#but by gum if the time energy and motivation come upon me....
apomaro-mellow · 2 years
a lil piece of the plot i said i wanted to read
“I can’t believe you blew that”, Nancy said, eyes hard with frustration. She was leaning against his dresser while Eddie was in his bed, pillow covering his face in shame.
“You just don’t get it. I couldn’t just-I mean with the way he is-”
“I handed him to you on a silver platter. Literally.”
He couldn’t argue with that. Nancy had somehow gotten Steve to flex a bicep and let Eddie touch it. Problem was his brain fried and was unable to function after that.
“I called his muscles manly.”
“I’m sure he liked that. Guys get to touch all the time, it wasn’t weird”, Nancy said.
“I’m sorry, what?”, Eddie removed the pillow.
She gave him an annoyed look. “Boys have it so easy. Steve was always smacking his teammates on their behinds, or you guys can wrestle at the drop of a hat. It’s easy for guys to get their hands on each other.”
Eddie tried not to think of Steve’s hands on his ass or any sort of grappling between them just to save some dignity.
“Guys have it easy? Big Wheel, I’d give anything for the simple physicality between chicks. You and Robin can hold hands, touch each other’s hair, even hug and cuddle and no one bats an eye.”
“That’s the problem”, Nancy said as she crossed her arms and sat down on his bed. “I guess it’s both our problem.” The language of physical touch wasn’t always easy to interpret.
Eddie suddenly rolled onto his stomach, pillow under his chin as he kicked his feet into the air.
“Tell me how his hair feels.”
Nancy snorted. “His hair?”
“That man guards it with his life. I’ve never even seen Buckley touch it. But you must’ve. Once.”
“He is protective of it. It’s...nice, I guess.”
“Oh come on, Nancy. Gimme more than that. I’m a starvin’ man.”
She frowned at that and pointed to her bicep. “Silver. Platter.”
“If I was setting you up with Robin and got her to, I don’t know, go bikini shopping with you, can you tell me you wouldn’t lose your mind?”
It was rare to see Nancy flustered and stuttering, but it was oh so satisfying to be in the presence of another blushing queer. When she got over, she cleared her throat.
“I’ll tell you about Steve’s hair”, she rolled her eyes like it was the greatest irritant. “But only if you tell me more about you and Robin in Drama.”
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thewayshedreamed · 4 years
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This Time— Part 2
A Nessian Fan Fic
Fic Masterlist
Alright, here it is! All of your responses to my first post were so encouraging, so I thank all of you for that! I was so nervous to post anything that I’ve written, and y’all made me feel so welcomed. Anyway, here’s the continuation of my angsty Nessian fic, This Time. It’s a long one, but I wanted to give some insight into Nesta’s headspace while also setting the occasion for the next part! Hope y’all enjoy it.
If you missed part one, you can find it here.
A dull throb in her temples caused Nesta to stir in the early hours of Sunday morning. She was vaguely aware that it was raining, thunder rolling in a steady rhythm. She turned onto her back and gritted her teeth at the intensifying pain in her head. It suddenly radiated from her temples, meeting in the middle of her forehead and behind her eyes. For the briefest of moments, she wondered about the luck she had (or didn’t have) to wake up feeling like this. No recent illness, no allergies, no alcohol the night before. She blinked into the darkness as she considered, willing her cognition to catch up to her conscious state. Her answer became apparent when her eyes felt gritty as she blinked, and upon rubbing them, she felt a faint tenderness over and around her lids.
Ah, that’s right. The crying.
The events of the previous night flooded her memory.
I’m so gone for you...
You should go...
We can’t be friends after this conversation.
You don’t mean that...
The maddeningly soft click of the door echoed in her mind repeatedly, emulating the rhythm of her heartbeat. She slammed her eyes shut and turned sharply onto her side to bury her face into the pillow.
So often, people talk about the all-consuming relief that comes with waking from a nightmare and realizing none of it was real. These are the stories told at dinner with family or friends, at lunch with co-workers, or at larger social gatherings. Account after account is shared of cheating spouses, car accidents, home invasions, etc., followed by an expression of overwhelming relief at realizing it was all a dream.
Almost never do people discuss the ugly alternative. The micro-interval of time immediately upon waking where one exists in blissful ignorance, followed by the sudden gut-punch of recollection. The ambush of emotions surrounding some life-altering event.
Nesta caught herself grasping for that tiny shred of time, just moments prior, where she was only navigating a headache.
She felt her pulse quicken and her body start to flush, both being clear indicators of her heightened anxiety. Her heart thundered in her chest, and she felt a slight tremble starting to run through her chest and stomach. She closed her eyes as tears threatened to pool yet again and focused on taking a few deep breaths. She lazily reached out, feeling around until she located another pillow across her too large bed. She clutched it tightly against her chest and abdomen, willing it to ground her somehow. Tucking it close to her body and keeping an iron grip, she started to count her breaths until she finally drifted back to sleep.
She had to cancel lunch with Elain and Feyre that Sunday, having slept long enough that she didn’t have enough time to make herself presentable. After explaining that she was suffering from a crippling headache (with no mention of its origin), they sent their well wishes and told her to call if she needed absolutely anything.
Her mornings persisted in a similar manner for the rest of the week. Usually one to rise on her first alarm, she couldn’t find the motivation to do so no matter how hard she tried. She snoozed her alarm a half-dozen times, finally dragging herself out of bed to dress quickly, grab a protein bar, and fly out the door for work.
Work served as a decent distraction from current events. She stayed busy and engaged, allowing her to completely ignore her phone and avoid any personal questions. She knew her sisters would be worried after telling them she was ill, and it was a matter of time before news of her and Cassian’s fight permeated their group of friends. Her sisters would likely put two and two together. Busy bodies. Fiercely loyal, protective, and supportive, but busy bodies all the same.
Several evenings that week she had received several variations of “check in” texts from them, as well as a couple of their friends.
”Hey, Nes! Hoping you’re feeling better. Just wanted to check in and see how you are!”
”Just checking in, sister! I hadn’t heard from you since we cancelled lunch, so I hope you’re doing okay! Love you!”
”Hi, love! I haven’t seen you in DAYS. Far too long. Please tell me I’ll see you soon! And that you’re alive and well. <3”
“Alright. Spill. What’s going on with you? You haven’t responded to anything I’ve sent you, and I’ve sent you some funny shit.”
Nesta drafted one text, copying and pasting it to each and every one of them. She didn’t have the emotional energy to answer the question at all, much less several times over.
“Hey! Thanks for checking on me. I’m sorry I’m just getting back to you! Things have just been crazy this week. I’ve been busy, but I’m fine! We’ll get together soon.”
She stared at the lie over and over again.
I’m fine...
I’m fine...
Although, deep down, she knew. If she were fine, she wouldn’t keep scrolling to a certain text thread. She wouldn’t be reading and re-reading their previous conversations, and she definitely wouldn’t be focused on the date and time stamp of the last received message from days ago.
Nesta had been conflicted about Saturday all week long. She had very specific plans: sleep as late as her body would possibly allow, have coffee on the back porch, catch up on her reading, take a long nap, stream as much nonsense television as she could handle, have a bottle of wine, go to sleep. She had been looking forward to the peaceful oblivion of deep sleep, yet she found herself dreading the passage of her free time. It had taken a couple of days to land on an acceptable itinerary, and she felt better with a certain course of action.
She awoke to her covers being abruptly pulled away and the pillow pulled off the top of her head. She groaned dramatically and turned over to identify the offender, fully prepared to sling insults their way for interrupting her sleep. Before she could formulate a cohesive thought, a deep, familiar voice interrupted her.
“Enough of this, Nes. Get up. We’re going to brunch,” the voice announced, his tone dry and neutral.
Nesta’s eyes shot open, falling on a pair of hazel eyes that dared her to be uncooperative.
“What the fuck, Az? How did you even get in here? And what if I were naked?!”
”Look, I pulled the short straw. You’ve barely spoken to anyone all week. When you did, your responses were short and contrived. Your friends and family are worried, and I got volunteered to enter the lion’s den as the only one who isn’t afraid of waking you up.”
”That doesn’t answer all my questions,” she muttered as she sat up and rubbed her eyes.
“I’ve driven you and your sisters home on enough drunken nights to know where your spare key is. And I saw the sleeve of your sweater before I pulled the covers off. Give me a little credit.” He turned away from her to walk out of her bedroom. As he crossed the threshold, he paused with his hand on the door jamb. He glanced over his left shoulder as he said, “You have 15 minutes. I’ll be in here waiting for you.”
Nesta really contemplated throwing a full-scale temper tantrum by throwing herself under the covers and refusing to get up. A deep rumble in her stomach ultimately made her decide against it, so she stood up and padded over to her closet. She selected her favorite pair of jeggings, silently thanking the Cauldron that she had worn them once already so that they were perfectly stretched. She grabbed a sports bra and a long-sleeved tunic, put on some casual sneakers, and walked over to her bathroom to finish getting ready.
She wasn’t one for much makeup anyway, so she opted to wash her face, moisturize, and apply a little mascara. She brushed her teeth, applied a generous layer of chapstick, and quickly French-braided her hair down the center of her back. She glanced down at her phone; 12 minutes. Suck on that, Azriel.
She walked out of her bedroom, down the hallway, and found Azriel perched on the arm of her sofa, scrolling through his phone. Sensing her approach, he locked his phone and stood.
“All ready?” He grabbed his keys from his front pocket.
“Sure. Whenever you are.” She looked around for her small purse and grabbed it off of the coffee table. “Wait... did you clean up in here?”
She knew there was something different when she walked in, but it had taken her a minute to realize what. Gone were the take out containers from her countertops and coffee table. All the various cups she had left all over her apartment were nowhere to be seen, and her blankets were folded neatly in a stack.
Azriel cleared his throat and looked around. “Not really. I noticed your trash can was full when I threw my gum away, and I thought it would be pointless to bring it out and not get everything.”
She bit her cheek to stop her smile at his sheepishness. He had always been a good friend to her, but she knew he preferred when it went under the radar. No one blushed faster or got more awkward than Azriel on the receiving end of appreciation or a compliment.
“Ah. I see. And I guess the blankets folded themselves, then. Or did you need to fold them to ‘get everything?’”
“Nes, you know I cleaned up in here, so can we go already?” He was already turning toward her door, flustered and mildly irritated with her teasing. She gripped his bicep to turn him around before he made it outside.
“I’m sorry, Az. You’re a wonderful friend, and I don’t deserve you. Let’s go have some brunch and forget it, ok?”
He gave her a sideways smile and playfully shoved her shoulder. “Fine. But next time, you’re walking.”
The drive over to the small cafe was short, so the pair sat in comfortable silence on the way. Upon arriving, Azriel found a small table in the corner of the patio, instructed her to sit, and walked inside to place their order. When he returned, he was holding a mug of coffee for Nesta and a mug of earl grey tea for himself.
“The food should come out in about 10-15 minutes. I couldn’t remember how you take your coffee exactly, so I just brought you a ton of shit.” He wasn’t exaggerating. He placed a handful of different creamers and sweeteners in the center of the table.
Nesta gave a small chuckle at his gesture, noting that it felt good to laugh for the first time in days. She couldn’t help but feel grateful that it was Azriel who had pulled her out of bed this morning, if it had to be anyone. They were more alike than most would assume, and they had made very fast friends all those years ago. She loved the purity of their relationship, built on years of trust and mutual respect, but never crossing beyond anything other than platonic. Cassian had always joked about being “outnumbered” around the two of them, commenting on their likeness and how he managed to find kindred spirits as his best friends.
The thought of him elicited a slight pang in her stomach, and she quickly shoved it down. She was pulled from her thoughts by Azriel’s voice.
“So. You want to talk about what’s going on?”
”Gods, Azriel. I haven’t even gotten the caffeine in my system.”
He took a sip of his tea, only breaking eye contact to blow gently on the hot liquid. He regained eye contact as he set his mug back down.
“We haven’t heard anything genuine from you in a week. Forgive us for being a little worried. I’m assuming it has something to do with Cassian?”
As she suspected, hearing his name struck a nerve and caused a certain heaviness in her chest. She felt herself becoming defensive, and even though her logical mind knew it had nothing to do with Az, she was snapping at him before she realized it was happening.
“Why is everyone acting like I’m off the deep end?! Maybe I’ve just been busy for a week. Cauldron forbid if I take some time for my damn self. And why the fuck would you immediately jump to him? As if my life doesn’t exist beyond all of you? And beyond him?” She felt herself flush out of anger. Or embarrassment. Who the hell knew anymore?
Azriel seemed almost entirely unaffected by her verbal lashing. He took a couple of seconds, leaned forward with his forearms on the table, and clasped his hands in front of him. He looked at her intensely, and she knew she was not going to get anything sugarcoated in this conversation.
“Need I remind you that I know both of you like the back of my hand? I’m not shooting in the dark here. You’ve been essentially MIA for a week, and that timespan directly correlates with Cassian being an absolute terror to be around. The odds of that being a coincidence are incredibly low. So, Nes, I’ll ask you to please cut the shit.” He voice remained even and steady. There was no true malice in his words, just the bluntness that exists between two close friends. He picked up his mug, leaned back in his chair, and waited.
Nesta’s posture softened slightly as she rubbed the bridge of her nose with her thumb and middle finger. She let out a long breath and looked up to meet Azriel’s gaze again.
“Look, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have snapped at you like that. And I should also realize by now that you notice fucking everything.”
He merely nodded, acknowledging her apology and prompting her to continue with one simple gesture. She blew out another breath, preparing herself to explain everything. In the meantime, their food arrived, so she waited until the waiter walked away before beginning her story. She told him everything, even the uncomfortable details. Cassian’s confession. Her reaction. His anger. Her anger. The devastation on his face. As much as she could remember of their interaction. And finally, the words she couldn’t stop replaying in her mind. This time, it’s on you.
He listened intently, only offering small nods or slight facial expressions during the more intense parts of their conversation. Once she was finished, he let out a long whistle and said, “Damn, Nesta. You’re officially the most savage of the Archerons.”
“I’m sorry... what?”
“I’m not saying that to be insulting. I just meant that you kind of handed him his ass there.”
Nesta started at him, urging him to elaborate before she felt inclined to jump down his throat again. He picked up on her prompting and continued.
“Well, to be fair, Cassian’s full of it. The fact that he thought he was going to be able to sleep with you and continue being friends is short-sighted at best. Can’t blame him for trying, but considering how long he’s been in love with you, he was setting himself up for failure there.”
Now, she was gawking at him. How was he being so nonchalant about this bombshell? How long had Cassian been in love with her? And why the hell had he waited until now to say a damn word about it?
”How long, Azriel?” Her voice was so quiet that she wasn’t sure that he’d even heard her.
It was his turn to look surprised. “Are you telling me you didn’t know? Anyone within a mile of the two of you could have seen it.”
She shook her head, realizing she didn’t think she could handle the direction of this conversation. “Never mind. Regardless, we had an agreement that our friendship was too important to risk on anything serious and that it was supposed to remain purely casual. It’s done now. It’s not like it matters.”
A few seconds passed before she glanced up at Azriel. His brow was furrowed, conflicted with what he was going to say next.
”What? Just tell me.”
“Don’t you think that’s kind of bullshit, Nes? I get that you both agreed on those terms, but I think it’s kind of fucked overall. You’re telling me that the potential of a relationship wasn’t worth the risk but casual sex was worth it? That doesn’t make sense.”
She breathed sharply out of her nose before she responded. “Had the agreement been honored, we could have enjoyed our time together, and we could have stopped once life events called for it. If one of us started dating someone... if one of us moved... things like that. It’s fairly straightforward.” She wasn’t trying to hide the bite behind her words, but he still didn’t seem offended. She tried not to find his level-headedness infuriating, but her patience was thinning by the second. To her surprise, his composure slipped a little.
”And how did you think that was going to play out? You both would shake hands, go your own ways, and continue to hang out with each other as before? You would have been totally fine with Cassian dating another woman? And do you really think Cassian would be a-okay with sitting in the front row at your wedding one day? Has it ever occurred to you that you two always dislike anyone that the other dates? No one ever loves Cassian the right way. No one ever makes Nesta happy enough. Why do you think that—“
”Alright, alright! I get it.“ She held her hands up in supplication. “The fact remains, though, that it’s over. It’s done. We screwed up, and it cost me my best friend. We’ll never be the same.” She felt her eyes brimming with tears.
She was vaguely aware of Azriel apologizing for his outburst and suggesting that they head back. She forced a nod, stood up from her chair, and walked to his car. Once inside and buckled, he turned to her.
”Hey. I really am sorry.”
”Don’t apologize. You were being honest with me, which is something I’ve always valued so much in you. Don’t go soft on me now.” She managed the smallest of smiles.
“Deal. But the same goes for you. Our mutual honesty has saved us a lot of trouble over the years. Makes our friendship easy.”
”You’re right. Why couldn’t it have been us to fall in love?” She huffed a laugh, making sure he knew her comment was in jest. She turned to look at him as he finished backing out of their parking spot.
Azriel hit his brakes a little harder than usual at her words. He chuckled, turning to look at her with a small smile. “What good would that do us? What would we do for fun? Brood?”
Nesta laughed, truly laughed, at the truth in his words. Azriel made a wonderful friend to her, but there would be very little personal growth within their hypothetical relationship. She smiled at him, squeezed his forearm briefly, and said, “Fair enough. I guess we wouldn’t push each other to grow all that much.”
He continued to drive, eyes straight ahead. He still wore signs of amusement on his face, but his tone turned a little more serious. “No. We wouldn’t. I think that’s why Cassian has always been a great balance for people like us. We get way too comfortable in the dark.”
”Mmm. People like Cassian, for sure. Maybe people like Elain, too?” She gave him a knowing smile.
He pulled up in the driveway and placed the car in park before looking at her. She could see the faint blush on his cheeks at the mention of her sister, but she wouldn’t push him. She knew he was smitten with Elain and had been for some time. She hadn’t spoken to him plainly about it, but she could tell by the way they interacted that they were a matter of time. Inevitable, even.
“We’re not talking about me today. Only you.”
She giggled at his deflection. “Thank you again for today. I needed the coffee, the waffles, the venting, and the swift kick in the ass.”
”Of course. Speaking of Ellie, what’s your plan for her birthday party next weekend? You know Cass will be there.”
“Oh, man. I think I blocked that out.” She opened the door, stepped out of the car, and peered down at him before adding, ”That, my friend, is something I will have to play by ear.”
A/N: Sorry for no Nessian interaction this time, but I just love the idea of a Nesta x Azriel brotp. I couldn’t help myself. Nessian interaction to come, I promise!
Tags are below! If you’d like to be tagged in future parts, you can comment, reblog, or message me!
@polireader // @lord-douglas-the-third // @justgiu12 // @notyournymphetish // @sjm-things // @strangeenemy
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fairygal11 · 4 years
(Short Story) Guardians of Harmonia: Night at the Enchanted Library
It was an illuminating afternoon at Guardian Academy, an elite school that educated Harmonia’s best and greatest students to become tomorrow’s protectors to ensure the safety and well-being of their realm. At this moment, three guardian apprentices: Kaira Starlight, Minty Peppermint, and Giovanni Linguini were traversing the courtyard as a shortcut to the library. As part of their studies, their required to join an after school club to choose from a wide variety of activities: Monster Hunting, History and Lore, Botany Lovers Club, the list kept going. Suggested by Headmistress, Mikami, that the Library Society Club was the best choice for Kaira and her friends to join. It was a great facility to build teamwork, learn organizational skills and discover the wonder of reading. Kaira found this suggestion to be highly effective, she loved books with all her heart--being in a library full of books reminded her of the library her mother managed back home in Honey Meadows. Her friends, Giovanni and Minty though, they’d see them as material to make forts or have a stacking contest. They’ll change their minds if she showed them how amazing books can be whilst working in the library.
They soon arrived at Magica Library that’s stationed on the west side on academy grounds. The library was ginormous in size that one would mistake it for a manor, if were it not for the unusual orb-shaped architectures that branched out on the sides of the building and suspended in midair. Kaira, parting a few strands of her silver hair that glistened in the sunlight, out of her face to gaze with eyes that were blue as the sky itself at the mystifying library’s exterior. Minty and Giovanni didn’t have the same enthusiasm and sparkle in their eyes like their friend, although Minty saw the orb domes as giant bubble gum balls. The three approached the giant oak double door, Kaira pushed all the way for her and her friends to step inside. When she raised her head to take in the interior, her face lit up like a sparkler, hands placed on her face in excitement at what she was seeing before her eyes. It was as whimsical as its exterior! Levels upon levels that filled to the brim with books, rolling library ladders to glide across the shelves to find what book you sought. In Magica’s case, sometimes the books would come straight to you if your willing to catch the right one during their flight through the library for any student to catch and study upon. Nestled right in the center of the building was a grand Kapok tree that stood in the center, tiny orbs of colorful lights floated throughout it.
Underneath the base of the tree, there was the Librarian’s Desk where Jim, Librarian Apprentice/Library Page, was sitting at his station in the meantime going through the clipped papers on his clipboard at the agenda that awaited him. He’s assigned to showing the newest members the ropes as to how the library operated. He rose his head upon taking in the fresh faces in the library, standing up from his desk and coming out from behind to welcome them. He assumed that they were the candidates that were to become part of the Library Society under Headmistress Solaria’s request. He began to give them a tour of the library, giving a brief history of the facility before explaining and demonstrating different tasks they were to do whilst partaking in the club. Along with maintenance, there was discussion of book genres, authors, what inspired one to get involved into reading. This made Giovanni and Minty groaned at the talk of books and chores, but to Kaira was happier than a kid in a candy store.
Under Jim’s supervision, the gang began their duties by dusting the shelves to ensure the books are in peak condition. Next, came checking in items from the sorting room and placing designated items in their respected bins.Giovanni caught glimpse of a book that told about Swords and Weaponry on one of the stacks. Upon opening its spine when all of a sudden a sword was pointed directly at him a few inches from his neon pink eyes! He closed the book and threw it right back into the pile with the books being ready to sort in. By early evening, they held giant butterfly nets in order to scoop up the flying books and put them to bed. Winged books need their beauty sleep too, but some of them refused to go back on their respected shelves. Though it was a huge library and catching them all wasn’t gonna be easy, Jim picked a book off the shelf on “Aero Magic Dynamics”, opening it up as he placed his palm onto a page to summon forth a flying carpet for each of them; He assumed they took their class about using aerodynamical mystical vehicles like brooms, magic carpets, etc. They each hopped onto a carpet and flew off after the Winged Books, Minty was having a blast racing around the library and scooping up a few in the process. She egged Giovanni on to make their chore a game entitled “Book Hunt” that rose his motivation to turn a boring task into a fun book snatching contest. The two swirled around the archways, flew down a couple of the aisles making sure not to bump into any to cause them to fall over and flew up a spiral staircase toward one of the Observation Orbs. A book of Fairy Tales was ajar when it sprinkled star dust that floated down like snow on a peaceful winter morning, Minty caught one on her tongue and commented that it tasted like Sparkling Pop Rocks.
Once they gathered the Winged Books and shelved back to their respected categories-Kaira and her friends along with Jim took a break from tasks to catch a breather. They were enjoying themselves until their free time was interrupted by the sound of glass shattering and the tiny orbs flashed like police lights and made a ringing noise-Someone has broken into the library!. Immediately, they sprung forth toward the west end to come face to face with the intruder. Standing before them was a snarky-looking man dressed in a midnight robe that made him blend into the shadows without detection. Yet he was careless to let himself be known now when he shattered one of the windows using a brick.
“Well, well, well~Seems to me that I’ve gained myself an audience.” The thief said as he was surprised that there were people working the late shift. It would appear he miscalculated when he formulated his plan to seek out the Guardians Grimoire that was said to be locked away in the academy’s library, but now a monkey wrench was tossed into his plan.
“And we didn’t expect to have some noisy thief disrupt our break time! It’s the only time we can enjoy some goodie treats and we were in the middle of chowing down on the Swirl Berry Muffins I brought along!” The peppermint-haired Minty said as she shook her fist to him, aggravated that this thief had the nerve to disrupt break time.
“Listen pal, I don’t know who you think you are, but you picked the wrong place to rob from. I mean seriously-WHAT kind of thief would want to break into a library?” Giovanni said as he was confounded upon the thief’s objective to what business he had at a “magical library”.
“I’ve come seeking the Guardians’ Grimoire so I may use its power to become the greatest Sorcerer in the whole world!” He boasted as he rose his hands up in the air, letting out a fiendish laugh.
“Seriously? You want a dusty grimoire that’ll grant you the powers of a god? Total cliche, bro.” Giovanni stared blankly at the loon.
“It isn’t a dusty grimoire!”, He stomped his right foot down on the ground like he was trying to kill a bug, “It is a book of infinite wisdom and magic!”
“The Guardians’ Grimoire is one of Harmonia’s most ancient and precious artifacts, kept hidden deep away from public eye and sealed away with
“We won’t allow you to take the Guardians’ Grimoire!” Kaira stepped forth, positioning herself into a fighting stance.
“The Guardians’ Grimoire will never fall into the hands of a Charlatan like you!” Jim proclaimed as he glared angrily at the thief.
“We’ll just see about that, now will we?” The thief rose his hand as a dark ball of energy began to form and unleashed a powerful dark lightning bolt at them!
Kaira created a light shield to deflect the dark lightning bolt from striking at them, but it was a diversion to allow the thief a head start toward the back of the library. The Forbidden Archives is said to be located somewhere around the west end of the building. Earlier, Jim told them that the archives was off limits to students and accessed by the library staff. If the thief found a way to access the room, he’d not only steal the grimoire, but other valuable books he could sell in the black market or worse.....burn them!
“We can’t let him get to the archives and get that book!, Jim shouted to his associates.
“And how are we supposed to find him, Poindexter? He sprinted and serpentined after that little lightning blast he fired at us! He could be halfway there by now with his ninja-like reflexes!” Giovanni protested, raising his hands up in the air in frustration.
While they tried to figure out a course of action as quick as they could, Kaira stared around the shelves around them and from the corner of her eye she spotted a book on “Monsters, Mystics and Marvels”. Wanting to confirm her precision, she took a few steps closer to the book and saw it was a 398 number-They were in the 398s aisle that cataloged Harmonia’s myths, legends and fairy tales! Her face lit up like the light bulb in her head, she quickly swiped the book from the shelf before rushing back to her friends.
“We can use this to get the thief!” She waved the book up in the air for her friends to see like she was waving a bulky flag.
“I don’t think reading at a time like this will solve our dilemma, Kai.” Giovanni scoffed when his hope dimmed and rolled his eyes slowly.
“No, Kaira is right. BOOKS are exactly what we need to help us handle this thief!,” Jim said as he figured out right away what Kaira was up to with that book, “As you three should of known already, the books in this library can be beneficial to your brain, but to your training as guardians. They’d at times would borrow some of our books to use on their travels, but it requires mana to draw out the magical energy to manifest the creatures and materials within their pages.”
“In english, please.” Minty replied for she didn’t seem to grasp Jim’s explanation.
“Sighhh~You visualize, focus and unleash their magical force on your opponents and can benefit in travels like summoning a Gryphon.” He simplified it down so Minty can grasp the concept.
“We saw first hand when we were working today. When Jim summoned the flying carpets to help us capture the Winged Books easier then running around in circles. And Minty, you and Giovanni were having fun during the time.”
“And Gio nearly got his eyes poked out by a sword that poked out of the Weaponry book he was looking at in the sorting room.” Minty said as she pointed her thumb at him.
“It was scary, but kinda cool to be honest-but it nearly poked my eye out.” Giovanni sheepishly admitted, rubbing the back of his head.
“Books aren’t always scary and boring like you might claim them to be, Giovanni. They can be fun, exciting full of interesting information and tales that want to be heard and seen by human eyes. The reason a sword almost harmed you because you found weaponry fascinating-you even tied a dagger to your bat to make it into a “Dagger Bat”.” Kaira said with a heartful smile on her face.
“Soul Slammer.” He corrected her on his weapon’s name.
“Soul Slammer, of course, but the point is that right now the power of these books can help us stop the thief from reaching the archive and protect the library from his carelessness. With the power of these books and our skills combined, we can take this thief down, so who’s with me!?” Kaira proclaimed as she rose her fist in the air.
Minty and Giovanni stared at one another for a moment, but then puffed up their chest and put on their most awesome game faces. They weren’t gonna let some petty thief get the better of them, they’re future Guardians after all and as a guardian-they help the weak and innocent. In this case though, its protecting the library and the paper bound “residents” that reside within its walls. They rose their fists in the air to show they were ready to stand and fight with Kaira to defend the library and keep the grimoire safe from the thief’s hands. For her and her love of reading’s sake, they’d do anything to help Kaira because she was their friend who had a big heart just like her book shelf back in the dorm. Jim showed the group to the nearest aisles and categories that would help them in catching the thief: Geology, Astrology, Mythology, Magical Aerodynamics and of course to Minty’s wonder-Cooking! She grabbed a mess of dessert cook books to have on hand.
Jim summoned the magic carpets and they took off to the top of the book shelves. Scanning the area for any sign of the thief before Giovanni saw him heading passed the Chimera statue near the library’s StarPaws where students mostly got their coffee. The thief neared the statue as he studied the base carefully, trying to figure out where the secret switch was to accessing the archive that was said to lie deep underneath. Yet his concentration was broken when splat! A black forest cake splatted him on the head, frosting dripped down his face before turning around. He gazed up at the four as they floated in mid air on their fabric transports, shaking off the cake with some bits sticking to his hair.
“That’s all you got to stop me? A cake? How pathe-Ah!”, He was cut off when a banana crème pie smacked him right in the face!
“I got a whole dessert buffet on stand by to slow you down with its creaminess!,” Minty held the book of “Harmona’s Best Desserts” in her arms, smirking teasingly at him.
“But it would appear you need a knife for that pie, here let me lend you one-or ten!” Giovanni laughed before opening the weaponry book that shined softly before a wave of swords came flying out!
The thief screeched as he dove right out of the way when the swords clanked against the statue, scattering to the ground. Luckily he slide under of the nearby tables, yet one of the blades ricochet from the statue and stabbed the center of the table- two inches from his nose!
“Hey! Be careful! You almost gave me a nose job!”, The thief shouted back at them.
Suddenly the ground beneath the thief rumbled, the floor board began to spit out seeds which caused him confusion. Yet confusion turned to panic when they sprouted at an alarming rate and intertwined into an oak tree that launched the thief and the table he was under right into the air! The table fell onto the tree top with him crashing down on the surface base, he felt one of his ribs crackle and bruise. He got up slowly, brushing his legs from his fall before having to  balance on the table. He was about to find himself flailing about when his eyes grew to saucer plates when tiny asteroids were flying his way. He moved his body like he was belly dancing or performing a weird ceremonial dance, but he didn’t see the large asteroid crash into him that knocked him off the table and face planted right onto the floor!
The thief groaned at the hits he took as he got up slowly, but to come face to face with a celestial Star Bear that was an inch from his face. It let out a mighty roar that made him scream like a girl and turned heel to go around the statue to find himself caught in a miniature tornado Jim summoned forth, then launched into the air yet again. Giovanni dove straight toward him with his Soul Slammer and struck him right in the kisser, he knocked out a few of his teeth due to the impact of his strike. The thief was sent flying the opposite direction, only to be snatched out of the air by Tangle Vines that wrapped around him like a snake coils its prey. When he tried flicking his fingers to conjure fire to burn the roots, a giant vat of heavy whipped cream fell on him to ensure that if he broke free, the sweet goo would slow him down.
“I gotta admit-Books are really fun, especially if they can take out a thief.” Giovanni  declared to his friends.
“It wasn’t just the books, but it was all of us working together in order to catch the thief.” Kaira said with a smile on her face.
“And Harmona’s Best Desserts did a “wallop cream” him in his place.”, Minty chuckled at her terrible pun.
“That made no sense at all,” Jim said in annoyance to Minty’s horrid pun.
Jim called campus police to escort the thief off the property and taken to jail whilst they clean up the mess they made in order to catch him. It took them until 3am from fixing up the window, returning the books to their shelves and making sure there wasn’t any other intruders that might have snuck in during the chaos. Giovanni and Minty created a book fort for them to sleep in for the night, everyone placed their sleeping bags down on the ground. The tiny orbs provided light for comfort and protection from the dark. It had been an eventful and colorful day, but what made  better was that Kaira was proud that her friends found a newfound love for reading. It taught them how powerful books can be when their knowledge comes in handy when wanting to learn about weaponry, how to make the ideal macaroon or using the magic within its pages to stop a thief.
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whumpsblog · 4 years
The Story of Hanna Light
Day Two: Whipping
To the people out there who have been reblogging, liking, and commenting on my work . . . THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! Knowing people like reading what I write really keeps this bitch motivated! If you like what you are reading and don’t want to miss any posts, PM me and I will add you to the Tag List!! 
Tag List: @justplainwhump , @eatyourdamnpears
<<< Chapter Three 
Chapter Five >>>
🚨 Human muzzling, whipping, and bondage, creepy whumper🚨
Connor returned the next morning to Hanna laying on the bare mattress, curled up on her side and sound asleep. He took a seat on the edge of the bed, careful not to wake her, and set the platter of hot pancakes down next to him. He sat there, watching her silently as she slept; listening to her small breaths and watching her chest as it rose and fell slowly. Her wild curly hair fell over her muzzle and around her face in a beautiful wonderful mess and he was tempted to kiss her.
She looked so beautiful like that; silent and calm and peaceful. He reached out for her and shifted the bed slightly, which woke Hanna with a paniked start. She flipped over grabbed his wrists and glared up at him through bleary alert eyes.
Her immediate defiance made his heart thrum with joy. He smiled softly down at her. “Good morning Hanna Banana. How are we doing today?”
She glared at the pet name which made the crows feet in the corners of her eyes wrinkled. Another heart squeeze on Conner's end followed by another small smile. He gestured to the muzzle. “Roll over. Let's take that off of you.”
She hesitated, wondering why he was being nice.
“Unless . . . you don’t want it off?”
Her gaze narrowed but she slowly rolled onto her side. She had spent the entire night fighting to get the damn contraption off and if someone was offering to remove it she was going to let them. Conner inserted the key and unlocked the latches which he then loosened. When the wrenched device was finally gone Hanna swung her legs over the side of the bed and moved quickly to the bathroom. Conner followed closley behind.
She threw the chewed white block of soap into the toilet and spit into the sink violently. The cuppings of her molars were packed with the bitter waxy remains and she dug them out using her nails and the brush set out for her on the counter. Her irritated gums stung as water washed over them and upon further inspection she noticed that they were red and bleeding slightly. She cringed and rinsed the flavor out, but no matter how many times she washed her mouth out, the bitter aftertaste remained.
As Hanna tried to get the remaining soap out of her mouth, Conner watched her through the door frame. His eyes traveled from her small bare feet up her legs which were stong and full from years of living on the streets. His eyes went to her ass which was dressed in a pair of gym shorts and then to the bare spot on her back that wasn’t covered by her white tank top. She was the perfect combination of sexy and strong, a diamond in the rough that only he could polish to perfection.
With a toothbrush hanging out of her mouth, Hanna pulled her beach curls up into a high ponytail and suddenly turned, catching Conner by surprise and catching a glimpse of him eyeing her ass. They both froze. Hanna took the toothbrush out of her mouth. “Can I help you?” she inquired with toothpaste in the corners of her mouth.
Another heart squeeze to Conner’s heart. He walked out of the bathroom, giving her some space, and taking a seat on the edge of the bed. “I brought pancakes,” he offered. “You haven’t eaten in almost two days, you must be starving.” He pushed the pancakes to the edge of the bed. Hanna, who was done in the bathroom and standing in its doorway, eyed them skeptically.
“Are they poisoned?” she asked with a raised eyebrow.
He smirked. “No. They aren’t poisoned.”
She hesitated for several seconds before snatching one off the plate. She may have been his temporary prisoner and she may have disliked his company but she wasn’t stupid. Starving herself wouldn’t do her any good; she needed to keep her energy up if she was going to escape. She eyed it once more before folding it in half and taking a bite.
The taste was unbelievable, warm and vanilla-y and nutty. She recognized the taste immediately and forced the mashed mixture down. The sweetness turned bitter and foul on her tongue, choking her.
"Come on, I made them myself special for you. They're Vanilla Walnut. I know that’s how you like them."
Her stomach clenched with nerves and disgust. “How’d you get this recipe?” she demanded although she was not sure she wanted the answer. “How did you know about these?”
The recipe belonged to Zero, her best friend, her lover, and her confidante. This was his exact recipe and tasting them opened the floodgates. Every painful memory overwhelmed her: his smile, his smile, his touch, his taste and his smell. He had been at Safe Haven when it had been raided and she hadn’t seen him since that terrible night. They had been fighting together side by side until she was hit behind the head and knocked unconscious.
He smirked. "I know more about you than you think Hanna," he said softly. "In fact Hanna, I’ve had a mole in your precious little Safe Haven since the very beginning. And you never - even - noticed."
Hanna shook her head in disbelief. "No. No you're lying." She walked to the window and placed her hands on the sill. Broken glass bit into her skin.
“If I am, then tell me this. Does your ankle still hurt when you run?”
Hanna turned to him as her stomach tied itself in knots. “What?”
“I only ask because I know about that incident you had while sparing with Logan last fall. You know. The one where you broke your ankle after he tackled you,” he winced. “I bet it does doesn’t it?”
Hanna reeled, confused and scared by his words as she realized the truth behind his original statement. She turned to him. "What? Why would you have a mole in Safe Haven?"
He smiled. "Let me respond with a question of my own.” He moved towards her and took a seat on the edge of the bed across from her. “Do you know why people age wine Hanna?"
Hanna looked at him, perplexed. His question wasn’t helping her nerves.
He smirked. "People age wine Hanna to improve its quality. Only one percent of all the wine in the world is meant to be aged, while the remaining ninety-nine percent is perfectly fine to drink as is." He paused. "Omegas are kind of like wine Hanna. Ninety-nine percent of them are perfectly fine as is, while the other remaining one percent,” he gestured to Hanna, “needs to be aged to reach its full potential." He approached her and patted her on her head. "My family has been protecting you and the other Big Six for the past ten years, knowing that the profits of our reward would only sweeten with time."
“But why would your family care about us? What made us so special?”
He looked at her, perplexed about her confusion. “Hanna. You escaped out of a maximum security facility at age ten with the rest of the Big Six. You remained free and then started Safe Haven only a couple years later. Imagine hearing that as an Alpha. Learning about some young plucky teenagers gathering forces in the streets and liberating people of their kind.”
“So, my family kept the Big Six safe. We told the Slavers that you were under our protection and that you couldn't be touched. Slavers protested of course, until they were told the plan . . . to wait a couple of years till the fruit ripened and was ripe for the picking.”
“And they listened to you?”
“Refusing our demands would result in them losing their largest financial supporter,” he said flatly. "Of course they listened."
“So your family business is -”
“Omega trafficking. We support the Slavers with equipment and supplies and in return we get a portion of the profits from each auction.”
“Your whole family?”
He nodded. "My great grandfather was the first Alpha to start trafficking Omegas. When he died he passed the business to my grandfather, who passed it down to my mother, who then passed it down to me.”
Hanna shook her head. She couldn't bear what he was telling her. How many Omegas had his family imprisoned and sentenced to a life of misslery and prostitution. And how many of those Omegas died?
She found herself thinking about her family and the Omegas she knew from Safe Haven. They were people with hopes and dreams and aspirations. Some of them wanted to start futures for themselves and have actually lives on the surface world. And now . . . that wasn't going to happen. She thought of all of the Omegas before her that had met the same fate as a result of Conner and his family, and she couldn't stomach it.
"What's wrong Hanna? Is something the matter?"
She couldn't contain herself. “Your kind disgusts me.”
“My kind?” he almost laughed. “But I brought you pancakes!”
“Fuck your damn pancakes!!” she shrieked. “Any human who owns another to compensate for being powerless is disgusting! And people who make a living off it . . .” She was seething.  “You're disgusting! You and your whole family! You’re all -- you’re all fucking monsters!”
The room fell still for several seconds, with Hanna standing above him royally pissed and Conner sitting on the edge of the bed taking the lashes of her tongue silently. He looked down at his strong veiny hands like he was examining the invisible blood on his hands for the first time. “You think I’m . . . a monster?” he breathed. He sighed and looked back up to Hanna.
His grey eyes were cold and unyielding, lacking all of the warmth that they had previously contained. They squinted at her, eying her like she was a challenge. He rose from his seat and approached her slowly and silently. Hanna took a step back, and then another. Her heel connected with the wall and she panicked. She had nowhere else to go.
He towered over her smirking, and then rested a strong veiny hand on top of her head. It rested there, on top of her high bun, before grabbing it and using her hair to yanking her forward.
He grabbed her by the back of her neck with his other hand and it wrapped around her throat with a strength that caused her to cry out surprised.  She clawed at his fingers desperately as she was dragged out of the room, down a long hall that was decorated by large old paintings and a long red rug, till he got to the end where there was an elevator. He threw her into it and she stumbled against the back wall where she leaned against the wall. She glared at him as he pressed the button for the basement floor and the doors shut.
"You know Hanna,” he said with his back turned to her. “I tried to be nice. I gave you warnings, and then I reinforced my warnings with a light punishment, hoping that would be enough to teach you how to behave yourself. But clearly your punishments need to be more severe."
"If you're looking for me to be your good little toy," she seethed, "forget it. It won't happen.”
He turned to her slowly with an amused smirk and eyes that gleamed. "You will. Eventually. I just have to teach you how."
The elevator stopped dropping and the doors parted, revealing two large men dressed in black suits. “Take her and get her into position twelve. Don't hurt her. I’ll join her in a couple minutes.”
He stepped to the side and let the men take Hanna away. They twisted her arms behind her back till Hanna was sure they were trying to dislocate her shoulders, and took her to the dungeon. Hanna was moved to the center of the room where a set of leather cuffs were bound around her wrists. The cuffs were connected to long chains which Hanna discovered were bolted securely to the ceiling. When they finished they left Hanna standing alone in the center of the dirt floored room with cobble walls.
Conner entered holding a coiled bull-whip in his hand.
Hanna grimaced.
He played with the whip casually as he approached Hanna. Her menacing stare never wavered, not even when he looped the whip around her neck and pulled her towards him.
“Just remember. This is all because of you Hanna. I wouldn’t be forced into doing this if you could watch your language.”
Hanna bit down on her molars. "Go fuck yourself."
His smirk turned sour and he walked behind her. Hanna resumed fighting against her restraints until she was stopped by the sound and bite of the whip snapping across her shoulder blades. Her body stiffened and arched at the unimaginable pain as a crisp line of fire blossomed across her skin.
Connor delivered another before she can regain her composition.
She cried out as the braided leather bit the outside of her right thigh. She twisted and curled her leg off the ground in a sadistic pained dance.
A solid blow across the small of her back ripped a scream out of her lungs. It cut through her white tank top and blood seeped through, dripping down her back and bleeding into the hem of her black shorts.
Hanna bit down on her tongue to suppress the next scream.
She tasted blood.
She let out an agonizing cry and fell forwards against her chains. She didn't want to see him completely defeated, so she wrapped her hands around the chains for support.
It flicked against her left shoulder and Hanna felt the flesh split. Think about something else. Think about something else.
She couldn't. The pain and sound of the cracking whip consumed her thoughts.
That one wrapped around her hip and bit the soft tender flesh above her pelvis. She pulled and twisted against the chains before dropping. Sweating and painting, she rested her head against her arm. Her previously white shirt was covered in red blotches and dark red lines. Some of the overlapping lashes shredded and ribboned the fabric and Conner could see her bloody torn skin beneath.  
Conner rounded her and used the blunt end of the whip to lift her face up. She opened her eyes and looked up at him with unfocused eyes. "Stand up Hanna," he said. "Get on your feet. The lashes won't stop till I hear an apology."
Hanna whimpered. She didn't want to apologize, but she didn't want this to continue either. Conner resumed his position. Slowly, she pulled herself upright to a standing position. She could do this. She just had to stay strong. She could stay strong.
The lashes resumed with even more ferocity and Hanna screamed.
Her ankle.
The back of her left leg below her ass.
Her cheek.
Her right shoulder blade again.
The back of her left leg.
"Stop!" She screamed. "Please for the love of  . . ." Her breaths came to her in quick wheezy gasps that failed to provide her oxygen. "Please stop." she begged. Tears fell freely down her face and dampened her bare feet.
"That doesn't sound like an apology Hanna," said Connor, preparing another lash.
She whimpered.
"What are you sorry for Hanna?"
Hanna hesitated.
Hanna screamed as the whip bit her ankle. "Swearing!! I'm sorry for swearing!"
"Are you going to do it again?" he asked.
She hung her head in exhaustion. "No . . . I won't."
Conner rounded her and grabbed her by her sweat soaked hair. He pulled her head back ever so slightly and Hanna winced. "You made it to sixteen lashes Hanna. If you go against your promises again, I won't stop till I get to fifty."
He dropped her head and Hanna listened as he walked to the door and left without another word. Leaving Hanna, covered in welts, lacerations and sweat, hanging by her chains and crying silently in pain.
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shuwuwua · 5 years
college apartment neighbor!dino
“Apartment neighbor au with Dino? Where you’re college students trying to survive.”
in which it’s a struggle, but some people are worth struggling with [friendship]
word count: 1.3k 
you figure this year will be worse than last year 
since you’re not living in a dorm anymore and thus no longer have residential events that you’re coerced into attending, your avg # of social interactions are most likely going to reduced to... zero to few
look, it takes a lot of energy to leave the confines of your room to walk to your friend’s apartment four blocks down the street
or worse, going somewhere so far you have to take the bus
yeah, #firstworldproblems and all aside, people have said sophomore year is a struggle. 
you barely see anyone
you’re having your mid-college crisis about what to major in i.e. spend the rest of your life in (spoiler: in ten years it won’t matter if you don’t want it to)
and also no one cares about you anymore because you’re not a freshman
so if you mess up, that’s on you, bub
what a lonely, brutal world
that’s how you think your year will go, cooped up in your apartment, grinding for class, maybe an occasional interaction with your roommates
but the universe decides differently
you meet him when you’re moving in
he appears seemingly out of no where as you are slumped over your 5th cardboard box, contemplating whether or not to flop onto the cardboard throne you have been building in front of your door
“hey!! uh, are you ok ??” 
“huh? yeah im just melting : ))”
“so are the rest of us, but we can melt together! do you need some help?”
“oh no, i don’t want to bother you...”
“technically, i’m the one who bothered you,” he says, already walking down the stairs. “which one is your car?”
that’s how your first interaction with chan lee, your cheerful new neighbor and fellow sophomore, plays out
you figure you’ll never see him again 
just because you’re neighbors with someone doesn’t mean you’ll see them 
heck, freshman year you barely saw the people who lived in the room next to you
but as you wait for a lecture to start on the first day of school, someone plops into the seat next to you 
“hi, neighbor!” chan starts. “we’re classmates too, huh? i’m glad you’re here because i don’t actually have any friends in this class. well, aside from you of course.”
you blink a little to process how quickly he speaks. he has a little too much more energy than you can deal with in the morning. 
as he takes out his school supplies, he turns back to you after your lack of response. “we are friends, right?”
are you? you’ve only spoken once, really. but he looks at you with such wide eyes and a bright smile that you can’t say no. 
“yeah, sure.” his smile widens and class finally starts.
you see him three times a week for class, always sitting in the same spot. as you begin losing your motivation to get up early enough to make it to class before all the seats fill, he begins saving your seat for you. 
it’s rather nice being in class with him, actually. whenever you’re in class with your friends you tend to end up not listening and just looking through your phone instead. but chan is such a diligent student, always paying attention and writing fervently, that you’d feel embarrassed if you weren’t also paying attention.
few weeks into the semester, midterm season is upon you 
there’s a knock knock knock on your front door
“hey! do you want to come over and study for the midterm? i have snacks,” chan greets you.
you’d been planning to lock yourself in and grind
that is, study on the couch and inevitably space out and probably fall asleep
maybe some accountability would be good. plus... no one says no to food. “okay.”
so now you get to see the inside of his apartment for the first time. his apartment is looks like what it is: an apartment that houses three male college students. the table in the living room has various items cluttering it: open notebooks, headphones, a pack of chewing gum, a gym bag laying open next to it, a hoodie strewn across the back of the couch 
his room is an unsurprising contrast to the living room, pretty clean an orderly, just how chan seems
but if you were to look more closely, a lot of the mess was just shoved into the crevices
however, you did not look
although chan manages to look like he has his life together or something, he’s actually kind of confused about the class material
you’re both just taking it because of general education requirements
and biology really isn’t chan’s forte
you’re no genius at it either, but you’re able to explain some things to him 
putting your heads together, you two manage to get through quite a lot
studying with chan that day seemed to pay off, because you did well on the midterm!
status update: you and chan are now neighbors, classmates, and study buddies. and friends, you suppose. 
you guys study together pretty regularly, sometimes at your place, sometimes at his 
the mess you failed to notice the first time in chan’s room begins seeping out more and more 
the study sessions become slightly less productive as you two end up just talking about other things 
the later the hour, the more vast the topic
one chilly october night, you’re lying on the floor next to your textbooks and notebooks, paying absolutely no mind to them��
rain falls quietly outside chan’s window 
“yeah, to be honest i don’t even know what i’m doing,” you say to the ceiling
“same, i don’t understand this unit at all”
“no i mean... well, that too, but i just.” you pause and purse your lips as you collect your thoughts. “why am i even taking this class?”
“it’s an ‘easy’ gen ed class?” chan offers
“that’s true. i’ve just been thinking about what classes i’ve been taking lately to see if any of them strike me as particularly interesting. the stress of picking a major is slowly but surely setting in. i’m just afraid i’ll hate what i’m studying, i guess.” you’re not really sure why you’re just unloading this all on chan. maybe because it’s 1:47 in the morning and your better judgement has clocked out. 
chan can’t quite relate because he knew he was majoring in dance all along, but he gives you a sympathetic smile that feigns empathy pretty well. “well, even if you end up hating your major, what’s the worst that would happen?”
“um... that i wasted 4 years of my life, education, and tuition money?”
“i don’t think it’d be a waste. i think some realizations just come at certain times, even if you don’t think it’s the most convenient timing. you have to try to even know you dislike something, right?”
you blink at the ceiling before facing him. “i guess you’re right.”
“i know i’m right,” he says with confidence you kind of envy, “so don’t worry. whatever you choose will be right, in one way or another.”
you haven’t really know chan that long, but it hasn’t been a short time either. 3+ times per week over two and a half months is a lot of time if you use it right. yet you’re looking at chan as if you just saw him correctly for the first time. 
you always knew he was straightforward and sure of himself, but today he was extending it to you. his share of confidence was something you needed recently, since it’s not really something easily found in your regular environment. 
you smile at him. “thanks, chan.”
“it’s nothing. what are friends for?”
... yeah. chan is your friend. against all odds and expectations you had coming into the school year, chan and his contagious cheerful outlook budged their way into your life 
you welcome it gladly.
chan turns off his desk lamp. “let’s go outside!”
“what? don’t we need to study this?”
“clearly it’s not going to happen. i want some nuggets from mcdonalds.”
“bet let’s go”
a/n: i planned for this to come out differently (more active struggling and procrastinating) but dang, chan just really insisted on being written as the extremely capable and hardworking bean we all know he is
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madamhatter · 5 years
“ fine. you’ll never see me again, okay? ” ( sin leaving sophie after a fight post marriage ?? )
- ; phrases that really hit you where it hurts / accpt / @saeiqas
   Her life was anything but picturesque for the eldest of three, destined for misfortune and plainness throughout the rest of her years. As the retainer to her father’s legacy, the flighty sparrow who’d rushed between duties meant for five bodies versus one, she knew that expectations on her were heavier than gold. But, support and care were void from her relationship with her guardian or those who relied on her; all the expectations of her were required from her (and the complication of emotions that weren't “appropriate”). 
Now, deep within the Southern Seas, a contract created beyond their years by now phantoms to this realm had been the latest in a line of mishaps. Far from home, far from company, far from her life, Sophie was bound by ink to a greater mystery known to man. It was a union that was destined for failure. 
Despite the stubbornness to locate loopholes, the drive to exploit diction in a contract older than their own lives, the tenacity to refuse marriage unless conditions were made, she has found herself to be a wife. Though with the technicalities she harnessed and sharp tongue she wielded, Sophie formally arranged a system of checks and balances for the newly established and officiated marriage. 
One of the agreements imposed by Sophie (without better thought) was constructing their “relationship” to where he continued in the indulgences of sin, the leisure of fertilized grapes and appreciative flesh of his concubines.  Positioning herself not as a burden and barrier to his common practices and routine, in theory, would’ve facilitated their future betrothal with minimal infringements to their lifestyle. Conceiving the layout of tolerance and cushioning the radical change would’ve sufficed in their lawfully dreaded union. 
If they kept to their routines, diminishing interactions outside of their obligations, Sophie guaranteed that their future wouldn’t allude to the treacherous marriage both knew would come. 
Contracts, by written or oral compromise. followed one rule: it must be abided by. Head turned in the opposing direction, melancholic in the silence of tolerance and practiced etiquette to play ignorant,  Sophie dared not utter a word. Alas, reckless was he who held the world in his palms but, his gaze was to the horizon, with any objectable plan and action within his cutch. Power without supervision, however, only encouraged a spiral of control to the intoxication of arrogance. Sophie Hatter never shied from asserting herself to remind him of moderation.  Though, her talk remained brief. 
Mahrajan, among the many festivals and public holidays, were the times in which the peculiarness of their relationship was found. To be found within the crowds was common for the wife of the King of the Seven Seas, she partook in the festivities with her genuinely tired smile. Yet, she flocked to the civilians, remaining in her customary plain attire, greeting many old faces and checking on the families. However, as she proudly twirled on her feet, lost to the flow of music and energy, she had been worlds apart from her partner. 
Sinbad, on the contrary, remained his most trusted of camaraderie – his Eight Generals – lavishing in the day’s reaps and marveling over the country he knew to be his family. Nevertheless, he joined the joyous occasion with loved ones, be it his underlings or those who flocked to his body. And, never had it been with the “loving” wife. 
However, Sophie never bothered with the strangeness of their arrangement. All she did was passively stare from afar, which over time, turned to bitter glares. Her folded hands devolved to crossed, tight arms over her chest. A soured expression resided on her face the further she caught herself looking with each passing month. 
Turmoil was non-negotiable; to be against her own word was beyond her comprehension. Whatever spite that armed her mind with silent vengeance and pettiness only churned her, trifling with her plans. Her fists squeezed, her skin turning ghostly white, whenever she refrained from commenting when she witnessed his infidelities leisure. She swallowed her pride and picked at the flesh at the center of her palm, over the scars that littered the entirety of both of her arms. 
 Nevertheless, she had been the parasite, the fiend who’d taken upon herself to measure distance through each backlash and riposte against one who’d been determined to be an anomaly of miracles. 
The patience she held onto grew shrill anytime her eyes met with his, her scorn flashing across her eyes. With the question emerging whenever Sinbad caught her, the woman ignored her husband’s suspicion and concern. Though, dismissively, she commented clearly whenever they crossed paths, “Have fun.” 
At that point, the High King of Sindria searched only for answers and was cursed with throbbing headaches and frustration over his wife’s ever-changing attitude. Sweeter than primroses when outside of the palace, docile yet excitable when in the presence of Sindria’s future, eager to know his creation, his pride and joy that was his destiny – his country and his people; however, the flower wilted within his reach, transforming to vixen with eyes only wanting to pry and unravel all she could of his being, almost always with judgmental eyes – almost pained whenever he spotted her at the corner of his eyes when she passed by. Yet, something lingered like a fondness, an unsung softness. And, the light in her eyes twinged, fading in moments when he went through his business. 
The breaking point was finally met when Sophie’s tongue loosened and her true blunt nature emerged. To stare Sinbad down to the sun-bursting yellow eyes, to criticize him relentlessly from the beginning days to the moment they stood in front of another, to accuse him of the inconsideration of others’ emotions for his own ploys, the courtyard only turned to an amalgamation of trials and tribulations.
He, in turn, wasn’t complacent, he known currents more treacherous and chaotic than such a debacle. However, in turn of every inquiry her way, he only questioned her motive, her actions, her everything, trying to dig deeper to the point of what truly was her essence. All that built up where empty scenarios that were created with each new unanswered question, all there was the remains of their languishing relationship in the fresh cemetery full of wildflowers that twisted around the vineyards and architecture. 
Refusing to meet his eyes, rebelling through the most childish of actions with her back turned towards him, Sophie gritted her teeth into her gums. A shaky breath escaped her heated body, how the temper swelled hotter than torrid wildfires and how the fire swelled in the pit of her stomach. 
Silence occupied their distance, disarming the married couple, only leaving the unresolved tension wide open for all the flies and maggots to satisfy their appetite. With their relationship rotting with each second, Sinbad finally spoke: 
“Fine. you’ll never see me again, okay?”
A dagger buried into her womb, the thin side of the blade repeatedly sawing through her, it all occurred the moment he dared mention that. While her body remained stiller than a corpse, her hand clenched desperately to the fabric of her shirt above her heart. Her mouth parted without any sound or breath leaving, only the vacancy of her unintelligible emotions escaping in the night silence.  
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You don’t mean that. Please don’t make me imagine that. Sinbad, none of this is funny and that’s the worst offense of them all. Please don’t leave me. 
“Sinbad, I–” She choked on her words. “Wait,” Sophie cleared her throat, forcing herself to speak with heavy thought in each word. Her pleads struggled out as she maintained her composure, her hand still trembling. She shut her eyes, swallowing her heart, as she finally turned to him.
“If you need to, I won’t stop you.” Every saturated emotion of her true self vanished when she met his eyes once more, coolly acknowledging his proclamation. Who was she to argue against a King’s word? Who was she to feel her heart shriveling the moment his hardened gaze was as loveless as ever? 
Only the quietly bland “good nights” were exchanged as their eyes stuck to another, animosity bleeding through their formalities. 
If her own presence ailed him greatly and even sickened herself to the point of forgetting herself, she should’ve considered Sinbad’s words to have some semblance of weight. Troubling her mind was unattainable and uncooperative emotions, troubling him was simply her existence. To remedy such conflict of interest and tension, perhaps, distance was the answer.
Sweeping through her own cramped office to her belongings neatly stacked in the corner of the bedroom, a simple gesture from her wrist sent her magic to work. Every object to her name, be it her own materials, books, clothing, accessories, drawings, creations, and many more, flew into the air and began sorting into shelves and boxes as tightly as possible through the most utmost respect to size and color. 
Leaving these rooms she haunted spotless of her presence was only the beginning. Sophie soon loosened her braid and tightened it into a ponytail. Garments belonging to her “status” (as plainly as they were) were discarded, folded, and placed away. Slipping into her black tights, tucking in her white cotton-pressed shirt, buttoning her gray jacket, and flattening the length of her knee-tall skirt, she resorted to her traveler’s attire. 
“Come,” the sorceress reached out her arm, unphased at the thought of her magic being known at this point. Her qualms were secondary to her problem-solving. Her broom came flying into her hands and she tapped the front of her boots into the pristine floors, spotting his empty space on their mattress.
He must be out in the “entertainment” district, drinking away the facts of this horrendous life we have. He must be reconsidering accepting this situation. Inebriated beyond the point of comprehensive choice-making, he’ll find more solace there than here with a stranger like me,  an idiot who is lost beyond words with what is going on with me. 
Fastening her bag over her shoulder, gathering last-minute writing utensils and paper, she snapped her finger as her broom floated at her midriff. Stationing herself and straddling properly on the broom, she glanced back once more to the lifestyle of hopelessness she only more than ever regretted, if not for her strange daydreams. 
Turning her cheek, adamant to stick to her word now, she chewed on her tongue and left past the open windows. 
The silhouette of the sorceress was accentuated by the high risen moon, only a speckle of dust in the radiant capital of parties and dreams. Past the bustling resident district, past the orchards, and past the outskirts of the city, the witch continued onward to the horizon to where she could better hear the oceans crashing against the sands, to where the busy lives of man were nothing more than echoes to her reclusive ears.
Sophie only found herself in the company of the stars, moon, and ocean when she made contact with the beach far from the ports. The forests were behind her but, she kept relatively close to the waterside as the tip of her boots grazed the sand in landing. 
Now, the kindling of fire comforted her as she set camp, rethinking every action and line, charting every other path she should’ve taken. She sat at the front of the flames, huddling close. Her hands, however, were clinging to the fabric of her shirt as she took a deep breath – plummeting back to lay in the sand…to sob. 
Loneliness was a part of her inevitable lifestyle, her fate. Yet, the wound to her heart continued to bleed as her arms covered her face, shielding her from the unwanted voices that’d tear her limb to limb if they found her in such a state. Hot tears trailed down her face as the rolling currents were louder than her cries of realization and pain. 
Pathetic, aren’t I? I don’t want this, I don’t want to feel any of this. It isn’t meant for me, I don’t deserve it; there’s only more suffering that’ll come from it. But, I want to be looked at, I want to be touched, I want to be felt, I want something as impossible as his attention without the pity of this tragedy. Why did I open my mouth? Why couldn’t I have just been satisfied with these arrangments? Why did I want to be selfish?
When did this even start? How come I can’t stop this? What’s going to happen if this continues? Who do I think I am for feeling this way? And why do I want him to love me? 
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The ocean was the guide to all who wanted to see the world.  Capricious currents to halcyon tides were among the power and beauty of the sea for the tumultuous motions couldn’t be controlled nor predicted. No matter, it shimmered in the moon and sun upon the ocean tops. Yet, underneath, the depths of the sea were like an abyss with only mystery shrouding the true intentions of its turbulent strategy.
However, the stars were a farther distance and couldn’t ever be touched; only through the illusion of a hand held to the sky, it could be imagined. However, the scattered constellations were navigators for being so far, aiding with their glimmer with those lost within the rifts of life. All that was shining was beyond human touch but, it was beautiful. 
Perhaps, this was why there was the space in-between the water and sky. To reach out with hopes only ended with cold air between your fingers, making one realize how impossible it truly was. 
TLDR: Sophie realizes she fucked up and unexpectedly realizes her own feelings. 
Also, she went back after three days to the palace. She definitely returned to the city to help out residents (and customers). She definitely kept out of general sight. But, I’m too lazy to write that. 
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bloojayoolie · 5 years
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Being Alone, Andrew Bogut, and Bones: Titus "A total Gentleman "say th volunteers Happy gentle, playful relaxed friendly & super, sweet Id 53383. 8 Yrs., 80 lbs of Sweet Brooklyn ACC INTAKE DATE – 1/25/2019 *** Needs Vet Attention ASAP! *** Sweet Senior TITUS, the perfect, and perfectly sweet Gentleman of the Brooklyn Center, needs medical car for his Dermatitis and Lameness in His Hind Legs! TITUS came to the shelter when his parents of 8 years could no longer care for him. We don’t know if it was due to cost or their age or an ailment in the family, but whatever the case, he is now alone and looking for a new family to love him as he “should” be loved. He hasn’t seen a vet in quite some time, and it shows. He has skin issues that make his poor coat patchy and itchy, and he has callouses and pressure sores – some still open and trying to heal. His coat is dull and dandruffy too. too. He walks crouched, painfully, with a stilted gait in his back legs – and is in desperate need of an orthopedic veterinarian to determine the issue and possible surgery to fix. We can’t imagine how uncomfortable poor Titus is, but despite it all he has been nothing but super sweet, generous hearted, grateful for attention and pets, cuddles and treats. Titus does not let his health get him down; he looks forward to each day, his tail wagging gently and happily as he meets new friends, both 2 legged and 4. Will you help Titus? No one is more deserving of a happy retirement home. Please MESSAGE our page or email us at [email protected] for assistance fostering or adopting him. MY VIDEO: Titus, a gentleman https://youtu.be/PJq2iNVuk9A TITUS, ID # 53383, 8 Yrs. Old, 80 lbs. Brooklyn ACC, Large Mixed Breed, Black / White, Unaltered Male Owner Surrender Reason: Not able to care for him any longer Shelter Assessment Rating: Medical Behavior Rating: 1. Green OWNER SURRENDER NOTES - BASIC INFORMATION: Titus came from: Giveaway. Titus is an 8 year old, large mixed breed male who was not neutered prior to coming into the shelter. He has not seen a vet recently, was in his home for 8 years and was surrendered due to the owner not being able to care for him any longer. Titus previously lived with 1 adult. He is friendly and Titus has spent time around children and is relaxed and respectful around them. He has also interacted with other dogs and is relaxed and tolerant around them. Titus has not spent time around cats before. Titus' owner reported that he will growl if you try to take away his food or treat while he is eating. Titus has no bite history, he is housetrained and has a medium energy level. Other Notes: Titus allows his owner to bathe and groom him and he is not bothered by being pushed off furniture. He will alert bark when someone approaches the door or yard. Has this dog ever had any medical issues? Yes Medical Notes: Titus came into the shelter with what appeared to be skin allergies. For a New Family to Know: Titus is described as being friendly, affectionate and playful. He has been an indoor dog, likes to play with balls and chew bones, and eats both wet and dry food. Titus is house trained to go to the bathroom outside and is well behaved when left alone in the house. Titus listens to the commands sit, come and stay. He walks on leash when outside of the yard, but also likes to run around the fenced in yard. INTAKE NOTES – DATE OF INTAKE 01-25-2019: Titus was relaxed during intake and easily allowed staff to collar him. He was resting his head in counselors hands when being pet. PLAYGROUP NOTES – DOG TO DOG SUMMARIES: According to Titus' previous owner, Titus is social around other dogs. 1/26: When off leash at the Care Centers, Titus greets a novel female dog with a soft posture. He is slightly sexually motivated but does mount. After several seconds, he explores the yard. INTAKE BEHAVIOR - Date of intake: 25-Jan-2019 Summary: Friendly upon intake MEDICAL BEHAVIOR - Date of initial: 25-Jan-2019 Summary: calm, wags tail, allows all handling Potential challenges: Resource guarding MEDICAL EXAM NOTES 26-Jan-2019 Progress Exam. Progress exam- behavior team notes that Titus seems weak in his hind limbs. H: Intake on 1/25. Noted to have dermatitis, otitis and dental disease. Scheduled medical bath and applied claro to ears. S: BARH. No csvd. Very friendly and affectionate, allowed all handling. CRT: <2s. Gums: pink, moist. Eyes: Grossly appropriate OU. Ears: Unremarkable AU. Nasal Cavity: No nasal discharge. Oral Cavity: Mild to moderate dental tartar. PLN: WNL. Heart: No murmurs or arrhythmias. Lungs: Eupneic, lungs clear. No crackles or wheezes bilaterally. Abd: Soft, non-painful. No palpable masses. No 0rganomegaly appreciated. U/G: MI. No discharge. Musculoskeletal: Ambulatory x 4 with moderately stilted hindlimb gait (R>L). Crouches while walking. No pain elicited on spinal or limb palpation or hip extension. BCS = 6/9, Integument: diffuse seborrhea, dandruff along trunk, many pressure sores/callouses on limbs, several pressure sores open in varying stages of healing (plantar surface of right hock, lateral left thigh, etc). Inguinally and in an area on scrotum skin is severely thickened/irregular and bumpy. Neuro: Appropriate mentation. CP WNL x4. Rectal: Not performed. Externally normal. Assessment: 1) Dermatitis- r/o allergies (food v atopy) vs infectious vs less likely immune-mediated vs less likely neoplasia, 2) Otitis, 3) Hindlimb lameness/weakness- r/o orthopedic (OA) vs neurologic (IVDD, neoplasia, FCE, infectious/inflammatory meningitis). Plan: Started rimadyl 2.2 mg/kg PO BID x 7 days. Started gabapentin 10 mg/kg PO BID x 7 days. Scheduled for BW and pelvic/hindlimb radiographs for tomorrow. Short walks only 25-Jan-2019 Spay-Neuter Waiver Documentation. Your newly adopted pet has been diagnosed with dermatitis and the staff veterinarians are issuing a temporary waiver from the spay/neuter requirements of the City of NY. Follow up care at your regular veterinarian is recommended to ensure continued treatment. Your veterinarian will advise you if surgical sterilization is appropriate. 25-Jan-2019 DVM Intake Exam. Estimated age: Reported 8 years. Microchip noted on Intake? Negative, placed at intake. History : Owner surrender. Subjective: QARH, calm, wags tail, allows all handling. Evidence of Cruelty seen – none. Evidence of Trauma seen – none. Objective: P = wnl, R = wnl, BCS = 6/9, EENT: Eyes clear, ears- mod dark discharge AU, no nasal or ocular discharge noted. Oral Exam: Mild-mod tartar. PLN: No enlargements noted. H/L: NSR, NMA, Lungs clear, eupnic, ABD: Non painful, no masses palpated, mild potbelly appearance and sloped back. U/G: Male, two scrotal testicles MSI: Ambulatory x 4, diffuse dandruff along trunk, many pressure sores/callouses on limbs, several pressure sores open in varying stages of healing (plantar surface of right hock, lateral left thigh, etc). Inguinally and in an area on scrotum skin is severely thickened/irregular and bumpy. CNS: Mentation appropriate - no signs of neurologic abnormalities. Rectal: Externally normal. Assessment: Dermatitis and chronic skin changes Several wounds/pressure sores. Dental disease. Otitis AU. Prognosis: Good. Plan: Cleaned ears, applied claro, Schedule medical bath, Monitor pressure sores/wounds, Diphenhydramine 75mg PO BID SURGERY: Temporary waiver due to dermatitis *** TO FOSTER OR ADOPT *** If you would like to adopt a NYC ACC dog, and can get to the shelter in person to complete the adoption process, you can contact the shelter directly. We have provided the Brooklyn, Staten Island and Manhattan information below. Adoption hours at these facilities is Noon – 8:00 p.m. (6:30 on weekends) If you CANNOT get to the shelter in person and you want to FOSTER OR ADOPT a NYC ACC Dog, you can PRIVATE MESSAGE our Must Love Dogs page for assistance. PLEASE NOTE: You MUST live in NY, NJ, PA, CT, RI, DE, MD, MA, NH, VT, ME or Northern VA. You will need to fill out applications with a New Hope Rescue Partner to foster or adopt a NYC ACC dog. Transport is available if you live within the prescribed range of states. Shelter contact information: Phone number (212) 788-4000 Email [email protected] Shelter Addresses: Brooklyn Shelter: 2336 Linden Boulevard Brooklyn, NY 11208 Manhattan Shelter: 326 East 110 St. New York, NY 10029 Staten Island Shelter: 3139 Veterans Road West Staten Island, NY 10309 *** NEW NYC ACC RATING SYSTEM *** Level 1 Dogs with Level 1 determinations are suitable for the majority of homes. These dogs are not displaying concerning behaviors in shelter, and the owner surrender profile (where available) is positive. Some dogs with Level 1 determinations may still have potential challenges, but these are challenges that the behavior team believe can be handled by the majority of adopters. The potential challenges could include no young children, prefers to be the only dog, no dog parks, no cats, kennel presence, basic manners, low level fear and mild anxiety. Level 2 Dogs with Level 2 determinations will be suitable for adopters with some previous dog experience. They will have displayed behavior in the shelter (or have owner reported behavior) that requires some training, or is simply not suitable for an adopter with minimal experience. Dogs with a Level 2 determination may have multiple potential challenges and these may be presenting at differing levels of intensity, so careful consideration of the behavior notes will be required for counselling. Potential challenges at Level 2 include no young children, single pet home, resource guarding, on-leash reactivity, mouthiness, fear with potential for escalation, impulse control/arousal, anxiety and separation anxiety. Level 3 Dogs with Level 3 determinations will need to go to homes with experienced adopters, and the ACC strongly suggest that the adopter have prior experience with the challenges described and/or an understanding of the challenge and how to manage it safely in a home environment. In many cases, a trainer will be needed to manage and work on the behaviors safely in a home environment. It is likely that every dog with a Level 3 determination will have a behavior modification or training plan available to them from the behavior department that will go home with the adopters and be made available to the New Hope Partners for their fosters and adopters. Some of the challenges seen at Level 3 are also seen at Level 1 and Level 2, but when seen alongside a Level 3 determination can be assumed to be more severe. The potential challenges for Level 3 determinations include adult only home (no children under the age of 13), single pet home, resource guarding, on-leash reactivity with potential for redirection, mouthiness with pressure, potential escalation to threatening behavior, impulse control, arousal, anxiety, separation anxiety, bite history (human), bite history (dog) and bite history (other). New Hope Rescue Only Dog is not publicly adoptable. Prospective fosters or adopters need to fill out applications with New Hope Partner Rescues to save this dog.
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tellurphantoms · 6 years
The Sixth Sense - P.P. (Chapter Three)
Pairing: Peter Parker x OC
Word Count: 1485
Summary: Maria Mendes can see ghosts. She’s had this “gift” for as long as she can remember. When half the universe turns to dust, she realizes that she has a part to play in the endgame. And that part starts with a dead boy named Peter Parker. 
Prompt: Dialogue 18: “Miracles? Really? You’re getting your hopes up.” (Written for @starksparker‘s 4K writing challenge)
Warnings: Infinity War spoilers, mentions of death and ghosts, swearing
Aditional Notes: I literally finished writing this chapter while watching Homecoming bc I just needed to see Peter to keep me motivated lol. Hopefully, the next chapter will be up in a few days, also be on the lookout for my prompt list which will be coming soon!
Meeting a billionaire is not a normal occurrence. Maria had lived her whole life in Queens, surrounded by people of similar socioeconomic backgrounds. Meeting someone like Tony Stark was something for the record books.  
That being said, Maria never thought she would be meeting Tony Stark in a place like this. Happy had given her an address on the phone, and she figured it would be a skyscraper not an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of Queens. Upon her entry, Maria spotted a group of three men who stood in a circle. Only one of them was facing her, the one in suit and tie. His fingers snapped and the two others turned to face the newcomer. 
"You must be the psychic Happy's been telling me about." These were the first words spoken to her by the great Tony Stark, and to be honest, they rubbed Maria the wrong way. 
"I'm technically considered a medium," Maria replied. She had tried to hide the annoyance in her tone but failed. Tony could tell he would be dealing with another difficult teenager. This girl and the kid would get along well, that much was certain. 
"Whatever, girl. You see ghosts, that's what matters," Tony said. Maria nodded and the third man came closer. She recognized his face from the television. Dr. Bruce Banner, also known as the Hulk, which frightened Maria more than she would like to admit. She wrung her hands nervously and turned her attention back toward Tony Stark. 
"Yeah, Peter said I'm like the kid from The Sixth Sense," Maria said. Tony's large brown eyes grew even wider when Maria brought up a pop culture reference. That bit of information held more sentimental value for him than this girl would ever know. 
"Sounds like Pete. Is he...is he here right now? Like, can he hear me or are you the only one they can see?" Tony asked. His voice was laced with anxiety and Maria felt confused at seeing such a powerful man reduced to such a state. 
"No, he can see and hear you. Spirits are just different forms of themselves now, so we aren't on the same wavelength. He would have to exert a lot more energy to contact you. And yes, he's here. With a guy named Strange," Maria answered. Tony and Bruce nodded along with her while the third man, who had yet to introduce himself, stood off to the side with a confused expression on his face. 
"How do I know this isn't all bullshit?" Tony asked incredulously. His tanned face was scrunched up. Maria looked to her right, where Peter had positioned himself but was met with his blank stare of adoration at the man who had helped him so much. It was a look that a son would give a father, and it broke your heart that Tony couldn't see it for himself. 
"You don't. I wish there was a way to project what I can see or do a seance, anything that would help you contact him. But I've tried almost everything and nothing has ever worked. I've had this gift my whole life, and no one has ever taken my word for it besides my mother. I promise you that I'm here to help, and I'll do that in any way that I can. Dr. Strange said it was my job to be a translator for you guys, so that's what I plan on doing," Maria responded. Peter gave her a thumbs up when she finished her speech and she laughed at his childish gesture. 
This laugh earned her quite a few looks from the three men opposite her. The girl shrugged in dismissal and turned toward the two spirits in the room.
"What do I need to tell them?" Maria asked Dr. Strange. His blue face scrunched up in thought and Peter glanced between Maria and Tony while he waited for Strange to reveal his plan. Maria gave the boy a smile of encouragement when she saw his nervous expression. 
"According to Dr. Strange's endgame, we have to create a device that allows you to go back in time and destroy one of the infinity stones. If you are able to destroy one in the past, then Thanos cannot use the power of all six stones for his nefarious plan," Maria said. She had no idea what she was talking about, but from the look of understanding that crossed Tony and Bruce's faces, she was sure that they knew what to do. 
"So Strange wants us to build a time machine?" Tony asked, his face contorted in confusion. Maria nodded slowly, her gaze shifting from Tony to Bruce as the two men looked at each other. 
"And how does he suggest we do that?" Tony replied, his voice full of sarcasm. Maria turned to Dr. Strange for an answer.
"He and Dr. Banner are two of the most ingenious minds in the world, if anyone can figure out how to travel through time and space, it's the two of them," Dr. Strange replied. Maria pursed her lips and nodded in thanks before turning back to the two men. 
"He says that with you and Dr. Banner working together, you'll be able to figure it out," Maria said, trying to repeat Dr. Strange's message in as nice a manner as possible. 
Tony and Bruce both sighed. The two men looked at each other and nodded in agreement before turning back to the girl in front of them. 
"Alright, girl. Let's go," Tony said, motioning to the man behind him. The three men started walking toward to door with Maria stumbling after them. 
"What do you mean? Where are we going?" Maria asked. 
"I got a place. Much nicer than this, so hopefully it'll meet your standards," Tony replied with an edge in his voice. He started chewing a piece of gum and threw a set of keys to the man in the suit. "C'mon, Happy'll drive us. Do the spirits know where we're going?" 
Maria nodded and gestured for the two men only visible to her to follow them to Tony's new place. Strange and Peter both nodded and faded, signaling that they would meet up with them again soon.
"Alright, let's make a time machine."
The tower Tony had brought Maria to was the nicest building she had ever seen. She was afraid to touch anything in fear of breaking something that was worth more than her entire apartment building. 
She was standing around what looked like a regular table with the three men and two ghosts nearby. Tony performed some convoluted hand gestures and a complicated 3D system appeared in front of the group. Maria couldn’t help but gasp at the unbelievable technology in front of her. 
“We need to think about all the times we were ever in contact with an infinity stone before Thanos got his grubby purple hands on them,” Tony said to the group with a scowl. 
“Loki had the Tesseract when he went all serial killer in New York,” Bruce said, his face sporting a light green undertone. It was very evident that he didn’t care for Thor’s adopted brother. 
“The Tesseract was one of these stone things? Didn’t it open some portal in New York?” Maria asked with a puzzled expression on her face. The three men turned to face the young girl. 
“Yeah, it was one of the stones. Its real name was the space stone,” Tony said slowly. 
“And how many of these stones are there?” Maria asked again, not completely understanding the concept of the all-powerful stones. Tony pressed a few buttons on his 3D computer display and six lumpy stones appeared in front of them. They varied in color, all representing the various colors of the rainbow. Maria couldn’t help but compare them to her favorite candy, Skittles. 
“These are the infinity stones. The blue one is the space stone. Red is reality, purple is power, green is time, yellow is the mind, and orange is the soul stone. We’ve seen the blue stone, the yellow stone, and the green stone, which would be really beneficial if Strange hadn’t handed it to the purple man like an idiot,” Tony said.
“You tell Stark that giving that stone to Thanos was the only way to save his sorry ass,” Strange retorted sharply. Maria rolled her eyes and saw Peter chuckling at the two adults’ antics.  
“Dr. Strange said that he gave the time stone to Thanos to save your life, Mr. Stark,” Maria said, her voice similar to a parent addressing their bickering children. 
“I would say we go for the tesseract. Loki is a lot easier to handle than those crazy alien things we dealt with when we met Strange,” Dr. Banner said. He clicked on the blue stone and videos popped up of the Avengers fight in New York. 
“Alright then. 2012, here we come.” 
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chimmy-joos · 6 years
The Proposal part 4 |M|
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Description: You’re tired of being alone for years without a boyfriend so you propose a deal to Jimin. Little did you know your little affair will unfold to be more than secret kisses at night.
Pairing: Jimin x Reader
Word Count: 12.8K
Tags: Fluff, Smut, Angst yes in that order, oral sex, rough sex
Part 1 2 3
A/N: sorry this took so long I had so much trouble writing this chapter but here it is in its damaged glory :) Enjoy feel free to put a a few words in
"Alright, your assignment is due on the 25th of next month and I expect both a written essay and visual presentation. You'll have time in class to work on it during class, but you also have time outside of class so be sure to occupy that time wisely." The words of your professor went in one ear and out the other as you looked down at your end of the year project in front of you. You were fine with everything because a couple of days of slaving over this project would be fine and you would end it with a nice long bubble bath... if only it wasn't a partner project. And to make matters even worse, your partner just had to be the one man that twisted your entire being into a helix of emotions.
Speaking of the devil, he slid into the seat next to you and your heart jumped in almost a instinctual manner. Your body was just so used to being flustered around him.
"Are you ready for this project?" Namjoon hissed the sarcastic question with a forced smile. Today he was wearing a white, short-sleeved printed dress shirt with tropical flowers all over it and he brought the vibrant shirt together with ripped denim jeans. Typical Namjoon fashion that seemed both thrown together spontaneously and planned out meticulously at the same time.
You sighed deeply and smiled back at him. "Of course I am! I'm so ready for writing a fifteen-page essay on..." you said and looked back on your paper. "The environmental benefits of biotechnology and energy?" You grimaced causing Namjoon to chuckle; eyes curling and dimples prominent as always.
"Well, we're going to be working together so technically you're writing seven and a half pages." He winked. You nodded, taking note of your steady heartbeat. You didn't want to admit the fact the you were losing feelings for Namjoon because he was a good person. An extremely nice and thoughtful person with a girlfriend, you reminded yourself. Now that your feelings for Namjoon were nearly gone, you were able to hold a proper conversation with him. When did you start to lose feelings for Namjoon in the first place? Oh, perhaps when Jimin entered your life and turned it upside down completely.
You walked out of class and took the opportunity to walk outside and enjoy the warm sun. You took the long way back to your apartment with small struts. Summer was approaching and after getting through all of your end of the year assignments and projects, you could finally spend your free time going to parties and hanging out with friends.
Who were you kidding? You'd be spending your time at home and when you weren't at home, working your ass off. Of course your friends invited you out to clubs and parties, but you could never muster up the motivation to go. It didn't sound very appealing to be surrounded by sweaty, horny people that just wanted to get your panties off. But on the other hand, it didn't seem so bad considering you were desperate enough for ask Jimin to have sex with you so why should it matter if it was someone else?
Speaking of the devil, as you walked by the parking lot, you noticed a large group of people that surrounded a flock of cars lined up against the parking lot. They were nice cars and anybody could tell that there were adjustments made to excel at racing and drifting. Tinted and polished windshields, waxed body and shimmering wheels just to flaunt and show off to everyone in the parking lot.
However there was a single car in the midst of them all. A bit dirty compared to the other cars but that was only because the others were just so extravagant and over-the-top. The retro-like car was a baby blue color that was calming to the eyes and matched with the cloudless sky above. The people surrounding consisted of both male and female and it was obvious by the way the females flocked around certain boys that you knew owned the more lavish looking ones.
But there he was, sitting on the hood of his own car looking so uninterested in his surroundings. He was wearing a loose, black, short sleeved shirt that revealed his muscular arms. He wore ripped denim jeans with a lanyard hanging from the front pocket. He sat with a relaxed manner with his elbows on his knees as he leaned forward. Around his wrists were tangles of bracelets and even a watch to add an extra bling to his outfit, keeping his tousled hair in place was a black beanie that also flattened his fringe on top of his eyelids. He listened intently to the conversation that was going on in front of him but he didn't engage. He smiled at the jokes and turned his head to the speaker, but never commented on anything. It was very much like him--to listen but to never say anything. To observe but never engage. You always wondered what was on his mind.
You heard your name being yelled from the group and you turned your head to the direction of the voice. Your eyes darted back from the group and to the boy you had been staring at whose eyes were now wide and focused on you. You turned back to the golden-skinned boy that called your name and his wide smile as he waved you over. You walked shyly, conscious of all of their eyes on you.
"Y/N, right?" Taehyung asked with a wide smile. You nodded. "Okay, I didn't want to get it wrong."
"You know her?" One of the girls asked in a high pitched squeak. You made eye contact with one of them and immediately looked away once you saw their stone eyes judging you.
"Yeah, I've met her before." Taehyung replied. You shifted side to side on your feet and suddenly you felt an arm around your shoulder. You were dragged backwards and you glanced back to see Jungkook smirking down at you.
"Well, I'll say this now, you look just as cute as when I first met you." He winked and you tried not to grimace at the cheesy line. You heard a soft snort and your eyes shot down to Jimin who was biting down on his bottom lip to hold back his laugh. He glanced up at you and made brief eye contact before looking away as his shoulders shook from his laugh.
"Perfect timing, Y/N. We were just talking about this party we're having this weekend. Wanna come?" Taehyung inquired and your brows raised upon hearing the cursed word.
"Oh... a party," you breathed. "You know, I'm not a party girl. I'm sure you'd find someone much more interesting to invite than me." You chuckled nervously, trying your best to turn down the invitation. Taehyung rolled his eyes.
"Bull ponies! Just stick with us and you'll have fun! I'm positive!" He exclaimed.
"I think hanging around you is possibly the worst idea ever. You wouldn't want to end up blackout drunk with penises drawn all over your face and whipped cream all in your underwear, would you?" Another man, slightly shorter than both Jungkook and Taehyung spoke his two cents. He had black hair that was gently tousled over his eyes and a cute smile that jerked at his lips, generously flashing his pink gums. You paled at his words. "Not to say that you'll end up like that, but I'm just speaking from personal experience." The man glared at Taehyung who grinned sheepishly in response.
"Let's just say Taehyung isn't the best person to be around when you're drunk." Jungkook chimed in, his grip tightening around your neck.
Taehyung shrugged exaggeratedly, his broad shoulders curled and brows raised high. "What can I say? I like to have fun."
"Well, I will definitely think about it. If my schedule is free, you can bet that I'll be there." You grinned and promptly shook Jungkook's arm off from around your neck. As you were slowly receding away from the group, Jungkook spoke up.
"While you're here, why don't you just come to lunch with us?" He asked, a wide smile that expressed how hard he was trying. It was cute, in a case where you were the one being chased. You tilted your head in response.
"Lunch? Where at?"
"We have a tradition in our group of friends. Every week or so we assign someone to find a new place to eat or just some place to hang out in general. This week is Jimin's turn." Taehyung snickered and tapped his fingers together mischievously. You turned back to Jimin who was smirking back at Taehyung. "Can you do us all a favor and pick a place that doesn't serve live silk worms?"
"I'll redeem myself from last time. There's no way in hell I'm eating those—not even for a hundred bucks." Jimin replied and his body shuddered in disgust from possibly remembering the texture of the silk worms. You couldn't help but chuckle at the way his small nose scrunched up.
"What about a thousand?" You giggled.
"Not for my life, Y/N." Jimin narrowed his eyes at you in a playful manner. Then, he smiled with his eyes squeezing shut and a toothy smile and suddenly the two of you were plunging into your own world where it was only you two. Jimin seemed to have that effect about him.
"Well it was incredibly nice of you guys to invite me, but I'll think I'll pass on lunch. I'll try to make it to the party," you said and started backing away from the group with a smile. "Maybe." You grinned cheekily and turned away, finally allowing your grin to reach its fullest potential. As you were walking away, you heard your name get called again. You whipped around to see Jungkook jogging after you.
"Hey, what's up?" You asked. Jungkook reaches up and scratched the hair at the back of his neck nervously.
"So, you're not going to lunch?" He wanted to clarify. You shook your head.
"Unfortunately, no."
"Well, can I️ at least get your number? I️ would ask Jimin, but I️ figured it'd be much more gentlemanly to ask you in person. How about it?" He smiled innocently. You hadn't seen a smile like that from a guy in a long time. Now they were all... forced with a hint of sexual intent laced within the creases of their lips. Perhaps Jungkook was different than what he portrayed himself as.
"Yeah, of course! Sorry, I know I don't seem like someone who uses the inter-webs that much." You chuckled nervously while you took Jungkook's phone. He watched as you entered in your phone number.
"It's cute." He said. You flashed a glance at him before looking back down and shaking your head in disbelief. You handed the phone back to him.
"I'm flattered. Text me some time." You replied. Jungkook chewed on his bottom lip as he tapped his phone against his chin, not trying to hide his smirk at all.
"I will most definitely text you. Anticipate it." He winked before turned around and jetting back to the group. You shook your head while laughing at Jungkook's silliness. However, it came as unnoticed to you that Jimin was watching the entire exchange between you and Jungkook unfold right before his eyes. All he could do was stare and feel his lungs jump to his throat. He couldn't breathe. He couldn't move. He had no say over what you did in life, so he couldn't simply walk over there and stop you from giving Jungkook your phone number. Your relationship with Jimin was physical, but there was no say that he couldn't fall for you. He just couldn't act on it; he couldn't tell you anything.
He was honestly just a replacement for Namjoon. He was there to provide you with the affection and attention that you wanted and couldn't get from Namjoon, and that was it. There was no room for feelings.
Jimin growled under his breath and jumped off the hood of his car. He slapped the metal hood, catching the attention of his peers.
"Come on, let's move! I don't want to miss their happy hour! It's free pies from 2 to 5!" Jimin yelled and slipped into the driver's seat, revving up the engine. It caused a chain reaction and everyone else let their engines roar loudly as they moved out of the parking lot and onto the streets.
Jungkook texted you that night, almost on the 9:00 dot as if he set an alarm to remind himself to do so. It's a simple greeting, just a hi, its Jungkook to introduce himself. You smile as you read it and again you're thinking of how innocent he is, or how he's portraying himself to be at this moment.
You reply with a hi Jungkook :) what's on the agenda tonight? You were never amazing at starting a conversation or better yet holding one, but you owe Jimin for shedding away the layers of anxiety and exposing you to so many things. You're not afraid to do things anymore because you've already done them with Jimin.
Jungkook [9:02]: currently slaving over this project. And here I thought education was optional
You laughed out loud while reading his response.
You [9:02]: youre the one who paid for college
Jungkook [9:03]: ugh dont remind me
He replied with a string of groaning emojis afterwards. You were relieved to see that Jungkook didn't show a single hint of ulterior motives, if he had any at all. The next thing you knew, you were up until 12 in the morning texting Jungkook about who knows what. Come to think of it, this is the first guy you’ve texted since your ventures with Jimin. Has having sex with Jimin been paying off? Maybe, hopefully, now, you looked like a different woman in the eyes of others.
It's amazing how your life could align so perfectly with the universe, as if it's leading you in the right direction. On the night of the party, you found out you had to work. A simple six hour shift just to help out in case they were busy, but for some mystically, odd reason, they let you take the night off. Now look where that got you. Sitting in your apartment debating on which dress you should wear to the party.
It was a stand off between a classy navy blue, sequined dress with an exposed back or a tight fitting red dress with lattice spaghetti straps on the back. You wished your roommate was there to make the decision for you because she had such a greater understanding of fashion than you and could plan her outfits like a model. Now, you had to resort to mumbling eeny-meeny-miny-mo under your breath and finally deciding on the beautiful red ensemble.
You showed up to the frat house that was already booming with music and bustling with drunk college students. You stepped out of your cab, warm, summer heat brushed against your neck and you had an unsettling feeling in your stomach that this heat would not be good for you later on in the night. It was just a hunch, but it made you want to slip back into the cab car and retreat home. You would've done so if you hadn't seen Taehyung and another young man—both completely shirtless—swinging from side-to-side while laughing wildly, their outfit complete with a beer bottle in both of their hands. Your hands went up to gasp along with most of the bystanders onlooking this bizarre scene. You quickly covered your face in embarrassment and rushed towards the house to escape the scene.
The humidity of the inside of the house was absolutely horrid and you should've known from the sea of people in the downstairs living room. You blew out an exhausted breath and headed towards the kitchen to grab a drink. It was to your complete inattention that as you stormed around the house, plenty of eyes were following you and the way you filled out the dress to a T. You were too busy focused on drowning your stomach with alcohol that you didn't seem to notice.
You snatched an unopened bottle of beer as you peered over the sea of people to find at least one person you knew well enough to talk to. Joy might've been here, but she didn't say anything about attending so she was out of the question. Namjoon was most likely with his girlfriend, not like you cared all that much anymore. Jimin... Jimin must've been with his car clique and they were most likely outside talking about each other's cars or inside doing keg stands.
As a last resort, you reached for your phone to call up Jimin and see where he was. You felt bad for following him around like his shadow, but he was the only one that you felt comfortable around.
"Hello?" Jimin answered quite loudly. You could hear bumping music behind his voice as well as the drunk screams of other people. He was here.
"Hey, where are you?" You asked in the same loud voice to make sure he heard you correctly.
"I'm downstairs, hold on let me go to you. Stay on the phone." He said and you could hear the cries of the voices die out as Jimin escaped the scene. You wondered why your heart was beating at that moment, knowing that you would soon be with Jimin. You bit your lip in an attempt to keep your excitement to a minimum.
Then, you felt someone press against your back. You gasped when you felt hands slither up your side and you went down to slap it away, but the person caught it.
Hey," the soothing voice whispered into the shell of your ear and the same voice reverberated in your ears You felt your shoulders drop in relief, but the man still gripped your wrist tightly. "It's just me."
You didn't even have to hear his name. You were able to tell who it was by just his voice. Just his voice... and the way his rough jeans rubbed against the underside of your dress. You shuddered and your eyes fluttered close.
"Jimin..." you warned. You could still feel his breath close to his ear and even when he was behind you, you could smell his strong cologne and shampoo that penetrated your nose and sent chills down your back. You arched your spine against Jimin and rubbed your ass against Jimin's crotch. His hand left your wrist and trailed from your neck ever so slowly down to your lower back. Jimin's hand rest on top of your ass as if he was teasing you. You just wanted him to cup your ass and squeeze your breasts and even scratch up your back and slap your ass until it was burning red and suck on your neck until you were bruised up. But here wasn't the place. Not with so many people around.
Jimin pulled his hand away when he heard a loud laugh pass by him. He turned away, but not after squeezing your hip. This was how it was supposed to be: to act like strangers in public but in private, behind closed curtains and slow, rocking music, the two of you were lovers.
Scratch that. You could picture yourself with him. You pictured driving all night long trying to find new places to watch the sun rise or set depending on when you departed. You pictured sleeping next to him at night, all snug closely with his arm around your waist and his hand raking through your hair. You imagined laying on his chest while he watched tv and falling asleep to his steady, rhythmic breathing. You imagined spending time in the kitchen together, both of you trying to decipher a recipe because neither of you were great at cooking but it was an experience you wanted to go through with him. You imagined coming home from work tired and grumpy and him calming you down with a nice cup of tea and a session of venting and just listening to your rants. You imagined going on endless dates, spontaneously, because you had grown accustomed to sudden adventures since being with him. To ride the Ferris wheel together but you would be clinging to the pole or his arm because you couldn't bear to look down. And Jimin being the jokester that he was would shake the cart and you would scold him, but he would just laugh it off and pull you closer. You wanted to try new foods with him, and to find new places, and to do new things. You wanted Jimin to change you and little did you know that he had already done so long when you two first met.
But it was unrealistic, so to speak. Jimin lived in a different world than you, associated with people you could never picture yourself relating to, with their fancy cars and unfamiliar jargon. Surrounded by women all the time, but he agreed to satisfy you and your selfishness. You never knew why he agreed—perhaps he was just bored(the thought made your heart ache so you rarely thought on it) or maybe, just maybe... he felt something towards you. But that was unrealistic as well. And you couldn't seem to see it as true. Because you were you, and he was he, and the two of you would've never crossed paths in any other universe.
You realized you were standing frozen in the middle of the kitchen as Jimin hovered his hand over your shoulder like a gentleman with a worried look in his eyes. "Are you okay?"
"Hm? Oh, yeah! Yes, I'm fine," you blushed harder the longer you kept rambling. "Sorry, I kind of zoned out there, didn't I?"
Jimin's eyes darted to your hip where his devious little hands were just placed at. He raised a brow. "I didn't expect you to get that aroused." He said and giggled as you pulled back a punch on him while muttering a shut up. "What were you thinking about?"
Your brain ran through a list of a million things to say before landing on, "I was trying to remember how to breathe in this dress." You mentally slapped yourself. Really? You couldn't have said something like I was trying to find a way home or I wish you didn't stop your hands.
Jimin scanned your body once more, his eyes catching every square inch of skin exposed underneath that beautiful dress. He clenched his jaw in order for it not to fall to the ground. "It looks great, I don't know what you're talking about."
"Thanks," you smiled sheepishly and noticed the beer bottle in Jimin's hand. "No D.D. tonight?"
He chuckled. "Hey, I want to have fun too," he said and took a swig. "Speaking of fun, come downstairs with me. They're playing beer pong and Yoongi's team is murdering the other guys." He said and before taking your hand and dragging you back to where Jimin emerged from. He led you to the basement, which wasn't creepy at all and in fact was decked out in colorful Christmas lights and posters and sports banners that covered the walls. In the middle of the basement was a long, white table that Jimin's friends laid out and decorated with red solo cups and small shots that lined the edge of the table.
"How cute," you laughed as Jimin handed you a shot off that he poured off to the side. You bottomed out, hissing as you felt the burning alcohol slide down your throat.
"Alright! Y/N is ready to par-tay!" Taehyung appeared out of no where to exclaim. His shirt was bundled up around his neck leaving his chest and stomach bare and his snapback was tilted on his head, only emphasizing on how completely wasted he was. You laughed at his ridiculous appearance while Jimin face-palmed himself.
"You have no idea how long it took for us to get him off the balcony. This man is drinking away his problems tonight." Jimin laughed and watched as Taehyung started chugging his bottle of beer. You winced at how much alcohol was in his system right now.
"I hope he'll be alright." You worried with a frown. Jimin waved off your worries with a flutter of his hands.
"Don't worry about him. What's amazing is that he'll be up in the morning like none of it even happened," he laughed and gestured towards the L-shaped couch, settled just underneath the neat arrangement of sports banners. "Come sit with me." He said and you followed him to the couch, fixing your dress by pulling it down before sitting down.
"You know, I don't know how you can wear dresses like that. It looks great, but incredibly uncomfortable." Jimin's face contorted in discomfort just imagining squeezing his body in a dress like that.
"Oh please, you can't talk about my dress when you're the one wearing those super tight jeans. Let your balls breathe." You giggled and smoothed your hand over Jimin's exposed knee through his ripped jeans. He reached for your hand and pulled it so you were resting it on his thigh as he flexed it. You gasped at his sudden movement and then felt his breath fan against your neck. You couldn't imagine what the two of you looked like right now—both of your hands placed right on his muscular thigh and his face buried in your neck.
"You know it looks good." He whispered and pulled away, taking the warmth of his hand wrapped around yours along with it. Jimin leaned back against the couch with a smug smirk on his lips which he rolled the rim of his beer bottle along his thick lips just to emphasis his kittenish intentions. You narrowed your eyes at him through your blush.
"You're a little devil." You sneer.
"I know," he laughed. "I hope you've warmed up. I signed us up next for beer pong."
"What? Jimin, I can't! I'm terrible at beer pong." You exclaim, but he only shrugs cheekily.
"Well then, I guess we'll have to find a way to drink all these shots." He grinned at you, his mouth stretching into his rosy cheeks.
Before you can mentally prepare yourself, Jimin and you are standing across from Jungkook and the man which everyone seemed to be talking about but you can finally put a name to his face, Yoongi. The same blacked haired man that spoke to you earlier that week.
"Really, Jimin? Bringing a rookie to battle against the dynamic duo, YoonKook?" Jungkook tossed the ping pong ball into the air and caught it smoothly. Both Yoongi and Jungkook leaned back into each other while throwing up a pose and you couldn't help but burst out in laughter.
"If you're YoonKook, then we're..." Jimin glanced at you and you stared back at him as he pondered. "We'll be Bonnie and Clyde." He said, smiling back at the duo across the table from him.
"Boo, unoriginal." Yoongi called out from the other side. Jimin glared at him and you felt the warmth of his hand against your back. You nearly jumped at the sensation, but managed not to look so startled.
"Say whatever you want. You guys are so going to eat shit." Jimin sneered and raised the ping pong ball in his as Jungkook rose his. The two tossed the balls at the same time; Jungkook's slid in perfectly into one of the cups on the side and Jimin's bounced off the one right at the end. Jungkook whooped out loud and fist pumped Yoongi while Jimin cursed under his breath. He reached for two shot glasses that were lined up on the edge of the table and handed one to you, giving you an apologetic look.
"I'm still warming up." He clinked his shot glass against yours and you bottomed the drink while glaring at him.
"Maybe having you as a partner was a bad idea." You said through a hiss. Jimin managed a bright smile through his scrunched up nose.
"If I go down, I'm taking you with me. No if, ands, or buts. You're coming with me."
The game continued on and surprisingly, you were carrying the team. There was a few mistakes and blunders here and there where you didn't take a major penalty, but so far you've evaded clearing the table of shots. Jungkook and Yoongi were both impressed at your beginner's luck, but nothing beats how hilarious Jimin looks making laps the basement, whooping loudly every time you make it into a cup.
"Oh my god, Y/N, you're going to make me go into cardiac arrest." Jimin places a hand on his chest as he watches Jungkook aim at your cups. Jungkook only had a cup to make while you had two. It wasn't much besides the fact that there were stakes at the table. If you made the two cups and Jungkook didn't make his, he and Yoongi would have to drink the remaining shots. The same applied to you and Jimin if you didn't make this shot.
"Why did you make that bet?" You groan in agony. Jimin's hands went up in a surrendering pose.
"I only brought up the idea!" He snapped back. You don't reply because you're too focused on Jungkook and how he positions his hand to dunk the ball right into the cup. There's a pause and Jungkook flicks his wrist. It seems everyone's eyes are following the ping pong ball as it flies straight towards the cup. You inhale sharply, already envisioning yourself pouring back all those shots down your throat and being completely gone for the rest of the night.
There's a loud pink! as the ping pong ball bounces off the front rim of the cup. Jungkook grunts in frustration and clenches his fists as he whips his body away from the table and curses. You exhale quickly as relief crashes into you. Now your anxiety levels were at its peak and you knew you had to make this.
"Deep breaths, Y/N. You can do this." Jimin coached from beside you. You nod, twirling the ping pong ball in your fingers. It's just a matter of getting the right trajectory and angle, but even that seems impossible under the eyes of so many watching you. You just want to say, fuck it, and toss the ball randomly, but at the same time the desire to win is much too strong.
You hold your breath as you throw the ball and all eyes follow it like a tennis match. It bounces off the rim of the cup in the back and your eyes bulge so wide they feel like they're going to pop right out of their sockets. Then, as if the universe decided to grant you a special miracle, the ball bounced right into the second cup. There's a split second of silence where everyone comprehends what just happened and then the entire basement loses their shit.
You're still frozen in shock as Jimin slithers his arms around your waist and hoists you into the air, twirling you around while cheering drunkenly. Realization settles in slowly and the same time a grin stretches across your cheeks.
"Did that really happen?" You ask, your body still tingling from the adrenaline rush. Jimin still held you in the air, gripping your hips so you wouldn't slip down.
"Holy shit, you're amazing! I can't believe you just did that!" He exclaims before finally setting your feet on the floor. You turn to Jungkook and Yoongi who gloom over the table as they pick up a shot glass in each hand; Yoongi gave Jungkook a murderous glare before dumping the shots down his throat. Jungkook does the same and they both hiss simultaneously, looking around for some sort of chaser. You felt bad for laughing when Jungkook rushes to the nearest trash can to vomit.
You lost track of time while hanging out with Jungkook, not Jimin. He was too busy fighting with this man named Seokjin over what song to play. Jungkook sat with you in the couch, his body turned to you as he went off about getting new turbos for his FRS. Whenever you gave him a confused look with knit brows and uneasy smile, he would pause his rambling and explain to you what he was talking about.
"So, you're into cars. You seem super passionate about it." You said after he was finished. Jungkook shrugged his shoulders and circled the rim of his water bottle (he was done with alcohol for the night) over his bottom lip.
"I wasn't at first. I just liked how cars looked and then I started pimping out my own car."
"Seems like a lot of work."
"Yeah, you could say that. I wouldn't consider it work since I love it so much," he said and glanced sideways at you. "I would love to take you on a ride sometime."
You purse your lips and laugh. "We can talk about that when you're sober."
"I will be! Tomorrow, for sure. In fact, let's make it a group activity! I'll call up the guys and we can drive out to the sand dunes or something. Have you been to the sand dunes?" Jungkook said. You shook your head, a silly smile was on your lips as you listened to his passionate rant. "You haven't? You have to! Oh yes! This is gonna be so cool!" He exclaimed and stood up, cupping his hands around his mouth.
"Hey guys!" He shouted over the music. Everyone's heads turned to him. "Sand dunes tomorrow, 7 o'clock!" He said and everyone yelled back a yeah! in response or didn't respond at all and went back to their prior activities. Jungkook sat back down with a satisfied smile. "They know."
"I'll be looking forward to seeing those sand dunes since you're regarding them so highly. This will affect your grade greatly." You marrow your eyes at him playfully. Jungkook takes a breath and bites his lip to restrain himself. There's a giddy tingling in his chest as he sits with you. Talking with you. You're like, and he quotes from a book he once read, a breath of fresh air. You were definitely fresher than the scent of burning asphalt that he was so used to.
"I'll be upfront with you, I never expected you to be this easy to talk to." Jungkook said, leaning back on the couch and draping his arm over the back so he could be a bit closer to you. He flashed a loose smile. "I'm glad we can finally talk."
"Likewise. I'm glad you asked me for my number." You replied with a warm smile.
This was it. This was his chance.
"So," Jungkook cleared his throat and leaned in. "Are you free later on tonight? We could totally catch a cab and—"
Before Jungkook could finish, your head turned at the sound of your name being called. Jimin starts walking towards you, his face unreadable but his broad steps told you a whole bunch. He stopped in front of you, toes nearly touching yours.
Jimin glances between you and Jungkook, his gaze hardening on Jungkook just a bit longer before returning his eyes to you. "Hey, are you busy right now?"
"Um..." you glanced between Jungkook and Jimin with wide eyes and your mouth stammered to say something. "N-No, we were just—" you said when Jimin intervened with a way too flashy smile.
"Great! Do you want to take a walk with me? A walk sounds great right now." He reached for our hand and pulled you off of the couch. His eyes scanned your body in the red dress once again and he frowned. "You can wear my jacket. Let's go." He said and didn't look back at Jungkook as he headed towards the stairs. You on the other hand, the one with the bigger heart, turned back to Jungkook and creased your brows in a silent apology.
Jungkook waved you off with a sideways smile, not even having the heart to go after you. Not because you weren't worth it, but because you were and Jungkook was so envious that you were head over heels in love with Jimin. Anybody could tell by the way you looked at Jimin the entire night, how you spoke to him compared to when you speak to Jimin—all smiles and light giggles. It's how quickly you intertwine your hands into his as if it was a mold fit just for you. Although Jimin shared the same interest in cars as Jungkook did, the way you listen to Jimin talk about cars is different with him. Jungkook knew that he could never be that guy for you.
Jimin shouldered his way to the front door and his hand clenched yours as if he's afraid you were going to fly away. Before exiting the house, Jimin turned around and slipped his jacket off of his shoulders before throwing it over your back. He didn't even take one glance at you as his face was stone cold—an expression that you deducted only appeared when he was irritated about something. The last time you had seen it was when he found out someone hit the bumper of his car and didn't find out who it was. Jimin's silent rage sent chills down your body and you sometimes couldn't find yourself breathing.
"Jimin?" You called out in a hushed voice as he walked you further away from the noise of the party. He didn't turn around and his iron grip around your hand didn't get lighter either. You pressed your lips together. "Jimin, my feet hurt."
At that, Jimin stopped in his tracks and turned around with wide eyes, as if he had just woken up from a nightmare. He let go of your hand and immediately got onto his knees.
"Shit, I'm so sorry, I didn't realize." He stammered back an apology and started to slip off your heels. You sighed in relief at your Jimin coming back to his senses. It was like his anger has dissipated and his gentle touch returned.
"You okay?" You asked after a few claps of silence. Jimin peered up at you and locked his soft eyes onto yours. He didn't reply, but there was the faintness of a smile on his lips. "What's on your mind?"
He huffed as he got back on his feet with your pumps in his hands. Jimin shook his head slowly. "Just... things." He answeeed vaguely, leaving you frowning deeply.
"Do you want to talk about it?" You asked and started walking barefooted on the street. Jimin watches you walking for a few seconds, eyes trained on your bare feet before he slipped off his shoes as well and started walking beside you, slowing his pace down to match yours.
"I don't think it's that important anymore," He smiled.
Why doesn't he ever talk about himself?
You just wish he could open up to you, like you have to him. You spilled all of your secrets and deepest emotions to Jimin and he can't even tell you what's on his mind. "How was your night? Did you have fun?"
Typical Jimin changing the subject with so much ease. You went along with him. "So much fun. Call me crazy, but I think of getting the hang of these so-called college parties." You giggle and Jimin laughs out loud.
"You think so? Don't underestimate them too much. You haven't seen the worst of it yet. Are you tired of walking? I can carry you if you want." He stops and bends down into a piggy-back position. You laugh and shake your head.
"No, no, I'm fine."
"You sure? You're not that heavy, I can carry you for a few more blocks."
You roll your eyes and pull his hand for him to stand up. You continue your usual pace, but now your hand is in his. "This," You said and swing your interlocked hands. "This is just fine."
A smile spreads across Jimin's mouth as he mouths an okay. The two of you are silent for a minute as you bathe in the warmth of each other's hands. There doesn't need to be a conversation or any sexual act to happen for you to feel connected with Jimin. Just him being in your thoughts, his presence is all you need and you realize just how much you love him. You steal a glance at Jimin and catch him looking ahead; the passing street lights illuminate his black hair in a yellow glow before blending back into the shadows.
You squeeze his hand to get his attention and he immediately looks over to you. "Hm?"
"Why don't you talk about yourself?" You really want to ask about what he was thinking about earlier, but with his stubbornness, you know the conversation won't get anywhere no matter how much you beg. Jimin laughs in disbelief and let's his shoulders sag.
"I'm not interesting enough."
"I think you're plenty interesting." You said.
"There's not much to say. Some things are better left unsaid."
"Like what?" You ask and Jimin glances at you. "Tell me, please." You say it like a statement rather than a question because you know Jimin is quick to dodge any request.
"Like..." he purses his lip in thought. "Like how douchebag-y Jungkook was being tonight. His face just looked very punchable." Jimin said and clenched his free hand into a fist. You laughed and threw your head back.
"Is that what was on your mind earlier? How badly you wanted to punch Jungkook?" Your loud cackle slowly turned into periodic giggles. "Well, since we're spilling secrets right now, I have a confession to make." You stated proudly, raising your chin to the star speckled night sky.
"Oh?" Jimin quirked a brow.
You took a deep breath. "I have officially lost feelings for Namjoon."
"Really?" Jimin sounded skeptical, so you nodded. "Are you sure?"
"I'm absolutely, 100%, positive that I no longer have feelings for Kim Namjoon." You restated. Jimin nodded in approval.
"Well, congratulations. I was wondering how long I had to listen to you crying all night over how much he doesn't deserve his girlfriend." Jimin snickered and you shoved his arm. "I'm kidding. I'm glad you've moved on. Namjoon is stupid for not noticing a girl like you."
"Yeah, but that's his job as a loyal boyfriend." You shrug and swing your arm once again. You glance at Jimin. "What else is on your mind?" You tried to take advantage of Jimin's vulnerable mind and get him to answer. Maybe in his tipsy state, he can open up. You wonder why he stays so silent about everything. He purses his lip in thought.
"One, you're surprisingly amazing at beer pong."
"Beginners luck." You humbly mutter under your breath.
"Two, I just wish Jungkook would try and warm up to you again. Gives me a reason to punch his face in." Jimin snarled and you squeezed his hand as if to scold him. He laughed off your cute threat and continued.
"Three..." Jimin slowed to a halt and you turned your body to face him. He held your hand with an outstretched arm and smoothed his thumb over your knuckles. His face was darkened by the shadow cast by a nearby tree, but you could make out him biting luscious lips. He looked like he wanted to say something—right on the tip of his tongue. You inhaled sharply. Say it. Please just say it.
"I think you look really beautiful in this dress." Jimin's eyes raise to lock in with yours. There's a moment of comfortable silence that settles in the space between you and Jimin. Only the sound of the summer wind rustling through the leaves is present; the booming bass of the party is long gone and now it's just you two. You wish you can stay like this forever. With Jimin, you're not afraid of anything. Not of the potential cars that could run you over as you stand in the middle of the street nor the fast beating of your heart that made you think you were having a heart attack.
"Thank you," it was all you could say. Jimin squeezed your hand and dropped his gaze. The breakage of eye contact nearly shattered your heart if Jimin hadn't squatted down and pulled you onto his back. You fell with a oof and quickly wrapped your arms around his neck. Jimin started sprinting down the road.
"Let's go find a taxi." He said running through the grid of houses to find the main road.
"What? Why?" You asked; the houses whizzed past you.
"I just had the really bad urge to kiss you but I know I won't be able to stop there." Jimin said without looking back at you. Your face flushed at his bluntness. You buried your face in Jimin's neck and tightened your arms around his neck. You hoped he found the main road quickly.
The only contact Jimin had with you during the taxi ride was holding your hand idly while stroking your knuckles. He looked outside the window, clenching and unclenching his jaw as he rolled his tongue inside his mouth.
It wasn't until you reached the elevator in your apartment when Jimin's lips and hands were all over you; nimble hands stroked your curves like Jimin was trying to feel your skin through the dress. He had you pinned against the elevator doors while his lips ravished yours, sucking out any amount of alcohol that was left on your tongue. He tasted like sweet beer and cinnamon gum. His cologne was strong and intoxicating and left your legs tingling as you tried to find stable ground. It seemed nearly impossible with Jimin fighting for every square inch of your skin.
"Fuck, can these doors open any slower?" He slammed his hand on the elevator door while leaning in to kiss you again; his front teeth knocked against yours but the clumsiness was the least of your worries. Then elevator doors finally opened and you and Jimin fell in. He pushed you up against the elevator walls and he continued to kiss you until the elevator doors closed. You realized that you had still to press the button to get to your floor.
"Jimin," You said and pulled away for a short moment to stumble for the elevator button. Jimin was peppering your neck with kisses and he was shamelessly pressing his erection against your thigh. You didn't point it out or pay any physical attention to it because teasing Jimin like this was kind of fun.
"Come on, come on," he muttered into your neck in an aggravated tone. You didn't know if he was talking about the elevator or you, but either way, Jimin took your face in his hands and pulled you in for a deeper kiss. Still buried underneath Jimin's weight as he pressed you against the elevator wall. His hands traveled from your face down to smooth his hands over your breasts before sliding down to cup your ass.
It happened in a split second, but the next thing you knew, your legs were wrapped around Jimin's waist as you were up against the wall.
Jimin's kisses were hot—so hot—like smooches of ember that danced throughout your body and mixed with the warmth of the alcohol inside of you. His lips moved to kiss the valley between your breasts. Jimin was shamelessly rubbing his crotch against the inside of your thigh. You peek through one eye and see the elevator doors open. Gosh, how long had they been open?
You gasped when you pulled away from Jimin and pressed your forehead against his. "We have to go Jimin, or else someone is gonna see us." You panted. Jimin chewed on his lower lip.
"Let them see, I wanna keep kissing you." Jimin growled and scraped his teeth along your collarbone up your neck before sucking on the soft skin just beneath your ear. You but back a moan and finally managed to push Jimin away from you. You narrowed your eyes at him.
"Wait until the bedroom." You demanded. Jimin's tongue lined his lower lip with his tongue as his lustfully dark eyes followed your ass as you walked out of the elevator and to your apartment.
"Yes ma'am." He smirked. You reached your apartment door and you were honestly surprised you even got the key into the lock with Jimin's demanding eyes burning holes into you. It just showed how much he wanted to get your clothes off of your body. You finally got the door open and as if on cue, Jimin swept in and placed his lips back onto yours, kissing and shuffling around the apartment to get to your room.
You reached your room and Jimin slammed the door shut before pushing you up against the door. You didn't have time to worry about the possibility of your roommate being home as you tore off Jimin's jacket, his shirt, his belt—every piece of clothing until he was just left in his boxers. you smoothed your hand over his toned biceps that held you up with so much security. It just felt right.
Jimin on the other hand, took his sweet time taking off your dress. One, he didn't want to rip the gorgeous gown and risk getting scolded by you and two, you just looked incredible in it and knowing you and your hatred of fancy dresses, this appearance would only show itself once in a blue moon. He wanted to savor every last second of you in that dress before taking it off.
The dress fell onto the floor in a pool of blood red and you were left in your bra and underwear. They weren't the cutest lingerie you owned, but then again you weren't expecting to go home with Jimin tonight either. If this was planned, you might've picked something cuter or even sexier to wear. You shadowed your hand over your cleavage and blushed.
"Stop staring." You whispered. Jimin laughed and took your hand in his, squeezing it softly.
"There's no way I can." He said and leaned in to kiss you, this time it was soft and gentle. The plumpness of his lips were like pillows that were now reddened and bruised from all the kissing. Slowly, Jimin walked you over to the bed before sitting down. You were standing in between Jimin's legs; his hands held your waist as Jimin kissed down your body. From your neck to your collarbone, down to cup your breasts and kiss right over your heart. If only he could feel how fast it was beating right now.
Jimin's trained hands moved up your spine and un-clipped your bra; the gentleness of his touch sent chills up and down your spine. You shuddered and dug your nails into his shoulders as your bra fell off your chest. Now, Jimin was seriously staring. His hooded eyes were wide as they took in the sight in front of him. Jimin's hand slowly rose to caress your perked nipple. You pressed your lips together and moaned. He planted a soft kiss on your breast before traveling down your stomach.
Jimin's hand that had un-clipped the bra was now lining the soft skin under your panties. He skillfully slipped two fingers—his ring and middle finger—under your warm slit and grazed over your clit. Your body jerked forward from the sudden sensation.
"Woah," you gasped. Jimin chuckled and pecked your cheek.
"Too much?"
You shook your head, letting your hair fall in front of your face. "Not enough. Give me more." You replied. Jimin licked the corners of his mouth and dipped his fingers deeper inside of you. The feeling of Jimin's fingers spreading you open was like a slow, pleasurable burn. Like he was kindling a fire deep within you. He started moving his fingers inside of you and a deeper moan left you.
"Mm, yeah. Right there, baby..." You whispered. Jimin bit back a smirk and complied to your request, rubbing the pads of his finger over your most sensitive spots. His fingers were the perfect length to hit your g-spot; you could've come from him just fingering you, but the devilish man would never be satisfied with just that.
Jimin slid his fingers all the way inside of you, stretching out your tight hole and you threw your head black and moaned aloud. You tightened around his digits. "Fuck baby, it's so good!"
"Yeah, you wanna come for me? Come all over my fingers baby." Jimin began thrusting his fingers in and out of your wet hole. He rubbed his thumb over the hood of your clit and pleasure shot through you; your entire body stiffened from the intense sensation that ran through your body. Your jaw dropped and you slowly tipped backwards as the strength in your body left you hastily. With his free hand Jimin reached around you and held your waist to keep you from falling. His fingers slipped out from your slippery hole and your body convulsed from the sudden removal of his fingers.
"Ohhh fuck!" You squeaked. Jimin slid his fingers out of you slowly, your body twitched from the absence of his warm fingers, and he kissed you on the cheek.
"Sorry baby," he apologized, but there was something about the glint in his eyes that told you he didn't feel bad about it at all. He stuck his fingers in his mouth and licked your juices off of them, taking them out with a resounding popping sound. You flushed and shoved Jimin's bare chest in embarrassment.
"Don't be weird." You laughed. The way Jimin smiled threw your heart into a downward spiral—doing all sorts of flips and jumps like it was some trapeze artist. How could someone be so beautiful?
You placed your hand on Jimin's chest and pushed him down slowly as you climbed over him. "Oh?" Jimin raised his brows in curiosity. You straddled your legs over Jimin's thighs and pressed your fingers into his stomach. "Well, this is a surprise." He hummed in amusement and he wrapped his arms behind his head as he watched you. Jimin's tongue stuck out idly from inside of his mouth and he looked like he wanted to eat you up all over again.
"Let me lead this time." You bit your lip while grinding on Jimin's thigh. His jaw dropped and his hands went up as if to grab your hips, but he stopped himself short.
"Yes. God fucking yes, do whatever you want, babygirl." He moaned and threw his head back. You smiled widely and slipped your fingers underneath his waistband to slide his underwear down his legs. Jimin's hard cock was flattened against his stomach with a pool precum. You dipped your fingers in the precum before sliding your fingertips along Jimin's shaft. His entire body shuddered under your touch.
"God dammit." He cursed through clenched teeth. Suddenly, Jimin realized that having you lead automatically put him in a submissive position, something he was definitely not used to. It was always him that was in control. You swirled your thumb over his frenulum and Jimin's body jerked. He bucked his hips just slightly before falling back into the mattress. You wrapped your hand around the head of his penis in punishment—a small gasp caught in his throat.
"Such a needy little boy..." You cooed with pouted lips. Jimin's clenched his jaw and didn't say a word. He laid back to watch you work while his eyes went dark and dripping with lust. He loves the feeling of your soft hands wrapped around his cock, stroking it so gently but it felt so good, Jimin couldn't tell if he was dreaming or not. A pretty girl like you jerking him off seems like something straight out of Jimin's more... wetter night voyeurs—though his dreams have become more than a reality now.
"Come on baby—" he grunted in pleasure. "—I know you want to ride me and much as I do, so just let me fuck you already." Jimin bit his lip and nibbled on it. You ignored his pleads and continued to stroke his cock steadily, changing the force of your grip as you tightened your fists when you got to the tip. Jimin's shameless whines and sharp hisses resounded loudly throughout the room. His head was pressed hard against the mattress and he gripped the bed sheets with fists so tight his knuckles were a ghostly white.
"Oh fuck, that's gonna make me cum," Jimin moaned sinfully and raised his head to look at you. You would not be exaggerating if you said Jimin's dark eyes didn't strike a chord within you—you could barely see the brights of his eyes from how low his gaze was on you. Jimin's chest heaved in an unsteady rhythm and his lips parted every now and then to allow a deep moan to vibrate his throat.
"Yes, cum for me." You licked your lips, restraining yourself from going down and taking Jimin into your mouth no matter how delicious the tip of his dick looked. You stroked Jimin once from the base and back up to the tip. Jimin's breath hitched and the next thing you knew, he was cumming all over your fingers.
"Fuck, fuck! Yeah, keep stroking my dick baby. Ohhh my fucking god...shit!" Expletives spewed from his mouth as he simultaneously climaxed. The first spurt of cum landed on your chin and startled you, but you continued to stroke him off, allowing his cum to spatter his toned stomach. Jimin could barely stifle his moans with you touching his sensitive member, but he tried his best. You could tell by the veins in his neck that pressed against his skin and his clenched jaw that could cut.
You released your hold on his cock and let the twitching member lay thickly on his stomach. Jimin took a second to catch his breath—shaky and breathy it was—as his legs spread apart to allow some breathing room for his overly-sensitive cock.
In Jimin's silence, you took the time to clean your face of Jimin's spontaneous release and slipped your creamed fingers into your mouth, sucking off his cum. You were startled to see Jimin watching you with wide, almost bewildered eyes as you licked off your fingers.
"What?" You asked shyly. Jimin licked his lips as well and sat up, his dick already semi-hard again.
"That was fucking hot. Can you do that again?" He asked with a smirk. You nearly laughed.
"What was? Me cleaning off your cum or you cumming on my face?" You narrowed your eyes condescendingly. Jimin's mouth stretched into a smirk—sneaky like the Cheshire Cat right before he disappears.
"Both," He said before kissing you. You close your eyes and let yourself melt under Jimin's lips. Slowly, Jimin gets up from the bed, his lips sill planted firmly on yours as he walks around the bed. He grabs your hips and pulls you until your ass is off the bedside. Jimin ran his hand over your smooth thigh, easing your legs back to expose your pussy—still wet from your prior orgasm.
Jimin rubbed the length of his shaft over your slit with his thumb pressed at the base. You got excited at the slight pleasure of his cock rubbing over the hood of your clit. "Gonna fuck you," he mumbled under his breath. "Fuck you so hard you can't remember anything but my name." Jimin directed thw tip to your entrance, catching some of your juices as lube before sliding in all the way to the base in one thrust.
"Ah..." you moaned and rest your head against the mattress; you were so full and Jimin reached so deep inside of you. Your body molded to fit around him perfectly. Jimin stayed inside of you for an while, simply reveling in your warmth. No matter how many times he fucks you, you still stay so tight around him. Like it's your first time all over again.
Jimin leaned forward and kissed you again. That's right, you entrusted Jimin with your purity and that meant a whole lot more to Jimin that you may have thought. It meant more than just sex to him. It was a bond.
"Baby," You whined under him. "M-Move, please..." You said almost desperately. Jimin hadn't realized he was still deep inside of you. Slowly, he retracted his hips and slid back into you. His thrusts were slow now, but in a few moments, they would pick up speed and he would be slamming into you without a second thought. And you loved it.
"F-Faster," you pleaded with a moan.
"Already?" Jimin chuckled and placed his hand over your naval, pressing down slightly with his thumb over your clit. "But I wanna take my time with you baby girl. Make you cum over and over. Yeah?" He grunted and agonizingly bottomed out. You let out a loud moan.
"I-I wanna cum, Jimin..." You whined, pulling back your legs to expose yourself more. Jimin smirked and his hips moved a little faster. How could he say no when you ask so nicely?
"You will. Eventually." He said and rubbed your clit while thrusting into you. The rhythm of his thrusts were steady and he went so deep every time. He always pulled out until just the tip was inside of you before sliding back in until his balls were pressed against your ass. An itch formed just beneath your stomach, the first signs of your orgasm that was approaching by the second, by every thrust.
"Oh, Jimin! Please—please, please, please go faster. I need to cum—oh fuck yes!" You screamed, your pussy clenching around Jimin. He grunted from the sudden tightness and pulled out. You gasped. The pleasure was ripped away from you so quickly that you clenched around nothing.
"W-Wh—" You stammered to ask why. Jimin hissed while rubbing himself over your slit. He leaned in and kissed you, sucking on your lower lip.
"Don't cum yet." He growled over your lips. He dragged his hand along your smooth neck before latching onto your shoulder. Jimin straightened himself and slid himself back into you and god, it almost felt too good. Your eyes rolled back and fluttered closed; your entire body aflame from this addictive feeling.
His thrusts picked up and he was pounding into you so hard you could barely breathe. You could feel every ridge of Jimin's cock that filled you deeply. Only Jimin could hit every single one of your sweet spots like he was throwing darts at a giant wheel. It was just too easy. Before you knew it, you were already unraveling underneath him. Heat blossomed through your body in dynamic increments—every wave crashing into you it felt like you were going to pass out.
Jimin pulled out of you with a wet, squelching sound and jerked himself off to release some pent-up sexual frustration. He stood at the edge of the bed with his erectness tall. He looked down at you sprawled out on the bed—both of you panting in exhaustion.
"Baby..." Jimin moaned and caressed his hand over your knee with such gentleness, you wondered if he was the same guy that was saying he was going to make you cum over and over. "Turn over for me."
You whined in a high pitched voice. "I'm tired..." You said and Jimin chuckled darkly.
"You want me to do it by force? 'Cause I will, princess." He said. It took you a split second to process his words before you turned yourself over and stuck your ass up in the air despite your pussy already red and bruised. Jimin laughed and smacked your ass. You bit back a moan. "That's a good girl."
You spread your legs as Jimin positioned himself at your entrance and slipped himself back into your wet hole. You gawked; Jimin's cock rubbed right over your sweet spot before nestling deep inside of you. You buried your head in the bed and moaned.
"Ah, so tight as always, fuck..." Jimin sighed and gripped your ass in his hands, grinding his hips into you. God, he just loves seeing you go insane, doesn't he?
"Ohh, baby. P-Please move." You pleaded and wiggled you ass, nestling right up against Jimin's naval. His pubic hair tickled your ass, but his cock filled you up so nicely you couldn't care less. Jimin hissed and squeezed your cheek and glanced down to see his cock coated in a layer of your cream. The sight was so amazing, he wanted to whip out his phone and snap a photo and save it for jerk-off material later. Jimin leaned forward and kissed your shoulder while his hand wandered up to stroke your hair.
"I'm gonna go rough, okay?" He whispered. You nodded, almost too enthusiastically.
"Yes, fuck me like a little whore, Jimin.” You glanced back for a second before Jimin clutched your hair and yanked your head back; a loud groan rumbled in your throat. You didn't have a second to prepare yourself before Jimin was pounding you from the back. The sound of skin slapping against skin clashed with your cries of pleasure. Your eyes fluttered behind your eyelids and all of the strength in your arms that were keeping you up left you and you fell forward into the mattress. Your desperate moans were drowned out by the sound of hasty grunts and muffled into the bed.
It wasn't the first time Jimin had been this rough with you. The first time was you just experimenting with sex you've only seen in porn and as usual, Jimin took things slow to let you adjust(yet somehow, he still managed to have you shivering from your orgasm by the end of the night).
Jimin's moans transformed into animalistic grunts that grew rougher with each thrust. They were breathy and gruff like this was angry sex and he was letting his frustration out on your poor pussy. He gripped your ass with his hand and propped his foot on the bed to dig out your insides even more. Had there been a mirror next you, Jimin would be hunched over while his hips moved wildly; your hair twisted in his hand.
"Agh, fuck! Fuck, I'm almost there—shit! Ah, I'm gonna cum, baby!" he growled and got in a few more shaky thrusts before pulling out and relieving himself over your ass; thick streams of cum painted your smooth skin. Moans of satisfaction from both of you filled the room. You were mostly glad that your hole could have a break. Jimin slapped his softened dick on your ass, smothering his cum into your skin.
"Ass looks so nice in my cum." He big his lip and smacked your ass. You whined and sprawled out on your stomach.
"That's great, but why don't you wipe it off now?" You laughed dryly, too lazy to wipe it off yourself. Jimin laughed as well, but he was still tired from exerting all of his strength.
"Yes, of course baby." He said and reached for a wet wipe that you kept in your drawer. He softly wiped his spunk off of your ass and you hummed happily. There was something so domestic about Jimin cleaning you up and calling you baby and whatnot. You didn't want it to end, ever. You wondered if it's ever going to end, if it has to end.
"There you go, your highness," Jimin said as he slid off the bed and snatched his underwear from the floor. You watched him pull the underwear over himself and when he meets your eyes, you don't look away. "What? You planning on round two? I don't mind, but at least give me some time to rest."
"No, that's not it," you said and roll your eyes. "Just thinking."
"You think a lot," Jimin sighed and flopped down on the bed beside you. He swooped in and wrapped his arm around our waist, pulling you down with him as he falls onto the mattress. "What's on your mind, princess?" Jimin closed his eyes with a small smile. You turn your body so you're touching chests and inches away from his face.
"I dunno... I think I'm too sober to tell." You said and Jimin snaps his head to narrow his eyes at you.
"Oh no, we are not having another drunk wine night. I swear, if you're still thinking about Namjoon—"
"I'm not!" You intervene with wide eyes. "God, no. I told you I'm over him!" You exclaim. Jimin nods his head in silent approval, as if to say, you better be. "I was just wondering... what's going to happen to us?" You asked in a soft voice. Jimin comprehends your words in a second before he looks at you with wide eyes of pure surprise.
"What?" Is all he can say.
"I mean—this whole thing. You and me, it only happened because I still liked Namjoon but now, it's different, you know?"
"How different?" Jimin's throat felt dry and his stomach started to churn in a way that wasn't supposed to after sex.
"I mean..." you take a deep breath and softly press the pads of your fingers on Jimin's chest. "What are we going to do now?"
At that moment, it would be perfect if Jimin were to say something along the lines of, anything. We can do whatever you want. Whatever makes you happy. As long as I get to be with you. Because that's exactly what was on his mind; but those words never made it out of his mouth. His throat tightened and his head spun like his brain was being twisted. An unsettling feeling in his stomach bubbles and all of a sudden, it's gotten harder to breathe.
Just say it. Just fucking say it.
But for some reason, he couldn't. Just simple sentence, one that'll lock down his love for you and he'll never have to worry about you liking another guy ever again, but the words don't come to his head.
"Jimin?" You ask, concerned. He flinched.
"I—uh, I can't—"
"You can't?" Your tone was sharp.
"No! No, that's not what I meant—"
"You can't what, Jimin?" You sit up and clench your hands at your side, head lowered to mask your teary eyes. "I knew it. You never fucking cared." You threw the blankets off of your legs and stood up from the bed, grabbing the rest of Jimin's clothes from the floor and chucking it at him. "Should've known."
"What? No! Y/N, listen to me!" Jimin stood up as well, covering his crotch with the crumpled up shirt you threw at him. "I care a lot about you."
Almost too much.
"That's it?" You scoffed and rolled your eyes. "You're a joke, Park Jimin."
"I'm a joke?" Jimin glared at you. "I'm not the one who's flirting with other guys like I'm not there! What the hell do you think this is?!" He yelled back and deep down, he knew he shouldn't have. The two of you weren't even dating, so why was he getting jealous? "Do whatever you want. If you want to fuck Jungkook, be my guest."
Your jaw dropped and you let out an exasperated gasp. "I am not fucking Jungkook. We're just friends! What, I can't have guy friends now? Who are you to decide that?!"
"Is that not what you intended when you got his number? When you were completely falling for his  childish flirting tactics? Please, you were leading him on like a dog on leash!" You saw Jimin's jaw clench tightly as he gripped his shirt with such anger. "Maybe Jungkook is a better choice for you."
"So—so what, are you calling me a whore now?"
"I never said that."
"It was implied."
"No, I never said that. Jeez, are you listening to yourself? All you do is talk yourself down for no reason! What's the point in that?!" He growled at you; suddenly emotions that he didn't even know he had were coming out.
"You know why," your voice squeaked, but you refused to shed any tears. The emotional wall you had built up over the years wasn't going to go down that easily and you definitely weren't going to let it crumble because of some petty argument. "Don't make this my fault."
"It's no one's fault, Y/N, or do you just like playing the victim?"
"Of course not! You're being ridiculous right now!" You exclaimed. Jimin knew that. He knew everything you were saying was correct and he was wrong and emotional and overreacting, but he couldn't seem to bring himself to tell you that because he was just so immature. But he still couldn't shake the uncertainty from his heart.
Jimin turned himself around and unraveled the damaged shirt in his hands, pulling it over his head. With his upper body covered, he felt less vulnerable.
"Then is he an option?" Jimin asked, his voice steady but only because Jimin was clenching his fists so tightly to hide his shaky voice. "If—if you had the choice between Jungkook and me, which one would you have sex with?" Jimin asked, his heart was pounding and he could feel his pulse through his fists as well as it drumming against his ears.
Would you replace me with Jungkook? Or Namjoon?
You could feel your nails digging wedges into your palms from how hard you were clenching your hands. It was unusual for you and Jimin to argue like this; the only thing you argued about was what toppings to get on pizza or who would be covering the bill for when the two of you ate out. Now that his entire demeanor had changed, from a sweet, playful attitude to some heartless dickhead you wondered if those feelings you had for him were genuine or not.
You knew you shouldn't have asked Jimin. He was just like the rumors said, just a jerk that sleeps around with women. You figured you knew him better, but in the end, they're all the same.
Jimin must've gone crazy. It was so out of character for Jimin to get so caught up in his own feelings that he didn't know how to control them and himself.
The room was eerily silent and the only sound was the soft hum of the air conditioning and the distant zoom of cars in the street. Jimin glanced back and saw the moonlight illuminate your face in a soft, white glow; the soft tufts of your hair that fell in front of your face, your lips that protruded out, your eyes that squeezed ever so slightly as a single tear fell down your cheek...
And Jimin's heart stopped. His face paled as his breath left his lungs and he felt his heart drop to the bottom of his stomach. Sheer guilt socked him in the gut and all he wanted to do was take back everything he had said.
Your hand hurriedly went to wipe your cheek and sniffled before averting your eyes.
"Is--" your voice cracked. "Is that what you thought this was? Just sex? I thought we..." you couldn’t finish the sentence without losing the power in your voice. You couldn't bring yourself to confess that you thought this was more than just sex. It was more than just being friends with benefits. It was late night talks, venting over a few glasses of wine, providing a shoulder to lean on when you wanted to burst out in tears when you felt so shitty, it was a chest to cry on when you did. It was Skype calls until four in the morning, treating each other to lunch, passing notes to each other in class, going on night-time drives to who knows where. It was more than just sex for you, but that was only to you. You supposed it was the same for Jimin.
Another tear fell down your cheek and you caught it before it pooled at your chin. And then another. You cupped your face and cursed under your breath; a mixture of shame and embarrassment conjured inside of you for crying in front of Jimin. You'd done it many times before, but this time was different. You weren't crying because of Namjoon or how shitty and pathetic your life was, you were crying over Jimin.
"Just go home," you interrupted, not even caring how scratchy and raspy your voice was. "Please, just go. I don't want to talk about this anymore."
And without another word, Jimin picked up his things and left.
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themeggem · 4 years
Final Reflection
Ten weeks is almost up, a chapter in my life coming to a close. It’s funny, my cycle started when I arrived in Torquay and now as I prepare to finish up loose ends, my cycle finishes, a new one beginning  as I step towards a new chapter in my life. It’s like my body is ready to let go.
 The ‘end’ feels a little open, uncertain and exciting. When I’m asked where to next? I’m never really sure at first. My decisiveness flaring up perhaps. But it’s okay, it allows for a blank page, I have the opportunity to carve out my own way, while being open to possibilities. It feels liberating in ways, a freedom to take my own steps without the (sometimes strict) guidance of schooling and university. The best part about it is that I feel ready to spread my wings and fly. I’ve already began shaking off the dust.
Before diving into the journey, I wanted to thank and feel gratitude for Matty, who carved out time in his busy life to listen to me, to be present and to guide me throughout the internship. For having the patience as I became familiar with the new surroundings, activities and tasks. And for providing me with both the initial opportunity but also giving me the freedom to take the reins for B recertification and allowing me to input any ideas or recommendations. Importantly, Matty helped me to become more in touch with my intuition and my resistance, by allowing me to write honest reflections and motivate me to journal more frequently. The experience has been a gift, and it is something I will remember and cherish.  
The big ole’ Journey
Like most things in life, this journey came with its own ups and downs. I feel like I’m getting the hang of riding out these roller coaster of emotions and situations thanks to COVID. But more thanks to being present. I can better recognise the feelings that rise within me better than before. I used to be consumed by my emotions, but now I just see them as travellers sometimes stopping for a little while, but never moving in. By not attaching to my emotions, my observation skills both within but outside have heightened. As part of the learning process I wanted to simply observe more practical things, but also how others connect, and react to situations. It has been insightful and further sparked my drive to run my own business, and create stronger connections with others. Seeing the flexibility and the way you can balance your life in a way that nourishes your wellbeing seems so important and something I want to stay true to. Self care is vital if I want to thrive. 
Through observing myself, I have leaned in to everything B Corp! I enjoyed the structure and guidelines that came with the recertification process. It was very ‘heady’, repetition started to set in at times, but when I began to feel settled, new tasks and ideas put me in a new direction.
Taking the initiative to connect with B Lab excited me, it showed that I was pretty keen to be involved and wanted to take a deeper dive into learning what it’s all about. I want to continue strengthening this connection, inspired to join Melbourne’s B committee to further extend my network within the B Corp community. Something I am interested in doing is definitely B Corp consulting, it seems to be a growing movement and it aligns to my values and how I see businesses being key to transformation and change that is so vitally needed. It’s a goal I have in mind, and I will be looking at ways I can improve my consulting skills and gain a deeper understanding of the B Corp world. 
Opening my own business has always been an idea that lingers and nudges me in times of inspiration. I feel prepared to take the risk, it’s just understanding how to take the risk exactly, and who it will be with. 
The future is filled with uncertainties, I guess it always is. Covid in a way has smashed to pieces preconceived ideas of what steps I should be taking after graduating. It’s left an open book of opportunities and failures. I feel myself floating a little. This year sometimes feels like a weird dream. Everything stopped in its tracks. Every expectation pulled from under my feet. How am I supposed to ‘do’ life now? What does this mean for my life? It made me realise nothing was for certain. That what I do now doesn’t mean I’m locked in for life. You never are. It brings me a stronger sense of intention as I realise my core purpose is to be. To simply be. The rest is just extra. That in being you are already more than enough. So whatever you choose, It cannot truly define who you are. So I say only do what allows you to be. To be, authentic self. From there is where we may thrive. To be there takes a lot of courage, takes bravery. Sometimes I get so confused about who I truly am, the societal constructs that have been bestowed upon us cause us to morph and play roles to feel some sense of belonging. Sometimes it feels more comfortable to be in the roles, to accept what has been dealt. But then I do things that feel right and it brings me back home.
It feels right when helping others to be seen, to be understood and to feel comfortable in being themselves. It feels right when I can help improve how we manage our lifestyles and our impact on the environment, when awareness grows, when we feel a deeper connection to our surroundings and when we try to restore some balance. I stated in my goals earlier that I wanted to gain a clearer understanding of where I wanted to direct my passion, but I think somewhere in the depths, I knew all along… To discover with others how we might improve our fundamental connections to all beings. From rocks, gum trees and incredible oceanic mammals. These ecosystems are our existence. How can we live in better harmony? How can we use our minds, our ideas, or creations to repair and rebalance? How can we sit closer together and listen presently to others and the world that wraps around us?
Lately I have sensed a flare of creative energy, I want to paint, dance, draw, I want to create my own content. I imagine a business that changes the way we understand the story of our clothes, where my fellow humans are no consumer in my eyes but are connecting, working together towards a common goal in loving and nurturing our beautiful planet, using technology and industry as a force for good. Continuing to propel the sparked awareness of improved localisation as Covid meets us eye to eye. We needed each other then, and we need each other now if we are going to nurture and repair the damage that has been and is being done. I see freedom in running my own business, allowing my gypsy travel bug to flare, to carve out my imagination and bring it to life and to make my own money off my own back. 
I may be inexperienced, I do have many doubts, it feels uncomfortable at times. But I don’t see how I’m going to change, how I’m going to grow if I don’t step into the deep end and start learning how to swim. 
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Did you realize that 1 billion hours of YouTube are viewed by clients every day? That is identical to 8.4 minutes out of every day per human!
With its far reaching prominence, it's difficult for advertisers to overlook the video showcasing channel. Be that as it may, with such high notoriety comes high rivalry. The channel is packed with an interminable library of video content, so how might you stick out?
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We've all gotten ourselves marathon watching a long time of feline recordings. There is not something to be embarrassed about! The inquiry is, in what capacity would marketers be able to take consideration away from these well known felines to get more eyes all alone YouTube channels? This is exactly what this article intends to accommodate you – supposing that you've invested the energy to put resources into video then in addition to the fact that you want an arrival, you need an arrival!
It's an ideal opportunity to develop your channel's endorsers through some key work. Here are 12 hints to become your YouTube supporters, quick!
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#1: Clean Up Your YouTube Channel
Before we get into the great stuff, it is essential to do some housekeeping. While you may figure everything your business does is immaculate, you are not Beyoncé, so your crowd probably won't think so... I know, I know, it's difficult to accept, however it's critical to step away from your self and into the shoes of a pariah now and again.
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Seriously investigating your YouTube channel and reconsidering what is on there will probably prompt the acknowledgment that a piece of old substance ought to be erased—regardless of whether it is obsolete, ineffectively delivered, or only a failure of a video that ought to have never caused it to up there in any case. In the event that you have something of this nature attached to your image, it's going to quickly kill that lead, and cause them to lose trust in your image. Erase it and never think back!
This carries me to my next tip…
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#2: Only Create and Post Highly Watchable Content
 Indeed, I realize this tip may appear glaringly evident, yet YouTube is brimming with mess, so it's anything but difficult to feel like you can pull off posting shoddy substance. All things considered, you can't! The best way to truly stand apart from the pack and develop your supporter base it to make the most elite substance in your space.
The way to achieving this is arranging during pre-creation. Here are a couple of ways you can do this better then your opposition:
Do Your Research
Watch your rivals' recordings, just as recordings in ventures outside of yours, and scribble down notes of the most captivating parts. Or maybe then duplicating what your opposition is doing, locate a progressively imaginative approach to improve. For instance, in the event that I was in the gum business (or some other business so far as that is concerned) I'd most likely take a tip or two from my unsurpassed most loved YouTube business, The Story of Sarah and Juan. Look at it, and simply attempt and disclose to me this didn't make you cry.
It is really evident what is so magnificent about this business: the capacity it needs to evoke ground-breaking feelings. How could your organization do this?
Content ahead
You may figure you can blindly go for it on screen. Indeed, you can—however you shouldn't. You have to design out your content, do a table read, re-compose it, table read, and re-compose it once more. This procedure improves your content to make it take on the story you're attempting to pass on in the most remarkable manner. Organizations regularly underutilize the intensity of scripting, however acing this craftsmanship can take your recordings to a totally new level.
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In case you're new to video scripting, look at this guide from Wistia!
Buy the correct gear for an in-house studio
What is the "right" hardware? Also, would you be able to bear the cost of it? This response to the last inquiry is yes! Incredibly enough, the camera isn't your most significant bit of hardware. Why? All things considered, these days the camera on your iPhone is close in quality to a significantly more costly other option.
In the event that you are shooting in-house, the most significant hardware to have is a basic foundation, studio lights, and a tripod. Truly, there are a couple of different things you may require contingent upon the video, similar to props and sound gear, yet making certain about a portion of the fundamentals and making a strong in-office studio will prompt better video creation.
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Wistia goes to our guide again with this magnificent DIY Studio Set-up Guide. Likewise look at our own manual for making a video culture at your organization.
Make the initial 10 seconds of your video the most critical
Did you realize that an incredible 20 percent of watchers drop off inside the initial 10 seconds of your video? This is the reason you have to benefit as much as possible from the most initial couple of moments. (PS: If you're searching for more YouTube details, we have you secured.)
To establish an amazing first connection, don't begin your video with a dull presentation, yet rather with the most climactic piece of your video. On the off chance that you start with a blast watchers won't have any desire to leave.
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#3: Execute Top-Notch Channel Trailers
 YouTube has this excellent component for advertisers hoping to develop their membership base, called channel trailers. These are similarly as they sound, short trailers that naturally play when a guest shows up on your YouTube channel page.
This is the ideal chance to fabricate your membership base, if, and just on the off chance that, you make madly convincing substance.
These trailers should be short (30-60 seconds), convincing, and in particular they have to give your guests motivation to remain. Do they should be comical, excellent, and genuinely charged? It will help! What I truly can't pressure enough is the requirement for an effective source of inspiration that gives the watcher motivation to buy in.
Look at this wonderful model from SoulPancake. Not exclusively is the trailer the ideal length, it incites inspirational feelings, satire, and finishes with an extremely imaginative source of inspiration.
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 #4: Make Sure Your Videos Are Under 5 Minutes
Things being what they are, your recordings are every one of the 30-an hour in light of the fact that your advanced designing programming is confused to clarify? Or on the other hand maybe you're in the law business and accept the best way to ingrain trust is to incorporate long video tributes on your channel?
While tributes are extraordinary, long recordings and YouTube turn out poorly together! Despite how entangled the item you're advertising is, your recordings ought to never surpass 5 minutes.
Why? All things considered, science. Study after investigation demonstrates that online video watchers have a limited capacity to focus. That is to say, did you overlook prior when I disclosed to you how 20 percent of watchers drop off inside the initial 10 seconds? Truth be told, HubSpot has discovered that the perfect length for recordings on YouTube is a quite brief 2 minutes. So re-alter those long online classes, and transform them into short, smart clasps.
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 On the off chance that you have a feeling that you can't chop down your substance, the tip underneath will prove to be useful!
 #5: Turn a Set of Videos into a Binge-Worthy Playlist
 Do you have a lot of recordings that go together? Maybe you do a common week after week instructive arrangement, or you have a lot of online courses around a similar subject?
Whatever it is, you should make that gathering into a YouTube playlist. This will permit your watchers to keep watching without having to physically look for and click into the following video.
For what reason is this useful for membership development? All things considered, it will keep individuals on your channel longer, and give them that you have a plenty of value content. This will likewise keep your video content profoundly sorted out so your channel doesn't turn into a jumbled wreckage that dismisses clients.
BuzzFeed Tasty works admirably at this. Look at their YouTube playlist page, which is gathered by various classifications like, "Supper," "Veggie lover," and my undisputed top choice since I detest dishes, "One-Pot Recipes."
utilizing playlists to develop youtube supporter base
 #6: Add Powerful CTA's Into Your Videos
Every single great advertiser know how to make amazing suggestions to take action, or CTA's. So why not utilize these abilities of yours to give clients motivation to come back to your channel through a buy in capable source of inspiration?
How accomplishes this work precisely? On the off chance that embeddings a CTA into a video sounds confused, and conceivably over your specialized capacities, I have uplifting news: It's definitely not! YouTube has made this simple by permitting advertisers to include end screens and cards into their recordings. Let me separate these two alternatives somewhat further:
 End Screens: An end screen is exactly what it seems like, a screen where a source of inspiration will show up are the finish of your video. Regardless of whether you need to urge watchers to buy in, guide them toward the following video, or even advance your site or crowdfunding effort, you can do these things with end cards. End screens permit you to looked over four changed components relying upon your objective.
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You can even have numerous components per end-screen (like in the picture underneath). End cards can show up during the last 5-20 seconds of your video, which must be in any event 25 seconds in length. Look at this connect to get familiar with end screens.
youtube end screen model
Cards: If end screens aren't your thing, look at YouTube cards! These children permit you to include greater intuitiveness during your video, regardless of whether it's guiding watchers toward a particular URL, indicating a video or playlist, advancing your channel, or in any event, surveying your crowd.
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Here's a case of what a card resembles in real life:
case of youtube cards
The main thing to remember with cards is that clients do need to press the little "I" symbol at the correct corner of the video to cause the card to show up. Look at this connect to become familiar with YouTube cards.
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greengargouille · 7 years
Korotan A: Chapter 7
((Hello dear readers! We’re near the end of our story. From the first chapter with Nagisa and Terasaka receiving their handbook, to the latest where they went to a maid café, our heroes polished their English, and chapter 8 will show us whether those efforts were enough. But for now, it’s baseball time!
It might not surprise you anymore, but @blazardragon​ made a fine job of editing and correcting this chapter too. As neither of us really know baseball, some words sure were a bother. Thank you for helping me so much, blazard!))
Chapter 7: How to spend Sunday
By a sunny Sunday, Nagisa crossed a big bridge passing over a river flowing peacefully, with people walking with their children or dogs by its side.
You could hear the sound of someone hitting balls.
“Let’s go! -Yeah!”
From the baseball field installed near the river, voices full of energy could be heard. Teams of middle schoolers from local clubs were fighting against each other. Sugino, who was standing on the mound, had offered Nagisa to come see today’s match, as Nagisa had always helped him train his throws.
“Next time, I’ll try a new curve ball. So come and see me!” Sugino had told him with enthusiasm.
But when Nagisa reached the place, the situation was dire, with 1 out and 3 runs.
“Ball!” At the umpire’s verdict, Sugino made an head move. ‘He hasn’t given his all yet’, thought Nagisa, relieved upon seeing Sugino’s face. “Go, pitcher!” shouted Nagisa. Sugino heard him, saw him in the stands and smiled.
He dusted his fist with powdered rosin from a bag, then gripped the white ball. He shook his head on the side at the catcher’s sign, then acquiesced at the third time. He stretched his arm and threw the ball.
“A straight ball?” Nagisa was surprised.
The batter hit, his bat resonated, and the ball bounced once before nestling itself in the shortstop‘s glove.
‘Could that be...’ thought Nagisa.
The shortstop made a pass to the second baseman. When the runner of the first base put out, the second threw to the first and equally put the batter out. Like that, Sugino’s team left its difficult position from the first and third bases.
“Awesome!” Sugino was delighted, tightening his fist. “That’s a ‘two-seam’ fastball. Sugino, you keep getting better!” shouted Korosensei. “Korosensei, what are you doing here?” asked Nagisa. “The supermarket starts to sell off its food at four o'clock, so I came kill some time waiting for that.
Wearing a cap, Korosensei was sitting next to Nagisa. Sugino, meanwhile, was cheered on by his teammates with a “Well played, Sugino!” as he showed a shy smile.
“He fits right in this team.” noted Korosensei. While snacking on popcorn, he observed Sugino with goodwill. “I already received a ‘two-seam’ curve ball during training, but I don’t understand the benefits of a ball with such little effects.” wondered Nagisa. “That’s a winning ball when you let it get hit. You feign a straight ball, but it descends slowly. So the batter misses it, and the infield receives a wavering ball. This trick can help you get a double play.” Korosensei added: “My role is also to follow the progress my students make. -Say, what do you usually do during weekends?” Nagisa asked to his teacher.
Korosensei wore a blank stare.
“Let’s see... I do plenty of very important things.” he answered. “What kinds of things?” pursued Nagisa. “Flying to the other side of the Earth to treat myself with local specialities, making collages out of weekly magazines... -Ah, of young girls in swimsuits for example.” Nagisa said sardonically. “Yes, ‘Everything overflows from the swimsuit’ is on its fifth edition, and it’s a real pleasure for the eyes... Ah, I didn’t say anything...” continued Korosensei mumbling about his weekend activities to elude the question. “When one is a super-organism like me, there’s so much to do that it’s embarrassing! But since my salary isn’t very high, I can’t spend a lot to distract myself. However, encouraging my students is very satisfying.” “As for me, I didn’t come solely to encourage Sugino.” Nagisa explained to his teacher while pulling the ‘Korotan’ out of his pocket. “I learned from Karasuma-sensei that a lot of the terms used in sports came from English. It’s the perfect opportunity to learn English, don’t you think? -That’s the case. I will quote some words to you in Japanese, and you will have to tell me their English equivalent. -Okay! -’Secure’!” started Korosensei. “Secure... it’s ‘safe’!” said Nagisa. -Correct. Now, ‘inactive’. -’Inactive’? I don’t know that one at all. -It’s ‘out’! -That’s a bit far-fetched, that one!” Nagisa got angry. -Then ‘the efficient association of pitchers and catchers in a team’?” Nagisa thought about it. “It’s ‘battery’! But where does this word come from? -The word comes from ‘artillery batteries’, a term used during the American Civil War, and then it was used to characterise the pitching power of baseball pitchers.”
At this moment, the umpire shouted: “Fair ball!”.
“Ah, yes, the ‘two-seam’ term we used a moment ago is for the seams of a baseball ball.” Seams appeared on Korosensei’s face as he spoke. “You shouldn’t do that when there’s people around. -That’s perfectly right, Nagisa. Look, you have every right to be that motivated, but the weekend is the weekend.”
A hitting sound resonated over the river. Sugino hit hard during the runner/two bases¹. Two runners arrived and Sugino slid onto second base. “Awesome!” Sugino made a thumbs up to Nagisa, who replied to him. “But when I think about how the stabbing voucher depends on it, I feel like I need to motivate myself for Monday’s test. -A stabbing won’t harm me and it’s important to relax during your free time. Fully enjoying yourself allows you to be effective the next day.” Korosensei made a bubble with his chewing gum, looking particularly relaxed. “Korosensei! -Yes? -Give me some gum!” Korosensei laughed. “Yes, that’s exactly it!” He pulled out a piece of gum from his pocket and gave it to him. However, when Nagisa took it, Korosensei added: “It will be ten yen. -What, you can’t give me a piece of gum? -That was a joke. But since my salary wasn’t given to me yet, I’m half-serious.” Korosensei’s smile twitched into a sad face. “No... That’s not a joke... I’m serious! -You’re asking me for ten yen when you’re a super-organism within an inch of destroying the Earth!” shouted Nagisa.
Meanwhile, Sugino carried on with his pitches. The curve ball drifted, making the batter hit thin air.
“Strike, out!”
((¹The term was already like this in the french text. It was already like this... But, somehow, it doesn’t correspond to anything when trying to look around on the web. Can someone with an actual understanding of how baseball works give us confirmation that it’s the correct term?))
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brandmentalist · 7 years
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We are constantly on the look out for ways to improve our lives, ourselves, our bodies, and our minds. No matter how many hacks there are to implement, things to learn and to ponder upon, there are a few simple things that if we learn to start doing now and everyday, they will become valuable habits for a lifetime.
1. Learn to control impulse spending
Buying shoes because they’re on sale. Grabbing that shiny gadget because it’s just come out and you’d look cool being the first to have it. Splurging on alcohol simply because… err… you’re already drunk?!?
How much would you have saved if you could actually control your impulse spending every time the urge occurs?
The ability to subordinate an impulse to a value is the essence of the proactive person. 
- Stephen R. Covey
When you get rid of the desires to buy things you can live without, you will feel more in control and life will get easier. After all, a lot of the time when we feel life is hard, it’s because we haven’t managed our finances well enough - we’ve bought too much clothes, spent too much on the weekend, ate out too often, and simply just have a bad habit of spending beyond our means. Once we learn to stop impulse spending and make it a natural part of who we are to realize that “less is more” and enjoy minimal living, life will feel a whole lot easier and 80% of the stress we have in life will be eliminated.
2. Always be active
When you start working out consistently, you’ll notice increase in your energy level. And just like how it takes us several weeks and months to build a good habit, the mind and body also do the same.
When you work out, your metabolic rate goes up, your blood gets pumped up, and your heart muscles get stronger. The adrenaline rush and the sweat also help you get rid of stress and recharge your brain. 
Isn’t heart the most important organ in our body? You bet.
Here’s my theory on exercising,
Exercising without an adrenaline rush is like having sex without reaching an orgasm.
Moreover, when we are active, we feel fit and confident from within which helps us get more things us and feel better overall in all areas of life. When we feel fit and fresh, we speak more confidently, hold better posture, and become more productive at work too. Isn’t that just wonderful?
3. All the hard work will be worth it
There are two main reasons for this;
Everything you are good at now, you were a beginner at one point. Soccer? Guitar? DJing? Rock-climbing? Golf? Making sales? Writing? Building a website? Managing staff? Public speaking? Analyzing data? Not as much fun in the beginning…but it will definitely get more enjoyable and easier as the days go by. It’s all about how you look at it.
They make you stronger. All the emotional tiresome you have to go through in the initial stage of doing something new, the tedious long hours you trade in for something else you want, the willpower you have to build, the motivational phases you keep pushing yourself with — all of these make you stronger.
4. You are what you eat
Sometimes we forget and overlook these things we studied since primary school. We don’t just need food to give us energy to get through the day — this is why a lot of people eat junk food.
We need vitamins and minerals because our bodies cannot produce these. They are vital for the functioning and growth.
Therefore, we must obtain them from food.
Let’s see what these vitamins and minerals are for;
Vitamin A = hair, skin, and vision
Vitamin B = blood
Vitamin C = teeth, gums, and muscles.
Vitamin D = bones and teeth.
Vitamin E = blood, eyes, skin, liver, and lungs.
Vitamin K = blood to clot when we get a cut.
Calcium = bones and teeth
Copper = iron, blood, transportation of oxygen
Germanium = immune system
Iron = red blood cells, energy
Magnesium = heart, blood pressure, and nerve function
Manganese = bones, the metabolism of enzymes in the cells, protein and amino acid digestion and utilisation
Phosphorus = synthesise protein for growth, maintenance, and repair
Potassium = fluid balance, blood pressure, cell functioning
Zinc = immune system
Now, does this make you want to forever stop eating junk food with no nutritional value? ;)
5. Do one thing that makes you happy — every day
Whatever it is that makes you happy, take time to do.
Sometimes we’re bombarded with responsibilities that we forget to give ourselves joy. Happiness in every day can be derived from simple things like cooking, sitting down with a nice cup of tea reading a magazine, relaxing with your partner, playing with your kid, reading a book before bed, having a glass of red while watching your favorite show, playing football with the boys, or going to a comedy show.
Bills and responsibilities are to be taken care of. But don’t forget, that ‘YOU’ come first — you, your health, and your happiness. Take at least 10 minutes to an hour a day just to simply enjoy you.
6. Minimize drama, anger, and negativity
Drama and anger are sometimes somewhat inevitable as created by someone else in your life. What you can do is to try your best to put your mind at ease and let it go. Shift your focus. Learn to become resilient and handle the flame.
Stop associating with people who shove drama and pessimism down your throat.
7. Question how something can be done better
There is always an alternative to achieving something. Make it a habit to ask yourself question “How can this be done better?”.
This could be a process at work, at home, or just in one’s self.
How can I finish this task in a more efficient way? Can I create a new way of doing this? Can I come up with a better way that delivers the same or even a better result?
How can I get from point A to point B on a different path - different from what everyone else is doing? Is there a way to hack this?
How can I accelerate my personal growth? How can master this skill before everyone else does?
Write down your goals. Big goals. Big aspirations. Big dreams. Then think about how you can achieve those goals — via route A, B, C. Question everything and every process to find a better way of doing something. Google is your best friend. Ask questions. Ask better questions. Because the better questions will give you the better answers. Stay curious. Do your research. Give it a go.
8. Learn from experiences and mistakes
Throughout our lives, we will make several of what might seem like mistakes and failures. The secret is this — failure is not a failure. Failure is a part of the process. Without mistakes and failures, you don’t learn anything. You can protect yourself by learning from others’ mistakes. But what if your way of doing things was a new way? What if no one has done it before so you can’t learn it from others’ stories?
It’s not what happens to us, but our response to what happens to us that hurts us.
- Stephen R. Covey
Think about this….
You don’t know what feeling “satisfied with food” feels like until you experience “hunger”.
You don’t know what “joy” feels like if you’ve never been “sad”.
You don’t know how painful a “heartbreak” is if you’ve never been in love.
You need to go through the bad to appreciate the good.
Behind every mentally strong person is a struggle and strong willpower that has been consequently built upon it.
Learn from those experiences. Don’t simply just move on. Give yourself a pause. Learn what went wrong.
9. Learn from people you encounter
Every new person you encounter teaches you something or get you to see something in a slightly different way because everyone is different. The new friends you’ve met over the year — What have you learned from them?
Make it a habit to be open-minded and really listen.
Did you learn something about their hobbies or interests?
Did you learn something about their work?
Did you learn something from the way they do things?
Did you learn something from the way they think?
Did you spot any differences in perspectives, attitudes, and beliefs? Could this spark any interesting arguments or shed some light?
10. Take time to self-reflect
I have been a strong believer in the Inside-Out approach since my father gave me The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People book to read. It is one of the best paradigm-shifting books that has influenced me until today.
We must look at the lens through which we see the world, as well as at the world we see, and that the lens itself shapes how we interpret the world.
The key to self-mastery is self-discover. We try to change habits. We try to do things better. But at the end of the day, it all starts from the way we see things. Because the way we see things affects how we feel which affects how we behave.
We can only achieve the quantum improvements in our lives as we quit hacking at the leaves of attitude and behaviour and get to work on the root, the paradigms from which our attitudes and behaviours flow.
At the core what we do, act, and show to the world is our paradigms. They are the foundation that hold everything we are up. They are the source of our attitudes and behaviours. We cannot act with integrity outside of them. We simply cannot maintain wholeness if we talk and walk differently than we see. No matter how busy your life is, take some time off to reflect.
With self-discovery at the core of self-mastery, you can feel complete and whole from within — from the inside out, rather than outside in
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sagebodisattva · 5 years
Severe Condemnation of Mediocrity
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Yeah, it's a shame to have to say this, but somebody's got to do it. Not only for your own good, but also just to go on record as someone in the masses that finally said what needed to be said, concerning the pervasive permeation of rampant vapidity that has saturated the human consciousness. So, you know, the ole roll up the sleeves dirty job requirement thing.
The most shallow superficial individuals with the lowest intelligence concern themselves with people and gossip, the moderately shallow superficial ones with average intelligence concern themselves with places and events, but the truly wise conceptually deep ones with the highest intelligence concern themselves with concepts and ideas. I say this because sometimes people ask me:
“Sage, how come you never do videos about people or current events?”
And, I have to tell you, the reason is simple; because that kind of content is trite, shallow, superficial, air headed, mediocrity, that only appeals to the lowest common denominator; which means, of course, the majority; of which, I have absolutely no interest in appeasing, nor to whom, the appetite of which, I will not be catering to. I am here to wake people up from delusion, not to enable sleeping lemmings to get more comfortable in their delusion by serving up predictable cheesy junk food entertainment that telegraphs all its intentions, so as to be more easily consumed by lazy sedentary brains, that love to get banged over the head with sophomoric catchy unchallenging candy coated tripe, so as to mask the inner quiet desperation with some fake outward appearance of arrogant clever self satisfaction, which upholds a contrived self image as being one who is among those who fit in, and are accepted into some smug group, that imagines itself to be just so great, because it attracts so many others of the same type, of which, you can be sure, is a whole lotta people.
This is the essence of mediocrity, and it's not anything to applaud, condone, encourage or feed into. Mediocrity is the death knell of artistry and creativity, and is a omen of bloated decadence and the rapid decay of intelligence, wisdom, philosophy and mindfulness. We should be careful when maintaining standards of quality to not reward mediocrity, for this only gives it more motivation to repeat itself, which is what it's best at, for one of the great hallmarks of mediocrity is the constant rehash and regurgitation of anything that was previously popular; and in this regard, mediocrity knows no decency, or shame. It will beat a dead horse into a pulp, and then take the pulp and make it into a smoothie, and after you throw that up, it will take the vomit and incorporate it into an energy drink.
This is the degraded state of mainstream pop culture, which began it's gradual degenerative descent into insipid superficiality in 1980, and has gotten regressively worse and worse upon each passing decade. Things got so lame that, after 1999, we even lost our creativity in the clothing styles that usually reflects the particular flavor of bubblegum that represents the pop culture zeitgeist of a decade, which you would think would be the bread and butter. Have you noticed that? If you look at the 50's, 60's, 70's. 80's and 90's, each decade has it's own unique style, but does anything really come to mind when you think about 2000 to 2009? What about 2010 to today? Anything? I can't really think of anything, other then just a mish mash rehash of past styles. There's no more distinct style accompanying the decades anymore. Everything now is either just streamlined brand names and commercial logos, or a x-factor, hipster, socio-historical grab bag of random appropriation, or just the usual formal business attire. Not that I really care all that much, but it is a demonstration of the decline of creativity via the saturation and satiation of mediocrity on the masses, which dilutes, or dries up completely, the wellspring of primary source content and original expression.
And you know that the mediocrity has reached epic proportions, with the reality shows the way they are nowadays, along with all the various parades of side shows freaks, drama queens and attention whores. It's gotten so bad, that they even do FAKE reality shows now. That's right. TV is gonna go to great lengths to indulge your need for sniffing other people's dirty underwear, and providing you with a role model archetype you can identify with, so that you may properly vicariously indulge in all the attention whoring and drama pornography, even if it mean it has to stage events to appear real. Sound familiar? This is seems to be related to a theme we find present here in this reality. This gusto for lies and fakery. Much of the time you even know it's a lie, but you love it anyway. We love fake people and fake personalities, because we are not self accepting people. We hide our pure natures behind the superficial facades of luxury, plastic surgery and extravagant lifestyles. And we keep ourselves happily sedated in this shallow fluff by consuming large amounts of prescription drugs and mainstream popular culture. And, isn't it curious that the biological definition of culture is: the cultivation of bacteria, tissue cells, etc., in an artificial medium containing nutrients. Artificial. Got the drift? And so, who is the most popular bacterium of the day? All the sheep want to know.
Yes, sheep. As in, sheeple. It's always been kind of a cool way to refer to the adherents of mediocre conformity, but I always had my own little pejorative label that I liked much better than the sheeple, which has grown into a bit of a cliche. I have always called them, the Ones. I call them the ones because they are the ones that all agree, and they are also called the ones because they are all like little metaphorical number 1's, uniformly basic, all running around in giant packs of identical meaning and purpose. What are all the ones watching? What are all the ones listening to? What does the latest poll by all the ones reveal? Which contestant have all the ones voted off the show? Because, you must be like all the ones. All the ones agree on this. Don't find yourself in opposition to all the ones. All the ones might pass a new law to crush your individuality. Cause you must be like all the ones. You must be like all the ones and (X8)....
So, to appeal to all the ones must mean that you are successful, right? To be celebrated by the lowest common denominator has become the measure of greatness. When all the clones love you, you know you have achieved something magnificent. You are now a popular mainstream product of pop culture mediocrity. Congratulations! Obviously, your appeal must be a reflection of good taste, because all the ones approve of what you are doing. You are normal, non-threatening, and unchallenging to the ones sensibilities, and thereby fit for mass consumption, and other such facilities. Because you know how bubble gum logic works, if it's popular, then that must mean that it's the best. That it's better then all the alternatives. That it's top shelf, crème de la crème, right? Yeah. And that's why fast food cheeseburgers are so much better then filet mignon. This is why junk food is so much better then gourmet cuisine. Are we to believe this? Come now. It's not better, it's just cheaper. Easier. Flashier. It's mediocre. Which, at best, just means supremely average.
How does something like that sound to you? You are so stupendously average. Quite Ordinary. Unremarkable. Standard. Normal. Typical. Regular. Are these descriptors getting you horny yet? No. Popular doesn't mean better. It means mediocre. Which, from the perspective of the refined aesthetics of a creative discerning mind, means complete and utter artistic failure. You got that? Under most circumstances, with few exceptions, popularity means epic fail. Artistically, popularity isn't indicative of success, but of a failure that is obscured by a sort of ironic condescending mocking lionization. Behind all the applause and smiling faces is the secret desire to see your downfall. This is why so many artists who were lauded and celebrated and pushed to the heights of praise and attention are promptly kicked and dragged through the dirt the second they are down. The media and paparazzi just love that, don't they. Like buzzards and vultures circling a fresh corpse. That's why they celebrate you so hard when you're on the way up. It's fresh meat. A future meal. Another mediocre subject for them to rip apart and play in the innards.
You feel bad when you see this happen to someone like Marlon Brando, but not so bad when you see it happen to anyone in this new crop of snarky millennials, who knew or blew their way to the top because it was always their dream to have the lifestyle of an artist. You dig that? The lifestyle. Actual artistry is a glossed over afterthought. They don't have much talent, but talent doesn't matter if you have a really good looking superficial appearance! Don't worry about talent, we got teleprompters and auto tune for that. What we'll loosely call your so called body of work, is really just generic filler to justify the lifestyle of a pop star, which is more important and incidentally, the subject of a new reality TV show, where the lifestyle is the feature showcase of the show! And have you seen one of these shows? They are expositions that provoke misanthropy, which is why they are best avoided; for they inspire the desire for bloodsport. They make you root in favor of the media vultures, and even want to assist them, by sharpening their talons and feeding them cocaine. Give you some privacy? Please. You got what you signed up for, so don't sneer and push the photographers, lest you get thrown to the lions. Yeah. I'm in favor of bringing back the colosseum games wherein reality TV stars and their ilk must engage in gladiator battles to the death. Now that would be something to celebrate!
And speaking of celebrating, the crypto semantics of which brings us the word "celebrity", it's amazing how mediocrity, which works so little and contributes works of such little value, feels it needs to be praised and awarded on a regular basis. You know... The type of mediocrity that is so average and so propped up by nepotistic handicapped assistance that it just simply deserves to be showered by various awards granted from itself to itself!! There's nothing better in the whole wide world then mediocrity patting itself on the back and bestowing itself mediocrity awards. A reward for a job well done, right? And they call this professionalism, which is a real slap to the intelligence. More like professional mediocrity.
But do you know what the real kick to the kidneys is? If you look up the word mediocrity in the dictionary, it's lists as a related synonym: amateur. And this is a common misconception and misassociation, as, obviously most people don't understand the meaning of the word, as it's often wrongly used to indicate a meaning of one being green or unskilled or of lame creative abilities, as we have often heard it spoken in response to displays of buffoonery to "knock it off and stop acting so amateur"... amateur doesn't mean unskilled. It means someone who does something out of a love for doing it, as opposed to the professional, who does something out of a love of profit, which automatically means it just has to be better, right? Making an amateur mistake means that you haven't been thoroughly trained on how to produce to the cookie cutter standard. You aren't formula enough. You need to become more predictable, less thoughtful and cater to someone else's standards. That's funny, considering so many of the styles and techniques that come naturally to the amateur are often later adopted and replicated by the so called professionals. The amateur has heart. The professional wants money. And that's exactly why the quality of all these mainstream projects has gone so low. The motive of profit almost always necessarily equates into a decline in quality and substance. And this truth pervades all arenas of human achievement. Ask yourself, what kind of doctor would you like treating you, or operating on you, one that loved what he was doing, or one that was just doing it just because he loves the paycheck? And what kind of politician would you want representing you, one that loves and serves the people? Or one that will use the office to benefit himself and his corporate pimps? Profit is a recipe that poisons the well. But with art it's even more of a factor that will determine quality. When you are pushing out content for profit you have basically become a pimp who is prostituting an art form, which drastically cheapens everything, despite the million dollar budget, and that's really an unfortunate shame.
And it’s really all quite depressing; which is why I’m done talking about it now... but, uh, yeah it kinda had to be said and uh, I had to say to say it. It was really not really pleasant. But I, you know, had to really deconstruct it. Chop it up, and slice it the other way... into little cubes. Can’t have that. Too much. Too much facade; it has to be chopped. You know? It’s bad enough there’s a facade; but a facade on steroids? No, it has to be chopped, sorry.
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trendingnewsb · 7 years
How to Stay Awake and Energetic No Matter How Busy Your Schedule Is
Previously I wrote an article on Why I have a Morning Routine and How It Makes Me Sharper Every Day. I discussed my morning routine and some big picture reasons on why you should adopt one yourself. However, many people have asked me for a deeper and practical look into how I do these things. Specifically, I have been asked how I am able to wake up early and stay awake. So, let’s dive into those topics so you can live in the world you want to create!
You Can Live the Life You Want Only If You Know What You Want.
Increasing our energy and stamina is important on so many levels. The choices we make today will determine the life we live tomorrow.
We are living in the age of inactivity. Think about how much time you are wasting in front of a screen. What are you usually doing for extended periods of time while you are in front of a screen? You are probably sitting down and eating.
Dr. Nick Knight wrote about inactivity and how our culture of laziness is killing us.[1] Knight remarked,
“Yes, physical inactivity has its price tags. It is linked to the development of chronic health problems like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity, depression, dementia, and cancer. It can make us feel bad about ourselves, guilty and frustrated, appeased only with the ever-alluring reward of inactivity – comfort, rest, and stress-free.”
Let’s take a look at some of the characteristics that lead to the ailments Knight discussed. Do any of these characteristics resonate with you?
Do you almost float around in your chair appearing to be oblivious to your surroundings?
Do you eat fast food while watching television for hours upon hours?
Assuming you are otherwise healthy, are you a person who has to ride in a motorized cart while at the supermarket or the zoo?
Do you sleep the day away?
Do you look like a Jelly-Filled Human?
You might recognize some of these characteristics from the movie WALL-E. These are the Axiom Humans or the citizens in the film.
I only make these remarks in order to provide you a wakeup call or an awareness to the deadly life you could potentially be living. If these comments describe you, then it’s time to make a change.
A Jelly-Filled Human or a Hacker?
I have created a phased approach to this high-energy lifestyle. Let’s take a look at the 4-Levels people typically fall into. Note that you do not have to start at Level 1 (not all of us begin as Jelly-Filled Humans!).
Level 1: Jelly-Filled Humans. This is a person living the Axiom Human lifestyle discussed earlier.
Level 2: Learning to Walk. This level is usually brought on by an awareness of living in Level 1. Once you are aware of who you are (a Jelly-Filled Human), you can now learn to walk.
Level 3: The Aware. This type of person is someone who understands that they should be exercising and living well, yet at the first sign of failure they give in. They are close and simply need a breakthrough in their mindset.
Level 4: The Hacker. This is the level we should strive to be. The Hacker is a person who has adopted this lifestyle and is continually searching for new hacks (or ways) to improve their life. They have more energy, stamina, and an overall healthier lifestyle than Levels 1-3 combined.
So, how to become a Level 4 person?
Energy and Stamina Hacks
Let’s take a look at some of the energy and stamina hacks you can use and then we will develop an action plan to follow.
Exercise Hourly
I use a version of the Pomodoro Technique for physical exercise. Take a look at my approach in 5 Ways My Crazy Morning Routine Will Transform You into Superman. Simply use a timer on your watch or phone, set the timer for every 30 or 60 minutes, then exercise.
I have adapted my routine to look like this: 10 times a day – 80 push-ups, plank for 60 seconds, 40 curls. This is the best way to get your blood circulating and kickstart your metabolism every morning. Don’t forget to exercise while you travel… yes, be the weird person at the airport doing push-ups.
The best form of exercise is to simply run. Run early in the morning. It is amazing what benefits this will bring. It will also bring about something called Neurogenesis. Read 10 Ways to Become Unstoppable for more on this topic.
If you only do one form of exercise (outside of running) this is the one you should do. Check out If You Can’t Hold This Pose for 50 Seconds, You Might Be Prone to Serious Health Problems for more details on planking.
Practice Deep Breathing
You must get quality sleep in order to stay awake longer and have more energy.
Use the following 4-7-8 Breathing Technique: Sit with your back straight, place the tip of your tongue behind your front teeth (upper), inhale through your nose, and exhale through your mouth. Make sure you exhale completely, then close your eyes. Hold your breath for a count of 7, exhale through your mouth for a count of 8, then repeat the cycle three more times for a total of 4 breaths.
Two additional techniques are The Stimulating Breath[2] and Breath Counting.[3]
Stand While You Work
If I have to work in an office or the dreaded cubicle, I always stand. Purchase a standing workstation and refuse to sit down!
Improve Your Posture.
Most people have horrible posture. I found an increase in energy and stamina by simply practicing and using techniques to improve my posture. Doing this forces us to be alert and active.
For suggestions on how to improve your posture, read 5 Ways My Crazy Morning Routine Will Transform You Into Superman.
Otherwise known as smart drugs, these are cognitive enhancing supplements that improve memory, motivation, creativity, and performance. Some of the best Nootropics come from the Racetam family, such as: Aniracetam and Piracetam. Read 5 Powerful Mind and Body Hacks for a Limitless Brain and find out more about Nootropics.
Vitamin B-12
This is the perfect vitamin to take if you are looking for a vitamin to take to boost your metabolism or provide an instant energy boost.
Drink Bulletproof Coffee
This is what I call Super Coffee! Bulletproof coffee is a high-performance drink that greatly boosts the energy and cognitive function. It’s easy to make, find out how to make it here.
Drink More Water
Drinking water will instantly give you more energy. In fact, you will feel drained and fatigued if you are dehydrated.
Intermittent Fasting
When we fast, our bodies metabolic shift lowers our leptin levels. Calorie-restriction brings about a process called autophagy, which cleans house and removes waste. It also enhances our brain cells and improves cognitive function.
There are many different ways to do this, let’s look at the 16-hour Fast: stop eating around 7-8pm. Wait until 12pm the next day to begin eating again.
Stop Worrying So Much.
Stop worrying about things that do not matter. If you worry about too many things or try to spend your day pleasing everyone else but yourself, then you will lose energy. You will fail to get sleep and you will spend your entire day with low stamina. Why waste energy worrying when you could use the same energy to visualize success?
Take a Cold Shower
If you find it hard to wake up or you simply need an immediate energy boost then take a cold shower.
Get a Theme Song
Listening to music will provide you an instant energy boost. Try creating playlists for each mood you would like to put yourself in. Apple Music is a perfect place to start.
Go Outside.
You will be amazed at the energy boost by simply going outside.
Chew Gum
For me, chewing Big Red gum provides me an instant energy boost and an increase in focus. Just make sure to smack your gum when you are around your spouse! They will love it!
So, how can you put this all together?
Putting It All Together: Meta-Questioning
Step #1: Where are you currently?
Figure out if you are operating at the level of a Jelly-Filled Human or a Hacker. Be brutally honest with yourself. Identify the people you surround yourself with, the relationships you are in, and the tensions or stress you are living in and around.
Step #2: Where do you want to be?
Now figure out where and who you want to be. Use the powerful technique of Meta-Questioning.[4]
Start reframing your questions. For example, change the following statements:
When you say: “I can’t do this.” Change this to: “What specifically can I not do?”
You say: “I can’t exercise.” Then ask: “What is stopping me?”
You say: “I don’t have time.” Now ask yourself: “What needs to happen for me to start exercising?”
You discover: “I can use the techniques identified in this article and create more time.” Then imagine how you could start exercising: “If I could exercise, how would I do it?”
Step #3: What obstacles are impeding your progress?
Next, figure out which obstacles are standing in your way and remove them. Use the techniques discussed in How to Make Irrational People Rational, peel back the layers of a cause and dig deep into the root of each obstacle.
After identifying the real obstacles that are blocking your from progressing, tackle them one by one, and layer by layer. The process will be challenging, but by breaking the challenges into smaller parts, they will be less overwhelming.
Do or Do Not, There Is No Try.
Yoda’s words are always wise.
In the end, you have to want it. You have to be willing to work hard and suffer some short-term pain. Follow the advice here from C.T. Fletcher,
“Suffer the pain of Discipline or suffer the pain of Regret!”
[1]^Independent.co.uk: The age of inactivity[2]^Dr. Well’s Breathing Exercise: The Stimulating Breath[3]^Dr. Well’s Breathing Exercise: Breath Counting[4]^Slideshare.net: The four magic questions that help resolve most problems
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The post How to Stay Awake and Energetic No Matter How Busy Your Schedule Is appeared first on Lifehack.
from Viral News HQ http://ift.tt/2vUHNMw via Viral News HQ
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trendingnewsb · 7 years
How to Stay Awake and Energetic No Matter How Busy Your Schedule Is
Previously I wrote an article on Why I have a Morning Routine and How It Makes Me Sharper Every Day. I discussed my morning routine and some big picture reasons on why you should adopt one yourself. However, many people have asked me for a deeper and practical look into how I do these things. Specifically, I have been asked how I am able to wake up early and stay awake. So, let’s dive into those topics so you can live in the world you want to create!
You Can Live the Life You Want Only If You Know What You Want.
Increasing our energy and stamina is important on so many levels. The choices we make today will determine the life we live tomorrow.
We are living in the age of inactivity. Think about how much time you are wasting in front of a screen. What are you usually doing for extended periods of time while you are in front of a screen? You are probably sitting down and eating.
Dr. Nick Knight wrote about inactivity and how our culture of laziness is killing us.[1] Knight remarked,
“Yes, physical inactivity has its price tags. It is linked to the development of chronic health problems like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity, depression, dementia, and cancer. It can make us feel bad about ourselves, guilty and frustrated, appeased only with the ever-alluring reward of inactivity – comfort, rest, and stress-free.”
Let’s take a look at some of the characteristics that lead to the ailments Knight discussed. Do any of these characteristics resonate with you?
Do you almost float around in your chair appearing to be oblivious to your surroundings?
Do you eat fast food while watching television for hours upon hours?
Assuming you are otherwise healthy, are you a person who has to ride in a motorized cart while at the supermarket or the zoo?
Do you sleep the day away?
Do you look like a Jelly-Filled Human?
You might recognize some of these characteristics from the movie WALL-E. These are the Axiom Humans or the citizens in the film.
I only make these remarks in order to provide you a wakeup call or an awareness to the deadly life you could potentially be living. If these comments describe you, then it’s time to make a change.
A Jelly-Filled Human or a Hacker?
I have created a phased approach to this high-energy lifestyle. Let’s take a look at the 4-Levels people typically fall into. Note that you do not have to start at Level 1 (not all of us begin as Jelly-Filled Humans!).
Level 1: Jelly-Filled Humans. This is a person living the Axiom Human lifestyle discussed earlier.
Level 2: Learning to Walk. This level is usually brought on by an awareness of living in Level 1. Once you are aware of who you are (a Jelly-Filled Human), you can now learn to walk.
Level 3: The Aware. This type of person is someone who understands that they should be exercising and living well, yet at the first sign of failure they give in. They are close and simply need a breakthrough in their mindset.
Level 4: The Hacker. This is the level we should strive to be. The Hacker is a person who has adopted this lifestyle and is continually searching for new hacks (or ways) to improve their life. They have more energy, stamina, and an overall healthier lifestyle than Levels 1-3 combined.
So, how to become a Level 4 person?
Energy and Stamina Hacks
Let’s take a look at some of the energy and stamina hacks you can use and then we will develop an action plan to follow.
Exercise Hourly
I use a version of the Pomodoro Technique for physical exercise. Take a look at my approach in 5 Ways My Crazy Morning Routine Will Transform You into Superman. Simply use a timer on your watch or phone, set the timer for every 30 or 60 minutes, then exercise.
I have adapted my routine to look like this: 10 times a day – 80 push-ups, plank for 60 seconds, 40 curls. This is the best way to get your blood circulating and kickstart your metabolism every morning. Don’t forget to exercise while you travel… yes, be the weird person at the airport doing push-ups.
The best form of exercise is to simply run. Run early in the morning. It is amazing what benefits this will bring. It will also bring about something called Neurogenesis. Read 10 Ways to Become Unstoppable for more on this topic.
If you only do one form of exercise (outside of running) this is the one you should do. Check out If You Can’t Hold This Pose for 50 Seconds, You Might Be Prone to Serious Health Problems for more details on planking.
Practice Deep Breathing
You must get quality sleep in order to stay awake longer and have more energy.
Use the following 4-7-8 Breathing Technique: Sit with your back straight, place the tip of your tongue behind your front teeth (upper), inhale through your nose, and exhale through your mouth. Make sure you exhale completely, then close your eyes. Hold your breath for a count of 7, exhale through your mouth for a count of 8, then repeat the cycle three more times for a total of 4 breaths.
Two additional techniques are The Stimulating Breath[2] and Breath Counting.[3]
Stand While You Work
If I have to work in an office or the dreaded cubicle, I always stand. Purchase a standing workstation and refuse to sit down!
Improve Your Posture.
Most people have horrible posture. I found an increase in energy and stamina by simply practicing and using techniques to improve my posture. Doing this forces us to be alert and active.
For suggestions on how to improve your posture, read 5 Ways My Crazy Morning Routine Will Transform You Into Superman.
Otherwise known as smart drugs, these are cognitive enhancing supplements that improve memory, motivation, creativity, and performance. Some of the best Nootropics come from the Racetam family, such as: Aniracetam and Piracetam. Read 5 Powerful Mind and Body Hacks for a Limitless Brain and find out more about Nootropics.
Vitamin B-12
This is the perfect vitamin to take if you are looking for a vitamin to take to boost your metabolism or provide an instant energy boost.
Drink Bulletproof Coffee
This is what I call Super Coffee! Bulletproof coffee is a high-performance drink that greatly boosts the energy and cognitive function. It’s easy to make, find out how to make it here.
Drink More Water
Drinking water will instantly give you more energy. In fact, you will feel drained and fatigued if you are dehydrated.
Intermittent Fasting
When we fast, our bodies metabolic shift lowers our leptin levels. Calorie-restriction brings about a process called autophagy, which cleans house and removes waste. It also enhances our brain cells and improves cognitive function.
There are many different ways to do this, let’s look at the 16-hour Fast: stop eating around 7-8pm. Wait until 12pm the next day to begin eating again.
Stop Worrying So Much.
Stop worrying about things that do not matter. If you worry about too many things or try to spend your day pleasing everyone else but yourself, then you will lose energy. You will fail to get sleep and you will spend your entire day with low stamina. Why waste energy worrying when you could use the same energy to visualize success?
Take a Cold Shower
If you find it hard to wake up or you simply need an immediate energy boost then take a cold shower.
Get a Theme Song
Listening to music will provide you an instant energy boost. Try creating playlists for each mood you would like to put yourself in. Apple Music is a perfect place to start.
Go Outside.
You will be amazed at the energy boost by simply going outside.
Chew Gum
For me, chewing Big Red gum provides me an instant energy boost and an increase in focus. Just make sure to smack your gum when you are around your spouse! They will love it!
So, how can you put this all together?
Putting It All Together: Meta-Questioning
Step #1: Where are you currently?
Figure out if you are operating at the level of a Jelly-Filled Human or a Hacker. Be brutally honest with yourself. Identify the people you surround yourself with, the relationships you are in, and the tensions or stress you are living in and around.
Step #2: Where do you want to be?
Now figure out where and who you want to be. Use the powerful technique of Meta-Questioning.[4]
Start reframing your questions. For example, change the following statements:
When you say: “I can’t do this.” Change this to: “What specifically can I not do?”
You say: “I can’t exercise.” Then ask: “What is stopping me?”
You say: “I don’t have time.” Now ask yourself: “What needs to happen for me to start exercising?”
You discover: “I can use the techniques identified in this article and create more time.” Then imagine how you could start exercising: “If I could exercise, how would I do it?”
Step #3: What obstacles are impeding your progress?
Next, figure out which obstacles are standing in your way and remove them. Use the techniques discussed in How to Make Irrational People Rational, peel back the layers of a cause and dig deep into the root of each obstacle.
After identifying the real obstacles that are blocking your from progressing, tackle them one by one, and layer by layer. The process will be challenging, but by breaking the challenges into smaller parts, they will be less overwhelming.
Do or Do Not, There Is No Try.
Yoda’s words are always wise.
In the end, you have to want it. You have to be willing to work hard and suffer some short-term pain. Follow the advice here from C.T. Fletcher,
“Suffer the pain of Discipline or suffer the pain of Regret!”
[1]^Independent.co.uk: The age of inactivity[2]^Dr. Well’s Breathing Exercise: The Stimulating Breath[3]^Dr. Well’s Breathing Exercise: Breath Counting[4]^Slideshare.net: The four magic questions that help resolve most problems
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