#but I’ve learned a cheat code
scramratz · 4 months
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andhumanslovedstories · 7 months
I’m genuinely surprised how much I love nursing. Every shift, I get to meet and help so many people. I’m float pool so I go to the whole hospital, but I’ve also been floating for a while so everywhere is familiar. Sometimes it’s hard for me to walk through the hospital because I know so many people I pass, and we keep stopping to chat. I float to seventeen different units. That’s crazy! I know so much about the hospital! Every night I’m somewhere else, working with a different team and a different group of patients. The constant novelty and familiarity of floating is delicious.
And I love my patients! I know this all sounds so goody two shoes, but I love that I get to help so many people in so many ways. I only get them for one night, so I try to give them my best. I love tucking people in with warm blankets, I love explaining what I’m assessing to a patient with a new diagnosis, I love having heart to hearts with patients at three am when they can’t sleep, I love making people hurt less and stop throwing up. And you can be a real scamp about it. I love stealing snacks from other floors. I love when a patient is like “god I’d love some chocolate” and I get to be like “sir I know the location of every candy drawer in the hospital, I can get you some chocolate.” Or like figuring out like a cheat code for alleviating symptoms. When someone’s like “wow this heating pack rules” and then falls asleep instantly? It feels good and it’s fun. I have a lot of fun figuring out how to cheer up my patients in minor little stupid ways.
I never have to wonder if my job contributes value to the world. When I go home at the end of my shift, I can always think of something I did that makes me feel proud. That rules! It’s so fun to be proud of yourself! It’s so fun to know that what you do matters and that you are doing it well. And if I don’t feel proud, I have a drive home to think about why and I get a chance to do better next shift. And that’s good too. There are nights where I can feel the way I let someone down, and I have to sit with that, and I have to learn from it.
(And I don’t want to sound like I’m crushing it always super-nurse style, like I’m completely immune to ableism and the other -isms, or that I’m never lazy or callous or checked out. I’m new and I’m learning and I’m human and I’m tired and I’m not always living up to the person I hope to be. But I do get a lot of opportunities to make up for it and try again. That feels good.)
And I love teaching new nurses! I love having to constantly keep studying so I can be in a position to teach anyone anything. I love watching people get better at stuff. And I love that as I’ve gotten more confident as a nurse and a person who trains new nurses that I’ve started coaching more and more on the soft skills of nurses. Those are really hard! We should get as much practice with therapeutic communication as we do with Foley catheters!
Also where I work pays good, and I’ve got great job security, dude, I can buy so many stupid little trinkets. I was so nervous when I decided to go to nursing school that I was fucking up my life and other people’s plans for a job I wouldn’t even end up liking. I’d literally never worked something remotely close to healthcare when I decided to go to nursing school. I’d been in a hospital like once. I feel like this big life change shouldn’t have worked out nearly as well as it has, but hey it’s really fuckin cool it did
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httpsserene · 8 days
Gosh please please please can you write something daniel x reader maybe inspired by too sweet by hozier when he thinks(some internal turmoil cuz he can't stay away from her) she's too sweet/innocent for him or something like but it turns out to be further from the truth?? I love love love your writing, i think about please's and thank you's at least three times a day since i read it. You're so immensely talented!!!
I'd really really appreciate it.
(i don't mind age gap(like up to 10years), some kinky smut or even a bit of morally grey characters as long as there are no explicit mentions of past relationships or cheating and etc., happy ending plss, and I won't mind if you add a pinch of "who did this to you")
Ly ly ly
𝖍𝖙𝖙𝖕𝖘𝖘𝖊𝖗𝖊𝖓𝖊'𝖘 2𝕶 𝕾𝖕𝖊𝖈𝖎𝖆𝖑 | 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕯𝖆𝖓𝖎𝖊𝖑 𝕽𝖎𝖈𝖈𝖎𝖆𝖗𝖉𝖔 𝕰𝖉𝖎𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓
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𝐄𝐩𝐢𝐬𝐨𝐝𝐞 𝐅𝐢𝐯𝐞: 𝐓𝐒𝐀
Summary: She’s too pure for him. She hasn’t been damaged by life like he has and he hopes you never will be. So, that’s why Daniel can never allow himself to be with her. He knows she’s convinced herself that she can fix him, but he knows that the longer he sticks around, the more he’s ruining her. He finds it cynical: their relationship (or lack of a relationship) reads like one of the books she’s obsessed with: right person wrong time or forbidden love. Daniel learns that it might be a little darker of a trope—like one of her books that she never allows him to see a page of. Content Warning: 18+ only. mdni. implied sexual content. mild!yandere!reader. stalking. sabotage. angst with a happy ending. lando and max are here. not edited at all. mentioned alcoholism. pov switch. fights? idk danny gets his ass beat. possessive!reader. can you find the hozier inspo in here? probably. Pairing: daniel ricciardo x fem!reader (black-coded? but not mentioned in the fic, i think) Word Count: 2.7k words.
Author’s Notes: okay! this is past me (6/11) hoping that the tumblr queue doesn’t do me dirty! this should be posted on thursday, because i won’t be able to manually post it on my own as i’ll be hiking in san diego the whole day :p
this was formatted on mobile so please ignore how ugly it looks :( and also ignore the ugly writing i’ve never written dark/morally gray characters so i’m pretty sure i did your request like terribly LMAO. um also i couldn’t find a way to write smut into it? so again i apologize for that :/
anyways, please bare with me. i’ll make it pretty when i get back to my computer…on sunday 🥴
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Daniel meets you in the elevator. At first, he thought you were a Formula One fan who snuck into the condo trying to get a glimpse of your favorite driver (himself, obviously) but, he learned that you’re his new next-door neighbor. It was awkward; he accused you of following him to his room and felt like the world’s worst person when you—dressed in the cutest pink dress and matching flowy bow tied in your hair—stared at him terrified, before you unlocked the door to your flat and slammed the door behind you quickly without a word.
He sent you a bouquet of pink orchids the next morning, along with a hand written card apologizing for his rude behavior and that he hoped the two of you could become good neighbors and friends. It seemed all was fixed, as the next time he ran into you, you greeted him softly, like nothing had happened. It was 5 A.M: you were starting your day and Daniel was ending his night.
Daniel was on his third drunken attempt of shoving his key vaguely in the direction of his lock on the door, when you exited your flat with a yoga mat over your shoulder and a water bottle that was comically large. With a hushed ‘good morning,’ you kindly helped Daniel into his apartment, telling him to drink a big glass of water and have pain killers ready when he wakes up; there was no judgment in your wide brown eyes, only tenderness, and a slight hint of worry. He woke up after twelve at the sound of a knock, his head pulsing with pressure and his sight slightly blurry from not quite sleeping all the drunk away.
He eventually made it to his front door and found that you ordered him lunch: a chicken wrap and sweet potato chips, from one of his favorite brunch cafés—Daniel figured you have good taste, as he doesn’t recall ever telling you about this meal in either of the two interactions you’ve had. So, he ate, drank plenty of water, freshened up, and debated if he should go over and express his gratitude, or whatever. He decided he will, and found himself putting on a nice watch and a few too many sprays of his expensive smelling cologne. Daniel didn’t let any thoughts of why he was prettying himself up cross his mind; he’s simply thanking you; a girl far too young, and probably far too sweet for his tastes.
You brushed off his thanks shyly, hidden behind your door with a blush strong enough Daniel saw it paint your dimpled cheeks and he knew he wouldn’t be able to stay away. Thinking quick enough to rival his reflexes, he offered to exchange phone numbers so the two of you could meet up and he could buy you a coffee. You entered your name in his phone with a yellow heart next to it.
The coffee meet-up had to wait due to Daniel’s hectic schedule, yet the texting flourished. He initiated the beginning of your text thread the next day, mindlessly texting you about how he overheard Emilio (another neighbor) arguing with his wife on the phone; Daniel said she’s probably going to mail him divorce papers within the next week. You replied that it was mean to eavesdrop and gossip. Daniel followed up saying it’s not eavesdropping if said person was screaming into his phone in the hallway, and he wasn’t gossiping, he’s merely keeping you informed.
Daniel laughed in the middle of his motorhome listening to the voice message you sent four days later, eagerly telling him about how you saw Emilio in the lobby with a couple boxes and without a wedding ring on his finger.
It was a warm morning, when you and Daniel finally managed to meet for coffee. You scrunched your nose in distaste when he ordered plain black coffee; Daniel did the same when you ordered a drink that was mainly milk and sugar. Daniel chuckled when you claimed the amount of coffee in your drink had you wired for the rest of the day. He decided to let you believe that, and not inform you that it was most likely the sugar content that had you crashing hours later.
Daniel invited you over for burgers one night and you comment that his home looks like a mix of a “mojo dojo casa house” and a “minimalistic hell.” You gifted him a throw blanket and a potted plant the next day, and continued to text him reminders about watering it.
Around 10 P.M. on another night, he’s yelling at Max for cheating at fifa. Max laughed around the lip of his beer bottle before the two of them paused at the sound of a knock. Daniel checked the door and opened it to see you: fuzzy slippers, eye-mask on your forehead, bonnet, matching pajama set, and pout on your lips with a sleepy tilt to your eyebrows. He apologized for the noise and promised to quiet down. Daniel threatened to kick the Dutchman out when he teased him for having a “crush.” He doesn’t get crushes, he’s a grown man.
Daniel spends less time in night clubs and more time with you. You took him to sip and paint nights, pottery classes, hiking, even bookstores. You order him to not open any of the books he’s holding for you; Daniel tries to take a peek when you scan through one and you slam the book shut, saying it’s too dark for your liking. He doesn’t comment when you end up getting it (Daniel paid).
He kissed you in your apartment, halfway through Howl’s Moving Castle. He proceeded to tell you it was a mistake. You teared up when he said you were too pure for him, arguing back that you weren’t a child. The tears fell when Daniel claimed he’s too old for you, that he’d only hurt you. He returned to his apartment, figurative tail tucked between his legs, and heard you crying through the wall. He fell asleep hating himself.
Daniel distanced himself from you; he misses your shared adventures and condo gossip, but he never forgets to water your potted plant, even without your texts. He fell back into the clubs, bringing home various women but never manages to get them in bed due to various things going wrong. He gets stuck in the elevator with Stephanie who happened to claustrophobic for hours, locked in the stairwell with Sofia who sprains her ankle in five-inch heels, the fire-alarm interrupts him and Kiana just as he unlocks the door, and his kitchen sink burst when he lifted Laura on the counter.
He tries to console Laura, who runs from his flat in drenched clothes, and sees you staring at her in confusion from your doorway as she rushes past. Daniel apologizes for waking you again, and you shrug, ignoring his words, murmuring that he should call maintenance before he floods the entire floor and shutting your door in his face.
Your potted plant starts to wilt, no matter if Daniel moves it in or out of direct sunlight, if he waters it less or more, or if he changes the soil, or adds fertilizer. The universe has it out for Daniel.
He finds himself in an ultra-private lounge, dim-lighting, sultry piano, and dark decor enhancing his dramatics as he reveals how he ruined his life to Max, Lando, and the bartender who will be tipped handsomely for pretending to care. The piano fades to the end of the piece just as Daniel wraps up his lament.
“It sounds like you deserve it, honestly,” Max stated bluntly, Lando nodding agreeably at his side.
Daniel groans into his hands, lifting his head to say that he’s already aware of that, but freezes when he sees you rise from the seat of the piano. Your figure is snug within a floor length, backless, black dress, complemented with gold jewelry, and makeup that opposes your angelic nature. You bow your head slightly in the direction of the tables clapping at your performance, stumbling briefly when your eyes meet Daniel’s. You smile softly and begin to make your way over to him.
“Oh, fuck,” Daniel shrinks into his seat, as the other two drivers stare at him in confusion.
“Hi, neighbor,” you start airily, before turning to smile at Lando and Max, “Hello.”
“You didn’t tell me you worked here,” Daniel mentions.
“You never asked,” you narrow your eyes at him, before relaxing, “I also don’t work here—this is my brother’s bar. The pianist suddenly fell sick and I offered to fill in.”
“Oh,” Daniel hums, “This doesn’t seem like your type of scene.”
You snort, rolling your eyes, “You should know better than to tell me where, what, or who I do or do not belong with.”
“Okay!” Lando claps, kicking Daniel’s shin under the table, everyone ignores his muffled groan of pain, “Sit with us for a minute, if you can take a break. Danny is seriously obsessed with you.”
You take the offered chair next to Max and sigh, “Really? I couldn’t tell,” all three men wince at your dig, but you continue, “Did he tell you that he almost flooded the entire floor last week?”
Daniel watches as you charm his friends, the three of you chattering happily over his demise, and ignoring him as you do so. He can’t find it in himself to be annoyed, only thankful, as this is the first time in weeks that you’ve been in his presence for more than five minutes. You smell so good. Is that weird of Daniel to think?
Unfortunately, the four of you are interrupted far too soon. Your brother calls you over from behind the bar; his expression is less than pleased, jaw tensed with irritation, and Daniel thinks the look in his eyes has a hint of crazy. He wonders if you told your brother about him. Hopefully not—the man looks like he could fold Daniel like a lawn chair without breaking a sweat. The three men watch as you argue with your brother; it doesn’t seem like it’s going in your favor.
Lando calls Daniel’s name, “Mate—she’s good for you.”
“Nah, mate. I’ll only ruin her.”
“Daniel,” Max scolds, “The few months you were ditching us for her were the happiest I’ve seen you. I wasn’t worried that you would be passed out in a random club or yacht after giving yourself alcohol poisoning.”
“She’s sweet, Danny. I think she’s exactly what you need,” Lando adds, “You've convinced yourself that you don’t deserve anything good. She’s trying to prove you wrong and you need to let her.”
He doesn’t answer verbally, he chooses to shake his head and remain silent. You make your way over to the table again and stand in front of them with a pout.
“It’s past my bedtime, apparently,” you huff, turning your head to glare at your brother, “Don’t worry about paying tonight, it’s on the house.” You exchange polite goodbyes with Lando and Max, Daniel gets a soft smile. He watches you leave the bar with a sad tilt to his lips, then orders a shot of whiskey.
You’re sat on your couch, freshly showered and ready for bed. It’s 1 A.M. and Daniel usually doesn’t end his nights out for another hour. So, it makes sense for you to be worried when you see his location nearing your shared condo building an hour early. Did you sneakily (his phone password is his birthday, it wasn’t that hard) use his phone and share his own location with you? Yes. But, you did it with good intentions. You worry about him when he’s not with you.
You decide to go down to the lobby and pretend to ask if you received any packages in hopes of intercepting Daniel when he walks in. You don’t manage to step out of the elevator when you suddenly have an armful of a bruised-up Australian. His lip is busted and you can see a bruise blooming high on his right cheekbone. You start to shake with anger.
Furiously pressing the button of your floor and slamming the ‘close door’ button, you frantically question Daniel, “What the hell? I left you not even two hours ago, and you look like a mess. Did you get into a fight, did you get mugged, did you—“
“Did your brother beat my ass for hurting you?” Daniel groans, not fighting your motions as you tug him out of the elevator and into your flat, “Yes, he did.”
You pause and grumble angrily, forcing Daniel to take a seat on your couch. You rush into your kitchen for ice, then to the bathroom for a first aid kit. He doesn’t fight when you order him to ice his cheek, and lets you hold his face to tilt his head at every angle possible, as if it’ll expose any more damage. Eventually, you end up looking into his eyes, pretending that you have the knowledge to know what a possible concussion looks like, even though you really just wanted an excuse to look at him.
Unconsciously, your thumb rubs soothingly along his temple, Daniel leans further into your hand. His tongue flicks out for a brief second, and he flinches when it disturbs the cut on his bottom lip. Blinking rapidly, you clear the haze from your eyes and frown as you turn to rifle through the first aid kit.
“I can’t believe he put his hands on you,” you bite out angrily, finding a disinfectant cloth to clean his lip, “I don’t know why I tell him anything anymore.”
Daniel winces at the sting of alcohol, remaining quiet as he watches the focus that covers your expression.
“I apologize for him,” you mumble, “He doesn’t think clearly when it comes to me, he thinks he’s like my guard dog or something,” you dispose of the wipe and grab an ointment, “I promise you I told him that the only thing you did was waste my time and hurt my feelings,” Daniel deflates under your hands, “It’s not like you physically hurt me…or anything. He’s just an idiot. I’ll kill him.”
At that, Daniel laughs quietly, dropping the ice from his cheek so you can clean that too, “Don’t say that. You’re such a sweetheart, you couldn’t hurt your own brother. Also—I’m not sure if he hoped this would make me stay away from you, because if you keep rubbing my face like that, I might fall in love.”
You hum, pleased you have him eating out of the palm of your hand, “Have some decorum, Daniel. You sound desperate. Also, he knows that I don’t like people touching what’s mine.”
“Oh? You’re possessive,” Daniel teases, “Is it bad if I kinda like that?”
Your heart flutters, he’s really the best for you. He doesn’t need to know about the lengths you went to ensure any of the girls he tried to bring home didn't make it into his bed. It's a shame Sofia sprained her ankle; that was not intentional on your part.
You shrug lightly, “No, it’s not bad. I think it makes you perfect for me. As long as you don’t mind a little crazy. And—don’t think you’re off the hook. You still have to apologize for making me cry.”
Daniel nods seriously, “I’ll fall to my knees and beg right now, if that’s what it takes.”
Sticking a plaster over his cheek, you stand and gesture for him to do so too, “Okay. Kneel.”
“Huh,” he chokes, eyes wide with disbelief, “You’re serious?”
“If you beg well enough, I’ll let you eat me out.”
The sound of his knees hitting the floor echoes.
2k special taglist: @saintslewis @cherry2stems @lorarri @inloveallthetime @barnestatic @my-ylenia @katekipshidze @darleneslane @mindless-rock @lovingaphroditesworld @smoothopz @vetteltea @tallrock35 @riveristhebest1 @iloveyou3000morgan @smartstupyd @spideybv28 @lh383 @hiireadstuff @namgification @gg-trini @whatamidoingwithmylife-random @multi-fandom-rando @dreamingofautopia @megatrilss1885 @nanamilkbread @userlandonorris @starfusionsworld @hangmandruigandmav @itsmiamalfoy @ineedafictionalman @everythingabby101 @valent1na-ferrari @dark-night-sky-99 @svinzlec @angelfreckless @sweatrevenge5436-blog @bokutos-babyowl @oliviah-25
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© httpsserene2024
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comicwritesstuff · 2 months
okay this is so incredibly specific so please feel free to ignore BUT i’ve been wanting to read a fic for ages where the reader is Chase’s childhood best friend from Australia and she moves to New Jersey for a fresh start. She’s staying with Chase while she gets settled, and one day she comes to visit him at lunch at the hospital, where she ends up meeting House and he’s… intrigued by her 👀 either romantic or smut would be so very cool :^D <33 💐
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Gregory House x Fem!Chases bsf!Reader
Warnings: None really, just cussing and tooth rotting fluff >:) 3k+ words.
Chase's POV: 
“Well I was just wondering if we could go out sometime, I think you're really-” My attention shifted as y/n's call lit up my phone, interrupting the conversation. It was a more pressing matter than pursuing a one-night stand.
“Excuse me for a moment.” I say walking away, the woman having an annoyed look on her face. 
I answer the phone.
“Hello, y/n? Whats up” 
“Chase! Long time no talk haha.”
“You called me yesterday.”
“Learn to take a joke, anyways, I have some exciting news for you.”
“I’m moving to New Jersey!!” 
“Wait what? Really?”
“Yeah, I kinda forgot to tell you and i'm actually at the airport right now, so I hope you aren't busy tomorrow so you can pick me up.”
“Wow, um alright, yeah I can pick you up, do you have a place to stay?"
“Um…no…” I sigh, “Just stay at mine for now.”
“Don't even with the sigh i’ve known you my whole life you can put the nightly hookups on hold for your best friend.” 
I smirk and shake my head, “Yeah yeah, I’ll see ya tomorrow y/n” 
Y/N’s POV:
I smile as I hang up with Chase, grabbing my luggage and pulling it along the airport. Ahh yes, crying babies, rushed parents, annoying couples and that one insanely attractive person you see for a split second, I love the airport. 
Glancing at my ticket I realize I might have to hurry to make it to the gate, speed walking I see a text from chase, “Have a safe flight.” Let's hope so. 
Time skip (to lazy to write all the details about fucking airports)
Relaxing on a 21-hour flight proved challenging, especially with a toddler nearby. It was unclear whether the toddler would be a source of annoyance or just be tolerable. The flight just started. So to entertain myself I decide to do some digging about Chase's job, he brags about it all the time and the infamous Dr Gregory House. To be honest I thought Chase was gay for a little while with how much he talks about him. Still speculating. 
The plane lifts off and I start my look, at first just looking up Gregory House, a surprising amount of things show up. An article titled, “Gregory House, Talented Doctor? Or a lying Narcissist?” Oh well that's a good first impression.   
Scrolling down I see another article, “The world's greatest doctor, and his deepest secrets” 
Now that's enticing. I click on it only to find out his deepest secrets, including using 3 in one shampoo and how his leg got hurt. I guess people hardly know anything about him. I click on the photos of him, there's only a couple, most of them blurry but to be honest he's pretty good looking from the photos I can see. I’d honestly be gay for him if I was Chase. 
The toddler next to me starts giggling, I glance at her and notice her staring at a picture of House. She's kicking her feet too. That's so relatable. 
For the rest of the flight I find some stuff about this guy named Taub, who somehow also figured out that he cheated on his wife which is why he had to quit. How did I find that out? I took a coding class in 8th grade. (I got lucky) 
Lisa Cuddy the Dean of Medicine, unfortunately only good stuff about her, boring. 
Remy Hadley, oddly, can't find anything on her. 
Eric Foreman, his brothers in jail, fun. 
And the others are just as boring. For the remainder of the flight, the toddler proved surprisingly chill. I passed the time by binge-watching random movies I had downloaded earlier
*Another time skip to plane landing* 
Finally, 21 hours on a fucking plane is horrible. 
I check my phone after I take it off airplane mode, seeing a text from chase a couple minutes ago. 
“I’m at the airport, is your flight done?”
“Yep, wya.”
“I’m parked in the front.”
“That's specific” 
“There's no other front dumbass”
I roll my eyes at his text, and get off the plane as soon as I can. I walk out and see Chase standing outside his car waiting for me. His eyes light up as he spots me, and a grin spreads across his face. Unable to resist, I rush forward and envelop him in a bear hug.
“Man you’re a lot uglier in person” 
I say jokingly, smirking.
“Oh shut up”  
We climbed into his car, and he drove us back to his apartment. When we arrive he helps get my crap into the house, before he gets a call saying he had to head to work. 
Eventually a week or two passes, I've gotten more comfortable in his apartment, applied for a bunch of jobs, and looked for places to stay so I’m not invading his “man” space anymore. Unfortunately there aren't a lot of options, and no jobs have replied to my applications, which is weird since im overqualified, it's almost like they aren’t even getting my applications in the first place. 
I’m doing the dishes when I get a text from Chase.
“Hey, I left my wallet on the counter, so I don’t have money for food, could ya bring it for me?” 
“See you soon”
I breathe out a laugh and grab his wallet, putting a coat on then driving to the hospital. 
When I get there I walk in, looking around before I call Chase, “Where do I go this place is huge” I can hear talking in the background, actually more like arguing. “Uhm just wait at the entrance i’ll be right there.” He says in a whisper.
He hangs up so I just stand there awkwardly waiting, that was a weird ass phone call. To be fair Chase is a weird ass guy with weird ass coworkers so what do I expect at this point. 
Before I see Chase I see Dr Gregory House, limping quickly towards me. And damn he’s even hotter in person than the pictures I saw of him. 
“Hey, no time to explain, you need to come with me.” He grabs my arm dragging me into the elevator. Before it closes I see Chase come out of the stairway, he sprints towards the elevator but it closes. I hear him trying to say something, but it's muffled and I can’t understand it. Wait why the fuck did I even follow House? 
“You're real compliant, you’d make a great hooker.” 
I turn around and side eye him.
“Thanks, so would you.” I say giving a fake smile. 
“Speaking of compliant, why did you drag me away from Chase? What's going on?’’
“I made a bet with Chase.”
“That's really specific and helpful thanks” 
“Oh yeah no problem” 
Sarcastic asshole. 
“If you don’t tell me, I'll stop following you and go with Chase.” 
He rolls his eyes.
“Fine, Mom! The bet is that I can convince you to work as my assistant here.”
“Really? That's it? I need a job. Why would Chase even bet against that?” 
“He thinks you’ll fall in love with me so he doesn’t want that to happen, in his words, “She has a thing for homeless looking, narcissistic assholes with beards.” So he’s trying to prevent it, and he’s sure he can.”  
Damn- I feel so called out. I stay silent before nodding.
“Well to be honest he isn’t wrong.” 
I see House smirk before we get out of the elevator, he hobbles and leads me to his office, locking the door then having me sit down. 
As I sit down in front of his desk, he grabs a ball and starts throwing it against the wall, while sitting down. 
“So are you gonna interview me or something?” 
“Yeah, I’m just waiting for Chase to get back up here so he can watch me interview you.” 
He really is an asshole…it's kinda hot though. 
“Fair enough.” 
We wait a bit before Chase comes jogging up to the door, out of breath, he’s clearly been running plenty. He starts banging on the glass door that House previously locked.
“House!! Y/N! Let me in! This isn’t fair!” He exclaims, House is grinning when he leans over his desk, crossing his arms.
“Okay! Let’s start this interview now.” 
“Y/n! You traitor!” 
Did I abandon my childhood best friend for some disabled doctor? No, I did it for the job. At least that's what I'm telling myself.   
Turning my attention back to House instead of the Australian cry baby outside the door, he asks me, “First question, do you want the job of being my assistant?” 
“Great! You have the job!” 
I mean, easy enough. I smile and shake my head. This hospital really has some unique people. 
House shakes my hand, grinning as Chase is sitting on the floor defeated outside. 
As the days turned into weeks at Princeton-Plainsboro Teaching Hospital, I got to know everyone. Cuddy had to actually approve of me working as House’s assistant first, but once she saw a…normal enough individual, she welcomed me into the environment.
Getting to know House better, I found myself drawn to him in ways I hadn’t really expected. The bet between House and Chase, Chase thinking I would fall for House, I took it as a joke, until that joke turned more into reality. 
Despite House being a narcissistic piece of shit, there were small moments that I saw, or shared with him that made me fall for him. Ones where he seemed happy, or just easy to be around. At work he's serious but when Wilson dragged him out to bars, or other social environments, he could actually be fun. And though him being a dick is undeniably attractive sometimes, when he was…”himself” that's how I began to fall for him.  
One day, after an especially tough day for the team, and being forced to go break into houses and get coffee and food, I found myself alone with House in his office. The rest of the team had left, leaving us in a rare moment alone with each other. As I glanced up from the medical chart of the most recent patient, I caught House’s gaze lingering on me, his blue eyes intense and unreadable. 
“Something on your mind, House?” I asked, attempting to break the awkward silence between us. 
He smirked, leaning back in his chair with a casual ease, “Oh just wondering why a catch like yourself doesn’t have a boyfriend, or husband?” He responds, his tone laced with flirtatiousness.
I couldn’t help but chuckle at his response, a faint blush on my cheeks. House and I had gained an uncanny camaraderie, made from me running around doing everyone's paperwork, being the designated “you get to tell patients they are dying!!” person. And as you’d expect people didn’t respect me a lot, but if someone was blatantly mean to me, House would step in and destroy their self esteem in a second and walk away like it meant nothing. That's another thing that I think made me fall for him. 
“Believe me, I’ve been asking myself that a lot too.” I smile, placing the medical chart on his desk. 
“Do you want a boyfriend? Or girlfriend, or a pet or something.” He quips, his eyes looking like they are reading me, studying my every movement and reaction to what he’s saying, it's flattering and uncomfortable at the same time. 
“A boyfriend would be nice.” I say reassuringly, a laugh escaping me as I shake my head in amusement.
“Alright let's say *hypothetically* I asked you out. *hypothetically* what would your response be?” 
Raising an eyebrow I ask, “Are you trying to go on a date with me?”
“I said hypothetically, now answer the question.” 
A smirk plays on my lips as I roll my eyes in a mock annoyance. 
“Well.” I say, “Hypothetically, I would say yes.” 
“Great, meet me for dinner at (some random fancy place idk u make up a name i'm too lazy to), wear something cute.” 
 With that, he sauntered out of the office, leaving me to think about what just happened. Glancing at the clock, I realized I had just enough time to get ready for our “hypothetical date.” 
The anticipation bubbled within me, standing outside (IDK A RESTAURANT NAME IT), waiting for House to arrive. My heart raced with nervous excitement, unsure what to expect from a…unique…guy like House. I had used all the time I had to work on my outfit, settling for a simple dress (or suit, or just anything you're comfy in :) ). 
As I scanned the busy street, searching for any sign of House, I heard the obnoxiously loud sound of a motorcycle approaching. House rode in, parking his bike before getting off and walking (limping) towards me. My breath caught in my throat as I saw him, he looked impossibly handsome, in a tailored suit that made his rugged charm come out, good god he looked fine. 
“Y/n,” he greeted with a warm smile, his eyes crinkling at the corners in genuine affection. “That outfit makes your ass look nice.” 
I scoff playfully, hitting his arm. “So much for acting like a gentleman, at least you look like one.” 
He chuckled, offering me his arm in a more gentlemanly gesture. “Yeah yeah, shall we?” 
With a nod, I looped my arm through his, savoring the warmth of his touch as we mad our way into the restaurant. The ambiance was elegant and inviting, with a soft candlelight casting a warm glow over the decor. 
As we were seated at a table in a quiet corner of the restaurant, I couldn’t help but feel a flutter of excitement in my chest. I’m finally going out with House, damn Chase was totally right. 
Throughout the evening, our conversation flowed surprisingly easily between us. I had half expected him to be rude or stuck up, but he seemed actually interested in me, in my life. He was asking questions, laughing and joking with me. Sharing stories of his own, and treating me like an actual human. Honestly it was scaring me a bit, but it was making me fall harder for him. 
House raised an eyebrow, a playful glint in his eyes. ‘So, tell my Y/N. What’s the most embarrassing thing that's happened to you?” 
I laughed, shaking my head as I thought about the memory. “Well, there was this one time in college-” 
“Let me guess,” House interrupted, a smirk playing on his lips. “It involved copious amounts of alcohol and very questionable decisions?” 
I chuckle and nod in agreement. “You could say that. Long story short, I ended up streaking through the campus fountain at three in the morning. I'm pretty sure Chase might still have a video of it still.”
House raises an eyebrow, an amused laugh coming from him. “I wish I could say I was surprised, oh and also. I am finding that video.” He states, with a determined and mischievous grin. 
The dinner continues and our connection just seems to get stronger, fueled by shared laughter, stories of shit Wilson and him did in college, things Chase and I did in highschool. With each passing moment, I found myself more and more under House’s spell, captivated by the complexity of himself, his character. His gaze, laughter, even his personality. Maybe it was the wine or something, but House was being nice, he had charisma, and was being attractive in general.  
I don’t even realize that we’ve spent almost three hours in the restaurant just talking. I check my phone seeing that it's 9:30 already. We had got and paid the check awhile ago, but had stayed to talk longer. The restaurant closes at 10, and I felt a sudden pang of disappointment that our date was close to being over with. I didn’t want it to end, I was savoring this moment I was having, this seemingly perfect night. 
When the waiter arrived to take our dessert order, I couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment that the evening was drawing to a close. I wasn't ready for it to end—I wanted to savor every moment, to prolong the magic of our time together for as long as possible.
House notices my look of disappointment, “I’m aware how amazing I am, but if its up to me, this won’t be our last date.” 
A smile tugs at the corners of my mouth, my cheeks heating up as I blush. The butterflies in my stomach going absolutely insane. 
So with a quick glance around the restaurant, I rose from my seat, House grabbed my hand as he led me towards the exit. 
Stepping out into the cool night air, I felt a sense of happiness coursing through me. This was it, the beginning of a new relationship, a surprisingly healthy one so far. 
As House’s hand tightened around mine, his touch sent sparks of electricity coursing through my veins. I knew now that maybe Chase knows me better than I know myself, in all fairness he predicted this, but right now I wasn’t afraid to admit this, to admit the undeniable attraction that I had towards Dr Gregory House. 
His touch leaves mine, his hand pulling as we stand in front of the restaurant, close to each other, staring in each other's eyes. I glance at his lips before leaning in, pressing a soft kiss to his lips, not sure if he expected it, but I pull back.
“Goodnight House. I’ll see you tomorrow.” And with that I walk away, to my car. When I get in my car, I look in the mirror, seeing House standing there with a lovestruck grin, one a child would have over some school crush. But it was cute, he was cute. And this was just the beginning of an annoyingly predicated relationship with a Vicodin addicted, asshole, who I suspect has a soft spot for me.
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maybe-limerence · 9 months
Hello! I absolutely loved going through your page, you have such wonderful writing and your color-coding of the pronouns adds such perfect emphasis! I would love to possibly colaborate some day, if not, I'm happy to just read your works!
If you wouldn't mind, I would like to request what would happen if Worshipper and Self-indulgant had the same innocent darling? It just seems like such an interesting fire and ice dynamic!
No Longer Yours
TW: Stabbing, implied murder,
Pronouns: Gender Neutral
AN: Oml, you’re so sweet <3, I’d love to collaborate with you ^^. Feel free to send a message! :) + sorry I took so long, I’ve been working on the flower folk individual posts T^T.
Yan! Ex boyfriend (Jay) x Reader x Yan! Ex’s Rival (Ezrah)
Yandere types: Worshipper, Self-Indulgent
Darling type: Innocent
You were so sweet and kind, always seeing the best in people. Especially those you love.
You had so much love in your heart, even for your boyfriend. Even when you thought he was cheating, you pushed it away.
He wouldn’t do that to me was a common thought. You thought he loved you as much as you loved him.
Oh how you were wrong :(
“Why? Was I not good enough?!” You whisper-shout.
You learned long ago that if you dare raise your voice at your boyfriend, you would be punished.
“You know what? No, you weren’t good enough. You are the most annoyingly boring person,” your boyfriend spat back.
Tears spilled down your cheeks, silently shaking you looked down.
“And now you’re crying, you know I hate when you cry,” your boyfriend reached out.
You smacked his hand away. Both of you looked at your action in disbelief.
Your boyfriend was the first to come to his senses. He was angry. Beyond angry actually.
“If you think I’m going to let you forget this, you’re sorely mistaken bitch.”
You looked at him in horror and shock. Backing away, not knowing what was to come, tears started flowing again.
He reached out and was about to grab you when your hand found the door knob and flung the door open.
Darting out, you ran as far as you could. You only had one thing on your mind.
I can’t let him get me.
You continued to run, run down the streets of your city.
You didn’t care your feet were being cut with the broken glass bottles from the bars, you didn’t care your body was screaming for air, you didn’t care that people were looking at you.
You just wanted to be safe.
A man looked to the night sky, not bothering to look at where he was going.
I wonder if it’ll rain tonight.
He was still wasn’t looking when he ran into a cold body, a small oomph coming from him as their body collided with his.
The person fell back.
At first he was upset. He wanted to go off on them, but then he saw who they were.
His rival’s partner.
His crush.
“Hey, are you ok?” He asked, offering his hand to them. To you.
When he saw how you flinched, his heart broke.
Were you being mistreated by that asshole?
“Hey, I’m not going to hurt you,” he said, soothingly.
You looked at him with so much fear that it confirmed his suspicions.
Still shaking, you pushed yourself to stand. The more you tried and failed, the more panicked you became.
“Do you need help up?” He asked with such loving kindness, you almost wanted to cry.
You shakily took his hand, and let him walk you to his house.
You were sitting in his bathroom as he was dressing your wounds. From what little you had seen of his apartment, it was nicer and cozier than your own.
You hissed in pain when he applied a disinfectant.
“It’s ok, I know it hurts, I’m sorry,” he spoke softly. He had been nothing but kind to you, cracking jokes to make you smile.
You recognized him. He was Ezrah, the man your boyfriend (well, now ex boyfriend) demonized often.
You didn’t understand why, he had been nothing but lovely to you. Much kinder than your ex.
“There, all done,” he smiled at you.
“Thank you,” you murmured.
He cleared his throat and opened his mouth. He looked like he was going to ask you something, but couldn’t find the words.
“Why were you running so fast? Was someone chasing you?” He finally decided.
You looked down and began to cry.
“Shit, I’m sorry,” he apologized.
He never wanted to make you feel unsafe or uncomfortable
He just wanted to love you.
You had fallen asleep long ago, passing out from exhaustion.
Ezrah had placed you into his bed, something he dreamed of for so long. He just wished it could have happened under better circumstances…
He wanted to touch you, play with your hair, caress your cheek, kiss you, make love.
He restrained himself. He couldn’t possibly do that without you telling him you wanted that.
He didn’t know what you’d been through, and he didn’t want you to relive trauma.
He didn’t want to scare you.
Jay, your ex boyfriend, was walking through the city.
“You couldn’t have gone far,” he mumbled.
He wasn’t worried, you’d be back soon and he was pissed. You were his. His his his. You couldn’t do anything without him. You needed him.
As soon as he felt a rain drop land in his head, he swore that when you turned up you’d be in so much trouble.
He ran home, rain soaking his clothes.
When you get back, you’re dead.
Three days passed. Three days of bliss.
You had been treated kindly, you felt safe. You felt loved. You felt like you.
Ezrah had waited on you hand and foot. Anything you wanted (which wasn’t much) you got.
Three days passed. Three days of agony.
Jay was losing patience.
He would have blown up your phone, but you left it behind.
He had destroyed your apartment, called all your family (he didn’t allow you to have friends).
None of your family members knew where you were.
Summer break was coming to an end. You started freaking out.
Jay had forced you to pick the same classes as him, and you were going to get your class list.
You would be separated from Ezrah.
Ezrah noticed your mood. He understood you so well, your nervous habits shown clear as day to him.
“What’s on you mind?” He asked as he poured you a cup of tea.
“I applied for the same classes as…” you trailed off.
“I see,” He replied.
As soon as he set the cup down, he walked out the room.
“I need to make a quick phone call.” He smiled at you.
Knock Knock
A light knock came at Jay’s door and a feeling of anger bubbled in his chest.
It had to be you.
He opened the door, expecting to see your teary face and hear pitiful apologies, but instead was met by a stab to the wrist and a gloved hand over his mouth.
He tried to scream and struggled, but the weight and weapon made it hard to move.
Jay’s eyes pricked with tears as the blade was ripped violently out of his joint.
The door was closed with a swift kick.
The day after you confided in Ezrah, you saw Jay, or what blurry thing was named Jay shown on the news broadcast.
You covered your mouth in horror. He must’ve died a horrible, gruesome death for the news to have to blur out so much.
Ezrah walked into the room, and seeing your distressed expression made his heart hurt.
He did the right thing, but to have you look so frightened was awful.
Ezrah pulled you into a hug, offering comfort as you cried into his shoulder, you not noticing the slight smirk in his voice.
Just as it should be.
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btsqualityy · 1 year
BTS Dating Series #11: When He Leaves for Tour
Members x Reader
Genre/Rate: 18+, angst, and some fluff
Summary: The reality of the members’ jobs sets in. 
Warnings: Sadness and emotional goodbyes...prepare yourselves lol
Kim Seokjin
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“I can’t believe that I’m being forced to go out on tour and leave you here!” Jin exclaimed loudly as he pulled two shirts out of his dresser drawer, throwing them on top of his open suitcase that sat in front of you on the bed. 
“You’re so dramatic,” you giggled as you grabbed the shirts and proceeded to fold them correctly for him. “I know you’ve missed touring. It’s been what, a year and a half since the last one?”
“Yes but I wasn’t dating you a year and a half ago,” he pointed out as he walked over to the bed and sat down next to you. “It’s different now because I’ve never left someone so important behind when I go to tour.”
“Well, it’s different for me too,” you murmured. “I’ve never had anyone that I was dating leave for months at a time.”
“We both have a learning curve then,” Jin chuckled and you nodded with a smile as you placed both shirts, now neatly folded, inside of his suitcase. “I can tell you one thing, though.”
“What’s that?”
“I’m going to miss you so much,” he confessed and you could feel your cheeks warming up at his words.
“I’m going to miss you too,” you whispered, sighing contentedly when he leaned over and kissed you firmly.
Min Yoongi
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“Hey Y/N-ah,” Yoongi called out to you and you hummed in reply as you laid on his chest, feeling drowsy from the marathon sex session the two of you had just had. “I have something I need to give you.”
“What is it?” You mumbled as you lifted your head to look at him. “It’s not another round is it? Because I’m telling you, my vagina can’t take anymore.”
“No,” he laughed before reaching over onto his nightstand and grabbing a small slip of paper. He handed it over to you and when you opened it, your brow furrowed at the sight of the numbers on top. 
“What are these for?”
“That’s the code to my studio,” he revealed and you looked up at him in surprise. “While I’m gone, I want you to have somewhere you can go in case you miss me. I’ve already cleared you with HYBE security and everything.”
“Yoongs,” you smiled, leaning up and kissing him firmly for a few seconds before pulling away. “Thank you. I know how much your studio means to you.”
“Do you know how much you mean to me, though?”
“I think I do,” you nodded. “Almost as much as you mean to me, probably.”
“I can’t wait to get back home to you,” Yoongi told you. 
“I can’t wait either,” you replied before kissing him again. 
Kim Namjoon
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“I’m not bringing mines because I know Jungkook will bring his,” Namjoon chuckled. “I have my earphones though.”
“That’s everything then,” you smiled softly and Namjoon sighed as he looked at you.
“Come here,” he beckoned, holding his arms open and you didn’t hesitate to step over to him, allowing him to wrap his arms around you tightly. 
“I’m gonna miss you,” you mumbled into his chest.
“I’m gonna miss you too but I’ll be back soon,” he promised and you lifted your head to look up at him. 
“Go kick ass, baby.”
“I don’t know how to do anything else,” Namjoon smirked before kissing you. 
Jung Hoseok
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“You know that you can talk to me, right?”
“Y/N-ah,” Hobi called out and you turned over in his bed to look at him. “I’m serious.”
“And I hear you.”
“So talk to me then,” he urged. “I know your mind is turning on it’s axles. You’ve been quiet for the past day and a half. Is it the tour?”
“Kind of,” you shrugged lamely. 
“Ok, that’s progress,” Hobi chuckled. “Can you elaborate for me?”
“I just...this is the first time you’re going on tour since we got together,” you began. “And it was different when we were just friends because I didn’t have to worry about what you were doing but now...”
“You’re worried I’ll cheat on you,” he finished for you.
“Well, yeah. You could always find someone better, more patient, more affectionate.”
“Baby, you’re who I want,” he stated firmly. “There’s no one else that I could find because there’s no one out there better than you, and I know that for a fact. I love you and I’m not going to risk our relationship for anyone, especially a random.”
“Ok,” you nodded, leaning over and pressing your forehead against his. “Thank you, for knowing I was scared.”
“I got you baby, and that’s always,” he promised you. 
Park Jimin
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You got out of your car, waiting until Jimin had grabbed his suitcases from the backseat to grab his hand and let him guide you into the airport. Today was the day that the members were leaving for their world tour and you had decided to come along to see them off. 
Once Jimin had checked in and the two of you made it back to the private terminal that the members would be departing from, you turned to look at Jimin sadly.
“Hey, none of that,” Jimin chuckled softly, noticing your teary eyes. “The time will fly by, I promise.”
“All the months we’ve been together and this is when you choose to lie to me for the first time,” you giggled, shaking your head when your laughter tapered off into a whimper. Knowing that you were seconds from letting the tears flow freely, Jimin stepped over to you and gathered you in his arms.
“Baby, I’ll call you and text you and FaceTime you as much as I can,” he promised. “And you’re coming to see me too, remember?”
“I know but we haven’t spent this much time apart since we met,” you pointed out through a sob. “I’m gonna miss you so much.”
“I’m gonna miss you too baby,” he sighed as he tightened his arms around you. The two of you stayed that way for at least a few minutes until one of the groups’ managers called out to Jimin, letting him know that it was time to go. 
“Do you have to go?” You tried and Jimin laughed gently.
“I do,” he nodded and you pulled your face out of his neck to look at him. “I love you so much, baby.”
“I love you more, Jimin-ssi,” you replied, moaning softly when Jimin pressed his lips to yours in a passionate kiss. He pulled away a few seconds later, bringing his hands up to cup your face as he used his thumbs to wipe your tears away. 
“I’ll call you when we land, yeah?” Jimin said and you nodded your head before giving him one last quick kiss. After grabbing his bags, Jimin waved to you and you watched sadly as he followed the members to their plane. As he did so, Jimin felt tears beginning to well up in his eyes, wanting nothing more than to turn around and kiss you again.
Kim Taehyung 
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“Coming!” You yelled as you jogged to the front door of your apartment, pulling it open to see Taehyung there. Having decided that you weren’t the biggest fan of going to see the members off at the airport, Taehyung had promised to come see you before he went to the airport. 
“Hey jagi,” he greeted you as he stepped inside. 
“The members outside?” You wondered. 
“Yeah, they’re in the van,” he confirmed. 
“Ah,” you mumbled, not knowing exactly what to say but not wanting to say your goodbyes just yet. 
“Come here,” Taehyung said and you stepped over to him, allowing him to cup your face in his hands. “We’ll be fine, ok? It’s only for three months.”
“Only,” you chuckled as tears began to brim in your waterline. “It’s gonna feel like forever.”
“I know, trust me,” he sighed heavily. “But I promise, you call me anytime you want and I’ll answer. Even with the time differences, ok?”
“I can’t ask that of you, Tae,” you rebutted. “You’re gonna be working.”
“But you’re still important to me,” he insisted and his words made the tears finally fall down the apples of your cheeks. “I’ll be back home to you soon, ok?”
“Ok,” you nodded. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” Taehyung smiled, leaning forward and kissing you softly. After a few more minutes of multiple kisses, he managed to pull himself away from you with an ‘I love you’ before whisking out of the door.
Jeon Jungkook
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When the sun peaking through the curtains made your eyes open in the morning, the dread instantly began to cloud your mind. Today was the day that Jungkook was going to be leaving you for three months and although you knew deep down that everything would be fine, you still couldn’t help but to worry. 
Jungkook was a member of the largest band in the world and he’d be off jet setting for the next few months while you stayed back home. You wondered how the two of you would handle the distance and not being able to stay in your special little bubble together. 
“Y/N-ah,” Jungkook mumbled deeply, his morning voice fully on. “You’re thinking so loud that you woke me up.”
“Oh, I’m sorry,” you said as you turned your head to look over at him. 
“You thinking about today?”
“Yeah, couldn’t help it,” you shrugged and Jungkook sighed heavily, reaching over and grabbing one of your hands in his. “I’ll miss you.”
“I’ll miss you too, baby,” he replied. “But the time is going to fly by. Hell, with the way you’ve been complaining about my snoring, you’ll probably enjoy the time apart.”
“Yeah, I’ll miss everything but that,” you laughed. “But I will miss your presence.”
“I’ll miss yours too,” Jungkook smiled, leaning over and kissing you firmly. 
“Can you hold me until you have to leave?” You requested after pulling away from him. 
“Of course,” he agreed instantly and you didn’t hesitate to snuggle into him, tucking your face into his neck and throwing one of your legs over his lower stomach while he wrapped his arms around you. “I love you, Y/N-ah.”
“I love you too,” you murmured, feeling your eyes fluttering shut as you reveled in your boyfriend’s warmth.
Tag List: @addictedtohobi @brittneymccray @cursedcursives @arata18nanami @leftieaquarius @devilsbooksworld @starmyy @werewolfbanshee-love @li-moonchild-il @kpop-servant
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richiebitch · 2 years
Circumstances doesn’t matter. Forget the logic!
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Once you’ve got the cheat code to life i.e, Learned manifestation then there’s no going back. Because you’ve realized how powerful you are and how you can get everything you want just by thinking about it. The same is happening to me. I got 3.83 gpa in my exam. The exam was so bad. The highest I could get was 3.6 or 3.7. Even though I knew I wrote very bad on exam. I keep affirming that “no matter how my exam went, all I know is when I get my result I’m gonna get amazing grades”. Inside I felt no there is no way I’m gonna get that much marks. But still I keep persisting in my desire. And here I’m with the amazing grades. So even though you have bad self concept or you’re going through rough phase in your life it doesn’t matter cause circumstances doesn’t matter while manifesting. And forget the logic. I’ve learned this from my this situation. That if you keep persisting on something even if you feel it’s not going to happen, it will cause you persisted. So persisting is the key guys. If you need motivation then this is the one.
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there are so many weird things that I’ve gotten better at since learning I have ADHD. like recognizing when I need accommodations is so much easier now, it feels like I unlocked a cheat code. I could have been doing this my whole life, but I almost never did. I think I just always assumed the world was right, and if I struggled it must be my fault? and then I thought the way to fix myself was to really concentrate on how bad I’m doing and try to muscle my way into being perfect by shaming myself and doing everything the hardest way possible. it’s SO stupid.
anyways, I’m at a hotel for a few days and trying to get some work done. I’m in the room, at the desk, with my computer in front of me, but I’m finding it hard to concentrate. I pretty quickly 1) recognized the situation and 2) decided the problem was the atmosphere wasn’t conducive to working. the room is really sterile and boring, so I decided to turn it into something that will stimulate me a little more and feel like places I’ve been able to work before. I made myself a cup of tea, put on a coffee shop playlist, turned on the yellow lamp by the bed and closed the curtains. then I turned the TV to a random station but put it on mute. I sort of artificially created a coffee shop, right here in my room!
this was enough of an atmosphere change that, along with talking to myself out loud and finding a way to sit more comfortably in the chair, I was able to focus on my work for an hour or so.
I dunno. this stuff is probably literally stupid for neurotypical people to read. like, I was uncomfortable so I became more comfortable then felt better. great! most people learn to do that at four years old. but two years ago, at 27, I would have beat myself up for not focusing or crawled into bed and totally zoned out to the TV instead, giving up the day as a bust and feeding into a paralyzing guilt spiral.
it’s been so weird to rediscover who I actually am. it’s so wonderful to see what I’m capable of when I listen to and work with myself against the world, instead of siding with the world against myself every single time.
(not me, lightly crying about writing in a google doc for an hour)
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Alright yall I’ve touched grass. Therory time.
I’m going to start with what we learned today from Fit, before talking about everything strange that happened. 
1. Fit remembers his past from before the island in clarity. He remembers the life he had and the reason that he came to the island. The vacation was a ruse.
2. Fit is working for someone. He is being paid for his work and has signed a contract of some sort. 
3. Ramon is Fit’s priority right now, no matter what. 
4. the conflict on the island is increasing the value of something
5. The federation and the anti-cheat that they have on the island is blocking Fit’s acsess to whatever he came to the island for, as well as any abilities he has.
Now, I’ve seen a lot of people speculating that whatever or whomever Fit is working for is behind the code entities. Here’s why I don’t think that’s the case.
First and foremost, it appears that they want something that the island has. The code’s expressed and clear purpose is to get everyone away from the island and back to whatever life they came from. The code is doing this by sending out messages in whatever way it can and killing the eggs. On top of this, the code seems at least somewhat aware of the federation because they’ve hacked their broadcasts.
Fit’s orignization, on the other hand, was not aware of the federation. He’s informing them of the federation’s existence and what they’ve been doing. He talks about the anti-cheat, how they’re keeping everyone trapped, ect. If the group that is paying Fit knew about this beforehand or currently, why would he need to inform them? 
The priority of Fit’s orginzation seems to be a physical thing that has value. For some reason, Fit needs acsess to cheats in order for him to acsess whatever this thing is. They’re also paying him enough to clearly do something that is going against his morals, I mean, the whole stream he was procrastinating reaching out. I wouldn’t be surprised if Fit was worried this connection and his mission put Ramon in danger. 
Now, onto therorizing. I fully believe that the Federation and the code are, at least currently, tied only to the island. However, there is something on the island that would hold a lot of value to someone in a place like 2B2T. I would not be surprised if one of both entities know of this value, but both have diffrent goals with using whatever it is. 
The federation may be using it to experiement on people. We’ve seen the federation do insane things - bring the dead back to visit loved ones, erase memories, change the weather and time of day. The code has also shown these abilities. 
Imagine how useful something with that sort of power would be to those on an anarchy sever? 
On top of that, there’s been a lot of therories about this being some sort of show. It’s being broadcasted live and being seen by hundreds of thousand. The conflict with the codes and the federation and the eggs, the members, all of that could easily raise the value on whatever this thing is. We’ve seen it used here - come look at this in our server too!
Fit is still a human though. He’s being paid, and he’ll do a good job, but we can feel his humanity seep through in his message. Ramon is his first priority, he’s saddened by the others loosing their eggs, he’s grown attached to his friends. Fit has a job to do, but he is clearly stubborn with putting his own priorities first. He is helping the others, even if it is partially motivated by his contract. He’s asking them to think of the cost to other people.
I have no doubt Fit will continue his mission, but I think he will let his humanity affect it.
I don’t know quite what’s up with the book or the strange messages but I think Fit is a bit too casual about those ‘intrusive thoughts’ for me to accept that they’re not tied to whomever he’s working with.
Closing thoughts: I believe we are aware of four diffrent orginizations now. 
The Federation: They are behind brining all the current players to the island as well as the eggs. They are experimenting on the island members in some shape or form and want to keep people happy so they don’t try and leave. They attempt to limit outside influence on the islanders.
The codes: Assumedly on the island before the federation, they don’t want people on the island aside from themselves and will do anything to reach that goal. They don’t desire casualities but they see no other choice at this point. 
???: A group against the Federation that heard Max’s signal and gave him the skematic for SOFIA. Possibly working with the codes.
Fit’s orginization: An outside group interested in something that the island has. Hired Fit to retrieve that something unaware of the Federation or the Code. Having trouble/unable to get messages through thanks to the federation firewall.
Now the real question is... how did Bad bypass the fedderation firewall to call Skeppy?? lmao
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ashshmee · 2 months
olivia rodrigo is secretly regulily (aka how i think every one of her songs relates to lily evans and regulus black)
brutal - “i’m so sick of seventeen, where’s my fucking tonnage dream” you can’t tell me this isn’t regulus as a death eater. if choices was a tv show, i would play this song as his intro after the time jump and you can’t tell me it wouldn’t SLAP
traitor - i’m not a big fan of a jegulily cheating fic because i want them all to kiss eachother on the mouth in succession, but i have read some fics where lily and james are together but then he leaves to be with regulus, so i think this song could be from lily’s perspective in a situation like that. or vice versa!
drivers license - sounds like lily being betrayed by regulus joining the death eaters and the cult against people like her tbh
1 step forward, 3 steps back - i feel like this song would be what it would be like to date regulus black. i love him, but his partners would never know where he’s at in a relationship.
deja vu - again i feel like this could be about either regulus or lily being jealous or resentful of the other once they go and be in a relationship with james. i find them to be really similar characters in a lot of ways, so i think it suits it really well
enough for you - the title says it all. this is a regulus black anthem.
happier - another potential lily/regulus/james triangle angst situation
jealousy, jealousy- i see this one for lily because growing up with a sister and living with girls all the time i think it would be really easy to compare yourself to them a lot. and also when you are in such close proximity to people you tend to learn a lot about them, see what kind of lives they lead, and end up feeling like you fall short in comparison.
hope ur ok - “well i hope you know how proud i am you were created, with the courage to unlearn all of their hatred” is actually lily evans talking to regulus black actually
all american bitch - i headcanon lily as half american sooo this is too perfect! also like the criticism of the ideals of the perfect woman play into the way lily’s character is often reduced to just a mother when she can be so much more
bad idea right? - regulus would definitely pull something like this, be so for real
vampire - i’m thinking this could be about lily and snape actually but idk
lacy - lily’s lacy is petunia and regulus’s lacy is sirius i will die on this hill
ballad of a homeschool girl - regulus regulus regulus!! regulus feeling like everyone got the guidebook of life and he never did
making the bed - regulus :( he’s so tired of being the girl that he is
logical - hear me out, regulus lying to lily and james that he will leave his family for them. this song would be them in the aftermath realizing just how he never intended to fight for them to be able to stay together
get him back! - wait why did i just imagine a fic where lily and regulus both have the same ex and somehow they meet eachother and are like omg that dude sucked so then they team up together to get him back and they do all the things (key his car, kiss his face with an uppercut, etc.) but as they do they fall in love with each other and their shared devious abilities and what if the ex was james and instead of getting him back they get him back and then jegulily happens?
love is embarrassing - regulus would absolutely think live is embarrassing and that’s why he’s always in denial
the grudge - i think i’ve heard people say the grudge from lily’s perspective is about severus and the grudge from reg’s perspective is about sirius and i support this message
pretty isn’t pretty - okay so i think most people imagine regulus as being really pretty, and i almost feel like pretty people put so much identity in their beauty that it feels like all they are worth. and so when being just pretty isn’t enough, it leaves you being not enough, which again is regulus black’s inner monologue
teenage dream - this is just soooo marauders coded of a song, works for reg, lily, and everyone else
obsessed- this would also go crazy as a jegulily ah where one of them dated james first and then broke up, then he gets together with the other and they become obsessed with the ex
girl i’ve always been - lily and snake friendship song for sure
scared of my guitar - aside from the guitar part, i think this song feels very regulus coded like “if i was brave and noble like you, id have the nerve to stop stringing you along”
so american - again half american lily serenading either her french boyfriend regulus or her british boyfriend james
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azulas-lightning-bolt · 3 months
guys I just want you to know that azula is my fav atla character (right above katara/toph/suki can you tell I like girls) but I’m actually going insane about mako right now.
also for the like,, five people who liked my last mako post please please please go look at @/jade-of-mourning’s blog. they’re so cool. they make such super awesome mako posts and his writing is really good and she also posts some stuff on ao3 so like. yeah. I’m obsessed with them.
anyway back to losing my mind over mako,, (a LOT more under the cut)
so okay I’ll admit I’m not typically a fan of angsty male characters (zuko is the exception. he’s too funny to not, and his character and development are really well done) because they all feel like copy-pastes of each other and they’re generally uninteresting.
but mako. mako is the female experience. not sure if I reposted it (as I tend to do with,, everything on here) but I saw a post talking about how what happened to mako’s character (all potential being discarded after romantic plot) is what happens to the vast majority of female characters. and as I’ve probably said at least fifty million times, he’s SO eldest daughter coded. I’m trans (they/he) but I grew up an eldest daughter and he’s like?? literally me??
as I was yapping about in a reblog—I just checked (lol) and it was in fact the post about mako having the female love interest treatment and tags about his eldest daughter syndrome—mako is somewhat made more ‘relatable’ than katara even when sending a similar message for the general audience. I think people should just be less brickheaded and appreciate my wonderful waterbending girl but mako being a guy makes people not immediately put his character into the lens of ‘ugh, dumb feminism’. (which, again, should not happen)
okay so why does this redeem him so much? I said I hate copy-paste angsty backstories meant to exacerbate a character’s edgy mysteriousness and mako is literally batman with a more violent aang for a little brother. he was basically the messiest character on the show, cheated on both his gfs with each other and fucked them up so bad they turned gay for each other (which was funny as hell of the writers by the way. his reaction to them coming out in the comics was GOLD. ik my boy was fighting back tears.) so, logically, I should hate him like 90% of the fandom, right?
I have. so much to say about this.
for one. did we watch the same show. mako is one of the most selfless, hardworking, and considerate characters, which he shows multiple times—it’s a major point of his character, actually. he’s the protector, the nurturer (*cough* the eldest daughter). down to his backstory, he shielded bolin from the worst bits of the underworld as best he could while still providing. from eight years old, all alone, he provided. that’s honestly what sets mako apart from literally being Batman (lmao) and why I don’t actually mind his backstory. he was put in an impossible situation, and told to figure it out. he was given no reprieve from the extremely traumatic event of watching his parents die by the element he wields, the one that he has to learn on his own to use to protect bolin.
the other thing is that a lot of his actions are selfish in a way. he doesn’t really care much about the street rats in the same position he was once in the beginning. but even that selfishness isn’t in his own interest—it’s selfishness for the sake of bolin’s well being. one thing that really hits me hard is the brothers’ relationships with food while on the streets. I’m going to make another post about that soon because I don’t want to ramble too endlessly on here. it’s really personal because. eldest daughter who grew up poor. yeah.
second, fandom misogyny. this makes like. no sense but I swear I know what I’m talking about. okay so misogyny is about gender right? but let’s step away from the cutout copy idea of gender, like genitals or fem/masc presentation or pronouns. think of gender as a set of inherent preconceptions, ideals, or societal expectations. that’s what it is but specifying that makes more sense. mako is a dude who is referred to with he/him and he looks like a guy but he represents a girl. mako is expected to be nurturing but not overbearing. present but not annoying. a provider, but don’t ask for anything in return. mako can’t cry in front of bolin, it’s not right for a little boy to look up to someone fragile. mako needs to work, but tiredness is not allowed. don’t be overly cheerful, it’s annoying and unfitting, but too much gruffness is just haughty.
did you feel like you were reading the transcript for that scene about how hard it is to be a woman in the barbie movie? good, because that was the intention. mako, to me, represents the idea of a sibling who is forced to also be a parent, whether or not they are the eldest, and often a girl to a boy. it could be because parents are absent or dead or bad at parenting or just foolish and inattentive. mako is hated (aside from that messy ass romance plot) for almost all the same reasons as katara and that just. infuriates me. like I have this one perfect representation that reminds me of my own background (sorry katara ily and you represent my rage) while aligning with my identity and everyone is shitting on it?? fuck mako haters he’s my special boy
last point. have you never heard of character development in your lives. did you not all love Zuko’s redemption arc, and then as soon as a dumb teenager who’s never had romantic relationships fucks up JUST AS BAD AS THE OTHER TWO PEOPLE INVOLVED (sorry korrasami ily but y’all were nasty for not asking to kiss mako) you’re all like ‘unforgivable’?? like he didn’t even have a redemption arc because HE WASNT AN EVIL CHARACTER. he was a poor kid looking for a sense of stability and he fucked up. he felt bad. I don’t think any of them apologized, despite the fact one was needed all around. he grew as a character because he let himself find stability and mature before seeking someone new to use as a life raft who was already sinking themselves. I truly believe that korrasami—had it not occurred at the end of the series—wouldn’t have worked out either.
all of them were unstable and lost and scared for their lives almost constantly. that’s not a healthy place to be in to seek a relationship and they none of them were good for each other until they gave themselves time to step away from romance and heal.
anyway stan mako to not be a bigot (im unwell about him)
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 6 months
hello sex witch I need some advice! First is it bad if I’m interested in having a lot of casual sex? I grew up repressed due to religion and internalized homophobia but now that I’m (mostly…) over that I really want to explore and have sex with a lot of different women (while staying safe of course) and I’m only 21 so I have time to it, I’m not really interested in a serious relationship anymore but I won’t reject anything if I like the person. My question is: how do I go about it? I’m going to back to college soon first time in person since I’ve been doing online classes, should I try to go to parties or something? Or should I just stick to clubs? One of my goals is to travel to a big foreign city and go to the clubs there…..but how to actually hook up w people? Or should I download tinder and try that? I haven’t had good experiences with dating apps in the past. My point is: I want to have fun, I want to get experience and I want to enjoy myself most of the time, but I also want to stay safe (no STDs) in the process. I’m planning on having a little bag to put like condoms in and like other sex stuff. (Not sure exactly tho, I’m thinking like vibrators, do I need lube (?) please help 😭 !
hi anon,
we've got a lot to parse through here, so let's just tackle these questions in order.
1.) no, that's fine. wanting to have sex is completely morally neutral.
2.) there's no surefire way to hook up with people; it depends a lot on what kind of interactions you're looking for, where you look, your personal tastes, and a lot of random chance and luck. parties and clubs are great if you like those, but another really easy way to meet people who you may like as friends as well as sexual partners is by just going to groups dedicated to your interests and getting to know people.
3.) the part where you actually hook up with someone only happens if you express to someone that you'd like to have sex with them. there aren't any cheat codes to learn, you just need to like. tell people you want to have sex with them.
4.) you can download tinder or any other dating apps you want, but that won't negate the part where you have to talk to people in order to have sex with them.
5.) if you want to have a lot of sex, I'd recommend getting STI testing done within 2-3 weeks after each new sexual partner in addition to talking to each person about their sexual history and whether they know if they might be transmitting anything.
6. carrying tools for safe sex is more important than carrying a vibrator (although there's no reason why you can't have both). condoms for penises and shared sex toys, dental dams for oral and eating ass, and gloves or finger cots for penetration with hands and fingers! (more on condom storage tips here.) and of course, tons of water-based lube!
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babiebom · 5 months
apologies for my absence- holiday periods are tiring lmao how were they for you? unfortunately we have yet to watch the fnaf movie, as our group is one that is exceedingly difficult to make plans around because we're all busy 💀 but then there's the one guy who doesn't want to leave his house lmao luckily, iv'e been pretty good at staying away from spoilers, so i've got that going for me. on the other hand, i'm planning to go see Trolls 3, and my mother and sister recently went to see the new Wonka movie. Though from what i've heard from a friend, Wonka's no good :// Yeahhh, if i actually commit to the mod, i'd have to learn pixel art and reteach myself code and programming 😭... i used to be somewhat decent at it. oooo yes i love a good choose your own adventure! they're so much fun and i've actually coded 1 of my own :,) it was through Visual Basics though, so the formatting was a bit weird for me lmao if you're going for a visual novel type of look and playability, I'd probably recommend Unity or itch.io? in my experience, Unity is probably easier to use.. theres another website/app i used but i can't recall the name sadly :( if i do i'll get back to you though! i don't have that much of a detailed request this time, but perhaps some fluff and love languages between rasmodius and the reader? or like hcs of rasmodius's evolving interest/thoughts arund the reader before finally getting together? i'd perhaps request nsfw/smut stuff too but tbh i just don't have any ideas 💛 tysmm :D -🔮
A/N: I’m glad you’re okay!! Honestly I’ve been sick these past couple of weeks (I caught pneumonia and had it for a month before going to the hospital. I thought it was a cold oopsies) I haven’t watched anything new recently but I am watching the third season of singles inferno with some friends. And I guess until I can figure out how to make a visual novel I have to write the fic out lmao sucks for me because I think a game would be better but oh well. What can I do? And like always I’ll try to do both!! Check back for the second one!!
Tw: cursing, slight nsfw but no full on smut. Let me know if there’s something I missed!!
Wc: I have no idea! But these are headcanons so 10+ is the goal!!
Sdv Masterlist
Okay so there are five main types of love languages.
Physical touch, Words of Affirmation, Receiving Gifts, Acts of Service, and Quality Time.
I would also like anyone reading this to remember that these love languages are how you want to be loved/receive love not how you show love to others.
I do think that Rasmodius is very connected to himself
And by that I mean I think he knows himself very well, or at least he thinks he knows himself very well.
And for a long time I think he probably thought that Quality Time and Physical Touch were his main two love languages.
I mean idk if it’s canon but in my opinion I do think he cheated on the witch with Caroline
And I’m not gonna go into it here because this isn’t about them, but I think it might’ve had to do with that and his own struggles with temptations.
And I also think gift giving is canon for literally every single character in stardew because that’s the main way to befriend someone.
But I think that after marrying you/beginning to date you he realizes that his actual love language is words of affirmation.
While Physical touch and quality time are still very important to him, being with you makes him see that he really does like being praised.
Like whenever you say that he has done something well, or that you like something he has done his heart flutters as if he were a teenager again.
Especially when it comes to his magic
Like I feel like the townspeople aren’t really fond of him
And they never thank him for the things that he does whenever they actually need him for stuff
Like the haunted maze
Like they’re just talking about how weird he is and how he got it done
But they never stop and say anything that’s positive like WTF
So I think he would appreciate whenever you thank him or praise him and it would go straight to his head (which one idk 👀)
With quality time I feel like you get a lot of it after he moves to the farm
Like unless he’s working in his tower, or you’re off somewhere like in the mines
That you’re like together even if it’s spent in silence
And he loves that
Like he was super lonely before even if he doesn’t want to admit it
So just being in the same room as you counts as quality time for him.
And if you’re doing an activity that’s particularly domestic
He’s in heaven like he doesn’t wanna make it a big deal
But baking and helping you around the farm makes his heart soar.
I think in terms of how he shows love i think he would show it in acts of service and gift giving
Like oh you don’t feel well?
Don’t bother going to the clinic he’s just going to create a potion that stops you from getting sick
You’re afab and you’re having bad cramps during your period?
Consider them gone
Look at this thing he got for you
And while yeah this might seem like either a lot of insincere
In his mind and heart this is how he shows that he appreciates you and wants you to live a good and easy life.
If he can make things easier and less stressful for you
That’s exactly what he’s going to do
He loves you and while he loves receiving attention and love he’s kinda crap at giving it in the same way because he just doesn’t really know how
So this is how he does
He’s VERY romantic sometimes and shows it through gifts and services.
Very cute and a good significant other when you get past his rough exterior.
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the-owl-tree · 1 year
U know what, im not done with mapleshade
Mapleshade only had half clan kits with him they both were breaking the same code and that holds truth all the way up until mapleshade starts killing cats, maple got exiled and that lead her babies dying and what happens when she goes to riverclan? They tell her to fuck off and appledusk just lets them he goes “i didn’t actually love her lmao, I’ve learned my lesson” and darkstar just lets him stay, no actual consequences fall onto appledusk for breaking the same rule as maple did
Men in warriors never receive punishment for the same exact code breaking as the women do
The thing about Appledusk is he would’ve been fine to me if they had just not put Frecklewish in the dark forest. Him using the partner he cheated on to vouch for him would’ve been fine, it would’ve been a great way to show him fucking over Mapleshade.
Like I’ve got no issue with him doing bad things it’s that they wrote that whole article on why Frecklewish deserved damnation for not jumping into a raging river meanwhile all of the male characters involved get to go to kitty heaven.
Also the fact that Crowfeather is being considered for leadership and Leafpool had to go on trial. Food for thought!
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tricktster · 2 years
so i’ve been baking bread pretty regularly since sayyyy april 2020. you know, when we were waiting for this whole kooky covid thing to die down in a few weeks, but in the meantime some people had taken the very rational step of buying out every store’s supply of EXTREMELY PERISHABLE goods, including the extremely sad 100 calorie sandwich rounds favored by my parents.
now me? I’d read enough zombie very serious survival books to have ventured to the co-op on March 10 to stock up on dry bulk ingredients, and I’d included yeast and bread flour among the necessities - not because I thought that they’d ever get used, really, it just seemed practical if things got a lot worse than anticipated. And then? Well. You know.
So I joined the club of the tens of thousands of americans who had always viewed leavened dough with a healthy skepticism and the deep sense that these things were best left to the professionals. With the circumstances now unimaginably altered, we were now very cautiously dumping yeast into bowls of warm water, all the while doubting that this would actually work. So, obviously, that sense of accomplishment I felt when, after all the proofing and kneading and rising and punching down and rising again and venting and egg washing and etc etc etc, I actually pulled two relatively respectable loaves of bread out of the oven? Fucking intoxicating.
I’ve gotten medium good at bread over the intervening years, insofar as I can produce a sandwich loaf without needing to find a recipe, I’m pretty comfortable with adding cheese or garlic or raisins and nuts or whatever if I’m feeling like an Interesting Bread, i’ve forced a few loaves of sourdough into existence (though both I and the dough were kicking and screaming the whole way), and I recieved the ultimate tool of convenience for my birthday last year, when my parents gave me the dutch oven that finally permitted me to finally skip kneading altogether (if I so desired).
Except like.,. I didn’t ask for a dutch oven. I actually asked for something much cheaper and by all accounts more convenient: A bread machine. When I did, though, my mom (who has baked precisely 0 loaves of bread in her life) said “oh, you don’t want a bread machine.”
“I don’t?” I asked, already halfway swayed by her confidence on the matter.
“oh, no, nobody ever actually uses bread machines, they just take up space on the counter.” my mom, a woman who owns two instapots, assured me.
I considered her reasoning, and very firmly replied with a defiant “oh, okay, yeah. that makes sense, and I guess I’ve gotten this far without one, so like, it’s silly to get one now.”
I know. I have a will of steel.
So like, another year has passed since that exchange, and a week or two ago i finally decided that since counter space is no longer at a premium at my new place, i could at least try out a cheap bread machine? I went on ebay, got an open box deal on a decent entry level model, and took it for a spin yesterday.
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it’s making brioche for me right now. It’s almost too easy. I’m actively furious.
This feels exactly like the day I finally bought a game genie so i could get Mew to finish out my red dex. I’ve been grinding and learning helpful strats from youtube and there was a fucking cheat code that would have let me skip the bread making side quest while still gaining xp this whole goddamn time.
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The Pretty Privileged Shortcut I JUST Learned from Beautiful Women
For hours, I’ve been at my vanity throwing whatever will stick until I was like, “I have an internet connection,” so I began perusing Pinterest, or:
I blankly stared at the mirror so you wouldn’t have to 😂
Type in “X beautiful women” in your search engine, for example “Slavic, Russian, Eastern, Asian, Latina, etc.” anything your pretty brain can think of! Sorry, you may see NSFW results!
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You’re seeing natural beauty and “flawlessness” from men’s point of view!
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From a man’s perspective, he’s seeing forbidden beauties that he’d swim across the ocean for but from yours, you’ll see their makeup, features that are usually emphasized undersized, all their secrets.
🚨 Remember to take in consideration your features, rather than skin tone or beauty standards. This is where a lot of women go astray! 🚨
Use these to create your cheat sheet.
If you insert makeup in place of women, you’re only viewing from a woman’s perspective. Get the best of both worlds!
Avoid perpetuating biases such as makeup styles only being for their culture!
These biases will be your best friends, and save time in finding styles that’ll work for you.
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Literal no makeup makeup, or your base makeup but better. I used MAC Studio FX in “Dark” on my lids at first but it’s too matte. A satin or glossy finish nude eyeshadow will get you closer. “Pecan” from my Beauty Bay Bright palette suffices!
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Then, glitter eyeliner or flesh toned shimmer in your inner corner! Only enough to tell you’re wearing it.
I’d wear manga falsies, natural extensions or voluminous mascara to achieve the lash effect.
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Pouty but kissable lips. A flesh toned lipstick applied blurred by a beauty blender and finish with a thin layer of frost finish nude lipstick on your top lip only!
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Extra pouty lips! I did steps 6-9, and really liked the plush look!
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Pin sized amount of gloss on focal points. The results speak for themselves.
I found out that I, myself, prefer Slavic makeup since my facial features are slim, with a long face & wide eyes, full lips, and a medium, narrow nose bridge! Find out what you like, despite your hex code or nationality 🤣
The point is finding makeup inspo to form a cohesive look. 💖
Have fun, and maximize the pretty! ✨
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