#but dealing with this is the bloody opposite of a fun distraction
nekrophoria · 1 year
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Okay, yeah I give up.
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toots-senpai · 3 years
Playing an Illusion
Authors response: lol i tried but i dont have enough in me. also i canon most creeps as yandere anyways
Author: @toots-senpai
Fandom: creepypasta
Pairing: yandere!masky x reader x yandere!hoodie
Rating: R 19+
Word Count: 713
Warnings: TW: Murder! TW: Somnophilia! Yandere! Double Penetration mention, not tagging correctly i dont think
i don't except follows from ageless blogs, you will be blocked!!
nsfw under the cut
Tim and Brian have slightly equal schedules, it's just off by 2-3 hours. It's been well with the two of them, equally being shared between their warm bodies at night and all of the love and sex you could ever need. For once, it seems like you were actually in a stable relationship compared to all your last ones. That was only until you saw what was happening behind the scenes. The three of you have a huge trust bond that honestly nothing could break. You thought that it was really due to them trusting you, but of course that wasn't the case. Behind the scenes your co-workers are experiencing real trauma, friends, even random people that you conversed with once or twice have experienced the harsh reality of your boyfriends.
You figured it out after talking to some co-workers about it a day before both of them came home, blood soaked and laughing to each other while grossly commenting about you. Unaware of your presence on the couch somehow that day you were easy to slip past them and find the mess they left. That one persistent guy that you saw every morning while he asked for your number and commented on your tight jeans, finally got his ass handed to him. in the back of the alley of your workplace he lay with his head smashed in. Humiliated with his clothes torn off and pedophilic slurs written over his own body in his own blood. The boys clearly had a lot of fun with him and though they were unaware earlier of where you went they knew now. Masky alerting their presence behind you with a cocky scoff.
"You know there's a camera there at that corner love?" It wasn't a surprise that there was when you looked. The boys love making their presence known, especially in the small fearful town, their masks on wanted posters everywhere in the town. Of course they would play you as the victim in this moment, both of them rushing onto your frame and pushing you to the opposite wall of the alley. What the camera sees is another poor person being harassed by these masks. Not the way Brian knows how to make you wet in less than seconds with soft touches and sloppy licks to your neck and most definitely not the way Tim has your lip movement against his locked to memory, knowing exactly how to make you whine by just a tug of his pearly teeth to your lower lip.
The camera doesn't pay attention like the way you and Brian do. A movement of his wet bloodied glove going up your bare thigh and a glare has him shooting the camera just so you can push the both of the bloody men off. Immediately going to lecturing the two of them for trying to distract them of their lack of evidence clean up.
Don't get them wrong, they clean up after themselves usually, but they also are always drunk and or possessive or even both. You are their instructor at times and they love you for that. They equally love the way you change for both of their needs and how attentive you are to their problems. They appreciate that with every lap at their tongue on your cunt early in the mornings, with every bit of food or drinks they make for you. Everything you want given in less than 24 hours without any begging. No other friends but you have the two best lovers you could ever have in exchange.
Yet dealing with both of their kinks together can be agonizing at times. Sexually tiring and mentally draining. Keeping up with their violent tendencies and sexual needs require at least a full day of sleep and they'll let you stay in the bed as long as you want. You can never get a full break from them though. They'll kiss your sleeping form and even go as far as to waking you up with their cocks filing your ass and cunt to the brim with sharp thrusts rudely waking you from deep slumbers. Filling you to the brim with their cum and leaving you there to sleep once more once they've finished using your body for their desires.
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adenei · 3 years
Summer of Jily - Week 7
Yahoo! I'm all caught up for @efkgirldetective's summer of Jily Challenge!
This week's prompts: Ice cream and "I don't want anyone touching you like I do"
Two days passed since their impromptu first date in the coziness of the cabin, and things could not be better. At least, that’s what James thought. The only snafu in the plan was that neither he nor Lily had discussed telling their friends about the relationship. Stolen moments alone were spent enjoying each other’s company while keeping an ear out for anyone who might intrude on their private time together.
They were no closer to coming up with a way of revealing their relationship, and if James was being honest, he quite liked the thrill of keeping his girlfriend, Lily, a secret from the Marauders. Sirius would probably hex him into tomorrow if he found out James was hiding something, but he would deal with that when the time came.
After two days of rain, the weather had finally cleared up, and the boys found themselves roaming up and down the main street of town while the girls were off shopping.
“Honestly, how much shopping can they possibly do?” Peter asked as he plopped down on a bench.
“With Mary and Marlene at the helm? It’s safer not to ask,” Remus thought out loud.
“It’s been two hours, and they’ve still got another half hour before they’re due to meet us for that picture show Mary’s been droning on about,” Sirius pointed out.
In an effort to avoid his friends’ complaints, James looked around the area for something to pass their time. His eyes settled on an ice cream shop across the street.
“Well, we could either sit here or go get some ice cream over there at that shop,” James suggested.
Peter perked up at the mention of ice cream while Remus gave a noncommittal shrug. Sirius was the only one to verbalize his agreement as he stood and led their way to the shop, his mood much brighter than moments ago.
“I could go for some ice cream! I prefer Muggle cotton candy ice cream to Fortescue’s strawberry peanut butter any day.”
The rest of the Marauders followed and approached the queue. They stood behind an older couple and waited. James continued to observe their surroundings, hoping that the girls might appear. He already missed Lily despite only being separated for a couple hours. As he was scanning the area, a group of girls who looked to be around their age joined the queue behind them, which Sirius was quick to point out.
“Look how hot that lot is, mate.”
James nodded, though he didn’t take the time to check them out. He was about to change the subject when one of the girls took notice of them and giggled. The sound caught his attention and distracted his attention. One of the girls was eyeing him; she was blonde with bright blue eyes and a petite frame, certainly attractive, but no longer his type. His type was Lily Evans, plain and simple.
He flashed a polite smile, then averted his gaze as the queue moved up. The boys were called up to the next window to order, and he was happy to put some distance between them and the group behind. Knowing it was easier for them all to order and have one person pay, James placed his order first and then turned to have the others follow suit. He dug out his muggle money to handle the transaction while the rest of the Marauders moved over to the pick-up window to wait for their treats.
“This is so different from Fortescue’s. Why can’t we watch them prepare it?” Peter whined.
“You mean scoop ice cream into cones and dishes and hand it to you? Beats me,” Sirius chided.
“He has a point, Pads. It’s interesting to watch sometimes,” Remus defended Peter’s observation as James chuckled.
“Yeah, beats waiting around having to make small talk with you,” he joked.
“Large cotton candy?” called the attendant from the window.
Sirius leaped up to claim his ice cream, looking like a kid in a candy store upon his return.
“Care to share a lick?” James teased as he leaned in to try and swipe a bite before Sirius had a chance to dig in.
“Not a chance!” Sirius guarded his cone as the attendant called out again.
“Crazy vanilla!”
“Ooh, that’s me!” Peter clapped his hands and went to collect his order.
Remus looked at James and Sirius. “Does he realize that that flavor is just vanilla ice cream but dyed different colors?”
“Shh, don’t ruin it for him, Moony!” Sirius waved him off. As Peter returned to the group, Sirius waved him along. “C’mon Wormtail, let’s go snag that table over there while these two wait for their more complicated orders.”
They took off while James and Remus continued to wait.
“Hot fudge sundae!”
“That’s me!” James jumped forward, approaching the window at the same time as the blonde who was checking him out earlier, and both reached for the same dish.
“Oh! Sorry,” she said, pulling her hand back and tucking a strand of hair behind her ears.
“No, no, go ahead,” James took the dish and handed it to her. “You’ve got good taste,” he added with a polite smile.
“So do you,” she smiled back. “Are you on holiday with your mates?”
Her inquiry takes James by surprise, but he supposes a bit of small talk can’t hurt. “Er, yeah. We’re staying in a cabin on the lake.”
“Oh, us too! On the north or south side?”
“Er, north, I think?”
James wasn’t sure if he was being honest, but it wasn’t like they were going to run into the girl again, so a little white lie couldn’t hurt.
“Same for us! I’m Elaine, by the way.” She held out her hand with the introduction.
“James,” he responded, reaching out to give her hand a quick shake.
“Say, what are you doing tonight? We could get together for a fire or something?”
Unfortunately, it looked like his willing response gave the wrong impression as the girl to the opportunity to ask him out. Her smile had turned seductive and James realized a moment too late that she was flirting. Had he really lost his game so quickly since making a go of things with Lily?
Another hot fudge sundae order was called along with Remus’s chocolate milkshake. James was about to excuse himself to grab his ice cream when Remus appeared out of nowhere.
“I’ve got this, mate.”
“Oh, er, thanks.” James grimaced.
Because Remus didn’t know about Lily, he didn’t know that James needed the ice cream as an excuse to get out of this.
Of all the times Remus decided to urge me on.
“It’ll be a fun time, I promise,” Elaine winked. “Come with me to our table and I can write down our address for you to meet us later. It won’t take long.”
The blonde reached out her free hand to graze James’s forearm and lead him to the table her friends had occupied. He followed since he couldn’t think of a way out of it. At least the solution after this point was easy. He’d thank her, make a false promise to show up, and then never follow through.
He wasn’t expecting Elaine to keep hold of his arm, and the feeling sent prickles of discomfort through the rest of his body. James wasn’t even aware that the girl was still chattering away as he was still thinking of a way to get back to his friends, and hoping Lily was still on the opposite side of town so they wouldn’t get in a row over this.
And that’s when he felt another hand grasp his opposite arm.
The feeling of the second touch was much warmer, searing his bicep as it pulled him away from the blonde with a force he wasn’t used to. As his body spun around he caught a flash of red hair before the second person’s lips were on his, the kiss deep and searing, taking him by surprise.
He was familiar with the feel of Lily’s lips by now, and forgetting that they were in public, James’s body melted into the embrace even though it was far from romantic and comforting. As Lily’s arms snaked around his neck to pull him closer, James realized she was staking her claim and it was hot. He felt the immediate arousal strain against his trousers as the thought of Lily’s jealousy sent a course of desire through his body.
It barely phased him that they were in a very public place, no doubt in front of all their friends. Yet, when the thought finally registered in his lust-filled brain, clarity sobered his body, replacing the desire with a nervous excitement.
So much for keeping things quiet.
When Lily pulled away, her gaze was fierce as she narrowed her eyes and squeezed his arms a bit harder while whispering in his ear, “I don’t want anyone else touching you like I do.”
Bloody hell, would it be improper to disapparate us back to the cabin to have my way with her right now?
Yes, yes it would. Stupid statute of secrecy.
The battle to act on his instincts versus do the right thing warred in his mind.
“And you,” Lily peered over his shoulder to the blonde who was standing behind them, mouth gaping open in surprise, “keep your hands off my boyfriend.”
“Your WHAT?!”
A chorus of shouts and shrieks escaped the mouths of their friends at Lily’s over-zealous warning.
“Looks like it’s not a secret anymore,” Lily shrugged as she pulled James back to their friends.
“Hmm, I was hoping that maybe they didn’t notice the public snog assault you just attacked me with,” James laughed. “You know I wasn’t going to do anything with her, right? She cornered me and Remus of all people helped her along. I couldn’t get away.”
“Yes, yes, I trust you. I just let my temper get the best of me, I suppose,” Lily admitted, though she didn’t seem ashamed in the slightest.
“Don’t worry, I like Aggressive Lily. Maybe I’ll let other girls try and whisk me away more—”
“Don’t you dare,” she warned, though the glint in her eye reassured him that she knew he was kidding.
“I suppose it’s time to face the onslaught of our friends, don’t you think?”
Lily sighed, “You’re sure we can’t just disapparate away instead?”
“I wish, but I’ve got a hot fudge sundae over there with my name on it. If you answer all the questions, though, I might be inclined to share.”
A devilish smirk crossed her lips as she dropped his hand and made a beeline for the table. “Not if I get there first!”
James followed after her, knowing full well he’d share the ice cream with her regardless as they took turns answering their friends’ questions. Maybe it wasn’t the way James and Lily intended for the group to find out, but it certainly made for a good memory to look back on someday.
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dailydnp · 3 years
Daniel Howell: "Mental health isn't a mystery"
YouTuber Daniel Howell has written a book aimed at demystifying mental health and offering a toolkit for people who are struggling. He tells us why You Will Get Through This Night.
Dan Howell has a message for the struggling.
Don't suffer in silence. Reach out. Connect.
"It can be hard to ask for help, but you just need to think how you'd feel if a friend did the same," says Howell. "It wouldn't be a burden, you'd feel better that you can help them and it might bring you closer."
The YouTuber has written a book that aims to demystify mental health, a straight-talking missive that offers practical solutions and even a few jokes. He describes You Will Get Through This Night as a "lean, mean, mental health machine" – check out our interview below.
Tell us about your new book – You Will Get Through This Night…
This is the book that I wish I could have read when I needed it. Too many of us go through life not really thinking about our mental health, how we think and how it makes us feel, and if we just learn a few tips (that we should all be taught) it can literally change our lives! Why waste any more time? The book is a lean, mean, mental health machine - there's no fluff or waffle, it gets straight to the point and tells you the practical things you can try in your life right now that will make a difference.
I'm here as the guy that makes it relatable, so you don't feel bad if you see yourself in these struggles, and funny. Because sometimes after a long day the last thing I want to do is 'homework' or read something boring, so if I can make a few inappropriate jokes about my mess of a life to make it enjoyable, I'm happy to.
Are there any books you used as inspiration when writing yours?
I actually really tried to avoid getting influenced by other books out there! A lot of mental health books are either: celeb memoirs that are amazing for relating to and shattering the stigma, but not great advice for you, or serious psychological self help that goes really deep on specific topics and the theory, but are a struggle to get through to the important revelations.
If you only ever buy one book to understand your mind and sort your life out – I want this to be the one. It's like the highlights of the entire library, crammed into 300 pages – designed for you not to just read once, but come back to and refer to as a toolkit for whenever you need it.
Was there a specific incident in your life that spurred you to write it?
Definitely. When I opened up about my struggles with depression, it was incredibly hard – and terrifying. I seriously thought I'd damage my career, people would judge me and think I'm 'crazy' and I'd have to wade through misunderstanding. It was the opposite. People empathised, understood and related.
Some people saw themselves in my story and realised for the first time that their life wasn't supposed to be that way, others finally understood a silent struggle that someone in their life was going through too. It showed me not just the importance of sharing your story to break the stigma that still exists around mental health, but how much incredibly important stuff there is for all of us to know about our minds!
My experience in life has given me a following of passionate people that show me every day the power we all have by telling our stories, the responsibility that comes with a platform, and the good you can do with it. I knew I had to write the book that could have saved me years of struggling – so hopefully someone out there doesn't go through the same.
Great trailer for the book! And really astute point: everyone in the world is alone with their thoughts before they fall asleep. How do you manage your thoughts in that time?
Thank you! I really wanted to show firstly, that mental health is universal. A lot of us only think 'mental health' applies to people with serious anxiety or depression, when it's actually how all of us think and feel all the time – if you are too stressed, have difficulty dealing with anger, or worry too much up in your head and it's holding you back in any way from enjoying life, that's your mental health! You can do something about it.
I'm someone that has real trouble getting to sleep if I'm worrying about stuff and the book deals with this in so many ways: from learning mindfulness to get perspective on your thoughts, to being present and using your senses and body to change how your brain operates, to the practical side of sorting out your problems so they don't go bump in the night.
Deep question – but why do you think night often brings out our darker thoughts and emotions? (No pun intended.)
'The Night' is such an important metaphor, not just for the dark times, but that literally we spend all our days pushing our fears to the back of our minds (to be distracted by the activities of the day), but when night comes and it's just you and your thoughts – they suddenly appear and you have to confront the truth.
We're all great at lying to ourselves about what bothers us and how we really feel, whether that's a day to day problem on your mind or a huge skeleton in the closet (for me literally my own skeleton) that is having a huge effect on your life.
The good news is – you can 'be your own light'. Mental health isn't a mystery or something set in stone, it's something you can influence and shape to make yourself healthier and happier.
As a YouTuber, how would you describe the relationship between your mental health and social media? Presumably it must be complicated…
I am definitely trapped in a digital nightmare that I created, haha! Social media has its good sides, from finding communities and support, to having fun and even learning about things that you might not get from a classroom or in your real world environment.
The downside is that the internet brings out the worst in people, from trolls hiding behind screens, to social media beaming us with addictive algorithms that force us to compare ourselves to the highlight reels of our friends' lives and the world's most perfect and successful celebrities.
Even just the information overload of our social lives and the 24 hour news cycle is too much for our primitive brains to handle, no wonder it's so bloody stressful!
How would you recommend people use social media for the benefit of their mental health? And negate its potentially harmful effects?
I do a whole deep dive on social media and how to manage it. From 'muting' that annoying friend, to curating the content on your timeline to take it from stressful and upsetting, to inspirational and mood boosting! It's important to get perspective on why people act differently on the internet and how to interpret the sometimes extreme actions we see (that someone would never do in real life).
We have this incredible power in our hands, connecting us to the whole world all the time, we just need to know how to make it work for us.
Is there a piece of advice or mantra that you’ve found helpful? Either someone else’s or one of your own?
I'll spoil it now: the number one tip for managing your mental health and general emotional wellbeing is support from others. I say this as the biggest introvert in the world that needs a two week holiday alone in a cave after going to a party for five minutes – but sharing what you're thinking and feeling with another person can be a lifesaver.
Even if they don't have magical advice, just feeling seen, heard, acknowledged and getting what's going on up in your head out into the world and onto the table can give you perspective and feel less alone. It can be hard to ask for help, but you just need to think how you'd feel if a friend did the same – it wouldn't be a burden, you'd feel better that you can help them and it might bring you closer!
Don't suffer in silence. You've got this. You will get through this night.
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xxdragonwriterxx · 3 years
hi! i'm so sorry to hear you haven't been feeling well, i also suffer from migraines and they're the worst. i was hoping to request levi and his s/o (who only recently started dating) and they're playing around, like play fighting/wrestling, and his s/o finds that he's extremely ticklish and a little embarrassed by it bc he had no idea?🥺 (but of course that's how s/o wins the fight hehe) thank you for taking the time to even just read this!
A/N: Hi anon! Thank you for the kind words, I’m feeling better now! Thankfully, my migraines don’t happen very often, but when they do, they are really bad. But I haven’t had one for a little while so that’s good! I’m sorry you suffer from them too, they really are the worst 🙄. Thank you for requesting! This was a really sweet, fluffy request and I really enjoyed writing it. Embarrassed Levi is cutest Levi. I hope this was what you were looking for! Enjoy! ❤️❤️
🐉 Song Recommendation: “A Closeness” By: Dermot Kennedy 🐉
Word Count: ~2.9k
🔥Unexpected Sensitivity🔥
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(Y/N) barely managed to refrain from rolling her eyes as she tried to ignore the raven-haired man sitting on the opposite end of the couch and turned back to her book. She was able to get through another two sentences before a loud huff and a low grumble of annoyance once again drew her away from the story.
(Y/N) threw him a glare, “Levi, I told you, I am four fucking chapters away from finishing this book, can you please just entertain yourself until then? It won’t be much longer.” 
She gritted her teeth when Levi made no attempt to keep from rolling his eyes, sending a scowl right back at her, “I’m bored.”
“Well that’s too bad. Last time I checked, I was not your babysitter.”
Normally, (Y/N) enjoyed when Levi was needy for her attention. She loved how she was the only one who got to see that side of him. Their relationship was relatively new, so she had had to work hard to get him to open up around her. She was proud that she had finally managed to get him to relax around her, of how far he’d come, and it made her heart melt when he craved her affection, like a cat begging to be petted.
But recently, Levi had been begging for her attention a lot. She had no idea what had made these past few days so different, but it was starting to wear her out. Now, whenever he wasn’t working, he wanted to be at the center of her attention, no matter if she was already busy, and it was starting to grate on her nerves a little. 
Was it really too much to ask to let her finish her book? She was known to be a very quick reader, it shouldn’t have taken long, but she had barely made a dent in the last few chapters because she was constantly being distracted.
Levi frowned at her and crossed his arms. He really was acting like a petulant child, and while it was annoying as hell, a part of (Y/N) couldn’t deny that she found it a little cute. Especially since she knew his behavior was coming from a place of love. She hadn’t forgotten how lucky she was to even have him acting like this with her, but that didn’t mean she had to enjoy it every time. Especially when he was being this intense about it.
“Levi, for the love of god!” (Y/N) snapped, slamming her book shut and tossing it to the side. “How hard is it for you to just let me read four bloody chapters? I told you I would give you attention as soon as I was done! I just wanted to know the ending, you know this is a book I’ve been looking forward to finishing for days.”
Levi raised an eyebrow at her, “Is some boring old book more interesting to you than me?”
Oh my god. She was going to kill him.
(Y/N) took a deep breath and forced herself to stay calm, “Of course not, Levi. But that doesn’t mean I have to be with you every second of every day. I just wanted to know what happened in the end, that’s all. Why is that such a big deal?”
“Because I want you to cuddle me, damn it,” he mumbled, his eyes averted from her face and a light tinge of pink on his cheeks.
(Y/N) immediately felt her anger wash away. She could still feel a little bit of irritation prickling in her chest but she ignored it, choosing to focus more on the warm feeling that blossomed throughout her whole body at his words. Yes, her boyfriend could be annoying as hell sometimes, but she couldn’t deny how adorable he was, wanting affection but embarrassed by the fact. She didn’t show it, but she was proud of him for even gaining the courage to say something. While they had only been dating for two months, she had never heard him directly ask for anything, it was always buried beneath a mask of sarcasm or annoyance.
Levi watched her features soften and felt the corners of his lips curl upwards as she sighed, knowing he had finally won. He knew that when she sighed like that, she was going to give in. His heart warmed at the thought that she found him difficult to resist, even when she was clearly annoyed with him.
He knew he was being shitty, but he just couldn’t help it. Not with her anyway. She was not his first girlfriend by any means, but she was the first girl he felt he had a genuine connection with. The first girl he genuinely loved. His past girlfriends had been nothing but trials, mostly set up by his friends, trying to show him that dating could be fun. He hadn’t believed them until he met (Y/N).
Now, he couldn’t get enough. He knew it was partially unfair to her, even if he knew she  secretly loved it. He knew he was being invasive and annoying but at the moment, he just didn’t care. He was aching to feel her pressed against him, her arms wrapped lovingly around his waist and her head on his shoulder. His arms itched to pull her close and relish in the way she fit perfectly against him, as if they had been made for each other. He had never felt this way with anyone else, but now that he had, he craved it. He had never realized just how touch-starved he was until (Y/N) entered his life, and now he burned to be by her side, even if she didn’t always want him there.
“Alright, fine. But you have to promise to let me finish my book later, okay?”
(Y/N)’s words snapped him out of his thoughts and he nodded too quickly for it to be as nonchalant as he wanted it to look. (Y/N) rolled her eyes affectionately and gave him a warm smile that had his heart beating a swift tattoo against his chest.
Levi moved his legs from where they had been laying lengthwise on the sofa cushions as (Y/N) approached, turning his body so he was seated normally, giving her the room to settle down beside him. He immediately felt himself relax as soon as she curled up against him, a satisfied sigh leaving his parted lips.
“Relieved are you?” (Y/N) teased.
Levi thought about teasing her back, but suddenly found himself too sleepy to engage in their usual banter, her comforting presence making him feel drowsy. “Yes.”
(Y/N)’s cheeks heated, not expecting the straightforward answer, “I’m still mad at you for being so obnoxious.”
“And you’re not sorry for it at all, are you?”
“Mm, no.”
“Pain in the ass,” (Y/N) mumbled affectionately, nuzzling her face into his chest.
(Y/N) was just about to drift off, enjoying the comfort of cuddling with her boyfriend despite her earlier reluctance, when a sudden sharp jab in her side made her jolt up with a yelp.
“Ow! What the hell, Levi!?”
“You called me a pain in the ass,” Levi grumped.
“Yeah, so? You called me an asshole. Twice!” (Y/N) said, leaning over to give him a hard poke in the shoulder.
“Tch,” Levi said, giving her another poke, this time on her thigh.
(Y/N)’s retaliation quickly led to a fierce battle between the two, annoyed huffs devolving into genuine chuckles and shrieks of joy as the two fought, the war only growing more intense when (Y/N) straddled Levi’s thighs to better reach him.
“Brat, stop poking me!”
“You stop poking me, then!”
“Fine,” Levi said, the mischievous look on his face making (Y/N) nervous.
Before she could react, Levi pushed her off of him and pinned her to the couch, hovering over her. (Y/N) laughed, her eyes sparkling, “Oh, how romantic, Levi.”
Levi snorted at her as he moved lower, slinking down her body, his own eyes twinkling with barely suppressed mirth.
“Levi? What are you doing?”
“You told me to stop poking you, so I stopped. But that doesn’t mean this is over.”
“What the fuck does that mean- AH!” (Y/N) cried out in surprise as Levi’s fingers ran up the bottoms of her feet. “LEVI!”
Levi merely chuckled in response, reaching down to tickle her feet again. He smirked when she writhed and squirmed beneath his strong grip, tears of desperation spilling from the corners of her eyes as her loud laughter filled the apartment.
“Levi! Levi, stop! I can’t- I can’t breathe!”
Levi thought about letting up, but he was having too much fun. He quickly doubled down on his efforts, laughing quietly at the loud squeal she let out in response, trying to jerk her feet from his touch.
(Y/N) was getting desperate. He had her pinned by the hips to the couch with his incredible strength and he wasn’t stopping his assault on her poor feet. She tried to wrench them  from his grip to no avail, his cocky smile and bright silver hues making her want to slap that look of smugness off of his face. 
Frantically looking for a way to escape, (Y/N) suddenly remembered that her hands weren’t being held down. She had her own fingers she could use. She knew it would be no use trying to pry his fingers off, he was much too strong for that, so she did the next best thing.
She blindly latched onto him, her fingers flying over his skin as she searched for a weak point, a tender spot, anything. Levi was finally starting to slow down his attack, his fingers only lightly brushing her skin to watch her jump while she caught her breath, but she was determined to get back at him.
“(Y/N)? What are you doing?” Levi asked, finally taking his fingers away from her sensitive skin and leaning back on his haunches. His eyebrow rose when she followed him, her hands still moving all over his body.
“What do you think I’m doing, idiot?”
Levi smirked down at the woman that was now back in his lap, her brow furrowed in concentration as she poked and prodded beneath his shirt, practically feeling him up as she tried to find where he was the most sensitive.
“Nice try, brat. But unfortunately for you, I’m not tickLISH-!”
(Y/N) and Levi both froze.
Levi’s jaw dropped, his eyes wide and his hands loosened from where they had been holding onto (Y/N)’s waist. He had never, in his entire life, made a noise like that before. It sounded like the cross between a yelp of surprise and a barked out laugh. He was still uncertain if it had indeed been him that had made the noise, it sounded so unlike him, so foreign to his ears he couldn’t be sure.
(Y/N) was just as shocked. Had Levi really just squawked? That was probably the only way you could describe the noise that had just come from her boyfriend’s mouth, even though it seemed like the kind of word you would never in a million years associate with Levi Ackerman.
While she was certainly surprised, she recuperated faster than Levi, a deviant smile spreading across her face as she suddenly realized the power she held. She noticed Levi’s eyes narrow on her borderline evil expression, but his dazed state made his reaction time slower than normal. Before he knew it, he was on his back, her legs straddled over his hips, his wrists held in one of her hands while the other was snaking back beneath his shirt, aiming for the spot along his upper ribs.
He tried to squirm away, but he underestimated her strength as she pressed her full weight into him and tightened her grip on his wrists, holding him there as she brushed her fingers along the spot that he hadn’t even known would make him go crazy.
To his horror, another loud cry was ripped from his throat, quickly turning into loud, rich laughter that rang out and bounced off the walls as she tickled him. He tried to flash her a warning glare but she only smiled wider, followed by a slight shake of her head.
Fuck, she was going to show no mercy.
Tears gathered in his eyes as she continued to attack the sensitive flesh in the same way he did to her, his body losing all control. He wriggled and arched, trying to escape her torturous fingers, until he was finally able to free one of his hands. (Y/N) tried to hold on, but as soon as one of his hands was free, she was quickly shoved off of him, her own laughter joining his as she was pushed from the couch to land with a satisfying thump on the carpet below.
Levi’s laughter was quick to quiet into soft chuckles before finally fading into heavy breathing, the apartment thick with silence as the pair fought to catch their breath, unwilling to move for a while.
“Whew,” (Y/N) said, eventually breaking the silence. “Who knew the fearsome Levi Ackerman was ticklish, huh?”
(Y/N) was smiling, a hand coming up to cover her mouth to stifle the giggles that tried to filter into the room at her teasing, but when he didn’t respond, (Y/N) grew worried.
(Y/N) sat up, and quickly lost all feelings of giddiness at the sight of Levi, turned away from her with his knees brought up to his chest, his hands covering his face, and his back hunched slightly, so different from how he normally was it almost made her panic.
“Levi! Are you alright?”
It took him a moment, but Levi eventually nodded once, refusing to remove his hands from his face. His response calmed (Y/N) down somewhat, but concern still coursed through her as she gently eased onto the couch beside him, her palm reaching out to rest on his back.
“Levi, what’s wrong?”
A quiet mumble reached her ears, but his hands were muffling most of the words. Even when she strained her ears she couldn’t understand what he was saying, but she did notice his face get a tinge more pink, especially on the tips of his ears.
“I’m sorry, babe, I couldn’t hear you. Can you repeat that?”
Levi huffed in annoyance, and it was enough to bring another small smile back onto (Y/N)’s face. He then shifted his hands, uncovering only enough to free his mouth.
“I said, I’m… embarrassed…” He trailed off at the end, the last word much quieter than the others, but (Y/N) heard him loud and clear. She immediately felt a wave of relief and guilt wash over her.
“Oh, I’m so sorry, Levi. I really didn’t mean to embarrass you like that, I thought we were just having fun. I never want you to feel uncomfortable around me, ever. I’m sorry, I never should’ve pushed your boundaries like that.”
Levi finally removed his hands from his face and turned around to look at her. His face was still red and his eyes were slightly swollen from the tears he had shed during their intense battle but his expression was soft. He reached up and brushed his fingers along her jaw, affectionately stroking her skin.
“It’s not your fault. I attacked you first,” Levi said. “I didn’t even mind it that much at first, I just didn’t expect to react… like that.”
“Levi, it’s okay! Everyone reacts like that, that’s why nobody likes to be tickled. I mean, you heard me! I didn’t sound any better.”
Levi smirked, the beginnings of a sparkle coming back into his eye, “Yeah, you sounded like a donkey with a sore throat. Or maybe a dying bird.”
“Hey!” (Y/N) said, slapping his shoulder playfully with a false pout. “That’s mean!”
“But true.”
“Oh, do we want to go back to what you sounded like?”
“Oi, watch it, brat.”
“Yeah, that’s what I thought.”
Levi gave (Y/N) a light-hearted shove before standing up to stretch, his shirt riding up to show off a bit of his muscular back as he brought his arms above his head. (Y/N) followed him with a large grin on her face when he moved into the kitchen, intent on making tea and forgetting the whole experience. They lapsed into a comfortable silence as Levi heated the water and (Y/N) grabbed the tea leaves, the pair working together seamlessly despite their short time spent as a couple.
When the tea was finally finished, Levi offered a cup to (Y/N), who took it gratefully, before leaning against the counter and taking a sip. (Y/N) watched as Levi closed his eyes and hummed in pleasure at the taste, his body finally starting to unwind again. Her eyes swept over him, her heart beating a steady drum for the man beside her. She loved him so much, felt so lucky to have him, and while the tickle fight had certainly been an experience, she couldn’t wait to have many more adventures just like that with him by her side.
“Hey, Levi?”
“Yeah brat?”
“For the record, I think your laugh is the most beautiful sound I have ever heard.”
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ghostlywritten · 3 years
If Only I Had Stayed In The Shadows - Chapter Five
James Potter x OC
Words: 3,5k
Prologue   Chapter One   Chapter Two  Chapter Three  Chapter Four
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Time flies fast when you have fun. And I had a lot of fun for a week after the party. Despite the harsh weather, despite the essays piling up, despite the training sessions getting tougher it was all worth it in the end when I was left alone in the Common Room with James, chatting about everything and anything. Occasionally even Sirius, Remus and Peter would join us if they weren't in the mood to go to sleep yet and we would play Chess or Exploding Snap.
Of course I knew I would never be part of their unique friendship quartet but I was glad they would let me join in on their fun from time to time. Though I suspected they mainly missed James and didn't want to abstain from him too much.
One particular evening left me alone with Sirius and a few empty bottles of Firewhiskey after Remus and Peter decided to head to bed early and James insisted on retrieving some midnight snacks, sneaking off with a Disillusionment Charm. How he had managed that spell when we hadn't learned it in class was beyond me. Anyways, this got to be the first time I had ever been in the lonely presence of the school's heartthrob with no one and nothing in the near vicinity to distract him from me.
I swallowed nervously whilst the dark-haired boy seemed pretty relaxed, his posture slouched in his armchair.
"You know, I do wonder sometimes how things come together," Sirius' voice cut into the silence and I looked up from my fiddling fingers in my lap to see him pensively watch the flames flicker around in the fireplace, the light giving his features a warm glow.
"In what way?" I asked quietly, not wanting to somehow interrupt his peaceful posture.
"I mean, the way things have turned out in the end," he said, waving his hand to gesture around us, "Everything that brought us to the point of sitting here in the Common Room of the Gryffindors in the middle of the night. I got the best friends I had ever imagined I would get. Ever." I smiled at this. "I'm a Gryffindor, which is the least likely house a Black would get in. I ran away from home and am living with my best friend the life and with the family I've always dreamt of." Now this wasn't exclusive news. Everyone knew about Sirius' escape from the Black House last summer and that he was staying at the Potter's. I was sure a lot of people had their opinions on it but were clever enough to not voice them out, at least not with any Marauder nearby.
I was a little surprised however that he opened up about it when he had refused to say anything on the matter for the past months. One glance at the empty bottles on the table gave me the answer though. 'Everyone gets a loose tongue after a few drinks. Good thing I don't drink...much.'
"I'm glad you are out of there," I said sincerely, recalling the one time I had been pushed into the boy's locker room by my fellow female, giggling team members and had caught a glimpse of the many bruises on his back. I didn't know why but I immediately had a hunch that those hadn't only been from Quidditch. They had looked too nasty. My attempts to talk about child abuse with him were instantly cut off by the boy himself, the cold glare still giving me chills even in mere memory.
"Me too," Sirius sighed blissfully, "The Potter's are truly the best."
"Now all that is missing is the future Mrs. Black," I teased.
He wiggled his eyebrows, "I have encountered a lot of worthy candidates so far. Wanna be next?"
"Thanks, but I'd rather not catch anything," I replied, wiggling my eyebrows back at him. He gave me a mock affronted look before he smirked devilishly, my breath catching involuntarily at the handsome enhancement of his features, "Don't worry, I wouldn't ever date the future Mrs. Potter."
I almost choked on my spit, "Excuse me?"
"Oh, you heard me just right," he barked out a laugh at my red face, "And you can't tell me there is nothing going between you two."
"Ehm, I can because there is nothing going on between us," I retaliated, forcing down the blush from my cheeks.
"You don't have to hide it from me," Sirius said with a shrug, his shit-eating grin still ever so present on his face and I grimaced at him, "I don't blame you. And the Potter's are the best family you can meet."
"Sounds like heaven," I replied deadpanned and he nodded his head with wide eyes and a straight grin before he reached for his forgotten half-empty glass of Firewhiskey. Sobering up slightly, I pondered on my next words before voicing them out carefully, "Don't you miss your actual family though?"
"Hm?" Sirius hummed but I knew he had heard me clearly, stalling as he took a long sip of his drink.
"You don't have to answer that if you don't want to," I added hastily when I noticed how his features hardened, "I'm just a curious cat, wondering if I could ever leave my family like that."
"Do they abuse you mentally and physically every hour of the day?"
"Then you don't have to wonder about it," Sirius said darkly, "You can consider yourself one of the luckiest people on earth." I kept quiet, watching him close his eyes and breathe in deeply through his nose. 'Maybe I should have just kept quiet like always,' I thought, mentally kicking my tactless ass.
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have asked," I apologised softly, looking down at my lap awkwardly. Hearing him sigh made me peek at him through my lashes, "It's okay, Cec." I beamed in relief at the nickname. "My family is just a touchy subject."
"I get it, you don't want anything to do with them," I agreed quickly, trying not to agitate him further.
"It's not that I don't want to...," he sighed for the umpteenth time, rubbing his eyes tiredly, "I just can't deal with them anymore. And Reg..."
"Regulus Black? Your brother, right?" I asked, having heard that name before. Apparently, he took after his brother, being the heartthrob of his year and part of the Slytherin Quidditch team albeit a Seeker.
"Yeah, my little brother," the dark-haired boy said, a smile unconsciously lifting the corner of his lips before they dropped into a bitter frown, "Of course, he is just as brainwashed as the rest of them, all thanks to our dear mother," he almost spat the last word and I winced at the hatred in his tone. At this point, it almost sounded like he was talking to himself, barely realising the other presence in his proximity. "I wish he would have just come with me," he mumbled, a vulnerable look on his face.
"You could still try to be close to him," I offered a weak suggestion, which he immediately dismissed with a scoff/hiccup. "Yeah, right. As if he would listen to me after I ran away. He won't even look my way anymore."
"Don't think I haven't tried. He even said we weren't brothers right when I left." I frowned at the crack in his voice, my heart squeezing slightly at the pain in his eyes. Who would have known how much he suffered under all that loud and playful facade of his.
"Maybe he was just mad that you were leaving him behind," I pondered softly, racking my brain about how to make him feel better, "Sometimes we say things in the heat of the moment that we don't really mean." Sirius kept quiet, pensively watching the flames as he refused to make eye contact. I looked away from him, figuring he wouldn't like eyes on him at his vulnerable state, "I think, you two could still be close despite all the differences."
"...You really think so?"
"Yeah, one of you just has to make the first move."
"How do I know he won't reject me?" he asked like a small child, the armchair he sat on suddenly looking too big for him.
I thought it over. The possibility of rejection was definitely there, I wouldn't lie to him about it. After all I knew nothing about his brother's personality. "You don't," I responded, "But the world is full of lonely people waiting for the other to make the first move. And so many bonds get lost because of it. Don't you think that's sad?" His grey eyes snapped over to mine for the first time we had started this serious talk, surprise flickering through them before they were set into something akin to determination.
Before he could open his mouth to say anything though, James came bustling through the portrait hole, his arms packed with various snacks as he giggled like a fool. "Dig in, guys!" he cheered, dropping everything on the coffee table and just like that the serious mood was broken.
I watched Sirius pick up some cookies, munching on them as he chatted up a storm with James about the upcoming Quidditch match. By now, I knew it had been mostly the alcohol that made him spill everything. I just hoped he wouldn't feel too awkward about it the next morning.
The game against Slytherin had packed a punch. The Hufflepuffs' Bludgers were nothing against their aggressive tactics.
Let's just say no player got out there unscathed and the Snitch got caught by Regulus Black - the Slytherin Seeker - just before Angie managed to get a goal that would have gotten us a win if it had only been a few seconds earlier.
I rubbed my sore side where a Bludger had hit me at the beginning of the game as we went inside the locker room, the Slytherins celebrating on the field and laughing at our backs.
"Worst game ever," Frank, who was trudging next to me, muttered and I nodded wordlessly, my eyes watching the stiff back of our Captain as he led us into the little hut.
"This game was pathetic!" James hissed as soon as the door closed to our locker room, "Nothing worked the way we have practiced. Sirius, Frank where the hell were you two when they rained the Bludgers down the Chasers?"
"I-" Sirius started but James continued, still heated, "Oliver? You're the Keeper, right? You are supposed to keep the Quaffles out of the hoops and not hit them through!"
"I didn'-"
"And Angie? Were you even on the field? I couldn't bloody see you once near the opposite hoops."
"James, I was trying everything," Angie protested next to me, "The Slytherin Chasers w-"
"Don't even try any excuses on me," James spat agitated, "I know you want to quit after break but the way you play makes me think you want me to kick you out right now."
"James," I spoke up astonished as Angie sat back with a pissed off look. I knew he could get angry from past experiences during matches but that was straight out rude. "Calm down, we all tried our best."
"Tried your best?" the boy hissed, and I resisted the urge to tell him he sounded like a snake. No, that would probably make him madder, "If that's your best you can say bye-bye to your dreams of becoming a professional Chaser, Cecily. Not even the Montrose Magpies would want you!"
My eyes widened in surprise, his words cutting a knife through my chest.
"James," Sirius started this time, his gaze actually serious for once as I deflated into my seat, feeling more hurt than I had expected, "It's enough now."
The Captain sighed heavily, pinching the bridge of his nose to calm himself. "Fine. Get dressed, we will talk about this at practice next week. Whoever needs to go to the Hospital Wing, stay back. We will go together."
I jumped out of my seat as soon as he dismissed us, rushing towards the girls' room to take a shower and change, his words repeating in my head like a mantra.
"Don't take him seriously," Angie soothed, interrupting the silence around us, "He always gets pissy when we lose a game."
"I know," I said with a sigh, wincing when I touched my side. Angie grimaced at the already bruising spot, "You should get that checked by Madam Pomfrey."
Nodding in agreement, we walked out together.
"Don't you wanna wait for the others?" Angie asked as I kept walking. "No, let's just go," I said over my shoulder, forcing her to concede when I didn't stop.
"Ms. Grant," Poppy greeted me, "It's been a while. I hope you realise, neither the sweets nor Mr. Potter have changed my mind, no matter how persuasive the Pixie Puffs can be."
"It's not that," I replied, shaking my head at Angie when she gave me a questioning look, "I just need to get my side checked."
"Ah, the Quidditch match between Slytherin and Gryffindor has been today, right?" Poppy remarked, frowning at the sight of my bruise when I lifted my shirt, "Honestly, this game should be banished from school. It always gets way out of control."
"Still nothing that you can't fix," I replied, watching her shuffle through her cupboards after setting me down on one of the beds.
"What was that about Pixie Puffs and Potter?" Angie asked as we waited.
"Just me unsuccessfully trying to get an internship here at the Hospital Wing," I explained quietly as the doors of the Wing opened once more to reveal the other players trudging inside, pushing aside the few Slytherin players that tried to walk in as well. Luckily, they were in too much of a good mood to stir up a fight like they usually would, instead opting to just verbally make fun of the boys in the background.
"Didn't I tell you to wait?" James asked annoyed as he sat down on the unoccupied bed next to us.
"Yes, and I didn't," I snapped back, pissed off at both him and the pain in my side. James opened his mouth, but Sirius clasped his hand on his shoulder, shaking his head. Shooting the grey-eyed boy a grateful look I turned around as Poppy came back, gesturing for me to lift my shirt. I obeyed, hissing as she applied some balm on the bruise but sighing immediately in relief as the pain diminished into a dull ache. "Apply this once more tonight and it should all be well by tomorrow," the matron instructed as she handed me the tube and I thanked her with a quick smile before I hopped off to leave. Bidding the others goodbye, I ignored James' lingering look, particularly at my bruised side, and left to have a quick dinner and head to bed.
This day had been exhausting enough.
The following days were miserable to say the least. The Slytherins were still gloating about their win, classes were hell as nothing went into my brain and on top of that I wasn't on speaking terms with James and therefore, the rest of the Marauders as well.
It wasn't like I didn't want to, but his words had left a sting more painful than the bruise on my side; Bringing up my deepest desire and throwing it back in my face was a big no-go. I almost regretted opening up to him like that and the more days passed with him not talking to me the more I wished I hadn't ever walked up to the Quidditch pitch for that game with a little extra-confident swagger in my steps.
I also wished I didn't have to attend the regular Quidditch practices; James was more commanding than usual, which led us to double laps and longer simulated games until it was pitch black outside. The only bright side was that at least Sirius tried to cheer us all up and even occasionally chatted with me in-between breaks.
"I think something is wrong with Peanut," I mused, adjusting my grip.
"Something is wrong with what?" Sirius asked perplexed.
"Peanut," I repeated, gesturing towards my broom. The dark-haired boy stared at me. "You...named your broomstick Peanut?" he asked slowly, uncomprehending.
"Yeah, why?"
"Just- no matter," he dismissed quickly, his lips twitching in amusement, "Why don't you tell James that something is wrong with Peanut? He can fix it."
Raising a brow, I stated, "First of, Peanut is a splendid name for a broomstick." I rolled my eyes as he burst out into small barks of laughter. "Secondly, I'm not on speaking terms with our dear Captain right now and you know that."
"Yes, I do." It was his turn to roll his eyes. "And I still think it's ridiculous."
"It's not! He mocked me!" I protested.
"Yeah, but weren't you the one, who told me that people say things they don't mean in the heat of the moment?"
I narrowed my eyes at him, "I don't appreciate you using my words against me!"
Sirius grinned before he turned sirius again, "He was angry, and I can safely say that he did not mean a single thing he's said back then."
"And why isn't he talking to me then? He hasn't even apologised!"
"Because he is also proud ass. Or rather, he doesn't know how to approach you," Sirius snickered and my eyes widened in surprise.
"He doesn't know how to approach me?"
"Yeah, he thinks you are angry at him-" "Which I am!" "-and he is still trying to figure out how to apologise." I stayed quiet, watching the subject of our conversation fly around the field, giving instructions to each player. "If you let it up to him, I would say he will work up his courage by the end of the year. At the earliest."
Later that evening, I decided to stay up after dinner. The others went to bed quickly whilst I sat on my bed with my broom on my lap, contemplating whether I should go down or not. I didn't even know if James still waited at the fireplace as I hadn't been there the past few days but figured it couldn't hurt to try.
Putting my robe over the sleeping clothes, I softly padded outside, carefully taking a peek around the corner into the Common Room after walking down the hallway. The space was empty except for one lonely person lounging on the loveseat in front of the warm fire, the sight achingly familiar.
Swallowing nervously, I gripped my broomstick tighter as I headed down the stairs with purposefully loud steps (as far as possible with socks on). His glass-rimmed eyes snapped over, widening, and he immediately sat up when I approached him.
"Hey James," I greeted him awkwardly, holding my broom in front of me with both hands, almost as a form of protection.
"Hey Cec," he breathed out as if in relief, his eyes rapidly flickering from me to the broom and back to me.
"Come sit," he offered quickly, patting the seat next to him and I obliged, relaxing and simultaneously feeling nervous at the proximity, "Why do you have Peanut with you?"
"Oh, right. Ehm, I think something is wrong with it," I explained, handing it over at his request, "It's not turning as smoothly as it used to."
"Hm, 'might have gotten tweaked during the last game," James mused, brows furrowed in concentration as he examined every inch, "It got hit by a lot of Bludgers, didn't it? Bloody Slytherins. But nothing I can't fix."
"Yeah, I figured that was the cause," I nodded in agreement and his eyes flickered over to me, the fire giving his irises a honey-coloured tone. "What about you?" he asked softly, "Is your side doing better?"
"Perfectly healed, thanks," I informed him, melting slightly on the inside at his concern, "You know Poppy." He cracked a grin at the nickname (causing my heart to miss a beat) before looking back down at the broom, his gaze turning serious.
"Cecily, I...wanted to- you know- I kind of said some messed up things after the game," he stammered slightly, fiddling with the broomstick nervously. My features relaxed at his nervous state and I allowed a small smile as he continued, "I really shouldn't have said what I said- you know the thing with the Montrose Magpies and you- and everything else I said to the others, I didn't mean any of it and I will never do it again, I solemnly swear! I guess, what I'm trying to say- and what I've been trying to say the past few days, but I didn't know how- well first, I figured I should probably give you some space since I never do that with Evans and she always gets madder and madder, but-"
"James," I cut him off and he immediately shut his mouth, "It's alright."
His brown eyes widened, "Really?"
"Yeah, I get it. It's okay."
"You are not mad anymore?" he asked tentatively, staring incredulously as I shook my head, "It's that easy?"
"Well, it can be," I replied with a grin before sighing, "I just don't wanna be mad anymore." And I missed his presence. But hush.
James also sighed, in relief as he leaned back. "Good, I don't think I could have waited any longer."
"Waited? For what?"
"Asking you out, of course."
This time, I really choked on my spit.
Chapter Six
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misterewrites · 3 years
Inhuman Interrogation (Welcome to the Underground!)
Hello everyone! E here hoping you are all safe and sound! Here’s the next chapter of the Underground!  A special thank you to everyone who reads my stories. I know they’re not everyone’s speed and I get wordy but I really do appreciate it! I really hope you are having some fun with it. Okay stay safe, sound, keep your loved ones safe, wash your hands, wear masks and get yourself vaccinated, push for vaccines worldwide. Here's the next chapter, enjoy! Feel free to leave likes, tell your friends, reblog and leave feedback I love it all! have a good week and I'll see you later! E is out byeeeeee!
If you want an easier way to read my story here’s the newest chapter at ao3
Curious what this about? Here’s the first chapter
Want an overview of my works, you can find me right over here! Fun fact I do, on a occasion, write stuff for fandoms! Shocking I know :D
Summary: Oliver's been caught red handed and there's only one thing to do: Claw and lie his way out of the situation. However, the bard might be a little over his head from this stranger who watches all.
Oliver could feel a chill run down his spine, fear gripping him tightly as he scrambled to keep himself calm. Being found out was always a possibility he’d calculated in his plans, he just hadn’t wanted to deal with it tonight. Well you know what they say: When life gives you lemons, squirt lemon juice in life’s eyes and run like hell.
He’d been caught so the next step was to determine by who.
Oliver blew cool air onto his face as he pivoted around to see which person had been acute enough to catch onto his antics.
He had been expected to looking at an unhappy Lea with his sword drawn.
What found waiting for him was worse.
It was good looking man though Oliver couldn’t hazard a guess to his age. His hair was short wispy dark brown like the color of copper. His face was scratched by dozens of tiny whites line, healed scars that somehow did not detract away from his handsomeness. He wore a plain white tunic with black leggings, a large bronze hued cape hung over his unusually thin frame. The most striking feature were his golden eyes. Not golden in shade but actual gold, metallic shimmering and shining like metal caught in the glow of the sun.
He was a sight to behold, perfection made flesh and blessed by the gods.
And Oliver knew he was utterly and terribly inhuman. He was not a mortal being for no human could ever been so perfect.
The Stranger tilted his head quizzically, his eyes dilated into pupil-less orbs.
“You” He spoke in a raspy, low voice “You’ve been busy.”
Oliver coughed, trying to get his dry throat working again.
The Stranger took a step closer, his gaze unflinching “Yes, very busy.”
Oliver chuckled nervously “I haven’t the slightest clue what you mean increasingly creepy man. If you excuse me.”
As Oliver turned to leave, his blood turned cold when the stranger harshly whispered, his words booming in Oliver’s ears.
“How’s Death I wonder? He’s an old friend for you, right?”
Oliver whirled around, fist clenched but the Stranger hadn’t taken a step forward. In fact he had taken a step away, furthering the distance between them.
Oliver gulped nervously, trying his best to stop his racing heart.
“And you” he murmured quietly, trying to hold onto his fleeting courage “Smell of it.”
It was true: Even this far away, Oliver could smell the stench of decay, of death and blood wafting off the Stranger as if he’d come straight from a bloody battle.
The Stranger made no indication he heard Oliver’s comment, just stared with golden eyes unblinking.
Oliver let out a tense breath before closing his eyes. He centered his will, he reached out into the universe and drew in the power of his magic.
He could hear the scrawling of a pen across the scratchy surface of parchment, the squishy wet sounds of paint drying, the tuning of a lute among excited laughter and cheers.
‘I need to escape.’ Oliver spoke in his mind.
Knowledge filled his mind: Spells and their uses. The hand gestures necessary to tug at the weave to make his will, his need a reality.
An unknown force guided his hand, raising it high and surging with magical power. Oliver’s eyes snapped open with a fierce determination. He took a deep breath, his fingers at the ready as he prepared to recite the incantation.
“I…” Oliver began when the Stranger struck. There was a blink and there was the stranger in front of him, his hand wrapped tightly around Oliver’s wrist.
“So.” the Stranger spoke in an oddly smooth voice “You ready to tell me what you were doing squirreling about?”
Oliver was strained against the Stranger but his grip was as strong as iron. Unless he could complete the hand gestures and motions along with the incantation, the spell was incomplete and he was as helpless as a kitten in Stranger’s grasp.
Oliver grimaced in pain “Now you’re remembering to be human? No creepy staring or awkward conversations about death?”
“Sorry, sometimes my lady speaks through me. I am her will incarnate on this plane.” The Stranger gave a sheepish grin
Oliver smiled uneasily “Right mysterious lady sure. That’s totally normal. How about you let me go and I won’t take the psychotic act personally?”
“But it is personal.” The Stranger’s smirk widen, his teeth too sharp to be mortal “You’re up to something and I’d like to know what.”
‘Great.’ Oliver thought to himself, his eyes darting about for a sign of assistance: a cloaked figure nearby fidgeted awkwardly but ultimately did nothing, a few nobles conveniently glanced the opposite direction of their altercation. Even the guards were nowhere in sight. Whoever this person was, he was the luckiest son of a bitch in the world.
Oliver pursed his lips, his mind desperately grasping at ideas to escape this situation.
“Party planner” Oliver offered helpfully “My job is to keep track of everything, make sure the party is moving smoothly and ensure there is no issues. You know how Mr. Brambleoak dislikes unnecessary distractions.”
The Stranger nodded in understanding “Party planner? That’s a good one. Feasible. If were I shade dumber, I might actually believe you. However…”
Oliver winced in pain as his grip tightened. The bard had been manhandled once or twice before but never this single handedly.
“Now” The Stranger’s golden eyes narrowed threateningly “Let’s try this one more time before you really anger my lady. What were you doing?”
Oliver opened his mouth.
“There you are!”
For one nerve wracking moment Oliver thought the Stranger had backup but he seemed just as confused as he was.
Maria cut in between two men gracefully and forced the Stranger to release his grip. He backed away as she linked herself arm in arm with Oliver.
“Sweetie!” She spoke with honeyed words, patting his arm lovingly “You ran off so quickly. I was worried I’d upset you.”
“Umm.” Oliver eyed the Stranger carefully, wary at any sudden movements “Sorry honey. This person thought I was someone he knew.”
Maria peered closer, getting a good look at the man.
The Stranger smiled cheekily “Fraid I got the wrong person.”
“You should really be careful, the guards here dislike any disturbance to the festivities.”
Almost as if magically summoned by her words, the guards began to approach with hands on their blades.
“Of course. Of course. Wouldn’t want trouble.” the Stranger bowed mockingly “Besides, I don’t think he’s the one I want.”
“That’s certainly ominous.” Oliver murmured under his breath.
Maria jabbed him with her elbow though her gaze never left the Stranger’s golden eyes.
“We should go.” Oliver offered helpfully “I think I’ve overstayed my welcome.”
Maria beamed cheerfully “No worries, I was feeling a bit tired myself. Good night good sir.”
“Good night miss” the Stranger tilted his head “Bard.”
Maria hurriedly dragged Oliver away.
“Thanks for the save.” Oliver said gratefully.
Maria blew a strain of hair from her face “You’re welcome.”
“Not mad about using you as a distraction?”
“Normally I would be” Maria admitted “But that little stunt you pull got the harpies off my back for the rest of night.”
Oliver chuckled “Basking in the admiration of their adoring fans?”
“You have no idea.” she replied wearily “I’m just happy for a moment of peace. So thank you for that.”
“You are welcome then.”
The two made their way outside and straight into quite the scene: a massive cheering crowd formed around a handful of people. Most of the combatants were faced down, sprawled across the cobbled streets though Oliver spotted two familiar faces standing tall and victorious over their fallen foes.
“ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED!?” Terri screamed into the roaring masses, arms flexed. Tyrell looked like he was about to pass out from exhaustion.
Oliver spotted Lea among the thundering crowd, his eyes alive with excitement and joy.
Terri caught Oliver’s eye and gave a proud smile. Oliver offered a subtle thumbs up as Maria led him away from the bank.
“I take it you can’t go far.” Maria stated simply.
“No” Oliver spoke honestly “I’m afraid my business is not yet concluded.”
“Is it alright if I stay with you for now?”
Oliver bit his lip nervously “Sure. Of course. I have a moment. Not curious about what I was up to?”
Maria gave a cheeky smirk “Naturally but I have a feeling secrecy is important here. Better to not ask than force you to lie to me."
“Thank you. I don’t like lying to you.”
The two stood side by side, arms intertwined together in a quiet comfortable near silence.
Maria smiled softly “You know my father used to warn me about my sentimentality for people. About they would use it against me.”
“People like me?”
She smirked mischievously as she puffed out her chest, speaking in a mocking tone “There will come poet whose weapon is his word. He will slay you with his tongue.”
Oliver snorted loudly, trying to hide his flushing skin “Oh lei oh lai oh lord?”
“Oh quiet you.” Maria scolded with a chuckle “Surprise you didn’t take the set up.”
“Too easy.”
“Should I be offend?”
“I mean those are pretty good lyrics” Oliver replied, hand high in surrender “Surprised they came out of your father’s bitter lips.”
“I suppose everyone has their moments. However rare.”
“I suppose so.”
Maria’s hazel eyes met Oliver’s brown, curious yet expecting “Do you remember what you said to me two months ago? At the last competition?”
“Umm…” Oliver scratched his chin thoughtfully “I say a lot of things. You need to be specific.”
“That my voice was utterly angelic?”
“Ah, I didn’t think you actually heard me.” Oliver’s cheeks blushed a bright red.
Maria giggled sweetly “Did you mean it? What you said inside?”
“Yes” Oliver answered without hesitation “You don’t need them. You would be amazing by yourself.”
Maria’s smile was sad. She sighed tiredly as she threw a glance towards the bank “My father won’t let me but you knew that, didn’t you?”
Oliver nodded in confirmation.
“I feel like I am a disappointment. A puppet controlled by a father who craves nothing but influence and status.”
“You’re not.”
“How do you know?”
Oliver shifted uneasily.
“That’s what I thought bard. Nice try though.”
Oliver caught sight of Flora and Sel making their way outside, signaling the others the mission was complete. Terri and Tyrell broke free from the fight circle and began making their way towards the rendezvous point.
Maria slipped her arm out of his “It is time I suppose.”
“Enjoy your night off.” Oliver took her hand in his own and softly kissed it. Maria flushed a pink hue but still curtsy in response.
Oliver turned to face her, his eyes gentle and understanding “You aren’t a disappointment.”
Maria rolled her eyes “You don’t have to lie to me.”
“I’m not.” Oliver firmly stated.
Maria’s eyes stared quizzically into his “Certain, are you?”
Oliver cleared his throat “You aren’t a disappointment to me.”
“That’s sweet but I’m afraid I barely know you. Besides you’ve been a thorn in my father’s plans consistently. Technically, I shouldn’t be talking to you let alone assisting.”
Oliver gave an impish grin “Yet you are.”
“You are far too charming for your own good.” Maria frowned mockingly
“Nothing compared to you.”
“Sweet words are nothing without meaning beyond them bard.”
Oliver took a deep calming breath, struggling to get the words out before he lost his nerve “The boy who used to climb your fence still loves you.”
Maria’s eyes widen with confusion before realization dawned upon her hazel eyes “How did you…?”
but Oliver ran, bravery failing. He disappeared into the crowded streets without another word. He ducked and weaved through the people in case Maria decided to chase him though he doubt she would. Perhaps those words didn’t have the same weight as they once did. Oliver really did not want to stick around to find out. He shouldn’t have said anything but he’d never been good at keeping his mouth shut.
It hadn’t taken long for Oliver to meet up with the rest of the crew. Everyone managed to gather in a nearby alley, their chatter excited and cheerful.
“Boss man!” Terri boomed, arms opened wide “WE DID IT! See the pile? Do I get results or do I get results?”
Oliver gave a weak chuckle “Yes you do. Remind me not to piss you off.”
“Damn straight.” Terri flexed unnecessarily once more. Flora gave a playful wink towards her girlfriend which turned Terri a lovely bright pink.
Tyrell looked haggard and sick “I never want to do that again. Ever.”
“You did amazingly Ty! You can be First Chair in no time if you keep this up!” Terri patted his back approvingly, Tyrell nearly went sprawling to the floor below.
Oliver gave a sharp whistle, grabbing the attention of everyone “We did great team and it was an honor to work with you. If you require my assistance, I’ll be in town for a few days at the Right Hook. Ask for Ollie.”
Terri slipped her hand into Flora’s “We won’t be in town much longer. We have business up north but we wish you well! Permission to leave?”
“Granted.” Oliver waved them off “No making out until you leave our sights.”
It was impossible to know who was a redder shade: Terri or Flora.
The pair bowed respectfully before taking their leave, Flora’s head resting lovingly on Terri’s shoulder. Oliver couldn’t help chuckle at Terri’s proud “And you didn’t poison anyone! Great work sweetheart!”
Oliver turned to the remaining two “Sel, destroy the paper and report back to the local Conductor. If there’s any more trouble come get me.”
Sel gave a single nod before disappearing into the crowded streets without another word.
“And me?” Tyrell whispered anxiously “What about me?”
“You.” Oliver stretched his neck, trying to relive the tension of the night “You’re gonna tell me how to get into the Clifftop Distract.”
“E-excuse me?”
Oliver waved his question off “Don’t even. I know you’re a noble born. Your clothes are way too nice to be a simple baker or blacksmith’s son. And barely frayed means you ran away from home recently.”
Tyrell glanced away, fidgeting nervously “You noticed?”
Oliver nodded.
“And you don’t care?”
“Not in the least” Oliver admitted honestly “You got into the Choir. That means you’re good in my book.”
“Thank you.” Tyrell smiled softly “I appreciate it. May I ask why you need to get into the Clifftop Distract?”
Oliver scratched the back of his neck sheepishly “Someone I know has business up there. Figured I might as well ask you to make our lives easier.”
“You’re a good friend.”
“I’m really not.” Oliver murmured quietly, unable to stare Tyrell in the eyes.
Tyrell shook his head is disagreement but didn’t press further “Every month they change the password. This month’s is Knightly Valor.”
“Knightly Valor, thank you.”
“No, thank you for not telling the others. May I go now?”
Oliver ruffled Tyrell’s hair playfully “Go on scamp.”
Tyrell bowed and with a skip in his step, made his way out of the alleyway.
Oliver stood there alone for a moment before turning towards the shadows.
“You gonna keep follow me or we’re finally going to talk?”
The figure did not break the silence of the night as they stepped out seemingly from darkness itself.
“You knew I was following you? Impressive given not many can sense my presence” the cloaked figured spoke. unable to keep the curiosity out of her voice.
“Mhm.” Oliver grunted “Ever since West End. You were in the bar the night Abigail and I hired Archie. I heard you moving about when we camped for the night, just down the tunnel out of sight. I assume you lost us when we went down the side tunnels and decided to stake out West Haven for us to pass through. You’ve been tailing me all night since I left the Right Hook.
The figure said nothing.
“That’s what I thought.” Oliver sighed tiredly “Alright, we gonna have a problem? I've had a long night and I've been threaten one times too many today.”
“No problem.” The figure muttered.
Oliver narrowed his eyes suspiciously “Then why show yourself?”
“You need to know my presence.”
Oliver sighed “You are being very cryptic.”
“Now you know how everyone else feels.”
Oliver smirked mockingly, unable to hide the sarcasm from his voice “Thanks, I hate it!”
“Be careful bard.” the figured glanced about, worried “Something is coming.”
“Nice and vague, thanks for the tip ninja.”
The figure shifted uncomfortably but remained silent.
“Fine, go on then if you're not gonna be any more helpful.” Oliver shook his head before closing his eyes. When he opened them, the figure was gone, upped and vanished into nothingness.
Oliver ran his hand through hair tiredly as he began making his way back to the Right Hook.
“And I still have to climb two stories. Fucking hell, what a night.”
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angelatmidnight1 · 3 years
fuse as a lee PLEASE!! it’s too cute 😆😆
Let Sleeping Dogs Lie
After a particularly bombastic match, Fuse treats himself to a cold beer, a grilled steak, and a well-deserved nap. Walter enjoys a good R and R session after a little mayhem, and today is no different. However, instead of enjoying that nap, a rather mischievous Legend crosses his path, and his name is Octavio Silva. It’s too tempting not to prank Walter as he slumbers, and the poor man is down for the count. Rampart joins him in the mischief and, much to his surprise, they discover that the explosives enthusiast is ticklish. Now, it’s time for the real fun to begin!
“Ahhh, that’s the stuff…”
Walter murmured aloud after he’d downed the rest of his beer. It’d been a long and trying day in the Apex Games; his squad never seemed to catch a break, and many of the fights just barely went in his favor. If it hadn’t been for the extra grenades in his pockets or picking the right time to drop his Mother Lode, the championship would’ve gone to someone else. But, alas, he and his squad managed to pull through and claim the crown for themselves. It was an exciting game, no doubt about it, and those were the kind of games ole Fusey couldn’t get enough of. They reminded him of being back on Salvo, back in the Bonecage, where he put many a bloke to sleep with his fists. He was in the prime of his life then and, like a fine wine, he only got better with age. Of course, he couldn’t spend all of his time raising hell, and there was nothing better than a cold beer and a grilled steak after a hard day. He was even lucky enough to have the entire common room to himself, since the rest of the Legends were all scattered throughout the dropship. After putting the empty bottle down on the table, the explosives enthusiast stretched out onto the couch. He decided to take off his metal arm to get more comfortable and put it next to the discarded bottle. Then, the tiredness finally catching up to him, Walter closed his eyes and dozed off shortly after.
What Fuse didn’t know was that Octavio was actually within the vicinity, wandering throughout the halls without anything to do. Normally, he would be hanging with Ajay or pulling off some sick stunts in his Gauntlet. Ajay, however, was busy working in the med bay and didn’t have time to deal with her hyperactive friend. And his Gauntlet, much to his dismay, was closed down for maintenance along with the entirety of King’s Canyon. The speedster never liked rules and tried to sneak in anyway, but he was caught and received a stern warning from the Games’ admins. Octane muttered some Spanish curses under his breath as he wandered into the common room. Maybe, he thought, he could put those thermites that he swiped on his way out to good use. He noticed Fuse on the couch and speeded over to him, grinning. If he was going to do anything with grenades, he’d definitely want the explosives enthusiast’s on his side. Since he was approaching from behind, he didn’t notice that the old man was sound asleep.
“Hey, amigo! I saw your last game, you were awesome!” he complimented. He climbed over the couch and plopped beside him. “You gotta show me how you pulled off that stick with the arc star. A collateral like that would look sick on my feed.”
When Walter didn’t respond, he arched a brow and turned to him. The explosives enthusiast was slightly slouched over, fast asleep, with his good arm draped over his stomach. Octavio blinked and leaned in to poke his shoulder, but he didn’t stir. The gears in his head turned and he grinned widely behind his mask. If he wasn’t able to pull some stunts or hang out with Ajay, he decided that he’d do something just as fun: pull a prank.
It took about ten minutes, but Octavio managed to dig up a can of shaving cream and a feather for a classic prank. He gave the room a quick once over to make sure no one was around to either distract him or wake the older man up. When he was certain that the coast was clear, he popped open the can and tipped over to Fuse. He slowly grabbed his hand and pried it off of his stomach so he could turn it over with the palm facing up. Every now and then he paused, looking for any signs that he might be waking up, but he didn’t give any. Lucky for Octavio, it seemed like Walter was a heavy sleeper. Octavio put a handful of shaving cream in the man’s palm and chuckled excitedly. Sure, this was a popular prank, but it was still funny.
Oh man, mis amigos are gonna love this.
Octane put the can down and put the feather between his index finger and thumb. He stepped closer to Fuse and took a breath, quickly fluttering it against his right cheek. At first, he didn’t give a reaction. But after a second try, Walter scrunched his nose and turned his head away. The speedster repeated the motion, flicking the feather back and forth, but the older man would just scrunch up his face and squirm away. There were a couple of times where it looked like Fuse was going to use his hand to brush his face, but he kept putting it down at the last minute, earning a groan from Octavio.
“Come on, just a lil bit higher…” he murmured, deciding to switch to his left cheek and increase his efforts. Footfalls sounded off behind the daredevil, but he didn’t notice, so the curious individual was able to walk up right beside him.
“Oi, what’cha doin’?” Came Rampart’s loud voice, which startled Octavio. His head snapped towards hers and he brought a finger to his lips.
“Shh! I’m trying to prank dormilón (sleepyhead) over here,” he whispered, gesturing to the shaving cream with the feather. “So don’t wake him up.”
Ramya’s eyebrows rose and she sat down at the opposite side of Walter. “Gramps is down for the count, huh? Guess he ain’t all that spry after all.” she snickered. She craned her head over to see the shaving cream in his hand and smirked. “Ooo, that’s a classic prank right there. Want some help? Bet I could dig up some markers.”
Octavio shook his head and waved her off with his free hand. “Nah, I’m good. Just need him to itch his face.” He explained, poking the feather into Fuse’s left cheek at random intervals. Walter stirred and grumbled, making the speedster retract his hand. It looked like he was going to wake up but, thankfully, he calmed back down and returned to sleep. Rampart rolled her eyes, leaning over Fuse to take the feather from Octavio.
“You’re doin’ it wrong. Watch.” The modder instructed, wiggling the feather against Fuse’s nose. Walter grumbled again and turned his face away, but Ramya was persistent. She propped herself up on her knees and crawled closer to him. She leaned forward, flicking the plume against his nose again. She balanced herself with her hand against his side, unconsciously gripping it when he fidgeted. Walter twitched and exhaled sharply through his nose. He leaned away from the invasive touch, this time curling against the arm of the couch, and sighed deeply. Ramya blinked and glanced over at Octavio. The speedster met her gaze and inched closer to Fuse, cocking his head to the side.
“Is he…?” Octane curiously poked at Walter’s ribcage, earning a grunt and a quiet, yet undeniable chuckle. The speedster’s eyes lit up with mischief and he grinned at his accomplice. “Mira, looks like tough guy’s ticklish.”
Ramya matched his grin and she walked two fingers along his side. Fuse squirmed and pushed himself further into the couch’s arm. He chuckled and murmured something indecipherable, a faint smirk appearing on his lips. “I think you’re onto somethin’, mate.” The modder answered, crossing over his stomach to repeat the same motion on his other side. “Never thought I’d meet a ticklish Salvonian. Now I’ve seen it all.”
Octane and Rampart’s poking and prodding stirred ole Fusey out of his nap, albeit slowly. What started off as quiet grunts and chuckles evolved into prominent giggles as the duo increased their efforts. By the time Walter was somewhat conscious, his nerves buzzed with the ticklish sensations, and he jolted awake.
“AH! Whahat---oh, it’s just you lot.” Walter breathed a sigh of relief, unaware of the situation that he’d found himself in. He was still groggy from being disturbed from his nap. “You pups need somethin’? Or can this old dog go back to--”
He paused, feeling something foamy in his hand. He glanced at his palm and his eyebrows furrowed. “The hell? What’s this doing in my hand?”
Walter shook the stuff off of him. He noticed the feather in Ramya’s hand and smirked, putting two and two together. “Oh, thought you could prank ole Fusey, did ya?”
“He did,” Rampart nodded to Octavio, earning a glare from the speedster. “But he’s a bloody amateur. Guess it’s for the best though, otherwise we wouldn’t know how ticklish you are.”
Fuse gave her a bewildered look. “What?” he spat, yelping when Octane jabbed him in the side. “Hey, knock it off!”
Octavio chuckled. “Didn’t peg you as the ticklish type, amigo. That must suck for you.” He teased, aiming another poke at his stomach. Walter batted him away with his good hand and scoffed.
“I reckon everyone’s ticklish to some extent, mate. What of it?” The explosives enthusiast responded, only to have the realization hit him seconds later. He was sandwiched between two of the most mischievous Legends in the Apex Games, and he’d taken off the only thing keeping him from being the target of their mischief: his metal arm. Granted, the metallic limb wasn’t that far away from where he was, but one of the pups had agility on his side. Walter’s had worse odds though, so he lurched forward to grab it.
Like clockwork, the two younger Legends jumped into action. Octane grabbed Walter’s arm and pulled him backwards, causing him to yelp. Ramya was quick to get up and push the table holding the metal arm further away from where they were. Somehow, Fuse managed to free himself of the speedster's hold and stand up.
“Yeah nah, you lot can have the bloody couch. I’m going to enjohohohy myhyhy--ah! Stohohop!”
While Walter was distracted, Rampart snuck up behind him and poked at his sides. The explosives enthusiast sputtered and snickered, turning to fend her off next. This gave Octavio the opportunity to seize his arm and pull him back on the couch. Fuse yelled again and tried to push him back, but it was difficult to do with one arm. The ticklish pokes were only making it that much harder. So, although Walter outmatched both of the Legends in terms of physical strength, Octane was able to get him down and hold his arm above his head.
“Hurry, chica! Get his legs and I’ll keep his arm down.” The speedster called over his shoulder, adding to the tickle attack by scratching along Walter's stomach. Fuse arched his back and fell into a deeper pool of laughter.
“Nohohoho! Blohohohoody hehehell, gehehehet ohohohff mehehehe!” Walter protested, struggling to propel himself upwards by digging his heels into the couch. Ramya grinned and straddled the man’s waist, effectively pinning him down.
“Aw, ya ain’t afraid of a little tickling, are ya mate?” The modder teased, digging her wiggling fingers into his sides. Fuse laughed even louder and twisted his torso side to side.
“I ahahahain’t afrahahahahid of ahahahnytHIHIHIHNG!” He fired back, his laughter jumping in pitch when Octavio poked into the sides of his stomach. The speedster was positioned above his head, holding his arm down with his knee, and grinning widely. He opted for using his thumbs to drill into the spot, snickering when he bucked his hips and swore.
“Oh yeah? Then tell us where you’re most ticklish.” He challenged, smirking when Fuse’s head snapped up to him.
Octavio laughed. “You heard me! Tell us where your worst spot is, and we’ll leave you alone.” He repeated, using all of his nails to torment Fuse’s stomach.
“Maybe.” Ramya chimed in, finding his hip bones and giving them some quick squeezes. The old man yelled and swore again as he tried to buck her off of him. He didn’t want to accidentally send her flying across the room, but he hadn’t been tickled since his younger days, and he’d forgotten just how ticklish he really was. Granted, most people he came across didn’t want to tickle a man who had a metal arm and wielded explosives, but these two pups weren’t deterred at all.
Walter’s laughter was only getting louder the more they tickled him. Octavio had gotten bored of sticking to one spot and started poking at his ribcage. He arched his back and cackled; his ribs were a very ticklish spot, coming just shy of being his worst one. For a moment, he considered telling the pups where that spot was, if it meant they’d stop pestering him. But, the thought was gone almost as soon as it came up. If Ole Fusey was anything, he was certainly stubborn.
“NOHOHOHOHO!” He yelled, bucking his hips again when the speedster increased his efforts. “COHOHOHME OHOHN! YOHOHOHU’VE HAHAHAD YOHOHOHUR FUHUHUN!”
Ramya scoffed and reached behind her to squeeze his knee. He responded by yelping and drumming his leg against the couch cushions. “I thought you said you weren’t scared,” she simpered, her nails dancing along the top of his knee and underneath it. “It must be a really bad spot if ya ain’t gonna tell us. Which isn’t the best idea, cause we’ll find out eventually.”
Fuse tugged as hard as he could at his pinned arm, trying to wench it free, but the speedster held strong. He laughed harder the higher up Octavio tickled, throwing his body around. Octane was trying to gage which ribs were the most sensitive; he raked his nails against the bones at a rapid pace and scribbled at the spaces between them. So far, they all seemed equal in sensitivity, but the speedster wasn’t ready to give up just yet.
“OKAHAHAY! OKAHAHAY WAHAHAIT!” Fuse screeched when the speedster lingered on his two centermost ribs. The younger Legends perked up, slowing the tickling down just enough to keep the poor man giggling.
“Yeah? Got something to say?” Octavio asked, rhythmically tapping against the fleshy part beneath his ribcage. Walter gasped and lost himself in heavy giggles before he was able to put some words together.
“Lehehehet’s….lehehehet’s mahahahke ahahaha deahahahal…” he tittered. Maybe while he bargained with them, he could keep them distracted long enough to pull his arm free. “Lehehehet mehehe up, let me get back to me nap. And I’ll tehehll ya whahat you wanna knohow after.”
Rampart arched a skeptic brow and gently skittered her fingertips over his stomach. Fuse flinched and sucked in his stomach, prompting the modder to apply a little more pressure. “How do we know ya won’t cut tail and run the second we let you go?”
“I wohohohn’t! Yohohur mahahate wohohould cahahatch up to mehehe! Cohohme ohohn…” Walter snickered when Ramya switched from the gentle touches to deliberate scratching. “Leheheht mehehe gohoho!”
Rampart looked up at Octavio while she circled one nail around the man’s navel. “I dunno...whaddaya think, mate? Should we let him go?”
Octane withdrew his hands and pretended to ponder the request. He was having fun; no, he was having a blast, and he wasn’t ready to stop any time soon! Fuse was one of the last people he’d ever thought to be ticklish, and he didn’t think this opportunity would present itself again. He gave the old man a brief moment to breathe before he dropped his hands back onto his ribcage. He prodded at the fleshy part beneath the ribcage and worked his way up the bones, earning a scream and loud fit of laughter. “Psh, no way! This is the least bored I’ve been all day.” He piped, laughing when Walter tried to roll away from him again.
“AHAHAHAHAHAHA! NOHOHOHO YOHUHUHU BLOHOHOHOODY DROHOHONGOHOHO!” Fuse screamed and writhed when Octavio kneaded back into his centermost ribs. Ramya giggled and reached underneath his shirt, scribbling her fingertips against his bare sides and tummy. This prompted another scream and an even louder burst of laughter. “STAHAHAHAP TIHIHIHCKLING MEHEHE!”
“Nah, sorry mate. He’s my partner in crime, can’t let him down.” The modder quipped, gently pinching both sides of his abdomen. Walter almost threw her off of his waist and shook with raucous laughter.
The younger Legends were laughing almost as hard as he was and they picked up the tickling pace. “Ooo, I’m so scared.” Ramya snickered, circling her nails back around the man’s navel. Walter snorted and furiously kicked a pillow, sending it flying across the room. Octane momentarily stopped tickling him and threw his head back with laughter.
“Sí, you sound terrifying right now.” He added, smirking. He tickled up higher still, reaching his uppermost ribs, and scritched at them at a rapid pace.
Now, Walter wasn’t someone who was easily frightened, but the panic set in once the speedster attacked those ribs. He violently thrashed around with his laughter bordering on hysterics. If Octavio tickled any higher, he knew he wouldn’t last long.
“AHAHAHAHAHAH STHAHAHAHP! EHENOHOUGH ALREHEHEADY!” Fuse demanded through heavy fits of laughter. He arched his back when he alternated between the two ribs, rocking from one side to the other to try and avoid the tickles. His stubbornness was hanging by a thread now; maybe it would've been better for him to just come clean? Little did Walter know, neither Octane or Rampart were going to be as easily swayed now.
“Nope! You had your chance. And it looks like I found a good spot here.” The speedster answered with a grin, moving back down his rib cage to tickle each rib individually. Walter threw his head back and kicked another pillow off of the couch, his laughter taking on a desperate note. “Probably your worst one, right?”
Fuse frantically nodded. “YEHEHEHEHEHEHES! IHIHIHIHIHT IHIHIHIS! SOHOHO STOHOHOP!” He shouted, practically splitting his sides when he gently pinched the centermost ribs. His laughter took on different pitches depending on where Octavio tickled; poking beneath the rib cage made him giggle uncontrollably, tickling along the ribs themselves made him scream and roar with laughter. Rampart looked up at the two of them; she noticed that the higher up he tickled, the more the explosives enthusiast struggled. She grinned, reaching up to join Octane in tormenting his ribs by poking at his lowermost ones.
“You get his armpits yet? I think you’d wanna be thorough.” She offered, her grin widening when Fuse glared at her...or at least tried to. There was no way she could take him seriously with how hard he was laughing.
Octane glanced at her and chuckled. “No, don’t think I have. Are your armpits ticklish too, amigo?” He asked, slowly poking back up the man’s rib cage. He felt Walter stiffen and he beamed behind his mask.
“N-Nohohohoho! Thehehey’re nohohohot!” He lied; the unfamiliar feeling of panic eating at his nerves increased the closer his nails got to his armpits. Did ole Fusey’s voice crack when he told this lie? No, it didn’t! And he’d deny it for as long as it could...but that would just be another lie.
“No? Bummer.” Octavio bit back a smirk and sighed, leaving his hands resting on the top of the rib cage, just underneath where his armpits started. Ramya halted her tickling too and gave the speedster a questioning look. If he hadn’t been wearing the mask, she’d be able to see that mischief in his eyes was still going strong. Even Fuse, who was grateful for the break, was a tiny bit skeptical. He glanced at his hands and then at the kid’s face, breathing heavily. Was he really going to let him go, just like that?
Well, the short answer was no.
“Guess I’ll just have to forget about it and go see i--SIKE!”
Without warning, Octane buried his hands in Fuse’s armpits and wiggled his fingers around. The explosives enthusiast screamed and immediately dissolved into hysterical laughter. He didn’t even have a chance to fight it; the ticklish sensations came swift and sudden, and left him writhing on the couch. This time, he accidentally threw the modder off of him, and he could only pray that she wasn’t injured. Besides a yip of surprise and a few words of profanity, Ramya was perfectly fine.
“AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA STAHAHAHAHAHAHAP! BLOHOHOHOOHDY STAHAHAHAHA--” Walter’s demands were lost in his laughter as he dug his heels into the couch again. Since his arm was the only thing pinned down, he bucked himself forward to try and sit up. It didn’t work the first time, and it spurred Octavio to tickle him faster, drawing out more protests and wild laughter. He tried again, and again, and one more time after that, but the tickling had weakened him, and he didn’t pull his arm free before Ramya collected herself.
“Heh, well that looks like that was a lie, huh?” Rampart noted. Since she didn’t want to get thrown off again, she decided to sit next to the couch and poke at his ribs. Walter snorted again and laughed even harder, his legs flailing all over the place. “All the more reason to tickle you. Right mate?”
Octavio happily nodded and fluttered his nails along the length of Walter’s armpits. “Yup! You brought this on yourself, señor.” He grinned, going on a search for an even more ticklish spot along the armpits.
Meanwhile, Fuse was dying laughing. He did all he could to try and propel himself forward to escape, but Octavio’s knee kept his arm in place. The last thing he wanted to do was plead, but he was running out of options, and he only had so much oxygen. “OKAHAHAY! ALRIHIHIHGHT! I’M SOHOHOHRRY!” He yelped, thrashing violently when the speedster lingered on the lowermost areas of the armpits, just a hair away from the ribs. Whenever he stroked there, he twitched and absolutely howled with laughter. “PLEHEHEHEASE STAHAHAHAP!”
Ramya was the first to take notice; Walter didn’t seem like the type of guy to beg, so she assumed that they didn’t have a lot of time to keep on tickling him. She gently scratched at the ultra sensitive ribs that Octavio found: the uppermost and center most ones on each side of the rib cage. He desperately shook his head, attempting to dodge their hands, but they easily kept up with him. Thankfully, after a few more bouts of heavy laughter and intense struggling, Fuse finally pulled hard enough to get his arm free.
He immediately hopped to his feet and hurried towards his metal arm. The younger Legends blinked, surprised that he actually managed to get away, but it didn’t last long. They chased after him, laughing, and caught up with him before he could get a hold of his limb. Walter whirled around, extending his good arm out to defend himself, but it was too late. Both Octane and Rampart launched themselves towards the explosives enthusiast at the same time, each one burying a hand into an armpit. Fuse flinched and barked out some more protests mixed in with laughter, but ultimately, he ended up back on the floor in stitches.
“AHA! I GIHIHIHIHVE! I GIHIHIHIHVE! ENOHOHOHOUGH!” Walter yelled. He planted his hand on the floor and tried to use it as leverage to push himself up, but crashed back down when both Legends increased the tickling pace. At this point, poor Fusey was too tired to really try and get them to stop, so he could only shout another ‘plehehehehease’ before his laughter fell silent.
Rampart gradually halted the tickling and gently elbowed Octane. “Alright, alright. Let 's stop. Think grandpa is all tuckered out.” She chuckled, scooting back to give the man some room to recover. Octane pouted, but stopped shortly after Ramya did.
“Fine. Hey, no hard feelings, right amigo? I was super bored till you came along.” He added, heading over to where his metal arm was. He picked it up and handed it to Walter, who had to take a few extra minutes to catch his breath before he was able to grab it. He attached it back to his limb and exhaled. Fuse was still tired, but for a completely different reason now.
“...Glad I could be of service,” Walter quipped sarcastically. Octavio extended a hand to him to help him to his feet, and the older man accepted it gratefully. However, much to the speedster’s confusion, he didn’t release it right away. The speedster’s brows furrowed and he tried to tug his hand back to him, but when he looked into the man’s face, he saw a similar look of mischief in his eye. It made a shiver run down his spine. “But you do realize that disturbing me from my nap isn’t something I’m going to let slide, ay?”
Octane paled and only increased his efforts to yank his arm back to him. Thankfully, Rampart was still nearby, and she saved the day by giving the explosives expert another poke to the side. Walter yelped and jumped away from the touch, allowing both her and Octavio to scramble away. Fuse watched them go but, instead of chasing after them, he returned to his seat on the couch. He chuckled to himself; for now, he was going to return to his well deserved nap. But, when he woke up, ole Fusey was going to start some trouble...in more ways than one.
I was pretty nervous to post this since it's a little bit shorter than my usual fics, but the length of this one just felt 'right' when I finished writing and reread it. This is also my first time writing for Fuse and I'm still working on getting his character down, especially since this was kinda an impulse write :P. Anyways, I hope you liked the story.
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argentdandelion · 3 years
Completely Accurate Undertale Fanwork Summaries
Soul Dichromatism: A prince who looks like a goat has the hots for a species-swapped prisoner of war, and his buddies discuss ethics and are sad. (?)
A goatlike magical being has the hots for a transformed captive human that resembles his long-dead adoptive sibling, and he wonders whether he has some weird human-attraction problem. There’s also a bloody decades-long war in which the equivalent of long-range missiles are used on civilians.
You Monster:
People must repeatedly avoid calling an amnesiac person a human in front of said person.
A lost child insecure about not having fur and horns seeks out their mother’s ex-husband. Their new friends keep distracting them from finding this beloved pushover of an ex-husband.
We Need To Talk:
A talking flower and talking skeleton are improvised therapists for a very androgynous child, who is sort of two children but also not.
The Anomaly:
Seven really old people must deal with a flirtatious twentysomething with the godlike ability to rewind time.
A flirtatious twentysomething frees countless weird-looking people from many years of imprisonment and is unknowingly a thorn in the side of seven really old people, who are also recluses and roommates.
Handplates: A single, male scientist in a labcoat with a basement lab singlehandedly creates children through artificial means, whose exceptional traits surprise him, but it’s practically the opposite of The Powerpuff Girls.
Broken-Knife-Frisk: A tale of enemies turned friends as a skeleton transports a mass murderer to court.
Entity Neo: A timid ghost possesses his cousin’s mechanical corpse and gets sad.
Caretaker of the Ruins: An androgynous child learns the lesson of stranger danger the hard way, and then gets an even stranger stranger to delay child murder.
Inverted Fate: A technically undead flower turns back into a goatlike boy, then into a god, then torments a child and rewrites reality with zero experience. Their latest victim finds the new reality oddly familiar.
A technically undead flower turns into a terrifying god, rewrites reality, and then inadvertently gives some powerful people new jobs.
Fallen Flowers:A kid turns into another kind of kid, but with head-flowers, and must face a magic-zombie dystopia.
DeeperDown: Some weird-looking people leave their homes, face xenophobia, and experience environmentally-based declines in health.
Cost of Living: A kid tries to stop a horrible war but gets stuck in the past, where they’re almost constantly under watch by two skeletons and a lizard.
The Six Who Fell Before You:
Six kids die. The fun part is learning how.
A mother has a terrible track record: only one out the nine kids she took care of survive leaving her house and geographic area.
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dottie-wan-kenobi · 4 years
shines so sincere; an ace!Lily fic
available on ao3 under the same name, warning for internalized acephobia. 3k.
Lily sat sideways on the bench, poised to stand, biting her lip. Her eyes were on James, who sat just down the table from her, his eternally messy hair made even worse from having just rolled out of bed, so late he nearly missed breakfast. He was getting better about being responsible in all walks of his life—she’d caught him studying, Merlin forbid, and knew from their work together as Head Boy and Girl that he took his job seriously—but apparently getting up on time was just too difficult.
Not that she could blame him. She hadn’t wanted to get out of bed this morning either. At least she had a reason, which was the same one she had for being nervous now.
She’d always known that James fancied her, couldn’t avoid the truth of it after all of his pathetic attempts back in fifth year to win her over. And while she no longer felt the embarrassed anger she did then, it was the same: there was no avoiding that James had feelings for her. She didn’t want to avoid it, really, not anymore. In fact, recently she’d started to reciprocate a tiny bit, her heartbeat fluttering when he smiled at her, her palms sweating when he asked her to accompany him places (as a friend, he always specified, a self-conscious little smile on his face). The conversations they had were too often aimless, bouncing from topic to topic, eliciting spirited debates that left her heart and mind in a tizzy.
It wasn’t an issue, fancying James. She found herself enjoying it more and more, the way he made her feel, the way he looked at her. At night, she found herself imagining dates with him, real ones, and sometimes there were torturous ideas of a future they could have together as adults, as partners. Her feelings for him were different from how they used to be, no longer annoyed or reluctantly amused, but uplifting and fulfilling, they were fun and bright and silly, they were—
Nerve-wracking. Because there was something Lily hadn’t told James—hadn’t told almost anyone—that, she knew, would throw a spanner in any possible relationship they might have.
She stood, then, knowing she needed to get it over with, to rip the plaster off and—and hope for the best. Last night, it wasn’t dreams of a future with him that kept her up, but the fear of his reaction. He wasn’t a bigot. He supported his friends, he never hurled slurs. Everyone knew his mother’s sister was married to another witch. Whatever happened, she knew—took comfort in the fact—that he would be kind about it, that she would probably (hopefully) not lose his friendship. But it was still terrifying, the unknown effect all of this could have.
He looked up as she approached, his smile widening, the lines around his eyes crinkling behind his glasses. He raised his glass as if in a toast, and asked, “To what do I owe the pleasure, Evans?”
Ignoring the curious looks of his friends, she said, “Actually, there’s something I need to talk to you about. In private.”
That didn’t sound too bad, did it? Not necessarily personal. It could’ve been about Head Student responsibilities. It could’ve been about anything.
But of course, he could tell it wasn’t. Taking one last bite, he studied her face. She didn’t dare look away, knowing he’d see the tell for what it was, but meeting his gaze wasn’t any better. James Potter could read people like books. He could read her like a book. Especially lately, as they became closer, he’d been able to tell all too easily when she was upset. Standing, he asked lowly, no joking in his voice, “You alright?”
Just peachy. Her stomach was twisting anxiously, heat lurking in the back of her eyes, and she was certain that he was going to end up saying, Thanks but no thanks. She said, “Yes, fine. Can we go?”
She hardly waited for him to reply, unable to stand the probing looks from all four of them anymore. Escaping the Great Hall, Lily found the nearest empty classroom she knew of, not speaking. Her breath shivered out of her lungs as she tried, once again, to tell herself everything would be fine.
The sound of James’s breathing and his shoes on the stone flooring was all she needed to know he was with her. Once they were both inside, she shut and locked the door, then cast a muffliato. It wouldn’t be enough to keep his sneaky friends out, but she immediately felt better with a barrier between her and James, and the rest of the school.
Turning, she found James leaning against a table, looking right at her. He had his concerned face on—his mouth was pulled down, his eyes sharp—and his shoulders were deceptively relaxed, his hands resting on the edge like he might launch himself off it at any moment. 
She wasn’t sure if he was trying to seem harmless or not, but if he was, he was failing. Under his attentions, she felt utterly see-through. Clutching her arms against her stomach, she found there was nothing she could do to protect this vulnerable spot of herself. 
He won’t hurt you, she reminded herself. His friends, his aunt, never saying any slurs. He wouldn’t hurt her.
Not on purpose, another part whispered. But he still could.
“Okay, I can tell something’s wrong,” he said, cutting through her thoughts. “Did something happen? Are you alright? Who do I need to go curse?”
All night long, she’d thought about what she would say. Nothing had felt right. She’d thought, stupidly, that the words would come to her in the moment, that looking at him and his soft melty gaze would be enough. There were no words magically popping into her head, no ideas of how to broach this with him. And of course he was getting all protective and jumping to conclusions.
Lily approached him, though she didn’t lean on any of the tables herself. She needed to move, she needed to have some space while she did this. “Nothing’s wrong,” she said finally, hoping it was the truth. “Nobody did anything, and I already said I’m fine. I just wanted to tell you something important. It’s, uh—I’m just a bit nervous, that’s all,” she said under her breath.
James didn’t look convinced. But still, faced with someone he cared about who was panicking, he softened. He didn’t reach out to her—he knew she should be the one to initiate right now—but leaned his head forward a little, trying to catch her eye. “Hey, that’s alright,” he said soothingly. “Whatever it is, it’ll be okay. I promise you.”
For some reason, she said, “You shouldn’t make promises you can’t keep.”
“Trust me, unless you’re about to say you’re secretly a Death Eater right now, I’m sure it’ll be okay.”
Lily scoffed, revolting against the very idea. But she didn’t linger on the indignation she felt—it was distracting, and too… passionate, she supposed. Too far in the opposite direction. She needed to focus, didn’t want to think about something else, not when this was so delicate. “I would never. It’s not that. It’s…” She didn’t know a better way to do this, and time was starting to run out. He wouldn’t sit there all day waiting for her to find the perfect way to— “I think I’m falling in love with you.”
His mouth dropped open, but otherwise, he was frozen, staring at her with wide eyes. 
Not giving him a moment to let that settle in—no matter how much she wanted to—she plowed on ahead. “Except that there’s something… not wrong with me, it’s not a bad thing, it’s just—well. I don’t want to have sex with you. I don’t want to have sex with anyone. I don’t have… I’m not….”
She had no words for it. There was no easy way to explain that she liked to get herself off just fine, but when she and her ex-girlfriend had tried to have sex, she’d felt… bored and uncomfortable. There’d been cerebral sparks between them, and kissing had been great, but sex was a different story—there was nothing there. Every time they tried, she just felt lost and confused, unsure why anyone would want to experience it. And the more in her head she got about it, the worse it felt, her skin beginning to itch in an altogether unpleasant way. She’d wondered if she was the only person in the world who felt like that, if maybe she was trying with the wrong person, if she was even into girls at all.
The only answer she had was for that last one, and it was a resounding yes. But doubts still creeped in the back of her mind about all of it, anxious thoughts about what it meant that she didn’t like sex, questions about—was it just that she didn’t like sex, or that she didn’t want it, or something else? Was there even any difference there? What did it mean for her future—would she end up alone like Petunia always teased her about?
And what did it mean that she could enjoy her time alone, but once someone else touched her, the warmth in her stomach shriveled and disappeared?
She kept telling herself she wasn’t broken, but she wasn’t sure if she believed it or not. The old adage “fake it until you make it” wasn’t working as well as it usually did.
Stupid tears filled her eyes as he sat, still frozen, probably trying to figure out what the bloody hell she was even talking about enough to reject her. She was so good at hiding her emotions with everything but this. There was no one to talk to, no place to vent, and the few times she’d ever talked about it with anyone, she’d cried. She didn’t want to cry in front of him, but he wasn’t saying anything, he was just staring at her, and she didn’t know what it meant!
“I understand,” she said, voice thick with held back emotion, “if you don’t want to have to deal with that. For what it’s worth, I’m sorry, and I hope we can still be friends.”
He blinked at her, and it was then she realized that—no, he probably didn’t want to be friends. He was probably still in love with her, and now she’d just gone and ruined it, maybe even broke his heart. She wouldn’t want to be friends with him either if the situation were reversed—wouldn’t be able to handle seeing him after a rejection like this. She wasn’t sure she’d be able to anyway. Their prefect patrols and Head Student meetings were going to be miserable, weren’t they? Both of them pretending their hearts weren’t shattered because she just couldn’t make herself— 
Still, she tried to retain some dignity. Holding her head up, she nodded solemnly and didn’t say a word as she turned to the door.
She was going to leave, and she wasn’t going to cry until she was safely tucked in her bed in Gryffindor Tower, where James and his stupid brilliant everything couldn’t find her.
“Wha—Lily,” James suddenly said, startling out of his stupor and reaching for her arm. He turned her back around gently, his eyes searching her face. “Wait. Wait, please. You just dropped two bombardas on me, I need a second to—you’re falling in love with me? Really?”
His eyes shone happily, his smile reappearing. She nodded, unable to speak around the frog in her throat. Yes, she was falling for him. It felt inevitable, right down to the marrow of her bones, like sinking into a warm hug. But the issue about sex was holding her—them—back. She wished, not for the first time, that she could be more normal.
It wasn’t often she let herself entertain the idea, knowing it did nothing but hurt in the end. Maybe she would be different in the future, but what was important was now, and right now? There was no changing who she was. If that meant not being normal, then… well, it was just another way in which she was a freak.
Looking up into his smile, she hoped he realized that. If he was about to say he could fix her or change her, it would break her heart. But he wasn’t like that, or at least she really hoped not.  
“Lily,” he said, a simple word carrying the weight of several years of emotion. “That’s—I’m so happy to—I love y—wait, I should talk about the other thing first, I think.”
Lily closed her eyes. This was awful. Maybe she should’ve just pretended, should’ve told him she’s falling for him and left out not-interested-in-sex part. How could she go on after hearing that cut off declaration? How could she go on hearing him say it to Sirius every day, or Merlin forbid, another girl?
“Hey,” he said, coaxing and soft. “Hey, listen. You don’t need to be sorry for that. Okay? You don’t ever need to be sorry for who you are.”
“Unless you’re a Death Eater,” she said, daring to peek at him. His nose was twitching slightly, the way it always did when he something shocked him. She’d seen it a lot, after several revenge pranks over the years. But more importantly, he didn’t look upset, or disgusted. That sappy, melty, sweet gleam shone in his eyes, and his smile was lopsided but gentle, no sharpness to it at all. 
“Yeah,” he agreed solemnly. “Or a bigoted arsehole. But this? No. Not at all, not ever. I—“
Suddenly, a strong need to make it all clear to him gripped her, and though it was the last thing she wanted, to be rejected by him, she urged, “You understand, don’t you? If we date, if we become boyfriend and girlfriend, you won’t… I won’t… there will be no sex. I can’t promise you anything like that.”
Maybe it would have been easier to pretend, to lie. But she knew he would want to know. Flashes of what could’ve happened if she did hit her then—having sex with him, struggling to hide how it made her feel, and James eventually finding out, hurt and angry that she’d kept something so—so important from him. 
It was best she laid all the cards down now, before they could get any more tangled together. So that he could extricate himself before it was too late.
He hummed thoughtfully. Though he was looking at her, he seemed lost in thought, and she hoped he couldn’t tell what she was thinking.  “Would—wait, can I ask questions? You can say no, it’s okay.”
Questions. The word made her stomach cramp with nerves, but still, she nodded. 
“Thank you,” he smiled, coming back to her and shifting on his heels. “I’m mostly wondering what your limits are. Would you want to snog at all?”
“Snogging’s okay. I like that part. It’s just once it starts, uh… going beyond that,” she fumbled, “that’s uncomfortable for me.”
His hand twitched like he wanted to reach out, and she could picture the way he would comfort his friends, a soothing hand, a lifeline she sorely wanted in that moment. “Okay. Listen, Lily, I… I’m just gonna be honest, okay? I’m in love with you. And up until like, fifteen minutes ago, I thought you’d never return those feelings. I want to be with you, in any shape or form that might take. Friends, dating, whatever. As long as we’re together, I’m happy. I want you to be happy too. 
“If we date, and we don’t shag, not even once, then that’s okay. I’m never going to pressure you, or expect anything from you that you don’t want to give, not like that. I am glad you want to kiss,” he said, giving an exaggeratedly relieved sigh, and she giggled despite herself. “But, really. I love you. I love all of you, Lily. I’m probably going to have to like, study this stuff so I don’t say anything stupid or do the wrong thing, but I can handle that just fi— “
“James,” she said, interrupting him finally. Her heart was racing. This all felt like a dream, some fantasy where he was perfect and she got everything she ever wanted. All of his words, the feelings and meaning behind them, were hitting her at once. She opened her mouth but nothing came out. 
All she could think, over and over again, was How is he real?
“Can I hug you?” He asked after a few moments. His hands were twitching again.
“Please,” Lily replied, opening her arms for him. They fell against each other within seconds, and he was warm and stable and still there, right there with her. He knew about her and he loved her—not despite it, not anyway, he just loved her. He loved every part of her. Heart beat in her throat now, tears pricking her eyes, she asked against his chest, “Will you be my boyfriend?”
His hand caressed her back, up and down, up and down over the fabric of her sweater. The touch soothed something inside of her, the terrified and vulnerable shivers clenching in her head and chest finally easing, and she melted into it. “Don’t be silly,” he said. She could hear the beam in his voice, his own racing heart under her ear. “Of course I will. Girlfriend.”
A little hesitantly, he pressed a kiss to the top of her head. “That okay?” He murmured.
She pulled away enough to meet his eyes. Merlin. Somehow, in all her panic, she hadn’t let herself dream of this becoming a reality. He was beautiful and amazing and she knew it wouldn’t be long before there was no turning back. Not long at all. “Don’t be silly,” she repeated him, standing on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek. “Of course it is. Boyfriend.”
Reblogs are much appreciated! <333
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official-weasley · 3 years
The Irreplaceable Charlie Weasley: Pt. 5, Ch. 6
PART 5: THE YEAR WHEN EVERYONE FIGHTS Chapter 6 - The Quidditch Love Triangle
After two weeks I gave up all hope that Nova and I would ever speak again. I tried talking to her every day and she always stormed away. I have never felt so bad about anything in my life. I didn't even care anymore that I had a crush on her, I just wanted my best friend back.
She even went so far that she asked Jae if Tulip could switch places with her in History of Magic and Transfiguration as she didn't want to sit with me. I was miserable and I hated myself because I know it was all my fault. Even Bill was surprised at this point and thought, like me, that we would already talk it out.
The stupidest thing was, that I don't even remember why I was so mad about the whole thing. I just knew I could say some mean things when I was angry.
I tried to bury myself in my studies but I was doing rather poorly. I now spent most of my time with either Jae, Bill, or Barnaby. I don't know what Nova told the girls but I thought Penny was going to transfigure me into a rat the other day. They were all furious. Mum wasn't wrong when she said that girls can be dangerous.
The only time I had any fun these days, was playing Quidditch. It cheered me up, knowing that we won't play against Ravenclaw until next year and that meant I wouldn't have to play against Nova. Our Captain forgave me for giving up the Snitch last year and was happier than ever when I supported his decision to have even more practice. The more I was on that pitch the better.
I now had Bill to help me study for my O.W.L.s. He spent so much time with me in the Library and while studying for N.E.W.T.s still found time to answer my every question if one came to mind.
Jae offered to talk to Tulip and Tonks to see what was going on and why is Nova so mad. I was pretty sure I had the answer to that question and I really appreciated the help but I didn't want anyone to interfere. I reckoned it would make Nova even madder if it was even possible.
I am not going to lie, I did think about Jae's offer. I was getting desperate. She was either with the girls or her Quidditch Team and no matter how hard I tried I never got her alone. In the end, Jae asked Tulip about it anyway and she told him that it's none of their business and we have to solve it on our own.
I knew that much, I was just running out of ways to talk to her or say sorry. I wrote her a letter a few times but never got a response. I spent more time than usual at her favorite places but she seemed to never be there.
To make matters worse I saw her eating lunch alone with McNully several times. I was mentally preparing myself to see them holding hands any day now.
The match between Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff was approaching fast. I was excited about it as it would be a rare occasion these days where I would see Nova not being mad. One thing I wasn't looking forward to was listening to McNully commentate on every single one of her moves. I hated knowing he was watching her.
I made my way to the pitch with Jae and Bill.
“Jae, thank you for going with us. I know Tulip asked you to go with her.” Jae still fancied Tulip and it looked like they were doing pretty good but these days nobody really hung out with anybody because of me and Nova. Jae insisted that the whole thing between us was rubbish and said that if Tulip can take Nova's side, he was going to stick with mine and I appreciated that very much. I knew he missed hanging out with her.
“Don't mention it, mate.” He smiled sincerely. “As I said, if they want to hold grudges against my best mate, then I don't want anything to do with them.”
“That's really nice of you, Jae.” Bill said and I agreed. Jae just shrugged his shoulders as if it wasn't a big deal.
On our way up to the stands, we ran into Tulip, Tonks, and Penny.
“Hi.” Tulip said awkwardly and waved to Jae.
“Hi.” He said back with an official voice but I saw his cheeks turn pink.
Penny exhaled through her nose angrily and walked past us. Tulip and Tonks looked sad but followed her.
“You know what, this is mad!” I heard Tonks say and we all turned around.
“Do you mates want to sit with us to watch the game?” She asked.
“Tonks, what are you doing?” Penny frowned.
“Look, Penny, this is getting ridiculous! Can we at least spend time with our friends when Nova's not around? She's not going to see us and Charlie apologized to her for the 100th time this morning.” She pointed at me.
“She's right, Pen. They are our friends too.” Tulip said calmly.
“I just don't understand why do you two need so long to make up? What did you say to her, Charlie? I have never seen anyone so angry as she is at you.” So Penny wanted us to make up too?
“I thought she told you?” I looked puzzled.
“No...not really.” Tulip admitted. “Every time we asked her about it she got mad at us too so we stopped trying.”
“Then why are you mad at me?” I frowned.
“Charlie, we are only mad at you because we saw how hurt she was. She came back from your fight as if a troll hit her on the head. She cried for hours.” Penny explained.
“I made her cry? Great, as if I don't feel like the worst friend already.” I lost all interest in Quidditch. I wanted to go to my dormitory and never come out of it again.
“I just think she needs time, she'll come around.” Penny looked so sad that I wanted to hug her.
“Yeah, being with McNully really will help my cause.” I rolled my eyes.
“Charlie, you have to get over that guy!” Penny sighed.
“Wait, was this all because of Murphy?” Tulip asked.
“I threw her crush in her face when we were fighting, yeah.” I admitted. “And I told her that we were drifting apart and that it was okay and I understood that she has other friends now.”
“You did what?!” Penny was furious. “You basically broke up your friendship and you wonder why she is so mad at you!” For a second I thought she was going to punch me.
“I am sorry but I don't know what the big deal is.” Tonks looked puzzled. “He was probably mad as she spent more time with everyone else and he said some bad things, he's only human!” She turned from Penny to me. “You said sorry on multiple occasions and it always sounded sincere to me...” Tulip nodded in agreement. “...and she can't take the bloody apology? Sorry, mate but you're not the one doing anything wrong here.” Penny glared at her and if it was possible I would say smoke was coming through her nostrils.
“Don't look at me like that Haywood, you know I'm right! She's overreacting and only thinking about herself.” Bill and Penny gasped. “He's obviously hurting too and she's punishing him for hurting her feelings.” She continued, completely ignoring them.
“You're right.” Penny sighed and finally calmed down.
“Charlie, don't you think we're not trying.” She bit her lip nervously. “We mention you all the time and encourage her to talk to you. She always says she's not ready to talk yet.” She said sadly, avoiding my eyes.
“Give her more time.” Tulip added. I nodded. I would give her all the time in the world if it means I get my best friend back.
“Now, what do you say we go be friends again and watch the match together?” Tonks pulled us all in a hug circle.
“Who are you two Hufflepuffs going to root for?” Bill asked.
“Ravenclaw, of course!” Penny beamed.
“Mate, she fancies Andre, who did you think she was rooting for?” I chuckled.
“Well, I'm rooting for Hufflepuff, I am done giving Nova a shoulder to cry on.” Tonks frowned, put her hand on my shoulder, and looked at me. “I am on your side now, Weasley.” She said and started going up the stairs. That made me smile, she was a good friend.
“I swear, sometimes she scares me.” Jae whispered. Tulip and Penny giggled.
We reached the stands and found a free spot just as Madam Hooch whistled. Both Teams flew to the pitch and the game began. I was curious how the game was going to turn out. I heard that Hufflepuff got a new Keeper this year and apparently she was really good.
I was interested to see her technique so I decided to stare towards the Hufflepuff hoops instead of following Nova's every move.
Were girls right? Was she the one overreacting? I couldn't believe Tonks was on my side as I still felt like I was the one who did everything wrong. She was indeed torturing me at this point, not wanting to talk but I did hurt her feelings, she had the right to be angry. Right?
“And 10 points to Hufflepuff, what an incredible technique that was!” Great, McNully! “If they have more tricks like this up their sleeves then their chance of winning...” I put my hands on my ears to muffle out the absurd percentages he was about to get wherever from. Bill and Jae laughed at me as they knew how annoying I found it.
I had to give it to the Hufflepuff Keeper, she was really good! I bet Tom was already debating a new strategy with our Chasers on how to score past her. Sometimes I was really happy I was the Seeker. I only had one job, catching the Snitch. Even though I admit that I did a poor job playing against Ravenclaw last year.
I decided to look for the Snitch to see if I can spot it from the stands. It was a good practice and it distracted me from listening to McNully's analytics. Seriously, what does she see in that guy!
My search for the Snitch was interrupted as I noticed one of the Bludgers acting weirdly. Both Ravenclaw Beaters were chasing after it, obviously noticing the same thing but just as one of them wanted to hit it away from the pitch, it moved and the Beater almost fell off the broom. It was now going straight for the students watching the match on the side opposite to ours and just as they ducked, it hit the wall behind them, making a hole.
For a second it looked like it was not coming back but then I heard a familiar sound right behind us.
“Down, everyone!” I shouted, putting my hands over Bill and Jae's heads and pushing them down. We ducked just in time as the Bludger made another hole, this time from the other side, right above our heads. “Blimey, Charlie. Thank you!” Tonks said, while Tulip and Penny looked terrified.
Just when I thought it calmed down I saw it going towards Nova. She was so focused on something and when I narrowed my eyes I saw she was going after the Snitch. The Bludger was approaching fast and by the looks of it, she didn't see it.
“Nova!” I cupped my hands around my mouth.
“Charlie, what are you doing?” Bill was holding his hands over his ears as I continued shouting her name.
“The Bludger! It's going to hit her!” I pointed at her. The ball was now catching up to her and just as she was about to grab the Snitch, it hit her in the back, knocking her off her broom.
Penny shrieked and Tulip and Tonks gasped. Madam Hooch used her whistle and all the players flew to the ground to see if Nova was okay. I tried standing on my toes to see what was going on. I needed to know if she was alright. Now more than ever I hated being so short.
“Bill, can you see anything?”
“Take her to the Hospital Wing, quickly!” I heard Madam Hooch shout just as Bill shook his head.
I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around.
“Charlie, you have to go.” Penny said. I looked at Tonks and Tulip and they both nodded.
“Be there for her, mate.” Bill hugged me and they stood up so I could pass them.
I needed so much time to get away from the stands as students started to panic. The Bludger was now more out of control than before and started making more holes through the stands.
I was pushing people away, getting a lot of angry looks, but I didn't care. I had to know if Nova was alright. I couldn't believe this was happening. We weren't talking for such a long time and now she got hurt. I felt guiltier than ever now and at this point, I promised myself that I would make her talk to me if nothing else will work. It was time to get my best friend back.
I ran through the Courtyard and down the Corridor as fast as I could. I could feel a sharp pain under my ribs but I didn't care. I had to know that she was okay. I stopped between the open Hospital Wing door, leaning on it and trying to catch my breath.
“Nova.” My voice sounded as if my mouth was full of sand.
I walked inside, still panting looking at the beds, trying to find her.
“She is going to be alright, don't you worry.” I heard Madam Pomfrey say. I ran towards the bed, ready to be by her side as I stopped, stupified.
I felt my heart shatter all over again and it seemed like I was about to suffocate, when I saw McNully by her bed, holding her hand and telling her she was going to be okay.
I stormed out of the Hospital Wing before he noticed me, out of the Castle and into the Forbidden Forest and I was never getting out again.
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siriuslyshewrote · 4 years
Eastside - F.S
Request - Hi please can I have a finn shelby imagine where I'm his bestfriend and i have a crush on him and me and esme (my sister),linda,gina,ada and polly have a few drinks and I end up getting drunk and finn is ignoring me so I flirt with a guy to get his attention and then finn ends up looking after me and I end up telling him I'm in love with him thanks xx @beth-winchester21
Y/N is Esme’s younger sister, and I envisage her living with Esme and John and their kids. Both Y/N and Finn are 17.
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1925 - The Garrison Pub - 11:13 PM
“Where the bloody hell are our boys?” Esme, your sisters voice - a little slurred, a little louder than usual - exclaimed, slamming her glass back onto the table with more force than she intended.
Ada let out a laugh. “Cutting someone, no doubt. Boring. They could be here-“
She wildly gestured around with her hands, accidentally smacking you in the head, to which she apologised several times, placing a drunken kiss to your head, ruffling your already messy hair, as you giggled, a little more drunk that you had initially expected when you were practically dragged out of your home, Polly proclaiming that Finn could survive without you for one night. That sentence had stung a little at the time, but you could barely remember why now.
“Having fun!” She continued, lighting a cigarette, the smell of which tickled your nose with familiarity - the same ones Finn smoked.
“A bit too much fun.” Linda gently chastised, still sipping on her heavily diluted gin and tonic.
“Oh, loosen up, Linda-“ Your sister replied. “Live a little! Heaven knows your husband does!”
Even tipsy, you could tell that Linda had taken offence to that statement, her jaw set a little, focusing on stirring her drink. Ada sniggered a little, stumbling up from beside you, helpfully disrupting a potential argument.
“I’m going to order us some ... more drinks - Y/N, what do you want?”
You opened your mouth to say just something weak, because there was a distinct fuzzy feeling in your head that made you want to giggle an awful lot.
“She’ll have a whiskey. Me too, Ada.” Esme pulled you into a side hug, and you laughed a little at your older sister, leaning your head against her shoulder.
“Who do you reckon Polly’s chatting up at the bar?” Your sister grinned, guiding your glance to a rather tipsy Polly, who was laughing at something a much younger man had told her, a coy look in her eyes.
“He’s definitely a pilot.” You mused. “Or a chauffeur, something like that.”
“No, I think an accountant.” Linda chipped in, leaning towards the two of you. “He’s got that look about him.”
“The boring look.” Esme pointed out, and you all giggled.
“What are we chatting about?” Ada questioned, plopping back down beside you, spilling half the drinks on herself, before she handed them out, giving the fullest glass to you with a not so subtle wink.
“Pol’s new catch.” You informed her.
“Oh, him! He seems pretty boring-“
“That’s what we said!”
She laughed. “Moving on - when is my dear sort-of-sister-in-law going to find herself a catch?” She jabbed you with her elbow, eyebrows wiggling conspiratorially.
“I think she already has. To a certain younger brother of yours.” Esme grinned teasingly, as your cheeks reddened, as you drank a big gulp of your whiskey to avoid talking for a second.
They both laughed. “Well, a fucking blind man could figure that one out.” Ada grinned, as you blushed even further.
“How many times do I have to tell you two that Finn is just a friend-“ You protested, but it was impossible to hide your pink cheeks. Esme poked them gently.
“Your cheeks say different, Y/N/N.” She teased.
You snorted. “It’s hot in here-“
They both made disparaging noises with a laugh, and you were only distracted from your torment when the door swung open, and a group of men strolled into the pub - the Shelby brothers. Your eyes went immediately to Finn, who was joking around with John about something. His eyes flickered to yours for a few moments, and you shot him a wide smile, heart beating a little too fast. He shot you barely a half smile, a half hearted wave, before turning back to John, and your spirits fell.
“What was that about?” Ada questioned a little too loudly.
You shrugged, teeth pulling at your bottom lip. “He’s been like that a lot over the past few weeks. I don’t -“ Your voice cracked a little. “I don’t know what I’ve done.”
The men had only been at the bar for a few seconds, but they were already heading over to your table, Esme already distracted by the sight of her husband. Ada shot you a sympathetic look, mouth opening to speak, but you had already stood up, legs wobbling, before you steadied yourself, picking up your still half empty glass of whiskey.
“I’m going to sit at the bar.” You sniffed a little, blinking to get your emotions in check. “I can’t deal-“
Ada nodded, making as if to come with you, but you shook your head, murmuring about a need to be alone.
You didn’t even shoot Finn one glance as you walked past him, trying to be proud and not to wobble with the drink and the high heels.
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You weren’t entirely sure how much time had passed, but what you were certain of was that you’d had several more glasses of whiskey, courtesy of the boy sat next to you, who was chatting to you, a suave smile on his face. At some point, his hand had ended up on your thigh, to which, unbeknownst to you, several people at the table you had left had taken notice of.
Ada had a rather proud smile on her face, knowing full well just why you were acting the way you were, even if you weren’t sure yourself. John was uncomfortable, making several comments to his wife about how he wanted to go and pull the ‘little scumbag’ off you, to which Esme had laughed. Ever since John and Esme had married, you had been close to your brother-in-law, to the point where most days it felt like he was a second father, especially since you moved in with them, so it was no surprise he was overprotective. Finn, though, was a different league. His jaw was tense, foot tapping on the floor, fist clenched around the cold rum glass, eyes flicking to you every few seconds, much to the teasing of his siblings. He, more than anyone, looked like he wanted to go and cut the boy a new smile.
You were blissfully unaware of all of this, however, dizzy on alcohol and the knowledge that this boy was interested in you - though it didn’t feel the same as it would if a certain other boy showed any interest. But for as long as you had liked him, he had only shown platonic love to you, and recently, none at all. Perhaps, your actions were a big middle finger to your best friend, even if you weren’t sure that he was even looking at you. You laughed louder, almost raucously, at a joke the boy made, even though it wasn’t all that funny. His hand slid further up your leg, and some part of you started to feel a little uncomfortable, though you didn’t say anything.
“You want to get out of here?” He breathed, faces inching closer together, your lips almost brushing. The smell of liquor on his breath wasn’t the same as it was with Finn. It didn’t make you feel comfortable, the opposite, really.
Your eyebrows scrunched together, drawing back, heart dropping. Of course that was all he wanted. Your jaw tensed, suddenly feeling a lot more sober.
“No.” You spoke, turning back to your drink as something to do.
He let out an annoyed exhale. “So you’re going to be a tease?”
“I wasn’t aware accepting a drink was being a tease.” You spat.
“You’ve been giving me those eyes all night and now you’re deciding you don’t want it?”
His eyes weren’t as soft as you previously thought - instead they were greedy, and angry, entitled.
“Yes.” You spoke a single word answer, making to grab your bag from the floor.
You didn’t know exactly what he thought he was doing by grabbing your wrist, but really, it was a stupid decision. Only a second before you smacked him in the face yourself, a voice sounded from beside you.
“Mate, piss off, will you?” Finn’s voice was controlled, even, but angry. You tensed at the feeling of his body brushing close to yours as he stood beside you.
“And-“ The boy began in a confrontational tone, before glancing up and seeing exactly who he was talking to, before swallowing. “Sorry, mate-“ He stood up quickly, turning away and moving into the crowd, presumably before Finn could start anything. Over the past months, the youngest Shelby brother wasn’t exactly known for his stellar temper.
You let out a simultaneous huff of anger and relief, finally managing to pick up your bag, and standing up just as swiftly as the guy had, shooting your friend a look, crossing your arms, before turning towards the exit of the pub.
“Esme, I’m going home!” You called, to which your sister, perched on Johns knee, made to get up, never willing to let you walk the streets of Small Heath alone.
“I’ll take her, Esme, no bother.” Finn spoke, and your jaw tensed even more as Esme nodded with a grin, promptly shooting a smiling conspiratorial look to your sister in law. You rolled your eyes at the two of them.
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The cold air hit you as soon as you left the pub, and you immediately began to shiver slightly, though you refused to ask Finn for a jacket, merely out of principle, as you stormed a few metres in front him, which was a difficult feat, considering you were still very much tipsy, and the cobblestones weren’t exactly easy to navigate in stilettos.
“I didn’t need your help, Finn.” You snapped suddenly, turning round to shoot him a look. “I had it under my control.”
“Yeah, it really looked like it, with him grabbing onto your arm.”
“Do you think I’m incapable of defending myself? I know you fucking don’t. We’ve been friends for years. You know I can look after myself around shitty guys.”
“So you’d prefer it if I just left you?”
“Fine. I will next time.” He snapped. His voice was hurt, and it incited a twinge of guilt within you.
“What is it with you recently? You fucking ignore me half the time, then develop a fucking saviour complex whenever you think I’m in trouble?”
“It’s called sticking up for a friend-“
“Friend? Friend? You can’t pick and choose when to be friends with me! Or when you magically want to ignore me for no absolute reason.” You scoffed.
“Come on, Y/N. We are friends.” His voice was quiet.
“No. No, I really don’t think we are.” You’d regret these words later, the tiny voice in your brain spoke, but the alcohol and adrenaline in your veins only spurred you on.
“You’re drunk. You don’t mean that.” He sounded more as if he was convincing himself of that fact than you.
“Don’t I?” You said more quietly, stopping your fast paced walk. “You can’t just.. choose when you want to be friends with me!”
“And you can’t just choose when you want to flirt with me and make me feel like maybe it’s me that you like, then go and do it with random other guys!” He exclaimed, and you were taken aback, almost sobering for a second.
“No, you’re drunk. Let’s get you home.” He murmured, anger dissipating in defeat, walking on, lighting a cigarette in his lips.
“Finn.” Your hand gently wrapped around his wrist, pulling him closer to you, faces a breath apart, as your eyes scanned his own.
“I fucking like you, okay. Only you.” Your drunken mind was racing and you’d regret saying these things tomorrow, but say them you did. “I’ve fucking liked you since you threw me into the Cut when we were thirteen and then realised I couldn’t swim and jumped into save me. I’ve shown it, all this time. It’s you that hasn’t. I like you, Finn. Do whatever you want with that information.”
His eyes softened, his hands brushing your own.
“Tell me this when you’re sober, yeah?” He breathed.
“And what will you say?” You were unsure, unsure if you had just thrown away your whole friendship -
He paused for a moment, licked his lips nervously - a habit he’d always had.
“That I like you too.”
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shadowhuntertrash · 4 years
Bad Day
  Matthew woke with a start. He was sweating and shaking and all too aware of his quick breaths. Damn. Matthew thought, shaking his head, trying to shake away the nightmare. He had this dream at least three times a week, most of the time around five. 
   It always started the same, he was at a park with his mother and father. They were having a good day, it was Matthew’s birthday and he had decided he wanted to go outside. They would be sitting there on a bench and then the scene would switch and he’d be at the Shadowmarket with the faerie who sold him the poison.
   The faerie would give him an evil look and then the scene would switch again and he would see Charlotte trembling and sweating in her bed. Tessa was next to her and Charlotte was crying. His father would usher him out and tell him about the child Charlotte was bearing. 
   Then the dream would morph one more time and he would be standing in a room with blood everywhere and Charlotte and Henry sobbing. He would sit there and watch for a minute before Charlotte’s head shot up and she glared at him. “This is your fault! All of this! Look what you’ve done! Get out, leave! I never want to see you again!” Matthew would try to talk to her but before he could say anything she would slap him.
   That’s when he woke up.
   Matthew sat in his bed shaking and running his hand over his face before glancing at the clock. It was six in the morning. He decided to not go back to sleep and got up to go shower. He stood under the hot watch and tried to keep his eyes open, every time they closed he would be back in the room with his parents sobbing and his mother’s face looking at him with disgust and hate. 
   Matthew shook his head again and stepped out of the shower grabbing a towel and drying himself off slowly. He always moved slowly after those dreams. It gave him more time to put on his mask. He always wore it, the happy carefree mask that hid his darkest secrets. 
   Once Matthew was dressed and ready for the day it was eight in the morning. He trudged downstairs and heard voices from the kitchen. “I just don’t know what to do with him Henry.” It was his mother and father. He grimaced and continued walking. “All he does is drink and party. He has to know that he has quite a reputation, mustn't he? I just don’t know what to do.” Matthew froze, were they talking about him?
   “Darling, it’ll be okay. He’ll grow up soon. Don’t you remember Will when he was that age? He was just as bad and he has turned out to be a great man. Matthew will grow up, he just hasn’t had to yet.” Matthew felt a pang in his gut. He always knew his mother looked down on him. How could she not? She was the Consul and he was her problematic son. He knew that she thought lowly of him but his father? 
   That hurt so much more than he ever dreamed. He had always loved his father so much, he would watch over him and help him in any way he could. He was aware that he had a drinking problem and he knew that he had a reputation for partying but surely his father didn’t hate him for that?
  “I know he’ll grow up but he needs to do it soon. I can’t be the Consul with a son like him. Everyone already questions having a woman in the position, but a woman who can’t even control her own son? Everyone looks down on me for it Henry. He needs to stop messing around and step up.” Matthew felt the words hit his heart like daggers. He heard his father sigh. 
   “He will Lottie don’t worry.” Matthew turned on his heel abruptly. After the dream he had he needed to get out. He couldn’t listen to this, not right now.
   He had just gotten in the carriage when Charles stepped in and shoving him over. “Where are you going so early Charles?” Matthew said through clenched teeth. He did not want to deal with Charles right now. Charles huffed and looked at him as if he was nothing but dirt. 
   “I’m going to a meeting as important people do, and what about you? Going to another bloody downworlder party?” Matthew looked away scowling. He wasn’t going to a party, he was going to see James. He knew Charles hated him and thought of him as nothing but it still wasn’t great hearing it from his own mouth.
   “Sod off Charles, I’m going to Jamie’s.” Charles wrinkled his nose. “I do wish you had never befriended him. He’s an awful lot of trouble and honestly you don’t need any help in that department.” Matthew froze all he could see was red. He tried to calm himself down but his brother kept going.
   “The only thing he’s good at is getting into the shadow world and that’s not even on purpose. He doesn’t have his mother’s warlock powers nor does he have his dad’s bravery. He doesn’t even have his parents' charm. He needs to grow up just as much as you do. But then again the worthless ones always find each other don’t they brother.” 
   Matthew couldn’t help himself. He punched Charles in the nose. He heard the sickening crunch when it broke which was accompanied by Charles’ groan as his hand shot up to his face. Charles took his hand away from his face and punched Matthew right back. Matthew felt the pain blooming right under his eye and his only regret was that he was going to have a large bruise. 
   Both boys were fuming and Matthew knew he needed to get out before they did something they would both regret. He stumbled out of the carriage as the driver slowed to see what was going on.
   He started walking to the Institute. It was about a thirty minute walk from his house so he knew he would get a chance to calm down. Today was not his day and all he wanted to do was go see his parabatai. 
   Honestly he would’ve been fine if Charles had just been talking about him but he had never been good at controlling himself when people said bad things about Jamie. Charles seemed to know that and use it every chance he got.
   Matthew put a hand to his eye and winced. It hurt like hell and his head was throbbing. He silently cursed Charles and walked faster. It only took him 20 minutes to get to the Institute and when he walked in there were several shadowhunters in the entryway. Matthew was going to ignore them and go find James but he was distracted when he caught his name.
   “It’s a shame that he’s a bastard child. His parents were so great but it’s common knowledge that Henry can’t have kids and Charlotte wanted more. I mean Gabriel owed Charlotte a lot from when he was younger and have you seen his hideous wife? He would surely need something more than her.” Matthew balled his hands into fists and tried to slow his breathing. 
   “Poor kid no one will want him now. I mean he doesn’t even look like his father and they intend for everyone to believe them?” Matthew was shaking when Will opened the door and ushered the other shadowhunters inside.
   Will spotted him and smiled warmly. “James is in the-” He cut off abruptly and frowned walking over to Matthew quickly. “Math what happened to your face?” He said tilting Matthew’s face up so he could get a better look at his eye. Matthew just shook his head and gave him a charming smile. 
  “Nothing to worry about Mr. Herondale just a little bruise.” Will frowns and shakes his head. “Matthew, I know you aren’t going to talk to me but please tell James how you got that. He’s in the library.” Matthew looked down and nodded with a soft smile. “Yes sir.” 
   Will patted Matthew’s head and walked hesitantly into the room where the rest of the shadowhunters had gathered. Matthew let out his breath and tried to still his trembling form. It didn’t do much so he gave up and walked to the library.
   The library was quiet and Matthew headed over to where he knew James would be. When he got there he climbed on the window seat and put his head in James’ lap. James was reading Great Expectations and the only form of acknowledgement he gave Matthew was readjusting so his book was propped up on Matthew’s head.
   Matthew sighed and let the quiet overtake him. His thoughts went back to his parents as he went over the day again in his head. 
   It was his own fault his parents didn’t like him, his own fault that they wanted him to change. He was a drunk  who was useless at politics who liked to have fun but they didn’t know the half of it. They didn’t know he was a murder who drank to forget. They didn’t know he slept around because he didn’t think he deserved anything better than a one night stand. He could deal with other people hating him because no one hated him more than himself.
   He knew he was a monster. He knew that he had no right to be alive when his sister wasn’t. He wished with all his heart that his sister was here instead of him. If he ever got the chance he would switch their places in a heartbeat. 
   It was times like this that Matthew wished him and Charles were close because maybe he would tell Charles what happened. He didn’t really think he would even if they were close but at least Charles wouldn’t be so awful to him. Maybe then he would protect Matthew from all the cruel words instead of joining in. 
   But only good people deserve good things. That’s why his brother hated him. Because he wasn’t a good person. He was a god awful person and he didn’t understand how anyone could like him. He didn’t understand why James chose to agree to be parabatai. Maybe he did it out of pity or maybe he did it because he didn’t want to have lied to his dad.
   All of his friends were so good, how could any of them want him around. He didn’t deserve the way they treated him. He never had even before everything happened.
   Matthew thought of all the rumors he’d heard, not only about his parentage but about his reputation as well. Many people thought he did it to spite his mother because he didn’t love her. No one knew it was the opposite. No one understood what he did, let alone why he did it. No one cared enough to find out either.
    Matthew was so stuck in his head that he didn’t realize when he started crying. He didn’t respond to James’ anxious questioning either. James ran his hands through Matthew’s hair and repeated his name, a little louder each time.
   By the sixth time James had said it, growing more anxious each time, Matthew had jolted back to reality. He sat up quickly trying to rid of the tears that were flowing but to no avail. Matthew balled his hands into fists and pushed them into his eyes trying to stem the flow of tears forgetting about his bruised eye.
   Matthew gasped and quickly took his hand away. James finally saw his bruised face and gasped as well. “Bloody hell Math, what happened?” He asked frantically kneeling in front of Matthew and holding his hands down with one of his own using his free hand to tilt his chin down so he could see Matthew’s eye.
   Matthew let out a slightly hysterical laugh and shook his head. “You know you’re just like your dad.” Matthew mumbled looking away from James who frowned and pulled out his stele. “Matthew look at me.” Matthew turned his head further away. He couldn’t stop his tears and they were flowing faster now.
   James sighed and brought his chin back so he could look Matthew in his eyes. “Math, what happened?” Matthew shook his head, tears coming impossibly faster. He didn’t deserve James’ concern. He felt a sob in his throat and closed his eyes tightly. He shouldn’t let James see him like this. This was weak; he shouldn’t let anyone’s words get to him. He deserved them anyway.
   James was having none of his silence though and put both his hands on Matthew’s shoulders shaking him gently. “Matthew Fairchild look at me right now.” Matthew opened his eyes hesitantly and saw a fire burning in James’ gold eyes. Golden fire meeting green hills. 
   “Who did that to you.” Matthew broke then. He didn’t bother holding back his tears as he let his head fall on James’ collarbone. James put his arms around Matthew immediately, frowning. Matthew never cried, and when he did it was uncontrollable like this. James rubbed his back and muttered soothing words in his ear.
   “You’re okay, Math. You’re with me in the library. No one else is here, it’s just us. You can talk to me, I’m not going to make you, well I need to know how you got that bruise but I won’t make you talk to me about anything else.” Matthew only sobbed harder at that. James’ frown deepened and he shifted them so he was leaning against the window and Matthew was on his lap straddling him.
   Most people would see this as intimate, and it was, but not in the way other people thought it. This was the best way to calm Matthew down, James knew that better than anyone. Matthew was the kind of person who needed to be touched or held when he was upset and James knew that he felt safe when James held him like this.
   James could feel his shirt getting wet but he didn’t care. All he cared about was what had upset his parabatai so much. He rubbed soothing circles on Matthew’s back and Matthew took stuttering breaths trying to calm himself. James put Matthew’s hand on his back and took exaggerated breaths feeling encouraged as Matthew tried to match them.
   “You’re doing great Math, just breathe.” Matthew nodded against him and a few minutes later he was breathing normally again and the tears had slowed, not stopped, but slowed. James pulled back slightly and rested his forehead against Matthew’s. Matthew’s eyes were still closed but James kept his open trying to read his best friend’s face.
   “Math, can you tell me what happened now?” Matthew let out a bitter laugh. “I punched Charles.” He said, his voice thick from the tears. James looked at Matthew and shook his head. “That’s not what I asked.” James said, slightly confused. Matthew shrugged and moved backwards before settling his head against James’s chest again. “He retaliated.” 
   James felt his eyes widen. “Charles did that?”  He questioned bringing Matthew’s face back up to look at his eye again. It was in the middle of turning black. James scowled and glared at the bruise. “I’ll kill him.” Matthew rolled his eyes and hugged James resting his head on James shoulder. James wrapped his arms around Matthew, pulling him impossibly closer.
  “Did you not hear what I said? I punched him first. I was asking for it.” James made a noise of exasperation. “Okay then what did he do that made you punch him?” Matthew tensed and James started rubbing circles in his back, staying quiet until Matthew relaxed. “He was just talking crap about stuff he knows nothing about.” Matthew said quietly. James sighed, he knew what that meant.
   “You don’t have to protect me from everyone Math. I can protect myself.” Matthew scoffed and shook his head but James could hear the small smile in his voice. “Says the guy who told me he was going to kill my brother.” James rolled his eyes, his own smile playing at his lips. “I’m not the one with a black eye.”
   Matthew laughed softly and tucked his arms into James’ chest. Something James knew he did when he got cold. James pushed Matthew off of him slightly and Matthew pulled away with a poorly masked hurt expression. James grabbed his hand and shook his head.
   “You’re cold, I’m just getting a blanket and we can move to the couch.” Matthew nods standing up walking to the couch. He let’s James sit down first so he can slot himself between James’ legs. James is on his back half propped up on the arm of the couch and Matthew lays down on his stomach propping his chin up on James’ chest.
   James runs his hands through Matthew’s hair again feeling the silky strands. Matthew sighed content for the first time that day. He didn’t understand why James constantly looked after him but he would always appreciate it more than James could ever know. Matthew closes his eyes feeling the calming effect of James running his fingers through Matthew’s hair. 
   Matthew turned so his cheek was on James’ chest. James’ chest was hard but Matthew had always found it comfortable. He’d always considered James his home, his safe place. So this was typically how they ended up when one of them was upset.
   “Hey Math do you feel like talking or do you want to talk about this later? And don’t say later and think we won’t do it because I’ve had enough of giving you space. We need to talk.” James wasn’t looking at him but Matthew felt as if he could see his soul. All his secrets, his heart, his mind.
   Matthew shuddered, he wasn’t ready to tell James his secret. He couldn’t bare to lose his best friend, his soul, his parabatai. Not today.
   “Jamie, do the rumors ever bother you?” James looked down at me in concern but I don’t meet his eyes. “Math is that what this is about?” Matthew shakes his head slowly and raises up again so his chin is resting on James. Matthew looks everywhere but James’ eyes.
   “I just had a long day.” James frowns at him. “Math it’s ten in the morning.” Matthew closes his eyes tightly. “I’m well aware Jamie thank you.” James let out a huff of annoyance. “Okay then tell me about your day.” Matthew starts to shake his head but James groans and cuts him off. “No, you don’t get to deflect or say you don’t want to talk. I’m your parabatai Math, I can tell when something is wrong. Hell I can feel it.”
   Matthew lets out an exasperated sigh. “I’m fine. I just didn’t get much sleep last night.” James frowns, “Nightmares again?” Matthew nods slowly. They had shared a room many times and James was well aware of Matthew’s nightmares. Matthew had told him however, that they had stopped when in reality they had only gotten worse.
   “Okay, what happened after.” James said Matthew is simultaneously glad and annoyed that James knows him well enough to know that wasn’t the only thing that happened.
   “I showered and went to get breakfast but my parents were talking.” James’ eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “About what?” Matthew looked down again his cheeks burning from embarrassment.
   “They were talking about me. My reputation as a drunk partier. They were talking about how I need to grow up. My mother said I’m ruining her career and Jamie they’re right. Don’t.” Matthew said when he saw James open his mouth to protest. James gave him a hard look but stopped talking. “They are right because people already give my mom bloody hell for being a woman and then I ruin it for her further. I make a mess of everything my own parents hate me. I mess up everything and I can’t stop.” 
   James is looking at Matthew with a contemplative expression and stays quiet for a few minutes. Matthew shuffles around a bit, the silence building his anxiety. “Math you don’t really believe that right? You do know that’s not true?” Matthew looked away, frowning and James forced his head back. “Math none of that is true. You have to believe me. None of that is true.” 
   Matthew shook his head sadly and smiled at James. “Jamie I will never stop loving you for seeing the best in people but your being daft. I know I’m your parabatai but it’s okay to agree with them.” James look as if Matthew had struck him across the face.
  “Matthew Fairchild when have I ever led you to believe I thought anything they said was true? Do you believe I should die for being a demon’s grandchild?” James was looking at Matthew furiously and Matthew ducked his head. He was not used to being the target of that look. “James you know I don’t believe that.” James huffed, “Then what in Raziel’s name led you to believe I would?” 
   Matthew furrowed his eyebrows, James wasn’t listening. “Because James you were born this way it’s not something you can change and you constantly prove yourself worthy. James, I do this to myself. Everything they whisper about me aside from me being a bastard child is true. I am a drunk. I do sleep around. Jamie all of that is true.” James flinched and Matthew let out an exasperated sigh. 
   “Jamie I’m not trying to upset you.” Matthew makes a move to get up but James tightens his hold around Matthew’s waist. “Where could you possibly be going Matthew.” James said his golden eyes boring into Matthew’s emerald ones. Matthew sighed and collapsed back onto James too tired to fight. 
   “I’m being a burden so I’m leaving so if you would kindly let me go.” Matthew said, moving to get up again. James frowned and pulled Matthew back to his chest with both arms. “Math please don’t go. We don’t have to talk anymore but please don’t go.” Matthew buried his face in James’ neck in response. 
   They sat like that for a few minutes before Matthew turned his head, pressing his cheek against James’ chest. “Read to me?” Matthew asked quietly, staring at the fire he just realized was burning. James ran his fingers through Matthew’s hair and grabbed his copy of Great Expectations and started reading aloud from where he left off.
   As James read, Matthew found himself nodding off. Right before Matthew lost consciousness he heard James’ gentle voice in his ear as James brushed some hair away that had fallen in his face. “I’ll get you to believe me one day Math I promise. And when you want to talk about why you’re always upset I’ll be here.”
   Matthew fell asleep then, and for the first time in seven days, he didn’t have a single nightmare.
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justinalovee · 4 years
Empty souls
Previous chapter
“Clarke! I need Clarke!” Murphy yelled loud as he could, waiting for the gates to open.
Murphy ran fast as could through the forest back to the base, while carrying Jill who was bleeding in his arms. He had grown more worried as she had stopped talking five minutes earlier. At least when Jill was cursing he knew she was awake.
“What the hell happened?” Clarke asked as Finn helped Murphy lay Jill onto a metal table once inside the drop-ship.
“Oh, we went dancing downtown.” He said, pointing towards the arrow sticking out of his friend's shoulder. “Grounders.” Murphy corrected, seeing the glare the blonde was giving him.
“She’s gone pale and lost a lot of blood.” Clarke places the back of her palm against her forehead. “We need to get her temperature down and to do a transfusion...but we don’t have any blood bags down here.” Clarke informed them.
“Take my blood.” Murphy said, rolling up his sleeve. He needed Jill to survive, he couldn’t do this without. “Well, don’t just stand there, do something!”
Clarke nodded. “Finn, go get me a needle. Murphy, you should cover her up, but keep her shoulder free. I’ll see if I can get any cold water.” Before she left, Clarke tide ripped up rags around her bleeding shoulder.
Murphy watched as both Finn and Clarke left the room. His lips went into a fine line as he brushed strands of hair out of her face. It would pissed Jill off that her hair was on show. Murphy covered up her nearly naked torso with his jacket and finished pulling her jeans up. When Jill was shot, she only had her bra on, with her jeans only halfway up her legs.
“Wow. I guess the rumors are true then.” Finn said as he entered the room again.
Clarke followed behind with a bucket of water. She glanced at Jill, whose light purple hair was tainted red with blood. “I didn’t think it was possible to have hair that color” Clarke said stepping closer to Jill to get a better look.
Murphy frowned. “Nobody mentions it.”
Clarke gulped down. “Finn, press this against her wound. I can’t promise this will work, but I will try everything I can.” Clarke said, before she tied a piece of string around Murphy’s arm.
“Please Clarke, just do anything you can.” Murphy practically.
Please don’t die.
A horrible stinging feeling in Jill's shoulder woke her. She felt as if her body was burning from the inside out. What happened? She had a vague memory of hearing Bellamy Blake yelling at Clarke, before telling her he would ‘fix this’.
“John?” She groaned. The Last thing she remembered was getting dressed by the small lake.
Murphy sprung to her side. “How are you feeling?”
Jill couldn’t help but notice how awful he looked. Murphy was covered in dried blood, his arms were bruised. He looked exhausted.
“I’m okay.” Jill said, shrugging her shoulders, which she instantly regretted. “What happened?”
“A grounder shot you in the shoulder and caused you to lose a lot of blood... I thought I was going to lose you, Jill. You had me worried, I thought I was going to lose you for good.” Murphy whispered.
“I’m struggling to remember.”
Murphy felt a pang of pain in his chest. This was all his fault, if he hadn’t taken her to lake none of this would have been happening.
Jill glanced up at his sad face before reaching out and stroking his cheek. Murphy leaned down to kiss her forehead. But Jill captures his lips with her own.
“I’m glad you are feeling better.” Bellamy grunted. “Murphy, we need to go before it gets dark.” He said in a flat tone.
“What? Why are you going?” Jill asked, panicked.
Murphy linked his fingers with hers and sighed. He was thankful Clarke had our Jill’s hat back on before she left. “We need to go on another hunting trip, we are running low on food.”
Jill frowned, “you better be careful John.”
Murphy kissed her on the forehead and nose. “I’ll be discreet, okay? Just stay alive here for me.”
“Come on John, we haven’t got all day.” Bellamy said, glancing at Murphy.
Jill was only on her own for a short while before Clarke came to check up on her. Jill wasn’t certain what was more painful, her wound getting cleaned or watching Wells mop over the blonde while she drooled over Finn.
Bellamy glanced around to make sure nobody was in earshot of him and Murphy. “So what’s the deal with Jill’s purple hair?”
Murphy grunted as a response. Fucking Clarke and Finn couldn’t keep their mouths shut.
“I’ll just ask her instead,” Bellamy shrugged.
Bellamy stopped walking and glared at him. “You either tell me or I’ll ask the butcher queen myself.”
Murphy snapped. “Fine. Her mom took experimental drugs while she was pregnant and it caused Jill’s hair to turn purple, but after she was born the ark kept running tests on her.”
“Why do you care so much?” Bellamy asked. He was curious why a selfish person like Murphy would risk his life for Jill.
“We were good friends.” Murphy shrugged nonchalantly.
“That didn’t answer my question.”
“We needed each other, okay? Neither of us had anybody for a long time on the ark. It was just us.”
Bellamy began walking at a slower pace again. He couldn’t imagine caring about somebody so much who wasn’t family.
“Steph, wait!”
Jill shouted as she ran after the younger girl. She still felt dizzy from laying down for so long, but nobody else was going after the redhead.
“You need to stop, Stephanie! You're going to get yourself killed!”
Finally, the younger girl stopped running, Jill caught her breath before moving to yell again. Except she couldn’t. A large hand covered her mouth and pulled her backwards at the same time a spear went through Steph’s body. Jill tried to scream as she watched the bloodied body fall to the ground.
“Don’t say a word.” Bellamy whispered into her ear as he dragged her away. He had noticed her running in the opposite direction as he reached the camp's gate.
Jill fought against him at first. She wanted to save Steph. Why not? They had pulled Jasper back from death's door.
“What the fuck is going on?” Murphy asked as he stepped towards them, with Miller behind him.
Bellamy let go of Jill, who glared at him before storming into camp. The three of them looked at each other before following her.
“Harrison! You son of a bitch!” Jill hissed.
Harrison smirked at her as she shoved him with her one good arm, which amused him further. “You can’t get enough of me, can you, darling?”
“Fuck You!” Jill hissed before slapping him across the face. “Steph is dead because of you!”
“Wha...what?” He asked as his smile faltered.
“Because if you and your stupid prank she ran into the woods sacred and the grounders got her.”
Harrison put his hand on Jill’s bad shoulder, provoking her to let out a loud whine. “It’s not my fault she was stupid enough to run into the forest! It’s just a shame they didn’t spear you! You guard fucking-”
Jill cut him off by kneeing him in the stomach, making him crumble to the ground.
“Don’t even think about it.” Murphy said in a warning tone as Harrison got back on his feet. “Jill come on, you need to get your shoulder looked at.”
Bellamy was impressed. Jill could take down Harrison with only one arm. He glanced around wondering if anybody else in the camp was impressed by that performance as well. It might benefit him if Jill was on his side.
“What happened?” Murphy asked as they returned to his tent.
Jill could feel stray tears falling from her eyes. This reminded her of Charlie. “That prick Harrison knew she was scared of spiders. He had been collecting them and flung them all on her at once. She freaked out and ran away...I should have stopped her.”
“This isn’t on you. What happened to Steph wasn’t your fault.”
“So...what’s your take on all of this? The grounders, radiation, deadly animals.” Jill asked, changing the subject.
“I think that our people are probably the most dangerous here. Do you want me to help bring your stuff to my tent?” Murphy asked.
Jill nodded. It wasn’t even a question if she would stay with him or not. Murphy wouldn’t have accepted a no from her, and she realized this. He didn’t trust all the others in the camp, especially Harrison.
Bellamy had a conundrum. He had been watching Jill and knew he needed her to help run the camp. She wasn’t emotional like Clarke, or opinionated like Finn, and didn’t have his hot head temper. Jill would balance them out.
He had heard the whispers in camp, some were questioning if following Wells and Clarke was a better option. Having a badass like Jill could aid his cause.
“You seem distracted. What are you thinking about?”
Bellamy turned to face Roma who was sprawled out naked on his bed. He liked Roma, she was happy with no strings attached fun.
“How low on food we are getting.” He said. It was a lie, but he couldn’t tell her the truth. He was sure telling Roma he was thinking about another female would cause some kind of physical pain. “Can you gather another hunting group ready now?”
“The usual people?”
Bellamy nodded. Roma got dressed as he pondered his next move. He would need to get Jill on her own, so he could talk to her. Dragging her away from Murphy would be a challenge
Next chapter
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writingsfromhome · 4 years
Hot Waters (2)
Part 1
I clock in as the lunch rush dwindles, checking in on guests to make sure they were doing alright and on staff if there was anything I needed to address.
My eyes burn, I could still sleep another five hours—after coming home last night I kept getting distracted by what happened last night. I almost kissed a customer! And someone famous at that. We pride ourselves on discretion and minding our own business when it came to our famous guests. Yesterday’s slip up was serious, and the further I got from that cursed room, the more clarity I got.
“Y/N,” the morning manager grips my hand as she drags me into our office. “You were here when they signed in...’James Smith’?”
“Yes?” My heart races, did she know? How did she know? This was it-
“Oh my god! Everyone talks about what a sweetheart he is. He. Is. The devil!”
“What are you talking about?” I sit her down and she just swears.
“Staff gets a call this morning, he woke up with a bad hangover wanted to know if we can send up aspirin. They go up, he says he thought the manager was going to bring it up. So they come down to me and I have to fucking go up there while I’m dealing with this other shitty guest wanting me to change their room-remind me to tell you about that later. Basically I go up to this asshole’s room and he just stares at me. I’m like I’m the bloody manager-“
“I think he thought I would be there since I helped him...I helped him out-“
“Yeah so I’m like we have two managers. Is there a reason you asked me to come all the way up here to hand you aspirin? He says he forgot! Thought the manager should bring it. How do you-ugh! And then he starts asking me about us, what our names were and how long we’ve worked here—when our shifts ended! Meanwhile a whole line was forming downstairs and by the time I come down they’ve chewed out the new girl and-“
I let her trail on, where I kept a cool head about most things, my co-manager was very scatterbrained. I guess thirty years working with our clientelle could do that to you. I calm her down and tell her I’d deal with “Mr. Smith”. Maybe I had to give him a piece of my mind, just because he could get what he wanted didn’t mean he had to!
I’m pumped with a whole speech prepared for him but when I get to his room someone else answers. I see him in the back on a call, I make an excuse about an earlier request and receive a dirty look. I go back down the complete opposite of pumped. What was I thinking, Harry was busy. He had a life of his own. He probably only wanted to see me this morning to clear up last night. Good thing I wasn't here, I really wanted to clear up one thing. Yesterday's almost slip-up was a complete mistake. I wasn't that kind of person.
I get into the swing of things, the rest of the day goes by without too much drama. At around 7pm, I’m sorting through some paperwork at the front desk, when I spot Harry leaving the hotel. He’s flanked by the person who checked him in, talking to him and Harry laughs. I watch them leave, maybe I could avoid him today after all.
But at 9:05pm one of my staff finds me to say the person staying in 1203 had a noise complaint and wanted to speak to the manager. I roll my eyes but there’s nothing I could do but go. I had a feeling not going would just make things worse.
I ride up, the elevator mirrors showing a tired and overworked woman with a small tomato soup stain near her third button. I try to button the blazer to cover it but it's no use. I take my hair out of it’s bun, it was barely in one at this point. Then I put it back in one—why was I trying to look good. But my hair is too slicked back and I take it out again to do a messy bun. And just as I twist the elastic a third time it snaps and the doors open. Great. Hair down it would be.
I knock and Harry shouts it’s open again. I use my key to get in because of course it’s not.
“You know your door isn’t actually open ever?” I say as I walk in. The room is dark except for the bedside lamp. I turn on the light so I can see.
“So how do you get in?” Harry’s voice comes from the bathroom.
“My own key?” I say, leaning against the door. Maybe if I stay here and don’t go all the way in I can make this quick.
Harry walks out of the bathroom, he looks like he’d showered and shaved and tidied up. He was more handsome than before, if that was posssible. Aaand that was not what I should be thinking about!
“I ended up getting drunk by myself last night,” Harry says as if it were my fault.
"I told you not to drink whatever you made," I say.
"I was lonely."
“I heard you were a nightmare this morning.”
“I thought you would be in! I was only going to be a nightmare to you. I sort of feel bad for yanking the other manager around.”
“I’m flattered,” I roll my eyes. “And you should be. You nearly gave her a panic attack.”
“Really?” Harry moves away from his dresser and closer to me. I press further into the door as if I could slip through the wood.
“I think she thinks you’re an A-list celeb, the A stands for asshole in the biz.”
"The biz?" Harry's mouth lifts in a smile. As he advances, I start to forget my promise to myself from earlier.
"Sooo you had a noise complaint?" I don't even sound like I care to my own ears. I just sound panicked. I couldn't let anything happen. But Harry is now a foot from me and I forget why I would ever say no.
"Yes," Harry pushes the strands of my hair behind my ear. "Your hair looks nice down."
"Harry," I warn. "If you don't need anything I should go. I really shouldn't be here."
"That's what you keep saying," his eyes undress me. Oh god, now they were looking right at me.
"It's true-" I realise then how stupid it was to trap myself against the door. There was no escaping here and he was too close to be able to open the door. And now he rests his hand above my head. There was no way this door was going to open. "This is the worst thing I could do..."
Harry brushes his thumb over my lips and I immediately stop talking. “Are you going to ever stop talking?”
My breath comes out heavy but I try, “Harry I really shouldn’t-"
“You’re not on the clock are you?”
I look into his eyes, damnit. I wasn’t, and All I can do is nod. I was a fool to think I could come up here and resist him.
As soon as his lips are on mine I’ve thrown away any ounce of sensibility. I yank my arms out from behind me and pull him closer; I don’t think I can pull him close enough.
His hand trails down my body, lifting my thigh to wrap around him, pushing deeper into me.
“Bed,” I manage to gasp. He turns and walks me backwards to the bed, never taking his mouth off of me. He's intense but careful, making sure I'm comfortable. I finally get to see all his tattoos, and his hand (amongst other things) finally touches my own.
Part of me is in shock, how was this happening? Why did Harry even want me?
But the other part, doesn't care. We were attracted to each other and this is what happened. What I wanted right now.
"Y/N," he sighs into my neck and hearing my name on his lips sends me over the edge. We're an island together on the bed and I find shelter between his arms. Damn the consequences.
"Hey," a gentle whisper wakes me from my sleep. I keep my eyes closed, I was so tired and this was the deepest I've slept in months. But the voice comes again, "Y/N hey."
My name makes me open my eyes, the sun has somehow come up and I'm laying mostly naked in Harry's bed while he hovers above me, shirtless and with a bed head. There's a pit in my stomach, realising the sun did rise again and today I would have to face the reality that I slept with a...customer.
I feel a kiss on my forehead, it snaps me back to him. The bed, his arms, he wasn't just a customer. This was wrong but also just right.
"Time?" I ask.
"7, I had to wake you. I have a meeting in an hour or so, there’ll be people in my room and I don't want you to get in trouble."
I sit up and pull the covers around me, spotting my shirt on the floor. The tomato stain is irrelevant with the million wrinkles from being thrown on the floor. Last night was amazing.
"I'll freshen up," I mumble. I feel him move closer to me, kiss my shoulder. I close my eyes, why couldn't I stay in this moment forever? Freeze the clock at 7am.
I look as happy as I feel in the mirror, except for the anxiety brewing under the surface of being found out, I'm happy. This was what I needed.
When I get back, Harry still loafs in bed on his phone. But when he sees me, he pulls me onto him and cuddles me against him.
"So are you free tonight?" He asks. I turn to look him in the face, I thought last night was a one-time thing. Guys like Harry didn't want girls like me more than once. "What?" He asks when I just stare at him.
"You want to see me again?" I ask.
"Yeah?" He still looks confused. "I was thinking I can sneak out to your place, bring you dinner."
"Why?" The question is out of my mouth before I could think. "Sorry-I just meant...I thought it was a one night thing."
"Oh," he moves back, "I didn't know you didn't want-"
"No no," I move back closer to him. I missed his warmth. "I thought you wouldn't want to...do anything more with me. This was a one-off.”
"Y/N," he says so gently. He kisses me, "I don't usually convince random women to sleep with me after their shift is over. Never actually. You're....I like you."
"You barely know me," I whisper. This was Harry Styles saying this to me.
"I know. But isn’t it always like that at the beginning? You do know I could've figured out the hot water by myself yesterday but I wanted you to come up, to see you and talk to-"
I flick his ear, "I knew it! I knew you couldn't be that much of an idiot."
He laughs, "I felt something with us, I want to see if it leads to anything."
"You'll be leaving soon," I remind him. "You're staying at a hotel-“
"While my manager looks for a rental. Our original one fell through at the last minute. I'm in the city for a few months, working on my album. Let's just have fun, see where this goes. You're funny and beautiful and patient and-I like you Y/N."
I stare at his lips, forming the words. He meant it. Maybe I wasn’t goin to be so single anymore. He was here for months, and once he's checked out technically he's no longer a customer...
"One condition," I say. I didn't want to put my job at risk again. "We can't do this here. Again. We wait for you to leave or-"
"Deal," Harry kisses me to seal it. His phone vibrating scares us apart. He picks up, "Hi...yeah I'm up...okay bye."
"They're on their way! Around the corner, You have to go!" Harry jumps up and starts picking up the mess of last night. I only had my uniform that was very wrinkled. I panic.
I manage to get on my uniform, close my blazer over the shirt and cover it with a tray leftover in Harry's room. I get my hair in a bun with one of Harry's elastics and pray my puffy face isn't a dead giveaway just as there's a knock at the door. I move towards it and open it, making sure Harry was seated in his chair first.
"Sorry again about the noise complaint, we'll make sure that doesn't happen again sir," I smile at the incoming guests, and sneak a look at Harry who's biting back a laugh. My heart is pounding too loud to laugh.
"I hope not," Harry finishes before he gets up to greet his guests. His manager looks suspicious but I slip out and choose the stairwell down a few floors before getting onto the elevator. Luckily, I don't run into anybody and take the kitchen doors out. It was a close call, but breaking the rules was kind of exhilerating and totally worth it. Harry was into me, we had another date tonight. And he was coming to my place...shit. He was coming to my place.
I find my car and head home to clean for tonight--both myself and my house. I can't wipe the smile off my face the whole ride home though. This was really happening.
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kelyon · 3 years
Golden Rings 17: A Name
The Storybrooke sequel to Golden Cuffs
Mrs. Gold revisits her past
Read on AO3
Mrs. Gold looked on in mute horror as Hunter Duke dumped more hot sauce on his triple bacon hamburger. He’d asked Ruby to give him three meat patties with no bun and steamed broccoli instead of fries. When Mrs. Gold had questioned that lunch choice, he had explained his new diet to her.
At length.
Hunter had always been the kind of boy who thought meat and spicy food were substitutes for a personality. He’d been the star athlete at Storybrooke High, taking home championships in football and wrestling. He’d been popular with everyone--except for the one girl he’d arbitrarily decided was the hottest girl in school. That girl, the valedictorian, hadn’t given the quarterback the time of day. Not until she lost her scholarship and suddenly dating the son of a lawyer sounded like the way to the best future she would ever get.
“They do the burgers way too overdone here,” Hunter said with his mouth full. “You don’t get enough protein if it isn’t bloody.”
Mrs. Gold shrugged and took a bite of her own burger. It needed more pickles, but it was still amazing. Toasted bun, crisp lettuce, a patty that was juicy but not messy. She hadn’t had a Granny’s burger in forever. When she was a kid, her parents had taken her out for burgers every Friday night after their shop closed. Mom would bring her own supply of extra-zesty mustard and Dad…
She set her bun on her plate. On those idyllic, bygone Friday nights, her father would spend the whole meal grumbling about money and expenses and couldn’t they have eaten at home? Mom had always told him to stop worrying and enjoy the moment. It was the end of another week and they were together, happy and healthy. She’d calmed him down and kept him focused, every time there was a crisis.
Until they faced the biggest crisis of their lives.
Mrs. Gold blinked out of her thoughts. For some reason, Hunter was still talking. Maybe it looked like she was listening. She’d gotten good at that when they had dated. Now that she was listening for real, she tried to catch up.
“I keep telling my dad he needs to just change the sign. ‘Duke & Duke & Duke’ has a great ring to it, right? Or he could for ‘Duke & Sons.’ I don’t mind sharing the spotlight with Steven. Or he could leave the sign as it is and retire! ‘Duke & Duke’ is classic, everyone knows we’re the best bankruptcy lawyers in town. Just let my brother be the first Duke and I’ll be second Duke and we’ll take this firm into the future! But Dad keeps brushing me off for some reason.”
Mrs. Gold took a sip of iced tea and desperately wished it was something stronger. “Did you… go to law school?”
She had the oddest feeling that she couldn’t remember how long they had been out of high school. All she knew for sure was that Hunter had enrolled at Storybrooke Community College--and she hadn’t. It was possible that he had gotten his bachelor’s. As Hunter was fond of saying, “Cs get degrees.” But SCC didn’t have a graduate program. Had he taken more classes on the internet? Or correspondence courses? It boggled her mind to think of Hunter of all people had gotten a law degree during the years she’d been Mr. Gold’s stupid slut.
“Well actually,” he explained, “you don’t need to go to law school to take the bar exam. I’ve got a bachelor’s in poli-sci and I’ve been around lawyers all my life. My dad knows everyone at the state bar. He’ll pull some strings and I’ll be all set.”
Mrs. Gold stabbed her straw at the ice cubes in her glass. It was so fucking unfair. Hunter was an idiot child who had never worked for anything in his life. His father--Richard “Big Dick” Duke--had bought him a Humvee when he turned sixteen, a speedboat when he graduated high school, and a college education just because no son of his wasn’t going to go to college. Now he would give his son the bar exam and a ready job and everything he would need for a future, without Hunter ever having to grow up past the maturity level of a toddler.
She’d lost her virginity to this boy. One summer night after senior year, in the back seat of that gas-guzzling monstrosity. They’d been dating for a while and Hunter had been perfectly content with her amateurish attempts at blowing him. But for her, the novelty had begun to wear off. So she’d suggested that he “put it in” instead. It was mostly a way for him to get his rocks off while she could just lie back and think of something more interesting.
Her memories of that night were dark and cramped and disappointing. She kept her shoes and her bra on the whole time. When Hunter was done, she had been more confused than anything else. This is what people made such a big deal about? Wasn’t sex supposed to be better than that?
It wasn’t until later, with Mr. Gold, that she had understood what people were talking about in romance novels.
But now that things were so strained with her husband, she found herself thinking back to the only other sexual partner she’d ever had. Looking at Hunter now, she had to remind herself of how bad things had been that summer, when he had been a welcome distraction. Hunter hadn’t wanted to talk about doctors’ appointments or shop inventory or arguing with financial aid departments--every fight a losing battle. All he wanted to do was drink, screw around, and have fun, and he welcomed her along for the ride.
I thought he would help us. I was wrong. He wasn’t what I needed.
Mrs. Gold shook the thought out of her head. The thought was true, but she recognized it as not being her own, so she talked over it.
“Have you been hanging out with any of the old gang? Sean or Jesse or anyone?”
It had been exciting to be included with the rich kids, to feel like she belonged in the world of the young and the reckless--people who didn’t have to worry about things because their parents would always be around to bail them out. They could do whatever they wanted because the world belonged to them.
Hunter shrugged. “Jesse’s an idiot, so no change there. But Sean’s been such a pussy ever since Ashley had her baby.”
Ashely Boyd had been in that group with her. Rich boys liked running around with poor girls because they were easier to impress than the rich girls. New Town young ladies also had parents who bought them cars for their sixteenth birthdays. They didn’t need to rely on spoiled boys to pay their way every time they went out, so they didn’t have to go along with whatever stupidity the boys came up with. Mrs. Gold had taken a lot of risks just so Hunter would keep thinking she was interesting.
But Ashley had loved Sean for more than his money and toys. All she ever wanted was for him to love her back and stay with her. Once, Mrs. Gold had thought Ashley was stupid for pining so hard after a boy who would never commit. But now she had a little more sympathy.
“What happened with Sean?”
“Mr. Herman kicked him out, cut him off. Now he’s living at Ashley’s place, working his ass off at the fish factory.”
“The cannery,” Mrs. Gold corrected quietly. Fish King Canned Foods was always hiring. It was always looking for people who could stand waist-deep in ice and fish guts for twelve hour shifts, operating machinery that could cut through a human hand as easily as it did a whole herring. Her cousin Andrew had gotten a job right out of high school. Her Uncle Peter had worked there for twenty years before he died.
“Like I said, he’s a total pussy now. All he does is work and hang out with Ashley, work and take care of the baby, work and sleep. You know he asked her to marry him a couple days ago? Utterly whipped.”
“Wow,” she said.
She had never respected Sean Herman, so it was weird to think of him actually growing up. People didn’t usually change around Storybrooke. But now the spoiled party boy was taking responsibility for his child and the woman who loved him. He had given up his own wealth and family status because he loved a penniless girl from Old Town.
It was impressive.
She finished her burger while Hunter started another monologue, this time about all the fat, lazy, poor people who came to his father’s office to declare bankruptcy. Forget being a lawyer, he should go into talk radio.
“I did ask you to lunch for a reason.” She grabbed her chance to talk while he was taking a breath.
“Oh yeah?” Hunter wiped hot sauce off his face with the back of his hand. “What’s up?”
“You know a lot of people,” Mrs. Gold said. “I was wondering if you might know somebody that I don’t.”
He slurped up the dregs of his diet soda. “Yeah? Who?”
Mrs. Gold gripped the edge of the table and desperately hoped he wouldn’t notice how hard it was for her to say this. The gold of her wedding ring was dull on this cloudy afternoon. “I… just have a name right now. I think it’s a woman named Belle.”
She could see the wheels in his head turning as he thought. “Belle? Hmm. I don’t know.”
“She’s probably young. Maybe our age. Maybe younger. Or older? Maybe she’s one of your mom’s friends or something?”
A woman as old as Karen Duke would still be younger than Mr. Gold. Maybe he was looking for more maturity now. In the days since she found out about Belle, Mrs. Gold had been racking her brain to try to imagine what kind of person she was. She was only moderately sure that Belle even was a woman. If Mr. Gold wanted this Belle person more than he wanted his own wife, she was probably the opposite of her in some crucial way.
Hunter made a face and scratched the back of his head. “Nah, I got nothing. Sorry.”
“Yeah,” Mrs. Gold looked down at her empty plate. “I’m not surprised.”
Seeing that they were both done with their food, Ruby came up to the table. “Now is this gonna be one check or two?”
It was almost funny how quickly Hunter looked to Mrs. Gold. He panicked at the thought of paying for his own lunch. Daddy must not be giving him an allowance anymore.
“You invited me,” he said, almost chiding her with the reminder of how things worked.
“Yeah, that was my first mistake.” Mrs. Gold took the check from Ruby and pulled out her purse.
A fifty would be enough to pay for two hamburgers and Ruby’s discretion. Not that Mrs. Gold was being particularly sneaky, arranging lunch with her ex-boyfriend at the most popular restaurant in town. But that didn’t matter either. She could take Hunter to the pawn shop and bang him in front of the cash register and Mr. Gold wouldn’t give a fuck.
And neither would she.
Wandering listlessly up and down Main Street, Mrs. Gold tried to keep warm. The clouds were dark and heavy with more snow. The sidewalks were shoveled, but there was always a residue of dirty slush. It was the time of year when trash kept showing up in the streets, no matter how many anti-littering signs Mayor Mills put up.
Mrs. Gold’s suede boots were more fashionable than sturdy. The same could be said for her coat, scarf, and hat. The cold seeped through her flimsy layers, until she was nothing but numb and damp, until it was hard to breathe, until she was so desperate to be warm again she resolved to go into the next open store, no matter which one it was.
Sugar’n’Spice was always warm and it always smelled good. Mara Trudine burned a different scented candle every day the shop was open. Today the candle was cinnamon and cloves. The whole place smelled like cider.
Mrs. Gold entered as quietly as she could. She hadn’t been in the store since before Christmas. And she had never walked through that door without strutting proudly, loudly announcing her intentions to buy whatever lingerie it would take to drive Mr. Gold wild.
Was Mr. Gold even capable of going wild for her anymore? Or did the sight of her just turn his stomach? He thought she was trash, she disgusted him, he didn’t want her and he never would again.
Ducking behind a rack of silky robes, Mrs. Gold took a breath to calm herself down. It was a bad habit she’d developed lately, thinking of the worst-case scenario just to make herself feel something. Her mind kept poking and prodding at her pain, pulling out her darkest fears and putting them front and center. She could push it away if she concentrated. If she tried to act normal, she could almost feel normal. Sometimes.
“Oh hey.” Mara had spotted her from the sales counter in the back of the shop. “Mrs. Gold, I didn’t see you come in.”
Steeling herself, Mrs. Gold walked out from behind the robes. “That’s me.” She tried to smile.
Mara stayed where she was. Bits of fabric were spread out over the counter. It looked like she was sewing something.
Mrs. Gold’s heart skipped a beat. The fabric was a shiny yellow-gold. Sometimes, when Mr. Gold was really pleased with her, he liked her to wear that color. Without thinking about what she was doing, she began to walk towards the counter.
“What are you working on?”
Mara looked up from her needle. Even after all these years, she had the same face she’d had as a kid--sharp brown eyes, adorably crooked smile, freckles all over her round cheeks. She looked so innocent. You’d never think she made a living off of unmentionables.
“Custom order,” she said proudly. “I’ve been trying to get tailor-made lingerie off the ground for as long as I can remember. Got my first order in October and more have been coming in.” She held up the fabric and Mrs. Gold saw a pair of panties that would go up to a person’s rib cage.
“Somebody wants that?”
Mara’s excitement dimmed in the face of Mrs. Gold’s skepticism, but she did her best to explain. “It’s shapewear,” she said. “See the reinforced panels? The idea is to smooth out tummy rolls and make a more flattering silhouette.”
Mrs. Gold looked over at the rack of Spanx. “Don’t you already sell that?”
“Yeah, but the stuff I make is sturdier than the mass-produced product. Better for people with non-standard bodies. And prettier too. Nothing over there comes in straw yellow.”
It was true. Most of the stuff in that section was nude or black. Mrs. Gold knew a thing or two about wearing corsets, but she had never actually needed one. She had thought Mr. Gold liked her to be skinny.
“That is a pretty color,” she said. “Who’s it for?”
Mara looked at her dubiously. “I can’t talk about a client, it’s confidential.”
“How are you planning on getting more orders without word of mouth?”
“Well, normally word of mouth comes from customers talking about the product, not a creator talking about their customers.”
Falling into old habits, Mrs. Gold tilted her head back as her voice went up an octave. “I know, but it’s just such a pretty shade of gold, I was wondering if someone special might have ordered it...?”
She let the question hang. Mara just frowned and shook her head.
“Come on, you’re smarter than that.” She held up the garment again. “This is for a plus-sized woman. Two of you could fit in here without straining the elastic. Mr. Gold didn’t order this for you.”
Without thinking, she leaned over the counter and got in her friend’s face. “Did he order it for someone else?”
Mara’s eyes went wide. Her mouth transformed into a tiny little O of surprise. Mrs. Gold pulled away and kept her eyes on the ground.
“I’m sorry,” Mrs. Gold said. “That was out of line.”
“Wow,” Mara said softly. “I, uh, I’d heard that something had happened. But I didn’t know it was that bad. I’m sorry.”
“Yeah, me too.” She turned around, pretended to look at something lacy until the urge to scream had passed. When she glanced at Mara, her brown eyes were trained on her.
“It’s not from him,” she said simply. “I’ll even tell you that my client paid with a credit card, so it was definitely her own money.”
Or maybe Mr. Gold was just covering his tracks. But at least he hadn’t called in the order himself. At least he wasn’t flaunting his disregard for her.
“Does he… Have you ever heard from him? Is he buying anybody lingerie?”
Mara shook her head. “I only see him on Rent Day.”
With nothing left to lose, she asked her old friend the same question she’d asked her ex-boyfriend. “Do you know anybody named Belle?”
Mara blinked. “I don’t… think so. The name sounds familiar, but I’m probably thinking of a character from a book or a movie. It’s not the sort of name you hear around Storybrooke.”
“No,” Mrs. Gold agreed.
“But I’ll keep my ears open, if you want.”
Mrs. Gold raised her eyebrows. “What about client confidentiality?”
“Well, whoever Belle is, she’s definitely not a client. And until Mr. Gold pays me himself, neither is he.”
You’re a good friend.
This time, Mrs. Gold didn’t swat at the thought that intruded into her head. She let it rest over her brain like a blanket. She let the thought warm her up.
She leaned against the counter and watched Mara work. The shapewear was fully constructed, and she was embroidering stalks of straw in a pattern along the sides. It was really pretty. The sort of thing that would give a girl a boost in confidence and excitement about her own body, her own clothes. Mrs. Gold remembered how fancy she’d felt the first time she wore something as simple as a bra and panties that were the same color. That sort of energy could get people through interviews or contract negotiations, any time you needed to feel powerful. Mara was helping people here, she was good at it, and it seemed to make her happy.
“So, business is good?”
“Yeah, it’s picking up. Valentine’s Day was a madhouse, but you know how that goes.”
Mrs. Gold nodded. Lingerie could be as popular as flowers when it came to last-minute gifts that men always thought would be cheaper than they were.
“Did you spend the day with anyone?”
Mara scrunched her nose. “I’m working too hard for that. Besides, I don’t meet a lot of single men in this business.”
She was able to snicker at the joke, and she was able to mean it. “Yeah, I guess not.”
They were quiet together for a minute, then Mrs. Gold asked a more personal question: “How’s your mom?”
Mara looked up from her embroidery for a second, but then went back to work. “She’s fine. I think she’s bored, now that the preschool is only open for half-days. She keeps asking me to move in with her.”
“I take it you don’t want to?”
A halfhearted shrug. “I don’t have a good reason not to. It would make sense, we could split the bills and keep each other company. But there is also something really nice about living by yourself. Even if it’s just a one bedroom apartment on top of your store.”
“I wouldn’t know.” Mrs. Gold drummed her fingers against the counter. She had gone from living with her father to living with Mr. Gold. The night after their anniversary had been the first time she had slept in any building by herself.
But she understood what Mara meant. When you lived with your parents, it was hard to feel like an adult. To make matters worse, Irma Trudine--Mara’s mother--had been a preschool teacher for as long as anyone could remember. She tended to treat everyone she talked to like they were a four-year-old whining for more juice and crackers.
Mama’s closest friend.
Now the voice was annoying her again. It was true that Irma and Mom had been good friends. That was why she had grown up with Mara as much as she had grown up with her cousin Janine. The three girls were inseparable, just like their mothers had been.
Mrs. Gold sighed. She was warmer now. She should probably buy something before she moved along.
“Do you have anything comfy around here?”
“What, like no underwire?”
“No, like pajamas, I guess. Or loungewear? I think I need to get a pair of sweatpants.”
Mara grinned. “The last time I saw you wear sweatpants, they had dinosaurs on them.”
“And they were fucking awesome.”
She had gotten those pants for her eighth birthday and worn them until the knees gave out. Even after that, Mom had cut them up for shorts and she’d worn them for another six months. If she could find sweatpants that had dinosaurs on them now, she wouldn’t think the mere act of wearing sweatpants was a sign of the end of her life.
But Sugar’n’Spice only had pajama sets with flowers on them--or hearts, but Mrs. Gold couldn’t bring herself to buy anything that looked like love. It was enough to buy comfort, something that would make it a little easier to be in her own skin.
Mara rang her up and gracefully accepted the extra fifty Mrs. Gold handed her.
“How about I call this a down payment on a custom order for you?”
Taking her bag, Mrs. Gold shrugged. “I don’t think Mr. Gold will want me in lingerie for a long time.”
“I didn’t say it was for Mr. Gold, I said it was for you.” Mara looked her steadily in the eye. “Come back some time and we can talk about what you need. Okay?”
She opened her mouth, and then closed it. “Yeah,” she said at last. “Yeah, that sounds good.”
The day wasn’t over. Mr. Gold was still in his shop. She could go there for a few hours of awkward silence. Or she could go back to the house, for a few hours of lonely silence. Then he would come home and make dinner. They would eat together and make stilted small talk. And then she would go to her bedroom, and he would go to his.
That was their life now.
He said he wanted her to stay. He said he wanted to take care of her. He said he loved somebody else.
It didn’t make sense. It was wrong. They were supposed to be together. Being near him, but not being with him, trying to act like everything was fine, trying to act like he didn’t matter to her as much as she obviously didn’t matter to him…
It was tearing her apart.
So she walked. Like a circling shark, she kept moving so she wouldn’t drown. She was trapped. Storybrooke was a small town, there were only so many places you could go in one day. And she had lots of days ahead of her. Mrs. Gold had the image of the rest of her life, stretching out to the horizon. She would have to keep walking, she would never be able to rest. She would never have a home again.
She was in Old Town now. The flower shop was behind her. Aunt Teri’s yellow and purple house was on this street. How many times had she walked the route between those two places? Her whole childhood, her whole life until she married Mr. Gold and moved into his house. She used to belong in this neighborhood.
Was there a way she could belong here again?
Turning at the plastic sign that said Hair Today! she went to the side door of the yellow house and knocked. Then she stepped away from the door and waited for an answer. She held herself against the cold.
Janine came up from the basement salon. Her mouth opened when she saw Mrs. Gold.
“Oh hi,” she said. “Mrs. Gold, you don’t… usually knock.”
“Yeah, I’m usually a bitch to you and I’m sorry.” She hadn’t meant to start that way, but she couldn’t avoid the truth anymore.
Janine’s eyebrows raised and her sky-blue eyes--a family trait--went wide. “O...kay,” she said slowly. Stepping outside, she shut the door behind her. The cold made her keep her arms crossed over her chest. “What’s going on?”
“I…” She didn’t know what to say. She had started, but what was the next step? “Things suck, right now, for me. And I kind of suck too. And I realized…”
What had she realized? That no one in her family would help her in an emergency? That she had built her whole identity around one relationship and without that she had nothing? That she had spent years intentionally, maliciously, pushing away all the people that had loved her in exchange for a man who only paid her? That all of those things were really fucking shitty? None of that was a realization. Mrs. Gold had always known what her life was. But she was just now starting to care.
“I realized I’m sorry,” she said. “For as long as I’ve been with Mr. Gold, I’ve been so caught up in him and it made me a worse person. And I want to be better.” She looked at Janine. “You deserve a better cousin.”
Janine sighed, her breath visible in the twilight. “So the honeymoon is finally over, huh? Are you tired of him or is he tired of you?”
Mrs. Gold pressed her lips together. Of course it wouldn’t be that easy. At the same time, she didn’t begrudge her cousin the snark.
“He’s tired of me,” she admitted softly. “And I’m kind of tired of me too.”
Now Janine looked more sympathetic. “What happened?”
“You didn’t hear? I thought everyone in Storybrooke knew by now.”
“Yeah, no, I’ve heard a lot of rumors. But I’m asking you what happened. What’s the truth?”
“He loves someone else.” The words slipped from her mouth like a burden off her shoulders. “Some Belle person. And like, like he loves her, Janine. More than he ever loved me.”
“Oof,” Janine let out a long breath. “Oh honey, that’s terrible. I’m sorry.”
Until now, Janine had been standing in the doorway, and Mrs. Gold had been in the driveway, with about five feet between them. Janine stepped out first, one arm open in invitation. The two cousins met in the middle. They didn’t hug, exactly, but they huddled together for warmth and comfort.
“Do you need to stay with us?” Janine asked. “We never did anything with Andrew’s room after--”
“No,” she shook her head. Mr. Gold asked her to stay with him, and even that had to be better than sleeping in her dead cousin’s bedroom. “I’m fine, I… He’s taking care of me.”
“What, like alimony?”
“No, we’re not… I’m not leaving him.”
Janine pulled away. “But you said he loved someone else.”
She nodded. “He does, but he doesn’t want the marriage to be over.”
There was a moment of silence while Janine’s face twisted in anger and disbelief. Then she burst out: “Oh screw him! Does he really get to decide that? That man is cheating on you and you don’t even get the satisfaction of walking away? Come on!”
Mrs. Gold couldn’t look her in the face. “It’s not as simple as that,” she said. “I--I married him, I need him, I…” The next words were small and soft: “I don’t want the marriage to be over either.”
Closing her eyes, Janine pressed the heel of her palm to her forehead. “I don’t know what to say,” she said. “I mean, the sanctity of marriage is great and all, but Mr. Gold has been nothing but bad to you for so long. And now you have a reason to get out, but you’re not taking it? Why?”
“Because this is different,” she said the words before she knew what they meant. “He’s different than he was when we got married. There’s something… good about him now. Something kind and gentle. Something that wasn’t there before.”
Janine rolled her eyes. “So now you have feelings for the monster?”
“He’s not a monster now. Maybe he was before--I can see that more clearly now. But now the only thing he’s doing wrong is… not wanting me. And it hurts, but it’s not an evil thing.”
He’s my husband and I love him. Can you understand that?
Shifting her weight back and forth, Janine kept her arms over her chest. “And he’s not… hurting you anymore?”
She shook her head. “Not even in a way I like.”
“Gross,” Janine said, matter-of-factly. “I mean, good for you that it used to be something you liked, but it is very gross for me to think about. Too much information is a very real thing.”
Both of them snickered at that. The years of lingering tension eased a little more.
“Can you at least stay for dinner? We’re having Spaghetti-Os a la Chloe.”
“Chloe’s cooking?” How old was she now?
“It was her idea. Under careful supervision, she is going to dump a can of Spaghetti-Os into a pot and warm it up. Mom might even let her into the spice cabinet for some basil.”
“Oh, that sounds like fun.” She shuffled her feet. “But I should get going. I still eat with Mr. Gold. It’s… weird.”
“I bet.” Janine put her hands in the pockets of her work smock. “Listen, I… I’m sorry. All this time… I could have been a better cousin too. We--I think the general idea was that… we were waiting for you to meet us halfway.”
“I get that,” she said. “And I never came close to halfway. Not with anybody.”
“Well, you did today. And I’m glad. We missed you.”
Nodding, she tried to keep the tears out of her eyes. All this time, she could have had her family. If she had just eased up on being Mrs. Gold, she could have been the same girl everyone had loved.
“I’m trying to make things better now, you know?”
Janine nodded. “I know.” They were quiet for a minute, then she asked. “Have you talked to your dad lately?”
“Not yet,” she shook her head. “Not him or Uncle Manny. I… I kinda thought I’d start easy.”
Janine half-smiled, half-winced. “Manny will be happy to see you. You’re the only niece he’s got.”
She snorted. “I’m the only daughter my dad has and that didn’t make anything any easier.”
“He loves you, Lacey,” Janine said. It was the first time Mrs. Gold had heard her first name in as long as she could remember. “We all do.”
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