#but also I’m trying to do bingo and my own stuff so this seems unlikely 😂
sherl-grey · 2 months
quick fic for the immortal rose girlies 🥰
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razorblade180 · 3 years
Interdimensional Moms pt4
Part 3 here! <-
The tales had be interesting. The tales had even been emotionally gripping, yet all of them so far didn’t seem to register at the moment as Ruby’s teammates looked at her with the same excitement she used to give her own mother during story time. Ruby couldn’t help but give a little smile.
Ruby:I take it you’re ready for my turn? You do know it’s not exactly a sunshine and rainbows story, right?
Weiss:We figured as much, but....
Yang:You’re so different! From the moment you showed up I could just feel it in my gut. You have this...presence about you. Not to mention intsene confidence.
Blake:Yang is right. You said you beat your Salem when your seventeen. That’s...scary if I’m being honest. Such a drastic departure from any of our worlds.
Ruby:*red* Hehehe ummm I guess I’m just awesome? Really I don’t think it’s the most outstanding feat. At least by my worlds standards I suppose. I mean sure, I’m consider cream of the crop there too but there’s talented people and challenges all over that would put me through my paces still. I’m just...me.
Weiss:Sigh...honestly, I suppose that means our own skills must pale in comparison to our counterparts.
Ruby:Mmmm I wouldn’t say that for sure. My Yang would kill me if she heard this but there’s something about the one right here that has spark I dig.
Ruby:Uh huh. Can’t put my finger on it but I think you take her if you want it bad enough. As for Weiss....couldn’t tell ya. Haha, I know better than anybody to not underestimate the power of mother, and you pumped twins out.
Weiss:Not sure if those are pity points or real ones but thanks either way.
Blake:You don’t even have to tell me I’d lose. Just gave an entire story about me an my condition.
Ruby:Don’t feel too bad about it. I can’t imagine much reason for you two to fight for any reason. You’re both too reasonable to not reason with yourself.
Blake:Aw I’m touched.
Yang and Weiss:We aren’t....
Ruby:Hahaha I’m just saying! So, I guess I take things from the top like you all? From what I learned from all of you our Beacon experiences really are more or less the same, not counting certain interactions between a bookworm faunus and an adorkable blonde knight. Enrolled early, blew up the entrance, Weiss was rude, Yang ditched me, all the same beats.
Yang:There’s no super badass change like you beating Cinder the night of dance and making our entire lives easier?
Ruby:Ha! I wish I was that legit. No, I was very much the young girl tripping in heels that night. Vytal festival came around and was attacked, then Beacon fell. Pyrrha was lost and so was Penny. Difference being that was my last time seeing her, unlike Weiss’s story apparently.
Weiss:Yeah that...that’s a little bit of shock to be frank. Sorry.
Ruby:No worries. Not like you did anything and it was decades ago for me now. After that day is when I started to get a bit more serious I think. I had always taken being a huntress seriously and never slacked of in trying to live my dream. However, my perspective may have honed in on just how do or die life his when you’re the one choosing to walk into unknown danger. Team RNJR’s first and only mission, save the world!
Yang:Sub mission: Flirt with Jaune Arc.
Ruby:*blushing* We do not choose who we fall in love with it. But yes, that may have been a personal pseudo mission for me. He’s my first friend at Beacon for crying out loud and I you know.....thought he was cute then too.
WBY:Yeah that checks out.
Ruby:What does that mean!?
Weiss:Ruby, even my Ruby admits to finding Jaune attractive and having a crush on him back in the day.
Yang:I already went into enough detail on how my little sister feels about Jaune. Your just the reality where you pounced on the opportunity and never let go. Struck when the iron was hot and none of us were around; sly fox.
Ruby:Gee you make it sound underhanded. It isn’t like I intended to actively pursue him. Everyone was really sad and stressed traveling to Anima. There was a tension in the air. One that really strained us. I did my best to keep focus, but a leader is only as put together as team. Ren and Nora confided one another as usual and I tried being there for Jaune because seeing him emotionally shut down was rough; so I did my best to be there for him. Then...he ended up being there for me and I was the one who needed comfort. All the airing out and late nights just...led to....*red*
Blake: “Breaking the tension?”
Ruby:I guess that’s one way of putting it. We were lonely. I hid my feelings best I could under the veil of comfort in the moment. Not that needed to. He made it pretty clear that he wanted me in the same way I wanted him. I just the two of us were too scared to ask for promises we weren’t sure we could keep so we loved in the moments we could, so to speak.
Weiss:If it wasn’t under dire situations, all that sounds oddly romantic.
Ruby:Right!? Looking back at it makes the entire thing seem romantic but I definitely wouldn’t wish a similar experience on anybody! I guess it’s what I wished for when I fantasized huntress life huh? Things obviously got better along the way. Our relationship got a bit more serious right before we got to Haven. Then Tyrian and other crazy stuff happened that threw all of us into panic mode again before slowly getting better again by a lot.
Yang:We showed up?
Ruby:Bingo! You and Weiss, met Oscar, and then eventually Blake came back. Things were on the up and up.
Weiss:Uh, Haven attack?
Ruby:We lived, up and up. Yeah you got stabbed but you know...that’s not new I’m sure.
Weiss:Yeah I have the scar and I’m still little pissed.
Ruby:Valid. Anyways, so my Atlas experience was different as hell. There was no formation of Remnants armies like Weiss spoke of or even between two kingdoms like Blake. Yang, what happened yours again exactly?
Yang:Nonsense. Cinder showed up with lackeies but not Salem’s lackies. Those people showed up separately, then Adam came back from wherever the hell he- a lot! A lot of people showed up for different reasons but also the same reason and to be frank, we all almost got shot by the military for being in bases that quote unquote, “didn’t exist.”
Ruby:Man I wish we traded. That at least sounds crazy enough to be fun. Just a rollercoaster in the dark basically. My experience was probably as hectic, but also way more streamlined. We showed up, and then all hell broke loose. Specially a mass grimm invasion lead by Cinder and her annoying associates. We were there for about three weeks updating General Ironwood and getting our barrings together when it happened. I wanna call it a hit and run tactic but it was clearly planned in advanced. Mechs were hacked again, traitors in the military, grimm lying in wait before hand; it was chaos! All for the relic.
Blake:Who was the maiden?
Ruby:Never met her. By the time we got there, Ironwood was panicking because she had vanished, taken right from under his nose. It was some young girl apparently, really young. The attack on Beacon looked like child’s play to this. Mantle got attacked, grimm were on the chains, they tried dropping Atlas to the ground; all a diversion for a relic. We all should’ve died, and yet, we didn’t. Winter and Weiss weeded out traitors, huntsman and military held the line, Yang bested Hazel with Nora, Qrow and I cut down Tyrian! Ren, Blake and Jaune helped the kingdoms while Ironwood struck down Watts. Nobody was in the mood to die that day. There wasn’t gonna be another Beacon. By all means, we were pissed. Even Raven showed up of all people.
Ruby:You can’t attack a kingdom without the world knowing. Especially when traitors leak info. Honestly she came for you though, or she never left to begin with. Couldn’t tell ya. Thanks to Maria I had a bit more handling with my eyes. That helped a lot. Without them and Os-
She stopped herself, choking on the words. The zest and excitement of recalling the heroic feats of her friends dimmed slightly with her smile. Her joyful smile became bittersweet like the memory.
Ruby:Then there was Oscar, the real warrior on that flamed filled night. That battle had to have been three days at least. We were so driven, and so tired. I was tired, but Cinder, Neo, and the others with her at the time weren’t; always showing up at the worst time. I managed to push Cinder back in a fight but grimm and others still swarmed. We were at a point that grimm very well might’ve did us in and the villains didn’t have to push any harder. But Oscar changed that. Hehe, what’s it about country folk that makes people like him and I not hesitate to grit our teeth? That dork looked at me, gave me the biggest smile on the the steps to Atlas, and then he left. His hair went white as he twirled the cane and then he left, forever. Oz came out, and he left nothing to the imagination. “Limited magic” my butt. He obliterated grimm and made a barrier aroma Atlas while everyone else cleared Mantle long enough for the world to send reinforcements. Salem didn’t get the relic, but she got the maiden and thousands of casualties. Oscar being one of them. Also, Whitley....he was in critical condition for a very long time.
Weiss:What do you mean...critical condition?
Ruby:Everything happened so fast Weiss. Panic was high, buildings fell....a piece on him. I wasn’t there but when I eventually found you, you were nearly hysterical and banged up. By some miracle he lived even though we could not reach him and he did not get aid for awhile. We thought him dead. It was only after everything we learned somebody got him. Being rich never paid off more than with medical bills. Thanks to youth and medicine he can still walk, but he can only do so much before being tired. He also left Atlas. The cold hurts.
Weiss:So, I run the company because he can’t?
Ruby:I wouldn’t put it that way, but it was one of dozens of reasons that made that goal stronger for you. Relax though, both of you get plenty of time to be witty siblings like I told you earlier.
Weiss:I know. It’s just, I guess it’s hard imagining Whitley hurt like that. I don’t think I could handle it.
Ruby:You definitely teetered in the moment. Knowing that happened though probably gave you anger and grit to fight the entire battle. You were a beast. Scarier than Winter. Anyways, that hollow victory was a real wake up call for the world. They didn’t know about Salem and we never told society in earnest. Cinder and other conspirators were enough to make Remnant work together to boost defense. Relief went to places that needed it and I, became the face of hope. Haven, Argus, Atlas, even people from Vale got to chattering of a particular group of people who always seemed to answer the call for help. Then the towns in between chattered. Yours truly had been carving a name in the history books and was only gain popularity the moment I stepped into Vacou, alone.
Yang:Where were we!!!!!?
Ruby looked at surprised faces around the table, smiling tenderly. She looked down her dress and pulled out the cross she wore around her neck. Her thumb traced its edges as her mind began wandering down an old path paved with emotions raw to the core.
Ruby:I’ve always felt different. Not just because of my eyes but that there was just...a certain spark that never stopped going off for as long as I remember. There are plenty of people who can’t bare to watch others suffer, but there are fewer people I believe that truly feel the agony of other people’s pain. Beacon, Haven, Atlas, Argus; there was no place I went that I didn’t see the faces of others lamenting, and I didn’t make me want to grieve. Atlas took so much out of all of you and I just felt so....driven to stop that ache. For everyone’s sake, but mine as well. I wanted the world to finally get to the happy ending. Enough trauma had be sowed for a hundred lifetimes, so I went on ahead of everyone. I never doubted you all would follow but I wanted to get ahead of the curve and take on as much of the suffering I could do others wouldn’t. If the world wouldn’t give me a miracle than I’d be it myself for everyone else.
Yang:That’s suicidal! Salem wanted you specifically!
Ruby:It’s not like I went marching up to her door and said “1v1 bitch, I’m here” no, I just chose to move forward quicker than what we were all doing. Believe me, all of you were upset when you caught up, after I had already saved Vacou. *smiles* I really like that place. I told the people it was the next target and all they did was double down on pushing back. I managed to pin down the Summer maiden before the villains and thanks with the city on alert, there wasn’t a shift in the sand that didn’t go unnoticed. I got the jump on Mercury and Emerald, personally paying them back. Can’t say I didn’t enjoy it. It didn’t take long before they realized how screwed they were with them being outed like this and Cinder having the nerve to retreat before hand. Both of them threw in the total, outing the plan against Vacou. A wipeout of a win. Not to mention they told me the location Salem’s little hiding hole.
Weiss:We missed all of that?
Ruby:That’s what happens when I leave in the dead of night and running on adrenaline. Like I said before, people were tired. As much as all of you wanted to hoof it, other’s were relying on you. Atlas almost dropped for gods sake. Eventually when you all caught up it was at a good time. Soloing was rewarding but difficult. Fortunately Sun, Neptune, Ilia, and a few other familiar faces were close by if I needed an extra set of hands. My little stunt earned the anger of everyone for awhile.
WBY:Yeah no shit...the leader left.
Ruby:Yang was the most upset, followed by Uncle Qrow, and you Weiss. I was ready for the blowback. Jaune and Nora saw me though and bursted into tears. Hehe, wasn’t ready for that. Felt terrible and cried back. To prevent that stunt again, my Yang convinced Raven to link me. A couple days of apologizing and rest smoothed things over. It also gave time for just a few close friends and colleagues to get together for an assault on Salem’s castle. A few were apprehensive about it at first but at the end of the day I was going. That attitude was infectious apparently. You guys, actually everybody, they started getting this hunger to end it all. Maybe it was the high of victory? Regardless, it sent me racing to the end with those that I loved most.
Yang:You’re a real “my way or the highway” kind of Ruby. I don’t get how that explains what made you so...elite.
Ruby:I’m not sure what to say. A fight needed to to fought so I fought it. A cry for help was heard so I ran to it. A grimm needed slaying so I slayed it. People needed me to win so I didn’t dare think of losing. Dying was never option, even when it stared me right into my eyes. I had things I wanted to do and people I wanted see for years to come. I guess...I am strong because of the fact I want things my way. A moment I’m not giving it 110% is a moment wasted. After all, a huntress is all I ever wanted to be.
A single dream she wanted since birth. The never ending desire to be the hero in stories told to her many nights ago. That’s all it ever was. That’s all it’s ever been. Even in meadow of beautiful red roses, one would be the rose that captured the eyes of many, that bloomed stronger than the rest. As simple as it was, that had to be the answer here. Weiss, Yang, and Blake were in front of that flower. The Ruby Rose that simply bloomed stronger than the rest. The one that clung to her dream as if letting go meant dying itself. The devotion was inspiring, yet also overwhelming. If this was Ruby they had lead them that day in the Emerald Forest, could they have kept up? Could she be the leader they followed? No, they couldn’t have. Something deep down inside them gave them that answer. No matter how she looked and how much she loved, this Ruby Rose was cut from a cloth they simply weren’t off. The same as others, but oh so different.
Weiss:You’re....kinda a monster, you know that right?
Yang:Seriously, I’m so...floored. It’s intimidating.
Blake:Not to mention humbling. I used to think I gave it all I had. Now I’m not so sure.
Ruby:Oh don’t be like that you three! You’re all living proof there was more than way to go about life, this war! Everything you gave was enough because you’re done with it! Nobody failed. Besides, I...am far from ideal. The assault was challenging. Getting around hoards of grimm and making it to Salem was hell made real. Neo tried taking another shot at me but Yang held her off with help. Everyone pushed the obstacles in front of me out of the way as I went to Salem herself. Cinder had been abandoned by her and stripped of a lot of her powers. Angry and desperate, she tried killing me again as a way to prove worth. I beat her. However, I let her walk away.
Yang:What!? Why would-
Ruby:Naive, I was...naive okay? She was all spent and though I hated her, I just couldn’t. Not when I looked into her eyes and saw that same hunger I had to claw and scream at my dream until it was in my hands die inside her. We both knew from this point on there was absolutely nothing she could do where this ends her way. All she worked for turned burned to ash. So I gave her the choice to not burn up with it. Cinder swallow her pride and then fled. A part of me couldn’t help but rationalize killing her didn’t solve or justify any of my beliefs or desires. It would’ve done it because I hated her like she hated me. That was the dumb logic of a seventeen year old who never quite learned to take things slow.
Blake:....I don’t think it’s dumb. Naive for sure, but maybe that’s good? Even my Ruby, she never wanted to act on hate. She didn’t. Salem lives.
Weiss:Mine sent her soul to be at piece instead of passing a cruel judgment.
Yang:As a person who’s seen what you looked like with nothing but vengeance inside, I can say it doesn’t fit you. Before that day you had a warmth inside you to even foes that were somewhat admirable. You chose to leave Cinder’s fate up to those who had that hate and Salem was undone by her own doing at the very end. That’s what really makes you special Ruby. That’s why you’re called an honest soul. Good will is your nature.
Ruby:....Hmm, you sure know how to butter me up. *scratches head* I guess that part of me is uni-I mean multiversal. Strangely, that makes me feel better, to a degree.
Weiss:Do we even have to ask what happened to Salem at this point? I doubt the story ends with you loosing and having to retreat.
Ruby:Who’s to say it doesn’t? I could’ve been beaten to death before the gods themselves descended down to revive me with awesome power.
Yang:....Did you?
Ruby:Wh-No! Haha, I made her an immortal statue.
Blake:I-It was that easy?
Ruby:Well I wouldn’t call rushing into hell’s castle easy, or Salem. I lit her up at least a dozen times. My head pounded from each use, I was tossed around a bunch, magic is annoying, and not to mention running out of ammo. I left nothing to the imagination in that fight. If it were easy then I wouldn’t be rooting my horn and my age doing it. I was so tired I blacked out afterwards. I woke days later with a sore body and the title of “Remnant’s Savior.” Apparently beating Salem had weakened the grimm everywhere and all of you made sure who was to be thanked for it. That’s the tale of how I saved the world with my friends. Love, trust, elbow grease, and a lot of bullets. Before the final battle, Ozpin had struck a deal with everyone involved. In return for saving the world, he’d cut ties with us.
Yang:Seriously? What brought that about!?
Ruby:Good or not, he lied and was a schemer. Sure I was gonna try to save the world regardless of his interference but there wasn’t a person alive that didn’t to finally take a step towards the future after all this. All of us finally had time chase dreams and help the world the way we wanted to before all of this. Blake begin mending hate, Weiss took back her company, if Yang wasn’t with Blake then she was seeking more answers to Raven on wild adventures.
Yang:You mean Raven still left after all that!?
Ruby:In her defense, both of you made everything fucking awkward when she was around. It’s like you both wanted to talk about something but knew any subject was a land mine so you all you ever did was...stare, like weirdos. Glad that’s in the past. She just lives with dad now and you two now to hold a conversation. I dare not ask for more. I’d be a granny by the time I did.
Yang:Sigh...I don’t know what I expected. Shit it the fan several times and children were born before mom and I found solidarity and understanding. What did you do afterwards? Your goal was already met.
Ruby:Like hell it was! I started busting my butt traveling around the world, visiting every place to help in anyways I could. Ren and Nora tagged along for awhile before going off to make an orphanage in Anima near Ren’s old village. That left Jaune and I to do our hero thing.
Yang:As well as other things....
Ruby:Hey, what can I say? We were young and going up in the world. By the time I was nineteen, I was now a married to my partner and best friend.
Ruby:He’s my partner on RNJR and you’re my BFF, gosh did I really need to explain that hehe?
Weiss:I just had to make sure. Crazier twists could happen.
Blake:Wow you married young. Not that there’s a problem but I’m surprised. Then again you also dated earlier than my Ruby. Hehe, weapons were on her brain for a long time.
Weiss:No kidding. When I learned about you crushing on my brother I was shocked to find out you liked anybody in general. Especially a person who isn’t a weapon nut in the slightest.
Ruby:*shrugs* All you’re telling me is I’m clearly the most impatient or impulsive Ruby you all know. Don’t know how that happened. Maybe I was dropped as a baby or had one too many coffees growing up?
Weiss:I’m willing to bet it’s both.
Ruby:Ruuuuude. So yeah, that’s...the story of how I saved the world and married Jaune. We even built a home just outside Vacou, overlooking the kingdom and neighboring town in the distance where Maria grew up. Yeah, that’s me....more or less. All the triumphant parts anyways. Anything later on is......
Blake:R...Ruby? You okay?
Ruby:Nope, not really. *clenches cross*
Yang:......You know, I never really got religion, especially after learning the truth. It just seemed completely hollow when you learn of the real gods, ya know? However, I changed my tune a bit after being a parent and then some more when uncle Qrow died. It was never really about the truth behind if those other gods were real-
Ruby:It’s the piece of mind in believing in a better place for loved ones and having people watch over you. It’s truly based on blind faith in every sense but that’s okay as long as it gives peace of mind, to stay strong. Yeah....that’s why I wear this.
Yang:If that’s the “why” then I guess the unavoidable question is what happened?
The reaper leaned back in his chair, letting out a long sigh. Ruby brushed her hair out of her face while her face went pale. Then, Ruby’s eyes, her teammates watched a pair of stunning silver eyes dim, becoming akin to a clouded mirror.
Ruby:Being a huntress was all I wanted. The plan of having a family and settling down never appealed to me much. I feel, I felt like being in the field was where I was meant to be. It’s where I was most myself in a way. So the day I learned that I was pregnant was more than a little upsetting and terrifying, until dad and time itself filled me with the most genuine joy I may have ever experienced. Dustin Arc Rose, my first born son. He opened a door to a world and life I never knew I wanted to be apart of. Then...that door was shut minutes after, when Cinder and Neo stole him right from my arms. I couldn’t do a single thing about it other than blackout. That single act of good will I showed, it did nothing but kill me inside. The same way I did to her.
Yang:Ru-Ruby....your eyes.
Ruby:Hmm? Are they clouded? Funny, I would’ve thought your Ruby would’ve had a similar change. Maybe that’s a world exclusive thing, or a testament to the will you Ruby has to endure. Clouded eyes on a silver eyed warrior means the person has lost the desire or rather the mindset of persevering life. Be it their own life or wanting to end another’s life out of resentment, strife. My entire world fell apart when I woke up and learned nobody was able to retrieve Dustin. I was in pieces, Jaune was broken, nobody was the same. There wasn’t a soul we didn’t know that hadn’t tried to find a lead, but we never did. He was just...gone; and I couldn’t cope at all.
Weiss:I don’t think any mother could. Ruby, I’m so sorry that happened to you.
Ruby:I’m sorry too. I lashed out in anger, and shut people out. My eyes clouded and I dove into my work for a little over a year doing nothing but searching aimlessly as I took and every job back to back. The more time went by meant the more people eventually had to go back to their own, and it drove me up a wall inside. No one could reach me. I didn’t want anybody to. Not even Jaune. I....*teary eyed* I left him alone in house. There was no part of me that could even attempt to understand his pain because I was drowning in mine. I was told he tried his best to catch them at the hospital. I never hated him for not succeeding but I...he... I just, I can’t. I don’t know what I thought. All o knew was I didn’t even want him to touch me. How cruel is that? *hugging herself* I made him drown in despair in the same way I was. I wasn’t home so often that I never realized he eventually left it abandoned to live with dad. Yang and Blake I didn’t even show up to your wedding. Jaune did that much. Hell, Raven attended. Ruby Rose as a person didn’t exist any more. I was only a wandering huntress looking for answers or the challenge that might’ve ended me.
Blake:What changed?
Ruby:Oz, he did what nobody else dared to do. He fought me. I don’t think he thought twice about it. He was prepared to accept all the anger I kept inside until I eventually broke down into tears like I’m trying not to do right now. Thinking about that time is still, extremely difficult. Oz let me lament, encouraging me afterwards to finally except the fact Dustin was gone and that I needed to process it properly. First I went to you Yang, in order to have a my big sis to lean on. Can you guess how that went?
Yang:With me holding you tighter than I ever had before.
Ruby:*smiles gently* I don’t deserve you. You and Blake then came to patch with me where everyone else waited for me and helped me face Jaune. That may have been the hardest thing I’ve done. Grieving or not, the fact that I left him in such a state. I know what that does to people firsthand and yet I left. For the first time in over a year we embraced and finally grieved together. The next two years were spent trying to heal and cope. During my time away the world had fully acknowledged me. I even got a proper nickname, but it all felt hollow. Imagine that, achieving your dream but not caring? If that’s not salt in a wound then I don’t know what is.
Weiss:What’s your title?
Ruby:I am the person people want to see when evil comes to cut their story short. I am a symbol that their tale still has more to tell. Remnant has named me The Storyteller. Curtsey of Maria, who spread the name around. Healing was slow and most nights I felt a pain in my heart, but then everything changed. One moment made me dare to try again to open that shut door in my life. *looks at Yang* I held your son in my arms. Sweet little Kovu.
Blake:*smiles* Kovu? Now I wonder who named him?
Yang:*red* Huh...how about that? Hehehe, wish I could meet him. I know he isn’t technically mine but I can’t help but feel all warm now. Also I can’t believe I named him that!
Weiss:I can. Veronica’s middle name is Nala.
Yang:Okay, maybe not marrying Blake was a win? Clearly I can’t be trusted to not name my children after other cats.
Blake:The wrong kind of cat too. I’m a panther faunus, not a lion. Even if they’re blonde that’s still false advertising of what they are.
Ruby:Well Yang was the one giving birth so you lost a majority of the option to complain.
Blake:That is fair.
Weiss:You gave birth to Vee, so I think that solves who picked her first name.
Ruby rested her head in her propped up hands that rested on the table. She felt exhausted reliving that chapter of her life mentally. Still she managed to smile, then smile bigger. Her eyes unclouded and a warm feeling filling her again. What Ruby said earlier about what made her different may have reign true, but her friends could since that there was now more to it. Ruby had spiraled into an unimaginable tragedy, yet was able to bounce back thanks to loved ones. To smile as she does, it was truly a strong sight to see. Even if she wasn’t fully aware of that.
Ruby:Carmine Arc Rose, my second born and the first child to call me mommy. Followed many years later by itty bitty Garnet. He’s my little man, five years old while is big sis is seventeen now.
Yang:Damn! That’s a gap. Oh, also congratulations. Almost forgot that part. I’m glad you got to be the super awesome mom that-
Ruby:I am easily C-teir.
Yang:Oh come on! What!?
Ruby:Listen, I know I got on you all for calling yourselves bad parents, but I will hear no debate about me understand!? I flop a lot of times.
Weiss:That doesn’t make you a C-teir. That makes you a new mom, silly.
Ruby:*grumbling* I agree to disagree but thank you. It’s just a lot okay. Too much to dive into honestly.
Blake:Summarize. Give us an abbreviated version.
Ruby:Ummm so Carmine is real special kid. The absolute love I have for her is unbreakable but gods damnit if she isn’t the most... “me” I could be! In a way similar yet different from myself, Carmine has always had this sense of urgency in her and a love for the world around her. She recognizes that it’s a fragile piece we have and just how hard I’ve worked with everyone to make it. I could tell that from her when she was five. I’d sound crazy, but the fact she used her eyes at the age proves I’m not.
Yang:She has silver eyes!? Why didn’t you bring that up?
Ruby:I thought that was obvious. All of my kids were born with then. Unlike her baby brother though, Carmine was a weird little kid. She didn’t socialize well. Still doesn’t, she’s kinda comes off rude and cold because of her bluntness. She doesn’t really express all her feelings or understand others fully. One might call her a little cold but the passion she had to protect life itself is a testament to how much she cares. Carmine is also a genius fighter. To put in perspective, people use the same nickname for her that they used for Pyrrha.
Ruby:Yeah! It’s not hyperbolic to say ever since Carmine is far beyond any skill I was at her age since she turned thirteen. You called me a monster earlier but no, I merely gave birth to a beast. I mean she could pass the huntsman exam at fifteen if I didn’t make her wait. I can’t call her arrogant, she talks with confidence because she has that right by all means. Still, besides her face, that’s where the similarities start separating; besides terrible grades in general stuff. We’ve never been in step completely. To put simply in her own words, “What I am is a hero, while she is a huntress.” That good will and mercy I try to give everyone isn’t how she rolls. It drives a real wedge that has resulted in us not going on missions together.
Blake:Is she...killing?
Ruby:She has before, and it had valid reasons entirely, but I also know for a fact she is more than capable of bringing down people without taking that step. Not all cases are that intense thank goodness. Her overall aggressiveness is the root of the problem. You don’t have to put you back into it when handling thugs. They aren’t Hazel.
Yang:Ooo okay, yeah I’m seeing what you mean now. It’s like that one comic you always read!
Ruby:Sigh...yeah she channels a bit of Batman energy and I need her to not do that all the time. I suppose being an honest soul isn’t particularly hereditary. It always feels like we aren’t enjoying each other’s company these days. I can’t blame her though. So....you know how all of you have had one serious problem that has both destabilized yourself as well as the kids and their relationship to you? *clouded eyes*
Weiss:Wait...you loosing a child wasn’t that?
Ruby:Oh it was. It just so happened that it never ended. It grew day by day. Night by night. Jaune and I were cautious with Carmine. Going as far to give her contacts and giving birth to her off the record and not at a hospital. Just in case Cinder came back. Well, Cinder and Neo came back, with my Dustin.
Nobody said anything. What do you even say to that!? All they did was let out a stifled breath and tried to gauge Ruby’s look of guilt.
Ruby:Yet again we had gotten too comfortable. It happened when Carmine was thirteen. I don’t think Garnet was even one yet. That’s when the cruelest realization hit me. My son had been alive and hearing about how his so called mother being a person who saves everyone, yet she never came for him. She had moved on, letting his eyes become clouded with such seething hate for the world she did save; the children she had after. It’s been four years since the day he attacked Carmine and helped grimm try to invade Vacou. To this day it’s been a life of staying on gaurd, searching for them as they popped up countless places to tear Remna- to tear me down and I can’t decide what part hurts the most. The amount of anger that prevents me from killing Cinder in a blink of an eye, or looking at my daughter who has told me herself that she is going to kill her older brother because I’m too weak to do so. That I’m in no way as good as the world believes me to be. *puts hood up* Like I said, C-teir mom, at best.
Blake:That’s- you can’t- there’s no way for you to reach him? Maybe if you-
Ruby:He looks at me the same way Neo and Cinder do, Blake. They raised him to hate me. Besides, he hurt Carmine. She’s just not gonna let that slide and frankly I shouldn’t either. Carmine acts tough and for the most part is, but gets terrified like everyone else. In many ways she’s still just a young girl that I wish had never chosen to become a huntress. If I had it my way she’d just be a normal girl with normal knees; but her mother’s weakness and inexperience wrapped her up in yet another war. It’s ironic. I barely remember mom and yet I ended up putting my family in very similar situation as if she lead instruction. Happy endings, I’m not sure if I get-
Yang:You’re better than mom....
Yang:Yeah I said. Look I love Summer Rose but at the end of the day she wasn’t around, not that she didn’t want to be, but it’s the truth. Several years of pleasant childhood memories and a lifetime of grief is what she left me, and all you got were tales you should’ve experienced first hand. Ruby you have spent seventeen years loving your daughter unconditionally and being there for her no matter if it’s for better or worse. Yeah you might not being doing it perfectly and I have no idea how to even fathom your predicament, but at least you are there trying. Take it from me, that’s all a daughter ever wants from their mother. It’s also what makes a pretty kick ass dad. *smiles* Chin up, hero. Your story isn’t over yet after all.
Silence filled the air and Ruby’s throat ran dry. Ruby pulled out her scroll to go to her pictures and displayed one of her favorite photos for everyone to see. It was Carmine’s fifteenth birthday. Ruby didn’t lie about the resemblance. the girl had short blonde hair that stopped halfway down her neck in the back and was longer in the front, reaching shoulders. Like her mother, the tips of her hair transitioned to red. The beautiful young woman tried to her hide her smile but her gleeful silver eyes were practically twinkling with joy as Ruby hugged her tightly from behind and a tall, more solid version of Jaune was smushing one of Carmine’s cheeks with an overly dramatic kiss to it. A tiny child no older than three at most was in his big sister’s arms. Garnet had his mother’s hair and eyes but something about the chubby face definitely showed Jaune’s features. The child had red frosting on his face and was reaching eagerly for more cake somewhere out of frame.
Yang noticed the girl took page from her father and wore some regular cargo shorts, but clearly didn’t lack flair by wearing a red crop top that showed off a fresh tattoo of the Arc crest on her toroso. Knowing her sister, that tattoo was most likely practical. The family looked happy, proud; and the mother of it currently sat across the table crying with her head face down in her hands cwhile Weiss and Blake hugged her from each side. Roses may have thorns, anyone who knew roses knew a simple truth. They’re still fragile flowers.
Yang:(Carmine Arc Rose. For you and your mother’s sake, I hope things go well)
Though Carmine seemed cold by nature, people were quick learn the opposite. The most recent learner of this was a scared little girl that held on for dear life. It was nighttime, nothing but the sound of pouring rain and the distant glow of red and the warmth of Carmine holding the girl against her body while she sprinted through a mud ridden forest. The little payed no attention to the pain in her side, but the glow of roses, eyes, and flames through her tear filled eyes.
Beowulves chased frantically but then severed immediately by something the girl couldn’t understand, but it looked like the person carrying her. The dead beasts brought no comfort. Not when more followed close behind.
Girl:I-I’m sc...scared!
Carmine:Don’t look at them sweetie, it’ll be fine. Just keep being a brave little girl.
Girl:M...Mommy was back there.
Carmine:.....I know, she’ll be just fine. Your village, there are plenty of people there that will be just fine! Huff..... You got a name?
Carmine:Oh that’s a beautiful name, Mary. You know I was almost a Mary? Yeah my grandma was a really amazing person and I almost got named something similar to her. Mary is a very strong name!
Mary:You’re a liar! I’m sad, not strong. I want my mommy! Everything his dark and hurts and I want her!
The girl began painfully crying as Carmine followed her trail of roses to avoid getting lost. Things were getting worse. The storm raged and she could feel this girl burning in her arms. Not to mention the unsettling warmth the mixed with the cold rain against her body and dripped to puddles below. Any grimm near by could only be dealt with by many copies of her nearby, but that would only go so far when fear was out full force. Carmine’s boots felt like cement, but she still ran.
Carmine:Mary, you know what do when I miss my mommy? I sing! Yeah, my mom sings the best lullabies that made me feel super strong when I was little! It’s a magic song that makes everyone strong. How about I sing it you and they can sing it your mommy later okay!? But you have to close your eyes to really focus on the words!
Mary:*sniffling* Okay....
Baby deathstalkers swarmed the path made ahead as small Nevermores dove at her. Out of options, Carmine broke from the path, trying to rely on memory to go towards the safe zone while also singing lyrics to her favorite song.
Dream of anything; I'll make it all come true.
Everything you need is all I'll have for you~
Carmine never wavered. No matter how badly her lungs her or nearly slipped, she kept singing all the way to her destination where several other clones were seen racing towards with more civilians to injured or young to go themselves. An orphanage where Nora and Ren stood outside rushing people in while Jaune was keeping the grimm at bay. The sight brought a little ease.
Don't worry, I've got you; nothing will ever harm you.
I'm close by, I'll stay here; through all things, I will be near~
Carmine finally reached Nora and passed off the girl who’s grip weakened overtime. A few lyrics in and Carmine knew she was singing mainly for herself.
Carmine:Get her medical attention! I’m gonna go and find more! There’s still-
Jaune:Wait, it’s too dangerous!
Carmine:I know! That’s why I have to go! That fire is spreading and there’s stragglers pinned down! Dad.....I’m pinned down!
Jaune tensed up and looked at Carmine. No scraps on her and her clothes only soiled by others. It didn’t take long to realize. The man resisted the urge to run out to the ruined town and stood firmly.
Jaune:Carmine...end it. We’ll worry about the consequences later.
Across the woods amongst the flames the real Carmine stood bleeding and bruised in front of two Beringel that charged over the vanishing corpses of their fallen with more grimm, her sword stabbed into the ground supporting her weight. Behind all living people that remained finally managed to flee. All except for a woman trapped by house debris. The woman watched this young huntsman stand proudly again. She wasn’t sure what happened next. All she heard was one sentence.
“Close your eyes...” before everything went white. Next thing she knew, Carmine was lifting debris off her as rain and wind washed away any evidence. A relief she didn’t care about in the slightest. She neither had the strength, or the time too. Much like Carmine, who began to pant and teeter. It was clear to the woman that whatever just happened didn’t come without cost as she watched the girl fall to her knees. Though she tried moving, Carmine was spent.
Carmine:Don’t worry...we’re safe....let’s-
Woman:I...my legs. Everything...I can’t move. Just go. I d-don’t think I’d las-
Carmine:Don’t talk like that! The hard parts over! I can-
Woman:Barely walk. *smiles* It’s okay. I don’t blame you. You fought hard.
Carmine:.....I...I’m sorry. *teary eyed*
Woman:Say, I know that face anywhere. Your Lady Rose’s kid. Funny, I thought your eyes were red? My daughter, Mary, she loves your mother. Makes me kinda jealous hehe, but hey I love her too. *crying* Do you know if Mary made it? She was wearing-
Carmine:A black dress, pink ribbons in her hair...
Woman:Yes! Is she safe? I saw you- one of you carry her off.
Carmine:...She’s just fine.
Woman:Good. That’s all....that.....
The woman never finished her sentence. Carmine’s body fell limp on the ground, facing the rain. Even with the cold downpour she could feel the warmth of her own tears, containing her emotions best she could as she looked through her clones eyes to watch Nora take Mary away from the survivors and out of sight to not stir further panic.
Carmine wasn’t sure how long she layed there, but it was long enough for Jaune to find her. The man didn’t say a word. The town was in shambles. Grimm were still fading and his daughter looked tired, but not in serious condition. Unlike the those who didn’t make it. Jaune put Carmine in his arms, carrying her away to safety.
Carmine:......Does mom ever save them all?
Jaune:No, but that never stops her from trying; or mourning.
She clenched her father’s shirt and let herself be fragile, to be a Rose.
Carmine:Next time. Mom and I, we’ll both get it right next time. A happy ending for all!
Jaune:Yeah, I know you will. Together....
105 notes · View notes
It Takes Me All the Way
Pairing: Peter Parker/Tony Stark Rating: Explicit (E) Notes: This is my fic for my @starkerfestivals summer BINGO “flower shop au” square. The following idea hit me in the head a couple of days ago & I couldn’t let it go until the whole thing was written. Here’s my bingo card  - if you see something on there you might want written, shoot me a message!!! Word Count: 11.5K  Warnings: There’s a tiny bit of smut in here, but it’s me writing, so when is that not the case?
'For the next half an hour, Peter learned about flower language and the subtle way to artfully layer flowers so the colors blended meaningfully together. Peter didn’t retain too much about the flowers themselves – they were beautiful and coordinated perfectly, but Tony out shone them all. He was obviously in his element; the simple way the information fell from his mouth spoke of years of study and tons of hands-on knowledge. Not only was the man smart, he had an eye for style and created little living masterpieces without much thought.
By the time Peter worked up the courage to make any sort of move, they were at the register, seconds away from a complete transaction. He was in too deep to let the spark between them go another time. Steeling himself for whatever might come, Peter took a deep breath and leapt. “Hey, before I go – would you like to go out with me sometime?"'
Or: the one where Tony's a florist and Peter kind of digs that.
Read on AO3 here.
After taking home the third, consecutive NCA Championship title, Peter craved a tame summer. Unlike the rest of his teammates, he had no dreams of furthering his cheerleading career by becoming a coach; while everyone else flocked to the NCA cheer champ coaching positions, Peter tried his hardest to create some distance between himself and the sport.
Of course, that was easier said than done when his very best friend was also a teammate. Since the day MJ pulled him off the gymnastics mat and thrust him not so gently into the world of cheer in seventh grade, Peter never looked back – not to gymnastics or the people he left behind. He didn’t naturally fit in with anyone, but with MJ by his side and an incredible amount of athleticism, high school passed by in a whirlwind of football games, competitions, and a rich education Peter clung to. Being smart was a way out of the conservative little town that would never accept the truth of who Peter truly was.
When Purdue became an option for the both of them, Peter immediately understood moving to Indiana was the next step in life’s adventure. It wasn’t the big city that he always imagined he’d escape to, but Peter couldn’t argue with a full ride academic scholarship and a spot earned on the cheer team. As a male with tumbling experience and a shocking amount of strength for his size, Peter didn’t have to wonder about his spot on the team – he’d been leading teams to competition wins for years. Stepping out of the narrow-minded world of Springfield, Missouri was the only thing that mattered; the ability to do what he wanted without worrying about where the money came from to do it – that was just a delightful bonus.
Despite the challenges of college athletics and a philosophy major, Peter managed to keep his close friendship with MJ. They’d been a stunting pair for ages and their similarities made it easy to not only be around each other but stay tight knit in their connection. Going through so many of the trials of growing up together, Peter didn’t know what life would be like without her. After coming out and receiving nothing but a hug and a shy “me too”, their bond was cemented – made permanent in a way that something shared tied one person to another.
Their undying friendship and ridiculous commitment to each other was how he found himself balls deep in wedding planning, instead of relaxing in the peace and quiet of his one-bedroom apartment, playing video games and reading all the books he didn’t get to crunch out during the busy school year. MJ didn’t even bother asking him to be her ‘man’ of honor – after popping the question to Darcy, she simply sent him a list of things to do and dove right in.
Between bachelorette parties, bridal showers, and the seemingly impossible hunt for the best bridesmaid’s dresses, Peter hadn’t spent more than a couple days of the break on his own. Though he loved the fuck out of MJ and her soon-to-be wife, he couldn’t wait for the wedding to come and go. A little peace and alone time was exactly what he needed.
Finally, after a week of long nights and last-minute errands, the big day was upon them. The beautiful ranch venue radiated with a rich sunshine, basking the place in a lucky sort of golden glow. Since he didn’t have to spend his entire morning trapped in a makeup chair, Peter got to enjoy the beautiful weather firsthand as he contributed to the set up and decorating. Aside from helping MJ get into the admittedly cool pant suit she planned to wear, Peter’s time was his own until an hour before the ceremony.
Grinning at the thought, Peter pulled out one of the reception hall chairs and sat down heavily. He relaxed into the comfortable wood, reaching up to run a hand through his formidable curls. They were sans gel at the moment; his fingers sailed through the silky strands with ease.
Peter wasn’t aware he closed his eyes until a loud clatter had them blinking open in surprise. Swiftly turning towards the noise, Peter stopped in his tracks at the sight in front of him.
A big gray vase was the source of the noise, there was no doubt about that the second Peter spotted it. What completely took his breath away, or maybe who, was the man holding said vase. Peter saw tanned arms that were toned to perfection right off the bat. It was obvious at first glance that the owner of those limbs worked outside with his hands frequently. The lithe muscles and glorious golden skin tone spoke more of manual work than physical exercise. With his eyes travelling up firm forearms and the swell of a built bicep, Peter noticed the man’s hair next. Tamed by a plain white dad hat, an abundance of unruly curls flipped under the edges of the brim and sides. Peter imagined a flowing head of dark brunette hair he could easily slip his fingers into the depths of.
As if the man knew Peter was staring, he turned towards Peter’s table, an intrigued look on his face. A face that, after taking in the rest of the stranger’s glorious beauty, didn’t seem fair. Well-kept facial hair outlined perfect lips pulled into a knowing smirk. Rich, honey-golden eyes were just visible under the brim of the man’s sweat-stained hat. They seemed to pierce Peter right in the chest, like their unblinking nature dug under his skin and saw everything he tried so desperately to hide. The feeling was unnerving yet so exhilarating all the same. Though he felt so very exposed, Peter wanted nothing more than to narrow the space and get to know the handsome stranger.
Luckily, his chance came a couple hours later.
To stop himself from shamelessly flirting, Peter hightailed it out of the reception hall the second he could, using a check up on MJ as a guise for his obvious escape. Most of his friends were exactly where he left them at the start of the morning – it was a marvel that anything got done when they all got together. After braving the makeup talk and putting out a few emotional fires, Peter’s reprieve came in the form of a man of honor errand.
With MJ’s credit card in hand, Peter made his way to the front of the building where the florist was waiting. He’d been so glad to get out of the bridal suite that he didn’t stop to think about the stranger and the beautiful floral arrangement that’d been in his hand or to make the connection between the two. For the second time that day, Peter tripped over himself when the man came into view. Now that an actual need to speak to him was in sight, Peter didn’t know if he could make his mouth work to take the chance.
Recognition was clear on the florist’s face – though they didn’t know one another, it was hard to forget the very long, very obvious stare Peter was caught in. Those utterly kissable lips were upturned, the pinch around the man’s eyes from the grin making him all the more attractive. Rolling his eyes at the thought (like he needed to be any more attractive), Peter tried to school his features and return the smile with one of his own.
“Hi! I’m Peter, MJ’s man of honor. She sent me to square up the bill for the flowers,” Peter said in greeting. As the space between them narrowed down, Peter nervously reached out, his free hand suddenly taking up the space between them.
A surprisingly soft hand slipped into his a moment later – the touch was firm and efficient, only lingering a second longer than usually appropriate. “Nice to meet you, Peter. Please let MJ know that I really enjoyed the challenge of the flower choices. Geraniums are hard to come by this late in the season.”
Pulling away, despite the desperate want to have the man’s hands all over him, Peter nodded in understanding – most of both MJ and Darcy’s choices were high maintenance and unique. The planning of every step along the way had been an absolute bear. “That’s MJ for you,” Peter agreed with a light chuckle. “We’ve been scrambling around the last week or so trying to get all the details right.”
There was a shared moment of silence where the two simply smiled at each other. The florist seemed just as lost as Peter, the joint look of discomfort and wonder more telling than any words ever could be. For Peter, each second that passed was a small gift he gluttonously got to unwrap until the magic was broken.
“It’s her big day, she should have what she wants,” Tony finally replied, the words and a red blush breaking the silence. “I like the unique stuff, anyway – keeps the job interesting.”
Without missing a beat, a paper invoice was thrust in his direction. “I took out the delivery fee from the total since I was in the area already.”
After that, it didn’t take more than a couple of minutes to complete the transaction – the florist worked swiftly, his fingers nimble and knowledgeable in every movement he made as he swiped MJ’s card and handed it quickly back to Peter. The brush of their fingers in the exchange seemed purposeful, though – especially with the smirk and red blush that followed.
Caught up in how brilliant the look was, Peter didn’t realize there was nothing keeping him there until the shuffling of feet brought the reality of the situation back with a vengeance. As much as he wanted to stay and chat, or ask for a number, or even a name, Peter knew the time wasn’t right. He already felt so caught up – actually having access to his preoccupation wouldn’t be good for his focus. It was MJ’s day; he owed it to her to keep his shit together and make every second of it the very best.
Looking up, Peter shot the other man a large grin before lifting a hand, pointing his thumb over his shoulder. “I better get back,” Peter started awkwardly, “but thank you – for helping make MJ’s day so beautiful.”
With a nod, the florist pocketed his phone and took off towards the parking lot. Peter watched him walk away just long enough to catch the glance over work-firm shoulders. Hazel and brown met for a moment before Peter forced himself to walk away – a large part of him wanted to sprint across the black top to stop the gorgeous man from leaving. Something in the pit of his chest was pulsing with life; the feeling was so foreign that Peter pushed it down and quickly ran in the opposite direction, instead.
Peter got back to the bridal suite in a wonky haze – so much so that he didn’t even realize he walked through the door until MJ’s voice broke through his rampaging thoughts. “Did you get everything squared away with Tony?”
Turning towards her, Peter tilted his head, a crease in his brow appearing in his confusion. “Tony?” Peter questioned as he made his way over to the big table in the center of the room to deposit both the invoice and MJ’s credit card.  
“Tony – the florist. I sent you to pay the bill. Please tell me you didn’t get lost along the way.” MJ shot him a knowing look, her hazel eyes blazing with affection. “He was a great help these last couple of months – matching all the colors would’ve been impossible without him.”
His brain halted for a second, the organ doing nothing but processing the fact that his handsome stranger now had a name. Recalling the beautiful face, Peter figured the name Tony fit the man pretty perfectly. With that knowledge, it was quickly becoming obvious that his focus was already shot – Tony with toned arms and a delectably deep voice already took up space there, just waiting to distract Peter at the worst possible time.
Like that moment, where MJ was staring at him with growing concern, waiting for a simple yes or no to her easily answerable question. Peter shot her an embarrassed grin when he got himself back under control. Sheepishly, he reached up to run a hand through his hair. “All is well. He told me to tell you he enjoyed the challenge. Oh, and he nixed the delivery fee – said he was already in the area.” He tried to sound cool as he spoke, to not give his interest away. Yet he knew almost immediately he wasn’t successful – Peter heard his own excitement as the words bounced around in his ears.
“So it’s like that,” MJ said, looking at him much more critically now.
“Like what?” Peter shot back, refusing to look her directly in the eye. She already caught the scent – the second he gave her the satisfaction of seeing the truth in his eyes, Peter would never hear the end of it. Regardless of the very important fact that Peter, despite wanting to more than ever, didn’t even pursue the obvious and very mutual interest.
Instead of pushing, MJ surprisingly let a knowing smile overtake her face.
“I see you Peter Parker.”
Luckily, the hustle and bustle of pre-wedding preparations and nerves that were inescapable, swept the subject right off the table a moment later. Peter happily helped MJ make her finishing touches in preparation for finally meeting her wife at the end of the aisle. Getting so swept up in it all, Peter allowed himself to forget the hazel eyed man for the rest of the evening. MJ and Darcy looked so happy – it was hard to see passed anything other than their beaming smiles and the bright future waiting for them.
The next few weeks passed by in a flash. Peter finally got some time to himself and reveled in it, taking advantage of every second of solitary freedom he could purge himself on before his final season began. Movies, books, and his favorite video games were the only thing Peter allowed himself to think about (and Tony, so many of his thoughts were about the gorgeous florist). He even went as far as to bar MJ and Darcy from the apartment when they got back from their honeymoon – it was the least they could do after running him ragged with errands and things over the previous few months. The last thing he wanted to deal with was the bombardment of newly wed grossness; it’d been some time since Peter felt the luscious caress of love against his heart and soul – and jealousy just didn’t look good on him.
When his self-imposed isolation came to an end, Peter begrudgingly got back into a suitable routine. Though cheer practice was different without MJ there, Peter easily sunk back into the drills and full body workouts that came after an entire summer off on their own. Hayley, their coach extraordinaire, pushed them hard in the beginning – it was the best way to filter out those who wouldn’t make it when the season really got started and competition prep took over all of their lives.
Once his muscles got used to the severe beating he took on a daily basis, Peter was more than ready for the year to start. Football games and the atmosphere that came with being a Boiler were a lot of fun; and with his decreased workload as a fifth-year senior, Peter planned to enjoy the easy-going nature of spirit and poms and comradery before the teeth came out and everyone’s battle armor settled into place. When competition season started, the team’s overall atmosphere and driving motivations changed.
Of course, just when Peter thought things were going just the way they should, karma came around to prove him wrong. After a long practice the week before the semester started, one of their flyers fell from a stunt, completely unaware of her contact with the ground’s effect until someone on the other side of the mat screamed. The sight, when Peter allowed himself to look, turned his stomach – he’d never seen a dislocated hip in person before and hoped to never do so again.
After the trauma of having the paramedics all over their turf, the team was given a couple of days off to recuperate. Peter and the rest of the squad planned to take advantage of the freedom by visiting Macy, who ended up having to have emergency surgery to save both her leg and her life. Though he knew a bouquet of flowers wouldn’t change the fact that she would never be able to cheer ever again, Peter figured it was a nice touch and planned to have one made before heading to the hospital.
Googling the closest florist, Peter was surprised to find a shop so near to campus. Many of the businesses surrounding Purdue were food joints or bars that were guaranteed to get a lot of steady business during the semester and over the summer. He wondered, just for a moment, how such a random store managed to survive the college population.
It took one look at the place to understand why the shop fit exactly where it was. Instead of the old lady feel he assumed he’d find, Peter stepped in front of a large windowed building with intricate flower arrangements filling the visible shelves. On the far side of the door was a mural of the Purdue P surrounded by all types of flora. The word Stark’s was camouflaged within the swarm of vines and greenery throughout the painting. It was well done and in the perfect, eye-catching spot.
A small bell over the door rang as Peter walked through it – at least one of the cliches in his mind was accurate. Grinning at the thought, Peter let his legs carry him further into the store, his head on a swivel to look at all the beautiful foliage placed strategically from one wall to the other. Though he knew nothing of plants, Peter understood the art of drawing attention – he participated in a sport that perfected it. From the placement to the intrigue, whoever owned the shop knew exactly what to do to draw a person in.
Peter stopped his exploration when a recognizable voice echoed throughout the space – “I’ll be right with you.” Upon hearing the timber and depth that haunted Peter every night since MJ’s wedding, he almost turned around and walked right back out of the store. He wasn’t equipped for the gorgeous man and his distracting smile and eyes and shapely ass.
Before he could make his feet move or even think, Tony and his inarguable gorgeousness walked in through the back door. His hands were covered in dirty gloves, a newly potted plant in the crook of his elbow. A denim apron covered a plain white t-shirt and black jeans that peaked out the bottom. At the sight of him, Peter had to force himself to keep his mouth closed and the pace of his heart under control – much like the last time he enjoyed the view, Peter wanted to bound across the distance and intimately get to know the other man.
Met with a smile when their eyes locked, Peter reminded himself to remain calm and smile back, to actually act like a human person with thoughts and the ability to actually articulate them. He came in here for a reason, walking out of the store with anything but the arrangement he wanted to bring to the hospital was unacceptable.
Tony, upon recognizing him, took the first step towards intelligible conversation.
“Peter, right? It’s nice to see you in here! How’d the wedding go?”
Blushing at the familiarity, Peter dipped his head and took a deep breath, hoping to collect himself enough to actually reply back. “Hi, yes. Peter. It’s nice to see you, too. I was surprised to see a flower shop in the middle of college central, but your place seems to fit in really nicely. No wonder MJ was pulled in,” Peter said in reply, getting the words out all at once to make sure they all saw the light of day. “The wedding was beautiful. Both brides are blissfully happy, and your floral arrangements were the topic of several conversations I had that night. You do good work, Tony.”
Peter’s heart stopped when Tony tilted his head back into a laugh a moment later. How did someone look so sexy doing something so base? No matter what happened, Peter knew he’d never understand such a thing. To cover up his reaction, Peter added his own laugh to the mix – the sounds harmonious in the empty shop.
“Yeah, I’m sure my flowers were a hot topic of conversation, especially with those beautiful women in the room. Thanks for the kind words, though,” Tony mumbled through a laugh. As he spoke, Tony reached up to brush an errant curl from his forehead – without the hat, the hair on Tony’s head looked unruly and all over the place, untamed and absolutely beautiful. The move left the smallest remnant of dirt on his skin, the black flecks of soil like little calling cards with Peter’s name on them. His fingers itched to reach up and brush them away. Tony’s next words shook him of the thought – “What brings you in today?”
“One of my teammates fell and injured herself pretty severely. We, as a team, decided to rub in the fact that she’ll never join us on the mat again by visiting her now that she’s out of the ICU. I figured some pretty flowers might soften the blow,” Peter explained, coloring at the blunt honesty that trickled from his mouth.
Tony looked intrigued, the other man completely unfazed by Peter’s word choice and candid nature. “Must be a dangerous sport if you guys are nursing career ending injuries.” He signaled for Peter to follow him with a swift flick of his hand.
“I’ve seen some pretty intense injuries in my long cheerleading career, for sure. People flying through the air, and all that. I wouldn’t call the sport in general dangerous, per say – I’d say the expectations we have to meet are what’s dangerous. The look, the difficulty of the stunts we make our bodies do – it’s demanding,” Peter remarked, following a couple steps behind Tony as they walked.
“Sounds misogynistic as hell.”
Laughing at the truth of Tony’s statement, Peter nodded enthusiastically. His heart felt warm from the idea of the random stranger in front of him understanding his struggles better than May and Ben ever could. Tony didn’t know him, and yet Peter couldn’t remember ever feeling so seen. “Oh, it is. The beauty standards are unbelievable and if you’re a male in the cheer world, forget it – you’re fodder for mockery and intense judgement. I fit the stereotype and even I can’t catch a break.”
“What’s the stereotype?” Tony asked with a soft tilt of his head and curiousness in his eyes.
They stopped suddenly then – the space between them was narrowed down to a couple of feet with an abundance of plants surrounding them on both sides. If he took a step or two forward, Peter wouldn’t have too much trouble reaching out and touching Tony’s beautifully tanned skin like he so desperately wanted to. It took too much effort to stop himself from doing exactly that. How exhausting.
Without waiting another beat or giving himself another moment to eye kissable lips, Peter uttered the answer with subtle breathlessness – “Gay. Flaming homosexual is usually what people attribute to the men of the cheer world.”
Color travelled up Tony’s cheeks, his lips quirking ever so slightly. He took his time answering, the man obviously thinking through his reply before blurting whatever he had to say into the universe. “Huh. That’s interesting, considering football players don’t go a play without touching each other on the ass.” Tony stopped for a second, making sure to catch Peter’s eye. “Do you like it?”
“I love it,” Peter answered immediately, the words coming out of his mouth without thought. “Its been my life since 7th grade.”
“I guess that’s all that matters, then,” Tony replied softly, a small, familiar smile on his lips. “Now back to your friend – what’s her favorite color?”
For the next half an hour, Peter learned about flower language and the subtle way to artfully layer flowers so the colors blended meaningfully together. Peter didn’t retain too much about the flowers themselves – they were beautiful and coordinated perfectly, but Tony out shone them all. He was obviously in his element; the simple way the information fell from his mouth spoke of years of study and tons of hands-on knowledge. Not only was the man smart, he had an eye for style and created little living masterpieces without much thought.
By the time Peter worked up the courage to make any sort of move, they were at the register, seconds away from a complete transaction. He was in too deep to let the spark between them go another time. Steeling himself for whatever might come, Peter took a deep breath and leapt. “Hey, before I go – would you like to go out with me sometime? I have a chef friend that makes killer steak frites.”
For what it was worth, the look of surprise that crossed over Tony’s face was brief. It made Peter’s breath catch in anticipation – for the first time in their short acquaintance, Peter felt uncertain. The feeling quickly passed, however; Tony’s face split into a beaming smile, the earlier surprise so easily replaced with seemingly genuine happiness.
“Yeah, I’d love to. I close up shop around 6 – are you free tonight?” Tony’s cheeks were stained with a rapidly darkening, gorgeous blush, hazel eyes shining.
Peter couldn’t remember what the next ten minutes entailed, let alone that evening – yet, whatever it was, he’d happily reschedule. There wasn’t a single thing that would stop him from saying yes to whatever Tony suggested. “I am. How about I meet you out front at 6:30? I’ll call Tasha and grab us a table for 7.”
Tony nodded, reaching across the counter towards Peter’s phone. “That sounds good. I’ll give you my number in case something changes. I’ve got a greenhouse out back and tend to forget myself. I sometimes lose track of time.”
Completely taken by every new thing he learned about Tony, Peter opened the phone and pushed it in Tony’s direction without hesitation. He didn’t expect the older man to be so forward – then again, Peter wasn’t all that surprised, either; Tony owned, operated, and supplied a successful business – he had to know what he was doing to some extent.
Watching with a delirious sort of haze, Peter followed as Tony’s fingers enter his number, then hit the green button to call himself. A phone on the back counter buzzed a couple of times before Tony ended the call and slid Peter’s phone back to him. “See you later, Peter. Tell your friend I wish her a speedy recovery.”
Numb hands grabbed the arrangement off the counter – Peter raised it towards Tony in a mock solute. “Until tonight, then.” Peter muttered the words excitedly. “Bye, Tony.”
He forced himself to keep his head down in hopes of actually making it out of the store. Peter wanted to turn around and look goofily at Tony – now that he knew his feelings were reciprocated, there was nothing stopping his desire from slipping out. Since the wedding, Peter forced the thought of strong arms and bright eyes from his head, just to be haunted by Tony’s beauty when he closed his eyes and let sleep take hold. His subconscious wasn’t on board with suppressing his urges – the fact that karma played a role made the rightness he felt even more valid.
Tony wanted him too.
His visit with Macy and the team was an immediate drag to his mood – the mix of emotions of the people surrounding their friend attempting to express sympathy was exhausting. Every person in the room feared Macy’s position in the bed. Some handled the anxiety better than others. The one bright spot of the visit, of course, was Tony’s arrangement. MJ immediately recognized the man’s work and winked at him knowingly. Peter didn’t stop a grin from slipping across his face; in their silent means of communication, the look was answer enough.
MJ corned him in the parking lot everyone dispersed to an appropriate amount of time later. When the room started to get too cloying, Peter made his excuses, prompting everyone to follow suit. There was only so much sad he could take – especially when a potential light in his dark tunnel shone so bright, waiting for him just hours away. They stopped at the trunk of Peter’s car, MJ leaning against the bumper like always. “Peter, spill. I haven’t seen that goofy look on your face since high school. Did something happen with Tony?”
Snorting at MJ’s impeccable awareness, Peter shifted until he could wrap his arm around her. He leaned his head against the side of MJ’s, closing his eyes. “Your florist is the best-looking man I’ve ever laid eyes on. I maturely held myself back at the wedding to be there with you in the moment and those karma points I banked were good to me today. I walked into Stark’s for some flowers for Macy and couldn’t bear to walk out without a chance to see him again.” Peter turned his head until he could press a kiss to her forehead. “We’re going out tonight.”
“I’m happy for you,” MJ said, her thin arms wrapping around him. “When I first met him, I thought you two might like each other. He’s older, a little weird, smart as hell – just your type.”
“I guess there’s a reason why you’re my best friend,” Peter quipped. “Seriously, though. Thank you – you always point me in the right direction. I really like him.”
MJ pulled back just enough to tap her forefinger against Peter’s nose – the move their sign of affection for years now. “Go get your man, Pete.”
To stop himself from pacing up and down the hall of his apartment, Peter went to the fitness center on campus – a hard workout with the weights was exactly what his body needed. Sweating and listening to a couple of playlists took Peter away from his thoughts of dinner later and into a mindset that let him just exist. It didn’t hurt that the pump in his arms looked amazing by the time he packed up and called it a day.
Timing it perfectly, Peter left himself an hour to get back to his apartment, shower, and decide on an outfit that didn’t shout desperate, but expressed his implicit interest, too. Not living too far from campus made it easy to fret about his clothes after a lengthy shower that took every ounce of Peter’s willpower to not masturbate anxiously. He wasn’t sure he’d be able to face the star of his fantasies head on after beating off to the thought of Tony’s tanned skin and gorgeous smile.
After a few restless passes through every piece in his closet, Peter took a large step back, attempting to clear his head. From what he already learned of the older man, Peter knew Tony looked flawless in anything – his style was basic, but the casual nature in which it was worn made the look stylish, anyway. Tasha’s restaurant wasn’t the fanciest place in the world and the pressing feeling of being comfortable in Tony’s presence made an outfit pop into Peter’s head after a couple of long breaths that helped to calm him down.
Peter slipped into his favorite dark wash jeans, smiling all the while – it seemed silly, the anxiety he danced with less than five minutes ago. He’d felt nothing but ease and excitement around Tony, getting himself prepared for a date with the man wasn’t as life and death as he let himself believe. Stressing over something that felt simple in every other way was a new feeling – Peter carried an abundance of confidence with him everywhere. The change made Peter believe whatever might happen with Tony was different and so much better than any other romantic dalliance he’d ever taken part in.
The outfit was finished with a couple small sprays of his favorite cologne – Peter only broke out the fancy stuff for special occasions. With a tug to his rolled shirt sleeve and the slightest adjustment of his collar, Peter took a deep breath and wandered across the room to stop in front of his mirror. His straight legged jeans were clasped at the waist with a black leather belt that cut Peter’s figure dramatically. Both muscular and trim, Peter went out of his way to make sure each attribute was highlighted appropriately. A white and blue stripped short sleeve button up wrapped around Peter’s firm biceps and tucked neatly into his waistband to highlight the narrowness of his hips.
Aside from the rogue curls Peter couldn’t tame, he felt good about the way he looked – the outfit and the confidence it made him feel would be a hit. Tony seemed to like the upfront and honest way he presented himself, there wasn’t any reason to change that now. Allowing himself one last look, Peter turned away from the mirror and made his last-minute preparations – he pocketed his wallet and keys and grabbed a jacket off the coat hook on his way out of the door.
It took less than five minutes to get to Tony’s shop – without the daily traffic on the road, the drive was easy. Pocketing that fact for another time, Peter climbed out of the car excitedly; for the first time in a while, Peter felt ready to date. Tony presented intrigue and want and a curiosity that Peter hoped to cling to for as long as possible. The simple fact that Peter already felt that way spoke volumes.
A door shutting brought Peter’s attention to the sidewalk in front of him. He expected to find Tony turned around to lock the front door of the shop, yet the older man was closing a door on the side of the building instead. Even more interested now, Peter started to head in that direction.
“I live in a huge loft above the shop,” Tony said with a knowing tone, answering Peter’s unspoken question without any sort of hesitation. “When I first bought the building, a storefront wasn’t what I initially had in mind. After I opened up the shop, it made the most sense.” Tony continued to speak as he closed the distance between them.
A soft pair of lips were pressed lightly against Peter’s cheek before he could think, let alone reply. Peter felt his cheeks and neck light up with a heated flush, his body temperature skyrocketing. Tony’s next words only added to the feeling – “You look amazing, Peter.”
Swallowing his awkwardness, Peter smiled in Tony’s direction, finally taking the man in front of him fully. Tony’s legs were encased in charcoal grey jeans that were rolled twice at the cuff. The edges sat nicely against a pair of black and white vans. The tanned arms Peter hadn’t been able to stop thinking about were on display – Tony’s short sleeve button up was perfectly tight against a trim chest and firm shoulders. Other than the stubble Peter figured Tony always had, the man’s cheeks were smooth – highlighting how gorgeous the florist truly was. It didn’t hurt that their fashion senses were similar, either; Peter wondered for a moment where Tony got the floral shirt currently driving him crazy.
“You’re stunning,” Peter eventually managed to say, his breathy words finally breaking his minutes long silence. “You’ve looked great in every way I’ve seen you – covered in dirt, sweaty and working, dressed to impress – it’s kind of not fair, Tony.” Peter let the truth of what he just said sit transparently on his face. They were passed the point of coyness and subtlety; Peter wanted Tony to know he was wanted, even though they hadn’t known each other long.
His bluntness seemed to do the trick – Tony grinned widely in his direction, avoiding direct eye contact with Peter in obvious hope of getting himself back under control. “Charmer,” Tony muttered, stepping a little closer to Peter to emphasis his point.
After opening the passenger side door like the gentleman he was, Peter settled behind the wheel and onto the main road. Tasha was a former teammate, a senior his freshman year, that escaped to Paris – only to make her way back to Indiana and use the knowledge she gained in one of the cooking capitals of the world. Over the years, Silver became a regular place for Peter and the team to spend their classier nights. The food was amazing, and Tasha’s unique style made the minimalism the restaurant was known for interesting and thought provoking. When he called to make the reservation, Tasha cooed in Peter’s ear while saving his favorite table for 7.
They made easy small talk during the drive over – Peter described the pre-season workouts he’d been trucking through while Tony regaled him with a story of his last customer of the day who tried to steal roses by stuffing them down her shirt. As he listened and absorbed, Peter realized Tony was funny and full to the brim of wit – he laughed freely, the sound so joyful, Peter couldn’t help but join in. They were still chatting as the hostess led them to their table and set large menus before them.
Their drink orders were taken almost immediately – the serving staff was familiar with Peter and must’ve been tipped off before they got there. A bottle of red wine was set on the table before either of them could delve back into their previous conversation. Peter poured them each a glass, then pointed at the menu – “Did anything catch your eye?”
“I thought I’d go with the steak frites. Out of all the dishes on this extensive menu, that one immediately came to your mind. Seems like as good a reason as any to give them a try,” Tony reasoned, lifting the wine to his lips as he spoke. “What about you?”
Peter’s cheeks were already starting to hurt from the giddy smile he couldn’t help – talking and joking and simply being with Tony felt so natural. He didn’t have to think to reply casually to whatever they were talking about. “I get them every time I’m here. When Tasha first opened this place, she’d just lay dishes on the table when we sat down. I stopped being her menu taster when she introduced me to the steak frites. I haven’t had anything else here since,” Peter admitted, his cheeks flaming once again.
“You’re one of those people, huh?” Tony shot back, grinning all the while.
“One of those people?”
Tony grinned a little wider, his eyes shining with affectionate enjoyment. Before he replied, the older man slipped his hand across the table, taking Peter’s fingers lightly. “Yeah, one of those people. Someone that gets the same dish at every Chinese or Italian place they go to, no matter the options.” His thumb trailed over the back of Peter’s hand. “You like what you like.”
Feeling a little called out, Peter ducked his head to stop anymore redness from overtaking his skin – he probably resembled a tomato already. It was crazy – to feel so happy being teased. “Okay, yeah – I’m one of those people. I’ll try that one dish anywhere, though.”
They traded a few barbs back and forth until they ordered, and their dishes were sat down in front of them. Without the threat of interruptions in the near future, Peter felt ready to broach some of the more personal topics – for the first time on a date, Peter genuinely wanted to listen and find out more about the person across from him.
“So, tell me more about yourself – who is Tony Stark when not covered in dirt or up to his elbows in beautiful flowers?” Peter cut into his steak as he spoke, hoping the relaxed way he asked the question would take a little tension off Tony’s obligation to answer. The last thing he wanted to do was make their time together feel like an interrogation.
Tony didn’t seem to mind, though – he looked up with a tilt of his head. “What do you want to know? I’m shockingly not covered in dirt a lot of my time throughout the day.”
“How did your love for flowers start? Did you study horticulture in college?” Peter decided to ask.
Smiling lightly, Tony shifted in his seat, preparing himself for story time. “I studied Botany and Plant Pathology, actually. I have a doctorate in Plant Genetics and Soil and Water Sciences. During my plant genetics studies, I did some time abroad that took me to every continent – seeing the wide range of flora that exists in this world was the first time I ever thought about making plants and flowers a daily part of my life to the extent they are now.” Tony stopped to meaningfully catch Peter’s eyes.
“I used to be a professor at Purdue – when the restrictions of the lab became too much, I ditched the academic world and opened up the shop. I’ve been elbows deep in beautiful flowers ever since.” Tony winked in his direction, repeating his words jokingly back to him. “What about you? You cheer and charm unsuspecting old men, I know that. What else do you get up to?”
“You’re the only unsuspecting older guy I want to be charming, don’t you worry,” Peter reassured Tony with a soft chuckle. “When I’m not sweeping you off your feet, I study Philosophy and play a stupid amount of video games. Cheer and all that comes with it takes up a lot of my time, though. Most of my college life has revolved around football games and competitions.”
“Sweeping me off my feet – jeez, Pete,” Tony mumbled. His cheeks were red and the smile he wore spoke of happiness and enjoyment. “I took a couple of Philosophy classes during my undergrad days. What do you plan to do with an entire degree with it?”
A laugh slipped from Peter’s mouth at Tony’s question – though many people asked him that very same thing, no one presented it quite like Tony did. “You’d be surprised by what you can do with a Philosophy degree,” Peter retorted. “I want to be a bioethicist. My minor is Public Health – when I put my cheer shoes away for good, I hope to get a master’s in Bioethics and finally get into the realm I want to be in.”
Tony tilted his head then, his eyes roaming over Peter curiously. “What made you want to get into that? I’m sure there aren’t a lot of young bucks walking into higher education with their sights set on changing the medical world like that.”
Sucking in a long breath, Peter let the question sit on the air for a moment. He swirled the last of his wine in the glass before drinking it. “My parents were in a car accident a couple of days before my 10th birthday. My dad passed away immediately, but my mom – she hung on for an extra couple of days. There was a lot of internal bleeding that they were worried about. In all that worry, they didn’t wait for scan results or blood work to come back before they attempted a new, exploratory surgery. She didn’t make it back out of the operating room.”
Peter paused for a moment, catching his breath. “I was old enough to know someone fucked up and when I looked into it later, I decided I never wanted to let someone feel like I did in a crisis like that. There’s got to be someone who reviews the evidence and makes the ethically just decision to save someone’s life. Why shouldn’t it be me?”
For a second, Peter thought he went a little bit too far – there was a tense moment of silence that felt heavy after revealing something so personal. Peter bit into his bottom lip, not letting himself look up to see whatever reaction existed on Tony’s face. Then, a soft touch brushed across the back of Peter’s hand, Tony’s calloused fingers wrapping around his own. A brief squeeze had Peter looking up, his breath catching at the awe that met him. “I’m sorry to hear about your parents, Pete. Mine aren’t around anymore, either. It’s kind of cliché to say that you saw the deeper meaning of something so tragic, but it’s true. You’re using your pain to make the world better. That’s good shit,” Tony said, his voice hinting at a note of finality – like nothing would change his mind of the thought.
His certainty made Peter feel light, the weight of his emotional burden finally lifting from him after so many years. What a difference it made, to be so easily understood.  
That light and airy feeling followed Peter throughout the rest of the evening – he smiled widely as Tony talked about his greenhouse while they shared a small chocolate tart between them. For all that his physical attraction was worth, Peter was genuinely surprised to realize that he felt a personal connection to the florist, too. They led different lives but shared enough similarities to make the time spent together more than worth it. Peter liked Tony and from the looks and subtle touches Tony bestowed upon him all evening, Peter figured Tony might like him, too.
Tony proved that thought to be true when they pulled up in front of his place – “Do you want to come up? I had a really nice time tonight and don’t want it to end.” Tony’s words were said through a saucy smile, his intention more than clear in the look in his eyes.
Peter didn’t hesitate to give his answer – leaning forward, he gripped the side of Tony’s cheeks, using his hold as leverage to pull Tony a little closer. They met in the middle, their lips pressing together softly.
Things progressed pretty quickly from there. Tony led Peter up a small flight of stairs into an open room. As expected, plants and flowers were scattered around the place, covering all of the flat surfaces with adequate enough sunlight. A comfortable looking couch and kitchen table took up one corner of the room while a large, king-sized bed took up the rest of the free space of the room. There wasn’t much clutter and all of the things that Tony had, he more than likely used. It was simple and perfect, much like the person who resided there.
Tony didn’t let Peter take in the room for too long – before he could walk around and snoop, Tony’s arms were around Peter’s hips, pulling him close. Peter eagerly met Tony in the middle, their lips sealing together in the delicious slide of tongue and teeth and wet, panted breath. As the kisses deepened and their bodies moved closer to each other, Peter started to impatiently thumb at Tony’s buttons, his palms and fingers running over every inch of bare skin he revealed to the cold air. Tony followed suit; his movements much more impatient than Peter’s were. By the time they made it over to the bed, Tony was pulling down Peter’s pants and boxer briefs. He gladly joined Tony in nakedness before climbing onto the inviting mattress.
“Holy shit, this is comfortable,” Peter babbled absentmindedly, his limbs stretching as far as they could go.
“It’s the one thing I refuse to compromise on. I want to be comfortable when I partake in all the activities a bed is good for,” Tony replied as he climbed onto the bed and fit himself between Peter’s legs. “You’ll be even more impressed in the morning,”
For a while after that, there weren’t any words exchanged. Peter kept his mouth busy by pressing kisses into Tony’s neck and upper chest – Tony’s cologne was prominent, pulling Peter in the more he breathed the delicious smell in. Tony let Peter riddle his skin with marks and spit while he ran his hands all over Peter’s skin. Their hips were lined up and with every thrust Peter made up, Tony rolled his hips down until their cocks brushed delightfully. They were both so caught up in each other that nothing but touching and experiencing actually mattered.
It’d been so long for Peter that he found himself coming to a breathless crescendo fast. After a few minutes of passively letting Peter kiss him, Tony took control of things – his hips set the tempo and his hands and lips laid down the distraction. So overwhelmed from it all, Peter wasn’t aware of how close he was until his orgasm slammed into him out of nowhere. “Oh fuck, Tony! I’m – I’m going to come,” Peter panted out, his body thrumming with life and want and a desire he couldn’t hold back.
“Oh, Tony!” Peter practically screamed a moment later – Tony dirtily rolled his hips to toss him deliciously over the edge.
Panted breath filled the room as Peter rode the high of his orgasm. Tony placed tiny, teasing kisses against any part of Peter’s skin he could reach. Reaching down, Peter gripped the sides of Tony’s face until they were looking at each other – Tony met his eyes with a self-satisfied smirk. “How good is your turnaround time?”
Laughing, Peter leaned forward to give Tony a kiss. His cock was already starting to fill out again – having Tony so close set his body on fire. “Ten minutes at the max,” Peter mumbled after a moment of cataloging his heavy limbs and the desire that was rampaging through them.
“Good. Then you’ll have plenty of time to prep me before you fuck me.”
Lost in the words for a moment, Peter was immobile until Tony tapped his side with a cold lube bottle to get his attention. “You want me to fuck you?” Peter dumbly asked, his mind still trying to catch up.
“Yeah, Pete. I want to feel you inside of me. Your body is trim and fit – I can only imagine how good you’re going to fuck me,” Tony admitted without shame. He moved out of the splay of Peter’s thighs, climbing to his hands and knees, instead.
Not wanting to lose his chance, Peter launched himself into action. He ran his hands over the planes of Tony’s sides and back, tracing the small scars and tiny moles scattered across pale skin. His fingers were eager to categorize and map, but his impatience was too great. Tony pressed back into him, as if he too was starting to feel anxious for what was coming next.
Uncapping the lube, Peter drizzled a good amount onto two of his fingers, pausing just long enough to warm the slick to body temperature. When he felt ready, Peter pressed the tips of both his fingers to Tony’s eagerly waiting hole, tracing and circling the muscle to spread the lube and relax the man he was touching. Little by little, his first finger slipped in without much resistance. Tony bared down against him and let the digit slip all the way in until the webbing of Peter’s finger stopped him.
Now that the warm heat was wrapped around him, Peter wanted to take his time, letting Tony get used to the feeling while he explored and reached. Tony’s entire body jolted forward when Peter finally found that delicate nub.
“Shit – do that again!” Tony shouted; his voice laced with a breathy moan.
Unable to do anything but give into what they both wanted, Peter continued his ministrations, teasing Tony with one, two, and then three fingers. He scissored and pressed against the edge of Tony’s rim, loosening the muscle as he went. When he pressed inside, Peter caressed Tony’s insides, just barely pressing against his prostate until Tony was humping back with exaggerated impatience.
“I’m good, Pete. I’m good. Please, I want you,” Tony pleaded as he reached back and felt around for whatever lenght of Peter’s skin he could reach.
Completely hard once again, Peter was more than ready to feel Tony wrapped around him – after an easy orgasm already, Peter knew he’d be able to make their coupling worth it. Opening the tube of lube again, Peter drizzled more of it directly onto the length of his cock, and then a bit more around Tony’s rim. He stroked himself a couple of times, then shifted until the head of his cock could drag through the lube coating Tony’s skin.
He teased them both for a moment, tracing Tony’s rim with the wet head of his cock to ramp up that initial moment of anticipation. Peter kept up his antics until his own body couldn’t take it any longer – every part of him craved the warm embrace of Tony’s hole. With that thought in mind, Peter used one of his hands to grip Tony’s hip, using his hold to pull the other man back against him as he thrust forward. Breaching the muscle felt like coming home – he threw his head back with a rough groan; maybe he wouldn’t last as long as he initially thought.
“Tony, Tony, Tony – you feel fucking amazing,” Peter panted through clenched teeth, his body fighting hard against the need to thrust forward and take, take, take.
Tony reached back to grab at Peter’s hand on his hip to tangle their fingers together, instead. They shared a few breaths while Tony got used to the stretch of Peter within him, the mere connection between them radiating a different sort of heat while they waited.
Finally, Peter felt Tony relax around him enough for his hips to draw back and press forward without much effort. He kept his thrusts slow to start; his cock was throbbing from the realization that it was Tony below him – picking up the pace was a sure-fire way to end things a lot quicker than either of them wanted. When Tony started to thrust back against him, however, Peter lost more and more of his control. His hips snapped forward, their skin slapping together to make a loud sound that echoed around the room. With every thrust in, Tony moved with him – the tip of Peter’s cock was poised to press perfectly against Tony’s prostate every time.
Between the sounds dripping from Tony’s mouth and the delightful squeeze around his length, Peter was a few thrusts away from slipping over the edge once more. He tried to shift so he could wrap his fingers around Tony’s cock to get him there too, but he was met with a long stare over Tony’s shoulder – dark hazel eyes were on fire, pushing him to thrust harder and forget everything else. Tony’s body was taut, obviously strung out and seconds away from breaking apart. Finally understanding, Peter straightened out his chest, gripped Tony’s hips in both hands, and let himself go.
In the end, it was hard to decide who tumbled over the edge first. Tony shouted Peter’s name and tightened impossibly tight around him. The extra stimulus was the perfect thing to bring the heat in Peter’s belly to an overflowing boiling point. He tucked his head into the sweaty length of Tony’s neck and groaned, Tony’s name and fuck and unintelligible noises added to the symphony their joining created around the room.
Managing to just barely turn Tony as his body collapsed, Peter hit the mattress hard – his cock slipped out of the blissful heat, dragging a long groan from the depth of Peter’s chest. Being inside of Tony already felt like home; both his body and his heart were convinced. Wrapping his arm around Tony’s hip to compensate, Peter snuggled into the man’s sweaty back, keeping their bodies close.
“I – Tony. That was…” Peter started to mutter, his brain still not back online like the rest of him. Tony looked over his shoulder, affection and appreciation alive in the hazel of his eyes. They shared a heated stare as Tony pulled Peter’s hand more firmly across his chest – they didn’t need words in that moment, merely touching and existing in the same orbit was more than enough.
After that first passionate night, Peter spent almost all of his free time with Tony. With the shop being so close to campus, it was easy to lean on Tony’s close proximity and the joyful happiness Peter felt whenever they were together. The natural way their lives just sort of combined with each other proved how right they were for each other. Where others were wrapped up in the time Peter spent away from them, Tony enjoyed the fact that they led separate lives. Peter got to keep cheerleading and Tony at the same time without the two battling against each other. He didn’t know it before Tony came into his life, but that level of acceptance was everything Peter needed from another person to both excel and feel happiness.
Before Peter knew it, four months were behind them – though it hadn’t been that long, most of Peter’s things took up space in Tony’s apartment and every thought Peter had revolved around the life he was trying to create with the older man. He even took the time to learn more about Tony’s body of work – they spent many of their afternoons together in the backyard with Tony working the greenhouse while Peter practiced tumbling or simply watched his boyfriend in his element. Peter couldn’t recall another person making him feel so dumbfounded playing in the dirt the way Tony did – it wouldn’t matter what the man did, either; Peter would find something to be amazed about.
It was Tony that drew him in; his personality, thoughts, and the eager way he gave back to Peter spoke to a part of himself that he never knew existed.
Which was how he found himself nervously awaiting Tony’s arrival at the Purdue football stadium – aside from MJ and Darcy, Tony’s appearance at the football game would be the first time any of his friends met the older man. The fall, much like Peter, was a busy time of the year for Tony. Between weddings, showers, and parties, Tony’s weekends were filled to the brim. The homecoming game was the first game that the home schedule actually lined up with Tony’s off day. He couldn’t wait for Tony to watch him do the thing he loved in the uniform he felt proud to wear. Selfishly, he wanted to see that same sort of pride radiating from the person he’d fallen in love with.
The forty minutes they were trapped in the locker room before the game started felt like torture – his phone vibrated against his thigh a couple of minutes after they headed in from warm-ups. Tony was navigating the stadium’s security to get to the sideline spot Peter secured for him. When they walked back onto the field, Tony would be there eagerly waiting for him.
Finally, the performance lights flickered, and they were ushered to their usual entrance. The large black and gold flag he carried in his hands was lighter than usual – his excitement pumped through him, the dopamine of happiness causing a rush of energy. As the announcer pumped up the crowd, Peter caught the eyes of his teammates around him, sharing the hype he felt.
Running across the thick white lines never felt better – by the time he crossed center field, Peter caught sight of Tony in the corner. His boyfriend was clapping loudly, the honey-hazel of his eyes glued to Peter’s every move. The familiar feeling that Tony’s love created in him spread through Peter’s chest, showing itself off as a giant, beaming smile.
They didn’t get much of a chance to talk throughout the first half of the game – Peter’s stunt group was responsible for the spirit stuff for the first and second quarter. Instead, Peter sent Tony messages with his eyes, showing off his skills and tumbling talents whenever he could. It was almost better that way – Tony got to experience Peter in his element without any pressure to respond. The crowd going wild around them only added to the experience. For once, Peter got to put on the show.
When Peter got to wander off after the half-time performance, he was wrapped up in a bear-hug the second Tony could get his arms around him. Peter was covered in sweat and glitter and the annoying little turf beads that always stuck to his skin, but Tony didn’t seem to care. The older man picked him up, spinning him around excitedly. “Pete, you’re so talented. I about shit my pants when you back flipped for so long down the field, but damn – the skill you possess,” Tony gushed, tucking his face into Peter’s neck to calm himself down.
Not wanting to lose the upbeat energy, Peter cupped Tony’s cheeks in both of his hands. Tony leaned into the touch, tilting his head back to look at him. “I’m so happy you’re here,” Peter started, leaning forward to steal a quick kiss. “I’ve been on point all day because of you. I can feel you watching me – I want to be good for you.” The last words were whispered in his ear, the impact of them hitting Peter hard across his lower back as Tony wrapped him up and pulled him close.
“You’re the only thing I see,” Tony mumbled back, his tone all the sudden low and gravelly.
After leaning in to give Tony a heated kiss, Peter forced himself to pull back – he stepped out of Tony’s embrace completely. If he stayed there any longer, he wouldn’t make it back to the locker room at all. Smirking in Tony’s direction, Peter thrust his thumb over his shoulder. “I’ve got to go, or I’ll never leave. See you after?”
“I’ll meet you out front,” Tony said with a nod, his anxious hands reaching out to squeeze Peter’s hand once more. “Keep kicking ass, Pete.”
His role during the third and fourth quarter was a lot more passive than the first half of the game. Since the Boilers were up more than two touchdowns, a lot of the crowd left after the first few minutes of the third quarter – that meant the younger stunters and less experienced tumblers got to have some time on the field. To stop himself from straying over towards Tony, Peter put all of his effort into helping his littles. It didn’t work nearly as well as he figured it might, but he got through the rest of the game with minimal distraction.
Hayley’s speech was inspirational and moving like usual – they were done with football home games for the season and their success was obvious and highlighted in her moving words. The next couple of months of the season were the calm before the storm and they were all looking forward to the small break basketball games posed for them. Competition season started after the holidays and no rest would be spared. Though he always appreciated her words, Peter wished for them to quickly come to an end.
Before he even finished the thought, Hayley was circling them up, calling out the cheer that they all echoed back. As he shifted to move out of the circle, a firm grip stopped him. “I believe this is for you,” Hayley said, handing over a classic red rose.
“Hayley, who’s this from?” Peter asked, trying his best to tamper down the hope that maybe Tony was the stupidly romantic culprit.
With a knowing smile, Hayley shrugged her shoulders nonchalantly, “He said you’d know.”
Pulling the rose to his chest, Peter ducked his nose to sniff at the crisp petals. It was de-thorned and freshly cut – Tony’s markers were all over the beautiful gesture. His cheeks were already sore from all the beaming he’d been doing all night, the face splitting smile only made it worse. Despite that, Peter wore it throughout his post-game routine and out the door where he ran directly into MJ.
“MJ! What are you doing here?” Peter threw his arms around her then, careful not to crush the flower still in his hand.
Thin arms returned the hug – MJ brought him tightly to her chest with a hard squeeze. It’d been a few weeks since they’d seen each other. Seeing her standing there, Peter realized it’d been too long.
“I couldn’t miss homecoming. I am an alumna after all,” MJ replied, her wide eyes never leaving him. Watching her closely, Peter felt a gasp leave his lips when she brought another classic red rose up, running the flower under her nose. “This needed delivering, too.”
Peter gripped the rose lightly, tucking it against the other one in his hand. Each of the petals were perfect and from the small lessons he got from Tony whenever they handled the clipped flowers, Peter knew what the giving of classic red roses meant. It only seemed right that Tony clued him in that way.
“Don’t fuck this up, Peter. I really like him, too,” MJ remarked as she moved in to press a soft kiss on his cheek. He kept her close for a moment, simply soaking in her presence. “He’s waiting for you out front. Go get your man, Pete.”
A soft laugh left his lips, MJ said that to him when she first learned about his date with Tony. It wasn’t lost on him how full circle everything felt. The rightness of being with Tony existed in every aspect of his life – each little sign made the delirious heat in his chest burn that much brighter.
Giving MJ one more squeeze, Peter broke away to quickly make his way towards the front of the stadium where Tony was waiting for him. He wasn’t sure what he did to deserve such a sweet display of affection – Tony knew Peter appreciated the simple day to day life they were slowly creating with each other. At the same time, Peter’s heart was hammering in his chest at the thought that Tony deemed him worthy of such a gesture.
Peter found Tony leaning up against one of the large pillars just outside the exit doors. In the darkness, the honey color of his eye shone like melted pools of gold. Narrowing the distance between them became the only thing on Peter’s mind, he picked up his pace and practically threw himself in Tony’s arms.
The sigh along the length his neck made Peter tuck in a little tighter against Tony, his heart pounding with affection. He pulled back before the roses in his hand could get squished in the intensity of their embrace. Peter brought the flowers to his nose, keeping Tony’s eye as he did. “They’re beautiful, aren’t they?” Peter sing-songed, grinning at the flush that spread over Tony’s cheeks with every word.
Tony nodded at him, tilting his head with a mischievous look of his own. “It looks like you’re missing one, though,” Tony remarked. The long stem in his hand was darker than the others, symbolizing love yet to be realized. Their fingers brushed as Peter took it, his brow quirked in intrigue.
“I love you, Pete. I’ve known since you walked through the door of my shop that you were special. Every second with you has made my life just a little bit better. I know it hasn’t been that long, but I’m mad about you. Over the fucking moon.” Tony walked into his space then, his hands cupping Peter’s cheeks.
Surging forward, Peter caught Tony’s lips in a passionate kiss, their noses bumping in the process. They sipped from each other’s mouths until the need to breath became pressing. Instead of pulling away, Peter leaned his forehead against Tony’s, closing his eyes to revel in the contentment that wrapped around them both. After a couple of shared breaths, Peter blinked to catch Tony’s eye. “I love you too, Tony,” Peter whispered back.
With a wide grin, Tony leaned in again, mumbling “I know” against Peter’s lips.
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signalno5 · 3 years
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[01] In which you consider moving to Tokyo
Or (M/N) passes the fuck out.
(This chapter starts in March even though the Japanese school year starts in April because students still have to move into the dorms. Also this is my first fic ever so I’m not super sure if the formatting is okay, if there’s anything that should be fixed please tell me so.)
Warnings: Cursing, some cringe behavior jakshdka, one (1) innuendo
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March 26, 2012
God, the dorms are huge.
You think to yourself as you put your shoes away and put on a pair of slippers. You lug your bags past the genkan and into the empty common room, arms straining from the weight of it. It wasn’t exactly a new sight for you, having lived in the Shiratorizawa Junior High dorms in the past, but it was definitely bigger probably to take in account your growing teenage bodies or something. The miracles of youth...
Unfortunately, your room was on the 3rd floor and you still had a few more bags in the dorm's common room that you had to come back for once you've found your room. Your back would probably hate you after this. You sigh as you step onto the first flight of stairs, knowing that there was one more flight to go after this one. 
You take it on surprisingly well. (Ha, take that Michiko-sensei! My cardiovascular endurance isn’t nonexistent! Just miniscule!) 
This one wasn't too bad. In fact, it was actually pretty easy-
-By the time you get to the second flight, you're winded and put your bags down to rest for a second before continuing your perilous journey. You felt like your knees were gonna give out once you set your feet on the third floor. You suddenly regret speeding up after the first flight of stairs and bringing a lot of trinkets to decorate your room with.
Curse my own hubris and sentimentality.
You sure did hope that your roommate would be okay with all of your stuff being littered around the room. You felt a bit bad for the poor schmuck stuck with you for three years. You didn't really know much about your roommate. Heck, all you knew about the guy was his name.
 Goshiki Tsutomu
He didn't go to Shiratorizawa for middle school [1] unlike you so he was definitely a new face. You heard he was a student athlete too but you don't really know what sport he plays. Maybe baseball?
Your eyes scanned the metal plates for your room number, your last name or your roommate's last name. 
304.... 306.... Ah 308!
You set your bags down with a loud thud and rush to grab your keys to open the door but lo and behold it opens for you.
Oh crap, is that your roommate??? 
"Oh! You must be my roommate! Are you (L/N) (M/N)?", Goshiki says.
Woah mind-reader! He's cute and he looks kinda young even though he was taller than you. Maybe it's the bowl cut. Huh, yeah... You did have that hairstyle as a kid a well- Wait, dumbass say something!
"Um, hello! Yes, that's me! I'm (L/N) (M/N)! Pleased to make your acquaintance, Goshiki!"
Yeah, way to sound like a moron.
You bow at the waist respectfully in hopes that he forgets that you're an idiot. He bows back.
"Ah, same here (L/N)! I hope we get along well!"
As he straightens up from his bow, he takes one of your bags and pushes the doors wider, beckoning you into the room.
"Ah, thanks Goshiki.", you say with a wide smile directed straight at him, very much pleased that your roommate was such a nice guy and that there was less to carry.
"N-no problem!" 
At this, he sounds a bit flustered and shaky too. Huh, weird.
"So are you top or bottom?", you blurt out looking at the bunk beds [2] at the corner of the room.
Goshiki spluttered and reddened at this question. He seemed like he was about to combust. Only then have you realized what you just said.
Fuck, is Seijoh still accepting applications? Maybe you shouldn't have gone to Shiratorizawa.
"BUNK! Are you top or bottom... bunk?", you end the question lamely wanting to just ask for a new roommate since you've already ruined any chance of being on good terms with this one.
"O-okay... That's great! I'm used to bottom bunk."
You look around the room desperately to find something, anything that could dispel the energy you've created in this dorm room. Your eyes land on the volleyball on the desk. Bingo.
"You play?", you gesture to the volleyball  that you spotted. Goshiki immediately brightens up and it's like nothing weird ever happened.
 Nice cover, (M/N)!
"Yeah! I'm a wing spiker actually... but one day, I'm gonna be Shiratorizawa's ace!", he says excitedly. His enthusiasm was infectious and you felt yourself smiling with him. 
"Well, good luck. You do seem like the type to be able to achieve something as ambitious as that."
You weren't usually one to give pep talk but you did genuinely believe him. He seemed nice and you wanted to cheer him on. You set your bag down at the foot of the bunk bed and sit on the bed to let your feet rest before you grab the rest of your stuff. 
Shiratorizawa sure has good funding, at least enough to keep the heaters on even though Spring is coming in. 
It was real pleasant and warm in the room. Like being under a kotatsu. It reminded you of waiting for the New Year… Hands idly peeling Oranges... Now you wanted Oranges….
Eyes getting droopy as you wait for the final ring of the bell at midnight. 
Eyes closing slowly.... Breaths evening....
You're startled awake as your head bashes against the wall. 
Wait- awake? 
Fuck, I fell asleep! What if someone took my shit? 
You quickly try to get up but your knees creak in protest. The grogginess from falling asleep makes you stumble in the dark dorm room but there's enough light for you to read the time on your watch.
 6:24 p.m. 
You were dropped off by your aunt at 2:30! How did you manage to sleep for so long? It was only two flights of stairs-
"(M/N)-san? Sorry for having to yell."
Your head snapped to the direction of the voice, only now noticing where the light in the room had been coming from. Goshiki was seated at his desk; he looked like he was watching something on his tablet before he woke you up. 
Oh it was just Goshiki. 
You almost breathe a sigh of relief that someone didn't break into your room.
"It's alright, I shouldn't have slept like that anyway. Thanks, Ace."
You take his silence as your cue to leave the room and grab the rest of your bags. Maybe, some dinner as well for you and Goshiki. Just to thank him, not because he's cute and nice. Definitely not that.
"Ah! (M/N), where are you going?"
Ah shit, is he going to tell me I'm a wimp because I passed out carrying bags? Maybe Seijoh isn't far enough... Miyagi is too small; if I start a new life in Tokyo, he'll never find me-
Right, answering questions!
"Ah, just heading down to the common room. I forgot the rest of my bags when I- uh... You know? Fell asleep?"
'"I'll help you out! I am gonna be the Ace after all so I have to take this chance to get stronger!"
Goshiki sets his tablet down and gets up from his chair. You see him put his slippers on and you wait for him to grab his keys so you can head out. 
"By the way Goshiki, thanks." 
You felt dumb for saying that out of nowhere.
Well it's not like it could be taken back and there's nothing really embarrassing about being grateful...
“It's no problem! Anything for a new friend!”, he says it so surely like he knew that you’d get along for the rest of high school. 
You try to ignore how flustered you are and suddenly, you’re glad for how dark the room is.
( Later at night, you’d probably turn over the word in your head. Staring up at the ceiling, on which Goshiki’s bed is. Your mind repeating the word, friend...
Friend. )
Maybe high school won't be too bad.
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[1] I don't know if he was from Shiratorizawa junior high or not I kinda just assumed because in that one episode where it briefly shows young Goshiki, he's wearing a light blue and white jersey.
[2] I know that Goshiki's dorm room doesn't have a bunk bed ksnsjfhjsks i remember from the manga there were two single beds in his room unlike Ushijima's which has a bunk bed I just really like bunk beds hehe i used to jump off the top bunk then land on my parents bed which was next to it
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zishustits · 3 years
oooooh ship bingo! i recently heard about these two concepts and would love to hear your take: ye baiyi and lan xichen, and xie'er and lan xichen <3
Oohhh okay, first I have to say I'm not actually into crossovers BUT let's forget about that for a little bit, these concepts are interesting.
First, Ye Baiyi and Lan Xichen. Let's see what they have in common.
They are both high skilled cultivators, very relevant figures in their respective societies.
They share common values such as righteousness, compassion, honor, service without waiting for anything in return, even kindness (more explicit in Lan Xichen).
They are not rigid in their principles though. Both acknowledge that most of the times you cannot judge a person as bad or good, nor a situation as black or white. They have struggled with it sometimes (i.e. Ye Baiyi considering whether he should kill Wen Kexing or not after knowing he's the chief of Ghost Valley, while also being aware of the difficult circumstances that led him to become that evil figure, which are indirectly related to YBY as Rong Xuan was his disciple. Also Lan Xichen caught between the evidence that Meng Yao has committed very wrong deeds and the kindness he has known from him)
Both have lost their loved ones forever.
Both have a tendency for retirement and solitude.
Apart from that, LXC has this noble and respectable aura that makes people feel calm and reassured when he's around, like if there's any problem it's okay, LXC probably knows how to solve it, he's diplomatic, also he will protect his people from danger, always keeping that composed calmness that's inherent to him (even if there's inner turmoil).
Now I consider, Ye Baiyi is very similar too, think of those scenes in the first episodes of WoH, when he gave Gao Chong the token of honor, then at the second Heroes Conference when everyone turned to him as a guide for what to do with the Ghost Valley issue, and also when WKX and ZZS fell from the bridge Cheng Ling felt reassured having YBY to help him. People feel relieved when he's around to lead them and solve problems.
So now, if LXC and YBY met I think they'd be a good match, like they would sense the similarities of their souls, especially the influence they have on others, now I can't find the words, but it's related to the righteousness and the high moral values and elevated cultivation they have achieved. Also they would perceive the isolation that comes with being far from the mortal realm for so long (for Ye Baiyi) and with being an important figure of the cultivation society that also has lost someone who was very important to him (in the case of LXC).
I believe they'd connect easily, like oh I recognize you, you are similar to me. And also they would enjoy learning from each other, YBY has reached the most elaborated martial arts skills and LXC is outstanding in musical cultivation (or whatever name it is). They see each other as equals and no one feels less than the other.
However, I think Ye Baiyi would break all of the Lan rules XD and be upset all the time, like why can't I just sit on the roofs at night to watch the stars while drinking alcohol? But as LXC is the Gusu leader (I think? Can't remember what he was at the end of The Untamed) and he is far from strict as LQR was, he would ignore it. In fact, I think he knows most of the rules are outdated and unnecessary, so they just keep following the rules that are actually related to master one's discipline, being righteous, respecting your elders and seniors and being kind to your sworn brothers and so on.
They might cultivate together. Keep each other company even as they are just sitting there in meditative contemplation or just enjoying the silence. Talk about ancient knowledge.
As for the type of relationship, I don't actually think it would be of romantic or sexual nature, like they were devoted to one partner in the past (probably more platonically than anything, at least on YBY part) and seem to me the kind of people that does not engage with anyone else after his companion has died, at least in the same way, like sometimes it's hard to reach the same level of deep connection with someone else. That doesn't mean they could not forge a close relationship, but to me it's not the same vibe as xiyao or rongye (or whatever the name of this ship is).
Following the bingo classification, I'd say Best friends, or Qplatonic at most. Also I'm intrigued to know what other kind of relationship people think they could develop. If you want to share with me, I'd love to know your ideas!!
Okay, probably for the next one I'll try to write less because I realized how long this is getting (it's just a bingo, please brain!!!), and I should finish some college stuff buut it's not less interesting to me I swear!!
So Xie'er and LXC. First, I think LXC would be aware of the good that's in Xie'er and his potential, mostly his inexhaustible willpower and determination, which have been until now directed towards, let's say, flawed goals? All that energy and intelligence wasted on another man's dream. It's unacceptable!!
The principal thing that comes to my mind and that struck me since Xie'er first appeared was the he seems to know who is everyone, like he saw ZZS and WKX together for the first time and he thought, why are the former leader of the Window of Heaven and the chief of Ghost Valley together wtf? While everyone else was like oh, two righteous wanderers, never heard of them before. Xie'er clearly knows how to obtain the right information, he has the mind of a researcher, and that could be put to good use.
Also Xie'er knows a lot about venoms and their antidotes, is that not another relevant and useful skill he has??? Again here, he is a researcher, as for instance he discovered the cure to the Meng Po soup was Drunk like a dream. Furthermore, he probably knows a lot about survival, hiding, disguising himself, being a shadow amongst shadows, fighting (especially dirty tricks), and leadership skills. He also has some knowledge on magic tricks (with the Drug men) that could be the simile to demonic cultivation.
All this knowledge and abilities could be put to good use, not to achieve other's goals, but to help people, for example, finding a cure to their poisoning or demonic possession (or whatever), instructing others on different facts that could be useful if they need to hide from a threat, survive in the wild for some time, coming alive from a fight with a nasty opponent an so on.
I mean, I haven't mentioned LXC until now but let's assume he is aware of everything about Xie'er's skills that I have described. Also, he realizes Xie'er has a good soul, it's something you can see right away if you spend a minimum of time with him. He has shown it with actions too, for instance, when he released Liu Qian Qiao and his lover, also that scene after the battle at mount Qingya (I'm still crying about Cao Wei Ning and Gu Xiang, my poor babies ;~;) when he left WKX and ZZS go (although he had a sword to his neck gssbsbsbsb), and of course everything he did for Zhao Jing, out of his love and affection for him.
Okay, he has done bad deeds, but he has kindness in him. A kindness that has not actually been nurtured but has developed there anyways. He has a tendency to serve others, that we see mostly with his yifu. Those are important values that might be developed and focused to actions that make an improvement on people's lives, and probably on Xie'er's own.
And LXC is determined to do that. Like he sees Xie'er's efforts to serve others because it's something that comes naturally out of him, but realizes it needs to be properly acknowledged as no one has done that before (we only got to see him do things for his yifu, who rarely showed any gratefulness for it, and only this time with Qian Qiao she almost got to say something nice to him, but Xie'er turned away swiftly, like he is not used to receive positive feedback on his good actions at all, so probably it's not something that he feels comfortable with).
I believe LXC would nurture this good side of Xie'er, praising those little (and bigger) services he does for others, which would act as a positive reinforcement. Also he would show interest in Xie'er's skills, and what he does in his free time (like no one has shown some interest in this before?), as well as his emotional state and stuff. Showing that he genuinely cares about him. That he appreciates Xie'er for who he is.
Also he would encourage him to persevere on those abilities he has and teach others, maybe the Lan disciples. So Xie'er would see that his skills can be used for some other things that are not killing or trying to become the king of the world.
As for Xie'er, he would grow to like LXC, finally finding someone who really cares about him, knowing for the first time in his life what it is to be seen and appreciated by someone who does not expect nothing from him in return. Learning that he deserves to be loved that way (and I don't necessarily mean romantically).
And that he does not need to kill for others anymore. He can become the person he wants to be, not what others want to get from him. LXC would show him he can do good deeds and they will be appreciated, even if he's doing it for others is something he inherently has done before, it nurtures his soul. He needs to experience more of that. And LXC would encourage it. He is patient, he is kind, he rarely lashes out, he has predictable reactions unlike his yifu (I mean, when Xie'er did something to please him but sometimes he would react nicely and many others he wouldn't, let's ignore if his actions were morally correct or not, the fact is Zhao Jing would respond differently to similar things).
Also Xie'er is able to discern what's good and what's harmful, and I believe that given he could choose freely, without thinking is this what my Yifu would do, he would be inclined to do the good thing. LXC encourages that.
Okay, I will not elaborate more, probably I've even been redundant several times. This relationship would definitely be great for Xie'er, for him to learn what is a healthy bond and to grow as a person.
But I don't think it would develop into a romantic or sexual kind of relationship. It just don't give me those vibes. LXC and Xie'er have different backgrounds, LXC is a sect leader and devoted to cultivation, Xie'er is the leader of a shady assassin organization and has developed other kinds of abilities.
Dunno, I don't feel them like equals, as it feels with YBY and LXC, for them the cultivation/martial arts skills are one of the main pillars of their lives and it's something they can share together, LXC and Xie'er are way too different. There might be some power imbalance too, and LXC would be somewhat taking care of Xie'er and not quite the opposite? (save from those little services Xie'er would do for him). Well, this is not probably a good reason because I like some ships with power imbalances too.
But I mean, they just don't click to me as a couple at least. More like a teacher/student relationship perhaps, or a friendship at most. Perhaps I just can't ship it any other way because of my strugglr with crossovers, but with YBY and LXC it was clearer to me that, well, it could be possible.
I'd love to know your takes on these two concepts too, whether you talk to me directly or in a post!!
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michellejackson · 3 years
Prompt by @xphrnzrjh 💞
Fandom: Druck
Pairing: Fatou Jallow/Kieu My Vu
Wordcount: 2434
Acquaintances to study partners to friends to lovers AU
Chapter one 
So, Kieu My never meant to go this far. Too bad she was a hopeless slash desperate romantic with horrible, horrible ideas which she just happens to be stupid enough to follow through with.
Being at school after hours wasn’t unusual, many would use the library and study rooms for homework or to work on group projects. So no, that wasn’t unusual. What was unusual however, was stealing keys from the teachers’ lounge, sneaking into the classroom reserved for the English class, finding the paper where the English teacher has partnered up the students for a future team project, stealing it, sneaking out, copying it, swapping around the names in a way that won’t be noticeable, sneaking back in and leaving the altered paper.
Kieu My could admit that that was an out-of-character move for her, but hey, it worked didn’t it? You might think, that’s kind of drastic, don’t you think? Well, yes, but also… let’s just start from the beginning.
Kieu My was about a week into the school year when she noticed her. She was skating around the schoolyard in khakis, a thin purple see-through sweater and a yellow and purple Hawaiian shirt, looking like she owned the place. The look really shouldn’t have worked, but it did, and she looked so damn good. The sight of her had stopped Kieu My in her tracks, forcing her to pay attention as she swiftly skated through the crowds of students until she stopped before a familiar blonde. Nora. Zoe’s sister. Interesting…
Later that day, during lunch, Kieu My tried her best to subtly ask Zoe about her sister’s friend, but she didn’t seem to catch on. Like at all.
“So... how’s Nora? She settling in okay? Got some new friends?” subtle, Kieu My, real subtle.
“Oh, she’s great! She got this new boyfriend, have you seen him? His name is Josh, and he is hot, seriously, wait let me show you a picture.” Turned out it was subtle. Too subtle.
“Oh, good for her, uhm, how about-”
“He’s just the sweetest guy, she’s really happy-” so she spent the next ten minutes looking at pictures of Nora’s boyfriend and listening to her best friend talk him up. Not the way she planned this lunch to go. Before she knew it, they parted ways and she was none the wiser.
She did contemplate asking Nora personally, but decided it would be weird considering she didn’t know her that well. So instead, she spent the rest of that day daydreaming. None of her classes got as much of attention as the skater did. How had she never seen here before? School had been in full motion for a week, and she hadn’t seen any traces of the girl before today, which would mean that they had zero classes together. Sigh.
The weekend was spent trying to find her on Instagram, which was a tedious job. First, she went to Zoe’s account to find Nora’s, which was easy enough, but as it turns out, Nora has a private profile, so she had to improvise further. She spent half an hour trying to remember her boyfriend’s name, and when she remembered that his name was Josh, she looked through the people Zoe follows to find him.
Bad news: Zoe doesn’t follow him.
Good news: Zoe did show her his photos on Instagram, which means he has an open profile.
Bad news: She had to actually find that profile.
Initially, she was going to just write in the name Josh and look through every profile Instagram recommended, but then she came to her senses and realized that that’s a shit idea. So, she logged into the school’s website and looked up the list of current students to go through until she found every single person named Josh.
And bingo. Josh Zimmermann.
Kieu My let out a cry of happiness when she finally found his profile but was again let down when she didn’t see any pictures of the girl. She knew this had been a longshot, but she was still disappointed.
So yeah, she gave up. She took her defeat with stride, and started look through Josh’s pictures, because let’s face it, she had nothing else to do. Maybe she’d find a comment left by the girl or something. Josh was cute, she’d admit. If she wasn’t so hung up on a girl she saw once for five minutes, maybe she’d spent more time admiring, but she was, so she didn’t.
She stopped scrolling when she landed on about the fifth picture Josh had posted of this one girl, a pretty brunette woman. The curiosity got the best of her, so she clicked on her tag. Her name was Yara, and her profile was filled with pictures of her with Josh, and some other girls. Her heart skipped a beat. She had a picture with Nora and another brunette. She was friends with Nora.
She quickly scrolled down her profile, continuously looking for the skater girl. She found it almost at the bottom. The picture was taken from the side, but it was without a doubt her. She was wearing glasses and had white locks in her hair, and she was holding a tortoise in her hands. The caption read “meet Maike” . It took an embarrassingly long time before Kieu My realized that Maike was the name of the turtle, and not the skater girl, but let’s not dwell on that.
Yara, bless her soul, had tagged the girl. Kieu My was in such a rush to click on the tag, she accidentally liked the picture. A picture from four months ago. The only picture of Fatou on Yara’s profile that was posted four months ago. She’d liked it. She wished she could say that she unliked it right away, but she was frozen for so long she was sure Yara had gotten the notification. Well, better late than never, right?
She unliked the picture as she cursed herself, and proceeded to click onto Fatou’s profile, which of course, was private. But she wasn’t mad, nor that disappointed, because she had a name now. Her name was Fatou. She’d found her! Fatou. Fatou.
She went back to the list of students.
Fatou Jallow. She continuously spun the name around in her head in English class the following Monday, she’d chosen a window seat this time, which she looked out of while daydreaming yet again.
So when someone sat down next to her, with a quick hello, she was startled to say the least. She was even more startled when she looked up to see the girl. The skater girl. Girl of her daydreams. Fatou. Fatou Jallow.
She just looked at her, in shock mostly, did she just manifest this? Is she starting to have visions now? Is she going crazy? And while Kieu My came up with a hundred reasons to how this could’ve happened, Fatou seemed to shrink under her gaze, seemingly backing off. Wait, no, no, no, no. Goddamn resting bitch face.
She was just about to speak up when the teacher clapped his hands, demanding attention as he started the class, and she was left looking like an asshole. She would’ve physically banged her head into the table if that wouldn’t turn Fatou even more off her.
“And you must be Fatou, nice of you to finally show up-”
Five seconds ago, Kieu My wouldn’t be so sure that Fatou could get any smaller, but the teachers comment seemed to make her especially uncomfortable, and Kieu My found herself wanting to chop his head off. Respectfully.
But Kieu My didn’t say anything, she never did, and she always cursed herself for it. Instead, she found herself looking at Fatou’s hands, placed on the desk next to her. She was fumbling with her thumb ring, which was yellow, and while focusing longer on it, Kieu My realized it was a mood ring. She had half a mind to whip out her phone right then and there to look up the different colors and their meanings, but instead made a mental note to do that later.
“Kieu My? Are you paying attention?”
Her head whipped up as the teacher said her name, and she blushed as she looked to Fatou who had clearly noticed where her focus was as the teacher called her name. The girl displayed a knowing smile, and instead of looking bashful as she did before, she almost looked a little smug. Her ring had turned into a blue-green color and Kieu My’s blush deepened as she caught herself looking at her hands once again.
She just nodded to the teacher, willing him to move on.
“So, as I was saying, I’m pairing you up to work on a project that’s due at the end of the month. You and your partner will be tasked to pick a classic work, rewrite it, and then perform it in front of the class. Got it? Great. Before anyone asks, you will not get to pick your partner, I have already paired everyone up randomly-” he pulled out a paper from under the desk, quickly displaying it before putting it back into the drawer. Fatou groaned and Kieu My rubbed her forehead, already hating this assignment.
“You’ll get more info on Wednesday, but if you go onto page 16-”
Kieu My made sure to pay extra attention to the rest of the class and when it was over, she had almost forgotten about the girl next to her.
That was a lie, she didn’t forget, quite the opposite actually, but she wasn’t about to flaunt that. She took her time packing up her stuff, seeing if Fatou would try to talk to her. She couldn’t be sure if Fatou had left yet, seeing that Kieu My had used up all of her will power to not look her way, but when she’d finished packing up all of her stuff and went to leave, she could see Fatou spending even more time than her to pack her bag.
Fatou looked up from her bag when she finished, smiling at Kieu My. God, she had a beautiful smile. As she stood up to leave, she looked into her eyes and said, “too bad we can’t pick our own partners” . Kieu My doesn’t remember how she reacted, all she remembers is the heat taking over. However, the way she’d reacted had seemed to delight Fatou though, who grinned at her as she left the classroom.
At lunch she sat with Ismail, Zoe being off somewhere with Finn. Kieu My didn’t say much, her mind somewhere else, but that didn’t stop Ismail from talking their head off. As they were talking, Kieu My was only half listening while looking up mood rings on her phone. She looked through different type of mood rings until she found one that looked like Fatou’s, and quickly found the color chart.
So, it seemed like her mood ring consisted of seven main colors, black, gray, yellow, green, blue-green, blue and violet. She thought back to this morning, and what colors Fatou’s ring had been.
At first it had been yellowish, when Kieu My had accidentally blown her off with her deadpan. Okay, yellow; “nervous, mixed emotions, unsettled”. Great. She had unsettled her. She pinched the bridge of her nose as she reminded herself that mood rings weren’t necessary correct. She’d get a chance to fix it, it was fine. It’s fine.
“and you have English with Mr. Strauss, too right? That paired up assignment is already enough for him to be my least favorite person in the world-”
“yeah, and we can’t even pick partners…” Kieu My adds absentmindedly, just to keep them going. She thinks about what Fatou had said, and her smile.
The second color she’d seen on her finger was blue-green, after she’d caught her staring at her hands. Kieu My cringed at herself just thinking about it. Blue-green; “inner emotions, charged, somewhat relaxed” hmm…
“Right?! What an idiot. God, I swear, we should break into the classroom and swap the papers or something…” Ismail joked with a laugh. This got her attention though. She looked up from her phone as Ismail just kept on rambling, further joking about hacking into the school system or something, but she again wasn’t paying attention, because now she was stupid enough to form an even stupider plan.
And that’s how she ended up here. Broken into the classroom, swapping the papers. It seemed like a bad idea when she thought about it after Ismail had said it, and now that she’s doing it, she knows it’s an even worse one than previously imagined.
Kieu My wasn’t one to speak up when she wasn’t called for, or to do anything that would incriminate her, so to say that her hands were shaking and that she was freezing cold out of her own skin was an understatement. She cannot afford to be expelled. But the worst was over now. On the way out she didn’t even bother to drop the keys off where she found them, she was too scared to, so she simply dropped them right outside of the teachers’ lounge and didn’t stop running before the school was too far away to see.
That following Wednesday Kieu My was so paranoid and so sure that she would be found out. When the time for English class came around, she seriously contemplated skipping class for the first time ever. She didn’t though, but she purposefully came just a little late so that the teacher wouldn’t have time to speak to her before class. She was freezing and her hands were shaking.
When she entered the class, the only seat available was the same she sat in last, and she was confused at first, because Fatou sat at the same place at last too. Not the window seat, but the one next to it. She hesitated towards the seat, not sure if it was held off for someone or something, but when Fatou saw her she smiled. And Kieu My melted onto her seat.
The class was surprisingly uneventful, and towards the end she found herself relaxing. Or that was until the teacher decided to announce the partners. As he went through the list, she didn’t blink once.
“Kiey My and Fatou-” …he didn’t even flinch. Kieu My waited just a little longer before letting out a huge breath. Oh my god. He didn’t even notice.
She looked to Fatou, who was already looking at her, smiling.
This time Kieu My smiled back.
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prismatales · 4 years
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Late Bloomer: Faltering (Part 1)
Word Count: 3.3K
Bingo slot: Free
Pairings: None
Tag/Warnings: Slight angst.
Synopsis: Sometimes, life throws some unexpected circumstances that can bring doubts.
Here's Part 2 of Late bloomer!
Unfortunately, as much as I would've loved to make this chapter longer in order to introduce Dabi at once, I've been struggling with some heavy writer's block and burnout for these past weeks, but when I said part 2 would be out this week it was a promise, hopefully you guys will enjoy it!
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Isn’t it strange that the most gentle of hearts belong to all the souls on fire?
-Michelle Schaper
“That will be all for today’s lessons. Make sure to enjoy your break, everyone!” Midnight exclaimed, a cheerful smile on her face while all her students were busy packing their stuff, eager to leave and prepare everything they needed for the school break. If luck was on your side, maybe you would be able to plan something out with your siblings once Shouto came back from the training camp. 
“Todoroki. Before you leave, principal Nezu would like to speak with you.”...Or maybe not.
“...Is this about what happened during the exam?” you couldn’t help asking the teacher, nervous about the idea of being in trouble for the little stunt that occurred during your exam. But that couldn’t be the reason the principal was calling, right?
“He just told me to send you to his office. But if this helps out, I think your father was there too.”
“…Of course he is.” You had to hold back the urge to groan in front of the teacher. Blood already warming up just by the mention of your father of all people being in the principal’s office, if this was another attempt to make you switch classes, you’d be having none of it. 
“Did you put confetti in Bakugo’s gauntlets again?” Ren and Hatsume approached you after class, both of them snickered when they remembered the look on the blond’s face as he chased you around the school like a wild beast. The attempt to muffle the laughter failed miserably by the reminder.
“Nope. But if my dear old man’s there, I know what this is about. Anyway, see you next Monday, guys!” They both waved cheerfully before walking away, their figures became smaller and smaller with each step taken until eventually they could no longer be recognized from afar. 
As soon as you began heading towards the principal’s office, a small knot began growing into the pit of your stomach from the nerves. Once you finally stood in front of the door, the first thing you did was knock twice, staying put before the principal’s voice called out through the other side. “Come in!” 
The door was slightly pushed, just enough to peek inside the office. Just as Midnight said, principal Nezu was sitting on his chair and your beloved father was standing nearby with arms crossed. Both of them turned to look in your direction before the principal welcomed you with his characteristic smile.
“You wanted to see me, sir?” You ask out of formality, partially nervous about the attention. 
“Yes, please come take a seat!” He didn’t move from his spot, and neither did your father as they both watched you step inside the office and advance forwards before stopping in front of the principal’s desk. Quietly, you pulled a chair in order to sit down, effortlessly ignoring your father’s presence as subtly as possible.
“There’s something we’d like to discuss with you. It’s not about the exam if that’s what you’re worried about.” You couldn’t help placing a hand over your chest, exhaling in relief with eyes closed. Endeavor’s stare could almost dig a hole at the back of your skull from that reaction, but he’s ignored in favor of looking at the principal. “It’s about your quirk...It’s already been a few weeks after the sports festival, but it appears you’re still having some difficulties controlling it...don’t you?” 
For someone who had as much authority as him, the principal’s question didn’t hold a single speck of malice or mockery behind it, almost sounded like he’s talking to a small child. Which made the situation way more uncomfortable in your eyes, because not only was he mentioning a fact you’ve been trying to so hard to hide, but he was also mentioning all of this in front of the last person you’d want to find out.
Insecurity grew deep inside as you looked down, avoiding eye contact with both males for as long as possible, gripping the fabric of your skirt with a firm grip that dug your nails painfully harsh into the flesh of your thighs.
“The principal’s asking you a question.” Just hearing your father’s voice was enough to make your blood feel like it was boiling, if any of them were able to see under the bangs hiding your face from view they would’ve seen a pair of glowing eyes. Nobody was supposed to know about the lack of control you’ve been struggling with for the past weeks, but it seems that it was more obvious than you thought.
When you looked back at the principal with doubtful eyes, they were no longer filled with that golden light that had already vanished. Hesitating, you finally answered the question.
“Yes, sir…”
“And you didn’t tell anyone this, because?”
“Because, I thought it would be something temporary...and eventually, I would be able to control it on my own.” He observed you with unpredictable eyes, pondering for a moment.
“That’s understandable,” he gave a slight nod with eyes closed “but you have to consider that as a school, it’s our responsibility to help the students grow and this includes helping them learn to control their quirks. There’s also another factor to consider…” 
This time he looked at you straight in the eye. “Remember what happened during the sports festival?” How could you ever forget it? The day your quirk manifested will forever be branded into your memories. “As harsh as this may sound, we’re concerned that this difficulty may end up with something similar happening in the future. Please don’t take it personally.”
It’s understandable that the principal worried about the risk of somebody getting hurt. And yet that didn’t soothe the ache growing inside you. Distracted by these thoughts, you didn’t pay attention to the rest of the conversation between the principal and your father. 
“My suggestion would be for her to attend the training camp alongside the hero department, the training could be a perfect opportunity to learn to control her quirk.” The principal turned his attention back towards you “While it’s not our place to make this kind of decision on a student’s behalf, this is a special case. I hope you understand our reasons, Todoroki-san.”
Nodding silently, your lips were pressed into a thin line in resignation over the school’s decision. But when you thought about it through the adult’s eyes, they were right. It could be dangerous to lose control and potentially getting someone hurt because you decided to be stubborn and handle this on your own.
But who could blame you when that’s pretty much how you grew up? Becoming independent at such a young age in order to lessen the burden on your sibling’s lives. 
“Well then, it’s decided. Look at the bright side, at least your brother will be there as well!” Nezu made an attempt to light up the situation, and you appreciated it. Kind of ironic how someone that’s not even related to you is doing more than your own father. who somehow, had such a feeling of pride radiating from him that if it wasn’t for who was in the room as well, you would have smacked him right in the face with your belt.
After the final arrangements were done, you and your father walked out of the principal’s office, but unlike him, the look on your face was so very sour that it could make a lemon taste sweeter than honey.
You didn’t have the chance to say anything to the man walking in front of you, since he began talking first.
“Before you accuse me of talking the principal into this. They were the ones who called concerning this situation.” He wouldn’t even turn around and it made you feel even more bitter than before, realizing you were the only one to blame for this.
“I do not care if you had anything to do with it. It’s obvious this is just an excuse to try moving me into the hero department.” In an angry fit, you stopped and glared at his back “I said this before and I’ll say it again; Nothing you can do will change my mind, camp or not, I’m staying in the support class!”
Unfortunately for you, that small fit of rage was enough for the ends of your hair to light up, right at the same time he turned to give you a look. “Focus on getting control over that power and then you can say that again with your head held high.”
With fists clenched into a fist, you just marched away with a huff. As much as you’d love to give him a piece of your mind, it was time to prepare everything for the trip.
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A few days later, you stood near everyone from class 1-A, getting on the bus that would take everyone to the training camp. At least Shouto’s classmates were kind enough not to make you feel like an outcast, and it really helped out that you already met them before. After they saw you talking with your brother about his new costume and making fun of the first one, much to his embarrassment.
“Can I ask you something?” Shouto asked quietly from beside you, trying to avoid catching the other’s attention.
“Mhm.” You looked up from the screen of your phone, where a meme was displayed, courtesy of Mina who had quickly added your phone number into the group chat.
“You were doing so well the first time we trained together...so what happened?” He noticed the way your hand clenched around the device harshly, with a little more strength the screen would’ve almost cracked.
Nervously, you turned away from him with a nervous look all over your features but still managed to smile softly at him despite everything going through your head at that moment.
“I’d rather not talk about it...please?” The small plead caught him off guard, but Shouto still respected your wish...
The bus finally stopped in the middle of nowhere, it gave everyone the chance to walk out and stretch their bodies after sitting inside such a cramped seat for hours. 
And then, a pair of women showed up to greet everyone. Watching their costumes made your eyes light up in joy once you recognized the pair standing in front of everyone. But unlike Midoriya, you could only fangirl silently at the sight of the wild wild pussycats, or at least at the sight of the two that were talking in front of the whole class.
“I thought Hawks was your favorite?” your brother had to cough into his fist to hide the laughter when he saw the look on his twin’s face, that quickly turned into embarrassment when some of his classmates heard their banter.
“S-Shut up!” You shoved him by the shoulder at the same time your whole face got warm all the way down to the neck, it quickly began getting warmer the moment most of the girls overheard Shouto’s comment and gave you a teasing look. Now it would be impossible to live that down. “This is why Natsuo’s my favorite brother!”
That was the last thing you could tell him before the ground began moving underneath everyone’s feet, courtesy of pixie bob’s quirk. Everyone quickly tried to get back inside the bus to no avail, for all of you had been thrown into the forest. The last thing you heard from Mandalay was how those unable to reach the camp before noon would not be allowed to have lunch. 
While everyone fell down, some people noticed you quickly pulling your shirt open, and you could have sworn at least one of them yelled out panicked until they noticed a black tank top under the uniform. And also a familiar belt from the sports festival.
Quickly, two metallic claws sprung out from the back of the artifact, digging their way deep into the wall so they could slow down the impact. 
You were probably going to get an earful from Aizawa, but wearing this belt and the trusty bracelet over your right hand became a habit too hard to avoid, these ‘babies’ -yes, Hatsume had become quite an influence- were like a part of you, something you spent so much blood, sweat and tears developing from scratch.
Once your feet reached the floor again, the claws retreated back inside the belt. “Is everyone alright?!” You called out as the others dug their way out from the layers of dirt, luckily nobody had gotten injured during the fall and even if they had, it was a good thing there was a healer among them.
A thunderous roar could be heard, making you look at the direction where it came from, just to see this horrendous creature towering over the smallest guy from the group, what was his name? ah yes...Mineta.
After Koda tried using his quirk to calm down the creature, you realized they were not living creatures, most likely controlled by one of the pro-heroes supervising the school trip.
As soon as Midoriya managed to rescue his classmate and get rid of the first creature, another three appeared right after. This race against time was going to be harder than everyone thought. So might as well hurry up and lend everyone a hand.
“(Y/n)! behind you!” Turning around, you came face to face with another beast. Quickly, your hair began glowing with energy, growing until it reached the lower back and your arms became surrounded with a reddish aura, that somehow was acting differently than before, it started flickering wildly rather than flowing into smooth waves.
The beast lunged forwards, instantly being hit by an attack that ignited into flames as soon as it came in contact with it. Burning its whole body in a matter of seconds.
The more you kept running, the more of these creatures appeared and were taken care of just as fast. You had to admit it, everyone in the hero course was incredible in their own way.
It was strange using your quirk this long after spending so much time trying to avoid it. But if it meant no longer worrying about losing control, then you’d go through as much training as you had to endure.
Finally, after a long struggle in the forest, everyone managed to come out in one piece. But after using your quirk for so long, the only thing that didn’t hurt was your eyelashes. Every muscle in your body cried out in agony, exhausted, and begging for some rest, the same thing could be said about your irritated eyes.
“Arriving at noon my ass…” Nobody said a thing when you dropped face down on the floor, muttering a bizarre combination between nonsense and profanities. Too tired to pay attention to everything happening around you, like the moment poor Midoriya got punched in the crotch by Mandalay’s nephew, Kouta.
“Shouto, if you drag me inside I’ll treat you to the cafe for a whole month…”
“...Sorry, but you’re on your own.” 
“...You traitor.”
The meals were exquisite, every dish could almost be on pair with your sister’s cooking. And just as you expected, right before leaving for the hot springs, Aizawa made sure to confiscate your belt and any equipment you had left.
“All of it, Todoroki.” 
With a defeated grumble, you took off the earrings as well before following after the girls.
The hot water felt heavenly against your sore body the more you sank down in the spring. If it could be possible, you’d stay underwater forever if it wasn’t for this little thing called ‘oxygen’. Swiftly your body rose up to the neck, leaning back against the edge of the spring between Jirou and Hagakure with a relaxed smile adorning your whole face.
“Ahhh, this feels so nice˜” your hands brushed some stray, damp locks away from your soaked face. The girl’s chatter was a pleasant noise in the background as every thought slipped away into nothing but a white noise inside your head.
“(y/n)?” Uraraka’s voice snapped you out from the little daze you fell in, when you turned to look at her it wasn’t only the brunette looking at you, but all of the girl’s attention was focused on you.
“Yes? What is it?” The grogginess in your voice and face was too funny to ignore, judging by their fits of giggles.
“How did you come up with the idea to make your equipment to subtle? It’s amazing!” Mina was the first one to speak, there was a glint of excitement in her eyes just thinking about the gadgets you used during the sports festival. In fact, all of them seemed interested in the subject, leaving you amazed by their reactions.
A huge smile appeared on your face upon realizing how fascinated they seemed about the equipment.
“Well, I know that sometimes equipment can make a difference for heroes, but it can also get in the way if it’s something too bulky or difficult to handle.” You explained to the small audience, not even aware that in the middle of the explanation, your hands wouldn’t stop moving all over the place as you spoke with enthusiasm.
Or how small ambers of gold began escaping through the corners of your eyes the more ecstatic you became during the explanation.
“So I thought of creating something that could be both subtle and practical at the same time, like-” 
“Ummm, (y/n)? Your quirk is going off again?” Jirou’s voice had a hint of concern, that made the words die instantly at the back of your throat when you looked at the reflection in the water and in fact, the glow in your eyes just kept growing.
They kept watching in silence, worried as you curled into a small ball at the edge of the spring, taking deep breaths that aided with the focus, until they specks of golden light finally disappeared.
“I…I’m sorry.” You couldn’t muster enough courage to look at any of them. Feeling ashamed of yourself, like a burden for everyone because you were unable to do something as simple.
“Wait, we didn’t mean it like that!” Looking up, you were met with many pairs of worried gazes that reminded you of the day everyone at school found out there was more than one Todoroki at U.A. but at the same time, it was a complete contrast as well.
Because these people were genuinely worried about you.
“Please don’t think you’re being a burden to anyone here, (y/n)“ Momo approached your curled self in an attempt to be reassuring. As a matter of fact, everyone else was doing her best to help out. “Besides that’s why you’re here with us. And if there’s anything we can do to help, we will!” 
Everyone else nodded and you’d be lying if you’d say their actions didn’t make something warm stir deep inside. It was...nice to know that including your friends in class, there were more people out there trying to help out.
With a grateful smile, you looked at every single one of the girls sitting around the spring “Thank you, guys….”
Soon you were all engaged into some playful chatter, from stuff like school, trying to get better grades on a certain subject -which you and Momo eagerly offered to help with- to being curious about tomorrow’s training….and other things as well…
In the midst of all the chatter, you were able to hear some commotion from the boy’s side of the baths. It was pretty vague, but Iida’s screams of “Restrain yourself!” were easily a hint of the chaos about to unfold.
And then Kouta’s small figure appeared at the top of the wall that faced the guy’s side of the baths.
“Learn what it means to be a dignified human being before aiming to become a hero.” The little boy spoke with such indifference as he pushed Mineta away.
“Do you guys deal with that every day?” You had to ask, and when more than one girl nodded their response left you perplexed enough to sink back into the warm water.
“Some week this is gonna be.”
You had no idea just how hard the following days would really be...
@bnhabookclub @gallickingun @godtieruwu @hanniejji @mysticalite @samanthaa-leanne @savagetrickster @shoobirino @bnha-ra @hawks-senseis @sugacookiies @unbreakableeiji @wesparklebitch
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avengerscompound · 5 years
Catch and Release - 1
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Catch and Release: A Captain America Fanfic
Buy me a ☕ Character Pairing:  Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers x F!Reader
Word Count:  2418
Rating:  M
Square filled: @buckybarnesbingo​ - K4, Survival in the Wild, @happystevebingo​ - “You’re so warm.”, @star-spangled-bingo​ - Kinky Confessions
Warnings:  Sex talk, minor injuries
Synopsis:  While tracking rogue HYDRA Agents through the wilderness, you push yourself too far and collapse.  While Steve and Bucky stop with you to recover, some secrets come out.
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Chapter 1: The Hunt
You trudged along after Steve and Bucky.  You had been walking for days through canyons and remote woodlands trying to keep track of the rogue HYDRA agents that you were trying to catch.  The fact you were not a supersoldier was starting to catch up with you.  Your legs were burning and the lack of breaks and the relatively short stops to sleep was making you a little delirious.
Steve and Bucky didn’t seem to be showing signs of even slowing down.   They’d stop, look around the area.  Make a decision on what direction the HYDRA agents had gone and continue on the trail.
“I think we’re starting to box them in,”  Bucky said.  “They’re being very predictable.   Every move is what my handlers would have done if they were being hunted too.”
Steve brought up a holographic map of the area and you leaned against a tree and took a long drink from your canteen.  You were starting to feel useless in this whole situation.  When it had started you were keeping up, ordering them around, figuring out little signs of false leads before they did. It’s why they had you with them.  Now, it was taking all your concentration just to keep moving.
“If we call Tony and Nat in here -”  Steve said pointing to an area on the map.  “-and Sam and Rhodey here, that’ll cover both feasible exits.”
Bucky nodded.  “Yeah, that’d be what they do.  There’s no way they’re going to try and scale this with us following them.”  Bucky said pointing to another area.  “And if they double back we’ve got them.”
Steve tapped something out on the tablet and tucked it back away and both men began to walk again.  You shook your head like you were trying to clear it and took after them.  Only this time your legs didn’t seem to want to cooperate.  You tripped over your own feet and went sprawling.
Bucky and Steve both stopped suddenly and looked back at you.  After the initial shock of seeing you sprawled out on the ground, Steve was the first to react, moving quickly to your side.  “What just happened?  Are you okay?”
You tried to pull yourself up, but now you were down, you didn’t seem to be able to get back up.  “I can’t… You should both go on.  I can’t keep up with the pace you’re setting.  I need to recover.”  You said, trying to stay rational despite the fact you actually felt like you were going to cry.  “I’ll - I’ll call in an evac.”
Bucky moved to your other side but unlike Steve who was crouched beside you and checking you over for injuries, he remained slightly distant and standing.  “Why didn’t you say something?”  He asked, pulling out a protein bar and offering it to you.  “We could have slowed down.”
You took it shook your head.  “Didn’t want to be the reason they got away.”
“Oh god,” Steve said.  “We’re sorry.  I guess we get used to the pace we set.  Next time say something.  You’re no good like this either.”
“Good news is, the HYDRA agents aren’t super-soldiers either.  So they’re probably in a similar state to you.”  Bucky added.
“I’m sorry,” you said taking a bite of the bar.  “You can really leave me though.”
“No,” Steve said. “We can’t.  We don’t leave people behind.”
“It’s nearly dark.  We could probably set up camp.”  Bucky said, more talking to Steve than you.  “Those agents are probably going to be struggling too.”
Steve gave a short nod and brought up the tablet again.  He quickly typed something up and put it away again.  “Alright.  We need to find somewhere.”  He said.  “You okay if I carry you?”
“I can walk.”  You protested.
“I know.  You’re a very tough field agent.  But it’ll be quicker if I carry you.”  He said, sounding far too reasonable when talking about something that was so fucking embarrassing.
“Fine,” you pouted.
Steve put your arm around his shoulders and lifted you.  Bucky took the lead and the two of them carried on through the underbrush, following the trail left by the HYDRA agents.  They reached a clearing near a brook.  Bucky took off his pack and started digging around in it while Steve put you down on the ground.
Bucky pulled out a retractable bow and got up and stretched.  “Gonna do a sweep,” he said.  “Find something to eat, see if I can spot them.”
“Alright, not as good Hawkeye.”  You teased.
Bucky rolled his eyes and flipped his middle finger at you before stalking off into the trees.  Steve began to massage your calves.
“Sorry for pushing you so hard.”  He said.  “Get all ‘head in the game’ sometimes.”
You gave a small shrug.  “So did I apparently.  We’ll still get them, right?”
Steve nodded.  “They had a huge lead on us, but like Bucky said, they’ve been really predictable.  Even if I had to piggyback you and we had no one to funnel them into we’d personally be right on top of them within a day.  Less if they’re struggling like you are.”
You huffed and lay back against your pack.  “That’s something, I guess.”
“Alright.  So, you need to eat and rehydrate.  Sleep.  Do we have any of those heat packs?”   Steve said, quickly changing modes again.  He took his hands off you and as much as you hated being babied, you hated his hands coming off you more.  They had felt so good, working your muscles and now it almost felt like there was something missing.
He dug around in his pack and pulled out a medical kit.  “Oh good,” he said opening it and pulling out a couple of heat packs.  He pressed the button to activate them and tossed them over to you, before going and getting some water from the brook.
You put the heat packs on your thighs and began to eat some jerky as you watched Steve fuss around the camp, setting up sleeping bags.  Getting out a couple of small camp stoves and boiling water.  He set up a net in the water and a series of rocks to funnel the rush of water into it.  When he seemed to have everything how he wanted he came back over to you and began massaging your legs again.  The sun had mostly set and there was a chill to the air.
“Hopefully, Buck is back soon.”  He said as his fingers pushed the tension out of your muscles.
You relaxed a little and closed your eyes.  “How long have the two of you been together?”
“Me and Buck?”  He said a slightly shocked tone to his voice you assumed was due to the question coming out of the blue.  “Uhh… hmm… I guess it’s coming up to three years since we made it official.  It’s hard to say exactly where you count it from though.  We were dancing around each other since we were kids.”
You chuckled.  “That’s cute.”
“I guess so.  Childhood sweethearts, I guess you’d say.  If you could call him a sweetheart.”  He joked.  “I’ve only been with him… you know…?”
“Oh wow.”  You said opening your eyes.  “You don’t ever wonder what else the world has to offer?”
Steve shrugged.  “I mean, sure, I wonder about it.  Buck…”  He cut himself off and laughed awkwardly.  “Wow, that was nearly a too much information story.”
You raised your eyebrows at him.  “Wow, Steve Rogers nearly got all dirty talk with me.  Wait until I tell the others.”
He chuckled and his cheeks flushed a soft pink.  “Oh boy, Tony’s gonna have fun with that.”
His hands moved higher up your thighs and you let out an involuntary moan as the tension released in them.
“That was quite a noise,” Bucky teased, stepping out of the shadows.
You jumped a little, still unused to the way Bucky could just appear out of nowhere like a cat.  Steve barely even reacted aside from looking up and smiling at him.  He had the bow on his back and in his hand, there was a bird and two rabbits that had been skinned and gutted
“You trying to fulfill some of those fantasies, Stevie?”
“Wait, what?”  You asked looking from Steve to Bucky.
Bucky opened his mouth to say something and Steve quickly shushed him.  “Buck.”  He said seriously.  The name carried a warning to say no more, which made you wonder even more what that was supposed to mean.
“So, they had already set up camp over the ridge.  The idiots had started a fire so I barely even had to look for them.  I’d say they’re about a 6-hour walk.  2 hours if I just sprinted over there.  So I just set up a surveillance cam and FRIDAY will let us know if they move.”  Bucky said.
“You’re sure they’re there and it’s not a distraction?”  Steve asked.
“Yeah, I saw them.  All of them.  Counted them off.”  Bucky said the edge of sarcasm to his voice.  “I also caught a grouse and two rabbits.  I think we can probably start a fire here now it’s dark.  It’s pretty thick underbrush around us and they are not in the eye line for us.  But we can use the camp stoves to cook if you want to avoid the risk.”
Steve let go of your legs and stood up.  “No, I trust your instinct.  Be easier to cook those on a fire too.”  He said.  “I set up a fish trap.  You want to check that and I’ll start the fire?”
“You just don’t want to gut the fish, do you?”  Bucky teased moving over to the water.
Steve didn’t say anything, which you took to mean, yes.  Instead, he went right to clearing an area for a fire and setting it up with rocks and kindling.  You went to stand and help and both Steve and Bucky looked over at you with narrowed eyes.  “What do you think you’re doing?”  Bucky asked.
“No,” Steve said, firmly.  “Sit back down.  You need to recover.  We still have walking tomorrow.”
“Fine.”  You huffed, letting yourself flop back down.
It wasn’t long before a fire was crackling and the three of you were sitting around it eating a mixture of the roast meats and dehydrated vegetables the three of you had been carrying with you.
“You guys are good at this tracking, wilderness survival stuff,” you said, taking a drink of the tea Steve had made.  “Why did you need me to come along again?”
“Well, when you’re not weak from exhaustion and dehydration, you’re actually better than us at this,”  Steve said.  “I hate this stuff.”
“Yeah?”  You asked, not quite believing it.  They were more than capable.
“Oh yeah, Steve is a total city slicker.”  Bucky teased.  “And I’m not much better.  I know this stuff because I had it drilled into me, but…” he flinched and shook his head.  “Gotta go pretty dark for it to come naturally to me.  Otherwise, I’m just bumbling around like Barton.”
You laughed.  “That’s what it is!”  You said clicking your fingers.  “I can never get used to you stalking out of the shadows.  It’s because at the compound you trip over your own shoelaces.”
Bucky looked at you deadpan.  “Thanks.”
“Sorry, I failed you.”  You said with a frown.
“Hey, cut that out,”  Steve said.  “You’re human.  This is our fault for forgetting that.”  He got up and tossed the bones from his food into the fire and then grabbed the plates and took them to the brook to wash them.  “We should get some sleep.  They’ll be up early so we need to be up earlier.”
Bucky nodded and the two of you got up and cleaned up too.  You climbed into your sleeping bag.  “It’s cold tonight.”  You said.
“We might be able to help with that,”  Bucky said, moving his sleeping bag close to yours.  He lay down pressed up against you and Steve moved in, lying on your other side so you were pressed in between them.
“You’re so warm.”  You hummed softly.
“The serum makes our metabolism run fast,”  Steve said.  “Should keep you warm.”
“Thank you.”  You said, closing your eyes.  Steve leaned over you and kissed Bucky gently.  You smiled at the soft sound of their lips touching before he pulled back again.  “Hey, Steve?”
“Yeah?”  Steve asked.
“Tell me the things you both were going to say and then didn’t.”  You said playfully.
“Really?  You’re gonna pick at that?”  He snarked.
“Mmm-hmm.”  You said.  “I just want to know.”
“Yeah, Steve,” Bucky teased.  “Tell her.”
“I think there are sexual harassment laws that might prevent me from doing that,”  Steve said.  “I mean… even if I wanted to.”
“Oh my god!”  You said and burst out laughing.  “Now you have to tell me.”
“I’m not sure that tracks.”  He argued.
“Steve, I’m just gonna wonder forever!”
He sighed and shook his head.  “Fine, but I’m doing it under duress.  And then you have to sleep.”
Bucky started to laugh and he pressed his forehead against your shoulder.  “There you go, Stevie.”
“So… I told you Bucky’s the only one I’ve ever been with,”  Steve said sounding flustered.  “The joke he made about me fulfilling some of my fantasies is that like I said I do wonder about what it’s like with other people.  Women specifically.”
“Not just any women.”  Bucky teased.
“Shut.  Up.”  Steve said between his teeth.  “And the thing I was going to say but didn’t was that sometimes our foreplay is Bucky talking about what being with a woman feels like and describing threesomes and asking who I’d like to have a threesome with.  And … that’s it.  I can’t talk about this anymore.”
“Aww look at you, pal.”  Bucky teased and leaned over and kissed Steve’s forehead.  “Admitting your fantasies to other people.”
“That was awful,”  Steve grumbled.
You reached up and touched Steve’s cheek.  His skin was hot and you thought he must be blushing.  “Steve,” you whispered.  “When we get back if you wanna make them not fantasies any more… You know where to find me.”
Steve choked on air and started coughing, and you felt Bucky’s hand on your hip.  His lips came close to your ear and when he spoke it was in a low rumble.  “When we get back, we might just take you up on that.”
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wellhellsbelles · 4 years
hey! i love everything you write and can't wait for the next chapter of ttroywh. i saw you're taking prompts and i was wondering if you could write one i saw in @rickibowen saying that riley and maya go to the bachelor and riley's supposed to fall in love with lucas but falls in love w/ farkle who is the camera man/editor of the show and she always tries to make him laugh by making faces during one on one interviews and so, while lucas and maya fall in love w/ each other
hope you don’t mind me cutting it short! i don’t know much about the bachelor and would’ve liked to expand more but the internet is not good at gleaning info on the process 😅 so here’s my take on as much of that au as i could!
Farkle took the dumb job by chance.
 Well, he did apply for it, but he never thought he’d actually get the job. In all honesty, he figured his small degree in video production wouldn’t end up fruitful, that it was only really a backburner type of deal. He still did believe that—he was going to pursue something in science, that he was adamant of. He just needed . . . a break from it (“Even geniuses need to take care of their mental health,” his mother had told him.) So he pursued videography, something that had become a sort of hobby to him, and when the summer arrived and he needed cash, he figured he’d apply for this job just for kicks.
Farkle never believed he’d end himself up on the set of The Bachelor, not in a million years.
It was sort of surreal, the whole atmosphere that followed such an illustrious television show. Farkle never bought into the appeal of the show, especially since it seemed silly to drag all these girls along just for some pretty boy to tell them they weren’t “the one”. It just seemed cruel, but then again, who was he to judge? He was earning money off of taping their dreams getting crushed, after all.
The first day on set was a barrage of sensory overload—so many voices, faces he needed to commit to memory, an itinerary of equipment he’d be handling . . . there was just so much. He was halfway tempted to run when he started becoming overwhelmed, but he remembered himself, breathing in and out until he’d maintained a sense of calm.
Farkle could do it. He would do it. There was no way he was backing out now.
The preparation for the show was massive, but then the first day of filming arrived right under his nose. Profiles he’d studied of both the bachelor and the ladies he would be choosing from were going to quickly turn to reality, no longer just faces on a page. He knew he wouldn’t be making friends or anything of that ilk, but he did want to at least talk to people, especially since he’d be the one on the other side of the camera for most of the shooting.
Farkle was going to be the main guy they all report to when it’s time to film their confessions, maybe secrets that would be aired on television but no one else on set would know until later. No one but him, which he was well aware was a heavy burden to carry. But then again, it was reality television—who said anything anyone reveal was actually real? The contestants weren’t getting paid for anything, so truth was muddied at best.
But somehow, despite all of this mess being, well, a mess, Farkle could still say he was excited at the prospect of taking part of something big. This was his shot at obtaining a glimpse a slice of a life he’d never experienced before, and he couldn’t wait to see how it all turned out.
 “I can’t believe you talked me into this dumb mess. This is your fault,” Maya groaned from beside Riley as the other girls with them in the limo talked animatedly.
“My fault? How was I supposed to know they’d pick both of us for this show? Besides, you’re the one who submitted your application while we were drunk! You could’ve backed out at anytime and you know it, Hart,” Riley said accusingly. “Besides, we’ll have fun! You need some in your life.”
“I feel like I’m being pimped out by a bunch of white guys to another white guy. I hate this,” Maya slumped down further in her seat. “And they took my phone, too! How am I supposed to entertain myself?”
“Don’t you draw? Just do that. I know you brought your sketchbook,” Riley suggested. Maya shook her head.
“Nope. Not going to happen. I am not advertising my art for the world to see. One of those dumb cameramen are going to sneak up on me and do it without my permission, I just know it.”
“Suit yourself,” Riley shrugged, turning her attention to the rest of the girls in the car. She knew there was a camera in the car with them and that the producers would prefer it if she engaged in conversation about the bachelor, but she’d rather just lay low. She’d try and play it up for them later after she’d seen him up close and personal.
But Maya did have a point. Why was she doing this again? It really was a decision she made on a whim, but unlike Maya, her decision was made completely sober.
The Bachelor had been one of her favorite guilty pleasure shows that she watched over the years, but she had never once entertained the idea of actually becoming a contestant. Perhaps it was when her long-term boyfriend broke up with her that spurred her interest, maybe she just needed something new and this was it. Whatever the case, she had been picked along with her best friend, and wherever Riley went, Maya followed.
She couldn’t be too mad, anyhow—the bachelor they had picked was incredibly handsome.
His name was Lucas Friar, born and raised in Texas. Everything about him sounded like a dream come true, but she kept a smidgeon of skepticism about him just in case the show had encouraged a little truth bending for the sake of appeal. Still, she couldn’t deny that his extensive list of positive qualities all seemed a little too good to be true.
He sounded like a true, southern gentleman, the kind that would meet you at the door and talk to your parents before escorting you out on a date. A lionhearted and loyal friend, the testimonies in his profile had mentioned. A guy who is just so down to earth you can’t help but fall for him. Loves animals of all kinds and is working hard to become a veterinarian. His experience of being raised on a farm spawned his interest in animal care.
If Riley could swoon, she would. She still might, after meeting him.
For the rest of the ride, Riley tried her best to pitch in with the “bachelor talk” the other girls were participating in. She wasn’t too terrible at it, but getting Maya to participate was another thing entirely. Despite making it onto the show and agreeing to be there (Riley told her she didn’t need to say yes to being a contestant! At this point, she’s almost certain Maya agreed for her own personal agenda that Riley’s not privy to), she refuses to play along.
After what felt like an eternity of a car ride, they made it to the mansion they’d be staying at for the duration of their stint on the show. They asked Riley to be the first one out of the limo, something that floored Riley.
First limo, first out—they had a good feeling about Riley, was what that meant. She’d watched enough of The Bachelor to know that the first person to meet the bachelor was important; it was his first impression, the real start of the show, and it meant the producers were rooting for her.
So, no pressure.
Her meeting with Lucas passed by her in a flash, but she had a good feeling about it. He found her slight awkwardness endearing and by just interacting with him, she felt as though there was a certain energy between them. Of course, she’d never been the best at reading situations, but something told her that it was right for her to be on The Bachelor.
After meeting him, she waited in the main room as the other girls got to have their own interaction with Lucas, trying to not feel nervous as they all piled in together. They chatted amongst each other, but Riley couldn’t help but notice Maya hadn’t joined her yet.
Must be the producers, she admonished in her mind.
She wasn’t allowed to keep wondering, however, as a distraction was sent her way. One of the producers walked in, announcing that they were going to start filming confessionals and called Riley up to be the first.
“We just need you to talk about Lucas a little, maybe your experience so far,” he explained as he ushered her off to another room. “Be yourself, but also realize this is television, yeah?”
“So be myself but not really myself?” Riley blurted. The producer nodded.
“Bingo, you’ve got it. Now go in there and kill it.”
With a slight push, Riley entered the confession room, the door closing shut behind her. There was a guy already in there scrawling down notes onto a clipboard, his focus undeterred until the door closing alerted him to her presence.
“Oh, sorry about that,” he muttered, setting the clipboard down. He turned toward her with a slight frown tugging at the corners of his mouth, and Riley couldn’t help but feel bad for him. It seemed less like he was trying to be a professional and more like he didn’t want to be there at all.
“Hey, I know this is a weird request, but what’s your name? I’d like to get to know everyone around here, even if I just last a day,” Riley said. The cameraman’s stormy blue eyes lit up in surprise.
“You want to know my name? No one wants to know my name,” he told her. Now it was Riley’s turn to frown.
No one here wanted to know his name? But he was helping make the show. Was the whole production team for The Bachelor really that callous?
“Well, I do. Here, I’ll start—I’m Riley Matthews,” she beamed, sticking her hand out towards him. He hesitated a moment before enveloping her dainty hand with his, the warmth comforting.
“Farkle Minkus. I’ll be your cameraman for a lot of this run, but mostly just the confessional stuff.”
“Glad to have met you, Farkle.”
After breaking the handshake, it still took Farkle a moment to gain his footing and Riley couldn’t blame him.
“Okay, so you’ll sit at that seat right there,” he gestured in front of him to the empty chair, “And you’ll have to give me a moment to set the lighting right on you and then make sure sound is good.”
Riley did as she was told, waiting patiently in her seat as he shuffled about the room. She observed him scrambling about, heart warming at the awkward way he appeared to be moving. It reminded her of herself when she was anxious.
After a few minutes, Farkle was ready, giving her a countdown to begin.
“Just start talking about your first impression of Lucas, okay?” he instructed.
“Okay,” Riley nodded. She watched in silence as he started the countdown audibly, switching to counting with his fingers when they reached three. Then two, followed by one.
Showtime, she said to herself.
 At the end of the first night, Maya was the first to get a rose. Riley wasn’t surprised one bit—Maya had a sort of charm about her and people couldn’t help but be drawn to her. It always surprised her when that happened, and that night was no exception to the rule. As someone who was also competing, Riley couldn’t help but feel a touch jealous, but more than anything, she was proud of her friend.
Despite Maya receiving the first rose, though, Riley did get quite a bit of time to spend with Lucas. He was shy and reserved, yet cheerful and inviting, and they got along quite well. If Riley was a spectator, she’d bet good money on herself.
But her time outside of filming scenes was spent hanging around Farkle. He didn’t really believe her when she said she wanted to get to know the people working on the show, so she was determined to prove him wrong, especially since she just kept being picked by Lucas. Each day, she’d greet Farkle when she’d spot him by the refreshments table set up for the crew, she’d ask how he was when he was there to film her confessions, and just do her best to cheer him up since he always looked down.
“You know you’re going to get me fired, right?” he asked her one day after they filmed a scene. “You keep making faces at me and I’m trying so hard to not laugh but I swear, Riley.”
“Is it making you laugh?” she said, curious.
“Yes, oh my god! They’re going to have to cut so much of that out not just for your dumb faces, but me interrupting their audio,” he groaned. Riley smiled.
“Good. Then I won’t stop!”
“Relentless, Riley Matthews, that’s what you are. And a pain in my ass.”
Riley liked getting to film The Bachelor, but as the days passed by, she had a feeling it was less because of her wanting to be on the actual show and vying for Lucas’ attention, and more due to the fact that Farkle was there.
And if halfway through the filming process Lucas ended it because he’d picked Maya (and she picked him too, shockingly), Riley couldn’t find it in her to be sad.
She had found Farkle, after all, so really she was the true winner of the game.
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morganaspendragonss · 4 years
For bad things happen bingo (if you’re still taking requests! if not no worries) - worked themselves to exhaustion with 911 LS (and tarlos?) :)
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Thanks for the prompt, Anon! As always, please keep prompting me. If you’ve seen a fandom on my blog, chances are I’ll probably write for it! :-)
@badthingshappenbingo prompt: Worked Themselves to Exhaustion
Fandom: 9-1-1: Lone Star
T.K. wouldn’t call himself clingy. He doesn’t need to be around his boyfriend 24/7; besides which, now that he’s dating Carlos, it’s harder than ever to find time together. They both have hard jobs with long hours, and T.K.’s okay with that. But he hasn’t seen Carlos in three days and he’s starting to worry.
More concerning, he hasn’t heard from Carlos at all today; at the very least, he usually gets a quick check-in at some point. It was something they agreed upon when they first started dating, a reassurance that they’re both okay.
But the firehouse has barely had a moment to rest all week, and T.K. can only assume it’s been the same at the PD, so he tries to think nothing of it. Call after call has been coming in, and the past 24 hours have been an uphill struggle that not even Mateo could smile through. When the shift is over, they’re barely able to mumble a goodbye before heading to their respective homes, looking forward to the following day off. T.K. would do that same, but it’s still radio silence from Carlos even though T.K. knows his shift ended half an hour ago.
So, instead of heading home with his dad, he orders an Uber and heads straight to Carlos’s, concern mounting as he sees the Camaro is missing from its usual spot. He tries calling again, but gets sent straight to voicemail. 
He wants to go inside to make sure Carlos isn’t asleep - though that seems unlikely given the blinds aren’t drawn - but he doesn’t have a key yet so T.K. has to settle for peering through the windows and hoping the neighbours don’t call the cops on him. 
There are no signs of life, as expected, but the thing that concerns him isn’t Carlos’s absence, but the stack of dirty dishes next to the sink. Carlos is meticulous about keeping his space clean and he always washes up after every meal. The stack looks to be at least two days’ worth - something’s definitely wrong.
He sits down in front of the door, watching the road in case Carlos suddenly appears, but there’s nothing. Nothing, either, from the phone, and the ball of anxiety in his stomach grows.
T.K. tries to keep calm, telling himself that if something truly bad had happened, then he would know, but it’s not convincing. They haven’t been dating that long and, besides, he’s not even sure if he believes in any of that stuff anymore. 
The minutes crawl past into half an hour, and then a full hour, and it’s official - T.K.’s panicking. He’s desperate enough to try calling Michelle, begging her number off his dad, which had been a conversation he’d rather have avoided.
(“What do you need Michelle for, are you hurt?”
“No, Dad, I’m fine. I just need to talk to her about Carlos.”
“Carlos is hurt?”)
She picks up on the fourth ring, just as T.K. is beginning to despair of an answer.
“Michelle, hi, it’s T.K.”
“T.K.?” she answers, voice bleary and, fuck, T.K. had forgotten how late it is. “Is everything okay? Is something wrong with you or your dad?”
“No, we’re both fine. Sorry to wake you,” he says awkwardly. “It’s, uh, actually it’s about Carlos.”
“Carlos? Is he okay?” She sounds more awake now and, guilty as he feels, T.K.’s glad she’s there. 
“That’s actually what I wanted to ask you,” he tells her. “I just - I haven’t heard from him at all today, and it’s been a while since I’ve seen him, and I know you guys are friends, and I was wondering if he told you anything?”
“Anything about what?” she asks.
T.K. grimaces. “I… About anything? Like, has something come up at work, or…” he trails off, helpless and shrugs, sighing. Michelle is silent on the other end, and T.K. wonders if he’s just overreacting and she’s going to tell him to damn well leave her alone, though that doesn’t really seem like Michelle’s style - 
“Carlos hasn’t told me anything but I’ve heard through the grapevine that they’re dealing with a pretty big case,” Michelle says, and T.K. could have wept with relief. “Maybe he’s pulling some overtime?”
T.K. almost laughs, then. Because of course he’s been sitting here worrying that something dramatic has gone down when it’s probably just a bit of overtime. He hurriedly thanks Michelle and cuts the call, sighing deeply. 
And yet, a little bit of overtime still doesn’t explain why they haven’t seen each other for days, why Carlos still hasn’t replied to the text T.K. sent nearly six hours ago. And it’s knocking on one am, pretty much two hours after Carlos’s shift ended - not even an important case can warrant that much overtime. 
He has to see Carlos, he decides. Has to know that he’s okay. 
The station isn’t too far from Carlos’s place, so T.K. forgoes an Uber, opting instead to sprint there, the exhaustion from earlier all but forgotten. 
As luck would have it, Carlos is walking - or, more accurately, stumbling - out of the station just as T.K. gets there. He frowns as soon as he spots T.K., but before he can say anything, T.K.’s pulling him into a hug, relief filling him.
“What’re you doing here?” Carlos mumbles.
T.K. pulls away, examining Carlos’s appearance. He looks terrible, face pale and dark bruises underneath his eyes. He seems to be swaying a little, too, and T.K. doesn’t want to let go of him lest he fall over.
“You didn’t answer my text,” he responds, not even caring about how whiny he sounds.
“Sorry, it was just so busy, and -”
“It’s fine,” T.K. interrupts. This isn’t supposed to be a guilt trip; he’s just relieved to see Carlos is okay. “Come on, I’m taking you home.”
“You don’t even have a car,” Carlos points out. “I can drive myself.”
T.K. raises an eyebrow. “You can barely even walk,” he says. “I’m driving, give me your keys.”
Carlos sighs, but doesn’t protest, which is testament to how exhausted he must be. He’s threatened T.K. no less than four times over touching the Camaro; for him to let T.K. drive it is something that would only happen when he’s too drunk or tired to say no.
Carlos is asleep almost as soon as he gets in the car, and T.K. hates to wake him when they get back to his house. He also has to help him undress before they both crawl into bed, T.K.’s own eyes starting to get heavy at this point. He steals Carlos’s phone before he falls asleep, turning off all of his alarms for the next morning and silencing any notifications that could wake him. Smiling to himself, T.K. wraps his arms around Carlos and closes his eyes, finally succumbing to sleep.
T.K. wakes before Carlos the next morning. He gets up, careful not to disturb him, and pulls on some boxers, tip-toeing out of the bedroom, though not before snapping a picture of his sleeping boyfriend.
He heads into the kitchen and begins clearing up, washing and putting away the dishes, and picking up the odds and ends that are lying around the room. When he’s done, he sets about making breakfast; T.K.’s no cook, not like Carlos is, but he can manage breakfast.
The smell of bacon must finally wake Carlos, because the next thing T.K. hears is a bang coming from the bedroom, followed by a stream of swearing. He grins and heads over, leaning casually against the door frame as he watches Carlos scramble to get ready.
“What the fuck, T.K.?” Carlos says once he spots him. “Why didn’t you wake me? My shift started hours ago!”
“You don’t have a shift today,” T.K. says, grin widening.
Carlos stares at him as though he’s grown an extra head. “Uh, yeah, I do.”
T.K. shrugs and walks over, reaching out to grab one of Carlos’s hands. “I may or may not have stolen your boss’s number from your phone,” he says. “And I may or may not have told him that you were sick and couldn’t possibly come in today.”
“What the fuck?” Carlos repeats. “T.K. you can’t do things like that! Besides, I’m fine!”
“Yeah, because you actually slept last night,” T.K. counters, suddenly serious. “Look, you were dead on your feet when we left the station. Can you honestly tell me you’ve had more than a couple hours this whole week?”
Carlos opens his mouth as if to argue, then relents, sighing. “Alright, you’ve got a point. And I suppose I could do with a day off.”
“Glad we’re in agreement,” T.K. says, nodding triumphantly. “Come on, I’ve made breakfast.”
Carlos raises his eyebrows, then sniffs. “It’s burning,” he says, and then it’s T.K.’s turn to swear, running out of the bedroom to attempt to salvage the blackened husk of the bacon.
Carlos’s laughter follows him, and T.K. suddenly realises how much he’s missed this. And even though it’s only been three days, it was three days too long; he wants to spend every moment he can with Carlos.
And he’s got a few ideas for how they can make up the lost time.
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flyswhumpcenter · 4 years
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Bad Things Happen Bingo! The event where you send me requests according to this marvelous card! (Red cross is the completed prompt, character headshots are prompts I’ve already filled. Green deltas are for requested prompts.)
Choo choo, the Sickfic Express has just arrived in Galar, straight from Oreburgh City! 
First fic of 2020 is a sickfic oneshot. How rivetting. I've very recently beaten Pokémon Sword and loved it! I found myself really loving the characters, what they are and what they've already become in my mind, so I couldn't help myself but type what I know best... A sickfic. Also, this fandom needs more of this stuff, so here. I'm providing. Is this story OOC? Chances they are. Was it absolutely a blast to write? You bet. I'm probably gonna look back on it later down the lane and be uncomfortable with how I depicted the characters; but you do need to discover the characters first, and what better opportunity for that than a little sickfic with some angst and pre-rel dramatic tension? Anyway, I hope you'll like this lil' thing I busted out in literally a couple hours. I forgot how fun it was to write without worrying yourself over continuity or already established elements like in Earth Never Stops... Btw, this fic was originally requested to me as a FE3H fill for Hubert, so I decided I'd most likely use another square on my card for him. Sorry Nonnie for this, my inspiration got the best of me yet again! 
Candles in the Rain
Summary: Is feverishly staggering through the damp streets of Hammerlocke under the rain with very little hope to feel warmth again and even less sense of direction a fitting end for a former Champion now that he's been defeated once? Scratch that: he doesn't have the time or brain power remaining to process such a question. Or: Leon witnesses a miracle in the form of a little dog and a childhood friend.
Fandom: Pokémon Sword and Shield (post-canon/game: beware for spoilers) Relationships: Pre-relationship Leon/Sonia
Wordcount: 3.1K words
Event hosted by @badthingshappenbingo​
AO3 version available here.
The streets of Hammerlocke are covered by a thick layer of rainwater, typical early winter in Galar. Nobody dares going against the terrible weather, which isn’t unlike the flooding that almost ate Kabu’s region of origin, or rather how he once described it based on bedtime stories, a couple thousand years ago. Honestly, after what Galar just went through, he can believe the tale to have been real all along, no issue there…
As always, he’s lost in the grand city of his main rival, and that frustrates him. He’s cold from the water having filled his shoes and wet his hair for hours and hours on end, not even the fire of the camp being able to make him feel warmer. If it wasn’t for his partners’ demands, urging him to stop camping in the wilderness and find a Centre already, he’d have surely stayed in the Wild Area and biked to a better spot. Ah, he misses Postwick, now. At least, he can’t get lost in Postwick, there’d be Hop and his now-Champion best friend, if not Sonia paying them all a visit, and there’d be the warmth of his childhood home… Gods, perhaps he does miss the peaceful life of a ten-year-old whose only contact to the Gym Challenge is dreams of grandeur.
Ah, if it didn’t rain so badly, Charizard could be warming the both of them as he tried to make his way to the nearest Centre.
 Despite his best efforts to remain proud and confident, he ends up having to lean against a wall to stop a coughing fit from suddenly urging itself out of there. He must look pathetic and he does wish, deep down, that someone would get out of their house for a reason or another, recognize him like literally everybody in Galar; but his pride and brand would be on the line, and nobody is fighting against the terrible, terrible weather today. He’s all alone in the streets of the city, pushing himself from the wall with wobbly arms, trying his hardest to remember where to go with slow, hazy thoughts…
Even if he was cold merely moments before, his head now burns. He feels too hot under clothes that are wildly unfitting of such a muddy season, despite the hair rising on what is exposed of his arms. A Cramorant stole his jacket when he was training, a Linoone tried to steal his stuff, and he ended up having a Pokemon knocked out and losing most of his healing items in the kerfuffle. It really hasn’t been his day, lately…
 His chest hurts. Not from the outside, as if he had injured himself in one of the falls he endured trying to feel from the Wild Area with no Pokemon to battle with and the slippery grass constantly trying to get the best of him, but from the inside. He doesn’t doubt the possible existence of bruises under the shirt that sticks to his limbs like a second, drenched skin; but this isn’t it. It intensifies when he coughs and it rattles strangely. When he tries to ignore the excruciating weather wishing for his demise, he hears the strange sounds his breathing now makes. He doesn’t know them so, in a moment of out-of-character lack of reason, he gets scared of them and vaguely wonders about worst-case scenarios.
It isn’t just his chest either. It’s his throat, it’s his mouth, it’s his feet, it’s his legs. Everything in his body is tired and screaming for rest, but he cannot provide it for any of his own self at the moment, stuck trying to navigate with what little he can distinguish with almost-closed eyes from how much he has to squint. His eyes can’t focus anymore, this much he realizes with a bitter sense of resignation, so everything he sees is blurry, including the weird gooey stuff he keeps coughing out whenever he can’t breathe anymore and has to stop for who knows how long.
 He trips over his own unmade shoe tie, losing in one fell swoop what was left of his balance, and falls right into the rainwater that has accumulated on the ground. It sounds and looks and feels like it’s the end, that this is where his journey ends: in some damp street of a city that he has never been able to find his way in, alone, cold and hot at the same time, rain burying him with the rest of the pavement. Not that he even thinks he has the energy to go on… Not like that. Not when his strength, the only thing he thought he had left, has all but given up on him too. Truly alone in a time where, sitting against a giant wall, he realizes what has been going on and poisoning his breath. Hah, ironic.
Still, this isn’t how he should admit defeat. He’s been won over now, and recently at that, and it’d be more than a shame for him to all but give up now. He needs to bring his team to the Centre, he can’t not try taking his revenge on the new Champion, he can’t not at least prove his superior battle skills to Raihan yet again, he just can’t leave Hop, and Sonia, and everyone else like that…
So he rises up once again, on weak arms and unsteady legs, almost tripping over himself, shoulder stuck against the wall. He won’t let this be the end of him.
 Even with a new resolve, it still doesn’t make it much better for him. Unless there’s a miracle happening right before him, he’s stuck with his heavily weakened state trying to find a place whose location he has no idea. His phone doesn’t seem to be able to show a map, its signal disturbed after whatever happened to it while he was looking or doing the polar opposite, so he’s stuck with his truly inefficient sense of orientation.
But it’ll be okay. It’ll have to be okay, because he needs to see Hop become a Professor, to buy Sonia’s new book, to rematch the Champion and his Leader friends, to give his team at least one more chance to shine. It’ll be okay, surely it’ll be okay, of course it’ll be okay… It’ll be okay, because this is all a terrible nightmare he’s going to wake up from, where he isn’t stuck in the torrential rain with a fainted party and very little hope of finding way out.
It’ll be okay, oh so okay…
 He tumbles and falls over again, this time hitting the ground with no grace whatsoever, most likely scratching elbows and knees in the process. Even rising his head up as not to cough in water when a fit claws at his throat again takes most of the energy he has left, only for his blurry sight and cottoned-down hearing to spot the first good thing in who knows many hours: a familiar yelp and vague brown-and-yellow figure rushing towards him.
With a trembling and feeble hand, he tries reaching out to the Yamper who has guided him so many times out of dangerous situations, only for an oh so familiar voice to yell in his direction. Still, it’s hard to know if it’s real or just his imagination. Ah, well; he’ll have to see when he’ll have woken up. If he even wakes up from the darkness starting to invade his vision…
  “Yamper, where in the world are you running like that?!” This creature never stops running, doesn’t it? “Yamper, wait for me!”
If she’s used to her trusty furry assistant running around everywhere it goes and pursuing it, Sonia has to notice there’s something odd in the air. Yamper never goes this fast, especially not in a city where it could smash muzzle first into people. There’s an urgent feeling to its yelps as it runs in one precise direction.
 As suddenly as Yamper started running when she had just gone out of the vault to investigate a little bit more into the Galar mythos she had become a specialist of, it stops right in its tracks in a little street she’s frankly never seen nor noticed before. With how much it’s raining and how unlikely it is to stop pouring soon, she doesn’t want the both of them out for much longer than needed.
She stops to regain her breath, hands on her knees as she folds in two, wet red hair hanging from her head. Yamper stays in place, running around her in circles, then disappearing from her view into the old, little street covered in rain and shadows. It doesn’t seem to have any intent on leaving soon.
“Why did you… bring me here…? Seriously, it’s raining Growlithes and Purrloins…!”
Still, Sonia gets herself together and goes on to follow her “assistant”. There’s dread building in her chest and stomach that she can hardly ignore… She’s seen enough movies as a teenager to know where this is going. She’s going to end up tangled into some messed-up situation, isn’t she…?
 Her heart skips a beat when she notices a very familiar person lying face down on the pavement, drenched to the bone. A person who hasn’t given her any response or sign of life for a few days.
Someone who’s gotten lost in Hammerlocke again.
 When he wakes up, everything feels different than the last time he’s been awake. It’s all white, dry and soft. He stills feels too hot and too cold, breathing remains a chore and he wishes he wasn’t there anyway; but he supposes he’s now safe and, honestly, he can’t think of anything much worse than treading through the torrential rain with little strength left.
Now, if he knew what the thing on his face was, he’d be doing a bit better, but his arms feel like they’re made out of lead and he lacks the energy to rise them to his mouth and at least touch it…
The voice, even if it’s muffled, is undoubtedly Sonia’s. He can’t quite put a finger on why exactly, yet he feels like this confirms something. If his chest didn’t feel so heavy and full, he’d have sighed in relief. That doesn’t prevent him from coughing again when trying to respond to his own name.
“Let me do the talking, okay? I’m sure you have a metric ton of questions to ask, but for the love of Galar, spare your voice unless necessary.”
 Now that his vision is focusing again, he notices both the pipe inserted in his wrist and the frown on her face. She seems less than content with something. What, he doesn’t quite know, and thinking hurts his head even further than it already bothers him, heavy on his neck despite resting on a pillow. Speaking of which, where is his stuff? His clothes?
“Hey, hey, hey,” Sonia rises from her chair and puts her hands on his chest, putting him back into his mattress. “You stay here and don’t cause anyone any worry more than you’ve already done!”
 He’s confused as to why she’s so adamant on him not doing anything. No speaking, no moving… If he didn’t feel this drained and lethargic, he’d absolutely get back at her with playfulness. Well, that does kind of answer his own question, doesn’t it? Or, at least, it seems to make sense to his brain which has troubles keeping up with the situation…
Yet, he sees a small smirk contrast with her frowned eyebrows. She seems… pained. Pained by what, or who, he doesn’t know; he’s most likely at least partially responsible for it, because she wouldn’t be there otherwise.
 “I don’t know how you’ve ended up in that situation exactly, Leon, but you’ve managed to surpass yourself in terms of putting yourself in harm’s way. You’ve scared us before, but not to that extent!”
“I…” His voice sounds hoarse and it absolutely feels that way. “It’s complicated…”
“Your entire party was fainted, safe for Charizard who was about to follow; you somehow bricked your phone in the process and ended up catching more than a death of cold. Where were you during all that time?!”
Sonia sounds a bit too scared for someone who’s facing her childhood friend stuck in a bed.
“The Wild Area…”
“That’d explain why you were soaked to the bone when I found you lying in a puddle… You’ll have to excuse me for using that crude language, you scared everyone on that one!”
 It’s his turn to ask a little question, even if the state of his body makes him want to remain quiet. Still, no matter how intelligent she is, Sonia doesn’t read minds, so he’s somewhat forced to go through with it if he wants his answers.
“Where are we?”
“A clinic in Hammerlocke. I forgot to add you also scared the ER staff with how bad your breathing was.” Has to be that irritating wheezing sound he’s hearing since he’s woken up. “By the way, since I know you’re going to ask me about that, your team is safe and doing much better now. They’re all gently resting in their balls while you recover.”
He misses Charizard and everyone else already. He owes them a big apology, that’s for sure, but he’s also certain his brain can’t process much right now. Sometimes, you just need to admit yourself to have been defeated… even if it bothers you to no end.
 Sonia paces around for a little bit before sitting down on the chair next to the bed, arms still crossed. She sounds more than frustrated, and, well… He can’t really hold it against her, can he? He already can barely hold anything against her to begin with, considering how much they’ve lived through together; it’s not today, in these circumstances, that he’ll try finding a reason for her not to be frustrated. Who knows how long he’s been gone without giving news: he frankly, forgot how quickly or slowly time was passing while he was wandering through the Wild Area.
“At least, you’re still here and breathing with us. Just, if you could not do that ever again, it’d be better, you know? I can’t always be there worrying after you when I’m now a Prof! Arceus, I don’t even imagine what sequence of events has thrown you into such a state. You looked absolutely pitiful when Yamper found you.”
 He tries to puff at himself to ease the tension he feels rising, but all he ends up doing is coughing. And coughing. And coughing.
“What did I say about sparing your voice? Tch, you’ll never change, will you? You’ve always stubborn, after all, so there’s no reason that’ll change now. That’s part of your charm, I suppose.” She shrugs before suddenly darting her eyes away from him. “But you’re right, I shouldn’t have to worry! You were the Champion of Galar for more than ten years, why would I be afraid of you? That makes very little sense, haha!”
 He only now spots the dark rings under her eyes and the hair pulling out of her ponytail, one strand at a time. How long was he out for, and for how much of that time was she there, exactly? (Hey, he does work fairly well, for someone who can’t stop sweating and whose entire frame is shaken up by chills at irregular intervals!). Too many questions, too little available brain space, he guesses…
“Go for it, make fun of your good old friend who still hasn’t gotten the memo. I should have been like Hop and blindly believed you’d come back to us, as you’ve always done…”
Oh, right, Hop! How is he doing, has he advanced in his research, does he still worry for him? Well, sadly, it’s not the time to think about his brother: his childhood friend seems to have a meltdown right in front of him.
 Sonia stares at him, completely silent, eyes wide. Seems like she doesn’t have an answer to her own interrogation, until pain comes back on her face like the wave crashing on the shore.
“You don’t… think it’s ridiculous?”
“What?” His throat doesn’t take kindly to his attempts at having a conversation.
“Everything! We swore we’d trust each other, but look at me, worrying over you as if we were still kids running in the fields with the Wooloos… And I’m telling you all that while you’re cooking on the inside! Really, isn’t that ridiculous?”
 Gathering his breath and his strength, he rises up with shaky arms against the bedhead, pillow still preventing his head from entirely lulling over his shoulder from how heavy it is. Whatever he’s caught, it’s one hell of an affliction he’s found himself with. Still, if it’s for Sonia, if she’s this distraught over the situation (he did almost pass away), he can put up with the migraine, the difficult breathing, the mask over his mouth, the lethargy, the chills…
“I’m sorry, Sonia.”
He does cough immediately after apologizing, as expected. For once, she doesn’t reply immediately, doesn’t make a witty remark; instead, she looks confused and maybe embarrassed, considering the red he can see with the eyes that still refuse to entirely focus for more than a few seconds.
“Sorry for what? And, again, spare your voice, you…”
“For all of this.”
 Her expression softens, eyebrows drooping and eyes shining brighter. Even if it’s slight and his eyes almost miss it, she finally smiles.
“How long…?” He’s interrupted by a fit.
“How long you’ve been out?” He nods, still trying to calm his chest down. “Around half a day. You did wake up at some point but immediately passed out again. No wonder why you don’t remember that.”
He now points at her with an unsteady finger. “Why are you… Oh, how long I’ve been here?” He nods again. “Most of that time, I’d say. I’d also say I fell asleep at some point too…”
 She crosses her arms again, just as his vision starts weakening again. It’s back to sleep, right?
“I think we both need our rest. I’m also certain Hop is waiting at the door, so you’ll even have a guardian angel watching over you, isn’t that super cool? And if you attempt rising from that bed, you’re sure to be put back into it in mere seconds!”
He’d try laughing if it didn’t trigger such a massive reaction from his lungs, so he decides to just nod instead.
“See you later, Leon. Goodnight.”
He waves at her, the lethargy still reflecting in his slow and sloppy gestures, but that’s fine enough for now. Her smile is worth it, isn’t it?
 Absolutely worth trekking through the rain with full lungs and little energy left…
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Episode 126: The Good Lars
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“Maybe I should be trying to fix my life.”
The Good Lars is a massive bummer, and it makes me so, so happy.
Lars has always been a character with a ton of potential that, in my mind, is muted by his inability to learn. Pretty much all of his focus episodes have been about him taking a big step towards his character growing, but then resetting to his typical jerky self in his next episode instead of actually continuing that growth. On a rational level I can appreciate the realism in a stubborn character’s inflexibility, but even if it’s by design, it’s super frustrating to watch. The Good Lars shows that he still has a long way to go, and pointedly lacks the Lars Learns conclusion that Lars episodes like to bait us with, but this is where it finally feels like his story is going somewhere.
The New Lars was apparently the first step that stuck: seeing everyone, including his parents, prefer Steven-as-Lars to Lars-as-himself must’ve been a wake-up call. I love his final speech in that episode about hating how weird Beach City is, as it casts a surprising new light on his surly attitude, but after so many false starts we need some follow-through to make that speech fully land, and The Good Lars fits the bill.
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Right off the bat, we see Lars take a genuine risk and put his food out there for Steven to try. We’ve known since all the way back in Lars and the Cool Kids that Lars’s apathy is a practiced act, and it’s hindered him again and again and again in every relationship he has. And we’ve known since Island Adventure that he’s a skilled cook, so it’s not a stretch that his abilities extend to baking. That he’d hide just how much he likes making food is totally in line with what we know about him, so it’s gigantic that he opens up about it here.
Steven is a terrific test subject for Lars’s food, as beyond his general kindness and enthusiasm, we’ve already seen him praise Lars’s food before in Island Adventure. The problem is that Lars is aware of this, which allows his self-destructive nature to undermine his sense of accomplishment in seeing someone love his baking. There’s not much critical value in praise from someone who only ever provides praise, and when presented with an opportunity to take an even bigger risk by letting the Cool Kids try his food, Lars flounders.
He may be growing, but he’s still cagey and irate. He takes a big step, but he’s too afraid to leap. But because he might move forward at last, because he might change his status quo on a show where the status quo is more than capable of changing, Steven and Sadie and the audience are given room to hope. Just enough room to hurt us when he can’t go through with it.
That fragile sense of hope radiating throughout The Good Lars is amplified by its status as the calmest episode in the show’s third act. It’s just so quiet compared to its surroundings, with no major confrontations by virtue of Lars’s pivotal moment of cowardice occurring off-screen. Our happy scenes are tinged with melancholy, and our sad scenes have glimpses of joy, and it’s the perfect tone to set for our last moment of peace before Steven’s life falls apart again.
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All of my issues with Lars over the past 120-odd episodes are given new meaning as we see him waver back and forth in The Good Lars. Yes, it’s annoying that he refuses to retain lessons he learns throughout the series, but we see here that his dismal self-confidence doesn’t allow him to trust that he’d be accepted for who he is, so of course he falls back on prickliness over and over again.
To be fair, it’s hard to tell where he stands with Buck, who seems to enjoy messing with Lars but who also seems to genuinely appreciate Lars, but who also might only genuinely appreciate Lars out of irony because that’s totally a thing Buck would do, but who also might love irony so much that his ironic appreciation of Lars might wrap back around to genuine appreciation. It’s awesome that we see Buck in his Shirt Club tee showing off the guitar skills he picked up from taking lessons with Greg; referencing an episode that explored the downside of Buck’s allergy to sincerity paints Lars’s own attempts to hide how he feels in a damning light. Even we the audience can’t be sure if Buck thinks Bingo Bongo is “transcendent” because he likes it or he thinks it’s dumb and that it’s funny to say that it’s great. I'm pretty sure it’s the former, but from the episode alone there’s just no way to be sure.
So it makes sense that Buck, whose mastery of the detached facade is undeniable, is an aspirational figure for Lars, who’s uncannily bad at playing it cool. As much as I’ve praised the Cool Kids for being far more delightful than the Cool Kid trope often allows, they’re not without their flaws: it’s a little stinging that they still use terms like “Donut Kids” and “Donut Girl” instead of real names with their ostensible peers (but then again, they’re often referred to as “The Cool Kids”). Nobody, not even Lars, is fully to blame for Lars’s insecurity, but Buck’s affected demeanor sets a poor example for a kid who puts him on a pedestal.
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Lars’s wavering consumes the first half of the episode, and throughout the baking montage we get shots like the above, where Steven and Sadie are capable of relaxing but Lars is obsessed with getting things right. It’s refreshing to see him so passionate, but this obsession is just another manifestation of his insecurity, his need to be perfect so that he’ll fit in. There’s a subtle cultural element to his ordeal, as ube is a traditional Philippine dessert that Lars writes off as “my family’s weird purple cake”—while I somehow doubt the Cool Kids are racist against Filipinos, it tracks that a kid who’s desperate to fit in would fear anything that sets him apart.
Still, it’s a pleasant sequence where Lars lets his guard down, first in the joy of baking and then as he opens up to Steven. His opinion that baking is lame is perhaps the most adolescent aspect of this very teenagey episode, because it’s an absurd notion which he believes so strongly that he can’t seem to fathom that it’s about the coolest skill you can bring to a group whose idea of a good time is a potluck. Lars thinks he’s lame, and he loves baking, thus he thinks baking is lame. His lack of self-worth even extends to people who like him, as he casually asserts that nobody knows he likes to bake when Sadie and Steven are right there; it’s a rotten thing to say, sure, but it comes from a severe confidence shortage.
Lars’s attitude is simple to understand early the series: he’s insecure, so he acts like a jerk to hide his soft interior. But The New Lars and now The Good Lars thrive by diving deeper and showing just how bad his self-esteem issues really are. This isn’t run-of-the-mill teen angst, it’s the kind of depression he describes in Island Adventure, and when we understand how much he’s suffering he suddenly fits right in with Pearl and Lapis Lazuli at their worst. This is what we needed of him for his big moment in space to hit home, so thank goodness we get it right on time.
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Steven’s pep talk seems to do the trick, and we move into our third act with that bubble of hope just waiting to be popped. It becomes clear pretty quickly that something’s gonna go wrong when Steven excitedly amps up the ube, and seeing Sadie alone hammers the hard truth home, but before we make it official there’s a lovely moment of Sadie, who’s no stranger to awkwardness herself, quickly winning over the Cool Kids. I’ll never get tired of how great these kids are, and even Sadie will talk about it soon enough.
The search scene is a fascinating montage, showing Steven failing over and over but accompanied by a jaunty score that keeps our hopes alive despite what’s now an obvious conclusion. Steven’s leap into the air is the first big moment of the episode that involves weird Gem stuff, and its sudden appearance highlights how down-to-earth our little adventure has been; in the same way, his instinct to use mind powers is soon trumped by the human pragmatism of just calling Lars. It sets the stage for an all-too-human resolution to Lars’s story, as Steven’s phone call ends with him finding the ube in the trash right outside Buck’s house, right as he’s imagining aloud a reality where Lars lets himself be happy.
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Which leads to our story’s greatest trick, the aspect that cements it as one of my favorites: despite the name and the deep focus and the new insights we gain from that focus, The Good Lars was never a Lars Episode. It’s a Sadie Episode, and it’s a beautiful one.
Sadie, like Lars, is afraid to branch out. But unlike Lars, she’s brave enough to try anyway, and shares her hidden love of singing with the Cool Kids. She’s so invested in helping others that she forgets that she’s allowed to help herself, and if that sounds familiar it’s because it’s Steven’s entire character arc. When the mood dips to its lowest point with the ube in the garbage, we could’ve had an ending that matches the sadness of a hurting kid failing even when his friends believe in him. But instead, we get a scene of quiet grace as Sadie shares her voice and is praised in the way Lars strove for. She hears that he’s not coming, and takes a deep breath, and lets it be. She can’t control his night, but she can control hers, and she chooses her own happiness instead of letting his issues ruin her evening.
She and Steven have both accepted Lars for who he is, and while both want him to move past the barriers he’s set up, the lessons of Sadie’s Song return with a vengeance in a way that makes me wish so badly that I liked Sadie’s Song. Steven has traces of his worst self from that story by wondering if they should’ve pushed Lars even harder, but as Sadie starts to agree with him, she realizes that no, they shouldn’t, because it’s not up to them to make Lars happy. They can try, and they should, but friends aren’t failures if their friends can’t take steps for themselves. It’s a hard lesson to learn, but it’s one last reminder that Steven shouldn’t put the world on his shoulders before Steven goes and puts the world on his shoulders.
I call this a Sadie Episode because she’s the one that grows in it. Lars is in his rut of inaction, just as Steven is in his rut of misplaced responsibility, but Sadie gains the confidence boost of new friends and a new perspective into her relationship with a guy who came this close to admitting that he loved her to Steven. Lars is about to fail her through his cowardice in the same way Steven is about to fail Connie through his hubris, and like Connie, Sadie will use the opportunity to stand up for herself. And let’s not forget that this is the episode where Sadie Killer meets the Suspects.
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The cliffhanger from Doug Out goes unacknowledged until the very end of The Good Lars, especially because Sour Cream seems unfazed by Onion’s disappearance for now; perhaps some viewers watched the episode waiting for the other shoe to drop, and I imagine such a lens colored the whole story in a way it didn’t for me. I wasn’t surprised by the reappearance of the two Gem silhouettes, but it remains a spine-chilling way to end such a human-centric tale. And even this provides us with hope, allowing us to imagine that Lars didn’t bail after all and was simply kidnapped by aliens. Stuck Together soon snatches that hope away, which is par for the course for Lars’s arc, but it’s a powerful episode that can make a character’s kidnapping seem like a good thing.
I understand the irony of me saying that an episode about Lars going nowhere is the episode that finally sees Lars going somewhere, but as Mindful Education (and therapy in general) suggests, acknowledging the problem is the first step towards solving it. Lars is about to become a major player, and Sadie is about to earn a new arc of her own, and I can’t think of a better way to set up both of these threads than The Good Lars.
Future Vision!
Beyond the reveal that he trashed the ube before his capture, Stuck Together generally acts as a direct sequel to The Good Lars.
“Bingo Bongo” was magical from the start, evoking Root Beer Guy’s equally magical “Bingo Bango” from Adventure Time. But seeing Lars own it as a badass space pirate is great shorthand for how much he’s grown.
Steven’s pep talk to Lars about going to the party is echoed in his pep talk to Lapis about returning to Earth in Can’t Go Back. Not only because both speeches are good advice, but because unfortunately neither succeeds to make the listener move past their anxiety by the episode’s end.
A story about Steven trying to help someone hellbent on sabotaging themselves and hurting others? That sounds like a good idea for a movie!
We’re the one, we’re the ONE! TWO! THREE! FOUR!
As always, I’m a sucker for tone, and The Good Lars gets that feeling of teenage dreams grappling with the nightmare of depression just right, both for the victim and for friends of the victim (some of us got to be both!). It’s not overwrought, and we’re still allowed some joy, but it sucks to be so stuck in your head that you can’t move, and this episode captures that sensation way more succinctly than, say, Hamlet. Am I saying it’s better than Hamlet? Not really. But I heard somewhere that brevity is the soul of wit, and it’s certainly briefer.
Top Twenty-Five
Steven and the Stevens
Hit the Diamond
Mirror Gem
Lion 3: Straight to Video
Alone Together
Last One Out of Beach City
The Return
The Answer
Mindful Education
Sworn to the Sword
Rose’s Scabbard
Mr. Greg
Coach Steven
Giant Woman
Beach City Drift
Winter Forecast
Steven’s Dream
When It Rains
The Good Lars
Catch and Release
Chille Tid
Lion 4: Alternate Ending
Love ‘em
Laser Light Cannon
Bubble Buddies
Tiger Millionaire
Lion 2: The Movie
Rose’s Room
An Indirect Kiss
Ocean Gem
Space Race
Garnet’s Universe
Warp Tour
The Test
Future Vision
On the Run
Maximum Capacity
Marble Madness
Political Power
Full Disclosure
Joy Ride
Keeping It Together
We Need to Talk
Cry for Help
Keystone Motel
Back to the Barn
Steven’s Birthday
It Could’ve Been Great
Message Received
Log Date 7 15 2
Same Old World
The New Lars
Monster Reunion
Alone at Sea
Crack the Whip
Back to the Moon
Kindergarten Kid
Buddy’s Book
Gem Harvest
Three Gems and a Baby
That Will Be All
The New Crystal Gems
Storm in the Room
Room for Ruby
Doug Out
Like ‘em
Gem Glow
Arcade Mania
So Many Birthdays
Lars and the Cool Kids
Onion Trade
Steven the Sword Fighter
Beach Party
Monster Buddies
Keep Beach City Weird
Watermelon Steven
The Message
Open Book
Story for Steven
Shirt Club
Love Letters
Rising Tides, Crashing Tides
Onion Friend
Historical Friction
Friend Ship
Nightmare Hospital
Too Far
Barn Mates
Steven Floats
Drop Beat Dad
Too Short to Ride
Restaurant Wars
Kiki’s Pizza Delivery Service
Greg the Babysitter
Gem Hunt
Steven vs. Amethyst
Adventures in Light Distortion
Gem Heist
The Zoo
Cheeseburger Backpack
Together Breakfast
Cat Fingers
Serious Steven
Steven’s Lion
Joking Victim
Secret Team
Say Uncle
Super Watermelon Island
Gem Drill
Know Your Fusion
Future Boy Zoltron
Tiger Philanthropist
No Thanks!
     6. Horror Club      5. Fusion Cuisine      4. House Guest      3. Onion Gang      2. Sadie’s Song      1. Island Adventure
155 notes · View notes
clownsgobeepbeep · 5 years
Finally, the ninth part of my story uwu
I feel so bad about some of the stuff that’s written in here but...they had to happen, and they may just get worse in next parts...so sorry if any of this is “disturbing” and such 
Gaaah I hope everything is alright
@grotesquegabby @post-itpenny Because some of your characters are in this 
Part Eight /// Part Ten
October 5
Unlike her siblings, Bingo did not require sleep. 
The young clown blinked for a moment before turning to the side, sensing as more party guests were making their way out of the large ballroom. Purple eyes landed on a pair of twins who made their way through the guests.
Bingo always sensed something about these two girls. She knew there was something about them, but not even her greatest of powers allowed her to see what.
This was one of the reasons why Bingo’s eyes stared into the darkness outside the car she and her family sat in, watching blankly as something was felt in the air.
“Bingo, duckling, why haven’t you gone to sleep?” came Ferry’s voice as she turned around to look at her triplets. Bingo was in between Ally and Carney, as always, and both of these were fast asleep due to so much activity at their babysitter’s birthday party.
“I am not tired.” Bingo replied after turning to her mother, blinking once.
“I know, but it’s still best you rest.” Ferry smiled at Bingo who gave a bit of a nod. “Especially if we’ll be going to the haunt attraction tomorrow.”
“Later.” Bingo corrected. “It is past midnight.”
“Yes, later.” Ferry chuckled with a nod of her own. “But please rest Bingo.”
“Yes mother.” Bingo replied, then placing her head back on the seat before shutting her eyes to Ferry’s satisfaction.
Once Ferry had turned away, however, Bingo turned her head to the side before opening her eyes once again. She felt somewhat surprised once she noticed that her purple eyes had been looking identical eyes that soon disappeared.
Soft snores and breathing sounded through the room Bingo was in, her eyes still open as they stared up at the ceiling over her bed.
She never blinked but only thought to herself, running the images from before over and over again. But then, finally, Bingo felt herself blink as she heard a sound just outside the bedroom and house her family resided in.
The girl then blinked a few more times before placing her doll to the side so that she would not squish it as she made herself sit up in bed. Bingo’s eyes darted to each of the windows as she continued to hear noises outside, and that was when she realized that one of the windows had somehow...opened.
She had a tight grip on her doll as she watched the curtains flow with the soft wind she never knew had been there,and in the darkness she was able to make out a figure.
This figure stepped closer towards the window, then somehow coming into the room which made Bingo furrow her eyebrows at the intruder.
Bingo saw as, in what she could tell was the silhouette’s features, that two orbs were now glowing in the darkness...and they were glowing a purple color identical to hers.
Bingo sensed something about this new shape...and she could tell just what this time.
“Hi Sharky.~”
“Hey there Jelly-Bean.”Lennie smiled to himself as he sat in his brother’s living room, having just received a phone call that made a lovestruck smile come onto his features.
“How are you Lennie?” his beloved’s voice sounded on the other line.
“I’m fine, but better now that you called. I’m here at Billy and Maggie’s.” Lennie chuckled to himself, then looking to the side where Billy sat, the latter rolling his eyes in a playful manner. “How are you doing?”
“I’m still tired. I had to stay up all night, uh, yesterday. Because, it’s night right now.” Jelly slightly giggled. “How have the kids been doing?”
“Ula went with her band to practice, surprisingly not tired.”
“Well, guess she’s excited about being older.”
“Yeah, I guess so. And I trusted Davey and Cordie to stay at home since they were also a bit tired after such a party.” Lennie explained as he and Billy looked to the side, seeing Harper be followed by the triplets. “Of course, they have all the axolotls with them. I have a feeling Schrader might go over later.”
“Schrader? Oh, Lennie...you didn’t hear?”
“Hear what? Did something happen to Schrader?” Lennie now sat up, no longer leaning back on the couch, which Billy took notice of.
“Ula didn’t want to tell you but...he left, after the party.”
“Yeah...he told her that...he didn’t want to be here anymore.” Jelly quietly told Lennie who blinked to himself a few times. “He only stayed for the party and...he left.”
“Wait, he really left? Like, really, really left? Like when he br-”
“Yes, just like the first time.” Jelly interrupted Lennie who turned to look at his brother, Billy quirking an eyebrow as if asking what was going on. “Ula didn’t want to go too much into detail about it but...she called me when I got out of a meeting.”
“That...that’s so unfortunate.” Lennie whispered, still not believing what he was hearing. “I’ll make sure to talk to Ula later. She seemed okay.”
“I guess she’s just trying to not react like last time, and still prove to Atlas…”
“Well, Lennie,” Jelly gave a bit of a yawn. “I don’t want to be giving anymore bad news and I wouldn’t want to waste your time with Billy.”
“It’s alright Jelly-Bean, I don’t think he minds.”
“I know, but I also need some nap time Sharky. I have another meeting in the morning and I want to go buy some souvenirs for all of you once I’m done.”
“Sounds good.”
“I’ll try to call you when I wake up, okay?”
“Okay.” Lennie nodded to himself before he and Jelly exchanged a few more words, then ending the call as the brothers looked at each other.
“What’s wrong?” Billy questioned before Lennie gave a sigh.
“Schrader left.”
“He left?”
“Are you sure?” Billy blinked a few times before tapping his chin. “That seems rather odd...he didn’t even say anything?”
“No, he only talked to Ula apparently. She didn’t tell me anything about it; she looked perfectly fine and happy.”
“Did something happen to Ula?” another voice asked, prompting the men to turn and see Amaranthus who had just walked into the room. “Dad? Uncle?”
“Ula is alright, princess.” Billy answered before glancing at his brother who gave a bit of a nod. “It’s just, your friend Schrader.”
“Is he alright?”
“He left, Ama.” Lennie told his niece as he watched her face contort into a confused one. “He left last night after the party.”
“That can’t be true.” Ama shook her head. “That can’t be...why would he leave?”
“We don’t know, we were just told by your aunt Jelly.”
“Ula’s the last person he talked to, so she’s bound to know.”
“If he didn’t keep it a secret…”Ama whispered to herself before turning back to Billy and Lennie. “I’m gonna go look for Ula.”
Right on the other line, where Jelly had been talking to Lennie, was instead his daughter who had just popped a bubble gum she had blown right after ending the call with Lennie.
Through heart shaped shades, Ula looked through the phone belonging to Jelly which had been acquired thanks to James. So many pictures of the little man, very many others of the kids, others of sea creatures.
“She’s obsessed.” Ula rolled her eyes before turning the phone off, throwing it behind her as it landed in the back seats of the car she currently sat in. “Now, let’s see-”
Ula was then slightly startled at the sound of her phone ringing, and she answered it after having seen the name on the screen.
“You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me.” she blinked a few times reading the name ‘Bambi’ as it was accompanied by a deer and heart emojis; this making her alter her voice to her normal, Ula one. “Hello?~”
“Hey Shortcake.”
“Hi Atlas.” she replied while picking at her nails, hearing Atlas clear his throat. “You still with your grandparents?”
“Uh, no. I left earlier, they said thanks for the cake. Gonna give my compliments to Pepper later.”
“That’s great! I’m glad.” Ula reached over to the other seat where she grabbed a gift ‘she’ got at the party. “And hey, Atlas?”
“I wanted to thank you again for the gift. It really means a lot to me.”
“Oh, it’s...no big deal.” Ula heard Atlas slightly chuckled on the other line. “But, that’s good to know. I’m really glad you like it.”
“Yeah…” Ula rolled her eyes before tossing the book to the side where it landed on the grass. “Anyways, any reason for calling?”
“I just wanted to talk to you is all, especially after yesterday. Sorry for leaving early.”
“It’s no problem Atlas. You know, you can easily make it up to me.~”
“How so?”
“How about,” Ula grabbed rear view window of the car, tilting it so that she could look at her reflection that showed no Ula, but a mime with glowing, pink eyes. “We meet up at my mom’s pier and have a little date?~”
“So tell me, how does it feel to be a father?”
“Especially after your widow ate the one she birthed, hm?
Once again, there was a silence that made the man speaking frown with a growl.
“Say something, you coward!” 
“How...” the other voice finally replied, this one only heard by the man who finally smiled to himself, and rather malevolently. “How does it feel to have your arse kicked by the woman you tormented for so long?”
At these words, the man’s frown returned before he lifted a hand and conjured up a dagger than he then stabbed into himself. He gave no reaction, but the voice inside him reacted with a scream of pain before the dagger was rapidly pulled out.
“You remember this, don’t you Jamie? You remember those times you wanted to be a little bitch and go against me?”
He was met with yet another silent moment that made him roll his eyes with a deep sigh.
“Oh Jamie, James, James. You always were such a bore, no wonder you and Jelly were fucked.” Ryder shook his head as he looked through the papers on the desk in front of him, one popping up that he had made sure to get. “Oh how wonderful her expression of horror was when she realized I had returned for her. It was nice to feel that way again. I wonder if I can do that to your daughter next, she has grown up to look rather fine.~”
“She is not my daughter.” James immediately replied. “And you will not go anywhere near Ula.”
“Ah, so now you don’t want to be daddy dearest, hm?”
“It is not that.” James whispered. “It...you should have never forced her to have my blood.”
“I never forced her to do anything. That was my kid.” Ryder shrugged as he admired the picture of Jelly that he held in his hands, even licking his lips at the sight. “It’s just a shame that Jelly wasn’t the one who made her, but rather that bitch Missy.”
“What did you just call me?” 
Ryder’s eyes widened as he panicked and fell off his chair, scurrying to hide behind the desk and he peaked over it to hear a laugh he could only recognize as Missy’s. However, the laugh turned into a cackle that then sounded awful.
“I can not believe you are still the spider’s bitch!” the cackling continued as Ryder now realized that Missy was nowhere near, but only a smog that had a plethora of eyes appear with a large grin. “I do find it quite disappointing however. One of my own at the feet of one of Decla’s. Pitiful.”
“Risus, I…” Ryder then cleared his throat as he stood up and fixed his coat. “I wasn’t expecting you.”
“Really now?” Risus now manifested in front of Ryder who stared up at the figure. “And what were you expecting?”
“I was going to go with the D’Vitts, see how I could-”
“You are not needed, I already have my handy-dandy little helper stirring up some chaos for me.” Risus admired their claws as one of them swirled a fog in the air that transformed into a picture of Ula doing her own things. “She has been a good one, this one. I am rather proud to call her a descendant of mine, as should you.”
“How is Mendax doing in there?” Risus then poked Ryder’s chest.
“He has been pitiful and miserable as always.” Ryder answered.
“And you?”
“I was going with the D’Vitts, as I mentioned. Or at least, pay Jelly a visit.” Ryder informed Risus who then turned to him in curiosity.
“That stunt you pulled on her those many years ago.” Risus smiled as their eyes all blinked at once. “How about you stir something like that again? Make me proud again, but do not disappoint me like the last time.”
“Of course. Last time I was so close but,” Ryder then gave a deep frown as he clenched his fists. “Cosmos had to come in and-”
“Give you a beating, I know.” Risus rolled all of their eyes before they created a new picture, this one showing Cosmos beating Ryder until the shadow creature sped away. “A huge embarrassment that was, especially because it was a D’Vitt.”
“I know.”
“Ryder.” Risus called out to their descendant who turned to look back at them. “Make sure that before anything, you get rid of the annoying little pest she calls her mate.”
There was a certain vibe in the atmosphere, and Zeta did not like it one bit.
The woman had been going on with her day as usual, even as Calliope and the twins had gone out to visit some friends. Zeta had of course stayed behind to assist the ringleader and the circus’ needs but...much earlier, before it could even be dawn...she felt something.
It was barely after midnight when she felt something in her chest, a pain.
Even now as Zeta sat in front of a table, watching potential performers before her eyes and the ones belonging to the kids sitting on either side of her, she felt the pain. She tapped the pointer finger that lay on her left arm for she had them crossed as usual, eyes staring at the deadlights who performed one at a time, but this was not enough to make her forget about the pain in her chest.
“The one in polka dots is lousy.”
Zeta blinked once before glancing to the side where she saw a head of curly hair adorned with a crown.
“Right Zeta?”
“Why do you believe so?” Zeta replied to the child she often kept an eye on, this one being named Colette.
“Keeps trying to show off acrobatics but can’t even do a proper cartwheel.”
“A-At least he’s t-t-trying…” came another voice on Zeta’s right side, this one being Colette’s older brother Rudy.
“Trying’s not going to impress people for tomorrow’s show, Rudy.” the sister scoffed as she crossed her arms. 
“We will take him.” Zeta interrupted the two who looked up at her in surprise, Colette frowning deeply as her brother gave a small smile, finally feeling accomplished. “Next one.”
As another clown walked onto the center spot to show their skills, Zeta’s ears caught the sound of wings flapping in desperation and panic until they ceased as something had landed onto her shoulder.
“Is t-that a crow?” Rudy blinked as he watched a crow perched on the woman’s shoulder.
“Yes, it is.” Zeta turned to the bird who nuzzled its head into her cheek, Zeta returning the gesture with a stroke to the head with her finger. “What is it?”
Rudy and Colette watched as the crow cooed into Zeta’s ear, both shocked at the sight while Zeta nodded as the crow continued. It was even more shocking when they saw Zeta’s eyes widen, this being something that had never happened before, but soon her signature expression had returned.
“Y-Yes, Zeta?”
“Where is the ringleader?”
“The r-ringleader?” Rudy stammered out before turning to the side. “M, I-I think I saw t-t-them with a woman l-last…”
“What woman?”
“I-I have no i-idea who she is, but she w-w-went to them a-a-and-”
“You two stay here.” Zeta immediately stood up before she made her way out, leaving the siblings puzzled as they stared at each other with shrugs. “Where is he?”
The crow that Zeta had still been talking to then gave another coo, Zeta furrowing her eyebrows even more.
“I thought you said you had followed them.” Zeta whispered to the crow who replied once again. “I am glad you escaped them. I should have listened to those kids...”
With a caw at Zeta, the crow lifted its wings before settling down as Zeta now entered the ringleader’s tent to stop in the opening as she heard a conversation. This made her squint her eyes before slowly walking in as the crow on her remained quiet and watchful. They each looked in the same direction before looking back to the front again which lead them to the ringleader’s ‘bedroom’, the conversation now much clearer.
“And what of the previous gentleman?”
“Oh, that ended so long ago.”
“Why so? If you do not mind my asking.”
“He was still in love with his ex-girlfriend.” a woman’s voice spoke, then pausing for a moment as Zeta opened the next opening where she saw the ringleader and...a clown, the latter turning to look at Zeta before taking a sip from a wine glass. “But he’s history now, as is the ex.”
“Ringleader.” Zeta called out before her eyes darted over to Cuckoo who turned, barely noticing her before a smile crawled onto their expression.
“Zeta! I almost did not see you there.” Cuckoo grinned, almost standing up but feeling as the other woman pulled them back onto the chair they were on.
“Who is this?” Zeta questioned as she eyed the clown, already knowing very well who she was.
“Why, this is Evie! She was a performer years earlier but has finally returned.” Cuckoo glanced over at Evie who fluttered her eyelashes. “Isn’t she a lovely one?”
“Lovely.” Zeta only repeated the word, eyeing the crow on her shoulder. “Ringleader, would you not consider Miss Calliope lovely?”
“Calliope?” Cuckoo blinked at Zeta who nodded.
“Your spouse.”
“Spouse?” Evie answered for Cuckoo who turned to her, the clown stroking Cuckoo’s cheek which made them melt right into her hand. “Cuckoo doesn’t have a spouse, and they especially don’t have any children. Right Cuckoo?”
“Whatever you say.” Cuckoo nodded before nuzzling their face into Evie’s hand.
“Ringleader.” Zeta said in a stern tone that made the pair look over at her, Zeta glaring right into Evie’s purple eyes. “You must attend the auditions that are being held today. The performers have been waiting to meet you.”
“Oh dear, I forgot about such a thing.” Cuckoo shook their head in disappointment at themselves, then standing up with the intention of making their way towards Zeta.
“Cuckoo.” Evie now called out to them, the ringleader turning as she grabbed their wrist in a tight and desperate grip. “Cuckoo, don’t leave me.”
“I would never.” Cuckoo claimed a Evie stood up her hand now in Cuckoo’s before they place a kiss onto it. “My dear, I must attend these auditions.”
“No you don’t.” Evie fluttered her eyes again, this making Cuckoo blink and shake their head before giving her a soft smile.
“You are right, I do not have to go to such a silly thing.” Cuckoo chuckled, never noticing Zeta’s deadly glare directed towards Evie who gave her a sly smile. “In fact, I would much rather remain in your presence.”
“I’m so glad.” Evie grinned at Cuckoo before placing their hand on her cheek. “I think we should go out and have a nice, romantic, dinner, yes?”
“I believe-” Cuckoo was then interrupted by another flutter of Evie’s eyes. “-a romantic, dinner sounds wonderful. Any ideas, my love?”
“Anywhere would be nice.” Evie then embraced Cuckoo who returned the gesture, once again not taking notice of the looks the two women gave each other. “As long as I’m far away from this woman.”
“This woman?” Cuckoo turned to Zeta who softened her gaze, though she looked as intimidating as ever. “Has she harmed you?”
“She doesn’t approve of us.” Evie whispered as she hid in Cuckoo’s chest, feigning an innocent attitude. “I never understood why she didn’t like me.”
“Zeta, that is rather rude.” Cuckoo gave Zeta a small frown.
“Rude or not, this woman does not belong here.”
“Zeta, I am disappointed.” Cuckoo remarked while Evie smirked at Zeta. “In fact-”
“I will leave then.” Zeta stated before she heard the crow give a caw of surprise, Evie also looking in a bit of shock. “You may remain with this woman if you wish, I do not control your life.”
“She’s right Cuckoo.” Evie made Cuckoo look down at her shorter figure. “It’s best that she leaves, right?”
“Yes, yes it is best she leave.” Cuckoo nodded as they and Evie watched Zeta backwards. The pair followed her to make sure that she got out of the tent itself, seeing as she stood outside.
“I will leave.” Zeta stated again, then bringing her hands up before a sort of shield was conjured up from them, covering the entire premises belonging to the circus. “But you are not leaving these grounds.”
“What the hell!?” Evie yelled at Zeta who walked away, ignoring the clown’s rants from behind. “You get back here you bitch!”
“Ignore her.” Zeta told the crow who then cawed in concern, watching as Zeta walked through the clear shield she had created. “She nor the ringleader have passage out, and teleportation is not an option either.”
The crow once again replied, then feeling Zeta’s finger on its claws. So the bird climbed onto it, remaining perched as Zeta brought it to her own face. 
“We will leave the pair alone for now, despite my concerns.” Zeta spoke to the crow who tilted its head. “There are other matters we must attend to, or at least that I must. Grant me this favor and attempt to reach and bring out the ringleader’s family, perhaps they can do something whilst I find the boy.”
With one last caw, the crow flew away from Zeta and through the sky, leaving the woman walking by herself as she decided on her first stop.
“So tell me, how are your grandparents?”
Atlas gave a small shrug as he looked at the girl sitting across from him,  both with small smiles as she took a sip of her drink.
“I’d say they’re doing fine. Grandfather is doing his usual things and Grandmother worrying.” Atlas chuckled to himself, not really knowing how to answer the question at the moment. “But uh, hey, how was the party?
“It was really fun, you missed out.” Ula grinned before grabbing the fork that was beside her arm, for the pair had agreed on meeting up at a restaurant on the pier owned by Jelly. “There was so much dancing, me and Schrader got into the swing of it. As in, we still got our dance moves.”
“Yeah, I was told you guys like dancing a lot, together.” Atlas nodded before grabbing his drink and sipping from it. “Glad you had fun.”
“Yeah, even after that whole blood bucket fiasco thing.” Ula waved the hand that was not holding the fork, but the one that did harshly stabbed right into the fish on her plate, slightly starling Atlas. “I’m glad it didn’t turn out like the movie, with the whole Tommy getting hit on the head thing.”
“Oh, right. Ula, I didn’t tell you.” Atlas leaned a little towards Ula as his voice became quiet. “You need to be on the lookout, or at least Schrader does.”
“I wasn’t able to see who did it, but I saw the person purposely let go of the bucket and I’m guessing it was to hit Schrader on the head.” Atlas whispered, his eyes then glancing down to Ula’s plate as the fork was sunk deep enough to break the plate in half. “I thankfully got there on time to catch the bucket…”
“Did you now?” Ula blinked a few times as she twisted her fork. “You saved Schrader?”
“Um, well...I wouldn’t put it that way…” Atlas gave a shrug as he glanced to the side, not noticing Ula’s eye twitch even as he turned back to only see her smile at him.
“I thought, you didn’t exactly...like, Schrader?”
“It’s not that I don’t like him, it’s just...a little awkward still. I appreciate him standing up for me and all, but...yeah.”
“That’s...nice.” Ula nodded to herself before her eyes trailed down to the stabbed fish on her plate, though she moved it to the side to instead focus on the strawberries surrounding it, then popping one into her mouth. “It’s a shame though.”
“What is?”
“That all that...work, didn’t exactly pay off.” Ula mumbled to Atlas who shook his head in confusion.
“What do you mean?”
“Schrader left. Again.”
“L...left?” Atlas’ eyes widened at Ula’s words. “What did everybody else say?”
“Nothing, because he only told me and left.” Ula popped another strawberry into her mouth. “And just like the last time, he gave no explanation. Didn’t even bother explaining the reason for the first leave.”
“But…” Atlas looked down at his own plate. “That’s...it’s...you aren’t sad about it?”
“He’s not my boyfriend, Atlas.” Ula stated with a stoical expression. “I’m done with crying over Schrader, I only saw him as a friend. I thought that would be enough to satisfy you, but I see not.”
“Wait, wait, that’s not what I meant-”
“Of course it isn’t.” Ula sighed before rolling her eyes to the side where she was looking out the window presenting a lovely view of the beach. “Here I am trying to prove that you’re the only one I want, and you’re concerned that I’m not mourning over Schrader like he died.”
“Ula, come on.” Atlas reached out to grab Ula’s hand that she pulled away. “Ula-”
“You know, I think it’s time we leave.” Ula set her fork down to then stand up from her seat, Atlas following suit as she talked to a nearby waiter. “Put it on my tab.”
“Ula.” Atlas followed behind Ula who made her way through the restaurant until finally walking out. “Ula, listen to me.”
“What?” Ula finally turned around as Atlas stood before her, the deer clown gave a tiny shrug. 
“Ula, I don’t want you upset. I’m sorry if I gave the wrong message, it wasn’t on purpose. I just...I’m confused is all.”
“Because of Schrader?” Ula questioned, Atlas giving a nod. “I kind of thought you’d be relieved he was gone...I thought you felt he was only complicating our relationship, so I just tried to stop caring when he told me he would be leaving. And trust me, he left soon after.’
“I see.” Atlas nodded before silently sighing, then peering to the side where he saw a beautiful plethora of pastel colors that brought a small smile to his face. “Hey...how about, we just forget about this, maybe talk about it when you’re up for it, and we ride your carousel?”
Ula looked to where Atlas now pointed to, and she saw the carousel Jelly purchased for the fourth of October. She stared at it for a while, shaking her head as she spoke.
“I’m not a kid anymore, Atlas.” Ula chuckled to herself as Atlas felt his eyes widen in surprise yet again. “I have a better idea though.”
After a while of driving around in what Atlas now knew was Schrader’s gift to Ula, this also coming to be a surprise after the latest news he heard from Ula, he watched as the teal vehicle was driven into a forest.
“So, where exactly are we going?” Atlas turned to Ula as she kept her eyes on the road, a smile coming onto her features however.
“A special place.” she replied, still driving down a path while Atlas scanned the surrounding area. “I think you’ll like it.”
“Anybody know about it?”
“Only one other person knew about it.” Ula shrugged. I have plenty of hidden spots though, so it doesn’t matter. Not like he’s going to come back to it.”
“Right…” Atlas turned to the front, especially as he felt the car come to a stop. “Is this it?”
“Yeah, come on.” Ula opened her door before getting out of the car as Atlas followed and walked behind her. “It’s in here. But don’t go in yet, I gotta get a picnic cloth first.”
Atlas waited for Ula to do as she said she would, finally coming back from the trunk to then lead Atlas into what looked like a wall of vines and flowers. The pair walked right through before Atlas squint his eyes upon the reveal of a new sunlight, and he blinked until he could see the sight in the distance. He could see that they were on a cliff that was above a large body of water, and the cliff was adorned with plantlife blooming and gently swaying with the soft breeze that passed by the pair.
“This...looks really nice, Ula.” Atlas commented as he admired the beauty of it all, Ula nodding in agreement as she herself felt a sense of amazement as well.
Ula then snapped out of it, walking towards the center of the cliff to set down the checkered cloth she now sat on top of. She looked behind her and her eyes landed on Atlas, the view making her giggle a bit before patting the spot beside her.
“If you leave you mouth open, flies are gonna go right into it.” she smiled at Atlas who gave a small laugh of embarrassment. “I mean, it’s nothing compared to the wonders you’ve shown me, but yeah.”
“It’s still beautiful.” Atlas smiled back at Ula as he seated himself beside her on top of the large cloth, his face near hers as Ula leaned in until their foreheads touched.
“Atlas?” Ula blinked her green eyes before Atlas nodded in response. “I’m really sorry I’ve been acting so...weird, lately. I feel that too many things are going on and I’ve just dragged you into them with me.”
“It’s...it’s okay.” Atlas shrugged before feeling as Ula gently pecked the tip of his nose. “You’re my girlfriend, and my best friend before that.”
“I think it’s just the hormones or something that has been acting up.” Ula claimed as she shut her eyes with a laugh. “I don’t understand all this growing up stuff.”
“Hormones?” Atlas quirked an eyebrow while Ula laughed to herself.
“I don’t know!” she then rubbed her nose against Atlas’, then repeating the action with their cheeks as she moved closer towards him with her hands now on his shoulders. “I’ve just been feeling weird and don’t know how to explain it...especially right now.”
“R-Right now?” Atlas cleared his throat as he watched Ula sit on his lap. “Ula?”
“Atlas, you know how much I love you, right?” Ula fluttered her eyelashes at him.
“Um, y-yeah.” Atlas nodded, now feeling as Ula straddled him while leaning close to his face. “What…”
Ula then interrupted Atlas by placing her lips on his, Atlas surprised before he melted into the kiss and equally returned the action. There wasn’t anything wrong of course but…
Atlas felt himself be slowly pushed backwards until his back was now against the ground, Ula on top as they continued to kiss. He shut his eyes and held her waist, noticing how Ula’s kissing had gotten a tad bit rougher while her hands traveled down from his shoulders and onto his chest.
“Ula?” Atlas pulled himself away with half lidded eyes, especially as Ula started to kiss his jawline. “Are...is this…?”
“Yeah.” Ula nodded as she continued kissing Atlas, her lips now on his neck as her hands tugged at the bottom of his shirt in an attempt to pull it up, and then one of her hands-
“Hey! Hey, um…” Atlas pulled himself away again as Ula blinked at him with wide eyes. “Ula, um…”
“Is something wrong?”
“No, I mean…” Atlas reached down to fix his shirt while looking away, especially with his flustered features. “Ula...this doesn’t feel right.”
“No, no, no. Not, this. It’s just...something’s not right and it’s really bothering me.” Atlas muttered out. “I swear, it’s not y-”
“It that your lameass excuse?”
“E...Excuse me?” Atlas now turned to Ula who frowned deeply, feeling as she removed herself from him to then stand up.
“You couldn’t even muster up some better reason?” Ula rolled her eyes with crossed arms. “What’s so wrong? It’s just me, isn’t it?”
“Ula, it’s not you.” Atlas stood up as well, reaching out to Ula who moved herself away. “Ula, I just don’t think right now is the time or place, and-”
“Oh I’m fucking sure that’s it.” Ula spat out at him. “You’re still not upset about Schrader, are you?”
“It’s not my fault you decided to ditch out on me, your girlfriend, at my own birthday party!” Atlas shouted at Atlas who felt some confusion rise up. “Maybe if you had never left, I wouldn’t have been hanging out with Schrader. I don’t get why you’re getting so jealous over it if you just put this on yourself! It's just like when you left for your little adventures with your grandpa!”
“Whoa, I’m not jealous. I mean, I do feel bad about leaving early but-”
“Or maybe, that’s not even the case, huh? I’m betting you didn’t even go with your grandparents, would you perhaps have somebody else? Did you just happen to find some other bitch to get jealous over while we were on a break?”
“Of course not!” Atlas replied in pure shock and frustration. “Ula, I thought we would talk about these things, not keep them secret!”
“Yet here you are with your own secrets.” Ula rolled her eyes yet again. “For fuck’s sake Atlas, you’re such a pussy.”
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me, deer boy.” Ula shook her head before turning and walking away. 
“Ula!” Atlas shouted after her, then following behind and leaving the secluded area as he saw her get into her car. “Ula!”
“Walk back and go cry to mommy.” Ula spoke before finishing with one last remark and driving off. “Schrader was such a better boyfriend.”
After seeing how things had been recently, Ama had the strong feeling that something was off.
She pondered to herself as she walked through town, having put her phone away after attempting to call her best friend Ula once again. It was strange that Ula hadn’t answered any of the calls, and it only worried Ama furthermore.She tried to think of it as Ula only having a sad moment to herself and nothing signaling that there was any danger, but either reason was concerning.
Ama sighed before running a hand through her hair, then stopping in her tracks once she stood in front of a building she had visited a few times, especially when she and her friends were younger.
The first D’Vitt toy shop.
She blinked at it once before pushing the front door open and walking inside, her eyes scanning the area until they eventually landed on a head of crimson locks.
“Hey there Bubbles.” Ama called out before green eyes met hers, and she was immediately able to sense a nervousness to them.
“Hey Ama.” Bubbles quietly replied before her eyes darted back down to the magazine she had been reading for a while.
“How’s work?” Ama slowly walked towards her friend who kept her gaze on the magazine lying open on the counter.
“Slow.” Bubbles gave a bit of a cough. “It’s been a slow day.”
“Huh, well lucky you.” Ama smiled as she now lay her arms on the counter in front of Bubbles. “You get a break from all that tiresome partying.”
“I guess.” Bubbles shrugged, her head down while she tried to not look at Ama. “Are you going to...buy something?”
“I think I just might.” Ama turned her head to the side, her eyes landing on the large wall that was surprisingly still filled with all kinds of toys marked with a rather popular name. “Princess Ula. The dolls are nice.”
Bubbles, despite her head being down, now glanced up at Ama who admired the merchandise that had Ula’s face all over it. 
“I don’t get why somebody would be so rude and bitter towards Ula.” Ama now approached the wall of merchandise, taking down one of the boxes that came with a Princess Ula dol accompanied by a figure of Mana. “Do you, Bubbles?”
“I don’t know.” Bubbles gave another shrug before she cleared her throat, murmuring to herself as she hoped Ama wouldn’t hear her. “Probably because she loves to hog all the attention.”
“Ula doesn’t even like attention.” Ama posited before she turned to Bubbles who finally lifted her head to look at her back in surprise. “Bubbles.”
“You’re being a brat.” Ama completely turned to face Bubbles’ who’s eyes widened. “Ula has never been rude to you.”
“But she has.” Bubbles retaliated before she saw Ama approach her. 
“She has because she has to defend herself from your bratty comments!” Ama exclaimed with a bit of anger in her tone. “I never realized it until I heard you at her birthday party, but damn you say some things about her!”
“Can you blame me!?” Bubbles exclaimed back. “Everybody is always paying attention to Ula! Everything is about Ula! This whole store is Ula! The amusement park is Ula! Everything that comes out of everybody’s mouth is Ula, Ula, Ula!”
“I can blame you, actually.” Ama stated which made Bubbles blink in total shock. “You’re just being a brat Bubbles. You act like nobody cares about you when we all love you.”
“Stop it.”
“You’re my friend, you’re loved by all of us.”
“Stop treating me like I’m Schrader.” Bubbles crossed her arms and turned so that her back was facing Ama. “If you’re not buying anything, then just leave!”
“You say that everybody always talks about Ula, yet you never hear yourself and how many times you spew her name out.” Ama commented, prompting Bubbles to turn and face her again. “It’s not Ula’s fault you feel this way. Ula loves you, you’re her cousin and her friend. You guys are family.”
“I’m not family with somebody who steals the spotlight and makes everybody feel down.”
“Speak for yourself.” Ama gave a deep sigh as she shook her head. “This shit really needs to stop Bubbles. You really are loved by all of us and we’ll say it as many times as we need to for you to believe us.”
“Well you’ll just be wasting your time.” Bubbles huffed. “So be like Schrader and just leave.”
“Like Schrader?” Ama quirked an eyebrow, then seeing as Bubbles realized her mistake. “How did you know Schrader left?”
“W-what do you mean?” Bubbles nervously coughed. “I meant like, when he broke up with Ula and left to who knows where.”
“So, you had no idea that he left again?” Ama questioned as she leaned in close to Bubbles, the redhead darting her eyes away while she shook her head. “Because from what I was told, he left last night. Ula was the last person to see him.”
“I didn’t know.” Bubbles responded while avoiding Ama’s gaze. “Sucks that he left again. I w-wonder if he’ll c-c-c-come back. Like, last time.”
“Yeah, I wonder.” Ama nodded as she eyed Bubbles, not even having to second guess that she was currently tense and anxious. “Why are you so nervous?”
“N-Nervous?” Bubbles then gulped. “I’m not n-nervous. Just cold. I f-f-forgot my jacket.”
“Yeah, so if y-you’ll excuse me,” Bubbles then made her way out of the counter before walking backwards towards the back room. “I’m gonna go get it! A-and take a break! So you should leave, right now.”
And with that, Bubbles crashed into the wall which made her give an embarrassed laugh before she actually made her way into the backroom and closed the door.
Ama stood in the same spot, squinting her eyes in suspicion before she made her way out.
Pleased with herself, Ula hummed along to the music that was emitted from the radio in her car. 
She drove through the streets until finally reaching the next of her destinations: home. Home sweet home. Ula smiled to herself as her house now came into view, then parking her car in front before turning it off and getting out.
“Whoa! You finally got it!” she heard, so she turned up and she saw that the front door was now wide open to reveal her sister. 
“Is it Ula?” somebody else asked, this now being Davey who also stepped into the open doorway for his eyes to light up at the sight that was his older sister.
“Hey guys.” Ula greeted with a smile as she now leaned against the car. “You like my ride?~”
“Yeah!” Cordelia exclaimed before dashing out and towards the car. “I mean, we already saw it before your birthday, but it looks even better finished!”
“Schrader did a pretty good job.” Davey agreed as he too stood in front of the car, admiring its shiny features and nice teal color.
“Guess he did.” Ula nodded before walking away from the car and towards the house. “Come on, we should eat lunch.
“So you’re done with band practice?” Cordelia asked, now following behind her sister and Davey who had begun walking first.
“Yep. I’m free for the day.”
“Oooh! Maybe we should go out and eat!” Cordelia suggested once everybody was inside, but Ula shook her head.
“Nah, I already ate out with Atlas. But I’m willing to make something tasty for you guys.” Ula smiled at her siblings who walked into the kitchen with her, then sitting at the kitchen table as Ula looked through the fridge. “Anything in mind?”
“Whatever is fine.” Davey shrugged while he swung his legs in the air, Cordelia eagerly nodded in agreement.
“Hmm, alright. Let’s see what I can conjure up.” Ula nodded before closing the fridge as she held a large bowl of sliced melons and squid. “But give me a moment, gotta feed the axolotls first. You guys gave them their breakfast, right?”
“Yup!” Cordelia proudly grinned. “And we even cleaned up the mess made by the puppies!”
“Great. I’ll be right back then.” Ula gave her sister a thumbs up before making her way out of the kitchen and into the hallway where she then opened the door to the axolotls’ room. She was met with a slumbering family of axolotls before two of them lifted their heads, the parents of course.
Mana instantly perked up at the sight of his little one, tail wagging as he gave excited barks which awoke the younger axolotls who all lifted their heads before barking in unison.
However, Kala only gave a quiet growl as she herself stood up and glared at Ula.
“Hey there.” Ula watched as Mana pranced over to her, standing on his hind legs to lick Ula’s face, or at least as close as possible. “Hey!”
All of the axolotls, with the exception of Kala, now ran towards Ula who felt herself be overwhelmed in the moment.
“Hey! Get the fuck off me!” Ula shouted before the axolotls all stopped and stared at her in confusion, Mana then nuzzling his face against Ula’s leg until he felt as she kicked him away. “Get the fuck away from me!”
Mana then gave a whimper, especially with the new pain he felt, but he then turned as he heard a growl behind him.
“You’re all such annoying pests.” Ula spat out as she made her way through the axolotls, shoving them all away as they gave whines of their own and watched her walk. That was when a new barking was heard, this coming from Kala who stood her ground.
The young axolotls then stood and ran behind their mother who continued barking at Ula who rolled her eyes.
“Your little bitch ass has been at it since the morning, huh?” Ula asked before throwing the bowl to the side where Mana was cowering, managing to hit him which made him give a whine. “I fucking dare you to try and bite me again.”
Kala then got ready to pounce,  but she did not do so because she knew that was just what the imposter wanted. But then, Kala watched as the girl raised a hand and a shadow like claw appeared, this one reaching out to grab one of the puppies behind Kala.
The axolotl attempted to bite the claw but it proved to be like taking a bite of the air, failing to grab back the puppy who began to cry in the air.
“I wonder what it’ll be like to just…” Ula looked at the puppy that was now next to her face. “Squeeze the life out of one of these.”
With this, Kala bared her teeth and pounced onto Ula, or at least made an attempt to, for the other axolotl now found herself thrown against the wall as another shadow claw held her up.
“Part of me thought you wouldn’t do it.” Ula smiled sweetly at Kala who struggled her way out of the shadow’s grasp. “But hey, don’t worry.”
Soon enough, more shadow limbs appeared to take hold of all the axolotls including Mana. The claws wrapped around their necks and limbs before they pulled the axolotls towards the walls, but not against them as they were still on the ground. The same then happened to Kala who was initially lowered, Ula walking towards her before crouching down a level closer to Kala’s.
“I’m not going to kill them, or you, or the blue one.” Ula quietly laughed as she pet Kala’s head, the axolotl trying to bite her again before Ula roughly grabbed Kala’s face. “But I am leaving you for when father comes by. I’m sure he’ll like the taste of axolotl.”
Ula then gave a much more sinister laugh, releasing Kala from her hand before walking away and out of the room that she closed and locked behind her.
“Did they make a mess?” a voice slightly startled Ula, then being revealed to be Cordelia who had now been standing in front of Ula.
“They kind of did, but I cleaned it up.” Ula smiled at the child who gave her a thumbs up before running off into what was most likely the kitchen which was where Ula was headed towards.
“Are they sleeping?” now asked Davey who turned to look at his sisters.
“They’re still awake but I’m sure Kala’s going to settle them down in a bit.” Ula walked towards the counter, her back facing the siblings as she picked up a large kitchen knife that she admired and considered, grasping it in her hand. “Anyways, I’m going to make something now and it’s going to take me awhile. You guys don’t want to go into your rooms?”
“We’re fine.” Cordelia reassured Ula who gave a bit of a nod. “Besides, it’s fun watching you cook!”
“Well, if you insist.” Ula shrugged before turning in a swift move, then hearing as her siblings each gave a gasp of terror at the new sight in between them. “Ha ha! I got you both!”
Cordelia and Davey’s were wide as they stared at Ula’s hand that firmly held onto the kitchen knife she had now stabbed into the table, right before she drew it out and wiped it with a finger.
“You should have seen your faces.” Ula chuckled to herself before licking her lips. “Tasty, tasty terror.~”
“T-Terror?” Cordelia stammered out before turning to look at Ula who’s eyes flashed pink for less than a second. “Like, f-fear?”
“Like fear, but better. Fear is so delicious too.~” Ula giggled before she turned and faced the kitchen counter where she began cutting up some strawberries. “You guys can stop now, I was just playing.”
“Okay...right.” Davey nodded as his eyes remained glued on the spot that Ula had stabbed, his thoughts going to Ula and her preference of fear. “Um...I-”
“That reminded me o-of Schrader.” Cordelia mentioned before hearing the knife slam onto the counter, both siblings seeing how Ula now lifted her head and stared straight ahead. “When we were carving pumpkins for your birthday party, he, he would stab the knife into the ground.”
“Hm, interesting.” Ula commented before she picked up the knife and continued to cut her strawberries.
“Wh...where even is...Schrader?” Davey dared to ask, hearing as the knife was brought down to create a harsh slice before Ula turned and wiped the strawberry juices with her finger.
“Why?” she questioned as she brought her finger to her lips, licking off the strawberries.
“You guys...had fun at the party and all, and I thought-”
“He’s gone.” Ula interrupted, then slamming the knife back onto the counter which made Davey and Cordelia jump at the sound. “He left.”
“L-left?” Cordelia blinked at the sound of those words. “W-W-What do you mean he l-left?”
“He left, just like last time.” Ula released a deep breath as her siblings went from fearful and nervous to saddened. 
“That can’t be right…” Davey whispered as he felt his stomach turn. It couldn’t be right, things were just starting to get better.
“Well it is. He left after giving me the car.” Ula shrugged before she turned to resume her strawberry cutting. “He said we hurt him too much, that we treated him badly and that he had enough of it.”
“No…” Cordelia shook her head. “No, no, no…”
“Yeah, so just deal with it.” Ula sighed. “I mean, maybe he’s right. Maybe we did treat him badly, right Davey?”
That was when it hit Davey; he remembered the bad things he told Schrader and how he handled him the night of the family gathering. Maybe...Schrader lied when he said he forgave him.
“Everybody gave him bad looks. Everybody judged him for leaving. But somebody had to say something to his face.” Ula continued before she turned to the side. “And I hate that somebody so much. Schrader is gone because of that somebody.”
Davey felt himself shrink before slightly turning to look at Ula, his heart dropping at the sight of her glaring at him.
“You’re the worst brother Davey, ever since mom was pregnant with you, you ruined my life.”
Davey felt himself tremble at Ula’s words, hateful phrases repeating in his mind as she glared at him with so much anger.
“And yes, Davey.” Ula completely turned her body to look at her siblings. “I do hate you.”
“Oh shut up, would you?” Ula showed the knife that she held at her side, the knife gleaming under the light of the kitchen as both her siblings stared at her with mixed but all negative emotions. “Both of you are so fucking annoying!”
“Ula, let us help you!” Cordelia suggested, then flinching as Ula kicked down a chair.
“Cut the crap Cordelia! Nobody cares about your ‘Mermazing’ and ‘Sparrow’ shit!” Ula yelled as her eyes glowed pink. “Nobody cares about you! Or Davey!”
“But Ula-!”
“Shut up already!”
“Ula-” Davey started then shutting his eyes as Ula stormed towards him with her hand drawn back, ready to strike.
Davey and Cordelia both cowered before their sister who continued to glare at them until the sound of the doorbell rang, her pink eyes darting to the side before she released a deep breath.
“W-what?” Davey stuttered out, resulting in Ula to roll her eyes.
“Go get the fucking door!” Ula shouted at the pair who immediately got onto their feet and dashed away. Once they were what they deemed far enough from Ula, the siblings gave smalls sighs before gulping.
“I hope it’s dad.” Cordelia whispered,watching as Davey reached out to grab the doorknob that he slowly turned with a tight grip. He opened the door and the two were surprised to be met up with legs, and rather long ones.
Their eyes trailed up until they noticed crossed arms and then a stoic expression, one that surprisingly intimidated Cordelia had the situation been another. Thankfully, the crow perched on the person’s shoulder made her look a tad bit less intimidating.
“W-what are you doing here?”
“How are the two of you?”
“Um...well…” Davey whispered as he attempted to come up with an answer for the woman before him and his sister. “You see…”
“Where is your older sister?” Zeta interrupted as the kids moved away so she could walk into the house, the door shutting behind her by itself. “Neither of you are hurt, yes?”
Davey and Cordelia then shook their heads, watching Zeta crouch down so that she and the crow on her shoulder were much closer to the kids that were no doubt timorous in the moment. They saw Zeta reach a finger up to the shoulder where the crow sat, and the bird perched itself onto her finger that had now been brought to Davey’s shoulder.
“It is alright to feel scared.” Zeta whispered to them, setting the crow on Davey’s shoulder before it nuzzled into his cheek. “You three stay here while I deal with...your sister.”
“Y-you’re not g-going to hurt her, r-right?” Cordelia blurted out, feeling Zeta place a hand on her shoulder.
“Worry about yourself and your brother right now.” Zeta told her, then standing back to her full height before she felt a small hand grab hers. “What is it?”
“Did Schrader really leave?” Cordelia’s eyes were now prickled with tears she couldn’t fully contain, Zeta then giving a sigh.
“We will talk about him later.”
Zeta now made her way out of the living room and into the hallway of the house, slowing down as she heard barks come from one of the rooms. She was able to tell that the axolotls were in distress in the room they were in, but she would deal with them once the atmosphere was somewhat safer.
So, Zeta continued on her way until coming across a door with a golden doorknob that she firmly grasped before turning to open the door to the bedroom she knew belonged to Ula. She had first opened it with calmness, but then decided to swing it open before squinting her eyes upon noticing the emptiness in her room.
“Children.” Zeta called out to Davey and Cordelia who immediately made their way towards her, Schrader’s crow still perched on Davey. “Where is your father?”
“With uncle Billy.” Davey replied before he and his sister looked inside the bedroom. “Where’s Ula?”
“This is not good, it appears she has gone elsewhere.” Zeta took a final look of the room before closing the door. “Go into the axolotls’ room and untie them.”
“U-untie?” Cordelia asked. “Why are they tied up?”
“That girl did it.”
“That girl? Our sister?”
“That…that’s not our sister.” Davey whispered before Cordelia turned to him in concern.
“But...that, t-that’s Ula!”
“No, he is right.” Zeta kneeled down again before turning to Davey. “How did you figure it out?”
“She...Ula hates the taste of fear. And...she was going to hit me.”
“I am glad you noticed.” Zeta ruffled his hair, then placing each hand on the siblings’ shoulders. “Go and untie the axolotls whilst I check on something, then I will take you somewhere safe.”
“I’m sorry, who?”
“Their names are Ryder and Missy. The others, who are Missy’s offspring, are Evie and Cantarella.” explained Zeta as she typed a number into a phone, then pressing the call button before hearing as the phone rang.
“Cantarella...isn’t that somebody’s girlfriend?” 
“It’s Bubbles’ girlfriend.” said Davey as he sat on a couch found inside the cabin belonging to Tilde. “I guess...our uncle Pepper was right about her.”
“Explain to me again just what is going on.” Tilde sat beside Davey who was next to Cordelia, the girl caressing a rabbit brought in by Tilde.
“The Missy lady is bad. She hurt our mom and uncles and other family.” Cordelia mumbled out while still petting the rabbit on her lap.
“Tilde.” Zeta called out to her, the woman turning to Zeta who motioned for her to come over and so she did.“Where is Cecilio?”
“I imagine the park.” Tilde scratched her head before leaning in to whisper to Zeta. “Zeta, please explain what’s going on.”
“I will explain once I talk to Lennie. I will tell him to meet me at the circus so we may have a proper discussion, and I will leave the kids here with you if it is alright.” Zeta whispered back as she now heard the phone be picked up by the mentioned clown. “Now give me a moment.”
“Of course.” Tilde nodded as she stood to the side while Zeta walked to another spot as to not worry the children that Tilde now looked at. She watched them do their own thing as they sat on the couch, both with looks of concern but also sadness which made her worry as well. Tilde did not entirely understand the situation, but she understood that there was no good coming up.
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nacsygen · 5 years
i mean, if there's anywhere to suffer about gender, why not tumblr, amirite?
i've known for like at least five years now i'm...not cis.  i've never been able to properly explain it, to myself or to others, but the fact that it sticks around so long tells me that, like and as unlike as my brain has tried to tell me many times before about being bi ("not gay enough") and mentally ill ("not mentally ill enough") like yeah, this is clearly a part of my identity, not just a phase or me, idk, trying to be cool or fit in among all the cool non-cis people i know, i guess???
i think what confuses me is that i don't really have much dysphoria about my physical form, really.  not in my own sense of it.  not without the input of other people.  i'm a very small person and this has informed a lot of my life, yes.  i am well below average height and have never been possessed of strength or grip to speak of (i'm the sheepish one who has to ask the girl working at the pizza place, after five minutes of trying at a booth, to open my bottle of water because my hands are just too small to have a proper adult grip).  but my body is my own, and i've long since learned to live with it, and be comfortable in it.  i got no complaints.
but then, people comment without any sort of prompting on aspects of my physicality, strangers, in public, all the time - whether it's the older lady at the bus stop asking how old i am and what i do to diet because i'm Just So Small! (ma'am, this is just how i am - no, i don't diet - if i stood up you could see my gut - being southern and polite is alas also a large part of my identity -), or the threateningly verbally abusive loud misogynist at the bus stop yelling at my turned back about my "skinny ass white girl legs! get some sun, bitch!", or just today, an older cracker (here in florida that is a descriptor of a culture, not a "slur") who i've ridden the same bus with many times with he and his lady friend, coming up to me while i'm standing waiting (again) for the bus and said "hello ma'am, i was just wondering, are you from The North? where are you from?" and i looked up from my book, bc again southern politeness, and said "nah, i'm from here" and pointed at the ground.  "you're really not From The North?  i'm sorry, i don't mean to be impolite, it's just because of your legs.  they're so skinny and pale, we thought you was From The North." "No sir, I'm from right here in Florida. I just don't tan easy." "well, that was a bet I had going with that girl over there that I just lost." "yeah, sorry, sir, I'm southern born and raised." we ended up on the same bus when it got there, and as i was getting ready to disembark he said "you have a good night there, sweetie! enjoy your book!" "oh, i will." realizing the awkwardness as the bus slowly got to a stop, "sorry, i'm nice, it's all i know how to be." "alright, well, you have a good one!" (i'm pretty sure that last that i didn't even think about said more about how Southern i am than anything else i could have said.)
i know that last was a tangent, but that's the thing - i don't even think about my body as Representing Femininity until other people treat me in a different way because of it.  it happens over and over, all the time, and it's the primary cause of what i've come to recognize as dysphoria.  if i was a boy, if my hair was tucked up in my hat and my chest flattened, would these and many others over the years feel free to comment so freely about my body to me?  i really don't think so.  and that shit sucks.
to me, my body is not a Female Body, despite its resemblance to the Traditional Female Body in its curves and shapes - it is not a Female Body, it is My Body.  my breasts are not female breasts, they are my thiddies and i'm really fond of how they look and like to show them off. like, artistically, they are a gift to the world. my long wavy curls are not Female Hair, they're Rockstar Hair, Fuck You, like i grew up with the old-school and grunge male rockstars i always saw as style icons (and the female rock stars too - huge long hair is a great look for everyone!).  idk if it's because i'm really Just That Pansexual that i can look at my societally-hyper-feminized form - extremely petit,  pale, significant boobs but no ass, skinny arms and legs - and say, you know, that could be a cute guy, right there.  
i've more recently in the past few years experimented now and then more towards as gender-neutral a presentation as i can, even though that just means people see me at a distance and think i'm a pre-teen boy. and yet, people treat pre-teen boys much better than they do almost-30 petit women, is the depressing lesson i've learned from that.  
I hate how much of my questioning of my gender identity is tied into negative experiences with other people and their relationships as strangers to my perceived femaleness.  like, i live in a pretty nice neighborhood now, but i hate going to the local gas station bc the block around it is just...holla bingo time.  last time i walked there by myself i wore knee-length loose shorts and an oversized men's plain t-shirt to go with my walking nikes and baseball cap, and i STILL got hollered at.  "hey, sweetheart! you need help carrying that? hey! hey, young lady!" i did not turn - i hate acknowledging men who holler.  "hey, baby, let me give you a ride to wherever you're goin! no one's gonna bother you!" i wanted to yell back "YOU. YOU'RE BOTHERING ME." but then, he was being significantly more polite than many of the people who've hollered at me over the years, so no point in engaging and hurting anybody's feelings or enduring the "i was just trying to be nice" conversation.
and that's the thing, like. i never feel bad about being percieved as female unless people are doing it in a hurtful way. matter of fact, i have no particular relationship to being female except in hurtful ways from other peoples' perceptions.  my body is genderless, as i am genderless, and it is my body. it does what it's supposed to do and has treated me well for how i've treated it over the years. i'm not mad at my body about it. i'm mad at the people who think my form gives them a right to treat me in unacceptable ways for what should be a polite society.  i get dysphoria from the man yelling from a work truck passing by when i'm just trying to get home from my work, "HEEEEY, LIL MAMA~!" I get dysphoria from being wished "happy mother's day!", or did back in 2014, when on break at work, and a significantly older lesbian gestured at me and said to the man in question, " does she LOOK like a mother to you??"
like listen, i like wearing cute little sundresses, or skin-tight tank tops and short-shorts.  you know why? because i live in florida and it's FUCKING HOT.  they are comfortable.  they are easy.  they are simple choices, that i am allowed to make because i am afab and present femme, and i like the way they look on me and like that i'm allowed this comfort in the heat.
i hate that wearing that for my own comfort gives people a seeming license to comment freely on my body.  i hate that presenting as a woman, a "woman", means people treat me this way.  i hate the bus driver that always says "hello there, little lady" when i board his bus, and i hate that he means well by it. i hate that even when i dress in my loose, masculine, don't-get-hollered-at clothes, i still get hollered at. and i find myself wondering, if i had short hair and no boobs, if i was just a 4'11" young teenage boy, would i get hollered at like this? and no. of course not.
but i don't want my gender identity to be the opposition of a negative in favor of a positive. this has gone into a series about street harrassment when in reality there are many reasons i identify more as male or non-female than because of this. i really don't feel much reason to identify as female other than solidarity with female victims of gendered and sexualized violence. which, alright, that's probably not the most positive way to feel. or reproductive health stuff.  alright, that's just the body i was born with, and i don't feel much connection to it otherwise.  i don't want to medically transition, i don't want to change my body, but like...
i don't really know what dysphoria actually is. is it the feeling of displacement in one's own home of self? is it feeling like everything about how everyone else views you is somehow shifted two wrong lenses over at the optometrist's office? is it just feeling like something...something's really wrong here? if so, i think i’m definitely experiencing dysphoria,.
hey, i'm maria/aril, and i'm trans.  i don't know how, exactly, but i am. and here we are.
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the5sosdumpster · 6 years
Displeasure (Ashton Irwin Smut) Part 1
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Warnings: smut and cuss words; 18+ minors dni
A/N: Big thank you to my best pal, @thicc-bread for helping edit this!! Also shout out to this anon for blessing us with this lol. Please give me feedback if you guys like something!
Part 2**//
You hate him. You don’t even know him that well, you just know that for some reason he chose you to tease all the time, and it’s getting on your nerves. Every day at school, he seems to search you out amongst the crowd of students, so he could bug you. It was either a snide comment on what you wore that day or something to annoy or frustrate you.
Usually you would get a, “nice outfit, I didn’t know the circus was in town,” followed by a chorus of snickers from his group of friends, or he would say something like, “have a nice trip?” after kicking his foot out in front of you while you were walking in the hall. No matter what you did, you couldn’t get him to stop, so instead of doing what you had been, glaring and quietly walking away, you began to bite back. The first time you did, it seemed to shock him for a moment before his eyes lit up at your sarcastic remarks. Now, bickering became a daily routine between the two of you, to the point where everyone, including teachers, expected it to break out at some point each day.
The thing that bugged you the most, is that recently you’ve been catching yourself waiting, almost hoping to see his familiar mop of curly hair coming towards you. And that worried you.
Today was no different, you were almost done with the day, one class left, but he was also in it, which meant he should be showing up any time now-
Bingo. You roll your eyes and continue down the school halls, pushing past people stopped in the middle.
“Y/N!” He says again, this time much closer to you.
You glance behind you and give him a grimace, “what do I owe this pleasure, Ashton?”
He gives you a smirk and slings one arm over your shoulders, “oh I’m sure I’ll think of something, darling.” The nickname sends a shiver down your spine straight to your center, but you ignore it. You open your mouth to make a comeback, but he beats you to it.
“I didn’t know funeral attire was becoming popular,” he says, gesturing to your mostly black outfit.
You only smirk and say, “oh you didn’t hear? There was an email sent out last night saying that bowling shirts are out, and funeral is in.” He glares at you for making a dig at his shirt, that actually made his arms look amazing, but continues on as you two walk to class.
“Must have missed it,” he says before purposefully bumping his foot with yours midair, making you stumble slightly. “You should really watch you step there, Y/N, you’re so clumsy sometimes.”
You shake your head and push him lightly into a group of people clumped in the side of the hall by the lockers, making him receive glares from them as he apologizes to them. When he gets back to you, still walking with a smirk on your face, you say, “oh, my bad, me and my clumsy feet.”
When you two finally get to class, you sit down, him right next to you as per usual, and you get out your stuff, ready for the day to be over. Throughout the lesson, you tried to pay attention to the teacher, but Ashton made it hard as he kept drumming on his desk with his fingers as well as tapping his foot. You tried to tune it out as best you could, and it was working until you heard a quiet, “pst,” next to you making you close your eyes and pinch the bridge of your nose in annoyance. You ignore him and continue to try and take notes on what your teacher is saying.
Your jaw clenches as you look straight at the whiteboard at the front of the room, still ignoring him.
“Y/N,” he whispers again.
“What?!” You whisper-yell at him, looking him in the eyes with anger.
“Jesus, what’s got your panties in a twist,” he says with a smirk, knowing he had gotten on your nerves.
You roll your eyes and look at him, “what do you want Ashton?”
He taps his finger on his chin as if he was contemplating his answer, “I can think of a lot of things I want from you, love.”
You swallow thickly as your eyes widen and your thighs clench involuntarily at his answer. When you open your mouth to respond, your teacher interrupts you, “Y/N, Ashton, would you like to share your discussion with the class?”
Ashton just smirks at you with raised eyebrows, interested in your answer. Your cheeks flush in embarrassment, and you shake your head quickly, “n-no sir, I’m sorry, it won’t happen again.”
He looks suspiciously at you both before going back to your lesson. You send a sharp glare to Ashton, which he responds with his smirk and a mischievous glint in his eyes. The lesson drones on and you continue taking notes and trying to keep up with your teacher, until you feel a sharp poke in your arm. Jerking slightly, you look over at where it came from.
“What,” you whisper, looking at Ashton, who was holding a pencil he must have poked you with, in annoyance.
“Nothing just wanted to say, hi,” he smirks, seeing your annoyance turn into anger again.
You look away from him and face the front again only to see your teacher looking at you both with raised eyebrows, “care to explain, Miss Y/L/N?”
Stuttering, you try to explain that Ashton was the one trying to get you in trouble, but he just shook his head and interrupted you, “detention. Today. Both of you.” The classroom lets out a few ‘ooh’s and whispers that you of all people got sent to detention. You glare at Ashton and whisper, “thanks a lot, asshole.”
Come time for detention, you drag your feet and heavy backpack towards the room it’s held in. Pushing the door open, you look around to see the teacher in charge of detention, Mr. Smalls sitting at the desk with his phone in his hands and feet on the desk. You then notice Ashton looking at you with a piercing gaze that made your skin crawl, and you shoot a glare at him. Quickly, you sign in on the paper at the front, and maneuver to the opposite side of the room as Ashton, reminding yourself you’re still mad that he got you here in the first place.
“Alright,” Mr. Smalls states, looking at you and Ashton, “detention is starting now and will end in half an hour. I’m going to go to the bathroom, I want no funny business.” With a sharp look at both of you, he left the room with a loud bang to the door closing.
Sighing, you open your books to try and get started on some of your homework you were assigned today. You got one problem done with your physics when you hear Ashton speak up from across the room, “honestly, don’t know why you’re making such a big deal out of this.”
You look up at him with annoyance, “well unlike you, I like to have a good record and I actually care about school.” You look back at your book, but you feel him roll his eyes at you.
“At least I know how to live my life,” he says smugly. This makes your blood boil. You glare at him and feel your face start to heat up, “I know how to live my life, thank you.”
He only smirks at you and says, “oh really? When was the last time you did something a little risky, a little.. on the edge?”
You open your mouth to answer, but close it, thinking to yourself. When was the last time you did anything? Lately you’d been so caught up in school, and it seems that you hadn’t really gone out in a while. “Exactly,” he says, getting up and walking over and put his hands on your desk, leaning in close to your face. “Why don’t we do something risky, we’ve got time and I know you want to.” By now you were anxiously sitting in your seat, hyperaware of every breath that hit your skin as he spoke, lips brushing against your neck as he traveled to your ear. “I know you secretly want my mouth on that sweet pussy of yours, I bet you taste so good,” he groans lowly into your ear. You whimper internally at his words and feel your thighs clench at the thought.
“Don’t project your wet dreams on me, Ash,” you smirk.
He chuckles darkly into your ear, “you shouldn’t lie to me, princess, I see the way you look at me when I’m not looking.” Shit.
“You’re so full of yourself.”.
“Like how you want to be full of me?”
“In your dreams, Irwin,” you say rolling your eyes.
You feel his smirk grow against your skin where he’s now leaving small kisses, “is that why you’re breathing so hard, baby girl? I can feel your heart racing, is it because you don’t want me?”
Swallowing, you feel him suck on the skin just below your jaw, and your eyes roll back in a moment of bliss. You open your mouth to let out a groan, but you catch yourself and grab his curls, pulling him away from you. He stares down at you, eyes full of lust, and your eyes flicker to his puffy, kiss-swollen lips, licking your own in hunger.
Suddenly, he smashes his lips to yours, causing you both to moan at the feeling. You feel his hands move the desk in between you two to the side, and you hear your books fall onto the floor, but you couldn’t care less. You slide your fingers through his curly locks to pull him closer giving his hair a tug, making him moan and you smirk. Your cockiness doesn’t last for long, though, as both of his large hands grope your breasts, kneading them and you gasp at the feeling. He takes the opportunity and slides his tongue into your mouth and you feel yourself melting into his touch. One of his hands slips under your shirt and goes to tweak one of your nipples under the bra. You arch your back and throw your head back, and Ashton moves his lips down your jaw and to your neck. His lips suck and bite across your delicate skin and your eyes roll back and you let out an involuntary high-pitched moan when he reaches just above your collarbone. You feel him smirk against your skin and mumble, “found it,” before sucking harshly on the skin there. There was a slight pain as he bit down to create a large hickey in its place, but you loved the feeling. His tongue smoothed over his handy work, and he leaned back to look at it while you breathed heavily below him. He slides your shirt up above your bra, and moves your bra up, allowing your breasts to fall freely. Humming, he leans down and wraps his lips around one of your nipples, rolling the other between his thumb and forefinger. You gasp and pull harshly on his hair as you feel his tongue swirl around the bud and lightly scrap his teeth on it. He then moves to the other and repeats his actions, and by the time he’s done, you’re a moaning mess above him.
“Feel good, princess?” He asks with a smirk on his swollen lips.
You can only groan and nod your head in response, by now you had hardly any control over your motions or reactions. He lets out a low chuckle, “I’ve barely even done anything too,” he tisks as he moves your bra back to place and starts to kiss lightly down your belly to the top of your shorts. “Can I have a taste, angel?”
You look down and see him lick his lips while looking up at you, his hand on the button of your shorts, waiting for your word. You knew you would regret giving in to him so easily, but right now you couldn’t bring yourself to care. “Please,” you breathe out and he quickly unbuttons and pulls the denim off of your body along with your underwear.
He leaves the clothing pooled at the bottom of your ankles and spreads your knees, kneeling down in front of you. “So wet,” he mumbles before kissing down the side of your thigh towards your throbbing center. You groan in impatience as he skips to the other thigh, kissing back down towards where you wanted him most.
“Ash,” you say, about to tell him to do something, but suddenly you feel his tongue run up your folds and land on your sensitive clit. You let out a strangled moan at the feeling of his lips wrapped around the sensitive bud, and your hips buck up involuntarily into his mouth. He groans and places one hand on the side of your hip to keep it down, and the other slowly slithers to your entrance.
“Shit,” you mumble as he slides one finger in and begins to slowly pump it in and out. You tug on his hair as he slides another finger in while swirling his tongue around your clit. His fingers curl and hit just the right spot to send pleasure shooting up your veins. “Shit, Ash,” you groan, and he hums against you, sending vibrations through your body. His teeth lightly scrape the extremely sensitive bud before he kisses down to where his fingers were, replacing them with his tongue. The new sensation had you seeing stars as he allowed his thumb to come up and rub your clit while his tongue dove into your heat.
“Fuck, Ashton, don’t stop,” you groan, and you can feel his cocky smirk play on his lips as he did what you said. He removed his hand from your hip and moved it up to massage one of your breasts, pushing you closer and closer to the edge.
“Ash, I’m close,” you mumble, bucking your hips up now that they’re free. Just as you were about to fall over the edge, you felt him pull away from you completely. Opening your eyes, you look down at him in frustration, “what the fuck?”
He only smirks and stands up, “detention is almost over, don’t want to get caught, do we?”
You glance at the clock and notice he’s right, but you glare at him, “fuck you.”
“Not now, princess,” he says, still with a smirk on his face, “maybe later, though.”
Glaring, you stand up and put your clothes back on, just in time for Mr. Smalls to come back in.
“Detention is over, you guys can go now,” and he’s gone with Ashton right behind him and you standing alone in an empty classroom frustrated and confused.
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aikainkauna · 5 years
Fanfic trope meme
Apologies to those of you who see this for a third time, as I’ve crossposted it to both LJ and Pillowfort. Feel free to comment over on there (or my other posts) if you like. And of course, feel free to grab this one and do it yourself, if you like.
Grabbed this meme from a couple of people on LJ. It's... well, apparently about fanfic tropes. Some of them more terrifying than others.
I have written:
-Hurt/comfort (Yeah, baby! Most of my fic is this.)
-Body swapping (Sort of? Souls slipping into each other's bodies for a bit? Jaffar feeling what Yassamin feels? Sex swap, I've definitely done.)
-Soulmate identifying marks (tattoo, red thread of fate, etc) (I have! The Throne of Solomon. And maybe The Past Forgotten counts, in its way. I may have written more, but I forget.)
-Snowed-in cabin/isolated together for extended period of time (The Jaffar/Pwinzezz Cavefic!)
-Found families (I guess the Samarkand gang counts for poor old Fadl? Even if Jaffar *is* his brother, so technically it is his family. But he does have his religious congregation and Zainab, and is... well, he always does seem to be seeking something, so he's the kind of guy to go for this trope.)
-Fairy tale/mythology AU (And not just when I am  writing in *actual* fairytale/mythology fandoms. Which I am doing most of the time, what with Thief of Bagdad being a 1001 Nights fanfic anyway. So I'm writing fanfic about a fanfic of some age-old RPF (fantasy AU!) about historical figures from the late 700s/early 800s...)
-Enemies  to friends to lovers (Yes, please! Aplenty. I'm surprised that  enemyslash/FoeYay/Hero(ine)/Villain(ess), whatever you want to call it,  isn't mentioned on this list.)
-Characters swap roles AU (Uh... I've written sexual switching in some isolated chapters? Like when Laura  briefly doms Torsten in The Fall of Angels, to help him get over some traumas?)
-Friends to lovers (With RPS, Veidtbone in particular, and Theta/Koschei. This also seems to happen whenever I write femslash.)
-Magical  connection (telepathy, etc) (Doctor/Master basically ruined me for all  my other ships what with their telepathic ability. So that now, it feels less interesting for me to write love/sex that *doesn't* have telepathy.)
-Fake dating/fake marriage accidentally turns into feelings (see next trope)
-Royals/political marriage turns into feelings (These last two are pretty much the same thing in ToB, as I've had Yassamin marry Jaffar a couple of times--like The Past Forgotten and The King's White Falcon, but without him laying a hand on her for up to a year, until she finally grows a brain and realises how loveworthy he is after all.)
-Seemingly unrequited pining (Emphasis on the "seemingly." Jaffar's unrequited   pining is painful enough in the movie, so there's no point in making him  suffer any more.)
-Accidentally fell in love with the mission target (Well, *kind of,* what with Torsten. Lars-Erik was definitely his mission target in the original film, and at the start of Because The World Belongs to the Devil, he made no bones about having wanted to kill Laura Erika [the teenage girl version of Lars-Erik in this AU, to those of you just joining in] when she was born.)
-They break up (but then they get back together) (With Jaffar/Fadl.  Fadl's stormed off in a huff at least twice in the past. And Doctor/Master is always the same old on-off car crash, isn't it? Although this is not a favourite trope of mine, as the setup would usually necessitate them being an existing couple in the first place,  and I tend to not write canon or "plausibly lovers" ships because   they're already happily together. What do Two and Jamie, Holmes and   Watson etc. need me for? They're already as good as married. Let them have their happiness.)
-Supernatural creature/human romance (Sort of. I've written Time Lords/humans, humans/djinn at least. And surely wizards count as supernatural romance, anyway?)
-Reincarnation/'25  Lives' AU (What's with the 25 lives? Is this some big fandom thing again? One of the darkest, most fucked-up fics I ever wrote was the Master killing the Doctor during sex and fucking him as he regenerated around him. As you do. And there's reincarnation in one of my Jaffar/Pwinzezz fics,  but I won't spoil it for the new readers by telling you which one it is.)
-Selfcest (possibly due to time travel) (I am scratching my head trying to remember when I wrote this and in which fandom, but I have the distinct feeling I've written it. I've certainly whacked off to  that World Of Simm!Masters clusterfuck what with the pink dress so many  times I... I think I broke two clit buzzers during that time. I've certainly drawn it. And drawn some Connies on Connies. And then there's, of course, Sarosh the Sexbot  who's a clone of Jaffar, looks-wise, but he is very distinctly just a robot, not a living character as such--not the sort with which you could  have a real, interpersonal dynamic. My problem with selfcest, in general, is that I like having that character dynamic--and that requires  the characters to be different from one another. If it's two characters  that are too similar--if they fulfill a similar role in the canons--it's hard to create a dynamic between them and to make it   interesting.)
-Polyamory (Swinging away ALL the bloody time with the Roses!Jaffar and Yassamin, and Torsten/Laura. Sometimes I miss the monogamous 'verses.)
-Amnesia (I've got a post-movie "Jaffar comes  back from the dead" WIP I'll probs never finish, because it doesn't seem to get off the ground. If I wrote this trope, I would have the characters gradually regain memory, though; complete mind-wipes are   horrid. I did have Handy lose the majority of his cognitive/motor/Timey skills in No More  and that was the main reason I had to... well, I'm not going to spoil it if someone hasn't read it yet, but it wasn't the cheeriest of fics. The Past Forgotten *sort of* has this, but I don't want to spoil as to how that happens.)
I could write:
-Daemons (Why the archaic spelling? I have written djinn, so I almost put this in the 'have written' section. I can't remember if I actually *have* written real demons, because I might have. Surely, Torsten counts...)
-'Everyone is evil'/mirrorverse AU (Well, mostly, if I want to explore "evil"   characters, I write about those types of characters in the first place, without having to turn anyone evil. Devilry is the 'verse for that. Hell, usually it's the other way around; I try to look for the human elements of the baddies, or at least explore their logic--what makes them tick, what makes them the way they are. So, IDK, I could've also   put this in the "unlikely to ever write" section.)
-And they were roommates! (This would be terrible and also hilarious, whatever characters ended up becoming my victims. Even if I'm more interested in those hurt/comfort plots, overall. And I have always found it *impossible* to live under the same roof with other people because I need peace and quiet and solitude too much. So this is almost a bit too much like the sorts of negative RL experiences I don't really want to get more of in fic.  But I *could* write it as a comedy for cheap lols, especially if the stress were resolved by hot bonking, ASAP.)
-'They  all work in an office' AU (Otherwise, I would've put this in the "just  no" category, but... the Barmakids were civil servants. So I *could*   write Jaffar and Fadl drowning in paperwork--"WHY DID WE EVER introduce paper into THIS EMPIRE?!?" and cursing their fates and Jaffar restraining Fadl from braining Harun al-Rashid with a paperweight. Same with Lina doing Zainab's books and trying to hold back The Fist of Death when Fadl carelessly drops a piece of his lunch over her perfectly calligraphied accounting.)
-'Falling for a coworker/teammate is a bad idea' except this is fiction so it works out (Maybe. Just maybe. But it'd also be in a medieval ToB context.)
I will probably never write:
-'Groundhog  Day'/karmic time loop (I just never got the appeal of this. Sounds like the sort of thing experimental writers would like? The sorts who really  like filling in bingo cards and challenge lists?)
-Vampires/werewolves  AU (I'm not that big on either. Super-unpopular opinion coming up: I prefer sex to the sublimation of it that vampires are often all about; bloodsucking in lieu of sex, and/or being seen as way better than sex just always feel to me like a cheap cop-out from writers who are disappointed in sex, or afraid of it. I've never grokked it any more   than that stupid, stupid "chocolate is better than sex" quip from women who don't know what masturbation is--yes, it fucking well is sex, TYVM! I much prefer to make partnered sex better than it is IRL by adding supernatural stuff like telepathy to *that*. Immortality alone is interesting to explore, as are Gothic themes, but all the usual themes that vampires *specifically* usually represent just... either hold little interest for me, or then, I can explore them in other ways.)
-'Pride  and Prejudice' AU (I don't hate Jane Austen, but it's not my fandom. That kind of society stuff and being witty over teacups in bonnets has never really been my thing--if anything, I usually have my characters exist in their own bubble, isolated from society and its restrictive mores and social stresses.)
-Coffee  house AU/food service AU (AUGH! Please, no coffeeshop AUs for me; the world is full of them already. Maybe I could write it as some terrible, short parody? Or doodle it? But no more than that.)
-Hogwarts AU (Haven't read HP. Young Adult isn't really my genre. I know, I know; I've just lost all my WLW cred.)
-High  school/university AU (I've done Time Lord Academy-era stuff with Doctor/Master, but I expect this means a sort of American high school/university AU with jocks and cheerleaders and shit. Hell, no. Again, the exact sort of horrid society stuff I would rather have my characters escape from.)
-Adopting/raising a baby (Erm, not unless you count Jaffar/Yassamin adopting a cheetah? They do have kids in some 'verses but there's none of that everyday baby stuff that this question/trope probably implies. I'm squicked by   babies, sorry.)
-Unusually specific occupation AU, like, the Author clearly has the same job (It worries me that this is, by virtue of its inclusion here, apparently seen as normal and acceptable..? When it's crap fanfic, inserting yourself into something that should be about the *established* characters instead. Jesus, I don't want to go in expecting a fanfic, and then find out it’s your diary instead! Unless you're Anaïs Nin. And even if you really *do* want to write about yourself, then just... write original fic? An autobiography? A blog? Write an OC that has your job. Don't do this false advertising where you insist it's fanfic when it's not. That's a dick move towards your readers.)
-Loyalty kink (see next trope)
-Alpha/beta/omega (Too creepy. I can write about piss, shit, incest, necrophilia and cannibalism, but not these last two. Any more than I can glorify the Nazis I've written about; I either take the piss out of them, as with Strasser, or just step outside of their politics and bring them into the land of happy sexings like with von Kolb, with the aim of dragging him out of that madness and leaving it behind.)
-Hot single parent(s) (Please. Rundvik: "You love children." Torsten: "I loooooathe themm.")
-Unrequited pining (Too much of an emotional squick. Has to be requited. I write fanfic to fix things, to avenge wrongs, to set things right. I don't write them to make the characters more miserable than they already are. Unless it's for temporary, character-development purposes, that is.)
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