#but also they taste slimy and it throws me off
jrueships · 5 months
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i love floral shorts!!!!! i love like haiwaiian (HOW TF DO U SPELL THIS) shirt flower floral tho. Not like meemaw stuff
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Red and blue !!!
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dp-marvel94 · 6 months
An Unconventional Way to Get a Cat - Part 1
Summary: It turns out, Danny's bough of nausea after the portal accident was not just the stomach bug going around school. This must be the most horrifying, disgusting way to find himself a new pet owner.
(Now with a part 2 and part 3!)
Word Count: 1,123
Also on AO3
For @wastefulreverie and @silentambiance
Based on wastefulreverie's prompt: Portal AU. Instead of gaining powers in the accident, the portal is fused inside Danny, making him the gateway between worlds and leaving him with the unfortunate ordeal of vomiting up ghosts. Maybe someone catches him in the act. And Chaotic_french_fries's prompt: danny gets a ghost cat Not me going way to hard on the body horror. 🫣 Definitely not projecting the last time I got a stomach bug and making all of you feel my pain. I hate throwing up so much. 🤢 Seriously though, despite the kitschy summary and title, I did go really hard with the body horror and angst so be warned.
The nausea wouldn’t stop. One moment, Danny had been standing in his parents’ portal, pain searing up his arm and his world flooded with green. The next, he was laying on the floor in the empty tunnel, head throbbing and insides full of a jiggly unease. And the nausea would not go away.
It followed him up the stairs and into his room. With shaking hands, he clawed off the slightly singed hazmat and collapsed onto his bed. His stomach twisted, the unease growing into a chill sick feeling. 
He groaned. “What… what’s happening? “
His insides lurched, the taste of bile rising on his tongue. Unfamiliar coldness seemed to quiver in his belly. The feeling radiated up…. Like he was going to hurl.
“No. No.” He pinched his eyes closed, shivering at the thought of throwing up. “Stop.”
The boy panted, trying to force the nausea down. A few breaths through his nose. He rubbed his aching, bloated middle, as if he could coax his stomach to behave. Miraculously, the nausea settled.
Body, at least temporarily, no longer betraying him, Danny stumbled up. He wobbled to the bathroom and clambered through drawers for the Pepto. 
“Come on, where… There.” Hissed through his teeth. 
He grabbed the bottle, twisted the cap, and poured a generous dose-cup full. The chalky medicine went down thick and viscous, coating his throat. 
There. Maybe that would stave the sickness off. Another flip below his ribs and he shivered violently. Please, let it help. Please.
Danny made his way back to his room. And the nausea followed him back to bed. There, under the surface, it lingered. But… slowly, it ebbed. 
He was so tired. His eyes drooped, his mind fuzzy. Really, he should be more worried…. Maybe he should tell Jazz… or his parents…
The nausea followed him into his dreams. Dark and murky. Icy coldness twisting, branching fingers invading his veins. Neon green behind his eyes. Rotten limes and pennies on his tongue.
His insides in revolt, at the edge of retching, had Danny jolting out of bed. He ran for the bathroom. 
Below his ribs, the cold writhed violently. Tendrils stabbed to his lungs, his intestines, up his throat.
A surge of panic. What was-
Another wave and Danny heaved, bent over. Arms scrambling for stability. The toilet… his hands brace on the back. 
His knees wobbled, waves of sickness, of wrongness clawing from his stomach, up his throat. He panted, trying to keep whatever was inside him in.
This was… something was wrong.
A feeling like choking, his breath caught. His mouth opened without his permission and he was vomiting.
Wet, slimy chunks poured out, filling his mouth, his nose. The taste-smell of acid, pennies, rotten citrus, all consuming
Another retch. Something cold and thick… too thick dribbled past his lips. Long lines trailed into the toilet. Despite his revulsion, Danny couldn’t help but look. 
His eyes widened with fear. In the bowl… his throw-up was a sick, neon green. And it was glowing. 
His stomach spasmed again and the green slithered up. It ran down his chin, dripped his nose. It coated the inside of his throat, thick and clogging. 
He doubled over, curling in on himself. The coldness swirled, deeper, larger, more intense. Another great heave. There was growing pressure in his stomach. Not just sickening green surging to exit but… something else. Something far too big for his esophagus. 
The ice stabbed, claws in his stomach. Green light sparked behind his eyes. 
“Ah-” Danny tried to scream but the sound choked. 
Something… something was in his throat. Not disgusting green goo. But- 
He wheezed, the terrible, impossible thing clawing farther. This couldn’t be happening. But… His lungs spasmed uselessly. He couldn’t… couldn’t breathe. 
Green light, so like the portal, swelled, a sickening film coating his eyes. Thick, cold gel dripped from his mouth. Another jolt. Something big, too big for his throat, pushed up. His heart pounded, the fluttering wing beats of a trapped bird.
Something was in his throat. And… His mind swam, light headed and panicked. Something was in his throat, inching forward. He couldn’t breathe…
The terrible nausea lashed out again. Icy pain seared his neck, his head, his jaw. It was inching forward, cutting off his airway. And too much. Too much. Too big. This was impossible-
The hateful green floor blurred. Danny’s knees collapsed.  
His mind clawing for sense…. The thing was too big. It couldn’t… but it was. And His jaw would crack. His neck would break. His head would shatter. He was going to die.
The green light blinded. And Danny knew no more.
A sound perforating Danny’s darkness. Far away, he couldn’t make sense….
“Mrow.” A pathetic mewling. A quiet rumble, somewhere close? Where…?
Groaning, Danny fought his way back to consciousness. Where was he?... His head pressed against something cold and hard. Acid and moldy lemons assaulted his nostrils. 
He flinched, jolting away and blinking. 
For several long seconds, his mind spun, eyes trailing over the scene. The bathroom… he was in the bathroom, kneeling in front of the toilet. A sour smell filled his nose. Throw-up…. Did he get that stomach bug that was going around school? But….
He blinked, staring at the bowl’s contents. Instead of the expected watery yellow-green chunks… it was thick and green and glowing. He didn’t understand. This was impossible. But…
Glowing green… like the ectoplasm in his parents’ lab. His stomach twisted, not with a sick feeling but cold dread. 
In the tunnel, his world overcome with green light. That same light… blurring the floor, filling the bathroom.
He’d… he’d thrown up ectoplasm. And not just that…
“Meow.” An insistent noise cut through his thoughts.
His head snapped to the source. His eyes widened. 
A fluffy animal, long tailed and four pawed, sat at his side. It rumbled softly. The sound that had cut through the blackness….
“A… cat?”
The cat blinked up at him, ears as perked and eyes as wide as any other he’d seen but…
“You’re green… and glowing?”
The animal let out another mrow. It lowered its head, bumbling furry noggin against Danny’s thigh. Chill radiated from the contact, sinking into his skin. 
Slowly, suspiciously, his eyes trailed back to the toilet. To the thick, luminous contents. Ectoplasm, which he’d just throw up. 
The cat head-butted his leg again, before sitting down crossly. “Meow!” 
“No way.” 
A green paw batted at his legs, the same shade of green as the ectoplasm…Something cold clawing at his insides, something too big his throat struggling to escape. “No way.” It was impossible. But…. 
The cat looked innocently up at him, as if his world wasn’t shattering.
“Did I just… throw up a cat?”
That's it for now. I am planning another part which will be much more light-hearted, including kitty shenanigans. And maybe someone finding out about Danny's predicament. 👀
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mysticstarlightduck · 17 days
Food Questionnaire Tag!
I was tagged by @thelovelymachinery (here) and I believe that I was also tagged by @the-golden-comet a while back but I'm so swamped with tags that I cannot find it 🥲
Rules: Answer the food-related questions provided using the voices of your OCs. The yummier the descriptions, the better!
I'll go with Dylan Millihan, Liam Steele, and Christine Nespor from What Lurks In The Hollow for this one <3
what is one comfort meal that'll change your whole mood for the day?
Dylan: Eh. It takes a lot to change my mood for the better after a bad day if I can be brutally honest. I guess some pizza is always nice - might not change my whole mood for the better but it's my favorite food so, whatever. I'd take it over anything else.
Liam: Why do you ask? (he grumbles, eyes narrowed, before begrudgingly answering) Okay, fine. I like shepherd's pie, with as much cheese as possible. Uncle Nick is a pretty good cook, all things considered, and he makes some pretty good pies. I also love the cookies, especially the chocolate chip ones me and Savvy buy in the arcade, they're crunchy.
Christine: Oh! Oh, that's a good one! I love Mac & Cheese, but not the icky takeout ones that are always chewy like gum, or the store-bought ones that taste like plastic. I'm talkin' about the homemade ones! With that sweet, melty cheese goodness with some bacon sprinkled on top. That's the one. I also love me a good coffee - can't start the day without one, but don't come to me with that iced coffee BS, I like mine pipin' hot. Like so hot it feels like it was sourced straight from the earth's core or the depths of hell's fiery abyss. Yeah. Am I weird? (laughs)
what is an experience (good or bad) that has turned you off or on to a food completely?
Dylan: Y'know, I used to love those honeycomb toffee candies, the crispy ones and all. But then during a festival, Mrs. Draycott came up to me and was like (imitates the annoying 50-year-old 'female cougar' voice) "Oh my. Sweetheart, you're looking as SCRUMPTIOUS as a honeycomb fresh from the oven, aren't you?"
And I. wanted. to. die. Like not really but (mock gags in disgust) c'mon! What kind of fucked up, 'Karen' pick-up line is that? And, better yet, who even has the time to come up with shit like that? (sighs, wearily pinching the bridge of his nose) I might need a restraining order at this point, it's giving horror movie vibes. I can't have honeycombs anymore, thanks, Mrs. Draycott. Yay.
Liam: Okay, so when I was like 7 or something, my Uncle was having this garden party with his friends, I think, and they were having sushi. Thing is, 7-year-old me didn't know what sushi was, and me being a dumb little shit thought, wholeheartedly, it was candy. Like bonbons. For some odd reason! Cue me, who had been running around the yard all day, swooping into the patio table, picking one of the sushis, running off, and eating it whole before anyone could explain otherwise. I was expecting coconut candy covered in chocolate, or something sweet. What I got... was raw fish and rice. Long story short I ended up throwing up in the garden and I could never have sushi again after that. I tried once! I swear I tried! And it's okay that people like it. But even now the texture just feels...too slimy and it gives me the ick. Nuh-uh.
Christine: I think the time I ate a hot dog at an admittedly very shady establishment - looking back with hindsight - on the side of the road one time while traveling and got salmonella. Yeah, that hotdog was not a good idea on my part (chuckles). Spent the following week almost getting my soul exorcised from my body in the bathroom, in a metaphoric sense, if ya know what I mean. Now I can't even think about eating a hot dog again. It's a nah for me, bro.
if you could eliminate one piece of produce, meat, dairy or sweets off the earth what would it be?
(I'm not sure about this one but I think all three of them would answer onions, garlic, or stinky foods because those are disgusting and should be banned from the menu lmao)
and dessert is normally saved for last, but if you could what would you order for your entree at a restaurant?
Dylan: I guess, uh. I don't know, vanilla ice cream? I know you're gonna call me 'basic' for that, but I don't care. Vanilla is the best ice cream flavor out there and this is the hill I'll die on.
Liam: Hm. The chocolate chip cookies from the arcade. Gosh, those are just amazing. I could eat a whole packet! Or two, even!
Christine: Churros! The cinnamon and sugar ones with coffee sweet cream filling. That's heaven right there for me, yeah.
what are some food fusions that should never be mixed?
Dylan: Don't you ever mix savory, fried, spicy potato chips with marshmallows or melted ice cream or... god forbid, chocolate! That should be a sin or at least some sort of infraction because holy fuck.
Liam: If I see anyone else putting freaking pineapple or worse, watermelon on pizza I swear I will have a nervous breakdown and turn into a slasher movie villain. Not quite really, but keep FRUITS AWAY FROM MY PIZZA!
Christine: I'm probably gonna get hated on for this one. But avocados on a salty toast with eggs and pepper are a hate crime against humanity and I can't stand people who think that's a reasonable breakfast.
what food spot are you gatekeeping and why?
Dylan: My dude. I'm broke. I barely go out to eat in restaurants. I mostly eat at home or order cheap takeout pizza or something. And even if I wasn't broke, I just don't like eating around people whom I don't know in general, and I don't feel much at ease at restaurants unless I am in a really good mood.
Liam: I like 'Nana's Witchy Speakeasy'. The name might be odd or off-putting but it's just a nice little diner owned by this kooky old lady named Betty, who's one of the funniest people I know to be honest. Me and my friends love going there for a snack at the end of the day, the place's great.
Christine: Not sure, but there's this one milkshake place that sells the most wonderful chocolate frappes on earth. It's a bit far from my place but gosh it's so worth it.
cooking is a life skill, why haven't you started learning yet!?
Dylan:...Why haven't I learned it? I already have. I know how to cook. And quite well at that, though not perfectly - I'm my sister's legal guardian, do you think I would be able to manage having a moody teenager in my house all the time if I didn't know how to cook? No. I just don't usually have the time and patience for it, so I end up ordering takeout, but I always make us homemade breakfast.
Liam: 'Cause the last time I tried it I almost ended up setting the kitchen on fire, carbonized one of our best skillets, and was banned from the kitchen for a year (laughs). And cause I don't have the patience to learn, and already have other people in my life who cook really well.
Christine: Hey!!!! I know how to cook. Really, really well at that. I hate industrialized food and don't really crave fast food, but I love myself some good homemade food. I cook for myself every day, it's almost like a meditation for me - it makes me happy and calm, and at the end I get to eat something delicious. It's great!
Is there a smell that reminds you of something you never want to remember?
Dylan: Not really, I'm not easily shaken by smells unless it's something really, really freaking strong or pungent, or if its those perfumes that give me a headache cause I'm allergic.
Liam: My friends and I were exploring the woods to try and find out why the place's cursed and what happened to the ghosts trapped inside, but then we stumbled across some...remains? I guess it was the remains of someone who was killed and eaten by the Mayor's ghouls, and the smell of rotten flesh felt like it was stuck to my nostrils for a week. I hated that. I so hated that.
Christine: I'm not sure. I guess not emotionally, but I do hate the smell of salads and especially vinegar-based salad dressings. It makes me wanna puke - and the thing is it's not for any particular reason. It's not a trauma or anything. I just hate the smell, it's foul.
Tagging (gently): @sleepy-night-child, @kaylinalexanderbooks, @smol-feralgremlin, @wyked-ao3, @topazadine @littleladymab,
@winterandwords, @eccaiia, @sarahlizziewrites, @illarian-rambling
@agirlandherquill, @anoelleart, @ray-writes-n-shit
@writernopal, @anyablackwood, @unstablewifiaccess, @forthesanityofstorytellers
@i-can-even-burn-salad, @thecomfywriter
@thepeculiarbird, @clairelsonao3, @memento-morri-writes, @starlit-hopes-and-dreams @amaiguri
@cherrychiplip @thecomfywriter
@differentnighttale, @leahnardo-da-veggie
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justjams2003 · 1 year
Sweet Savagery 4
Paring: Dark!Thor Odinson x Slave!Reader
Summary: All your life, Thor's blue eyes have haunted you. You believed you outran him, but now all your hopes come tumbling down.
Warnings: Death of loved ones, violence, nightmares, non-con, p in v, degradation. Tell me if I missed any.
Word count: 1.8k+, Unedited
1st Divider by: @firefly-graphics
2nd Divider by: @cafekitsune
Tag list: @torossosebs @steverogersistheguy
Part 3~Part 5 (coming soon)
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Tension sits like a fog in the air. The sun has long since set, it's well into the night. The whole castle is quiet. You've had dinner, the knights have changed to the night shift, and all the maids have gone to bed. The candle on the nightstand is short and the sight of the flickering flame is burned into your eyes at this point.  
The fear of the door opening has kept you stuck, in the same position on the bed. Cradling your legs up close against your arms, against the headboard. You sit, as small as possible against the furthest point, away from the door, on the bed.
You've long since changed into your night dress, your long locks of hair have been combed and hangs loose in front of your eyes.  
The curtains closing off the balcony, blow in the night wind. It's cold, winter cold and heavy storm clouds hang in the air. Likely filled to the brim with expecting snowflakes. Ready to coat the northern hemisphere with a thick layer of ice.
You yourself have crawled under the sheets, all to shield yourself against the freezing wind. And you can't help but think that perhaps you should've started a fire in the fireplace.  
The flame of your candle flickers wildly and completely blows out when the door is opened. Your eyes blow wide with fear and your body immediately starts to shake. Thor's shining blue eyes fall on your form. Again, for the slightest moment, a mere second in time, you see guilt cloud into a storm.  
On instinct, you shove the sheets aside and make your way to the hauntingly beautiful man. Each step is wobbly, what will he do next? Will your fear spark him to throw you in the dungeon to rot? His golden hair and beard shine in the moonlight but, like always, it's nothing compared to those eyes.  
Your bodies are close, and with your height, you expertly avoid looking into his eyes. His breath is hot against your face and you can taste the beer. With trembling hands, you go to unclip his blood-red cape. But he catches your hands. So small and delicate in comparison to his.  
For once his touch is soft, as if he fears he might break you. Physically, and mentally your anxiety level is ramped up to 100. He takes you under the chin and forces you to meet him.
There is truly nothing else in the world that compares to the sight of King Thor.  
His hair the colour of coins hangs just below his shoulders. His beard is full and frames his sharp cheekbones perfectly. Thor's plump lips crash into yours. With such urgency and demand. Scouring each inch of you. For love, for forgiveness, for reciprocation? With his sharp mood swings and secrets, you might never know.  
If it's in fear of your life, the hope for love, or simply because this is the first time he's kissed you, that you kiss back, you don't know. How your body reacts is also completely out of your control.
Your hips slot themselves next to his, his hand pulling your waists together. And suddenly you're craving him more and more. The slight domestic bliss makes you dizzy.  
Abruptly, it stops. He pulls away, luckily when you're begging for breath. His eyes examine the way your chest moves up and down and the way that your cheeks flush red. In the rush, a strand of hair has escaped from behind your ear. Thor shoves it back in place, only for your hair to defy him.  
A tut escapes his lips and then strangely enough he sits down on the bedroom bench. His hands motion for you to sit in front of him. It's confusing, yes, but in fear of the slimy rooms below the castle, you comply. You sit down, criss-cross between his legs.  
He pulls you closer, and then peculiarly, takes his hair into your hands. Beginning at the very top, he takes three sections into his hands. And then, with the same fingers that lit your village on fire and murdered your parents, he begins to braid your hair.  
The silence is cut short by Thor clearing his throat. "You are the lady of the castle now. If you fear your king, you may not show it. They must never see you cry. Even if their death is certain." At that last sentence, he pulls the braid tighter. Causing your face to contort with discomfort.  
You stay quiet, even if the questions bubble all around you. "I'm leaving tomorrow morning. It seems the people down south are much less willing to give in than we thought. I will not be gone for long, two weeks at most." Each time his fingers graze your scalp, you must fight the urge to run.  
"Thor..." your voice is hushed, worried that you are speaking out of turn. "Yes, little dove?" He asks, coming close to the end of the braid. "I am but a slave and an orphan. I do not think I should be given the responsibility of being your lady." At the end of your words, he rips a piece of his sleeve.  
He uses the scrap to tie off your braid. "If you shouldn't have the responsibility of being queen, then I should not have the responsibility of being king. For I too am an orphan and a slave to the gods." His words speak of wisdom beyond the years that he is considered to have lived.  
Your breath hitches in your throat at hearing his confession. He turns your body around, analysing his handy work. "It's not as neat as my mother taught me. I am sure she is scolding me for it now." The braid sits high on your head, little do you know it speaks volumes of Thor's heritage and culture.  
His heart aches at the thought. Of his mother and father, the kingdom he was owed and the memories he's been running from so long.
Though, with your arrival into the world, it seems to be catching up to him. And the thought enrages him. Not that it's your fault. And when you look at him with such fear and at the same time yearning, he lacks true anger. 
Your eyes search for some sort of explanation of his words. Or perhaps the true emotions that he hides from you. He can't help but smile, seeing the concentration on your face. Your innocent bliss to the gears turning behind the scenes. The gods at play with you and him meeting in the first place.  
His fingers stroke your cheek, desperately yearning for your mortal mind. A king like him shouldn't be jealous of your fragility and yet he is. "We leave at sunrise. Be there." Anon, he, without warning, stands up and in long strides makes him leave.  
And like a few nights before, you reach for him. His big forearm rests in your small hands. "Mustn't you sleep before a trip?" Why you still want him in the same bed as you, after he made such shame to you, is beyond your mind. Nevertheless, your heart knows and in that you trust.  
"If it pleases my lady?" How on earth can this man with a kind smile be the same as the one before. That had you on your knees, exposed and begging for a dead man's forgiveness. Again, your weak heart caves. "It would." You keep your words short, or else you might just expose the fight in your mind.  
It doesn't take him long to scoop you up into his arms. His armour is gone before you realise it. The warmth radiates from him, and you can't help but enjoy the way he pulls you closer. His grip is strong on your body and you're sure a bruise will form there.
But then again, that'd be a reminder of a good moment.  
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For the first time since being a small girl, you woke up being held. The person holding you is the one who ended the same childhood that this all reminds you of. Nevertheless, waking up was not peaceful.
The bed shakes as Thor kicks in his sleep but somehow refuses to let you go. Nail marks scrape and small pools of blood form. Until, with an extreme urgency, Thor lets go and snaps awake. He's sitting upright, and he's sweating for the first time since you've met him.  
You too sit up right, rubbing circles on the back of the giant. Hoping to soothe him of any shape or form. But as soon as you touch him, his eyes glitch to yours. His face seems to rear in disgust and he rubs his forehead. He throws off the sheets and puts as much distance as he can between you.  
He stands leaning over the balcony, his toned muscles glisten in the first rays of the morning. He looks to be in a fight with himself. Muttering things in a language you've never heard of. Do you move? Do you comfort him? His warnings of last night echo in your mind. Show no fear.  
Your steps are barely heard when you walk across the cold stone of the balcony. You can see the railing is covered in a thin layer of snow. The first snow of the season. Shivers shake your body as you realise you've left your coat behind. How Thor isn't freezing, as he's only in his breeches, is beyond you.  
You wrap your arms around yourself. "Thor...?" His voice startles him again, this time he has more control. "You'll get sick..." he begins to scold but trails off seeing where the fabric of your nightdress is ripped. Seeing the slight bit of blood pool around the tears stops him in his tracks.
He curses in the same language as before. "I did not mean to hurt you. I... sleep has never come easy to me." It's his only explanation, not that you care. You can only soak up the way he dotes over you.  
You shrug, tucking stands of hair that had fallen out of your braid back in place. "You...that night...it happens the same to me." His jaw slams shut at this. His gentle features turn sharp as stone once more. Thor gives just a slight push, forcing you back onto the fur skin laid out on the inside floor.  
"Get dressed. You must be quick; they're already packing the boat." He's not wrong, you can see the peer from the balcony. They've already brought everything there to be boarded. You give a mere nod and do as told.
He insisted on braiding your hair again. How he got ready so quickly, without developing a smell, isn't known. You didn't dare question it; you just enjoyed his fingers making their way through your hair. Small moments of bliss.  
Saying goodbye at the peer was short and sweet. He daren't touch you, likely in guilt. And as he and his company paddled away, you wondered what you will do with yourself. Rather, with the kingdom and the cold.  
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I want to be pitted against a giant, slimy tentacle beast for sport.  Not my sport or entertainment, but dropped, against my will, into a some confined space that I can't escape, but viewers can safely watch what events unfold.  I'm armed only with my wits and whatever might be available to me inside that "arena".  The slimy tentacle beast is among the lowest of creatures.  It exists only to eat and procreate, which also makes it implacable.  Though the lowest of intellectual life, it has evolved to become extremely effective in its singular purpose.
I manage to evade it for awhile, staving off its attacks from multiple directions.  It brings me no closer to victory, however, it's only postponing the inevitable.  The beast finally gets a firm hold of one of my ankles and pulls me off my feet.  I hear a roar of cheers from the audience I cannot see.  Their cheers and taunts grow louder as a frantically try to escape the beast's grasp.  Strategy has been throw out; it's pure panicked flight mode.  I try to scramble away only to be pulled back, my hands clawing at the ground.  I kick at it with my free leg while conscious to avoid it, too, being grabbed.  Nothing.  I try to pry the hold off my ankle with both hands.  It's no use, and in my intense focus, my free leg is no longer free. It's grabbed my thigh.  I can see the tentacle sliding around it as it tightens its coils.  Pounding on it with both hands, with all my might, has no effect.  It's like this thing doesn't even feel pain.
There are just too many of them.  All of my effort to break free from the tentacles grabbing my legs, I didn't even notice the ones moving toward my waist until they were already around me--and they're crushing me.  Breathing has become difficult, and for the first time I feel the fight being taken from me.  My attention and struggle now one the coils around my torso.  Again I try to pry them off, knowing it's a futile effort, but there is nothing left to do but to try.  With such a lowly creature there is no chance of appeal.  A lowly creature effortlessly exerting complete dominance over me.
I can't break free.  There is almost no resistance left in me when it secures my arms painfully behind my back.   It does not know it's own strength.  It does not know my flexibility or pain threshold...nor does it care.  It seems completely unnecessary that it would need to wrap around my neck too, but it does, and quite literally there is nothing I can do about it.
The unknown onlookers hush to a murmur, one filled with anticipation.  The slimy tentacle beast has me.  It's victory over me complete, yet I have only begun to taste defeat.  I am effortlessly hoisted up and brought face to face with the repulsive creature.  My legs folded and knees pulled apart.  The tentacles around my waist allowing me only short breaths. The ones around my neck, tight and high up under my chin, pushing my head back.  My arms still trapped behind my back, painfully, forcing me to arch my back and thrust out my chest toward it, my nipples brushing against.  
I am studied and explored, no part of me left untouched.  Finally the groping stops, but my respite is short lived.  From under one of the beast's many folds a different type of tentacle is revealed.  Three of them...and they each find their way inside my body, again with no concern for my discomfort or even my ability to breathe.  I can fill it pumping something into me.  It is warm and it is thick and it is deep inside me.  When it has finished filling me, the three special tentacles retract back out of sight.  The beast's hold on me is slowly loosened and am lowered to the ground.  As soon as it has released its hold of me completely, I collect what remaining energy I have and flee.  Before I can make it even two steps away I am grabbed again, and dragged back.  Another tentacle, again, around my throat, abruptly yanking me, as if it were a leash, so I land laying against it's soft, blobby core.
There I stay.  No one comes to save me, not even now, after they’ve had their show.  A few smaller tentacles continue to grope and inspect me, but I gave up trying to escape.  I don't even bother trying to fight them off.  I know my place.
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welcometothedopeworld · 2 months
12:14 AM ~ *Zen Gaho*
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Summary: It was Iori's idea to send you on this mission. While you're more than happy to comply, you're grateful he asked Zen to go with you. It's never fun working with creepy guys alone...
Pairing: Zen Gaho X Fem!Reader
Genre: Angstyish Drabble
Word Count: 887
Warning: Creepy Guy Alert
It was Iori's idea. He wanted to make sure you had a bodyguard go with you when you made this sale. It was very important but it was also very dangerous. Iori didn't like the idea of sending you by yourself. So he made it very clear you were not allowed to go unaccompanied. And who better to protect you than former police officer Zen Gaho? 
It's not that you didn't like Zen. Quite the contrary actually, you adored him. You just wanted to prove to Iori that you could handle business, and by extension yourself, on your own. You didn't need a chaperone. You could do this. But Zen was Iori's right hand man for a reason. He was going with you, whether you liked it or not. And there was no room for discussion.
The trip to the seller wasn't far, but it wasn't pleasant either. You scrunch your nose with disgust, before muttering, "Did we seriously have to do this by the docks? Don't they have a warehouse that's further inland?"
"The seller was clear it was this location or the deal was off." Zen replied. "Don't worry. This will be a piece of cake. We'll be in and out, no problem."
"I know, but I still don't like it here." You whine. "I want to be back at home in less than an hour, okay?"
"Sounds doable."
The two of you entered the warehouse, where the seller and a couple of his buddies were there. Instantly, you were sizing each of them up. While the seller himself looked a little scrawny, his friends were big and burly. If things went south, you could take out the seller, but Zen would have to go three on one. Perhaps you did need a bodyguard after all. Still, you were sure things were going to be just fine.
"Akanyatsura?" The seller looked you up and down with a look of disdain. "You don't look like much."
"Because we're not here representing Akanyatsura." You shoot back. "We're here representing Club Candy. Our boss, Iori Suiseki, says you have what he's looking for. We're here to check how legitimate it is and arrange for transportation to the club."
"Ah, of course, my mistake." His words were as slimy as his grin. It made you want to throw up a little in your mouth. He gestured to one of the many crates surrounding him. "See for yourself."
One of his friends pried open the top of one of the crates. Inside were dozens of bottles of premium wine, only sold in the United States of America. Another crate was opened, revealing bottles of high-end champagne from France. Usually this kind of liquor went through a lengthy customs process, and these bottles were new, never before tasted in Japan. Iori had to get his hands on some first to bring in more business, leading you to this shady dealing.
"Would you care for a taste, my dear?" The seller asked, holding out a wine glass to you.
You bit your lip. You didn't drink on the job, as you believed it obscured your judgment and you weren't sure if anyone tampered with it. But you told Iori you would test it to make sure it was legit. You weren't about to screw things up now.
Just as you were about to take the glass from him, Zen beat you to the punch. "Don't mind if I do."
Taking one of the bottles, he cracked it open, threw the glass and drank straight from the bottle. He swiped his hand over his mouth to catch a little dribble of wine down his chin. He sighed. "Not bad. I'm not much of a wine drinker but I'm sure our boss will appreciate it."
The seller nodded. "So, he agrees to do business with me?"
"Yeah sure. Until the novelty wears off." Zen replied. "We'll send some guys over to collect."
"And my payment?" The seller demanded, holding out his grimy fingers for his money.
Again, you shuddered before placing the roll of money that Iori had given you into his hand. He snatched it and your hand quickly. He pulled you close, causing you to gasp. "It's a shame such a pretty thing like you is dealing with such dark and nasty things. You should be treated like a queen, not a criminal."
Before you could reply, Zen grabbed his shoulder, forcing him to yelp. "Hands off. Before things get ugly."
He retracted his hand and you rubbed your wrist. Zen gave them all a curt nod before taking you out of the warehouse, an arm slung over your shoulder.
When you were outside, he placed his hands on his shoulder to stop you. "Are you okay? He didn't hurt you, did he?"
"No, he just made me uncomfortable." You sighed. "I'm never doing anything like that for Iori again."
"Don't worry, I'll make sure of it." Zen hesitated before holding out the wine bottle he had drunk out of earlier. "Hey, the job is over and this bottle is open. It shouldn't go to waste, you know? I mean, we can save it for the others, but if you want-"
You cut him off before swiping the bottle and taking a drink. You smiled at him. "I thought you'd never ask."
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shadowdemon-esq · 1 year
Going to McDonald's with the Crypt Keeper <3
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"hey Babe 😏" smirked The Crypt Keeper. "Let's go to McDonald's"
"ok 🤭" you giggle. You love McDonald.
You and Crypty take your seats at the McDonald's tables.
"hey get us a couple of cheeseburgers and McNuggets 😏!" smirked the Crypt Keeper.
"ok 😐" said the employee.
Minutes passed, and Crypty grew restless
"where are my fucking nuggets ?" He smirked angrily.
"ermm babe calm down it's just taking a while" you say in an attempt to console him. It doesn't work.
"WHERE ARE MY NUGGETS AND CHEESEBURGERS 🤬" Crypty shouts, making everyone turn and look at you.
"babbbee you're making a scene 😭" you cry.
The Crypt Keeper stands up and stomps off towards the front desk. You grab him and attempt to pull him back.
"get back to your seat babe. Daddy's got some business to attend to... 😠" He growled. He shoves you onto the ground and walks up to the desk.
"where's my food?" He shouts at the employee.
"it's not done yet!"
"I want it now!" The Crypt Keeper starts throwing a tantrum and knocking things on the ground while you put your head in your hands and sob.
"babee noooo 😭😭" you cry.
The Crypt Keeper goes back into the kitchen.
"GIMME MY FOOD" loud sounds and screams are heard and Crypty walks out with the food.
"here's our food, babe 😏" he smirked.
"tee-hee, yum 😋" you giggle in response. You start to eat but notice something wrong with the nuggets.
"babe these nuggets don't taste right :/" you say. The nuggets are pink and slimy.
"shut up theyre fine" he shoves nuggets in your mouth.
"but babe !"
you gag and eat the disgusting slimy nuggets. You sniffle.
"sorry babe 😔" apologized Crypty, "you know how I get out about my nuggets..."
"sniffle... yeah," tears flow down your cheeks.
"babe stop crying I was literally just hangry. I was just fucking hangry babe. Can't a man be hangry?" Crypty shouts angrily.
"I- I- I DON'T KNOW! 😭"
"ITS WHEN YOURE SO HUNGRY" the Crypt Keeper knocks stuff off the table, "THAT YOURE ANGRY! HANGRY! AHHH!!!!"
The Crypt Keeper starts throwing another tantrum, but then started vomiting. You also begin to vomit. You pass out and wake up in the hospital.
"huh? What happened?" You say in your hospital bed.
"you ate too many undercooked chicken nuggets and vomited your guts out." Said the doctor.
"oh no 😲"
"you needed a transplant. But luckily someone gave you all of his internal organs." The doctor said gesturing towards a frog.
"a frog ? 🤨" you ask.
"babe it's me 🐸" said the frog. "The Crypt Keeper. It's me. I gave away all my organs and they had to put my brain in a frog so I could survive."
"thanks babe 😭😭" you sob.
You and the Crypt Keeper leave and drive off into the sunset.
The End.
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cold-arrow · 2 years
Doctor's Notes, entry ??
New fifth book, part 9 | The Road to Recovery |
Summary, things of note since last entry: stuck in bathtub, and no idea what to do. moisturizer, Lym ran off. Baras’s  insensitivity the priestess of Timora, certainty in the lack of hope we return to Waterdeep, (Kolbaz's insight) Lym's miracle, Baras' reserach. Lady silverhand, GayUncleGym/Gauntylgrim. Mirrorbar, horses, track into the valley Khedrun The stone giant. the path to the city
1 / 9 | didn’t really sleep that well, that night. im not sure if it was because ive been stuck in here, stationary for so long, or because of the disease. ( or whatever other reason, like being submerged in water. in a small uncomfortable bath ) I woke up the following morning rather exhausted. tried to do an experiment though. see If I could breathe water, or had started to develop gills yet. But I… very much regret trying, for all it accomplished was me nearly suffocating on the slimy water in this bath. (didn’t taste particularly pleasant either.) maybe I should ask the innkeep if they;d be willing to change it out, to get some actual fresh water … Actually nevermind, I cant be bothered. … though his design his a bit patchwork, Lumos’ new chassis seems to atleast be… functional. Definitely will have to make some improvements later though if I can. … tried making the moisturizer that Omrick bought me the ingredients for. but the results were… disappointing. And painful. seems like it reacts rather poorly when applied to my skin, causing some sort aggressive and caustic reaction, which wasn’t particularly pleasant any kind of way. Guess ill have to throw that idea / solution into the trash as well. next up on the stupid idea list. Make a hermetically sealed suit and fill it with water to keep myself hydrated. How complicated can that be right? Especially with Alll my tools and resources at hand. And my now lovely aquatic work environment. … I need to get some proper rest.
| 2 / 9 | I havnt seen Lym since… yesterday. I was thinking about apologizing. I… could probably have put things a lot better than I did. Maybe ill send Lumos instead, with a note. That way, if she doesn’t want to talk, she doesn’t have to.   … Omrick came in again as well. said Lym had disappeared or gone off by herself, not long after she returned to the tavern yesterday. She might just have stormed off as well. don’t know if…  I am the one who’s to blame the most for that, or if something else happened, after she dropped by yesterday. But… I don’t know what to do. Id go looking for her and apologize. But I cant. Im stuck. Don’t think it would help much either. If she left after that, I’d doubt she’d want to see any of us, nor our faces right now. guess, ill just sit here and… do nothing. Worry. I suppose. Don’t have anything better to do besides worry, and stress, and fret and think a…
-- I need to find something to disitract myself. Being left alone with my thought for so long, with nothing to do. isnt good for my mental. I’d try t… trying to research is useless. Getting out of this damned bath is useless. Trying to look for Lym in this damned city is useless. maybe ill count the tiles and boards again. or play go fetch with Lumos.
| 3 / 9 | After drinking my 7th waterskin today. I remembered that I havnt actually refilled Baras Alter-self flask yet. He’s been stuck in his room I think, since we came back. Hopefully refilling it for him means he’ll be able to do stuff, and not be as bored and stuck in his room like I am. Also, making the alter-self elixir means I have something to do as well thankfully. will send Lumos up to him in a bit. … it's not often that id consider Baras to be a fool, or an idiot. But he’s managed to surprise me somehow…. though id like to say that he cant really help his insensitivity and bluntness sometimes, since he still seems to be struggling with the concept of emotions and such. And what they are to him. I… very much understand now, as to why Lym had stormed off and left the tavern yesterday. If my… conversation with her wasn’t already enough to upset her, Baras being offended and actually accusing her  of -- intentionally -- hurting us, definitely would do the trick. it took a bit of coazing, or interrogation, to get the truth and details out of him. But after a few minutes it definitely become clear that, Baras had said some rather upsetting things to Lym, and hadn’t yet fully “realized” the extent or magnitude of mistake just yet. Even after she threw a drink in his face… I knew something was wrong the moment I asked if he knew why lym had left and disappeared. And his vagueness and dodging of answering my questions were more than enough to raise my suspicion. Atleast I have a better idea -- as to whats going on now. Not that I can really DO anything about. Im still stuck in this damned bathtub. I just hope I was able to talk some sense into him. so that if she does return, he can at least Properly talk and apologize to her. Keeping her feelings of guilt, and remorse, and anger -- a bit more in mind. * (maybe I should expedite / move forward my idea of making a mood ring for him. Maybe that’ll help gain him a better sense or grasp on things. such as his own, or others, emotions.)
| 4 / 9 | Lym has been gone -- for quite a while now. Im starting to get more and more worried. She didnt return to the tavern last night, nor this morning. Hopefully she found a decent place to rest and sleep for the night. ? I’d assumed Baras would have gone out to look for her and apologize at this point. Now that ive refilled his flask. But instead its as if he’s just – sulking or moping around in his room. Frozen with either fear or indecision on what he should about his actions, and the things he said. And instead Omrick has now gone out to look for her, which doesn’t necessarily bode well. I doubt he’s gonna improve things much with irritated mood he’s been in lately. I guess I can only hope for the best… Maybe I should send Lumos out instead, to look for her. …            it wasn’t until later that day, in the afternoon, that Lym eventually returned. And she brought company. She had spent most of the morning helping out at a temple of Timora apparently, after asking one of the priestesses if they could perhaps… take a look at me. To try and cure me. Omrick had eventually found her as well. He;d spotted her from outside the temple as she was helping out with some chores. And had waited outside until she eventually left with the priestess once they had a moment to spare The… priestess herself was a curious sort. But I guess that goes for most clerics at a temples I suppose. But her being a servant to the Lady of luck, definitely made her a bit more… odd? than most priests ive encountered. She did carry herself with conviction, and dignified manner. And while I, have never been a great believer of luck, She -- definitely seemed to have that conviction. we tried explaining my condition the best we could, and her conclusion was pretty similar to healers that had visited the Rosilio family it seems. A greater restoration Should alleviate me of my disease, and affliction. She grabbed her components and the required diamond dust, And although I somewhat doubted her – reliability at first, for being a priestess to luck and all. The divine magic she possessed and summoned to try and cure me, were… amazing, Quite Impressive. Yet, it wasn’t enough… once the divine glow of her magic faded, I… was still the same. My skin still translucent and slimy and dehydrated. So it seems like we indeed need something a bit more powerful. if we want to have any hope of curing me. We thanked for atleast trying, and her time and effort. And we offered to make a donation to the temple, in return. But she graciously declined our offer. And simply headed back to her temple, after we nevertheless conveyed to her our gratitude.   there was an awkward silence once she’d left. Omrick had been quiet all this time, and patiently been waiting, observing things. Lym had been a bit quiet as well, but spoke up shortly afterwards. Asking what we should do next, and suggesting that we maybe head back to Waterdeep and Baras’ mansion. Atleast there’s bigger bath there, and there might be some info or knowledge perhaps, in his library that might help. I agreed that it was a good idea. And sincerely thanked for finding a cleric for me. For taking the time look for one and might help figure out how to cure me. -- Omrick gave some snarky comment about how she shouldn’t have left without a word, and disappeared or something, which she didn’t appreciated, and said as much. And I quickly shot him him a warning glance as well. There’s a reason she didn’t. And I wonder as to whether either Baras or Omrick really understand that yet. ( even though we gained some certainty in the fact the greater restoration will not work. Im not really hopeful as to what even might at this point. I decided to make a donation to the temple of Timora nevertheless. As a thank you, and a small compensation for the material costs and gem dusts, and the time of the priestess. If paying Lady luck pays back in tenfold. then it atleast doesn’t hurt to show a bit of gratitude by trying to make a donation, I suppose. )
| 5 / 9 | the following day, we headed back towards Waterdeep. we bought a few wineskins (for my to douse myself in and quench my thirst.) Threw a cloak over me and Baras, and made our way to Mr. Kolbaz’s mansion, early in the morning. he was there to great us this time, when we dropped by. And he actually managed to give us a bit of useful info and insight on my condition. Appearently he actually has heard of the Kuo’Toa before, and gave us some pointers on what to perhaps look for, when we try to do some research the matter. in return I decided to actually give him some of my blood. I’d prepared a vial after we came through last time. however he was curious to have a vial of my blood in my current condition as well. which I didn’t really mind at that point, to be honest. Am curious as to how that’s gonna turn out. Will have to ask him next time we visit. … we managed to get back to the mansion without too much issue. While we were in Yartar, people didn’t really pay much to attention to Baras fortunately. which was a relief. But once we were back in waterdeep and traversing the streets, the stares of other people were… a lot less comfortable. As soon made it trough the front door Baras’ mansion, I immediately headed towards the baths, and dived into water.  And thank the gods ( or Dave I suppose) that the baths in his house are a lot more spacious, larger. I feels as if I finally have some proper breathing room ( not funny) And I can actually properly swim around for a bit now. The… webbing between my hands and feet are certainly Interesting.  Because it does actually make swimming a lot easier, effortless almost. Which shouldn’t be surprise but , I guess that’s atleast one plus if I become a fish person… I wonder if the celestial curse from the pillow is gonna have any effect on my condition as well. *actually nvm. I don’t wanna know. … Asked Otto if he and some of the other skeletons to help me get set up here in the baths. Got a few chairs and stools that I can use as tables now at least. Its been kind of difficult, to keep things dry and not covered in the slime from my skin. So hopefully that should help. Also, If I hadn’t mentioned before, writing like this isn’t the easiest thing either. I have to constantly submerge and then dry my hands, Again, pretty much every minutes. Being careful as to not stain any of my papers, or equipment. maybe I could ask Baras to let my borrow some books from the library. If he’ll allow it. Will have to be even more careful then with my own books and papers though, in that case. Or I fear the wrath he would unleash upon me, if I damaged one of his books…
| 6 / 9 | She did it! She actually managed to do it. Both Lym and Baras actually she dropped by the following day, saying she wanted to try something. And before I could really process what had happened, or prepare myself. I was cured. Healed of my affliction and disease! My skin being its usual normal colour and texture again. I … havnt felt this relieved or – havnt even felt this well in ages. Even some of my smaller physical ailments, such as the pain in my back, or in my neck and hand are gone! We really do not deserve Lym. -- I… guess I finally kind of understand what the proudness of a parent feels like. Or… what my father might have felt, in those very rare moments, when I did actually manage to impress him. Or what my mother might have felt like, if she knew what things I’ve done, and accomplished. if she was still alive I owe Baras as well, appearently he had stayed up most of the night researching in the library to try and find pretty much anything that might be able to help. Jarvis had already narrowed down some of the books for him. And after reading through most of them, he found one that listed a possible cure. I want to try and find a way to repay her, the both of them. Lym used a lot of her energy to cure me. Let alone the time and energy she spend when we’re still in Yartar. The sewers the temple. And ive very much underestimated to sheer magnitude of the knowledge contained in Baras library. I should start spending some time there if I actually want to learn even a fraction of knowledge held there before my death.
| 7 / 9 | With Lym’s brother now being safely out of jail. And with me being cured and no longer at risk of turning into a fish person, or Kuo’toa. The question now is, what do we do next? Baras had send a message to Lady Silverhand to try and schedule an appointment, for a conversation. but it seems like that’s going to take a while, or a bit longer then we expected. For the better or worse. ( not really looking forward to that, so the longer it takes the better actually. ) -- So we either just wait and do nothing. Or… we could perhaps set out again. With Omrick having discovered the location of the ancient dwarven city, and the fact that we have some time to kill / “free time,” I guess we’re going head out and look into that matter of his. Its officially decided, and we’re getting ready to set out. it's pretty important to him it seems. A thing that his father had always talked about. And held great significance to him. Will have to ask some more details about it, along the way. ill admit to atleast being somewhat curious about the idea of an ancient, long lost dwarven city. or capital even.
| Baras got the teleportation coordinates, or runes, to mirrorbar a while back, so we decided to finally try them out. Safe a bit on travel time. -- I think, if I heard correctly, that the ancient long lost dwarven city, was rumoured to be somewhere in the valley of Khedrun. Which means that Mirrorbar is the closest place, I suppose
… The circle in Mirrobar is… rather well hidden apparently. I guess no-one would expect to find such a thing in the hay attic of a barn. The… guardian of place does need to work on his -- acting a bit though. it was rather obvious that he was hiding something up there. But besides his poor acting skills, he seemed like a nice fellow Zaspar Bronzefire ,was his name if I remember correctly, auburn haired young dwarf covered in hay. I Do wonder if he actually knows any magic himself, or if he is just a simple stable hand/owner under contract by the Harpers / LA maybe I shouldn’t write down, this kind of sensitive / classified information. Especially if I end up loosing my notebooks again at somepoint … Oh, and I almost forgot! Veran had succeeded in his mission, the favour I asked of him, And actually found / recovered pretty much most of my belongings. There are a few smaller things that are missing / gone, and probably lost forever. But all my important Magical, and alchemical belongings are here, and back. My supplies, tools and components I bought ( the regeants ) are gone, but I can always find new ones. But, all the things I worked so hard to make, or that we fought to earn or gain. I have them again now. I don’t remember when the last time was, when I actually had felt that happy, or hopefull. Having both been cured of an uncurable desease. And gifted pretty much all my belongings that I had lost. On the same day. Thank you Illmater, thank you Timora, And thank you to my friends.
| 8 / 9 |
The road of Stones our journey, once we left mirrorbar, was mostly uneventful. However, I was stupid enough to forget to buy rations before we set out. Thankfully the others were kind enough to share some of their rations with me, so I at least have something to eat. (doesn’t seem like the barbarians at Svalberg left any of the food I had when the emptied my bag ) It wasnt until a few days later into our journey though, that we encountered a bigger issue... The night before, Omrick had just found a cavern marked by dwarven script, or a symbol. Which contained a very clever sedimentary? map, that gave us further directions on how to reach the gates and entrance to Gauntlgrymm. It’s only dwarves who have the knowledge of, or studied the masonry and geological of their ancestors, who could read it. He was pretty excited to not only find evidence of the city’s existence, but the cleverly concealed map to its exact location as well. It… was during that night however, that Baras had noticed something in the distance. large shapes, that were dragging something behind them. he informed us of the sighting, and that the shapes had stopped to rest for the night, some distance ahead. And that they fortunately hadn’t spotted us. It was hard to tell from of distance, but they appeared to be stone giants. And they were dragging several dead bodies, and possibly lives ones with them. He -- wasn’t particularly keen on facing them, wanting to save his and our strength for the city ahead. But…. If there were dragging not only corpses, but prisoners with them. We couldn’t just abonadon those people right? Lym seemd to doubly agree. And Omrick was confident, as per usual, that he could take them on. And that we should save those people, or atleast stop them. so with that, we set out to ambush them. | 9 / 9 | Remind me, to not underestimate stone giants, or any giants for that matter again in the future. There were only 2 of them. But they proved to be a lot more dangerous then we expected. Both of them. The first one, was a formidable fighter by himself. Far stronger than any hill giant we’ve encountered. But the second one, She… was a incredibly powerful and dangerous caster. Who could have annihilated us for sure, if thing had gone differently. *(she might have even been capable of even casting some the highest level of chronomancy in hindsight. if im not mistaken? ) the warrior, we managed to take down quickly enough. With Omrick taking him down a peg after trading a few blows, untill he was still on the ground. but the terrifying, Geomancy / Seismomancy / Terramancy or whatever magic she had at her disposal. Were powerful enough to summon earthquakes that could level villages and towns in seconds. we took some substantial blows trying to take her down. but outnumbered once the giant warrior had fallen, she eventually turned and fled, only to be taking down by Lym. -- I think Lym took that fight rather personally, this was the first time I think, any of us have seen her fight this aggressively, or offensively, in a while. She summoned some terrifying divine magic to both incinerate, wither, and tear apart the stone giants. The divine flame strikes were definitely something to behold. And she teleported closer towards the female giant, instead of way. Not only once, but twice. The first time crippling her severely. Before finishing her of and killing her the second time.
I hope she was able to vent and unleash some of her frustrations from the past week, or two today. For I worry as to what would happen if she directed more of the fury unto us. … the rest of our journey didn’t really provide any futher challenges, and eventually we managed to find The Cave, thanks to the directions that Omrick had found / gotten, from before. It was a bit of journey down. But right now were standing infront of a beautifully carved stone gateway, next to an underground waterfall. The craftmanship on this entrance alone… is amazing. And I can only look forward as to what other structures, and architecture, and other dwarven ruins and buildings that we might found down here.
| Extra | (during one of the previous nights, after the encounter with the stone giants. I had a… rather unsettling dream. we were fighting the stone giants, again. But there were so many more this time. We were all separated, scatted across the battlefield. I was trying to reach them. But… A ravine tore open beneath Baras, as he started to fall into the endless depths of the earth. Omrick was slowly being overwhelmed and crushed into the ground by dozens of giants. And Lym was slowly, painfully turning to stone. being petrified. And I had to watch in horror as I failed to reach any of them. Trying my best to make my away across the gravel, erupted earth and broken stones as they one by one fell. … I didn’t feel particularly great after that, the following day. I just hope that -- it isn’t something foreboding.
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Oh don't mind me I'm just angrily cleaning up the baking cabinet Again because my mother keeps rearranging it badly so everything falls out when the door's opened and putting in new useless items that don't belong there so I can't find fucking baking powder when I'm just trying to bake a god damn birthday cake.
#we do not need 2 separate opened jard of molasses#and thats not where the cookie cutters go#and the food dye should be kept together so a) you stop buying more and b) again with the multiple open boxes of the same type and color#and stop using the S cocoa powder its Special for a reason its only for Certain recipes thats why i had to go out and buy it Specially#and the spices go in the spice cabinet!!!#and stop putting the icing back in there im trying to throw it away for a Reason.#also stop buying more of this icing???#store bought icing is ok but its Not Difficult to homemake it and ot tastes better#and get your fucking recipes and shit away from my recipes#I Do Not Need To Go Through Your Slimy Ass Cucumber Recipes Everytime I Make Snickerdoodles#And Also Stop Moving My Recipes!!!!#They stay in one place so i can find to them easily#amd would you stop buying more measuring cups???#the second set you bought? fine. but after that??? we don't need that many 2/3 cups#im just very upset about this baking cabinet#i should have priority on how its arranged because i use it the most#you have the rest of the kitchen#youve already sequestered me off to half of a dmall cabinet trust me i already know how little my opinion matters#just let me have this one thing. just let me put the baking powder where i want to put it and don't move it#plus i got kicked out of the kitchen because my dad has a conference call and the mixer is too loud#theres other places you can go to work??? with better wifi??? dont complain about the wifi being shit when youre in the known wifi dead spo#you can pick up your laptop and go somewhere else#i cant pick up the mixer and all the ingredients and take them somewhere else#im very angry and upset and ive been stuck in this house with these people for weeks#and its already boiled over so many times in so many different ways#i just needed to rant#it doesn't help but I needed to get it out#i just need to put on my headphones with loud music and make it through the next week#on the plus side this cake is gonna be sick as hell#dark purple funfetti cake with bright yellow frosting for me white cake and frosting for my brother (his is less sick but still good)
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cursestothemoon · 3 years
Can you do a blurb where Fred and the reader hate each other but take the anger out by fucking? Like not in a ‘im trying to convince myself I hate you’ way but like they actually hate each other and that was just a way to get the anger out. Sorry if that's confusing lol
Also, what's the difference between a blurb and a drabble?
i have no idea what the difference is im gonna be honest, i just know they are both short :)
You Hate How Much You Love It
warnings: smut, hate sex, spitting, choking, degrading, dom!fred/sub!reader, language, mentions of blood, unedited (i am sorry once again)
“Why don’t you go fuck yourself, Weasley?”
“Already did last night, love.”
“Hit one more blunger in my direction and I’ll beat you with my broom!”
“Maybe if you learned to stay out of my way you wouldn’t be such an easy target.” 
You held in another snarky remark, you could tell your captain was nearing the end of his patience with you and Fred. 
The game had started with Fred teasing you as you walked onto the pitch, and continued as you mounted your brooms . The anger had always been there, neither of you too fond of the other. Fred was a pompous, careless, big-headed, inconsiderate, slimy git- to put it nicely. Your hatred for the ginger ass was so out of nowhere your friends just assumed you fancied him or something, but you couldn’t bring yourself to think he was attractive beyond just surface level appearance. Sure physically you could say he was good looking, but his personality made you want throw him off the astronomy tower. 
Fred thought similarly of you, sure you were beyond sexy and incredibly hot- something he liked to tell you to get you all riled up- but he couldn’t stand your personality, you infuriated him. That’s how the agreement was made, a perfect set up, all based off of one common interest.
You two shared a libido that was so high you could see it from space, and obviously feelings wouldn’t be an issue because it was more than clear that that was the last thing either of you wanted. 
“You’re a cheat.” You growled at Fred as he pushed you into a near by broom cupboard.
He gave a mocking laugh before getting close to your face, “Don’t be such a nagging bitch.”
“You’re lucky you’re a good fuck, or else I’d castrate you right here.” You bit back, not backing down in his efforts to intimidate you. 
Suddenly, your head lulled to the side, a sharp sting murmuring on the skin of your cheek. 
“Then what would keep that slutty mouth of yours busy, hm?”
The air in the room was thick with sexual tension, your hand slowly trailing up his chest before gripping his neck. The action made Fred smile, a teasing, mocking smirk that had arousal pooling in your panties. 
“I dare you.”
His tone was calm and alarmingly stoic, but before you could decide if you did actually want to or not, Fred brought his own hand up to wrap around your throat not hesitating to add pressure. He pushed you back into the stone wall, his lips smashing onto yours as your tongues fought for dominance. The kiss wasn't pretty, teeth were clashing and you were sure your lip was bleeding from how hard Fred had bit it. 
You loved it.
The kiss had no passion, just raw sexual need and hatred, turning both of you on more. Your lips trailed after his as he pulled away, regaining your composure you reached for the hem of your shirt to pull it off before you were stopped by Fred’s hands. 
He looked down at your fingers feebly holding the ends of your shirt as his large hands gripped your wrists tightly.
“That’s cute, you think you’re in charge. On your knees.”
You did as you were told, your aching cunt telling you to let him win at least a few battles so you could get your brains fucked out sooner rather than later. Your fingers worked quickly to untie the ties on his pants- he was still in his quidditch uniform- and finally got the waist band pulled down to just above mid thigh. His bulge was visible through his tight boxers, almost a perfect outline and your mouth started to water. No matter how much you hated Fred Weasley, you couldn't deny that his cock was beautiful. You palmed him through the thin material making him tilt his head back, leaning it against the cold stone wall- seeing as you had switched sides. You pulled his boxers down too, his cock now unrestrained and incredibly hard. Wasting no time, you licked a broad stripe up from the base of his cock to the tip before collecting the precum on the tip with your tongue. Your lips wrapped around the spongey head, giving it a  slow, hard suck making Fred grumble from above you. 
His voice was deep and gravely, “Do I have to do everything myself?” Before he grabbed your hair in a makeshift ponytail, the other hand holding the back of your head and pushing you to take more of him. 
Soon his pace was fast, a mix between face fucking and head pushing making you gag around his length- this only spurred him on. 
“That’s right, suck my cock like the horny slag you are. Hate how much you love it, don’t you?”
You moaned around him in response, resulting in a stuttered moan coming from him. You brought your hand up to massage his balls, tugging and fondling just as he likes it. Fred was close, you could feel it, but before he came down your throat he tugged you off of himself. Your teeth dragged along the length of his shaft making him shiver and wince before shoving you off.
“Don’t be a fucking brat, brats don’t get to cum.”
Your lips turned up in the most innocent smile you could muster, “Sorry.” 
His lips curled into a snarl, “Strip.”
You didn’t move, wanting to push him just a little bit, and Fred was not having.
“Strip or else I’ll shred your clothes and force you to walk back to your dorm naked, L/n.”
The throbbing of your cunt was unmistakable now, pulling your clothes off hastily. Each item hit the dusty floor in record speed making Fred chuckle at your eagerness and obedience. He slowly pulled his pants and boxers off the rest of the way before pulling his shirt over his head, both of you now completely naked. 
Fred was leaning against the wall, hand slowly stroking his prick as he spoke, “How do you want it, princess?”
You smirked, “How ever you wanna give it to me, Freddie.”
Fred seemed to go absolutely feral at your answer, shooting up to grab you by the back of your neck push you against the wall he was resting on just seconds prior. The cold stone scratched at your sensitive, pert nipples as Fred moved his knee in-between your thighs to push them apart. He slid two fingers along your folds, smearing your arousal and drawing out a shaky breath from your parted lips. He gave you little time to prepare before sliding into your entrance, the lack of preparation before hand made the stretch of your walls from his cock mix a sting into the pleasure. His thrusts were fast and hard as he fucked you against the wall, one hand down rubbing rough circles on your clit and the other holding both your wrists behind your back. 
He continued his rough pace, his hand leaving your clit and moving to your neck forcing you to drop your head back, just below his shoulder. He had a firm grasp on your jaw, making your mouth drop open so he could spit into it. The taste was always unique to him, the taste on your tongue was completely Fred.
“I hate you.” He growled into your ear.
Your eyes met in a heated glare as you responded, “Show me how much.”
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jungshookz · 4 years
the need for speed(dating); pjm
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➺ pairing; park jimin x reader
➺ genre; sfw!! fluff!! y/n’s a goofball!! jimin’s into that!! featuring sommelier!hobi but before he finds his y/n,.. and also bartender!tae!! 
➺ wordcount; 5.7k
➺ summary; hoseok tricks y/n into attending a speed-dating event and (unsurprisingly) it doesn’t go down so well... then things gets a little better, thanks to the handsome stranger sitting at the bar. 
➺ what to expect; “please tell me you didn’t lure me here with the prospect of spaghetti and meatballs just to get me to take part in a speed-dating event for sad, single people.”
                                        »»————- ♡ ————-««
“oh my god, what’s the rush?!” you stumble over your feet as hoseok continues to drag you along with him, “seriously, you need to slow down because i’m going to twist an ankle if you make me walk any faster-”
“we’re late for our reservation because you couldn’t decide on what top to wear-” hoseok scoffs and picks up his pace, your eyes widening for a split second when you actually almost fall flat on your face
“hey, i just wanted to wear something nice because you said that the place we were going to was a nice place- if you didn’t raise the standards, then i wouldn’t have raised the standards either!”
“less talking, more walking!”
you’re really not sure what possessed hoseok to want to go to a fancy restaurant tonight
pizza hut’s doing this triple treat box thing for the holidays and you suggested getting that because you get three main courses in one big box
what’s not to like?!
you weren’t even aware that hoseok had made reservations until earlier today 
he just sprung it on you that you guys were eating at a restaurant and not at the apartment tonight anD he told you to dress up nicely because of some dress-code 
“is this the part where you tell me you’ve actually been in love with me this entire time?” you joke as the two of you approach the restaurant, your eyes immediately picking up the romantic lighting coming from inside, “need i remind you, our ‘let’s get married if we don’t find anyone’ deal expires when we turn thirty, and i’m definitely not-”
“i’m not confessing my undying love for you tonight, y/n-” hoseok rolls his eyes playfully, the two of you joining the queue, “i just wanted to eat something that wasn’t fast food for once, you know?”
“you’re telling me the pizza hut triple treat box didn’t sound one bit tempting?”
hoseok pauses 
“…we’ll do that next week.”
“plus, uh, you said that you wanted spaghetti and meatballs or something, right? i looked up where to find the city’s best spaghetti and meatballs, and this place came up as one of the results!” hoseok chirps, though you’re barely paying attention to him because you’ve just taken notice of one of the signs sitting by the entrance
“hey, look at that-” you point to the wooden sign before snorting to yourself, “there’s a speed-dating event taking place here tonight. i can’t wait to watch sad, single people get nervous and twitchy while talking to other sad, single people. do you think if we asked nicely, they could move us to a table where we can eavesdrop on everyone’s conversations??”
“yeah, our table is… a lot closer to the event than you think.” hoseok mutters off to the side before shoving his hands into the pockets of his trousers
“what’s that supposed to mean?” you turn to look at him, your brows knitting together in suspicion when he avoids your gaze and starts whistling a happy little tune to himself
oh my god
“hoseok,” you clear your throat quietly, hoseok’s eyes widening in alert when he notices you take a tiny step away from him, “please tell me you didn’t lure me here with the prospect of spaghetti and meatballs just to get me to take part in a speed-dating event for sad, single people.”
“well, i…” hoseok swallows, his adam’s apple bobbing in his throat
he flashes you a sheepish smile to confirm your answer
“do they- do they even have spaghetti and meatballs on the menu??” you gawk, taking several steps back so you can look up at the name of the restaurant
le petit paris
oh god
this whole thing was a set-up
everything is a lie!  
this place is french
“this place is FRENCH!” you gasp, bringing a hand up to your chest in shock at this outright betrayal, “you tricked me, you slimy-” you spin around on your heels to walk back to the car, “i’m going home! no, first i’m going to get the triple treat- actually, i can’t finish that all on my own so- i’m going home, and i’m going to order that fancy ham and cheese sandwich from that one deli-”
“the fancy ham and- that’s a croque monsieur, y/n, that’s french!” hoseok snaps, “will you get back here?? you can’t go home because i’m the one who drove us here-”
“i don’t care!” you exclaim, standing at the edge of the sidewalk before looking to see if there are any taxis nearby that you can wave down, “i’m going home!”
“oh, c’mon-” hoseok gives the rest of the strangers in line an apologetic smile before rushing over to grab you before you can make an escape, “will you relax and please just-”
“hoseok, i am not doing this- are you kidding me?? you know how i feel about dating-” 
“i know, i know!” hoseok waves his arms, “but- just- you haven’t been out on any dates since you and seokjin broke up a year and a half ago...”
you immediately clam up at the mention of seokjin and you feel your entire face flush
it’s true
you haven’t made any efforts to go out and meet new people since you split with seokjin (sure, it was a mutual breakup, but that didn’t mean it didn’t hurt any less when he came to pick up his box of belongings at your apartment)
“and every time i tried to set you up on a blind date, you said that you weren’t ready for that yet- which, by the way, is obviously totally understandable, but-”
“but what?! there shouldn’t be a but!” you cross your arms, “all i have to say is that i’m not ready, and that should be enough of a reason to not trick me like this-”
“you use the breakup as an excuse to get out of everything, y/n!” hoseok exasperates, “remember when i asked you if you wanted to come to one of my wine-tasting courses? do you remember what you said to me?”
(“oh, you know… i would love to watch you do you thing at your… super fancy wine and cheese tasting thing, but i… i’m still grieving over the breakup! i’m, like, still devastated. super devastated. i’m in a very sensitive state, so i don’t think it’d be a good idea for me to leave my apartment, like, at all-”)
“…touché.” you mutter, reaching up to scratch the back of your neck
for the record, you felt really bad about not going to support hoseok at his fancy sommelier thing as soon as you hung up but you made up for it by going to his next one!
“plus, you look really pretty tonight and it would be a complete and utter shame to let that go to waste!” hoseok gestures to your outfit, “your ass looks great in these jeans, your legs look great in these heels, your boobs look fantastic-”
“okay, i think i get the point-”
“and you know i love hanging out with you, but… sometimes i wanna go out on dates too, you know?” he sighs, his shoulders drooping a little, “like, we can’t spend every weekend together-”
“i know that!” you frown, “you can just tell me that you have a date and can’t hang out, don’t make it sound like i’m forcing you to spend time with me-”
“i know, but i would feel bad about leaving you at home while i’m out with a potential romantic partner-”
“okay, you know what?” you raise both your hands before shaking your head, “fine. i will… i will do this one thing for you. i’m just glad we’re doing it together! because it would be awful if i went in there alone-” 
the smile drops from your face when hoseok has the audacity to press his lips together and look away from you again
“oh my- are you serious?? you’re not even doing this?? a second ago you were talking about finding your potential romantic partner!” 
“sure, but i wanna find them organically!” hoseok shrugs before scrunching his nose, “plus, i think speed dating is tacky.”
“wha-” you gawk, immediately spinning back around, “well, in that case, the only way you’re getting me in that restaurant is if you drag my cold, dead body-”
                                           »»————- ♡ ————-««
“okay, if you need me, i’ll be sitting, like, right over there where you can still see me so it’ll sort of feel like we’re in this together-“ hoseok smooths the name sticker onto your shirt before giving it a pat, “but i saw a warm goat cheese puff pastry thing on the menu and i’m going to be helping myself to a big ol’ serving of that-”
“i hate you.” you interrupt, staring at hoseok blankly
“oh, you don’t mean that…” he coos, reaching up to fix a couple strands of your hair, “you’ll see! you’re going to have so much fu-”
“i hate you. and the burgundy button-up that you’re wearing looks awful on you.”
you said this was your favourite shirt on him!!!
“okay, well-” hoseok looks down at his (beautiful) top before frowning, “now you’re just trying to hurt me-”
“please don’t make me do this.” you whisper, hoseok looking up to see your eyes beginning to water, “i really don’t think i can do this.”
oh boy 
hoseok stays silent for a second as he watches your eyes beginning to well up with moRe tears 
“hey- i know it’s scary, y/n. i know.” hoseok shushes, immediately pulling a handkerchief out from his pocket to dab away your tears, “i know that it’s intimidating to... you know, throw yourself back out there after not having done this for so long, but… you have to at least try, you know?” he pulls away and gives your shoulders a reassuring squeeze, “look- if you really, really don’t wanna do this, we can just enjoy a nice meal together at this super nice restaurant that we definitely can’t afford… but do you think you can at least give it a try? please?”
“i…” you trail off, turning to look over your shoulder at the group of other sad, single people
you suppose it wouldn’t hurt to give it a try
it’s been a year and a half!!
and if you’re going to start somewherE, you might as well start at an event that’s dedicated to helping you find love
“fine.” you sniffle, looking down and adjusting the sleeves of your blouse, “but i saw truffle fries on the menu and you’re buying two orders of that for takeout-“
“deal!” hoseok chirps, spinning you around before gently nudging you towards the group of strangers, “remember to smile! and to not talk about seokjin! ooh, and to not make any weird jokes that could scare a potential suitor away!”
“go away, you’re being embarrassing-” you hiss quietly, stepping down to enter the… pit?
you’re not sure what to call this part of the restaurant
it’s the area where hosts usually ask customers to wait while they set up a table for them 
whatever this place is called, you’re just glad that there’s a bar here because you’re definitely going to need a boost of liquid courage
the lighting is nice and dim which is great because you’re pretty sure your eyeliner is already starting to smudge from almost bursting into tears a second ago
you stand awkwardly by the stairs as you take in the scene before you
you haven’t even been here ten seconds and you already want to leave
what makes things worse is the fact that this isn’t one of those regular speed dating ones where you’re set up with a person and then after the timer goes off you move to the next table
this is one of those free, go-with-the-flow speed dating events where you just go up to anyone you want and spark up a conversation and hopefully find someone who can match your energy
and since you came late, it seems as though everyone’s already found someone else to talk to
you’re the only sad, single person in this room of sad, single, but paired-up people
you look back out to the main area of the restaurant to see hoseok chatting it up with one of the waitresses
she giggles as she shakes her head, writing something down on her notepad
it seems like he’s having a good time out there
…you hope he chokes on his goat cheese pastries.
what you need to do is just go for it, you know?
like, don’t even think about anything
just go up to anyone and say hello, and then you’ll wing it from that point
you wipe your clammy hands down on the back of your jeans as you make your way towards the centre of the room, looking around for anyone… who isn’t… talking to anyone… else…
you reach up to pinch your own cheeks in an attempt to loosen up your face muscles before forcing a bright smile on your face
you can do this
easy peasy!
saying hello isn’t hard
“hilo!” you greet, tapping the guy on the shoulder to get his attention
never mind
turns out saying hello brings some of its own challenges
“i mean- hi.” you clear your throat, already feeling heat trickling up your chest, “sorry. i didn’t know if i wanted to say hi or if i wanted to say hello, and i guess my brain kinda just jumbled the two together-”
“hello,” he cuts you off before offering you a stiff smile, “that’s alright. i was actually in the middle of a conversation, if you don’t mind-” he points to over his shoulder at the girl standing in front of him and your eyes widen in surprise
“oh, gosh! i- um, i’m so sorry!” you take a small step back before raising both your hands up, “i’m sorry, i didn’t see her over your broad shoulders, so- o-oh, that wasn’t- that wasn’t me hitting on you or anything, by the way, that was just, like- your broad shoulders were just a general observation-“ you chuckle, shooting him two finger guns, “okay, yeah. you guys can go ahead and… do your thang…” you press your lips together tightly when he turns back around, focusing his attention back on his date
no problem!
it’s fine
“not embarrassing at all…” you murmur lowly as you step backwards, jolting when you accidentally bump into someone
you whip around quickly to apologize but you don’t get a chance to because suddenly there’s a champagne flute and a dirty plate being shoved into your hands
“a refill would be awesome,” the brunette smiles at you, “moët and chandon, please.”
“oh, i’m not a-”
“oh, of course!” she gasps, reaching into her purse and pulling out a dollar bill, “here you go…” she narrows her eyes as she looks at your name tag, “y/n! lovely service. you’re doing a great job, girlfriend. it’s hard workers like you who make up the backbone of our society.”
“thank… you?” you stand frozen in shock when she tucks the folded bill into the shoulder of your blouse
this blouse was $200 and apparently it makes you look like a server so that’s definitely money well-spent
but also, who in their right mind would think a restaurant server would be wearing a square-necked, puffy sleeved blouse as part of their uniform?!
and why would a waiter have the exact same name sticker as everyone else participating in this speed-dating event??
“excuse me… pardon me…” you mutter as you elbow your way through the crowd, holding the dish and the glass up a little higher so you don’t get any crumbs or anything on anyone’s clothes
“oh, could you take this for me, please?”
“and this, too!”
“no, i-” you stop in your tracks when a plate is stacked on top of the one you’re already holding and you fight back the urge to let out a speechless laugh, “okay, sure, i’ll even drive you people home at the end of the night-”
to be fair, when you’re holding a dish and a glass like that, it does kind of make you look like a waiter so you can’t really blame everyone for thinking that you’re here to serve them
by the time you make your way to the bar, you’re balancing five little plates in one hand and you have four champagne flute stems held upside down and pinched in between your fingers
you let out a huff as you set everything down in the sink behind the bar, being careful not to drop and break anything
you dust your hands off, looking out towards the restaurant to see hoseok happily picking at a charcuterie board while swirling a glass of wine in his other hand
that sick, twisted bastard
…and your blouse now has a splotch of creamy white sauce on it, which is just fantastic, isn’t it?
not only do you look like a waiter, now you look like a perverted waiter!
“oh, come on…” you groan quietly, grabbing a napkin and wetting it with your tongue before reaching down to rub at it, “i just had this dry-cleaned a couple of days ago…”
so far this has been a living nightmare
but at least you got a dollar out of it!
...she could’ve given you a more generous tip, but it is what it is. 
“i feel like scrubbing it just makes it worse, no?” you hear a voice a couple feet away from you and you look up while continuing to rub at the stain
“that’s true, but i feel like dabbing it gently really doesn’t-“ you choke over your own words when your brain finally catches up to your eyes
handsome handsome handsome handsome handsome
holy handsome
the stranger tilts his head slightly, the corners of his pretty mouth pulling up into a lopsided smile, “really doesn’t…?”
“does- doesn’t, um…” you look down at the stain on your blouse as you feel your brain working overtime to spit out an answer, “doesn’t… do the thing.”
“do the thing. hm. that’s a fair point.” he hums, bringing his glass up to his mouth for a sip
you feel your heart skip a beat when you take in his pretty side profile... from the smooth, straight slope of his nose... to his pink, pillowy lips
oh, wow 
maybe there’s still some hope that this event won’t turn out to be too bad 
you stand up a little straighter when it hits you that this is your chance
this is your chance to stop being a waiter and start being a fellow speed-dater!!
“what are you drinking?” you ask, sitting down on the stool next to him before folding your arms up on the counter, “i could use a drink.”
“a gimlet.”
“a- a giblet? like… from chicken?” you frown, looking at the contents of his glass, “you’re drinking chicken giblets??”
he chokes on his sip and sets his glass down quickly before reaching up to wipe at his mouth with a napkin, turning to look at you with a smile, “no, silly. not giblet. gimlet. it’s gin, simple syrup, and lime juice.”
that makes more sense
“oh-” you snort, bringing a hand up to cover your mouth a little, “sorry. i heard giblet. but a gimlet sounds really good.”
“can i get one for you?” he asks, already raising his hand to get the bartender’s attention
“that would be nice, yes.” quickly letting out a breath when he turns to talk to the bartender
so far, so good!
you didn’t weird him out with your gimlet-giblet thing, which is a good sign
you cross one leg over the other, pausing for a second before switching legs
you hate sitting on bar stools because you can never find a comfortable position on them…
at the end of the night you’re always left with one butt cheek on the stool and one hanging oFF the stool
you settle on crossing your right leg over your left, nodding to yourself before folding your hands over your lap
this is a natural looking position, right??
you just don’t want to look like a dumbass in front of the very attractive giblet man
“everything okay?”
you look up to see that he’s turned back to face you, one arm propped up on the counter with his jaw resting against his fist
“oh! yeah.” you wave him off, “sorry… i just haven’t done this in a long time, that’s all.”
“what? sitting on a bar stool?” he jokes, the sound of his giggle immediately giving you a spurt of newfound energy, “are you enjoying yourself so far?”
“me?” you purse your lips in thought before scrunching your nose, “eh. i don’t think so. everyone thought i was one of the waiters, so i haven’t been able to really spark up any conversations because i’ve been busy collecting dirty plates and empty glasses- which reminds me, i’m pretty sure there are like, three people waiting for me to bring them champagne…“ you trail off, turning to look over your shoulder to see if there are any angry customers glaring you down
“yeah, i saw…” the stranger chuckles, “for the record, you’re actually pretty good at balancing plates! i probably would’ve dropped them all.”
“the only thing that kept me from dropping them all was the reminder that i’d probably have to pay for the damage done.”
“very, very true! and the bill would’ve been sky-high because this place is pretty fancy.”
“i know!!” you gasp, “and you can tell it’s fancy because you can pay someone else to park your car for you. like- valets are just- you know. fancy.”
“fancy.” he mimics, his knee bumping against yours as he shifts in his stool, “so, do you go to speed-dating events often?”
“oh, no.” you pause to thank the bartender as he sets down your drink on a coaster, “this is actually the first time i’ve ever been to one of these things. i didn’t even wanna come here in the first place, but my friend forced me to because he thinks i should get back into the game or whatever considering i broke up with my boyfriend, like, a year and a half ago-”
don’t make any weird jokes! don’t talk about seokjin!
hoseok’s words from earlier tonight suddenly echo in your head and you feel your cheeks grow pink
your giblet joke was pretty weird
and you just mentioned your ex-boyfriend
two for two!
you quickly take a sip of your drink before you blurt anything else out
this is actually pretty nice 
“the, uh, the gimlet is good!” you hum, “i like the lime.”
“mhm, it’s my favourite drink.” he smiles, reaching over to gently clink his glass against yours before taking his own sip, “so your friend forced you to come and you’re not having a good time? that’s pretty rough.”
“yeah, well...” you sigh, “speed-dating is just the worst, you know? like… okay, if the hosts had set this up, like, where you get five minutes to talk to someone and then when the timer goes off, you move to the next table-”
“oh, yeah-”
“yeah, exactly- if it was like that, it probably would’ve been better, because that way no one gets left out!” you scoff, “but this freestyle just-talk-to-whoever-you-want-to type speed-dating is frankly ineffective and totally stupid, in my opinion. whoever organised this thing probably had one too many gimlets while they were planning it out…” you giggle, shaking your head, “also, i feel like organising a speed-dating event during the holidays is a little sad, you know? like… well, it’s not as bad as hosting one on valentine’s day or something, but doing it during christmas seems a little awkward, and, like… taking advantage and leeching onto sad, single people.”
“i see where you’re coming from- you know, i was at a valentine’s day one earlier this year and i’m pretty sure most of the people there were just looking to bone each other and not to make a real connection.”
“well, when you say it like that, it seems like speed-dating events are just a gateway drug into full-blown orgies-”
you bite back a grin when he chokes on his drink again before throwing his head back in laughter
this is going great!!!
you’re definitely going to have to thank hoseok if this thing with giblet man works out
of course, you should probably noT keep calling him giblet man if you want it to work out
his actual name is a crucial piece of information if you’re planning on asking him out on a proper date
“oh, by the way-” you clear your throat, “i never got your na-”
“hold on, before you say anything else, i just have to do something really quickly-” he holds his finger up to stop you before turning and getting up off the stool, your brows furrowing in confusion when he picks up the microphone sitting on the stool on the other side of him
that’s a little weird
who brings a microphone to a speed-dating event?
bursting into song while everyone’s trying to have conversations with each other seems like a questionable thing to d-
“i hope everyone’s having a good time so far!” he announces, the music lowering a little bit as he continues to speak, “i just wanted to chime in and remind everyone to write down the names of whoever you’re interested in seeing again- there should be notepads and pens sitting on each of the tables…”
oh no
oh dear GOD
you spin back around to face the bar, immediately slapping a hand over your mouth to suppress a scream of mortification when you realise that you just talked trash about the host of this event while talking to the host of the event
no wonder he didn’t have a name sticker!!! 
he didn’t even stop you! he just let you go on and on and on-
i need to get the hell out of here
you need to leave the crime scene immediately!!!!!
you down the rest of your drink before hopping off the stool, reaching up to rip your name sticker off and crumpling it up before tossing it to the side
of course 
of course this would happen to you!
out of all the people in the world, of course this would happen to you!
that’s it
you’re never going to do this again
in fact, you’re just never going to leave the apartment ever again
you’re just going to rot in your apartment and die alone, which sounds like a pretty good option to you
you should think about leaving the country while you’re at it 
you head straight for hoseok and you’re walking so quickly that your hair is practically whipping behind you
“hey! we’re leaving now-“ you hiss, grabbing hoseok’s arm and giving him a yank, “c’mon, up and at ‘em-”
“woah, woah-” hoseok smacks your hand away from him as he looks up at you incredulously, “what happened?? i just placed an order for your fries and they won’t be ready for a couple more minute-”
“screw the fries!” you duck down a little as you look towards the pit, “i just humiliated myself in front of a very attractive man and i would like to leave before i embarrass myself further-”
“well, what did you even do??” hoseok asks, scrambling to pull his credit card out of his wallet before raising an arm to flag a waiter down, “what happened??”
“oh my god, you don’t even wanna know-” you shake your head, “first, i went up to someone who was already talking to someone and i said hilo because i didn’t know if i wanted to say hi or hello and it came out as hilo- and, anyways, he basically ignored me so then i bumped into someone else and she thought i was one of the waiters which doesn’t even make any sense because i?? i’m not dressed like a waiter! i have a name sticker too!” you point to your chest before realising that you’d ripped it off a second ago, “well, i had one- okay, and then- and then this really cute guy started talking to me as i was wiping my shirt-”
“you stained your new blouse??” hoseok gawks, leaning back a little to inspect your shirt, “you just got it cleaned a couple of days ago!”
oh yeah
that’s a stain
...a very questionable looking stain-
“it was an accident-!” you groan quietly, “so, the cute guy- he started talking to me and we were having a really nice conversation- i slipped up a couple of times and made some weird jokes anD sort of brought up seokjin but-”
“oh my god, y/n-” hoseok mutters, pausing to take the chip reader from the waitress (in your panicked, rambley state, you don’t notice the way he winks at her and her girlish reaction to that)
“-somehow we started talking about speed-dating events and i just went into a rant about how tacky they are and how much i hate them a-and how much this one in particular sucked- and the next thing i know, he’s picking up a microphone and-”
“will you just get to the point?” hoseok gets up from his seat, pulling his jacket from the back of the chair
“i trash-talked the host in front of his own event!” you whine, feeling the urge to burst into tears for the second time tonight
“oh, jesus, okay-” hoseok laughs uncomfortably as the two of you hurry to get the hell out of here, “maybe you need to find someone organically too… and maybe we’ll avoid speed-dating for a while…”
“i told you we should’ve gone home!” you shiver as you step out into the cold, instinctively wrapping your arms tight around yourself
you decided not to bring a coat because you wanted to show off your pretty blouse but now you wish you’d brought one just to a) keep you warm AND b) hide your definitely-not-cum-stained waiter blouse
“this sucks! and i didn’t even get my truffle fries-!” you groan loudly, your voice dissipating into the air
“alright, shakespeare, take it down a notch-” hoseok reaches over to give you a pat on the back, “also, if you were willing to wait-”
“hey, hold on!” you stop in your tracks when you hear a familiar voice call out and you whip around to see the man you just embarrassed yourself in front of, “y/n!”
and now he knows your name, too! 
“oh, god.” you turn back around, picking up your pace at the sight of hoseok’s car, “c’mon, let’s go-”
“you can’t just ignore him, he’s literally calling for you-!” hoseok grabs the back of your shoulders to stop you before turning you around, “i’m gonna wait in the car- and you better not mess up what looks to be a second chance-”
“hos-!” you don’t get a chance to turn and run after hoseok because the next thing you know-
“hey! you left your name sticker at the ball, cinderella.” mr. gimlet jogs up to you, unfurling his fist to reveal your sad, crumpled name-tag
“you came out just to bring me garbage?” you joke weakly, feeling completely drained from the events of tonight, “how romantic.”
“it’s, um, jimin, by the way.” he clears his throat, standing up straight, “that’s my name.”
“jimin.” you nod, testing the feel of his name coming out of your mouth 
you like it :-)
“i was going to tell you but when i turned around, you disappeared-” 
“well, yeah, because like-” you pause, “you’re not mad?”
“what?” he frowns, “why would i be mad?”
“because i… said all of that stuff?” you reach up to scratch the back of your head, “about… you know… stuff.”
“everyone’s entitled to their own opinion, y/n.” jimin smiles, offering you a boyish grin, “you’re a real goofball, you know that? you ran away because you thought i would be mad that you didn’t like the speed-dating event i was hosting?”
“yeah, i, uh… i full-on sprinted out of there…” you chuckle nervously, uncrumpling your name-sticker just so you have something to do with your hands, “ah, i’m sorry. i just- well, you know, i… haven’t really… done stuff like this in a while, so…”
“well,” jimin clears his throat, taking a step forward before plucking the sticker from your twitchy fingers, “you’re welcome to talk about how much you hate dates while we’re out on our date.”
“yeah, i- wait, o-our date?” you quickly look up at him before blinking owlishly, “are you- you want to take me out on a date?”
jimin smooths your sticker flat out on his palm before flipping it around to show you his number that he scribbled onto the back
he wants to take you out on a date?
jimin wants to take you out on a date!!!!!!!!
“of course i do!” he states as if it’s the most obvious thing in the entire world before handing the sticker back to you, “we can get wasted on giblets and you can help me plan out my next super-tacky speed-dating event.”
“oh, god-” you feel your face flush as you shake your head furiously, “i’m... so sorry...” 
“y/n, it’s fine-” jimin laughs, reaching over to hook a finger under your chin to get you to look up at him, “so... what do you say?” 
after everything that took place tonight you were sure you’d be leaving the restaurant with nothing but hoseok and two orders of truffle fries
but no!!!
here you are, being asked out by a very cute boy while his number sits right in the palm of your hand 
...this is what they’d call a christmas miracle, right?
christmas with cee 2020 masterlist
🎁what would you like from ceenta this year? 🎁
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zarara · 3 years
something else?
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pairings: dense!diluc x traveler!reader, a little kaeya x reader moment plot: read it and find out (pls my brain is laggy but one day i will write a summary) genre: fluff, angst perhaps note: i am apparently capable of writing fairly straightforward stories
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if there was anything in the world you would pay to have an endless supply of, it would have to be tea… though the idea of infinite mora sounded as interesting, you were sure your talents in combat would make sure you didn’t find yourself broke or clueless like zhongli.
it’s just that tea was perfect — coffee was a close contender but the bitter aftertaste always found you having to pile it up with more sugar than healthy. tea also had no aftermath on your already deranged sleep schedule. it tasted sweet but rich, it was efficient, and it was warm.
you usually enjoyed your daily cup of tea in the solitude of your chambers but today you were making an exception because kaeya, your superior and over-the-top flirt of a friend, insisted you take your evening snack with him at the tavern.
“there isn’t even a snack provision at the tavern! it’s a tavern for archon’s sake!” kaeya is great at ignoring your complaints as he pulls you into the seat next to him.
“i asked sara to bring some honey roast over for us,” kaeya winks at the young man handling the counter in lieu of an order and you hurriedly pipe up a “tea for me please!”
“now, would you please stop your whining, you baby?”
your mouth drops open, “i’m the baby? you were the one begging to take me to drinks instead of helping me finish that pack of hilichurls!”
“i did mention that i got rid of that abyss mage for you when you weren’t looking.”
“i don’t understand you, kaeya,” you take hold of the cup that the man behind the counter sets down, “but anyway, what is it you want from me?”
kaeya smirks over his glass of dandelion wine, “ah, quite straightforward, aren’t we?”
you kick his shin ungently, “let me ask again: what do you want?”
kaeya takes a sip and becomes uncharacteristically quiet. in fact, he doesn’t even comment when you keep staring at him.
before you can continue to investigate what’s up with him, you hear a familiar voice behind your shoulder.
“well, what have we here?”
“diluc!” the red haired man takes place of the young man who looks relieved to not have to bear witness as a bartender.
“hello, y/n, how do you do?”
you smile, the warmth in diluc’s voice going unmissed, “i’m just fine, although a certain someone has taken it upon themselves to ruin my ritual of tea and silence.”
kaeya props a hand around your shoulders, “i’m just repaying you for getting rid of all those gnarly hilichurls.”
whatever was bothering kaeya a moment ago seems to have disappeared, especially in the presence of his arch rival, diluc.
diluc calmly reaches over to lift kaeya’s hand off your shoulder as if it’s the corpse of a slime he’s picking up and hurls it away. “please, kaeya, i thought you didn’t pursue women who’d clearly expressed their lack of interest.”
“and i thought you were too superior to everyone else to stick your nose in their business.”
“well,” you butt in before the two can actually slit each other’s throats, “i thought it was reasonable to agree to work under jean but i guess we all have things we’re wrong about, don’t we?”
diluc’s expression dampens into something like sadness when you mention your overworked state but you brush it off by chugging the rest of your tea. “oh, before i forget,” you rummage through your meagre backpack before removing a package, handing it over to kaeya, “this is for you.”
kaeya looks perplexed, looking between you and diluc, and slowly places a hand on the package, “for me?”
“a client painted the scenery from luhua for me because i found his paintbrushes and supplies, and i know you like your souvenirs, so you can have it.”
“....” kaeya is still speechless and diluc has you pinned with a look of suspicion.
“but why would give it to him?”
“because i go to luhua way too often already and i know kaeya is usually stuck around monstadt so…”
“that’s incredibly sweet of you, my love,” kaeya regains his senses and as you stand up to leave, he pulls you into a hug.
“you’re welcome, boss,” you smile as you pull away, “anyway, i must be on my way.”
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“do you think the traveller is with someone?”
maids at dawn winery sure do love to gossip.
“with her looks and strength, for sure! my bets are on master diluc.”
okay, look, you didn’t meant to eavesdrop on them but they were right there when you came out of the washroom. you were going to walk out and pretend like you hadn’t heard them but hearing diluc’s name shook you.
“no,, what about mr kaeya? i heard they hang out after long, tiring quests all the time.”
“but she and master diluc love to discuss-”
all righty, time to evacuate.
you manage to keep a poker face as you throw the door open in their faces and stride past them, making your way to the room with diluc.
you quickly dash in, closing the door behind you. you knOW your face is flushed so you turn away from diluc.
diluc frowns. that’s weird. why are you hiding from him?
he rises from his chair, “y/n? is everything okay? are you hurt?”
“y-yeah, i’m just embarrassed.”
you feel yourself being turned around by two big hands on your elbows.
diluc’s concerned eyes meet yours and you almost melt into a puddle of slimy plasma because he’s so hot even though he’s just worried.
“you’re red. why are you red?”
“...i’m fine.”
as if he’s aware of your flustered state, he moves closer to your face in order to look into your eyes which makes a new batch of blood flow to your face.
“y/n, you need to tell me what’s wrong. is it a fever? i can call—”
“nO! it’s nothing. just—!” you break away from his (very intense) hold and move away into the room for fresh air. “stupid me.”
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“no way, she did not!”
diluc is immensely frustrated with venti. he has the most unusual reactions to everything diluc says and usually he doesn’t give a shit, but this is about you and your weird state yesterday, so yES he gives a shit!! >:-(
“yes, she did. i’m telling you she did. why are you—”
“oh, i heard you, i just can’t believe that the calm and strong little traveler would lose her cool and around you of all people!”
“heY, what do you mean? i’m perfectly fine as a person to lose one’s cool around.”
yep, diluc has no idea what he’s saying.
it’s just
he thinks the world of you
he really, really likes spending time with you (even when you guys are just talking about the fatui’s next move! or how you found new cool ways to take down an abyss mage!)
you’re so sweet and you don’t take his words for what they’re not. you’re not taken aback by his bluntness and you’re able to make him laugh.
what more does he need in life
well, apparently, venti because he has no idea what to do after you suddenly left the dawn winery that day.
“you’re really worried, huh?”
“was that not crystal clear by now? i came all the way to windrise to talk to you!”
venti chuckles his annoying chuckle
“okay, okay, i’ll help you,” diluc sighs as he waits venti to go on, “here’s what i think: she likes you back.”
diluc.exe has stopped working
man just blanks out
short-circuits, fireworks, malfunction — you name it.
“what do you mean, no?”
“first of all, why did you say ‘likes you back’? i- i don’t like her or anything. and secondly, no, she does not like me.”
“i’m going to pretend like i didn’t even hear the first part. about the second thing, here’s a question for you: why?”
“because she likes kaeya!”
venti pauses, “i was not aware there was another contender. diluc, you bastard, tell me all the details next time.”
“does this mean she just hates my guts?”
“no, it just means she may or may not like you. back.”
“i told you—!” venti stands up breaking off diluc’s sentence midway, brushing grass off his palms.
“take her to dinner or something tonight and ask her.”
“ask her? ask her what— wait, where are you going, you stupid bard— ASK HER WHAT?”
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life is hard for a traveller
you’ve just managed to finish delivering grilled fish to a jack who wants become more manly when katheryne sets you thREE more commissions saying there was a crazy influx of requests suddenly.
you barely manage to uproot two hilichurl camps, and by the third quest, you’re quite dead inside. if only some rogue eye of the storm wasn’t terrorizing civilians.
you’ve gotten in a hit or two in when you skip over a stone and fall right on your face
ouch shit
that hurt
you manage to twist around and keep the eye away with a half-earnest windblade attack and try to sit up.
damn it, is this the pitiful way you die? dammit, you at least wanted to drink your evening tea—
a flash of fiery thunder catches your attention
is that…?
“y/n! stay where you are!”
yup, it’s diluc in all his dark knight hero glory. he finishes off the stupid green eyeball in less than three fire-charged strikes.
you sigh in relief, falling back against the grass.
“hey, hey, hey,” diluc enters your field of vision, red strands falling into his face as he leans down to cradle your head in his lean arms, “where did you injure yourself?”
you tremble a little as you try to lift your foot, “a-ah, my right foot. i twisted my ankle probably. thanks for fi—”
“shh-shh, you’ll have plenty of time to thank me. come on, can you sit up?”
you grab his wrist and prop yourself against his chest so that you’re practically in his lap.
“that’s great, let me take a look at—”
“mhm!! don’t move. please,” you can feel diluc’s breathing tense behind you as you lean into him, “i think the eye hit me while i was down- my neck— ah, fuck—” your hand comes away from your nape soaked in red, “it’s bleeding.”
“it’s all right, you’ll be just fine. just get comfortable and i’m going to lift you up. think you can manage?”
you nod as one of diluc’s hands comes to rest under your knees, folding them and the other tenderly embraces your upper back.
“tell me if it hurts too much.”
he heaves the both of you up and the shock stings your exposed neck a little but you’ll survive.
everything is beginning to become blurry so you lift your hand to feel diluc and meet his chest. despite everything, you smile, aware he’s speaking because you can feel him vibrating but the words are all mushed up and you can feel yourself slipping away.
even though usually you would panic at feeling your consciousness fading but right now, it’s okay because it’s diluc who’s holding you and you know it’s him because just before the black collapses on you, you hear him.
“you’re fine, kitten.”
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“—up! y/n, it’s me.”
mhhm, what a sweet voice. so soft and melodious.
“y/n, i can see you smiling in your sleep,” the voice comes closer, “come on, everyone’s really worried.”
the world materializes in front of you as you fight against the closing of your heavy eyelids. “barbara?”
“y/n! you’re alive!”
“i am?”
why would you not be alive?
the eye
stupid thing
wait a minute,.,.,.
you remember diluc saving your arse.
oh righT
that’s because he did!
he was holding you?
you were in his lap????????
wait a minute!! that sounds wrong
“am i dreaming?”
“really, of all the people you know, do you really see yourself dreaming of me, traveller? last time i saw you, you wanted to steal the holy lyre from—”
holy shit
that’s the voice of your saviour
stop the clock
you’re not ready to meet him!!!!!!!
“ah, it’s master diluc! he was so worried about you the whole time you were dead— i mean, asleep,” you redden as the tall man appears in front of you, “kaeya had to force him to leave and get some food but—”
“ahem!” diluc cuts barbara off with a strong clearing of his throat and she throws him a look before standing up from your side.
“i guess i’ll leave you two alone then!”
“wait, barbara, you should stay—”
and she’s gone.
you slowly look up to face diluc
“how are you feeling?”
“much better,” he sits next to you and you smile, “thanks to you.”
diluc frowns as if remembering something unpleasant, “i really wish you wouldn’t just bear all the load.”
“you found out from…”
“kaeya mentioned he hadn’t seen you around the town square as he usually does and when i went to speak with katheryne, she said she’d had no choice but to send you off on extra commissions.”
you look down, “i’m sorry. i wanted to ask someone to come along but everyone seemed busy and—”
“you never checked up on me though,” you bite your lip, “i would have known.”
“that’s- that’s because you’re always busy, what with the winery and your dark knight—”
“y/n,” you stop speaking with a pout and diluc raises your chin with his finger, “promise me you’ll tell someone next time things get so overwhelming. tell me, i’m never going to be occupied enough to not help you out.”
you blush agaiN
stupid kind diluc
“thanks, diluc.”
“and you can stop feeling sorry for me.”
when you look at diluc he looks he’s just caught you red-handed.
“i wanted to help you,” you nod, “what’s more, i think i quite enjoyed it.”
“enjoyed. . . carrying an injured woman to safety? you might have a saviour complex, diluc. or perhaps, some sort of a kink.”
you expect diluc to lash back with a defensive retort but to your absolute and complete surprise, he smirks.
the man smiRKS
he’s all ;)
“oh? i won’t deny that,” your stomach suddenly feels queasy all over again as diluc inches closer (and you’re wondering in your head WHEN DID SATAN, OR WORSE KAEYA, POSSESS THIS MAN?!), “but while we’re on the topic of kinks and enjoying ourselves, you seemed to quite like sitting in my lap.”
“diluc!” your exclamation is one of disbelief because you cannot believe that diluc, the man who has never once made an inappropriate joke around you, is openly accepting that he has a kink and is accusing you of having one.
“what? am i wrong? when i tried to move, you stopped me immediately.”
“y-yeah, i did, but—” you’re trying with all your heart to defend your actions but diluc has managed to come close enough to tap his fingers against your outstretched knee. “it was— you were warm and my neCK was bleeding. was i supposed to just die out there?”
“i suppose you’re right, i am warm.”
you seemed to have dodged a disaster because diluc is distracted by the cuts on your knee and the bandage around your ankle. his slender finger dance down your shin to touch the fabric of the white material tied tightly and he gently holds it.
“does it still hurt?”
“i don’t know, i haven’t tried walking.”
“do you wanna?”
you nod eagerly and diluc offers his hand but before you can be tempted into taking it, you cross your arms.
“why should i hold your hand?”
“because we need to first test if you can even walk without help.” diluc looks confused and you decide that whatever demon possessed him moments ago is long gone.
“correct answer,” you take his hand, and slowly stand up.
“hmm,” your right foot hurts a little but it’s better than you imagined. you tell diluc that.
“that’s a relief,” you reach the door of the empty cathedral and diluc puts his hand on the door, “would you like to take a walk?”
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“is diluc around?”
“ah, he said he’ll be back in five. he’s personally delivering some paperwork to the acting headmaster.”
“alright, thanks!”
you’re excited!! it’s friday and today, you and diluc are going aLL the way to liyue to get dinner and stargaze as a post-dinner activity. diluc said he was friends with xiangling who’d always wanted him to come and try her dishes out sometime and he’d asked you earlier if you’d be interested to join him.
of course you were. it sounded like a date! in fact by the way you had spent all afternoon choosing the deep maroon skirt and contrasting white blouse, you were convinced to view it as a date.
“y/n, i apologize to have kept you waiting,” a breathless (and dashing) diluc appears by your side and you smile.
“no problem, diluc, i heard you were doing some important work.”
the both of you leave the tavern, “not exactly important, but let’s just say that while i may not be interested in the knights of favonius, i do value my life somewhat.”
“jean’s scares you, too, huh,” you laugh.
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it’s not like diluc is realizing this for the first time but: you’re beautiful
like yeah, you have great hair and dazzling eyes that are bright when you’re happy and a dangerous smile but in the night, in this ethereal lighting, you’re taking his breath away.
“this place looks so fancy,” you’re seated across from him as you play with the ends of your hair. “when i come to this inn, i usually remain on the periphery but wow, this is quite impressive.”
“well, xiangling did say she got pretty famous as a cook around here.” diluc feels dazed especially since half his attention is occupied by how adorable you look.
the night progresses like this; diluc captivated by your blinding beauty and you trying to wrap your head around the fact that you’re on a daTE with diluc.
“oh, hey, look, it’s a silk flower!” you run over to the short, maroon plant, plucking a few flowers out, “xingqiu was telling me how much he loves these.”
he kneels next to you, smiling, “they are quite the pleasant plants.”
“they sorta remind me of you.”
diluc touches the stem as you play around with the buds, “yes. for starters, you’re both red. and you both smell nice. you make wine, these make clothes. and if you think about it, wine is the silk of alcohol.”
his fingers collide against yours in the quaint flower, “that’s an intriguing comparison. wine and silk. . .” before you can pull away, diluc takes hold of your hand, pulling you up after him.
he can feel you stiffen a little and then mold back into place, your tiny hand squeezing against his bigger one. the road has become quieter as you travel further from the inn, and more stars start to peek out from the sky.
“thank you for taking me out to dinner, diluc.”
“thank you for having dinner with me, y/n.”
you suddenly giggle a little as if remembering a memory. “what’s funny?”
you look at him and then back down, biting down on your lip — a terrible habit really but especially terrible right now, because it only draws his attention to the soft pink lips he was trying not to look at the whole night (which was made even harder when xiangling decided to serve you the spicier dishes).
“that time you saved me from the eye, you called me something right before i fainted.”
diluc smiles fondly, “kitten?” he is pleasantly surprised when you giggle again, cheeks tinting the loveliest pink. “what’s this? could it be you enjoy being called kitten?”
you squeeze his hand slightly, “maybe…”
diluc’s heart almost gives out on spot
he’s sO whipped for you it hurts physically
before he can say anything else, you pull him ahead with you because well,,,, you’re embarrassed
“come on, we should go stargaze before it gets too late.”
diluc smiles and allows you to drag him to the clearing at the edge of a cliff.
“i remembered this cliff from one of my adventures,” you plop down onto the grass and hesitantly, diluc follows
“hmm, it’s very peaceful here. i’m going to have to note this down as one of my future hideouts.”
you grin, “don’t reveal that to me. i might end up following you here and you won’t have any of your good ole introspection time.”
your tone is teasing but for once, diluc feels that his needs for alone time are being acknowledged by your light-hearted threat. he shifts closer, heart on the verge of bursting.
“i like you, y/n,” it comes right out of his mouth, clear and loud, the way diluc always dreamed of confessing but never managed to nail during his endless practices
you, on the other hand, are at the risk of a heart attack. you don’t want to pretend to be clueless and dense — diluc did ask you out for dinner when he could be spending the evening doing something more intellectually enriching — but at the same time, you feel like you can’t be sure enough
because it’s diluc!! he’s so complicated, he has so many layers
“you like me?” you keep your gazed fixed on the stars above just so you can mask your disappointment in case he clarifies that he likes you but, of course, as a friend who easily gets in trouble and happens to be around his tavern all the time
but inside diluc’s head are alarms. literal ALARMS. red, blaring alarms.
“i- you have no obligation to accept my feelings or give me answer but i’ve been meaning to tell you for a long time now. i really like you in a way i didn’t think possible. you’re so kind and funny and you make profound judgements about people, without being swayed by the biases that surround them and you’re so brave. but i know you have many men courting you and you did seem to have a soft spot for kaeya so this is—”
“i like you, too, diluc.”
diluc.exe has stopped working part 2 the finale
no more brain cells for him
“you’re being honest?”
“of course i am. i’ve liked you ever since you took down that abyss mage with me. i don’t know how i’m expected to not fall for the dark knight hero.”
despite his dislike for the nickname, diluc blushes and you laugh at his small adorable smile
but the next moment it’s as if a switch has been flipped and suddenly his flustered face turns into a look of lust
his hands are on your waist, pulling you close until you can feel his hot breath against your lips
your hand comes up his face, tenderly cupping it and your lips crash
diluc groans against your lips when your other hand gingerly finds his hair and to say the least, you are extremely attracted to the sound of him groaning, low and deep
“come closer,” your plea is almost petulant as your grip on his hair tightens. diluc lifts you into his lap, arms around you
but he suddenly pulls away and it kills him to do so because you are a sight to behold, lips redder than ever, mouth half open, and breath heavy
“what in the fuck—” your dismay is clear as you frown at the concerned expression on diluc’s face, “hey, what’s wrong? did i—”
“why did you give kaeya that gift?”
for a moment you think you must be dreaming because it would be absolutely ridiculous if the man stopped your make-out session just to ask you—
“i mean, why not… me?” diluc’s voice has become small, gaze averted as if he’s scared he messed up
you sigh, bringing both your hands to cup his face, squishing his cheeks slightly to make him look at you
“listen, diluc, i have no feelings for kaeya. he’s just one of my nicer superiors and i wanted to thank him for being understanding. and i meant what i said that day — it genuinely reminded me of how he’s stuck around the favonius headquarters.”
diluc processes what you have to say and then, after a few silent beats:
“he’s only nice to you because he’s into you.”
“diluc, will you please just make out with me?”
you pull him back into a kiss and this time, he returns with more passion, one hand boldly cupping your ass and you can’t help but shiver at the sensation of his warm hand
you begin to reach under his shirt when you realize something
“wait, diluc,” you sit up, twisting to look up at the sky, “we were supposed to stargaze. you seemed so excited about it, you even called it the post-dinner activity.”
diluc caresses your arm as he slowly restores the distance between you, eyes on your lips.
he whispers against the nape of your neck, “i’m sure we can think of another post-dinner activity,” his fingers graze your stomach, “right, kitten?”
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hi.....I'm new here..and I just want you to know that I'm also a Marco fan...so I hope you make a sweet HeadCanon about Marco and his s/o having their honeymoon....It's up to you if your going to make it or not
A/N: Hello Hanna love ! Yaya welcome to the club!!!! Of course Honeymoon with this man will be to die for 😊😍 I will make this for you hun! I hope you enjoy!
Marco x Fem Reader: Honeymoon
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-The former crew of whitebeard pirates chipped in and provided a honeymoon trip for the newlywed couple. Happy that one of them settled down after so many years. Both you and Marco were excited to take a trip to a secluded island they picked out. Marco looking into the place more and doing some research he had planned a few things of his own
-Entering the room that was booked for you both. Having your own private patio with a small hot spring area. "Remind me to hug each and everyone of them when we see them again" Your eyes gleaming at the beautiful décor around the room. Marco looked around and thinking to himself this is really nice.
-Marco and you exploring the island seeing at the different food vendors with some of the strangest foods you both questioned one another. "Is that edible?" you whispered to him looking at he questionable food.
-"It's supposed to be a delicacy. Lets try it okay?"he would encourage you to try it. And you weren't disappoint as you tasted all the different flavors blending together. "Not bad, a bit slimy" as it slid down his throat.
-The botanical garden Marco holding your hand guiding you through the different path ways. "Some of the rarest orchards are only able to bloom here . When you look at them for too long time slows down..." Marco said. Looking at him with a surprised look that he knew that before you could ask what kind of orchid was that.. You snuggling against his arm as you both continued looking around
-The night before you guys left he told you to wear something nice but comfortable nothing to flashy. Making yourself look presentable fixing your hair one last time. "You look so beautiful yoi" he would kiss the back of your hand guiding you outside. He told you to close you eyes and hold on tight to him. Feeling yourself flying the gush of wind as he lifted off the floor. Only a few mins of flying.Still with your eyes closed Marco putting you down. His hands hands over yours. "no peaking yoi." taking baby steps.
-As your eyes opened to see heavily decor boho patio. The candle lighting the wooden deck a canopy with sheer ivory lace hanging from it. The overs size plush comforter in the middle with pillows around the comforters. Decent size of throw blanket. The stars twinkling in the air. Turning around to see the breath taking view of the island. "Marco this is amazing they did this too?" unable to take your eyes off the sight infront of you.
-"it wasn't the crew that did this.... It was me." his chin resting on the top of your head his arms hugging you from behind "I wanted this to be a special moment for us." hugging a bit tighter.
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mrskurono · 4 years
Heat // Megumi Fushiguro x Fem!Reader
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Tags: tw:beastiality, cunniling (giving), cum eating, rough sex, slightly dom megumi, lewd imagery undercut
Character(s): Megumi Fushiguro (jjk)
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Prickling over every inch of your skin. In stark contrast to the way the cool breeze from under the door felt. On all four knees stripped down to nothing left you but an exposed mess before the shaman and his shikigami.
“You said I wasn’t enough huh?”
“You want more in your cunt that just my cock?”
“You need more?”
Every word of it true. Megumi knew it. You knew it. Now you both were going to experience it.
The brush of divine dogs muzzle first sent a shiver right up your spin. Their hot breath a testament to the whiskers also grazing your core in the most brazen of manners. Megumi’s face stoic as he sat before you. Green eyes locked on where his shikigami would go next.
You gasp the second the beast presses it’s nose into your cunny. No second to give a thought as the dogs tongue darts out to bathe your slit in his tongue. Your eyes shut tight. His tongue far warmer and bigger than Megumi’s ever was. And persistent. The second the beast got a taste of your potent juices it was lapping away at your core with no reservations.
“Look at me, please.” Megumi voice dropped down on you in a surprise. Seeing him before you with a lust behind his eyes you hadn’t seen since the day you first fucked.
“Megumi-” His name escaping your lips was all that could be managed as divine dog shoved his snout between your legs with exuberance, “F-Fuck-”
“What does it feel like?” Megumi pressed with almost urgency. Eyes gorging on the sight.
White knuckled fists, trying to keep your wits about you as the dog’s tongue made your insides ache and twist with the pleasure of a sloppy job well done. You take a shaky breath trying to find the words for him, “Warm- God, fuck it’s so warm- Mmm more-”
“You want more?” 
You nod enthusiastically knowing what you were asking for.
A click of his tongue. Megumi didn’t give a second thought to pat your bare ass. In time with you raising your hips like an offering to divine dog. Taking a moment to persuade the beast from it’s feast. Megumi lightly slapped at your ass once more before he got the hint.
Your breath catches in your throat the second the dog’s front feet are encircled around your waist. Pulling you back with a force you’ve never met before. Megumi’s touch on your face making you look at him for reasons unknown before you realized what was next in line.
Warmer than anything you’d ever felt. Almost hot. The second divine dog’s sheathed cock poked out enough to prod at your core sent you into a tizzy. Much more careless than anything Megumi could do. That was almost what made it so hot.
Being humped from behind as the dog’s cock would rub against your thigh. Tease at your entrance but not quite get it. Each time the beast’s cock brushed your cunt lips though it made you raise your hips up like you wanted to be impaled.
“Shit-” Megumi’s curse stole your attention for a second. You saw his hand already wrapped around his cock stroking himself feverishly at the sight. 
You on all fours with his shikigami pulling you into their cock. Ready to fuck you into nothing but a drooling bitch in heat. No more. No less. It was too much for the shaman. His cock ached and the bead of precum rolling down his cock was just enough to get his hand working himself over in desperation.
Grabbing at his hips to pull him closer. Megumi didn’t need to be told twice. Relief in the way your lips wrap around his cock. An audible sigh leaving him as his hands find themselves tangled in a mess of your hair. Your tongue working the sensitive underside of his cock as you did your best to bob up and down on his length. Momentarily forgetting the dog humping at your back side. Divine dog didn’t allow you to forget him long though.
All at once the sensation of his hot cock pressed into your sopping core. Nothing like it in the world. The dog’s slimy cock defiled you in the deepest parts with no say in the matter. Their furry hips slamming into yours and pushing you down on Megumi’s cock. Of course the shaman had no qualms the second his cock slipped down your throat. Only groaning as he tipped his head back.
Turned to a gurgling moaning mess. You lost all focused on sucking him off. Only going in the motions of divine dog’s thrusts to move on Megumi’s cock. It was fine. Just being engulfed by your warm mouth was enough as he watched his shikigami fuck you relentlessly.
Squelching noises echoing between the pants of the beast behind. Your moans all but muffled by Megumi’s cock half way down your throat. You can’t help feeling funny as the dogs cock is twice the size of Megumi’s and growing. Something was growing. In the heat of the moment you didn’t think about it. But when the bulb at the base of divine dog’s cock began pressing against your entrance you realized he intended to do more than just fuck you.
The first time it slipped into you, your eyes grew wide. Pleasure shot all the way throw your limbs and it was uncertain if you could even stay on all fours at this rate. Thrusts becoming more desperate and irregular by all means. Divine dog’s knot was no longer just a back thought. It was present as he began rutting into you with desperation to push inside you.
“F-Fuck take it-” Megumi, almost begging, made you wonder if he meant him or the dog.
No choice in the matter now. A single pop. Followed by something hot.
Like none other. Filing your cunt, oozing out around the dog’s cock and dribbling down your inner thighs. With the way divine dog was rutting into you. And Megumi’s cock pushed down your throat. It was game over. Your legs trembled. Eyes rolling to the back of your head. And your cunt doing it’s natural given best to milk the dog’s massive cock of every last drop of watery cum pouring into you. 
Wracked by your own orgasm left you no say in the way Megumi pressed his cock down your throat. Groaning as he couldn’t help it. Thick ropes of cum painting the back of your throat. Nothing more appeasing than the sight of you knotted with his trusted companion like this. And like this you would say. Your greed leaving you a fucked out mess pumped full of cum from both ends. Delicious in every right. Megumi had never found you sexier than in the moments following when dog cum ran down your thighs and his own cum was smeared over that stupid dopey grin of yours. This. This was hot.
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whimsywispsblog · 3 years
Fault in Our Stars
Warning: PTSD, references to childhood abuse and trauma, sexual trauma and depression.
Inspired by: @vukis2
Lips quivering. Tears trailing. Body shaking from the cold and fear. Eyes widened- alarmed and frightened.
Running into the dark forest was definitely a bad idea. But what was Donna to do other than run? Run for her dear life? Run away somewhere- somewhere away from the lands infested with blood-sucking vampiric creatures that feasted on her family's blood, leaving her the youngest and the damaged for last.
Damaged. Ruined. In every sense. In every way, a woman is not to be ruined.
The hazy light of the gloomy skies shaded by the canopies of the tall and twisted brown trees lit the dark path ahead. Each step was taken carefully as the rustling of the carpet of dried leaves, and twigs below Donna's feet gave a crisp crackle, each sound making the girl turn back while tightly squeezing the arm of her ragged doll, Angie. And the sounds of the high-pitched giggles turned into ear-piercing shrieks. In the dark forests, vile creatures lurk in every corner, staggering and tottering in the shadows hunting their doomed prey. A forest lore, narrated by every village person. Or was it a forewarning left to the villagers by the unfortunate quarries who could never return to see another sunrise?
Most never knew which, but that day, Donna realised that it was the latter.
The dark forests always played with its victims' minds: most never escaped from its evil clutches, and the ones that did, they were driven to insanity by never-ending nightmares of its devilish creatures. There was no escape.
Donna stopped as she heard sudden footsteps approaching. They were fast, very fast.
'Run.' 'Run.' 'Run.' She kept commanding her body, but her legs shook and felt heavy, making the girl fall on her knees. The girl refused to turn back, and she closed her eyes. The wind was strong, pushing her backwards as if tempting her to open her eyes and see what stood behind her.
And then, the sounds of the ravens squawking, but in human tongue filled the languid air of the forests. Their crows were so frightening, so horrifying that they made poor Donna's flesh bleed and cut.
//"She the woman who made the Devil destroy the paradise for a kiss,"//
"I did not fall. I did not fall." The girl repeated the sentence over and over again, clutching Angie close to her breasts. The ravens flew around her, its sharp beaks piercing through her tender skin, its shrill squeaks hurting her sensitive ears, the pitch getting louder and louder until it started ringing in her ears. They started ripping her hair from her scalp and skinning her thighs, relishing in her decaying flesh.
The girl then let out a loud scream.
//"No one questions the Devil, whore!"//
And with that, it was back to the eerie tranquillity of the forests.
Eyes watching. Ears listening. Tongues wetting. Stomachs growling.
She was tired. Scared. But determined to escape from the forests' demons. But would she?
Donna shook her head sideways, swallowing all her doubts. She was going to escape and start her life anew, somewhere far, far away. In lands where she was not damaged. Not cursed. But welcomed with open hearts and warm smiles. And with that, she pushed herself up, not letting her mind succumb to the dark pits of self-doubt.
The frigid air bit into the girl's tender skin through her ripped clothes and burnt her lungs while numbing her nose. The girl hugged herself, trying to keep the cold away. Lips pale, eyes swollen, hair covered in icicles, and her body covered in dried blood and mud. It seemed like the path went on forever, and the sky-kissing mountains were just an illusion.
The earthy smell after the first rainfall that loomed over the dark lands slowly faded away as a more metallic smell with burnt char took over—burning flesh. Someone or something was close.
Donna chanted words of Orison to her creator- for protection. For courage. For salvation. And if the Gods chose to cut her thread of fate, then so be it. She was ready to welcome the torment of hell that awaited her. Somewhere away from the abhorrent lands that she walked on. Was walking on. Her trembling hands tightly clasped on Angie's neck while her steps became slower and more cautious.
The girl found a rock big enough to hide behind as the smell got stronger and sounds of inhuman growls got louder. She didn't want to see them as she shut her eyes tightly, her prayers chanted at a frantic pace bobbing her head back and forth. Until. A human voice caught her attention- a voice which she regretted listening to.
"Take the fat one. That's all you will get for the night," A bunch of snarls poured out from all directions until the person finally screamed, "SHUT UP! Go find more food somewhere else!"
The sound of soft whimpers made Donna peek from behind the rock. In a wooden cage were 6 small-sized men, looking down at the creatures in fear. They were the dwarfs. On the ground was a giant dwarf that shouted for mercy, as his limbs were torn from all sides and his body ripped with the splatter of blood and his insides. Donna held back her urge to gasp, biting her tongue so hard that she felt the taste of blood in her mouth.
"Oi fish freak!" Donna's attention shifted from the mutilated remnants of the corpse to that of a man, tall and sturdy with messy, greasy grey hair covered by a hat. He wore a long brown coat that swayed with his every movement. He had a gigantic hammer in his hand, one that made the girl tremble in fear. Not only could this man control a horde of dangerous human-eating monsters, but he was also burly, judging by the size of the metallic hammer.
"Hey, moron! Yeah, you! Come here ya quim!" A blob-like grotesque creature stumbled towards the man. It looked so ugly and ghastly that Donna felt the contents of her stomach rise to her throat.
"Fry these midgets and send them to Miranda." The fish-creature bowed its entire body as if nodding to the man. The man with the hammer turned away, facing the rock as a slight smirk appeared on his face, and that scared Donna. Did he see her?
Donna pulled herself behind the rock as she breathed in heavily, hoping that he hadn't seen her. She felt something warm and wet on her shoulder, and she slowly looked up. To her horror, one of those creatures stood behind her, looking at her famished. The girl let out a loud scream, pulling Angie close to her chest. But before the creature could put its sharp rotten nails on her, its head was smashed by something, making its blood splash all over her. The girl, who was still in shock, stared at the creature's headless remains, her body trembling like a leaf and her heartbeat thudding loudly.
Suddenly, her hair was grabbed, and she was picked up like a rag doll. Her eyes stayed fixated on the mushy brown ground, but a gloved hand grabbed her face and forced her to look at the person. It was the man with a hammer.
"Mhmm...Young blood," He said, observing the girl's face. His eyes landed on her ruby-red necklace. "Scarlet, eh." The man dropped Donna, and she landed with a soft grunt. He bent down to her level, watching her closely. The girl was about to beg for grace. The sounds of painful screams made her turn towards the horrific scene. The dwarfs were set on fire, all of them hurdling close to each other, screaming into each other's bodies as if sharing their pain and death.
The man in front of her grabbed her face and made him look at her again, pulling out something from his coat. An apple. Delightfully red. He brought the fruit closer to the girl's lips. Without wasting another second, Donna grabbed the apple from his hand and bit into its scrumptious flesh, greedily and ravenously. Without chewing properly, she bit into more and more until she choked a few pieces out.
The man watched the girl eat in dark amusement. A raven perched on his shoulder, crowing in his ears, making him grimace.
"Yeah yeah, it's poisoned." He said, shooing the raven away. The girl was just halfway through her apple, but she felt dizzy and sick. It was as if the world was spinning at such a fast pace, and she felt as if she was losing control of her body. The man effortlessly put the girl on his shoulder and walked away while magically getting his hammer to fly right into his hands.
Donna's eyes fluttered open to the sound of people talking and the muffled mewls of a younger person, probably a girl. She felt hot, and an unusual but familiar pain tingled throughout her body, pulsating through each nerve excruciatingly. The girl tried to move her wrists, but there was something tight and sharp clamped around her wrists, restraining any movement.
Angie...Angie wasn't there in her hands. Donna bolted up, alarmed and terrified. The room she was in was quite cold, dark and damp, like the inside of a cave. It was dimly lit by the lamps on the walls. In front of her stood a woman with raven feathers unfurled behind her. To her right was the hammer-man, telling the woman about something. Between them was another chained girl with platinum blonde hair, bloodied, bruised and naked. Probably a survivor. Or a prey.
The lady with the raven feathers grabbed the blonde girl's face and lifted her up, her feet away from the ground.
"Young Rose...Fresh virgin blood," The woman mused with a slight grin, squeezing the girl, Rose's face. The woman brought her closer, taking a deep whiff of the girl's neck. "She smells delicious. Girls! Come here!" The woman shouted, and out of the shadows glided three women, giggling and jumping with their faces covered in blood. As they walked, a swarm of flies surrounded them and, out of their sleeves, fell off maggots- wet and slimy.
The raven woman threw Rose in their direction, and the poor girl fell with a loud thud. "Her blood, please." The woman ordered the three girls.
"Of course, Mother Miranda!" The girls giggled and laughed, taking Rose and throwing her to a bed of needles and kept pushing her deeper into the sharp metal, impaling the helpless girl's body. The cave echoed with the laughter of the insect-witches and the weak cries of dying Rose.
Donna watched the scene in horror and started crawling backwards until her back hit the wall.  The raven lady, Mother Miranda, turned her attention to Donna, looking at her with steely darkened eyes. The woman disappeared into a murder of crows and suddenly appeared in front of the girl and kneeled down to her eye level. Her pale and cold fingers grabbed the girl's jaw and pulled her forward, observing her closely.
"What is your name, child?"
"D-Donna", The girl stuttered, shaking uncontrollably. "Donna Beneviento."
"Ah, House Beneviento! My daughters and their spawns recently ravaged their Village and families," Mother Miranda chimed, looking at the three insect-witches who kept stabbing Rose's mutilated corpse with their large metallic nails. "Young Rose was from there."
"W-Why d-do you kill?" Mother Miranda smiled at the girl as she pushed the stray strands of her hair behind her ear.
"Human fear and blood keep us alive." The woman traced her fingers across Donna's cheekbones. "We were damned by the Old Gods, the ones who were in favour of your wretched kind."
"Y-you are all m-monsters!" Donna choked out, pushing herself away from the woman's touch. Mother Miranda grabbed a fistful of the girl's hair and pulled her close, biting the girl's neck. Donna let out a piercing scream, trying to pull herself away from the woman.
"Ah, that's a first. You're not Virgin blood. Unchaste!" Miranda raised an eyebrow and looked at the girl in disgust.
//"Stained and the tarnished scent of the vile harlot"//
A tiny scar near the girl's left eye caught Miranda's attention. The woman roughly pushed her hair away and looked at Donna's blistered scar in revulsion. "And she is a cripple."
"Not a virtuous Doll, eh?" The hammer man chimed, looking at Donna in amusement, but once his eye landed on her scar, his smile dropped.
Doll...Doll...Angie! Donna gasped and looked up at the hammer man in distress. "Angie! Where is Angie, my doll?!"
"Burning." Mother Miranda replied with an indifferent expression.
"W-What? N-no! NO!" Donna screamed and shouted, trying to push herself upon Miranda, but the woman was strong. Without much effort, she slapped Donna, making the girl break down into a whimpering mess.
Angie. The only remnant of her innocence now burnt away in the heat.
"This one's of no use to me."
"But she smells so delightful!" Said one of the insect witches, sniffing her around and licking the blood of the wound where Miranda had bitten her.
"Indeed she is, child. But your Mother won't be pleased with any of you drinking impure blood," Miranda spat, looking at Donna in contempt. Donna looked down, ashamed and embarrassed at the way they kept taunting her. Just like how she was harassed in her Village for something that wasn't even her fault...
'I did not fall...I did not fall...'
"Alright then, she can be a nice play-thing for the Lycans." The hammer man said, putting his hammer on the ground and resting his weight on it.
"Fine then, Heisenberg. The girl's fate is in your hands." Mother Miranda got up, glaring at the girl.
His name is...Heisenberg? Familiar name.
The man nodded, grabbed the girl's chain. He pulled the chain sharply with a slight grunt, making the girl stumble and dragged her across the sharp stony ground. Donna let out soft mewls of pain.
"Quit your whining!" He said as he dragged her slower this time, making every inch of her skin throb, red and wet.
Sounds of metal grinding metal stirred the girl from her disturbed slumber. She wasn't sure how she slept off. She was still shackled in chains, but instead of being seated in front of a Cult family, she sat alone in a chamber, cold. And wet.
"Ah, you're up!" A loud, boisterous sound made the girl flinch lightly. She slowly tilted her head up to look at the person.
Heisenberg. Smirking and eyes glinting with mischief. He held out a water jug to the girl. Although she desperately needed it to quench her thirst and wet her dried mouth, after the poisoned apple, she was afraid.
"Relax, there's nothing in the water," Heisenberg rolled his eyes in annoyance. The girl hesitated to take the glass from him, which caused the man to groan in frustration and sipped a little of the water. "See? I am alive. It's normal water,"
Donna quickly grabbed the jug from him with trembling hands and drank the water, messily and shakily, the water running down her neck. She drank in so fast that the poor girl choked on water, coughing up some of it.
Heisenberg chuckled, sliding a plate of stale bread and some bright coloured fruit. The girl didn't wait for another second and quickly devoured the food down, juice of the squished fruit staining her skin and clothes. Heisenberg observed the girl quietly with a neutral expression. Pulling out a cigarette, he lit it up, smoking in a direction away from the girl's face.
"W-Why a-are y-you not killing m-me?" Donna's soft stutters pulled the man out of his thoughts. He rubbed his eyes as he contemplated her question, letting out a soft yawn.
"Didn't you hear what I told Miranda?" Donna nodded her head sideways, making the man sigh. "A play-thing for the beasts."
"W-Will they...k-kill me?"
"That depends." Heisenberg shrugged, walking away from the room. "Oh, and the chains will stay. " He said, closing the door behind him.
Donna pulled her legs close to her chest, tears trailing down her eyes. Her skin was bruised and bloodied, her clothes tattered, she stank, she was starved, she was tortured, and she was ruined. Too much for a lifetime.
The sound of the crow of a raven made the girl lookup. 'How did that bird get in?' The girl thought, looking at the bird baffled. The raven had red eyes and looked at the girl menacingly. It let out one more shrill crow and dove straight towards her, its sharp beak pointing at her. Donna curled into her legs and let out a whimper, too tired to scream. But the attack never happened. Instead, a laugh- malicious and vulgar- emerged. Donna looked up, and there stood the Hag.
//Broken disgusting whore! Shame on you!//
Donna didn't fight back. She stayed quiet, thinking of her time at home, back in the Village. The Hag continued with her taunts and screams, her ravens poking the girl's delicate flesh, but the girl was too tired, too lost. Too broken.
"I know," Donna whispered, fresh hot tears trailing down her cheek as she remembered the night, back in the Village, when she got the Stigma of the Fallen Maiden- The whore.
Bodies sticking together with sweat. A heavy weight on her chest crushing the delicate flesh of her breasts. Hair yanked and tugged with a few strands ripped off. Teeth biting deep into her skin, blood flowing out of it. An unbearable pain as she felt herself lose her chastity and virtue...No longer virginal and innocent. She was marked and claimed by another man.
//You are no graceful deer like a faithful virtuous maiden! You intoxicate them with your ardour! You vile demon!//
"I know," Donna whispered again, her eyes heavy and burning and swollen. She cried no more. She couldn't. There was nothing to cry for. She was forever going to be this- a whore.
"Oi Hag! Get the fuck outta here! Go teach your lessons about virtues and morality to those Demitrescu girls." It was Heisenberg. The Hag turned back at the man and laughed loudly and sharply, making both Donna and Heisenberg wince in pain. The older woman burst into raven feathers, disappearing from the room.  Heisenberg turned his attention towards Donna. He took a few steps towards her until he was close enough.
"I know what happened that night," He said, looking dead into Donna's shocked eyes. How did he know? The man sat down, placing his hammer by his side and taking his hat off, running his hand through his hair.
"H-how did y-you know?" Donna asked, looking up to the man.
"Tales like these spread fast through the Village and beyond." He shrugged. Donna nodded, her eyes glued to the cold ground, observing its cracks and crevices.  "You don't remember me do you?" Donna looked at the man. The name Heisenberg did ring a bell for her. But she couldn't recall from where. "Ya remember the name, Karl?"
Karl Heisenberg! Heisenberg's son!
Donna nodded her head lightly, old memories of their time together as children returning to her. It was him.
The only child in the Village who was never afraid of her or treated her differently. Every time they were together, Karl's father would forcefully pull him away, shouting and screaming and hitting him for playing with the Spawn of Demon. But that never stopped Karl from going back to her.
They turned 16. She was a woman, and he was a man. She grew beautiful, and he grew taller.
She couldn't remember much, except one night during the Village's ritual: Young women who bled for the first time.
It was in the outskirts of the woods. Young Karl and Young Donna. Sitting by the rock. Moonlight dancing on their youthful flustered faces. Karl's gentle hand on her cheek, pulling her closer. And closer. And closer. Lips just touching. So soft.
"You disgusting boy!" And after that, all she remembered was being pushed away by Karl's father, her head hitting the ground sharply. And Karl's faint cries, "Donna!"
"W-Where d-did you go after that day?" Donna asked, her hands deeply buried into the fabric of her clothes.
"Father sent me away to another Village, to live with my uncle. Cruel man- known to straighten up Wild Things. But I just ran away." He shrugged.  There was a silence between the pair. But this was a comfortable one—just the sounds of their breathing, with the gentle whistle of the winds outside.
"Why here?"
"Mhmm?" Heisenberg peered at Donna, rubbing his scruff. "Ah well, like you, that useless Hag caught me. But things are fine here. I get a roof on my head, food and clothes. No whores though," He snickered but immediately stopped seeing Donna flinch at the word. "If you want to survive here, don't let that hag get to you."
"Do you have any advice on how I'll survive you?" The girl asked.
"Huh. Why do ya ask?"
"You say I am a play-thing for the Lycans. You said they might eat me."
"Ah, that. Yes, the Lycans do enjoy the company. They're just dogs." He said nonchalantly, waving his hand.
"But I don't want to stay here."
"Unfortunately, Donna, for people like you and me who are called 'wild' and 'vile', this is the only place that we get close to home." Donna looked away, feeling fresh hot tears prickling in her eyes.
"There's no 'we', Karl," The girl snapped. Karl hid his surprise at her sudden change of demeanour behind an irritated scowl. "I am everything you're not. I am not a vile whore-"
"GODDAMIT DONNA", Karl stood up, throwing away his hammer in frustration, breaking something nearby. "How long, how fucking long are you gonna keep crying about that bullshit?! It happened. You were fucked, whether you like it or not. Going around telling everyone that you aren't a whore won't change anything-"
"I know," Donna whispered, shivering from cold and fear. "Believe me, I know." The woman looked up to Karl, staring deep into his eyes. "But that doesn't make me a whore. That doesn't make me vile."
"Then you fucking accept the circumstances. It is written in our fates." Heisenberg sighed.
Donna stared at Heisenberg, pained by the helplessness that radiated off him, as the memory played in her mind.
"Karl, your father won't let me be with you. Forget being near you. Your reputation will be tarnished because of me. The Village thinks I am cursed," Said a 15-year-old Donna. It was nighttime during one of their many midnight trysts in the woods. When the Villagers were fast asleep, and no one tried to hurt the couple.
"To hell with the Villagers and my father. They can say whatever the fuck they want, but I will have this life my way, and I will take you with me." Donna smiled softly, feeling her heart fluttering at her lover's determination and adamance to want a life with her despite all the difficulties they would face.
"But what if this is how things have to be? What if it is just...written in our stars?"
"Well then, fuck the stars. It's our lives. No one has a say in it. You choose your path and if that makes you happy, then fuck everything else. You choose your fate," He said, planting a soft peck on her cheek.
"You told me that day, we choose our fate, Karl," Heisenberg grunted, running a hand through his hair in frustration.
"Yea. I fucking did. Now, where has it got us both, hm?"
Donna stood up from her place shakily and limped towards Karl until she could feel the tug of her shackles. She was close enough. She raised a hand towards the man's face, but before she could touch him, his hand shot up and grasped hers.
"Don't", He growled, his ocean-blue eyes piercing into hers, trying to intimidate her.
"Please," She whispered, wriggling her hands a little, making the man drop his hand, letting the woman touch his face.
Donna slowly traced his scars. A story behind every one of them. Some she knew, some she did not. Karl didn't flinch as she kept caressing his rough skin with her softer, bruised fingers. He just looked at her as if searching in her for the old Donna he knew. The old Donna would dream with him about a beautiful future they would never have. He found her.
But to Donna, she never saw her old Karl. The one who dared to dream despite their doomed circumstances. He was now a broken man. A hopeless man who had seen and been through enough. A man who forgot what it was to experience bliss.
"I don't know if I will ever get to live this life with you, the way we dreamed. But...If there is still some life in you, I'd like that." Donna said, pulling her hand slowly trailing to Karl's chest, feeling the soft, slow thud of his heartbeat. With a wave of his hand, Donna's shackles broke. Karl slowly encircled his arms around her waist, gently but firmly and pulled her closer. With a hand cupping her cheek, he looked at her.
"I would have loved that. But look at me now. I am one of them." He said, his hand lingering on a cut on her cheek that she got because of him when he dragged her towards the factory. "But you. You can live on. A better life."
"I could have, but that better life that I wanted," Donna paused, breathing in as she felt her words being swallowed. "I wanted it with you."
"But I can't give that to you, Donna."
"Then give it to me here. Right here." Donna said, inching closer to Karl, feeling his hot breath on her cold damped skin. Karl pulled her close and rested his head on her forehead, closing his eyes and feeling the warmth and comfort he got from her.
"Get some rest. By tomorrow, you will be better." Karl said, pulling away from her. Donna held his hands tight, afraid to let him go. Afraid to lose him again.
"W-What do you mean?" Karl slowly loosened her grip on his hands and smiled at her softly. Picking up his hat and hammer, he walked out of the room, shutting it from outside. Donna sat down, confused and dejected. Lying down on the cold floor, the girl shut her eyes tightly and sobbed, her wails and whimpers slowly lulling her to sleep.
It was as if the ground below her was shaking. She didn't know what it was. Donna jerked awake as she felt a sudden push from below. The girl gasped, looking around. It wasn't the room where Karl had kept her. It was...smaller and more cramped and...moving?
"Ah, Lady Beneviento! You are awake!" A jovial and cheery voice pulled Donna's attention. It was a man, friendly and big.
"W-Who are you, and where am I?"
"I am the Duke, a humble merchant, and you are in my carriage. Lord Heisenberg asked me to take you to the other side of the forest."
"Karl? Karl, where is he?!" Donna asked, looking around frantically.
"He couldn't make it," Duke said apologetically. "He wants you to take that little box. That should help you earn a living, not luxurious, but enough to survive," Donna looked to her right and there it was, the box. She opened it, and inside was Karl's chain that he wore every day, some coins and some ornaments. And a small doll that resembled Angie. But prettier and newer.
"What happened back there?"
"Lady Miranda caught him trying to escape. Ah, it looks like we're here!"
"Duke. Can I go back?"
"I'd suggest you not. He wants you to stay alive, my Lady. Best you honour his wishes. Do this for him" Donna looked at the chain, tracing the engravings on it. The girl looked into the box and saw a small note in it.
Thank you for setting me free. I hope to see you in another life where we will be together, just like we dreamt.
The girl pulled the note to her chest, feeling a strange pain in her body. She felt heavy. She felt like she was breaking apart. She felt as if she couldn't breathe. Duke looked at the girl sadly. He couldn't help her, and he wasn't sure how to.
"Thank you," Donna muttered, stepping out of the carriage with the box in her hand. Ahead she saw a little Village. A chance for a new life, but one without Karl. How could she live without him?
'Best you honour his wishes. Do this for him.'
"Okay, Karl." Donna sniffed, a bittersweet smile on her face, as she walked towards the Village, her hand tightly clutching the chain. As she approached, a man, probably the gatekeeper, stopped her.
"Who are you, and state your purpose."
"Donna. Donna Heisenberg. I seek refuge in your Village. Mine was destroyed by monsters." The gatekeeper nodded and took a moment to observe her ragged state, his eyes softening as he noticed her bruises and blood.
"Alright, follow me. You can speak to his Majesty." Donna nodded, smiling softly.
A new life. A better life. For Karl.
In the woods, near the factory lay Karl Heisenberg, bloodied and stabbed on the ground. He held a glove tightly in his hand. Donna's glove. The one he pulled from her when his father forcefully separated him from Donna. Rubbing his thumb across the soft material of the glove, Karl smiled, looking up to the heavens, his vision fading away slowly.
"Thank you, Donna."
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eyayah-oya · 3 years
At First Sight
It’s been a while since I’ve posted one of these blurbs, and I really liked this one. It’s got some OCs of mine that I created to be Wooley’s batchmates. More information on them can be found below the cut
Wooley groaned as the Corrie tugged his arms behind him and pulled out a set of binders. He wasn't even drunk or involved this time. He just happened to be nearby when Crys set off a bunch of glitter bombs (Wooley was pretty sure he got them from Torrent) and of course the Corrie assumed he was a part of it. Or just wanted the bragging rights among their batchmates that he got to throw Wooley into the drunk tank.
"Corin, you are a slimy bastard," he groaned. "I didn't do anything."
"Hmm, that's what you say. But you see, you Ghosts rarely do stuff by yourself. Therefore, that kid Jek is arresting had an accomplice. The closest Ghost was you," Corin said smugly.
Wooley sighed.
"I actually hate you right now."
"Don't stay things you don't mean, Wooley dearest," Corin sang.
"Ratio is my favorite now."
"Blasphemy! I have always been your favorite batchmate," Corin protested.
"Ratio isn’t currently arresting me for something I didn't do and didn't know anything about."
"If you want to lie, you need to get better at hiding your tells."
"I've been working on that," another vod's voice called. Wooley sighed. He knew that voice very well. And of course Lovely just had to happen by.
Corin closed the binders on his wrists and turned Wooley towards the Guard speeder where Lovely was leaning against the side.
And then they stopped.
Wooley glanced behind and couldn't help but grin. Oh. Oh that was delightful blackmail material.
Corin stood there, his bucket clipped to his belt so his curly blue hair went in every direction as it attempted to escape its ponytail. And he stood, absolutely dumbstruck, and stared at Lovely. His brother, the most flirtatious of the lot of them, was stunned silent by a pretty face.
Discreetly, Wooley swiped the keys off of Corin's belt and walked towards the speeder, Corin's hand sliding off of his back. He fiddled with the binders for a moment and then slipped them off and tossed them into the Guard speeder. He put his bucket back on and immediately took several holos of Corin's face.
"Is there a problem?" Lovely asked, walking towards Corin as he waved Wooley away behind his back.
"Puh uh problem? No, there's no problem," Corin stammered. "I'm Corin."
"Nice to meet you, Corin," Lovely answered. "I'm Lovely."
"You definitely are."
Wooley almost gave his escape away with a snort as he listened to his normally suave brother blunder through an introduction. He couldn't wait to show this to Mal and Ama. They would absolutely never let Corin live this down. Cyan would get a kick out of it, too.
As Wooley hopped into a speeder heading to the GAR barracks, specifically for the clones, he sent the holo to the Crimson groupchat.
<Wooley: Look at him. He saw one of my squaddies and made this face!>
<Ratio: Ha! Thank you Wooley. I am definitely saving that to get back at him for the prank he pulled last week.>
<Mal: That was Ama. But it's about time Corin got a taste of his own medicine.>
<Cyan: Lovely is really nice. Corin at least has good taste. If Lovely falls for him, though, I'm gonna have to question his taste.>
Wooley just cackled.
Wooley’s Batch (AKA Crimson Batch)
Mal: The Oldest TM. He is gentle and kind and gives the absolute best hugs. He’s the kind of person you go to for a nice long cuddle with ice cream, blanket forts, and a movie to feel better after a bad day. He’s also got great advice. He was one of the five members of Crimson Batch that were sent to Coruscant as part of the Coruscant Guard.
Kye: He can be a bit of a grump. He is also the easiest to get with a prank, which the others do quite frequently. Kye also has the most infectious laugh, if you can get him to let loose. He’s also a Coruscant Guard.
Ratio: Ratio is happiest if he has a fully-charged datapad, a hot cup of caf, and a vod’ika curled up against him (usually Ama). Force save anyone who brings him a problem to solve before he’s had his morning caf, though. He likes to tease and joke around and holds trivia nights, which can range from fun little quizzes, to him info-dumping with his batchmates. He is also a Coruscant Guard.
Corin: Corin is a notorious flirt. He will flirt with anyone that he can get away with. Charming to the extreme and with a fun sense of humor to boot, he is very popular both within the Guard and with any Battalions on leave. He is also a massive troll. Wooley and Corin were really close before they were deployed and Wooley learned how to flirt from Corin. He fell head over heels for Lovely the very first time he saw him, and spent the rest of the war trying to come up with ways to woo Lovely. (Lovely is demi, so it took a bit of time and a lot of patience, but he was wooed.) Corin is a member of the Coruscant Guard.
Talla: He is very protective. He was one of the batchmates that was assigned to Commander Rill’s Company (also an oc of mine) along with Wooley, Cyan, Kita, and Maie. When they were captured by Separatists, Talla was sold to Trandoshans along with Kita and Maie. He protected them and they managed to survive until they were later rescued (this is soft! I couldn’t kill them. I just couldn’t). He’s fairly paranoid and warms up to strangers very slowly and rarely goes anywhere without his armor and several weapons.
Cyan: Cyan was rescued by the 212th along with Wooley (and Lovely and a few others, but I’m not focusing on them now). He’s really reserved and quiet, but will absolutely swear like a sailor with the people he’s closest to. He becomes really close with Miggs (a fellow trooper in the 212th) and they eventually say the riduurok after Miggs lost his leg on Umbara. They will eventually adopt a squad of cadets and raise them together.
Kita: Kita is pretty friendly and adapts well to being around other people. At least better than Talla. He was also rescued with Talla and Maie. He likes making friends and is definitely nowhere near as paranoid as Talla.
Maie: Maie is considered “Babey TM”. He’s got the Sad Tooka Eyes (which Wooley learned from him and used to great effect on the 212th). He is a little quiet and tends to stick close with the people he knows the best but is also interested in making new friends. He really wants to open a ranch or farm and just spend time out in nature when he doesn’t have to worry about being hunted.
And finally . . . 
Ama: Ama is the Youngest TM. Always. He loves practical jokes and making people laugh. He has probably perfected several comedy routines at this point and performs them every time he’s at 79′s with a new Company on leave. Loves sitting with Ratio and they like planning pranks together. Kye is their usual victim, but they also target the others as well. He was also sent to Coruscant as a Coruscant Guard.
Let me know if you want to learn any more about these guys! (I have done piccrew with them because I can’t draw) I love them a lot. If you made it all the way this far! Congratulations and thank you so much!! Crimson Batch will appear in my Long Fic (whenever I have time to actually write it).
ALSO!! FYI, Wooley falls between Kita and Maie, age-wise. He’s not the Youngest, but he is one of the youngest.
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