#times like this I hate having a weak immune system I always fall so ill there is no in between
4byun · 2 years
I’m so exhausted and stressed and overwhelmed. I was sick for a whole week with a flu and had to miss a week of uni. I have a midterm project due in less than 2 days and I haven’t been able to finish it because I can’t sleep and my body is still recovering. And my professor isn’t responding to me. I might just lose it.
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animeyanderelover · 6 months
Hi 🌸Can I request Hashirama,Tobirama,Madara,Itachi,Sasuke,pein ,Indra,Shisui and Tsunade with a darling that has a weaken immune system so they are often sick?Thank you 👽
@shumidehiro @swagenemyartisan
Tw: Yandere themes, toxic relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, delusional mindset, overprotective behavior, clinginess, stalking, isolation
Darling has a weak immune system
Indra Otsutsuki
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💜​There is a tiny part that obviously enjoys your weak condition because it enables him to have better control over you. Since you are so often sick as you are, you have very little chances of trying to escape him nor do you have the needed strength to fight him. Instead you are one way or another forced to rely on him and you'd be a fool to think that he doesn't enjoy your dependency on him. Yet there is always a limit with Indra and it is the sheer amount of times you fall ill that manages to get on his nerves. Yes, you have no control over it since you have always had a weak immune system but that doesn't stop him from using this annoyed and irritated tone when he talks to you. Indra doesn't want to be degraded to your personal nurse yet he is as he hasn't really allowed you to see anyone else since he has abducted you. Considering your frail health though, he eventually sees himself forced to assign a medic to you who is tasked to take care of you in his absence.
💜​Indra has better things to do than caring for you the entire day but at the same time he isn't heartless enough to leave you to battle on your own so hiring a medic seems like the best choice. Since the medic is much more trained than Indra is though, he expects them to do an excellent job now that they were assigned to you. They would also do better to know that their only task is nursing you back to health whenever you are sick. Indra is aware that this medic will be your only daily social interaction next to him but he would hate for you to get attached which is why he clarifies via intimidation and threats that he doesn't want them to entertain your feeble hopes of bonding with someone else and potentially even getting their help. There are a lot of doctors out there so if they dare to displease him, he will murder them and just find someone else. He is very surveiling even if he also spends time training to see if the medic has done a good job taking care of you.
Madara Uchiha
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🌑​Ever since Madara has announced you as the spouse he wants, the elders haven't given him a day of rest. It has come as a huge shock to all of them that from all potential spouses they had suggested, he has chosen you. What witchery did you even use to gain Madara's interest even with your delicate health? Surely he is joking as it is unacceptable for him to marry someone who is as weak and feeble as you are. When Madara fights back though, they all know that he is serious. What you lack in your health is after all more than made up in your temper and your sharp tongue. Maybe it is the constant pain of illness that makes you as grumpy as you are but even if he knows that he shouldn't think about it this way, to Madara your angry mood is adorable. You are almost rivaling him in your sheer stubbornness as you are unwilling to yield to your body and gladly ignore the doctor's advice to do what you wish to do. As you always say, it's all mental. Very cute.
🌑​You can only get that far though until Madara has to stop you by lifting you up and carrying you back to your room. Don't get him wrong, he admires your fighting spirit but he'll only let you push your body that far. He wouldn't want you to strain your immune system even more than it is already. Only the best medics are allowed to attend to your needs and even if you refuse their help, Madara has the last word. If you refuse to take the medicine when you are especially ill, he will gladly help to get it past your lips and down your throat and drag you back to your futon if he catches you in an attempt to escape your room. He only lets a handful of people visit you in your room and the elder definitely don't belong to those guests. Madara is surprisingly accepting of your weak immune system overall because he respects that you power through it all with such determination. He just expects you to not be dumb and push your body to a limit that will only cause you more suffering.
Hashirama Senju
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🌳​His clan is going to give him an earful when they find out that he plans to marry you as they expected more. Hashirama is a man blessed with power and skills beyond imagination and to think that he would choose you from all people is a pill hard to swallow for many of the Senju clan. Honestly, Hashirama is busy with other things than worrying about what his clan thinks. He has to take care of you after all. Hashirama is already under normal circumstances a pretty obsessive man but with your frail health, you are even more on his mind than you would be normally. He loathes it when he has to sit in his office and has to work even if he is also dedicated to his position as the Hokage. He's wondering how you are doing and if you're fine in this moment and it often causes him to space out as his mind wanders to you. It can be pretty bad at times and Tobirama has been lecturing him for it every time. To allow his brother to focus on his work, him and Mito are volunteering to look after you when he's in his office.
🌳​Whilst Hashirama knows that you are in good hands when Tobirama or Mito are looking out after you, he still finds himself spacing out. Sometimes he's begging his brother if he can do all the paperwork at home where he can be with you and he has to deliver all of the work finished to Tobirama so that his younger brother can be sure that Hashirama has done his job instead of just doting on you. The Hokage is quite clingy and caring whenever he is with you though as he makes sure to give you support and enough love. He is very overprotective due to your poor immune system but he's also very prone to feel affected by your own feelings. He understands and he feels your frustration as you hate being isolated and stuck like this most of the time. In order to keep you happy, he makes sure to take you out as soon as you are in a better condition, even if he usually accompanies you to be prepared if anything should happen to you. After all Hashirama is skilled in medical jutsu too and can help you when you need medical assistance.
Tobirama Senju
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🌊​Tobirama is already pretty prepared when it comes to surveiling his darling since they might be targeted due to his position as the Second Hokage. With the situation at hand that you are often prone to falling ill, he tightens the security around you even more. He is very picky as he selects a few medics who will cater to your needs during the time where he is in his office and doing his work and only those who meet his high expectations will be chosen. Any arguments the elder of his clan may try to have with him will be mercilessly cut short by him. He is a busy man and he has not as much time for a meaningless dispute as those people might think, even if he highly respects his clan. His decision remains firm though so really, it'll be no use to argue with him over his choice of partner as Tobirama is very stubborn and determined once he has chosen someone for himself. You have other qualities he respects about you after all as he knows that you can't really control your immune system.
🌊​He studies more medical ninjutsu ever since he has fallen in love with you as he is pretty dedicated to keep you as healthy as possible by not only relying on others but also by using his own skills. Similar to Madara he expects you not be reckless though by pushing your limits and he is going to be quite strict about any instructions he or your other medics give you as those are given for you to feel better and not for you to ignore them and risk to make everything even worse. Don't be too stubborn. If you have work that you still want to continue even despite your constantly ill health, Tobirama does his best to find a way to enable you to do work even when you are ill. Surely you can do some paperwork from home too if you are too sick to go outside. He's actually very mindful to never insult you for your sick body as he knows that no one is more frustrated about it than you are and is very pissed if someone were to insult you for it.
Tsunade Senju
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🐌​Tsunade is going to be just like her grandfather quite the mother hen as she is almost constantly making a fuss over your sick condition. Since she is a medic, the best one to exist next to the pupils she is personally training, she is also very fixated on being the one to cater to your health and to your needs. This desire to take care of you stands in conflict to her position as the Fifth Hokage as she also has other work to do. It needs the combined power of Shizune and Sakura to see it through that she does her paperwork instead of only spending her time with you whilst her two students keep an eye on you in the meantime. They know that their sensei is very sceptical to let someone else take care of you aside from her so it is always the easiest to promise Tsunade that they will look out for you as Tsunade trusts both of her students. She is quite prone to be a tad bit more unproductive though as she is with her mind constantly by you. The fine lady is maybe a tiny bit paranoid about your condition.
🐌​Whilst there is an aspect of dependence that you automatically have as you have to rely on her as your medic, Tsunade doesn't find herself enjoying this as much as some others could. She is a doctor after all who is dedicated to nurse her patients back to health and she has enough experience to know that a immune system as weak as yours can be dangerous if you were to catch a serious illness. So you often find yourself in a room in the hospital which is sanitised to lower to risk of any bacteria finding their way to you as well as limited to only a few visitors. Her heart breaks to see you so sad and lonely though so she starts searching for a way to boost your immune system somehow. She even promises you to create a medicine or a jutsu to help you and that promise she has made to you is from that day on a pressure and determination constantly on her mind as she spends hours reading books and thinking about how to go about this. She just wants to make you happy after all.
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🌧️​Not only do you happen to have a very weak immune system but you also just happen to be stuck in a cold tower in a city where the rain has never really stopped. Truly, everything just appears to be against you as you are knocked down with one fever after another and constantly suffer from something. Nagato doesn't exactly have any expertise to take the role as a medic. He has wrecked his own body beyond repair and mostly interacts with you through one of the other bodies, mainly through Yahiko's. Whilst he can keep his composure when he uses one of the other bodies of pain, his real body certainly panics at times when he comes to learn just how severely he underestimated your frail health. He was too focused on his own possessive desires when he took you as Pain and whilst he doesn't regret the act of abducting you, he is worried about how little he is actually prepared for your constant sick condition. Worst is that he is very unwilling to let anyone else besides Konan see you.
🌧️​So all the work has to fall upon Konan and his other bodies who have to get the medicine and everything else that is needed to cure you somewhat back to health. Nagato is actually worried but that concern he feels will come over as pure intimidation and forceful gestures in all of the pther bodies of Pain who force every medicine down your throat and completely isolate you within the walls of your room to lower the risk of you falling ill once again. His bodies see it through that your room is kept warm when she comments that your room isn't exactly heated and that the constant rain has made the air quite chilly. Within a few days you get a lot of blankets and other stuff to keep you warm and it would be laughable if you wouldn't have one of his bodies observing you as often as they do. It is creepy and uncomfortable even if Nagato is just intending to be more attentive by letting one of the bodies of Pain constantly watch over you. He just wants to be in control of the situation and prevent you to get even worse.
Shisui Uchiha
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🍂​You truly make it not easy for him to balance his life out the right way. Being obsessed with you is one thing but having a darling who is so prone to all illnesses is another thing that is making it even harder on his part. Shisui grows much more protective over you thanks to your weak condition and this doesn't mash well because he is a part of the Anbu and is often away on missions. He feels very conflicted, torn apart between the duty for his village and the dedication he harbors for you. He knows that he can't leave the Anbu though because a lot of people would have objections and he doesn't want to drag you into any unnecessary drama as you have already enough to deal with. Instead he just makes sure to have you surrounded by competent medics and if you don't have that just yet he makes sure to have a word with the Hokage to request him to assign some good doctors to you. Shisui just needs to be able to know that you are in good hands when he is away on missions.
🍂​He feels constantly like he wants to hover over you as he feels very protective but he knows that he has to be tactful about it as he is very careful to give no one even the slightest doubt that his feelings for you could be something much more dark. That certainly doesn't stop him from stalking you though at night but you are probably too exhausted to notice the shadow on the roof of your house who slowly makes sure to take a look inside your window. Even if you were to notice him, he would be gone within the blink of an eye which would make you dismiss it as nothing but your sick imagination. He's very sweet and attentive when he visits you, sympathetic for your obvious frustration as you are constantly sheltered due to being so physically prone to everything. At times you beg him to take you outside as you are sometimes days on end stuck in your house and your bed and whilst his heart aches a bit for you when he sees you so saddened, he is not as careless as to risk only worsening your condition. Just be patient for a bit longer.
Itachi Uchiha
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🍡​It is safe to say that Itachi has known about your feeble health long before he has kidnapped you. How couldn't he? It has caused him on numerous occasions to hesitate whenever his darker urges got the better of him. Ultimately he still gave in to his obsession but not without at least a bit of preparation. The whole cottage where he keeps you from that day on is filled with medicine, herbs and everything else he has been able to gather by learning through stalking what the doctor in your former village has always prescripted you to use. Nevertheless though Itachi feels somewhat overwhelmed. On the one hand he has to work for the Akatsuki and missions can take him weeks but now there is also you who needs attention and care due to your constant relapse of health. Itachi is stuck in an organisation he can't leave because it could endanger you but he also doesn't want to leave you alone if he really is gone for a long time. Not like you would care if he would be gone as you are very skittish around him after the abduction.
🍡​Sometimes he uses shadow clones to stay back and take care of you although there is always the risk that the jutsu may undo itself, either because of his choice or because of another factor. At least it can give him a certain amount of peace as you are in the care of one of his clones who feels about you exactly the same as he does. As soon as he undoes the jutsu, he always receives all of the memories his clone has made and is up to date with your current condition. Whenever Itachi is home though, he spends the majority of his time catering to whatever illness you have been taken down with. You may fear that he might be annoyed as he is a notorious criminal but catering to your needs grounds him and gives him a routine to his life that he appreciates. He knows he shouldn't feel this way since you are always ill but there is a joy inside of him he knows he shouldn't have. Maybe it is the isolation he has put himself through that is talking out of him but there is happiness he feels for being able to provide to the person he loves so much.
Sasuke Uchiha
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💙​There are going to be some unkind words directed against you every once in a while as Sasuke sometimes feels quite drained from your weak health condition as well. You always require special needs and his journey is often put on hold whenever you come down with the next illness he doesn't even know where you got it from. Of course his mood is sometimes strained about it but if you even suggest for a moment that he should probably leave you behind, he will very quickly make you shut up. Despite all of the troubles you put him through, he will never abandon you. Sasuke is far too possessive, controlling and loyal to ever do that to you. Especially since your health is so utterly frail would he never allow to leave you unattended and in the care of someone else. He relies on medics for the majority of the time but he soon starts picking up on some medical jutsus himself, not only to be prepared in case you should fall ill or injure yourself somewhere where no medics are around but also to take better care of you by himself.
💙​What he can find in some moments annoying, Sasuke can enjoy in other moments just as much. There is an undeniable level of dependency you have on him over time and sometimes he can't help but be smug enough to rub this under your nose. He ignores the fact that he is the one who has dragged you onto this journey in the first place because it is much more efficient for his own ego to remind you that without his help and protection you wouldn't be able to survive on your own. Not when you are constantly as weak and sickly as you are. If you should catch something very serious, Sasuke stops in the closest town to let you rest in a proper bed until he deems you to be fit enough to continue with the journey. Your common state of sickness has made him much more protective and overbearing as he has to constantly check on your current health status and never allows you to leave his vision because even the simplest thing could trigger your immune system.
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makoodles · 2 years
(okay i know youre sick so pls rest up!!) as kind of a comfort hc prompt thing, how do u think any of the boys would act when youre sick? like if they would bring gifts or fret or etc. feel like all of them would lose their minds
thank you my loveeeee i definitely need this today lol
🍓 jake is gonna be the most sensible, i think. he was a human once, he knows how this shit goes. he'll be sympathetic for sure, cooing and stroking your hair. he's also the most willing to indulge in a blend of human and na'vi medicine to help you get better. can't cook for shit, but he'll try to make a nice soup to make you feel better. luckily for you, mo'at slaps at him and takes over. he'll actually really enjoy taking care of you; his own duties as olo'eyktan can be stressful, so don't be too surprised if he takes this as an excuse to lay out next to you and nuzzle into the top of your head. all in the name of helping you feel better, of course
🍓 tsu'tey is gonna be damn near insufferable. human illnesses are so far out of his realm of experience, and he hates it so much. this man is stressed the entire time you're unwell. definitely takes your illness personally - human immune systems are so weak, and they're not something that he can tangibly fix. it drives him crazy. he'll do whatever you want during this time tho. he's gonna be so damn attentive, willing to do whatever you ask. he'll be spoon-feeding you, he'll carry you to and from the bathroom (your protests fall on deaf ears; he's helping you). his visits to mo'at border on harassment, so you'd better hope you recover quickly or the tsahik might just beat your man down. when you do get better, he takes it as a point of pride - it must have been all his tender care, after all
🍓 tonowari is an angel. i want this man caring for me all the time, not just when i'm sick. he's just so damn soft; both in manner, and physically. he's just a big daddy at heart (daddy is a state of mind), and caregiving comes naturally to him. he's only too happy to provide cold compresses if you have a fever, or whatever medicine you need. and that lovely wide chest and soft muscled belly is just so wonderful to lay your head upon as he offers soft forehead kisses.
🍓 quaritch is not a soft man. no cuddles or kisses or any of that shit for this guy. he ain't getting sick, not with that billion dollar body of his. he's got shit to do, and he doesn't have time to be playing nurse. he's vocal about the fact that he's not gonna be roped into taking care of you too, but his actions... don't always match up with his words. he'll be complaining about how goddamn irritating it is that you're sick, but his big hands are so gentle when they brush your hair back, so cognizant of their new strength. he'll loudly declare that he's so busy, he doesn't have time for any of this nursemaid shit, but when you wake up from your little naps you'll always find soup or toast or tea on the bedside table. he's grumpy about it, and definitely not as sympathetic as the others above, but he'll care in his own way
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tibbythetiger · 11 months
Good evening friends! I just found out I have a respiratory infection, so I’m coping by writing sick DreamTheory HCs. General Content Warning for being sick, but nothing super specific or graphic! 🙂
I like to think that Mike despite obviously putting Abby’s needs over his, does take fairly good care of himself when he’s sick. He gets his meds, drinks his water, and muscles his way through it. 
I feel like Ness, on the other hand, hates taking any sort of medication. I think he hates cough medicine and most cold medicine and has to take his dayqil/nightqil in pill form because the capsules and liquids gross him out so much. I think he thinks that by eating nothing but crackers and drinking copious amounts of orange juice he can overpower his illness with pure determination. (This is not projection at all) 
Ness gets chronic migraines, sometimes they’re okay enough that he can power through and get through his day. Others he needs to just hide under a bundle of blankets with a compress and some SunnyD to make himself feel better. (Again, this is not projection at alllll)   
Mike is great at taking care of sick people, mostly because he’s used to having to take of both himself and Abby. The first time Ness gets sick after they start dating, it starts out as a simple cold. Mike makes him some soup (again, one of the few things Mike is really good at making) and sends him on his way with his daily dose of cold medicine. 
Ness appreciates the gesture but tells Mike not to worry. He always gets a cold at the shift of the seasons and it should be over within the week. Three weeks later, Ness has pushed himself to work every day and going about his normal life despite being super sick the whole time. Mike finally puts his foot down and makes Ness stay home, keeps Abby home from school and the three of them pile into the living room for some self-care.
Mike dishes out medicine, tea, and a steady supply of soup. (Who knew you couldn’t just eat crackers for three weeks straight when you’re sick??) Ness feels better within a few days after he finally lets himself rest. 
Surprisingly no one, Mike does fall sick next. Ness panics, he almost buys out the entire cold medicine aisle in the pharmacy. He attempts to teach himself how to make Mike’s infamous soup (it does not work well, and in fact, Mike has to step after Ness somehow makes the soup explode across the kitchen) 
Mike tells Ness all he really needs is some water, and some rest and assures him he’ll be okay within the week. He does end up being fine, but he doesn’t mind Ness doting on him and checking in on him throughout the week and the few days following him getting better. 
I think Ness gets sick pretty regularly, he has a pretty weak immune system, and working in the service industry does not help at all. By the time October hits, Mike just has a “Ness is sick again” basket set up at his house, (he does also put one in Ness’ apartment, but they all know it won’t really go to use at all) 
Ness is a comfort-seeking person when he’s sick, he likes to lay his head on Mike’s lap and let Mike do the talking for once. He’ll rewatch old movies or cartoons and steal Mike’s biggest and baggiest sweaters. Abby gives him one of her stuffies while he’s sick. It makes him cry because he’s never felt quite so taken care of before. 
That’s all I have for now! I’m sure I’ll be back with more HCs tomorrow because I have not been so inspired about a ship in a really long time! I just need to find more time to write so I can pull out an actual fic. Hope everyone is having a good night and remember to take your vitamins and hydrate!
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shotosprincess · 3 years
anyways aaa bet !! ill do midoriya first if you don’t mind bc im currently in such a soft mood and hajdjj i just love him sm :((
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— 𝙠𝙞𝙨𝙨𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙨𝙘𝙖𝙧𝙨 𝙤𝙣 𝙤𝙣 𝙞𝙯𝙪𝙠𝙪 𝙢𝙞𝙙𝙤𝙧𝙞𝙮𝙖’𝙨 𝙖𝙧𝙢𝙨
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inspired by this playlist by nimbus on yt !! pls check them out ansjdjf their playlists r heaven ^^
❝ you never truly understood that about him, the way he continued to put himself through the pain, to push himself, even, past his limits and then some—
plus ultra. and now his arms were all but littered with rough scars of diluted white and blunt tan. ❞
notes ! gender neutral! reader,, best friends to lovers au ,, 2nd person pov
summary: in which your best friend deku shows up at your dorm late at night due to kacchan locking him out. he asks for bandages to stabilize his newly-healed scars, and you ask to kiss them.
genre: fluff !! <33
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it went without a doubt that deku had been to recovery girls’ office more times than anyone else at the academy. it hurt, honestly; each time you saw his still-healing figure emerge from the little swing of her door, a sharp pang reverberated starkly through your chest, for though the freshly-scarred over wounds didn’t diminish his beauty in the slightest, you simply couldn’t deny that an empty eddy of sadness settled in you whenever he was in such a state.
and unfortunately for you, he was constantly in it.
his body could only take so much. and he was still so young too—the very same held true for your heart.
it’s been that way ever since the two of you had first entered ua as shining, eager students. though in all fairness you had to admit, he was...different from the very beginning. even as the prelude to his eventual rising and growth in his quirk, he had shone with a certain unmatched brilliance ever since the entrance exams. and over the years you spent together, you had watched him persevere so passionately towards the glow of his ultimate goal; to be a hero who can help others. little did he know just how much he already had. he had always been so excruciatingly oblivious and aloof to even the evidence and affects of his own kindness, and you hated the fact that so many tended to take advantage of it. of him.
though, of course, this did not mean that he was weak in any form. no, if anything he was quite the polar opposite—he had proved it time and time again, and yet it didn’t mean that he couldn’t get hurt too. the dull aching of tiredness ringing in his eyes, the one he tries to desperately to mask, the ragged marks scattered across the pale valleys of his once-scar-barren skin; he wasn’t immune to pain, to injury. and yet, he fought. you never truly understood that about him, the way he continued to put himself through the pain, to push himself, even, past his limits and then some—
plus ultra. and now his arms were all but littered with rough scars of diluted white and blunt tan.
nevertheless, truth be told, you actually admired it a great deal. his sheer determination, the purity of his motives, it was more than laudable. despite all of it, you truly couldn’t help but feel this...magnetic urge to help him. protect him. if you could soothe the pain in any way, even if it would be but a temporary relief—
three knocks clack on the door.
you and izuku’s secret door code—just a silly little something the two of you made up a few months after the dorm system had been put into motion, and all so you could sneak out to the grass-flooded yards of the building and train together.
naturally, you open the door.
“ heyyy there you are! “
your head perks up at the cheery jingling of his voice, all drafts of exhaustion and sleep deprivation washing away almost instantaneously. he might as well be the very personification of caffeine at that point, despite how direly he needed it himself.
the starry shine of his eyes meets with yours as a diluted sanguine seeped colour into his face. he turns his head away awkwardly.
you lean against the doorframe, smiling at him. “ deku...you didn’t tell me we’d be training today. plus it’s a little late right now, don’t you think? i’m already in my pajamas. “
“ yeah, um, sorry about that. kacchan...kinda locked me out. “
“ he what? “
“ he locked me out. “
“ how does that even—don’t you have separate rooms? “
“ well, yeah, but we were racing down the halls after glass today and he...got to my room before i could. well, honestly i have no clue what he’s doing over there. “ he laughs, rubbing the back of his neck.
“ oookay then. little concerning, i won’t lie. “ your shoulders lift in a shrug, arms crossing in front of your chest as your shy laugh matches his.
“ so i was wondering if...you know...i could maybe stay here for a bit? “ his voice wavers subtly, though you’re quick to catch it. the tips of his ears flush with a deepened pink.
you can’t help but silently gush about how cute he looked.
you’re quick to snap out of that too. eyes bursting open with a brilliant shock, you notice he’s fiddling nervously with his fingers as you remain absolutely, positively frozen in place.
“ i’m—what? “
his countenance immediately shifts to one of sheer embarrassment. flustered, he begins to frantically wave his hands in front of him, as if to put some sort of considerable distance between his panicking self and your seemingly-composed demeanour. and as if that would do anything to deescalate the tension which was only progressively building between your equally-timid selves at this moment.
“ ohmygod i didn’t mean it in a weird way or anything! i’m sorry, i’m sorry, i’ll just—i’ll just go— “
you slide against the wood a little bit, pushing your weight against the slightly-agape door, so it swung open even further to reveal the, admittedly, fairly-messy state of your room. draped carelessly on the side of your bed, a sweater you had taken off earlier because the temperature of your room had suddenly decided to heat up an unreasonable amount. countable cups holding shallow pools of hour-old drinks scattered throughout nearly every shelf. a creased textbook splayed out, cover up on your desk.
yep. definitely looked like someone’s lived here.
“ i mean...you could come in if you want. no one’s stopping you. it’s a little messy though, i haven’t found much time to properly clean it yet, with exams coming soon and stuff. “ a small smile accompanies your growing blush, despite how much you were trying to play it off as nonchalantly as possible.
psh, right. as if letting him in your room—something you had never done prior in the history of your friendship—wasn’t a big deal in the slightest.
his eyes shoot wide as his arms flail about. you have to keep yourself from laughing at his silliness.
“ uhm, i mean...only if that’s okay with you! “
“ yeah, yeah, of course! you need a place to stay for now, after all. who knows when bakugou’s gonna let you back in? “
“ yeah, i guess you’re right. well, i mean, if you really don’t mind— “
you playfully roll your eyes, giggling as you shove him into your room.
“ oh, quit it with the politeness. you’re too nice, you know that? “
“ too...nice? “
“ too nice. “ you reiterate, giving his shoulders a little squeeze.
his head lolls to the side as he carefully lowers himself onto your bed, his sweater shifting with the subtle movement.
for a few moments, the space between you is occupied with a simple, comfortable silence. it’s refreshing, really. a welcome difference from all the boisterousness of the academy. you loved the action and everyone’s energy, of course, but sometimes what you really needed was really just a simple break from everything. to do nothing but exist for a little while, to simply be without the constant pressure of having to get up and jump into action all the time. just for a few moments. and so you relished in these said moments spent with him, for who knows when the next time you could ever be with him like this again would be?
and then his voice fills that void of silence, but you’re not disappointed in the slightest.
“ hey. “
“ yeah? “
“ you don’t happen to have any extra bandages, do you? “
“ bandages? for what? “
he clenches his fist, flexing the muscles in his arm. “ for...stability. just in case. i can’t afford for my arms to get hurt more. “
“ oh. well, uhm...i think i have a few spares in my drawer! “ you push yourself off the bed, leaving the comfort the soft sheets brought about, pulling open a tiny drawer. taking out a transparent box of bandages, you jump back onto the plushness, sitting cross-legged directly across from midoriya, who’s already presenting his arm.
your lips silently part as your fingers wrap themselves around the thick ivory fabrics of bandage, rolling them around so you could wrap them around him.
another pause of wordless silence falls.
“ hey deku? “
“ yeah? “
“ could i...could i kiss your scars? “ you whisper, afraid that he’d get mad, though you knew he was anything but the type to do such a thing.
the meadow depths of his eyes kindle a cozy hearth within you as his initial surprise quickly softens, melting away into what could only be described as the most endearing smile to exist.
“ sure. “
jagged patches and uneven streaks of faded cloud white and prominent earthy tans decorate his arms, and you can’t help but bring the rosiness of your lips to meet them. you decide begin with the ones littered along his fingers.
one kiss for the scar resting within the curved dip between his thumb and index.
“ for every time you used just a flick of your fingers to defend everyone back then, when you didn’t even have full control over your quirk. “
a longing sigh leaves him as he reminisces briefly on the memory. you place a soft kiss upon the scar resting at the side of his pinky.
“ for every fist you made with this hand, for every punch you’ve delivered in the name of other’s safety. “
a drop splashed onto his arm, trickling down and tainting the scars etched into his forearm with a subtle, diaphanous sheen. you look up through your lashes, and a prominent gloss coats the kindness of his dark emeralds. your hand comes up to carefully caress his cheek, cupping it gently as the pad of your thumb swipes beneath his eye, wiping away the upcoming tear. your features are knitted together in concern.
“ are you okay? i can stop if you want me to— “
he takes your hand in both of his, squeezing as if to keep you there forever. “ no, don’t. please.“
it’s a tiny whisper, a softened plea into the dark quiet of the night, as if he were ashamed for wanting to be taken care of. your brows curve downward as you pull your twined hands to your lips, tenderly planting your lips where your skin kissed his.
“ hey, hey. it’s okay. it’s okay. “ you hush him, running your free hand through his thick tendrils of vivid, verdant green.
he leans into your touch, nodding at you as if to urge you to continue, which you gladly accept.
you shift a little closer to him, kissing the thick mark of serration painted into the skin of his wrist.
“ for every countless moment you’ve sacrificed for your dream. “
another kiss to the one just above it.
“ for every hour bled into the night that you spent helping me train. “
your fingers dance along his arm, finally stopping at the scar stretching from his elbow and dragging upwards. as per routine, your lips come down to delicately kiss it.
“ for every ‘ plus ultra! ‘ you’ve ever passionately shouted. “
little giggles left the both of you at that.
your touch trails to the scar just beside it, kissing it as well.
“ for every life you’ve ever saved. “
you look him in the eye. holding his arm like this, you were so close to him. and yet, you didn’t want to pull away. if anything, it was the very last thing you would ever want to do. he matched your stare, a certain sense of longing displaying in your gaze as it reflects off of his. the prolonged stare lasts longer than it probably should, longer than what best friends should probably look at each other this closely, this intimately for. the moonlight dimly shines through your window.
and then it happens.
his lips collide with yours in a captivating symphony, hands going straight to twirl through the locks of your hair as you wrap yours in a loose loop around his neck. everything feels as though it had all snapped into place, and the tension you had felt before was all completely dissipated now, displaced into the passion in which this kiss exuded. it was earth-shattering, galaxy-shredding. it felt as if even pain itself could never reach either of you, not in this moment.
this moment was for the both of you, and no one else. in this moment, in his arms, nothing and no one could hurt you.
he pulls away, stunned, lips parted with a saturated red. you stare at him with just about the same level of blankness, of utter shock at what you two had just done.
but then the realization catches up with him, and he is pulled out of the daze. much to your surprise, he doesn’t move away. if anything, he pulls you closer, enveloping both your hands within his just as he did before.
and just as you had done earlier, he brings them to his lips.
“ and that’s for every ‘ i love you ‘ i’ve ever wanted to say to you but never had the guts to. “
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legoshi-plz · 4 years
So I was wondering if I could get some period cramps comfort hcs with Legoshi and Louis please? (Also whatever animal u want is fine)
I had a couple of ideas for this but the indication of a period kinda means the reader would more than likely be coded as fem and I wanted everyone to feel included so I also did a version of them taking care of their significant other when they’re sick in general (like a cold or something).
Warning: NSFW-ish Elements
Period Discomfort:
- Growing up with only Oguma and himself, he’s never experienced seeing someone go through a period ever so he has no clue how to deal with it.
- If you want any empathy from him you’re going to have to explain it to him and how painful it is for you. He might think you’re exaggerating at first but once he actually sees you in pain, he’ll start to believe it.
- Thinks money solves everything and just buys whatever he thinks you’ll need and has it delivered to you. Thoughtful yes, however you end up with a lot of menstrual products you dont use and chocolate you won’t eat because Louis just went ahead and bought everything he saw instead of actually asking you what you about brands, sizes, etc.
- Not the type to comfort you physically. He actually really hates the smell of blood and his super sensitive nose always can pick up on it. He won’t go out of his way to avoid you because it’s you and you could never repulse him but he’s not the “let’s cuddle up on the couch and watch sappy movies” type either.
- Overall avoids the situation. Not the best in this subject but is doing the best he can in his comfort zone.
Sick S/O:
- Not very good at reading preemptive symptoms. Won’t realize that you’re sick until you’re nearly hacking up a lung or fainting from fatigue.
- But once he does realize you’re not well, he insists that you get some rest and don’t push yourself. Won’t take no for an answer.
- Again thinks the best way is to throw money at a situation so buys you the best medicine, heating pad, etc. Will also take you to the doctor and if you’re too weak or unwilling, will have his personal doctor make a house call.
- Stays with you while you’re sleeping. When you wake up and try to stop him, he insists your germs won’t affect him and he can’t get sick (they totally do and he totally does).
- Overall more equipped in this subject but can be pretty strict/ annoying in your recovery (he’s lost a lot of people okay? He refuses to lose you too, especially to something like this if he can prevent it)
Period Discomfort:
- His Canine senses always let him know when you’re on your period (plus he can like.... smell the blood but he’s too polite to point that out + blood is the farthest thing from unpleasant to Carnivores).
- By far the best in these type of situations. Does a ton of research and also outright asks you what he can do for you. Really attentive to you and your needs.
- Wanna listen to sad music under LED lights and just vibe out? He’s right there with your fave playlist. Wanna cuddle up on the couch and watch sad movies? He’s already got it started along with a pint of your favorite ice cream.
- Just overall Boyfriend of the year when it comes to this.
Sick S/O:
- Yep, he’s also an expert on his significant other being sick too (Go figure, right?)
- Makes homemade Soup/ Broth to soothe your throat. Runs you a warm bath to try and break the fever. Makes you take some medicines but also uses a lot of home remedies and practices he’s learned from Gosha growing up.
- Also claims he won’t get sick but unlike Louis, he actually doesn’t because he has a pretty strong immune system as a Grey Wolf. Able to stay by your side the whole time and will unless you asks for some space, which he’ll give but he’ll worry about you the whole time he’s gone.
- Overall has a tendency to hover but means well and is very knowledgeable about your recovery. Will have you feeling better the fastest.
Period Discomfort:
- Certified expert in this subject. Knows exactly what you’re going through and knows exactly how to deal with it. Will know what you want/ need before you even know yourself.
- Always has Pads and Tampons handy. Always knows the exact size and kind to get.
- Offers advice to ease the pain you’d never even thought of before such as stretching and doing Yoga (and of course you two do Yoga together/ she helps you stretch. The close contact can be pretty intimate which you’ll love if you crave touch during your period.)
- However, if you and Juno’s periods ever sync up, she’s not going to be the most pleasant to be around, it’s best the two of you just avoid each other.
Sick S/O:
- Loves to play nurse but not actually all that great in making you feel better. Definitely has a sexy nurse’s costume that she likes to put on while caring for you.
- A lot of head pats and hand holding with a few “We’re gonna get through this,” sprinkled on there so yeah basically not helpful at all.
- Will go get you medicine or anything else you need but you have to tell her EXACTLY what to get, she’s not great at following directions okay
- Like Legoshi, being a Grey Wolf means she’s hardly ever sick... like EVER. She has hardly any experience in this field.
Period Discomfort:
- By far the most touchy-feely when you’re on your period. He loves the smell of blood and he thinks you smell delicious. Usually a very chill, easygoing guy but becomes uncharacteristically clingy during this time.
- Never gets tampons or pads because he’s too busy eating you out or shoving his fat cock inside you.
- Thinks his dick is the cure to all of your needs and in this case he’s kinda right because period sex actually does help relieve like 80% of your symptoms.
- Fucks softer than he normally would but he’s nearly insatiable, especially when he’s high off your blood so you’re nearly on the verge of passing out from exhaustion.
- Once you’re too tired to continue, he’s still right there by your side, his arms permanently latched around you. He seriously can’t get enough of you when you’re like this, your period hormones have him even more lovestruck than he already is.
- Will draw you a bath after sex, carry you to the tub, and personally wash every inch of you. Anything to touch you at this point. Doesn’t join though because he doesn’t wanna reveal how such a seemingly innocent act gets him so hard.
- Overall has a pretty unconventional approach to period care but it makes you feel better all the same and you know it’s coming from a true place of love (and a little lust).
Sick S/O:
- Much more tame when it comes to caring for a sick S/O because the hormones you secrete during your period aren’t fogging his judgement.
- Still very touchy-feely but in a non-sexual way. Likes to lay you on top of him and hold you to help get rid of your chills. Also gives the BEST massages to relieve the ache in your joints.
- Believes honey is an end all be all cure to any illness and puts it in/on literally everything. Though it does help soothe your throat, you still end up sending him to the store to pick up some more potent remedies.
- Next to honey, he thinks sleep/rest is the answer to near everything (because he’s a bear and hibernating is their go to for any ailment) so he also adds sleep inducers to your tea, food, etc. to get you to sleep off the cold. You don’t mind because it actually does help (also he always tells you ahead of time that it’s in there)
- Overall a good caretaker in this department even if some of his actions can seem a little antiquated or stereotypical for Bears.
Period Discomfort:
- He’s surprisingly a lot like Riz in this department (which actually isn’t all that surprising since they’re both bears). He’s got a sensitive nose and your hormones really mess with his head and kick him into overdrive.
- This isn’t his first rodeo with his partners’ periods so he does have some experience in this field to help keep him under control.
- Will indulge in period sex but only if his partner asks for it/ brings it up first. He knows that’s a slippery slope, especially with his kind and with his self-control so he doesn’t seek it out first. (Can’t deny that he loves when you do ask for it though)
- Knows all the tricks of the trade in helping you feel better non-sexually and indulges you when he has time but since he’s pretty busy with clients and stuff, he hardly ever has time for the aspects that require him physically being there (such as cuddling, massages, etc.)
- Pretty average in this department because he’s older so he doesn’t have time to really baby you through this the way you might want him to.
Sick S/O:
- Deals with his S/O being sick very similar to how he deals with period discomfort.
- He’s a medical professional so he tends to just get you some medicine that actually works instead of incorporating home remedies that end up taking longer, in his opinion.
- Can be a little irritating when he walks around in the morning time with his shirt off looking like the embodiment of health and toned abs, sipping on his bamboo smoothie while you feel like you’re on your deathbed.
- Tells you to get plenty rest, drink plenty fluids, take the medicine he leaves for you but he’s not there to really enforce it because he leaves in the morning for work and doesn’t get back until super late at night. You usually fall asleep and forget to wake up to do anything he told you to. He’s not upset and not really the punishment type in the first place so there are no real repercussions, he just reminds you again the next day to do it if you want to feel better faster.
- Overall, has a pretty neutral/indifferent approach to this because he’s seeing the situation through the lens of professionalism, so some aspects you really crave such as physical contact or general affection, he falls short in.
Period Discomfort:
- Don’t call him.
- Thinks periods are gross and does NOT want to be around you if you’re on yours.
- The only way he’d reach out to you during this time is if he was horny and wanted you to use your mouth to get him off.
- A terrible guy who you should block tbh :/
Sick S/O:
- Says things like “Hang in there champ,” and that’s pretty much it.
- If you sneeze around him or cough near him, he’ll think it’s gross and proceed to avoid you.
- Why do you even bother with him again?
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Soulmarks, Part 12
First part
Tim was separated from the only two people in the country he knew within seconds of the lunch bell ringing.
Marinette had been called up by the teacher. Apparently, she was class president last year and she held the duties until the next election. She gave a tiny sigh as she released Tim’s hand and gave both him and Adrien kisses on the cheek before heading out with Mme. Bustier.
Adrien, at least, was still in the room. Unfortunately, though, he was completely surrounded by his classmates, who were all clamoring for pictures of his notes.
He crossed his arms over his chest awkwardly as he stood outside the door, waiting for either of his friends to appear.
The door swung open and out walked Lila.
Damn it, he’d held Marinette’s hand too long and her bad luck had rubbed off on him.
He sighed. “What do you want?”
She smiled sweetly at him, twirling a lock of her hair in her fingers. “I just wanted to show the new kid around some.”
“Wouldn’t that be Marinette’s job as class rep?”
Lila sighed and shook her head slowly. “Oh, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but… I wouldn’t get too close to Mari.”
He raised his eyebrows. A little late for that, but he supposed he may as well ask: “Why not?”
“Well, for one thing, she’s a bit of a bully.” She looked at the ground. “Did she ever tell you about all the times she tried to ‘prove’ that I wasn’t actually disabled? Just because she didn’t like me? We hadn’t even talked, she was just mad I was talking to Adrien!”
A frown made its way across his face. Sure, it wasn’t at all like the Marinette he knew, but how well did he know her? He’d never seen how she interacted with people she didn’t like… and hadn’t he seen just how ruthless she could be when she wanted to that first day with ‘bowling’? In the way her expression hardened when Joker or Harley were mentioned?
He leaned against the wall. “There are other things?”
Lila’s head jerked up in surprise. “Huh?”
“You said ‘for one thing’. That implies more.”
“You’d think bullying would be enough…” Said Lila with a frown, but she continued: “Secondly, I think she’s a gold digger.”
His mind wandered to the few times Bruce had tried to buy something for her. How she’d ended up hiding money around for him to find so he couldn’t force it back into her hands. He gave a soft laugh. No, he wasn’t concerned about that. “Well, I can say she isn’t.”
Besides, if anyone here was a gold digger, it was probably Lila. Her eyes had lit up at the Wayne name. Projecting much?
She didn't seem all that convinced. “I just think it’s a little suspicious that she goes after you, Kagami, and Adrien. The girl has a pattern, and it’s money.”
He snickered. “Okay, and what about Chloe Bourgeois?”
“Chloe?” Said Lila slowly. “How do you know about Chloe?”
He frowned. “She’s in our class, right?”
“Well, yes, but they don’t talk or anything. How’d you know about her?”
“Simple: I’m her soulmate.”
Lila blanked. There was a few moments where she apparently rebooted, and then she scoffed. “Are you sure about that? Marinette likes to lie. A lot.”
“Pretty sure. Unless you know some other designers, who live in France, who bakes a lot, who carries a yoyo in their pocket, who also happens to love her parents.”
She finally stopped twirling her hair, shoving her hands in her pockets as she mulled this over. “Congrats on finding your soulmate,” she said in the same begrudging tone that siblings use when their parents make them apologize to each other. “But…”
Lila leaned forward conspiratorially. “I think she might be working for Hawkmoth.”
Don’t. Laugh.
He shook his head, pursing his lips together tightly to stop himself from laughing. When he was sure that he could keep a straight face, he mumbled a “yeah, no.”
She shrugged. “Don’t believe me? She disappears during every akuma and she’s never been akumatized. I’m telling you, she’s working with him!”
He couldn’t help it anymore, he snickered. Sure, the girl had gathered some pretty good evidence, but she’d come to the complete wrong conclusion. Before he could really come up with a reason for why he was so convinced that she couldn’t be working with him, he spotted Marinette running back to the classroom.
Tim watched her eyes narrow when she spotted Lila and raised his eyebrows. Sure, three out of four of Lila’s points were wrong, but the first one still concerned him.
Marinette gave a forced smile as she came to a stop beside him. “Ready for your tour? I even got special permission to take you out of school for lunch today,” she chirped, holding up two tiny slips of paper.
He smiled faintly. “How’d you manage that?”
“I let it slip to the principal that I was showing around Tim Drake-Wayne. They practically begged me to keep the school food away from you.” She winked, then her eyes found their way to Lila. Her smile lessened. “Lunch is almost over for you, Lila, you should get something to eat. What with your weak immune system and all, we wouldn’t want you to get sick, would we?”
He narrowed his eyes slightly and glanced at Lila, who sighed like this was a regular occurrence.
“Fine, Mari, I’ll leave. I know when I’m not wanted.” She leaned up and kissed Tim on the cheek before he could really react. “A presto,” she said, sending a grin over her shoulder as she walked off.
He gave a tiny wave and then glanced at Marinette.
“You’re crumpling the papers.”
She snapped out of it and frowned, looking down at the passes. She loosened her grip and started smoothing them out with her fingers. “Right. Sorry. Let’s go.”
She should have warned him about Lila. She had no clue what the liar had said about her, but it clearly was affecting Tim. Earlier he’d been holding her hand and now he would barely even look her in the eyes.
She stared at the empty cup of coffee in front of her as they waited for the waiter to come back with their food in silence.
A tiny part of her was tempted to just let Lila have him. She’d managed to get everyone else, had picked off all her friends one by one. Even Adrien would usually eat with Nino. At this point, she was starting to think it would be easier to just let go of the hope that she could really have friends while she lived in Paris. It would certainly feel better than grasping onto him desperately only to lose him…
She pulled her yoyo from her pocket and started messing with it.
One attempt. She’d give herself one attempt.
“What did she tell you?”
He looked at her. Finally.
“She obviously told you something. What was it?”
He finished off his coffee and set down his cup. “She said you’re a bully.”
“Well, she’s a compulsive liar.”
“She said the same about you.”
She cursed as her yoyo tangled itself and started fixing the string. “And you’re going to believe her over me?”
He reached across the table and gently pulled the yoyo from her fingers and started working the knots out. “Normally, I wouldn’t, but…” He sighed lightly. “Would she really have a reason to fake an illness?”
Marinette blinked, then shook her head. “That wasn’t the first lie I figured out. The first one was --.” She cut herself off and gave the waiter an awkward smile as he set down a plate of waffles.
The teens mumbled their thanks and he left.
She switched to English for her next sentence: “She lied about being friends with Ladybug.”
He raised his eyebrows.
She frowned. He didn’t trust her. Great. She had proof, at least. She scrolled through the Ladyblog for a while before handing over the video of Lila claiming to be Ladybug’s best friend.
“So... she lied once to seem cool to her new classmates and you decided that was enough to never trust her again?”
She wanted to kick something. Seriously? She pulled her yoyo back from him and started pulling on the string as hard as she could. She needed her yoyo back. She needed to calm down. She needed --.
Her eyes spotted a black and purple speck on the horizon and she squeaked.
Fuck. She couldn’t do this. She couldn’t get akumatized. She wouldn’t be able to fix things if she was akumatized. She couldn’t let someone die because of her --.
Tim followed her gaze and cursed quietly. “Listen, Nette, I’m sorry! I believe you!”
“I’m not stupid, Tim! I know you’re just saying that!” She hissed.
Angry tears formed behind her eyes. All the emotions she’d been holding back since Hawkmoth had begun his reign of terror were threatening to fall through and she couldn’t let that happen. God, she was feeling so much and she couldn’t handle it and she couldn’t allow herself to even try and someone was letting the akuma in and --.
She shut down.
Her emotions went from feeling like they were suffocating her to being practically nonexistent. She sunk in her seat, barely even paying attention to all the people scrambling for cover as fast as they could. She didn’t care. She didn’t care about anything at all.
The akuma paused inches away from her yoyo and she watched with a blank face as it slowly turned around and fluttered out the way it had come.
“Nette?” Said Tim quietly, his eyes not leaving the akuma.
She closed her eyes.
One attempt, she told herself. One last attempt.
“I’ll admit, I definitely didn’t like that Lila was getting close to Adrien and it made me more bitter and skeptical about everything she said than I should have been… but I still caught her in actual lies. About who she knows, about the things she’s done, about her illnesses, about everything. And I called her out on it every time, it’s why she’s so determined to keep everyone away from me. With more lies, of course, but they always have just enough truth that everyone believes her and nothing I do ever seems to be enough to convince them.”
Tim said nothing for a moment…
And then she felt his hand rest over hers.
“I believe you… but --.”
She groaned. “Great. I tried. Want a tour before we stop talking to each other forever?”
“Not like that. I’m just saying… for all of her lies, she was projecting: bullying, gold digging, lying…”
She nodded slightly. “Sure. So?”
“She also accused you of working for Hawkmoth.”
Her eyes snapped open.
Next part
“I can’t wait to see what Lila does”
Me, staring at my outline, which just says “Lila but better but also stupid”: yeah me too buddy
@pawsitivelymiraculous @golden-promises @salty-fang @kitsunebell @sassakitty @octobitch @glastwime859 @miyla-lokidottir @onlyabatfan @ira-sairain @2confused-2doanything @ultimatetornshipper @ladybug-182 @laurcad123 @we-want-mini-mini @roguishredaxion @just-reblogs-by-h @futursworld @magic-miraculous @nathleigh @smolplantmum @vroomtaka  @emimar7 @toodaloo-kangaroo @charme-de-malchan @spicybelladonna @fusser90 @indecisive-mess-named-me
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anatomical-hearts · 4 years
Din Djarin x sick!gnReader
Summary: getting sick and trying to hide it from a Mandalorian is not an easy task
Warnings: mentions of illness, description of symptoms (coughing, fever, shortness of breath, chills, etc.), y e a r n i n g
Word Count: 1.4k
A/n: My first ever fic!! I was thinking about how our favorite Mando would respond to his shipmate getting sick and that sparked my idea for this reader insert, enjoy!!
Hot. Everything was unbearably hot as sweat trailed down your neck, breath hitching. Groggily, you wonder if this is what hell feels like as a shiver takes over your exhausted body.
Things had been just fine as the Razor Crest took off after a surprisingly quiet mission, but of course, something had to go wrong. The kid must’ve picked up a virus from the planet because for many long, gruelling days he’d been sick as a corellian hound.
You blamed your current situation on the lack of sleep that had no doubt weakened your usually impeccable immune system. The child was fussy, crying for hours until you or Mando could finally lull him into a fitful sleep. There was nothing either of you could do but wait to see if the sickness would pass, and thank the maker, it eventually did. Unfortunately, he seems to have passed it onto you, leaving you violently shaking, covered in a sheen of sweat, and completely miserable.
The door to your cramped quarters slid open, momentarily pulling you out of your self-pity, and you cringed at the light spilling into the previously dark space. Before you could curl into yourself even more, a small huff and a touch on your leg seemingly demanded your attention. Lifting your pounding head from your cot, you softened when you saw two large eyes staring back at you, a concerned expression adorning a wrinkly green face.
“Hey kid... did you come to check on me?”
Your voice was weak, cracking as you struggled to speak, but the kid’s ears perked up when you addressed him. He immediately waddled over to your face, little arms outstretched, and cooed softly as he gently laid his hand on your feverish forehead. The exhaustion you had previously felt came back full force, but before you could fall asleep under the kid’s watchful gaze, you heard footsteps coming down the ladder from the cockpit. Kriff. Mando had enough on his shoulders at any given time, another sick shipmate was the last thing he needed right now.
Hastily pushing yourself upright, you put on what you hoped was your best “everything is completely fine” face before Mando’s beskar-covered form filled the small doorway. His helmet tilted slightly to the side as he took in your sickly presence and you couldn’t help but shift uncomfortably under his gaze. If he didn’t know you were sick already, he certainly knew now. Might as well rip this bandage off as quickly and painlessly as possible.
Unfortunately for you, nothing had gone your way on this maker-forsaken day and even the simplest of tasks were complicated by the fact that your body was waging a personal war against the virus currently in your system. Taking a shaky breath before attempting to speak, your breath caught in your throat, sending you spiraling into a hacking fit. Eyes watering, your body curled in on itself with the force of your coughing as you gasped for air in between breaths.
Vaguely, you could feel a weight being lifted from your cot and footsteps retreating back into the hull. Well, at least your shipmates would be spared the gruesome image of you dying from choking on your own spit. The thought was almost enough to make you laugh as your chest heaved in a feeble attempt to provide your body with air. It made sense that Mando wouldn’t want anything to do with you in this state, not to mention that he especially wouldn’t want the kid to get sick again; so when a bleary form seemed to materialize in front of you, you thought it must be a fever dream tormenting your weary soul.
Blinking your through bleary eyes, the first thing you saw was a cup with water directly in front of your face. It was... floating? No. There is a hand holding it... a gloved hand. A gloved hand attached to an armored man. With a small gasp, you realized that Mando had come back, sat on the edge of your cot, and was offering you a cup of water. All you could do was stare at the bounty hunter. This was a skilled man who you had seen take down bounties mercilessly without breaking a sweat, yet here he was, sitting awkwardly next to you and offering sweet relief.
It hit you all at once how parched you were and you eagerly snatched the water from his hand, gulping it down so quickly that you felt some of it drip down your chin and onto the already damp sheets. Taking the first unlabored breath you had in hours, Mando slowly grabbed the cup from your trembling hands and set the cup down on your small bedside table.
“Thank you...” you mumbled, unsuccessfully trying to avoid squirming under the Mandalorian’s unwavering gaze. His dark t-visor hadn’t left your face since you first noticed his presence. Maker, you must be a sight. Flushing you turn your face away from the heat of his gaze, trying to think of anything else to say to the stoic figure in front of you.
“I’ll uh-” dank farrik, you hated the way your voice cracked “I’ll get up and see if I can... um” kriff, what was it Mando hired you for again? The answer was right there in front of you but you just couldn’t wrap your fingers around it. Before you could embarrass yourself further with your mumbling confusions, Mando tentatively reached out his hand, his glove hovering over your shoulder. He was still looking at you. Maker, it was hot in here, had it always been this hot?
He was still as a statue in front of you, waiting... waiting for something. A cue from you, you realized as you stared at his hand. Slowly you dragged your gaze back to where you assumed his eyes were behind the visor and gave him a slow nod. Lightly, so gently you could cry at how he treated you with such tenderness in this moment, his gloved hand rested on your shoulder. The slight touch sent shockwaves through your system as an uncharacteristically soft modulated voice broke the silence.
“You don’t have to get up or do anything today just...” his fingers twitched ever so slightly “Just rest cyar’ika.”
He applied the smallest bit of pressure to your shoulder and you felt yourself laying back down into the softness of your cot. Exhaustion overtook your body as you lay there, struggling to comprehend the events taking place. You wanted to argue with him. You wanted to insist that you were fine, that he didn’t have to handle the kid by himself, that you could still do something. You wanted to ask him what that strange word he said at the end of his sentence meant, he said it with such… care. However, the hand on your shoulder didn’t leave as you finally felt your body relax into the sheets underneath you.
It was finally registering just how much you needed this, just a day to allow your body to heal. With your last bit of strength you nodded once and let your eyes flutter closed. Only then did his comforting hand leave you, but even then it seemed that he lingered just a moment longer than necessary... then again, it may have been the fever making you sense things that weren’t actually there.
You heard his retreating footsteps as he walked towards the door and closed it softly, sleep claiming you the moment he was gone. With your last bit of strength, you will yourself to remember this moment, to cling to it with every last fiber of your being until you’re sure that the Mandalorian’s soft voice and light touch would be ingrained in your memory forever.
Outside of your cot, the Mandalorian stood in the middle of the hull, staring at the hand that had been on your shoulder just moments before. Even through his glove, Din could feel the warmth radiating from your shoulder, imagine how soft your skin might feel beneath his bare hand. Before he could get lost in the aching feeling enveloping his chest, soft cooing from the cockpit brought him back to reality. With one last glance at your closed door, the Mandalorian slowly made his way up to the kid, his mind never straying from you and the way you had unknowingly held his gaze behind the visor.
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bellatrixobsessed1 · 3 years
The Killing Cure (Part 6)
Sleep takes her regardless of whether or not she welcomes it and her waking comes as a very unpleasant surprise. She is only tolerant of her awakening as far as her daughters go, even then she is  no more able to protect them than her rotting corpse could.
“Mother?” Cassandra murmurs sleepily.
Alcina weakly strokes her hair, “I’m still...here dear.” She isn’t sure for how long. She needs to get up but her body ails her unceasingly and without mercy. She tries to stand, her muscles are all so weak and the pain in her abdomen is still so sharp. She gets to her feet anyhow, she is going to have to endure. Endure until her last breath.
“Lay back down mother.” Cassandra mumbles.
Alcina shakes her head. “I have to do things for myself.” She makes her way across the room, somehow she has to make herself useful. She loathes to think of what Hiesenberg will say to her when he sees her again, the mockery and the endless taunting. And she would deserve it getting bested like that by a human man.
She braces herself against the wall.
“Don’t hurt yourself, mother.” Cassandra frowns.
“Where are your sisters?”
“Daniela thought that it would be nice to make you some new dresses. Bela is better at sewing though.”
“When did Bela learn…?”
“She watched the maiden do it before we turned her into fine wine!” Cassandra replies joyfully.  
Alcina chuckles. It is the first prickle of genuine humor she has had in a while. At the very least it is the first moment that the pain had subsided even just a little. She attempts to heave herself away from the wall and stand on her own. It is still dizzying to look upon her furniture from this vantage point. It is one thing to get adjusted to it from the semi-comforts of her mattress and another thing entirely to walk by the towering room decor.
She inhales deeply--at least she doesn’t have to put thought into breathing anymore. And she takes her first few steps, slow and meek. Cassandra holds out her hand and Alcina takes it, privately pretending that she has done so for the girl’s comfort and not her own.
“Where are we going, mother?”
“Let’s check on your sisters and perhaps I can find myself something to eat…”
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me!” Ethan shouts. Lady Dimitrescu is not tucked safely into her bed when he arrives in her bedroom. He runs his hands through his hair, he can’t imagine that she could get very far.
Most likely, she is somewhere in the castle, lurking as she always had. But what if she has gotten herself further hurt than she is already? He imagines that she is the exact sort of woman who would push herself well beyond her limits just to prove something to herself, to impress an audience that isn’t even in attendance.
Or maybe she has assumed that he wasn’t coming back for her. Maybe she has left the castle in search of something to fix her up. But she wouldn’t leave those little demon flies, would she? He rubs his hands over his face and curses again.
He tells himself that he is only frustrated that he had gone all of that way and endured all of the Duke’s chatter and taunting for nothing.
“Got yourself in a really tight situation this time, didn’t you, Mr. Winters?” He’d chuckled. A fool he was to think that that would be the end of the Duke’s commentary.
“I thought up an assortment of scenarios about you and Lady Dimitrescu but this one never crossed my mind…” He had trailed off. “A small human. You might have four daughters to take care of now.”
“Absolutely not, Duke. She’s ill, not a child.”
The Duke had chuckled. “You’ve never overheard one of their family meetings, boy! The woman can cavil and grouse like the most petulant teenagers I’ve come across.” He took a swig of ale. “And that Hiesenberg, what a mouth that one has!”
“Just how small is she now? I’ve heard hearsay that she was a tiny thing.”
“She’s...she’s small. Yeah.”
At that he had given his heartiest, most bellowing laugh yet. “Oh! What a treat. You’ll have to bring your new missus by when she’s all healed up!”
“She’s not...she won’t be...just sell me my goods, Duke!” He had waved the coins at him. Even a bribe--double the usual charge--hadn’t been able to deter him from his jesting. And so he’d resigned himself to several hours of jokes, gossip, and idle conversation. None of it of any particular importance. And now Dimitrescu is gone.
“Son of a fuck!” He shouts, noting that Heisenberg would probably appreciate that one. He slams his fists against her nightstand, knocking a glass to the floor. It shatters at his feet.
“Haven’t you ruined enough, Winters?” The woman, looking more thoroughly exhausted than before, stands in the doorway pinching her nose.
“I’m sure that you have a lot more glasses.”
“It’s the sentiment, Winters.” She, accompanied and assisted by her daughters, finds her way back to her bed. She falls heavily upon the mattress and just about curls in on herself.  “What kept you?”
“Have you talked to the Duke?” He groans.
The look on her face and that deep sigh tells him everything that he needs to know.
“Now, you might want to start treating me better because I didn’t have to do this…”
“You didn’t have to put me in this condition either, Winters. I won’t thank you for fixing what you broke…”
Broke. He looks her over. Does she really see herself as broken? Really he thinks with the proper treatments she could probably function relatively well. “Well, look, I didn’t just get you medication, I also got some new clothes for you and some food that’s more...suitable for a human.”
She seems none to pleased about this.
“Look, I even got you a new hat, just like your other one.”  He tries.
This seems to lift her mood, if only a little. She reaches for it and fixes it onto her head. It is only when he hands her the pile of clothes that he realizes she is already dressed in something new. Rather, aged but different than what she had been wearing.
“Bela and Daniela made it for me.” She notes.
He doesn’t want to be touched by it but, by God, he is. To think that those beasts have flickers of humanity. “There are two types of drugs here.” He holds them out, “one for diet and nutrition and one to suppress the immune system. Believe it or not, the Duke said that he got a supply just in case something like this happened.”
Lady Dimitrescu takes the pills and supplements.
“He was going to charge me extra too! He said that he was planning on getting extra riches from this, I told him that I put up with enough chatter to get a discount!”
She rolls her eyes. “That man is a character.” She takes a glass of water and swallows a pill. He can’t imagine that someone so small would need any more than one. She seems to stare sadly at her hands. But when she looks upon him it isn’t with as much hatred as it has been prior.
Alcina picks her way through the pile of clothing and, to her relief, finds a pair of gloves. She stuffs her rashed and blistered hands into the gloves, glad to be rid of the sight of them. She hates the sight of them, hates the sight of herself in general. She doesn’t just hate the sight of herself, she thinks that she hates herself entirely.
“Do you want something to eat?” Winters breaks her from her daze.
“Yes!” Daniela declares.
“I wasn’t talking to you.” He mumbles.
“A meal would be ideal.” She replies quietly.
The man seems to bite at his cheek before asking, “what would you like?”
“I don’t know, Winters. I haven’t had a taste for human dishes since making dishes of humans.”
For some reason, he chortles at this.
“Surprise me, you’re aggravatingly good at that.”
Ethan nods. “Alright, I’ll cook some potato salad, Mia used to love potato salad especially when I added cider vinegar…” He trails off in thought.
She thinks that the memory is painful for him, it must be with his wife so newly dead. She tries her best to fight off the sympathy but doesn’t quite succeed. She has enough success to not reassure him but not enough to stop herself from pulling him out of his own head. “My girls need food too.”
“They can have some of the salad.”
She shakes her head and rolls her eyes. “You need to go hunting. They prefer raw human, but deer or wolf will suffice.”
He sighs and says exactly what she hadn’t expected. “Alright, I’ll show you how to make a good potato salad and then I’ll go on a hunting trip. I’ve already shot dozens of lycans, how hard can one deer be?”
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fanmoose12 · 4 years
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“Hange!” Levi shouted, as he banged his fists against the piece of offending furniture. “Open that goddamn door!”
“Levi…” Hange sighed wearily. Levi didn’t like the tone of her voice. Hange never spoke like this. “Just leave me alone.”
“The fuck I will!” Levi almost growled. “Open that door or I swear I’ll break it down!”
“There is nothing you can do!” Hange screamed. A moment later, she started coughing, and Levi heard as she slid down to the floor. “There is nothing you can do,” she repeated, her voice raspy. “It’s best if I stay here, alone, until… Well,” she laughed bitterly. “You know.”
“I’m not letting you fucking die, Hange!”
“And what are you going to do? You saw those people, you saw how they’ve died! You know you can’t help me.”
“Well, the least I can do is try,” Levi slid to the floor as well, not caring about his pristinely white coat. He leaned against the door. “Hange, please…” his voice was quite, almost a whisper. “Just let me help you.”
“No, Levi, I can’t. This thing is highly contagious, I can’t risk you becoming infected as well.”
“Bullshit,” Levi answered, getting angry again. Why Hange wouldn’t listen to him? Just for once in their goddamn lives? “I’ve been treating those patients alongside you. And I still feel fine, so let me in.”
“Fine, maybe you aren’t infected, or maybe you aren’t as susceptible to the disease as I am, but Levi! Remember those patients. They’ve died before we could do anything! I don’t think I have much time left.”
“And if you continue to sit here, wallowing in self-pity, you’ll have even less time. Don’t be an idiot, Hange. You’ve told me yourself that this new bacteria has a very short lifespan. What exactly you’ve told me?”
“I said they probably live for only 24 hours, but Levi—!”
“Don’t ‘but Levi’ me,” he grumbled, cutting her off. “I know that this is just your theory, but more often than not, your theories are correct, Hange. I’m willing to bet that this one is correct as well. So if I manage to keep you alive for just a day, I believe that you’ll be able to fight off the disease.”
“You really believe that?” Hange’s voice was quiet and unsure.
“I do believe that,” Levi replied. “I will do anything to save you, Hange. You did the same thing for me, after all.”
“I did?” Hange chuckled, surprised by his words.
“Of course,” Levi nodded, even though Hange couldn’t see him. “Remember our college days? I’ve gotten a bad case of stomach flu, and have been puking my insides for three days straight. And you haven’t left my side even for a moment. Or, that time,” Levi closed his eyes, feeling the old wounds reopen. “When I got into that car accident? When I was lying in the hospital bed, all broken and despaired? When I have been grieving and mourning Isabel’s and Farlan’s deaths? When all I wanted to do was to curl up and fucking die?”
“Levi… I—”
“No,” Levi continued, ignoring Hange’s words. “You have to listen to this, Hange. I wanted to die back then, there was no reason for me to live, but you… you gave me a reason. You haven’t left me even then, you found this job for me, and—”
“Erwin got this job for you,” Hange reminded. “I just gave him your resume.”
“Whatever. Erwin gave me a purpose, but you… your kindness and friendship gave me a reason to get up in the mornings. I know it sounds fucking pathetic, but…” Levi trailed off, rubbing his face. “You make me happy, Hange. I love my job and I love helping people, but even more so, because I can do this alongside you. So, Hange, please, let me in. Let me help you, because I don’t think I can live, if I lose you as well.”
For a long moment there was silence, and Levi already prepared to say something more or to act on his promise and break the fucking door, when it finally opened.
Hange stood on the other side, leaning against the chair and breathing heavily. She was pale – cyanotic, the doctor in Levi said, but he didn’t listen to it. Cyanotic meant… no, cyanotic meant bad things, awful things, but Levi wasn’t going to focus on them. Hange was just pale, she had two night shifts in a row and she was understandably exhausted. A good night sleep was all she needed to feel better again.
“Let’s get you in bed,” Levi hugged Hange by the shoulders, leading her into one of the wards for the infectious patients.
“Are you saying this to all of your patients?” Hange giggled.
“I’m glad to know that the disease hasn’t affected your sense of humor. It’s still as horrible as it always have been.”
“Oi, it’s rude to talk to your patient that way!”
Levi shook his head in exasperation. “Just change your clothes and lay in bed. I’ll go and bring the needed equipment.”
“Levi,” Hange touched his arm. When he looked at her, there was a tiny, fond smile on her lips. “You don’t need to tell me all this stuff. I’m also a doctor, remember?”
“Oh, yes, of course,” Levi nodded. “Sorry, just a habit,” he took Hange’s hand into his and briefly squeezed it. “I’ll be right back.”
After Levi brought everything he needed, connected Hange to the numerous tubes and wires, injected her with the strongest antibiotics their hospital had, there was nothing left for him to do rather than to stay by her side and watch every change, hoping for Hange’s fast recovery.
“Levi…” Hange slowly began. Levi turned his gaze away from the monitors and looked at her. But just as soon, he averted his eyes – Hange seemed so frail, so feeble in that bed. “If I d—”
“You won’t.” Levi instantly cut her off, refusing to hear what she wanted to say next. “You’ll survive this shit and will be back on your feet in no time.”
“But those patients!” Hange protested.
“Those patients were already weak. Their immune system was compromised, and they had a dozen of concomitant diseases. You, on the other hand, are young and healthy. You’ll be fine, and I don’t want to hear another word from you about death or some other depressing thing. Better yet, stop talking and get some rest.”
“That’s doctor’s orders?” Hange grinned weakly.
“You’re goddamn right,” Levi showed a small smile of his own.
Hange stared at him for another moment, before closing her eyes and falling into a restless slumber.
When she woke up, Hange's condition had considerably worsened. Her Sp02 was rapidly decreasing and Levi even had to put an oxygen mask over her face. With his heart in his throat, he watched how Hange was desperately trying to breathe, her chest heaving up and down.
“It hurts, Levi,” she croaked out. “It hurts so much.”
“I know,” Levi’s one hand held Hange’s and another one was softly playing with her hair. “I know it hurts, Hange, and I’m sorry. But you are strong, you can endure this. Soon it will pass, and you’ll feel better, I promise.”
“I…” Hange had another coughing fit, which shook her body. Levi shuddered as he saw blood on the white sheet of her bed. “I… need,” Hange continued when her coughing had subdued. “I need a reason… to survive.”
“Alright,” Levi gently caressed her palm. “I’ll do whatever you want.”
A small smirk appeared on Hange’s bloodied lips. “That’s a dangerous promise, doctor Ackerman.”
“I’m a dangerous man,” Levi shrugged, his eyes darting to the monitor beside Hange. It showed that Hange’s Sp02 almost returned to normal. Levi let himself relax. “So what do you want?”
Hange looked away from him, as an almost shy expression appeared on her face. “A date,” she whispered so quietly, Levi had to strain his ears to hear it.
“A date? With whom?”
“With whom do you think?” Hange glared at him. “Of course, I’m asking you to arrange me a date with Mike.”
“Mike?” Levi raised his eyebrows. “But he’s married!”
“You’re lucky,” Hange took a deep, shaky breath. “You’re lucky I’m weak now, Levi. I would have kicked you otherwise. I was talking about a date with… you.”
“Oh,” Levi’s eyes widened. “You want to go on a date with me? Alright, y-yeah, okay. Yes, I agree.”
Hange gave him a critical look. “Are you agreeing just because I’m on my death bed?”
“Idiot,” Levi growled, resisting the urge to smack her head. “You’re not on your death bed, and I didn’t agree out of pity or anything. Actually…” Levi trailed off, feeling his cheeks redden. “Actually I wanted to ask you out for a very long time. Just couldn’t find the courage to do so.”
“You wanted to go on a date with me?” Hange asked quietly. Levi didn’t know if her voice was so weak because of her illness, or she just couldn’t believe him.
“Of course, I did, four-eyes. I still do. I… I had a crush on you… for a while.”
Truth be told, Levi had a crush on Hange for as long as he knew her. However, something always stopped him from confessing his feelings. Maybe, he just didn’t want to make a fool out of himself, or maybe, he was afraid of her refusal. He didn’t want to destroy their friendship with his stupid, inappropriate feelings. Levi had never been so happy to be proven wrong.
“You have a crush on me?” Hange’s lips curled into a smile, and Levi’s heart skipped a beat at the sight of it. He loved that smile so much…
“I think we’ve already established that,” Levi hid his blushing face, lowering his head. Well, one of his fears did come true. Talking about his feeling was the worst. “Better tell me, where do you want to spend our first date?” Levi began, trying to keep Hange’s mind away from her pain. “I would have thought of something myself, but,” he shook his head. “You know I suck at this kind of things.”
“I want to go to the amusement park,” Hange sighed dreamily. “I want to go on a Ferris wheel. We’ll be holding hands and looking at the night city. And cotton candy! Yes, we will be sharing a cotton candy.”
Levi made a face. “I hate those things. They’re sticky and way too sugary.”
“Too bad, Ackerman,” Hange smirked. “You’ve already agreed to this.”
Levi sighed, admitting his defeat. “Alright, what else do you want to do?”
“Mm, then we should take a ride on a roller coaster, the biggest one they had. I hope, you’ll be screaming like a little girl.”
“Keep dreaming, four-eyes,” Levi softly chuckled.
“And then I’ll drag you to the shooting range. I’ll make you win me the biggest plushie they have.”
“And the ugliest, no doubt.”
“Ah, you know me so well,” Hange softly smiled.
“That I do,” Levi agreed. “Now, c’mon, stop talking,” his eyes slightly narrowed, as he saw Hange’s saturation begin to decrease again. “Save your breath and go to sleep. I’ll be there, when you wake up.”
Levi was slumping in his seat, watching every rise and fall of Hange’s chest. Hoping that movement doesn’t stop.
“Are you watching me sleep?” Hange mumbled without opening her eyes. “Creep.”
“I’m not a creep,” Levi answered, feeling his lips involuntarily twitch into a smile. “I’m a professional.”
“Mm, that’s what all creeps say.”
“Are you feeling better?” Levi got to his feet, deciding to inject Hange with another antibiotic.
“Not really,” Hange answered, avoiding his eyes. “How long have I been sleeping?”
“For a few hours.”
“Have you gotten any sleep?”
It was Levi’s turn to avoid Hange’s eyes. “I’ll rest when you get better.”
“Levi,” Hange chided. “You have to get some sleep.”
“You know I don’t need it much.”
“Alright, maybe, you don’t need to sleep,” it looked like Hange wasn’t going to give up easily. “But what about your other patients? Don’t you have to take care of them?”
“Who are you taking me for, four-eyes?” Levi rolled his eyes. “I’ve asked Mike and Erwin to look after them. Besides, I’m helping hundreds of patients right now.”
“Huh?” Hange’s face scrunched into a confused expression.
“I’m saving your life, dumbass,” Levi said in a far softer voice that he intended. “And by saving yours, I’m saving lives of other patients you’re going to help after you get back on your feet.”
“Levi…” Hange searched for his hand, and when she reached it, she took it in hers and squeezed. She looked deep into his eyes, not knowing what to say. She wanted to say so much, but she couldn’t do it. Not now, not until she actually gets better.
“It’s been almost fifteen hours since you’ve become ill,” Levi changed the subject, feeling the strange tension in the room. The look in Hange’s eyes was so intense and almost unreadable. “Ten more hours and you’ll be fine.”
“You sure?”
“I’ve told you already – I am a professional,” Levi huffed. “And I never give my patients false hopes.”
“So, I’m your patient, huh?” Hange looked at him with that mischievous glint in her eyes. With that expression on her face, she seemed almost healthy, almost normal. “Say, doctor Ackerman, am I your favorite patient?”
“No,” Levi replied curtly. “And let’s not make a habit of it, four-eyes.”
“Let’s not a habit of what? You taking care of me?”
“Let’s not make a habit of you getting dangerous diseases, idiot.”
“Can’t promise you anything, but… I’ll try.”
“With you, four-eyes, I couldn’t have hoped for a better answer.”
“Jeez, that’s so embarrassing,” Hange chuckled quietly. “But I’m getting sleepy again.”
“Drugs make you sleepy. Besides, your body needs as much energy as it can get. And I don’t think I need to explain it to you, Doctor Zoe.”
“Maybe, I just wanted to listen to the sound of your voice,” she showed Levi another one of her gentle smiles. “I’ll rest my eyes then,” she said, closing them. “Just for a while.”
Levi nodded and leaned in, kissing her sweat-covered temple. “Take your time.”
Levi didn’t know for how long he was sitting there, watching Hange and the monitors beside her bed. Her condition wasn’t improving, but it also wasn’t worsening. It wasn’t good, but it wasn’t bad either. She was… stable. It gave Levi hope. That Hange had defeated the disease. That she would be alright. That she wouldn’t leave Levi alone.
Levi checked his watch. It’s been almost 24 hours, since Hange had contacted the disease.
He decided to perform an experiment of his own.
Slowly, with his heart pounding in his chest and his hands trembling, Levi took off Hange’s oxygen mask. His eyes were glued to the monitor, looking for any change. He scanned each parameter again and again – Hange’s Sp02, heart rate, blood pressure, and temperature – everything seemed to be normal.
He waited for a minute, than two. Nothing changed. Levi almost breathed out in relief.
And then Hange opened her eyes.
“You know as much as I like to see your face after waking up,” she drew out, smirking. “You’re looming over me like some kind of murderer.”
Levi didn’t reply, he said absolutely nothing, staring at Hange with wide, almost unblinking eyes.
“Um, Levi?” Hange called, feeling slightly uneasy. His gaze was quite unnerving. “Is everything alright?”
Again, Levi didn’t speak, but Hange suddenly noticed that he was holding something in his right hand. She squinted her eyes, trying to take a better look. “Oh,” she breathed out, as she finally understood what he was holding. “Is that my oxygen mask?”
Levi nodded, still staring at her.
“And I can breathe without it?”
Levi nodded once more.
“Oh,” Hange couldn’t quite wrap her head around. “So does that mean that I…”
“Yeah,” Levi sighed, letting go of the mask and leaning closer to Hange. “You’re getting better, Hange.”
“Well, that quite unexpected turn of events,” she chuckled.
Levi slightly pulled at her hair. “What the fuck do you mean? Did you doubt my skills as a doctor?”
“Maybe, the tiniest bit?” Hange giggled, making an innocent expression.
Levi scoffed, rolling his eyes. “Idiot,” he scolded her fondly.
“Mm, but I’m glad I’ve survived. Because that means we can go on our date!”
“Let’s start with getting you back on your feet,” Levi reminded. “And Hange?”
“Please, take a shower before going on a date with me.”
Hange burst out laughing. “For you, my clean freak, I’ll even wash my hair!”
“What an honor,” Levi grumbled with a smile on his lips and a soft look in his eyes.
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radreactions · 4 years
Hey this coronavirus stuff got you freaked out? I wonder which of the companions would be most worried about it
Not really? I mean, the worst thing about it for me is that I don't get to see the woman I've been crushing hella hard on at work 😂
Ada - She is primarily concerned about her friends' wellbeing. Of course, being a robot, she's immune to such human ailments but don't think for a second that she wouldn't take the risk seriously. In fact, she goes so far that she gets her chassis modified to be a one litre bullet proof tank full of hand sanitizer and a ballistic fibre, water proof rucksack with a whole four rolls of toilet paper. Four!
Cait - The only corona she's concerned about is the swill they pass off as pale lager - now that is the real problem with society.
Codsworth - He's like your paranoid grandparents: always reading the Publick Occurrences, can be found huddled next to the radio listening to DCR for the latest updates, and constantly nagging you about wearing gloves and a facemask. Constantly disinfecting everything in the house twice a day.
Curie - She takes it as her personal mission to construct a cure. After all, she successfully created one for the Vault 81 disease, surely she can do it for a mutated flu? In fact, she barely remembers to sleep until she finds one, a small part of her regretting that she's now effectively human and unable to go very long without needing to eat and sleep.
Dogmeat - With everyone being as gloomy as they are, fretting about the latest pandemic to haunt the wasteland, Dogmeat takes upon himself his own mission - to make as many people smile as he can! He does this by bounding around the settlement like a little puppy, jumping up and nuzzling into anyone brave enough to step outside. He even found a friend to play with, another dog just like him! At the amusement of everyone watching through the windows from self-quarantine, they play tug, chase each other around and...and...why is Sole yelling at him to get inside? Is it because his friend is unusually big and green and...oh.
Danse - He tries to stay away from Prydwen as much as he can. Sure Captain Cade is a good medic and their healthcare division is pretty solid, but being surrounded by hundreds of people in one metal flightdeck? No thanks. He'll take his chances in the power armour.
Deacon - The facemask stays on during sex 👌
Gage - Who gives a fuck about a cold? Let's get back to killing and pillaging. After all, something's gotta kill ya in the end.
Hancock - Another good thing about being a ghoul? In addition to his ruggedly handsome good looks and fantastic life expectancy, he's also discovered that he's actually immune to the 'rona. Who'd have thought? And if he takes advantage of the situation by relentlessly flirting with a flustered Curie who's still trying to find a cure, can you really blame him?
MacCready - He's a nervous wreck. After living through Little Lamplight - the place where he'd nearly died from a multitude of different sicknesses - this virus truly scares the shit of out him. Not only because he has himself and his relatively weak immune system to worry about, but he also has his freshly cured and still very fragile son to think about.
Maxson - He has full faith in Captain Cade and his staff to take care of the sick and injured alike. Scribe Neriah has already started testing potential vaccines on the molerats and so far, only one of them have exploded. He takes that as a good sign. During the last flu, Proctor Ingram was reporting bits of flesh in various places of the flight deck for days after the first round of attempted molerate inoculation. The smell was the worst.
Nick Valentine - Like Ada, he takes great care in ensuring that his friends practise safe hygiene. During the quarantine, he spends a day with Ellie, a day with Sole and a day with each of his other friends before rotating all over again until the quarantine is lifted. He knows what it's like to feel alone and hates the thought that they'd feel that way no matter what the circumstances are.
Old Longfellow - He always knew there were perks for going it solo, just as he always knew there were perk for drinking alcohol. Both could see him come out of this thing unscathed, but it's Sole and all their damn friends that he's worried about. They just had to be a damn social butterfly didn't they? Now they've got him risking his neck by bringing them all a bottle of whiskey to cheer 'em up.
Piper Wright - She feels like she's being torn in a multitude of directions. She needs to keep Nat safe and away from potential germs, but she can't just leave her locked in the house for however long this thing is going to last and she needs her printing press because at the same time, she has a duty to the people to report on this! Dr Sun has been her saving grace, informing her on proper hygiene and the official survival rates - essentially the real story of the corona virus and not hearsay scare mongering by people living in constant fear. Plus, she's having serious Power Noodle withdrawals.
Preston Garvey - This is by far the quietest time for the Minutemen ever. It's unnerving really, having patrols report back that literally nothing but mutated wildlife is out there. Not even the raiders want to risk falling ill, and for that, Preston feels just a bit guilty about feeling grateful for the virus. It means he can stop for a moment and proverbially catch his breath, deal with the recent losses and the whirlwind of the past few months. Lord knows he's been unsteady for a while now and once this thing blows over? The Commonwealth is going to need him in top shape more than ever.
X6-88 - He's suprised at how quickly the virus has spread. He was well aware of what it does to it's hosts. After all, he did read Bio Science's briefing before it officially broke out. But one thing that suprised him was that the eggheads were wrong in it completely wiping out the surface population. You see, the Institute constructed the virus to speed up their plans for the above world. It seemed the surface dwellers were much more resilient and proactive than the original directors of the Institute predicted and thus a highly contagious aggressive pathogen seemed like the best option as a last resort. Now though, he's not so sure. The above world - those who (unlike the Institute) are familiar with dealing with the spread of foreign sickness - seemed to have outplayed them once again with their strength and resilience. For that, he couldn't help but be impressed.
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sickiebangtan · 4 years
;going around (1/?)
word count: 1,156
Taehyung thinks he’s just having a bad day of morning nausea when really he’s coming down with a stomach flu that will eventually run through the whole bangtan household. 
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Taehyung’s stomach is never his friend in the morning. Everyone knows this. It’s a normal phenomenon for him, to wake up a little sick to his tummy; happens at the beginning of almost every day. Maybe it just means he’s not a morning person. He’d skip breakfast for that matter, but it’s basically impossible around the six members who love him. He has to eat something in order to have the energy to practice or work out. The others won’t let him leave the house until he’s consumed something, knowing he’ll feel better once his body has something to work with, so it’s always each of them trying to feed him some of their own breakfast. Jimin poking his lips with a grape until Taehyung bites it out of his fingers or Hobi dancing in his face with a slice of toast in his hand or Jin with a spoonful of rice porridge or Yoongi with a cup of tea.
“Taehyung-ah,” Jimin’s soft groggy voice is the first to reach Taehyung’s bedroom early that morning. Jimin’s eyes are barely open themselves, but he’s obedient to his alarm clock and always rises on its first ring. Leaning through the crack of Tae’s door, his puffy lips poke through. “Tae tae,”
Taehyung’s sheets rustle suddenly at the disturbance of silence. “Mmmm,” Taehyung’s morning voice reaches depths no one else can. It sounds like a growl. Jimin drowsily chuckles, his socked feet shuffling across the heated floors. Taehyung moans in complaint; Jimin’s here to wake him up. The nice thing though is that Jimin is the first wake up call, his first snooze button. Jimin always came into Taehyung’s room earlier than he needed to, climbing into Taehyung’s bed to snuggle him until someone else came to pull Jimin out of the bed and order Taehyung to wake up a second time.
But God, was it morning already? He’d been tossing and turning for most of the night, feeling off and not sure what for. He feels like he’d only reached a deep sleep a few minutes ago, before Jimin came to wake him.
Jimin’s light body falls onto Taehyung, gets under the covers and presses himself into the sleeping member’s warm chest. Arms squeeze each other closer and Jimin hums with delight. Playfully, he tugs Taehyung’s earlobe with his teeth. “Taehyung-ahh,” Jimin tries again, but Taehyung just squeezes him closer, wraps a leg around his waist. Jimin relaxes; Tae’s bed is so comfortable. He’s already an ounce away from sleep. Jimin isn’t going to put up a fight; it isn’t even light out yet. Ten more minutes.
 There wasn’t an inkling in Taehyung’s mind that he might be coming down with something. And you had to cut him some slack for missing the obvious; he rarely caught anything. He picked up a cold each year, at best, but nothing much more. Taehyung’s immune system was pretty darn impenetrable. The last time he remembers being seriously ill was when he’d caught a bad flu between traveling across countries for a concert. He remembers Jungkook appearing so much bigger as he’d used his body to shield him from the crowds at the airport, how much more protective he’d been—as if a single nudge from a fan could shatter Taehyung to pieces. That had to have scared the maknae, to see Taehyung so weak. That had been years ago, and that had been the worst.
But just because he has an immune system made of steel doesn’t mean his body doesn’t cause him other means of distress. He has one of the touchiest stomachs in the house.
If a member finds Taehyung still in his bed or curled up on the couch after everyone else is up and getting dressed, it isn’t because he’s coming down with something. It’s because Taehyung takes the longest to wake up. It’s because Taehyung doesn’t feel his greatest when the sun rises. And for that reason, his hyungs usually cut him some slack. Today’s a little different. They have a busy schedule today, and Jin seems a little more tense than usual, a little cranky. It’s a high chance it has to do with the new high-energy choreo they’ll be learning today at practice.
Jin manages to get Taehyung out of his bed after two attempts, but only for Taehyung to drag himself and his comforter into the living room to go curl up on the couch instead. Everyone is up by now, as sleepy and as pouty as he is, but on the move to get ready for the schedule ahead. Taehyung would be up too if his stomach wasn’t squirming so much.
Yoongi appears suddenly, shuffling over to the couch to stand over Taehyung with a hand resting in his pajama pocket.
“Tae-yah, come on, time to get up,” Yoongi’s voice is gentle, but it’s a warning. It hits Taehyung’s ears like a pleasant hum. “We’ve got a packed day today—don’t let Jin-hyung catch you out here. He won’t be so nice next time.” Taehyung moans and it sounds genuinely pained. Yoongi frowns. The dongsaeng turns to lay on his back and Yoongi takes in the arm holding a pillow against his middle. The elder makes a noise and crouches down, moving bangs away from Taehyung’s forehead. Taehyung has that queasy grimace on his lips; he’s pretty green in the face.
“You look nauseous,” Yoongi observes. Taehyung wonders if Yoongi can hear all the curdling his stomach is doing right now, which isn’t the usual accompaniment to his nausea. It’s usually a heavy feeling that swells in the back of his throat, an occasional twinge in his stomach whenever he thinks about eating breakfast. This is different. This is a constant bubbling churn. Taehyung whimpers and curls into himself a little more.
“I am nauseous.” He confirms with his eyes closed, his voice sounding too weak and wobbly for his liking.
“Hmm,” Yoongi pets Taehyung’s head with inspecting eyes. “Poor guy,” Today is obviously one of those rough mornings for Taehyung. He hates that his dongsaeng has to wake up feeling so crappy. He doesn’t ask for this, but he’s forced to just deal with it. Unfortunately, it isn’t enough to stay home over. They have to get moving. “Did you drink your water yet?” he suggests.
Taehyungs eyebrows quirk up then scrunch together. He hasn’t had his glass of water yet. Maybe that would help. It usually helps. Icy cold, with a bunch of ice to crunch on.
“Must be a no. I’ll go get you some water then—be right back.” Yoongi grunts when he hoists himself back up. Taehyung knows Yoongi has to physically leave for the water but it doesn’t stop him from reaching to tug his pant leg.
“Hyung, can you put a lot of ice in it?”
“Yeah yeah yeah,” Yoongi mutters, like an old man, his slippers flopping on his way to the kitchen.
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nad-zeta · 4 years
Match-up Compatibility Request🌈^o^
 Hello, I loove your writing! I have a big request! I know you do splendid match-ups.
I have unusual ask for you. I would like to describe myslef and than I would love to see how would you describe a realtionship compatibility with Mitsuhide and Yoshimoto. What would be the weak and strong points? If you think it wouldn’t work out, I’m fine with it too.
I’m very gentle and have fragile health. My immune system isn’t strong and I get tired easily. On the other hand I am very diligent, stubborn and strong willed. It’s difficult for me to cope with stress. As a reaction I can get depressed, panicked, or ill. But I’m working on it and I’m resolved to strengthen my stress resistance with meditative and relaxing techniques.
I tend to be immersed in what I’m doing and I experience my feelings strongly. Because of this sensitivity I’m a good artist and a teacher. I have good intuition and a strong empathy. It allows me thrive at my job but it cripples my mental health endurance. I’m confident in my skills, but insecure about my physical strenght.
I love art, reading, pottery, tea ceremony, poetry, philosophy, but also dancing, laughing and being spontaneous. I also love animals, and I’m experienced dog trainer.
I hate feeling like I’m a burden to someone, but I appreciate if my partner is doting on me. I’m definitely not your normal girl, being week and strong at the same time. I’m used to overcome hardships in life. I also found a way to cope with ADD. But it saddens me when people only see my weaknesses and not my accomplishments.
Thank you in advance for your writing. It means so much for me!
Hi, there love! I hope you are doing well! Hehehe I hope this is more or less what you wanted <3<3! In my opinion, you would match great with both of these cuties! Hope you have a wonderful day and keep well! ❤❤😆🔥
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Pros of dating Mitsuhide
He is incredibly sweet and caring and will definitely be by your side in an instant if you need him
Panic attacks and depression is no problem for sneki boi! He will pull you into his lap and just hold you there, while stroking your back and caressing your hair and face for hours and hours.
He will let you talk it all out, and just sit and listen while kissing your temples and hair to encourage you to tell him all about what has caused his little mouse anxiety or pain
He knows there is little he can do to help you with your battle against anxiety and bouts of depression, but anything and everything that he can do, he will. If you need him to just hold you while you cry it out he will, if you need him to reassure you, he will tell you exactly how much he loves and adores you, and if you just want to sit in silence, he will sit with you in his lap, head resting against his sturdy chest and let you listen to his heartbeat to calm you down while he soothingly pulls his finger through your hair
He knows you have fragile health and immune system and will take on the role of doting lover, he will make sure you don’t push yourself too hard and will make sure you get enough food and rest.
He will scold and lecture you like Hideyoshi if he sees you are pushing yourself and working too hard, he can’t bear to see you in such a fragile state and will just take your small hand in his and gently guide you to the futon where he will trap you in his arms and lull you to get some well-derived rest
“Dearest me, it seems you have turned me into our very own castle’s mother, little one.”
Mitsuhide will see you doing some meditation to help strengthen your stress resistance. He will join in and light some calming incense to help you further relax and destress
His room is always filled with the gentle aroma of lavender, he has found out on a trip with Nobunaga to the Portuguese traders, that lavender acts as aromatherapy and helps promote, calmness and wellness while reducing stress.
It seems to work, as every time you enter his room or take in his scent whenever he hugs you or drops sweet kisses on your forehead between meetings, the sweet scent of lavender instantly washes away the stress and fatigue of the day  
Loves your strong sense of intuition and empathy, as you can feel whenever your sweet kitsune is feeling tired or upset. 
Thanks to your intuition, you can easily tell what’s up and comfort sneki boi. It also helps you feel danger when the two of you are in the markets together which has saved you from being kidnapped more than once. It also makes sneki boi rest easier knowing you have good intuitions as it lessons his worry of you when he is away on business
Loves your empathy, it is what first drew him to you, your sweet, sensitive, gentle side. Your ability to look past the worst of his crimes and love him with your whole heart. 
Looking at him to see not his crimes and heinous acts but his gentle, loving heart and soul. For that, he will be eternally grateful.
Love that you know how to perform tea ceremonies, and will often just watch you in awe
Definitely love the fact that you have taught his little fox some tricks, he will bring his lil fox along with him on missions to steal vital information right from under enemy noses, thanks to you
Loves to slow dance with you in his room, most of the time though it will start off as a sweet slow dance, but turn into a playful tickle fight
Mitsu is incredibly doting! He loves to spoil and bring a smile to your face
Love to tease you and make you laugh, the sound of your beautiful laughter is like music to his ears
Two of you definitely clash as both of you are pretty stubborn
I would say the fact that you experience emotions so strongly, are both a blessing and a curse for sneki boi, as this boi love teasing. He loves seeing that beautiful blush spread across your face and loves that you feel emotions so deeply. Although it turns to a negative, when he takes his teasing a bit too far leading you to tears “Sorry little mouse, I didn’t mean to push you over the edge with my teasings.”
Loves that you have a strong empathy but, it is an arguing point for the two of you, as he is the torturer of the oda forces. And sometimes he just can’t understand how you could have empathy for even the worst of criminals. 
It especially hurts him when he sees you beautiful empathy for others, cripple your mental health, like when the two of you walk past a homeless person. “Little mouse, you cannot save the whole world, even if you would like to.”
You actually make this sneki boi a bit more empathetic towards others which is negative cause his job requires him to put feeling and emotions aside and do the job, to kill and betray, no questions asked, with no remorse for his actions, especially if it is betraying and killing people for the sake of protecting you and his oda friends. Empathy should have no role in his life working in the shadows
Speaking of working in the shadows, even though he wishes he could spend every moment by your side, his job requires him to travel and spend weeks at a time away from you.
He is one of the biggest causes of your stress in life, because you can’t help but worry about him when he is away
Sneki boi doesn’t take very good care of himself and you can’t help but bust into tears when he comes home filled with small cuts and bruises, injured from missions
Gets super jealous super fast
Worries about your well-being way too much
Relationship points
I score your relationship as 4/5
I think the two of you are definitely compatible. Although the two of you may not always see eye to eye on some issues, you can always rely on Mitsuhide to have your back, and love and support you no matter what. He is incredibly doting and will remind you every second of every day just how much he loves and adores you. Because his love language is physical touch and acts of service you best be sure this boi will trap you in his arms the second he comes back from a mission to the second he is sent on the next. He will spend the rest of his life loyally devoted to you, the love of his life.
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Pros of dating Yoshimoto
Will come back from a meeting to find you in a corner of the room, shaking in the midst of one of you panic attacks
He will be by your side in an instant, he will pull you into his arms and guide one of your hands over his heart “It will be alright love, just breathe in tune with my heartbeat, there you go, in and out, in and out” His other hand will be drawing sooting circles on your back while you try and get your breathing under control. Once you come down from the panic attack, he will be there kissing away the tears and whispering words of reassurance
Will stay by your side the whole time tucking both of you in the futon together, just holding you tightly against his chest while gently caressing every curve of your body until you fall asleep.
Yoshimoto has also had to find ways to cope with the stress and the pressure his vassals put on him to rebuild his clan, so he can definitely relate to you on that level. You find comfort in the fact that the two of you can talk openly about the things that stress you out in life
Because he is the master of the arts, he is well practised in the art of meditation and will teach you meditation, breathing and yoga techniques to help calm the mind body and soul
The two of you would often do meditation and yoga in the mornings and evenings together, to dispel any anxieties and stress of the day and to get your minds and emotions into a good space to face the day
His cousin (sorry for the spoiler if you didn’t already know this) Shingen also has some immune system illness, so he is used to caring for people with a weakened immune system and making sure they don’t over work themselves.
He will see you for you and your strength, not your illness and will constantly remind you how amazing and strong you are
When the two of you are out together having  tea or buying art supplies together, and you start to get fatigue Yoshimoto will crouch down in front of you and offer you a piggyback ride “Please my sweet little bird, I can’t bear the thought of you pushing yourself so hard.” You might feel a little embarrassed at first, but he loves the feeling of you resting your head on his shoulder and feeling you near. Otherwise, he will always insist that the two of you hold hands or that you lean on him for support if you get tired. 
He knows you are diligent and strong-willed, so he will keep a close eye on you to make sure that, you take a few small breaks in between work, to ensure you don’t overwork yourself. He will never restrict you or try and control you. He will simply come up behind you and envelop you in his warmth, whispering in your ear that It is time to take a break. And then he will whisk you off to the garden for some tea before you get back to work.
He like you is a fellow artist and loves all things art and creativity. He loves to watch you paint. He will often set up an easel next to you and paint alongside you, keeping you company
The two of you will definitely send poems back and forth to each other during the day, its an easy way to gauge the other mental and emotional state. If one of you are having an off/difficult day, the other will rush to their side. 
Just spending time with each other puts a smile on both your faces
The two of you also sit together, discussing philosophy for hours and hours.
Absolutely loves doing pottery with you, he can’t help but comes up behind you and place his hands on yours as you form your newest creation. Then, once it is done baking the two of you, will have a paint off to see who can paint the prettiest design. 
The two of you will engage in light banter, joking and laughing while you paint. Afterwards, he will always sincerely complement your beautiful work of art and shower you in a flurry of little kisses
He is so proud of his little bird’s art that, he displays it all over his manor.
Love how empathetic and intuitive you are, your intuition comes in handy when helping him weed out toxic vassal in his service, who doesn’t have his best interests at heart
He, like you, is also a pretty empathetic person, so the two of you will often work together helping people in need, working in soup kitchens and helping the homeless. 
Your intuition and empathy also helps you to understand Yoshi’s depression and the best way to pull him out of the dark and back into the light
He is absolutely inspired by you and your strength, you make him want to become stronger for your sake. 
When you tell him about your hard life and how you have risen above all that, he can’t help but hold you tight in his arms. He is amazed that even though your struggles you don’t give up or lose yourself but remained strong, and push through, remaining the beautifully kind, gentle person in his arms.
He also has is prone to anxiety and depression, especially depression, which often means, that at times you will need to bring him back from the edge
He like you, hates feeling like he is a burden on other people so he will need you to reassure him every now and again
He can’t dance to save his life even though he loves watching people dance, so if you want to dance with this cutie you may need to give him the puppy dog eyes “How can I say no when my princess is making such a cute face”. 
Will clumsily dance with you leaving you in a fit of laughter at his stiff movements- he doesn’t mind embarrassing himself if it means putting a smile on your face
He loves being near you but is not as doting as Mitsuhide
He is extravagant and over the top when it comes to most things 
Relationship points
I would rate your compatibility as 5/5
I think the two of you are incredibly compatible, I think the two of you could help each other heal mentally, and physically. He sees you for the beautifully strong woman you are not as some weak, fragile woman. The two of you have loads in common, especially considering both of you love the arts. Even if Yoshi isn’t as doting as the rest of the warlords, he still showers you with endless amounts of love and affection. I see his love language as being more acts of service and quality time as he loves to paint and do pottery with you. He loves to just spend time with you, whether it is just simply being in the presence of each other or nestled in each other’s arms, there is no denying that this man is genuinely smitten with you.
  I hope you enjoyed it love <3 And I hope you have a good day^_^ @nairil-daeris
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questionsonislam · 4 years
How should we see the illnesses like depression and stress from the point of view of religion, how should one be treated spiritually? Are there any hadiths of our Prophet regarding the issue?
Answer 1:
Depression is one of the most common diseases of our age. The uneasiness or, to use the frequently used word, the stress that causes that disease brings along many other diseases; it can cause cardiac diseases and many similar diseases. When its reason is examined, it is seen that the delicate balance among the cells are influenced directly by the stress.
For instance, our immune system protects us from many diseases including cancer. A healthy immune system is only possible through a lifestyle that is free from stress. When we have no troubles or apprehensions, our lymphocytes struggle against infections, rheumatic diseases and even cancer and overcome them.
Praying Allah and trusting in him is necessary for it. Doubtlessly, a person who always prays Allah and who is aware that anything that happens to him is a special test from Allah and who trusts in Allah will overcome the trouble more quickly. The attributes of our Exalted Lord, who eliminate the troubles and answers our prayers are stated as follows in the Quran:
" Or, who listens to the (soul) distressed when it calls on Him, and who relieves its suffering, and makes you (mankind) inheritors of the earth? (Can there be another) god besides Allah? Little it is that ye heed! (an-Naml, 62)
Our Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (pbuh) stated that stress caused illnesses as follows in hadiths:
"Whoever has a bad temper keeps his spirit in trouble; whoever has a lot of grief makes himself ill."
"Various types of anxieties bring about various types of illnesses."
"There is nothing worse and fiercer than anxiety in the creatures of God Almighty."
"God Almighty did not create an illness (trouble) without a remedy. Whoever finds out about that remedy, recovers; whoever cannot find out about it, lives with that illness. However, death has no remedy."
Troubled, or in today’s words, stressed life is a result of the life of people who do not believe or who live far away from the high ethics that belief gives man. Today doctors state that it is necessary to have a tranquil and peaceful constitution, and an easy, secure psychology free from anxiety in order to be protected from the effects of stress. A tranquil and peaceful psychology is only possible through practicing the high ethics of the Quran. The promise of our Lord for his believing slaves is stated as follows:
"Whoever works righteousness, man or woman and has Faith, verily, to him will We give a life that is good and pure, and We will bestow on such their reward according to the best of their actions." (an-Nahl, 97)
"Say: "It is Allah that delivereth you from these and all (other) distresses..." (al-Anam, 64)
Answer 2:
As a matter of fact, depression, which is described as: “the state of hopelessness that a person falls into when he cannot realize his targets, cannot protect the nice things he has or he notices the probability of losing those kinds of things”, can be said to be the problem and even the “fate” of the people not only in this age but throughout history.
Man is “week, poor, ephemeral and mortal; unlike animals, man is aware of that fact.” He wants everything but he cannot own anything in its real sense; He is afraid of and influenced by everything but he cannot dominate anything; he knows that everything is mortal that everything will end one day even in his best times; so, in my opinion, it is amazing when he does not fall into depression not when he falls.
It usually happens due to heedlessness. He tries not to think about the things that he is afraid of; he consoles himself with the things that he seemingly owns; he tries not to remember death and separation. However, when some inevitable incidences destroy the heedlessness, the postponed fears and hopelessness flood the body and he falls into depression.
Depression almost seems to be a natural outcome of being a human being. As a matter of fact, the researches show that depressive findings (sleeping disorder, common groundless physical complaints, frequent crying, hopelessness about future, lack of self-confidence, exhaustion, not enjoying life, etc) are present in 60% of people in various levels. As a psychiatrist, when people whom I am introduced to say jokingly, “in fact, I need to see you”, it seems to me that they confess that truth insensibly.
Is it not possible to overcome depression, which is such a common and general annoyance? Is there not a remedy for those troubles of weakness, poverty and mortality? There is, of course; and he who looks for it will find it; if he looks for, of course. Besides, people generally make a mistake when they think that the problems of weakness, poverty and mortality that are very disturbing at the beginning are unsolvable and imagine that they do not exist.
When a trouble is visible, it can be solved; however, someone who closes his eyes and consoles himself with imaginations cannot possibly find a solution. Only a person who carefully listens to the warning, “laugh at the death like a man; listen to it and find out what it wants” and who says, “yes, I am weak, poor and mortal; they hurt me a lot but what can be the remedy of those problems?” can approach the solution. It certainly means to suffer somewhat but there is “no gain without pain”.
Let us ask the question in a different way. Is a patient who says, “Everything is in vain; what I want does not happen; we will die in the end; life is meaningless” more consistent or a consoler who says, “take it easy; let it go; do not think about them; do not think deeply”? Is it not inevitable for those people who use the logic of the ostrich to fall into the same pit of depression when their heads hit the wall?
As a matter of fact, are we all not in a tiny room with walls made of mirror? Since all walls are made of mirror, the intertwined images make us feel as if we are in a larger room; however, do we not understand that we are in a tiny dungeon when we hit the wall with our heads? Do our imaginations not fly away then? Do we not lose our sleep? Do the sweetest situations not give us pain? Does the polish of the false paradise in the world not crack with each death, loss and grief?
I never forget a piece of news that I read in the tabloid supplement of a newspaper. A group of artists went on a picnic in order to have a very enjoyable day. The article that described the entertainment in detail ended with the following sentence: “When the day ended, everybody was very sorry because a very nice day had ended.” How strange! Isn’t it? Even the best things give pleasure only when they are being experienced; when they end, they are replaced by pains. “Loss of the pleasure is pain.”
I remember one more thing; when I was young, I used to listen to the commentary of the football matches of my favorite team on the radio with excitement; what I hated most while I was listening to the commentary was the words of the commentator, “the last 15 minutes of the game”, “the last 10m minutes”, etc. It gave me pain to hear that the thing that I took pleasure from was going to end soon. To know that something nice will end destroys the pleasure taken from it at that moment. “To think about the loss of the pleasure is also pain.”
Some of you may say, “Yes, you are right but give us the remedy if you know it” but we should not forget that it is a dangerous deception to talk about the problems superficially and to try to find solutions without realizing the seriousness of the problems. Therefore, we should continue some more. Let us think about a young man. There is someone that he loves very much and he imagines a happy future with her. However, he notices that the sentence, “We will be together forever, my darling” is a lie. Let alone forever, it is doubtful whether they will be together for a year. He will be separated from the person that he loves so much sooner or later. He will probably have to do with a togetherness that will probably not be correspondent with his imaginations and ideals. He tries to console himself by giving his heart to her overlooking those facts. How long will it last?
Let us imagine a mother. Her child, for whom she can donate her life, can face an illness or a misfortune any time. Even if she guards her all the day, a tiny microbe can make her beloved child ill, cripple him/her or kill him/her. What can console her? Let the professors and philosophers speak and answer that question!
No, what they will say is, “they are the harsh truths of life; you will accept it. Occupy yourself with other things; take up hobbies. Try to be happy with what you have succeeded and what you have; realize yourself, etc.” We want to ask using the words of Badiuzzaman: Can someone condemned to death take pleasure from the decoration of the dungeon? Can a spirit that can only be satisfied with a paradise as large as the world be deceived by villas whose water and electricity can be cut off?
However, for a man who looks at things through the glasses of belief, the following expression in the verse is valid: “la khawfun alayhim wa la hum yahzanun” (on them shall be no fear, nor shall they grieve).
A person having real belief loves the people he loves for Allah. His darling is the reflection of Allah’s mercy and beauty. He has the hope of living an eternal and peaceful life together with them without being separated from them in the everlasting life.
When he is separated from his beloved ones, he consoles himself by saying, “separation is temporary”. He entrusts his beloved ones to the mercy and protection of Allah, Who is the best of the protectors and the most merciful of the merciful ones.
He sees misfortunes, disasters, illnesses, as divine warnings and kaffarah adh-dhunub (sin eliminators) thanks to what he learns from the Quran.
When he earns or loses worldly goods, when re reaches a rank or falls down from a rank, he says, “it is He Who gives and it is He Who takes”; he aims the ranks of the hereafter and the eternal rewards, which are the permanent and real goods and ranks.
He welcomes temporary troubles and problems by saying, “since this world is a temporary place of testing, there will be some discomfort in the testing.”
He says, “This world is a waste book”; he does not blur his mind with the dirt and confusion that he cannot correct; he becomes busy with keeping his own book of deeds clean.
He says, “Let us see what God will do; whatever he does, he does well.”; he watches it all through the window; he does not go inside.
If he has fallen into sins, heedlessness and disobedience, he says, “it is wrong to abandon hope from the mercy of Allah”; he opens a new page by entering through the door of repentance, which is always open. He finds the real peace and happiness in this world.
The way to get rid of depression, which is not the disease of this age but all ages, is to pay attention to the message coming from beyond ages.
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tsarisfanfiction · 4 years
Overdo (Tales From The Heart)
Fandom: One Piece Rating: Gen Warnings: None Characters: Shachi, Law, Penguin, Bepo, Heart Pirates
Shachi frowned as someone plucked at his sleeve before turning to face the culprit. The sight of their newest recruit greeted him and he sighed. The guy looked scared, and Shachi had never been good at dealing with scared people. Besides, he was covered in blood from some inconsiderate Marine that just had to topple onto him when he died, and really really wanted a bath.
Still, the guy was new, and also nakama, so he had to at least try.
"What's wrong?" he asked, not liking the way the other pirate fidgeted.
"Uh… Shachi-san…" the newbie asked, doing nothing to help Shachi's mood in the slightest. "Is it… normal… for Captain Law to, well…"
"Spit it out," Shachi growled, wishing he hadn't been the one chosen right that moment to deal with the 'Captain's powers are creepy and terrifying' reaction. After a bath would have been far, far better timing.
"CaptainLawlookslikehe'sabouttopassout," the other pirate garbled, gesturing back towards the shore, where Law was theoretically finishing off the last Marines while the rest of the crew loaded the loot onto the Tang and started preparations to leave.
"He gets tired sometimes, yes," he admitted in a low voice, glancing over at his captain out of habit before freezing. Tired was not the word to apply to Law at that moment, and Shachi did not like the way he was swaying. "Okay no, you're right. That's not normal. Get Bepo."
He didn't hang around to see if he was obeyed as he barged back off of the ship, elbowing his nakama out of the way to disgruntled shouts that slowly gave way to cries of alarm as they turned around to berate Shachi and ended up catching sight of their captain's state instead.
The final Marine fell, and with him the flickering blue sheen of Law's Room. The captain himself followed suit moments later, Shachi arriving too late to catch him and having to make do skidding on his knees the last couple of feet to Law's limp form.
"Law?" he asked, reaching out to touch his shoulder. There was no response, Law's chest rising and falling too rapidly. Shachi cursed himself for not noticing earlier, for blindly following orders to get ready to go while Law finished up. That wouldn't be happening again.
"Captain?" He glanced up to see the members of the crew he'd muscled past gathering around worriedly. "Shachi, what happened?" one of them asked, chewing his lip. Shachi sighed and pulled the unconscious Law into his arms before staggering to his feet.
"He overdid it," he told them quietly, conscious of their exposed position. "Finish up as fast as you can. We're leaving." They hesitated for a moment, but Shachi shot them a sharp look and they leapt to obey as he carried his precious load back to the safety of the ship. On the shore, he'd kept up appearances, as if Law fainting after a battle was a normal occurrence. Panicking the crew would do no good at all, so he'd crushed his own panic behind layers of responsibilities.
But the truth was, he'd never seen Law faint after a battle. Using his abilities to experiment had occasionally left him sleeping for longer than normal, and he usually needed to rest after difficult operations, but this was new and worrying.
"That's the last time he's finishing up a fight without us," Penguin commented, appearing by Shachi's side as he headed for the infirmary. Law's room would probably have been the better choice, but Shachi's instincts told him something wasn't right, beyond the obvious, and he wasn't in the habit of ignoring gut feelings.
"Definitely," Shachi agreed as Bepo came barrelling towards them.
"I heard Captain collapsed!" the Mink gasped, narrowly avoiding careening into Shachi and his burden and instead crashing into Penguin, who let out a loud oof as he was crushed against the side of the corridor.
"We're getting off this island," Shachi told their navigator, who was too busy apologising to a still-trapped Penguin to respond. "Bepo."
"Hmm?" Bepo peeled himself off of the cursing Penguin to give Shachi his full attention.
"Get the crew all on board, then set a course."
"But the Log Pose hasn't set!" Bepo protested. "We can't leave yet!"
"Since when did you rely on that thing to navigate?" Penguin grumbled, shoving the bulk of fur to regain his personal space. "I thought you furred Minks didn't need such 'crutches'," he quoted one of Bepo's earlier rants about navigation in the Grand Line.
"But… Captain doesn't like it if I don't use it," Bepo reminded them, glancing at the prone form of Law still in Shachi's arms. The ginger shifted him slightly as his arms began to protest.
"Not the time, Bepo," he snapped, eliciting a 'sorry!' from the Mink. "We can't stay here. Get us on our way."
"You're not the captain," Bepo sulked, but slunk away nonetheless. Shachi knew he'd do it, even though he was right – Law hated it if they set sail before the Log Pose set. It wasn't because he didn't trust Bepo's uncanny sense for direction, even in the notorious Grand Line, but because if something happened to him, they needed the backup for the human members of the crew to use.
They just couldn't risk that a survivor had seen Law's collapse and reported it. They were safer in the sea – under the sea – than waiting like sitting ducks for the Log Pose to set while Marine reinforcements (and other pirate crews) headed for them.
Finishing the journey to the infirmary, he set Law down on one of the beds gently, not liking the flush of his cheeks. Simple exhaustion didn't put so much colour into his cheeks, and Shachi feared that Law had worked himself into an illness.
Penguin helped him settle Law, determining that he was developing a slight fever and running for a damp cloth to try and keep his temperature under control before it got too severe. Law's weak immune system was a complication they always hated to deal with.
"I'll help Bepo," Penguin said once he'd done everything he could for Law. Shachi nodded, and the older man left the room. Less than a minute later, as Shachi was preparing fresh cloths for when the one currently in use got too warm, the crew member that had brought the entire situation to his attention stumbled in, looking around nervously before making his way to Law's side.
"Good spot," Shachi told him, far more favourably disposed towards him than he had been earlier. It was amazing the sort of things that could change someone's opinion. Disturbing a blood-soaked grouchy guy to ask an obvious question? Unwelcome and annoying. Pointing out that the captain had bitten off more than he could chew? Gratitude and respect became more prevalent.
"Is… he going to be okay?" the other pirate asked. Shachi pushed a grin onto his face with more effort than he'd wanted.
"He'll be fine. He just overdid it with his abilities and now he's made himself ill, but he'll be on his feet again before long." Shachi once again buried his own concern beneath the confident words, not wanting to spook the rest of the crew, who had begun to filter in with varying degrees of concern on their faces.
The sirens wailed suddenly, indicating that they were about to enter a dive. Shachi did a quick headcount – excluding him and Law, there were ten of them in the room. His haki found another three putting away their spoils, and one more tending the engines. If he added in Penguin and Bepo, busy in the control room plotting the course and steering, that was everyone accounted for.
Satisfied, he returned his attention to Law, in time to see Clione changing the damp cloth while some of the newer members fussed with the covers, needing something to occupy their hands. Shachi didn't have the heart to banish them to help put away their spoils, and busied himself with sorting through the medicine cabinets to find something Law could take once he was conscious enough to swallow without choking.
That desperately-desired bath was little more than a distant memory, despite the sticky red still covering his uniform and the ends of his hair. That could wait until Law opened his eyes.
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gigi-sinclair · 5 years
Sins Not Tragedies (rated G, implied Jopson/Little, future Hartnell/Irving)
AKA “Haven’t you people ever heard of closing the goddamn door?”
For @theterrorbingo square “there’s nothing to be afraid of.” And it was supposed to also be for @zaphodbeeblebro, but it kind of got away from your prompt, so I’ll do another one for you later!
CW for period-typical attitudes. Title, naturally, from Panic! At the Disco
John Irving is not a fool.
He is no innocent, either, although he knows many people think it of him. He is familiar with the weaknesses of men. He even has sympathy for them. That is, after all, why he sought to rehabilitate Mr. Hickey and Mr. Gibson himself, rather than turn the matter over to the captain, as protocol demanded. His mercy was justified, it seems. Mr. Gibson has not complained of any further assaults, and it does not appear Hickey has turned his deviant attention elsewhere. Perhaps the flogging, unpleasant as it was, proved just the lesson he needed.
This, however, is something else. Rather, it is the same thing, but John cannot possibly react to it in the same way.
Hickey and Gibson are men of the lower ranks, of the lower classes. As is Jopson, for all his extreme familiarity with the captain. In everything, they require a guiding hand, a patient teacher. They cannot be expected to have the capacity to withstand temptation—and John can acknowledge its lure is all the stronger after so long here in the ice—without the help of their moral superiors.  
Lieutenant Little should require no such assistance. The man is a first lieutenant. Soon to be a commander, if the Admiralty hasn't already decreed it. There is no excuse for what John glimpses as he passes the storeroom late one night.
The ship is all but abandoned now. For some reason, all three lieutenants—Little, Hodgson, and John himself—remain on Terror, even though only Lieutenant Le Vesconte and Captain Fitzjames are left on Erebus, but the crew is scant. They have suspended the formal system of watches. Still, the creature is out there, and they must remain on their guard. John comes down from the deck after spending long hours of staring at the ice, alert for the creature from Hell. He should go directly to bed, but he needs a cup of tea to warm him up. He heads for the galley, passing on his way the captain's pantry.
This little room, Mr. Jopson's territory, is usually sealed off from everybody else. Today, the door is ajar. Curious, John approaches, with a mind to shut it if there is nobody within. Instead, he sees what he immediately wishes he had not.
The room is dimly lit by a single candle. It is enough for John to make out the figures of Jopson and Little standing face-to-face, much more closely together than even the small pantry necessitates. Edward's arms are around Jopson's waist, while Jopson's hands rest on Edward's shoulders.
There is nothing inherently scandalous about their placement but, again, John is not a fool. Edward's position is not to prevent Jopson from slipping down the perpetually slanted floor. Jopson, while an attentive steward, is not brushing lint from the lieutenant's lapels. This position speaks loudly and clearly of illicit intimacy, and John at once feels unwell.
Abandoning the idea of tea, John retreats to his bunk.
He has to inform the captain, but, at the moment, Edward himself is captain, and, until now, doing a fine job of it. In all the years they've known each other, Edward has never struck John as weak, or as at all lacking in character or morals. If anything, he is one of the most upstanding officers John has ever met. He is the last person John would have expected to fall prey to such deviant desires. If someone like Edward can fall, John thinks, twisting his hands anxiously, then what hope does anyone else have of resisting?
John sleeps very poorly. In the morning, while he is hungry, he cannot bring himself to go to the wardroom for breakfast. He does not know how he is meant to face Edward or Jopson, how he is meant to make polite conversation with them knowing what he knows. Instead, he buries himself in that which he has always found most comforting: his Bible. It helps little. His mind, quite unbidden, keeps returning to what he saw, and, more salacious yet, that which he did not see, but which was implied.
When a knock comes on the door, John starts. Of course, it is only Gibson, here to help him dress for the day.
“Mr. Gibson,” John begins, as Gibson fastens his stock about his neck.
“Yes, sir?” Gibson looks at him with his wide, pale eyes, and John realizes he does not know what he wishes to say.
He lands on, “Thank you.” It sounds awkward. The way John feels.
“Of course, sir.” Gibson nods and excuses himself, leaving John once again alone with his ceaseless thoughts.
But not for long. Scarcely minutes after Gibson's departure, there is another knock on the door. Mr. Hartnell looks in, the sight of him reminding John, for the first time, that they are meant to meet today.
“I beg your pardon, Mr. Hartnell,” John says. “I had quite forgotten our appointment.”
“No trouble, sir.” Hartnell looks poised to leave. John can't blame him.
The idea of John helping Hartnell come to terms with the loss of his brother through Bible readings would have been a good one, if Hartnell himself seemed at all inclined to want it. He never has. He comes to John's cabin diligently three times a week, sits and listens to John expound upon the Biblical themes of love and forgiveness, but the fidgeting and the chewing of his thumbnails indicate quite clearly that he longs to be doing something else, probably far away from John. John, unsure how to react to this, has bullied on, convinced he is doing the right thing by offering a subordinate the natural, God-given wisdom of a man of a much higher social position and rank. In the cold light of all he knows now, John has to wonder if he was ever right to interfere at all.
“We ought to stop this,” John says, his heart as heavy as his sigh.
“For today?”
“For good. I am no physician, Mr. Hartnell, nor am I a Biblical scholar. I have offered you all I can. It is time for you to seek solace elsewhere.” Harsh perhaps, but true, for Hartnell's own sake if nothing else. Hartnell's face falls. He is a very handsome man, John notes, not for the first time, and therein lies the true crux of this matter.
John always thought he was immune to Thomas Hartnell's charms, as copious as they are, because of who John is. His faith, his background, his rank, all are sturdy armour against sin. But Edward, while not as overtly religious, is just as Christian, and even more highly placed than John. He, quite obviously, has succumbed the lure of a much lower-ranking man.
Rather than flee as he should, Hartnell steps inside, and casts his gaze across John's walls. “If you don't mind me saying, sir, I've always liked these paintings of yours. That cat's the spitting image of my sister's moggy.” Hartnell nods at one of the paintings. A black and grey cat, it was an experiment in monochrome painting, and not one of John's great successes. “Old Tom, we call him.  It's quite a thing, to have to share one's name with the cat. I suppose I already share it with half the men I meet. The occasional animal oughtn't make much difference.”
John blinks. “In Australia, we had a bull called Red John.” A huge, ornery beast. John hasn't thought of it in years. It was an ill-tempered old thing that fathered more calves than any other in the area. An irony which, at the moment, does not escape this John.
“Well, now, sir. That is a namesake to aspire to.”
Despite himself, John laughs. It makes Hartnell smile in turn, which sends something soaring in John's breast. “You have helped me, lieutenant,” Hartnell goes on. “Even if it doesn't seem like it. I ain't...I'm not half as addled as I was before I started seeing you.”
“That is kind of you to say.”
“It's the truth.” He bites his lip. John immediately looks away. “You are a good man, sir. One of the best.”
John cannot be silent. “You say that because you do not know me.” Does not know the dreams he has been keeping at bay by clinging to his rank, his position. Has not seen the lake of depravity into which John knew—absolutely knew—he would never dip a toe, until he found Edward Little, of all people, splashing about right in the middle of it.
“I think I do.” Hartnell's expression is so earnest, John wonders, for a moment, if he really does see right through him, and, more amazing still, is not utterly disgusted. “I can come back this evening, if you're too busy now. I would very much hate to miss our discussion.”
“Yes,” John hears himself saying. “This evening.” Perhaps everything will be as it was by then. Perhaps the genie will be back in its bottle, and all will be forgotten. Strangely, that thought doesn't make John as happy as he would have expected it to.
Hartnell's smile grows brighter, making him radiant even in the weak Arctic light. “Until tonight, then, sir.” He turns to go.
“Take the painting,” John blurts out. Hartnell stops. His cheeks burning, John takes the monochromatic cat from the wall. “If you like it, that is. Could be something to remind you of home.”
“Thank you, sir.” Hartnell gazes at painting as if John has presented him with an artistic masterpiece. It's prideful, but John's heart swells to see it. “For everything.”
When he's gone, John brings out his watercolours. He's not sure what he is going to paint, but despite it all, he has an urge to make something joyful. Perhaps, John thinks, Edward is not an infallible paragon of virtue. Perhaps none of us are. And perhaps, he adds, even though thinking it may well be Arctic madness or the beginnings of scurvy or brain fever or some other deadly malady, it is possible to live on regardless.
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