#but at the same time I don't want all my superman knowledge to be post rebirth stuff
kara-zor-els · 1 month
unstoppable force (my love for superman comics) vs immovable object (me being too intimidated by the triangle era)
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pumpkinspice-prouvaire's required les mis fic reading list
enough of u supported me in my half asleep post asking about fic recs the other day so I am providing. If you want a deep look into my inner psyche this is also the list for that hehe. I tried to be strict about only including my absolute MUST READ fics that I adore and have read and reread and reread again multiple times. Also these will be mostly ExR, to no one's surprise. But there might be a few other ships and gen fics in there too. It's under the read more because this bitch is gonna get long
Auto-read authors:
I didn't wanna rec the same authors too many times in my list proper so these are the authors whose works I have read all (or nearly all) of multiple times. The authors whose tax returns I would read if they posted them on ao3. I will be featuring my favourite fics by them in the list
loverism (all of their fics are currently in a privated bookmark but I have faith that they will someday return. loverism if u see this I miss u)
Multi-Chapter fics/Series/WIPs:
Under My Wings You Will Find Refuge- Fiver: (WIP) This is the most required reading of my required reading list. I can quote passages of this fic by heart. It's my roman empire. PLEASE check this one out if you haven't it is the best ExR fic in existence, it will change ur life I promise
Beneath a Dragon Moon- The Librarina: GOT AU, no GOT knowledge required. Lots of dramatic moments interspaced with some lovely tender ExR
Guided by a Beating Heart -torakowalski: my absolute FAVOURITE Enjolras centric angst fic. Lots of emotion, lots of friendship, will make you ugly sob
you and i walk a fragile line (is this the time it finally breaks)?- UnforgettableJoMarch: (WIP) I am so enjoying following along with this one. Heartbreaking plot with sublime execution and some brilliant lines, so looking forward to seeing this one develop
The Future's Owned By You and Me- quillsand: ENJOLRAS/FEUILLY ENJOLRAS/FEUILLY ENJOLRAS/FEUILLY WHAT MORE CAN I SAY. Absolutely fantastic rarer pair fic with as much (and maybe more) importance devoted to the activism as to the ship
Getting Fucked in Lingerie- downtheroadandupthehill: PWP. ahem. anyways.
(With a Jubilant Shout) They Will Come One and All- zade: PWP. AHEM. ANYWAYS.
True Blood AU-kjack89: Exactly what it sounds like. Vampire Grantaire and Human Enjolras shenanigans
words can be unwritten- defractum: my favourite soulmate au which makes me melt every time <3
Armillaria- RevocablePeril: THE MOST COURFIUS FIC OF ALL TIME. Lots of excellent Les Amis content in general. SUCH a good, massively underrated fic. 121 kudos??????????? You're all insane.
In An Age Without Heroes- ShitpostingfromtheBarricade: Gloryhole soulmates, the prison industrial complex, Oprah.
walls come tumbling down-reptilianraven: They're cute your honor. One of the only high school AUs I will abide by tbqh hehe
What's a Bed Between Friends?- dannyPURO: if there's one thing you should know about me it's that I ADORE the there was only one bed trope
epiphany- Abidatchery: screaming crying throwing up that this isn't the fandom's most kudos'ed fic. Every word is expertly crafted and absolutely stunning
Vienna Roast- revolutionbarbie: cosy coffee shop au with a version of Enjolras we don't get to see but that I really enjoy
A Little More Lois Lane- stellatundra: Just a really funny and silly AU in which Grantaire is Superman
Love in a Coffee Shop-tellthemstories: an absolute fandom classic and rightly so. I've read this one so many times and every time there'll still be something that makes me laugh out loud
My anaconda don't want none (at all)-vamillepudding: v funny and sweet ace enj fic with hilarious triumvirate and exr dynamics
The Waiting is the Hardest Part-samyazaz: In this house, we absolutely love a sexy bet
Between Meetings and Midnight- PieceofCait: Enjolras cries after sex send tweet
A Bad Penny- PBJellie: Gay cowboys and sickfics are the ultimate combo for SURE
Leaves in the Void- myrmidryad: lots of emotion lots of friendship this one is so heavy but SO good you guys. It's also a Space AU I know we all love that <3
my heart's been borrowed (yours has been blue)-Petr1chor: P-tri is so good at writing fics where Enjolras is a complete dumbass and he wrote this one especially for me <3 <3 <3
fire in my hands- geode: This is my go to fic if I want a laugh. "Do you like parsnips?" "Yes they're my second favourite vegetable" iconic exchange god bless
I Would Do Anything For Love- Need_to_Comment_Rising: one of my fave ace Enjolras fics with lovely tender ExR. No I'm not biased because I worked on this series, don't be silly
Like Comfort, Like Solace, Like Relief- areyoumiserableyet: The sensation of coming home to the people you love after a long day <3
Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood- sonhoedesrazao: There should be more fics with oblivious to his own emotions Grantaire that's all I'm saying
Trying to Leave the Ground-barricadeur: rly comfy cosy smut fic
YAY ENJOY I'm gonna go lie down now god I hope I haven't forgotten anything lmfao
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joyboythehopepunk · 10 months
You Will Believe a Man Can Lie
As some of you may know, I'm trans.
I know there are some people who wear it on their sleeve. I don't.
I'm not ashamed. It just isn't peoples' business. Just like my sexuality isn't. Though I am more vocal about that.
Telling people I'm trans has always resulted in.. a change of the vibe. I can sense it. Even if I don't tell them and they find out through other means.. I can tell people look at me different.
There is so much more to me than the fact I'm AFAB. Like to me, it as if I'm an alien man from another planet. And on that planet the men have vaginas. That's it.
In my interpersonal relationships, people all seem to expect the same sort of things from me. Basically a "flawless" man. I'm a man on a spiritual path. I am not "flawless". How could you learn if you never made mistakes? If you knew everything - whether about right and wrong or about the cosmos? How would you return to Spirit better than when you left?
I don't know. I want to know how to become enlightened - how to unlock abilities that sages of the past have. If for no other reason to help myself and others find a way out of this. That is who I am down to my core. That is why I am really weird. Not my mannerisms, not my physical characteristics, not my trauma.
I'm a mortal seeking godlike powers.
This post was spurred on by post someone else made about Clark Kent lying to Lois about who he is. About being an alien from another planet with super powers. For reasons you may be able to comprehend, I was empathetic.
Imagine walking up to everyone you meet and telling them something personal about yourself. Something you would rather keep secret, if for no other reasons than : 1. it would endanger your life. 2. at the very least it would inconvenience you with an onslaught of questions, or a change in treatment (which may be bigoted).
People assume all sorts of things about people just based on appearances. I can only imagine the idiocy their minds come up with when faced with something they don't understand - whether about themselves or others.
"People can only meet you as far as they've met themselves" I'm seeing truth in that statement more and more as I get older, as I evolve, as I get closer to my goal.
But I probably will never stop getting angry. I may never be rid of all my pain. I may continue to be incomprehensible to humans and unsuitable to this society.
I would rather be myself. I love and understand myself in a way I have seen in very few others. I would rather be myself because I am here for a reason. I have been shown that time and again. I am blessed in that knowledge.
To end: I think some evils are necessary. Lying is sometimes necessary. As is the violence of consuming other living things. If only because the nature of our world is such that we cannot live without lies. Because there are people who would use the truth to destroy us. Just because they hate what we are - not even that we are doing anything wrong.
Just like Clark Kent/Superman is just a being with super powers who happens to be an alien. He's doing good. He's such a good guy. Yet look how people treat him because they don't understand.
I definitely endorse watching MAWS. :)
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merlinemrys · 8 months
tagged : @queerofthedagger ty mona this was sooooo fun 🫶 tagging : @adhd-merlin | @bellamyblakru | @s0mmerspr0ssen | @groundbreakingdot872 | @lightasthesun | @flight-of-fantasy | @nextstopparis | and anyone else who wants to do this (sorry if you've already been tagged and done it) !!!
129 . . . i write exclusively short oneshots so take that with a grain of salt.
362,664 which is a feat for ME!
bbc merlin
marvel (spider-man)
percy jackson
dc (batman and superman)
have written and posted for:
doctor who
house md
grishaverse (the grisha trilogy and six of crows)
alex stern series
the raven cycle / the dreamer trilogy
goncharov (😭)
harry potter
the 100
the magicians
anne with an e
to all the boys i've loved before
ACCIDENTAL HEROISM / the batman (2022)
BRING ME HOME / percy jackson
merlin fandom . . . you will always be famous to ME!
yes, always (or at least i try).
hmmm . . . WAIT. LAFF. this is so funny because i think it's FINAL GOODBYE, my sole goncharov fic because goncharov dies at the end. fr though, maybe WE CAN MEET AGAIN SOMEWHERE which is a pjo fic where i killed percy off lmao. i have since realized that i apparently don't write a lot of angst . . . an interesting to note about myself for sure!
due to the nature of my writing—short oneshots—they all mostly end happily! maybe IN THE NIGHT (mergwenthur with platonic merthur and merwen and romantic arwen) because it was just soft all the way down!
no, i don't think so.
sometimes. the mood just has to strike yk <3
uhh if you mean characters from Fandom A meet and interact with characters from Fandom B then no? i have written fic inspired by other fandoms, but those would be AUs then . . . i'll go with no.
not to my knowledge!
nope. some people have asked though! i was deeply honoured but i like to keep my fics on ao3 instead of any other site and they wanted to post elsewhere.
wait. i just remembered, oh my god. SCREAM. does 13 year old me's rp count? because that would retroactively change my answer to the crossover question since i DID do that. it was so godawful and was probably 100k—started out as bbc sherlock fic and then bbc merlin got in there along with doctor who and supernatural and probably every fandom under the sun after that. we never posted that anywhere (thank GOD) but what a time. i don't co-write now. not for any particular reason, but i don't think it's come up.
see, this question is so hard because i write and consume so much different media. at the moment, in my current doctor who phase, i'll say tenrose! ask me during a different phase and you will get a different answer hehehe <3
all of four of them 😭 one reason i write oneshots is because my interests wanes so fast. you'll be hard pressed to find me in the same hyperfixation for longer than a few months, but i always come back eventually. specifically, RENEGADE'S RETURN (dc dick grayson-centric) would be the WIP imo because i posted that with no intention to finish it. all the other ones i had hopes, but this one . . . no </3
prose and characterisation. i think i'm getting pretty good at writing in the pov character's voice. like if you take my house md fic and compare it to . . . i don't know my raven cycle fic, i think the voices are distinct enough even with my same writing style:
HOUSE MD: New Orleans sticks to House’s skin. It reminds him of the Philippines. Long days baking under the sun, oppressive heat blanketing his entire body, sweat pooling at the top of his lip. At least when he was in the Philippines, he wore shorts and a tank top to cool down. Currently, there are about three layers on his chest—undershirt, button-up, blazer—and the AC in this place wheezes and puffs out mildly cold air like an overweight asthmatic kid attempting to run a marathon. THE RAVEN CYCLE: Adam Parrish does not have many things. A bare IKEA mattress, various pieces of makeshift furniture made out of cardboard, and a three-dollar rug he found at a sale. It’s not much, but it’s his and he’s proud of it. Sometimes, though, pride doesn’t discount how hot Virginia summers are. His skin is sticky with it, the light cotton of his shirt clinging to him, restlessness twisting under his skin.
i tried to pick two snippets that are generally about the same thing (summer heat!). at least to Me, this seems different enough in tone, but you know. vibes!
my inability to write long form is genuinely not only a weakness but so so so detrimental to me fr. every fic i have written can EASILY be at least 25k EACH. probably more (definitely more) because i write the moments in between or . . . [sigh] let me say this instead. with longfic, there's usually a moment or a scene that you want to get to, the whole fic is culminating to that scene so you write thousands upon thousands of words to get to where the that scene would make sense in context, yes? well. for Me . . . i just write The Scene™
i'd fuck up google translate so fast (and have), so something like "they speak in spanish" or "'hi, how are you?' they ask in spanish" would be preferable to me.
definitely pjo percabeth fic at the age of like . . . ten (10). i posted it on ffnet and have since scrubbed from the internet.
funnily enough i created a series which is just fav fics that i've written which sounds so egotistical, but whatever. there are 13 works in there, i believe, and most of them are merlin lol. but in recent memory it has to be a tie between JUDAS KISS and THREAD OF GOLD (both arwen fic !!!) because i experimented with my writing sooooo much there, JUDAS KISS being first person and THREAD OF GOLD being second person. i typically write a close third person pov especially for fic. my prose is wired for that, but it was so fun to try to do that for first and second anddddd i got some banger lines out of it so a win's a win!
THREAD OF GOLD: Your father’s presence is larger than life. Larger than love. It looms. It casts shadows long enough to hide every hope and dream you’ve ever had for yourself. JUDAS KISS: All I can think about is Arthur. His rage is fine as a blade, sharpened by the betrayal I have dealt him.
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guiltypart · 1 month
I want to state first that this semi-rant isn't exactly because of the release of X-Men 97 and all the posts on Tumblr because of it. I don't even have a Disney+ account to watch the show. Most of my comic knowledge is from reviews and thinkpieces to keep up with what is going on. But this is something that's been in the back of my mind for a while, and all the posts have brought it to the forefront. And hey, now that I have a sort-of-blog, I might as well write my thought out.
One of the things that I don't like about how comic books are written and published is the constant need to return to the status quo.Regardless of what happens in a comic, any change that occurs will eventually be undone to go back to the characters' baselines. Even character death is constantly undone to the point that it's become a joke. This happens for a lot of reasons, some good and some bad, I don't want to get into that here. What I do want to get into is how not every status quo is created equal.
A lot of these status quos are fine for the characters themselves, because the general premise of the book doesn't call for a lot of angst. Superman and Iron Man, for example, have a fair amount of respect and support in their daily lives. They don't have PERFECT lives, but Clark Kent has a strong support system of friends and family and Tony Stark is both wealthy and is happy to be considered a genius as far as I understand. But other characters don't get off so easy. Spiderman's status quo is that his need to be a superhero constantly wreaks havoc on his personal relationships while at the same time he is vilified by the press, so he continues to do a thankless job because it's the right thing to do. What this results in, though, is Spiderman constantly losing friendships and relationships to get back to this status quo. Batman, meanwhile, is the dark, brooding protector of Gotham, but to maintain that status quo, he is constantly angst-ing over his parents and keeping other people, including those close to him at arm's length so that he would never not be brooding and melocholy, and Gotham will never actually deal with the corruption and crime because then it wouldn't need Batman to protect it.
One comic book that gets really hit by this is the X-Men, because the basic premise isn't just "people with superpowers train at a secretive boarding school", but also people with powers that are constantly discriminated against at large, so that they both have to stop supervillains as well as protect each other from bigots, opportunists and mobs, trying to be recognized as people and not monsters. This is a good premise, but the problem is that this is also the X-Men's status quo that they keep returning to. Combined with the fact that Marvel doesn't do reboots the way DC does results in a situation where the X-Men are never going to make any meaningful progress and are constantly set back in terms of civil rights. To me, at least, it's gotten to the point where I can't really suspend disbelief anymore. To me, it's less "Magneto was right" and more "Status quo is god." There's always another hate group that doesn't have any resistance in the population despite how dangerous these have proven to be. There's always another sleezy politician with the same rhetoric, or making the same agreement with someone like Trask despite how they always spiral out of control. More importantly, there's never any progress, because status quo means we can't move beyond where we are, and where we are is hated.
And I know a lot of people could probably argue that just like the initial message of the X-Men, this too is reflective of the real world, especially now where I live where conservative politicians and organizations are still trying (and sometimes succeeding) in rolling back civil rights. But my problem with that is that this is not a realistic world. To borrow something once said by the reviewer Linkara, the worlds of superheroes have:
People with extra-ordinary and supernatural abilities constantly appearing and affecting the public for good or bad.
Technology that, if not commonplace, is still readily at hand and way more advanced than what it is in the real world.
Several non-human societies (Atlanteans, Martians, demons, genetically altered raccoons, etc.) constantly visiting Earth.
Magic as a provable and measurable existence.
To go a bit further, there are a lot of societal fantasies too, such as:
Billionaires that are ethical, albiet not perfect.
Justice systems that often function as intended, with corruption and villains getting off on technicalities considered not the norm for the world, to the point where being able to stay out of jail is almost treated like a superpower itself.
Cites and countries that just don't exist in the real world.
Despite the fact that all of these non-human societies have been interacting with humans, human society is still very much the same with very little influence of any non-humans.
The point is that these worlds are not realistic to start with, so there is no reason why they have to always act "realistically" except for the reason of "because Marvel/Disney/the author says so." Marvel could give the Mutants some permanently unalienable rights, but because they constantly return to the X-Men's status quo of "always prejudiced against", they never will.
I realize that all of this probably sounds whiny on my part and I probably didn't completely get my point across like I wanted to. It's just...Magneto doesn't have to be right within the context of Marvel's Earth. There could be actual societal change that permanently helps mutants. But again, since that would permanently change the status quo, it won't happen because of how comic book writing and publishing works, and I'm at the point where I can't help but see the hand of the author in it all.
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ben-talks-art · 1 year
Let's talk about entitlement
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A couple of weeks ago I discovered that a voice actor from my country, an incredibly popular figure that is known for voicing super big roles such as Superman, Samurai Jack, Optimus Prime, Coop from Megas XLR (my favorite dub from the dude btw, he absolutely kills it!), and also acting as the voice for many popular actors such as Jim Carrey, was cast to play the role of Future Devil in the Brazillian dub of Chainsaw Man.
Now... I myself have not watched anything dubbed in my home country in eons, in fact, the Puss in Boots 2 movie was the first time in a while where I saw any form of media dubbed with Brazillian voice actors, if only because I wanted to see this thing as soon as possible so I just rushed to the nearest cinema I could find, and sadly Brazillian cinema doesn't show animated movies in their original dub...
So anyway, I wasn't exactly going "OMG!! Superman is gonna voice the "the future rules!" guy!!!" or anything like that. I was mostly just going "Oh, neat!", but after watching Puss I was kinda curious to find out how the whole Brazilian Future Devil thing went and... Ugh...
Apparently, the voice actor got a lot of hate on Twitter because they didn't adapt the line from the manga in the same way it was done by the fan translations... I repeat, people got angry at the actor because the line was different from the FAN TRANSLATIONS! And he received so much backlash from the watchers that he decided to drop out of the show and thus won't be returning for a future season.
So... Let's talk about entitlement a little bit
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Let's just assume for a moment that there is a girl you really, really like (I'm using "girl" but just replace it with whatever works for you), but she couldn't care less about you, so you try to make yourself look better, more desirable, more "worthy" of her by, let's say... Having a very well-paid job, or being someone who donates a lot to charity, or paying for the surgery of her grandma, or finding the cure for cancer, or ending world hunger... Let's just assume you did everything you could to be considered the most perfect person ever...
You're still not entitled to that girl's affection, appreciation, or even attention if she doesn't want to give you that.
Entitlement is the mentality of "I earned this, so I deserved it!"
But the fact of the matter is, unless you're paying someone for a job, and they agree to it, nobody really owes you anything.
(Although I guess one could argue that you're also owed your parents' support in order to survive since they're the reason you're here at all but... I'm not sure I have enough knowledge to talk about this so casually.)
But long story short, entitlement is this idea that you should have things done in the way you want them to be, just because you convinced yourself that this is how it should be.
I mentioned before in my Makima post that I really don't like this mentality because it works to make people think they have power over something they have nothing to do with.
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This happens a lot with fanbases. Sonic, Kingdom Hearts, Chainsaw Man, Star wars... There are so many pieces of media where the public will go "this isn't how I wanted" or even worse "this isn't how it is supposed to go!" as if they were the creators or something.
They use arguments like "I complain because I care!" but in reality, it isn't about caring. This isn't about displaying your love for an IP you care about, it's about you not being able to handle a reality different from what you wanted.
It's basically the premise of the movie "Misery" where this one fan wants to act like she knows the story better than the actual author.
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Now... Thinking that you deserve something even though there is nothing that says you technically do aside from your own belief is already bad enough, but it gets even worse when people use it as an excuse to act violently.
Harassing a voice actor and making him give up on his job just because a line was changed is just beyond silly. It's not the fans' duty to tell how a story should be told, same way it isn't right for fans to harass an actor just because they played an unpopular character in a live-action performance like it Happened with Rose in Star Wars, or telling someone they should kill themselves just because they made a joke about an infamous ship in Chainsawman.
It's even weirder in Chainsawman's case because part 2 literally starts with someone getting so much harassment by their classmates that it makes her want to die, which just makes me wonder if people are even trying to pick the messages of the story they are consuming.
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Bottom line, entitlement is ugly. It is in my opinion THE ugliest mindset anyone could have.
It makes people perform actions out of selfishness, arrogance, anger, and it only works to spread pain and misery. It makes you look at other people as objects that only exist to satisfy your desires and makes you forget they have feelings and that they can get hurt, all because they happen to want to do something you disagree with.
If someone writes a story in a way you don't like it, you're not entitled to attack that writer. If someone performs the role of a character in a way you don't like it, you're not entitled to attack that actor. And if someone has an opinion about a piece of media that you disagree with, you're not entitled to attack that commenter.
You NEVER have a reason to attack anyone. Trying to put others down just to make yourself look big, ironically, doesn't make you look big! It just makes it look like you don't have enough faith in what you stand for and are too afraid that someone might prove you wrong.
Entitlement and aggressiveness are huge symbols of insecurity, cowardice, and immaturity, because people who truly believe in what they believe in, don't resort to harassment so fast just because a different point of view showed up.
We only attack when we feel threatened, when we feel someone is trying to hurt us or trying to take something important from us.
Attacking should only be reserved for self-defense, or the defense of someone who can't defend themselves (and even then I feel like there is a whole other grey area of debate on how to know who needs and should be defended and from whom, which I really don't feel I have the skills or maturity to properly talk about myself).
A random line on a fan translation of a popular manga that got changed when the official dub came out... Is just not a good enough reason to feel threatened, and not a good enough reason to attack someone, even if it's just an online attack.
We all know the line, "If you have nothing good to say, don't say anything!"
Unless someone is asking for your opinion, unless someone is paying you to speak and make a criticism or provide some sort of honest feedback, or unless you're being harassed first, you are NEVER entitled to use your words or body to try to harm someone!
You are free to live your life in any possible way you want, as long as no one is getting hurt from it.
At least in my opinion...
I am not a psychologist, or psychiatrist, or a psychic, or any form of expert in the field of the human mind.
These are just my casual thoughts about a... Not so casual topic, but I feel it's important to be talked about nonetheless because I feel not many people seem to realize how big of a problem entitlement really is, and how it seems to be getting worse as the years go by as the media and internet keeps making us feel like we have more power over other people's lives than we actually have.
Just... Try to think twice before you get that sudden urge to want to complain about the way something is or how someone is acting just because you don't agree with it. Think a little about who might be getting hurt from it and if it's truly worth it getting so upset about it.
Anyways, this was a downer talk... Anyone seen Puss in Boots 2 yet?
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romancomicsnews · 9 months
Movie Redo: My take on Batman's Insurgency from The Snyder Cut
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While I was not crying out for more Snyder content, I was surprisingly impressed with Zack Snyder's Justice League. Yes, it is a long, and a little heavy on slow motion, but it had a vision that in my opinion, make his first two movies better. I don't think I connect with it in the same ways other do, but clearly it invokes passion.
While Zack Snyder's Justice League brought closure to a lot of DC fans, it brought a want for more from a lot of others, particularly in its closing scenes involving the Knightmare.
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This battle between Batman, heroes, and an evil Superman has been teased throughout Batman vs Superman and The Snyder Cut. While I don't think this will ever truly happen, I want to focus on one aspect of the film that boggled my mind, the team that Batman assembles.
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Batman assembles of team of heroes and villains to fight Superman, which in theory is a lot of fun and should be a team worth rooting for. However it is made up of (mostly in hindsight) some problematic stars and questionable choices in characters, none whom I believe could actually defeat Superman.
I want to go through the DCEU and make a team of heroes and villains that I think 1) would join up with Batman 2) would be able to put up a fight against Superman and 3) would make for an interesting movie.
Stipulations for myself are no heroes introduced after The Snyder Cut, as Zack would not have had access to them. So sorry, no Blue Beetle, no Supergirl, no Black Adam. But any heroes and villains introduced before then are fair game.
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I also want to generally keep the same types of characters that are on the team. Let's say two villains, two younger heroes, and two Leaguers.
First, let's look at who is staying:
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Besides Batman, I only have the one.
I think having a Justice League member who remembers what Superman was like and to have Batman's back is a great idea. While I do love the Barry and Bruce relationship in comics and other media, Ezra Miller is not a person I can stand behind nor do I want to see in more movies for a long while.
Ray Fisher was done dirty by Warner Bros and Joss Whedon. He is a fantastic actor and plays my favorite character in Zack Snyder's Justice League. Bringing him along as both muscle and tech support makes sense. And given his technology being of alien origin, he may have a chance of actually putting up a fight against Superman.
In this film, I want Cyborg to represent the hope for Humanity. He has been taken over by something terrible, like alien technology, and has overcome it. Despite everything that has happened, Cyborg still believes they can save the world, and Superman. I think it would be a nice change of pace for the character and keep him at the heart of the film.
Now let's go on to the fun ones.
The Villains
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The DCEU has a surprising amount of villains to choose from when it comes to people who would join the team. While both Joker and Deathstroke are fun fan favorite characters, I think for this cast, we can do better.
While I love the idea of Joe Manganiello as Deathstroke, he doesn't seem suited for a fight with the Man of Steel.
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Similarly, Jared Leto's Joker seems like a pointless nuisance at best. Having a crash wild card on the team seems fun, but wrong direction.
Let's start with the obvious pick.
Lex Luthor
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If we are doing a world where Superman truly goes evil, why not get help from the man who has been saying he would the Whole Time?!
I'm not a huge fan of Jesse Eisenbergs Lex Luthor, but in the post credits scene, he had seemed to calm down quite a bit, and seemed closer to the Luthor we know and love.
I still don't know if he entirely would nail it, but having Luthor on the team adds that same level of uneasiness Joker does while adding competence.
Luthor could have a chip on his shoulder with a lot of "I told you all" energy I love. And with his strong knowledge on Superman, and maybe a mech suit, he'd be incredibly useful against Superman.
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I think we missed an opportunity to further Luthor's involvement in this universe in a fun and interesting way, and he should absolutely be a part of this team.
Ocean Master
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While I did love the inclusion of Mera, I did not love the inclusion of Amber Heard. Having a violent Atlantean out for blood and vengeance for Arthur's death is a fun concept. Which brought me to his brother, Orm.
My hope is in Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom, Orm comes to an understanding and love for his brother. If that were true, Superman killing his brother (and likely the world's oceans) would put him on a warpath with Orm.
I think Orm is one of those characters elevated by the actor playing him, Patrick Wilson. And given Wilson and Snyder have worked together, I think the collaboration is in order.
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I think Orm is a good middle ground between Mera and Deathstroke, filling out both roles all while bringing an angry, violent energy to the team.
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While there are quite a few heroes in the DCEU, I tried to pick heroes Batman has not interacted with, or that would join his cause. Let's start with the bigger ask:
Harley Quinn
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If we want to match that chaotic Joker energy, Margot Robbie's Harley Quinn is the better way to go about it. This would be reminiscent of the Injustice Games where she goes good, following Batman's lead as his second in command.
She can represent how far both she and Bruce have come, having put aside their differences, even forgiving her for the death of Robin. While I know she's not the truest hero, we only see her as a protagonist throughout her films, and I'd like to keep her that way.
While I don't think she's the most useful in a fight against Superman, I think she still adds much needed humor to the bruting team. Plus, we can give her a Kryptonite hammer and boom, she's in the fight.
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I also want a character who can annoy Lex with her presence. I think those two would be at each other's throats the entire time.
And Finally:
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If there is one thing Batman is known to do, it's recruit a kid. While we can't have the Black Adam/Superman match up the Rock so desperately wants, we can have a more competent Billy Batson on the team.
As a hero with similar powers and magic at his disposal, Shazam would be the most capable in a fight against Superman. In this version, he has lost his Shazamily, and now hones the power of all of the Council of Wizards, making him the ideal foe for Superman.
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Batman not having an absolute tank on his team in the fight against Superman is insane. Shazam serves as Bruces back up plan incase they run into Superman. While he doesn't truly believe Billy can beat him, he thinks Shazam could sacrifice himself and save the others in time to come up with a true plan.
Levi can add comedy but mix in drama and sadness of his lost family. Levi's acting is often underutilized in the Shazam films, and under Snyder we may get some absolute gold.
Having a powerful Wizard, an Atlantean King, a Genius, a Motherbox enhanced Cyborg and one of the best members of the Suicide Squad on a team together led by Batman gives us not only a colorful cast of characters, but the DCEU a fighting chance against Superman.
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thevindicativevordan · 11 months
Comics this week ?
Anonymous asked: Comics this week (especially the Last Days of Lex Luthor)?
I did not expect Waid to beat out Hickman for the most entertaining use of a sociopathic genius villain.
Superman: The Last Days of Lex Luthor #1 -
Ruled, even better than World's Finest or the other Hitch joint coming out this week with Hickman. My belief that Waid made this a spiritual sequel to Birthright to write a take without the compromises he made previously was vindicated, the baseline here is pure Pre-Crisis Superman with modern day storytelling techniques. Superman refers to Clark as an entirely different entity, Lex is a mad scientist whom the entire world hates, Brainiac is a "space pirate", Kandor and the Phantom Zone are full of other Kryptonian survivors, it's Superman and his world the way Waid wants them to be. Happy to see Waid unleashed, especially since he likes his Superman smart. No doubt you could poke holes in the science used, but Supes using his powers to nullify earthquakes rules, and I appreciate Waid making the effort to justify it.
Know I complained about Waid bringing back Lex again, but I take it back. Lex is such an evil bastard here and it's fantastic. First he murders the techs piloting a combat machine, then he uses it to try and sink an entire island to get Superman's attention, then he reveals he poisoned himself and he's desperate enough to ask for help, and even when Superman agrees the fucker still screws Supes over for it! If Lex has to ask Superman for help he's going to make sure that Superman hates it as much as he does, by leaking Superman's agreement to do so to the world. Lex ensuring the entire world turning on Supes for helping Lex is a great notion. Show us the cost of Superman being firm in his belief regarding the validity of life!
Son of a bitch is actually going for it, this is straight up a companion work to All-Star Superman. Lex gives himself cellular degradation this go-around, the Fortress is stocked with the exact same trophies, but Waid is bringing in all the toys that Morrison didn't use like Zod. The Legion of Superheroes is said to appear, and Atlantis too which will probably have a cameo from Lori. Brainiac gets mentioned and I'm counting on him showing up at some point given it would be easily justified by Clark and Lex needing access to Brainiac's tech/knowledge to save Lex. It's a ballsy move, trying to position your story as a companion to the GOAT Superman story, and frankly I don't expect it to succeed. Regardless, if it maintains it's current quality it will easily sit alongside Secret Identity as the second best Superman story of all time.
Waid's take on Zod is basic here, but there's elements that could be expanded on. The Kandorians worshipping Kal as their savior while the Zoners view Zod the same way is a great way of positioning Zod as the "evil Superman" in ways beyond just sharing Kal's powerset and background. Amused me to see the DCEU Zod s-shield given Waid and Hitch both hate the Snyderverse. Dying to know what pushed them to use that, was it just too cool to ignore?
Hitch's art fucking rules, this is my favorite art showcase from him since Ultimates. His take on the Fortress and Kandor in particular blew me away, God I want more scenes set in the Fortress from him. Outside of the flashback page with Lex showcasing his history with Supes, Hitch's art did the same heavy lifting as Mora in keeping Waid's story from feeling retro. Everything is sleek, modern, sexy sci-fi, and it looks glorious. Waid better give Hitch a hell of a fight scene to draw before this story ends.
Knight Terrors: Action Comics #1 - Holds the honor of being the first post Reign story I've enjoyed Henshaw in. Stuff I loved included Kon being the cool big bro who lets the Super-Twins stay up past their bed time, Kon and Kenan bonding over horror movies, and the body horror of Henshaw absorbing Kon, Kenan, and Nat (plus their little dog too!) reminded me of the great early Immortal Hulk issues. PKJ has an excellent handle on the Superfamily, he's just pressed for space to show it in the regular issues. Power Girl story was good too, glad the Superbooks haven't been derailed by Knight Terrors.
Knight Terrors: Detective Comics #1 - Picked this up when I saw Watters was writing, and boy am I glad I did. Watters is two for two between this and Red & Blue when it comes to writing 5D imps, love how he and Federeci portray them as Lovecraftian horrors. DC needs to put him on a Superman book because he is absolutely the guy who can write that big Mxy story which establishes Mxy as a terrifying threat.
Batman: The Brave & The Bold #3 - Just read the Superman story and will be dropping the book. Decent ending if depressing, Supes doesn't save Hop or even stop the bad guy. As it's own thing I don't think it quite holds up given that, but I see Rodriguez posted some more WIP Superman art, and I think this will simply serve as a prologue to a Cantwell/Rodriguez Superman mini which raises my rating of the story if so. Definitely would buy more from this team, art is gorgeous and Cantwell writes a good Supes. Nice to have a good old fashioned megalomaniac villain with outrageously over the top goals, that added to the Fleschier feel.
Ultimate Invasion #2 - This issue threw me for a loop as Hickman demolished my theories about where this was going. 6160 does have a Reed Richards already, one seemingly similar (originally) to the 616 Reed. Maker lists him as "controlled" which makes me curious to know what his status is. Heh Hickman isn't being subtle by having Maker set up the City again in 6160 Latveria, but there's apparently a 6160 Doom judging by the solicits, I'm eager to see his status too. I'm assuming Howard was chosen over Tony because Hickman used Howard in SHIELD (or at least I think he did, haven't read that yet)? Otherwise I don't get the reason why Maker would want Howard under his thumb instead of Tony. People keep asking why this universe doesn't match 1610 and I have to question the literacy status of comic book fans. Maker outright states in this issue that this isn't his home universe, that's why Kang can't go back in time and kill him as a baby because he entered 6160 as his Maker self. 6160 is a totally different universe and it's blatantly obvious that Maker's changes are going to be undone. My new hunch is that Kang nabbed Cap before Maker could kill him, and this will end with Kang reinserting Cap to where he's supposed to be, with that serving as the reset to undo Maker's changes.
Hellfire Gala 2023 - Boring. All that build up and this is how Krakoa falls? Orchis' victory just feels hollow and unearned, all the deaths left me unmoved. All that buildup about mutant technology and showing how powerful the mutants had become, and here they just get steamrolled with ease. Orchis has struggled to be a credible threat from the beginning, Hickman had Xavier send Wolverine and X-Force repeatedly to assault their Solar station and never offered a plausible excuse for why Apocalypse or a team of Omegas didn't handle it. Here Orchis assaults the mutants at their Gala and we don't see the mutants unleash the way you'd expect. Why aren't the reality warpers joining the fray? I'm a Superman fan, I totally get that power levels exist to serve the story and are otherwise ignored, but c'mon this needed to feel more epic than it did. I'm sticking with Immortal and then I think I'll be done when it ends. Might not even follow Gillen to his next book, I'd rather put the money towards what Hickman has coming up.
Avengers #3 - Sniping between Sam and T'Challa is already old, let this next issue patch things up between them. Cool new foes for the Avengers
Incredible Hulk #2 - Loved the songs in The Last God, and glad to see PKJ creating some for Hulk. Gimmie a Hulk horror folk song too while you're at it PKJ! Charlie is pretty meh, she's yet another person who seeks out Hulk because she wants to be strong like he is, and I'm unsure if PKJ can differentiate her enough from Jackie who wanted the same exact thing in Ewing's run, but Hulk and Banner need someone to play off of. Seems Bruce might be responsible for Betty ending up in Eldest's clutches, that's what I got from Hulk blaming Bruce for *something* that happened to Betty. Phenomenal art by the way, perfectly captures that Southern Gothic vibe like nothing I've seen since Harrow County.
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the fact that joe worked with taylor on folklore and evermore and the idea that he possibly helped taylor accept her queerness makes me very emotional
Yeah, I forgot that while I was writing my post but you're totally right. He did help her on 3 albums now, it's very sweet and emotional.
Like, she looks so happy even im the pap photos with Joe. Like, I think it was definitely a planned pap walk to leave an easter egg for the interview that aired a little later on. Like, the fact that he helped her stage an easter egg publically, that makes me so fucking emotional.
He's so supportive of her career in every way, I love that he is realistic about love too. Unfortunately, when you get in a relationship you're still left with the knowledge that you once thought all your exes were the love of your life and the trauma that comes along with that is often given space in a healthy relationship to be processed without judgment or anxiety that it's going to end you if you're honest about your emotions in that moment.
It's so beautiful, sweet nothing is a song about your partner not wanting anything from you, just your presence. That's the unspoken moral of the poem, they're both in the kitchen cooking dinner probably and just existing together at the same time, on the same page, in perfect harmony in a universe that is unknowing, unfeeling and deadly in 99% of it and they don't need to do anything but just be together to be happy.
It's so beautiful, she is so happy and in love with him and I am so happy for them and I hope everyone finds that same moment some day, even platonically it doesn't have to be romantic. Every one should experience that feeling of this person doesn't need anything but my presence so I'm going to be the best version of myself for them. It's really giving if you shine, I'll shine for you ✨️ 💛
I was going to end it there but even just like she used to dream about being famous and finding prince charming (maybe prince charming was John meyer... superstar, superman fit- the change from star to man is really depressing actually) and then she got to wonderland and realized it's fucking nothing like it seemed in the movies.
Like, she used to sing about music being her kingdom (long live) and then in reputation, she really changed its meaning completely to be romantic love and that double meaning is only further highlighted in hoax. The lyrics themselves are very telling, because canonically look what you made me do comes before king of my heart.
In speak now, in particular, there is a certain unreleased song with lyrics going around that if true, would strengthen my lyrical analysis of this change because this song would be the bridge between her kingdom changing from fame into love and fame changing from kingdom to the woods. Taylor is a very visual person, so in my mind- a movie about her life looks like a girl who sees herself as a princess stranded in normal people land but her prince charming-meyer- is going to save her from boredom (which i think she means loneliness with this metaphor) and take her to her kingdom, fame for her music and her songwriting in particular.
But once she met prince charming, she realized he was the devil in the disguise and now she's stuck in the woods, with no way out. It's why folkmore takes place/is centered around leaving the woods.
Her kingdom is now very simple. It's her house with her lover and idk it's just all so beautiful.
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thealexanderfiles · 7 months
Okay so let’s talk Superboy Prime and his connection to Jason Todd.
I’ll be honest, I haven’t read the comic in full, exclusively because I haven’t found a copy. I want to though. But I have done extensive reading and research.
In some alternate universe, there is a boy named Clark Kent who loves comics. One day, he gets all the powers of Superman, yay! Somewhere along he gets the name Superboy Prime.
But, he is a comic book fan that is an amalgamation of every angry fanboy during 70s/80s/90s comics who wanted to see DC return to its golden-age/early silver age roots.
This was post-Dark Knight Returns, which if you ever hear that it means the era when DC decided it was time to give everyone Dark and Edgy and Angsty stories. Superboy Prime pointedly Did Not Like That. So, with his new powers, he somehow (and, again, I haven’t read this in full so this is something I don’t know for sure) gets into the main DC universe.
(Now back to what I do know).
Superboy Prime takes out his anger on the entire DC universe. He punches the universe so hard it breaks. Literally.
Essentially, DC does this thing a lot called reboots. Stories will reset, timelines will change, etc. There have only been two full reboots (Crisis on Infinite Earths and Flashpoint), but that’s a conversation for another day.
Superboy Prime’s punch essentially acted as a soft or semi reboot to the universe. Some things changed, some stayed the same.
Probably the biggest, most notable change was this punch brought Jason Todd back to life. He then proceeded to climb out of his grave.
Eventually, the League of Assassins (run by Damian’s grandfather and mother- also happy to explain that lore if you’d like) took him in and restored his body and his mind to a degree in the Lazarus Pit, a pit of green liquid with the power to keep someone immortal. It has some side effects I believe, but it is important to note that Pit Madness is fanon-made, and not a real side effect, at least to the extent fanon had made it out to be. There may be levels of more tendencies toward violence, but nothing like being taken over by only rage and whatever that fanon has made it out to be.
It took the entire Justice League to stop Superboy Prime, and he developed a debilitating fear of any of the Flashes in the process.
It’s all a metaphor for angry fandom and the power that an angry or mean fan can have.
Please please let me know if you have more questions, I’m more than happy to help clear up anything DC-related you might want!!
Hi Mystery Informant! (Is it alright if I call u that? It sounds MUCH cooler than Anon.)
First up, I would LOVE to hear your thoughts on the DC comics/universe, I've mentioned it before idk anyone who isn't either an avid marvel fan or not interested in this sorta genre. Even though you've said you've got gaps in ur knowledge, you're already, like, fifteen steps ahead of me.
I've got a few questions regarding the whole Flash situation. Like, there are a confusing amount. I'm pretty sure there's one in the justice league, one called kid flash and some sort of time traveller knocking around and I have NO CLUE how they all fit together.
Secondly, I keep hearing like, Tim drake has a fake uncle (not sure if this was ever adressed. Where is this kids parent btw???) and no spleen, and I'm certain they aren't connected but if you'd elaborate on this that would be great
Thirdly, it has come to my attention that I don't know who Green Lantern is, nor if he's from earth. I sounds like there's more??? People keep mentioning GL corps
Who is Green Arrow? Please. I'm so confused
There is a man called the Penguin running around. Cannot see how that name would evoke terror in the masses but pop off ig.
Dick Greyson kills the Joker?
Batman revives the Joker?
Does Dick become nightwing b4 or after jason rocks up?
Does america just have shit luck and have aconcerning amount of heroes?
Take ur pick, Mystery Informant. Also. What movies/comics should I read. I've been told Wayne family adventures (I think it's called that) is a good place to start for the batfam, but other than that I'm not sure.
Thanks :)
Oh. P.S. this whole Superboy prime thing is WILD. I love it. Thanks for the explanation.
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pabsterthelobster · 3 years
A rant surrounding a YouTube commenter
I need to vent a little bit right now.
On YouTube, one of the content creators I like to watch is Phil Cho, who is the artist of a DC fan-verse type thing called Earth-27, which I've made a post about before. His content on YouTube is the same as on his Instagram or DeviantArt, that being character portraits he was commissioned to make for other people.
Because YouTube is a glorified cesspit, you'll always find a variety of people in the comments section. For Phil, there are people who complement him on his work, which are always nice to see, but there are also people who just ask him, or even just tell him, to draw another character. The thing is, yeah, Phil doesn't just draw these portraits for free. He's a professional artist, meaning he needs to be PAID to draw a character, whether or not it's for Earth-27 at all.
I among a number of other fans of his work have taken it upon ourselves to check said videos of his, check the comments, and respond to any questions that may show up in the comments. But every now and then, I see someone that grinds my gears something fierce.
There's this one guy in the comments named Abimanyu Jatmiko, who shows up in the comments asking for Phil to make a video themed around certain characters or teams in each video. He is extremely annoying as, whenever I comment on one of his comments, he never says anything. He just waits until the next video to tell Phil again. I honestly hate commenters like that, who say something once and then never respond when you ask them something.
The thing that really sets me off about this guy is that about half a year ago, on Phil's "Salvation Syndicate" he spammed one of his requests, a video starring four characters (Eradicator Superman, Commander Steel, Citizen Steel, and Cyclone) 69 TIMES.
Abimanyu Jatmiko, Adyuta Jatmiko, and Dio Erka. And you can tell these three are the same guy, because they all say the exact same FUCKING thing.
My God, man. With that amount of comments, one would mistake him for a bot.
But he's not. Because in one of Phil's more recent videos, don't remember which one, Abi made another comment, requesting a video from Phil. Surprisingly enough, Phil actually responded to it. And then so did he. I've commented on his own comments a few time beforehand, but the fact that he only responded to the owner of the channel proved to me, that he's not only a real person, but he's a massive kissass.
You'd also think he's generally uninformed, just some random guy that knows nothing about Earth-27, but no. His recent comments have been surrounding a four-man team named Murder4Hire, which consists of Bane, Deathstroke, KGBeast, and Deadshot. A team which is exclusive to Earth-27's lore, which was created with Phil's own primary input, and which is not at all present in DC Comics.
Meaning that he is knowledgeable of Earth-27's lore, or at least that which pertains to Phil's own handiwork.
He's also made comments where he apologizes to Phil for certain problems he's caused. Since the only problem he's caused was spam the comments section with his demands multiple times in multiple videos, something that he has continued to do even after apologizing, I'd say he's not sorry at all.
He's just an obnoxious, clout-chasing kissass who wants Phil to be his personal video slave, demanding that Phil make videos as if he were the one who sponsored each of the character portraits seen in them.
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thattimdrakeguy · 5 years
I notice you don't have a Damian tag yet going through your posts You have more posts that are about him than Dick or any other of the batkids not named Tim? You claim to be a Tim Blog but i find it disingenuous that you have nearly as many posts about Damian as you do Tim and most of them are you being negative or making errors. If you were genuine you would have a Damian tag instead of hiding your negative content like a coward. It's okay not to like a character but be truthful.
You gave me three asks that are entirely filled on the kind of petty bias that you continued to imply that I have in all three of the asks.
If you think I’m a coward for not wanting to offend Damian fans with my opinions that are negative based on the bad writing the character has suffered,
then quite honestly, I don’t really have anything to say about it.
I can really only say the fact I got told not to tag him in those types of posts, because people in the Damian tag didn’t appreciate it (with understanding reason), and how it was also because the Damian fan base is the only fan base I ever got nasty sounding asks continuously for criticizing his writing. Even in posts where I criticize the writing for all of the Bat-Family members, or at least the male Robins, Damian’s fan base was the only one I ever got nasty asks from. So I learned through experience it wasn’t a good idea to tag him in those posts.
I presume a lot of them assume I hate him worse then what I actually say because I’m a Tim fan and Tim fan-blog, that seems to be the same case for you going off of how you word yourself as well.
Which I typically find a bit odd seeing how in a few of those very same posts (like the latest one I’m assuming you’re upset at me for) I talk about how he was actually one of my favorite characters when I was first getting into the comics, and don’t actually talk any ill-intended speech towards the character.
I only criticize the writing the character has been dealt much the same I did Tim through-out Detective Comics Rebirth.
I am in no way a hypocrite if that’s what you’re believing.
My blog got popular for openly criticizing how so many different writers had difficulty writing Tim in the same away I just did it for Damian.
and only once did I ever get shit from a person for making many posts about how I couldn’t stand Tim’s writing in Detective Comics Rebirth, while also using a much more exaggerated way of speaking because it meant a lot more to me, and that one person is some one who became my friend literally by the end of the day because even though we didn’t agree on anything, I thought they were a really cool person to talk to.
But you don’t seem like that kind of person, you seem like a person that couldn’t read the full posts, and if you did, could only read them through a veil of “Oh another Tim fan hates Damian” without actually paying attention to how I spoke about him, how I said he had potential and how I enjoyed his initial character development, and that I’m only upset that they kept dropping the ball with him.
Like how I complained about Tim in Rebirth, Tim Drake, my favorite character, and blog theme.
I don’t talk about how Damian is a bad character or how I hate him.
I talk about how it upsets me writers continuously can’t write him well.
Like how I do Tim.
So again, don’t imply I’m a hypocrite.
In your second ask you talk about how Tim should’ve trusted Damian because he saved him from Jason when Jason tried to kill him, and how Tim fans are the only ones that can’t see how he was a jackass to Damian. 
I’m gonna have to assume you used this wording because of how I worded Tomasi’s out of character writing for Tim, as making Tim a jackass just for the sake of making Damian more likable and sympathetic.
I meant saying jackass by how Tomasi wrote Tim to be rude-via-the-mouth to Damian for no good reason, and I considered it out of character because Tim was never like that before. Previously Tim’s behavior towards Damian was untrusting, even in some situations to the point of it being a flaw, much like that time he tackled Damian because Tim believed he was hurting Alfred, something spawned from how Damian previously locked Alfred in a closest.
You don’t seem to recognize that Damian tried to murder Tim, how he belittled Tim, and how he tried to take his adopted dad away from him because he wanted that spot though.
Even how after he saved Tim: Damian belittled Tim some more as Tim was having a mental breakdown.
Counting the score, Tim has more reasons to not trust him then to actually trust him.
Which only got proved more with how Damian reacted when he found out Tim didn’t trust him. By assaulting him and nearly killing him by cutting his zip-line. (Although you could argue if you wanted too that he knew Tim could land well enough to survive, I personally don’t hold an opinion on it because it’s hard to tell, but I’m going to assume he wasn’t going to kill him, or else the whole issue would have even more bad writing in it)
My point is that it was horrendous writing to pretend like Damian couldn’t recognize why Tim didn’t trust him. Especially when he’s on a list (from what I heard) with Superman.
You criticize me for not bringing up Damian saving Tim, but you continue to ignore quite a lot of the things I said in the actual post I’m assuming you’re mad at.
Don’t be a hypocrite, especially when you’re trying to imply I am one.
If I wanted too, I could right now say “Damian fans are the always the ones that are so biased that they can’t realize Damian has continuously done horrendous and creepy stuff like make fun of Stephanie’s boobs and assaulting Tim, and even later Jason”, and going off of your asks (I won’t say you, because I’m assuming I don’t know you),
I think it would apply to your asks.
But I’m smart enough to know not every Damian fan is like that, so don’t claim otherwise. Every fan base has it’s toxic wasteland, but don’t try to lump me into Tim’s toxic wasteland because I don’t agree with you. You’re only making it seem like you’re apart of the Damian toxic wasteland with your behavior.
The third ask keeps going on talking about how they personally find no personal problem with characters calling Damian cute, purely because the asker finds Damian cute themselves.
Think about it though, why would they find Damian cute?
He’s violent, mean-spirited, has attacked both Tim and Jason, Dick has witnessed this, has a prison that Jason is aware of, made sexual comments towards Stephanie, and presents himself in a way where he thinks he’s better than everyone and demands respect.
That’s not cute, and that’s how his character was built up to be (not the prison, that’s a recent thing), and so far has continued to be the majority of those things.
He’s not a cute character.
To portray a character like that as cute is disingenuous (stealing the word you used, because I liked it) and piss poor writing because it’s ignoring the obvious reality. It just gets even worse because Damian wasn’t originally ever portrayed as a cute character, it’s something writers later on did because they couldn’t be bothered to write him well. Dropping the ball down the stairs with his character, and letting his character down.
Some artists might draw him cute because they aren’t aware of how a 13 year old looks, or could even keep consistent with how he looked for so long (even some of the ones that’s drawn him before began to draw him differently because they stopped being able to bother or whichever reason they have), and even some writers might write him cute, but if you’re going to bring that up to me, than I genuinely don’t think you read my full post, only furthered by how you’re trying to imply I’m a hypocrite by how I think 90s Tim was cute and tiny (something the asker did in their third ask).
The difference is pretty much the whole point in the grand majority of my posts were I’m critical about any writer on any character: they changed the character, because either they were too lazy, or too un-knowledgeable about who they were writing, and it’s bad writing to do so, since it’s inconsistency.
If you were watching a TV show and all of a sudden they treated a mean-spirited character, who continuously treats the majority of characters like crap, and continues to struggle with not acting on the instincts they was raised to have, as if that was cute when they haven’t done that before, and none of the characters have a reason to call him cute out of no where, it would be considered bad writing, articles would be written about it, and fans would be ticked off about it.
I’m pretty sure the comics only get away with it because it’s comics, and no one really cares about comics anymore to talk about it. I’m just pointing out the bad writing I continuously see on my blog were I talk about comics because I care and I heavily enjoy the medium of comics.
If it bugs you that I do that, you honestly shouldn’t be on my blog, and I’m a little confused how you got here since you seem aware I’ve brought up Damian’s bad writing before.
and if you want me to explain why I freely call Tim tiny, it’s because he is, and that’s been a main-stay of his character since the very beginning, and only changes with bad artists. Meaning that’s how he’s always been (ignoring the bad artists again), so there’s no bad writing involved with it, it’s actually bad work to ignore that. So it doesn’t fall into any bad or lazy writing like with Damian. It’s simply just not the same thing. If anything it’s the exact opposite if you want to compare those two things, like you seem zealous to do.
If you failed to recognize my logic, I’m going to have to assume again that you haven’t read or at least paid attention to things I’ve said, or how I generally try to conduct my points on my posts.
Continuously throughout your three asks you try to make points that make no sense.
The main reason I haven’t just blocked you and deleted your asks is because I get the vibe that you aren’t typically a very mean-spirited person, you’re just impulsive and passionate towards a character, and that is fine, but it’s when when you try to put down what someone else has said, when you seem like you haven’t even read the full thing, or have at least tried to fully pay attention to it, that it becomes toxic behavior, and something I have a problem with.
I believe it was just yesterday I got an ask were someone was complaining about the same kind of person that you presented yourself to be to me. So maybe this whole time this was only a joke to get under my skin because someone read that ask and my response and decided to pull a prank.
You may be a child, and so because of how you speak in the asks, mainly the latter two, I chose to just describe them instead of show them because I’m gonna take it that after some years you might look back on this and how weirdly aggressive you were towards people, and be glad that I didn’t show the ones were you try your dang best to point stuff out about me like it’s honest and true, and like you did your research about me, when quite frankly it’s not and you haven’t, even if you were trying to gaslight me, and use some straw man arguments to provoke me.
Also since you may be a child, a lot of Damian fans are since he’s Robin and the most recent one, I’m going to let you know that I’m honestly not mad at you for the asks, just confused, and that I wish you well and hope that I didn’t make you so mad that you’ve been thinking about it all day.
I’m just being critical of a character who I’m disappointed hasn’t had good writing consistently for years.
I’m not attempting to make the character come off like they’ve been bad since the beginning.
So you don’t have to worry about it.
I’m just genuinely upset with his writing, the same way I’m upset with how Tim’s been written before.
If you’re a grown person though, I’m a little more disappointed, but all the same, I hope I didn’t ruin your day, because to let you know, you haven’t ruined mine.
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