#but I’m graduated in the system
ego-sum-arbor · 8 months
I am now officially an archaeologist!
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detentiontrack · 6 months
I think. I just figured out where I’m going to go after graduation. I feel so relieved.
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yugiohz · 4 months
starting to feel like I’m sabotaging myself on purpose because I’m scared of the next step in my biography but also that fear is valid because everyone keeps telling me it’s gonna be the worst time of my life but “so worth it” okayyyy
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ducktracy · 5 months
i am literally so mad that i have waited years to write this review of Daffy’s Southern Exposure and when i finally do i get the worst cold i have had at least within the past 5 years and am too sick to write a substantial amount. like come on. COME ON! i would almost rather it be COVID because that’s at least a valid excuse!!!!! sorry this post nasal drip made me nauseous and then i got mad that i was nauseous because i also had a bad stomach bug two weeks ago that also prevented me from writing. needless to say i hope you all enjoy the review when it’s out because my goodness it is giving me a hard time. thank you for your patience again 😤🙏
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graduate school application fees have me carefully plotting out how exactly to make $78 in groceries last three weeks. I thought the stressful part would be over once I submitted my last application (which I did yesterday! I am very proud of myself!) but no the financial fallout is just beginning
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pekodayz · 11 months
and i lie mentally to make myself feel better but that just bites me in the ass oughhh
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phoenixinthefiles · 4 months
I hate to be a hater (no I don’t)
But what even are elementary graduations for?
“Congratulations you learned how to read!”
I remember being in middle school and going to my god-nephew’s Pre-K graduation and being so confused by the “class of 2019” balloons
This is what award ceremonies are for: “You excelled above your peers so u get a representation of that accomplishment ” all this is just extra
This came about because I saw someone say “She completed one of the hardest things in life” under an 8th graduate’s post. No hat to the OP, she just made the post
But the commenter??? Hardest thing in life??
If she was being bullied or going through depression or grief sure but…nooo
Middle school is a difficult time, with figuring yourself out and learning how to grow
I had an awful time 8th grade year but I wouldn’t say it was one of the hardest things in life
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merriclo · 1 year
hey clo? do you have any tips for high school? starting in a week n a half and oh god am i unprepared
oh shit yeah absolutely!! i’m a senior currently so i’ve got a few tips n tricks n such. i wrote a lot lmao my bad. have a good year worm it’s not as scary as it seems, it’s just middle school in a new font
if you have a teacher you fucking despise, pretend like you’re watching a demented puppet show, or a nature documentary, or whatever else. if you switch your mindset and start seeing it as watching the court jester fool around, it all becomes fucking hilarious instead of infuriating.
if you’re struggling literally just ask the teacher. if you’re too nervous to do so in class, ask before or after. i’ve even asked in the morning just before school started. no, it won’t make you look dumb. if anything they’ll appreciate your dedication to understanding the material
smile at teachers in the hall, tell em to have a good day when you leave, etc. you’ll be shocked how far simple niceties go when it comes to teachers
don’t worry about eating alone at lunch. literally no one is gonna look at you and go “ew what a lonely loser” they literally do not care. so many people just chill by themselves and it’s fine. i’ve eaten alone for at least one of my lunch periods every single year and it’s kind of a blast. use it to read, watch something, do homework, play a game, study, draw, whatever tf you’d like. your school also might have a thing where you can sign up to eat in the library, which is wonderful.
ok idk if this is just where i live but don’t do drugs, there’s a chance it’s laced with something lethal. also just stay away from drugs in general.
also also if you’re gonna drink, do it responsibly. don’t drink if you’re not 100% sure you’re somewhere safe (aka not a party, especially for the first time)
you don’t need that many folders. honestly i’ve had the same two since freshman year and i’ve been fine, and the classes i take give a shit ton of notes
speaking of notes, if they’re not in a notebook keep them in chronological order!!!!! it’ll make it so much easier to reference later on (especially for math and history). i recommend getting a three ring binder for this
not to sound like a hoarder but don’t throw worksheets or notes away, even after the school year is done. the amount of times i’ve looked back on previous notes or given those notes to my underclassmen friends is insane
if you’re approached romantically by anyone who’s a junior or a senior while you’re a freshman run for the hills. there’s a reason no one in their grade wants to date them, and you don’t want to figure that reason out
wear both backpack straps please. it’s so much better for your back.
if you like to doodle get a pack of index cards. you won’t draw on your notes or worksheets (as much) and you can easily hide it by slipping it under the paper, plus then all of your drawings will be kept together !!
if you’re gonna get into a fight don’t do it on school property
compliment people. people started talking significantly less shit about me when i kept telling them that they were pretty
if you look engaged in the lesson teachers will LOVE you (and will be more likely to write a banging recommendation letter, if you need it)
when in the halls, KEEP WALKING. don’t stop in the middle of the hallways pls i beg of you. and, if you’re able to, walk sort of fast. there’s places to be, thing to do.
even if you don’t use them, keep a few pads or tampons in your bag
don’t skip or be intentionally late, it’s not fun or cool or whatever you’re just gonna end up tanking your own grade or getting in trouble
while you’re getting used to your schedule, get an index card or something and write out the classes in order of your first period to your last period (with the room number!!) and keep it in your pocket to quickly look at while switching classes
you remember the “hot cheeto girl” trend from a while ago?? yeah those girls are always the nicest motherfuckers on the planet. be nice to them, compliment them, give them a pencil when they need it or something, and they will defend you until they die. once i fixed a girl’s necklace and she ripped a guy a new one for insulting me
basically just be friendly and it’ll pay off lmao
saying this as someone who was bullied: some people are bullied for a reason!! this might just be bc my school has mostly black students, but if they’re outcasted from everyone (including other odd, alternative, or bullied kids) it’s because they’re a bigot or something
don’t go around ignoring every shy kid tho often times they’re very very sweet
if your school has vending machines bring some change. there’s no thirst like middle of the school day thirst, and i wouldn’t trust the water fountains
bring a snack !! teachers see me munching on granola bars before school starts all the time and don’t say shit
dress how ya want, it’ll attract the people you want to be friends with
you can ask for due date extensions. more often than not they’ll appreciate you caring enough to ask
popularity doesn’t exist lmao
you’re not gonna be able to avoid drama, it’s high school. just stick to your morals, don’t let bitches push you around, and remember it’s probably not gonna be that deep in a few years.
if you ever feel like life sucks: yeah. because you’re like 15 years old and in high school. you’re gonna have a weird fucking time and it’s gonna exhausting but you’ll make it out the other side still breathing. everyone around you is just as miserable and doesn’t want to be there, you’re not alone in feeling like shit. because, again, it’s high school.
bring deodorant. i don’t care if you put in on in the morning, you’re gonna be in a small classroom with 20-30 other kids for pretty much the entire day. sometimes you’re gonna need to reapply and it’ll be fine. no one’s gonna judge you for putting it on. make sure you smell fine.
dances ain’t that cool it’s not the end of the world if you don’t get asked out to one. if you want to go to one just go with friends.
clubs are cool!! they’re a way to get out there and actually meet people with common interests
lots of worksheets are online
it really ain’t that scary don’t worry hun
if you wear makeup, use it as a conversation starter i’m being fr. i met my best friend by complimenting their lipstick and saying i can never find one that doesn’t crease super badly, and we ended up talking abt makeup n shit for like fifteen minutes. if you don’t wear makeup, this can probably be applied for most other things
khan academy, organic chemistry teacher, cararra, flipping physics, the princeton review, crash course, and heimler’s history are good tools to use!!!
wifi is often dogshit, bring a book or something to do when you have free time so you’re not sitting there staring off into the distance. sometimes they have an internet block thing on the school wifi, so having a VPN could come in handy
if you have a free period or a study hall or whatever i find most teachers don’t give a flying fuck if you bring a DS or something. in fact several of mine have gotten excited when they see me playing old zelda games after class
overall it’s gonna be fine. high school is fucked but it’s also home to some of the funniest things you’ll ever witness. don’t be nervous you’ll do great
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ghostickle · 1 year
All the schools in my area let out for the summer like a week or two ago and it’s just making me realize more/over again that I didn’t get a graduation or prom or a senior year at all I didn’t get those senior hoodies or grad bash no senior pranks and maybe I wasn’t like super into school spirit or anything but I still hate that I had to miss out on these life events that everyone else gets and like you spend years looking forward to prom and graduation only for your entire senior year to not even happen
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mangora · 1 year
Working on requests from like six weeks ago since I’m sick rn, sorry if I never got those to any of you before I’m working on them swearsies
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dreamkidddream · 2 years
Sorry I just need to complain about this for a minute-
I just realized that my job is making me use my PTO for graduation…a ceremony that I’m physically required to be at…and cannot miss that should be excused….they’re making me use my own part time off…because it doesn’t count as a “family emergency”…
Y’all being an adult sucks 😭😭
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4byun · 2 years
I’m so exhausted and stressed and overwhelmed. I was sick for a whole week with a flu and had to miss a week of uni. I have a midterm project due in less than 2 days and I haven’t been able to finish it because I can’t sleep and my body is still recovering. And my professor isn’t responding to me. I might just lose it.
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sawruhh · 6 months
Okay ladies. I let myself be anxious and sad and cry a bunch yesterday. Then I took an everything shower (my skin has been so dry I feel like I haven’t been properly taking care of myself with all that was going on). I used my favorite lotions and did my hair and makeup and then went out to a couple breweries (I had a coke) & dinner with my best friends.
I let myself sleep as much as I needed today, have mostly put away all distractions and have made really good progress on my thesis revisions. I’m compiling and annotating my code beautifully. I’m going to work for about two more hours before I get ready for dinner and karaoke tonight with the girlies 🥹
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dobercorgis · 6 months
Me getting paranoid whenever my mom gets on the phone worried that she and/or whoever she’s calling will talk shit abt me
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y’all, NEVER go to a small college. EVER. “but i like the community” “i get overwhelmed by lots off people” sure, I get it. But when you’re signing up for classes and your major requirements are only offered once a year and all at the same time, don’t say I didn’t warn you.
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reidmotif · 3 months
Between the Books
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Summary: Reader is a librarian at the library Spencer frequents while he's finishing one of his degrees. They find themselves in a precarious situation when everyone's left and they're the last two people there.
Couple: Spencer Reid/Fem!Reader
Category: Smut
Content Warning: unprotected penetrative sex, oral (f!recieving), fingering (f!recieving), themes of exhibitionism, public sex.
Word Count: 3.9 k
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Being observant came naturally to you, almost as if it was a reflex embedded into the core of your nervous system. You’d say “hello” to a new face and as if under command, your eyes would naturally drift to the small pieces of hair on that stranger’s coat. 
Dog? Cat? Freakishly large gerbil? 
Whatever it was, you couldn’t turn it off. And that’s why when Spencer Reid caught your eye, you simply couldn’t find it in yourself to look away. 
And with time, it seemed like his actions mirrored yours.
You’d taken interest in a position at a university library for the summer. The job seemed to be a welcome change of pace from the likes of hectic summer jobs you’d go for typically in the past, a position that would mostly consist of monitoring graduate-level students who were, thankfully, much calmer than their undergrad counterparts.
 For the most part, you were right. Your days were filled with reading in an air-conditioned building, looking up titles of reference books for other students, and of course, the unexpected, yet welcomed, occurrence of Spencer Reid. 
The longer you spent at the library, the more you came to learn more about him. 
Well, as much as you could learn without actually speaking to the man. 
You’d learned his name from the library card he’d brandish when it came time to check out materials. He’d frequent books about Jean-Paul Sarte, Camus, and Nietzsche, opting to stay in the same, well-lit corner by the window every time he visited. While he could come in at any part of the day, he seemed to prefer later hours, when the library would be mostly vacant. His outfits weren’t over-the-top with formality, but he clearly wasn’t in the business of dressing casually.
 You found it attractive, honestly, how put-together he seemed. 
His return-rate on books was freakishly fast, and at one point, you’d assumed he was checking out books to read a certain page or chapter for research, and would then put it back, until you found yourself properly watching him and realized, no, he actually was just reading that fast. He could finish texts that would take almost a year to cover by seasoned professors and scholars in mere hours.
 How? You had no idea. Nevertheless, you desperately wanted to learn- to know him beyond the gazes of a library hall. 
You’d decided to try your luck at speaking to the man, noticing the three books he’d chosen all seemed to have one incredibly common theme amongst their authorship. 
“Existentialist?” You ask, trying to make your tone seem polite but still friendly. 
He blinks, as if he wasn’t expecting to be spoken to, and takes a second, his gaze meeting yours. “Sorry, what?” 
“Existentialist.” You repeat, motioning to the books you were checking out for him.  “Kierkegaard, Dostoevsky, Kafka. Your books seem to share a commonality.” 
He chuckles, realizing the meaning of your words and shakes his head. “No, no. Not an existentialist. I’d like to believe the world is better than what any of them make it out to be.” 
You smile, and nod. “I’d hope so.” Your eyebrows furrow, head tilting slightly. “Why the interest then?” There’s genuine fascination in your tone, and he seems to absolutely thrive off that, his eyes lighting up as you continue the conversation. 
“I’m completing my Masters in Philosophy.” He responds. “We’ve been doing an assignment on existentialism, hence the ridiculous amount of gloom and doom in my reading.”
 There’s a pause, before he cracks a smile, and then asks you, “Romantic?” 
You look at him in confusion. It’s your turn to not get the joke. “Sorry?” 
“Are you a romantic?” He asks. When you retain that confused look on your face, he continues. 
“You’re almost always reading some variation of a romance novel here. So far I’ve counted Austen, Bronte, and I think I saw a copy of Anna Karenina on the counter once.” 
You feel a bit of heat rise to your face, realizing that in his own way, he’d been observing you as well. In a second, the tables were turned, and the lens you often used on others was abruptly focused on you instead. 
“Well, Anna Karenina is hardly a romance, I’d argue.” You say, before nodding. “But, yeah. I guess I’d say I’m a fan of romance in novels.” 
He smiles, shaking his head. “I’m not asking you if you’re a fan of romance in novels, I’m asking you if you’re a romantic.” He says, putting emphasis on the last word, as if that was supposed to provide some grand difference to the statement. 
“Just as much as anyone else, right?” You respond, still a bit puzzled at his insistence on contrasting the syntax of his statement. 
“I see.” He says, nodding, continuing to look at you, as if he was sizing you up. “I’ll have to pick up a copy of Anna Karenina sometime then. See if it’s as much of a love story as I remember.” 
“I think you’ll find it’s absolutely not.” You reply, smiling. “I believe we have a copy of it here, as a matter of fact, if you’re actually interested.” There’s a hint of skepticism in your tone, wondering why he seemed to be taking so much regard to your conversation.
“Of course I’m actually interested. You seem passionate about the subject.” He counters, grinning. 
“I mean- yeah, I am! It’s a pretty misinterpreted book, I think.” You say. There’s a slight moment of silence, before you find yourself saying your next few words. “I’m also surprised you’re interested. I’m not always sure if it’s up everyone’s lane. Lots of people can’t get through it.” 
“I’m sure the least I can do is try.” He says, shrugging. 
You check out the last of his books, placing them in his outstretched hands. “Honestly, I’m even more surprised you noticed. You seem pretty into it in your corner over there.” You say, half-jokingly, but with a hint of seriousness mixed into it. 
He gives a softer smile, almost boyish, as he replies. 
“You’re pretty hard not to notice.” 
He keeps the smile on his face, giving you a slight nod of his head, before leaving you to deal with the sudden heat that had risen to your cheeks as a result of his words. You couldn’t find it in yourself to respond to his quick wit in the moment, your heartbeat still racing long after he’d left. 
Over that summer, the two of you get continually closer. To your absolute delight, he does end up reading Anna Karenina and better yet, he agrees with you. You immediately take an even stronger liking to him than before. Thus starts your tradition of recommending books to each other, the two of you discussing them when he’d come to the library, almost like a secret, private book club that only you two were privy to. 
You come to learn more about him. His doctorates, his job. The secret of his inhumanely fast reading was revealed to you later down the road, when he explained the abilities of an unconscious mind.. or something. While you wanted to give your undivided attention to him, there was an unspoken part of you that couldn’t help but find it ridiculously attractive when he explained things to you. He never seemed to notice that enduring part of your psyche, and you were grateful for that. 
Overall though, he made quite the friend. He shared your love of literature, and could be a wonderful listener at times. Your previous days of solitude in the library were long forgotten, and you found yourself looking forward to his daily visits, ready to share your thoughts on some book he’d last asked you to read. 
You find that his visits become less and less about the actual establishment, and more and more about you, especially when he opts to visit you at the front desk first, as opposed to over at his usual spot by the window. Somedays, he makes it obvious, not even bothering to peruse the selection of books he was previously accustomed to, and merely opts to talk to you the entire time, right up to the point where you’re locking the doors of the library and heading to your own place for the night. 
There’s a part of you that wonders why he hasn’t asked you out. You wonder why you hadn’t asked him out. It only seems natural, given how much time the two of you were spending- a date seemed like an obvious byproduct of the lingering gazes you’d catch him throw at you, the absolute joy that would bubble in your chest everytime the two of you shared an afternoon. 
You shrug it off. All in good time, right? 
It’s another night at the library, and you found yourself a bit frustrated. You’d asked your manager if there was any way she could take on the later shift of the day, increasingly tired with the hours of the job and simply needing a break from it all. She refused, and tonight, that refusal seemed to be on the forefront of your mind. 
“I just- I don’t get it, Spencer. I know she can take on this shift.” You say, wheeling around a cart of books to be reshelved, talking openly since the library was empty at this point in the day, all patrons packed up and soundly at home– while you were stuck here. 
He stayed, of course, following you around diligently as you completed the task, listening to every word.
 “I get that this is the worst shift to have, but come on. I’m a good employee, you know? I feel like I deserve a break here and there.” You come to a stop, picking up a stack of books with a huffy sigh. “But no. I’m the one who has to go home late. I’m the one who’s on closing every single night. I’m sick of it.” 
He nods sympathetically, and you continue to grovel, deeply appreciative that he was allowing you to vent to him like this. You stand on the provided step-stool on the ground, allowing you to have the height necessary to shelve some books that belonged further up than normal. 
“Like, is it really that hard?” You grumble, your face turned away from Spencer as you find each book’s proper place. “God forbid she sleeps at a later time than normal- or I don’t know, hires someone else.” The last book is reshelved, and you turn around, about to dismount the stool. “And another thing-” 
In the midst of your rant, you find yourself distracted,  missing the step on the stool that would’ve allowed a safe dismount, and you quickly realize you’re falling off, letting out a small yelp before a stronger force keeps you upright- a force that happened to be Spencer’s arms catching you. 
“You alright?” He asks with heavy concern, trying to look into your eyes or your legs, attempting to discern for signs where you might’ve hurt yourself on your descent. 
It takes a second for you to process that you are insanely close to Spencer. His features are almost enhanced by the low-lighting of the dark library, his eyes entirely dilated as he stares at you, his lips soft and perfect– and those cheekbones, god. You could practically cut yourself on them. 
You quickly return to your senses, trying to go back to a more suitable position that wouldn’t leave you so absolutely tongue tied. “No, no. I’m fine, honestly.” You step back, wiggling your leg a little. “See? Entirely fine.” 
He smiles a little sheepishly. “Sorry, I just get worried. I’m a doctor, you know.” He says, a teasing quality in his tone as he steps closer. 
“Not an actual doctor.” You say, rolling your eyes fondly. 
“Come on.” He says, letting his hand drift over back to your arm, which had taken most of the shock of falling onto him. “Humor me.” 
There’s that grin again, and you can’t help but relent. 
And so you humor him like he asked, letting his fingertips trail over the skin to properly check for any injuries, the action much more sensual than it should’ve been for a friend checking up on another friend. 
“You know.” He murmurs, his voice a bit lower than before. “I don’t actually think this is the worst shift to take on.” 
Your throat is dry, a physical reaction being drawn out of you as he touches you, and there’s a conscious reminder you actually have to respond to his words. 
“Oh? Why is that?” You force out. 
“It’s so quiet.” He mumbles out, immediately, his fingertips now tracing down to your waist, as the two of you made eye contact. “Nobody’s even in here at this point.” 
You swallow, trying to calm the rapid beat of your heart. “Yeah, I suppose you’re right.” 
“I like the quiet.” He says, continuing on. The previously feather-like touch on your waist becomes more grasping than anything else. “There’s just so much more you can get done when it’s quiet.” 
You nod and half heartedly mumble. “Mhm.” You’re far more focused on your growing proximity than his actual words, the act rendering you entirely breathless until he’s standing face to face with you, your breaths mingling due to the closeness. 
“I can feel your heart beating.” He mumbles. “So fast. Do I make you nervous?” 
You lick your lips and nod out of instinct, before squeezing your eyes shut and shaking your head. “No, no. It’s just the closeness. I’m not used to it.” You whisper, eyes opening– and his gaze is as intense as ever. 
One of his hands goes to cup your face. “Unless you tell me otherwise, I’m going to kiss you now.” 
You don’t move a single muscle. 
And then all of a sudden, he’s everywhere. He’s pulling you closer, absolutely devouring you like he’s been starved for your touch all along. His tongue slips into your mouth, and you respond in approval, humming with a deep content against his lips, your hands going to wrap around his neck, pulling your bodies flush together. You don’t want space– not now, or ever again. 
“Fuck. Wanted this for so long.” He mumbles, as soon as he breaks off the kiss, finding the pulse point on your neck, and going at it with his lips, causing you to quietly moan out in pleasure. You’d never heard him curse before, and the act only served to add to the steadily growing throb in between your legs. 
He pushes you even more insistently up against the counter attached to the bookshelves, your weight slightly more supported by the wood, as opposed to his body like before. 
“You’re so pretty.” He breathes out in between his assault on your neck, his mouth finding every inch of your nape, and marking it as his own. It’s almost like he’s hellbent on mapping out every plane of skin there, committing every spot that makes you whine or let out his name to memory.
You’re breathing so heavily, and you think it can’t possibly get any better than this, but he proves you wrong when he abruptly gets to his knees, your eyes widening. 
“Need to taste you. Please.” 
He’s begging, like, on-his-knees, doe-eyes, broken voice- begging to eat you out. 
And how could you ever say no, what, with those pretty eyes of his, and that expression on his face that made you practically weak with need?  
“Yes.” You whisper out, and in record time, he’s undoing your jeans and underwear in one clean swoop, not even bothering to fully remove the material before his tongue is all over your cunt, lapping up the wetness that had accumulated in the past few minutes. You’re half surprised he didn’t just rip your clothing off, given the enthusiasm he was showing at this moment. 
You’re suddenly incredibly aware of where you are- your place of work, a fucking library, and Spencer Reid was buried in your thighs like a man parched, lapping up wherever he possibly can. You can hear the obscene noises of your passion, his tongue lavishing over you, before he pays special attention to your clit, wrapping his lips around the nub and sucking softly.  You cover your mouth with your free hand- grateful that the wood behind you was supporting you, because without it, you truly think you’d topple over from the sheer pleasure of it all. 
“Fuck.” You whisper, voice high-pitched as you try to hold back your noises. “Fuck. Gonna come.” You warn, legs shaking as you barreled towards your release. 
Without warning, his fingers enter your cunt, and you’re fighting back a scream. 
How long had you stared at his fingers before this? How many times had you watched them run up and down the spines of the books he read, or gestured with them constantly whilst speaking? How long had such a simple part of his body captivated you? 
How many times had you secretly wondered to yourself how they’d feel inside you?
It didn’t matter anymore. You had your answer now. Fucking amazing.
“Spencer!” You whine out, his fingers naturally reaching that soft spot inside that you often struggled to even brush against. His lips find your clit again, sucking softly and you know you’re an absolute goner. 
“Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck-” 
Before you can even voice in coherent terms how good this feels, you’re coming, the walls of your cunt spasming around his fingers as he relishes in the reaction, using the tip of his tongue to circle your clit, and slowing his fingers down as you ride out the remnants of your orgasm. He slips the digits out of you as he rises to his knees, and sucks on his fingers, one by one, practically moaning as he tastes your release.
The sight is downright sinful.
“You taste so good.” He whispers, crashing his lips against yours again, and you’re already needy again when you can taste yourself on his tongue. 
His hands drift down to his own slacks, undoing them and pulling his cock out, already dripping with precum. 
“You ready, pretty girl?” He murmurs, guiding his tip to your waiting cunt. You’ve situated yourself on the wood of the desk entirely now, needing the support for what happens next. 
You nod, and without even realizing he was already mostly there, he pushes into you entirely, and your jaw drops. Your head rests against  his shoulder, trying to accustom to feeling of him stretching you out so fucking perfectly. 
How could you ever fuck anyone else again, when he just felt so perfect for you? 
It seemed that he agreed with the sentiment, moaning softly as his free hand steadied himself by gripping onto the shelf. “You feel so fucking good.” He murmurs. “Can I move? Are you okay?” He asks, softly. 
His other hand rubs soothing circles into your hip bone, and you’re nodding, touched by his concern for you, even during such a salacious act. 
His thrusts are slow at first, still allowing you to get used to the feeling of him inside of you, before he’s truly going at it, his thick cock rubbing against your wet walls in a way that makes you feel light and full all at once. It's delectable, and you never want it to end. 
You whine, holding onto his neck, your head thrown back as you take it, feeling the books rattle around you with every hump he deals into you. You can’t even find it in yourself to care– all that matters right now is you, and him, and how fucking amazing it feels when he’s fucking you like this. 
You can feel yourself building towards another pleasurable release, before you hear the telltale click of the library door opening, effectively removing you from the moment. Fuck. The janitor. 
“Spencer, Spencer!” You whisper-shout, biting your lip. His cock doesn’t once slow inside you, and you find it hard to think when it feels that good. 
“We’re gonna be caught!” You whine out, dizzied by how you were simultaneously turned on and utterly panicked. 
“No, we won’t.” He whispers, gruffly. With your hands now around his neck, he lets his hand drop from the shelf and covers your mouth. He leans in even closer, if that’s possible, eyes dark. 
The sight makes a shiver go up your spine. 
“Stay quiet.” He murmurs, as he begins to deal slower, more deliberate thrusts into your cunt. 
“Feel that? Feel how I’m filling you up, nice and slow?” He whispers, the words barely audible, but with how close he’s standing to you, they overtake every one of your senses, and you nod desperately, eyes glistening as you feel yourself dancing on the precipice of release. 
“Shh. I know.” He murmurs. “Come for me, yeah? I know you want to. Show me how much you like my cock inside of you.” 
It's a combination of his tone, of the risk you two were facing, and the sensation of him that has you responding exactly the way he wants, and in an instant, you’re coming with a shuddering breath, holding back a loud whine, just like he asked you to. 
The feeling of your walls spasming has him releasing as well,  a warmth flooding in your deepest point. His head drops into your shoulder as he attempts to muffle his moans the best he can, and you both bask in the afterglow for a second, trying to pant as quietly as you could. 
Spencer immediately springs into action, redressing you with precision and care, guiding your underwear and jeans back up, buttoning them up for you. You’re still in a slight haze from the two orgasms he’d just given you, and when you properly come to, his slacks are back on, and he leans in for a much more chaste kiss. It leaves you with butterflies, despite everything,  and you find yourself smiling softly at him. The fondness reflected in his expression is undeniable.
“Let’s get out of here.” He murmurs, grabbing your hand and guiding you in between the shadows of the shelves, effectively keeping you both from being caught. The janitor remains clueless, as you two sneak out, giggling like teenagers as you find yourselves outside, the summer night warm and cool all at once. 
“That was..” You mumble, laughing a bit, surprised that had even happened. 
“I know. I- uh. Might’ve gotten carried away?” He says. “I usually like to do that after a date. I just-” He steps closer, cupping your cheek. “I couldn’t wait. I hope that’s okay.” He whispers. 
“More than okay.” You whisper back. 
His thumb slowly strokes over the expanse of your cheek, and he bites his lip. “Could we? Date? Try this out?” He murmurs. “I know I didn’t get much of a chance to say it back there, but I really like you.” 
You can’t help the chuckle that escapes you. This man had just been inside you, and now he was blushing and stuttering whilst he attempted to ask you out. 
“Yes.” You nod. “Let’s try this.” 
He’s got the most genuine smile on his face, and a sigh of relief  can be heard as he leans in again to kiss you, and you can’t help the smile on your face as your lips meet his, the elation in both of your bodies absolutely radiating inside and out. 
You recount your first conversation and know now, there was a difference between liking romance, and being a romantic. 
You reckon Spencer Reid could make quite a romantic out of you. 
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this is uploading an hour later than i wanted it to :( but whatever. i hope you guys like this one <3 i'm trying something new! not first person pov, but "you" ? pleaseee let me know how this works for you guys! i love experimenting out with new fic methods but if it's clear this isn't working TELL MEEE so i can go back to what did work. anyway, any likes, reblogs, comments are so so so genuinely appreciated. thank you thank you thank you for reading either way <3
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