#but damn sparkle you are hmmmm
gemkun · 5 months
that fly me to the moon segment got me thinking about evangelion so fast hoyo how dare you inflict me with trauma again
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hyun-xxe · 6 months
You're Mine, Silly! (Yandere!Jungkook x F!Reader) PART 1
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Summary: You've only met him once at a fan meet. You were excited and happy since he was your bias. Thats how you saw him. However, Jungkook saw things differently.
warnings: none
There he was, sitting down right in front of you. A part of you still couldn't believe that he was literally a foot away, smiling at you. The sparkle in his eyes bright and shiny, just like his smile.
You swore everything inside you melted away and no thought was left except for Jungkook.
"Hey there!" he waves, grabbing your hand in his, "What's your name beautiful?" he asks, rubbing your palm with his thumb.
It took everything in you not to pass out right in front of you so you mustered up the courage to speak. "Hi!! My name is Y/N! I'm so excited to finally meet you!" you smile brightly, jumping up and down.
"Excited you say?" he smirks, leaning closer, his cologne spreading up toward you, giving you a whiff of his scent. "What makes me so exciting to you?" he questions.
You pretend to think on it real hard when in reality it was so fucking obvious why. "Hmmmm well, I can't deny that you are my bias. You're such a talented singer, song writer, are funny, and so adorable."
His eyes softened as you rambled about things you like about him. With every word you said and the way you seemed so passionate about how you feel made him feel a certain way.
When you realized you were rambling, you felt your face become hot and you removed your hand from his hold. Embarrassment filled you as you scratched the back of your neck, "I'm sorry," you apologize, "I didn't mean to ramble off your ear." you laugh.
Your laugh was cute, something he would love to hear often.
"No, don't apologize." he says and reached over to, once again, hold your hand in his. "Please, don't feel embarrassed. It was cute."
With his free hand, he reached over and grabbed your album to sign. Jungkook did not want to let go of your soft hand. It felt nice in his, like it belonged there.
When you saw him sign it with a message to your name, you opened your mouth. "Can you also put Elijah?" you ask.
he quirked his eyebrow up, confused at your request but nevertheless wrote down the name, "Is he your brother?" Jungkook asked.
You shake your head, "He's my boyfriend! He was the one who bought my ticket actually!" you smiled, "He really wanted to come today, but there was an emergency at work."
Jungkook felt himself freeze. You have a boyfriend? What?
It didn't make any sense. How could you ramble on about how perfect Jungkook is and how adorable he is, only to now say you're in a relationship?
"Oh really?" he mumbled under his breath, trying to contain his cool. "You didn't mention him before."
"it slipped my mind because I was so excited to meet you guys. You and Jimin are his biases."
He didn't know how to feel. Certainly you were flirting with him, there was no doubt, but now you're saying you're with someone. It just didn't make any sense.
"I wish he could've made it." Jungkook says, knowing damn well he didn't mean it.
The bell rung, signaling that it was time to rotate. He didn't want you to go and hated how he only had five minutes to talk to you.
You picked up your album to move on, hoping he would let go of your other hand, but he didn't. In fact, it was as if he held it tighter. You tried releasing your hand, but it was firmly held in his.
Was this by mistake?
Looking to your right, you saw the others behind grow impatient as they looked your way. A lot of the other fans caught glimpse of Jungkook still holding your hand and looking at you with full eyes.
He wasn't letting go and it made you scared because you didn't want to get yelled at by staff and even get kicked out.
In the corner of your eye, you saw a staff make their way toward you and you tried your best to get your hand out, but to no avail. However, there was a savior that stepped in.
Jin placed his hand on Jungkook's shoulder, gaining the youngest's attention. "Uhm, are you okay, Jungkook?" he asked, looking between you both. "The bell rang almost a minute ago, let go of the poor ladies hand."
It took everything in Jungkook to not yell at his hyung, but he obeyed his orders.
"I'm sorry Y/N!" he said, eyes pleading with you, "I got lost in thought and didn't mean for this to happen!"
He was loud and everyone was looking, it made you feel hot with embarrassment, but seeing how he is right now made you feel bad for some reason. As if it was your fault.
"it's ok!" you say, moving in front of Jin, "No need to apologize."
After that, everything felt quick for you. Seeing other members made you happy and it was something you would never forget, especially with Jungkook. He didn't mean to hold your hand that long, so you didn't really think much of it. Besides, you mentioned your boyfriend and your love for Elijah will triumph over Jungkook any day.
However, it was the next day that made things go downhill. You woke up to your phone going off every second. it scared you, made you think a relative died and that your siblings or parents were trying to get ahold of you.
But when you opened your sister's messages, your eyes popped out.
sister: Go check Twitter right now!!
sister: if u dont wake up rn ill fucking drive over to your apartment and nuke your door down
You message her quickly, telling her that you're checking right now. Opening the app, it was the first thing that popped up.
Was the first headline you saw. You prayed hard and deep that it was something totally different and did not involve you at all.
You clicked on the tweet and your heart dropped. It was clearly a picture of you at the fan meet. it was the moment when Jungkook held onto your hand tightly and didn't let go. Even now you can clearly see the soft look in his face as he stared at you.
How stupid were you for not realizing that fans could take things the wrong way and make it to what it really isn't!
You read the tweet and it made your blood boil.
I was at BTS' fan meet last night and what I saw made me gasp! When the bell rung for the fans to move onto the next member, there was a moment that made everyone shocked. Jungkook wouldn't let go of this girls hand! I don't know her name or who she is, but when I zoomed in, you can see the look in his eyes that he had for her! It was adorable and sweet! The way he held her hand made me swoon!
#BTS #whoIsTheGirl #Jungkook
You scrolled through other tweets, some of them confused, others shocked, a few of them were hate, but a lot of them were excited. It pissed you off. This wasn't Wattpad, this only should happen in cringe stories. You were dating the love of your life and this could seriously ruin things.
Going to Elijah's contact, you tried calling him twice, but he didn't pick up. You texted him asking if he was ok, but he just read your message.
Everything was going downhill so you grabbed your stuff and headed over to your boyfriends apartment.
Upon arriving, you knocked several times for him to answer because there was no way in hell you were leaving without explaining things. When he opened the door, you invited yourself in without asking.
"What are you doing?" he asks, closing and locking the door behind him, "whats wrong?"
You tilted your head, confused by his actions. Is he this mad that he looks so calm?
"I'm here to talk about whats happening on twitter and want to give you my side." you say.
His eyebrows knit together in confusion. "Something on twitter? Care to elaborate?"
"Why are you acting confused? Aren't you angry? I tried texting and calling but you ignored them."
He laughed and walked up to you, giving your forehead and kiss, "I am sorry, honey. I was on the phone with my sister and was trying to calm her down from her first heartbreak. When I saw your text, my phone died."
Elijah then walked to the counter and showed his phone with the screen showing the black background and white apple icon, signifying that it was just turning on from it being dead.
You felt the worry ease just a little as you finally calmed down. "oh thank god." you whisper, placing your hand over your chest. "You scared me so much."
he chuckles and stands in front of you, "Whats happening though? Tell me."
So you told him everything, about how Jungkook kept holding your hand, fans took pictures, thought of something else, and now you're trending on Twitter. You showed him the tweets, pictures, and tags.
His eyes scanned each and every one of them, and after he smiled and chuckled. "Oh Y/N." he gives you a tight hug, "Did you think I was angry about this? That I believed it?"
You nodded your head in his chest.
"You're such a dork." he ruffles your hair, "I would've called your if anything, and besides this is not something you would do. You're loyal, and kind, and I trust you. It was a mistake and the fans fault for taking things the wrong way."
You felt like there was a heavy weight that was lifted from your shoulder. He understood and listened carefully to your words and it made you realize how lucky you are to have him as your boyfriend.
He tried his best to cheer you up, making you food and putting on your favorite show.
When you got the notification that Jungkook was live on Weverse, you and your boyfriend stopped what you were doing to watch it, hoping he would clear up any rumor.
"Hello," he says, waving at the camera. He waited for more people to come on and just kept staring at the lense. When enough people joined, he started talking more.
"'did you see what is trending on twitter?' Yeah, I have actually. She looks pretty in that picture." he says, smiling to himself.
You tilted your head, confused by his words. Shouldn't he shoot down the rumor now instead of fueling it by saying how pretty you are?
"You guys should know that she is just has pretty as her name. Everything about her is flawless." he laughs to himself and reads another comment "'are you guys dating?' I guess this is where I have to be honest and upfront with you guys."
You felt relieved that he was finally going to dispell the rumors between you both and you can finally be at peace from all of this.
"Yes, we are dating. We wanted to keep it on the down low and she wanted to surprise me at the event, but I guess my love for her got the best of me."
Your blood ran cold and your eyes widened. Did you hear him correctly? Was he being serious? You were hoping he said something else and you just needed to check your hearing?
You turned to your boyfriend and see that hes also wide eye, frozen in his place, and even shaking just a little.
"Please, army, im asking you guys to refrain from getting into her privacy. She is human after all, my love and my girl. It would mean the world to me if you showed kindness and love to our relationship."
Why is he doing this? You didn't understand why he was saying these things and what made him attached to you. "What the actual fuck!" you screamed out, throwing your phone.
"How long have we been dating?" he reads aloud, "Since five months already." Jungkook smiles, "I cant believe time has flown by so fast!" he chuckles. "Do the members like her? Of course they do! They're so protective over her, but not too much. After all, shes my girl."
You were sick to your stomach hearing him speak more. The realization dawned on you from last night and why he kept on holding your hand tight, even when you had to move on. Him being your bias sickened you as you realized who this man truly is.
To his fans, he was the kindest and sweetest person ever, his eyes fooled everyone, even you. But now this?
Seeing your boyfriend on the couch, not saying a word broke your heart.
"Please, tell me you don't believe him babe," your eyes started to get watered, "I never met him before last night."
He finally looked at you, swallowing his spit and shaking his head, "Babe, its ok, I believe you." he answeres, "But t-that man," he points at your phone, "Hes fucking crazy. Sick in the head for thinking that. What the hell!?"
You walked up to your boyfriend, giving him a tight hug. "Don't worry babe, I'm going to fix this. I promise."
You left later that night and when you got home, you emptied your purse and thats when you noticed the album you brought with you to the fan meet.
Opening it up, your eyes almost bulged out of your head when seeing his sick note you left you.
You're the most prettiest girl I've ever met with the prettiest name. Please, I want to see you soon. Take care!
Below that had a phone number on it with the words next to it being "Contact me anytime."
You were stupid and dumb, but this needed to be fixed once and for all. Picking up your phone and putting in that number, you waited for the caller to pick up.
It went to voicemail.
You knew this was stupid and it wouldn't work, so you placed down your phone and screamed into your pillow. He's messing up the relationship between you and your man for no reason.
How could a lovely time turn into your worse? Were you actually curs-
Suddenly, your phone lights up with the number you put in and you almost chocked on your spit.
Slowly reaching out, you picked it up and answered, waiting for the person to speak.
"Who is th-this?" you ask, swallowing a nervous spit.
"You called me, shouldn't I be the one asking?"
The voice sounded familiar, but you didn't want to assume that it was him, however you were built on frustration and you let it all out.
"I know this is you, Jungkook. I found the number you left in my album. You are a sick bastard for what you're doing!" You yelled, "What the fuck gave you the idea that we are dating? Why the fuck are you saying this when I've never met you in my entire life.
"Do you not understand that you're ruining my relationship that I have with my boyfriend!?" You yelled into the phone, a tear slipping down.
The line stayed quiet and it pissed you off even more. Even if it wasn't Jungkook on the line, it had to be someone close to him since he wrote this number down by heart.
"Oh, its nice hearing from you finally!" his voice rung out, almost too happy, "How have you been, love?"
You felt the anger rushing in all over again as you laughed, "Are you fucking kidding me!? Did you not hear what I said??"
"I did, yes. But why should that concern me?" he asks, seemingly not caring about the situation he created.
"Did you not care to consider the fact that you're ruining my life? People around me are calling me a whore, they think I left my boyfriend because I met you! Do you not get it?!"
He chuckles a bit, "Don't listen to them, their words should mean nothing. Besides, what do you want me to do about it?"
You froze in place as you were left dumb founded. Is this man serious? "Are you fucking kidding me!? I want you to fix this! We aren't dating and I have a boyfriend, Elijah is his name. Not Jungkook."
Jungkook was quiet for a few seconds before speaking up, "You know, I don't think your boyfriend would be happy with how you were fliritng with me at the event."
You laughed at his stupidity, almost close to hanging up and calling the cops even. "Flirting with you? How was I flirting with you!?"
"The things you said about me being adorbale, funny and all of that. Don't play stupid, its not cute. What would your boyfriend do when he hears the things you said about me?"
"You cannot be serious." you say, angry and confused, "That wasn't fliritng, Jungkook! I was genuonely complimenting you since you were my bias! You need to get out of delusional land!"
"Love, you expect me to go back online and tell the world that what I said isn't true?" he asked.
"Well, fucking obviously!" you screamed.
"Yeah, I can't do that. Besides, what would the fans think of me when I tell them that all that I said was a lie?" he says.
"Well everything was a lie! You created this mess!"
He sighs, "Y/N," you forgot he knew your name, "I'm not taking back my words. I genuinely like you and want something."
You pulled your hair in disbelief, "Jungkook, did you not hear me say that I have a boyfriend 50 times!? There is no us and will never be an us."
He was quiet and all you could hear was tapping. "If you're not going to say anything, I will."
"Love, do you know the power I have?" He asks, "I am a rich man, me and my members bring in 5 BILLION dollars every year. That being said, I have the power to do anything and that anything involves you. Army listens to what I say and eat it up, if I go online with tears in my eyes talking about how hear broken I am.... you can kiss your life and privacy goodbye."
You couldn't believe what you were hearing. "J-Jungkook, are you threatening me?" you asked, so shocked that you swear your heart stopped pounding.
"No, I would never. I'm just letting you know the consequences of what might happen." he says in a soft, degrading tone, "Listen, why don't we meet up and talk about this? Yeah? I'll send you an address first thing tomorrow. How does that sound?"
"No! I'm not going to meet you, are you crazy!?" you yell, gripping your phone tighter in your hands.
"I wonder how army will feel when they hear you say how 'fucking stupid' I am, and how delusional I am for simply being in love." he sighs, "I would hate for your reputation to plummet."
The feeling of your heart sinking is the worse feeling in the entire world. You were helpless and you didn't know what to do, this was completely out of your hands, he was in charge.
"W-why are you doing this to me?" you whisper, tears falling down, "what did I do?"
"Don't cry, my love." he whispers in a soothing tone, "Seeing you for the first time has made me helpless. I knew I needed you in my life. You are the most beautiful human I've ever laid eyes on. Lets talk more about this tomorrow, ok love?"
You didn't feel like talking more, so you stuttered out a yes before hanging up. This man is insane and you knew that if you made the smallest mistake, he has the power to ruin you and your family. What did you do to deserve this?
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fantasiavii · 8 months
Serves you a cocktail of iced chocolate n' hot chocolate n' early grey tea... n' a bit of sparkling water dolloped in for a fizzy kicker 🍸
Hello anon and thank you!!! This certainly is a very interesting cocktail!!
Iced Chocolate : Do you have a crush on someone?
I wish but no. I have soft feelings for some friends but nothing I would classify as an actual crush.
Hot Chocolate : Are you an affectionate person?
Damn what kind of question is this!! Like, part of me wants to say no because I struggle Intensely with physical affection and expressing affection but also yes I am very affectionate in that I love all my irl friends and online friends very much. I read your posts and I like hearing about your lives and hearing you vent!! I just struggle with responding/knowing how to respond (especially if the interaction is mostly or only online, as most of my friendships are these days. I am too shy to dm. I miss college 😞)
Early Grey Tea : The inevitable Zombie Apocalypse is upon us! What’s your plan of action?
I see you slipping this here like it's just another question lol. I already answered it here but I want to add that I'm thinking more about a society where we co-exist with zombies and I remembered that one tumblr post where zombies are stopped/calmed with flowers and tbh that is my ideal zombie apocalypse.
Sparkling Water : Describe what qualities you look for in a person
Hmmmm. Well. I like people who are fun and adventurous and more extroverted than I am. Someone who can draw me out of myself, you know? Someone who can be silly but also is very passionate about something, hopefully multiple things. We'd probably get along best if it has to do with sci-fi/fantasy and writing and leftist politics and climate action. Someone who is smart and thinks deeply about things. Oh and someone who is trans and/or nonbinary, I don't really date cis people anymore.
(Finally doing these!)
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storiesofsvu · 3 months
🍓🌻🌸✨🌷for the writing ask game!
ooo yay!!
strawberry: worst thing you've done to your characters?
oh good GOD. uhh.. I've got a cancer fic where yn passes in casey's arms. there's a lot of characters watching their loved ones getting shot/hurt in the field. ooo, one where emily & reader were together until em cheated, their arguing (brought on by em) while in the field leads to reader getting hit by a bullet. then there's the entirety of Classified Affairs LOL.
sunflower: least fave character/hardest to write?
hmmmm.... i write for SO many lol... sometimes the more side characters are harder to write for cause we know SO little, and sometimes they become the easiest cause we can make up whatever we want. the well spoken, high educated ones i sometimes find hardest to write, but that's more when they're dealing with work/in a court room lol. when they're just at home they're more relaxed.
TBH: i find a lot of the grey's characters hard to write! and i honestly feel like that is because we see so much of their personal/love and home lives on the show that there's less left to the imagination. and less to play with. normally while i'm watching my shows fic ideas are sparking, or like, fix it fic ideas, ya know? But with grey's when things happen on there they're sparking ideas for a fic for an svu/cm character instead lol.
pink flower: wip you've been working on the longest?
probably the Poly!Barhoun pegging piece, cause it was originally going to be included in the Nanny series and then it just kinda didn't fit so i figured i'd do it as a stand alone LOL.
sparkle: newest wip?
i think it's the Hotch bathroom quickie one.
tulip: writing achievement you want to brag about?
honestly? writing just as much as i have, and the quality of most of them are still pretty damn good. i'm immensely proud of how many series i've managed to crank out that when i go back to re-read they still hold up and i still really like them. i'm also hella proud at some of the reactions i've gotten from people. we all know i love some good plot twists, but those plot twists are almost always hinted at and foreshadowed (and i will say, the CM fandom does not let much get passed them lol).
thanks for playing!! <3
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ghost-in-the-hella · 3 years
If you're still doing prompts, 73 for Amberpricefield?
Another "better late than never" kiss prompt fill. The prompt was "Height Difference Kisses Where One Person Has To Bend Down And The Other Is On Their Tippy Toes." Enjoy!
Technically, only one of Max’s girlfriends is tall. The kind of tall where Chloe’s always the designated grocery shopping partner because she can reach the top shelves without having to bother a stranger. The kind of tall where even if Max is wearing shoes and Chloe isn’t, Max still has to go up on tippy toes to kiss her properly.
Rachel’s only an inch taller than Max is, so it really isn’t fair that Max should constantly have to go up on tippy toes to kiss her, too. But Rachel likes wearing heels and Max lacks both the inclination and the coordination to wear such things, and so between Chloe’s natural height and Rachel’s shoe collection Max is stuck with a permanent crick in her neck.
She doesn’t mind, really. Chloe’s always been tall and Max has always been at least a little in love with her, so she always suspected she was in for a lifetime of straining to reach her partner’s lips.
It’s just that sometimes she’d like to be on the same level as her girlfriends. To not have to go up on her toes, to not have to strain her neck, to be able to simply look at them instead of up to them.
“What’s up with the pouty face?” Rachel strokes an affectionate hand through Max’s short hair. She looks concerned. Even leaning as she is against the back of the couch Max is sitting on, Max still has to look up a little to meet her eyes.
Her pout deepens, and she immediately feels guilty for pouting when she’s just received a sweet kiss on the cheek from one of the most beautiful women she’s ever met. Why should it matter if the kiss came from above? “Nothing, sorry. Just… lost in thought.”
Rachel stands up straight and frowns down at her thoughtfully. “You sure everything’s okay?” Jesus, she’s towering. It feels like she’s a million miles away. Max strains to look over the back of the couch and groans audibly. “Something wrong with my shoes?”
“No, just… five inch heels? In the house?”
Rachel flips her hair over one shoulder. “Yeah, so? It’s good practice for the runway. Plus they make my calves look killer.” She gives a little half-turn and okay, sure, she’s got a point there. “Looking good on the outside makes me feel good on the inside.” She gives a little shrug that to an outsider would look casually dismissive but Max knows her well enough to read it for the defensive gesture that it is. “I’m allowed to dress however I’m comfortable in my own home, aren’t I? I mean, you don’t see me telling you you can’t wear your Pikachu boxers around the house.”
Max gets up and pulls Rachel down into a hug. “I didn’t mean it in a judgemental way; I’m sorry. Of course you can wear whatever you want. I’m just feeling insecure; that’s all.”
“Because of my shoes?” Rachel asks in genuine confusion as she squeezes Max back.
“I mean, in a way, sort of.” The truth is embarrassing, but it doesn’t take much for Rachel to drag it out of her. A light touch here, a reassuring squeeze there, and Max spills her guts.
“Hmmmm…” Rachel trails a finger along Max’s jaw as she contemplates. “I have an idea.” She kicks off her shoes, bringing herself down to Max’s level.
“You don’t have to--”
“Shush. Now, go stand on the couch.”
Max blinks at her in confusion, but a playful swat to her backside has her climbing up on the couch and standing unsteadily on the soft cushions. Rachel holds her hands to help her balance. “N-now what?”
“Now you bend down and kiss me, of course.” Rachel smiles up at her coyly, and oh. So this is what it’s like to have Rachel Amber looking up at you. It’s a good thing Rachel’s holding onto her, because her knees are buckling at the smoldering look in Rachel’s hooded eyes.
Max bends down and Rachel goes up on tiptoes to meet her. It feels strange to lean down into a kiss instead of craning up into it, but she’ll be damned if it isn’t a wonderful strangeness.
“How was that?” Rachel asks as they part, teasing the hairs at the nape of Max’s neck and still giving her that sultry look that makes Max wish she were lying on a bed instead of standing on a couch.
“Different,” Max says, “but nice. Really, really nice.”
“Good,” Rachel says with a smile, and she goes up on her toes again.
Max is so focused on kissing the hell out of Rachel that she doesn’t register the sound of footsteps padding into the room. “Huh. Not really what I expected to see going on in the middle of the living room, but I’m not about to complain.”
Rachel and Max pull apart, giggling. Max wobbles dangerously and Rachel presses a hand against her side to steady her. “C’mere, Beanpole,” Rachel beckons with a playful toss of her head. “We’re running a simulation.”
Chloe chuckles but doesn’t hesitate, reaching out a hand just in time to keep Max on her feet. “Oh, yeah? What’re we simulating?”
“What it’s like to be the tall person in a kiss. Or, Max is, anyway.”
Chloe takes a second to process that, then shrugs. “Whatever. I’m game.”
Rachel steps back and wraps her arms around Chloe’s waist, resting her head against her back as Chloe goes up on her toes. “This is hella fuckin’ weird,” Chloe laughs. “I haven’t tiptoed in years. Not since we got our own place.”
“Because you’re tall as fuck,” Rachel reminds her. “Poor Max has to do it all the time.” She pinches Chloe’s hip. “So suck it up, Buttercup. Be the short one for a change.”
Max reaches down - down! - to cup Chloe’s face in her hand. Fair blue eyes gaze up at her expectantly, sparkling with amusement and affection. She smooths her thumb over the faint blush tinging Chloe’s cheeks. She knows she should feel silly - she’s standing on the couch for fuck’s sake, barely keeping her balance and looming over her girlfriends by several feet - but instead she feels a kind of awe. Chloe leans up as high as she can, straining on her toes, and tilts her head back like surrender, her eyes fluttering sweetly closed.
“What’re you waiting for, Mega Max? Kiss the girl.”
Max carefully bends down and kisses Chloe for all she’s worth.
The kiss only lasts about ten seconds before Max finally loses her balance for good and the three of them end up in a jumble of slightly bruised limbs on the couch. It’s completely worth it.
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Rex and Quetzalcoatl had a pair of twins that they cared for very much. A girl named Maria, and a boy named Eduardo.
The twins were born on the 25th of September, and that date had arrived so it was time to celebrate their birthday!
In the morning, Mari was peacefully asleep.
Quetz, softly: mijaaaaaaa....
Mari: mmm....!
Quetz: mijaaaaaaa.....!
Mari, sleepily: mama..... I wanna..... sneeeeep......!
Quetz: but mija, it's your birthday today....!
Mari: hmmm.....
Quetz: did you hear me, mija?
Mari: *grumble* ok..... *sigh* I'm getting up already.
Mari got up, still very tired.
Mari: Da hell's my glasses?
Quetz handed her her glasses.
Mari: gracias....
Quetz: you should probably hurry, everyone else is already getting ready.
Mari: who the hell is everyone else?
Quetz: just the rest of the family.
Mari: hmmmm.... okay...... was worried I'd have to deal with a party.....
Quetz: don't worry, we know you don't enjoy those. It'll be just the family.
Mari: good....
After some time getting ready, Maria went out into the living room.
Mari, while yawning: ok.... how long will it take to get there again?
Rex: uh... not too long, maybe an hour or so on the serpent.
Ed: still crazy how fast he can be.
Quetz: well of course my familiar would be fast! It'd be a bit disappointing otherwise.
After a bit of time getting ready, the family went outside to see Quetz's pterosaur outside ready to go!
Quetz: ok everyone! Get on!
The family got onto the large flying reptile.
Rex: ok then. Now just a simple invisibility spell so we're not spotted on our way there.
Ed: radar won't work either right?
Rex: right, I've got everything covered, Mijo.
After that, the beast took off!
After some time in the air, their destination was in sight: Mexico City!
Ed: wow!
Mari: such a massive city.
Quetz: ah, it's been too long since we've been here.
Finally the pterosaur landed and they got off to go out into the city!
Rex: man, this place brings back memories!
Ed: so, where to first anyways?
Quetz: it's up to you guys
Mari: breakfast!
Rex: ok yeah, should probably eat first
*stomachs were growling*
The family went to a nice restaurant for their breakfast.
Quetz: mija, those are a lot of pancakes...
Mari: si, and?
Rex: your mother is just a bit concerned for you is all.
Mari: hmmm, sounds unnecessary.
Rex: also Ed, is that enough bacon?
Ed: hmmm.... maybe.
After breakfast, there were still many things that could be done.
First thing, was visiting the old site of Teotihuacan.
Quetz: *sigh* it's been a very long time.....
Mari: looks kinda.... decrepit.
Rex: kinda par for the course with old ruins and shit.
Ed: ....is there a ball court?
Quetz: si, but I doubt we're allowed to play these days.
Ed: awww....
Next stop, was the Aquarium.
Mari: Shork
Ed: Shork
Rex: ya real fascinated by those sharks huh?
Quetz: don't ya wanna see the penguins?
Ed: Penguins?!?!
Rex: also piranhas.
Mari: PIRANHAS?!?!?!
Next was the Zoo
Rex: mi corazon, it's just a random Jaguar. There's no need to cause a scene.
Mari: Mamá, not every Jaguar is Tio Tez.
Ed: we're gonna get kicked out if you don't stop.....
Rex: really hope there aren't any spiders too.
Another fun site, was the museum.
Ed: so..... this is Piedra del Sol?
Quetz: si
Mari: but... so is your noble phantasm?
Quetz: si
Ed: ....how does that work?
Rex: don't ask too many questions about this kinda stuff. You'll get it eventually.
Finally, it was getting a bit late. So it was time to return home.
Mari: we getting the presents now?!?!?
Rex: si, si. You relax will ya?
Ed: you already know she can be a bit greedy.
Quetz: it's better that you try to relax that, Mija.
When they finally got home, a Large assortment of presents were waiting for them.
Mari: Hell yeah!
Ed: hmmmmmm......
Mari: let's see.... which one first....
Mari first grabbed one with.... very unique wrapping, eyes and other odd things decorated the paper.
When she unwrapped it, what was inside was a plush wolf
Mari: AAAWWW!!!
Ed, opening a similar box, got a plush Narwhal.
Ed: oooooh!
And the horn started to glow
Ed: huh
Rex: ....that's a sword
Quetz: it's definitely a sword
Mari: also, my plush smells poisonous.
Rex: well.... that's par for the course for your Tia Quinny.
Next were.... slot machines?
Ed: so we just... pull them?
Quetz: I guess so?
The twins pull the levers of the slot machines.
The machines spun their slots for a time, until finally stopping on 3 symbols that looked like present boxes. Then out of the machines, popped out tickets for both kids.
Mari: oh
Ed: huh
From Mari's popped out VIP tickets to a Music Festival.
Mari: POG
And from Ed's popped out, a soccer season pass.
Ed: oh word?!
And finally, matching tickets for the two, for "5 hours of use of the Mooncell" from BB
Mari: ......
Ed: .......
Quetz: well that sure is.... interesting.
After that, was another box. Wrapped in blue wrapping paper. The two unwrapped it, and inside were two gecko eggs. Along with incubators and everything necessary to raise lizards. With a lil tag saying "from Calamity" (Chalchiuhtlicue)
Ed: they're cute!
Next were two VERY big gifts wrapped in bone patterned wrapping.
Mari: gimme!
After Mari unwrapped the gift, what she found was a VERY large obsidian Hammer.
Mari: ah hell yeah!
Ed: damn.... ok.
For Ed, was a large Obsidian Club.
Ed: oh fuck, ok.
Rex: there a reason Xolotl decided to give such gifts?
Quetz: good question.....
Then a very deep and loud *CROAK* was heard
Then hopping out, was a very VERY large bullfrog. About a foot and a half in length!
Mari: damn.
Rex: mija, look behind that tree.
Mari: hmm?
When Mari looked, she saw a Huge car! Modeled after the Batmobile!
(Tho, with bat theming replaced with skulls)
After latching onto the car, Mari was very happy.
Mari: finally.......! I can drive!
Quetz: can we trust her with that?
Rex: we'll play it by ear.
And in a small package near the center of the pile. Was a first aid kit, with a note.
"Happy birthday you two, hope you enjoy the car and frog. And don't forget to stay safe with the first aid kit love, Florence, Julius and Eva."
Mari: awwww.....
Ed: so sweeet....
There were many other presents from friends and family alike, more toys, clothes, even laptops too.
Then it was finally time for Rex and Quetz's presents for the kids.
Mari: the hell?
Then, out of the trees of the nearby jungle, came a large animal. A dinosaur known as Giganotosaurus.
Mari: oh...!
The creature stomped up to the family, until it stopped in front of Mari.
Mari: holy crap.....
Rex: now you have your own divine familiar too, Mija!
Mari: oh shit!
Quetz: si, wasn't sure why you didn't get one the same time as Ed's Pliosaur, but now we got you one!
Mari: finally!
Quetz: and for Mijo, it may not be as big. But since you already got your Pliosaur. We got you this instead.
In Quetz's hands, was what looked to be an electric eel. Tho it glittered with green sparkles, not unlike that of jade.
Ed: whoa, he's an odd lil guy.
Rex: he's very special too. He's not just any electric eel. But a divine construct at that!
Quetz: si, his name is Onotlachin. The storm fish.
Ed: hot damn!
Ed held the lil guy in his hands, and felt the energy within the fish. It also seemed perfectly fine without water.
Ed: he's amazing, gracias!
Mari: si! Gracias for this!
Rex: no problem you two!
Quetz: si, anything for mis hijos!
A/N: and there's the birthday story. Sorry it came out a bit late. Things happened irl. Hopefully everyone likes it! And the festivities can still continue on throughout the weekend and even longer if anyone wants to celebrate with us.
@hasbbdoneanythingwrong @havetheavengersdoneanythingwrong @hasspartacusdoneanythingwrong @haskamadoneanythingwrong @exmeowstic @grievouslyxorvia @panyum @witch-of-chaldea @chaldeamage-neo @hasnightingaledoneanythingwrong @renmeo @writer-and-artist27
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darkland-blood · 3 years
Before the Challenge:
(Blaze and Crusher are paired together)
Pickle: Sooooo.... Since Blaze and Crusher are going to race with each other rather than against each other, why don't we make a deal?
Watts: Hmmm? What's that?
Pickle: for every time Crusher and Blaze will get along you will give me 25$.
Watts: hmmmm, fine, but for everytime they will not get along you will give me 10$.
Pickle: 10$? Why so little?
Watts: If i set it any higher, i will literally dry you out of money.
Pickle: Well see about that!
Stripes: i know this ain't my business but what will you do If they become friends? Or enemies?
Pickle: uuuhhhhh... g-guess we'll add a zero at the end?
Watts: ehh fair enough.
After the Challenge:
Watts: alright, so i counted the times they got along and the times they didn't get along, and....
Watts: it says that you owe me like 70$. And I owe you... 125$?! Damn didn't expect that.
Pickle: Believe me i didn't expect it either, espacially at the end.
Sparkle: yeah, i was quite surprised that Crusher would jump after Blaze to save his life, no one had expected that.
Pickle: yeah. Oh! Look there's Blaze! Hi Blaze! How's it been?
Blaze: quite nice! And- wait, why do you have so much money?
Watts: we made a bet before the challenge.
Blaze: what bet?
Pickle: isn't really important now. By the way have you seen Crusher?
Blaze: O-Oh! He went to his dad's, he said that he wanted to spent some father-son time with him, to catch up a bit, you know? (looks onto the ground trying to hide his blushing cheeks) It's really nice to see him happy like that. (gently smiles)
Watts: Blaze... Do you... Do you Like Crusher?
Blaze: (His face intensely blushing) W-WHAT?! N-N-NO! He's just become an amazing friend! Besides why would he be interrested in me?
Pickle: ...
Watts: ...
Pickle: (Looks at Watts, revieling an evil grin)
Watts: why are you doing this to me?
Pickle: hey, it's not my fault they like each other~
Watts: ...
Watts: 2500$ and we are never talking about this again.
Pickle: why not 3000$?
Watts: 2500$, Take it or leave it.
Pickle: fine, fine i'll take it
Blaze: (visible confusion)
And that's how pickle was able to afford 475 jars of pickle juice.
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nalgenewhore · 4 years
every world and every lifetime
elide x lorcan, modern au, first ‘i love you’ fluff, word count: 2728
Elide looked around her parent’s house, miserably pushing her food around. 
She wasn’t hungry. 
Her eyes stung with tears as she saw her parents, Marion perched on the arm of Cal’s chair. Her mother’s arm was around her father’s shoulders and she fussed with his hair, smiling and speaking quietly to him. 
Suddenly, all too quickly, her heart squeezed painfully in her chest. Elide bit the inside of her cheek and sniffed, her vision blurring. 
It was so stupid. She was being such a coward. He was her boyfriend. She’d never cared about another person quite like she cared about Lorcan. She should’ve invited him to her mother’s birthday party. 
The cushion shifted when someone sat down beside her. Elide hastily blinked her tears away and looked up, smiling shakily at her father. “Hey, dad.” 
“Hey, kid,” Cal said, his kind eyes crinkling. He passed her a plate of miniature desserts, a collection of her favourites. “Saved ya some, gotta get it before these rabid animals.” 
Elide snorted and took the plate, choosing the brownie. She ate quietly, knowing what her father would ask her. 
“So, uh, where’s this boy of yours, hmm? Your ma was really lookin’ forward to meet him,” Cal said, watching his daughter. 
She mumbled something and put her plate down, toying with a rip in her nylons. Elide looked at her short nails, painted black and meticulously cared for. “I... I’m having some doubts about it an’... I didn’t want to invite him to this close family thing in case he says something like... I dunno, ‘I love you’.” 
He raised a brow, “And would that be so terrible? If this boy loved you?” 
“No,” she whispered. Elide looked up, her eyes red rimmed and watery, “I don’t think so.” 
Cal sighed as he stood up, his knees creaking. “Well, stop being a coward and call him, kid.” 
Elide huffed at him calling her a coward, but knew it was true. 
She stood up too and walked up to her bedroom. Elide slid her phone out of her zip-up sweater pocket and toyed with it. 
Entering her room, she perched herself on the edge of her bed and pressed on his number. 
The phone dialled and her throat tightened. 
“Lor, is that you? It’s... it’s me.”
“I know, Lee,” he laughed. It sounded like he was shifting from his bed and he groaned as he stretched, presumably, “What’s up, though? You said you were busy tonight.”
Elide glanced around as she steeled her nerves. “Are you- are you doing anything tonight? ‘Cause... it’s my parent’s- they have this- and it’s my mom’s birthday and we’re having this… party, so I wanted to invite you if you want to come tonight?” 
Lorcan paused, “Oh, yeah, that.” 
“What do you mean? Did you-“ her cheeks blushed furiously in self-loathing. “You know about it?” 
“Yeah, Rowan mentioned Aelin inviting him. I was... I don’t know, I guess I thought you’d invite me, but we haven’t even been dating that long.” His laugh was choked and unclear. “Don’t worry ‘bout it, princess.” 
“Wa-wait, I want to worry about it, I want- I want you here,” Elide stammered. “Please, come?”
For a moment, a long long long moment, Lorcan didn’t say a word. Elide swallowed, her stomach dropping. “I’ll come, El. Is there a dress code or whatever?” 
She grinned, “Nope, they’re pretty chill. But, maybe... more grunge than anarchy, yeah?” 
He chuckled, “Yes, ma’am.” 
“Good,” Elide whispered. “I’ll- we can talk, ok? Promise.” 
“Pinky promise?” 
She blushed, “Mm-hmm. Pinky promise.” 
They said their soft, stupidly in-denial-in-love good-byes and Elide hung up. The moment the call was over, her anxieties crept back in. 
Elide walked downstairs in a daze and stood by the table, her eyes nervously flicked between the door and the room. 
Aelin noticed her practically shaking and she snuck on over, “Hey, hon.” She tweaked something about Elide’s hair and smiled, “How’re you doing? You’ve been so quiet tonight.” 
“Oh, I- I’m fine,” Elide nodded, her voice teary. “I just-“ she sighed and collected herself. “I didn’t invite Lor ‘cause I didn’t want him to think it was too fast or too serious and then my dad called me a coward so I called him an’ now I’m just... I’m thinking I fucked up and maybe I’m ruining this? Like,” Elide swallowed, shaking her head, and laughed half-mad, “maybe he’s only coming to say that I fucked up too bad and he’s breaking up with me.” 
Aelin gave Elide a look and sighed, “Hon, you know I don’t like him, but I’ve never seen you two so happy. If - if Lorcan was going to break up with you, it wouldn’t be about this. Something would have to have been really, really fucked up for him to leave.” 
Elide huffed a laugh, “Ok… you’re probably right.” 
The blonde smirked, “I’m always right. Now, I’ve got to find Rowan. I’ll see you later?” 
She nodded, waving her friend off, “Yes, yes, go find your boyfriend.” 
Turning, Aelin called over her shoulder, “And good luck with yours.” She disappeared into the crowd, easily seeking her boyfriend, whose head was far above everyone else’s. Elide watched for a moment. Rowan turned when Aelin tapped his shoulder and smiled, leaning down to kiss her cheek. They looked so… happy with each other. 
They looked how Elide felt around Lorcan. Like how nothing else mattered and how she would damn the world for him. Elide walked into the kitchen, where the kitchen staff were busy cooking and prepping. She stayed out of their way and offered the few that noticed her a small grin. Elide pulled a bottle of beer from the fridge and quickly exited. The stash was her dad’s, but they both knew he stocked it for her to take on the rare occasions Elide even felt like drinking.
She looked around the party and cringed. There was no one here that she wanted to talk to. Through the large front window, Elide could see that the front porch was empty. That was probably because it was still relatively cold, but Elide would rather sit out in the chill than talk to any of her parents’ guests. Elide somehow managed to escape unscathed and sat on the porch steps, hidden from anyone’s casual glance. 
Elide twisted the top off and took a long sip of the cool drink. Her knee bounced uncontrollably, and she didn’t try to stop it. She looked up and down the street, waiting for his crappy little car. 
As she waited, Elide nervously picked at the bottle’s label with her thumb. She shivered, but didn’t care enough to move inside. 
Elide breathed in deeply and exhaled slowly, deciding to list the things she knew. 
One: Elide had never been as happy as she was with Lorcan. 
Two: Elide wanted to be with him for the rest of her life. 
Three: Elide loved Lorcan. 
Four: If she had really ruined this, Elide would never forgive herself. 
A black, 1995 Honda Civic parked across the street. Her throat ached with tears and her eyes stung once more. Elide’s breath trembled as a tall, lanky man stepped out of the car. His dark hair was half shoved up in a messy bun, the rest tumbling down his back. 
Lorcan looked up at her and nodded, his face impassive. Her heart clenched, even though she knew that he hardly ever smiled. He crossed the street without looking, putting his keys into the pocket of his lined flannel jacket. His coat was worn and the cuffs frayed. Elide liked to steal it and wear it. It was warm and smelled like him - cedar and sweetgrass. 
She stood up, leaving her half empty beer on the step. “Hey, you,” Elide said, trying to pass for casual. 
Lorcan walked up the stairs and stopped a few below her, still taller than her. His dark, hooded eyes sparkled with something and the corner of his lips quirked up, “Hey.” He lifted his hand, curling a strand of her hair behind her ear. “You–” 
“We-ell, lookie what we have here,” said a new voice. Annoyed, the couple turned, their brows lowered. When they saw Elide’s drunken uncle, Vernon, Elide shifted closer to Lorcan and curled her arm around his shoulder. “Oh, and you m-must b-be-” Vernon hiccuped, his eyes unfocused, “Lorcan. You know,” he began, stumbling closer to Elide. 
She flinched and Lorcan slid his hand across her lower back, fitting it around her hip. “Hello, uncle. Are you enjoying the party?” 
“Yes, yes,” Vernon slurred, waving his drink around and sloshing it over the rim of the glass. “I’ve been asked to leave. Apparently,” he chuckled humorlessly, “I was not invited! How ‘bout that, hmmmm?” 
Elide attempted a fake laugh, hoping he wouldn’t be able to tell. “That’s- that’s a shame, uncle. We’ll have to see you another time, then.” She looked at Lorcan, her eyes worried, “This is Lorcan, uncle. We’ve been… seeing each other for a couple months.” 
Vernon nodded dodgedly and addressed Lorcan, “Th-this one’s a handful, hmm? Never could listen to the simplest of commands, even as a child, could you?” He reached out to do something, maybe even pinch her cheek, but Lorcan moved her, lifting her onto the step he stood on. The heavily inebriated man didn’t notice the quick shift, nor did he notice the relief on Elide’s face as she did not dare look anywhere else except for him. “I didn’t- I didn’t think you were even gonna come, ya know.” 
Elide’s cheeks heated and she looked down at her feet. Lorcan’s hand squeezed reassuringly around her hip, “I was busy until now.” He moved to the side, leaving a path for Vernon, “It was nice,” Lorcan paused purposefully and looked Vernon up and down with disdain, “to meet you. Have a nice night.” 
The man staggered down the stairs and out of the front yard. Elide stayed where she was until he had disappeared down the street corner. When he had, she disentangled herself from Lorcan’s arms and stood in front of him, looking up at his face. 
He looked back at her, nothing, not a hint of emotion on his features. Elide took his hand and walked him to the swinging bench. They sat, his feet against the floor and Elide’s legs tucked beneath her. 
She let go of his hand, though Lorcan kept it on her thigh, and looked down at her lap, “So. Hi. I missed you.” 
Lorcan grinned softly and kissed the curve of her cheek, “I missed you too, Lee.” 
Elide smiled a small, constrained smile. “I’m really happy that you’re here and I’m… I’m sorry I didn’t ask you to come earlier. I- I thought- I was being a coward ‘cause I thought this was moving too fast and I was scared and I don’t care anymore and,” she forced herself to meet his eye, quiet joy shining there. “I love you.” 
Before Lorcan could say anything, before he could reject her, Elide stood up and hastily dragged her hand through her hair, “That’s all I wanted to say, so if you have any plans tonight, you can go.”
She squeaked slightly when Lorcan sharply tugged her back, making her land with her legs across his lap, “What–” 
“Princess, shut your yappy ass for once, would you,” he said, laughing quietly. Elide frowned at his words, but remained quiet, her eyes expectant. Lorcan’s hand rested on the crook of her neck and his thumb stroked over her jumping pulse. “I love you too.” 
Those words, those beautiful words, settled around her heart and Elide let her grin grow widely. She leaned in and kissed him softly, lifting her hands to cup his face once more. They kissed for a short while, his other hand gripping the side of her leg. 
She pulled away first and rested her forehead against his, her eyes still closed. “Do… do you want to meet my parents?” 
“Woah, woah, woah,” Lorcan joked, his tone teasing, “I think this is moving too fast for me, babe.” 
Elide rolled her eyes and got to her feet, holding her hand out to him. “Come on, dummy.” 
He grinned and accepted her hand. Lorcan slung his arm across her shoulders and kissed the side of her head as she led them into her parent’s house. Lorcan toed off his untied, beat-up and retro Jordans, and hung up his jacket. 
After, she walked them into the living room, their fingers laced together. She held onto his arm with her other hand and leaned her head against his bicep. 
Rowan and Aelin noticed them first and made their way over to the pair. Lorcan and Rowan did their secret handshake and chatted quietly as Elide nervously looked around for her parents. The two boys and Aelin chuckled at her obvious absence.
She didn’t notice it and when she saw her parents, Elide walked, hardly glancing back to see if he was coming. 
Lorcan laughed under his breath, “We’ll see you two later, I guess.” Aelin and Rowan waved them off goodnaturedly. 
Her mother noticed them first. Lorcan was almost taken aback at the similarities between Elide and her mother. They looked like twins, except that Marion’s face was matured elegantly, her eyes slightly more narrow than her daughter’s. “Hello, you two,” Marion said, patting her husband’s shoulder, “Callan, dear, look who it is.” 
Cal turned and smiled at his daughter, his brows raising slightly when he looked up at Lorcan. Her father was a relatively tall man at six-foot-four, but the difference was still quite significant. 
Without thinking, Lorcan turned to his girl and said, “How are you so tiny? Your dad’s tall, man.” Elide gasped in offence and pinched the underside of his arm, hard. Lorcan yelped, “Ok, ok, ok, Creator above, I’m sorry.”
She smirked smugly and turned back to her parents, who watched the scene in amusement, “Please ignore him, he thinks he’s funny. This is Lorcan, my boyfriend.” 
Marion and Cal arched their brows, laughing quietly. Lorcan reached his hand out to her mother, who accepted it and shook his hand, “It’s nice to meet you and happy birthday, Mrs. Lochan.”
“Oh, please, call me Marion. Mrs. Lochan is my mother-in-law,” Marion said. 
Lorcan chuckled and nodded his head, “Of course, Marion.” 
Elide looked up at him the entire time, knowing that her smile was smitten and ridiculous and not caring at all. As her father spoke with Lorcan, Elide looked at her mother and talked in Blackbeak, too quiet for either of the men to hear, “You’ll tell dad to not threaten him with gross bodily harm or death, right?”
Marion laughed, the sound tinkling and bright, “Your father knows we Blackbeak women can fend for ourselves. Besides, I think he’s half in love already.”
Elide rolled her eyes and looked at her boyfriend and father, their postures relaxed and faces happy. She snorted and hid the sound behind her hand, though Lorcan still heard it and turned to her. “Are you good?” 
“Mm-hmm,” Elide hummed. “Do you want some food? I haven’t eaten yet.” 
He nodded, “Yeah, ‘course.” 
They said their farewells to her parents and wandered off. 
“That went well, right?” Lorcan asked her quietly, his words… nervous. Elide hadn’t ever seen him nervous. 
“Yeah, it did,” she said. They passed by an alcove, and Elide pulled him in. It was a small bay window with a cushioned seat. 
She sat and pulled him down too, her knee against his thigh when she folded her leg up. Elide mindlessly fixed his hair, though it didn’t need fixing. “But, you know, even if it hadn’t gone well, I would still love you.” 
Lorcan smiled and gently kissed her, not caring that anyone could walk by and see them. “Really? What would make you stop loving me?” 
Elide hummed and thought for a moment. She pressed her lips to his again and murmured, “I think our story is a fated one, you know?” Her long lashes fluttered against his cheeks when her eyes fell shut, “I think I would fall for you in every world and every lifetime.” 
“Yeah,” Lorcan whispered. They drew back at the same time and pressed their brows together. He thumbed something from her cheek, “I think that too.”
☽ ☼ ☾
an: i wrote this last night and i wanted to post because i hit 900 followers today !! and im very happy and thankful for all of you - it’s been almost two years since i had this account and nearly two years since i started to write fic and there’s so many who i love so much that i never wouldve met without this so !! thank you !! 
@mythicaitt​​​ @werewolffprince​​​ @schmlip-scribble​​​ ​ @the-regal-warrior​​​ @ladyverena​​​ @ttakeitbacknoww​​​ @shyvioletcat​​​ @alifletcher2012​​​ @tswaney17​​​ @ourbooksuniverse​​​  @flora-and-fae​​​ @thesirenwashere​​​ @queenofxhearts​​​ @maastrash​​​ @mynewdreamwasyou​​​ @cursebreaker29​​​ @empress-ofbloodshed​​​ @b00kworm​​​ @hizqueen4life​​​ @silversprings98​​​ @amren-courtofdreams​​​ @minaidss​​​ @superspiritfestival​​​ @sanakapoor​​​ @ireallyshouldsleeprn​​​ @spyofthenightcourt​​​  @thegoddessofyou​​​ @more-espresso-less-depresso-xx​​​ @claralady​​​ @neonhellas​​​ @darlinminds​​​ @readingismyonlyhobby​​​ @autophobiaxx​​​ @silversprings28​​​ @myshadowsingeraz​​​ @aelinfeyreeleven945tbln​​​ @elriel4life​​​ @always-in-a-daydream​​​ @jlinez​​​ @ladywitchling​​​ @mariamuses​​ @darklesmylove​​ @adelzd-bookblr
132 notes · View notes
Prompt: Y/N has never been happier to finally have her spa day time at home, but what it should be a relaxing day, becomes quite the opposite when a beautiful Irish man decides to join her.
Word count: Long-ish
Pairing: Finn Bálor x Reader
Warnings: +18, smut(implied), fluff, frustrated spa day, clingy Finn.
Notes: This is dedicated to my sincere love for cosmetics and Fergal Devitt! 😂 I don’t know why, but Finn has always gave me the feeling of being extra loving, extra caring, extra sweet, even a little needy and clingy (which I’m a sucker for guys who can be extremely affectionate) and he just seems like the type, that’s why most of my fluff ideas for stories always end up having him as part of the plot, he exudes that energy of pure love and affection, I don’t know, there you have it I guess.. Y’all know the drill loves,sorry for misspellings,english isn’t my first language (bla bla bla),check out my other stories if you’d like to(it would make your girl here very happy 😊) and if you’re comfortable with it,please let me know what you think? Some feedback is always welcomed and appreciated ❤️You can check out my other stories typing ‘masochist writes’ on the search bar on my page and my newest story as a fixed post.Okay,now let’s get to the fun part,shall we? Hope you’ll enjoy 😉
Earlier that morning
I finished gathering all of my essential materials for my weekly spa day at home.
This was a sacred weekly routine I’ve had for as long as I can remember, one day of the week where I would shut myself off the world, without a single care for nothing except my own self! In crazy weeks, such as the one I just had, this was the day I eagerly waited for. My little piece of heaven on earth, where nothing could go wrong...
I was beginning to take my clothes off when a loud thump coming from downstairs, in the living room, startled me to death.
*Oh God, please don’t let it be an intruder* I silently prayed as I grabbed a metal baseball bat from the bathroom (Yes, I have one metal baseball bat on each room of this house ok? I know it sounds slightly paranoid, but I’ve had a rough childhood so don’t judge me!)
I made my way downstairs in my underwear and armed with my faithful baseball bat. I already placed it to attack mode, when I saw a manly figure kneeled down, messing around with a large bag, with his back facing the stairs.
*A burglar! Oh, you’ve messed with the wrong house motherfucker!*
As I was ready to give my knockout attack to the back of his head, the man said
“Argh! Every damn time this happens ta me! I need ta fix this cursed zipper”
*I know that voice..*
“Fergal Devitt! Have you lost your mind?!”
Finn’s whole body jumped from fright and he turned to face me.
“Jesus Christ, Y/N! Ya almost gave me a heart attack!”
“No, I almost knocked your ass down, Devitt! Don’t you know better than showing up like a creep on my house like that?Don’t you know all about my ‘attack mode’ whenever I hear noises around the house?Fuck, I thought you were a burglar or something, I almost killed you!” I said, with my heart still beating at a ferocious pace from both the fright and almost hurting him.
“And did ya planned on killing tha burglar with tha bat or from a severe hard on?” He pointed with his chin towards my black and red lace lingerie.
“Ha ha, very funny Fergal. I’m serious! I could’ve hurt you really bad you know?”
“Oh trust me, ya are” He stood up and adjusted himself on his black jeans.
“Finn, I’m not joking babe” I said placing the baseball bat down on the couch.
“Me neither! Those are ta kill any man” He said as he approached me.
He wrapped his arms around my waist, tightly securing me on his embrace while he kissed me deeply. Once we broke the kiss, he looked at me and said
“I’m sorry ta scare ya like that, I just wanted ta surprise ya”
“It’s ok baby, I loved the surprise, but please don’t do that anymore! It scares me to think what could’ve happened if I didn’t notice it was you.” I pecked his lips “Just give me a heads up next time ok?”
“Ok love. Now what do ya say about we go upstairs and have a little adult fun time, huh?”
“Uhmmm, I don’t know about that..” I teased
“I’ll make ya change yer mind love” He lightly chuckled as he kissed down my neck
Later in the afternoon
I begin to lay out my products on the bathroom sink, carefully choosing where to begin. When Finn bursted through the bathroom door.
“What yer doing love?” While he bites on an red apple.
“Jesus Finn, don’t you know how to knock?”
“What? There’s no need fer me ta knock”
“Yes there is!” I said shocked “What if I was doing something private?”
“Private?” He chuckled “Love, I’ve seen it all before. Yer gorgeous. It’s not like ya need ta hide from me” He sincerely smiled
I just took a deep breath as a response
“Ya didn’t answer me. What yer doing?” He pointed to my products beautifully placed on the sink, while he hungrily chewed on his apple.
“I’m setting things up for my spa day”
“Spa day?”
“Yes, I always take one day of the week to have some quality me time in which I happily do my weekly spa routine” I smiled at him proudly
“So what exactly do ya do on this spa day?”
“Well it changes depending on the week I’ve had. Sometimes I do more, sometimes I do less, but today I’ll be deep exfoliating my body and face, put a detoxifying mask on my hair and face followed by a nourishing mask for my face, applying a moisturizing mask on my hair and a deep moisturizing lotion on my body. I also might do my nails, but I’m not sure yet”
When I didn’t get a response I looked up to Finn who’ve had mixture between shock and amusement on his face.
“What?” I asked
“Wow love,that’s...a lot! No wonder yer skin’s so fucking soft” He said in awe
“Well..I like doing that..is sort of a way to relax I guess” I was blushing in sort of an embarrassed way
“I don’t mean it like it’s a bad thing ya know?! How do ya know so much about those things?”
“I don’t know that much about it, I just like reading about it and testing products...Some people see it as a futile thing but, I like it you know?” I said slightly self conscious about the amount of time people judged me as a complete hollow, materialistic and futile person, just for my sincere love for cosmetics.
Finn stood up from the tub, where he was seated, made his way to me and placed his hands on my hips.
“Well, I don’t think it’s futile. I think that ya shouldn’t be embarrassed about tha things ya like, ya should be proud of it, love! Besides” He started to kiss down my neck “I love tha fact that I get ta enjoy tha end results” He roamed his hands upon my bare skin
“Finny...if you keep doing that, I’m not gonna be able to do anything” I sighed
“But I can’t help it! Yer skin is so soft, ya smell so good and I’ve missed ya so much” He pressed his hardening bulge against my ass “Tha only thing I had ta keep me company at night was yer t-shirt...It helped, but it’s not tha same...” He pressed me harder against him “I need ta give it back ta ya, since I’ve made such good use of it, it doesn’t even smells like ya anymore baby” He bites my ear lightly
“Finn....please babe” I tried to fight back the growing need of him
“C’mon love, just give me a few minutes huh?! I just need some loving” He started to dry hump his hard bulge against my ass
“Fuck” I moan “Fine, just a few minutes”
In the late afternoon
“Finally” I sighed softly to myself. As I was opening the package of my face mask I hear some terrible singing coming from the room next door. It sounds like a fucking dying animal..
“Oh God, please tell me this is a joke” I made my way to the room next door and entered, just to find Finn only on his briefs, with headphones on, singing terribly to the very loud music playing, doing some laundry.
“Finn?” I called, a minute passed with no response
“FINN?” Still silent, as he bounces his hips (or at least tries to) to the rhythm of the music. When I realize that my yelling is useless, I made my way towards him and took one headphone out.
“Hey love” he pecks my lips “What yer up to?”
“I’m trying to relax” I said slightly annoyed
“Oh, I can help ya with that” he smirked as he reached for my tank top. I slapped his hand away, before saying
“I don’t mean it like that, I mean I’m trying to do my spa day, and your awful deadly singing is not helping at all. I love you, but you’re so fucking tone deaf! It’s driving me crazy!”
He chuckled and said as he approached me
“I have another way ta make ya relax love..”
“Fergal! Don’t you think, we’ve fucked enough already? We’ve done it twice and you’ve only been in this house for six hours!” I backed away from him
“I can’t never get enough of ya lass. I don’t think we’ve fucked enough already, I want ta fuck ya all tha time.” He reaches his arms to me
“Fergal, don’t you dare”
“Come here Y/N, let me tell ya a secret” he smiles deviously
The fucker knew what effect he has on me every time he gets this raw and possessive.
“Finn, I’m serious”
“Don’t be like that Y/N, I just want ta tell ya something, come here”
“You can said it out loud, I’m listening”
“I told ya it’s a secret, nobody can hear it”
“It’s just us here Fergal”
“Still..” He ran towards me, I was caught off guard so I didn’t even had time to process his surprise attack until I was laying down on the floor and Finn on top of me, pining me down.
“Ferg, what are you doing? Let me go”
“Hmmmm, I’m not really in tha mood ta let ya go” His eyes sparkling with mischief
“Finn, please I got stuff to do” I tugged my wrists in an attempt to free myself from his grip
“You were tha one who came in here lass”
“Yes, because I thought there was a dying animal on this room, Jesus, you almost got me deaf with your rotten singing”
He only chuckled as he buried his face on my neck
“In a few minutes I bet ya there’s gonna be another type of screaming in this room”....
In the late evening
I had sadly gave up my spa day and was only filling up the tub so I could take a bath, it was the only thing I could do since I was exhausted thanks to Finn.
The bath salts smelled incredible so I strip off my remaining clothes (which consisted in basically my tank top and panties)
And hopped on the bathtub, I sighed in content, feeling my muscles start to loosen up and the relaxation finally hitting me. But that soon went down the drain when the bathroom door opened
“Hmmm smells nice in here”
I opened my eyes to see Finn at the foot of the bathtub *Please tell me I slept in the tub and drowned and this is my version of hell*
“So selfish Y/N” he clicked his tongue
“Ya didn’t even invited me?”
I had already accepted the fact that I wasn’t gonna have a time for myself as long as Finn is home so I just said
“Do you wanna come in?”
He just smiled like a little boy and took off his boxers. I leaned forward to give some space for him to hop on behind me, but he said
“I want ta be in tha front”
It was a rare occasion for Finn to want to be in front of me, but whenever he was far away for a long time he liked to be the little spoon, it was cute to see a man as strong as Finn wanting to be the one who’s comforted. I actually eager those moments when we would switch places and I was the one able to take care of him.
He sat on the tub in front of me, resting his back on my breasts, his head on my shoulder, pulled my legs on top of his so that his arms could rest on my thighs. One of my arms slides on top of his shoulder to cross his chest while my other arm was resting on the side of the tub stroking his short hair. As he hummed in appreciation.
“I like this love”
“Yeah, me too” I kissed his cheek lightly
After a few minutes of a comfortable silence he says
“Are ya mad at me?”
“Why would I be mad at you?”
“Because I ruined yer spa day?” He looked at me with guilty eyes
“Finny, you didn’t ruined baby, you just...happily convinced me of doing other activities instead” I chuckled softly
“I’m sorry love, is just that, I can’t help it ya know? I love ya so much and I missed ya so much that I just wanted ya all ta myself today”
“Oh Finny, that’s so sweet baby. You can have me whenever you want sunshine. I’m not complaining”
“So does that mean that I can have ya all fer myself tomorrow?” He stared at me pleading with those beautiful ocean blue eyes
“Of course baby, you can have me all day if you want, at least for as long as you’re home” I smiled
“Really? Everyday, all day long, without ya having ta work?”
“Yeah, I promise you”
“Good” He sighs in content
“How long are you staying home?”
“Two weeks love”
My eyes widened in shock “Two weeks?”
“Yeah, I managed ta get a few extra days off” He smirked and pecks my lips
I still looked at him in disbelief, I was ready for four days or something, now two weeks?
“Good thing ya work fer yourself, right love?” He hummed satisfied “Oh can ya wash my hair please? I love when ya do that”
I just nodded in agreement
He happily smiles “Thank you baby. I love ya” As he rested his head on my shoulder again and closed his eyes
How the hell was I supposed to fuck this Irish man four times a day for two weeks straight? Maybe I should Google that, right?...
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outerbanx-4 · 3 years
Dang Kooks
Prompt;; JJ and you had been friends since you could remember. While JJ being on the more “kook bad pogue good people” you tended to, while understanding where he came from, were a little more lenient. Until the day you ran into Rafe Cameron.
WARNINGS ;; Violence, angst, swearing, sexual content(no actual smut), fluuf(slight)
`this is my first time writing anything, so it will most likely be TRASH.
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The air was muggy on the cut today, pretty much clinging to your body the whole time you were walking back from John Bs chateau. You couldn't believe how hot it has been recently and were praying that it would cool off, even just for a day. The walk from the chateau to your house was a fairly quick one, passing by familiar landmarks with the dirt road underfoot. You surprised yourself a little when you decided to choose a different route home. 
Deep in thought about what you and your fellow crew were going to do later in life you had wandered a bit further away from your house then you had noticed. You were known to space out, “lost in the twilight zone” as JJ called it, from time to time especially while walking home.  Coming up to an older playground where the swings were broken and the latter to the slide was missing rungs here and there you decided to sit and think.
Without realizing almost an hour has passed, looking at your phone and the screen lighting up to tell you that it indeed was 5pm and you told your parents you'd be home by 430p to help set up for dinner, you got up and made your way towards the road and back to your house. While on your way you took note of the broken tree branches, and just the general unkempt state of the lawns you passed by. While unkempt isn't really unusual for this part of the cut, the storm that had recently brandished its way through the island seemed to only make it much worse. Sighing you kicked some rocks as you walked. 
“Now should someone as pretty as you really be walking by herself?” you heard a voice call out from behind you making you jump in surprise and go to retort about how you are indeed and big girl and can handle yourself the gravelly voice continues his words “especially with how some of you pogues act. Never know who you're going to run into” 
Rolling your eyes you turn around and groan inwardly as you see the one and only Rafe Cameron. Everybody knew him. He was the worst of the worst. With the second worse being Topper of course. Sanding there in his stupid khaki cargo shorts and expensive pink polo he eyed you up and down in a way that made your skin crawl just by standing in his presence. “What are you doing here Rafe? I thought you hated this side of the island?” the contempt and hatred flowing through your syllables easily. 
“Oh I thought what a beautiful day it was and thought to myself.. Hmmmm where can i go find some cheap pussy?” he wiggled his eyebrows at you in a suggestive manner. Looking closer in his face because even though you know rafe cameron is a horrible person you even couldn't believe he would be this horrible and nasty. Low and behold you noticed that his pupils were dilated almost to the point of his entire eye being an ominous jet black shade. 
“You’re gross Rofe Cameron, why dont you go find some stupid touron or kook to take advantage of?” you asked as you turned back around and started to walk away. By now you had managed to make it closer to your house. Breathing a slow sigh of relief you hoped you would be able to make it home without any more issues. 
Suddenly you felt a hand grab your wrist and yank you backwards, and as your body unwillingly followed the momentum of the pull and your head whipped around to see who it was that happened to be touching you you noticed; you didn't know if you noticed because you were now scared or because of something else, something e;se you had started to notice had been happening recently. You where right in front of your best friends house, and while he was generally not at home and at the chateau you hoped and prayed and sent everything you could that he was home, because it was Rafe who had grabbed you and pulled you into his chest. One of his arms securing you, unwantedly, up against his body making you let out a groan.
“Rafe seriously let me go!” you all but yelled, purposely talking louder in hopes someone would hear you. Your best friend, the neighbors, your parents, heck even your best friends horrible father! Just anyone that would come and pry this ass off of you. Instead of letting go he pulled you in tighter. Chuckling he spoke quietly into your ear “Shhhhh now baby you know you're enjoying this.” and with that he grabbed at your ass and latched his mouth onto your neck. At this point you were helplessly flailing your arms in any hopes that one of the many hits your arms did would make him release you.  At one point he let his teeth sink into your neck which caused you to let out a squeal that you couldn't contain and made him grunt in approval.
Suddenly Rafes entire body pressure was off of you and not pushing up against you and within not eve none second the muffled thudding of someone's fist flying into Rafes cheek bone was evident. Stumbling but catching your step you saw the tall silhouette of your best friend, JJ, standing in front of Rafe, his toned arm rippling with each punch he threw, you could see that blood started to pour as each time his fist drew back his knuckles where coated.
“JJ! JJ! Stop please, hes down im safe!” You cried and you ran up to him and grabbed onto his arm as he raised it. Knowing how JJ got in these you knew you had to something more as he threw another punch ripping through your mesly grasp. “J come on please stop!”
Thinking for a minute at how mad he would be if ke knew what you were about to do, hed scold and yell andbe mad but there was no one else here to hold him , to stop him. Pope went home to study, John B and Sarah were out doing god knows what and Kie’s parents where making her work all day. You had nothing else to do.
Watching as Rafe stumbled backwards stood up and he'd managed to get a good swing in and landing it right on JJs perfect peach mouth, and you saw his lip rip open an start to bleed, and his normally sparkling cerulean blue eyes seemed to be a dark and stormy grey color. His fist reached back again and about to step towards Rafe. This is when you make your move, running and standing in front of him grabbing his wrist again and yelling more worried this time.
“JJ please stop!” His eyes snapped to yours for a second, still stormy as they bore down into your eyes, they flicked back to Rafe and he tried to push forward again. You dug your feet into the ground and brought your other hand up to graze his cheek and pulled his face down again. The eclectic sparks shooting through your body surprised you a little as the radiated from each and every touchpoint that you had on his face. 
“Ya JJ listen to your girlfriend just stop” Rafe mocked your  voice as you held JJs face now in both hands as his fist started to lower slightly. The storm started to clear out of his eyes a little as he finally looked at you and slowly nodded. Stepping back he moved slowly out of your embrace and glared at Rafe. USing his voice for the first time, “Stay off the cut you damn kook, no one wants you here.” 
Turning away you both followed him, that is until all of a sudden Rafe  spoke up and said the one thing he never should have, “Yeah ok Maybank but make sure you keep your girlfriend in line, stop letting her dress like a fucking skank.”
You knew it was over and JJ just turned and smashed Rafe a hard one to the jaw and Rafe fell to the ground blood gushing from his nose as his eyes rolled back. JJ just grabbed your hand and walked you towards his house. “Y/N you ok? Did he hurt you?”
Shaking your head you relished the feeling of his rough hands in yours, he stopped in front of his house and lightly cupped your cheek and gazed into your eyes. His eyes seeming to be released of the storm, he leaned down and pressed his lips firmly to yours. Releasing your lips fro his but keeping his forehead on yours he goes “I promise i will always be here for you to protect you. I love you babe “
  Smiling and pressing your lips against his again you mumbled “i love you too JJ”
He pulled away and started leading you to your house. 
“Dang kooks.”
ok i know its terrible im sorry but it just fell into my head
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cottoncandyjester · 4 years
This might be an odd request but...would Theodore be fine meeting Y/N's family? For all the yanderes, how would they react to Y/N saying, "Alright I want you to meet my family." And the yandere is confuse cause they've been together for quite a few years (let's say 5) Y/N might say, "My family is very nice, they are just curious on who you are."
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Okay so I don't know if you are aware...but my yanderes are all chaotic as hell so this is going to go ✨GREAT✨
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He is instantly curious and low-key excited
He wants to know what your family is like and how they sharp you as a person
He did find it super weird that you two were engaged and he has yet to meet a single family member of yours
Having dinner with your family is just him being on his best behavior
Of course he has his adorable nervous moments but he is definitely a charmer
"so, theodore is it tell us why you love [y/n] so much? What is your future together?"
Theodore twitched lightly at the question from one of your parents and he gave a nervous smile before pushing his glasses up and clearing his throat before he lovingly glanced your way.
"well, I'm hoping for children and with the wedding coming up there is a lot of excitement around that I do hope you all make it..family is everything to me"
"oh we should look at baby photos! Wouldn't that be fun?"
Theo had a fiery gaze at the thought of looking at you as a child he was way too excited for that though you looked like you wanted to die of embarrassment.
"m-man I'm stuffed we should go right babe?"
Theo looked your way before giving you a sweet grin, he clearly was showing you that you had absolutely zero choice in this matter
"now now sweetheart, we shouldn't leave so early after all I would love to catch a glimpse at what our children could look like?"
He didn't want you to meet his family so the fact that you didn't bring up yours didn't bother him
You guys have been together for a long time and neither of you met each other family
You were the one who wanted to change that after all
Hikaru... honestly wanted nothing to do with it but after four hours of arguing he agreed.
Hikaru is a beautiful boy so of course he uses that charm to his favorite
He is extra as hell so wooing your family comes with inviting them to a fancy restaurant dinner
You honestly want to choke him for how cocky he is but your family eats it up cause he knows exactly what to say
Of course his temper gets to him when it comes to you having younger siblings (if you don't just go with it lol)
Hikaru can only play nice for so long
You watched as your boyfriend smiles charmingly towards your family, he was quite the actor that's for sure. You couldn't help but hold back a laugh earning a dirty glare his direction it was clear that he hated this but he wanted you to stop bugging him about it.
He was actually doing good until he felt a sharp kick earning a harsh hiss of pain, his eyes shot towards your younger siblings this was the fifth time they kicked him and he was definitely about to snap.
"so hikaru, why don't you tell my family about how much you love me"
Your distracting words seemed to work a little to calm him down until he felt another kick, and he snapped.
"alright you brat, what the hell?!"
Oh boy here we go.
"it was an accident!"
"you've been doing it the entire time!"
"b-babe maybe you should coo-"
Your younger sibling stuck their tongue out at hikaru earning a low growl towards him as his left eye twitched, well at least the rest of your family found it to be amusing.
"you can't have [y/n]! I won't let you steal them away you flashy demon!"
"the hell did you call me?! And what do you mean I can't have them they are already mine!"
Well this night was going perfectly.
Mr lovable crybaby actually cries when you tell him that your family wants to meet him
Meeting your family means you're serious about the relationship
"axis, baby we've been together for six years... we're engaged."
"b-but you DO love me! I knew it!"
Honestly when your family comes over for dinner he is shaking cause he doesn't like uncomfortable question
He knows your family is sweet since you're sweet but still
He helped make dinner so his pride is on thin ice aka he will cry if they hate it
He is so nervous that he is just an anxiety mess
Super emotional and just so in love with you
"i-i love [y/n] so much, they are amazing and they smell nice and i-i just love them so so much! I wanna marry them of course!"
You honestly felt pretty bad for laughing while axis was being super emotional but he was just wayyy too cute at the moment.
"babe, I love you too"
You reached and held axis' hand still holding back laughing only to see him pout.
"d-dont laugh! I'm fragile!"
Seems your parents liked him though which was good though you did worry is they liked him too much you could already see them coming over for every holiday, though you were sure axis didn't mind.
Sooo you thinking about having salem meet your family is a horrible idea but they wanted to know who has your heart
Salem of course freaks out a tad when you tell him you invited your family over for brunch
He isn't normal in the slightest so he had to act normal in his own way
It was a bit of a trainwreck but you think it went well
"so salem...what exactly do you do for a living"
You twitched at that question since telling your family that your boyfriend is a camboy wasn't exactly the best way to introduce him.
You glanced at salem who was far too busy stuffing his mouth with waffles while humming, he was clearly not going to be of help at the moment.
"salem works from home a boring home job right babe?"
Salem gulped before chuckling darkly at your little lie, you gave him a light glare warning him to behave and he simply stuck his tongue out gliding two fingers along them adoring the feeling.
"mhmmm, such a gooood job~"
Salem was practically drooling just thinking about work tonight while you nervously laughed at his antics but honestly you did love him so his behavior in your eyes was kinda cute. He was like a puppy, a slobbering puppy.
"what plans do you two have in the future?"
Salem perked up clearly excited about this question and so he started to speak but you have a bad feeling
"lots and lots of hot steammmyyyy se-"
You covered the male's mouth ignoring the feeling of him slobbering and licking your hand
"o-oh babe you're such a jokester haha!"
You glared at salem who only gave you a lustful gaze right back, he knew fully well that you'll punish him for this and he was ready for that.
Yikes he is not used to meeting someone's family
Totally not ready
Sure you guys are preparing for a kid but that doesn't mean he's ready!
He totally freaks out when you say that you two are spending the weekend at your parents house for old times
I mean sure he likes the idea of screwing you in your old bedroom while your parents are asleep but like meeting them? He isn't sure about that one
He actually gets along with your family pretty well
"so prince was it? What an interesting name!"
Prince simply chuckled and ran his fingers through his hair before giving your family such a charming smile.
"is it? I suppose so. Though I like to think [y/n] loves me cause I'm so interesting"
You rolled your eyes at his antics, who knew a psychopath could be so damn Charming, they definitely adored his sparkling charm to a point where you were sure your siblings formed a new found crush.
"babe my family wants to you"
He was far too busy drawing tattoo designs to focus but he knew what you were saying and he wasn't worried
Yuki is a blunt person he says whatever comes to mind cause he's too sleepy and depressed to deal with bullshit like being too nervous
"you must love [y/n] a lot to be with them this long are kids in the future?"
You glanced over at yuki who looked absolutely bored and like he wanted to crash at any moment but you knew thats how he always was.
"o-oh well what about marriage?"
"what are some of your hobbies"
Yuki picked his head up and gave a soft grunt before he turned his head away thinking slowly about what to say
"I like...sleeping...eating..[y/n].."
Yuki suddenly rested his head on your shoulder with a sleepy hum now hugging you close clearly wanting to take a nap right there
"I like [y/n]..more than eating and sleeping though."
Your buff himbo of a fiancee was honestly excited to meet your family
He was worried about being seen as an idiot meathead though...even though he was
He wasn't nervous in the slightest when the time came
He just said what was on his mind even if it was stupid
He really loved you and that's what mattered
"haha! Wow you're [y/n]'s family? Ooh! So cool!"
You watched your extremely tall and beefed up boyfriend hover over your family excitedly like a dog. You were worried his joyful antics were intimidating your family just a tad.
"hey babe? Can you help grab the charcoal from the car?"
Rocket looked over at you before giving you an excited smile, a chance to show his strength?! Hell yeah!
"of course babe! Here hold it!"
Within a second he was throwing his hoodie off now in a tank top, he was totally showing off and you were here for it! Just watching him carry two bags of charcoal like it was nothing kinda made you hot and bothered
This barbeque was going to be filled with some interesting tension. You sat at the picnic table watching as rocket helped with the grill.
Your family loved rocket which made you feel better for sure plus he was the center of attention which you knew made him happy
"yeah babe?"
"you look smoking! I love you!"
You snorted out a laugh from his adorable wink and compliment..damn you loved your himbo.
Oh she was ready
She wanted to prepare dinner for your family
She loved the idea of being included into your family
She did want you to meet her family as well but she was worried about her twin brother trying to torture you or something
She of course was as graceful and sweet as always
She was excited to know about all those childhood memories you have
"so [y/n] tells me that you're an herbalist, sounds interesting though must be hard to get business with modern medicine being popular"
Scarlett simply giggled before playing with one of her ponytails as she tried to explain her view on things.
"well, my medicine is actually sold sometimes to hospitals though I try to avoid it, herbal medicine has its great perks"
Scarlett had always been greatly intelligent but she was impressing you for sure. She was great at speaking and charming others, of course she was beautiful while doing it
"would you all care for some dessert? I wish to know more about [y/n] when they were a child"
"really scar?"
"of course my love, after all I love you no matter what"
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lonelyghosts-stuff · 3 years
Marvel Studios’ Black Widow Reaction
First time watching Black Widow (2021)
I have mixed expectations on this movie based on what I’ve heard… just getting that out there first…
Can’t wait to see them ruin the Red Guardian by making him a joke and then also ruining Task Master
Damn this movie is two hours long lmao
I heard the opening sequence was great tho
Bruh why does kid Natasha look like an androgynous TikTok kid lmao?
“We’re both upside down!” Thanks Sherlock
Dumb clumsy kid lmao
I wonder what the reason was to have young Nat has blue dyed hair. The lips are on point tho lol. Scarjo has amazingly full lips and this kids face fits that pretty well.
Little Nat needs a new hair dresser or some. Her hair is so uneven lmao.
Oop Nat knows something is up with the parents… well “parents” (yea this movie was spoiled for me lmao)
Hm can’t imagine anything bad will happen to this nice family…
“This’ll be the day that I die.” Hmmmm FORESHADOWING???
Cmon Nat stop looking at pics
Strong dad wow
Nice shot! Took that car out
Okayyy run to catch the plane. Hop ont he wing. Definitely don’t see this going wrong.
Oop mom was shot.
Lemme guess, dad fell off? Oh he didn’t. That’s surprising.
Well. What a nice traumatic childhood.
So who were those guys tryna shoot them and who are they with?
Oh it’s a my little pony plushie. Twilight Sparkle! But… that version of twilight came out in 2010… and that one even has wings which came out in
Protective Nat 🥺
So Nat has already had experience with these baddies but not yelena
Wow terrible parents
Casual drugging of children aight
Traumatizing opening credits…
Wow Alexei and Melina are terrible people huh? Letting their little girls get taken.
Why are they watching pigs and cartoons?
Is this a cover of teen spirit???
Ugh Bill Clinton
This was a good opening!! But I heard the rest of the movie doesn’t follow the tone unfortunately… but we’ll see…
Oh h yea I forgot this follows Civil War
Stupid Ross
Oh wow she’s already on a ship lol
Her tracker? She had a tracker?
Florence Pugh baby!!! Love her
Ouch that chick got bodied by that car
Ouch stabbed in the stomach and sliced open too
Well she’s dead…
Red dust??? So this chick just coincidentally had the antidote? Also, great another brainwashing plot lol. I wonder how Nat ever got out of the brainwashing? Well I’m sure we’ll learn about it.
Ouch she just cut out her tracker
Oh goodie task master. One of the most disappointing aspects of the movie I heard
“Smile” why? Lol
Gosh Norway is so friggin gorgeous
Honestly screw the sokovia accords. Ah yes let’s make the heroes of the planet criminals because we want to control them. Sure… why not lmao
Cmon Nat no peeping on men sleeping XD
So who is this guy and how does Nat know him?
Honestly I already ship em more than Nat and Bruce lmao. These guys have been on screen together less than two minutes and already have more chemistry lol.
How the heck did Nat survive her car being bombed without so much of a scratch??? She’s not super human
This ain’t Ross, Nat.
Hey copycat shield user
And now you just threw away your shield
Oh nvm
Hey that’s her move
Oh cmon task master has to use technology to copy her??? The one in the comics just had advanced photographic memory and athletic skills
Okay… so… here’s where I have an issue… I know that task master is later revealed to be a woman, but you can so clearly tell that it’s a man here. The stunt person and actor is a man up until the point of the reveal. It’s that age old cliche of “the masked person reveals themselves to be a girl! But girl can’t fight? Wow! Guess I was wrong!” Man in
Wait so how did Natasha get these vials??? Or were they in the mail?
Wow it sure is a good thing Nat’s face isn’t plastered everywhere that she’s wanted… oh wait…
Okay but why the guns drawn?
Why the fighting? You guys share an objective???
Cmon I don’t wanna see Nat get tossed around like nothing. She better not sidelined in her own movie (plot twist, I know she is unfortunately…)
A knife? Are you guys trying to kill each other or do you share an objective???? Why the fighting??? There’s no reason to fight here???
Truce? It’s that easy? So why were you guys fighting at all????? What????? Just for a cool fight??? Really?
Ouch back injuries. From task master or someone else?
Red room eh?
Yelena, if you know that the red room is still active, then why not tell Nat you were just released of your own control from him???
Needless tension is needless.
I know I seem overly negative rn, and I’m sorry. I just had high hopes for this movie and after hearing so much about it since it came out, I’m just sad it was kinda messed up. Black widow and scarjo deserve better.
Hey that chick landed in water so she should be fine, right?
Use the serum on her. Cmon
Terminate? Oh
Rest In Peace
Ouch. She can rival two face.
Poor girl
Oh damn they have a tank (?)
Say it with me!! YAY PROPERTY DAMAGE
Poor Budapest lol.
Civilian casualties? Oh joy lmao
I’m wondering, who made the antidote?
Oh nice move yelena!
Where’s the military when you need em?
“He’s back” well yes. At this point, task master is a male lol.
Okay uhhh seatbelts can’t protect you from that yet somehow Nat and yelena will survive with just some scratches
Take the shield!!! Bruh???
Why did they leave the shield? Take it!
Okay bruh you can tell that task master is a male. The body structure and the walking style.
Holy crap Nat just casually killing a kid damn
Sooo did the red room brain control chemicals or whatever come around after Nat left? Or did she not get it somehow? Or was somehow released or it?
Okay yea the pose is a pose but that pose is a legitimate thing for fighting lol
Lmao the cashier just like “ma’am this is a Wendy’s”
Oh okay so the brain washing chemicals happened after Nat left
So I wonder why Dreykov takes girls and not boys too? Does he think women are easier to break or something?
Damn Nat was abandoned in the streets by her real mom. Harsh…
Hey it’s the vest from infinity war. Neat.
Yay team up! Okay but you can still contact Tony or someone you know… I’m sure they’d help to take down the red room
Vest talk. Lot of fan service lol
Okay I know Florence Pugh can do a great American accent but her Russian accent is kinda shaky lol
White suit? So much for “black” widow lol
Secretary Ross can kiss my booty. Hulk should’ve killed him when he had a chance
Alexei!!! I doubt you ever met Captain America much less bear him lmao.
Man I’m sad. I know they turn Alexei aka the red guardian into a big joke. Marvel tends to do that… Ragnarök, Rhodey in end game (dude was popping insensitive jokes left and right).
Alexei really taking the earpiece out in front of the guards huh?
So where is this prison? Is it just like a normal prison or a corrupt one? (Well, corrupt in terms of marvel corruption)
Yea he’s definitely going to make a scene…
Called it.
I just saw the deleted scene for this part of the movie where they completely clowned on Alexei and made him a dumb joke. Well, moreso than usual. Glad they cut that.
Pose time. But again, that’s actually how you would do it lmao. Brace the impact.
“We’re both doing a really good job! 👍🏻” okay that one made me laugh lmao
Did… did she just use a rocket launcher?
Oh h yea an avalanche
Are these good or bad guys? Did she just doom a bunch of guards who are just doing their jobs and have families??? Bruh??? Is this prison just a regular prison for bad guys and they just killed some innocent dudes doing their jobs or what???
Nat and yelena just murdered a bunch of innocent Russian soldiers and guards just doing their job.
Okay uhhh how is Nat strong enough to grab onto big dude with one arm? Did you forget she’s not the one with any super soldier serum?
Why the aggression? Because of periods? Really dick? You’re the one who sent them to the red room you bastard.
Alexei shut up. The avengers were more family than you ever were.
Soooo how did dreykov recreate the super soldier serum?
Oh yes boring taking care of poor kids who have no one else. Poor kids who have been abandoned and kidnapped. Screw you dreykov.
Oh cool so Melina is also an evil terrorist
“We’ll make it.” *crashes* lmao okay you got a second laugh from me movie.
I like the braids Nat.
Yea Alexei I don’t believe you met Steve Rogers even once. He was either around before you were born and then immediately with the avengers. Maybe you faced the winter soldier.
Of course the awesome Red Guardian from the comics is a clown
Try to help these girls? Really Alexei? Oh yea so cool. Child assassins. Do you not hear yourself? CHILD… ASSASSIN!!!
Proud of the red ledgers… Real dumb Alexei
Screw you Alexei. Damn you marvel for ruining this character
Ah so Melina is a pig farmer
Aw cute piggies
Oh my big gun
Kill Alexei and Melina afterwards kay? Both are terrorists.
Oh cool a close up and Alexei trying to fit into his red guardian uniform but it’s hard because he’s fat. Haha. Reduce this character into a joke…
I don’t care how much this movie will try to redeem Alexei and Melina. The red guardian was turned into a joke and both of them are terrible people. Natasha and Yelena are the only good ones here.
Oh my gosh guys shut up and listen to Natasha
Alexei and Melina knowingly and willingly worked under Dreykov. They are terrible people
She… controls pigs?
And now she’s abusing it!! Let the piggy breathe!!!
Oh cool so Melina is the one who helped make the controlling serum!!!! So she’s even worse than I thought. She’s terrible. She deserves to die.
Melina your control affected your fake daughter.
Poor yelena holy crap. She was controlled by the chemical her own mom made.
Florence is such a good actor and now I’m trying not to cry
I hope you feel bad Melina. “I had no idea.” So? Even if it wasn’t someone you knew that was mind controlled wouldn’t make it okay.
Oh wow so Nat wasn’t abandoned, she was kidnapped and sold off the same time…
So how come Nat was referred to as “Dreykov’s daughter”? Is it because he was in charge of her?
Piss off Melina. You deserve no sympathy. You took CHILDREN and raised them as assassins and help break their minds. Countless others too.
Yea were given a choice melina. You could have sacrificed your life to not kill others and control them. You weren’t under the brain control influence so you have no excuse.
Why do we have to hear how Alexei’s dad pissed on his hands to stave off frostbite?? Why potty humor in this?
Alexei and Melina don’t deserve Natasha or Yelena. And I’m still shocked Nat killed (or at least think she killed) a little girl.
Stop singing Alexei. Stop trying to appeal to yelena. You’re a terrible person. Yelena and Natasha deserve better.
Dammit Melina just keep screwing up why don’t you.
Wow… so his suit isn’t dart proof? What’s the point of the suit then???
Why is Natasha being sidelined in her own movie???
Pull the trigger
Do it.
Oh come on!! Just killed Melina!!!
But no… ugh screw you Melina. I hope you die.
How the hell did she take Natasha out so easily??? Nat is a good fighter!
Alexei isn’t good, but he’s better than damn Melina.
Oh red room is in the sky… doesn’t explain how satellite imaging couldn’t find it…
I wish this movie was about Natasha’s experience in the red room and then her mission with Clint in Budapest.
Dreykov sounds like Danny Devito lmaoooooo
Cut the brain out??? Hey no! Leave yelena alone!
Why do I feel like scarjo is getting less screen time than she should.
Oh yea I saw this scene.
Alexei why can’t you punch through the glass? You have super soldier serum in you.
Great an emotional moment made into a joke.
Okay so face swap but poor yelena was still shocked and placed in danger
There was time Melina
Oh cmon let Alexei have an emotional moment
Soooo Melina agreed to a plan??? So how does she explain not doing anything for years? For torturing people for years???
Wow Nat has a lot of earrings
Aaaaaand taskmaster reveal
Still a man in the suit
And CGI woman face
And ruined task master
Task master was a badass in the comics who had skills and a photographic memory. This one relies on
Ah yes… of course… pheromones… because that works like that sure… PHEREMONES. Yes. Pheromones sure… cuz that works like that
Black panther claws
Okay so yelena is grossed out by posing like that, but like, how else would you have posed.
Melina makes no sense. She suddenly grew a heart to take down the red room? Suddenly? Really???? Just up until Nat showed up she was still working for Dreykov.
Ouch Nat is getting punched a lot huh
Holy crap that’s a lot of widows
Please please let the red guardian actually be a badass and beat the taskmaster!!! Don’t have him need dumb rescuing!!!
Dreykov really is crap.
“Using the only natural resource the world has too much of. Girls.” Holy crap. That’s a powerfully heartbreaking statement. We sure this dude isn’t in kahoots with the Chinese government?
“Thank you for your cooperation.” Ah man I miss Loki
Sever the nerve eh?
Wow melina how lucky can you get? All the debris lands on all of the bad guys but not you.
Ooh smart. A bomb with the antidote.
UGHHHH of course he needed rescuing
Dammit Nat that’s what happens when you stall and give a speech
Ah yes. All attack here one at a time. Smart idea.
Ouch. Well you held your own for a while Nat…
Well that bomb was perfectly timed. One second more and Nat would have been blown up too.
Convenient the antidote can be administered dust form
[in Finnish] and then she responds in English lol.
“You get to make your own choices now.” Okay but like… that doesn’t help lmao. They have no identity outside of this… no home too.
Wait when did you get the ring? And what’s the data transfer for? How are all of those other widows going to survive? They’re literally suddenly freed with no context of what to do or where to go? All of the ones all over the world?? What are they supposed to do?
Wait how were some of the vials not blown up??? That makes no sense. They were strapped to a grenade
Nat I hope you have a parachute…
Damn determined bad guys lmaoo. Free falling through the sky
Wait did Alexei always have that shield?
And once again the task master is a guy. Her stunt man is a male. It’s just ironic… just keep the task master a guy come on!!!
Is yelena sacrificing herself?
Wow that was some bad green screen behind her…
Wow that was a convenient parachute bag just lying around.
Okay if Nat is able to catch up—
THATS NOT HOW PHYSICS WORKS! Yelena was falling before Nat! She couldn’t have caught up!!! That’s not how it works!
Yay sky fight! And Nat doesn’t have a parachute
Oh nvm task master did fortunately
Still a man in a the suit.
Oh good a vial just casually lying on the ground
Lmao just leave her on the ground to find yelena
“Forgive me little sister.” Oh man I’m gonna start crying now… “it was real to me too.” Okay yea I’m crying
Okay I still don’t forgive Melina. She doesn’t deserve forgiveness
Lmao bruh y’all holding hands while Antonia is just lying on the ground
Okay the vest giving is very much fan service
Melina still has a lot to answer for. It’s her fault for most of this. She’s the one who made the formula.
Okay this is the last time she gets to see any of them… they don’t know she’s gonna die in like five or so years…
Two weeks later huh?
Oh there’s Nat with short blonde hair and the vest
Oh nice an actual jet.
Sooooo how did she get out of Ross’ custody? She’s about to help the guys out of the RAFT prison, but how did she escape Ross’ custody? And if that was her plan, then why did she let herself get captured in the first place?
We barely know anything about this dude who’s helping Nat get the jet. Who is he?
Oh cool transition from the jet to the fireflies.
Oh that’s the end. Huh. Okay. Um…. Gotta admit… kinda underwhelmed here with the ending. Feels a bit shoe horned to link with infinity war… not happy with melina. She is literally responsible for so much. It’s not like the past few years she’s been fighting against the red room. She was literally actively still working WITH Dreykov only moments until natasha and crew showed up. She wasn’t going to stop working on the brain control chemical thingy for Dreykov at any time—literally only stopped when Natasha and crew showed up and forced her to be aware of her actions… even then she still called the red room before natasha came up with a plan… she’s not really redeemed at all… only just starting the pathway to redemption, but even then I don’t think she deserves it because she had no plans on stopping… she wasn’t guilty feeling. She wasn’t going to stop. She’s not a good person. Red guardian isn’t much better either… both of them took part in a fake family to pretty much groom yelena and Natasha for eventual assassin slavery… let that sink in…
This ending feels off… this movie was all over the place. Nat got sidelined in her own movie. I love yelena a lot but in the end, I would have much much much rather gotten a movie about Natashas experience IN the red room and then her escaping and seeing HOW she managed to do that, then her journey with Clint and how he offered her a second chance and then the Budapest mission. I would much much much rather have that. And save task master! The character was reduced to being barely in the movie, kind of like a mini boss, and then for a cheeky reveal “haha gotcha! It’s a woman” kind of like Ghost in Ant-Man and the Wasp (although that one I can’t excuse a bit more since at least they actually developed her as a character and was important to the plot). Think about it. If they removed task master from this plot, almost nothing would change. Nothing. But they wasted the character…
Natasha and scarjo deserved a movie a long time ago. Not AFTER the character died… the beginning of the movie was fine. Keep that. Then, transition it to Natasha’s time IN the red room. Show the atrocities. Show her as the victim manipulated into an assassin. She her confrontation with Clint. Show her breaking out of the red room and helping shield take down the red room. Show her reuniting with yelena even that’s fine. Don’t waste the red guardian or task master. Have yelena and Nat part ways, yelena tasked with helping the other widows readjust to society. Have her start her own organization or something. Show Natasha getting approached by nick fury about the avengers initiative. Bam. That’s the movie we wanted. That would have been great. That’s what Natasha and scarjo deserved. Not this movie. I’m sad to be so negative about this movie. Natasha is literally one of my favorite characters in the entirety of the mcu.
I’m just really upset with the movie unfortunately. For years people expressed interest in black widow, wanting to know her story in the red room and how her and Clint met and their mission in Budapest… but the studios opted for something entirely different for some reason. It’s really disappointing.
Holy crap there are so many credits
Sigh… anyways… time for the mid credit scene… a scene I’ve heard of…
God I miss Natasha so much
I wonder who put all the pictures and stuffed animals there?
Yelena paying her more respect than the avengers did (yes marvel, I’m STILL salty you didn’t have the avengers give her a funeral but they did for Stark… THEY JUST COMPLETELY FORGOT ABOUT HER!!!)
Oh hey Valentina. This was supposed to be your first on screen appearance but then this movie kept getting pushed back again and again and you showed up on TFatWS first.
Oh wow so yelena knows who Valentina is. Is she already working for her? Or has she in the past?
“I want a raise” okay so she has.
“The man responsible for your sister’s death.” Ugh…. Say it with me people!!! CLINT IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR NATASHA’S DEATH!!! And how did yelena get caught up being an assassin again??? You’d think she wouldn’t want anything to do with that life
Guarantee Yelena will be a background threat in the Hawkeye show and then they’ll quickly settle the issue and she won’t be important to the show after.
Okay I’m tired. I’m gonna watch a better movie now. #JusticeForBlackWidow
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oppabimbab · 5 years
drives you crazy | kim taehyung
Tumblr media
genre : smut
starring : taehyung x reader
synopsis : taehyung is out for work for almost a week but he comes home early than expected. He usually comes home with so much energy but that day, he is flaming with anger. You wonder why then he makes you realize your mistake by punishing you, with sex
words count : 4979 words
side note : i think it’s super bad lmaooo but gotta post something
My Fanfics Archives
Taehyung’s eyes strike into your soul from the moment he saw you came out from the bathroom—with cold water drips from your wet hair along with that short and tight towel that is exposing every curves God have created for you.
Honestly, you didn’t know he would be back this early. He was out for his work in Japan for almost a week and promised to get back here in 2 days but when you came out from the bathroom—you could see his tall and muscular figure, leaning against the cabinet while crossing his arms—staring at your confused face. Part of you was thrilled to see him and part of you, wonder, why is he looking like that? There is no inch of smile or eyes flicker when he saw you—stepping out from the room. He didn’t squeal or run to you like he usually did. He didn’t call you and take you to his embrace—planting hundreds kisses on your face. He didn’t do that. It makes you confused.
“Baby? I thought you would come home in 2  days?” you ask as you come closer to his side. One thing for sure—he never takes his eyes off you—looking at you from head to toe, taking every curve from your chest to your hip, into his eyes.
“Work finished early,” he answers, short and intimidating. You raise an eyebrow and nod at him. Understood.
You try to study his face but it leaves you to no avail when you can’t find the exact words to describe how he looks at you now. The atmosphere is different than usual and you wonder why.
When you glance at the huge bulge, you immediately know what has been going on in his mind. The way his eyes darkened every time you move—they way his jaw clenches every time you make a soft sound—the way his chest pounds every time you brush a little bit of your skin, against his. You know, he is hungry. A small smile appears on your lips.
“Hmm, I see,” you squeak when there is short silence between you and him as he did nothing but stared at you. You bring the small clothe in your hand and wipe those water from your hair, to your long neck and stop at the collarbone. You will make sure every move you make, is slow and tempting—to give some kind of torture to your boyfriend, who is staring at you like a beast. A hungry beast
Not gonna lie, it sends butterflies and pump the adrenaline to all over your body. This is exciting.
Deep inside, you pretend that his hungry gaze doesn’t work on you but God knows, your core is pooling like crazy when his jaw clenches along with darkened eyes. Acting innocent is damn hard.
“Are you hungry? I can make you some food,” you whisper, filling the space with your soft voice.
His pupil dilated even more when you trail your fingers along his chest to untie his tie that have been almost choking his neck. Slowly, you take off the tie without touching him that much—avoiding any skin to skin with him so he can’t have you yet. Not now. You look at Taehyung, trying to pull yourself together when his messy hair, clenched jaw and sweet cologne send electricity to your system. His hooded eyes—fucking dangerous for your legs as you start to tremble a bit and your chest—they pound like crazy.
He grunts. Not sure if he is annoyed or else.
“I’m not hungry,” his voice becomes huskier and lower than his usual one—filling your sense with his deep and rough sound. You crack a smile and nod at him before bending down to get the small towel that fell from your grip—leaving the ass to his sight. He stands there, leaning against the cabinet, watching you silently. Arms crossed, hunger gaze. How sexy.
“Are you sure you’re not hungry?” you raise an eyebrow while biting your lower lip—sending him his weakness. Your grin. Taehyung doesn’t respond and you quickly understand. He barely respond when his mind isn’t here. You understand.
“Alright. I’m gonna get changed. I’ll be back,” you say with a smile—still rubbing the towel on your hair before you try to walk away from him to go back to the room. No matter how the sudden wetness have been pooling in your core, you can’t let him touch you that easily. You don’t know why he is acting like this but that’s the least important now because you enjoy the way his body respond to your small touch. It’s fun and interesting to see your sexy boyfriend—looking that miserable.
You take a few step away from him—facing your back to his sight before you could feel his long arms wrapping around your waist and pull you to him—rough and harsh. A small squeak leaves your mouth immediately as you are facing him with only few inches away.
“I know what you are doing,” he says, almost gritting his teeth while his eyes never leave your body as he stares at you from head to toe—mesmerized at how beautiful your body is. He pulls your body closer to his chest—sliding his big hand on your back before giving a rough squeeze on the juicy ass that have been jiggling when you move. You whimper softly as his touch. Fuck. The liquid could be dripping down to your thigh by now.
“What am I doing?” you say to him, trying to pull from his embrace by pushing his chest away and his hand from your ass. Taehyung grunts like a tiger before he stands up properly and lifts you up before putting you on his broad shoulder—making your ass up to the air. You scream in surprise.
“Wait, what? Taehyung, put me down!” you squeal out of protest when you didn’t see this coming from him. You have no idea what will he do to you as he makes his way to the bedroom—completely ignoring your squeals and scream, telling him to put you down.
He throws you on the bed, landing the ass, leaving you confused at his sudden move. You look up at him, who is standing in front you and immediately realise—he is mad. Taehyung is damn mad. His eyes lost its sparkle and being replaced with desire and lust. Chest pounds up and down—his jaw, fuck it. He clenches his jaw when he is mad. You swallow the saliva that have been choking your dry throat when a sudden anxiety attacks you.
“Strip that clothes away and touch yourself,” he sounds frustrated and pissed as he runs his hands through his messy hair before unbuttoning the neck button that been suffocating him these past few minutes. Now, you can see his exposed chest—slightly. You are not sure why is this happening but your core throbs a lot at the view. Delicious.
You swallow the saliva again before opening your mouth to protest as you don’t have any idea why the fuck he becomes this aggresive but he immediately cut you off.
“Fuck yourself with that fingers. Now,” Taehyung grunts, looking pissed and mad as his brow furrowed, his jaw clenches—showing off the vein and tensed muscle along his neck. When you see that eyes, you know you couldn’t say no.
The next second, slowly, you bring your fingers to take off the fold of the towel on the chest that have been wrapping your body, taking some time to let it completely disappear from covering your skin. When it’s not longer around your body, you throw the towel away on the floor—leaving your bare body to his sight.
A sudden cold air that immediately brushes against your skin, makes your flinch and let out a soft whimper—like a weak kitten. You bring your eyes to Taehyung, who is looking at you while crossing his arms.
“Spread your legs. Wide,” he commands and you immediately spread your legs to let him see your red and wet pussy—throbbing with soaking liquid just from his voice and gaze. It’s crazy how he didn’t do anything but he already made you this crazy wet. An amused smile plasters on his lips but nothing comes out from his mouth as he glares at you to start touching yourself.
Just as horny as you are, you lay your back on the bed and trail the finger to the throbbing bud of your clit—making a perfect circle around the clit, just enough to make a moan leaves your mouth immediately.
“Hmmmm,” you whimper with eyes closed and bitten lower lip while spreading your legs even wider to give Taehyung a better sight to your senstive pussy. You don’t know how he looks like right now but every touch of your finger on the clit, you moan out loud, trying to fill every space of this huge room with nothing but your erotic sound.
You quickened the pace as you start to rub it more roughly and harsher to produce more reflexive sound—a weak and defeated sound that he likes. Taehyung loves whenever you make that sound, especially when he is fucking you to the edge. He loves the way you react to his touch with your purr and whimper, arched back and trembling legs —begging him to slam harder. The more you abuse the clit, the more it wets your pussy to the point it sends you to the heaven. It’s weird how it makes you turns on 10 times more than usual when he is watching. Taehyung is watching your wet pussy without touching it.
“Ahhhh. Hmmm, hmmmm,” you moan, sound so weak and erotic before opening your eyes and look at him with half eyes. Just as you imagined, his body stiff like a statue while looking at your wet pussy like a predator to his prey—clenching his jaw, crossing the arms across the pounding chest. You could see the huge bulge, throbbing inside his tight jeans—suffering to get the cum out. Staring at him while rubbing the bud rough and faster. It makes your core becomes more sensitive each time you spread the wetness all over the pussy as you jerk your hip to the air.
Moans and whines are filling the room along with the hitched breath from your throat. You can feel his gaze on you.
Eye contact. His eye contact—it’s fucking with your system.
“Taehyung,” you call his name as you palm your core and slowly, insert 1 digit into the hole before you scream out of pleasure.
“Taehyung, fuck me,” you scream, digging the finger inside you even deeper, trying to find the spot that only Taehyung knows. He knows the spot that would make you moan like a crazy woman—he knows where to slam his dick inside you to make you lose your mind. Only him knows.
“Fuck me. Harder. Hmmm ahhh,” you moan and look at him with hooded eyes as you slowly feel you’re losing your goddamn mind every time you thrust the fingers inside. It feels heavenly but when you see his muscular veiny arms as he rolled up the sleeves—you don’t want your fingers but his. You imagine how good it feels like to have his long and thick fingers inside this sensitive hole—thrusting and leaving you miserable with every touch. The way his fingers curl and twist every part of your pussy muscle—you crave it so bad.
Your moan gets louder as the imagination of Taehyung fingering you comes to your mind. From the way that tight white shirt that have been wrapping his broad chest along with the veins appear along his arms—tight jeans covering his thick thigh with huge throbbing member wanting to get into your pussy. You didn’t know you have been craving his touch until today. It’s been a week without sex, that’s why you can feel unfamiliar throb inside your abdomen. It’s more than usual.
The wet sound of fingers thrusting fill the room with the help of your moan and scream—calling his name over and over again, telling him to fuck you now. But, he stands there, looking at you wrecking yourself.
“What do you want me to do?” he groans while rubbing his chin—watching your naked body on the bed.
“Fuck me. Fuck me now. I want you, Taehyung,” you scream in pleasure, looking up to the air before bringing one of your finger of the other hand to your mouth and suck on it. You suck with so much rush and sloppy move while never taking your eyes off him—seductive eye contact—looking so erotic and intimidating as you keep licking the finger like it is his big cock. You smile at his static figure as you start to moan while licking it and fucking the hole with other fingers.
“Fuck,” he curses under his breath, it leaves you with an excitement when he looks intimidated. To make him become more tortured, you bounce your body up and down, making your big boobs bounce aggresively with every thrust you give. Your whole body seems like weakening when you feel the familiar climax starts to build up. Legs tremble, muscle twitching, moans louder, thrust deeper.
“I’m coming-I’m coming,” you scream out loud as you want to get this juice out so you can lick it and make him see how good you can touch yourself—like he told you to do so. Breath hitched as the climax is coming to your system.
“Stop. Now,” he groans, making you look at him—confused and frustrated. No fucking way you want to stop when you haven’t reach the climax. You keep digging your fingers even faster—ignoring his command even you know, you’re trying to kill yourself for not listening.
“What a bad girl,” Taehyung growls as he comes closer and weighs himself on the bed to pull your hand away from your swollen pussy. You grunt in frustration when it’s a second away to reach the climax before Taehyung ruins it. You look up at him with hooded eyes as he pins you down on the bed—looking mad as hell.
“Let me cum,” you scream in frustation as you try to let go from his grip but he pins you harder—leaving some fades marks on your wrist before getting off from the bed to unbuckle the belt around his waist. He clenches his jaw while looking at your breathless self —unbuckling the tight belt. In just few seconds, his member is there to your sight—hard and throbbing, making your core clenches again. You stare at his dick with so much anticipation, completely forgot how frustrated you were for not being able to cum.
“How can I let you cum when you have been a bad girl these past few days?” Taehyung starts to crawl on top of you, pinning your hands on the bed—rough and aggressive. You moan when his thigh rubs against your inner one—making the pussy becomes more sensitive.
“What did I do?” you squeak in weak voice as you can’t recall what did you do to make him this mad. You know he is mad when he didn’t even call your pet names like he usually does. He didn’t even touch you softly, it’s more rough and harsh.
He scoffs.
“Figure it out,” he grunts before crashing his mouth to yours with so much force. He sucks every part of your mouth, not leaving any space untouched as he deepen the kiss to enter your mouth with the warm tongue. He didn’t lower his body enough—making you and his skin barely touch to each other. Not sure if he is doing  it on purpose or else but it’s torturing you when your skin tingles for his touch. Your core is soaking again.
Craving for his touch, you jerk your hip to his and almost making his throbbing member slapping your pussy before he pushes your hip down to the bed. He grunts in the kiss and pull away.
“Don’t test my patience,” he growls in lower voice before planting rough kisses along your neck—sucking and placing bruises on the white flesh from the neck to the collarbone. You moan to the air at the pain and pleasure from his mouth as he trails the wet kisses to the chest and suck on your hardened nipple. Taehyung sucks, tugging the bud with his teeth before circling them with the tip of his tongue. It drives you crazy when the pace fits with the pleasure he is giving. Your back arched when he tugs the nipple—sucking like his life depends on it.
“Taehyung....More,” you whimper.
“Don’t talk. Just moan,” he growls as he comes lower to your core—giving the wet pussy a few look with so much hunger while licking his lips.
“wet pussy, hmmm” he looks at your breathless face and smile—sending butterflies to your stomach. Probably amused at how your body react to only his voice and gaze.How could he look this sexy and attractive while looking at your pooled core? How can this man—is your man? He is gorgeous.
“Is it because you want this dick so much?” he chuckles as he rubs his hardened member against your inner thigh but not your pussy, making you cry for his touch.
Taehyung doesn’t let you to respond when he brings his face closer to your entrance and starts nuzzling his face on them. A loud scream leaves your mouth immediately when you feel a sudden warmth touching the fold—which is sending you to another type of pleasure. Bed sheets clenched inside your hand while refraining yourself to make any sound.
“Hmmmmm,” he hums while licking every part of the wet fold—tasting the sweet juice that is leaking from the hole as he holds your trembling thigh—firmly. Your clit throbs again when he brings his tongue to make a circle—just like you did with your fingers. Every touch—it makes you crazy and losing balance even you try to figure what makes him this aggressive.
You moan out loud as he quickened the pace—thrusting the thick tongue inside your soaking hole while spreading your legs as wide as he could do. Your body bounce in sync whenever he pushes his face to you—making the bed squeaks.
“Already know how bad you were?” he mumbles while tugging on the soft skin, making you fill the room with erotic whimper from your mouth. When you look down, your chest thumps hard as his gaze stares straight into yours. Bitting down your lower lip as you let out a tense hum while looking at him.
The next second, you finally know the reason he is wrecking you this way. You didn’t know it would offend him this much.
“Ahhh. Hmmm,” you moaned while groping your breast with so much force—as you circled the bud with your fingers as you arched your back.
“Show your pussy to me, babe,” Taehyung groans in frustrations as he couldn’t see you properly over the Skype when you chose to cover your wet core from the camera with a small clothe as you finger yourself under it. You smiled at your boyfriend and shook your head.
“Come home faster,” you moaned while licking your lips as you looked at the camera—very erotic and lewd. Your body bounce as the climax starts to build inside your body. Chin to the air, moan like crazy.
“Taehyung...I need you..,” you screamed, breathless as you kept fingering yourself under the blanket.
“Fuck! Show it to me!” he almost screamed in his hotel room and it made you excited at how needy and desperate he is. You chuckled.
“I need to go. See you in few days,” you moaned even louder before you ended the  video call—of course, leaving him became more frustrated. You thrusted even more and cum defeatedly on the bed—without letting him to see that. It was fun teasing him this way.
“Just how bold were you to make me wait like that when you were fucking yourself with that fingers?” there is tension in his words as he sucks on your pussy while pulling your thigh closer to him. You cry in desperation and desire every time his lips touch your fold. He keeps changing his pace which is making you upset.
“I’m-I’m sorry. Baby, Please don’t do this to me,” you yelp as you bring your hands to his long and wavy hair before he pushes them away.
“No touching. Bad girl deserves a punishment,” he groans—circling the entire pussy with rough pace, causing your hip to start tremble and jerking to his face. You are getting closer to your climax and when he notices that—he pulls away from your core. You scream again—in misery. How the fuck he makes the knot twirling inside your abdomen but not letting you cum? This man—he knows how to torture your soul.
One thing that you realize, Taehyung won’t call your pet names when he is mad. Your name straight up comes from his mouth when he is fucking you and you find it damn hot.
He chuckles at your reaction—knowing it well how you feel. A boyish smirk plasters all over his handsome face.
He kneels between your legs as he strokes  his throbbing member while looking down at you with his hooded eyes and pounding chest. You can see the pre cum on the tip of his head—fuck it, you want to taste it so bad. It’s so thick and delicious, you want to suck that cock with your might.
Then, Taehyung flips your body and now you’re kneeling in front him with your pussy just a few inches away from his dick. You yelps at the sudden gesture.
“I’m going to fuck you until your pussy swollen and bruised. I’m going to make you learn that playing with my desire is a wrong choice,” he slaps your ass while taking your hip closer to him.
He rubs his long and big cock on your fold before he moves back and forth from your wet entrance to your abdomen. He rubs it slowly—causing you to moan like a kitten while closing your eyes shut and biting down the lower lip. The sensation—fuck it’s so good. He keeps doing that again and again while stroking your ass—sending you to another world that no one can do unless it’s him.
The patience disappear as you bring your hand to his dick on your abdomen and stroke it while the other arms—supporting your body on the bed. He moans in his raspy voice to the air.
“Fuck it. You don’t listen,” he growls before he pulls his dick away from your fold. Without letting you to get ready, Taehyung slams his hard dick into your wet pussy with so much force—completely making his hardened member disappear from the sight as it’s buried deep inside you.
“Taehyung!!!” your voice reach few octaves higher. Eyebrow furrowed, mouth open wide, endless moan.
“Why the fuck you don’t listen to me when I said no touching? Do you want me to break this pussy that much?” He says through gritted teeth before he pulls out from inside you, leaving you frustrated again for the hundredth time.
He slams again but gentle and slow before he pulls out again. He keeps doing that over and over again
“Harder. Harder. Break this pussy, daddy!” you nod and cry when you couldn’t hold any longer for this torture. He needs to fill you again. He needs to wreck you. He needs to. Tears prick on your eyes for his touch.
He chuckles.
“Beg more,”
“Fuck me till I can’t walk, daddy. Fuck me harder. I need you. Fuck me,” you scream louder—desperate and needy. You know Taehyung is good at this and you don’t care how needy you sound like but you need him. Now.
“Wreck me,” you look across your shoulder to meet his eyes while moaning—mouth wide open.
“Good girl,” he grunts before he pumps himself into you again without letting you adjust—your body jerk when he forces his strength to dig deeper into the pussy before he starts moving back and forth—rougher and harder. He looks down to his dick wrecking your hole while biting down his lower lip, eyebrows furrowed—along with his big hands palming on your juicy ass. Every time he thrusts inside you—your ass jingly aggresively, filling the room with wet and sloppy sound from the skin slapping.
“Ahhhh~” you arch your back in pleasure as you gasp for the air while clenching the bed sheets inside both of your hands. The sudden fill inside the pussy makes you lift your chin up and moaning his name.
It sends a perfect amount of ecstasy, making you want more. This is not enough. You need his huge cock inside you, filling every part of you.
The more he pumps into you, the more you want him—making you spread your legs wide to give him better access. Taehyung leaves a trail of compliments for your reflexive move. He slams harder and harder, your body moves along with every thrusts he gives to you.
“Good? Does my cock make you feel good, hmm? Fucking good?” he hums through gritted teeth, taking your hips closer to his dick.
You heard him but nothing comes from
your mouth as your whole body is spinning—leaving you lost in pleasure. You nod softly while moaning his name to make him slam harder.
“I can’t hear you. Answer me,” he slaps the juicy ass—it makes you yelp in surprise.
“Y-yes. Your cock feels so good inside me. So good,” you whimper and nod quickly. When you feel your arms are getting weaker, you bury your face on the bed with your ass up to the air while moaning and losing breath. The bed squeaks loudly as his pace quickened.
“Can your fingers do this to your pussy?” Taehyung trails his hand to your breast and grope it. Another lewd moan leaves your mouth. He keeps Tugging the nipple, abusing it again and again while breathing  hard on your nape. Your boobs hang beneath you and move back and forth along with the pace.
“So good~It feels so good, daddy,” another moan comes.
“Can your fingers make you feel this good, like I did..Hmm??” he growls, pushing his hip even more, forcing the tip of his head slamming your walls over and over again—leaving it swollen.
“Taehyung....Let me cum,” you whine on the bed sheet— so weak and defeated..You couldn’t wait any longer for this. Your whole body is twitching and trembling. You need to release yourself.
“You’re not allowed to cum yet,” he scowls like a lion before slamming into you even harder and sloppier while holding your legs so you don’t fall. His raspy moan sounds like a background music along with your scream to cum. Breath hitched, moves become sloppy and the white substance is coating his dick before it’s running down your thigh.
You scream on the bed , clenching around him—making Taehyung moans out loud.
“You drive me crazy. You fucking drive me crazy,” he whispers while his chest rose back and forth. Slapping and wrecking every part of your body—causing you to do nothing but scream and moan.
“Fucking” thrusts
“Tight” thrusts
“And” thrusts
“Wet...” thrusts
“Let me cum....baby....I can’t...wait any longer,” the knot is twirling inside you like it’s going to burst. You’re not sure how long will you take this. You systems almost goes error. Taehyung notices how your legs tremble a lot as your whole body twitches.
He groans in frustration.
“Cum for me,” when he finally says that, with few thrust, you cum on his dick—coating that with white substance before you scream as he fills you with the warm liquid, not leaving any space empty. you immediately bury your face on the bed—inhaling the massive amount of air to your lungs. Chest pounds, legs tremble and twitch, breath hitched. Everything about the sex leaves you with nothing but spinning head and mind.
Taehyung rubs your thigh softly before he lays beside you while taking you to him embrace. You pant on his chest—closing the gap between you and him. The space becomes quiet as both of you try to catch the breath that you have lost from the intense fuck.
The next few seconds, you finally calmed down.
“Baby...” you squeak despite losing your voice from screaming too much. His chest vibrates as he hums to answer you. You bite your lower lip while playing the fingers on the shirt he didn’t take off from his body. It’s sweaty with a hint of cologne. You kiss his exposed chest before you pull away from him to look at his flushed face. Both of you stare at each other for a few seconds as he lowers his gaze to look at your sleepy eyes.
“Don’t get mad at me,” you pout—bringing the hand to his face and rub the thin facial hair that is growing on his jaw. His handsome face—you bring your eyes to take every image of his face to your mind. He is gorgeous and sexy even after wrecking you this much. You pout at him before scooting closer to his body and plant a soft kiss under his lower lip—making Taehyung cracks a soft smile at your adorable gesture. Slowly, he pulls you closer and crashing his lips on yours for a few second—which is making you to kiss him back with so much love by pulling his face closer. The kiss is gentle and sweet—unlike before.
“How did you drive me this mad? How did you do that, baby?” a boyish smile appears on his lips as he pulls away—leaving you breathless from the gentle kiss. He tugs a couple of hair strands from your sweaty forehead, to look at you even better. You look up to his soft eyes and smile.
“Because I know I can,” you grin at him despite the aching all over your body especially the throbbing pussy. He laughs with his deep voice. Fucking sexy. Your core clenches at this sexy sight. His body vibrates as laughter fills the room—making you excited. The next second, you straddle on his lap while holding on to his shoulders—making Taehyung confused.
“Let me pay for it,” you whisper while biting your lip as you start grinding on his hardened member. Second round of the roughest sex, doesn’t sound so bad.
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dearlazerbunny · 5 years
Never Any Doubt
Pairings: Mori x Reader
Genre/Ratings: G; no warnings apply
Words: 2000
Summary: in which Hikaru messes with Mori’s girl, and Mori isn’t very pleased. Written for @casey-anne-j, who requested some secretly engaged Mori x Reader! Not sure this is exactly how I see it in my head, but I hope you enjoy anyways :)
Getting off the plane is a strange mix of elation, terror, anticipation, and hope.
Sure, you’ve visited Japan before, more times than you can count. You have Haneda International memorized like the back of your hand at this point. But there’s something about this ticket being a one-way trip… it puts all sorts of butterflies in your stomach. Despite a year of planning and arrangements and traveling back and forth in preparation to get you settled in an entirely new country and culture all the way across the world, you can’t help but be nervous watching all the pieces fall into place.
But then you see him waiting for you opposite the terminal, and you’re reminded that all the way across the world is exactly where you want to be.
You don’t run to him- you have a little more self control than that- but you’re giddy as you dodge businessmen speaking rapid-fire into bluetooths and lost tourists with their face in their maps. He’s here, you’re here, and for the first time you don’t have to go home. You don’t ever have to say goodbye to him ever again.
The moment he sees you, his eyes light up, bright as the sun shining through the window behind him. You can see a navy blue rose tucked into the pocket of his sweats, making you grin- a reference to his host club status and a running joke between the two of you. You don’t even bother saying hello first; just go up and press a kiss to his lips- he’s already bowed to meet your height- one hand on his cheek and the other twisted in the soft fabric of his hoodie. You stand like that for a minute, a reunion captured in time amongst the bustling crowds around you. When you finally separate, there’s a matching smile on both your faces.
“Hi,” you giggle, running a few fingers through his hair- he has a perpetual case of bedhead that you never can keep your hands out of. “I’m here.”
Mori tucks you against him, pressing another kiss to your head. “You are,” he says, his deep baritone rumbling through his chest. “Welcome home.”
Home. Home became synonymous with ‘wherever Mori is’ such a long time ago. The way he says it makes your heart melt- you know he’s been counting down the days to your move just like you have. He expertly takes your bag from you and slings it over his shoulder, then lets you thread your arm through the crook of his so he can guide you out of the airport and into Japan’s bright sun. Every moment you’re by his side banishes the nerves in favor of something lighter and easier in your chest.
It’s the beginning of the rest of your life, and you couldn’t be happier.
“Hi guys!” You knock on the door of Music Room 3 and poke your head in, looking for any stray students. “Am I interrupting?”
The club is gathered around a center table in various states of casualness after the end of the day’s activities. Honey is munching on leftover cake and tea, Haruhi simultaneously paging though a book while swatting away the twins looking over her shoulder, and Kyoya humoring Tamaki as he waxes rhapsodic about who knows what. Mori takes it all in silently, a small but content smile on his face.
“Not at all,” Kyoya says drily, with a sarcastic undercurrent of please, save me. “We’re quite finished for the day.”
“Y/N-chan!” Honey is quick to run over and wrap his arms around your waist, and you ruffle his hair fondly in return. “Do you want some cake?”
“Depends,” you say, dropping your bag on the nearest table. “Do you have chocolate?”
“So much chocolate,” Haruhi deadpans, gesturing to the nearby table laden with pastry. “I think all of the chocolate currently in Japan is in this room.”
“Sounds good to me.” You pop over to give Mori a nudge on the shoulder before joining the group. “What’s the point of being ridiculously rich if you can’t blow it all on dessert?”
Both Tamaki and Honey give noises of affirmation while the rest of the table groans almost in harmony. “Please, do not encourage them,” Kyoya says, and you give him a teasing wink.
An hour later, all of you are spread out around the room in your own conversations and activities. You’re on one of the couches playing the twins in some video game they’re obsessed with, and failing miserably at that. The others’ conversations fill the room with friendly chatter, making the whole place feel homey and cheerful. “Oh my god,” you groan, desperately tapping your phone screen in effort to keep your character from dying- again. “You guys keep cheating! Stop ganging up on me!”
Hikaru snickers to himself loudly as Kaoru goes in for the winning blow. “Hate to break it to you, Y/N, but you just really suck at this!”
You sigh as the GAME OVER screen rolls yet again. “I really hate you both,” you say, exasperated at and fond of the troublemakers.
“Nah, you can’t hate us,” Kaoru protests, slinging an arm around your shoulders.
“Yeah, we all know that we’re your favorite hosts,” Hikaru continues, a cheeky grin on his face. “We’ve seen you looking at us; we know you like what you see.”
“Oh, please, you guys wish.” You roll your eyes. “Play the damn video game.”
“Hmmmm.” Mischief sparkles in the redhead’s eyes. “How about we make the stakes a little more… interesting?”
“Why, brother dearest, what do you propose?”
“Whoever wins-” Hikaru leans in conspiratorially- “YN has to kiss.”
“Oh, you’re SO on!” The two of them launch into the next level with fervor, their thumbs flying over the controls. You let your head fall back against the back of the couch so you can make eye contact with Haruhi, who is similarly entertaining her own ridiculousness via the blonde-haired Tamaki. Help me, you mouth to her silently, and she immediately comes to your rescue:
“Hey, Y/N. Come see what you think of Tamaki’s plan for next month’s gala.”
“Of course!” You wedge yourself out from between the still furiously shouting twins and trot over. “Anything you need, Haruhi!” You give her a grateful poke to the side and she grins at you.
Tamaki’s plan is… elaborate, to say the least. But what else is new? Something about a river cruise- really you’ve stopped keeping up with his crazy schemes a long time ago. You just smile and nod when he gets really excited about it and trade eye rolls with Haruhi until he runs out of steam. Mori catches your gaze occasionally as well from across the room, subtly checking in on you without saying a word. You shrug at him with a good-natured grin-
Right into Hikaru, who’s leaning over your shoulder with a downright devious smirk. “Hey, Y/N. Guess what?”
His eyes twinkle. “I won.”
You snort. “For the five billionth time. What do you want, a medal?”
“Nah, we made a bet, remember?” Your eyes widen just a hair as you belatedly remember the twins’ teasing.
“You’re such a nuisance,” you say, pushing him away and thinking he’ll get the hint that you aren’t interested in joking- not about this.
“Come ooooon, Y/N, one little kiss, it’ll be fun-”
“You know you want toooo-”
“Stop.” Mori’s voice is quiet but undeniably peeved. He’s appeared behind you without you even noticing, and you unconsciously back up until you’re brushed against him. Safety is a silent savior.
Hikaru gives him an annoyed glare. “Mori-senpai, we’re having fun, calm down! It’s not like Y/N’s taken anyways, I bet she’s never even kissed anyone!”
You cough nervously. This… isn’t how you wanted any of this to go. Do you tell him? The both of you are so private, you thought omitting your little relationship would be for the best, but-
Luckily, both Mori and Haruhi decide for you: Mori wraps one of his arms around you in an obvious show of possession while Haruhi chimes in. “Hikaru, you are such an idiot. They’re engaged for god’s sake!”
And if that didn’t just make everyone in the room go still. There’s a few precious moments of silence. And then-
“Wait, what?”
“They’re what?”
“How did you guys not know this?!”
“How did you know this?!”
“For god’s sake can you please just-”
“Uh, Hikaru, maybe you should apologize-”
Amidst the chaos, you and Mori stand as a pair, his arm still around your shoulders holding you to him. You glance up at him, head resting against his chest, looking a bit bewildered. “Well. I guess that settles that.”
You can’t quite decipher all of the emotions flitting across his face, but from the way he leans down and presses a kiss to your lips, he can’t be all that upset.
“Wait a minute.” You insert yourself back into the general conversation. “How many of you knew?”
Honey raises his hand, fork still in his mouth. Kyoya puts his hand in the air next, then Haruhi. “Okay, you two-” you point to Kyoya and Honey- “obviously. But Haruhi, I never-?”
She raises an eyebrow at you. “You’re wearing your engagement ring around your neck. I’m not stupid.”
“Oh. Right.” You feel for the chain that’s been hanging close to your heart ever since he proposed. If you couldn’t wear it on your finger, you at least wanted it near you. “I guess that’s kinda obvious.”
“Mmm, yeah.” She pokes a finger at you. “How long has it been?”
“Uuuum. A year now? Ish?”
She smiles satisfactorily. “That’s what I thought. Congrats.”
“Okay, hold on!” Of the three formerly-oblivious hosts, Hikaru is fuming and Kaoru is nervously glancing between the parties. Tamaki is over in a corner doing his black-and-white cartoon sulk thingie. “You just moved here a year ago! How did you two even meet? This doesn’t make any sense!”
“Well, we actually met over in the US.” You glance at Mori and he nods; encouragement to tell the story. “My brother competes in Kendo as well. Takashi promptly handed his ass to him in the first round, and I thought it was so funny I went over to thank him in person.” You grin as you put a hand up to Mori’s arm, letting yourself relax into him. “Things just kinda went from there I guess?”
“They talked all the time,” Honey chimes in. “And Y/N-chan visited us too!”
“Then, given their plans for engagement, Y/N made the move to Japan a little over a year ago,” Kyoya finishes smoothly. “Given the private nature of the Morinozuka family, they thought it best to hold the announcements.”
“We were waiting for graduation. But I couldn’t stay away for that long, so. Here I am.” There’s another soft kiss to the top of your head, and you grin up at your boyfriend- fiancée-  like he rivals the sun.
“So,” Mori says, his deep voice on edge. “I think it best you apologize.”
“Takashi.” You give him a poke. “He was just kidding, he didn’t mean it.”
“Yeah, I mean I never would’ve- if I’d known-” clearly still confused, Hikaru shakes his head. “Sorry, Y/N. Mori.”
“See, it’s fine,” you reassure Mori, tugging out the ring he gave you so many months ago from under your shirt so he can see it catch the light. “I’ve only got eyes for you, remember?”
There’s a satisfied rumble in his chest, and his arms tighten around you, making you giggle. “And I, you.”
You lean up to give him a kiss on the nose. “As if there was ever any doubt.”
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haikyuuscreaming · 5 years
omg hi! you started off your blog greatly, im so proud of you! do you think you can write an angsty scenario for akaashi? where his crush likes this guy and wants help from him and he feels all sad :( but she ends up confessing to him! i love your writing so far, keep it up!
UMM so i accidentally got really invested in this so it’s WAYY longer than a drabble and i often write long stuff bc of ao3 so this might sound a little more like that kinda fanfic style instead of a tumblr scenario? mainly cos im really a sucker for this stuff hehehe love you anon
also ! the request made it sound sort of akaashi-centric so i hope you dont mind? there will still be a lot of reader-chan here though! please dont leave yet and i hope u enjoy
again ALSO i wrote this half on my laptop half on my phone so please dont mind if it seems a lil clunky in some areas 
3092 words jesus ok here you go
Crushes weren’t necessarily a new sensation for Akaashi. Just an uncommon one. In fact, the last time he remembers even being attracted to someone was in first grade when everyone had a crush on this popular girl. He’s not even sure if he really liked her, or just found the idea of it interesting.
Now, second year of high school, Akaashi finds himself in trouble. Because for once, he really, really, really likes this girl. You. 
He can’t even fake himself out of this, because every damn time he looks at you, he feels all warm and tingly and his stomach feels less calm and he can hear his heart bump against his ribcage and god, his face even flushes a little bit.
(A little bit inconvenient when he accidentally finds himself staring at you and daydreaming.)
Akaashi doesn’t like this feeling.
I mean, yeah, Akaashi has somewhat of a sense of confidence in his looks, manners, and ability to make friends. He’s not exactly the top in each subject he thinks, but it lets him pass through high school without too much of a depressingly lonely life. He could easily befriend you and steal your heart, his inner ego-brat says.
But.. but what if you reject him?
He should become closer to you.
(For the record, he doesn’t not like the feeling. He kind of likes the serotonin boost you give him. But he definitely, more than kind of likes you.
A lot more.)
And one day, in the spring, he finds himself paired up with a special biology partner. With familiar, sparkling eyes and the cutest, most gorgeous voice he’s ever heard that always makes his heart fucking backflip.
Akaashi doesn’t think he can survive this.
His teacher blares, “Start brainstorming ideas for your science fair project! It’s due in a month, you know!”, but Akaashi blocks out the noise because all he can focus on is you, goddamn it. He can only focus on the way you push your hair out of your face, the way your lips upturn into the most stunning smile he’s ever had the fate of encountering, and he really hopes he doesn’t get h-
(Fuck you and your completely gorgeous voice that drives him up the wall and makes him want to kiss you.)
“Oh– sorry, yeah?” He kind of hates himself for how his voice lilted a pitch higher.
You laugh, sounding like a goddess. He hopes that it means you don’t hate him. “Ahaha, I was just wondering if you have any ideas for the science fair? It’s a pretty big chunk of our grade, and I am… not the smartest when it comes to AP Bio..”
Akaashi thinks quite the opposite, but he isn’t currently in the position to contradict you.
“Um…” He pauses and thinks furiously. He comes up with some borderline generic idea that has enough room for a unique twist. And your eyes brighten.
“Waaaoo, Akaashi-kun’s a genius, hm?”
(God, he thinks he might have a little more than a crush on that teasing grin and glittering pair of eyes.)
He musters the courage to smile without looking stupid. “Of course.”
Two weeks later, he wants to sink into a hole.
Yes, it might have been his request that you two meet up to work on the project, but that was because he knew you were a procrastinator! You would start the project the night before if he’d let you!
But it was not his idea to do it at his house.
Now he has to live with the fact that you’re lying on HIS bed, spread-eagled in your sweater and shorts, complaining about how lazy you are.
(He wonders how you’re so comfortable about wearing shorts to a male classmate’s house. You two aren’t even that close, although you claim otherwise.)
“Come on, get up,” he rolls his eyes. “We have work to do.”
“But I’m so tiiiiiredddd… and lazyyyy…. wouldn’t it be such a gentlemanly act of Akaashi-kun to do the project for me?” You flash him a sweet smile while stretching out even more on the bed.
Snorting, he watches you sink into his mattress and roll around idly. “Hey, don’t you need the grade? You can’t pass if you make me do your work.”
Sighing, you hum in defeated content. “Well, it was worth a try.” You reach out your hand and tousle his wavy hair, and he almost flinches at the touch. He hates to say it but he loves it so much that you’re so affection with him, and Akaashi knows he would give anything to keep you teasing him with all this attention.
“Yeah.. yeah, it was,” he murmurs to himself before letting himself sit down next to you. He notices how you scrunch your body from a spread-eagle to a cute, curled up position to make room for him.
“Mm, so how are we gonna do this?” you ask, with a subtle mixture of bored and curious seeping into your tone. Then, he watches your features melt into a warm, mischievous smile as you hum, “Unless you just wanna nap and cuddle or something.”
(Holy fuck.)
Akaashi forces himself to scowl playfully and he shakes his head, sighing loudly in mock disappointment. “I don’t know what to do with you.” And equally as teasing, he adds, “I should just kick you out and not treat you to lunch if you’re going to be like this.”
“Noooooo!!!” you whine in this adorably frustrated and threatening voice. “Don’t you dare starve me or I’m feeding you to the rats.”
He chuckles. “See, that’s what I thought.”
But of course, your face wraps into a devilish grin as you say in a singsong voice and throw your arms around him (which makes him flush and makes his heart go WABAM), “It doesn’t matter though, ‘cause I got this whole-ass meal right here~”
“Shut up.”
(But you both know he never means it.)
Thanks to Akaashi (and your obliging albeit lazy participation), you two blow the science fair out of the way and get an A. He’s never seen you so delighted about a grade.
“I’m so happy~” you never shut up about how grateful you are for him, not that he’s complaining. “This is probably the highest mark I’ve ever gotten in this class.”
“Don’t over exaggerate. You’re not too bad at Bio,” Akaashi remarks. “You just need a tutor, probably, if you’re struggling.”
(By the way, he is ecstatic that you two are ACTUALLY FRIENDS!!! He’s even met your dog!!)
“Hmmmm…” You eye him warily before shrugging. “Whatever you say, Akaashi-kun.” Your eyes flit around before returning on him, and you start rambling about the newest anime you’ve gotten into and how it’s practically on-par with the manga, and how hot one of their characters are-
(For some reason Akaashi really zeroes in on that part.)
He really feels like he has to contribute something to the conversation, so he puts in, “Wow, [Name]-san, you’re such a fangirl.”
You snort loudly and put two peace-signs to your face like some kawaii anime girl, doing this mock-sweet smile. “Waaaooo, you’re rightttt. I’m Akaashi-kun’s number one fan!! He’s so cute when he’s yelling at me to do my work and super hot when he helps me with homew-”
He swears to god his face is radiating an inhuman amount of heat and he rolls his eyes before shaking his head and jabbing your side lightly. “Didn’t I tell you not to say that?”
“Ummm, maybe.” Your ‘innocent’ grin tells him otherwise. “But you know, you’re right, Akaashi-kun,” you cross your arms and give your cute little smirk again. “I am a genius, and I’m suuuper good at Bio. I just need someone to channel it.” And you lean forward until both your noses are touching, and Akaashi thinks he’s about to explode. “So maybe you could help me out?”
The subtle pleading undercurrent in your voice compels Akaashi to straighten up a little bit without flushing even redder. Keep cool, keep cool.
(He prays that his skill of keeping a poker face will hide the blood rushing around in his dick.)
“Well, what time?”
This time around, he finds himself at your house instead. You both are sitting at your desk, ‘working’ on your math and Bio homework. In other words, just talking.
He’s confident now in that the two of you are close friends. He’s learned that from afar, you were a sweet and confident yet perfectly kind girl. That was the girl he based his feelings off of. During your Bio project, he found the cheeky, sly and vibrant yet chill girl who always teased him but was still nonetheless sweet.
And now, under that facade, you were an anxious mess with a shit-ton of insecurities.
(He thinks it’s funny how you boast that you’re just like Shrek. You have layers.)
Akaashi glances at you, groaning with your head down onto the table. “I hate math..” he hears you grumble.
“Hey, you’re not too bad. You just have to be careful when plugging in your equations,” he counters.
“But what if I can’t remember my equations??”
“We both know you’re fine at remembering them.”
“I’m gonna fail.”
“Have faith in yourself, because I do.” And Akaashi is being completely honest. His confidence in you being just fine and being able to pass all your classes is strong because he’s seen you work (after procrastinating). “You just have to work on not putting things off until the last minute.”
You make a frustrated noise before resting your chin on your propped hand. “Sometimes I feel like I’m just.. destined to be set back, y’know? Like, everything I do is gonna somehow backfire on me.”
He knows the feeling, especially late at night in bed, stressing over what tomorrow might bring him.
“And like… I have this whole thing set up for me. When people know me as a classmate, I’m an average student, right? Then when we’re like… ‘friends’, I’m all weird and tease-y.” You let out a loud sigh. “And to the unlucky people who get to this stage, I’m a mess.”
“Stop.” Akaashi’s surprised at how firm he is. “I’m grateful to have met you and to have become your friend, [Name]. You’re going to be fine, you need to trust yourself more. Because I trust you more than anything.”
(Yes, he is on first-name basis with you!! Yes, he trusts you even more than he might even trust Bokuto!!)
Your lips twitch into a small smile, one that he’s grown to love and adore. He’s confident that he’s so fucking deep in love and he doesn’t know how to move on. “You really think so?”
“Of course I do.” He flicks some crumpled-up post-it at you. “Since we’re not doing any homework anytime soon, what else do you want to talk about?”
Your gaze becomes a little more shy and nervous. “Umm… Weeell, I need help.”
“I mean, why else would I be here?”
“No, seriously, Keiji-kun. Seriously!!” You throw mock-fit, despite obviously looking anxious.
“Yeah, yeah, I’m listening. Sorry.”
“Uh. Um, so…” You blink and pretend to look focused on doodling on the corner of your math paper. “There’s this dude I like. Like, I reaaally like him, which is surprising even for me.” You laugh a little bit, and as Akaashi feels his heart start to tear in half, he forces out a chuckle to match. “He’s suuuper pretty– I think that’s the word for it? Pretty. And he’s kinda funny in his own way, and he’s really sweet and listens to me all the time even when I don’t deserve his time. And I dunno, I think he might like me back? Also, I really really really like him. But I don’t really know how to confess…
“Because you know, I’m kinda wack like that, haha. I’ll probably screw up the confession and make things worse, and, well, I need help.” You finish your ramble with a loud breath and you collapse your head onto the table, groaning.
“Uh–” Fuck, oh fuck him, fuck his life. “I mean… I think just a heartfelt confession would do? Something simple and sweet that says you really like him, in case somehow your words don’t work.” Akaashi feels like he’s sweating, a lot, and he feels even more frustrated than ever. His heart is crashing against his ribcage, and his mind is a fucking mess.
You frown a little bit, and suddenly a gush of words fly out of your mouth like a stream bursting from a dam. “Oh my god, what if I’m reading the signs all wrong and he doesn’t at all like me back? I mean, I wouldn’t blame him because I’m kinda ugly and have this weird personality thing going on and I’m shit at math and Bio-”
“Stop.” Akaashi forces himself to intervene, mainly because 1) you’re literally the light of his life and 2) he feels like he has to leave really soon after dealing with the news. “Shut up, [Name]. You aren’t ugly at all, and I, for one, enjoy your weird personality. And I already told you, you’re fine with academics.” He makes himself make eye contact with you, peering up from your arm covering your face, and says, “If he rejects you, he isn’t worth your time at all and you should move on.”
(Preferably with me.)
He watches you exhale, like he just unwound a tight spring from inside of you, and your shoulders relax and you melt from your anxious state, just a little bit. “You’re right. If.. if he doesn’t feel the same, I’ll just forget about him.”
“Because you’re a genius.” Akaashi tries to hype you up, but he still feels like crumbling. Falsely checking his phone, he stretches and stands up. “I have to go now, sorry. My mom asked me to pick up my little sister from tutoring.”
“Huh, already?” Confusion flits across your face, and it hurts him even more to just leave you after you confided in him, but he knows he has to leave before he says something he might regret. “Oh, okaayy.. see you tomorrow then. Thanks for helping me out.” You yawn before standing up to hug him goodbye.
“No problem.” He says it casually, but Akaashi feels his mood drop faster and lower than ever. He hugs you back, but he breaks away fast.
After leaving your house and collapsing onto his bed in his locked bedroom (with his 11-year-old sister knocking on the door and curiously asking what’s wrong), he can’t help but feel hurt that you couldn’t even tell him who your mystery crush’s name was.
A week passes by, and neither of you mention the conversation at your house. It doesn’t matter either way, since you two are still so casually best friends. At the same time, he desperately wants to push the matter just to find out who it is.
Otherwise, Akaashi has noticeably been more quiet and moody to the point that he doesn’t know how to control it. Sure, he keeps up the same as he would before your conversation, but he can’t help but feel his heart sink everytime he sees you. His mind is ecstatic every time he talks to you, while simultaneously wanting to tear itself apart.
He’s tried getting rid of feelings for you, in literally every way possible. From avoiding thinking about you (which backfired horribly because he ended up thinking more about you) to focusing on other girls (ew, none of them were even capable of creating the same effect on him as you do), he’s tried it all and it’s all failed.
Akaashi realizes his silent slump has gotten so bad to the point that Bokuto made him sit out a few practice matches in the gym just because Akaashi was nowhere near the spot that any of the team expected him to be at.
After school, he meets with you near the vending machine as always. You buy two cans of coffee, one for you and one for him.
As soon as he takes the can gratefully, you clear your throat.
“Yeah, [Name]?”
Glancing around before staring him in the eye, you start, “Keiji-kun, before you run away, I just…. I just wanted to let you know I really really really like you. Like, a lot.” You start speaking kind of fast, so Akaashi can’t process what you’re saying.
“And I mean it. Ever since the Bio project, you’ve been so nice to me and you’ve been such a great friend even though I made it hard sometimes, and along the way I just caught feelings. You honestly mean everything to me, and I appreciate you so much for everything we’ve been through. I- I think, I love you, Keiji. And I hope you accept my feelings.” You smile, almost nervously but nonetheless sincere, and Akaashi thinks he’s about to explode.
“I- I,” Fuck, oh my fucking god, he thinks to himself. He’s shaking a little bit– that’s how happy he is. “[Name], I..” God fucking damn it, he can’t even express how happy he is. He feels his cheeks blossom and he feels his lips quirk into this goofy smile.
But then he watches you shy away a little bit as you hurriedly say, “I- I mean, sorry. It’s okay if you just wanna be friends-”
“No.” Finally, Akaashi can use his mouth and then he gently takes your cheeks in his hands and closes the gap between you two, lips connecting in a display of pining and affection.
He practically melts into the kiss, he’s never been so happy. He thinks he’s actually about to implode; he’s been dreaming about kissing you like this, against your soft, plush lips. And finally he’s able to call you his, to call you the one. When the two of you finally break away for air, he’s breathing hard and his mind is a mess, which is rare considering his usual stoic state.
Akaashi has also never seen you so flustered and blushy. He murmurs into your ear as he takes your hand, “Feelings are 100% reciprocated.”
“I can tell,” you laugh breathily, and he’s so happy to hear that some of your anxiety has dissolved in that sweet kiss. He’s absolutely infatuated with you in every aspect. He leans in for a soft, quicker kiss on the lips and savors the feeling of warmth he gets. “Dork.”, he whispers.
“Only for you.”
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hanawrites404 · 4 years
Wynne's Diary - Stars with Portia
Portia and I were out in the docks, away from our hectic schedule of our usual household chores and professional work.
The men were tormenting me too much and were also not letting me stitch a new design for my clothes in the evening that it made me escape to the docks so that I could work in peace.
And I can say very happily that I had spent at least one nice hour by myself while watching the waters and listening to the movement of the waves and loud cackling of the seagulls.
At least the sounds of the seagulls were better than listening to the rambling and screaming of my husbands.
Yes......screaming......you read it right.
Anyways, Portia had spotted me while I was enjoying the view of the orange sky turning into dark blue, melting over the horizon and the sea. And since she had been relieved from her duties for today, she decided to join me.
And that's how we both were here, talking and spilling some tea inbetween our small talk occasionally, laughing at the most bizzare and ridiculous rumours.
And as our conversation proceeded, soon came nighttime. The sky had turned blue-black and the moon above us was bright as usual, looking like a glowy mozzerella cheeseball.
And also came the time for Portia's stomach to grumble from hunger. So I had decided to prepare some spicy soya sauced noodles along with seasoned fish meat and vegetables for her.
Luckily the noodles and other ingredients were already kept in stock at Asra's shop so all I had to do was to get them and prepare the dish at the docks by using my powers to heat them up.
"Here you go. Be careful, it's still hot" After they got cooked in a couple of minutes, I gave one bowl to Portia which she gladly took with both of her hands carefully.
"Mmmm....it smells so good! I can't wait to try it" she then rolls her fork into the noodles and takes a bite.
"Oh goodness" she led out a hiss and fanned her mouth as soon as she swallowed the food.
"This is so spicy! It's burning my mouth but in a good way!" She quickly ate more and moaned from the taste, her nose watering.
"Hey.....Are you alright? Should I get some water for you to drink?" I got quite concerned when I saw her eyes leaking tears due to the spiciness getting in her nerves. Also her face was turning red.
"No no! I'm fine. I just love this so much!!" She wiped the tears off and slurped the noodles more and more, munching away happily.
"Ummm....Alright. If you say so" I relaxed a bit, still worried about her. This was her first time eating noodles after all.
Soon she finished her bowl and led out an obnoxiously loud burp. Goodness it almost made my ears puke.
"Holy mother of Asra" I exclaimed while she giggled and winked at me.
"Whoops. Sorry" she blepped and I shook my head with a sigh.
"But you are a great cook Wynne" she complimented me.
"T-Thanks Portia. It's not really much, but I know the basics" I rubbed my neck.
"Oh trust me when I say that you cook better than me" she flattered me more.
"W-What? Nonsense!! You are the better one here Portia. I mean, I don't think I would ever be able to cook various tasty dishes like you do for Nadi-"
"Just keep quiet and take the damn compliment please" she placed her finger on my lips, shutting up my speech. A playful smile plastered on her lips.
I blushed a bit and closed my mouth, abiding by her order.
"Good" She then chuckled and removed her finger off me, making my lower lip jiggle a bit.
"Wow....your lips are so soft to touch. Now I see why Ilya loves to kiss you so much. Of course he loves you and all but, this gives him a very good excuse to kiss you" she winked.
"Oh god don't remind me of him now" I averted my gaze, blushing yet again.
"He along with the three others were the reason why I came here in the first place" I shook my head with disappointment.
"Why? Were they 'pissing you off' again?" She tried not to laugh.
"Was there any moment where they weren't pissing me off?" I asked her annoyingly.
"Maybe when you said your vows to each other at your wedding??" She guessed.
I was kind of surprised by her reply. I felt my eyebrows going up and eyes widening a bit, not to mention my cheeks started feeling hotter.
"I-I mean I.......Yeah.....upto some extent, that is. But still I would have broken their shins if they had not stopped boasting about getting married. There was nothing to show off, you know" I rolled my eyes.
"Oh come on. They finally got to marry the lady of their dreams! What's the other best thing that could happen to them?" Portia defended.
"I don't know" I shrugged and placed my head on my hands.
"Ugh you are so oblivious, Wynne" she then flicked my forehead which made me stumble back as I was caught off-guard.
"Woah!! Watch it!!" I managed to catch myself from falling back by supporting myself on my hands from behind.
Portia bursted into a fit of laughs by seeing how I fell back just by a flick on my head. This made me very embarrassed as I cursed myself for being so light-weighted.
"Ilya was right. You sure weigh like a bunch of grapes. I wonder why you don't get swooshed away by the wind" she giggled.
"Oh shut up now" I glared at her with red cheeks, pouting.
"Alright alright, sorry" she finally apologized. By how she rolled her eyes while apologizing, it didn't look like she actually meant it. But I accepted it for now. At least she said sorry to me.
I huffed and dusted my hands together, sitting up straight again.
"Hey Winnie. Look above. The stars for sure are shining very brightly today, aren't they?" She relaxed herself and admired the sky above her.
I sat cross-legged and peered above, looking at the stars glimmering and twinkling to their glory. Some shooting stars were also noticable.
The stars dotted the sky beautifully, going along the darker shade of the sky very well.
They were millions of stars, impossible to count of course. Some of them were clustered together while some made intersting patterns. Nevertheless, all of them made the sky look like more glittery and sparkling. They looked like pearls floating on a black pool of ink.
"Asra told me that some stars form patterns called constellations which carry each of our fate. Is it true?" She asked me.
"Well yes sometimes. They define our way of thinking and personality. They are also called zodiac signs. Not all of the constellations are signs though, only 12 of them are considered as the signs which correspond to our birthday" I told her.
"Interesting. So what constellations can you see right now??" She asked me next.
"Hmmmm....." I looked around. First I tried to find the North Star and once I found it, I started looking for the patterns which I could identify as the signs, and I succeeded in finding one.
"Look here" I got closer to her and aligned her shoulder along with mine and then pointed at the shape I wanted to show her.
"See that one? Where it forms like a rectangle and then two antenna-like structures are coming out?" I traced the stars with my finger which was burning with a purple flame so that she could easily recognise it.
"Oh yes I do" she nodded.
"That's Gemini. The twins. Asra's zodiac sign" I told her.
"Oh how amazing. What does it say about Asra??" She asked me curiously.
"People with Gemini as their sign are usually known for being airy and intellectual. They are always curious about life and can experience two sides of things at the same time as the name suggests"
"Wow....that's definitely Asra" Portia remarked.
"Yeah" I agreed. Asra surely was a person who would think about both good and bad outcomes of a decision. Maybe that's why he was always worried about even the most smallest things too much.
"Show me another one. I'm having fun" she leaned onto my shoulder.
"Of course. You see that one? It's like a U and has one antenna coming from its curve" I traced.
"Mhm. Yeah" she nodded again.
"That's Taurus. The bull. My father's zodiac sign" I told her.
"Awesome!! Tell me more!!" She literally jumped and I chuckled at her excitement.
"Taurus people like living a luxurious and pleasurable life without any hardships. They like to be in their comfort zone. They value security and materialistic things. But they are very kind and loyal"
"Heh.....for the first-half I was thinking that it fitted Lucio more but when you mentioned the kind and loyal personality, I changed my mind" she spoke.
Not going to lie, but this made me snort in an adnormal way............
"I see why the docks are your favourite place in Vesuvia. The view from here is gorgeous" Portia replied as we faced the smoky waters and the Vesuvian night sky.
"I'm glad you think so. Though this place is a bittersweet memory for Asra and Muriel but in my eyes, it surely has its own beauty which I cannot find anywhere else" I told her.
"That's something I really like about you Winnie" she smiled at me.
"Hmm? How so?" I asked her, raising my eyebrow.
"You don't look at the dark side of things. You always appreciate the positive attributes even if they are lesser in number than the negative ones. Take Count Lucio as an example" she giggled at the last sentence.
"You are absolutely right on that part" I blushed, remembering that how it took an eternity for me to discipline him and fix his past mistakes. But for sure it was worth the time and effort and I was quite satisfied with myself at that time.
"But you do love him a lot, don't you?" She wiggled her eyebrows at me.
"O-Of course. He does need someone to look after him. Nothing romantic here" I blushed again.
"Says the one who proposed to him for marrying her and then kissed the hell out of him in front of everyone when he accepted the engagement" she nudged me with her elbow and I turned redder.
"Awwwwwww you are so cute" she then kissed my cheek which made me jerk and scoot away from her a bit.
"W-What was that for??!" I cupped the cheek she kissed.
"Why? Can't I kiss my sister-in-law?" She pouted.
"I-I mean....sure.... Wait no!!....I mean yes! I mean oh god!!" I hid my face in my hands and screamed in them from embarrassment.
I heard Portia laughing at my reaction and felt her arms wrapping around me, holding me close and tight.
"You are so adorable Wynne. Ilya sure is lucky to have you as his wife. And so are Muriel, Asra and Count Lucio" she nuzzled her cheek on my shoulder.
"T-Thanks....I guess" I replied back, not looking at her.
"No problem Winnie-boo" she then kissed my head and rested her head on my shoulder as she gazed at the beautiful view the docks offered us.
Gods she was going to make me burst now. I really hated it when she used my weakness against me and made me feel flustered and embarrassed.
But still, I loved her company more than anything else. Portia was like a sister I can ever wish for and I was happy to have her by my side. I just loved her so much.
"Yes Winnie?"
"Thank you........for spending time with me.......I really needed it" I uncovered my face and looked at her.
She had a slight blush on her face but grinned at me, making me break into a smile too.
"Of course!! Anything for my cute and small sister-in-law" she winked at me.
I then hugged her close, thanking her more and more, and she just giggled and rubbed my back, warming me up in her embrace.
If I had to speak with my heart, I would say that I was ready to give up all the stars present in the universe just to embrace that one star who was right beside me, shining brightly under the night sky with her cheery smile and bubbly personality.
And I swear that I would never let her shine diminish and fade away and that I would always cherish and protect it with my whole life.
It's a promise Portia..............
The end.........
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