#but I wanted to complain and vent before actually doing that
sailorsleepymoon · 4 months
Latest news in being a person with anxiety is wanting the same thing as someone else but being anxious about why they want it
#ven.txt#I’m just the hrggggggger yknow#snyway my beloved girlies who like hearing other people’s problems. this is for u#I’m like. idfk. romantically involved with a person in my friend group#and ostensibly there are no issues and in fact are quite a lot of. opposite of issues. very poggers#so we call each other cute pet names and one time he’s like. but I can’t call you that in group call#which yeah. that tells our friends that something is going on; which I also would feel weird about because it adds outside expectations#as well as the pressure to define a relationship in more specific terms and I just don’t know who that benefits#but I get anxious because like. well I know my thoughts but what are his motivations for not wanting to tell them?#any story you read online where a man wants to hide a relationship turns out terribly; but this is not really on that level.#like this is not a 3 year relationship being hidden from someone’s parents when they’re otherwise close like there are some key differences#but where my brain immediately jumps is. person is hiding something person is ashamed of me or embarrassed of me#and do I think any of those are reasonable? not really at all; no. do they appear anyway? yes#and like. you don’t tell people about stuff that’s New generally and also. as I’ve said. I also do not think there would be benefits#to saying anything!!!!!! especially when I would not be terribly comfortable being affectionate in front of other people like#there’s nothing to gain!!!!!!!!!!#anyway. the solution to this is obviously to talk about it with him and either I will or he’ll see this post in which case. hi :>#but I wanted to complain and vent before actually doing that#thanks for coming to my Ted talk everyone. yeah it was kind of a weird one I know
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ohbo-ohno · 8 months
i made the horrendous mistake of watching the start of an old rdr2 playthrough while taking a break from writing and it was possibly the worst decision i've ever made
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stupidscav · 10 months
im actually just done at this point if I break down crying at school today we all know who's fault that is
mine AND my math teacher's
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shoveitevil · 6 months
god. why does no one care about me in this damned house
#two days of hanging out with childhood friends having the best fun I’ve had all holidays just to be ruined by my brother#my god#firstly you have a complete fucking meltdown right before we’re supposed to leave despite you having a full 6 hours to prepare while im#in a rush to get in the car 10 mins after waking up because my mum didn’t wake me up#then you make us call you because you were feeling left out despite you specifically saying you didn’t want to hang out with these people#then the next day you agree to go and immediately start insulting me for laughs and then hitting me with hard plastic when I respond#you continue to do things to the rest of us and then complain when we do the same#eventually going to mum and conveniently ignoring any part where he hit me#then you act moody the rest of the damn day watching youtube and then say all that time watching YouTube was stressing you out#then I get home after a 40 min drive of josh crying over some unexplained problem with all the “stress” on his face leaving immediately#my mum asks me why I wasn’t feeling the best and I explain all the shit that josh did to me#and then she has the nerve to stay “why have you stayed so mad about this” as if josh doesn’t constantly pull this shit#apparently she thought all the times we didn’t fight were just normal?? as if I don’t have to constantly walk on eggshells around josh#and I had to explain how I constantly had to comprise for him and how I just for once wanted to have fun with my friends#and even then we constantly invited him to play with us#and then refused to#the two hour later I decide for once in my life to be vulnerable with my dad and get on the verge of tears explaining how I’m treated by jo#and how despite doing the actual limit to what I can mentally handle to appease josh he still treats me like dogshit#and he decides to make this about him and his brother and how their relationship worked#and then told me basically that my brother will never leave my life and I have to stay with him forever#I love my mother#My father and my brother not so much#but when it’s not about josh getting a pinprick and having to cancel a 2 week holiday#it’s about mum and dad and how they are going through a rough patch and constantly have to let us know#the only time it feels like I’m paid any attention to at all is when I’m with my sisters or I get a grade back#ughhhhhhhhhhhh#vent
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heartxdecay · 6 months
WHY do bad things always have to happen to me so close together like I did not NEED the combo of an acquaintance I was attempting to befriend blowing up at me and threatening to kill themselves over them deciding I said something I didn't (fuck being autistic why does everyone assume I'm inferring things when I'm actually NOT) and then my stalker who I haven't seen in about a year suddenly decides to show up at my place of work and ask MY BOYFRIEND if I was there (he lied and said I wasn't but I still caught a glimpse of him so he might have seen me) which lead to me finding out he never actually moved like he said he was going to which means realistically he could go right back to stalking and harassing me any time he wants. In the span of like 3 days. And of course right now we're like 3 weeks away from the big traumaversary time from when I left the cult + this is the midst of when I was reporting aforementioned stalker last year so I'm already constantly on high alert anyway. So now I'm constantly struggling just to stay awake let alone work and I already had to drop out of school and lie to my parents about it because the condition of me living here is remaining in school which means since I'm not they're going to kick me out if they know. So I can't NOT go to school AND not work especially because I'm trying to save as much money as possible in order to move out of this stupid hellhole of a "family" home where I'm constantly used as a third parent for my younger siblings. But I'm so tired all the time from stress keeping me awake at all hours and being completely unable to leave fight or flight mode when awake that I can barely find the energy to move, and my work is extremely tiring. I work retail as a supervisor and I have to deal with my coworkers not doing as much of the workload despite all being full time while I'm part time, none of the people I'm in charge of taking me seriously because I'm either younger than them or the same age as them, regular stress that comes with working retail and dealing with customers, and a management change that is leading to us getting a notoriously rude + perfectionist manager who I have personally seen throw an actual tantrum over having to do his JOB. Which means I can't afford to be tired and grumpy because I have to remain professional and productive. But every time something slightly off happens I want to burst into tears. Nobody there respects me and it's hard enough to handle when I'm NOT dealing with all of this. And of course because God hates me all of this happened when I decided to try to cut back on constantly vaping so after incident #2 I immediately gave up on that and I honestly think I've been going through cartridges FASTER. It's genuinely such a struggle every day to not relapse on self harm or turn to alcoholism and I'm not sure how much longer I can last. Especially because my literal only IRL support system is my boyfriend, because my parents are worth jack shit, my siblings are children, and my only "friend" in person is an objectively terrible human that I only still have around because they were my FP for a really long time and I have a hard time letting go of that relationship (every time I try I end up running back) and I just KNOW that if I even TRY to breach any of this with them they're either going to hit me with an "oof/yikes" and nothing else or spread my PERSONAL shit to everyone they know INCLUDING my extremely abusive ex that they refuse to totally cut contact with because it's "mean". which means I actually have nobody to turn to except the internet friends in my phone who for one aren't online all the time and have lives but two since they're my ONLY SUPPORT SYSTEM I cannot keep dumping everything on them constantly or I'll overwhelm them. Not to mention they have also had to deal with the acquaintance I mentioned at the start because they're actually THEIR friend, not mine, so if anything it's an even bigger deal to them. This leaves me with only my boyfriend who I already feel shitty enough about given the raging BPD.
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wormisconfused · 1 year
I hate when people say shit like "why didn't you tell me"
Why would I? Especially when you've given me no reason to tell you shit, whether it's if I need a ride or just to talk to you. I've busted my ass for people over and over again only to be shut down when I ask for something.l
And it happens time and time again, whenever I need something, I'm always let down but when I take shit into my own a hands and do something about it, then I'm the bad guy for not asking sooner WHEN PEOPLE WOULDN'T HELP IN THE FIRST PLACE
On top of that! If I do receive help, it's always with a complaint on helping me. Which, hello, DONT DO THAT. If you don't want to help me
Don't. Help. Me.
I don't give two shits if you think I'm making you look bad by not asking you for help, you are making me feel horrible every time I ask. Why would I ask at this point when I'm just going to receive back lash
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toastywindow · 1 year
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Lucky Girl Syndrome!! / theodore nott x fem reader
playlist : lucky girl syndrome - illit
summary : y/n has always been just a lucky person , in her acedemics , looks , friends , family and even in her general day to day. however she wasnt so fortunate when it came to her love life...but maybe it wasnt luck chasing love away , but instead someone close to her?
y/n , slytherin reader , fluff , swearing , arguing , jealous theo, anrgy theo and reader
a/n - as an extremely unlucky person- this fic gave me inner peace LMAOO
thats that me espresso! (another theo fic)
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you walked happily though the halls , narrowly missing a prank set up by the weasley twins as their failed trick of a water bucket soaked them and left you completely dry. how lucky!
"i swear there is something wrong with that girl like she has some kind of force feild!" george sighed in frustration , their 3rd prank of the week failing to actually get you.
"God has favourites georgie, he has favourites ," fred patted georges back as they both sulked away to dry their now drenched clothes.
of course you were olbivous to the whole thing! your stroll down the hallway continued , the sun hitting your face in just the right way as you reached the great hall , practically skipping to the slytherin table.
"hi guys!" you exclaimed excited as you sat down at just the right time to ignore the apple that had just come flying at your head.
hearing the apple crash to the ground you turned again , confused seeing the apple roll around on the ground.
"shit , sorry y/n i was aiming for harry but he dodged!" ron shouted apologetically across the room.
"dont worry r-" you started until you were interuppted by your best friend theo besides you, who held a cold glare at ron.
"do that again and it wont be an apple flying at your head weasley!" theodore shouted at him as ron awkwardly looked away.
"dont theo , it was an accident," you said putting a hand on his arm as he immediatly softened.
"youre too kind y/n you shouldve been in hufflepuff," pansy said with a sigh.
"green suits me more," you smiled at pansy as she giggled ,"besides i can be quite mean when i want to be."
"youre not wrong about that , you nearly broke my ribs with that bludger in quidditch!" draco complained , still not letting go of a quidditch incident from 2nd year.
"draco i really wish you would get over that , it was my first match i was nervous and thought you were on the other team," you sighed starting to eat your food.
draco grumbled in response until the whole table turned around to look at something behind you, in confusion you turned too and saw a ravenclaw boy in your year.
"hi y/n i was just wondering if maybe you would-" the boy , named david, started to speak until catching his eye on something besides you. waiting for him to carry on he instead shuddered with fear and backed away instantly , practically running back to the ravenclaw table.
"david!" you tried to call after him , but instead he walked faster , sitting himself down and avoiding eye contact at all costs.
"the fuck? what...what did i do?" you asked your friends frantically , knowing that he intended to ask you out before he suddenly stopped.
"you didnt do anything sweet y/n ," matheo started before shifting his eyes to theodore next to you, "maybe a greater force got in the way?"
confused by his choice of words you looked back at david , a look he didnt return. in frustration you held your head in your hands and groaned , "im so unlucky!"
"i wouldnt say that," blaise scoffed as the whole friendgroup nodded , knowing luck was not your lack.
"no i mean unlucky in love! david was clearly going to ask me out but just like the gryffindor from last week he couldnt even finish his scentence and ran!" you sighed , venting your anger to your friends.
"yeah well you can do much better," theodore remarked in a cold tone , his eyes still peircing where a shaking david sat. as you watched theodore stare and david cower , everything seemed to click into place.
"theodore!" you snapped at him , making him finally turn and look at you , "yknow sometimes i think that you drive them away!"
"you think!" lorenzo scoffed as pansy smacked him on the arm , quickly shutting him up.
"i havent done anything, its not my fault he ran off , what could i have done?!" theodore argued back as the rest of your friend group watched him in disbelief , knowing he drove david , the guy from gryffindor and every guy ever, away.
you scoffed ,"oh really so you didnt death stare him? he clearly looked at you before running!"
"wow i didnt know you would get so touchy about david the ravenclaw!" he said in a mocking tone as you both seethed with anger.
"read the room theodore for fucks sake! maybe i do want to go on a date , maybe i wouldve said yes! i didnt notice at first , how every guy just bolted as soon as he looked at some mysterious thing next to me , now i realise it was you probably doing a cut throat gesture!" , you ranted at theodore as draco tried to hold in his laugh.
"maybe he had an epiphany about you or something!" theodore tried to argue back , all of you knowing he couldnt really deny anything you said , it was all true.
"what- you think its me driving them away? stay out of my love life theo its none of your fucking business!" you harshly shouted your final remark before getting up from the table and stomping out of the great hall.
"there goes that mean streak i was just talking about," draco mutters , shaking his head and continuing to eat his food.
the table sat in silence for a few second before mattheo spoke up again, "you kinda deserved that."
"fuck off!" theodore snapped as he jumped up and strode after you , and out the great hall.
walking into your dormroom you threw your robe off of you and loosened your tie , trying to lose some of the heat from your argument.
pacing the room your thoughts were interrupted as the door burst open , theodore walking in and standing in front of you , keeping a fair distance as you stared back at him.
"what do you want now theo!! do you want to control my friendships? maybe throw a glare and a threat at enzo and draco and maybe they'll stop talking to me aswell!" you shouted at him loudly now, as venom dripped from your words.
he stepped towards you quickly , as you tried to back away- he grabbed the sides of your face delicatly.
"i want you," he said , his voice just above a whisper as your heart burst into flames , the heat dispersing itself across your cheeks.
"d-.. theo dont say thing you dont- that you know you dont mean," you said avoiding his gaze , shaking your head as your voice had dropped to an insecure mumble.
"y/n i have only ever wanted you , i glare and i threaten and i hate the boys that ask you out because i want you. i need you." he said softly , pulling your face closer to his , forcing you to hold eye contact.
"theo i-" you started as he cut you off quickly.
"please if youre going to reject me just know....know that ill tell david to ask you out , ill never do anything to intercept love for you again. i promise , just please... let me down easy.." he spoke quietly , insecurity and sadness seeping though his words.
this time it was you that softly garbbed his face and lifted his eyes to meet yours , "theo...maybe i didnt realise it until now but...i have always liked you."
his sadness faded as he looked at you with shock , his silence allowing you to continue in a lighthearted way, "maybe ive glared at a few girls too , unknowingly of course!"
you both laughed at this as he looked at you like you painted the stars into the pitch black sky , "im sorry for pushing those guys away...well not really but more like im sorry that you got sad about it"
you laughed again before allowing yourself to get lost in his eyes , the green like that of a four leaf clover- rare yet so beautiful , "maybe im not so unlucky in love afterall , it was right there in front of me the whole time."
he smiled at you with adoration before pulling you into a sweet , loving kiss. fortune was on your side today , as it brought you your luckiest pull yet , theodore nott.
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littlelamy · 14 days
so this maybe a bit much but how about kook reader who’s parents are forcing her to get a job because of how much money she spends this kinda goes with the shopaholic one I also sent sorry but anyways when she finds out her parents are making her work she runs to Rafe to complain💖
a/n: i love this idea🥰 thank you for sending a request!
you stormed into rafe’s house without knocking, the heels of your sandals clicking loudly on the hardwood floor. rafe didn’t even flinch from his spot on the couch, though he lazily glanced up at you.
you dropped your designer purse on the floor with a huff and crossed your arms. “you’re not going to believe what my parents are making me do.”
rafe paused the game on tv, his lips quirking into that familiar cocky smile. “oh, this should be good. what’s got you all worked up this time, princess?”
you didn’t bother with the attitude he was throwing your way. you were too furious. "they're making me get a job."
for a split second, you could see the surprise flash in his eyes, but then rafe threw his head back and laughed. a full, rich laugh that sent heat rushing to your cheeks. this wasn’t funny. you stormed over to the couch and pushed at his legs with your hands. “it’s not a joke, rafe! i’m serious!”
“hold on, hold on,” he choked out between laughs, grabbing your wrists and pulling you closer until you were standing between his legs. “you? a job? yeah, right. what’re you supposed to be doing? selling clothes at the country club?”
you glared down at him, but the heat in his eyes as he pulled you closer made your anger falter. “no,” you shot back. “something way worse. they want me to work at my dad’s office. like, answering phones and…and filing paperwork.”
rafe gave you an amused look, his grip on your wrists loosening as he leaned back against the couch. “you—filing paperwork? yeah, that’s not happening.”
“exactly!” you burst out, relieved that at least someone understood. “i told them i could just cut back on the shopping, but they said i have to learn ‘responsibility’ and ‘work ethic’ and all this other bullshit. like, i didn’t grow up to file papers in some dusty office!”
rafe raised an eyebrow, looking far too entertained for your liking. “i mean, you have been running through their credit cards pretty hard lately, babe.”
you rolled your eyes and pulled your hands away from him, pacing a little as you vented. “i know, but it’s not like they can’t afford it! we’re kooks, for crying out loud. they’ve got money for days, and they’re freaking out over a few shopping sprees.”
rafe watched you with a bemused expression, his arms draped lazily over the back of the couch. “so, what? you want me to talk to them? convince them to back off?”
you stopped pacing and turned to him, your frustration simmering as you met his gaze. “no, I don’t want you to talk to them. i just…i needed to get out of there before I lost my mind. I needed to talk to someone who actually gets it.”
rafe tilted his head, his eyes darkening with something you couldn’t quite place. “oh, I get it,” he said slowly, standing up from the couch and closing the distance between you. “i get that you’re used to getting whatever you want, whenever you want it.” his hands found your waist, his grip possessive as he pulled you closer.
you narrowed your eyes, but the heat between your bodies was already melting your resolve. “what’s that supposed to mean?” you asked, trying to sound annoyed, but your voice came out softer than you intended.
rafe smirked, his lips brushing the shell of your ear as he leaned in. “it means you’re used to running to me when you don’t get your way,” he whispered, his breath hot against your skin. “and I usually give you what you want, don’t I?”
your heart raced as his fingers trailed along your sides, sending a shiver down your spine. he was right—you did run to him. rafe was the only one who never told you “no,” the one person who didn’t try to rein you in. he liked your wild side.
but you weren’t ready to admit that out loud. Instead, you tilted your chin up defiantly. “and what’s wrong with that? you like it, don’t you?”
rafe’s eyes darkened even more, and his grip tightened slightly. “oh, I do,” he admitted, his lips grazing your neck. “but this little job thing… maybe it won’t be so bad.”
you blinked, pulling back enough to look up at him. “what are you talking about?”
his smirk returned, more devious this time. “i'm saying maybe you could use the distraction. get your parents off your back, make them think you’re turning over a new leaf. play the good little daughter for a while.”
your eyes narrowed, searching his face for any sign that he was joking. “you’re serious?”
rafe shrugged, his hands still resting on your hips. “why not? do the bare minimum, show up, file a couple of papers or whatever, and then come back to me when you’re done. it’ll be like a game.”
you considered it for a moment, the thought of playing along to keep your parents off your case while still getting what you wanted. you didn’t love the idea of working—any job sounded awful—but if it meant keeping them off your back, maybe Rafe was right. maybe you could pull this off.
“you think I could do that?” you asked, biting your lip.
rafe chuckled, his hands sliding lower. “babe, you can do anything you set your mind to. just as long as you keep running back to me afterward.”
your pulse quickened at the heat in his voice, and for the first time since your parents had dropped the bomb on you, you felt a little more in control. maybe this wouldn’t be so bad after all.
“fine,” you muttered, wrapping your arms around his neck. “but if this blows up in my face, i’m blaming you.”
rafe grinned, pulling you in close. “i wouldn’t have it any other way.”
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dollfacefantasy · 1 month
toji fushiguro x crybaby!fem!reader cw: nsfw (18+), smut, p in v, daddy kink, dacryphilia a/n: i'll probably write the mating press one at some point too i just felt like doing this instead today
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Thinking of Toji Fushiguro with his sweet, sensitive girlfriend who's had a bad day.
He's lounging on the couch when you get home. His head rests on the cushion with one of his thick arms tucked behind his head. His meaty thighs are spread wide open, almost calling for someone to sit on his lap.
The second you come through the front door, he knows something’s up. You don’t have a pretty smile for him or chirpy hello. You just brush by and head straight to the bedroom. He doesn’t have to ask the obligatory ‘how was your day?’ to know his baby is overworked and overtired.
When you return to his vicinity, your clothes from going out are gone, swapped in favor of soft pants and a thin camisole. You answer the call his thighs put out and take up the spot on his lap, landing on one of his legs and curling your own to rest your feet on the other.
"s'wrong, baby?" he murmurs with a small peck to your temple. His fingers trail up and down your spine in a soothing rhythm.
You sniffle before answering and tilt your head back. Another couple tells. “Just tired n’ stuff,” you answer weakly.
“Yeah? That all?” he asks while using his arms to squish your body closer to his. His lips lay feather-light kisses across your cheekbone and down to the skin beneath your jawline.
You tilt your cranium for him, giving him more room to lavish affection on you. The rest of your body melts in his direction, eager for him to soothe more of your problems away with his presence.
He covers one side of your throat with his lips while his fingers tend to the other. They stroke back and forth in little stripes. When you don’t answer his last question, he tries a different one.
“Just a bad day?” he mumbles.
To that, you nod.
He hums knowingly. His hand on your neck slides down over your breast to your waist. He knows what you need. You don’t want to actually talk about what’s wrong. Don’t want advice or a place to vent. You just want Toji to make it better in the best way he knows how.
“Why’s everyone so hard on my girl, hm?” he murmurs. His lips drift the opposite direction of his palm, finding your cheek again and working over to your lips.
“I dunno,” you answer before his lips swallow the sound of your voice.
Soft, wet noises from kisses replace actual words. You melt against his chest, letting him support you in the embrace. One set of your digits lazily plays with the smooth ends of his obsidian locks that sit at the nape of his neck. You can feel the frayed skin of his scar as your mouth moves on his own.
The first time this happened, Toji felt like he was doing something wrong. Beforehand, he thought you’d want to feel listened to when you were sad. That you’d expect him to provide words of alleviation. Maybe you’d wanna watch some of your favorite movies or order takeout from that place you like. Instead, all you wanted was the most base form of physical comfort. And there was no way he was gonna complain about that.
His fingertips pet your waist while his other hand slides down between your legs. He cups your sex before actually administering any touches.
“My baby just needs to relax a little,” he whispers, his breath ghosting over your saliva coated lips.
You nod and brush your nose against the tip of his. “Need you.”
He hears another tiny sniff in your voice. His teeth scrape over your bottom lip before he kisses the corner of your mouth.
“I know,” he coos, voice low and smooth, “Need daddy to just rub all those worries right out.”
A whimper spills from you - both a reaction to the words and his thick fingers that were beginning to stroke your cunt over your soft bottoms. The sensation is too dull to provide any real pleasure, but it’s enough to stoke the sparks of anticipation into flames.
You lean back and angle your hips upward, giving him more access to your center. He pushes down with slightly more pressure. A puff of air leaves you both in sync as you each fall into the rhythm of this dance.
He doesn’t play with you through two layers for too long. When he does slide his hand under the waist band of your pants, he also bypasses your panties. His digits delve right between your folds, seeking out the tender wetness that lies there.
His middle finger finds your clit with learned precision. It gives the swollen bud a few swipes, relishing the mewl you let out.
Your body loosens up as his finger begins to work at you more. His shoulder catches your head when it falls back. Moments later, your legs spread a little wider across his lap to make this all easier for him.
“There you go, that’s it,” he praises.
Like always, he rubs you dumb. Toji’s skilled fingers get you all floaty and mindless in the span of five minutes. Your eyelids droop while your pupils find his face. You see him smirk, visibly amused by your look of love.
“Looks like you’re gonna start droolin’ for me,” he teases and swipes at the edge of your lip with his free thumb.
You don’t know what makes him so good at this, what gives him the ability to crack you like a safe, but he does it time and time again. Your head begins to fill with clouds as tears mist over your water line. It’s as if he reduces you down to your most base instincts.
He can see the extra shimmer in your eyes. “Such a good girl,” he croons.
His scar splits with a grin. More arousal begins to leak from you, slicking up your cunt and his fingers. He drags his digit over your entrance. He doesn’t dip it in, only uses enough pressure to tease.
When you sniffle for the third time and turn your face into the warmth of his neck, he knows you’re ready for more.
His hand glistens with your nectar when he frees it from your panties. He gives you a little boost and tugs down the garments before sitting you back on his lap bare. He was already semi-hard from watching you get worked up. Palming at his bulge, he gets it to fill out some more and then pushes his own bottoms down.
As much as he loved making you ride, you were in no mood to right now. He tilts you back against his chest, kissing at your neck while jerking his cock a few more times.
You get your legs back up into his lap, which works out for the position he wants you in. One of his hands grips your hips, guiding you up so he can slot his swollen tip at your hole. He presses at it gently, popping into you and letting you adjust to the first part of him. Whining in satisfaction, you squirm against him.
“Hold still for me, baby. Daddy’s gonna take care of it,” he breathes.
His hands cup behind your knees, folding you up against him. Lifting his hips, he slides the rest of his thick shaft into you. That’s what breaks you open and beckons those waiting tears to roll down your cheeks.
He soothes you through it. You’re not in pain, and he knows that. You need this release. He's just more than happy to give it to you.
You’re so used to the satisfying stretch of Toji’s cock. It stills draws these tears from you, but the best kind. And this is the way you like to get it. Held up in his strong arms while he pumps his hips up and down.
His heavy balls sway with the movements of his pelvis. The prickle of his hair down there meets your ass every few seconds. He nestles his own face against your skin, muffling his grunts with your skin.
“This making you feel better, sweetheart?” he coos, his voice more strained than before. Your cunt was just so tight and warm. Each thrust enveloped his dick with feelings straight from heaven.
“Uh huh,” you choke out. It’s impossible for you not to clench around Toji. He just fills you so well.
His tip prods at your interior sweet spots. You arch your back, breasts heaving from the slow stream of pleasure filling your veins. His pace is nice and slow for now; designed to settle your emotions. He could speed up and drive you to more tears in a few minutes.
“Fuck,” you sniffle simply, your hand rising to wipe your tears away.
“It’s ok. You let it allllll out,” he says from behind you, voice laced with the pleasure of knowing he handled you just how you needed.
“T-thank you, daddy,” you whimper.
“s’what I’m here for.”
Once that pace becomes too comfortable, he starts speeding up. Your pussy squelches with the increased fervor of his efforts and another cry leaks from your throat.
He groans against your neck, dick throbbing at the noise. His hips rock up and down, up and down. He can feel the simmer of release beginning to sizzle in his belly, and he knows you’re probably feeling the same. It only makes him work harder.
The muscles in his legs go taut as he uses them for leverage and prepares to feel the rush of euphoria.
“Almost ready for me, babydoll?” he mutters in your ear.
You nod. Your own legs quiver while your hips buck. Your breaths come out in pants, measured despite their ragged quality.
One of your hands slithers down to rub at your clit to give yourself that extra edge as you hurtle towards the finish line. The combination of the two sensations gets you there. A whimper tangled with a long whine bursts from you and your pelvis bucks sharply as if you’re the one thrusting.
“Oh-ho. There it is,” Toji coos. His hand slithers forward, draping your leg over his forearm insstead of holding it. His fingers wrap around your throat, keeping you as close as possible while he fucks you through the high.
A sob tumbles from your mouth as the rest of your features scrunch up. Twitching and writhing, you ride out the wave of euphoria. You’re so far entrenched in the bliss of release, you nearly miss the feeling of Toji reaching his peak and flooding your pussy with a strong eruption of cum.
His hips falter when the feeling crashes into him, but he manages to stay steady as the pleasure rolls through him. His hips pump each rope deep inside you.
You’re through with it first, but he’s not far behind you. You come down together. Your body sits boneless on his lap while he stays nestled inside you.
Slowly, his arms dislodge your legs from their folded up position. He uses the freedom to bring his thumb to your cheek and wipe away any remaining tears. You nuzzle at his throat in appreciation.
No words are needed between you two, but you offer one anyways.
“Thanks,” you say with a small smile. Your face looks at him genuinely but with a simultaneous desire to not get so serious.
He pats your waist. “Don’t mention it. There are worse ways you could need my help,” he says. That scar you love so much thins as he gives you an expression similar to yours.
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allaboutnayeli · 3 months
not over, never over | a.putellas x reader
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summary: you and alexia broke up but that doesn't mean everything is over.
author notes: sorry to the blonde british woman fans 💔 alexia won so i had to pull this out. i actually been wanting to write smt for alexia for so long! hope you guys enjoy this 😋
contains: ex!alexia x reader, no toxicity just pure misunderstanding and love in these parts, angst but it's worth it, from lovers to exes to lovers trope, lesbians lesbian-ing, badly translated spanish sorry spanish speaking community 🗣️, inspiration is lyssa & dijonai look at wnba lesbian drama influencing people outside of the league, slow build up.. just vibe
playing let em' know by bryson tiller 🎵
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"if that's how you really feel then i'm done!" is the last thing you said to alexia before leaving her apartment. not only her apartment, but the three year long relationship that has been a stable figure in your life since it started. you aren't even sure how the argument that led up to the break-up even started; alexia and you ended up in her apartment after a intense training session. she was irritated, you were irritated. all it took was one wrong move where you complained that there was a lack of warm water after alexia's shower and you two were suddenly spilling out all of the problems going on in-between you two.
how sometimes the spaniard doesn't communicate in the healthiest way, opting to hold everything in until her emotions explode. how you overthink about every little action she does which leads to you misreading the situation and being distant towards her. it was both of yours faults but at the same time no body's fault. everything just happened at the wrong time, on the wrong day, in the wrong moment and the end result is a break-up that neither of you wanted but both of you refuse to take back.
the first few days without alexia feels like pure hell. going into practice and seeing her face everyday is not helping your emotional state. you want to be angry with her but at the same time you feel so apologetic that you can't bring yourself to entirely blame her for the break-up. she may have started the argument, but you continued it and was the one to end it in such a castophic way so you were also apart of the problem.
the other barcelona girls don't notice right away what happened. alexia and you would act friendly with eachother, a little avoidant but friendly. at the end of the day, when you two are on the pitch, feelings need to be pushed aside and football needs to take priority. she's still professional and you are too but there is a sense of distance that even others soon notice.
mapi is the first to say something about it. alexia is over mapi and ingrid's shared apartment, laying on her couch while watching some old euros matches. rewatching the euros from last year before the tournament for this year happens is a tradition mapi and alexia pride themselves on. however, there is a bit of sadness hanging over the usually fun hangout.
"is spain losing again or what? you have hardly smiled since you got here," the tattooed woman says, coming out of the kitchen with a bowl of popcorn. she makes alexia adjust so that she can also sit down on the couch. the way alexia takes a short moment to reply is already worrying mapi.
"what? no, i.." alexia shakes her head before glancing at her friend. she doesn't know what excuse to use; should she just say she doesn't feel well or say it's a family issue? neither would do, mapi can read alexia like the back of her hand. the only person mapi knows better is ingrid which is expected.
before alexia can say anything else, mapi places her free hand on the older woman's shoulder. a knowing smile on her lips as she looks at alexia. there is of course the constant warmth that mapi brings around with her everywhere, in everything. that warmth makes alexia perk up a little. mapi is her bestfriend; venting to her wouldn't be so bad. it wouldn't be bad at all. mapi is not the type to judge, anyone can see that based off her tattoos alone.
"is it about y/n? the last time i saw you two leave practice together was nearly a week ago and that's a long time for you two," mapi says gently, knowing how alexia sometimes needs coaxing to speak her mind.
it's something about hearing your name and mapi's tone and just being near her bestfriend that makes alexia blurt out, "she broke up with me!"
immediately she quietens down, hopefully none of mapi's neighbors cared about or heard that little outburst.
"i mean.. we had an argument then she left my apartment. she said she's done," the blonde sighs. letting out a small laugh at how mapi shifts to pull her into a hug. she accepts it easily, there's no point of rejecting it when mapi already knows what's wrong.
"it's okay, alexia. well.. it's not okay but you know what i mean," mapi says, "sabes que ella te ama."
"por supuesto que lo sé," alexia pulls away from the embrace. she lets out a tired sigh, leaning back into the couch to match the exhaustion in her mind. she could play practice for hours on end without feeling tired but days without you leaves her feeling aimless. three straight years of having you for herself and now you're gone, in that way at least.
"but still she said she's done. i feel horrible for how quick i was to lash out at her.." alexia continues to tell mapi about what happened. how the littlest thing set her off and she just couldn't stop. the argument wasn't even about the shower, alexia had been pent up with emotions for a long while that day. they all just spilled out the moment a tiny conflict happened. the remorse in the blonde is obvious just by her words, but it's not just her tone or what she says. alexia's whole body looks defeated like when she loses a big game.
it's a sorry sight truly. mapi gives her opinion once alexia is finished. saying, "just sounds like you need to communicate better. i think you can work it out with her. muéstrale que lo que pasó fue un error. uno del que te arrepientes."
alexia glances at mapi before looking at the tv screen across from them. the match is nearly over, with spain still losing. she can't even focus on how her nation's men team is being absolute shit when everytime she closes her eyelids, she sees your face. she sees the hurt expression you had when she snapped at you. the way she could see how you tensed up and immediately got defensive but there was this split second where you just looked so hurt. nobody would have caught that slight expression change before you yelled back, but she did, of course she did. she has spent so much time studying your face and your habits and just you that she could describe you so easily, like there is some textbook out there with your name on it. in a way there is; it's sitting all pretty inside of alexia's head.
if only she wasn't such an asshole, maybe all those things she knew about you wouldn't go to waste.
mapi doesn't try to make alexia speak again. instead she just chews on her popcorn and watches the match on screen. alexia would open back up soon enough, when she felt like it.
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everyone else figured out what happened when weeks passed and you two weren't acting like y'all usually do. no obviously affectionate teasing or kisses you two think everyone else doesn't see. mapi of course haven't told anyone except for ingrid who isn't the type to gossip, but coming to the conclusion that you two were broken up was easy to get just from your actions.
walking into the locker room knowing everyone knew was driving your anxiety up a wall. would someone say something about it? or would they just ignore it? there isn't some tension between alexia and you.. at least you don't believe it to be. even though you can hardly look at her for more than five minutes before looking away. she wasn't doing any better. yeah, no tension.
you decide to just act like you were unbothered by the break-up. going into the locker room like any other day and just doing what you usually do; and nothing happens. everyone talks to you like normal. you thought someone would point out what happened but then you realized your teammates, your friends are better than that. all the questioning would probably happen later outside of practice.
everybody could see how affected alexia was even though she tried to hide it. she isn't as good at acting nonchalant as she thinks she is. in reality, the other barcelona girls could tell something was wrong with how distant she's being. keeping to herself more, being one of the first to head for the locker room once practice ended and one of the last to arrive. of course nothing affected her performance on the pitch. like always alexia was a force to be reckoned with.
meanwhile anyone who didn't know you. didn't know how deep the relationship between alexia and you ran would think you didn't care about what happened; the furthest thing from the truth. you just carry the hurt around, keeping it to yourself.
"hola hermosa. ¿cómo estás?" you hear from behind you when going to your car after practice. you turn to see salma. the tall girl smiles at you, quick to come closer and sling her arm over your shoulder. pulling you close as she says, "don't answer that. i already know how you're feeling. how are you handling the breakup is a better question."
one moment you were confused on who was talking to you and the next you are in salma's arms. you blame her long legs for how quick everything happened or maybe it's due to how spaced out you were being.
"how do you know i'm dealing with a break-up is the actual question," you say even though you already knew everyone else figured out what happened.
"c'mon, everyone can tell. we just didn't want to make things awkward at practice but aitana sent me to come check up on you," she smiles at you, "it isn't hard to figure out if anyone looks at you and alexia for more than two minutes. i can see it in your eyes."
was it that obvious? of course it was. you have always been thankful for how good your teammates were at figuring things out but right now you really wished you didn't so you could just deal with this on your own.
"alright, whatever. i'm not handling it well at all. i didn't think i would be single right now.." you let out a long sigh and another sigh when you saw the look of sympathy salma was giving you.
"awe, y/n," salma pulls you into a hug. you happily accept it, you have been needing a hug for a while now since you weren't getting any hugs from alexia anymore. it's a little embarrassing to hug in the middle of the parking lot, but whatever.
"can i come over? you can vent all you want. maybe get tipsy, nobody has to know," she says when she pulls away from the hug after a long moment.
you go silent as you think then you nod, "okay."
and that's how you end up on your couch, way more than a little tipsy (you only had two glasses of wine), crying to salma.
"i just don't get it. why wouldn't she stop me from leaving? why wouldn't she reach out afterwards? i didn't mean what i said!" your words are irrational and you know that but the alcohol in your system is just fueling your thoughts. salma is holding you in her arms. she's unsure if she should just outright tell you that it's obvious alexia wants you back or would it be better to just tell you to reach out instead. she goes with the latter; giving you the truth right now about how alexia is low-key miserable without you doesn't seem like the best option. maybe when you aren't tipsy off some wine.
"why don't you reach out? why didn't you? the break-up sounds so out of the blue, i wouldn't believe it if it wasn't for the fact you and alexia are being all weird around each other," salma says.
"we aren't being weird around eachother."
"alexia scored in our last match and you didn't go to hug her like everyone else. you just gave her a high five before we got back to playing. if this was a few weeks ago, you would have been the first to hug her."
salma's accurate reasoning makes you want to roll your eyes and deny, but it's true. alexia and you are at a weird point. haven't not talked once outside of something football related. no texting either, just pure distance. that night when you left you have hoped she would call or text or even talk to you the next day at practice, but that didn't happen. just silence and distance and a "friendly" demeanor that definitely had something underneath. just because you two didn't talk didn't mean there wasn't still chemistry there.
you shrug, looking up at the taller girl, "i might. just nervous, what if she officially wants to be done and never to look back? i just walked out on her." the anxiety in your mind was building back up; the alcohol was not helping.
"she might be, actually, i know she's hurt but that doesn't mean she wouldn't hear you out. it's you we're talking about here," salma looks down at you. seeing the obvious sadness and regret in your eyes makes her frown. it wasn't like you to be so down, your personality wasn't like that.
the emphasis on know makes you feel a little more confident. if salma is so sure and she's looking from the outside in, no emotions clouding her judgement, then it must be true right? the least you could do was try.
"alright, i'll talk to her. i swear." salma smiles at your words, quick to grab your glass and put a small amount of wine in it.
then she smirks at you, "one last drink? it's celebratory."
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the last match of the season was an obvious success, an easy win against valencia. all of the barcelona players decided to go out clubbing to celebrate the end of the season despite the fact you all would be heading to mexico soon enough; that doesn't mean y'all couldn't get a little drunk though.
it has been a solid few days since you had that venting session with salma and still you haven't done what you said. it wasn't your fault really, with the season almost coming to a close, you didn't want to have that conversation and possibly make the locker room a weird environment if alexia didn't take you back. salma (and aitana who salma had reported everything you said back to) were against your thinking. firmly pushing for you to just talk to her and figure everything out.
"the environment in the locker room is already weird because we are used to seeing you guys together," is what aitana said when you told her your reasoning, "ella te quiere de vuelta, todos lo pueden decir."
hearing that from aitana had put more confidence in you than before. it couldn't be a lie if salma and aitana believed it, right?
back to the clubbing, you are getting ready at your apartment. everyone has gone back to their own homes after celebrating in the locker room, so they could freshen up and change. you spend way more time on finding an outfit than you usually do; tonight was the night you planned to talk to alexia. having this long needed conversation when you both were sober and not high off of a good season would be best but everyone needs some liquid courage sometimes to pull through, to get what they want.
it's slowly been getting too long since you two last spoke outside of football, the last time you two interacted on social media, and fans were slowly noticing it.
it wasn't a hard task to spot the tension and lack of celebrating on the pitch in-between you two. you vividly remember going on twitter to so many fanpages wondering what's going on between alexia and you. scrolling past each one made you just want to throw away your rational thinking and text alexia right away, but no. you waited until the season ended so here you are putting on a pink halter top and a short skirt that you knew alexia loved, she bought it after all. when it came to jewelry you put on the necklace she left over at your place.
you haven't gone over to her place to get your things and she hasn't either. you noticed that she kept wearing the gold promise ring you bought her, seeing that made your heart flutter every time. you weren't any different, you still wore your promise ring as well and you have been sleeping in the shirts she left over your place every single night without fail.
you take a short while to finish your makeup, just in time as you hear a car honk outside. already knowing it was aitana, you were planning to get drunk tonight or just a little tipsy so driving your car to the club wasn't an option. you grab your purse, making sure you had your phone, before leaving out of your apartment. smiling as aitana waves at you from her car. she giggles when you get in the passenger seat, smile on your lips.
"ready to get your girl back?" she glances at you.
you gasp before laughing, "we're going to the club to celebrate how amazing we were all season. not for some get her back plot."
"it's okay to tell the truth," aitana gives you a teasing smile before focusing her attention on getting out of your apartment complex parking lot and on the street.
"you have been around mapi way too much."
the club is bustling with people as aitana and you step inside. she pulls you towards where the tables all the other barcelona players are at. immediately your eyes land on alexia, she's sitting at a table with mapi, ingrid, marta, and caro. two couples at the table and it would be three if you were over there, if you two were still together.
she's wearing a red tube top and denim shorts that show off her legs. she looks beautiful like always and you can't, don't, stop your thoughts from wandering.
"we're finally here! y/n was taking forever," aitana smiles as you two stop at the table with ona, lucy, and keira. you spot salma sitting with patri and claudia, all of them already having drinks.
"of course she was. we shouldn't expect less from her," lucy laughs as you scoff. sitting down next to aitana, you lean your body slightly on the table. "i bet ona takes longer," you say.
"what did i do?" everyone at the table laughs at ona offended expression. conversation flows freely between you all. nobody has gotten rowdy just yet, with the team still waiting on frido, jana, and a few others to come to the club. your mind strays away from the fact alexia is at the table next to you as you engage in a heated debate with lucy about who is going to win the euros this year.
"don't act like england is a bad team!" lucy says, looking at keira for back-up. the younger woman rolls her eyes, turning to continue to talk to aitana.
"i never said that but they just aren't beating spain this year," you say back. ona immediately jumps in to defend your point, "she's right. i bet spain is going to crush it this year."
"babe, you're supposed to be on my side."
"i am on your side, just not your country's side."
ona and lucy's little back and forth is cut short as everybody else arrives. now it's really time to let loose and party. aitana immediately sends you to the bar to get everyone at the table drinks, you pass by patri and claudia who got up to dance the moment everyone was here. you know a few of your other teammates are dancing right now; frido didn't even sit down before going to the dance floor.
when you left for the bar, you didn't notice the mischievous smile on aitana's lips or how she looked over at mapi who had a mischievous look in her eye. you also didn't notice how alexia wasn't at her table anymore either.
you reach the bar, leaning against it as you wait for the bartender to come over since he's busy with someone else right now. when you look to your right, you have to do a double take because it's a pretty blonde with a red tube top and denim shorts on right next to you; alexia.
she's acting like she doesn't notice that you are right next to her but she could spot you from a mile away. should she say something? her internal monologue was basically full of just "duh of course" and "what if she doesn't even want to talk to you"
both are annoying the shit out of her, so when the bottle of tequila comes she opens it. pouring herself a shot and downs it right away.
"you're eager, huh?" you want to slap your hand over your lips. you weren't planning to speak to her just yet, later on when you had some type of alcohol in your system was the plan.
alexia glances at you. a mix of uncertainty and fondness in her eyes.
she chuckles, "yeah. why don't you get some drinks so you can join me? you did so well during the season.. you deserve it."
the praise makes you feel all warm. way too warm in a club packed with people. you feel hesitant, nervous, unsure of how this would continue. would you two actually talk about what happened or just act like it didn't happen the entire night?
"you did well too," you say before turning to call for the bartender. after you order the drinks, you look over to the spot next to you where alexia was and find that she's gone. you give a quick glance behind you at the tables where the team was at. she's sitting down next to aitana now, half of her table was gone as mapi and ingrid are up somewhere.
"thanks," you say to the bartender. grabbing the drinks before walking back over to your table. alexia smiles at you when you sit down. you smile back.
ona and lucy take their drinks, ona pulling lucy up to go to dance and keira gestures to aitana to get up.
"gracias por las bebidas. ya volvemos, yendo al baño," aitana says, getting up. you give her a weird look; one of pleading for her to stay and not leave you alone with alexia. the blonde gives aitana a weird look of her own.
aitana and keira leave, ignoring you both. you can easily see they aren't even going to the bathroom, but neither alexia and you object.
the table falls into an awkward silence. alexia sips on her drink, this time it isn't a shot but an actual glass. you let your eyes wander before landing on your drink; alexia knows you're trying to avoid her gaze and it's really starting to annoy her. mapi had drilled into her head (it took so many times because alexia is too stubborn for her own good) that you want her back, that y'all are meant to be. the alcohol in her system is really messing with her right now and all she wants to do is to be against you, feeling your warmth.
and you weren't faring much better mentally. you came here to celebrate but to also get alexia back or at least talk about what happened but you can't even muster up the courage to mention it. you have hardly spoken to her.
she's looking at you though, you can feel it.
"i'm going to dance. you should too, bonita," she says before standing up. you don't answer her but you watch her walk away; she can feel your eyes on her.
if this was just a week ago, alexia would be way too nervous to call you that but the alcohol is fueling her confidence and your eyes on her settle any nerves that she had left. however the spanish player was going to let you approach her, so whatever is about to happen can go at your pace; she respects you like that. also she doesn't want to scare you off or piss you off. she just hopes you don't take long because one more drink and she might just take things into her own hands.
you sit at the table, sipping on your drink but you can only watch everybody dance for so long until you get up yourself. remembering how alexia called you bonita makes you finish off your drink, determined to at least try to get her back tonight.
when you go onto the dancefloor you don't go straight for her but decide to dance with salma. somehow she hasn't tired herself out and she happily pulls you close.
"pensé que ibas a estar ocupado hablando con tu novia. ¿cuál es el problema?" she shouts close to your ear, trying to make you hear her over the music. you shake your head, "i'm going to.. i just need more time!"
"bueno, parece que la reina se está impacientando," the tall girl laughs, "she's looking over here at you."
a look of confusion crosses your face before you turn slightly to look behind you and spot her right away. she's dancing with frido but her eyes are focused on you; the spaniard's gaze is intense, calling out to you.
"i'm going to talk to her," you turn to look at salma, "and don't get too drunk, okay? drink some water!" then you move away from her. you barely catch the "okay!" shouted towards you (which you know is a lie) as you make your way off of the dancefloor and towards the bathroom. you need to prepare yourself before approaching alexia.
you step into the bathroom, thankful that it's empty. straight away you go to the sink to look at yourself. what should you say? should you just apologize? you aren't able to go too deep into your pondering as you hear the bathroom door open then close.
"you just keep walking out on me, huh?" the voice of alexia makes you look at the door. there she is, arms crossed across her chest as she looks at you. same intense look from earlier.
"i wouldn't call this instance walking out. i was going to come and talk to you," you say. this isn't how you imagined having a conversation with her, but it's happening so you'll just have to deal with it.
"bueno lo haré. me viste... mirándote y ni siquiera te acercaste a mí," the spaniard walks closer to you and you don't step away, "everyone is telling me that you want me back. are they lying?"
you shake your head, some confidence and a lot of determination flows into your conscience, "people keep telling me that you want me back. are they lying?"
alexia chuckles, "no, of course not. i'm just frustrated. we both came to this club knowing that we want each other but it feels like you are playing games with me."
"games? i'm not. i didn't want to just come over to you and be like be my girlfriend again. i wasn't sure how you felt exactly, just that you wanted me back. i didn't want to rush it," you are quick to say. the words would sound rational to a less drunk version of alexia but all she could think about is that she wished you two talked about this way earlier.
"that's sweet, but i can't wait any longer. i only want one thing."
"to be yours."
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author notes: this didn't come out like how i expected it to but i don't hate it. hopefully y'all liked it and i wrote alexia okay enough. also this fic is so long, so like cliffhanger or part two?
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hahaifolded · 16 days
141 x POC!GN Intelligence Operative - Thanks for the ticket Author's Notes: okay so the next four are kinda like fun (nothing fun about them really) one shots. They are building up to something... Warnings: MDNI, Angst
Kyle feels horrible for what's happening. He sees the confusion all over your face. He can see yourself questioning your abilities, your self-worth. He hates it. He hates that the team is hurting you. That he's hurting you.
But, to his relief, it seemed like the tension between the guys eased up a bit after that last mission. Maybe the rest of them got over their little crush on you. If the competition was over, then that meant the problem was over. If no one else wanted you (which the sergeant thought was dumb on their parts), then no one should have a problem when he swoops in.
So after a week of scouting all over the internet, Kyle managed to get two tickets to that concert you've been wanting to go. You had vented to Gaz when you weren't able to get tickets for your favorite artist. He remembers comforting you and even listening to a few songs with you. But now, instead of listening to music in his office, you and him were going to listen to that artist live... tonight.
Kyle's heart was racing as y’all’s tickets sat on his screen. As badly as he wanted to rush in to your office and show you himself, he decided to be discreet about it. He was pretty sure that the rest of the guys were over their little infatuation with you, but just in case, he decides to email them to you. Maybe, you'll let out a little scream, rush into his office, and ask him if they're what you think they are.
As he hovers over your email in the dropdown bar, he feels butterflies in his stomach. This was his way in. This was his way to make things right and maybe the first step in wooing you.
However, before he can click your name, he hears someone call his name. It's Price and he’s getting closer and closer to this office. Kyle fumbles over his mouse, clicking things, frantically trying to hide the tickets. As they fly off his screen, Price appears at his doorway, letting him know that the intel meeting was about to start.
The meeting starts and Gaz is simmering in anticipation. He decides that after the meeting, he'll go up to you and show you the tickets on his phone. He didn't care if the rest of the guys saw. So what if Soap whines or Price complains later? What if Ghost... wait... why was Ghost staring at him?
Gaz looks over and sees his Lieutenant glaring at him. Kyle nods his head towards him, asking what’s his deal. Ghost pulls out his phone and types on it. Within seconds, Gaz feels his own phone buzz. Curious, Kyle reads his Lieutenant's message and his stomach sinks.
Ghost: Really think you can just get the upper hand on us like that?
Kyle rushes to his emails and realizes his mistake. He accidentally sent the tickets to Ghost. He looks back at Ghost. Ghost’s stare doesn’t waver. This motherfucker was trying to intimidate him. Gaz couldn’t believe it. Whatever, it doesn't matter. Gaz wasn’t going to let Ghost get under his skin.
As the meeting comes to a close, you see Kyle shoot up from his seat. He must have something pressing to do. You feel your heart race when he starts walking toward you. You try to suppress your excitement. He probably just needs some report from you or something. You see Gaz open his mouth but before he can speak, Ghost calls his name.
"Gaz, thanks for the tickets. Real excited for the concert tonight," he booms out. Soap and Price continue packing, not paying much attention to the conversation that was happening. You, however, are now tuned in.
"Oo, that's fun. What concert are you going to?" you ask. They never ask what you were doing as of lately, but maybe they will if you sparked the conversation up first.
"I actually don't know. Gaz just invited me," Ghost lies. "Who are we going to see, Kyle?" Ghost turns to the sergeant, taunting him.
Gaz knew exactly what Ghost was doing. There were two options here, either Kyle concedes and lets Ghost win or he tells Ghost to fuck off and whisks you off your feet. He glares at Ghost, set on following through on his plan before turning to you.
However, when he sees your curious eyes, he remembers what's at risk. Ghost isn't going to go down without a fight. If Kyle starts, the infighting will start up again, meaning that you'd be gone the minute Price catches a whiff of it.
You see Kyle waver a bit before he says the name of your favorite artist. You're in disbelief. You didn't think Gaz even listened to them like that. Fuck, you showed them to him a few weeks ago when you complained to him about not getting tickets. But now here he was with tickets, taking Ghost to see your favorite artist. Sure he didn’t have to take you but you literally shared with him how much this artist meant to you. He listened to you, comforted you, and reassured you that one day it’ll happen.
Kyle doesn't miss the betrayal that flashes before your eyes or the way your smile wobbles.
"Oh," you let out, "I hope you guys have fun." You leave the room, your chest stinging with betrayal.
That night, when Ghost drags Kyle to the concert, Kyle's throat tightens when your favorite song starts to play.
Word Count: 927
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exhaslo · 8 months
I love your stories it feels like I'm actually in it, I mostly like Mafia Miguel x shy reader.... But anyway if you seen Jennifer's body i can see Miguel being Jennifer and the reader being his friend. If you're taking requests may I have Jennifer's body au with Miguel O'Hara x reader? Thank you. 🥰😍 The ending ended up being together can add smut as well to it?
I actually never seen that movie because I am a wimp when it comes to anything horror, except animal horror. Place Jaws in front of me anyway and I'm down. But, I read a quick summary of the movie and I will make some small changes, you know, to sastify our needs haha.
Also, so sorry this was late. I'm still catching up to last month's requests!!
Warning: MINORS DNI, smut, p in v, murder, blood, possession, shower sex, oral (f recieving)
You knew something was wrong.
You knew that something had changed.
But, what were you supposed to do? Miguel was your best friend and he meant everything. He was your world. The two of you had been together since you were young, to leave him as he was now, would be the worst thing ever.
Rewind a few weeks ago. You and Miguel were just chilling after work at a local bar. Your cheeks were flushed as Miguel kept buying the two of you drinks. It was frustrating how much you loved your best friend. He was just so perfect, both at work and outside.
Hearing a local band start to play, you leaned against Miguel, complaining to him about work. The night was pretty vague after that, but you did recall a fire and Miguel bringing you home. After that he disappeared for the night.
When you awoke the next day, you found Miguel passed out on the couch with what looked like blood on his clothes. You thought nothing of it since Miguel would never do something drastic or crazy like murdering someone. So, you assumed it was ketchup and proceeded to help Miguel out of his clothes.
"What would I do without you?" Miguel mumbled under his breathe as you took his shirt off.
"I don't know, stay in gross clothes?" You said with a chuckle and fixed his hair, "Go wash up. The girls at work will go crazy over this bed hair of yours."
Miguel grunted and playfully used you to stand. You laughed and whined towards him, finishing up for work. The two of you shared a place only to help you with you rent. Miguel was perfectly fine with his own place, he was just helping you.
You first noticed something was off when you arrived at work that same day. Miguel was normal with you, but he had started to get flirty with some of your female coworkers. Miguel never payed any mind to any of them, so it kind of hurt to watch.
As the days went by, you couldn't help but notice some of your coworkers going missing. You tried to ask Miguel about it, but he just shrugged and reassured you that it was probably nothing. Of course, you wanted to believe him...but each of those girls who went missing were ones that Miguel flirted with.
"Miguel?" You called out, entering his lab. Miguel glanced towards you, his smile widening,
"(Y/N), climbed out of the library to see me?" He teased. You plopped yourself over Miguel, sighing heavily,
"Lemme vent for two minutes!" You whined, throwing your arms over his shoulders, "That jerk over in IT had the gal to ask me out on a date, Miggy! After he insulted my 'tiny' brain last week!" You huffed. Miguel felt his eye twitch as he pulled you onto his lap,
"Did you tell him no?" He asked, his tone getting a little harsher. You leaned against Miguel, pouting,
"Of course I said no..." You whimpered and crossed your arms, "He called me a dumb bitch after that...That all I do is..."
"Is what?" Miguel fixed you on his lap, wanting to hear the rest.
"Is...be your fuck toy..." You mumbled lowly.
Miguel felt his lips twitch into a smirk before pulling you into a hug. His warm embrace relaxing you while his mind started to race. Tonight was going to have a bitter taste compared to the rest. Once you were calmed down, Miguel stroked your cheeks,
"Don't pay any mind to him. Go home and order whatever you want with my card. I'll be there late."
"Miggy, you don't-"
"I want too," Miguel rested his forehead against yours, "We're best friends. Let me take care of you," He whispered.
You should have known something was wrong. Miguel always had his barriers and lines, but he was willingly crossing all of them. It felt like you were getting closer to Miguel in a different light, and you weren't sure how to feel about it.
Waiting for Miguel to return home, you started to put away some of the food and clean. He did say that he was going to be late, but it was reaching midnight. It was nerve racking having to wait for him to return home.
You gasped upon hearing the door. Rushing over, you saw Miguel leaning over the counter, coughing into the sink. Grabbing a bottle of water, you hurried to Miguel's side and gasped at the sight. He was covered in blood and throwing up something black and icky.
"Miguel?! Are you alright?! Did you get hurt?!" You panicked, fixing his hair and checking his body. Miguel wavered in place and wrapped his arms around you,
"I'm fine...(Y/N)...Don't worry about me," He mumbled into your neck. You frowned, leading him to the bathroom,
"I have to worry about you, who else will?" You told him, setting the water, "What happened?"
"Please, Miguel. Let me be here for you," You nearly cried, using a soft wet rag to clean the blood around his face, "Please," You sobbed.
Miguel sighed heavily as he brought you against his chest. His breathing was staggered and heavy against your ear, using you as a sort of comfort. His grip tighten ever so slightly around your waist.
"I fucked up, (Y/N). I fucked up so bad," He whispered. You frowned and fixed his hair, "That night of the fire...I went after the assholes since you almost got hurt. I followed them into this alley and I don't know what the hell they were trying to do but...I ended up getting possessed by...something."
"Possessed?" You questioned. Miguel closed his eyes and nuzzled his head into the crook of your neck,
"I guess I was supposed to be a sacrifice or something? But, I didn't met the criteria and this demon took over. I'm always hungry, (Y/N), always." You felt a sudden chill run down your spine as Miguel's hands crawled up your back, "I can't stop...but when I'm with you, I can feel it relax."
"The demon?" You questioned. Miguel leaned back, fangs poking out of his teeth,
"I won't ever hurt you, (Y/N). I'll always protect you."
"Same, Miggy, but if you're in trouble...Please let me help you," You begged him once more.
Miguel inhaled deeply as you stroked his face once more. He lazily glanced towards you, leaning forward to kiss your lips. You made a small squeak as his hands kept you in place. Miguel grunted as he forced his tongue into your mouth, hungrily.
But not for flesh.
Lifting you up with ease, Miguel pressed you back against the shower wall, ignoring the running water. His groan rumbled against his throat as he started to feel your body lean into his. Miguel was hungry for you. You tasted so sweet against him.
"Miguel," You whispered, breaking the kiss. Miguel rested his forehead against yours, letting the water run down your soaked clothes,
"When I'm with you, I don't hunger for flesh," He whispered, wrapping your legs around his waist, "I want you...maybe...Just maybe, I won't have to suffer like this...if you let me have you."
You furrowed your brows with concern as Miguel spoke. Flesh? Right when you were going to ask him, Miguel captured your lips into another, rougher kiss. His hands pulling your shirt up, exposing your breasts underneath.
"Let me have you, (Y/N)," Miguel begged, kissing and sucking against your neck.
You felt your mind grow hazy as Miguel kept his antics. This was something you had always dreamed of. You tried to reply to Miguel, but moaned instead as he started to nipple and play with your breasts. You needed to ask him more about his demon.
"Mig-" You shivered as he started to rut into you, grunting and moaning with each grind.
"(Y/N), you're mine. Mine, only. I'll eat anyone who dares try to take you away from me," Miguel hissed, taking off your pajama pants.
"Miguel, w-what do you mean b-by eat?" You finally asked. Miguel glanced towards you once more, lifting your hips to his face, "W-Wait-"
You gasped and moaned loudly as Miguel's tongue started to swirl around your clit and pussy. Your hands gripped his hair as you arched your back, crying out in pleasure. Miguel's tongue was lapping up your juices hungrily, holding your hips in place.
You felt your core burn as you slowly moved your hips to Miguel's movements. Trembling as you felt his tongue enter your cunt, you cried out as you felt your orgasm approaching fast. Miguel hummed in response, slowly pulling away from your dripping pussy,
"This taste much better," He said with a groan before going back to suck on your clit.
"Ah~ Miguel~!" You cried out. Miguel watched you contort your face in pleasure, crying out his name,
"(Y/N), if I eat you like this everyday..." Miguel groaned as he lowered you, pressing your face against the shower wall, "Then I won't have to feast on others. I can feel it...the demon enjoying this too."
"M-Miggy," You whimpered softly.
"Let me devour you,"
You gasped and moaned as you felt Miguel shove his cock into you deeply. Tears began to roll down your cheeks from the sudden intrusion as he filled you to the brim. Your pussy convulsed around his dick, sucking him in as you cam heavily.
You tried to grip onto the shower wall, but it was no use. Miguel held your hips, pounding into your poor fleshy cunt. Your moans grew louder with each slap of his hips, feeling pure pleasure. The size of his dick was stretching you out, kissing every part of your pussy.
"(Y/N), you feel so good," Miguel grunted, slapping his balls against your clit with each thrust, "Thank you for this meal, I'll make sure to fill you up too," He said with a grunt.
You cried and moan as you cam against Miguel's dick. Your vision blurring as the shower water poured against your skin. Miguel's grunts and moans turning you on even more. You gasped as Miguel lifted you up, inserting himself again as he kissed you.
"Mhm~ Miguel~!" You cried, wrapping your arms around his neck. Miguel held you close, inhaling your scent as he fucked you stupid,
"I won't ever hurt you, (Y/N). Never," He repeated, watching you cream against his cock once more, "We're best friends, forever, right?"
"Yes! Yes!" You cried, trembling as you felt Miguel fill you with his cum, "Ah~ I-I help...c-control this..."
"Thank you, (Y/N)." Miguel hummed, kissing you in response.
By the time you recovered from the rapid sex session, Miguel went into more detail about what happened with him. You were terrified at first since now you knew that it was Miguel who killed your coworkers, but you also understood.
There was no curing Miguel. At least the two of you found out how to control the demon possessing him. Miguel didn't need to eat flesh anymore, all he needed was you.
"Fuck, more (Y/N), just once more." Miguel grunted as he fucked your pussy from behind, "I can't stand seeing another man get near you."
"Miguel~ Miguel~" You cried into the pillow, gripping the bedsheets under your. Miguel hissed lowly as he gripped your hips tighter, pounding your pussy a bit more harshly,
"Mine! Mine! Mine! If I can't fuck some sense into you, then I'll eat them," He hissed lowly. You cried out, cumming against his dick once more, milking him dry for his cum,
"I understand, Miggy~ Hah~ Hah~ O-Only I can ease your hunger," You whimpered lowly. Miguel kissed your back, giving you soft, gentle thrusts,
"I know, (Y/N). I know, don't mind me," He whispered, apologizing for his tone, "Thank you for the meal...now and forever."
Like I said, never watched Jennifer's Body, but hopefully this was okay and somewhat...what the movie wanted? Idk man, maybe one day I'll grow a pair and watch some horror movies.
Hope you enjoyed!!
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foxcantswim · 11 months
FNAF Movie / / Vanessa x F!Reader [Wing-Animatronic]
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(gif by me)
You are hopelessly in love with Vanessa, Bonnie is starting to get sick and tired of you not doing anything about it. Content: Pre-Relationship, Love/Crush Confessions, Soft!Vanessa, BESTBOI!BONNIE Warnings: N/A WC: 1,672
This fic is so self-indulgent. What I would give to hug Bonnie. I think my soul would actually be healed.
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"You know what I mean right?"
Bonnie blinked extremely slowly as he simply looked at you.
"Of course you don't," you leaned back into your chair with a groan.
You had been venting to Bonnie for the past few hours of your shift now, it was becoming a nightly occurrence where he would keep you company in the office (whether he liked it or not...)
"All I'm saying is. She's very attractive and way out of my league."
You were certain Bonnie was trying his hardest to roll his eyes as best he could.
"I'm right, though!" you tried to reason. All Bonnie did was give you a thumbs down in response.
You've had this huge crush (well, it was becoming much more than just a crush nowadays) on a certain blonde police officer you had met on your first night shift a couple months back. She had helped you get a grip on the tasks on your shifts and she had been more than happy to accompany you every other night whenever her own shifts allowed her. She'd always been extremely understandable whenever you opened up to her, she never failed to make you laugh with her stupid dad jokes and she was just overall incredible to be around. The silly playful flirting she had clearly done with you in the past was always welcome, but a part of you wasn't sure whether she meant for the flirtations to be romantic or if they were just jokes.
"You're not being very helpful right now, Bonnie."
He cocked is head at you as if to say 'Are you serious?'
"Come on! How do I successfully win Vanessa's heart?"
Of course he didn't reply.
"You know, if anyone were to walk in and see me talking to you like this they would think I was crazy."
As the hours went on you continued to moan and complain about how you'd never be able to impress Vanessa. About how someone like that could never love someone like you. You were effectively breaking your own heart and putting yourself down. Your hand had been fiddling with a pen for the past couple hours, scribbling various hearts on the back of some paperwork. The name 'Vanessa' was in the middle of said hearts.
You were acting like a love sick teenager with their first crush. You shook your head to snap yourself out of it.
Bonnie took a step away, intending to leave the room.
"Hey! Don't leave me alone when I'm stressed!" you whined.
Bonnie stayed.
Why couldn't it have been Freddy, Chica or Foxy? Why him? Why did he have to listen to all this?
The first few nights he thought it was somewhat interesting and cute to hear you talk about your feelings towards Vanessa. But that interest quickly turned into annoyance after about a week. He liked Vanessa. And he liked you. So of course he wanted to help you in any way he could.
The alarm on your watch finally rang. 6am.
You let out a sigh of relief, moving to turn the monitors off.
"Well... Thanks, Bon. I appreciate you listening. I promise I'll make a move on her. Maybe..." you muttered the last part, clearly not trusting yourself.
You stood up from the desk and grabbed your jacket and keys. You left the office and waved towards the other animatronics before you finally exited the pizzeria.
Bonnie had stayed back in the office, simply waiting for you to leave. His eyes soon locked onto the desk... More specifically the old paperwork on the desk you had left.
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The following night, Vanessa had showed up just as you started your shift. She had followed you into the pizzeria, greeting the animatronics as she did.
"I told you to clean up that mess, Y/N!" Vanessa rolled her eyes as she headed over to a nearby closet to grab a mop. She had wanted you to clean up the mess that Chica and Foxy had made last night. They had knocked over a couple glasses of drinks as they ran throughout the pizzeria.
You shrugged, "I'm lucky you love me enough to clean it up for me," you smirked before walking off towards the office, intending to turn the monitors on.
Vanessa rolled her eyes to herself, however a soft smile appeared on her face at your words. She found the mop before turning back towards the mess, however she wasn't expecting to bump into something.
"Oh!" she exclaimed, "Sorry, Bonnie. Didn't see you there."
He blinked at her before raising a hand.
Vanessa look down at his outstretched hand, she raised an eyebrow in confusion.
In Bonnie's palm there was a piece of paper. Vanessa cautiously eyed it. In the centre of the page there was a messily scribbled heart with the name 'Vanessa' right in the centre.
She let out a quiet laugh, "Aw, thanks. I love you too, big guy," she patted his arm in thanks. She took the mop and headed over towards the mess. She didn't quite see when Bonnie started to shake his head in disagreement. He desperately wanted to tell her that it was in fact you who had drawn that heart. Not him.
The absolute annoyance and stress he was feeling right now...
Bonnie wasted no time in trudging towards the office.
"Hey, Bonnie," you greeted him with a smile as he entered.
He grabbed your arm, quite forcefully, and began to pull you towards the door.
"What's gotten into you?" you asked in confusion.
His other hand moved towards your face, giving you a clear view of a very familiar piece of paper.
"You want me to do that now?!"
He nodded slightly.
"I-I can't Bonnie. It's not the right time. She doesn't like me the same way I like her," you looked down in defeat.
He nodded again, trying to encourage you.
Vanessa cleared her throat, trying to get yours and Bonnie's attention.
You both looked towards the doorway.
"Everything all right in here?" she said, a slight smile in her face at the strange scene she was looking at. She noticed Bonnie holding up the paper directly in front of your face... Your face which was now slowly being covered by a bright blush.
The cogs in the blonde's brain were turning as she desperately tried to work out what was going on.
"Yep!" you squeaked, "Perfectly normal interaction we are having right now," you tried to pull away from Bonnie's strong grip.
Bonnie shook his head frantically. He raised his hand towards Vanessa, showing her the piece of paper again.
"Y-Yeah. You already showed me that buddy-"
He stomped his foot, narrowing his eyes. He then brought the paper back towards you and then back in Vanessa's direction. Over and over, trying to convey what he was meaning.
"Shut up right now, Bonnie," you warned him.
Vanessa felt her mouth go dry as a blush of her own covered her cheeks.
"Y/N..." her voice was soft, immediately making your heartbeat increase, "I don't want to jump to any conclusions here but... Is Bonnie trying to say that you drew that? Not him?"
Great. Now Vanessa was going to think you were an idiot. An idiot who acted like a lovesick obsessed puppy.
"It's stupid, Nessy," you muttered, finally ripping your arm away from Bonnie's grasp. You looked away out of embarrassment before heading over to your chair and plopping down in it.
Vanessa sighed before stepping closer to Bonnie, his hand slowly outstretched towards her. She grabbed the paper and couldn't help but smile down it at it.
"Thanks, buddy," she said before moving towards you.
Bonnie nodded before slowly exiting the room.
"Y/N," she said, turned your chair to face her, "It's not stupid."
"Yes it is," you groaned, hiding your face in your hands, "Can we just forget about this and-"
She giggled, placing the paper on the desk, "It's not stupid. It's cute. It's cute that you have a crush."
"It's so embarrassing, Vanessa," you felt slightly hurt by her mocking you.
Rolling her eyes, Vanessa picked up a pen, "Would it make you feel better if I did the same thing?"
You raised an eyebrow at her, curious as to what she meant. That's when she reached for the paper, and drew her own heart underneath the one you had drawn... Your name was soon in the centre of it.
"You gettin' the picture yet?" she said, hoping you would understand that yes... the feelings were definitely mutual.
You weren't entirely sure on what to say, you simply stared at the paper on the desk.
Vanessa threw the pen down, before cocking her head towards you, "So yes or no?"
"Y-Yes or no?" you questioned.
"How about you let me take you on a date the next time you're off shift?"
This was a dream. It had to be. There was no way this beautiful woman was asking you out on a date right now.
"Need me to repeat myself-?"
"No!" you exclaimed, "I-I mean yes, I mean-"
Vanessa laughed again, "Cute," she muttered before leaning down to place a kiss on your cheek, "I guess I'll be seeing you at the end of the week."
You froze in your chair at the contact.
"Y-Yeah. I'll see you at the end of the week."
Gods, that day could not come soon enough.
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The next night, you had hugged Bonnie tightly. His huge hands had patted you on the back in comfort.
He strutted around the pizzeria, gloating at the fact that he was the best wing-animatronic to ever exist. At the end of the day, he was thankful that you confided and vented to him.
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Taglist: @marvelwomen-simp ; @emiliaisdead ; @natashas-whore
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wildemaven · 11 months
he makes life better | joel miller
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-> pairing: no outbreak!joel miller x reader
-> word count: 1335
-> content warning: 18+ blog; bad day, annoyed with work, dealing with flat tire, joel being sweet, lots of fluff
-> note: this is for my sweet friend @gnpwdrnwhiskey hoping this brings a smile to her face 💞 this isn’t beta’d either so it’s probably filled with mistakes lol.
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Joel ❤️: How’s your day going Honey?
I’m so ready for my shift to be over. I’d rather read the dictionary, front to back, than deal with the shit they have me doing today. 
“That bad, huh?” Joel’s voice brings you an instant smile when you answer his call, silently stepping away from the mess that you were dealing with at work. 
“You have no idea. It already feels like it’s been the longest week, today has just added to the shit show life keeps throwin’ at me lately. Went to leave for work this morning and I had a flat tire. Ugh! I’m sorry for complaining.” You vent to him, tucking yourself in a secluded corner. You were going against policy by taking a personal call while on the clock, but you didn’t care about company policy or the outcome of you were to get caught at the moment— Joel was your only focus right now. 
“Hey, none of that. Don’t apologize for being stressed. Why didn’t ya call me ‘bout your tire?” Joel asked. 
You know he would’ve dropped everything the minute did call him, which is also why you didn’t. He had been stressing over starting at a new job site, one of the biggest ones he had been hired for. The last thing you wanted was to add to his already busy day of things he had to deal with. 
“You’d already left for work and had that new job you’ve been talkin’ about. Didn’t wanna bother you with it. I called AAA and had them put the spare on for me so I could drop it off at the tire shop. Now, I’m unexpectedly the owner of 4 new tires.” 
“I don’t care how busy I am— you need something, you call me, no matter what. Got that, Honey?” 
“Got it, Joel. Thank you.” You smile into the phone at his concern for you, always finding ways to make you fall even deeper in love with him. 
“Good. Hey, I gotta go. Tommy looks like he’s about ready to break his back. I should probably go help him before he actually does and my insurance takes a hit. I’ll see ya tonight then, sweetheart?” 
“Yeah. I should be outta here in 3 hours.” The end to your long shift, almost over. 
“That sounds great! I love you, Honey. I’ll see ya later.” You can faintly hear Tommy cursing in the background. 
“Love you too, Joel.” You tell him before the line goes dead. Giving yourself a few minutes of quiet before heading back to join your team and the never ending line of customers. 
The rest of your shift goes by fairly quickly. Joel’s phone call must have been just the moral boost you needed to sprinkle a little bit of extra positivity into your day.
The minute the clock hit 5 pm, you wasted no time clocking out and logging out of your computer for the day. Deliberately bypassing your usual exit path to avoid any chatty coworkers, Joel and home your main focus of the rest of your day, you weren’t going to waste any time stuck in drawn out conversations. 
Your purse thrown over your shoulder, work apron crumpled in one hand and the other holding your empty tumbler that once held the warm delicious coffee you had hoped would sustain you through the day, now wishing it was filled with something a little stronger to help you unwind when you got home. 
It’s a struggle trying to juggle your things as you search for your keys, lost somewhere in the depths of your purse along with the rest of your life's necessities. You pause in the middle of an empty parking space near where your jeep is parked to give the search your full attention. After some thorough digging, you locate your keys and let out an exasperated sigh, one step closer to being home. 
Taking a step forward as you press the unlock button on your key, you look up to see an unexpected sight. A familiar truck in the parking spot next to yours, and the most handsome man leaning on it. He looks like he came straight from the job sight, too. His peppered grey hair disheveled, but his soft curls were still intact even after a long day. The sleeves of your favorite green flannel are rolled up over his flexed forearms that are crossed against his chest, the fabric stretched over his broad shoulders. 
The sight of him is enough to melt away any of the bullshit you had endured over the past week, a completely welcomed surprise. 
“What are you doing here?” You ask him, letting your feet carry you the rest of the way to him. 
“Heard you were havin’ a shitty day. Couldn’t let my lady end it on a bad note.” He croons, pushing himself off the side of his truck, opening his arms to you. 
You melt into him, your face nestled into his shoulder. His rugged scent of musky vanilla and natural pheromones is permanently infused into the fibers of his shirt, it’s your favorite thing ever. His strong arms wrap around you as he presses a soft kiss to your temple, prompting you to straighten up, looking into his amber eyes. 
“Hi, Cowboy.” You beam at him. 
“Hi.” He says, leaning in to gently mold his lips over yours. “I’ve got a surprise for ya, Honey.” 
“This was enough of a surprise for me. What more could I need?” Stealing another kiss from him. 
“If I tell ya, it won’t be a surprise then, will it?” He says, tilting his head slightly as he looks at you. 
“I guess you have a point.” 
“We’ve gotta get going though, it’s time sensitive.” He grabs for your things and walks you around to the passenger door, holding it open as you climb in. “We’ll grab your jeep in the mornin’, if that’s okay with you?” 
“Whatever you say, Cowboy.” He leans back in for another kiss, before making his way around into the driver’s seat. 
The drive isn’t long. Down some familiar roads that lead to a dirt one off the main highway. His truck travels down the gravel road lined with a barbed wire fence. After a few minutes he’s pulling off to the side and killing the engine. 
“You brought me to my favorite place.” Looking over to his side of the truck, where he’s already looking in your direction. Your heart grows at how he thought to bring you here, knowing how much joy it brings you every time. 
“Thought you could use it. Look, here they come.” He says pointing to your window. 
Off in the distance, the small herd of cows were in pursuit of their evening meal and water break. Mamas with their little rambunctious calves trailing behind, trekking along the same path they travel each evening. 
It’s a calming sight. Their heads bobbling with each dramatic step. Tails whipping over their rear ends to swat away the annoying flies. A few stopping mid trek to look in your direction, letting out a long drawn out moo. Their friendly hello, it’s good to see you again, then back on the move. 
The sky is painted in pinks and purples as the sun dips below the horizon. Your day feeling less shitty as you sit silently in the cab of Joel’s truck. His hand resting on your thigh while his thumb draws soft circles over thick denim seam. 
“Thank you for this. Didn’t realize how much I needed it. I love you, Joel.” You tell him, rolling your head over the headrest in his direction. 
“I did it because I love you, Honey. And s’what I’m here for.” There’s a low rumble in the air as he turns the key over, shifting the truck into drive. “Now, how ‘bouts we head on home and I spend the rest of the evenin’ show you all the other ways I love you?”
“Take me home, Cowboy.” 
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schrodinger-swriter · 8 months
Can I Ask for Husks fluff alphabet?
A, C, I, J, K, N, P, Z preatty please?🥺
(I'm sorry I almost hit the limit. I'm obsessed with him😭)
A, C, I, J, K, N, P, and Z for Husk
No need to apologize! If I wanted a smaller limit I would have said so in the original post! Nothing wrong in wanting to get the most out of something C:
I hope you enjoy this, Anon, it was fun playing with Husk's personality in this! He reminds me of a grumpy grandfather.
Confession, I thought for the longest time Husk was a.. well dog. I.. Don't know why I thought that, perhaps it's the face markings and his name being "Husk" (Like Husky) that caused my confusion. For two years after the pilot I was... rather dumb..
What do you mean Husk is 75.
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He enjoys those who are more honest with themselves and aren't pushovers. He can hardly stand those in denial. He calls it as he sees it when he's pushed to do so. This is less of an attraction thing, but I feel he would be most compatible with someone he can be real with and can be able to deal with his bluntness. In a way, you keep each other in check.
Small and soft, warm too. He's a cat, so it feels like snuggling into a large cat! I don't think he would be too deep into PDA, the most he would be comfortable with doing is quick kisses when someone else is passing by.. usually... more on that later. Though, now that it's mentioned, I don't think he would be too big on physical affection all that much.. now don't get me wrong he loves a good back massage every now and then, but it's going to take him a while to curl up next to you for cuddling. Little spoon.
Would ask you what the hell happened while wrapping your wound.. Goes from scolding you for being a jackass if you just. Threw yourself into danger, but will go on to say you have some guts. Stern when it comes to you taking it easy so you can heal properly... is not phased by any false play ups of your pain, though depending on his mood he might let it pass. For a bit..
If he's the one injured he's stubborn, insisting that it's not that big of a deal. Dresses and cleans it appropriately, all while nursing a bottle of booze. Dismissive when talking about what led to the injury. Might be a little standoffish if you try to take care of him, especially if you come off as trying to baby him.
He deals with his jealousy the same way he deals with all of his other problems. Alcohol. He sees another man chatting you up? Alcohol. Sees you laughing a little too much at some chumps joke? Alcohol. Someone talks brings up how you seem so lively around another person? Alcohol. I think you get the point. However, if it's a case of you being pushed into a situation you don't want to be in, he's going to pick up on your discomfort and drag you away... does not make it seem like you have somewhere else to be, no, he just tells the other person to fuck off as he takes you away. His fur sometimes fluffs up in annoyance. Pulling that pin from the C section, in regards to PDA, he will tug you to his side to further push the effect that you're taken.
Bunny kisses. You know, you two touch noses and nuzzle a bit. He doesn't allow it often, but it is something you two do every now and again. He defaults to kissing you on the mouth, quick pecks usually aren't for him, though... Sometimes leans over the counter of his bar to steal a kiss when no one else is around. This goes for both giving and receiving!
He can't be with someone who heavily relies on physical touch, it's simply not for him and he can only compromise so much. That's not to say he wouldn't try, because he would. However you can only sacrifice your comfort so much before it becomes a problem, you know? I don't think he would do well with people who complain.. not vent, more so whine about everything. He seems far too irritable to be able to deal with that in his day to day, outside of the bar.
As for actual deal breakers within an established relationship... I think it would have to be a stubborn person. Funny, coming from him since he's stubborn. But Husk appears to still go with the flow of everything, even eventually befriending the rest of the cast. No, when I say stubborn I mean people who can't take their heads out of their asses to see that there's other things to worry about and shit like that. He can only give you so many reality checks before throwing in the towel. Bonus negative points if combined with the complaining thing.
Do not call him "Kitten" he might actually be upset by that. On top of that, it's so... basic... predictable. It's not special. No, something that basic wouldn't work on him... and that's not considering the fact he himself isn't too big on petnames. Though.. seeing that he died in the 70s, I enjoy that the thought that he defaults to names from that decade. I believe he would call you "Dollface" or even just "Doll"
It'd take him a while to grow used to the idea of being called anything other than his.. name.. but he looks like a "Pumpkin" or a "Lovey"
.. just don't call him that around Angel, he won't hear the end of it..
Tends to sleep either sprawled out of curled into a ball. Really it depends, though more often than not he sleeps sprawled out. Doesn't like being held while he sleeps, so cuddling while you guys doze off is off the table. Though, he wouldn't mind you scratching between his ears or shoulder blades sometimes... maybe you'll even hear him purr. Will take a decent amount of time before you get to the "sleeping in the same bed" stage. Old man snores, so good luck with that.
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