#but after the rose ceremony things should even out with the bc
racinggirl · 4 months
you always will be
a/n: As a dedication to our boy's FIRST FORMULA ONE WIN, here a story that hopefully will be appreciated and loved. It's very different from my usual stories, and it may need some sort of trigger warning or just a warning in general. We don't always get what we want, and life can really be a bitch. Everybody struggles, it might not always be seen. I'm here for you <3
Warnings: mentions of car accident, hospital, breakup, swearing, death, cemetery, and some fluff bc I'm not THAT cruel
Also, please leave a comment/reblog, anything that makes me feel like you absolutely loved this story. It can also be a tip, anything to make my writing better and more enjoyable for you, thank you
Enjoy 🧡
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Winning a race was something he dreamt of. Winning a race meant all his worries disappeared like snow in the sun.
‘You can’t win, you always fuck up’
‘Russia 2021 was the closest you’d been to a win, you’ll never get that chance again’
‘You should have switched teams when you had the chance’
No more. He won, and he’d be damned if he would ever let any hate comment, any judging advice or any disrespectful tone push you further away from him than you already were. He won, but somehow it felt like he lost.
‘’Mate, I don’t get it. Help me understand, okay? You won your first Formula One race. You gave all of them haters a big fuck you. You proved them wrong. The team’s proud of you, everyone’s cheering you on.’’
It was true, everyone was proud of him, everyone cheered for him, chanting his name after the podium ceremony. Everyone. But one person.
‘’Hello? Lando?’’ Max seemed worried, he knew something was bothering his best friend, he knew him through and through. ‘’You’re confusing me, mate. What’s the matter? Aren’t you happy? You can’t be too hard on yourself now, mate, you wo-…’’
‘’It’s her!’’ He finally snapped, all the emotions he had bottled up and put in that jar, stashed away somewhere on the back shelf of his heart AND brain sneaked its way through and made a reappearance.
‘’I won! Yes, I fucking won! But at what cost?! I lost her mate! I won and she wasn’t here. That doesn’t mean I fucking won. I lost, I lost it all, I lost her…’’
Max let out a heavy sigh. He knew something was bothering his friend, and he had a slight feeling it would have had something to do with the girl that stole his heart. See, you and Lando go way back, and you’d always thought you’d end up together, whether it was in England, in Monaco, it didn’t matter, what mattered was that it’d always been the two of you together, till it wasn’t.
‘’Lando…’’ Here it was again, the 'I feel sorry for you, but you need to move on' speech, which sometimes Lando could appreciate, but not now, not at a moment like this. However, he remained silent.
‘’Look, mate, I know it’s hard, okay? You.. You’ve dreamt of this moment for years, and I’m sure she’d have been by your side in all those dreams, but…’’
‘’But reality is, she isn’t. I know Max, I know.’’ Lando ran his face through his hair, then over his face. ‘’I’m going to get a shower.’’
‘’I’m gonna shower, Max, I’d appreciate it if you’d leave and let me fucking shower!’’ Lando snapped, he never did, but today was full of too many emotions he couldn’t handle, too many mixed emotions that made the bucket spill over.
Raising his arms in defence, Max stepped back and nodded, slowly. He knew Lando needed time, but tonight was the after party, Zak had scheduled the flight for this evening back by a day, which meant they were planning on partying all night long.
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‘’No, Lando, it’s not okay!’’ Your hands rose up in the air, toward your hair as you tugged on it, gently, but enough to let your frustrations out. ‘’It’s not okay, how is this okay?’’
‘’I… We’ll make it work, I promise you we’ll mak-‘’
‘’Stop trying to fix everything! Some things just can’t get fixed, okay?!’’
Lando and you were like two puzzle pieces that fit, perfectly fine. But what happens when one day, the piece that made those two pieces of the puzzle once a whole, disappeared. Broke off. Got thrown away which made it almost impossible for those two pieces to ever become whole again.
You loved him, more than anything in this whole entire world. You were determined to give up everything you ever had to be with him, to support him through thick and thin and you would never. Ever. Give up on each other...
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‘’It’s been 4 months, give him some time.’’ Pietra’s reassuring hand made its way to Max’ shoulder.
It’d been 4 months since you and Lando broke up. You’d said your goodbyes at the airport after the two of you decided it was best to part ways. Lando tried almost everything to keep you at his side, but he knew that loving also meant letting go. That was the hardest part of a breakup, though, but he’d manage. Or so he thought.
You were lying when you said the breakup hadn’t torn your heart apart. It felt like it went through a shredder and every time you’d tried to pick up a piece and place it back, it didn’t fit. There were pieces missing, some things were upside down, backwards, or not even in the right place. It was heart-breaking.
Your breakup was something that nobody had seen coming, the fans, your friends, heck, not even the two of you saw it coming. You had always been different, but that didn’t stop you. Where you loved to stay at home and read a book, Lando loved to go out with his friends, plan his schedule full of events and parties. You’d join him, every now and then, but you preferred staying home.
Until you didn’t. But then it was too late.
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‘’My parent’s need me back home.’’ You explained, the warm cup of tea in your hand preventing you from shivering. You and Lando were outside, watching the snow fall down the sky and onto the grass of his back yard in London.
‘’Alright, I can come if you want me to, I’m free till-..’’
‘’No, Lando, they need me back home, permanently.’’ You let out a shaky sigh, tears prickling behind your eyeballs as you kept your gaze focussed on your tea.
You had lived with Lando for almost 3 years now, the two of you dating for more than 5 years by the time you moved in together. Your parents knew his parents, and so the ball went rolling till it came to a stop in front of the two of you.
‘’What? But…’’
‘’I know.’’ Your voice was barely a whisper, the tears that you were desperately trying to hold back now made its appearance. Your parents were sick, both of them. You loved them more than anything, so leaving them and going to London, then to Monaco with the love of your life made you both happy and sad.
‘’No, Y/N, baby listen please, we can make it work. Okay? I’ll come over every month, we’ll do it together, I can…’’ But he knew everything he was saying was a lost cause. Your parents needed you, and as much as he wanted you to be with him, he knew you loved your parents. He’d never forgive himself if you staying with him meant you’d barely see your parents again.
‘’You know we can’t. We’ve been over this before.’’ Your voice was breaking more and more every word. ‘’It’s okay.’’ You whispered, the tea in your hands not being enough to keep you warm anymore. ‘’It’ll be okay…’’
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‘’… on your win. And let’s make this party one to remember!’’ Cheers were hearable in the entire club, Lando being one of them. He laughed, partied, and celebrated. He won, he couldn’t ignore that, but that didn’t mean he didn’t think of how it could have been.
His job was hectic, of course. Being a Formula One driver – a race winning Formula One driver – meant events, races, meetings, and mostly, fame. You knew that if Lando would have stayed with you, if you would have done what he wanted – which was coming over once every month, it would bring attention to you and indirectly, to your parents, who could not use the attention at all.
After you and your parents got in a horrific car accident a few years after you and Lando started dating, the media was all over it. You barely had a chance to recover before the media would send you emails; press would be in front of your house and Lando’s interviews were all about how you and your parents were doing. It wasn’t healthy, at all. The press that did those things soon got boycotted by his fans, but that wasn’t the point here. They were there, they took away that bit of privacy you’d loved and cherished even more when Lando got more well known in the racing industry. When he joined Formula One.
You recovered completely – thankfully – but your parents, that was a whole other story. Both in a coma, one worse than the other, and the survival chances were low. Miraculously though, they woke up. The first 6 months, they had to stay at the hospital. Their wishes were to go home, so after 6 months, the hospital arranged things here and there so they could recover at home.
However, 2 years after the accident, you got the worst news possible. The car accident you and your parents were in caused your parents to both have brain damage, severely. They would need 24/7 care, and they would not get better. It was the worst possible scenario, but Lando was always there for you.
You just couldn’t do it, not with his fame, his busy schedule, your work. You worked from home, something you rearranged the moment you recovered from the car accident. It was the best option; you’d be able to work whenever you wanted, you could join Lando for his races. You could work from Monaco, England, it didn’t matter. You could work at home whenever Lando had a triple header, so you could take care of your parents whilst working from your laptop.
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‘’You know they need me, and I love you so much, I…’’ The tears were streaming down your face after you had finished packing everything from Lando’s apartment – you were leaving.
‘’Shh..’’ Lando’s tears had dried on his cheeks, the sight of seeing you pack all your clothes in suitcases was the worst thing he’d ever seen. ‘’I know, sunshine, I know, but it’s okay. We’ll be okay.’’ He mumbled with the sorest throat from crying. He knew there was no more ‘we’ after you stepped out of that door. It was a commitment you made to each other.
‘If I need to go back and take care of them, move on. I don’t want you to spend the rest of your life waiting for me because I don’t know how long that’s going to take. I can’t expect you to put a hold on your life and come with me. You have a career, and I need you to put that on number one, be selfish, please.’
He always responded with the same thing. ‘’It doesn’t matter, you are my number one, you always will be.’’
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‘’Lando Norris, your number one!’’ The music was pounding in his ears, the smile he had put on for this evening was fading slightly. When there was no camera around him, he’d let it drop, what was there to smile about?
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Three months later
Moving on from a breakup was one thing, moving on from a breakup in which both individuals still loved each other but had to let go was another. Moving on from a breakup after finding out your parents had 2 more months to live, was impossible.
Your parents passed away 4 months ago, 3 months after you and Lando broke up. It was the hardest period of your life, and at some point, you weren’t even sure if you wanted to live the life you’d known for so long.
You’ve thought to yourself multiple times, why not go back to Lando? Tell him your parents passed away and everything would be okay. But that’s not the first thing that crosses your mind after your parents pass away. Especially not within the first four months of them being gone.
The number of times you’ve gotten close to pressing call on your ex-boyfriend’s number had been too many to count, but you couldn’t get yourself to do it. What were you going to say?
‘Hey Lando, yeah, my parents passed away, so I don’t have another thing to do, let’s get back together?’
Yeah, no. Not a chance.
You’ve watched his race win so many times it almost felt like you were there. You could imagine what it would have been like to be there, knowing the crew and drivers.
Why hadn’t you called him yet? Or why hadn’t you tried to congratulate him, reach out to his friends? No idea, you were still in that grieving state and you weren’t sure if you were going to break out of it.
That was until, one day, you saw this quote. It’s stupid to think one quote can change one’s perspective on things, but this one did.
‘If you don’t do it now, don’t regret it later.’
It was hard, doing the things you did, but not impossible. Impossible was getting over the death of your parents AND not having the one person you’ve loved more than anything not be there to help you through it.
So, you did it. You got in that car, which was something you’ve been avoiding after the accident, till Lando helped you get back into it. Your fingers dug into the leather of your father’s car, the one they left to you. Just like they left everything to you, the house, the money, the company.
A weak smile appeared on your face, so many memories in just one movement, one moment. The road was long, far, you had to stop at a hotel for a night of sleep before continuing your lonely road trip to London. Back to him. Because if you didn’t do it now, you would regret it later, and that’s something you couldn’t live with.
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Another long day at the factory, more meetings, more shaking hands, interviews, you name it. His feet dragged him through the entire factory, not once, but three times already – and it was just lunch time. Things were better, he still missed you, but he was starting to accept it, just that, though, because moving on was impossible for him.
It wasn’t when one of the mechanics he always had lunch with called your name, that he turned his head so fast it would have almost gotten him a whiplash from the force and the speed. Your name, you were there, here.
A weak smile appeared on your lips. It wasn’t an easy choice, contacting Max, ignoring all his questions because you needed to see where he was, where the man you loved – and never stopped loving – was. It was bold, he might have moved on, gotten a new girlfriend, but you dug around the internet and didn’t see any signs of that being the case.
He was a race car driver, so he was fast, – very – fast. But the speed of which he got up and ran to you was another level. Your arms didn’t hesitate once. They found their way back around his neck, his positioned at your waist as always, and he looked into your eyes for a brief second, just to check, just to make sure that what he was about to do was okay. It was more than okay.
Your lips melted together instantly, his soft, warm lips immediately welcomed your slightly colder – due to the air-conditioning in the car – and even softer ones in a heartbeat. It felt good, it felt so good, you lost track of time, place and it was just the two of you in this moment. You did not regret it.
‘’Congratulations on your win, champ.’’ Your breath was a bit more rapid, your voice a lot hoarser than you would have liked it to be, but that didn’t matter. All that mattered was that you had found your way back to him, like you always would have.
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4 years later
It was no longer impossible. It was hard, for sure, but the moment you stood in front of their gravestones, your hand intertwined with his and a weak smile on your lips, you were exactly where you were meant to be.
‘’Mom, dad..’’ You whispered, head resting against Lando’s chest as he pressed a delicate kiss to your temple. Your hand rested on top of Lando’s, who had a protected arm around you, his hand rubbing small circles on your stomach. You played with his ring for a few seconds before you swallowed the lump in your throat. You looked up at your husband, who gave you a reassuring smile as you placed the tiny shoes on top of their gravestones.
‘’You’re gonna be grandparents…’’
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dovveri · 4 months
bachelorette masterlist - part 1 ▸ part 2 ▸ part 3 ▸ part 4 ▸ part 6 ▸ part 7
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synopsis: y/n watches the most recent episode of the bachelorette and is met with something she doesn’t like. sana also seems to be angry for whatever reason and it builds up into a big argument at the end of the night.
warnings: sex! overstimulation, fingering, scissoring, oral sex, degradation, choking, cursing
w/c: 7.1k
a/n: soooo sorry for the delay this will probs be my last update for a while bcs finals season is driving me up a wall (if u see me post another story or part its bcs im actually not studying and u should yell at me for it) i lwk hate the pacing of this chapter i feel like its everywhere but hey! we got some smut!
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the backlash wonsik gets online is more than satisfactory. apparently, with all the evidence piled up against him, he would most likely be sent away for the rest of his life. which is disgusting to think about, how much crime do you have to commit to get a life sentence? you try to shake those thoughts as you watch the most recent episode with the leftover contestants while sana’s on her individual date as usual. it was tradition now, even more so as the pool of contestants gets smaller and smaller.
after your day off, things had gotten right back to normal.
sana went on a solo date with jacky. good thing it was jacky too because they had the famous ‘conquer a fear’ date. who knew big, australian jacky was afraid of balloons. and in typical bachelorette fashion, producers came up with a romantic hot air balloon date for 5am in the morning.
costume designers had rushed into your room at 4am, turning on all the lights and pulling sana from your arms, not even casting you a second look now that they were used to seeing the both of you cuddled up and naked most of the time they had to come in and dress you.
you were barely conscious as they ran around frantically, pulling the covers over your head and groaning a little, trying to make yourself go back to sleep.
you’re sure sana didn’t feel the best either from the little grumbles and whines you can hear faintly as she struggles to keep her eyes open while makeup artists dab eyeshadow on her eyelids.
soon enough they're off and you drift back into sleep, only to be awoken a few hours later so you can get dressed and attend the group date for the day.
that was also pretty fun. everything was meant to be high-adrenaline, facing your fears, all that sort of stuff today. so the team had booked out a big amusement park and you all had free rein. it was also good because it meant you had a little bit more freedom, not everyone had to stick together so people ended up splitting naturally when they wanted to do different rides and you had even managed to sneak sana away from the cameras for a quick make out session in the toilets.
it was a pretty great day and would make for a nice and light episode after the mayhem that happened with wonsik. there was a rose ceremony as always but this time, only 2 people were eliminated. unfortunately you had to say goodbye to dae and nayeon, sana did say it was getting harder and harder to eliminate people because as the more time goes on, the closer you get, and when there's less people in the house, it also facilitates closer relationships. she had to eliminate those two simply because she felt her romantic connection with them wasn't as strong as it was with some of the other contestants. it was rough but that's showbiz.
after 2 more eliminations tonight, it would officially be the quarter finals meaning it would be time for sana to meet all of her last 4 contestants' families and close ones.
currently, you're enjoying an afternoon tea at the contestants' house. as usual, sana was on a solo date with jiwon but there wouldn't be a group date today because there wasn't enough time to film it. instead, the both of you were allowed a little sleep in after yesterday's rude 4am awakening, and a little more time in the afternoon to dress up before the rose ceremony tonight.
the episode had just finished with jacky and sana's date. jacky still won't go near a balloon and he's probably developed a fear of heights on top of that too now but at least it looked pretty on television.
you had teased him when the episode showed him nervously walking around and inspecting the hot air balloon before sana had to basically yank him into the basket. he had his eyes shut tight the entire time, holding on to sana for dear life while they ascended. it was a little cute when sana finally managed to get him to peek his eyes open once they reached their highest altitude, just in time to catch the sunrise, and in exchange for getting over his fear and not backing out of this date with her, she gave him a rose and kissed him on the cheek.
you heard afterwards from eunji that as soon as they touched back down he had jumped out of the basket and laid face down in the grass for about half an hour, just getting used to the feeling of being on the ground again.
they had caught a bit of him on the floor doing exactly that which was pretty hilarious because sana was crouched next to him, poking him and trying to get him to sit up but he just groaned and mumbled something incomprehensibly in response, his rose still clutched tight in his hand, stretched out in front of him.
they cut it off there though, maybe a little for jacky's reputation but you all knew how long he was there for.
after a short break where they show a few scenes of silly occurrences inside the house with the other contestants, and then finding out everyone was invited on the group date that day, except for jacky who was invited but ended up taking the rest of the day off to recuperate and basically laid in bed in the medical office, even skipping the rose ceremony since he already got his rose.
they shot everyone in the car on the way to the amusement park, asking the contestants what they thought was going to happen, if anyone was scared, trying to pull a few comedic clips together, all the anticipation scenes the audience needed to be excited for the date.
eventually, everyone's in the middle of the amusement park with sana and yourself waiting for them in casual clothes. you shift a little as you recall the way you had her gasping into your mouth and your hand up the blue polo shirt she’s wearing on screen only 20 minutes after the introduction and everyone had split off.
in the meantime, while the cameras were running around frantically trying to find sana, they had filled in the gaps with clips of the other contestants, you laugh when momo is practically dragged onto a rollercoaster by jihyo and jun, she’s kicking and screaming but they manage to strap her in and gesture for the roller coaster attendant to go. its one of those really fast ones where it goes from 0 to 100 in seconds so the force pushes all of them back against the seats, poor momo barely has the time to blink and then its over. she’s gasping with her eyes clenched shut while the other two are laughing and pulling her off and along to the next ride.
it’s great being able to watch what happened when you weren’t on screen, and also what sana was up to when you weren’t with her.
you laugh when they show all the contestants clambering onto the carousel, you had all taken some group pictures and some of them were more than silly.
eventually, you get to the rose ceremony, and just as you were on the night, your breath is taken away again with sana in a stunning red dress. she really nailed being on camera, her face was one that was meant to be on screen.
the night starts merrily, everyone's more of a family now, you’re all happy to drink and talk together, and it wasn’t so competitive to get time with sana anymore because there were less contestants.
you frown a little though when the camera shifts to sana and jihyo, they’re sitting very close in one of the more private rooms inside the house.
jihyo’s playing a joke and sana’s laughing, a little flushed, probably from the alcohol as she slaps jihyo’s arm lightheartedly. jihyo preens at the attention, grabbing another drink and offering it to sana who accepts it gratefully and takes a sip.
she hums in satisfaction before speaking up, “so you never did tell me how you broke up with that gym rat…”
jihyo’s laughing a little nervously, twiddling her thumbs a little, “right yeah… i just realised that i made the wrong decision. i was caught up in the newness of everything with him but after that got old, i realised i still loved-“
sana’s eyebrows are shooting up, she’s setting down her drink and clearing her throat.
“sorry.” jihyo flashes an apologetic look over at sana, but sana shakes her head.
“no no it’s okay. be as honest as you can, please. we’re both here because we’re looking for a relationship right? can’t do that if we have any skeletons still in the closet.”
jihyo’s smiling gratefully and then continuing, “he wasn’t it for me. that’s why i broke up with him. i’m sorry for the way i treated you sana, you didn’t deserve that, you never did anything wrong in our relationship and i never really gave you a reason to why we broke up. i hoped by coming on here i may be able to win back a second chance.”
sana hums again, taking a moment to think while jihyo nervously looks at her with wide eyes.
“jihyo… you hurt me a lot when you left.”
“i know! and i’m so so sorry for that! i never want to do that to you again, all i’m asking for is another chance sana.”
she’s shuffling closer, grabbing sana’s hands tightly and imploring with her eyes.
sana looks down at their hands together, taking a breath before looking back up, "look... i'm not going to lie to you... i never really did get over you completely."
"and i wouldn't have kept you in here for this long if i wasn't curious about what you had to say and if i wasn't ready to give you a second chance."
what the actual fuck?
"it wouldn't be fair though. to the other contestants, y'know? if they knew you had a head start. and i admit i was avoiding you a little because i wanted to even the playing field and get to know everyone else first before revisiting this." she makes a gesture with her hands, signaling between the two of them. "so its nice to finally be able to sit down and get a clear answer about what happened in the past."
jihyo looks more and more hopeful as sana goes on, your hands only get tighter around the fabric of your pants. sana didn't tell you about this conversation last night. sana hasn't mentioned anything jihyo related. whenever you ask, she's always managed to change the conversation or misdirect you with the promise of sex. was this why? is this how she really felt about jihyo? did she think you would disapprove? well you do disapprove but that was besides the point.
all of the other contestants don't seem too shocked with this news. it's not too surprising though because they've all lived with jihyo and the one thing they all have in common is sana so there's no doubt they've all discussed each other's feelings for sana, and jihyo probably told them their history as well.
you're fuming though. you can't believe sana didn't tell you something this important. that you're finding this out along with the rest of the country when you were meant to be her best friend here, the one person who was supposed to know everything before everyone.
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the rest of the afternoon goes by in a blur. you can vaguely tell when someone comes up to you and tries to initiate or bring you into the conversation but your mind is swirling with information about sana and jihyo, their past interactions, whether you could decipher any of sana's feelings from observing her.
eventually, it's time for the rose ceremony again and you're still in your head about everything you thought you knew happened yesterday.
you have half the mind to pull sana aside and ask her about it but when you meet sana's eyes, she squints a little and looks away quickly with signs of a pout in her lip.
the night continues like this, the two of you stealing glances at each other only when you think the other isn't looking. when sana starts pulling jihyo aside though, you don't care if she sees the look of disbelief on your face, she doesn't seem to notice anyway, all cozied up to jihyo.
you're averting your head again and downing the rest of your drink in one gulp.
when it's time to read out who gets a rose and who's going home, you're stiff standing next to sana, she's purposely avoiding your gaze as well. the tension between you two was so thick jiwon had come up and asked if something had happened between you two. and technically nothing did happen so you don't really know why sana seems to be angry with you when you were the one who was hurt by yesterday's episode.
the ceremony is brief, you have to say goodbye to jun, and eunji unfortunately but you can barely give them a proper hug as you stare at jihyo who's now made the final four.
after your goodbyes you quickly make your way towards the car, tapping your foot impatiently while waiting for sana to finish saying her goodbyes so you could both go home.
unfortunately, that takes another 20 minutes and you're just about to tell the driver to leave without her when she's sliding into the car, still avoiding your gaze and sitting on the opposite end of the car. normally she's all over you, needing affection after a big day but now you're pretty sure if she moved any further away she'd be falling out the window.
that was fine though. it’s not like you wanted to have an argument with her while the driver could hear you anyway.
the car’s pulling in and she’s opening her door and stalking inside the house without even a second glance towards you.
what the fuck? why was she mad at you now?
you feel almost childish copying her actions and making sure to slam the door on the way in, but if she was acting like this for no reason that only infuriated you more.
you find her in the kitchen, tapping her foot impatiently and waiting for you to come in.
once you’re standing on opposite sides of the counter, you cross your arms and still. she’s leaning on the counter with her hands, staring you down. there was no way you were going to be the first to break. she was the one who had some explaining to do right now, not you.
sana's stubborn as well though, lips pursed and not backing down.
it goes on like this for a few minutes before you finally break, raising an eyebrow and asking coldly, "so do you have anything you want to say to me sana?"
sana scoffs, the tips of her ears red, "do you have anything you want to say y/n?"
"what? no! i don't even know why you're being like this right now! i'm the one who's been left in the dark here."
"oh you're the one who's been left in the dark huh? unbelievable that you're still lying to my face about this. is that how you really feel about her?"
"excuse me?! it doesn't matter how i feel about her! the whole issue is how you've been dealing with this situation!"
sana sneers, your voices getting louder and louder trying to top each other, "this again? seriously y/n? i'm my own person and i'm allowed to have opinions on who i like and who i don't like! if she's being weird or sneaky or whatever i'm going to call her out on it!"
you scoff, "yeah right. like you called her out on it last night? and tonight as well i bet. why did you take so long saying your goodbyes huh?"
sana goes beet red and you think you've got her, "what?! what are you talking about?! and i stayed behind to say proper goodbyes to everyone! not like you apparently who couldn't care less, you barely talked to anyone tonight, when jun, and eunji, who was one of your closest friends here right?! when they had to leave you didn't even look them in the eye when they hugged you!"
"riiiiiiiiiight and you expect me to believe that? you weren't cuddling up and getting a quickie in before you had to go right?"
"what?! what are you talking about y/n?! quickie- what?"
"with jihyo! you stayed behind to talk to her didn't you!?"
"what?! well yeah i did but what does jihyo have to do with any of this?"
"what?! i've been talking about jihyo this whole time what do you mean?"
she's slipping something out of her suit pocket and sliding it across the counter to you. your phone.
"are you fucking serious y/n? you've been talking about jihyo this whole time? what the fuck? why the fuck are you suddenly bringing her up? you're the one who's been going behind my back getting all flirty and friendly with miyeon! after you told me you were just friends?! calling each other babe and sweetie and honey in your texts, how the fuck did you even get her number anyway? how long have you been talking to her huh? how long have you been fucking me while talking to someone else?"
you're scrambling for your phone, unlocking it and scrolling to your messages with miyeon. fuck. sana must have read everything. you don't even remember leaving your phone behind but it must have been with her since the morning. you scroll down the texts and see the most recent messages miyeon has texted you today and you find that sana has been replying to her.
"are you serious sana?! why the fuck did you go through my phone?"
sana turns her head at that, pouting a little, "i didn't mean to! she just kept on texting and i thought it must have been something important if your phone kept going off so i just went in to make sure everything was okay! how was i supposed to know you were basically sexting her behind my back!?"
"we were not sexting oh my god sana! miyeon is my friend we're just friends!"
"why have you been keeping this from me then?! you must like her or something then don't you?!"
"what?! no! and don't talk to me about keeping secrets right now sana!"
"what secrets have i kept from you?!"
"hello?!" you're waving your hands around frantically, "the whole jihyo situation?! why didn't you tell me you never got over her?"
"i never got over- what?!"
"you said so last night! on national fucking television! don't play dumb with me right now sana, and don't try and change the topic on me!"
"i never said that! are you being serious right now? jihyo and i split and it took me a while but you were there for it all! you saw me at my lowest and you helped build me back up! i am over her!"
"why is she in the final four then?"
"oh my god y/n you cannot seriously still be talking about jihyo! i'm over her! the producers wanted her to make it to the final four because they thought they could add some drama in during the home visits or whatever! jihyo and i talked about it last night and i told her why she was still here because i didn't want to keep leading her on! that's why i stayed for longer after the rose ceremony, i just wanted to check on her and make sure she was okay with all of this because i still care about her! i loved her at one point in my life!"
"that's not what i saw in last night's episode!"
"yeah! you and jihyo were all close and snuggly and she told you she still loved you and you said you were going to give her a second chance!"
"y/n i never said any of that." the rage has lifted slightly now, replaced with confusion.
you're breathing heavily, tired from arguing, you and sana had more fights these few weeks that you've been filming than you've had your entire lives together.
you tap out of your messaging app, going to tiktok and searching up last night's bachelorette episode, scrolling past all the funny jacky moments and amusement park shorts, trying to find the part where jihyo and sana were talking. someone had to have posted about it.
"are you serious right now? are you fucking texting miyeon while we're talking?"
"what?! no! sana i told you miyeon and i are just friends! i'm trying to find a clip of you and jihyo last night to show you what i'm talking about!" you find one then and quickly hold it out for sana to see.
she watches the clip replay a few times while you wait defiantly.
after the seventh replay you take your phone back, sighing when you think she has nothing to say for herself.
“want to explain yourself now? anything else you wanna divulge while you’re at it?”
“what? no y/n i didn’t say any of that. they edited that together. i didn’t say any of that to jihyo i promise.”
you look at her in confusion, looking back to your phone, and then back to her.
“i did pull jihyo aside and we did talk but i never told her that i didn't get over her. y/n you have to believe me baby i- i can call the producers right now, they'll clear everything up." she's reaching for her phone, but the immense relief that she doesn't still have feelings for jihyo washes over you and brings you to action. moving around the counter and taking her phone from her and wrapping her in a hug.
she stills against you, and you're both surprised when you feel your own tears falling down your face, the tension of the night finally getting to you.
"i'm sorry. i'm sorry i do believe you. this all seems so silly now i hate when we fight. i overreacted with the whole jihyo thing and it could've been solved so easily if i'd just talked to you instead of..."
sana softens against you, wrapping her arms around your waist and carding a hand through your hair. "it's okay baby. i'll talk to the producers tomorrow and make sure they don't pull anything like that again. and after the home visits i promise jihyo is the one who'll be going home."
you sniffle a little, "you don't have to do that for me sana. i swear i was just being..."
"i don't know i'm tired sana. can we go to bed?"
she hums against you, pulling you both towards the bathroom for your nighttime routines. once you're done, you're climbing into sana's bed and picking up your phone again, scrolling back to your messages with miyeon while waiting for sana to finish her routine and join you.
y/n: heyy sorry i just got my phone back, sana's had it the last few hours because i left it behind so if i seemed weird over text it's because she was messaging you
miyeon: oh it's okay! i did think you sounded a bit off but i just chalked it up to u not feeling well or something. was sana mad when she found out we were texting?
y/n: 😂 how did you know?
miyeon: well i was on the receiving end of her jealousy when she texted me today so that was one clue 😂
y/n: jealousy?
suddenly your phone starts vibrating and miyeon's name flashes across the screen. you pick up hesitantly, "hello?"
"y/n! hey! it's good to actually hear your voice again!"
you chuckle a little, "you too princess. what's up?"
"nothing really, i just wanted to see where your head's at with sana now."
"what do you mean?"
"remember the conversation we had the night i got kicked out? while you were drunk?"
you squint a little, shuffling around in the sheets, "kinda... why?"
"i noticed the way you looked at her, the way you talked about her, even on the first night i think the reason why no one suspected that you weren't just a regular contestant was because i thought, we all thought you also felt the same way we did for sana."
"you might not have realised it... but i think you were beginning to see it when filming started. do you get jealous when you see sana with the other contestants?"
"i- well- i mean i kinda just thought i was friend jealous though. or like that i just wanted the best for her which was why i was so harsh on contestants in the beginning."
"the way you talk about her over text sounds like its more than that y/n."
"i don't- what- i'm not jealous-"
you barely register that sana's finished with her routine now, sliding into bed next to you and cuddling up immediately. "what are you jealous about?"
you freeze, looking at her like you've been caught with your hand in the cookie jar in the middle of the night.
"is that sana?" you're broken out of it quickly when you hear miyeon's voice over the phone.
sana bristles though, moving away from you and frowning, "are you on the phone with miyeon?"
"i- yeah-"
sana's snatching the phone out of your hand instantly, bringing it up to her ear and speaking into the microphone with a cold sneer, "yes this is sana. can i help you?"
you can't hear miyeon respond but the way sana's speaking sends a lightning rod of arousal down your spine. your mind is still hazy with what miyeon's suggested, and you're thinking about how you hated seeing sana kiss wonsik, how blinded you felt when you thought sana still liked jihyo, what could this mean? how long have you liked sana for? has it always been this way?
you don't realise that sana's features have become less defensive as she talks to miyeon, almost apologetic even when she settles back down next to you, humming in response to something miyeon's said over the phone. she's within proximity again that you can make out miyeon's voice.
"-but i hope you've been doing well and taking care of yourself with all the craziness that comes along with filming."
"yeah thank you miyeon. really. and again i'm so sorry for all the misunderstandings and i hope you know that eliminating you was definitely a mistake and it was very short-sighted of me but i'm glad that we've finally had a chance to talk where i'm not completely hostile to you."
you can hear the airy giggle of miyeon over the phone, "of course! all the best with the rest of the season sana. maybe we'll see each other on the other side."
sana smiles, "definitely. goodnight miyeon!"
she hangs up and hands your phone back to you, going right back to cuddling as if nothing had happened.
you're trying to pick out what part of that conversation that you overheard bothered you when it hits. "eliminating miyeon was a mistake?" was this the jealousy again?
"weren't you the one saying that?" sana raises an eyebrow at you, brushing her fingers over your side.
"well- i-"
she's giggling now, "i'm just kidding. miyeon just put to rest everything that was on my mind so i have nothing to worry about. i'm sorry for overreacting when i found out you were texting her. you're allowed to have friends, sorry i was trying to micromanage that."
"what was on your mind?"
"hmm y'know... you mostly."
you whine, hitting her lightly while she laughs at you.
"she told me you were just friends and she never meant to make it seem like it was anything else. she also helped me... come to terms with a few things so i'm actually very grateful for that."
"what things?"
"so many questions y/n. are you worried i'm about to steal her away from you?" sana teases.
"what? no! stop teasing-"
she grins, poking your cheek, "i'm keeping that to myself for now okay? i'll probably tell you one day. just not today."
"why not?"
"just because." she smiles, "now let's sleep."
you grumble a little, confused at what miyeon could have told sana, confused with what miyeon told you. there was one thing you did want to test out though...
you lean in quickly and capture sana's lips, taking her a little by surprise but she's quick to reciprocate, closing her eyes and kissing you back.
you're aggressive, climbing on top of her quickly and licking into her. you're trying to figure out if kissing her made you feel anything more. anything that could clue you in on your true feelings for her.
she's breaking away from you panting though, pushing you back slightly when you try to chase after her again, "woah y/n baby baby slow down- what's got you all in a rush?"
your eyes are dark as you look down at her, friends don't normally feel like the world would end if they stopped kissing right? you needed to be back on her, in her, needed to feel her around you, needed to taste her, needed to memorise every single sound she made, you needed her. that was more than just lust right?
"just- just need you please-" you're leaning back in, almost begging.
"no- no y/n stop. tell me what's going on, you're not normally like this."
you groan, head falling to her shoulder, slumping against her. "something stupid miyeon said..." you mumble into her shoulder.
"what did she say?"
you huff against her, "that i had feelings for you."
you hear the gasp sana lets out, her hands at your waist tightening their hold and you groan into her, grinding down a little at the feeling.
she stills you though, hands sliding down to grip your hips, "stop that." her voice is harsh, and you're reminded of the way she talked to miyeon over the phone, all cold and annoyed. it only makes you drip more at the tone of her voice and you whimper a little.
"do you?"
"do i what?" you're distracted, wanting only to kiss her again.
"do you have feelings for me?"
you sigh, "don't know- that's what i'm trying to figure out."
"how are you trying to figure it out?"
"kissing you. touching you. seeing if all of it made me feel something more."
"something more?"
"i don't know. something other than horny."
sana hums before finally loosening her grip. "okay. try it. just promise me you'll tell me what you think afterwards?"
you're quick to latch onto her lips again, mumbling yes and thank you into her.
she bucks her hips up against you and you moan. she was finally giving into her feelings and letting you do what you wanted, expressing herself freely.
“can you- mmf- can you-“
“what what is it baby? what do you need?”
“can you- be mad at me?”
she’s kissing down your neck, nipping slightly as you grind down into her, “i’m not mad at you. we talked about this just then baby.”
“no- i need- can you pretend to be mad?”
she’s licking up to your ear, “i don’t understand baby. can you elaborate?”
“f-fuck sana- can you- just imagine i did like miyeon and i wanted to fuck her-“
you’re scared you said the wrong thing and ruined the mood when she stills under you. then all of a sudden she’s rolling you over and straddling your hips, lips and teeth back at the sensitive parts on your neck. “you like it when i’m mad?”
“g-god yes sana please-“
“whore. you want me to mark you up? make sure everyone knows your mine? mine to ruin?”
“yes yes sana please-“
you moan when you feel her sucking at your collarbone, intending on doing exactly that.
"off." her hands are at the bottom of your shirt tugging, and you scramble up, almost knocking your forehead against hers in haste, you'd laugh but you were so pent up you couldn't think about anything other than her fucking you all night long.
her hands are cold when she slides them up your stomach, cupping your tits and you shiver at the feeling.
"trying to piss me off on purpose bringing up her name into this hm? after we just made up too." she squeezes and you gasp into her, nipples hard against her palms as she runs a thumb over the tip.
"think my pretty baby's going to come for anyone else?" she circles a nipple leaving you twitching, "i'm going to ruin you so that everytime you even come close to coming in the future, you'll only be able to think about me."
she's licking a trail down the middle of your chest, before sucking marks into the sides of your breasts, avoiding your nipples, only tracing them lightly with the tip of her thumb.
you're squirming around under her, begging and crying, eyes clenched shut, hand drifting down towards your folds, trying to alleviate some of the pressure that's built up.
she snatches your hand quickly and pins it above your head, "don't even fucking think about it."
you whine under her, trying to pull away from her grip but she has you completely under her control.
"don't do that baby. you asked for this didn't you? you're going to be a good girl and take it now." her lips come back down on your other tit, sucking and licking again, you're grinding up into nothing, stuck with the feeling of your own sticky arousal.
"p-please sana need- please- more-"
"what do you need baby? this?" she takes a nipple into her mouth then, sucking gently and flicking over it with her tongue, then popping it out of her mouth, "or this?" a hand trails lower, thumbing the waistband of your pyjama bottoms. "maybe this?" a knee comes up then, pressing right where you need her most and you’re moaning against her.
"g-god sana- fuck- all- all of it- god i need all of it-"
"be more specific sweetie. you can do it. c'mon now."
"f-fuck need you to fuck me like you said you would. need to feel your fingers inside me, your mouth wrapped around my clit, your hands gripping my ass so hard it'll leave behind handprints. just need you sana please- please-"
"mmm that's a good girl. begging for me like the slut you are. because you were so pretty i'll give you that. but you gotta talk me through it okay? if you stop i'll stop and i'm going to go fuck myself in your bed and leave you here for the rest of the night."
you whimper, nodding your head.
"words baby."
"yes, yes yes god please just-"
she smirks and then she's back at your nipples, fully sucking on them now and pulling your bottoms off along with your panties, immediately swiping a finger through your wetness. the sudden change from feeling nothing to feeling everything be stimulated was almost too much but also exactly what you needed.
"god sana please- inside- need you inside."
she's pushing one finger in and you feel yourself clench around her, already so close, desperate for her. suddenly you're remembering your actual task, but before you can formulate another thought she's pulling out and thrusting back in with another finger.
"god you're so wet for me baby. how long have you been thinking about this hm?"
"i- fuck- i'm never not thinking about you sana."
sana hums, keeping a slow, languid pace, "is that helping with your little mission tonight?"
"i- w- fuck sana faster please-"
"answer the question first."
"f-fuck i- i don't know- i c-can't think- please-"
she's pulling out and removing herself from you so that none of your skin is touching anymore.
"now? now can you think?"
"sana please fuck- yes! yes it's helping everything is helping please just need you back-" you're making grabby hands at her, trying to pull her back so you can feel her against you again.
she obliges, pushing back into you and humming, "that's a good girl."
"thank you- god sana- thank you- mm fuck thank you-" you're babbling, barely making sense when she speeds up, curling her fingers inside you just the way she knows you like, and rubbing her thumb along your clit each thrust inside.
soon enough, you're coming around her, her name and curses spilling out of your mouth but she's not done. she's crawling down your body, marking almost every inch of skin she can get her mouth on, and then latching onto your clit and sucking, fingers still pounding into you.
"f-fuck! sana! 's too much! f-fuck-"
she only hums against you, the vibrations against your clit only tightening the coil in your belly once more and the overstimulation is too much and you feel yourself coming again.
she's pulling out and you think she's finished but she flips you onto your stomach, slipping a pillow under you to lift your ass up, hands gripping the cheeks and spreading them apart, just like how you had begged her to. but then her fingers are prodding at your entrance again and she slides in, and this angle is so much deeper and you cry out, muffled against the sheets, trying to squirm away from her but she's got your ass right where she wants you.
she's leaning down, pushing in and out of you again, you can feel her chest against your back, the fact that she's still wearing her top fleetingly crosses your mind but you can still feel her hardened nipples against your skin, you arch back into her.
"my baby's not done yet. you're going to give me another one. and another one. until you've finished your little experiment right?"
you're sobbing into the sheets, the delightful mixture of pleasure and pain running through your body, your hyperaware of every single movement, every single place your skin touches, every breath she takes as she ruts her fingers into you.
you feel your third orgasm coming up when a hand is snaking a way back up your body, pinching roughly at your nipples before closing around your throat. you gulp and clench even harder around her fingers when she squeezes her hand lightly, moaning your approval.
"yeah? you like that slut?"
"y-yes o-oh god fuck- sana- fuck-"
she's squeezing tighter now and the pressure is perfect, the lightheadedness from the cutoff of oxygen combined with the overstimulation and you're coming again, thrashing into her as she releases you slowly, heaving in air as specks of black dot your vision.
you feel almost numb when she slides the pillow out from under you, turning you slightly so she can kiss you gently, and you moan at the taste of yourself on her tongue.
she's slipping a leg between yours when you realise that she's taken off her bottoms, and you gasp when the feeling of her wetness glides against your clit.
you whimper against her lips, "sana..."
"shhhh baby one more."
you're helpless against her, whining and pushing yourself into her, relishing the way her breath catches and she moans when your clits drag along each other. she's got one hand at your tit again, pinching a nipple and you need to feel more of her so you slide a hand up her top, grasping at her breast and moaning when she rocks against you just a little harder at the feeling.
your lips never leave each other, even when you're so blissed out you're just panting into her mouth, rutting against her. you're not even thinking straight when you mumble the words, slurred together and mixed with curses, but sana still catches it. "i love you."
she stops immediately, leaving you humping her like a dog, panting into her wondering why she's stopped.
she's gripping your hips, stilling you, eyes wide, "what did you just say?"
"i love you sana fuck- please- please let me come again please-"
her eyes study you, half-dazed, and then suddenly she's rutting against you again, your hands tighten around her tits just to be able to hold onto something because she's pushing against you and you're so close and her hands are basically moving your hips against hers without you even doing anything, she's moaning into your mouth, caught in her own pleasure and it's all too much when you feel her tighten her legs around you, coming with a whine and shaking, you come again, eyes closing and feeling the wave of pleasure wash over your body, twitching lightly against her in the aftershock.
when you pull apart your legs are sticky and filthy and hers aren't much better, stained with your essence, you can't even open your eyes, just letting her plant light kisses across your face and neck, holding her against you and learning to breathe again.
when she kisses your eyelids you manage to peek open, staring at her in wonder.
"did you mean it?" her eyebrows are slightly furrowed, hair sticking to her forehead, bottom lip protruding a little in a pout.
you were overcome with pleasure and overstimulation, but you remember everything you said. "i did. i love you. i'm sorry it took this long to realise it."
she sighs, eyes tearing up, "i love you too idiot."
"what about the season?"
"we'll figure that out later. let me clean you up and we can cuddle and sleep?"
you hum, whining when she leaves you to grab a damp towel, missing her warmth already. it felt painful to be without her. every second you spent apart, you were thinking about her, you can't help but laugh at how stupid you've been. you've been in love with sana for the better half of your life, you were determined to make it up to her. to show her just how much you loved her. just how much you needed her in your life.
you smile happily when she comes back, bringing her into a sweet kiss and letting her wipe at your legs. you were so, utterly, in love with her, and you finally realised it.
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nyx-v1 · 2 years
TWST boys at your funeral Headcannons tw-mentions of deaths and funerals
[Heartslabyul],[Savanaclaw], [Octavinelle]
a/n-might be a little ooc
Planned to whole thing, from the flowers, to what kind of clothes you would be wearing.(it’s not weird I promise)
Insists that you are buried on campus.
Stands by the casket the whole time, he also give the eulogy. The eulogy was surprisingly heartfelt.
Riddle also makes a point to not cremate, or anything that  like that. He wants to make sure that if there's a way to send you back home it's in one piece even if you're dead.
takes no disrespect towards you at all, any students who say anything get collared (for like a week before trey tells him it’s been long enough.)
Deals with everything after the funeral too
Riddle personally cleans your grave every week, and if he doesn't have to time he sends other students to do it.
Doesn't know how to grieve so he just takes on a lot of extra work. Basically he spends his life now studying, working, and then sleeping.  
Overall 10/10- he makes sure Crowley doesn’t put you in an unmarked grave.
Bonus: What kind of flower they would leave you+ what they would say
Pink carnation, meaning- I'll never forget you. 
"Please forgive me for not being there perfect, thank you for all you've done."
Helps Riddle organize everything 
Makes sure all students are well behaved 
The one who says they should have grim in their dorm
Makes sure to regular check up on everyone else in his dorm, especially the Adeuce duo.
Trey makes the food, if there is a need for food.
His way of grieving is by taking care of everyone else, ignoring his own needs.
Bonus: What kind of flower they would leave you+ what they would say
Rosemary- remembrance
"Sorry, it has to end this way.”
makes sure to backup all photos of you he has, picks the best photo of you for the funeral.
Surprisingly does not take photo during the funeral at all in fact he's off social media for like 2 weeks, before he decides to look at it
Before he takes the break he makes one last post dedicated to you.
Doesn't talk about what happened, in fact  he goes out of his way avoid the convo about how he feels
during the funeral he makes sure to dress apparently, he is also super quite when talking 
After like a week he's pretending to be over your death
What kind of flower they would give you+ What they would says
A pink rose- thank you
tbh would probably be in denial for a while, that or he gets extra annoying no in between 
Has to be dragged to the funeral by riddle 
Yells at crowley for your death, then gets lectured by riddle
oddly quite during the whole things
leaves right after the ceremony is done, Ace goes right to ramshackle after he leaves.
Straight up refuses to go to your grave, and to talk about you
Ace does grieve tho he does this by spending all his free time in ramshackle, more specifically your room
Bonus: What kind of flower they would leave you+ what they would say for a final goodbye 
 dark crimson Rose - mourning
Won't say anything instead he gently place the flower down, before taking once last glance then walking out.
offers his and aces room for grim to stay in
takes 2 hours getting ready. Has also never been to a funeral before
Offers to help with anything, because he's not the best academically he decides to help set the venue up
Deuce is on his BEST behavior during the whole thing, he remains quite and by Grims side
Cries a lot, but denies it
During the whole thing he's super emotional, and when ace goes off he can't help but agree
Wants to fight Crowley but doesn't bc he doesn't want to disrespect you like that
11/10 give him a hug
Bonus: What kind of flower they would leave you+ what they would say
Statice- I miss you, compassion, remembrance
"I might not be good with words, but thanks [name]."
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queen-dahlia · 1 year
𝐆𝐢𝐥𝐛𝐞𝐫𝐭 𝐯𝐨𝐧 𝐎𝐛𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐧
𝗠𝗮𝗶𝗻 𝗥𝗼𝘂𝘁𝗲 𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟮𝟬
I'm sticking to the 'proxy' bc 代理 is representative; deputy; substitute; agent
Note: Translation is not 100% accurate. Expect grammatical errors.
// : alternate translation | ⫘⫘ : flashback | 4:4 answer
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A week after Emma left for Obsidian—
There was a respite in Rhodolite, at least ostensibly, for the hostages and the price they had paid.
Yves: "That girl... I hope she's doing well."
Yves, who was walking down the hallway, suddenly stops.
The roundtable meeting of the eight princes had just ended, and they had all left the room.
Luke: "It might be better for her to stay over there unexpectedly."
Luke, who happens to be walking by Yves, looks out the window.
Luke: "Rhodolite is not a safe country right now."
Licht: ". . . . . ."
Yves: "I agree. An agreement between the four countries should be pleasing, but..."
A large number of people crowd around the castle gate, which can be seen from the window.
Not only today, but since it was widely announced that the signing ceremony would be held soon, protest demonstrations by some people have continued.
Licht: "It's unnatural."
Yves: "What?"
Licht raises an eyebrow as he watches people in the distance.
Licht: "They claim that it is impossible to make peace with an enemy that has trampled on our lands."
Licht: "They have mistrust about the non-aggression pact and the lifting of sanctions."
Licht: "One day a country suddenly agrees to a settlement after not hearing from them for 10 years."
Licht: "Under such circumstances, it's understandable that it would lead to mistrust."
Licht: "But their protests are only emotional. It's baseless mistrust."
Licht: "It's spread like... like an epidemic, and more and more people are coming in every day."
Luke: "What's unnatural about that?"
Licht: "... It wouldn't happen that way unless someone deliberately instigated it."
Licht: "Maybe there's someone out there who is trying to verbally instill mistrust and cause things to explode..."
Licht: "It's just speculation, but I just thought."
Luke: "I think you're overthinking things."
Yves: "I hope so... There's a signing ceremony coming up soon."
Yves: "If an unfriendly atmosphere prevails in the country toward non-aggression pacts..."
Licht: "It's more likely that something will happen."
Licht: "... The kings of the four neighboring countries will gather that day. If any problems arise, there will be no way to recover."
Despite the serious looks on their faces, Luke shrugs his shoulders languidly.
Luke: "Well, it's going to be like that."
Yves: "Aren't you overly optimistic!? You are also a member of the royal family, so you should have at least a sense of urgency."
Luke: "I don't know about that..."
Licht: "There is one more concern."
Licht: "His Majesty the Emperor of Obsidian... his presence cannot be ignored after all."
Yves: "The blood-crazed king... was it the "King of Trampling"?"
Luke: "Is that what they call him?"
Licht: "Yeah. He's the world's aggressor. He's also the one leading Blood-Stained Rose Day."
Licht: "I think the public sentiment will probably be even more "unacceptable" than Gilbert's."
Luke: "... Hmm."
Yves: "I'm sure he'll be at the signing ceremony."
Luke: "... But maybe Gilbert will come. The emperor has been nowhere to be seen in recent years, right?"
Yves: "Well. In the last 10 years, there have been no rumors that he has even been seen on the battlefield, let alone in diplomacy."
Licht: "Signing by proxy would only add fuel to the fire of animosity."
Licht: "I don't think he likes to come here because it's obvious he doesn't feel comfortable."
Yves: "... Somehow, I really feel like a riot is about to happen."
Licht: "Maybe we should review our security arrangements."
Yves: "Then we'll have to recalculate the budget—"
???: "What a gloomy face you guys have."
Jin appears from behind the three and taps Luke and Yves on the shoulders.
Jin: "Here, Jin will give you candy."
Luke: "... I don't want it."
Jin: "... Oh."
Luke roughly brushes his hand away and walks away without looking back.
Jin: "Luke?"
Luke: "I just remembered being called by Chevalier."
Yves: "... You don't usually go even if you're called."
Luke: "Sometimes I'm in the mood."
The three look at each other as his back disappears in the blink of an eye.
Licht: "Jin, what did you do?"
Jin: "I don't know, but... We haven't been able to get along lately."
Yves: "He's obviously avoiding Jin."
Jin: "... Have I messed up his adolescent troubles?" **
Licht: "Maybe worse."
Jin: "... I can't say anything."
Yves: "You need to catch up and make up with Luke... That boy went in the opposite direction to the office of the foreign policy faction."
Licht & Jin: ". . . . . ."
Jin: "Haa... what can I do?"
Outside the window, the commotion is as usual, and the atmosphere in the corridor is heavy.
A calamity was surely creeping into the Land of Roses.
Emma: "Lord Gilbert, may I put this here?"
Gilbert: "Yes, thank you."
When I put the flowerpot next to the desk, Lord Gilbert, who was writing, suddenly laughed softly.
It had been a week since I arrived at Obsidian — I was getting used to life here in my own way.
(I was bracing myself for what it would be like in a country of deceit and corruption...)
(This castle is kept in order by Lord Gilbert.)
It is more comfortable than the Rhodolite court because, as far as I can see, it is surrounded by a healthy environment, and there is no one who is hostile towards me.
(Not that I want to fit in at Obsidian...)
The people I pass in the court treat me as a guest of Lord Gilbert and never glare at me or trip me over.
I think it was because of the tension in the air that they would be executed if they did so, but ironically, I felt as if I could breathe more easily now.
(... Let's not think about it any further.)
I shake my head and carry the next flowerpot.
This place seems to be some kind of laboratory for Lord Gilbert.
There are many samples related to the selective breeding of food, and it is the only place surrounded by plants in the castle built with black stones.
In the past few days, besides making sweets for Lord Gilbert, I have been doing a lot of little things like this.
Lord Gilbert helped me a lot since we were in Rhodolite, and I wanted to return the favor here.
Gilbert: "Hehe, you're strong, aren't you?"
Before I knew it, the pen had stopped moving, and Lord Gilbert was staring at me with his chin resting on his hand.
Emma: "I train at the bookstore."
Gilbert: "Even so, I wonder where the strength comes from in those slender arms."
As I put the flowerpot on the ground, Lord Gilbert's hand reaches out and grabs me by the arm.
His cold fingers rubbed my upper arm, and it tickled me.
(I was wondering if things would get awkward after that night... but it didn't last long.)
It's hard to keep my anger at Lord Gilbert, who doesn't change his attitude, so I put the gun in the room for a while and said what I wanted to say and forced myself to make peace with him.
(Although I'm actually still a little hazy on that!)
Gilbert: "... And it's so squishy."
Emma: "Oh, did you just pick a fight?"
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Gilbert: "Why? I just thought it felt good. See, I'm hard, you know?" // "Why? I just thought it felt good. You see, I'm tough, okay?"
(I'm curious when you say that.)
I also reach out and grab Lord Gilbert's second arm.
Emma: "... It's true."
(It's so firm! I had an image of Lord Gilbert not being very strong...) // (He's really tough! I had an image that Lord Gilbert isn't that strong, but...)
Emma: "This is clearly training, isn't it?"
Gilbert: "Well, it was an environment where I had to say hello to assassins every day, so it was inevitable that it would turn out like this."
(... I knew that Obsidian Castle "was" that kind of place.)
Gilbert: "I'm reasonably strong as long as it's not a long-term battle."
Emma: "So you're the kind of person who could endure if I were to hang on to your arm?" // "Then, perhaps, are you the kind of person who can stand me hanging on your arm?"
When I unintentionally mentioned a scene that a muscular person would do well in, Lord Gilbert was dumbfounded for a moment and then burst out in a loud burst of laughter.
Gilbert: "Ahaha... we'll never know until we try."
Gilbert: "Because no one dared do that to me in the first place... Ahaha!"
Emma: "It's a metaphor!?"
Gilbert: "Oh, what the heck. I thought the little rabbit wanted to do it."
Emma: "I don't."
(No need to laugh so hard that tears well up in the corners of your eyes...)
After laughing for a moment, Lord Gilbert stands up from his chair and, for some reason, picks me up in his arms.
My vision suddenly became higher and this time I blinked my eyes.
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Gilbert: "Well, I can hold you, so let's just do this, okay?"
Emma: "I'm sorry... but you have to put me down!"
Gilbert: "I don't know what I should do." **
(I don't know what to do... I wonder if this person wants to embarrass me.)
Lord Gilbert's beautiful face is right there, as beautiful as if it were built.
It was impossible not to be aware of it, and I covered my ears for the inexplicable beating of my heart.
(Because everyone would be surprised if someone did something like this...)
When I tried to hide my blushing face as much as possible, Lord Gilbert laughed and sat back in his chair.
... I was held in his lap.
Emma: "Please... let me go."
Gilbert: "Nope."
Emma: "But I think it will be difficult for Lord Gilbert to work in this way."
Gilbert: "Not really?"
Emma: "Your legs will go numb."
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Gilbert: "... You know, Little Bunny."
When I turn around with a sliver of hope, Lord Gilbert also greets me with a refreshing smile.
Gilbert: "Why not just give up?"
(... Right.)
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Lord Gilbert reaches for his pen again, with me in his arms.
My gaze inevitably turned to the notebook spread out on the desk.
Emma: "What is that?"
Gilbert: "You probably wouldn't understand even if I told you."
(I had a feeling that was it.)
The notebook is filled with mathematical formulas that I have never seen before.
I understand that Lord Gilbert seems to be doing some kind of calculation, though.
It is not at all clear to me in layman's terms whether the calculations are related to plant breeding, engineering, or something else.
Emma: "Lord Gilbert is an amazing man after all."
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Gilbert: "Hehe... Are you in love with me?"
Emma: "Why is that?"
Gilbert: "You've been blushing for a while now."
Emma: "Of course, it's embarrassing for anyone to be subjected to this!"
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Gilbert: "No, no, if it were me, everyone would turn pale, so it's just Little Bunny. I've never done this before."
(... It's getting uncomfortable.)
I am aware that this is a strange thing.
The opponent is the king of the enemy country of Rhodolite, the disaster of the world, a great villain who kills and tramples people without hesitation.
I know it's not the kind of reaction I would show to such a person, but I can't help it.
(Since then, embarrassment has outweighed fear.)
I also remember the sight of a white rose dyed black.
Emma: "... I just remembered that the signing ceremony is coming up soon!"
I force myself to cut off my emotions and change the subject.
What immediately came out of my mouth was about something that had been bothering me recently.
Gilbert: "Yeah, right."
Gilbert: "You know, we even got it approved through the Obsidian Parliament, right? It's great that you did what you did."
Emma: "So even the Emperor has to go through Parliament."
(Obsidian has a strong streak of tyrannical monarchy, so I thought there was no parliament...)
Gilbert: "Well, it's a parliament like it wasn't there. Everyone blindly believes in my decisions."
Emma: "Blind trust?"
Gilbert: "To have no doubt that it is right. Apart from the fear of being killed if they disobey the royal family..."
Gilbert: "Everything I do is the right thing to do."
Gilbert: "I put it that way. ...Hehe, it does come in handy, though."
(... This is a face that doesn't think it's a "good thing".)
(It should be the right way for the trampling beast.)
Gilbert: "Anyway, it was decided to proceed with the conclusion of the non-aggression pact with the consensus of Obsidian."
Gilbert: "It's just that I'm in a bit of trouble."
Emma: "What is it?"
Gilbert: "I don't think I can go to Rhodolite."
Emma: "I see. That's tough..."
Emma: "... What!?"
(Lord Gilbert... can't go to Rhodolite!?)
The signing ceremony is essentially a gathering of the heads of state of each country.
In order to conclude a non-aggression pact, it must be signed by His Majesty the King,
Benitoite and Jade will be attended by the kings of both countries,
And even Rhodolite should be making arrangements for the new king I have chosen to attend.
However, when the main character of this signing ceremony, His Majesty the Emperor of Obsidian, does not participate in the ceremony,
We will not be able to conclude a non-aggression pact after all, and it will be meaningless for me to be here as a hostage.
Emma: "... Are you lying to me?"
Gilbert: "No, I'm not. It's just really unforeseen circumstances or something..."
Gilbert: "But don't worry. I'll set up a proxy."
Emma: "The signing ceremony is not something a proxy is allowed to sign."
Gilbert: "I'll just have to convince them. It's better than not participating, isn't it?"
Gilbert: "But it's not easy to set up a proxy. People don't want to go."
Emma: "... Is it because of the responsibility?"
Gilbert: "It's simpler than that. What would people think if a representative who is not the Emperor showed up at the signing ceremony?"
Gilbert: "I'm sure they would be angry that Obsidian looked down on them and wouldn't give them hospitality."
(That... might be true.)
Not only Rhodolite would feel offended, but even Benitoite and Jade would.
In the first place, as long as it is a "proxy," even the effectiveness of the non-aggression pact becomes doubtful.
The deputy must go to Rhodolite, prepared to take all the blame.
Emma: "Lord Gilbert, are you really sure you can't go?"
Gilbert: "I'm sorry about this...?"
(. . . . . .)
There is a reason I couldn't say anything.
The reason why I can't help swallowing words is—
Gilbert: "Haa... Here's the Emperor's mandate."
Lord Gilbert lifts the notebook to reveal a parchment lined with letters that seem to be in a hurry to come to life.
(When did you...)
Gilbert: "If only someone would go, that would solve everything."
Gilbert: "Otherwise, the long-awaited non-aggression pact will be ruined."
Gilbert: "It's sad that world peace will end here..."
Emma: ". . . . . ."
Gilbert: "The proxy can be anyone I approve of."
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Gilbert: "I think I should prepare a dress and accessories for you now."
Gilbert: "... I mean, actually, I've already hired a tailor to do it."
Emma: ". . . . . ."
Gilbert: "All that's left is for someone to say, "I'm going..."
Flickering, flickering, I can feel his gaze on me.
As expected, if he goes this far, I can understand what Lord Gilbert wants from me, even if I don't like it.
Emma: "It's all a joke... isn't it..."
Gilbert: "Hmm? What?"
I feel my blood rush, and I am mindlessly dizzy.
Emma: "I can't be the emperor's proxy."
Gilbert: "Oh, is Little Bunny going? If that's the case, I'm relieved. Good."
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Gilbert: "Little Bunny is the emperor's representative... So you are the empress. A proxy empress."
Gilbert: "Yes, here's the authorization form. Nice to meet you?" **
As I froze in his lap, Lord Gilbert made me hold the form for the proxy.
Emma: "Wasn't I just a hostage!?"
Gilbert: "I don't like that. I wouldn't bring a hostage in without a second thought, would I?"
Gilbert: "I've been thinking about making you my proxy when the time comes." // "I was thinking of using you as my substitute in case of an emergency."
After coming here, I can finally see Lord Gilbert's purpose.
The real purpose for which not only I but even Prince Chevalier couldn't read...
Emma: "I'm not even an Obsidian, am I?"
Gilbert: "I mean, there's only one way for a person from another country to become an Obsidian, right?"
Gilbert: "Once upon a time, an Obsidianiate became a Rhodolitian."
Emma: ". . . . . ."
Gilbert: "What do you think is the easiest proof of friendship, Little Bunny?"
Gilbert: "Yes... It's love."
(I didn't dare to go into it because I kept it under wraps after that, but...) **
Gilbert: "You thought hostages were the only price for ideals?"
Emma: "... The whole thing was meant to be this way from the beginning..."
Gilbert: "Because you want to fill the gap between Rhodolite and Obsidian, don't you?"
Gilbert: "I was curious to see how far you would go."
His innocent smile, with no malice in it, leaves me speechless again.
(... He's testing my resolve.)
In Obsidian, Lord Gilbert is the law. No one is going to interfere with Lord Gilbert.
Even if I were to go there on behalf of His Majesty the Emperor, there would be no one who could object to that.
(Because it is a country where Lord Gilbert can behave freely and even reckless things can get away with it.)
Gilbert: "In Rhodolite, you can call yourself whatever you want. I'll adapt mine to your setting."
Gilbert: "But I don't like lying. When you say your name, you have to take responsibility."
Emma: ". . . . . ."
Gilbert: "Take your time to think about it, okay?"
(... There is no peace that can be obtained with words alone.)
(It is up to me to make the most of the opportunity that Lord Gilbert has given me...)
(Even if this non-aggression pact is meaningless to Lord Gilbert, it is meaningful to us.)
I know, but it's a big decision, like risking my entire life.
I didn't have the courage to make a quick decision, so I kept my mouth shut—
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Suddenly, something cold brushed against my lips, and a blood-colored eye covered my vision.
Gilbert: "Hehe, so many openings."
(. . . . . .)
Gilbert: "I'm tired of using my head so much. I think I'll take a rest."
As if nothing had happened, Lord Gilbert picked me up and made me sit on a chair.
Then he went to a nearby hammock and laid down.
(He did it again!) // (I've been hit again!) **
Putting aside the momentous decision, I slam the document for proxy on the desk and stand up.
Emma: "You big villain! You are a scoundrel! I've never done this before!"
(I've never been kissed before.)
To Lord Gilbert, it may be just a greeting, but I can't put it off like that.
Gilbert: "Is that so? We've done it once before..."
Emma: "That's malice, so it doesn't count!"
Gilbert: "Then count that one for now."
Emma: "N-No, that was an accident."
Gilbert: "I see, an accident. No problem then."
(This man...)
There is no sign of being offended.
He doesn't even tell me what the kiss earlier meant.
(... Is he just being mean?)
Gilbert: "... cough."
A cough is heard from the hammock, and the thought bursts and disappears.
Emma: "Are you all right?"
Gilbert: "Mmm... I'm fine."
I heard no more words.
Lord Gilbert turned his back on me and fell asleep.
(. . . . . .)
Chevalier: "—The last, third, is baseless speculation."
Chevalier: "It's more likely that it's different, but I'm still worried about his behavior."
Chevalier: "That Eyepatch—"
(... No, that can't be right.)
I pull out a blanket I found on a nearby shelf and drape it over Lord Gilbert's body.
I try to look at his face gently, but he seems to be sleeping at a very good angle, and I can't see it properly.
(I know I'm overthinking this.)
That night — after I left Lord Gilbert, I still had the document for the proxy in my hand.
After pondering over and over again, I finally made up my mind.
(I can tell him when I see him tomorrow...)
Emma: "Excuse me, Lord Gilbert."
Unable to stay still, I knock on the door of Lord Gilbert's room.
But there was no answer from inside the room.
(I wonder if he's already asleep.... He didn't wake up until the afternoon...)
No matter how much we hurry, what will happen in the future will not change.
I told myself this and was about to turn on my heel when I heard a coughing sound coming from inside the room.
(... It's totally different from coughing during the day!)
It was clearly an abnormal cough. It sounded as if someone drowned in the river was coughing frantically.
Emma: "Lord Gilbert!"
Emma: "I'm sorry, I'm coming in!"
Fortunately, the door was unlocked, so I jumped into the room.
Lord Gilbert was kneeling behind his office desk, repeatedly taking labored breaths.
Emma: "Lord Gilbert!?"
He seemed unable to even speak, and I quickly rubbed his back.
I thought that would calm him down, but after another violent coughing fit, blood splattered on the floor.
(—... No way.)
Emma: "Anyone—"
Gilbert: "Don't... call..."
He grabs my clothes, and Lord Gilbert's voice comes out with his exhale.
He wipes the blood from his mouth, and the look he gives me is filled with murderous intent.
Gilbert: "Don't... call... anyone."
Emma: "But if I don't...!"
Gilbert: "Go back... to... your... room."
Emma: "Don't be so unreasonable!"
(How could I go back as if nothing happened!?)
(At least a doctor—I'm sure he's somewhere in the castle.)
Walter: "What's all the fuss, Lord Gilbert!"
My voice must have echoed down the hallway, because a man with curly hair — Walter — comes running into the room.
Perhaps he sensed the situation from Lord Gilbert, who was coughing, and moved quickly.
Walter: "It's okay. I'll take care of it."
Walter quickly grabs a nearby jug of water and slowly pours it into Lord Gilbert's mouth.
(... He's used to it.)
Leaning Lord Gilbert against a nearby desk, who was about to lose consciousness with a pale face, Walter placed the case he was holding on the floor,
From it, he took out a bottle-like object with a long, thin needle.
Walter: "... I'm a doctor."
Walter: "I'm Lord Gilbert's personal doctor."
(He is... a doctor.)
(He said he was his aide...)
A lie that is so rare for Lord Gilbert makes my heart race fast.
Walter: "Emma, please return to your room."
With a practiced hand, Walter removes Lord Gilbert's jacket and rolls up the sleeves of his shirt.
(. . . . . .)
His arm was so bruised that it was discolored.
(What's... that...)
Walter sticks the needle into a different vial, makes sure the elongated bottle is filled with liquid, and now sticks it into Lord Gilbert's arm.
It was a treatment scene unlike anything I had ever seen or heard of.
Emma: "... Is there anything I can do?"
Still, I can't help but let my voice leak out.
My legs are not moving, and I understand that there doesn't seem to be anything I can do.
Walter: "No, thank you—"
Walter turns to me and raises an eyebrow.
Walter: "... No, may I still ask for your assistance?"
Walter: "I'd like to carry Lord Gilbert to bed—"
It takes two people to somehow get Lord Gilbert to lie down on the bed.
His breathing seemed to have calmed down, and at first glance, it appeared that he was just sleeping.
Emma: ". . . . . ."
Walter: ". . . . . ."
Emma: "... He's okay, isn't he?"
Walter: ". . . . . ."
Emma: "He's... colder than usual."
When I lightly hold Lord Gilbert's hand, it is as cold as ice.
There was no human-like warmth at all, which made me even more anxious.
Walter: ". . . . . ."
Emma: "Walter..."
Walter: "... I can't answer that question. Confidentiality as a doctor and strict orders from Lord Gilbert."
Emma: ". . . . . ."
Walter: "But... I think you have the right to know."
Walter: "Even if I am ordered to be executed later, I want you to know."
Walter: "I want to entrust my hopes to you."
(... Hope?)
There was a troubled, conflicted silence.
Walter looked at Lord Gilbert, and—
I twisted my face to hold back my tears. // My face distorts as I hold back my tears.
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Walter: "... He has one month to live."
Emma: "............ Huh."
Walter: "That was the last time... I gave it to Lord Gilbert before he went to Rhodolite." // "It was the last time Gilbert was given a chance before going to Rhodolite."
Chevalier: "That Eyepatch... makes me think he has some kind of disease."
Chevalier: "And it's a pretty serious kind of thing."
It got dark in front of my eyes.
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jedijesi · 3 years
Luminary Love
Prince!Din Djarin x F!Princess!Reader
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Warnings: Angst, Fluff, Smut (F receiving, PiV, Breeding kink)
Summary: Tonight is your (unwanted) wedding to the soon-to-be King of Mandalore, but is there more to him than meets the eye?
Word Count: 3,100+
A/N: I’ve had this idea for several days now and I just needed to write it. Don’t worry tho bc the next ch. of biblichor will b out soon. Enjoy some Din content!🤍
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All night long, you received congratulations and cheers. Thousands, billions of people would kill to be in your position, but you dreaded this more than anything. You never wanted to marry the soon-to-be king of Mandalore, but the Royal administration never gave you an option. Throughout the fantastical wedding, you repeatedly reminded yourself it was for your people - they are the ones who will prosper from this. Thankfully, his creed forbade him from removing his helmet in front of others, therefore you weren’t allowed to kiss him. The only time you had to touch him during the ceremony was when you held hands. Even then, his mastiff-leather gloves create a barrier from any real contact.
After the ceremony, you avoided your new husband as best you could. When it was time to put on a show, you had forced yourself to put on the royal smile you had been practicing. When eating, you sat as far away as possible from him but not far enough to worry the royal administrations that watched you two tentatively. The times you were called to waltz, you performed what you had been learning for months but never made eye contact with him. After a few dances, the royals watching had joined in and forgotten about you, giving you the perfect chance to escape.
You spent your time talking with other royalty, expressing your worries and concerns to Princess Mary of Ryloth. Unlike you, she was happily married, but it was her 3rd time. The first two suitors weren’t ‘good enough’ for her, so she became the royal’s biggest scandal and ignored her administration to marry for love. Luckily her experience with terrible lovers led to wonderful tips and tricks that she gladly gave you for your wedding night. You knew she was telling you these things to help, but in reality, it only made you feel worse about your new life.
“Djarin, my oldest friend, how are you enjoying your wedding?” General Paz said with a heavy pat to Din’s pauldron.
“It’s… grand.” Din sounded unconvinced by his own words.
“Grand? Is that all you have to say?”
“Well, everything appears wonderful, but my wife won’t speak nor look at me.”
“Have you attempted to talk to her?”
“Of course!” Din and Paz turn to watch you talk to Princess Mary. “She never responds, though.”
The uncomfortable feeling of Din’s stare props you to turn around. The blue and silver beskar statues jump when you catch them and quickly turn back to avoid any further embarrassment.
“I haven’t seen her in years, but she has grown to be quite beautiful, you must admit.” Paz shrugs.
“I know, it’s one of the many reasons I married her. I just… wish she’d give me a chance.”
“Well, she better. I overheard that the administration is already seething that you two haven’t gone back to your honeymoon suite.”
Din rolls his eyes under his helmet. “I don’t care about them. They shouldn’t have a say in my marriage.”
“Good luck arguing that. You know they expect an heir to be conceived tonight.”
“I already have Grogu. Is he not enough?”
“Nothing is enough for them, my friend.” Paz pats Din’s back reassuringly. “Just be kind to the poor girl. I’m sure she isn’t pleased with all of this.” He gestures to the grand chandeliers and dramatic towers of cake and food.
Din sighs as he fiddles with the edge of his cape. “Alright. I should probably go fetch her before the Administration creates any more drama.”
“Good luck, your majesty.” Paz bows as Din walks your way.
Din let’s go of his cape before wiping his armor of any lingering bits of dust and dirt, wanting to be as presentable as possible for you. When Din arrives behind you, he clears his throat and bows.
“My Princess, it is time for us to leave for the Honeymoon Suite.”
Without a word, you give him a nod and take his arm. The guests cheer and whisper as you and your husband make your way out of the ballroom. You could hear Royal Administers whisper their concerns regarding your fertility or your performance in bed. It was dehumanizing, to say the least. You fought for justice and equality on Naboo, but this was not the way on Mandalore. Your new role would be diminished to a supporting queen who would raise the future heirs. Meanwhile, the other women of Mandalore were busy serving valiantly in wars. This was the way. Mandalore was born out of extremists, and you had to embrace the consequences.
Din hated the whispers. If he were king, he would have lashed out long ago, but the coronation isn’t for another few days. You didn’t deserve to be treated as an object. Din saw you to be the goddess that would help lead his people into prosperity and the gorgeous woman who may one day graciously birth his children. Such slander against someone so perfect made Din rage under his helmet. A few more days. Din would remind himself.
The Suite reflected Mandalore: grand and majestic. Silver swirls of beskar outlined the stained glass windows that watched over Mandalore. The bed was larger than any other you had seen before. It looked cozy; a complete contrast to the large and uncomfortable dress you’ve been wearing all day. You walked over to touch the silk-like blankets and sighed at its softness.
Din watched you with interest - mesmerized by the way the roaring fireplace creates a golden glow on your features. “Wife?”
“Why don’t you look at me?” The flicker of sadness in his voice took you by surprise. You weren’t sure if Mandalorians could feel emotions underneath the layers of cold beskar. “Do I… scare you?”
You turn to look at him, your nerves shining through by the twiddling of your thumbs. “I… I don't know.”
“What is wrong, my dear princess? I want to fix this. I don't want to start our marriage off on the wrong foot.” You sit down on the luxurious bed, your eyes now watching as you fiddle with your dress. Din walks towards you, taking a knee to be at eye level with you. “I understand this isn't what you wanted. I heard whispers that it took the maids an hour to get you off your ship. That you fought off any guard that laid a hand on you.” Din chuckled at the image he had created in his head. “But then the fighting stopped… why?” You couldn't find it within yourself to respond. “Won’t you please entertain my curiosity?”
You sighed and looked up into the dark visor. “I realized I was being selfish. I had forgotten that marriage among the royals was for the people… not for love.”
“You do not love me?”
“We barely know each other, your majesty.”
“What are you speaking of? We used to be best friends.”
You scoffed at Din. “We were children, your majesty. You were just a servant boy in the palace back then, but times have changed, haven't they, your majesty.”
“Please refrain from calling me ‘your majesty.’ I thought we were beyond that.” Din groaned, annoyed by the ridiculous title.
“Din, you're to become the Mandalore - the king - in a few days' time. I understand the rules - I understand why you had to marry me.”
“What? So that I could officially hold the title as king? I don't care about a stupid title - the administration does.”
“Then why marry me? There are millions of royals lined up to marry the Mandalore, but why choose me, Din? Why?” You started getting hysterical at it all. Your life's work had come to a halt just so that Din could be crowned king. It was disgusting and unfair.
“As an orphan-servant boy, the days your family visited were the best days of my life. Your parents always treated me like their own - the complete opposite of how the Kryze family did. I meant it when I said you were my best friend. You were the only person who could beat Paz and me in a fight. The only person who would sneak out of the palace to play in the garden at night with me. When your parents… passed and you stopped visiting me… It crushed me. I never stopped thinking about you, my princess.”
You could hear the build-up of tears in Din’s throat, but he wasn't the only one. You too had tears in your eyes, remembering the once pure and innocent life you had. You bring your hand up to din's helmet, holding where his cheek would be.
“Do you remember that last night?”
“Of course I do. It was a cold night in the rose garden. I gave you my coat since you had insisted you didn't need your shall.” Din smiled and chuckled at the memory.
“I... I never saw your lips, but I had never felt such pure joy than the moment they molded against mine.”
Din leans his head forward to rest your foreheads together. Underneath, he continued to beam. It had been so long since he had felt such love - such love that could only be created by you.
“My princess, I never stopped loving you. Even as we grew up and apart, I would watch the holovids that spoke about you, and all the wonderful things you were doing for your people. It was the only thing that kept me going through those torturous years apart from you. I love you.”
Din’s arms wrapped around your waist, pulling you into a tight hug. You reciprocated by wrapping your arms around his shoulders and burying your head in the crook of his neck. “I love you too, Din.”
“My wife?”
“Yes, my husband?”
“Will you take this ridiculous helmet off of me so that I may kiss you and make love to you?”
Your glowing smile melts Din’s heart. Your hand reaches up to slowly slide off the silver beskar helmet that covered those features you dreamt of. An audible gasp escapes past your lips when Din’s lips appear. It took everything in you to not pounce on him and cover him in kisses, but you maintain your composure. His nose was strong and beautiful, and his cheeks… oh, how you wanted to leave lipstick stains on them. Then were his perfect eyes. Those chocolate eyes that expressed an amount of love you'd never completely fathom in your life.
“You're stunning, Din.” Din’s heart flutters at your words. The only compliment he's ever received was about his combat skills and valor. He's never been complimented on his looks before.
“I’d never compare to my gorgeous wife.”
Din takes your face into his palms and slowly pulls you in for a kiss. The moment your lips touch, you feel fireworks exploding all around you. The glowing lights flash behind your eyelids as you mold your lips together. The tickle of his mustache causes you to giggle into the kiss, which Din finds to be enchanting. One of Din's hands leaves your face to grip your torso, massaging and kneading your skin.
“I love you.” He murmurs into the kiss. “I love you more than the moons and stars.”
As the kisses become more intense, so does your lust for one another. Din’s hands undo the strings of your wedding dress as you shed his armor off - lips never leaving each other. Once you two were completely naked, Din had you crawl to the center of the bed.
“Now, lay back, my love. I want to show you how much I love and miss you.” You follow his instructions and rest your head on the large cloud-like pillows.
Din crawls between your legs, taking one into his hand. Starting from your ankle, he works his way down, leaving a trail of sloppy yet delicate kisses. He takes his time at your inner thigh, sucking and licking at your skin to make you emit whimpers.
“D-Din, please don't tease me.”
“Hush, now. Let me take my time loving you.” And he does. He spends his time worshiping your body - kissing and sucking the skin around your lips while his hand massages your breasts. Suddenly, Din dives into your sopping wet cunt, immediately sucking and licking your swollen clit. You let out a loud gasp followed by a moan, making Din’s cock bounce up in excitement.
Your noises sound like music - the most angelic music he's ever heard in his life. Each moan and whimper you let out only addicted him more. Din wraps his hands around your waist and sits back, lifting your hips from the bed and to his mouth. You grip the blankets with a scream as Din explores further into your pussy. The animalistic grunts and growls he lets out only make you wetter.
“Come on, Princess. Cum. Cum all over my face. I need it.” And just like that, you let out a scream as you convulse around his tongue. Din slowly lowers you back onto the bed as he licks up your dripping cum. “You're sweeter than a meiloorun, darling. I've never tasted anything so divine. I’d love to stay between your legs forever and drink your cum until the day I die, but I wanna put a baby in you too badly to do so.” You let out a whimper at his filthy words. “Can I, darling? Will you let me fuck a baby into you?”
“Wait, we're not done?” You ask through pants.
“Not done? We’ll be done when the sun wakes up. Even then, I'm not sure if we'll ever be done. Why?”
“The other princesses said it would only be a minute of discomfort, and it’ll be over.
Din tsks and shakes his head, pressing a few kisses to your clit. “Oh, my darling. I'm not like those other royals. I care about my wife’s pleasure, and you…” Din presses more kisses to your overstimulated heat. “Are nowhere near done with your, please. So, I'll ask you again. Are you ready for me to fuck a baby into you with my thick, hard cock?”
“Stars, yes! Please, Din!” You hated how completely and utterly desperate you sounded, but you were completely and utterly desperate for Din to fuck you.
Din crawls up to meet your half-lidded eyes, drooping with lust. He places soft kisses on your cheeks before pressing one to your lips. “Are you ready for me, Princess?”
“Yes, my husband.”
Din grabs his cock, lining it up with your entrance. With a loud moan, he enters your sopping wet pussy.
“Oh, you're so wet! Ungh… Stars, you're so tight too!” Din’s thrusts speed up to a steady pace, your moans echoing through the room along with the lewd, wet sounds of your bodies pounding together. “From this day forward, y-your. Pussy. Belongs. To. Me.” Din emphasizes his words with his cock hitting against your g-spot.
“O-Only i-if your cock b-belongs - Oh yes, Din - To me.”
Din chuckles through his labored breaths. “Of course, my love. My cock is forever yours to do what you please with. I don't care what time- ugnh- or what p-place. It's yours.” You lean up to capture din’s parted lips, swallowing his beautiful moans. The knot in your stomach starts to tighten. Desperate for your release, you buck your hips back into Din. “Yes, take my cock. It's yours. All yours.” Din takes your legs, pushing them to your chest. Both of you let out a series of loud moans at the deeper feeling.
“Oh, Din! I'm going to cum if you keep doing that!”
“Ugh, I can see the galaxy when I'm inside you! Can you feel that, my love?”
“Yes, I-I can feel your throbbing cock!” You throw your head back at the euphoric feeling. Your exposed neck allows Din to swoop down and suck marks onto it.
“Th-That's me, claiming what's mine. You're all mine, my princess.” Din’s thrusts speed up, desperate and ready for you to cum. Each thrust was accompanied by a loud grunt that made you clench even tighter. “I'm gonna cum. I'm going to give you a baby - our baby. Are you ready?”
“Yes, Din! I love y-you!” You scream out a slew of ‘i love yous’ and clench tightly around Din’s swollen cock. Your orgasm and words of love cause Din to cum, sending spurts of his cum into your womb, where your future child would soon grow.
Din collapses on you which you gladly accept. You wrap your arms around his neck and place kisses on the crown of his head. Both of you stay like that for a while, basking in pure love. Once your breaths are back to normal, Din slowly pulls out of you to lay on the bed beside you. He pulls you closer to him so that no space lingered and adjusted the blankets to create a cocoon of comfort around you two.
You smile as you listen to his heartbeat against his chest. Din’s index finger presses to the underside of your chin, adjusting your eyes to look into his.
“Are you okay, my love?”
You nod lazily, completely worn out. “You know, having a husband isn't so bad after all.” Din lets out a hearty laugh before leaning down to kiss you.
“Yeah, having a wife isn't so bad either.” Din smirks at you, causing you to shy away in embarrassment and return your attention to his chest. Your fingers trace shapes and words onto his chest until you stop. A mark on Din’s torso prompts you to inspect it. “What are your curious fingers doing, my love?”
“What is this?” You ask as your finger traces the mark.
“It’s just a scar, dearest.”
“A scar?” You look back at Din with worry in your eyes.
“Oh, don't worry, my love. I've collected so many over the years, I've become immune to them. That one was either from when I fought Bo-Katan or when I fought a mudhorn to save my son.”
“Goodness.... I've missed so much of your life.” Your face droops with sadness, but Din is quick to relieve your worries.
“Now, it's nothing to be upset over. Yes, we've missed a lot, but that means we can spend the rest of our lives catching up and making new memories. Plus, you can meet my son tomorrow.”
You smile and press a chaste kiss to Din’s lips. “I’d love that.” You pressed another kiss to his lips, but this one wasn't so innocent.
“Did I not satisfy you, my love?” Din chuckles into the kiss. You climb on top of him and shake your head. “Oh, does my princess want more?”
You give Din a mischievous grin and shrug.
Din smirks before leaning in to kiss you. “Well, who am I to deny my wife of her wishes?”
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A/N: Idk who from my Javier Peña taglist wants to be on this one, but those who are interested in being added to a Din Djarin taglist or a perminante taglist, please let me know.🤍 Can’t wait to hear what you all think!
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lanshappycorner · 4 years
Deuce Spade facts and fun facts🥳🥳
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This is a list of facts and fun facts about Deuce! This list is based on true facts only and any observations I've made, however observations can be subjective, so those will be labeled properly! Let's start off with some facts already in the wiki :)
First Yr, class 1-A, student no.24
Birthday: June 3
Age: at the beginning of the game, Deuce is 16, but currently, he is 17 [his profile in game has not been updated, but as time is proven to flow in game, it is unclear but can be interpreted that the characters do canonly age]
173 cm / 5'8" ft
Homeland: Rose kingdom
Family: Mother, Grandmother, it is implied that his father is out of the picture as Deuce states that he is the only man in the family so his father has either left or is dead
Club: Track and Field [alongside Jack]
Best subject: PE
Dominant hand: Right
Fav food: Egg dishes / omurice
Least fav food: Bell peppers
Dislikes: Limited time sales
Hobby: Magical wheel (twst motorcycle I guess but it looks kinda funky)
Talents: Machinery Maintainance [good with fixing gadgets and etc]
Used to be a delinquent before he heard his mother crying on the phone to his grandmother about his behavior. Afterwards he decided to change
Owns a pink leopard printed suit
Cannot do middle school math, he will take a lot of time to solve simple Algebra problems
Gets nervous and stops functioning entirely when talking to women
Onto some fun facts outside of the wiki! These facts have been gathered from various sources (ppl who can read japanese, ppl who have told me abt info in the twst guidebook, twitter, and ofc the main translated story), but I cannot prove 100% authenticity of this, so take it with a gain of salt
Canonly a pretty boy. Deuce is described as the "cool pretty type" in the twst guidebook
Smells like flowers [applies to all students from Rose kingdom]
A romantic, he admired the king and queen of heart's relationship and trey teased him about it
Thought that baby chicks hatch from store bought eggs until the MC and Grim told him the truth
Can cook eggs (he likes them over easy)
Wanted to make a magical wheel club but was rejected so he joined track and field
Bought magical wheel magazines when he was younger and studied it
Wanted to ride his magical wheel in the heartslabyul maze (mentioned he forgets bad things when he rides it so like...it makes him feel better)
Hates limited times sales/shopping but is extremely good at it. He can remember the price of an item, when exactly it sells out, the percentage/probability of when it can sell out, discount prices and pretty much any math that has to do with it [he's extremely good at shopping because his mother brought him out a lot with her to limited time sales]
In addition to the point above, it is implied he can memorize and calculate that for pretty much every item he intends on buying (everything I listed above is in relation to the time he bought 20 limited time puddings which greatly impressed Sebek who wasn't able to grab even 1, but it was later revealed that he also bought 8 bag full of items requested by Trey for baking, as well as the others probably from heartslabyul) so basically Deuce big brain and very good memorization abilities
Hilariously in the instance above, Sebek, who is like...a real fae, has said that what Deuce did was not something a human can do
Flirted with a plant because vil was fucking around with him and told him to
Was ready to fist fight Riddle
Was about to go find Leona to beat him up but Vil was like do u have no fear and Deuce pretty much said that he can get thru to Leona with his muscles
Was about to fight Malleus (jesus christ) but ended up fixing his tamagotchi and came out completely loaded and rich (good for deuce, get that cha ching babey)
Won a Track and Field competition (noted to be rare for a first year)
He is literally a pretty boy, it's been pointed out that he looks good in the ceremonial clothes (but we already know that)
Admires Riddle and sees him as a role model, has called him boss (like...yakuza boss terminology) once
[Observation] Has a pretty good relationship with Jamil as he has asked Jamil to help him practice his Stargazer dance, and mentioned him once again when talking about how Jamil fixed his hat and said that he was a reliable upperclassman
Has said fuck and would not hesitate to say it again 🥺
Has been called honest and cute, was fawned over by kalim and trey. Kalim said Deuce was similar to his younger brothers
During his delinquent phase, he was blamed for many things he didn't do as well, Deuce said that he realized no one believed in him despite what he says, but because a policeman stood up for him, he wanted to become a cop when he grew up
Used intimidation tactics [the equivalent of "u wanna fucking go let's go I'll beat ur ass" to scare off ppl and silver was like hm I will have to try that sometime, to which deuce was pretty much like ahahah no dont
Deuce refers to Yuu as his "mabu", basically calling Yuu his best friend
He can change a lightbulb, and he talks abt hand washing materials and just domestic house stuff in general as if it's common knowledge. In other words it's implied Deuce is really good at housework due to doing a lot for his mother
When he was a kid, he used to cry because he thought there were monsters outside, but it was just hanging laundry
Is more scared of Riddle than ghosts
It's implied that one time (or several times...) he stayed after school with Crewel, and the poor guy had to attempt to explain the same concept over and over again to Deuce for hours until he understood
Ace always cheats in card games with Deuce, so Deuce claims that it's not very fun playing with him
Bad at astrology bc apparently all stars look the same to him
Likes cafe latte
Does tease ppl, he once messed with Yuu and in the process called Ace "Ace-kun" (Ace called him "Deuce-kun" as well). There has been an instance where he's teased Jack about his Niceness TM
Used to have over 30 gang members following him at age 14-15. (You'd think that him being so young would make him like a lackey but no he was the boss)
Has a thing for summoning cauldrons since he was young, but apparently you need to have a large amount of magic capabilities to summon objects, so [observation] deuce may actually be extremely powerful bc he was able to summon things at a young age, but he hasn't refined his powers yet so he still seems weak compared to a lot of the cast
During his delinquent phase, apparently he had a really wild hairstyle and he used his magic on people weaker than him
[Observation] Deuce is actually pretty good at lying. In his Halloween card he was able to put up a good act and deceive some of his ex gang members into following him into the forest before mildly roughing them up (keep in mind that he has not had contact with these ppl for at least a year, yet somehow he was able to assert enough authority to tell them to follow him. Also, he thought of this plan on the spot, and acted malicious enough so that the gang members would believe in him—which proves that he's not only quick witted but a convincing actor, as Jamil actually believed his act for a while)
It's implied that he and Ace are often in leadership positions, as they helped to lead heartslabyul in designing their Halloween booth, but they also mentioned that it was much easier compared to organizing unbirthday parties
[Observation] despite wanting to be an honor student, Deuce is still able to take unjustly means to achieve his goals (EX. Making a deal with Azul to pass his test), in general, deuce doesn't care too much about the method, be it through cheating or violence to get to his goal, but he does value a fair battle
[Observation] a lot of Deuce's strengths are subtle as we are frequently told abt how much of a bad student he is, but if u rly think abt it, deuce is put in leadership positions a lot, he's good a memorization and small technical details, he can be at times quick witted and deceiving, and he has the potential to be extremely powerful in magic. In conclusion Deuce is a menace and once we find out what his unique magic is I'm 100.01% sure he will become a greater menace and I think he should fight a lot of people and win
That will be all for this post! There may be more fun facts/observations that I may have missed, but feel free to add on to this! Anyways thank u for reading and please stan Deuce Spade♠️💙
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enchanted--realm · 3 years
When Calls the Heart Live Ramples
Season 8 episode 9 Pre Wedding Jitters
That scene in 👏Nathan's 👏office👏 The lines they wrote for Kevin *chef's kiss* perfection. I mean, I still dont like this whole secret reveal thing. I think it's so dumb. Like, ain't no way the writers intended Nathan to have this secret when he first came to the show. I don't think he was suppose to have any secret at all. I mean, this whole, 'There's something he's not telling me' thing came out of nowhere. That aside, the love confession was great, again, and he left Elizabeth speechless again and she ran away, AGAIN. That tells me all I need to know. She cannot deny this man BECAUSE SHE LOVES HIM. And if y'all think otherwise than you're delusional.
The game at the bachelorette party. It was obvious from the promo for this episode how this would play out. She reaches for Nathan's hands and thinks he's the one. (I was predicting that she would know it was Nathan and then feel uncomfortable and move on, but that didnt happen. She thought he was Lucas *bleh. Though I was still right in thinking Nathan would be 'the one' during this little game). We like that. I really liked how the party scene lasted longer than I expected. It wasnt even too long of a scene, but it was definitely long for When Calls the Heart. This show really needs to work on it's pacing. Everything happens so fast bc they have to cut to the millions of side plots that happen in every episode. My gosh, would they give us some focus please.
When Lucas came by Elizabeth's house in the morning I enjoyed that they interacted more casually with each other it seemed, at least it did on Elizabeth's part. Just through small details like the way she was casually leaning in the doorframe or her tone of voice. She wasnt so awkwardly polite...but Lucas still was. Lucas is so polite it's uncomfortable. Like I don't feel like anybody could just be themselves around him, bc it's like every meeting has this awkward air of being polite to an acquaintance you dont know well. Ugh it's so weird. I didnt like that Elizabeth told him Nathan's reveal. I feel she should have kept that to herself. Ugh and then Lucas wanted to act all protective and 'talk' to Nathan. Oh please. That is not his place. Elizabeth is obviously the one who needs to talk with Nathan and it's no one else's business what goes in between them, besides Allie of course. And speaking of Allie, I thought her scenes were really good and thoughtful. I still think it was weird that Lucas got her a gift for her adoption ceremony, but whatever we are past that now. I like that her character is being more mature about everything too. I really hope we get a scene where Allie and Elizabeth have their own conversation though. They need it. I'm not sure how I feel about that obvious Paul (Florence's son) having a crush on Allie. It seems that the writers will want them to like each other. I guess it could be cute? It's just a little awkward bc we havent seen this Paul kid around before so it creates a weird air that the only reason he shows up now is to be a school crush for Allie. Eh. Jaeda was great though and I think she did her scenes well.
After Lucas and E talked, I think it's obvious to Lucas that Elizabeth has strong feelings for Nathan and that she's just running away from them. I mean, she told Lucas that when Nathan told her he loves her all she could do was say nothing and just leave. *holds out arms and stares with a 'well, there you have it' expression'* IT DOESNT GET ANY CLEARER THAN THAT. I wonder if the writers will make Lucas step down bc he cant be with someone who will never love him. Idk how Lucas will react honestly, Lucas's character is such a mystery to me I could never know what he would do in a situation that didnt involve setting up a perfectly romantic date or sweet talking someone with an annoyingly, unrealistic, perfectly understanding polite response.
Elizabeth was also super rude to the people she cares about in this episode. The way she talked to Rosemary. First, she didnt like hearing what Rosemary had to say, which implies that she may have been blaming Nathan for Jack's death. That is such a horrible thing to hold against someone. I mean I could understand why she would feel that way but just for a moment. I mean she should understand how completely wrong and irrational that thought process is and that she shouldnt blame Nathan. TWO, then she had the nerve to tell Rosemary something like 'why would you think that comment would help me right now'. Wow Elizabeth. Gee, maybe she's saying the truth and she's also your friend and just trying to talk things through and give her opinion as a way to help you through your difficult situation. God forbid she doesnt say the perfect thing that you needed to hear at that time, she can't read your mind. I thought that was incredibly rude. It hurt to see Rosemary hurt. And then later she told her that she should leave her house. *SCOFF* man, she was really hitting Rosemary hard this episode. If I were in Rosemary's shoes, yes I would be hurt, but I think I would mostly be understanding of what Elizabeth might be going through and not take anything personally. E's lucky that Rose is such a good friend. OH! What Rosemary told Nathan in the library! She totally implied with her little metaphor comparison that Nathan was making Elizabeth unhappy by getting in the way of true love, i.e. Lucas and Elizabeth. I-- wow! Everyone is against this man. I'm so glad that Nathan stands firm. I mean he knows that Elizabeth feels strongly for him based off her reactions to his honesty with her and how she never denies anything and just runs away. I mean, it's plain as day. Let's not forget the *speechless gaze into each other's eyes* 'I can't' from Honestly, Elizabeth.
I think that's it regarding the love triangle. I absolutely despise the Faith and Carson relationship. And I cant believe they made him say, come with me to Baltimore and we can see in a year if we want to get married. That is so dumb. He just asked Faith to drop everything and leave her life in Hope Valley for a 'I might break up with you in a year' situation. Dumb. This is definitely out of character for Carson. It's obvious the writers are just trying to get rid of him and make him not be missed by the audience. They clearly want us to favor Faith, but she couldnt be more annoying honestly. I wish she were leaving and Carson would stay in Hope Valley. But whatever.
I dont like how every side plot seems to be about some couple's budding relationship. I mean aside from the love triangle, we have Florence and Ned, Molly and Bill, Clara and Jesse (though not a budding relationship, it's still all about their relationship) and now Rachel and Christopher and oh yes also Fiona and whoever that guy is and wow I'm still missing Faith and Carson. Thats 6 other romantic relationships in the show (not including the also important one of Rosemary and Lee) and I'm probably leaving one out. Oh yes, now possibly Allie and Paul. 7. Seven relationship side plots!!! Omg I'm going crazy!! They need to learn how to write some actual plot! What happened to town problems and family drama! Thank goodness we have Henry Gowen and his son (cant believe I just complimented that out of nowhere concept but hey) and the oil thing with Lucas and Henry, barely ever a plot line. This show needs better writing. There's no glue holding the town together and even when there is, it's so small or happens so fast that it doesnt have any long lasting and meaningful affect.
If I weren't so invested in Elizabeth's plotline and in need of some wholesome tv, I would have stopped watching a long time ago. Oh and the last thing. The mention of Abigail. I'm so glad Henry mentioned her because she was very important to him and his character growth. His character arc is one of the saving graces of the show and it needs to be given more attention.
Okay in short, Elizabeth was hecka rude, Nathan is wonderful and so was that office scene. We also stan Allie. Next week's episode also looks like a dud and I dont think much will happen.
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In case you wish to read the second chapter of Embers of Sun and Flame, it can be found under the cut. ^_^ I also have made an A03 where I’ll be posting any new chapters of it, but other BC fics are still only on Tumblr. I go but the same username on both platforms.
Keeping in mind that the fic will have some mature content, reader discretion is advised. But this particular chapter is still very much purely introduction and building for future encounters.
Word count: 4161
Chapter 2
Sunlight filtered through the window between the curtains, pressing gentle kisses onto Solara’s eyelids, making them flutter. The warmth and softness of the bed felt like home to her, wrapping her into a cloud of all that was good. She changed sides, curling around her blanket and burying her nose into the pillow. But the moment of tranquil twilight had passed her, and sleep did not weigh her bones any longer, so she rolled onto her back and stared at the ceiling. She exhaled deeply, concentrating on nothing but silence and the beat of her own heart.
Suppose I should get up…she thought as there was a knock at the door.
“Yes?” she stated while sitting up and gazing to the door.
“Good morning ma’am,” a meek voice began as the door started to open and a maid peeked inside, holding a pile of clothes. “I have brought you your clothes, and breakfast is being served in a half an hour,” she continued while remaining in the doorway, standing in place much like a statue and averting her gaze.
Poor thing… Solara thought to herself, while smiling to her and giving a slight nod. “Thank you. If you’d be so kind as to lay my clothes down on that chair,” she nodded towards an armchair that was placed nearby the intricately crafted dressing table in the room.
“Yes ma’am,” the maid squeaked and hasted towards the said chair while Solara pulled the covers off of her, making a slight shiver pass through her, as the air felt cold in comparison. But as much as she wished to allow herself just five more minutes of comfort beneath the blanket, she knew that it wouldn’t end up being just the five minutes and thus it’d be better for her to just get up.
“Oh, and um,” she spoke with a slightly absent tone, trying to let the syllable flow from her as softly as possible, but the maid still spun around as if expecting to be scolded. Solara gazed at her, pausing her sentence as she didn’t quite expect such a reaction and wondered if there was some form of speech, she hadn’t yet realized that was making the maid so uneasy. “I’m afraid that as I haven’t yet visited the dining hall, I’m unable to make my way there unassisted.”
Solara sat on the edge of the bed, seeing how the maid’s eyes shifted around as she was furiously thinking of a suitable reply.
Or then she’s just new in the position, she thought, thinking if she should offer the maid an answer hidden into a question. “So, I was wondering if I could have someone escort me there in, let’s say 20 minutes?”
The maid blinked as a violent blush rose to her cheeks. “Yes, ma’am!” she exclaimed, horror rising to her complexion right after. “I’m sorry ma’am. I- Yes, someone will be over,” she mumbled as her courage failed her and her eyes fell to the floor. Her body trembled in place, giving of the appearance of wanting to bolt from the room. “May- may I be excused ma’am?” Her voice quivered, the question being directed to Solara, but one was only able to tell because of the addition of ‘ma’am’ at the end of the sentence.
“Yes, you may,” Solara smiled, trying to understand the maid’s behaviour, but opting to say nothing. After all, there was no damage done and the last thing she wished to do was to discourage the young woman who hasted out of the room. Solara waited for a while, feeling the faint mana disappearing into the distance, and exhaled deeply as her lips curved into a gentle smile. She’ll be alright as long as she gets used to interacting with nobles.
Her thoughts lingered on the interaction for a moment as she retrieved a hair brush from her bag and sat at the dressing table. She watched her strawberry blond locks being tangled up, and the barely noticeable specks of gold, hidden in the sea of forest green in her eyes, glittered as the light hit her from just the right angle. The pendant that bore her family crest dangled out in the open, as a result of the tossing and turning she must have done in her sleep. The ornamental threads of fate entwining around the halves of the celestial bodies in the middle, sun and moon being equal in their union, being depicted on the piece of jewellery.
She hummed a tune as she brushed her hair, letting her mind wonder around, but landing mostly on the topics that circled around the question: “Wonder what will happen on my visit here?” Only her humming lingered in the air as she tied her hair half up, to keep it from her complexion for the day. I wonder how Mereo is doing. She doesn’t really say it, but she cares about her brothers and she must be feeling awful. She sighed. But she’s strong enough to pull through, that much I know. I just- I just wish the best for her. Slight melancholy settled on her expression as she stood up and got dressed. The feel and weight of her own clothes brought her a sense of home, the thought of which made her scoff as she buckled the belt of her pants before slipping into the double slit dress of hers, the long sleeves and high neck bringing warmth back to her body. She sat back onto the chair while putting on her boots, wondering if she should wear her pendant out in the open, opting to have it under her clothes, if there was a chance of finding herself from a battle. She fumbled with the pendant while staring into the distance. It means more to me than to them, she thought and tugged it in through the collar of her dress.
She got up and walked out of the room, only to see the maid who had escorted her to her room yesterday standing behind and jolting slightly. The maid placed her hand on her chest, taking a deep breath to calm herself.
“Good morning ma’am. Please forgive me, but I was a bit startled,” the maid admitted while taking a step back and giving Solara some room. “I’m here to escort you to the dining hall. Please, right this way,” the maid stated while straightening her back and gesturing down the corridor.
“It’s quite alright. My apologies for giving you a scare,” Solara replied while nodding earning a smile from the maid.
They travelled in silence, only the sound of their steps echoing from the walls. Solara made sure to memorize the way as she wished to be able to make her way back on her own, trying to ignore the still lingering feeling of unexplained emotional warmth that made her feel as if she belonged. But the feeling was hiding behind every corner, on every surface and laid in every reflection. Why? What is this? She thought as they entered a large dining hall, seeing a vermillion haired woman already seated by the table.
The maid bowed first to the woman, presumably the lady of the house, and then to Solara. The woman turned her gaze and smiled, as Solara approached the table. Her aura was motherly and her smile was radiant, only adding to the existing atmosphere in the room.
Solara approached the table and greeted: “Good morning my lady.” She gave a polite curtsey, recognizing the lady’s position.
“Good morning,” the lady replied, slight surprise passing through her eyes as she gestured for Solara to take a seat, an invitation which was gladly accepted.
“I do need to admit that as Leona told me that she made a friend on her journey, I did not expect them to know their way around the court.” Lady Vermillion smiled with a hint of apology painted across her expression.
“Well, if I’m completely honest, neither did I expect to meet someone of noble birth out there. But I must say that I am glad to have done so, and that my manners seem to be in accordance to the local ones,” Solara chuckled while taking her seat, giving Lady Vermillion a forgiving smile.
“Yes, they are,” the Lady chuckled. “It is quite curious, isn’t it? How we carry our upbringing with us wherever we go, and how difficult it is to shed those small telling signs. An imitation of court manners will always be just that, an imitation,” she continued.
“Hmmm. But if one hasn’t taken the time to learn the proper etiquette, then it is quite difficult to tell,” Solara smirked, making the Lady chuckle.
“Yes, that is indeed true. This kind of life isn’t for all, but if that is the case, such etiquette shouldn’t be forced. Our lives are our own, and which path we choose to take is up to none but ourselves,” she stated, knowing fully well the nature of her strong-willed daughter. They nodded in agreement, smiling to each other across the table as an explosion boomed in the distance.
Solara turned her head towards the sound, raising an eyebrow, but Lady Vermillion wasn’t fazed even in the slightest. “May I ask what that was?” Solara gazed to her with a slight confusion and a veil of concern.
“Hm?” the Lady uttered, only then seeming to register the sound. “Oh, no, no. It’s quite alright. Leona and my husband are having a talk, and I take it that she learned the placement of the Crimson Lion Kings in this year’s Star Ceremony.” Her response was casual, implying as if destroying your own residence was commonplace.
“I see. I do think Mereo mentioned something about the ceremony. It serves as a kind of feedback for each squad’s performance during the year, does it not?” Solara asked, moving on with the topic.
Lady Vermillion nodded and opened her mouth to reply, but she was interrupted by a greeting which boomed through the air: “Morning mom!” They both turned their heads towards the sound as a red-headed boy emerged into the room, marching towards the table.
“Morning Leo,” Lady Vermillion greeted, her tone reflecting the smile she must have been wearing despite Solara not seeing it.
Leo looked at Solara intently, the gears in his head visibly turning as he stood next to her.
“Good morning. I’m Solara,” she smiled, wondering what was the reason behind the stare. The boy blinked before erupting into a laugh.
“You must be aneue’s friend! That means that you’re my friend too! I’m Leopold, but you can call me Leo,” the boy exclaimed, seeming to yell out everything he said.
Lady Vermillion directed Leo’s attention, encouraging him to sit down so that they might be able to start breakfast as soon as Mereo and Lord Vermillion arrive.
The air was soon filled with friendly chatter as Lady Vermillion asked Leo questions about his studies and his duties as a knight. A few questions came Solara’s way, and she gladly answered them, feeling at home at the table. What lively, wonderful people, she thought to herself as eventually Mereo and her father arrived, and they began eating, Mereo asking Solara to tag along to the Crimson Lion Kings Headquarters eventually. Her inquiry coming out as more of a commanding assumption than a question, but Solara didn’t mind as she was already quite used to Mereo’s style of speaking.
“How’s your brother?” Solara inquired as they flew to the Crimson Lion Kings’ base. Leo, who was with them, stayed silent and stared ahead of him. The before so cheerful young knight, clenched his jaw, clearly worried for his brother.
“His condition is stable, but there haven’t been developments for the better either, for a while now,” Mereo paused and scoffed. “He would have better things to do than nap. I need to give him a proper beating for acting so careless when he wakes up.” Her tone was serious and determined, unwilling to accept any other outcome than her brother waking up. But what laid between the empty spaces of the words, was the lingering worry and perhaps, who knows, a slight hint of fear.
“Perhaps save that beating after you have done away with those who put him in a coma,” Solara gave Mereo a careful smile, seeing the lioness’ expression soften.
Mereo only hummed in reply as a hint of a smile tugged her lips, feeling the reassurance in the statement. From the corner of her eye, she saw Leo’s body relax with the confidence she and his sister had, giving him hope.
Poor boy. Solara couldn’t help but feel bad for Leo, who she had understood to idolize his brother, much like her youngest sister apparently idolized her and Selena. She wanted to give the young lion a hug and comfort, but didn’t know him well enough to do so. Nor did she know if he was the type to accept such gestures, so they flew in silence as yet another sensation overtook Solara.
She felt as if butterflies would be swirling inside of her in unexplained anticipation, as if something grand was going to take place making her nervous. A frown formed on her face as she thought about it, scoffing to herself internally as she didn’t believe in such concepts as destiny or fate, more than as idle words and found in old practises, but she couldn’t shake off the feeling that was burrowing its way down to her bones.
I must have seen a dream about something like this, which is making me feel like this. Yes, that must be it. I’ve had a dream where I was travelling to a destination and something happened there. But the answer she gave herself didn’t satisfy her, as the feeling of dèjá vu was familiar to her. This was something else. It was like there was a pull towards something, as if she was walking in a dream, knowing where to go but not why. And what was hidden under the need to advance, beneath the anticipation, was a hint of dread. Not the bone rattling terror one might feel in the dead of the night, while walking through the valley of the shadow of death, but the kind one feels when they are on the verge of something new. The gnawing uncertainty before taking the final step into the unknown, after which you’d cease to be the person you were a moment ago. Something in her would end to give way for something new, but what would that new be, she did not know. But despite the twisting and turning of her insides, she stayed still keeping her gaze fixed into the horizon, since it was what she willed to do. What laid ahead, would not destroy her, unless she allowed for it.
After arriving to the Headquarters Mereo marched forward, Solara following after her. Leo disappeared somewhere, Solara not having time to ask if she wished to keep up with Mereo. The twists and turns of these corridors failed to radiate the same comfort of home as back at the castle, and yet, the walls kept whispering to her, asking her to stay. Solara frowned, trying to push the feeling away, force it somewhere deep down to the soles of her boots so that she might tread over it. This will pass. It is nothing more than a memory of a dream…she tried to convince herself, but found her train of thought unable to write over the flutter that was now circling around her heart, making her hands tremble.
They reached a door, through which Mereo burst without a second thought. Solara stepping in, not far behind, but stopped to look around at the doorway. It was an office. A finely crafted mahogany desk sat next to a side wall, allowing sunlight to be fully cast through the window at the other end of the room. A lounge sofa rested under the window, a side table next to it, and there a bookshelf that started circling around the room onto the other side wall across the desk, but no further. There was a red rug, that matched the sofa on the floor, bringing warmth into the room. But Solara’s gaze turned back to Mereo who was standing next to the large armchair that sat behind the desk.
“What bullshit is this?!” Mereo yelled while crushing the document she had been reading in her hand.
“Hm?” Solara uttered and walked over, holding her hand out.
“The latest performance reports. It seems my brother has been slacking off and forgetting to keep the squad in a tight leash,” Mereo scoffed while handing the document to Solara.
Her eyes skimmed through the page, but the results told her very little, as she had nothing to compare them to. She picked up another document, letting her eyes dance over the words. “How are they doing compared to the previous years?” Solara asked, keeping her gaze locked with the piece of paper.
“Like shit,” Mereo spat out with flaming eyes.
“What I meant was that they could have improved from last year, but not just as much as the other squads. And in that case wouldn’t it be more sensible to compare these reports to those of previous years?” Solara finally lifted her gaze from the documents, seeing Mereo staring at her without blinking.
“You know, you sound a bit like my dim-witted brother.” Mereo finally said, her tone calmer than a moment before. “They are just weak, that’s their issue. But if you really want to go through the reports, I’m not stopping you,” she continued, making Solara raise an eyebrow.
“Are you sure that I should? I mean, I’m not even a member of the Crimson Lion Kings.” She questioned, her gaze not wavering from Mereo’s.
“I’ll make you a member. You said that you want to help, and quite frankly I don’t give a rat’s ass about paper work, but it needs to be done because otherwise the Mushroom head will have a stroke. Besides, I need someone to look after the cubs when I’m tied elsewhere.” Mereo continued, her voice unwavering and stern.
Solara blinked, questioning of it would indeed be just *that* easy. “That simple? I mean, I’m all for doing this, but can I officially do that? I’m not a citizen of this country, and I have previous commitments to Thea. Additionally, I don’t think I should be seeing legal documentation of another nation.”
They maintained eye contact, Mereo raising an eyebrow during the moment of silence that fell between them. “I don’t care what it says on paper, either you’re a Crimson Lion King in your heart or then you’re not. If you want to help, I’m giving you something that you can do. Besides, if you chose for some reason to betray this kingdom, you’d be personally accountable for *me*. And I would hunt you down to the ends of the Earth, and make you suffer before killing you.”
Solara’s expression became grave with the last sentence, as Mereo’s tone spoke of the seriousness of her statement. Once more silence fell between them, the seconds ticking away before her expression softened and she opened her mouth to reply. But a door opened and man emerged through the door.
“Good da-“ the man began before being interrupted by Mereo.
“Randal, round everybody up in five minutes. I need to give all your asses a beating. You got the memo, right?” Mereo crossed her arms, while raising an eyebrow at Randal, who blinked, having stopped in place with his hand still on the door handle.
“Yes, Captain,” he only stated before taking a step back to execute Mereo’s orders.
“Oh, one more thing,” she said, more factually than she had a habit of doing.
Randal stopped as if hit by a brick wall and gazed at Mereo. His eyes reflected a slight hint of terror, but quite honestly, Mereo’s stare alone could do away with lesser men.
“This is Solara. She’s a part of the squad now so get her a cape.” Mereo paused, turning her gaze to Solara. “Unless she’s unwilling.” The sentence came out as a statement, rather than a question, which only made Solara smirk.
“It’s a deal,” she spoke with a grin while looking Mereo straight in the eye, which lifted a smirk on her lips as well.
“You heard her, now get a move on. You have four minutes,” Mereo grinned while glancing at Randal. “Yes Sir!” He exclaimed before disappearing from sight.
Silence fell into the room, only the sound of distancing steps echoed from the walls, filling the air. “Knock yourself out,” Mereo smirked, her tone flowing from her much more gently than before. She gave Solara a smile and started making her way out, leaving Solara into the captain’s office with a pile of documents.
She looked at them with a sigh. Wonder where I should start? Her eyes started scanning through the room, landing onto a smaller filing cabinet that had been placed in the corner of the room, slightly out of sight. Ah, let’s see what’s in here. Her steps carried her towards the cabinet, the drawer opening with ease. Her fingers danced on the edges of the documents as she searched for the previous assessment reports. It looks like somebody likes to stay organized, she smiled as she found what she was looking for in no time.
Her eyes started reading through the file, her feet taking her to the large armchair without a second thought. She sat down, sinking in to the soft upholstery as the smell of mahogany seeped through the air, along with something else. A faint smell of… lavender? Something floral and yet it was faint, as if overwritten by another scent. A hair care product of some kind….? What are you doing? Focus. She shook her head as she tried to dispel the tantalising smell that caressed her senses, inviting her to press her head against the back of the chair.
And yet she closed her eyes and breathed it in, letting it fill her lungs only to flow out from her with a savouring hum. What did I just say? You need to focus and besides, why are you acting like this? She scolded herself, opening her eyes and leaning forward over the desk to start revising the files.
She sat in silence going back and forth between documents and scratching her head. This isn’t supposed to be that difficult. They look like standard issue forms, but some of these words are completely new to me. Though, what did I really expect? I haven’t had to converse with juridical terminology in this language really… ever, and now I’m supposed to be doing this. She sighed to herself. Maybe I bit up more than I can chew with this one. Her eyes turned to the ceiling as she grimaced and rubbed her temples, but sadly the answers she sought were not written on the walls or the ceiling, so she let her gaze wander for a moment as she tried to wrap her head around what she had just read. Her fingers gently tapped the wooden desk as another sigh left her and her eyes started circling around the room once more, landing onto the bookcase. I wonder… could there be a…? She thought before getting up and making her way to the shelf.
She scanned through the books, unable to keep herself from smiling when her eyes landed on a legal dictionary at the corner of the bookcase. I may not know who you are, but you and your systematisms have been my salvation. She giggled to herself as she picked up the book and started flipping through the pages while returning to her seat. Hmm…I see, suppose I could make notes for myself to have a quick reference page. Let’s see. Paper. Paper… Her eyes landed on the writing utensils carefully laid onto the right side of the desk. You’re right-handed I take it. Which could mean that you’d store empty papers and documents onto the left side of your desk and move them to the right for storing… She peeked onto a top drawer on the left side, and found empty sheets of paper as well as a few ready-made documents that could just be filled out.
Another gentle smile flashed across her complexion. Huh, I was right. And I have a few templates for making new documentation. A silent chuckle escaped her as she placed the empty sheet of paper onto the desk, and her eyes started once more dancing on the ink filled pages, adoring every intricate detail and line of the beautifully crafted script, written by a kind soul. Or one that she thought to be a gentle and caring soul, who put their heart and soul into their work. I just hope that he also makes time for himself…she thought before zoning in on her work.
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twst-rose-prisms · 4 years
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Alice Whiterose
~Technical Information~
Japanese: アリス • ホワイトローズ
Romanji: Arisu Howaitorozu
Nicknames: Goma-chan* ( Floyd ), Ari-chan ( Alisa ), Shiro-chan** ( Cater ), Chibi-senpai ( Ace ), Reine de Neiges ( Rook )
Voiced by: Satomi Akesaka ( voice sample )
~Biographical Information~
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Birthday: January 17th***
Starsign: Capricorn
Height: 1m55
Eye color: Blue
Hair color: White
Body type: Petite, short ( for a 2nd year ), curvy
3 sizes (bc why not?): B85 - W60 - H84
Blood type: A
Homeland: Rose Kingdom
Family: Alisa Whiterose ( non-blood related sister )
~Professional Information~
Dorm: Heartslabyul
School year: Second
Class: 2-D, student no.16 (poor girl have to sit next to Floyd)
Occupation: Student
Club: Science club
Best subject: Magical pharmaceuticals
~Fun Facts~
Dominant hand: Left
Favorite food: Anything edible
Dislikes food: Spicy food
Dislikes: Scary people, people judge her base on her height
Hobby: Gardening, Origami, Making sweets
Bad with: Open up a conversation, Talking to strangers, Stamina needed works
Talents: Cooking
“White roses are very delicate and easily get tainted, just like people, don't think so too...?”
Alice Whiterose is a second-year student at Night Raven College and a member of Heartslabyul Dorm. A shy and introverted girl, she often got anxious if there are too many strangers around her. However, she can be very passionate and devotional when it comes to working.
APPEARANCE: Alice is a young girl with shoulder length white hair that tied into twintails styles, wavy bangs covering her forehead and long side bangs. She have droopy blue eyes with a small red rose patch under her right eyes and wear a pair of dark blue glasses. Often got misunderstood as a first year because of her height and petite figures, though she doesn't show her uncomfortableness outside on her face. Alice also doesn't like to let her hair down naturally because it's easily got disheveled. Alisa state that she jealous because she have a "greater body" than her (which Alice quickly debase this but it's actually the truth)
In her Dorm uniform, she wear a white collar shirt with black-and-red striped necktie under a red vest. Over the vest she wears the blazer that others in her dorm wear ( except for Riddle ). She wear a white skirt with a black and yellow ribbon and a chain of 4 keys around her waist, black-and-red tights with heart patterns and red-and-white high tops.
PERSONALITY: Alice usually seen as a shy girl with somewhat gentle aura around her (as stated by others). A little clumsy and easily got scared, she usually got teased for being "jumpy" whenever something scares her. As a child, Alice got taught to not talking to strangers unless they're her friend's acquaintance, so it's understandable why she's bad with open up a conversation. If she found someone have the the same hobby/like the same things as her, she'll talk with them non-stop about it and even forgot about the time. Alice does state that she hates that habit of her and tried to fix it until today ( but failed anyway )
“I-I think... Plants are more gentle and easier to talk to than human. Maybe it's because they're not judgemental like some people.” - Alice's lab-coat SR card personal story (part 2)
Sometimes, people got weirded out by her strange habit of talking to plants and magical creatures during classes. The reason is that she think they're also like human, they need someone to understand them. Her gestures are very gentle and delicate, you could see this clearly whenever she take care of the plants in the school's garden. She also often talk with a soft and respectful voice, even at underclassmen. You might think she's slow, but the truth is that she actually have short stamina, so she can't run fast or holding heavy things. Part of it is also because she have a fragile body at birth, so her mother become very strict about her movements (hence why her gestures are very gentle).
It might make you think "She should be in Pomefiore instead!", but, the reason she got sorted into Heartslaybul is simple. Her passion and ambition towards works. She also doesn't like to live by her own rules, she think that "rules" are part of people's live, and sometimes, you have to follow it to have a better live. While she adore beautiful things, to her, anything that good at heart is beautiful, hence why she doesn't got sorted into Pomefiore. Another reason is that she doesn't strike to be the best in beauty, to be honest, she doesn't want to be the best in anything at all. Trey did comment that: “You sure are a suitable member of Heartslabyul huh Alice? Although Riddle doesn't admit it himself, but I'm sure he must've think the same way about you too.”
“I-I actually did used to play piano... B-But, that hobby of mine used to hurt someone, so I've quit for a long time now...” - Alice's initial SSR personal story (part 3)
Used to be a piano prodigy when she's was a child, she started playing at 8 but quit after 5 years because of an accident. Ever since then, she got anxious and sweating unconsciously whenever she saw a piano. Because of that accident, she also have fear of breaking/ruining things, hence why she always have a tight grip despite the gentle gestures on things she hold (even things like doorknob). If she accidentally grab on the hem of your shirt, you'll clearly notice it. (Though don't tell it out loud or else her face will become red as Riddle's hair). And when she's on verge of getting(?) anxious, she will immediately run away to wherever her feet take her, which usually ended up at the school's Botanical Garden. To her, it's the most quiet and peaceful place at NRC, it's warm atmosphere also help her to quickly calm down as well.
UNIQUE MAGIC: "Gift of Card Suits" - ( 魔法の上書の鍵 "Magic Overwrite Keys" ) To be able to use one of the key that she carried around on other people's magic. Each key have a specific effect:
♥️ Heart: To change the effect/chosen target of anyone's magic (for example, if someone use fire magic, she can use this key to change it to other type of magic or switch the target to anyone she chose)
♠️ Spade: To be immune to any effect of anyone's magic
♣️ Clover: To dispel any effect of anyone's magic
♦️ Diamond: To double the effect of someone's magic (basically, a magic buffer)
However, she can't use Heart, Spade and Clover keys to Unique Magic(s) because it took too much mana to do so. She can also only be able to use 1 key per day, meaning if she use more than 2 keys then it'll reach the limit of her strength, and her Unique Magic will become useless if she doesn't have the keys with her (hence why she even bring it when wearing the Ceremonial Robe). Alice also stated that out of the 4 keys, Heart is the one that consume most mana so she doesn't use it usually like other keys.
BACKSTORY ( just a small part of it ):
The first thing she saw was the ground. Everything was quiet. Too quiet. She couldn't felt anything except for the cold, hard ground right beneath her feet and the broken wall on her back. Her small shoulders unconsciously shivering from the cold but she doesn't even try to warm herself. She just sit there, like a broken doll waiting for someone to notice it. Her blue orbs doesn't have any lights reflect on, as if they're dead. The only sound was ominous wind blowing on the dead trees. Her white, ripped dress were dirty as well as her used-to-be pure white hair.
Everything around her is dead.
"Oh my, what do we have here?"
A strange, deep voice suddenly speak up and break the dead silence. When she grown up, she couldn't remember much who was that, but she knows, that person was the one that changed her life. Her lifeless eyes slowly look up. Everything around her was a blur, even that person become a black silhouette. But she remembered it well.
A pair of glowing emerald orbs.
"Hmm? What's the matter, _____?"
"A human child. It seems like she's still alive..."
"Nfufu~ You sure are interested in human huh, _____?"
"...Want to bring her along?"
"...Haha! I guess that look is a "yes" then! Go on and pick her up~ If she still alive, that's it."
Then slowly, a large silhouette appeared in front of her. The little girl still sit there lifelessly, only until that person pick her up and place her into their chest, a faint shock expression slowly form on her pale face, a sign that she's still alive. For a few seconds, she panicked, and it seems like she also made that person panicked too.
"Hey now, don't panick along with her! You were supposed to comfort the child, _____!"
Slowly, a large hand awkwardly pat on her back, making the small child flinch due to the sudden contact. But after a while, her body relaxed and gradually melted into their chest. The little girl unconsciously rest her head on their shoulder while slowly drifted to sleep, a peaceful expressions reflected on her face.
The last thing she saw behind their back was a pair of glowing magenta orbs before everything went black.
RELATIONSHIPS ( in Alice's opinion )
🌹 Riddle Rosehearts: "W-Well, Rosehearts-san might looks strict, but... I think deep down, he's a kind person...! A-Also, he seems to be fond of sweets, though he doesn't show it outside... *giggles* I also admire him for how responsible and serious he is with his works...! And... I'm glad that he still keep the pin that I gave him...!"
❤️ Ace Trapola: "H-He's actually a reliable underclassman, but sometimes his words are quite harsh... A-Also, I hope that he get along with Rosehearts-san more since they sometimes kept arguing...And I felt a little embarrassed that he always calling me "Chibi-senpai"... *sigh*"
♠️ Deuce Spade: "A-A very reliable underclassman...! He also seems to be very serious about works, w-which I'm glad that we have hard-working underclassmen in Heartslabyul too...! Though, he can be a little too serious sometimes... *giggles*"
♦ Cater Diamond: "He's actually... one of the upperclassmen that welcomed me to Heartslabyul with open arms...! T-Though I felt quite embarrassed when he post pictures with me in it on MagiCam... Diamond-san alao help me out whenever I asked him, so he's quite reliable too...!"
♣ Trey Clover: "L-Like Diamond-san, he's also one of the upperclassmen that welcomed me with open arms...! T-Though I didn't trust him at first, he surprised me of how kind he is...! I-I also really admire his baking skills and often asked him for advice too...!"
🦁 Leona Kingscholar: "H-He's a little scary in my opinion... I-I also think he's a little hard to approach... Maybe I shouldn't made him mad..."
🐆 Ruggie Bucchi: "He is... Well... Easy to approach...? I-I did share some classes with him and he did help me sometimes, so I think he's a kind person...! His ears also look very cute...! *giggles*"
🐺 Jack Howl: "W-Whenever I stand next to him I felt like I got shorter... Aside from that, he's also quite reliable...! At first, I thought he's a little scary but after I talked to him, he's actually very nice...! A-Also, his tail looks very cute...! *giggles*"
🐙 Azul Ashengrotto: "Even though he's quite nice when I talk to him, I felt like something is wrong... Sometimes, he kept staring at my keys when I wasn't looking, which is a little worrying...B-But he is very smart though, I really admire his alchemy skills...!"
🦈 Floyd Leech: "H-He almost gave me a heart attack when I first met him...! I hope that he stop hugging me or calling my name so suddenly whenever he saw me in public... I-It's really embarrassing even when I think about it... But he sometimes help me a lot with school works so I guess that he's a smart person too...?"
🐬 Jade Leech: "U-Unlike Floyd-san, Jade-san is very nice whenever I talk to him...! He also doesn't seems to hesitate when I asked him to help me with something... B-But, somehow, I felt like he is hiding something...?"
💄Alisa Whiterose: "W-Well, since she's my sister so I respect her a lot...! Although I felt embarrassed when I take a picture with her... H-Her fashion sense are very good though, I wonder why she didn't got sorted into Pomefiore...?"
🕌 Kalim Al-asim: "He seems to be a very energetic person... A-A little too energetic... But he's nice and friendly, so I don't felt uncomfortable when I talk to him...!"
🐍 Jamil Viper: "A mysterious person... He seems to be always around Al-asim-san for most of the time, I guess it's because they're friends...? I also admire his cooking skills too, so sometimes I asked him for advices...!"
👑 Vil Schoenheit: "W-When I first met him, I got stunned by how beautiful he looks...! Even though I don't really like make-up but I appreciate his advice to improve my appearance...! I also like his hair color because it's really pretty...!"
🏹 Rook Hunt: "A weird person... To be honest... W-Whenever I walk past him in the hallway he always call me with a strange name that I couldn't understand... But, I respect the fact that he also adore beautiful things...!"
🍎Epel Felmier: "O-Out of all the members in Pomefiore, I think Felmier-san is the easiest person to approach...! He also teach me a lot about apples, which made me actually plant an apple tree...! *giggles* H-His fruit carving skills are also very beautiful, I really, really like it...!"
💀 Idia Shroud: "H-He's a little gloomy in my opinion... If only he become more talkative then perhaps I could approach him easier..."
🤖 Ortho Shroud: "H-He looks very cool...! I've never seen a robot in my life before so I was really impressed by how pretty he look...! He's also very friendly and kind too so I felt at ease whenever I talk to him...!"
🐉 Malleus Draconia: "I-I don't know why, but whenever I saw him, my chest got tighten up for no reason... His eyes looks so familiar too, I wonder why...? A-Also, he might seems like a cold person, but it's not the truth at all...! In fact... He reminded me of a child a little bit...! *giggles*"
🦇 Lilia Vanrouge: "I-I actually thought he look quite young for his age... *giggles* And I don't know why, but his eyes give me a strange feeling, just like when I look at Draconia-san... Aside from that, he's very knowledgeable...! I really admire him about that...!"
⚔️ Silver: "W-When I first met him, I almost tripped on his feet...! To me, he is quite mysterious and somewhat hard to approach though... B-But if it's possible I would like to talk more with him...!"
⚡Sebek Zigvolt: "H-He almost gave me a heart attack whenever he shout at me out of nowhere...! And it seems like he respect Draconia-san a lot too...! B-But it seems like he doesn't like it much when I talk to him or Vanrouge-san, I wonder why...?"
🌻Mary Merveilles: "S-She is one of the first person to become my friend so I really respect her...! I also admire her because she always stay positive, even when come across troubles... If only I could be more cheerful like her..."
🐱 Grim: "A-A very cute cat...! I love the feeling of touching his fur and pet his ears because it's very soft...! *giggles* Though it'll be better if he stop causing trouble around the school..."
🌙 Luana Crowley: "W-When I first met her, I was surprised by how mature she looks...! And not to mention, she also talk like a true lady too...! I really, really admire the Vice Headmaster and I hope I can talk confidently like her someday...!"
Dire Crowley: "H-His masks looks very mysterious... I felt like he is hiding something, but I just can't tell what it is... I wonder why...?"
Mozus Trein: "L-Lucius-san is very, very cute...! Ah! I wasn't supposed to talk about him huh... *giggles* it's just that Trein-sensei's cat is very cute so I couldn't help it... His words are quite easy to understand, so I guess I can say he's a good teacher...?"
Divus Crewel: "H-His appearance is very... unique...? Even though I sometimes got scared of the stick that he kept carrying around, his lessons are actually quite easy to understand...! T-Though I would prefer it more if he stop calling me a "puppy"..."
Sam: "A-At first, I thought he's a weird person, but he's actually a cool person...! Not only did his shop contain lots of nice things, he's also very friendly too...! I-I often come to his shop to buy ingredients or new kind of paper for origami...!"
+ *: Goma stands for ゴマフビロードウミウシ "Gomafubirodoumiushi" which is a type of sea slug that known for its fluffiness and cuteness in Japan and other Asia countries. It can also be called "Sea bunny" in English.
+ **: "Shiro" mean white in Japanese, Cater probably referencing to her hair color
+ ***: This is not her actual birthday. It's the day when she was found in the backstory. Her real birthday is unknown ( She doesn't even remembered when she was born )
+ Her name, "Alice" is a reference to "Alice Liddell" - the main character of "Alice in Wonderland" series while her last name is a reference to the (supposedly) white roses in the Rose Maze
+ While her profile stated that her homeland is Rose Kingdom, her backstory actually revealed that it's not her true origin.
+ In Alice's school uniform R card's personal story, she stated that the Heart key was a gift of someone she cherished until now.
+ She actually joined the Science club just to be able to take care of the school's garden easier
+ When she's bored, she will unconsciously do origami. It's one of her habit and hobby
+ Which is the reason why she often carrying around a small stack of colorful paper in her pocket
+ If you want to look for her, she'll usually be around the Rose Maze or the Botanical Garden. Alice also occasionally at the library too.
+ Her room have lots of decorations made from papers
+ She eats quite a lot but only when she's alone. Alice does stated that she doesn't want others to know about her appetite.
Will add more facts in the future~
...And that's it! I actually decided to redesign one of my first child, Alice and give her a more detailed backstory! To all of you who read until the very end, I'm very, very thankful 💞💞💞 Also, I'll post all OCs related posts in this blog from now on while my other blog: @twststrash will mainly about rebloging and other stuffs!
Also, after finished her Ceremonial Robe, I realized what my true nightmare is: drawing detailed patterns. God I hope I won't draw it again after finished redesign all of my current OCs -w- Anyway, peace~!
41 notes · View notes
vanchlo · 4 years
The Firsts / #3 “The First Time Together Together”
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*not my gif*
---> NEXT BLURB: November 2nd, hopefully.
---> READ BLURB #2
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+ : a break in the story; a time jump.
bold: Harry’s texts
italics: Becky’s texts
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WARNINGS: None really
WORD COUNT: 4.6k words
SONG: Our House by Crosby, Nash, Stills, and Young (CLICK TO LISTEN)
                          * SNEAK PEEK, DUH BC ALWAYS *
“Y’know what, Becks?”
“Hmm, Harry?” I hum in reply, moving my head a few inches this way, and another few inches that way until I hear the boom-boom of his heart under my ear.
“Wish I could fall asleep next t’ you ev’ry night, even if . . ya nag at me,” he mumbles, the words becoming slower and softer with every breath of his.
I wish I could fall asleep smiling next to you, and with your heartbeat under my ear too, Harry.
Me too.
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“I am, you know.”
- Tara and Willow, Buffy the Vampire Slayer
“I’ve seen you dress up before and you looked nice, but God, you look nice nice today.” 
“How many drinks have ya already t’night?” he chuckles, quirking an eyebrow whilst sipping from his whiskey glass. His long, bubblegum lips spread into a proud smile, wet from the brown liquid that swims around the ice cubes in his glass. 
“None!” I insist and he chuckles again, the sound muffled by the rim of his glass that returns to his lips. 
“Sure, babe,” Harry titters, his adam’s apple bobbing in his throat lit by the sun. “‘s okay if ya have. I dunno how I coulda gotten thru’ all that shit in this heat without a few.” 
I almost shrug my shoulders, unsure of what to say to that, but I don’t get the chance to think on it before he takes my hand to lead us away from the gift table. 
“C’mon, I dunno how many mo’ people I can talk t’ and introduce who I bloody am befo’ I go mad,” he wheezes with a shake of his head, downing the rest of his drink. “Beats me how they can’t know who tha best man ‘s, seein’ ‘ve known tha groom most o’ me life and his.” 
“Oh no, is Harry’s big head shrinking now?” I joke, my lips growing to kiss my cheeks when he turns to dramatically roll his eyes at me. 
“Hush, you. Ya want sumthin’ t’ drink? ‘s a free bar, but y’know, only tha basic stuff.” 
“I want my boyfriend back, is what,” I whine, grabbing hold of the front of his blazer and into my arms. A dimple falls into his cheek, and then into his other as he smiles at me. 
“Ya do have me back, babe. What’re you talkin’ ‘bout? Tha ceremony ‘s over, and now ‘s time fer all tha fun.” 
“But you don’t get to sit with me at dinner,” I whimper, my face falling into a smushed assortment of lines. He sighs above me and shakes his head of curls at me, his haircut the other day leaving them how he likes them, short. 
“Oh, stop it. We’ve gone over this, Becks, you’ll be sittin’ with Rose. My’ and Jeanie put you there fer a reason, since I know yer not familiar with many others here. Jus’ be happy me mum and sista couldn’t make it,” he teases against my cheek, the smell of the honey whiskey ghosting over my lips. 
“Don’t say it like I don’t like them, you know I do.” 
“I know, ‘m kiddin’ ‘round,” he titters, sponging a kiss to my temple before he pulls away. I almost get lost in those bright greens, but I’m roused when he brushes his thumb across my cheek. “‘ll be right back. Don’t get all sad now that ‘m leavin’ you fer a sec, my li’l lost puppy.” 
“Shut up, would you?” I mutter with creased cheeks, watching him walk up to the bar in his black suit. His voice floats over to me as the image of his brown curls shrinks from view, replaced by the fairy lights sparkling around us. Pulling at the scoop neck of my scarlet dress, I scan the covered space and the bodies meandering around it, talking. 
“Here’s a White Zinfandel, I dunno what else d’ya want,” a voice says from behind me. I don’t need to look to see who it is, but I do by habit and am met with a tan hand full of rings holding out a glass of pink wine to me. 
“Oh, thanks.” 
“Welcome,” Harry returns, tapping a finger against his once again full whiskey glass, making a clinking noise. “Aw, fook. They’re startin’ speeches already, I betta go. ‘ll see you soon, love. Wish me luck,” he rushes, surprising me with a kiss to the lips and a pat to my back. 
“Luck!” I call after him, laughing when he looks back at me with a comically confused look whilst taking a glug from his glass for good measure. 
“Well, shit, what d’ya even say at these things?” he blubbers from the stage a few moments later, cheeks red and dimpled. With aching cheeks from smiling, I sip at my glass of wine while watching him stumble to find his speech in a pocket of his onyx black suit. 
“Oh, here tha bloody thing ‘s,” Harry chuckles, and the crowd echoes him. “Myles, Myles, Myles. Where do I even start with you, ya git? Known ya too bloody long, I reckon. Fookin’ hell, known ya fer fifteen years too long, ‘d say,” he begins, and the guests hang onto his every word as do I. “We’ve sure been thru’ loads o’ shit t’getha, and here ya are, married. God, ya always hafta do ev’rything befo’ me, dontch’u?” 
The sweet wine lingers on my lips as my laugh blends into the rest of those around me while Harry shakes his head, taking a drink break to sip from his glass. 
“We went t’ school t’getha, law school t’getha, and started a bloody lawfirm t’getha t’ top it all off. Somehow, ‘s still standin’ and we’re doin’ great. I know it wouldn’t be if it weren’t fer you . . Reckon neitha would I, hope y’know,” he continues, and my eyes follow his to where Myles stands at the front of the crowd with his new wife on his arm. An emphasis sits in his eyes that goes unmatched until I find Harry’s again and the few tears that sit in them, drowning in the gratefulness and emotion that I recognize bittersweetly. “Ya’ve go’mme thru’ mo’ shit than I could ever thank you fer, and you’ve been me rock when mine was missin.’” 
The wine sits on my tongue sourly when I hear that and see his sad smile, and then his two second glance to me that’s gone when I blink. The rest of his best man’s speech goes on without a hitch, and the crowd loves him. But, God, they don’t as much as I do, I think whilst admiring my favorite person in the entire world, and just how fucking fine he looks in a tux. Harry leads a cheers with his whiskey glass raised to the ceiling, and I join him as my eyes stay glued to the man whose bowtie sits unraveled at his neck. The man whose cheeks shine with a summer glow and absence of facial hair, and his trademark curls combed into a quiff that this summer day couldn’t even bother. 
Six months in, and the butterflies still return when he steps off the stage, and his alcohol-reddened cheeks dimple with the smile that he sends to me. 
“Can I have this dance, miss?” he asks, setting down his whiskey next to my wine. 
“Of course. I could never turn down a dance from the best man, I’m sure every other lady here would die for one.”
“Yer so cheesy, Becks, even mo’ so than me sumtimes,” Harry remarks, taking my hand in his and leading me to the dance floor in the middle of the outdoor space. “I love ya fer it, y’know.” 
“Good, you better,” I almost laugh, letting him guide my hands to his shoulders as he places his on my waist. 
“Maybe it’ll be us havin’ tha first dance at one o’ these sumday soon, Becks. Have ya thought ‘bout me question yet, hmm?”
“I dunno,” I giggle against the warmth of his neck after nuzzling close to him. His sigh tickles my temple that he soothes with the gentlest of pecks. 
“I know my answer.” 
“And what’s that?” I wonder aloud, swaying to the song with him, ever so effortlessly. Somehow, anything with him feels that way. 
“Wouldn’t you like t’ know.” 
“Harry!” I exclaim, leaving the safety of his neck to find his giggling lips. 
“What? That’s whatcha get when ya won’t answer me question.” 
A scoff leaves my lips, and he only giggles harder until it shrinks away to be replaced by his fingers in my hair ever so softly. 
“I think Styles would sound good on you, Becks,” he hums, thumb ghosting over my birthmark as his eyes explore me. 
“How many drinks have you had today?”
“Doesn’t matta. I feel that way sober even,” he insists, those greens at last returning to me. The slightest of curls comes to his lips and something I can’t quite place blossoms in his eyes. “Rebecca Styles, it sounds perfect. Dontchu think, babe?”
“Harry, it’s only been six months-.” 
“In a week and a half, I know, Becks,” he interrupts softly, biting at his lip habitually. “Jus’ a thought. Whenever ya have that answer fo’ me, lemme know,” he whispers against my ear, sending goosebumps down my spine. 
Oh, but I think I do, Harry.
“Oooooookay, that’s enough for you, mister. Come on, let’s get you to bed already.
“Becks, no. ‘m fine, I promise you. I don’t wanna go t’ bed yet, babe,” he whines. The dark liquid sloshes around in the cup he holds, threatening to spill over the sides. 
“Harry, you’re going to spill. C’mon, we’re both spent. Let’s go to bed,” I insist, taking the half-full wine glass from his hand and setting it down on the wooden coffee table. 
“Fine, mum,” he mumbles, getting to his feet shakily. Tugging on his arm some more, I slowly thread him through the space between the sofa and table. 
“Come on then, son. If you’re gonna act like a child, I’ll treat you like one,” I laugh, shortly enjoying the fake laugh he gives me. The steps are slow, and so is getting him ready for bed, and into it, is even more so. 
“Why’re you laughin’ at me?” he whimpers as I pull the covers up his shoulders before sliding under them myself. 
“Because you’re kind of pathetic.” 
“Hey, be nice t’ me. I didn’t mean t’ get all buzzed t’night,” Harry complains, taking my hand and pulling me over, until my head is on his shoulder. 
“Oh, so what do you call the five glasses of wine you had at your sister’s and the other two you snuck once we got home? I thought you swore off alcohol the other day when you woke up with a hangover after the wedding.”
He only sighs and closes his eyes, his warm rings molding against the round of my shoulder. The rhythm of his breaths attempts to whisk me off into my dreams already, a pair of leggings I’d left at his and my favourite t-shirt of his swallowing my top. 
“Y’know what, Becks?”
“Hmm, Harry?” I hum in reply, moving my head a few inches this way, and another few inches that way until I hear the boom-boom of his heart under my ear. 
“Wish I could fall asleep next t’ you ev’ry night, even if . . ya nag at me,” he mumbles, the words becoming slower and softer with every breath of his. 
I wish I could fall asleep smiling next to you, and with your heartbeat under my ear too, Harry. 
Me too.
The chatter fills my ears in a stable hum, hitting pitch and falling low at times, only to flutter between the two again, and again. Shortly, it all falls away when the door closes to hush the room, but the volume in my heart only grows louder. The question that shouts into the void within my chest repeats itself for the next five minutes, until the frosted glass door opens and spits him out. Everybody gives him a hard time for being late, and only do I relax when he meets my eyes with a soft smile, at last. I get a wink before he sits down at the table across from me, feeling a thousand miles away from me. Within a few moments, and pressing the keys of my laptop, he isn’t, anymore. 
Late much?
it was the traffic, it was terrible
You know you use that excuse much too often, Harry, especially for your own meeting
i know, you only tell me all of the time babe ;) 
oh but hey, i gotta tell u. i’ve been listening to that one band some more that you rec’d. holy shit are they good. hippocampus was it?goofy name but they’ve got some tunes. i think im likin Bambi best rn. 
No way, that’s my favorite of theirs! Yes, I’m soooo happy you’reliking them!!!!! 
told you i’d get to them eventually babe. just wish it hadn’t takenme so long now. wow! 
I told you!!!
there ya are again lovin to tell me ya told me so haha 
Wow, it’s like I know you or something
wow its like i knew youd like vampire weekend or someting. ok stop it with the texts i really gotta concentrate here. im supposed to be your boss
Yeah, you’re doing a great job of that, sir. Showing up late to a meeting. Being  hungover at work. Shall I continue, boss?
hush, you. could easily make you me assistant again 
You wanna bet? Myles and Rose like me too much that let that happen
I do wanna bet. keep talkin babe and youre payin for lunch 2day
i learned from the best 
Quietly scoffing, I lift my eyes to find the smirking pair waiting for me. Harry stifles a laugh with his fist against his smirking lips, dimples showing loudly. He winks quickly at me before turning his head to listen to Myles, only making me miss him all the more. A notification bubble on my screen catches my attention, and makes my smile grow all the wider. 
love you my little shit Xxxxxxxx
I think you’re … Oh my god, Harry. Are you falling asleep? At a meeting?!
am not
Are too!
used the wrong ‘to,’ Becks
Did not!
not fun bein corrected all the time now is it, ms. grammar police?
hell is that your response to anything that doesnt go your way, brat? 
I guess somebody doesnt get their dick sucked tonight after all
dont be fuckin rude
Not fun being called rude, now is it?
your gonna be the death of me, holte. swear it
It’s you’re, has FRIENDS taught you nothing, or have I?
nah i fuckin tune out when you start to nag you should know this by now babe
Yeah well, I think a mastered lawyer such as yourself with his own lawfirm should know when to use the different yours 
ya well, i think the girlfriend should know when to stop before she doesnt get to sleep over at the boyfriend’s tonight
You’re rude
I learned from the best
Harry Edward!
dont you push it rebecca ann 
Ugh, I want to hate you sometimes
its settled. no sexy time for you tonight
Harry! I got new lingerie! 
only kidding baby ;) bring the lingerie plz i cant wait to see you in it, my pretty girl 
Yes, sir ;) 
good girl
The halls are much too quiet with The Big Four in a meeting this morning, about what, I don’t recall. It still stings to pass Jennings in the hall, and things are still awkward between him and Harry I’ve noticed, but all he told me was that he had handled it. What he meant by that, I don’t know, but all I know is now, it’s The Big Three - Myles, Harry, and Rose, and no longer The Four. Rose made junior partner last month and the celebration still hadn’t ended from it, but we all could see the fake smile Jennings slapped on and continues to. Like Harry and Myles, she still takes cases and argues them, but now, she's more involved with the nitty gritty details of the firm, and seems to be loving it. Wedding planning, and all. I can only wish to be as on top of it as she is like that one day. 
My movements are slow and calculated as I close my laptop, and check my appearance in the mirror. Adjusting my cream blouse underneath the black suit, I take deep breaths, but they just don’t stick. I set my iPhone down on the desk, but not before checking my home screen. Nothing new, just as it was five minutes ago when I last checked. Okay, then, I think before stepping into the hall and closing my door behind me. 
The new, large clock in the lobby dongs softly through the halls, announcing nine o’clock. It’s time. Despite my best efforts, I glance around corners and over my shoulder, looking for him, but he’s nowhere to be found. 
Even better. 
Knock knock!
“Oh, come in, please,” the voice behind the door says, bringing me forth. “Hey, Becky. Right on time, thanks.” 
“Welcome, Myles. Where’s that business partner of yours?” I softly laugh, hoping I can diffuse the tension, if only somehow. The question flew from my lips the moment I stepped into his office and noticed that we’re alone. 
“Hmm, not sure. I just saw him a few minutes ago after our meeting finished. It beats me. Shouldn’t the girlfriend know?” he jokes wryly, moving around items on his desk. 
“God, I wish. Sometimes, I’m no better. I haven’t spoken to him yet this morning,” I offer, smoothing down the back of my skirt and take a seat in front of his desk.
“Yeah, known him for I dunno how long, and I couldn’t tell you where he’s run off to. Oh, really? Didn’t carpool together with his early meeting today?” 
“Talkin’ ‘bout me, are you?” somebody voices. Both of our heads turn to behind me to watch Harry walk in, holding a Queen mug, and his laptop under his arm. 
“Yeah, wondering why you’re always late, mate.” 
“Line fer coffee was long in tha break room,” he shrugs, as if it’s a top tier excuse. “Hey, my love,” Harry coos with a smile to me, bending down to press his lips to mine. I almost giggle against his, but my widening eyes do all of the talking when he pulls away. 
His quirked eyebrows do his talking as his dimples glow on his face. Words almost leave his wondering lips but they’re interrupted by Myles excusing himself to take a call. 
“What’s that look fer?” Harry wheezes at last, sipping from his mug before finding a coaster to set it down on. 
“Since when do we kiss in front of people we work with?” I giggle nervously, wondering when the heat will ever leave my cheeks now. 
“‘s jus’ Myles, babe. He doesn’t give a shit. I reckon he has t’ have a bit o’ understandin’ afta how many times ‘ve griped over how much o’ a pain in tha arse it can be fer us t’ keep it professional ‘round tha firm,” he explains, swiftling undoing the one button on his pinstriped pecan colored blazer. 
“Oh,” is all I say, looking around the office absentmindedly while my mind whirs. 
“Sorry, I didn’t see yer texts ‘til now. Busy meetin’ this mornin,’ but we got loads done luckily,” he says, the sound of his velvet black boots soft on the tiling, blending into the sounds of the firm, as I call it. “Hmm, I liked tha one song ya sent me from Cage tha Elephant, so ‘ll hafta give this one a try, too. Thanks, babe.” 
“Mmmhmm,” I hum, distractedly. My chin falls into my hand and the pastel purple of my nailpolish blurs in front of me. 
“Alright there? Not still worryin’ ‘bout yer review inna few, are you, Becks? I told ya you’ll do great, y’know I have nuthin’ bad t’ say ‘bout how yer doin.’ ‘Course I hafta come up with sumthin’ t’ work on with you, but that’s jus’ ‘cause I can’t avoid it.”
“What?” I respond quickly, looking up to find his squinty eyes at me. “Yeah, I’m fine. It’s just nervewracking.” 
“‘s jus’ Myles, bug. There’s nuthin’ t’ worry ‘bout, I already told him how ya’ve been doin,’ and winnin’ last week’s case t’getha, t’ top it off,” he remarks with a glow in his voice. 
Nodding, the words poise to jump from my lips, but just then the door opens, “Sorry about that, let’s get started now that Harry’s made his fashionably late arrival, like always.” 
“Hey, watch it, My.’ Seems yer no betta,” Harry jests, fingers decorated with rings coursing through his short curls. 
“I actually had a good excuse, mind you,” Myles says, falling into the chair behind his desk. 
“God, it’s like my first interview all over again. Harry’s late and you’re both arguing like an old, married couple,” I joke with a small laugh, crossing my ankles and folding my hands. 
“Sure are,” Harry agrees aloud with a loud air kiss to Myles, scooching his chair towards the desk with a warm smile sent my way. 
“So, Becky,” Myles begins, pulling out a stapled document that somehow embeds fear into my bones, quickly ignoring the assurances Harry has showered me with. “Harry’s been telling me that you’re doing great, and things are going well six months in.” 
“Yes, very well, actually. Learnin’ loads,” Harry adds in, leaning back in the twin office chair while a hand gets lost in his hair, per usual. 
“So I’ve heard. How are things going in your opinion, Becky?”
“Thank you, Myles,” I say, trying not to laugh as the two men exchange annoyed looks. “I’m really happy here and like Harry said, I’m learning lots. I couldn’t have asked for a better teacher than him.” 
“I dunno if I agree with that,” Myles quips and my humorous boyfriend shakes his head with a perturbed sigh. “I’m joking, Hare, and Becky, I’m very glad to hear that. We’re all very happy to have you here and part of the team. Somebody, especially.” 
“Would ya shuddup, My’?” Harry groans with a click of his tongue, but when I meet his eyes, he’s anything but annoyed with the sunshine he sends my way.
“Told ya yer review’d go great, babe. Ya should listen t’ me mo.’” 
“Would you hush?” I say. “Of course you’d say that.” 
“What’s that s’posed t’ mean?” Harry asks, all confused. 
“You just have a big head, that’s all,” I answer, opening the car door and stepping out into the humid garage. 
“Hey, would ya stop givin' me a hard time ‘bout havin’ a big head? It hurts me feelings.” 
“I didn’t mean it that way, but does it hurt your feelings if I mean you have a big ego, too?” I explain, toeing off my sandals in his entryway. 
“Yes,” he whines, dramatically. It pulls a laugh from my lips that sounds around the empty house, it soon coming to life as I flick on some lights. “Harper sure was adorable callin’ you Anty Becky t’night.” 
“I know, I loved it. Her birthday was fun. Thanks again.” 
“Oh, don’t thank me, love. Thank her. She was tha one who made you a handmade invitation, not moi,” he comments warmly, the jangling of his keys accompanying his words. “Thank you, I know it wasn’t ‘xactly convenient with t’day, and ev’rythin.’” 
“No, it’s okay. It was a lot of fun, you know I love your family.” 
“I know, it makes me happy. Thank you, Becks,” he says, pulling on my hand until I follow into the dining area, and then onto the sofa. 
“Welcome, Harry. Do you want to watch an episode of FRIENDS, or a few, before I go home?”
“I was thinkin’ ya could stay tha night again, if ya wanna. Figured we should do sumthin’ t’ celebrate tha big 6,” he announces, his voice teeming with excitement, guiding my eyes to his figure behind the kitchen island. I’m startled when the cork pops from the dark bottle, squealing with a hand to my mouth. “Want a glass?”
“Yes, please. And there’s chocolate cake hidden in the fridge that I saved for tonight.” 
“Jus’ look at you, spoilin’ me,” Harry says with a clicking of his tongue, soon drowned out by the opening of drawers, and clinking of silverware. 
Humming under my breath, I splay out on the sofa with the remote in hand. Pressing on the different arrows, I wait for the right screen to load while I scroll through my phone. 
“Here ya go,” he announces, setting down a plate with slices of chocolate cake, and two wine glasses half filled with a sparkling liquid. “‘s Prosecco, hope that’s okay.” 
“Yeah, I like that too. Thanks, babe.” 
“Yer welcome, love. Oh, don’t wanna f’get this, no, I don’t,” he says, and a moment later, a small wrapped box arrives on my lap. 
“Harry,” I begin in protest, but sitting down next to me, he doesn’t let me continue. 
“Don’t worry, jus’ open it.” 
“I was going to say that I didn’t get you anything for our six month today,” I tell him with emphasis in my voice. He shakes his head while taking a bite of the cake, swiping at his tongue dotted with crumbs. 
“There’s nuthin’ I want- jus’ open it, Becks. Please,” he insists, nodding at the present and looking away quickly to stab at the cake again. 
“Okay then,” I tease, sitting up and crossing my legs. “Harry Styles, this better not be a you-know-what ring.” 
“‘s not, babe. Ya still haven’t given me that answer, so ‘course not,” he explains with a mouth full of cake, and crazily, I love him all the more for it. Shaking my head at the smirk he wears, I tear at the metallic, purple wrapping paper until I arrive at a white, square box the size of my palm. “Maybe ya could gimme an answer t’ anotha question I have instead,” Harry says slowly, right as I pry the top off to find a lone, purple house key waiting for me. 
“What?” I laugh without thinking a thought about why, or how, and every other thing in between. Looking up and away, I find his dimpled cheeks the near color of roses. A laugh wheezes from his lips as he sets down the plate on the table, but I find it hard to focus on as my heart begins a race inside my ribs. 
“I meant it when I said tha other night that I wanna fall asleep next t’ ya ev’ry night, babe. So, what d’ya say t’ sleep overs with me ev’ry night, hmm? Will ya move in with me, Becks?” and just like that, it all clicks inside of my head, even though I had put a few of them together just a moment ago. 
Plucking the key from the box, I rub it between my fingers, and then my eyes return to him, like everything always does. His bottom lip is riddled with indents from his chattering teeth, as if his eyes like a meadow weren’t boring into me already. 
“Becks, love?” he murmurs softly, anxiously. A curve arrives on my lips, mere moments before I cross the sofa and jump onto his lap. His peppery, vanilla scent swims around me while his ever contagious laugh does the same, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. “Bloody hell, woman, can I get that answer from ya already or not?” 
Giggling, I at last pull away from hugging him and come to feel the days of stubble littering his cheeks, just how I like it. The flecks of gold and ivory in his eyes catch the light as they dance over my face, and I wonder what he sees in mine as his fingers get lost in my hair. I wonder if he sees the answer before I say it, because what else would it be but, “Of course, Harry. There’s nothing I’d want more.” 
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crovnprince · 4 years
@unhoneyed​ sent: 💍 - Astor x Olivia 👀👀👀👀👀
send me 💍 + A SHIP   /   open !!
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where they get married: either a small chapel in the city where there’s rarely anybody for the ceremony or they would just sign the paper and not have the wedding as a whole ( even though they definitely hold some sort of dinner to announce that they’re married after because their coworkers would 100% hound them about the new rings on their fingers. )
when they get married ( ie what time of day, what month and season etc. ): neither of them believe in the morning but they like the sunlight so it’ll be somewhere near the gotten hour in spring?? ( olivia loves the idea of a spring wedding )
what traditions they include ( do they get married under a chuppah and crush a glass, garter toss, ‘something borrowed, something blue,’ etc. ): they rarely have any traditions are their wedding since it’s just a small ceremony but you bet they go and have their own little dinner with the two of them cooking ( even if olivia isn’t the best cook ) back in either one of their apartment and like usual, the cooking is mediocre but they enjoyed themselves.
what their wedding cake looks like: i doubt they even get a wedding cake?????? but if they do it’s most probably the standard white one with it’s stack and layers ( and bonus: little bobble heads of them at the top )
….who smashes cake into whose face: astor into olivia’s face and she wouldn’t have seen it coming because it’s most probably at the end of the ceremony and he makes up some excuse of wanting to get a slice and drags her along only to smash it in her face.
who proposed to who first: this is a complicated question; i doubt anyone officially ‘proposed’. looking at how hard it was for them to acknowledge their feelings for each other, the entire ‘proposal’ most probably started out as a joke of some sort while watching some romcom. the main character is proposing and olivia most probably start bring up going into the next stage of their relationship ( “don’t you think we should consider the entire proposal and all? marriage?” ) and astor just agrees with her and in this stupid little conversation, they mutually agreed it’s time to get married but no one did the official proposal thing. ( maybe astor but that’s like after his coworkers talk to him about having it because it’s every girl’s dream and he does an extremely public one at the hospital during one of her shifts with all their supporters )
who walks down the aisle and who waits at the altar ( or neither ): neither. it’s a small ceremony but liv most probably walks herself down with astor waiting at the altar.
what their wedding dresses / suits / other look like: it’s never anything too complicated –– olivia most probably wore something like this and astor with a suit that liv picked out for him.
what their wedding colour scheme is and what sort of decor they have: i doubt they did much planning when it come to the actual ceremony......... so there’s most probably no fix colour scheme or exact decor. i bet they didn’t even get a wedding planner.
what flowers are in the bouquet ( if applicable. bonus: what do the flowers mean? ): olivia is a major suckers for sunflowers and baby breathes ( but not so much of getting them in bouquet bc what is supposed to do with them now???? ) but not that much of roses and other cliche flowers because reasons. astor most probably all of that so their bouquet is most probably a small one with baby breathes and lilacs. he gives her a sunflower later when they’re on their way home so.
what their vows are ( eg poetry, traditional, improvised etc. ): NONE OF THEIR VOWS WOULD CONSIST OF ANYTHING MUSHY OR ADMITTING TO THEIR FEELINGS FOR ONE ANOTHER BC WHAT IS THAT?????? FEELINGS WHO??? but honestly, i think their vows would be handwritten by the two of them and it would be a huge secret till the day itself. it would also be the first time astor says ‘i love you’ to her in front of everyone and even if its whispered, it counts. olivia most probably pulled out all his flaws and all the stupid things he has done and makes fun of him for it before saying she would bare with it till the day they pass and she most probably is a balling mess by the end of his vows. 
if anyone’s late to the wedding: they have like such a limited number of guest. they can afford to wait.
who’s in the bridal parties / groomsmen / other: it’s both of their coworkers, it’s everyone who called dips on them ending up together, it’s every single person who knows that they liked each other before they found out.
what their bridal party / groomsmen / other are wearing: there’s no dress code just turn up and tell them ‘i called it’ bc all the people who turned up 100% did call it
who gives speeches at the reception ( bonus: what do they say? recount a sweet memory or two between them? tell an embarrassing story? ): aside from the usual ( parents, the one coworker who is their number one supporter etc. ), DRUNK OLIVIA! EVERYTHING SINGLE FUCKING EMBARRASSING THING ASTOR HAS EVER DONE WILL BE SAID and the poor man would be there just tryna stop her from saying it to everyone because somethings are really private. 
who catches the bouquet( s ): they didn’t even bother to throw it......... olivia most probably ended it to someone
what their wedding photos are like ( are they sweet, with the couple holding hands or kissing or ~gazing into each others eyes~? are they silly, with a snapshot of the ‘cake-smash’ moment? or are they artistic, with one of them facing the sunset or holding their bouquets? ): they have the sweet ones. the ones where they’re looking into each other’s eyes and laughing and what not but let’s be real the one they really like is the uncalled for photo of the aftermath of astor smashing olivia’s face into the cake: a very pissed off olivia and astor laughing their ass off.
what sort of food they have at the reception: ALCOHOL! THERE’S NO WRONG TIME FOR ALCOHOL! and snacks that goes well with alcohol
who cries first during the ceremony: *whispers* olivia
how wild their reception gets ( who dances the best, who gets drunk first, etc. ): it’s pretty calm compared to others, mainly bc they don’t have a big crowd so.
what their rings are like: simple wedding bands. it’s not too complicated but on the inside they have each other’s surnames engraved.
what sort of favours they have ( heart shaped sparklers, mini champagne bottles, personalised candy etc. ): scented candles shape as a heart bc cliche and that’s the one thing they let themselves bc cliche about.
where they go for their honeymoon: shockingly, this is the one that they went big on. not the wedding but the honeymoon. the two most probably booked a trip to paris somewhere in november bc they’re avoiding the crowd. ( but also bc work and they aren’t going to give up work for a honeymoon )
something memorable that happens during the party / ceremony ( do they run out of ice and someone goes to get it in full formal wear on foot, does anyone fall asleep in the middle of the party, etc. ): someone almost lose the wedding rings. 100% that happened at a certain point. oh, and olivia getting too drunk.
who officiates the ceremony: some judge they barely even knew tbh
what song their first dance is to: 100% a taylor swift song and it’s an accident. it was the first song on the playlist. ( most probably ours by taylor swift )
who gives who away as they walk down the aisle: not applicable. olivia walk herself down and like the strong independent woman who has been through way too much shit for her own good, she gives herself away to astor. 
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madokasoratsugu · 6 years
so hmst. ever think of fritz/lucette in a realistic scenario world w/out curses bc i do, way too much (even w my admittedly shitty knowledge of medieval times LMAO). pls have this dumbass meta that got way out of hand at 4.5k words lol..... aka i just really wanted to write forbidden romance about queen lucette and her personal knight fritz :”)))
happily ever afters are not for someone like lucette.
she is crown princess of angielle, the most prosperous kingdom to enjoy peace for over a decade on the continent and she will make it remain so, no matter what she must do. mother taught her to be unkind and unforgiving, but father’s rule taught her what that would cost. (‘your very life’; and lucette could die of laughter. her life was given to her country the moment the king placed his crown upon hers. her life was given to her citizens the moment she took her mother’s life. her life was no longer hers to live the moment she gave her first cry as a babe. )   
her mother taught her how to be a ruler, her father teaches her how to be a queen - what lucette must be willing to take (land and gold and unworthy men), to give (her future, her dreams, her happiness - but what are they, in the grand scheme of angielle, of her citizens’ days of peace?
what is she worth that they are not?) she knows the answer, through mother’s lessons that bear cruel truth her father never speaks of, but her knight makes her doubt.
jewels and gold lay heavy upon her, with him beside lightly dull in that scuffed armour and pressed uniform. surely, lucette knows, her worth is more than all the citizens in the land, not just for her riches and beauty, but for the blood that runs through her veins, the royal authority she wields with the ease and capability both rulers before her did. (her rule is made of fear and compassion and kind unkindness - blood must be split as must peace reign, one cannot go without another. cruelty is easy, forgiveness is easy, to find the balance is not but lucette rules with perfect grace balanced on that taut line, ready to cut her throat like the executioner’s axe on the council’s ruling at any moment.) but when he smiles, a secret crook of lips and a carefully angled head, the perfect fall of hair over face; the worth of a man tips, unbalances, and she finds herself slip, slip, slipping - and it’s roses and sunbeams and delicate gentleness lucette wishes she wielded instead, pretty and perfect and pure like all fairy tale heroines are, like all knights will rescue and cherish. lucette is a queen, but she is twenty and longing and impervious to the worst and only curse to befall any royal - love. aching, unattainable love for her very own knight.
(‘give none of yourself to them.’ mother gasped, blood dying her lips a beautiful crimson. ‘for they will give nothing back, my love. they took me, but in the end, i return to you.’ lucette cannot draw the blade out, hands tight around the hilt the queen had forced into her hands. in the end, her mother returns to her. and she returns to no one.)
lucette will use every means to claw her way to the crown, every man given to her to escape death even for another day, another hour, another minute. (bent over choking on her own vomit, steel boned corset catching knives and needles; continuous rescheduled trips to the outdoors; after all, men can be so, so inventive in the ways of killing. yet what is suicide but another method of death?) trained poison courses her veins, experimental cuts litter her abdomen, bows and arrows whittled thinly useless; lucette riella britton will give all of herself but her death. her mother might have taught her not to give a life she doesn’t own, her father might have expected her to die for his cause; in the face of both their righteous morals, lucette swallows another bud of aconite. palms pressed against lips, swallowing, relishing the bitterly sweet poison.
fritzgerald aiden leverton is assigned to her at age eighteen. he is clumsy and imperfect and a man by no standard other than the sword, but at fifteen and still feeling phantom daggers in her sides, poisons burning her guts, lucette has no complaints. not in the way he handles himself, not in the way he fights, not in the way he is, charming and captivating and strong. only in the way he intervenes. (“i can’t let you do this.” torch in hand, ready to burn the flowers at a moment’s notice. “would you rather your liege die?” hesitation on one’s part, and the ache of realisation of the likeness of all men throbs through another. “i’ll protect you.” “not forever.” “watch me.”)
in merely two years, fritz has had her entire personnel overhauled; incompetent fools who turn blind eyes to last minute changes in the menu or unnamed guests who request to be let in at balls. natural charisma, an unrelenting tongue and the favour of the king; using everything and everyone at his disposal and then some. throughout it all deflecting swords and arrows and daggers, both others and her own. and it infuriates lucette, how easily he overturns her expectations, her denials and rejections and pessimism and weaves it all into useless, tragic hope a princess like her cannot have. and it enrages lucette, how quickly the knives are turned against fritz instead; ministers’ cutting sharp proposals of misconduct, advisors’ petty contributions, the maids’ gossips, the blade of his own father. and it - confuses lucette, how familiarly fritz still smiles, and calls her title with a lilt that bears no trace of anything, anything at all. (“i can’t let you keep doing this.” roles reversed; the knight heaving a laugh that nearly goes south. “i was trained for this much.” voice muffled behind a gloved hand, face pale, forehead drenched with cold sweat. even water can be deadly, in a castle. “are you disobeying me?” “on this, i will be.” a slightly lowered hand, a mischievous smile, something foreign and insatiable curling, twisting in the princess’ abdomen. “i could have you executed for treason.” “that’s harsh, my princess.” “then promise.” “i promise nothing but to protect my charge, irregardless of cost.” a sword in one hand, her behind the other. fought for and protected and cherished and lucette - crumbles.)
fritz is made of soft and kind things that royalty are not allowed to dream of. wildflowers, the brays of sheep, a bookmarked bird feather. untethered kites, whirl of spinning threads, the first bloom of a morning glory. first, there is jealousy and spite, childish cold shoulders and biting words. knight to e5; restricted, leashed, threatened. next, there is echoing envy, hidden looks of sullen frowns and biten back sighs. knight moved to its leisure, lengths long. then, there is complex, contorting, confounding - (‘they will give you nothing back’), not-quite quiet smiles and lower lips that ache to be bit. knight and queen left. (check.)
feverish and in pain, still he smiles. (“you shouldnt be here.” voice so hoarse his usual laugh is grated to nothingness from tire. “neither should you.” the words come out unintended; meant as a scold, an order, a warning. he is hers to command, but knelt by his bedside, silks spilling around her and rough cotton covering him; imbalanced, neck running an invisible line of red, she cannot find the power. polished crystal cold against her lips, but his chapped ones are warm, so, so warm. fritz swallows the force fed antidote, eyes closing, breathes evening, calming; lucette wonders if he felt as she did when he first arrived before her, like a spring storm.) flushed and oddly turbulent, she finally smiles.
it is a year after the failed coup that lucette hears her mother again, newly crowned. the head knight takes more than just the people’s trust in the royal family - and lucette becomes queen a year after her father breathes his last. ophelia is still in mourning, emelaigne already promised to brugantia, rod too young and too occupied with the patrons of his songs. there is no one else more worthy. again, weighted by gold and jewels, lucette does not meet fritz’s eyes once during the ceremony. (“my queen.” a bow, a light quirk of lips that cannot lift her spirits as it usually does. “i cannot do this.” a sudden low whisper, an afraid admission. “i am not mother. i am not the king. i -.” brilliant, beautiful, ugly red staining her lips, sunken teeth breaking them. a quick thumb wiping the red, then gently, easily, cradling her clasped hands. lucette is nineteen and aching and still feels the grooves of the hilt she’d buried in her mother; but when fritz calls those tightly overlapping fingers a prayer for the dead who do not deserve her nor the forgiveness she still gives, lucette bends over and drips tears onto their hands, and wishes, for the first time in her life, to be worthy of the person before her; holding her gentle and kind and soft in a way lucette is not allowed to dream of.)
fairytales speak of both truth and lies - princes upon white horses will always arrive to sweep their princesses off her feet, but not all princesses have a prince voyaging for their hand. it is those dainty and delightful that do, like emelaigne and her charming prince klaude. lucette is made of too many thorns to bloom into a rose, too many rules and laws to be accepted without hesitation. perfect princes are rare, and only to be paired with the most pure, most perfect of princesses; with a cheerful disposition, an innocent worldview and no blood on her silky smooth hands. lucette does not mourn for her loss, not when she has never wanted such a gain. but during nights, as she flips through the books her sister left her with, she finds herself tracing over the figures of men in shining armour and wonders if the same rules apply to knights, too.
still; knights are dirty and scuffed in tunics and dull metal, too scarred bodies that are meant to wither on a battlefield, with too naive thoughts and too bloodied hands, too alluring smiles and too bright a laughter, paired with gentle eyes and chapped lips and kinder words than she knows, she’s heard; that captures, enamours her to him, to a mere knight who will not lose to any prince; for he is no less endearing or kind or perfect - but lucette is a queen and cannot be galvaning with a born commoner. her father lost the respect of nobles for his flight of fancy, died for it; lucette will not. lucette will - (throughout the coronation, fritz stands beside, decorated in white gold and an ivory white uniform pressed to his form, a one shouldered cape’s strap diagonally bound across his chest that bears a multitude of colourful medals, hair pinned back on one side, showing off a scar that runs over his jaw. he is lightly dull and when he bends at an angle, head tilting and lip curving a secret crooked smile, her chest dips and does not rise for a long, long, long time. the new weight that rests upon her head reminds her to let the breath out.) not.
it takes another two years into being queen before the talk of marriage is tossed upon the table. it’s late, by lucette’s expectations. she’d have thought those ugly vultures would have said something six months after her crowning. a king from a nearby country laughs when he hears of her disdain during a ball, and lets her in on the terror and awe the new queen had inspired into countries since her rule. with time, things have only just become stable, he supposes, a too shrewd guess from a small kingdom’s king. if he and his brothers were not already taken lucette would gladly join hands with them. (“but i am sure that is not what you are concerned with.” the king smiles, knowing. lucette eyes the man said to be the calm before a storm, warned against even neutral as their country’s stance is, and he returns her look with a finger pressed over his lips, keeps his impassive smile. “may fortune favour the lovers.”)
it does not come as a surprise why he is the only one who expresses his support for her. not only is he one of the only royals to have figured out lucette’s little infatuation (“jack of all trades indeed” fritz had whistled nervously when lucette showed him the king’s letter.), in terms of wealth, political and military might, there is only one other country to rival angielle’s. it may be on another continent, but that is of little consequence to a power hungry king, eager to wage war. and lucette knows all too well the easy way nobles and aristocrats alike give up on their futures, so the lack of enthusiasm surrounding her love life other than to increase angielle’s might is something she’s always expected. but the sudden pain in her chest at the thought of marrying another, spending her future without fritz by her side, is not something she had ever expected. (she pulls fritz to her personal library one early evening, for reasons unknown to even herself. it is decided, the date, the venue, the person. letters are being written as she stands, plans being made, people informed and gossip being spread; her heart is thudding painfully and her eyes are sore and her hands shake - “my queen?” “i’m sorry.” it is the only thing she ever seems to say to him, apologies and more apologies, and she wishes she were smarter, prettier, purer, lovelier, more worthy - then fritz is cupping her face and kissing her, and all that fills lucette’s head is longing and love and fritz.)
this is not smart at all. they are in a library, and even with it being reserved to the queen herself and the door locked behind them it is not smart. but in the heat of the moment, hands clutching, roaming, tangling, nothing is clear to the duo but the breathless, flushed person before them. (“are you - are you sure? i can stop.” a silencing kiss, a soft, soft murmur of consent. and the next word he utters is her name, and the happiness she was supposed to have given up on wells up in her in waves, breaking out of her by the returning call of his name.)
everything comes to a promised end after the night. one last, dear memory, and by morning, lucette is in her office, signing the document dismissing fritz as her personal knight, post-wedding. it will be easier for them both. it will be kinder, she convinced herself, as she wept into his chest and he held her, lower lip trembling. (“i’m sorry.” it is not the first time fritz has apologised, but the sorrow that aches in his words is new and vulnerable. lucette shakes her head, burying her face deeper into his chest, his arms tightening around her waist. “thank you.” it is the first time lucette says the words properly, instead of conveying it through action and blushes, and it makes the happiness in her ache as much as the sorrow must in fritz.) lucette’s hands do not shake as she presses the royal seal over the melted wax. once more, she hears her mother’s pained words, and closes her eyes. once more, everything of a queen is taken from her, and she returns to no one.
adding onto her already packed days, wedding preparations only serves to leave lucette with no time for her own at all. the choosing of silks and satin, the decor of the ceremony, the fine details that must go into it, and the continuous correspondence with her soon-to-be allies - the list only goes on and on and on and lucette is glad, if only because she can take her mind off her knight that still fastidiously stays by her side; still there at daybreak outside her chambers, still there late into the night outside her office. the words they exchange are strictly managed, limited, by their incapability to let go and forget. it is sudden jerked back hands, forced down laughter and sealed away smiles. some days they forget, and lucette stills with a held back sigh as fritz brushes a wayward strand of hair away from her eyes, as fritz’s lips linger too long over the back of her hand, as fritz smiles. but they are quickly reminded, as fritz smooths her hair beneath lucette’s crown, as fritz lets go of her hand too swiftly, as fritz turns away. (the hurt grows and grows and grows until it roots itself in lucette and numbed pain wars in her body every second of every day, burning and screaming and killing her. lucette does not think even the death of either parent had hurt this much. she aches and aches for his word, his touch, his smile, to simply be by his side again. buries these feelings, these needs, deeper and deeper and deeper down until she cannot remember them; until she is asleep and wakes up with tear stains on her pillows, her cheeks. presses her palms to her lips, swallows down the screams for a man a queen cannot allow herself to long for, and agonises in the bitterly sweet name she cannot speak.)
it is a week before the wedding, six months since the night, when a pain strikes lucette’s chest. it is the last of the celebratory balls prior to her wedding, and with a hand twisted into her chest, lucette finds herself wracked with pain she’s forgotten in the midst of her heartache; dressed in complacency and a plain wired corset, lucette curses, loud and uncouth, angry and tired and drowning sadness. everything swims in her vision, blurring, hazing, and lucette cannot tell the difference between this night and the ones of the previous six months; tears are gathering in her eyes, her gut is twisting, her every bone is threatening to shatter and she slides down the side of her bed, the need to live warring with the screaming need to simply let everything come crashing down and end. she has betrayed her mother, her father, her kingdom, her love - lucette has given all of herself over and over and over and she suddenly understands her mother’s last words not as chains but as warning sirens; lucette feels the grooves of the hilt like the petals of aconite, and remembers death is her own to take. (but before she can truly make it so, someone is hauling her up, forcing her into a stagger into the lavatory; gloves clattering metal as they hit the rocks, fingers are forced down her throat - vomit spilling out and lucette is made to live another day. when she runs out of liquid to expel, there is a cold cloth gently wiping her mouth, a worried gaze staring down at her. lucette is the one to turn away, this time. “you should have left me.” she says, throat raw and scratched from the scorching bile, from crying senselessly for the man who she leans against. fritz holds her with his clean arm, presses those lips she’s longed for for days and nights now against her crown, murmurs, “never.” lucette bites down on her lip, tastes beautiful red and bites harder. “leave me.” pushes him with an arm, forcing distance between them. “leave me!” a scream that does not break under the weight of the words, a sob that doesn’t translate. the warmth leaves her, his reluctant footsteps fade, and the emptiness of death is all that remains; long tipped from balance, lucette bows down into her skirts that billow silk around her, muffled cries spilling out of her cold, cold lips dyed crimson.)
the days pass by in a giant mass, and lucette lets herself be pushed along with the changing days, performing her role as well as any queen should. returns to being lucette riella britton, a queen, a monarch, a beloved ruler worthy of the titles she’s earned and the country she governs; wills herself to forget about lucette, a queen, a monarch; a woman unworthy of the love a clumsy, imperfect man by every standard he is measured by blessed her with. (with her own hands, lucette kills the cherished, protected, beloved girl; kills her weakness, her happiness, her mother and father both had taught her she is not allowed to have in their own ways, in their own deaths.)
lucette sits by her window, the outfitting of the day done. maids’ dismissed early, servants ordered not to disturb her until dinner, lucette’s gaze flits over the dust that catches in the setting sun, gloved hand fingering the multiple strands of pearls that lace her neck (“so you never forget.” her fiance had written in the card of the gift, sadistic in his connotations behind the choker, the collar.), and thinks of her inherited kingdom, the inherited grudges. closes her eyes, and forces herself to breathe. to not think of what another would have gifted, would have said, would have laughed and blushed in the way she delights at the new treasure (a roadside store pendant, a cut flower, a fluttering kiss). breath hitching, suddenly unclasping the latch of the choker, tossing it onto the vanity with a loud clatter. the burst of frustration quickly gives way to deflated resignation, and lucette puts away the accessory in a drawer. it would not look good if she damaged a wedding gift on the eve of the ceremony itself.
reaches up to undo her hair, when there’s a sudden bang, then a crash, and frenzied yells mixed with the clanging of swords and armour meeting floors. lucette stares at her door, jumps as a masked man barges in, and sweeps her onto one arm, the other outstretched and wielding a familiar blade. lucette barely has time to speak, to think; the man moves faster than her thoughts can, than her trained knights do. the cries for help not leaving her, instead bubbling, incredulous laughter nearly does; as the queen clutches tighter onto her kidnapper whose hair blends seamlessly into her gown, pure white and silver. (he is made of soft and kind things that royalty are not allowed to dream of, lucette knows, but forgets that even the gentlest of creatures turn into beasts when what they protect is threatened, forgets that fritz’s hands are dyed with the same beautiful crimson that her mother and her had both tasted, forgets that fritz is aconite - elegant and deadly and the only one she has given her death to.)
“you are not happy.” fritz says plainly, when they reach the stables. he knows his queen like the back of his hand, that his poor disguise is nothing to her, that her calm command over the past months is nothing but a poor facade to him. still, duty bound, royalty, the crown heavy on her head, lucette cannot answer. is not allowed to. the horse whinnies, and fritz shushes it fondly, strokes it’s mane. the saddle upon it is adjusted for two. “lucette.” he says, with a lilt that bears no trace of anything, anything at all. “it’s your choice. i will not blame you for anything. i never have.” under the rising moon, his smile does not wane; sure and gentle and accepting and whole. and it dumbfounds lucette, how effortlessly he comes to her aid, frees her, loves her, and asks for nothing but her happiness in return. (it is the same as when she was fifteen, when she was seventeen, when she was nineteen, and now twenty-one. it is the same. it always has been.)
her life is not hers to live, but her heart is hers to give. (”take me away.” lucette says, a whisper so loud it is a command that makes fritz’s lips curl in a wolfish fashion, as light as lucette feels, even clad in jewels and gold.)
now, there is simply love, a smile that has always stayed, always yearned, and a girl who has lost her bite, perfectly imbalanced. knight to queen. (checkmate.)
yet in the end, queens are queens, as knights are knights. happily ever afters are not made for a royal whose smallest sigh can bring an end to another’s empire; in these stories, tales of a knight who absconded with his queen is not a fairy tale to be told.
in the end, people will tell tales of the day angielle’s queen returned with the body of her knight who met his tragic end saving her from a daring abductor, of the inauspicious day angielle’s queen both murdered and married. he tried to take their queen from them, the people will say, and so their queen took his life in return. people will tell tales of the courageous knight who gave his life to take back their queen, who died for his kingdom. people will mourn and cry for the country’s loss of a brilliant soldier, but not for long enough; but not as long as the queen. people will tell tales of angielle’s brave queen, who loses her knight and her husband months apart of each other, and still rules with the grace and authority of those before her - unlost to grief, to pain. a worthy queen, a blessed queen, a queen to guide and rule and lead even alone, people will say. truly, even with all the tragedies that surround, lucette riella britton was a woman who was born to bring angielle to heights no kings have witnessed, people will say, already forgetting their past cruelty to their young queen in the face of prosperity she brought.
people will continue to spin tales and stories, but only one will read the truth by candlelight in his chambers (he earns the right not by being king jack albrecht cygnea, but by being the only friend the lonely queen had, the only one who had offered his kingdom, his hand, not as a prize but as solace), the hand pressed aconite a testament to its truth. (the letter writes of lucette riella britton, a woman loved by fritzgerald aiden leverton’s, truth. she begins her tale by clearing up the mysteries that surround. the king who tried to own her who dies by her schemes. the identity of her kidnapper. the truth of her escapade. she tells of the second life that she ends with a knife pressed into her hands, the first life she ends willingly. she gives her life to him, he gives his death to her. it is only poetic, it is only right, it is the only solution a queen and a knight can find, in this society that will not allow them to be together. he had forgiven her for sinning by doing the same himself, so to this man who has loved her from the very beginning, to the very end, she gives all of herself that he takes; from queen to woman to wife. then, years later now, with her kingdom secure in the hands of her nephew, she forgoes her title with death given to her by her sweetly bitter aconite, reclaims the name ‘lucette’, and finally returns to him.)
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candywrappcr · 6 years
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*    pops  up  from  out  of  nowhere  with  all  my  pockets  stuffed  with  food  and  said  food  spilling  everywhere    *    listen    ………    i’m  not  cool  enough  to  introduce  myself  and  i’m  not  gonna  bore  you  to  death    (    yet    )    .    to  sum  it  up    ,    i’m  NORA  but  you  can  also  call  me  a  twenty-one  year  old  idiotic nerd   .    because  that  is  what  i  am    .    i  should  be  studying  right  now   ,    but  writing  this  introduction  for  my  smoll  boy  of  sin  is  way  more  fun  right  now    .    so  get  ready  for  BARTEMIUS  CROUCH  JR    .
to clarify, his dad is an ass and deserves what is coming for him in the fourth book of the series. smiley face.
ok so the crouch family is part of the sacred twenty-eight, but other than the most of the families on that list, they don’t really care about blood status or think that purebloods are better than non-purebloods. the crouch family is just simply known for thinking they are better than EVERYONE.
so, his childhood was basically all about his father expecting him to be the best and barty not living up to the standards. as he didn’t display signs of magic at a young age, he was a late bloomer, his father lost interest in him and went back to concentrating on the only thing he loved, his work. 
his other had lost his father’s attention years ago and focused on her son completely, home-schooling him and educating him in a warm and nurturing environment. but, as he grew up and his father grew even more distant, never being home, yet expecting perfection to a degree where not even a single hair can be displaced on his mother’s head or where they had to appear as the perfect family to everyone around them, his mother’s mental health crumbled, disappeared and she fell into a deep depression. barty blames his father for his mother’s state.
from that moment he was pretty much raised by his house elf winky until he went off to hogwarts. at first, he didn’t even want to go, he didn’t want to leave his mother alone and he didn’t want to disappoint his father by not being sorted into slytherin. 
eventually, he went to hogwarts, was sorted into slytherin and started to roll with the wrong crowd almost immediately. other than that he pretty much had a normal time at hogwarts? just your basic kinda hermoine style nerd doing his best at excelling in every class, preferring the library to any kind of social event and just, getting by.
he hates going back home during the breaks tho, so he will stay in hogwarts for most of christmas, except christmas eve and christmas day where he is ordered back home for the official christmas ceremony & most of summer break where he stays at his aunt’s place with his mother.
there is really two sides of one coin when it comes to barty’s personality. on the one hand, there is the gullible, vehement boy, striving to get attention and recognition, someone who is easily manipulated. then, there is the man he is about to become, apathetic and sadistic, too dexterous for his own good, because he will never get a chance to use that mind for anything morally right.
those two parts of his personalities, the boy he had been for the last sixteen years and the man he is about to become are currently fighting for the dominant place in his character, hence he is terribly unstable, something that is only further amplified by the situation at hogwarts.
he can put on a mask to hide his true emotions as easily as he can put on his slytherin tie each morning, which might be one of the reasons he has extreme trust issues. promises are not real and everything is a lie.
there are three people on this planet that he cares about right now. his mother, his house elf winky and himself.
he used to be sad about the fact that he couldn’t spend time with his father, but as he grows up, he slowly begins to despise bartemius crouch sr. instead.
for him, the death eaters aren’t about hating on muggleborns and half-bloods. he is completely indifferent when it comes to bloodstatus, he simply dislikes everyone. the reason why he joined the death eaters however is the community, he got accepted and the attention that he craved. he got the father figure he always needed, and the rebellion against his father and everything his father stands for.
barty is a magic nerd. he mastered the hardest potions, is currently working on perfecting non-verbal magic –– last time he tried he turned the sofa in the slytherin common into a living, breathing, human-craving beast instead of turning it blue –– and is one of the best duelists. the only thing he can’t do is perform the patronus spell as he does not have one single happy memory. he also never had a problem using another wand for magic that wasn’t his own, frequently stealing his father’s wand to break the rules and perform a simple spell outside of school. just to annoy his father.
he is currently planning on taking his o.w.l.s in ancient runes, arithmancy, astronomy, care of magical creatures, charms, defense against the dark arts, divination, herbology, history of magic, muggle studies, potions, transfiguartion. as i said, nerd.
he feels strongly for the house elves and their rights, due to being basically raised by one. he does not tolerate anyone treating house elves bad and will get very aggressive. 
barty can’t fly. he loves it, but basically ends up like neville in the first movie every time he even comes close to a broom. so, he will just cheer the quidditch teams from the stands.
he has an unyielding 14 inch alder wood wand with a dragon heartstring core. alder wood is a great wood for people who are not dogmatic, but are easily influenced and prefer to be dependent. it’s also great for non-verbal spells. dragon heartstring is however is a very powerful material, for witches and wizards who perform great spells. it also can learn new spells quickly, perfect for this nerd and is easily lured to the dark side.
his amortentia potion scent is a mix of the rose bourbon whiskey his mother keeps hidden in a small compartment in the sitting room, a compartment he knows how to get in to since he was fourteen, the peaches from his aunt’s garden, the scent of old library books and summer rain. this might change, as he has yet to fall in love.
his boggart is himself, worthless and weak. think that time in rick and morty where jerry was imagined as a slug. it’s the reflection of himself that he sees every time he looks in the mirror and the thing he hates the most. 
freckles. so MANY FRECKLES. his hair is never messy but his clothes always look like he took hours to steam each crinkle out of his pants before class. also he’s at 1,9m and towering over everyone. generally just looks like a really preppy leech. bc he is long and boyish-thin. haha. get it. also watch druck i beg of you.
ok how about someone who is in the deatheater movement and ends up being basically an older brother and mentor for barty? that would be rad. just a head’s up, barty would probably end up workshipping his mentor as he has daddy issues.
someone preferably from year seven who he has a crush on? like it’s obviously never going to work out and his crush is nothing serious, but there would be something about her that reminds him of his mother –– in a non-creepy way i swear –– that would cause him to crush on her? also he might have mommy issues too. just issues.
#sixthyearsquad. because just because.
roommates? yes please?
someone he meets and ends up being like fuck i care about you? what’s happening? might be romantic or not, but dude needs an emotional anchor.
also he needs friends. he has none right now. 
but also enemies? because enemies are fun and so angsty. maybe someone he used to be friends of but now “ can’t ” because they are possibly muggleborn or an order member?
now, if you read through all this above, here is a cute vine of a puppy and you can either like this post and i will message you or you can message me directly after reading this because you want to plot with this trashbag. 
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PARK DURI is MAIN VOCAL 1 of KNIGHT under BC ENTERTAINMENT. He was born on DECEMBER 25, 1990. He looks a little like CHOI MINHO OF SHINEE. 
faceclaim: choi minho of shinee
legal name: park duri
stage name: better known as just ‘duri’
pronouns: he/him
birth date: december twenty-fifth, 1990
hometown: seoul, south korea
position: main vocal 1 of knight
claims: osts: Because I Couldn’t Say The Words I Love You from The Night Watchman’s Journal OST,  Beautiful Accident featuring open from Beautiful Accident OST, Can’t Say Goodbye (I’m Not Okay) from Missing 9 OST, Just a Little Bit More featuring open from What’s Wrong With Secretary Kim OST. music video appearances: hoot by lipstick
triggers: car accident, parental death, post traumatic stress disorder, anxiety,
Life can easily take random turns… it’s unexpected.
There’s something special once galaxies meet with one another, you know? They burst, create new things, and make heart beats race like they thought they never could. Two different galaxies collided with one another, the stars crying out to one another with wanting to meet. This was a little thing called love at first sight, it was so connected, that they’re very stars wanted to be with one another. Though, shyness on both ends seem to pull those stars away from one another; at least, that’s what it felt like. Fallen books were picked up, shy, flustered smiles from both planets, before they moved on to their own orbits. “We’ll be back together,” the stars cried out to one another.
These two planets and stars met on a day in the year of 1988. They took the forms of Park Seah and Oh Jangmi. There they seemed to fall in love with one another with just one look, one lock of the eyes together. That day forward, they wouldn’t stop thinking about one another. It was nothing but a look, a lock of the eyes, a collection of books, and shy smiles. But, something seemed to fall upon the premise of the books, running to check book bags; only to realize the complete wrong books sat in their own backpacks. The young college students would meet once again to exchange the right books. Though, they would also have managed to exchange confessions to one another. It was unexpected, but sometimes your stars slip past your very lips. From that day forward, their stars would be completely connected.
It was a romance filled with adventure; it was courageous to say the least. They did a lot of things together, a lot of adventure; the two had always looked for the next thing that they could possibly do. People wanted the love that they had, they hoped to find a love that Seah and Jangmi held. With connected stars, every moment would seem to explode with one another; normally in the best way possible, but every couple had their arguments. That was perfectly okay, it was healthy, and it was amazing.
Thought, this is where the unexpected would soon come into play…
Everybody makes mistakes, right? That was nothing but human nature, it happened all the time. This was a mistake on their own part, something they didn’t even realized they missed after a night spent together. It wasn’t something they should have done, they should have been good and waited until marriage. But they were young and this was something that young people did. Except, most young people didn’t forget a condom. Nor would they be sat on the bathroom floor in the dorm building staring at the pregnancy test that told them that the pregnancy was positive. Then for them to go to the hospital, have the test done, told she looked too young to have a baby (she was twenty-two years old, as was he) and there they would be told that Jangmi was in fact, pregnant.
They had no idea what to say or even do at this point… what exactly where they meant to do? It seemed like they were too young to have a baby, considering they were both college students and only in their third year… at least, Jangmi was in her third, whilst Seah was in his second due to military enlistment. There wasn’t words they could come up with in these current times, no way to explain what had happened. The only thing they knew that the wanted was the baby that was growing inside of Jangmi currently; as well as to just tell their parents that they were close to. After the two cooked dinner for their family, a big feast (which just made it even more obvious that something was going on.) There, they would reveal that Jangmi had fallen pregnant after they had a foolish night together. Of course, their parents were respectfully mad about their foolishness. But, they had accepted it, and offered their help with the baby. That was the least they could do and that’s what the Park and Oh families were all about.
Someone new would be on their way…
December 24th, 1990; what a wonderful day that was. Jangmi and Seah were out, enjoying a nice meal together as snow fell down to the ground, lights lingering all around outside. They were enjoying their winter break from school together, as they should. That’s when it all suddenly happened and before they both knew it, Jangmi was being rushed to the hospital. They say to except the unexpected; and this was one of those very moments. She thought she had until the new year until the baby would come into this world. But, they were ready right now and they were going to come, there was no way they weren’t going to. The kids believed that Santa Claus would be flying high right now, whilst new life would come into the world all over.
December 25th, 1990; the birth of a beautiful baby boy would come to be. There were no words to describe the beauty of the boy before them. Jangmi held her baby boy so tight, while Seah had his arm wrapped around Jangmi, looking down upon the two loves of his life. This was a picture perfect moment for them; even if their brand new son would bear no name for the time being. Truth be told, they’ve been back and forth on names, not really sure what exactly they wanted to name him. It was a hard decision to agree upon. Day light came and he had yet to be named. But, there was something that kept falling upon Jangmi. Many nurses and family members kept mentioning something along the lines of “you know… he looks like the perfect combination of the two of you,” and “he looks just like you two!” Two… two… Duri. “His name is Duri… Park Duri.” She stated out loud and that’s how Duri came to be named.
He grew to be a curious child, full of nothing but long. He was the type that could go from being full of nothing but energy, to suddenly stopping and smelling the roses. Duri was also the type that could just blink his eyes and suddenly, you wanted to shoot for the moon so that you could give it to Duri yourself. He grew up with nothing but love from the parents he loved so much and the other family members that surrounded him. A beautiful memory was a three-year-old Duri being part of his parents’ wedding, a ceremony in spring time when the cherry blossoms were blooming; petals falling down upon the ground.  Childhood was so good, filled with the sweet memories.
Those cherished memories… soon would become a blur.
He’s a five-year-old now, a boy full of happiness and charm. Full of life; but life was about to take a turn for the worst. It was a lovely day, it was spring time again, where the flowers were coming out to play as the cold weather was fading until next winter was going to come again. It was an early morning, Duri was on his way to school with his parents. They were having a good time, just like they always were. The cold weather was fading, but it had yet to leave; which was evident of this morning. You had to watch the roads; but they may have not watched well enough, at least, the other driver didn’t. A speeding car came for the car that the Oh family was in. The impact was so great that it sent the car flying; there was quick screams that filled the surroundings, before the car would flip upon the top. Instantly, Oh Jangmi would die from how badly the car hit her side and her. Something would be happening to Seah from the sounds that you could hear him making; Duri would soon be knocked out due to hitting his head against the seat in front of him. Shortly after, Seah would die from the injuries he sustained from the accident.
Hours later, Duri would wake up in a hospital bed. He would be confused, not sure what exactly was going on. He raises an eyebrow as he meets with his grandparents, before tears are rushing out of his eyes. He already knows what happened; he could remember every detail that had happened hours before hand. He had saw his parents one last time, moments before they would die and he would survive. These memories were something that would haunt Duri for the rest of his life; blurry memories too would haunt Duri.
Soon, after laying his parents to rest for the rest of time; something so horrible for a young child to have to go through. It was obvious how bad everything was, considering he had broken down in the middle of the funeral and had to be taken out to collect himself. He would be finding new life, saying goodbye to Incheon until holidays would come around. Maybe this was something that would be the best for Duri… considering Incheon was a place with bad memories now. But, it was his hometown, it was where his parents were now resting in an enteral life.
Seoul is his new home… but, you are still the Incheon boy, Park Duri.
Coping; that was something a young Duri had to come to learn to do. So, he did; he found an interest in music, that soon became a passion in music. Soon, he was taking guitar lessons, piano lesson, and vocal lessons; something that Minho and Taekjo were funding. They were truly happy that Duri found something that made him happy because that was something that made them happy. Sure, there was times when Duri was happy; he is a boy who is soft, kind, and everything else in between. It was nice to finally see him have something that would give him some kind of wings to fly. They even started having open mic nights at the café, which was something that become a big hit in their already popular café. People just seemed to love that Minho and Taekjo opened up their place for creativity.
Duri would always do these open mic nights at the café; he loved it, really. He got to perform for people who were there to experience the art that people were sharing, seeing the way they just did their thing. But, there was no doubt that Duri was talented. He has a voice on him, and a talent that just flows right out of his fingertips. His family would often joke that Duri was born to do music, he just had to find it first, and when he did, he would take the whole world into his hands. There was someone that even so though Duri was talented, which was why they kept coming to see Duri perform at these open mic nights.
Though, this seemed to be the only thing Duri would be doing with that talent of his. But, he thought it would be better to hold off on the dreams that he had, that he would be better to take care of himself. He wanted to continue the focus on his education, rather than chase after the dream he had of being a singer. Even though his uncle and aunt had encouraged him to go after his dream, they respected his decision of waiting to chase it for now. It showed a form of strength that he was willing to take care himself instead of being selfish and chasing after what he had wanted.
Though, that didn’t stop him from learning about his dream.
As high school approached, Duri made the decision to attend Seoul School of Performing Arts. He wanted to focus on studying music performance and singing, since it was something that was his passion, something that he wanted to get into. Though, he wasn’t one hundred ready to dedicate himself to the life of performing just yet. Every time he performed at a showcase, he was scouted by multiple different entertainment agency, so many mentions about his voice being so incredible; yet, each and every time, Duri had turned the offer down. Something in him told him that it wasn’t the time yet – until he felt healthy enough and ready. He continued to learn more about vocals and music in general, making himself knowledgeable on the ins and outs on what he had become so interested in as a child. It seemed to be his destiny, but one that he had put off for every single thing that loomed within his head; things that he couldn’t even put his finger on. But nonetheless, it was going to be a lot better that way… hopefully.
Upon graduating high school, Duri decided that he was going to enlist in the military; wanting to get his military enlistment over. He felt that once he finished his enlistment, even though he was going to be a little older than when most people debut, he was going to finally be ready to work on his dreams. So, he did just as he planned to do, going to the military and enlisting. Though, he would be put as a public servant due to the post-traumatic stress disorder still being present in health, but it wasn’t bad enough to the point where they would have kept him from enlisting. He’d even get the chance to join the military band, which was like some form of dream come true to really enjoy himself.
He thought things were going well, but as he lived away from normal life and no longer following his therapy; his mental health began to worsen. But, he put it off, pretending like he was fine. He didn’t want to worry about it, he didn’t want anyone to worry about it. He thought it was a simple phrase where he was just getting the nightmares again and they would go away soon. But, they kept being more frequent and he could feel his anxiety about things flare up more and as he graduated from enlistment, his mental health was worst once again.
Though, he would ignore this to follow after the dreams he always thought about.
The dreams had sat at the back of Duri’s mind for years. They always popped in his mind, especially whenever he’d see a group doing a performance on television. But, he always pushed it away, always unsure on exactly what or when he was going do it. But, after pushing it off for so long to do other things, Duri decided that now was the perfect opportunity, especially since BC Entertainment was going to have an open audition. Truly, he didn’t care where he got into, he just wanted to get into somewhere. BC Entertainment was the first to have their auditions open and so, he decided that he’d leap towards the opportunity to see if he’d land anywhere. This was going to be the moment and hopefully, it was the moment for life. He was ready to sign his life away.
He practiced all night the night before the audition was going to occur, sitting in the café in hopes of not awakening his uncle and aunt, who had no idea that he was even going to audition for an entertainment company; he wanted it to be a surprise if had managed to get in considering he wasn’t entirely sure himself if it was possible that it would happen. But nonetheless, Duri did it anyways, considering it was time. On the day of, he was incredibly nervous, not sure what to except. He definitely wasn’t excepting all the people that attended nor did he except to look like the oldest one in the room, but thus, things like this were bound to happen. Nonetheless, he sat in the row of people, closing his eyes as he went over all he needed in his head, breathing in deeply as he could feel himself tense up a bit. Then, the group was called in to audition and that’s when he really felt it. He was never nervous about stuff like this before, but maybe, since it was his very first audition, it was something that Duri could really feel. He followed the line, no other thoughts in mind except for what he had to do.
Each person went one by one, barely getting pass singing their auditions before being stopped and the word “next” being said throughout the room, leaving the person rather embarrassed. He gave them a look of sympathy and a soft smile to tell them that they did well, just because he didn’t want anyone to feel bad – it truly hurt his heart. But, before he knew it, it was his turn to go, and he moved to the middle of the room, guitar strapped around himself. “Hello, I’m Park Duri and I’m going to audition for you today!” He said with a bow, to greet the camera and the man conducting the audition. He strummed his guitar before playing the chords to Decipher’s “Replay” before he sang the words, letting it easily slipped pass his lips. The man conducting the audition stopped himself from looking down, looking at Duri as he sang the tune, really in his element. He was never stopped, getting to finished the allowed time for singing. “Can you dance?” He was asked, before he nodded his head. Which, after forgetting what exactly he was going to do, he decided to just to do the dance to BEE’s “Tell Me.” Either way, it worked, and he was handed a paper to go into the next room, where he would have managed to pass the second part of the audition. He ran home to tell Minho and Taekjo that he had passed an audition and he was going to do what he always wanted.
So, he did just that.
He didn’t actually train for long, after passing his audition and signing his trainee contract, he started training immediately, before pushed directly into the potential line up for Knight. It wasn’t something that Duri was excepting, it was all sudden, and fast. But, word must have gotten around about the impressive audition. Suddenly, he would be announced as a member of Knight nine months before the debut, which seemed to cause quite a stir that the brand new trainee who had not been there for a while was a member of the brand new group. It left some trainees that were there longer bitter towards Duri, but all he did was kill them with kindness, even though he knew some of them were talking bad about him behind his back. He ignored them, continuing on, before officially debuting as a Main Vocal in Knight.
Over the years, Duri was one of the members to remain without any scandals. They only thing netizens would try to come at him for was how nice and caring his personality is at all times; how overly energetic he is on any given day. He was called fake, acting as a completely different person; but, armors were quick to jump to his defense on how real his personality truly is and it’s not something that he’s faking, he’s the same with everyone, even with those who weren’t even fans of the group because of the care he showed towards them at times. He became known as one of the members that netizens felt like they could trust, one that wasn’t going to cause any problems like some of the other members were doing.
BC decided to not give Duri much to do acting wise; while some others would be given roles, they decided to refuse any offer for Duri. Instead, they wanted to use Duri for his voice completely. He has a voice of honey, a voice of an angel, a voice that people want to listen to, and one that could easily hit high notes. So, they decided to push him with just his vocals; which would explain why they would accept offers for OSTs over anything else for him, it was really easy to make money off his voice, since he didn’t get the chance to be trained in anything but singing and dancing. While he doesn’t mind it, considering his plans are to do more music (and hopefully solo music,) he can’t help but to feel a bit left out on acting opportunities.
There is still so much left to chase, Park Duri.
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jonsa-creatives · 7 years
Prompt! Jon & Sansa have married for political reasons. After the war, Sansa starts to become frustrated with Jon bc he won't do the do with her even tho he'll hold her in his arms & cuddle, etc. So one night she confronts him & tells him she'll take a lover if he won't make their marriage true. Jon gets protective of her & growly & telling her she's his & only his and starts touching her & they make love in the dirtiest best way possible. Basically Dom!Jon restraining himself until he can't
Hi Anon!
I am liking all the dom!Jon prompts coming our way and I can’t say I’m not tempted! But well, here I am filling another dom!Jon prompt we all love so much LOL so I hope you like this one Anon!
Unbeta’d so pardon the mistakes and typos if any!
Rated E for explicit.
Mood music inspired by Bad Things by Machine Gun Kelly ft Camila Cabello
~ Mod Elle
My Undoing
The wedding was all a blur as Sansa was in a daze for the most part. There wasn’t even a kiss between the both of them as Jon cloaked her with his white as snow fur cloak, one that he had commissioned for their nuptials. Next thing she knew, they were both seated side by side, watching their guests eat and drink merrily as the food and wine kept coming. 
Sansa could only manage a few bites and took a few sips of the wine that was so generously gifted by King Tyrion from Kings Landing. She liked how it tasted and she understood why kings and queens drank so much. Perhaps a little more would numb her to what was coming next.
As if they read her mind, loud chants of ‘bedding!’ rose within the halls and had reached a level so deafening that Sansa wanted to run away and hide. Her tears flowed freely and Sansa wiped them away hastily, hoping no one noticed. 
“No. There will be no bedding ceremony, my lords. Thank you for joining us and we hoped that you enjoyed the food and wine. Now, if you don’t mind, I think Lady Stark would like to retire for the night. I am sure she is tired,” Jon spoke and addressed for the loud chanting to stop. Sansa was relieved and smiled at her new husband as he held out his hand to her. He had become a stranger to her now, after his return from the war. Battle weary, scarred and no longer a bastard, this Jon was very much a stranger to her. He even spoke differently now. Sansa wasn’t quite sure she was entirely comfortable with it.
“Thank you. I was getting quite tired. I suppose I will see you.. soon?” Sansa thanked him as she stood up to leave. Jon nodded and turned his attention to the lords who were getting increasingly rowdy. Perhaps it was time for all to retire for the night. Jon had barely any energy nor the patience to spare in dealing with drunken lords eager to paw at his new bride.
Sansa settled in underneath the furs and clutched tightly at the waist of her smallclothes. She was a bundle of nerves as memories of her previous wedding night with Ramsay flashed in her mind. 
No, Jon would never do that. He isn’t Ramsay.
The doors creaked opened and Sansa sat up, ready to greet Jon when he entered, smoothing her hair to make sure every strand was in place. she may look every bit a wife but she could not deny she still wasn’t ready for it. To be bedded by her cousin, now turned husband. The new Lord of Winterfell.
It was a marriage alliance suggested by Tyrion when news of Rhaegar and Lyanna’s secret marriage was made public throughout the seven kingdoms and how the baby boy that was born out of that marriage came down to Jon. He wasn’t a bastard after all. 
Despite his new status, Jon had refused to rule as a Targaryen, constantly reminding Tyrion that he would always be a Northener, inside and out. Though the Northern lords weren’t too happy to receive him as such. The only way to appease them was a promise. A promise that they will no longer be subjected to Southern subjugation. 
“There is a way.” 
“And what would that be? The North would never have me near their kingdom,” Jon sighed as he sat with Tyrion and his small council. How he yearned to return home. Life in the South was not suited for him.
“The North won’t revolt if you were tied to house Stark. If Sansa was that link,” Tyrion suggested as he took a big gulp of wine from his half filled goblet. Jon stared at him and turned to Varys, who nodded in approval.
“Sansa? She will never have me! We were siblings-”
“Ah yes, but now you’re not are you? You weren’t even close, last I heard when Sansa once talked about her family while she was here at Kings Landing,” Tyrion continued as he pointed to Jon as if making a point.
“Well, cousin marriages are accepted and very common, my Lord. It would take some getting used to-”
“I can’t do that with Sansa! I can’t do it to her! After all she has been through, I just can’t,” Jon shook his head in adamant refusal.
“Well then, in that case, prepare for another civil war. After what D@enarys had accomplished since the Battle of the Dark Winter, they seek reparations for all that damage, all that hurt. My Lord. It is your choice, still. Marry Sansa or fight another useless senseless war. And this time, whose side will you be on?” Varys spoke and Jon winced as the truth of his words stung him. He was right.  
“Send a raven. I’ll return to Winterfell in a fortnight.”
Tyrion smiled as he held up his goblet to Jon. “Send me an invitation, Jon Snow. Or is it Jon Targaryen?”
Jon smiled as he entered and saw an attentive Sansa sitting on their marital bed. She looked exquisite and every bit a princess, with her long copper locks falling softly down her shoulders and her silky robe that covered the smallclothes he was expected to tear off her. Jon turned away as he removed his cloak and doublet, undressing for bed. Tonight was going give him little rest and sleep, even though he was exhausted enough from earlier that day.
“Jon.. I could.. If you wanted to..” Sansa softly spoke, fingers in her hair twisting her locks nervously. It made her look even more beautiful than she already was. There was something about a shy and sweet Sansa that made his loins stir. Jon couldn’t deny that it wasn’t the first time he felt that way about Sansa. He had always felt that way about her, ever since they reunited at Castle Black years ago. Jon had those feelings deeply suppressed, in light of how inappropriate and forbidden it was, feeling that way about his half sister. Now, there was no reason for him to feel any inhibition - she was his to take. Perhaps, those feelings weren’t suppressed after all.
“No, Sansa. I won’t do that to you. Not tonight, not ever. Not unless you want me to. Whenever you’re ready.”
A deep sigh that came from her indicated her relief and Jon’s heart sank a little. But perhaps it could work, nobody needed to know and the North would remain peaceful and faithful to Lady Sansa. No civil war looming on the horizon. That was perhaps, enough for this marriage between them.
The days had come and gone and it was almost the last few months of winter, as Sansa and him maintained a calm yet playful friendship. He had grown to love her, as a wife, much to his dismay and the nights became more and more agonizing to him as he yearned so much to touch her, as a husband would. There was nothing to stop him, with Sansa only inches away, her shapely form laying next to him on the bed they shared for almost a year now. Tonight was just going to be another night he would take himself in his own hand, dreaming of Sansa bouncing on his hard cock, moaning his name.
“Yes, Sansa?” 
“It’s been a year that we’re married. Do you think the other lords are wondering why we don’t have heirs yet?” Sansa asked innocently as she sat at her vanity and brushed her hair. It was hypnotic to watch her, how he wished he could run his fingers through her soft red hair.
“Is that what you worry about often? That the lords think about how often we bed?” Jon smiled as he wiped a warm wet washcloth over his face and chest. 
“No but if I were them, I would wonder, I suppose. Someone once told me that bedding was all that men ever think about,” Sansa giggled as she turned to Jon. They were no longer shy around each other, whether half naked or in their smallclothes. It was good progress, as Jon took notice.
“Is that what you assume I think about?”
“Well, don’t you? Especially now that you’re not getting… anything from me.”
Jon placed his washcloth down and walked towards Sansa. He knelt down and looked into her pale blue eyes that he often lost himself in.
“Sansa, listen to me. What we have, is enough. I don’t think of taking you like any common man would. I know… what he did to you and I do not want you to be reminded of that in anyway. No matter how long it takes, how you feel about me, I will never force you to do anything you don’t wish to.”
Sansa stopped brushing her hair and looked down. She wasn’t about to shed any tears, not anymore, for what Ramsay did to her. She was damaged and did not feel in any way a proper high born wife should be. 
“Perhaps, you could find someone to do it on my behalf.. since you can’t even bear to touch me..”
Jon stood up and stared at Sansa, his ears burning at what he had just heard. Sansa watched him and as their eyes met, Jon suddenly felt overcome with a burning desire to sweep her in his arms and kiss her till dawn broke.
“Sansa, why would you say that? Do you want me to bed another?”
“Perhaps, since we don’t even touch each other. I know it’s hard for you to-”
“Is that what you want? Do you also wish to bed another man other than me?”
Sansa’s hand flew to her mouth when she realised how the conversation had angered him.”No, Jon! I would never-”
“Then stop saying such things. It won’t happen, it will never. You are my wife. You are mine as I am yours.”
Sansa looked up at him with her eyes shiny with tears. “Am I? Are you mine, truly?”
“Aye, I am.” Jon nodded as both their eyes locked onto each other’s once more. The familiar stirring deep within his loins greeted him again, this time more forceful and he felt himself growing hard. There was no denying how much he wanted to take her, to mark her as his. And his only. Jon’s gaze drifted to her soft pink lips and it took him every ounce of restraint, not to grab her by the hair and kiss her, as he watched her tongue flick across her lower lip. Sansa broke their eye contact and looked down, albeit briefly as she shyly returned his gaze.
“Show me, Jon. I want to know.”
It only took him a second before he pressed his lips against hers and parted them in a desperate search for her tongue. She tasted of berries and lemon and it only made her more delicious. His tongue brushed against her teeth as it tangled in a frantic dance with hers. Gods, how he loved kissing Sansa. It was better than he had imagined.
Jon opened his eyes as Sansa pulled away from him. She giggled at what had transpired between them and Jon could only smile back. He was desperate to have her on his mouth again.
“Will you have me then, my Lady?”
Sansa’s nod was all he needed to sweep her into his arms and throwing her on the bed. Sansa gasped but continued her girlish giggles at how peculiar he was behaving as a husband. Surely, no husband would act like this, like a ravenous animal in heat. Sansa was only half right, if she knew how hungry Jon was for her.
“Take this off,” Jon ordered as he tugged at the chemise she had on. It was thin and almost sheer but the way it clung to her curves was teasing him a little too much. Sansa nodded shyly as she meekly wriggled out of it. But it took too long for Jon and he wasn’t sure what came over him, as he pulled and ripped the fabric into two. Bare breasts with light pink teats greeted him and Jon devoured them, biting into her flesh as Sansa threw her head back at the new found pleasurable sensation.
“Uhh.. Jon..” her moaning his name was all he had ever dreamt about the past year they had been married. As Jon’s teeth scraped against her soft bare skin, Sansa writhed as he made her way down between her thighs. His hands roamed all over until they settled firmly on the curve of her buttocks, kneading the firm yet soft flesh as his pinky teasingly brushed against her puckered hole. A deep gasp from Sansa told him, this was all new to her and it made his heart swell knowing he was still her first in a way.
“Jon.. no.. what are you doing..”
“Shh.. I promise you will feel good, Sansa. I only want to make you feel good. Will you let me? I will never hurt you, I promise.”
Jon smiled as he watched Sansa who was watching him, kissing her belly and the inside of her thighs and as he reached her sex, Jon stared straight into her eyes as he clamped his hungry mouth over her folds. Sansa jumped and shut her eyes, overcome with the fire of lust that had taken over her body, giving Jon full control to do whatever he wanted. It made him  even harder than he thought possible, at how sweet and delicious she tasted.
Jon hummed against her warm wet flesh as he sucked and nibbled on her luscious folds. Sansa cried out in ecstasy as his tongue snaked in, darting in and out of her inner walls, teasing her into yielding to him completely.
The pressure that grew from deep within her only grew the more Jon licked and sucked at her flesh. Her peak reached higher and higher as she clawed at his curls and it wasn’t until he pressed the flat of his tongue against her small nub that something exploded within her. It was mind-blowing and never in her life she dreamt of feeling that in her, ever.
“Ahhh! Jon.. oh gods! Jon!”
Sansa panted as she came down from her climax, her first one. Jon peppered her body with kisses as he crept up on top of her. For the first time, Sansa was in love - as she looked into the grey eyes that hungered for her, the lips that uttered her name so lovingly. She was his, completely - mind, body and soul.
“I will make you mine, Sansa. I will mark you so everyone can see how much you belong to me.”
Sansa nodded as Jon kissed her neck and winced as he nibbled hard on her skin. “Spread your legs open for me, sweet girl. I need you.”
She couldn’t see it but she certainly felt the stiffness that poked at her entrance. It felt large enough for Sansa to be nervous at its intrusion but she was well prepared, judging from how wet and slick she had become. Her body was ready and willing. Jon paused and turned his attention to Sansa, watching her reaction as he readied himself to enter.
“Sansa, you’re mine. Always remember that,” Jon whispered as his painfully hard cock pierced through her wet folds and found himself wrapped tightly within her inner walls. Sansa and Jon groaned in unison as both of them savoured the spine tingling sensation. Sansa felt full yet hungry for him and she never knew how bedding could feel this way. Sansa moaned wantonly as Jon started to move, rocking his cock in and out of her. It took all he had in him not to spill in her too soon but the way she moaned his name and how intoxicating her scent was, Jon found himself thrusting deep and hard into her, in chasing after his own peak.  
“Ohhh! Jon… uhhh..I’m yours… always..”
Jon’s hand grasped her neck and pressed down gently, as he whispered into her ears. “I won’t let any man touch you, let alone look at you… You’re mine, Sansa. Mine.. mine.”
Sansa held onto his hand on her neck and shut her eyes as her peak washed over her once more, this time deeper and lasting longer than just a few seconds. Sansa’s body went limp as she felt as if she had died and went to heaven. It was almost like a little death as Jon’s cock pistoned in and out of her, pushing faster and deeper at every jab. “I love you, Jon..” 
The three words that Sansa softly whispered into his ears were all that caused him to come undone. Jon howled as he finally let go and spilled into her hungry quim, as rope after rope of his seed shot deep in her, mingling with her juices. Sansa moaned along with him as she felt the warm fluid pool deep inside her inner walls. Jon heaved and panted for air as he stayed on top of Sansa, too weak to move. He had given her his all, if only she knew how weak she would make him. 
She was his soft spot, his one weakness. He had no real fear and he had seen the worst and faced the worst in his life. He had scars and healed broken bones to prove it. That was, until now. If he had only one thing to be afraid of, Sansa would be it. She would be his undoing, that much he knew.
“I love you, Sansa. Always.”
Okay, okay I know this wasn’t very dom!Jon but I got carried away! Sorry Anon, Jon can’t quite help himself in turning into a soft romantic when it comes to his precious Sansa! I hope you still like it lol..
Thanks for the prompt!
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omgkatsudonplease · 7 years
yo i haven't seen pd2 in like YEARS but yuuri and victor in your little drabble had me weak and i don't even know what kinda factor they play in the movie or if there's anything else you can give us but i'd love to see more of them because. yes @ them being all over each other in front of everyone when people have shit to do, i.e. important ruling a kingdom stuff
well, the dynamic between the queen and joe in the movies (can’t say much about the books bc it’s been years since i read one of them lmao) is that they’ve got a will they won’t they tension going on and literally the entire damn country ships them (the friggin bishop or…. whatever religious leader officiating the wedding was like “finally” when they did get married in pd2 lolol) and yea that’s probably what i’d be going for. but with a couple tweaks since a lot of details have been shifted around in this au to make it work better with the yoi cast lol
Viktor’s never seen anyone as stoic as Mr Katsuki before in his life. He runs a tight ship, getting all the other security officers into line and smartly suited up. He obsessively goes over every possible breach or flaw at every venue, even drawing up blueprints and maps of the buildings Viktor sets foot in just so he knows the weaknesses of each wall, the locations of each ventilation shaft. He knows the precise details of Viktor’s schedule down to the minute, coordinating with Lilia, his chief advisor and assistant, until everything around the King seems to flow like clockwork, the well-oiled cogs of a machine designed to protect his every step.
“Why are you doing this?” he asks Mr Katsuki once, a couple months into his tenure as chief of security, and Mr Katsuki only smiles a tight, brittle smile that doesn’t reach his calculating yet sparkling eyes.
“I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if you were hurt, Your Majesty,” he replies.
Viktor laughs at just how earnestly serious the man looks. “My life is in your hands already, Mr Katsuki. You might as well call me Viktor.”
There’s a little chink in Mr Katsuki’s armour at that when his cheeks flush visibly pink. “I don’t know if I could, Your Majesty,” he says, his voice quiet, soft, and Viktor immediately realises he’d do anything to see this sort of expression on the man’s face again.
Mr Katsuki is a reassuring shadow at his side, watchful yet protective. Viktor values his work and dedication. Admires his bravery and honour.
But he doesn’t fall in love, though, until one fateful afternoon when he’s leaving his motorcade and a gunman opens fire, and Mr Katsuki is on him in an instant, tackling him onto the asphalt and shielding him with his body. As his heartbeat rings loudly in his ears, Viktor looks up into the wide-eyed expression on his chief of security’s face, and realises that the man is genuinely terrified of losing him.
“Yuuri,” he breathes, reaching up for him. The light haloes Mr Katsuki, making him almost angelic. The noise and commotion fade away with each blink of Mr Katsuki’s long lashes, and then the world fades to white.
When Viktor wakes up, he is in a hospital bed, and Mr Katsuki – Yuuri – has fallen asleep with his fingers inches from Viktor’s own. 
Falling in love is a problem when you’re a king. Especially when it’s with your chief of security. Each demonstration of concern, each command carried out eagerly, each reassuring smile – they could all be part of a careful facade crafted in the name of duty. Viktor’s familiar with careful facades; he lives under one each day even in the comfort of his own palace.
But around Yuuri, he tries to be himself. He gets him to dance (and finds out that Yuuri is quite talented at it). He gets him to play chess (and finds out that Yuuri is a brutal opponent). He gets him to agree to a skating trip on the frozen canals of the city, early in the morning with only the other King’s Guards for company. There, he finds out the sound of Yuuri’s laughter, the shape of his smile, the sparkle of his eyes. He also finds out that being lifted by Yuuri in some pale imitation of pair skating is the closest he’ll ever get to flying.
“What do you think about a ball for my ward?” Viktor wonders one evening in the middle of his paperwork. “He turns 16 in a week, and it’ll be time I paid him a visit and told him who I really was.”
Yuuri hums. “I’m sure that can be arranged,” he says. Viktor looks up from the law he’s reviewing and takes off his reading glasses, frowning.
“What would you do if I gave you the night off that evening, and asked you to come to the ball as my guest?” he asks.
Yuuri’s brows crinkle, almost like he’d never considered such a thing ever happening, and he replies, “I would be honoured, but I don’t usually attend balls.”
“No, you prefer to just lurk in the back in a suit, muttering things to other security guards for the entire evening,” Viktor deadpans, and earns himself a light chuckle.
“I’m not good at parties, Your Majesty; I would be a terrible guest,” insists Yuuri, now adding a pink flush to his smile, and Viktor wants to take a photograph of it and preserve it forever. 
“But you’re such a good dancer.” Viktor pouts. “Come on, just this once, for King and country?”
“If you wanted me to go to a ball for King and country, wouldn’t you just let me do it on duty?”
Viktor sighs. “Don’t make me order you.”
Yuuri’s smile is the widest Viktor’s ever seen on him before. He finds himself desperately wanting to kiss it. “As you wish,” Yuuri replies smoothly, and Viktor’s stomach flutters in response.
The ball had been simultaneously the best and the worst idea Viktor has ever had in his life. 
He knows he should be keeping an eye on the guest of honour, his ward Yuri Plisetsky, who had been raised by his grandfather with the patronage of the King. Tonight is when he announces that Yuri would be his heir and next in line for the throne, but all he can think about instead is Yuuri Katsuki.
Yuuri is radiant under the light of the chandeliers in the ballroom. He is dressed in navy blue, cutting a dashing figure through the whirling dancers. Viktor feels his mouth go dry and his heart race every time he locks eyes with the man, and he sincerely hopes none of it shows on his face.
The ceremonial aspects of the ball go by in a dream-like blur. Each minute separate from Yuuri feels like a year in a desert. But when the dancing resumes, and Viktor finally works up the nerve to ask Yuuri to dance, each minute feels more like a second, and the dance is over in four of them.
He asks for another, and another, even though there are other people he has to dance with, as per Royal protocol. But with each glass of champagne Yuuri gets friendlier and friendlier, and Viktor doesn’t want to lose any more of this night than he already had with all of the pomp and circumstance. With the conclusion of one more dance, he drags Yuuri with him out of the ballroom, onto the terrace. 
Hidden in the rosebushes, fuelled by the countless glasses of champagne, Viktor kisses a hungry line down the column of Yuuri’s neck. Yuuri gasps into the contact, but he doesn’t push Viktor away – only pulls him in to make their lips meet, and Viktor almost cries with joy.
“Oh god,” Yuuri breathes when Viktor pulls back, lips swollen and cheeks flushed. His champagne-clouded eyes are flashing with some emotion Viktor has never seen on him before. “Y – You have no idea how long I’ve – Viktor.”
“Shh,” Viktor whispers, leaning in to kiss him again, his heart leaping into his throat at how easily and beautifully his name rolls off Yuuri’s tongue.“I know.”
“Was I that obvious?” murmurs Yuuri. His hands, though slightly trembling, stroke down Viktor’s cheek with unerring tenderness.
Viktor chuckles. “You said once you weren’t sure what you’d do if I got hurt.”
“I’d do anything for you,” replies Yuuri bluntly.
“And I, for you.”
“Even…” Yuuri purses his lips. “Give up the crown?”
“If it would make you happy,” replies Viktor.
“I don’t want to marry the King.” Yuuri’s expression is earnest. “I want to marry Viktor.”
And that’s the most wonderful thing anyone has ever told him. Water blurs his vision as Viktor blinks rapidly, and then laughs, hugging Yuuri close. In response, Yuuri makes a low noise in his throat that sends heat coursing through Viktor’s veins. His lips are on Yuuri’s almost immediately after, and it doesn’t take long after that for Viktor to lose himself completely.
In the morning, Viktor finds himself fully clothed in his own bed. According to reports from the rest of the King’s Guard, Yuuri had to call for backup after Viktor had passed out in his arms while they had been in the garden, ostensibly from alcohol. The guards had returned him to his room fully-clothed and he had gone to bed almost immediately.
Yuuri doesn’t meet his gaze for a solid week after.
The years pass, and with each day things get worse. Yuuri continues to be loyal, dependable, stoic. Viktor continues to love him.
Yuri grows up, studies international politics at Georgetown in the United States. Once he graduates, he moves to Petersburg, begins learning the ropes of ruling the kingdom. Viktor watches his not-so-little ward all the while, his own heart aching when he sees him dancing with everyone at the annual Midsummer Ball. Yuuri, by contrast, is on duty at this event, sober and untouchable.
Viktor clings onto the memory of the warmth of Yuuri’s body and the perfume of the roses, and waits. 
He waits too long. “I’m thinking of moving on,” Yuuri admits to him after a game of chess one night, a couple months after Yuri has moved into the palace. “It’s getting too hard for me.”
“What’s getting too hard?” Viktor asks. “I can see what I can do to get you accommodations.”
“No, Your Majesty.” Yuuri’s eyes are sad. “That’s not what I’m talking about.”
Viktor doesn’t know how or why, but suddenly there’s something wet and hot rolling down his cheeks, and blinking only makes it worse. “But you can’t leave,” he says, plaintively. “I need you.” I love you, he adds, but no matter how hard he thinks it Yuuri would never be able to read his mind. 
“Petersburg needs you more than I do,” replies Yuuri quietly. “You are a King first. I’m just a coward who keeps letting my personal feelings get in the way of my work.”
“No!” Viktor reaches out, grabs Yuuri’s hand. “You’re the best man I’ve ever met. You’re so beautiful and brave and loyal and – and – you asked me once if I would give up my crown for you. And I said yes.”
“You were drunk,” Yuuri points out. “And so was I. I could barely remember anything from that night.”
“The answer’s still yes.” Viktor presses tearstained kisses to Yuuri’s hands, watching the way the man’s eyes widen in shock as he does. “Please, Yuuri, stay close to me.”
Yuuri swallows. “Your –” he begins, and then catches himself. “Viktor.” Quietly, he tugs his hands free of Viktor’s grasp. “I could never ask you to do something so selfish.”
At the sound of that, Viktor feels something hard crystallising around the pieces of his heart. “Maybe I’m not the selfish one this time,” he snaps, and watches in a strange pained satisfaction as Yuuri’s expression crumples.
“You’ll have my resignation by the end of the month,” his chief of security says simply, and leaves without another sound.
Yuri is halfway into the cathedral before he bolts, and Viktor chases after him, finding him in a smaller chapel in the same building, the stained glass windows casting coloured light across his pale, terrified face.
“You don’t have to go through with this,” Viktor says quietly, startling the young man from his reverie. 
Yuri’s jaw is harsh. “Who’s the one who herded me through all of this?” he growls, tugging hatefully at the collar of his starched military uniform.
Viktor sighs. “I’m sorry,” he says, and enters the chapel to sit next to his ward. “I’m sorry I’ve put all of this on your shoulders.”
Yuri rolls his eyes. “It’s not your fault there’s a stupid law about how I have to marry before I can take the throne,” he points out.
“Laws can be changed,” Viktor replies. “Most of Parliament is here, you know.”
He raises an eyebrow. Yuri gets it, nods.
“So you admit you were just doing this for vicarious kicks, huh?” he asks.
Viktor laughs, rubs sheepishly at his nape. “I admit nothing,” he says, and Yuri rolls his eyes.
And after his ward has successfully ended the engagement with Prince Chulanont and forced Parliament to get rid of the adoptive heir wedding law, he takes Yuuri aside. Moments later, and to everyone’s consternation, Yuuri reenters the cathedral sanctuary and heads straight for Viktor.
“I’m sorry I haven’t had the chance to hand in my resignation yet,” he begins. Viktor opens his mouth, wanting an explanation, but Yuuri holds up a hand. “So this is the next best thing – Viktor Nikiforov, will you do me the honour of becoming my husband?”
(Viktor’s not sure if he’s just hearing things, but it sounds like the entire congregation has just breathed a sigh of relief.)
His smile is so wide that it hurts. “Yes,” he says, and watches with butterflies fluttering in his stomach as Yuuri takes off his headpiece and offers them to Mrs Nishigori, his deputy. Yuuri then extends an arm, and Viktor takes it eagerly as they make their way up the aisle.
At the altar, Yuuri takes his hands with a smile, before looking to the Archbishop. “I would like to take this man as my husband,” he states, “if he would have me.”
“Well, it was about time,” the Archbishop declares, and Viktor can’t help but laugh.
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