've done a lot here, more than I can count, and I think it's time for a change. I simply wondered what you would think, as I value your opinion."
Edgeworth blinks up to look at Phoenix's face, only to find it frozen, staring at the documents. There's a short pause, and he knits his brows together. "Wright?"
Phoenix snaps out of it, shaking his head and taking a breath. He seems to smile out of habit, or maybe instinct, but it's clear to Edgeworth something is off. "Oh, I-I'm fine. I just... I suppose this reminded me of something from years ago."
"Oh?" Edgeworth tilts his head. "Pray tell. I'm curious."
"R-Really, it's not all that important now," Phoenix laughs, "but, it did bother me at the time. About the time when you..." His voice fades out. He looks everywhere around the room except at Edgeworth, as his words elude him. The prosecutor can make an educated guess as to what he's thinking.
"When I... disappeared?" Edgeworth suggests quietly.
"Aha, that's... that's it." Phoenix's forced smile finally leaves, replaced by something only reflecting sadness. "I think it reminded me of the letter you left."
"Mm." Edgeworth makes a sound in acknowledgement, but truthfully it feels like it's now his turn to have words elude him. He hides his gaze behind his intertwined fingers in turn upheld by his elbows on the desk. What is there to say about that time? An apology? He's already apologized for leaving without warning. For making Phoenix think he had...
"It would've been better for everyone if you never came back from the dead, Edgeworth!"
The words exit Edgeworth's mouth before he can really think about them. "Did you mean what you said, back then? Do you... still think I should have stayed dead?"
Phoenix physically reels from the question. Talk about a kick in the teeth... where did that come from? And why is he asking now...?
Well. Overdue is better than never, he supposes. Phoenix sighs, weighed down by the past. He stands, walking to face one of the walls adorned with examples of Edgeworth's achievement. He never once turns to face Edgeworth himself.
"...I don't want to lie to you. At the time, I did think that. I was... angry." Phoenix crosses his arms, secretly holding onto himself. "I didn't understand yet, how much pain you'd been in since the trial."
Edgeworth is silent.
"And— well, I know it was... if you'll forgive my language, Edgeworth, shitty of me to say. But it's how I honestly felt. And I'm sorry. I've learned a lot. Or, well, I like to think I've learned a lot, since then..."
Edgeworth is silent.
"Maybe I really haven't. I've been trying. Life's just been really chaotic for me since we really had a chance to talk. The disbarment, Trucy, the Wright Anything Agency, mentoring Apollo, the explosion, everything in Khura’in, it's, it's been so much, I hope you don't think I've been purposefully ignoring you, because I haven't, and I..."
Edgeworth is silent as he moves toward Phoenix, and he gently places a hand on his shoulder. Phoenix stops rambling only upon feeling his touch, and finally looks at him.
The prosecutor finally speaks. "If it means anything, Wright, I think you've learned a lot. Matured a lot, too. I..." He pauses to find the right word, the right word, not that word. "I respect you a lot. I wouldn't be who I am today if it weren't for you." To top his words off, he shows the tiniest of genuine smiles. "Thank you."
Phoenix, now wide-eyed like a cat, can barely believe what he's hearing. To hear all that out of Edgeworth's mouth... it's something he had only imagined in his head up until this point. His breath gets shallower. "Miles..."
And, without warning, he hugs him tightly. In the moment, Edgeworth has no idea how to handle it, feeling a buzz well up in his head. He hasn't moved an inch in response. Why is he...? What is Phoenix doing?
Edgeworth, still tensed up, awkwardly brings his arms around the attorney after some seconds have passed. He can't bring himself to stop... whatever this is, but he feels like he wouldn't want to, anyway. He thinks, have I gotten soft?
There isn't much time to process the question as Phoenix begins speaking again, from the depths of Edgeworth's shoulder. "Miles. I want to tell you something I've thought for... a-a long time, but you have to promise me you won't laugh."
Edgeworth raises an eyebrow. He keeps his grip on him, now firm and almost protective. "I won't laugh."
"...I r-really, really love you."
"I... what?" There's an initial wave of confusion, but surprisingly, it's followed by a feeling of contentment. A pang in his heart. Like this was the outcome he really wanted. Was it? Everything's gone cloudy in his usually clear mind.
Phoenix chuckles to rid himself of the awkwardness and anxiety, unsuccessfully. "D-Don't leave me hanging, here. I just... want to know how you feel."
...Maybe Edgeworth can use that word now. He never thought to tell him, figuring Phoenix's feelings for him were platonic, cut and dried. Though his mind is still blurred, this is one thing he feels sure deciding on. He holds him tighter and, in a low but inescapable voice, says...
"I love you, too."
Phoenix feels like he's about to faint. Oh god. His cheeks hurt, he can't stop grinning. "Aha... Miles... you're a lot sillier than you let on..."
"What? What's that supposed to mean...?"
"How many years has it been like this on your part? Did you really think I would reject you so badly that you decided to just not say it...?"
Edgeworth sputters briefly. "I could ask you the same thing. Perhaps we were both rather obvious about it from outsiders..."
"Are you kidding?" Phoenix laughs. "Maya and Trucy teased me about it all the time."
Edgeworth sighs. "And Franziska did the same with me. Gumshoe to a lesser extent."
"Yes... even him."
"Oh my god." With a smile that could part the heavens, Phoenix laughs again. Edgeworth can't help but to smile with him. Phoenix removes his face from the prosecutor's shoulder and looks up at him, a gleam in his eye. "Can I ask you another question?"
"Not like I have a choice."
"Don't be like that!" He giggles. "Listen... I want to kiss you. Can I?"
There's another pause. It almost seems like Edgeworth will say no, until, with his own little smirk, "It's may I, not can I."
"Oh my god, Miles..." He snorts. "Shut up. I love you." That's all the permission he needs, and after god knows how many years of dreaming about this, Phoenix finally kisses Edgeworth. And after god knows how many years of yearning for this, Edgeworth finally kisses Phoenix.
There's nothing left to worry about, here. Maybe Edgeworth won't retire just yet.
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The Return of Find the Word!
Hi! So, I'm bored and definitely need sleep, but can't. So! What better use of my time than to have this game make a little comeback! So yep! We're going with round two of find the word! This is gonna be super fun, I can tell already! Keep note tho, these snippets are gonna be from my newest works.
As for who I'm tagging? Hmmm! Well, that'll be my lovely besties! @mikaharuka @tsunderewatermelon @kayedium-writes @mrsmungus @bleepbloopbotz @sliebman10 @aislinnstanaka @hylianjo @justanotherpersonwhowrites @oceangirl24 @precambrian-sea-pancake @udaberriwrites @lena-hills and of course, open tag!
So, let's get on with this shall we?
Words for me!
expression, finger, gradual, breakfast, sympathetic
Words for you!
outlook, talkative, intensify, exchange, twist
Now! Here come all the snippets!
Expression (Momo's Ace Attorney Flufftober, Chapter 9)
Edgeworth nodded again and then ran back up the stairs, and a few minutes later he had come back fully changed and with bags. Bags, plural, specifically three big backpacks filled to the brim with whatever Edgeworth felt was “necessary”. Edgeworth carefully laid out the bags on the floor, looking up to Phoenix, who was staring down at the bags with a dumbfounded expression on his face. Surely Edgeworth was joking, right? When Phoenix saw the serious expression on Edgeworth’s face, he realized that he wasn’t joking.
Finger (The Things I Notice)
The first thing Klavier noticed was the adorable habit Apollo had whenever he was thinking. Whenever Apollo was deep in thought, he would press his index finger to the bridge of his nose. It was a habit that Apollo did even when they weren’t in the courtroom, like whenever Klavier would give Apollo a nonsensical riddle. It was a small thing really, something that he should have not noticed, but he did. Klavier watched as Apollo did that same habit in the courtroom.
Gradual (Hearts upon Hearts)
Pretty early on in their relationship, Alex had told Sebastian that he wanted to improve on the more intellectual things like reading, puzzles and games like chess and sudoku. Sebastian, confused at first, had suggested that he go to Maru instead, though he quickly caved when Alex had explained to him that he felt more comfortable with having Sebastian help him out first. After much insisting, Sebastian eventually agreed to help him. And so very often when time they spent time with each other, they often engaged in an intellectual activity like reading or puzzles for at least a few minutes. It was challenging at first, it really was. But slowly and gradually, Alex got better at understanding the books that he read and playing the games that he played. It was as though he was cleaning up the cobwebs in his mind, and he found himself delighted by this. Eventually, Alex was able to beat Sebastian at least once in most of the games they played. However, there was one game he had yet to beat Alex in. And that was chess.
Breakfast (Momo's Ace Attorney Flufftober, Chapter 9)
Phoenix Wright did not get up early this often, he had woken up early so infrequently that Trucy usually had to wake him for him to make breakfast. This time though, he had woken up early, a lot earlier than everyone in his house. He had woken up four in the morning, placing a chaste kiss on his sleeping husband’s forehead before he went downstairs to make preparations. He made food, packed bags, readied maps, and other various activities. Once he was done, Phoenix looked outside at the window, sunlight filtering through the windows. He smiled, the weather was warm, which meant that they could do what he had planned for them to do for weeks. They were going camping today.
Sympathetic (Ace Attorney: Maya Fey, Chapter 16)
“Tell me, then. What’s wrong?” Phoenix asked. (There’s no use trying to hide it from him…) Maya sighed. “Alright…It’s just…This is my first Christmas without Mia, first of many that is. I’m…bummed about it. I realized it this morning and I’ve been bummed since.” “Oh…Maya…” Phoenix said, giving her a sympathetic look. “I’m…I’m so sorry. I didn’t realize.” “It’s okay, Nick…” “…You know, if it’ll cheer you up, the Wrights and Naruhodos are always gonna be there for you.” Phoenix said, a small reassuring smile on his face. “We’ll be here, through thick and thin, sickness and health, and in the courtroom and detention center.” Maya giggled, starting to feel better. “Thanks Nick, I appreciate it.”
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wowowwild · 11 months
Apollo and Klavier go over Christmas plans. Klapollo week 2023 day 4: family
Christmas was a bit of a touchy time of year for Apollo. It hadn’t been Klavier’s favorite for a while either. The first year they spent together, it had been just the two of them, healing and finding comfort in each other’s company. They’d gone to the Wright’s party of course and made a brief appearance at the Prosecutor’s office event, but this year they were really ready to throw themselves into it.
“I asked Trucy about it. They haven’t planned anything yet, so if we want to be the hosting house this year, it’s ours.” “Fantastich! First we should sort out the guest list, ja?” “Ja. Did you want to, you know, invite anyone…”
Apollo was doing his best not to state what he meant directly in case that made Klavier feel pressured to do something he didn’t want to. Apollo had met the other members of the Gavinners a total of once and at this point figured meeting Klavier’s parents was out of the question. He still wanted that option to be available, though, in case his boyfriend felt like reaching out.
“Nein. Maybe we should focus on your family?”
Apollo recognized that tone as one that meant he didn’t want to talk about it right then. They had talked about it before and undoubtedly would again, they were very good at the whole communication thing after the initial stumbles, and Apollo knew there was a time and place for certain topics. That was fine. But he also recognized this made his boyfriend incredibly sad, and he hated that more than anything. Klavier was loved and he deserved to know it.
“They’re your family now, too, you know.”
Klavier felt that this was something he had known theoretically, but hearing it said aloud by someone else…
“Ja, they are, aren’t they.” “Ja. So let’s invite our family. Trucy is going to be so excited to hear about your new music, and Mr. Wright was interested in that smuggling case you picked up. Of course, if the Wrights are coming, so are the Feys and Mr. Edgeworth. Athena will want to show Juniper off to you, so add two more. We can’t leave Ema out, and she’ll bring Kay. And we’ll need to invite Debeste and Blackquill. While we’re at it, we should see if Miss von Karma and Nahyuta will be in the states. And if we’re inviting that many people anyway, we should invite the Gumshoes… Am I missing anyone?” “Would you be up to inviting your mother… ?”
Klavier had gotten along very well with Apollo’s mother, but that was before he knew everything that happened and that she was in fact the mother of the man he loved. He could understand Apollo’s apprehension. Just because someone was agreeable, even if they were a fantastic person, that didn’t necessarily mean they were a good parent. Not that he necessarily thought she was a bad one either, it was just complicated. He knew Apollo wanted to try getting to know her, mostly for Trucy’s sake, but at least a little bit for his own. It was especially odd for him not having known her until he was already an adult.
“I guess we should, huh? I’ll never get to know her better if I keep avoiding her. We should tell her to bring Machi, too.” “This time of year really has you charitable.” “… I don’t want to be alone. I don’t want anyone else to, either.” “You won’t ever be alone if I can help it.” Apollo blushed and turned away. “You’re such a sap.” “But you love me.” “No. And I love you.” Klavier blushed a bit himself. “Now who’s being a sap?” “Shut up.” Apollo kissed him gently. “Now if we’re filling this big ass house with people we’re going to need enough food to feed an army, so I was thinking we could have everyone bring a dish. We’ll cook the ham, obviously… Actually I think we’ll need two.” “Mm. We should also provide some of the drinks. A couple bottles of wine and sparkling cider.” “That sounds good. With everyone here should we have games for people to play? Clay’s family always did this saran wrap ball thing and pin the nose on Rudolph. We sent Mr. Terran a card, right?” “We did. I think he sent one back in the mail on the table.” “We should probably start actually looking at the mail when we pick it up, huh?” “That would probably be smart, ja. I think games are a great idea. Sebastian and Kay are fond of trivia, I believe.” “Trivia would be fun. I think almost everyone is competitive enough to really get into it. Maybe we should do one of those jars where you have to guess how many candy canes are in it or something?” “Great idea, Schatz, though I'm fairly sure Herr Blackquill will win. He has an uncanny ability to guess the exact number of items inside other items.” “That’s like the lamest superpower ever.” “Maybe so, but it wins him gift cards whenever we do it at the office.” “I guess any super power can be useful in certain situations.” “Like increased perception of when someone is lying or being able to hear someone’s emotions?” “Both of those are incredibly useful!” “They are, but they are also their own weakness.” “Hmm… I guess there aren’t really any downsides to being able to guess how many things are in other things… So what’s your superpower?” “Being charming enough to catch mein Häschen.” Apollo blushed and turned away slightly. “That’s not a superpower, Klav.” Klavier scooped him up and nuzzled in. “Then it was a miracle. A Herculean feat. And the best thing to ever happen to me.” “Aw, gee. It’s the same for me, you know.” “Obviously. I’m Klavier Gavin.” He flipped his hair. “Alright, moment over. I’m gonna get some more coffee.” He slipped out of Klavier’s lap and grabbed his mug off the table. “Me too?” Apollo smirked. “I dunno, Klavier Gavin must have a ton of people lined up just dying to get him coffee.” “Schatz,” he whined. “Yes, I’ll get you coffee,” he chuckled in response.
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hext00ns · 2 years
Springtime Slog {@sicktember}
AO3 l!nk in comments
Ships: Miles/Phoenix / Miles & Phoenix & Gumshoe
Rating: G
Warnings: None
Description: Miles has never been a fan of springtime due to his regularly scheduled allergies. Phoenix takes it upon himself to help.
{Sicktember 2022 Day 13: Seasonal / Pet Allergies}
The prosecutor walked into the main lobby of the court house. His entire face felt swollen and disgusting. Half of it was currently covered with a white mask but anyone with two eyes and half a brain could see by just his eyes that he was practically a zombie.
Luckily, a man matching that criteria happened to notice the other from across the room.
“You look awful,” Phoenix greeted once he’d walked close enough to be heard.
Miles turned to him and gave the other a glare. “An astute observation, Wr-“ he was cut off by a loud sneeze.
“Maybe you should go home and rest,” Phoenix responded, ignoring Miles’ snippish reply.
“I’m fine,” the prosecutor argued. Though the congested sound of his voice betrayed his words. “Besides, I have work that must be done.”
“Can’t someone else do that?” Phoenix questioned, putting a hand to his hip. “I mean you are High Prosecutor. Don’t you have, like, Payne or someone you can shove work off to for a day?”
Miles scoffed. “You really think I would trust that fool to do anything important? There’s a reason he’s almost exclusively on rookie cases.” He began walking down the hall, only for Phoenix to follow him. Not that he expected anything less. “Besides, it’s nothing serious. Just allergies.”
“Oh right, I almost forgot you always turn into goo during spring.”
“I do not ‘turn to goo’,” Miles huffed. “I’m just a bit under the weather. Not that it matters.”
“Don’t you have meds or something for that?”
“Of course.”
“Then why are you walking around half covered in snot?”
Miles stopped walking and turned on his heels to look at the other. “Is there a reason you feel the need to interrogate me?”
Phoenix skidded to his own stop and put his hands up defensively. “Woah, woah. No interrogation. I was just asking.”
Miles breathed a harsh sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Well, save your questions for cross examinations. I really don’t have time for this.”
“Wait,” Phoenix grabbed at him to keep him from walking off again, “at least let me take you to the cafe for some tea or something. It’ll probably help with your throat and stuff.”
Miles decided not to ask how in the hell Phoenix could tell his throat was sore. Though, knowing the other attorney it was possible he took a shot in the dark and still hit the bullseye. He only gave another sigh and said, “Fine. If it will get you off my back long enough so I can do my work.”
Phoenix gave the other a triumphant smile and led him towards the court cafeteria. They both picked out a blend and made their respective teas before sitting at one of the tables.
Whoever thought that using a Keurig coffee machine as a makeshift tea kettle was going to be brought in for a talk regarding their salary, Miles decided as he forced down the first few sips of his Lady Grey.
“This is disgusting,” he hissed out finally.
“I mean, yeah,” Phoenix chuckled. “But it’s better than just downing hot water.”
“Mm, not by much,” Miles mumbled. However, Phoenix was right about it helping his throat. It was still a bit sore but it didn’t hurt as bad to talk.
The two sat in a comfortable silence as they sipped their teas. Miles knew he couldn’t stay much longer, he really did have work to attend to for the day. However, there was something nice about this. Just… existing with the other. Being cared for even if only in such a small way. It, admittedly, meant a lot to him.
After a bit, he heard a familiar voice call out to them. When he turned he noticed Detective Gumshoe jogging over to them.
“Heya, Mista Edgeworth! Heya, pal!” he greeted them both with his usual booming voice. “I grabbed those meds for ya!” The detective said as he handed over a box of allergy medication to Miles.
“I didn’t ask for-” he stopped and looked up at Phoenix.
The defense attorney was sipping his tea in an attempt to hide a smile. Looking back down at the box, Miles noted that it was the very brand he always got. Though, he would be more likely to assume that bit was courtesy of the good detective and less the meddlesome attorney.
“How the hell did you know?”
“Know what? That you were out of your meds?”
That caught Miles by surprise all on his own. It was one thing for Phoenix to assume that he had forgotten to take them that morning; which would have been the much more obvious deduction. However, it was another to believe that Miles had run out completely and be correct.
Phoenix, however, only smiled. “I remember you complaining the other day that you haven’t had time to go shopping lately. That and the fact that your allergies are, like, a million times worse than normal. And you hardly ever screw up your daily habits even at your worst. It was just a guess but.” He didn't continue, only shrugged.
Miles sat agape at the other. Finally, he let out a humored breath and tore open the package. “You truly are something else, Wright.”
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rivalsforlife · 9 months
God, I want to study Takarazuka Gregory under a microscope. What is wrong with him.
Because Suzuki Kei COULD told a good story there; a story about unpacking Miles' hero worship of his father, learning that Gregory was just as human and flawed as anyone else, or that he hadn't always been the paragon of justice that he remembered as a child…
But there's a difference between being a flawed human being and. Not giving a shit about his clients or about the truth, forging evidence basically out of laziness, and taking both his winning streak and his own girlfriend for granted. That is absolutely not a character flaw that fits with the Gregory we see in AAI2.
And what's weirder is that:
1: The dialogue shows that all of that was a recent & unwelcome development, and that his experiences with the bullshit of the legal world wore down his idealism and passion, but…
2: It doesn't really take much to snap Gregory out of it and back to the characterization he's supposed to have? Miles just has to tell him the same thing he tells Phoenix in FMT; about how 'being a lawyer is't about winning or losing, it's about finding the truth.' That and one musical number is all it takes to fix basically everything; he's rekindled his passion for lawyering and Sara is happy to see him back to his real self. It's like the ghost of Manfred von Karma or Robert Hammond had been possessing him, and that Miles had performed a BttT-style exorcism on him through song.
god this show's writing was so weird. at least we got some good music out of it. the remixes of 'a defense attorney's knowledge' slapped (both the fucked-up dl-6 interpretive dance nightmare version, and the swanky, jazzy version at the end of the show)
yeah it's SUCH a weird take on gregory. I want to say I'm not inherently opposed to gregory having a little morality crisis but some part of me is going to resist against it unless you handle it well (which the musical does not). there are ways to, say, present an attorney with a client they believe is innocent faced with the choice between forging evidence vs letting someone innocent be convicted, for example, and you could probably do something interesting there, if they, y'know, cared about nuance at all.
and it's extra weird because miles DOES have an influential mentor figure in his life who turned out to be extremely corrupt and forge evidence. yknow. AS WELL if they REALLY had to go this route with Gregory they could have had some kind of conversation between Miles and his former view on doing anything for a guilty verdict, and it's been a while since I've watched musical 3 but it didn't seem they ever did that at all?
I don't really like the idea of criticizing stories with "but if you did this completely different plot it would be better" but the whole evil gregory thing is such a mess I really don't have much of a choice.
the "defense attorney's knowledge" remix is probably the single song that makes me the angriest because "a defense attorney's knowledge (original)" makes me want to cry whenever it comes up in aai2. and they do This with it. The translation I had had some similarities to the song "the truth reborn", AND the ending of it in particular reminds me of musical 1 edgeworth's song "my rule" (to the point in my head I'm listing this song as "my rule evil gregory edition") which are all cool things to do with an antagonistic character IF IT WASN'T GREGORY EDGEWORTH WHO WAS THE ANTAGONIST.
I do think the musicals got steadily better with music though, I agree. did you know musical 1 plays "I believe in you" no less than six times? they did not need to do that.
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snezfics-n-shit · 1 year
Just A Little - For Gr.e.go.r.y E.dg.ewo.rt.h Week Day 2, theme "Collapse"
I baked some crumbs!
No snz because I don't wanna annoy the week organizers with my antics, sorry, but still some softe whump.
Vaguely timed after the class trial, could be no dl-6, could be not - that's what the vaguely part is for.
Greg loses sleep the night before a trial, he's sick and most of all extremely tired. Gosh, I wonder what will happen because of this...
     Gregory Edgeworth was running out of steam, or that steam had already left him given what little energy he had since he left the house this morning. Last night his generally good rule of “have a proper night’s sleep before a trial” was broken without repair thanks to him frantically attempting to minimize the damage on the home computer that resulted from Miles’s friends getting careless with their browsing. 
He wasn’t angry about the incident at all; this was new technology and leave it to the kids to break it in ways computer scientists never saw coming. Even government officials have been reported to have experienced these problems recently, so it was a learning experience for the entire country. That said, however, even without getting upset or yelling, Gregory woke up with his throat in a condition comparable to mornings after the loud concerts he attended in his twenties. 
Speaking of which, he looked over to Raymond standing next to him, expressing the same amount of anticipation he might have had back then, but for the small joy of a chance to take over as soon as the prosecutor wrapped up – if Gregory was to take Raymond’s offer, that is.
“I think he’s almost done, Mr. Edgeworth! Are you sure you don’t want me to take your place? I mean, Mr. Payne can’t be that hard to take on…” Raymond whispered, and was promptly answered with a paper note reminding him of his manners. 
“I think I’m going to call for a ten minute recess.” The judge announced, much to Gregory’s relief. “Mr. Payne, please use this time to convince your witness to finally cooperate.”
Ten minutes was a solid nap, Gregory thought; in fact, that was longer than some of the naps he was allowed during Miles’s toddler years, so he should be plenty recharged. 
All he needed was just a little rest on the lobby’s couch, just… a… little…
“Hey! You’re awake!” was not exactly what Gregory wanted to hear from Raymond upon regaining consciousness, especially when he was very clearly no longer in the lobby. Was this what the courthouse infirmary looked like? “One minute I’m taking some notes for my early courtroom debut and the next I see you just collapse! You just barely missed the couch, too. Does your head hurt?” 
“Not any more than it already did.” Gregory croaked out, silently admitting to himself Raymond may have just earned his spot as a substitute for this trial. “How long was I out?”
“A couple hours,” Raymond estimated. Of course the best sleep Gregory had in twenty-four hours was like this. “Court ended up adjourned since I brought you here, and the judge went home pretty soon afterward. Mr. Payne stuck around for a bit, though, he told me to tell you he hopes you feel better soon and not to worry about drinks tonight.” Right, it was Friday. As the saying went, thank god. 
“I see.” Gregory closed his eyes again, doing the math to determine how long he had before he would need to pick up Miles from school. “Is there a limit on how long these beds can be occupied?”
“Nope! You just get some sleep, Mr. Edgeworth. Can’t have you passing out again!”
“Well, I certainly don’t plan on it.” Gregory joked. “I have until 2:30, so I only need just… a… little…”
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askaceattorney · 7 months
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(Previous Letter)
Dear Dawsongfg,
Chief Mod Edgeworth: Probably a typo on Mod Franziska’s part.
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Dear Dawsongfg,
Chief Mod Edgeworth: I half expect you to bust the Eminem song Without Me. It’s a horror game, but I enjoyed The Witch’s House.
Co-Mod: I’ve never been a fan of horror in general, but there have been a few exceptions.  Oddly enough, I wasn’t too fond of The Witch’s House, but there was another horror game made with RPG Maker that I found to be pretty enjoyable: Ib.  Which, as it turns out, was given an HD remake last year!
...Which, like many games, I still need to play.  😏
I can appreciate a game like that because it has a spooky/mysterious atmosphere that doesn’t go too heavy on the “freak the player out” factor.  Of course, I haven’t seen the new stuff in the HD remake, so I can’t say for sure if that’s still the case, but there’s a special place in my heart for the original game.
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(Referenced Letter)
Dear Anonymous,
Chief Mod Edgeworth: 
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Oh my gosh, I only made that reference ONE time and it was used as a joke. I never made any indication that Phoenix would be like Dr. Cox if you read the tag RIGHT HERE. 
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The only thing I did was ask if Phoenix would make a great Dr. Cox. That doesn’t mean I believe it. It only means I’m not sure. 
I only knew of that line from a video clip I watched on YouTube. When I saw this question, I thought it’d be funny if Phoenix said it. As far as I know, the context when Phoenix said that line and when Dr. Cox said that line are completely different. I don’t even think both were said that with the same facial expressions outside of sarcasm. I don’t know how you took me asking everyone if they thought Phoenix would make a good Dr. Cox to mean that I believed he would. I guess when you ask someone if they have a dog, that means you believe they have a dog and not just ask a simple question out of curiosity. 
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Dear Charicla,
Chief Mod Edgeworth: They kinda do, don’t they?
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Co-Mod: Spooky.
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Dear Dawsongfg,
Chief Mod Edgeworth: A former pastor of mine served in the Navy, my step-grandpa was in the army and my biological grandpa was in the Medical Unite.
Co-Mod: Not personally, but I’ve met a few who served in the U.S. military.  I can’t imagine ever involving myself in armed combat outside of a video game, so I can’t help but admire the sort of courage they must have, to say the least.
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(Referenced Letter)
Dear Dawsongfg,
Chief Mod Edgeworth: There are followers here that are dealing with this and others that write letters here as an outlet to escape from the very things irl that contemplate thoughts of this. Try to be aware that not everyone writes letters here to mess around. Some use it as an outlet or escape from stressful shit that happens irl. 
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I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt, but be aware that people are dealing with this. In fact, I was answering letters from someone dealing with something similar and it was affecting how they were writing their letters. They’re better now, but that was the reason why it took me so long before I blacklisted the Hotti letters. I was using them as a scapegoat to distract everyone from going after someone else who had been going through a tough time irl, who was writing weird letters at the time.
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Dear The-Carrotella,
Chief Mod Edgeworth: Thank you.
Co-Mod: It’s compliments like that motivate us to keep doing a good job, so thanks!  (That’s true for me, at least.)
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Dear Ladynoir,
Chief Mod Edgeworth: No, because if there’s anything we’ve learned for the past decade, it’s that nothing is ever truly discontinued. I mean, we’re having sequels to movies that were made decades ago! So, the rules remain and if AA claims to discontinue, it will still remain.
Co-Mod: My instincts tell me there’ll be more Ace Attorney down the road, too.  As for that sibling reveal, I could maybe be talked into writing a fanfiction about it...
Actually, no I couldn’t, because I’m still working on a dozen other things, but that might be a possibility somewhere down the road as well.  😉
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Dear Charicla,
Chief Mod Edgeworth: Don’t worry about it. We know when your mental health is low and if this is the reason for sending unhinged letters as you’d call them. You’re not even the one I was talking about when mentioning using the Hotti letters as a scapegoat. I did notice a few cringy letters from your end, but the person I was talking about did much worse and had been going on for much longer. If you didn’t notice, that’s good. 
Don’t feel bad if you ever write venting letters. We’re not offended or annoyed by them. Perhaps concerned, but that’s only because we’ve been depressed and hurt before. 
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Dear Skibot99,
Chief Mod Edgeworth: We lost a couple of hundreds of subscribers since the Mod Maya and Mod Vera incident. So, with the subscribers also went the normal amount of letters we’d get.
Co-Mod: Yep.  The upside of that is that your letters will get answered somewhat sooner than before.  It’s an interesting paradox, isn’t it?
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Dear Anonymous,
Chief Mod Edgeworth: Thank you.
Co-Mod: Thanks!  It’s not exactly the same blog it used to be with the original Mods heading off to parts unknown, but I’m glad to see it still going strong, too.  That’s true about a lot of things for me, in fact -- Ace Attorney, Nintendo series, Sonic the Hedgehog games, (some) sequels to classic movies, and so on.  They’re not the same, but they’re still great for the same reasons the originals were.  I’m glad it worked out that way here, too.
- The Mods
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vickyvicarious · 3 years
I was in the shower a minute ago when suddenly, out of the blue, I realized how much symbolism there is in Phoenix's fall from Dusky Bridge. So I came running over here, wet hair and all, to write it down before I forget.
And no, when I say 'symbolism' I don't just mean the obvious line about a phoenix burning and 'dying' (at least Edgeworth thought he was) before being reborn a short time later. The 'rebirth' here would be his debut as a self-sufficient lawyer, when Mia says he no longer needs her and it's implied he is ready to begin his career in earnest from now on at the end of the trilogy. (AJ kinda messed up the long-term effects of that storyline, given how soon the timeline has Phoenix's disbarment after this, but that too could be seen as its own kind of death/rebirth, and in any case when the trilogy was first written the analogy worked just fine.)
But that's not what I just noticed. What I thought of has to do with fire as well... but not on a mythological bird.
A burning bridge.
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Burning one's bridges is an idiom that stretches back to ancient military history supposedly. It means to commit oneself to a course of action by cutting off all avenues of retreat. There's no going back across a burned bridge; you have to keep pressing on ahead.
There is a second meaning as well, not quite something defined totally separately, but I've definitely heard the phrase used this way. Namely, to burn your bridges in an interpersonal sense means to destroy your relationship with someone. Usually by doing something unforgivable, but just generally to completely cut ties in an irreversible way.
Phoenix is trying to cross a burning bridge to save a friend on the other side.
I cannot think of a sentence that better sums up what kind of person he is. It basically sums up his entire story in the first game. What is he doing with Edgeworth, if not trying to cross the bridge Edgeworth is actively trying to burn down, in order to save him from being trapped on the other side?
In case that's not very clear:
The bridge = their relationship.
Burning = Demon Prosecutor, telling him to stay away, trying to convict him of murder, etc.
Trapped = not just convicted in that one case, though that too, but remaining the Demon Prosecutor, becoming a corrupt and cruel person forever.
In the second game, the positions reverse... sort of. More like, Edgeworth is now standing out of sight on the other side of a bridge that Phoenix keeps trying to burn but can't quite bring himself to fully burn up/keeps telling everyone else the bridge is long burned down already. In the final case, Edgeworth comes back across the bridge partway, or maybe works on repairing it, and invites Phoenix to come join him, which Phoenix eventually does end up doing.
Still, 'crossing the bridge' comes back with a vengeance in the third game. Phoenix only goes to Hazakura Temple because of Iris, after all. And then he insists on defending her, even though by all rights he should consider that bridge as having been long burnt. But he doesn't want her to be trapped on the other side any more than Edgeworth in the first game.
Once again:
The bridge = their relationship.
Burning = colluding with Dahlia, lying to him for months, not trying to save him - or in his eyes, attempting to murder him, faking that she ever loved him, using him as nothing but an alibi.
Trapped = once again, technically getting convicted of murder, but moreso giving up on the person he knew and loved, accepting that she is truly an evil or worthless person with no hope of change.
Just like Edgeworth in the first game, Iris doesn't want Phoenix to cross the bridge. She's trying to burn it away completely. Her reasons for doing so are different, but in the end she tries to push him away just like Edgeworth did. She pretends not to know him, and needs to be convinced to let him defend her.
But once again, he is able to cross the bridge. He is able to save her.
On a less emotionally significant level, this is in some sense what Phoenix does with every case. He is always trying to reverse irreversible decisions and situations, often with not much more to his name than an intense determination to save the person about to be trapped by said decisions/situations. And a lot of the time, he's able to do it. He manages to get across the bridge before it burns away beneath him, he reaches the person, he reverses the situation.
But other times, he falls.
You can't just run across burning bridges without consequence. Sometimes, they're too far gone. Sometimes, you fall through, and not only is the person on the other side no better off, but you're the one hurt.
Just like what happens when Phoenix runs across Dusky Bridge.
Except... think about what happens next. About who returns to save Phoenix, to build a new bridge where the old one has burned away.
Miles Edgeworth. The first person whose bridge Phoenix successfully crossed. Edgeworth flies in, he comes back from somewhere far away (just to extend the metaphor even further - he can do so now because he has a bridge. Phoenix saved it for him and they rebuilt it together) and takes over where Phoenix can't continue any longer. He holds the fort until Phoenix is recovered enough to fight on.
And this keeps happening. Because of all the effort and determination and heart Phoenix has, he slowly develops these all-important relationships that help him to cross what would otherwise be insurmountable gaps. It happens with Mia returning as a ghost to help him solve her own murder, with Edgeworth and Franziska and Gumshoe helping to track down de Killer, and again to coordinate the effort to save Maya when she's trapped in the temple.
It even happens in AJ, in a way. That's probably the biggest fall Phoenix has ever taken, and for a long time that bridge (his badge, his ability to keep saving others) seemed completely burned away. But not only does Apollo aid him in finding justice and clearing his name (rebuilding a new bridge), but Edgeworth helps him to get his badge back, and Trucy is his light and brings love into his life for so many of his darkest years (rebuilding/crossing the bridge). At least in Trucy and Edgeworth's case, there's a definite element of them being people who Phoenix has saved himself in the past (or for Trucy, concurrently; they saved each other at the same time).
Crossing burning bridges, it turns out, is a contagious habit.
A final bonus: Phoenix is crossing Dusky Bridge to try and save Maya. Maya, who from early on served as a bridge herself, connecting Phoenix and Mia across what would normally be the impossible divide of death. Not to mention, every other time he's running over bridges, she is following right behind him and helping him to watch his step and make it safely across.
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abluescarfonwaston · 3 years
Trucy and Maya sign Phoenix up for Queer eye after his name is cleared. By the time filming starts he’s decided to study for the bar again and is honestly excited to have some help putting his life back together.
They tear apart his house and drag him for the fact he is wearing socks with sandles and his closet is nothing but sweatshirts and beach clothes. He Does have an old like shakespeare costume in the depths of his closet that Johnathan puts on as well as the Furio Tigre shirt. They check out the magic equipment and Phoenix goes on his proud dad rant about how she’s the light of his life and so talented and he loves her-
Jonathan takes him to the salon for a hair cutting. Under the Beanie his hair got kinda long and gnarly. He didn’t want people to recognize him and even know the idea of it’s still a little anxiety provoking. But he also Wants to look good again and feel confident. Jonathan gives him a scruff trim too and they stop at a goatee. They laugh and Phoenix sends a picture to someone. Oooh your boyfriend? Haha not exactly. They end up going clean shaven tho. As they’re walking out Phoenix stares at his phone and goes. Huh. Maybe we should have kept the goatee.
Antoni asks him what he can cook. He proudly announces he makes the best pancakes. And that he can make a few other things that aren’t blatant depression meals. That what he knows he learned cause he wanted to take care of Trucy but he’s a little ashamed at how often the priority was ‘just make sure she eats something’ because he was too exhausted for more. That he Wants to have this big family dinner with all the people who helped and supported him while he was disbarred. Antoni teaches him how to make a big roast for special occasions and some easier healthy meals for normal days.
Bobby helps him reestablish his house, reducing the clutter that Phoenix has been too tired to clean himself along with making the space more usable to the big groups of family Phoenix wants to be able to host here without embarrassment. 
Tan takes him out to get new clothes. Before he does Trucy actually pulls Tan aside and says her uncle already got Daddy a new suit and can we arrange it so Daddy finds it because it’s perfect but Uncle Miles is worried he’s putting the pressure on too hard since Daddy’s already taking the bar exam for him again (again?) and-
Tan gets him a wardrobe that is more presentable and upscale for court/everyday. They ‘find’ a blue suit with a red tie. Phoenix breaks down crying and Tan is Very concerned but - No... I just... I know who made this suit. That jerk. Of course he already had a suit made for me. I love it. It’s perfect.
And Karamo and him talk about how he has all these people he owes so much to now because he couldn’t have done this without them and he doesn’t know how to even start paying them all back and honestly he was such a bastard these last few years and he’s not even sure how to stop being that person sometimes even though he Wants to. He wants to be that trusting person that Believes in people again. And maybe they all expect him to go back to being that person and he doesn’t want to disappoint them because he loves them so fucking much especially after they went and did this for him too-
And Karamo stops him and asks him if he saw the video that his family submitted asking them to come help Phoenix. Which he hasn’t.
Daddy gave up everything for me. To make sure I grew up happy and loved and he did. He’s the best Daddy in the world. And I want him to be happy. Just as happy as he’s made me.
Nick’s been there for me, when no one else was. Just. Over and over again. Believed in me when no one else did. Pearl give Trucy the camera and come tell everyone how awesome Nick is. He just needs a little help remembering that. Cause he’s a idiot sometimes.
Wright is... he’s my oldest and dearest friend. He’s brilliant and kind and he saved me. And if there is anything I can do to help him reclaim his proper place in the courtroom I would do it, without hesitation. Once you see him in court you’ll understand exactly why I- Kay. Kay why do you have a camera?!
You said you’d do anything Mr. Edgeworth!
I- what is this about?!
“You know you’re friends better than we do but I don’t think they’re keeping score. And if you really want to show your gratitude, beating yourself up over it isn’t the way to do it. You could start by saying thank you instead.”
“Heh. I told Edgeworth that same thing.”
And they invite the whole Wright family over to the big thank you feast. He’s cleaned up and wearing a nice Dad sweater. He gets dog piled in hugs and then Maya yells at him for not making hamburgers instead. Edgeworth shows up a hour late with a bottle of wine and a faint smile.
“Wright I was lead to believe you purchased a suit recently? If you’re done covering yourself in flour,” I’m gonna cover you in flour. “Would you like to show us.”
“Don’t expose the kids to your suit fetish Edgeworth.”
“That’s not! Wright just-. Put the damn suit on Wright.”
“Hahah yeah okay.”
He does and everyone tells him how great he looks and damn is that a waistcoat? Someone’s grown up. And not just out. 
And Edgeworth just watches him with quiet tender eyes as everyone else talks.
“Wright?” Hm? “You’re missing a part.”
“Huh? I got everything! I double- no - Triple checked!”
“You forgot this.” He opens his palm. A shiny golden badge in it. “Congrats on passing the bar exam.”
The episode is a fan favorite.
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