#but also we went to the cafe to get coffee & everyone there was so nice & chill
bunnybevvyy · 1 year
Yesterday, the vibes were immaculate almost everywhere we went.
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mpileons · 7 months
behind the goal posts | alexia putellas x reader
> chapter two
A/N: this is the first fic ive written in a while so bare w/ me as i get back into the motion of writing :) also construction criticism & suggestions are always welcome <3
+ this going to be a multi chapter story, please patient w me and ill try to make it worth your while :,)
Summary: Everyone knows Alexia Putellas. Star football player and the face of Barcelona. However, what they don’t know is that she is been in a secret relationship for years, and that relationship is slowly slipping out of her hands.
Word Count: 1.9K
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Chapter 1
A Year Ago —
It all started on a regular Wednesday, I was getting ready for my morning shift at Lever & Bloom. It was all very normal, I woke up extremely late as per usual, and had to rush out of my apartment complex without doing my hair or my makeup which was once again, per usual.
As 10am hit, I was getting into the motion of making drinks and chatting with customers. Although being a barista is quite a mundane job, I thoroughly enjoy every part of it, especially talking with the regulars and forming those relationships that never fail to bring a smile to my face. As I went to take my break, I saw a distinct blonde head of hair enter the cafe premises. Everytime she enters the cafe (which is very often) my intrigue seems to rise more and more. She seems to always come in at 11 on the dot, every weekday. Not that I’m keeping track or anything. Definitely not. Conveniently, as she goes to the counter I decide to save my break for later. Definitely not anything to do with her.
"One large ic-" The tall blonde starts to speak, but I'm quick to interrupt her. "A large iced americano with an extra shot of espresso, I know, it's coming right up," I say, a small smile creeping onto my face. I turn to see the same expression reflected on her face, a shared moment of understanding passing between us.
For some reason, I feel an impulse I can't ignore. With nervous yet hopeful determination, I grab a napkin and hastily scrawl down my number along with her order. With trembling hands, I slide the napkin across the counter, our fingers brushing for a fleeting moment, sending a jolt of electricity through me.
"Thanks," she murmurs, her voice soft and tinged with warmth as she takes the napkin. I watch her as she takes a seat by the window, her eyes fixed on her phone as she waits for her drink.
My heart starts to pound in my chest, anticipation mingling with apprehension. What if she doesn't text? What if I completely misread everything?
I push all the thoughts out of my head as I prepare her iced americano, my hands tremble slightly, betraying the calm facade I try to maintain around her. When it's ready, I take a deep breath and walk over to her table, setting the drink down with a shaky hand.
"Here you go," I say, my voice barely above a whisper, hoping she can't hear the rapid thumping of my heart that I'm sure is about to explode.
"Thanks again," she replies, flashing me a dazzling smile that sets my heart aflutter. And then, to my surprise and delight, she adds, "By the way, I'm Alexia."
The sound of her name sends a shiver down my spine, and I can't help but return the gesture. "Nice to meet you, Alexia. I'm Y/N," I say, hoping she can't hear the increasingly rapid thumping of my heart.
We exchange a few more words before I have to return to my duties behind the counter, but her presence lingers in my mind long after she leaves. And as the days turn into weeks and then months, we start to form somewhat of a routine that consists of Alexia coming to get coffee every weekday morning, some light-hearted flirting, then I constantly think about her until I see her the next day.
Present Day –
The soft chime of the café's door announces Alexia's arrival, as it does every weekday morning. My heart skips a beat at the sight of her, as it usually does, alongside a familiar pang of longing mixed with resentment tightening in my chest. I watch as Alexia approaches the counter, a radiant smile gracing her lips.
"Hey, Y/N," Alexia greets, her voice warm and inviting.
"Hey," my tone lacking its usual warmth. I start to busy myself with preparing Alexia's usual order, my movements stiff and mechanical. Whether Alexia is paying attention to these details or not is completely lost on me.
As I hand Alexia the cup, our fingers almost touch but Alexia pulls away quickly, further spiralling my conflicting emotions.
"Thanks," Alexia says with a tight smile.
I somehow manage to force a smile in return, but it feels hollow, fake. As Alexia takes her usual seat by the window, her attention is focused on her phone. The sight stirs a flicker of jealousy within me, a bitter unwanted reminder of the countless admirers vying for Alexia's attention.
The minutes tick by, each one stretching out into what seems like an eternity as I try to manage my emotions. I want to reach out to Alexia, to tell her how I am truly feeling, but the words stay stuck in my throat, still suffocated by the weight of the secret I have no choice but to keep.
As Alexia finishes her drink and prepares to leave, my resolve quickly crumbles. "Alexia, wait," I blurted out, cringing at how my voice is tinged with obvious desperation.
Alexia turns to me, concern flashing in her eyes. "Is everything okay babe?"
I start to hesitate, my heart pounding like an alarm in my chest. I try to open my mouth to speak, but the words elude me.
"Never mind," I murmur, forcing a weak smile. "Just... take care, okay?"
Alexia's brow furrows in confusion, but she nods, concern etched into her features. "You too, Y/N."
As Alexia leaves the café, I am left alone with my thoughts, the weight of secrecy pressing down on me like a suffocating blanket. I begin to wonder how much longer I can keep up the charade, how much longer I can pretend that everything is okay when it's anything but.
I return back to the counter with my heart pounding like a drum inside my chest and my thoughts racing. As the day drags on and my return back to Alexia and I’s shared apartment is approaching, I know something has to change. The weight of secrecy was slowly crushing me and if this goes on any longer, I do not know how much there will be left of our relationship to salvage, or if there will be anything left to salvage. Whether I had the courage to confront this and risk the comfort we had built is another story.
10 Months Ago —
My phone flashes with a message as I am sitting at my desk pouring over textbooks.
Alexia: Be ready at 6, dress comfortably.
As I went to respond, I couldn't hide the bright grin growing on my face. Ever since that day two months ago, Alexia and I had been texting nonstop, talking about anything, everything and all that's in between. I couldn't help but feel as if the universe had dropped a gift into my lap. Alexia was unbelievably attentive and rather charming, further adding to my ever growing feelings for her. As we kept talking nonstop, we found that we were completely different. She's a professional footballer, I do not know a singular thing about football. I study film with a minor in astronomy, she is not very well versed in either of those. However, we are similar in every aspect that matters. Although I couldn't shake the feeling that this was all too good to be true, she is undeniably attractive, charming, funny, the list goes on and on. Why would she settle for an overworked university student with a mundane part time job?
I push all those thoughts away for later as I start to get ready, considering this will be our first date, if it even is a date. I needed to be prepared, but not too prepared.
Hours pass and I am now in Alexia's car as music softly plays from the console and her hand is lightly resting on my thigh, as if it was always meant to be there.
“Pretty pleasee just tell me where we’re going” I turn to her with the biggest puppy dog eyes, which seem to not work as she just chuckles and shakes her head. “We’re almost there, just a little patience baby” She murmurs and kisses my hand as a way of apologising.
Alexia starts to put the car into park and quickly leaves the car to open my door, ever the gentlewoman. She intertwines her hand with mine as she leads me into a very familiar building. “Uhm Alexia, why are we at the astronomy club?” I look to her with a very confused frown as she looks to me with the softest smile that completely melts my heart, “I got us tickets to a private rooftop stargazing event hosted by a local astronomy club” She speaks with excitement lacing every word, she couldn't even get the words out before I jump into her arms and squeeze her into the tightest hug known to man as a way to try show a glimmer of the feelings taking over my heart due to her unexpected attentiveness. She just smiles at me and gently kisses my forehead as if I am the softest thing in the world, I think I will just melt into a puddle of gush right then and there because of all her actions.
She once again takes my hand as we ascend the stairs to the rooftop, my heart races with excitement and anticipation. The night sky stretches out above creating a vast canvas of twinkling stars and constellations.
Upon reaching the rooftop, we’re greeted by a cosy setup complete with blankets, pillows, and telescopes. Soft music plays in the background, a realisation hits me suddenly. This is the song that was playing when I gave Alexia my number two months ago. The pure amount of consideration, care and thought that Alexia put into this date is making my eyes water, Alexia takes notice of this and immediately comes to engulf me with a hug as she lightly peppers kisses on my head. How did I get so lucky?
She starts to lead me, according to her, to the prime stargazing spot. She snakes her hands around my waist as her chin rests in the crook between my shoulder and neck while I peer through the telescope. “Alexia, you need to see this!” I excitedly tell her but to my surprise she shakes her head “I’d rather stay here with you” I turn to her with the biggest grin as I kiss her cheek and tell her various stories about all the constellations.
As the night wears on, we find ourselves lost in each other's company, our laughter mingling with the soft strains of music and the rustle of the night. With each passing moment, my heart swells more and more with a sense of warmth and belonging, a feeling I had never imagined I could find in another person.
And as the night starts to draw to a close, Alexia leans in, her movements slow and deliberate, as if savouring every moment leading up to the kiss. As I was thinking that the anticipation was going to be the death of me, I felt the warmth of Alexia's breath against my skin as our lips meet in a tender embrace, the world falling away, leaving only the sensation of Alexia's lips against mine, incredibly soft and inviting. My fingers instinctively tangle in Alexia's hair, pulling her as close to me as humanly possible. In that fleeting moment, everything feels right in the world.
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redrose10 · 3 months
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Yoongi x Female Reader. Soulmate AU
Summary: There’s no one on this planet you hate more than your coworker/secret crush Min Yoongi. He’s an arrogant, rude, womanizer who gets under your skin every single shift and you can’t wait for your day to be over so you can get away from him. Unfortunately when Jimin, your caseworker from The Ministry of Adoration, shows up offering you both a raspberry jam filled cookie, things take a surprising turn for the worst and you can no longer get away.
Warnings: Swearing, hints of smut (nothing graphic or really detailed), mentions of death, a little angst, Yoongi gets around. Might get updated later
Chapter 1-Coffee and Cookies
Word count: 4,268
“I hate him.,” you mumbled leaning on the counter of Perks Perkup Cafe where you were currently employed.
“He’s really not THAT bad.”, your best friend and coworker Mina replied.
“No he really is. He’s arrogant, he’s rude, he thinks he’s soooooo much better than everyone just because he had one song go kind of viral. He’s late like everyday and never gets reprimanded because Mrs.Perk has some weird disgusting crush on him. I just want to wipe that stupid smirk right off his face.”
Mina rolled her eyes, “He’s also charismatic, charming, funny, nice when he wants to be, a good salesman, easily one of the hottest guys on the planet, aaannnddd even you downloaded that one song.”
With a huff knowing she was right you took a sip of water just as your other coworker and archenemy Yoongi finished up with a customer who was happily sliding her number across the counter to him.
“Great here comes the demon kitty now.”, you groaned.
“Shhh, if he ever hears you call him that he really will give you reasons to hate him.”, she chuckled.
“Ladies,” he winked before heading to the back office.
Truth be told you might’ve had a teensy tiny not really that small crush on Yoongi ever since he accidentally spilled a latte on your shoes during his first month of work over a year ago and then profusely apologized with red tinted cheeks before offering to buy you a new pair and dinner on top of it.
An emergency came up and you weren’t able to make it to the dinner but you’d hoped to be able to reschedule. Unfortunately he never gave you that chance because after that night the shy sweet blonde turned into a menace, showing up late, always begging to leave early, never cleaning or prepping, and spending most of his time getting different girls numbers. He was rude to you. Always calling you a prude or making hurtful comments. He tried to get under your skin any chance he got.
You’d be lying if you said it didn’t hurt every time you saw him shamelessly flirt in front of you or loudly tell your other coworker Namjoon about all of his random one night stands. At this point you weren’t sure if you hated him because of who he was and how he treated you or simply because he wasn’t yours. But that was a secret you’d take to your grave. You made hating Yoongi part of your personality and in no way would you let that go.
The rest of your shift went relatively smoothly. You and Mina kicked ass while Yoongi sat in the office only coming out if he sensed there was a pretty girl in the building.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to stay? I don’t mind getting there a little late.”, Mina checked with you one more time.
“No it’s okay. The busy hours are done with so we shouldn’t get more than a customer or two at a time. I can handle it. Go celebrate your brothers birthday.”
With a smile she bounced out the door leaving you to spend the final hours before closing with Yoongi.
Unfortunately for you your one or two customers at a time remark came back to bite you thanks to a high school graduation happening a block over from the cafe.
You stared at the line of people all looking back at you with agitation as you tried your best to take orders and make orders and cash out while still trying to smile. You went to the back looking for Yoongi, but he was nowhere in sight so you took a deep breath to collect yourself and returned back to the front greeting the next customer in line.
Just as you were adding the whipped cream to the top of some girls cup of sugar with a splash of coffee you heard the back door swing open.
“Jesus Y/N, why didn’t you come get me?”, Yoongi asked hurriedly tying his apron behind his back.
“I tried but you were no where to be found. But of course you would show up when there’s a pretty girl involved.”, you spat back handing the girl her drink while trying to ignore her giving puppy dog eyes to Yoongi.
Without responding he headed to the register to take a few more orders before helping you knock out a few of the drinks that were built up. It took about 35 minutes but the two of you were able to get everything caught up.
Throwing a towel down on the counter you wiped some of the sweat off of your forehead really regretting not taking that job at the ice cream parlor instead.
“Here have some cold water.”, Yoongi said handing you a bottle.
“No thanks. I don’t need your pity water.”
“Oh my God Y/N, I’m just trying to give you some water. Why does everything have to be a fight with you?”
“Maybe because I’m tired of having to pick up your slack.”
“Well maybe I’m tired of your bitchy attitude.”,
“Yeah well maybe I’m-“
Before you could finish the sentence someone on the other side of the counter cleared their throat.
“I am so sorry. How can I hel-“
Your fear of upsetting a customer turned to joy when you spotted one of your favorite regulars, Jimin. He had been coming into the cafe for a few weeks and you always enjoyed it. He was personable and friendly. Not to mention very handsome. He’d come in and order a large iced mocha and occasionally a slice of banana bread, make a little small talk and then quietly work in the corner. Judging by his tailored designer suits and briefcase you figured he probably worked for one of the various law firms that surrounded the cafe.
“Hey Jimin, how are you doing today?”, you asked immediately perking up.
Out of the corner of your eye you saw Yoongi mocking your excitement, but chose to ignore it for now and focus on Jimin instead.
“Hi Y/N. Just the usual today.”, he smiled back.
“Of course!”, you said while ringing up his iced mocha.
Yoongi got to work on the drink while you handed Jimin his change.
“So things not getting any better between the two of you?”, he asked putting away his wallet.
You scoffed, “Not even close.”
“I see. Well that’s not good. We’ll have to work on that.”, he said taking the drink that Yoongi had quietly sat down on the counter before returning to the back to start the closing process.
Jimin thanked you with a wink before taking his usual seat. His words still playing in your head.
As you were scrubbing away at one of the machines you heard the door chimes ring signaling someone was entering the building. You turned to greet who would hopefully be your last customer of the day.
“Oh Yooonnnggiiii”, you heard a sickeningly sweet high pitched voice.
“Ugghh”, you rolled your eyes recognizing the woman. She was one of Yoongi’s regular hookups. Rose or Lilly. Maybe Violet. You weren’t really sure what her name was and didn’t care enough to ask.
She was desperately in love with him and would drop to her knees faster that he could say suck. You almost felt bad for her knowing that he was only using her as a last resort when he couldn’t find anything better.
Yoongi came walking out of the back office smirking as you made a gagging motion.
“Seriously? You couldn’t wait fifteen minutes to set up a booty call?”
He shrugged his shoulders, “Hey, she offered and who am I to say no?”
It didn’t take long for you to watch him grab her hand and pull her towards the bathroom as she giggled. Your stomach twisted in disgust, but your heart broke at the sight.
He must’ve had an off night or one of the best experiences of his life because it was less than seven minutes later that he came walking back behind the counter with flushed cheeks and you saw the woman embarrassedly heading towards the door with tousled hair and running mascara.
You busied yourself by scrubbing away at a coffee stain on the counter that had been there since before you started so you knew it was useless, but you just wanted to avoid any interaction with him that you could.
You jumped when you heard someone clear their throat not expecting another customer five minutes before closing time.
“I uh I finished all the dishes.”, Yoongi said not making eye contact.
“Okay? Do you want a cookie?”
“Wow Y/N.”
“Well it’s part of your job Yoongi. I don’t need you to walk me through it.”
“I know that Y/N. I just wanted to let you know so that you didn’t go back there to do it.”
“Yeah well while you’re at it why don’t you go disinfect the bathroom too.”
“Sorry no one has ever been so desperate to get in your pants.”
“Oh go fuck yourself Yoongi.”
“Don’t have to. I have people for that.”, he smirked.
“I hate y-“
“Hi guys!”
You jumped at the peppy voice coming from across the counter before feeling an immediate sense of relief.
“Hey Jimin.”, you smiled as Yoongi rolled his eyes.
“Hi Y/N”, he smiled back.
“How about a cookie?”
“I’m sorry what?”, you chuckled at his odd question.
“Here”, he said sliding over two raspberry jam filled cookies.
“Oh no thank you Jimin. I’m not much of a jam person.”, you politely declined.
“I stayed up all night baking these. I’d really love to get your opinions. I’m calling them Raspberry Romances.”
Thanks to the deep pout he was giving you and the way his eyes twinkled you couldnt say no a second time so you grabbed the cookie popping it in your mouth in one go.
“Mmm actually not bad.”, you said trying to keep the crumbs from falling out.
Jimin smiled before sliding the other cookie closer to Yoongi.
“No thanks. My parents taught me to never take candy from strangers and I’m pretty sure that applies to cookies too.”, he shook his head.
“Come on Yoongi. Jimin isn’t a stranger and would it kill you to not be an exhausting asshole for two minutes of your life?”
Letting out a long sigh of defeat he reached for the cookie popping it in his mouth, “Its okay. Name needs work though. Sounds like something a Girl Scout would sell.”
You rolled your eyes at his attempt to fake disinterest.
“Great! Thank you guys so much.”, Jimin clapped his hands together.
“So what got you into baking all of a sudden?”, you asked trying to make small talk and avoid Yoongi’s glare.
“Oh just a new hobby I guess.”
“Pfft I’m gonna go lockup so we don’t get any more customers trying to poison us with random cookies.”, Yoongi said walking towards the door.
You shook your head, “Ignore him. You’re welcome to bring any of your creations for me to try any time.”
Jimin smiled as he watched Yoongi round the counter. As Yoongi walked closer and closer to the door you felt an odd sensation in your chest. It got tighter and tighter the farther Yoongi walked away from you until it felt like you had been stabbed in the heart with a burning knife.
“Ahh call and ambulance. I think I’m having a heart attack.”, you cried doubling over in pain.
“Nope! No heart attack.”, Jimin said a little too cheerily given the situation.
You looked up noticing he was pointing towards the door where you saw Yoongi doubling over gripping his chest just like you, “What the fuck? I’m too young for this shit.”, he cried.
Instinctually you ran over to check on him forgetting about your own troubles. As soon as you got within a few feet of him though you immediately started feeling better. Yoongi did too as he was able to catch his breath and stand up straight.
“Oh I’m so glad it worked! And so quickly too!”, Jimin excitedly bounced watching this all unfold.
“So glad what worked?”, you asked turning to look at him.
“The cookies I gave you.”
“So you did poison us. I knew it!”, Yoongi exclaimed walking forward.
“No no no, let me properly introduce myself. My name is Park Jimin and I am your case worker.”
“I’m sorry what? Our case worker?”
Jimin nodded, “Yes, your case worker. I work for the broken souls department.”
“Great. It’s worse than poisoning us. He drugged us.”, Yoongi dramatically waved his arms around.
“I did no such thing.”, Jimin responded offended.
“Please explain what’s going on in detail.”, you said trying to diffuse the situation.
“Right. So I work for The Ministry of Adoration in the souls department. We’re divided into three different sections, Complete Souls, Broken Souls, and Lost Souls.”
“Oh my god. That’s it. I’ve died and gone to hell. I am in hell right now.”, Yoongi groaned from next to you.
“Shut up and quit being so dramatic.”, you hissed before turning back to Jimin, “Maybe start the explanation from the beginning.”
With a loud sigh he continued, “Everyone is born with 50% of their soul. Someone else in the world is born with the other 50%.”
“Oh like soulmates!”, you exclaimed.
He smiled, “Yes exactly Y/N! And it’s everyone’s destiny to find their soulmate to complete their fulfillment and bring the souls together. Most of the time the two souls are compatible and get along smoothly with no issues. Sometimes though they need a little help to move along and their cases are then sent to my department hence the broken souls.”
“Okay and what the fuck does this have to do with Y/N and I? Why did we feel like we were dying a few minutes ago?”, Yoongi spat.
“Well you and Y/N are soulmates.”
You and Yoongi both let out a deep laugh at the same time. “No we’re not.”, you quipped.
“Yeah we hate each other.”, Yoongi added.
Jimin nodded in agreement, “Yes which is why I’m here. I’ve been watching you two for several weeks now hoping you’d work it out on your own and I wouldn’t have to step in but after your little argument today I knew my help was needed.”
You couldn’t believe your ears. Maybe Yoongi was right and you both really were poisoned by a handsome guy in a Gucci suit.
Jimin continued, “The cookie I gave you was a new prototype that we’re working on. Normally we’d just lock you two together with some handcuffs and call it a day. But with this cookie it gives you a little more wiggle room and will hopefully make the experience more enjoyable therefore having a higher success rate. Thanks to the cookies the two of you can’t be more than five feet away from each other or you’ll feel that little pain in your chest. A heartbreak if you will.”
“Why are you doing this?”, you asked.
“Well you and Yoongi are running out of time to become compatible and fall in love. Once your souls run out of life they disappear forcing you both to then turn to the lost souls department lead by my coworker Jin where you’ll be subjected to an eternity of loneliness and despair and not to mention countless unfunny dad jokes. And trust me, you DON’T want that to happen. Which is why I gave you two the cookies. It’ll force you to have to spend time together and get to know each other and hopefully that gives you both the little nudge you need to finally let Cupid in with his little arrows of love.”
“I know someone I’d like to shoot with an arrow right now.”, Yoongi spat.
Ignoring him you asked, “So what happens if we don’t fall in love?”
“Welllll, you have three weeks from today to share true loves kiss.”
Yoongi went to speak but Jimin quickly cut him off, “And no you can’t fake it and just kiss. We’ll know whether it’t true love or not.”
Yoongi sat down in huff and you continued, “Okay and what happens if we don’t kiss?”
“After the three weeks, if no true love kiss has happened, then your soulmate bond will be broken. And then the two of you will have to decide whose soul you want to continue unscathed and who you want to be sent down to the lost souls department. It not a the best situation but at least this way we can save one of you instead of loosing both.”
“Wow un-fucking-believable.”, Yoongi muttered beside you. You were speechless.
“Well I think that was enough excitement for one night. Remember not to stray too far away from each other.”, Jimin said walking towards the door.
“Wait what if we have questions? Or something else happens?”, you panicked.
“Don’t worry. I’ll be around when you need me.”
And with that he walked out the door letting it slowly shut behind him.
“What are we going to do?”, you asked turning to Yoongi.
“I’m gonna go grab my shit and go home.”, he said walking towards the back. Hastily you followed after him not wanting to stray too far. He grabbed his things and headed towards the door with you on his heels.
“Y/N, stay here. None of this is real. I don’t need you following me around like a lost puppy all the time.”, he said before slamming the door in your face.
It only took a few seconds for the pain in your chest to return causing you to double over. Thankfully it quickly disappeared when Yoongi returned out of breath clearly having experienced the same.
He grabbed your hand pulling you with him, “Come on. We’ll stay at your place. We just need to stop at mine and grab a few things.”
“Umm excuse me? Why do we have to stay at mine?”
He sighed, “Because I live with two other roommates who will never stop giving me shit about this and you live alone.”
“Okay. Fair point.” You didn’t exactly want to have to live with all these random people anyways.
His apartment was pretty close thankfully and much nicer than you expected. As soon as he opened the door you were surprised to see everything clean and organized. A faint scent of cinnamon and vanilla hung in the air. His two roommates were on the couch watching a movie.
“There you are! We were wondering when you’d get home.”, one of them exclaimed.
“Of course you were late because you had to find a friend for the night. At least she’s way prettier than your usual catches.”, the other spoke. His comment making you blush slightly.
Yoongi grabbed your hand beginning to pull you down the hall when one of the guys spoke up, “Hey aren’t you gonna introduce us?”
“Yeah don’t be so rude Yoongi?”, you spoke trying to poke a little fun at him sensing his irritation.
“Oh for fucks sake.”, he grumbled before pulling you into the living room.
“Y/N, these are my roommates. This is Jungkook and that one is Hoseok. This is Y/N.”
You politely smiled and waved at the two men who seemed much nicer and friendlier than Yoongi.
“Great. Everyone is pointlessly introduced and I have things to take care of.”, he said pulling you back down the hall.
“Don’t forget to use protection.”, Jungkook shouted after you eliciting a giggle.
Yoongi motioned for you to take a seat on his bed, “I’m just gonna grab some clothes and my laptop.”
You shook your head, “No thanks. I know what you do on that bed.”
“The only thing I do there is sleep. I never bring girls back here.”
“Why not? Don’t you want to be comfortable instead of always hooking up in a car or random bathroom?”
“I don’t know. It just feels too personal if I bring them here. You know into my space. I only save that for people I actually care about.”
You didn’t think he was capable of having feelings like that and then it hit you.
You smirked, “So you care about me? I mean you did let me into your personal space after all.”
“Don’t think too much into it. I just didn’t want to be doubled over in pain while I packed.”, he rolled his eyes before turning away so you couldn’t see the blush forming on his cheeks.
Once he had all his things packed you both snuck past Hoseok and Jungkook who were too busy fighting over the last piece of pizza to notice you anyways.
Swinging the door open to your apartment you suddenly felt really self conscious. It had been several months since you had a guy over and the fact that the guy next to you was Yoongi didn’t make it any easier.
Conveniently you heard him chuckle from behind you.
“What is it Yoongi?”
“Nothing. Your place is cute.”
You rolled your eyes before walking further into the living room.
“I’ll get you some blankets and a pillow. You can have the couch.”, you said motioning to the corner of the room.
“Umm yeah that’s not gonna work.”
“Well make it work because I am not sharing a bed with you.”
“Alright fine. I’ll take the couch and you can sleep in your bed and we’ll both be in excruciating pain all night because you peer pressured me into eating a cookie from some demonic Betty Crocker wannabe.”
You closed your eyes internally smacking yourself for forgetting the whole reason you were stuck with Yoongi to begin with.
“Fine. We’ll share my bed. But no funny business.”, you huffed past him.
“Wouldn’t dream about it babes.”
“Could you please hurry up. I’d love to get to sleep at some point tonight.”, Yoongi groaned.
“Almost done. Just rinsing off.”, you said. The large size of your bathroom was the main reason you chose this apartment but you were really regretting it in this moment. You tested it and Yoongi standing outside the door was just too far away so you both agreed to stay in the bathroom together as you showered and did your nightly routines. Shutting off the water you peaked around the curtain to make sure he was still staring at the wall.
“Okay I’m coming out now. Don’t turn around.”
“Y/N I’m not going to look if you don’t want me to. Just please hurry the fuck up.”, he spat clearly getting cranky.
Quickly you dried yourself off before getting your pajamas on.
“Can I turn around now?”
“Yeah sure.”
Your mind was probably playing tricks on you but you swore you saw a hint of red running down his neck.
“Hey tomorrow I nee- Oh my God Yoongi.”, you exclaimed bringing your hands over your eyes before turning around. “Seriously? You couldn’t warn me that you were just gonna strip naked.”
“I’m getting in the shower. Of course I’m gonna be naked. And I promised I wouldn’t look at you. I don’t care if you look at me. Plus I know you’ve been dying to catch a glimpse of all this.”
“Oh please don’t think so highly of yourself.”
Thankfully his shower was quick and he was dried off and changed within minutes.
Your bed was small forcing the two of you to lay shoulder to shoulder.
“Can I ask you a question?”, you spoke breaking the silence.
“Why do you have a tattoo of a cookie with a smirk on your butt cheek?”
“You were checking out my butt weren’t you?”, he laughed.
“Answer the question.”
“His name is Shooky. It was something I had drawn one day and then after a few too many drinks one of my friends dared me to get it as a tattoo.”
“And you thought your butt was the best location?”
“You don’t even want to know where Jungkook got a tattoo of the pink bunny he drew.”
“He didn’t.”, you gasped.
“He did. He calls it Cooky on a coc-“
“Okay that’s enough.”, you stopped him before he could go any further. He laughed before letting the room fall into a semi awkward silence.
“You still awake?”, he asked after several minutes.
“Well I just remembered that my brothers wedding is this weekend so uh I guess you’re gonna have to be my date.”, he said barely above a whisper.
“Okay. It’s not like we have a choice anyways.”
“Yeah, I guess so.”
You both laid there in silence for a while but you could tell neither of you were close to falling asleep.
“Hey Yoongi?”, you asked.
“I’m scared.”
“Don’t be. We’ll figure something out. Besides we both know I’ll be the one who walks away from this anyways.”
You rolled your eyes before turning away from him. You should’ve known better than to look to him for comfort.
Yoongi laid awake staring at the ceiling while sneaking little peaks at you.
The truth was he was scared too, but he’d never let you know that. Scared of what might happen. Scared of what might not happen. Scared of the fact that he has loved you since the minute you introduced yourself to him at he cafe even though you’ve never reciprocated the feeling. Scared you’ll find out that he’s only a jerk to you as a defense mechanism to hide his true feelings.
He was most scared because he knew at some point the truth was going to come out.
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yuri-is-online · 5 months
I was thinking about Kailm and Kailm Yutu. How is their relationship after Yutu makes the jump into the past, did Yutu ever run into him before going into the past?
I know you mentioned Kalim wanting to help Yutu out when it comes to his feelings towards Yuu (not knowing that this is the only time he’s ever seen Yuu healthy and without memory loss) which is really of sweet❤️ also Jamil side eyeing the Yutu since they don’t know a lot about him
(he’s probably considered using his unique magic on him) I can also see Yutu being a mellowed out version of Kalim.
As we talked about here Kalim died long before Yutu ever got a chance to meet him, but he was spared the fate of becoming a blot phantom like most of the other boys. The Kalim his Yutu sees is a skeleton trapped in the robe of the Sorcerer of the Sands next to Jamil's, it's traumatic but by the time he gets there Yutu has seen a lot of death and destruction. Not that it dulls the pain any.
And one small note before we continue, Jamil states in Book 6 that his unique magic does not work like Jade's does, he cannot get people to tell him the truth by hypnotizing them, he just makes the suggestible to his orders. When he thought he hypnotized Azul in Book 4, he would not have been able to make him tell everything he knew about everyone on campus, but he would have been able to order him to open up his books so Jamil could take a look around. Jamil is decent enough at reading people's body's language to know that Yutu is interested in getting close to Kalim, and that's enough to make him suspicious and someone to watch out for.
notes: they/them used for Yuu, for context on the fyuuture kid au can be found here and here. You can find even more stuff for it on my masterlist under the series section.
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Kalim! Yutu was the picture of an easy baby. He was almost always smiles and giggles from the day he was born, seldom fussy and went down for naps easy, Yuu got a lot of comments about how lucky they were for having such a sweet baby. He keeps that easy going temperament as he gets older and the compliments keep coming, but Yutu isn't exactly fond of them. If people really think he's such a sweet boy they can compliment him without insulting his parent.
A lot of Kalim's pushiness, from my perspective, comes from the environment in which he was raised. In the absence of servants and siblings, Yutu turns into a much quieter person. He's less like a party and more like a cafe in the afternoon, still busy and filled with noise but with a noticeably relaxing effect on his environment. His peers like him and their parents like him more, and though Yutu makes a point to be nice to everyone he is very picky about who he labels his friends.
To Kalim! Yutu, your amnesia and the strange pain you feel when trying to remember is a serious medical issue, and he doesn't have a lot of patience for people who dismiss other's problems just because they don't understand them. He appreciates the little things you can tell him about his dad, how he was genuinely loving and kind person, but he doesn't want to know about those things if it causes your condition to worsen when you try to remember. As he gets older he tries to actively shut down conversation about his dad because he doesn't want to deal with the consequences. He remembers those little anecdotes from when he was younger and holds on to them tightly, kind and loving it's generic but the soft look in your eyes suggests the quality was anything but. Yutu can live with that.
He's very passionate about food and drink. He's not exactly a great cook but he's very knowledgeable about coffee, teas, and wines. He is especially fond of coffee and likes roasting his own beans when he gets older. If Yuu like coffee then he constantly is trying to make you new drinks and if you don't then he'll try to find something he can make that you will enjoy. Even if that's just slicing up some fruits and adding them to a lemonade, though he might feel a bit sad at how little work that is compared to something else.
Less of a party person than Kalim, though that's not really saying much since it seems like he'd have a celebration every other day of the week if he could. Yutu likes to sing and dance, especially if he can do that with his friends, but he doesn't like a lot of the people he goes to school with in his world. When he arrives in Twisted Wonderland that changes somewhat. There might not be much to celebrate in the future but the people are worth their weight in gold. When he manages to track down all of his friends who came back to the past with him, he's definitely going to throw a party in Ramshackle. After he begs for permission of course.
Being transported to Twisted Wonderland scares Kalim! Yutu. Learning that his father was the heir to a powerful merchant family (not that they have much of that power or wealth anymore on account of the world ending) and that he is a mage of all things is a lot of responsibility he is not sure that he's prepared for. He is especially not prepared for the amount of in fighting that the al Asim family is doing, though he does have a bit of help from Grandpa Crewel and his aunt.
One of the o.c.s I came up with for this au was a younger sister for Kalim. The youngest of all his siblings to be specific, the name I gave her was Sehrish and her existence is not exclusive to Kalim! Yutu. She goes back in time with all of the other Yutus too, but she is especially close to Kalim! Yutu. They have the same struggle of wanting to honor Kalim's legacy, but being skeptical about the hatred a lot of the older family members have for Jamil. Sehrish was too young to really remember either Kalim or Jamil, but everyone she's talked to who actually bothered to get to know her older brother said that he never hated Jamil. Crewel especially was very blunt about how he saw the Asim family's treatment of Jamil and what it meant for him professionally, and Idia is very clear that no matter what might have happened while they were at NRC it had nothing to do with this current mess.
It's something that Yutu keeps in mind when he travels back in time, but fuck if he doesn't find Jamil scary. He swears if he stays too long in the same room with him he's going to end up confessing to everything. That he's from the future, that Kalim is his dad, that time he broke something really important and expensive of yours and buried it in the back yard instead of just owning up to it, and that Jamil is going to be executed by the al Asim's sometime in the future. Not that he does say any of that but it's on a constant loop in his head every time Jamil is around. Which tends to be when Kalim is also around which makes things so much worse.
Kalim really likes Yutu. Every time I sit down to write for him and take a look at his voice lines I am reminded of what a genuinely nice and loving person he is, and how much he really cares about Yuu. He's warm, and knowing a part of that warmth is what created you makes Yutu feel so overwhelmingly loved even though Kalim doesn't know who he is. Yutu's calmer kindness is something Kalim really admires and looks up to, he's trying to be more aware of how imposing he can be on people and he thinks Yutu is a great example of the balance he wants to reach.
"oh?" Yutu does not seem happy with the compliment, even if Kalim can tell he is pleased by it. "I appreciate you saying so, but I'm not sure if you'll pick up on what you want from watching me... perhaps this is something you could talk to Yuu about? I find that they often give very good advice."
"They do don't they?" But if Yutu really believes that then why is he so sad about it?
Kalim wants to make people happy. That's the entire reason he throws so many parties and why he is so willing to spend money on his friends. So when he sees that something about being around Yuu is making Yutu sad, he wants to know what he can do to help. Jamil picks up on this and tries to point out that it might be a very private thing and none of their business, which would be true under normal circumstances but Yutu's very much aren't. At first Kalim just tries to focus on getting to know Yutu and his hobbies while sharing his own. He invites him to Scarabia's parties and gets real excited when he sees how much Yutu knows about tea. That's really important in the Scalding Sands! He insists on teaching him all about what he knows and for him to talk to Jamil if he has any other questions. This is what finally gets Jamil to relax around Yutu because he sees how the kid goes out of his way to not make work for him, pretty much exactly like Yuu does, which is a good point in Jamil's book.
I like the idea of Kalim learning who Yutu is on accident, he has a lot of voice lines about offering to tie a head scarf for Yuu so I could see him maybe offering the same for Yutu. And given that Kalim can be a bit pushy maybe he doesn't listen to Yutu's protests and takes off the hood, giving him and Jamil a very good look at his face.
"Oh wow you kind of look like me, huh?!" Kalim laughs and sets about wrapping the scarf around Yutu's head, while Jamil stares at him in such stressed shock that Yutu knows he's not getting out of this by lying. "We could be related!"
"That's- I'm really sorry!!!" Yutu instantly bows in apology to Jamil messing up Kalim's work.
"H-hey no need to do that!" The tone of Jamil's voice brings Kalim down to earth as he looks a bit closer at Yutu, and then towards Yuu for a long, good look and then back to Yutu again.
Yutu has to explain himself to everyone a few times before they fully understand what's going on. He has the benefit of being able to use Oasis Maker, which proves that he is very much a member of the al-Asim family, and his extensive knowledge of Yuu's world proves his story is true (as if Kalim's excited tackle hug at hearing Yutu just say "you are my dad and Yuu is my parent" didn't) but the idea of a future like he is describing is really difficult for Kalim to comprehend, let alone Jamil and Yuu. Jamil is especially shocked that Yutu doesn't hate him and sees him as someone who deserves to be protected. I could see him actually saying that he sees it as his responsibility as the heir of the al-Asim family and while Jamil doesn't trust the purity of Kalim's intentions, he does trust Yuu's. And after a brief bit of consideration, he decides he'll extend that trust to Yutu too. Still thinks he's surrounded by idiots though.
Of course Kalim wants to throw a party upon learning that he and Yuu get together and have a kid. It's literally one of the most important things he could ever celebrate, but instead of doing it on short notice it's something he decides to plan with a very specific purpose. If what Yutu is saying is true about the future then he's going to need help. Jamil is very smart, but Kalim somehow doubts that he'll have all of the resources he needs to prevent the end of the apocalypse if he's asked to do it on his own. The planning is a joint effort between Kalim, Yutu, and Jamil to pick who best to let in on the secret out of all their NRC classmates. Kalim promises to hold off on other party planning so Jamil can focus on this, he'd rather have all of the time in the world to spoil his spouse and son instead of the few short years he has at NRC.
Speaking of Yuu, Kalim is very worried about how you feel about all of this. Are you afraid of what Yutu told you? Does it make you question staying in Twisted Wonderland, or your relationship with him? He still really wants to be with you, there's a lot of stuff he still doesn't know about you yet that he desperately wants to, and so much about himself that he wants to offer up. I think upon learning about Yutu's existence he would ask to talk to you alone and tell you very honestly about how he feels about you. He wishes to be yours for time and all eternity, and he is willing to wait and put in the work to be worthy of you and your trust. Yes he says this even if you aren't together yet and yes he means it, especially the waiting bit.
Kalim is already such a supportive, if overindulgent, person and that carries in to how he is as a father. Sure he's not the smartest person in the world, but he knows how to get people on his side. I feel like he sees it as his role to worry about the future and not Yutu's, but he also accepts that because Yutu didn't grow up with him that he might not be willing to let Kalim take up his burdens. That won't stop him from trying to get him to relax, from what Yutu told him he never really got to experience the Scalding Sands and that just won't do. While a trip home isn't on the table right now, he can still teach Yutu everything he knows, hopefully he'll find pride and comfort in knowing about where his father is from and it will replenish his motivation to fight. First order of business on that list? Introducing him to the magic carpet and taking him for a ride!
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aimixx · 9 months
Prologue: Crossroads
a @favonius-library secret santa gift for @stellarron
college au biker blade x barista reader
: ̗̀➛ Your job is to spread happiness with beautifully brewed coffee cups. Thanks to that, you started a new experience.
wc: 1034
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"Have a great day!"
You said with a smile as the customer took
the coffee and a content mood, turning your attention back to the coffee machine to make more orders.
Life was peaceful. Having a nice part time
job at the cafe near your college and working for a nice manager who understands the workload on a college student during finals.
You loved making coffee, it was a hobby that always put you in a good mood. The aroma of the coffee beans as they get crushed then brewed to a soft, tasty hot drink made according to the customer's preferences.
The smile on people's face when they take a sip of the coffee cup that you brewed so
efficiently would always leave you in a good mood.
It feels like you are spreading positive energy to your customers every morning.
– – –
The second time was in your mechanics
You arrived late to the hall, sighing when you noticed your usual seat was taken. Luckily, you spotted an empty one and went to set your stuff down and sit. You quickly pulled out your notebook and pen, preparing everything you need to write your notes.
"Excuse me, you dropped your eraser." A voice said from next to you, you turned your head to see the same guy from yesterday.
"Ah, thank you!" You said, taking the eraser from him.
"You're the guy from the cafe yesterday."
said and he looked at you then his eyes lit up when he recognized you.
"Ah, the barista. The coffee was really great actually." He said and you smiled at him.
“Thank you! I always make my coffee to perfection to put all my customers in a good mood!" I said cheerfully before pulling out my hand to him.
"I'm (name).”
"Yingxing." He said, taking your hand and after a quick handshake you two pulled your hands away.
Soon the two of you fell into a short
conversation. Apparently, his little sister went to the café and really liked the coffee
and recommended it to him. You also find
out that he's in several of your classes and he is into bikes and has one that he drives all the time.
Before your conversation would continue any further, the professor entered the hall and you had to stop your talk to focus on the lecture.
– – –
The third time was during a project. Your professor tasked everyone to pick a partner to write a report about a topic he picked. You and Yingxing were seated next to each other and you asked if he wanted to partner up with you and he agreed.
And that’s how you two made a daily routine to meet up in the library for an hour before you had to leave for your job.
It was a comfortable routine, Yingxing is a very great and reliable partner who doesn’t slack off or throw everything on you which is quite rare since most group projects have people who are too lazy to do anything.
He also has some great tips on the topic and you two managed to successfully finish writing several points for the report.
“We did great so far, and it has been a week.” You said, packing up your stuff.
“You’re right. At our pace, maybe we would be able to finish a day or two before the deadline.” He replied as he placed his laptop in his backpack.
“I’ll have to go now, see you tomorrow!” You said as you waved at him before walking out of the library and rushing to catch the bus.
By the time you reach your station, the bus has just left and you have to wait ten minutes for the next one to arrive.
You have ten minutes before your shift starts.
You sighed and pulled out your phone to message your boss that you will be late but stopped when someone called out your name.
“(Name), why are you still here? Did you miss the bus?”
You looked up from your phone and saw Yingxing. He was on his bike, his helmet in his hand as he looked at you.
“Yeah, and my shift starts in ten minutes so I was going to tell my boss that I’ll be late.” You replied and Yingxing held out his helmet for you.
“Put this one. I’ll take you there.”
“No, I don't want to trouble you.”
“It’s okay, it was technically my fault for holding you back anyway.” He insisted and you took the helmet from him and wore it, positioning yourself behind him.
“Hold on tight.” He said before taking off, driving swiftly in the streets to take you to your job.
It was your first time to ride a bike, despite the short distance of the trip but it was amazing. Yingxing is a skilled driver who managed to take shortcuts in order to reach the café on time for your shift.
“Thank you so much.” You said after you two arrived, getting off the bike and handing the helmet to him.
“You’re welcome.” He said with a smile before putting on the helmet.
“Drive safely!” You waved as he drove off to the streets. Turning around, you walked to the café and greeted your boss.
“Hey Kafka! I’m sorry for being late.” You said as the woman shook her head with a smile.
“It’s fine, you were just on time. Anyway, who's the guy?” Kafka said, watching as you put on your apron.
“He’s a colleague from college. We got distracted in the project and he offered to take me to work when I missed the bus.” You replied and the woman smirked at you.
“I’ll be looking forward to the first date.” She teased as she patted your shoulder.
“Kafka! It’s not like that. We are just friends.”
“Whatever you say.” She said with a chuckle before walking to the backroom.
You ignored her words as you focused on your work.
But soon, Yingxing became a constant presence in your life. He became someone that you always thought about and wondered when you would see him again.
Those small meetings were the start of a new experiences, new beginnings and a new and exciting love story.
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taglist: @coffee-mocha @yevene @iztaroth @mayarisan @shiningsunrises @daninaninani @shikamiru @spadecentral @kenma-izhu @myday6-studies @mimiqz @kazemiya @yeul-ha @wakasasdear @iruiji @tkooooop @devilzchase @jingyuun @asta-rology @missotaku34 @theidontknowmehn @kiraisastay @sudouuu @nicoleispurple @zoramocha @semi-orangeapple @coleisyn @doughnuts-eater
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issdisgrace · 1 year
Could you do one of Asa with a Dominant male reader? Possibly even throwing in a bit of bondage. I just want to see this wall of a man crying while he’s getting dicked down.
WARNINGS: Fluff, smut, collaring, Asa is autistic fight me, also Asa is a good boy that sings like a canary in the bedroom
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Today was a normal day, for the most part. Asa had gone to the hotel and would be back before dinner with my family. I tidy up and made sure to put away all the things that would hint that mine and Asa's relationship was far from a normal one. Asa was a man of power and control everywhere else, but here in our home, I was the one with the power and control. It was nice to see over the years of being with Asa just how things changed. He was once a very closed off and stiff man, but as time went on, that man was slowly replaced with a more relaxed and open man. It was a long time to get Asa to this point, but it was worth it. I wish he would be more like the man I know behind close doors with others like my family. In the 7 years of our relationship and our 3 years of marriage, I don’t think Asa has said more than an essay worth of stuff to my family. My family’s still not sure about Asa despite us being together for 7 years. Now that Asa’s in a good spot emotionally, I have hopes that this dinner will open a new door and my family will see just how good Asa is. At 5:30 I started dinner. Asa will be home any minute and my family arriving at 6. While I’m preparing the vegetables, I hear Asa come home.
“I’m in the kitchen, love.” I call out. I hear his soft footsteps as he makes his way to the kitchen.
“Hi, Asa. How was the hotel?”
“Good, I got to get a couple of things, but I was going to go out tomorrow and get what I need.”
“I’ll go with you. I have to pick up a couple of things. While we’re out, we can try that cafe that opened last week.”
“Sounds good.”
“Oh, I got you something. It came in the mail earlier.”
“What have I told you about spoiling me?”
“Asa, you are my husband. I can spoil you all I want. Wait here and let me go get it.” I leave my spot at the counter and walk into the living room and grab the box off the coffee table. I make my way back to the kitchen to find Asa making himself a cup of tea. 
“Here love.” I say and hand it to him. I watch him closely as he opens it. He examines it, slight shock written on his face. 
“This is like 30 different types of Scarabaeus beetles, how?”
“I know some people.”
“How much did it cost?”
“That is none of your concern, love. Now you got to go get ready. My family will be here in a bit.”
“Ok, I love you and thanks for this.”
“No problem, Asa, I love you too.” I give him a kiss before sending him off. I go back to cooking and before I know it, there’s a knock on the door. I answer the door and there is my mom, dad, younger brother, and my younger sister.
“Come on in dinners about ready.”
“Where’s that husband of yours?” Dad asks.
“Upstairs, I got him a new piece, so he’s probably putting it away.”
“That’s sweet.” Mom says.
“You know you spend too much on that excuse of a husband.” Dad says.
“Dad, Asa is not a bad man, nor is he a terrible husband. It’s just he’s not used to other people.” 
“Huh? Sounds like you're making an excuse.” He says.
“F/n leave poor Asa alone. I know he’s a good boy and if he wasn’t, I would let him marry y/n.” Mom speaks up. 
“Well, I’m still mad he went to you, not me, to ask for y/n’s blessing.”
“Dad, remember he didn’t have a good relationship with his father.” My brother b/n speaks up. My dad grumbles. 
“Alright everyone stop, we are going to have a good dinner. You are going to be nice to my husband and not make any snarky comments, ok. Now you guys go have a seat in the living room and I’ll go get Asa.”
“I want to see Asa.” The s/n days. She loves him. 
“Alright, let’s go get Asa.” She follows me up the stairs and into Asa’s office. Asa is in a pair of black slacks, gray turtleneck, black dress shoes. He looks lovely as always. He is bent over his collection, examining each and everyone making sure they are all placed correctly.
“Asa.” The s/n cries out and runs to hug him. Asa turns around just in time to be engulfed in the hug. 
“S/n, how have you been doing?” He says, looking down at her. 
“I was good, except b/n almost set the house on fire the other day.”
“Does mom and dad know?” I ask, mildly concerned.
“No, and please don’t tell mom and dad. They will never let us stay home by ourselves ever again.” 
“Ok, but next time I won’t be so generous.”
“Thanks, so Asa y/n said he got you new bugs what did you get.” One reason S/n and Asa get along is because S/n also likes bugs. S/n pulls away from Asa and lets him show her the scarab beetles.
“You guys come down when you're done. Dinner will be done is 15 minutes.”
“Ok, we’ll be down soon.” I leave them with a smile, knowing they will geek out over the beatles together.
My family just left and S/n managed to convince Asa to take her to work sometime so she can see the bugs there. Asa had been more open and talkative and it was nice to see him so relaxed. I can definitely tell that my father was suspicious about this change of behavior, but the rest of the family didn’t care and took the change happily. It was time to wind down for the night, but I felt Asa needed a treat for being so good. I walk up behind Asa as he brushes his teeth and wraps my arms around his waist, placing my head on his shoulder. 
“You need something.” 
“No.” I say as I slowly slide my hand down his torso and into his pants.
“Please don’t tease.”
“Since you asked so nicely, I won’t, but how about you get out of these clothes and I give you a reward?”
 I pull away from Asa and walk back into the bedroom. I go over to the trunk where we keep our toys and get a collar out. I turn around to see Asa coming out of the bathroom naked, like I asked. He’s always a good boy. 
“Come here, love.” Asa walks off to me, his cock swaying slightly. I couldn’t help put lick my lips. He always looks so delicious. Once he was in reach, I pull him in. I place the collar around his neck and lock it into place. 
“Since you did so well at dinner, you get to decide your reward, so what will it be?”
“Can we cuddle and could you also play with me?”
“Aww, you're so cute. Of course.” I gently lead Asa to the bed. 
“Get comfortable, love.” While Asa gets comfortable, I strip off my clothes. Joining Asa in bed, I pull the man into me. I slither my hand down to Asa’s cock and slowly start to tug on it.
“Come on, let me hear those pretty little noises. You know how much I like them. “
“Please what?”
“Please, sir, make me cum.”
“Oh, I will just have patience.” I speed up my pace and start to mark Asa’s neck. Asa’s moans filling the room. Another thing I loved about Asa is that when we are in the bedroom, he sings like a canary. His sounds are just so addicting. I made him sing and sing as I jerk him off. It only took 5 minutes max of me playing with him for him to come to his high. 
“Please, I’m close, sir. Let me cum.”
“Aww love, go ahead, cum for me. Cum for your sir.”
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captain-mj · 2 years
Caramel macchiato
Chapter 2! Also, the drink part is so fun, I hope you guys are enjoying that part as much as me.
Ghost had went home afterwards and stretched. He added the sleeve from his London Fog Latte to his hoard before slipping his shirt off and inspecting his back in the mirror. 
Down his spine, a line, or maybe cut would be better, split his skin in half. It looked like a tattoo until he moved, the skin moving slightly. Ghost pulled out his dragon wings. A full shift wasn’t really possible in his flat. He’d be too big for the space. But his wings fit. Kinda. He had to be careful, but they had been hiding under his skin so long that he just wanted to stretch them. 
They were black with gold speckling. There were no claws at the ends or anything, just simple black wings. They folded easily against his back again before stretching to their limits. The bones cracked and he made a pleased hum. His flat was set so there tons of big windows with sheer curtains to keep his privacy but also let tons of sunlight in. It also set on the top floor, basically a penthouse, so no one would be looking through his windows anytime soon. 
Ghost had a bay window he usually lounged on and right now, he wanted nothing more but to soak in the sun. He stretched out and purred contently when the heat of the sun touched his skin. 
His phone rang and Ghost pondered what he did to have friends who hated him so much. It was Alejandro, but that did not ease his frustration. Regardless, he picked up the phone. 
They sat there silently for a moment before Alejandro started talking, apparently getting some signal that Ghost didn’t notice. 
“Hey, so I was wonderin-”
“If you wanted to come out later?” Alejandro ignored his interruption. 
“Why does everyone want me to be social? I have a month on leave. I want to enjoy being away from you guys.” 
Alejandro laughed. “You’d stay in your house like a hermit if not for us. Come on. Come out of your house.”
Ghost thought for a moment. “Not tonight, but tomorrow, do you want to go for coffee?”
“Simon… You know I thought we were going to walk around our chemistry forever.” Alejandro sounded very teasing. 
“There’s a hot barista I want to see again.”
“Thank God. What his name?”
“His nametag says Soap. I hope I can find out his real name but I was stupid and didn’t even ask.” Ghost hummed. Soap had annoyingly been on his mind quite a bit. Stupid Scottish man. 
“Soap? No weirder than Ghost I suppose.”
“Kill yourself.” 
Alejandro laughed immediately. “See you in the morning, hermano.”
“Nos vemos.” Ghost responded before hanging up. He stretched again. Admittedly, he did some yoga. For his job, he needed to be flexible and just like his friend Koenig, he wasn’t exactly built for that naturally. Being big had a few disadvantages. 
He considered it but he decided against it for now, instead taking a shower and looking over his hoard. Most of it was made of trinkets from his missions but there were a few personal items. A few hoodies that he had stolen from his friends over the years. Several book series he liked. Tons of jewelry that he thought glittered nicely. Technically, he considered several of his friends to be part of his hoard, but it was tangential. Strictly platonic and he didn’t exactly want to lay on them the way he did his other stuff. After a while, he went to bed, curling up and relaxing. Sleep took a while, but this was a fight Ghost was used to. 
His internal clock woke him up at 5 am sharp. Ghost hated the military sometimes. But regardless, he got dressed and put his boots on. It was freezing outside and there was no snow on the ground. He put a coat on and gloves. His fingers tended to go numb when he got too cold and he didn’t to deal with that. 
He walked for a while. Mostly just in circles honestly. His ending destination would be Alejandro and Rodolfo’s place and then he’d be heading to the Sealie Cafe. He’d probably order whatever Alejandro does. Trying to try more drinks and stuff. 
Maybe he’d try one of those pastries. 
Probably not. Ghost wasn’t a big sweets person. 
Soap would probably taste sweet. And warm. 
He stopped walking. This was hoarding behavior. An instinct to drag Soap up the mountain like he was a pretty princess that couldn’t defend himself. 
Even if he did get closer to Soap, revealing himself was something that would take a lot of time. He hadn’t told Jason until they were almost adults and they had been friends since they were kids. His team knew because almost none of them were human, not anything to really hide. 
But Soap would be different. 
Wouldn’t really work anyway. His job didn’t really allow him to have long term relationships outside his colleagues. Jason was an exception and that was just because the man was stubborn and wanted to stay around him. 
“Two ships passing in the night” was something that passed through Ghost’s mind. He arrived at Alejandro’s at 8 am and knocked, hearing them moving around. 
Alejandro opened the door, hair sticking up everywhere. His curls hadn’t been layered down with products so they poked everywhere. He looked like shit. 
“Did you just wake up?”
“Yes, Ghost. It is 8 am on our leave.”
“Well you guys keep demanding I get out so you just have to deal with it. Get dressed.”
Alejandro muttered something in Spanish and left. Ghost stepped in. 
“Hey Ghost.” Rodolfo waved, clearly having been awake for a while. He looked much more put together. “So a barista huh?”
Ghost really should’ve seen that coming. Of course Alejandro would tell Rodolfo. “Yeah. I don’t plan on doing anything serious with him. Don’t have time.” If he told Rodolfo that, he’d stick to it. 
“If you say so.”
“So you and Alejandro…”
“No.” Rodolfo said immediately, aggressively shoving a piece of egg from his Huevos Rancheros. “That’s not something I want to talk about right now. If you’re hungry, there’s food on the table.”
Ghost saluted him quickly and nodded. “Understandable. No thanks.” His body had decided as soon as he woke up that food just… wasn't going to work today. The thought made him nauseous. 
Rodolfo nodded and smiled when Alejandro reentered the room. Alejandro smiled and said he’d grab lunch on the way home before leaving with Ghost. 
The cafe was a little busy so they waited in line. Simon noticed that he was almost a head taller than everyone else and straightened up a bit. Alejandro laughed, but didn’t comment on it. 
They stood at the front and Alejandro hummed. “Macchiato please.”
Soap narrowed his eyes. “Cafe or Latte?”
“Oh, cafe.”
“Okay, dude, look, a cafe is 3.75 and is a shot of espresso with a small amount of milk foam.” Ghost thought that sounded gross. “Latte is where its the milk with the espresso on top like the one from Starbucks.”
Alejandro frowned. “Yes. I know what they are.”
“Are you sure?” Soap stared him in his eyes.
Alejandro blinked. “Yes.”
“Okay! One cafe macchiato and then for you Ghost?” Soap smiled at him. 
“I will take the one that’s from Starbucks.” Ghost wondered if Soap would stare at him like he just did Alejandro. Instead, he laughed and nodded. 
“I’ll have that right out.” Soap stepped away to make it. It occurred to Ghost that he had never seen anyone else there.
“Him? Really?? Also, you forgot to ask his name.” 
“Oh, I’ll get it in a second.” Ghost led Alejandro away to a table. He stretched. “So Rodolfo.”
“He looked so pretty this morning right?” Alejandro sounded dreamy, like a teen talking about their crush. 
It took… a strong amount of self control to not roll his eyes. “You should ask him out.”
“We’ve been friends so long… What if he doesn’t see me that way? I don’t want to risk it, ya know?”
“I really think you’re overthinking it, Ale. Just… Ask him out.”
“No. it’s got to be romantic. Special.”
“Well if you don’t do it soon, he might not be there to ask.” Ghost pointed out, watching Alejandro glare at him. “I’m just saying. He’s an attractive guy. Wouldn’t be that hard for him.” He was being a little mean, but those two had been tiptoeing around each other so long. Alejandro had already admitted that he considered Rodolfo his. They were both dragons, so Ghost understood. He also understood if there was anything that would rile Alejandro up, it was the idea of Rodolfo no longer being his. 
“He wouldn’t…”
“Are you expecting him to wait forever?” Ghost rubbed his face through the mask. 
Soap appeared, perfect timing as always. He slid Alejandro’s drink to him and set Ghost’s down. “So do they really only call him Ghost?” He addressed it to Alejandro. 
“Yep. Only name we use at work.”
“Ah. Disappointing.”
“I’ll tell you my name if you’ll tell me yours?” Ghost looked up at him, watching the soft blush on Soap’s face. Yeah, it definitely wasn’t the piercings and Ghost wanted to be the evil dragon in the story and drag him to a cave. 
“I think I prefer Ghost.” Soap winked at him and left.
Ghost felt like he was floating. 
“How do you manage to look so lovestruck with just your eyes?”
Ghost kicked him hard under the table. Soap had decorated his drink again. Extra espresso, swirled slightly. The foam had once again been made in a heart with golden sprinkles over it. Ghost almost didn’t want to drink it. 
“The favoritism here is nauseating.”
“What was it like? When he stared at you?”
Alejandro looked at him like he was a delinquent. “Like he was stabbing my soul directly for every customer that’s ever gotten confused by the difference.”
Also, want to be part of a tag list for this fic? Just reply to this and I'll make one :)
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cozyrecords · 11 months
Hello everyone, its my first post <3
This isn't proofread so there might be mistakes in this, so I appreciate the feedback.
From Solo Date to Something More
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It was the most anticipated weekend ever since you were cooped up in your dorm room, studying endlessly for the semester exams. You finally have the time to do whatever you want to do once you become free, ranging from cleaning to pampering yourself by going on a solo date, which you thought would be a good idea to relieve the post-exam stress.
But God had other plans for you. What you thought was a solo date turned into an unexpected date with Inarizaki's volleyball player, Suna Rintaro.
The middle blocker had been sent to the same café you were in. His friend, Atsumu, had asked him to cover for him on the blind date Atsumu was supposed to attend. In an unexpected twist, Suna forgot about the original date, captivated by your presence as soon as he entered the café.
You entered the café and decided to sit in the corner of the café, by the window to your left. But by the time you were done with the order, a guy came in and dragged the chair to sit opposite you.
"I'm Suna Rintaro. Nice to meet you," he awkwardly bowed and smiled before you could even ask who he was.
"Um…hello?" You puzzled at the sudden interruption, staring at him.
"May I know your name?" He tilted his head.
"I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you too, I guess? Have we met before?" You questioned him because he seemed a bit familiar to you.
"Honey, you need a better pickup line. It's getting old, don't you think?"
"I was genuinely asking. Plus, you chimed in while I planned a solo date." You scowled lightly at the nickname.
"I am sorry for that. Coming back to the previous question, I might seem similar if you are also from Inarizaki because that's where I study and play volleyball-"
A phone ringtone interrupted him. He excused himself, and you couldn't quite hear his conversation, but his profile caught your attention.
That's when it hit you—he might be one of the players on the volleyball team. Slowly, you noticed how he was handsome, with the cafe's soft light complementing his sharp jawline, cat-like eyes, and soft, fluffy hair that made you want to ruffle it gently. Suddenly, you snapped out of it when he spoke up.
"You can take my picture," he smirked.
"I wasn't staring... just wondering if we've met before because you seem familiar." You blushed, trying not to make a stranger uncomfortable. It was rare for you to be interested in someone, let alone be absorbed by a person's features.
Wtf Y/N? Get a hold of yourself; you came here to enjoy yourself. Why are you even talking to a stranger? You cringed at yourself.
Suna took the chance to get to know you, despite his buddy Atsumu's suggestion that he return home after the date they were supposed to go on was cancelled.
"How about we get to know each other?"
"Why would I be interested in knowing someone whom I have never met despite being in the same school? Let me enjoy my time in peace," you said, thinking the situation was ridiculous.
"So you are from Inarizaki too?" His eyes slightly widened in amusement, and you face-palmed yourself internally. "That's even more of a reason to get to know each other."
You gave it a thought, bit your lips slightly, and decided to give it a chance because, why not? You guys might become friends.
"Y/N L/N! Your order is here." The waitress gave a polite smile while placing the coffee. You returned the smile and turned to Suna. "What do you want to get?"
"Can I get a frappe? With chocolate sprinkles, please. Thank you." The waitress went back with the order.
You giggled in secret, watching how his face lit up at the sprinkles. "You know...you're the first guy I have seen who has asked for sprinkles separately."
"What about it? I love them." He raised an eyebrow.
"Oh, no, no... I'm sorry if I offended you. I just thought it's...rare?" cute? That is what you wanted to say.
"By the way, I am in Class 3."
From here on, you guys were gradually opening up to each other, forgetting about your surroundings, completely engrossed in each other's likes and dislikes. He was excited about his frappe with chocolate sprinkles, and he was utterly disgusted by the fact that you chewed the ice at the end of your iced coffee, to which you laughed and teased him by chewing loudly to irk him.
Suna had excused himself to the washroom, but little did you know he went to the cash counter to pay the bill in advance, both as a gentleman as well as for how he interrupted your supposed solo date. He looked towards the table where your back was currently facing and smiled at how you guys were getting along.
"Here is the change, sir. Have a great day and visit us again." The cashier handed over the change.
Meanwhile, you were also having a good time with him, despite things going unplanned. You found yourself enjoying the evening as the time passed. Later, you guys decided to pay before heading out.
Suna was smiling on the way to the cash counter, choosing to remain innocent.
"This fine man has already paid for your order." The cashier showed a toothy grin.
After a little gasp, you turned around and offered to pay him for your order; he politely declined and stepped back.
"Oh, please, this is the least I can do since I spoiled your plans." He meant it sincerely, so you forgave him, as you thought this wasn't bad either.
You guys got out of the café while he offered to tag along with you to your dorm.
"Hey, you don't have to be sorry... I uh...actually had a great time!" You beamed at him.
He felt the time around him slow down, watching your glimmering eyes, your smile stretching from ear to ear, the slight blush on your cheeks and nose due to the humidity, and a few stubborn hair strands framing your face. As cliché as it sounds, his heart skipped a beat when you stepped a bit closer to him to get his attention back to reality.
"Heyy!" You chuckled, admiring his cute and embarrassed face, which is now turning red bit by bit.
"I..just..nothing." He sighed to himself, trying to keep his heart from pounding too much. "I wanna tell you that I enjoyed my time with you and I'm not bluffing."
As much as you wanted the time to just pause, unfortunately, the dorm is nearing, and neither of you wanted to part ways. Both of you wanted to spend more time with each other, but you guys were already excited to meet at school the next day.
Amidst all of these, you were planning to ask why he approached you out of the blue, or even worse, if it was all just a silly bet. Oh God, you were having all sorts of thoughts.
"This wasn't how I expected it to be."
He watched your beautiful smile falter off of your face. So he realized quickly that the way he worded it misinterpreted the situation.
"Oh my God, I am so sorry! I didn't mean it in a bad way. Actually, I was supposed to meet another girl- 'Twas Atsumu, my friend, who set me up and I got to know she ditched." He stumbled and furiously shook his hands and head.
"Wait, wait, wait...so you were supposed to be here to cover for your friend, but you remained here knowing that she ditched? So you wanted to spend time with me instead?" You cleared it out for him as you watched him take a breath of relief.
"Good God, yes, and I loved every moment; in fact, I like you-r personality." He muttered. "Fuck, I promise I am not kidding."
You admired the fact that he chose to sit with you regardless of the actual date, but you couldn't help the uneasiness of him leaving you if his date showed up instead. However, even before you could say anything else, he spoke up.
"It's unfair of me to keep you hanging, thinking I just wasted your time. So how about we turn this impromptu meeting into an actual and proper date? I'd love to get to know you more if you'd let me." His voice was laced with sincerity and eagerness to not let this whole thing slip away.
"Surely, I loved spending time with you, and I would love to see where this heads." Your heart fluttered at his words.
Suna's smile widened at your reply and shocked you with an unexpected embrace. Your body relaxes immediately, and you wrap your arms around his shoulders. He let go first, his ears bright red, cheeks flushed, and lips quivering.
You wanted to squish his cheeks so bad at how cute he looked. It was also your first time to see a guy this shy but also upfront about his intentions to not have you waiting.
"Let's exchange our numbers, so I can make sure that our next meeting is a proper date." He gave his mobile with the dial open while turning his head sideways to avoid eye contact.
After you guys exchanged the numbers, you sent a quick text to him. It was a comfortable silence that surrounded you guys.
"Well, I gotta go. Let's meet tomorrow at school." His eyes looked hopeful.
"Yess! Also, the next date's on me and no you can't refuse." You quickly closed your mouth with your hands at the sudden excitement you displayed.
He grinned, letting his shivering hands go into his coat pocket. Suna has had his share of being in a relationship or two, but it was never this heart-racing. His partners either dated him for his popularity or to pass the time. Nevertheless, he remained reassured by you and felt calm around you.
"If it helps, I am equally looking forward to this, but let's take it slow." He cautiously looked at your face for any sort of discomfort.
"I'd never imagine a guy telling me this. Of course, we will take this slow." You assured him.
"It's already late; it's better to head to our dorms. Have a good night." He raised his hand and said goodbye.
"Good night, Suna." You headed inside the dorm.
As you reached your dorm, you couldn't help but feel a freshly found excitement and curiosity about what would happen from now on. You had no idea that this chance meeting with Suna Rintaro would open a lovely chapter in your life, one that would be filled with laughter, shared memories, and the promise of something special.
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iamvegorott · 4 months
Magicians Don't Need Superheros Pt4
First: Link Prev: Link Next: Link
Marvin chewed the inside of his cheek as he sat on the street bench, watching people walk in and out of a cafe as his stomach growled. It’s been a whole week since he ‘appeared’ and he’s barely been scraping by. He’d stolen some food but it wasn’t enough to fully satisfy since he didn’t want to draw too much attention to himself and he’s been sleeping in the park after he tried breaking into a hotel and nearly got caught when a last-second check-in had him climbing out of a window at three in the morning. 
He tried every single phone number he knew and none of them connected to where they should have gone. Pizza shops, schools, and an elderly woman he spent a long time talking to cause she thought he was her son and he didn’t have the heart to hang up. 
Watching all of those people with their treats and drinks had Marvin willing to do anything for a decent cup of tea right now. Some food with it would be nice too. 
Marvin groaned and tilted his head back, trying to will his body to not want things and he closed his eyes. He felt ridiculous. Sitting on a bench in the wrong country with no access to anything he owned, no one he could get a hold of, hungry, tired, and wearing the jacket of a man trying to drag him away to some ‘House’ with ‘Egos’. 
‘Drag him away’ wasn’t really fair. The poor man seemed to be doing a job and was trying to be the nicest about it. Jackie said there were others, Marvin saw them on the phone, so why didn’t they send more of them out? Or someone else? Was it about that ‘connection’ thing that was mentioned the first time they met? There was definitely something more to all of this than the surface level he could find. 
“Veggie or chicken?” 
“Huh?” Marvin lifted his head and opened his eyes to the sight of Jackie sitting next to him, holding out two, what he assumed were foil-wrapped burritos, toward him. 
“I got a veggie one and a chicken one. I didn’t know if you ate meat or not and usually chicken is a safe go-to if you do.” Jackie explained. “I was starving most of the time I was out on my own.” He added. Marvin hesitated at first but he could smell the food and it smelled so good. 
“I’ll do the veggie one.” 
“It’s a pretty good one, has a lot of stuff for protein and it’s really filling.” Jackie gave Marvin one of the burritos and he started digging into a backpack sitting on the ground between his feet. “I also have some drinks. I got water, coffee, and tea.”
“What kind of tea?” Marvin gave up at this point and accepted that he was going to share a meal with Jackie. 
“I have iced and hot. It’s-uh-I think it’s like a gray tea or something? I’m not one of the tea drinkers in the house, I had someone else make them while I did the coffee.” Jackie pulled out some thermoses.
“You’re the kind of person that overpacks for trips, aren’t you?” Marvin chuckled. “And I’ll take the hot tea.” 
“You can never be too prepared.” Jackie gave Marvin a thermos and grabbed a different one for himself. “I wasn’t sure what you’d like ‘cause we have a lot of different tastes between everyone. Remember the really smart dude I mentioned? He only ever drinks things cold. Something about it ‘tasting like hot’ and like, I don’t get it, but I do get it at the same time.” Jackie pulled out some napkins and placed the stack between them. Marvin was just letting Jackie talk away as he unwrapped the burrito and ate. It was a pretty good burrito, he’ll have to thank the chef at some other point. “Whenever we make coffee together he makes me have the cold stuff with him cause he says I’m too impatient and burn myself too often.” Jackie opened his thermos and took a sip, cursing and hissing a bit in pain.
“Did you just burn yourself?” Marvin asked.
“Would you believe me if I said no?”
“I would not.”
“Then, yeah, I did.” Jackie’s confession got Marvin to laugh. 
“Now I can see why he insists on you drinking the cold stuff.” Marvin teased and went back to eating. He was already halfway done with the burrito and he usually didn’t eat this fast but a hungry stomach didn’t care about waiting between bites. 
“So were you in shock again or did I manage to sneak up on you this time?” Jackie asked with a grin.
“I was half asleep.” 
“Damn, I’ll properly sneak up on you one day.”
“Good luck with that.” Marvin winked and Jackie just chuckled and started eating as well. 
The two sat in a strangely comfortable silence as they ate and drank. Marvin finished his food first and then took his time sipping the tea. It was okay, he definitely makes a much better tea, but it still felt so good compared to the cold air. He found himself watching Jackie out of the corner of his eye. Marvin swore that smile was permanent or something since he looked like a puppy with a new toy while eating. He waited as Jackie finished his food, downed the rest of the drink, and then wiped off his face with a napkin, but still had some sour cream on his cheek.
“You missed a spot.” Marvin took one of the napkins and cleaned off the spot. He didn’t even really think about it, he just did it. 
“I-uh-” Jackie cleared his throat. “Are you willing to go to the House now?” 
“Nope.” Marvin popped the p and then took off. 
“Marvin! Wait!” Jackie scrambled to throw the stuff into the bag and ran while zipping it up. “Come on, man!” He saw Marvin slip into an alleyway and he ran there as well. Jackie didn’t see Marvin but did see a fence at the end of the alley. “Faster than I thought.” He ran over to the fence and easily climbed up to the top of it. “Why are there pillows-!” The last word became a shout when something hit Jackie’s side and he fell off the fence and landed on the pillows. 
“Bye, Jackie~!” Marvin sang, standing at the opening of the alleyway, waving, and then running off. 
“I am so grounded after this.” Jackie groaned, letting his face plop down on the mountain of pillows. 
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yurislotusgarden · 9 months
Circle of complaints
ʚїɞ aka, Welt and Kunikida complaining about having to be unassuming fathers
ʚїɞ Small mentions of reader bcs they're a menace together with either Dazai or March (There's 2 readers, one for bsd universe and one for hsr universe)
ʚїɞ Keep in mind English is not my first language, so you may find mistakes!
ʚїɞ word count: 1.7k
ʚїɞ Idea was stolen from comes from @lotus-pear <3
ʚїɞ Tw’s: None!
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“Are you sure that a pure dark coffee with 4 shots of expresso is a good decision?”
“No, it's not, but I need it.”
The older man sighed, and as he had previously noticed, the younger male was sitting completely alone in the cafe, and seeing as he, himself, was in the same predicament, he decided to join.
“Mind if I sit with you? If you don’t mind, of course.”
“No no, I don’t mind, feel free to sit.”
“Thank you.”
The brunet pulled the chair out and sat down, placing his own coffee on the table. 
Pure dark coffee, with 2 shots of expresso. He wasn't much better than the blonde in front of him, but he still had less caffeine in the end.
“Are you sure that I shouldn’t ask the very same question you gave me just a moment before?”
“How about we both ignore our coffees?”
“...That’s a good idea, I suppose. I’m Kunikida Doppo, you?”
“My name’s Welt Yang, nice to meet you.”
The both of them sat in silence for a few minutes before Kunikida’s phone started to ring. Welt had to say that the ringtone, the caller ID, and the picture of the contact were… surprising, to say the least. The older man expected the younger one to accept the call, only for him to decline it, and mute his phone when the same person called again moments later.
“I hope you don’t mind me asking but, are you having a bad day that you’re not answering the call?”
“No, it’s the fact that the caller is one of the people who are the reason behind me being here, drinking this abomination.”
“Understandable, can I know what they did?”
The deep, exhausted sigh from the blonde wasn’t giving any good signs to the brunet.
“It was sand this time.”
“Yes, I opened a drawer in my desk earlier this morning only to find all of my things covered in sand, nothing was spared. Everything was either covered or full of it. Dazai and [Name], the two responsible for that stunt, were either sitting on the agency couch or their desk respectively, trying not to laugh at my expression when I realized what they did.”
“Hmm… those two, Dazai and [Name], do they do things like that often? Because it sounds like they do.”
“Let me tell you, a day where nothing would happen is a day I would consider a miracle. Both of them are always planning how to get on my nerves. I cannot tell you how many pens I lost due to me snapping them in half.” 
The older one chuckled, he had to admit that it reminded him of the things that March and (Name) would often do to the other occupants of the train. He stopped counting how many times he had found things he shouldn't have in places they weren't meant to be in.
“You know, it reminds me of something my coworkers did before.”
“Really? You also have complete menaces as coworkers?”
“Yes, one time two of them, March 7th and (Name), got buckets full of sand one night when everyone else went into their rooms to sleep. The next morning when everyone left their rooms, the entire floor was covered in so much sand that it could’ve been considered a beach, only water was missing.”
“That sounds like a nightmare to clean up.”
“It was. At first, those two troublemakers were sentenced to cleaning up alone, but we all quickly realized that they'd need help if we wanted the sand out the same day. Even then, the sand continues to be found in completely random places till today.”
“How long ago did it happen?”
“Hmm…I would say that soon it'll be 7 months since then.”
“...Now I'm praying that my idiots won't get that idea.”
“You better.”
The younger man sighed. The man that sat with him definitely seemed wise, obviously more experienced with life if he was to guess his age, and unfortunately, he seemed to be on the same boat when it came to coworkers.
“Is it normal for your chaos duo to pull such things?”
“...Chaos duo?”
“It fits.”
“...I guess it does.”
Kunikida was curious, he could tell the two people Welt was talking about were ones to expect some pranks from, but just how was the older man so used it? *At least he looks like he’s used to it* the blonde told himself, slightly amused.
“Honestly, it's completely normal for the two to pull pranks, from smaller to bigger ones. Although it doesn't happen as often as it does for you.”
“After hearing about your sand incident, I think I may be lucky with those bastards doing small pranks on the agency members.”
“You sure should be thankful for small, harmless pranks, you could be having much worse. Also don't mind me asking but, ‘agency’?”
“Ah yes, I work at the armed detective agency, we basically take care of cases that are too much for the police, but still less than what should get the military involved.”
“Sounds like an eventful though dangerous job, I’m not going to lie. I cannot say what my job specializes in, but I do travel a lot.”
“Is Yokohama a work destination?”
“No actually, we decided to have a small break, short vacation, if you will, and since we were already close by, we decided that Yokohama was gonna be our stop.”
“Do you like the city?”
“It's very lovely, I can't lie, I'm a fan of the views, especially water-related ones at sunsets.”
“They're beautiful indeed, would be even better if there was no chance to fish out a suicidal maniac like he's fish himself.”
“Excuse me?”
“You heard me correctly.”
“What do you mean by ‘fish out a suicidal maniac’?”
Welt was worried upon hearing those words, but for some reason, Kunikida seemed completely carefree. Was it so normal for him to call someone like that? Wait wasn't the picture of the caller earlier a person on a ro-
“Dazai Osamu, the person I talked about earlier, literally dreams about a double suicidal with a beautiful woman, but it's not uncommon at all to find him floating down a river as, or after, a suicide attempt.”
“Please don't dwell on that.”
Alright so he had every reason to be worried, but he also guessed that Kunikida was way too used to that ‘Dazai’ person’s antics by now.
“...So what’s another prank you fell victim to?”
“So you're saying, that one time, you left your tea out on a table, just for one person to change it to coffee, then another person to change it to colored vodka (you added food coloring to it), after that yet another person changed it out to a very weird tasting tea, just for someone to change it to food colored water that someone else ended up drinking because the cups got mixed with your friend’s in that whole ordeal?”
“Yeah, it wasn't the first time something like that happened as well.”
Kunikida decided that he was actually lucky with how he gets pranked when he heard what sometimes March and (Reader) did to Welt. Or even someone else when they roped someone into their plan.
“Should I watch out for my drinks even more than I already do?”
“When I hear what your coworkers already have done, I would say yes because it may escalate at some point.”
“Just great-”
“Your cake is falling.”
“Oh shit-”
The cake was successfully saved from falling off of Kunikida's fork, which he was happy about as that was one of the best cakes he’s eaten till this day.
“-and so I-”
“Wait wait wait.”
“You found your paperwork on the roof, the only thing keeping it from flying being a singular pin?”
“Yes, I searched for that paperwork for a week before Ranpo took pity on me and gave me a hint.”
“The hint being?”
“He said, and I quote ‘Do you think that paperwork can fly?’. It caused me to check out all of the windows and then the roof.”
“...Your partner loves chaos doesn't he?”
“He adores it.”
“You actually reminded me of that one time that my research papers were taped all over my workplace, nothing spared, not even the floor or ceiling.”
“Hold up WHAT-”
“And guess what? He had absolutely no remorse for that! The bastard!”
“We have way too many similar experiences…”
First the sand, then the broken things, messed up work - for Kunikida, and messed up documentation on some observations for welt, hair cut when taking a short nap, teasing comments, changed up drink when one was not looking (Welt laughed way too much at hearing that you changed Kunikida's water for vodka, and Kunikida had a hard time trying not to laugh at Welt’s tea being changed to water with food coloring), things completely going missing before being found days later in the most random spot imaginable he swears that Kunikida will have gray hair or aneurysm before 25.
“Way too many. I say we don't let those 4 meet each other, it won't be good for anyone around.”
“Pretty sure it would end up with half of the city hating them.”
“Half? I say most.”
“That's an exaggeration.”
“Not at all.”
Both of them had to say that the talk in the cafe was very pleasant. Sharing the memories problems that are so similar that it got kind of worrying at one point, but very pleasant indeed. Unfortunately for Kunikida, he noticed he was about to run behind his schedule if he was to stay any longer.
“Say, how long are you staying in the city?”
“It depends on my coworkers really, but we planned 2 weeks at the very least, we all need it.”
“How about we meet every now and then? Just to talk like we did today?”
“I would say that's a great idea. A talk like this can be very refreshing.”
“Great, let’s exchange numbers then?”
“Of course.”
Little did the two of them know that soon yet another person would join them. That, dear readers, is how their little circle of complaints came to be.
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Notes, comments, and reblogs are greatly appreciated
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ryuyejiho · 1 year
"maybe I like looking at you" - Felix
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Pairing: Felix x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: none
Summary: From a movie night to a date at a coffee shop and a confession of love.
Word Count: ~1K
"babe, I'm bored" every now and then Felix moaned while lying on my thighs. We decided to have a movie night and to beat our record of watched movies in one night, we started at 6 o'clock in the evening. Currently it was 6:33 pm.
"we just started and you are already bored?" I asked to which the blond laughed and nodded.
"let's go somewhere!" he suddenly shouted which made me scared "recently they opened a cat cafe at our place. He wants to go there"
"I don't want to" I said which he began to throw himself sideways.
"come on, it will be fun"
"watch and be quiet" I put a handful of munchies in his mouth at which he wrinkled his forehead and began to chew slowly still looking at me wanting to bend me to agree "don't look at me like that"
"maybe I like looking at you" he shrugged his shoulders and stood up. For a long moment he continued to do nothing but look at me until suddenly he grabbed my leg and pulled me to the very end of the bed.
"Felix stop it!" I started screaming and laughing loudly at which he also laughed.
"only if you come with me. Then how"
"okay let's go. But we come back quickly and watch on" he nodded with a sign of agreement and helped me get up by pulling my hand.
I sat at one of the tables and admired the cats who every now and then passed by me, purring against my legs or just sitting and looking curiously from afar at people sitting at other tables.
I looked at Felix who was waiting for our order while scrolling through social media on his phone. I snorted a quiet laugh seeing that he was purposely holding it so that the girl across from him could see our polaroid which was hidden behind its transparent case.
We took it when it was his birthday and we went to the amusement park together with the whole team. There we got lost but still found that it was the perfect place to take a photo in a booth that we passed several times trying to find any member of the Stray kids in the crowd.
A few minutes late he received his order and headed to the table where I was sitting.
"your over-sweetened latte once. My best coffee under the sun two" he said placing the plastic cups with straws on the table and putting on his jacket.
"we can sit here for a while. All in all, it's nice here" he looked at me then rolled his eyes hanging his jacket back on the back of the chair.
"if you had said it earlier I wouldn't have taken the takeaway and we could have taken something sweet" he sat down and took his cup in his hand putting the straw in his mouth "and what, did you like it though?"
"these cats are lovely so we can look at them longer" then one of them came up to me. I started stroking it after which I heard the sound of the camera. I looked at Felix who was now sitting contentedly and looking at the phone.
"hihi I have a new wallpaper" he said in a funny voice at which I laughed.
"nah, please don't. I definitely came out wrong" the boy began to shake his head intensely.
"nice, nice" he said after which he added more quietly "you came out beautifully"
"what did you say?"
"no, nothing. Do you like your coffee" he asked, putting down the phone and taking a sip of his drink.
"of course. I always buy it so it must taste good to me"
I knew that Felix had started acting strangely for a long time. At first I thought I was imagining it, then I didn't pay attention to it, but now it started to get weirder and weirder. More than once I wanted to ask him what exactly was going on but never had the courage. I didn't want to spoil our friendship. This was the only way I could be close to him.
I liked him. And maybe I even loved him. To everyone he was kind and helpful but only towards me he was much more caring and always made me feel better. He did everything for me to make me smile.
"do you think I can tell you something in secret?" he asked after a long moment, I nodded my head yes.
"of course"
"I like you. I like you very much" he almost shouted in an oversweetened voice squeezing my cheek making me almost spit out my coffee.
He laughed charmingly and rested his head on his hand placed elbows on the table. We looked into each other's eyes at which his smile slowly diminished and became serious.
"is something wrong?" I asked, not knowing what to do.
"I really like you. More than anything I like you and I will never stop" he said straightening up in his chair continuing to look deeply into my eyes. After a few seconds he added in a whisper leaning in "or maybe even love..."
"ah sure" I laughed, recognizing it as an unfunny joke, but then he put his hand over mine and, still looking into my eyes, leaned in even more and pressed his lips to mine. He remained in this position for a few seconds then moved centimeters away from me.
"I love you y/n. I'm not kidding. If you still think so I can do it again" he smiled broadly and moved closer again but I stopped him with my hands.
"really?" he nodded moving his hand to my cheek.
"don't you believe it?" he moved closer again and laughed softly when I stopped him again.
"not here" I whispered at which he laughed again, this time louder.
"in that case, we have to go home quickly" he stood up and in a second put on his jacket and took our coffees in his hands. "and what are you waiting for, I have to show you quickly that I love you"
He began to jump slightly in place and hurried me along. I laughed at his childish behavior and got up from the chair. Felix immediately turned toward the door and walked out with a quick step. I stroked the kitten that was tickling my leg some more and followed him out.
When I opened the door I didn't see him anywhere.
"Felix?" I closed the door and then I was pulled a few meters away from the entrance. Although it was dark in that place I could see the intense gaze of the blond man. A few moments passed and then I felt his lips on mine again. When I moved my lips slightly, Felix moved away a bit for a split second then pressed his lips to mine placing his hands on my waist, while I placed mine on his neck.
We stood like that for a couple of minutes after which we ran out of air so he moved away a bit and put his forehead to mine. For a while we said nothing, plunging into each other's gazes, only when the blonde rubbed his nose charmingly against mine he laugh slightly and speak first.
"I really love you. I really do. I have loved for a long time, I love and will continue to love"
"I love you too, Felix"
I finally said it. I was overjoyed at that moment and, unable to stop smiling, I snuggled into his torso to hide my face and he wrapped his arms around me tightly.
I wanted this moment to last forever.
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yuwumeniji · 2 years
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If we went on a date, where would we go?
WARNING: Please remember that I am writing about Luxiem based on their characters online and not of the people behind their vtuber avatars, thank you!
EXTRA NOTES: this is the most delusional i'll ever be and then i'll crawl into a hole and disintegrate into dust ♡
⊰᯽⊱┈───── ✧ ─────┈⊰᯽⊱
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GENERAL ; setting the stage
Established relationship with the luxiem members (albiet the beginning of one)
first dates !!! fluff !!!
i only know what romance is via otome game, i've never been on a date myself lmao
who proofread lmao (def not me)
⊰᯽⊱┈───── ✧ ─────┈⊰᯽⊱
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Classic bookstore/coffee date
what can i say? he's a classy guy
he stayed up all night planning what to do for a date and even called vox of all people for what to do on a first date
"NO! I'm not inviting them to my house on the first date - that's too... ris- hey, I know you're laughing at me!"
he figured that the date wouldn't be enjoyable if he couldn't take you someplace that he also enjoyed, so he settled with an article of top 10 dating spots in your city; thankfully, it included a cafe bookstore that ike is a regular at.
he takes you to his favourite rustic/vintage styled cafe and even gives you his Top 10 List Of Coffees He Would Die For
bonus if the cafe was also a book-lover's heaven ; those bookstore/cafes are so neat (i don't know the actual name for those lmao)
the date ends nicely - a pleasant time together just chatting and drinking coffee together, giving each other book recommendations (ike says it's good insight for a novel that he'd like to dedicate to you at one point) and so on. you both decided to go on another date to find more cafes like this together.
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A thrilling amusement park/arcade date !!!
It's like having to walk a dog with a leash except the dog is luca running around the park grounds and pointing excitedly at different roller coasters
"C'mon Y/N! It'll be fine ! Look, I'll even hold your hand at the big drop, can we pleeease go on that one?"
Backtracking into the night prior, luca is the type to call everyone he knows so that way he could hype himself up for tomorrow
and to ask for fashion advice - it's surprising to hear something like this from luca, the man of fashion himself
also he just wanted to share with everyone that he finally scored a date with someone he likes
luca takes you to many different rides - thriller rides, fun rides, rides he's never been on, you name it!
luckily for you, the amusement park also had a small arcade too - luca took it upon himself to win you every prize imaginable even if some of the things he did made him look silly
the date ends off at a romantic ferris wheel ride because vox told him it'll be romantic AND he's seen it in anime before (of course anime would be correct, they are very accurate with the love-story telling for sure!)
the date is a success! luca scored another date - perhaps next time, things will be a little more calmer.
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the ever so classic movie date - but he's the one who suggests to watch a horror movie (even though you do know he's a little cowardly at times, you follow along with his plan)
it was either vox or luca who actually suggested the horror movie - much to mysta's dismay, but !! he's willing to do so for you !!
"a horror movie? are you sure?"
mysta would like to think he's THE shit, the smoothest person on earth who is about to woo YOU
date plan (brought to you by mysta): suggest horror film for your first date with him, watches you get scared and comforts you while putting on a brave face so that way he would look cool and epic in your eyes, fall in love (SUCCESS)
he could've suggested a rom-com, but he wanted to seem so alpha sigma male and not some beta male (cue the eye roll) in your eyes that he completely forgets to pick a movie that was enjoyable for the both of you
he also fails to realize his own fears and instead cowers behind you while watching the scary movie together (bonus points if he is legitimately hiding his face in the crook of your neck or something so he doesn't watch the film lmao)
after leaving the theater, he starts becoming sulky and pouty about looking cowardly in front of you that it literally takes your entire being and a half to practice self control - whatever you do, don't tease him !!! he's trying his best !!! even though he's so cute and all ;;;
you can believe that he instantly started jumping for joy when you suggested to watch a movie together again
SUCCESS! i hope
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a trip to the aquarium is to die for when going on a date with shu
shu instantly thought of bringing you to an aquarium after winning tickets for 2 at a local supermarket for one of their events
the night before the date, shu spent time watching different aquatic documentaries so he could impress you with his knowledge of the fish in the aquariums (yes he watched wild kratz yes it was to impress you)
nerdge shu (REAL) - while you both are touring around the aquarium, he starts to tell you random facts about the fish you see
"oh yeah? that's a clownfish.... best well known for their role in finding nemo..."
lots of photos !!! the cutest couple aquarium photos to ever exist !!!
the walks under the tunnel area felt a bit too romantic - walking hand in hand with shu, watching him ramble off about the sharks that swam peacefully and the lighting.
dear god the lighting
surprisingly enough, the blue and green hues of the aquatic tanks made shu's whole appearance feel otherworldly ; if you can disregard the flames that follow him around ever-so often. it was mesmerizing (he knows you were staring and he's a little glad that the aquarium lights were able to hide his flustered face)
the date ends off well ; shu had a blast and you gained the important knowledge that he truly is a nerd even though he denies it - well, at least he is your nerd.
best believe from now on, every anniversary or important event will be celebrated at the local aquarium.
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an art museum and dinner date, how fancy
another very classy man who had to call everyone he knows because ' holy shit this is THE Y/N he's taking on a date with and his heart is about to combust '
yes we're back with the wiki-how articles on how to impress your date on the first ever date; shu was the one who sent him a link and he thought maaybe it's good for a little light reading
"Shu... you're a genius! they would love this!"
"Vox, it's just a wiki-how article, you don't have to take it to hea-"
he eventually settles on a nearby art museum as they were having an event for an artist you once mentioned - perfect!
that definitely displays that he was listening to your conversations with him and he remembers - how sentimental!
as for dinner, he decided to show off his culinary prowess and impress you with a restaurant quality dinner created by yours truly!
he's about to become the man of sex the man who is going to sweep you off your feet!
well at least that's what he hoped.
the art museum was boring - the two of you only toured around the small exhibit and left quickly THEN went to a fast food chain of all places before you could try vox's cuisine.
it made him pouty on the way home that the date didn't go according to plan, but you noticed how much effort he made in order to make it fun for you, and to be honest - knowing this was a lot better than the actual date itself.
so the date ends off surprisingly well - a little kiss on the cheek for goodbye and another scheduled date where the two of you get to laze around all day is set; vox couldn't be anymore happier than that.
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rikitachiquita · 1 year
come back… be here | ni-ki
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✧ synopsis: working at a cafe can be really fun: the customers being nice, cracking jokes with your coworkers, singing while brewing coffee and so on. but it's even more fun when two members of the staff bicker and fight all day and keep everyone entertained. that's what  hybe cafe is like, thanks to ni-ki and y/n.
✦ warnings: me info dumping about taylor swift and bottling up feelings (?)
⋆04 he is losing it (written 1k)
''you look bored'' said jake while looking at ni-ki. the two best friends were taking a break during their shift, since there weren't any costumers. the whole day had been dull: the weather was cloudy and it kept drizzling, ther air was very cold, especially for a september day and the lack of costumers was getting to the two baristas.
''it's cause i am bored'' replied ni-ki. he had been snappy and on the edge the whole day and jake was trying to understand the reason behind that behavior. if you asked him, he would tell you that that was just his job as a best friend.
''are you sure it's just that? you have been bad-tempered all day'' tried pushing a bit jake. maybe the younger would crack and tell what was going through his mind, even if he kinda had an idea on what it was.
'' it's nothing, don't worry''
''sure cause i will actually believe that''
ni-ki let out a sigh: maybe talking about it would help him. ''do you ever feel like you are lying to yourself?''
''yeah, it happens sometimes, usually when i can't accept something i make myself forget that thought. other times i just put it aside and don't act on it, even if it's not a healthy way to deal with itchy subjects... is something bothering you that you want to talk about?''
at those words ni-ki started thinking: was his brain making up those thoughts cause he was spending too much time at work? maybe he was too tired? it had been a while since he saw all his friends or went dancing. yeah, maybe he should just dance for a couple hours that would clear his mind-
''i think i am weirdly jealous of y/n''
jake was now looking at ni-ki's face, trying to read his emotions, but he wasn't showing any, his face was blank, a void of sentiments ''what do you mean by that?''
ni-ki took another long pause again ''i feel like i should be the only one that can annoy her. it's kind of our thing you know, annoying eachother. it bothers me when someone else does it. it's maybe a bit silly but i don't want to loose our bickerings and little fights cause they make my life a tiny bit more interesting''
''is that all?''
''yeah... do you think it's weird to feel like that?''
''no... as you said those quarrels are your thing, so it's normal to appeal entitled to it. are you sure there is nothing more to it tho?
after a few beats ni-ki decided to shift on another topic, since the discussion was going in a direction that he wanted to stay away as much as he could ''yeah don't worry. do you think that eunchae is going to come and give as a visit?''
jake let the conversation drop, still knowing that there was more to it but waiting for a better moment to dig more into it ''i don't know, she usually texts you, you should check''
ni-ki did as his friends said and as expected, there was eunchae's text: she was going to be at the cafe any minutes.
and five minutes later, there was eunchae in all glory. she went to hug the two guys and ordered her regular: an iced maple latte
''you know chae, maple latte is the drink taylor swift ordered while on a date with the ex that made her write one of her best song ever?'' said jake
''which song?''
''all too well''
''which version?'' asked eunchae. don't get her wrong, she wasn't an actal swiftie but she enjoyed the singer, i mean who wouldn't. she also liked to hear jake (or anyone) talk about their interests, but you would never catch her admitting that.
''i mean every single one but we all know that atwtmvtvftvsgavralps is just superior''
''what does that even mean'' interrupted ni-ki. a loud gasp was heard and that's when sunoo had appeared. of course he would appear in the moment that his favourite singer was mentioned.
''you have been working here for months and you still don't know what atwtmvtvftvsgavralps means? that is all we listen to basically!''
''ohhh he is losing it'' whispered eunchae: she knew that ni-ki would drive the two fans mad.
''no i don't. can you guys explain what it means?''
'' it's 'all too well 10 minutes version taylor's version from the vault sad girl autumn version recorded at long pond studios' '' explained jake
''put it on, i want to hear it since you act like it's the best song that ever existed'' declared ni-ki, and so sunoo did.
he would never admit it out loud, but they were right: ni-ki thought that the song was really good. not just good but actually touching and somehow it kept you curious, even with it's vast lenght.
after that they kept talking while the three baristas did some small chores or served the few costumers that came by.
at one point jake and eunchae were left alone for a few minutes, so jake caught the opportunity to bring up what was bothering him.
''eunchae, i think ni-ki as some kind of feelings for y/n''
''wait why?''
''we talked for a bit earlier and he said something about being jealous when other people make fun of her and how he feels like he is lying to himself''
''oh my god i actully had some suspicions, but you telling me this makes me believe that i'm probably right. i'll ask him in a few days tho, since we are having a sleepover at mine, so he might open up. it's not good when he bottles up his emotions'' she said, sounding a bit concearned
''that's why i brought it up, i know it talks to you about this type of subjects''
''yeah he does, cause i am like cupid''
''omg yes stream fifty fifty''
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✧ note: fun fact, iced maple lattes are actually my favourite drink ever
✦ taglist: open! ask to be added@juyomiao
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lieblingspulli · 2 years
Need Something? - SKZ
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W.C: 2.3k
Seungmin x Reader
Summary: Two days converge into one as you and Seungmin unwind for the day!
SKZ Masterlist
Note: Hey! It’s been a while but I got inspired by my extreme procrastination of my schoolwork to make something. I’ve been just itching to write about super mundane things tbh, I’ve been just so busy, I’m appreciating the mundane much more lately. Hope you all like it <3
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Seungmin was extremely relaxed after his daily coffee run. If there was anything to start his morning peacefully, it was nicely flavored americano and an empty cafe. Today would be a good day, Seungmin resolved to himself. He would get his choreo memorized, sing some demos for Chan today and maybe even go live for a lunchtime mukbang session. Today would be a great day in fact. He felt so at peace that he felt he could do anything today, even the laundry that had been sitting in the corner of his room for like a week at home. Today would be good. 
You personally felt victimized today. Nothing like sleeping through the most important meeting of the quarter to start your morning. You spent all of last night typing out your important charts and notes, Seungmin couldn’t even lure you into bed with warm cuddles and extra attention.
Despite this, Seungmin had kissed you to sleep endlessly when you did join him at an early 3 in the morning. You felt so bad for keeping him awake, but Seungmin didn’t have an important quarterly report to type, you did. Resigning to a stern lecture from your coworkers, you let the morning do its thing. You used the last of the coffee pods that Seungmin left you and fed your tiny, old dog before hurrying out the door. Let’s get this day over with, you thought. 
Right before you left work for the day, you sent Seungmin a text.
Just getting out of work. When do u get home?🥲-Y
Almost immediately Seungmin answered. 
Maybe around 7. :( Srry bby -S
Can you squeeze out an early send off from chris??? Tell him I broke my finger -Y
You’re funny. Let me work my magic ;) -S
Lmk how that goes, if not just tell my chrissy I said hi and he still owes me some nachos from when he ate mine -Y 
Some time went by as you waited for a reply. You watched the fall colors of the trees pass you by as the bus took you to your homestop. Something about fall calmed your nerves. Luckily, the quarterly meeting had been postponed because the division manager had a cold, which totally saved your butt. You sighed and felt a vibration from your phone. 
Chan$$ venmoed you 10 usd 
You grinned and sighed. Opening up your messages with Seungmin, you shook your head and laughed. 
Why did chan send me 10 dollars in usd 🤔 -Y
bro???? -Y
He said because you keep pestering him for an american dish -S
Tell him I’ll enjoy it very much thxxx  -Y
He also said you have to share with him when you get them -S
Why dont you just text him urself omg -S
You just sent him an emoji with your tongue sticking out. 
Oh hey did he let you out tho? -Y
No -S
We have a weird schedule today bc of the morning show tm -S
Srry bb -S
Its OK. have fun xoxo -Y
You pulled the bus signal and gathered your stuff. The time on your phone read 4:26. Technically speaking, you should be at work, but was let out early due to the manager being gone and the meeting had everyone done with work. Maybe you would cook some lasagna according to your mom’s recipe. Or take Luna (your fossilized age dog) out on a walk. You didn’t really seem to know what to do because of this peculiar on-edge feeling. 
It was peaceful around you as you hopped off the bus. An ajumma was reading her book on the bus stop bench. A 16 year old student and his friend were arguing over a bag of chips. A business man was walking presumably home from work. 
You pulled your coat a little tighter around you as you started to walk in the direction of yours and Seungmin’s place. The cold air had picked up in a bit of a breeze as you passed the corner store which was next to the salon that was owned by your neighbor down the hallway. Eventually you made it to your building and walked into the warm main hallway. 
Seungmin’s schedule was unexpectedly busy today. Despite his peaceful start, the choreographer made some changes to the new dance they were learning for a unit video with Leeknow and Jeongin. Leeknow, being the particular dancer he always was, made the choreo hour seem like 3. Afterwards, Chan said his demo tracks still weren’t ready but he could send one of them over for a listen. This left Seungmin a bit of freetime before lunch, so he decided to walk to the new chocolate store that opened down the street and buy you some mocha and espresso choco bites. With his goodies in hand, Seungmin proceeded to go about his day as normal, except for the fact that Jisung was freaking out when he met with Seungmin for lunch over how his recording session went terribly and he needed to reschedule soon because the tracks needed to be edited soon. All of Jisung’s stress made its way to Seungmin and started to give him an icky feeling. The best he could do was offer some comfort to Han by offering to help him on the vocals when he had a chance. This seemed to help him a bit. Not soon after, You texted Seungmin and this put him at ease. Running off after lunch, Seungmin found Chan in his studio working on the aforementioned demos. Trying to guilt trip his most loyal leader, Seungmin found himself getting an apologetic “Sorry min but the schedule is packed after 3:30. It's best to stay the day I think” from Chan. Welp. 
From here on, it was utter chaos. When Seungmin got to the group meeting room for a debrief on the morning schedule, no one but the manager was there. Everyone was late, Hyunjin didn’t have anything but a coffee and his phone because he forgot his laptop at home, Jeongin was sniffing because he was recovering from a cold, Leeknow was late because of a dance practice, Chris and Changbin were late because of the demo fixing, Jisung walked in with a second lunch, and Felix just lost track of time. Who knows what happened after that.  
In between song rehearsals, Seungmin replied to your text and apologized for the continuing schedule. He sensed your day hadn’t gone according to plan but he really couldn’t do much at the moment. Jisung was pestering him to help him with some vocals and he reluctantly agreed to a bit of help after the rehearsal. So much for going home early. 
After he grabbed his bag to head to Jisung’s studio room, he texted you again to make sure you were okay. 
Are you bored without me yet -S
Seungmin swung the door open and started slowly heading down the dimly lit hallway to let Jisung catch up. 
No Luna decided to spit up her lunch. Also the coffee machine broke -Y
My beloved coffee machine 🙁 -S
Seungmin got startled when he felt some hands on his shoulder. Jisung had caught up. 
“What did you think about that rehearsal huh?” Jisung chuckled and readjusted his hoodie over his head. “Personally, I don’t know if I’ll survive tomorrow.” He shook his head and grimaced. 
“Ah, it's fine. It’s strange because everyone was late but tomorrow won’t be that bad. I need a vacation after though.” Seungmin chuckled and stuffed his phone in his back pocket before heading into the elevator after Jisung. 
“Bro I’ve got so many tracks to finish and turn in, it’s insane.” 
“Tell me about it, I’ve got a bunch of people asking me for help.” Seungmin laughed and nudged at Jisung teasingly. Jisung got a bit embarrassed and slapped his arm playfully.
“I’m looking forward to the weekend.” Jisung sighed. 
“Me too.” Seungmin agreed wholeheartedly and followed his companion into the studio hallway.
Finally, 7pm hit the clock. You quickly set the table and hopped in the shower. All the unease in your stomach had made you do odd chores around the house to get your mind off of the feeling. You made your homemade lasagna, did 2 loads of laundry, vacuumed the whole house, and cleaned out the fridge. Still, you felt unfinished. The whole day at work, people had been asking for your assistance on different tasks and now that you did jobs for yourself, it didn’t feel satisfying enough. Additionally, you tried making your favorite caramel latte but the machine broke. You sighed as you washed your hair. After you got out and was on step 3 of your skincare routine, you heard the front door open and close, signaling the return of your boyfriend. 
Seungmin took the choco bites out of his bag before setting it on its designated hook in the hallway. Luna ran up to Seungmin and excitedly pawed at his shoes for pets. Suengmin smiled and crouched down to pet her before talking sweet nonsense despite her being a dog. 
You walked out from the bedroom, careful not to startle Seungmin and snickered a bit. 
“And here I thought I was the one going to get extra attention.” You teased. 
Seungmin stood up and waddled over to you with arms open wide. 
“Babyyyyyyyy. I missed you so” He said in his best baby voice. You adored Minnie. “Don’t strangle me Min.” You pouted. 
“I’m sorry, I just had a weird day.” You could hear his visible pout and you rubbed his back.
“Did you need something then? A kiss? Some food?” Seungmin held you out at arm’s length and got suddenly very serious.
“That is the first time someone has asked me that all day.” You giggled at his distraught face, knowing he was pouting about not getting enough attention. 
“Aw, my poor baby boy didn’t get enough love from his friends did he?” You smiled teasingly. He dramatically nodded yes and then seemed to have an epiphany. 
“Oh! I have something for you!” He ran over to the table and picked up a fancy yellow pastry box before opening them and stretching them out to you. 
“Aw, baby, you didn’t have to.” You picked up a chocolate cookie looking thing and bit into it. You expected a cruncy texture, but got more of a caramel bite of brownie spongieness. You sighed in pleasure and closed your eyes to savor the taste. 
“Mmmm! This is so good. Where did you get these from?” You opened your eyes. 
“There’s a new pastry shop by the JYP building! I thought you could use a pick me up today.” He stared at you excitingly, happy that you were happy. He happily walked back to the table and set down the box before sauntering to the kitchen. 
“Thanks Min, I really appreciate it. I needed the surprise.” He looked back at you and curiously asked what was wrong. 
“Ah, I just had a bad start to the morning. My meeting got delayed and I’ve been feeling weird all day.” You walked to the counter and began to plate some lasagna. “I did make my favorite dish for dinner though.” You felt arms wrap around you waist and a chin prop on your shoulder. 
“I’m sorry I couldn’t do more, baby. Do you need something from me? Sometimes you just need someone to take care of you to feel better.” Suengmin said sweetly. You leaned your head back against him. 
“You’re too nice to me you know that right?” You sighed and got back to serving the food.
“No, I’m so serious right now. I feel like everyone asks so much of us that we don’t just get to take care of eachother.” He helped you carry the dishes to the table as he maintained the conversation. 
“So many people asked me for favors today. I realized how much I just wanted to go home and listen to someone ask about my day. I feel like that would make you feel better. So, I’ll do just that!” He happily exclaimed this last point and pulled out your chair for you to sit down in. You smiled and puckered your lips for a kiss. He happily obliged. You sweetly kissed him and said, “Min, all I want from you is your attention and your cuddles.” You giggled. He smiled and quickly grabbed some juice from the fridge before running to the table to sit down like a child. 
“Okay, tell me about your day. I want to know everything. I also want to know what I can do to make you feel better. Think of it as a master plan. Plan Y/N: Make Y/N feel loved and appreciated for all they do for everyone.” He motioned with his hands across the space in front of him. 
You shook your head and began from the very beginning. Seungmin listened the whole time and attentively ate while making agreeable sounds. Watching you be so animated about a normal day was so attractive to him, he thought to himself that he would spend all his days like today if he could return to you and listen to you speak. As dinner winded down, he held your hand across the table and spoke about his schedule that day. Although he was being pestered all day with favors, he felt that this one task that was given to him by you would never be an annoying one. He would gladly ask if you needed something from him if it meant giving you extra love and attention.
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thewholecrew · 9 months
@headstrongblake said: “I love you.” / kass & o
after the shooting kassy tried her best to show up for octavia whenever she could, stopping by after classes to check on her, especially now that she was healed enough to take the next painful step and go through withdrawals to get herself clean. today kassy had the afternoon off and wanted to do something nice for o, to help her as best she could when her girl wasn't feeling as hot as she was.
offering a nod to bellamy as they passed, him on the way out and her on the way in, she held a couple bags in her arms as she slipped out of her heels and headed towards octavia's bedroom, "hey baby girl," she said quietly as she walked in to the dark room, "how are you feeling today?" she asked, getting her things settled on the dresser. she was quiet in her unpacking as octavia spoke just as quietly. she looked better than the last time she'd seen her, able to slowly sit up.
"how do you feel about a little tlc?" kassy asked as she pulled out some skin care products. "i got you a new water bottle, look how big this thing is, it can hold like 2 liters of water," she wiggled it, showing it off as she turned on the little twinkle lights for octavia. "i got green cuz i know it's your favourite colour, but it's also got little turtles on it," she shrugged, "let me fill this up for ya, you hungry? i bought some fresh apples that i'll cut up with some peanut butter if you want a bite to eat," she smiled, reaching out to gently brush octavia's hair behind her ear. "oh shush, it's nothing, gotta look out for my girl you know?" she teased.
with the water bottle filled and snack made, kassy entered the bedroom again, handing o the bottle while she placed the snack at the bedside table. grabbing her brush and the bag of products, she moved to sit on the bed behind octavia. "so," she began, gathering octavia's hair behind her to begin to gently brush it. "thought i'd catch you up on classes and everything, the campus is huge right? well today i found this little cafe on the far side and the coffee is actually so fucking good, so i think i'm going to maybe do work there between classes -- you definitely have to come one day, kay?" she chatted while she carefully brushed through the knots before braiding her hair.
"and i've met a couple classmates; aiden who's super cute, very freckly, sweet, andddd trinity, i actually didn't even realize she was in my class until we bumped into each other at the library," she continued, tying off the braid before shifting on the bed and placing a pillow in her lap. "c'mere, lay your head down," she patted the pillow as she then went through her bag. "i know you're not a big skin care girly but this will make you feel amazing -- or, at least a little better i hope?" she looked over at octavia hopefully and beamed when she gave in and laid back. kassy smiled, "okay, close your eyes, you can even fall asleep if you want," she teased as she sprayed a mist of rose water over o's face, watching with a quiet laugh as she scrunched her face in surprise.
thumbs then began to masssage along her skin as well as help ease any tension in her forehead, temple and jaw. "so yes, i'll continue," she laughed as octavia asked about trinity. "she's also cute, i think she'd fit in our group pretty well honestly -- i was thinking of possibly tryna set her and nick up," she grinned a little deviously as she applied a cream to octavia's face, fingers always gentle as they massaged it into her skin, light when tracing over the scar by her brow. "i think they'd be cute together okay, she's this little blonde thing, shy but i think there's some fire hidden in there and i'm determined to get her out of her shell," she laughed, "maybe when you're feeling better you can meet us for lunch and i'll introduce you to everyone," she smiled, looking down at octavia's peaceful face.
she still looked like she was very much going through the withdrawal process, but kassy hoped that a little pampering would help her feel better. kassy knew she always felt better when she pampered herself. after a face mask, some gentle massaging with a roller and a very light and playful pat to her cheeks, finally, kassy finished and octavia's skin was glowing. beautiful and dewy. "there," she said quietly, unsure if she had fallen asleep. she'd eventually stopped chatting and focused on what she was doing so she wasn't sure, not until those green eyes looked up at her and kassy smiled down at her best friend.
she watched as octavia sat up and turned to her, surprising her with a tight hug. thank you, she said and kassy shook her head, hugging her back but gently, hands smoothing along her back, "oh my god bitch it's no problem at all, you deserve it, okay? i'm so proud of you." i love you, she heard her best friend whisper and kass' dark eyes softened, giving o a gentle squeeze. "i love you too, and just because i'm busy with school doesn't mean i can't make time to pamper my best friend you hear me?" she teased, pressing a kiss to her cheek. "now i'm free for the rest of the evening so, if you want to just hang, maybe watch something, nap, chat more, whatever you want girly, i'm here for it. here for you."
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pbandjesse · 5 months
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I fell asleep for a little bit there. Which is good and I hope to do that more but drinks are about to come to use and it will be nice to be have another little evening soda. Today has been a lot of travel. But it's been great.
After my post last night me and James continued to wait for our friends. Boarding began at 905. They arrived at 907. Which stressed me bad!! But they made it. They even had time to almost all of them go get Wendy's. And it turned out that Paul's aunt is active military so we skipped the entire line. Amazing.
This was the largest plane I have ever been on. Three rows of three seats! It wasn't the most comfortable seat though. And there was not much leg room. I would end up taking James's bag under my seat so that could be a little comfortable. But the people in front of us were mad at us the whole time any time we bumped their seat. But also they had it as far back as they could go so really what did they want. We were all trying our best.
I would get some embroidery done. Some bracelet making. And eventually I was able to fall asleep for a little while. James did not sleep much, to uncomfortable. But they did get some rest.
I had a little bit of pain in my stomach but I was fine overall. Ready to not be sitting. But there was still hours left.
They would serve breakfast on the flight. I got scrambled eggs and potatoes, James got the very last of the pancakes. Mine would have been improved by ketchup but was still good.
I spent the last hour or so of the flight settling my stuff. It was a very tight squeeze but we both were able to get our stuff back in our bags and felt ready.
And then we were in Turkey! This was super exciting. Seeing the coast as the plane came in was beautiful. There was a little bit of turbulence but it wasn't bad. And we landed in one piece. And I was excited when my phone announced that I had service in Turkey. Calls would cost 20 cents a minute but texting and data was free. I would text my parents and Jess and was excited to get out to the airport.
When I first stood up I got a shocking pain down my legs. But I would recover. And we chatted with the people around us. Including people in our party but also others. It has been a long flight but we all survived.
When we got off of the plane we would gather to figure out what comes next. Three hours until our flight to Kigali.
But this airport doesn't let you know your gate until almost right before it's boarding time. So we decided to explore.
Me and James walked to the short end of the terminal and found a bar. So we went back for the group because that is what they said they wanted. I would enjoy chatting with everyone. I am trying very hard to not be to much. Not to loud, not to friendly. Those things that Americans get accused of. But I am also just really excited to be here so it's hard. But no one seems upset with me, I want to know everything about everyone. I just want to hear everyone's stories.
And I would get some of them. When we got down to the bar and cafe James would get a Turkish coffee and a soft bagel with chocolate. I got a sour cherry juice. And then me and one of the girls would go on a long walk to explore.
We found some really cool stuff. A traditional sand Turkish coffee. So many fancy pastries. It was great. I texted James and they would come and find us in a bizarre style market.
We decided to buy souvenirs on the layover on the way back. But we found some contenders. I loved the ceramic dishes and the silly cat themed merchandise. There was also just so much food! Cheeses and honey and candy and dates and chestnuts. Meats and teas and spices. It was incredible honestly.
James would find us and I showed them some things I liked. And then all three of us would go for a walk farther into the terminal. There was a lot of restaurants and shops. Lots of very fancy places. But also a shake shack and a McDonald's. I checked ahead of time and the McDonald's does have a few regional things. Including kebabs and a local brand of soda. But then we saw a sign for a museum inside of the airport! And I insisted.
We would find it and it was a little guy but I felt like it was worth the ticket price. I got to learn about the history of power in what we now call Turkey. The jewelery work was incredible but my favorite part was honestly the post WW2 paintings. It was really awesome to see more contemporary work from an area of the world I feel like I only ever seen historical work from. I was having a great time.
The very last exhibit was a very bizarre light up eye installation. But it was fun getting to experience a little museum and I was just in a really good mood.
We started walking back to where our friends where. Well we were following James and James remembered wrong. Oops. So we were on the wrong terminal. But I wasn't worried. They hadn't posted our gate yet. And just as we were about to get to the actual terminal we had left everyone at they posted it was in E4. So I would wait with Abby (we are mostly sure that is her name, I had misheard before but we will confirm) and me and her talked. She's really nice. Her parents live in Nigeria and she flys all the time.
Right before James left us to gather everyone we were going down an escalator and a woman fell down backwards! She screamed and thankfully her hijab didn't get caught or anything but man it was scary and we were not in a spot we could help but someone else hit the emergency stop and got her up safely. It was a scary couple moments.
Once our group was gathered we headed to the actual gate. Which was a flurry of activity. I would run to the bathroom but when I came out I couldn't find James and went to the gate but they weren't there. But I backtracked and found them and everything was okay again. They did somehow lost half of their ticket but the counter person said it was fine so no stress.
And boarded went easy. The smaller plane was less of a line and easier to board. Me and James were in the second group because we had changed seats to be together. But we got on quickly. We did get separated for a moment but I asked the men who had gotten between us to reunite me with my husband and they thought that was funny and let James through.
These seats have been a lot more comfortable. And we just finished eating dinner. Which was good. I liked the dessert James's meal came with. I got the vegetarian Hindu meal which has no dessert but did come with fruit which was nice. It has kiwi in it. Now though they have taken my tray and I am going to just chill. Maybe play a game on my tablet. Maybe fall back asleep.
This has been a fun adventure so far. We have 4 hours and change left and we will be in Uganda. Which is when I will post this. Hopefully ASAP. And then we will go through customs which I hope is easy. And then we are on our way to the resort. I am nervous about that but I hope it's as nice as it looked online.
And tomorrow we wake up in Africa. We are already flying over the country. It's dark outside so I can't see but I have been following in the map and I am just really excited.
I hope you all are having a s good day too. I love you all. Goodnight!!
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