#but anyway... i think he turned out pretty cute
maddascanbe-blog · 14 hours
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I can't believe they jipped us so hard on Sabrina here (and Rooster Bold, and Caprikid, and Minot-). They didn't give her a transformation sequence, and they even gave her miraculous to 2 other people! It's one thing if it was Ladybug and Chat Noir using them, but no. Both Alix and "Adrien" got to use Barkk's miraculous!
I don't think anything about any of the designs really scream Dog to me, but I think Sabrina's was the best in concept out of all of them. I think part of it is the colors, Plagg has the distinction of being specifically a Black Cat which combined with the green eyes makes it hard to mistake what animal the miraculous is based on. But Barkk has very similar colors to the Fox miraculous, and that definitely makes it harder to tell.
Personally I think basing the dog miraculous on a Dalmation, Cocker Spaniel, or Basset Hound.
But anyway onto the dog miraculous, I think I will also be changing the power. Instead my idea was that once the ball connects to something it can lead the dog user to the object via a trail only the user can sense. But the condition is, they have to know what object they hit. If they intend to track a person, they need to know that person's identity. So if Hawkmoth appears they would need to hit his cane or his miraculous in order to track them. But the trace on the cane would wear off as soon as he de-transforms. The one on the butterfly miraculous would last longer, but would wear off over time meaning he would just have to keep moving until then.
Gabriel is aware of this power, and knows it would be very useful if he could get his hands on it. But the risk is pretty high for him as well, since if they manage to trace his miraculous he'd be in trouble. So Hawkmoth is hesitant to appear in person.
As for Vanisher, I based on design on the Invisible Man. Specifically the 2005 french cartoon of the same name. I recommend it, I love Alan so much. She can appear as just the hat, glasses, gloves, and coat. Or she can turn completely invisible The akuma is hidden in the pin on her hat.
I like Sabrina's preppy style, so when I saw a pinafore dress in this dark orange shade I knew I wanted to use it for her Miss Hound design. I also love the beret, I wish they didn't steal it for Cani-girl. I did tie her hair back and altered the shade of orange to a more auburn shade. Her ball is attached to her bow, and I decided to keep the thigh high socks since they were cute.
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Listen, I'm still not over ep 11 yet. AND THEN THEY GIVE ME THIS I- *muffled screaming*
Anyways, welcome to my crack posts. =D
Warning: long post 😊😅 (I somehow took even more screenshots than last time 😭)
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I knew something like this would happen hehe
Don't lie, Peem, he'd already won your heart the moment he said "Na, krab" with those puppy eyes
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I love how despite thinking they're enemies up till this point, Tan immediately jumps on the ship the moment he learns it exists.
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Fang: cute. <3
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Q: cutee. <33
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Shy babygirl Peem has my whole heart 🥺🫶🏼
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Yeah? Anyone specific you want to draw a portrait of, Peem? Someone from Engeering, maybe? Someone who confessed to you in front of all your combined friends just last night? No? 👀
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This smile. This goddamn smile. I get you, Peem, I totally get you.
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Q peeking in small into the bag is so accurate 😭
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As I'd said in my previous post: "Right in front of my salad?!" and "Something very LGBT just happened to me o.o"
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I love nose boops hehe
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[Phum: I have to go to class.]
You actually go to class?! *pikachu meme face*
Q's face perfectly expresses my feeling, and I'm definitely saving these as meme pics
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Peem's plan to be hit on backfired so fast so hard 😭
Poor boy went into shock 😭
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Peem is never hearing the end of this from Q. Never.
I love their friendship though. Besties forever. <3
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Toey looks so excited here 😭🫶🏼
He's definitely over the moon that his two beloved hias finally realized they like each other (and of course he manifested this wdyem)
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Throwing stones from inside a glass house, huh Q?
You're just as bad as, if not worse than Peem.
*shaking my head fondly* these boys are so whipped for their baes
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This ep gave me a lot of meme pic ehehe
Why so surprised, Peem? You were the one telling Phum to flirt on you, why so shy now huh?
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Oh, Aunt Pui knows. She's just trying to help her nephew get a nice boyfriend hehe
Also- learning the family business early on? Nice move, Phum.
I'm pretty sure Aunt Pui will accept Phum as family the very instant they start dating.
Actually- she probably already has.
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What will you be tying next? The knot?? (I am so so happy I can make that joke and actually mean it now.)
Oh, and I love love love their dynamics. I'm always looking for verse because I don't like active power dynamics, but this show really delivered on it. There's always a push and pull, but throughout, they're equals. Yes, even through that slave era (remember how exactly Peem came to be his slave?). It did start off with a slight imbalance, but it evened out pretty fast (because Phum is incapable of not being the cutest clingy little puppy for more than ten minutes and Peem is weak for it).
PhumPeem/PeemPhum is giving me so much that I'd thought I'd almost never get from BLs (there are a few other examples, I think, but this is probably my topmost).
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I don't know if y'all have noticed, but Phum is deliberately soft and is often using polite pronouns for the last two episodes.
It's just... they're so pretty 😭
This scene is just >>>
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Phum is 200% committed. Other upcoming BL romantic interests, please take notes.
Jokes aside, what started out as a potential red flag (even two years ago, this relationship would have been very very different) turned into the greenest flag (with a side of childhood trauma).
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Did he just-
He almost confessed!!! So close!!
Also- please give me them as boyfriends already, I'm on my hands and knees. But can you imagine what they'll be like when they actually start dating...?
I CAN'T WAIT. GIMME NOW. *grabby hands*
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This scene made me speechless. Ep 12 was full of beautiful, absolutely stunning scenes, but this was what took my breath - his cute smile that lights up his whole face, his "Pai, krab" and the sheer relief when Peem asks him if he wants to go.
For a moment there, he thought Peem would leave, just like all the people in his life. He knows it wouldn't be permanent, but it's hard to get rid of such an old, deep-rooted fear.
But Peem, unknowingly, immediately waves it away by asking him if he wanted to come with. The only thing is... I don't think it was that unknowing.
I'll end part 1 on this note. Part 2 will be posted soon!
If you've reached this far, thank you so much for reading! 😊
Here, have a doughnut 🍩
And here are my previous We Are posts.
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swarvey · 3 days
Enamored with Paper Rings right now. It’s written so, so well 🥺 Do you have any headcanons about meeting Harvey in college/taking over the farm years after that?
meeting harvey in college | harvey x gn!reader
summary -> after meeting harvey during college, the two of you hit it off right away, slowly growing to become more than friends.
a/n: ahhh tysm!!!! that means a lot <33 i hope you enjoy!! reader and harvey are at med school btw
the two of you met during freshman year of university while taking the same course
after being placed in the same group project together for the semester, you hit it off with him right away
harvey, though? it was pretty much love at first sight.
you best believe this man purposefully chose his seat near you because he thought you were cute. not that he'll ever tell you that
it didn't help that he was completely enamored with your personality
(nearly imploded the first time you laughed at one of his jokes)
knew he wanted to be with you pretty much right away, but he also didn't want to rush you
so, being the man that he is, he waited patiently until you were ready to express your own feelings before showing you how much he cares about you.
freshman year
"this is impossible," you groan, letting your head fall onto the mattress beneath you. "i quit."
harvey laughs, rolling his chair over to the bed and gently lifting you up by your hoodie. "unfortunately, you can't quit," he tells you, smiling at your frown. "the rest of our groupmates quit half a semester ago, so it's up to us to save our grades."
you sigh deeply as you force yourself to sit up, grabbing your laptop and pulling it onto your lap. as you begin to work — swearing under your breath about your "good for nothing groupmates" — harvey sneaks a look at you once in a while, admiring the way you bite your lip in thought and squint your eyes at the screen.
he wants to be with you, of course he does. he thinks any guy who doesn't should get schedule a check-up with their doctor, since they obviously aren't thinking straight. no, the problem isn't that he doesn't have feelings for you — it's that you can't seem to tell he does. while he knows he should use his time at college to explore and meet new people, he can't shake the fact that, to be frank, you're really the only one he can picture himself with.
"harvey, can you look at this? i swear this doesn't make sense."
"sure!" shaking out of his daydream, harvey sits beside you on the bed, trying not to pay attention to the way your arms are pressed against each other.
while others may move on after realizing their feelings aren't returned, harvey figures he doesn't mind waiting a little bit, especially if the reward is having you all to himself.
sophomore year
"how do i look?"
harvey turns to look at you as you emerge from your bedroom, bashfully showing off your halloween costume with a broad grin. you're dressed up as one of your favorite video game characters, your hair and make-up done perfectly by your friend. she stands next to you with a proud look on her face, eyes digging into his skull. he can basically hear her daring him to say you look bad.
"amazing," he voices, watching as she nods in satisfaction and walks away.
"honestly, harvs, you couldn't have been a little more creative?" you ask, tugging at his lab coat. "you realize we're in med school, right? so half the people we see tonight are going to be wearing this."
he shrugs, rubbing the back of his neck. "well, i couldn't think of anything else," he mumbles. "it's not like i'm trying to impress anyone, anyway."
you hum, nonchalantly fixing his collar and centering his stethoscope. "well, at least you look all cleaned up — maybe you'll catch someone's eye," you tease.
yet again, you don't notice how he stiffens, letting out a quick breath when your hands graze his neck. it's been a year now, and harvey has no idea how you haven't noticed his feelings for you. still, he's been patient, and he truly doesn't mind waiting; it's not like there's a downside, in his mind. the two of you have grown even closer since freshman year, even finding time to see each other during the summer.
"alright, ready?" you ask, grabbing the sides of his arms and laughing when he jumps. "geez, harvey, i know it's halloween, but you don't have to be so on edge. i'm here to protect you!" you cross your arms, feigning toughness.
"really?" he doubts, giving you a questionable look.
you nod, the air leaving your lungs when your friend pokes your side. "we're all doomed if you're supposed to save us," she jokes. you laugh as she starts pulling you to the door, calling for harvey to follow.
he barely hears her, though, hearing only your bright laughter and seeing only your amused eyes.
i can wait.
junior year
harvey is growing tired of this.
he watches helplessly as you talk to a senior — a senior who is clearly attracted to you, by the way — and allow him to pour you another drink. he scowls at the greedy look in his gaze, his eyes raking you up and down as you sip out of your cup. he knows you're clueless and remembers how excited you were to socialize at the formal, especially since this upperclassman is known to be at the top of his class, but truthfully?
he doesn't give a damn.
"oh, harvey!" you say, eyes brightening when he walks over. he doesn't even look at you as he grabs your arm, locking it with his. he can feel you staring at him, his ears burning with embarrassment as he faces the senior.
"what are the two of you talking about?" he asks, his hold on you tightening when the older student leans forward slightly.
"nothing of concern," he says, eyeing your hand clutching harvey's arm. "just some personal techniques i've learned over the years."
harvey's lips form a grim line on his face as he glares at him, the music playing in the background seeming to fade away. he can sense the intentions of the other student, knowing if he weren't there, he would be purposefully getting you drunk to do god knows what with you.
"we're leaving," harvey declares, "but thanks for sharing your insight with them. i'll be sure to ask all about it when we get back."
without another word, harvey drags you out of the room despite your small protests, focusing only on getting you away from the creep. he lets out a breath of relief as you make it outside, resting his hands on his knees for a moment before straightening to look at you with worry-filled eyes.
"what were you thinking?" he scolds, scanning you quickly as if checking for injuries. "can't you tell when someone is trying to take advantage of you? how much have you had to drink? here, take my jacket, it's getting chilly out—"
his words get caught in his throat when you lean forward and hug him tightly, your head resting on his chest.
"what would i do without you, harvey?" you quietly ask, pulling away to look at him with a gaze he's never seen before. "no one's ever cared about me like you, you know that?"
harvey clears his throat, looking away as he gently wraps his arms around you. "i think you had a little too much to drink," he says, attempting to pull you off. "i'll take you home, okay? we can talk more tomorrow—"
before he can finish his sentence, your lips are covering his, your arms now thrown around his neck as his hands find the small of your back. after a moment of shock, he's kissing you back, eyes shut as he pulls you closer to him.
when you break off, he looks at you with wide eyes, blinking as he registers what just happened. his cheeks are tinted red.
you yawn, grabbing his arm once again and leaning on him. "i'm tired," you mutter. "let's go home."
"r-right, let's get you to bed. we can talk about this after you get some rest." wordlessly, he begins to walk you home, hoping with his entire being that you won't forget this by the morning.
senior year
adrenaline rushes through harvey's body as everyone throws their caps into the air, celebratory horns blaring in his ears as everyone begins to file out of the stadium. he can hardly believe it's been four years already — it feels like it was just yesterday he was meeting you in class for the first time, already drawn in by your curious eyes.
after greeting his parents and taking some pictures with them, he promises to be right back before racing off to find you, his bouquet of flowers still in hand. he quickly searches the crowd, knowing you should be around this area, but is stopped in his tracks when you practically pounce on him.
"we did it!" you exclaim excitedly, swaying him from side to side. your family watches amusedly as he shyly waves at them. "we actually graduated, can you believe it?"
"well, i can believe i graduated," he teases. "i'm not sure about you."
"hey! i used my resources well throughout college, alright?" you defend, pushing him away lightly.
"i'm kidding." he pulls you to his side, quickly stealing a peck on your lips when no one's watching.
you sigh, looking down at the cap in your hands. "i can't believe it's over," you express. "it went by so fast."
he nods in agreement, watching as everyone celebrates with their families. "keep in mind, i spent nearly three of those years chasing after you."
"you never said anything!"
"did i need to? i'm sure everyone else knew except for you."
"and whose fault is that?"
"alright, enough fighting!" harvey's mom laughs, walking up to your family and greeting them. "let's take a picture of you two."
"ready?" his dad calls, angling his camera. "smile!"
after developing the photo a week later, harvey notices that, while you're brightly grinning at the camera, he's too busy smiling down at you, reveling in the fact that all his waiting didn't go to waste.
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florencetypemaniacs · 4 hours
It's the cast's birthday! So the Mc just wraps themself up in ribbons, top it off with a cute bow and wait for their lover to come home!
How would the Ro's react to it?
NSFW ⚠️ Mild
💛 Marcel
Marcel hadn't thought you had anything planned, and while he still liked to remember his birthday, he never got to celebrate it. Now he had you, and that made Marcel feel like he was walking on air. 
So for his birthday, he planned the most relaxing evening with you, a nice homemade meal with the help of Tai, a pint of ice cream for each of you, and a romantic comedy that Marcel had his eye on for a while. 
So when he opened the door to find you lounging on the sofa with a smirk on your face, he almost dropped the bag he was holding. 
"Well, hello, birthday boy." 
Everything clicked into place, and Marcel melted into a puddle of sweet affection, awaiting arousal as he sat beside you, a smile so bright on his face.
"I didn't think you had anything planned." He said, his lips ghosting over your own, and you felt yourself shiver. 
"It's your special day, Marcel." 
Marcel shook his head and kissed you deeply, slowly leaving you breathless before whispering in your ear. 
"Every day is special with you." 
🧡 Margaret 
Margaret loved birthdays. Each one when she was alive made her feel like she was the most special person in the room, and her parents made sure of that. 
The presents were big. 
The decorations hung perfectly.
The sweets that lined the table every year. 
If only she knew that such a glamorous life would be the cause of her death. 
Margaret still acknowledged her birthday, it was a time to share with the people you loved and cared for, but she couldn't find it in herself to have a big party. 
No. All she wanted was you. 
She craved your comfort and affection like a starving man for a hot meal. 
Margaret practically ran up the stairs to your room, to see you. To feel your warmth on an emotionally confusing day only to be met with yourself tied In a pretty pink ribbon that did nothing to hide your naked form. 
Margaret felt her back hit the closed door, and a smug smile crossed your face. 
"Well, hello, birthday girl."
And Margaret was gone, anything that she was going to say left her mind as soon as she saw you.
"What are you doing?" Margaret squeaked out, and you laughed. 
"I thought I would give you your present early. Do you like it?" You twirled around, and Margaret felt like she was going to faint. 
Your girlfriend took a few more deep, long breaths before looking at you with such genuine love that it took you aback. 
"I don't just like it." Margaret kissed you softly and tenderly. "I love it." 
❤️ Owen 
Owen didn't celebrate his birthday. Parties were for the rich, for the lucky when he was alive, and there wasn't much to celebrate anyway. Hell, if his father didn't complain about selling his favorite mule every year to feed the baby he was left with, then Owen would probably never know his birthday. 
Although Owen could feel you had something planned, he didn't know what, but the looks he sent you made the wheels turn in his head. First, he wondered if it was a surprise party, but Margaret didn't give away anything, which wouldn't have been possible if she was given a secret. 
Then there was Marcel, who had to go report back to his Lord, and Owen knew that the sappy bastard wouldn't miss a party for his friend for anything. 
So when Owen opened the door to the bedroom to find you wearing nothing but a flimsy ribbon and a bow awkwardly on your hair, he wasn't that surprised, just giving you a look up and down. 
"Like what you see, birthday boy?" 
"Aye, Lass/Duck/Lad. I like this present very much." Owen said, closing the door behind him with his foot. 
Your boyfriend played with the ribbons, his eyes hungry, and your body began to shake with anticipation. 
"Ye didn't have to go all through this trouble just for me," Owen said with a quiet, gruff tone. 
"Of course I did, Owen. You deserve to have a happy birthday. 
Owen took the bow off your head. "Bloody hell, lass/Duck/lad I never felt happier than with you." 
💙 Rosemary 
Rosemary knew you were up to something. She could read that you had some sort of trick, and knowing that it was her birthday, she had a few ideas of what that could be. 
Her family was poor, so birthdays were about spending time with family, talking, and sharing, Her parents always tried to make them special. 
And while she didn't celebrate her birthday other than with an acknowledgment and a few gifts, she didn't find it that big of a deal. 
That was until she walked into your bedroom to find you in such a seductive state. 
Rosemary smirked as she played with the ribbon. "All tied up for me, handsome/angel face/dollface?" 
You nodded. "I thought it would make your birthday special." 
Rosemary kissed your forehead. "Oh, love, you already make my life special by just being with me, but if you need me to prove it to you." Rosemary gracefully threw the bow to the floor. "I will just have to unwrap you." 
🩵 Tai
Tai sighed as he walked through the door, his eyes drooping when he saw you. 
With just a ribbon and a ridiculous bow on your head, he became wide awake. 
You snickered as your boyfriend's mouth was wide open, his eyes practically bulging out of his head. 
"What are you doing?" His voice came out more like a croaked-out whisper than he meant for it to. 
"Oh, I thought the birthday boy would like to unwrap his present." 
Tai tried to keep his face blank, but he was failing miserably as his face was a bright red. Tai honestly completely forgot that it was his birthday, much less thought you even remembered. Between work and his hellish duties, it completely slipped his mind, and now you were sitting in his office with basically nothing except that shit-eating grin. 
"No need to be so smug," Tai whispered as he closed the door behind him, locking it, then stepped closer to you. 
"Me? Smug? How could I not be when I won." You said, purring in his ear, and Tai breathed in your sweet smell of baked goods. 
Tai's eyes narrowed at your tone. "Won what?" 
You wrapped his arms around Tai's neck and gave him a light kiss. "I got the workaholic doctor to take a night off." 
Tai easily picked you up, which left you gasping in surprise. "Who says what I am going to do won't work?" 
You played with his tie as he placed you on the examination table, legs apart. "You think of this as a job?" Your tone was teasing. 
Tai got on his knees, kissing your most sensitive skin and letting a moan escape you. 
"You're worth all the time," Tai whispered against your skin. 
💚 Zane 
Zane hated his birthday. First off, he never knew what it was when he was growing up. His teacher thought the idea of birthdays was a childish thing. something that was a distraction. 
Zane wished he hadn't dug deeper, but he had to. To find just a small piece of himself and of his old life, only to find out that the same day he was given life was on the date that his mother's ended. 
Zane hated birthdays. 
So the moment he woke up that morning, he was in an angry mood, as everyone could tell. Zane's crude jokes were lacking, so he couldn't blame you when you disappeared. 
The blonde opened the bedroom door, hoping that you were back from wherever you went to find you naked and lying on the bed, creasing yourself. 
The green ribbon tied around you, covering nothing and still hiding anything in a way that left Zane gripping the door knob. 
"I know you don't like your birthday, so I thought I would make it a little better." Your voice came out shy and sheepish, almost like you didn't know if this was somehow crossing a boundary, even though it involved you naked in his bed, a boundary that didn't exist in Zane's book. You were always welcomed in his bed.  
Zane breathed in and out. He had to remember to breathe, or he would hobble over. 
You were trying to make him feel better. 
You were trying to make him happy. 
That was enough for Zane to tear the ribbon off with his teeth. 
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HEY! I was wondering if you could do a To be young and in love, ah, Jason x fem Aphrodite reader !! 💘💘
ʚ♡ɞ˚Now he's thinkin' 'bout me every night, oh Is it that sweet? I guess so! ˚ʚ♡ɞ˚
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Ahh I love this request.
♥ Jason loves your vibe. It's so soft and gentle.
♥ I feel even though is so many fics, I see the Aphrodite cabin being portrayed as the “bullies” (I blame uncle rick for throwing in characters like Drew inside the cabin) but in real life, the Aphrodite cabin GETS bullied a lot by a few annoying pick me’s who are like “ew they're so damsel in distress and attention seeking” even though cabin 9 does nothing but mind their business???
♥ and there's just so much stigma around dating that cabin?? Like my pretty babies get played a lot and used just because people want a “hot” gf not because they actually love them :(♥ And you cannot tell me Jason wouldn't advocate AGAINST that shitty behavior. He would
♥ That's when he met you, he fell in love almost immediately.
♥ Calls you “my princess” while he picks you up when you aren't looking to mess with you 🥺🩷
♥ You make him do cute tik tok trends with you
♥ Like drawing half a heart with lipstick on your face while pressing it on his face to get a full heart.
♥ Yes he lets you do that cute shit
♥ Loves it when you kiss him on the lips with your lipgloss on omgg. Makes him giggle and kick his feet. You guys SO made out later anyways and he had lipstick marks all over him-
♥ Gets you fashion show tickets and goes with you.
♥ Also, I feel like at first he'd bicker and complain with you over your perfume sm as a joke, bc to him, it “smells too sugary” but when you leave for a quest or something he'd miss you sm that he'll literally buy that perfume which he once claimed he hated and puts it on bc he just missed you THAT much.
♥ You put cute flower clips on his hair and he even ends up liking it.
♥ Just like how Percy loves blue food, you love pink food, your face just lights up with you see pastel pink coloured food, and he thinks that's so adorable wtf
♥ Loves that you aren't afraid to be yourself even when mean ppl make fun of you
♥ Like you're a coquette Barbie but you're HIS coquette Barbie okay
♥ Lemme just add that your biggest turn on abt him is when he ties your shoelaces??? Like you don't know how to tie laces very well because you don't often wear sneakers, so you're just walking around wearing untied shoes, he looks at that, laughs, and bends down, ties it into such a cute ribbon like way (how does he tie shoes so aesthetically pls) and just looks up at you with his pretty ass eyes with a smile and tries to gauge your reaction.
♥ You just turn into a blushing mess wtf
♥ He is, surprisingly not oblivious to this, and does it more often just to see your blush lmao
♥ You're both so soft but passionate at the same time idk how but slay 🩷
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"You boys here for Hold-it Night? Perfect, the girls are gettin' pretty rowdy in there. He he... just bursting... with energy. Ha ha ha! Oh... yeah... of course I'm playing too. Wouldn't be fair otherwise, would it?"
Anna could tell these two had no idea what was going on. The marketing had certainly made it look as though this was "safe" game. That they'd be able to tap out at any time and go to the bathroom, only having to suffer a couple of jeers that they couldn't hold it as long as the girls.
But sadly for them, that was not how this was going to work.
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"Can I get you boys a drink. Hope you haven't been pre-gaming too hard. Wouldn't want the games to be over too quickly."
"Oh... think the girls at that table are trying to get you to join them. Aren't you boys lucky? Looks like your first round's on them."
The ladies on the other hand, absolutely understood the rules. Although in practice, Anna and her friends would actually let the girls sneak into the bathroom if they really didn't want to piss themselves.
Some girls actually preferred the idea of playing teh game clean, even if it meant losing, and being not-so-clean. Of course, their choice of drinks certainly gave one side a significant advantage.
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"Oh, thank you, boys. Very kind of you to buy me one. Shouldn't have too many, I am on the clock, you know. Don't worry though, I'll have plenty of water as well, keep things interesting."
"He he... Oh... of course I've had a couple of accidents. Hazard of the job. He he... maybe it's really a perk! Wouldn't work here if I didn't wanna be the centre of attention. And I know you boys'd love to see me soak these shorts of mine!"
It was true, she had wet herself on several occasions working there. Even finding it quite enjoyable when it happened. The warmth, the feeling of relief, and how naughty i felt to be openly peeing her skimpy shorts in front of an appreciative crowd.
She'd certainly had to take care of herself on her break after it happened a few times.
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"Maybe you'd like to see it up close? Ha ha... or even feel it! Get a lot of requests for that! We call that the 2-4-1 special. Two pairs of wet pants for the price of one! Guys always tip big for that one! He he... probably just so we don't tell everyone that they've made a little mess in their pants when we do it!"
"Ha ha... I'm sure their faces give it away but... we can feel when it happens. We almost enjoy it as much as they do! Ha ha! And if they're cute... maybe we'll give 'em our panties as a little souvenir."
That hadn't originally been part of the plan, but after one shy looking guy had built up the courage to ask her if she would sit on his lap and wet herself, she'd jumped at the chance. And less than a minute later, she'd vowed that would not be the last time she did it.
"Oh... you like the idea of that, huh?" she teased the new guys. "Looks like you're getting all worked up already. Or is that just a pee boner? That Bud Max already gone through ya...? Mmm,,, looking a little twitchy there. He he... you nervous? Aww... that's cute. Ever pee your pants in public before?"
"Awww, don't be shy. I've seen it a million times. Done it myself once or twice. I know how much of a turn on it is for you boys to see us girls all desperate and then just Pssssssss... You're not scared about losing to a girl, are ya? Big guy like you. You must be able to hold twice as much as me, right?"
"Or maybe that's just what you want? Feel a bit vulnerable. Having some hot girls teasing you before you lose it in your pants, right in front of them. Begging to use the bathroom, but then being told, No!"
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"Wha...? You need the bathroom, now? Uhh... I think you're missing the point of Hold-it Night. Didn't you hear the slogan? Once you're in... you're in... he he... geddit... Ur...ine...? Oh, come on, it's a little funny. Anyway, whatever. point is, no bathroom. We got so bored of guys chickening out, so we lock them all. That's the game. You hold it, or you pee your pants."
"Aww... you can't hold it any longer? What's the matter? These girls've been here way longer. Look at them... hands all between their legs, you can't hold on longer than them?"
As Anna looked at the wanton look on the girls faces she paused for a moment and blushed.
"Oh... Oh... Um... Actually... not sure that's why they've all got their hands down there... Um... Wow! Think they might just really wanna see you burst in those pants like a little boy. He he... and that's gonna be any second now..."
As the dam broke for the new guys. the girls panties were almost as wet as their pants were. One girl let out a little squeak as she lost her own battle, but then quickly resumed rubbing herself as it felt too good to stop. Her friends barely even noticed, although Anna smiled and winked at her.
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"Better luck, next time, boys!" Anna called after them as they trudged out of the doors, leaving a trail behind them.
The girls raised their glasses. "Rematch next week...?" one yelled, to much cheering.
Anna smiled as she mused out loud, "this is the best promotion we've ever done!"
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distant-velleity · 28 days
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Dancing, dresses, dashing princes—this ball sure has everything, doesn’t it?
a card i drew up for @starry-night-rose's Glimmering Soirée ^^;; voicelines, concept art, and trivia under the cut!
After Summon: Big, fancy events aren’t really my thing… I’d rather just blend in most of the time. But—I guess it’s fine if it’s only for one night.
Groovification: Careful—we wouldn’t want anything going wrong on the night of the ball.
Set to Home Screen: Let’s not get into any trouble, alright?
Home Transition 1: I considered wearing a dress at first, but when I thought about it… It’s too much of a hassle. That, and I’m no princess—if I stand out, it’ll be for all the wrong reasons.
Home Transition 2: Royal Sword Academy and Night Raven College students gathered in one venue… I’d better be ready for a fight to break out.
Home Transition 3: You know, I was thinking—next year it’ll be Royal Sword Academy’s turn to host, right? If I’m still around by then, I want to see how they do.
Home, after login: Oh, don’t mind me… I was just practicing my dancing. I’m not one of the Princes, but—hey, why are you looking at me like that? Can’t a guy not want to humiliate himself in the ballroom? 
Home Transition (Groovification): Don’t laugh, but… I-I think I might have lost one of the shoes that came with this outfit. Shoot, Vil and Crewel are gonna kill me… 
Tap Home 1: The other Princes seem fine, but Deuce? I’ve been a little worried that the expectations of the role will be hard on him… Well, hey. I guess it takes a lot of pressure to create a diamond.
Tap Home 2: Azul’s taken to this whole hosting thing like he was made for it, basically. Like it's another business opportunity. Only… his dancing needs some work, I think.  
Tap Home 3: When you think of brilliant balls and Prince Charmings, you don’t immediately think of Yue’er—I mean, Malleus… Well, I guess he is his own version of “tall, dark, and handsome.” 
Tap Home 4: So stuffy… I’m glad I got Crewel to cast some temperature-regulating magic on his coat. How is anyone supposed to enjoy themselves while sweating buckets?
Tap Home 5: …H-Hey, watch it! This outfit’s way fancier than what I normally wear, you know… I don’t want to ruin it.
Tap Home (Groovification): If you want to mingle and have fun, go on ahead without me. I don’t mind too much—I’m not a… y’know, people person.
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here are the sketches that i made while brainstorming (yes, i was going to put yu in a dress--he would have rocked it imo but i found these really cool suits and changed my mind)
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and my references that i got from pinterest :>
in regards to yu having a mostly-black outfit, i... was going to make it mostly white (since his suitor suit is the same light blue as cinderella and i didn't want to get repetitive) but no matter what i did he ended up looking too much like an RSA student 😭 and i wasn't gonna let that happen so here we are. i think the black and gold is a nice contrast regardless... especially for someone who i rarely draw in dark colors
last but not least-- guys i remembered my taglist :,): @thehollowwriter @theleechyskrunkly @elenauaurs @nahelenia @casp1an-sea
@boopshoops @skriblee-ksk
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mic-check-stims · 1 month
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Walkshipping board for that one anon from forever ago who asked about my ships
#i call i walkshipping because i'm pretty sure their only interaction together was walking bakura home#the dynamic to me is unrequited crush -> friends -> fake dating -> possible qpr -> crush x2 combo -> awkward maybe-kinda-unofficial-polycul#i think since mihos crush on bakura was solely aesthetic‚ it'd start to fade once she started actually viewing him as a friend#and i think once that happened and bakura got more comfortable they would end up hanging out a lot#i think miho would love tabletop games (you cant convince me her enjoyment of capsulemon didn't just come from rping with the pieces)#and her immunity to traditionally scary things means bakura could get her into a lot of his other interests as well#anyway i like the idea that eventually they decide to fake date each other purely to get the girls to leave bakura's demi ass alone#which in turns leads to honda third wheeling them a lot bc 'ur just fake dating right ur not gonna catch actual feelings right'#the idea of this going anywhere romantic hinges on my belief that finding out abt mihos weird strange interests makes him even more into he#and that realizing how many traits she shares with bakura is‚ unfortunately for him‚ how he finds out he might in fact be bi#so now he's still desperately trying to romance miho AND coming to terms with the idea that his jealousy of bakura might have deeper origin#meanwhile the two are like 'hey honda likes us isnt that cute. wanna see how many trinkets we can get him to buy us'#<- (i warned you. i warned you about the extreme yapping that came with this)#moodboard#yugioh#yugioh s0#miho nosaka#honda hiroto#ryo bakura#ryou bakura#tristan taylor#walkshipping#hands#dice#flowers#planchette#ouija board#jewelry#puzzle
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megumi-fm · 1 month
#okay random story time i don't know why im narrating this or how i even stumbled upon this memory rn#but i generally do sad vents in the tags and for a change this is a funny one#so back in highschool (i say highschool but i mean junior college) i used to visit this park near my house a lot#i was an sg kid back then and the thing about parks there is that they're kinda beach-parks and they have the best cycling/running tracks#they're also really massive parks so i used to go often. sometimes bicycling. other times walking. yeah. the park was like my sanctuary#anyway. there are quite a few bike rental areas in the park and there was a cute lil shop next to this one particular rental place#and they sold like biscuits and water and icecreams and stuff and i went there a lot#and on one particular day i went there and there was this guy around my age part timing at that shop#now again this might be culture specific bc i dont see it in india but part timing in uni/pre-uni is pretty common is sg#a lot of shops and restaurants employ teenagers to twenty something ppl for part time jobs... anyway im just adding context#point is that i had walked to the park with my mum that day and she told me to go buy a couple icecreams so i went to the shop#and i saw this guy around my age and like. not to be a simp but this dude was so pretty?#like he saw someone had come to the counter so he looked up and shot a smile and i thought i got slapped by sunlight#i could spend the next several lines going on about his pretty tan skin and his glowing raven eyes but this is pathetic enough so ill stop#anyway he saw me and smiled really wide (customer service smile- i thought to myself) and i smiled back and asked for icecreams or whatever#and then this guy started getting chatty right. so he was all 'you come here (to the park) often right? ive seen you with your bike a lot'#see now. the problem with me is that i always think im bothering people. this poor dude was attempting to make conversation#and i was replying with one word answers#and i wasn't even realizing that he didnt want that. bc he kept asking more questions and i. kept. shutting them down.#then when he gave me the icecream he was all 'are you here alone? icecream alone is no fun... i could keep you company if you want..?'#which. he was being really cute about right. but because im so fucking dense i was all 'oh no i came with my mom actually'#and he went 'aw man' in this really cute but faux sad way which i didnt understand at the time and i left and then#after three full fucking days. i realized this man was tryna hit on me?#and then i went to the park like a week later and he was gone. poof. i even thought of asking the uncle in charge of that place#then i got too embarrassed and chickened out#yeah so turns out my neurodivergence neutralizes any sort of rizz that comes my way#i could've been chilling with a cute boyf rn but no😩 this is my destiny#megumi in the tags
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zebrafiz · 2 years
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makani ʻōpūnui; a sim for @chierisim
just a cute sulani boy
only one outfit, cc included! 
this sim is a public dl; if u would like to request a sim urself just go here
dl | mediafire
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sysig · 1 year
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Silly goofy StanNarrator (Patreon)
#Doodles#The Stanley Parable#TSP#Silly mode leftover doodles from my alt notebook#I wasn't as concerned with making these finished or pretty but they did turn out cute >:3c#Since I've established that Sinister thinks in images the next logical step is imagining the Narrator - and he hates that ✨#He is not made to be perceived! He is an imageless entity! A total enigma! Lol#If we as an audience can imagine what a Narrator might look like - to the best of our abilities - I don't see why Stanley wouldn't#Even if he's not Exact - personally I don't think it matters lol the Narrator isn't /meant/ to have a fixed form imo - it's still flustering#You give him so much material to work with Narra! To imagine what face you might make or your body language#Or worst yet when he plays with the mental projection like a doll - much like what the Narrator does to Stanley hehehe#How does it feel to be ''made'' to do things that wouldn't reflect you! It's an interesting role reversal that works within their confines#Also makes me wonder how much Narra would play into it haha - if Stanley ''flipped him upside down'' would he get dizzy? Even a little?#To what degree is he real! To what degree is Stanley real if he's not being interacted with!! The themes!!!! <3#Anyway lol ♪ Silly Stanley noise chart for funsies#There are a lot of sounds humans can make with their mouths even discounting vocal cords - I could definitely see him doing verbal stims#Who me projecting again? Psh no anyway (lol)#And then some kisses! This is my first time drawing my versions kissing!!! Which actually solidified a new headcanon for the Narrator haha#Because he (ostensibly) needs his mouth to narrate he doesn't like kisses on the mouth :) He weak to it!#Doesn't stop Sin from enjoying kissing him lol - it's a good way to shut up him In Case of Power Play#But sometimes♪ he'll try to respect his wishes - not all the time tho haha
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skrunksthatwunk · 5 months
fuck offfff poor audio processing makes ppl flirting with me so stupid they'll be like hey you're pretty and I'll go ah 👍😐. or omg yeah! 🤘 or i just laugh bashfully without even knowing what they said until like a minute later. help help my default responses are making people confused and unsettled. and those are the same responses i give when ppl talk shit about me too it's not good
#ah 👍😐ahaha☺️yeah🙂#met a girl in my childrens lit and bio class who called me beautiful (n) and love (n) and like we have said 2 sentences to each other#i dont thiiiiiiiink it was flirting? but my response was still the 'ok 🙂'#come ON man get it together#the other day the cafeteria guy. oh god the poor cafeteria guy. im so glad he thought i was cute bc i was failing that interaction so so bad#it's actually sickening. just blank staring and hm-whuh?? huh? oh sorry um. [doesnt answer question]#agonizing experience only to get the worst saddest chicken nachos of my life. yhey were so bad#like just staring at him trying to figure out how to ask for food and form sentences for like 40 secs per thing#yk like 4 little tub things. with food and sauces and stuff. head in my hands ughhh embarrassing#not his fault i dont think but somewhere in the middle of that he told me i have a pretty face and i think i just said like#'oh yeah' [actively mid-turn to my friend] [kind of half process it after] 'ahahha aww. thanks! (delayed)'#anyway if i was not mentally tapped out all the live long day a girl telling me 'move over beautiful' woulda like. destroyed me goodstyle#but again it doesnt sink in so like. it didnt. anyway if you're that girl ummm sorry lol not your fault#also your makeup is cool go crazy. if we become friends you will experience this more so. prepare#just. dying. tbf i'd been wandering underprotected in like 12°F weather for 20 minutes so my brain was like. reeling#wuhh-uhbuwhah? wh- ... OH oh yeah uh um like x and y are the (so true) um the. yeah 👍👍#<- average you telling me things irl moment
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marcmorrigan · 2 years
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the B in Beyond Birthday stands for baby boy. and also beautiful. and also blood. and also... Beyond Birthday
#beyond birthday#death note#another note#death note another note#my art#sketch#blood cw#i mean it could be jam. you dont know.#also. He Is Looking At L.#this is FRESH hot new art btw. i drew this Today#im still figuring out my Face for him and i could not for the life of ne decide if i wanted him to have eyebrows or not... my L does#so it doesnt really make sense for beyond to NOT have them prior to the. end. of DNAN. he does have no eyebrows after... well you know#the first concept i drew for him was of him in recovery and it was so scary that i had to stop working on it#and i turned that sketch layer on again when i finished this one and jumpscared myself SO bad... evil fucking drawing apparently#anyway. pretty happy with him! he looks like Himself... i dont like the idea that he and L are indistinguishable when hes Doing His Bit#hes supposed to look different even in his makeup but still very similar and i THINK i achieved that... i want them to have very#different faces but similar Vibes. yknow?#like i want the faces to be different but the energies to match#i see a lot of people make beyond Not Japanese which is kind of confusing to me like... is he not canonically japanese? the way he talks#to naomi seems to at least imply he is#regardless of canon! my beyond is lol. my L has japanese heritage as well but hes mixed and wasnt born in japan#my beyond was born in japan and was brought to wammys after L... he latched onto him right away lol. or at least tried to#he was in LOOOVE in love with L as soon as he saw him#they r very 'sandbox love never dies' to me... omg actually beyond/L jennifers body au would be so cute and funny#beyond birthday voice I Was The Snowflake Queen#BEYOND BIRTHDAY VOICE MY TIT...#anyway. anyway. i love him so so so much. hes really scary to me but also really sad and compelling#his dynamic with L is like. so. much. just. much to think about#MUCH to think about. when it comes to beyond birthday. and trust... i Will Think About Him.
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dirt-str1der · 1 year
Do you consider any of the non protagonist yakuza girls well writen?
I think none of them had rights
#Thanks for the ask !#like you have to actively like girls to notice them theyre inconsequential#also who is this why are you sewing discorse in my inbox#i spelled discourse wrong. my mom ordered the dog trainers to train ollie right now because he is insane and hes eating soo many treats#not because hes a good boy but because they are tossing that shit at him#they were literally almost there with yasuko#i thought her story was so fucking interesting ...#like its really not a fault of the girls they are all pretty good characters in their own right#like we have a variety of them too. we had miss tatsu who was out there turning guys inside out but she randomly had to go get kidnapped in#order to complete kiryus training arc. like how funny would it be for the whole thing to be staged and miss tatsus like Lol good job kiryu#for passing my test. oh this guy ? yeah he did get the better of me but i kicked the shit out of him then roped him into my schemes. dont#you think practical application is more effective than training ? anyway theres nothing more i can teach you but you can come train whenevr#we didnt even get an in game appearance for yuko but apparently she was a massive troll but too cute to get into any real trouble#mirei was. . . i literally said ‘are you kidding me’ when they revealed what happened to her like seriously ? is this real ? they did#that ? like literally she should have been living it up in cahoots with katsuya and being so sexy and divorced forever. she should have#faked her death because every single parentsl figure haruka had leaves her. and god haruka like honest to god i love that she just ran off#like that i thought it was so kiryu of her to be an absent father. but also my friends have all brought up very good points which is that#haruka should NOT have gone back to morning glory like she should have stayed in ono michi with her loser girlfriend whos a boyfriend with#her new extended family and only go back every now and then to see her siblings honestly i hated that .... like girl spread your wings ..#choose where you want to roost stop going back !! just get out !!!!!! its literally okay to tell the rest of your family ‘i dont wanna wipe#your asses forever i love you guys but im out of here’. and god i .. as much as i loved y0 makoto should have left her shitassed husband#girl had a whole ass baby with him ... find someone better im sorry ..!!! like whatever i know that thst was the ‘best’ option for her and#she deserves financial stability and a rich doctor husband but she also deserves crazy sex with a girl with one eye#i think what yumi did was awesome but like. actually i have no complaints about yumi. wait no i do. kazama was a shitass for marrying her#off to that politician because he couldnt stand having a woman in his house. im now thinking of that unecessarily hot doctor from y0 wtf was#her deal. and god the unnecessarily hot cho-han lady from y5.. oh wait ako had rights. she fell in love with kiryu at first sight then got#over him which is literally the best thing a girl could do for herself. PLUS she throws molotovs and is generally awesome#i cant remember any other girl. oh yeah god reina. .. reina .... god milky though .... i think she was fantastic and i want her badly. and#yayoi fucking disappeared after a certain point in time and ran off to another city with her baby daddy and sugared him to open a bar#well its not canon but im certain thats what happened because she literally went radio silence like girl where are you ....
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1980ssunflower · 1 year
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EL WIWI.......
#f/o:💖what a fool believes🎸#tape entry circa 1980#i forgot for a sec why min is cropped half out like that and THEN remembered#they were both walking off the screen when ryan turns around to look like this and mins already half out of the shot#so i couldnt save him 😔💔💔#ANYWAYS tiny.....#i love how thin his legs are compared to min hjfdk#tiny princess of a man#auhh thinking so many ryan thoughts tbh#how thin and small his hands are compared to mins larger meatier hands#his thin neck ESP compared to min#his cute round features and his sparkling beautiful eyes#his cute :3 smile he always does fjdks#how fluffy and cute his hair is 💖💖#his cute pretty nose and soft lips <33#and his glasses 💖💖💖#they suite him so so well he looks gorgeous in them <33#ive dreamt abt his glasses a lot#his glasses just feel very important to me hjdfks#i feel so soft thinking abt taking them off for him when he falls asleep w them on#to put them on his face when he first wakes up#cleaning the lenses w my shirt before putting them back on him#tucking his hair back behind his ear to when doing so#also just his hands...#ive noticed when it comes to them both that hands seem to be so significant to me when im in love#like it makes my heart ache to think abt holding their hands in mine and pressing them against my face before pressing kisses on their palm#just soft soft kisses on the palms of their hands and i press them close to my face#kissing every individual finger just every inch of their hands#something abt it feels so so deeply special to me
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cospinol · 2 years
Extremely niche but extremely good genre of character is ‘shitty legendary hero in isekai/rpg fantasy story who bullies the protagonist & throws him out of the party’
#catching up on beast tamer atm and it’s still as bottom tier as it gets BUT arios is so cute<3#no character of this type will ever dethrone motoyasu (who btw did nothing wrong in case you’ve forgotten. still so obsessed with him)#but he comes close :3c#someday I’ll watch season 2 of arifureta but i cba to research whether kouki goes thru with his big heel turn in it#and his arc is the only thing I care abt in that show bc he’s such an interesting version of this Type……#txt#anyways so far ​beast tamer is a lot more watchable tone-wise than a more revenge-focused story like arifureta/shield hero#but i think that’s kind of all for naught because I still definitely come away with the impression that the mc deserves everything#that his original party did to him just bc he’s so unbearable to spend time with lol#so even though the SOL aspect is objectively more tolerable tonally it still ends up being just as bad a viewing experience#though my main fear going into this show (identical premise to shin no nakama = would end up as horrifically bad as that series)#hasn’t actually come to pass… BUT in shin no nakama’s case the SOL/romance was actually pretty good#so when it let me down there was actually somewhere to descend From. whereas beast tamer is in the dirt to begin with#man that show was insane. I’ll never recover from the imouto bullshit ever#anyways.. parting cheap shot… beast tamer still isn’t the worst of this season because Noukin Is Out There…#also ittoki sucks but it’s got more good bad stuff in it. kidou did nothing wrong<3
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