#but also a blanket statement
jennifersbod · 1 year
if you’re friends with racists, homophobes, antisemites, sexists, transphobes, classists, ableists etc. you’re not an ally ❤️
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silencingspellsongs · 6 months
so with a hush audio coming out friday/saturday and the chance of him and doc resurrecting vega like he mentioned in his last audio and with sunday being easter.......... do you see where im going with this
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lucyghoul · 1 year
why are u mad that people dont care about sex anymore?
i don’t know if this is meant to be a gotcha but i could not care less what individual people feel about sex individually. what i DO care about is the wider conversation about sex both how it’s presented in the media and how individuals are able to express their own sexuality. and what i have been seeing is not people “not caring” or being indifferent but people being actively hostile to the idea of sex. people saying they don’t want sex on their screens because it’s gross or inappropriate or not important. and people moralizing it to the extent that the inclusion or not of sex is a reflection on both the quality and worth of the media and a reflection on the people who enjoy it
there’s this narrative around shows like the bear and other things about sex “ruining” relationships between characters and besides just being nonsensical and stupid that is actually quite concerning to me? like when did witnessing a very human part of our lives become threatening to our ability to find our own meaning in stories? everyone has an ability to make choices about what media to engage in and behaving as if the media owes you a certain story when you could just choose to stop watching is very selfish and short sighted
blanket statements like sex has no meaning to the plot or x type of sex shouldn’t be shown onscreen very quickly spirals into policing the individual sex that real people get to have. and even without going down that road censorship is scary to me and people “not caring” about sex is turning into a lot of self censorship. and if we’re already censoring ourselves it is laughably easy for politicians and corporations to just cut out every single element they don’t like because they can find people in the audience willing to side with them
like at the end of the day watch what you want to watch. but behaving as if your personal standards are a) shared by everyone and b) should be IMPOSED on everyone and should be the default for telling stories is unhinged. sex is a part of human life that is deeply important to a lot of people, myself included. and it deserves to have a place in the stories that want to include it
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talonbite4596 · 1 year
I have some more !!!
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I like the idea of irken blood being a pink/orange color and also bioluminescent, no reason other than its funky to draw I like it
I'll add some headcanons or something under the cut so !! Yay i guess !!
Don't tag my art as ship stuff or be blocked, thanks 💖
Headcanon time!! These have little to no reason to exist other than "its fun why not" and "I said so"
- I already mentioned the irken blood thing but it's one of my favorite little things
- irkens have tapetum lucidum and it can show thru in their disguises (mostly zims) so it can be a good way to clock them if needed
- irken antenna function a lot like dog ears, which is more so Canon than a headcanon, but still. Like, example, they're pinned back when angry, down when sad, up when curious etc etc. It's a fun little idea
I'd like to delve into some more stuff but a lot of it is au stuff and I don't wanna blabber about that yet !! But I will add tiny little ones maybe
- irken paks, as well as keeping them alive, also "programs" each irken to be the best invader they can be. It all depends on what they'd NEED to be successful. For some, it's power and strength, and for others it's wit and smarts. So the pak, basically shifts their identity to fit the task they need to accomplish.
- paks also prevent irkens from being themselves, their personality is locked behind a barrier basically. They ARE their own people deep down, they are just physically unable to show it due to the pak preventing it
- however an irken CAN be themselves, but only for a while. They'd need to take the pak off and permanently make sure it cannot go back on, which would free them. It would also kill them!! So they can live a long life being nothing but a slave, or live as themselves for mere minutes.
That's all I'll get into for now but if u want more lmk ✨️ I like blabbering about random stuffs
Another reminder to NOT tag my stuff as ship ✨️🥰
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weaksspot · 16 days
personally the way i write sam topping/initiating things between them is like... he knows dean would never allow himself to make the first move, he knows dean will blame himself for "corrupting" him and the guilt will eat him up, he knows dean wants it so bad it's making him sick but would die before doing anything about it. and i don't think he shares that same kind of guilt or sense of wrongness about their relationship and i think in general he's better at just accepting things for what they are (and you could argue that's because he's even more repressed than dean in many ways but that's not the point of this particular post lol). especially if it's later on, like mid or late seasons, when they're basically married anyway lol. and to be honest i think sam is overall more secure in himself in a lot of ways and would be much less shaken by the realisation that he wants to bone his brother
so yeah anyway to me sam would make that first move because dean would just never let himself do it. even if he was clinging on by the absolute skin of his fucking teeth he would not lay a hand on sam in that way without sam going first. he'll flirt and be weird and push boundaries but that's... just them. i think in his mind he's like, well that's just us. it doesn't mean anything. meanwhile sam's like yeah dean wants me. i think he's always known and it's always been in his hands to do something about it or not and dean would go his whole life just inarticulably wanting until/unless sam made it okay for him to act on it
but anyway that's just me <3
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hella1975 · 1 year
it's been pointed out on here before that a lot of terf arguments are actually rooted in sexist idealology that feminists fought and died to unnormalise decades ago and that's its own kettle of fish but one thing i also find very frustrating about this so called 'radical' feminism is that it's so... defeatist? like the moment you categorically label an entire section of society as Bad and Inherently Evil then there's also the implication that nothing can be done about it, and it completely takes all accountability away. saying all men are evil is just another way of saying boys will be boys. he raped her because he's a man. he hit her because he's a man. he didn't listen because he's a man - it's almost offensively oversimplified. there's no point trying to fix this issue in society because men are just Like That, okay! so now what? it's not like they're going anywhere, so you just accept that 50% of the population are evil and will forever treat you terribly and there's nothing to be done about it bc they're biologically predisposed to it? like is that fr the argument here? you're soooo radical for that
#this is coming from someone who used to very genuinely be a misandrist#ironically it was only when i started actually analysing my own feminism that i got MORE confrontational with men#and started respecting my boundaries a lot better BECAUSE i started holding them accountable again#like when men treat me like shit nowadays i dont just write it off as 'what did you expect? he's a man' i get MAD about it#because i EXPECT BETTER FROM THEM even if it's just tiny shit women have to deal with daily#i hold them to just as high a standard as im held to and i make them take accountability when they dont meet that#and whether you realise it or not even on a subconscious level the MOMENT you black-and-white blanket statement all men as bad#you stop holding them accountable.#like it is literally just boys will be boys. do terfs seriously not realise they're sending feminism BACKWARDS#like if a girl came to me with her trauma and people - other girls no less - tried to comfort her with 'yeah all men are evil'#id be fucking furious. like no he did that because he was a piece of shit that had it normalised to him that women arent to be respected#dont you dare let him off the hook with something as simple and uncritical as 'he's a man'#i promise you men like that will MUCH prefer a blanket statement such as 'all men are as bad as each other'#than actually being point blank told they're an abuser or a rapist. because being lumped together is comfortable and even empowering#wheras isolating their behaviour with words that are Bad and Ugly (LIKE 'rapist') is not comfortable at all and has heavy connotations#idk i dont think radical feminism is always bad on its own it can be v liberating. just terfs and misandrists that i have a problem with#dropping this post in a piranha tank and closing tumblr knowing im gonna have some thirty year old karen yelling at me within 5 mins#i probably wont respond to any terf comments bc they literally mentally exhaust me with their stupidity#but that also depends on my mood and ability to keep my mouth shut LMFAO we shall see
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mattibee · 27 days
digimon is like if you turned a creepypasta back into a kids cartoon
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if prison duo didn't hate-fuck about it at least once then what was it all for
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foxstens · 4 months
listen listen listen
you can make an argument that kevin is a coward if you really want to. but that goes until they get backstage on kathy's show. after that his growth starts, and reducing his entire character to his supposed cowardice ignores his character arc and everything else we know about him as a person
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sciderman · 5 months
Sometimes i remember a comics moment i randomly came across somewhere, where Sam Wilson mentiones a musical and Steve Rodgers says he doesn't like musicals, to whitch Sam goes "Guess that means you really are straight" and even tho i don't care about Cap America or the Avengers, the moment stuck in me for that quote by Sam. And like....Sci, any ideas if straight men actually don't like musicals or is that bullshit?
actually i think i know more gay men who hate musicals than i know straight men who hate musicals. i've had a drag queen stop me point blank when i was about to sing a barbra streisand song, and i know so many gays who pointedly hate abba. so based on my experience i think the inverse is true. most of the straight men i know are kind of impartial about musicals, but gay men? hate.
my theory is that a lot of gay men don't want to fall into stereotypes, maybe. but thaaaaat's just a theory! a gay theory.
#sci speaks#i'm trying to understand the gays. they are a mystery to me.#i've seen a lot more toxic masculinity coming from gay men than i have from straight men.#i think it makes sense. they have less women in their lives. so they reckon with a lot more masculinity. more dick measuring.#also gay men have some of THE most unhealthy romantic relationships i've ever seen in my life.#this isn't a blanket statement on everyone but just from what i've seen. it's such a strange pattern i've observed.#lesbians? healthy. straights? usually healthy. gay men? universally a tire fire that makes me say “if you hate each other so much ??”#“why are you together??????????”#i have never met a cis gay mlm couple in real life that was healthy. every single one of them made my eyes widen in horror.#i want them to be healthy. please treat each other better.#the number of bitchy bitchy fights i've seen between mlm couples in public that make me so terrified#but i know mlm relationships in general are usually less... affectionate than wlw relationships. even and especially friendships.#just an observation.#i hate to say that there is a definite difference between amab vs afab experiences when it comes to relationship dynamics but.#of course there is. there is. as much as i want to say gender and sex do not matter. it really does.#it makes a difference. it does.#which is kind of why i'm glad i was born in the body i was. when people say “trans means you feel you were born in the wrong body”#im like.. i don't think that's true. i don't think that's true for me.#i wouldn't be me if i wasn't born the way i was. and i want to be me. but i'm a boy. i'm a boy but in the body that i have.#my body is still a boy's body. because i live in here.#sorry this went off on a tangent.#but yeah i know my brain would be different if i was amab. and i don't want all those other issues.#i think the only reason i'm so peaceful and serene is because i'm afab. and afabulous.#i see cis guys and im like.. yeah i don't want what you got.#once again! lucky to be me! i'm lucky. im lucky i have a vargooba. thank fuck for that!#couldve been so much worse off. could've been born with a dick and would be fighting for my life right now.
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swordofazrael1992 · 8 months
i’m gonna be honest the notion that jean paul/azrael are bad at detective work/skills annoys me. they're not BAD at it. they're not PATIENT enough for it and find it boring. because of this they seem bad at it, but actually being bad at it and not having patience for it have COMPLETELY different characterization implications, imo.
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from batman: sword of azrael (1992) #3
(see above) from one of their very first appearances jean paul is shown to be very adept at problem solving and logical reasoning, both skills important in detective work. and this is with practically no experience, beyond what was implanted in the system.
i do understand where people get the idea that they're "bad" at detective work from--it is stated constantly throughout the knightfall saga that jp/az, and i do see most of these as azrael character moments, are bored by/don't like detective work. but i think it's very important to remember the context of those issues. they're in the middle of severe emotional and psychological dysregulation, and have less capacity for things like slowing down and doing detective work. but that doesn't mean they aren't able to, especially when they're not in active crisis. and this is proven throughout azrael: agent of the bat. jp and azrael are not absolute expert detectives, obviously, and they're still impatient and immature in a lot of their casework, and rush into situations before knowing all the details. but they still display a natural aptitude and skill in detective work, something that bruce wayne comments on in his own narration about jean paul/azrael!
also! according to the azrael secret file below, they were barely twenty-one during the events of SoA 1992! of course jp/azzy are impatient and immature sometimes!
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azrael secret file from batman: no man's land secret files #1
i just think it's too easy to say that jean paul and azrael are bad detectives when, in my opinion, the majority of that evidence is taken out of context (knightfall saga and the fact that they were in the middle of a mental health crisis) and also doesn't acknowledge the fact that they are early to mid twenties AT THE MOST, with VERY little actual training in detective work. or in anything outside of being a brute force assassin only used to kill and send threats.
am i saying they're good at utilizing these skills and actually doing the detective work? no. but i think that just saying "they're bad at it" is an oversimplification that can lead to the development of mischaracterization, or at least unfaithful characterization, of jean paul and azrael
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quirkylilcumlord · 11 months
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talonbite4596 · 1 year
Recent zim art doodle dump thing woo yay wow how cool
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I wish tumblr would allow you to also add videos but nooooo I have to do it separately
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nectaric · 2 months
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if by sexualizing transgender characters, you mean writing the occasional smut prompt for a trans muse of mine, then... no?
i understand that this is a large issue and can do trans individuals a lot of harm. i'm not trying to dispute that this can happen, nor that a person could be guilty of this, even unintentionally.
that said, i don't think i'm sexualizing these characters at all. i write smut for a wide variety of characters of varying gender identities, sexualities, and body types. yesterday, i posted numerous smut responses for a large number of my characters, only one of whom is trans.
my characters being trans is noted in the smut that i write only because of the presence of genitals in sex, but this is not the focus nor portrayed as a kink in any of my writing. it just simply is, the same way a character having body hair or muscles or big thighs might appear in writing of the same genre.
the idea that writing smut that features a trans character at all could be considering sexualizing seems a bit unfair, and minimizes what limited representation there already is out there for trans individuals.
of course, if i've misinterpreted what you meant, anon, or if there is something problematic that i have done or said in my writing, i am all ears. but writing about sex and sexualizing are two different things, and i would like that distinction to be made clear before we move forward in any conversation.
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thewiglesswonder · 2 years
I think TFA Optimus can be a little thirsty. As a treat.
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whatwillyousing · 2 months
one of the most jarring things online ot me still is this widespread notion amongst artists that artstyle theft is a real substantial thing and this idea of practically copyrighted ownership over certain concepts or design choices or styles and it really upsets me because i feel like so often i see artists accuse others of plagiarism when the plagiarized drawing in question was very obviously Not traced or of a different composition or just of a common general concept that anyone could have come up with Or Whatever number of differences, point being the drawing was clearly still a concerted individual effort on part of the accused plagiarist in question. the discussion is much more nuanced than just this alone and i do think in a lot of contexts copying art Does Happen and is absolutely intellectual property theft but i guess also i kind of hate the concept of intellectual property in the first place and this individualist approach to art that treats any & all creative works as if theyre penned in a vacuum in the ether isolated from any other piece of art & void of any human connection that has ever existed
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