#but after getting bodied by work all day Logging On to see my notes popping and y'all being funny as FCK in the notes made my night 💛
onelittlespiral · 2 months
FML: Confidence
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I had decided it was finally time for a change. A few years after college and sitting all day at the office had taken its toll. Twink death was here, but I wanted to have a chance at a few more wild nights before I hit my thirties. So, on a buddy’s recommendation I called up Dr. Webb. He had been touted to me as one of the best in his industry, able to help with all kinds of health and wellness. In my consultation, we discussed my goals. I talked about my concerns around aging and some of the weight I had put on. He probed a bit about my health and family medical history. He was so calm and gentle. It was so easy to talk with him I may have even disclosed more than I wanted to about my college days and conquests. At the end, he leaned back and read over his notes:
“If I am being honest, I am not sure what you are too concerned with. You may not be your youngest, but I wouldn’t say you are deviating too much from a health body at your age.”
“But Doc, I don’t want to just slide into my thirties. I want to get out there like I did just a few years ago.”
“There is nothing wrong with aging my boy. It’s scary for us all but we aren’t stopping the clock any time soon.”
“I don’t want to stop the clock. I just want to feel confident in my body again.”
He stroked his beard and thought for a moment, “Now that is maybe something I can work with.” The rest of the visit was boring. But by the time I left his office, I had a pack vitamin supplements, a list of recommended exercises, and a follow up appointment in a few weeks.
Over the next couple days or so, I diligently took the supplements, followed the exercise routine, and logged my daily progress. It was strange, I didn’t really see a difference, but did start to feel a bit better. The biggest change I think I felt though was a kind of hormonal rebalance. I think doc mentioned it. My sleep was slowly becoming more regular, mood swings improved, and my flexibility was improving as I followed my exercise routine. However, I think it was also starting to create a fixation. I would just need to see my progress, check if I was improving. Whenever I got a small chance I would just stare at myself and focus on my curves. Were they any smaller?
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I mentioned it to Dr. Webb at our next meeting. He laughed it off, said it was nothing unusual. But he did send me home with some meditation files to help me relax and center my mind. Help me let go of my worries and all that. And I will confirm they were effective. I popped on the first tape that night, listening to breathing exercises and ambient white noise. Woke up an hour later feeling refreshed. I don’t think I thought about my body much that night. In fact, I hardly thought about anything. My mind felt so clear.
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It continued like that for a week I think. To be honest, the days started blurring together a bit. The routine was really sinking in, abs became an almost unconscious part of my day. At some point though, I don’t know when, I did start to notice a change as I would finish the tapes. I would always come to hard as wood. My appetite for sex was off the charts, quickly becoming a nuisance to take care of myself, several times a day. I even had to take a break at work one day. That is, until one day I saw myself in the mirror.
I was getting ready for the day, and suddenly something in me shifted. I stopped pulling down my tee and stared at myself in the mirror.
Damn, had I always been this hot?
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Something about the way my jeans hugged into my sides and the thick matted carpet stretching across my stomach felt new and exciting. My mind said it should have felt off, but staring at my gut and feeling its weight ripple as I rubbed it up and down, I was entranced.
‘I felt big, strong, and masculine’, a voice echoed in mind, and I couldn’t agree more. Instantly my plans for the day were shot. I needed to get out there and find someone to share this body with. I couldn’t keep it all to myself. I popped my top off and went on the prowl for a piece of ass to demolish. A few quick photos and I had some nameless twink on his way over for an afternoon delight. Within moments of his arrival, I felt a shift in energy between us. I was used to a kind of back and forth, pull and push as people met and flirted. This was all pull. It started slowly, as he sat next to me on the couch. Then, he placed his hand on my thigh and gently rubbed. I was soon no longer talking to him, I was giving him commands:
“Scoot closer to me.” He scooted.
“Rub my belly a bit, don’t be shy.” He hesitated for just a moment before gliding his hand over my furry belly.
“Feels good, doesn’t it?” He nodded limply. He was fixated on other things
‘A man gets what he wants,’ rang the voice in my head. And my patience was running thin.
The commands flowed from my mouth quickly:
“Take off my shirt”
“Take off your shirt”
“Lay on me a bit”
“Don’t mind the smell, I’m wrapping my arm around you.”
He quickly followed commands, even started taking huffs of my musky pits as he curled into my arms. I didn’t tell him to do that yet, but I felt so in control as this man was getting hard practically in my lap. It was time.
“Pull out my cock.”
“Put your head right there.”
“Open wide.”
“Suck, boy.”
It was just so easy to get him to comply. He was like putty in my hands. He just bent to my authority as I guided his willing throat, mouth, and tongue through the best blow job of my life. By the time I was ready to move on, a damp spot had formed through his shorts at the tip of his throbbing cock. It bobbed in the air a bit as I turned him around and pulled down his shorts. I took a moment to press myself against him, let him feel the power of my body.
“Bend over.” And he went down on all fours.
By the time my next appointment came up, I already had a small selection of boys willing to come over when I needed them. They were so small, I was almost worried I would break them in half. But it felt so freeing to discover this side of myself. Nothing could beat a twink sitting on my dick, begging for me to cum in him. I reported back to the Doc that I didn’t think I needed his services anymore. He said that he couldn’t agree more, and that even he was shocked at how much progress I made in such a short period of time.
“Now would you kindly put your shorts back on? They did not need to come off for this examination.”
“No,” I replied, “gotta take care of some business first. You want to show me that cute ass of yours.”
“I don’t think so, I
“Please doctor, with a body like this? I’m confident you’ll find your work satisfying.”
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foreverfangirlsblog · 4 months
Harmless Prank (Husk x Reader)
You lost your phone a week ago around the same time Husk suddenly becomes extremely flirty with you....coincidence? I think not
Word Count: 1511
If you have any requests my box is open !
Chapter Text:
You had been living at the hotel for a few months now and in that time you’ve grown very close to everyone here. You got along well with Sir Pentious since you both arrived at the same time, he was like a brother to you. Angel quickly became your best friend, and Husk
well Husk caught your attention from the very beginning.
Recently you and Angel have even started a prank war of sorts, much to Charlie and Vaggies dismay.
The most recent pranked you pulled on Angel was the best one yet. Let’s just say it involved his precious Fat Nuggets.
This meant that Angel needed something big to get you back equally as well.
Angel walked to the bar where Husk stood, absent mindly drinking his beer, and immediately noticed Y/Ns phone on one of the stools. “Where’d Y/N go?” Angel asked nonchalantly
“How the hell you know she was here?” Husk asked
Suddenly an idea popped in his head. Angel quickly pocketed Y/Ns phone, out of view from Husk. “Ummm she’s always here what are you talking about”
Husk shrugged “Can’t say you’re wrong there. I think she went up for the night”
“Ahh gotcha. WELP BYE” Husk glared at Angel, confused by his randomness. But Angel already hurried away.
Angel had a plan. He would get back at Y/N by shamelessly flirting with Husk over text. He had known all about Y/N’s feeling for the feline lover. So this was perfect.
Starting that very night Angel started texting Husk using Y/N’s phone. It was perfect because all he had to do was make sure she wasn’t near Husk. And he’d already confirmed she went up for the night.
Time to let the fun begin. Angel logged into your phone and opened up Husks chat.
Husk 😍
“You”: Did you know I thought of you all day today? I’ll probably dream about you too ;)
Husk: wtf are you drunk? I didn’t give you that many drinks.
“You”: not quite sweetie I just wanted you to know how much I think of you..especially at night ;)
Husk: what’s that supposed to mean?
“You”: I think you know
Angel couldn’t help and laugh at Husks replies. Sure Y/N flirted with him but never this aggressively or cringey. He’ll have to take it up a notch tomorrow night.
The next night the whole group had gone out for training exercises, one of which was Angels suggestion, a BDSM room. This sparked an idea. Angel quickly made sure Y/N was out for the night before texting Husk again from her phone.
Husk 😍
“You”: couldn’t help but notice your purring earlier tonight
Husk: Idk what ur talking about
“You”: oh don’t play coy, I heard that purring you can’t deny it
Husk: Stfu it’s embarrassing
“You”: No need to be embarrassed sweetie, I bet I can make you purr louder
Husk: oh?
“You”: my hands would feel soo much better roaming through your fur and around your body, don’t you think?
Husk: youre damn right
Angel couldn’t help but laugh at the messages ‘oh they’re fucked’
How Y/N has gone three days without bringing up her lost phone to Husk? Angel has no clue. But tonight he wanted to go all out on the texts, just in case she caught on soon.
After confirming Y/N was asleep Angel starting texting Husk again, this time from the lobby to see if it would work like he planned. He starts to texts Husk flirty texts that would make anyone go crazy with desire. He watched as Husk grew more and more uncomfortable at the bar, constantly shifting. Until finally Husk cursed and stormed out of the bar area and quickly to his room.
Angel snickered seeing his reaction and looked at the text Husk sent: “Dammit Y/N you’re driving me crazy now I have to go take care of myself”
This just made Angel laugh even harder.
“What are you doing?” Sir Pentious hissed.
“AH SHIT” Angel totally forgot he was there to be honest. “Uhhh texting Husk?”
Sir Pentious looked at him quizzically. So in response Angel showed him the phone. “Oh you bad bad spider boy”
Angel rolled his eyes “whatever you gonna help me fuck with them or not?”
“Eh why not” he shrugged, telling his egg boys to go elsewhere while he got involved with the meddling. “Oo Oo you should text ‘Just wait for tomorrow and I’ll make it up to you big boy’ “
“That’s-“ Angel blinked at him for a few seconds “-GENIUS”
The next day you walked downstairs angrily and frustrated. You had asked almost everyone if they saw your phone but no one came up with anything. Luckily Charlie suggested checking the lost and found at the bar so you took her advice.
You noticed Husk wasn’t at the bar yet so took your chances and went behind to bar to look for the box. After opening some cabinets, you found a box of things under the counter, hidden by some cleaning products ‘thank goodness’ you thought as you set the box on the side counter and began rummaging through the things.
Suddenly you felt a pair of arms wrap around your torso and a deep voice close to your ear. “What ya doing back here doll?”
You were a bit, well actually very surprised about Husks actions. Usually you guys are bit a touchy and flirty but nothing to this extent. However you were so focused you really couldn’t recognize the total weirdness of this action. “I’m looking for something”
“Hmmm” he hummed in your ear. You could practically feel the vibration off his chest, so you paused your scourging. “Why don’t you stop that and come finish what you started last night” he purred in you ear
You felt multiple parts of your body warm up. ‘What is he talking about?’ Your focus is now only on Husk.
You wiggled out of his arms and turned to him. “What are you talking about?”
He backed away from you a little, now feeling like he was too forward “I’m sorry, was that too much? I just figured because of our texts last night that maybe
you and I could..-“
You stopped him mid proposal “texts? Last night? Husk hun I haven’t had my phone for a week almost”
His heart dropped. He felt nauseous. “What? What do you mean??”
“I mean I lost my phone almost a week ago! I’ve been going crazy trying to find it that’s what I was looking for when you
..wait a minute what did I start last night”
“Oh my fuck-what- who the hell have I been texting then”
“Let me see them” you reached to get his phone and he snatched it away quickly
“Oh hell nah. You’re not looking at these.”
“Husk come on why can’t I see them, I need to figure out who stole my phone”
“Nuh uh” he shook his head aggressively and held his phone over your head “over my double dead body”
“Oh come on Husk how bad is it?” You questioned
“Bad” he said
Before you could continue questioning the flustered cat, a certain spider walks in with a certain someones phone in their hands.
You both turned your attention to Angel then to the phone.
Angel ran
“Y/N WAIT MAYBE YOU SHOULD JUST GET A NEW ONE! ILL BUY IT FOR YOU” Husk yelled as he chased after you.
You were extremely out of breath when you finally managed to corner Angel to get your phone. “Alright Angel give it back”
“Promise you won’t hurt me” he pouted.
“I promise I won’t kill you again how about that?” You snarled
Before Angel could hand you the phone back Husk caught up, also out of breath “Angel don’t! I’ll give you $1,000 to break that phone right now”
“Husk what the fuck!” You yelled at him
“Oooo tempting” Angel teased
“Don’t worry doll I’ll buy you a new one” he said to you.
“But no can do whiskers, it’s apart of my plan” with that Angel handed you your phone with the texts pulled up and ready to go, and again ran away.
“ANGEL YOU LITTLE BITCH- I - UGH DAMMIT” Husk cursed profanity after profanity as you just scrolled through the days of texting and flirting and borderline sexting with Husk
.he thought it was you?? And he didn’t hate it??
“Husk” you said quietly.
“Y/N listen if I knew-“
“Husk did you really mean all this stuff?”
“Umm, truthfully I don’t know how to answer that” he was beyond flustered. His fur was standing up, his ears were slanted back, his cheeks red with blush.
“Well I think there’s only one thing we can do” you smirked and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and started him pulling him towards your room seductively. “Let’s do what you suggested and finish what was started”
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heyhilana · 1 year
Heyy!! I'm such a huge fan of your Javier Peña works and I was wondering if I could ask for a smutty fic request where he's had a huge crush on you for the longest time but could never do anything about it since you had a bf.
What he didn't know was that your bf was an ass and he finds out he hasn't been taking care of you properly if yk what I mean ;).
I had this idea from a quote: "If he doesn't wanna make you feel pretty, I'll show you how fucking pretty you are." or smth like that.
Ofc the details and everything is up to you! I just really loved the main idea and figured you might as well :)
If it doesn't interest you it's okay,
Thanks xx
Hi lovely! Thank you so much for your request and I had a blast writing it. Javi is one of my favorite characters to write for and I hope you enjoy it just as much as I enjoyed it. As always, I’m a softie for Javi, so Javi being a softie goes hand in hand and I slightly apologize for the length since I tend to go overboard <3 Drink some water so you can be healthy (that also goes for everyone reading this lol)
Summary: A fresh break-up with your boyfriend drives you to your childhood friend Javi’s house to escape it all. But your forever home is found when you realize how relieved you feel after the fallout and how safe you feel in Javi’s presence.
A/N: Hi lovelies! To note before I get to my thank you’s, in this story, there is the use of disposable cameras, so this story does not have a certain time it is set in. I figured it would be easier to not have one so there would not be any discrepancies with time frames. Also, reader is wearing a dress so sorry to those that don't like dresses :( But yeah, dress made sense for this, and I didn't put in that the reader was wearing a bra because well, be free. :) But moving on from that, I want to say thank you all for taking the time to read my stories, request or not. To still see notis popping up every time I log in is a dream come true. I write on and off since inspiration will strike, and then I’m back to my usual writer's block. But every time I come back for a spell, I feel so much love, and I just want to say thank you <3 I hope this proves my love for you all, but drink water and enjoy yourselves! Hugs and love :)
Pairing: Javier Peña x f! reader (I'm pretty sure there's no use of Y/N here)
Warnings: (Hey, this is a ride in itself) 18+ for starters <3 Finally some protected sex because safe sex is great sex, kids. Oral f!receiving, biting, love bites, hickeys, fingering, small handjob, and so much Spanish you would think I'm a native speaker, but alas, I just use translators baby :) All translations will be put at the end!
Word Count: 8k (Need I say more about my word counts LMAO)
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(this man is so fine)
You knock on the door, heart beating out of your chest. It was second nature to arrive at his doorstep after a particularly interesting day. Javi answered and opened it, curiosity radiating on his face. But before he could say anything, you walked in.
“Well, come in.” Sarcasm drips in his tone as you set your bag on the coffee table. 
“When have I ever asked to come in?” You point out and sit on the couch, enveloping you with comfort.
“You stopped doing that after I let you in the first time.” He sat down next to you after he locked up, turning down the sports game he had on the tv.
“And you do the same at my house.” He shook his head as he turned his body to face you more.
“Fair enough. But I thought you were going out on a date with Angel?” 
If everything went to plan, you would be returning to his place to finish it off, but fate would intervene in the adventures of your love life.
” You couldn’t find the words to say what happened, making Javi more confused.
“Hey, talk to me. What happened?”
“I broke it off.” You got out, and his face changed. 
You knew this would go one of two ways, either with the both of you going through the ritual to get you through the breakup or him going to your exes’ place to beat the shit out of him. You had to talk him out of it multiple times, but when you would see your exes in passing glances, you could tell they were spooked, to say the least.
“What? Are you okay?” He moved closer to you to see if you were okay, but despite the normal ache you would have in your heart, it just wasn’t there.
“I’m fine, Javi. I just found out some things today and I had to take care of it.” If anything, you felt annoyance and regret for that relationship, but not pain.
“What did you find out?”
“You know Valentina? Valentina Perez from two towns over?” You asked, yet when you thought about it, who couldn’t forget her? On the other side of town, she was on her way to greatness, and most men fawned over her. You wouldn’t be surprised if you saw her in a magazine one day.
“Yeah, I know her. She went to our middle school right?”
You nodded your head. “Yeah, that’s her.”
“What does this have to do with her?”
“Well, I went to the store this morning to pick up some groceries. I was going to go to the one closer, but they were out of the oil I needed. So I went to her town because I knew that store had what I needed. But, just as I was going to cross the street, I saw Valentina with Angel. And not in a friendly way because they were holding hands, and he was kissing her cheek.” Javi’s jaw tightened, and his hand curled into a fist. But he refrained.
“What happened next?” He gritted through his teeth.
You knew he was fuming, given that he never liked Angel from the start when you mentioned that Angel wanted to take you on a date. Hell, he practically tried to talk you out of it, but you didn’t budge, making you both keep quiet on your respective opinions as you knew it wouldn’t end well. After all, how could you forget your last conversation about Angel?
“I’m telling you he’s no good for you. He’s terrible!” He wouldn’t dare raise his voice at you, but you could tell he was holding back.
“You don’t even know him! Only stories, Javi. Angel has shown me how much he cares about me and makes an effort.” You reasoned, but it fell on deaf ears, given Javi’s one-track mind regarding your choices in men.
He pinched the skin in between his brows, taking a deep breath. “Escuchame. I don’t know him personally, but everyone else that does tells me the same thing. He is not who you think he is and he’s just lying to you. I don’t want you to have to find out the hard way when you don’t deserve to.” 
He wasn’t wrong, given that many men in your hometown disliked him, but he was different with you. It didn’t matter who protested. It was what he showed you. That was what mattered in your heart.
You sighed, feeling yourself getting nowhere in this conversation. “Why do you care so much Javi? Why do you care so much about who I date when I don’t do this to you?” 
It was true, given that you kept some opinions to yourself about his extensive dating history, no matter how much you didn’t like them. Why he couldn’t do the same for you was infuriating.
“Because I love you. You’re family, and I won’t sit back and watch you make a bad choice when you can do better.” He was at his wits end, which you could hear in how he said he loved you. But it didn’t feel right. With the way he said family. Although you knew it was said out of comfort and not ill intention, the way it tugged on your heartstrings in an unpleasant chord when it shouldn’t have done anything but reassure you was strange. 
“What’s better for me then since you have all the answers?” His lips were pressed in a firm line before he spoke, trying to choose his words carefully before he couldn’t think.
“Anybody else! It’s not that hard to find one.” You rolled your eyes at him. Not that hard, he says. If it were so easy then this conversation wouldn’t be happening now.
“You judge every guy I pick so it’s clearly not that easy when you make it your life’s mission to find something wrong with them!” 
“But I was right about all of them. Miguel cheated, Wilmar lied about everything, and Jesus did both. They were terrible for you, and so is Angel. He’s the worst out of all of them.” You hated his knack for laying things out in a way that made your point seem mute.
“You being right about them is not the point. I don’t know why you can’t be happy for me and give him a chance when he hasn’t done anything wrong. Those three had red flags as soon as I met them. Angel hasn’t done anything of the sort and you know that. Please, Javi, give him a chance or at least be polite to him if you have to see him. I don’t expect you to like him just like I don’t like your girlfriends, but I don’t need constant criticism. Can you do that?” He wanted to object, but you could see the resignation to this conversation. 
“I can do that.” You were relieved, but that feeling over his words still left you puzzled. 
“Thank you. I love you.” Your I love you’s you shared with each other were nothing that crossed your mind for more than a second. But this one was different in the higher octave in your tone, the way it strummed a new chord with your heartstrings. Surely you just imagined it, just the heat of the moment that would soon cease to cross your mind by tomorrow.
“I love you too. I only do this because of that.” He opened his arms up to you, and you hugged him, his cologne filling your nostrils and washing your nerves away. He felt like home, and not in the way you felt when you were kids. The hugs you shared were out of comfort because you were each other’s safe haven. It was the kind where you didn’t want to let go because this was where you belonged, not for a second, minute, hour, or a day. But long-lasting.
You were brought back to reality when he touched your knee, the touch sending electricity through you. “I saw them and turned around to return to my car, but she saw me. He didn’t since he didn’t run after me, but she called me when I got home and told me everything. She told me when they got together, how she didn’t know I was in the picture, and how he was with her because...” The words were stuck in your throat as you knew what would happen to Javi.
“Because what?” He was strained, and you were sure his blood was boiling red hot.
“Because he’s engaged to her. He proposed to her two weeks ago, the same day he canceled our bowling date. So I called him shortly after and blew up on him about everything I learned and how I felt overall. He swore that she was lying and that she was jealous over what we had but when I wouldn’t believe him, he told me that I deserved it because I didn’t do what he wanted.” His eyes widened before they narrowed, and his look screamed infuriated.
“I’m going to go over there and-” He shot off the couch, but you pulled on his hand.
“There’s no need to finish that sentence or hurt him so stop!” You pleaded with him, but he was seeing red and Angel’s face as he wanted to morph it into something unrecognizable.
“He needs to be taught a lesson. He hurt you, so I’ll be back.” He pulled his hand out of your grasp and walked to the door, but you got up to pull him back. 
“Javi, please wait! Stay with me and forget about him. I won’t stop what you do in the morning but can you stay with me tonight like we normally do?” He knew what you were doing, but he could never say no to you when you gave him those eyes to stay. How could he say no when his heart yearned to be in your presence?
“I’ll stay for now. But tomorrow is different.” Somehow with the softness in his eyes, you knew he would listen to you in the morning.
“I can deal with that. But I’m not as heartbroken as I thought I would be.” You were somewhat dumbfounded by your lack of heartbreak, albeit happy that you wouldn’t spend your days crying. However, curiosity took up your thoughts. The nagging question of whether you were in love with him clouded your mind until Javi grabbed your hand.
“He still deserves to pay.” He rubbed your hand with the pad of his thumb, relaxing you and sending electricity through you.
“I’m not saying he doesn’t, and hopefully she’ll leave him too and he won’t have either one of us. But when I think about our timeline, it was bound to end anyways. He didn’t want to buy me flowers, he always prioritized work or rather, her over me. I would try to plan things and there was always an excuse. And
well I can’t say it now.” You turned away and walked back to the couch, embarrassment making the heat rise to your cheeks.
“You’ve already said a lot just now and you’ve told me everything growing up. What’s more going to do?” He asked as he sat back down next to you.               
“I can’t, Javi. It’s weird to say that to you.” You looked away and were sure you would die of embarrassment any minute now.
“Hey, mirame,” He asked, and you brought your head back up. “We’ve been friends since we were kids. I share everything with you and you do the same so what’s different now?” 
“Sometimes you’re a little too honest when you could leave some details out from your dates.” Countless dates he told you about ended with your wishing that you could erase some of the details from your head and the occasional pang in your heart that didn’t seem to dull with time.
“I’m never a person to leave out details,” His tone made you laugh, and the smile that followed on his face made you feel warm again. “Pero dime. I’m sure it can’t be worse than what you’ve already told me.” Oh, how he would be proven wrong.
“He never made me cum.” In all the times you’ve surprised Javi, you never expected his eyes to widen that much at your confession.
“Not once?”
“Never. I would always fake it and then finish when I got home.” The sigh he let out as he ran his fingers through his hair was surprising, given that you didn’t think it would phase him this much.
“He was that oblivious then.” The more he tried to think the opposite, the more you hated bursting his bubble.
“It’s not so much that but he just
didn’t care about it? It was more so “I want to get off, so I will,” and then I would be there waiting for it to be done at times.” The confessions kept flowing out, and the more you spoke, the more Javi was taken aback.
“Jesus. It’s a fucking requirement for who you’re sleeping with to cum.” Although it was certainly not the time for feelings to arise, it didn’t stop you from pressing your legs together absentmindedly. “I’m sorry, Bonita, I just have to ask
why did you stay for so long? You were with him for what? 2 years?”
“Almost 3 now that I think about it,” You sighed at the time lost, time wasted over someone who was never worth it in the first place. “But I don’t know, I think I stayed out of convenience, not so much out of love because when you put so much time in, you’re willing to stick it out longer than you should. He might’ve done the same, but thankfully it’s over now. I don’t feel so used anymore.” Relief washed over you to know that breaking up with him was the best thing you could’ve done for yourself after avoiding it for so long.
“You never deserved that. You’re worth so much more than what Angel gave you.” You felt the heat rise to your cheeks, but embarrassment wasn’t the culprit. Instead, the butterflies swarmed through your stomach in a surge.
“T-Thank you, Javi, but you don’t have to say those things to make me feel better. I’m okay, really.” You gave him a warm smile, but you could see his eyes were serious.
“I’m not just saying it to make you feel better, Bonita. I’m saying it because I mean it. You’re everything he never deserved and you deserve everything you want out of a relationship.” His tone was more soothing than ever with you, softer than anything you could remember in all the times he comforted you and showed care for you. 
Suddenly, the question that had popped into your head from the time you were teens to when you graduated high school, and in recent years reared into focus again. Is he in love with me? You had done everything you could think of to answer your question, studying his behavior, asking specific questions to gauge his thoughts, and even getting involved with your cousin’s love of tarot cards to get a sign. Blame the teenage hormones that got to you. Still, you were too afraid to ask and almost certain that it was the bliss of a teenage crush that would misread actions and words as affirmations of love. It only increased ten-fold at your graduation when he pulled you into a small corner as everyone was finding their families to have some alone time.
“Javi, where are we going? We have to get to our families.” You asked as he led you to a small area near the back of your high school’s football field.
“We’ll find them in a minute. But I know I won’t get much time with you later, so I wanted to tell you that I’m proud of you.” You were happy from the day itself, but hearing him say he was proud of you made you grin.
“Aw, Javi, I’m proud of you as well. We did it and now we get to start our new lives.” You could see the energy shift in Javi after what you said, puzzling you.
“Yeah, the future is near.” He looked away from you for a moment before you grabbed his hand.
“Hey. Are you okay?” You asked, and he forced a smile for you.
“I’m fine, I promise.”
“Are you lying?” You raised a brow at him, and he sighed.
“Maybe a little bit. It’s just
when you think about the future you think about losing people to new jobs, new people in your life, even moving away from home. All those things happen and it’s scary.” Laredo was all you both knew, and sometimes it was hard to let go and move on to get to do something else with your lives, but you didn’t know until now what that made him feel.
“Hey, no matter what happens, I’ll be right by your side, okay? No matter where we go, who we’re with, or what we do for a living, I’ll drop everything to be there for you.” His smile was genuine this time as he pulled you into a hug. You rested your head on his chest as he rested his head atop yours.
“And I’ll do the same. I love you.” You could hear the falter in his voice, awakening something in you that was threatening to leap out of your throat.
“I love you too. Are you sure you’re okay?” You asked again as you pulled out of his embrace. 
“Y-yeah, I’m fine. Also, you look really nice. I like what you did to your hair.” He moved you off-topic, and although you wanted to press more, you let it go.
“Thank you, Javi. I was hoping it would look okay on me.” You smoothed out your hair.
“You look more than okay. Mucho hermosa.” There was a glint in his eyes you hadn’t seen before, maybe something you hadn’t noticed. But how he looked at you made you feel like no one else was there. That you were alone but together in the other’s presence, that nothing could go wrong in the little world you created.
“T-thank you, b-but we should get going. I’m sure we need to take some photos.” Suddenly it felt harder to breathe, the need to say everything and anything simultaneously consuming you until you found an exit because you knew what would happen if you didn’t.
“You’re right. Let’s get going.” He led the way, and you took a deep breath, hoping you could hold it together for all the pictures. When you walked around from the fence and up the street, your families were waiting for you.
“¡Ahí tienes! no sabíamos dónde ustedes los dos.” Your mother and Javi’s mother were crying to see you both in your cap and gowns. Both families came around to hug you one by one and congratulate you.
“We wanted to wait until some people left.” You lied, and they seemed to either buy it or not care as they took out their cameras.
“That’s fine. But take a picture together!” Javi’s mother asked, and you both got closer, and he wrapped an arm around you, which satisfied both of your mothers.
“Nuestros bebĂ©s.” They said in unison. You both looked at each other and laughed, knowing they kept their promise to cry at your graduation.
“Javi, get behind her!” Your mother asked him. You were surprised, not thinking they would ask him to do that pose.
“Si! Wrap your arms around her.” His mother agreed, and he was puzzled now.
“Are they trying to make us look like a couple?” He asked you as he got behind you and wrapped his arms around you. The move alone made a swarm of butterflies go through you, but you maintained your composure.
“I wouldn’t put it past them.” You answered as he moved his head down more for the camera.
“Mija, necesito que sonrias.” You smiled for them, and the way Javi’s head was just above the crook of your neck was comforting. All the hugs you had culminated into this, even if it didn’t mean what you wanted it to mean. But to have him like this, you wouldn’t change anything.
And maybe that was why even when you moved out, you made a copy of that photo and kept it in your living room. Sure, memories could’ve been kept in a box, and there were other photos to use, but that photo was deep in your heart, the way he was deep in your soul.
With those memories that came flooding back, the question was imprinted into your mind, and you realized that this time, it wouldn’t leave until you got your long-awaited answer. “J-Javi? I feel like you’re leaving something out.”
“I don’t want to overwhelm you so soon.” You shook your head in response to him.
“Digame. Te prometo que puedo tomar lo que me digas.” You wanted, no, needed to hear what he had to say, whether it was good, bad, or indifferent. You would regret it if you let it go like you did at your graduation or every other instance where the question popped into your head.
“You mean everything to me, and I promise I’m not just saying that. You remind me of this quote I would always hear. TardĂ© una hora en conocerte y solo un dĂ­a en enamorarme. Pero me llevarĂĄ toda una vida lograr olvidarte.” Tears welled in your eyes, your answer finally in reach and not just a dream that would never leave your mind. 
“Javi, I never knew you felt that way.” You admitted, feeling your heart practically surge out of your chest. 
He wiped your eyes and then held your face with one hand. “I’ve felt that way for a long time, and it never stopped. I’ve always wanted you to be happy even if it was not with me, but now that I have my chance I’m taking it. I love you, I love you, I love you.”
“I love you too, Javi. I realized I loved you a few years back and it hasn’t changed for me since then.” He was surprised, and you wondered how he couldn’t see after all these years that you were irrevocably in love with him.
“Since we were teens, but it hit me at our graduation. Since then, I always had a little bit of hope but with who you were dating, I always pushed it down.”
He pinched the skin in between his brows with his other hand. “I never would’ve dated those girls if I knew you felt the same way. I always wanted you, and I want you right now.”
“And I want you and only you.” 
Time stood still after that. The admission out there, hearts on the line, a breakup was long forgotten as he never made you feel what Javi made you feel. The list could go on with how Javi treated you miles better than any guy you dated: safe, loved, cared for, appreciated, and special. But the energy had shifted, the air grew thicker, tension rising between you of a “Should we, should we not?” that seemed to blur the already thin line of friends to lovers you hadn’t realized was eroded. But that question was answered when he kissed you, gentle at first yet firm. 
You could faintly taste the whiskey on his lips, making you want more as it tasted better on him. His cologne was a little faded, but you could still smell it, which gave him a huskiness that you loved about him. You brought your hands up to his hair, finally raking through his curls as you had dreamed about doing for years. His other hand moved down to your body and slowly inched to your waist, careful not to overstep as you were still testing the waters. But you didn’t need to try anything when this was safe, exciting, and taking up your thoughts so that it would be all you would think about for days. You pulled a little on his hair, making him groan against your lips.
“Something you like?” You asked in between the kiss.
“Possibly,” Javi murmured before biting your lip, making you moan. He smiled against your lips when he heard you, and you knew that Javi would enjoy every bit of seeing what other sounds he could get out of you. 
“A little noisy aren’t we?” He pulled back to brush the hair out of your face, and you rolled your eyes.
“I can keep quiet.” You tried to be serious, but he didn’t buy it.
“You’re not going to because I want to hear you, and I’ll get it out of you.” His confidence surprised you.
“Who says you’ll get it out of me?” You asked, but he didn’t answer, instead opting to kiss you again and, in the middle of it, tugging on your lip before biting again. You moaned again, and he smiled, knowing he had proved his point. But that was forgotten soon after as his kiss made you feel drunk. If there was ever a time when you accidentally kissed him before this, you probably wouldn’t have waited this long to kiss him. The urge to keep going was igniting more as each second passed, and you knew it wouldn’t cease fire until your deepest desire was fulfilled. 
But then it increased ten-fold when his tongue pressed against your parted lips, making a shiver run through you. You opened them up without hesitation, allowing him to dive in just enough to experiment with you. With that, you could taste more of the whiskey, and the smell of his cologne intensified, making you clench your legs further, trying to quell your desire. But Javi felt your legs move and opened them up by pushing his hand down from your waist and between your legs, prying them open. His hand rested between your thighs, gripping a little, making you clench around nothing, given that you were wearing a dress and you could feel him fully. Oh, how badly you wanted him to remove the rest of your clothes so you could feel him skin-to-skin.
Perhaps your senses were overloaded, but his smell was intoxicating, his taste was addicting, to touch each other was electrifying, to hear how breathless he was as he kissed you, and to see how much he desired you was everything to you. With each second that passed, you craved more, and so did he, surprising you based on how he pulled you into his lap with one swift pull on your leg. His hands trailed up from your hips to your waist, holding you up as you grinded on his lips slowly.
“You’re a fucking tease.” He muttered, trailing his lips down to your chin and then jaw.
“What am I doing?” Your faked oblivious nature earned an eye roll from Javi.
“You know exactly what you’re doing.” His voice had dropped an octave when you grinded more, his dick growing and grazing you when you couldn’t wait to pull him out of his pants.
“Do you want me to stop?” You asked, looking at him as you further tangled your fingers into his hair.
“Never.” He kissed down to your neck, making you suck in a breath. Sensitivity increasing with each kiss, you knew he was reaching your sweet spot. And once he did, the sound he elicited from you made him twitch in his pants. He wanted more out of you, to give you everything you didn’t have with Angel. He wanted to worship your body, learn every inch of you, and memorize each crevice to shower you with love. There would never be another day where you felt that you were simply there while those you were with did their business. Every day would be a day where Javi could tangle himself into the sheets with you, let your wanton sounds fill the room along with his moans and grunts, and fill you up with each climax in every position he could do with you. He had you in his grasp, and he was wrapped around your finger.
Javi sucked on your sweet spot, making you whine as you tried to get used to his kisses. He was leaving a hickey, and while you usually didn’t like them, the thought of hickeys or love bites lined on your skin, a reminder of your desires manifesting into reality, made your core begin to throb. And thankfully, he didn’t stop at one. He made his mark and kissed it one last time before grabbing your ass and smacking it. It caught you off guard, and the sound you let out let him know that you enjoyed it.
“Do you want to take this to my room?” He asked.
“I’m sure. Take me there, please.” Javi smiled at your answer, grabbing your hips and getting up so he could carry you to his room. He kissed you briefly as he found his way to his room, kicking the room open before letting you down onto your feet again. He pulled off his shirt before helping you pull down the straps of your dress. He loved this color on you, complimenting your skin perfectly no matter how much you said it was a simple dress. But to take it off of you, to see the way it draped off of your breasts, falling down to the floor and drinking you in, Javi knew that he would never get tired of the sight.
Immediately, he bent down to your chest to place more hickeys on you. He wanted the reminder just as much as you did, to wake up the following day and look at his form of art on your body. He left another, and another, making a little trail that he could trace with his finger when the sun would bathe his room, and he would wait for you to get up. Finally, he reached your breasts, and his breath hit your nipple, making it hard for him.
“I take it you’re sensitive here?” His smirk let you know that he knew the answer, but you wanted to play coy.
“Maybe, maybe not.”
“Just maybe you say,” He trailed off as he licked your nipple before putting it in his mouth, keeping eye contact with you as you moaned. He swirled his tongue around, making goosebumps rise. He hummed as your head rolled back, the vibrations making you ruin your panties little by little. You put your hands in his hair again, tugging as he moved to the next one to give them equal attention. 
How did he make this so hot, turning you on before he even got to your core, where if you were lying down in bed you would be taking control and putting him inside you yourself. He was completely different than all the men you had been with. Rushed, lack of effort, lack of attention to your needs. But Javi paid close attention to you, seeing that if you liked the way he licked or nibbled on your nipple, he would do it again and again and again. His attention to you never waved, only it increased as he moved from your breasts down to your stomach, peppering kisses that made your heart skip a beat.
Javi reached for your panties, dragging his hands to their hem and looking at you to give the okay. You wanted him to pull them down, but you suddenly felt bad. “Javi, I want to make you feel good as well.” He got up and cupped your face. 
“DĂ©jame cuidarte. Te darĂ© todo lo que te mereces.” Your heart melted, and your core ached at those words, but it didn’t shake your guilt.
“But-” It was on the tip of your tongue, and Javi knew what it was.
“Cariño, you are beautiful. Everything about you is beautiful to me.” He reassured you before he planted a kiss on your cheek.
“How can you say that when this is your first time seeing me like this?”
“Yes, this is my first time seeing you naked, pero, amo todo de tĂ­,” He kissed your forehead first. “Amo tu frente, ojos, nariz, mejillas, labios, mandĂ­bula, cuello, senos, estĂłmago, caderas, muslos, pantorrillas, tobillos, pies.” He kissed you all the way down your body, touching you softly and finally kissing his hand to place onto your feet. “Y lo que aĂșn no he explorado sĂ© que me encantarĂĄ es tu culo, y tu coño.” Javi kissed your clothed core, making you tense a bit. 
You nodded your head and allowed him to pull them down, and you saw his mouth water when he could see your wetness pooling. You stepped out of your panties and spread your legs a little, allowing him to swipe a finger up your slit to gather your slick, putting his finger in his mouth and tasting you. The look that he gave you of pure adoration and attraction made you weak at the knees as he wasted no time in diving in with his mouth, tongue spreading your lips, and getting up everything he could in your slit. You were caught off guard by how he moved his hands up to your ass to keep you in place as he got up everything he could. But then, he latched on to your clit and sucked, licked, and hummed, making you moan his name like a chant that wouldn’t end until you came.
“Javi, fuck that feels really good.” You praised, tugging at his hair again as he hummed louder and sucked more feverishly. Pleasure, ecstasy, bliss, cloud nine, all the words you could think of couldn’t compare to how this felt. You were surprised you could think at this point given how the pleasure was building in your stomach at top speed, and when his skilled fingers pressed in between your folds and into your dripping core, you were gone. Matching pace with his mouth, taking his time to find your spot, and then hooking on to it repeatedly, the curl beckoning you to gush on his fingers. You didn’t need him to ask you, and before you could register what was happening, you came hard. Walls pulsing, clenching around Javi’s fingers. clit throbbing, overstimulated, yet you couldn’t pull off as he rode you through your orgasm. The hairs on your neck stood high as you slowly descended from your high. How you were still standing was a mystery, but you were grateful when he finally pulled you off to pick you up and lay you on the bed. 
“God, you taste so fucking good.” He whispered as he kissed your hips before diving in again. His hands hooked onto your hips, allowing your thighs to press against his head as he lapped up everything. You gripped his sheets, whining as he fingered you again while licking your juices. He swapped between licking it off his fingers and pushing his tongue in to get it faster. You started to rock your hips against his mouth to get what you wanted, and he could feel his dick getting rock hard over how needy you were for him.
“Javi, fuck I-please don’t stop!” Your mind failed you at making a coherent and complete sentence, but he knew what you needed as he focused on sucking your clit and fingering you again. Your overstimed clit made you whimper, but it soon turned into praise for Javi as he brought you to your second orgasm, making your roll your hips and your legs shake as it hit you again. Harder than before, your eyes rolling back as he never lost his grip on you. Two orgasms in a short time, yet you still needed him inside you. Your vision cleared up when he pulled up from your thighs and you saw your slick lining his lips. He licked it up before kissing you, your hands trailing down to help him out of his pants.
“I need you. I really fucking need you.” You whispered against his lips. Your fingers fumbled with his button, but you got it unhooked, one hand holding himself up as he tried to get them off with your help. He stood up a bit to fully get those and his boxers off before climbing back on top of you. Your hands found their way to his dick after you spat in your hand, and you stroked him slowly, feeling the veins you wanted to feel against your walls. He sucked in a deep breath as you stroked from tip to base, kissing his jaw and neck. It was a little hard to wrap your hand around his dick, given his above-average girth, but it was something you would enjoy as he got deep inside you. His tip was curved as well, giving you an idea. You swiped your thumb over the tip, and the coating of pre-cum made your mouth water as you wanted to taste him, let him cum down your throat, and let his moans fill the room. Your fantasy made you focus on the tip, going faster and your thumb circling around the tip as he let out a gasp.
“Fuck, baby. J-Just like that.” He rasped out, letting his head fall and bite your neck. You kept pace, knowing you had him right where you wanted him. He was unraveling for you as you did for him, and perhaps you would make him cum from a handjob alone before he could thrust deep inside you to give you what you both desired. But he moved your hand away and moved up, to which you looked down and saw how painfully hard he was.
“If you keep going like that I’ll cum on your stomach.” He admitted, and the vision of him spilling on your stomach was making you burn red hot.
“Well, now I know what to do in the future.” You smiled, and he kissed you again, reaching for his condom. You watched him put it on, rolling it down and seeing the way it fit him, stretching for him as you were going to do for him. With it on, he slotted himself between your legs, letting the tip rub on your lips. It made you roll your hips so the tip could slip between your folds, knowing that your clit was overstimulated to the point where every touch would make you jolt. His tip brushed against your clit, and you moaned into his mouth while your kiss got very messy, very fast. Needing to hear your moans again, he matched your rocking to keep brushing against your sensitive clit, the sensation almost too much for you.
“You’re so wet, hermosa. Did I do this to you?” He asked, pulling back where you could see the smirk lining his lips and for him to see your reaction.
“Y-you did. Fuck, please don’t stop.” You stammered out, the ability to speak fading further away.
“I need to feel you baby. I need to feel you cum on my dick.” He took his hand and swiped up in your slit, gathering your slick on his fingers and stroking himself with it, making sure he could slide in without a hitch. He stroked himself while looking at you, and to see how badly he wanted you was still unbelievable. He noticed your nervousness and stopped, leaning down to kiss your forehead.
“Hey, there’s nothing to be nervous about. If you want me to stop, I will.” He reassured you, still giving you an out knowing that this was a lot to take in.
“It’s not that. I really want this but Javi
your gaze, it’s intimidating.” You admitted.
“Baby, I’ve enjoyed looking at you before this happened and now. I don’t mean to intimidate you, but remember, it’s just me. Nothing’s really changed, okay?” It was partly a lie to say nothing changed when you were just given two mind-blowing orgasms, but Javi knew how to make your heart melt even when it was racing out of your chest.
“I know. But
he never looked at me like that.” His face changed when he said it, wanting to give you everything you deserved as you deserved to feel desired, wanted, and beautiful. 
“If he doesn't wanna make you feel pretty, I'll show you how fucking pretty you are.” His tip was still near your hole, making it easier for him to slide in, causing you to gasp and clench around it. Your hands moved up on his body, hooking onto his back. He felt perfect inside you, filling and stretching you out more than you could imagine. 
“You feel so good, baby.” He moaned out as he finished filling you up, inch by inch. Still comfortable inside you, yet the stretch was something you would never get enough of. He let you adjust, kissing your forehead again to give you time. 
“You feel so much better. Please move,” Javi moved right away, slowly pulling out and pushing in while you pulsed around him each time. You wrapped your legs around him and scratched his back, making him moan. You wanted to leave marks on his back as he wanted to leave love bites on you.
“That’s it, baby. Scratch my back and leave marks on me,” He sped up, letting the sounds of how wet you were for him fill the room. You scratched his upper back a little more, making him fuck you harder. His curved tip brushed closer to your spot, and when he decided to thrust up into you, you were pleasantly overstimulated. 
“I told you I was going to get more sounds out of you.” You rolled your eyes as he laughed, but you were rolling your eyes back when he continued to fuck you. Yet, he was not rough with you. He moved his hand to go underneath your neck and bring you closer to him, the other holding him up so he would not have too much of his weight on you. Javi made sure that you were enjoying yourself, his tenderness evident. Patience, tenderness, and love were evident, especially when you looked at him and saw how he looked at you with adoration, lust, and love. You were aglow in his gaze, not intimidating once you got used to it, and you never wanted to leave. 
But those three words were lodged in your throat, threatening to come out despite your efforts to suppress them. The nerves were rising, but you blurted it out faster than you could’ve covered it up. “I love you,Javi.”
“I love you too. Always have, always will.” Javi didn’t break eye contact as he said it, and you could see he was serious. He leaned down to kiss you again, pouring all his love into it. It felt different at this juncture, but you were willing to continue down this path with him for as long as you could.
But what you couldn’t hold on to was your composure once it started to build in your lower stomach, the tension increasing with each thrust and your previous orgasms playing into it. Javi could feel you tighten around him more, which made him leave your lips again so he could watch you cum. He moved his hand away from your neck and between you both, slipping his fingers right to your clit and rubbing small circles to inch you closer to your release.
“You’re doing so good baby. I’m so proud of you.” He praised, and your whine in return made his tip twitch. You kept pulsing, legs tightening around him, letting him know you were close. “Cum for me baby, please. Make a mess for me.” 
You scratched his back hard, cumming all over just as he asked you to do. It was intense, your legs feeling like jelly and goosebumps rising by the second. And to see the way you threw your head back in ecstasy ignited something in him. He had to fuck you through it, had to make you feel everything all at once because your pleasure was all he cared about. But alas, you came down, completely spent after all he did. But if he asked for another, you would do it all over again, loving the way he would watch you cum for him with absolute attentiveness.
Thankfully, Javi moved his hand away from your sensitive clit to hold himself up, knowing his climax was near. You could feel him lose control, seeing how he bit his lip and how he wanted to savor each moment with how good it felt to feel your pulse around him. He was in a state of ecstasy as well, and he never wanted to leave it.
“F-fuck, I’m getting close.” He thrusted faster, desperation taking over to cum deep inside you. 
“Please cum for me Javi. Soy todo tuyo.” Those last three words pushed him closer to the edge.
“Mi mente, cuerpo, y alma es tuyo.” Javi barely got it out before he came, grunting as he spilled inside the condom when he would much rather spill inside you. His thrusts were rough, needing to have every inch deep inside you. You pulsed around him to overstimulate him, to which he was not surprised when another drop of cum shot out in response to your actions.
You could tell he was tired, so you held him close, allowing him to rest a little on top of you so he could catch his breath. Your hands went up to his hair, playing in it as he rubbed his thumb back and forth on your hip. Skin-to-skin, completely bare, but not just in the physical sense. It was in every sense as you had previously shed all your layers with him, letting him see the deepest parts of you as he did with you. This was simply the final layer, but it was the most fitting after developing everything else with him over the years.
"If you keep playing in my hair like that I'll fall asleep on you." He mumbled, eliciting a laugh out of you. You both stayed in that position briefly, the closeness comforting you and reminding you that this was not a dream. 
Sadly, he did get up to pull out of you, throw the condom out, and get some towels to clean you both up. He wiped you down first, removing any sweat and cleaning up the wetness between your thighs. Once he wiped himself down and put them in the bin, he got right back into bed with you and pulled you close, allowing you to rest your head on his chest.
“How are you feeling?” He asked, a hand rubbing your back. 
“I’m feeling pretty good. How are you feeling?” 
“Amazing,” He admitted, making you laugh. “But are you okay with everything that happened?”
“Of course I am. I wouldn’t have done any of that if I didn’t feel right about it. But are you okay with what we did?” You craned your neck up to look at him.
“I am, but I just want to be sure. You know I love you.” To hear him say it with a different meaning brought a smile to your face. 
“I love you, Javi.” Your tiredness was hitting you hard, your voice much softer than before. You moved your head back down to lay on his chest comfortably.
“And I love you, mi flor. I’ll take you out this weekend.” 
“Are you asking me on a date?” You asked as he drew circles on your back.
“Yes I am.”
“Then ask me properly.” He moved back so he could face you properly.
“Will you go out on a date with me this weekend?” He asked, and you loved the fact that he asked you properly.
“Yes I will, but we don’t have to go out this weekend since I know you have work. We can always go the following weekend.” You didn’t want to strain him, but he didn’t have it.
“I’m taking you out because I want to. You deserve to be shown off and treated right, so I’m taking you out this weekend.” You admired his insistence, even though there was stubbornness laced in.
“You’re so bossy all the time.” You rolled your eyes at him.
“It’s not bossy if you like it.” He shot back, and you would never admit that he was right.
“Maybe I do.” You tried to play it off, but there was no use.
“Just maybe? Because just a little earlier you liked it when I-“ You shushed him with a kiss.
You pulled back and rested your head back on his chest. “Don’t finish that. Just go to sleep.” 
“I will, but I find it funny that this was a complete change from our usual breakup routine.” The realization hit you since this was a complete change. 
“Yeah it is. But I think I like this one more.”
“Well there won’t be another routine after this.” Oh, he was certain of it.
“And you’re so sure of that?” You challenged, but he didn’t back down.
“Positive.” Without saying it, you knew that he was not planning on going anywhere, and neither were you.
“Of course you are. But goodnight, Javi. I love you.” As you closed your eyes, you slurred your words, but you knew you were safe.
“I love you more. Goodnight.”
Escuchame - Listen to me
Mirame - Look at me
Pero dime - But tell me
Bonita - Pretty
Mas hermosa - Most beautiful
ÂĄAhĂ­ tienes! no sabĂ­amos dĂłnde ustedes los dos - There you are! we didn't know where you two were.
Nuestros bebés - Our babies
Mija, necesito que sonrias - My daughter (this is the direct translation but can also mean darling) I need you to smile.
Digame. Te prometo que puedo tomar lo que me digas - Tell me. I promise I can take what you tell me.
Tardé una hora en conocerte y solo un día en enamorarme. Pero me llevarå toda una vida lograr olvidarte. - It took me an hour to meet you and only one day to fall in love. But it will take me a lifetime to forget you.
ÂżCuando? - When?
Déjame cuidarte. Te daré todo lo que te mereces - Let me take care of you. I'll give you everything you deserve.
Cariño - From my understanding, it can mean a lot of things, but it is mostly a term of affection, like cute or sweetheart.
Pero, amo todo de tĂ­ - But I love everything about you
Amo tu frente, ojos, nariz, mejillas, labios, mandĂ­bula, cuello, senos, estĂłmago, caderas, muslos, pantorrillas, tobillos, pies. Y lo que aĂșn no he explorado sĂ© que me encantarĂĄ es tu culo, y tu coño. - I love your forehead, eyes, nose, cheeks, lips, jaw, neck, breasts, stomach, hips, thighs, calves, ankles, feet. And what I haven't explored yet I know I'll love is your ass, and your pussy.
Hermosa - Gorgeous
Soy todo tuyo - I am all yours
Mi mente, cuerpo, y alma es tuyo - My mind, body and soul are yours
Mi flor - My flower
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dr-spencer-reids-queen · 9 months
Rational Fear
Pairing: Emily Prentiss x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~800
Warnings: fear of needles, fear of getting blood drawn, fluff at the end
Request by @sylvanianlucy: could you write somethign about the reader being afraid of needles. i'm REALLY scared of them and still cry when i get shots no matter how old I am. Thank you!
Summary: you are deathly afraid of needles and you have an appointment to get your blood drawn coming up. How will you ever be okay with going?
Square Filled: grabbed by the chin for @badthingshappenbingo
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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Today is not your best day. Things started going wrong the second you woke up. You slept through your phone alarms, there was no hot water for your shower, your coffee machine exploded on you which caused you to go change, and the bus was late to pick you up. You don’t own a car since you live so close to work that you can take the bus.
All of this is the reason why you have been chewing on your nails since the moment you got onto the bus, and why your hair is a tangled mess from you pulling on it. Not to mention you didn’t get a lot of sleep last night, so your eyes are a bit red.
You keep your head down when you walk into the bullpen. The B Team is in the air today, so you have a day of catching up on paperwork. If you’re lucky, you don’t have to talk to anyone. Everyone is in the break room getting their daily dose of caffeine so you quickly hide at your desk and pretend to be super busy so they won’t bother you.
When you log into your computer, a calendar notification pops up on the top right of the screen. When you read it, your blood instantly turns to ice. A chill runs down your spine as fear seeps into your skin. Just breathe, Y/N. You’re going to be okay. In
 You can’t seem to tear your eyes away from the notification so you wait until it disappears. It’s gone but the fear is still there.
There’s nothing to be scared of. No one dies from having their blood taken. A medical professional is going to be there the entire time. They know what they’re doing. They do it every day to millions of people. You’re being irrational. Then why are your palms sweaty, your heart racing, and your entire body shivering? Even the thought of being anywhere near needles makes your blood run cold. You hate needles. You hate what they look like. You hate the thought of one. You hate one making contact with your skin.
Even as a child, needles scared the shit out of you. You’d watch horror movies that involve them which would scare the shit out of you. People in those movies would always misuse them for nefarious purposes, and your little brain thought that’s what people actually did in real life. Nothing traumatic happened to you involving needles but something doesn’t have to be traumatic for you to fear it.
This is one of those times.
Emily walks in with two coffees in her hand; one for you and one for her. It doesn’t matter if you’ve made one for yourself in the break room because she always has the better kind. She sees you at your desk and hops over with a smile on her face.
“I have a present for you,” she sings. When you don’t turn to face her, her smile is lost. She sets both coffees on her desk and looks at you to see just how much of a mess you are. “What’s wrong? Are you okay?” All you can do is shake your head. “Would you like to go somewhere more private?” You nod. “Come on.”
She takes your hand and notices how clammy it is. You’re nervous about something and she is going to be there for whatever it is. She takes you to an empty office and closes the door to ensure privacy. If this were anyone else, you wouldn’t think about spilling but this is Emily. You have a massive crush on her and she is your biggest supporter in everything you do.
“I have an appointment today after work,” you whisper and look down. “I’m scared.”
“Of what?” she asks kindly.
“I have to get my blood drawn. I’m terrified of needles. I don’t know why I am. All I know is that I even think about them and my whole body freezes. I know it’s childish,” you sigh.
Emily gently grabs your chin and lifts it so you’re looking up at her.
“No fear is childish. If it scares you, then it’s real. It’s okay to be scared of needles. It’s not an uncommon fear.”
“But I don’t have a legitimate reason to be scared of them. I wasn’t traumatized or anything. I’m just scared of them.”
“That doesn’t matter. A fear is a fear and it’s valid because it affects you.”
“I don’t want to go to the doctor’s alone.”
“Who says you have to be alone?” she grins and sits next to you.
“You’d come with me?”
“I’d go with you to the end of the world if you asked me to. I’m going to be right there next to you,” she grabs your hand, “holding your hand.”
“Thank you,” you whisper.
“Anything for you. I mean it,” she smiles back.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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chaoticgeminate · 2 years
Kinktober 2022 - Day Sixteen
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Pairing: Javi Gutierrez x f!Reader
Rating: Explicit (If that was not entirely clear)
Series Summary: You’re a fanfiction writer turned novelist, which was great since it was the path you wanted your writing to take you down in life. What you never thought would happen was meeting the Javier Gutierrez, who you actively write smutty fanfiction about from his film with Nic Cage, and you especially didn’t expect him to have a crush on you.
Fast forward several months of dating, with a good chunk of your relationship being distance due to his constant traveling and having to go home to Mallorca, when he surprises you with a prompt list and a vacation planned around exploring it.
You haven’t even worked up the nerve to tell him about what you write and post to Tumblr about him as a character yet.
Notes: Going to be using prompts from @ the-purity-pen for my meta as hell indulgence! There are feelings in this (I have no idea how they got there) and I may end up removing some possible chapters here and there depending on how I’m feeling, I apologize in advance if that happens because my brain is super mean sometimes.
Possible Warnings: Unintentional snooping, bath/shower sex
Bath/Shower Sex (1.6k)
Javi’s alarms woke you up, your boyfriend snoring away beside you, and it took a minute for you to realize you were in one of the guest rooms as you grabbed the device and dismissed the alarm before Javi was disturbed. You wanted to treat him to breakfast, and clean up your mess, so you took the device with you since you could play some music with it while you cooked given that your phone was dead after not getting charged the day before. One of the curses of Bluetooth tech, a sour reminder, was that your phone battery had been drained to and from the little get together.
You also kind of wanted to go back in time and tell yourself to punch Paulina, just once.
Knowing what happened to Javi, what he’d thought was okay for her to do, had only made it that much more infuriating when she’d tried to act like she was somehow better than you. With those storming thoughts floating around your head it was a bit of a surprise to see that the door and the spot in front of the door were already clean, Javi definitely had done it since Lorna used the kitchen entrance whenever she was here, and you set the device on the countertop carefully before unlocking it. Javi’s music library was pretty extensive, sure, but there were a few things you wanted to hear that he didn’t have in his Spotify library.
Instead of logging him out of the app or anything you popped open the browser to log in there and blinked for a moment as it opened the prior session tabs, you had to giggle at Javi for not closing things out properly since it was something he was notorious for doing. But as the page loaded you felt your chest tighten, felt every little muscle in your body seize up, the sight of your Spanking ficlet on Javi’s screen making you suck in a sharp breath.
It had to be a coincidence.
This was an old session, from days ago, there was no fucking way he’d figured you out.
Unless he’d known from the beginning.
But you paused when you noticed, in the bottom corner of the screen, your Tumblr icon with a little gray circle. This was someone you talked to, someone you messaged, and you paced around the kitchen to grab the ingredients for breakfast as you tried to figure out just who it was that Javi could be without invading his privacy and looking.
You nearly dropped everything you had grabbed, chest tight as you caught barely managed to throw everything on the counter and stared at the doorway for a minute. It only made sense, it made so much sense, the username and the way he spoke?
Javi was also Amigo-con-Cage.
Friend of Cage.
Friend of Nic-fucking-Cage.
A loud chime from his tablet ripped you out of the spiral of panicked thoughts, wondering how long he’d known -if he knew at all- just who you were on Tumblr, and you buried your face in your hands with a low groan. This wasn’t a bad thing, it couldn’t be a bad thing, he was so supportive of you on Tumblr itself and he hadn’t outright dismissed you being a fanfic writer.
All you had to do was find the courage to tell him who you were.
A loud call of your name made you nearly panic, opening Spotify in a new tab of the browser and turning your music on low.
“In the kitchen, Javi!”
Hurrying to get to work on food, the prep blessedly minimal, you could hear the sound of Javi’s bare feet padding along the tile floor. Your boyfriend pressed a kiss to the back of your shoulders and hugged you from behind, draping his body over yours as he hummed along to the song playing.
“I am being spoiled, a beautiful woman making me breakfast?”
“You spoiled me this morning, and cleaned up after both of us, this is the least I could do to show you how much I appreciate you Javi.”
“Cute thing.” His rapid, chaste, kisses were sweet as he peppered them along your temple and the side of your face, making you giggle as you tried to keep cooking; but Javi did relent when you reminded him you were currently in front of a stove, going to make coffee instead of trying to distract you.
Working in tandem with Javi was easy, he just made everything easy, and your mouth opened and closed a few times as you tried to make the words come out. Tried to just confess so that this twisting feeling in your tummy would go away. It wasn’t until you were sitting beside him, when Javi reached for his tablet to turn the music off, that you realized he was going to see what you had seen too if he closed the tab out.
But you watched him do what he always did, the way he pressed the pause button and just put the browser session to sleep, and instead of relief that nervousness only got worse.
“Javi I need to tell you something.”
His eyes lifted to you, both worried and curious, and you pushed your breakfast around on your plate before finally finding the nerve to risk everything.
“I uh, part of why I don’t mention my writing around you is because I
 I’ve written about Joaquin. About you.”
He whispered your Tumblr username- your private one- quietly into the space between you both and you nodded since words just weren’t happening.
“Then I should confess that not only have I read your work but
 but I’ve also suspected since Wednesday. When you had that meeting with Maxie, I wanted to turn on a film but you’d left your document up and when I minimized it your Tumblr page was loaded.”
The fact that his immediate reaction wasn’t outright rage had you staring at him, that he was so calm about this, and hope burned lightly in your chest at the idea that it wasn’t going to be something he tried to hold above you.
“I am sorry, for accidentally invading your privacy, Solecita, can you forgive me?”
He was apologizing, to you, even though you felt like you had more of a reason to apologize to him in this situation.
“Only if you can forgive me for still writing fanfiction about you without actually, uh, telling you first or getting your consent.”
Javi’s brows furrowed.
“Soleciata, you have said it yourself in your notes and warnings, your stories are about the character of Joaquin and not me as a person. I know that you have separated he and I, it is not a matter to forgive at all.”
Every little ounce of tension disappeared, leaving you feeling weightless and more in love than you thought possible, and Javi leaned over to capture your mouth in a kiss that both of you were smiling into. You couldn’t help the tears of relief that pooled in your eyes, that Javi kissed away, and breakfast was put away in the fridge untouched as he pulled you to the main floor lounge and just laid there with you as he told you about how he’d even found your stories on Tumblr to begin with.
About how long he’d been a fan of yours.
About how relieved he was that it was you.
By the time you’d both managed to get all the words out, all the feelings, about how convoluted your entanglement actually was you both opted to eat breakfast cold and just spend the day lying in bed together.
Javi was curled around your back and you had your laptop open, reading him excerpts from your stories and notes of research you’d done for different stories of yours, and in return he shared how accurate or far from things you actually had been.
“Even before I met you, actually met you at that workshop, it felt like you knew and understood me.”
His whispered confession made you turn around in his arms and kiss him, nothing more than just languid affection, and by the time he convinced you to shower with him you were positive that you would propose to this man yourself. You’d use a damn ring pop if you had to, but there wasn’t any way you were letting him go.
Javi groaned softly as you began shampooing his hair for him, scratching and massaging his scalp as the suds were lathered up, all while he just held your waist and pressed soapy kisses to your cheeks. He only laughed when you shoved his head under the spray after he tried to kiss you on the mouth with soapy lips before you were pressed into the heated tile walls of the shower after his hair and face were rinsed off properly.
Hands wandered, slick from the water as he played with your breasts and you began kissing the fading marks on his skin, and it didn’t take long for him to have you panting and begging him to fill you. The feeling of his cock sliding into you made you sigh and Javi groaned when your muscles fluttered around him.
“So good to me, Solecita, thank you for trusting me. For being vulnerable and open to me.”
“Thank you for loving me, Javi, for not judging me and letting me just be me.”
The softness faded to hunger, to his hips rolling against yours, it wasn’t fast or hurried but sloe and intense. The roll of his hips grinding deeper, stroking that spot that made your body ignite like wildfire, and you fell apart with him whispering how much he loved you and how he would never let you think he was against what you did.
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All Fics Taglist: @hardc0rehaylz @wordsnwhiskey @pagannightwitch @radiowallet @musings-of-a-rose @amneris21 @trickstersp8 @practicalghost @rominaszh @alwaysdjarin @alexxavicry
Just Pedro Taglist: @maievdenoir @beecastle @littlemisspascal @writeforfandoms @AynsleyWalker @lovesbiggerthanpride @mswarriorbabe80
Alt Taglist: @imtryingmybeskar @fan-of-encouragement @grogusmum @sizzlingcloudmentality @deadhumourist @prostitute-robot-from-the-future
Kinktober Only: @nicolethered @katareyoudrilling
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Word Boyfriends (A Frog x Duck Word World Fanfic) #1
A/N: Hey I know what you are thinking. Why am I writing a fanfic for some children’s show that literally educates babies how to read letters? Well, in a nutshell, it is a show that I’ve never got to experience in my childhood. I’m going to be 18 literally next year, but that won’t stop me from writing about my current hyper-fixation. This will be a series of fanfics that I might as well post on Tumblr. Take note that this fanfic will take place a bunch of years after the end of the series; therefore, it will be safe for work and fluffy (To be honest, I don’t do raunchy literature anyway.) Welp. Hopefully you’ll feel nostalgic reading this. ʕ ᔔᎄᔔ ʔ
It was a beautiful night in Word World, and Frog and Duck were settling down on the couch after a long day of celebrating with their friends. Now it is time to relax a little.
The living room in Frog and Duck’s log was dimly lit, which had a comfortable liking to it. The house was all cleanly and well kept from the books being on their shelves - Duck is reading a lot now that he knows his letters well, the floors were swept, the dishes are done, and dusting was already done by Frog an hour ago.
“That party was something that we’ve never done before,” exclaimed Duck. “You’ve always thrown parties around your birthday Y’know?”
“Oh yeah. It was so much fun,” recalled Frog who was wrapping an arm around Duck; Duck rested on his shoulder comfortably. “But now I’m glad it’s over.”
“But why Frog?”
The amphibian word friend smiled gently looking at his partner with nice gentle eyes. “Because I get to spend the rest of the night with you.”
The yellow feathered word friend felt light red on his cheeks, and he felt a smile coming along. He quacked happily snuggling with his lover hugging his waist; Frog croaked in happy pleasure.
“Angel,” Duck said. “You make me the most happiest duck in Word World.”
“And you make me the most happiest Frog in Word World, too.”
They both sat embracing the moment of affection and comfort. They have always cuddled with each other and exchanged a few kisses here and there, and they both like being together. That’s why they’re boyfriends.
“I will say I’m in a mood for some leftover ice cream right now,” Frog said as he played with Duck’s hair feathers gently. “And then we can read your favorite book ‘Duck Saves the Day’.”
Before Duck could say anything else, a loud boom came from outside. It crackled and popped just like rice cereal when the milk gets on top of it, and Duck’s face turned from joyful to frightened. His eyes shrank, his smile went away, and he was gripping tight on Frog’s waist.
Frog looked outside from the window noticing that little drops of water was coming at a fast, fast pace - it was not pretty at all from the sounds that the sky made. He croaked and looked back to see his love curled up into a ball with the expression of fear streaking his face; therefore, he knew that he had to do something.
“Honey.” Frog calmly hopped towards Duck sitting next to him. He whispered “Hey. Is-is it okay if I help? What are you feeling?”
Duck was breathing a bit quicker than usual. Instead of steady breaths, he was breathing at a quicker speed with his hand over his chest. Frog was highly concerned and a bit fearful, but he had to understand what’s going on.
“I don’t want it to get me,” Duck shouted with each breath he took.
Frog was panicking on the inside and felt like he needed to do something, so he knew the first thing he had to do whenever Duck felt a strong emotion that he cannot control. He ran towards the bedroom and got the weighted blanked out from the bed that the couple usually sleep in.
He hopped back shushing him reminding Duck that he’s there. The poor word friend was shivering, and his body temperature was low.
“Duck,” Frog spoke softly bringing the love of his life closer near his chest. “I know you feel something, but I think I understand what’s going on.” He looked out the window and back at him. “You must be frightened by the loud noises of the thunderstorm outside, right?”
Duck glanced at him with tear streaked eyes and responded. “Yes. I’m feeling scared, and terrified too. I don’t like the storm. The noise scares me.” He nuzzles him on the neck still quivering. “I don’t want it to get me.”
Frog nuzzled his hair like feathers as if he’s petting Dog, a friend of everyone in Word World. He closed his eyes softly and took a deep breath of sorrow: he feels sad when his babe is upset. He felt rocks in his stomach and a verge of tears, and he remembers how the rain made him feel like he almost lost who he loved best.
“I understand how heavy that feeling is,” Frog recalled. “I remember when I couldn’t come to play with you because I was so scared of the rain. You know my skin feels uneasy and slimy when it touches me.” He lifts Duck’s chin up lightly like how a leaf gets picked up by the wind. “And I was afraid of telling you how I felt because I felt frightened by the fact that would laugh at me. But you helped me.” He smiled. “You built me a coat with the C and the O and A along with a T. I’ve never so excited about water my whole entire life!”
“Yeah. I remember,” Duck wiped the tears from his face - as a result, his eyes seemed a little bit red. “I felt so happy that you came out to play again. I liked riding that boat with Goat. He gave us some great advice: always follow where your hearts lead.”
The amphibian word boyfriend nodded in agreement and chuckled a bit. “I remember that advice too.”
The loud boom came again. BOOM! BOOM! Crackle

Still Duck held him snug and warm like a huge Build a Bear stuffed animal. His breathing was at a normal motion, he felt safe with the weighted blanket around him, his body temperature was warm. He felt comfortable. Frog felt the rocky feeling from his stomach lift up and he felt a warm feeling that can’t be explained but felt through his heart; therefore, the feeling was security and understanding.
“Yes. I think I did it all right,” he thought. “No actually, I did it well. I think we deserve what we needed in the first place: ice cream and a book.” Then he asked Duck, “How ‘bout we read whatever story you want?”
Duck lightened up. “Yeah. How about those poems me and you are working on in that journal?”
“Okay. Whatever you like,” Frog agreed. “I’ll get us the ice cream.”
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ofherlionheart · 2 years
Your Azula flat-earther post made me snort coffee into my nose and I followed immediately, only to find you’re the author of The Boo Chronicles!!! 😍😭🙌
I LOVE THAT SERIES SO MUCH. IT’S SO GOOD AND FUN AND NICE. I love your writing!! I hope you have a great day! 💕
hahaha omg thank you and hello! welcome to my little home of hardly curated but diligently tagged fandom and writing content! i hope ur nasal cavity has recovered
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harrysgoldenline · 3 years
can you pls write an angst where y/n went to her and harry's house that they bought or something like that in Italy to try to move on and go on with her life after harry broke up with her but then she never expected that harry will be there as well with his new gf.... you can end it whatever you like!! thank you
Word Count: 1.6K
Warnings: idk, sad I guess? also not proof read oops sorry lol
When In Italy
It has been three months since you’ve last seen or spoken to Harry. A very abrupt change after being together for four years, with constant talk of marriage and starting a family, the break up was something either of you really expected. It started as a break of sorts, eventually turning into a complete break up after only a couple weeks in a somewhat mutual way. With Harry's career taking off in so many different ways, with acting, the new tour and more, his life had changed completely and has left him very little time for anything else.
It went from daily phone and FaceTime calls, constant text messages and flowers being delivered to nothing.
“You really think that’s a good idea?” Your best friend asked you, concern plastered all over her face, “that won’t bring up too much?”
She had been sitting with you as you finished packing up your suitcase, trying her best to give you her support as you were going to be going on a spur of the moment trip to Italy and staying at the home of you and Harry, needing the much needed getaway and disconnecting completely. Seeing different things online about him all the time didn’t make it any easier and no matter how hard you tried to avoid it, he always found his way to pop up.
“I just need a break, everything here is a reminder to.” You sigh, “I just want a change of scenery. I think it’ll be good for me.”
“I hope so
” she frowned, looking up at you with a sad smile, “please don’t just sit there in the house all alone. Go out, meet some local Italian men!”
“I’m definitely not ready for that.” You say, forcing a laugh as you close your suitcase, zipping it up and placing it on the floor by your door, “but I will really try, I promise. I will call you if I need you and you can come out?”
“Hell yeah I can.” She laughs, standing up and giving you a hug, “and you’re really going right now?”
You bite your bottom lip as your eyes fill up with tears, nodding quickly as you look at her and she quickly pulled you in a tight hug.
“You can do this.”
You pulled your suitcase through the front door, waving goodbye to the driver as you turned around to close the door behind you as they left you alone in the house that has so many memories inside. You pause at the door, taking a couple deep breaths as you look around and try and keep your mind at bay before walking to the guest bedroom, deciding the main bedroom was too much and the guest bedroom was already way nicer than your apartment.
After taking the time to unpack, knowing you would stay awhile, you put away your things into the various drawers and closet in the room. You keep out a swimsuit and change into it quickly, sliding a simple dress overtop before walking out onto the balcony attached to the bedroom, taking in the smell of the ocean and beautiful view, memories overwhelming your senses.
“Well don’t you look absolutely stunning.” You can practically hear him say all over again, reliving the memory as if it was actually happening, “ ‘m the luckiest man in the world.”
You remember him coming up behind you, arms tight around your waist as his head rested on your shoulder, soft kisses being pressed along your shoulder as you leaned back into him, a large smile covering both of your faces before you leaned your head back, connecting your lips before he pulled back.
“I can’t decide
” He had whispered, connecting your lips again.
“Decide what?” You had giggled, turning around to face him, arms resting around his shoulders as his came around your waist.
“If I want to get married here or have our honeymoon here.”
You shuddered slightly as the memory came back, letting out a deep breath before packing a beach bag quickly and leaving the house just as fast, taking a walk down to the private beach and settling yourself in a lounge chair. Applying your sunscreen you could almost convince yourself it was him applying it on you like he always would do, large hands massaging it into your skin.
You push the thought away as you grab your phone, playing music softly to try and distract your mind. Your fingers hovered over your different social media apps, wanting desperately to just give it a quick click, wondering if you could get any update on where he could be from his fans, posts always finding their way on your feed. Instead, you hold it down, deleting all of the various apps and throwing your phone down on your bag, grabbing your book and letting the music play, opening to the first page to try and escape into the new world.
After a few hours been spent peacefully on the beach, you decided to head back to the house to take a nice bubblebath and order yourself some dinner, deciding that you would go to town the next morning in order to cook some of your own meals. The walk back to the house was more enjoyable this time and you began to feel a sense of hope as you approached the house, your heart not clenching in as much pain as it originally had done when you first pulled up to the house earlier that day.
Using your keys, you unlocked the back door, locking it behind you again as soon as you got inside, making your way to the bathroom right away and letting the water fill up the bathtub, pouring in some of the fancy bubblebath that you remember buying once from your favorite boutique in town, making a mental note to stop there again tomorrow.
Discarding your clothes, you hung them up, deciding you could use it once more as a cover up after not even going into the water, and you honestly didn’t even have the energy to even think about doing laundry right now, even simply showering was too much most days so you were happy to submerge yourself simply into the warm water, eyes fluttering closed as it embraced you with it’s comfort.
You began preparing yourself a mental list of things you could do tomorrow, forcing yourself to get out of the house and keep yourself occupied after locking yourself away in your apartment the past few months, planning on taking baby steps but knowing that even starting will be more like a push off a cliff.
Pulling yourself out of the bath once finishing cleansing your body, deciding to save washing your hair for the next day, you pulled yourself out of the bath, honestly just wanting to curl up into bed and go to sleep but knowing you needed to force yourself to eat something. So, you dry off, applying some matching lotion to your body, which made you feel a sense of pride of yourself as you made small steps to take care of yourself again, thanking the air of Italy as self motivation and threw on the robe that you swear was the softest one in the world.
A sudden sound coming from the house made you jump, a hand coming over your chest to try and calm your racing heart as your mind tried to think of all of the possibilities of who could be there, or maybe it was coming outside? Or honestly at this point you thought it could be your imagination as the memories that have been flashing into your mind have been so vivid it felt like it was actually happening. Your feet softly padded on the wood flooring, making your way to what you thought was the site of the sound, feeling bile rise in your throat at the sight before you.
It was Harry there, with one of the most beautiful women you had ever seen in your life, laughing together.
You weren’t sure if they saw you, both of their hair wet as towels wrapped around them and it seemed like they had just got back from the beach, making you think that you must have just missed each other as you swapped positions. You slowly walk backwards, thinking of running out the back towards the beach and calling a car, leaving all of your clothes there.
You could see slightly into the master bedroom, seeing their suitcases sprawled and things laid on the couch as they chatted together, knowing they must have arrived when you were down at the beach, your presence unknown as all of your things sat seemingly hidden in the guest room which you were now desperately trying to go and hide in, but after it being too log since you been here, you accidentally ran into the wall, a photo that was hanging there crashing to the floor, glass shattering.
Two heads quickly snapped their way towards you, both pairs of eyes meeting yours as gasps left both of their lips, Harry’s face going pale as he saw you. You opened your mouth to speak, but with this being your first time seeing your partner since the breakup, no words were able to come out.
Spinning on your heel your ran back into the guest bedroom, pulling the suitcase out of the closet and messily shoving all of your clothes into it, tears stinging your eyes and unable to hold them in as they silently spilling on you cheeks, more coming as you heard the familiar steps coming your way, feeling the presence behind you and hearing the door shut softly behind you.
Part 2 anyone???
I was wondering what people would think about me doing personalized little blurbs/imagines for people who donate to my tip jar? you could give me your name, prompt, pronouns, etc and i will write it just for you!! :) i’m trying to write more and it’s hard bc i’m a broke college student who needs to work but if people who WANT a personalized little fic with bucky or harry or something with their own name and such maybe I could do something like that? of course I will still be doing all normal requests and such but this way it’s kinda like a one time patreon for people who want to do something like that? idk please comment/send me a message/ask and let me know what you think!!!! let’s talk!
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dweeby · 2 years
Really Damn Good - Villaneve Fix-It Fic
Yeah, I had to go ahead and do a fix-it Killing Eve fic stat. I’ve never felt the need to write for this fandom before because I always thought we’d get an ending we, Jodie, and Sandra deserved. 
Welp. Here’s my best go at it. Enjoy!
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Villanelle had killed Eve a dozen times before. Admittedly only a few were actual attempts, the rest were daydreams. Drowning her in a bathtub, running a knife between her ribs like Eve had done to her. The gun had been lame in hindsight. More desperation than anything thought out. Where was the dramatics in that?
So sure, Villanelle had done Eve in a dozen times, but now it was time to do it for real.
“Well?” Pam said with a rude little nudge. “Hm, what? Oh.” Villanelle took a bite of her chip butty, a soggy french fry falling onto the stomach of one the dead bodies. She snatched it off and popped it back in her mouth. Three second rule. “This one, she’s got great tits.”
Pam sighed and zipped the two body bags up. *
Villanelle rammed the end of her butty in when she saw Eve waiting outside Captain Jerry’s fish and chip stall. She had her hair down like Villanelle liked it, her baggy coat not at all flattering because her ass was hidden. Villanelle would buy her a new one once they were stateside. Maybe a jean jacket like James Dean. Something obnoxiously American.
Eve turned around, like a prey sensing a predator despite long becoming a predator herself and grabbed a malt vinegar packet. “You’re unbelievable. We were supposed to get lunch together!”
Villanelle ducked under the projectile. “Whaaaat? I was hungry!” 
Eve snatched the paper out of her hands and shook it. “I’m the one who told you about Jerry’s.”
“And it’s so good! You have admittedly awesome taste.” Villanelle said between chipmunk cheeks of carbs. 
“Now you’re just complimenting yourself, idiot.” Eve tossed the paper at her head. “Yusuf says the passports will be ready in two days. Everything’s done on my end. And yours? Is everything arranged?” She said it with the scolding tone of a schoolteacher. 
“I picked good for you, don’t worry, Eve. Great tits, though not as great as yours.”
“You eyed up the dead bodies?” Then she rolled her eyes and held out her hand for money. “You know what, doesn’t matter.”
Eve paid for her sandwich and then slumped on the bench beside Villanelle. Their thighs were touching and it was hard not to walk her fingers all over them. They had been so close to fucking in the RV, Villanelle had gotten glorious handfuls of tit and Eve’s fingers had tugged Villanelle around by the waist of her pants. That was until Eve eased her off, panting and flushed. Not until after, she’d said. Not when she couldn’t focus on Villanelle alone.
It was driving her insane. It was like Eve had no idea how hot she was. Eve interrupted the fantasy she was starring in. “God, I’m going to miss this place. A lot of the places in London, honestly. It’s covered in pigeon shit and it’s overpriced but America just doesn’t have any old world charm.”
Villanelle shrugged. “You grew up in America. Think of it as going home.”
“Is that how you see it? Home?” Eve asked, serious as she turned towards her. It was a turn on when Eve snapped moods like that, barely giving Villanelle time to catch her breath. Okay, fine, everything about Eve was a turn on.
Jerry called out Eve’s order. Villanelle swallowed, eyes widening, throat suddenly desperately dry. “With you there? I guess I do.” * The bodies were disfigured almost beyond recognition and Pam called it her best work. The American passports came and Villanelle noted with a thrill that Eve had given them the same last name.
Eve Polastri was officially dead.
* Alaska was cold. Mother Russian cold.  “This is what you wanted to wait to fuck in? Really?” Villanelle hissed as she shoved a few more logs into the wood burning stove she’d jerry rigged in the RV. Thinking about it just made her miss Jerry’s more. She’d kill a dozen men for another chip butty. 
RV living was a work in progress. Cooking was a work in progress, both of them fucking hated it. Neither of them liked dishes either. 
When they arrived and secured a bit of land with Villanelle’s wad of cash, the reality had sunken in. How the fuck were they supposed to live out here and not drive each other more crazy than they already were?
Villanelle rubbed her hands in front of the fire. “My nipples are going to be like icicles.”  Eve poked her head around from the kitchenette, tears in her eyes. “I’ll warm them up, stop complaining and put the water on.” She went back to slicing onions, her voice carrying in the small space. “Alaska was your whole fantasy anyways.”
Villanelle sniffed, sitting back on her heels as the wood started to catch. “I thought Alaska would be sexy. Like wrestling bears. Not figuring out plumbing. Will it be like this forever?“
“Well, think of making a life in Alaska like a relationship...” 
Villanelle mimed the rest of Eve’s “relationships being hard work” quote with her hand as she stood up
Eve was in the kitchenette wearing a denim jacket with patches on it that they’d gathered on their trip up. It, paired with bunny slippers, was quite the look. Villanelle hooked her chin over Eve’s shoulder—it was her new favourite way to annoy her—and pressed her hands flat against her stomach. “How about I get on my knees instead. I can work hard in other ways, honey.” Pets names were another.
Eve kissed her cheek at the same time as she pressed the onion-stinking knife to her throat. “Now either put the pot on for the pasta or go empty the septic. Your choice, sweetie.” *
“You look like butchered meat,” Eve said as they lay naked in bed together. 
They’d fucked for hours. A marathon of fucking really. If they were in the olympics for fucking Villanelle was sure they would’ve won gold. They kissed like they always did, touched tits and groped asses like they always did. Then Eve had practically ripped off Villanelle’s pants in her desperation to go south. For her first time going down on a woman, nothing could account for enthusiasm. And after Villanelle had to physically drag Eve away from her pussy, Eve’s eyes were still blown wide and hungry. Villanelle’s fingers had slipped in easily and coaxed an orgasm out of her in mere minutes. She’d laid her head against her stomach, feeling it quiver, feeling Eve’s hand run through her hair as she pulled another, softer, orgasm from her.
And then they fucked for like... another three hours because holy hell was it good.
“Eve!” Villanelle fake gasped before snorting. She couldn’t help herself. Fuck was her girlfriend and fake wife funny.
Eve rolled over and chewed on a fingernail that probably had a year’s supply of Villanelle coating it. “Sorry, that’s bad but it was the first thought I had! I mean I assumed you had scars from being an assassin—and I’m sorry about the rib one—but wow. Like a hacked piece of meat.”
Villanelle leaned over and kissed her because she could whenever she wanted to now. Why not be greedy? “You have cellulite all over your ass,” Villanelle whispered against her lips.
“You have the daintiest orgasm sounds over,” Eve countered with a bite to her lip. It was like an insulting game of chess. “I know I heard it before over the phone but—”
Villanelle tugged her closer at that. “Well now that I’ve heard yours, you sound like you’re possessed. Villanelle, oh Villanelle, fuck me harder. Fuck me! Fuck me! YEAH JUST LIKE THAT FUUUCCK!” Villanelle shouted with a perfect American accent.
Eve let out a little growl and rolled them over to straddle Villanelle. She pinned her by the shoulders like Villanelle didn’t have the physical upper-hand. “I loved it. I absolutely loved it.”
Villanelle grinned, feeling a strange giddiness fill her. It was like light and bubbles. Maybe the tarot card reading wasn’t pure bullshit. She had just enough leverage to kiss Eve’s wrist. “Can I die smothered by your pussy? That would be, like, a really good way to go. The best.”
Eve laughed some more before easing her head down so they touched noses. “Only if you smother me in your perfect tits first.”
Villanelle bit the end of Eve’s nose to stop another burst of laughter. “You know what? After that I’ve decided that I love Alaska. Best state ever.”
Eve smiled, a genuine smile that gave Villanelle tingling goosebumps. “We’re going to build a stupid Alaska cabin, I’m going back to school, and you can do something with your hands to keep them out of trouble. We do that for a few years then, screw it, we do whatever we want for a few years after that. We keep doing that. Over and over again. Whatever the hell we want. Because I only love Alaska because I love you and you’re in it. How's that for forever?”
Villanelle smiled back and it was pretty amazing how Eve’s face softened at the sight of it. They were both smiling like idiots. “Really good, Eve. Really damn good.”
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foilfreak · 3 years
4 Lords Raise Rose AU Ideas
Not a single person asked for this, but that other post where I talk about the 4 lords adopting Rose but still technically being terrible people got way more popular than I expected it to, so, with about 6 shots of tequila in my system and a terrible urge to spit my thoughts out for all the internet to see and judge, I’ve decided to make a follow up post. Here’s how I think the 4 lords would take care of Rose in the event they rebelled against Mother Miranda and decided to raise Rose as their own instead, but like under the cut after a little bit cuz i accidentally went way too fucking hard with this and I don’t want ppl to get mad at me for making them scroll for an hour to get past this post:
First and foremost, I think they’d do it in stages, and what I mean by this is that Rose would essentially be given to a specific Lord for some period of her life, like a couple years, and then when she was deemed old or strong or annoying enough, she’d be moved to a different lord for some period of time and so on and so forth. They would do this because a) they all live in different areas and have shit to do so it’s easier to have Rose live with one lord at a time and then the other lords can just go visit her there from time to time, rather than try to work out a weekly custody schedule which we all know Alcina and Karl would NEVER be able to agree on so let’s not even bother, and b) because each lord would have either some skill or set of knowledge that would make them the best for caring for Rose at that specific point in her life. This way, all the lords have a (somewhat) equal chance to be a part of Rose’s life and teach her something while she’s with them. So with all that in mind now, let’s get down to who would have Rose and at what point in her life.
1. Starting off with infant Rose, I think she’d end up with the Dimitrescu’s for the first few years of her life, and the reason why I think this is because... well, Alcina IS already a mother to 3 girls, and while we don’t know a terrible amount about Bela, Cassandra, and Daniela’s “upbringing” under Alcina, we can gleam and theorize from her notes that, despite their fully grown bodies, the girls could very well have started out with the mental and physical capabilities of infants, and thus needed to be cared for and brought up in a similar manner as infants or children until they reached a certain point where they could officially be considered adults in mentality and ability, not just in physical appearance. So with this in mind, it’s entirely possible that Alcina could have at least some vague idea of how to care for an infant child through her experiences with the bug sisters; perhaps there’s some gaps in her knowledge, but if nothing else I imagine Alcina would be an infant Rose’s best shot at surviving infancy if only because the other 3 are so incompetent on how to care for a baby that Alcina looks like an expert in comparison. Not to mention that, of the possible locations for an infant to be raised, I do genuinely think that castle Dimitrescu would be the safest place for Rose to be kept during this vulnerable part of her life. Not only that but if Alcina has actually come to care for Rose as though she were one of her own daughters, then she would absolutely spoil Rose rotten with all the nicest clothes and fanciest toys, things that a small infant wouldnt be able to appreciate but would show that she’s loved and cared for nonetheless, and don’t even get me started on the bug sisters, I could see them fawning over Rose for hours on end, playing with her, singing to her, telling her stories of all the man-things they’ve gotten to play with today, and so much more. Overall, Rose would just be the most spoiled and pampered little baby with the Dimitrescus and there’s no changing my mind about this. The only thing I’m struggling to wrap my head around is how they’d feed her, since I doubt a small infant would take very well to blood wine and human flesh. I suppose it wouldn’t be terribly outrageous for them to hire a wet nurse/nanny to care for Rose during the day while the other Dimitrescus go about their daily duties, and when Rose is finally old enough to be introduced to solid food (I.e. fried human flesh cubes) they could do what they always do and turn the nurse into wine too, I guess. It’s not a solid idea but it’s more plausible than anything else I thought of so it’ll work!
2. After spending about 3 years with the Dimitrescus, Rose would then be moved to the Beneviento house. Now, If u don’t know anything about 3 year olds, then you’re probably ignorant to the fact that they are some of the craftiest, sneakiest, and most coniving groups of people to exist on this planet. 3 year olds are masters at getting into and touching just about anything and everything u don’t want them to touch, and worst of all, u won’t realize what they’re doing until they’ve already done it and left a huge mess behind, so while the Dimitrescus love and adore Rose dearly, they know it’s sadly time to hand her over when they find her sitting on top of a pile of dead bodies playing with a metal scythe in the dungeons. Once Rose is dropped off at the Beneviento house, I imagine Donna is her usual stoic self the first few weeks Rose is with her. She’s not cold or distant necessarily, in fact she’s quite happy that it’s finally her turn with precious baby Rose, but Donna isn’t exactly known for being outwardly expressive herself (and even Angie isn’t being quite as forward as she normally is), so things are quiet and peaceful for the first little while that Rose is under her care. It’s not until Rose takes an interest in her doll Angie, and more importantly the things that Donna can do with Angie, that things really start getting fun. By the end of Rose’s first month in the Beneviento house she and Donna are the best of friends and often spend their days either playing dress up and make pretend with Donna’s extensive doll collection, or playing elaborate games of cat and mouse, where Donna will set up lots of puzzles throughout the house for Rose to find and solve (I.e. rose has to match her dress to the doll with the same one as her to find a map telling her which kitchen cabinet Donna hid the chocolate in, or something like that), but be careful little Rose, Angie has been trying to get her hands on that chocolate all day, and if u take too long, she’ll find the map first and eat all the chocolate without saving you a single piece. Just silly little puzzles with enough at stake to engage the mind of a curious 3 year old, but never enough to put rose in any actual danger. Donna is nothing if not a watchful caretaker, so she makes sure she has sight of Rose at all times, occasionally giving her a hint if she’s struggling, and perhaps occasionally making things harder if that day’s puzzle is proving too easy for her. Overall, Rose’s time with Donna, while not as grand and luxurious as the Dimitrescus, was still a fun and enriching experience for the young girl, and there’s nobody in this world who thinks that Donna’s scar is cool more than Rose.
3. After another 3 years with Donna, Rose is now 6 years old and officially far too good at puzzle solving for Donna to keep up with. No matter what she tries or how hard she makes it, Rose just keeps blazing through the puzzles at an almost alarming rate, making it clear that Rose is desperately in need of not only a change in scenery, but also a change in education, and this is where Salvatore finally comes in. After leaving the Beneviento house, I think the next logical place for Rose to stay would be with Salvatore, who, with lore hinting at him perhaps being a scholarly man of some kind, would basically act as her elementary school teacher throughout the duration of her stay. Now, to be fair, Rose could have gone to Heisenburg’s factory, but Heisenberg outright refused to take her and the other 3 lords decide that the factory is simply too dangerous for Rose rn, who thus far hasn’t shown any signs of being anything other than a normal human girl with no noticeable abilities (save for a smart mouth and a terrifying habit of popping up when least expected, a habit she mostly uses to mess with Heisenberg, much to his disdain and Lady Dimitrescu’s delight), so it is to the mutant fish man’s unimaginable delight that he is unanimously voted Roses next caretaker, and the one responsible for her basic education. Despite his initial excitement however, when Rose is finally dropped off at the windmills by Donna, Salvatore realizes that he’s not 100% sure what to do with Rose now that he has her. He’d like to get started on her education right away but at the same time he’s so fearful of Rose hating him because of his disgusting appearance that he kind of just... avoids her entirely at first. He’s never far away from the little girl and is always ready to jump to her rescue should she need it, but other than that Salvatore seldom allows himself to be seen for the first month that Rose is with him, the only sign of him still being around being the platefuls of food that mysteriously appear in Rose’s room 3 times a day, as well as the occasional shiny trinket Salvatore found and thought Rose would like. At first, rose doesn’t seem to mind being left entirely to her own devices, but after every stone, log, and rotting fish corpse within 5 miles of the lake has been turned over and thoroughly examined, Rose decides she’s had quite enough of her Uncle Sal ignoring her, prompting the headstrong little girl to go looking for him herself. She finds Salvatore hiding underneath a patch of floating algae not far away from where she was playing and all but demands that the mutant man come out of the water and give her something to do or she’d tell Mother on him. Salvatore, shocked by the small child’s fearlessly blunt request, hesitates, not wanting to frighten Rose, but ultimately relents, crawling out of the water and timidly suggesting that he teach her how to read and write. Rose quickly agrees, seeming totally unbothered by Salvatore’s grotesque appearance, and the two quickly move to the schoolroom that had been set up specifically for Rose, where Salvatore spends hours upon hours a day teaching Rose everything he knows, filling the little girl’s head up first with the basics, letters and words, then numbers and simple equations, followed later by historical dates and time periods, algebraic formulas, and classic literature analysis, then biology, chemistry, physics, astrology, calculus, ecology, and so much more. Basically, anything there is to know, Salvatore knows at least something about it and he’ll make sure that Rose knows about it too. In the 3 years Rose spends with Salvatore she goes from already sharp as a whip, to being smarter than most adults even, and Salvatore takes immense pride in how intelligent and knowledgable Rose becomes thanks to his surprisingly effective teaching style. Overall, as a caretaker, Salvatore is pretty weird and doubts himself a lot, but Rose thinks he’s funny and loves learning from him so they get along very well and she loves him very dearly! He probs teaches her to swim and fish too.
4. So another 3 years come and go with incredible speed, and its with great sadness on Salvatore’s part that Heisenberg finally comes banging on the fish man’s door, all but demanding that he now be given his turn with Rose. Now, personally, I can see several different arguments being raised by the other 3 lords over why its a terrible idea to let a 9 year old anywhere near Heisenberg, much less be given into his care fully. After about 9 years of seeing his siblings paling around with the constantly growing child, and looking like theyre having the time of their lives all the while, however, Karl decides that perhaps there’s more to this little girl than he originally thought, and, with his interest now piqued (or at the very least looking forward to pissing the other 3 off for entertainment purposes), that its only fair that he be given a turn with her now too, seeing as how he’s the only one who hasn’t been given the chance to be her caretaker yet. This naturally does NOT go over well with the other 3 lords. Alcina all but threatens to kill Karl should he step so much as within 10 ft of Rose, while Donna pipes up and demands to know what his sudden interest in Rose is. Even Salvatore, who is quick to flinch away from direct conflict, goes as far as to harshly point out the plethora of times Karl had outright denied their previous attempts to get him to engage with Rose, so why on earth would they hand her over to him now when he’s previously shown to have absolutely no interest in her? After a long spout of yelling between the 4 siblings, an agreement is reached, wherein Rose herself will be given the chance to decide whether she wants to go with Heisenberg, or whether she’ll return to one of the other 3 lords for the time being. It is to Alcina, Donna, and Salvatore’s absolute horror however, that Rose enthusiastically agrees to go with her Uncle Karl to live in his factory, and with the deal already set, the other lords can do nothing to stop her from going. The trip to drop off Rose at heisenberg’s factory is a long and arduous one, especially for Salvatore, who sobs the whole way there about Rose forgetting about him despite the young girl’s insistence that she’d visit. The first thing Karl does after officially having Rose handed over to him, is give her an extensive list of all the places in the factory in which she is under no circumstances permitted to enter without his permission (which basically only leaves the control room and the old storage closet that acts as her bedroom as viable places for Rose to go and explore). The second thing Karl does is dump her in her new storage closet bedroom and then hightail it for his workshop to work on whatever sick and twisted amalgamation he’s got cooked up this time around. At first, Rose isn’t terribly bothered by this, since she’s used to having something of an “adjustment period” when she’s with a new caretaker, but unfortunately for her, this adjustment period lasts a hell of a lot longer than the others did, and by the time 3 months of almost no meaningful contact with Karl, Rose decides to take matters into her own hands and ascends into the depths of the factory despite the express orders not to do so. Now, going back to the idea that the 4 lords are still pretty terrible people, I doubt Rose has been kept ignorant to the less savory aspects of her caretaker’s lives, and tbh she probably doesn’t think anything of the fact that the Dimitrescus makes wine out of the blood of virgin women or that Salvatore still does cadou experiments (and had her help on occasion), but I imagine even Rose would find the projects Karl works on to be at least a little
4, cont. gruesome and horrifying in nature, especially since Heisenberg is the one she knows the least about. However, instead of turning Rose away from Heisenberg, these terrifying metal creatures she sees locked up only spark her already insatiable curiosity, and by the time she finally tracks Karl down, Rose is all but trembling to learn more about this horrifyingly fascinating metal world. Unfortunately, Karl is not nearly as happy to see Rose as Rose is to see him, and the engineer all but grabs Rose by the scruff of her neck and drags her back up to the control room, yelling and screaming at her all the while about how she was explicitly instructed not to enter these parts of the factory without his permission. Needless to say that Rose does not enjoy this treatment and immediately lashes out, half out of anger and half out of confusion as to why Karl was treating her like this. He was the one who wanted her here in the first place, so why the hell was he just ignoring her now? It didn’t make any sense and it was starting to piss Rose off, so naturally the only thing left for her to do in order to solve this complicated situation would be to continue to disobey Karl until he either gave up and sent her back to one of the other lords, or finally payed some damn attention to her for once. So that’s exactly what she did. Every single day Rose left her room (which Karl kept telling himself he needed to put a lock on, but never did cuz he’s an idiot) and descended down into the depths of the factory looking for something ogle at or tinker with, and every single day Karl would track her down wherever she’d managed to get to and throw her back upstairs threatening to feed her to the lycans if she did it again. This incredibly frustrating cycle continued on for the better part of the next month or so, finally coming to a head when Rose managed to wander into the part of the factory where the... less than successful experiments got put whenever Karl doesn’t have any further use for them but is feeling too lazy to kill them off himself. Long story short, Rose runs into a Sturm that chases her around the factory, causing all manner of mayhem and destruction, and would have torn her to ribbons had it not been for Karl, who jumped in at the last second and was able to fend the damn thing off long enough for Rose to get the ever living fuck out and back up to the control room where it’s safe. There’s a lot of loud noises and explosions coming from deep within the factory that last for what feels like an eternity, but Rose doesn’t dare venture out again until everything has gone eerily quiet and a deep sense of worry has settled in the pit of her stomach over what had become of her latest caretaker. Turns out the Sturm had recognized its creator and, after watching its initial prey escape because of said creator, quickly decided that it fucking hated Karl with every fiber of its being and wanted him dead if it was the last thing it’s propellers did. Now, we all know that Karl is a big strong boy who’s more than capable of handling his own creations and taking down strong enemies, but the Sturm is a creation that even he struggles to control on good days and today is decidedly not a good day so not only does Karl not have the slightest bit of control over the death machine trying to kill him, but its also a lot stronger than Karl initially thought and apparently not picky about the method which causes Karl’s death, which is evidenced by the nearly dead Sturm ramming itself into a power generator as a final act of defiance and nearly blowing up the whole factory and everybody inside. Heisenberg is able to contain the explosion somehow but not without considerable damage to himself first. Rose is, naturally, quite horrified to find Karl passed out in the elevator that had taken him up from the lower levels of the factory where the explosion was, skin burnt nearly to a crisp in certain areas and blood pooling from just about every part of him, and immediately heads over to try and help her injured caretaker.
4, cont. again cuz I physically can’t stop myself. Now, I imagine that any normal 9 year old probably wouldnt be able to handle this sort of situation in any meaningful way, but i think we can all agree that Rose is the furthest thing from normal (especially considering who raised her) and has probably seen enough blood and gore to not be terribly freaked out by it, but this is where things get a little speculative because we don’t know what Rose’s powers are exactly but we do know from the final cutscene that she does have them, perhaps even a plethora of abilities, and I like to think that some of those powers are related to Ethan’s superhuman healing capabilities, but unlike Ethan however, who from what we’ve seen could only heal himself, Rose can actually heal other people (tho this isn’t something she’s aware of at this point in time). The second the elevator door opens to reveal, what looks to be, a half-dead Karl slumped over in the corner, Rose panics and runs to him, doing everything she can think of save for maybe grabbing him by the collar or slapping him across the face, to try and get Karl to wake up, except nothing works, he wont wake up no matter how hard Rose tries and i imagine this must be incredibly distressing for Rose who never intended for something like this to happen or for her caretaker to die because he had to protect her even tho he told her not to go down there because its dangerous and anything down there WOULD kill her if given the opportunity. Anyways Rose is now full on sobbing on top of Karl like only a 9 year old who just discovered that her actions have consequences can, but unbeknownst to her (and technically Karl cuz he’s a little busy bleeding out all over the floor) Karl’s wounds are slowly beginning to close, the burns on his face and hands shift from a bright red to a dark brown before crusting over and flaking off, and even his breathing, which had been labored and inconsistent at first, began to level out slightly. Karl woke up not long after that and was surprised to find that a) he was still alive, which was cool, b) he was injured but not in indescribable pain, also cool, and c) there was a literal sobbing child all but sitting on top of him, which is definitely not something Karl was expecting but he supposed he’s been met with worse things upon waking up after almost dying so why question it. After taking a moment to gather their bearings, the two return to the safer parts of the factory to rest and recover and for the most part this little incident of their’s goes largely unspoken, with Rose not exactly in the mood to talk about how her disobedience nearly got herself and Karl killed, and Karl being too fucking tired to go after her about it, especially since she seems to have learned her lesson. The only downside to this whole thing is that now Karl has a busted up fuckin leg thats gonna take an eternity to heal even for him, and with so much work to still do he’s more or less forced to drag Rose around the factory and use her like the annoying assistant he never wanted (except he did want her, thats how this whole fucking mess started, you lug), except that Rose, who is more than used to playing lab assistant from her time with Salvatore, quickly proves to be a rather capable and handy person to have around, if only because she knows the difference between a philips and a flathead screwdriver even better than he does. An amicable, if still slightly awkward peace settles over Heisenberg’s factory once Karl starts actively engaging with Rose and giving her something to do on a daily basis, even if its just standing around watching him work and occasionally having her questions about what he’s doing answered. It doesn’t take very long after that for Karl to begin realizing that perhaps throwing a huge tantrum to get Rose to come here only to ditch her upstairs by herself for 3 months might not have been the smartest (or most considerate) thing he’s ever done, and even goes as far as to (kinda) apologize to Rose for being such a dick to her since she arrived.
4, last one i swear. Rose forgives him, though not before adding that she already knew he was an asshole from Alcina, which earns her a halfhearted swipe from Karl that Rose easily dodges with a childish giggle. From that point on their relationship improves astronomically as Karl finally gives in and teaches Rose about about engineering and everything else that goes into making the metal horrors that he’s known for. Karl is shocked at how quickly Rose picks up on the trade, getting to the point where Karl wonders if he should start giving Rose her own projects to work on, but quickly rolls his eyes and groans when he remember that Salvatore was the one responsible for her education up until this point, the mere thought of having to give compliments to that “moronic freak” for giving Rose such a good educational foundation makes him want to vomit despite how secretly impressed he is. Overall, Rose’s time with Heisenberg starts out shaky, very shaky even, but after a bit of disaster and some swallowing of the pride on Karl’s part, they end up growing quite close and have a nice fun Uncle and martass Neice dynamic. They make a good team and Karl does genuinely enjoy having a little assistant around to help him with his projects, even if Rose can sound a bit too much like Alcina on some days for his liking.
5. 3 more years come and go and now Rose is a strong and healthy 12 years old, perhaps riddled with a few more scars and smearings of ash and motor oil across her skin than when she first arrived but still strong and capable nonetheless. Going back to that first statement however, this of course means that it’s time for the other 3 lords to come banging on Karl’s door for a change, all but demanding that Rose be handed back over to them. Karl of course refuses, telling them all to fuck off and that Rose didn’t want a leave the factory, so upon realization that all 4 lords were gathered here with the intention of taking Rose back to live with them indefinitely, a fight immediately breaks out between the 4 siblings, as each one makes their case as to why Rose should be returned to them and not the other 3, which of course none of the 4 lords can come to an agreement about because they ALL want Rose to stay with them. So after another long and pointlessly arduous argument, Alcina finally breaks, proclaiming that they’d be here for all eternity of they didn’t make a decision now, and that, like the first time the 4 siblings argued over whether Rose should go with Heisenberg or return to one of the previous lords, Rose would be the one to decide which of her four caretakers she would return to. The agreement is made reluctantly, mostly on the part of Salvatore, Donna, and Heisenberg, but there was seemingly no other way for them to come to a decision, so it would unfortunately have to be up to Rose to decide which of her 4 caretakers she wants to stay with permanently. Rose is quickly brought before the 4 lords and explained the situation, before being given some time to herself to think and make her final decision. A tense and uneasy silence falls over the 4 lords as they wait for the little girl, who they had shown an uncharacteristic amount of mercy and time and devotion and love in the 12 years since Mother Miranda had brought her to the village with the intention of using her to revive an already lost and long-gone baby that she never would have gotten back no matter how hard she tried. Although they refused to admit it to one another, the lords all secretly knew that Rose had wormed her way into each of their cold, dead hearts, reviving an aspect of their humanity that they’d all thought had been lost ages ago. Rose came to the village bringing with her a wave of death and destruction, and yet throughout her childhood she has brought them nothing but light and life, illuminating their previously dark and desolate existences. The 4 lords loved their Rose very dearly and desperately wanted her to be happy, yet each of them possesses a dark and selfish desire to have Rose pick them over the other 3, to come and live with them forever and fill the hole deep inside them that they never knew needed filling. After a short while, Rose comes back out and stands before her 4 beloved caretakers, looking around nervously as she picks at her fingernails. The silence is thick and heavy as the 4 lords stare at the young girl, waiting with bated breaths for her to give her final verdict. Rose continues to say nothing as tears begin to flow from her eyes, sliding down her cheeks in thick streams as the girl begins to sob, dropping her head and clenching her dress. The 4 lords look between one another in confusion, unsure of what to do with this sudden burst of tears. Rose tearfully admits that she can’t and doesn’t want to choose which of the 4 lords she wants to live with permanently because she loves them all very much and wants to be able to see and live with all of them, like they’ve done thus far. Although the lords detest the idea of having to share Rose with anyone, they reluctantly come to an agreement for the girl’s sake, deciding that they would continue with the arrangement they’ve had thus far, only that Rose would switch between caretakers every 3 months instead of every 3 years, giving rose plenty of opportunities to see each of her caretakers just like she wanted. From then on, Rose continues to live her life
5, cont. growing up and learning more and more from each of her beloved caretakers. Although Rose would likely never know what a normal life looks like, living with 4 criminally insane monsters in the remote mountain village in Romania, it would be impossible to say that she wouldn’t have a happy life despite that. Perhaps its because the girl simply doesn’t know any better, so she doesn’t have the ability to see just how messed up her life and her 4 caretakers really are, but i imagine that Rose probably wouldn’t care very much to learn even if she had the opportunity. She’s a happy little girl living a strange but enjoyable life with the only family she’ll ever need. What more could she possibly ask for?
6. As for how Mother Miranda would play into this whole scenario I’ve just drunkenly spat out, im honestly not 100% sure. Ive seen some people suggesting that MM just kinda chills and lets the lords do what they want with Rose, but tbh I honestly don’t see that happening in this universe. MM would still have been just as crazy and driven to get Eva back as she was in canon, so i doubt she’d willingly standby and let her “false children” take away her one shot of getting her real child back simply because they didn’t want to hurt her, i just don’t personally see that happening. The two most likely scenarios i can come up with is that the Lords either banded together and look Miranda on together, their combined forces being enough to take her down and kill her, OR, Ethan is the one to take down MM like he did in canon but he passes out before he can get to rose, giving the lords (who he hadn’t ended up killing but just escaping from i guess) the opportunity to slide in, grab rose, and hightail it out of there, leaving Ethan’s body to be retrieved by Chris, who, due to not seeing or hearing Rose anywhere, believes that Rose must have been accidentally killed along with MM, which he later tells to Ethan and Mia. Regardless of how MM gets taken out of the picture (or if she’s given room to potentially come back later), the 4 lords retreat with Rose and begin the whole cycle I explained up above, but i did want to briefly address how I saw MM fitting into all of this since she is a vital part of the original story and the biggest obstacle to the lords having anything to do with Rose.
Anyways, that was so much longer than I intended it to be but I had so much fun with it just because it gave me the opportunity to spit some fun ideas and potential plot points out about this cool AU that I like and hope someone does SOMETHING with, please god someone do it, I’d do it myself but i have enough projects at the moment unfortunately. If you managed to make it all the way to the bottom, thank you for reading all of that, I appreciate it, and I hope you enjoyed at least some parts of this, and maybe even agree with some of the things I said. Feel free to leave your own ideas in the comments, I’d love to read them and hopefully if enough people like this maybe i will actually do something with it. Who knows? I certainly dont. Anyways thank you for reading all this, i hope you have a great day, and maybe ill see you around in another post. Bye!!! <3
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maxismatchccworld · 3 years
Patch Notes
Update 07/20/2021
PC: / Mac:
Console: Version 1.44
Hello Simmers!
Hope you are well wherever you are in the world and that you are all having a fantastic Summer of Sims! We are excited to share today’s update with you. There is a lot of info, so make sure you have your tea/coffee/beverage of choice ready to read on. You all know I have my coffee ready for this!
As we continue to get ready to explore the countryside charm of Henford-on-Bagley and cannot absolutely wait to play with the adorable animals in Cottage Living, we also have updates and fixes that should improve and complement your Sims’ everyday life. We have something for everyone and we hope that you all enjoy them. Thank you for all your feedback and support.
-SimGuruRusskii ft. SimGuruRomeo and SimGuruJoAnna
What’s New?
Let’s start with some items that we shared in our last Sims 411! For this update, we partnered with two talented artists from the LGBTQ+ community, Ashley Lukashepsky, and Mohammed Iman Fayaz, and they have brought their inspiring and beautiful artwork into the game. We have also included the modernized version of the large afro hairstyle that we showed you. But more than tell you about it in text, let me actually attach a screenshot of everything put together:
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I love everything about this scene, not only it shows you how the artwork looks in a real game setting, but the whole scene with the two Sims and their surroundings is quite magical. Also, look at that hair! The way the light highlights it, perfection! You may also notice the hair of the Sim on the right, which was also added with this update for everyone. I want to personally thank all Simmers for their feedback and recommendations, as we are continuously working on adding more diverse hairstyles and textures to not only packs, but also to our base game.
Now that we are talking about artwork, the last patch notes I forgot to add the artwork made by the wonderful Jupiter Stevens-Hill. I apologize for that, I totally blanked out. However, I’m happy to see that a lot of you are enjoying it and placing it in your Lots! That makes a very happy Russkii =)
To find Jupiter, Ashley, and Mohammed’s paintings in Build Mode, make sure you take a look at the Paintings and Posters sort and filter by Base Game items. These artists are amazing and we hope you enjoy their creations.
Now, without further ado, let’s get to some new features and improvements that are part of this update!
A little bit of Gallery
When you download a lot made with the bb.moveobjects cheat, the game now notifies you about this so you know to activate the cheat before placing the lot. Builders, this means you won't need to mention it in the lot’s description anymore!
A little for Sims
Trying to find the Sims in the current neighborhood? Select their portraits in the Relationship Panel.
"Focus the Camera" moves the camera to the Sim.
"Lock the Camera" moves the camera to the Sim and keeps following them.
Where did the Notebook go?
Found it! The Notebook has moved out of the Phone and into its own button for quicker access.
The "Center on Current Lot" button that used to be there has moved to the top right, adjacent to the Camera Controls.
Water Tool
You now can make natural, organic bodies of water! Just head into Build Mode, make a hole with the Terrain Manipulation tool, and fill it with water. It is that easy! The Terrain Manipulation and Paint Tools also have more brush sizes to enable finer detail.
In adding the Water Tool, we also took the chance to overhaul the related tools and object categories. Why not? Enjoy!
Pond Effects
All sorts of critters are available to complete the look of your pond ranging from ducks and swans to pesky mosquitoes. There is even an alligator!
New Pond Objects
Outdoor Water DĂ©cor now has an assortment of new Pond Objects to decorate the perfect pond. Some of these objects such as the Bog Log and Colorful Lily Pads have interactions on them in Live Mode to activate Turtle and Frog effects. The new Fishing Allowed Sign enables you to stock your pond with any fish your Sims have previously caught. Try it out!
New Water Styles
Go beyond the original crystal blue and dreamy magenta water. Additional options range from “Mossy Water” to “Pond Scum” to complete that au natural look.
The Shrubs category includes new plants to complement the water styles: "Green Fern", "Leaning Not-Grass Grass", "Not-Grass Grass Sans Inflorescence."
Gardening with Children
Children now can help out in the garden by planting, watering, and weeding. They build their Mental skill as they garden. The process of purchasing and planting seeds is streamlined as well to make gardening more enjoyable for everyone.
Group Cooking
Cooking no longer is a solo affair. Sims now can cook in groups of up to five Sims including children. Start cooking together by selecting a fridge, stove, or any empty countertop.
Zoomers Food Delivery Service
Are your Sims getting tired of the same old pizza delivery every night? Well, gone are the days of redundant pizza nights. Maybe you are in the mood for pasta primavera or even a fancy steak dinner. All this and more are available courtesy of Zoomer Food Delivery. Order delivery through the phone or the refrigerator and the food will arrive in a jif.
The calendar, previously available only with Seasons, now is available with Base Game to see upcoming events such as birthdays, school and work schedules, festivals, and fairs. You even can use it to book events, so it’s time to get to party planning!
Bug Fixes
In Snowy Escape, skiing, sledding, and snowboarding on Bunny Slopes now contribute to the Extreme Sports Enthusiast Aspiration.
Also in Snowy Escape, Sims with high enough Skiing and Snowboarding skills now can enjoy the more advanced slopes. Sims also use the Lift to go to the top of the slopes and not go “the hard way.”
Simmers can now rotate Sims downloaded from the Gallery in Create a Sim. Spin them ‘round, ‘round, Simmers ‘round, ‘round -  like a record ‘round, ‘round, ‘round, ‘round.
The Sims 4
We made some improvements that should help our Simulation lag, particularly on the usage of some computer interactions like playing BlicBlock, along with fishing interactions, which should make the game perform a bit better. Note that this doesn’t entirely fix simulation lag but it should help and it is a step in a good direction.
Fixed an issue in which placing Mirrors directly opposite Doors would create a visual glitch in which walls and borders would disappear around them and well it was quite spooky to be honest, glad we solved that one!
Ever wish your food didn’t expire? I know I do, especially when it comes to traveling and coming back to see a fridge in pristine condition, that is a dream
 but alas, it is not meant to be in life or in Sims. Fixed an issue in which traveling didn’t let food expire.
Sims stuck sleeping and couldn’t cancel that interaction? Not a product of a sci-fi film as I thought, but I can say that we have fixed this issue, well I hope.
You want to know how to not make my day, have my coffee brew endlessly but without giving me the coffee! Luckily the issue in-game about the Brew Coffee interaction being stuck has been fixed. Wasn’t it odd? Wait
 Sleep and Brew Coffee were stuck in a mysterious loop? SUS.
If your Child Sims suddenly interrupted their computer sessions to draw on the activity table when Inspired, worry not, this should not happen after this update.
Fixed an issue that caused the “Items Removed” pop-up to appear when no items were removed from the game.
Fixed an issue in which setting Lots on Slipshod Mesquite would sometimes generate a crash of the game for some Simmers. The Lot couldn’t handle that much flavor.
Some blush and lipstick opacity sliders are back as they were greyed out.
Step-Parent/Child relationships are no longer missing in the Genealogy Panel. Similarly, other cases of broken families in the Genealogy Panel have been fixed as well. It is all about reconnecting or connecting with what is important.
Platforms will no longer raise in height automatically when creating new walls to intersect part of them.
We also fixed an issue in which if you placed platforms in basement levels and a staircase from the floor to the platforms, it would create this gap or hole in front of the stairs and Sims were not able to route correctly. You know, I have played many platformers in my lifetime, but do you imagine Sims trying to jump those gaps? I mean, I am called JumpFail for a reason
 glad we fixed this one!
World view Lots that had some off-centered border have been adjusted.
Toddlers will no longer gain negative Sentiments against their parents randomly, especially the Festering Grudge Sentiment. I should not be laughing at this issue as I type it, I should not
We got word that the camera was malfunctioning and bouncing uncontrollably in some Lots across multiple Worlds. We fixed an issue that caused this, but let us know if there are new instances.
Sometimes Ghosts can be part of our Households if we choose to, however, it is really hard to live with Ghosts that constantly break things, it makes it a bit
 unlivable. So our expert team of Simghostologists has communicated with these Ghosts in the non-physical realm and they have agreed to not break everything all the time.
Fixed an issue related to flooring glitches while placing the dance floor or crystal clear flooring.
Went through all the trouble in hiring a Nanny only to have your Toddler get sent to Daycare? More than a schedule conflict I imagine having the Nanny show up and there is no Toddler so what does the Nanny do in this case? Do they leave? Do they stay and wait? I must know
 However, This should no longer be an issue.
Fixed an issue where using ‘{}’ (curly brackets)  in renaming objects would make these invisible in lists or UI in general.
Fixed an issue in the Likes and Dislikes section in Create a Sim that had some categories displayed incorrectly (either cut off, or words broken apart in new lines incorrectly) for some languages.
There was a clipping issue with the eye preset ymAsian13_Eyes that occurred when Sims were in extreme emotion, like Angry, and blinked. We adjusted this preset so this should not occur.
Toddlers can be picky eaters, but Toddlers not eating any fish recipe? That is suspicious, so we had a chat with the little angels and we have found a way to help them enjoy the complex flavors of our fish recipes.
Our UI team has fixed an issue in which a scrollbar appeared in the Sentiment section in the Relationship Panel when there were no sentiments. The mysterious scrollbar was mysterious. Similarly, they have also fixed an issue in which if multiple Sims gained sentiments together their thought bubbles look quite not right with the incorrect colors, so now they should look proper.
The Likes and Dislikes icon in Create a Sim will no longer overlap its text. It looked weird, honestly.
Droids (if you own Journey to Batuu) and Drones (if you own Get Famous) clipping into all kinds of objects in Build Mode? We saw that too, so there should be a fix for that in this game update. I mean this went beyond just crashing into things

The option “Join After School Activity” will no longer be available if Simmers don’t have Seasons or Get Famous packs installed.
Sims in deviant paths now can properly reach the Level 4 of the Criminal Career.
Now, this is one that made my day, Cowplants are now able to dance again when Sims play music in front of them. Dance Cowplant, Dance!
Fixed an issue in which relationship points gained by friendly introductions were more than usual if Simmers didn’t have Snowy Escape installed.
We adjusted the color swatches for the S. Cargeaux Counter Island so that when it gets dirty, the counter doesn’t completely change colors. Dirty Counter - who dis?
Fixed an issue where the Scared Emotion UI was displaying a broken pose for Toddlers. The pose was kinda more scary than what the Toddler had been scared of, so glad that is done.
Outfits worn while Purchased and Worn in Festivals/Kiosks/Stalls should no longer remove accessories that were in place for the Sim.
Error code 134:571e5862 that occurred to some Simmers should be fixed now.
We fixed a few hairstyles (yfHair_EP05WavyBob, yfHair_EP01PartedFlat, yfHair_EP05UnderCutDreads, yfHair_EP01ShortSwept, and yfHair_DreamyCrew) that when used with the recently added color options would create splotches in the eyes, change the color of teeth, and/or change the eyelashes color.
As always the Localization team and this author have fixed and improved text across all packs and updates.
Get to Work
Aliens can now enjoy their custom Blush options in Create a Sim. Lewks out of this world!
Retail employees will now appropriately change into their assigned outfits. Listen, I grew up wearing uniforms for school, I get it, sometimes they are not the prettiest
 but you have to wear them if you have to go to that establishment. I know the pain too well
 but my sense of style grew from that
 I think.
We made a fix to some of the swatches from the Barely Better Digital Camera that were missing a description for the item, so now all the swatches will display the text in all its glory.
Get Together
Some of these Sims are not like the others, some of these Sims just don’t belong. Can you tell which are not like the others by the time I finish writing these notes?
Fixed an issue in which some of the rooftops in Winderburg were not displaying Snow (if you own Seasons) correctly.
Fixed an issue where Sims didn’t sometimes change into their Club outfits when a Club Gathering was being held.
City Living
The Scattered Panes window in Build Mode now displays appropriate shadows in all options.
Sims enrolled in the Social Media career will now gain influence at the end of their stream instead of every few Sim-minutes.
Two hairstyles (ymHair_EP03BunHighPins and ymHair_EP03BraidedFlateBun) have been updated to reflect the correct look when choosing the Neutral Black color option.
Your Sims want to shoot some Basketball Close Shots, but they are trying to eat first? Well, now your Sims can finish eating before trying those hoops. Nutrition is important!
Cats and Dogs
We fixed an issue in which whiskers were not being seen applied to Cats. A Cat without whiskers is like Peanut butter without Jelly
 or something like that! Just wrong!
Robot Vacuums should all now return to their docks accordingly. I hope this issue was not a sign that they were becoming sentient.
Sims will no longer get a Moodlet referring to the death of their Pet when witnessing the death of another Sim. The loss of a Sim is heartbreaking, but also getting a Moodlet for the death of their Pet when the Pet has not died, that is cold Grimmy, very cold.
Speaking of Robot Vacuums becoming sentient a few lines above, we fixed an issue that made the game crash when Cats would sit on the Robot Vacuum. CatonRobot.exe is now working.
We fixed an issue in which some Simmers experienced a crash with their last played Household loading into Brindleton Bay.
Sims were changing into their cold-weather gear
 while not in cold weather? We had some conversations with Sims and even though they love their winter outfits, dressing up in full winter gear in the summer was probably not the wisest choice. So the issue in which Sims randomly would change into their winter outfits while not in winter is solved.
Egg Hunts are adorable and fun! But not being able to have the furniture reset after looking for Eggs in them, can be quite the rain on Sims’ parade. But this should no longer occur.
Island Living
Mermaids will no longer keep the “Dried Scales” Moodlet when they are hydrated. Mermaids’ skincare regimen pays off! Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize!
Fixed an issue in which Lots that are placed in the sand looked quite odd displaying all edges of the Lot when it rained.
Sims that have the Collector Aspiration Trait are now able to catch Frogs in Sulani as part of their adventures exploring the island waterfall. Good Luck!
We fixed an issue in which some Simmers experienced game crashes when loading into certain lots in Mua Pe’lam. Happy Exploring!
Discover University
Sims having a hard time in Uni? No matter what they do they keep failing classes? Worry not, Sims will no longer fail classes when meeting all the criteria for course completion. Work hard, pass your classes hard!
Having Roommates can be hard. Have your Sims had Roommates complain constantly and leave even when their needs are met? Yeah, we made it so that Roommates don’t do this any longer.
Fixed an issue in which beds were counted incorrectly when placing an ad for Roommates. I mean, as much as Pets and even Toddlers can live with Roommates, the ad should be truthful to how many beds there are actually in the Lot, not count Toddlers and Pets as needing adult-sized beds.
We fixed Servo animations so that they don’t look like they are walking on one leg when hovering to their destination. Now they will hover properly.
We fixed an issue in which in some instances Professors could not go to work when a Professor NPC is added into that same Household.
Fixed an issue in which removing and adding back Household members as Roommates would create some
 inappropriate moments, ahem.
Eco Lifestyle
Evergreen Harbor’s peace has been restored: roads and parts of neighborhoods no longer disappear or turn blue when businesses open in Port Promise while the Modern Development N.A.P is active.
yfBody_EP09DressShirt no longer has a weird texture in some of the footwear from various packs, especially platform shoes and chunky sneakers.
Had you moved to Cypress Terrace in Willow Creek and found you couldn’t really do anything there? We fixed the routing failures and interaction failures on the Mitey-Mitey Home - Insect Farm.
Snowy Escape
Mountain Climbing can be challenging, even for those experienced. But having indecisive moments before a climbing route like getting off and on your bike constantly seems that a lot of doubt is passing your mind
 However, we did speak to these Sims that were experiencing this behavior and calmed their fears and doubts, so this should no longer be an issue.
The hairstyle yfHair_EP10BobBluntOmbre now covers all of the Sim’s ears.
For Simmers who own Seasons together with Snowy Escape, rain options no longer affect snow.
Sims no longer have the option to give a respectful or military introduction during activities such as Dancing or Bike Riding. I mean, I’m not sure about you, but I can’t dance and respectfully introduce myself at the same time. So many falls
 so many falls.
We made some corrections to the Slippers that came with this pack and they should no longer display a greenish texture on Sims’ toes when selected in Create a Sim. Yikes.
Fixed an issue in which for some Simmers playing with the Yoshida Hall Household would generate a game crash when loading into Mt. Komorebi.
We took a look at our Ramen menu and have updated our cooking menu to label Miso and Egg Ramen as Vegetarian safe options. Buen Provecho!
Want to run a Restaurant in Yukimatsu but also want to enjoy the slopes? Now your Sims can enjoy the slopes and dine in style. However, this action is only directed, and will not be autonomous. In the same vein, Restaurant employees will not be tempted to leave work to enjoy the slopes.
Journey to Batuu
Batuu is an awesome destination for those who want to enjoy something fun and different, but if you bought a Droid from the Droid Depot and never saw it in your inventory, I know how frustrating it can be. Never fear, the Droids you were looking for will appear now in Inventories when purchased.
In Journey to Batuu, the First Order ID no longer disappears from inventory so Sims now can Access First Order Plans for the Top Notch Trickery Mission.
Fixed an issue with the Leveling the Playing Field Mission in which the Scoundrel Informant would not appear on the scene after Sims stole the Prototype Blaster and went to Oga’s Cantina to wait for the informant.
Dine Out
Eggs and Toast sound super basic and easy right? They will continue to be that way for our unassuming Chefs on the Chef Station since we fixed an issue that made them
 challenging. Sims can also use the second burner for other recipes without fail or routing out.
The Decorations and Kid's categories in Build Mode should no longer have a "New" highlight when there's nothing actually new.
Dream Home Decorator
Lighting can change the ambiance of a room, and your mood in a flash. Luckily we have fixed an issue that lighting was not even on sectional sofas to continue to set the right mood for our Sims.
Our stylists fixed the Sleep ‘N’ Study Styled Room to remove the P.R.I.M.A Computer from it as this is not an item that is accessible for everyone, pardon our dust.
Laundry Day
Fixed an issue where an animation clipped when Sims were loading their laundry machines. Because having your clothes go through you is awkward, are Sims made of fabric? I don’t think so.
Bust the Dust
Don’t need Simoleons, don’t need Fame. Don’t need dinner to have this date. It’s strong and it’s sudden and it’s cruel sometimes but it might just end your night
 the power of Dust, that’s the power of Dust.
Our cleaning agents have determined that Sims won’t get romantic negative Moodlets related to filthy levels of dust in public places like parks.
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foli-vora · 4 years
counting stars
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A/N: I apologise if this is a mess—I’ve just written this on my phone while camping in the middle of nowhere 😅 truly inspired by the outdoors hahah. Yes I’m sitting incredibly still in a spot that I found had cell service so I can upload this because I’m Impatientâ„ąïž.
Pairing: Francisco ‘Catfish’ Morales x f!reader
Word count: 2.5k
Warnings: depressive thoughts, insecurities, A SICKENING AMOUNT OF FLUFF
The truck’s packed. That’s the first thing you notice when you pull into the driveway, eyeing the bags chucked neatly in the bed of the vehicle. The brief sharp stab of panic that impales your heart is drowned by a sickening twist of understanding. Of course he’d leave — why would he want you? Why would he waste time being with you when he could do so much better? You don’t blame him. You wouldn’t get in his way of leaving.
The sigh that leaves you as you exit your car is long and drawn out, each step towards the house drains the low level of energy you had leftover after your shift and you wonder if you’ll be in Frankie’s way if you take up the couch to sleep. Will he want to take the couch? He had bought it, after all. The bed, then. He wouldn’t leave you without a bed — maybe he’ll come back for it tomorrow.
Frankie’s coming down the stairs when you walk through the door, a dark backpack slung over his shoulder and Mena giggling in his arms. God you’re gonna miss those little giggles. He smiles when he sees you, dropping the bag next to a bright pink unicorn one on the floor before striding over to you.
You’re stumped when he slings an arm around your waist and brings you in close, hips bumping together, and Mena immediately dives in to press a wet kiss against your cheek. He kisses the other, sharing a little smile with his little girl before looking at you.
“You’ve got 10 minutes to pack some clothes.” He says, and you blink, stomach rolling.
Oh. Maybe he was packing your stuff.
Of course, it’s his house.
It’s in his truck because you couldn’t possibly fit everything in your car. He was helping you move out. He didn’t have to—you could have called a removal company or something. He shouldn’t have to go out of his way, especially with Mena.
You’re sullen as you answer, brushing past him with a quiet okay. The stairs are hard to climb, but eventually you reach your bedroom. You try not to look at the photos lining the walls—pictures of Mena, of her with Frankie or you, of all three of you, of you and Frankie snuggled together on various dates and trips, scribbles deemed masterpieces plastered proudly in expensive frames. Maybe you could ask for a few copies, or take the originals if he was just going to throw the ones of you away. Which he would, of course, why would he keep them?
He’s left a duffle on the bed for you—his old army one. He loves this one. He uses it for everything. You make a mental note to make sure to return it.
Tears choke your throat as you pack the bag, and it’s not until strong arms wind around your waist that they fall free. You won’t say no to a final hug. You try to memorise the tightness of his arms, the feel of his beard along your skin as he buries his face in your neck.
“You ready? Mena’s getting cranky,” you hear the chuckle in his voice and nod your head. He must feel the tension in your torso because immediately he’s turning you, frowning at the tears streaking your face. “What’s wrong, baby?” He’s gentle as he wipes them from your cheeks, the pinch between his brows deepening as your face crumbles in his hands.
“I don’t want to leave,” you admit, sniffling quietly, “but I will if that’s what you want. You and Mena deserve better.”
“It’s okay—”
“No, it’s not.” Soon your face is pressed hard against his chest and he’s crushing you, hand tight on the back of your head as he holds you. “You’re not going anywhere, not without us, anyway. We’re going on a trip. All three of us—together.”
A trip? Your mind is a whirl as you try to catch up. He wasn’t leaving you? Or, more accurately, you weren’t moving out? Suddenly the packed bags, especially Mena’s unicorn one, and packed truck make a little more sense to your darkened mind, and you instantly relax in his arms.
He pulls back, dark eyes sad as he studies your face.
Frankie had watched you the last few days; watched your mood sour, watched the bags below your eyes deepen. You’d barely been sleeping — he could feel you toss and turn all night, could feel the shudder in your shoulders as you tried to keep your sobs quiet in fear of waking him. He’d seen the look of utter defeat wash your face when you accidentally spilt the milk trying to make a coffee yesterday, seen the immediate glaze of tears as he wiped the spill away. You were gone before he could even turn and comfort you, the door slamming as you all but ran to your car.
He knew what was happening—could recognise the signs a mile away after having to defeat his own monster lurking in the back of his mind telling him he wasn’t good enough, reminding him of all the awful things he’d done in his life, what he’d done to others. He’d gone straight to work, said he wouldn’t be able to do any shifts on the weekend, and had left at lunch to start packing.
“I love you.”
Your face falls, head shaking in automatic denial.
“I do,” his touch is gentle, brushing more tears away with his thumbs. “I know you’ve been struggling lately. I’m sorry for not saying anything—I should’ve made it clear when you came home. We’re going camping for the weekend, unless you don’t feel up to it which is fine. We can just order a pizza, cuddle up on the couch and watch movies if that sounds better.” He smiles warmly, reassuringly, and you know in your heart that he really truly doesn’t mind what you decide to do.
How you ever landed Francisco Morales, you’ll never know.
“No, I want to go.”
“Are you sure? Please don’t be scared to say no—”
“I want to go.”
For the first time for what feels like all week, you smile, and actually mean it.
His eyes flick across your face, searching for any signs of hesitation, and then he grins, your eyes automatically falling to admire the dimple creasing his cheek. You kiss it instinctively, relief washing through you as your mind and hearts calms. He stops you as you pull away, leaning in and letting his nose run along yours before pressing a soft kiss to your lips.
He helps you put some clothes together, and with the two of you, you’re packed within a few minutes. He holds your hand on the way down the stairs, but stops to collect all the bags while you grab the little girl pulling at your legs. She babbles to you excitedly as you follow Frankie out of the house, her little fingers habitually pulling and fiddling with the chain around your neck.
You try to fend off the overwhelming feelings of unworthiness while you listen to Frankie talk animatedly back to Mena as you buckle her into her car seat, her little voice loud and bubbly as she claps her hands and bounces in her seat. You try to smile, try to reassure yourself that Frankie loves you, that Mena loves you, but you struggle truly believing it. How could they?
Music’s soon blaring throughout the cab of the truck as the familiar houses of your neighbourhood fly past, the Spotify playlist Frankie spent a good hour finding and adding songs to filling the quiet. He sings along, grinning at Mena’s attempts to sing along in her own little language, and when he looks at you, eyes shining with adoration, your chest feels tight and constricted.
You really didn’t deserve these two.
It takes a couple of hours to get to Frankie’s favourite spot—somewhere familiar to you from the many times he had taken you there. The small clearing is the same as it always has been, the large logs still situated around a small burnt patch of ground where leftover charred logs sat from previous campers. Frankie’s quick to erect the tent and organise the bedding inside, and soon he’s joining you and Mena at the edge of the wide lake glowing under the fading sun.
She’s dancing in the sand, little bare feet kicking up the grains as she twirls and twists and giggles when she goes too far and her toes touch the cool water. You sink to the ground and hug your legs, content to watch her enjoy the last bit of sunlight before it sinks beneath the horizon with a longing to feel as wild and carefree as she does.
Frankie answers her call with a loud playful growl, and soon she’s squealing as he chases her across the sandbank. He catches her, throws her over his shoulder and spins, laughing at her wild screams of delight as he tickles her sides. Your chest warms, and the smile tugging at your lips is automatic as Mena runs on unsteady legs back to you, curls bouncing in her pigtails as she escapes Frankie’s arms and bolts to you for safety.
“Mama!” She climbs into your arms and your face drops in shock, wide eyes blinking up at Frankie who’s stopped dead behind her. The grin that widens his face practically blinds you, his eyes immediately shining with a sheen of tears as he drops beside you and smothers you both with a hug, pressing loud kisses to wherever he could reach. Mena giggles, pulling away to look between the pair of you with sparkling dark eyes. Little arms wind around both you and Frankie as she cuddles you close, her little head falling tiredly against your chest.
You catch Frankie looking at you, and return his fond gaze, smiling shyly under his admiration. The three of you snuggle together as the sun disappears, throwing bright hues of pink and orange across the cloudy sky, and finally, the tight feeling in your chest lessens under the pressure of two pairs of loving arms. Finally—you feel like you can breathe.
Frankie pipes up soon after the sun sets, “Who’s hungry?”
Mena’s head pops up instantly, the sleepiness that was just weighing her body down seemingly vanishing at the mention of food. She wiggles off your lap, and runs back to the campsite leaving you and Frankie chuckling quietly to yourselves as you follow. He and Mena sit together while he builds a fire, and you hear him talk through the process, Mena watching with curious eyes as he stacks the wood and lights it.
You all stay huddled together as the chill of the night drops over the camp site, sharing quiet laughs and keeping Mena entertained until her eyes start to drop. You stay mostly quiet, happy to just witness the two loves of your life share in each other’s affections.
Soon you and Frankie are left alone once Mena succumbs to sleep, and he brings two cups out with his phone playing quiet music, wiggling the bottle of whiskey he had hidden in his bag mischievously after putting her down in the tent. He pours a generous amount into both before sinking onto the log beside you, watching the flames dance in the dark before nudging you softly.
“Talk to me, baby.”
Sighing, your finger traces the rim of the cup and you shrug helplessly. “I don’t know. I just... I haven’t been feeling like myself lately.”
He nods, “Has something happened?”
You purse your lips, thinking over the last few weeks. Nothing jumps out and you shrug again, frowning at the flames. “No. My head just... I don’t know. I’m happy with my life—I love you, more than anything, and Mena, too... my job is fine—everything’s fine, but... my head just...” you struggle to finish your sentence, frown deepening.
You’re not making any sense. You never make sense. How can you possibly turn the jumble of thoughts in your head into words and make him understand? You barely understood it all yourself. What did you have to be upset over? Your life was picture perfect. Perfect man, perfect daughter, perfect job, a home full of love... so many people had it worse. You shouldn’t feel the way you do.
You must’ve spoken aloud because the next minute Frankie is reaching for your hand, rubbing the skin soothingly.
“I get it.” He says quietly, shooting you a comforting smile when you blink up at him, tears filling your eyes. “Our minds can be cruel sometimes, but just because there are others out there who may have it worse doesn’t take away from how you feel. You matter, just as much as others.”
You don’t try to stop the tears that fall from your eyes, instead letting them fall down your cheeks in a heavy flow. He moves closer in response, moving the arm holding your hand around your shoulder and pulling you in close to his side. The warmth from his body seeps into yours and you take a shaky breath as the tears continue.
“Is there anything I can do? Do you want to talk to someone? I know of a few good doctors around.”
Shaking your head, you lean your head on his shoulder and sigh deeply. “No, I think I’m alright for now, but if it gets worse...”
His arm tightens in response, and he nods quietly.
“I’m here for you, honey.” He murmurs, turning to kiss your forehead gently. “You don’t have to hide from me.”
You smile through your tears, turning to gaze up at him gratefully. “Thank you, Frankie.”
Quiet conversation starts up once the flow of tears dies off, and soon he has you in fits of laughter, the whiskey loosening the last bits of tension from your frame as it warms your insides. When Frankie’s favourite song comes on, he’s up before you can even make a comment, holding a hand out to you with a wide grin once he throws back the last of his drink and tosses his cup aside without a care.
“What?” You ask, eyeing his open palm with a grin.
“Dance with me.”
How could you ever say no? You couldn’t. Not to him. Your grin turns shy as you take his hand, letting him pull you up and off the log and into his frame. He holds you close, arms winding securely around you as you sway softly. The stars catch your attention when you rest your head on his shoulder, and you feel a lump growing in the back of your throat when Frankie starts to softly sing in your ear. It’s not depressive thoughts that have you on the verge of tears this time. Instead, your heart is damn near bursting, the flood of love for this man so strong you have to stop yourself from squeezing him too tight.
Your eyes flick to watch a shooting star, but instead of making a wish, you tuck yourself impossibly closer to Frankie. You didn’t need a wish—you had everything you needed already.
Tags: @anu-simps @seasonschange-butpeopledont @withasideofmeg @you-got-me-starry-eyed
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simpz-art-stash · 3 years
Late Beginnings [Ch. 2]
Summary: Macaque’s gotten over the biggest gap on his side of the burnt bridge between him and his broke af relationship with Wukong. Now he’s gotta take an even bigger leap in hopes of getting MK to give him a chance as well.
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It should’ve been easy, a kid like MK had a good head on his shoulders, enough to see the good in all besides himself.
It should’ve been easy.
So then why the hell was he still standing on the sidelines mulling over what to say to the kid who was just a few yards away training under the careful eye of his mentor?
What could he say? The same to Wukong? He felt that might be a bit too cliche, even if it had worked.
‘Just barely.’
Mac sighed, brushing his hair back and watching the two practice stillness together, Wukong resting on his tail in a lotus position while MK stood on one foot, straining to keep his posture in check. Even with the staff being used as a counter-balance his muscles flexed against the lack of support in his other leg.
Maybe he could offer him something? Nothing major of course, something innocent but worthwhile and thoughtful. Demon head’s wouldn’t do, the kid had no real use for those, nor would he probably appreciate a trophy that wasn’t his. What did kids even like these days anyways? He thought of toys but, MK was practically a bigger kid than most other cub’s. Most kids like him usually just kept to popular places or their phones

Decisions decisions

A small yelp forced him out of his thoughts, his gaze shifting back over to MK who had since fallen back on his butt. Groaning and complaining like usual before Wukong gave him the ol’ ‘keep it up!’ attitude, prompting MK to simply nod and give it another try.
‘Geeze, and I thought my training was harsh. At least I gave him actual critique on his form
Then an idea flashed in his mind, popping off like a rocket and he suddenly found himself with something worthwhile.
“Alright bud, I think that’s enough of that. Why don’t you hit the bench, I need to go check on the kids back inside n’ make sure they haven’t left a mess after that marathon I set up for em.” Wukong claimed, patting MK on the back before turning away. Offering a curt wave as he left, “Call me if you need me!”
“Alright, I will!” MK sighed and made his way over to a makeshift seat, which happened to be nothing more than a split log. And proceeded to take his headband off if not to just drench his hair in some of the water from one of the bottle’s he’d brought along with him. Before guzzling the rest of it down like he hadn’t drank in forever.
“I see he’s been keepin’ you on your toes. Full pun intended.” Mac commented, earning him a startled squeak from MK who had just about spat his drink out when Mac rounded him from behind to sit himself down on the opposing side of the log.
MK had heard a little snippet from MKing about Macaque trying to make amends, he didn’t get the full details but he’d heard enough to know to keep an eye out for the guy. Not that he wasn’t already always on high alert for any suspicious activity.
“Guh- yeah.” MK coughed a little, rubbing his throat a little as he cleared it. “It hasn’t been uh, easy, but I think I’m gettin’ better. Just need to try harder or whatever
” Mac let his gaze concentrate on the immortal peach tree Wukong had planted out in the front of his yard, it having long since bloomed and been picked clean.
MK shifted a little under the uncomfortable silence that spread between the two, there wasn’t tension in it per sey, but it was still a lil awkward for him to just outright be chatting it up with the same guy who had once tried to kill him at one point.
“So uh..I was hoping to..make it up to you, what with everything that happened the last time
” Mac’s face squinted a little, his tail irritably swaying behind him, it seemed this was just as awkward for him as it was MK.
“Uhm..okay?..” MK veered a little away from the guy, not too sure how to handle that. “Hey if this is about the whole ‘you trying to kill me thing’ then uh, hey man we’re cool.”
“What? I mean yeah but, it’s more than just that..” Mac fiddled idly with the hem of his cloak, the things color long since having been worn down from the elements. “A lot more
“Complicated?” MK quirked a brow at him.
“Heh, been there. Done that.” MK nodded, not that it was anything to be proud of.
“He didn’t tell you?” Mac looked at MK finally with a concerned expression.
“About you and him?? I mean..yeah he told me a lil..mostly just warned me to keep an eye out for you but
” MK rubbed the back of his neck out of nervous habit, shifting under the demon’s gaze.
“Of course he didn’t
” Mac sighed with a frown, “Well, maybe that’s where I can help you out. I know Wukong, he doesn’t exactly give you the full picture so easily, then again he’s never really had a student before either so.”
‘So, he won’t just outright give you the benefit of the doubt just like that, especially if you just say you’ll give him whatever advice he wants. He’ll think you’re just trying to pull him from Wukong again or worse.’
“What I mean to say is, if you want to correct your form with that whole balancing thing, you should try putting less focus into just your foot, and put it towards your whole body.” Macaque stated plainly, his gaze shifting away back to the peach tree.
“Oh..uhm..alright?...Thanks???” MK blinked, none too sure what to make of that, but he wasn’t trying to kill him, or hurt his feelings so, maybe that was a good thing??
“Feel free to mention it to him
” Macaque claimed, his gaze softening before he got up finally and began to walk elsewhere.
“h-Wait!” MK called out, standing up right then. To which Macaque of course obliged, though he kept his back facing kid.
“..are you..like...being serious about that whole, ‘making amends’ thing?..” MK squinted at him suspiciously, even if Macaque could lie about his true intentions, MK at least thought it right to ask. Considering everything else

“Yes.” Mac stated, his tail curling a little behind him.
“Ohkaaay... “ It was still hard to tell but, “Then why’re you trying to?-”
“Because he told me to.” Mac claimed, his head turning just enough to share a glance with the kid. “Don’t get the wrong idea..it was wrong of me, but.”
“But whatever you do, you gotta stop lyin’ about the real stuff.”
Mac grunted, that was probably gonna be the hardest trial of his to overcome. For him, lying was basically his day by day means of survival. “I think I’d rather cut my own tongue out at that point an be mute then cut that out.”
The chick shrugged, “Hey, I’m just sayin’. Honesty is the best policy. Even if it hurts to hear it, better said than left for dead. You want em to trust you again? You gotta earn it. A few pretty words ain’t never gonna be enough. You gotta put some effort behind em.”
“Uuuugh.” He rolled his eyes, already regretting having decided to go through with the whole thing. “Fine...but if I get my ass beat because someone couldn’t take the heat, I’ll hunt you down.”
“I’ll take that chance.” The chick smirked.
Macaque sighed, he could already imagine just how easy it’d be to screw up something so casually done by others. Century old lies he’d held onto for most his life being the worst one’s, with how gnarled they were from the many times they’d been knotted by his reasons to keep them from being undone by any means necessary. He’d run from them for such a long time though, enough to the point where he’d finally hit the end of his lead, and now he was forced to look back at the mess he’d caused.
It wasn’t a pretty sight at all.
But that didn’t mean he couldn’t go back and try to fix some of it. Now matter how long it took, little by little. He just had to be careful in doing so or else he’d just get himself wrapped up in knots all over again.
“...I..” Just say it, even if it’s half the truth.
“I didn’t want to see you waste that potential under a guy who wouldn’t appreciate it...” Macaque claimed, his gaze shifting away.
That...was probably the first time MK had ever seen Mac show a genuine side of himself before. Even during training he’d been distant and strict, similar to Wukong but a lot less merciful in a spar. Where with Mac, bruises were lessons learned.
“...Thanks. For the uh..advice I mean.”
Macaque stiffened a little at the response, but he didn’t spoil it for fear of ruining what little ground he had on that bridge.
And then he was gone.
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viking-raider · 3 years
Hoist the Colours - Part II
Summary: You try and survive being Henry's captive, while your father plans on how to get you back.
Pairing: Henry Cavill/Reader
Word Count: 7,629
Warning: PG-13 - Pirate!Henry, Some Dark Themes, Language, Kidnapping, Ransom, Captivity, Possible Trigger Warning, Unwanted Physical Contact, Angst, Fluff, Bondage
Inspiration: Pirates of the Caribbean and Henry Cavill!
Author's Note: Gotta love Pirates!
Tag List Blog: @viking-raider-taglist
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Henry woke with the sun glittering off the ocean and into his face and groaned, rubbing at his bearded cheeks and sat up, rolling his stiff neck and shoulders. His body was sore after the battle the day before, he crossed the swaying room and poured himself a stiff drink and quickly downed it with a groan.
Splashing some water in his face from a small basin, Henry peeked through the narrow gap between bed curtains and saw you sound asleep, before a light knock sounded on the still locked door.
“What is it?” He asked, opening the door to his first mate, Benjamin Nullings.
“Morning to you too, Captain.” Nullings greeted him back, with a smile.
Henry shook his head at the man, a smile tugging at his lips. He and Nullings had known each other for a good many years, back when they were both crewmen on another Pirate's ship, before Henry acquired the Crimson Jersey, a Spanish Galleon, and he made Nullings his First Mate, being one of the only men that he trusted.
“Good morning, Benji.” He replied to him.
“Well, good is going to depend on how you take the news I have for you.” Nullings answered, his brow creasing.
“What news?” Henry frowned, not liking the tone or the look Nullings was giving him.
“It's Valentine.” Nullings said, clearing his throat and rubbing the back of his bald head. “He was injured in the skirmish yesterday, took a musket ball to the arm. The surgeon had to take it off during the night, but he ended up bleeding out and died early this morning.”
Henry's head dropped back with a growl. “Fuck.”
“Exactly.” Nullings nodded, pressing his lips together. “You know old man Norris entrusted us with his son to try and straighten the boy out, not get his arm blown off or him killed.”
“He's going to kick up quite the fuss back at the Island for this.” Henry groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose. “Has Quartermaster Astley tallied up the new loot?”
“He has, and we should make a very tidy profit of ten thousand pieces of eight.” Nullings informed him.
“Divided by a thirty man crew.” Henry squeezed his eyes closed and did the math. “Three hundred pieces per man. Norris will want his son's portion plus compensation for his death. Give him Valentine's portion and I'll compensate Norris for the death of his son.” He told Nullings, pushing his jaw forward.
“Once we get back to the Island, that is.”
“I'll have Astley make a note of it in his logs.” Nullings nodded, agreeing with his Captain and friend. “How's our bargaining chip holding up?” He asked, with a knowing smile.
“Stubborn and feisty.” Henry replied, glancing over his shoulder.
“Typical of all women.” Nullings laughed, his head thrown back.
“True enough.” Henry agreed, looking back at him. “Have Ellis keep us on course for Tortuga, but we won't be harboring there. So, have him anchor us off shore and the men will row out to it. They've earned a jaunt on shore after being at sea for the last eight months.”
“When we get the girl's ransom, do we still intend on returning to the Island?”
“Yes, we won't be able to hold anything more and we're already starting to ride lower in the water than we should.” He commented, running a hand through his hair.
“Well, we'll be in Tortuga within two days.”
“Excellent.” Henry nodded, pleased. “Have Valentine's body put in a shroud and we'll pay our respects to him this afternoon.” He instructed him, hearing you start to stir, disturbed by the sound of their voices.
“Aye, Captain.” Nullings nodded his head at Henry and went about his duties.
Henry closed the door as you pulled back the curtains, whimpering as the bright sunlight hit your unprepared eyes. “Good morning, pet.” He purred, smirking at you as you brushed your sleep tousled hair out of your face.
You huffed at him, rolling your eyes at his continued nickname for you, but didn't answer his greeting.
“Someone is a grumpy morning person.” He chuckled, openly teasing you.
“Only with bloodthirsty pirates.” You growled at him, trying to soothe the wrinkles in your skirts.
“Well, they don't call me Henry the Red for nothing, pet.” Henry grinned at you, unashamed and proud of himself. “We'll anchor off the coast of Tortuga in two days' time.” He informed you, combing his fingers through his messy curls.
“Tortuga?” You frowned up at him, surprised. “Why not Lockemirth?”
“I'm not going anywhere near Lockemirth until your dear papa has your ransom.” He replied, pulling his hair back with the leather string. “I'm not a stupid man, if I was to go near that island before hand, it would give him and the Crown amble opportunity to try and overtake my ship and crew. So, we'll wait in Tortuga.”
“Then, how will you know my father will have it?” You asked him, lifting a brow at him. “Tortuga and Lockemirth are eighty kilometers apart.”
Henry smirked at you, impressed. “A woman that knows her cartography.”
“I'm an educated woman, not the plague ridden whores you gallivant with.” You hissed at him, venomously.
“I have much finer tastes.” He replied, his stormy blue eyes scanning you for a long moment. “Anyhow, I have my ways of getting messages between the islands. So, you don't have to worry about that, pet.”
You glared daggers into him, wishing you had some means to wipe that smug look off his face. Henry stared back at you, he could see the thoughts flitting across your mind, you were either terrible at hiding how you were feeling or you weren't bothering to do so. Either way, he wasn't threatened by it or worried that you could pull it off or even attempt it to begin with, and he let that show on his own face.
“Enter!” He shouted, just as a knock came, causing you to jump at the sudden sound.
His cabin door opened and the same man from the night before entered with another silver tray with food upon it, he paid no attention to you as he bowed his head to Henry, set the tray down on his desk and left again.
“Are you starving this morning as well, pet?” Henry asked, picking up a few bits of food off of his plate and popped them into his mouth, making a big deal out of chewing and how good it tasted.
You watched him eat and felt your stomach rumble in your stays, you hadn't eaten since early afternoon the day before and were parched beyond belief. Henry lifted a silver goblet to his nose, swirling its contents and taking a whiff of it with a satisfied hum, before taking a deep swallow.
“Mmm, simply remarkable.” He said, after rolling the mouthful of wine in his mouth for a moment, before swallowing. “A 1681, Spanish Red.” He spoke, licking his lips. “I've always loved red wine, so it works out in the end.”
You gulped, feeling your hunger start to break down your willpower as you watched him enjoy the wine and food, purposely taking his time and making a show of it. With every bite of food and sip of wine your hunger and desperation grew, to the point you almost became unhinged. Henry set his goblet down and picked up yours, holding it out to you, a playful and teasing smirk and expression on his face, continuing to poke holes in your weak resolve.
“You know you want it, pet.” He hummed, lowering the deep timber of his voice, taunting you. “Wet those sweet lips of yours.” He purred, his tone teasing more than one meaning of his words. “Be a pity to let yourself go to waste.”
Gulping and licking your lips, the last of your will dissipating as you shot forward and snatched the goblet from his hand, making him laugh, as you hastily downed it, your mind not taking a moment to ask your taste buds how it tasted. Henry picked his own goblet back up, slowly sipping his wine, while you started to gorge yourself on the food. He plucked up the uncorked bottle of wine on the tray and refilled your goblet, the rich and deep red liquid splashing onto the stained oak wood of his desk as the ship bucked on the waves.
“Easy, pet.” Henry cooed at you. “Don't make yourself sick.”
You slowed down, looking up at him as you swallowed down the bit of food you had been devouring, the look in your hungry and exhausted eyes shifting, then you gulped down, audibly. A broader smirk crossed Henry's face and he rolled his eerily blue eyes at you.
“I ate the same food off the same plate, pet. It's not fouled up.” He laughed at you, increasingly amused at your silliness at thinking he, or the cook, had some how poisoned the food. He touched his fingers under your chin, smirking at you.
“For Lord's sake, you're no use to me dead or damaged.”
Another knock sounded at the door and it opened without Henry's permission, revealing Nullings. “Captain, Valentine and his shroud have been prepared, all we wait for is you.” He informed Henry, lifting a brow at the two of you.
“If you aren't busy.” He added, clearing his throat.
“I'm not.” Henry replied, dropping his hand from your chin. “Just making sure the Governor's daughter had her breakfast.” He chuckled, gently patting your cheek, then polished off his wine and set it down on his desk. “Come along, pet. All aboard are required to attend.” He told you, starting for the door.
“Attend what?” You asked, staying where you were.
“One of my men, Valentine Tash, was injured in the skirmish yesterday.” Henry replied, pulling on his jerkin. “He died, after having his arm nearly blown off.” He explained to you, settling the garment on his body.
“What's that matter to me?” You snapped, narrowing your eyes at him. “You were the monster that attacked my ship. It's your fault, he's dea--”
Henry bolted across the room, the back of his big hand connecting to your surprised cheek in a harsh smack; if it wasn't for his desk, you would have crumbled to the floor, instead you fell upon the desk, sending the tray of food crashing to the floor and spilling your goblet and the bottle of wine across it.
“Every man, and woman, on this ship knows the difficulties and dangers of being on these seas and in this occupation. Death is part of that expectation, no matter who they are. If they die, from whatever the cause, they have been cautioned and informed of it, and still they chose to come. That isn't on my head or on my heart.” He hissed at you, face twisted with rage.
“So, I suggest you watch your tongue, especially when you speak of things an insolent and ignorant girl does not understand.” He grabbed you by the elbow and yanked you up onto your feet. “Do you understand what I've said?”
You looked up at him, sniffling, eyes brimming with tears and your cheek welted with his knuckles. “Y-e-s.” You hiccupped and gulped thickly.
“Good.” Henry replied, tense. “Now, we're going out there and you will behave yourself, and if you try anything stupid, you won't leave this cabin again, until I have everything I want from your father in three days.” He warned you, shoving you in the direction of the door.
You tripped over the threadbare rug on the floor, but was thankfully caught by Nullings, before you fell. He gave you a soft and sympathetic smile, supporting you until you managed to right yourself, then kindly let you go. Henry moved in behind you, making you shiver as you followed Nullings out of the Captain's cabin. You blinked at the bright light of the morning as you stepped out onto the main deck of the ship, it seemed by the amount of people there as well, that the entire crew was out and waiting for the ceremony to send Valentine off to his watery grave.
It would be a lie, if you said you weren't interested in how pirates dealt with their dead. You had spent much of the voyage on the Kilmartin dreaming up scenarios about pirates and their ways of life on the high seas; but being kidnapped and held for ransom wasn't one of them though.
You saw a canvas wrapped body on a long wood platform that was balanced on the edge of the ship with two men holding onto it, so it wouldn't prematurely fall into the roiling sea below. The men gathered around their Captain, removing what hats they were wearing and bowed their heads. Henry stood tall beside you, his broad shoulders straight and tense as he surveyed his crew, his expression hard and unreadable.
“We gather here in honor of our mate, Valentine Tash.” He said, speaking loudly over the waves crashing against the hull. “He was a good man, a hard worker and a sound fighter. It is unfortunate that we have lost him, but he will forever be remembered.”
The crew let out three cheers in agreement and honor of their fallen comrade, before Henry gave a stiff nod of his head and the two men holding the body, lifted the platform and the shrouded body of Valentine Tash slid off of it and into the abyss below, never to be seen again. The crew lingered for another moment of quiet, before silently returning to their stations. You stood beside Henry as he continued to stare after the now vanished body, you saw, now that his men were gone or distracted by their duties, the look in his ordinarily hard and guarded eyes was one of a raw heart, one that had lost many men over the years and, even after telling you he felt none of it, was a man that had felt all of those deaths as if they were his own.
Henry caught you staring at him. “What?” He snapped, regaining command of his face.
“Nothing, just enjoying the sunshine.” You replied, blinking up at the blue and cloudless sky. “You?”
His eyes narrowed, then blinked at you, softening slightly. “Same.” He answered, his voice calmer. “It won't last though.” He added a second later, squinting into the sunlight.
“Why do you say that?” You replied, frowning and trying to see what he was talking about.
Henry dropped his eyes to you, amused. “I've spent my entire life either on or by the sea.” He replied, moving to the railing. “All that experience teaches you the language and nature of it. Even if it looks calm, sunny and beautiful, there's always something brewing just beyond the horizon.” He told you, leaning his forearms against the worn and sun faded railing.
“There's a storm coming.” He whispered, narrowing his eyes at a very thin strip of dark clouds. “But, we should be off Tortuga by the time it arrives.”
“Will we make landfall then?” You asked, gulping at the thought of being on the ship, any ship, with a storm going off.
“No.” He chuckled, shaking his head and looked over his shoulder at you. “We'll be as safe on the ship as we are on land.” He could see the fear and anxiety in your face and eyes. “Don't fret, pet. I've sailed this ship around hurricanes and she hasn't sunk yet.” He grinned at you, giving you an odd feeling of safety, but also a feeling of uneasiness.
“Then again, she can't.”
“All ships sink.” You frowned, shaking your head at him.
“Not this one, pet. Not this one.” Henry replied, still grinning as he looked his beloved ship over. “She's special.”
“Special how?” You answered, starting to worry for the pirate's mental soundness.
Henry pushed off the railing and caught your chin in his fingers, tipping your head back to look up at his amused face. “That's nothing for you to worry about, pet. There are some things beyond your innocent understanding in this world and beyond it.” He told you, his eyes darkening with an almost sinister delight.
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You jerked up with a gasp as a crack of lightning struck the water, so close to the Crimson Jersey that Henry's cabin lit up like broad daylight. You gripped the blankets of Henry's bed as the ship tilted and swayed at nauseating degrees under the heavy winds, the torrential rain hammered every part of the ship, pattering against the glass of the stern windows like small pebbles. You gasped again as a hiss filled the cabin, but slightly relaxed again, a spark of light flared to life and illuminated Henry's face as he leaned over his desk to touch the flame to the blackened wick of his tallow candle.
“I didn't mean to wake you.” You spoke, barely audible above the storm.
“You didn't.” Henry replied, crossing the room with a small struggle.
“I'm impressed how well you and your men can walk across the room or deck, when the ship is bucking like a wild animal.”
“It's land that tends to be tricky for most sailors.” He chuckled, pouring a drink, unphased by the glasses moving across the table. “Your body gets so used to the sway of the ship, it doesn't know how to react when you're finally on unmoving land again.” He told you, picking the glasses up and crossed over to you, holding one of them out.
“It's like watching a newborn babe try to walk for the first time.” He laughed, sitting down on the edge of the bed. “I'm supposing this is your first time at sea.” He said, sipping his drink.
“It is.” You nodded, staring into your own glass for a moment, before lifting it to your lips. “I would have rather stayed in London.”
“With your mother?”
Your eyes jerked over to him.
“You were the only woman on board the Kilmartin that my men and I encountered.” He clarified. “I doubt your father had you himself, so that leaves your mother still in London herself.”
“She is still in London.” You nodded, chewing on your bottom lip and trying to hold back the overwhelming wave of tears that wanted to overtake you.
You were so consumed by all the events of late, being forced to leave the only home you had ever known, to sail half a world away to a teeny island, where you knew no one other than your father. Then to be kidnapped by Pirates and held for a ransom, that you feared if your father didn't or wasn't able to pay would only end badly for you. It was all adding up on you, especially when you were still trying to deal and come to terms with your mother's passing.
“I doubt we could have brought her, even if we wanted too.” You mumbled into your glass.
“Did she not wish to join you both?” Henry asked, head slightly tilting as he noticed the cloud that crossed your face, even in the crepuscular light of the cabin.
“I'm sure she would have come with us, if she could have.” You looked up at him, eyes shining and red. “But, sailors already believe a woman on board is a bad omen, I shudder to think what they would have said about transporting the dug up coffin of one.”
Henry's mouth dropped open for a moment, before he regained his composure. “She's passed on then.”
You nodded your head, dropping your eyes back to your barely touched drink. “A year ago, this past month.” You whispered, ringing the tip of your finger around the rim of the glass. “She was sick for a very long time.” You sniffled and gulped, feeling your strength start to waver.
“I'm very sorry.” Henry whispered, softly. “It must still hurt you deeply.”
His words were the keys that opened the floodgates to everything you had pushed behind it. The walls of your throat closed and your eyes burned with the liquid fire of your tears, your breathing hitched, catching in your throat, and your shoulders trembled as tears washed over your cheeks, dripping into the glass still in your lap. Henry sighed, his face pinching in concern and sympathy as he watched you melt into sobs. Setting both glasses on the rocking floor, Henry reached out for you, resting his hands on your arms and gently pulled you into his arms and lap, tucking your head under his chin and rubbed your back, letting the sway of the ship rock the two of you. You clung to him and cried yourself out in his arms, drenching the shoulder of Henry's shirt, but he didn't care, he was a pirate after all and used to being wet.
He gently traced the outline of the whale bones sewn into your corset, beneath your dress, feeling the steadily growing weight of your body on top of his as you calmed down and fell half asleep. Biting and pressing his lips together, then sighing, Henry stood with you in his arms and leaned over the bed, gently laying you down and covered you up, before tugging his tear stained shirt off over his head, tossing it on his desk. He studied your sleeping form in his bed and sighed again, before taking the two neglected glasses back to their tray, then returned to the bed, sitting down on the edge and stared out the stern windows as the storm continued to rage around the ship.
“Look after us.” He muttered to himself, before getting into bed with you and pulled the curtains closed against the bright lightning flashes.
Henry stiffened as you whimpered in your sleep, at a rumble of thunder, before rolling into his side and relaxing again. He squeezed his eyes shut and shook his head, but didn't move away from you, not that he could to start with, he was already laying on the very edge of the bed, so if he wanted to get away from you, he'd have to go back to where he'd been sleeping below the stern windows. So, he didn't move or push you away from him, knowing you would likely only find your way back up against his side, figuring if it gave you some measure of comfort, he might as well enjoy the warmth of your body pressed up against his, being the first woman of any standing to share a bed with him in many months, even since the last time he was on land.
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“Land ho!”
The cry woke you from a sound sleep and for a moment you forgot what ship you were on, until you opened your eyes and saw Henry pulling on his discarded shirt and his boots, before unlocking his cabin door and stepped out onto the deck.
Glancing out the stern windows, you saw the mid morning sun was shining and there was even the cry of seagulls, as if the storm had never happened, and the first real sign there was actually land nearby. Excitement blossomed inside of you and you jumped to your feet, quickly going out of Henry's cabin, hot on his heels. Henry was standing on the starboard side of the ship, a spyglass held up to one of his eyes as he swept it over the glittering water.
You didn't need a spyglass to see the approaching stretch of land and felt your heart and spirits soar as high as the seagulls beginning to circle the masts. Tortuga. You heard several of the men aboard murmur across the deck as they gathered, grinning and clasping each other on the back and shoulders, excited at the prospect of touching down on land again, getting their hands on quality booze and ladies of the evening. You couldn't wait for the opportunity to sneak off the ship and find safety somewhere on the island, surely some kind soul would point you to the Mayor or Governor, a British Subject, who would then give you safe passage to your father in Lockemirth.
“Nullings, have Ellis anchor us close enough off the island that the men can row out and enjoy themselves.” Henry barked the order, snapping the spyglass shut.
“Aye, Captain!” Nullings shouted back and ran up to the helm to relay the message.
“Drop the long boats once we're anchored offshore, men!” He yelled to the gathered men on the deck.
“Aye, Cap'n!” His men roared back, throwing up their hands in cheer.
“You.” Henry called, turning towards you.
You started and looked at him as he strode over to you, catching your elbow and turning you back towards his cabin, marching you through the door.
“From this point, until your father gives me my ransom, you are not leaving this cabin.”
“Why!” You protested, planting your hands on your hips.
“Because, I know in that little head of yours, you're already plotting on how to get yourself to that island and I'm not losing my bargaining chip, and if my men have to spend their first time on land, in months, looking for you, they'll bitch about it until we get home.” He told you, sternly.
“Now, stay put and behave.”
“And if I don't?” You retorted, lifting your nose at him.
“I'll tie you to a fucking chair for the rest of your time here.” He replied with a growl, then slammed the cabin door shut, the sound of it locking following.
You let out a frustrated shriek and stomped your feet, before angrily pacing the cabin, mumbling under your breath about how much you hated him and his stupid pirate crew, hoping your father and the Crown sunk his unsinkable ship with him on it. You soon felt the ship slow and the scrapping of the anchor chain unwinding from its storage as they dropped anchor, no doubt close enough to the island for the crew to row the longboats out to shore and enjoy themselves.
“I hope they all get the bloody pox!” You shouted at the cabin door, picking up a glass from Henry's desk and launching it at the door.
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“I want you to employ our usual method of message running for our ransoms.” Henry told Nullings as they stood on the deck, huddled together.
“Aye.” Nullings nodded, taking the heavy pouch of gold coins Henry held out to him. “The auction should be bustling, taking in all the ships currently in harbor.” He observed, glancing at how packed Tortuga harbor was. “I'll have Barnard and David take our messenger to Lockemirth Island. With any luck the Kilmartin survived the storm and is already anchored in their harbor. But, if they're late getting in, I'll have them wait.” He explained to Henry, running a hand over his smooth, suntanned and sweat drenched head.
“That leaves one other thing.” He sighed. “What if they wrecked in the storm? What do we do with the girl?”
Henry rolled his jaw, mulling over the possibility. “We'll deal with it, if it happens. Until then, act as if its still sailing.”
Nullings nodded. “Aye.”
With that, Nullings boarded the first long boat that had been lowered into the water and rested as the men manning the oars rowed them ashore. Once they landed, Nullings marched up the crowded beach, smiling as a few of the Crimson Jersey crew called out to him or made lewd gestures before vanishing into the streets to find the taverns and whore houses. As much as Nullings wanted to do the same, he was on official ship's business, so it would have to wait until later in the day, once his task was completed.
It only took a handful of minutes for Nullings to find the place he wanted to be, the Tortuga Slave Auction, melding into the crowd that pressed in on the auction block, voices from various positions in the crowd shouting out prices. He waited until he found one of interest and joined the chorus, not allowing the other buyers to push him out, until he finally won the bid and left the crowd to pay and collect them.
“You understand English?” He asked the teenaged boy, pulling him into a quiet and discreet corner.
“Yes.” The boy replied with a mild accent, and a nod of his head.
“Excellent.” Nullings smiled. “What's your name?”
“Well, listen here, Hany. I'm the First Mate of the Crimson Jersey, and I have a task for you; a task that once you fulfill, you'll gain your freedom and a passage to any place you wish to go or a place on our crew, that will be left up to you.” He explained to him.
“Do you understand me?”
“Yes, I do.” Hany nodded again, blinking at Nullings, wide eyed.
Nullings removed a small, rolled up piece of parchment out of his pocket. “You will take this to the Governor of Lockemirth Island, two of my men will take you there, then wait for his reply and return here with it. You will find me at the Golden Mermaid, ask for Nullings.” He said, handing him the note.
“Any questions?”
“No, sir.” Hany shook his head, tucking the note into the pocket of his filthy and tattered pants.
“Great! Follow me.” Nullings nodded, then took the teen to the boat where Barnard and David were waiting for him.
With that done and nothing else to do, Nullings went to the Golden Mermaid tavern in central Tortuga and ordered a room, a pint and a woman to fill his time, while he waited for Hany, Barnard and David to return with Sir Thomas's reply.
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Thomas was a mess after Henry had taken you for ransom, going from spurts of violent anger to deep depression and lamenting. Captain Davis tried his best to keep the new Governor's spirits up, but more often than not, failed at it.
“The vile things that damned pirate and his men could be doing to my beautiful and innocent daughter.” He raged, pacing the cabin in a highly agitated state. “I swear, if he harms a hair on her head, I'll hang the bastard thrice!”
“You must keep your composure, Thomas.” Davis replied, watching his friend pace from his seat behind his desk.
“Composure!” Thomas roared, stopping before the Captain's desk and slapped it with his palms. “I don't have to do any such a thing! You are not a father, you do not know the pressure and responsibility it is for one to care for their children, especially their defenseless daughters!”
Davis sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose and squeezing his eyes shut. “You know my meaning, Tom.” He replied, exhausted. “We'll be in Lockemirth harbor in a couple hours time, then we can muster what we need to rescue her, in safety.”
“Yes, we will.” Thomas growled, starting to pace again. “I'll be damned if I give that abominable pirate a cent from anywhere! The only payment he will get will be to the hangman's noose.”
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A few hours later, the HMS Kilmartin docked in Lockemirth harbor and Sir Thomas disembarked from the ship, meeting the welcoming party the gentry of the island had put together for him, and you had you been with him. But, Thomas was in no mood for a welcome party and good cheer under the circumstances. He demanded to be shown the base of his operations and have all the top officials of the island to be assembled there, at once.
Several people branched out from the large group that had congregated around him, to set about his orders, while the rest of them showed him the Governor's office.
“What is the meaning of this?” One of the officials demanded as he entered Sir Thomas's office.
“Yes.” Chimed another, entering behind the first.
“We have serious business to conduct.” Thomas snapped, glaring at the full room of officials.
“What business can be so urgent that you must conduct it the moment you've stepped on the island?”
“While we were sailing here, we were attacked and boarded by pirates.” Thomas replied, his temper mounting more and more.
“Pirates!” Several gasped.
“Yes, pirates!” He barked, impatiently. “They've not only stolen several valuables from the HMS Kilmartin, they've also kidnapped my daughter and are holding her for ransom.”
A murmur went through the collection of men in the room, agitating everyone.
“What is the pirate's demand for her back?” One of the men asked, lifting a brow at Sir Thomas.
“Three-fourths of the islands money and goods.”
“Absolutely not!” The man roared back. “You can't just show up here and give them almost all that we have, I don't care if the pirate has your mother!” He protested, several of the others agreeing.
“I have no intention of giving them anything, you fools.” Thomas hissed, banging a fist on his desk.
“Then, how do you propose we retrieve your daughter back?”
“That—what is it?” Thomas barked as the door to his office opened to his clerk, Samuel.
“There is a boy here to see you, Sir.” The clerk replied, sheepishly. “Says, he has a message for you.”
“Tell him to wait.”
“But, Sir, he says it's from a man on a ship called the Crimson Jersey.”
Thomas stiffened at his words. “Let him in.” He said, pushing off his desk.
The clerk pushed the door open and stood out of the way, omitting Hany into the office. He looked around at the full room and gulped, slowly removing the note Nullings had given him out of his pocket and held it up, looking into the face of everyone in the room, not sure which of them it was meant for.
“Governor?” He said, hesitantly.
“Yes, that's me.” Thomas replied, stepping from behind his desk. “Hand it here.”
Hany took a couple steps forward, meeting Thomas halfway and allowed him to take the note from his hand. “I wait for reply.” He informed your father, uncomfortable.
“Yes, yes.” Thomas nodded, breaking the wax seal and unrolled the stiff paper.
“To the Governor of Lockemirth Island. I send you this note to inform you that I and your daughter, who is in good health and condition, are quite nearby to your island of Lockemirth. I send this messenger and expect him, and your answer, back before first light tomorrow morning. If he, or your reply, do not return by that time, I will take that as a sign of your refusal to pay her ransom and your leaving her to my mercy. Captain Henry Cavill of the pirate ship, the Crimson Jersey.”
Thomas read the note aloud, his hands slowly starting to shake with the multitude of emotions he was struggling to keep at bay.
“What is your plan, Governor?” One of the men asked, watching him restlessly pace the room.
He paced the room for several more moments, trying to gather his thoughts and form some sort of plan to get you back from Henry. Stepping up to the globe that was beside his desk, he studied it for a long moment, before turning to his desk and took up a quill and a piece of parchment paper, scribbling down his reply to Henry's note, and sealed it, pressing the signet ring on his pinkie into the cooling wax to make it official.
“Take this back to him and tell him we'll be waiting for him at that location.” He told Hany, then dismissed him to return to Nullings with the reply.
“Sir?” A man impatiently growled.
“We'll be meeting the pirate on Hafstead island.” Thomas replied, meeting the group's eye. “There is only one likely place that the Pirate and his men would make harbor in, and that's Tortuga. It's the only Island close enough to us and is friendly to their kind.” He explained his logic.
“Putting Hafstead island between Tortuga and Lockemirth, a perfect neutral ground for our transaction.”
“You stated you wouldn't be giving them their ransom demands? How then, are you planning to get your daughter back from them?”
“Misdirection.” Thomas smiled at him.
“We'll fill two crates with the goods and the rest with something else that will weigh roughly the same as the real two. They'll demand to see proof that we have their demands, so when they do, we show them the first two. Once they've handed my daughter over and move to start loading the ransom onto their long boats, we'll have guards from here attack, and all will be well.”
“I'll have my daughter back and the island will lose none of its profits.”
“You're sure this will work?”
“Yes.” He nodded, confidently.
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With what men who wanted to go ashore gone, Henry let some of the tension go out of his shoulders, before heading back into his cabin. He opened the door just as you were opening one of the windows at the back of the ship, crouching in it, poised to jump into the water blow.
“Don't you dare!” Henry barked between clenched teeth, pointing a finger at you in warning, his lip curling with anger.
You looked over your shoulder at him, heart racing in your chest and hands shaking as you gripped the open window frame. Both of your hearts paused for a frightful moment, and everything became slow-motion; Henry taking a slow step forward as you gradually let go of the window and tipped forward out of it. Reality caught up as you slipped out the window, free falling countless meters, just as Henry stuck his head out the open window to see you crash into the foamy waves.
“Fuck!” He shrieked, enraged and concerned.
Glancing behind him for a moment, Henry tore off his jerkin and boots, before swan diving out of the window and into the water after you. Making it into the water, Henry saw you slowly sinking and struggling to swim with the weight of your clothing bearing down on you. Bubbles rose towards him as you struggled to hold your breath and quickly losing the fight. Kicking his feet harder, Henry reached you and wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you against his sturdy body, buoying both of you, before his fingers dug into the ties of your corset and dress, ripping them open and letting the heavy garment slip off your body and sink into the oblivion of the ocean below. Kicking his legs in unison with yours, Henry propelled you both to the surface of the choppy waves.
“You fucking brat!” Henry hissed, shaking his head, his long hair coming free from its tie, before sticking two fingers into his mouth and let out a shrill whistle, right beside your ear, uncaring if it hurt you as you coughed and sputtered for air.
A shrill whistle sounded back as he guided you around to the side of the ship, the remaining crew leaning over the railing, to see the two of you treading water.
“Man overboard!” A call went out, the men jumping to action.
“Captain overboard!” Another corrected back.
Several of the crew helped Henry haul you back onto the ship from a small ladder built into its starboard side. You stood on the deck in nothing but your shift, hugging your arms against your chest and shivering violently in the strong breeze. Henry finally set his soaking feet onto the deck, the men huddled around him for a moment, to make sure he was all right, but his blue eyes were burning holes into you.
“Go back to your duties!” He bellowed at his men, who paused for a moment, then scattered out of sight.
Henry snapped across to you, his hand raised and stopping a centimeter away from your cheek, you scrunched up your body, wincing and turning your head away, anticipating the slap. He shook, throat bobbing up and down as he struggled to control his white hot anger. His hand unclenched and squeezed around your jaw, in a bruising grip. He jerked your head forward to look up at him, making you whimper. Your frightened eyes looked into his furious blue gaze, like he was tearing you apart with his sight alone.
You shivered again and whined, cold and scared, the suspense of not knowing what Henry was going to do to you, for your open and continued disobedience.
His hand moved from your chin and grabbed you by the neck, making you yelp with alarm, terrified he was about to kill you. But he growled deep in his throat; dull nails digging into your skin. Henry jerked you sharply towards him, crushing you against his soaking body and crashing his lips to your cold ones, in an angry and sloppy kiss, his other hand coming up to tangle in the back of your wet hair. You struggled against him, squirming, beating and clawing at his chest, but Henry wasn't deterred, his continued to kiss you, for a long moment, before breaking it, then, with his hand still in your hair, Henry dragged you back into his cabin and shoved you onto his bed, uncaring that you would get the blankets and mattress wet.
Stomping across the cabin, he retrieved a coil of twine that was on a sideboard and crossed back to you. Yanking your arms up, Henry tightly weaved the rough twine around your wrists and tied it off, leaving a length of it hang from it, before cutting the excess with a small knife that was in his belt. Taking the lead of your bonds, Henry tied it to one of the bed posts.
“You're a fool.” You hissed at him as he picked up his boots and jerkin, closing the window as well.
“Am I?” He laughed, tossing his jerkin over the back of his chair.
“My father doesn't suffer Pirates.” You replied, jerking on your bonds. “He never has and he never will. You may think you'll get what you want. But, the moment he has me. He will kill you.” You told him with a deep conviction.
“He's been killing Pirates, better than you, before you were alive.”
Henry turned towards you, eyes wide with focus as he regarded you and digested your words, but before he could answer you, the door flew open and Nullings came flying in, skidding to a stop as he noticed you tied to the bed, then looked to Henry with a questioning look.
“What's the word?” Henry asked, ignoring his expression.
Clearing his throat, Nullings replied. “The Governor has replied to our ransom, he'll meet us at Hafstead island with our demands in exchange for the girl, tomorrow afternoon.”
Henry gripped the back of his chair, drumming his fingers against the carved dark wood, then glanced over at you, before pushing off his chair and hustled out of the cabin with Nullings, closing the door behind them.
“It's a set up.” Henry told him, keeping his voice low.
“What?” Nullings snapped, brow and forehead creasing. “Why do you say that?”
“Something she said.” He replied, carding a hand through his drying curls. “I want you to go back into town, find a girl her height and appearance..”
“I'm sure the man knows what his own flesh and blood looks like, Hank.” Nullings huffed, shaking his head. “Be real.”
“Listen to me.” Henry growled back, chest heaving. “Cover her head, so they don't see her face. That way, we find out just how truthful the dear old Governor is being. Take everything they bring for the ransom, only after everything loaded, will you give her to them.”
“And where will she be?”
“With me.” Henry replied. “I know Hafstead island, I know a good place to keep her. If anything goes wrong, I'll take her back aboard here, we'll all come back to the ship and head for our island.”
“You want to take her back to Shipwreck Island, if something goes awry?”
“That was the deal.” Henry barked at him. “His refusal to pay, would forfeit her to my mercy.”
“What do you bloody plan to do with her?” Nullings asked, exasperated.
“I'll figure something out.” He replied, unperturbed. “Do you understand the plan, Ben?”
Nullings tapped his foot, antsy, as he ran through the plan in his head, things were getting so much more complicated than he anticipated.
“Yeah, yeah!” He sighed, giving in. “I got it, Hank.”
“Great, get about it.” Henry smiled, patting his friend on the shoulder and going back into his cabin. “You and I, my sweet pet.” He grinned, tilting your head back to look up at him.
“Have a date tomorrow.”
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thewomenofchicagopd · 2 years
You're Safe- Kim Burgess
Pairing: Kim x Reader
Summary: A string of murders leaves Kim to figure out why this case had been bothering her.
Requested: No
Warnings: gun, mentions of dead bodies, murder, hostage situation, shooting, please let me know if there are any other trigger warnings that I may have missed.
Word Count: 2,012
Everything about this case was frustrating. It had been nothing but long days and nights for the team. Three females were abducted, and every time someone had a lead, it quickly went dead. Typically, the Intelligence unit could close a case pretty quickly, but the suspect only taking one victim a week and leaving no trace or body behind didn't help.
Kim was frustrated the most. She wasn't sure why this case had bothered her so much. She wasn't going to sleep until the early morning and was up before you were. She was getting very little sleep, and you could tell by the dark circles around her eyes. When she was home, she locked herself in her office for hours, going back over notes and images, trying to find someone or something to connect this case to the suspect. 
Kim rolled into the office around 6 o'clock. Logging into her computer, she watched the security tapes from each abduction, seeing if there was anything they might have missed. Of course, nothing new popped up, and Kim leaned back and let out a frustrated sigh. Leaning forward, she grabbed the files from her drawer and started flipping through them. 
The ding from her phone caught her attention. Picking it up, she saw a text from Jay letting her know that the first victim has been found murdered. Kim quickly grabbed her keys and coat, darting down the stairs and into her car. Arriving on the scene, Kim flashed her badge to one of the patrolmen and ducked under the tape. She walked toward her team and looked down at the body. Kneeling, she started examing the body. 
"Oh my god," Kim whispered. 
She finally understood why this case was bothering her so much. The victims looked like you before you changed your appearance, moved to Chicago, and murdered the same way your ex had murdered the other women back in your home state. Kim stood up and looked around for Voight. Her eyes landed on him talking to one of the Patrolmen. She quickly walked toward him and waited for them to finish their conversation. 
"You find anything?" 
"Yes, but I need everyone to head back to the district. Like, now." Kim said with urgency. 
He studied her face for a moment. "Alright, let's go. My unit, head back to the 21st." 
Everyone quickly piled into their vehicles and headed back toward the district. Before Kim filled everyone in, she looked up news articles from the case back in your home state. She printed up the photos of your ex and the women he murdered and then placed them on the board. 
"Everyone knows Y/N moved her from her home state a couple of years ago and always told everyone she wanted a change of scenery." Kim looked at everyone; they nodded but looked confused. She continued. "I know this may be a far reach, and I'm still not even 100 percent sure, or maybe it's just a coincidence. But each of these women look similar to Y/N."
Adam interrupted. "They look nothing like Y/N, she has short hair, and these women all have long hair. And she has different colored eyes than these women." He said with confusion. 
Kim shook her head no. "Y/N used to have long hair before she moved here. And she wears colored contacts." Kim took a deep breath. "Several years ago, Y/N was in a relationship with a man named Josh. She said it didn't end well, and he would constantly stalk her and send her gifts, trying to get her back, and then all of a sudden, it stopped. Y/N moved and changed jobs. Then these three women disappeared and were later murdered once he found out where Y/N lived and worked. 
"Did he ever try and go after Y/N?" Kevin asked. 
"Yes, but they caught him before he could."
"Do you know if he's out of prison?" Voight asked. 
"That I don't know." 
"Jay, look up and see if he's been released." 
Jay hurried over to his computer and typed away. "Uhh, looks like he got released about six months ago." He said and turned his monitor for everyone to see. 
"Does he have an LKA?" 
"LKA is..." His eyes grew wide. "Kim, he's been living in the same apartment complex as y'all." 
"What?" Kim asked, confused, making her way over to Jay's computer. 
She couldn't believe it. Millions of thoughts and questions were whirling through her head. 
"Kim. Kim!" Voight raised his voice a little to get her attention. She looked over at him. "You can not tell Y/N about this; you understand me." 
"But Sarge," Kim protested.
He held his hand up. "If Y/N's routine even changes the slightest, he will not hesitate to kill the other two women, possibly Y/N, and even himself. We need to figure out where he's taking these women. Kevin and Jay go to the apartment to see if anything is there. Everyone else, get to work."
Kim excused herself and went outside to get some fresh air. She sat on the bench outside the 21st, pulling out her phone and going straight to your name. Clicking on the call button, she placed the phone to her ear and listened to it ring. 
Kim didn't return the hello, just relieved to hear your voice. After a moment of silence, Y/N spoke up. 
"Kim, everything alright? You don't normally call in the middle of a case." 
"I-Yeah, I just wanted to hear your voice." 
Kim and Y/N got to talk for a good while before Hailey came down to get her, letting her know they found the body of the second missing female. Kim hung up with you and followed Hailey to her car. Hailey looked over at Kim. 
"You alright?" 
Kim sighed. "No." 
"You know it's for the best. Hopefully, we catch him before he gets to Y/N; if not, we'll get there before he can harm her." Hailey assured. 
Everyone returned to the district after going through the crime scene and Josh's apartment. Hailey placed the crime scene photos on the board as Jay explained what they saw back at Josh's apartment. 
"There wasn't a whole lot. It's like he just moved in. A couch, bed, and tv were the only things in there."  
"You think maybe he just rented the apartment to spy on Y/N?" 
"Maybe." Jay shrugged his shoulders. "We have no other address for him."
"Alright, Jay, see if you can find any more info on him. Kim and Kevin, I want you two going through footage and see where he goes when he leaves the apartment complex. Adam and Hailey go through the footage of the second crime scene." 
Kim and Kevin went through hours of footage. Every other day, he used his car to follow Y/N to her job and then would disappear. On the days he wasn't following her, he'd walk down West Fullerton, turn left on 42nd place, and then disappear shortly after that. 
"Well, I give him props. He knows how to avoid cameras." Kevin sighed. 
After a minute, a light bulb went off in Kim's head. "You know, Y/N's job is about 15 minutes from our apartment, and he follows her in his car. But he walks when he's not following her. So what if his secondary location is not far from the apartment." 
"Let me see if there are any abandon properties nearby." 
Kevin pulled up a log of abandoned properties and narrowed it down to nearby places. "Here, there are two properties right beside each other." 
They made their way back up to the bullpen to show the rest of the team. 
"Kevin, Kim, and Adam, you take this house. The rest of us will take the other. Let's go." 
They arrived at the house. Adam and Kim stayed in the front while Kevin went to the back. 
"Ready." Kim shook her head. "Kevin, you good?" Adam asked. 
"Alright on 3. 1, 2, 3. Go, go, go." Adam whispered. 
Kim entered first, holding her gun high and searching the living room. She followed Adam up the stairs while Kevin searched downstairs. They each looked through the rooms but saw nothing but emptiness. Returning downstairs to meet with Kevin, they headed down towards the basement. There was nothing there either. 
"Sarge, there's nothing here," Adam said over the radio. 
"We found the third female. She's alive." Voight radioed back. 
The three of them rushed over next door. Kim was relieved to see the third female alive but wasn't sure what this meant when Josh finds out they raided his hideout. 
"I want everyone going door to door and asking questions. See if the neighbors saw or heard anything." 
After almost an hour of knock and talks, the team didn't have much. They all met back up at Josh's hideout and reviewed their notes, seeing if there were any similarities. Everyone was frustrated; they had nothing. None of the neighbors ever heard or saw anything out of the ordinary. 
"Everyone back to the district." 
Kim's phone buzzed in her pocket. She pulled it out and saw she had a text from Y/N. 
Kim's mind went into a frenzy. You two only used that word for emergencies. 
"Sarge, Y/N's in trouble." 
"Y/N, she's in trouble. She texted me popcorn, and that's our word for emergencies." 
"Let's move!" 
Everyone rushed to their cars and sped off towards Y/N's work. When they arrived, a rush of people were coming out of the building. Voight finally stopped one guy and asked him what was going on so the team wasn't going in their blind. 
"There's a guy in there with a guy, asking to speak with Y/N. The receptionist said she couldn't locate her, and he started going ballistic, waving the gun around, saying he would shoot the place up if someone didn't find her." 
Voight thanked the guy. The team slowly moved to the glass windows, seeing Josh holding the gun to the receptionist's head. Voight entered first to get Josh's attention, and the rest of the team followed suit. 
"Josh, my name is Hank Voight, but I need you to put the gun down so we can talk." 
"No, no, no. Not till I see Y/N." 
"I'll see if I can call Y/N, but you have to toss the gun." 
"No, not happening." He said, shaking his head. "Get Y/N here now!"
Everyone turned and looked over to Y/N coming out of her office. Josh smiled at her and made Kim's stomach turn. She was now absolutely terrified this was going to go down a different way. Keeping her composure, she held her gun more firmly, ready to fire if she needed to. 
"Y/N, stop," Voight said. 
She didn't listen to him. "What's going on?" 
"I came to see you. I-I missed you. I thought I lost you and came to bring you back home." 
"Josh, this is my home." 
That fueled Josh's anger. 
"No, Chicago is not your home!" 
"Y/N, no," Kim said. 
Kim's voice got Josh's attention and seeing her there only fueled his anger. He removed the gun from the receptionist's head and dropped her. 
"You. You're the one that took Y/N from me!" He yelled, pointing the gun at Kim. 
"No, no. She left you. She moved on; you didn't." 
With tears in his eyes, he turned and looked at Y/N, the gun still trained on Kim. "I'll stop. I'll be better. Please take me back. I love you." 
"Josh, I can't do that. I don't love you anymore." 
"No, no, no!" He pointed the gun at Y/N and pulled the trigger. 
Y/N felt the searing bullet rip through her upper arm. She fell to the ground, groaning out in pain. Kim fired her gun at Josh and rushed over to Y/N. Kneeling, she lifted Y/N to sit up and looked for other wounds. When she couldn't find any, she wrapped Y/N in a hug. Y/N laid her head on Kim's chest and cried. 
"Shhh, you're safe. You're safe." 
14 notes · View notes
thesims4blogger · 3 years
The Sims 4: New Game Patch (July 20th, 2021)
There’s a new Sims 4 update available for PC/Mac and Consoles. If you have auto updates enabled in Origin’s “Application Settings”, the game will auto-update once you open Origin. If you have auto-updates disabled, you will need to manually update by clicking the game in your library.
Your game should now read: PC: / Mac: / Console: Version 1.44
Remove all MODS and Custom Content before updating your game
Hello Simmers!
Hope you are well wherever you are in the world and that you are all having a fantastic Summer of Sims! We are excited to share today’s update with you. There is a lot of info, so make sure you have your tea/coffee/beverage of choice ready to read on. You all know I have my coffee ready for this!
As we continue to get ready to explore the countryside charm of Henford-on-Bagley and cannot absolutely wait to play with the adorable animals in Cottage Living, we also have updates and fixes that should improve and complement your Sims’ everyday life. We have something for everyone and we hope that you all enjoy them. Thank you for all your feedback and support.
-SimGuruRusskii ft. SimGuruRomeo and SimGuruJoAnna
What’s New?
Let’s start with some items that we shared in our last Sims 411!
For this update, we partnered with two talented artists from the LGBTQ+ community, Ashley Lukashepsky, and Mohammed Iman Fayaz, and they have brought their inspiring and beautiful artwork into the game. We have also included the modernized version of the large afro hairstyle that we showed you. But more than tell you about it in text, let me actually attach a screenshot of everything put together:
I love everything about this scene, not only it shows you how the artwork looks in a real game setting, but the whole scene with the two Sims and their surroundings is quite magical. Also, look at that hair! The way the light highlights it, perfection! You may also notice the hair of the Sim on the right, which was also added with this update for everyone. I want to personally thank all Simmers for their feedback and recommendations, as we are continuously working on adding more diverse hairstyles and textures to not only packs, but also to our base game.
Now that we are talking about artwork, the last patch notes I forgot to add the artwork made by the wonderful Jupiter Stevens-Hill. I apologize for that, I totally blanked out. However, I’m happy to see that a lot of you are enjoying it and placing it in your Lots! That makes a very happy Russkii =)
To find Jupiter, Ashley, and Mohammed’s paintings in Build Mode, make sure you take a look at the Paintings and Posters sort and filter by Base Game items. These artists are amazing and we hope you enjoy their creations.
Now, without further ado, let’s get to some new features and improvements that are part of this update!
A little bit of Gallery
When you download a lot made with the bb.moveobjects cheat, the game now notifies you about this so you know to activate the cheat before placing the lot. Builders, this means you won’t need to mention it in the lot’s description anymore!
A little for Sims
Trying to find the Sims in the current neighborhood? Select their portraits in the Relationship Panel.
“Focus the Camera” moves the camera to the Sim.
“Lock the Camera” moves the camera to the Sim and keeps following them.
Where did the Notebook go?
Found it! The Notebook has moved out of the Phone and into its own button for quicker access.
The “Center on Current Lot” button that used to be there has moved to the top right, adjacent to the Camera Controls.
Water Tool
You now can make natural, organic bodies of water! Just head into Build Mode, make a hole with the Terrain Manipulation tool, and fill it with water. It is that easy! The Terrain Manipulation and Paint Tools also have more brush sizes to enable finer detail.
In adding the Water Tool, we also took the chance to overhaul the related tools and object categories. Why not? Enjoy!
Pond Effects
All sorts of critters are available to complete the look of your pond ranging from ducks and swans to pesky mosquitoes. There is even an alligator!
New Pond Objects
Outdoor Water DĂ©cor now has an assortment of new Pond Objects to decorate the perfect pond. Some of these objects such as the Bog Log and Colorful Lily Pads have interactions on them in Live Mode to activate Turtle and Frog effects. The new Fishing Allowed Sign enables you to stock your pond with any fish your Sims have previously caught. Try it out!
New Water Styles
Go beyond the original crystal blue and dreamy magenta water. Additional options range from “Mossy Water” to “Pond Scum” to complete that au natural look.
The Shrubs category includes new plants to complement the water styles: “Green Fern”, “Leaning Not-Grass Grass”, “Not-Grass Grass Sans Inflorescence.”
Gardening with Children
Children now can help out in the garden by planting, watering, and weeding. They build their Mental skill as they garden. The process of purchasing and planting seeds is streamlined as well to make gardening more enjoyable for everyone.
Group Cooking
Cooking no longer is a solo affair. Sims now can cook in groups of up to five Sims including children. Start cooking together by selecting a fridge, stove, or any empty countertop.
Zoomers Food Delivery Service
Are your Sims getting tired of the same old pizza delivery every night? Well, gone are the days of redundant pizza nights. Maybe you are in the mood for pasta primavera or even a fancy steak dinner. All this and more are available courtesy of Zoomer Food Delivery. Order delivery through the phone or the refrigerator and the food will arrive in a jif.
The calendar, previously available only with Seasons, now is available with Base Game to see upcoming events such as birthdays, school and work schedules, festivals, and fairs. You even can use it to book events, so it’s time to get to party planning!
Bug FixesConsoles
In Snowy Escape, skiing, sledding, and snowboarding on Bunny Slopes now contribute to the Extreme Sports Enthusiast Aspiration.
Also in Snowy Escape, Sims with high enough Skiing and Snowboarding skills now can enjoy the more advanced slopes. Sims also use the Lift to go to the top of the slopes and not go “the hard way.”
Simmers can now rotate Sims downloaded from the Gallery in Create a Sim. Spin them ‘round, ‘round, Simmers ‘round, ‘round –  like a record ‘round, ‘round, ‘round, ‘round.
The Sims 4
We made some improvements that should help our Simulation lag, particularly on the usage of some computer interactions like playing BlicBlock, along with fishing interactions, which should make the game perform a bit better. Note that this doesn’t entirely fix simulation lag but it should help and it is a step in a good direction.
Fixed an issue in which placing Mirrors directly opposite Doors would create a visual glitch in which walls and borders would disappear around them and well it was quite spooky to be honest, glad we solved that one!
Ever wish your food didn’t expire? I know I do, especially when it comes to traveling and coming back to see a fridge in pristine condition, that is a dream
 but alas, it is not meant to be in life or in Sims. Fixed an issue in which traveling didn’t let food expire.
Sims stuck sleeping and couldn’t cancel that interaction? Not a product of a sci-fi film as I thought, but I can say that we have fixed this issue, well I hope.
You want to know how to not make my day, have my coffee brew endlessly but without giving me the coffee! Luckily the issue in-game about the Brew Coffee interaction being stuck has been fixed. Wasn’t it odd? Wait
 Sleep and Brew Coffee were stuck in a mysterious loop? SUS.
If your Child Sims suddenly interrupted their computer sessions to draw on the activity table when Inspired, worry not, this should not happen after this update.
Fixed an issue that caused the “Items Removed” pop-up to appear when no items were removed from the game.
Fixed an issue in which setting Lots on Slipshod Mesquite would sometimes generate a crash of the game for some Simmers. The Lot couldn’t handle that much flavor.
Some blush and lipstick opacity sliders are back as they were greyed out.
Step-Parent/Child relationships are no longer missing in the Genealogy Panel. Similarly, other cases of broken families in the Genealogy Panel have been fixed as well. It is all about reconnecting or connecting with what is important.
Platforms will no longer raise in height automatically when creating new walls to intersect part of them.
We also fixed an issue in which if you placed platforms in basement levels and a staircase from the floor to the platforms, it would create this gap or hole in front of the stairs and Sims were not able to route correctly. You know, I have played many platformers in my lifetime, but do you imagine Sims trying to jump those gaps? I mean, I am called JumpFail for a reason
 glad we fixed this one!
World view Lots that had some off-centered border have been adjusted.
Toddlers will no longer gain negative Sentiments against their parents randomly, especially the Festering Grudge Sentiment. I should not be laughing at this issue as I type it, I should not
We got word that the camera was malfunctioning and bouncing uncontrollably in some Lots across multiple Worlds. We fixed an issue that caused this, but let us know if there are new instances.
Sometimes Ghosts can be part of our Households if we choose to, however, it is really hard to live with Ghosts that constantly break things, it makes it a bit
 unlivable. So our expert team of Simghostologists has communicated with these Ghosts in the non-physical realm and they have agreed to not break everything all the time.
Fixed an issue related to flooring glitches while placing the dance floor or crystal clear flooring.
Went through all the trouble in hiring a Nanny only to have your Toddler get sent to Daycare? More than a schedule conflict I imagine having the Nanny show up and there is no Toddler so what does the Nanny do in this case? Do they leave? Do they stay and wait? I must know
 However, This should no longer be an issue.
Fixed an issue where using ‘{}’ (curly brackets)  in renaming objects would make these invisible in lists or UI in general.
Fixed an issue in the Likes and Dislikes section in Create a Sim that had some categories displayed incorrectly (either cut off, or words broken apart in new lines incorrectly) for some languages.
There was a clipping issue with the eye preset ymAsian13_Eyes that occurred when Sims were in extreme emotion, like Angry, and blinked. We adjusted this preset so this should not occur.
Toddlers can be picky eaters, but Toddlers not eating any fish recipe? That is suspicious, so we had a chat with the little angels and we have found a way to help them enjoy the complex flavors of our fish recipes.
Our UI team has fixed an issue in which a scrollbar appeared in the Sentiment section in the Relationship Panel when there were no sentiments. The mysterious scrollbar was mysterious. Similarly, they have also fixed an issue in which if multiple Sims gained sentiments together their thought bubbles look quite not right with the incorrect colors, so now they should look proper.
The Likes and Dislikes icon in Create a Sim will no longer overlap its text. It looked weird, honestly.
Droids (if you own Journey to Batuu) and Drones (if you own Get Famous) clipping into all kinds of objects in Build Mode? We saw that too, so there should be a fix for that in this game update. I mean this went beyond just crashing into things

The option “Join After School Activity” will no longer be available if Simmers don’t have Seasons or Get Famous packs installed.
Sims in deviant paths now can properly reach the Level 4 of the Criminal Career.
Now, this is one that made my day, Cowplants are now able to dance again when Sims play music in front of them. Dance Cowplant, Dance!
Fixed an issue in which relationship points gained by friendly introductions were more than usual if Simmers didn’t have Snowy Escape installed.
We adjusted the color swatches for the S. Cargeaux Counter Island so that when it gets dirty, the counter doesn’t completely change colors. Dirty Counter – who dis?
Fixed an issue where the Scared Emotion UI was displaying a broken pose for Toddlers. The pose was kinda more scary than what the Toddler had been scared of, so glad that is done.
Outfits worn while Purchased and Worn in Festivals/Kiosks/Stalls should no longer remove accessories that were in place for the Sim.
Error code 134:571e5862 that occurred to some Simmers should be fixed now.
We fixed a few hairstyles (yfHair_EP05WavyBob, yfHair_EP01PartedFlat, yfHair_EP05UnderCutDreads, yfHair_EP01ShortSwept, and yfHair_DreamyCrew) that when used with the recently added color options would create splotches in the eyes, change the color of teeth, and/or change the eyelashes color.
As always the Localization team and this author have fixed and improved text across all packs and updates.
Get to Work
Aliens can now enjoy their custom Blush options in Create a Sim. Lewks out of this world!
Retail employees will now appropriately change into their assigned outfits. Listen, I grew up wearing uniforms for school, I get it, sometimes they are not the prettiest
 but you have to wear them if you have to go to that establishment. I know the pain too well
 but my sense of style grew from that
 I think.
We made a fix to some of the swatches from the Barely Better Digital Camera that were missing a description for the item, so now all the swatches will display the text in all its glory.
Get Together
Some of these Sims are not like the others, some of these Sims just don’t belong. Can you tell which are not like the others by the time I finish writing these notes?
Fixed an issue in which some of the rooftops in Winderburg were not displaying Snow (if you own Seasons) correctly.
Fixed an issue where Sims didn’t sometimes change into their Club outfits when a Club Gathering was being held.
City Living
The Scattered Panes window in Build Mode now displays appropriate shadows in all options.
Sims enrolled in the Social Media career will now gain influence at the end of their stream instead of every few Sim-minutes.
Two hairstyles (ymHair_EP03BunHighPins and ymHair_EP03BraidedFlateBun) have been updated to reflect the correct look when choosing the Neutral Black color option.
Your Sims want to shoot some Basketball Close Shots, but they are trying to eat first? Well, now your Sims can finish eating before trying those hoops. Nutrition is important!
Cats and Dogs
We fixed an issue in which whiskers were not being seen applied to Cats. A Cat without whiskers is like Peanut butter without Jelly
 or something like that! Just wrong!
Robot Vacuums should all now return to their docks accordingly. I hope this issue was not a sign that they were becoming sentient.
Sims will no longer get a Moodlet referring to the death of their Pet when witnessing the death of another Sim. The loss of a Sim is heartbreaking, but also getting a Moodlet for the death of their Pet when the Pet has not died, that is cold Grimmy, very cold.
Speaking of Robot Vacuums becoming sentient a few lines above, we fixed an issue that made the game crash when Cats would sit on the Robot Vacuum. CatonRobot.exe is now working.
We fixed an issue in which some Simmers experienced a crash with their last played Household loading into Brindleton Bay.
Sims were changing into their cold-weather gear
 while not in cold weather? We had some conversations with Sims and even though they love their winter outfits, dressing up in full winter gear in the summer was probably not the wisest choice. So the issue in which Sims randomly would change into their winter outfits while not in winter is solved.
Egg Hunts are adorable and fun! But not being able to have the furniture reset after looking for Eggs in them, can be quite the rain on Sims’ parade. But this should no longer occur.
Island Living
Mermaids will no longer keep the “Dried Scales” Moodlet when they are hydrated. Mermaids’ skincare regimen pays off! Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize!
Fixed an issue in which Lots that are placed in the sand looked quite odd displaying all edges of the Lot when it rained.
Sims that have the Collector Aspiration Trait are now able to catch Frogs in Sulani as part of their adventures exploring the island waterfall. Good Luck!
We fixed an issue in which some Simmers experienced game crashes when loading into certain lots in Mua Pe’lam. Happy Exploring!
Discover University
Sims having a hard time in Uni? No matter what they do they keep failing classes? Worry not, Sims will no longer fail classes when meeting all the criteria for course completion. Work hard, pass your classes hard!
Having Roommates can be hard. Have your Sims had Roommates complain constantly and leave even when their needs are met? Yeah, we made it so that Roommates don’t do this any longer.
Fixed an issue in which beds were counted incorrectly when placing an ad for Roommates. I mean, as much as Pets and even Toddlers can live with Roommates, the ad should be truthful to how many beds there are actually in the Lot, not count Toddlers and Pets as needing adult-sized beds.
We fixed Servo animations so that they don’t look like they are walking on one leg when hovering to their destination. Now they will hover properly.
We fixed an issue in which in some instances Professors could not go to work when a Professor NPC is added into that same Household.
Fixed an issue in which removing and adding back Household members as Roommates would create some
 inappropriate moments, ahem.
Eco Lifestyle
Evergreen Harbor’s peace has been restored: roads and parts of neighborhoods no longer disappear or turn blue when businesses open in Port Promise while the Modern Development N.A.P is active.
yfBody_EP09DressShirt no longer has a weird texture in some of the footwear from various packs, especially platform shoes and chunky sneakers.
Had you moved to Cypress Terrace in Willow Creek and found you couldn’t really do anything there? We fixed the routing failures and interaction failures on the Mitey-Mitey Home – Insect Farm.
Snowy Escape
Mountain Climbing can be challenging, even for those experienced. But having indecisive moments before a climbing route like getting off and on your bike constantly seems that a lot of doubt is passing your mind
 However, we did speak to these Sims that were experiencing this behavior and calmed their fears and doubts, so this should no longer be an issue.
The hairstyle yfHair_EP10BobBluntOmbre now covers all of the Sim’s ears.
For Simmers who own Seasons together with Snowy Escape, rain options no longer affect snow.
Sims no longer have the option to give a respectful or military introduction during activities such as Dancing or Bike Riding. I mean, I’m not sure about you, but I can’t dance and respectfully introduce myself at the same time. So many falls
 so many falls.
We made some corrections to the Slippers that came with this pack and they should no longer display a greenish texture on Sims’ toes when selected in Create a Sim. Yikes.
Fixed an issue in which for some Simmers playing with the Yoshida Hall Household would generate a game crash when loading into Mt. Komorebi.
We took a look at our Ramen menu and have updated our cooking menu to label Miso and Egg Ramen as Vegetarian safe options. Buen Provecho!
Want to run a Restaurant in Yukimatsu but also want to enjoy the slopes? Now your Sims can enjoy the slopes and dine in style. However, this action is only directed, and will not be autonomous. In the same vein, Restaurant employees will not be tempted to leave work to enjoy the slopes.
Journey to Batuu
Batuu is an awesome destination for those who want to enjoy something fun and different, but if you bought a Droid from the Droid Depot and never saw it in your inventory, I know how frustrating it can be. Never fear, the Droids you were looking for will appear now in Inventories when purchased.
In Journey to Batuu, the First Order ID no longer disappears from inventory so Sims now can Access First Order Plans for the Top Notch Trickery Mission.
Fixed an issue with the Leveling the Playing Field Mission in which the Scoundrel Informant would not appear on the scene after Sims stole the Prototype Blaster and went to Oga’s Cantina to wait for the informant.
Dine Out
Eggs and Toast sound super basic and easy right? They will continue to be that way for our unassuming Chefs on the Chef Station since we fixed an issue that made them
 challenging. Sims can also use the second burner for other recipes without fail or routing out.
The Decorations and Kid’s categories in Build Mode should no longer have a “New” highlight when there’s nothing actually new.
Dream Home Decorator
Lighting can change the ambiance of a room, and your mood in a flash. Luckily we have fixed an issue that lighting was not even on sectional sofas to continue to set the right mood for our Sims.
Our stylists fixed the Sleep ‘N’ Study Styled Room to remove the P.R.I.M.A Computer from it as this is not an item that is accessible for everyone, pardon our dust.
Laundry Day
Fixed an issue where an animation clipped when Sims were loading their laundry machines. Because having your clothes go through you is awkward, are Sims made of fabric? I don’t think so.
Bust the Dust
Don’t need Simoleons, don’t need Fame. Don’t need dinner to have this date. It’s strong and it’s sudden and it’s cruel sometimes but it might just end your night
 the power of Dust, that’s the power of Dust.
Our cleaning agents have determined that Sims won’t get romantic negative Moodlets related to filthy levels of dust in public places like parks.
65 notes · View notes