#but dammit when i do the work I don't stop
appleblueberry-pie · 5 hours
They usually show Gojo as the dominant one in the relationship, someone who is only with you for a while, but what if it were the other way around, if the reader took that role and Satoru couldn't get over what they did to him? ? (I think I need to stop imagining scenarios with this guy 😔)
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Sorry, I Guess. Lol.
Satoru couldn't just ignore this feeling in his chest. It wasn't strong, but he really couldn't control it even if he wanted to. It was like a piece of metal was stuck in his chest and no matter how much he shifted or rubbed at that spot, the feeling wouldn't go away. And he only felt it when he was around you. That annoying feeling.
You always drove him around. Said that it would be a hassle waiting for him, when you knew he had a thing for always being late. And you always found him, even if his location was off on his phone. A mysterious one, you were. That's what he's supposed to do.
You drove with that left hand on the steering wheel and the other hand on the stick, a little smirk on your face. Almost half of the time that you two were together, he never had your full attention. There was always those few moments where you had to take(a very loud and exciting looking) phone call or just texting your little friends or whoever was making you smile like that.
You never had minded him. It was like he didn't matter that much.
You paid for his food too. He never liked it. He always had the money to pay for both of your plates, but you never ever settled for letting him pay for everything. You said you hated feeling like you owed someone. He told you a million times you don't owe him a dime but you always persisted. The most he ever got out of you was letting you two split the bill.
He hated you. Your personality. How he couldn't ever just have you. You weren't emotionally available. What was the point of dating you if he wasn't gonna have your damn time? It was a waste of his own, dammit, and he hated every second of it. But the more he tried to detach from you.....the more he realized he couldn't.
He really really liked you. He enjoyed your suave personality and effortless movements and charismatic energy that you poured into the conversations you had with him. He was the one that usually radiates energy in the friend group, but when he's around you, you seem to be able to dim him down and steal the spotlight. He can't ever take it back either. You're just that good.
He can't have you and he realizes that. He also realizes that when you ghost him on all apps. When he tries to get back in touch but you block him for blowing up your line. He tries to get back in touch when he realizes you never told him anything about your personal life and it was extremely hard to find out where you worked or anything. And it was really hard to find where you lived when he realized you didn't even live in the city you took him all around.
You're probably a player, but he didn't care. He loves how you ignore him. Honestly, he wants you to do more damage, he wants to keep you around just to repeat what you two had again. He wants to see your face when you realize he's an actual weirdo stalker that's most likely obsessed with you.
You two never fucked and you made it clear with your body language that you never wanted him like that in the first place and he was just your decoration for a few weeks. But he didn't want to be like those temporary tattoos. He didn't wanna be henna either. He wanted to be painfully embedded in your skin for so long, that even though he might fade years later, that pigmentation on that one part in your skin will always stick around to tell the tale.
He just wants to be yours.
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a-b-riddle · 1 month
Part Five
Can't stop thinking about the attempt of reconciliation and reader ain't having it. Our girl is going to be wilddddd y'all. Also goodnight. See y'all tomorrow (maybe)
You call Meredith when you get home.
You. Are. Fuming. She's not sure she can ever remember a time you using so many swear words at one time.
How fucking dare them? Immature? You're the immature one? You were the one trying your best to salvage four failing relationship meanwhile none of those assholes could be bothered to try and keep one. They had one person to manage: you.
"I wanna go out this weekend." "Wear something tight and borderline risk indecent exposure."
"You know what I always say," Meredith begins. "The best way to get over someone-"
"is to get under someone else." You finish. You weren't exactly keen on the idea of bringing someone to your bed just yet, but a little attention would do you some good. "I don't want to fuck someone just yet." You admitted. "I'm more on the getting drunk and making out."
"I didn't know we resorted back secondary school heavy petting?" She teased.
"University, Dear." You corrected. "I didn't peak until after I graduated."
"No." She argued. "You didn't put your books down long enough to realize that boys actually wanted to fuck you." You were glad she couldn't see you roll your eyes. "Saturday work for you? I have a late night Friday and won't be up for it."
"That works."
"Sorry." She apologized. "I plan on getting you absolutely smashed so I need to be ready to play the nanny. I know how you love to get drunk and run off."
It was true. You had always found it hilarious when you were drunk to just run. Quite literally run away. It got to a point during university where Meredith would handcuff you to her so you didn't stray.
"I won't run." Your sober mind promised.
"Uh huh." Meredith's tone told you that she knew that was a load of shit. "I'll text Tabs. Let her know the plan."
The next day at the shop was pretty uneventful. No more unexpected visitors. You still had them all blocked. Not caring if now they decided to offer up some bullshit apology.
Months. This had been a steady decline for six months. A text or a simply sorry won't fix this. You weren't sure anything could.
But it didn't matter. You were done and they obviously were too.
You had picked up enough take out to feed a family, but you didn't plan on making your lunch before work or cooking when you got home. The rest of the week you planned on just going through the motions until you could go out Saturday and hopefully get everything out.
You weren't paying attention as you walked down the hallway to your flat. Fishing in your purse for keys. You were at almost at your door when you saw him.
Sitting next to your door was a familiar face. A face you felt you haven't seen in forever.
“What are you doing here, Kyle?" Your voice was flat as you continued to blindly try and find your keys with one hand. Fuck. You really need to clean out your purse...
“My key wouldn’t work.” He explained. "So I’m out here.”
"I'm aware why you're not in my apartment since I changed the locks," you said, trying to keep your irritation at bay. "What I am asking is why did you come here?"
"You won't return any of our messages."
"You're all blocked, so technically I didn't really get any messages." "Besides, you don't get to complain to me about not responding to texts, Kyle Garrick." Your fingers finally wraps around them. God bless. "If you're here for your things, it'll have to wait. I have to sort through everyone's shit and I don't know whose is whose."
"We need to talk." He explains as you put the key into the lock, opening the door.
"Nah," you say scrunching your nose in that way he used to adore. "I'm good. But you can swing by tomorrow and pick up your things if you'd like." You say before trying to shut the door on him. You were stupid in thinking you could be faster than him.
"I know things haven't been good and I've definitely could have been better,'' he admits. "But can you at least try and let us apologize? Let us try and work it out."
"No." You answered, trying to close the door. Not caring if you had to resort to kicking his shins to get him out.
"Why not?" He countered.
“Maybe because I've already tried, Kyle?” You gave up on trying to shut him out. You were strong, but he didn't have any issues in besting you. “Because I actually tried with you. With all of you. You didn’t need to come here giving me excuses about your life being hectic because I’ve made the excuses for you.” You didn't miss how he practically flinched. He had always blamed his busy life. Family. Work. You stopped caring about whatever excuse he gave you and realized it was just that. An excuse. “I’ve been telling myself for months that everything you guys didn’t do for me wasn’t because you didn’t care about me. It was because of the stress of your deployments is the reason none of you tell me when you get back from until it’s time to fuck. I tell myself it’s because of the fucked up situation of me being with all of you that makes it awkward to meet your families. Families you all have that I now know I’m not worthy of meeting.” He wanted to correct you. You were. You were worthy. He was an idiot. “It’s not that I need your excuses to make me feel like what you did was justified. No matter what it was, it was apparently to you because you did it.”
He took a step back, processing everything you had said. He had been selfish. You were the reliable constant in his life. Someone he believed he never disappointed. Someone he couldn't disappoint no matter how many times he fucked up.
You took the opportunity to slam the door. Quickly turning the lock before he had a chance to open it back up.
That felt good.
You had spent that evening collecting their thing in case Kyle did show back up tomorrow. You wouldn't make their lives easier by sorting all their shit and organizing it. Everything. One box. Let them figure it out. You almost had a mind to add a shirt that you knew didn't belong to any of them just to have them argue over it. Or least make them think there was someone else...
You were almost tempted if not for the premise that you wanted them to realize this was their fault. Their fuck up. But now that you were officially all broken up, you were free game.
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everiistence · 1 year
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norrisleclercf1 · 4 months
Mafia Dad Max accidentally snapping at your little one because he was stressed
A/N: Decided to do this with Fabian and Casper again
"Casper, you have to leave Daddy alone when he's working." You whisper, picking up Casper who groans reaching for his father's office door. "Mommy, I want to play with Daddy." Casper whines, holding his toy cars close.
"I know you do baby, but Daddy is in an important meeting and shouldn't be bothered." Casper nods and you place your 5 year old next to Fabian who watches Bluey.
Casper sighs and pushes his cars around, pouting. "Daddy," He whines, Fabian turning to him and cocking his head to the side. "Going to play with Daddy," Casper mumbles, standing up and taking his cars as he walks down the hall and to the closed door.
"Daddy?" Casper opens the door and pokes his head through the slot and sees Max sitting at his desk growling in Dutch. "Daddy? Play?" Max turns and sees Casper and waves him off, not wanting him to walk in further.
Casper huffs and toddles into the room and shoves his cars onto the desk. "Daddy! Play!" Casper yells, Max turns snapping as he shoves the cars off the desk. "Dammit, Casper. No," Max growls. The room grows quiet as Casper eyes grow wide, and filled with water.
"Oh, oh Cassie no." Max whispers and reaches out for his son but Casper screams and runs out of the room, his scream turning into sobs. "Casper?" You round the corner out of the kitchen as your sweet heart of a son runs at you. "What's wrong? Are you hurt?" You drop to the floor and pull him into your arms.
"Casper? What happened?" You ask again trying to calm him down. "Daddy!" He screams and hides his face into your shoulder and you sigh just holding him as he cries.
Max steps out of his office, the floor creaking and Fabian pokes his head out and flinches seeing his father and moves standing in front of you and Casper. "Fabby, you don't have to protect us. Daddy won't hurt us." You mummer, Max's heart breaking has he holds the toy cars that Casper loves playing with.
"Fabby, I won't hurt Mommy and Cassie." Max crouches down, but Fabian glares at his father. "Daddy hurt Cassie," Max drops his head and squeezes his eyes shut. "I know I did buddy. But let me talk to Casper." He looks up and you can see the heartbreak in his eyes.
You knew what he was thinking, he just acted like his father would have. "Fabby, go watch Bluey, we're okay." Fabian glares one last time and walks off, Casper sniffles and hides deeper into your hold.
"Casper, baby, I'm so sorry. Daddy, shouldn't have yelled at you. And I feel horrible. We can play cars for however long you want." Max whispers, reaching out for him Casper shies away which breaks Max heart all over again.
"Give it some time," You whisper and Max nods, standing but stops when he feels a small hand hold onto his pant leg. "Cuddle?" Casper asks, and Max doesn't think twice picking up his little boy. "I'm so sorry Cassie," Max buries his head into is sons hair and takes a deep breath and sighs. "I love you, baby."
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leviismybby · 1 month
Cat and Mouse
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Levi Ackerman x fem!reader, mdni, nsfw 18+, fingering
Levi's eyes scan the rooftops, he can hear you, hear your footsteps. He launches his gear at the nearby building wall and steps on the rooftop, spotting your figure he hides behind a wall and waits for you to pass by. This time, he won't let you off the hook easily, you were gonna rush past him but Levi surprises you, spins you around and pushes you against the cold surface harshly. You grunt as your back hits the concrete, your eyes narrow immediately before they meet his grey ones. He will never learn.
"Captain." That sarcasm in your voice isn't something Levi appreciated, he jas had enough of your games. Before he speaks, he pins your hands above your head, last time you pulled a stunt, he isn't letting that happen again. "What the fuck is your problem?" You know why he is mad, you've caused him quiet the trouble, not that you regret it. "My problem? I don't have one. You clearly do." A brat, you were such a brat and he couldn't fathom what keeps him so infatuated with you. Maybe it's the fact that you're a thief that the MPs can't seem to catch or maybe is the fact that you outsmarted him both time he caught you. Either way, Levi wants it to stop.
"You have to stop. The military police will get a bounty on that shitty head of yours. You fucked it up badly this time." He was right, you did fuck it up, stealing from the Garrison just for the thrill of it. If Levi didn't know any better, he would say that you're crazy, than again, he isn't exactly normal either and he is the last person to judge you given his past as a thug. "Aww, thanks for caring, I don't care." You try to stir out of his grip and he only tightens it, keeping you still. "You're fucking insufferable you know that?" It was true, you were an annoyance for him, he had better things to do than to chase a petty thief around Trost but there was something about you that kept him coming back. He hated himself for always giving in.
"I can only say the same, Captain. Why do you care so much?" You roll your eyes, trying to find a way out of his grip but nothing seems to come to mind. He is too close to you, you can feel his breath on your cheek, this is getting dangerous. "I don't dammit. I will be the first to celebrate when your ass gets thrown in jail." Maybe he should do it, bring you in and let the militray police do as they please with you but his inner turmoil isn't letting him, he hates to admit it but he enjoys this, the chase and the games between you. His comrads would be disappointed if they knew, he knows your face, knows how you work so why doesn't he just report you? It's a problem that he can't slove tonight.
You don't say anything, the words coming out of his mouth were harsh but true, you did keep him on his feet and you enjoyed the attention. "So report me. Or is your ego not letting you." He hides things well behind that indifferent expression but his eyes tell you a different story, there is hate there, of course there is, you two hold mutual hatred for on e another however there is desire there too, it shouldn't be. It really shouldn't. Levi scoffs at your words, his fingers wrap around your neck and he squeezes, his other hand still firmly holding your wrist together. "You're the egotist one here. You and your shitty criminal jobs. How much money did you earn by selling sealed information huh? What is your game here?" That was his main problem, you stole from the survey corps too and he doesn't appreciate it one bit.
His fingers squeeze your throat again, he wants you to answer but he won't approve if you lie to him. "Enough and I enjoy the chase. Noel matter how big or minor my crime is, you always comr running after me. Why is that captain?" Now there is a question he wants answer at least not with words. Hos face inches closer to you, your noses touching. "Fucking annoying brat." You smirk, your eyes drifting to his lips, will he finally do it or will he run away from it like all those other times? You don't move away or lean in, you simply wait, eager to feel his lips agsint yours.
And just like that, a groan leaves his lips, his hand moving down to your hip and his lips crashing agsint yours. Returning the kiss immediately, you feel his grip on your wrist loosen and insted he interlocks his fingers with yours, his kiss getting more passionate. You let your hand fall to his hair, pulling him into the kiss even more, his body presses up agsint yours, the heat between you making a shiver run down your spine. You moan as his hand moves to your ass and he squeezes, loving the sounds that are leaving your mouth. He needs to hear more and he plans too. His grip gets more and more possessive, his hands start to roam your body, feeling your every curve. You can't go all the way put here, both of you know that but Levi is letting his desire for you cloud his judgement and he can't keep his hands off of you even out here.
The two of you keep kissing for some time until Levi pulls away, a string of saliva connecting your mouth to each other. Levi's eyes look you up and down, he wants to fuck you here and now but it's too risky, so he will simply have to do something else. His mouth starts kissing your neck, each kiss more sloppy than the other, you throw your head back, giving him more space, you're enjoying this more than you thought you would. A gasp leaves your swollen lips when he bites into your skin leaving marks behind. "You smell so fucking good." He says against your skin before biting again, this time he hits your sweet spot directly, making a shiver run down your spine. You grab onto his shoulders, your body pulling it self closer to his. "Desperate are you? Fucking brat." He turns you around, your hands on the cold wall, he bucks your hips sligthy and gives your ass a firm slap, fuck the things he would do to you.
He lands another slap on your ass, his body pressing fully into yours, you can feel how hard he is for you. You bite your lip and reach out for his bulge but he slaps your hand away. "No. Keep your fucking hands on the wall understood?" You nod at his words, as much you want to talk back to him, you don't want to ruin this moment so you keep quiet and listen to what he says. You keep your hands on the wall feeling his run up and down your sides before the reach your pants. His hand slides in and you gasp at his cold fingers as they reach your core, he rubs you over your panties making soft moans come put of you. "Wet aren't you? Is this waht this whole thing is about? You want me to fuck you don't you?" Bingo, thats exactly what this whole thing is about, him finally breaching his breaking point and taking you.
Your hips buck into his hands, you want more. Levi chuckles, sending another shiver down your body, this is the first time you hear him chuckle and it's making you feel things. "Yeah? Oh you would love to have my cock deep inside of you right now. Too bad you're not getting it." He nibbles on your ear as he says that, his voice horase and rough, he is turned on beyond belief. He starts to rub you again, feeling the way the fabric of your panties is getting wet, you're phehetic, acting all though while all it took is a single touch for him to get you under his control, you melt so easily, he will indulge in that. Finally his fingers slip into your underwear and feels your pussy, his fingers runs down your slit, feeling your slick and walls, you're so wet for him, fuck he really is in trouble.
He kisses your shoulder, his fingers finding your clit, you thighs close against his hand, whimpers escape your mouth. "How cute. You're phehetic, so fucking easy to break." His fingers enters you without warning, it starts of slow, he loves teasing you but as soon as he feels your warm walls clench around his finger, he starts to finger you faster. "Fuck Levi." You say, your hands steady on the wall, he knows what he is doing. As soon as you said that, he adds a second finger keeping the fast pace, your eyes start to water as he curls them hitting that soft spot. He keeps pumping his fingers in and put of you, your actions are getting him more drunk, he loves how your body shakes just from him fingering you. He needs to control himself or else his cock will be buried deep inside of you and he can't afford that.
The more you react, the faster his pace gets, you forget completely where you are. That people can see and hear you but that's the last of your worries right now. You have Levi, the captain of the survey corps, humanity's strongest soldier fingering you on top of a building. This isn't how you wanted your afternoon to go but its far better than you ever imagined. His fingers keep moving inside of you, his other hand runs under your shirt and he grabs your breast, massaging it in his hands. "Are you gonna cum for me out here?" That makes your pussy clench aagsint his fingers again, you're getting close, that pit in your stomach starts to build up but you're not queit there yet. Levi knows how to push you over the edge, his thumb adds pressure on your clit and he keeps fingering you in a fast pace, the moan that leavs you is something you should be ashamed of, oh someone definitely heard you now, not that you care. "That's it. Good girl, cum for me, let me see you fall apart."
You can't keep your hands on the wall anymore, your grabs onto his arm with both of your hands, digging your nails into his shirt as you cum. You roll your hips, riding out of your orgsam against his fingers, he keeps them inside of you even after you cum. You catch your breath, your head falling back on his shoulder, he kisses the side of your face, he removes his hand from your underwear, his fingers are soaked. "Took about two fucking minutes to make you cum. Aren't you embarrassed?" He asks you as you open your eyes, your cheeks flushed, his hand is still on your breast and he squeezes it once more before letting go and setting both of his hands on your hips. He kisses you on the lips again, the kiss is quick and sloppy.
Eventually, Levi pulls away from you, cleaning his fingers with his cloth. You turn back around, leaning against the wall. The sun is starting to set and you don't know what to say. Levi looks your way again, he fixes his gear. "Stay out out trouble or next time I am fucking you on the wall for all to see. Understood?" That makes you laugh, he had a way with words but you wouldn't mind at all. "Oh captain my captain, if that will be the outcome, I will be gladly robbing the bank next." Your words make his eyes roll, you really were a brat. You fic yourself, fix your hair and look at him again. "See you around, Captain." You wink and get off the rooftop. Levi is left there, staring at the distance until he realised something, his wallet was missing. Damn you.
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dinogoofymutated · 1 month
Hey not sure if your currently taking requests but I just wanted to I soooooo stoked that you write for Remy! I've been starved for years cuz there's like no fan fics for him😭.
anyway I was wondering if you could do like a fic or headcannon where gambit somehow got hurt on a mission and is on bed rest but is also like really horny because you wont have sex with his since hes hurt.
If not that's fine I just thought it up and thought it would be hilarious 😂. Anyway luv your work, keep it up😘
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MMMMMHHHMMMMMM BESTIE UR MIND. ABSOLUTE GENIUS. I hope that you don't mind I did make it NSFW there at the end but the majority is just teasing our favorite gambler. Also, This is for the folks who were also really attracted to that one scene in criminal minds with the bulletproof vest. iykyk.
TWs: teasing, sexual innuendos, explicit smut, Handjobs, Mutual masturbation, PNV sex. Raw sex. (Wrap it bf you tap it yall) Creampie. Reader written with Fem! pronouns.
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"Asolutetly not." You're quick to say it. Gambit pouts as the words leave your mouth, still on the infirmary bed with all the wires and doodads still hooked up to him. He's giving you those scoundrel puppy eyes that he knows you usually give in to, but you're not willing to budge this time.
"No, Remy. I will not be-" You take a quick glance around the room, leaning in a little closer as you begin to whisper-yell at him. "-I will not be having sex with you right now!" Remy sighs in a pitiful way leaning against the headboard in your direction. You can’t begin to look him in the eyes right now, instead lightly pushing his face away from your spot, sitting close to his bed on a chair that you had moved from the corner. His pout turns into an amused smile, as he instead takes your hand in his own, moving it down to press a kiss to your palm. You try not to blush at him. You’re supposed to be standing strong, dammit! 
  "Come on, Chère. S' not like it's gonna make Gambit hurt any worse-” You cut him off by lightly slapping his abdomen. Remy immediately flinches, curling in on himself with a pained groan. You feel a little guilty afterward, flattening your palm to rub the area soothingly.
    “Yes, it would. Remy, I could seriously hurt you. You heard beast, any vigorous activity could rip your stitches.” You say, moving to where you can sit on the bed, facing him. You cup the side of his face, gently moving stray locks out of the way. He rolls his eyes, not at you, but at the memory of the talking-to he got when he had woken up in the infirmary. 
    “Never stopped me before. Since I been with the X-men it’s like everythin’ become a big deal. So what if I rip a few stitches here an’ there?” Remy grumbles. You give him a stern look, before leaning in to kiss his temple. He melts into your touch.
    “It is a big deal, Remy. You need to heal. End of discussion.” You say gently. Remy thinks on it for a moment, before giving you a slight smirk. 
    “And by “end of discussion” you really mean “Until Gambit tempts me into bed”, Right?” He says. You roll your eyes at him before standing. If that’s the attitude he’s going into these next weeks with, you know for a fact he’s going to be insufferable.
    You were right. The incoming weeks were almost as much torture to you as they most definitely were to him. Wherever you went in the mansion, Gambit was sure to follow. He’d be in the kitchen while you would be cooking, unable to help due to doctor's orders, but no one ever said that he had to stay out of the kitchen. He’s come up behind you, snaking his arms around your hips as he’d “Give you pointers”. He’d lean close and whisper in your ear, sometimes giving it a nip or two. But one thing about Gambit is that every time you turned him away, or laughed at him and told him to sit down, he’d get pouty. 
    That was a trend that continued. He’d deliberately go out of his way to tease you, on movie night, in the library, in the showers even. And every time, despite how hot under the collar you might have been, you turned him away. The more bothered you seemed to be however, his pouts turned into smirks. Eventually, you got fed up with it. You were trying to be a good girlfriend and make sure Remy didn’t hurt himself, but if he was going to be a brat about it, you could be a brat too.
    You started off a little more subtly than Remy did. Lingering touches here and there, kissing him just long enough to leave him wanting. You’d wear just a tad less clothing around him, or wear slightly lower-cut tops. You were beginning to realize just how easy it was to get him riled up.
    One particular day, the tension was thick in the air, having coalesced into something barely breathable. Remy was lying back on the bed on his elbows as you redressed his wound, making sure to spread ointment onto the healing stitches and care for the skin. You frequently found yourself drawn to the sight of his lower abs, the large bruise having begun to yellow as it healed. Maybe it was the fact that you hadn't seen his skin in a while, but the sight of him had you breathing a little funny. Remy was also a little quieter than normal, unable to look away from your gentle hands as you took care of him.
    Once you finished, you lingered by his side, a hand pressed against his chest. You look up to find him already watching you, but neither of you says anything. You purse your lips, debating on whether or not you’re doing what you think you’re about to do. Remy tilts his head at you questioningly. He opens his mouth to speak but fails to do so as your hand trails down to his waistband. He takes a shocked breath through his nose, his eyes fluttering shut for a moment before he’s looking at you again through a lustful haze. 
    “Thought you said-”
    “Shut up.” You sigh, cutting him off. Remy smirks at you, biting his lip. You roll your eyes, caressing the crotch of his pants a few times before you begin to slip them off of him.
    “Don’t get too excited.” You whisper, but really it sounds more like a needy sigh. “Just a handy, okay?” Gambit huffs a laugh at you, but doesn’t tease. He's practically bucking his hips into your hand when you finally take hold of his cock, stroking him to hardness. You can’t seem to look away from the sight, watching as his abdomen clenches with every stroke from base to tip. You twist your hand on the upstroke, listening as Remy lets out a curse and a sudden moan just as you thumb his head, collecting his abundant precum as you use it to stroke back down again. 
    “You’re really pent up, huh?” You ask in a heated whisper. Remy’s head is tilted back in pleasure, and he huffs in amusement as he cracks an eye open at you. His hand slides up your thigh, Your legs being pressed against each other tightly to find some friction. You gasp as he suddenly slides two of his fingers up the inside seam of your pants, and you can practically feel yourself get wetter at the touch. 
    “Looks like I’m not the only one.” Remy hums. You can’t seem to pull away from him as he continues to stroke you. The air is hardly breathable, and the burning in your chest and your core starts to become too hot to ignore. 
    “Fuck it.” You say. Remy is confused when you let go of him, only to break into a wide smile when he realizes you were beginning to strip. The shirt is first to go, before your bra, and then your jeans and underwear. Remy wolf-whistles at the sight, and you wave him off, embarrassed. 
    “Couldn’t stay away from the temptation of Remy LeBeau, Now could you Chère?” Remy muses. He’s such a goof. You try to hide your smile as you carefully straddle his legs, making sure to avoid his sore spots. One of his hands holds onto your upper thigh, the other making its way to your center. He strokes you languidly with his fingers before circling your slit and pushing two inside. You suck in a breath, careful to set your hands on his shoulders without putting any weight onto them. 
    “Looks like this pretty pussy missed me as much as I missed you,” Remy says breathlessly. His eyes flicker from your cunt up to your bare breasts, and then to your flushed face. You feel like you’re falling apart too quickly, already climbing that high as he fingers you with those hands you love so much.
    “Remy,” You call for him breathlessly. “ m’ not gonna last too long.” Remy can't help himself any longer, and pulls you closer to catch you in a passionate kiss. He drags his teeth across your bottom lip, letting go of the plush skin. He doesn't withdraw his fingers until your thighs begin to shake and you start to clench down on him. You whine as he does so, barely holding your composure. Remy takes your hand off of his cock, pressing a kiss to your knuckles before gently dragging your hips further into his lap. Your mind is hazy, but you know to be careful as he lines himself up.
    “If we're going to do this, we're taking it my speed, okay?” You say. Remy nods, barely taking in the information. He was ready to be inside you. After weeks of nothing- all he could think about was you. Your giggles, your smiles. Your body. The way you taste on his tongue. The feeling of your thighs clenching around his head.  Remy would do anything you asked of him at this moment.
    You take it slow as you lower yourself down on his cock. The stretch of him feels delicious against your inner walls. Remy leans in, kissing and sucking on your breasts as you take your time. He bottoms out with a wet sound, his hands resting against your upper thighs.
    Remy curses as you begin to move, bouncing on his cock somewhat slowly. Even in the haze of your lust, you're worried about hurting him. Remy, on the other hand, doesn't share the same sentiment. His hands clench around your thighs, and when he can't seem to take the slow speed anymore, he slams you down onto him.
    You gasp at the action, and apologies spill from his lips as he tilts you forward, knocking your balance so you're forced to lean onto him as he controls the pace, eagerly thrusting into your heat. 
    “Remy-” Your protests are cut off with a kiss as your favorite scoundrel begins to take exactly what he wants. His grunts and moans beneath you send another trickle of warmth inside of you. To be honest, seeing him take control like this was hot- almost hot enough for you to forgive the fact that he was certainly overexerting himself- but it was hard to be mad at him when he's fucking you so good.
    One thing about Remy is that he's a talker in bed. If anything, you were surprised he was as “quiet” as he had been the majority of the time. But once he started to get closer to his peak, Remy began to ramble. 
    "You think you're smart? -Ah! Teasing me like that.. mmh… expecting me to just take it?" You're not really paying attention to his words, nodding in response while only thinking about his steady grip on your thighs and ass and the peak you're reaching so quickly. Remy squeezes you harder, almost harshly as he begins to take you faster. His hips begin to stutter, thrusts starting to do him in one by one. 
    Remy lets out a loud groan as he reaches his peak, burying himself deeply inside you and thumbing your clit. He continues to thrust as he helps you reach that white-hot peak of pleasure, pressing kisses to your temple as you ride it out on top of him. By the time you're both fully finished, you're panting for air. You're fully collapsed onto Remy's chest, Remy being absolutely boneless as he rests against the headboard. 
    “You’re such an idiot.” You say when you finally have enough sense. Remy just chuckles, continuing to press kisses to every part of your face and neck he can reach. You sigh happily as he does so, pressing some of your own kisses to his shoulder.
    When you finally peel yourself off of his chest, the first thing you check in on is his bandages. You scowl when you see that they've been soaked through with sweat, but more concerning is the spot of red that has started to form. You look up at Remy with narrowed eyes, and he quickly looks down as well, before looking back up at you and simply shrugging with a gleeful smile.
    “Casualty of love, Chère.”
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ghouljams · 6 months
dear ghoul a very good evening, may i humbly request for some more ghost!ghost? it's just too adorable man you got the works
The worst part about having a ghost for a roommate is it makes having people over a little tricky.
Your friend comes scrambling out of the bathroom with a wild look in his eye, and plasters himself against the wall, nearly knocking one of your pictures off the wall. You turn around on the couch to make sure he's alright. He looks like he's seen a ghost. Dammit. You try not to look too suspicious when you ask,
"What's wrong?"
"I- there was- in the mirror-" your friend stutters, trying to make sense of... Well you assume trying to make sense of seeing a flash of your ghastly roommate in the bathroom mirror. He tends to hover behind the door when you have friends over, waiting for someone to close it and catch a glimpse of him. You have to hand it to him, Ghost is fairly talented at being a ghost.
You pop a few kernels of popcorn in your mouth. Unbothered. "Yeah the place is low-key haunted."
"Low key?" You friend balks, "Some bloke with a slit throat jumping out of mirrors is what you call low key?"
"What?" He's never done that before. Usually when you've got someone over he sticks to the classics: opening and closing doors, footsteps, cold rooms, glimpses of him in the shadows.
"I'm out of here," your friend grabs his coat off the hook and stalks towards the door, you jump off the couch and are unceremoniously pushed back down onto it by an unseen force. It feels like a weight settling over your chest, forcing you to lay back.
"Wh-" you try to breathe around the pressure and your friend tugs the door open, "Wait!" You manage just as your friend is pushed out, the door slammed behind them and all the locks clicked into place. You push at the air on top of you, as if your fingers might grasp living flesh instead of empty space. You hear the mug on your ghost's alter bubble ominously before your wrist is pinned over your head against the couch.
The temperature in the room plumits, you tense to keep from shivering, grit your teeth to keep them from chattering. The phantom hands holding you down ruck up under your shirt and the dam breaks. Shivers wrack your body, not from fear, but from the chill and you try again to push at the invisible force holding you down.
"Ghost wha-" your breath catches in your throat, you're eyes fix on the black expanse of the TV screen. You can see the shadow of him crouched over you, holding you down. You didn't know he was so big, he hulks over your frame, takes over the couch without trying. He straddles your hips, one hand pressing against your stomach while the other pins your wrist.
"No..." His voice is raspy, guttural and rough, his breath shakes and wheezes, "boyfriends."
You can't look away from the TV screen, too worried if you do you'll never see your ghost again. You don't fight against his hold, your body rigid, breath held. He doesn't touch you, not like this. Despite the chill its gentle, forceful but gentle, and a shive vreaks down your spine that isn't from the cold. The hand on your stomach strokes your skin, almost appreciative. You wonder when the last time he felt living flesh was, if he misses it, if he'll keep touching you.
Then his words hit you, and you have to stop from jerking your head to look at him. You know you won't see him, but that doesn't stop the temptation. "He's just a friend," you press, is that why he's upset? You can't imagine why else he'd be mad, this never happened when you had girls over. "Wha-" you smile a little, "Are you jealous?"
The hands leave you, the specter in the TV reflection disappearing like whispers of smoke. You turn to look at the empty air above you and pout.what the hell are you supposed to do now? Your friend bailed, your ghost bailed, you're all riled up with nowhere to go. You grab the remote and pout a little more forcefully at Ghost's alter as you turn the TV on.
"Possessive bastard," you grumble, watching the mug bubble once for yes.
971 notes · View notes
yoonguurt · 6 months
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Summary: Christmas this, Christmas that. The “Most wonderful time of the year” is not how Y/N would describe it. Sure, it used to be a magical time full of happiness and love, but she let that belief go years ago. Christmas is all about how much money you spend on someone and making yourself look good to outsiders. Snow is wet and everything is cold during this time of year, makes everything gross. Her best friend is tired of having The Grinch as a roommate, especially when he remembers what it was like when she loved Christmas. This year, he finally decides that it’s time to bring the magic back into her life. Maybe that magic will bring a little love with it.
Pairing: Bang Chan x fem!reader
Word Count:9,603
Genre/themes/au: fluff, smut, a tiny bit of angst; friends to lovers, roommates to lovers; it's a Christmas fic, yall.
Warnings: parental abandonment, masturbation(f), unprotected sex(NO! BAD!), fingering, oral (f rec), daddy kink (it just kind of happened ok), allusion to a hand kink but I didn't really act on it. I think that's it, but let me know if i missed something. My work is 18+ minors are not tolerated here. Be gone, child.
Walking through the front door, the sound of Christmas music and the blinking of festive lights hits your senses immediately. ‘God dammit, Chris. It's literally the 1st.’ You love having your best friend as a roommate, you really do, but his holiday spirit is not something you enjoy at this moment. 
When he goes all out for New Year's? All good. Valentine's Day? Fuck yeah, let's it chocolate. Halloween? Yes bitch, let's get spooky. But Christmas? It's a no from you. That's where you draw the line. 
His voice floats through your ears as he sings along to whatever annoying song is on. ‘At least it's not All I Want For Christmas is You.’ The beautiful tone of his soft singing almost brings you out of your grumpy mood. Almost. You love his voice, it does things to you. It makes you happy and relaxed. It also turns you on, but he doesn't need to know that. If it weren't for the fact that he's so into this damn holiday, everything would be perfect. 
“You're letting the heat out. And stop looking so mad, you knew this was coming.” His words draw you from your thoughts and you squint your eyes at him in a glare. By the bright smile on his face, he obviously doesn't care about your death stare. You toss your backpack aside, kicking your shoes off with a sigh. It’s been a long day of classes and assignments and you really just want to sit on the couch and watch true crime.
Chris has a pep in his step as he walks to the couch, throwing himself down on the cushions and opening his arms wide. He knows what you want, of course he knows. He tilts his head toward the spot beside him, a soft smile replacing the beaming one he had when you walked in. Your feet shuffle across the carpet as you make your way to him, promptly plopping down next to him and letting him wrap his arms around you.
Chris is your person. He may not have been in your life from the start, but the 2 years he has been has solidified his place for years to come. He's your best friend, sometimes you think he may even be your soulmate, but you don't have the courage to tell him just how deep in you are for him.
You met Chris in freshman year of college, having shared the first class of the semester together. You had taken the seat next to you, immediately giving you the beautiful smile he seems to almost always have. Now, you are in no way a shy person, not even close, but being the focus of his wide smile never fails to bring a blush to your cheeks. It's been like that since day one, you're just better at hiding it now. 
One class turned into three that semester and the two of you clicked immediately. He's a bit more outgoing than you are, but not by a whole lot. He just has an aura of comfort and it reeled you in and you haven't been able to get rid of him sense, not that you want to, anyway. You're down bad. 
At the beginning of sophomore year, the two of you opted for getting an apartment together rather than staying in the dorms. It just made more sense that way. You got to live off campus with your best friend, and you had someone to split the rent with. 
The sound of a movie beginning to play on the tv jolted you from your thoughts. Eyes flicking up to the screen, a groan immediately left your throat without much thought. A hand rubbing up and down your back reminded you of the comforting presence beside you. “A Christmas movie? Really, Chris?” You can feel his mood shift and you’re filled with a small amount of guilt. You know he loves Christmas, he loves holidays in general, but Christmas always puts him in a particular cheery mood. But he also knows how much you detest the holiday. But then again, he has always been willing to do things he hates just because it’s something you want to do. 
The weight of his arm disappears from your body and your head snaps up to face him. ‘Great. I’ve finally pushed him into anger.’ You know that he isn’t angry with you, but the little voice in your head can’t help but override your rationality. The two of you sit in silence for a while, both of you focusing on the images flickering across the tv screen. You’re not as much focusing on the movie as just having a place for your eyes to land. You can tell that Chris is in thought, he’s unusually quiet. There is a tension in the air, thick with guilt and worry. 
By the time the movie is, what you assume, half way through, Chris reaches forward to press the pause button on the remote. The scene stops in the middle of a conversation and the looks on the characters’ faces brings a small snort from your nose. It’s always been a game between the two of you. Someone pauses a movie or show randomly, trying to find the best funny face someone on screen is making. You turn to the man beside you, ready to talk about the game, only to see how serious his face is. 
“I’m not going to ask why you hate Christmas so much, I already know that.” The mention of the reason for your Grinch-like attitude makes you wince, though you try to hide it. That obviously doesn’t work because a warm hand finds its way back around your shoulders, giving a squeeze of reassurance. “But I am going to ask that you do me a favor.” Your heart races at his words. You give him a nod, letting him know that you’re listening. “Give me until Christmas Eve to change your opinion.”
That is not what you were expecting. You thought he’d ask you to keep your holly jolly hating thoughts to yourself. You had no idea how he even thought he could change your mind. Hating Christmas had been a part of you since before you met Chris. It wasn’t your whole personality, that would be awful, but it was well known amongst your friends that you and Christmas didn’t get along. Chris was one of the only people in your friend group that knew the exact reason. You love your friends and as much as you trust them, you don’t want to deal with the looks. You had worried about that when you told Chris, but he hadn’t looked at you like other people would have. Of course he hadn’t. He was Chris. He was perfect.
“What do you mean?” You mentally rolled your eyes at yourself, it felt like a dumb question. Your best friend’s gaze held no anger, and didn't make you feel stupid for asking. He just gave you a soft smile, his hand coming to push your hair behind your ear. “Give me 23 days to make Christmas a happy time for you again. Three weeks. We’ll do two small things a week, and one big thing on the weekend. Today is Friday, so the first big activity can be tomorrow. There are two more weekends between now and Christmas Eve. The last big thing will be on Christmas Eve. If your thoughts on the holiday aren’t changed by midnight on Christmas Day, I’ll tone down the holiday cheer next year. Deal?”
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“Alright.” You can see that he senses the hesitancy in your voice, but he doesn't say anything. Just reaches his hand out towards you, waiting for you to take it in a handshake. ‘This is certainly going to be interesting.’ You have no idea what he could possibly have planned, but you're curious.
You slept in the next morning, which felt amazing. You honestly expected Chris to wake you up early for his big adventure, but you were damn glad he didn't. Taking your time in getting up, you finally crawl out of bed to brush your teeth before emerging from your room. Your first stop would be the kitchen, you need coffee. As soon as you hit the end of the hallway, a mug sat on the counter, still steaming. You couldn't help the smile that graced your lips at the sight. 
Chris had made a habit of setting your coffee out for you before he went to the gym. It was a small thing, but it always made your heart skip. Now that he wasn't home, you could let yourself stew in your feelings. You aren't sure when your feelings for him had changed, you just knew that they had.
Maybe it was last month when he had stayed up all night taking care of you when you had the flu. Maybe it was last year when your boyfriend had broken up with you and he had made a blanket fort in the living room and watched Disney movies with you. Perhaps it was a month after starting school and you had to miss a week of class, only to come back to a set of notes he had taken for you. You couldn't be certain.
You bumble around the apartment, looking for things to do. You had to admit, even though you hate Christmas and anything to do with it, you were excited to see what Chris had planned. You doubted he could actually change your mind, but it was better to not tell him that.
Thinking back to your life before Chris, your thoughts landed on the reason you hate this goddamn holiday. Your father. Waking up on Christmas morning only to find him nowhere in sight and your mother in shambles. You were sixteen. He had left a note explaining that he had found a new life, one that didn't include you or your mother. Prick. That had solidified your hatred. You struggled to pick up the pieces of your mother’s broken heart, and after a while you had succeeded, but there was still a void.
She had eventually remarried once you had gone off to school, and while she was happy with the way her life turned out, you were still angry. Still hurt. Still hated Christmas. You love your stepfather dearly, but the memory of that shitty Christmas morning still reigns supreme. 
The jingling of keys brought you out of your angry thoughts. The door opened and there was your best friend, the object of your unknown affections. He was still sweaty from his intense workout. ‘Fuck. He really is going to give me a heart attack one of these days.’ Your stomach was doing flips. He looked so good. Biting your lip, you admire him for a moment longer before calling out to him.
“Thanks for the coffee.” He turns to you, eyes wide, obviously startled. You suppress a giggle, knowing it would only make him pout at your amusement. “No need for thanks, pretty girl.” There goes your stomach again, your heart joining its waltz of emotion. Pet names aren't a new thing for him, it's something he's done for months now, but it still affects like it had the very first time. 
“So, what's the big activity you have planned?” You watch as he kicks off his shoes, making sure to place them neatly on the shoe rack you keep next to the door. He tsks at you as he makes his way to stand in front of you. “Nope. Not a chance. It's a surprise.” An immediate pout comes across your face, causing a loud laugh from the man in front of you. Your pout only deepens. Before you realize what is happening, Chris reaches forward, squishing your cheeks in his hand and leaning closer. “No pouting. I'm gonna shower and we can go.” He lets go of your face and leans back, smirking a bit as he turns and walks down the hall. “Make sure to wear something warm!” His loud voice rings out through the apartment, and you sigh, getting up to go get dressed.
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This is not what you expected. To be fair, you don't really know what you expected, but an ice skating rink wasn't it. Chris must be able to see the confusion on your face, because he laughs and reaches for your hand. “Ice skating is an important part of the holiday season.” This is news to you. 
His hand doesn't leave yours as he pulls you towards the small building that houses the skate rentals. After a moment of waiting in line, you step up to the counter, pulling your wallet out to pay. “The hell do you think you're doing?” Chris has a serious face as he looks at you with furrowed brows. “Paying?” You didn't mean for your words to come out as a question. He shakes his head adamantly, gently pushing your arm back. ‘Should have known. Always has to pay.’ Every time he does this, your mind briefly wonders if you're on a date, but you always shake that thought away. 
Stepping onto the ice is always a little scary. It's not like you've never gone ice skating, but you always feel a bit rusty after not going for a while. You watch as Chris glides around the rink once before making his way back to you. He's so graceful as he skates. It's like there's nothing he can't do. His arms reach out towards you as he comes closer, beckoning you to start moving in his direction. 
Both of his hands clasp yours, pulling you into his chest. Despite the temperature, he's warm. He's always so damn warm. You pull your head back to look up at him, his eyes already focused on you. Getting lost in his eyes is so easy. It's like second nature. Your gazes stay locked for what feels like forever before you break the contact first, both visually and physically. 
As you shuffle backwards on your skates, you notice Chris drop his arms to his side. You're looking at your feet so you don't notice the disappointment that crosses his face. You turn, slowly skating off, trying to get the hang of it again. 
Chris joins you only a second later, giving you a slight nudge. “Wanna race?” He's wearing his signature smile, an eyebrow cocked. This is a bad idea. You know this is a bad idea. That doesn't stop you at all. “You're on!” You're moving forward before you finish the sentence.
“Are you ok?” Uninjured, yes. Mortified, also yes. Chris helps you off of the ice as you nod. You got too confident. He had been closing in on you almost immediately. Then, a child moved into your path. Down on your ass you went. “Need to step off the ice for a minute?” You give him an affirmative, you just need a little bit of a breather. 
The two of you step off the ice, not even bothering to take your skates off, you don't plan to be off the ice long. Chris walks you to a bench, making sure you're sat and comfortable before he walks away. He doesn't speak before he leaves, leaving you confused. You watch his back as the distance between you greatens, watching him stop and a tiny stand at the edge of the area.
He comes back with two cups in his hands, handing one to you. “Hot chocolate?” He nods, giving you a big smile, and the butterflies fly away again. “Figured it'd help warm you up, since, y’know, you ate shit and now your ass is cold.” His tone is teasing and a smirk plays on his lips. You give him a playful shove, telling him to shut up and his laughter fills the air. “Gonna need a massage?” His eyebrows wiggle and you almost spit the drink out. Once you finish your drink, he grabs your hand again, leading you back to the ice. The next two hours are filled with laughter and teasing as you skate hand in hand. 
You dream of ice skating with Chris. The holiday spirit creeps at the edge of your soul.
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It's four days later that you come home to notice things are different. The tree is gone. You have a brief moment of giddiness, immediately feeling bad. You told yourself that you're going to try. It isn't fair to Chris if he goes through all of this trouble for you to refuse to try.
“Chris? Are you home?” You hear shuffling coming from the back half of the apartment. The Adonis of a man comes from his room, gray sweatpants hanging low on his hips, pulling a black muscle shirt over his head. You can see the ridges that adore his chest and stomach. It makes your mouth dry and your panties wet.
“Great, you're home. It's time for the first small activity.” You look around, trying to figure out what he has planned. It takes a bit, but you finally notice the Christmas tree messing put on top, not in, it's box. Your eyes flicking to your best friend, raising an eyebrow in question. 
“Yepp. First up, we put the tree up and decorate it together.” You suppress a sigh. This used to be one of your favorite things to do for Christmas, second only to baking cookies. You give him a small smile and a nod and the way his face lights up makes every grievance you have about doing this fly out of the window. 
Chris sets the tree up while you sort the decorations and untangle the lights. He had tangled them back up so you could get the “full experience.” Admittedly, that made you the tiniest bit happy. Just that he had thought of everything, even something as small as untangling lights. After he has the tree in its place, he steps away and grabs his phone, turning it to the radio station for the college. You give him a side eye and he laughs. “I may be off today, but I still support my team.”  The radio station is Chris’ baby. He’s always loved music, he says it has helped him through his darkest times. 
Of course Jisung is playing Christmas music right now, you suspect Chris had something to do with that since it isn’t a normal occurrence this early in the month. Footsteps coming your way clue you in that he has decided to make his way over to where you are. His arms come around you from behind, giving you a soft squeeze. He breathes a soft laugh into your ear as he watches you fight the strand of lights. “Here, let me help.” He rests his chin on your shoulder, his nimble fingers making quick work of the knots. You can’t help but focus on the way his hands move, god you want them inside of you.
The next hour or so is spent making sure every ornament is in the perfect place, not too close together, but not too far apart. The music, which has since switched from Christmas tunes, plays softly in the background. Every now and then, Jisung’s voice cuts through the speaker, usually to make some sort of joke or answer a question that was sent in. You’re distracted with making sure the tree is perfect that you don’t notice the way your roommate stands off to the side, watching you intently, a smile on his face and his eyes twinkling.
The rest of your week drags on. Your thoughts are muddled and all over the place. You’ve been happier than you normally are this time of year, and you know Chris’ plan is working. You can’t tell if it’s because of doing the activities you haven’t done in years, or if it’s because you're doing them with him. You think it may be the latter, though. Friday finally rolls around and after classes and your shift at the campus bookstore, you’re absolutely beat. You trudge through your front door, set on getting a shower and going to bed. 
Chris should still be at the radio station, he tends to work later on Fridays. It occurs to you that some self care may be in order, you could definitely use a good orgasm to make you feel better. With your mind made up, you grab your pajamas and your waterproof vibrator, quickly making your way to the bathroom. 
The steam from the hot water fills the room and it instantly makes you relax just a little. Your shoulders are loosening up more every second you spend undressing. The stream of water hits your skin and an involuntary sigh escapes your lips. You stand under the falling water for a few moments, letting the warmth seep into your skin. Almost absent mindedly, you reach for your vibrator, clicking it to the lowest setting.You run your free hand down your body, stopping at your breast to fondle and pinch your nipple. You let a soft gasp and you bring the toy to your clit, just barely grazing it, teasing yourself. 
The more tension that escapes you, the more you indulge yourself. You replace your vibrator with the shower head, the pressure hitting just the right spot. You slide the toy through your folds, down to your entrance, sliding it into your pussy slowly. The sound you make is louder this time, and you aren’t worried about the noise. It’s just you in the apartment and you need this. You fuck yourself faster, making sure to keep the pressure on your clit as you change the angle of your hand so the tip of the vibrator hits your sweet spot. 
Your orgasm is approaching faster than you thought it would, but you’re absolutely fine with it. Clicking the vibration setting up one notch, you throw your head back against the tile of the shower wall. You release a drawn out moan, your hips bucking slightly into the toy, chasing your high. Right as the dam is about to break, you click the setting button to the highest setting. You crash head first into your orgasm. Whimpers and whines fall from your mouth as you ride out your high, biting your lip to keep yourself from moaning out your best friend’s name.
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The next day comes earlier than you thought it would, mostly because you’re woken up to a loud voice. “Good morning, pretty girl! Rise and shine.” ‘Choke, you happy bastard.’ You feel bad for your immediate thought, but as you roll over and take a look at your clock, you feel slightly less bad. “Christopher. It is 8am. What the actual fuck?” The only response you get is a smile and the feeling of blankets being ripped off of you. You fix your gaze on him, giving him the harshest death glare you can manage at this time of day, which doesn’t appear to bother him a bit. “Up, woman. We have things to do. If I don’t hear the sink running in 5 minutes, I’m dragging you out of bed myself.” ‘This is going to be a long fucking day.’ 
Your hands are on the handle of the shopping cart while Chris holds on to the basket. He directs the cart himself, you’re essentially just there for appearances, you guess. He stopped to get you a coffee, a peace offering, which you had accepted. But that doesn’t mean your mood has drastically improved. He looks great, he always does, but today he’s glowing more than usual. ‘Stupid, beautiful, perfect man. How are you this chipper this early? You barely sleep.’ 
You watch as he grabs drinks and snacks, still having no idea what is going on. He had refused to tell you anything on the drive to the supermarket, didn’t want to”ruin the holiday spirit surprise”, whatever that means. Once he deems there are enough items in the cart, he directs the two of you to the checkout counter. You don’t even bother pulling out your wallet, knowing it wouldn’t do any good. Chris pays, oblivious to the way the cashier is making googly eyes at him. 
After loading everything into the car, he opens the door for you, giving you a peck on the forehead. That causes you to duck your head to hide the blush that forms across your cheeks. You watch as he jogs around to the trunk, opening it and digging around for a second before he closes it and makes his way to the driver’s door. He turns to you as he’s buckling his belt, his voice soft. “Take yourself a nap, pretty. We have a bit of a drive ahead of us.” You give him a look, one which he ignores. ‘Where the hell is this crazy man taking me?’ You doze off before you can even think of a possible answer.
“Y/n. Wake up. We’re here.” The gentle swaying of your body coaxes you awake, your eyes automatically squinting to avoid the sun. Chris is already out of the car, already holding your door open. He takes your hand and helps you out of the car, pausing to let you stretch. He silently takes your hand, tugging gently, urging you to follow him. Your nose meets his back as he stops suddenly. You let out a tiny huff, rubbing your nose while he apologizes. “I’m sorry! I just forgot something!” He takes your hands away from your face to inspect you, making sure your nose isn’t bleeding, and presses a soft kiss to the tip. “Can you close your eyes for me? Please?” You do as he says without hesitation. “Good girl.” You shiver.
When you finally come to a stop, you guess that you must be inside somewhere. You can’t feel the sun on your skin, and the temperature has dropped slightly. You hear him shuffling around and as much as you want to see what’s going on, you keep your eyes closed. When he finally comes back to you, he grabs both of your hands and pulls you a little further forward. He drops your hands, and you feel him behind you, wrapping you up in his warmth. “Open.” You slowly lift your eyelids, both confused and in awe by what you see.
You’re in a barn, a blanket thrown across the ground. Pillows lay on the blanket, surrounded by the snacks and drinks you had gotten at the store. Everything is facing a wall, where a large projector screen hangs, the title screen for A Christmas Story paused on the screen. You hate cheesy Christmas movies, even when you liked Christmas. A Christmas Story is different, you could watch it all year round. Tears prick the corner of your eyes. No one has ever gone through such great lengths for you. “Chris…” Your voice breaks off and your best friend pulls you back into his chest and sets his chin on your shoulder. “Come on, let’s lay down. I brought an extra blanket to cover up with. I know how easily you get cold. There’s also more pillows in case the ground gets too hard.” You quickly spin around in his arms, latching your hands around his shoulders in a tight hug. “Thank you.” You feel him place a soft kiss on your hair. 
Feeling happy and content, you press play.
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“What has you in such a good mood?” You direct your attention to Hyunjin. He’s looking at you like you’re some sort of impostor. “What do you mean? I’m just in a good mood.” He scrunches his face like he’s just smelled something awful. “Y/n, it’s December. Today marks exactly two weeks until Christmas. In the two years I have known you, you have never just been in a good mood for no reason this close to Christmas.” 
He’s right. You know that he’s right. You aren’t usually in an outright bad mood, but you certainly aren’t in a good mood for no reason. “Maybe I’m just having a good day.’ Your words come out in a mumble, you know they don’t sound convincing. “This wouldn’t have anything to do with a certain Aussie, would it?” You knew you shouldn’t have told Hyunjin about your feelings for Chris. In your defense, you didn’t tell him. He just seemed to read your mind and then you couldn’t deny it.
“Shut up.” You’re grumbling now, not liking that you’ve been so easily read. You can see the smug grin on Hyunjin’s face. He knows he’s hit the nail on the head and you just want to smack him. “We made a deal. He’s trying to get me over the Christmas hate. I’m not saying it’s working,” It is. “I’ve just been having alot of fun. You watch your friend’s eyes widen before the cocky smile is back on his face. “You guys are so gonna fuck.” That one finally earns him the smack.
 It’s Thursday by the time you realize you haven’t had your small adventure this week, and you're surprised how sad you are about it. You’ve been pouting for two days because there has been no holiday fun. That thought alone makes you want to vomit. You definitely did not expect this. You? Wanting to do Christmasy stuff? Yuck. 
The bookstore is quiet, which isn’t unusual, but it gives your thoughts too much power. Is it time to let go? You assume it is, but you aren’t sure if you’re fully ready. It sounds dumb, but if you stay angry, you focus on that instead of the hurt. It’s starting to fade, though. Finally. You’ve thought for years that if you just pretended that Christmas didn’t exist, you’d move on. But, you guess you were going about it the wrong way. Maybe you do need to embrace the season. 
The bell above the door rings, signaling that someone has entered the store. You face the door, seeing your best friend walking in, stomping the snow off of his shoes. You give him a wave, a bright smile on your face, getting larger the closer he gets to you. “You don’t have much longer, right?” You shake your head, tilting it slightly to the side. He reads you like a book. “It’s time for our second mini adventure.” Your heart feels lighter.
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There’s flour everywhere. It’s in your hair, it’s in his hair, it’s on the ceiling. The kitchen is a mess.
As soon as you had gotten home, Chris led you to the kitchen, where an array of cookie cutters were laid out on the counter. You didn’t even try to hide your smile. “Welcome to Bang’s Bakery.” You let out a snort at his customer service voice, his giggle filling the air around you. “We got snowmen, gingerbread men, Santa. You name it, we got it.” You immediately drift toward the metal shaped like a snowman, while Chris grabs the Santa cutter. 
The first batch of cookies turned out…not the greatest. You had gotten lost in a dance party, letting them stay in the oven for too long. The second batch was better, but had almost zero flavor. The third batch is where things took a turn. 
You had spilled the flour while trying to pour it into a measuring cup, a cloud coming from the plop it made on the counter. Chris let out a howl of laughter as he noticed your face covered in the remnants of the cloud. This just wouldn’t stand. No way. You hadn’t even taken a millisecond to think before reaching into the bag. A puff of flour hit Chris directly in the face. That shut him up. Briefly. He recovered quickly, a sly smile coming to his face. ‘Oh god, what have I done?’ 
He was on you before you knew it, fighting you for the bag of flour. There was no way you were going down without a full fight. You had snatched your arms back, turning to make a run for it. The flour stuck again. There was a white patch on the floor, which had somehow gotten mixed with some form of liquid. Your feet slid out from under you, causing you to hit the floor. The bag flew into the air, turned upside down and covered both you and Chris. 
He slid to the floor beside you, both of you in hysterics. Your sides were hurting from laughing so hard. “Y’ok?” His question came out in between him trying to catch his breath. You couldn’t even answer, too lost in the joy you’re feeling. He goes silent all of a sudden, his hands coming to cup your face to get your attention. You stare at each other, neither of you speaking. His eyes dart between yours and your lips. Just as you both lean in, his phone rings, You jump apart as he gets up to answer. “Bin needs me at the station. I’m gonna shower and head out.” You give him a stiff nod and he turns to walk down the hallway.
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The weekend brings rain. Rain brings this weekend’s activity inside. Chris won’t tell you what he had originally planned, all he told you was that he had to make due with what he had. That explained absolutely nothing. 
A Christmas movie marathon. That was the backup plan. There was a slight disagreement on whether or not Die Hard is a Christmas movie, ‘it is’, but Chris disagrees. ‘He’s wrong.’ After that minor setback, the marathon is in full swing. The two of you are cuddled up under a blanket and you each have a mug of hot chocolate while Home Alone plays on the screen. Neither of you have brought up what happened after the flour fight, you aren’t even sure how you approach the subject. 
You somehow move from cuddling side by side to you laying on his chest. You aren’t complaining, it feels right. It feels like this is where you are supposed to be. Your eyes start to get heavy when Chris starts to play with your hair. Your nose is filled with his cologne and your heart is full of love.
Time seems to both speed up and slow down the closer you get to Christmas. Four days. That’s all you have left. It feels good to not be dreading the day. You feel more light and carefree than you have in years. Chris had texted you earlier today, giving you strict instructions.
Cutie with a booty: lay a sheet down on the living room floor and make sure to wear comfy clothes that aren’t super important to you. No, I won’t tell you what we’re doing. Don't even ask.
So here you were, sitting on the floor in an old shirt from highschool and some ripped sweats you’ve been meaning to throw away, waiting for Chris to get home. Just as you’re about to call and ask where he is, you hear a key enter the lock. Chris comes in with shopping bags full of stuff, though you can’t tell what it is. “I hope you have your crafty cap on!” You look at him like he just spoke gibberish.”My fucking what?” The man snorts so hard that he almost drops the bags. 
He sets all of the bags down on the sheet, plopping himself down afterwards. He reaches over, grabbing the bags and dumping the contents onto the sheet. Glue stick, cotton balls, glitter. All kinds of arts and crafts supplies, along with two plain red stockings. “We’re decorating stockings for each other. And no, you can not draw a penis on my stocking.” ‘Damn, He got me.’ You’re immediately hit with what you want to put on his stocking, confident that he’ll love it. 
The two of you work in silence, both concentrated on your art. Chris is using a lot of glitter and  a lot of black marker and you honestly have no idea what he could be doing. Looking down at your creation, you cringe slightly. You are in no way an artist, but you’re hoping he’ll at least be able to tell what your vision is. You grab your phone, needing a reference picture. Chris looks at you briefly, a disapproving look on his face.  “Calm down, I just need a reference picture.” His look changes to confused, but you just wave him off.
An hour later, both stockings are ready and hiding behind your backs. “I'll go first. This is about you enjoying Christmas, after all.” He reaches behind him, the stocking in his hands when they come back to the front of his body. He hands you the fabric and you observe it. Your name is written across the top in purple glitter, a heart on each side. In the center sits two penguins. They're facing each other, holding each other’s flippers. In between them is a pebble. You want to cry. You do cry.
“Chris. It's perfect.” He scoots toward you, his thumb coming to wipe away your tears. “Aww don't cry.” You let him know that it's a cry of happiness as you pull yourself together. It's your turn now and you turn slightly grabbing your gift. You extend your arms, watching him take in what you've made.
LIke him, you’ve written something across the top, but it isn’t his name. ‘RooBoo’ is written in blue glitter, with pink layering over the top. You’ve used the gold glitter to attempt to draw a kangaroo, though it doesn’t really look like one. Same goes for the koala. In between the two animals, the shape of Australia is drawn and shimmering in green and gold. You bite your lip anxiously, waiting for his reaction. Nothing happens. He just stares. You start to worry that he doesn’t understand what it’s supposed to be, or worse, doesn’t like it. 
All at once, he surges forward. He buries his face in your neck and wraps his arms around your waist. He just stays like that, not moving, not saying anything. You bring your arms around him, rubbing his back. You can feel moisture on your neck and it’s only then that you notice his soft shudders. “Chris?” You try to pull back to get a look at him, but he tightens his grip so you can’t go anywhere. “You have no idea how much that means to me. Thank you so fucking much.” His voice is barely above a whisper, but you hear him anyway. You place a kiss on his forehead and you two stay that way for a while longer.
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Christmas Eve. The last day of your little deal, you’re beyond ready to admit to Chris that he had won during week two, but you want to see what his final surprise is. Knowing him, he’s going all out for this one. He’s out all day, and you’re pacing around waiting for his return. Around 6:30pm, you get a call. It’s short and to the point. “Be ready in an hour, dress cute but warm. I won’t be home until it’s time to pick you up. See you then, pretty girl.” He doesn’t even give you a chance to answer, he just hangs up. How dare he only give you an hour, you have to shower, do your hair, pick an outfit, there’s no way you can do all of that in an hour. 
You manage to do it in 50 minutes, which you are very proud of by the way. Your hair is down, nothing fancy, but you know that Chris likes it like this. Your outfit is simple, a red and striped sweater, jeans and a coat. It may not look like the warmest choice, but you know you’ll be warm enough. There’s a knock on the door, which you find odd. Opening the door slowly, a mess of brown curly hair comes into view. Chris stands at your shared door, a bouquet in his hand. His hair is in its natural state, your absolute favorite look on him. He’s absolutely breathtaking. All you can do is stare. “Are you ready to go, sweetheart?” ‘Oh. Oh, that’s a new one.” Your heart beats in triple time, your stomach is a roller coaster. A nod is literally all you can manage. Your brain is telling your feet to move, your feet are not listening. 
You finally will yourself to move, with much help from Chris since he took you by your hand after putting the flowers in a vase with water. The elevator ride is tense, but not in a bad way. You want to latch yourself to his side and never leave. And like he tends to do, he somehow reads your mind, pulling you into him and placing a kiss on your forehead, this one lingering a little longer than usual. When the doors open, he doesn’t remove his arm from your shoulder as he takes a step. Through the glass door of the lobby, you can see snow lightly falling. It’s beautiful.
A slight breeze hits your face as you step outside. You swivel your head, looking for Chris’ car. “We’re not driving anywhere, pretty.” You look at him, confusion written on your face, causing him to giggle and tip his head toward the park not far from your apartment building. ‘Oh! A walk in the park!’ You smile at the thought of just walking hand in hand around the park in the snow. Though, you’re just happy to spend Christmas Eve with your best friend. A small pang of hurt rushes through you at the thought that he is still only your best friend. Maybe you’ll finally confess at midnight.
Just outside the entrance to the park, there is a horse drawn sleigh. There are people circling around it, and as much as you want to pet the horse, you don’t want to fight your way through a crowd. Chris seems to have a different idea, though. He pulls you directly to the sleigh, letting go of your hand long enough to tell the driver his name and show the man his ID. He takes your hand again, leading you to the side of the sleigh. “After you.” You stand there gawking at him for a moment, his smile never faltering. He helps you into the sleigh, lifting the blanket that’s placed on the seat so the two of you can slide under it. 
The view of the park tonight is unlike anything you have ever seen. There are Christmas lights strung up through the trees. Soft instrumental versions of Christmas songs play through the speakers placed around. There are families playing in the snow, lovers dancing around the lake. The whole park is a magical place. “What’s going on in that pretty head of yours?” His voice draws your attention to him, making eye contact. “Chris, this is amazing. Everything is so beautiful. How did you do this?” His smile widens at your words. “I cheated a little. There was an ad at the radio station. We were supposed to be the first to announce it. I called and booked the first ride before I read the ad.” Your laughter is the loudest sound in the park, but you can’t find it in yourself to care. Of course he used the station. 
He slings his arm around you when your head lands on his shoulder and brings you closer to him. You’re close to sitting in his lap at this point. “Chris.” “Y/n.” You speak at the same time and you both giggle. You playfully argue over who should go first, and Chris finally takes the spotlight. 
“I said that I was spending this month trying to get you to like Christmas again, and I meant that. But that was a minor part of everything I’ve done. I wanted you to know what it’s like to be loved, genuinely loved, on Christmas. I know this time of year is hard for you, and understandably so, but I want you to know that you have someone who is here for you. You have someone who will never leave. You have someone that loves you more than words could ever explain. I love you, Y/n. I just wanted you to feel that love.”
You have no words. You have tears, but no words. You have tears, no words, and your lips on his.
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You feel like you're floating. Are your feet on the ground? You don’t know. You can feel your hand in his, but you can’t feel your feet. And you aren’t bothered by it. Because you can feel his lips on yours. You walk through the doorway of your shared apartment, giving each other sweet kisses. It’s only when you’re fully inside with the door closed that the kisses deepen. Chris cups your face with both of his hands, one sliding up to run through your hair. You’re already in bliss. He pulls back slightly, his breath fanning across your lips. “Tell me how you want this to go, baby. We can stop here and have dinner, or we can go to my room.” You have never uttered a sentence out faster. “Your room, please. I think we’ve waited long enough, yeah?”
Before you realize what’s happening, he swoops you up into his arms, carrying you bridal style to his room, pressing his lips to yours the entire way. He doesn’t even bother closing the bedroom door behind himself, immediately moving to place you gently on his bed. You scoot yourself further up, beckoning him closer. He slowly crawls onto the bed to hover over you, his right handing coming back to your face as he leans down to kiss you again. His left hand makes a home on your hip, rubbing slow, soft circles with his thumb. There is no urgency in your shared kisses, only the need to be close and show each other the love that you feel.
You kiss until both of your lips are swollen and red and Chris finally pulls back, just to admire you. “You are beyond beautiful. I love you so much.” His words are quiet, like he’ll break the magic moment if he speaks any louder.
 “I realize I haven’t told you how I feel yet.” You take a deep breath, preparing yourself to spill your feelings. “You are the kindest, most genuine person I have ever met. You go out of your way to make sure that everyone you care about is taken care of, even if that means not taking care of yourself.” You pause briefly, giving him a look. “We’ll talk about taking better care of you later.” He giggles as he presses a kiss to the corner of your mouth. “When we met, I had no idea how important you would become to me, and now that I know, I never want to not have you here. And I’m not worried that I’ll have to deal with that. You have given me more hope and love than I ever thought possible and I am so fucking in love with you.”
The kiss you receive in response is softer than the others and you aren’t sure how that is possible. You can feel every ounce of care this man holds for you in the barely there kiss. It makes your head spin. Slowly, his lips travel from yours down to your neck, sucking softly at the skin. You arch into him, gasping at how good it feels just to have his lips on you. His kisses travel lower, stopping at the edge of your sweater. “Can I take this off of you, babygirl?” You clench around nothing at the pet name, and of course Chris notices. He notices everything about you. 
You give him a nod and his hands slowly pull the sweater over your head, his eyes locked on yours as he removes it completely. Out of instinct, your hands move to cover yourself, but he grabs them before they make contact with your breasts. “Please don’t hide from me, my love. I want to see all of you. You’re so pretty.” Something churns inside of you at his compliments and you will yourself to keep your arms down. He trails his eyes down your chest, zeroing in on the fabric of your bra. He lifts his eyes back to yours, a silent question swirling in his brown irises. You give him a firm nod, not wanting him to sense any hesitation. You have no hesitation.
You reach around and unclasp your bra, bringing the straps down your shoulder until the garment falls onto your lap. “Fuck.” His voice is strained and you can hear the lust in his tone. But you can also hear the love. His hands rise to your chest, thumbs flicking over your nipples slowly. You let out a soft moan, biting your lip. His touch doesn’t linger for long, moving down to the top of your jeans. “Do you still want to keep going, baby? We don’t have to.” You love how he checks in with you before doing anything, it makes you feel so comfortable, like your comfort is more important than his desire. And you know that that is exactly how he feels.
“Chris, please.” The whine in your voice seems to do something to him because he groans as he begins to unbutton your jeans. While his hands are occupied removing you from the confines of your clothes, his lips press against your stomach. He takes his time with you and even though you’re soaked at this point, you don’t dare try to rush him. You can tell that he wants to worship you, and you intend to let him. His lips touch every new piece of skin that is revealed, not wanting to leave any part of you untouched. He leans back to take in the view of you. Your hair is slightly messy from his hands running through it. Your cheeks are flushed as you lay there in only your panties. You buck your hips up at him once and his hands immediately move to take the ruined fabric off. 
Once you’re bare beneath him, you gain a little confidence, spreading your legs so he can see your core. He outright moans at the sight. You can see his cock straining against his jeans, it’s big, that much you can tell. Your hole clenches at the thought of taking him, and again he takes notice. “What dirty thoughts are you thinking to have you clenching like that, babygirl?” The name makes you clench again and he smirks. “Oh? Y’like that do you? Like when I call you babygirl?” You spread your legs further apart as give him a nod, another groan coming from the gorgeous man in front of you.
“Yes, Daddy.” You stiffen. You have no idea where that came from. Never have you called a man daddy in bed, but for some reason, it felt so right that it just slipped out. Chris growls at that and you know you’ve found a weak spot for him. “Look at my pretty baby, all wet for me. Daddy’s gonna take good care of you, babygirl.” He lowers himself to the floor, grabbing at your ankles and slowly pulling your core toward his face. “Still good, baby?” Another nod from you and he presses a kiss to your clit. The contact has you arching into him, your obvious pleasure making his tongue dart out of his mouth to taste you. 
You try to keep your moans down as he devours you. You have a hand in his hair, not pulling, simply running your fingers through it. He alternates between circling your clit with his tongue and slipping the muscle inside of you, ending the pattern with a suck to your clit. The pleasure is overwhelming. It’s too much and it’s not enough. Your moans increase slightly in volume, until Chris stops his lovely attack on your pussy.
“Let me hear you, baby. I know you can do better than that. I heard you in the shower, you sounded so fucking beautiful. The best song I’ve ever heard.” You know you should be embarrassed, but you aren’t. His words only cause a new wave of arousal and a loud moan to escape you. “That’s it. There’s my good girl.” Another clench. Chris chooses this moment to slide a finger into you, curving it instantly, looking for the soft spot inside of you. He knows he’s found it when you buck your hips up and groan and he moves his face back down to lick at you more.
The combination of his tongue and fingers turn out to be deadly. You’re rapidly approaching your high. “Chris, please. I’m so close.” He picks up the pace of his fingers, pressing into your sweet spot on every thrust. Your moans flow out of you now, even if you wanted to stop them, you wouldn’t be able to. “There we go. Come on, babygirl. You can do it. Cum for me, cum for Daddy.” Your vision blurs, stars explode from your peripherals. Chris helps you ride out your orgasm before slowly pulling his fingers from you. “Can you open up for me, sweetheart?” Your mouth opens without you having to tell it to, and his fingers find their way onto your tongue. “Suck. See how good you taste.” You obey him without pause, moaning at the taste of yourself on his fingers.
He pulls his fingers from your mouth, moving them down to the button of his jeans, while the other hand reaches towards the nightstand for a condom. You reach out and grab his wrist, shaking your head. “Wanna feel you. All of you.” You can see his eyes glaze over with lust, but he still asks if you’re sure. You nod, you don’t think you’ve ever been so sure of something in your life. He moves with a little more haste as he kicks his pants off. “Holy shit.” You didn’t mean to say the words out loud, but one look at his cock has your mouth watering, but it also has you wondering if it’s going to fit. He has one hand slowly stroking himself, moving closer to your cunt, sliding himself through your folds. “Relax for me, love. All you have to do is relax and let me in.”
He pushes into you slowly, a deep, drawn out groan coming from his throat. A high pitched whine leaves you at the same time, a harmony of pleasure. Once he’s fully sheathed inside of you, he pauses, not moving. “Fuck, baby. You’re so tight. Fit me perfectly. Cunt was made for daddy’s cock, huh?” All you can do is nod and whine, and bring your legs to wrap around his waist. You manage to buck your hips slightly, trying to get him to move. He pulls his hips back slowly, pulling out until only the tip of his cock is resting inside of you. He shoves his cock back into you all at once, not too roughly, but making sure to hit deep. 
Your body moves into a deep arch at his thrusts, all hitting the spongy part inside of you perfectly. You’re already working your way to another orgasm. “Feel so good, baby. So glad I get to have you like this. Love you so much.” His thrusts start to speed up and you can tell that he’s holding himself back, wanting you to finish one more time before he lets himself go. “I’m close, sweet girl. Think you can come for me one more time? Come with me this time?” Tears are pricking the edges of your eyes and you quickly nod. “So close. So close, Love you. So close.” Your words come out jumbled, but you think Chris understands. He speeds up a little more, the both of you moaning in time with each other. Chris leans down so his mouth is right next to your ear. “Now, baby. Come now. I love you. You can do it.” You cum with a cry of his name, your pussy clamping down on his cock sends him into his own orgasm, groaning as he fills you.
You’re both panting by the time you come down. Chris slowly pulls out slowly, watching his seed dribble out of your spent hole. His hand twitches like he wants to push it back inside of you, but he doesn’t. He turns and leaves, you can hear the faucet running in the bathroom. He comes back with a warm cloth, carefully cleaning you up and adding a kiss to your forehead. He helps you up, walking with you to the bathroom so you can pee. When you emerge from the bathroom, he’s standing by the door with a bottle of water. He really is perfect.
Once you get back to his room, he gives you a shirt of his to wear to bed. “Need me to go get underwear from your room?” His thoughtfulness makes you smile. “Nah. Don’t need ‘em.” He smirks at that, knowing that you mean that this will lead to morning sex and he’s all for it. He joins you on his bed again, pulling you into his arms. “So, it’s midnight. How are you feeling about Christmas?” You’re silent for a moment, thinking of what you want to say. Pulling back to look at him, you smile.
“It’s the most wonderful time of the year.”
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bebe-writes-stuff · 8 days
It was risky and wrong, but you didn’t care; all you cared about was the desperate need to cum. You looked down at Mikey as he devoured you, his mouth working on you as if you were his last meal. Your mind was unraveling from the relentless orgasms he had forcefully drawn out of you despite your pleas for him to stop, but he ignored every word. Your back was against the tree he had pinned you to, starting with a heated make-out session before moving lower and lower.
"Mikey, no, the meeting is gonna start soon, and everyone is gonna come. And if someone sees us like this—" you whispered, trying to push his head away from under your skirt.
"Just a little taste, Y/n. No one is gonna find us here, at least if you keep quiet. C'mon," he insisted, lifting your skirt to nuzzle his head under.
You shivered as his fingers slowly ran through your folds. "You're so fucking wet. Did you really get this wet just from making out, you fucking slut."
You turned your head to the side, avoiding his gaze. "F-fuck you. You're one to talk. Your dick is probably leaking by now."
"Yeah, I'm hard as fuck, and that's for you and only you, babe."
Your legs trembled as you felt the vibrations of his voice on your sensitive clit. "Yeah, you like that? Rubbing your clit with my tongue. Your pussy is throbbing."
His tongue swirled in circles on your clit, occasionally fucking your hole.
Biting your bottom lip to keep from making noise, you tugged on his hair. "Mikey, fuck, don't stop, don't you fucking dare stop," you moaned, your head falling back.
"Yeah, cum on my tongue, just like that. Good girl."
You covered your mouth with both hands, stifling your screams as you came again, your cum being lapped up by Mikey. Finally, he pulled away, his mouth wet, cum dripping down his chin. His lustful eyes locked onto your tear-filled ones. Gasping for air, your chest heaved as you slowly slid down, your legs giving way as you sank to the ground, eyes fluttering shut.
You gasped when you heard a shout from afar, "MIKEY! WHERE ARE YOU, DAMMIT? DID YOU FORGET WE GOT A MEETING?"
Mikey pulled you into his lap, and you felt his rock-hard cock against your exposed, bare pussy. He moved his hips upward, grinding into you. "Y/n, shh, keep your mouth shut," he commanded, his voice rough and desperate, mirroring his fast and hard strokes. "I'm gonna fuck this pussy, and you better stay quiet." He placed his palm over your mouth, muffling your sounds as he took his cock out. You gripped the grass beneath you as he spread your pussy with his throbbing cock.
"Yeah, you like being my bitch," he whispered in your ear, thrusting up into you, holding your hips in place. "Don't run away now; you deserve this dick ramming inside you."
His tone was sadistic as he shoved his fingers in your mouth. "Suck on my fingers. That'll keep your mouth busy."
"Wanna feel that pussy pulse and clench on my dick. You hear me? You better cum on this cock, or you won't be cumming for the next week."
You were too fucked out of your mind to respond, just a moaning, wet, and sticky mess. All you could do was nod and take whatever he gave you.
"Yeah, cum for me, baby. Cum on this dick. It's all yours. Mm, fuck yeah, just like that. Tight fucking pussy."
But if yall want me to continue it idk let me know, ima go cry now--
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qu1cks1lversb1tch · 8 days
can I possibly ask for a Lucifer x gn!reader drabble where it’s super fluffy and cuddly?
Like maybe they just woke up from Lucifer’s alarm and he turns it off and instead of getting up to start his work as king of hell he turns back over and just hugs y/n closer to him and she tries to tell him that he has to get up then fails
I’m bad at requests (this is my first one 🤧) but I hope that’s a good amount of information :))
A/N — I LOVE THIS IDEA. It's so sweet 😭💖 sorry it's so short, I hope it's good regardless!
As always, my requests are open and since as of 5/22/24, I reached 50 followers, I will be doing a writing spree for Hazbin and Helluva requests. Refer to this post for more information (if you're interested). I've since reached 55 fantastic followers! <3
Mornings In | Lucifer x Gn!Reader
Warnings: Fluff, procrastination (guilty!)
Word Count: 346
Summary: With your partner being the literal King of Hell, he had duties he had to attend to. That didn't mean he wanted to, especially when the bed was so warm and you were right there.
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Peaceful quiet.
It was unheard of in a realm like Hell.
The only sounds in the room were two different breathing patterns and the occasional rustling of the sheets as one of you adjusted in the temporarily unconscious state. 
Even in sleep, you could smell Lucifer's sweet scent that enveloped you like a warm hug, influencing your dreams of a future filled with nothing but love. 
Though soon enough, the peaceful quiet was interrupted violently by the sound of Lucifer's alarm going off. 
Between the sound of ducks mixed with a circus song, you were quick to wake up. 
Before you could pull yourself from the warmth of the shared bed to start on your morning routine, the alarm stopped abruptly and you felt Lucifer's arms wrap around you, pulling you into him with his head resting atop yours. 
“Luci, Honey, you have to get up.” You said into his chest, sighing contently at the feeling of his arms tightening around you. 
“No.” He whined, burying his face in your hair. “Don't wanna.” 
You laugh lightly and kiss his shoulder. “You're the King of Hell, and as much as I would love to lay in bed with you all morning, you have a realm to rule. There's that meeting with Asmodeus—”
“Mentally canceled. Now hush and cuddle me, dammit.” 
You laid in silence for a solid minute before thinking of what to say next. He was being stubborn, but you love that about him. 
Defeated, you nestled into his hold, wrapping your arms around him in return. 
“What about the other meetings?” You whispered, listening to his heartbeat. 
“I'll reschedule. ‘M spending the day with my love.” He pulled you closer, as if it were possible, and wrapped his wings around you to act as an even softer blanket. 
You hummed in reply, unable to form words as tiredness overcame you once more. 
Just before you fell back asleep in your lover's arms, you caught the words he whispered into the silence: “I love you.”
And you knew that you loved him too. More than anything. 
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peaachypie · 8 months
Warning :
(cnc, breeding kink, uniform/masked kink, dark!Miguel, p in V, cunnilingus, lactation kink, infidelity and i think that it)
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" Coach Terry has a wife ?"
Miguel raise his head, stopping what he was working on.
" mh mh ! Her name is [Y/N], she is so nice, she has a kid too ! He does a lot of.... jokes about it"
" jokes ?"
" yeah, when we don't make enough point he says something like : if i knew kid will shoot that bad i wouldn't have use this excuse to save my marriage ! "
" ... what the..."
" I don't really understand but [Y/N] is so nice with us ... and pretty !"
Gabriella says happily, preparing her bag for her soccer training.
" with his face ? She can't be that pretty."
He says with a unamused chuckle.
" dad ! Don't be a meanie ! "
She scolds him with a frown.
" i'm just being honest."
He shrugs.
" you're just jealous "
She hum with a confident smile, Miguel groan slightly but with a soft smile. He doesn't take it in a wrong way.
" shut your mouth and eat."
" aye !"
She quickly stuff her mouth with food as the big man let out a sigh.
Coming out of his car, Miguel give Gabi her bag as she run out to the changing room.
He walks slowly toward the bleachers.
" um excuse me "
He raise his eyes away from his phone with a slight annoyed stare, he isn't the social type of man. But his hard face quickly fade away as your sigh. He looks up and down at you, taking a good look on your hair, face and body. Especialy body.
" yes ?"
He answers finaly, putting away his phone.
You smile kindly at him. He sees your mouth open to talk but no sound come to his ears. Too focus on staring at you.
How could Terry pull a beautifull woman like you ?
Did you really have a child with this ... thing ?
Does your nipple are hard because of the wind or ?
What ?
He frown at his own mind comment.
He isn't the type of asking himself that, or even staring at a woman body. He doesn't feel guitly too long. He couldn't stop looking at you, he couldn't stop thinking on the fact that he is so much better than Terry.
He could make you scream his name, in every position, everywhere.
He takes a deep breath, he could feel his cock throbbing against his legs.
Dammit. It's been a while since he wanted someone that bad, and he isn't really patient about those thing.
He want you so bad, he want to see you cry on his cock. He want to see you beg for his cock.
The training start and quickly come to an end. His eyes switching to Gabriella then to you. Your ass seem so soft, and your breast so full of milk. He just want to relieve you by sucking your nipple.
He groan.
" fuck..."
23:05 p.m
Gabriella was already in bed, everything was calm until the city needed him, well the city needed Spiderman.
He wasn't really in the mood, he wasn't known for being the " friendly neighborhood spiderman " .
His duty end quickly, beating up vilains wasn't what he prefer to do but it took off your body out of his mind.
He swing around the building before stopping somewhere high. Looking around until he see someone getting in trouble.
He doesn't have any spidersense but if he had one, it would have been so excited right now.
" please ! Someone help ! "
You cry out at someone snatch your purse out of your hand. The vilain didn't run away, too slow for the hero who catch him easily with his web.
Miguel goes grab the purse, not without a dead stare and an agressive behavior.
He slowly goes to you, for you it was nothing.
For him, he was just holding himself from slamming you against the wall and pulling down your pantie down your legs.
" thanks you so much spiderman ..."
You smile to the masked hero, with a gratitude smile.
He keep his eyes on you.
Your tears.
He wasn't listening to his mind anymore, he doesn't care anymore.
" let me take you back to your place."
He goes to you and pick you up in his arm, shooting a web and flying around the city toward your apartment.
Opening the window was the easiest part of this. Putting back on your legs, you turn to him.
" thanks you, you're so-"
" nothing come for free."
He says in a hard voice.
" what ?"
" I need a payback. That fair for what i do in the city. Dont you think ?"
" but... i don't have any money"
" don't worry princesa."
He grab your face with his finger. Holding you.
" i'm not asking for money."
Your eyes widden at his word. One blink was enough to see how fast he was to ripped your dress in a half. You let out a whine as your breast are now exposed to the masked man.
" w...wait ! I ... i have a husband ! And-"
" and ? You want me to keep saving the city don't you ? Who knows maybe your husband will need my help."
You open your mouth to repost but the only sound who come out is a squeak as the hero deprograms his mask over his nose to take a lick on your hardden nipple. You try to move away from his grip, but Miguel hold you close against him. A second moan escape your lips as he take one of your nipple in his mouth, sucking and slighting bitting it. He let out a growl when the warm milk run down his throat.
He never felt this tight in his costume before.
Your hand stay on his shoulder, trying to push him without really trying ... you could do more than that. Was it the fear ?
You close your eyes, your legs shaking a bit as he keep the nipple in his mouth without forgetting the other, playing with it before giving each little buttons a lick.
You didn't dare open your eyes, fighting yourself not to ask for more, or to make too much noise about your forbidden pleasure.
The next thing you could feel was the pillow on your face when he throw you on the bed. Your stomach on the mattress and your legs spread on the edge of the bed.
" what are you ...! No !"
But he didn't listen, raising your dress over your ass. Kneeling in front of your private area, taking a smell on your pantie making your squirm.
He waited for this for so long, he though of this for so long everytime he would jerk off thinking of you. Moving your pantie to the side, his tongue find quickly the way toward your clit. Licking and sucking on it as you bite on your pillow. Tears falling down your cheek as he eat you out like a starved man. His tongue moving inside your gummy wall, sucking up your juice. Your wetness dripping under his chin.
" p...please...haangh...s...stop...."
You whisper quietly, to give yourself good conscience but not wanted it to end either.
" i...i'm sorry Ter...haaah...!"
You let out a scream when he start playing again with the little budge of nerves.
Turning your eyes to him, you looked at him.
Miguel was kneeling in front of your pussy, sucking it while moving his hand up and down his throbbing cock. Precum coming out his urethra.
It was so big, too big.
He get up again, slidding down your pantie on your ankle. Teasing your wet hole with his red tip.
You should scream, but you just press the pillow harder against your mouth.
He spread your pussy lips with one hand, the other holding his cock in front of your entrance.
" Fuck ... look at that, this pretty pussy all wet for me ... you were waiting for this uh ? Someone with a big cock to fill you up properly ? You wanted it, you waited to be fuck like a slut."
His voice is strict and hard, making your pussy clench on nothing. He let out a dark chuckle out of his lips. Pressing the tip at your entrance before slidding inside without putting force.
He groan between his teeth as you let out a moan in the pillow.
He didn't wait for you to get used to his shape. Putting his rough hand on your hips and pouding inside you like a beast.
You cry on the pillow.
" sorrysorrysorry...i'm...hanh ! Sorry...ha...haa...!"
Do you apologize for your infidelity or for loving it a bit too much ?
The wet sound of your pussy being filled up by the hero are the only sound filling the room. Tears falling just like your wetness down your legs.
You could feel the knot inside you getting bigger as he does firm circle around your puffy clit.
" taking me so well princesa..."
He groan, a mix of whimper and a growl.
" taking my cock so well ... is it better than your husband ? Stop apologizing and answers."
An hard slap on your ass wake you up from your bubble of pleasure.
" pleasepleaseplease ...!"
" are you begging me to stop or to cum ?"
" please...'me cum...! Ha...aaa...f...feels good...!"
" yeah ... it does feels good uh ? You want to cum uh ? Clenching around me like if you don't want me to take it out. You want me to make you a momma again ?"
" pleaseplease...'anna be a mom again..."
You cry out, your mind foggy. It was too much, the thrust, the circle around your clit.
Your eyes rolled back to your head as your legs start shaking. The knot in your stomach exploding in a powerfull orgasm.
Miguel groan, he was holding himself for too long. How was he suppose to hold when your pussy feel so tight around his cock ? He groan one last time before filling your womb full of his cum. He stay inside for a few minute before take a step back. Watching his semence dripping out your pussy.
" that a good girl. You did good for me."
He bend over to you, taking your hair to raise your head at him.
" that pussy is mine now."
You nod, obedient.
He was so violent, as if he wanted to mold your pussy to his shape.
He put a kiss on your forehead before putting you to bed, stroking your hair for a few second, then leaving quickly before your husband comes back.
" dad ?"
Gabriella looks at him.
" yes ?"
He raise his eyes to his daughter.
" Coach Terry was angry today."
" was he ?"
" he said [Y/N] doesn't want to be in the same room as him, and that he knew his marriage was bulls-"
" don't you dare say the word."
" ... oke"
Gabriella pout before going back to her room.
Miguel turn back his eyes to what he was working on.
I should reward her for that. Seem like her pussy is really mine now.
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norrisleclercf1 · 4 months
Doctor Charles who starts doing teeny tiny gestures to show maybe he’s not such a dick and actually cares about you
A/N: Good ole Dr. Charles who is cold but warm with you
It was another hard shift, one where you just wanted to quiet your job. Dr. Charles was on the night shift with you and you couldn't help but cast glances his way. After that night where he forced you to sleep, you noticed that he was going easier on you than anyone else.
The others didn't like it, but you always stepped in when he went all Dr. Devil and he'd calm down and apologize leaving your coworkers in shock at the fact he'd go all nice whenever you were around. "Here," Jumping you open your eyes to see Charles sliding a protein bar your way.
"What's this for?" You ask, opening it and taking a bite. "You need to stay awake. Also, noticed you haven't eaten all day." He mumbles and passes off a chart. "Should put your glasses on." You pass, which has Charles turning, squinting at you. "Why?" "Your handwriting is atrocious right now, noticed it gets worse the more your eyes get tired. Here," You slide his glasses out of your pockets and hand them to him.
"You left these at the last trauma." Charles just nods, and gently takes them and slides them on. "Thanks," He turns and walks off leaving you with a slight blush.
"Dammit, just can't you work!" You kick your med cart, as you couldn't get your simple insulin out for your regular. "Stop," Charles rushes over and grabs your foot as you go to kick the cart again. "I just want my stupid insulin for Walter." You snap, as Charles gently steps back with you.
"This is my trick for this one." Charles moves and shoves the drawer in and lifts up before pulling it back and revealing your insulin. "How'd you know that? Don't know many doctors who pull their own meds." You move and grab the vial.
"I did my internship here when I was a newly graduated medical student. Would help the nurses." You stare at him like he's grown another head at the reveal. "What? I was nice, once." Charles moves and closes the draw walking off.
He couldn't help but watch you as you helped a kid who was in an accident. He loves watching you work, ever since he let you take that nap he refused to see you that burnt out again. Especially when he's the one that caused it. Charles wanted nothing more than to see you smile all the time, he knew what the other nurses called him and he could care less as long as you were smiling at him.
Charles didn't even know he was moving until he was behind you and smiling at the boy. "Hi there, I'm Charles." The kid smiles as you clean his wound. The boy was crying but seemed to stop seeing Charles. "What's your name?" Charles pulls a stool over and sits down and starts cleaning the other scraps.
"Andy." The kid whispers and Charles nods, "I like that name, how old are you?" Andy smile and pulls his hands back showing he's 5. "5? That's a great age, I remember being five. I really loved cars." Andy giggles and moves closer to charles. "I like red cars," "So do I!" Charles and Andy laugh and you have to stop yourself from melting as you get Andy all cleaned up and transferred to Peds.
"Hey, Charles?" Charles turns as he waved off Andy. "What's up?" You take a deep breath and smile. "Will you go on a date with me?" You wait as you see Charles smile grow wide. "Yeah,"
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leviismybby · 6 months
AOT veterans walking in on you and Levi
Once and never again, he was so caught up in his work that he forgot for a moment that you and Levi were a couple. He didn't have time to finish his reports so he wanted to ask Levi to do it for him. Now, he did knock on the door of your bedroom but he didn't wait for a response which was a mistake. You and Levi were in the middle of it, his body on top of yours, your nails digging into his back as his hips moved passionately until.....Erwin clears his throat, luckily the sheet was over you and Levi so he didn't see the full thing, it was still awkward either way. "Sorry for the interruption but I need to borrow Levi for a moment. Do meet outside once you're decent." Erwin exits the room and Levi groans. "I stand stand this fucking place sometimes." He pulls out of you gently, kissing your forehead before getting up.
You watch the fresh marks on his back as he gets ready, he pulls up his underwear and pants, the frown on his face almost makes you laugh. Levi makes his way outside in the hallway. "What the fuck do you want?" Erwin looks at him. "For you to finish these, I have to attend a meeting and don't have time. Also, to learn how to lock the door when you and name are.... Busy." Levi scoffs at Erwin's words and takes the file from his hand. "Learn how to knock first, Smith." Erwin chuckled at Levi's tone before adjusting his coat. "I did, you two were too caught up in the moment to notice." He nods his head at Levi and then turns around to walk away, Levi glares at his back before he returns to your bedroom. It didn't affect Erwin at all, after all, you and Levi were soldiers and he understood that stress needed to be taken care of one way or another. But he was very careful since then, not catching you ever again.
Not going to lie, this one was completely on you and Levi. Levi couldn't wait for you two to get back to your room so he pulled you into a random room in the headquarters, that room just happened to be Hange's lab. You two were kissing, you were bent over a table, your hands gripping the wood as Levi pounded you. Somehow, you both missed Hange's voice coming down the hallway. "...so you see I have some in my- oh hello." Hange says, their eyes going slightly wide before they smile. "How did you manage to bend her over like that??" "Dammit Hange! Get the fuck out!" Levi growled, covering your body and his voice was rough. "Hey I am the one who is supposed to be the mad one here, you two are fucking in MY lab-" Levi takes a folder and throws it at them, Hange quickly hides behind the wall. "Okay okay, I get it.." They close the door quickly before their squad arrives. "Squad leader is everything okay?" Nifa asks carrying a stack of books Hange told her to bring to her lab. Hange is trying not to laugh as they speak. "It's all fine Nifa but umm my lab is currently preoccupied. Why don't you all bring those books to my office and I'll be there in a second kay?" Their squad nods and walks past her, Hange giggles to themselves before opening the door to purposely mess with you and Levi some more. "Well that's a new position." "Hange!" Both of you say at the same time and they snicker before closing the door behind them. "Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with them...?" Levi asks, his hands on your hips, still inside of you. "It's Hange, you know how they are..." You say holding onto him tightly. "This was a bad idea but I am not stopping now." He kisses you again. Hange caught you before but this one was most entertaining for them.
Was not impressed at all, he caught you two while you two were at the training ground. It was late at night and Levi couldn't help it after seeing you all hot and sweaty after training. Miche was preparing the training grounds for tomorrow's training, he was setting up the training dolls and making sure that all the equipment was put right. He heard weird sounds coming from the trees nearby and decided to check it out. To his surprise it wasn't anyone in pain, it was you moaning as Levi was on his knees in front of you eating you out while your hands gripped his hair. Miche peeked around the tree and quickly looked away but he wasn't afraid to make his presence known. "Seriously? Out here?" His voice spoke surprising both you and Levi, Levi quickly stood up and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand as you pulled your pants up. "Why on the titans name are you out here?" Levi says, clearly frustrated that he was interrupted in the moment with you. "I am doing my job unlike you." Miche comes around the tree and crosses his arms over his chest as he looks down at the two of you. Levi glares up at him and you can't meet his gaze out of embarrassment. "You two do know that if I report this to Erwin he can give you a punishment." Miche says keeping his voice calm, despite his words you and Levi both know that he won't do it, he said it the last time too but never actually told on you. Besides, Erwin wouldn't bother with the matter anyway. "And what? You think someone will actually punish me for having private time with my girlfriend?" Levi says back leaning against the tree as you sigh. "That's not the issue Levi. The issue is that you two keep doing these activities everywhere else apart from your bedroom it seems." Silence follows after that, it's not like Miche is in the wrong here. "Well then, I'll be off. But please for the love of everything, her a room." He chuckles slightly as he walks away. You groan. "You couldn't wait?" Levi looks at you as you say that. "No. Now spread your legs and lean back on the tree."
The worst luck, she walks in on the two of you in Levi's office. You were sitting on his lap riding him as he gripped your hips, his lips kissing your jaw when you speed up your hips. The two of you were close to your orgasms until. "Captain Levi, I was told you have the......training....schedule." Nanaba stops in her tracks and quickly turns around and exits the office not wanting to invalidate your privacy. She decides after a few seconds to talk through the door, yes it's an awkward situation but she still needs to get her job done. "I apologize for that. I was just wondering if the training schedule is done so I can forward it to other soldiers." Nanaba spoke firmly through the door, as she expected, there was no answer. She was about to walk away when papers slid from under the door, Nanaba picks them up and looks at them. "Thanks Levi." She walks away, slightly shocked at what she just saw still, she can't help but laugh a little, she will now have something to tease you about. Levi was annoyed that he was interrupted at the most intense times. "At least she respected our privacy." He says and sits back down on his chair, pulling you on his lap. "Levi...I thought you just learned your lesson." You smile as he kisses from your neck. "I locked the door since people in this place clearly have zero fucking moral."
Oh poor thing, he is the one that never caught anyone like that so he was super flustered. He didn't even know how to react when he caught you and Levi in the library. It was evening and all Moblit wanted was to read a book. On the other side of the library, you and Levi were making out against the bookshelf, your hands and legs wrapped around Levi tightly as he entered you. Levi did hear someone open the library door so he put a hand over your mouth to keep you quiet as he continued to thrust into you. Moblit had a gas lamp in his hand as he went on to look for a book to read until he took a step around the corner and then, his lamp dropped on the floor as he saw you and Levi. "I am so sorry! I didn't know- I didn't mean to!" He quickly takes any book from the bookshelf and just runs out of the library with a blushing face. You laugh when you hear the door close. "Poor Moblit. He must be modified." Levi scoffs, his cock sliding in and out of you. "I don't fucking care. I heard him come in, his fault for being too curious." He kisses you on the lips again. Hange laughs as they get Moblit to tell them what got him blushing so much. "You'll get used to it. I caught them in my lab once, they have zero shame." Hange taps Moblit on the shoulder. And for a few days Moblit tried to avoid you and Levi as much as he could, though he didn't judge you two at all.
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themissinghand · 8 months
Omniscient Reader Viewpoint Have You Seen My Werepuppy?
Summary: In which our lovely regressor turned into a werewolf and craves your attention. (Or Kim Dokja wants some love too)
Pairing: Yoo Joonghyuk x GN! Reader x Kim Dokja 
Note: Love these two idiots to death. So here is a fluffy short.
Warning: None.
[New Scenario available]
[Only available to incarnation "Yoo Joongyhyuk"]
[The Constellation ‘Constellation Who Likes to Change Genders’ urges incarnation "Yoo Joonghyuk" to accept the scenario]
"What is the reward?" Yoo Joonghyuk says, suspicious of his intentions. 
[10,000 coins]
"What do I have to do?" 
[The Constellation ‘Constellation Who Likes to Change Genders’ tells incarnation "Yoo Joonghyuk" to make a choice quickly before he offers it to other incarnations] 
Yoo Joonghyuk twitched his eyebrow before he glared at the floating blue screen. 
"Don't you dare." Han Sooyoung (who believed she was at the wrong place and wrong time), warned him. 
"If it's something dangerous, I'm not going to take responsibility for your sorry ass." 
"Shut up."
Without another moment of thought, Yoo Joonghyuk accepted the scenario. 
"You idiot-"
A bright light and Yoo Joonghyuk prepared himself for a fight. 
But once the bright light faded away, there was nothing but a blue screen in front of him. 
He heard a dramatic gasp beside him, but his focus was on the blue screen. His eyes widened before he dropped to the ground on one knee and he felt his body change.
He can hear Loki, that bastard, and Han Sooyoung just laughing at him.
“For a scary bastard like you, you have a fluffy ass tail!”
Kim Dokja wasn't sure what he was witnessing. 
Everyone was panicking, to say the least, and you weren’t there. 
A growling Yoo Joonghyuk in werewolf form. His sword was gripped tightly in his hand, and no matter what others were yelling, he wouldn't budge. It was as if he was protecting his territory, and Kim Dokja assumed it was because of his new transformation. 
Kim Dokja curses at whichever constellation that did this.
Kim Dokja felt a chill down his spine when the protagonist met his eyes. It was glaring at him like a mad dog, while grinding his teeth and brandishing his sword.
What did he do now? He didn't even do anything!
What could he even do? When that sunfish is swinging swords at whoever comes close? When that bastard is so angry that he is emitting such a murderous aura? 
Damn you protagonist! 
"What's going on?" Kim Dokja let out a sign of relief when you walked to his side.
You who had just come back from your training with Jung Heewon, and were very much tired to deal with this, but came anyway. 
After all, it is the sunfish bastard that you and Kim Dokja know very well.
As a fellow reader who committed to finishing the longest web novel in history, you bet that you would be here (with Kim Dokja) to make sure the protagonist survives. 
That is what you two swore upon after the world turned upside down. Just an oath between readers, as friends, to survive.
"That idiot turned into a werewolf!"
Thanks Han Sooyoung. 
"Is it Loki again?" You responded immediately and Kim Dokja returned a nod and a sigh.
“God Dammit. Alright, so Dokja, any plans or…” 
Dokja put a hand on your shoulder, “Nope, I got none-”
Holy shit, did Yoo Joonghyuk just growl at him? 
Kim Dokja heard a sigh beside him and something about more work before his best friend walked ahead. 
"(Y/N)! Don't get too close!" 
"That ahjussi went crazy!"
"Stay back! You're not a match for Master!"
The kids yelled and even Kim Dokja wanted to stop you, but after he saw how calm and collected you were, Kim Dokja held back. 
As always, you were confident and quick to adapt in any situation. Perhaps you noticed something about the werewolf state.
Until Kim Dokja saw you unbuttoning the top button and exposing your neck-
"(Y/N)! What are you doing?" Kim Dokja flushes. He would have rushed to your side if Yoo Joonghyuk wasn't ready to pounce on him.
"What a big angry pup." Kim Dokja hopes that his best friend won't be cut in half. 
But it was odd. The closer you went, the less fussy that sunfish seemed. In fact, when you stood in front of the growling wolf, the wolf seem to stop and wonder as well.
On how in the world that this little person wasn't afraid of him, and why they was exposing their neck-
You put up both hands in surrender before you spoke.
"Put down your sword, Joonghyuk-ah." 
Slowly (shockingly), the protagonist lowered his sword. Then, he just stared. 
What the fuck is happening? 
The sunfish hugged you and buried his face deep in the older's shoulder. Wait no, the Yoo Joonghyuk was sniffing your neck like a wolf. 
You and Kim Dokja let out a long sigh.
"Yes?" Kim Dokja flinched when Yoo Joonghyuk growled at him and wrapped both arms around you possessively. 
"Are you sure you're okay with this?" 
"I'm fine. At least for now."
"Shouldn't we try to reverse this?" 
"We could, but we don't know what scenario Joonghyuk-ah got. Whatever it is, I'm assuming he must finish it. Right Loki?"
[The Constellation ‘Constellation Who Likes to Change Genders’ is nodding in agreement]
"Then shouldn't we try to get Master to communicate with us?" 
You rubbed the little wolf’s head and the other responded by rubbing his head back. 
Who would have thought that Yoo Joonghyuk could be tamed? 
Kim Dokja on the other hand, felt like whatever this scenario was, Yoo Joonghyuk was taking full advantage of it, seeing how the wolf kept looking his way in a smug way.
"He can't read, write, or speak, but he can fight like a wolf, and recognize people. Though if there is one thing about the scenario, it most likely has something to do with me." 
“Yea, and against me.” You chuckled at your best friend’s annoyed face, and he rolled his eyes. 
"Alright, alright, give me a day and I’ll see if I can figure it out. I'm gonna spend a day with this baby wolf." 
“Baby wolf? More like a beast.” Han Sooyoung quipped, and many agreed. 
You on the other hand had no issues, even while feeling the wolf’s sharp teeth against your neck. You thought it was cute that the Yoo Joonghyuk wanted your attention.
"If we're talking about taming animals, usually it would be Gilyoung-ah and Yoosung-ah to take care of it. But this one bites. So I'll take care of it." The children nod reluctantly. 
[The Constellation ‘Secretive Plotter’ is amused by this situation]
While others seem a bit hesitant, after your reassurance, they trusted you to figure this out. Kim Dokja on the other hand, was very worried, and so decided to stay in the vicinity in case anything were to go wrong.
"Now then," You lean back into Yoo Joonghyuk’s chest and his body, feeling his body engulf your smaller one. 
[The Constellation ‘Demon-like Judge of Fire’ is cooing at how cute you two look]
[The Constellation ‘Demon-like Judge of Fire’ have sponsored you 1000 coins]
"Let's tame a wolf."
Kim Dokja couldn’t help but feel a little bit jealous (just a little), as he watched his best friend invest all of their attention on the protagonist. 
And he knows that the werewolf is happy and smug about it! 
When you feed Yoo Joonghyuk, when you groom him, and when you have to physically entertain him, Kim Dokja knew this was a scenario to mess with him. 
[The Constellation ‘Constellation Who Likes to Change Genders’ hints to Incarnation ‘Kim Dokja’ to steal Incarnation ‘(Y/N)’ away]
[The Constellation ‘Prisoner of the Golden Headband’ agrees and urges Incarnation ‘Kim Dokja’ to be a brave man]
[The Constellation ‘Demon-like Judge of Fire’ is excited for the drama to unfold and is at the edge of her seats]
Kim Dokja sighs and before he could say anything, you called. 
“Dokja! I think I know what it is now!”
Kim Dokja widen his eyes in relief, finally-
“I think he just wants to make you jealous, so you have to kiss him or something. Like Beauty and the Beast!” 
Kim Dokja’s jaw dropped.
[The Constellation ‘Demon-like Judge of Fire’ squeals]
[The Constellation ‘Prisoner of the Golden Headband’ is pulling out his hair]
[The Constellation ‘Secretive Plotter’ is questioning your IQ but encourages anyway]
[The Constellation ‘Secretive Plotter’ have sponsored you 1000 coins]
“Haha, just kidding, look at your faces. Ow, Hey!” Yoo Joonghyuk nibs at your neck, leaving another mark. 
“(Y/N)...” Kim Dokja groans in frustration.
“But I do know the solution.” You say while suddenly standing up, knocking the wolf in his chin, and in that swift moment, you flipped your positions, with the wolf under your knee.
“You’re a good boy aren’t you?” 
In the next moment, you kissed the fluttered wolf on his nose and then whispered in his ear, 
“What a good boy.” In the most seductive voice you can mutter. 
“(Y/N)?!” Kim Dokja blushed slightly at how provocative you and Yoo Joonghyuk's position looked. 
One part of him want to be in that position too-
“Alright, you got what you wanted right? Loki?” 
[The Constellation ‘Constellation Who Likes to Change Genders’ is happy]
“What? What did he want?” Kim Dokja was confused in the midst of all the messages from literally every constellation.
Until Kim Dokja saw it.
Yoo Joonghyuk in his human form, blushing.
Under you. 
It didn’t last long before he violently reacted and wanted to murder both of you, but by then, you and Kim Dokja had already ran for your lives, and you with a picture in your hand.
“Worth it!” 
“Bruh, you’re telling me the Yoo Joonghyuk has a praise kink?” 
Han Sooyoung began running too.
“Oh and Dokja,” Kim Dokja looked your way, and suddenly he received a peck on his cheek. 
“Don’t sulk just because you didn’t get a kiss.” 
“Wha-” Kim Dokja flushed and put a hand to cover it.
“Don’t worry, you’re a good boy too.” 
“(Y/N)!” He screeches as he suddenly sprints faster away in embarrassment.
“(Y/N)! Collect your wolf hubby!” 
"I'm going to kill you (Y/N)!"
The chaos lasted for a bit, and in the midst of all that chaos, Loki was able to auction the video and images of every moment in the scenario. 
Needless to say, Uriel and Secretive Plotter was definitely winning the majority of that auction.
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angels-fantasy · 2 months
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☆ you go shopping with mitsuki for bakugo's surprise b-day party decorations! ☆
day 3 of the explosive birthday celebration ! hosted by @queenpiranhadon
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hanging out with katsuki's mom secretly was not easy, especially when he liked to know where you were and who you were with. not in a crazy, possessive way of course, it's just how he showed he cared.
but when mitsuki, his mom, asked you to go decoration shopping with her, you couldn't just deny her offer. maybe this could be an opportunity to learn more about katsuki, you thought.
while you were shopping for the decorations, you quickly noticed that katsuki had gotten a lot of her personality traits. this was something you knew already, but spending time with her one on one really solidified that idea.
"what do you think about these banners, sweetie?" mitsuki asked, holding up two different 'happy birthday' banners. one was all black, and the other was orange. the color theme of the party was his hero costume colors, which were black, green, and orange.
you hummed and looked at the rest of the decorations in the cart, noticing there was already a lot of color, "i think we should go with the black."
she nodded and threw the banner into the basket, "you've got a good eye, kid." she said, making you smile at the small compliment.
suddenly your phone began to ring and you already had an idea of who it was. picking up the phone, you said "hey katsuki." causing mitsuki to turn around and make a questioning face at you.
you shrugged your arms at her, trying to silently tell her you didn't know why he was calling.
"why the hell are you at the store with my old hag?" he asked, making you chew your nails nervously as you thought of an excuse.
"we're just shopping, katsuki. why are you looking at my location anyways? stalker."
you could already see the veins popping out on his forehead at your question, "answer my question dammit!"
you rolled your eyes, "if you really want to know, i just wanted her help with some outfit ideas. your mom is a fashion designer, you know."
he hmphed and said, "whatever. why didn't you ask me?"
you groaned internally at his question, "because i know you're busy with school work right now-and don't even try to say you're not!"
he mumbled something on the other side, "fine. have fun with the hag."
"stop calling her that! anyways, i need to go okay? talk to you later-bye!" you said, quickly cutting him off before he could say anything else.
you sighed and faced mitsuki, "sorry, he had a million questions about why i was with you. i had to lie about why we were shopping together."
she laughed, "that damn brat doesn't know how to keep his nose out of other peoples business." she said, making you laugh in return since you knew how true it was.
the two of you continued shopping for decorations, finally stopping when the cart seemed full enough.
"i think that's everything, right?" you said, double checking the list you made beforehand.
mitsuki nodded. "it should be. if not, i'll get what we need by myself another time." she said, making you hum.
after checking out and paying for everything, while walking back to her car she said, "thanks for helping me with this. i know katsuki can be a pain sometimes, but you're good to him, so i'm glad you get to help plan his party with us." she then proceeded to pat the top of your head with her free hand roughly, much like katsuki would.
you smiled at her words, "it's no problem. i'm glad to be here."
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authors note
i'm so happy i got to be apart of this :) thank you sm to kae who invited me to be apart of this event! this was a great experience and it was fun to write, so i hope you liked it! i'm sorry it was pretty short though... -.-
here is the masterpost, please go check out every one else's work!!
day 1: you make a birthday gift for katsuki - @zanarkandskylines
day 2: you invite all of class 1-A to the party - @xbabyd0lli3x
🪽day 3: you go shopping with mitsuki for bakugou's surprise b-day party decorations - @angels-fantasy
day 4: coming april 17th - @starieq
day 5: coming april 18th - @lowkeyremi
day 6: coming april 19th - @queenpiranhadon
day 7: coming april 20th - @cashmoneyyysstuff
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taglist for the event: @gina239 @mystic60 @meowze4r @icedemon1314 @bigsimpo343 @ah-mya @whezdostuff @berry-vioo @seonne @slayfics @food8me @katsuisbaby @azzo0 @kit-katsukii @stoned-anime-babe @kukikoooo
those in orange couldn't be tagged unfortunately :(
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starrzl · 1 month
❣« Percy Jackson m.l »❣ ⭐︎ breathe for me ⭐︎
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I do not allow anyone to steal, copy or translate this work without my permission, this is my original work and mine only.
18+ I do not control what you consume on the internet but I would recommend that MDNI.
These are not my images, all rights go to the rightful owner.
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TW: smut ~ language ~ sir kink ~ belly bulge ~ rough sex? ~ choking ~ multiple orgasms and squirting ~ hair pulling ~ degradation ~ slight praise ~ p in v ~ oral ( both receiving ) ~ fingering ~ kissing ~ no use of Y/N ~ FLUFF AT THE END
dom! Percy x Sub! reader
⎨may or may not have been listening to Or Nah by Ty Dolly $ign whilst writing this⎬
⎨This is in Percy's POV ⎬
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"Gods dammit, I should've never helped with that damn prank"
I had decided to help Leo and the twins with some stupid prank for April fools, the twins had made a... gas- well it was a sex pollen.
What I wasn't told?
That the prank was on me.
They had told me to go inside whilst they watched guard for Chiron or Mr. D... to be fair, bad decision on trusting them, so in all my dumbness I waltzed into the Aphrodite cabin, popped open the lid of the pollen and dropped it.
But when I turned around to leave? the little shits closed the damn door.
It only took two minutes for it to hit me.
Only two minutes until I had blue balls and my stomach felt like it was being tied into multiple knots.
And another twenty minutes until I got the strength to climb out of one of the open windows.
By then I was sweating, I could bearly breathe, I knew what I needed, I needed relief.
So stumbled to the only place I could think of, my cabin.
So this is how we got here.
Me trying to catch my breath as I stare at my girlfriend, eyes half-lidded, pupils blown in lust and a small wet patch of pre-cum seeping through my shorts.
She's so beautiful only in small denim shorts that showed just the right amount of ass and one of my camp shirts.
I start to drift, slipping into a lust-filled headspace until her voice drags me out of it, but she's not near the bed anymore.
She's right in front of me.
"Percy?" Her voice was soft, but I wonder how it would sound screaming my name.
"hm?" It's all that came out of my mouth, i'm not sure if i could trust myself.
"Are you okay? you look a little red" Gods, she smells so good.
Everything is electric, everything is hot and it's all too much, her voice, her smile, the way she looks up at me with those perfect eyes- its all soo much.
"mhm... I-" I choke on my words, looking down at her lips, those perfect... soft... lips.
The next this I know I'm pushing her against the bed, hand on her neck, not squeezing but applying pressure, it's messy, it's wet, it's perfect.
"y-ou're needy h-huh?" she laughs, but I don't say anything, I just kiss her harder, because I know that she won't be laughing when she's underneath me, screaming my name.
"Tell me to stop." I know she won't. she doesn't want me to. that's why she her hands slip under my shirt, her hands cold, resting on my stomach.
"Need you.. so bad" Its a whisper, but I can hear it, moving her back wards until her knees touch the bed, making her fall back onto it, me on top of her, just kissing... I swear I could cum just from this, she tastes so good, so sweat.
My hand slips up her shirt, feeling no bra I smirk, normally I wouldn't be this needy... this pollens making everything so much more hot.
I detach my mouth from her's, kissing down her neck and hearing her moan, I leave hickeys, hickeys that would stay for days.
I pull her shirt off, its quick, not waisting any time before I latch onto her nipple, I stay there for a second, my cock twitches in my pants and i feel myself become impossibly harder.
I circle my tongue around her nipple and the moan she lets out makes me groan, my hands griping her waist, as I suck and kiss and nip at her tits.
I keep this up for a good ten minutes before I move to the other breast, doing the same thing to the other breast and leaving small love bites on the flesh before I kiss down the chest and onto her stomach, moving down further and further.
When I reach her shorts I press a kiss on her clothed clit, her hips buck and I hold her hips down, unbuttoning her shorts and pulling them off, along with her panties.
She's soaking, dripping with slick and I waste no time latching onto her clit, feeling her hands tangle in my hair, pulling as she tries to buck her hips up, her moans spurring me on to go on.
I twirled my tongue around it, licking, sucking, it was messy, my tongue licking the juices that spill from her pussy.
Her moans go straight to my dick, I don't wait to lick up every juice that leaks out of her wet cunt after she came.
I bring my fingers to her hole before pushing in, I set a fast pace, thrusting my fingers in and out until she's cumming once again.
I see the overstimulation, her eyes closed tightly, breathing heavy and moans loud.
I sit up on my knees, manhandling her like a doll until her chest is to the mattress and her ass is up in the air.
I pull my shirt over my head, unbuckle my belt, and pull off my pants and boxers, my tip leaking, red and swollen.
Normally I would test her, make her beg a little, but no, not this time.
I push into her without warning, setting a brutal and fast pace, the only noises in the room are skin on skin and the moan of her sweet voice.
My hips hit hers and I slip into a fuzzy and needy headspace, going even faster, her moans now whimpers and choked up whispers of my name.
My hands grab her hips and I piston into her harder, grating her hair in my fist and pulling her up until she's flat against me, a hand around her throat as I choke her slightly, feeling her queen my cock harder than before.
"You like that? yeah, I know you do, you know why?"
I'm being mean, but it's not like I care, I know she loves it. she always does.
"mmmmh why- sir-" she manages to choke out, she's whiney and needy.
I lean down, my head in her neck, biting and sucking bruises into her perfect, soft skin.
"Because you're a dumb slut" I her cum again, my hips stop and I let out a deep groan as her pussy clenches around me like a vice, and before I know what's happening, I'm feeling myself spurt white, sticky, longs streams of cum into her, painting her gummy walls white.
But that wasn't enough. no. I still had blue balls and she wasn't brain dead yet.
I pull out, let her lay on her stomach for only a moment before I flip her over. Grabbing her thighs, throwing them over my shoulders and thrusting back into her.
I don't see it but both of our eyes roll back into our head, I was deeper than ever and when I come back down to earth... I look down to where we're connected and see a small bulge just under her belly button...
I cum from just seeing it, and I feel her legs start to shake as she squirts all over my thighs and ruins the sheets.
"Shit baby, look at that, taking me so good" I start to feel slightly better, my head not as fuzzy and my stomach not as tight.
When I start to move I see her legs start to shake, I go as fast as my body would, as hard as I could... I wanted her to be screaming.
It doesn't take long, she's screaming, her legs shaking as I pound her tight cunt harder than she's ever had all the while pressing against the bulge.
I moan as I cum for one again, stilling inside her as we cum together, my hair sticking to my head and sweat making our bodies shine.
"One more, pretty... one more" My mind was practically clear but I could feel the knot still in my stomach.
So I slowly pull out, carefully so I don't stimulate her too much, but she still whines and bucks her hips up when I do.
"Think you can get on your knees, sweetheart?" I try to be nice, I know I just put her through a lot and she's probably tired.
When she finally gets on her knees she takes my cock in her hand and kitten licked the tip, before slowly starting to go deeper and deeper, until she's flush against my pelvis, gagging.
I hold her there and start to softly thrust into her mouth, it take a minute before I'm painting her throat white and she's swallowing.
"Thank you..." Now that I come back to my senses I was a blushing mess, I lay her down on the bed before I run to the bathroom, grab a warm, wet cloth and walk back.
As I softly start to clean us up I thank her, thank her for being such a good girl for me and helping me.
I grab her one of my shirts and I put on some sweat pants before I lay down with her under the covers.
Her head on my chest as she starts to doze off.
"I love you, Percy" It's quite... but I still hear it.
"I love you too."
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No but in all seriousness, I really tried and I hope you like this ! It took me a while but I did it as fast and best as I could, enjoy it ! I will be coming back to edit this tho.
remember to stay hydrated and get enough sleep .
until next time !
𝑥𝑜𝑥𝑜 𝑒𝑣𝑒𝑙𝑦𝑛 ⭐︎
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