#but between you and me i just change the numbers
formulawolff · 1 day
"you belong here" - s.v.
pairing: gf!reader x aston martin!sebastian vettel
word count: 1.5k
warnings: (slight) age gap relationship, a little bit of cursing here and there, seb being absolutely down bad for the reader, some (slight) angst, the general public being judgmental, (slight) slut shaming, the drivers being little shits (as always), yadayadayada
a/n: i am a perfectionist when it comes to writing personalities, mannerisms, cadences of words, etc. so if i happened to not do the best job with this fic, please be patient with me!!! this is my first time writing for seb!!! i am open to feedback!!! <3
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"okay, from the top. how many drivers are there?"
"nope!" he shakes his head, his lips curling into a smug smirk, "there are nineteen drivers. sorry love, but you were incorrect."
"sebastian," you scoff, rolling your eyes, "you needed to specify if you were included. because if you weren't included, there would be nineteen other drivers. if you were, there would be twenty."
"that's why it's called a trick question," his hand squeezes yours, "your hands are clammy, by the way."
"maybe because i'm nervous?" you counter, "this is my first time tagging along to a grand prix, you know."
"i know," he brings your hand to his mouth, kissing it tenderly, "i'm sorry for being a little pest."
"you're not a pest," your heart swells at the gesture, "i'm just anxious to meet everyone, that's all."
"oh they'll love you," confidence oozes out of his words, "i have no doubts about that."
sebastian vettel, four time world drivers' champion, was your boyfriend of the last year or so. the two of you met online, as you had slid into his dms on instagram after a very intoxicated evening out with friends.
since you had a love for formula one since you were a teenager, you admired drivers such as lewis hamilton, nico rosberg, daniel ricciardo, and well, sebastian.
you weren't quite sure where the love for the sport came from, but you could remember the sleepless nights you spent on youtube, eagerly clicking through racing highlights through various grand prixes. the sleepovers where your friends would be doing makeovers on you or painting your nails as you chattered about all of the driver drama and lore.
so, when you learned that mr. vettel was very single, and very open to the world of dating, you decided to shoot your shot. it took about six or seven drinks, but you mustered the courage to type out those fateful words.
i heard your single. we should change that.
shockingly, you received a response not too long after sending the message.
i believe it's *you're and not your. why should i take you up on your offer? you're a very beautiful woman but i need a little more information before i take you out on a date. ;)
from that message, the two of you chatted constantly, getting to know one another in-between shifts at your job, and his free time between races, press conferences, and training sessions.
eventually, he asked for your number, requesting a facetime call. you obliged, the two of you talking for hours upon hours that night. only a week or so later, he flew you out to his place in switzerland, requesting that you spend the weekend with him.
you did, falling for him the moment you met him in person. well, not like it was difficult by any means. with his charming aura and goofy persona, you felt comfortable almost immediately, letting your walls come crashing down.
nothing was too much or too out-of-pocket. you could make all of the vulgar jokes you wished, and he would laugh right along, only escalating the joke further. you could cry on his shoulder about anything, and he would happily rub your back, wiping away the tears that fell. he would hold you every night you slept together, not letting go until you wriggled away in the mornings.
and now, here you were, hand-in-hand as you entered the paddock. your heart skips a beat as your gaze falls on lance stroll, sebastian's fellow driver and teammate.
upon seeing you, his mouth curves into a bright smile, "look who it is!"
"i know you're not that excited to see me," sebastian pouts, "or did you really miss me that much?"
lance rolls his eyes at sebastian, sticking out his right hand, "good morning! i'm lance. i'm the other aston martin driver. well, you probably already know that."
"it's nice to meet you," you suppress a giggle, "i've heard a lot about you!"
"oh have you?" lance arches a brow, turning to sebastian, "have you been talking shit?"
"always pooks," sebastian chuckles, "not really. i just happen to talk a lot about racing. i'm sure she's tired of it by now."
"oh never," you flash sebastian a radiant grin, "i never get tired of all of the racing talk. i've loved formula one since i was about thirteen or so."
"that's awesome!" lance gushes, "you have yourself a keeper then, seb."
"i know i do," you feel his arm wrap around your shoulder, "should we go meet some fans? i promise they won't bite."
"fans?" you echo, a shiver running down your spine.
"well yeah," lance nods, "we have some time before we need to meet up with everyone. we usually chat with some fans, hand out some autographs. nothing too serious or glamorous."
"if you say so," you mumble, the words so quiet you were shocked you heard them.
it wasn't like you were dreading interacting with fans, it was just that you were a bit daunted by the idea.
ever since sebastian went public with you about a month ago, the reaction from the public was mixed. one half was adamant that you were too young for the driver, as there was an almost fifteen year age gap between the two of you. the plethora of negative comments that flooded the comment section of your instagram posts was almost too much to bear.
the other half, however, was very supportive, voicing that they "shipped" the two of you or that you were good for the driver. some comments even went as far to say that you were "a breath of fresh air", and that sebastian needed someone like you in his life.
yet, as the three of you stroll out of the paddock, you hoped for the latter. that the fans would be kind, welcoming you with open arms.
you could only dream, right?
"sebastian over here!"
voices flurry about, calling from all directions. everywhere all around, it was almost a sea of green, fans donning aston martin gear from head to toe. people of all ages flooded your field of vision, children hoisted on their parents shoulders to men and women in their seventies, maybe even their eighties.
"baby, can i see your purse?" his breath fans against your ear, snapping out of your trance.
"yeah," you nod, fumbling with your bag, "y-you need your sharpie, right?"
"hey," fingers find yours, intertwining them together, "it's just you and i. forget everyone else. just think about you and i."
"it's hard to-" you protest, yet you're swiftly cut off by a voice rising above the midst of the crowd.
"who invited the slut?"
sebastian's brows furrow, his eyes narrowing into slits, "what the fuck?"
more voices cut in, jeering.
"put her back in her crib! where she belongs!"
"you heard what i said! who invited that slut beside you?"
"goddamn," lance mutters under his breath, "what the fuck are they on right now?"
tears well up, threatening to spill over as you duck your head, lower lip trembling. sebastian senses your energy shift, wrapping a protective arm around your waist. he pulls you in close, pressing gentle kisses along your temple.
"come on, let's go back to the paddock. you don't deserve this."
lance flashes you a sympathetic glance before raising a hand, giving the crowd the finger, "whoever said that, this is for you!"
every aspect of the walk back is blurred as the tears fall. your lips are sealed tightly shut, suppressing the sobs rising in your chest.
you were barely here an hour and fans were already heckling you.
could you even last the weekend here?
did you even belong here?
"hey," his voice is soft, "come here."
blinking, you realize that he had taken you back to his motorhome, a private space for just the two of you. his arms are open, inviting you in. you nearly collapse into his chest, burying your head in it as he rubs your back.
"i'm so sorry."
"you don't have to be sorry," you shrug, swallowing the lump in your throat, "they're right. i don't belong here."
"stop that," fingers grasp your chin, tilting your head up, "you do belong here. you belong here just as much as anyone else does. i need you here."
"you promise?"
"i promise baby," sebastian tucks a few wisps of hair behind your ear, "you're irreplaceable. who cares what they think? just focus on me. it's just you and i this weekend, okay?"
"okay," you nod, sniffling slightly.
"you know what i think?" he leans in, the tip of his nose brushing against yours.
"what?" you inquire, the tears dissipating as he brings you in closer.
"they're just jealous that i have the most breathtaking, stunning, kindest, funniest girlfriend in the whole wide world. and no one, i mean no one, can take that away from me. you're mine baby. and nothing is ever going to change that."
you find yourself nearly crumbling into his chest once again, "you mean that?"
"of course i do. now, let's go try this again. if anyone is rude or hateful, i'll just spit on them, okay?"
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ghouljams · 10 hours
Have some dark fic. Slasher!Gaz took over my mind last night. I gotta stop writing this stuff at 2am, but it's short and sweet.
Cw: stalking, noncon voyeurism, allusions to murder, manipulation, gaslighting, fear/paranoia play, dark!Gaz, dead dove do not eat
"We draw the line where we need to" Price had told him once, and Kyle was drawing it here. Right here. He can look, but he can't touch. He can stand in the corner of your room and watch the steady rise and fall of your breaths. He can enjoy the squish of your chest against the pillow you cuddle. Hell, he can stroke his aching cock at the way you kick off the sheets, the way your panties bunch between your legs, the way you turn onto your stomach to let him admire the swell of your ass. He just won't touch you. Touching you would be wrong. It wouldn't be romantic to touch you like this, when you don't know, when you can't kick up a fuss. Sure he can take pictures, can hold his cock in front of your face and hope you stick out your cute tongue, but to actually press his cockhead against your lips would be crossing the line he set for himself.
Look but don't touch. That's the rule. That's what keeps his butterfly beating it's wings, even when it's abdomen is so securely pinned to the board. Freedom is an illusion he gives you. An invisible fence, clipped wings, a long leash. You can go anywhere you like! As long as Gaz knows about it. And he always knows.
You've moved twice in an attempt to elude your stalker. Changed your phone number four time. Changed your locks three times. He just keeps finding you, you cry to him over coffee. Gaz nods sympathetically, pats your shoulder and gives you a "poor thing." His poor pretty thing, his little doll to play with however he likes. It's so cute seeing you scared.
He likes seeing you open your mailbox and pull out unmarked letters. Hand delivered, only the best for you. You always get this little tremble in your lips, glancing around like he may be waiting in the wings to jump out and scare you. Gaz considered it once or twice, but it felt juvenile, and too likely to attract attention. You needed a more delicate touch, a more long range, long term, plan. Price always said he was one of the best snipers they had. It's really too bad you'll never get to see his skills in action. He could stare down his scope at you all day, watching you check and re-check your locks(as if he doesn't have a key). You'd look so pretty with some blood on you.
It's fun pretending your worries matter to him. A fun little game to go with you to the police station and help you fill out the reports, quietly pulling an officer aside and telling them how you have a history of paranoia and your therapist thought this was the best outlet. He's so sorry for wasting the officer's time(fucking pig) but it makes you feel better. How nice of the officer to let him know they'll probably pitch the report. No sense chasing ghosts.
"Thank you for being so understanding," Gas tells them every time with a smile.
He'll hold you in his arms at the end of the week and shush your crying. Offer comforting words when you sob about how the police aren't doing anything, that they didn't take you seriously, you don't even think they logged the report. Incompetent, Gaz will call them, and you'll sniffle and nod like the stupid little puppet you are. So cute, so sweet for him.
"You want me to stay the night? Watch the door?" He offers, and you hesitate only a moment before nodding. He'll stand over you later and wonder how hard it would be to convince you to move out to the country. Somewhere he could keep you on a shorter leash, with a real fence and bars on the windows. How hard would it be to convince you that you live him? That he wants what's best for you? That it's too dangerous for you to stay in the city?
Well, probably not long for that last one, and with the way you sigh his name in your sleep, not long for the first either. What a silly thing you are crying about him during the day but dreaming of him at night. Although, he supposes you don't know it's him stalking you. It's only too bad he'd have to stop this game once he got you to himself, you're really much more entertaining than the people he sinks his knife into.
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chosugarplum · 23 hours
run your mouth
sakusa kiyoomi x reader
warnings: nothing, just kisses at the end and a weird question from reader the whole time.
ps: my first language isnt english so this must have severe grammatical errors
"If I..."
At the same moment that he perceived your voice entering the room, his head immediately turned around to gave you a warning look, telling you to be very cautelous about what are you about to say. For the past months, Sakusa got acquainted with your weird sense of humor.
"Listen up" you proclaimed before he starts to say anything else "If I hypothetically ask to lick your moles, you would let me do it?"
"What? Which one?" his voice sound slightly disguist, but the way his eyes softner when he turn to look at you, its shows that, if you asked, he happily gonna say yes.
When you met Sakusa, he was almost speechless and quite distant, always looking up on ways to avoid contact. Not only with you, you notice someday that he actually doesn't approach others people in general.
His team were the only ones who had permission to get close to him, and even his teammates didn't go far away, they always keep some limits to not transgress his boundaries.
The first moment in which both of you had to swap a few words were in a bar. One of your friends was "getting close" of Miya Atsumu, and have asked you to go with her so it's wasn't gonna be so stranger to her to meet some of his teammate.
You accepted and somehow - nobody know how - you ended up being placed next to Sakusa. Most of the time was very peaceful and quiet, but when all of the people in the table decide to become ghosts, you two have to start some convo.
The talk was very polite, just some questions about your profissional life - "what you do?", "how do you knew that was this you wanted to work with?"
But it has starded a thing between you and Sakusa. From that moment above, you accepted every offering that you friends does, in hope that he was in there, and Sakusa had done the same thing with Atsumu's offerings.
Each appointment brought you a little closer of him, until the moment that he asked for you number. since that moment your relationship climb some steps up to this exact moment.
"So you would let me?" you ask, challenging him to answer. "Hum? Kiyomi. Would you let me" you tighten your eyes, approaching him in the bathroom.
Your face is above his shoulder,with your cheeck scrunched on his skin, Sakusa can feel the heat that comes from your body. He looked at you in the mirror, a small lift in his lips.
"If you ask properly" he gazes at you, mesmerized with your face, nothing could change his mind about you being the prettiest person he ever seen.
You stare him in dare, removing your face from his shoulder and immediatily wraping your arms around his hips, you start to make a pout.
"So Please, please, please, let me get what I want~" you sing and Sakusa raises an eyebrow.
"You have to do better than that, sweetheart."
Your pout increases and you get an idea. A great idea.
Your fingers reach for his face and pull him closer.
Slamming your lips against his, you put your arms around his neck while you feel he placement his hands on your waist, opening your mouth when you recognize his tongue asking for access, your tongues slide against each other and you hear a small whimper from Sakusa. Smiling, you stop the kiss and murmurs slowly as you plants little seals on his lips.
"Can I" seal "please" seal "lick" seal "yours" seal "moles"
You separate your body from his and Sakusa has the glimpse of your whole figure, your eyes glowing in his direction, how could he say no?
"Yes, anytime you desire" he look at you smiling, and you know that this man loves you more than anything else.
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chosugarplum, 06/18/2024.
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h34rtbeat · 5 hours
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pairings: shy!yuta okkotsu x fem!reader
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warnings: literally nothing, yuta just likes you
a/n: take this as a (crappy) apology for me being inactive, and because i’ve been craving fluff. based off talk to me by red velvet!
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for as long as yuta could remember, he’d been horrible at communicating with people.
it wasn’t like he intended to come off as rude, anxious, and weird. that’s just what happened when his throat would close up, making it hard for him to form proper sentences.
communication was hard. really, like, super hard for the introverted boy.
especially when someone was nice looking. like this girl, you, that stood behind the countertop, explaining some dish. he understood what was on the dish perfectly.
he just wanted to hear you talk.
asking you questions was the only way he could talk to you without actually speaking. he knew that you were probably getting tired of talking and explaining plates.
after all, he was a usual customer. you didn’t get it. sometimes it even irritated you.
why would someone who comes so often always ask the same dumb questions? the menu hasn’t been changed since god knows, and you don’t even own the place.
you just work there.
“yes, so that plate would have extra…” as you rambled on about the differences between a regular and a super, he suddenly selected a plate.
you tilted your head in confusion.
“that’s all for today, sir?” you asked, as you selected his plate.
“y-yes, that’s all for today.” he stuttered, ushering to pay for the plate.
“okay.. your total is $20.88.” you watched as he pressed his card against the machine, a large tip coming from him. A strange one, yes, but you weren’t one to complain about a tip.
“I’ll bring the food to your table in 10 minutes, thank you!” you handed him his receipt. the restaurant was rather slow today.
yuta decided, right there.
he would ask you today. no more asking stupid questions. other than the last one he would be asking…
so, he sat at his table. the utensils were still, as so was his gaze, focused on the way you walked to him with the plate.
“here’s the chicken plate, mash potatoes and sala-“
“can i get your number?”
silence engulfed the both of you, the only noise being the plate on the table.
“what?” you managed to bubble out.
“y-your umber. i want to speak to you, outside of this. i-i’ve asking all those dumb questions to speak to you. may i have your number? y-you don’t have to accept, i-i just wanted to know if you.. well, feel the same way..”
he was scrambling for an excuse, heavens this was embarrassing.
“sure” your reply was simple and short. you wrote down your number on his arm.
“that’s my number, call it when i’m off work. i get out of here at.. 9-ish.”
you said it so casually. yuta sat, shocked. you actually accepted it.
now, all that was left, was to see if you’d answer his call.
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ywpd-translations · 2 days
Ride 777: Sohoku's sprinter
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Pag 2
1: Houruaaagh
2: Buooraah
3: It's not.... “he's going to attack one more time”!!
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Pag 3
1: He's attacked already!!
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Pag 4
2: Fifth stage!!
He used the last curve!!
3: Feelings at full throttle!!
He got his “three seconds” in the curve and then accelerated!?
This guy has been tearing apart-
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Pag 5
1: Aventador!!
-road racing common sense over and over again!!
(*NdT.: Issa's attack's name)
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Pag 6
4: One guy has jumped ahead as they were turning the curve
Hakogaku and Sohoku are chasing him!!
The guy who's ahead with two strong guys following him.....
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Pag 7
1: I've never seen his jersey before!!
Who's that guy!? An unknown cyclist!?
But he's here at the sprint line
Can something like that really happen!?
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Pag 8
1: Words things like “of course”, “I already know that”, are like shackles that bind our thoughts
2: There is discovery in “common sense”, yon!!
4: Even so, in road bikes
5: there are two or three ways to hold the handles, so you can change your posture
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Pag 9
1: and use various muscles to accelerate, yon!!
2: Three people passed the 300m point, and now it's just a straight road
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Pag 10
1: There's still one person running ahead!! The two people behind him can't catch up!!
2: They can see the sprint gate already!!
3: Tch, really, he forced his way through with an ambush like this
4: But
5: My “number one in Japan” plan hasn't wavered one bit!!
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Pag 11
1: Lat year's autumn
Woooah cap!!
2: Gap!!
3: Guaagh.... it's always just me saying “gap”!!
Whatcha talking about, Kabu
4: About Doubashi!! I wanna leave him “gaping”!! Me!! Since I lost to him in the summer Inter High!!
You’ve lost the ability to differentiate between the words ‘gap’ and ‘gaping’, haven’t you?
5: Huh? I was able to say this properly when I talked to Aoyagi-san
… which was it again?
6: By the way, Naruko-san, you're supposed to be a good sprinter
Supposed to be!?
Don't you have some secret weapon? Like an ace up your sleeve
7: I'm a genius, so I think if you teach me I'll get it right away!!
I really don't feel like telling you... honestly
8: No, but.... I also thought of myself as a genius, but surely I wasn't that stupid
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Pag 12
1: But it's a favour to a kohai, it can't be helped
I've grown too, after all
2: Listen carefully to this “secret weapon”
When you're sprinting
3: The “cog-wheels” you imagine, try imagine them more accurately!! Until the tiniest details!!
4: The....
5: … cog-wheels!?
6: Ah? What does that mean!?
7: Be more specific, please... you're not very reliable, huh
Ugh!! This guy....
I've been thinking this since before, but me and you really don't think alike, Naruko-san...
I'll kill you....
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Pag 13
1: As expected from Naruko-san
2: Aoyagi-san was more reliable (even thought he was taciturn)
What does he mean “imagine”?
3: Ohhh, amazing, Kaburagi
4: Hahaha, I know, right
6: I can do this too
Ohhhh... a blind catch!!
7: How did you do that!?
Hahaha, I'm a genius, so I can do anything just by imagin....
Kaburagi is so cool!
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Pag 14
1: Imagining!!
2: Just now I did a blind catch just by imagining it!!
Do it again!
What's wrong, Kaburagi?
3: Oi oi, wait, wait- is this what he meant?
4: Does that mean it'll work? If I apply this to biking!?
6: Imagine
The cog-wheels
7: accurately
8: until the tiniest details
9: Detailed
10: Times and times again
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Pag 15
1: I imagined it over and over again!!
And then my “cog-wheels”evolved into “gears”!!
2: Oi, San-na!! Do you have one more special move?
4: Tch
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Pag 16
1: Buah!!
Of course!!
I need one more shot to crush you!!
2: It's “Huracan*”, which is stronger than “Aventador”!!
(*NdT.: written as “raging bull” but read as “huracan”)
3: Use it now!!
5: I, too
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Pag 17
1: will pull out “golden yellow” now!!
2: If we use them at the same time, it'll make us catch up!!
3: You understand it, San-na
There's no time for complaining about it
4: This guy..... the “golden yellow” that he absolutely wanted to save until the last minute before the sprint line!!
5: We have to close the gap and line up to him now
At this rate, that guy
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Pag 18
1: He'll be the first to arrive!!
2: The lead is passing the 200m sign!!
3: Who's that, Gunma!?
I thought the Gunma team was supposed to be Jousui?!
Did the team debut this year!?
There's a guy that strong in Gunma
4: Waaaa
5: That number 181 is debuting now.... but
His career and profile is crazy!!
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Pag 19
1: It's Kiji Kyuui!! He's the MTB Inter High two-times champion!!
2: So, the two chasing him won't be able to catch up, at this rate!?
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Pag 20
1: Huh!?
What was that just now
For an instant, behind those two
2: I saw blooming golden yellow flowers, and a raging bull
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Pag 21
1: This year's may
2: I see
3: Please
4: Doubashi, you mean you want to race me in a serious sprint battle... now that I've become an university student!!
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eevees-hobbies · 3 days
The Taste of You - NSFW (Fem!Reader x Kyojuro Rengoku)
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Author's Note: I won’t apologize for my lust for this man. In fact, I’m here to shove it in your face. There honestly needs to be more depraved shit of Rengoku out there, but fine I’ll personally contribute to the debauchery. Be the change you want to see or whatever. Based on this post. I got to thinking about Kyo’s love for food, and I came across this article, which details some facts about the sense of taste. And you know what I thought? Let’s turn this into smut. 
Synopsis: There’s nothing better than indulging in the taste of Kyojuro Rengoku’s favorite meal: you. A headcanon of what that looks like.
Content Warning: Female reader receives oral, LOTS of oral, overstimulation, pussy sniffing, squirting, humping, premature ejaculation, etc. Also, it might be crack, but I need to believe that this is how he'd act, so let me have this one. MINORS DO NOT INTERACT.
Word Count: 2.4K
Dividers by Saradika. Banner by me. As always, reblogs, comments, and likes are appreciated. Requests are open.
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“Taste is not only one of the most pleasurable of the five senses, but a surprisingly complex sense that science is beginning to understand…”
Kyojuro Rengoku is a man of honor, morals, and impenetrable discipline. When picturing his life post-demon slaying, he imagined courting the love of his life, making an honest woman of her, and consummating the marriage after a lavish wedding ceremony. 
What Kyojuro didn’t plan on was being enraptured by the essence between your thighs during a heavy petting session that went a little too far. It was your fault, really, allowing him to remove your clothes and encouraging him to kiss lower and lower until he was at eye level with your pretty pussy. 
Between hushed whispers, soft gasps, and gentle words of encouragement, “Yes, right there, Kyo,” “I love being licked there,” “Just like that, Kyo,” and “O-oh, your tongue is so long,” you had unknowingly sealed your undoing.
He wanted nothing more than to be respectful of you and your body, waiting to taste you after he gave you his last name, but what you have between your legs transforms him into nothing but a horny, pitiful, and feral mess, so please don’t deny him when he’s only begging for “just a taste.”
The Kyojuro Rengoku you know now is debauched, insatiable, and obsessed with eating your creamy cunt, and his stellar sense of taste only makes the experience more otherworldly for him. 
Let’s walk through it together.
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Everyone has a different number of taste buds.
It’s reported that the average person has between 2,000 - 10,000 taste buds and that those taste buds are located all over the mouth—including the inside of one’s cheeks, the back of the throat, and the roof of the oral cavity. That means that every drop of you that passes beyond his lips, every drop of you that drips languidly on his tongue, and every drop of you that slides down his throat is savored to the same extent that a parched man savors his first drop of water from an oasis. 
He descends between your legs, his large hands gripping the soft flesh of your inner thighs, spreading them wide enough so he can settle his shoulders among them. With eyes half-lidded and pooling with arousal, he’ll swallow thickly as he gazes upon you, his favorite indulgence. 
God, I’m drooling; he’ll chastise himself mentally, fearing that you’ll find him too desperate, and he is desperate, so pathetically desperate for you. 
“You’re so wet for me, my flame. Have you been like this all day? Sitting in your sweet mess, perhaps? Here, let me have a taste.” 
It’s a delicate process, bringing two fingers up to your sensitive mound and spreading your lips in a way that exposes every inch of the velvety flesh to his intense and appraising eyes. Your clit is a deeper red, a little swollen, and ready to be kissed, licked, and touched. It doesn’t matter how often he’s done this; his heart will be drumming in his chest at the mere sight of you. 
He’ll suck your puffy lips into his mouth resulting in an approving groan from you before he releases them with a loud smacking sound. Kyojuro has already lost his wits at the smell and taste of you, and when that happens, it doesn’t matter how much you beg or plead of him; he’s a different man now, a man who doesn’t plan to show your delectable pussy any semblance of mercy. The 10,000 invisible sensors in his mouth are driving him, so you better lay back and allow him—and his tongue—to have his way with you.
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You taste with your brain.
If Kyojuro were to ask his colleagues if they enjoyed pleasuring a woman with their tongues, he would get a mix of “of courses” and “sures,” but Kyojuro isn’t asking for the purpose of striking up a leisurely conversation with friends. He’s asking because he wants to know if the insatiable pull he feels about eating YOUR pussy is normal. 
Do they think about it as much as he does? If they don’t perform the act for days, do they start to get jittery and even a bit irritable in the same way that he does? He swears he enters a new level of enlightenment when he devours you—the ability to hear and feel colors as his tongue swirls among your clenching walls, making him feel higher than any drug—or any experience—possibly could. 
While you enjoy it when Kyojuro devours you, there may be an argument that he enjoys it a tad bit more. 
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You can’t taste well when you can’t smell.
Sometimes, Kyojuro wonders what it would be like to have Tanjiro's smelling ability. He considers his sense of smell to be above average, maybe not on par with his sense of taste, of course, but he has always been able to identify when a new batch of miso soup is being prepared from a few hundred feet away. But when he lowers himself between the sanctum of your thighs, he wishes his sense of smell was stronger. The scent of you simply intoxicates him.
Sometimes you squirm in embarrassment because you can hear when he takes a strong, long whiff of you, his nose rubbing against your sensitive clit as he trembles, and an embarrassing influx of saliva collects in his mouth. 
Smelling you is part of the experience for Kyojuro; it makes his dick twitch to smell your arousal, the musk of you. And sometimes, after feasting, it’ll be some time before he considers washing you from his face unless he has to leave the estate immediately after, eyelids fluttering closed as the smell of you wafts upward. He can swear he can see you spread open wide for him—just for him—-again. If he presses his thick, battle-worn fingers into your sloppy cunt, he’ll sneak a digit past his nose when no one is looking just to revisit you in his mind. Speaking of memories… 
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Eating sweet foods helps form a memory of a meal.
When Kyojuro can relax, finding himself enjoying quiet time in between fighting demons or training, he’ll sit back, close his eyes, and think of every time he’s had you against his lips. He’ll remember all the times he’s begged you for a quick taste before a mission, “you don’t understand, y/n,” Kyojuro whimpers, “I need this.” 
When pressing him and asking “why he needs to eat you out,” he responds that he just does as though it’s the most normal thing in the world to be bothered over. 
He’ll remember the first time he had you bend over on all fours and tasted you from behind. The sight in front of him was the lewdest thing he’d ever seen, your sex glistening at him, clenching for him, and him able to see your other hole, the one he desperately wants to lick too, but hadn’t dared to ask yet. It was like dying and going to heaven having you positioned like that, and eaten in that way. His face was so flush against your skin that he felt every twitch of your thighs as his tongue dove deep into you. 
But his favorite way to eat you out? With you parking that juicy pussy on top of his face, watching you hover over him, your sweet nectar dripping down like honey for him, his eyes blown out with lust, “don’t keep me waiting, love. I’m hungry.” He’ll wrap his strong arms around your thick thighs and let out a pathetic groan as your cunt makes contact with his tongue, the heat from your arousal even matching his own!
God, recalling the sounds that you make when he slides his tongue inside of you is enough to make him adjust his legs and palm his crotch in public. But he’s not some pervert with an exhibition fetish, so he’ll settle with rubbing his thighs together to garner some much-needed friction. 
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Some of your taste preferences are genetic.
The truth is, eating you out is innate for Kyojuro; it always came naturally to him. This was to your surprise as you had assumed he was a virgin. After your first time, you pushed his head away from your aching pussy, and squeezed your thighs shut to put a stop to his greedy tongue—much to Kyo’s dismay. 
With a heaving chest and on the verge of passing out, you asked him if he’d ever done that before. He looked at you, eyes wide in shock and a heavy blush on his face—it takes every molecule in your body not to roll your eyes at his expression and attempt to feign innocence. Kyojuro only shook his head and proudly confessed that you were his first. 
Oh, you think, before passing out from exhaustion. 
If you genuinely want to know where Kyojuro gets his pussy eating abilities, perhaps you should trace his lineage. And you don’t have to go far; his father, Shinjuro Rengoku, is a notorious eater in his own right. 
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Sugar cravings have a biological basis.
If you asked Kyojuro if he was a kinky person, he’d tilt his head to the side in confusion, uncertain why you’d ask him something like that. “A pervert? Me? No, absolutely not.” 
Kyo isn’t intentionally lying to you. He doesn’t think he craves you because he’s a pervert. No, he craves you because not craving you isn’t an option. It’s so completely normal to crave your partner, silly! To want to fuck them with your tongue and drown in their juices. To desire that his chin, hair, and shoulders are drenched in your mess as you quake against his lips, his words of encouragement bringing you over the edge, “Yes, my love! Use me. Use this tongue for your pleasure. Give it to me, please.” 
And how could he not want to taste you? You’re his lover with the sweetest honey flowing from her legs; the thick juices you produce that end up sliding down his chin are sustenance for him. There’s a primal urge that makes him yearn for you. And he’s simply engaging in an act that all couples do, right? 
And now that you’re bringing it up, you notice his eyes roaming down to your pelvis, unashamedly looking at you, imagining you sitting on his face and squirting into his mouth. It’s simply one of the many ways he shows his love for you, and denying him the right to do so would be the death of him. 
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The first time Kyojuro Rengoku made you squirt was the first time in his life he had involuntarily climaxed into his pants. 
Don’t misunderstand; the man leaks when he kisses at your delicate folds, so much so that when he finally comes up for air, you’ll see a large wet spot staining his demon corp bottoms. He’ll shrug and shoot you a bashful grin, pulling his pants down to release his tan, angry cock. “Guess I got carried away again, huh, beautiful?”
Sorry, back to the first time Kyojuro made you squirt. You were on the verge of tears; his tongue, the sounds of him lapping away at you, the feeling of the bed jerking forward as he humped at the mattress while he sucked at your clit and curled a finger inside of you was just too much. 
You jerked your hips upward and whined, but his grip around your plush thighs only became tighter.
He doesn’t care what it takes to get you seizing around his tongue. Kyojuro will spitshine your pussy until it glistens back at him. He’ll lend you one, two, three fingers until you’re stretched out and your cream drips into his palm. If his jaw hurts, he’ll simply fight through the pain. There’s not much he won’t do to bring you to the point where you’re grinding into his face and screaming his name.
“K-Kyo, oh my god..!” 
You could hear and feel him moaning loudly into your cunt. The vibrations adding to the almost painful overstimulation. Your already overheating body grew even hotter, and the tingle in the pit of your stomach feels the equivalent of a roaring fire. You reach down and grip his hair, his usual hair tie pulled out and tossed to a corner long ago. 
Kyojuro takes this as a sign that he’s doing a good job. He pulls back to briefly admire his work, watching as the mixture of your slick and his saliva drip down to your throbbing hole and puddle onto the bedsheets. 
“Look at us making a mess, my flame. The sheets are drenched with our love.”
Flattening his tongue, he’ll lick a long swipe from your clenching hole to your clit, pressing the tip of his tongue against the sensitive bud and his hot breath aiding the intensity.
“I…! K-kyo, s-stop, I’m going to-“ 
But his licks only get more aggressively frantic, and even you don’t know what’s coming as your toes curl and you feel something snap inside of you. A release of pressure washes over you, and the feeling of too much wetness splashes at your thighs and in between your ass crack.
Kyojuro leaned into the squirt, embracing the warm fluid hitting his face, but he was just as surprised as you were. Had you just released a stream of yourself onto him? Was it your pee? He doesn’t have a fucking clue but welcomes it all. His pupils blow as he drinks every last drop, even licking around his mouth to capture what landed on his cheeks. Without warning, his body climaxes from the thought of you unleashing your fluids upon him.
Fuuuuuuck, I'm going to nut in my-
The usually sturdy Hashira grabs onto the mattress to steady himself as his balls clench while he shoots an ungodly amount of spunk into his pants. His moans and whimpers ring loudly in your ears, but you’re unfazed because you genuinely feel as though you could be on the brink of death. People have died this way, right?
“My flame, that was wondrous. Have you been holding back on me?” He’ll laugh, the hair from his bright, fiery mane sticking to his face. But even though he’s laughing, you can feel his hand snake around your ankle, pulling you back to him yet again, his stamina unchallenged and a threat to your health. 
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do you ever go to enter a password for something you use basically daily and you start typing in a password you haven’t used for over a year? like helllooooo muscle memory what year do you think it is?
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individuating · 5 months
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umineko project / witch hunt / steam release translations of the red text at the end of episode 4
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facetsofthecloset · 7 months
i'm sure it's been said but i feel like both Raxtus and Ronodin can be argued as "the only gay kid in the family and consequently shunned/rejected" and it's like. so weird bc Mull is so Mormon he'd probably rather eat his shorts than even acknowledge the possible existence of gays but
i mean. Raxtus literally has a fairy form. he's a fairy dragon.
Ronodin was just emo lol
and they both get so thoroughly rejected and sidelined by their families their whole lives and it turns Raxtus into an awkward but basically decent guy who runs back to the approval of his family once he's performed masculinity/violence enough to be accepted, only to then realize that he's basically just being used and still not fully trusted/accepted and having to betray them to save his real friends
(who sadly are probably actually homophobic but that's ok bc they're not dragon-phobic so that works out for him)
while Ronodin's like "fuck it. chaos and murder then!" and can you really blame him? he spent his entire life trying to conform to the "right" (in this case, Light) way of life, started spending time with the outgroup and learned to question things, then was told he was "too corrupt" to remain in his home
like. the symbolism is right there.
it's so funny, because sure Raxtus isn't a bad guy, but Ronodin definitely is and he pretty much gets sent to a type of hell at the end of Dragonwatch
and while Raxtus gets kind of a happy ending, like, him becoming an effective killer in a war and being accepted by his dad for being Good At Murder in the first Fablehaven series is presented as a happy ending. if Celebrant didn't wind up being the main villain for Dragonwatch, that probably would've been the end of it! gay kid learns how to soldier and is finally accepted by his homophobic family bc he's finally aggressive enough for them to love him
(i mean i have MANY issues with Celebrant being the main villain later and the reasons he's framed as bad but like. that's a separate rant lol)
the queer reading is right there. but also it's very bad and you can tell completely unintentional. or at the very least highly repressed. idk man i don't look into Mull as a personal individual bc i doubt i'll like what i see and i don't care that much but Dragonwatch was SO MUCH MORE MORMON than Fablehaven already was and it's so weird, seeing the fingerprints of it all over.
i feel like he either has a new editor or he's been doing this for long enough and sold enough books that he has the clout to veto changes made by editors or SOMETHING, bc i feel like? he's gotten worse?? and more unfiltered?? that or something happened and he's like. even more religious than before or something idk
like fablehaven was just kinda generic/bland fantasy with some fun ideas for magic items/powers/one sentence character premises, with just a hint of sus Mormon ideology, and then Dragonwatch just went. Full Mormon.
but then there's somehow even more weirdly queer shit. like. he's repressing so hard he's approaching queer from the other side??
idk man i wish this deeply mediocre man's writing wasn't a formative piece of middle school reading, leading to me still giving more of a shit than i really should over questionable children's literature now
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tigergender · 9 months
Remembering the toxic hellscape that was 2015-2019ish SU fandom and just how much hate the show got is really insane when you rewatch the show after it's been a while. Like the show is good what the hell were any of these people talking about
#do NOT quote me on those numbers i pulled them straight out of my ass#like the ending was rushed and the diamonds didnt get to be fully developed but liek#the whole reason that was the case is there was an entire 6th season planned#and then the show got axed early because rebecca sugar and crew refused the back down on the rupphire wedding.#and even rushedness aside like the point of the show was never that you should hug fascists and forgive people no matter what#the diamond were rose's (and his) dysfunctional family whose personal suffering became the basis for the cruelty of gem society#bismuth in The Real World would have been right to want to kill the diamonds as a force of revolution#but the point of the show is that even the most complicated people are still people who can change. even if you dont forgive them#even steven quartz universe the most loving boy in the world very obviously does not like being around the diamonds. but that is how it is#it was a children's show that emphasized compassion and communication and family as themes. of course steven didnt kill the diamonds lol#i really fully believe the stevenbomb format (which was not the crew's choice or fault) cooked peoples' brains#you had months between major arcs so every wrongdoing by a character had months to be warped and misinterpreted and so no resolution could#ever satisfy fans who were festering with their own opinions for way too long#like these arcs looking back are not that long and they resolve in fairly reasonable manners but they took fuckin forever in real time to#wrap up#and ppl on the internet with no other hobbies than arguing made the fandom suck to be in and gave su a bad name#even if you dont like steven universe i think the amount of vitriol thrown at the show is/was fucking INSANE for what it is lmaooo#people were so so jolly to accuse rebecca sugar (a jewish lady) of being a fascist/fash sympathizer and paint every writing shortcoming or#morally dubious character action as a sign of pure fuckin evil#ok that was a long ass fuckin rant in the tags i am so sorry i'm just kind of opinionated on this matter as i am all matters#i've been rewatching su with my dad lately and this very normal and well paced and fun watchthrough experience has been illuminating#just how insane and uncalled for the hellish discourse sphere around su was/is#i say was/is i have no idea what su discourse is like nowadays. i'm too scareds to look in the su crit tag
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quietwingsinthesky · 11 months
what if. Amy “fix-it” because hallucifer makes sam so paranoid about dean leaving for no reason that sam gives in and follows him and is witness to the whole thing
#hallucifer: wow. big brother really trusts us. (beat) so something’s up right? we know it’s never this easy.#sam: (visibly restraining himself from saying shut up. about to grab his scar.)#hallucifer: (aware he’s about to be banished) don’t listen to me if you want but. I’m just trying to help.#don’t blame me if you look in the papers tomorrow and find a obit for your brain-eating girlfriend. and… what was her kid’s name again?#sam: (touching the scar. not pressing down. face all screwed up.) || hallucifer: :3 it’s not like it’ll hurt anyone#if he really does trust you he doesn’t even have to know we’re following him. *and* you’ll know your brother still trusts you.#even when I’m here. maybe he won’t even punch you again. that still hurting?#sam: (grimace. because yeah. it does.) || hallucifer: door number two - he thinks you’ve lost it and he’s going to stab that woman to death.#so what’s it gonna be Sam? ready to gamble your friend’s life on if Dean gives a shit about your opinion?#[and that’s the point where sam goes to follow dean. still doesn’t talk to Lucifer. not there yet. but oh hallucifer is sooo pleased with#himself about this. because he’s Sam. and he picks up on what Sam doesn’t. and he could see all of Dean’s little giveaways that Sam was#turning a blind eye to. and now here’s the perfect opportunity to put a wedge between them and get sam to trust him more <3)#GOD. FUCK. IM UPSET NOW. WHY WASNT HALLUCIFER IN THAT EPISODE. MOST OF THE EPISODES?#such a good fucking concept. squandered.#anyway. idk if sam saves Amy but he DEFINITELY here’s Dean’s little speech to her about how she can’t change.#hallucifer with faux sympathy like (sigh) damn. well. i always told you what he was like. Michael. Michael-sword. no difference.#both of them want us dead the moment we step out of line.#and Sam just frozen there in horror with Lucifer’s voice sinking in. and he believes him. how can he not. with dean proving him right#hallucifer#spn#sam winchester#amy pond
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kinokoshoujoart · 8 months
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note: “69” is the word “rock” written in goroawase (substitution of letters for homophonic numbers) so it’s not uncommon to see him called 69 by jp users…
“the young lady” = lumina. (the “he” saying interesting things is rock. the other “he” is an insertion…)
taelwoo = they wrote teilou and this got auto translated funny
i wanted to spotlight these posts by twitter user wl_mihaya who has consistently neat writings regarding wonderful life’s characters
somehow i read this as Wada and Matsuyama showed the writing team the reference sheet again like “Look at this irredeemable debauchee. This spoilt summer child, this pampered prodigal prince who has tasted not the bitterness of life. This libertine, this chaud lapin. Coasting on the coattails of his well-to-do family in his obnoxiously baggy clothes. Disgusting. Good-for-nothing worthless son. Into the Romance Scenarios with him.”
AnWL’s NPC to tumblrsexyman conversion pipeline scenario writing department: “ok got it boss🫡(ohhhhhh what a tragic little meow meow 🥺 are you guys even seeing this. isn’t he just the most heartachingly aware of how pathetic he is yet utterly determined to carry on this pretense of confidence. let’s secretly make him wet and pathetic and impossibly stupid and so very Adopted)”
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Seeing so many sunny posts lately where I’m like hey I touched on that detail in my fic from a few weeks back :D people would actually maybe like these little details :D but then the fic itself has so little engagement so far and I didn’t want to spoil little details in summary, and I’m also absolutely too terrified/mortified to share a link to it, but I’m just like aahh, aaahhh
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dkettchen · 1 year
not me adding literal buddhist monk shaolin masters to my very short list of ppl I’ve ever strongly related to the philosophy/mentality/approach to life of oh boy
#anthony padilla#buddhist monks#philosophy#trans#Idk what this says abt me for any of you who don't know me that well yet lmao#but it is fascinating to me at least that between the discipline of language learning since childhood#my shonen protagonist energy and slight megalomania#and my nonbinary trans thoughts about physical change and self improvement etc etc etc#despite coming from such vastly different backgrounds (not just culturally just in the like- I'm a queer artist n educator n stuff#and they're literal monks in an organised religion/belief system)#we have still somehow arrived at so many similar not only beliefs but also just like ways of living and discipline and worldview#something something outsider perspective that queer people will be more prone to due to being an eternal minority in any part of the world#while ppl like monks/nuns take up the lifestyle they lead in order to alienate themselves from the rest of society for religion's sake#something something the historic connection between ppl who dedicate their life to religion (monks/nuns/priests/etc) and the queer community#and various cultures where genderqueer ppl's role is/was that of religious leaders#something something maybe in a changing world that is not as religious anymore we can still be advisors and wise ppl to consult#like I think that's literally the conclusion I've arrived at for my pitch to the feminists is#you will never truly manage to include us as equals for sheer numbers reasons so you might as well use us and our skills and insights#for the gender lib movement in other more distinct ways that neither need you to fully equate us to you nor to limit us to your part of it#pay the transfemmes to teach y'all coding karlie kloss can't do it all on her own#and pay me to come teach you abt transmasc inclusion and internalised misandry and the terfs#and you'll find plenty of use from having us around
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blorbosexterminator · 11 months
In the newest interview, alvaro said that big chances that professor wouldn't be in the spin off because it's berlin's project and focusing on his new cast or crew. He said this one (Berlin) is separated from LCDP. Does that mean that we wont get Palermo too? 😢 I mean, if the whole 8 eps are just about berlin having fun with strangers he pretends to be friends with, whats the point of watching? The only thing we can hope, maybe the plot would be good, but from the teaser, I too have a doubt about it.
I haven't seen that interview (if those are his exact words, "big chance" is a weird way to phrase it since shooting is done, he's either in it or he's not lol.) Anyway, I wouldn’t take too much away from his words. They are pretty much a rephrasing of what Pina has been saying. They might mean Sergio won't show up at all, or that Sergio will only show up through a cameo, not in as a central way as LCDP. And that makes sense to me either way. I would personally love a cameo but generally regarding Sergio, it makes sense that he wouldn't be present through all his brother's heists and gangs and day to day life (which was already established in canon).
So I wouldn't compare Sergio's situation with Martín. At least on a textual level. Once established that Andrés had met Martín, it would make zero sense that Martín wouldn't be there since we know from canon Martín has been on his side for ten years prior to the monastery flashbacks. And generally speaking, there is not a single character from LCDP that belongs more in Berlin the show than actual lcdp lmfao. Martín's entire construction in canon was in the framework of Berlin.
That's not to say the show won't be about Berlin having fun with strangers for 8 episodes lmfao. That will probably be it. But I'm still in the belief that Palermo will guest-star or cameo in the last episode, as a form of Berlermo's first meeting. And I think if Rodrigo agrees and Netflix grants Pina a second season, he might be a main character going forward. I don't think there is a lot to hope for from the spin-off but I still believe it will be better and more surprising than we imagine now.
#regarding the whole Berlin is different from lcdp thing. it's just so stupid to me#i get that a spin-off should stand on its own legs. all spin-off creators want this to happen. a certain distant from the OG#but when it goes too far it becomes ridiculousl#Pina seems to believe he created a character that's so marvelous that you can generate an endless number of seperate stories from it#but in my view if you uproot a character soo far from his context (especially when it's a main character that you already milked in differe#t scenarios.) then you just lose focus and it ends up failing#ANYWAY I think there is a chance for Berlin to get a second season pretty quickly now whether it's wildly successful or not because of#the strikes#with the uncertainty of when American-produced shows will start production again; Netflix is basically reliant on European and other foreig#shows to keep their audience and subscribers appeased#and Berlin connected to lcdp (One of Netflix's biggest world-wide sensations) might get even more special treatment#lcdp#Berlin Netflix#also cursed idea but I think Pina might be on the road to make Berlin this sort of Pulp fiction adventure protagonist who is in a series of#2638833 books and each story with different cast of characters around him and different story but doesn’t seem to be getting older#or even aware or the things that happened to him in previous stories lol#I'd say the Sherlock Holmes character but in crime fiction but that's what Lupin is lol#it would be a poor imitation but I would find it hilarious if after all those connections Pina is trying to patch together between Andrés#and the new gang#next season he just changes them for a completely different cast and he keeps doing this for 37 more seasons#Netflix forgets he's on their payroll and it's 2035 and 60 smth Pedro is still playing 27 Andrés going on thievery adventures around Europe
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swashbucklery · 1 year
OK I buried this in tags last week but, just for posterity:
1) based on the Yios Seminary/Planerider Ryn lore dump:
Matthew is being very careful with semantics and I think that matters?
Imogen has interpreted the number of Ruidusborn collected with Otohan as army, but are they “army” in the meaningful sense?
Armies rely on recruitment and specifically in this case recruiting zealots who are comfortable unmaking the universe which takes time and energy and is extremely specific. Maybe that’s not everyone’s cup of tea!
If the two missing pieces to ~the puzzle~ from Ludinus’ perspective are the map of Ruidus and a list of all the exaltants why does that matter at this point? You have 7-13 days until the solstice that is not enough time to find everyone on the entire plane and then convert them into your let’s eat the gods cause.
HOWEVER. We know that Ruidusborn have a strong connection to the moon and Exaltants can channel power and we know that there’s a lot of energy needed to break open the Divine Gate and then idk free the moon
What if you don’t need the Exaltants to participate so much as you just need them to be present, as batteries or conduits for whatever the keys channel. This would explain as well the ~pull to the North~ because it’s not so much that they’re needed to fight as it is a thanks-for-showing-up kind of thing.
It would also explain why Otohan seems to have cooled off on actually pursuing Imogen to be converted to her cause - she knows that she’ll be there at the end, and that’s really all she needs for Imogen to be useful to her cause.
This is an aside but:
Again, Imogen has interpreted some of the translations for Predathos as “eating” the other two gods and again if this is an interpretation of a translation - because devour and consume and eat can have different semantic meanings and some of them mean this god is inside of them and has been digested and some can mean that this is a three headed monster who has the power of three gods
This also recontextualizes a lot of Ludinus’ ideas because if it’s not that he will eat the gods and there will be none but rather Predathos eats the gods and there is one supergod like. Interesting very interesting.
2) Based on the Feywild up to C3E47:
So we know that there is an Archfey and Zathuda also Otohan and also Ludinus + presumably someone in the Shadowfell who is somehow even spookier. We know that Otohan and Zathuda conversed about using Ludinus but ultimately not sharing his zealotry in the same way, and wanting him ~taken care of.
Which makes me think that Ludinus is ultimately an unreliable lore-giver, possibly because he isn’t Ruidusborn, but what does he misunderstand is really the key thing. And if Otohan as an Exalted is zealous for this cause does that mean that a) battery theory is correct but she’s willing to die for her cause or b) the Exalted are needed but for a second secret thing.
ALSO WHAT ARE THE ENDLESS SHIPMENTS OF POTIONS OF POSSIBILITY FOR. Otohan clearly uses them in combination with her magic, assuming that her crystal backpack is full of that potion (which wasn’t 100% confirmed but ~inferring~ from Bassuras) is that where her Legendary Actions come from. That would fit with the army-is-army theory, if every Exalted gets a magic backpack, but wouldn’t explain why all of that is necessary just to open the divine gate, especially if the gate opening itself is so resource and power intensive. Or would that protect her from being harmed during the solstice, it wasn’t 100% clear.
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