#but ardyn has no place in this book
savage-rhi · 10 months
Ffxv headcanons whatever type you want just share with the class
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Noctis: When he was a kid, he used to lift up rocks to see what critters lived underneath them. He stopped around nine or ten when he accidentally pissed off a snake and got bit. It spooked him so bad that he didn't do anything like that again until he went on the frog side quest. Now that he's over his fear, Noctis is always flipping over rocks and ushering Prompto to come over and take photos of the animals and bugs he finds.
Gladio: There's a saying among the kingsguard that, "if you give Gladiolus a beer and a mic, you're gonna have a GREAT time!" He's quite good at karaoke, and despite the gruff voice, he can hit high notes. Singing was something Gladio and his sister did together while growing up. While Gladio didn't like her taste in music, being the big brother, he still sang her favs to and with her. He tried to keep this hobby a secret until he had one too many drinks with his comrades. He's since embraced his reputation over the years, and isn't as embarrassed about it.
Ignis: There are a few things in this world that can make this man mentally break, but Feng Shui nearly destroyed him. Ignis got into the practice initially in an attempt to get Noctis to have better organization in his apartment. Per usual, Noctis didn't appreciate the principles, but it rubbed off on Ignis to the point where he became obsessed with Feng Shui. He did it to all the rooms in the palace, much to King Regis's chagrin. It all backfired when Ignis attempted to Feng Shui his own residence. Nothing satisfied him, and after he didn't come out for almost 10 hrs rearranging furniture, Noctis had to give him an intervention. After that, he swore off the practice. Sometimes, he'll get irritated if he hears about it in passing.
Prompto: In his spare time when he's not with a camera, Prompto is on a computer learning to code. While he's not the best at it, Prompto enjoys the process cause it satisfies a mental itch (he gets that from his father...haha). It's his dream to one day make a game like Kings Knight. He has pages of concept sketches for apps, and other social media ideas he'd like to try creating one day. He seldom shares his passion with the boys, assuming they'll think it's too nerdy.
Lunafreya: It isn't considered "proper" by an means for someone of her status, but Luna enjoys watching duels on TV or in person. Ravus from a young age was always taught how to be a warrior, and she felt left out on numerous occasions when he'd be sent off to learn sparring lessons among other trainings. As a kid, she used to sneak away from her home in Tenebrae to watch people battle for fun. Observing others helped her hone in her own skills, and she's memorized different stances and techniques over the years. She also used to place bets on people who fought, and did get into trouble at one point because of it.
Ardyn: He's very aloof and no one knows what the hell he does in his spare time when not running a country. He has the craziest of rumors made up about him, and he ravishes in how it all scares and fascinates people. What people don't know is that he often sneaks around Niflheim and observes others for his sketchbook. When he was a healer, he had a book of medicinal plants that he'd catalog and sketch out himself. It's one of the few things that soothes his mind anymore with the daemons he has in his head. For a few hours, Ardyn can silence them by focusing on capturing the details from another person or thing in his work. It's also his only means of connecting with humans given how far he's gone. His style is kind of like Da Vinci's, very detailed with lots of notes here and there. When he's sketching its also the time where he'll snack on something sweet like candy from his pocket. In general he'll always have candy on his person, but he likes savoring it without an audience.
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paracosmicparadox · 1 year
So, I'm falling back into the FFXV kick, and I have decided that I disapprove of how little complex character development Square Enix has given the guys?? Like where is the emotional depth beyond surface-level cutscene angst?? So I took matters into my own hands and have compiled a handy little list of headcanons / expanded canons that I think make sense.
Noctis: Has clinical insomnia and frequent lucid dreams (sorta a given, but bear w me bear w me)
Feels the weight of having to take so much on from such a young age much, much more than he lets on
Loves to argue
Would've been happier if he and Luna stayed as childhood best-buds rather than betrothed fiancés (controversial, ik, but it just didn't seem like he cared that much for her romantically to me?? Like he obviously cared about her, but it seemed like a really strong penpal vibe rather than a "We're-gonna-get-married-and-be-the-next-hotshot-couple" vibe. If you disagree, coolio, I'm not gonna debate w you on this one)
Has a natural sadness to his eyes regardless of what he's feeling
Went through an anime phase (possibly still in his anime phase, idk)
Social anxiety for the win
Severe RBF
Prefers tea over coffee (black tea is best---particularly lavender earl grey)
Can play the cello (practicing tho?? Don't know her)
Writes the most beautiful poetry when The Motivation™ strikes him (usually when he's home sick and half-delirious)
Prompto: Has ADHD and clinical anxiety, but is undiagnosed and doesn't take any meds for either of them.
Is legit like SO SMART, but can never focus, so not many people take any notice
Wears contact lenses (he had glasses as a child and I refuse to believe he had some high-tech corrective surgery to eliminate the need for them when lenses are cheaper and less risky)
Doesn't drink caffeine because it makes him jittery
Doesn't drive the Regalia when the guys are around because having other people in the car distracts him from the road. Also he tends to drive like a speed demon, which worries Ignis to no end.
Sunburns insanely easily
Could legit become a hitman if he wanted to with the amount of gun-knowledge he has. It doesn't matter what firearm you put in this boy's hand---pistol, SMG, sniper, rocket launcher, you name it. He can and will hit the target every single time.
Addicted to adrenaline
Has a lot of self-loathing (we see a bit of this in Ep. Prompto) and talks with an online therapist about it via text whenever his lows hit him. He's making great progress in learning how to heal and how to accept himself for who he is beyond the mask he wears for others
Ignis: More than a little bit of a control freak, and works very hard not to be too overbearing or critical about his friends' misgivings
Wants to protect everyone all the time and mentally kicks himself when he doesn't get there fast enough
Is SO PROUD of Noctis's journey and felt a stronger hatred towards Ardyn than anyone else in the group for what he forced Noct to go through (he stayed up at night sick to his stomach with hollow rage and baked nonstop to take his mind off of it)
Can verbally obliterate a man, but only rarely chooses to do so bc he's classy like that
After losing his eyes, he notices so much more beauty in the world than he used to (the sound of rain on the Regalia's roof, the specific gait of each of his friends, the smell of salt on the wind in Galdin Quay, the flawless feel of one specific silk tie he has in his repertoire, etc)
His internal compass is never wrong
Regularly takes antacids for his stomach
Has the straightest teeth you've ever seen
Gladio: Hates being wrong: it's his way or the highway
Actually so much smarter than the musclehead jock front he puts up
A little vain and easily jealous (this man has a Jealous Face like no other)
Thunderstorms are his favorite; his ideal place to be is at a campsite, during a storm, with a well-worn book and a mug of Irish coffee in hand
Would throw himself in front of a bus for any one of his friends
Would beat up kids for the folks he cared about in middle school and spent the time he wasn't training to be a Crownsguard sitting in detention with the most unrepentant, smug, and-I'd-do-it-again look scrawled across his face
Can make a better smoothie than anyone (except maybe Iggy)
Spotify junkie
Had a dinosaur phase as a kid and can still name random facts about them whenever the opportunity presents itself
Avid technology-hater and only has a phone to make calls and join the others in playing King's Knight since they begged him so profoundly (he's sure the thing's going to be his downfall)
Gets most of Prompto's pop culture references
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olivia200312 · 2 months
Chapter 1: King Regis, Cor, and the Offer || Different (FFXV! Ardyn Izunia x WW! Reader)
Y/N is a fallen Wing Warrior that can't fly. She is also a loner. When she gets found by King Regis, he takes her under his wing and trains her to be a strong warrior. But when a handsome (tragic) man, known as Chancellor Ardyn Izunia, sees her at a ball, held by King Regis himself, he takes an interest in her. He begins watching and obsessing over her. When Y/N gets sent away by King Regis to protect Noctis and his friends, Ardyn will do anything to make Y/N his… and his only.
But while Y/N is completely clueless about it, she searches for answers through stories. But can she change his heart that is shrouded in darkness and desire for revenge? What if Ardyn becomes king when Noctis sleeps in the Crystal for 10 years? What if he returns to fight Ardyn? What if Y/N becomes deadly sick with no cure?
All can be found in this book!
All Y/N could remember was that she was busy surviving as a loner and an outcast. She was minding her own business when a sucking portal appeared above her. It was so strong that Y/N had to hold into something strong but she failed and got sucked in. She was screaming in panic. 
As a Wing Warrior, or WW for short, it was her duty to do things as a warrior does. Such as patrols, helping those in need, and protecting the kingdom that they live in. Y/N thought that this would be the end of her life. But instead, she went almost unconscious. She was breathing weakly and laying under the sunlight in the forest, just like Katniss from The Hunger Games 2: Catching Fire. Remember the scene where Katniss shot the arrow towards the air? She got severely hurt and lay under the sunlight. That's the scene that Y/N was experiencing, except, she didn't bleed but had bruises and cuts from falling and landing on the ground. 
Y/N felt her eyes drooping, probably from the weakness that she felt in her body. 
She feared that her wings, or one of them, were broken. She didn't want that. She was a Wing Warrior. That's what she was. A WW. It was a creature that had wings, either white or black. There was peace, but sadly, it caused life of many warriors such as Y/N's leader, Olivia, who was a commander of the ruler(s), King David, and his best friend, King Drake, both Wing Warriors. King David has white wings while the other king has black ones. 
Y/N has white ones but has a dark secret, which is her dark form. If she gets too mad or even rage, she will turn into Dark Y/N. Her eye color would be red, her hair a tint darker and her wings would be black, with the points at the end of feathers would be extremely sharp. It was terrifying for the woman. She was around 25 years old, nearly 26.
Y/N groaned in pain and tried slowly and shakenly to stand up, like a true warrior as she was taught in the past. But some warriors needed help. And that's what Y/N needed, especially her body. But her body was screaming at her to rest, to which she fell back down on the ground. She then fainted. 
Y/N was slowly waking up, her body was aching in pain. She remembered laying on something hard but now it was... soft? She felt that she could breathe a bit normally, so she slowly pushed herself carefully up until she was sitting up. She rubbed her eyes with her hands and once she was good, she looked around and was on high alert now. This bedroom was big and high, with a high ceiling. 
"Where am I?" Y/N muttered to herself, still feeling weak and tired. 
She pushed her legs until they hit the carpet floor. She noticed her shoes were off and as she looked around for them, they were nowhere to be seen. This room was big so she guessed that she was at someone's place and oh my flying wings, they must be very rich! Y/N tried slowly to stand up but she fell back down. Her legs need probably more rest. Whoops. 
She saw a big tall window and she got the courage in her legs to stand up and look out so she pushed herself up and walked carefully to the window, her legs slightly shaking. She looked out and her eyes went wide in amazement but also shock and fear. It was... beautiful. The place looked different than hers where she lived. This was like a modern city just like on Earth but this... was different. This was a city and kingdom... But what is it called? 
She was quietly like a mouse admiring the view when she suddenly heard the door open, causing her to turn around and want to search for her weapon but when she did, she discovered it was gone too. Crap.
A rather old (no offense) respected man entered the room with a cane in his hand, trying to walk fast but he couldn't. Y/N felt sorry that she retreated her hand slowly away from where her weapon was sealed away. Something tells her that she can trust him. He wasn't the only one who entered. Another respected-looking man also entered. He looked like he was the loyal guard but who were they? 
Y/N looked slightly scared. After all, she was in this unknown world that she was not familiar with especially these people. Just... where was she? One of the men, the one with the cane, looked softly at the young woman. "Do not be scared, young one. I see that you're awake. My name is King Regis, the king and ruler of Insomnia. And the general next to me is Cor Leonis."
Y/N relaxed a bit. So, this was the monarch of Insomnia, and next to him was a general? She felt quite honored to meet them. In her world, both of the kings had their offspring. King David had 2 children while King Drake had 1. 
"We saw something strange appear in the sky and we found you unconscious on the ground. We like to know who you are. We will not hurt you," Cor assured Y/N.
Y/N fully relaxed as they assured her they weren't gonna hurt her. She told them who she was by her name and what she was. When she detected their questionable glances, she showed them her wings by opening them. They looked slightly impressed. 
Before the king or the general could speak, Y/N politely said: "But I can't fly. I've been treated like an outcast and a loner."
Both men felt sympathy for the young woman who was a Wing Warrior. She can't fly. Was she seen as Pit from the Kid Icarus franchise? 
The conversation continued between the men and the Wing Warrior. Y/N answered the questions when the men had it in their minds. The conversation took some time but once Cor and the king found that they could trust Y/N, the woman felt relieved. 
"Please get some enough rest, Y/N. We expect you to be in the gathering room tomorrow in the morning. Someone will come to pick you up," King Regis responded.
Y/N nodded to show that she understood what the king was asking. After King Regis and Cor left the room, Y/N saw a mirror and walked towards it until she was in front of it. She may not look like a warrior, but she was born one. She was wearing a tank top and jogging pants, which meant that it hugged her body perfectly. At least it wasn't revealing. But Y/N never thought if she should feel sexy in it or not. Sure, she did have moments where... *ahem* felt her private area below throbbing with need. Hold on there. She was being careful, of course. She didn't want to make bad choices when finding a partner. She didn't have one. 
Y/N took a deep breath and slowly lifted her tank top, but only up until she was close to her bra being revealed. And just as she suspected, there were bruises on her stomach, light and dark ones. She gently and carefully stroked the bruises with her fingers that were covered by the gloves she was wearing. Yes, she was wearing gloves as well. She sighed through her nose and lifted her tank top back down. She decided to not take her pants off and only took her gloves off, walking to the nightstand table and setting them down on it. 
She yawned and stretched carefully before settling in the bed and pulling the covers up. She settled down before closing her eyes and fell asleep. 
The next day/morning~
Y/N was waking up and she yawned, moaning quietly as she stretched. It felt good, but she had to be careful because of her bruises. Once she was done, she got out of the bed. She did the bed well and grabbed her gloves, putting them on. She then noticed her shoes on the office table. They weren't there yesterday when she was found and brought here. She took them and Y/N sat down on the office chair. She put her shoes on and stood up. And just in time, there was a knock on the door where she was in. She walked towards it and opened the door to reveal a man. He was wearing glasses. He looked quite handsome but that didn't catch Y/N's attention. 
"Good morning, my lady. My name is Ignis. The king sent me here to get you."
Y/N nodded. She then shook Ignis' gloved hand. "My name is Y/N. Nice to meet you, Ignis." She then felt hungry and her cheeks flushed a bit pink because she was embarrassed. "A question, when can I eat breakfast?"
Ignis pushed his glasses with his finger. "The king requested the meeting first before you can eat. Is that alright with you?"
"Yeah. Thank you."
Y/N closed the door as she followed Ignis. The hallways were quite impressive. The paintings, pictures, decorations... She stared at it and her mind was then full of ideas of reading books. She loved reading. What were the books like? If she was stuck in this world, then she would like to learn about the world here, especially the monarchs. 
But that's when she heard voices. Y/N's eyes went wide and she grunted, putting her one gloved hand on her head. That caught the attention immediately of Ignis and he stopped. He looked concerned and checked Y/N. "Are you alright?"
The voices were loud and it kinda hurt Y/N's head. But once it all stopped pretty quickly, she blinked a couple of times before looking into Ignis' concerned eyes. "Are you alright? You looked like to be in pain."
Y/N nodded. "Yeah. I just heard voices. They were loud and it kinda hurt. But let's get going. Please don't tell anyone about this. Maybe it's just head trauma."
Ignis seemed suspicious but nodded and turned back around to lead the way, this time with Y/N not hearing voices at all. Maybe it was just indeed a head trauma? When they arrived, Ignis knocked and opened the door, stepping aside to let Y/N in. She gave him a small smile before entering the room. There stood the king with his cane in his hand to support himself. He was standing and it made Y/N concerned. Was he alright? Cor sat on the chair close to the king. They looked both at Y/N. 
"Hello, Y/N. How did you sleep?" King Regis asked the Wing Warrior in a respectful tone. 
Y/N bowed in respect at the king. "I did, Your Highness."
King Regis seemed satisfied with the answer and that's when the discussion began. King Regis and Cor explained that when Y/N was asleep last night, the men went to the gathering room to discuss. Since there would probably be no way home, they discussed what to make Y/N. Nothing bad, of course, but what they meant was that Y/N needed a job and a position. Y/N became interested. After there was peace in her world, almost no fights were out. Y/N agreed that peace was more important than wars but she wanted some adventures and maybe perhaps fights. She wasn't a bad person. Let me clear you that. 
Y/N nodded and responded with small answers to show that she was listening. That's when the offer came. They want to make Y/N a Kingsglaive Wing Warrior. Or this, a Kingsglaive warrior/fighter. Y/N felt honored. But what the king said next, shocked Y/N. They want to train Y/N privately and make an important fighter. She was special. She was from another planet, another universe. 
"Do you accept the offer, Y/N?" King Regis asked the Wing Warrior. 
Y/N smiled a bit and even... braverly. She bowed deeply to show even more respect. " I feel honored. I accept your offer."
Ardyn Izunia Mastelist
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a-world-in-grey · 1 year
What is Besithia doing in Spark!Ardyn au? Considering his pet projects got thoroughly torched by an annoyed Astral, along with his lab.
Besithia doesn’t strike me as the type to let an Astral throwing a hissy fit get in the way of his goals. Well, not for long, anyways.
Haven’t played through Episode Ardyn yet and it’s been awhile since I watched a walkthrough, but iirc Besithia books it either when the Royal Guard shows up to have a go at killing Ardyn, or when Ifrit wakes up pissed as fuck. Either way, Besithia is too busy running to avoid getting flambéd to see that Ardyn did not get immolated with the rest of the lab.
So with his lab turned to ash and charred and melted scrap - and assuming Ardyn’s ashes are in there as well - Besithia is back to not square one, but like, square two with his daemon experiments. Only now there’s the issue of Ifrit being awake, and that Astral isn’t known for being fond of humans.
And Besithia doubts he’s on the Astral’s Winter Solstice card list.
First Besithia has to fess up to the Emperor about his colossal fuck up - lost an expensive lab, lost the experiments he’d invested so much money in, and there’s now a pissed off Astral on the loose - and hope Iedolas doesn’t decide to cut his losses where Besithia is concerned. Besithia is in luck. Iedolas isn’t pleased with Besithia, but the Emperor gives Besithia a chance to mitigate his mistake by coming up with a way to counter an Astral.
So begin Besithia’s experiments into countering divine magic. With the added difficulty of finding a source of divine magic to test his results on.
Niflheim can already clone food, surely humans can’t be that much more difficult? Ardyn’s genetic samples all burned up in his lab, so Besithia starts with his own dna to perfect the process.
Once he gets that - the successful subjects are placed under observation to monitor development even as they are placed in various homes - Besithia moves on to acquiring a suitable genetic sample from either the line of the Oracles or Lucis Caelums.
Depending how long it takes Besithia to reach this stage, his options are Sylva’s Fleuret parent, Sylva herself, baby Ravus, Mors, or Regis. At which point Besithia starts trying to clone subjects in the hope of them inheriting magic so he can test countering divine magic on them. Instead of having to test it on a fully aware Oracle or a trial by fire on an angry Astral.
Only, it turns out magic doesn’t really play well with cloning attempts so Besithia’s gonna be at this for awhile.
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boldstarks · 1 year
When Jasper Met Rhaenyra (Part 2): Jasper Dayne Blurb #3
112 AC 
At the age of seven and ten, Jasper Dayne became the Sword of the Morning. Dawn had sat in its place of honor until House Dayne decided that Jasper was worthy of the sword and its accompanying title. And now that he had achieved his goal, Jasper had a new one: to reunite with his beloved Princess Rhaenyra. 
With the tournament to celebrate the birth of King Viserys and Queen Aemma’s first son coming up soon, Jasper had the perfect excuse to return to Kingslanding. And now the newly made Sword of the Morning was preparing to leave for the Red Keep. 
The maid who was packing Jasper’s clothes walked into the study that Jasper had begun using in the year since returning to Starfall. “Your father is requesting your presence in his study, Lord Jasper.” 
"Thank you, Becca," Jasper replied, rising from his desk and putting down the novel he was reading.
Jasper makes his way to his father’s apartments, where he has spent most of his time these days since falling ill a few months prior. He quickly reaches Samwell’s door and comes face to face with his father’s sworn shield, Ser Desmond the Silver. He was a former hedge knight who was known for his odd silver hair and who had protected Samwell since before Jasper and Ardyn were born. 
“Is your father cross with you again?” Desmond asked, his usual good-natured smirk gracing his face. 
Jasper shrugs. “Who knows?”
Desmond opens the door, and Jasper steps inside. Samwell is sitting on a couch, hunched and pale. In the past few months, Jasper had noticed his father had lost a sustainable amount of weight. Whenever anyone mentioned it to Samwell, he would raise hell about how he was fine, but everyone knew differently. He had taken to walking with a cane on Rhea’s instruction after falling about a month ago. Samwell Dayne was on his last leg; it was only a matter of time until Ardyn would become Lord of Starfall. 
“Father, what did you need to see me for?” Jasper asks, sitting on the couch next to his father. 
"Even though I know your mind's made up, I'm asking you to postpone your trip to Kingslanding once more," Samwell said, letting out a short wheeze. “I would hate to see you hurt.” 
“I know winning the princess’s hand is a long shot, but I at least have to try,” Jasper said. “I’ll regret it for the rest of my life if I don’t try.” 
Images of the princess’s lovely face swam in his head. He wondered how much she had changed in their year apart; Jasper sure had. He had grown into his awkwardly long limbs, and his shoulders had become broad, and his skin had browned from his many hours in the sun. He had a full beard now that his mother hated, and his curly brown hair was nearly long enough to touch his shoulders. The only thing that hasn’t changed is the white streak in the back of his hair and his distinctive purple eyes.
The older Dayne chuckles and pats his son on the shoulder. “I know, my son. I hope you win the girl’s heart.”
With his father's reassurance, Jasper set off for the Red Keep. Little did he know that by the time he reached the city, Queen Aemma would already be gone.
“Rhaenyra,” Jasper said softly after searching for the Red Keep for the princess. 
She's sitting in the godswood, wearing a black gown and her long silver hair loose down her back, with an open book in her lap. The princess doesn’t respond to Jasper’s call; she just continues to look at the sky. He calls her again. She still doesn’t talk, but she looks at him this time. 
“They’re ready for you,” Jasper said quietly. 
Since King Viserys no longer had a dragon, it was up to Rhaenyra to give Queen Aemma a proper Targaryen funeral. Rhaenyra rises from her place at the foot of the tree, letting her book fall to the ground, and walks to Jasper. She halts in front of him. With her so close now, Jasper can see her nose and eyes are red from crying. 
“I don’t know if I can,” she whispers to him. 
To Jasper’s surprise, Rhaenyra wraps her arms around him and presses her cheek against his chest. Despite his shock, he returns her hug in a bid to comfort the princess.
“I don’t know what to say to make you feel better, but your mother deserves a proper funeral for someone of her standing,” Jasper tells her. “And you’re the only one who can give it to her.” 
“I know,” Rhaenyra said in reply. 
She loosens her grip on the knight and looks up at him. Her Arryn blue eyes are filled with tears once again, and they begin slipping down her cheeks. Jasper uses the sleeve of his black doublet to wipe them away gently. Rhaenyra lets Jasper lead her through the castle and to the waiting parade of carriages in the courtyard. Rhaenyra climbs into her carriage that usually takes her to the dragon pit, and Jasper goes in after her. Jasper frowns when he sees Lady Alicent already inside of it. The young man did not have any personal quarrel with Alicent, but Jasper would be wary around anyone with a father like Otto Hightower.
“How are you feeling, Rhaenyra?” Alicent asked. 
Rhaenyra doesn’t answer; she only plops down on the carriage bench across from her friend. Her blue eyes focus on the floor. While watching Alicent, Jasper relaxes on the bench next to his princess. She doesn’t acknowledge his presence; maybe her concern for Rhaenyra is too great, but Alicent had never been thrilled with the presence of Dornish people in the Red Keep. 
When Alicent finally seems to notice Jasper. She looks up and down, unimpressed. “Hello, Lord Dayne. You must forgive my impudent conduct; this has been such a strange day.” 
“The Queen is dead. I would say this day is more than strange,” Jasper replies with a raised eyebrow. “I guess some may see this as an opportunity.” 
“What is that supposed to mean?” Alicent said, her anger rising. 
“I think you know,” Jasper said, tilting his head.
“Enough, both of you,” Rhaenyra groaned with a deep sigh.
The carriage lurched and began to roll out of the courtyard.
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adagaium · 2 years
at least 5 things your muse enjoys doing aside from canon! repost, don’t reblog - pls!
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as in, a list of things ardyn might want to do if he isn't trying to wreck people's lives
singing! ardyn also has a great singing voice and if you catch him on a particularly good day, he may be singing along with songs on the radio while he does his paperwork ... he also sings in the car, so maybe not riding with ardyn is a good idea, because he will not let you turn off the music unless you want to forfeit your soul. 
building or designing machines and things! ardyn brought magitek to niflheim, but while his days in the past were mostly traveling, taking care of the kids, spending time with his wife, or healing the sick, ardyn has always had a knack for tinkering with various items and making new little contraptions. a natural inventor this one! while ardyn can’t draw chocobos, he can make amazing blueprints.
cooking! while he’s no ignis, ardyn knows how to make some very nice tasting food. this is something he had to practice a lot, since when he started, he was terrible at it, almost poisoning himself on multiple occasions back before his exile and execution and absolutely poisoning himself when he first attempted on his own when he finally had his own place to live. lucky for ardyn, he’s immortal, so that went over as a little time under the weather, nothing more. one could guess that he is in fact far older than he looks by the meals he cooks — delicacies ... of at least a century ... at times, he’ll recreate something much loved by most in solheim!
dancing! especially ballroom dancing! ardyn likes fancy parties and he certainly likes fancy dances to go with them. as chancellor, he’s also a socialite, he’s invited to many events and occasions. ask him to dance with you and he probably will. it’s the one time where he will let someone hold his hands, because it’s dancing and necessary. despite having sustained an injury that absolutely has done something to his walking, while dancing, ardyn doesn’t seem to have an issue with movement at all. dancing with ardyn is probably more romantic than most other things he’ll ever do even if he has a significant other ... 
creative writing, especially poetry! also known as the other intimate ardyn experience. ardyn has in fact written poetry love letters. he also likes creative writing in prose and if he wasn’t so bent on revenge against the lucis caelum line, he’d probably sit down and write a novel. as a note his own favorite books to read are usually mystery, sci-fi, or philosophy. for as romantic of a poet as he is, he hates romance books. 
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lulu2992 · 7 years
Is Ardyn really in the Cosmogony book?
A popular theory among FFXV fans is that the illustration we briefly see in a cutscene during Chapter 5 depicts Ardyn.
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While I agree that this man, who seems to have some sort of magical powers and who doesn't wear a crown does look like Ardyn, I have a major issue regarding this theory.
Here is my question: If Ardyn's brother and his followers did everything they could to demonize Ardyn and to erase him from history, why would he still appear and be depicted as a saint in a book that can be found basically everywhere around Eos?
And if he is in the book, how come nobody seems to know the story of this man, this healer of the people, who should have become the first king of Lucis but was rejected by the Crystal (and everyone else)?
Maybe I'm just overthinking this and this man is indeed Ardyn, but it doesn't seem logical to me. I'd say this man is another Lucian king, maybe Ardyn's brother, but not Ardyn.
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lunarlegend · 2 years
some gameplay info about Stella (if she were an actual 5th party member in Final Fantasy XV):
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- Stella's default outfit (her Crownsguard Fatigues) has built-in fire resistance that makes her less vulnerable to fire-based attacks.
- when she wears her "Crownsguard Fatigues (No Jacket)", she ties the jacket around her waist.
- her casual clothing is a pair of black capris with boots and a lacy lilac tank top, which is the only outfit she showcases her mom's brooch with (she normally keeps it in her bra). this can be worn with or without a sweatshirt, which covers the top.
- Stella gets a slight stat boost while it's raining. if the party is running around in the rain, she will sometimes sing "Rain, rain, don't go away~ You can rain on me all day~" to which Noctis will respond "...She's crazy."
- Stella's main weapons are giant warhammers. her secondary equipment slot can be filled with small shields (different than Gladio's shields). her strongest technique is called "Star Drop", and it involves her leaping up and slamming her warhammer down on an unsuspecting enemy.
- Stella is also a healer (being related to Ardyn), but there's a 25% chance she'll mess up and fail to heal someone (she's not good at using her powers). however, Noctis has the ability to grab her and warp her to whoever needs healing in place of using a curative during battle.
- due to her severe phobia of fire, Stella will always take a critical hit from anything that hits her with fire. she will also be less likely to dodge hits for the duration of the battle. because of this, when facing a fire-themed enemy (such as a Red Giant), Ignis will automatically guard Stella instead of Noctis (just like he does for Aranea in the canon game whenever she joins them).
- Stella's absolute favorite food is pancakes, and Ignis has a default recipe for them that he can make at camp. however, he can acquire recipes for different pancake variations from recipe books just like anything else. Stella's other favorite dishes are mostly seafood-based.
- at camp, Stella is usually seen away from the fire. she will normally be standing by the camp stove or sitting on the cooler while Ignis cooks, or laying on the ground with Noctis & Prompto while they all play King's Knight. rarely, she'll be play-fighting with Gladio in the background while the others sit around the fire (he likes to tease her by holding things high above her head where she can't reach).
- Stella likes to photobomb people. she will sometimes photobomb Prompto's photos, often making funny faces or doing rabbit ears over someone's head, which is usually amusing to the rest of the group. she will also sometimes comment on how sexy she looks in one of her pictures, to which all four of the bros will collectively groan.
- in the Regalia, the seating arrangement is different. Gladio and Prompto's places are switched. Gladio is always in the passenger's seat, while Prompto sits behind him, with Stella in the middle, and Noctis seated behind Ignis. when Noctis drives, Stella ends up squeezed between Ignis & Gladio in the back and will constantly get up and lean towards the front to chat with Noctis & Prompto (at which point Ignis will pull her back down).
- when Noctis stops to fish, Stella will don a black bikini and go swimming off-screen (this is not a useable outfit during regular gameplay). there is a 10% chance she will accidentally scare a fish away while Noctis is reeling it in, at which point he will complain and she can be heard apologizing.
- Stella also swims when Noctis anchors the Royal Vessel to fish. she has a large inner tube that's tied to the boat and she will lazily lay in it over the water.
- in canon, sometimes one of the bros will pull Noctis aside before a battle starts and ask him to do something specific during the fight. when Stella does this, she usually asks Noctis if he can please please PLEASE let her have the first hit. also, when Ignis pulls Noctis aside before a battle to instruct him, there is a 25% chance Stella will interrupt him and go rushing in, forcing the fight to begin prematurely.
- at the beginning of Chapter 14, Stella is not waiting for Noctis with the bros at Hammerhead, but instead at the Glaive base in Insomnia. she joins the group once they reach the base.
- during Chapter 14, Stella no longer has her phobia of fire, and is able to fight fire-based enemies without any extra assistance. also, just like Prompto does in canon, Stella will automatically hover around Noctis and protect him during battle.
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seradyn · 2 years
You’re More Than Deserving
Ardyn feels he cannot properly return readers love and that he is unworthy of it. Reader helps remind him how much they love him. Cute fluffy times ensue.
My first ever fic I am publishing publicly, and I’m excited! I’ve fallen *hard* for Ardyn in the last couple of months, and I just had to write this. I hope my fellow Ardyn enjoyers like it! I’ll also be posting anything I write to Ao3 under the name SephirothScouter. Side note the formatting got a little butchered, but I hope it looks okay.
It was hard to know what was bothering your love as of late. You’d been together long enough that you could recognize his behavioral changes for what they were, yet their origin alluded you. As far as you knew, his plans were unfolding perfectly, the tendrils of his influence expanding with each passing day. He’d long ago told you of his ultimate revenge, his origin, and all that came with it. You accepted Ardyn for what he was, as well as his plans, but recently he had changed.
Normally you both enjoyed spending quiet, tender nights wrapped in each other’s warmth. No words needed between you two, the gentle smiles and squeezes proof enough of your deep love for one another. You would recline in his lap, allowing him to place tender kisses on the sensitive parts of your neck and shoulders. But now, his body would tense at your touch, a forced smile upon his lips. His kisses unresponsive and hollow. Perhaps he had a rough day, but no, it persisted for a week. It hurt you deeply; did he not find your affections as comforting anymore? Has his love for you finally been extinguished? The thoughts nagged at your brain, latching on to your insecurities to cause maximum damage. Eventually, the need to discuss the issue became too much.
It was a quiet night when things came to a head. The sun long since invisible, the gentle warm glow of table lamps lit the central room in Ardyn’s quarters. He sat reading one of his favorite books, legs crossed and lost in thought. You sat across from him, absentmindedly scrolling through emails when the silence abruptly became deafening in your ears. Even as he sat so close, he felt so far away. The distance causing a momentary spike of pain to pierce your chest.
Tentatively, you look up at him. His eyes are downcast, skimming the pages. A slight frown was his only display of emotion. His hat was forgotten on a side table when he returned home, allowing the locks of his maroon hair to frame his apathy like curtains.
Gathering some slight courage, you address him.
“My love?”
He looks up at you, golden eyes slightly wide with surprise.
“Yes my dear?”
“Are you alright?”
A pause. Then, he tilts his head slightly, a small smile coming to his face. “Why, whatever do you mean, my dear?”
Evasive as always. Amusing when used on others, not as amusing when used against you. You take a breath to settle your nerves before answering. “I’ve noticed you…seem more distant during our time together. You get tense when I touch you, and your kisses don’t feel the same.”
You take a moment to let him digest what you’ve said. His smile had almost immediately vanished, his lips parting slightly to portray his shock. He hadn’t expected you to be so keen on his subtle actions.
“Ardyn…what is wrong?”
He stares at you for a second, unsure how to respond. Then he slowly lowers his head in shame, shaking it in denial.
“I assure you my love, it is none of your concern.”
His eyes refocus on his book, making a show of returning to it. Forcing the conversation to an end, his brows now slightly creased.
But you were not so easily dissuaded.
Standing from your chair, you walked to stand before him. He looks up at you, a question on his lips. Before he has a chance to voice it, you lean down to wrap your arms around his neck. Sensing your intentions, he quickly discards his book and wraps his arms around your waist. You crawl onto his lap, straddling his legs between your knees. You settle your head on his chest, his heartbeat pulsing beneath your ear. You begin instinctively rubbing the back of his neck with your fingers, causing him to hum in content. He nuzzled the side of your head with his face, stubble tickling the skin just below your hairline.
“Please. Tell me what’s wrong.” You beg into his vest.
He sighs. Then a small chuckle vibrates through his body. “I suppose it was foolish of me to think I could hide anything from you.”
You wait patiently for him to decide how he wants to tell you of his fears. Fears that have been eating away at him since the very beginning of your relationship. The fear of hurting you, leaving you with an aching heart.
“My dear…I’m afraid I am undeserving of your unconditional love.”
Silence fills the room again as you ponder what he said. You look up at him, his eyes meeting yours. “What do you mean?”
He looks away, lowering his head in shame once more. “My love, I am the darkness on Eos, the blight on our Star. My heart and soul have been blacked and mutilated by the anguish I have had to endure. Many have died at my hands, and many more will join them before my revenge is known.” He looks back at you, the pure sadness in his eyes making you fight back tears. “How can you love such a miserable monster like me?”
You sit back to fully look at him. His arms loosened around you. He looked so utterly broken then.
“I fear I cannot properly return your love. That I will leave you empty and alone.”
“Ardyn…” you start, completely distraught. The deep pain in your chest at hearing him speak so ill of himself traveling into your voice. You bring a hand up to cup his face, thumb gentling stroking his cheek. “You’re so much more than that.”
He stares back at you, disbelief in his eyes.
“I’ve seen the kind of man you are. The loving soul that is still alive within you. I see it when you hold me as I cry. When you tell me you’ll protect me from harm. When you pull me into your chest at night and whisper your love for me. I have seen your kindness, your love.”
“You may be the darkness to this world, but to me you are my light, my brilliant star. My love, my king.” You lean forward, placing a gentle kiss on his lips. “I love you more than I have ever loved anything. More than the sky loves the sun.” Your lips travel up to place a peck on his cheek. “I love all of you, and that includes the part of yourself you hate.” Your lips find his forehead. “You are perfect the way you are.”
You lean back to face him again. His eyes flutter open, having closed to enjoy the soft caress of your touch. A faint smile touches his lips as he brings a hand up to gently stroke your face with his knuckles.
“My dear…I’m afraid there is no place in a world so cruel for someone so sweet.”
You smile back at him, blushing slightly at his words. His voice always had been your weakness.
“You’re wrong, my love,” you say, scooting forward so your chests are flush against one another. Your arms return around his neck, and his hold on you tightens. “My place is here, by your side. There is nowhere else I’d rather be.”
He stares at you in silence for a moment, searching your eyes for something. “If you’re sure,” he says quietly.
You lean up again to meet his lips with your own. He returns it with passion, feeling so much like the loving kisses you had sorely missed during his turmoil. The love you felt from the gentle push and pull made your heart flutter. A bolt of heat traveled straight downwards. When you both pull away for air, your smile deepens.
“I am certain,” you say with conviction, feeling the truth of it vibrate through your very soul.
His smile morphs to match your own, crinkling the corners of his eyes. The hand that was caressing your cheek moves back to pull you to find his lips again. They melt into your own, nipping and sucking to make them swell with abuse. When you feel his tongue ask for entry, you happily let him in, letting out a soft groan as your slick muscles dance. He tastes of his favorite wine, familiar and comforting. Elation makes your heart beat hard in your chest.
When you part, you both pant slightly. His eyes are darkened with desire. He too must have missed your affections as much as you missed his.
“Feeling better?” You ask.
He hums in fake contemplation, then places a peck on the tip of your nose. “Most certainly.” You can’t help but giggle like a schoolgirl at his charms.
“I must be a lucky man, to have found love twice within my life.”
His admission feels like the sun is cradling your heart. “Oh, Ardyn,” you say, shooting forward to hold him in a tight embrace. He matches your strength, the tips of his fingers digging into your shoulder blade and lower back. He settles into the crook of your neck, placing tender kisses on the delicate skin. When before you wanted to weep for the sorrow you felt from him, now the tears that threatened were filled with joy. “I love you so much.”
“And I you,” he says lovingly. “Now, allow me to make up for the lost time, my love.”
You squeal with delight as he lifts you up, hands cupping your ass. Your legs instinctively wrap around his waist. “Consider this an apology for making you worry, my sweet.”
“My love,” you begin, scolding him slightly. “You were forgiven the moment I saw you distressed.”
He chuckles contentedly, rubbing your nose with his own. With goofy smiles plastered on both your faces, he slowly carries you towards the bedroom.
That night, the duet of your love making washed away any and all sorrow from you both.
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scientiastudy · 3 years
Lay All Your Love on Me (Chapter III)
Chapter I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. XII.
You aren't too happy about your situation, but you'll learn to accept it eventually. You'll have to.
Pairing: Ardyn Izunia x Reader
Word Count: 2.7k
Rating: M
Content: Angst, kidnapping, reincarnation, graphic depictions of violence, manipulation, slight gore, mentions of death
Author's Note: This is slowly becoming a beast. I have so many plans for this and I'm actually really happy with where it's going so far. I'm deffo gonna eat my words about this ending up short LOL sorry.
The first thing you’re aware of when you awake is that you aren’t alone. When you finally manage to pry your groggy eyes open you’re greeted by the sight of your captor in front of you, his face the picture of calmness as he reads a thick book propped up on his lap. You immediately shut your eyes again, hoping he hasn’t realized you’ve woken up.
Your mind begins to race, you know running again is out of the question with how Ardyn had caught you the last time. Your mind flashes back to what he had said before he had knocked you out. If this is the First Secretary’s estate, then that means there are other people somewhere. Even better, there are powerful people somewhere. If you can escape this wing and plead your case, you stand a decent chance of regaining your freedom.
You begin thinking of how you would plead your case, fantasies of running to the First Secretary and throwing yourself at her feet spinning through your head.
Your reverie is stopped short when you remember what the Chancellor had told you in the hallway, that “...you’re in such a delicate state after the tragic death of your friends that you’re unable to speak to anyone other than your noble rescuer,” If that was the lie he had used to get you locked up in this estate in the first place, then you could probably only look forward to being sent back to your prison if you did escape. After all, who was going to believe a hysterical young crownsguard over the Imperial Chancellor?
You force yourself to shake the doubts from your mind. There’s no way you’re staying here and playing whatever sick little game Ardyn has planned for you. After all, how did you know he was telling the truth? He’d lied about sparing your friends, who's to say he isn’t lying about where you are and who you’re with?
A painful sting pierces through your heart at the thought of your friends. The last image you’d seen of them comes to your mind unbidden. Ignis and Prompto’s charred skin as they’d tried to protect Noct, Gladio’s bloody and bruised body sprawled across the battlefield, his greatsword thrown from his mangled hand in the blast. Noct, unconscious and bloody on the ground as the Archean screamed.
You force yourself to stop, feeling tears well in your eyes and devastation grow in your chest. They would have wanted you to continue on. They wouldn’t have stood for you being taken captive by some imperial egomaniac, and you won’t either.
With your resolved steeled and your nerves frayed, you slowly begin testing the waters with the rest of your body. You clench and unclench your fists as life gradually gets restored to your limbs. You move on to your shoulders, slowly flexing your shoulder blades before moving down further to your knees and toes.
Your blood freezes as you realize you can’t wiggle your toes. You begin to panic, ice-cold fear seeping into you as your brain keeps screaming at your feet to move, to do anything, but your limbs stay still under the covers. You try your knees next, your panic only increasing as you realize it isn’t just your feet, but the entirety of your legs that have been paralyzed. Your mind returns to when you’d collapsed in the hallway, how your legs had turned to lead as Ardyn’s magic coursed through your veins. You realize with horror that not only had the man taken your voice from you, but your mobility as well.
Your panic swells even more, sick images of torture and pain flashing through your head as you realize how truly and utterly helpless you are. Your heartbeat roars in your ears, cold fear contrasting with white-hot panic flooding through your veins. You need to do something, anything.
“Alright over there darling?”
Ardyn’s voice makes you freeze. You school your face into what you hope is a charade of sleep, praying he’ll leave you alone.
“I’m afraid that won’t work on me my dear,” He sighs. You hear him shut his book, stiffening even more when you hear him rise from the chair. “As beautiful as you look in slumber, you’re a rubbish actress, my dear.”
You feel the bed dip next to you with his weight and resist the urge to crawl away. Even his presence makes you feel dirty, tainted even. Deciding that the jig is up, you slowly open your eyes. Ardyn sits next to you on the edge of the bed, a small smile on his face. You’re slightly taken aback at how genuine and soft it seems. It’s nothing like the cheshire grin he’d worn on the ship, nor the triumphant smirk you’d seen before he had rendered you unconscious. This smile looks soft, like the expression you’d see on Ignis’s face as Noct stuffed his mouth with food, or the smile Prompto would give you every time you sealed a pinky promise together.
It creeps you out.
You slowly rise, dragging the dead weight of your legs as you pull yourself into a sitting position. Partially to put space between you and Ardyn, and partially because it made you feel safer. Laying down at the mercy of a man is not a position you ever want to be in.
“There she is,” The Chancellor coos, reaching out a hand to caress your face. You flinch away instinctively, but that doesn’t seem to bother him. He just puts his hand back in his lap, turning his body more to face you, his gaze burning holes into your skull. You studiously train your gaze on the blanket spread over you, opting to trace the intricate blue and gold pattern with your eyes instead of looking at the man before you.
“I bet you have a lot of questions right now, and I’ll answer them all in due time,” He says, reaching a hand out to rest on your shin. You desperately wish he had taken the feeling from your legs too as the warmth from his palm seeps through the blankets, the weight of his hand feeling like a shackle. “But now what’s important is your healing. I cannot believe that infernal princeling and his lackeys had you in such a dangerous position.”
You bite back the urge to defend Noct and your friends, raging at the spell that held your voice captive. You’d give every single gil you own to give him a piece of your mind, but something tells you his motives are beyond monetary concession.
“I will be here every step of the way, of course. Though I will have duties within the city to attend to, I will always be here for your meals and more if you need me,” Your heart sinks at his words, you had at least hoped he would leave you to your own devices, but of course, it could never be that simple.
“Now, no need to look so glum,” He chides, and you curse yourself for letting your face betray you so easily. “I will grant you one small concession. When I am with you, I will return the use of your voice,” You instantly perk up at his words, a million plans running through your head. “But if you decide to do something foolish like scream, I will return you to muteness again. Do you understand?”
Your heart sinks at his words. Logically you knew there had to be a catch, he is your captor after all, but a small foolish part of you still held out hope for a quick escape. You nod, your eyes still trained on the pattern of the blanket draped on top of you.
“My darling, I may be eternal but I am not yet a mind reader,” He says, his hand once again extending to your face. You resist the urge to flinch again as he gently places his thumb on your chin, his fingers resting against your jaw as he gently turns your face up to look at him. “I need you to look in my eyes when you’re communicating with me,”
You feel your face turn hot. Rage and humiliation course through your veins at his words. How dare he take you prisoner and treat you like a child? The visceral urge to bite down on his thumb, to feel the flesh give way under your teeth as you crack the bone of his appendage floods you for a moment. This man had killed your friends, had taken your kingdom and home from you, and now he dares to treat you like some sort of doll and expects you to be alright with it? You open your jaw ever so slightly, almost giving in to the urge until you feel Ardyn’s fingers tighten around it, and you’re reminded of just how futile it would be.
You begrudgingly raise your gaze from the blanket to his, fully expecting another smug smile. You’re once again taken aback at the kindness in his eyes, the sincerity and longing that tinges them as he looks at you. It disgusts you, makes you feel like starscourge is crawling across your skin. You nod slowly, and he releases your chin with a smile.
“Well then, it seems we have a deal,” He says, flourishing his hand. You see the change in you more than you can feel it, a red miasma appears and then dissipates around your neck and you feel as if a weight slight weight has been lifted from your entire being.
You think of your next words carefully. While Ardyn had seemed fairly stable the entire time you’d been here, you know that no stable person kills four men and imprisons their young comrade. To escape you need to be alive, not another corpse on the pile.
“Why am I here?” You finally ask, your voice raspy from disuse. While he had told you on the ship, it still made no sense to you. All this talk of reincarnation and previous lovers, it was impossible. Sure, you’d seen some pretty impossible things on your journey, but this? This was too much.
“Ah, that’s the million gil question isn’t it?” Ardyn says, returning his hand to its place on your shin. “You see, long ago, I was a healer of the people. I traveled all over Lucis to heal those in need, I devoted my life to the service of others and expected little in return,” You resisted the urge to snort. The man holding you captive, who had killed your friends in cold blood, a healer? It was laughable.
“But one day on my travels, I met a woman. She was beautiful, effervescent even. We became lovers and then were to be wed. But by a cruel twist of fate, she was stolen from me,” You felt his grip tighten on your shin, wincing slightly as it turned bruising. Noticing this, he relaxes his grip, apologetically rubbing the throbbing area as he continues. “And I was cursed by the gods, left to live out eternity in solitude.”
Your mind reels at this revelation. You’d doubt him if you hadn’t slit his throat yourself, if you hadn’t felt the weight of his dying body on top of yours and the grotesque gurgles that emanated from him as he choked to death on his own blood. The only "immortal" you know is Cor, but even he is just a man.
“But I was given a second chance,” He continues, not giving you a second to process. “Two decades ago I felt something change: I felt her presence return to this mortal coil. I spent years searching for her, only guided by a tugging in my heart. I eventually found her, reborn as a girl in the streets of Insomnia. She bore the mark of light on her hand, the very force that had taken her from me all those centuries before.”
He takes your hand, his thumb gliding over the star that marked itself between your thumb and forefinger. Revulsion fills you like a plague, but you force yourself not to pull away. Keeping in his good graces is presumably the only thing keeping you alive. “And now here you are, a woman in your own right. I was going to wait, properly court you and show you the romance that had been taken from us,” his face turns bitter at this, removing his hand from yours. “But unfortunately, your charge forced my hand. I don’t expect you to understand this all right now, but I hope that in due time, we can reconcile the time lost.” The way he looks at you is filled with longing, melancholy dripping into his amber irises. Under any other circumstance, you'd be flattered to hold someone's gaze like that, but now it makes your skin crawl. How could a murderer flip on a dime like this? Isn't this the same man behind the soulless Magitek troopers? The man who holds an entire nation at his disposal? And now he's sitting with you in some room in Altissa trying to play house with a random crownsguard.
Before you know it, you’re giggling. The situation is all too much for you, too ridiculous for your brain to handle as your synapses fire on all cylinders. A giddy hysteria bubbles up in your chest, deep and all-consuming as your giggles turn to full-blown laughter. Your body shakes as you laugh, incredulity filling your veins. This is impossible, he is impossible. There’s no way this is happening. You must have been hit in the head by a rock during the fight with the Archean, or maybe you’re still in your bed in Insomnia in some sort of hellish nightmare.
“You expect me to believe that?” You say between gasps. “You expect me to believe that just because I have some stupid fucking birthmark– that because you had some sort of weird twisted feeling about me, that I’m some sort of reincarnated girlfriend for you?!” Your voice grows shrill as you continue, high on hysteria and disbelief. “You take me prisoner, kill my only friends, paralyze me, and now suddenly you’re the fucking victim? Just because some random bitch died Six knows how long ago?”
“Don’t-” His voice cuts through your rant, but you’re so electrified with emotion you can’t find it in you to stop.
“No, you don’t get to fucking decide this,” You continue, your eyes wildly flitting around the room. Your finger shakes in the air from where you’ve accusatorily pointed it at him. “You don’t get to make me like your personal doll just because you have some fucked up issues. I have a life, I have parents- friends- a job- I’m not just your little toy to play house with you sick fuck!”
This seems to set him off, his eyes darkening as he lunges forward, trapping your frantic hands against the headboard.
“Enough,” He growls, his face mere inches from yours. Your hysteria is replaced by a primal sense of fear. His features seem sharper, more sinister like this. The gentleness in his eyes has been replaced with frenzied anger, and you swear you see bits of black tinging his sclera.
“You will learn your place, darling, and my methods are none of your concern,” He hisses the endearment like a threat, his grip on your wrists tightening. “If you insist on being difficult, we can do things your way, but trust me when I tell you that I am being merciful in my treatment of you. You will learn your place, and you will take it. Whether you do so willingly is up to you. Do you understand me?”
You’re too paralyzed with fear to move, the pain in your wrists growing with every second. Somewhere in the back of your mind, you worry he’ll break them and leave you even more crippled. He doesn’t take well to your silence, leaning in so close that you can feel his hot breath across your face, his hair shrouding your vision.
“I said: Do you understand?” He repeats with more venom in his voice than before. You frantically nod, a quiet Yes escaping your lips.
“Yes, who?” He growls, and you pray for the bed beneath you to open up and swallow you whole.
“Yes, Ardyn,” You mutter, relief flooding your senses as he withdraws from your space, dropping your wrists and standing up. You watch as he picks up his book from where he’d left it on the chair, tucking it into his jacket before turning back to you.
“Since you had your little… outburst… I’ll leave you to your own devices for the rest of the day,” You see the cheshire smile appear again, and suddenly you’re internally cursing your big mouth. He flourishes with his right hand and you see the red miasma re-materialize around your throat before once again disappearing. “Do take care, darling.”
The sound of the lock clicking behind him seals your fate.
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houdinicorbini · 2 years
Hi, i hope you’re fine! Nightmare was just so adorable, my heart literally melt. I love your blog<3.Hmm but whatever! If you´re comfortable with this, could you write abt ardyn having an argument with his s/o, and accidentally hurting their feelings by being too defensive? Like, angst/fluff yk. Take your tim, no pressure c:🤍.
I’m really glad you liked it! I’m really glad to find someone else who really liked this character as well! I actually have a few things of Ardyn in my drafts that I need to continue with soon.
Now this has some of the topics of last one, like him dealing with nightmares so I'm going to be kind of playing off that
Also, I want to put a disclaimer in here. It's best to not push someone when they are going through a tough time. What I am doing is only fiction and sometimes some people accidently cross lines trying to heal their own anxiety than the person who is hurting. Not saying this makes them a bad person, they just don't realize what they're doing.
Tw: Arguing, yelling, injured reader and angst
Today just seemed like another normal day with Ardyn. It was still early afternoon, the two of you were cuddled up on the couch, just relaxing. You were watching tv at a low volume while Ardyn was reading a book.
Snuggling up to up to your lover more, you rested your head on his arm while watching a random show that was on. Ardyn changed positions so you were laying on his and your head was resting on his chest, his arm protectively wrapped around your waist. All while he was still reading.
He is usually lovey dovey like this, but something just felt off about it today. The tightening of his arm kind of gave that away too, like he was subconsciously trying to tell you to stay.
You had noticed that Ardyn has been a bit tense since the both of you got out of bed this morning. After being in a relationship so long, you tend to notice the little signs he gives off when something is wrong.
You also took note of how he wasn't really talking that much. Just simple answers and short responses. You had an idea that maybe he didn't sleep that well because Ardyn really only acts like this when he didn't have a goodnights sleep.
Thinking about how to bring it up, you figured you'd ask a simple question. Maybe try and lead into asking the main question. You didn't want to back him into a corner though, so you knew the question to ask to get things started.
"Did you sleep well last night?" breaking the silence, you look up at your darling, who has his face buried in a book. For a second you could feel him tense up at the question.
Placing his thumb between so he could close the book without losing his spot, Ardyn gazed down at you before answering. "Of course, my love. Difficult to have bad rest with you at my side." He flashed you with a sweet smile, but it didn't seem to quite match his eyes.
His tone sounded off to you as well, like it was laced with tiredness, but he was doing his best to mask it.
Ardyn saw the look in your eyes and noticed a hint of worry in them. There were times where he didn't like how you could read him. He didn't like how that mask he tried so hard to keep up was starting to slip.
"You look very tired, and you haven't been acting like yourself since we got out of bed this morning, are you sure?" You saw a shift in his emotion, surprise maybe? It was only for a second before he insisted he was alight.
"Dear, I can assure that I am fine, there's no need to keep worrying about me." Ardyn was trying his best to reassure you that he was fine even though you could see right through his disguise.
You didn't believe him, but you knew trying to press for an answer was not the solution. You didn't want to make things worse by trying to force him to talk.
On the inside, a part of Ardyn wanted to tell you what was wrong. That he had such a terrible nightmare about losing you. Something he fears a lot more than he admits.
He's afraid that one day you'll just be gone, and there won't be anything he can do to fix that.
Ardyn didn't know whether to be happy or upset that you've known him long enough to see when he isn't doing well, but it didn't really matter since he didn't plan on opening up.
Little did he know, you had other plans to try and slowly break through that iron wall of his. You were persistent in trying to make him happy!
"I guess it must be me who's tired then." You played it off with a chuckle as you tried to get up, much to Ardyn's dismay.
"Darling," Ardyn began, wanting to tighten his hold on you so you wouldn't leave him, "where are you going?" He asked. His eyes were obviously giving away the fact that he did not want you to go.
"Oh, I was just going to go into the kitchen!" You quickly answered, but that look he was giving you made you want to reconsider.
Letting out a sigh, Ardyn released you from his iron grip before returning to his book. "Do hurry back, I find it easier to concentrate with you by my side."
Once you've gotten up, you smile and give him a quick peck on the cheek before heading into the kitchen. You didn't see it, but there was a genuine smile on Ardyn's face, just for a second though.
Your plan was to make some sweets for Ardyn to enjoy. Something to help get him out of his shell, even if it was something as small as food. Making sure you had all the ingredients you needed, you began getting out all the dishes you'd be using.
Meanwhile Ardyn was on the couch trying to fight falling asleep, especially while you were not there with him. Though, he was quickly losing that battle.
This continued on until he heard a loud crash come from the kitchen. His book that was once laying on his chest during his sleep battle was tossed on the floor when he raced towards where he heard the commotion come from.
Ardyn's heart dropped when he saw you on the ground, clutching your foot while there was glass bowl that didn't appear to be broken. It seemed to have taken the bag of sugar down with it.
'W-Wait! I'm fine! Really!" You quickly tried to assure him, but that was drowned out as he rushed over to you. Getting to your level, he investigated the spot on your foot where he assumed you dropped the bowl on. Looking down, you noticed how fast a bruise began to form.
"Can't you be more careful!?" The sudden yelling made you both jump and forced your head to look back up.
You noticed how Ardyn had mix of worry and anger. How were you to know that he was angrier at himself. Confused, you try to calm him down.
"It's only a bruise, I'm fi-"
"And what if it was more than that!? What if I was gone and you were seriously injured!?" With each question, Ardyn's voice raised more and more.
"I just wanted to help! You never open up so I thought maybe I could try something else!" You felt like you were being back into a corner so you couldn't but shout back.
"And hurting yourself was the path you decided to choose!?"
"It's not like I purposely meant to get hurt! Do you think I try to mess up!?" You could tears start to well up, from both the fighting and the pain the was actually getting worse.
"Maybe if you didn't do it so often, I wouldn't need to assume!" Ardyn finally processed what he said when he saw the look on your face. The regret that started to sink in when he saw the tears in your eyes.
"Do you really see me as a screw up?" The cracking of your voice broke his heart. "My love, please forgive me, I don't think of you like that at all, I would never." How he wishes he could take that back.
"Please, let me carry you to bed, I don-"
"I can get up myself." Still feeling a bit hurt from his comment, you tried your best to stand up, but Ardyn quickly noticed how you winced when you took just one step.
Ardyn knew you could do it, but it pained him watching you try and walk to your shared bedroom, not when he could help. Though he knew he had no right to say anything after that fight.
You hobbling over and nearly falling is what made Ardyn change his mind. He caught you midfall and brought you to the giant bed the two of you shared. You only huffed and crossed you arms in response.
Once you were settled in bed, your mood changed when you saw the emotions being displayed on Ardyn's face. As if he was doing everything in his power to keep himself from breaking down.
"Ardyn, please tell me what's wrong." You wanted to help him so bad, if only he would let you.
It was then when he couldn't hold it any longer. Seeing a tear roll down his cheek made your heart hurt for him. Seeing as how he was knelt down next to the bed, you acted quickly and used your hand to wipe away the tear.
Patting the spot next to you, Ardyn quickly took the hint and laid down next to you, but you had him reposition himself, so his head was now in your lap.
"What's on your mind?" You ask in a soft voice, taking your hand so you can run it through his hair in a soothing manner.
You could feel his tears falling onto your thighs as he finally opened up to you.
"You read me so well, you knew I wasn't doing well, that I hadn't slept well." He really didn't want you to see him like this, but he felt comforted by your actions.
Ardyn began telling you about his nightmare, how violent it was, how he lost you. He then explained he barely slept at all last night because of it.
He explained everything all while you just listened and continued to run your fingers through his locks of hair. Reassuring him that you're not going anywhere.
"I'm sorry." He said with a tear-stained face. "I didn't mean to hurt you, I would ne-"
"Shh, I know, I know. You were just tired and had many things going through that head of yours. Just please know you can talk to me when something happens."
Ardyn slowly nodded his head before letting out a content sigh, he felt incredibly loved by you and your dedication to show it. He made a mental note to repay your love tenfold later, when he had more energy.
'Do you want to try and get some rest? I promise that I'll still be by your side when you wake." You just wanted to see him well rested, but you weren't going to force him to sleep if he didn't want to. He wasn't a toddler.
"I think if I have you right here like this, I'll have pleasant dreams."
You smiled softly down at him before leaning down to place a soft and loving kiss on his cheek.
"Rest well, my love."
That was a lot longer than what I had expected! But I hope you enjoyed it! I apologize if anything seems rushed or seems out of character for Ardyn! Let me know if you enjoyed it at all and thanks for the request!
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sparklecryptid · 3 years
Cor/Ardyn meet-cute?
Ardyn had a sense of shame once.
It died a long time ago. He can't pinpoint when it died but it was probably around the time when Verstael stared too long at his naked body. Doctors are weird, Ardyn thinks as he lounges on the chaise lounge in a bookstore that he bought in Insomnia for fun. He is never going to see one again.
The chaise lounge is green velvet set in a dark mahogany and it likely cost more than some peoples rent but Ardyn has filled his coffers with the lost wealth of Lucian Royalty.
Does he feel bad having turned all his family history into money? No. They aren't his family anyway. They're Somnus' family and while Ardyn is no longer a bundle of murderous intent existing solely to destroy Lucis and the descendants of his brother he's still petty enough to take their money and spend it however he wants.
Ardyn should probably be manning the cash register.
He is not. He is engrossed in a rather sub-par romance novel when the bell above the door rings - signalling a customer.
Ardyn looks up, sees the Marshal of the Crownsguard, debates stabbing him and then decides it's not worth it and settles back into the chaise.
He thinks he's annoyed Cor, he hopes he did.
A shadow looms over Ardyn.
Ardyn turns a page.
Cor clears his throat.
Ardyn looks up.
"Can I help you, Sir Marshal?" Ardyn asks, raising an eyebrow at the man's flustered face.
"Is-" Cor's poor face has a darling blush on it and Ardyn finds himself charmed. "-Is the book you're reading any good?"
Ardyn lights up.
"Oh my dear!" Ardyn swings his legs off the side of the chaise and sits up with his elbows on his knees, the book placed delicately beside him and he grins at Cor. "Is the dear Marshal a romantic?"
Cor's face takes on a deeper hue of red and the Marshal sighs as if he's being forced through a great trial.
"It's not for me," Cor tries to explain.
"That's what they all say," Ardyn trills.
"It's for one of my students," Cor tries again, "He has a fondness for romance novels but I- have no experience reading them."
Ardyn makes a disapproving noise.
“Oh what a tragedy,” he says, “We must find you some books immediately.”
“I’m not here for me-”
“A man of your persuasion needs a hobby don’t they? Surely there is no better way to calm down after an intense outing than with a good book.”
“My student-”
“Yes, yes,” Ardyn says, “We will certainly find something for your student as well, now tell me, what do you like?”
Cor lets out the sigh of a defeated man.
Ardyn grins.
(If Cor leaves with Ardyn’s number and more novels than he went in for that’s no one’s business but his own.)
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noirbriar · 3 years
FFXV AU: Controlled Chaos
Regis Lucis Caelum was able to change the legacy of his rule by winning a War with Niflheim and the Astrals. However he still has a country to rebuild and a government to rein in. Also, let it be known he is only human and is not immune to being petty either.
Cor is struggling NOT to string people up, Nyx is suffering, Noctis has the urge to throw hands and Clarus just wants to go home. Ardyn? He’s just tickled by all the chaos that aren’t even his own doing. And it seems that regardless of which timelines, everyone seems hellbent on doing one (1) damn wedding at least regardless whose it is.
A short for The Lion, the Coeurl and the Cub AU. This one takes place during To Heal The Sun while Prompto is away from Insomnia, recovering. 
Regis Lucis Caelum CXIII huffs and tosses another folder aside, wondering why is it that a battle of life and death has wiped out essentially everything but folders and paperwork? The King knows he is procrastinating and it shows. But hey, who is going to call him out for it? There is nobody else here aside from a Guard and Glaive on duty, a young cadet, the ever familiar Libertus and the ancient royal ancestor also in his room for whatever reason.
The Shield, Marshal and Captain are all tending to the reshuffling of the military, now that the War has ended and magic is lost. His retainers and Glaive have all left him to his own devices without supervision so, too bad.
Its quiet. 
The afternoon sun brings a lull with the humid Lucian air. Apart from the occasional chewing of apples from his couch, the new Grand Duke of Lucis comfortably lounging like an abhorred palace cat who found his place to terrorise for now while reading an old book of the Lucian Court records. Ardyn Lucis Caelum doesn’t have anything to do really, just do what he wants and stay out of trouble, Regis is absolutely fine with that. All in all, a dull boring day with a mountain of problems higher than the Rock of Ravatogh.
The lost of daemons and the disappearance of the Crystal, Astrals and magic have also garnered some concern from the masses. Princess Lunafreya have effectively quelled those before the Battle when they sent out a call for aid. Yet it didn’t stop some who were simply too zealous in their worship of the Six.
Then there is the issue with Niflheim. Insomnia wanted peace and instead they found themselves saddled with a broken country on top of rebuilding their own. Crown citizens displaced from the Fall are also slowly being allowed back into the city along with immigrants and those seeking asylum, though they are prioritising essential workers first. Many Lucians have also voiced their concern for the royal family, namely, Noctis’ ‘prospects’ and the future of the Lucis Caelums after the near collapse of the monarchy.
On the other hand, was also a smaller problem of complaints from disgruntled nobles regarding his Marshal and Captain having a ‘conflict of interest’…
The King then idly ponders over the issue of territories, until he decided that he needed a break from all this with a low sigh. He rubs the furrows between his eyes until suddenly, he remembered.
“Yes, your Majesty?” Libertus steps forward.
“Oh, be at ease, I just want to chat for awhile.” Silence. That peaked the curiosity of the ancient relative in the room. If one thing remains a constant, is that gossip does not divide between generations.
“Galahd has always thrived in natural resources, textile, fishery and have been generally self-sufficient enough. Would your people be keen if theres an increase in say, tourism to aid in your region’s economy?”
“Anything that helps would be welcome, my King. I used to run bar with Nyx once we turned of age while running a resistance. But shortly, Galahd fell and we came to Insomnia. More business is always a boon, as long as we preserve the nature. Nature is of utmost importance to us. I’m not very sure about anything else I’m afraid. You may need to ask Nyx, I mean, the Captain, he knows these things.”
“Oh, would he now?”
“Um, like I said, Nyx is, was? Part of Old Blood, Old Ruling Clans. Like long, lines of leading hunters of the community. He knows better about looking after the Tribe and economy kinda things. He may not be active since Galahd is mainly a matrilineal and matrilocal society and he is last of his clan while there are other clans looking after Galahd. Nyx still learned that sorta stuff anyway.”
“So. Like. Similar to Lucis’ nobility?”
“Um, probably yeah? But Ulrics are far older than most clans, from days before our ancestors have settled in Galahd’s Isles. So they will always be an important figure among Galahdians regardless.”Libertus continues without a thought.
“I can attest to that fact. I have long heard of the Ulrics in my days, old nomads once upon a time. Now that I think about it, it makes sense that they were probably the ones that preserved Etro’s name.” Ardyn thumbs a page idly.
“…From one King to another, how much problems will I cause if I were to make unannounced policies?” Regis asks Ardyn wryly.
“Oh plenty I dare say.” Ardyn looks up from the Court Records.”But may I take this time to remind you, oh dear nephew of mine, of the old solheim saying.’Its the farmer who herds the Anaks, not the Anaks who herd the farmer ’. You are the monarchy. Not your council. Do act like it.”
“Ah, wise words indeed.” Regis muses, who would have thought his old worry of how his legacy would be remembered in future be null and void with the War won, and the age old burden and curse on his family broken.
“Besides, can’t be worse than all of your ancestors and look! They still turned out pleasantly dandy if I were to say so myself.” Ardyn tuts delopringly.
Regis barks a laugh.
Dull days like these once was once a luxury, one that he now intends to indulge himself in fully.
Everyone from the guards to the workers have been busy restoring the Crown City. Either with the repairs and supplying basic needs, or even helping displaced Lucians get settled somewhere. However, entry into the kingdom is still limited with tight restrictions, mostly for those who are directly helping with the rebuild.
Noctis has been in a mood since Lunafreya had left Insomnia with Ravus. After absconding with his best friend that is. But other priorities require his attentions now. Prompto is strong and he’ll be alright. Deep down he knows his friend needs the time and space away to get better. For now, they will focus on getting their home and city back together again before he returns. Prompto made his sacrifices, this is what he needs to do, at the very least for his precious friend and his people that are still waiting to return home.
The entire operation seems fine, slow but steady.Till Ignis’ uncle, Senior Advisor Augustus Scientia, hurries into the King’s study, his face grim. Regis puts down his trade documents to the side.
“Your Majesty, I’m afraid something is wrong.” Augustus starts after a bow.
“Well everything seems wrong these days, Augustus.” Regis huffs, gesturing to the array of paper scattered around him.”Alright, tell me.”
“The council, they are here and, pardon me, ‘demanding’ an audience when you have the time to spare.” This got the prince’s attention from his short King’s Knight break.
“Aren’t they told to go back and stay put in Lestallum to look after the citizens awaiting re-retry? What about our guards at the border? Why did they let them through?” Noctis asks, his eyebrow furrowed in annoyance.
“Your Highness, they were being a nuisance-”
“Aren’t they always?”
“-Yes well. They were putting out so much demands and creating unnecessary obstructions to our men it left us no choice but to at least lead them into the Citadel. Ignis is attending to them at the moment. ”Augustus explains, before taking a glance to assess his King. Regis is silent, as he leans back into his creaky armchair, thinking for a long while that even Noctis is starting to fidget uneasily.
“Humph. Well then. Let them wait.” Regis finally replies.” These reports are not going to sign themselves.” And back to trade negotiations he goes.
Augustus bows and was about to excuse himself when. Regis stops him again.
“Actually, Augustus, do get Ignis to focus on the refurbishing of the north wing, I want to sleep in proper quarters sometime this season. I also would like to believe our Grand Duke will be more than pleased to tend to our honoured Lords and Ladies in your nephew’s place.”
With that order, the Senior Advisor smiles pleasantly, bows and takes his leave.
Noctis turns to his father in horror,” Dad. Do you actually WANT a national incident? After we somehow bullshit our way to show that Ardyn Izunia, Niflheim Chancellor and Ardyn Lucis Caelum, the Founder King’s brother , are two different people by some divine whatnot?”
“Don’t be rude, Noctis. Your many times royal great grand uncle is as harmless as a Tonberry could be.”
“…” Noctis flops back down the couch, mentally calculating the casualties and how many people they need to fill the empty seats of the Lucian Government, which they had just found replacements for after the Fall.
The council did not return until the Crown City is restored and ready to welcome the people back once more.
When the Lucian Council officially gathered in the newly rebuilt Citadel at long last, its been nearly a year since Prompto had left for Tenebrae. Prompto often sending pictures of the Tenebraen countryside, the gardens and little things he sees in Luna’s kingdom. That includes the wefies of them both, snapshots of afternoon tea with Iris and Talcott, and strangely enough, a Niflheimian little girl. Who has taken to following Prompto around while staying in Tenebrae as negotiations were underway in Fenestala Manor between the two regions.
Noctis, unfortunately, is less lucky.
The tired Crown Prince pointedly ignores The Look from Ignis and tries to focus on the boring formalities and greetings of the pompous, arrogant, upper class nobility going around that is their Lucian Court. It’s not even 5 minutes and he wishes for something to happen.Anything. At least, to excuse himself out of this.
With the Shields beside their charges, Ignis takes his place on the other side of Noctis as usual, since he is part of the Prince’s inner court. Cor and Nyx further down beside Clarus, as heads of their respective divisions. Which was unusual in itself as they are usually standing by the King’s side as honoured guards for short briefings or simply not present at all for the long ones. Whereas Augustus Scientia sits further below with the rest of the council, suffering. Ardyn is unsurprisingly, absent.
They cover everything, from taxes and economy to the most boring laws and agreements as well as the issue of Niflheim now that Lucis is in control of Gralea until treaty terms are re-negotiated. When one tried to even suggest a marriage with the young princess of Niflheim, it was shut down as soon as it started by Regis and multiple others. One marriage went to hell with the Astrals, and now you want him to marry a kid? Is he a damn joke to his own people? Noctis shuddered. The girl is 8 or 9 for crying out loud.
Which also led to discussions of Lucis’ territories. Where Regis finally decreed that Galahd is declared an autonomous state of Lucis, all hell finally broke lose.
“Of course, they will still be Lucians and this won’t be an immediate, but a gradual process. I have spoken and agreed with the clan heads during my time in Galahd before the Battle. Lucis will allow the Galahd Isles to acquire the status of autonomy once trade terms and agreements are set and connectivity with the Isles are restored and further negotiated. ”
There are gasps from some of the glaives in the room. Noctis glances over at the Captain of the Kingsglaive, the joy evident and clear on his face as he looks towards Cor, unbelieving.
“This is unheard of your Majesty! Galahd has always been Lucian territory why the sudden decree of autonomy?”
“A heavy carriage, no matter how useful, means nothing if it breaks.If the load is shared while achieving a common goal of peace and stability, would it not benefit Lucians all the more?” Regis answers calmly. “ Besides, Galahd has aided us greatly, especially during our call to arms for the Battle against the Gods. They were promised nothing and even when we had failed them, they came, along with the rest of Lucis, to our aid. I remember very clearly that Accordo works under a similar system during the rule of the Imperials, and they thrived nonetheless. I see your objections unjustified Councilman Vox.”
“That may be but, but who represents them and under what council? There is no system in place-“
“Ah but thats what meetings are for! A sharing of ideas and cooperation of efforts. I already have one in mind and he is also considered a noble amongst his own and is already familiar with our council. Come, Representative Ulric, say hello!”
Time stops.
Nyx chokes on air, slowly turning towards the King looking as if the man is Bahamut himself. Cor stares at Regis like he is nothing but a daemon while Clarus still remains unmoving. The rest of the Prince’s retinue still reeling in from the shock.
“He’s a Kingsglaive!”
“Ah but cultural context states that he and his clan has the authority to stand for his people and the Galahd Community! He is also familiar with the system of a proper working society for his homeland. Just ask the galahdian glaives around this room, Councilman! In any case this is a promising start, isn’t it? Communication is very important, I must stress-“
“Wait. Who told you all this?” Nyx finally gathers his wits together and asks incredulously. Etiquette be damned.
“Why! Glaive Ostium of course!” Somewhere from the far corners of the council room was a cough and Nyx immediately turns to glare at the traitor he knows is stationed in this very room.
“Is my dad for real?” Noctis whispers. “Shh!” Ignis shoots him a look before going back to the discussion before them.
“This is absurd, we have not done things like this before-“
“We all need to try new things in life Councilman, no use for limiting beliefs!”
“We are certain Ardyn can’t do glamours anymore right? That’s-that’s not him as my dad trolling us right?”
“I assure you dear Nephew, I’m right here.”Ardyn quips from behind the alcove munching on a blueberry tart. The Prince and his retinue turns away from the old king quietly.
“We can always secure the deal with an arranged marriage! I mean that seems to be all everyone can come up with these days. And would you look at that! My Marshal is already married to Ulric! We just need to make it official and on proper Lucian documents in front of family and friends in broad daylight. Simple! Perfect.”
“I think my dad woke up and chose bloody violence today.” Noctis mutters as he watches the disaster unfold. Gladio finally lost it and snickers under his breath. Ignis is too intrigued to even stop the wayward prince and shield.
Clarus simply looks up at the restored ceiling, as if he is half expecting Griever to crash into the room and end all of them there and then. It would be certainly be a lot easier.
“Your Majesty! There’s no relevance in any of this!” Cor at last can no longer rein himself in any longer and hisses at Regis.The King smiles innocently like the benevolent monarch he is but the display does not fool Cor in the slightest.
“Oh, just renew your vows my dear brother! What harm would there be?”
“What the fuck is happening?” Nyx looks around in a daze, the poor soldier in him not equipped to deal with this. The Marshal looks as if he will cut someone fairly soon.
“Speaking of the Lord Marshal,” a councilwoman begins.”His adopted son is said to be a Farseer of this ancient ‘Goddess’. If I may be bold, I am sure some of us are wondering if its a simply a matter of offence to the Astrals hence their abandonment of humanity?”
“Are YOU serious-“Noctis feels his temper rising as he attempts to stand, before Ignis shoots him a sharp look, cutting his tirade off before someone else beaten him to it-
“Did you all honestly not see damn Ifrit burning the whole of Eos or Bahamut tearing the mountains down like fucking paper? Or were you too blind in the darkness to see the destruction they wrought on the people?!” Nyx finally snaps, not standing for the ridiculousness of this and shoots back at the offending councilwoman.”Prompto did not have to deal with any of this bullshit for you ungrateful bunch to turn around and question what Etro had him do to save all of our asses!”
“Ulric is right, Princess Lunafreya herself has made the situation clear repeatedly and unless several hundreds of men were fighting a different Battle, you tell me what was all that then? We all heard the accursed Draconian loud and clear, he wanted all of Eos erased for his own wishes. Oh wait. I remember now. You little coward, were too busy hiding in your room in Lestallum!”
“Take back your accusations Councilman Reed!”
“Surely you lot who remained in the safety of civilisation saw the light of the Gods depart from Eos like the rest of us that day? Yet this world remains with or without any divinity so why is this a concern at this point?”
“Are-are we forgetting that it was Lord Leonis who took out the Emperor for us during Operation Niflheim?Or not?”
“The Gods have come and gone! Young Lord Leonis has done us a service in bringing Etro to aid us in thwarting wayward astrals plotting our demise. I was there with the King during Operation Niflheim when the Goddess had appeared before us with the truth of the prophecy bestowed upon us. Also for goodness sake, use his title of Lord as is the respected address you uncivilised knaves.” Clarus pinches the bridge of his nose tiredly.
“He’s a commoner!”
The table falls silent as Cor stands up and looks down at the council who have fallen silent.
“He’s. MY. Son. Councilman Varis.” Cor growls. “And I, myself, was a commoner first before I had entered the service of the late King Mors and his Majesty’s. You will do well to remember THIS.”
“Lord Leonis is part of his Royal Highness’ inner court. That entitles him to the title of Lord automatically by tradition until he is prematurely unable to serve any longer as his highness’ direct retainer before the end of his service.” Augustus interrupts warily.
“Who cares if the glaives and crownsguard are having relations. I still think we should focus on Niflheim, surely-“
“Are you daft! The Niflheim princess is a child, you beast!”
“Why not Princess Lunafreya? Surely a joyous marriage isn’t too bad to celebrate peace-”
“Tenebrae has already stated that they will not entertain any proposals and will focus on their own nation for an unprecedented period of time.”
“Why do you people keep trying to marry me off?! Does this kingdom hate me?” Noctis finally looses whatever rein he has on his temper while his advisor is still trying to process the chaos.”The Rogue Queen had no consorts and even beheaded her betrothed at the altar yet she did just bloody fine!”
“We must preserve the purity and sanctity of the royal family-“
“Why don’t we ever talk about how much inbreeding this country has seen?” Gladio mutters dryly.
”Certainly not as if we need a protect the ‘purity’ of the bloodline with the Wall and Crystal gone either.” Ignis adds dryly with a thought.
“With all due respect Lord Marshal, I still can’t believe you, as some one of pure Lucian standing and as member of his majesty’s inner court be fooling around with a Galahdian Glaive, this is simply not done-”
“Hah! As If that matters when you went behind your husband’s back with that housekeeper from Duscae! The entire court saw you leaving with him during the Fall!”
“At least Captain Ulric is more loyal to the Crown than you lot combined!”
“Wait, if Captain Ulric resigns and becomes Representative, who will be taking over his post?”
“By Titian’s ass, I don’t even know why I’m here.”Nyx mutters into his palm in frustration.
“What happened to fraternisation laws?!”
“WE HAVE NONE! If you imbeciles actually know better about our military’s code then I want to see you try me. And you fools will also leave my family out of your. Filthy. Fucking. Mouths.” Cor leans forward slowly and growled at the council, glaring across the table.
The Marshal’s katanas are gleaming by his side, and looking very much like a lion who has their bleeding prey on sight. ”A dozen able bodied men and women seated at this table! Yet none who called themselves a patriot amongst the army who had marched into the darkness. Here they are now thinking they are holier than thou. Pathetic.”
The words echo in the hollow council room effortlessly and for a minute nobody breathes.
“I think, I finally get why we never see Cor actually sitting in one of these council meetings.” Gladio mumbles softly, unable to mask his glee. “Don’t suppose we can convince them to continue letting him in more of these sessions?”
It was not long before another councilman started throwing shade at another, leading to another round of verbal conflict about a whole other subject. Which led to another before it became a stand off between disgruntled nobles.
The kingsglaives and crownsguard for once are baffled, looking at one another for support. Do they stop the raging council from tearing each other apart or do they just try to attempt at stopping them and simply let them at it? Without any orders, they are looking extremely lost amongst the chaos.
“Etro have mercy on us all.” Clarus tiredly gazes up at their new ceiling again and mumbles loud enough for Noctis and his retinue to hear.
Regis meanwhile, picks up the offered blueberry tart from Ardyn and resumes waiting and spectating.
Nyx just looks like he wants to stab everyone then himself with his kukris and die by the Goddess’ door. Cor is no doubt, plotting regicide, after he is done with gutting half of the council that is.
In the end, it took 3 days, dozen of guards, destroyed property, plenty of tears, threats, screaming, until everyone was too tired to protest anything did King Regis finally lay down the new policies and laws he wanted. Not without reminding them that this entire council, if proven to be as lacking as this session has proven, is replaceable and that the King’s word is still final. He will not jeopardise this rebuilding nation for the whims of men who think they are above the people of Lucis. Thus, regaining some semblance of control of his court and closing the session before taking his leave, excusing himself from the room full of exhausted nobles, looking like he had won the world.
The Grand Duke cackles in mirth, throughly and completely entertained.
“So let me get this straight. That entire stunt you pulled was so you can get your policies through with minimal resistance, find out who is displeased with whom amongst the court, resolve our issues and establish a system with Galahd and indirectly show our territories we care, get his Highness out of any arranged marriage plans, weed out those idiots possibly plotting against Prompto and-“ Clarus takes a deep breath and steadies himself,” get our youngest a damn wedding?!”
“Genius, if I were to say so myself! With Prompto’s status as the last Farseer of Etro and his good foreign relations, especially with our refugees, his safety is paramount. Ulric will also have the chance to prove himself worthy as a suitable partner for our Marshal. Oh! We can have the ceremony in both Lucian and Galahdian for symbolism and goodwill too.” Regis sips his tea and looks absolutely proud of himself.
“The brat eloped but nonetheless he still married! WITH witnesses! You know Cor values his privacy above all else!”
“Its just Glaive Altius, Glaive Khara and Major Elshett.” Regis casually shrugs.” Honestly, simply reciting Galahdian vows of commitment in a middle of all places, a skirmish?! Really, Clar? Really? The little brother we had raised certainly deserves better than that.”
Clarus pauses in his pacing across his private living quarters to roll his eyes. The old shield then digs out his phone from under his heavy council robes.
“Whatever are you doing, Clarus?”
“Calling Cid for backup.” Clarus growls, waiting for the line to connect,”I refuse to be alone fending off an irate brat from the meddlesome man-child I have sworn to protect! Though I certainly will only do the bare minimal to protect your stupid ass when Cor finally gets up here.”
“You will not!” Regis gasps dramatically,”And you know Sophiar will do nothing but sit and laugh at my suffering.”
“Thats all on you, old friend. You have no one to blame but your own stupidity.” Clarus winces as the line finally connects and he hears Cid’s rough greeting, just as the sound of an enraged lion approaching like a storm echoes in from beyond the thick layered double doors.
The old Shield is not sober enough to deal with this. He lost a whole damn arm in the Fall, he certainly doesn’t need to add ‘death by protecting a foolish charge’ to his column in the History of Lucis.
“Hey guys, I’m not sure if its just me, I think its me but, why is like everyone in the Citadel calling me ‘Lord’…?” The fact finally sinks in a few days after Prompto’s return to Insomnia. Where they are holed up in the Prince’s private quarters for a sleepover, putting on shitty films after calling in pizzas and piling up snacks. Just like the back in high school. Apart from the extra bottle of Duscaen whiskey they had nicked from Clarus’ office gifted to him by some council member. ”I am kinda, sorta, creeped out?”
“Has the Marshal or Captain mentioned anything to you of late? Did no one even bother to explain to you upon signing into the service of the Prince’s Retinue as direct retainer? Or even when you were younger, have lessons on Lucian nobility and its delicate customs?” Ignis starts carefully, eying the blond laying on his lap.
“Um no? 100% pure pleb here!”Prompto chirps, a relief considering how troubled and melancholic he was after the Battle.”Why? Is there something I should know?” Ever the practical realist, the young advisor however for once, prays to Etro for her strength to preserve him.
“Sorry to break it to you sunshine, definitely not ‘pleb’,” Gladio laughs, poking Prompto’s cartoon chocobo covered butt with his toe, eager to see how Ignis tries to lay it out for their clueless gunslinger as he steals Prompto’s last pizza (“HEY!”).
“I still have war flashbacks of that council meeting.” Noctis mutters into his soda.
Prompto just looks even more confused as he nibbles on a cheese stick while watching Ignis pull out his tablet and begin educating him the ways of Lucian Court once and for all.
No one:
Absolutely no one:
Regis: So, does that mean I would require to give Galahd a dowry on behalf of my brother? Or is it the other way around? I am not sure.
Nyx: *incoherent dying Bismarck noises*
Cor: I think his royal highness is more than capable of taking over the throne now. *withdraws his swords*
Clarus: *tired sighs*
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secret-engima · 3 years
What do you think about FFXV's technological levels? Like IRL placement? Ahead of us? Behind us?
Hm. That really depends on *where* in the world of FFXV you're taking as a sample. Places like Liede are definitely somewhere behind the modern tech level, if not *terribly* far. Cindy does have a modern cellphone that she uses to call Noctis, but all the cars in the game we see save the Regalia are definitely older? Built in what to us is "retro" styles, and most of them show a lot of wear. I forget off the top of my head what the tvs in greater Lucis look like but iirc they're also more on the boxy side. It's also canonical that because of supply chain issues (heh) greater Lucis is stuck technologically behind Insomnia and Niflheim.
Insomnia on the other hand is very much modern technology level, if maybe a few inches ahead in some respects? Maybe? I don't live in a city so I honestly cannot say if the technology we see in Insomnia is standard for rl major cities. I do know that the skyline and other aspects of Insomnia was actually modeled off Tokyo though, so they're probably not ahead of us, but on equal footing.
NIFLHEIM ON THE OTHER HAND. Openly leagues ahead technologically. Have you seen their giant honking flying aircraft carriers. Not to mention they figured out how to strap an giant jet engine to the butt of a box car and have it become their standard military ship. Their city is in ruins when we get to see it and also the middle of the night, but the place where the Emperor actually lives?
Giant floating fortress.
Casually parked in the sky so far above ye standard skyscrapers that they need death tube elevator to reach it. Put that sucker any higher in the air and it'd be a low hanging space station.
It's also heavily implied that since they (completely ruined their own ecosystem through first daemonic breeding and then failing successfully their task to kill Shiva) have very little functional farm or ranch land, they have mastered the mass production of cloned food products. Besithia has that stuff casually served on his dinner table in the Ardyn dlc, and while personally I wouldn't trust cloned meat that came from that idiot and his lab friends as far as I can throw a Behemoth, the citizens of the Empire probably don't blink twice at it anymore.
In the book during the Aranea Chapter, there's even more signs of how far advanced they are technologically- the reason Aranea freely flings herself around on her rocket spear is because the darn thing also comes with some form of protective shock absorption so she really doesn't have to fear knocking out her teeth when she crater dives like in the game. Even cooler than that; the entire skyline of Gralea has an invisible net thing that syncs with weapons like hers and allows specialized warriors like Aranea to casually pingpong their way across the sky over the city to get to places. It's literally invisible to the naked eye save for the spots where she makes physical contact at the time.
Of course the trade off to All The Cool Toys is. You know. The rampant human experimentation, mass disappearance and suppression of their citizens covered up in loud propaganda about a Disappearing Plague that requires stricter and stricter curfews and lockdowns to circumvent which isn't working (BUT SHUT UP AND STAY IN YOUR HOUSE AND DON'T QUESTION IT OR THE MTS WILL SHOOT YOU), the complete reliance of millions/maybe billions of people on a single entity (the government and its laboratories) to get reliable food source and the utter militarization of all aspects of life since most professions have been subsumed or killed off (can't be a farmer if the ground is always frozen) and they're the guys who invented all this tech, to the point where Aranea, a thirty year old woman, barely remembers what a festival or carnival looked like.
You know.
Since anything involving crowds on the streets was banned years ago as being potentially disruptive, order to be enforced by at first regular soldiers and then increasing the mob of daemons in armor boxes.
But Other Than That™. XD
So yeah that's where I put the tech levels. And I can't do a decent estimation of Tenebrae since we only see it severely on fire. But if I had to guess, I'd put it up there with Insomnia.
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our-reb00t-boi · 3 years
For years I've "agreed" to the critics regarding the DmC reboot when it came to 2nd Vergil
I really didn't like what they did but never did quite put what exactly made me not like him. But just in recent years, probably after DMC5 came out, a few us friends talked about it and compared.
To me personally, it came down to two things:
I don't see any resemblance, ANY from the previous Vergil incarnation (well ok apart from being adapted from the first installments, but that’s a given). Vergil's Downfall may have been NT's adaptation from what they had gathered of 1st Vergil's past, especially from the manga, and that's the closest I can think of that are thematically similar. They saw mental turmoil about being a surviving offspring of an infamous figure and makes the character question their own place in the world. And this continued to 1st Vergil in DMC 5 which expands on his views, who has survivor's guilt and a deprecating view of himself, explaining his grindset to gain more power.
But that was the inverse for reb00t/2nd Vergil, at least by order of scenarios. He is already a powerful being, not by strength, but by position, wealth and knowledge. He is the exact opposite of his twin, who lived in squalor and hardship. He's a loaded guy soooo full of himself and thought himself highly, and in turn thought of the Nephilim race to be as such (I think he believes the unique conception of Nephalem made them a special race and should be the ones to rule, etc.) plus with the amount of research he probably had on what remains of the history of the Nephilim, and their opposition.
When he fell from grace is where some similarities are made with the 1st Vergil. So the scenarios are just inverted.
Now, after comparing him to the 1st Vergil, because 2nd Vergil had to match the theme of social commentary in the reboot title, they went for that "Rich Kid" trope for him. He feels like this oily, shrewd character, that I sorta compare with Prince Hans from Frozen and Ardyn Izunia of FFXV.
It's just me but I don't personally think NT were going for the action cool ambiguous aligned samurai anymore. To me it's still up there what they really wanted versus final production, and this reflects from (what I’ve seen) from their concept art book. There’s barely any info about the themes or experimentation before they finally settled onto something that was gradually close to how he’s presented in the game. It's no secret that NT and the Capcom team sent by Capcom more of did a "play it safe" thing because of backlash perpetuated by both NT and the audience.
So from what was presented, all I have is this wealthy young "self-made" millionaire who thinks so highly of himself and his morals, using this sophisticated veneer of smart vintage-looking fashion but ironically is spelling out just how so full of himself is. He thinks he knows more and holds that power over the Order, and in turn to Kat and to his own twin. He’s fashioned himself as some kind of beacon of hope, an angelic presence in a demon-infested and deluded world...
He's insidious. He's shrewd. He sounds soft-spoken, charismatic and well-mannered.... and it's all for show!
And now I know why I hate him. Well, no I don’t hate him the way the reboot haters do. I hate him because there are people like him in real life. He’s manipulative and cunning. He lures many who are in the Order in comfortable belief that they’re in the correct path/side. While fighting for what’s right is a very lofty thing to do that’s not a joke, reboot Vergil knows this deeply for his ends alone.
At the end of Vergil’s Downfall, he’s no longer putting up a veneer of being a holier-than-thou individual. Ultimately he’s accepted himself, though he’s accepted what he believes was holding him back. Well, good for him, now we can see what a selfish and narcissistic individual he really is. He’s actually back to doing what, I think, he does best: luring anyone through a false sense of hope that what he intends to do is equal to those who follow him. Under his leadership, he’s no longer holding anything back. He’s likely going to mold what’s left of the world after Mundus’ defeat.
Although I did mention “false sense of hope”, I think this time, with the scattered demons whose instincts range from being their own shrewdness to utter destruction, Vergil just sees those are going to be more genuine. He’s just like the rest of them now and it makes no difference, unless he says so.
The last two are speculations, but it doesn’t change what 2nd Vergil is and what makes him different from the 1st Vergil.
reboot Vergil is a tyrannical Cult Leader
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ardynzunia · 2 years
Ruby Weapon Headcanons
Verstael made a diet for him that was bland, strict, and exactly balanced for nutrients. So while he’s always eaten food, it’s never been seasoned, greasy, sugary (outside of some fruits), and always had low to no fat content. When he first escapes from Verstael’s labs, he can’t eat most types of regular prepared foods. But once he gets to where it doesn’t make him sick, he really enjoys spicy things, because of how different and stimulating they are. However, his favorite sweet always remains berries with some whipped cream, and he never really manages a taste for greasy things or sweet sauces. 
Ardyn’s dna is too unstable from the scourge to clone directly from it. But the stable material can be separated from the unstable. To be able to Clone Ruby, he combined Ardyn’s dna with other Lucis Caelum dna, to keep the blood pure so he would theoretically still have magic. He got this dna both from blood and tissue from Regis Ardyn collected after defeating him during the invasion attempt in Episode Ardyn, as well as from medical records gathered from Fenestala manor on Noctis. Even a Ruby raised perfectly healthy would be shorter and slighter than Ardyn because of this.  This is not based on any research by yours truly, just Jurassic Park logic.
Ruby is aware of his origins because of Verstael’s tendency to monologue. It has given him a sense of identity separate from Ardyn wit his own personality, At the same time he doesn’t not consider Ardyn , Regis, or Noctis “parents in anyway. More accurately he sees himself as a collage of them. An artificial amalgam of their traits.
Until convinced otherwise Ruby doesn’t see himself as a real child. Rather he sees himself as a separate entity that happens to have sentience. His desire to escape is based in the desire to pretend to be a child, rather than the belief that he is one. 
As a privilege for good behavior Verstael would allow him free access to the libraries on Lab Campus. These were all non fiction of course, but he managed to find discussions of family leave and how families behave through some of them. In addition to biological books which discussed the need for play and other activities in children and juvenile animals. This is what inspired him to want to escape and do these things himself. 
There are possibilities in this verse where he escapes on his own and grows up to be a rather bitter adult. 
Ruby is a bit like Data’s Daughter in Star Trek Next Generation, in that it is difficult to place him with the right age group at first, because he has no experience with socialization but also a very advanced education level, barring Art and Literature. (He reads well, but has not had any real contact with fiction outside of myths that potentially connect to Astrals and their weaknesses.) 
Though it’s unexpected since he had lessons nearly constantly forced on him, Ruby likes learning new things. The main issue is that he doesn’t like to sit still or inside to learn. Anything involving reading and paper he usually takes outside or near a window when he can, and he will sometimes lose interest if the lesson isn’t active enough or if it is too simple. 
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