#but I'm open to other things you can request ❤️ depends on what it is
sugurufic · 6 months
Yello idk if your request are open but I'm into Gojo and Geto and wanted to ask what are their reaction with a clingy,paranoid and snuggle SO?
Like they're SO loves to cling at them in the morning by the waist with their legs wrapped or holding their hands everything they walk together ❤️
Thank u and sorry for disturbing you
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Them with a clingy SO (separately) Gojo
I think Gojo would enjoy a clingy SO, and might just return their clinginess. It’s endearing to a point it’s annoying everyone around them. If his partner wants to touch him or have contact with him all the time, he’s gonna make sure that you guys are touching in some way or the other - be it a hand on your back or your knee, holding hands or the other way around your hand on his back or on his knee or on his arm as you go about mundane tasks. Hugging him from behind as he does anything around the house, following him like a tail. I can definitely seeing him returning the same energy - his head on your shoulder (or the top of your head, if you’re short) while you’re throwing the clothes into the washing machine or cooking something. 
I imagine him setting up the alarm a little 15-20 mins prior to the time you guys have to wake up just to get in some extra sleepy cuddles and enjoying each others warmth.
In case you can’t be together physically, you guys would always text each other little updates of the day - even the most mundane things like drinking water (it’s a lot for some of ya’ll dehydrated folks, i’m aware), or trying a new workout routine, or reaching your destination… you get the point.
Even if you aren’t doing things together, being in the same room or sitting on the couch together with your thighs touching as you do your own work or scroll through your phone. It’s a comfortable silence. Sneaking in cuddle sessions during break times that might just extend a little long if either of you is feeling needy, randomly leaving kisses on the cheeks, neck, knuckles or even each other’s palms. 
He likes that you need him just as he needs you, that you are a person he can always depend on in case of any turmoil. If you are a grade 1 or special grade sorcerer, it’s like cherry on top because you can also understand the pressure on him to be the strongest, the protector of all without him having to say too many words. I feel like during the extra snuggle time he would be the most vulnerable and open to you, talking about his struggles with loneliness (satosugu breakup as well), his unfiltered opinions about everyone, his fears, his declarations of love. 
Gojo is brash, and he can be like that with his partner at times, but that wouldn’t be intentional - and I feel like he’s the type to apologise with kisses and hugs with his sincere words of apology.
Gojo with a clingy SO is perfect 10/10
Geto is the charmer of the two, he has an expansive vocabulary and knows how to use it well. I feel like he’d enjoy having clingy SO as long as they aren’t too clingy in public. Teen!Geto will love a clingy SO, but Cult Leader!Geto has an image to maintain and you don’t get to be clingy with him during long hours of the day - barely any texts or calls, although you will have way too many pictures with him - of him kissing you, you kissing him, of your hugs, of you holding hands.
Talking about Teen!Geto - he’d be flattered to have to cling to him for emotional support - be it holding hands, constantly texting you, accepting and giving kisses. He loves the way you love him, how your snuggle sessions just manage to slip past the curfew time, how you linger in his arms for a good while before waking up.
He’d be just as clingy if either one of you was about to be sent on a mission, with too many kisses all over and hugs that you melt right into and cuddles with all limbs crossed over. It’s like you are trying to become one person, never wanting to leave with the uncertainty that being a sorcerer brought. Same would be after returning from missions - following the other with at least pinkies intertwined while reporting or getting freshened up.
PICTURES! He’d send pictures if he’s the one on the mission, and if you’re the one sent on a mission he’d be glues to his flip phone like it’s your hand - immediately responding to any of your updates or pictures.
Cult Leader!Suguru loves spending time with his family, who loved them just as much. You are a part of that family, but he loves you differently. If it’s just his family, he doesn’t mind you being clingy at all. In fact, he might even encourage you sitting close to him, or on his lap, or with his arm holding you close. It’s like he's trying to save your touch for later when he’s busy conducting sermons to invite newer monkeys to get their money. 
When it’s just the two of you, these snuggle sessions might turn into moments of shared vulnerability, a confession of fears and plans and desires, and just recharging social batteries. It’s his favourite part of his day, and he absolutely loves it when you plead him in the mornings to stay a little longer - he’ll tell those monkeys that he was having a vision that he had to listen to - and they believe his pretty words pretty easily.
You having his location on your phone doesn’t phase him at all, because he has your location with him all the time. He loves knowing that you want to be with him at all times, but this is the best you two can do sometimes. Facetime whenever possible, texts full of longing when the separation is too long. Having a small sample of each other’s perfume to spray on pillowcases pretending to be the other one - falling asleep on facetime.
Geto with a clingy SO is cute, but might not be able to respond to your clinginess all the time so 7/10
A/N: thank you for this ask, i loved writing this!
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helloescapist · 1 year
Hi hi hi, anon who asked if the request are open or not, thank you so much for your answer.
Can I please ask you for some headcanons of NSFW for Shinobu ? I feel like it would be something very important to her in a sense that she rarely let her true emotions slip but in some occasion like that she's completely herself because she share a special moment with her s/o. Excited to see your hcs about that. ❤️
hello, hello!
You know, I think a lot of ways you're right. For Shinobu, I believe that trusting a partner requires a high level of intimacy from her, and that she would allow her mask to slip--- That being said, I think you could see two different sides of Kocho depending on the moment. You may witness her sweet and affectionate side, or you may be met with her wrath (Never forget her battle tactics!). Which ever she entrusts to you, is a big indicator of her unwavering faith in you.
This is also my first NSFW Headcannon, so I'm sorry if it doesn't meet expectations!
The Hashiras in Bed | Shinobu Kocho
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Word Count: 2766?
Setting: Shinobu Kocho x gn!reader, casual and commitment mentioned
Content Warning(s): MDNI, NSFW, light bdsm/rough, mentions of masturbation, positions, biting
Summary: NSFW headcannons, what sex and intimacy means to the Insect Pillar.
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[Art work is not mine, all credit goes to the original artist]
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Engaging in a physical relationship with Shinobu Kocho may sound exciting at first, and well, it is. However, it certainly comes with its own risks. The piercing gaze of her amethyst eyes concealing the depths of her passion. The roll of her hips well experienced in the rock of her pelvis as she torments your own. Ensuring the space between the two of you is just enough to allow for teasing, faintly peppered sensation against her. The quip of her smile, taunting at the growing excitement that flusters your reactions. The small tug of your needy fingers against the flesh of her thighs, eyes averted as you beg for her touch.
On one hand, Shinobu can be a giving lover that is ready and eager to meet your needs, but on the other, she can be quite sadistic in her endeavors. Which version you receive can depend on a few things, such as your personal sexual preferences, but also the status of your relationship balanced by the duration together.
For Shinobu, sex is two sides of the same coin, and truthfully, I wouldn’t be surprised if she has visited a brothel or two. For one thing, she’s rather open to a variety of experiences, and an encounter with no strings emotions attached means that she has the opportunity to slip the façade from her smile.
If it is a partner who she has no intentions of seeing ever again, well, why should she should she hold back? There will be no hesitation from the Insect Hashira to place you in any position she pleases.
Taunt you, tease you, or simply straight to having her needs satisfied. She really lacks decorum, and bedside manners. Her temper offered the rare opportunity to breath, the poison wielder’s tongue can be quite sharp in a casual bed, but to the same affect, you could easily win her over in this state.
It’s rare that she relents her inner most thoughts and desires like this, and if you started out as a one-time fling in a brothel by coin, willing to accept her upon her next visit. Well, you’ll find yourself with a loyal customer.
In this dynamic, you will find more often than not that Shinobu is the dom of the relationship regardless of the sexual equipment you possess. The rare opportunity to bite, to hiss to flare her fangs as she did in her youth. 
It would be little surprise that she will not hesitate to inflict verbal assault on a willing partner.
“Look how excited you are, after so little? You pathetic little whore.”
Prepare to be mistreated, and degraded. Really, she could care less about the place, or position. You will do as you are told, but to the same extent, I can’t imagine that she would be a high risk taker in most regards.
She prides herself on placating a smile in the work place, and keeping her inner sadist under wraps is a priority. this is strictly business, no need for the niceties, or song-and dance routine. Strip.
This version of Shinobu would not know hesitation in treating her perspective partner roughly either. You can expect to be tied up, lightly slapped, on the receiving end of rough sex, even down forcing you to your knees to service her.
You’re welcome to try and play switch. , she’ll think it’s adorable. She’ll allow you the opportunity, but only for amusement. When she has determined she’s had enough, you will know your place. in a casual fling, you’re the sub.
Though, truth be told, she’s really not as fond of casual sex, and places a high importance on a true connection. You already know Shinobu hates to waste time, and more often than not, a temporary agreement really isn’t up to her standards. ugh training someone to let them go.
On top of that, she spends all of her time at the Butterfly Estate and treating patients, I can see sexual health being on her mind at all times.
That being said, the Insect Hashira will be the exact opposite with her perspective partner. In a committed relationship, in fact, her over consideration of her lover’s pace may leave you with the impression that your relationship is stagnant, or perhaps that she’s not interested in physical intimacy. you would be wrong.
Truthfully, Kocho is actually a respectful partner, and as such, she really does allow you to set the pace. If you’re slow to approach sex, don’t worry about it. she can take care of herself as the need arises.
However, if you place a high importance on compatibility, and sex is an early expectation, she’s willing to perform.
But you’ll find that she will not regard you in the same manner as her more casual flings. Even if you started out as a purely physical relationship, upon having decided that she desires an emotional bond as well, you’ll notice a switch has gone off in her.
Her mask secured and tethered, and her treatment rather gentle. Shinobu will regard her lover with the utmost care. Delicate kisses, small nips. Nothing that would dare mar your complexion.
While she’s proud of you, in this state, she’s not likely to leave a mark. TO do so would mean hurting you, and as the person she cherishes, Kocho is not inclined to inflict pain. Just as she does in a relationship, you will find that the Insect Pillar place a high importance on satisfying her lover’s needs.
Willing to spend hours dedicated to proclaiming her devotion across your flesh. Your pleasure is in some ways, her own.
Cry for her, moan, meet those cute little purrs that assure her she has found your core properly. she thinks your adorable when you cry.
As the lover of the Insect Pillar, you’ll find that Shinobu is rather playful in the bedroom. She enjoys experimenting, just as she does with her blade. Rather than being on the receiving end of poisons, you will find yourself subject to a variety of scents and aphrodisiacs.
Like a test subject, always being studied. Appraising every reaction. As she tinkers with the recipes, growing more and more bold over time. Using your very own biology against you, Shinobu will procure a concoction that will have you on your knees begging for her touch.
she will tease not giving it to you, but of course she will.
Just as she can be coy with her creations, you shouldn’t be too surprised to have a toy invited into the bedroom. The medic is a scientist after all, and very… thorough with anatomy.
The perfect placement of a vibrator caught at the tip of your dick/ nestled at the bud of your clit, go on cry. she’s grinning. or if you find yourself desiring penetration, she has the perfect strap on in mind. Give her a moment to prep. all while maintaining eye contact you.
Her brain is always ticking, always thinking of what positions to lure you into. Ways to stroke upon you, where to rub, where to nibble. she’s ready to explore.
Bratty in the way she regards your responses. Playful, and purring her adoration for how cute you are beneath her. She really gets off on your blush, and shock.
Shinobu will seize every opportunity to play with positions. 69 is a regular candidate. Her sex pressed against your face, rubbing roughly against your tongue as she delves her mouth around your core.
Position herself in front of you, spreading your legs as well as her own, lavishing in mutual masturbation. Really, Kocho favors any position that has you spread before her. Laid out, unable to avoid her piercing gaze, forced to lock eyes admist your desperate moans.
She adores getting to your preferences, so the more forthcoming you are, the happy you both are. She may even approach these topics shamelessly in the light of day.
Foreplay with Shinobu, is a difficult road. She’s not always on top of social cues, or expectations, and even the routine can be a bit mundane or bizarre for her.
sex is a logical need, the emotions in it… less so
She can be a little selfish. You may find yourself disappointed if you expect her to just *know* foreplay is desired. However, as long as you communicate that you’ve a high importance on it, she is more than willing to learn. she loves the examples you provide.
She’s quite the hands-on learner, and will be more than forthcoming. She’s taking notes for every little moan you make, the way you peek to her touch. Oh, she’ll remember that for next time. The rub across your collar bone, her breath warm against your neck and the desperate attempt of your hips twitching, resisting the urge to buck. noted.
Really, she may forget about the niceties of sex all together if you don’t bring it up, or if say, Tengen has noticed you’re irritable, he may impart some advice upon her. While the intrusion annoys her and pops that little vein in her forehead, shit, he’s right you will find her dedicating more time to foreplay.
Just like with foreplay, you may worry about the intimacy level of your sex life. Again, Shinobu at times can be to the point, and as long as you indicate what you want in your encounters, you won’t be disappointed. Just be sure to communicate with her.
She’s more than willing to be intimate and snuggly with you as long as she knows it’s what you desire. Shinobu will tease you for being needy.
At this stage of your relationship, you will have to openly push for your needs if you desire rougher activities. Don’t get me wrong, she will very much oblige, but she’ll require some coaxing.
To slip her mask to her lover is a deeper form of intimacy, as though exposing herself to the outside world. With a secure bond and a trustable partner, she’ll be able to slowly sink back into old patterns if you’re a fling it.
In which case, the return of dom Shinobu is upon you. you asked for this. Please be careful.
Truthfully, if you were to approach your lover, she’s fairly open to a variety of experiences, is fairly receptive to your requests. There won’t be much need to plead your case, but understand that if after your experiment is concluded, she may express it was not something she will repeat.
She’s not disappointed in you, or angry, it just isn’t her cup of tea. Don’t try to pressure her, just as she would never pressure you.
So if you’ve decided you want to be the sub, and allow her to release her inner demons upon your flesh, well she can be prompted to do so, but only she’s sure that your relationship can with stand her tongue.
the things her tongue can do when it’s kind though
Understand that while she is more than willing to be harsh on you, Shinobu would not tolerate being smacked back. In fact, I believe it would result in a very bad time for the both of you.
Either her irritation drawing her wrath, and pinning you to the bed, or quite the bridge in your relationship all together. tread lightly
You shouldn’t expect Shinobu to be up for a breeding kink either. While she’s understanding that sex procures offspring, and that at the core of the action, reproduction is the goal… it’s not for her. To her, sex is enjoyment. The rush of hormones, the ache of muscles, and nerves. kids, no thanks.
The Insect Pillar’s sense of humor has always been hit or miss, but you may find that it randomly reveals itself during sex.
It could be something small, such as the way your cheeks stuffed with the toy reminds her of a squirrel preparing for winter, or it could be the way she has intentionally set you up for a cheeky moment, there’s really no telling. It’s also okay if you really… don’t get it. it’s Shinobu.
As long as you allow yourself to laugh, or just understand that she would never laugh at you, then all is well. Her goofiness during sex will catch you off guard, but in those moments, it’s actually rather sweet and tender.
Giving way to softer kisses, and lingering touches.
I love you can occasionally be slipped in during foreplay, and during sex. Just powdered across wherever her heart compels her to do so. It may be her fingers caught between your legs, the roll of your head as you cry for the stars, it could be when she’s rubbed against your thighs, or the roll of her breast against your hand, or even as the euphoria of climax slips from your tongue.
If it’s crossed her mind, she’s already saying it. it’s the truth after all.
Really, mental stimulation is a strong need for Shinobu. Boredom is not an option, and to touch upon her sense, to captivate her mind, can lead to an intense session.
That being said, I believe that a partner Shinobu really trusts, and is willing to give of themselves will be surprised at how she can allocate the control over. You’ll discover a hidden category of Shinobu’s sex life.
A dirty secret she has concealed from the world. Kocho. Is. A. Sub. But only for you. Only for you will she rear her ass the night air, face slammed down into a pillow.
Desperately crying, the cutest little pillow princess beneath your grasp. Her small bratty comments quick to be corrected. Adorable as the shy touch of your hand against her breast, and shyly averting her eyes.
Struggling with whether she should admit that she adores your boldness, and be rewarded by her compliance, or if she should dare temp your temper, to see how far she can push your resolve. punish her.
No, I believe it would be a rather special, and long commitment that would give the Insect Pillar the strength to let go. To allow her innermost desires loosened and frayed, to allow herself a moment of weakness. OF tender touches, and soft cries into the night. Resolve her control, to be cared for, and tended to. To allow someone to take the reins and guide her. blindfold play.
Slip the mask she bares as the Insect Pillar from her façade. To discard her duties, and her title, to just simply be your lover, delicate between your fingers her hands finger through your hair as she desperately pleads your name.
the level of trust she’d put in you to have reached this point alone is so, so much
Really, to Shinobu sex is the solidification of the bond, and to allow you to see the true her.
If she has the thought and you haven’t completely destroyed her, Shinobu would need no guidance in aftercare.
If you were rough on her, she’ll be sensitive as you gently coddle her. The small hitches of her breath revealing her state of stimulation. round two?
But if in the event, she was forthcoming with you, she’ll delight in playing with your legs. A warm towel, gentle as she thoroughly scrubs the soft pink of your flesh. Joyfully giggling at how sensitive you are, welcoming the opportunity to tease you. Over stimulate you. ah but she means for it to be aftercare… she’ll make it up to you.
Her medical training will place hero on autopilot at times. “I did go rather deep, here, allow me,” as she assist your walk of shame to the bathroom. Draws a bath, and soothes your hair.
She may be rough, but she can be just as sweet, understanding the physical strain she placed upon your body. Nurse play can be expected in the aftercare.
Praise during the act will likely, not happen.
Words are not a strong suit for her, and while she adores the roll of your hips, and the captivating way you have captured her hands above her head, she’s more inclined to make sassy, disobedient remarks than anything else.  
Although I believe the compliments, she would pay you in the aftermath would be sweeter than honey. Intoxicating as the pillow breath has robbed your lungs of oxygen, and your brain of thought process. Just barely able to process that she has paid you sweet appraisal.
Patting your head after you’ve lapped your tongue against her clit and thrown her to climax, assuring you that you have done a very good job.
Other times, she may be tossed to the bedding, the roll of her chest meeting the puff of breath alongside sweat, blushing wildly and eyes languid as she utters her devotion breathless to your actions. well done.
To relenquish your body and soul to Shinobu is to understand that she too, will give you all of her.
It’s trust.
It’s intimacy.
It’s her.
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deliriously-dazed · 26 days
Taking requests!
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So, hello and hi! This is my Bad Things Happen Bingo card!
I'll start by saying that when I write, I tend to lean toward hurt/comfort, whump, sickfics, angst, and other tropes in that area. Although I seldom write hurt/no comfort as I kinda crave comfort...
I'm taking requests for the prompts on the card. Also, I've never done this before, so we'll see how it goes, but I'm really excited!
For requests:
I will mainly write for Bungou Stray Dogs. Wish for a scenario, a character, a ship or what you want. There's more info below, I have some 'No's at the bottom, but otherwise you can just pick a square in the card and a character, and/or just give a scenario with a character/ship and leave ut up to me to make it fit one of the prompts in the card!
Following is just some info about what I like:
1. Characters I like to make suffer (not exclusive):
(As said, this isn't exclusive at all, just my list of whumpee faves! If you would like any other character in bsd to suffer and get some comfort, you are always welcome to ask ofc❤️ I can't promise anything beforehand)
2. Ships and/or dynamics
You can ask for what you want, platonic or no, I'm open to try writing any pairings and/or dynamics!
Previously, I had my favourites listed here, but I felt like I excluded a lot of possibilities.
About Setting/AUs
As I haven't read the light novels yet, I'll have a hard time writing things dependent on those. Other than that, request any setting/AU you want!
You absolutely can request NSFW content, but know that I am not a very experienced smut writer, and I may reject the request if I don't feel comfortable with it.
If there are certain things you want me to avoid, say so! Can be anything from triggers such as blood, specific health conditions, vomiting, to icks or 'nope's that you have, such as certain dynamics within relationships. If nothing is specifically stated, be aware that canon-typical AND "fanon"-typical themes may occur. For example, if you request ranpoe, I may take liberties and add kunizai as a background pairing if I feel it fits the fic. (That said; dont worry about me adding canonically absurd pairings, or making the fic derrail from the original prompt!)
What I won't do:
MCD (permanent)
Underage (goes for any character currently underage, meaning I won't age up a character for the purpose of writing nsfw content with them)
Non-con/rape within any pairing
Word length and timeframe:
Fics can end up being anything between 800 - 10 000 words, it all depends on how inspired and motivated I am, how much time I have and how my life is going in general. Same with the timeframe. I can't promise to complete anything within a certain timeframe, I will do my best to be quick, but I dont want to half-ass anything either!
If you want to be anonymous, I'll respond to the ask when I'm finished. Otherwise, I'll tag whoever sent the request in the finished post! (Does that make sense? Is it weird? I'm new on tumblr so I dont know the "social code" yet lmao)
(Just for information, I edit/update this post continuously, so dont think you missed anything or feel gaslighted if there's new information reading this again)
Thanks //Daze
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ayyyez · 2 years
Can I have some headcanons for dealing with a depressed Neji, Itachi and Sasuke? I have been feeling pretty down myself, reading is my distraction ❤️
a/n: Aw I'm sorry to hear that and I hope you are feeling better. Either way I hope these can at least give you some sort of distraction for awhile. Thanks for sending in a request! <3
I've left my requests open for awhile since I didn't get too many if anyone still wants to send one in.
Characters: Neji Hyuga, Itachi Uchiha, Sasuke Uchiha
Tags: Headcanons, Fluff, Comfort, mild angst, depression, spooning
Neji Hyuga
The kind who keeps it bottled up inside until it explodes. It takes awhile to get there though. He can get frustrated and irritated over little things in the beginning. And it's easy to tell that something is just off. Won't come right out and talk about it though.
It's only if you ask that he might come out and talk. It depends whats eating at him though. If he's just straight up depressed he'll say it's nothing and let it fester.
You've kind of just got to let him do his thing and ride it out. Maybe make things easier for him through action rather than words. Making him food. Running him a bath. Doing some chores for him to make his day easier. Not in a "Oh look what I did." way but rather just silently making his day easier.
He'll see it. He'll know. And he'll bloody love you for it. It almost chokes him up. It eases what he's going through, honestly.
Then his energy will subside and he's not angry anymore he's just sort of flat. That's when the words of comfort come into the play. He needs to hear that you're there for him. That you're not going anywhere. That he's a good person. That you love him.
He won't tell you he needs this but you'll learn through trial and error. Hell, he didn't even know he needed this until the day you took him in your arms and just poured your heart out to him.
Words of affirmation really get to him. He loves you for it. Hold him tight and never let go.
When he becomes more himself again he pays you back tenfold. He wants to look after you. He wants to cook for you. He wants you to seek comfort in him the way he does in you.
Its all about the loving and being loved in return.
Itachi Uchiha
This egg is hard to crack. He's literally like being depressed isn't a sign of weakness for you (or anyone else) but then he's an exception to his own rule. Can't let you see him so down. Can't let the feelings seep out through the cracks.
Some days it feels like you're going to have to tie this man down to confess how he feels (when he feels something other than fine). 'I know you're not fine Itachi.' He's wearing that damn 'I'm fine but really I'm falling apart beneath' smile. It almost makes you angry but it's so heartbreaking.
You resort to locking the two of you in the bedroom and just holding him and telling him it's alright, that he can let go, until he breaks down. Full on sob fest in your arms. Won't dare pull out of the crook of your neck. Oh no, it's safe there. You can't see him cry there. He's so vulnerable.
Just have to soothe him and talk him through it. He's so good with you that you just want to give it back. Stroke his back, fingers up into his hair. Tell him it's alright. There's nothing wrong with how he is feeling.
Even though he knows this, deep in his heart, he still apologises. You tell him he doesn't need to. There's no reason to. You love him and that won't change.
In the morning he's quiter than usual but he's also a little lighter. He's not so tense like he might snap anymore. He's just tired and it takes awhile for him to reset.
When he does reset he's brighter than ever. He has a bit more pep and smiles. He's more willing to lie down with you when he's feeling down now but he's still not completely open to vulnerability. It all takes time to open him up more.
Sasuke Uchiha
Thinks he's the best at keeping it inside but this guy actually wears his heart on his sleeve. He's all huffs and sighs and pouts. Gets cranky and down quite easily. Usually can make it go away with soft acts of affection. A kiss here, a side hug there.
When he's really down though, well...he is the original emo kid. Just a complete shut away. Doesn't want to talk to anyone and shuts everyone out. You have to quite literally break those walls down and force yourself inside.
He acts like he wants to be alone but he's honestly so lonely he is begging for someone to be there for him. He just doesn't know how to ask. Expects you to read his mind. Gets annoyed when you can't. THE AUDACTIY RIGHT?
When in doubt just ask to hold him. He'll give you a 'tch, fine.' Which really just means 'Hurry up, yes.' Little spoon in these situations. Needs the safe and secure feeling. Also needs the warmth. Craves the physical touch.
Doesn't really need much talking at first. Is into more of the touch while he goes through everything in his own head. Then after awhile he will talk about random things, ask you random questions which will lead to the thing he has on his mind.
Sometimes it's just the depressed feeling and he needs some love to help him ride it out. It's easy for him to get back into his head with all that trauma. It takes time to ride it out. The warmth and touch helps. It's not a cure but it's nice company.
He doesn't feel as lonely anymore. He also finds he doesn't really like sleeping alone anymore. Please stay by his side. Become the big spoon without him asking. He doesn't know how to ask for what he wants when it comes to intimacy. He feels like he doesn't deserve it.
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pomefioredove · 4 months
Heyyyy if you are still open to some more matchups can I request a romantic one? You can pick anyone Students, Staff, or RSA/Noble Bell college people, i don't care either way. I really just want to know who you think fits me personality-wise best lol. 
Ok, so I guess I’ll tell you my appearance first, I’m 169cm so like 5’6, I’ve got very very curly reddish brown hair, and blue eyes that look purple to gray depending on the light. I have a lot of tattoos. Started with a stick and poke piece when I was 13 and have kept getting them even years later. I joke that instead of a sleeve I have a pair of pants, both my legs are covered in tattoos, one side black and the other color. People always tell me I'm incredibly easy to spot in a crowd. Pronouns are She/Her and my voice is kind of low and monotone maybe a bit husky.
As for hobbies... I love Boxing and MMA, I’ve been doing it competitively for a few years so I can comfortably say I can kick most people's ass. food is a bit of a love language for me so I cook pretty often and try a lot of different cuisines (current fav is Georgian, you have to try Khachapuri it's soooo good). I used to sing and play the drums though it's been a while so I'm probably not too great anymore. You know how some people listen to music for the lyrics while other people listen for the beat? I definitely listen more for the sound, I don't care what the song is about just how the sounds flow together... which is why I mostly listen to music in foreign languages, don't need to understand to lyrics to enjoy the beat.
My interests are mostly low key I like to study languages but I don't really try to become fluent just conversational i guess. I'm more inclined to learn about the aspects of a language than the grammar and stuff. Reading horror and what I like to call weird fiction. I love finding books that are a little odd the best example of this that I can think of is "House of Leaves" by Mark Z. Danielewsk. I really like weird things, normal things that have been a little twisted and made up in new ways if you get what I mean.
As for my personality... ugh I think I'm probably an acquired taste... it sounds bad but like I'm a really difficult person to get close to. I just don't trust easily and I'm not someone who entertains too much small talk without reason. An example is the fact I've known people for five+ years and still don't really consider them friends. Sure we hang out but like they don't know me and I don't know them. I'm just kind of prickly, with a major resting bitch face too. Though to make up for this I'm incredibly loyal. Once we've actually become friends there's nothing I wouldn't do for them. If they need help hiding a body I'm not gonna ask questions just gonna bring a shovel, take out for two, and tickets out of the country.
Oh and a current project of mine is to reverse-engineer a printer so that i can stick it to shitty corporations who think its reasonable to make you pay a subscription to use a printer that I ALREADY PAID FOR!! That last bit was mostly because i need to print out an essay of mine and I had to dust of the printer i haven't used in forever only to be met with a error message saying i had to pay my subscription to use the thing ugghh. So now i need to actually learn how to a soldering gun.
Sorry if my ramblings don't make much sense, I really don't think about myself too much so trying to describe myself was like insanely hard. Thank you!!!!!!!!! ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
I match you with 𝐑𝐮𝐠𝐠𝐢𝐞 𝐁𝐮𝐜𝐜𝐡𝐢
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The First Impression:
Okay. His honest, true, first thought? You smell good. You smell like spices and warmth, so much so that he forgets what he's doing to turn in your direction.
Why He Fell:
"Prickly" and "hard to get close to" aren't terms in Ruggie's dictionary. He would crawl into a sewer if he thought he'd get something worthwhile out of it, and, hey- to him, you're pretty worthwhile!
He may or may not trail behind you like a lost puppy for a little while, at least until you take pity on him and give the poor thing a good meal. But, like with most stray animals, feeding him only brings him back.
Over time (and a few meals), Ruggie starts to bond with you on a more personal level. He'll ask about each of your tattoos, let you ramble to him about whatever it is you're working on, and take little notes on how sharp and crafty you are in the meantime.
The Relationship:
Ruggie has absolutely no shame. Will gladly eat every single thing you make him without even asking what it is, all while dousing you with compliments about it. If making people food is your love language, then eating food is his.
You're just really nice to have around, right? And hey, your beat-em-up skills definitely don't hurt! He's a scrawny guy, he can appreciate standing behind some muscle. He also finds the way you understand sound, in both music and language, to be fascinating, especially considering how sensitive most beastmen's ears are. He can relate to how you describe it.
He's never one to judge, either, so take your time getting comfortable around him! He'd never admit it, but he's pretty much the same way- it takes a lot to actually get his walls down. You can do it together, huh?
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starfirette · 2 years
tenth doctor | nsfw alphabet
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❄️someone requested a regeneration fic where the doctor is always really horny after a regeneration and I'm working on it! It's become really long! I hope that it turns out good ❤️ Merry Christmas and Happy Winter Holidays!!!
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
A needy, giddy man in need of a good meal! You two wrap up in bed and snack. He's got his arms around you in someway!
B = Body part (Their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
The Doctor is extremely self aware. He knows he's hit the regeneration lottery with this face. His favorite bit is the hair.
On you, absolutely your pussy ☺️I got nothing else to say. He of course admires all of your body. He loves to hold your hand. He loves to cuddle. But the chokehold your cunt has on him is impossibly strong and he'd do anything to touch it, to lick it, to just feel it tight around his cock....yeah
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum basically)
Inside. Of. You. INSIDE OF YOU!!!
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
Not sure if he has secrets. More like dirty war stories
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
He's got tons of it. 900 years of experience under his belt, he's got the ability and patience to make you scream and cum until you wish you never would again.
F = Favourite Position (This goes without saying. Will probably include a visual)
He's controlling and sometimes sadistic. He's more of a dom. Whether you want a daddy or a master, you can decide but he'll be on board with either.
Of course he'd never really want to hurt you, but he gets kinky and caught up in the moment. His dark side can easily jump out. He could tie you up, pin you down, have you in your knees, and he'd be happy. But on the more heartfelt note, when he really loves you he could be so easily on his knees for you, worshipping your pussy and sucking on your clit with moans of his own.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous, etc)
Totally. He's always got a witty one liner up his sleeve!
H = Hair (How well groomed are they, does the carpet match the drapes, etc.)
I kinda doubt it. I see 9 as the guy who trims and 11 as the guy who shaves. 10 probably just does enough to keep neat, for your sake.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect…)
It depends on how close you two are. Upon being in total love with you, he'd become very intimate, and he'd quickly go from fucking to love making!
J = Jack Off (Masturbation headcanon)
Probably not often, unless he's given a real reason. Being with you gives a real reason. Watching you prance around the Tardis, seeing the fun outfits you put on for trips in time. He'll totally find the excuse to rub one out. He's an absolute vision when he jerks off. He's got his head tilted back and his plush mouth opened up to let his little gasps and moans out. He jerks himself hard and rough, edging himself over and over while he thinks about you: your ass in those bell bottom jeans, your breasts in the corset you wore when you took the visit to 1700s France. But also your smile when you see grand waterfalls or a cascade of shine meting meteors.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Edging! Making you beg to finally cum makes him feel so proud. He feels so pleased with himself when you grovel and plead, clawing at his chest and hair. He's also, as I mentioned earlier, a massive dom. Being in control is his forte. He'd feel awkward otherwise. I think he can sometimes let you take control but like I said he'll feel awkward the entire time!
L = Location (Favourite places to do the do)
ON👏THE👏CONSOLE. Literally every Doctor would feel this way! But also perhaps in his room or your room just so you two can play hard with toys and other things
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
Sometimes he gets really really horny. Like after a regeneration (ANON IM LOOKING AT YOU 🥹🥹🥹) But also watching you glide into the console room with a bright smile makes his heart swell and his cock go hard. Whether you're dressed as a Gibson Girl or in pajamas with hair tied up in a towel, he seriously feels the desire to grab you by the hair and fuck your cunt until it gushes 😭
N = NO (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
Probably something obviously gross. I can't see him being turned off to more degrading or intense kinks. I think he'd find pleasure in impact play or something similar, but consent obvi comes first.
He'd be capable of using context clues before pitching ideas. If he thinks you'd be into it, then he'd find it easier to suggest it. He knows you, after all, and he can gauge your preferences if you haven't shared them already.
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
It depends on the mood he's in. If he was more upset or frustrated, he'd have no qualms in fucking your mouth.
But he also finds pleasure in locking you up and slowly licking your pussy. Pushing his tongue through your puffy folds and kissing your clit is one of the ways the Doctor likes to unwind or even reward you.
P = Pace (Are they fats and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Fast and rough for sure! But I think that the Doctor gets in a romantic mood where he just wants to slowly please you
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc.)
All the time! In countless worlds, eras, places, etc. He likes the thrill!
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment, do they take risks, etc.)
He's absolutely willing! He doesn't find it necessary and he'd probably be happy with you no matter what! However if you were willing to get risky, he'd be absolutely excited!
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last…)
A LONNNNG time! You probably have to call it quits by the end of the night.
T = Toy (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Oh hell yeah he does! He uses them on you, predominantly, but he'd be willing to experiment on himself!
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease)
Total tease! Especially if you're being subjected to a punishment!
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make)
Vocal. He is talkative. He cannot shut up. He seriously likes to hear himself talk.
He'll grunt and groan and growl, and especially he'll moan out praises for you. You're his very special girl. He takes the extra time for you to know this.
W = Wild Card (Get a random headcanon for the character of your choice)
Has had experiences with men, and generally other alien beings. Pansexual king
X = X-Ray (Let’s see what’s going on in those pants, picture or words)
He's thick, probably average five or six inches, just due to his height, but probably not bigger than that.
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
HIGH! It makes it so difficult to love you. He can't keep his hands off you. He's always fondeling your breasts or sneaking his hands down your pants.
Z = ZZZ (… how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Does the Doctor even sleep? He probably does once in a blue moon. I think he'd rather watch you sleep. He likes that you're so normal. He likes that you sleep with your limbs sprawled out, mouth open, snoring the night away. He looks at you and observes the sexiest creature in the universe.
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slut-for-zendaya · 2 years
zendaya with r who is 5’1 (like me ) always arguing with each other like “get your tall ass down here so i can tell you something “ and zendaya be like “ sorry you just disappeared “ also the are actres and everyone love the dynamic between them
thank you and may lord bless you ❤️❤️❤️
SUMMARY; zendaya and you are a couple, the whole world knows that, but you too have one thing that keeps you bickering the whole time.... your hight diffrence, not in a bad way tho A/N im so exited to write this, its my first time getting a request, this is my first time writing i know its going to be bad, but i hope u like it ..........................
"hey give it back" you were practically jumping as if ur life depends on it she was holding your script
you were to busy memorizing the script so she took it out of no where
"na uh" Zendaya smirked "make me" you sat on the floor and crossed your arm then pouted..
"its not my fault your a giant!"
Zendaya puts the script on the desk then sits next to you
"ur the small one" she snorted out, she looked at u, she's pretty sure u tried to fake getting mad right now
"i hate u" you said trying to fake it but as soon as u said it u leaned in Zendaya's now open arms
"you love me" she said confidently it was hot
every thing she did was hot
"yeah" you mumbled
she grabbed your chin so u can look at her she leaned in gave you a peck on the lips
then she pulled away "let's get going we are going to be late"
Butterflies erupt your stomach as she drapes an arm around your lower back
"What movie do u want to watch baby?" she asked u looking at the movies in front of her
"Z u know we aren't going to watch the movie, and start making out in the first 5 min" you said smirking
"Then we'll choose the worst one so no one can be there"
You hit her by your elbow a yelp escaped her mouth "what did I say?"
"No its not you. Its.... There are paparazzi" you whispered
"Where?" Zendaya asked clueless
"Your the tall one and you can see them great so she is a giant and blind" you snorted
"But in bed I'm 'so good' these are your words not mine" she mocked your voice
"I do not sound like that!" I frowned
"Yes, you do" she held you tighter
"Shut up"
"Ur cute when ur mad" she said admiring you
You felt your face getting hot, pretty sure you were as red as Tinkerbell right now
"You have said that more than a billion times you know that right?" You breathed out
"Eh" she said, "and dont worry about the paps they know we are dating so no big deal, besides jacob and tom are joining us"
"oh yeah i forgot, we should wait for them then pick a movie, they'll be pissed if we chose one" you snorted
you can see tom and jacob starting to make an apearence by how the paps started to call thier names
"whats upppppp!!" you said to jacob doing ur little handshake
"good, you?" he asked
you saw tom and gave him a hug
'hey, quackson, been long time since we've seen eachother"
he acted offended "Y/N I DO NOT SAY IT LIKE THAT"'
"mhm sure lets pick a movieeeeeee" zendaya said as her arms drapped around ur waist again.
zendaya felt you shiver a little
"are you cold down there?" she asked smirking
you elbowed her "its cold okay! and once again ur the giant one!" you huffed
"yall are bickering like teanage couples" tom said "but its cut tho" jacob chuckled
you and zendaya rolled ur eyes
"here take this" she took of her jacket and draped it around your shoulder
"noo you'll get cold" you said concerned
"dont worry the weather up here is not cold"
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button-cat · 3 months
hihiihi !! welcome !! ^^
this is a little introduction post about myself and what i will post in the future (i recommend you to read pls)
i go by Cat here (its a nickname to my actual name however i am not comfy saying my real name here :b) however I do not mind being called other things as long as it's not rude !! :D however if I don't really know you, i prefer you to call me "Cat" instead !! If we have already talked a couple or bunch of times before, you can call me other things if you want :3
I go by She/they pronouns!! pls respect it :D
I am a minor!! (not saying my age but my age is between 13-17) please don't be weird :(( i may block you if you make me too uncomfortable
I don't really have a schedule in posting, i'll just post whenever I want to :b i'll probably post my art or doodles here as well and probably other things !!
Asks are open !! u can ask me whatever you want as long as it isn't too personal !! If I feel uncomfy responding to your question, I may not respond ^^
you can send some art requests in the asks btw !! i may do some of them, depending on your request. It's most likely tho i'll do art requests of characters that I know. If I don't do your art request, i'll respond with a decline. If i do, i'll respond that i'm working on it !! If i don't respond, it's most likely i haven't seen it
please do not ask anything nsfw-related, like I said before, i am a minor
and please respect my boundaries !! If you make me uncomfortable, i will tell you and ask you to respect my boundaries ! however if you continue crossing my boundaries multiple times, (or if you respond rudely to me by confronting you about my boundaries) I may end up blocking you.
now about myself :
I am a hispanic latina !! I may sometimes mess up while talking so sorry if some things i say don't make sense ^^ you can tell me if you don't understand something i said and I'll try to explain it better !! :3
I usually play roblox !!
I'm currently quite obsessed with regretevator (mach and folly ily ❤️❤️) however there are other games im interested in like Undertale, deltarune, etc !! However it's most likely i'll post about regretevator :D
i have a pet !! he's a silly happy dog (he peed in my room 5 times when he was a few months old i think and legit left a stain on the floor in my room that i cant get rid off but i still love him)
i identify as girlflux !!
i am a greyromantic women lover (yes I'm a lesbian)
I have a bunch of ocs however i may or may not show them !!
there's not really any specific aesthetics im into!! like i really like weirdcore and cottagecore but there's probably a bunch of other aesthetics that i like that I just don't remember the name of :b
my birthday is in May 18 :3
i really like horror, especially playing horror games (even though i get scared always)
i really love animals !! they're so cute :D
i may be sometimes completely dumb in some topics so I do appreciate it if you correct me and inform me ^^ please don't be mean to me about it tho
I may be awkward in conversations- if i am im sorry !! D: i get pretty nervous for some reason whenever talking in real life or online (especially in real life tho) so i really do apologize if i am kind of awkward !!
And also another thing about the last thing i said- i may also take a longer time to respond if i get a bit too nervous- i also apologize for that !! pls don't take it personally if I don't respond right away :(((
that's mostly all !! i'll try to post daily however i may not be able to mostly because im busy with school or other personal things !
Currently at the time when I'm posting this i am going to enter winter break in a few days so i'll probably have much more free time !! ^^ don't be afraid to talk to me if u want !! i hope u enjoy ur stay here :D byebye !!
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(drawing made by me btw :3)
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once-in-a-blood-moon · 8 months
❤️ Valentine's Soulmate Event 2024 🌹
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It's that time of year again! February, the dreaded month of lovers~ So, I decided to bring this event back from last year because why not celebrate the month with our faves! Sorry in advance if this is long or a lot :)
Okay, let's set some ground rules:
I'm opening requests January 20th to give myself a head start so I'm not as bogged down if I get many requests. I will close requests for this event February 10th so I can get prompts out before/by the end of the month. (I may reopen requests for the event depending on how many I receive the first time around.)
I will begin posting requests on February 1st! Please be patient with me as we go, I do have other things going on in life as well :)
You may request any of the dateables from Obey Me, but please only send in one character per request. (I will attempt to write for Thirteen, Mephisto, and Raphael! But please be kind. I've never written them and I'm still getting familiar with their personalities.)
However, I will not write for Luke... I understand that there are platonic soulmates, but most of these prompts seem romantic in nature and I would not feel comfortable writing any of them for him, sorry :(
Please specify what gender you'd like me to write for the reader. I will automatically write gender neutral readers if no gender is given.
Regarding prompts:
If you request markings/tattoo or names/initials just specify which one you'd rather have me write! :)
Optional: Feel free to let me know specifics of the prompt you're requesting if you have an idea! I'm more than happy to accommodate your creativity or vision! (Example: last year I had a request for the tattoo prompt but as pact marks.)
Also optional: let me know what genre you'd like me to write if you'd like! (i.e. fluff, hurt/comfort, angst). I'll more than likely default to writing fluff and the occasional hurt/comfort if the prompt calls for it, but if you want something specific, let me know!
I believe that is it! Thank you for reading through the rules, and I hope you enjoy the event! <3
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Imprint - the soulmate’s touch will leave an imprint on their skin
Sense - being telepathically connected to your soulmate no matter where in the world they are 
Markings/tattoo - a soulmate mark that only the soulmates have in common 
Gray - only being able to see gray until they meet their soulmate
Sharing injuries - receiving the same injuries (to a lesser extent) that their soulmate suffers from
Empathy - sharing the same emotions as their soulmate when they are close by
Name/initials - their soulmate’s name or initials is written on their body 
First word - the first word/sentence they hear their soulmate say is written on their body
Timer - everyone has a timer that’s counting down till they meet their soulmate
Dreamy - seeing their soulmate’s dreams or being able to communicate with them in their dreams
No harm done - soulmates are not able to hurt each other physically
Sharing songs - being able to share songs with their soulmate in their heads
Taste - only being able to taste anything after meeting their soulmate
Danger alert - people can feel when their soulmate is in danger
Tell no lie - it’s impossible to lie to your soulmate
Voice - the voice in their head is their soulmate’s voice
Tugging - being able to feel a tug in the direction of your soulmate if they are feeling a strong emotion
 Hair color - you have your soulmate’s hair color on a stripe at your wrist, when they dye or chance their hair color the stripe changes
 Red string - red string to connect soulmates
 Drawing - whatever you draw on your skin shows up on the other
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restlesscrybaby · 2 years
Hii!!! Can i request Jack horner makes his s/o squirt? Like s/o got so shy that she started crying 😭 pls and thank you! If u feel uncomfortable then u dont have to do this. Take ur time❤️❤️
HOW CUTE poor reader, yesm!! Surry AMAB readers <//3!!
× 'Don't be shy, you're fine,' ×
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Love, sex, love and sex,
It all meant the same, yet, it didn't. IT depended solely on who you were, I suppose, but..
It wasn't hard to feel...
Ashamed of sexual feelings.
Sex is a hard concept.
But, for Jack, it wasn't, he practically bathed in the art of sex.
You were sprawled onto the mattress. Blankets and covers were tangled around your feet, as you relaxed. That tension was so good, you couldn't help but whimper. He laid on his side beside you, as he used his hand to ease your needy pussy, that quaked around him, but you were ready. He had his pointer and middle finger inside, as he gently rubbed against that sensitive spot at the top, that spongey center of feelings.
It caused you to tremble, but you relaxed, you were so aroused before-hand, yet, the way he had seduced you, oh it made you even more crazier, which led to this.
He cooed you on, yet he sounded more and more impatient, you hadn't came yet, what was your issue? Typically, you'd be just fine by now, bah!
Yet, you sang him a beautiful song, he felt how your walls began to pulse, practically beating in sync with your heartbeat.
Ah! Finally!
The feeling was intense. It was a rush, oh my god, nothings ever felt like this before and you-- Oh my god-! What was going on?
He got a brave idea.
He pushed his thumb against the swollen center, that ached for more and more. He gently circled it with his thumb, the pleasure adding on and--
It's like you couldn't hear.
A ringing echoing in your ear as you felt a release, but not like the ones you've had before..
Your head lifted up from the pillow, as you watched some clear juices splatter onto his hand, not too much, but it let you know what was happening. His fingers were practically shoved out in the heat of the moment, as your sensitive pussy couldn't take anymore of what he was giving you.
His eyes were wide.
He chuckled, as he shook his head, yet, it was cocky. Not rude.
"I mean, I'm not surprised! I must be the best at what I do, huh?" He commented, a smug tone dripping off the tip of his tongue.
But you?
Oh my gos.
You stared in shock, as the bed below you and a tad infront of you had some juices, yet you felt the heartbeat in your lower half.
Frigid, yet you understood what was going on,
He glanced to you, you now shoved your face into his chest, a gulp echoing from your voice, as he glanced down in confusion.
What was wrong?
Shouldn't you be happy?
Yet, he heard a sniffle. What now?
He placed his other hand upon the top of your head, as he forced your head back to look up at him. He was greeted with tears, thay trickled down the beautiful cheeks that he loved to kiss to show you off in public.
Your eyes now red, getting somewhat puffy, your nose red with some snot ready to bubble out of it. Your lips pursed with sadness,
He asked what was wrong, irritation springing off his voice, but you forced your head back into his chest.
He took a moment.
Ohh, he gets it now...
You were embarrassed, maybe you became shy from the idea that your body caved in like it was nothing,
He lifted his other hand, as the one on your head gently patted it. He told you it was okay, but he wasn't good with comfort, he just told you it was a good thing. It means you had a good time.
He brought the juice soaked fingers towards his mouth, as his bottom jaw opened, soon shoving the two fingers inside. He sucked the juices off of them, as the taste sprang around his tongue and danced like wildfire on his taste buds.
He really IS the best at what he does, huh?
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× 'You did just fine.' ×
GRAAH surey if this isn't too good, I'm not sure how to write squirt stuff eep
Also apologize for any misspellings or etc, I'm so tired from today ah
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Here is my ✨lazy✨ start of introduction, and which fandoms I will be writing for from now on, and, if you (and I) want, you can ask me to add some fandom you like, If I know It, of course, but who knows, maybe I'll try to find out about It for you, huh <3? However, there are rules too, but don't worry, it's no big deal~
Undertale/Deltarune(and Au's are accepted!) ★ . . .
Omori ★ . . .(Au's are also accepted, I know some of us would like to..delete some stairs from this story)
The owl house ★ . . .
Heartstopper ★ . . .(I need fluffy requests if they are about this one please-)
Amphibia ★ . . . (Mostly about the Calamity trio, however, I don't mind overdoing it from time to time if you want!)
Doki Doki literature club ★ . . .(After-mc/after the main character season, but if you want you can request for while It, or even before!)
Chainsaw Man ★ . . .
Oshi no ko ★ . . .
The promised neverland ★ . . .(I don't think anyone remembers this anime anymore, but...what's the harm in including it, right?-)
Fnaf ★ . . .(mostly afton stuff ngl, but I accept anything)
Sally face ★ . . .(if this fandom still lives, I'm with y'all)
Coraline★ . . .❤️(You weren't expecting that, huh? Xd, anyway, Au are also allowed)
——— Rules ★———(Yes, I made a reference on this part's decoration, Who knows these colors...we're together in the same boat guys)
No 18+ inappropriate stuff! I want to propose acceptable content, for me as for you guys, that is, without nhek nhek, however, I accept romantic and fluffy requests! (such as cuddles, First Kiss, etc.), and definitively NO cursed ships(an example? Eda x Luz, Sunny x Mari, just no) and if possible, put the canonical ships <3 but if you want an "X reader/or a three-way relationship" or put together a fictional couple that you think would work together, as long as neither of them in your couple is committed(unless the person the character is with is a piece of shi-)/doesn't like the other character's gender, that's fine! And I definitively can do a "match me with one character of the (you choose) show" (aka...Simp's favorite game)
And about anguish, it's always welcome (or not, it depends-), but let me know if you want something specific or If should mention a very specific or explicit type of anguish (things like s-h, more expresso and less depresso, complicated injuries or illnesses/Diceases etc.) so I can delve deeper into the scenario, and also let you know if there are any possible triggers!
And finally, but most important of ALL rules, a rule you CANNOT, NEVER, break....
Have fun, I'm out of ideas lol Xd~ requests(scenarios, match-me-with, fanfic, etc.) are..
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Hi, I really hope you're feeling better ❤️ When you're feeling up to it, could I please get a Haikyuu matchup? Please don't feel pressured to write it quickly or anything, I'm more than happy to wait 🫶🏻
Name: Dee
Pronouns: She/her
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Zodiac / MBTI: I'm a Scorpio and my MBTI is INFJ
Appearance: I'm 5'2", I have pale skin, brown eyes and I wear round glasses. My hair is short, similar to Saeko's from Haikyuu in style and currently my natural dark brown, but I like to dye it dark purple / dark red from time to time. I generally wear casual / comfortable clothes, I like anime t-shirts and hoodies.
Personality: I'm very quiet and introverted but I open up more when I'm around people I'm close to and feel comfortable with. I'm a perfectionist, I'm very self-conscious, and as part of that, I can get quite stressed and anxious about things. I hate having attention on me, but I care a lot about the people close to me and always try to be there for them in any way I can.
Likes & dislikes: I like bubble tea, coffee, konpeito and rainy weather / cold weather in general. I like movie nights and travelling to new places. I dislike horror movies, insects, socialising, people who are rude and/or thoughtless about others.
Hobbies: I love watching anime, reading manga and playing video games (especially games like Super Smash Bros, Mario Kart, Kirby, Fire Emblem and the Persona / Shin Megami Tensei games).
I hope that's okay. Thank you very much for doing this, I hope you're feeling well and that you have a lovely day ☺️❤️
Hi Dee! Thank you for your request! Sorry it took a while. I hope you like your matchup!
In Haikyuu, I match you with...
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You and Asahi are definitely the introvert couple of your friend group. But you’re also very similar in that you open up around people you trust. And for Asahi, you definitely fall into that category.
He can be quite self-conscious as well so hopefully you’re both able to help each other out with that. Even if you still have problems accepting yourself as you are, Asahi works hard to make sure you know just how much he loves everything about you.
Oh, Asahi can totally understand your dislike of socialising and having any sort of attention of you. If you’re ever in that situation, he’ll put his fears aside however and draw everyone’s focus onto himself so you can relax.
Bubble tea dates are a must! I see Asahi as someone who loves a bubble tea after training so he’d love walking home with you and stopping in at your local bubble tea place for your usual order (or something different, depending what you feel like).
Asahi does a lot of travelling for volleyball and he’d be delighted if you’d come along with him. Getting to explore new places together and having you there to cheer him on does wonders for his confidence.
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knightyoomyoui · 1 year
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Hey guys! Knight here. As all of you know, I’ve been teasing about my plans to do commissions before, and today it's time for me to finally announce that I am officially accepting Ko-Fi commissions for everyone who wants me to create a fic of their own idea, but this time it will be required with a payment. The reason I’ve been doing this is that I hit the point where I do indeed need to save up some income for my college life, and there's a bit of pressure that I’ve been getting from my parents, who want me to save up some money of my own. With that, I decided to use my hobby and interests as one of my sources of funds. I hope you guys understand my situation. My Ko-fi account: knightyoomyoui's Ko-fi Commissions - Ko-fi ❤️ Where creators get support from fans through donations, memberships, shop sales and more! The original 'Buy Me a Coffee' Page.
So, here’s what you’ll be expecting here in my commission:
WHAT I'M GOING TO WRITE: NOTE: 1.) I only accept pure one-shots, but I’ll consider inserting one smut part that won’t affect the entire plot. 2.) It could be Idol x M Reader, Idol x F Reader, Idol x Idol, or Member x Member. 3.) The plot could be fluff, angst, or both, and the concepts could be anything you want, such as fantasy, action, mystery, etc. SPEED FANFIC for ($15) = 2k–4k words (This should only have a light plot, with not too many situations going on—a quickie, to be exact.) NORMAL FANFIC for ($20) = 5k–7k words (The plot for this could be expanded, with more situations appearing in detail to either show the aftermath of what happened or a flashback to explain how the characters led themselves in that scenario.) HEAVY-DEPTH FANFIC ($30) = 8k–10k words (In this one, you can go all out. Bring every idea you have in that plot, and I’ll do my best to give it magic. Since this is long, you can freely give me a complete story to create, but make it as exact as you can.)
For the smut, I don’t allow kinks that present body harm, watersport, foot-sucking, armpit licking, non-con, humiliation, other over the top kinks, or incest, especially for idols who are under 18.
No smut part for idols under 18.
If you are interested, inform me first by contacting me through direct message in my account “knightyoomyoui” at Wattpad, Tumblr, and AO3. After I acknowledge your interest, you can submit to me the following: 1.) A picture of the idol(s) you want to feature 2.) Your username on Tumblr. Wattpad, and AO3. 3.) Tell the genre of your story (if smut, mention the kink you want specifically). 4.) the length  of your choice 5.) the plot of your story
You can cancel only before I respond and bring ourselves to an agreement.
Expect that if you order SPEED, it will only take like less than a week to be finished, but for NORMAL and HEAVY DEPTH fanfics, it will take much longer, like more than a week but not exceeding up to a month. All of these will depend still in case I do find some struggle with my real-life stuff to prioritize first, so please understand and have some patience for me.
You should not be less than 18 years old to request your commission.
Everything that is going on with our transaction will remain between us. I respect privacy.
Please don’t submit another order when you still have a pending request for me to complete. I get it; it will provide me with more money, but I would appreciate it more if you could wait and be patient.
I want to express my gratitude to everyone who has been supporting me as an author. I may not be a great writer, but I can assure you that I’ve been doing everything I can to improve myself so that I can continue impressing and entertaining my readers and fellow K-Pop fans. I am actually overwhelmed that this hobby that I fell in love with has led me to gain the ability to use it as my strategy to earn income. I wish you all a wonderful day and thank you so much again for reading, especially for those who will have an interest in ordering!
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stars-tonight · 3 months
Hi, if it makes it easier, I've resent my original matchup request below in your ask box, but please don't feel pressured at all. I didn't know about Tumblr hiding message notifs, I'm so sorry for not sending it as an ask before:
I'd like to request a romantic, long matchup with a Haikyū guy please, as long as that's okay for you. So information about me: my pronouns are she/her, I'm very quiet and introverted but I open up more when I'm around people I'm very close to. I'm very self-conscious but I always try to be there for people I care about, like to offer any help / comfort I can. I don't communicate my problems that much as I don't want to burden people. My hobbies are watching anime, reading manga, playing video games and drawing. I'm 5' 2" with short, dark brown hair (the best way I can describe my hairstyle is that it's like Anri's from Durarara!!), and I wear round glasses.
My love languages are quality time, acts of service (giving) and physical touch (giving & receiving, but mostly in private / subtly in public as I'm not really a fan of PDA). My ideal partner is someone who is kind and someone I have things in common with. I relate to and understand introverts, I'm not completely opposed to extroverts, I just really don't like rude people. I'd like it to be a relationship in which we both understand each other and are just comfortable with one another, like each person knows you're always there for each other, that sort of thing. I would want my partner to know I am someone he can lean on whenever and I'll never see it as a pain to take care of people important to me. I really hope that's okay, I'm so sorry if it's not. Thank you so much for doing this, please take care and take as long as you need ❤️
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🥛 this is a bit of a far reach
🥛 but
🥛 kita is like a defensive specialist
🥛 so he's always got his team's back
🥛 just like he's always got your back ;)
🥛 (omg what even was that i'm sorry)
🥛 kita can tell how his teammates are feeling with just a glance
🥛 so he's very attentive and observant
🥛 even if you have trouble expressing yourself, kita would definitely notice when you're feeling upset
🥛 he's super mature and for sure a great listener
🥛 might be a bit blunt with his words sometimes but he only wants the best for you
🥛 similar to you, kita isn't the best at expressing his difficulties to others
🥛 as the relationship progresses, he definitely opens up more to you
🥛 not a big pda guy either
🥛 would probably hold your hold if you're crossing a street or in a large crowd
🥛 but otherwise would just walk next to you
🥛 saves the hugs for when you're alone
🥛 he's a very straightforward person so he would want you to be authentic around him
🥛 doesn't get the appeal of putting on fake personas anyway
🥛 i believe i have said this before but kita's giving love language is probably quality time
🥛 would definitely try things you like so he could see them from your point of view
🥛 i don't see him as a big video game guy but he'd like drawing
🥛 i think he'd be decent at drawing
🥛 would probably draw a really nice portrait of you while you're doing something you love
🥛 presents it to you simply with a note that says "you're beautiful when you're happy"
🥛 he also appreciates it when you do things for him
🥛 always reminds you to take care of yourself first though
🥛 kita's one of the most dependable people in the show
🥛 while it may take him a while to see that he can trust you completely, when he does open up to you it's the most beautiful thing in the world
🥛 he doesn't trust just anyone so to be the one he trusts is a huge honor
runner up for you was kozume kenma!
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A/N: there you go, i hope you liked it! and thank you for being so proactive with the message and sending it in an ask! it was a pleasure writing for you :)
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icysab · 1 year
Helloo!! <//3
I would like to request enhypen match up, if u are still taking it of course!! I just recently got back to Tumblr and just saw you come back and was hesitating to send this ask 😭 I hope you are doing well and back in good health love!! ❤️ School and life are stressful 😔 Also Welcome backkk!!
Myself: I'm a 16 yr old girlie and turning 17 soonn!! A taurus intp here and is 163 cm tall. I'm on the logic side but quite imaginative. Realistic and optimistic. I'm usually quite and just like to observe everything around me. If I'm with my friend group and I just lay back and listen to them chatter on. I love listening to them and honestly don't mind taking care of them since I'm the eldest one in the friend group by a yr older than them. I tend to take care of people around me unconsciously and I get flustered and taken back when someone mentions it. I deny it cause I'm bit on the grumpy side. If I'm alone with one of my friends i tend to chatter alot. I ramble alot on my favourite topics and theories i make up myself. I'm bit of a people pleaser, overthinker and tend to be a perfectionist. I isolate myself from others when I'm too stressed. I don't depend on people cause I'm scared of what if I'm being too much and do things by myself. I'm not really an emotional person. I don't cry much but if I wanted to cry the tears won't come and it makes me fustrated. I tend to pile up my negative feelings. But I do not let others negative words get to me. I rationalize people's words alot and ask myself questions if it's worth believing such words. If I fall down I get up on my feet quickly. I don't dwell on mistakes and think with a positive mindset that I'm gonna do better next time. I read lots of webcomics, read books, and listen to music. Also I love to draw, writing a little and play badminton. I don't watch movies and series much. I'm a huge fan of cycling. I like cycling around at night and it's peaceful. A coffee lover here. I love the smell of cofee beans. I am a quality time person. I'm not much of physical touch lover but I don't really mind them. I like the thought just being in the same room as them. I'm not really clingy and tries to understand everyone's pov. I don't really get jealous much and I'm rather chill-this-is-nothing kind of person. I hope this much will be enough 😂
Ideal type: Hmmm I'm not really sure what's my ideal type is. I'm a hopeless romantic. But I tend to like people who are opposite of me?? Quite the bright and puppy energy and lovable. Idk if that makes sense. PRETTY SMILESS!! I will be up in the moon when they flash their smile!! Communication is a need for me. I hope they can be open with me and it's alright for them to vulnerable with me. I wanna take care of someone and also be taken care but I'm quite unsure and shy when I'm being taken care of. 50-50 give and recieve. Also someone who listens me to ramble alot of my stupid theories. I also like us having silly secrets between us. I want to go on to amusement park, beach, star gazing and aracde dates!! Someone who can reassure me cause I really overthink quite a lot. A person who is mischievous but also mature?? Like they can be sweet and cute but also they have their serious moments?? I find it hot- But anyways what else... someone who understands me in general and respects me. Laughs alot with me for no reason. I also love a person who is such a gentleman!
I hope this wasn't too long. Take care of urself and be healthy!! Have a good time!! <//33 Also can I be 🐝 anon??
i am sososo sorry it took so long to get to your matchup i dont even know why it took like six months? im glad you sent this ask though because i had matching you, and hopefully it was worth the wait? also also thank you for the kind wishes !! please take care of yourself and stay healthy as well <33
anyway, i match you up with…
who screams puppy love more than our very own jake sim?? no one, that’s who.
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onyx-noir · 1 year
Check out this listing I just found on Poshmark: Meet your Posher, Jaime.
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