#but don't get mad when none of it is accurate
exhuastedpigeon · 4 months
I kind of forgot how fun and insane it can be to be in a fandom where the source material is still being made.
It's fun to see the fan theories and spec when new promo photos drop or when there's a new quote from the cast.
It's even more fun to see how wrong everyone was because of course they were. Fans aren't writers, no matter how amazing the spec is, no matter how beautiful the fics are.
So I guess this is just a gentle reminder that fandom isn't that serious. Just because your favourite ship isn't canon doesn't mean you won't have amazing fics and art to fill that void for you. And a reminder to not be mad or take it personally when things don't play out exactly like you wanted them to. That's what fandom is for, for creating the stuff you wished you saw in the show.
Just don't go erasing the actual character and their traits to fix what you don't like about the source material.
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salemoleander · 1 year
"My teeth hurt," Martyn says.
He and Scott are on the deck, enjoying the morning sun before it has the chance to get humid; Scott is busy crafting sugarcane into paper while Martyn is (ostensibly) trying to carve a bowl.
"What, like- cavities? We've only been here for a few days, and I know you're eating the same fish and dried kelp as me." Scott pauses, holding a fresh sheaf of paper. "-and if you're not, and you've been holding sweets out on me, I'll be pissed."
Martyn huffs a laugh, then grimaces when pain shoots up through his sinuses. Ambling over to the table, he half-sits, half-leans on the back of one of their deck chairs.
"Nah, same food as you. Man, I don't know what I did. TNT to the face carry over, d'you reckon?"
He grins, and Scott blanches. Well, shit.
"Alright, what's wrong with my mouth?" Martyn asks, stress rising when Scott doesn't answer. "I've still got teeth, right?"
Scott nods sharply. He wavers on an answer for a moment before sighing. "Yeah. You've just got some new ones, seems like."
The hard part of suddenly having shark teeth, Martyn quickly discovers, is that they are not particularly designed for beings with lips, and certainly not ones that talk.
He tells Scott this, nursing several sore spots on his lips and tongue.
"Have you considered talking less?"
"Oh, screw you."
Scott rolls his eyes, and they go back to sorting through chests in companionable silence. Waves gently lap against the edge of their island, while bamboo canes creak and shift. After a few minutes Scott says, "In the- last time. I remember being relieved, a bit, that even though Cleo and I chose each other-"
"Exactly the conversation I wanted to have," Martyn deadpans.
"Would you shut up? Honestly." Scott smiles, but his jaw flexes as he does and Martyn resolves to shut up and let him say this, whatever it is. At least for the next ten or fifteen seconds. Probably.
"Anyways. I was a tiny bit relieved that I was paired with Pearl, because she was human. And I'd seen how it was for BigB getting canine features and Joel getting whatever the hell from Etho, and you, y'know..."
"Eugh. Yeah." Scott looks through their fence-lattice walls and out to the water. "But Pearl didn't stay human."
Martyn raises an eyebrow. (For effect. If Scott is doing a dramatic monologue towards the ocean, Martyn at least gets to make faces, whether or not Scott sees him. Them's the rules.)
"She got kind of... wolf-y? Or more accurately, the game made her wolfy. Not like Ren, not nearly that elegant a combination."
Scott's voice is bitter, an edge to it that Martyn associates with fireworks going off too-close by. "I woke up one morning and my teeth were sharp and there were too many for my mouth. And it hurt, and the worst part was knowing this wouldn't be happening if we'd just done what the game wanted."
Blinking, Martyn says, "Oh." Brilliant. Nailed the response, there.
"I just wanted to tell you. That it might- those might be my fault, because it seems like whatever runs this game doesn't like me very much. There's a reason I set up alone out here."
Martyn- ignoring the ache from his jaw and the kernel of self-interest that tells him to get while the getting is good- scoffs. "None of that, thank you! I don't care if bloody Herobrine has it out for you, we're sticking together."
Relief washes over Scott's face. Martyn adds, "If whoever runs this circus thinks unlimited knives for teeth is a punishment, they're mad."
"Clearly! You were already enough of a menace." Released from whatever tension kept him still, Scott reaches over to flip another chest lid up and starts rifling through. "It's like trying to annoy Joel by giving him too many TNT minecarts."
Martyn snorts. "Right! Once my mouth gets the memo about where everything is now I'll be doing fine- probably better than I was before! A supernatural entity trying to tell me who I can be friends with? C'mon, nothing that stupid is busting the Mean Gills up."
He almost believes it.
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peachhcs · 2 months
losing the championships
hughes!sister x will smith au (samy + will)
will's self-doubt creeps in after losing the finals making him snap at the one person who's always there for him, almost making her turn her back on him.
2.6k words
warnings: a bit of angst, arguing, crying, this is a sad post in general
ik im feeding y’all rn but i feel weird putting this out in two days and not now haha, but guys you know i had to do it. i had to get the angst out. i think this is like the first angsty post in the series?? i hate when there is angst, but i love writing it lmao. i'm not sure how accurate some of this is, but i hope the trio stays on for another season!! i'd actually be devestated if they don't. anyways keep requesting!! <3
au masterlist
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it didn’t feel real. nothing felt real watching her best friends crumple to the ice in utter defeat and heartbreak just two days after winning the semifinals. samy stood up in the stands nearly motionless while everything around her fell silent. she didn’t think those moments were actually real whenever they played in movies, but here she was hardly focusing on anything but her best friends in tears. 
her eyes couldn’t leave ryan on his knees with his face in the ice. she just wanted to wrap all of them into her arms so none of them would feel this type of pain anymore. 
the stupid jumbotron panned to everyone’s reactions, basically putting the boys on full blast when they most definitely didn’t want anyone to see them crying like they were. samy’s heart only broke further when she finally looked down at her boyfriend trying to hold himself together while comforting a sobbing ryan and teary gabe. 
her own eyes grew teary seeing those three so destroyed not knowing what was next for any of them. that was probably the scariest part. 
when will searched for samy’s gaze the waterworks broke like a dam for the couple. the youngest hughes was completely crying and will’s shame settled into his skin that he lost the game without even scoring a single point. 
their coach urged the boys down the tunnel before the cameras could get any more shots of them. samy tried pulling herself together, but her hiccuping cries didn’t stop slipping out no matter how hard she tried holding them in. 
boston’s side of the lobby was nearly silent which almost mirrored michigan’s team two days ago. suddenly, seeing those happy memories wasn’t as easy anymore. samy’s mind raced wondering if this game really was the last for her favorite trio or if they’d stay on one more season with boston. 
thirty minutes passed before the bc boys slowly trickled out of the locker room. their bloodshot eyes and tear stained faces were enough to send more tears into samy’s own eyes. her lip quivered waiting for her boyfriend to appear, but he didn’t come out after his usual spot behind ryan and gabe. the two boys found samy’s gaze, frowning even deeper. 
“hey, i’m so sorry. i-i have no words,” samy brought them into big hugs hoping to ease a bit of their ache. 
“what a fucking night,” ryan muttered bitterly. 
“you guys played well. those refs were idiots making calls,” the brunette shook her head. 
“will’s still in there. he’s..he’s not taking this one too well. you can go in if you want, but he may explode. I i don’t want you to think he’s mad at you, he’ll just find something to take his anger out on,” gabe explained briefly. samy’s eyes slid towards the locker room doorway where her boyfriend hid. 
“don’t worry, i know how he gets. I’ll see if i can talk to him,” she couldn’t be scared of will. 
he was her best friend and boyfriend. he’d never intentionally hurt her and if he said things, she knew he was just angry with himself, not her. the girl shuffled her way towards the locker room trying to put on a brave face for will’s sake. 
she knocked on the door before slowly pushing it open. her eyes scanned the practically empty room until she found her boyfriend slumped in his stall at the end of the benches. her hands trembled as she slid further in and leaned against the door. 
his eyes snapped towards hers. he looked like a mess and that only unleashed more waterworks seeing him in this state. it wasn’t one samy saw him a lot in, so when she did, it hurt extra hard. 
“if you’re here to try and make me feel better, i don’t wanna hear it,” the boy mumbled bitterly which quickly caught samy off guard. 
she wasn’t expecting that from him so immediately. 
“i’m not. just here to be with you,” the girl said, trying to hide the shake in her voice. 
“well, i’m not really in the mood to be around anyone right now. just go. i’ll be out in a few minutes,” the bitterness in his voice definitely stung, but samy tried shaking him off knowing he was just upset. 
“will..” she inched forward, wanting to reach out to him. he looked as if anyone touched him he’d just break into a million pieces. 
“i said go. i don’t need your fucking sympathy. i feel feel like shit,” the blonde snapped this time making samy instantly draw back. 
“i know you’re upset, i get it. this loss fucking sucks. i’m just trying—” 
“you don’t fucking get it, samy! i just lost the championship game 2-0. we scored zero points. you know how fucking embarrassing that is? i’ve been trying to prove myself all season about how good i can be and then i lose the championship game. you’ll never fucking get it!” there it was. 
will’s tone rose with anger and hurt all mixed into one. samy swallowed the nerves climbing higher in her stomach as she tried remembering none of this was really directed at her. she was just the person will was getting his anger out on. 
“i-i do get it, will. remember my championship game in december? we choked. i-i get it, i do. it sucks and i’m so sorry it ended this way. i wish it didn’t—”
“stop saying you get it. it’s not the fucking same. you’ve never had to work for anything in your life because of your family!” 
the blonde’s harsh words finally hit a nerve. samy’s face twisted and she didn’t know anymore if he really didn’t mean it or not, but through the anger, will realized what he said. 
“samy..i didn’t—”
“fuck you, will. you of all people should know how hard i’ve worked to be where i am right now. i know you’re upset about everything right now, but you don’t need to bring me down to make yourself feel better. don’t bother waiting up. i’m leaving with ryan and gabe,” samy stormed out of the locker room before will could say anything more.
the tears streamed down her face as soon as she was in the lobby again. ryan and gabe instantly noticed her distraught expression, immediately going to her. 
“shit, what happened?” ryan muttered. 
“can we just go? i can’t deal with him right now,” samy choked out. the two exchanged a worried glance, but obliged. 
the whole ride back to the hotel was nothing but silence as everyone reeled from the disappointing night. 
gabe let samy camp out in his hotel room for the night. he didn’t dare ask her what happened in the locker room knowing she’d tell him if she wanted to; however, the dark-haired boy wanted to go knock some sense into will knowing he most definitely snapped too hard at samy which made her want to avoid him. 
it was almost two in the morning when there was a small knock. still awake, the two exchanged wary glances, so gabe got the door. 
he pulled it open to reveal a very weary, teary-eyed, sad, and frustrated will. for a moment, gabe almost let him in, but he stopped himself because he didn’t want the boy blowing up at samy again. the girl sat nervously on the bed just out of sight of the door listening in on them.
“is she here?” will rasped out, voice dry from the amount he cried after samy left the locker room and getting back to the hotel. 
“i’m not sure i wanna answer that,” gabe stood his ground. 
“come on, perreault. leno said he didn’t have her,” will tried again. 
hearing how wrecked he sounded broke samy’s heart all over again. gabe gazed back at her, a look in his eyes asking her if she really wanted to see him. 
even though he insulted her, something in samy was still trying to justify it for him being upset and angry. she really wanted to believe he didn’t mean it. with that, the girl crawled off the bed and shuffled her way behind gabe’s 6’1 figure. 
“we can talk in your room,” samy mumbled. 
“o-okay,” the shake in her boyfriend’s voice made samy want to lunge herself at him and make all the pain go away, but she had to stand up for herself still. 
“you’re sure?” gabe wondered before letting her go. 
“i’m sure. i’ll see you tomorrow,” she rubbed his arm and stepped around him. 
her and will walked three doors down where his hotel room was. it was basically hers too since most of her stuff was scattered across the room over the past few days they’ve been there. 
will shut the door behind them. the brunette looked at him expectantly knowing she said everything she could. a beat of silence passed before the tears quickly filled the blonde’s eyes and he started completely sobbing in front of her. he crumpled against the door, choking sobs falling from his lips as he body sunk into the ground. 
for a second, samy just stared at him until her instincts kicked in and she went to him without hesitation this time. 
“oh will,” she curled into his side, stroking his hair as his body fell into hers. 
“i’m so sorry. i didn’t mean any of it. i don’t know why i said it. i was upset and i know that’s not an excuse at all,” the boy rambled into her shoulder. 
“i know this loss hurts, but taking your anger out on people with harsh words isn’t gonna make it better,” samy said.
“i know, i know. i-i’m so sorry. i shouldn’t have lashed out on you. that’s not fair to you at all.” 
“i was just trying to comfort you like i always do after losses,” the girl hated seeing her boyfriend so upset like this. his tears dripped everywhere on her even after samy tried wiping them away with her thumb. 
“i know. i shouldn’t have pushed you away like that. i just.. I didn’t want you to see me like that,” will’s voice grew softer at his small admission. 
“what do you mean like that?” i’ve seen you lose games before.”
“i don’t know if this is how you felt after your soccer game, but i felt so pathetic for losing a championship game where we didn’t even score. my pride was hurt and i worried you’d think i wasn’t good enough anymore because i lost like that,” his words continued breaking samy’s heart. 
she grabbed ahold of his face so he was looking at her, “i’d never think any less of you because you lost. it happens. you’re not pathetic for losing and i promise it doesn’t make me look at you any differently.” 
“i guess i’m just always scared you’ll get sick of me and realize i’m not actually worth it. that and a hundred other emotions were just going through me and it came out really wrong,” will frowned. 
a small sigh escaped the girl’s lips hearing the boy she’s known all her life doubt himself so much. “you’re always worth it, will. nothing’s ever gonna change that for me, okay? i’m always gonna be in love with you and wanna be around you win or lose, whatever's happening in your career. you’re stuck with me,” a small laugh escaped their lips at the last part. 
“i know that. i just get really doubtful when i get down on myself and hard losses like that happen.” 
“i get it, but i’m not going anywhere, okay? you played your best tonight, those refs were making shit calls and unfortunately, denver just figured us out.” 
a small nod came from will. he pushed his forehead onto samy’s just trying to ease all the thoughts running through his mind while focusing on the way she ran her fingers gently through his hair and around his curls. some of his roots were rough and red from the way he pulled harshly on them earlier, so her gentle motions slowly eased the ache. 
“i’m scared that i don’t know what’s gonna happen next with any of us,” will spoke again after a small silence. 
he lifted his head again to meet his girlfriend’s gaze before leaning it against the door. 
“are you gonna sign on?” the idea played in samy’s mind as well after tonight’s game. 
the decision was entirely up to the coaches of each of the guy’s respective teams, but considering how well all of them played and improved in one season, they may want them sooner rather than later. 
“i don’t know. it’s up to whether the sharks want me now or later,” will answered. 
“have you talked to ryan or gabe? what they may do?” 
“washington’s pushing closer to the playoffs. they may want ryan on for it. i dunno. gabe’s most likely gonna stay. i don’t think the rangers are quite ready for him yet. the ideal situation is we all stay one one more season with boston,” will explained a bit, his fingers drawing mindles shapes into samy’s leg. 
“what do the sharks say about you?” the girl wondered with a raised eyebrow. 
“you know what they say about me. they want me now. they wanna wait another year. it’s..sort of up to me i guess,” will shrugged a bit, avoiding eye contact. 
“would you sign on now?” she rephrased her question from earlier. 
“if i sign on now, my entire life gets flipped around in a week and i have to move to california, but then i’d possibly get to play in the playoffs. if i wait, i get to stay with boston and everyone for another year and more importantly, see you more frequently than if i was in california,” samy rolled her eyes at the last part—he was always so down bad for her. 
“don’t make the decision based on me, will. you’ll see me still.” 
“i know, but i think i do subconsciously anyway. you’re just my life now,” his words sent a deep blush across the girl’s cheeks. 
“i’m flattered,” she rubbed the side of his cheek making him lean into her touch. 
“you’re everything to me, samy. i’m really, really in love with you and i can’t imagine my life without you in it,” will smiled softly. 
the girl flushed, but returned his smile. hearing those kinds of things come out of his mouth was still something the brunette was getting used to even after 9 months of being together. 
“you’re everything to me too, will. i love you a lot.” 
the boy leaned forward to place a gentle, yet loving kiss on her lips. they melted into one another, small sighs escaping their mouths at the contact. her hands tugged at his curls while his own curved around her waist, pulling her impossibly closer like he needed her as close as possible or else he couldn’t function. 
part of it was true. without samy, will was lost like a fish in the ocean. she was a part of him and he was a part of her. they were intertwined and always would be. her soft lips soothed every single thought and self-doubt will had because as long as his favorite girl believed in him, that was all that mattered. 
“i know i said this already, but thank you for being here. it means a lot to me,” will said when they pulled apart. 
“i’d never miss this. i’ll always skip classes for you,” she grinned. 
the boy beamed, pulling her back in for another kiss. 
the two didn’t get into bed until nearly 3:30 in the morning. samy curled into will’s side, his arm tightly around her as she laid on his chest. the tension in the air completely dissipated and the cries died down. things felt okay again. 
they’d sleep tangled in one another all night knowing the next morning samy had to catch her plane back to michigan and will would be left with one big decision that would decide what plane he had to catch. 
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papayatori · 3 months
Don't Blink!(P4)
LN4 x fem!reader
Warnings: None
a/n, we're starting to get somewhere, oh how I love a good slow burn. ;-; (Also please bear with me, I know these aren't entirely accurate, I'm simply doing this for plot purposes, thanks!)
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Why the hell had I decided to invite Lando over for breakfast. I don't know what came over me, whether it was some random confidence or those eyes of his that could drive me mad, I was pissed off at it.
Night owls don't do early breakfast. I know this from personal experience. I also know from personal experience that Lando is a morning person.
This is not okay.
My alarm blared multiple times that morning, I gave up after the fourth time, deciding that Lando was important enough to get out of bed for.
I did my normal morning routine, skin care, brushing my teeth, all of the necessities, before trudging into the kitchen to somehow find the will to not only continue living for the next few hours of the morning, but also find the will to cook breakfast.
I let out a long, exasperated and dramatic sigh before carrying on with my brave quests.
Halfway through the deep and ferocious battle known as making pancakes the right way, I heard a heavy knock on my door. My heart skipped a traitorous beat at the thought of who it could be.
Curse my silly feelings.
I wiped my hands on the kitchen towel I had on the bar and quickly went to open my door.
"Good morning, darling." He had one hand held out to me, the other behind his back. I accepted his hand and allowed him to kiss it the way he had the night before, though not without a growing red color in my cheeks. He pulled his other hand out from behind him, revealing the prettiest rose I had ever seen, and he handed it to me with an expression that was probably just as pretty. The top button of his shirt was unbuttoned, revealing a small portion of his chest for all to see. It distracted me from the rose for a bit longer than I had planned.
"Thank you?" I said finally, in more of a question than a statement. "Why are you all fancy looking today, and what's with the rose?" He grinned, flashing his teeth.
"It's our second date."
I could've slapped myself in the head, but it wouldn't have done any good. I had forgotten that we had agreed it would be our second date, even if it was mostly a joke when I had offered.
When I didn't reply, he stepped past me, brushing his hand against mine as he did so, and walked into the kitchen.
"Pancakes?" He said, a smile growing further when he saw the huge mess in my kitchen. "I'm going to assume that's a yes."
"You would be assuming correctly, Lan. Pancakes are an art I've yet to master." "If I die because of your cooking, I'm taking you with me." He looked me dead in the eye as he said this, no hints to whether or not he was joking. I threw the kitchen towel at him with a laugh.
"I'm not that bad of a cook!" He eyed me suspiciously.
"I'll be the judge of that, thank you."
I rolled my eyes at him, wondering back to the task at hand.
Lando helped me finish prepping. He even helped me set the table, too. Not only did he look the part of a gentleman, but he also played the part very well. I couldn't help but think that we were a family right then. The way that we talked to one another, joked around like we had known each other for years. How he had helped me clean off the bar we would be eating on, since it was completely caked in flour from my small war earlier. Things just felt right at home. Lando was starting to feel like home, and I was starting to look forward to his visits.
"Y/n," He started, pulling me away from my pancakes. "Look at me." He hesitated a bit, reaching his hand up to touch my face. His thumb brushed the side of my cheek gently. This felt far more intimate than the two of us had ever been, and while I wasn't pushing him away, it was almost terrifying how dangerously fast my heart was beating due to his small action. "You had a bit of flour left on your face." He smiled, probably seeing the tint of my cheeks.
"Thanks." I stumbled, dropping my embarrassed gaze back to my pancakes.
Lando and I were playing a very dangerous game. Both of us were dancing around the thought of the other, neither of us decided to cross over the fine line between friendship and something more than that. We had spent all day together for the last week, and when we weren't around each other, we were texting each other or tweeting back and forth. Lando had discovered that I posted on Twitter quite a lot, and he never failed to reply to any of my pictures with something witty or stupid, all of which would make me giggle to myself. I had hated actually admitting the fact that I might think of him as something more than what we were, which was strange considering we had really only known each other for a weeks time, but nonetheless, I still felt that way.
You can't really tell your emotions no, can you?
He hadn't stopped on the formalities, either. He continued to kiss my hand when he met me at my door or out in public somewhere. Especially in crowds, he would sometimes squeeze my hand, knowing how nervous I got. All of his small gestures gave me butterflies and sent my pulse so high I though I might faint. My chest had started to ache when he wasn't around. I had started to feel empty after practices had started for the season, though that also meant the race was getting closer.
As we stood now, the race was two days away. It was now Thursday, Lan's second testing of the season. So far, he had come home with nothing short of success to boast about. He always got really excited when he talked about the car or the team. Those blue-green eyes of his would light up every time the topic was even brought up, inviting him to ramble for hours. Not that I minded, I personally find it quite enjoyable.
I heard frantic knocking at my door, knowing it was probably just Lando being overdramatic. I opened the door in a hurry, not willing to admit it to myself, but I was excited to see him.
"Hi" He said excitedly, doing a little wave before letting himself in. I'm assuming he had just gotten back from his practice. It was about that time and he was absolutely drenched in sweat. He went to sit down on the couch, but I held out my hand in denial.
"Lan, you're covered in sweat. You're not sitting on my couch like that." I covered my nose instinctively as I had started to notice.
"Aw, y/nnnn, c'mon. I'm tired." His bottom lip threatened to pop out at any moment, I knew it was only a matter of time before I eventually gave in to his pouting. I wouldn't give up that easily.
"Shower, go, I'll wash your clothes for you." It was his lucky day that I liked to wear oversized clothing. I dug through my closet trying to find one of my bigger shirts. With a triumphant smile, I brought Lan a pair of my larger sweatpants and a baggy shirt.
Hopefully this would do.
"Are you sure?" He asked, questioning my offer.
"Positive, you have no choice if you want to have our movie night tonight." I was practically shoving him into the bathroom at this point, trying to get him in as quick as possible before I was poisoned by the smell of his sweat. "I keep some of my dad's soap under the cabinet, feel free to help yourself." I heard some sort of grunt of approval from the other side of the door, and with my mission a success, I wandered back to my couch, admiring my handiwork.
"y/n 1, Lando 0."
A breath of fresh air hit me as Lando walked back into the main room. "May I sit now?" I looked up at him, his hair still damp and frizzy, curls sticking to his damp face. He could not have been more attractive. Especially since the shirt that I had thought would be big enough, turned out to be rather short, revealing a small portion of his abs to me. I had to look away, nodding my head slowly to his question.
A blush started creeping its way up my neck. I saw him give me a look out of my peripheral. "What's the matter with you?" He asked, as if absolutely oblivious to the obvious. "Just excited for the movies." I lied through my teeth, and if he had known better, he made no effort to say otherwise.
We both agreed on the spiderman movie; though, we had to watch the ones with Tom Holland in them. Well, Lando insisted we watched the ones with Tom Holland in them.
We joked around for the first movie, watching it but not really watching it. Every now and then we would bump into each other, moving ever so slightly and brushing shoulders or knees. Each touch was like fire to me, and it made me feel hotter than I should have. The room got warmer every time he looked at me, spoke to me. I was starting to realize that my feelings really didn't like being ignored, and I was eventually going to have to acknowledge them. The second movie was even harder to get through than the first. My eyes had started to grow heavy, and I knew that sleep was fast approaching. I felt a weight around my shoulders and looked over to find Lan's arm wrapped around me, his eyes focused on the TV. I liked this a bit too much, I decided. His warmth dug into me like poison, my eyelids threatening to fall with each passing second. I knew that if we sat here for much longer that I would be a goner.
My head fell down gently onto Lando's chest, I felt it tense slightly before letting up like he had before when we had hugged the first time. His chest shook with a soft chuckle. Though sleep had taken me, I felt a small kiss to my forehead, causing a smile to instinctively spread across my face.
"Goodnight, darling." y/n 1, Lando 1.
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Ok so, I personally feel like Donnie would be the hardest to manage of all his brothers.
It's well known that he struggles with properly showing his emotions.
So alot of the time, it would be hard to accurately guess his feelings.
But I also feel that after you get over the speedbump of confessions,
He'd try his hardest to actually talk to you about how he's feeling.
So don't get too frustrated, he is trying his best,
It's just so new to him.
We also know that he's not big on physical contact.
So you two will probably have to start out small. (Whenever he feels comfortable with it obvi.)
You'll most likely just be holding hands here or there.
He enjoys spending time with you.
No matter how you two are spending said time,
He loves it.
And one of his favorite things ever is showing you his finished projects.
He deserves it, and if you do,
It will quite literally make his week.
Donnie doesn't really do PDA.
Like, at all.
He is perfectly fine with showing you verbal affection in private,
But around people, it's not likely to anymore than a simple "Darling."
He does have a Bad-Boy-Slash-Mad-Scientist image to uphold after all.
Donnie has offically appointed you as "Assistant Scientist"
He absolutley LOVES it when you help him with his work.
Especially if you're able to understand the complexity of it all.
He loves listening to you talk while he works.
Wether its about your day, school, work, home etc.
For some reason it just helps him focus.
Raph has taken to calling you if he's ever worried about Donnie.
Obviously, you can't be in the Lair 24/7/365,
So sometimes, Donnie will coup himself up in the Lab for days at a time with zero sleep.
None of his brothers are able to get him out.
So they call you.
When you arrive on the scene, their worried faces ALWAYS switch to relief.
You'll walk into the Lab,
And with a little coaxing,
Alot of, "Please, Dear?" 's
And just a little bit of puppy eyes,
You always manage to get the scientist out of the Lab,
Into the kitchen for some much needed sustenence,
And eventually to bed.
Everytime this happens,
Donnie always falls asleep with his head in your lap,
and you WILL NOT MOVE until he wakes up.
He builds you things.
It's kinda like his love language.
He'll just show up at your apartment randomly, and give you something he made for you.
He made you a music box that plays your favorite song.
It was a gift he gave you a couple days after you two were official.
Overall, Donnie is definetly the brother who requires the most patience and understanding.
So you better try your goddamn best to give him those things.
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directdogman · 9 months
Hey dogman, idk if you answered this
Who, out of both DSAF and Dialtown, was your favourite to write and/or create?
It's very hard for me to pick favourites with my characters because I don't tend to give characters a lot of screen-time unless I find a character interesting or fun to write. You've caught me in a talkative mood, so warning, there's an onslaught of text coming!
DSaF: Dave was the most fun to write for, as I remember it. I mean, the guy is the walking personification of chaos and even when he's being constructive (eg, rigging robots to do insane stuff), it's usually in a destructive capacity. Dave will do LITERALLY ANYTHING but contribute to society in meaningful/valuable ways.
In terms of what character-writing I was most 'proud' of, I was also pretty happy with Dr Henry Miller, as a villain. Namely the research he embarked on, described in his logs in DSaF 3 (which the fandom evidently agreed with, as I got really strong feedback on those logs.)
One issue a lot of people (including myself) have with canon William Afton is that he's this kind of mad scientist character but his research doesn't really seem to be... idk, going anywhere? Other than using remnant (soul nectar?) to make kids possess robots, it's kind of a mystery how he got to this point he did from running a bad fast food restaurant. William gets fleshed out motivations in TSE and even then, it mainly revolves around his relationship with Henry Emily, iirc. It's actually pretty accurate to how real serial killers think, imo, but there's a pretty wide berth between this kind of serial killer and becoming a sci-fi fast-food mad scientist... So, I decided to try to bridge that gap.
DSaF Henry's logs actually mention where the idea for his research came from, namely the fact that he existed in a world with normal scientific rules just like ours and seemingly discovered something supernatural, and he approaches it like an amoral scientist would - trying to figure out how to figure out more about the fabric of reality using the newly discovered phenomenon of possession. The 'joy of creation' phrase people pulled from Golden Freddy's phone call in FNaF 1 is given context - Henry is trying to find out what's on the other side (and eventually, how existence itself formed.)
There's other aspects to his character that make him more interesting too, like the implication that his research is partially an excuse for him to act on an underlying sadism (with scenes implying that he inflicts damage on others than can't be justified as assisting with his research.) His background as a dissident/quack laughing-stock scientist (thanks to pushing his soul theory in a best-selling book, which is considered pseudoscience) BEFORE he embarked on his journey to become a fast food tycoon also makes it less farfetch'd that he'd be capable of y'know, harvesting human souls intentionally to continue his research?
I had more for the character on paper that people haven't seen but some of it wasn't revealed due to it feeling a bit too disturbing to publish. None of the contents would've been all that controversial, more just too tonally disturbing when written about in detail (like a omitted part from his backstory/lore post where he managed to pick up a hazy audio of his wife + son's crying from the radio of the car his wife/son drowned in and reacted with genuine elation upon realizing he'd discovered a new scientific phenomenon (as this was the first time Henry witnessed soul-possession.)) Yeah.
I don't feel much of a need to revisit Henry as a character because as a series villain, he was pretty thoroughly-written and he did his job effectively... And his fate was well earned! (He even got an epilogue short-story a few years back, further cementing his fate!)
Dialtown: From the characters/writing that the fandom has seen? Tough to say. I genuinely really like every DT character. Gingi and Mayor Mingus are two of my favourite characters to write for because they're both really insistent and react to adversity in a really comically indignant way. Mingus is more like Gingi than she cares to admit in very specific ways, which is the core hypocrisy of her character - she's one of the most abnormal things IN Dialtown, and spends the game on a quest opposing abnormality that she, herself, can't stand.
Many absolute rulers have debilitating physical and/or mental cruxes and despite that, usually have the final say on what is/isn't okay, often guided by arbitrary preferences. It's funny to remember all of the ancient kings and emperors who dictated how others should act, talk and even think, when very many of them themselves were anything except a good reflection of their own subjects! It's an irony I quite enjoy and leads to a fun character to write for!
My favourite DT writing is probably some of my Callum Crown speech drafts. I have a definite bias here since Crown's character is based on many figures I've encountered in my own reading (and his story relates to topics I enjoy reading about.) A lot of that is real nerd shit that wouldn't be interesting to 99.9% of DT fans (like a long conversation where Crown + Milt discuss a campaign speech Milt wrote for Crown and they bicker about if the wording/arguments used are truly honest.) Again, not super relevant to Dialtown-proper, but it explains a lot about why the world of DT ended up the way it did.
Realistically, the story of Dialtown itself is basically a weird little epilogue to a story that ended decades upon decades ago, centered around a bunch of small-town nobodies circling around the carcass of the last surviving main character of the old story.
I'm also very happy with Gingi's character partially because I know more about Gingi's past/future than you guys do. Gingi has such rotten memory that Gingi's backstory before DT's story begins is basically a complete mystery. Thanks to Gingi never getting close enough to any humans before laying its eggs, there's nobody in Gingi's life that can fill in the gaps. Companionship means so much to Gingi because prior to meeting The Gang, Gingi is aware of a massive and unknown block of time that's a complete mystery precisely because Gingi had nobody in its life. To Gingi, this time was basically akin to being non-sentient or dead, and Gingi would never go back.
While I was making DSaF, I drafted a ton of other stories on paper. I considered making most of them, but decided not to for various reasons, despite getting some solid feedback from collaborators. Bits of almost all of those project ideas made it into DT, with Gingi having traits from several other main characters I prototyped years and years ago. This includes where Gingi came from and what exactly Gingi is. I don't want to mislead people into thinking Gingi is more important than it is, like Gingi is the key to unlocking DT lore (I promise there's a LOT of aimless scuttling/devouring in Gingi's past and relatively little else!) BUT: Of everything from those old scrapped projects, Gingi is what I decided deserved to survive the most. And that has to count for something.
One day I'd love to make sequels to DT and perhaps explore some of the stuff I've described above, like why the hell the world of DT is the way it is or maybe where the hell Gingi spawned from. Thanks
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gloomyswritings · 7 months
𝐚 𝐰𝐚𝐲 𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮 | 𝐬𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐮 𝐠𝐨𝐣𝐨 𝐱 𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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warnings : super long word count almost 8k, mildly suggestive content, power dynamics, toxic, little ooc, as alway not really proofread because I work in corporate america.
notes : you guys ever played those samurai otomoe games? yeah this is that. this is most definitely not historically accurate lmao and i don't intend it to be. and this is a weird mixture of sengoku period mixed with jjk's whole magic/curse system type of fantasy au. also reader is given a last name just to make it easier!! demons = cursed spirits.
synopsis : satoru gojo is a samurai warlord, he has an abundance of women wrapped around his fingers but none interest him as much as a certain servant girl who cares for the Fushiguro's. her innocent nature and lack of interest in him drives satoru crazy. he wants nothing more than to make this servant girl fall for him like every other woman who was crossed his path. but eventually he realizes his feelings for her are different; it wasn't a game anymore. satoru had fallen in love with her.
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♡⋆。 °✩♪
     Satoru Gojo a well respected and feared warlord, tales that he was the strongest samurai and curse user to ever live followed in his wake. But he was also known as a womanizer, anyone woman would dream to get his attention even if for a few moments. But to you, he was Lord Gojo your employer you couldn't even fathom ever receiving his a glance from him so you chose to not pay attention to those types of things.  You had been working as a servant—maid at the Gojo castle ever since you were nine years old; sold to pay off your family's debt despite you being an orphan from the countless battles that always raged on. But you didn't mind, the castle was nice the Gojo clan treated their staff well so you didn't mind living here after all this was really the only place you've ever known. You sat on the indoor patio overlooking the garden, humming softly to yourself embroidering a dress that you had been working on for a few months now. It was when you heard a commotion and out came from around the corner an older servant lady she looked angered, "I'm over that child !______! You take care of him. He has no manners unlike his sister!" She shouted storming towards you. You raised a brow, "Huh Miss Yoko...what are you talking about?" You asked eying her curiously. "Fushiguro—Megumi. He's ill-behaved I refuse to take care of him anymore plus he seems to like you more. I'm going to talk to Lady Ieiri, go see if you can handle him." She ordered as she stomped away. You sighed standing to your feet, leaving your dress folded away in the corner.
     You walked down the bustling hallways of the castle towards the young lord's room. "Lord Fushiguro." You called out knocking on the paper door. "What?! Leave me alone." The young boy grumbled. You rolled your eyes, "I'm not here to lecture you just to just to talk." You said. The door slammed open revealing the short raven hair child, his brows were furrowed and he was pouting. You smiled softly leaning down to meet his eye level, resting your hands on your knees. "Fushiguro. What did you do to make Miss Yoko mad?" You asked. He clicked his tongue in annoyance crossing his arms avoiding your gaze. Reaching out to poked his cheek, "Aw come on don't treat me that way. Tell me." You asked once again this time poking his side. Finally Megumi cracked a smile swatting your hand away. "Old hag—" he began. "Fushiguro!" You gasped playfully slapping his hand for his bad language. He continued not paying much attention to your dramatic gasp, "...was getting on my nerves. She was ranting about how I don't deserve to be in the Gojo clan because apparently I'm a bad kid. I need to be more like Tsumiki. Well I told her to fu—" you cut him off by cupping a hand over his mouth wagging a finger in his face. "Fushi! No! Bad!" You scolded. God this child had a mouth on him. Where did he learn it from? You thought standing to your feet. You crossed your arms tapping your foot against the wooden floor, "You really can't talk like that. It does look bad for the clan." You reminded him. "Well that freak Gojo talks casually and he sleeps with everyone woman he looks at!" Megumi retorted. Sighing you ruffled his hair, "Stop it. It's almost time for dinner and I have to go help with the kitchen duties. Go find your sister and stop talking like that." You said placing a hand on his back giving him a light shove to send him on his way to find his sister.
     You watched as his little body ran off down the halls before you made your way towards the kitchen. For some reason you had been assigned to help care for the Fushiguro children that had been adopted into the Gojo clan but Megumi had taken a specific liking to you which in turn made you one of the few people who he would listen to—tolerate.
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     Dinner went by without any problems and now you were walking back towards your shared room. The sun had long set by now another day full of chores was complete all you wanted to do was sleep before it was time to repeat the cycle again tomorrow. The halls were quiet most had already retired to their rooms for the nights. Yawning you rubbed your eyes lazily dragging your feet against the floor. "Hey." A voice called out causing you to stop. You fanned your hand in front of your face as you finished your yawning, tears pricked the corner of your eyes as your vision focused on the man standing in front of you. "Yes?" You asked. "This yours?" The man asked handing you a bundle of cloth. Your eyes widened as you quickly took it from him, it was your dress you had been seeing earlier. You looked up too see non other than Satoru Gojo, quickly you bowed your head. "I'm so sorry milord for leaving my garbage out. Please forgive me." You said. Gojo stood there for a few moments before laughing, "It's obviously not garbage. I was walking with Megumi and had found it, think it fell in the garden. He said it was probably yours." He explained. You slowly looked up at him, "You know who I am?" You asked.
The white haired lord nodded, "Duh. Megumi talks about you a lot. Think you remind him of his mom or something." Gojo said nonchalantly. You were shocked that Megumi talked so highly of you especially to the head of the clan. It was even more surprising Gojo was even speaking to you, this was the first time he had ever even exchanged words with you—despite all your years working here. "O-oh I see. I suppose that's a good thing?" You shrugged a shoulder looking at him confused. Gojo looked at your for few more moments as you squirmed awkwardly under his intense gaze. "W...well I should be going now. Have a good night milord." You bowed dismissing yourself before scurrying away. Gojo watched as you ran off, he groaned rubbing the back of his head, "Fucked that up didn't I?" He muttered to himself.
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You had soon forgotten your encounter with Satoru Gojo as other things preoccupied your mind. The next time you encountered the man was a couple weeks later when you were cleaning the hallways where his chambers resided. You scrubbed on your knees, the brush sliding back and forth along the wooden floor. Your kimono sleeves were rolled up and your dress was pulled up higher than usual as to not get it wet. "I prefer my women to be more modest." A voice said from behind you. You jumped in surprise sending the brush flying across the hallway, groaning in frustration you sat up looking to see had spoken to you. "Why does it matter what you prefer?" You began voice clearly laced with annoyance and frustration. It was non other than Lord Gojo hovering above you a lazy smirk plastered on his pale face. As usual his kimono was half opened exposing his muscular chest, his hand limply slipped inside the fabric. "It matters because I'm the Lord of this castle." He replied back his voice was playful. You weren't in the mood to play games as you had been painstakingly hand washing the floors of this offensively large castle. "I'm sorry I'm not up your standards Lord Gojo. I'm cleaning the last thing I was worried about was my modesty." You apologized half heartedly waiting for him to hurry up and go to his room at the end of the hall.
Gojo leaned against the wall watching you intensely, "How come I've never noticed how cute you were before ______— can I call you that? I like it more than Hachisu." He asked seemingly to ignore your previous comment. You were taken aback by his casualness on calling you by your first name, "I suppose you can call me whatever you'd like my lord. As for your previous question...probably because I'm a servant." You said looking at him with a blank expression. "That's a shame. I guess I should of paid more attention to the servants if you were amongst them. Care to join me in my room for a cup of sake?" He asked. You hummed in reply, "Mmm...I'd rather not. I'm awfully busy today. Thank you for the generous offer though." You tried to politely decline his request as you were not in the mood for meaningless chit chat. Gojo sighed shrugging his shoulders a look of defeat on his face, "You're missing out but the offer is always there ______ my room is always open to you~" he said before walking into his room shutting the doors behind him. Shaking your head you went back to work rewashing the spots he had just walked on.
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You sat on the tatami floor with Megumi sitting in between your legs as your brushed his wet hair. He had just taken a bath and you made it your goal to tame his wild hair. You sang softly under your breath as you ran the comb though his hair. "Master Gojo always keeps bugging me with questions about you all of sudden." Megumi said. You stopped singing and brushing his hair, "Why's that?" You asked curiously. The boy shrugged, "Dunno. You've been taking care of me for the past two years don't know why he's suddenly interested in you. Did you do something?" He asked. You raised a brow shaking your head, "No don't think so. Didn't think he'd care about a servant girl enough to ask questions." You replied. It was strange but you figured you were his newest interest and soon he'd be bored of you moving onto to the next girl. You patted Megumi's shoulder, "Up. Go lay down so I can tuck you in. You've got a big day tomorrow after all, you'll be training with Lord Geto." You smiled moving on from the topic. Megumi mumbled under his breath slowly crawling towards his futon. He slipped under the covers and reached for a book beside him, "Can you help me read this tonight ______?" He asked waving the book in your face. You took it from him as you began to flip through the pages a frown slowly replacing your warm smile. "I..I'm sorry Megumi. I can't read this it's too advanced for me. I'll ask Miss Ieiri if she knows someone who can read this." You said embarrassedly. Megumi took the book from you laying it beside him, "It's fine ______. I'll just go to bed." He said disappointedly rolling to face the other way. You sighed tucking him in, "Sleep well young lord." You said softly before standing up to blow out the candles and leaving his room. Before you slid the door shut Megumi called out to you quietly, "You're more than a servant to me ______. Don't let that weirdo make you feel otherwise." He mumbled. "Thank you Megumi." You smiled sliding the door shut.
You walked down the hall as tears threatened to spill, that was the kindest words that had ever been said to you before from a noble and it came from a child. The tears slowly ran down your cheeks as you wiped your eyes with the fabric of your sleeve. "Why are you crying?" Gojo's voice asked, "Megumi say something rude?" He asked snapping you out of your self pity party. You looked up at the man blinking away the tears, "No. I'm not crying just got something in my eye." You quickly said. Gojo clicked his tongue in annoyance, "You're bad a lying." He smirked. "It's really none of your concern Lord Gojo." You snapped trying to walk past him but he grabbed your wrists pinning you against the bamboo wall. He hovered above you with your hands pinned above your head, his face close to yours. "I order you to talk to me ______. Don't disobey your master now." His voice was low. His crystal blue eyes peered into your own eyes. You stared at him shock, your heart was beating loudly and quickly. "Go ahead speak." He smirked. Suddenly rage gripped you and you squirmed out of his strong grip pushing him with all your might, "Fine if you really want to know my lord! I'm an idiot I can't read above a young child's level. Not that that would be something that ever cross your noble mind." You shouted. Candles flickered on from the rooms that lined the hallways but you could care less. Gojo looked at you his eyes widened in shock, he stepped towards you. But you reached out slapping him across the face before storming off; right now you didn't care about the consequences of your actions. You could care less that you slapped the most feared lord in all of the Japan across the face.
"You want me to get her Satoru?" Suguru Geto stepped out his room. "Huh why are you grinning like an idiot?" Out came Shoko Ieiri yawning. Gojo stood there with a grin on his face he shook his head, "No leave her be." He waved his hand dismissively at the two before walking off. The raven haired man exchanged a look of confusion with the brunette beside him. "He turned off his infinity almost like he wanted to be slapped. What a freak." Shoko smirked before shrugging it off heading back into her room. Geto soon following after her, returning back to his room. Sometimes Satoru was impossible to read.
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When morning came the whole castle knew about you slapping Gojo across the face. The women you shared with a room with scolded you all morning long about just how awful you were. So as an unofficial punishment for daring to lay a hand on the beautiful warlord who had so graciously turned off his infinity for you, you were put to work outside. You breathed heavily as you carried large bags of rice from a supply cart all the way into the kitchen. This work was typically left to the men so you were completely unfit for the job. As you began to stumble losing your balance you felt the weight lifted off, you collapsed to the ground catching your breath. "Jealous old maids sending you to do men's work they should be ashamed of themselves." A familiar voice said clicking his tongue. You looked up seeing white hair glistening under the sunlight, the bags of rice you were carrying were slung over his shoulder, you hung your head low sighing. "It's my punishment for laying a hand on you. I won't apologize so just deal with me as you see fit Lord Gojo." You mumbled as you looked at the grass. Gojo laughed, "I don't expect you to apologize I've come here to tell you something. Stand up." He said. Slowly you stood to your feet still avoiding eye contact with him.
Gojo raised a brow, he wasn't used to seeing you mope around. "I've decided I'll give you reading and writing lessons. Every night after your dinner come see me in my room." He said. You looked up at him, he smiled warmly at you it seemed so genuine like he wasn't mocking or taking pity on you. "Are you serious?" You asked is disbelief. He nodded, "One hundred percent serious ______. Also take the rest of the day off, I'll handle the rest of your workload." Gojo said. You just stared at him you were certainly expecting him to kick you out of the castle onto the streets yet here he was offering you lessons. "Well go on." He smirked shooing you way. Without another word you bowed your head before scrambling off.
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You could hardly stomach your dinner, the other servants were now completely avoiding you gossiping. "How dare she let Lord Gojo do her chores?" One whispered rather loudly while glaring at you. "She's not even that cute yet Lord Gojo let her get away with slapping him and now she's invited to his quarters?" Another one said. You prayed dinner would be over soon so you could escape from their harsh words.
As soon as dinner was done you quickly cleaned up your mess before rushing up the stairs to the top floor where Lord Gojo's room was. You paced impatiently up and down the hall biting your fingernails. "Oh you're early. Someone's a little eager." Gojo's voice echoed through the quiet halls that same devilish smirk playing on his lips. You nodded, "I couldn't get away fast enough. Thanks to you taking over my chores today the other women won't stop talking badly about me. I wouldn't be surprised if they threw out my things out when I return for bed." You snapped. Gojo slowly nodded, "Ah I see. Fine I'll make arrangements. You can sleep in one of the guest rooms on this floor." He said before walking past you into his room motioning for you to follow. "Sit ______." He ordered pointing at a cushion on the floor in front of his desk. You nodded getting to your knees your hands folded in your lap nervously. You watched as Gojo rummaged through a bookshelf but he pulled a thin book. He sat down beside you sliding the book at you, "Open it and read as much as you can. Just so I can gauge where you're at." He said.
Your hands were shaking as you slowly opened the book, your eyes scanning over the characters on the page. Gulping you looked at him he nodded in encouragement. Your index finger slowly began to trace along the word as you tried sounding out the syllables, "As..I..tu..turn my gaze...up...up.." you came to a bump you looked at Gojo for help. "Just keep going skip what you don't know." He encouraged. You nodded, "As I turn my gaze up...and see the...moon...i am...of the...of the...woman...i...see.." you concluded looking at him with a defeated expression. Gojo only smiled warmly at you, "Not bad for your first time reading poetry. Here let me help you." He said leaning over placing his hand on top of yours, his index finger resting on top of yours as he traced under the words. You felt your face heat up by how close he was but you focused on the words in front of you. "As I turn my gaze upward...and I see the crescent moon...I am reminded...of the trailing eyebrows of the woman I saw but once." He finished though he didn't let go of your hand and his chest was still pressed against your arm. "What does that even mean?" You asked not really getting the poem. Gojo let go of your hand and shrugged, "Dunno some sappy love poem. Seems to be the only thing people want to write these days. Anyways let do another." He suggested flipping the page never moving away from you, not that you minded.
You spent all night reading and writing you weren't sure when you fell asleep but Gojo had noticed you nodding off as he was writing something for you to read. When he looked up from his brush he saw you sitting up still, eyes closed as you breathed softly you were asleep. He chuckled standing up scooping you in his arms before placing you on his own futon being sure to tuck you in. That night Gojo opted to sleep on the tatami floor making sure to keep a comfortable distance away from you.
When you awoke you were in an unfamiliar room and a very comfortable bed. You rubbed your eyes as you adjusted to the lightening. You were still in Gojo's room you quickly scrambled out of bed looking around for the white haired warlord but he was nowhere to be seen. Running a hand through your hair you huffed, "I have to sneak out of here." You muttered. The last thing you wanted was more rumors going on about you. You listened for footsteps and when the coast seemed cleared you sneaked out and downstairs just in time for breakfast.
No one seemed to notice your absence but you couldn't help but notice Gojo was nowhere to be seen. As you began washing yourself up after breakfast you then walked to Megumi's room to get him ready for his training with Lord Geto. Tsumiki was also in the room as she brushed through her brother's hair. "______!" Megumi shouted when he spotted you. Tsumiki held him still as she continued to comb his hair, "Good morning Miss ______." She greeted flashing you a smile. You bowed at the two walking over, "Here I'll finish up Lady Tsumiki. You should go get ready for your day." You smiled she nodded leaving you two alone. It didn't take until you finished dressing Megumi and sending him on his way to find Geto. The rest of your day you spent doing chores.
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When night came you went to Gojo's bedroom and continued on with your lessons it was apart of your daily routine and had been for nearly a month now. Though you were still stuck in the servant quarters the other had begun to just ignore you which you thought was better than getting gossiped about. You were becoming more comfortable around Gojo and you realized he wasn't all too bad, beneath the surface level of his womanizer playful personality, was someone who was an intellect and kind. It seemed like he just wanted company more than anything. As you fished wrapping up your lessons for the night Gojo stopped you grabbing your wrist, "Sit with me for a moment ______." He said taking a sip of sake. You obliged, "What is it my lord?" You asked tilting your head curiously.
Gojo's face looked unsure and it was completely serious for once, his brows furrowed. "______, take care of Megumi and Tsumiki for me while I'm away. You see...Megumi comes from the Zenin clan I made a promise with his father to protect him. He trusts you I can tell." He said. You frowned, "What's this all about is something happening to you?" You asked. Gojo shook his head white strands of hair falling in front of his ocean blue eyes, "Nah I'll just be away for a while starting tomorrow. So our lessons will be postponed. Strong Demons are lurking near the Northern territories along with people who wish to overthrow me. I'll be taking the army to handle any plot of rebellion. I expect when I get back you'll be able to write your own poem." He smirked letting go of your wrist. Things had been so peaceful lately it was only a matter of time before the men would be going back to war. "Okay I promise to take care of Megumi and Tsumiki, not like I haven't been anyways. And I promise to have a poem written for you upon your arrival." You grinned and with that you two wished one another a good night.
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     A month had passed before Gojo's army returned in the middle of the night. The men were wounded but yet they were in high spirits; the battle was victorious despite their injuries. The castle was in utter disarray as the servant women ran about clearing rooms to make makeshift infirmaries for all the wounded. Shoko was running about to mend the soldiers wounds. And for you, You sat in a storage room that was turned into a makeshift infirmary. placing a warm damp rag onto of the man's forehead you tried to comfort him as a another woman stitched his cut together, "You'll feel better soon. Just relax." You said as you cleaned his body of dried blood. You weren't a medic so you felt useless, "______, go fetch some clean rags." The older woman ordered. You nodded standing up leaving the room to search for any remaining clean cloths. As you searched the halls you were stopped by Geto, "______, go see Lord Gojo in his chambers." He said. You looked at the raven haired man, he looked fine for the most part a few cuts and bruises but otherwise well. "I will once I find some cloth—" you began but was cut off. "No I'll go fetch some. Who was needing it?" Geto asked. "Miss Yoko..she's in the storage shed." You said. Geto nodded motioning with his hand for you to go to Gojo. You bowed before quickly climbing the stairs up to Gojo's room.
     The commotion from downstairs did not make its way up the top floor where Gojo resided. It was quiet not a single candle was lit, the hallway was dark it was eerie. You slowly walked down the hall finally coming to a stop in front the paper sliding doors of Gojo's room. "Lord Gojo..you called for me?" You called out awaiting his response. But when you didn't hear anything after a couple minutes you took it upon yourself to enter the room. Slowly you slid the door open being sure to slide it back shut once you stepped into the room. It was much like the hallway, dark and quiet but upon listening you heard the sound of running water.
     "_______, is that you?" Gojo's voice called out from behind another door. "Y-yes milord!" You replied following the sound of his voice. He must of been in the bath but why he was asking for you was unbeknownst to you. "Come here." Gojo ordered but his voice sounded weaker than usual less playful. Taking a deep breath you slid the door open a wave of steam hitting your face. You closed your eyes as you followed along the wall, "Okay I'm here. What did you need?" You asked. "Open your eyes ______, I need your help. Don't worry I'm decent." He said. Pulling your hands to cover your eyes you peaked through your fingers just to be sure that Gojo was decent. He sat on the ledge of wooden bathtub, his legs were half in the water, a towel wrapped around his waist. His head was hung low as his wet white hair clung to his pale skin. It was then you noticed his body was littered in deep bloody gashes. You gasped in shock, Gojo only chuckled, "Yeah I got the worse of it. I just need your help dressing the wounds and applying the medicinal treatment." He said motioning for you to come over, "There I laid out all the things. I'll walk you through it." He said.
     You shook your head, "Wouldn't Miss Ieiri be more suitable for this? I can't heal wounds with a touch like she can." You tried to reason. You had no medical knowledge you were just a simple girl from a small village. Gojo clicked his tongue in annoyance, "I know but she needs to focus on the others plus I don't want to worry anyone, you know. if the men see their leader injured might ruin morale, might cause people to see me as weak. Just grab that rag ______ and apply that cream then bandaged the cut." He said pointing his finger at each item. Sighing nervously you picked up clean rag and placed the cream on it as ordered and gently began to dab the gash on his shoulder. He winced hissing through his teeth, you paused afraid you were doing something wrong. "It's fine keep going." He hissed. After what felt like hours you were finally done taking a step back you now got a full view of just how injured Gojo had gotten. His body was covered in bandages some already beginning to turn a pale red as the blood seeped through. "All done my lord. What else can I get you?" You asked beginning to clean up the area.
     Gojo stood to his feet, his towel hanging loosely on his waist. "My clothes. I'm going to bed." He ordered walking past you out of the bath room and into his room. You nodded and quickly rummaged through his closet before finally pulling out a robe handing it to him. He thanked you turning around and dropping his towel. You let out a surprised yelp as you covered your eyes. Gojo didn't say anything else as he laid down onto his futon closing his eyes. You took it as your queue to leave him be as you quietly made your way out of his room you heard his soft voice call out. "Thank you ______. You're a good girl." He said. You raised your brows shaking your head, "Goodnight Lord Gojo." You whispered in reply leaving his room and returning back to the infirmary to help out you had a long night ahead of you.
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Your nightly routine of lessons with Gojo were postponed replaced by nightly sessions of you mending his wounds, he was healing incredibly slow and refused to ask for Shoko's aid. tonight was like the previous ones before. Gojo sat on the tatami floors of his chambers, his robe pulled down to waist as you gently cleaned and rebandaged his wounds. You had learned of what exactly transpired that night which caused more than half the army to be injured in some way. They were ambushed on their way back to the capital by demons and amongst those demons were people who seemed to have tamed them. Gojo ordered the army back to the capital in fear that the castle had been invaded while he stayed back to finish them off which he to no one's surprise. When he had caught up with the army Geto was waiting and quickly brought Gojo to his chambers to avoid the other men from seeing just how injured he was. Gojo then asked for your assistance only. Which brought you to your current question, "Lord Gojo...why did you ask for me and not one of the other servants who have more medical knowledge?" You asked softly as you tightened the bandage around his bicep.
Gojo sipped on a cup of sake and shrugged, "You're the only one I felt I could trust. You treat me like an actual human unlike a lot of the other women around here. I wasn't in the mood for meaningless praise and pity while I was patched up. I knew you wouldn't do that so I asked for you." He answered nonchalantly. You looked up at him, the side profile of his face was illuminated by the dim candle light and the moon's glow. He looked surreal—ethereal it was no wonder why woman threw themselves at him and his flirtatious personality certainly didn't help. You'd be lying if you said you didn't find Gojo attractive, but you didn't throw yourself at him because you felt like he would use you despite how close you two had been getting. You were from a poor household, an orphan. You were a servant girl made to serve someone with a higher status than you for the rest of your life so why would you waste your time on even imagining anything with someone of Satoru Gojo's status?
Finally you replied, "Ah I see that makes sense. Well I'm glad I can be of some use to you." You smiled weakly as you pulled Gojo's robe back up to cover him from the cold breeze. He eyed your from the side watching as you began to clean up stacking bloodied rags onto a tray. "Are you leaving?" He asked. You nodded, "Yes, I'll be back in the morning." You smiled at him. He sat the cup of sake down and grabbed your hand, "Stay with me tonight. I'm tired of sleeping alone." He pleaded his voice was uncharacteristically soft. You gazed into his eyes for some time trying to guess his intentions but you gave in sitting the tray down on the table. "Very well. Here let me fix your bed. I can tell you've drank too much." You scolded gently. As you changed the sheets into new ones you patted the pillow, "Come on Lord Gojo. Let's go to sleep." You motioned for him to come over. As he downed the last of his sake he made his way over to the bed promptly falling down and pulling the covers over him. As you began to make your own bed beside him he grabbed your hand pulling you onto the bed. Wrapping his arms around your waist he nuzzled against your neck, his warm breath against your ear. "Stop calling my Lord Gojo..aren't we close enough yet you can call me Satoru? I call you ______ after all." He slurred in his half asleep and awake drunken state.
You felt butterflies in your stomach as you tried to control your nerves. Your hand was placed instinctively on top of strong forearms. Satoru held onto you like he was afraid you'd disappear, his body was pressed against your back. "O-okay Satoru." You stammered it felt so odd to refer to him so casually, it felt wrong in a way. Here you were a peasant girl laying in the same bed with the most important man in all of Japan. "I like that. Makes me feel good to hear you say my name." He purred. His hands slowly left your waist as one began to trail up your body and the other hand down your body. You let out a gasp as your felt his hand brush against your thigh, "L-lord gojo!" You hissed. He squeezed your thigh, "Saaatoooruuuu." He reminded, "I dreamt about sleeping next to you when I was away ______. Don't you know I'm in loovvve with you. I haven't even slept with any woman in months because of you." He slurred. Your eyes widened, "Satoru you're drunk don't say such things." You whispered grabbing his exploring hands and placing them back on your waist. He whined, "I'm being serious ______. Have you not realized I never have my Infinity on when I'm around you." He poured. You laid with him in silence and you realized he had fallen asleep. You felt like it was impossible to sleep after what had just happened but eventually you drifted away.
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Morning came and when you had awoken you were still being held by Satoru. You stirred letting out a yawn. He was warm and you felt safe in his arms. "______, you're awake?" His groggy voice asked. You felt his grip tighten around you, "Just lay with me for a bit." He pleaded. You nodded, "Of course." More silence passed before he spoke again. "I was always adored because of who I was. From the day I was born I was told I would unite Japan. I've been treated like a king since the day I was born. It's tiresome dealing with the constant praise and yes men around me. I have been with countless women, spoke to so many but none of them ever treated me like you have. You're different, you're special _______. I was afraid to admit it at first but I think I've fallen in love with you. You treat me as an equal and see me for who I am." Satoru said softly his fists clenched as he balled up the fabric of your dress. You couldn't believe the words that were just said to you, Satoru Gojo was in love with you?! You pried yourself from his grip sitting up, he followed suit. "You think I'm lying don't you? That I just want to sleep with you?" He asked. You slowly nodded, "Y-yes I don't see any other reason why you'd say you were in love with me." You replied.
Satoru leaned forward, brushing your bangs out of your face with his slender fingers, "I'm being serious. I don't know what I have to do to prove it." He frowned. You shook your head, "I'm not sure. Please give me some time to think this through." You said quickly getting to your feet and rushing out of the room.
You don't know how long you walked for until you finally collapsed to your knees near a stream. You sighed placing your hand over your chest. This was overwhelming, Satoru seemed so genuine in the way he spoke you really didn't think he was lying trying to manipulate you. You couldn't figure out why you weren't happy, you had come to look forward to his company so now when he was confessing his love for you why were you running away? You sighed, you knew why—you were trying to save his reputation. It would look awful on the Gojo clan for their head to be in love with a servant girl. It was awful—it wasn't fair. You sat at the waters edge skipping stones. the noise of cicadas chirping and the sound of flowing water was all you could hear. You weren't even sure how far you had wandered away from the castle, you just kept walking until your feet ached.
As the sun began to slowly set you watched as the skies turned shades of pink, orange, and blue. You'd have to get back soon it wasn't safe to wander in the woods after dark especially for someone like you with no cursed abilities. Slipping back on your sandals you began walking began to head back the sound of crickets beginning to chirp. It was strange one moment the sun was still out albeit it was setting and then next it was pitch black only the light of fireflies guiding your way. The woods were terrifying in the dark, sounds of rustling all around you frightened you. The path was hard to see, you we're beginning to think you were lost. As your body began to shake you leaned against a tree of support; maybe it was best to stay in one place for tonight and try again tomorrow. You don't know how long you sat against the tree, your knees pulled tightly against your chest as your eyes darted back and forth wildly. It was then you saw a faint glow from a lantern far up ahead, getting to your feet you began to hurriedly make your way towards the light. "Hello! Hello!" You called out picking up the pace. Then suddenly you froze, the sound of crunchy twigs coming from behind you. Something or someone had been following you, too afraid to turn around you began to run as fast as you could. The thing following you also chasing close behind you.
Then you fell, the combination of the uneven terrain and your sandals causing you to twist your ankle falling onto the ground, your knees and palms taking the full force of your weight. You let out a help and hurriedly tried to get back to your feet but suddenly you felt a weight on your back pin you to the ground. An animalistic grunting coming from the thing on your back. It clawed at you as you screamed in pain and fear trying to flip it off of you. Then a purple light illuminated the forest it sent the demon off you. "______! Are you okay?" A familiar voice shouted as they ran to your side. You recognized that voice from anywhere, it was Satoru Gojo. You cried out his name as he fell to his knees embracing you in his arms. Following close behind a group of soldiers. You winced when Satoru's arms touched your back and you pulled away from him. "Satoru. I'm so sorry for running away." You cried as your tears fell to the forest floor.
Satoru's eyes widened when the light from the lanterns had hit your back. Your kimono half shredded exposing you, bloodied claw marks littered your back. He slipped off shawl using it to cover your body. Shouting a few orders you didn't hear before you fainted from blood loss. The white haired lord picked you up in his arms being gentle as to not touch your back.
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     When you had awoken you were in a room unfamiliar but that was the least of your worries. Pain coursed through your body nearly knocking the breath out of you. "How are you feeling?" Satoru's soft voice asked as he sat aside the book he was reading to tend to you. When you opened your eyes once again  you met his crystal blue orbs gazing worriedly into yours. He had saved you from a demon without hesitation. You felt a strange fuzzy feeling in your stomach, "Satoru...thank you." You said quietly. He smiled, "Of course. I was worried about you _______. You had wandered off pretty from the castle I was worried you had run away or even worse a demon had gotten you. If I hadn't been there...I don't even think about what could happen." Satoru said his voice trailing off at the end. "Anyways Shoko healed your wounds. There's some faint scarring but you'll be fine. You'll be sore for a few days." He explained. You nodded, "I see. I'll have to thank Miss Ieiri later then." You mumbled. You picked at your fingernails awkwardly avoiding his gaze. Patting his knees he stood up to leave, "I'll leave you alone. By the way this is your room now, I had your belongings brought up here. Last thing we need is the others gossiping about you. My room is down the hall." He grinned before leaving the room sliding the paper door shut.
You sat awkwardly in your bed for a long while thinking. It seemed like you were in fact in love with Satoru Gojo and his feelings seemed genuine. Slowly sliding the bed sheets off of your body you stood to your feet wincing making your way out the door. The halls were so quiet up here it was peaceful despite it almost nearing dinner time. You made your way towards the lord of the castle's chambers knocking on the door. "Come in." Satoru's voice called out. You slid open the door stepping inside. He sat in his usual position, kimono half opened, him lazily flipping through a book. Though when he saw you his expression brightened, "______! How you feeling?" He asked quickly getting to his feet walking towards you. You flashed him a weak smile, "I feel better now. I came to talk to you." You began. You could feel your face heating up and heart beating faster. Satoru looked at you curiously urging you to go on. Taking a deep breath you spoke, "I...love you too Satoru. I'm sorry for not saying it before." You said.
His eyes widened and a faint red dusted his cheeks, then in one swift motion he reached forward cupping your face in his hands. He pressed his soft lips against yours. Your hands reached up bawling at the fabric of his robe. It was obvious you were inexperienced; you had never kissed anyone before. But Satoru didn't mind the innocence but just as you began feeling more comfortable he pulled away, he pressed his forward against yours. A smug smirk plastered on his face, "I knew it. I love you too ______." He said voice low. Satoru pressed his lips against yours once again this time he slowly backed you against the wall. You hadn't even realized you were pinned too focused on trying to wrap your mind around what was happening. Satoru's kisses were heated—experienced he bit your lip causing you to gasp and when you did he slipped tongue in. A strange feeling began to emerge in your body as you let out a whimper when his hands left your face and began to move slowly down your throat then onto your collarbones, then finally his strong hands landed on your kimono that was sloppily tied. Slender fingers pawed at the collar of your dress as he worked the fabric off your shoulders. Slowly it began to slip exposing cleavage but he didn't rush yanking the fabric down. He wanted to take his time with you, your hands shook nervously as you continued holding onto the fabric of his top. You
Satoru's lips left yours and moved onto to nipping at your neck then he shoved one leg between yours. You felt something hard—no him against your thigh. You moaned against him. Then just like nothing he pulled away from you letting go of you and backing away. His intense eyes seemed to be examining you; a smug look on his face. He was proud of his work, "We'll have to continue later ______. I hear footsteps coming from the stairs. Probably someone coming to tell us it's dinner time." He said cooly. And he was correct only moments later Geto slid the door open, "Sato—oh shit am I interrupting?" He said as his eyes darted between you and Gojo. Your face was flushed, your top almost pulled off, and you were breathing heavily and on the other hand Satoru's face was slightly flushed but he so smug. Geto got what was happening. Satoru waved his hand dismissively, "Nah. We'll be down there in a minute. ______, will be sitting beside me. Let everyone know this is my fiancé and she'll be treated with respect." He ordered. Geto nodded bowing his head and leaving the room.
Your eyes were wide as you looked at the snow haired lord, "Wha..?" You stammered. He smirked, "Oh thought you would assume I'd make you my wife." He shrugged nonchalantly. Walking towards you he pulled back up your kimono tying it securely before holding out his hand, "Let's go downstairs. I'm starving ______." He said. You took his hand in a daze. You went from an orphaned servant girl to the most important man in Japan's wife; you couldn't necessarily complain about that though.
Megumi glared daggers at Satoru as he ate. Tsumiki nudged her brother's side, "Megumi enough." She scolded quietly. Satoru met the raven haired boy's gaze, "Megumi don't worry. ______, still cares for you." He smiled. You nodded, "I'll still come visit you every morning and evening like always. Promise." You smiled reassuringly at him. Megumi clicked his tongue in annoyance stabbing a carrot with his chop stick, "______, why are you getting married to that weirdo anyways? Master Geto I feel like would be better." He muttered. Satoru and Geto laughed as Tsumiki hung her head in embarrassment. While you looked on fondly, this was your new family and you couldn't be happier.
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khaire-traveler · 4 months
This is not an invitation for discourse. I am just stating my personal opinions.
I've been seeing some posts going around lately about myth retellings and wanted to give my opinion on something: I think the helpol community (maybe other polytheistic and pagan communities, too) is honestly too critical and intense about modern retellings (and even some historical ones as well somehow).
I know what it's like coming from that critical point of view. I used to be highly critical of certain retellings and stories that used Greek mythology. They used to deeply bother me, actually, but overtime, I realized that staying mad and fuming about these things I can't change - that will always be created - is really exhausting and even causes me to miss out on some truly interesting stories.
Also, seeing how intense some people can be about retellings has actively discouraged people in the community from writing them. How do I know this? I am one of those people, and I happen to know several others in the same predicament. Some people in the community will rip and tear and claw at retellings as if the retelling murdered everyone they loved. People talk about these retellings as if they're literally destroying the earth itself sometimes - like, seriously, y'all, it's wild.
Once, I saw someone post a short story they wrote - a retelling of a myth that I won't name, as I don't want to give the identity of this person away. This person posted this story with good intentions and was a worshipper of the figures depicted within the story, but still, they got absolutely dragged by larger Tumblr blogs and were torn into and literally chased off of Tumblr. This kind of behavior is not ok for multiple reasons, but the main point I'm trying to make is that we are actively making it harder for people within the community to write retellings. You want retellings from people who actually worship the gods? Then maybe make the community a much less judgmental place because sharing creative works takes a lot of courage as it is. Imagine building up the courage to create and share a retelling just to be ripped into by the very community you are a part of. I'm not saying you can't mention to someone when they've gotten something wrong or have written something potentially problematic, but I am saying that you shouldn't ruthlessly dissect someone's work and rip them a part if they seem to be well-meaning but misinformed (assume the best; not everyone is out to get us; easier said than done, I know). You can give criticism while still being respectful to the original author.
For many of these other authors, however, they likely don't even know that worship of these gods exists in the modern day, and even if they do know, acknowledging it may not be relevant to their story, or even their point. Sure, in a perfect world, these authors would acknowledge our little community and pay homage to actual ancient traditions/culture/etc, but we don't live in a perfect world, and that's ok. It is ok, y'all. Not every author writing a retelling is going to be a literal classics major or historian. Not every author writing a retelling is going to be educated on the actual ancient -or modern - worship of these gods. Not every author writing a retelling is going to pay homage to original source material. Do those things suck sometimes? Yes, absolutely. Do we need to lose our heads over it? No, not really. We can choose to focus on other things - on material and media that we actually enjoy and that do depict things how we'd like them to be depicted.
Now, none of this is to say that there are no problematic retellings or that speaking out on problematic retellings is wrong because hoo, boy, there are quite a lot of those. Some retellings claim to be historically accurate and are, in fact, not; some retellings are written by authors with less than ideal values and ideologies; some retellings are even based entirely on misinformation which can be frustrating to hear about. All of these things are true, but it's also true that not every retelling is out to get us. Not every retelling is trying to attack our small community and the gods we worship. As alarming and offensive as it can feel sometimes, it's important that we take a minute and realize that honestly, authors write stories, and sometimes a story is truly just meant to be a story. It's nothing personal. It feels like we, or our gods, are being attacked, but at the end of the day, we still have our own practices, and we are still allowed to engage with those practices. We are still allowed to worship our gods respectfully, even if others do not. And it is important to acknowledge here that others do not worship our gods. These authors are most likely not worshippers of the Theoi. They most likely do not have relationships with these gods as we do, and unfortunately, they may not have respect for these gods either. It would be ideal if they did, but they just might not, and there's no controlling that.
Honestly, most authors are trying their best. They're trying their best to write an interesting, authentic story that will capture the attention of their intended audience. They want to tell a story based on a mythology that inspired them so deeply, so carnally, that they felt the need to write a whole ass book or create a whole ass game about it. They see stories of tragic heroes, powerful gods, and all those caught in-between, and they think, "This is fucking epic; I'm gonna do something with this." Greek mythology is fucking cool. There's absolutely no denying that, and the fact that so many creators of all kinds continue to create retellings based on the love and passion of a mythology from over 2,000 years ago is pretty damn awesome, actually.
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c0pper0tter · 2 months
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Currently hyperfixated on the girlies Gambit and Rogue so have a page of digital drawings I made of them recently
Also to be extra annoying since everyone online is being mad about x men being 'woke' here are my headcanons about these lovely two individuals
First of all they are literally just this meme and yes I will be drawing it with them some day
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Gambit and Rogue are t4t I make the laws here
Gambit is also the definition of bisexuality (look at what he's wearing people come on) and Rogue just gives me the vibes she doesn't have a label for her sexuality, she just vibes and is definitively not straight
They both are also autistic cause again, I make the rules
Rogues stims by humming, rocking, and mouth clicks while Gambits main stims are hand stims like flapping or hitting his wrists along with rocking and hopping
I like to think Gambit wears big chunky sound proof headphones anytime he can cause 1 autism and 2 his power is to make things explode so he's gotta have something to protect his hearing from the explosions, on missions he has special made tiny ones that aren't so big and bulky
He is getting slight hearing loss though from before he started wearing protection
I like to think Rogue also has bad eyesight cause same bro and she wears contacts, she refuses to wear glasses but Remy thinks she looks cute with them
She does have a pair of red glasses for when she can't wear contacts
They both love physical affection but only with eachother, Rogue has been touch starved due to her powers and Remy tends to be touch averse due to trust issues but clings to those he trusts I think so both of them only engage in affection with people they're really close with, so they're constantly cuddling and just holding eachothers hand whenever their next to eachother
Neither of them really give a shit about gender roles so they both are always stealing eachothers clothes
Rogue: Remy, have you seen my green tube dress?
Gambit: *walks out wearing said dress* .......it makes me feel pretty :)
Rogue: .......well now I'm pissed that you look better in it than I do
Gambit: :/
Both also have I guess you'd call them 'girls nights' where they watch shitty movies put on face masks and talk shit about the other x men, like spill the tea babe what's the latest drama, sometimes nightcrawler joins them but he usually just sits there awkwardly like 'what's going on, am I third wheeling?'
Rogue and Nightcrawler are the bestest of siblings btw, they love eachother so much and whenever they annoy the other there's a running gag of one of them shouting 'I'm telling mom!' and the other shouting back 'which one cause good luck they both ain't gonna do shit!'
Siblings man
I like to imagine Nightcrawler and Gambit don't really know what to make of eachother at first, they both try to joke with the other and get along but it always ends up awkward on one end cause their trying a little too hard and don't know what to do lol
Rogue laughs at them when they complain about it to her
Eventually, after a way too long era of awkwardness, they become decent bros
Rogue and Gambit are that couple who threaten to kill eachother on the daily and say the worst shit to eachother but the second you insult one of them the other will be at your throat with a knife and a promise it'll end up in you somehow
They also both make fun of eachothers accents constantly
I really don't care if none of this is comic book accurate I'm making my own interpretation of the characters and having fun
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dangermousie · 7 months
When an episode opens this way, you know things are either go really glorious or really dark. And this drama does both. But before we plunge into horror, it gives the characters this moment of grace. I especially love when you see her hand on his back, next to the wound he got saving her.
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And the voiceover, which combines the scene where they are closest with their talking about their most painful, separated time..
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The way her eyes shine watching him sleep.
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All that tenderness...
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And that moment of grace is over as quickly as it came. JH finding out the Crown Prince is refusing to bring back captives - despite his cynicism and his experience, there is something incorrigibly naive about goodness and hope in JH. But also he got to know CP and he thought he could trust him a little. He does not know that CP cannot bring them back because the mad king views those miserable women, farmers and children as some sort of potential rebel army.
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And things get worse - when JH gets them back regardless, they are ambushed and most of them are killed or wounded. People who survived captivity in enemy country, killed by their own, on orders of a paranoid madman. (I don't think anyone realized how far the King is gone - CP didn't want them back to save himself; not even he thought the King would order them massacred, and those who did not either die or make it back to China taken for torture and execution.)
The scenes of JH in the torture chambers - that vivid intelligence and strong will at the end of its rope - ouch!
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The bit when he's barely conscious but still grabs her ring, my heart!!!
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And I love that her ring is what saves him because she sees his slack hand drop it, when he's being taken out as one of the pile of corpses. Their love is their salvation, again.
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The way she finds him (the fact she's in the palace in the first place is to look for him), the way she hides among the corpses, smearing herself with his blood, the way she brains the guard. THIS WOMAN IS EVERYTHING!!! (And I love that this time she rescues him.)
But also what a contrast that embrace at the end of the episode - on a pile of bodies, with him brutalized and dying - to the way the episode opened.
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That line from Song of Solomon comes to mind: Place me like a seal over your heart, like a seal on your arm; for love is as strong as death, its jealousy unyielding as the grave. It burns like blazing fire, like a mighty flame.
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Switching gears entirely, I want to talk about the prince and king. I honestly love how upright both the prince and his wife are. She begs him to save himself and not plead for the captives (once he found out they crossed and were killed or taken to be tortured) but while he knows danger, he goes anyway.
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And she goes with him. She may not care about his cause, or at least not as much as she cares about him, but she will follow him. (Seems pretty historically accurate for So Hyeon's Crown Princess and ultimately her doom.)
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In an episode full of amazing scenes, my favorite is actually none of the rest of them but the scene between Crown Prince and his mad father. The way CP begs and the King cannot understand but suspects him more not just because he's paranoid but because he fundamentally cannot imagine someone caring for peasants (or for anyone not their dear self), not really. He cannot understand his son because they do not inhabit the same moral universe.
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The way SH tries, tries SO HARD even as you see him realize his father is unreachable, even as he knows that jeopardizes his own life.
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There is no hope there. (And the tragic thing is the King, paranoid and selfish and monstrous as he is, loves his son. He views not executing him as a kind act of love. My God!)
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satanicsanity · 1 year
Please take the time to read this, because I feel this is something that needs to be addressed.
None of the information I include in my videos, is cannon. Wally and frank fighting isn't cannon, home hurting wally isn't cannon, yandere wally isn't cannon, NONE of the audios i make where wally is one thing or another Is cannon. These are specifically fan-Made based on peoples requests.
I have received a hurtful message saying that they hate how home is being made out to be a bad guy, and how they're starting to hate wally because of specific things I have said or done in my videos, that were requested by someone else.
These are FAN made, they're not MEANT to be cannon information. I'm NOT the creator, I don't work with the creator, i don't work with the voice actors of the characters. Nothing I do or say is accurate to the actual story of welcome home, it's NOT supposed to be. I'm not trying to induce theories, I make these for fun. They're alternative universe ideas, or simply audios of things people want to hear me say or do in wally's voice.
This message upset me deeply, as I have asked just yesterday not to message me personally and get snippy with me, or complain. And receiving those hurtful words, made me feel sick.
I know this may seem harsh.. But I truly do not care if you dislike wally, the welcome home fanbase, or if you love home to the core of your being. That is you, I personally do not hate home AT ALL, I'm simply making an audio based on Someone's REQUEST. None of that information is TRUE.
Now if I make a mistake, I will absolutely 100% try and correct it to the best I can. But it is NOT my fault if you hate wally, and NOT my fault if you hate my videos. If you are so genuinely disgusted by my work, block me. You can Block me. You do not have to come messaging me telling how much you hate my work, and blame me for you forming your own negative opinion on something.
I am so genuinely tired, I hate when people get mad at me, typing this out right now I am genuinely shaking. This is why I put trigger warnings in my videos, because if you hate the kind of stuff that will be in that specific video.. I ENCOURAGE You to NOT watch it. If you do, that is NOT my fault.
I'm not the only person who's made videos of alternate universes, where home IS the bad guy. It's not cannon, WE KNOW that nothing like that has been confirmed. My videos are not theories, they are fanmade material. I'm not trying to encourage people to hate home, I'm simply fulfilling a REQUEST I was GIVEN, by somebody else. There are people who want to see content where home is the bad guy, that doesn't make it cannon.
I understand this is alot of repeating information, and I'm sorry if this comes across as harsh or insensitive.. But I'm tired of having people cross over my boundaries, just to tell me how much they hate something or hate me for simply doing impressions of a character. If i make a mistake I will fix it, But i haven't because NOWHERE in my videos is there meant to be anything saying "oh this is cannon! This actually happened!" or "this might be the story behind welcome home!" that is not my intention of these videos. I'm doing them for fun, I'm doing them for the peeps who want to see specific things that I can provide to them.
Please just.. Read my boundaries, do NOT cross them, and do not message me personally saying hurtful things. There is a REASON the block button exists, pal. I am ONE person doing everything on this blog. If I make a mistake, I'm sorry. If you don't like something I do, I'm sorry. I'm one person, I can't do everything, I can't make everyone happy.
Furthermore, Do not message me to vent to me about how much you hate or dislike something I'm doing. I'm happy to do a comfort audio or something like that, but I'm not a therapist. I'm some random guy on the internet making voice impression videos, if you're so pressed about my content talk to someone else. I'm not going to to stop doing something that isn't a problem, just because you don't like it. That's called being selfish.
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jewbeloved · 1 year
Craig, Damien, Tweek, Kyle and Stan x Genderfluid Y/N? (All separate)
Craig, Damien, Tweek, Kyle, and Stan with genderfluid s/o👦👩🧑💖💖
I hope this is accurate, I kinda forgot a little about genderfluid people so I'm sorry if I made any mistakes.
Warnings: None
Gender: (Over time)
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💙 Craig Tucker 🫧
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Bro. you can be a worm, a plane, a shooting star or whatever and Craig would still not care. He only cares for your personality.
When you came out to him that you're genderfluid he would be right on to supporting you to the maximum!
Immediately asks you what your pronouns are and goes to buy you a pin that has the pronouns that you want to go by.
You showing up to school in new clothes or appearances? doesn't matter to Craig he will always support your decision on whatever you do. It's your life, your body, and your feelings. Nobody is allowed to control that and he will make sure of that.
Kindly and gently will flip off the people who are offensive to you about genderfluid. Because um? them people are literally jealous of you and don't have anything else to do with their lives other than be straight up dickheads to folks like you.
You can count on Craig to be your number 1 supporter and that will never change💙💙💙
❤️ Damien Thorn 🔥
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You would have to explain to him what that means. This boy literally lives in hell with his father most of the time, don't make fun of him for that 😭
He is not that good at supporting people so he will try his best to support you however he can.
Anyone...and I meant ANYONE who makes fun of you for being gender fluid is going to get the smoke. Damien will not tolerate any hateful stuff towards his s/o!
But anyways, he literally doesn't mind the fact that you suddenly are a girl and then the next day you're a boy and whatnot.
He also doesn't care if you show up in any clothing or other appearances. He might be living in hell for most of his time, but he will always support you no matter what. He loves that you are being yourself and you don't change who you are for others.
If you're insecure about something, you can talk to him! He's all for ears, he will patiently listen to everything you say or do.
Sweet boyfriend <3❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
💛 Tweek Tweak ☕
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Similar to Craig, he would also be supportive of you as well. He asks you for your pronouns since he's afraid of calling you by the wrong ones and then you get mad at him for it.
You'll have to reassure him that he didn't do anything wrong If he does accidentally call you by the wrong pronouns.
Anyways, He would be really happy to see how proud you are for coming out to him about being gender fluid.
If you want to show out your pride by wearing pins or t-shirts, he will absolutely buy them for you! He just wants to be by your side and support with how every he can🥺
Can and will throw his coffee "accidentally" on the person who makes fun of you for being gender fluid. Mark his words.
But he would be pretty surprised and nervous if he saw you beating the shit out of someone who was being mean to you in the first place.
You've got another supporting boyfriend right here! <3 💛💛💛💛💛💛
💚 Kyle Broflovski 🍀
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He probably didn't know what genderfluid means when you came out to him about it. He probably looked it up immediately before he says anything else towards you 😭
He didn't know alright? You would've looked something up if you didn't know what it means 😭😭😭
But putting all of that to the side, He would be happy that you were comfortable enough to tell him about this.
If he messes up your pronouns the first time this boy will apologize nonstop. Please don't be mad reader, he didn't know!
Just reassure him and tell him your correct pronouns and he will be a happy jew :3
Had a rough day because of some turd bullying you for being genderfluid? You can count on Kyle to take care of that buttwipe.
You both will spend the whole day cuddling and kissing if you're still in a bad mood though❤️💚💚💚
💙 Stan Marsh ❄️
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Even if he also did his research about genderfluid people he kinda still wouldn't get it so he'll probably have to ask you what it means.
Unlike Kyle, he'll probably accidentally mess up your pronouns If you haven't already told him the pronouns you used.
How was he supposed to know if you don't tell him the pronouns you use reader???? 😭😭
He didn't exactly realize it until you brought it up to him and boy he will also be apologizing nonstop until you shut him up with a kiss and head pats before you tell him your right pronouns so he can remember them this time.
He still felt guilty for messing up your pronouns the whole time, but he is glad you weren't mad at him for that since it wasn't exactly his fault that he didn't know what pronouns you even used in the first place.
You'll probably be kissing and cuddling him for a while if you want this boy to stop being guilty for messing up your pronouns.
Anyways, He'll be really supportive of you! He will buy you certain clothing, pins, or whatever you want If you're feeling the need for some support about genderfluid.
Just don't tell Randy that his son stole his credit card to buy you those stuff :) 💙💙💙💙💙
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Cutely waits in the corner for another south park episode to come out....
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megamindsupremacy · 3 months
Stewjon is Space Scotland: Names and Naming Conventions
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For context, I designed an entire naming system for my Stewjon is Space Scotland AU. I'm still trying to work out the cultural logistics of it, but the actual practical logistics I have down.
To break everything down:
Stewjon is a clan-centric society, with clans and clan names having a hugely important role in the culture. I therefore had clan names feature in both the first and last name of Stewjonis.
-The last name (Kenobi) is the family/clan name, and is passed down the family paternally. This is both because I'm from a western culture with a paternal naming tradition, and also because I liked how his parents names sounded when the last names transferred paternally but not maternally. "Ken" would translate to "Clan" (I don't know if this is accurate to Scots English or Scots Gaelic, but I'm working from canon Star Wars names and trying to worldbuild from nothing so work with me here), and then the clan name "Obi" is attached, so "Kenobi" translates to "Clan Obi" or "of Clan Obi"
-The given name (-Wan, but we'll get to "Wan" in a second) is one to two syllables. All of these names are (according to Wikipedia) actual Scottish names, which I picked from the list mostly based on how well they'd sound next to the clan name.
-The prefix clan name (Obi-) is the interesting part. All children are given the father's clan name as both their first and last clan name. Therefore, Obi-Wan Kenobi, son of Ito-Benneit Kenobi, has "Obi" in both his first and last name. However, upon marriage, the couple swaps their prefix clan names to signify the tie between their clans. Therefore his mother Ito-Ceit Kenito and his father Obi-Benneit Kenobi became Obi-Ceit Kenito and Ito-Benneit Kenobi upon their marriage.
-Originally I was going to do something with the fact that "Obi" means belt in Japanese, such as making the clan names signify professions in the same way "Miller" or "Smith" would in English surnames, but I gave up because Japanese is so different of a language from what I understand that I would have just made myself very confused and everyone who understands Japanese language and culture very mad. So I just went with a vowel-consonant-vowel pattern for all the clan names and called it a day.
-Remember how I said we would come back to "Wan"? Obi-Wan wasn't born Obi-Wan Kenobi. He was born Obi-Owen (Owen is a whole 'nother thing and I decided to just give myself a freebie on it), and his name was anglicized (basic-icized?) upon being brought to the Jedi temple. Not on purpose, but it did happen. So technically the chart above should have him listed as Obi-Owen Kenobi, but I already took the screenshot so this is what we're working with.
-Culturally, it's respectful to refer to someone by their full name (Obi-Owen Kenobi). The full name stands until two people are fairly close to each other, platonically or romantically. The informal, friendly version would be their full first name (Obi-Owen). So you wouldn't call your new friend "Obi-Owen" until you're quite close, even if you're social equals. Technically you could refer to someone by their given name only (Owen), but it's awkward and Stewjonis don't really see a reason for it. All of this highlights the cultural emphasis placed on clans and clan ties in Stewjoni society.
The Family Tree
Starting from the bottom, we have the four Kenobi siblings. Obi-Conn is the oldest, and he marries Yana-Eóin Kenyana, becoming Yana-Conn Kenobi. None of this happens in the story but I wrote it in the chart anyways. Obi-Eóin is nonbinary, which is why their square is white instead of blue or pink.
Obi-Mór and Obi-Pál are twins and approximately four years younger than Yana-Conn. Obi-Mór is ambiguously disabled (she has some form of muscular disability, but the specifics weren't relevant to the story). Obi-Pál is just some guy and I love him for that.
Obi-Owen is the baby of the family. He's twelve years younger than the twins (16 years younger than Yana-Conn) and was definitely an oopsie-baby. I don't need to say anything else because he is also one of the major characters of the Star Wars franchise. You know him.
Obi-Ceit Kenito and Ito-Benneit Kenobi are the Kenobi siblings' parents. I don't have much to say here other than that Ito-Benneit shortens his name to Ito-Ben, to avoid the repeated "eet" sound in his full first name. I'm sure that doesn't affect Obi-Owen's future nicknames in any way!
It is Ito-Benneit fault, by the way, that I made clan prefixes instead of surnames to be switched upon marriage. Culturally, it would have made more sense for the more commonly used first name to hold your birth clan and your less commonly used surname to indicate your linked-by-marriage clan, but I needed Obi-Benneit to marry into the name Ito-Benneit so that I could shorten it to Ben. Goddammit.
Ito-Ben's parents are entirely irrelevant so they don't exist. Sad!
Technically I didn't have to name Ito-Lili Kenuna, but I felt bad having her up there as an unnamed person. Una-Owen Kenito, as you may suspect, is where Obi-Wan's name comes from. I really wanted to highlight his Stewjoni heritage in this fic, so giving him family ties through his whole name was important to me. Obi-Ceit names Obi-Owen for her father because Una-Owen was a strong fighter, and she wants to pass that resilience to her son. Which, uh. Well he sure is resilient to things trying to kill him!
Feel free to come yell at me in the askbox about Stewjon's worldbuilding!
#mads posts#stewjon is space scotland AU#star wars#obi wan kenobi#obi-wan kenobi#stewjon#i have without a doubt spent more time researching for this fic than i have writing it#but honestly thats where im having the most fun#hey can you tell i took a cultural anthropology class last semester and there was a unit in family + naming conventions?#can you tell im taking a linguistics class this semester?#i dont think its obvious. it's probably really super subtle and sprinkled lightly throughout the post right#right? guys? right?#this fic started out as an excuse to write about textiles and its turned into a scots gaelic linguistic deep dive <- this user is autistic#something else about the naming system that I didnt get into the post is that it reinforces a hetero+allonormative society#because marriage is hugely important to naming practices and clan names are based on the father's clan#which presupposes there even being a father in the marriage#or even a marriage#I dont know what yana-conn and Obi-eóin will do with their kids. theyre part of the younger generation and obi-eóin is being nb is a very#strange concept for many of the older generations#given that this is star wars and xenobiology exists i dont think there would be a huge backlash#but stewjon is a human-centric society so they're not as used to non-binary *human* genders#aliens? sure. humans? uhhhh we didnt know you could do that. weird.#obi-eóin's name is never even fucking mentioned in the fic btw im just going insane over here with worldbuilding#long post
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saiskulls-110 · 6 months
Break Point — Finished Episode 5
Episode 1.
Frida's new clothes are so cute she's my baby she's bmy baby no-one can speak ill of her EVER stay WAWAY HSISSSS HISSSSS
Trans flag doormat in Astrid's house. oh my god. oh my gos.sh. trans grandma...
Alfur. Alfur I Don't Like This Foreshadowing. Alfur. Alfur Stop Playing The Board Game. ALFUR.
+ of COURSE tontu is the shit-eating smug gamemaster that beats everyones asses no remorse. i'm going go murder this walking hairball (affectionate) ❤️
I'm glad they were straight up with Astrid's "oh, hi, yeah, no I'm not a witch I just really like witchcraft." LIKE IT'S SO REAL??
not to be that guy but why's Astrid kinda fuckigjgn. ADORABLE. please. please. please. just one chance
I'm Normal
Episode 2.
okay but the writers did SUCH a good job portraying what folklore towns are like here. Like everyone KNOWS things but none of them are accurate. also?? just in general a REALLY well-done montage. I do wish I knew what sauce Hilda picked for her ice cream though /hj
Johanna traumatised as fuck (We all saw this coming ❤️)
Thaose are NOT FAIRIES‼️monsterlovers come get your food though
shroom aliens. just in general a very eerie atmosphere done very well
mmmm HILDA SAW SOMETHING AND NOW SHE'S BEING FOLLOWED. i'm guessing its something to do with Johanna's "thank goodness they didnt see you :)" because. I mean initially you think it's about the mushroom creatures but it VERY EVIDENTLY IS NOT. aough
Episode 3.
woodman is just the caretaker of ancient trees i guess. ALSO HIS SASS AT THE BOOK "well i'm not in there :/" guess what i'm in love with you
the animation in this episode was absolutely GORGEOUS. literally no 2D animated show has ever done flame-ridden scenery in such a perfect, gorgeous way before I think.
oh. oh the. the giantslayer is a k- oh... oh noooo...
oh he's very. passionate i wonder wh-
holy shit. that poor fucking kid (⁠´⁠;⁠︵⁠;⁠`⁠) like that was. that was so much. oh my god??? jesus christ. this season is getting progressively more unnerving with it's darker themes.
i LOOOVE the snow sister's voice so much. she's wife to me.
Not sure if it was done on purpose or not but every time it played that boom sound whenever Hilda turned back to look at the flaming tree it. it made me laugh. it made me giggle. it was so stupid looking, gave me IZ:ETF energy and really let me calm down from the emotional ride of the last few minutes
seeing more giants is really neat. the sound design for when they jumped away was MAD..in general this season feels like it was made to be listened to on a surround sound speaker system tbh
GOOD EPISODE. uh oh now there's Guys I Think
Episode 4.
Nah this guy boutta be a tumblr sexyman 😦
OKAY OFF THE BAT I ADORE LOUISE. LOUISE IS MY GIRL. I LOVE THEM. I LOVE I LOVE I LOVE. THEIR ENERGY IS SO SWEET??? BUT LIKE I WAS SCREAMING INTERNALLY THE WHOLE TIME BEING LIKE "oh my god. oh my god why are you LYING TO HER and treating her like a Normal Person she's very clearly a little freak like you. oh my god."
AND THEN WHEN THAT WAS BROUGHT UP BY THE MERMAN-- "Oh, you think Louise is SO innocent..." like??? ok first of all THAT LINE DELIVERY?? massive props to the VA. secondly YESSSSS SPIT THE TRUTH. and then Louise does speak up and its like. fr. fr. i love you. be a main character be a main character plrase lpease plea
STOOOPPP... stop THE MERMAN'S a theater kid?? i'm going to start , having feelings AND I DON'T WANT IT!!!
that animation change for the musical number(s) is so good. like..oh my god. oh my GOD the animation is gorgeous. very much a "i wonder if the creators have been on hallucinogens before" kind of thing though adgasjskfwheg
generally just another REALLY GOOD REALLY COOL EPISODE.
my only criticism though this is to Literally All Kids Media Ever is that no-one knows how to write accurate bullying/exclusionary activity (in this episode regarding the ginger kid and his scout group). no kids act like that. please i was bullied so hard i should know
spinning in circles WHEE WHEEEE I WANTT. im gonna download the merman's song. put it on streaming platforms Now‼️
Episode 5.
"I just kind of assumed he died when you were a baby..."
"I thought it was some tragic accident!"
FRIDA AND DAVID THAT'S SO REAL OF YOU. thank you for being The Fandom. I love you. I love you. I l
YEESH. um.. Johanna's beef is so. real. and human. oough. this show has GOTTA stop making episodes about my childhood man!!! that's not fair
Alfur immediately not liking his vibes got me 😶 cause like. yk the elf has that autism intuition. so
THE. THE COMMUNICATION BETWEEN HILDA AND THE TROLL..ONCE AGAIN. every time without fail. the trolls are just. they're nor angry creatures they're just kind of. Done With Human Shit™ and want them to stop interfering lmao (don't we all)
Johanna and Hilda having that Moment™ at the end where they have to acknowledge his shortcomings but like..the ONE time that Hilda has to face something like this is the ONE time it's actually not his fault. Like straight up sorey babygirls but he got yoinked by the dementors. um.
Okay on another note. anders has kind of got that dilf swag? not like. as a dad. but as a loser. you know losers. help me help help help help help *clawing at the floor as i get dragged to hell for enjoying a character i absolutely should be seeing red flags for*
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Demon Slayer: Ideal Types
Characters: Tanjiro, Zenitsu, Inosuke
These turned into more character analysis than necessarily ideal types, cause I genuinely think that none of these three would be very picky. They're littered with faults, like everyone else. But I hope it's an enjoyable read and an accurate headcanon!
Tanjiro Kamado:
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Tanjiro needs someone with a resilient level of integrity. Tanjiro is incredibly intelligent, especially emotionally, and clearly cares about his family and his future, despite how it might turn out for him.I believe that he'd really require someone with an equal level of integrity, who wouldn't be upset with his passion but would indulge him in their own as well. One thing that sticks out to me is that Tanjiro isn't exclusively positive emotions all the time, he's furious at Muzan, He gets annoyed at Zenitsu, He gets mad at Inosuke. Even so, he manages his emotions well, journaling while on the mountain, speaking out when things aren't right, and using his understanding to help those around him. I actually think that he'd do well with someone who's very sensitive or struggles emotionally. Also... side note, I'm not gonna sugarcoat it, Tanjiro is literally... a hill-billy. He'd do well to find someone street smart or the boy gonna get robbed-
Zenitsu Agatsuma:
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Oh boy, here we go: I think that he really needs someone who will give him unconditional love, and who's maybe more reserved than reactive. I think he'd value loyalty to a great deal, first out of insecurity then as he grew as a person, it would root more in respect for his partner. I don't think he'd be picky about interests, but he's a sucker for their attention, so I think he's up for most things, (maybe with a bit of complaining) I personally believe that Zenitsu gets more hate than he deserves, please hear me out. Zenitsu is in a constant state of anxiety for approval. Given his upbringing and the tough love he was shown, I think that he really doesn't know how to properly express that he needs support. He doesn't want to die, and he does NOT want to die single, alone. I'll be honest, I believe that we all have parts of ourselves which we wish were different, and Zenitsu's get displayed for comic relief (and it is very funny).
Inosuke Hashibira:
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I'll be honest, Inosuke has been the hardest one to write for thus far, but I'll try my very best! I genuinely think that romance might not bloom the way it does for many other characters I write for. I think it would be respect, and simply sticking with each other. Inosuke would crave praise, especially if his partner was brutally honest when giving it. He'd want someone he can respect, and who can genuinely respect him, despite his arrogance. I do think that it could work well, but it would be challenging to get through walls, and pushing will only hurt the relationship. Give him a solid rock, and soon enough walls begin to break down .Surprisingly similar to Zenitsu, Inosuke is shown to crave attention and praise from those around him, but their techniques are polar opposites. I genuinely think that the people they'd fall for would be at least to some degree similar. Inosuke would need someone who's consistently there. The boy was raised by boars (according to the wiki), and is often shown to be extremely protective of his friends.
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star-going-supernova · 7 months
Security Breach prompt: Building on the "Vanny was a Terrible Killer" idea. Picture this: Vanny standing there, staring bewildered at an ajar "Emergency Exit" door because she forgot they exist and legally don't have locks.
Tumblr generated prompt number 42! Hoo boy, this was a lot of fun to write! It’s not connected to Critque because I had a different setup in mind, so this is a standalone. You get to decide what the situation with Vanny is, as it’s not specified or anything. The only warning on this one is for excessive italics, lol. She gets emphatic when she’s mad.
OSHA Compliant 
Vanny had been searching for the brat for ages now, and there was no sign of him anywhere. She had long since lost her patience and had stopped skipping as her frustration grew. Her grip was tight on her knife, and any plans to toy with her latest victim had withered down to a desire to just stab the little menace to death. 
None of the animatronics had seen him, not even the STAFF bots which were nearly impossible to avoid and should have caught him at some point in the last hour. Midnight had barely passed; she couldn’t be struggling this early. 
Spitting and hissing, she stormed through hallway after hallway, banging open doors and frequently pulling up different security feeds on her tablet. Yeah, her tablet. She needed to use the cameras like a newbie. Over a dozen successful kills under her belt and suddenly she was fumbling like it was her first time again. 
No, worse. Her first kill had gone much more smoothly. 
To make matters worse, she was due to give him his first look at Vanny, so she was all suited up—and had been for far longer than was optimal. It was sweltering inside this wretched fabric-and-foam heat trap, and she was sweating all over. Her hair was plastered to her forehead; she’d look like a complete mess when she had to get out of costume. And she was pissed about it.
Honestly. This was absurd. The brat in question had certainly been sneaky in the lead-up to midnight, but he was still a snot-nosed, idiot child. How he’d gotten Freddy on his side was a mystery to her—one that she would be investigating thoroughly once this stupid night was over. That couldn’t be allowed to happen again. 
Narrowing her eyes, Vanny swiped through the cameras for the nth time. There was a conspicuous lack of Freddy, even on the secret cameras she’d placed in areas the pizzaplex hadn’t. Impatiently tapping her foot, she switched over to the tracking software. It could give her a to-the-room accurate location of each animatronic, and it had never failed her. 
[Glamrock Freddy :: Location Error] 
Vanny unleashed a furious screech of anger. How the hell had the brat managed that?! 
She jabbed at the location history, searching out Freddy’s last known whereabouts. It showed a random hallway. 
Positively fuming, Vanny stalked halfway across the pizzaplex, halfway expecting to find Freddy beat up badly enough that his chip had short-circuited. Instead, she came to a sharp stop in the hallway in question and stared, disbelief and absolutely incandescent rage building up inside her like a volcano about to blow. 
Staring her down was an emergency exit door. It wasn’t closed all the way. Freddy’s last registered location was on the inside of the door—and the tracking system apparently didn’t work outside the building. 
Vanny took several long, deep breaths. She started to shake, fingers tightening around her knife and tablet. 
Over a dozen kids murdered in the past six months. And not once, not once, had she—or, apparently, any of them!—spared so much as a passing thought for the emergency exits. The only-locked-from-the-outside emergency exits. 
Foiled. Foiled by OSHA.
Blinded by wrath, she hurled her tablet at the floor, gaining momentary satisfaction from the shattering crash. She dropped her knife, tore off her suit head, and chucked it at the door, then started shrieking incoherently at the top of her lungs. 
(Her rage was so great that it was heard throughout the pizzaplex—and below it. Afton stirred awake. Upon recognizing the bellowing as that of Vanny, he considered going to investigate but ultimately settled back in his shadows. He didn’t know what had set off his follower’s temper, but he would not be inviting her ire on himself tonight. He was smarter than that.)
(If only marginally.)
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