#but also my brain is a total shambles right now
blandandtasteless · 2 months
I need someone to listen to my bullshit
Under this cut is a personal problem that sucks pretty bad and I think I just needed to type it all out like a message I’d send to a friend so I could properly read and analyse what I’m saying.
[Context added in post-production: I told my parents I was trans because I need to wear a dress because the dysphoria has been hitting hard lately, also they suck]
Something which is conceivably one of the worst things to ever happen to me, is occurring… and I’m really out of it right now.
I feel like I’ve got the most boring conundrum going on and I think I’ve got what people describe as “brain-fog” cause I feel… brain off
[~Approx 4 minutes of reflection go by]
Ok. No. It’s totally fair to say I’m a wreck, in shambles, and very emotionally unstable.
I’m not a psychiatrist, or a wise person, or even a trans girl (yet), and I can’t psychoanalyse myself or anyone else, but I think I’m in an extremely unhealthy relationship with my parents whilst also being extremely dependent on them in multiple ways.
I never know what they’re thinking, and I need to know now more than ever what they’re thinking, but I’m literally afraid to talk to them. It’s a terrifying instinctual feeling to flee and cover my ears whenever they say anything.
For years I’ve tried to keep a selfish relationship with them, only taking the room in their house, the food they give me, and the money for university, before totally cutting them off and never looking back. But that’s not worked… and I think I’m being emotionally manipulated, whilst I think they’re often really stupid at times, it hasn’t made a difference.
I desperately feel the need to sit them down and talk at length about my transition and everything else I need help with (my brain) but I’ve never done that before and it’s impossible for me to talk loudly to anyone, less so my parents, less so about gender dysphoria, less so about mental health to pair of ~50 year old conservatives with typical attitudes. I don’t even know if they’re transphobic or in denial (I have a hard time believing that’s a thing but I think other people have expressed their parents just ignored their coming out? Which is insane, for infinite reasons) of my confession, or think I’ve literally just insane like this is a phase. I don’t know, they haven’t told me how they feel, I want to at least know if they hate other trans people.
That’s where I’m at. I think I summarised fairly okay-ish.
If you never want to see this stuff again I always tag personal stuff with “my brain” and I know “my brain” is pretty non-specific, but I didn’t think that far ahead and will forget if I change it.
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kithtaehyung · 1 year
I'm speechless but in a good way! I knew this piece was going to tear my heart into pieces and it did. . and it did! I thought "it's going to be more heartbreaking than forfeit isn't it. ." oh future wine you couldn't be even more correct. Such an outstanding story..
First off: Jungkook scene
I was legit holding my breath throughout the scene, I knew Jungkook was going to do something that makes me put my phone down and exit the room ( and he did! )
Protective brother and boyfriend? hell yes. I was cheering for bro to beat his ass and yn told him to stop and I was like "you're right.. he holds a strong punch.."
Wow wow so many emotions in this scene alone, yns dialogue truly had me moved and pierced my heart many times. Their feelings matter so so much and I completely understand them.
I won't lie my brain stopped working when yn said they still love Jungkook and when they said "not in a way you want me to" I let out the longest breath ever.. don't scare me Ryen! /lh
God.. someone get me a friend like Dom, please? most realistic girlfriend you need! The way she has both yn and Yoongi's back? Hard to find a friend like her!
Second: The beauty between YN and Yoongi
Wow wow Wow. It felt like a punch in the stomach when Yoongi told them they had to wait for a while, I was literally scared for them both and wondered how long it was going to be ( and I got my answer later on :') )
It was just nights ago that you cradled all his moonlight in your palms.
And now you’ll be farther apart than stars. 
Beautiful lines, truly, almost let a few tears fall just from those lines alone!
This is a little personal, and I've wrote about this many times, but I just love the way you write yn. I was never able to relate to other yns in other writings but this one? This one, this is the one for me. How could I cry so much from their dialogue or story alone? I always asked myself that I realize it's because they're the exact replica of me. An overthinking mess, low self-esteem but confident when they needed to be, considerate of others, apologetic, always too scared to reach out or voice their thoughts, you name it. When they describe people as seasons, I understood them completely, people come and go, or they stay.
And you suddenly know Yoongi is summer.
RYEN. did you know what you did to me with 2 lines? ALONE? I literally burst out crying and had to pause for a second because I kept smiling like a maniac! Oh I missed these two so much :')
My favorite thing about yn and Yoongi? They're each other's safe space. The way you instantly see their moods being brighter when they're together and see how they've seen each other at their most vulnerable moments. I'm just- AH.
Yoongi playing the guitar Yoongi playing the guitar Yoongi playing the guitar Yoongi playing the guitar Yoongi-
Uhm. Uhm hand in marriage? For both, please! You and every reader is invited to me, Yoongis, and yn's wedding I hope you all show up! The smut scene had me in shambles and when yn told Yoongi to do all of those things? Yeah Yoongi I get it, I do.
Happy God Damn Pride Month To Me.
And back to fluffiness and a sprinkle of sadness: THE RELEASE PARTY! THE CHAMPIONSHIP YES!! GOD ( Ryen ) MAKE THESE TWO HAPPY ( oh wine don't forget the ending .. )
Last but not least: yn and bro
Their sibling dynamic is just, chefs kiss! Them reminiscing on their past and the part about bro dressing up to look more mature to get food? Adorable but also heartbreaking :(
Screw the goddamn parents!
“Cus I feel… Uhh.” He moves his lips around in thought, as if the next sentence takes strategy to arrange. “I feel like we don’t really talk anymore.” 
clenching my fists I totally get how depressing it is when siblings lose that type of connection or become more distant, especially since they were so close and had each other's back!
WINEEE omfg this commentary is absolutely stunning! thank you so much for reading and taking the time to write all of this out, i am speechless? but i can't be speechless for long bc we got things to sAY
I'm speechless but in a good way! I knew this piece was going to tear my heart into pieces and it did. . and it did! I thought "it's going to be more heartbreaking than forfeit isn't it. ." oh future wine you couldn't be even more correct. Such an outstanding story..
forfeit broke me emotionally, and so did this one. just in a different way bc things between them have been fleshed out in forfeit<33
I was legit holding my breath throughout the scene, I knew Jungkook was going to do something that makes me put my phone down and exit the room ( and he did! ) Protective brother and boyfriend? hell yes. I was cheering for bro to beat his ass and yn told him to stop and I was like "you're right.. he holds a strong punch.." Wow wow so many emotions in this scene alone, yns dialogue truly had me moved and pierced my heart many times. Their feelings matter so so much and I completely understand them. I won't lie my brain stopped working when yn said they still love Jungkook and when they said "not in a way you want me to" I let out the longest breath ever.. don't scare me Ryen! /lh God.. someone get me a friend like Dom, please? most realistic girlfriend you need! The way she has both yn and Yoongi's back? Hard to find a friend like her!
AHHH the whole beginning took me foreverrrr to finish bc there was a shit ton to juggle and account for! i always need to get into these characters' heads during a scene, while also watching it from a reader perspective. so imagine trying to get through a scene with four people - two of which don't realize they're all part of the same situation dklfjdsjklf it was difficult but we pulled through!
glad the dialogue was good! that's the part that was finished first (which is pretty normal for me) and didn't change much. and DOM BEST DOM BEST!!!!
Second: The beauty between YN and Yoongi Wow wow Wow. It felt like a punch in the stomach when Yoongi told them they had to wait for a while, I was literally scared for them both and wondered how long it was going to be ( and I got my answer later on :') )
it was a HUGE punch to the gut, you're so right :(( especially since we just got through a big talk and don't get time to process!
It was just nights ago that you cradled all his moonlight in your palms. And now you’ll be farther apart than stars.  Beautiful lines, truly, almost let a few tears fall just from those lines alone!
these are one of the parts that i was crying through so *thumbs up underwater* This is a little personal, and I've wrote about this many times, but I just love the way you write yn. I was never able to relate to other yns in other writings but this one? This one, this is the one for me. How could I cry so much from their dialogue or story alone? I always asked myself that I realize it's because they're the exact replica of me. An overthinking mess, low self-esteem but confident when they needed to be, considerate of others, apologetic, always too scared to reach out or voice their thoughts, you name it. When they describe people as seasons, I understood them completely, people come and go, or they stay.
oh, babe :( this makes me feel touched but also i wanna give you a huge hug. i have always been set on making this series as relatable as possible, and that literally starts with reader. are some people gonna be the exact opposite in every way? of course! not all of us fit the same mold. but from what i've experienced and seen, there's a lot of reader in a lot of us. and i wanna also tell everyone that resonates with reader that you are strong, you can be just as confident. you can be this fucking cool while still overthink like hell and not be sure of a lot of things. believe in yourself and know when you need to start complimenting yourself instead of bringing that inner child down.
And you suddenly know Yoongi is summer. Endless.  RYEN. did you know what you did to me with 2 lines? ALONE? I literally burst out crying and had to pause for a second because I kept smiling like a maniac! Oh I missed these two so much :')
I FUCKING CRIED AS SOON AS THESE LINES CAME OUT AND I WAS IN PUBLIC LMAOOOO no joke i was sitting in a damn tea shop. and had to like. tilt my head up and sit back in order to not completely bust out crying. :')))
My favorite thing about yn and Yoongi? They're each other's safe space. The way you instantly see their moods being brighter when they're together and see how they've seen each other at their most vulnerable moments. I'm just- AH. Yoongi playing the guitar Yoongi playing the guitar Yoongi playing the guitar Yoongi playing the guitar Yoongi-
GAHHH this is one of my favorite things to portray bc as soon as they got to reunite?? they both laugh. it's the very first thing that happens and honestly i love that so fcking much😭 and him playing the guitar earlier was just too much for me to handle UGHHH
Uhm. Uhm hand in marriage? For both, please! You and every reader is invited to me, Yoongis, and yn's wedding I hope you all show up! The smut scene had me in shambles and when yn told Yoongi to do all of those things? Yeah Yoongi I get it, I do. THE DESK?? THE DESK?? GUYS THE DES- Happy God Damn Pride Month To Me.
HAPPY GD PRIDE MONTH LMAOOOO the way everyone needs to get in line for reader!!!! move out of the damn way, min!!
And back to fluffiness and a sprinkle of sadness: THE RELEASE PARTY! THE CHAMPIONSHIP YES!! GOD ( Ryen ) MAKE THESE TWO HAPPY ( oh wine don't forget the ending .. ) THEY GAGGED ME SO BAD OH MAN I MISS THEM
so much more to goooooo eheheheh hope you're ready!! i missed them. very very very much. it was so comforting to work on this fr again.
Last but not least: yn and bro Their sibling dynamic is just, chefs kiss! Them reminiscing on their past and the part about bro dressing up to look more mature to get food? Adorable but also heartbreaking :( Screw the goddamn parents!
YES. i love them both and wanna protect them from literally everything ever?? bro really did The Most and i want him to know he's loved!! screw the gd parents!! but that convo was much needed and i'm glad they have each other.
“Cus I feel… Uhh.” He moves his lips around in thought, as if the next sentence takes strategy to arrange. “I feel like we don’t really talk anymore.”  “…Oh." clenching my fists I totally get how depressing it is when siblings lose that type of connection or become more distant, especially since they were so close and had each other's back!
i believe in them! and honestly i think bro is just thinking it's much worse than it is (overthinking? could be familiar? lmao) bc he's the one that travels and his protectiveness does cause other things like hiding info. so. he isn't without his flaws and does have his own hurdles to recognize and overcome!
but seriously, thank you for reading, wine! it's always so fun to respond to asks like these :D gave me a bunch to talk about!
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sylvella05 · 10 months
There are still days like this
It’s 3:00pm and I’m standing at the kitchen bench, scoffing down a couple of cold pieces of toast. I don’t have the physical or mental energy to set and then clean up a place at the table. It’s the first time I’ve eaten today. My 4 month old baby moans in the background and I try my best to ignore it. She’ll be safe in her bouncer for 5 minutes. If I don’t eat now then it will be nothing until dinner and I know I’m supposed to be eating to maintain my milk supply.
I glance guiltily over at her. Contrary to her fussing she looks happy, hitting out at the toys hanging in front of her, but my brain is hardwired to respond to her every sound. I’m not even sure if the noises she’s making are negative - Mum says that’s just one of the sounds babies make when they’re playing. But the “what if’s” still plague me - what if she’s upset and my lack of response is causing unseen trauma to her psyche? But also…..I need to eat. My sustenance after all is crucial to hers.
It’s been 4 months now and for the most part things are running smoothly. I finally feel like I have a handle on this Mum gig, but there are still days like this. Days that make me feel like I’m right back at the start. Like I have no idea what I’m doing. Days that make me feel like the worst mother in the world.
I’m dressed in a nighty encrusted with all manner of my daughters bodily fluids. A vomit stain on the shoulder, a damp spot at the front from where her nappy leaked while I was feeding her earlier. Why am I always just that little bit too late with changing her nappies? Will I ever get the hang of this constant juggling act? My breasts hang free underneath, I still haven’t got around to replacing the milk soaked maternity bra that I peeled off prior to her first morning feed. I’ve been blessed with a baby who can now string together several hours of sleep during the night, but my lactating body clearly hasn’t got the memo yet. I know I should be more grateful, but I’m still so tired, months of accumulated sleep debt weighing heavy upon me.
Apparently the trade off for sleeping well at night is to be terrible at daytime naps. Hours spent trying to soothe and console, often to no avail. Today was one of those days. Instead of sleeping when she was so clearly very tired, my baby instead fought against it with an impressive amount of passion. She shrieked and wailed, legs flailing everywhere. I lost my cool this morning and I’m not proud of it. I swore loudly in frustration, angry not at her, but at the situation. Instantly I was flooded with remorse. Though she didn’t understand my words, I was certain she’d interpreted my angry tone. I picked her up and cradled her, apologising profusely as she squirmed beneath my embrace.
The postman arrived earlier to deliver a parcel - I’d totally forgotten he was coming today. I cringe, remembering how I sheepishly opened the door in my stained nighty, hair in the same messy top-knot it’s been in for the past 3 days. I positioned my body so as to block his view of the shambles behind me that represent our home. The postman hardly glanced at me, but I felt humiliated nonetheless. “I have a new baby!” I wanted to tell him. “I usually have my shit together - I swear!”. But of course I said nothing, retreating back into my messy house in shame.
And it’s true. I did used to have my shit together. I was clean and tidy - “house proud” one might even say. These days it’s all I can do to muster up a mad dash to perform “high priority” tasks like the dishes or laundry, during moments snatched when my little one is napping. Well meaning offers from friends and family to “come to you to make it easier” fill me with a sense of dread. I don’t want them to see me - or my home - like this. I look at the floor - it’s never been this dirty before. How on earth will I manage once she’s crawling?
I also used to pride myself on being punctual. It’s something I now struggle with on the (very) rare occasion we leave the house. I doubt I’ll ever be on time again. I silently curse the old me, who scoffed at people with kids who were late to everything. “That won’t be me” I told myself ignorantly. “You’ve just gotta be organised”. Oh how those words haunt me now.
I swallow the final bite of my toast and run my tongue over my teeth, fantasising about brushing them. Hah, fat chance of that, I haven’t even showered since yesterday. Turning to my baby, I take a second to marvel at her and her beautiful features. I’d do anything for that child. Her little face lights up when she sees me walking over to her. She smiles and squeals with joy as I bend to pick her up out of her bouncer. I pull her close and inhale her smell - a combination of the scented lotion I applied to her this morning mingled with the stale smell of spew on her bib. It’s heavenly.
I sigh, burying my face into her as she cranes her neck to survey the kitchen from this new height. It doesn’t matter how hard the days are, how gross I feel or how messy the house gets, it’s all worth it. Worth it to nourish, love and watch this tiny little human I helped make grow and thrive. I’m a mother now, me the centre of her universe and she of mine.
And I couldn’t be happier or more grateful for that ❤️
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astriiformes · 2 years
Guess whose therapist is going on a maybe-permanent leave of absence 🙃
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voltrinityub · 3 years
Omori AU - Mari Pushes Sunny Down the Stairs and Basil Witnesses it
//Spoiler Warning for the Omori end game! Even though it’s an AU, I don’t want to leave implied spoilers!! 
//Trigger warning for death and graphic imagery!
Omori AU where Mari pushed Sunny down the stairs and Basil is the one who witnessed it.
Major points -
Basil was visiting Sunny’s house to play before their recital. The twins had just finished a routine practice session but Sunny was upset and Mari was mad at him.
Soon after Basil arrives, the two fight, and Sunny grabs his violin and throws it down the stairs. It breaks at the bottom of the staircase.
Mari storms up to him out of anger. The two proceed to argue and fight back and forth. Basil is watching in disbelief the whole time.
Mari suddenly pushes Sunny down the stairs during their fight. He lands at the bottom on top of the violin, a snap was heard during his fall. Basil watches in disbelief.
After a few moments, Mari realizes what she’s done and rushes to her brother. She tries to wake him up and notices he isn’t moving or responding.
Meanwhile, Basil’s in shock at what he witnessed. His perception of Mari is changed from this event and now he fears her and is afraid of her and seeing his best friend dead.
Mari’s Something takes the form of Sunny with a limp expression, while Basil’s Something takes the form of Mari’s silhouette because he now fears her.
They end up contacting their parents and emergency personnel. The event is played off as an accident after authorities questioned Mari and Basil about what happened. Neither of them could formulate the courage to admit what happened (Basil’s in too much shock, Mari is breaking down and doesn’t want to get in trouble).
Basil is unable to confront Mari or be with her from that point onward and starts to seclude himself from others after watching his best friend die. He couldn’t bear to see Sunny’s face in photos anymore after that, so he removed them from his photo album in addition to scribbling out Mari’s face on some.
Mari goes into a depressive state and ends up quitting piano because of this. She puts off going to college for a little while until after she moves away.
The gang would be affected by Sunny’s death and not hang out as much anymore. Basil’s too traumatized to play with them and stops attending school. Mari doesn’t attend school for a while and Hero helps her with taking notes, etc, and starts to spend less time with the others. Kel and Aubrey begin to fight more now that they’re alone and eventually drift apart. Everyone is upset by Sunny’s death.
((I don’t think Basil or Mari would play off Sunny’s death as a suicide, but I also don’t think they’d completely tell the truth either. They’re still young and don’t want to suffer the consequences, whatever they maybe, so it is played off as an accident instead))
More under the cut if you’re interested!
Story Breakdown
I wanted to include how I envisioned this to play out. So, if you’d like to read some of my 3am thoughts then enjoy lol.
Beforehand -
The day starts off perfectly normal. Sunny was practicing with his sister in preparation for their recital. He had asked Basil beforehand to come play with him later that day.
Basil arrives at Sunny’s house just as he and Mari finished practicing. The door opens with a somewhat annoyed Sunny and Mari yelling at him from inside the house. Something was off with the two of them and Basil could tell Sunny was upset and so was Mari, but he didn’t ask.
As Basil and Sunny were starting to play in the living room together, Mari comes in and complains to Sunny about storming off from their practice to play and not playing well enough (she wanted their duet to be perfect)! Sunny is annoyed and doesn’t care, saying he just wants to play with his friend.
Mari and Sunny continue to argue while Basil is still settling down. Basil watches as his two friends fight about their playing and attempts to calm them down but is too timid for them to pay him any attention.
The two’s argument gets worse when Sunny storms off to his bedroom to grab his Violin he just put away, while Mari is demanding he stays put and Basil just watches his two friends fight. (Arguments between Sunny and Mari are few and far between, and when they do happen they resolve very quickly or are about little things. But this one is different: it’s more physical and there’s genuine tension between the two he’s never noticed before.)
Angry by Mari’s demands and bickering, and sick of practicing a hobby he thought would be fun, Sunny throws his violin down the stairs in a fit of rage, frustration — you name it.
Basil and Mari hear an instrument crash against the hardwood floor and run to the stairwell to find Sunny’s gifted violin broken at the bottom of the stairs.
At first, Basil is just shocked and all he can do is watch. Sunny’s at the top of the steps angry and crying. Mari, however shocked in disbelief she is at first, storms up the stairs to Sunny.
The two begin to argue more and this time they’re getting physical. Mari’s yelling at him, asking all sorts of questions out of her anger and disbelief. (“Why would you do that? You broke the present we all saved up for you? And our recital!? You completely ruined our recital!”)
Meanwhile, Sunny’s breaking down and angry because he’s so frustrated with how strict Mari is during practice and how much he hates doing this. He won’t ever be good enough for her and is just sick of hearing how to improve or about their concert later. He’s had it.
Basil is watching from the bottom of the stairs, hiding behind a wall watching his best friend and his sister fight. He’s too timid (and scared) to break them up or speak up; all he can do is watch as they hit one another and shove one another.
During -
Then it happens. Between the sibling’s fighting and bickering, Mari pushes Sunny down the stairs.
Several loud thuds later and Sunny crashed at the bottom, into his broken violin, with an audible snapping sound along the way.
Mari’s at the top of the steps still heaving and angry.
Basil watched in horror as someone he loved and trusted just pushed his best friend down the stairs, in total shock and not moving at first; this will lead to him fearing Mari and this day ((will explain more further down)).
A few moments pass and Sunny isn’t moving. Mari catches her breath and Basil emerges more from the corner, flickering his gaze between Mari and Sunny lying limp on the ground.
When the two take clear notice Sunny isn’t moving, panic sets in. Mari realizes her mistake and runs down the steps to her brother, stopping at his side.
Basil’s still in shock but slowly moves forward. He’s starting to breath rapidly and rationalize what the hell just happened.
Mari’s now freaking out next to Sunny’s body. She tries to wake him up, tries to move him slightly or tap on him to get a response. She tries her best but there isn’t any response... Sunny’s just limp. And all Basil can do is watch.
“S-Sunny?” Basil sheepishly mutters, now he’s only a few steps away from his friends. He notices Sunny’s limp posture and expression; Sunny’s face is scarred into his memories.
Amidst Mari’s panic, she hears Basil and demands him to grab the house phone for her.
Basil’s startled at the demand but heads to grab the house phone in the other room. He’s shaking and breathing violently, comprehending what happened (“Mari’s a good person, she’d never do that! It’s just an accident! Mari didn’t mean it! That wasn’t Mari!”).
Meanwhile, Mari doesn’t know what to do and her hysteria is taking over. She can’t think or reason but she’s mature enough to know to call someone: ((I believe Mari would be more mature and knows her brother needs help but still isn’t responsible enough to rationalize it completely and do the best thing. I don’t believe she would try to cover it up and I also don’t believe Basil would suggest something as such to her. Personally, I think they would be too terrified of the consequences of doing so))
Once Basil returns with the phone, Mari snatches it from his hand. She can’t decide who to call first — her parents, Hero’s house next door, or 911 for help. She doesn’t have time to think though and her first instinct is to call Hero’s house to get someone else here.
Mari calls Hero’s house and cries when she hears him answer. She sobs and painfully asks him to come over with his parents, muttering something about Sunny and needing help. It’s hard to understand but Mari’s panicking like he’s never heard before.
Within a minute, Hero’s rushing into the house with his parents right behind him. Kel was out with Aubrey, so neither of them are here (and that’s for the best).
Hero ignores Basil who’s hiding behind the wall still in shock and rushes to Mari’s side. Hero yells to his parents to call an ambulance and they do.
Meanwhile, Basil is dissociating and hard. Panic, fear, confusion — any and every type of feeling is running through his brain after seeing his friend get pushed down the stairs by his sister. Basil looks at Mari with horror and an image of a black distorted figure takes his mind in place of Mari (his Something).
Basil drowns out the commotion of Mari, Hero’s family, and the EMT that arrive the whole time. He’s sitting against the wall in shambles until one of the authorities snaps him out of his trance. 
Meanwhile, Sunny was taken away in an ambulance with Hero’s mom (Mari and Sunny’s parents weren’t there, and Mari was still freaking out so Hero’s mom volunteered to go with them until their parents arrived)
The authorities begin to question Basil and Mari about what happened. Mari claims it was an accident and found Sunny like that, not completely telling the truth. But all Basil can really say is “it was an accident.” 
The entire case was written off as an accident. Neither Mari nor Basil could clearly confess what happened even though they both know what happened.
Afterwards -
Hero’s mom goes with the EMT service and contacts Sunny’s parents along the way, meanwhile Hero’s dad stayed behind. Hero ends up walking Basil home and can’t get a response out of him.
Once Sunny’s parents and Mari get to the hospital, it’s too late. Sunny died going down the stairs with his neck snapping. There wasn't anything they could do to save him.
The recital never happened that night.
Basil found out that same night his friend was dead and he witnessed it.
The next few days are met with grief, remorse, sorrow, and regret on Mari’s half.
Mari’s family is mourning the loss of their son. The news is broken to Kel me Aubrey the next day. They’re both sad and confused.
Sunny’s funeral was hard to sit through. All of his friends attended but Basil couldn’t rationalize it. The whole time at his funeral, all he could do is stare at Mari in fear and disbelief while he mourned the loss of his best friend. It left him sick to his stomach.
Mari is crying the entire time and regrets pushing him down the stairs and to his limits. She should’ve been a better sister.
After this, Mari would fall into a deep depressive state. She would end up quitting playing the piano and resenting it. She would stop going to school and would rely on Hero to bring her class notes, but she never had the enthusiasm to try hard anymore and eventually just stops.
Basil stops going to school after this for a while, most likely the rest of the year until he has enough strength to go again. But he has a hard time confronting his friends out of anxiety and fear from that night. He doesn’t want them to know what happened.
Due to Sunny’s death and both Mari and Basil confiding themselves to their homes, their group starts to break up.
Hero has little time to hang out with his brother and Aubrey while he’s swamped with school work, college prep, and trying to help Mari (I believe Hero would try to make Mari happy and help her, but would stop once he has to go off to college without her).
Kel and Aubrey begin to fight more without the others around. They blame one another in their grief and confusion until eventually they stop playing together. 
Aubrey eventually finds another group of friends and starts to bully Kel and Basil once he returns back to school.
Kel takes up doing sports to get his mind off of things. He tries to play with Basil still, but Basil has put up a wall between him and everyone else so Kel eventually gives up trying to talk to Basil.
The next several years, the gang is older but still hurt and distant. Sunny’s death was the unfortunate event that caused them all to drift apart.
Mari -
Mari’s Something would look like Sunny’s limp face after she saw him at the bottom of the stairs. It haunts her constantly.  Her Something is a manifestation of grief, regret, self-hate, remorse, and anxiety.
I don’t believe Mari would have a headspace in this AU because she is older than Sunny in the original game, so it wouldn’t make too much sense to me if she had a Headspace to hide in. Instead, Mari would just be room-bound and would never make an effort to do anything or see anyone in her depression.
However, if Mari did have a headspace, I think it would revolve around the friend group and playing the piano. It wouldn’t be as crazy as Sunny’s in the original, but just a dream world she would find herself in where her brother was still alive and happy and not tormented by playing the violin.
I also believe Mari would rely on Hero for the first portion of this tragedy until he eventually has to go away to college, leaving her with only texts and calls instead of coming over to visit. Before Hero goes off to college, he tries to balance school work,  keeping his friend group happy, and caring for Mari whom he’d come to visit and support.
Basil -
Basil’s Something would look like a distorted version of Mari’s silhouette the day she pushed Sunny down the stairs. It would haunt him relentlessly to the point where Basil can’t even see Mari. This Something would be a manifestation of grief, anxiety, fear, and sadness.
Basil would find it hard to hang out with his old friends in fear of seeing Mari or somehow changing their perception of her. So he chooses to keep the truth to himself and hides away. 
Thank you for reading if you made it this far! 
I was just thinking one night “what would’ve happened if Sunny fell down the stairs and Basil was there?” This was just one of those crazy ideas I had to type out and imagine, so I hope you enjoyed it or will think about it with me. 
I apologize if my thoughts are a bit misconstrued but feel free to add on to this or whatever. I think the story could have a dramatic change if Sunny was the one who was pushed down the stairs that day and died rather than Mari.
If anyone wants me to expand on this AU story a bit more or has questions, let me know. I’m not the best story teller and I didn’t want to make this too long.
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makeste · 4 years
BnHA Chapter 285: You Looked Like You Needed Saving
Previously on BnHA: Deku was all, “hey guys I’m just gonna fight Tomura one on one and risk my own life rather than risk letting him do the whole Destroying Everything bit again.” Kacchan was all “WAIT NO ARE YOU SERIOUS THAT’S THE EXACT THING I HATE THE MOST” and indignantly launched into his “P.S. I CARE ABOUT DEKU” flashback, which was a revelation in that it proved exactly what Bakugou fans have been saying this whole time, AND YET OUR MINDS WERE STILL BLOWN ANYWAY, BECAUSE HOLY SHIT, HE REALLY WENT AND SAID IT OUT LOUD THOUGH. Anyway, so Deku’s strategy for defeating Tomura is to, you guessed it, break his fucking arms again; and meanwhile a frantic Katsuki is gearing up on the sidelines to do something really awesome and incredibly stupid, probably; and all in all it’s a pretty terrible situation our boys have found themselves in. Terrible for them, but GREAT for me, and I’ve never been so hyped in my life omg.
Today on BnHA: Deku breaks both of his arms like a dozen times over. Like, just pages and pages of arm breaking. Just like in the good old days! Meanwhile Kacchan is all “jesus christ, okay you know what would be a better idea, JUST SETTING HIM ON FIRE AGAIN”, and so he grabs Shouto and Endeavor, and they do a whole Prominence Burn combo thing. The AFO-inside-of-Tomura is all “‘sup it’s me again, but seriously now would be a REALLY good time to let me take over your body”, and so Tomura TOTALLY DOES LET HIM TAKE OVER, WHOOP, and so AFO is all “HELLS YEAH.” And then he STRAIGHT UP STABS MY SON, WHOSE BODY WAS SIMPLY MOVING ON ITS OWN, YOU KNOW, JUST HERO THINGS. Anyway so now Kacchan is fucking dead*, and so if I were AFO I would start putting as much distance as possible between myself and Deku right the fuck now, because boy, IF YOU THOUGHT HE WAS MAD BEFORE? Holy shit. We’re about to see a whole new level aren’t we.
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Deku’s arms should sue for legal emancipation. I think most of us can agree that they’re probably better off without him. sure they’ll have to buy their own food and stuff, but I think the trade-off is more than fair
oh wow that 100% shit really is something though
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too bad it did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING!! spoiler alert. I don’t even have to scroll to the next page, Deku. we already know
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did Deku really pull off some “three hits in one” bullshit, or is this a mistranslation referring to the fact that Deku’s already hit him twice with his left arm, and so this is now the third 100% hit. kinda hoping for the latter, ngl. either way though, I’m really getting a “Deku’s arms are legitimately done for” vibe from this
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goddammit I’m pretty sure he just Detroit Smashed the last remaining hero brain cell. now they have diddly squat to work with, oh this is bad
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do you guys remember a few weeks back when I was joking about him breaking the rest of his bones and using Blackwhip to move his shattered body around like a grotesque marionette. do you specifically remember the part where that was a joke
holy shit Deku. it’s like we’re all the way back to square one with you. wasn’t that like the first thing Aizawa taught you, not to break your whole body apart? how are you supposed to fight Tomura if you can’t move?? why didn’t you wait for one of your pals who could hit him with an attack from long range WITHOUT BREAKING EVERY SINGLE BONE IN THEIR BODIES. WHERE DID YOUR BIG HERO BRAIN GO
boy you better pray one of those remaining quirks is a healing factor, or else you’re gonna be on IR for a LONG time. anyway. idk why I’m getting so worked up when I already knew this was going to happen lol. it’s just like Katsuki said; he takes himself out of the equation. it’s worth sacrificing his own body if it means he can take out AFO and prevent Tomura from hurting anyone else again. it’s just that... well. you know that saying about taking calculated risks when you are bad at math?
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please ignore all of those worried-sounding thoughts; I think we all know that’s a bunch of bullshit. completely and utterly fine. the only person Deku’s attacks hurt was himself. hip hip hooray
anyway. so now, this!
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pretty sure he can’t use Decay or AFO without at least touching SOMETHING, so I’m guessing this is another one of his new quirks. dammit Tomura why are you so fucking invincible
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if I were you, Deku’s Arms, I would simply detach from his body altogether at this point. cut my losses. mmm
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spoiler alert: again, it did nothing. SORRY TO KEEP RUINING THE SUSPENSE FOR YOU GUYS. is there a single human being reading this who thought for even for the milliest of seconds that this stood a chance of working though
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so Tomura is all “there must be something I can do to stop this fucking kid” and shuffling through his quirk pokedex while he’s tossed around bleeding in the air
hey Tomura I’ll tell you right now that you don’t actually need to do a damn thing except not die for roughly the next thirty seconds or so, and then you’ve got this. the quirk that can stop this kid is called “One for All”, and it just so happens he’s already got you covered bruh
and Katsuki’s realized the same thing, apparently!
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SHOUTO YOU’RE NOT EVEN LOOKING?? wow that is some trust right there. focused on cauterizing Gran and Aizawa’s wounds, I guess
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I like how Endeavor is just SITTING THERE in the background looking all disgruntled. yes, sorry about that sir, this is now Kacchan’s show. he’s in charge now. time for that long-range attack I was complaining about them not doing earlier?? hopefully?? omg
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Kacchan, tired of sitting back watching Deku invent new ways to die, decides to improvise a few of his own. hmmmmmmm
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why does this sound like he’s planning something on his own after the Todorokis have done their part. KACCHAN. EXCUSE ME, KACCHAN
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-- ooOF
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...and we’re cutting back to the action. godfuckingdammit it’s gonna be one of those chapters where the entire thing is just buildup to some huge reveal on the very last page isn’t it
(ETA: [sounds of screaming heard in the distance])
anyway so this next page is just Deku flying in the air, and Tomura flying through the air, and Endeavor+Katsuki+Shouto flying through the air, and everyone’s flying through the air, and we’re all just flying. TALK TO ME MORE ABOUT THE CURSE OF OFA DAMN IT
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guess if it was good enough for Hood, it’s probably their best shot huh. better than whatever the fuck Deku was trying to pull at any rate
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gotta admit, if I didn’t already know full well that Tomura could not possibly die here, I’d have been pretty convinced he was dying here lol
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wait... is that Blackwhip...?? or???
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oh my fresh and citrusy lord. this is it isn’t it. all of my theories converge at once. Tomura being possessed by AFO; OFA is AFO/Deku has AFO; Katsuki does something stupid and loses his quirk. THE PERFECT STORM. THEORY SINGULARITY
oh my lord oh my god oh my lord oh my god honey what are you doing, honey, no
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excuse me, Horikoshi. excuse me, could I just -- could I get. COULD I JUST GET A WORD WITH YOU FOR A MINUTE. SIR
son of a. ...how am I even supposed to wrap this up. just
sob okay. so let’s just. ...
All for One 100% just took Tomura’s body over. like, he was all “Tomura, you’re fucking dying, just give me your body you muppet”, and Tomura couldn’t really argue on account of he really was dying, and so, YOINK. which is the sound that a body makes when it’s being taken over, I think
All for One then activated his forced activation quirk?? which OF FUCKING COURSE he passed on to Tomura as well. so THAT’S JUST GREAT
Kacchan is seriously the fastest character in the series. the reflexes, the sheer speed necessary to intercept that hit? goddamn
every single one of those BakuDeku flashbacks are now wanted by the FBI for first-degree murder of me
this has nothing to do with Kacchan fucking dying and stuff, but is it just me or were there HUGE “Kacchan as Bakugou’s hero name” vibes earlier on in this chapter with the flashbacks to Deku explaining the meaning behind his own name, HMM
and speaking of, this is the first time we’ve gotten Kacchan narrating in the little box panels, unless I’m completely mistaken somehow. Horikoshi really waited almost 300 whole chapters to do that. and it was worth it. holy shit
fun fact, this moment is something that’s been on my wishlist since chapter 12 lol, you can go back and check the recap if you want. back then I called it a long shot. oh how the times have changed
oh my god. and now Deku’s gonna go ham, arms or no arms. AND BETS ON WHICH NEW QUIRK HE’S ABOUT TO UNLOCK? because the last time someone so much as insulted Kacchan in his presence, he SPONTANEOUSLY GREW SHADOW TENTACLES OUT OF THE BLUE AND ATTEMPTED TO MURDER THE PERSON. so if this kid has got ANYTHING left up his sleeve, I have to imagine that SEEING HIS PRECIOUS CHILDHOOD FRIEND TAKE A DEADLY ATTACK MEANT FOR HIM is gonna leave him feeling SOME KINDA WAY. I literally have no idea what’s going to happen next but I would not count this angry little broccoli out yet. not as long as he’s still conscious
anyway. so I wonder what’s the world record for continuous screaming, and whether or not I could break said record by doing such nonstop from now until a week from now when I finally get to read the next chapter
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FatGum (Taishiro Toyomitsu) X Chubby! Confectioner/Baker! Reader: Sweets and Treats~
(Description: Woo, I’m so excited for my first story on this account! This inspiration came to me after thinking about our one and only, favorite chubby pro hero and me wanting to see some puppy love for you two. Also, the title says Confectioner/Baker, I want to clarify that Reader isn’t truly a baker but I feel like “Confectioner” wouldn’t reach as large of a crowd as “Baker” would, not a big deal but just FYI. I hope my first fic is enjoyed by those who choose to read, thank you for the support.)
Fanfiction Lingo
(Y/N) - Your Name
(H/C) - Hair Color
(E/C) - Eye Color
(F/C) - Favorite Color
“Normal speech.”
‘Inner thoughts.’
Requester: No One!
Reader Gender: Female (She/Her)
Style of Story: Oneshot // Entirely fluff, a pinning love on both ends, and a happy end to boot! There is one little heartbreak moment, but it’s over in a second.
Word Count: 4.5K Words
WARNING(s): None, unless you see adorable, tooth-rotting fluff as a crime!
“Morning, Tammy! Lovely day, isn’t it?” you greeted your employee with a bright smile as she stumbled through the door into your bakery.
She huffed, still rubbing the sleep from her eyes, “Sure, but I’ve hardly been up long enough to notice it. How are you always so peppy this early?” She pointed to the mechanical clock ticking from the left wall that read ‘4:04 AM’. You glanced outside and saw hardly anyone walking through the streets, except the occasional drunkard or lonely soul.
You bashfully shrugged your shoulders, “Well, after years of suffering waking up at three in the morning, you kinda get used to the torment! But, hey, so happy we got the shop far away from the center of the city, you can actually see the sunrise from here!” you tried to help her look on the bright side as you handed her one a cup of one of your homemade coffee brews. She took a sip of the drink and let out a content sigh through her nose, a small, but thankful smile on her face.
“You know, for being a confectioner, you make some pretty solid coffee. What is that?” her eyebrows furrowed as she asked, taking another swig to figure out the secret intense flavor.
You giggled, “That’s probably the nutmeg I added. Is it good?”
“More like fantastic, (Y/N). Trying out new recipes again?” she asked over her shoulder, hanging up her light jacket that protected her from the early morning breeze while grabbing her apron. Though, it being July in Japan, she probably wouldn’t need it again for a while.
“Yeah, I think this one will really please the early risers. It gives a special sort of kick to the taste, don’t you think?” you asked while gently sliding open the glass case that held all of the beautifully decorated pastries, grabbing a pair of tongs and a small floral ceramic plate, carefully placing a fresh Apple Strudel onto the plate, and setting it down on the counter.
“Totally. Hey, can I have a--,” Tammy stopped mid-sentence as she turned around to see the delectable treat already waiting for her.
“Your breakfast awaits, m’lady~,” you slurred out in a fake British accent with a cheesy smirk and a dramatic bow.
She scoffed, “You dork. Am I really that predictable?” she asked, scarfing down the pastry in a matter of seconds as she leaned on the counter.
“Yeah, you kinda are,” you joked as she playfully shoved your plush side.
“You know,” she continued, looking down at the gooey food, “It’s a shame you aren’t more popular with the people. You have a great location, an amazing personality and work staff, if I do say so myself, and don’t even get me started on the incredible stuff you make,” she praised.
“Oh, stop it, Tammy. You’re gonna make me blush,” you flushed from her sincere words, “Besides, I’ve only been open for two weeks, it’s going to be slow for awhile. It’ll ramp up eventually.”
“Yeah, I guess, but you can’t deny that your baked goods are better than most of the others in the country! One day, when people get their heads out of their asses, these little gifts of magic are going to make you RICH!” she threw her lanky airs up into the air and around your shoulders. She spun your smaller frame in a circle while the two of you laughed.
“Ha! Yeah yeah, I know! Now, stop your messing around and come help me fill the rest of these Cream Horns.” you concluded while you pat her taller shoulder. She groaned at the request but gave you a tiny nod. Tammy turned around while tying her short, brown hair into a messy bun, readying herself for the busy day ahead. You smiled while she retreated to the kitchen but before you went to follow her you decided to look out the window again.
Shuffling your legs over to the windows, you got a clear view of the rising sun and all its glory, the hints of yellow, orange, pink, red, and even blue from the night's previous dark veil still clung onto the brightening sky. Somehow you had this weird feeling that today something life changing was going to happen. You didn’t know if you should be excited or worried, but you decided to push those thoughts aside and continue on to the back of the shop where you could already hear the clutter and clang of falling pans, no doubt Tammy’s handy work.
Oh, if you only knew how right your hunch was…
~ Timeskip to a little later in the day and a P.O.V change to FatGum ~
“How much longer do I have for patrol?” I asked myself, pulling out my phone to check the time. The time read ‘9:12 AM’ and I huffed, still a couple more hours to go. Putting the device back in my pocket with a grimace but quickly faked a smile as I continued down the bustling street. The active community, excited civilians, and eager children usually never fails to put a smile on my face, but today everything just felt like a drag. I was sluggish, unfocused, and I couldn’t understand why. I shook my head, get your head in the game, Taishiro. You don’t have time to let your mind wander on duty.
After what seemed like hours, but was more than likely only 15 minutes, I felt my stomach let out a rumbling growl which made me groan. I stopped walking on the sidewalk and took a second to consider the situation, wandering the city for a couple of hours with nothing too exciting to do really works up an appetite, and I do need to keep up my strength. I’m a hero after all, and denying myself is like ignoring my civic duty to protecting the people! At this point, I’ll take any excuse to get out of this pointless shambling. But the REAL question is, what to get? I glanced around the street and noticed a few shops further down the block that looked to be food related. I smirked, perfect.
I wove through the few people occupying the area, past a few excited teenagers who asked for autographs, and eventually made it to the shops. Looking around I saw some insurance shops, an enticing Pad Thai sit down, and few others, but the one that caught my eye was a cutesy, (F/C)-painted bakery named, “Queen of Tarts”. Chuckling at the interesting name choice, I looked inside the establishment through the plexiglass windows.
The inside carried a light, fluffy atmosphere, pastel colored walls combining with the checkered tile floor caused a small smile out of me. A few small tables with delicate iron chairs here and there, but the real prize were the copious amounts of sweets that were displayed in the glass cases. Each were different colors, sizes, but they all looked delicious. Feeling my stomach grumble, I grabbed the door handle, flung it open, and walked into the scrumptious smelling shop. After walking in, the tiny jingle of bells alerting the workers of my presence, I finally saw the most stunning sweet of all.
“Hi, welcome to the Queen of Tarts, how may I help you today?” the gorgeous woman at the counter asked but it didn’t register in my brain because I was already lost in thought. Her adorable (H/C) hair framed her face to show her soft, chubby cheeks, her eyes glistened in the sunlight, and her smile, oh, it completely lit the room with its radiance. Curves in all the right places, I felt my cheeks heat up as I let out a nervous laugh, cursing my inner self for not holding it together. Seriously, I can face the nastiest of villains but throw one pretty lady in front of me and I fall apart? Fantastic. Realizing I wasn’t answering, I quickly stepped forward and cleared my throat.
“Uh, yeah. Hi,” ‘Wow, so smooth, Taishiro,’ I criticized in my head, “I...haven’t seen this store here before, you new?” I offered a smile, which she returned tenfold, making me even more flustered.
“Yes, actually! I set up shop here only a few weeks ago, finally settling in with the hustle and bustle of city life.” she finished, leaning in closer against the marble counter with her arms crossed.
“City life? You didn’t grow up here?” I asked.
“Yeah,” she shrugged, “Grew up on more of the countryside style of life. I love the city though, do you?”
“Yeah, you gotta get used to it when you spend all your time protecting it.” I let a hint of boasting attitude out, hoping she’d realize who I am.
“Ha, I hear ya! I do my own share of ‘protecting’ around here too. Well, if you count making goodies, that is.” she giggled, standing up and walking over to the glass containers. I deflated a little, guess that wasn’t going to work this time. I shuffled over to where she was standing and looked down at the treats they offered.
“So, kind stranger, what is it you’ll be having?” she asked after a minute of me inspecting the pastries. The problem with not being picky about what you eat, means there are tons of more options than that of others, and when all the items look equally as delectable, you get a little overwhelmed. Plus, the fact that a beautiful woman whom I would very much like to not embarrass myself in front of is waiting for my answer doesn’t help.
I gulped, “I don’t know, they all look amazing. What’s your favorite?” I asked, hoping to know a little more about her.
“Oh, gosh, let me think…” she pouted, resting her head on the palm of her hand while looking deep in thought at the treats. The adorable crease of her eyebrows scrunched together, the tip of her tongue poking out in concentration, her lovely, curvalicious body...that’s it, I’m so screwed.
“I think I’d go for the Chocolate Cream Puff,” her answer drawing both me and her out of our distracted states, “My dad taught me years ago this amazing chocolate ganache recipe and I drizzle that all over the tops of homemade pastry puffs and the whipped filling, ugh! It’s to die for, seriously!” she finished, a sparkle in her (E/C) eyes that fueled the fire in my gut. She spoke about food just as passionately as I did! She’s perfect.
Without thinking, I quickly said, “I’ll take ten.”
~ (Y/N) P.O.V ~
“Alright, there you go, 10 Chocolate Cream Puffs. Have a wonderful day, sir!” I said with a bright smile.
“Please, call me Taishiro. And you are..?” he asked.
I flushed, I’m such a klutz, “(Y/N), pleasure to meet you, Taishiro. I hope you enjoy them and come back to visit m...us! Come visit us again!” I hastily fixed my wording.
As he smiled and waved goodbye, I rolled the tension out of my shoulders and breathed a sigh of relief. It’s okay, he was nice...and cute...and...really handsome. Wow, I am I sweating?
“HOLY CRAP!” I jumped as I heard Tammy squeal out behind me, I spun around to look at her standing in the doorway to the back, watching the leaving guest with an awestruck face.
“What?! Where’s the fire?!” I shouted running up to her, grabbing the edge of my apron.
“(Y/N), look at me,” she grabbed my shoulders and forced me to stare into her hazel eyes, “Do you know who that was?”
I shrugged my shoulders as best as I could under her vice grip, “A customer, right?”
“A custom--ugh, curse you for not keeping up with the media,” she yelled while flinging her arms to the sky in exasperation before shoving them back on my shoulders, “(Y/N), that wasn’t just any old customer! That was the FatGum!”
I blinked, “Uh, who?”
“Aarrghh! The rank 58 Pro Hero in Japan! What did you say to him?!” I paled as her words sunk in. My legs felt like jelly and I wanted to lie on the floor and die of embarrassment as she raved on about my ignorance.
‘Oh, so I’ve fallen for a Pro Hero. Awesome.’
~ Timeskip to a few weeks later, same P.O.V ~
Who knew meeting a Pro Hero and potentially having a crush on him could be so amazing? After Taishiro, who is apparently a hero named FatGum, left the store, he personally posted on his main platform of media about the shop and how incredible the desserts were! Of course, to get a compliment from a hero who's Quirk is literally based around food, who’s eaten hundreds of thousands of different dishes, for him to specifically point out your’s brought the media swarming. Business went from nearly dead to tons of people coming in at all open hours! It was fantastic, and the handsome gentleman kept his promise of continually coming in and buying heaps of pastries.
You sighed, leaning against the marble counter after helping a few beautiful ladies buy some tarts, watching their desirable, attractive forms leave the shop and walk past the window. Looking around the busy lounge area, all of the customers were stunning, unique, and most of all thin. You glanced down at yourself, insecurities filling your mind about your appearance and unsurprisingly flickering back to the man plaguing your thoughts. You poked the chub, would he? No. He probably already has someone and even if he didn’t, why would he go for you? You’re a no one to him, someone who just sells him baked goods to fuel his Quirk, nothing more.
“Hey, boss man, what’s up?” Asher, a friend and employee of yours, asked while spinning you away from the counter to face him, drawing Tammy’s attention from her place on the stool behind the counter.
“Oh, it’s nothing, Asher. Just distracted is all, I’m fine!” you sighed and faked a smile.
Asher pulled a skeptical look and without looking at Tammy he said, “She’s thinking about him again, isn’t she?”
Tammy, like it was her sixth sense to pick up on gossip, flung herself to Asher’s side with the same skeptical look, “Yep, it’s so obvious.”
“I-It is?!” you yelped, pulling your hands up to your cheeks to hide your growing blush.
“What are we gonna do about them, Tam?” he asked, still not looking at her but instead grabbing your chin and tiling your head from side to side to inspect you.
 “I don’t know what else to do, Ash. He so likes her back but both are too scared to make the first move. Truly a dilemma.” she said, twirling a lock of your (H/C) hair.
“Wait, he does?! How do you know?” you pleaded but they weren’t paying any attention to you anymore, making you puff out your pudgy cheeks in frustration. Opting to ignore them, you listened to the aimless chatter of the seating area. The ambiance of the confectionery made you smile because it was exactly how you’d pictured it as a little girl, the sweet smells, the laughter, it finally felt like home after all these years in the making. All your hard work was paying off in the end. Suddenly, the ringing bells of the door opening drew your attention. Glancing back, you caught a glimpse of a familiar yellow and orange clad figure whose head almost touched the ceiling. You gasped and shoved your friends off of you and to the backroom, spun around, and greeted your favorite customer with a bashful smile.
“Taishiro! How lovely to see you again,” but you quickly noticed it wasn’t just him. Two teenage boys, one with striking red hair and a warm smile and the other trembling and hiding inside of his cloak’s hood, were by FatGum’s side, which made you ask, “And who is this with you?”
“(Y/N), this is Eijirou Kirishima and Tamaki Amajiki, they are training under me for hero internships. I wanted to bring them here so they could try your wicked sweets!” he finished, making you blush even harder.
“Aw, that’s so sweet of you, FatGum! It’s a pleasure to meet you, boys.” you finished, holding out your hand for them to shake.
The red-headed boy, Kirishima, shook your hand with a gentle, but strong grip, “Same here! I’ve heard all about this place because of the news, sorry I couldn’t come sooner!”
“Oh, that’s alright, and it’s wonderful to meet you, Tamaki.” you held out your hand, but all you got from him was a curt nod as he shrunk further into his suit.
“You’ll have to forgive, Amajiki, he’s sort of shy.” Taishiro chuckled, rubbing his hand behind his head.
You pulled your hand back with an understanding smile, “No problem, I totally get social anxiety. Happens to the best of us, I’m afraid.”
“No way,” you suddenly heard Tammy mumble behind you, no doubt to Asher, “He brought his kids to see her. Did not expect that. I respect the flex.”
“Isn’t that a little far for first base material?” Asher whispered back to her. You proceeded to shoot them a terrifying glare and subtly kick both of them in the shins, a symbol for them to scram. They gulped and hobbled off to the back to avoid your wrath while you huffed and whipped your hair out of your face with a smile.
“Anyways, since the three of you are here, what would you boys like? It’s on the house!” you confidently boasted.
Taishiro gasped, “(Y/N), no. I can’t do that to you, we’ll pay.”
“Ah, ah, ah, Taishiro. You are by far the most paying of customers and since you’re my favorite of all I want to give this to you. Call it, uh, thank you present for all the publicity you’ve given my store! I couldn’t have made it this far without you.” you grinned.
He sighed and, though it could have been your imagination, blushed a little, “At least let me pay for my portion. I get considerably more than them.”
“Nope, it’s already been decided! Kirishima, what would you like?” you changed the topic before Taishiro could argue with you again. He rolled his eyes, clear girl.
“Hmm,” Kirishima thought, “Do you have anything with strawberries?”
“I got just the thing for you. How about a Strawberry Turnover?” you directed him over to the case with the pastry. He took one glance and excitedly nodded his head and you smiled, grabbed the sweet with a clean pair of tongs, placed it on a napkin, and handed it over to the young man. He grinned and shoveled the pastry into his mouth without hesitation. 
“Thanks so much, Miss (Y/N)! It’s delicious!” he praised through a mouth full of food, making you giggle at his silliness. Walking back over to the registrar, you saw Tamaki looking at you. When he was caught, he gasped, quickly spun around, and hid himself away from you by pressing into FatGum’s body.
“What would you like, Tamaki?” you patiently asked. Taishiro looked at you with doubt and started saying something but you quickly shushed him and continued to wait for the teen’s answer.
Knowing that you weren’t going to give up, Tamaki quietly mumbled out, “D-D-Do you...have anything with...b-black raspberry? I-If you don’t that’s fine too, I-I didn’t mean to sound too rude or--”
“I believe I do,” you quickly interrupted so he didn’t go into a spiraling haze of self doubt, “Would a Black Raspberry Lychee Cake suffice, Tamaki?”
“Y-Yes, Miss (Y/N)...” he sighed in relief, glancing at you with tears in his eyes. You gave him a reassuring smile and grabbed the treat for him, handing it to FatGum so he could hold on to it for Tamaki.
“And now, what’ll you have, kind stranger?” you grinned as he chuckled.
“I’ll take my usual then, 10 Chocolate Cream Puffs, please.” he concluded while giving a sweet grin.
You snarked, “You always get the same thing every time, Taishiro. Don’t you wanna try anything else? I promise they’re poisoned.” you smirked.
He quirked an eyebrow at you, “Are you sure about that?” he joked.
“Taishiro! What kind of business would I be if I poisoned all my guests?” you laughed at him.
“Okay, okay, I’ll try something different, ma’am. Do you have anything with pineapple?” he asked with curiosity.
“You betcha. How does a Pineapple Poke Cake sound, sir?” you interrogated. You saw stars glisten in his eyes and you giggled at his excitement.
“How many?” you joked.
“I’ll take 12!” he concluded, blissfully staring off into space.
You packaged up his request in a cutesy (F/C) box with your confectionery’s logo and, biting your lip in apprehension, decided that if he wasn’t going to make his move then you would. You quickly wrote down your phone number on top of the box in Sharpie and signed off your name with a small black heart. As you finished the lettering you stared at the box and thought about your previous insecurities. There was still time, still time to take out the pastries, put them in a new box, and forget the whole number thing ever happened.
“Hey, don’t you dare take out those treats and put them in a new box, you hear me, girl?!” you heard a tiny male voice whisper above you. Startled, you looked up to see Tammy and Asher peeking through the window that let the customers see into the back of the bakery to watch the baking happen. You glared at the two, so they had been watching you try and confess your feelings to the fluffy hero in a discreet way.
“What am I supposed to do? What if he doesn’t like me and all the signs I’ve been getting from him are me making up a love story that is never going to happen between us?! What if by doing this I ruin our relationship and he makes sure the business tanks?! This is my life's work and I’m putting it on the line for a stupid chance at love!” you whisper yelled at them, the familiar feeling of fear and pain coursing through your system from previous failed love confessions.
“You really think a sweet man like that is going to make your life’s dream completely fall to pieces?” Tammy questioned and you exhaled, shaking your head ‘no’.
“Then go out there and get yo mans! You have to at least try and snatch that, I have to see my OTP become canon!” she sent a determined glare at you, grabbed the box, shoved it in your hands, spun you around, and pushed your forward. You stumbled and almost tripped onto the floor but caught yourself on the marble counter. Standing up tall, you took a deep breath in and urged your legs to move forward. Getting to the registrar, you smiled at Taishiro and the boys and handed over the box to FatGum after giving a subtle cough.
“Thank you for everything, Taishiro, you’ve helped me in ways you could never imagine. Now, I hope you boys come back sometime!” you spoke to the teens, Kirishima grinning at you with his shark-like teeth.
“Will do, Miss (Y/N)! I couldn’t stay away from this place even if I tried, your desserts are the BOMB!” he laughed, punching his fists together in excitement.
“...Thank you, Miss (Y/N).” Tamaki shyly whispered, giving you half a grin before cowering away once more.
“Don’t mention it, loves! Now, Taishiro, remember that I said this is on the--whoa! Are you okay?” you asked the man. His face was almost as red as his student’s hair, his eyes wide and unfocused as he stared at the top of the box, where your number neatly sat. You gulped, maybe it was the wrong decision after all.
Waving a nervous hand in front of Taishiro’s face, it seemed to break him from his spellbound state as he glanced at your eyes, “Are you...feeling okay, Taishiro?”
He looked at you with a shaken gaze as he laughed off his nerves while saying, “Y-Yeah! Just, um...yeah...you...let’s go, boys! Gotta get back to the patrol! Bye, (Y/N)!” he said while ushering the confused boys away from the counter and to the door. You felt your heart shatter into dozens of pieces as you turned your head down to conceal your sorrowed expression from the rest of the lounge area. You felt your eyes wet with tears but you used the sleeve of your white button down you dry them, you have to stay strong. At least you got it off your chest. Sniffling, you turned your head back up only to see FatGum’s face, only he was suddenly a lot more chiseled in the face and body and wow, did it just get hot in here?
“I forgot one thing.” he said with a flustered smile. You, less heartbroken then before just more confused, shrugged your shoulders in question. He then grasped your shoulders, tilted his head to the side, and planted a loving and firm kiss on your right cheek. You felt your face melt into a puddle of red as he held the kiss for a few seconds longer than anticipated but eventually released your cheek, staring back at you with the same expression as you.
“Did you really think I was going to leave without paying you back, cream puff?” he chuckled with a grin.
“I-I, um…” no longer sorrowed, your brain couldn’t catch up with the fact that he most definitely liked you back.
“Heh, you’re cute when you’re flustered for me. I’ll text you later, okay? Keep on the look out for me!” he said, backing up from the counter, only to grow immensely in size as he returned to the state you had met the hero in. He waved goodbye as he walked back to Kirishima who was practically bouncing off the walls in his excitement.
“Congratulations on the relationship, Miss (Y/N)!” the teen sang out as the three of them left the store to patrol the streets for their hero duties once again.
The entire restaurant was silent as they watched your chubby form turn into a puddle of emotions and ditzy giggles, the only thing that was heard was a loud, “YES! IT’S CANON, BABY!”
~ The End ~
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hikari-writes · 3 years
Fluff Oneshot
Winter Wonderland Collab
❝ Cure For A Broken Heart ❞
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Pairing: Goshiki Tsutomu
Warning: Cheating ex boyfriend, past toxic relationship
Genre: F L O O F
Words: 3.6k
A/N: heres another piece for the winter wonderland collab feat baby boy goshiki :3
Winter Wonderland Masterlist
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You stomped your way through the shopping district full of couples making out, anger seeping through you as you tried very hard not to yell at those strangers. 
It was hard to contain your anger towards happy couples, especially since you had just broken up with your cheating boyfriend. 
Definitely not a good way to start your Christmas evening.
You rubbed your eyes to get rid of the tears that were welling up in it. You tried to get your mind off of things as you thought on how Oikawa would react when he finds out about your breakup. 
He'll most likely nag you for hours, saying that he knew that your (now) ex-boyfriend was bad news all along. You couldn't help but to heave another sigh. 
Not that Oikawa hadn't warned you about your ex before. He warned you multiple times, even. But you were too blinded by what you thought was love for your ex to even pay any attention to Oikawa's warnings. 
As you kept walking and walking without any particular direction you were heading into, you finally found yourself in an unfamiliar side of the shopping district. 
The place wasn't bustling with as many people as the center of the shopping district you were in just now. There were fewer shops, and the things that were being sold in them weren’t as eye-catching as the ones in the busy part of the shopping district. 
Just then, your feet stopped at a shop that appears to be a cafe. You looked at the shop sign. There, written in a beautiful font, was the shop’s name.
“...Shiratori Cake House.”
You stared at the picture of a swan on the sign board logo. Fits the cafe’s name to a T, you thought. Seeing as how the place is void of any visitors, you figured that there won’t be so many customers in the cafe and decided to enter the cafe to treat yourself to something sweet and take your mind off the aching pain in your heart. 
Truthfully, you could’ve just gone to the cafe Oikawa worked at, since you’re more familiar with that place and you might even got to ask for a bit of a friend discount from him. But since it was CHRISTMAS, the place will undoubtedly be flooded with customers, who were mostly Oikawa’s fangirls, and you didn’t want to be suffocated with so many people while your mind was in total shambles. You needed peace, quiet and a little bit of a sweet treat to mend your broken heart at the time.
As soon as you stepped in, however, you realized that your previous guess was completely off. 
The cafe wasn’t lacking in customers.
It didn’t have any customers to begin with.
You looked around in confusion. You even thought that maybe the place was actually already closed for the day. But you were definitely sure that the sign read “OPEN” before you entered just now. See, it wouldn’t have been weird if business was running slow if this was any other day. But it was CHRISTMAS. Every cafe, bakery and cake shop in the town was swarmed with customers, especially considering the fact that there weren't as many shops like that in your town to begin with.
Your confusion was cut short when you heard a male voice called out to you.
“Welcome, dear customer. A table for one?”
You turned around to see a guy with a black haired bowl cut wearing what you presumed to be the cafe’s uniform greeting you. You sent him a nod and followed behind him silently as he led the way to one of the tables. Considering the fact that he was serving you, you took it that it was still business hours at the time. 
“Take your time, and just call me whenever you’ve decided on an order.”
He handed you the menu and you took it with a curt nod. You didn’t spare a glance at the menu as you stared at the waiter. He noticed your gaze and looked at you with confusion evident in his eyes. 
“Is there something wrong?”
At his question, you found yourself opening your mouth to say something that even you yourself wasn’t expecting to come out of your own mouth. You guessed you could say you said that on the spur of the moment, but what exactly prompted you to say that was unknown to even yourself. Who knows, maybe the stress and sadness you were feeling after having just broken up with your ex made you lose some of your brain cells.
“Can I get a smile from you?”
You asked with a straight face, as if you didn’t just ask a question that might as well be considered as a pick-up line. After blurting that out, you realized how much you actually sounded like Oikawa. Guess being friends with him had made his habits rub off on you too. You internally cringed at what you just said, and was about to apologize to the waiter when you saw his reaction. 
He looked extremely surprised at your sudden request and he was blushing extremely hard, you could even feel the heat he was radiating. He kept opening and closing his mouth, as if trying to say something to you but the vocabularies in his brain just disappeared. It was apparent that he had never experienced being hit on before. His reaction seemed to be contagious when you found even yourself blushing at his reaction, and you were left with an awkward silence as the both of you continued to hang your head low. You gotta admit though, he was pretty cute so that just became another factor as to why you blushed after what you just said.
Not too long after that, another waiter stepped in and pushed the black haired waiter away. You snapped out of your flustered state and looked up at the waiter who just helped the two of you get out of that awkward situation. He had copper-colored hair with a….unique hairstyle.
He heaved a sigh before meeting your gaze.
“Please excuse him, dear customer. Although, I must say, you did break him after what you just said.”
At his statement, your blush grew darker.
“B-broke him, you said...”
You quickly averted your gaze and stared intently at the menu in front of you, trying to distract yourself from the unbearable awkwardness. 
You skimmed through the menu and took a quick glance at the cakes displayed in a window glass. All the desserts looked delicious, sure, but you couldn't buy all of them. Finally, you decided to go with the easiest solution.
“Say, what do you recommend? Do you have any special menu that you specialize in?”
You turned to the two waiters who, oddly enough, were still standing near your table instead of just waiting at the counter until you called over. 
At this question, the black haired waiter perked up, and he seemed like he had finally been snapped out of his embarrassment. 
“If you're asking what we specialize in, I must simply mention our tea! While the tea leaves aren't anything fancy or anything of the sort, the way we *cough* I *cough* brew our tea is enough to bring the full flavour of the tea. I'm sure you'll enjoy it!”
He seemed rather enthusiastic about it,but the other waiter just shot him an unpleasant glare. The black haired waiter quickly shut his mouth up. From the way he said it, you could pretty much deduce that the aforementioned “tea that they specialize in” was brewed by the black haired waiter himself. Nice display of confidence.
The other waiter cleared his throat before speaking. 
“I'm pretty sure she meant what sort of DESSERTS do we specialize in, Tsutomu, not drinks. And to answer your question, we do pride ourselves in our chocolate desserts. I highly recommend you getting the Black Forest cake, but since it IS Christmas, we also have Strawberry Shortcake to offer, if you'd prefer that.”
You contemplated on what to order for a moment. In the end, you decided to go with what he recommended (since he did go out of his way to mention that).
The waiter displayed a small smile that probably meant “Oh thank goodness I didn't waste my time recommending that cake to her,” as he jotted down the order. He didn't say it aloud obviously, but his smile just kinda radiated that vibe, y'know?
You then turned towards the black haired waiter, Tsutomu, you presumed, and gave him a small grin. 
“And I also would like to have this tea that you specialize in.”
His face lit up and he seemed to be blushing a bit. He nodded enthusiastically while the other waiter just gave him a distasteful look. 
The two walked away and you took the opportunity to look around the cafe. It seemed to have a pretty good interior design, and the cakes being displayed also seemed to sparkle brightly. You wondered why there was no customer at all. Probably because of how it's located in a pretty deserted part of the shopping district. 
Meanwhile you were busy looking up and down the shop, the two waiters who were serving you just now whispered to one another. 
“Before you start, let me just make one thing clear. She obviously wasn't actually planning to hit on you from the look on her face, so stop acting like a high school girl who just got herself a boyfriend.”
The copper haired waiter, Shirabu, started. Tsutomu seemed a bit disappointed at this, but he quickly furrowed his brows at him. 
“But still, I was still being hit on by a really PRETTY girl. It's probably a Christmas miracle or something.”
He sighed with a small blush adorning his face, to which Shirabu just replied with a disgusted look. 
“I wonder if she has a lover or not...”
He quietly asked the question out of curiosity. Shirabu looked at him for a moment before glancing at you. 
“Think about it logically, Tsutomu. Today is Christmas. It's basically a holiday for couples to spend their time together. Meanwhile our dear customer right there is, as you can see, alone. Plus, why would she wonder around this part of the shopping district alone if she wasn't preoccupied with her thoughts. She probably either is definitely single from the start and wanted to get away from the busy part of the shopping district which was full of couples, OR she had just broken up with her lover.”
After explaining his guesses (Thanks, Sherlock), Shirabu seemed to realize something and turned to Tsutomu almost immediately. 
“Don't tell me you….you wanted to ask her out or something?? Tsutomu, it was just ONE pick-up line, for God's sake.”
Shirabu frowned at the younger male, expressing his disbelief with a sigh. 
“That's not it!”
He hissed in defense. Tsutomu turned to look at you again who were staring off at the shop's window, silently admiring the falling snow outside. 
“It's just...she seemed sad and I was just wondering if she has a special someone who she can confide in….or something.”
Tsutomu softly explained, his eyes still fixated on you.
“You know what people nowadays call you? A busybody. Why would you care for a stranger anyway?”
Tsutomu gave a silent glare towards Shirabu as he finished brewing your tea.
“Well then, Shirabu-san, if I'm a busybody then you're a jerk. It's called being KIND and maybe you should try it sometimes too.”
“Alright, then, go take this cake to her, if you're SO kind. And DON'T scare her away, you hear me? She's our only customer today and we don't appreciate you blabbing unnecessary stuff at her and making her leave.”
With that warning, Shirabu handed Tsutomu a plate with a slice of Black Forest cake on it. Tsutomu just grumbled as a response and made his way towards you. 
“Here is your order. Please enjoy it.”
Your train of thoughts was interrupted when Tsutomu came back with a tray of your order. You nodded and mumbled a small thank you before picking up the cup of tea. It was freezing cold outside so you figured the hot tea could keep you nice and warm.
As soon as you took a sip from it, you were completely stunned by the flavour of the tea. 
Turned out he wasn't joking or blindly bragging about the tea he made. It was, without a doubt, extremely delicious. The coldness you were feeling was gone in an instant and it felt as if your entire body was filled with the warmth of the tea. 
“It's really delicious.”
You commented and looked at him with a genuinely warm smile. He tried to hide the smile that was forming on his face but the blush on his cheeks was enough proof to know that he was completely pleased with your compliment. 
All of a sudden, you were washed with feelings of nostalgia. Now that you thought back on it, you also always tried your hardest to brew the best tea for your ex-boyfriend. All of that memory seemed like a blur to you now that you know that he probably didn't mean any of the compliments he gave. Heck, you even caught a glimpse of him pouring the tea you made into the sink but you decided that that was just your mind playing tricks on you.
“Urgh, this SUCKS. I came here to forget about him but he still somehow managed to wriggle his way into my mind...”
You closed your eyes and your brows were knitted together in frustration as you thought that. You inhaled the scent of the tea and thankfully, that managed to calm your nerves down. 
“Are you alright??”
When you heard the panicked voice of Tsutomu, you opened your eyes and only then did you realize something sliding down your cheeks.
You touched your cheeks to inspect what it was. Well, even if you didn't, you already had a pretty good guess as to what it was. 
Tears were running down your cheeks in an uncontrollable manner. It was as if the more you tried to wipe them away, the more they came flooding down your face.
Tsutomu was panicking so hard, he felt as though he just lost ten years of his lifespan. Meanwhile Shirabu was glaring daggers behind his back, thinking that Tsutomu had said something to make you cry. 
“I'm terribly sorry, I….”
At this point, you had buried your whole face in your hands, ashamed at yourself for crying in front of these strangers. Just then, you felt a comforting hand being placed on your back, softly rubbing circles on top of it.
“It's alright if you felt like crying. Just let it all out.”
Those words were all that you needed before streams of tears started to pour out of your eyes and a few sobs to escape your lips. The fact that you suddenly remembered how your ex-boyfriend would always tell you to not cry in front of him because he claimed it’d be “troublesome” made you realize how toxic your relationship was.
After a few minutes had passed and you had calmed down, you pulled your hand away from your face before facing Tsutomu. He noticed this and looked at you with a concerned look. 
“I’m really sorry. That was shameful of me to cry in front of a total stranger. Thank you for giving me the chance to let all that out.”
You smiled at him and he retreated back his hand that was on your back. 
“Uhm...if you don’t mind, you can tell me your problems. I believe that it’s better to have someone you can confide in rather than keep it to yourself.”
You looked at him for a moment. Most people won’t really care about a stranger’s problem, so Tsutomu offering that came as a bit of a surprise to you. But if he had offered that, then it’d be nice to accept it.
“Thank you for the offer...Excuse me for bothering you then.”
So you told him everything from how you were burned out because of your work and were hoping to have a nice, relaxing time alone with your ex….and how you discovered he was cheating on you when you went to his place uninvited. You stormed out of there, and walked and walked and walked...trying to get as far away as possible from his place. Then, before you knew it, you found yourself in front of this cake shop. 
Tsutomu listened so intently, nodding his head every now and then to silently reassure you that he was listening. It warmed your heart when you saw how considerate he was being. For once, you actually felt as if a burden had been lifted off your shoulders. 
Shirabu who was sitting at the counter was silently listening to your story too. He made his way to your table and put down a slice of Strawberry Shortcake, claiming that that one was on the house.
“It’s hard to see the truth when you’re too blinded by what you wanted to believe. I’m sure that’s what happened to you too. Whoever that guy was, he clearly is a jerk that doesn’t have any respect for people. How can he be so disrespectful to someone as beautiful and kind as you?”
Tsutomu huffed out in frustration. You smiled at him for a moment before realizing what he just said at the end of his line.
“What...was that?”
You asked with an awkward smile and a small blush adorning your cheeks.
“Huh? I said he’s such a jerk---”
Before he got to finish the sentence, his eyes widened as a realization dawned upon him about what he just blurted out and before he knew it a deep crimson blush was already dusted upon his cheeks.
An awkward silence came upon the both of you and Shirabu who was watching the whole thing heaved an exasperated sigh as he thought on how hopeless the both of you were.
“A-anyways...thank you for hearing me out. And the food here is delicious too. I’ll definitely come back here again and bring my friends as well.”
After finishing your cakes and tea, you got up from your seat and went to the counter to pay for your orders.
“Ah, it’s already so late so uhh.. I think it’s best if I accompany you until you reach the main part of the shopping district.”
Tsutomu quickly got up from his seat and walked towards you. You honestly didn’t want to trouble him any further, but he simply assured you that he wanted to do it himself. Shirabu also nonchalantly encouraged you to take him up on his offer. At last, you did and walked out of the cake shop side by side with Tsutomu. 
The rapid contrast of the temperature from the heater in the cake shop and outside of it made you involuntarily shiver. As you exhaled, you could see your own breath in front of you. You’re definitely curling up under your kotatsu tonight.
The both of you walked in silence, admiring the colourful decorations being put around the district. When you finally reached the more busy part of the shopping district, the both of you stopped in your tracks.
“Thank you for everything today. You’ve been a great help…..Uh….”
You stopped mid-sentence as you realized that you didn’t know what this stranger’s name who had been so kind to you was.
“Just call me Tsutomu.”
He replied as if he knew what was on your mind. You smiled and nodded.
“....Tsutomu, thank you again for today. You can call me Y/N.”
You didn’t know whether it was because of the cold or because he was blushing, but you noticed his cheeks being dusted with pink hues. The same could be applied to you as well as you felt the rising heat in your cheeks. 
You bowed one last time and was about to continue walking when he called out to you.
“Uhm! Y/N...now that I think about it...I uh... I don’t think I caught what your phone number was….”
The both of you stood there in silence, your blush only grew deeper as moments passed by and you quickly responded to him by taking out a piece of paper from your bag and scribbling down your number.
You handed him the piece of paper and hung your head low, too embarrassed to face him. He took the paper and held it close to his chest.
“....I’ll be sure to contact you.”
He whispered under his breath, barely audible to your ears. You nodded and the both of you shared a small, content smile before making your separate ways to your house and back to the cake shop respectively.
That Christmas had been very hectic and you were drained out, but spending your time at the cake shop was an experience you’ll never forget. After all, the cute, black haired waiter there did help mend your broken heart at the time. 
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Oikawa totally wasn’t having it when he knew you gave out your phone number to a total stranger. In the end, he nagged you for hours about the danger of strangers and also how he was going to kick your ex-boyfriend’s ass after that. (He, Iwaizumi, Matsukawa and Hanamaki brought you cakes and some games to cheer you up so you weren’t all that bothered by his continuous nagging.)
The End
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Gen. Taglist: @vventiis @laylahoran @whootwhoot @mirakeul @kiyorei @instantmiya-main @ourvisty @tamaguchi @cadenceh2o @hidehaskak @yamagucji @ynainnit @tsukisemi @that-chick212 @bakuhoetoedoroki @alysken @ineedsomefoodpls [Join my taglist here!]
Winter Wonderland Taglist: @aii-channn @peteunderoos @jungtoast @nekoclysm @our-tall-slytherin-queen @isabella5 @slippinglasses @yhyucklee @rowley-with-ackerman @lilacnoodles @ineedsomefoodpls [Get into the winter wonderland taglist on this post!]
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Make Wise Choices Part 5: Airplanes
Voices, you can hear voices. But you feel like your limbs are made of lead and you try to focus on the blurry faces. Your eyes are hooded and glazed over. You know you are totally stoned.  You feel strong arms picking you up, like a ragdoll being lifted easily into someone else’s arms. The arms are strong. But you know is not Kara, the body feels different and smells different. You can smell something sweet and comforting, a pleasant scent so intoxicating. You don’t know if this’s because you are completely trashed or why the scent is so enticing and evocative. You mind is in shambles and you feel dizzy, you vaguely think you should feel worry at not knowing where you are, who is carrying you but you really don’t have the strength to fight it and somehow their touch is comforting and soothing.
Your eyelids fluttering in hazy relief when you can see Lena’s blurry face. She is walking close to the person carrying you, your head being cradle against a strong shoulder and you feel an arm underneath your legs. you are basically being carried like an infant by the blonde doctor, you can distinguish her blonde waves.
Lena: “Are you sure you got her?”
Dr. Sharpe: “Yes, I have her Lena. She is quite light I swear I’m not going to drop her. Please go ahead and open the door to the office, the keys are in my coat pocket. Take them out, open the office and turn on the lights”
Cassandra Sharpe is carrying you like you weight nothing, man she is strong. You can swear she must have very tone biceps and you could also bet a killer six pack.  She also smells heavenly, so you try to move your face a little more into her neck trying to get to where her smell is stronger, and you mumble something unintelligible.
Dr. Sharpe: “Hey sweetie don’t be scared, I got you and we are almost there”
You can distinguish a long corridor with brown walls and soft warm light and then you are inside a room with impressive state of the art equipment and very modern décor. You are being place softly on a chair with backrest inclination. You fuzzy brain connects the dots, you’re inside a dental office and you begin to freak out because you think it’s the doctor that you got your teeth removed and that was not a pleasant experience, inside your drugged out state you can’t see it´s Cassandra Sharpe’s office.
y/n: “Ennaaa! Lennaa!” -you sluggishly call out for Lena sacred at not knowing why your back at the dentist office.
Lena: “Hey sweet girl I’m here.” The green-eyed woman holds both your hands in hers and tries to calm you down before you panic. – “come on baby, breath with me, it´s just me and Cassandra. We are at her office, nothing to be scared about.”
y/n: “Alex?” -your eyes glazed over and barely conscious.
Lena: “I already called her and Kara, they’ll be here soon. Please just try to relax you are okay and safe”
You keep trying to move your hands, you feel anxious without your sisters and being inside a place you don’t know. In a normal situation when you’re at a doctor’s office you would feel nervous and anxious. Right now, you are feeling so confuse and fuzzy and not really grasping at everything being said.
Dr. Sharpe: “I don’t really want to use more sedatives or pain meds, she is not in pain anymore, but we need her calm. Can I try?” -she asks the green -eyed woman.
Lena keeps holding one of your hands while moving a little to let the other woman get near you. The blue-eyed doctor touches you shoulder and places a warm hand to the side of your face. You try to look into her eyes, but you can’t focus very well. But the touch is comforting so you stop moving.
Dr. Sharpe: “ Bellissima ragazza,  you are okay. Its just Lena and me. Your sisters will be here soon.  You are safe, can you let me do a quick check-up? I will make sure your tooth cavity doesn’t hurt as much. But I need you to relax and let me do this as quick as possible and we will get you back to your bed in no time, okay? - the doctor says in a very soft and comforting voice.
Y/N: “you so pretty”- you smile like a dork at the blue eyed-woman and try to gently tap her face in a tender way, but your arms feel so heavy, you look more like a goofy baby orangutan slapping air.
Lena snorts and watches very amused at the scene, thanking her friend for making you more calm and relax.  Cassandra takes both your hands in hers while you trying to get to her and kisses your knuckles.
Dr. Sharpe: “Cara mía, I’m going to begin okay?” – the blonde doctor gives one more kiss to your knuckles and lowers your hands to rest over your tummy. “Okay I’m going flush the socket and clean the area, then I will fill the cavity with surgical foam. I don’t see any sign of infection; I think the fever is due to the cold than due to any infection inside the dry socket. Just to be on the safe side we will continue with the antibiotics and I’m leaving the surgical foam until it dissolves itself in the next  few days” -the doctor explains everything, but mostly to Lena you just listen like a fool looking so very out of it. You like hearing her voice.
The blonde doctor continues to work in silence and very meticulously, like she was handling the most precious of things in her hands. While Lena watches everything and notices that you are so very out of it and weren’t really paying attention and most likely than not you would forget about everything that was currently happening.
Lena: “So, Cara mia? You don’t usually use Italian and even less in such a tender loving way towards someone you just met. I know you are affectionate, but this is different. And don’t think I didn’t see how you were almost cuddling her to you when you were carrying her to your office. So, what’s going on?”- she asks her friend.
The doctor doesn’t reply right away and continues to work in the task in front of her. She cleans the cavity and fills the socket with the surgical foam and makes sure everything is done to perfection. Then she sighs and looks up at Lena.
Dr. Sharpe: “I know, look I’m not sure. There’s something in her that pulls me to be protective of her. It’s scary how easily I found myself caring for her and I know, I know I just met her. But It feels right, you know? The moment I saw her that first time, I felt this need to take care of her, all I want is to pull her against me and make her feel safe, and that’s been consuming my mind for days.” – she stops for a moment and then looks down at y/n and back to Lena –“Now saying that at loud sounds very creepy” – she laughs a little.
Lena can see it, the truth behind those words, her friend is very passionate and affectionate towards people, she makes people feel safe but she is very careful with her heart and right now she can see that she truly cares for y/n and she feels  happy, because there’s no better person for her than y/n and same goes to her friend, Lena thinks Cassandra deserves to be happy again and maybe y/n can be that person for her.
Lena: “No is not, actually I think that’s quite cute. Look I think you’d be great for her and she’d be great for you as well. But its true, you just met her. So, get to know her, take her out on dates and let her know you too. That’s what I think, you also need to get on her sisters’ good side tough. I mean you are taking care of their little sister so that gives you extra points. But honestly y/n is very loved by many and we only care for her happiness, and I’m not blind. I can tell she likes you too.”
The green- eyed and blonde doctor look down at you and you smile goofily.
Alex: “That’s true you know? You do need to get on our good side”
Both women jump at the sound of the eldest Danvers sister and the blonde doctor looks wide eyed at both sisters standing at the door. Kara is sporting a shit eating grin while Alex looks very serious and her eyes are directed to the blonde doctor.
Lena: “Hi love”- stand and walks to greet her blonde girlfriend with a kiss. “Hi Alex, Cassandra is taking care of y/n and she is doing great”
Alex continue to stare at the blonde woman, and her eyes soften a little and walks to be near her baby sister and the blonde doctor.
Alex: “Relax Sharpe, I was just kidding. If y/n here wants to date you and know you better. We wont stand in your way. But please treat her right that’s all I ask”- she smiles at you when she focusses her eyes on you.  “Hi baby, you are doing okay?”
You are way too high to be considered conscious or know what you really say or do. So, you just keep on smiling and try to reach for your sister.
y/n: “Hiiii Lexiee! Doctor pretty eyes made the pain stopped and , Did you know she’s strong like Kara? She carried me and put foams inside my mouth”- you yawned a little looking quite dazed.
You look from your sister to the blonde doctor blinking furiously trying to stay awake.
y/n: “You really hawt you know? And smells so so gooods”- you sigh and close your eyes.
Dr. Sharpe: “yeah I gave her a very strong pain med and she will need to be watched closely for the next 24 hours. She was in so much pain due to the alveolar osteitis or well dry socket. She was sneezing a bit I think she sneezed to hard in the afternoon or late morning and dislodged the blood clot. I checked and there’s no sign of infection, she does have a mild fever. I think due to the cold. But now with the surgical foam she should be good but keep eating soft food”- she kept speaking to your sister.
 You felt like you were being ignored so you just kept trying to reach for something that was close to you in a metallic tray. Now that you were pain free and trying to stay awake, you were looking for something to entertain yourself and shinny objects were like magnets to stoned people.
y/n: “I want to thaaat…gimme”
Alex holds your hands to avoid you getting any of the object in the tray.
Alex: “No y/n. stop. That’s not a toy”
Kara sees you and takes advantage of your drugged-out state to get in some blackmail evidence for later. Gets her phone out and starts recording you while being high on pain meds.
You see the phone and immediately try to reach for it – “Heey that’s mine, gimme my phone and I need to check Instagram!”-You move your body towards the side where Kara is standing recording the whole thing, while Alex tries to get you  back into the chair before you can fall off.
Kara: “this is not your phone; this one is mine. This one…” – Kara reaches into her coat pocket to get a similar phone and smiles at you “This one is yours” -she mocks you while holding her phone out of your reach.
Alex: “Oh my God Kara, stop riling her up. She is going to hurt herself. Stop that”
Kara just keeps recording: “Fine, here. I’ll just put the phone on airplane mode, and she can have it back”
Alex just gives her sister an annoyed look while Cassandra and Lena look at the whole thing with amused smiles at the antics.
You take the phone from your sisters’ hand.
y/n: “Airplane mode?” – you look wide eyed at the phone. “So I can just …” – without anyone able to stop you, you throw the cellphone like you were throwing a paper plane to the air and smashes right into the wall behind Cassandra, who barely had the time to duck before you could hit her.
Everyone is dead silent, until you process what just happened with the phone. And you burst into tears.
y/n: “Whyyyy? Why it didn’t work, it was on airplane mode?!!!!” – you really looked disturbed at the scene.
Alex: “Oh for heaven’s sake, Kara would you stop that. Look what you just did. How could you give your drugged ass sister her phone back while clearly, she is not in her right state of mind. And you are getting you sister a new phone, that was your fault” – says pointing a finger at the smashed phone.
Kara looks down at being chastised by her older sister and mumbles a: “it was worth it though”
y/n: “Alex, my plane crashed?” – you look at your sister with big fat tears in your eye- “everyone died…”
Alex: “Oh dear Good, I can’t deal with this. Are you done Sharpe? Can we take her home? She will only get worse and honestly I rather be at home, eat something and let her sleep this off”
The blonde doctor takes pity on Alex and intervenes. “Yes, I’m done. She needs to be under adult supervision for the next 24 hours. She can get nauseous, experience drowsiness, heaviness and memory loss. I don’t think she will remember any of this”
Alex: “OK yes we can do that. Ok let’s go kiddo”
Kara: “uhhm, Alex? remember we were ¨drove¨ here by Vazquez? – Kara can’t really say she flew in with Alex at the doctor’s office.
Alex: “Riiight…”
Lena: “That’s okay I drove Cassandra’s SUV and its parked outside; we can all drive back together”
Everyone nods at that and while Kara tries to pick you up from the chair, you cross your arms and look up at her with a frown on your face. “You lied, you said it was an airplane” - Kara just laughs at that.
Kara: “I’m sorry sweet girl. But we need to leave please, Come on”
y/n: “don’t wanna, doctor pretty can do it…” -and you look at the blue- eyed doctor.  Alex raises an eyebrow at you and then at the blonde doctor.
The blue-eyed blonde just blushes. “I don’t mind, come on”- and she picks you up like you weight nothing, you just give a smug smile back at Kara.
Lena and Kara chuckles at you and Kara once again starts to use the video app on her phone. Alex just rolls her eyes and looks at the blond doctor carry you out from the office and into the hallway.
Alex: “Sharpe you have more muscles than I thought. Look at you.”- -says the red-haired woman while picking up the smashed phone from the floor and walking into the hallway as well. The blonde doctor does have a strong built and towers over the women with her 5´10” height.
Outside Lena unlocks the vehicle, Alex opens the door to let the blond doctor get into the back seat while carrying you and making sure your head doesn’t knock at the door frame. Kara sits next to you while Alex is convincing Lena to let her drive.
Alex: “Come on Luthor, let me drive. You drove earlier. And this is a sweet ride” – and it was the SUV was black Maserati Levante Trofeo.
Lena: “Fine here, you can drive. Let’s get back at the apartment so we all can have diner”
While driving back to the apartment, you began to doze off feeling the warmth of the blonde woman holding on you.
Alex squeals like a teenage girl and runs to the passenger seat and starts the car.  The stereo connected to Cassandra’s Bluetooth starts playing ironically the song ¨Airplanes¨ by BoB ft. Hayley Williams.
Everyone looks at the doctor who just shrugs.
Dr. Sharpe: “what? It’s a classic and I like it”
Alex drives through the quiet streets if national city and you hear the blue- eyed woman sing the song softly.
DR. Sharpe: “Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shootin’ starts. I could use a wish right now, a wish right, a wish right now…”
Surprisingly the blonde woman does have a very good signing voice and Kara began to sing along with the doctor as well.
Kara: “You know y/n sings quite well too, and she loves Karaoke nights. Just an idea for a date…”
The blonde doctor just hums in approval of that thought and continues to sing softly.
Dr. Sharpe: “…what would you wish for, if you had one chance?”- the blonde sang this part as in asking you a question.
y/n: “I wish for a corn dog” – almost closing your eyes.
Dr. Sharpe: “Are corn dogs something really important to her? Like this is the second time I’ve heard her ask for those” – the doctor asks the women inside the car amused at your answer.
Kara laughs hard at that and makes a comment about having so much blackmail on you and finally be able to get back at you for the couch sex incident.
Alex: “y/n loves carnival food. Like she loveees corn dogs. Back when we were younger we used to take y/n to the annual carnival in Midvale and she and Kara would stuff their faces in corn dogs, pop corn, caramel apples, funnel cake, cotton candy..” -Alex says while remembering fondly a young y/n Danvers running wild at the carnival on a sugar rush.
Kara: “Oh yes! That was so much fun, and the food is sooo delicious. Alex we should all go to a carnival. I think y/n would love that”
Alex: “that’s sounds like a good idea, except this time we won’t let her eat so much. She is not like you, and every time she tries to eat as much as you do, she ends up crying because she gets a stomachaches”
Everyone laughing in the car and the blonde woman looks down at you, by now you are almost completely asleep with a goofy smile on your lips.
Dr. Sharpe: “oh that sounds lovely. Although corn dogs are so bad. Wait until you all try my focaccia, I use my family recipe and its amazing. You can ask Lena”
Lena: “yes that focaccia al rosmarino is to die for”
y/n: “I would totally fuck…”-
Alex: “Hey Hey hey y/n Danvers, do not finish that sentence”
Kara laughs hard and continue to record, and the blonde doctor turns bright red at the words you spoken in your stoned state while Lena also laughs and Alex smirks and tries to save your drugged ass from more embarrassment.
Alex: “Kara put the phone away and leave her alone. She is high, and you already have enough blackmail already. Let her sleep it off”
Kara: “Fiiiine” …
The blonde woman just continues to look down at the sleeping body in her arms, finally passed out from the drugs with rosy cheeks and pouty pink lips. And smiles thinking of a perfect first date to take y/n out and loving the feel of the body in her arms. She can’t get enough of that feeling, she really likes it and feels an attraction like she hasn’t felt in so long. She doesn’t know what the future holds, but she is looking forward to it.
notes: Yes I noticed it was more fluffier than expected but I will come up with some angst next time. 
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hedwigstalons · 4 years
Something soft for @gumnut-logic‘s Fluffember.  There is no way I’ll be able to do 30 separate fics but this kinda covers ‘reassure’, ‘special person’, ‘together’ and ‘bedtime’.  
It’s not edited or polished but I wanted to get something out before inspiration abandoned me again.
Brandon closed the holocall and slumped back on the couch with a contented sigh.  Three months.  Three long and agonising months in close quarters with the Lemaires for work meant that not only had seeing Alan been out of the question, their calls had been distinctly censored.  Or rather the calls had been more guarded after the one attempt at being, ahem, intimate, that Madeline had walked in on.  He still cringed at the memory.  Nope, calls had been kept distinctly more bland after that incident.  
He’d seized on the chance to talk freely the moment he had got home, not even stopping to unpack, and now he was exhausted.  A wave of tiredness swept over Brandon, post travel fatigue mixed with the comfortable glow that came from talking to Alan and being back in his own territory.  The sighs turned to a yawn which in turn gave way to gentle snores.  Barely an hour later he was startled from his nap by a loud and insistent knocking at the door.
Alan turned up the track, feeling the road beneath the car getting bumpier and bumpier.  While he was grateful to Parker for the lessons that enabled him to make this journey solo, his education in driving had been rather lacking in how to choose an appropriate car; the sleek, red sports car, which had looked perfect on the hire yard forecourt, now felt woefully ill-equipped to deal with the worsening terrain.
He checked and rechecked the address that Brandon had given him, wondering if he had taken a wrong turn but everything tallied up.  The bachs that lined the lane at intervals were mostly in darkness, as would be expected for holiday homes out of season, and he struggled to imagine Brandon actually living in one of the small cabins.  The one ahead of him, however, showed signs of occupation, a muted light shining out through the glass in the door.  He turned into the empty parking spot next to the cabin and killed the engine.
Grabbing his duffel off the passenger seat, the car seemingly lacking a trunk, Alan steeled himself and headed towards the front door.  He paused on the step, taking in deep breaths of the air that held the unmistakable tang of snow as it blew down from the nearby mountain.  It had felt such a good idea at the time, rushing off to New Zealand the second he closed the call with Brandon, but now he was here he wondered if he was coming across as too needy, too forward.  Perhaps he should have waited until morning.  
Scott had pencilled in two days off rota the moment Alan had gone to him with Brandon’s return date, two days that he hadn’t dared tell his boyfriend about in case the world conspired against them and ripped that precious time away in a whirlwind of rescues.  But for once the world had been obliging and so here he was, bag in hand, about to surprise the man who had barely left his thoughts during their enforced separation.  Too late for doubts now, he was here.  One more deep breath and he rapped on the door with rather more confidence than he felt.
The knocking, loud and unexpected, had Brandon nearly rolling off the couch at the intrusion.  Rubbing his eyes he checked the time wondering who the hell could be calling on him at this time of night.  It was probably just some lost holiday maker, struggling to find which rental was theirs in the dark and seeking help from the nearest cabin that looked occupied.  It wouldn’t be the first time he had had to direct someone further up or back down the track depending on which cabin number they had failed to find.  He was almost an unofficial warden for the lane being it’s only permanent resident, not that he was there much of the time himself as this latest work trip had proved.  
Brandon hauled himself to his feet, preparing to point the way to whichever lost soul had found his bach this time.  He shambled down the hallway, stretching the kinks out as he went, his eyes still bleary as he unlatched the door.  He blinked sleepily, his brain not fully registering the sight.
From his place on the step Alan could see the familiar silhouette making its way down the hallway.  Nervous excitement fluttered in his stomach as he waited for Brandon to open up.  The butterflies intensified at the sound of the lock being opened.  Moments later there he was, the ginger curls all mussed up and, Alan noticed guiltily, yawning and rubbing his eyes in a way that suggested he’d just woken up.  
“Hey,” Alan greeted Brandon, smiling sheepishly.
“Alan?”  Brandon steadied himself on the doorframe, exhaustion still keeping tight hold on his body.
“Yeah, uh, can I come in?”  New Zealand was far colder than the island and Alan was feeling to temperature drop keenly, it probably didn’t help that he was still only in a t-shirt.  Seeing Brandon completely thrown for a loop had him seriously doubting the wisdom of his actions.  
“Oh God, yeah,” Brandon stepped to one side to let Alan in, the reality finally sinking in that Alan really was there on his front step, “I just wasn’t expecting you tonight.”
“I said I’d come as soon as I could,” Alan mumbled in explanation as he followed Brandon up the hallway and towards the lit room at the back of the cabin.
This was the first time that Alan had visited his home, it normally making far more sense for him to go to the island, and Brandon was suddenly uncomfortably aware of just how far removed it was from the opulence of Alan’s usual surroundings.  Even on a good day the cabin was pretty shabby and the whole four roomed building could easily fit inside the lounge of the Tracy villa.  Now, after three months of sitting empty the bach smelled musty and in need of a good airing, there was also a damp chill in the air which suggested the roof might have sprung a leak somewhere.  He had been meaning to spruce the place up a bit before Alan arrived, expecting him in the morning at the earliest; he hadn’t counted on the Tracy definition of ‘soon’ applying to vacation time as well.
Alan followed Brandon into the lounge area and dropped his bag on the floor, noting that his wasn’t the only case in the corner of the room.  He was really starting to regret heading over so quickly especially seeing as Brandon hadn’t even looked him in the eye since inviting him in, in fact he hadn’t even turned to face him since they reached the lounge.
Brandon scratched the back of his neck.  He’d been foolish to invite Alan to stay.  How could his little cabin compare to Tracy Island?  He felt the overwhelming need to explain.
“So, welcome to Casa Berrenger.  On the flanks of what has to be the greatest mountain in the world.”  He gesticulated at blinds that were closed across the picture window.  “I mean, I saw this place and thought ‘Hey Brandon, what could be cooler than having Ruapehu as your neighbour’.  You might have seen it, in some of my vlogs...”
“I filmed the very first one right on the slopes out there.  It was, like, totally awesome.  It’s still my favourite place to board, hence the cabin.  You should come stay when the snow’s right and I can take you on out the slopes, that would be, like, amazing...”
“Brandon…”  Alan hadn’t heard Brandon this babbling since he’d helped pluck him off a mountain following an avalanche.  Back then he’d initially taken Brandon’s non-stop chatter to be part of his natural exuberance but as he got to know him more he learnt that it was more a sign of nerves, a cover for the insecurities he kept hidden from the viewers.
“Except you’ve probably been there, right?  I mean, you’ve been everywhere.  But yeah, this little place isn’t much to look at now but in the morning when you can see her,” he waved vaguely at the shut blinds again, “man, the views more than make up for…”
Brandon couldn’t put it off any longer.  He turned, hardly daring to meet Alan’s eyes which he was sure would show some sort of contempt at the small space with it’s meagre and mismatched furnishings.
Alan reached out and gently took hold of Brandon’s hand, rubbing the pad of his thumb over the back of it. “I don’t care where you live.  I didn’t come here to see the mountain.  I came because I wanted to see you...because I’ve missed you.”
Brandon looked up to see only warmth and softness in Alan’s gaze.  He closed the small gap between them, melting into the embrace as he rested his chin on Alan’s shoulder and felt a fool for worrying that Alan would be so shallow as to judge him on his home.  Despite their riches the Tracy family had never shown any signs of looking down on those who had less than them but he’d hardly ever let anyone cross the threshold of his little mountain sanctuary and it left him feeling vulnerable.
“I missed you too, three months is far too long,” he sighed as he gently planted a kiss on the warm neck.  Feeling the arms around him pull him in that bit closer he raised his head again so see a need darkening Alan’s eyes, a need that he felt mirrored in himself.  “Y’know, I was just off to bed when you got here.”
Alan quirked an eyebrow, knowing full well that Brandon had already been asleep despite being still fully clothed.  “Now that sounds like a nice idea, I could probably do with turning in too,” he yawned, “you aren’t the only one that’s been travelling, ‘cept I’ve been working too.”
“Uh, one slight problem,” Brandon smirked.  “This place isn’t as large as yours and, uh, there’s no guest room.  D’you think Virgil would have a problem with that?” he asked, referring to the rules laid down when they first hooked up which meant he always had a guest room available on the island, even if he never used it.
Alan cocked his head to one side as though giving the issue some serious consideration.  “Oh, I think we’ll find a way to manage.”  The lust in his eyes deepened as Brandon pulled away and led them back up the hallway towards the bedroom.
“Well then, I think it’s bedtime.”
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harrysgloves · 4 years
Trouble (chapter 3)
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>>>Catch up with master list here!<<<
word count: 1.1k
story summary: You’re nothing but trouble and Harry can’t help the fact that he wants a taste.
warnings: Language // Mentions of past smut
chapter summary: DENIAL DENIAL DENIAL
a/n: Well it’s official! After much debate and me writing like 7 chapters we got ourselves another series! Yay! Also, this is the shortest chapter so far... this fic as a mind of it’s own at this point.
You crashed with a groan onto the pink fluffy comforter on Rose's bed. The soft material you had gifted her for her birthday breaking your fall with a thump. Burying your face into the fabric as you whined.
You felt like you were going absolutely mad. It had been 4 days and you hadn't been able to get that British fucker out of your mind for longer than 20 minutes. Those memorizing eyes haunting your dreams at night.
The night after you two hooked up, you laid in bed staring at your ceiling as the world snoozed on so easily. Your mind, on the other hand, was a shit show of memories of him flashing through your brain.
The way his touch sent shots of lightning through you. It was like you could almost still feel his touch lingering on your skin.
The way he smelled so sweet and musky as he laid over top of you, hips rolling against you in waves, making you lose your damn mind.
Maybe this would be normal for most people, but for you? It was unheard of.
"I'm going insane." You mumbled face first into the bed, your voice muffled by the ridiculously thick blanket.
"Oh, you looove him. You wanna kiss him." Rose sang from the corner of her dorm room. Her taunting was the last thing you needed right now. You already felt dumb enough obsessing over him, you definitely didn't need her help making you feel worse.
"I do not!" You said, throwing her own pillow at her. Laughing when she squealed as it hit her square in the face. She glared at you as it fell on the floor. Hands on her hips before bending over to pick it up.
"'M sorry, I meant to aim for your ass." You said through giggles. Her blue eyes narrowing at you as she threw it back. Not impressed with how easily you caught it.
"Well, at least I'm not the one obsessed over Harry." She said as she turned back around to pick out an outfit to wear for the day.
Her closet filled to the brim with all the clothes you were magically missing from your own wardrobe made you roll your eyes. She was never in your room so you had no idea how she managed to sneak off with your stuff so much.
"Hows Elena feel about you wearing my shit?" You asked your eyebrow raising as you questioned her.
It would have taken a complete idiot to not realize for some reason the girl now had beef with you. You weren't entirely sure if it was because of Rose or Harry. Either way, it made for awkward tension just waiting to happen in your group of friends.
"Don't think she ever noticed." Rose said with a shrug like she didn't care but you cared. You cared a whole fucking lot. How could she not notice Rose wearing someone else's clothes?
"Rose, you know I love you right?" You asked, sitting up in the bed, legs crossed under you. Worry was written all over your face.
"Oh my god. Are you finally proposing to me?" She said, turning around fanning her face to stop the fake tears from ruining her mascara. "I've been dreaming about this day for so long."
"Shut up. I'm being serious." You rolled your eyes but still cracked a slight smile. She may have been annoying but you always loved it.
"Ugh, you always ruin the moment!" She grumbled as she slipped on the shirt she settled on wearing for the day. The loose fabric of your old high school t-shirt flowed around her beautifully. Making you jealous someone could be so effortlessly gorgeous and dating a total bitch.
"Listen, don't you think it's weird that she doesn't notice that you wear my shit but she notices the second Harry wears something new?" You asked, sitting a bit taller on the bed when she spun around to look at you.
Her eyebrows furrowed, biting the inside of her cheek as she thought about what you'd said. You knew if you were Rose in this situation you'd be pissed but Rose, she just wanted someone to love her. Someone who wanted to be with her, even if she wasn't their first choice.
And she had an ungodly large soft spot for Elena for some unknown reason.
"Maybe it's because I've had all this stuff for a while." She said, completely dismissing you as she turned back around to pick out a pair of leggings to slip on.
"I guess." You said knowing full well that wasn't the reason but didn't want to push the subject anymore. The last thing you wanted was for your friend to be hurt and you didn't want to be the one giving her the bad news that Elena was dragging her along.
Hopefully, she'd see it for herself soon enough.
"Besides, you like Harry." She said with a smile as she sat down to finally do her makeup so you two could get the lunch you owed her from your little bet.
"I don't like him." You huffed as you fell with a thump flat on your back on her bed. The blanket billowing up beside you as your hands ran back and forth across the silky velvet, debating what the hell you'd do if you possibly did like him.
"Oh, but you do."
"I don't. You know we've hardly even talked. We just hooked up. He was just really good that's all." You said as you stared up at her ceiling.
You didn't know what it was like to like someone beyond the bedroom. A concept that was forgotten long ago when you were dumb enough to think love or relationships didn't hurt.
You knew better now though. Knew everything ended up in a mess when you slapped a label across something. Knew that it would end with one of you heartbroken and the other one completely fine. With your whole friend group in shambles over people picking sides.
It was a terrible idea to even consider liking him.
But you couldn't get him out of your head.
"Maybe you should try getting to know him." Rose suggested as she swiped on her lipstick shade of the day.
"No thanks. I think I'm just going to suppress that shit all the way down to the back of my mind and hopefully, forget about it." You said making Rose shake her head at you.
"You're so dumb. Just try it." She said standing up from where she was sitting in front of her full-length mirror. Placing her makeup bag back on her desk.
"What's the worst that could happen?"
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medea10 · 3 years
My Review of Sarazanmai
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How did I get into this anime? I heard “things” about this anime. 2019 was a weird time to be alive apparently. You know, before 2020 happened! As much shit as I give 2020, at least they didn’t give us kappas eating people’s asses.
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Yes, I just said “kappas eating people’s asses”.
Be afraid. Be very afraid!
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Kazuki Yasaka is a young boy who must carry around a box wherever he goes and follow specific directions day-by-day. Toi Kuji is a delinquent that breaks into cars and commits other crimes throughout the city. And Enta Jinnai is a childhood friend of Kazuki…He’s there too! These three boys have been chosen by the kappa prince, Keppi to help restore the Kappa Kingdom to its former glory. Kazuki, Toi, and Enta can now transform into kappas by being eaten ass first by Keppi and then shit out. Yes, I said eaten ass first and shit out by a kappa! These boys then must eat the inner-most desires of these kappa-zombies that are causing Keppi trouble. And these inner-most desires are located…in the ass. But there are those from the Otter Empire that cause this trouble for the kappas by turning folks into kappa zombies and causing havoc in the real world.
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I would not expect any less of a mind-rape anime from the great Kunihiko Ikuhara.
BETWEEN THE SUB AND THE DUB: Even playing a kappa, Junichi Suwabe still finds a way to give me an erection.
Okay, let’s try that again and not make it sound disgusting, Medea.
Right! Let’s talk licensing. FUNimation is the licensors of this fine product. Seriously? Eating ass is fine, but you frown upon the likes of Interspecies Reviewers? Yes, there is a dub to this and believe it or not, I pretended it didn’t exist. Not because it was bad or anything! It’s just that this anime had the likes of Mamoru Miyano, Kouki Uchiyama, Rie Kugimiya, and Mr. Sex-in-a-Voice Junichi Suwabe. Let me state that my infatuation with Suwabe is like John Oliver’s infatuation with Adam Driver.
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That…totally doesn’t help my case! Here’s what you might recognize these folks from.
JAPANESE CAST: *Kazuki is played by Ayumu Murase (known for Minami on Yuri on Ice, Luck on Black Clover, Asuto on Inazuma Eleven: Aries, Madoka on Shounen Maid, and Shinichi on SAO)
*Toi is played by Kouki Uchiyama (known for Yurio on Yuri on Ice, Soul on Soul Eater, Rui on Demon Slayer, Ikuya on Free!, Benedict on Violet Evergarden, Midnight on Fairy Tail, Yuu on Charlotte, and Ichijou on Nisekoi)
*Enta is played by Shun Horie (known for Kazuya on Rent-A-Girlfriend)
ENGLISH CAST: *Kazuki is played by Alejandro Saab (known for Leon on Pokemon Journeys, L’Arc on Shield Hero, Kuga on Food Wars, Yamazaki on Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card, and Takezou on Kono Oto Tomare)
*Toi is played by Ricco Fajardo (known for Koutaro on Zombieland Saga, Itona on Assassination Classroom, Karim on Fire Force, Natsuya on Free!, and Kyousuke on Danganronpa 3)
*Enta is played by Justin Briner (known for Deku on My Hero Academia, Yukito on Cardcaptor Sakura: Clear Card, Shou on Fire Force, Luck on Black Clover, and Ryouta on Danganronpa 3)
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SHIPPING: Well…we got our BL kiss by the third episode. That’s quite early for an Ikuhara anime. Ooh boy, Enta loves him some Kazuki. He REALLY loves Kazuki! There’s a lot to be said of a boy that would sniff and fondle items owned by his lover and kiss his unconscious lover. I can understand why Enta would care for Kazuki. I mean after hearing that he’s truly his first friend after a childhood of traveling around and not making many friends, you want to feel for this kid. Key word here is “want”. But this boy goes too far sometimes and his jealousy does get the best of him to a point where I’m just saying, cut ties with the megane brat. But Enta ends up screwing things up again by taking a bullet for Kazuki and throwing all that anger out the window.
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And then we have Reo and Mabu! God damn Reo! We’ve got shark teeth, an arrogant attitude, homosexuality, and the voice of Mamoru Miyano. This is just a Rin Matsuoka of a different color! If Reo and Mabu’s otter dance isn’t a dead giveaway, they totally love each other. To a point where they would sacrifice each other for the one they love.
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POLE-DANCE ALERT: I don’t know why I always find random pole-dancing moments in animes so alluring. I guess I can blame the likes of Grell from Black Butler. But this moment was so random that it came right the fuck out of nowhere. Then again, this entire anime is an enigmatic brain-fart that it was only a matter of time before a kappa prince starts randomly dancing on a pole.
There we go, Medea’s love for random crap will never die!
ENDING: Throughout the series, Kazuki, Toi, and Enta were gathering these dishes in order to get a wish granted by Keppi. And each time they’ve gone up against a big bad otter, Reo and Mabu are usually the ones to bring out the kappa zombies. But everyone has a plan for using the dishes of hope for their own wishes. Enta wants to use it to stay with Kazuki so the two can remain the golden duo. Reo and Mabu want the dishes to be with each other and save one another after an incident nearly killed them. And Kazuki originally wanted to use the dishes for his baby brother’s own sake, but changes to wanting to help Toi (who ends up leaving with his older, criminal of a brother). And shit goes crazier than what I’ve just mentioned. Enta fucks up by stealing the collected dishes and really fucking up his relationship with Kazuki! Toi ends up leaving town with his criminal brother.
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Reo and Mabu, the otter cops shoot Kazuki, but Enta takes the bullet and is hours away from dying. But then we learn that Reo and Mabu were actually kappas who worked under Keppi. It’s just that the otters have been manipulating these two. Mabu is just a hollow body created by the otters because of some accident that happened prior to the events in the anime. The otter gives Mabu a mechanical heart to keep him alive, but in order to stay alive, he cannot say he loves Reo. Unfortunately for these two, Mabu ends up saying he loves Reo and dies right in front of him and vanishing from his memories. Reo is then shot by Toi who comes in at the last minute.
Toi’s back. We all knew it wasn’t going to last. His older brother got shot dead the episode before. So Toi is going to use the dishes to resurrect his brother from the dead. This leaves Kazuki in shambles as he was going to use it on Enta before his body expires in like 10 seconds. In the last minute, Kazuki used the dishes on Enta and he’s going to live. End of story right? No, we still have a demented otter on the loose. And the otters have a dark Keppi that he’s been storing for just this sort of moment. And now it grabs Toi and Toi accepts. He wants to erase his existence from Enta and Kazuki’s lives. Problem is if he does that, Toi erases giving Kazuki the ankle bracelet that’s been a staple in Kazuki and Enta’s relationship when it comes to soccer. But the boys were able to connect, destroy the otters, bring the memories of Mabu and Reo back, turn Keppi into a kappa prince, and save the town from OTTER-destruction.
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Yeah, if you watch this series, you’ll hear a lot of puns involving otters. I mean when you’re not smothered in sexualized otters and kappas.
The ending credits show Toi getting sent to juvie for three years. And it’s quite sad to see his dejected face while the ending song blasts. When the lyrics literally say “stand by me” it gets quite sad. Three years pass and Toi’s out of juvie. He goes to the bridge and jumps off. Keep in mind this is an Ikuhara anime, Toi’s not gonna die. Enta and Kazuki jump in and join Toi and welcome him back to society.
Good lord Ikuhara-san! I didn’t think you could out-gay an anime after the likes of Yuri Kuma Arashi. But good fuck, you found a way! This anime was…INSANITY. Pure insanity! Then again, this is the same director that did Revolutionary Girl Utena, Yuri Kuma Arashi, and Mawaru Penguindrum. Yes, connection and desires are a big take in not only Sarazanmai, but a lot of the other animes Ikuhara does. It’s just that Sarazanmai is the strangest acid-trip of them all. And that’s saying a lot because Yuri Kuma Arashi has sexy bears that say “Shaba-da-doo”. ALSO VOICED BY JUNICHI SUWABE! But people getting turned into kappas by being eaten ass first by another kappa and stealing spirits inner most desires, conveniently stored in their asses is some wonky-ass crack-fest. Recommendation wise, I would say watch some of the other animes Ikuhara has directed to get your feet wet in what you might expect in this kind of anime. After that, pop in a few Bakemonogatari episodes just for good measure. And after you do all that, take some CBD gummies and let-a-rip with Sarazanmai.
If you want to watch Sarazanmai, Crunchyroll and FUNimation have it available for streaming.
Okay, what’s next for my FUNimation list?
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Okay, boobs! What are we talking here? Are these boobs flat as an ironing board or crimes against nature like in Eiken?
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Oh, this can’t end well.
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utterlyinevitable · 4 years
The Messy Route
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Ch. 19
Working on Caroline’s case was EXHILARATING. The unknown was what MC signed up for when applying to Edenbrook and ‘winning’ the spot on the diagnostics team. No matter where she works in the world there will always be rare cases popping up. This excitement was exactly what she needed from the eerie quiet of the hospital’s last day.
One last case in the job of her dreams with her medical hero and fav person. The prickly man that means more to her than she’d could ever imagine. Her friend.
A friend (lover) she unwittingly betrayed that sent his mommy issues through the roof
Their small conversation in the hall turned deep and for a brief moment as they stared into the empty diagnostics room talking about futures he forgot why he was even mad at her in the first place. She’s always had an affect on him and Ethan’s going to miss her. He’d never tell her though. What’s the point in sharing his feelings now?
Then his father broke the illusion.
Ethan was meant to drive his dad home and they’re meant to talk about what to do with Louise and Ethan needed some advice.
Alan’s invitation surprised everyone.
Mc was curious about where Ethan grew up... she doesn’t really know why she said yes to attaching herself to Ethan’s hip for the next three hours but she did. It sounded like a fun adventure at the time. She even inquired about the good friendlys multiple times during the ride. So much so that Ethan did in fact stop to buy his dad and colleague a Sundae.
Ethan doesn’t want her there. This. His dad. Now his childhood home. It was all much too personal. Too insightful for a colleague. He had to keep reminding himself SHES just his colleague. Besides the romps they’ve shared once in a blue moon they never talked about what they meant to one another. And that’s on Ethan. If he just TOLD MC how he felt last year things could have been wildly different......
He doesn’t know she would have turned him down in favor of her career back then.
And today he needed advice from his father about how to live when the only woman you’ve ever loved chooses someone else.
From meeting both his parents, these modest houses were almost exactly what she pictured. The layout is different but the humble beginning was screaming at her. Wow if you told med school mc that she’d get to walk through Ethan Ramsey’s origin story she would have choked on her frapp. 
Then again she’s not surprised by this neighbourhood. All superhero’s have some sort of tragic backstory. Some reason to strive for more at whatever cost.
She sees it. She identifies with it. She appreciates him all the more. It’s just another piece of the puzzle of the ever enigmatic and sexy Ethan Ramsey.
Alan’s stories. She could listen to them all day. Part of her wanted to send Ethan back to edenbrook so she can spend the day with Alan and coffee looking at photos and reminiscing.
And she wants this. Eventually she wants the domestic life. She wants to be a proud parent and tell anyone who will listen stories of youth.
Staring at little baby Ethan the words “Such a cute kid” slip out. Barely audible but the ramsey men are astute and heard as if she always meant to say it. She blushes and she’s grateful Ethan turned it into a joke. She didn’t want to revel in the fact she just realized she’s so fucking fond of this man. Like. More than colleagues and casual lovers fond.
The car ride home was silent save for the aria playing through the speakers. They both had A LOT to think about.
Ethan never got a chance to ask his father’s advice. 
Of course she solved the bloom case. She’s got a big girl brain that Ethan will forever be in awe of. That one hell of a woman will be one hell of a doctor. 
As caroline and Leland leave the second time, MC unintentionally is thrown back to The Incident. Not being able to touch the person you care about most? Yeah. She knows the feeling.
But WHO does she care about most? If she had to pick just one person to spend forever with which would it be ?????
Even with everything and the uncertainty Ethan and Mc still stand close in the darkening atrium as the lights shut off one by one. Standing steps ahead of where they met and where they worked as a team for the very first time. It’s poetic. They realize that. Everything that’s gone on between them swirls around them like a tornado (actually more like the leafy wind scene in Pocahontas where she levitates but i guess u get the imagery).
They both feel immensely guilty in their own rights.
They reach for the other’s hand at the same time.
He walks her to the door but stops mid stride when he sees her friends just beyond the glass.
This is goodbye.
He lets go.
He stays behind to linger in all the memories.
She walks out the door with a solemn ‘thank you for everything’ called over her shoulder.
And for the first time Ethan doesn’t like being alone. 
And then she sees her friends.
Things with Bryce have been awkward to say the least. He wouldn’t let it show - his signature confidence and stride of personality were still ever present. Except now it was like she was watching him through glass. There was something reserved about the way he acted in her presence now.
Raf was a little off too. He said something really concerning but she was too in her feelings about the closure to dive into his issues. They also hadn’t had time together in over two weeks. Strangely, she didn’t really mind. Maybe cooling off one another is what’s needed in times of uncertainty like this???
She pushed all things aside to enjoy Boston Bucketlist Bonanza with the people that mean the most to her!
Her bucket list option was a TOTAL cop out. She couldn’t think of something her friends could do with her on such short notice so she improvised. She kissed the absolute goddess known to mere mortals as Ms. Kyra Santana.
(Really curious to see how pb will use the data from the kiss choice. My gut says they won’t. My heart says don’t get invested. The little sliver of hope I have says MAYBE they’ll be wise and add aurora and or Kyra as LIs)
At the end of the night everyone went back to their respective homes feeling lighter. Mc didn’t dwell on the shambles that’s her love life *bah dum tss* she’s got enough time to figure that out now she’s unemployed.
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spiltscribbles · 4 years
My Saving Grace
Notes: This was written for my beautiful, sweetheart @tedddylupin as part of our server’s Spring Exchange <3 I’m sorry that this isn’t a surprise anymore but I love you and I’m sorry that this is late. I hope that you enjoy it! Thank you to the realist babe @omgcmere for dealing with my shit while writing this. You can join our server here » https://discord.gg/g2ZgKkJ
A Reblog is worth a thousand stars.
It’s a thick, sprinkling spring morning, and Henry’s standing outside the Matin Bleu like he’s done every Easter his family spent in the states. It’s a small, conspicuous bistro fashioned in the French model that lies in the northern Hamptons. Henry knows it’s every nook and crevice, knows the pastel tablecloths and porcelain china, and he noticed when they adopted new silverware two years earlier. He knows this place like the back of his hand, holds it synonymous to his grandmother’s ever-appraising gaze and Philip’s stiff upper lip and the way it sometimes felt like he was being suffocated by the formality of it all— by the unbridled expectations held for a Mountchristen heir. And God, this is pathetic, the fact that Henry can’t even step into a brunch with his family without the ominous sensation that he’s about to step into enemy territory. Like they were one of the new Kingpins ravaging the neighborhood streets, and he needed an actual superhero to come and save him.
“Fucking ridiculous,” he mutters to himself, pulling out his phone to check the time and see if Alex’s near by, admittedly not sure if he could face all their judgmental glances without some sort of backing.
“Your hair’s starting to get mussed.”
Henry starts, turns around to find Beatrice walking closer to him. She’s got on  a  sundress that makes it so flecks of green dance in her almond eyes and a truly massive hat that would make the British royals seethe  with envy. And Henry’s never been so thankful for the sight of her a day in his life.
“You’re late,” he chides softly, leans down for her to hug him   hello and slips his phone back in his trouser’s pocket, inwardly praying that Alex’s at the very least on his way.
“’S the pregnancy, it’s got me in shambles trying to figure out the time,” Beatrice sniffs, snaking her arm through his own as they stroll into the restaurant. Henry doesn’t care if he admits it, everything feels easier with his sister besides him.
“Don’t tell me that works on Louis, the poor sod.” Henry snorts, incredulous, as he pulls out her chair for her to sit in and greets his Grams and mother with perfunctory pecks on the cheek.
“Louis’s great with all of it,” Beatrice beams, hands moving to rest on her still barely-visible belly. “Even with the mommy brain.”
“You make sure he keeps that attitude up once diapers come around,” a cousin crows from further down the table.
“He’s sworn it,” Beatrice assures glowingly.
“Well Bea, where is Louis? Don’t tell me you’ve gone and got knocked up by an irreverent tosser?” Philip asks, passing the butter to Martha, who’s rolling her eyes at her husband’s crassness. Henry hopes she knows that she’s not alone on the annoyed by Philip boat.
“Nice to see you too Pip, it’s been too long.” Beatrice glares with a truly mutinous twisting of her lips.
“Well, answer, where is your husband frolicking around if not here with his family?” their grandmother— a woman who the queen of England had to work her schedule around to meet—  presses, voice drenched with disapproval.
Henry takes Bea’s smaller hand into his own and squeezes for support.
“He had to go to the office in the city to oversee a vulnerable account, Grams,” Beatrice answers with a level tone, squeezing back so hard that Henry swears she’s trying to snap his fingers right in half. “He’ll be here before the second course.” 
“Well, if the firm needed him that’s perfectly reasonable,” she clears her throat right then, eyes cutting over to Henry, and he knows exactly what’s coming next. The same old diatribe about how he’s such a failure, such a disgrace to the Mountchristen name. A family that’s been the crown jewels of each and every antiquity in every Major city in the western hemisphere for the past half century. How Philip’s the only one who’s adopted a good head on him, and how Henry should’ve gone into politics or the Marines or become some sort of hot shot investment banker who makes millions on the hour. Not just some frivolous writer, a damn journalist living in Soho like a bohemian tosser. (Her words precisely.)
Henry’s heard all of it before, breathes in to prepare for the worst of the tongue lashing. He’s only mildly surprised when it’s his mother who speaks up in her timid, unaffected tone to stop it before it begins.
“Let us just pick out our soups, shall we?”
“Ahem, yes. I’m famished,” Henry tacks on, gazing at her thankfully, watching as she runs a hand through her blonde hair— the same shade of his own.
“As long as there’s no onions, the little tyke won’t take even the smell,” Beatrice adds on with a small smile, and the moment passes. His Grams goes back to fuming about all she’s heard on the news, Philip’s gone back to tossing barbs with Beatrice, and Henry’s back to wishing he were anywhere but here before discretely checking his phone for the sixth time in as many minutes.
His stomach sinks at the realization that Alex still hasn’t called or even sent a text. 
“And what of you little brother?” Philip asks, tone vacant of any real interest. “You’ve been seeing a new bloke you wanted to introduce us to, haven’t you? Don’t tell me he’s already old news.”
Henry feels the furious flush spilling across his cheeks at the not so subtle implication that for some reason Henry goes through partners any quicker than he or Beatrice had at his age, and he really wishes he hadn’t gone through the standard Mountchristen indoctrination of not using a voice beyond a soft murmur in public because he’d really like to yell at Philip right about now. Yell at  him for being a beyond annoying, homophobic wanker right in front of everyone. Thankfully, the pure anger is belied by the sudden, and crippling familiarity of Alex’s voice cutting through all the rest. And it’s like Henry’s been filled with helium once he turns slightly and finally catches sight of Alex, his Alex. Alex in that dark suit that makes him look like a Brooks Brothers advert, and Alex who’s always the most incandescent  point in Henry’s world without even his realizing it. Even at the start of all of it— at the start of them, when they had first met and Alex was a god forsaken prat about everything— contrary to his core— And sure, Henry admits he was being intentionally pretentious and perhaps a wee bit waspish whenever Alex got on a soapbox and began  one of his diatribes about how heroes are the most incredible, selfless sort of folks in a community. And sure, wherever one of them pushed the other had to dig his heals in the sand and stay firm just to make a point, just to make the other work that much harder and notice him that more intensely. But the last year has incorporated  something totally knew— something uncharted and scary and dangerous— like at any moment they could step on a landmine— but its also been the most miraculous year of Henry’s life.
It’s been a year of sloppy snogs exchanged at midnight underneath a thousand polluted stars and amidst a symphony of honking city horns. A year of tangled limbs and sweaty sheets and laughter pouring out soft lips. A year of spilled hair on shared pillows and shirts tumbling together so many times that they just begin smelling like a cocktail of the both of them, together. And if he’s being honest, Henry doesn’t exactly know what this is, what it means. All he knows for sure is that he could spend the rest of his days merely parsing out all the varying shades of brown that dance in Alex’s molten eyes and he’d be content. And Henry frankly doesn’t care how utterly love sick that sounds.
“Alexander,” Beatrice— Henry’s saving grace— is the one to crow in greeting, excepting his hug before he takes the spare seat besides Henry.
“I’m so sorry I'm late,” he says with slightly labored breaths, as if he had run the entire way here. “The traffic coming up was all levels of awful.” In a tender sort of motion he quickly brings up Henry’s hand— the one he had interlocked with his own once being escorted to their table, and kisses it hurriedly.
Henry is blushing for an entirely different reason now.
“Never mind that Alexander,” Catherine waves off his excuse with a flick of the hand, a thin smile on her lips. Henry knows that Alex reminds her of Arthur, and Henry is both delighted by the notion and so sad that the only times he ever sees his mother with even a slight flicker of life to her vacant eyes is when she’s thinking of her husband who had died nearly a decade ago now. But that’s hypocritical, and Henry knows it. After all, it’s not like he’s ever going to be over that particular wound anytime soon.
“You missed the appetizer,” Philip tells him briskly.
“Perfect, I’m trying to keep this trim figure,” Alex winks and the rest of the table fall into quiet chuckles.
Henry beams, his  chest threatening to burst at the seams. THat’s his boyfriend. An insanely charming, insanely beautiful, supernova. 
Henry clamps his hand on Alex’s thigh out of view from everyone  else and they share a smile before being pulled back into conversation with Beatrice about her Mommy and Me class, and it’s all splendid.
“They liked me,” Alex preens a few hours later, once everyone disperses and goes back home. The sun’s beginning to dip into the horizon and clouds are beginning to gather overhead as they walk the New York City streets, headed to Henry’s loft with interlocked hands.
“They would’ve liked you more if you weren’t so late,” Henry needles just to make a point, not actually mad. It’s kind of a set in stone characteristic of his. Alex is always, without falter, late to just about any function. It use to crease Henry— back before when they were just bickering acquaintances with a rather brutal amount of unresolved sexual tension, but now it’s kinda endearing.
“I’m sorry,” Alex says, face going a bit pale. “Luna really needed Nora and I to stay longer at the lab. That sample he collected at the bank robbery last week after The Ranker’s attack  started multiplying, like it’s a living blog thing.”
“So you’re growing some homemade mutants,” Henry snorts, knocking their shoulders together. 
“I’d really like to say that smug isn’t a hot color on you, but your ass seems to make everything work,” Alex sighs, long suffering, as he gives Henry an appreciative once over— special focus paid to his aforementioned ass.
“And I’d like to say that my boyfriend isn’t a pervert, but alas,” Henry laughs ebulliently  when Alex hip checks him, almost not noticing the buzz to his phone. It’s a message from Pez, a tip on none other than  The Ranker’s whereabouts.
“What’s up Henryson, your face is getting all weird. And not even the hot way like it does when I wear my old lacrosse uniform for sexy times.”
“I’ve got to go,” Henry says, by rote as he tries to flag down a taxi with a emphatic hand.
“I knew it, you have a secret boyfriend,” Alex snorts.
“You say that as if I could handle even one of you,” Henry counters, relieved once a cab slows down, catching sight of him.
“So the sudden franticness?”
“The Ranker, he’s over at time square making some sorta announcement.” Henry explains, swoops forwards to kiss him goodbye before swinging open the cab’s door and slamming it shut. “June would have a conniption if I didn’t get some live video!”
Alex’s expression completely drops now, sticking his head through the window and preventing the driver from speeding away as Henry would prefer. 
“Lucky for you that the dude you’re nailing is the editors brother, she’ll give you a break.”
Henry tries his hardest not to roll his eyes at him, wondering if it’ll always be a point of contention that Henry’s work practically demands that he’s at the epicenter of these showdowns between these superheroes and their villainous counterparts.
“Love, you know as well as I that  if the Harold gets a story published before us one more time your sister will have an early death from a certified aneurism.”
“You folks across the pond really like your hyperboles.”
“And you Americans really like making your boyfriends late for potentially groundbreaking news.”
Alex furrows his brows, that familiar dent of worry between them when he frowns at henry. “Promise to be safe.”
“Always,” Henry kisses the tip of his nose before unceremonially pushing him out and directing the driver to take him as close to the action as he possibly can.
Alex can’t help but watch Henry becoming a dot into the distance, silently willing him not to be dumb and not getting himself into danger. Though he’s pulled out of it by Nora and June’s frantic texting in their group chat, so with a heavy, put upon  exhale he dashes behind the dumpsters across the way and changes into the costume he always keeps in his messenger bag. Taking him five seconds to a normal person’s ten minutes.
“Have you not been paying attention, like at all!” Nora’s voice is the first to crackle through the line of his built in bluetooth, sounding beyond bothered.
“I was with Henry,” Alex says in defense, the roads become nothing more than a dust in his wake as he runs faster than what could have ever been feasible before. “June, don’t ya have any control on which reporter takes which case? Like why can’t he ever just like write something on an old lady’s kitten being rescued by a fireman.”
“Sorry baby brother, but he wouldn’t have it even if I tried, besides he and Pez are like the best duo that the Sentinel’s seen in years.” June says apologetically, and Alex can only roll his eyes. He knows that Henry is too fucking hard headed for his own good, but still, he’d rather if his completely human, and utterly breakable boyfriend weren’t trying to get himself killed every time one of these hotshot villains want to have a temper tantrum.
“Whatever, just give me the coordinates, yeah?” 
It’s only been like five minutes since The Ranker began his weird tirade, but everything’s already  been swallowed into complete chaos, with people screaming, and at least six car accidents, and all topped off by the ranker’s nauseating cackles pounding through the air.
Alex gives a quick once over, sees that Henry still hasn’t made it here yet, and thanks the lord for small blessings. He’s determined to finish this quickly and with no fanfare.
“The City is infested New Yorkers! And I’m here to clean it from the vermin!” The Ranker is in the midst of shouting, but Alex can’t tell from where.
“Three buildings down from Radio City,” Nora tells him. Alex is always sorta spooked on how she could practically read his mind like that, but doesn’t have time to think on it, to busy scaling the building in question and coming face to face with The Ranker— well as much as they could be considering the whole mask ordeal.
“Ranker!” He exclaims once the man in question finally turns around, ugly smirk on his lips.
“Aw, and the greatest vermin of them all,” he says through a small mike that distorts his voice into something low and scratchy, like gravel that Alex would really like to step all over. 
“Shucks, don’t go and start complimenting me,” Alex harrumphs, swinging an uppercut to his lower jaw and dodging the kick he aims in turn. “Would you just leave us alone already!”
“Just as soon as you flee this city! And stop getting in everyone’s way!”
“Way to do what exactly?” Alex ducks when he tries to punch the side of his head, parrying with a swift kick to his ankles, but the bastard is too quick.
“This city doesn’t need you Torpedo! It doesn’t want you!” He bellows.
“Is that why I didn’t get the customary Easter fruit basket?” Alex asks, faux owlish, as he rams into him. The Ranker gathers his footing and jumps off the building. It’s of course too good to be true, and he only has to press a button midway down to land smoothly with boots that have some sort of rocket contraption built into them.
“Oh damn you.”
“Yo Alejandro!  This isn’t being filmed for VH1 so can you just snip out those one liners and just tie him up for the cops or something!” Nora says, exasperation tinged with actual worry.
“I’m trying, but he’s like in new form since last time he showed his face!” Alex defends, jumping from ledge to ledge before landing only feet behind him. At least seven cop cars have already piled up around them, and a ridiculous amount of people staying to watch. God damn it, have they ever heard of self preservation! Alex would like to call them all idiots, but then spots a glint of gold besides an actually decent cop, Amy— and he relents that they might not be actual idiots. To be frank,  Henry’s the most brilliant person he’s ever known, Even if he acts like a doofus.
“Back away!” Alex yells to the throng of onlookers and reporters and officers. “He’s armed!”
“Oy, why we aught to trust you speedster!” A nondescript man shouts from the crowd.
“Maybe because I’m the only person who’s preventing him from squishing you guys like bugs!” Alex replies, screaming now. He knows he shouldn’t let petulant folks like that get in his head, but god damn it, even while rescuing them, they can be so damn ungrateful.
“Alex from behind you!” Nora yells through the speaker, and Alex manages to duck in time when the Ranker throws a particularly hefty slab of stone his way.
“Fucking hell.”
“Are we just going to be running in circles? Or are you going to just give up before I actually have to hurt you,” Alex yells, feet planted on the ground and glaring daggers his way. 
“It’s you who will be hurt you little pest,” The Ranker cackles, brings up his fist and begins pressing a button on his black glove that shoots out a blast of heat, leaving nothing but ruin init’s wake as he begins shooting indiscriminately. First at Alex, (which he obviously dodges with ease),  and then at the building behind him, and two more at the crowds who are competent enough to divide as soon as they see it pointed towards them. 
All of them besides one person. The aforementioned glint of golden that’s too busy scribbling notes into his pad to look up, and Alex’s heart literally lodges into his throat. Like an echo reverberating out a cave he can hear Pez from over head— where he usually stands atop a balcony to get the best photos— screaming Henry’s name, and he can hear Nora and June’s dissonant shouts for him to move before The Ranker strikes again, but Alex doesn’t understand what’s going on, it’s all thanks to instinct when he catapults himself forwards to push Henry out of the line of fire— both of them dodging the blaze ever so narrowly— Alex’s costume searing with smoke— and landing in a pile of rocks from a construction scene happening across the street. 
“Ouch,” Henry mutters, rubbing the side of his head before crouching upwards.
“Are you a fucking idiot!” Alex screams, pops up defensively to guard against anything else that the Ranker decides to aim his way. Alex isn’t sure whether he’s thankful or terrified that he’s no where in sight. 
“Keep me posted if you guys track him anywhere else,” he mutters to June and Nora, breaths finally beginning to even out, despite the fact that he keeps on picturing himself moving only a moment too late and  Henry suddenly gone— like a flash.
“You got it little brother.”
“Stand ready,” Nora warns.
“I suppose I should thank you for the rescue, though I must admit that the unnecessary insult does knock you down a few points.”
Alex can’t help the small, endeared grin that cracks his face  in half, but he tries his damndest to hide it from Henry’s ever calculating gaze— His mind is made for journalism, always working to figure out a situation— measuring the facts, and interconnecting the clues for one lasting crescendo of brilliance that figures out what hasn’t been spoken out loud. Alex is mildly terrified that he’d look into  his ocean eyes and be caught out.
“What? You get rescued a lot? Have a running tally going on which Superhero deserves the crown of America’s darling?”
Alex finally turns around to him, confident in his mask having stayed in place and tempering his expression enough so that it gives off a blasé indifference— and for the record, it’s fucking difficult when it’s trained on the dude he’s in love with.
“You folks must actually  be some sort of extra terrestrial human/alien hybrid if you truly don’t know that Judie Garland could never be knocked off her perch as America’s sweetheart,” Henry sniffs loftily, goes back to his notepad, because of course he’d rather make sure his notes were all still pristine over checking if he has something as serious as a damn concussion.
“Hah, that accent isn’t exactly yankee doodle sweetheart,” Alex says with a good amount of derision, head cocked. But oh, Jesus fuck. His stomach drops out the moment Henry’s eyes go sharp and his features turn pensive when he turns to look straight at him. Alex is such a fucking idiot, using one of his primary pet names for Henry so carelessly, so thoughtlessly. 
Alex is sure that he just let a major hint of his identity drop in front of him, but with some sort of pure luck that strikes, Pez sprints over to them, breaths heaving. 
“For God’s sake Haz I saw you almost get fucking obliterated! Do you know what that wold’ve done to my psyche!” 
Henry’s face goes tight with contrition, all his attention focussed on his best friend now, and Alex sees a blessed opportunity to run off scot free. But of course things are never that easy, and right when he pivots around to race back to June’s apartment where the girl’s are surely waiting, he hear’s Henry’s voice calling for him.
“Torpedo! A moment!” He pulls away from where he was hugging Pez, and steps closer to him, face sporting that inscrutable expression it does whenever he’s particularly serious about something— the one that never fails to get Alex all hot and bothered. 
And just shit.
“Ahem, my colleague and I are reporters for the New York Sentinel. I wanted to give you the opportunity to speak on what had just played out.”
Alex frowns, confused. No reporters make it actual practice to get any sort of information from the Superheroes, it makes much more money for them just to editorialize and demagog about them to sell issues. Obviously Alex knows that the Sentinel is different, it’s headed by his own sister for fuck’s sake, and he knows that Henry is good and true. But still, it’s a surprising request.
“You could obviously stay silent and have the people equate you to that monster,” Henry shrugs— as if it couldn’t make a difference in his world. And God is he sexy all in his element like this.
“No, ah. I guess I just want  civilians to stay vigilant, the Ranker seems to be only growing in strength and resilience. I have no clue what he’s going to do next.” Alex tries to speak in his most presidential like tone, something he’s been practicing since he were a kid considering the whole his Ma’s the mayor of one of the largest cities on the planet thing.
“And I could quote you on that?” Henry asks, hand moving frantically across the page.
“Yeah of course.”
“Spoken like a true hero,” Pez tells him magnanimously and this is starting to feel real slimy— like he’s lying to them outright.
“I should go, begin mapping out what’s going on.”
“Of course,” Henry nods, straightens to his full six foot one stature. “But if you ever need help trying to predict his next move, we’re on call.” He hands Alex his business card and it takes everything Alex has within him not to burst out in laughter— as if he hasn’t had the digits memorized for years at this point.
“Will do,” he winks, but the Superman aesthetic probably crumbles when Alex accidentally trips over one of the rocks that was being thrown around before he has to gather himself and run off into the distance.
In modest terms, the story published on the latest stand off between Torpedo and the Ranker completely blows up. It’s the most viral story that the Sentinel— or any New York based paper— has seen in nearly half a year. Pez chucks it up to the quote they got from the Torpedo himself, but Nora argues it’s because they plastered Henry’s face right on the byline and Alex thinks they’re both right. 
In truth, Henry doesn’t really bother figuring out why this particular story spreads like wildfire, is only proud of it because of how the article makes it so June’s face goes relieved for the first time in too long— Admittedly, Henry is also elated the morning it was released when he had gotten an actual phone call from his Grams, congratulating him for finally proving his Mountchristen lineage, soon followed up by a email from Philip that actually says he had done well. And Henry knows that neither of them should have an effect on him— especially such an impactful one— but Henry would be a filthy liar if he said he didn’t feel like he was riding on cloud nine that entire week.
But It’s begun to die down now, and Henry’s still  trying to figure out what exactly are the Ranker’s intentions for New York, and the world at large. All his subsequent attacks have been  petty crimes in comparison to trying to start an uprising. They were attempts on stealing pieces from the Met or trying to break free some inmates in one of the more unsavory prison complexes. Each one was executed by one of his henchmen, and easily thwarted by the Torpedo. It just doesn’t make sense.
Speaking of which, the aforementioned hero hasn’t once called Henry or left him any other sort of message about the offered help,  obviously wanting to go at this solo. And that’s perfectly fine, but just annoying. Henry knows it in his bones that if they just exchange information they could plot out exactly what would happen next. But whatever, Henry has more pressing issues to worry about. Namely, his and Alex first anniversary. 
Henry goes back to rearranging the breakfast tray— all of Alexander’s favorites delivered from their usual cafe a few blocks down. The both of them knowing full and well that Henry can’t cook for shit. He did however spend half the night baking and icing a small cake that’s got piped on the date of their first night out as an official couple, and Henry picked out the red and white roses— sown together by the stem and placed in a thin vase right in the center— knowing that it symbolized unity, and mutual love. If nothing else, Henry knows that he and Alex are partners through everything, honest to the core to one another and always there for the other when he needs it most.
The most important part of Henry’s world will always be Alexander, and that’s not in doubt.
Gingerly, Henry picks up the surprise, sock clad feet toeing softly into Alex’s bedroom where he’s still knocked out. He had come home from Luna’s lab so fucking late. Henry hates how hard he works for him, tells Alex as much with low complaints mouthed against his skin and caressing hands pulling him closer, and closer still every time he comes home looking a little worse for wear.
And yeah, Henry knows that they’re trying to figure out how these heroes develop their powers, knows that they hope to create immunities against it to prevent from any possible, maniacal villains. But Henry would rather it that his boyfriend didn’t look so god damn worn out near constantly. 
In a voice still quiet and raspy enough for morning, Henry tells him, “Happy one year love.” Peppering small kisses against the width of Alex’s shoulders, and slowly tracks down the dips of his spine— brushing reverently against the small consolations of freckles that dance on Alex’s hip.
Slow and groggy, Alex flips around so that they’re face to face, a hand locked in Henry’s hair and their lips barely meeting for a kiss. 
“You taste like coffee,” Alex smiles, kissing Henry that much deeper. 
“Aw, the sweet nothings you wax about me,” Henry sighs, faux aggrieved as he grabs the latte in question, making Alex sit up, the blanket pooling around their hips and their ankles intwining.
“Man if I could start everyday with a shirtless you and cup of Starbucks I swear to God I would be set  for the rest of  my life.”
“Should I be concerned that I don’t know which of those you would rather have?” Henry goads, nosing against the crook of his neck.
“Don’t be dumb,” Alex snorts, setting down the drink and curving against Henry with a tender sort of care. Henry realizes the reason for the caution when he looks down and sees how his previously concealed side is covered in bruises, ugly splatters of blue and purple that’ll fade to green and yellows in only a few short days.
“Holy shit,” Henry scrambles off the bed, nearly toppling over the breakfast he had set up. But he doesn’t care— He can’t care, not with Alex just lying there, hurt and broken and Henry can’t do a thing about it.
“What the fuck happened!”
Alex winces, like he was somehow fucking embarrassed. And no, just no. Alex can not be embarrassed over this! Okay sure, there are some funny anecdotes of him being clumsy at the lab, or Nora accidentally tackling him a little too hard against the wall. Little spoofs that left small injuries and maybe a scratch or two, but not this. Never to this level. And Henry has no idea how to comprehend it. It’s like he’s drowning, lost at sea trying to figure out how to help him.
“’S nothing,” Alex tries for broke with a small shrug of the shoulder, but even that makes it so he grouses with pain.
“Alexander what happened!” Henry repeats in a voice like a whip, the same one he’s used with heads of states about wars that they’re still involved in, or police chiefs about unjustifiable shootings executed by their officers onto innocent youths. 
“It was a couple of punks when I was walking home last night,” Alex finally admits, worrying on his inner cheek. 
“What did they want!” Henry bellows. “Did you make a police report! Did you get a decent look of them? Or—“
“Baby, it’s fine,” Alex soothes, climbing out the bed so that he could stand in front of Henry, rubbing comforting hands up and down his arms. “It was not a big deal, they got my wallet, but we both know I’m broke as hell.”
“Why are you being so glib about this!” Henry says in a voice that shakes. “Is this why you came home so late last night. Did they threaten you? Was Nora there? Is she alright?”
“Everyone’s fine sweetheart, Nora wasn’t there and they didn’t threaten me. Just wanted some cash.” Alex moves to kiss across Henry’s jawline, each  corner of his mouth too, while he slings his arms around Henry’s narrow waste. 
“’S because of this bullshit zero sum game the Ranker has got going on with that Torpedo prat,” Henry hisses, feeling like a powder keg ready to blow. Alex stiffens slightly beneath him and he knows he’s thinking the same thing. 
“It was just some stupid pricks Henry,” Alex says quietly, there foreheads pressed against each other. “Now please, don’t let this ruin our day. I know your love sick, pisces ass has got a whole romantic production planned out, and I don’t wanna ruin it.”
Breathing in deep, Henry nods, just slightly, agrees to go on with their anniversary plans.
“You really must think highly of yourself if you think I’ve spent that much effort on you,” he jokes, and Alex throws back his head in lovely peals of laughter and it’s all alright. For now. It’s all alright for now. 
Henry lets Alex drag him back in bed, lets him map out Henry’s body with his lips and hands and arches up towards him wantonly when Alex laps his tongue around his dick— a promise of so much more. 
Henry lets Alex wash over him, lets him think that this conversation has ended, lets him not worry about how Henry’ll take this in his own hands.
“Numbers on Henry suspecting that you spend your night masquerading as New York’s Walmart version of Batman?” Nora asks a few  days after Alex and Henrys anniversary while they write down the new growths showing on the mole collected from one of the Ranker’s more recent city attacks— an ugly black blob that only seems to be growing larger day by day.
“Honestly? I dunno. He seemed to buy the excuse that it was a mugging.” 
“But?” June presses, staying a good distance away from them with her lunch, all of them agreeing that they needed to regroup as soon as possible after the latest  incident of the Ranker attacking another jewelry shop on fifth avenue only last night.
“But, I just feel guilty about it. About the lying I mean. Henry and I don’t lie to each other, we’re like the exact opposite! We’re painfully honest.”
“Honest about everything besides what matters?” Nora sniffs, poking the blob with a stick he’s almost positive is meant to be used for mixing people’s coffee and creams. 
Alex tosses her the bird for that one, more than a bit cross over the whole ordeal.
“Alex, you’re only trying to protect him,” she says, dark eyes earnest with understanding. “I know that this is a sucky situation but would you rather risking one of these crazy villains piecing together that he’s like the one person you’d give up the world to save.”
Alex’s cheeks flush, lips pursed as he glances over to June who’s being uncharacteristically quiet.
“You think otherwise?” He asks, waiting for her to meet his gaze from where it’s concentrated on fiddling with her salad instead.
“Am I allowed to have an other opinion?” She asks, lips pinched.
“Course you are Bug, you know that.”
“Well then I think you should just tell him.” She charges, sudden passion vibrating in her tone.
“Did not see that one coming,” Nora intones as an aside.
“Alex, you saw how Mom trying to protect Dad blew up in their faces. She didn’t talk about any sorta legislation or anything she was trying to get past so that he would never be questioned about staying impartial as a congressman, and it only paved the way to their divorce.”
Alex feels like a rush of vertigo has just hit him, like he’s about to be sick.
“This’s different,” he contends, admittedly very weakly— But it is! This is Henry’s actual life at hand! Not the reputation he might garner from a bunch of smug politicians.
June frowns fully now, looking like she’s trying to throw Alex a lifesaver that just keeps slipping out his hands.
“No Alex, no it’s really not.”
The air around them goes taught, and Alex feels very queasy with the revelation that her words ring true.
“Can we put a pin on this you guys,” Nora asks, frantic. “Our lovely friends just blew up a couple of empty vehicles down in Brooklyn and it’s kind of a shitty situation.”
“Right,” Alex dashes to change into his distinctive red suit, tells the girls to stay on call for him.
“Stay safe,” June pleas, like she always does.
“Of course,” Alex promises, like he always does.
And the remaining discomfort from their argument dissipates because of course it does.
Henry admits that this is perhaps the dumbest, most idiotic, incredibly thoughtless plan that he has ever come up with, and that’s precisely why he hasn’t told anyone of his intentions. Not June, certainly not Pez, and God forbid Alex ever finds out. But the thing is that if this works, Henry could help put an end to this chaos for good, and maybe that’s worth the risk?
 Well at the very least, Henry hopes it’s worth  it as he swallows down hard and steps on a ledge, a perfect position to witness the current battle playing out in the Williamsburg streets. The Ranker— even more humanoid looking from the last time Henry’s seen him— a sort of slimy sheen shining against his black suit while  he’s practically roaring as he thrashes around, trying to hit a beam of light that Henry knows is the Torpedo, moving so quickly that the normal human eye can’t even focus on him before he makes a hundred more attacks. But like every time before, the Ranker seems to get a signal of whatever he’s been trying to do has been complete, and he ends it.
The Ranker  shoves hard enough and fast enough at the Torpedo  That he hits a building so hard that it begins to shake, and escapes as quickly as a blink of an eye.
Henry sees his chance, and he jumps for it— quite literally.
“Oy, Torpedo!” He shouts, knowing that with his superhuman abilities he’ll be able to hear Henry through the turmoil. And as expected, he stands up— shaking off the Ranker’s latest attack— and looks up towards where Henry had called him from— the top of a five story building.
“Here goes nothing,” Henry mutters to himself, eyes clenched shut a he sucks in deep and jumps— feeling the air whip against him with a vicious sort of vindictiveness— like wind spirits were real and they were laughing at how fucking stupid Henry is for playing with fate like this. And all Henry could do is hope that his Grams puts up a nice memorial bench for him once he becomes a splatter on the pavement.
But then— in an instant— Henry feels a body colliding into his own, and the breath being knocked out of him, before the pair of them stop in the middle of an alleyway, and it’s all Henry could do not to lock his knees and puke all over the crisp suit of the Torpedo.
“Mother of Christ it worked,” henry pants in wonderment of himself, one hand slamming against the wall directly behind him, while the other arm is slung around his stomach.
“You fucking maniac!” Is the first thing Henry hears from the Torpedo once they’re on safe ground— though he still looks like he’s swimming in open air if anyone were to ask Henry.
“It— Ahem, it was the only sure way to get your attention,” he defends, admittedly pretty weak but whatever.
“God Henry! Can’t you be like a normal reporter and ask to become a cable talking head!” The torpedo bellows, but Henry is gleeful.
“You remember who I am?”
The Torpedo goes still— stuttering on whatever he was about to say next, as if Henry had caught him in some sorta filthy lie.
He glares with a harrumph. “Course I do, you’re the idiot from before who almost died because he’s stupidly inattentive towards himself. I’m starting to think that’s a trend with you.”
Henry twists up his lips, unamused but reasoning that being cross won’t help him if he’s trying to work with this prick.
“I'm also the guy who gave you my number so we could sort out this Ranker business once and for all.”
The Torpedo rolls his eyes at him, weight slung to his left hip and arms crossed incredulously against his chest. It’s such a painfully Alex move that Henry starts to feel reinvigorated, reminded of why he’s doing this in the first place.
“Listen, I get that guys who look like you probably aren’t that accustomed to what a blow off is—“
“I’m not trying to seduce you asshole,” Henry spits, he admits it might come off a bit menacing but the head on this guy, Jesus fucking Christ. “I’m happily in a relationship.”
The Torpedo looks strangely pleased with this news, but Henry doesn’t spare anytime trying to figure out what that might mean. Working with him is going to be fucking exhausting.
“Alright goldilocks, then why the hell did you want my attention so damn badly?”
“Oh fuck, do you just not listen! For precisely the reason I had told you! I want to put the Ranker away, for good.”
The Torpedo’s mouth hardens into a straight line, shaking his head ever so slightly.
“’S too dangerous for just a normal human.” He says, and Henry’s just not going to stand for it, a fire like rage licking up his insides.
“I think I can decide determine that for myself.” He says, mulish.
“I thought we’ve come to the consensus that you shouldn’t be trusted for your own well being?” He needles.
Henry’s over the small talk.
“Look, my boyfriend— the man I intend to marry one day! Was roughed up by some of the Ranker’s fucking little minions, and the amount of people this must’ve happened to is probably astronomical! So you listen up, I’m not going to just stand around idly by. I know for a fact that we’ll figure out his intentions much quicker together than apart! So for the love that is holy and right will you just stop being a complete wanker and agree to work with the lowly human,” Henry says this all without barely a breath between words, not having noticed just how close he’s gotten to the Torpedo, how their eyes are boring into one another’s now with a sudden, heated intensity. 
A silence lapse between them, but Henry doesn’t stand down.
“You’re intent on this, huh?”
“To a grave degree.”
Another silence before the Torpedo just shuts his eyes, tilting his head like he can’t bother to argue anymore. 
“Fine. Let’s talk it out.”
The tension building in Henry’s chest finally deflates, replaced by a sort of remarkable brightness that makes his insides buzz with excitement.
“Wonderful! I work over at the Sentinel’s headquarters right past the Meat Packing District, on forty-second. Meet me there Wednesday night.” Henry instructs, probably a tad too enthused, but he doesn't care, he finally’s getting somewhere.
“Hold up Goldilocks, i said I’d work with you, not the whole damn paper.”
“Don’t get your pants in a twist, folks work outside the office on Wednesdays usually, and it’ll be late enough that we can take up one of the conference rooms without anyone interrupting.” 
The Torpedo smirks now, and Henry already knows what’s coming.
“You sure you’re not trying to seduce me darling?”
“Wouldn’t hold my breath if I were you, I don’t really go for guys in spandex,” he retorts.
“Hey! ’S good material for the shit I have to deal with!” He defends, affronted sounding.
“I’m sure, but I’m running late for a lunch date as it is, so just bring the intel you’ve got on’m Wednesday and we’ll converse then.” Not really sure what to do, Henry awkwardly claps him on the shoulder before exiting the alleyway, an excited smile breaking his face in half as he thinks of all the change they could do now.
Strange enough, it becomes a sort of standing meeting for the next few weeks— Like Alex and Henry were adding a second date night to their schedules. Well a date night where only one of them knew the other’s identity, and where they spent the whole time perusing through stacks of files ranging from the dates and locations of the Ranker’s attacks within the past year, from any new gang activity that had sprung up afterwards. Also a date where Henry studiously sat as far away from a masked Alex as possible, and who remained stiff for the entirety of the two hours they would talk. 
They end up successfully predicting the two next places that the Ranker targets, and it’s a thrill. Alex however makes it a point that Henry isn’t allowed anywhere near the area until Alex has surely staved the Ranker away. It’s a point of contention between them, but it’s a point that Alex won’t budge on.
He knows Henry, knows how he strives for the public’s safety the same ways Alex does, but where Alex was hit by a molecular transmitter when he was only nineteen— giving him powers and abilities beyond comprehension— Henry’s only got a pen and paper as his main weapons of defense. And Alex knows this vendetta runs even deeper than that for him, knows that Arthur— Henry’s dad who played a hero in Hollywood films— was kidnapped and eventually killed by a Luthor family member, directed by Lex behind bars. 
Alex sees the glitter in Henry’s eyes, the vigor embedded in them. And it what makes him want to lock the Ranker up, more than anything else. 
“You’re intense Mountchristen,” Alex tells him on one of those Wednesday nights, can’t help but gaze at the way Henry sinks his teeth into his bottom lip, and how his brows begin to knit together, intent on his goal.
“Eyes to yourself Torpedo,” he retorts shortly, not bothering to even look up.
Part of Alex really appreciates how standoffish he behaves in front of dudes who are so obviously into him that aren’t Alex, but most of him hates the distance, hates the secrets that they’re both keeping from one another. It feels like the foundation between them is literally crumbling, even though they’re both doing this to ultimately protect the other.
“What a strange and convoluted circle you’ve ensnared yourself within,” Nora says on the night of the Sentinel’s first summer fundraising event, popping a bite sized snickers into her mouth as she lounges on her sectional in a little black dress that makes her look like a million bucks.
“You’re really unhelpful,” Alex informs her bluntly, adjusting is tie in the mirror after replying to Henry’s text that they’re headed down to meet him and June in five. 
“Well you know there’s only one sure fire way to escape it,” she crows, smile going snide as she stands up. 
“Don’t tell me you’ve begun drinking June’s crazy person juice,” Alex moans, really needing her to have been on his side for this. 
“You know they called Van Gogh crazy, and he was a genius who saw what others were too dumb to.”
“No Nor, they called him crazy because he ate yellow paint and cut off his ear as a gift.”
Nora cuffs him on the back of the head. “You’re being crass.”
“Ouch,” Alex squints, rubbing the tender spot. “And you’re being especially mean.”
“Only because you’re so dense sometimes,” Nora sniffs. “Now c’mon we were suppose to be there like an hour ago. What were you even doing all this time.”
Alex goes back to checking his reflection, absently gesturing towards the abrasively yellow binder on his coffee stand that he’s begun keeping here, less Henry accidentally finds it while rummaging around in Alex’s place. 
“Just going over some of the information Henry and I have been gathering, reading through it and everything.”
Nora flips it open, perusing through the papers leisurely. “And what have you guys found out in these little trysts of yours?”
“First of all, shut it,” Alex casts her a glare, just for good measure.  “And not much. There’s no real rhyme or reason to his attacks, except we did figure out that like after a month from the initial incident, there’s another one hitting the same place by some of his mysterious henchmen, like a month later— on the very dot.”
“The very dot?” Nora asks slowly, her voice adopting that tension it does when she’s piecing something together she wishes she wasn’t. Like the time she figured out the dude who owned their favorite frozen yogurt place in Brooklyn was actually the same person robbing a series of banks with his uncanny ability to literally turn into gas.
“Yeah—“ Alex turns around, rigid as he prepares for her next blow.
“Well a month ago you guys have it that The Ranker hit up Time Square, don’t you?”
And like a bucket of ice water pouring over him, Alex understands what she’s insinuating immediately.
“The sentinel!”
“June and Henry.”
Before either of them could take another breath, Alex has changed into his gear and lifts Nora up bridal style, racing to them and praying to any God who will listen that they’re not too late.
The sentinel is holding a special event to celebrate the continuous and substantial donations by the Richards family to their editorial board, with special honors given to the head of the political dynasty, Jeffery Richards.
Professionally, Henry is thankful for their money flow into the Sentinel’s tireless efforts to get meaningful and factual stories out into the public sphere. Personally? Henry thinks he’s the definition of a complete and total twat, and has wished on more than one occasion to give him a swift right hook for his backwards social views and another kick in the gut for his purely one percent focussed fiscal policies. This is why Henry is shocked to find Rafael Luna, Alex’s practical idol, exchanging seemingly pleasant small talk with him near the champaign fountain. But he supposes stranger things have happened, and decides to take a swig of his gin and tonic instead of worrying about it.
Henry must admit that there’s a certain panache— a peculiar charm—  to American parties that can’t ever be replicated in quite the same way.   The people are more boisterous than their English counterparts, more willing to mingle between groups and laugh hysterically to jokes that really don’t warrant as much. Henry thinks it’s funny, especially when he considers how much less these folks drink in comparison to the upper echelon of London society— the class of folks  Henry was born and bred to become the crown jewel of, up until his unceremonial rejection of those trite ideals. Considering where he is now— working to make an actual difference in this city, and surrounded by the most important people in his world, Henry’s thankful so much for his decision.
Speaking of which, Henry sees one of those people,  catching June’s eye from across the room, matched boredom on her face. She tips her glass his way, a small, comforting smile on her lips before mouthing a dramatic, “save me.”
Henry laughs,  finishes his glass and grabs a flute of the wine  to join her but is suddenly accosted  by a older couple made up of a woman  sporting  such large diamonds hanging  off her ears that Henry’s afraid one of them might just tear off, and a man, obviously her husband, who keeps glancing over Henry’s lips and slightly exposed collarbones in the most unsubtle way ever. Jesus fucking Christ, Henry was so close to home base.
“Elias and I saw you leaving that conversation with the Galloways and simply just had to sweep in,” the woman says in lieu of a greeting. Henry recognizes them now. Elias and Barbra Bellington, one of the Harold’s most formidable backers— He reckons he should play nice then.
“I’m flattered,” Henry says with a pleasant grin, shaking her hand and then her husband’s.
“We read that latest entry you did on that masked fellow who’s been terrorizing this city,” the husband explains.
“The Scarlet one.”
“The torpedo,”  Henry nods.
“Yes,” her husband swallows before averting his gaze from Henry’s lips yet again. “You deserve a pulitzer for  finally trying to figure out who he is. It’s been nearly half a decade with him  ravaging these streets and diverting the funds and work  from our officers.”
“A scoundrel by any other name if you ask me.”
Henry is so fucking confused how they got that from his piece.
“Erm, ahem. Thank you both for the kind words, but truly, It was more about his feud with the latest kingpin, the Ranker, than anything else.” Henry tries explaining, hates it when his work gets boiled down to a few salacious bullet points for the headlines. 
“They’re all the same if you ask me, rotten and only here to create chaos in our communities”.
Henry parts his lips to retort, most likely with a too loud  argument that she’s just flat out wrong, but then his eyes focus back on Luna, watching him part ways with Richards, and he’s always been so god damn curious for his own good.
“I’m sorry but I see a colleague of mine that I actually needed to touch base with on a upcoming story,” Henry coughs while excusing himself.  “You don’t mind if I just step away for a moment,” He’s relieved when they nod congenially and promise to find him later on in the evening 
Henry exchanges congenial nods and small grins with his colleagues as he cuts through the throng, stopping in front of Luna with less nonchalance than he would’ve liked, but whatever.
“Henry,” Luna smiles broadly, clapping his hand on his shoulder. “I was hoping to see you here.”
“I was happy to see you around,” Henry smiles in turn, wonders if it comes across as painfully awkward as he thinks it does.
“Where’s Alexander?”
“On his way with Nora, I had to stop by a bit earlier for some business with the rest of the staff,” Luna nods and they both take sips of their drinks, perhaps a bit tensely. “So, ahem. I saw you speaking with Richards?”
Luna’s brows hike up, if only slightly.
“Yeah, he’s a big investor in my lab as well as the Sentinel. Wants to help us figure out this newest wave of super mutants.”
Henry pins him with a one eyed squint, confused as all get out why Richards of all people would want to help with something so— Well so scientific.
“I know, I was surprised too,” Luna laughs, reading his expression. “But it’s true! Even had some of his men collect those mole samples I’m sure Alexander has talked your ear off of. They’re really something remarkable Henry.” He trails off into a deeper conversation on what their existence means, but Henry stops listening, the gears in his brain turning at rapid speed. And God, it’s so obvious. How did Henry not notice this before.
“I’ve— I’ve got to go.”
Luna furrows his brows. “Is everything okay?”
“I— I don’t think so,” Henry admits, racing upstairs to the offices where he’s been meeting with the Torpedo these last few weeks. He’s not really sure what he needs to do, or how he can even get the Torpedo’s attention so randomly, but he feels it in his gut that it’s urgent.
Though he’s stopped midway up the stairs, and it’s like his stomach drops out completely once he realizes by who.
“Mr Mountchristen, I was hoping to get to speak with you.”
Henry feels himself beginning to quake, stepping further back, bit by bit.
“Is— Is that right,” Henry stammers out, wincing when his back hits the wall andRichards keeps on coming closer.
“You’re bright, I saw the tricks you pulled to get the Torpedo’s attention,” he nods slowly. “It was only a matter of time till you or that scarlet scoundrel pieced it together.” 
“So, I’m right. The samples you’ve been giving to Luna’s lab, they were early archetypes of the beasts you’ve been harvesting.”
“And they say blonde’s are dumb.” Richards chuckles, twining a finger in Henry’s hair, close enough for his hot breath to smack Henry in the face.
“So what? You found an alien to harvest the cells from or are they just growing off of you? And why do it? What’s the point of all this?”
“Hmm, well  seeing that you’ll be dead  soon enough,” Richard snarls, clamping a hand around Henry’s neck, and squeezing for good measure. “I suppose there’s no harm in telling you how I purposefully exposed myself to the molecular explosion that ravaged the city a few  years ago. It gave me the ability to multiply at a whim, though alas not quickly enough.”
“It took a month for them to fully form,” Henry realizes, squinting when Richards squeezes harder. He claws against the hand Richard’s is using to obstruct his airway, but there’s no hope. “And what,” he wheezes out, seeing stars glitter the distance. “You wanted to create a little army to take over the city?”
“New York should be so lucky!” Richard yells, crashing Henry’s head against the wall with such force that everything begins to fade into darkness. “Ever since that damn Claremont got her hooks into it we’ve gone down the shit hole!” 
Henry’s head cracks the wall again, and everything blurs, stars glittering in the distance.
The last thing Henry sees before completely blacking out is the windows shattering open and a dash of red.
And oh.
The next time Henry comes too he’s met by florescent lighting and white sheets, can feel the cool liquid of an IV pumping into his wrist.
He can hear people calling his name, but he can’t focus on it, can’t focus on anything. All he wants is Alex, and he can’t believe the secrets he’s been keeping from Henry all this time. The secrets henry has been hiding himself.
Alex has been up a total of forty-three hours at this point, but he shrugs off any of the well meaning suggestions given by his friends or the doctors to finally shut his eyes and go to bed. He can’t. He won’t. Not until Henry wakes up permanently and he looks at Alex with his beautiful, cornflower eyes, and smiles at him with that heavenly grin, and twines their fingers into one another. Exactly how they should be. 
God, Alex can’t believe how stupid he’s been. Keeping these secrets from him, trying to protect him all this time, but it ended up pointless. Henry’s here, golden hair fanned on eggshell sheets and blue veins tracing his pale skin and looking like some sort of modern day sleeping beauty—  an etherial being— that Alex can’t dream of ever touching again.
Alex kisses Henry’s hand, swears that he’ll be honest and forthcoming just as soon as he wakes up and Alex  can look back into those bottomless, blue eyes for all the time to come.
The exhaustion must’ve caught up to him, because suddenly everything goes dark and Alex’s next memory is of a gentle hand carding through his hair. He opens his eyes to find Henry peering down at him, crooked grin looking all levels of endeared.
Jesus, Alex is so lost on him.
“Morning gorgeous.” Henry says, still looking far too fragile for Alex’s liking in that hospital robe and with like half a dozen machines hooked up to him, but it doesn’t stop Alex from kissing him with all he has. 
“You fucking bastard, don’t you ever do that to me again.” Alex pleads wetly, hands cupped around Henry’s face and never wanting to let go.
“Well Alexander, if we’re being fair, I think I’ve still got a hundred other chances to unwittingly make you terrified.”
Alex frowns now, the realization slowly coming over him to what Henry’s words are alluding towards.
“You know!”
“I figured it out Torpedo,” Henry says, soft enough so that Alex has to strain to hear him.
“Bu—But when?”
“I think the between the second time Richards tried knocking me out, and you crashing through the office like some sorta renegade. Also you are not slick Alexander, the way you were checking me out during those meetings was frankly obscene.”
Alex feels his cheeks redden, disbelieving laugh punching out of him.
“I can’t help it, you’re really sexy when you’re all in your element.”
Henry smiles sweetly at him, turning his head to kiss one of Alex’s palms still clamped around his face.
“Says the literal superhero that millions of people around the world thirst over.”
Alex sinks his teeth into his bottom lip, wrestling down a grin.
“So you’re not mad that I kept this secret  from you?”
“Oh I’m furious,” Henry corrects. “But I reckon you’ve got a lifetime to explain your actions to me. And I might have been guilty of the same sort of indiscretion, if you squint.”
“Hah, just like a Brit, trying to absolve himself of the blame,” Alex snarks, kissing Henry’s tongue when he sticks it out to waggle at him. 
“Think you mean sexy."
“Where’s Richards when you need him,” Henry sighs, faux put upon.
“Not funny,” Alex fumes, is only restrained from flicking him on the ear considering his current predicament.
The laugh that Henry lets out right then is something mellifluous and beautiful and what Alex could listen to on a loop for all the eons to come.
“No but truly, what happened to that prick anyhow?” 
“Tied him up with the evidence we collected, and called Officer Amy to make the arrest.” Alex explains, threading his fingers through Henry’s hair. “He’s locked up now. Probably’s gonna stay that way for a while.”
“So it worked out?”
“Henry, no situation in which you are at all injured is things working out,” Alex reproves caustically. 
Henry shakes his head at him. 
“God, such a softy Alexander.”
That time Alex does flick him on the ear and isn’t even sorry about it.
Buy Me A Coffee?🥺
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is0gild · 4 years
Ice Cream and Fire Oven Pizza - Chapter 29
Pairing: Elsa x Lea/Axel || Side Pairing: Riku x OC
Summary: Modern AU. She's an introvert ball of nerves who works at Ice Palace, a mall food court ice cream shop. He's the outgoing, sassy goofball who works at the Pizza Planet across the way. Hilarity, snark, and fluffy romcom hijinks ensue.
Word Count: 8,417
Credit for super friggin’ cute and super friggin’ amazing cover art goes to the super friggin’ talented ky-jane here on tumblr!
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"What the everliving fuck, Lea?! Why the hell are you naked in our kitchen?!"
Riku's muffled shout had me jerking awake and shooting up in bed, my hand clutching the blanket.
"Er, heh… laundry day?"
Lea's response.
Both voices had come from the other side of my closed bedroom door. I heard a ruckus out there ensue - possibly the sounds of a chase? Wincing at the sunlight pouring in through my window, I glanced towards the clock on my nightstand. Ugh, we'd only gotten to sleep a few short hours ago.
...speaking of…
I lifted my blanket slightly away from me as I looked down at myself.
Not a stitch on me.
Not sure what else I could've possibly expected.
My door suddenly burst open and I gasped, hugging my comforter to my chest once more as Lea came barreling in. Okay, at least he wasn't completely naked. He had one of my bed sheets wrapped around his waist. Thankfully. I don't think that my heart could have survived such a visual otherwise at this precise moment.
He leapt into bed with me, sniggering as he hid behind me. Or rather, tried to anyway. My frame was far too small to be concealing such a large man. "Mornin', gorgeous!" he chirped, planting a swift peck to my cheek.
Face heating and groggy brain still trying to catch up, I began, "I- Wha-"
"Why, Lea?! Just… why?!" Riku yelled from the other side of the door, which seemed to have hit a wall and bounced back to almost closing again. It was now just barely open a crack for us to clearly hear my annoyed roommate's voice through it.
"Was trynta scrounge something up for breakfast!" Lea called back. "El was hungry!"
...I was?
My stomach growled.
Oh. Apparently, yes. Yes I was.
...oh gosh, it hadn't been gurgling in my sleep, had it? How embarrassing.
Riku's voice snarled, "You couldn't have put some goddamn pants on first?!"
"It was an emergency! Hadta get some food in the woman, stat!"
There was a loud angry huff from the other side of the door. "Whatever, you just better not have sat on anything out here or I swear…"
It hadn't escaped my notice that Riku hadn't followed Lea in here. Perhaps the implications of Lea barging in first in his current state of undress had not been lost on him and so he was staying out there to preserve my modesty.
Rayne on the other hand…
My door banged open for a second time to reveal her suddenly standing in the threshold, a huge ear-to-ear grin splitting her face in two. "Oh my god, it finally happened!"
Rayne had no such compunctions.
She squealed before running further into the room, holding something up in one hand. "Ahh, I'm so excited! So, so happy for you guys! Oh dear lord, you have no idea how frustrating it's been watching the two of you just dancing around each other this whole time but not bloody doing a damn thing about it! It was driving me up the goddamn wall!" Turns out that thing in her grasp was her phone, or so I came to realize when she shoved it in my face, "But finally! The day we've all been hoping for is here at last! The day you've become," pause for dramatic effect,"...a woman! Halle-freakin-lujah! Do you have any words you'd like to commemorate this momentous event with?"
"Why the phone?" was my oh so moving speech as I scrunched up my face and put my hand to the device, pushing it away.
She beamed and shrugged. "I'm recording this."
"You're what?!" I blanched.
"Yup! To immortalize this historic occasion! Plus, I need video evidence cuz otherwise there is no way Anna will ever believe this. She's gonna flip her-" she suddenly gasped, free hand shooting forward to brush my hair back off my shoulder while getting in close with her phone again. "Holy Jesus H Christ, Lea, what the hell did you do to the woman's throat?!"
I jerked back from her touch, brow furrowing. "My...?" I brought my hand up to brush a finger to my neck. Huh. It was rather sore…
"Dude," she fixed me with a pointed look from the other side of her phone. "It's absolutely covered in hickeys."
"H-?!" I choked on the word, eyes widening and face an inferno.
"Seriously. That thing is more bruise than neck at this point." Rayne leaned in even further with her mobile, fascinated. "Would you lookit that? All the lil ones are coming together to form - dun, dun dun," her voice dropped to intone with deep reverence, "the Mother Hickey!"
I slapped a hand over the spot, trying to cover it up.
She snerked then cackled. "Oh, sweetie. Your hand would have to be the size of an extra large, double stuffed pizza to conceal that monster! Damn, Red, for real… that's a masterpiece!"
Lea gave a sheepish laugh beside me, fingers ruffling his wild bedhead hair. "Guess it is some o' my best work, huh?"
Squeaking, I burrowed into my blankets to hide from the rest of the world.
"Alright, no further comment, show's over now. Riku!" Lea gave a sudden shout. "Come corral your woman!"
I heard a slow creak from my door, then the sound of feet awkwardly shuffling in. "Sorry about-" There was a thud and Riku hissed, "Ow! ...about this, Elsa. I pr-" Whump. "Gah! Promise I'm not-" Bang. "Goddamn it! I'm not-"
"Oh for the love of…" A sigh from Rayne. "Riku! You can remove your hand from your eyes, you goob! She's hiding under the sheets."
"I think I'll keep my hand right where it is, thank you very much!" he grumbled back. He could be heard shambling about for a bit more, peppered here and there by him bumping and crashing into a few more things, before finally, "Ah-ha! There you are!"
"Ack! Riku!" The sounds of what could only be described as a kerfuffle followed. "Put me down, brat!"
"We'll, uh… go get breakfast going and give you two some… privacy," Riku grunted out. Pretty sure I could hear him now literally dragging his wife out of the room. How he managed that one-handed (as I could only assume the other was still being used to shield his eyes), I'll never know. Eventually, mercifully, I heard my door click shut.
Lea gave a soft snort. "So… wanna come out and show me your beautiful face?" he then coaxed gently.
Twitching slightly, I gripped harder at the fabric of the comforter - aka my sanctuary. "Hmm… mm-mm, no, I think I'm good in here, thanks."
There was a brief pause. Then, "Alright. Guess me and my beautiful face are just gonna have to come in there instead." The blankets abruptly lifted, but only just enough for Lea to scooch in next to me under them before tucking them back down around us once more. His shoulders hunched, sheet overhead smooshing his hair down as he shot me a grin. "Hi."
Oh gosh, it was bad enough that he'd been naked before. Now he was naked and close. Not that I could really see anything below the waist - he was still wrapped in sheet down there. Still, even though I couldn't see him in all his nude glory, didn't mean I wasn't one hundred and ten percent fully aware of it and that thought alone was enough to send the blood rushing to my face all over again.
Ugh, calm down, cheeks. You'd think after last night, there'd be nothing left to get so red over.
"Wanna talk about it?" he tipped his head to one side.
"Hm?" I hummed absently, dragging my eyes up to meet his. While the actual goods were currently out of sight, I was still finding just the sight of his bare chest rather, hrm… distracting.
He gave a small shrug, "Whatever it is that's bothering you."
I gnawed on my lower lip and glanced away, clutching the undersheet more tightly to my chest.
...last night had been…
...slow and tender at times, and… heated and passionate at others, as well as, er… how shall I put it... enlightening? Sure, let's go with that. But also, it'd been…
I mean, not in the moment itself, it hadn't been. But now…? Well, it was just… we hadn't really talked about anything beforehand. Frankly, we'd let hormones do all the talking. Hormones were a new experience for me. I'd never even had so much as an inkling of a single solitary hormone ever before and last night I'd been struck by a whole raging tsunami of the damn things. Who knew they could be so, er… persuasive. It'd been all too easy to get swept up in the torrent. But now that the storm had died down, now that morning was here and I could think more clearly, I…
Well, I didn't regret it. No, not one bit. But… I guess I just had questions. Like where did this leave Lea and me? I hadn't forgotten the little detail that he'd never really been the relationship type before, and I had no real solid reason to believe that that was about to change just for me. And what about his whole "no girls until graduation" rule? Just what had this been for him then? A temporary lapse in judgement? A moment of weakness? Yeesh, I didn't want to be one of those girls who got all, "What does this mean?" after they sleep with a guy, but…
You know what? No, there was nothing wrong with being one of those girls. Those girls were valid. Those girls had a right to know and so did I, damn it! I deserved to know if this had actually meant something to him or if I'd just been a… another notch on the headboard or… or if he'd just been sowing his wild oats or-
"Oh gosh, was I just an oat to you?!" I suddenly blurted out, snatching the comforter down off my head with a huff.
"Uh…" Lea fought with the blanket a bit himself before his top half broke free to join me out here, blinking at me owlishly. "...no?" he tried, his guyliner-smudged eyes squinting uncertainly.
Right. Good job, mouth. Way to make me sound like a total crackpot.
Inhaling deeply through my nose and then puffing out a slow breath, I gave it another go. "...was last night just a…" The blush returned as I struggled for the right words. "...a one night stand?"
His shoulders stiffened as his head rocked back. "What?! No. God no! El, I-" his hand was reaching for me, but it stopped just short of my arm. He frowned, pulling it back to instead rub over his mouth then drag along the nape of his neck with a sigh. "Shit, we're always doing things so backwards, aren't we? Kissing before we'd even so much as said our first hello to each other… Going steady before we'd even been on a single date… Now hopping into bed together before taking a minute to tell each other how we really…" he trailed off with another sigh, leaving the thought unfinished.
I remained silent, just looking down as I drew my blanketed knees up, hugging them to my chest.
Lea shifted around so he was instead facing me now, clasping his own sheet to keep it firmly wrapped around his waist. Pulling one knee up himself, he propped an elbow atop it as he bent forward to my eye-level. "Do you remember the story I told about how we met?"
My eyes blinked. "You mean the plot of Before Sunrise?"
Grinning softly now, he said, "If you'll recall, that movie starts on the train. But that's not where the story I told began."
A crease formed between my eyebrows. "No, it started with the lantern festival."
"That's right," he nodded. "...I was there, El. I was really there, same time as you."
My spine snapped straight as I inhaled, small and sharp. "You were?"
"Yup! Everything… seeing you there, the lanterns going up, even the bit about me faceplanting into a lamppost… all of it, and I do mean all of it, was true."
I gaped slightly before shaking my head slowly. "But… you said you'd never seen the lantern show."
"I haven't. Oh sure, I was there, but I was too busy watching you instead," he chuckled, tapping me on the nose.
There was a small flutter inside my ribcage. Still, I frowned. "But… but I was the one who said the city we met in was Corona."
He snorted, scratching a spot behind his ear, "Yeah, and I was floored when ya did. Thought for a sec that maybe you actually had noticed me at the festival. But nope, turned out to just be a lucky shot in the dark!" Lea laughed, then paused with a wistful smile. "...obviously in the real story, I didn't end up following you onto that train, but shit, you dunno how bad I wanted to. But I'd just sworn off girls to focus on college only the day before, and I didn't wanna be so weak as to go tossing that out the window less than twenty-four hours in." His lips then pursed to one side, eyes downcast. "In a way, maybe it was for the best. I don't think the time was right for either of us yet. I… wouldn't have been ready to be the person you needed me to be."
I didn't know what to say to that. Even if I did, I'm not sure if I would have been able to get any words out past the tightening in my throat. So instead, I just settled for reaching for his hand.
Flashing me a grin, he brought it up so he could press his lips lightly to my knuckles before going on, "But man, did I regret letting you get away without even so much as talking to you. Was kicking myself ever since, thinking I'd never see you again." His eyes crinkled as he leaned in closer now, "So imagine my shock 'bout a year later when I spot a very cute, very familiar new girl working the ice cream counter across the food court from me. It'd seemed fate had decided to give me a second chance with the divine creature from the lantern festival. I just hadta meet her."
One corner of my mouth tugged up, "What about your dating hiatus?"
"Hey now, I was just trying to get to know you! You were the one who kissed me first, remember?" his lips twisted into a smirk and I rolled my eyes, feeling heat creeping up the back of my neck. His gaze turned serious however. "...women have always kinda been a weakness for me. I'd practically made a career out of skirt chasing. Whenever it came down to making a choice between the ladies and getting my shit together, I picked ladies every time. But when I finally decided, and I mean really decided to buckle down, I cut that part of my life out completely. I thought it would be hard, but it actually really wasn't. Turns out they'd just been a bad habit I hadta kick. Having them around had been a distraction.
"But when it came to you…" his eyes softened as he reached for a lock of my hair to fiddle with. "The more I got to know you, it… The distraction was… not having you around. I couldn't concentrate on anything else… not school, not work... I was thinking about you all the time. Couldn't get you outta my head. Not for a damn second."
"Lea…" my hand came up of its own accord to brush along his cheek.
He covered it with his own, turning his head slightly to kiss my palm. "...you know with crushes, or love at first sight, or whatever the hell you wanna call it… they say you're not really falling for the person, but rather just the idea of them. That you're just building 'em up in your head, putting 'em on a pedestal… but that when you actually finally do get to know the person, it'll be a letdown. That they won't turn out to be who you wanted them to be." Pressing our foreheads together now, he nuzzled the tip of his nose to mine, "But you turned out to be so much better than I ever coulda imagined."
I scoffed, face burning as I muttered, "Sounds like someone's been watching too many of those cornball movies."
"I mean it, so shush, you," he chided, biting back a grin. Then he was shifting a little closer to me. "What I'm trying to tell ya is that you're stuck with me. I'm not going anywhere. I'm yours, if you'll have me. I am all in."
My breath hitched as I stared into those stunning green eyes of his. I hesitated for a second, my thumb idly stroking along where he still had my hand clasped to his cheek. Then I bent forward, giving him a gentle kiss. "...I'm all in too."
"Yeah?" he murmured, grin twitching wider. "So how 'bout it then? Can I be your boyfriend for real this time?"
I hummed a soft laugh, nodding. "I'd like that very much."
"Good." Lea curled a finger under my chin, pressing his lips soundly to mine. Then he used his hold on my chin to carefully turn my head to one side, eyes half-lidded as he got a closer look at, er, heh… at the Mother Hickey. "Hmm, I really did do a number on this side of your neck, huh? Gotta a bit carried away." He planted a quick peck to the tender skin there, making it tingle pleasantly. Then he was sweeping my hair forward over that shoulder and turning my head the other way, tsking, "While this side," a kiss to said side, "is looking rather neglected. You're rather lopsided here and we can't have that, now can we?"
"No?" I breathed, shivering as I felt his lips graze over my skin, my hand drifting down to trail along his chest.
"Mm-mm. Why don't we see what we can do here to correct this oversight," he said, voice low as he began nibbling at my throat. I could feel him hooking a finger into where I had the blanket hugged to my torso, giving it a gentle tug and-
My door abruptly flew open for the third time. "Elsa! I need to talk to-" Anna - that's right, Anna - gasped from where she stood in the doorway now, slapping a hand over her eyes. Lea and I jerked apart, me clutching the comforter more fiercely to my body than ever. My sister parted her fingers for a peek, then snapped them back closed with a giggle. "Oo la la! You two really go the extra mile to sell this girlfriend-boyfriend act! You do remember calling the whole thing off yesterday though, right?"
Lea hung his head and sighed heavily while I scooted off the bed with an annoyed little growl. Keeping the blanket firmly wrapped around me like a misshapen, makeshift dress, I narrowed my eyes and marched over to her. "What are you doing here, Anna? Why didn't you just call?"
"Your phone's been-"
I snatched her hand down from where it was still covering her eyes, since I refused to hold a conversation with her while she looked so silly. She blinked a couple times before a tiny laugh bubbled out of her, "Oh hi!" I merely drooped my eyelids at her and she cleared her throat, expression hardening. "Your phone's been going straight to voicemail and this couldn't wait!"
That's right. My phone was still dead and I never got around to charging it last night. I'd been a little otherwise, ahem… preoccupied.
I pinched the bridge of my nose with an irritated huff. I didn't want to deal with this right now. Taking hold of Anna's shoulder, I spun her around and pushed her back towards my door, "Fine, then just... try calling me again later."
"What?! No, wait!" Her hands flew out to grab either side of the doorframe and she dug in her heels, bringing us both to a lurching stop. "Sis, I really, really need to talk to you!"
"Well I don't want to talk to you!" I snapped back, pressing my shoulder into her back and putting my full weight into trying to get her moving again. No dice. She wouldn't budge.
"Elsa, please!" she whirled around to face me once more, unleashing the full might of her devastating pout on me.
Fudge. I'd never been able to say no to those big, sad, puppy-dog eyes of hers.
I puffed out a small breath with a scowl. Then I grumbled, "Fine. Just give me a minute to get-"
That's the word I'd been about to say.
However, Anna's excited squeal cut me off and she grabbed my elbow, yanking me along with her as she ran out into the living room. I tried to resist, making a desperate grab for my doorknob but only succeeded in slamming the door shut behind me before it slipped free of my grip. Before I knew it, Hurricane Anna had plonked me down on one of the living room sofas with her flumping down beside me.
"Ugh, not you too," came Riku's groan from the kitchen.
Glancing over, I saw him standing next to a pan sizzling on a stove burner, one of his hands holding a large spatula while the other blurred up to clasp over his eyes. Rayne sniggered at him as she pulled something out of the fridge.
"Hey, I tried to change," I shot back before turning my accusatory gaze on my sister. She merely beamed and shrugged in response. Rolling my eyes, I primly adjusted my blanket-dress with as much dignity as I could muster to ensure I remained one hundred percent PG. My other hand went to my hair, which was still gathered forward over one shoulder, thankfully covering the Mother Hickey.
No need for Anna to spot that, thank you very much.
"Come on, hon, let's get you somewhere where you're free to see," Rayne snorted, relieving him of the spatula and taking his hand in hers so she could start guiding him towards their bedroom.
I shot Anna a dull stare now, waiting with a frown.
Her cue to begin.
"Alright, first of all, we're going to have to come back to that later," she waved a hand towards my bedroom door. "Because okay, wow!"
"I know, right?" Rayne chimed in with a laugh, not having quite reached her room yet. I fixed her with an unamused look and she winced. "Sorry," she whispered, returning all her focus on getting her temporarily blinded husband out of there.
Once they'd disappeared through their door, Anna sat up a little straighter, squared her shoulders, and tugged at her skirt, straightening out its wrinkles. Then she took a deep breath, "Right. Okay, where to begin… well, for starters, I did not - you hear me? Not," she reiterated, striking up a finger for emphasis, "suggest the whole you and Lea thing just to keep Mom and Dad from getting mad about the whole Hans and me thing."
I gave her a flat look, quirking a dubious eyebrow.
"I didn't! I swear I didn't! My actual reasons were threefold. Count 'em, three," she held up the matching number of fingers, wiggling them slightly. Then she ticked off the first one, "A, as I brought up yesterday, I figured having him backing you up would give you the courage to face Mom and Dad. B, I thought that big, scary, redheaded ox of a man would make Mom and Dad think twice before still trying to tell you what to do. Which, in hindsight, kinda backfired… but hey, was worth a shot at least, right?" she gave a nervous chuckle.
I did not laugh with her.
She cleared her throat and hastily pressed on, "And C, it was so obvious that you and Lea had the total friggin' mega hots for each other, so I thought I might play cupid and help that along a lil." Her eyes darted to my bedroom door again before she leaned in closer, waggling her eyebrows, "You're welcome, by the way."
Now I full on glowered at her.
Sense the tone, brat.
She gulped, pulling back again, eyes darting about as she fidgeted with her fingers. Then she huffed, "And fine, okay sure, did I realize you two playing lovebirds in front of Mom and Dad might keep some of the heat off of me and Hans? Yes, but that was more of a… an afterthought! Ya know, like… a nice lil perk on the side. Was it a perk I should have taken advantage of? No. Should I have figured out a different weekend to drop the Hans-bomb? Maybe. But-"
"Sorry, sorry!" Rayne suddenly popped back into the room, sneaking past us towards the kitchen. "Just don't want the bacon to burn. Pretend I'm not here."
Returning my attention to Anna, I saw her frowning, deep in thought and possibly trying to think up a different tactic here. Then she was opening her mouth again, "Look, Sis... he and I didn't mean for this to happen-"
I scoffed, "You said that already yesterday."
"No, let me finish! We didn't mean for it to happen, but it did and nothing can change that now. And you know what? I wouldn't want to change that. I am not sorry." I looked at her sharply and she swiftly amended, "I am sorry if it hurt you. So, so sorry, you have no idea! But I'm not sorry that it happened. You have to understand, he and I… Elsa, it's nothing like I've ever known before! It… it's like fireworks! It's amazing and magical and-"
"He who?" Rayne was suddenly next to us in the living room, making me jerk in surprise.
Jeez, I hadn't even heard her leave the kitchen!
Hand covering my rapid, startled heartbeat, I told her, "Hans. My ex."
"Oh…" the corners of her mouth turned down. Then a blink and a louder, "Oh!" Followed by her eyes narrowing on my sister with a disapproving, "Anna!"
"Fireworks, Ray-Ray! Fireworks!" she snapped back in her defense.
Shaking her head, Rayne directed my attention to what she was holding in her hands - a small bowl of mixed, sliced fruit. "To tide you over until the rest of the food is ready," she explained, depositing it onto the coffee table before making her way back over to the stove.
I stared blankly at the little snack, as if not quite sure what to do with it. Then my stomach gave another growl to remind me.
Oh yeah. That.
"The point," Anna steadfastly insisted, "is that we both know you didn't love him. But I-"
A derisive snort escaped me as I started poking through the fruit. "That is so not the point and you know it."
Her face pinched in annoyance and she spat out, "But I do!"
Snagging a grape, my brow furrowed. "...do what?"
"Love him!"
My eyes widened briefly, then I shot her a dull stare. "...you can't love a man you've just been dating a few weeks."
"And why not?" she glared at me as I popped the grape into my mouth. "You and Lea have been only pretending to date for a few weeks and you're in love with him!"
Cue choking on said grape.
Blasted things are hazardous to your health!
Face roasting as I banged a fist to my chest to dislodge the damn thing and let blessed oxygen back in again, I wheezed, "I'm not- We're not- I mean, it's just-"
"Oh please!" she rolled her eyes. "It's you, Elsa. You. You're the very definition of ice queen. You don't just go around having crazy wild monkey sex-"
"Oh my god, Anna!" I buried my face in my hands.
"Don't oh-my-god-Anna me! It's true! You don't! You never do this! So the only obvious conclusion is that you-"
I clamped a hand over her mouth, fixing her with a tiny scowl. Then I said calmly and evenly, "One, it is not the only conclusion. And two, this isn't about Lea and me. This is about you and Hans." I slowly started to lower my hand but when I saw her sucking in breath to go off once more, I quickly gagged her again. Then I shot her a warning look, silently demanding that she zip it. Her eyelids drooped and I took that as reluctant consent. Taking my hand back now, I looked to the bowl of fruit once more. Hm… maybe a banana slice? Yeah, that seemed less likely to murder me. Bending forward to reach for it, I went on, "Now I know you might think you two are in love, but-"
She abruptly gasped, "Holy friggin' cow, what's that?!"
Suppressing a groan at being interrupted, I grumbled, "What's what?"
"That! On your neck!" With a start, I realized some of my hair had slipped back behind me, no longer concealing the Mother Hickey. The monstrosity had broken loose to wreak its unholy havoc. Anna gaped in pure awe, "Damn, Sis, what was that boy trying to do to you? Draw blood, the friggin' vampire?"
"She liked it!" came Lea's voice suddenly as he exited my bedroom, shutting the door behind him with a smug grin.
Cheeks bursting into flames, I grabbed a raspberry to chuck at him for oversharing.
He caught it easily and sniggered. "Thanks, babe!" he chirped, tossing it up into the air before catching it in his mouth.
Then I looked at him. Really looked at him and came to a realization.
That jerk now had clothes on.
"Hey, no fair! How come he got to get dressed and I didn't?!" I snapped, hand balling more tightly into my blanket-dress in my continued effort to keep the thing together and in place.
Anna whined in frustration, "Sis, focus! We're talking about something important here!"
Says the girl who just got sidetracked by the Mother Hickey.
"Okay, maybe Hans and I haven't been dating for long," she began as out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Lea poking about the living room in various places, searching for something. "But just like you, I grew up with him. We've known each other all our lives. I know him, Elsa. Really, really know him." At last he seemed to spot it - his leather jacket, which he snatched up now from wherever he'd tossed it last night. He came over to me and draped it around my shoulders, ducking down to brush a peck to my temple as he did so. "Know him and… and care about him. I actually feel like this has been a long time coming, Sis. That he and I were just meant to be. It's the kind of stuff that cheesy romcom flicks are made of, what everyone's singing about in all those sappy songs. Ya know… true love."
"Come on, Anna," I sighed as I tugged Lea's jacket closer, grateful for the added bit of coverage. Thumb idly running up and down the metal teeth of the zipper, I muttered, "Thought you outgrew fairytales a long time ago."
"What's with the shit-eating grin?" I heard Rayne asking Lea as he moved to join her in the kitchen.
He shrugged, plopping down into one of the dining chairs, "You'd have one too if El had just agreed to be your girlfriend."
"Oof, point taken."
"Fairytale or no, I love him," Anna said, drawing my focus back to her. "And he loves me! And I'm sorry that we went about it in the way wrong way and hurt you in the process. I really, truly am! But what's done is done. I know I don't deserve your forgiveness so soon, but I'm asking… hoping, really, that you'll still give it… because I need you right now, Elsa."
She reached out for my hand, squeezing it as her face fell as she momentarily paused. Then, "I need my big sis. Hans' parents… they're furious about all this. They didn't want their son with the second Fryse daughter, they wanted you. They're blowing a friggin' gasket, which is making Mom and Dad blow their own stupid gaskets too. Which is whatever, fine, I can take it… but not if you're mad at me too." She sniffled, eyes downcast and bottom lip quivering. "...I could really use you in my corner right now, Sis. Please."
I frowned at her, eyebrows knitting together and not saying anything right away. Then, "...you two… really love each other?"
"Oh my god, so much," she gave a weak wobble of a laugh, fingers swiping at the corner of her eye. "I love him with all of my heart and I know he feels the same way about me too."
I inhaled and exhaled softly. Then I covered her hand with mine. "Fine. I forgive you. And I'm here for you, whatever you need."
"Really?!" Anna cried out. I nodded and she broke out into a huge grin, eyes welling up even further to the point where tears escaped. Then she was tackling me in a hug that knocked the wind out of me. "Oh thank you, thank you! You're the bestest, most amazing, most beautiful big sis ever!"
Who was I to stand in the way of love?
True love, no less. Apparently.
As she pulled away, she was now a blubbering mess and I had to stifle a snort. She'd always been such an endearingly ugly cryer. Jamming the heel of her palm to her nose in an attempt to dam the flow of snot, she asked, "Can I take a minute or two to clean myself up in your bathroom?"
I gestured a hand towards the restroom door and she got up, starting to make her way over to it. "Anna," I said abruptly and she stopped in her tracks, glancing back over her shoulder at me. I hesitated briefly, gnawing on my lower lip and almost losing my nerve. But then finally I began, "Would you… that is, later, would you maybe like to…" my lips clamped shut. Oh gosh, I was getting so awkward over such a silly little question. Taking a steadying breath, I then braved a tiny smile for her, "...do you want to make some scotcheroos?"
...would she even remember?
She blinked. "You mean… as in like when we were…?" Then it seemed to click and her face did this funny thing were it both lit up and brimmed over with even more tears. "Yes! Yes, I'd like that very much! I… Just gimme a sec, I'll be right back!" Then she hastily disappeared into the bathroom, clicking the door shut behind her.
I jolted in surprise as Lea suddenly one-hand vaulted himself over the back of the couch, quick to take the seat next to me that Anna had just vacated. He gave me a toothy grin as he slung an arm around my shoulders, tugging me closer to him.
...okay, this was going to take some getting used to.
A couple weeks of fake dating had in no way prepared me for the real thing.
However, as I felt him pressing his lips to the top of my head and nuzzling his nose into my hair as he did so, I relaxed a bit into his side.
I might... enjoy getting used to this.
Now if only everything else could be so simple. In particular, my family-
"Oh gosh, my family!" I suddenly stiffened.
"Hm?" his hand rubbed up and down my arm outside the jacket. "What about them?"
I groaned, "I just finished telling them yesterday that you and I weren't dating. Now we have to tell them that we are."
Lea squinted up at the ceiling, pursing his lips to the left. "...do we though?"
"Yes! I mean, maybe not right now, but eventually."
His free hand came up to scratch the tip of his nose, then he smiled down at me. "Hey, lookit the bright side though. Now we don't have to explain any of this craziness to the mall or tell 'em we broke up or anything like that."
I fixed him with a deadpan look. "Not helping."
"Doesn't it though?"
I narrowed my eyes up at him. Then I relented with a small huff, "...okay, maybe a little."
"Can I come out yet?" came Riku's rather pathetic call from his bedroom.
"Not yet, she's still naked!" Rayne shouted back as she used her spatula to shift the eggs frying in the pan. In response, Riku made an annoyed noise that was half growl, half moan.
Reaching for a blueberry now, I asked her over my shoulder, "Hey, were you two out all night?"
"Mm-hm!" she hummed back chipperly.
"They were just walking through the front door when they happened upon me in the kitchen in nothing but the bed sheet," Lea supplied, biting into a strawberry.
Glancing her way, I cocked my head. "Where were you guys?"
"Riku surprised me with a romantic weekend getaway!" Rayne beamed, opening the fridge back up. "Speaking of, I noticed as I was dropping my bag off in the bedroom this morning that our room seemed to be a bit, er… tossed about." She wrinkled her nose, "I seriously doubt it, but you two didn't… you know... in there, right?"
My cheeks flared up. "Oh god, no! That was, um…" I cleared my throat, my fingers fiddling with the zipper clasp on the leather jacket, "...Lea was just looking for, uh… for protection."
Rayne glanced at him, eyelids drooping. "And you weren't packing any of that already, stud?"
His fingers ruffled his hair with a chuckle, "Stopped carrying anything like that on me a year ago when I called it quits with the ladies. Didn't want any excuses to give into temptation."
"Ah," she shook her head, stepping back over to the frying pan. Then her shoulders tensed and her head snapped up as a thought suddenly seemed to strike her. "Heh… you, er… didn't happen to find the, uh…"
"Pumpkin spice flavored condoms?" I said dryly and she twitched. "Yes, we did. And Rayne? You have a problem."
I felt Lea's whole body rumble with a laugh, "Yeah seriously, Raindrop, what the actual fuck?"
Turning several shades of deeper and deeper red, her eyes flicked nervously about. "S-someone gave them to me as a gag gift, I swear!" Yeah, wasn't buying it. Didn't help that Lea had found the box already opened. "You, uh… you two didn't actually… use those, right?"
"Heh… needs must when the Devil drives!" Lea snerked as I facepalmed.
Rayne silently squirmed where she stood for an uncomfortable moment as she poked the spatula at the eggs some more. Then, "...let's never speak of this again."
"Agreed," I gave a single, firm nod. Then I was standing up, slipping out of Lea's jacket and leaving it behind on the couch as I started heading towards my bedroom. "And on that awkward note, I think I'll go put clothes on."
"Lemme help ya!" Lea grinned, hopping up to his feet behind me. However, he didn't get very far.
"Ah-ah!" Rayne was suddenly beside him, snagging him by the ear. He gave a pained hiss through grit teeth as she yanked on it, forcing him to hunch down to her height so she could glare at him. "Getting clothes on that girl is the absolute furthest thing from your mind, bucko."
He clasped a hand to his chest in mock offense. "You insult me, madame! I promise I had only the purest, most honorable of intentions!" She stared at him blankly before pinching his earlobe harder, forcing a tiny yelp out of him. "Okay fine, my intentions may of been hovering, teetering towards the slightly dishonorable."
She sighed, "Need I remind you that that room is a future baby nursery?"
"And oh if those walls could talk, the stories they would tell your future bouncing bundle of joy."
Rayne scoffed, dragging him by the ear back towards the kitchen with him grunting the whole way. Shoving him down into one of the dining chairs, she snapped, "Now sit your ass down here and if you even think about taking so much as one step closer to her bedroom door, I'm gonna neuter you with this thing," she poked him in the nose with her spatula. "Capisce, loverboy?"
He held his hands up in surrender, "Capisce!"
I'd almost made it to my room when my stomach gurgled again. I swiftly made a u-turn and went back for the bowl of fruit, picking it up and carrying it back with me. For the road! As I ate a kiwi slice, Riku called out again, "Now can I come out?"
"Almost, Hon! She's heading for her door now," Rayne yelled back as she started taking plates out of the overhead cupboard, still maintaining a wary eye on Lea the whole time.
However, I was only halfway across the living room when abruptly there was loud, frantic banging on the front door, nearly making me drop the whole bowl.
Ugh, now what?
"Elsa! Are you in there?" called a voice from the other side. A voice that made me stop dead in my tracks and whip around, wide eyed and cheeks bulging with fruit. More thunderous knocking. "Please answer the door, I have to see you!"
That… sounded like…
"...Hans?" I squeaked after choking my food down.
What on earth was he doing here?!
Lea's whole body went rigid as he quickly looked from me to the source of the hammering. Both eyebrows shot up Rayne's forehead. Then she was turning off the stove burner and wiping her hands on her blue plaid shorts as she made her way over to the door. She unlocked it and opened it a crack, politely but cautiously asking, "Hi, can I help y-"
Hans was suddenly shoving his way inside, pushing past her and shouting, "Elsa, where are you? We have to-" His eyes landed on me and he froze. Then determination seared across his eyes and he was marching towards me, "Elsa, I need to talk to you!"
I'd been hearing that an awful lot this morning.
I blinked, taking a step back and shaking my head, "Hans, what are you-"
That's when he finished closing the distance between us, grabbed me by the shoulders and brought his lips crashing down onto me. This time, I did drop the bowl, sending mixed fruit tumbling everywhere across the carpet. Rayne and Lea gawked at us.
I- Wha- Th- Huh-
Just what...
...the actual hell...
...was up with this friggin' morning?!
I mean, come on! More had happened to me in the past thirty minutes than usually happens to me on any normal given week!
And all while I was still wearing nothing but a stupid bedsheet, for crying out loud!
It took a split second for the shock to wear off, then I was scrabbling to wedge my arms between us, shoving him away and furiously scrubbing my mouth with the back of my hand.
"Oh hell fucking no!" Lea was on his feet in a heartbeat, green eyes flashing dangerously and face twisted into a snarl.
However Rayne stopped him with a hand on his chest. "Cool your jets, Red, and shush!"
"But-" he spluttered, apparently too outraged for words. Instead he settled for gesturing both hands angrily towards Hans with a growling huff. Rayne just struck up a warning finger at him.
Fingers abusing the fabric of my comforter as I clutched it to me desperately now, I frowned, "Hans, what is this? Why are you here? How did you even know where I live?"
His brow furrowed and he stepped closer as I hastily took another step back. "I asked your parents and they had Gerda give me the address. But that's not what's important right now. What's important is I want you back!"
Um… excuse me?!
Riku's voice once more came calling from beyond his bedroom door, "What's going on out there? Who's here?"
"Shush!" Rayne snapped back, eyes wide and unblinking so as not to miss a single second of the little soap opera now unfolding in her living room. "Things. Just. Got. Interesting!"
"But-" Riku tried again.
"I said shush, damnit!"
I just stared at Hans, jaw hanging open in disbelief. "...I'm sorry, you what?"
I must've misheard. Yeah, that had to be. It'd be the only thing that'd make any sense and-
"I want you back."
Nope. Heard him right the first time.
"Elsa, sweetheart, we were good together, right? I mean, we weren't perfect, but what couple is? We had a nice thing going though, didn't we? We belong together," he was saying now, his words soft and soothing as he started to reach for me once more.
I swatted his hands away and walked past him, away from him. Unfortunately he moved to follow, pursuing me around the room. "Hans, did you forget I left you at the altar?"
"And I'm willing to look past that!" He grabbed my elbow, making me stop and face him once more. "If I can put that behind us, then you should be able to too. Think about it, sweetheart. Things could go back to the way they were with us. We were happy, weren't we? We made sense!"
"But I don't want to marry you!" I snapped, jerking my arm free of his grasp.
How was he not getting this? Just… how?
He brought up hands in a placating gesture, "And that's fine, we don't have to get married! Not right away, anyway! It was too soon and you weren't ready, I understand that now. Getting married is not the important part. What matters is that we're together. I still care about you and after yesterday, I know that you still care about me too."
"...after yesterday?" Huh? I glared down at my crossed arms, thoroughly confused now. "...what about yesterday gave you that idea?"
"That whole little speech you gave your parents," Hans stated, as if it were obvious. "I could tell how sad and full of regret you were. Regret over breaking things off with me." Uh… what now? "I could tell you wanted me back, that you went through this whole ruse to pretend like you were okay about the way things ended between us, but you really weren't." I wasn't? That was certainly news to me. "I know you're worried you could never earn my trust back, but it's okay, sweetheart. I forgive you." ...gee, thanks? "I want you back. I need you back." He was reaching for me again, this time for my hand, "Please, if we can just-"
I wrenched my hand back, "Why are you saying all of this? You've never talked like this before. Why are you-" I inhaled sharply, suddenly hit with a thought. "...this isn't you… this is your parents talking through you, isn't it? What'd they do? Threaten to cut you off? Oh Hans, you can't just let them-"
"This isn't about them or anything they may or may not have threatened me with!" Translation: yes. Yes it was. "This is about us! This is-" His words abruptly stopped as he blinked, eyeing me up and down. "...are you wearing nothing but a blanket right now?"
Was Mr Perceptive just now realizing this?
Also, kill me. Kill me now.
"And what did you do to your neck?" he squinted, brushing my hair back off my shoulder.
And the cursed Mother Hickey strikes again!
Swear to god, I was going to friggin' kill Lea for giving me the dumb thing!
Hans gave himself a shake, face hardening. "Doesn't matter! What matters is," he snatched up both my hands now, clasping them together between his, "I love you, Elsa!"
...what was this day even?! I mean, seriously! I had absolutely zero clue what was even happening anymore!
However, his words sent a shock of a reminder through my system and my eyes darted over to the bathroom door, which Hans currently had his back to. Still closed. Still with Anna in there. What with the whirlwind the past five minutes had been, I'd all but forgotten she was still here. Oh gosh, could she hear all this?
Licking my dry lips, my gaze returned to Hans and I weakly shook my head. "You… you don't mean that. What about you and Anna? I thought you two were-"
"A mistake," he said firmly, his grasp around my hands tightening. "That's what we were. A mistake. You have to understand, sweetheart, I was… was hurt. And weak. I did something I'm not proud of. But it meant nothing to me, understand? Absolutely nothing! It's you, Elsa. It's always been you. You're the only woman for me."
"But Hans, she loves you!" I argued, wrestling my hands free of his. I could see the bathroom door behind him slowly beginning to creak open now.
He gave a derisive snort. "No she doesn't! She's just naive and thinks she does. Trust me, Anna will be fine. She'll get over it. Anyway, forget about her. The only thing I want to talk about right now is you and me."
My sister stood in the doorway, expression unreadable as she just stared silently at Hans' back. Oh Anna. Poor dear, sweet Anna. She wasn't like me. She didn't know how to guard her heart and not let people in. She wore her emotions on her sleeve. This was going to break her. What would she even say? What would she even do? How-
"YOU BASTARD!" she suddenly roared, charging towards him.
He whirled around with a startled, "Anna? Wha-"
She bodyslammed into him hard, sending them both crashing to the ground where she then proceeded to start royally whaling on him and calling him every nasty word under the sun while I and the rest of the room's onlookers just watched blankly.
Apparently, that's what she'd say and do.
Welp. Guess that answered that.
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Author's Note: Oh gosh, this really WAS a lot to happen to Elsa in the space of… yeah, 30 minutes sounds about right xD All with only that infernal bed sheet to keep her modesty intact! I just have too much fun torturing my precious awkward penguin, it's all done out of love, I swear xD Anyhoo *throws confetti and blares trumpets* it's official, Lea and Elsa are a couple for REAL this time, huzzah! Did anyone guess that Lea had actually been at the lantern festival? I dropped hints throughout the story, but dunno, maybe they were too subtle… or too obvious and just no one said anything to me xD Anyhoo, not much left to go now, just a lil bit of wrap up!
Next time, how will things unfold from here on out for our newly minted couple? Will Elsa EVER actually get to put on clothes? Will Riku EVER get to leave his own bedroom ever again? Just HOW deep does Rayne's pumpkin spice addiction really go? Is the Mother Hickey ACTUALLY proof that Lea is secretly a vampire? Will Anna LITERALLY get away with murder by the time she's through with Hans? Sorry, running on empty with questions at this point, got nothing but silly ones left for ya'll xD Anyway, stay tuned!
Thanks for reading, I super duper appreciate it! And an extra BIG thank you to those of you who’ve liked, reblogged, and followed so far, seeing those lil notifications always brings the biggest, goofiest smile to my face!
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chemicalmagecraft · 3 years
Foresight is 20/20 Chapter 15
"I'm tellin' ya, boss, it was some kinda monster," the now one-armed bandit explained to his leader as another bandit bandaged his bleeding stump. "It did... something to Koji, and he turned into some sorta zombie."
"And did either of those monsters rip off your arm?" the red-haired woman asked impassively. Ah yes, she would do nicely. Her body was compatible enough with my power that I wouldn't have to worry about replacing it for a while and she appeared to be an awful human being, so I wouldn't have any guilt from ending her life. Despite her looks she was probably not an Uzumaki, so I had no reason to worry about that, either. I was currently in the process of extending a light telepathic touch into all the minds present, sorting through their memories to find a way to possess her, as well as stealing what procedural memories of theirs that I found useful.
He shook his head, a fearful look in his eye. Perhaps I was a bit too harsh on him... "No, Koji bit me. I ran, and..." He shuddered. "My arm... it went numb, and the same weird markings that appeared where the... thing... touched Koji started to appear on my arm. I... I didn't risk it."
"Wise," the bandit leader said. He smiled weakly at her.
An then buried one of her knives in his gut. "Don't take any risks," she murmured into his ear as he breathed his last. That poor, sweet fool. Well, not sweet. If there was any word that could describe her less, I had yet to find it from my delving into her or her subordinates' minds. My point, though, is that a zombie is much harder to kill than a normal man. The red markings sprouted from his good arm, and with inhuman speed the freshly-made monster sank its new claws into the man who was bandaging it just moments ago. The woman snarled as the markings spread across both zombies. She managed to decapitate the original, but my second zombie evaded her blade and shambled toward another bandit, which it bit.
Long story short, I let a few of the bandits survive but my small-scale zombie apocalypse led to the deaths of most of the scofflaws.
The leader of what was now considerably fewer bandits slammed her fist on the wall in rage as she surveyed the corpses left behind. "Damn," she growled as they dissolved into red dust. "At least they won't be coming back..."
"You do care, boss!" one of the survivors cheered.
"I don't care one bit about you idiots and if I hadn't just lost most of my men I'd have killed you for that moronic comment," she said coldly. She meant it, too. "We need to recruit, and that means we need more money. Secure the base, we can't leave anyone on guard." If I had a mouth, I'd have smiled. I needed the practice, after all. Their hideout was an abandoned mine, secluded and buried in a mountain. Not to mention the gold stored within, even if I would want to give some back to the villages they were stealing from. And they were leaving it for me. How thoughtful.
"Are you sure you want to do that?" Neji asked me.
I shrugged and licked my lips. "Not gonna get any better at fighting by going easy," I said.
"Yeah, but you pretty much need your powers to take me down if I activate Furnace." Neji's pseudo-jinchuriki power. We started calling it Furnace because with how unique it was it pretty much deserved a unique name. Technically, his red chakra reserves were abysmal. However, we found out that whenever he exerted himself he could activate it to essentially let himself generate more, though he'd only keep it for so long when not exerting himself.
End result, his power steadily grew the longer he fought. He also gained power each time he hit or was hit. It had a few limitations and placed strain on his body the more he used it, but as far as I knew he could theoretically fight a biju if he built up enough, maybe even Kaguya. That'd probably kill him at the moment, though. And from what it seemed, it was hard for him to use it for more than just brute force. Though that might just have been from how he could only keep it active for small intervals at a time before it started eating away at his health prevented him from training his control over it much...
"And how else am I supposed to change that?" I asked. I got into my stance. "Let's do this before I change my mind."
His eyes turned red, with a white slit pupil because of his Byakugan. "Your funeral..."
A few moments later...
"Owwwww," I groaned. "My... pride..."
"I didn't even get warmed up at all," Neji smugly remarked from where he was sitting on my spine, pinning me. I didn't ask him to get up because I was sucking off the last dregs of his red chakra. For whatever reason I couldn't assimilate Furnace, but I could still steal Neji's red chakra to heal myself and stuff.
"You okay, dude?" I asked.
"As I said, I barely got warmed up. My body is fine." After he activated Furnace for the first time, he'd ended up bedridden for an hour because of the strain it put on his body. When he started to test it, he pretended he was fine even though he kept using it past his limits. He ended up too sick to stand for weeks. It was actually around that time that he managed to figure out natural energy manipulation, probably because he was stuck in bed and bored out of his mind for so long. "I probably should let myself cool down for a bit, but I'm assuming you'll want to fight me without Furnace anyways."
I snorted. "Jerk. And here I was worried about you."
He got up. He had an amused smile. "Let's go another round, then."
"I'm sore," I complained as we walked through the halls.
"You hit me a few times," Neji dismissed.
"You hit me more..."
"And whose fault was that?" I rolled my eyes and lightly punched him on the shoulder. He sage-flicked me. I was about to retort, but I felt a familiar signature when I opened up my senses, so...
"Is that Ino?" I asked, jerking my head in the direction of the compound's main entrance. I knew this was going to happen for a while. I'd been keeping tabs on her in a totally not creepy way because if it. I was also keeping tabs on Sakura, but that was more to see what the effects of that strange power were on her body. She accidentally ripped a door off its hinges more than once, which would've been pretty hilarious if it weren't for the angst it was giving her...
"That feels like her. I wonder why she's here." He used his Byakugan for a moment. I pulled out a compact mirror I'd made to be compatible with my scrying jutsu and looked at her as well. "Does she have a flower?" She was walking up to the door with a flower in her hand, yes.
I sighed. "I'm not good with flowers, but I'm pretty sure that's a forget-me-not. Pretty sure she's here for me, I'll go deal with her."
Neji insisted on hiding in the background while I greeted Ino, because she wasn't exactly subtle about her childish crush. I really hoped I wouldn't lose her as a friend, though... Just in case, I used my power to try to find the best path forward. I really hoped my life wouldn't become some sort of anti-dating simulator...
I opened the door. "Ino. Why are you here and holding a flower that symbolizes true love?" I'd learned some hanakotoba from her and some other sources, but to be honest I just knew it from looking ahead in the script.
She smiled and held it out to me. "I came to confess my true love to you, Kouki."
I took a deep breath, trying very, very hard not to sigh. "Ino, no offense, I love you like a friend, but we are both four years old and you have no idea what true love is."
That confused her. "But... you saved me?"
Why do romance stories have to be so romanticized?
Don't... don't answer that...
"I'm your friend. Of course I saved you. But I don't love you like that and you don't love me like that because as I just said, we're both children."
She lowered the flower. This was a little harsh, but she needed to hear it. "Oh. Yeah. I guess I look stupid to you now, huh?"
I shrugged. "To be fair, you have a level of wisdom appropriate to our age. It just so happens that being wise as a four-year-old is an outlier."
I poked her in the forehead. "You're a kid. You're allowed to be stupid, as long as you're not being too big of a jerk."
She thought about that for a moment. "So... you're not mad at me or anything?"
"You're my friend. Of course not." I smiled. It probably wasn't the best smile, but at least Ino didn't run in terror... "Hey, if you want, I can show you a really cool jutsu."
She nodded. "Sure!" As I walked past, I gave Neji a smug grin when I saw his jaw on the floor. I'm sure he was expecting some kind of awkwardness.
To be fair, so was I.
Sarutobi Hiruzen sighed as he returned to his room after a long day of paperwork. Even with a shadow clone, it was just so slow. Seriously, I was so bored, and I was just watching over his shoulder! I can't even imagine having to do paperwork... He closed the door, locking it. "You're here, aren't you, Kouki?" Half right. Eh, I'll give it to him.
His shadow moved to be in front of him. "How perceptive of you," my voice seemed to come from the shadow. I couldn't exactly speak when my body was literally flat against the wall, but I could very much trick people's brains into thinking I could. My arm peeled off of the floor, keeping its pitch coloration. I raised my other arm, then used them to "pull" myself off of the floor, still in the form of a shadowy Hokage. I did a few stretches. "Man, staying in one shadow for hours kills my back, apparently. I don't even know how that works, considering the fact that I don't even have a form as a shadow..." I changed back to my humanoid form and licked my lips.
"I know that Kouki is responsible in some way, but what are you?" he asked me.
"Rude," I said, faux-offended. "You don't hear me asking you humans what you are. Though to be fair I already know."
He frowned. "You're like Kouki, but not quite. Who are you, then?"
"Did I really never tell you about me?" I paused and thought for a moment. "Or would it be better to ask if we never told you about me... I'm still not sure how pronouns work with our unique situation..."
"What, exactly, is the answer to my question?"
I shrugged. "I'm Kouki and Kouki is me. We're two halves of the same whole, at the moment."
"What are you..." He frowned and closed his eyes. "Red chakra?" he said when he opened them.
I nodded. "I've been purified of almost all of my humanity, the same as how Kouki's removed most of the red chakra from her- himself for the moment. He's weaker, I'm stronger, and because we're two separate entities we have independent thoughts and can be in two places at once, as you can tell. Sorta like a weird shadow clone, I guess. And we can recombine at any time." I sat down in midair. "Call me Chikage."
"I suppose that that makes sense... That sounds like a useful jutsu. Though why are you a girl?"
I examined my clawlike black nails. "Why not?"
"And I suppose that's also why you're wearing a frilly dress?"
"It's called gothic lolita, and the best thing about being made of chakra is the fact that I can more or less freely shapeshift. Now, sit down." I gestured behind him, where I'd pulled up a chair without him noticing. I also made an illusion that made both his chair and the air I was sitting on look like identical, ornate seats. "We have business to attend to."
"The Uchiha massacre, I assume?" I nodded. A table with a deck of fancy-looking cards "appeared" in between us. I really love genjutsu.
"In one year today Itachi will be forced to kill his entire clan, with the exception of his brother." I picked up the top card from the deck and flipped it over. The Tower. "And obviously we would prefer this not to happen." I reversed the position of the Tower. "But of course, there is a problem." I flipped over the next card, Judgement.
He sighed. It seemed he got my message. "The public is being turned turned against the Uchiha, which is in turn turning the Uchiha against the public. Until we stop that all we can do is delay the massacre..." I revealed the third card, The Devil, with Danzo as its subject. "Yes. Even though we haven't tipped our hands yet and he hopefully doesn't suspect us, Danzo is still fighting us."
"There are two paths that you can take to deal with him." I reversed the position of the Devil, causing the illustration's face to soften. "First, you could make him see the light, show him how much he's tearing the village apart to 'protect' it. Maybe you can do it because you used to be friends or something, but to be honest I doubt it, which leaves the second option." A black flame sparked from my finger, setting the Devil card ablaze. It disappeared without a trace. "Either way, he needs to be neutralized. I take it he's good at covering his tracks, considering the fact that he's made an attempt on your life without retaliation?"
He nodded solemnly. "Of course. And I take it he'd use it as evidence of my 'senility' if I attempted to pin him on it without enough evidence?"
"My eyes don't show it, meaning there's no possibility of us attempting it. Probably, though." I cocked my head. "If I were to, I don't know, figure out a way to take other objects with me when I shadow travel and use that to steal all kinds of incriminating evidence, would that work?"
He nodded. "That would work. I'll proceed assuming you don't, with how that was a hypothetical, though."
I sighed. "Yeah, that's about right. If we fail, though, I have one last idea." I revealed The Hanged Man, reversed, with Uchiha Shisui modeling for mister four-legs. "If we stop Danzo's attack on Shisui, then he can use Kotoamatsukami on the Uchiha. It's not ideal, but hopefully it'll work."
"Yes, that sounds good. Unless there's anything else, you may leave."
I faded into the shadows, taking my illusions with me.
"Alright everyone!" one of the bandits shouted, waving a weapon. "You know the drill by now, your money is ours! Give it up easily and we won't kill you!" The townspeople were afraid, but they'd clearly been through this before.
"Will you really?" I asked, walking into the village. "You may find some trouble with that."
"Who are you?" the leader asked me.
"You would already know," I said as I strolled across the road to her, "had you not murdered my puppet."
"Ah, so you're the monster he talked about." She sneered at me and drew her daggers. "You killed my men."
"I did nothing of the sort," I retaliated. "I mutated them, controlled them. You were the ones who killed them."
"All the same, you'll die."
"To be honest I am not entirely sure I can die." I slowly removed my gloves from my hands and placed them in the bag under my cloak.
"I'll test it for you, then."
"You may be able to destroy this body, but my essence has already soaked your hideout. I believe I should be able to resurrect myself there, as it were."
The woman smiled a sadistic smile. "I'm fine killing you over and over again until it sticks." She lunged at me, daggers flashing. I yanked back my sleeve and used my bare arm to block. I wasn't going to be needing my arm much longer, but I wanted to preserve the cloak. Her daggers sank into the stone of my arm, as I had made it softer. I wanted the knives as well. I capitalized on the bandit leader's momentary confusion to take off my mask and jam it onto her face. The last thing she saw before her life ended was a glowing red pearl on the backside of the mask.
I retrieved my new knives from my old arm, then took my cloak for my new body. Luckily, my new body wasn't too much larger than my old one, so the cloak still fit well enough. Along with the cloak, I'd palmed the other blood pearl (the extra-compressed pearl-shaped demon gems I was using for my Usagi persona) from my old body, causing it to crumble back into dirt within moments of me putting the cloak back on. I took my bag from the dirt and shook it off.
"Boss?" one of the bandits asked. "You okay?"
I slowly reached up to my mask and grasped the bottom. It cracked at the mouth such that the entire bottom was smoothly removed. I stored the bottom back in my bag, though, just in case I should come to need it. With my new mouth and the bottom of my nose uncovered, I took a deep breath, as if my first in a century. "No, I do not believe she is," I said. "For one, her mind and soul have been wiped from this body."
"What the hell even are you!?" one of the bandits asked.
"To be perfectly honest I'm not quite sure. I do know one thing, though." With an organic body, I no longer had problems with agility. And in particular, this new body was trained for rapid movement. As such, the two bandits nearest me were bisected in a flash with red-glowing knives, as if a hot knife through butter. Their bodies dissolved into the same red dust that the other bandits' corpses had. "You are dead. Now, are the rest of you willing to fight, or will you run in terror?" They ran in terror. Wise.
"Who are you?" a villager cautiously asked me a few minutes after I sheathed my knives. The villagers were understandably quite afraid of me.
"My name is Usagi." With the bandits gone, I'd switched to a small, personable smile. "If you wait, I should be able to bring you the money those bandits took from you."
The villager bowed to me. "Thank you so much."
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