#but also allow something gentle on the sidelines...
ronkeyroo · 2 years
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an oldish doodle I made of Raven and her partners, a sanctuary - They’re her safe space...
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yuujispinkhair · 8 months
Hey Winter, babe, what are your thoughts in Dad! Sukuna? I can't stop wondering what type of dad he would be🥺
Aww hey babe 💗 I love Dad!Sukuna! It always makes me weak to think about him!! 💗💗
The first part of this post can be read for any version of Sukuna: King of Curses, Trueform, modern!Sukuna. The second part is specifically about modern CEO!Sukuna. My blog and some of the linked stories are 18+. Minors please don't interact.
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Dad!Sukuna is this big, intimidating man who becomes so soft for his child. He is terrified the first time he holds his baby in his hands. It's so tiny, so fragile, so helpless. Sukuna isn't the type to make himself vulnerable, but he did so by allowing you in his heart and falling in love with you. And now you gave him a baby! You made something grow out of your shared love, and now he holds his baby, his and your baby, who has your eyes and his hair, and it makes him so scared.
Such a tiny, helpless little being, who is his responsibility, his to shelter and to protect in this big and dangerous world. This is the next level of vulnerability. Sukuna knows he will do anything to protect his child and his wife.
It gives Dad!Sukuna sleepless nights in the beginning. He gets up several times each night to sneak over to the small bed and sit next to it to make sure the little one is still breathing, and everything is alright. His large hand trembles when he caresses the soft hair on his child's tiny head.
This huge, strong man is so careful and gentle when he holds his baby in his arms. His eyes keep staring at it, disbelief in them because he still can't comprehend how this miracle happened. He never thought he would be the type to want kids, and now look at him!
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Modern CEO Sukuna as a dad:
I love to imagine Sukuna as a girl dad. He is the type to raise a spoiled little brat-princess. Her wish is daddy's command. He buys her any toy she wants, and her closet is overflowing with the cutest clothes. The little princess wants to eat ice cream at eight in the morning? Ok, sure, daddy will drive to her favorite ice cream parlor with her. And if they tell him they are still closed at this time, Sukuna will convince them to open earlier just for his princess. Either with a generous amount of money or with threatening to send some food inspectors over to ruin the ice cream palor's reputation.
Sukuna is also the type of dad who is feared by every teacher because he is such an asshole at those teacher-parent meetings. He keeps calling the school and complaining and threatening them with consequences anytime his little princess has a bad grade or gets into any kind of trouble.
And he is just as bad at his daughter's sports events. Sukuna is ambitious and so proud of his little princess and super protective, so yeah, a lovely combination for any tournament ;) Catch him on the sidelines voicing his opinion to the coaches because he knows better, of course! And getting into fights with the referee, and snapping at the parents of the other kids when one of their children dares touch his princess.
Sukuna is a powerful man with endless riches, so he knows how to use his influence to make sure his little girl only gets the best.
Here are some of my other Dad!Sukuna drabbles/stories:
Dad!Sukuna when his little princess grows up and wants to date someone and get married
Dad!Sukuna vs future son in law Gojo
Trueform!Sukuna holding his newborn baby for the first time
Sukuna + lactation kink
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creeky-cricket · 3 months
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I HEREBY BREAK MY SILENCE (IDK not for long, probably)
and in doing this, I will give you my first SFW alphabet, of MyStreet!Zane Ro'meave. cause the lack of content for this man is absolutely CRIMINAL.
Cw: talk of character death, very very brief talk about kinks, angst, fluff, hurt comfort, probably ooc idfk LMAO
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
He probably wouldn't be the most affectionate in public, poor dude can't even bear the thought of people knowing his biggest interest cause he's worried he's gonna be made fun of </3. But, behind closed doors, he would 100% be the most gentle and cute lover, constantly asking if he was allowed to touch you, to hug you. It's the little things. As for verbal affection, I feel like he wouldn't be the biggest fan of pet names, maybe common ones like baby, or sweetheart occasionally but nothing BIG.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
I have a few ideas for this one, but starting off with the most likely. You were probably a friend of Aphmaus or a friend of someone in the main group who's begun meeting everyone. I like to believe you two didn't click immediately, not fighting all the time or anything you just never really spoke. When it actually comes to being friends, you're the one to make the first move, even if it was just a subtly joke to him on the sidelines. Eventually, it just became a common occurrence to see you two together, enjoying each other's company. The two of you can barely even remember when you didn't talk, it just, suddenly happened.
(As for any others, I can think of a few tropes. Like, childhood best friends to lovers, the coffee shop aus, anything soft and sweet. BUT it has to have character development and plot.)
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
This man is a cuddler. Not in public, never in public. But if you two are sat in the same area together, he's leaning on you. Or pulling you into his chest. He likes the feeling of your weight on him, makes him feel grounded. I can also see something else that would happen quite often, like. You sat on the couch watching TV, and he comes in and sits on the floor in front of you or to the side of where you're sitting and just leans his head or body against your legs. (Don't be shy, play with his hair. >:3)
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
This man is the most organised neat freak. Like, to the point it can get a bit tedious. He likes things to be in order and the way he likes it. However, he would be open to compromises. That being said, though, he would be totally fine with having most of the cleaning responsibilities. Like, as long as you’re not leaving him to clean up your stuff, and pick up after yourself, he doesn't expect you to go through and deep clean regularly. This doesn't mean your house is totally spotless tho. As for cooking, I feel like that would be more your responsibility- since all he can really do is bake LMAO. He can make like- bacon- I guess. He's not totally useless, but get him to make anything like stew or smth, he's gonna require a LOT of help. 
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
If he was the one breaking up with you, he would be very quiet leading up to it. Like, you would probably know because he's just- stopped wanting to be around you. Making excuses, being really mopey around you, and generally just not engaging with things that involve you. It's not like he's trying to be a dick or anything, he's just really worried about how you’re gonna take it. I feel like the reason he wants to break up isn't generally anything bad, he would have just lost feelings. Or felt as if it would just benefit the both of you if you were just friends. He doesn’t want to hurt you and is scared of you not wanting to be around him again. As for if you broke up with him, and how he would take it? PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DO NOT BREAK UP WITH HIM OVER TEXT. Zane, the soggy wet cat that he is, will internalize this SO BAD. one-way ticket to Spiral City, ‘What did I do.’ ‘why couldn't I be better’ such and such. Obviously, this would still happen if you broke up with him in person, but at least he can have the immediate distraction of the outdoors or whatever environment you’re in. The first thing he does. Text. Aphmau. Or hell, maybe Garroth depending on the point of timeline. He will cry. Mans will sit and stew in his room just, laid in bed for however long he feels. Will only come out for food and water.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quickly would they want to get married?)
Well, this is a tricky one. Theoretically, yes. He would wanna get married, he's always liked the idea of that ‘picture perfect’ life, especially with you. But I guess it's just the actual act that would put him on edge. Not to mention the planning! It would stress him out so badly. God forbid the proposal too! He can barely plan a surprise birthday party, let alone a romantic moment that the two of you will look back on and treasure forever??? That being said, if somehow everything does go to plan, without Zane passing out or dying from cardiac arrest, I don't think it would change much for the two of you. Yes, you’re together by law now, but you were already living together before this, you were already settled before this. Honestly? I feel like he would be set with just staying engaged for the rest of your life. By this point, he knows you’ll never leave him. And god knows that he would never even begin to fathom a life without you in it.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Gosh, Zane would be so conscious of being too overbearing with you. So he is very gentle physically. If you have long hair, and you ask him to tie it up for you, he would be so careful with it. Apologising if your hair gets tangled on his fingers, barely even pulls the hair tie in case it would hurt you. While you’re cuddling, he holds you fairly loose too, just in case you want to pull away. Or if you felt uncomfortable. Bro, it would be like a year into your relationship and he would still have such shaky hands and soft touches cause he's so nervous around you. I also hc that his hands are like, constantly cold. No amount of warmth can do this man good, so it's common that he pulls his hands away very quickly if you were to flinch from the cold. (like man, it would be the middle of summer and he would fr feel like he's been locked in a freezer for the majority of his life) Emotionally? Well, he tries, he really tries to be open for you. And he is, you can talk to him any time you want! He would never get bored of hearing your voice, it's just. He's always going to be blunt. And he's never gonna be able to know the right things to say in any given situation, so please be patient with him. (AHJDBAWHJK WAIT MF you: ‘…do you think I'm ugly??’ Zane: ‘uh… sometimes. I guess? why?’)
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Hugs are awkward in the beginning. Like, he's such a touch-starved dude he doesn’t know what to do when someone hugs him. Let alone someone he likes a lot. God forbid it’s in a context in which you need comfort too, it would be so awkward. It’s also awkward because he doesn’t know how to ask for them. In theory, he wants to touch you all of the time. Like, he wants to hug you and be near you every second of the day, so he just doesn't wanna come off weird for wanting to hug you all the time. After a while, you both develop your own non-verbal mannerisms and ways of asking for physical affection, so it does get better. But still, if he had the choice of being close to you forever he would accept that so fast.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
He probably says it very fast into the relationship, but like, it would be a heat of the moment sort of thing. Probably when you first start dating, it's a very flustered, very rushed ‘ILOVEYOU-’. But then wouldn't really say it after that. He already feels as if it’s something he shouldn't have said at the time, so he's not gonna risk saying it again not until at least a month or two into your relationship, or you begin saying it too. Once it becomes a normalised thing, he says it quite often. You’re the best thing that's ever happened to him, he wants you to know that! Even if that includes random moments of him pouring his heart out to you. Bro, it would be so dead silent, you could be doing something like housework and he would just spawn out of nowhere and be like ‘I really, really love you. You better know that!’
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Ooohhh, he gets jelly. Very easy. Usually only over small things tho, and it's not entirely a big deal. But please don't just brush him off, poor baby just wants to make sure you’re not gonna leave him. He was in the shadow of pretty much everyone he's ever met: his brothers, his classmates, his friends. God, can you even blame him for being a little bit nervous about that? That being said, it's usually pretty easy to know when he's jealous. He gets very huffy and blushy and quiet, glaring at whatever’s making him jelly. Give him a few words of reassurance, hold his hands and give him eye contact while doing so and he’s a pile of mush lmao. However, there can be times that you can't tell that you’ve done something wrong, or well, what you have done wrong. If something makes him genuinely jealous, and makes him upset. He will wait until you’re in a more private setting before he explains, first of all, because he respects that that sort of stuff shouldn't be done in public. And secondly, because he just doesn't know how to phrase things, and probably feels as if he doesn't have the right to be feeling like that. 
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
You guys don’t have your first kiss until like, 4-5 months into your relationship. Depending on how close you are before you get together that is. It's possible you’d already had it before you started dating, but still. This is mainly because of the fact he wears the mask, which kinda obstructs things. But I feel like your first kiss would be so sweet, maybe during a moment where you’re comforting him. Specifically about his looks, he's sat telling you his insecurities and you persuade him to take his mask off. Cradling his cheeks and looking over his features, he gets a little flustered, so he begins to pull his mask up out of instinct but suddenly your lips are on his. He. Would. MELT. PILE OF GOOP. Putty in your hands. Probably goes really quiet for a while and you worry you made him uncomfy, and suddenly, after like 10-15 minutes, he asks if it would be ok if he kissed you again. >:3 He also likes to give you forehead and cheek kisses. Easiest to give through the mask. As for where he likes to be kissed, cheek, temple, lips. He's not entirely picky. Will get really flustered if you kiss his neck/jawline tho. Even if it’s in a completely innocent way, he just gets really red. 
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
You are not having kids. It's not like he doesn't like children, well- he doesn't but it’s more the anxiety that he gets around them if anything. Always feels like he’ll do something wrong and it would have lasting effects. Man worries too much, but at least you would know that if you did happen to have kids he would wanna be involved 24/7. He would technically be a good dad, but he would probably end up being a helicopter parent, especially if something was to happen to you.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Zane would either be the type to be up at 7 am sharp even on weekends. I feel like he’d be the type of person to loathe mornings too, so it would be pretty funny if he was an early riser. 
‘ ‘Hey, baby.’ you coo as you walk into the kitchen in the morning, seeing your beloved boyfriend resting his forearms against the windowsill, watching those who walked past. ‘Whatcha doin’?’ You ask, curiously, walking up beside him to find the scowl etched onto his face, ‘..judging..’ ’ He gets out of bed carefully in the morning so as not to wake you, slowly making his way out of your shared room and down the stairs. He probably just sits and watches TV in the living room for a while until you wake up. Though, if you didn't work at home, he would get things ready for you. Like, make you a drink, make sure your clothes are out of the wash, would want to make your food but he probably leaves that to you. His service stops at breakfast in bed (most days). 
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Being a night owl, Zane’s the most ‘active’ at night. 7 pm to 12 am is the best time frame for him socially and creatively. Granted he's not the most creative person, but I imagine he does like writing and doodling every once in a while. Nights are pretty unpredictable when it comes to him, sometimes he's busy at work getting things done, or busy with some project that he's working on. But then, there are nights when all he wants to do is snuggle with you on the couch and just watch TV. Or even just spend some type of time with you. 2 am baking is a common occurrence too. A big mess to clean up in the morning too. Usually consists of you and Zane, sleep-deprived and laughing as you try and bake something together. Music is on in the background as you’re busy at work. 9/10 ends up with you both covered in various powders and ingredients due to you both getting too competitive in your ‘competitions’. However, that 1/10 is usually that sweet type of baking, tiredly clinging to each other as you follow some recipe that KC sent you either that morning or sometime a week ago. Soft kisses shared while you wait for things to mix and kjbkjbfsd I love baking oneshot ideas...
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
He's not a very open person, we know this. Only starts telling you really deep things once he knows he can trust you, which takes a long time, mind you. By this I mean like; his insecurities, how he’s been treated during his life, and his feelings. And when he does start talking to you about this, it comes out like a fucking waterfall. Especially if he's ranting after a high-stress situation. God, this poor guy, probably starts crying and beating himself up about it because he's embarrassed and feels like he's making a fool of himself in front of you. Ends with him in your arms, from an angry peak to a very sad low. There are situations like this every now and again with him, with the way he bottles pretty much everything, day in, day out it's hard not to. Everybody needs some kind of release every once in a while. 
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
He gets grumpy easily, but that's it really. He never really gets ‘angry’ with you, and you guys never really argue, not really. Maybe silly disagreements here and there, but if you’re actually the one for him I feel like he would value you most because you can agree on almost everything. That being said, he is Zane Ro’meave, an easily irritated guy. Plus the fact he annoys people for the fuck of it and lacks the skill the care about who he upsets. If you do something that actually pisses him off you’ll know about it eventually. Similarly to how he gets when he's jealous, he just gets kinda quiet for a while, before giving himself to recollect his thoughts before sitting down and speaking about it with you. Working out solutions and ways to avoid it in the future. Do expect to be glared at a lot too, this man has the perfect stink eye, and will not be afraid to throw it at you if you’re being annoying. (though he doesn’t really care lmao, as long as you’re comfortable and having fun it's usually not a problem.)
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He knows absolutely everything. Mainly because he will just sit there and listen to you rant, just like you would do for him. Like, at first you would be ranting, and he would be doing something. Like scrolling on his phone, or reading. And you would get mumbly and stop because you didn’t want to get annoying and were afraid of him getting irritated. Bro fr looks up from whatever he is doing and raises his brow. If you don’t continue, he will prompt you to. ‘I'm still listening,’ ‘continue,’ ‘and then what happened?’. Would probably be able to recite the whole thing back to you. Along with this, he remembers the other small things too, whether it's something you told him about yourself, or something somebody else told him about you. Like, your favourite drink, your favourite movie, hell, he would totally try and get into your special interest and learn certain things about it if he heard how much it means to you cause he wants you to feel heard and loved. :3
R = Remember (What is their favourite moment in your relationship?)
If you were to ask him, he'd probably say he couldn’t tell you, that he didn’t really know. But honestly? His favourite is probably from near to when you first started living together, not everything was in its right spot as of yet, and things were still unfamiliar. One night, there was a huge storm outside, thunder, lightning, wind, you name it. Just when you thought it couldn't get much worse, the power had been cut out due to it too, so no wifi, no TV, and most importantly, no light. The power cut out just as the sun began to set too, and wouldn't be fixed till late morning. Zane, being the guy that he was, didn't really care too much about the cut. Sure, it was inconvenient but it wasn’t a huge bother to him. But he noticed how on edge you seemed. How tense you were. And so, he asked you about it, and upon learning about your feelings towards storms, plus the added stress of lack of lights and distractions, he took it upon himself to ‘protect’ you. And so, for the rest of the night, you two poked around in unpacked boxes, looking for torches, games, anything you could use to pass the time. Though, through everything, it ends with the two of you cuddled under a blanket fort you made out of boxes, blankets (obv) and various other bits of furniture. Zane's arms wrapped around you, keeping you secure as the two of you either slipped into sleep or waited for the sun to rise once again.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
As I said before, very nervous about being too overprotective, he doesn't wanna seem controlling, cause he's heard that that’s a bad thing to be. Would barely even touch you for the first few weeks of your dating, cause he didn't want to make you uncomfy. It's the same reason he doesn’t like PDA, along with the fact it makes him uneasy. But, that doesn't mean he won't protect you. Like, if someone were to start being rude to you, he would be on the front lines. Verbally, of course. If it was one of the main group, and they had said something that had upset you. He would 100% chew them out for it, in public too. He does NOT fear confrontation. As for you with him, he would not like for you to do that. If somebody upsets him, he can and will stand up for himself and he wants you to be able to understand that. (But if someones talking behind his back and he wasn't there…. well.) I feel like the ‘protection’ that he would want from you, is to just be a safe haven for him. Someone he can talk to, be himself with and have no worries that you would tell anyone. It seems silly, but he would literally love you forever.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
NAWH HE WOULD TRY SO HARRRDD. One of the first dates you go on would probably be a really fancy thing, like a restaurant. BUT IT WOULD BE SO AWKWARD. The reason he invited you to that dinner is because that's what he thought you expected him to do, and obviously he has connections with money considering his family. But after that, he would probably talk to you about it, and upon learning that also wasn’t your setting, you would move on to more comfortable places. Like the movies! Or the arcade! As for gifts, and anniversaries, he would panic SO BAD. Your first anniversary, he had Aphmau and Aaron guiding him through it. Like, ‘What should I do?’, ‘Where should we go??’, ‘What do I get them???’. He just wants it to be perfect for you like you would do for him. Safe to say the key thing with him is communicating, no surprise dates. That would make him so uncomfy. OH, AND HE WOULD HELP YOU WITH TASKS TOO. Like, if he saw that you were stressing he would fr sit you down and be like, ‘ok, listen. This is stressing you out. What can I do to help you.’ would 100% do the silliest task you set for him as long as it makes you feel better </3
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
He probably finds it really funny to annoy you. Like, most of the time it's harmless, but sometimes it gets to a point where you feel as if he’s just making fun of you. Which isn't his intention! And you know this, in the grand scheme of things. He just gets carried away, seeing you frustrated is cute and funny to him. It's also probably his way of flirting lmao. Bro will find pay so much close attention to you, find the ways that you tick and the small things that piss you off and push every fucking button he can LMAO. Can and has ended up with you being like ‘Dude, seriously? Cut it out.’. It would take him a while to fully apologise, especially at the beginning of your relationship. Back then he probably wouldn't even say it to your face, would send you a genuine text paragraph saying he was sorry and then act like it never happened. When you’re more comfortable with each other he will say he's sorry, but subtly. He does mean it, he just gets really awkward about it.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
This dude. For a man who wants people to think he is tough, mysterious and intimidating, he dresses like an E-boy and covers 75% of his face simply because he doesn’t like how he looks. And he feels like people would think less of him because of it. It takes him a long time to feel comfortable enough to be completely maskless around you. He’s not as bothered with his eye as he is with his freckles, so that’s probably the thing you see first. To help with this, complement him. Complements are his weakness. Just a simple ‘you’re so pretty’ would have him REELING. (Bro has the biggest praise kink) 
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Oh absolutely, this dude can barely sleep in a bed without you in it. Once he's gotten a taste of the love you gave him, he feels like he wouldn't be able to go on without it. This might be the angst-craving side of me talking, but imagine a world where you’re suddenly taken from him. Little to no warning. Whether you die, you go missing or whatever, the absolute disdain that he would feel. Would feel lost for so long if you remained gone, barely talked, barely went out, and probably moved out of your shared house and back in with Garroth for a while. He just doesn't know what to do with himself. Depending on how far into the relationship you are when this happens, idk if he would get with anyone again. If it was rather early, he would more than likely move on eventually. It would take a while but he would, for you. But if you were like, committed? Engaged and everything, there's no way. You were the one for him, and he would just not be happy with anyone else. Cause it wouldn't be you. 
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
He's a very sleepy drunk and a lightweight. This man didn't have his first drink till like, his late twenties. And even then I don't think he would ever make a habit out of drinking, maybe a few at gatherings, doesn't really like to go out to an alcohol-centric setting (like a bar or anything). Plus the fact it's hard to drink through a mask so most of the time at these gatherings he was the designated driver. So if he ever does get drunk around you, (one of the rare times) expect to be fallen asleep on, and helping him to the car. Also a cuddly drunk. But only with like, you and Aph. Maybe Garroth depending on how far gone he is. Will just sit there silently, either with you on his lap or sitting to the side of you, arms around your waist and head on your shoulder / in your neck, sound asleep.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Someone who won't / isn't able to communicate with him. Communication is key with Zane, after being pushed around and forced into awkward and unwelcoming environments for the vast majority of his life he just wants to be with someone who will listen to his point of view and not judge him for basically existing. He also wants to be with someone who can tell him when he's doing something they don’t like. He’s not good at reading between the lines, and will just continue doing something if you don’t tell him. He would also need you to tell him when he does something you do like as well. He wants to know what he can do as well as can't do. And he expects all the same from you too. He understands communication can be difficult for some people, but to be his partner you’ll need to have the ability to set boundaries, and clear ones at that.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
Bro pulls all-nighters like he doesn't need sleep to survive. And then he complains that he's tired all the time. Will say something like ‘I've got such bad eyebags’ and then argue the toss when it comes to you telling him to sleep more. Though not to be cliche, he does sleep better when you’re laid with him. It's just the grounding feeling of your weight against him, and the sound of your soft breaths. And the fact he physically can't move by law. Lmao, you have to coax him to actually go to bed though, like a toddler. He’ll be so tired, eyelids drooping and falling asleep on the couch or at a desk and he will fr be like ‘Noooo, I don't wanna’. And then as soon as he lays down he is out like a fucking light.
oh, hey!!
ty for reading!! :3
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fubu18writes · 1 year
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❧ he never expected the sweet librarian from the college campus who never made eye contact to be in a bar where everyone could see her
♢regular tags: f!reader, college au, reader is a stripper, swearing ♢mature tags: reader is called "bunny", riding, oral (f receiving), hair pulling, doggy position, hair pulling, swearing ♢ all characters are 18+ and above unless stated otherwise
a/n: and the first thing i write here on tumblr is smut... and my first time writing it. also been on a haitani rindou brainrot so yeah, this led to it. i also went for lyric format like back in the wattpad days of song fics, since it'll fit the mood a little bit.
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Haitani Rindou only went with Shion and the rest at a bar as a joke and maybe to celebrate because they finished their finals for the first semester.
What he didn't expect was seeing a familiar face on the stage.
You, (l/n) (y/n), the sweet librarian that he always passed by during the morning, afternoon, and nights on both school days and weekends. And from what he seen and heard from everyone who knew you on campus, you weren't the type to make eye contact for long and you preferred being in private.
Yet here you both are. In a private room that Rindou didn't expect this bar to have.
It was awkward, to say the least.
"Didn't know you had a sideline," Rindou tried making conversation, even though it would've make the situation more awkward than it already is.
"It's technically a hobby," You hum, fixing your hair on the vanity, eyeing him in the mirror. You could see his slightly confused expression as he sat on the bed. "A hobby," He repeats. "You're doing this... as a hobby."
Rindou was usually the type to get certain things at a glance or from a simple statement. But with this? And from you, who he thought was timid? He might as well let the world swallow him up.
You face him now, your hair all neat-looking. There was a sly grin on your face at seeing his expression. "What? Is the Haitani Rindou nervous at seeing a fellow classmate in skimpy clothing?"
Rindou would be in denial if he said no, but he wasn't admitting it. After all, who wouldn't be nervous if he saw his classmate, who wore oversized clothes, in a short, purple-colored dress with a zipper at the front? "What makes you think I'm nervous?" He raises an eyebrow at you. "It's just you."
There was a pause before to walked near him at the foot of the bed.
(You don't have to be so cautious If you practice what you preach Counting up the stacks on the counter A fucking disease)
Rindou feigned his nervousness with a blank expression, even if you were sitting on his lap to face him.
"So," Rindou resisted the urge to grab you by the waist. "What made you take this hobby?"
He feigned his nervousness, and somewhat lust starting to cloud in his mind, when you gave a grin. "Who knows? Maybe I want all eyes on me, even if I don't show it."
There was something laced in your tone and Rindou caught on quickly. He let his restraints go off little by little, and he held your waist. "Whose eyes, (y/n)?" He asks in a hushed tone.
"Hmm, maybe yours."
That was the tipping point.
(Don't ask me to be righteous If you practice what you teach Counting all your blessings the second You're down on your knees)
His lips were on yours, the kiss gentle at first before turning into something heated and passionate. His teeth tugged at your lower lip, his tongue sweeping past your lips. It was like the hunger and desire was there already, waiting for so long before finally giving in, leaving you breathless as he pulled away. He only allowed you a single gasp before slating his lips over and over again.
"Wait, wait..." You manage to breathe out once Rindou pulled away. You tug on his shirt, lust filled in your eyes. "Need you to take this off, now."
"Takes one to ask one, bunny." Rindou says with a smirk. You felt yourself clenching onto nothing with the nickname, and he notices your reaction. "Like that, huh? Then I'll mark you up like one."
Clothes were on the ground, leaving you in your black-laced bra and Rindou with his polo shirt. You clenched his dual-colored locks the moment his tongue was against your clit, sending a jolt through your body. His tongue worked its way in and out of your dripping pussy. "Fuck, Rin--" A breathy moan escapes your lips, your thighs squeezing around his head. "Wait, too fast-"
Rindou was just ignoring you, nuzzling his face deeper as the subtle friction against your clit sent another jolt throughout your body. You gripped his hair, pulling him harder against you.
Your breathing quickens, moaning out his name as you felt your climax. You could hear his loud slurping of your slick, and he looked up at you with glossy eyes.
"That's it, I'm makin' sure your eyes are all mine."
(So why, why Don't we get a little high, high?)
It was the younger Haitani's idea to fuck you from behind, your arms on the vanity so you could get a view of yourself in the mirror. His cock was on full-view, and you could only clench your fists as he entered inside you.
"Bet no one fucked you like this, right?" Rindou gripped your hair like how you did with his. "Bet no one's-" He did an experimental thrust, earning a moan from you. "-seen or heard you like this-"
You couldn't say anything coherent. All you could do was babble nonsense along with his name over and over again. You hid your face, which prompted Rindou to pull on your hair, forcing you to look at the mirror.
"Gotta let my bunny know what she looks like-" Rindou hit your sensitive spot. "-being all fucked up like this-"
You could feel your legs trembling again as you were staring at your face in the mirror: Hair disheveled, bra strap loosened. You could even see Rindou's expression, and it showed that he was dead set on making your climax come again.
(Don't we get a little, get a little Don't we get a little high Get a little high, high)
"Fuck, Rin--inside, come inside-!" You started begging. "Want you to fill me up, Rin!"
Another tipping point broke in Rindou that night. "You're mine, got that, bunny?"
"All yours, Rin, all yours-"
"Let 'em hear you say it, bunny."
"I'm yours, all yours--Fuck, Rindou, gonna--!"
"Shit, don't move-" Rindou lets go of your hair now to hold your waist. A low growl escapes his lips, feeling your pussy clench around his cock as the both of you release your climax.
You pant heavily, trying to catch your breath. You turn to look at him. "I'm all yours, m'kay?"
"You fucking tease." Rindou had another smirk on his face. "You took the hobby to make me do this, didn't you?"
You only let out a hum at that. You let out a whine when he pulled out, your pussy dripping with both of your juices. "You're still clenching..." He pulls you close, you facing him once more. "Gonna have to punish you for makin' me wait this long, bunny."
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Aizawa's First Kiss | Shota Aizawa x Oboro Shirakumo
Fandom: My Hero Academia
Ship: Shota Aizawa x Oboro Shirakumo
Genre: Fluff, Romance, Lemon
My Master List!
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Shota Aizawa’s First Kiss
It’s dusk in the city. From a dingy rooftop, Shota watches the golden summer sun slip beneath the jagged horizon line of skyscrapers. Sure, the city is beautiful from up here. But honestly, he wishes he were in the grimy streets below throwing punches at villains. Two weeks into his internship and he’s already starting to feel frustrated, cooped up and useless. The Pro Hero mentor that he and Oboro Shirakumo share has been pleasant enough – giving them tips and teaching them a combat technique or two. But when it comes to practical hero skills, the Pro has been leaving Shota and Oboro to watch from the sidelines as he cleans up the city streets with his sidekicks.
Shota watches as their mentor zigzags through the alleyways below, chasing after a car thief. He balls his hands into tight fists and counts to ten, letting out a deep sigh of irritation. He turns to his friend to remark on how useless he feels but is stunned into silence when he sees the way the sunset’s glow sparkles across Oboro’s gentle features.
There’s no doubt about it - Oboro Shirakumo is an attractive young man. At 18 he’s tall and slight, his face almost impish with its sharp upturned nose and soft cheeks. His puffy silver hair flows around his face, almost weightless. His quirk allows him to create clouds of all shapes and sizes – his hero name “Loud Cloud” is a bit on the nose.
Currently, Oboro sits cross-legged on one of his clouds, eyes closed. He’s floating a few meters off the ground, hands tucked behind his head as he enjoys the last of the sun’s heat. Shota marvels for a moment in his friend’s beauty – the way he just seems to radiate warmth. Oboro’s eyelids flutter open and he looks down at Shota questioningly.
“What’s on your mind, Eraser?” He asks, getting to his feet and letting the cloud dissipate into vapor. Shota shifts on his feet, remembering why he’s in such a sulky mood.
“We’re not learning anything valuable here. Maybe we should ask UA to have us reassigned.” He groans, shoving his hands in his pockets reflexively.
“You’re always so impatient, Shota.” Oboro Shirakumo puts a hand on Aizawa’s shoulder, grinning good-naturedly at his friend. “We’re learning plenty! Also - these things take time. You can’t completely level up and be patrolling the streets in two measly weeks.”
Shota glares at his friend through his peripherals. He shakes off the warm hand that’s causing goose bumps to bloom under his dark hero costume.
Of course he would say something like that. It’s no surprise that Oboro thrives in the agency environment – as an extrovert, he’s naturally good at networking and picking up office culture. Shota’s brooding nature doesn’t quite fit in the bright, window filled agency office in the center of the city. He constantly feels uncomfortable and out of place. The sidekicks try to be nice to him, but he can sense their discomfort as well. No one aside from Oboro seems to know how to interact with Shota and his quiet, gloomy vibe.
Shota finally voices the true thought that’s been nagging at him. “I don’t belong here, Oboro. I should be interning with an underground hero.” Shota tucks his chin into his chest – a childhood habit that’s stuck with him and comes out when he’s brooding. Oboro considers him, a soft smile pulling at his lips.
“Stop sulking, Shota.” Shirakumo says simply, causing a lightening strike of anger to flare up in Shota’s chest. On instinct, his quirk activates and his hair flares up.
“Wow, you are really in a bad mood today, huh?” Oboro looks at him appraisingly, still smiling. He’s not afraid of Shota – he never has been. “Shota. I think it’s important that you learn the basics from a Pro in the spotlight. There are so many lessons here that can easily be applied to underground hero-work. Plus, you’ve gotta make connections with all types of heroes so you can hit people up for team-ups in the future.”
Shota grumples unintelligibly – he knows that Oboro is right. But that doesn’t mean he has to like it. He takes a few deep breaths and deactivates his quirk, his dark hair falling back down to his shoulders.
“You know what your problem is, Shota? You really need to learn how to chill the fuck out.” Oboro activates his quirk and forms a new cloud beneath his feet. It lifts him up a few feet into the air and he rides it like a skateboard around the length of the roof before coming to a stop back at Shota’s side. “For example – instead of being existentially angsty right now, you could be enjoying this beautiful sunset with your best friend. Look at all those golden colors and the way the city sparkles in the light, Shota! It’s a Kodak moment!”
Shota glances to the side and once again is struck by how pretty Oboro’s face is, his silver hair sparkling in the dying light of the sun. Oboro turns back to look him in the eyes and says cheekily “Kinda romantic, don’t ya think?” He winks. Shota’s stomach does a summersault.
He looks away and shakes his head. “You’re annoying.”
“And you’ve got a stick up your ass.” Oboro retorts easily. “Oh look – he caught the car-jacker!” He points down at the sprawling cityscape at their Pro Hero mentor who’s now handcuffing the criminal to a parking meter. “That was fast.”
Their headset comm units crackle to life and one of the Sidekicks sends the pair a quick message. “Eraser Head and Loud Cloud, please hold your positions. There may be another carjacker in the area. Please await further instructions.”
“Ugh. And here I thought we’d be done for the day.” Shota grumbles, watching as the police cars start to pull up to the crime scene, sirens flashing in the dying daylight.
“Looks like we’re stuck here for a bit!” Oboro says cheerfully, watching the scene below with satisfaction. “No civilian casualties – sweet!”
Shota rolls his eyes. “This was a small time car thief, not some big brawler villain. Of course there weren’t casualties.”
“Wow, Shota. You’re a real stick in the mud today.” Oboro turns to fully look him in the face and takes in the bags under Shota’s eyes. No wonder Aizawa is so grumpy! It’s clear his friend isn’t taking care of himself – Shota looks exhausted and disheveled.
“Sho…when was the last time you got a full night’s sleep?” Oboro asks gently, reaching out to place his hand back on Shota’s wiry shoulder.
“Ugh I don’t know. I’m too busy training.” Shota grumbles. He doesn’t shake off Oboro’s hand this time. Now that Oboro’s mentioned it, a little rest doesn’t sound so bad. He thinks longingly of his room at the agency with its blackout curtains and cozy bed. Maybe a break from training would do him some good, clearly his nerves are on the fritz.
“Buddy, I really think you need to take better care of yourself. How are we going to start the best agency in the city if you’re already worn down at age 18?” Oboro says kindly, kneading Shota’s shoulder softly. Shota avoids Oboro’s gaze – it’s too open, too caring. They’ve been friends for almost three full years and he still hasn’t gotten used to that look.
Oboro’s gaze is impossibly soft as he takes in the rest of Shota’s appearance – his eyes roam over Shota’s shoulder length hair, dark as a midnight sky. His hero costume matches his gloomy attitude – a black jumpsuit with dark combat boots. Oboro and Hizashi have often made fun of Shota’s hero costume for looking too emo. But here, on a rooftop in a crime-ridden city, Oboro has to admit that the outfit is pretty intimidating. The jumpsuit is deceiving – it makes Aizawa look skinny and weak. The way the color contrasts against his sallow skin tone makes him look almost frail. But Oboro knows better – Shota is one of the strongest combat fighters in their class. He doesn’t even need to use his quirk to overpower an opponent hand-to-hand combat – he’s that good. Also, he’s a good 6 feet of pure muscle. Oboro’s snuck enough glances in the locker room to know that underneath that drab outfit, Shota is packing a shit ton of muscle mass. His eyes roam across Shota’s trim waist and he longs to move his hands down to grip his thin hips. But no…that would be weird. Best friends don’t grab each other by the waist.
He brings his stare up to the grey capture weapon is wrapped loosely around Aizawa’s neck. This is a new addition to the costume – Shota has been training with the support item for a good two years now, and has only just begun to master it. This is the first time Oboro has seen him wear it in the field, and he has to admit that it looks pretty cool. Shota is just so fucking cool and beautiful that it hurts Oboro sometimes. It makes his heart squeeze in all the worst ways. He feels his pulse quicken as he thinks through a plan that he’s been working to hatch for months now. A plan that can now unfurl itself since Oboro and Shota are completely alone.
He continues to survey Shota thoughtfully. Shota’s face grows a bit hot under the scrutiny; he’s honestly not sure what’s got Oboro so locked in on his costume. It must be the binding clothes – they are a new addition, after all. It must be something more than that, though. Shota has been trained to understand a shift in body language – something is making Shirakumo nervous.
Oboro gulps down his fear – it’s now or never. “You know what you need, Sho? A pick me up!”
“Coffee would be nice.” Shota says hopefully, his angst melting away a bit at the mention of caffeine.
“No, no, not coffee. Something else.” Oboro says teasingly, but now Shota feels extra annoyed at being denied the simple pleasure of caffeine. “Quick, close your eyes!”
“Ughhhh.” Shota lets out a long noise of aggravation but complies. He lets his eyes flutter closed, assuming Oboro is going to do some of his usually hippy dippy guided meditation shit. Not that he minds – he loves the gentle timber of Oboro’s voice as he talks Shota through a calming meditation. It’s something Oboro does often amongst their friend group. His mom is a yoga instructor, and he channels her energy well. If everyone is grouchy he’ll demand they do a quick reset and take them through a 10 minute gratitude meditation. By the end, they are all usually feeling a bit less on edge. Shota lets his mind clear in preparation for Oboro’s upbeat voice to implore him to set an intention.
But there’s only silence.
Shota stands quietly for a moment, eyes closed. He’s trying to be patient as he humors his friend, but his nerves are already so on edge today that he’s getting a little fidgety. Meanwhile, Oboro is trying to pluck up the nerve to carry out his big, beautiful master plan. He takes a step closer to Shota, sweating.
“…Oboro?” Shota asks aloud, waiting for a response. Nothing. Instead, he hears a shuffling of shoes as Oboro scoots closer and closer to him. He almost jumps out of his skin when he feels his friend’s warm hand cup his cheek. Shota’s eyes fly open and he finds himself nose to nose with Shirakumo, their faces just inches apart.
“I’m gonna show you something better than caffeine, Sho.” Oboro whispers, his voice husky as his eyes dart down to Shota’s lips. Shota’s brain is going absolutely haywire and he breathes in sharply. He can’t seem to comprehend that Oboro is so fucking close and touching his face. His hand is so warm and soft against the rough stubble of Shota’s cheek, and his skin smells like mint and fresh baked bread. It’s intoxicating. Shota feels his body leaning in towards Oboro, wanting more of whatever is happening here. Shota wants to melt into him, wants their bodies to slide together and become inseparable. This is not something that friends usually do, is it? He doesn’t fucking care.
Oboro brushes his thumb across Shota’s lower lip. He smiles as he stares at his friend’s irresistibly perfect cupid bow. He licks his own lips before leaning in and closing the distance between them. Shota’s eyes widen as soft, pillowy lips press against his own. He’s never been kissed before, and so he never knew how wonderful it could feel to have his mouth slide and press against someone else’s lips. He feels like there’s an ocean full of stars in his chest, fizzling and popping and threatening to burst out of the spot where his heart lives.
Oboro deepens the kiss, sliding his hand behind Shota’s head and up into his hair. He pulls his friend closer so that their chests touch. Shota winds shaky arms around his friend’s neck and kisses him back with such ferocity it leaves him breathless. For a moment, he wonders if he’s doing it right. But based on the way that Oboro is enthusiastically kissing him back and pulling at the roots of his hair, he figures he must be doing enough right for now.
When they finally break apart, the first stars of the evening are starting to wink down at them from above in the dark city sky. The final rays of the sun have disappeared behind the skyscrapers and the city streets seem to be quiet in the summer haze.
Shota looks up at his friend, his arms still wrapped around Oboro’s neck. He’s feeling shaky and winded, his heart beating far too fast for his liking. He finds he doesn’t feel much like brooding anymore.
Oboro gazes down at him through heavy lashes, his face plastered with a smile of fondness and warmth that Shota has never quite seen before.
Shirakumo is the first to speak. “Sho…I’ve been wanting to do that, like, forever.” He laughs, a bright sound that hangs in the thick summer air and wraps around Shota like a warm blanket.
“…really?” Shota asks, stunned. He can feel his face is flushed but he doesn’t feel the need to hide it.
“Of course! I’ve been wanting to kiss you for literal months!” Oboro says before freeing a hand so he can point at the alleyways below them. “I even asked the sidekicks if they could leave us up here alone for a while, hoping I could gather up the nerve to finally do it.”
Shota freezes at this and then lets out a long groan of irritation. “Oboro. You’re telling me that you purposefully got us assigned to a fake mission? You knew we weren’t going to do any hero work tonight?”
Oboro raises an eyebrow. “Are you complaining?” He dips down and kisses Shota soundly on the lips, eliciting a surprised groan of satisfaction from his friend. He breaks the kiss with a smack of his lips. “Yeah, I didn’t think so.”
“You’re purposefully inhibiting my education.” Shota says, trying to keep his usual neutral look pasted on his face. He can’t help the way his cheeks are twitching into a grin. “You’re a menace to me, and to society.”
“And don’t you forget it.” Oboro winks and it sends shivers up Shota’s spine.
A sidekick’s voice crackles through their earpieces once again. “Eraser Head and Loud Cloud – we rounded up all the criminals and we’re done for the night. Report back to agency HQ for a debrief. Over and out.”
“Sounds like we need to head out.” Oboro says, with no intention of releasing Shota from his warm embrace.
“Yeah.” Shota says simply, having nothing else important to add. He’s punch drunk on all the kissing and his head is spinning – he can’t make sense of the fact that his best friend might actually like him back.
“Don’t worry.” Oboro says, activating his quirk to summon a large cloud beneath the two of them. “We can take the long way back – I think we have a lot to talk about.”
“Mm.” Shota nods, feeling like an idiot. He’s tongue-tied, not sure how to even begin to start this next conversation. The cloud is cushy and Shota moves apart from Oboro so that it can support his weight. They both get into comfortable sitting positions and Oboro directs the cloud to take them to midtown.
“Or…we can just kiss the whole ride home.” Oboro suggests mischievously, reaching to grab Shota by the binding clothes and pull him roughly back into his arms.
“A better pick me up than caffeine, a hundred times over.” Shota breathes before craning up to meet his friend’s lips.
I hope you enjoyed!!
For more fun and flirty fics, check out my masterlist!
Thanks for reading! 💕 - RedRiotUnbreakableHeart
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lexa-griffins · 6 months
"Don't Hold Back" for the fic title
I feel like this is definitely nudging me towards a certain place so I'll comply... under the cut! 😝
But first the non smut one:
Canon world, maybe. A Lexa doesn't die, the end of the world doesn't happen (again) story.
Clarke has taken up training with Anya. She is not training to be a warrior by any means, but to survive on the ground in the high position Clarke as proven herself worthy off she needs to be able to defend herself properly, not just with a gun and pure brute force.
Per Lexa's request Anya goes easy on Clarke, who ends most training sessions on her back, breathless, listening to a list of everything she did wrong given to her by a disappointment Anya.
All it takes is for Anya to question if something was to happen to Lexa with Clarke around, the commander would be sure to die thanks to Clarke's inability to fight.
That sets Clarke off immediately. She is throwing herself at Anya who dodges her and pocks her again, reminding her how she would be unable to even catch whoever hurt Lexa. And Clarke launches at her again, this time landing a punch. Anya is quick to rise and throw one back, but Clarke is quicker and moves, avoiding the hit. The pride in Anya’s face shines for barely a second.
Lexa watches from the sidelines, hidden by the shadows of the trees. Anya is correct that Clarke would probably not be capable of helping Lexa if something was to go wrong. Lexa thinks she would very much prefer the sky girl leave her to die if they ever find themselves in such a situation but knowing Clarke, she would not back down so it is best she knows how to fight.
A loud thud reaches her as she watches as Anya falls on the dirt, Clarke's knee holding her down, a dagger on Anya’s neck.
The older woman chuckles darkly, looking at the wild beast in Clarke's eyes, "She finally got me Heda."
At Lexa's title, Clarke turns her head abruptly, sheepishly dropping the dagger as Lexa comes forward and towards them.
Lexa simsply nods, a proud smile on her face. Staring at her, Clarke's eyes feel tamed once more and she feels the adrenaline leave her and a smile blossom. She helps Anya off the floor.
"It seems she is ready for the next step." Its the first thing Lexa says. Clarke stares at her slightly confused, "and Anya this time, no need to hold back."
Clarke barely has the time to open her mouth before she is being thrown on the ground.
(Also g!p clarke. Duh.). Smutty but with quite a soft undertone to it, building trust and confidence in bed between them.
They've been managing to take things as slow as they can. With the desperation burned out during their first time, they get to slowly learn about each other's bodies and likes.
Lexa has never explicitly told Clarke she likes it soft and gentle, but perhaps it was her tears or the lovestruck look she gives Clarke that gave her that impression and so, with out ever truly confirming it, Clarke goes slow with Lexa, lovingly. Oh so sweet.
Lexa loves it. But she knows Clarke is holding back. And Lexa... Lexa is quite tired of being treated like she might break during sex.
Slowly Lexa would encourage Clarke to let go fully in bed. Urge her on. Ask her to go harder and faster. Nudging Clarke to place them in positions easier to allow her to go harder.
Until the one night when Lexa demands it of her. "Don't hold back, niron. Give me all."
And so Clarke kisses her, the last piece of softness for the next while.
And Lexa loves her soft niron. Loves the care Clarke takes with her, always entering her slowly, allowing Lexa the time to adjust. Never rushing, always assuring, always asking. But this Clarke? This is the woman of passion and fervor she fell in love with. Desperate and rough and so full of passion as she fucks Lexa onto the mattress.
The first of many, I'm sure.
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adamsrcnan · 10 months
Wrote a little jerejean thing!!
Jean wasn’t entirely sure what kind of person he was if he was being honest with himself. Most of his life was spent trying not to die, and when he looked back at his life, he wasn’t entirely sure what it was he was holding onto. What pieces of himself wanted to stay.
Maybe it was Exy. Maybe it was the small moments where he’d look out at the fans in the stands with fake 3’s painted on their faces, and Moreau jersey’s on their backs, and he’d allow himself to feel good about the little following he had secured that supported him. Maybe it was the quiet private moments between himself and Kevin, where they’d whisper reassurances to each other in French, and patch each other’s wounds up like sorry fools. Maybe it was the fleeting feeling of control he would experience every so often on the court when he’d smack a ball so hard and it would land precisely where he wanted it to. Or, maybe it was that deep and daunting fear that, if he ever took his own life, Riko would find a way to bring him back and torture him for trying to leave.
Jean wasn't sure.
But, as he sat there on the sidelines of the Trojans' court, grounding himself with the weight of his racket in his crooked hands, he thought maybe his answer could be found in the feeling he got in his chest as he watched his captain glide across the space.
He knew what the feeling was. Had felt it in the quiet, secret spaces shared with Kevin, in Renee's gentle and cherubic nature, but he also knew this was different. This was more. This was scary. This was thrilling. For the first time in his life this had made him want to really truly stay.
The only thing Jean had ever understood about himself was that fear was what drove him. Fear of pain and of punishment was what pushed him to get up after every knock down, every injury, every cruelty. That no exceptions would ever be made for him and no excuse ever valid. That he was never going to make it past graduation, and he was okay with that. It was the only kind of fear Jean knew. He didn't realise there could be any other.
Until he met the force of nature that was Jeremy Knox.
Now as he watched Jeremy jog across the court, gesturing with his outstretched arm as he called his team to action, he understood there was another kind of fear that existed. A good kind, though no less overwhelming. But Jean found he liked that.
Jeremy Knox exuded a natural charisma Jean had never seen before. It filled the space of every room he stepped into. Jean was in no doubt everyone in Jeremy's sphere knew this. It was there, in the way bodies moved towards him like they couldn't get close enough. Arms always thrown over his shoulders and palms always clasped a little too tight, and a little too long, after a hand shake or a high five. Eyes that skittered away but always went back. Because nobody could ever resist staring directly into the sun.
Jean closed his eyes then and leaned his head back against the court walls. Bright spots filled the darkness behind his eye lids, all shaped like Jeremy's face. He breathed in deeply and focused on the sounds around him. Sneakers squeaking on the floor, the swoosh of a racket cutting through the air, the echos of balls smacking against the floor and the walls. His body jumped slightly as footsteps ran past a little too close, but he kept his eyes closed and his breathing steady. He was safe. He was safe here.
His heart stuttered. His eyes opened.
There was his sun.
Balancing himself on one knee, forearm resting on the other. Eyes locked on Jean's, smile filling his cheeks.
Jean Moreau was in love.
Jean Moreau wasn't sure yet what kind of person he was. He thought perhaps he would never know. But he knew now he was a person who could fall in love. A person who could feel a gentle soft thing like this. Jeremy had stilled the raging storms inside him just a little bit more and more every day.
Now, Jean knew for sure that this was something he was holding on to. Because he wanted it. He wanted it fiercely. He wanted it desperately. And Jean had never been able to want before. He thought he'd hate it. But he loved it. It scared him because of the way it made him want to heal, want to reach out, want to find peace. Because of the way it made him want to stay.
The love he felt for Jeremy Knox made him always want to be bathed in his light.
Jean leaned forward pressing into Jeremy's space. Eyes scanning his face. Jeremy's smile never wavered, in fact it got bigger as his eyes stayed fixed on Jean's.
"Ready to jump back in?" Jeremy asked, still all smiles.
It was infectious and Jean's lips twitched.
Their faces were inches apart and Jean closed the gap as he pressed his forehead into Jeremy's. He smiled fully then, as he felt Jeremy press back.
They were sweaty and smelly and Jean breathed it in.
"Oui," he answered.
Jean spent most of his life trying not to die. He could never figure out what he was holding onto.
Now, as he stood on the Trojans' court in the Tronjans' colours, his big crooked hand wrapped around Jeremy's small soft one, as he took his weight and hauled him up off the floor, he felt that soft thing wrap around his heart.
In that moment, Jean Moreau determined, he would spend the rest of his life living.
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you as a Fatui healer, one of the most reliable in the entire organization. it's no surprise that you've been assigned to work under the Harbingers- you're a more helpful doctor than Dottore, since you prefer to heal and mend wounds rather than experimenting on them, and you're also pleasant to be around which can be quite rare in the Fatui. your most frequent patient is by far the Young Lord, Tartaglia- rarely does a week go by without a drop in from the Eleventh Harbinger, a charming grin on his face and some new gash or injury somewhere on his body. it almost seems like he enjoys getting hurt as much as he loves battle, and when you say as much with an exasperated sigh he simply laughs and teasingly replies that maybe it's you he likes. you scoff and roll your eyes, but you can't prevent the corners of your lips twitching up occasionally. sometimes it seems like it's true, too, with the way he greets you outside of your clinic and the playful ruffles he gives to your hair- but he's a Harbinger and you're just a medic, so of course it can't be reality no matter how much you secretly want it to. Tartaglia's only love is battle, so you'll settle with patching him up and sitting on the sidelines until you're no longer useful to the Fatui. it's late one night when you're reorganizing your supplies, all the other agents either home or asleep somewhere in the Headquarters, when something quite literally crashes through the door and into your clinic. your head snaps towards the sound, hand already hovering over the small blade you keep on your person at all times as you silently stalk towards whatever, or whoever, dares disturb the peace so late. when you round the corner you come face-to-face with a terrifying monster- twice your height and covered in violet and charcoal armor, a red mask covering its face with two twin horns, and claws so sharp and deadly they send shivers up your spine- for a moment you see your life before your eyes, but you stand your ground, clutching your blade. "Who are you and what do you want?" to your surprise, the monster doesn't attack- instead it simply lets out a frightened whine and presses its back against the wall, sliding down until it's sitting with its head in his knees. tentatively you come closer, blade still in hand, and the monster shrinks away with a pained whimper. upon closer inspection you can see its armor is littered in wounds both large and small, allowing glittering, inhuman blood to drip through, and your heart aches for this poor, scared creature. so you do what you do best, and fetch a medical kit. the monster looks at you, shivering, but you simply kneel and begin tending to its injuries, shushing it gently when it yelps or flinches in pain. soon the trembles wracking the beast's body slow and it allows you to continue in silence, claws occasionally tapping on the floor. by the time all the wounds are treated you're exhausted, but smiling because the creature lets out a quiet, grateful chirp before scooting closer to you. you stare up into its single crystalline eye, and it stares back down at you earnestly, leaning as close as it can without actually touching you. "Who are you?" the monster rumbles softly, one hand coming up to rest on your shoulder and the other moving towards your head. you watch, but stay still, curious to see what the creature has in mind, and as gentle as can be, you feel claws delicately ruffle your hair before retreating. your eyes widen as you crane your neck and continue to gaze into the azue eye of Lord Tartaglia, and he, in turn, settles his forehead against the crook of your neck, star-dotted wings fluttering weakly but happily with the knowledge that he's been reunited with the person he's loved ever since he saw you. your hands find purchase in his fluffy ginger hair, and you swear you hear him let out soft purrs as you thread your fingers through the locks, mumbling out the only thought on your mind. "What happened to you...?"
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across-violet-skies · 7 months
Febuwhump day 29: not allowed to die
Whumpees: the Chain
Whump Rating: 10/10
TWs: major character death (of sorts. it's complicated), blood & injury
Time seemed to slow down as Hyrule glanced over at his teammates.
Time and Warriors were holding their ground, as were Sky and Twilight. Wild was in the trees somewhere, picking off monsters with his bow, and Legend was blasting monsters with his fire rod.
Wind was down for the count. He would be fine, but he couldn’t fight in his current state, so he was sitting on the sidelines woozily. Wild was close enough to keep an eye on him, at least.
Which left Four. He had been fighting alongside Wind, but now with the sailor out of commission, monsters were beginning to gang up on the smithy. He slashed furiously at Bokoblins and Moblins as they surrounded him, finding their smallest member to be an easy target. Four was strong and a capable fighter for sure, but there were only so many monsters that one person could reasonably manage at one time, and the smith was reaching that limit.
Hyrule watched with horror as a Moblin raised a spiked club, swinging it with incredible speed and dexterity for a beast of that size.
“Four!” Hyrule called, alarmed.
It was too late.
The traveler watched with horror as Four turned to look, eyes widening for a split second before the club made contact with his chest, creating the most terrible cracking sound. The smithy flew backward into a sturdy tree, crumpling into a pile on the ground.
“FOUR!” Hyrule screamed, sending a sword beam through a Lizalfos’ throat before running to his friend. The monsters had dispersed already, assuming the smithy to be dead.
Hyrule desperately hoped they were wrong. They had to be wrong.
Legend, who had also seen the events, came running as well. Hyrule skidded to his knees next to Four, frantically searching for a pulse or breathing or something. He couldn’t be dead. He had to be alive. He had to be.
“I’ll guard you!” The Veteran yelled, falling into a defensive stance as more monsters approached the fallen smithy.
Hyrule didn’t bother replying, too focused on finding a pulse. Four’s body– so small, so vulnerable like this– was mangled, especially in the chest area. But there was a faint movement there, a strained breath. Four was alive, but only just. He would have to heal this quickly if the smith was going to continue to live.
Focusing, Hyrule shut his eyes, puffing out his cheeks. Magic pooled in his hands, and he slammed a ton of it into Four all at once, crying out. Green tendrils poured from the traveler, sinking into the smithy’s broken body. Four shuddered and choked, quickly going silent. Tears leaked from the corners of Hyrule’s closed eyes as he continued pressing everything he had into Four in hopes of healing him.
“Oh…” Twilight murmured breathlessly. Hyrule didn’t dare turn around as more presences made themselves known around him. One got close, grabbing Four’s wrist, then pressing fingers against his neck.
“Four…” Sky whispered, voice breaking.
A gentle hand laid itself on the traveler’s shoulder. “Hyrule…” It was Twilight. “Hyrule, stop.”
Stop? Why would he stop? Four needed to be healed, and that’s what he was doing! If he stopped, then…
“Hyrule,” Twilight repeated, firmer this time. “Link. You need to stop. You can’t do anything.”
Hyrule froze. What? No, no, he could do something… the only way his magic wouldn’t help was if Four was already dead, and that couldn’t… no. He couldn’t be. Four wasn’t allowed to die, he wasn’t allowed to die! Nobody could die, no, none of them could die…
Heart pounding, Hyrule peeked his eyes open. Warriors was sitting on the smith’s other side, eyes solemn as he shook his head. Four was lying perfectly still, partially healed but not quite enough. It hadn’t been enough. He couldn’t save Four. Four was dead.
Hyrule screamed.
He screamed, sobbing as he collapsed onto the smithy’s still– too still – body. No, not body– Four’s corpse. Because Four was dead and Hyrule couldn’t save him and it just wasn’t enough no matter what he did. Maybe if he hadn’t wasted time searching for a pulse, maybe if his magic was stronger, maybe if Four hadn’t been cornered in the first place-
“Hyrule.” Twilight’s strong arms wrapped around him, holding him in a tight hug. “You did everything you could. It’s okay.”
It’s okay? It’s okay?! How could anything be okay?! One of them was dead on the ground and it was okay? Nothing was okay! How were they supposed to move on from this?
All that came out was a choked sob as Hyrule crumpled against Twilight’s chest, shaking with each pained cry. The rancher held him gently, rubbing the traveler’s back.
Time, Warriors, and Sky carefully wrapped up Four’s body, treating him with the utmost care and respect. Sky cried softly as he helped, and Time and Warriors’ eyes were misty as well. Wild and Legend had both disappeared somewhere, and Wind was just coming to.
“Here, Hyrule,” Twilight murmured, petting the brunette’s hair comfortingly. “Why don’t you help the sailor? Do you have enough magic left?”
Hyrule nodded miserably, hands glowing as he sobbed brokenly. Wind’s dazed expression dissipated as the magic flowed, healing his head injury with ease. At least he could do that… but it was too late for Four. The smithy was dead, wrapped up in his favorite blanket with all those colors on it. Almost like his tunic, Hyrule thought, sobbing weakly.
“Ughhh,” Wind groaned, holding a hand to his head. “What happened?”
Twilight stood up, leaving Hyrule to usher their youngest away. “Let’s talk,” the rancher said to Wind, dragging him away from the scene.
Now it was only Hyrule, Sky, Time, and Warriors. Well, and Four. But Four was-
“‘Rulie,” Sky sniffled, wrapping the traveler in a hug. “I’m so sorry, I wish I could’ve been here to help. You did your best… I’m so sorry!” The Skyloftian knight held Hyrule close as they cried together, wrapped up in each other’s arms.
“I…” Warriors sighed, clearly upset despite his attempts to conceal it. “I guess I’ll go look for Champ and Vet.”
“Someone should stay here with…” Time grimaced, gesturing to the blanket wrap that held the smithy’s corpse. “You go on ahead, try to find them. We’ll search for a gravesite when all of us are together.”
“...Right.” Warriors ran off without another word, but his sobs were loud enough to hear anyway. Sky and Hyrule remained on the ground, clutching each other like their life depended on it. Time stood over Four’s body, closing his eye as he hung his head. It was clear the loss was taking a toll on all eight of them, but Hyrule was easily the most upset. He blamed himself, after all.
“You did your best…” Sky repeated, sniffling. “It’s not your fault.”
“It’s not any of our faults,” Time agreed. Sky and Hyrule glanced up at him with teary eyes. “We couldn’t have known. We… there was nothing we could do to stop it.” The Old Man sighed, shaking his head. “I never wanted to bury one of our own.”
“None of us do,” Twilight replied, expression solemn. Wind followed behind him, sniffling as he laid eyes on the small wrapped body.
“Four,” he whispered, jaw dropping as he stared, wide-eyed. “No, I- no.”
Sky opened his arm, scooting so there was more space. “C’mere.”
Wind fell to his knees, sobbing as he leaned into Sky and Hyrule. The three of them cried together while Twilight joined Time’s vigil over Four’s body. Warriors returned soon after with Wild and Legend, bringing their number back up to nine eight. Wild took one look at the blanket wrap before breaking down, sobbing into Twilight’s arms. Legend just stared numbly, expression unreadable.
“We should find somewhere to bury him,” Time murmured after a few minutes.
Warriors nodded. “We’ll have ourselves a little funeral. A… proper sendoff.”
“He wouldn’t’ve wanted anything fancy,” Wild added, voice breaking as he tried not to cry.
“I found a place.” Everyone turned to look at Legend, save for the three on the ground. The Vet’s expression remained emotionless as he stared at the body of his friend. “South from here. Bunch’a mushrooms and shit around.”
He would've liked it there went unsaid.
Time nodded, for once not bothering to correct the language. “We’ll check it out.”
They gathered their things, and Time carefully lifted Four’s body, draping him over his shoulder. Twilight carried Wild, and Warriors carried Wind. Sky helped Hyrule to his feet, offering a ride to the traveler as well. The kid was small enough to carry without much difficulty anyway, and he was extremely distraught by the day’s events (as the rest of them were).
So Time, Twilight, Warriors, Sky, and Legend walked south until they found a nice spot, setting their stuff up for the night. Hyrule and Wind were sent to bed (neither of them could sleep, but some rest would do them some good), Legend sat and stared at the campfire, and Wild made a spot for himself up in a tree. Sky sat near Legend, carving something, and Time, Warriors, and Twilight dug a hole.
As dusk approached, all eight of them gathered around the hole in the ground, around six feet deep but around four feet in length. No words passed between the eight remaining Links as Four’s body was lowered into the ground, buried with dirt until a small lump of raised ground was the only sign of their fallen comrade’s grave.
Wild approached silently, jamming a row of tied sticks in the dirt over Four’s head. He bowed his head, pressing a hand into the dirt sadly. When Wild retreated, Sky took his place, kneeling to the side of the grave to lay a small, wooden sword, carved by his own hand. It resembled Four’s weapon but with a small feather carved in the handle, nearly identical to the one the smithy had worn as an earring.
“We’ll miss you,” Sky whispered, closing his eyes as he lifted his face to the darkened sky. “Rest in peace, Link.”
Hyrule and Wind both wore miserable expressions, faces stained with tear tracks matching their red, puffy eyes. The pair clung to each other, doing their best to stifle any sobs. Legend’s facade had finally cracked, and his eyes were rimmed red as tears slipped silently down his cheeks. Warriors had shed a few tears as well, and Twilight was sniffling as he hugged Wild close. Time’s head was bowed, but a stray tear or two dripped off into the dirt below.
None of them could believe Four was really gone. They buried him, they mourned him, but it hadn’t actually set in yet. Denial hit hard among the remaining Heroes of Courage as they said their final goodbyes to one of their own.
They say it gets worse before it gets better, but it was hard to imagine things getting worse than this. Maybe they would never fully recover from losing Four. They would be forced to move on nevertheless. Fate was cruel in that way.
None of them slept a wink that night. Those who tried were quickly awoken by nightmares, forced to relive the death of their friend. The death of their brother. And, once sunrise was upon them, a portal appeared, forcing them to move on against their will. And once the last Link passed through, it closed, sealing Four away from them forever. The smithy was really, truly gone, and there was nothing any of them could do about it.
Wind and Hyrule both blamed themselves. If Wind hadn’t gotten knocked out, if Hyrule had been faster, if someone had just been there to look out for Four-
There was no use dwelling on the past, no matter how painful it was. You can’t change the past. Nobody could change the past. Whatever happens happens and there’s nothing anyone can do to fix it.
Time pulled out his ocarina, smoothing his hand over it.
He covered the holes with his fingers, preparing for that first note.
He held the instrument up to his lips…
…and played the Song of Time.
–> support me on ao3!
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idekforfun · 1 year
Comfort ... JJk
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Summary: After scoring an invite to JHope's album release party, Yazmine isn't expecting anything more than to stick to the sidelines and enjoy the free drinks and music. Little did she know what her ever growing relationship with the rapper would lead her to.
Pairing: Idol!Jungkook x OC
Genre: Fluff, slight angst, strangers to lovers, ongoing series
Word count: 2.7k
The only thing I am able to think of as my eyes scatter across the room of popular faces is "the amount of talent in this room is enough to swallow me whole". I’m overwhelmed with anxiety and I can't seem to remember how I was ever able to suppress it. I'm finding it increasingly hard to hide behind my extrovert persona, the one that is a lie, a huge lie in fact.
 I realized I had been lost in my head when the sound of loud clapping brought me back to the real world. I barely catch the very end of Hoseok's speech, something along the lines of "Thank you for supporting me", and "enjoy the food and music" then he gives a bow and walks down the stairs where he is immediately pulled into conversation. Oh, I can't even imagine the anxiety he must be feeling. I could simply stick to a corner and hide in the shadows, whereas he has to socialize with everyone out of obligation.
Socializing. For some reason I forgot that I'd have to do that. I've been able to avoid it thus-far having arrived minutes before the actual album started playing. Now, everywhere I looked someone was talking to someone else. I realized I couldn't just stand here alone forever. I examine the room for someone I know, even better someone I have interviewed because I'll take any familiarity I can at this point. This whole ordeal is making me question my job because how am I able to meet celebrities on the daily, and here I am stressing about having to socialize at a party.
I was too in my head again, so I didn't realize someone had been calling my name until I felt a few taps on my shoulder. When I turn around, I was met with no other than Jessi, thank god. We have met on more than one occasion, and she has a weird ability of making people extremely comfortable, something I am immensely thankful for right now.
"Yaz!" She pulls me into a hug. It actually does well to soothe me. "I didn't know you were coming."
"I didn't know either," I pulled back from the hug with a gentle smile. "Actually, I was kind of surprised."
"Why, are you and J-hope not close?" she questioned.
"I mean, I had him on the show and we got on really well. We've also messaged a lot, too." I know I sound hesitant speaking, as if I'm not sure of the words I am saying. It is kind of hard to believe that Hoseok would want a friendship with me of all people, let alone be close.
"Oh, he definitely adores you, we even talked about you once," she has a sparkle in her eye as she talks and for some reason, I feel obliged to believe her. "Also, he was one of the best episodes on your show by far."
She is right about that. It has been my most viewed interview by a pretty wide margin. Part of me knows it’s due to the fact that he is J-hope of BTS, obviously, but it was also such a good video. All my interviews follow a simple formula. I bring the guest on and we engage in whatever activity they enjoy, in Hoseok’s case dancing. It brings a different level of intimacy that you can’t get from simply sitting across from one another and reading questions from a card. The conversation always flows naturally, and it’s all so genuine. On top of that, even I can admit that Hoseok and I just clicked. Our personalities complimented each other well. So much that we even continued to develop our relationship through messaging, and now I am attending his album release party which is a very important step in his solo career. Maybe we are closer than I allowed myself to believe.
“Yeah, it was pretty great actually.” I could see her eyes light up at my slight self-indulgence. Maybe I should give myself more credit.
We both turn our heads at the call of Jessi’s name from across the room. She gives me another smile and hug and tells me that she’ll find me later. I am left alone again but it’s not as bad as before. The anxiety has decreased significantly, which made my apparent hunger more noticeable. Hoseok did say to enjoy the food so I might as well. The snack table was filled with delicious finger food. As I was reaching my hand to grab a bite of some expensive looking cheese on a toothpick someone called my name. I turned around to find none other than Hoseok’s bright smile.
“So, I see you made it!” He pulled me into a hug. Not the ‘barely touch you because this is a little uncomfortable hug”, but a “I feel like we’ve known each other for years hug’.
“Hoseok, you’re incredible. The album is amazing, the release party is amazing, your outfit is amazing!” We pulled away from the hug and I could see a feint blush on his cheeks hidden well in the dimly lit room. “I’m serious, you may be the coolest person I know.”
“Yahhh, you’re boosting my ego too much.” He said while smiling shyly.
“You also may be the humblest person I know so I actually don’t think that is possible.” He smiled at me again and I swear I saw a glimpse of the actual sun in him.
“Do you know anyone here?”
“A few people, mostly through the grapevine.” He could sense my hesitancy right away, I could tell.          
“Come, I’ll introduce you to my friends.” He said as he gestured to the general direction behind him where his so-called friends were. Knowing him, his friends could be some ultra-famous idols that have better things to do than interacting with me. I could slowly feel the anxiety creep back up my spine, and my heartbeat slowly increased.
“I don’t really want to be a bother,” he looked down at me with squinted eyes and a tilted head. “I promise it’s okay, I like being alone and these appetizers are calling my name.”
He chuckled at me in disbelief, as if that was an insane thing to say in a room full of celebrities. I guess you could say a part of me is forgetting that they are just normal people too, so I shouldn’t be feeling this intimidated by them. At the same time, I’ve seen celebrities get starstruck over other celebrities, so they really aren’t just normal people and I am going to tell myself that my feelings are valid.
“C’mon, you’re never a bother. You’re my friend and I want my friends to meet you” he said reassuringly. I guess that answers my earlier internal debate. After 2 seconds of contemplation, I let myself believe him, and I signaled for him to lead the way. He lit up and tugged on my wrist so I could follow him.
I don’t know who I was expecting him to introduce me to, but for some reason his members stupidly did not come to mind. Three of the seven members of BTS were sitting on the stage together, and their heads all turned to Hoseok and I as we approached them. Despite all my inner turmoil, I take pride in my ability to pretend that I am confident and unfazed by everything. That is how I’ve done so well in my career while dealing with anxiety, but as the three idols studied us as we approached them, I could tell that mainting my persona would be more difficult than usual. I know them of course, because who doesn’t these days, but seeing them in person simply beats videos and pictures. They really were beautiful men.
“Yazmine this is Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook. Guys this is Yazmine.” Hoseok introduced while gesturing to each of them.
“Hi guys its so great to meet you.” I said with a smile. Jungkook and Taehyung who were sitting raised themselves up to give me a bow as well as Jimin who was already standing as I shook my hands at them. “Oh! there’s no need for that we can be casual.”
“Sorry, it’s a habit,” Jimin said with a smile. “After all these years it feels kind of strange not to be formal.”
“That’s how I feel except opposite. Getting used to being formal was a challenge and I sometimes still forget the strict customs.” I explained.
“Sorry if this comes across as rude but you’re not Korean? You’re Korean is really good!” Taehyung questioned.
“It’s not rude at all! I am half Korean from my mom and my dad is middle eastern,” as I was explaining, someone summoned Hoseok over to them and he gave my arm a firm squeeze in parting as he nodded to his members insinuating his departure. “I was raised in the US till age 12 and I’ve been back and forth since then.” I explained as they nodded in understanding. It was endearing how intently they were listening to me, and for some reason I felt oddly at ease with the three. My eyes wandered over to Jungkook’s as I finished my explanation, and as they met he quicky looked away.
“Your interview with Hobi Hyung was amazing by the way,” Jimin said. In the moment I don’t think I even processed that Park Jimin watches my show, I’d have to do that later. “The idea is so new and exciting. I hope that you’ll invite me once I start my solo schedule.” There was a sly smirk on his face. I wondered if it would be inappropriate to tell him I would probably jump off a bus if he asked me to, but I decided to keep that to myself in the end.
“I’ll see what I could do.” I joked back. Out of the corner of my eye I saw someone new approaching us and I turned my head to find Seokjin. I was now surrounded by four members of the group and I am surprised I’ve held my composure for this long.
“Hello,” he says timidly with a subtle bow. “Sorry to interrupt, I just wanted to say bye to these three. I’m Jin.”
Just when I thought these men couldn’t get any better, he introduces himself as if I wouldn’t already know who he is. I gave a bow back and smiled at his humility, “I’m Yazmine, it’s nice to meet you.”
“Hey Jungkook, this must be exciting for you.” At the mention of the youngest members name, I turned to look at him and caught his wide eyes and small headshake towards Jin that I was clearly not meant to see as his eyes shifted to me. “He loves your videos. One time he made me watch three episodes of your trying new things series.”
“Hyung!” Jungkook cried out. Obviously I was not supposed to be filled in on this information, but my heart couldn’t help but beat a little faster at this new discovery.
“Oh, did he now?” I questioned with a smirk. Jungkook’s face twinged a subtle pink that was barely noticeable in the dimly lit room, but noticeable, nonetheless.
“Oh yeah, Jungkookie is always sending us clips from your videos,” Jimin teased. Taehyung started nodding his head enthusiastically and decided he also wanted to join in on teasing the youngest.
“You should have seen his reaction when he found out Hobi Hyung was making an appearance, he was so jeal-”
            “Okay that’s enough.” Jungkook interrupted with an annoyed expression. Despite how much I was enjoying this, I also felt a little bad for him, and I’m sure he’s been at the center of their teasing all these years.
            “Well, I really appreciate the support, and it means a lot coming from you especially.” I reassured him. He gave me a shy small in return.
            “Well it was nice to meet you Yazmine, I am sure we’ll run into each other again,” Jin said with a warm smile. “Before I leave Hobi wants a picture with all of us.” He said while gesturing to the other members. They all nodded in agreement.
            As they all turned to follow Jin, Jimin turned to me and nudged my arm with his. “Don’t go too far, we’ll be back soon.”
“I’ll be here.” I reassured. I definitely wasn’t comfortable enough to talk with anyone else here, and their welcoming energy was definitely more than enough for me. Jimin and Taehyung followed Jin, while I noticed Jungkook lingering a bit. I could tell he had something on his mind that he wanted to say.
            “Isn’t it a bit early for Jin to be leaving?” I questioned. This was my best attempt at making him comfortable enough to tell me what was on his mind.
            “This isn’t really Jin Hyungs scene, he doesn’t really know many people and he gets nervous meeting them too.” Jungkook explained. I almost did not catch the end of what he was saying because I was too distracted by his eyes. They really do sparkle just like everyone says.
            “Wow, if that’s how Jin feels then I really am hopeless.” I said in shock. If a literal bts member was having trouble socializing, I was doomed.
            “Not completely hopeless, you have us now.” He said with the most endearing smile I have ever seen. There was also something about how he said “You have us now”, as if he was insinuating that I would be in their lives longer than just a casual conversation at a party. I know it’s probably my delusion speaking, but it’s a nice thought to comfort me.  “By the way I really do enjoy your videos a lot. I guess it’s kinda embarrassingly obvious now that I am a fan.” He said with a little more confidence while referring to the teasing from his Hyungs.
            “If it makes you feel better, I have 3 older brothers, so I know how it feels. Also, I am slightly embarrassed because of how many stupid things you’ve probably seen me do. It’s actually all coming back now.” I laughed. I started internally second guessing every decision I made for my videos because Jeon fucking Jungkook watches them, and I pray that he has not seen the bird calling video.
            “What, like the bird calling video?” He says with a chuckle. This is not happening right now.
            “I am actually going to ignore what you just said for mental health reasons.” He lets out a boyish laugh at that and I swear I’ve never heard something more adorable in my life. I would honestly embarrass myself 100 times over if it meant that I could make him laugh.
            We both turn our heads at the call of his name and see the members waving him over for the pictures.
            “I’m sorry I don’t want to leave you alone…” He says hesitantly.
            “No, don’t worry about it,” I said. “I’ll just be here trying not to embarrass myself.”
            “I won’t take long so we can be embarrassing together.” He said in a teasing tone. My eyes couldn’t help but widen. I’m either crazy, or he just flirted with me. I could hear his giggle as he turned to walk away while I stood there stunned. The butterflies in my stomach were going crazy as I watched him join the others. Seeing them interact with each other was so special. They looked so happy and comfortable. It was hard not to be slightly envious of their relationship. I can’t remember the last time I had a connection like that with someone, and I could tell it was rare. My eyes naturally wander over to Jungkook as he wrapped his arm around Hoseok. I could see his eyes glistening even from here with joy and contempt. His eyes meet mine and I find myself unable to look away even though I know I’ve been caught staring. His eyes crinkle at the corners as we look at each other, waiting to see who will break eye contact first. My gaze wanders across his nose and cheeks as my face heats up. I force my eyes to meet his one final time and I turn away with a light feeling looming over me.
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drama--universe · 2 years
You're mine tomorrow
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Requested by anonymous: Hello!! Can you do one with Xiao Rui from falling into your smile?
Pairing: Xiao Rui x reader
Word Count: 1840 words
Warnings: none
A/N sorry for the long wait, hope you enjoy :)
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Xiao Rui watched as everyone trained, growing more and more annoyed as it continued. K and Lao Mao were having a fight again over something petty, which only led to them having no communication with each other and ruining their teamwork. On the other hand, Si-Cheng was also playing worse than his usual records. This is, of course, something that only he noticed as the others still send praises his way. Lu Yue and Tong Yao were also bickering loudly on the sidelines, both not allowed to play because they were heavily sick due to late night competitions and lack of decent nutrition.
And yes, snacks did not fall under decent nutrition.
The match ended not much later and Xiao Rui couldn't hide his annoyance as he slammed his notebook down, marching off to calm down a bit. It wouldn't be of any use to yell at them, it would only dampen the mood even more and it was already bad enough at this point. He leaned on the railing, head dropping into his hands as he let out a heavy sigh.
How he was able to deal with them on a daily basis was still something he was proud of and yet it drained all of his energy out of his body, to which he hadn't found a way to gain that energy back.
Unfortunately, tomorrow was a competition. Even when it was just more of a showcase, it was still a way to show their skills and at this rate, not much was going to be shown.
He was pulled from his thoughts as a lollipop was shoved in front of his face. He looked to the side, seeing Si-Cheng next to him and he quickly grabbed the candy.
"You're not-" "Not supposed to eat candy. I know, I know... It helps against stress." Si-Cheng interrupted as he leaned on the railing next to his manager, a lollipop now placed in his own mouth. Xiao Rui glanced back at the candy, but shook his head as he shoved the piece deep into his pocket.
"Lao Mao and K are making up right now and I send Tong Yao and Lu Yue back to their rooms to rest." Si-Cheng said and Xiao Rui thanked him before walking back inside as Si-Cheng promised that the next match would go well.
So, with a very heavy heart, Xiao Rui went to sleep as well.
The next hardest thing happened in the morning. He had to wake everyone up, some more difficult than others. Lu Yue and Tong Yao were the most difficult, both still claiming to be sick and thus could skip. Xiao Rui knew this to be untrue and told them to just wear a mask if they still felt too sick. When they were out, it would come down to waking Xiao Pang. Luckily, Si-Cheng had already taken it upon himself to literally drag said boy out of his bed. This was evident when everyone downstairs heard a loud thump before Xiao Pang's voice rang out with anger.
Nonetheless, they were able to leave 5 minutes before the planned time and thus they had plenty of time to spare once they reached the waiting room. The peace that they had though, didn't last long. The door burst open, revealing Lee Hang-Suk with a bright grin as he found Tong Yao's figure. He greeted her loudly, he woke up everyone that was sleeping. He didn't notice this as he happily started ranting to Tong Yao, blissfully unaware of the glare that was sent his way from Si-Cheng while Tong Yao just gave him a gentle smile.
Xiao Rui, on the other hand, was more annoyed by the young man like Si-Cheng was, just for different reasons. His head felt like it was splitting open ever since he woke up and the loud chattering did not help his migraine.
So, of course, he was thankful when it stopped. Thankful, but confused. The silence was soon explained when he looked up, seeing a sight that he was definitely not expecting to see.
In the middle of the room stood Hang-Suk, loudly yelling at the person who stood beside him. That person held Hang-Suk's ear tightly, pulling him to up to their height while scolding him in what sounded like Korean.
Xiao Rui felt his heart spike as he saw you, supposedly his manager by the way you talked to Hang-Suk.
"I apologize for him, I keep loosing him. At this point, the company will fire me if I lose him again." You mumbled to Tong Yao in Chinese and now Xiao Rui was certain that you were Hang-Suk's manager. Hang-Suk was still trying to get out of your grip, but you only twisted his ear more for him to stop.
"Please excuse me now." You spoke before you walked out, dragging Hang-Suk behind you as you walked back to the waiting room for your team.
He saw you again during competition, both of you standing at the front row as you watched the match. Unlike him, you weren't taking any notes and just watched intensely with a proud smile.
"Do you not take notes?" He asked, voice barely above the loud soundtrack that played through the stadium and you turned his way before shaking your head.
"I don't think it's important now, they're just having fun now." You commented and he nodded before watching the game again, still taking notes.
"You should relax, your shoulders are going to hurt from sitting hunched like that." You said a few minutes later and he looked up from his notebook, glancing your way again with a raised eyebrow before he slowly sat up straight. You just chuckled before focusing back on the competition once more. However, Xiao Rui couldn't focus on his team anymore, his gaze being pulled your way as you brightly smiled throughout the whole show.
And yes, his team did noticed and teased the hell out of him later on. Where it also went completely unnoticed that your team was only a couple of meters further and probably heard all of it. You, however, were too busy scolding Hang-Suk again for his loudness and irresponsible behavior, aka trying to run off to see Tong Yao again.
A click of a camera caught your attention, looking up to see Si-Cheng with his phone in hand. you didn't really care, but Hang-Suk did care apparently as he pulled himself free from your grip and ran to Si-Cheng while loudly yelling something in Korean. He was going so fast that you could barely follow, but the leader of ZDGX seemed fine as he continued to type in the air while holding the Korean man down.
"Should I be worried?" You mumbled as you got closer to the pair, Xiao Rui right beside you.
"He probably is sending it to Hang-Suk's mother or something like that..." Xiao Rui replied and you looked at him before chuckling softly, crossing your arms.
"Let's hope not, if she visits again..." You paused, feeling a shiver running up your spine as you were reminded of the previous time she visited. Sweet woman, but a bit too honest for anyone's liking and she was not afraid to hurt feelings while doing so...
Deciding that it was enough, you stepped forward again and grabbed the younger's collar. Dragging him back, making him stumble back before he gave a cheeky grin to you.
"Sorry..." He mumbled and rolled your eyes, throwing your arm around his shoulders and locking him into a headlock before turning your head.
"See you next time, Xiao Rui!" You exclaimed with a bright smile before walking off while dragging the younger team member with you as the rest of the team also followed. Xiao Rui couldn't help but smile before frowning as he realized that he never actually told you his name.
"Looks like Xiao Rui has a crush~!" He heard the others tease him again and rolled his eyes before turning around.
"You guys didn't play well, so I'm upping your training to 9 hours a day instead of 7." He commented before walking off, ignoring all the groans and whines behind him.
He then saw you again when you and his group met for a friendly competition, knowing you would not be competing soon in the actual competition until the third or fourth round and thus you could help each other out.
So while the teams played, you went to a café not far from their dorm with Xiao Rui to get coffee for everyone while they practiced. They would be fine for 15 minutes alone, right?
You paid no mind to that thought as you chatted with Xiao Rui on your way to the café, not paying any attention to your surroundings and almost giving Xiao Rui a heart attack every time a car raced past you guys. Every time it happened, he quickly pulled you aside before basically forcing you to walk on the side of the houses instead.
"Thanks." You smiled at him and he almost felt like he got a heart attack, the over-the-top ones like you'd see in anime's. This time it got through him that he indeed had a crush on you, weirdly enough he was quickly okay with it. That, however, did not stop the blush from forming on his face.
"So, why game manager?" You asked and he quickly thought about it, but no answer formed in his head so he just gave a shrug. You just chuckled in response before entering the café and walking to the barista. You started ordering and Xiao Rui noticed that you were ordering his teams drinks as well while the barista looked a bit annoyed at the amount of orders. When you finished ranting all the team drinks and your own, you turned to Xiao Rui again.
"What do you want?" You asked and he quickly told you his usual drink, not having time to think of paying as you already scanned your card.
"You didn't have to pay for that, you know." He said as both of you sat down to wait for everything and you smiled.
"You're paying for dinner, no?" You joked and he chuckled, making you look up with a smile.
"So, how do you spend time when you're not taking notes and such?" You asked, grabbing a snack from your pocket and offering him one.
"I don't really have any free time, my job gets... busy." He sighed loudly and you frowned.
"Wait, wait, wait.... You don't have free time?" When he shook his head, your eyes widened and you leaned forward.
"Okay, I'm stealing you tomorrow. We're gonna have some fun, okay?" You said and he wanted to decline, but you only raised an eyebrow at him and he just nodded.
"Great, it's a date!" You said happily and he looked up again, a blush once again covering part of his face and you smiled before getting up when your name was called. He just followed, still a bit shocked as he grabbed about half of the drinks before you walked back to the dorms.
Once inside, you handed out all the drinks before turning to Si-Cheng.
"Si-Cheng, Xiao Rui is mine tomorrow!"
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theuntitledblog · 2 years
Avatar: The Way of Water (2022) - REVIEW
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Jake Sully and Ney'tiri have formed a family and are doing everything to stay together. However when the Sky People return to hunt them down, they must leave their home and explore the regions of Pandora to find somewhere save to live.
The long awaited sequel to the highest grossing movie of all time has arrived with much fanfare and I have to say that watching Avatar: The Way of Water made for an unusual viewing experience. I've described the first film as a technical marvel that disappointed from a storytelling point of view but when it comes to the sequel, it's a somewhat different beast to process. Visually this is a film that I frequently and often was in awe of as the special effects are truly quite something. Does it repeat the same storytelling mistakes of the first Avatar? Not quite but it doesn't fully overcome them either. It does retread a lot of story elements of the first nor are the writers able to serve up anything that may convert the unconverted to James Cameron's vision. There are still sections where characters, both hero and villain, try to learn the way of things, we have a rivalry and a developing future romance but structurally it doesn't feel as predictable as the first. When it comes to spectacle however, The Way of Water surpasses the first film completely.
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James Cameron wastes no time taking us straight back into the world of Pandora and bringing us up to speed with what's been happening in the decade that's passed. The first act of the film moves at a brisker pace as it (re)introduces new and old characters and re-establishes the threat posed by the return of humanity. As with the first, Cameron isn't subtle with his themes which we're reminded of as space ships lay waste to hundreds of acres of forest and later as whalers hunt the Pandora equivalent; the Tulkuns. The second act takes a slower approach once the Sully's encounter the coastal Metkayina clan who teach them The Way of Water in sequences that aren't too dissimilar from where Jake Sully (Sam Worthington) learned the ways of the Omatikaya.
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Cameron and the writers also narrow rather than widen the battle against humanity with the guerilla war that Jake and Neytiri (Zoe Saldana) are fighting becoming a game of cat of mouse against a recognizable foe. The return of Col. Quaritch (Stephen Lang) feels like a strange choice for me as he is resurrected as an Avatar. Lang was a good villain in the first and while Cameron and co try to add some layers to him in his relationship with Spider (Jack Champion), it feels an odd choice not to introduce a new villain at this stage given how definitively Lang's Quaritch was dealt with previously. Also returning characters such as Norm (Joel David Moore) and Mo'at (CCH Pounder) are more or less sidelined entirely and will seemingly have to wait for another sequel to play a major part.
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The Way of Water is unquestionably indulgent with its pacing with large sections where there aren't many action set pieces to break up the slower pace. Your willingness to indulge in this type of world building will be tested by your tolerance for the 3 hour runtime and the interest you hold in the Sully children as characters, particularly Kiri (Sigourney Weaver) and Lo'ak (Britain Dalton). For me the film didn't feel 3 hours long, the story is more character driven and the humans still make for effective villains and are very easy to dislike especially the new whaler, Captain Scoresby (Brendan Cowell) who leads hunts to kill the gentle and sentient Tulkuns. Although it does retread the first in many aspects, The Way of Water doesn't feel as structurally predictable which is probably the biggest and most welcome takeaway I have for the film given my criticism of the last.
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One thing I cannot emphasize enough is just how gorgeous The Way of Water looks; the decade that has passed has clearly allowed the technology to be refined and the results are clear to see. The computer generated Na'Vi look photo real and at no point do any of the aquatic creatures fail to convince as living beings. The first film didn't look terrible by any means however it soared in flourishes rather than a whole whereas this looks striking throughout. Is it likely to win others over to the Avatar banner? I'm not sure however I think this will satisfy existing fans with its new and returning characters, grand visual effects and thrilling set pieces. With the Way of Water, there's little doubt that James Cameron has achieved what he set out to do and there's plenty to admire on screen. Perhaps a tad too familiar in parts with some question marks regarding the choice of villain; this doesn't stop The Way of Water from being a superior film to the first even if I'm not quite able to call it great.
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Avatar: The Way of Water will test some with its slower pace and three hour run time however for me this is a superior film to the first with improved special effects, interesting new characters and thrilling set pieces.
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thejedifairy · 10 months
Rex x Reader - Plants
I have no idea how any of you manage to write with such restraint, this was only meant to be a "short" fic and the next thing I know I'm 4.2k words in. Anyway, I hope you enjoy it :)
“You need to stand aside (Y/N)” Rex commanded as he stared down at you. He stood to his full height, his face a mask of neutrality; one that he always wore when he played the role of Captain when he was not on the battlefield. In his hands, a holopad replaced his helmet. It was primed and ready to take notes and tick off his checklist. Not at all like the soft smiling, easy-going Captain who made your heart flutter when his eyes found yours, no this time business was calling and the battlehardened solider would answer it.
You took a wide stance while you held your hands out across the door frame trying your best to bar access to the Captain as you pleaded your defence “I don’t understand! I am exempt from room searches, please this was an agreement by the General”
“Unfortunately, not this time” He countered “All rooms must be searched by order of the General regardless if you are a soldier or not. Sorry, but you must stand aside” Despite his apologetic tone he still held firm with his command and gestured you to move out of the way.
Due to your position as a civilian medical officer onboard the General Skywalker flagship The Resolute. You were given certain perks alongside accommodation in the barracks on Coruscant; as you held no other dwelling on the planet this was beneficial for you. You got a roof over your head, three square meals a day and in return, they got a full-time medic who was never far at hand should you be needed. This also allowed you to continue any ongoing treatment of any clone after they return planetside. Due to your accommodation being classed as your home, you were exempt from the routine inspections. This of course could be overruled in times of need such as when a potential spy has infiltrated the barracks and was in hiding. You were entirely confident that if this was the reason for the search, your room was in the clear as you would have noticed someone in your room. With this in mind, you took a deep breath and stood your ground.
“(Y/N) If you have nothing to hide, then you have nothing to worry about. Though if someone inside or outside the barracks has given you something to hide, then if you tell me now you wouldn’t be held responsible” You looked over Rex’s shoulder to see the rest of his squad standing at attention outside their respective rooms waiting for the inspection to be over. You caught a few sideline glances and furrowed brows as they watched you openly defy Rex for the first time.
While you knew that you held nothing of that nature, nor were you naive enough to be used in such a manner. Your room would be classed as a potential breach in health and safety and your judgement and suitability of your position of medic of the clones could be called into question. You would be ordered to remove it all, pack your belongings and move to a different sector and you couldn’t bear the thought of following through with such a thing let alone a command to do it.
Shaking your head, you tried once more to convince him “I am not hiding anything of the sort, please Rex you have to believe me, I…. have personal items out .. that would not be ideal for you to see” he brown eyes bore into your own as his brow was raised in question. You hoped he believed the lie, that he would become uncomfortable with his thoughts as they delved into what the personal items could be. That he would let out a deep sigh and let the inspection pass.
A deep sigh you got, though his words only made your stomach sink “I’ll ask once more, step aside” Feeling a gentle yet firm hand on your shoulder, you looked up to notice Echo who gave you a small yet concerned smile. You knew refusing a command would only be another way for you to be disciplined; civilian or not you could only stand your ground so much before it became insubordination. You barely gave any resistance when he tugged you out of the way to allow Rex to proceed forward.
Once you were no longer obstructing his way, Rex used his master code and opened the door. The light brightness level increased automatically as they detected the movement of him entering you could hear an audible “Uhhhh” from the no doubt confused Captain.
“I can explain!” You were quick to shrug off Echo’s hand before you leapt forward to begin to plead your case.
A gasp left your lips as you rounded the door, seeing Rex roughly grab a plant off the wall and hold it up for inspection. “Careful that’s Boils!” you scolded him, snatching the pot and replacing it gently back, your finger lingering on the ceramic.
“(Y/N) What is all this?” You forced yourself to look up, watching him take in your room, though you were sure “Greenhouse” would now be a better name for it. Your space was engulfed by potted plants of all varieties and colours. Long since the steel walls of your room have been devoured by the many shelves of plants whose leaves and flowers stretched the length of the walls. When the shelves could hold no more, you move to the ceilings where several plants hung. They hung at haphazard heights, enough that it would become a head collision danger for anyone else in the barracks should they walk in. Though your small frame proved no concern. You may have gone too far with your collection, as your floor had slowly disappeared and your desk was no longer in use for its intended purpose.
A low whistle made both of you turn towards the door. Clearly, your room was far too interesting for them to continue following their orders of standing attention at their doors. “That… is a lot … of plants” Fives exclaimed as his wide eyes tried to take in everything at once.
“How do you not trip?” Jesse asked as he slowly shuffled into your room, carefully trying to avoid the obstacle course of flora.
Taking a deep breath you turned to answer Rex, the truth has to come out eventually and you should be more surprised it was later rather than sooner considering how much you had in here. “They are honourings… I guess? Shrines? Maybe” You looked around at them all, not failing to notice everyone's attention was on you. You clasped your hands behind your back, hoping that you did not fidget too much under their stares.
“Shrines?” Rex asked as he broke his intense study of one of your hanging plants to turn his attention to you.
Taking a deep breath you met the captain's eyes straight on “For the ones who have fallen” That had his attention. He stood patiently in silence waiting for you to continue. You gestured to the plant with yellow strips decorated on its pot, the one Rex had first picked up. “That is for Boil” Then you pointed to the adjacent pot with the same colours but contrasting pattern “ And that one is for Waxer”
You took a small step over towards a larger succulent plant in a plain white vase “That’s for Hevy and the others that were lost at the outpost” A small sad smile graced your lips as you watched both Echo’s and Fives softened as they both looked at the plant, then to each other.
“You can’t do this, it’s -” Rex started with his voice raised, ready to scold you before you interjected, “I know!” You took a deep breath before continuing “I know, but I was not born a soldier or a Jedi, Rex! I’m a healer and I wasn’t there to save these men, I could not heal them. The one thing I could do and I failed! I cannot live knowing that these men that I cared for are gone and all that is left of them is their numbers in a log somewhere to be part of statistics. I couldn’t say goodbye.” You met Rex’s eyes in a bold defiant gaze “This” You gestured around the room “Was the only way I knew how to cope, that as long as there was something here for them to be remembered by then I would be okay.” your eyesight became blurry as the tears began to well in your eyes, “ It started as one, then two and then it just spiralled! There's too many gone Rex! I’ve lost count” You choked back a sob as the tears rolled down your cheeks to splatter on the floor at your feet, and you furiously wiped them away with the sleeve of your shirt. You didn’t trust yourself to say anymore, if you had, you have no doubt you would break down sobbing in front of them all and that would very much be the end of your career.
“I know it’s against the rules, you shouldn’t get attached in wartime. But they deserved more!” You ran the sleeve across your nose once more before you slunk back onto your bed. You grabbed one of the multiple pillows and hugged it close to your body, seeking the little comfort it gave you.
“Please don't make me get rid of them” you begged once more, Rex stood there looking defeated. “They don't deserve to be forgotten, they all deserved so much more” You squeezed the pillow tighter, hoping to squeeze the excess sadness from you. How you wished it was someone else, to feel their strength and warmth as they held you just as strongly.
The silence was deafening, you didn’t know if you should speak up or remain quiet. What else could you say? You’ve explained yourself the best you could, defended your actions and were truthful. You could only hope that Rex’s punishment and report would not be as damaging to you as you feared.
A deep sigh from the captain broke you out of your thoughts, you looked up and watched him pinch the bridge of his nose. “How many are there?” he asked finally, turning to look at you.
“About 230?” shrugging your shoulders at the number. You weren’t too sure how many they were anymore, they kept increasing far quicker than you could keep track, though you made a mental note to recount. Gesturing with your head over to three large vases that held palms, that sat by the door “Those are for the big battles, the ones were an accurate account of who was dead or missing were incomplete, so I guess the number could be higher”
Rex moved to kneel in front of you, “Look it’s not wrong to mourn the soldiers we have lost” Rex said, his hand hovered above your knee like he was going to rest his hand there but decided against it “It’s comforting knowing that they will not be forgotten especially by someone other than us” you heard the hesitation in his voice it felt like he wanted to say more about it but he remains silent. You knew the dreaded ‘But’ was coming. “But this is against the fire safety regulations” You closed your eyes at the words as you exhaled the breath you didn’t know you were holding “So how about we move some of the larger ones into the communal room for this squad” you snapped your eyes opened and fixated your disbelieving stare on the man in front of you “That way you can keep them all but we won't be breaking the rules” you felt the corner of your lips twitch into a smile as you nodded your head in agreement.
Just as Rex rose to stand, you reached out to grab the back of his plastoid armour. Snapping his head around at the sudden touch, his brow rose in question “But that would take up everyone else space too” You looked past him to the clone's small communal space which held only a small table and L-shaped booth, and alongside one wall held a counter top, small communal fridge and cafe machine. They already complained about the lack of space as it was, which is why they all agreed to keep their items in their rooms.
A loud clap rang out through the room, you turned your head to watch Five stand up from his crouched position, rubbing his hands together “I think that is a brilliant idea, Captain! The communal room needs a little bit of colour” Fives spoke loudly as he looked at each of his brothers, giving them a knowing nod of encouragement.
“Having some little old natural oxygen refreshers would be good” Jesse added with a smile.
Echo slapped a hand off Jesse’s pauldron “ I was just thinking about where we can find some shelving units! Get a few of them up and we will have plenty of space to work with”
With everyone on board with the plant's relocation, you couldn’t help the smile that graced your lips. Rex informed you, that you had the rest of the day to clear the floor and desk of your plants. The hanging plants had to be tightened or hung in the communal room. The rest could remain as they were.
You were bombarded with questions as the boys helped you move the plants. They wanted to know which plant represented which brother, how you even managed to get all of the plants into your room without them noticing, how you kept this a secret as long as you did, they saw you coming in and out of your room most of the time, how did they not see the forest behind you?
When they found that some vases were blank, they shared stories of that brother if they knew them, coming up with ideas on how to decorate the ceramic to make it reflect the personality of the clone it was for.
Several hours have passed since the orders were given, and you did not doubt that the sun had long since set. Yet Rex returned to see your progress. You were more than happy to report that your floor was clear, you have a work desk again and no longer will anyone be knocking their heads on your hanging plants. The communal room had gone from a drab and dull metallic grey to an assortment of budding flowers. The main table now had a lovely blue flowering centrepiece. Rex gave you a smile and a nod in approval. You could only smile with pride at his response.
You were roused from your sleep by a light rapping knock on your door. It was so quiet that you weren’t entirely sure if was even real. Pushing yourself up onto your arms, you rolled your head towards the door waiting to see if the knock would come again. Only silence followed.
Just as you were going to snuggle yourself back down into your duvet, an even softer knock came again like the person was reluctant to wake you. With a deep inhale that quickly turned into a yawn, you pushed the covers off your body and quietly padded your way over to the door.
You were intrigued to find out who wanted to speak to you so late in the night, if it was an emergency you had no doubt the knock would have come in a frantic loud manner that would have woken the entire squad. Once the door slid open, you were surprised to find no one there.
Poking your head around the door, you scanned the dark room before you. You narrowed your eyes on a silhouette that was trying to disappear into the captain's quarters.
“Rex?” you called sleepily, rubbing your eyes as you tried to wake yourself up. “You okay? Did you knock?”
The dark form turned slowly towards you, “Ah yes” You watched as his hand melted into his head, you guessed was him rubbing his neck as he does when he gets flustered. “Sorry to wake you. I wanted to speak with you if that is okay?” Another yawn escaped you as you watched the Captain make his way over to you.
You felt your brows furrowed together at his request “At this time in the morning?” you questioned.
“Sor- sorry, you’re right I shouldn’t have woken you up, forgive me” he whispered, hands open in a placating manner as he tried to further show how apologetic he was.
“Nonsense” You waved your hand at him dismissively “I’m awake now. What did you want to speak to me about?” you tucked your hands under your arm as you tried to keep yourself warm, only noticing how cool the communal room was compared to yours.
You beckoned with a tilt of your head for him to follow you into your room before he had the chance to say anything, you turned on your heel and began to walk. Trusting that he would follow you.
Rex has always amazed you. He remains calm and collected no matter what gets thrown at him. How he remains so strong and reassuring when there are so many dead or injured surrounding him. In the heat of battle, he's decisive and unwavering, everything could be falling apart or exploding around on the battlefield and you are often at first scared but you know if you look up and find the Jaig eyes. Well, then you know everything will be okay. No matter what happens. You don’t think anything could phase him, well except the times when he's been thrown off, up or across battlefields by his Jedi but even then, he straightens himself up and it's back to work.
But now as you flopped onto your bed, you watched the captain for the first time stand awkwardly in your doorway. He looked behind him as if he was debating backing out and bidding you good night. “Rex? You okay? You can come in” you softly told him.
You heard the captain take a deep breath in, watching his fingers clench into fists before he exhaled slowly and allowed his fingers to relax back to his side. With what seemed to be a restrengthen resolve, Rex walked into your room the door sliding shut with a hiss behind him.
“ I wanted to thank you,” he said as he sheepishly as he made his way over to your bed all the while you looked at him in surprise.
“For what?” you asked, curious.
“For the plants, It was greatly appreciated by not only the boys but me that there is someone out there who cares for us” He sat next to you. “That you honour us in death with life” You sat up straight and moved to sit closer, once you realised your thighs were pressed up against each other you went to move yours away. Just as you went to apologise for touching him, you felt him press his thigh back against yours. You smiled at the closeness.
“I’m glad that there is something more to remember us than our numbers scratched into a chunk of stone outside our front door” You felt your chest tighten at his words. You knew that some of the boys were quietly unpleased with how their brothers were quickly forgotten once they had fallen in battle. After so many rotations, a generalised eulogy was given to the masses by the senate. Nothing personal, nothing specifically about one man or a squadron's heroic actions that allowed the path of victory to be forged that day, that was left up to their commanders or Generals.
You didn’t know what to say, and Rex didn’t seem to mind as you both fell into a comfortable silence.
It only dawned on you that you hadn’t thanked the men for their efforts or actions for a second time. Sure you did it the first time round but you never told them how much you appreciated them, appreciated him. There was no better time than the present
“Rex,” you said softly, gently taking his hand in yours. He looked at you surprised at the sudden contact. “Thank you for everything you do, thank you for saving my life on the battlefield”
“Battlefield? But the last I did that was several battles ago, I -” The Captain injected confused at your sudden change in topic.
You rose to press your fingertips to his lips “Please allow me to finish. Thank you for being there for me, no matter the time of day, come sun or moon you are there to chat, to listen! Despite what might be going on with you, there's never a time when you haven’t been there for me. I haven’t told you how brilliant you are! How I strive to be calm and dependable and headstrong as you!” Placing your hands on his shoulders, you gripped them lightly as you felt so much energy building in you, demanding you to tell the Captain all your thoughts and feelings for him. To make sure he understood how special he was and how much better he has made your life.
He only looked at you with wide eyes as you continued your declaration “By the maker Rex! I don’t even have the words to explain how fantastic?. Amazing? The life-changing person you are! I feel like I am repeating myself but I look at you and if I am scared or worried about what may come; be it on the battlefield or in the med bay, If I look over my shoulder and I see you there I know no matter what comes next I can overcome it! How you look after your men, you are a beacon in the dark. The way you inspire them, you have created such a bond and a level with the 501st that any other unit would be jealous. You don’t let it get boost your ego, you are this charming, humble, attractive man who just kicks ass! You’re just perfect!” You didn’t even realise you had begun shaking the Captain, whose eyebrows were raised and eyes had widened even further as he stared at you, his mouth slightly agape. You don’t think you've ever seen him look quite as shocked.
Quickly you released him. Realising you haven’t touched the man so much before unless you were wrestling him onto the med table to inspect his wounds when he was demanding you to take care of the men first. “Sorry” Taking a deep breath you calmed your budding emotions. Keeping your eyes on your fumbling fingers as they pluck at the sleeves of your pyjamas. You dare not look up, worried you have overstepped his boundaries.
If you had looked up, you would have probably seen the captain's deep blush even in the dark. The way his large gloved hands shook slightly as they hoovered centimetres from your face. To sit there and say that those words did not light a fire in his heart would be a lie. He was suddenly overwhelmed with a desperate feeling to touch you, he always had a desire to cup your face; to press his head to yours and then if you would allow it, for him to steal a kiss.
Never before has he heard such words come from anyone. To see such emotion pour forth from someone like you. He knew you cared for the men but never had he thought you had such feelings beneath the surface, especially for him. In one day he has heard, seen and felt your feelings for him and his men than he has in his short lifetime; and for the first time, he didn’t know what to do next.
He wanted to touch you that much he knew, to hold you close and show you just how much he cares for you.
Once more he strengthened his resolve, allowing his fingertips to graze your cheek. Flickering your eyes up to meet his, surprised that he wanted to touch you and hopeful that he wanted to do more than caress your cheek. Though you happily nuzzled your face into his hand, closing your eyes and enjoying the warmth radiating from the contact.
“Hmmmm” you answered his softly spoken question.
“May I kiss you?” feeling the corner of your lips curl up into a small smile “I would like that very much captain”
Slowly he leaned forward as if giving you a second chance to change your mind. Instead, you met him halfway. At first, it was a brush of lips before you both gained confidence and pressed a little harder. His lips were soft and warm, and you felt the butterflies erupt in your stomach and sent a tingly wave over your skin.
Pulling back ever so slightly, you rested your forehead on his. Catching your breath in the excitement of sharing your first kiss. Summoning your own courage you whispered your question “Would you stay the night?” a small chuckle escaped his lips again, you realised just how your question sounded and quickly rushed to further explain “Nothing sexual just lie with me?”
He leaned forward the extra millimetre to close the gap once more and captured your lips in another short kiss. “I would like that very much” Your heart swelled at his answer.
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timptoe · 1 year
Small Comforts
And my second fic for ShenkoSummer2023 for @palimpsetus on AO3 is pure fluff: her Shepard OC Anna and Kaidan spend a lovely day on a tropical island where the upstanding Canadian gets his ass kicked in beach volleyball and then breaks into a lighthouse. So much fun to write. Read the whole thing on AO3.
Late night, come home Work sucks, I know She left me roses by the stairs Surprises let me know she cares - Blink-182, “All the Small Things”
It’s the small comforts, Kaidan thinks, that matter most.
The sound of ocean surf. The gentle heat of the sun. A warm breeze on his bare back as he lands prone in the sand. The thunk of a volleyball as it lands a good few feet away from his outstretched fists.
Maybe not that last one.
“That’s game, human!” comes the nasally salarian voice from the other side of the net.
Kaidan groans, resting where he landed after that last futile dive, the sandpapery grit on his cheek a fitting punishment. Dying of embarrassment has gotta be more humiliating than dying to a husk, right?
This was supposed to be a vacation. A well-earned vacation. A well-earned, relaxing, boring, “thanks for taking out the biggest threat to the galaxy in literal eons and somehow living through it!” vacation. All he wanted was to sit on a beach, hold Anna’s hand, and maybe sip some sort of tropical drink. Fruity. With a little paper umbrella in it. He was even willing to wear sunscreen to keep his pasty Canadian skin from turning the color of a krogan warlord. That’s gotta count for something, right?
“Woo! Good job, babe!” a slightly tipsy, dark-haired woman shouts from the sideline.
He rolls his eyes and tries to sink deeper into the sand.
“Eh, come on, habibi,” a warm baritone says, an outstretched hand appearing in his peripheral vision. “Best two out of three?”
Kaidan huffs, grabbing the man’s hand and allowing himself to be hauled to his feet. Sand is caked on the side of his face and most of his torso, and his hair feels like it’s been styled with an entire sand dune. He’s pretty sure he looks as pathetic as he feels.
The expression on his face must match his attitude, because his erstwhile partner chuckles and claps his back sympathetically. “Cheer up, Kaidan,” Mehtab says, surreptitiously wiping off his now-sandy hand, “you did pretty well for your first time!”
Kaidan, nonplussed, manages a half-smile. “Thanks. I think I’m, uh, gonna sit the next one out.”
“Aw, but we were just getting started, wasiim!” Mehtab says, looking Kaidan up and down and grinning.
Kaidan full-on blushes, drawing a delighted laugh out of the other man. What I wouldn’t give to hear a Reaper horn right now.“Next time, maybe.”
“Next time, then,” Mehtab says with a wink, before picking up the volleyball and cajoling the gathered crowd to produce his “next handsome partner to challenge these two unbeaten salarians!”
Kaidan, for his part, trudges his way back to the beach chairs and the tipsy dark-haired woman in the flowy sundress, stylish sunglasses, and comically oversized wicker hat. “Babe, you were amazing!” the woman calls out, clapping as he approaches.
“We lost by ten points,” he grumbles as he flops petulantly into his chair, scattering sand everywhere.
“Yeah, that’s because you were staring at that guy’s ass more than the ball, babe,” she teases.
He looks across the beach at where Mehtab has pulled some unlucky twink onto the court to be the salarians’ next victim, admiring his bronzed muscles and blindingly white smile. “What can I say? It’s a nice ass,” he says evenly.
“Second nicest one out there,” she muses.
He turns to the woman and arches an eyebrow. “Also, ‘babe’? Really?”
She peers over her sunglasses at him, eyes twinkling with unrestrained mirth. “What? We’re on vacation, it’s a whole tourist…thing, isn’t it?”
Kaidan just harrumphs.
“I could just call you Major,” she sasses.
“You know I still technically outrank you, right?” he retorts, placing a hand lightly on her armrest as he relaxes back into his chair.
She scoffs. “Maybe by Alliance protocol. I’m pretty sure ‘Savior of the Galaxy’ trumps most other positions, Major.”
He entwines his fingers with hers and gives a gentle squeeze. “Mm. I can think of a few positions to test that theory on, Shepard.”
Anna laughs and swats him with her hat, never letting go of his hand.
Read the rest on AO3.
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navibluebees · 1 year
Pieces of a Soul - Chapter 9
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Please read before interacting.
Naomi left the next morning in her avatar, her new crochet top and a pair of shorts on. She left her shoes behind, enjoying the feel of the ground beneath her, and determined to get more comfortable barefoot. She made her way to Neytiri’s tent. Neytiri’s eyes brightened when she came in, and she patted the ground beside her. “It is good to see you! How have you been?”
Naomi huffed out a sigh and fidgeted with the bracelet that Keveya had made for her. “I am conflicted.” Neytiri listened, attentively. “Keveya and I spent some time together and Mìmuk saw us after and seemed a bit hurt and jealous. When I spoke with her more, she said that she was interested in knowing me more deeply in the way you and Jake do. And.. I don’t know how to feel about it.”
Neytiri hummed a soft tone and tilted her head. “Well, do you feel like you care for her?” 
Naomi turned a deeper blue. “It’s not that I don’t, she has always been kind to me, but I don’t truly know her.. I also feel conflicted because of Keveya. I can’t say for sure what he desires from me, but I would like to know him better as well. He has shown me a gentle side since your clan has moved here. Plus, I wonder if Mìmuk and I.. I mean would we even be allowed to-“
Neytiri chuckled quietly. “It is not so common, but it is not unheard of. Our people do not see it so strictly as humans seem to. We care more for spirit than what another body can give us. Although, that is very good to consider as well,” she finished with a wink. 
Naomi gaped and covered her face in embarrassment. Neytiri soothed her, gently rubbing her back. “Ma Naomi, it will all work out. Be patient and learn more about them. Your answer will be clear.”
She left the tent soon after. Neytiri had been a bit tired with her first pregnancy and would often nap throughout the day. Naomi steeled herself and went to find her two new friends. Coincidentally, they were both sitting at the fire. She sat on the ground beside them and they looked at her curiously, shy smiles on their faces. “I am ready. Please teach me.”
Mìmuk and Keveya somehow worked together yet against each other. They could never seem to agree on techniques to show Naomi or the best way to do something. Their first step, however was to get Naomi a knife. Keveya carved it from crystal and tied a dried vine around the handle for a grip. Mìmuk made her a sheath and they gave it to her together when it was ready. They both grinned like small children eager to please.
Soon, they were able to show her how to use it. She learned quickly, her years of loneliness coming out in rage. They taught her to hone it, her anger a powerful weapon. Soon, they sparred. They taught her hand-to-hand combat. One day, she landed a powerful kick to Keveya’s face. He reeled back and rubbed his jaw. 
“Reminds me of our first meeting,” he grumbled. Naomi started to apologize, but he held a hand up. “We have settled our grievances. Do not apologize for learning and being able to defend yourself. You are powerful. Do not forget it.” Mìmuk watched from the sidelines, her wary heart resting precariously in Naomi’s hands.
Naomi spent time with both of them separately. She made a rule that one-on-one time could not be used for training. This allowed them a chance to get to know each other better. After Mìmuk’s confession, Naomi had met with her a few days later at sunset. Mìmuk decided to take her flying. She clutched her tightly, riding behind her and Mìmuk laughed as she hid her face in her back. Mìmuk directed her ikran smoothly, occasionally looping so that Naomi would hold her tighter. This human had crept her way in her heart without any warning. She was terrified.
Keveya had a more subtle approach. He took Naomi around and showed her different plants in person, helping her get to the tops of the taller ones. Her face lit up at night with her bioluminescent freckles dotting her face. He was so in awe of her. Her forgiveness was matched only by her bravery. He often found himself wondering what her every thought was. He was wholly entranced by her. One night, he was falling asleep, laying on her knee in his tent. She gently ran her fingers through his hair and re-braided it, leaving a small blue bead she had made from a stone by the water. He woke up the next morning, shocked to find it in his hair.
Things came to head after a time. They were at each other’s throats. The tension of knowing Naomi was spending time with the other person was grating at their hearts and they started arguing, of all things, over the proper way to hold her knife. They were both saying the same thing but in different words. Their feelings were too big to allow them to work together, so Naomi stood up quickly, ready to go home. They both paused, twisting to look at her. Thunder resounded in her chest and she inhaled before rushing her words out. 
“I am very flattered at the attention from you both, but I am not a thing to be fought over. If you cannot work together, I will find another teacher. Neytiri would be happy to teach me and she is significantly less likely to growl when another person comes near me. I have had enough.” 
They both ducked their heads, avoiding each other’s eyes, ears flattening and muttering apologies. 
After she left that night, they went to the forest. The air was fraught with dark moods and worries. Mìmuk spoke first. “I don’t see how you think you will have her. She cares for me. I will show her I can be a good mate.”
“Just because she is learning our ways does not mean she will be Omaticaya like Jakesuli. She may hold onto her human body. A half life is not what we should beg of her.”
Mìmuk’s brow crinkled with worry followed by a sigh. “Of course you are right. I am scared to not have her in this life at all. We have lost too many people to lose another.”
He put a soft hand on her arm. “I feel the same. It would be hard to lose her, but she must make that choice. We cannot force her to become this way just for the sake of one of us being happy.”
She came back the next day, cautiously stepping in Keveya’s tent. They both waiting for her and asked her to sit down. 
“We are sorry for causing such conflict, dear one. It is inexcusable and we ask that you forgive us. Our goal is to teach you the Omaticaya way and we shall strive to do better from today,” Mìmuk said. 
Keveya nodded his assent. Naomi smiled brightly and held their hands, squeezing them in happiness. 
Naomi learned archery quicker than she had expected. The bow came easily to her. Neytiri helped her make arrows to use, gossiping during their time together to find out more about the rivalry between Keveya and Mìmuk. “They are so equal in strength, it is hard to say. It depends which temperament you prefer, I suppose.” Naomi thought quietly and realized she could see herself with both, then shook her head redirecting back to Neytiri’s pregnancy. 
Neytiri had grown quickly. Her little Neteyam was growing well inside her, often kicking her insides, causing her to hiss in surprise. She would pull Naomi’s hand close so that she could feel and they would laugh together. Neytiri felt guilty for becoming so close with another as she had her sister, but peace found its way to her spirit. Their bond was growing and she was so grateful to share this time with someone like Naomi. 
Naomi had her first clean kill the week after. Both her teachers sat quietly in the silence after she had thanked the hexapede for its sacrifice. They met each other’s eyes and nodded. “You are ready,” confirmed Keveya.
Naomi’s heart dropped and she said, “I don’t deserve this.” She sat in the rain with them, the air profoundly heavy. Mìmuk moved, reaching for her hand. “Little one, you have learned and accomplished much. You have worked hard. Why should you not take what you have earned?”
Naomi’s eyes held untold sorrows. “Because I am connected to the reason that has caused all your pain.”
With confused looks, their yellow eyes met her green ones. “What do you mean, Naomi?” Asked Keveya.
“My family worked for the RDA on Earth. The people that destroyed your home and so many other good things about this world.”
The silence came again and Keveya, struggling through tears, said, “The parents’ sins are not for the child to bear. You can only do better than what they have done. That is all any of us can do.” Mìmuk nodded in agreement. 
Naomi reached for their hands. “I vow to leave this world better than I found it. I am so thankful that you two took a chance on me and taught me. I am forever grateful.”
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inspirdg-shop · 10 days
Ohio State x Hello Kitty 2024 Football Jersey
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Product link:https://inspirdg.com/product/ohio-state-x-hello-kitty-2024-football-jersey/
Store link:https://inspirdg.com/
Ohio State x Hello Kitty 2024 Football Jersey: A Perfect Harmony of Athletic Pride and Iconic Cuteness
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A Blend of Toughness and Playfulness
At first glance, this jersey embodies the toughness that Ohio State football represents. The traditional scarlet and grey colors of Ohio State are prominent, reinforcing the school’s identity and athletic history. However, the addition of Hello Kitty adds a surprising yet whimsical element to the design. The contrast between the aggressive, gritty nature of football and the gentle, playful Hello Kitty creates a balance that is as fascinating as it is endearing.
The front of the jersey showcases the classic Ohio State logo, emblazoned across the chest in bold lettering. This serves as a proud statement of school spirit and allegiance. But what makes this jersey truly unique is the appearance of Hello Kitty in full football gear — donning a scarlet jersey, helmet, and even holding a football. The small yet powerful details in Hello Kitty’s representation are striking: the Ohio State “Block O” helmet, the cute pink bow she wears with pride, and the football cradled in her paws. She’s not just standing on the sidelines; she’s ready to play.
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Design That Pops
The color palette of this jersey is another element worth celebrating. While Ohio State’s signature scarlet and grey are present, the soft pastel pinks incorporated into the jersey’s design pay homage to Hello Kitty’s sweet and iconic aesthetic. The pink, however, is not just a casual addition — it’s integrated seamlessly into the jersey, enhancing its visual appeal without overpowering the Ohio State identity.
On the back of the jersey, Hello Kitty takes center stage, striking a pose that captures both her signature charm and her readiness to compete. The use of Hello Kitty as the focal point on the back adds a level of fun and personality that traditional sports jerseys often lack. This jersey isn’t just about showing support for Ohio State; it’s about making a bold statement that you don’t have to choose between toughness and cuteness.
The design also features the Nike swoosh, adding a layer of athletic authenticity to the overall look. Known for their high-performance sportswear, Nike’s presence on the jersey guarantees that this piece isn’t just for show — it’s made with the quality and craftsmanship that fans have come to expect from their products.
Functionality Meets Fashion
Beyond its undeniable charm, the Ohio State x Hello Kitty 2024 Football Jersey doesn’t compromise on functionality. Made with breathable, high-quality materials, it offers comfort and durability that can withstand game-day excitement or casual wear. The fabric allows for excellent ventilation, ensuring that even on the most intense days — whether you’re cheering from the stands or watching from home — you remain comfortable and cool.
The jersey’s cut is designed for a modern fit that suits a variety of body types. Whether you’re layering it over other clothing or wearing it as a standalone piece, the jersey offers both flexibility and style. The v-neck collar adds a sporty touch, while the bright colors ensure that you’ll stand out in a crowd of more traditional team gear.
It’s clear that this jersey was crafted with the intention of merging fandoms and providing something special for those who want to express their love for both Ohio State and Hello Kitty. It’s more than just a jersey — it’s a fashion statement, a conversation starter, and a celebration of pop culture.
Cultural Impact and Significance
What makes the Ohio State x Hello Kitty 2024 Football Jersey so culturally relevant is the way it bridges two seemingly distant worlds: the realm of American football and the international appeal of Hello Kitty. Football, often seen as a sport rooted in strength, competition, and tradition, is paired with Hello Kitty, a symbol of cuteness, kindness, and simplicity. This unlikely collaboration represents a shift in how we view fan merchandise, making room for more inclusivity, creativity, and fun in an industry that has often been dominated by traditional masculinity.
This jersey is also a testament to the evolution of fashion within sports. It appeals not only to hardcore football fans but also to those who may have previously felt disconnected from sports culture. Hello Kitty’s involvement opens the door to a wider demographic, attracting both young and old, male and female, sports fans and pop culture enthusiasts alike. It’s a product that challenges the idea that sports apparel should be limited to a specific audience.
Furthermore, this collaboration speaks to the growing trend of merging entertainment with athletics. As pop culture continues to intersect with sports, we’re seeing more partnerships like this that celebrate the diversity of fan interests. The Ohio State x Hello Kitty 2024 Football Jersey represents a future where sports merchandise doesn’t have to fit into a single mold — where individuality and creativity are embraced.
A Must-Have for Fans and Collectors
For die-hard Ohio State fans, this jersey offers a fresh take on traditional team apparel. It’s a fun, lighthearted addition to their game-day wardrobe and a perfect way to stand out from the crowd. Whether they’re tailgating before a big game or watching from the comfort of home, fans will love the playful twist on their school’s iconic gear.
Hello Kitty enthusiasts, on the other hand, will be delighted to see their favorite character in a completely new setting. For collectors of Hello Kitty merchandise, this jersey is a unique piece that adds variety to their collection. It’s a reminder that Hello Kitty’s appeal knows no bounds — she’s versatile, timeless, and beloved across the globe.
As a gift, this jersey is perfect for fans of either Ohio State football or Hello Kitty, but it also works for anyone who appreciates quirky, well-designed apparel. It’s the type of product that elicits smiles and sparks conversations, making it a thoughtful and fun present for sports and pop culture lovers alike.
Conclusion: The Ultimate Fusion of Spirit and Style
In conclusion, the Ohio State x Hello Kitty 2024 Football Jersey is a remarkable fusion of two iconic brands. It successfully merges the competitive energy of Ohio State football with the enduring cuteness of Hello Kitty, creating a product that transcends the boundaries of traditional sports merchandise. The vibrant colors, playful design, and quality craftsmanship make it a standout piece that appeals to a wide audience.
This jersey isn’t just for football fans or Hello Kitty collectors — it’s for anyone who wants to celebrate individuality, creativity, and the beauty of combining two worlds. With its perfect blend of athletic pride and pop culture charm, the Ohio State x Hello Kitty 2024 Football Jersey is sure to be a hit for years to come.
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