#fic: lucifer was an angel as well
the-bar-sinister · 5 months
for every "🌹" received in my inbox i'll post one random sentence of a random WIP i'm currently writing
Miles Edgeworth made a choked noise and seemed to fight not to spit out his coffee. "Power couple? Is there anyone in my circle of friends who hasn't fucked Kristoph Gavin?"
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prince-liest · 6 months
oh my god…. prince……. you can’t do this to me. you’re saying next fic has vox getting fucked, focuses on vox’s transness (AH), AND ALSO HES ON THE OFF SEE SAW OF HIS RELATIONSHIP WITH VAL?????? ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL MEE?!!?!!????? I THINK I MIGHT ACTUALLY COMBUST. and bc another anon asked abt how alastor views the violence in voxval’s relationship, i have Another thought on the matter. as much as alastor looks down on vox, they can be Very similar sometimes. they are both egomaniacs and very prideful. i don’t think vox, without outside interference, would ever ADMIT that the violence he faces is 1) something he truly hates AND 2) out of his control. he can’t admit he hates it, because then why isn’t he stopping it? that would be admitting to not being powerful enough or strong enough. and hello, 50’s toxic masculinity coming through, he CANT be a victim of domestic violence. he’s a powerful, rich, and important man. it all comes down to perceived weakness. so, the solution is to pretend he’s mostly fine with it. sure, he can act disgruntled and upset in the moment, but i don’t think he’d ever let himself take it seriously. because then he has to start drawing lines in the sand, and what happens then? will val look down on him? will he lose val? yeah, he is not risking that over a problem he mostly refuses to acknowledge exists. and as you said, this is all happening in the setting of hell, where ultra violence IS the norm, and vox himself is excessively violent. it’s the most delicious 50 layer cake of fucked up-ness.
RANT ASIDE THO. i have a question. 2. do you ever plan on having vox interact with the hotel crew outside of angel? ANDDDD what would charlie’s reaction be to their friendship/situationship/ kinda love affair. i think she could add SOOOOO much hilarity and Intense Emotions to this series. not that the boys haven’t been doing their part in that so far. charlie just intensifies everything she does, god bless her. -🌓
The "getting fucked" bit and the trans conversation bit are directly related to and relevant to each other, and frankly I'm just very happy to be out here writing the specific flavors of deeply queer shenanigans that I'm writing, and to have people actively enjoy that. It genuinely means a lot to me that I've strayed so goddamn far out of the bounds of good old top/bottom yaoi archetypes that introduced me to fandom and yet have a wildly enthusiastic audience nonetheless. So, that was my long way of saying that you bring me a lot of fucking joy, anon, hahaha.
As for everything you're saying about Vox, power, and masculinity: YOU! points dramatically at you YOU GET IT! YOU GET IT!!!!!! Everyone just read this, this is it, this is the thing. I have no notes to add. There is a reason that the main point he raises the moment he actually says something vulnerable about it (before he immediately cuts himself off) is a complaint that he's an overlord, so why—?
And with regards to your questions: I'm not gonna lie, my actual planning for 666 is usually, like, extremely by the seat of my pants. I plan nothing except, "Oh, shit, had an idea for the next one. Lesgoooo—" and that's been the case for literally every single installment. It's all just been evolving naturally and building on top of itself. So! I can't say that I plan to have Vox interact with the hotel crew or Charlie, but I also will never say that I'm actively opposed to it.
That said, I do think a lot of this fic is kinda structured around hitting specific topics that come up in intimate settings between Vox and Alastor specifically, with occasional tag-ins from Angel Dust, so I don't really know if there's anything in particular I'd like to write that I think would work better in this series if more characters got involved. But, hey! Never say never!
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quietwingsinthesky · 1 year
this gentle life of ours
(Other Links: Dreamwidth - FFNet - Pillowfort - Squidgeworld)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Archive Warning: N/A Fandom: Supernatural Ship: Midafer Additional Tags: Mpreg, Pregnant Lucifer (Supernatural), Pregnant Michael (Supernatural), Domestic Fluff, Light Angst, Alternate Universe Wordcount: 3039 Summary:
Getting Michael pregnant is an accident. Lucifer? Not as much. Or, Adam and his two pregnant archangel house spouses <3
Now this is for @nugget-of-joy, who gave me a prompt, yes, but made it a submission aksljdalskjd. but i forgive her and give her 3000-ish words. the original prompt was "Midafer with both angels being knocked up 👀 thoughts?" and my thoughts were Yes :)
Lucifer has been staying with them a few weeks by the time Michael starts to show.
Michael was the one who dragged him home. Adam doesn’t have the full story, only that one day it’s just him and Michael in the house and the next, their guest room is the devil’s new home. Of course he’s curious, but so far, he’s pretty sure he and Michael have carved out a life for themselves by virtue of no one noticing they got out of the Cage. Bringing Lucifer in jeopardizes that, sure, but trying to figure out where he was before Michael found him is asking for trouble that Adam, frankly, doesn’t need to deal with.
For the first few days, he didn’t even see Lucifer. Michael spent most of his time with him. The ability to be jealous was burnt out of Adam a few hundred years ago in Hell. It would require him to believe Michael would ever leave, and that’s not just unlikely, it’s laughable. Lucifer started leaving his room after that beginning lull. He was quiet. Adam might call him jumpy, even paranoid. It was something in his eyes. A hunted look. Pity came first and easiest, but compassion? That was harder to summon up for him.
Not until Michael was gone one day, and Lucifer was freaking out about something he refused to explain to Adam, and Adam had to tug him over to the couch to lay on top of him like his own personal weighted blanket. Lucifer melted where he was pinned under Adam. They stayed like that until Michael came back, far better equipped to help Lucifer than Adam was.
After that, he began to fit into their lives in places Adam hadn’t known were empty. Lucifer cuddled between them in bed and eating dinner at their table and sleeping in their bed. Michael takes brotherly love to a whole other level, and Lucifer soaks it up like he’s starved for it. Adam can't help falling in love with him, too. Especially as Lucifer begins to relax a little more, trust that he and Michael aren't about to throw him out. He learns to cook, he builds himself a garden, and he pouts for attention when he feels he hasn't gotten enough for the day.
And then, Michael is pregnant.
There really is no other outcome for him and Adam never using protection. Adam had assumed that Michael, being an archangel and powerful enough that he dragged them both out of the deepest part of Hell by pure stubbornness, was able to keep himself from being knocked up. Adam was wrong. He’s not that upset about it. Having a kid is terrifying, having one with Michael even more so, but at the same time, he thinks about their little terror running underfoot one day and finds himself smiling without meaning to. (He even thinks about their kid growing up with Lucifer still around, and… he likes it. This is their home, this is their life, and Lucifer is going to be a part of all of it.)
Michael's belly grows, the curve of it undeniably pushing on every shirt he wears. Adam’s a little obsessed. Michael will let him put his hands over the bump while he tells him what’s going on underneath. It’s too early to feel any kicking, but Adam can’t seem to pull himself away. That’s Michael’s baby. That’s his baby.
As his computer tabs fill up with searches about baby food and cribs, he begins to notice Lucifer watching them. He hovers in the doorway while Michael and Adam are debating which color to paint the new nursery. (Michael says it should be dark since the point of the room is to put the baby to sleep; Adam says it should be something brighter because they've had seen dark places in their lives.) He doesn't say a word when he sees Adam babyproofing the house (something Michael has told him again and again isn't necessary, as though an unprotected electric socket or a stray bottle of detergent could actually harm their child, but it's about the principle of the thing) but he does follow him from room to room. He pretends to be doing something else whenever Adam glances over at him, but he's not being particularly subtle. It's the first time Adam starts to have doubts about him being around their kid. They'll be half Michael's, half angel, but that other half of them will still be human. Adam's pretty sure that Lucifer's opinions on humanity haven't shifted much since the Apocalypse. (If anything, they've soured more since he's seen what humans have done to the world he loves. It's a touchy subject, and therefore, banned from the dinner table.)
It hurts more than Adam expected it would to think that Lucifer won't love their child as much as he and Michael will.
The morning after those thoughts begin to stew in his head is a pretty one. Almost clear skies with wisps of cloud that let the sun stream down through their windows. By the time Adam is awake, his bed has long been abandoned by his archangels. (The night before, Lucifer had still come to sleep with them, but for the first time, he'd slept with his back to both of them. Michael had noticed, but he hadn't said anything, only fallen asleep with his frown pulled tight.) Adam drags himself reluctantly from his bed to the kitchen. He can't hear coffee brewing, but Michael hasn't been able to stand the smell for the past week and Adam will do anything to make him more comfortable, even if his caffeine-addicted brain hates his guts for it. At least Michael's there for him to wrap himself around, face buried in the crook of his neck where he's warm and soft. Adam's hands sneak around his middle to caress his belly.
"Good morning," Michael says. Adam grunts an interim response while he wakes up enough to make words. Being near Michael is helping. He smells nice.
"Morning," Adam finally manages, and he lets Michael turn around in his arms so that he can kneel down and press a kiss to his baby bump. "Good morning to you, too."
"You know that they can't hear you yet, right?" Michael asks, spoiling Adam's fun. Adam ignores him.
"You be good to your dad today, huh? He's grumpy enough already." Michael huffs, and Adam smiles up at him. He rises to kiss Michael, wiping away any hint of annoyance. Adam rests his forehead against Michael's when the kiss breaks. He misses having Michael possess him, but Michael needs to keep their baby safe and the idea of being pregnant himself makes Adam extremely dysphoric. It's different when it's Michael, even in a body that mirrors his own. Michael is so happy with parts of Adam that used to make him feel sick that he sees them in a new light, and even his own memories of living in a body closer to how Michael keeps it are no longer as painful. Besides, and Adam can admit this without any shame, Michael looks hot carrying his kid.
It's Michael who tilts his head away from Adam to look behind him. Adam follows his gaze, glancing back over his shoulder as Michael asks, "Lucifer?"
Lucifer winces when Michael says his name. He looks immediately like he wants to be anywhere but there, watching the two of them talk about their child. He turns his gaze down to the floor and refuses to look up again.
"This isn't going to work," Adam says. "You can't stalk us around the house like this. What's so wrong about Michael having a kid that you can't even look at him?" Michael makes a noise, quiet and hurt, and Adam realizes he hadn't even put the pieces together about why Lucifer was acting weird. He hates that he had to be the one to bring it to light, but if they don't take care of it now, he can see it snowballing into a serious disaster. They've built something together, and Adam isn't about to give it up.
"I never said anything about that," Lucifer answers. He speaks very softly. Adam's never heard him raise his voice in the entire time he's been living with them. (He'd been expecting it. Arguments between him and Michael, day in and day out, only slightly better than the Cage because the insults wouldn't echo for a hundred years afterwards and cut just as deep. Instead, even as he feels more safe around them, Lucifer is still quiet. It's like something out there had fun breaking him, and no one had bothered to pick up the pieces before Michael brought him home.)
"Then stop acting"—Adam gestures at him, frustrated—"like that. Like the whole world is going to end because of a baby." Lucifer still won't look at them.
"Is that what this is about?" Michael asks. "Lucifer, our child-"
"Your child," Lucifer corrects. "Adam didn't give them to me. He gave them to you." Adam blinks. Finally, Lucifer glances up at them.
What's on Lucifer's face isn't disgust. It's longing.
"Are you jealous?" Adam asks in disbelief.
"Is that so hard to believe?" Lucifer's voice hardens for the first time Adam's heard in a long time. He turns his accusations onto Michael, ignoring Adam's surprise. "You knew we could create life? That I could-" There's a choke that cuts off his words, and silence, and quietly again, "You knew it would come out wrong if I did it, didn't you? That's why you weren't going to tell me." Lucifer was terrifying, once. Adam's sure he could be again, if he wanted to. He stands at the threshold of the kitchen, shoulders slumped, and looks as though he's been kicked until he won't get up again. "It would be like me." The resignation in his voice is so heavy, even Adam feels weighed down by it.
"Wait," he says, buying himself time to process all of that, "wait, you- You're mad at Michael because he's having a baby and you aren't?"
Adam's life was supposed to have reached the point at which it couldn't get more surreal a few years ago.
Lucifer doesn’t answer him. 
They have a big nursery. Room enough to fit two cribs, side to side. 
Adam takes a step away from Michael. He feels Michael’s fingers trail down his arm as he moves, but he’s not going anywhere. Only far enough to hold Lucifer’s hand and draw him further into the room. He shouldn’t be standing on the sidelines anymore. He belongs here.
“If you want a baby that bad, you could just ask,” he says.
”Michael already-“
”We can have more than one baby,” Adam explains, purposefully slow so that Lucifer will get annoyed with him and pull his energy away from being upset. It works.
”I didn’t tell you because I had no idea you wanted it,” Michael cuts in. “Brother, any child of yours would be a blessing, not a curse.” Michael lifts a hand to cup Lucifer’s cheek as Adam squeezes his hand. He can hear the words unspoken, and neither are you, and hopes Lucifer can, too. Though, if he still can’t, if he doesn’t believe Michael, then they have plenty of time to prove it to him. Starting with this.
“Then, you’ll let me have a baby?” Hope is such a rare thing to hear in Lucifer’s voice. Adam grins.
”Only if you’re okay with changing diapers.” Lucifer does make a face at that, but it melts away as he realizes he can get exactly what he wants. He squeezes Adam’s hand back. 
He waits a moment, and then says, “Has it happened yet?”
Adam and Michael stare at him. Lucifer stares back, unbothered. 
“We haven’t…” Adam trails off. It occurs to him that he’s never had sex with Lucifer, and Michael has never mentioned having sex with Lucifer, and between the Cage and the Apocalypse, Adam doubts he had time to get down and dirty with the demons or humans he equally despised. Which means that Adam has to ask a very important question. “You do know how babies are made, right?”
“Human ones. I’m not human.” Adam looks at Michael. 
“We’re in human vessels,” Michael says.
It takes Lucifer a minute of frowning to figure out what they mean. When he’s done, Adam swears he can see his cheeks flush. 
“I haven’t done that before,” he admits. 
The devil is a virgin. He’s asking Adam to deflower and knock him up all at once. It’s a lot for Adam to handle. His dick happily disagrees. This is exactly what it wants to handle.
There’s only one way to take care of him. Adam grips Lucifer’s hand in one of his and takes Michael’s with the other, and he leads both of them to their bedroom to finally make better use of their king-sized mattress.
By the time Lucifer’s baby bump is showing, Michael’s has grown huge, and Adam is in (exhausting) Heaven.
Their bedroom has become a nest where he swears more pillows are added every day. Being pregnant drains a lot of Lucifer and Michael’s energy, which they aren’t used to at all, leading to situations where they tire themselves out using more grace than they should and Adam has to haul them to bed or the couch to lay down for a minute. Michael gets cravings for foods that have gone extinct, and because of that, Lucifer’s garden is now crowded with several impossible plants bearing fruits that haven’t grown on Earth in hundreds of years. Adam keeps seeing toys at the store and buying them, even though it’ll still be a few months before the babies are born and longer before they’ll be able to appreciate stuffed animals.
Here, in their secret corner of the world, the future is starting to look a lot brighter.
(Adam’s not fooling himself, though. He knows this won’t be easy. He’s heard Michael and Lucifer whispering to each other about how much harder it’ll get to hide their children once they’re older. Adam hasn’t even met either of them yet, but he’ll fight off the whole world, Heaven and Hell included, if he has to to protect them. Though, maybe he’d be better suited to holding the babies while Michael and Lucifer take care of all that that.)
He’s rubbing lotion into Lucifer’s skin, the kind that brags it can ease stretchmarks, which Lucifer doesn’t really understand (He loves the few that he has. Adam’s seen him admiring them, pleased by the changes in his vessel.) but lets Adam do anyway because he loves being pampered. He’s almost purring under Adam’s touch, leaning back against his Michael’s side with his eyes shut.
Michael looks tired. He’s more prone to overextending himself than Lucifer is. Months of a baby nephil draining his grace haven’t taught him to take better care of himself, but that’s why Adam’s here. He can give Michael a massage once he’s done with Lucifer.
”We’ll raise them as brothers, right?” Lucifer asks. Adam drops a kiss to his navel. Michael’s belly button popped out a week ago, yet another difference between Adam’s body and the one Michael inhabits that was based off of his. Michael doesn’t answer long enough for Lucifer to open his eyes and glance up at him. Michael smiles. 
“Brother and sister, actually,” he corrects. Adam looks up from kissing Lucifer’s belly. Lucifer blinks, and then he looks even more excited than he did before.
”You’re having a girl?” Adam asks. Michael nods. Adam feels his chest pull tight. They haven’t even discussed names yet, but he’s been thinking, of course he’s been thinking, and Kate would be a lovely name for a baby girl, and- He takes a deep breath to calm his racing thoughts. “That’s amazing,” he says. They have all the time in the world to sort that out. 
“I love her,” Lucifer says. “I love both of them. They’re ours, Michael, we made them.” Lucifer’s voice gets soft, almost giddy, whenever he brings that up. It means the world to him that he can create this new life, that it will be beautiful and all theirs to take care of.
”What, not mine too?” Adam teases, though he knows Lucifer doesn’t mean it like that. Humans make babies all the time. Angels? Not so much. Still, Lucifer turns to look at him, still grinning. 
“And yours,” he agrees. "These ones and the next few-“
“Next few?” That’s the first Adam’s hearing of that.
“We can’t just have two. They’ll get lonely. We need at least four.” That tugs on Adam’s heartstrings a little, but not enough for him to agree to that just yet. 
“Let’s see how well we handle having these two first. Then we’ll see about having more.” Lucifer huffs, but he doesn’t argue. His hand splays over his belly. Adam covers it. 
“How hard could it be to raise two children?” Michael asks, with the doubt of someone who was left in charge of hundreds of little angels and thinks that any of those skills he acquired leading Heaven are going to translate neatly over to snacktime and putting them down for naps.
“We’ll see how you still feel once she’s able to cry,” Adam says. Michael does not seem convinced this is going to be a challenge. He’s going to eat those words, Adam’s sure, but they’ll get through it together. “Hey, how do your ankles feel?” Michael tips his head down, realizes he can’t see them past his belly, and props them up on the coffee table. Adam clicks his tongue. “I told you to stay off you’re feet or they’ll swell up worse.” 
“I’m not going to sit here and make you take care of everything,” Michael says as Adam slides off the couch and onto his knees, bringing Michael’s foot into his lap. He gently massages the swollen area.
”Why not? I would,” Lucifer says, sleepily. Michael sighs, but it rolls into one of relief as Adam rubs his foot.
Adam smiles to himself. They’re going to handle this just fine together.
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eggcats · 6 months
A really hilarious radioapple fic would be one where Alastor hears about Lucifer's "I am going to FUCK you/it's fuck you UP" mishap, and realizes that the king of hell just does NOT realize how to properly word things at ALL, ever.
And so when talking to him, Alastor just immediately translates it to the most logical (non-sexual) interpretation, and then just responds normally to it.
(Constantly correcting him when you know what he means is both a waste of time and not conducive to following Charlie's "please just get along!" rules, so Alastor doesn't bother anymore.)
Lucifer: "We should go get railed." (Translation: there's a cool train that takes you to an interesting part of the Pride Ring, and I think we should go check it out.)
Alastor: *sigh* "If we must, I have room in my schedule on Saturday morning."
Lucifer: (something something about wanting to be ran a train on)
Which is all well and good, but Alastor might have forgotten to tell everyone else that was what he was doing. So now everyone thinks him and Lucifer are not only hooking up, but loudly and without shame just talking about it in public.
Both Angel and Charlie are in hysterics - for completely opposite reasons.
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emilicious0 · 8 months
Oooh, I got a request!
Can I get a Lucifer X reader headcanons or fic where reader is like fascinated with his wings? Bc let's be honest, it angels were real, I definitely would be fascinated with their wings and he got three pairs of them!
lucifer x gn! reader
pt.2 !!!
after rebuilding the hotel, charlie's dad, lucifer himself, decided to stay with his daughter. done with living alone for so long, he started to create a bond with all of the residents (except alastor). with you, however, he finally found a true friend.
your friendship began when he visited the hotel before the battle, and charlie introduced you as one of the sinners looking for redemption. you were one of the first ones to ever believe in charlie's idea, and seeing how you supported her made him respect you. after the battle with the extermination army, he saw you protecting his daughter, which led to you two officially becoming friends.
of course, there is more to your friendship than just love for charlotte. you shared many similar interests. you were always interested in art and all of its aspects, which lucifer gladly discussed with you (he was amazed by different kind of art aspects that humans created). also, you happened to be a good listener, so the king of hell used you as his personal problem dump (not that you minded).
you were surprised by how well you two got along but weren't complaining about this newfound relationship whatsoever. lucifer was kind, protective, and someone to trust.
this evening was surprisingly peaceful by hell standards, and you decided to spend your time on the balcony, reading. you don't get many chances to do that peacefully in a place like this, so you were making the most of it.
while sitting there, you heard the flapping of wings, which made you tense up for a second, only to hear a familiar voice:
“well, look who it is!”
you looked up and couldn't hide the fascination forming on your face. lucifer landed on your balcony with three pairs of his beautiful wings behind his back.
when he landed, he did not hide them, noticing your shocked expression. you stared at him, which made the man blush a little. he loved it when you gave all your attention to him.
“y/n?” he asked, and you snapped out of your shocked state.
“can I touch your wings?”
you slammed your hands over your mouth, embarrassed and worried that this question was too rude.
lucifer got more flustered but smiled rather shyly and came closer to you.
with a low whisper, he said: “you can.”
you stood up and carefully put your hand on his shoulder, then on his right top wing. lucifer gasped quietly but stood still.
meanwhile, your hand moved across the wing, then lower to the second one. you carefully touched his feathers, shocked by the softness.
the man was melting at the feeling of your touch, loving how your fingers brushed his wings. he never really wanted that moment to end.
for this one moment, you both looked into each other's eyes, and sparks flew between you.
both of you wanted to say something, but words stuck in your tongue. you felt lucifer's hand on your waist and sensed your cheeks warming up.
your hands moved to his shoulders, and you both came closer to each other, somehow enchanted by one another.
“dad!” charlie's voice came from behind you, and you jumped away from each other. “there you are! I need your help! y/n, come with us too!”
“y-yeah, char, coming!” you said and followed the princess, but stopped to look at lucifer. “you coming?”
he, red in the cheeks, nodded and slowly followed both of you.
today, you two realized your feelings.
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champagnefountains · 8 months
Oh my goodness your Lucifer fic is SO cute! You write him very well! (Exited for possible pt 2) I was wondering since your requests are open if you'd be willing to write something for either Lucifer or Alastor (or possibly both) with a short shy/anxious reader? Super fluffy plz if possible and you're interested!
Hi Anon! Thanks so much for your submission. I hope you'll enjoy what I came up with! I had fun with this one (it got me giggling and kicking my feet or something...)
Word count: 1.2k words. Kinda got carried away, my bad. Genre: (Tooth-rotting) Fluff. Established relationship. Warning: None.
LUCIFER MAGNE with a shy and short S/O:
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Lucifer is quite short himself in comparison to a few demons. But, you? Being shorter than him? God, he’ll think you’re the cutest thing ever (plus, it was a massive ego boost on his part). And your timid nature only adds onto it. 
Expect him to be very touchy with you. There isn’t a second moment where he isn’t clinging onto or hugging you. Out in the public or even at the hotel, his arm would somehow always find its way wrapped around your shoulders or waist. He just wants to keep you close to him as much as possible, since you just seem to fit so snug and well in his arms. 
Lucifer loves it so much when you get all shy and flustered around him. His pride just flourishes whenever your face bursts into flames, especially knowing that it was because of him that you’re acting this way. He’ll tease you about it, but not too much because he cares for your poor heart. 
He also knows his million-dollar smile does wonders, so he’ll use it to his advantage. He’ll strike a smile or smirk at you out of nowhere when you would meet eyes, and he’ll revel in the way you’d melt so easily under his gaze. Though, it would be the same for him – his heart would burst with that warm-fuzzy feeling whenever you would send one of your precious smiles his way. This man is smitten and will worship you and the floor you walk on.
Is also super, super supportive of you whenever you get anxious – will do anything in his will to help distract you or alleviate any of your worries, whether it be just holding your hand, talking some nonsense to fill in the silence, or even flying you around to get some fresh air. He'll probably even have a duck-shaped stress ball for you to use whenever you get a bit fidgety.
Additional things I think Lucifer would do: he would give you a lot of forehead/head kisses; HE WOULD TOTALLY SET YOU DOWN ON A COUNTERTOP OR HIS DESK AND KISS YOU FR, OR HE'LL DO SO WHILST CARRY YOU WITH YOUR LEGS STRADDLING HIS WAIST I need self-control; he will shamelessly rant about how adorable you are in front of the others, even if they're all sick of it, 'cause he's just so proud to be your partner!
Lucifer found himself silently admiring you while you were all snuggled up against his chest. After another successful hard day's work, you spent the remainder of the night watching a couple movies together at the hotel’s lounge area.
Noticing a pair of eyes on your figure, you crane your neck up and with a small tilt of your head, you stare back at him in question.
The King suddenly felt his chest swell with so much love and affection for you. You didn’t even know how adorable you looked in his arms right now. Without warning, Lucifer dipped down and pressed his lips against yours, swallowing the surprised yelp that escaped your lips.
As you parted ways, Lucifer grinned widely as your cheeks noticeably began to redden. “W-What was that for?” You pouted.
“Sorry angel, but I just couldn't help it! You looked too cute – I couldn’t not kiss you then.” He stated matter-of-factly. He then leaned once again to press multiple pecks across your face – one on your forehead, on both your cheeks and another lingering one on your lips.
The out-of-the-blue affection had you swiftly burying your face into his chest, a poor attempt made to hide your embarrassment. You could only grumble in defeat as you felt the way his chest shook as he chuckled aloud, evidently amused by your flustered state.
ALASTOR with a short and shy S/O:
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Not gonna lie, this man will be so annoying but in an endearing way.
Alastor would tease you endlessly about your height, since the difference would be quite significant – it usually consists of him resting an elbow or his arms on the crown of your head, leaning onto you like you were some sort of personal arm-rest. He personally finds it quite amusing, like a joke that never gets tired. 
Since he isn’t really a huge fan of PDA, he would often give you head-pats. It’s a small, simple gesture but it’s his way of showing affection out in public. He would also often have your arms looped around one of his own whenever you two would walk together, side by side. 
Behind closed doors, I can see him as the type to pull you between his legs, your back pressed against his chest whilst he reads the newspaper or a book in bed. He would then use your head or shoulders to rest his chin on, to peer over you. Sometimes he would even play with your hair, looping them around his fingers whilst he absent-mindedly hums a sweet, little tune. Again, a simple gesture but also very intimate. I'm literally melting just thinking about it. I feel like he would do something similar like this whenever you get anxious – if it helps, he would also make you some tea on the side, and even let you play with his hands/fingers.
Being the huge tease he is, Alastor just loves how shy you get around him. He's the type to say things like: "Dear, do you have a fever? You look a little flushed," or "My, my, your face may be redder than my suit!" just to see you get riled up even more. But if another demon were to talk smack about how shy you were, you will not see them live another day. That's a guarantee.
Additional things I think Alastor would do: he and/or his shadows would help you grab things from high places or would lift you up by the waist for you to grab them; out of pure instinct, he will for sure become extra protective of you; would be the big-spoon in most cases; would tease you by retracting himself using his height whenever you would lean in for a kiss.
Alastor was quick to pick up on a small habit of yours very early on – how you would always hide your smile behind your hands. When he brought it up one day, you sheepishly told him that you were insecure about your smile, which perplexed the deer-demon. 
Just like now, Alastor couldn’t help but raise a brow as you hid your grin behind your palm whilst you chuckled at one of his corny jokes. “Now, now, this won’t do, my dear!” He clicks his tongue, waving a disapproving finger at you, “why must you always hide that gorgeous smile of yours?” 
A blush suddenly breaks out across your cheeks. You unconsciously found yourself looking down, embarrassed by the flattering remark, only for his finger to guide you back up by your chin. He then leans in but stops only centimetres away, his face dangerously close to yours. 
Alastor’s grin only grew wider, seeing how helpless and small you looked – eyes widened like a deer in headlights, and yet filled with anticipation. You looked so, so nervous. And yet, it was so endearing that he wanted nothing more than to scoop you up in his arms. 
“Now, does the ground look much more entertaining than I, dear? I don’t think it can make you smile the way I do.” He teases, his voice intentionally dropping an octave deeper. God, he was going to be the death of you.
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noemilivv · 7 months
What the Hazbin Hotel gang would call their s/o !!
Including: Charlie, Vaggie, Angel Dust, Alastor, Sir Pentious, Husk, Lucifer, Vox, Velvette, Adam
Warnings: I was going to have Niffty and Lute in this mix but ultimately had no ideas so I replaced them with Vox and Velvette instead, Not proofread
Charlie Morningstar
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Sweetie, Sunshine, Baby:
Charlie is more often to address you by your name, or a nickname of your name, but in the more soft and meaningful moments she’ll whip out a petname or two
Sunshine is definitely used the most, as cheesy as it is, you’re HER sunshine, and she wants you to know that!
Then sweetie comes in second, as I don’t see her using baby a lot, it just feels too… I don’t know, I just don’t see her using it a lot, she may or may not throw in an occasional ‘love’ though
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Hon, Babe, Sweetie:
I don’t think this list is very debatable, as it’s seen in the show
In my mind, Vaggie’s not a huge fan of most petnames, so her preference leans towards the more casual ones
She doesn’t really save a specific time to use them, she kinda just uses them whenever she feels like it
Also, definitely hon and babe are the ones she uses most, she doesn’t use sweetie as much as the others
Angel Dust
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Sugar, Baby, Handsome:
Now THIS is a list I think may possibly be debated, cause it’s not directly based off of the show
REASON BEING, is because his more well known names (Snookums, Toots, etc) I feel, in my personal opinion are more used in platonic settings for his female friends
I can see him using petnames personal to his significant other, but ‘baby’ is his most used, just cause it’s a classic, with handsome following in second
Obviously, he uses ‘sugar’, I just think he uses the others more, simply because they roll off the tongue for him easier
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My dear, Lovely, Darling:
‘My dear’ and ‘Darling’ I think are quite obvious as to why haha
‘Lovely’ gives me very old fashioned vibes and I just see him using it, not too sure why
I could also see him using ‘small one’ if you’re shorter than him
Sir Pentious
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Beloved, Sweetheart, Dear:
‘Dear’ I think is a bit obvious, cause he used it once or twice in the show, correct me if I’m wrong, I know he used it with Niffty in S1E6
And I can easily see him using ‘Beloved’ - he’s this dorky little man, and you ARE his beloved, so it’s just fitting haha
‘Sweetheart’, I don’t have a reason to be honest, I just don’t know
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Doll, Sweetheart, Hon:
‘Doll’ gives me vibes from the time period he died for some reason, and it kinda just fits his theme, so, no exact explanation for this one haha
Like Vaggie, he’s casual with his petnames, doesn’t use ‘em a whole lot, but ‘Hon’ has a tendency to roll of the tongue
For ‘Sweetheart’ it’s kinda for the more tender moments you two share, like in the moments when he looks at you thinks ‘Damn, I got so lucky with them’ and pulls you in for a soft kiss as he tucks your hair behind your ear and mutters ‘I love you so much, sweetheart..’ into your lips … Yeah those moments !
Other than that, he just usually calls you by your name, again, petnames aren’t usually just something that pop outta him a lot haha
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Sweetie, Angel, Lovey:
No offense to the people who headcanon this, but I’ve seen a few people think Lucifer would call his s/o ‘Duckling’ (like in x reader fics) and I’m so sorry but it’s not my thing, I just don’t think that😭😭
‘Sweetie’ is the one he uses the most but ‘Lovey’ tends to spill out of him the easiest
He tends to call you ‘Angel’ or ‘My Angel’ when you’re upset and he’s comforting you, no reason in specific, that’s just kinda how he does things haha
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My dear, My love, Baby/Babycakes:
‘Babycakes’ is definitely used in a more joking manner, other than that, Vox is a classy pet names kinda guy haha
‘My dear’ is his default but ‘My love’ definitely slips out from time to time
I think an honorable mention is just straight-up ‘Love’ — I can also see him using that one a lot
Ultimately it depends on the day with him tbh
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Baby, Sugar, Darling:
‘Sugar’ is kinda just a whenever per name, while ‘Baby’ is most likely used during sex, they both just kinda fit her atttitude yk? haha
As for ‘Darling’, it’s more often that not used in a more soft setting, but not always
I can also see her using ‘Honey’ every once in awhile, but it’s mostly mood based
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Babe, Sugartits (or Hunk for M!readers), Sexy:
‘Babe’ is his go to, no questions asked, it kinda just fits him and his ego personality, ya know?
But ‘Sugartits’ is more so used in a joking manner, although ‘Hunk’ isn’t as much
‘Sexy’ …? I don’t even have an explanation for LMAO
Sometimes, maybe just MAYBE Adam will slip out a ‘Honey’ when he’s feeling soft :)
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writeyouin · 8 months
Lucifer (Hazbin Hotel) X Fem-Reader - Sinless Sinners
Chapter 1 - Hate For All Sinners
A/N – I couldn’t stop thinking about this short King after episode 5 of Hazbin Hotel came out. This is mostly a fic for me, to get me back into writing. (WILL DO A MALE AND NONBINARY ONE SOON!)
Warnings – None.
Rating – T
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“Who’s that?” Lucifer asked, pointing you out to Charlie.
In truth, he would’ve likely asked that of the next person he saw. As Charlie’s father, Lucifer was trying desperately to show how interested he was in his daughter’s project, even if he was barely holding onto anything she said. It wasn’t that he was disinterested, or too ignorant to understand the situation, but rather that after spending so much time as a recluse, locked away in the protective space of his workshop where he wouldn’t have to see the sinners or the Hell he was responsible for creating, Lucifer could barely comprehend what was going on around him. He knew it was because he was depressed, but he was trying and he had to make Charlie see that, even if it meant feigning fits of hypomanic excitement.
Yet, Lucifer found himself genuinely… horrified by you. He had seen many types of Demon over the millennia. Typically, they tended to represent Earth’s animals, such as that annoyingly powerful Deer Demon, Alistair, whom Lucifer had met thanks to this very tour… not that Alistair was worth mentioning, piece of shit that he was, mingling with Lucifer’s daughter when he had no right to even breathe the same air as her-
Lucifer caught his snowballing thoughts, turning them back to you. You weren’t an animal Demon. There were other types of Demons of course, though Flora and Fauna were the most common; object Demons also existed, such as that rather famous one that people talked about, the TV Demon, V-something? Lucifer couldn’t remember his name. He didn’t watch Television… he didn’t do much of anything these days.
“Oh,” Charlie sidled over to you, wrapping her arm warmly around your shoulder as she corralled you towards her father, “Dad, this is (Y/N). She’s one of the hotel’s, uh, allies I guess, right (Y/N)?”
“That’s right, Sir,” You held out your hand for Lucifer, who was staring dumbly at you, uncertain what to make of you.
As the ruler of Hell, fuelled by angelic power, Lucifer could always read a Demon, or rather, he could read their strength. For example, he knew after only one meeting that the bartender, Husk was a strong Demon, though his power was clearly being dampened by a soul contract, whereas that little snake fellow Sir Pentious was rather weak, though he had potential if he could manage to claim even a few souls of his own, but you? You were entirely different.
First off, you didn’t resemble an animal, plant, or object… You were the most human-looking Demon that Lucifer had ever seen; frankly, he found that disturbing. Secondly, you didn’t seem to have much if any power. What was wrong with you? To come off as human with little demonic power… Well, if Lucifer didn’t know any better, he would guess that you weren’t a sinner at all, but you had to be. You were definitely dead; that much he could tell. And, you were in Hell.
Dead and in Hell - those were the only two qualifications for becoming a Demon, so why were you like this?
“Dad, are you listening?” Charlie said exasperatedly, clearly annoyed that Lucifer’s thoughts seemed to have trailed off once again.
“Oh, yes, of course,” Lucifer stated, staring at your hand which you had seemingly retracted when he wasn’t paying attention. Damnation! Now Charlie was going to think he had snubbed her friend on purpose.
“So, (Y/N) is another one of your patrons. That’s nice.”
“What? No. Dad, I just told you, (Y/N) has no interest in being redeemed.”
“Oh,” Lucifer looked you up and down disapprovingly. It figured. Even this non-Demon was looking for power in Hell, probably so you would finally be a killer worth bragging about – Honestly, what was the point? All sinners were the same. Greedy, destructive forces who wouldn’t stop until there was nothing left to break.
“Yep, she’s our only permanent resident who wants to help rehabilitate other souls. Isn’t that great? She helps with everything here, and she doesn’t ask for anything in return.”
“That’s not true,” You blushed at Charlie’s praise. “Your daughter is very generous, Sir. She lets me stay here rent-free.”
“And that’s all you want?” Lucifer asked suspiciously.
“Honestly? Yeah.”
Lucifer shook his head but didn’t argue. He didn’t want to know what your real motivations were. It was probably as simple as hoping for regular boons from the Princess of Hell; you were clearly just biding your time. Besides, if you didn’t want to redeem your soul, then you must be just like Alistair, a sadistic monster just waiting to see Demons repeatedly fail in their attempts at redemption.
Now that his curiosity was sated, Lucifer decided that he didn’t want to lay eyes on you again. You weren’t worth his time. Only Charlie was… Well, Charlie and Vaggie, because any woman his daughter loved was practically family to him. He was glad when the tour continued, leaving you behind to catch Nifty who was trying to pull a piece of fabric from Lucifer’s coat, muttering something about the ‘Ultimate bad boy.’
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“Okay, I can get you the meeting,” Lucifer agreed, doing what he could to support Charlie’s dreams of saving her people, even though he didn’t think there were any redeeming qualities for any denizen of Hell.
It hurt him to tell Charlie that he wouldn’t be able to go with her to that lofty paradise, having been cast out; how he wished he could protect his daughter from those who carried out God’s will. Still, she never asked him for anything, and if this was what her heart most desired, he would do all in his power to help.
“Will you be okay?” He asked sombrely.
“I’ll be fine,” Charlie assured him, taking hold of his hands.
“That’s my girl.”
For a moment, it looked like Lucifer was done, but he paused, worried that this wasn’t enough to make up for the years he had been absent, leaving Charlie to fend for herself while he shut himself away.
“Is there anything else you need?”
Charlie couldn’t help but worry about her father. What would happen when he went back into isolation? He needed something to focus on, but… What was there for him when all of Hell was his prison?
She couldn’t help thinking about how little Lucifer thought of all the other citizens of Hell. If only he could see that they weren’t as terrible as he thought. Granted, they could be violent, and loud, definitely rambunctious, but these were his people, and he had to see that his gift of Free Will was a good thing, yet, if she said any of this, she was certain Lucifer would only laugh at her or tell her to get real while playfully pinching her cheek. There was no way that Lucifer would leave his home to hang out with any citizen of Hell.
Then it hit her. If Lucifer wouldn’t leave his manor to visit people, then people should be allowed to visit his manor. Or better yet, one person should be chosen to go and live with Lucifer so that he would learn just how good people could be, and Charlie knew just the person for the job.
“Actually, Dad, there is one more thing.”
“Name it,” Lucifer smiled, glad that his daughter wanted to ask things of him, as any normal child should want from their parents.
“I think it would be good for you to socialise, just a little bit.”
“Charlie,” Lucifer’s voice was strained at the thought of going anywhere else in Hell.
“I know,” Charlie reassured him, looking into his eyes; she looked so understanding that he relaxed slightly. Then, she continued in a more upbeat tone, “That’s why I think you should take (Y/N) to live with you, as your maid!”
She pounded her palm decidedly, much like a judge pounding her gavel.
“What? NO!” Lucifer sputtered.
You for your part, had seemingly been shocked into silence, watching the exchange uncertainly while Alistair grinned devilishly at you, and Angel Dust was holding in a snicker. Granted, you could have argued, but Charlie was stubborn, and she always had some kind of wild idea. Whatever she was thinking, you decided that you would go along with it; there was usually a method to her madness after all.
“It’s fine, Dad, (Y/N) doesn’t mind, right (Y/N)?”
You shrugged your shoulders passively, “I guess?”
“See? You should get to know your citizens, Dad. It will be good for you, I promise. They’re not all as bad as you think.”
Lucifer took one hard look at you. Honestly, he wished his daughter had picked the porn star or that psycho maid. You, as a very human-looking Demon, were a vicious reminder of his past mistakes. Still, he had told his daughter he would do anything for her, and he had already promised her a meeting with Heaven, and nothing could possibly be worse than that.
“Alright,” He agreed.
Then, he summoned a portal for you with the flick of his wrist.
“Good luck, kiddo.” He said to Charlie, and upon keeping a safe distance from you, he waited for you to step through the portal.
“Charlie, I’m assuming that you have a good reason for this,” You said before taking a step towards your newly appointed home, “Just call me if you need anything.”
With that, you were gone, followed closely (though not too closely) by Lucifer.
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1-victoria-1 · 3 months
Alastor x Child!Doe! Reader part 2
A/n: hello dear readers! This is part two of the Alastor x child!doe!reader fic and i hope you will like it!
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Alastor would have never thought that he would enjoy the company of a child much less a little child, as he always thought children were annoying creatures but you, you were different, you were his little sunshine, his little doe daughter who loved him like a father.
Alastor was a morning person and as a morning person the first thing he does is go downstairs of the hotel and then in the kitchen to make himself his hellish bitter coffee, of course he couldn't just let his darling daughter aline in his room, he took her with him, carrying the still sleeping doe in his arms and chuckling when she stirs awake and just babbles like always, looks like she wasn't really a morning person but he can endure that!
While making himself coffee he would also make you your cacao or hot chocolate, he never liked sweet things but his now adopted daughter is the only sweet thing he will ever accept in his eternal life.
He will make you some quick breakfast like an omelet or scrambled eggs with bacon and then he will take you with him to the balcony of the hotel with chairs and a table and snap his fingers so the food and drinks would arrive, of course he also took a blanket with him so you wouldn't get sick as he has heard that children in hell tend to get ill quicker then on earth.
And today was also special, well at least for your big sister Charlie! Her dad was coming, and well the residents at the hotel have already explained to you many times that charlie was a princess, the princess of hell to be specific and her dad is the devil, Lucifer, but well you were a child after all and didn't really understand those things with devil and stuff but you understood that you had to behave well when he will be here, because his Charlie's family! But you did need to think of what to call him, just Lucifer was boring to you, you have names for everyone! Like big sister Charlie and big sister Vaggie, big brother Angel, Uncle Husk, big sister Nifty and Uncle Pentious, even egg bois had names, you called them your cousins! And alastor was your dear and unreplaceable papa! But you had time to think on what to call Lucifer so it's okay.
After breakfast Alastor would tell you to wash up which you did and then he would change you, he changed you in a cute red blouse with ruffles and some black details like butterflies and stuff and a cute black skirt with ruffles as well, black Tights and cute red flats with straps , and he gave you the mini version of his microphone cane that rosie made for you, now you looked like a full little lady to go! Alastor whipped away an invisible tear as you beamed happily because you looked like your papa at some point, gosh you were adorable!
When you both went down, well more like Alastor was the one carrying you as you were babbling away innocently.
When you both were in the lobby, everything was done for the king's arrival and Alastor still held you like his little treasure with his usual smile, and charlie being nervous about her fathers arrival was noticeable so you wiggled out of your papa's grip and ran to her and tugged on her red pants and and then patted her to calm her down, you really were a pure soul, and a motivation for Charlie to keep going with her dream of redemption for sinners.
After a moment the king finally arrived and everything went like in the show until Alastor insulted Lucifer and Charlie went in between them to get them away from one another and you ran to your papa and patted his leg and looked up at him with a pouty face and said "no bad words! Bad papa!", Alastor just chuckled and forgot about the short king and pucked his darling up and resured you that it was okay for him to use 'bad words' but not for you because you were a little lady but you were okay with that and snuggled to your papa.
Lucifer only then noticed you, a small child, in hell, and he could feel your pure and innocent soul, which made him question why you were here.
He asked Charlie and when she told him what you told them at your arrival and how Angel explained to them that you died from drug overdose from your father, which made Lucifer furious and he wanted to literally jump on Alastor and skin him alive, he thought that alastor was the one that killed you because you were calling him papa.
Charlie noticed how her father was, well, growing his horns and his ever going red, she quickly resured him that Alastor wasn't your biological father but your adoptive one.
You had called Charlie big Sister many times that day which made Lucifer think ' I'ma adopt this cute' because you reminded him of smaller Charlie with your innocence but he couldn't really adopt you because Alastor was always by you and glaring at lucifer as if he could hear his thoughts.
Lucifer was also furious at heaven for being foolish and sending an innocent soul down to hell for something they couldn't do and didn't even understand, like you literally didn't even now understand where you were, like that's messed up, even from heaven.
After this exhausting day, how Alastor would like to call it after protecting his daughter from a certain king of hell who wanted to steal his only light in this dark and unholy afterlife.
He gave you your usual juice box and changed your clothes to pj clothes and read you an bedtime story as you fell asleep while hugging a deer plushie you got from Alastor.
Alastor when he finished the story, quietly left the room and went to his raio tower, still dressed in his usual outfit and looked at the sinner who had insulted you and tried to grab you away from him the other day on your way with alastor to cannibal town to visit Rosie.
Clearly after those 7 years of his absence, those filthy sinners have forgotten to not mess with the radio demon.
Let's just say this was one of his longest broadcasts of a screaming sinner in a long time, and he felt satisfied when he tortured the sinner, of course he had to stop when he heard a small knock on his radio tower door as he knew it was you, he teleported the filthy sinner to his house away from the pentagram city and opened the door to his radio tower and saw your sleepy form while hugging the deer plushie.
He didn't ask you why you were awake as he knew you either had a nightmare of your past or just felt scared without your papa, and with that the day ends with you and your papa sleeping on the couch in his radio tower with soft jazz playing in the background and your soft snoors.
A/n: thats it for part two! I hope you enjoyed it dear readers, i will write part three tomorrow and also publish it!
And i have had a few more ideas for fanfics or mini series so stay tuned and have a great day or night!
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yummymitzy · 2 months
Dangerous, right?
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Summary: Being consultants in the LAPD was practically a routine for you and your brother, Lucifer. But you soon agreed that it was time for a change of scenery, in New York.
WC: 6,102
Pairings: Natasha Romanoff x Fallen angel! reader
A/N- This fic took wayy longer cause I kept forgetting it was in my drafts😬
————♡ ————
Being fallen angels and living luxuriously in Los Angeles really came as a shock to you, especially when you and your brother were working for the LAPD as consultants. You two quickly got settled with your routines, and it probably had changed you both for the better.
You take that back, it really did change you both, not always for the better but improved your attitudes. You both stopped using harsh violence when it came to bad people, instead you both resorted to intimidating them. 
Now anyone could say that it was because you both sort of were cops and that you had to stop using violence, but you honestly didn’t care. They weren’t there to see you both improve so why feel the need to comment on it?
————♡ ————
You honestly forgot when exactly you and Lucifer had gotten yourself settled in with this luxurious life but neither of you were complaining. You really weren’t, but recently there has been this nagging thought in the back of your mind.
You felt like you could use a change of scenery, take a trip somewhere, probably treat it as a vacation. But you always brushed the idea off, not wanting to immerse yourself at the thought of it. 
Also because you didn’t want to mention it to Lucifer, not that you would have cared but his moods are incredibly sharp. Either he could be so overjoyed at the idea, or he’d think about it and come back to you days later.
But that changes today, well at least you hope. You absolutely did not want to miss out on a chance for a change of scenery, practically ready to squabble with your dear brother if he had rejected.
Waltzing out of your dramatically large bedroom, you honestly wondered why the room was so unnecessarily large when you were the only person living in it. You walked down the hallway down to the living room, assuming he’ll be on the couch drinking away.
Like you assumed, he was sat on the couch, leaning back into the cousins as he nursed a glass of whiskey as he stared at whatever was playing on the TV. 
A mischievous smile finds its way in your faces as you quieten your steps, before you walk up behind the couch. Snatching his glass of whiskey as you took a sip of it, the action making Lucifer snap his head towards you.
“The hell was that for?” He raised an eyebrow, the hand originally holding the glass was still raised before he dropped it after realizing. 
“Just wanted a sip. You could always refill it, the bottle is just right there, Lucifer.” You smirked before handing him back the glass of whiskey, your face dramatically contorting into an offensive look as he snatches it back. 
“No, that wasn’t what I was here for though, as much fun as it is bothering you, I have a suggestion.” You laugh as you rounded the couch and plopping yourself down right next to him as you smile at him. 
“And what may that be?” He turns his head to you as his eyebrows pinch together lightly in confusion. 
“What do you think about a little trip to New york?” You propose, your eyes examining his features, attempting to determine what he was thinking. 
Lucifer laughs, a full on belly laugh. As you furrow your eyebrows in confusion as your shoulder slumps slightly, had he thought your idea was stupid?
“What are you cackling for?” 
“Well, I just never thought you’d take this long to go somewhere outside LA.”
Your face feigns an overly dramatic look as you placed your hand above your heart. “I’m wounded, that really hurt me, Luci.” Your face shifting into a slight pout.
“Oh, you’ll be fine. But what about our jobs?” He rolls his eyes before they snap back to you while he took a sip of his whiskey that he had been swirling.
“We’ll resign, plus I think I know somebody who can set us up. The new job won’t be as different” You shrug as you leaned back further into the couch. You and Lucifer had went through hard work to even place yourselves a spot as consultants, especially with your past antics just made it more difficult.
But you had a feeling that with this new job you both will be cashing up, they wont judge based on either of your past mistakes. Reaching back into the back pocket of your jeans, you pull out your phone.
Lucifer noticed you were dialing up a number and he rose an eyebrow at you. You put a finger up to your lips as if to shush him, which it was. On the third ring, you were starting to get impatient but thankfully your contact finally picked up the phone.
“Y/n, to what do I owe the pleasure for your call? Because I do remember that you ghosted me last time.” 
You wince, completely slipped your mind that you had did that. But who was to judge you, he gave you an ultimatum and both choices weren’t good ones.
“I did that? Slipped my mind, anyways Nicky. I originally wanted to call you regarding business.”
You set the phone on speaker but sending a look towards Lucifer to keep quiet, to which he nods.
“Business eh? Fine. Just don’t run away this time.” You roll your eyes at his words, was he ever going to let that go? It was like he was practically holding a grudge against you for following your heart.
“Okay, anyways. Me and my brother were considering transferring to New York, and I was wondering if you still reserved that spot for me.”
There was a moment of silence before you heard the shuffling of, papers?
“If you both get here quick then I’ll consider your spots.” Your eyes snap to Lucifer, raising an eyebrow as you both try to brainstorm the quickest way to New York.
“Kay, thanks Nicky.” You hang up as you drop your phone next to you onto the cushions of the couch, the phone bouncing before it finally stopped.
“Let’s just teleport there.” “Teleporting.” You and Lucifer said at the same time, the action making you smirk before you stood up and pocketed your phone once more.
“Kay, now let’s hurry up before Fury pops a blood vessel.” You turn your head to glance at him behind you before you walked off and into your bedroom.
You knew Fury and his tests, it was common sense he’d try and test your skills once more, especially with how long you had ghosted him for. But this time, you couldn’t help but think he had something else under his sleeve, and it wasn’t his tests.
Standing in the middle of your room, you immediately went straight to your walk in closet. This home really had its perks, you were honestly glad Lucifer bought it. Rummaging through the depths of your neatly folded clothes, you found what you were looking for.
Its appearance was one of a jewel, more so a ruby. It was roughly cut and sharp, as if it was made to be a head of a spear. The mere jewel wasn’t only a jewel though, it was a powerful weapon that was soon passed down to you. 
It was certainly stronger than you and Lucifer combined, containing magic that could even kill higher entities. You never considered harnessing it, as you mostly relied on the powers you were born with. 
But you knew Fury wasn’t going to just let the two of you join without testing your limits. As you gazed down into the jewel, you could practically see your reflection on it, but except it wasn’t your regular form. 
Your reflection on the jewel revealed yourself with your horns on show, the elongated horns traveling back before it curled in on itself, much like a goat. You broke your stare from your horns, your eyes traveling to your wings folded behind you on your back.
You blink a few times before looking away from the jewel, sighing as you tucked the jewel into the pocket that hid on the inside of your zip-up jacket. Your eyes skimmed across your room, looking for anything else you should consider taking with you to New York.
Assuming there wasn’t anything left to bring, you turn and walk towards your bedroom door, closing it with a soft thud as you left the room. You notice Lucifer back in the living room but not in the same spot as you had left him.
“You got what you need, brother?” 
“Well there isn’t anything else to bring, not unless you want me to bring a bottle of wine to greet them.” 
You laugh while you rolled your eyes at his comment before flames begin to emerge by the both of your feet. “Just don’t piss them off, Lucifer.” You say the moment before the flames engulf your face.
It was necessarily hard to describe what you were seeing while you teleported there, it was as if you were in space floating around for a split minute. The process was quick though, before you knew it, you were in New York and just right outside Fury’s meeting room where he told you to meet up.
You waited for at least a minute for Lucifers arrival, your hands reaching down into the pockets of your zip-up and tugging at the loose threads. You zoned out for however long it was and didn’t notice Lucifer shuffling as he regained his composure next to you.
“Y/n?” Your eyes immediately snap towards him before sighing, jeez were you that zoned out. You blink a few times before taking another deep breath to compose yourself, before turning towards Lucifer once more.
“Kay, let’s head in now. Looks like Fury’s just waiting for us.” You nod your head in the direction of the door as you turn to open it quietly, as to not disturb Fury’s oh so wonderful speech.
But quietly didn’t really work out for you as Fury’s eye promptly travels to you, get it, eye? Not eyes? Okay, anyway. His attention hadn’t been the only one you and Lucifer caught, as you took notice of a bulky blond man clad in a very bright blue suit staring straight at you both. 
Alongside with the man sitting next to him, another bulky man but clad in a dark combat suit with an eminently noticeable metal arm with a red star that resided on the shoulder. It looked cool, not everybody can walk around with a cool metal arm.
Your eyes soon travel back to Fury only to find he’s still staring at you, but you notice his mouth opens as he begins to speak once more as he stands up straighter. 
“Avengers,” Fury grabs their attention, their heads turning to meet him as they wait for what he’s going to say. “As I’m sure, Steve and Bucky already noticed the two new individuals in the back of the room.” 
Their heads snap in the direction of you and Lucifer, for a moment your gaze meets with a redheaded woman as she seemed to be analyzing you? Her face was void of any emotion, not letting you determine what had been going on in her head. 
You blink before averting your gaze away from her, your eyes focusing themselves on Fury as he continues to speak. “This is why I called for todays meeting, we will welcome two additional member, Y/n and Lucifer.” 
You see the redhead in the corner of your eye furrow her eyebrows at the mention of your names, you heard Lucifer let out a quiet sigh as neither of you didn’t really feel like explaining.
“As in the two fallen angels, Y/n and Lucifer?” You heard the white man with the blue suit inquire, his head tilting to the left slightly as he raises his eyebrows in question.
“Well there can’t be another pair of us, can there?” You quip, effectively cutting Fury off before he answered him, you raised an eyebrow towards the blond man as a smirk begins to tug on the corner of your lips. 
Fury clears his throat as he begins to speak once more, the action making you huff as you roll your eyes. Your eyes found themselves falling back onto the redhead, finding that she had already been looking at you.
You send her a soft smile and a wink as you immediately avert your gaze, prompting to try and familiarize yourself with the other members. You find yourself soon looking at a gruff looking man, he had a bow perched on his back while his bag of arrows hung on the back of his chair.
Looking towards the woman next to him, her clothes had an immensely dark contrast compared to the blond man from earlier. What would you expect, you couldn’t really imagine a white man with striking blue eyes to wear dark clothes.
You were pulled from your thoughts as you felt a nudge to your arm, looking to your left, you see Lucifer already glancing at you with a certain look. It was a stern look, as if to tell you to pay attention, weird. Lucifer was always the mischievous one out of the pair.
You notice that Fury had already gone through most of his talk and was asking for anymore questions, your eyebrows raising up to your forehead at the amount of people perking up. Glancing at Lucifer, you could tell that he was just as surprised as you were. 
“How come Fury never recruited you two earlier? Could’ve used the help.” A man with slightly slicked back hair with a sharp beard spoke up, making you smirk. He had a big ego, you could tell that you and him were immediately going to be close. 
“Simple, he did….Well tried. But we ghosted him, we weren’t up for that yet.” 
“So wait, if you both are fallen angels then where are your wings?” The blond man questioned once more. You roll your eyes while Lucifer snickered, his shoulders shaking as he laughed, but Lucifer soon decided to perk up once he composed himself.
“We still have them.” 
“Then where are they? They clearly aren’t on your back.” Somebody new quips, making your eyes snap to the origin of the new voice. Now this person you couldn’t miss, it was Bruce Banner, or well the Hulk. 
Now one could question why you didn’t know everybody else but him, well simply because he’s so reckless that he really makes a name for himself everywhere he goes. You see Lucifer in the corner of your eye clenching his jaw, trying his hardest to not laugh in his face, so you decide to speak for him.
“Well, Bruce. Would people still see a part of hulk in you once you transform back into your human form? Cause pray to the gods you aren’t green, or as large as this room.“ You quip as you raise an eyebrow at him, your eyes narrowing slightly before your face breaks out in a grin while Lucifer cackles. You can hear quiet snickering coming from the room as you stare straight through Bruce.
You and Lucifer glance at each other before spreading your wings to their full length, you were aware honestly glad that you managed to create clothes that never ripped after displaying your wings. The action was quick, your wings popped out as they gracefully folded behind you, still on display.
You could honestly laugh with how stunned Bruce looked, but with the way Fury had glanced you and Lucifer, you kept quiet.
“Enough. Natasha, Steve, can you please escort Y/n and Lucifer to their quarters?” Fury rolled his eye as he slumped back into his chair, his hand rubbing at his temples. You heard the two individuals hum in response as they stood up and walked over towards you and Lucifer. 
“I better not find you fucking the American Idol, Luci.” You lean into his side as you whisper in his ear before you stood up straight as you felt Lucifer glaring at your side profile.
You notice that the redheaded lady, that you now know as Natasha is going to be the one escorting you, making you smile slightly. She really had interested you.
“Y/n Morningstar, and who may you be?” You inquire in a soft voice as you held out your right hand.
“Natasha, Natasha Romanoff.” She replied, her voice was husky which made her all the more attractive to you. But her tone that came along with her voice gave you a feeling she didn’t like you. 
She took your hand in her glove cladded hands before she swiftly turned around and started walking down the hall, the action surprising you before you immediately started walking by her side.
You snuck side glances here and there while on the way to your quarters, she had a cute button nose with plump lips. But what caught your attention the most was her slightly pinched together eyebrows and clenched jaw. 
That sold it for you, even if you weren’t able to read mind, you could tell she didn’t like you. At all. The two of you made it to an elevator and boarded it, your mind soon travelled to Lucifer and wondered how he was holding up. 
But that thought soon disappears as Natasha breaks the silence between you two. 
“Listen, I don’t know where the hell you or your brother came from but don’t expect anything from me or the team, you aren’t here to be buddies with us. Just stay out of the way.” She turned to you, her eyes narrowed as her face contorted into a slight snarl.
Your jaw instantly clenches while you keep your eyes on your reflection on the elevator doors. You take a slow breath as you close your eyes, your jaw slowly relaxing as you try to keep your cool. 
“Alright.” You mumble, well damn, there goes the chance of trying to make a friend in this cruel world. You always wondered why everybody recoiled so far from you and your brother the moment they find out you truly are. Would there ever be people who would accept you? 
You were stood in the middle of the room, examining the area of space. It was spacious, incredibly at that, you knew Tony would spent tons of thousands on room upgrades just so he could feel luxurious. 
Had you gotten to know him after that interaction with Natasha, oh yeah. Tony was exactly like you, but a male version, no offense to Lucifer. Lucifer was similar to you but he had 
aspects that you were deeply happy you didn’t have.
You honestly were disappointed that the redhead was so hostile with you, you and Lucifer just wanted a tiny get away from LA. You shrugged it off, you couldn’t be friends with everybody, it’s bound to have a few people disliking you. 
A sharp knock echoed throughout the room, making you whirl around towards the door with your eyebrows pinched together. You slowly waltz to the door as you wondered who would be at your door.
You swung the door open and to your dismay, it had been Natasha. Her hand was still raised before it quickly shot down to rest at her side, her face was still void of any emotion as you stare through her with a raised eyebrow.
“What do you need, Natasha?” She blinks as her arms crossed over her chest as she kept heavy eye contact with you with her emerald gaze.
“We’re testing your abilities, get ready and meet me in the training room in 5.” Blunt. That was real blunt. Natasha leaned onto your doorframe, putting her weight in it as she waits. You assume she isn’t going to leave so you walk back into your room, grab your phone and walk past her.
“You aren’t going to change?” She asked, raising a perfectly arched eyebrow at you as she turned her head to glance at you.
“I wasn’t able to bring any clothes, was just planning to buy some tomorrow with Lucifer.” She hummed in response before standing up straight and shuts your door. 
“You mind leading me to the training room?” You hold out your arm to let her pass by you before you started walking right behind her. She huffs but stays quiet as she walks down the halls she practically memorized like the back of her hand.
The walk on the way to the training room was unbelievably quiet, to the point your footsteps could be considered the loudest.  Once the two of you enter through the doors of the room, straight away you notice Lucifer with Steve. 
You roll your eyes as a smile breaks its way onto your face, you could tell Lucifer was pulling his punches, afraid to hurt the American boy. Lucifer and you were powerful beings, but it was hilarious to see him try and hold back. 
But deep inside you knew it was because you both never hurt anybody other than those who deserved it. You shake that thought from your head as you walk towards the benches, opting to wrap your hands just in case, also to pass time.
You heard shuffling next to you on the bench as you felt a thigh press against yours. Looking up from your hands, you see Lucifer barely breaking a sweat as he drink from his water bottle.
“When are you planning to tell them that you’re pulling your punches, Luci?” You whisper as you turn your head slightly to get a glimpse of his face, a smirk forming on your face.
“If you have a problem with me pulling them, why don’t you train with me?” He raised an eyebrow at you as he tossed his water bottled from one hand to the other. 
His voice happened to be loud enough for a few other members to hear, making you subtly kick his foot at his comment. “Fine, get in the ring.” You shrug, standing up from the bench as you stepped your way to the ring.
Standing up straight in the ring, you let your mind wander as you disassociated yourself from the stares of the other members. You take a deep breath, trying to get yourself in the zone and relaxed.
Your eyes shot open as your ears perked up once you heard Lucifer hop into the ring, a smile gracing itself on your face as you followed his movements. 
You both circled each other around the ring as the crowd around you both grew. From the corner of your eye, you could see Natasha staring at you both, her attention caught as she wondered what would be the results.
Your eyes narrowed, completely zoned in on Lucifer, deciding you should go for the first punch. You smirk as you sped behind him, kicking him from under his feet as he catches himself. 
He reeled back his fist for a right hook while you were still knelt on the mat, until you fell back onto your back as you kicked your legs up, kicking his jaw in the process as you flipped away from him, regaining your balance.
You felt a little bad, you really did, so you patiently waited a minute before he swung once more. He faked a jab as her proceeded to kick you in the side, sending you back a step before you lunged at him. 
You quickly wrapped your legs around his torso as you held him a tight headlock. Feeling him starting to sway, you loosened your grip as you switched your positions before you feel, resulting with you on your back as his full weight fell on top of you, the jewel falling out of your pocket.
“Get the hell off of me you big ogre.” You grunted, the impact leaving you breathless as you pushed him off you, quickly grabbing the jewel from off the mat. You immediately left the ring to take a swig of your water, your eyes full of amusement at the shock of your new teammates. 
Your gaze accidentally falls on Natasha as you admiring, wait admiring, were you really admiring or just looking? You couldn’t really tell the difference. 
Natasha was in a heated conversation with Clint and Steve, your eyebrows pinched together tightly the longer you stared. Natasha seemed pissed, was it because of your training session with Lucifer? It couldn’t have. But her next words caught your attention.
“I don’t give a fuck, Steve. I don’t understand why Fury just let them on the team without a fight, they’re dangerous.“ She hissed at Steve, her fists clenching and relaxing as you can see the crescent shapes starting to form on her palms.
“He recruited them with the same motive as us, Nat. He wants them to improve and reflect on themselves. Neither of us know what they did or seen, but we shouldn’t judge them based off of their past mistakes.” Clint butt in, his tone firm but still soft, wanting Natasha to understand him.
“But we still don’t know if they’ll be a danger to the city, Clint. For all we know, they could just fly off and blow up the damn city from under us.” 
Your teeth grind together as your jaw clenches tightly, trying your hardest to not react. The urge to retort back with a petty comment is strong, but you promised yourself that’d this be a good vacation.
“That’s enough.” Steve growls, before he turns away from the best friends and walks off towards the weights. Natasha was shell shocked, she froze for a moment before her face hardens once more. Her eyes drifting over to you as she met your gaze.
She was expecting the same irises that held an unspeakable kindness within them to be looking back at her, but she felt her heart drop when she saw your narrowed gaze. Why did her stomach drop, had you heard her? Why would she care if you’d heard her, she wanted you to hear, right? 
Her eyes flickering between your features, silently analyzing you. Your lip was slightly pulled up in a small snarl as your eyebrows were tightly stitched together, your eyes were void of the kindness she once saw. 
Your eyes held many emotions she couldn’t decipher, but what she did know was that you were hurt and deeply pissed off. She saw you roll your eyes before you turned your back to her, setting your steps towards the door. 
Her mouth opened to attempt to call out to you, but she instantly closed it, the attempt futile as you were already out the door. Why was she going to call out to you? You were dangerous and proved that point during training. She sat down on a nearby bench as she slouched, rubbing her temples. Unbeknownst to her, you weren’t the only one who heard the commotion.
Here you were, perched on the rooftop with your wings fluttering in the wind behind you, watching the sunset. It had been a few hours after you stormed out the training room, you didn’t spend much time reflecting on it. You simply pushed it to the back of your mind as you gazed out towards the city.
To be frank, you were lying your ass off. It wasn’t simple at all, not that her words weren’t something you were used to. It was a normal occurrence for you and Lucifer, but it hurt when it came from somebody you just wanted to be friends with. 
You couldn’t help but feel incredibly discriminated, who was she to start claiming that you and your brother were dangers to the city? Then what would she consider Banner? 
He was a big green ogre with insane anger issues, he tears up city buildings and endangered many citizens. You and Lucifer weren’t even close to that, you both may have killed people but in your defense, they were terrible people.
You and Lucifer never went after innocent individuals, it was like crossing a big boundary. The two of you killed people who bound to get punished, mass murderers, rapists, anything that had a victim, you both dealt with suspect. 
It was relieving when you both changed your ways, you loved scaring people into jail, it humored you. You and Lucifer were monsters, you understood that. What else would people consider a being with wings and horns? Definitely not a human.
You sighed, just now realizing the impact of Natasha’s words on you. Deny it all you want, deep down, you knew that her words triggered something in you. 
You were snapped out of your daze when you heard heavy footsteps walking towards you, not reacting when you felt the individual sit next to you, pressing their shoulder against yours.
“How you holdin’ up, Y/n/n?” Your eyes travel to Tony’s at the nickname, you had met him just yesterday and now he was on nickname basis? Crazy. 
“Alright, just needed fresh air.” You lied, your gaze slowly falling back onto the scenery in front of you, it wasn’t everyday where you could get a view like this.
“Don’t lie to me, kid. You have a great poker face but I can see right through it. You thinkin’ about what Natasha said?” It was like he read your mind, the thought making you huff out a laugh. You lick your lips in thought before replying to him.
“Yeah, I mean it just wasn’t necessary. Clint was right, Fury wanted us both to take the chance to make ourselves something more than what we were made as. Just like the rest of you.” 
You sigh, the thought of you and Lucifer as children pushing itself to the front of your mind, the memory of being cast out of heaven, your only home. The tears forming in the corners of your eyes, obstructing your vision slightly before you blink them away. 
“Don’t let it get to you, she’s just being defensive. She’s not so used to new members, it takes her decades before she even becomes nice to them.”
 He attempts to console you, reaching over your wings to grasp at your shoulders, rubbing them as he pulled you into him. 
You hum in response, the breathtaking sunset comforting you alongside Tony. You appreciated him, even if you had met him yesterday, he knew what was going on in your head immediately.
Unbeknownst to you two, a certain redhead stood at the door of the rooftop, originally looking for Tony to take a look at her widow bites. The guilt in gnawed at her as the sight in front of her practically made her want to be the one hugging you.
She was also thinking of ways to attempt to apologize to you, she wasn’t aware that you had overheard her words. She looked down at the widow bites in her hand before turning towards the door once more, wanting you two to have your moment.
“What the fuck, Romanoff! What is your fucking problem!” Tony stormed in the room, his booming footsteps going straight towards Natasha as he yells out.
“What is your problem, Tony? The fuck did I do?” She shot up from her seat on the couch, stalking towards Tony.
“What bothers you so much about the siblings that you have to go out and make them seem unwelcome!” 
“Tony-“ “No! Let me fucking speak, Romanoff.” He cut her off as he walked up closer to her, his jaw tightly clenched to the point you can hear his teeth grinding.
“You had go out and ruin shit for them, especially Y/n. Who are you to tell her to stay out of our way? She’s new!!” He growled as he harshly jabbed a finger into her shoulder, pushing her back slightly.
“And it’s not up to you whenever Fury picks a new recruit because guess what, he knows their potential better than us. He studies them and their abilities, and if you don’t trust Fury with that, then you’re out of your goddamn mind.” 
Tony was seething, his face turning a shade of red as his finger on Natasha’s shoulder grew in pressure. His jaw visibly clenched as his eyes are narrowed at Natasha.
“I don’t understand why you’re so hostile towards them when we were once like them too. Enemies left and right of us and nowhere to go, we were all considered monsters. So I suggest you take your ass over to them and apologize.” 
Tony hissed, his tone lowering slightly but still enough to get his point across, before he drops his hand from her. He gave her one last look before storming off to his lab, presumably to tinker with his suits out of frustration.
Natasha was still stood there in shock, her eyes wide open as she was frozen. Had she really fucked up that bad? She ran a hand over her face before running off and asking FRIDAY for your location.
Hearing that you could be found in the training room, Natasha practically sprinted there. Her thoughts were racing as she was thinking of words, any words to apologize. 
She never wanted to act like that, if only she was able to actually communicate how she actually felt. She soon arrived at the doors of the training room, taking a deep breath as she swiftly opened the glass door.
There you stood, your wings folded as you used your telekinesis to throw spears into a very mangled target. Her footsteps were quiet as she made her way towards you, putting distance between you two incase you sent a spear towards her.
“Y/n?” She called out to you, her tone softer than you’ve ever heard it as you threw your last spear into the target, before turning your head slightly an action that meant you heard her.
“Listen, I know what I said was incredibly uncalled for. You and Lucifer are new and I shouldn’t have just blew up like that, especially when I don’t know anything about you two.”
You stayed silent, your eyes staring into the destroyed bullseye of the target as you listened. You wanted her to say whatever she wanted to say before you spoke.
“I had no right to call you dangerous, especially when every single one of us here is dangerous too. I shouldn’t have blamed Fury for recruiting you two when he knows more about you than I do, he knows all the good you did when I don’t.” 
Natasha practically rambles as she ran a hand through her hair, looking at your face for any emotion, anything that could help her determine your thoughts. She sighed as she continued once more. 
“I just wanted to say, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have gone straight to judging you.” Her voice hushing down into a whisper as she looks away from you in shame.
That’s when you finally move your gaze towards her, your eyes scanning through her body language as you process her words. Her eyes held a genuine look in them.
“But what if that doesn’t stop you from judging my past mistakes.” You hissed. 
“You were so quick to jump the gun and be defensive, and I understood that, but calling me dangerous? You have a whole ogre on this team.” You deadpanned as you stare straight through her, her eyes widening a fraction as her gaze snaps towards you.
“It’s just how I am, its always been hard for me to trust people so quick. I never meant to put you down, I just got so grown to this family that I never expected anything new.” 
She whispered, this was a total change to you. Her voice and eyes held a venerability that you once saw in yourself, you crack your knuckles as you drown yourself into your thoughts. 
“You’re a bitch, you know that.” You say as you look back up to Natasha, your gaze is sharper than a knife. You see Natasha recoil slightly as she turns her head away from you.
Sighing, you step forward with a quiet step before pulling her into your embrace, one hand resting on her waist while the other combs through her hair. Your wings acting like a second pair of arms as they enclose around the both of you.
“You’re okay. I forgive you.” You whisper as you felt her bury her head deeper in the juncture of your neck as her hold on your tightens a fraction.
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some-bunniii · 7 months
My Charming Red Savior [4]
・❥ A friend revealed, and warm feelings.
| Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 |
x: pronouns are she/her. no use of y/n.
xx: decided to change the saving fem!reader to its AO3 title, so all parts of this fic have been updated for this change as well!
~6.8k words
warnings: depictions of blood/injury
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“Did I miss anything?” 
Those were the first words the King of Hell had spoken atop the large patio, as you stood in awe, battered, with dust and debris sticking to your body. You blinked, frozen in place as your eyes scanned over the pearlescent man’s figure, who grinned charmingly across from you. 
He leaned lazily against the gold railing, now partially destroyed from the small explosions that had peppered the front of the hotel. The screams and snarls from below were all but silenced now, except for one or two stragglers who could be seen making a run for it in the distance. But, not before a large, swamp-green tentacle snaked around them, and began beating them into the ground. It wasn’t long before your gaze was back on Lucifer, a million thoughts racing through your head.
It wasn’t until Lucifer’s smile faltered slightly at your silent staring, did he clear his throat, nervously tapping against the apple-tipped cane in his grip. “You look a little shaken up, are you doing good over there?” 
You were about to open your mouth to speak, until your eyes darted to another small, cylindrical object flying right towards Lucifer. You recoiled, throwing your hands in front of your face as it closed in on the fallen angel.
“Watch out!” You cried to him, squeezing your eyes shut as you waited for the familiar boom of the grenade to shake the patio. Lucifer whipped his head around, eyebrows raised as the grenade soared towards him. Lifting his arm, he caught it in his hand before it could hit him in the face, before raising it to get a closer look. 
You splayed your fingers, peeking through the small gap when you realized once more that your heart was still beating. Raising an eyebrow, your face contorted into surprise as your gaze rested on the object in Lucifer’s hand.
The bomb ticked quietly in his palm, slowly increasing in speed as the seconds went by. It vibrated in his grip, and Lucifer only inspected it casually, rolling it between his fingers with interest.
Was he just going to hold it until it exploded? You watched silently with wide eyes, unsure of what exactly was going to happen. If it went off, would the King of Hell even have a scratch on him? Maybe, that was why he seemed so confident holding a bomb in his hands. Watching Lucifer catch it casually in the air a few times only cemented that thought.
The perks of being immortal, you supposed.
“Hm, seems they got the timing off on this one,” Lucifer observed, just as the ticking seemed to increase to every millisecond. Right when you were sure it was about to go off in his palms, Lucifer’s fingers curled around it. It looked like he was squeezing the cylinder like a balloon, as the black, metal surface contorted, shifting from the pressure.
Instead of lighting into a ball of flame, the bomb exploded in a burst of multi-colored confetti. Which sprayed across the patio, a few stray pieces landing on your face as they settled onto the floor. You were silent, in awe at the magical display. Lucifer only grinned at you, a silent boast of his powers as he caught you gawking. He adjusted his collar, still leaning against the railing as he brushed some confetti from his shoulder pads.
Realizing he had noticed your staring, your cheeks began to heat in embarrassment. You lay your eyes for the first time on the most powerful man in Hell and all you can do is stand there and look dumb, get it together! Leaning forward, your head practically hits the cracked tile flooring as you bow.
“Your Majesty, I apologize for my rudeness!” You quickly pipe up, your eyes still locked to the floor as you keep your head down, “Thank you for saving my life, I don’t know if I’d be alive without your intervention.” 
“It was no biggie.” Lucifer shrugged, waving his hand in the air in a sweeping motion, as he brushed off your compliment. He lifted himself from the railing, taking a few steps forward as he began to cross the patio. “Can’t have my daughter’s friends be attacked by a couple of low-life thugs.. again! What kind of a father would that make me?”
You straightened, lifting your head to meet his gaze. Your brows furrowed as the words left his lips, mouth opening slightly as if you were about to question him on his statement.
‘Daughter’. Was he talking about Charlie? Of course, he must be, she looked like a carbon copy of him! But, that would mean… it wasn't an imp that had approached you yesterday morning during your shift. At least, not any normal imp. Does that mean you had been talking to…?
It was in the same instance that Lucifer leaned in closer to you, his eyes squinted in thought as he inspected your face. He placed a finger on his chin in thought, as he regarded you with a curious expression through those soft, yellow eyes of his. 
“Wait a second… do I know you from somewhere?” He questioned finally, raising an eyebrow in anticipation. You smiled as you thought of a response, your hands rubbing together in a soothing motion. Lucifer’s eyes lit up in recognition before you could say anything, and he snapped his finger as connected the dots.
“That's right! You were that sweet worker at the formalwear store yesterday, weren’t you? The one that opened early for me!” He beamed, taking another step closer as your eyes widened at the proximity. 
“Y-yes, that was me, Your Majesty.” You stammered out, cursing yourself so being so godamn nervous. “Except, I wasn’t really aware that you were... well, you?”
“Oh, heh, yeah, my impish disguise. Pretty good, eh?”
Yeah, it was. There wasn’t anything that would have made you guess that imp was actually Lucifer, at least before you had met the man. Except, for the height. That hadn’t seemed to change between the two appearances, as you still had to lower your head to meet his gaze even now.
You took a deep breath, calming your jittering nerves as you again realized who was standing right in front of you. Never once did you think a lowly citizen of Hell like you would be this close to the Lucifer Morningstar! Should you have kneeled instead when you greeted him? What was the proper etiquette for this kind of thing? Alastor would have surely known.
That thought made you lean over slightly to get a peek past the fallen angel’s brimmed hat. Your eyes followed the slender, shadowy forms of tentacles snaking around the last two criminals, who were trying to shoot the large masses.
“Aren’t you, um, going to go help..?” You pointed behind him, and Lucifer turned to follow your finger just as another thug was flung past the large fence that surrounded the hotel. Their squeal of fear faded as they disappeared from view. Static-laced laughter filled the air as the tentacles began to dissipate.
“Nah, I think your… friend down there has it covered.” Lucifer shrugged after a moment, turning back to face you. 
You nodded slowly, taking a deep breath to calm your jittering nerves. Between last night and this, you were about ready to lay in your bed and hibernate for the next three months. Life was exhausting, it seemed. 
“Well, that was fun!” Lucifer smiled, nodding along as he clasped his hands together. “Didn’t think I’d find drug dealers trying to knock down the walls, though. Looks like I really have to up the security around here.”
You nodded along half-heartedly, and watched as he strolled past you towards the door. He only made it a few steps before he halted, and you jumped slightly as he pivoted to face you. He waggled a finger at you, mock suspicion in his gaze as he leaned in. Now that you could get a better look at him, 
“I also was not expecting to find you here, either. Only yesterday, it seemed like you had no idea the hotel even existed. Now, I find you in the raging path of a feral tea table. An odd turn of events, don't you think?”
You smiled, heat creeping onto your cheeks in embarrassment. You probably looked pretty pathetic when Lucifer was saving you, curled in a ball while you accepted your grim fate. You wished you had some kind of badass demon magic, so you didn’t have to be so helpless. Did Alastor ever feel helpless? No, probably not, he seemed so confident in every situation you saw him face.
The way he strolled down the stairs so casually when the thugs had first attacked, made it seem like he had done that kind of thing many times before. But, it seemed like that was true, since you patched up one scuffle on his coat, and were told of his encounter with Sir. Pentious–which you simply couldn't believe would attempt such a thing, now that you’ve met him–a few months prior. 
You wondered what made him and Lucifer struggle to get along, had something happened in the past between them? Maybe, you could get Alastor to budge with that with a little prodding. For now, you were unsure of what to tell the King. How would he react if you said the only reason you were here was because of Alastor? You didn’t want to lose the friendliness you had with Lucifer, it probably wouldn't be fun to be on the King of Hell’s bad side.
Plus, it seemed like Lucifer liked you. Did that have something to do with the fact that he claimed you were a ‘rare gem’ when it came to being a nice person in Hell? He did give you all that money.. which you lost. Maybe, he’d give you some more if you played your cards right.
And, if it was as friends, you wouldn’t mind getting closer to the fallen angel. He was just so funny and charming, you couldn’t imagine the kind of gossip he had to share, and you wouldn't be bothered if he shared it with you.
“Oh, well, beeeecause I was interested in redemption! Ha-ha, yeah. When we talked earlier, your words just struck something in me! So, I took a tour and stayed the night.”
“Really? I inspired you to come to the hotel?” Lucifer asked incredulously, tilting his head thoughtfully at you. He raised an eyebrow, doubt written across his features. 
“That’s right! I mean, you even gave me a bunch of money like it was no big deal. That was very kind of you!” You nodded enthusiastically. That wasn’t exactly a lie, since the conversation with Lucifer yesterday did lead to Alastor revealing more about the hotel, which in turn piqued your interest enough to even consider staying for an extended period.
Slowly, Lucifer's eyes lit at your response, a gleam of happiness that you hadn’t noticed before. He seemed to be standing a little straighter too, as if that was some kind of confidence boost for him. Did Lucifer not… genuinely help people often? Was it something he wished he could do more often?
Seems like ruling a realm full of demons that continually commit the worst atrocities known to mankind would break an angel’s will to want to make a change. 
“I wanted to thank you again for your generosity,” you started, your tone genuine as the glint in Lucifer’s eyes only seemed to grow, “All that money you gave me would have really helped, 
“Would? What happened?” Lucifer inquired, tilting his head curiously.
“Some guy mugged me,” you stated bluntly, rubbing your shoulder awkwardly. It felt weird telling people about your most vulnerable moments. You found no enjoyment in retelling any of these scary events, and hopefully, your bad luck would end soon. 
“And they stole everything from you?”
Lucifer huffed in annoyance, his teeth baring slightly as he exhaled a hot breath. He couldn’t exactly be surprised, it was Hell. Not to mention, the guy has been neglecting his kingly duties for a while now and has only just started going to meetings for crying out loud.
“Jeez, I’m sorry about that. Here, let me jus–”
“Where did that new girl go? What do you mean you haven’t seen her?” You could hear Vaggie’s voice from downstairs, as the gaping hole in the side of the hotel made it much easier to hear their conversations now.
You heard multiple inaudible responses to the question, before Vaggie’s rose above them with renewed anger.
“She’s still up there?! you’re telling me none of you numbskulls went to get her after that big explosion?”
“₩Ⱨ₳₮?!” You heard a snarl of static at Vaggie’s words.
Tensing, you kept your eyes trained on Lucifer as you strained your ears to eavesdrop on the voices below. It seemed like they were looking for you now, did they even know whether Charlie’s dad was here? 
“Alastor, hold up!” You heard Angel Dust’s call from the bottom of the staircase, which made you pivot to face the closed doors not too far away. Lucifer, who was standing a few steps away from you, looked up curiously as the doors swung open.
Standing there, chest heaving slightly, ears twitching, was Alastor. His eyes instantly landed on you, before quickly scanning over your figure for injuries. Did he just leap up all those stairs? That wasn’t a very short distance by any means. 
His arms were outstretched beside him, as he gripped both doors. Alastor’s claws slightly dug into its wood frame as he observed the smoking, half-burnt balcony with a tight-lipped smile. It wasn’t until his eyes met Lucifer’s–you swore you saw a flicker of surprise cross his gaze–that something seemed to flip like a switch inside the demon, and Alastor straightened instantly, his ears returning to their normal placement as corrected his posture. 
A large, toothy grin appeared on his face, but you didn’t miss the way his gaze darted between you and Lucifer only a few feet apart. His eyelid twitched as Lucifer sent him a deadly grin behind you, the tension in the air thickening to the point where you felt like you’d suffocate even in this open space. 
You only smiled brightly in return, sending Alastor a finger wave as you sidled a step away from the fallen angel beside you. Lucifer, on the other hand, seemed to be having fun as he pivoted slightly to face you. A mischievous glint in his eye as he cocked his head at Alastor, a haughty look on his face.
“Can I help you?” He feigned irritation, an eyebrow quirked as he sent the demon a pointed glance. As if Alastor had just barged in on the two of you deep in discussion, souring the mood. 
Alastor wasn’t able to get a word out when multiple footsteps echoed from behind him, noisily clopping up the long staircase as they bickered amongst themselves. A familiar pink spider popped his head over Alastor’s shoulder, his eyes widening as he caught sight of the pearlescent face beside you. More heads appeared around, their eyes scanning across the balcony as they observed the scene.
“Dad?” Charlie asked, squeezing through the clump of nosy demons, surprise written across her face as she passed Alastor. 
“Honey!” Lucifer beamed, a smile gracing his features as he met his daughter halfway. Charlie extended her arms, ready to accept Lucifer’s large hug as he returned the gesture. He held her for a moment before he released her, backing up a step as the others pushed past Alastor’s figure to get a better place behind the princess.
“What are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be at that art auction?” Charlie questioned, tilting her head at him. 
“That ended last night.” Lucifer nodded, “Now it’s some kind of celebratory artist-only afterparty, which means even the King of Hell cannot attend, unfortunately. So, I thought I’d drop by. Good timing, it seemed, or else your friend here  would not be standing here any longer.”
Lucifer turned to you, gesturing to the dust and debris hanging to your clothes, as you stood there silently with that same awkward smile. 
“Oh, yeah. She’s interested in being a resident of our hotel, for redemption!” Charlie smiled excitedly, proud to be able to show her father that her dream was slowly expanding. You nodded along, your hands clasped together politely as they discussed you.
“Yes, I heard! We’ve been having a nice discussion these past few minutes, her and I. A real doll, this one is, just like when I met her previously.”
“You two... have met before?” Charlie finally asked, confusion laced in her voice as she looked between the two of you. The demons behind you shot curious glances in your direction, silently waiting for more juicy details.
“She was there when I bought your tuxedo! I was in disguise, though, so nobody saw me as.. well, me. She even opened up early for me, just out of the kindness of her soul!” Lucifer scooted beside you, nudging you in the arm playfully as he spoke. “Guess you could say I owed her a rescue after that considerate gesture.”
“Did you throw a party up here, too?” Vaggie piped up from the doorway, kicking away at a few stray pieces of the colorful confetti that was sprinkled across the floor. Charlie’s eyes were glinting as she processed her father’s words, before glancing down at the new red suit that she was wearing. She looked up at you with renewed interest, a blooming on her face.
“That was all His Majesty, actually,” you finally spoke, lifting a hand to your mouth as you giggled, “It was pretty impressive, to be honest, I’ve never seen a party trick like that before. I thought the confetti was kinda funny.”
You purposely avoided looking at Alastor as you spoke, so his reaction to your praise was a mystery. Lucifer only smiled proudly beside you, your words boosting his ego. 
“Well, that’s not the only trick I’m good at,” Lucifer chuckled. Before he sent you a wink, then a playful smirk that he swept across the small crowd. Their eyes were locked on him, captivated with anticipation for the charming angel to display some of his magical talents.
Except, for Alastor, who only smiled widely, his eyes crinkled in annoyance at the theatrics. You didn’t pay him much mind, instead keeping your attention on Lucifer. During your time in Hell, you hadn’t come into contact with many figures that could harness demonic magic so effortlessly, apart from Alastor.
The King of Hell, however, was on a whole different level, he had pure angelic power. This was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and you were not going to miss this for anything. However, it seemed your admiration was a little too evident, as you missed Alastor's squinted gaze analyzing your expression.
Lucifer finally rested his gaze on Alastor, who met his eyes,  just as he tapped his cane against the ground, a flurry of golden sparks igniting from the touch. a vortex of golden eaves began to swirl around his cane, before flooding across the destroyed, cracked floor of the balcony. It was like a small ocean pooling at your feet, and it felt like the ground was shifting underneath you. 
Sticking a finger gun towards the split table, Lucifer shot an explosion of magic against its surface, and it crackled with energy. Before you could blink, the two pieces slid together, attaching like Lego pieces back onto their legs. Fresh color adorned the wood, a lovely shade of peach with matching chairs. It settled onto the ground, with not even a scratch from the abuse it had just received.
He aimed a few more magical-loaded digits towards the broken railing, and the spilled flower pots, making pew pew sound effects with his mouth as he did so. 
The balcony began to shift back into even better condition than it originally was, the broken scenery straightening itself back into form. Slowly, the golden waves against your ankles dispersed and were pulled back into Lucifer’s cane.
The large, white marble tile beneath your feet was perfectly sealed, not a single crack upon its surface as it sparkled with a newfound shine. You lifted your leg, surprised finding your figure to be completely dry.
The demons around you stood mesmerized by the display, their eyes glowing and lips puckered in a small o. Alastor only tapped his claws against his cane impatiently. 
“How is that for a party trick?” Lucifer turned to you, sending you a charming grin. 
You were about to open your mouth before Charlie appeared at your side with a happy squeak. Her blonde hair cascaded down your shoulder, the silky strands like feathers against your skin. 
“Thank you for the help, Dad!” Charlie beamed, squeezing her cheeks as she stared lovingly at her father, “it’s so great to see you make new friends, too!”
“And, new clients!” Lucifer boasted, adjusting his bowtie with a grin “Last time we talked, I told her all about the hotel and what it offered. Seems like my salesmanship charm prevails once more.”
“How funny,” Alastor’s voice crackled with static as he strode up beside Charlie, planting himself into the small group’s discussion with a grin,  “but it appears His Majesty is mistaken, for it was I who persuaded our darling belle here to take a chance at redemption.”
“Pfft! You? Please, you couldn’t even convince an angel to redeem themselves. At least, not with that haircut!” Lucifer laughed, and your mouth dropped open, your gaze flicking to Alastor, who seemed to hesitate for a moment in shock at the bold insult. 
Your eyes darted to Charlie. She returned the look, before slapping a hand over her dad’s mouth.
“Okay, moving on!” She replied cheerfully, pinching her dad’s lips closed as she turned towards the staircase. Vaggie shot a glare toward the rest of the onlookers, who began to sadly shrink away.
“I’m afraid Your Majesty is uninformed!” Alastor ignored Charlie, as he walked closer to stand right beside you. Sweat beaded on your forehead, your heartbeat quickening at the realization you were directly in the middle of the two dueling forces. 
“Of what?” Lucifer questioned.
“Why, of our association, of course,” Alastor said sweetly, grasping your arm gently as he gestured to your figure. Heat crept onto your cheeks, as you let him slide in closer to you.
“You two know each other?” Lucifer asked, doubt laced in his face as he shot you a questioning stare. You only averted your gaze, unsure of how to respond to all of the prying eyes.
“Indeed! I’m sure you’re familiar with a charm like this?” Alastor smiled innocently, before gingerly holding out your hand, gesturing to your ring finger. That golden ring glinted in the sunlight, and the small rose-gold engraving of the letter A was on full display. 
Lucifer’s eyes widened after a moment, and his gaze shot to you, then to Alastor, before landing back on the ring. He seemed to reel back slightly as it finally dawned on him, before his face settled into a look that silently grumbled ‘You gotta be kidding me.’
Charlie gasped, clutching her cheeks as she leaned in closer for a better look. The ecstatic look on her face was a complete inverse to her father, who only averted his gaze at the sight. 
You stood with an awkward smile, heat creeping onto your cheeks as you sidled slightly away from Alastor. You did not expect him to be sprinting it back onto these guys, in front of Lucifer no less.
The King only turned to you, disbelief in his features as he sent you a pointed stare.
“You’re telling me you work at a formalwear store, and you picked a guy with this bad of a wardrobe?” He gestured subtly to Alastor’s suit, a grimace on his face as he eyed the demon’s style with contempt.
Alastor only adjusted his bow tie, throwing his hair back as he straightened. He shot you a pointed look too, prodding you with a ‘Are you really going to agree with him?’ stare.
You said nothing, so Alastor only turned to face Lucifer, clasping his hands with a large smile, “I’d take your fashion advice to heart, Your Majesty, but it seems your taste lies at the bottom of a bargain bin, so I must respectfully disagree.”
“Bargain bin?!” Lucifer gasped, a hand shooting up to his chest as he recoiled. A growl rose from the fallen angel’s throat as he opened his mouth to retort, only for Charlie to grab him from behind and pull him away from Alastor.
“I’ll pay you triple the amount from yesterday if you just take that ring off!” Lucifer begged as Charlie dragged him down the steps. “Do you fancy goat horns? I know of someone in the Wrath Ring that is available!”
The father-daughter duo disappeared from view, their voices muffled as you watched the doors slam shut with a crackle of green energy. Turning to face Alastor, you find a smug grin dancing on his lips. You frowned, did this guy really just insult the King of Hell like the man couldn’t stomp him in a moment?
“Your arrogance knows no bounds,” you chastise the demon, waggling your finger as you spoke, “speaking so comfortably with the King in such a condescending manner. He could smite you for that, you know.” 
“Verbal sparring with the monarchy is a favorite pastime of mine, sweetheart! I’m sure our dear king enjoys it just as much as I.” Alastor shrugged, twisting the cane between his claws as he regarded you with playful eyes.
“You are such a pain in my—”
Your words died in your throat when the outline of a dark-red rose was thrust towards you, Alastor’s fingers gently curled around its stem as he held it up for view. 
“For you.” He smiled, his lips curled in a soft grin. 
“Me? But, where did you get this?”
“Some bumbling oaf down there was going to stomp on it, so I stomped him, instead,” Alastor shrugged, extending the rose closer to you as he spoke, “I thought it would be something you’d find interest in. It… reminded me of you.”
Your eyes widened slightly, gaze lowering towards the wine-colored flower. It was beautiful, even with its slightly jagged petals, and the much larger thorns that covered the black stem. 
But, for Hell, it was such a relieving sight. To know that something that presented emotions could exist in such an apathetic, pessimistic environment like the realm around you. Honestly, it didn’t have that many similarities in comparison to Earth’s rose, but its mere resemblance made nostalgia pull at your heartstrings.
Old emotions began to boil inside you, and your throat tightened. Even after all the hardships, you still missed the trees and the smell of real, fresh air. The feeling of the sun against your skin, kissing you with a warmth that always stirred a smile onto your lips. Hearing the morning doves in the early spring morning, their gentle coos echoing through the thin veil of fog that settled onto the dew-filled grass. 
Now, you were stuck here. A dark, dirty realm that gave you its fair share of grief too. A lot in the span of two days, even. But, the good in it, was seeing the genuine smile that greeted you every time Alastor drank in your presence. Like this morning, when you agreed to join him on the patio, and the way his ears seemed to stand even taller when you said yes. 
It was also the fact that Alastor was so intent on presenting this lovely gift to you, that he killed someone just so the rose would survive the chaos, that made you feel so warm and giddy inside.
A smile bloomed across your face, and you gently wrapped your fingers around the stem, right above Alastor’s own. The top of your hand grazed against the softer texture of the rose’s petals, but its sharp thorns nicked at the skin on your fingertips, causing you to grimace slightly. You adjusted your grip slowly, the pain ebbing as you found a comfortable hold.
Your hand brushed Alastor’s as he released his grip, pulling his hand towards him, his gaze traveling to your arm lifting as you inspected the rose closer. All the memories of long, forgotten experiences made years prick at your eyes. 
“I.. don’t know what to say. This is so sweet of you,” you replied softly, eyes still locked on the rose and you gently caressed its petals, “thank you, Alastor.” 
Alastor watched the emotion flood across your face, and for the first time, he didn’t know what to say next. The look on your features made him feel.. strange. 
As if, this was a reaction nobody in Hell has ever given him before, excluding Charlie. It was fear and anger that only ever greeted him. Which he preferred, it made him feel strong, made him feel powerful. 
Your soft, sweet smile, however, was something Alastor could get used to. The way the dimples on your cheeks deepened slightly as your lips curled delicately. As if you too were a rose, your petals softly opening for the new day. 
His gaze still rested on you as the tip of your nose inched closer to the petals, before you inhaled a deep breath.
It smelled surprisingly sweet, but also with a warm, earthy scent. A hint of smokiness underneath the layer of the sugared aroma. It reminded you of a wood-burning stove, or the smell of firewood that clung to your shirt after a night in the wilderness.
But, also… the faint metallic tang of blood. 
Brows furrowing, you pull the flower away, your eyes traveling to the barely visible glistening substance coating part of the stem. It almost mirrored the color of the dark-red petals, and you lifted your gaze to Alastor.
When your eyes traveled up his figure, it was the small trails of red liquid that dripped from his fingertips that made you recoil, a hand to your mouth as you gasped.
“Alastor, you’re bleeding!” The worry in your voice was obvious as you stepped closer to him, trying to get a better look at the small gashes on his skin. He regarded it with indifference, as if it was just a simple bother. You frowned at his reaction, there was no way that didn’t hurt!
He was a sinner, just like you, and almost everyone in the hotel. Mortality was still present in his afterlife, including the sensation of pain. No matter how hard he tried to present himself as a powerful being like Lucifer, he was still just a man who felt the same things you did. If not, with a little different... perspective. 
“It is nothing, do not fret about me, my doe,” Alastor brushed off your words, beginning to pull his hand away from your view. You saw a drop of blood leave the tip of his claw, falling onto the cracks below your feet, “they are just feeble scratches, nothing I, the Radio Demon can’t handl–”
Alastor’s words died in his throat, the last of his sentence coming out in pure static as his pupils dilated on your hand wrapping around his wrist. Your grip was firm, preventing him from shielding the wounds from you, as you tugged his hand closer.
This was the boldest move you had made since the two of you had first met. It was usually Alastor who made the first gesture, who took your hand and touched you softly. As if you were a fragile doll that could crack at the teeniest bit of pressure.
The man was so used to control, having complete say in who touched him—which was never, unless you count Angel Dust whenever he tried riling up the demon—and why. If you were some normal face in the crowd making such a move, he’d probably have torn them apart.
But oh, the warmth from your touch that greeted his cool skin had him yearning for more. That blissful feeling that seemed to bloom from inside his bones, that traveled like a river through his veins, filling him up with a strange, yet awfully familiar feeling.
Like, when his mother would sit him down at the table for dinner, a bowl of hot, steaming Jambalaya in her hands that she made just for him. Anytime she noticed he had a hard day, she’d cook his favorite meal.
As a child, he had eagerly scarfed it down, impatient to fill his stomach with such a treat. When he grew older, however, he learned to slow down and savor the explosion of flavors that tickled his taste buds in every bite. 
He remembered the way the delicacy traveled down his throat, and how it felt like a fire was igniting in his belly. The warmth emanating from your skin reminded him so much of that.
And that smile that always graced your features at the sight of him? Alastor remembered that from somewhere too. His mother’s lips always curved into a soft, gentle grin that would make anyone butter up in their presence.
Your lips seemed to curve just the same, and the demon was sure if the two of you would have met before the afterlife. His mother would have loved to meet you. 
Alastor remained deathly silent, his muscles tense as you splayed out his claws, turning his hand over to have his palm face up. There was dried blood across the smooth skin, which meant he had been bleeding for a while now. 
How hard was Alastor holding the rose during the fight that he cut up his hand like this? If it wasn’t for the bickering between him and Lucifer, you surely would have noticed it earlier.
Your fingers gently brushed against the small cuts, blood still slowly seeping from beneath the demon’s skin. You nudged his wound softly, inspecting it with worry. 
“Does that hurt?” You asked softly with furrowed brows.
“Does it matter?” Alastor scoffed, averting your expectant gaze.
“Yes! It does, actually!” You retorted, before your gaze moved to your outfit with a determined look. Quickly, you reached down, taking a fistful of fabric in your grasp before pulling it hard. With some friction, it began to tear away from the rest of your garment.
Now, you had a large piece of cloth in one hand, and Alastor’s wrist in the other. Reaching forward, you began to cover his cuts tightly against the fabric.
“Must you ruin such a pretty outfit for something so insignificant like my hand?” Alastor inquired, exasperation lacing his voice, “You’re treating it like some kind of battle wound, I am fine, my doe.” 
He didn’t pull away from you, however, as you finished patching up his injury. Inspecting his hand closer, you eyed work for a moment, before you shook your head, dissatisfied. 
“I forbid you from doing any activities for the rest of today until you address your wounds,” you declared, crossing your arms sternly. 
“Forbid?” He inquired, quirking a brow in amusement.
“That’s right! If you don’t take care of your injury, or let me do it for you, then I’ll have no choice but to put my foot down.”
Alastor squinted at you for a moment, that grin masking his thoughts as he regarded you. Was he going to argue? Sweat beaded on your forehead as you anticipated his answer. It wasn’t like you could exactly stop the powerful demon from doing what he wanted, but you also couldn't just let him strain his wound further because of pride.
Alastor didn’t argue. Instead, he simply shrugged, a pleased smile gracing his features. He closed his eyes thoughtfully, before holding a limp hand towards you. 
“Well, if you insist,” he hummed, cracking one eye open to watch you expectantly.
“Really..?” You asked in disbelief, regarding his hand with suspicion.  
“If the lady wishes to fuss over my health, I suppose I could heed her demands,” Alastor responded casually, lifting his hand closer towards you, “and, how could I refuse such a generous offer?”
You smiled playfully before slowly wrapping your fingers around the makeshift gauze, trying to get a good grip around his cuts as you held his hand.
“Is there somewhere I could get medical aid inside? Baindaids, alcohol solution… ibuprofen?”
Did Ibuprofen even exist down here? There had to be something similar at least, the Pride Ring was full of mortals that could still feel pain. Was Alastor in a lot of pain? Even if he was, you probably wouldn't get a straight answer from him. 
Now, you understood why Alastor and Lucifer didn’t like each other. They were just fighting for who was really the embodiment of pride.
“Hm..” Alastor tilted his head in thought, before his ears twitched, and a sly smile graced his lips, “I do believe I know just the place!”
Without a word, he returned your grip and pulled you closer to him. Your breath hitched, your chest almost bumping against Alastor’s as he took your other hand. The two of you looked as if you were about to start a waltz, as the demon looked out towards the railing, his chest still facing yours as his smile grew.
“Hang on tight, my dear!” He stated chipperly, and you fastened your grip hastily. The air began to crackle with energy, goosebumps rippling across your skin as static seemed to tickle at your figure. Green smoke pooled at your feet, and that familiar tingling sensation overtook you, just like the first time you were teleported. 
Alastor only pulled you closer right as the smoke blasted up, cold air hitting your face as you were pulled into darkness. The presence of the hand against yours was faint, but at least you weren't alone this time. You kept your eyes squeezed shut, your heart racing as you waited to feel the floor against your feet once more. Then, you felt a thumb brush softly against your knuckles, it circled soothingly across your skin, and you relaxed slightly.
What felt like minutes really only took a couple of seconds, as you felt soft lighting hit your eyelids, and Alastor stir beside you. His hand didn’t leave yours, as he waited for you to join reality.
“Not so bad, hm?” He prodded you slightly, beckoning you back into reality.
Letting your pupils adjust to the light, the familiar wallpaper from the hotel corridor met your vision. Did he really just materialize the two of you across the building? You didn't have any problem walking, but perhaps Alastor was trying to avoid the small crowd that would have met them at the bottom of the patio stairs.
“I feel kind of queasy,” you responded, shaking your head of the fog in the back of your mind.
“After a few times through, it won’t bother you anymore,” Alastor assured.
Trying to get a better estimate of your location, you turned your head to one side of the hall, taking in the sight of a dark, oak door. The familiar numbering made you quirk a brow, tilting your head towards the smiling demon. He met your gaze, a soft, lipped smile on his face.
“We’re going in my room?”
“Not quite..” he hummed, gripping your shoulders and pivoting you to the opposite side. Your eyes widened, gaze locked onto the matching door of Alastor’s room.
You stayed silent, feet frozen in place as you watched him take a few steps, his good hand wrapping around the spherical doorhandle. Slowly, he twisted the knob until it clicked softly. The hinges creaked with age, and the hallway lights began to spill into the darkened room as the crack in the doorway widened.
You couldn’t see anything through the slightly opened entryway, but your heart quickened as the second passed by. Your eyes flicked up to Alastor, who regarded you curiously, his gaze gentle as your nerves began to display on your face. 
“Ladies first!” He beamed, his smile an assurance to your heated skin.
He obviously wanted you to go inside, and part of your brain was nudging you forward with excitement. Alastor was inviting you into his quarters, he was allowing you to take a step inside his world, to get to know him! 
The other part whispered hesitation. What lay behind that door? Surely, more than just medical supplies.
It was as if you wrapped a sheet around the reluctance that was beginning to plague your mind, stuffing it underneath the floorboards of your brain. You weren't going to let your flustered mind get the better of you, and have you miss such an opportunity to get closer to the charming demon.
Exhaling a quiet breath, you banished your nerves into the air. Straightening your back, you sent Alastor a warm smile and took a step forward.
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wingman!lucifer anybody? ✋
let me know what you think! ☺️ comments and reblogs are appreciated!
tags 🏷️
@the-tortured-poet @anonymousewrites @coleisyn @froggybich @chewbrry @watchinthestarz @mechanicalmari @luxmessorem @plapperlapapp @wonderlife974 @kottenox @cherry-cola-100 @the-shark-named-sharon @rae-pottah @just-trash-yeah-thats-it @corpsebridenightamare @pweewee @nijiru @ourfinalisation @anuttellaa @nonetheartist @bunnypeew @cryptidghostgirl @hxzbinwrites @lunaramune @enigmatic-blues @thytorturedpoet @vanhelsingsbigtoe @mixplara @blue122 @zardward @loser-bby @sirens-and-moonflowers @diaouranask @luzzbuzz @theredviolets @the-attention-whore @rayanicaraynbow @katiebwalczak03 @girl-nahh-two @moonmark98 @asianfrustration13 @thenocturnalreadingotaku @just-here-reading @taintedgenre @fairyv-ice @aisling1985 @missam @funkyexistence @summerofregret@beezgobuzzbuzz @valentique @dory-98 @mo-0-o @willow404 @karolinda007-blog @thehybridprincesshatedchild
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the-bar-sinister · 4 months
I just found out that the fic I am in the middle of for one rarepair is also the longest fic on AO3 for the other rarepair in it that's only a background ship.
I hate that.
11 notes · View notes
deadghosy · 7 months
DUUUDE OMG as someone who had a HUGE creepypasta phase I'm obsessed with your hazbin hotel x creepypasta reader fics omggg
Anywaysss could I possibly request a Hazbin Hotel x Sally Williams reader? Completely platonic obviously :)
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prompt: a small child with a bloody body accidentally visits the hotel of a cartoon she only saw once
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“BENNN! I wanna be in a cartoon..” you says whining to Ben as you grip your teddy bear. Ben rubs his chin thinking then smirks. “What kinda cartoon?” “One with friendship! Like My little pony.” You said with an adorable smile. “What about a better cartoon…” Ben said with a evil smile
And now you are now in the cartoon called Hazbin hotel as you just stood there sobbing at not seeing ponies. Where’s fluttershy? Where rarity? AND WHERE THE HELL IS TWILIGHT SPARKLE.
You must have caused a bad scene as Alastor had took your hand and brought you to the hotel for shelter. You told the “nice” man your friend made you come here making Alastor think you got killed by someone. But what’s a child like you doing here?…..
When the whole crew met you, they found you adorable but they were concerned on why a child, most likely a “human” child like you is in hell.
You have a room next to the next lesbian couple. After they cleaned you and having you wear shoes..which didn’t go well so they let you wear a new pair of white socks as you wore a cute pink dress.
Vaggie felt something about you was off. But she felt like heaven had not let you in. So she didn’t press any farther.
Angel gives you fat nuggets because he trusts you to look after him as he works. He never told you what he does for work but you enjoy keeping fat nuggets some company.
You dressed fat nuggets up as a pig princess. Angel found it cute and funny as he took a photo of it to remember the memory forever.
The most to baby you is definitely the Morningstars and Alastor a little bit. As Alastor felt to protect when he first seen you. He always tells you to smile at most to not let anyone see what’s underneath.
Alastor takes you on strolls at times. Even taking you to cannibal town where you can meet his dearest friend. Rosie, an overlord who takes on the cannibal town.
Rosie absolutely adores you! She called you sweetie pie all the time you visit her with Alastor.
I imagine you gave husk ponytails as he just grumbled drinking. He didn’t feel the need to scold you, you’re just a kid. Kids don’t know no better.
You and husk’s dynamic is “drunk uncle x pretty pink princess kid”
Husk hates to admit it but he likes your presence as you help him clean. Although he tries to tricks you to not clean the glasses so you won’t cut yourself.
Lucifer definitely tries to take care of you how he did for Charlie and it’s so wholesome as he would bring you ducks to your room that across of his.
He is such a overprotective father figure-
Angel and you have such cute fashion shows together as you both dress up like princesses💗
I headcannon that Charlie and Lucifer would spoil you rotten like getting you cute dresses or whatever you want as long as you are happy.
I can see that if it was your birthday, it’s as if Christmas and a birthday was combined as you get so much gifts😭
Niffty definitely teaches you how to clean as she always wanted to teach someone how to clean without ignoring her.
I can imagine you trying to contact Ben somehow as Ben is being interrogated back at the mansion as slenderman is chasing Ben with a pan demanding where you are at.
Sir Pentious lets you In on his machine shenanigans as you just smile with the egg boiz who hold your hands.
You showed your teddy bear to Lucifer who cooed at you as he made you a duck that had bear ears..you were weirded out at first but appreciated it. It was nice to get gifts! 💗
I headcannon you like greeting the residents in the hotel as they greet you back not excepting to se an actual human child in the hotel
I can see Angel dust having Velvette make cutesy outfits for you as he likes to see you as a little sister.
I can imagine you just doing that evil ass child laugh to scare the residents…you little ass menace
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quietwingsinthesky · 2 years
18 + Castiel/Crowley for the hug prompts
tight and desperate hug huh. there are so many crowstiel eras i could have set this in that made perfect sense. that would be great to write in.
anyway here's endverse.
|| AO3 || DW || FFNet || PF || SW || WC: 500
"High again, are we? It's becoming a pattern." Castiel is on the floor. He can't remember exactly when he got there, but he knows how. He'll always know how. There's nowhere else to end up when your wings get cut. He blinks his eyes open blearily. There's a familiar face staring down at him, and his expression doesn't hold pity or disgust. Only the terrible aching empathy of being the last left.
"Come to ask us to hide you?" Castiel asks, as though he has the power to make that decision. Dean would shoot Crowley where he stands. Crowley's mouth twists into something that could have been a smile, once. It's all ash, now.
"Do I need a reason to visit my favorite angel?" Castiel should probably get off the floor. He's naked, and he's cold, and he was human long enough to love and lose hot showers. Then again, whenever Crowley usually shows up while Castiel is nude, they end up fucking. He stays longer when they have sex. He doesn't taunt Castiel for the way he clings.
"Compared against who? Lucifer?" Crowley stiffens at the name. Castiel doesn't. So goes their mutual senses of self-preservation. "You shouldn't call me that, anyway."
"You are what you are," Crowley argues.
"Until I'm not," Castiel says back, "and I'm not."
He waits for Crowley to snipe at him again. It never comes. Something splintered and horrible as rotting driftwood lodges in Castiel's gut. "Why are you here, Crowley?"
“Like I said, isn’t it enough to want to see you?” Castiel stands up to get a better look at him. He's more well kempt than anyone else in the Apocalypse. All that lingering hellfire in his body has to be good for something other than running away, and Crowley uses it to iron his suits. "You are the one who leaves the devil's trap open." In the very first end days, that invitation had been open to any demon who dared. Now, Crowley's the only one who it would keep out.
Castiel is still alive for the sake of loyalty. Crowley is still alive for- He might call it cleverness. Castiel would call him a coward and mean it as a compliment. Most of the people who made it past the end of the world were cowards. The brave ones all got themselves killed.
He’d never want Crowley to be brave or loyal.
"Don't go." It's a useless thing to ask of him, and so Castiel says it with very little hope. Crowley was never an angel. He's hardly even been a friend. He has been a constant, and even, at times, someone who makes the dying world a little brighter. Now, in his eyes, Castiel sees the same fear he's seen in bitten men before they're shot to spare them the virus.
Crowley says nothing but wraps him in a hug so hard it bruises Castiel's ribs. Castiel holds tight, until he can't, and he doesn't.
He never sees Crowley again.
(Enjoyed it? Any interaction is welcomed. You can even support me on Ko-Fi <3)
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r0-boat · 4 months
Lucifer headcanons PLSPLSPLSPLSPLS (Maybe what most citizens of hell think of him? And how they and the kings react when mc gets close to him?) PLSPLSPLSPLSPLS
I'm not confident in my Lucifer headcanon's since I wrote that Lucifer breeding fic but heeeeeere hhhhh
Lucifer headcannons
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Lucifer was once an angel and as angels the assistance of God they help make humans and devils so it would make sense that Lucifer one of God's most prized angels would know a fair amount of human and devil anatomy.
Perhaps he became Hell's greatest doctor because he felt guilt of how much useless slaughter he and his brothers did. So, instead of killing, he wanted to help. And his subordinates, supportive of his dream, became healers and doctors with him.
However, he is still the demon of pride, and he wants to be your primary care doctor, and he will not sway his will. The Kings really don't fight him on this because, well, he is the right person to trust with your health.
My most favorite headcanon (and probably the least true, to be honest) is that since his fall, he is slowly learning about sex and sexual attraction. And you are playing a heavy hand on corrupting him, and he loves it. He was a pious angel; though not perfect to many of his brethren, he was considered highly regarded. And now look at him, fucking you till you cry in an act so obscene that it would make his brothers weep. Corruption kink Lucifer. Go brrr.
He wants to corrupt you, just like you corrupt him, but how do you corrupt someone who is already sinful filth/affectionate
Lucifer sees you as the perfect partner to try sexual acts with because he trusts you the most, and he likes you. That goes without saying. Unbeknownst to you, Lucifer is a fast learner. Once you teach him how to pleasure you, the next thing you know, he'll be making you writhe and scream.
Lucifer is a little bitey during sex. Especially when he is about to come, he clenches his teeth before to stop himself from sinking his fangs into your neck, but he can't help it. He needs to feel your soft skin in his mouth. His favorite places to bite are your neck and your thighs, other than your tears and your cum,. Your blood is the third favorite taste.
Lucifer is on the more serious side; jokes tend to bounce off his head. Especially ones made by younger devils... So much so that he gets angry when anyone mentions any word he cannot understand.
As the demon of pride it is his way or the highway. He can break any rule he wants but you, less you want to be a brat (please do He likes to punish). You may not break any rules of his.
Lucifer is as caring and gentle as he is strict; your tears frighten him just as much as it arouses him. He doesn't want to see you cry if it's not from pleasure. His gaze will grow soft, his voice deep and gentle, calling you cooing as he wipes away your tears.
He still has that little bit of animosity toward you He knows it is not your fault. He tells you straight up that it's because he is an angel. Even though most of it is mostly gone, he still gets a slight sickly pleasure from making you cry; He can't help it. He's a little bit of a sadist when he comes to you.
Everyone knows what Lucifer's penmanship looks like but no one can fucking read it. It's a mess of This is the most doctor shit you've ever seen. To you it just looks like an L and a squiggle written in a shimmering gold font (expensive fountain pen gift from Mammon)
Mammon likes Lucifer in a sort of "ooh, that man is pretty; never had an angel in my collection before." Where when Lucifer sees Mammon, it's mainly with Satan, so his first reaction is "God damn it not again."
He still calls you child of Adam or child of man And he still apologizes for it.
Lucifer is quite the romantic despite now becoming a devil, he thinks that hellborn devils should learn that sex is much sweeter when the tension is right. Basically his version of "these youngsters are still young SMH"
Lucifer unironically likes Twilight.
Lucifer texts like he is a character AI bot with perfect English and punctuation. Good luck trying to text him back because he knows nothing about text slang.
You annoy him so much and he loves it. You're so cute please keep pissing him off he'll still love you even when he kicks you out. He literally can't stay mad at you.
He's wondering how the fuck are you still alive You've been wondering that yourself all these years. Maybe that's why you so protective over your health now.
Dads you a lot. "You have to eat this finish your food it's healthy. Blah blah blah- too much screen time is bad for your eyes." "Blah blah blah-humans should get at least 8 hours of sleep Go to bed- blah blah blah." "Stop eating shitty foods and actually cook a decent meal-blah blah blah." at this point, calling him Daddy is becoming less of a joke.
Also Lucifer: buys you chocolates, takes you to fancy dinners.
Lucifer hates being called Daddy. And he hates that he's starting to like it; please stop.
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faun-the-fawn77 · 4 months
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Lucifer Morningstar x F!FallenAngel!Reader
Genre: SMUT
Word Count: 4.0k
Warnings: oral(m! receiving), creampie, breeding, mentions of having kids, clit play, overstimulation, squirting, brief fingering, whipped!Lucifer, Lucifer being a sweetheart, reader is horny 25/8
Desc: A one night stand is a one night stand... right? What happens when Lucifer keeps going back to the same fallen angel just for a taste of Heaven? Oh no... seems the Devil has caught feelings once again!
Note: Lucifer smut;) like there isn't enough already. Requests are open now! This is third and final fic of the votes. Don't worry to those who voted for others! I will be working on all those fics:) Next after this one is a part two to "Lips Of An Angel". Just have to...find a song that will match the part two:)
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I’m so addicted to
All the things you do
When you’re going down on me
In between the sheets
Oh, the sounds you make
With every breath you take
It’s unlike anything
When you’re loving me
Another shitty day in Hell. Sinners were offing each other in the streets of the Pride Ring. The angelic building in the middle of the city shone brightly in the red light, the clock on each side had big letters reading ‘36 DAYS’. 
Lucifer, King of Hell himself, wandered the streets of Cannibal town, a mission in his mind. He tried to avoid Rosie ‘cause she’s a talker and would only make him late for where he needed to go after getting the thing he came to this lovely town for. He scoured the shops looking for the one thing that stood out to him last time he was here. It reminded him so much of Her. Of the one person he couldn’t get out of his mind. 
“Well, hello to our dear king! How are you on this hellish evening?” Lucifer growled lowly at the sound of that radio prick's voice. He turned to the red deer demon and pulled him down by his collar.
“Listen, I don’t have time for your theatrics today. I have places to be and things to get and I don’t need some lowlife sinner messing that up for me,” Lucifer let go of the demon’s coat and strided off to the jewelry shop he spotted out of the corner of his eye, waving behind to the overlord, “Hope you have a bad day!”
Later that evening, Lucifer turned up at his daughter’s hotel. He always came under the guise of seeing his daughter but everyone knew he came for one particular guest of his daughters. Knocking on the giant doors, he waited ‘till either his daughter or the deer prick opened up. 
The doors opened a few minutes later and Lucifer was greeted by, thankfully, his daughter’s voice, “Oh! Back again, dad? But I jus-”
“Charlie! You know I’m always here to see you! I just missed you so much that I couldn’t wait a few days!” Lucifer walked in and hugged his daughter. Vaggie stood off to the side, peering out the door for any dangers. 
Charlie gasped before smiling nervously and patted her dad’s back. She pulled away and held him by the shoulders. 
“Dad, you know I love when you visit. We all do! But uh- Everyone, especially Angel, has noticed that you only come here for a certain someone…” Charlie trailed off. Lucifer stood there silently and blinked slowly, almost frog-like.
“Ah…” He didn’t know what to say. Was he that obvious? The weight in his suit pocket seemed to weigh down on him immensely. He gripped the apple on his cane tightly. 
“Is she here?” Charlie smiled. She wanted her dad to be happy. After her mom had left them, her dad was in a slump. She checked up on him as much as she could but she could tell he wasn’t getting any better. After finding Y/N, a fallen angel just like her father, Charlie brought her with to her family home in hopes of them becoming friends. After that, Lucifer has been stopping by more than he used to. Charlie thought it was because they were good friends but after what Angel told the group last time…Charlie knew her father had fallen once again and this time harder than he fell for Lilith. 
“She’s here. Last I spoke with her, she was working on a secret project. She wouldn’t tell me what it was.” Lucifer looked about ready to bounce off the walls of the hotel lobby. 
“Well I’ll just uh- yeah…” Lucifer ran off towards the elevator and pressed the button for the penthouse at the top of the hotel. He rocked on his heels as the lift made its way up to the top. He stuck his clawed left hand into his suit pocket and clutched the velvet box.
“Well, hello there, handsome.” Y/N’s voice was like smooth silk. It calmed Lucifer’s nerves down, the breath stuck in his throat was exhaled as he stepped foot into his…friend’s penthouse. He wouldn’t call her friend with the amount of times they’ve gotten intimate but, he didn’t know what else to call it. 
“Hello, darling. How is your night going?” Lucifer plopped a seat on the sofa in her living room. He watched as she rounded the island in her kitchen, holding a cup of coffee and wearing nothing but a white silk robe. 
“I’m doing wonderfully, Luci. What prompted the visit?” She folded her legs as she sat on the other end of the sofa. Lucifer cleared his throat and shifted his legs. The robe was a bit see-through which made her breasts very noticeable to him.
“Just wanted to see you…” Y/N smiled cheekily. She knew what she was doing to him. With the way she sat to what she was wearing, Lucifer couldn’t believe he had this much self-control to not jump on her.
“Is that all?” Lucifer gulped. He shifted in his seat once again and gazed away from Y/N’s intense stare. Her eyes darkened with lust as she continued to stare right at him. 
“What do you actually want, Luci?” She placed her mug down, sliding her bottom over and closer to her partner. She watched him cross his legs and grip the arm of the sofa.
“Come on, Luci. Tell me what you desire~” She ran a hand up his arm and over his chest. Lucifer watched with bated breath as she undid his bowtie and slipped the first few buttons of his shirt undone. Her fingers snuck under the shirt and touched all over his pale chest.
“Luciiii~” Lucifer felt the last thin thread snap at the tone of her voice. He grabbed her shoulders and pushed her down onto the couch. He roughly kissed her and made sure to slide his forked tongue between her lips and into her mouth. He heard her moan and felt her hands run up his arms and into his hair. 
Lucifer pulled away with a dazed look in his red eyes. He was straddling her lap, his erection pushing painfully against his suit pants. 
“Need help with that?” Lucifer sat back as Y/N leaned over him, running her hands from his hair, down his semi-exposed chest, and to his tightened pants. She undid his black belt and slipped it from his pants. She popped the button on his pants and unzipped the zipper. 
“Please…” Lucifer whined. Y/N looked up at him and smirked. She made sure to go slow when she pulled his pants down his legs. Her knees hit the carpeted floor when his pants did. Her soft hands slid from his ankles and all the way up to his boxers elastic. 
“Be patient, Luci.”
“God, I’m addicted…” Lucifer mumbled. He was very addicted to her. To all the things she does to him both in and out of the sheets.
Y/N hummed and brought her mouth closer towards his erection. Her breath fanned across the dampened tip and she quickly tore through his duck-printed boxers. The shreds of fabric fell to the carpet. 
“Oh, Luci…” She licked a stripe up from his balls to tip. Lucifer moaned loudly and rushed to cover his mouth. Y/N laughed, pulling his hand from his mouth.
“You can be as loud as you want, my dear. No one can hear us.” With that, she took the tip of his dick into her hot mouth. Lucifer gripped the sofa, tearing streaks into it with his claws. His breathing became laboured as Y/N made work on his cock. She swirled her tongue around the tip, her hand coming up and wrapping around the base. She wanted to antagonise him. Make him want her.
“Oh my Lord, please! Please do something…” Lucifer could feel his patience run thin. Patience was definitely not one of his virtues, if he had any left. 
Y/N hummed. She removed her hand and placed both of them on his thighs, bracing herself, before taking him whole. 
“OH, Y/N/N! Plea~ah,” Lucifer moaned. He bucked his hips up into her mouth and down her throat. He wanted to feel guilty but he was so into the pleasure that she was giving him. Her nails dug into his thighs, her moans vibrated down his length which caused him to gag her once again. 
“I-I’m sorry! You just-hah-you just are so good,” Lucifer praised. She may have been an angel but by God was her mouth sinful. 
Ohh, girl, let’s take it slow
So as for you, well, you know where to go
I wanna take my love and hate you ‘til the end
It’s not like you to turn away
From all the bullshit I can’t take
It’s not like me to walk away
It’s been a few days since Lucifer has been intimate with his partner. His friends with benefits as he has learned from Angel Dust. He was scared. Every time they’ve gotten intimate, Lucifer was on the verge of telling her he loves her. It took all it had in him to not shout it when he came. 
“Oh, Rosie. I don’t know what to do!” Lucifer plonked his head on the table face first. His glass of whiskey shook at the action. 
Rosie, the one who made sure the cannibals in her town stayed in check, patted her king on his head. She smiled down at the fallen angel and watched as he mumbled to himself.
“Honey, if you don’t tell her how you feel, then how is she supposed to know you feel this way? What if someone else sweeps her off her feet? She is nothing like that ex of yours, ya know.” Lucifer grumbled. He knew she wasn’t like Lilith. Lilith was a cold-hearted bitch who cared about no one but herself. 
“I’m trying to take it slow.”
“Is having a one night stand and then becoming friends with benefits ‘taking it slow’?” Lucifer glared at the smiling cannibal. She was right and he knew it. He sighed and dug into his pocket. He brought out the velvet box and slid it over to his friend. 
“I wanted to give her this when I confessed… I don’t know if it’s too much…” Rosie gently took the box and opened it. She gasped when she saw what it was. 
“Lucifer! This is gorgeous! I’m sure she’ll love it, honey.” Lucifer felt his shoulders sag with relief. The piece in the velvet box was beautiful. It was a silver ring detailed with leaves. Deer antlers were what held the moss agate stone in the middle. He learned from Husk and Angel that she only wore silver jewellery and that her favourite stone was moss agate. It may not have been the most expensive but he wanted it to come from the heart and not from his wealth. 
“I know she will. I just…I hate how much I love her. It’s suffocating with her not knowing.” Lucifer was still scared. Scared that she’d walk away and leave everything they’ve built behind. Just like Lilith. He knew it wasn’t like Y/N to turn away. He knew because he’d attend some of those silly exercises his daughter hosted. 
“Tell her. Let her know and don’t bullshit your way outta this.” Rosie slid the ring back to Lucifer. She watched as he breathed in deeply, pocketed the box, and made his way to the door to her shop. 
“I won’t walk away from her. Not like I did to Lilith.” With that, Lucifer exited the shop and made his way to the hotel.
I’m so addicted to 
All the things you do 
When you’re going down on me
In between the sheets
Oh, the sounds you make
With every breath you take
It’s unlike anything
When you’re loving me
“Well, if it isn’t my favourite king! How are you today, my dear?” Lucifer had arrived at Y/N’s place in seconds flat after leaving Rosies. He had spider lilies in one hand and a stuffed black cat in the other. Both being her favourite things she’s seen in Hell. 
“Good! I just wanted to have a chat with you. Hangout for a bit after all the paperwork I did this morning.” Lucifer watched her eyes light up at the sight of the flowers and stuffie. She grabbed them from his hands and raced to get the flowers in some water. She placed the stuffed cat on her loveseat near her bookshelf. 
Lucifer stepped out of the lift and slowly walked towards the kitchen of her penthouse. Y/N was humming as she cut the bottoms of the flowers and placed them in the black vase. Her fingers were nimble and held the flowers delicately to ensure they didn't get damaged. 
“What did you want to talk about, sweetheart?” Lucifer took a seat at the island, snatching an apple from the basket of fruit in the centre. 
“Nothing important… uhm, how was your day?” Lucifer was nervous. He couldn’t do this. He couldn’t drop the L-bomb on her. She was too important to him to lose. 
“It was amazing! Your daughter is such a sweetie! She’s helped me adjust to life in Hell wonderfully. I wish I could pay her back somehow…” Lucifer looked at the angel. This angel was of pure heart and faith. He knew Y/N was still struggling with being in Hell. He knew because he could see the way she hid behind his daughter when they went out or when she would quote from the bible only to grow embarrassed when the others looked at her in confusion. 
“She is a sweetie, isn’t she? I’m glad you’re adjusting to Hell. I don’t want you to be uncomfortable while you’re here.” Lucifer bit into the apple. Y/N watched as the juice dripped from his chin. She licked her lips, walking towards the island and having a seat on the stool near Lucifer. 
Lucifer continued to munch on the apple, not noticing Y/N’s hand creeping towards his thigh. When she made contact, Lucifer jumped and choked on a bit of the sweet fruit. 
“Surely you didn’t come here just to talk.” Lucifer felt flushed. He cleared his throat and set the apple core down. 
“I promise it was only just to talk. I know I said it was nothing important but-”
“Shh, Luci. I can see how tense your shoulders are. Why don’t I-”
Lucifer stood up abruptly causing Y/N’s hand to fall from his lap. He stepped back and sucked in a breath. He reached into his pocket and produced the black velvet box for Y/N to see. He could see the confusion in her eyes. 
“Y/N, I love you. I love you so much that the thought of you not knowing was suffocating me. I know it only started out as us being friends and delving into a one night stand that then turned us into friends with benefits. After a while, it wasn’t just the sex for me. I wanted all of you. Heart, body, mind, and soul. I wanted to feel what it was like for you to love me for me and not for my body. I hope this doesn’t scare you off but I wanted you to know how I feel about you.” Lucifer finished up and placed the small box in front of her. He was sweating profusely and his hands gripped the apple on his cane tightly. He watched as Y/N lifted the box up gently and opened it. Her eyes glittered and he swore he saw tears in her eyes.
“Luci…” Her breath was airy. Like he took her breath away.
“Luci, thank you. No one has done this much for me since I’ve been created. You don’t have to be scared ‘cause I love you just as much.” Lucifer could cry. She felt the same! He smiled brightly and bounded up to the tall angel and hugged her tightly. 
“Oh my Hell! I could bounce off these walls in happiness! Oh, I love you so much, my angel!” Lucifer could feel the vibrations of her laugh. She hugged him back just as tightly, the ring he gave her glittering on her right hand. 
“Thank you for accepting me, Y/N/N,” Lucifer mumbled into her breasts. He felt her fingers run through his golden locks as she hummed.
“No need to thank me, honey. I love you so very much.”
“Let’s head to the bedroom. I need to get this energy out~”
And I know when it’s getting rough
All the times we spend
Trying to make this love something better than
Just making up again
It’s not like you to turn away
All the bullshit I can’t take
Just when I think I can walk away
They’ve only had a few fights but they were only about Lucifer's work. He was the king and every time he went to sign off on a meeting paper to say he wouldn’t be able to make it, Y/N scolded him and told him he needed to go or the residents of the seven rings of hell won’t take him seriously anymore. 
She was right. Every time they went out on a date, Lucifer could hear the whispers and snickering. He was gone for years when Lilith left and everyone had assumed that he was gone. Now that he’s back and appearing more in the public eye, the sinners in Pride casted snide remarks his way. 
“Honey, a letter just came in from Ozzie. Have you always had a family dinner every month with the seven sins and Charlie?” Lucifer paled at the mention of the dinner. He hasn’t been to one since Lilith left him. Charlie had tried to get him to go a couple times only for him to turn her down and go back to wallowing in his sadness. 
“Uh- yes… yes we do. Ozzie was the one that actually wanted it to happen.” Lucifer bounced his knee nervously. Y/N hummed and made his way into the study and up to his desk. She set down the letter and looked down at him.
“How about we go? Ozzie seems to want to meet me and to introduce us to that little imp of his. This’ll be good for you! We can see family and maybe we could invite the residents of the hotel? Have the sins come from their rings and hang out in Pride?” Y/N has been encouraging him to get back into contact with his family since they’ve gotten together. Seemed she was very family oriented. I mean, she had always had him finish inside her whenever they were intimate. He had a sense that she wanted kids but she hasn’t said anything to him yet. 
“Fine. How about you write the letter back to Ozzie. Have him send out a message to the others that we’ll be having the dinner at our place. I’ll fly over to the hotel and inform Charlie.” Y/N squeaked and pulled a blank paper from her lover’s pile of papers on the desk. She produced a quill with the snap of her fingers and wrote out the letter. Lucifer was happy that she was excited to meet his family. Every time they had the petty arguments about his work and paperwork, she would ignore him ‘til she got too horny and then seduced him into bed. He didn’t want this love to be about fighting and making up with sex. He wanted it to be more than that,
“I told him that we’ll have the dinner this Friday! Make sure you mention to Charlie that I invited everyone from the hotel to be there!” Lucifer smiled as she leaned down to kiss his rosy cheek. She bounced off to who-knows-where while Lucifer sat back in his desk chair and sighed. He had to talk to her. 
I’m so addicted to 
All the things you do
When you’re going down on me
In between the sheets
Oh, the sounds you make
With every breath you take
It’s unlike anything
I’m so addicted to
The things you do
When you’re going down on me
Oh, the sounds you make
With every breath you take
It’s unlike anything
When you’re loving me
When you’re loving me
“Oh fuck! Lucifer, right there!” The room was filled with the sounds of skin slapping and ragged breathing. Lucifer was pounding mercilessly into his lover’s pussy. He watched as her eyes rolled into the back of her head as his dick hit just the right spot inside her. Her moans echoed off the walls, her hands clenching the silk sheets beneath her. 
“Come on, baby. You have one more in you, don’t ya?” Lucifer groaned out into her ear. His stomach tightened when he felt her clench at his words. He smirked and brought a clawed hand to her pussy. His pointer and middle finger rubbing circles on her clit. She moaned loudly at the contact before she started to shake as her orgasm crashed through her. Juices squirted from her dripping pussy and coated his lower abdomen and thighs. 
“Oh fucking hell…” Lucifer moaned. His dick throbbed and he finally came into her clenching hole. His seed spilled out while he was still in her and when he pulled out he made sure to take his fingers, scoop up the mess, and push it back into her. Y/N moaned and tried to push his hand away only for him to grab it and shush her.
“It’s okay, honey. Just wanna make sure it takes…” Lucifer held still inside of her and when she calmed her breathing down, he made ‘come hither’ motions. She squeaked out and tried to squirm away only for Lucifer to pin her down. 
“One more. One more time, sweetheart. I need to make sure it takes,” Lucifer whispered. He leaned up and over her, pulling his fingers from her pussy and replacing it with his hardened dick. He saw her eyes tear up from overstimulation. He kissed her lips, holding onto her hips and slowly drove his hips into hers. 
“That’s it, sweetie. You can take it. I got you.” Lucifer whispered sweet nothings into her ear as he began to pick up his pace. His grip tightened on her hips when her pussy clenched around him. He moaned out, dropping his head onto her breasts. 
“I’m c-close, Luci! Please!” Lucifer thrusted his hips faster, making sure to hit the spot that made her see stars. Her eyes clenched shut and her hips moved to meet his hips. Her moans grew louder as her orgasm grew closer. 
“Oh, Hell…” Lucifer almost whined when Y/N tightened around his length, her moans loud as she shuddered. Her orgasm hit her full force, her pussy squirting out juices once again. Lucifer sped up until he finally released another load into her abused hole. 
“I want you to be a mama. Charlie already loves you, why not have another?” Lucifer mumbled. He dropped down on top of her, his dick still in her to keep his load inside to make sure it takes. 
Y/N ran her fingers through his messy hair and smiled down at him. He was such a softie for kids. Whenever they would visit the other rings, Y/N made sure they at least went to the circuses that were held that day to support the kids. 
“I love you, Luci.” 
Lucifer snuggled into her more and murmured out tiredly, “I love you most.”
How can I make it through
All the things you do
There’s just gotta be more to you and me
I’m so addicted to 
All the things you do
When you’re going down on me
In between the sheets
Oh, the sounds you make
With every breath you take
It’s unlike anything
It’s unlike anything
I’m so addicted to
All the things you do
When you’re going down on me
Oh, the sounds you make
With every breath you take
It’s unlike anything
I’m so addicted to you
Addicted to you
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WOOOO SECOND LUCI FIC!!! Hope I did him justice:')
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