#but ally you can change it
pikachuinhightops · 5 months
So do you have an example of pikachu in some high tops or….
No No I do not. When I made this URL like 12 years ago, I looked for art of one, couldn't find it, and just used a Pikachu MS painted over the Converse logo for my blog icon for at least 2 years. I would draw one but I have no idea how to make the feet work. Also I suck at drawing lol
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
Periodic reminder that unless a person specifically and clearly tells you it is okay to tell others they are trans or queer, you should err on the side of caution and assume they do not want you to tell people (especially random people!) about their transness or queerness.
You have no idea, generally, why somebody doesn't talk openly about their trans or queer status, and you have no idea, truly, how somebody might react to that information. The most progressive person out there is still capable of harbouring incredibly negative thoughts about somebody's queer status.
#lesbian#gay#bi#bisexual#trans#transgender#queer#lgbt#lgbtq#ally advice#inspired after somebody at work outed me (again ×3)#i don't care how 'safe' you assume they will be! you cannot TRULY guarantee their safety!#you are effectively gambling with somebody's safety by assuming you can out them#also even if their safety was somehow 100% guaranteed it is still not your place to dictate what others know about THEM#like it isn't your own information you are giving out. the other person is a real human being with real thoughts...#...and there are real ramifications to your actions! this is like... real life and like... real people#anyway. i'm still fucking horrified at how cool people are (at least wrt me) with outing others 🙃🫠#and it just... further reminds me that others see me as like... a thing to be talked about/over and i'm not seen as an autonomous human#maybe that's not their intentions 9/10 times but that still doesn't justify it nor does it change how i interpret that behaviour 👍#it's just dehumanizing imo to be reminded 'your comfort DOESN'T MATTER. i think you should be talked ABOUT not TO.'#clarification for the first tag: this is the THIRD time somebody has outed me. i NEVER talk about being trans to... pretty much ANYBODY irl#it's shit like this that i have to resist taking the 'doompill' over#because it's scary and dehumanizing every. single. time. i feel so fucking scared each time#because - AGAIN - i know my safety will NEVER be guaranteed because i am trans and queer
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kibutsulove · 5 months
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ihnmaims audience how r we feelin abt this am (+chinese am) design
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constarlations · 10 months
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Pokémon Timeskip Series: Champion Dawn 🌸❄️
Known as Sinnoh’s Ice Queen, Dawn is best known for her intimidating yet caring nature. She’s fierce and calculating, never leaving any room for error especially when it comes to battling. On her off days you can find her in the contest hall, a hobby she picked up from her mother, or in the Battle Frontier/Pokémon Lab to catch up with her best friends. It is said she was recently engaged to a certain johto boy (Ethan. It’s Ethan.) however they will not publicly revealed their plans for the wedding as of yet
Made a timeskip adult champion Dawn design a while back! It’s still my favorite of my timeskip series hehehe I hope you enjoy!
Twitter link
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midnightdemonhunter · 1 month
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Feel like a creep!!! (less that i give, more that you want me)
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mintharan · 8 months
one thing i love so so much about wyll is that he's an atheist, not in the sense that he doesn't believe in them, they are materially real in the DnD setting, but that he doesn't think they're worthy of worship "the only thing the gods have ever given me is a cold shoulder" it's so evocative, so poignant, it says so much about him as a character. and really, to me, encapsulates the essence of his character: there is no divine intervention, there are no miracles, there are only people, and for them he's willing to sacrifice more than any god ever would
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codywan on tatooine. something something the loss of boundaries as allowing them to explore their relationship. but this as accompanied by greater loss. you know
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randomnameless · 2 months
The quintessential problem with Claude and the deer is that they should not have been involved in the war at all, or at least not Claude. What does he have to gain participating on it? Nothing, and he makes it even more explicit in azure moon when he dissolves the alliance. He could've pretty easely given the power to Lorenz or Hilda and nope out of there (what he does in silver snow), as it is clear througouht white clouds that he doesn't have as much of an attachtment to Fodlan as he does Almyra. And it isn't like the devs couldn't take the deer studients out during post-TS, when Marianne unless recruited is pressumed dead, and Lorenz unless recruited joins the imperial forces and dies helping the empire.
Outside of the problems with racism and the bigoted tropes related to "savage cultures" the Fodlan games perpetuate, the devs did not know how to use one of their house leaders for the main plot of "church vs empire", and idk if that's because they bit more than they could chew, or if it was intentional taking into account who gets the short end of the stick in both games happens to be mixed and from one of those "savage cultures".
It's on the devs for having wanted to add a third lord to their game, but failing to, well, link him to any of those plots.
Supreme Leader's war of unification?
Well, Nopes gave him a part this plot - and yet there's no third choice in this plot : you bend the knee or you die. Nopes' wise, Clout decided (in his route) to bend the knee with his "alliance" that is totally supposed to make Supreme Leader reconsider her desire to roll over Leicester and make it part of Adrestia again!
(Granted, Nopes don't tell us how his plea to stop the war after killing the evil lizard lady will play out and leaves an open ending...)
In Houses, well, he doesn't want Leicester to be flattened, and goes on the offensive (counter offensive?) when Billy pops up with basically what is the plot events of Silver Snow (down to using the same strategy with disguises) with the Gronder Map.
And that addition radically changes... well, everything regarding Claude's relevance : he cannot form an alliance with the Blue Lord or the Kingdom to get rid of the Empire because "plot convenient myopia" and apparently Dimitri BaD enough that he attacks Alliance troops for no reason.
Forget SS, GW (and AM, in a way) is just using plot contrived excuse to... not have an united from to face the Empire. Why? IDK. Each Lord must be the hero of his story, or the unification boner means only one of them can "win" an unified Fodlan i'd guess.
Nabateans and the plot ?
No one gives a fig about that "plot", so it's basically pursuing a side-quest for no payoff.
Now, as @fantasyinvader wrote, Claude's story and journey as one who is ignorant and gets to learn and clear his misconceptions + the background of the land we're living in could have been interesting, doubly so given how Billy is voiceless and cannot play the "protag discovers the world at the same time as the player does" role.
But it has... no payoff.
Much like Rhea's infodump about the World, Relics and Nabateans... Claude reacts to the mention that Billy has a rock for heart, and not about his crest, his shiny bow or the fact that Rhea also had a vested interest in, uh, getting rid of prejudice against people who are perceived as "different" because her family was genocided for that.
Hell, the entire "prejudice" angle from Supreme Leader's war is swept under the rug, so we can have the Deers say nonsense like wanting to rekt Thales for Supreme Leader's sake, while only Flayn and Seteth can hear her "nabateans shouldn't have power over the people"...
There's no parallel drawn in the game about Claude and Rhea's situation - since she's at the center of this subplot - about being perceived as "outsiders" and not being able to do various things from existing to "rule over the people" because of what they are, or even faking their identities and building metaphorical walls between them and the people they're living with because they are afraid of rejection.
Nah, we can't have that, Rhea must be irrelevant to the possible, while also being the biggest scapegoat/dragon of this saga at the same time as a nebulous red herring to sell pots of tea.
Ihthe "fight against prejudice and make people accept each other" angle was that relevant to his route, Claude would have most likely talked or interacted with Dimitri and learnt of his plan to cleanse Duscur's name in his Father's assassination, raised a brow at Petra being a hostage and done something else than give a surprised pikachu face at Rhea's infodumps.
He could have reacted at her reveal that if you might want to live in peace with some people, if those people don't want that and label you as nothing more than fodder or things to be looted, it's not going to work.
And of course, gave a reaction at your second in command (unofficially?)'s reveal that, uh, her house keeps identured Almyran children as war prisoners?
Some people already made some AUs or "what ifs" routes for a proper Claude route and not the nonsense that we got in FE16 where it's basically "I react to the same plot events that happen in the other routes but top it all with a zombie".
The Deers could have been "better introduced" in a plot about getting rid of prejudice, or learning the causes of this prejudice : Marianne was/is hunted because of her blood ties to Maurice - not because what she did, but because what Momo did back then! - Lysithea was treated as a guinea pig and her house rolled over by Adrestia who has a less than rosy views about the "offshoots" that are called Leicester and Faerghus, Lorenz could explain that prejudice, just like piety, are tools used by people whenever they're relevant, like, some people being pissed at foreigners and some who aren't because they make money through international trading like Margrave Edmund does, Hilda justifying her House's animosity towards Almyrans because they lost many people in those pointless skirmishes (maybe a closed ones? Her mom or Uncle or whatever?) which would make Claude realise that "ending prejudice" is a much more difficult quest than, idk, just killing one or two randoms.
The commoner trio might share Claude's views about prejudice and welcoming foreigners, but have more "mundane" worries like being able to have a roof and food to eat, which might be the case of some people in Leicester, or tell us more about Leicester and how it works (give us more insight about the different countries if Fodlan ffs).
Maybe we could have add a Claude who learns and discovers Fodlan, and along the way, starts to love the land as much, if not more, than Almyra and really wanting to protect this land from whatever Supreme Leader's cooking, or becoming an Almyra v.2.
I don't think making Claude the third wheel of the plot was maliciously intentional because of the, uh, implications with RL cultures and Almyra, but more like they didn't know where to put him.
I noticed you wrote the conflict as one that is "the church vs the empire", but I do not really agree - if that was the case, the war would have stopped in VW/AM/SS the second Rhea was caught.
The main conflict is Supreme Leader's war of conquest - with the twist that the devs were really banking on their brilliant idea of making the red emperor the titular waifu of the game that each person/lord/whatever Rhea is must find a way to excuse and/or justify her actions.
With this in mind, AM is basically Dimitri's fall (and rise!) because of his ties to Supreme Leader.
In VW? The game cannot explore too much outside of the Supreme Leader scope so we're left with.. well, what VW was.
Claude cannot go on a journey to discover Fodlan and get rid of his misconceptions... because part of those same misconceptions are used by Supreme Leader to start her war, or the sheer concept of a conquest, aka a nation being rolled over by another is anathema to his, supposed, ideal of wanting people to accept each other despite their differences.
I ranted about it since day 5, but the Nabatean subplot (and Fodlan in general) is accessory to Supreme Leader war, there is no point aka no payoff for learning all of that, because you cannot challenge the one who wants to unify the continent.
As such, Claude cannot deviate too far from this plot - while receiving infodumps about "the lore" - and we end up with third wheel of a bike and characters who, at first and second glance, appear to be irrelevant.
Fodlan ends up unified despite starting as three separate countries, we feel bad for Supreme Leader and mourn her unknown ideals, Rhea is gone and the Agarthans aren't a problem anymore.
the second the devs said leicester was a republic, claude was doomed. Merchant republics are always irrelevent or straight up useless in the FE series!
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lofan · 3 months
Can we FINALLY acknowledge the fact that during ALL his lives the Master kissed only Doctor's girl right in front of him (or more like tried to bite her face off... ANYWAY, it counts) -
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- AND the Doctor HIMSELF???? (very enthusiasticly, so no "they're just not into it") Like?? EVER??? THESE 3 OCCASIONS??? And in the meantime Doctor had like dozens of romantic involvements?????
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The conclusion: Master is so in love with Doc that he looks STUPID. Pathetic petty little dude that has been pining for his school crush for 17 regenerations and is STILL AT IT- Embarrassing.
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fitzrove · 2 months
Not only have several of my former classmates gotten married, just found out that now one is having a kid?? 😭😭 just reiterating: i cant believe some people my age are doing that dklsldls. Where do they find time to work/study AND develop intricate crown prince rudolf headcanons once they do that
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crossdressingdeath · 15 hours
Today I am learning that I apparently care significantly less about callbacks and cameos than most people in this fandom. I mean, I'm worried about the Well choice yeah, but only because that's going to be awkward to write around if Morrigan and Quiz are both here. Otherwise a lot of it is like... yeah yeah, we won't get the Warden writing letters to us or whatever. Is Rook's story good, though. Everyone shut up about companion cameos for a sec, is Rook's story good. Like, would I like worldstate references? Yes. Absolutely. But seeing people genuinely decide that this game will be completely ruined by the lack of worldstate references is like... guys. Calm down. The game isn't about the Warden or Hawke or Quiz, it's a decade later on the other side of Thedas, please take a deep breath, set aside the anger at the lack of fun little callbacks, and really think through which choices would actually still be relevant in general. Then remind yourself that we don't actually know the full plot of this game, and what will or won't actually matter worldstate-wise is going to shift based on that. The lack of worldstate customization is unfortunate, yes. But it's not the end of the world. Did you play DAI for references to your worldstate, or for Quiz's story? Did you play DA2 to hear about what the Warden's up to, or to play Hawke? I absolutely get the disappointment and annoyance, Bioware really fucked up here, but this is not going to ruin DAV. If it'll ruin DAV for you then you probably wouldn't have liked it anyway. Dragon Age is not a callback factory, and this game is set much further from the others in both space and time than we've seen before in the series (the longest timeskip up to this point was what, three years?). Give it a chance before deciding that it's completely ruined because they simplified the worldstate.
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raytoroapologist · 1 year
if you only bring up the existence and struggles of intersex people when we're convenient in your argument for trans rights i need you to understand that that is harmful
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freakinator · 4 months
if i had it my way i would love a zam/leo/clown/red/mapicc/bacon/minute/mid alliance/team next season
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guritahitam · 1 year
Anyway, another AU where Doflamingo is adopted with Rocinante by Sengoku.
Except it wasn't an happy adoption but Doflamingo was kidnapped by Sengoku (after a few months Sengoku found Rocinante) and nobody is happy about the situation. Sengoku doesn't want to keep him and he's enough desperate to ask Garp and Tsuru to re-home get rid the little devil, but they say "lmao, you brought him here, now he's your problem."
Jokes on them.
Three old idiots with two traumatized kids, while Doflamingo plays a 3D chess game trying to take his brother away from the marines, passing as one, keeping his baby evil empire afloat on the other side of the world (he still has this dictatorship dream), meanwhile meeting Dragon by mistake deciding to be a sugar daddy (at 13yo) for the Revolutionaries, because he has a big bone to pick with the World Government and surprising being in the marine headquarters worsened his hate.
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ajdrawshq · 10 months
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elle-p · 7 months
Moonless Gown only works as attack when you can't control your allies, I'm kind of glad Reload got rid of it.
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