#but due to different reactions based on our bodies
I just made myself a cup of a new tea, one from a set that a friend sent me. I was super curious to try it with and without milk in it, so after I take a sip without, I'm going to add milk to my tea.
That may seem like such an inane little story to post on a blog, unless you have an eating disorder. I'm sure many of you know what a big deal milk in tea can be, and what an important act of self-love it is.
It was poured into many of our ears, approaching teenhood in the mid-2000's, not to "drink our calories." For those of us whose restriction was weight-based, many of us practiced filling ourselves with water, with our coffee black and unsweetened whether that was how we liked it or not, and with tea that never contained milk.
Like many people who've struggled with binge eating and with restriction, I struggle with creating anxiety-inducing rules about when is okay to eat, especially if I'm between meals and worrying if I should allow myself a snack, or if it's okay to quench my thirst with anything other than water. This is especially true between meals. For some reason my brain has accepted the "extra" caloric intake as part of a meal, but still balks at the idea of introducing these things independently into non-meal parts of the day. I would like to note that my chronic illness and my body's reaction to food has also influenced this weird relationship between me and my favorite treats, such as a piece of candy, or a beverage that might happen to contain a greater-than-zero calorie count.
But tonight, before bed, I want to try this tea. And it sounds like one that'd be super tasty with milk, as it has cocoa powder and vanilla in the blend. So I let my tea cool in the room with me as I type this, telling myself that I can get up and go back for milk after I taste it.
Now I have gone to the kitchen.
Now I have poured in a splash of milk and tasted. It's soy milk, as regular milk sometimes hurts my stomach and I don't want my sleep to be disrupted. Due to my chronic illness, this is still something I have to think about, and I'll be honest, I hate it. Things like this make it so hard to tell myself I can let go of my food fears, because my brain knows that some of my food fears will turn out to have validity, and so what if they all do?
Now I have poured in another splash. Tasted.
Now I have poured in a third, much larger splash. Tasted.
Oh, this is it. This tea tastes like a warm dessert. But now it's too cool, so I need to microwave it back to its best heat. I used to not want to microwave my food. As a teen I heard a hippie say that microwaves destroy the nutrients in your food because the radiation breaks down their molecular structure. This is absolutely false. In fact, it's been disproven that microwaves break down nutrients any more than other methods of heating food, but for a long time I believed it. And even after I learned the truth, I still found it hard to convince myself it was okay to use microwaves for a very long time.
I have just finished my tea in my room. I took the time to identify that I wanted it. I took the time to truly taste it in several different ways, consider how I felt I wanted it and bring it to those specifications. It wasn't planned for any specific time or day, but I agreed to give myself this the way I wanted it anyway. I've been drinking my coffee with milk every morning, too. I actually like black coffee, but I like it better with milk. And I give myself things throughout the day that I enjoy, to enhance my experience of my existence. Life is hard, and it's okay to allow yourself, to the fullest extent you can, the small joys that bring you through the day.
I wanted to share this with you. I hope you don't feel the crushing weight of morality when staring at a bottle of regular soda and the sugar-free, when you wake up with your morning coffee, when your self-care regimen includes a cup of tea. I hope you practice actively giving yourself the love you need this week. And I hope you give it to yourself exactly the way you need it.
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Hello! I've never sent an ask to anyone before, so I don't know if I'm doing this correctly! But I seriously love your aus, so I just had to try <3
For your monster!au, do you think that there is a difference in the kinds of food they eat between monsters and humans? The kinds of food, seasoning, preparation, how it's cooked, even the degree to which something is cooked. Especially with how you mention in another post about how some species can't eat certain foods.
Like, does Yuu (female pronouns please! Or gender neutral if you prefer) come to their world and have to figure out how to cook with ingredients she's never seen before, or does Yuu just start to cook things in ways the monster bois have never seen or thought of before? Would the boys enjoy it? Would it be safe for them?
Or do you think there wouldn't be much of a difference?
Also, out of curiosity, which species would you say has the most diverse diet?
I seriously love your page! Keep up the amazing work! Stay safe and stay healthy!💙💚😃
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Thank you for sending in an ask! You did it correctly, don’t worry c: And thank you so much! I’m glad you love the AUs so much to send something in! ;;v;;
To a degree, the food being cooked in the Monster!AU would be different depending on the species. I know I’ve pretty much beaten the grape incident into grape juice already, but while some may be okay with eating it, other students can’t due to it being toxic (I looked it up, and cranberry wine is a thing. That means Crewel can still enjoy a glass of wine, and it’s possible that the monsters/ghost chefs would use it in cooking instead of grape-based wines!). The same could be said for certain herbs and spices that we take for granted being something that can make them sick or can be just as toxic as grapes, like onions or garlic. Chocolate can still be a thing for some species, but carob is the main alternative that’s available—which means Yuu will still have access to it at least!
There’s also an extra sensitivity to citrus based scents. Using citrus juice to cook something like ceviche for example would be difficult, as not many can even get past the smell even if the taste itself is amazing. Funny enough, there’s actually this one manga I came across called “His Majesty the Demon King’s Housekeeper” that actually touches up on this fact as citric acid is one of the few ways to clean certain stains off surfaces, but most of the cleaning staff in the mansion couldn’t stand the smell of the orange peels until it was turned into a powder form by the demon king. It’s such a cute manga, and has lots of helpful tips too, so it’s a win-win!
If you can’t tell by now, Slice-of-Life manga and stories are my jam. I love when they touch up on things that we don’t normally think about and put a spin on things! >v<
Anyway, as you can imagine, if (and that’s a major IF) we were strictly to focus on the ingredients we know in our world, recipes would have to be tailored to be suitable to each species to avoid causing issues while ensuring that each student has the right nutrients needed to sustain their bodies. This would have resulted in having to find alternatives that are safe for students to enjoy while still being able to ensure safety to avoid severe allergic or otherwise dangerous reactions to having something they shouldn’t.
That would be one helluva menu to try to cater to when you can’t use certain seasonings to flavor things. Good thing Crowley has those ghost chefs to work with the menu, because I certainly couldn’t fathom the mental gymnastics of creating that kind of menu! @.@
But to put it in perspective, it’s like trying to give chocolate to a cat or dog when we have alternatives such as carob as I mentioned earlier. Or how people who are lactose intolerant have almond or oat milk or even goat milk as an alternative, or how there are gluten-free alternatives for those who can’t have it due to celiac disease. Just to name a few examples anyway, since I know there are people out there who have restrictive diets due to health reasons.
Thankfully, these guys aren’t entirely missing out on flavor since in Twisted Wonderland—much like how they have unique flowers and plants such as mandrakes right around the corner—I’m sure there’s no limit to the types of ingredients that can be used to cook with! In fact, I’m reminded of this manga that I’ve stumbled across that I gotta start from the beginning known as “Delicious in Dungeon”. Basically, it’s where the characters are traveling in a dungeon and they not only find monsters and creatures to hunt and eat (not like there’s a grocery store or market inside a dungeon), but also demonstrate how to prepare and cook using the ingredients found in the dungeon as well as the creatures themselves. It just looks so delicious whenever they show the results and what you can do with the extra stuff you can’t eat!
But I digress. ^v^;
This means that Yuu will have lots of new ingredients to try and explore in various dishes, and this also means new opportunities to learn new recipes! Imagine what you’d be able to learn during the Master Chef event too!
So…what happens when you have a female human who has excellent taste buds and a love of cooking and also loves to cook for others? You’ve got a whirlwind of ingredients flying around and waves of delicious smells wafting through the air leading many drooling students investigating the source (and trying to sneak a bite).
Iron-stomach gourmet Grim is the one who gets to enjoy Yuu’s experimental cooking at first. After all, why shouldn’t he be able to enjoy the spoils of his hench-human cooking for him? He’ll try guiding her with his knowledge of flavors and what tastes good, and she learns which seasonings to use for each dish whenever she talks to Trey or Jamil or even Azul. His bragging of being the first to try true human cuisine wound up drawing in the first years, many curious to see her in action while others hoped to try and sneak in a free meal.
Imagine if she cooked two-three meals a day: mini waffles and giant pancakes that are several inches thick? She’s adding various fruits and berries and pairing it with the perfect syrup! Homemade chicken or beef soup? Simmering with noodles boiled to perfection! Roasted pork and beef stew? Veggie stir-fry? Baked fish? Burgers? Pizza??? Nothing is off the table when Yuu is in the kitchen! And don’t get started on the different desserts she could whip up with Trey!
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Soon enough, word would have spread around the school about the human’s delicious cooking and it won’t be long before Yuu has visitors around every meal time.
Yuu:*whisking eggs as the rice cooks* “Breakfast’s almost ready, Grim!”
Grim: “Hooray! Omurice cooked human-style~!”
Yuu: “Come in!” *pouring the egg into two skillets before looking up* “Oh, hey guys!”
Ace: “Hey, Yuu! Whatcha making?”
Yuu: “I’m making omurice. I asked the chefs in the cafeteria how to make it and…wait…” *narrows eyes* “Did you guys come here just to get breakfast?”
Deuce: *sheepish* “Sorry, Yuu…we just really like the way you cook.”
Yuu: *sighs and smiles* “It’s okay. Next time, just let me know ahead of time so I can prepare more, okay?”
Grim: “Don’t even think of taking my portion!”
Ace: “Aww, is that any way to treat guests, Yuu?”
Yuu: “Grim, be nice.”
Grim: “What?! That’s not fair!”
Deuce: “I can wait my turn. Is there anything I can do to help?”
Yuu: “Could you chop up some more veggies and measure out the rice? Ace and Grim can have the first two, then we’ll have the next batch.”
Grim: “Stop encouraging them!”
Ace: “Oi! As if you don’t eat the food at the Unbirthday Parties!”
Grim: “Oh yeah?! Well I-mfh!?”
Ace: “Mfhg!?”
Yuu: *dusts hands after shoving two meat buns into their mouths* “There will be no fighting in my kitchen, you hear me?”
Ace and Grim: “Yeth m’m…”
/The Next Day/
Yuu: *standing in the doorway with a bowl of pancake batter* “…are you here to socialize or do you want to try some of my cooking?”
Silver: “Fa-I mean, Lilia…decided to cook breakfast today. He wanted to try and cook some old human recipes, but…”
Sebek: *looking mildly nauseous* “I did what I could to protect Lord Malleus, but…human food should not look like that.”
Yuu: “Ah, okay. Come on in. I’ll get another batch ready, so help yourself to the ones on the table! There’s fresh fruit and whipped cream there too.”
I have a feeling that Yuu would be getting a lot of visitors from Diasomnia on days that Lilia does the cooking, and I’m sure she’ll be more than happy to feed them too! 😌
As for the “food bribes”…well, it’s kinda hard to argue with the results. Especially when they can be very valid trades. Yuu wants a specific utensil to make that special treat or meal? You’ll get first dibs on the finished dish!
Oh no, Yuu needs help with this potionology assignment and made too many cupcakes to eat by herself! If only someone could come and help with both…
As you said, there are many possibilities of how Chef!Yuu could take advantage of their knowledge and skill around the kitchen! And before I forget, if I had to choose which species would have the most diverse diet…I would have to say it’s a tossup between the basilisks and the faun and satyr species. Basilisk can essentially eat nearly anything without much issue as their stomach acid is strong enough to even digest rocks and crystals, whereas faun and satyr can eat most any plant and fruit or vegetable imaginable and can tolerate some forms of meat without issue. Though if you really want to enhance the dietary variety possibilities, Epel and Trey would have this in the bag as these two are hybrids of two different species, making them truly omnivorous like humans!
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nihilistem · 1 year
Hey! I read your study tips both posts regarding adhd . (Feel free to ignore )
I am still undiagnosed and I think it's adhd but i do not have the resources nor the environment or support system to do anything about it .I am a high schooler preparing for entrance exams and i really need to like get my shit together and i feel like i have wasted sm time already but i really do want to get better. When i sit to study i just can't focus if I keep my phone in some other room then also i would just sit and stare at my books without accomplishing something. I am trying really but it's feels like my brain is frozen and my body is moving .my brain keep screaming guilty and ashamed but i can't seem to do anything about it.your study post actually i related to a lot because pomodro kind of seems to be working for everyone but me and the you described the exact same things I do
I know this is a lot to ask for please feel free to ignore but how do I stop Letting my emotions take over and study consistently because I only have one chance at the exams
Oh my, first of all I’d like to say that, as cliché as it is, I know exactly how you feel. I was undiagnosed for so long (I was only diagnosed a few months ago) and I didn’t even know that the adhd things I experience on a regular basis wasn’t normal or neurotypical for so long.
first up : I know this is difficult, but please do not say such things about yourself. I’m not gonna get into the whole thing, (cuz I have done a post on that already) but it’s true that the more you drill that bad stuff into your brain, the more it’s gonna stick. We need our brains to be in the best condition possible to study efficiently and saying bad stuff about yourself that isn’t even true is just going to hinder your performance. You got this. I promise you’re not lazy. Your brain just isn’t motivated by the same things others are, but we can work with that simple difference.
I’ll make a separate post on how not to let your emotions take over, but for now …
adhd study tips for those trying to get into the habit.
— by a stem student with adhd.
here’s my first post on adhd study tips.
— don’t put your phone in a different room. Instead, download an app that prevents you from using other apps on your phone.
there’s plenty of apps that do this but the one I prefer is ypt because all its features are completely free and it stops your timer when you exit the app unless you enter ‘allowed app mode.’ I don’t know about you, but if I find that I’m just zoning out on my textbook then I end up stopping my timer and deleting the record because I know I didn’t actually study, and this motivates me to actually get some work done. The timer also gets me motivated to keep going for longer so I have physical proof of my focus time and studies. It will feel good to even have just 1 hour of study time on it, I promise.
— even if you’re not interested in your studies, try your best to find even one thing that interests you.
novelty, challenge and interest are some of the best motivators of the adhd brain, so use it. I know that sparking your curiosity for a subject you hate seems impossible, but hear me out.
ever since I was young, I was exposed to books and I drew everyday. This caused me to become very passionate about the arts, but since I had adhd and didn’t know, I failed all my classes and specifically hated chemistry because it was specifically designed to be everything that I can’t be good at due to my poor memory and the need to memorize a TON of concepts. Then during class one day, I was doing chemistry work with my friends and felt frustrated that they could easily balance equations and work out which compounds were acids or bases purely by its chemical formula. And that’s what sparked me to start reading my textbook to see what the big deal was. How was it possible for one to just know when something is a acid solely from looking at a bunch of letters? This started a chain reaction; I found my answer, and found that the process of finding my answer and learning this new information was fulfilling. So I looked at all the other chemistry topics, and it turns out chemistry was fun. I was supposed to be an art student but now I’m majoring in chemistry and biology, all because of that sense of challenge and curiosity I was given that day.
tdlr; I was bad at chemistry but I’m now majoring in it because I felt challenged by a friend and was curious to know how they could solve chem equations easily.
All it took was a bit of curiosity. It’s a very powerful thing to the adhd brain. And if you use this as a motivator for your studies it might even cause you to hyper-fixate on your work, which means you’ll naturally spend more time studying just to find all the answers you’re now dying to know.
— use the pomodoro timer, but think about the things that you have to do that seems a little impossible to do under 25 minutes.
This fulfills the ‘challenge’ category I mentioned in the previous tip.
Let me explain; I subconsciously started doing this to myself without anyone telling me this and it’s helped me a LOT. Here’s an example;
“This chapter’s too long, it’s impossible to read through everything and understand the key concepts in just twenty five minutes.”
is it, though?
So I was off to the races, genuinely reading through every page and taking note of every single heading or bold or italicized word so I will be able to summarize the entire topic by the time the twenty five minutes is up.
And it doesn’t even matter if you don’t make that twenty five minute mark, because you’ll feel a sense of defeat and try it again with another chapter/topic.
this accomplishes two things; one, the work you’ve been putting off or zoning out on is now probably 20% - 50% completed and now you feel motivated to continue. Two, this method will train you to be faster in learning or studying new material or even just completing work in general, depending on what you’re challenging yourself to do.
— dress up, do your hair, study at a library or cafe you love (and possibly make pretty notes.)
I’ve talked about interest, I’ve talked about challenge, and now I’m gonna talk about novelty.
Do this with purpose! But what do I mean by that?
I’m sure you’ve come across studious girls in media or even people on social media making videos and taking pretty photos of their day out to study. Usually they’re dressed the part and even if they’re not, there’s a certain vibe, aesthetic or aura about them that is just so desirable that it makes you wish you were doing what they were doing. And if you don’t feel this way, find content creators or media that do make you feel this way.
How will this help me? Well, there are actually a few reasons but the first one that comes to mind is that this is also an adhd tip used outside of studying. Combining a task you don’t want to do with a task you’d like to do is a faster and more efficient way of convincing yourself to do long, difficult or even tiring tasks. Another is that doing this would also mean you’ve technically gotten yourself to desire studying, something more commonly known as romanticizing studying. If you make studying look fun, glamorous or even desirable for yourself then you’re sure to get to the hideous parts of it. Think about being a straight A student, someone who’s always wearing nice clothes with great hair and such a focused work ethic. Once you desire to be that person and you dress like that person, you’ll start to do the things that person will do.
— use the pomodoro timer but set it to even shorter bursts instead. (e.g. 15 minutes work, 5 minutes break.)
Or hell, on my worst days I set it to 5 minutes work, 5 minutes break.
The whole point of this exercise is to just start, because that’s arguably the hardest part about studying, you can’t get yourself to actually start or to actually focus. So promise yourself a five minute break after a very short amount of time of reading.
— skip straight to the questions of a topic, try to do them and identify the information you need to get the answer right.
For example, I came across a bio question that was rather simple but I didn’t know the answer to because I haven’t revised the topic for a while, and the question was, what is needed in the body for anaerobic respiration to take place? And the answer was simple, but I didn’t know because again, I didn’t study the material before answering the paper.
one’s brain can have the habit of being complacent especially when you don’t wanna do work, so diving head first into the questions and realizing that you don’t know jack shit would be a good wake up call for you and your brain—and this can connect to the second point that I made because you might find that you’d be eager to get the answer right all on your own, and become curious as to what the answer is.
important to remember …
erase everything bad that you were told or led to believe about studying. I promise that if you look for ways to make it engaging for you and form a habit, studying can be something you don’t dread or worry about everyday. You are capable. This is the start of your journey. Yes, the question of ‘what if I get distracted again’ will always be there but think about what could happen if today is the first day you’re not distracted. If you don’t at least try to start now, you will have zero chance of being able to actually focus and study. But if you try, the worst that will happen is that you tried. If you keep trying, it will happen. I promise.
If you need any more tips regarding adhd, (or being undiagnosed,) please do let me know. I’ll do my best to help.
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11queensupreme11 · 9 days
Okay so, Pjo!Hera tries to find Percy through the multiverse. And I came up with an idea how she finds Percy in RoR universe.
It was a fancy party, it must've been for a child's birth or birthday based on few key details, such as the decor,with blue details mixing together with the other colours.Based on how grandiose it is, it must've been and important even having multiple deities from different pantheons.
Hera looked at around trying to find an ounce of clue about Percy, her shoulder was tapped by Eileithyia
“Mother, the announcement of the party almost starts, let's walk back to our seat. (Yandere's name) And Percy are excited to announce the birth of their child.”
The Queen of the gods was quiet during the whole party, not only to not be suspicious but full on shock was fueling her body. Percy in flesh and blood was there with a child in her arms smiling tiredly due to the complications of childbirth from what she heard from her daughter. Hera just need to wait for the perfect moment to talk to Percy in a secluded corner or run together before it's too late to turn back time.
Also I need to see her reaction to finding out two her brothers fell inlove with Percy, + her cousin.
I think Hera's reaction to Beelzebub, Loki, Anubis and Chu Chulainn is at least better because it's not blood relations between them.
(I apologise for my writing, I'm suffering a writer's block)
hera would not give a shit about incest, so she wouldn't prefer beelcy, poki, anuby, and sécy just because there's no blood relations
she would definitely hate posy, percades, and perpollo tho solely because it's a DEMIGOD they've fallen in love with. like "seriously? how could you fools fall in love with a half-blood? how low have you fallen? 😒"
(and with perpollo, she'd probably scoff and say "oh of course the bastard with the bastard, how fitting")
for beelcy, she would 100000000% see that beelcy baby as the antichrist 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 just because their daddy's the devil 😭😭😭😭😭😭 she'd probably be a lil paranoid that this baby might become the next luke 2.0, but she's not too worried cuz that'll just be a situation for the ror gods to deal with, not her gods
for anuby, poki, and sécy, i see her being disapproving??? i know in the pjo verse that the other pantheons are aware of each other and just don't meddle in the other's affairs even if it's about world-ending stuff, so that gives me the idea that inter-pantheon mingling is a huge no-no, so she would probs disapprove because of that (even tho this is the ror verse and not the pjo verse)
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vaalthus · 2 months
Dragonfable Book 3 Epilogue (spoilers)
Finally, upon the closing act.
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They're nobles Victoria, all they do is whine to each other.
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I knew it was only a matter of time before those that dwell on the other side of the Deadlands Rift were going to really amp up their incursion into our side of the fence but if they're already becoming more frequent at the epilogue then perhaps, we'll be heading there far sooner in Book 4 than previously thought, assuming it's not part of the opening act of course.
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*sigh* As I anticipated in Convergence Part 1, there was always going to still be people that vehemently supported the Rose on the basis of the good that the organization stood for but boy am I not liking this guy's take when presented with the information that the Rose was engaging in acts of unwarranted cruelty.
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Man do I love it when characters that are royals or nobles have the preference of their titles being cast aside with their closest friends. Only informal greetings for you my dearest of friends.
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Honestly, not all that surprising. It wouldn't be the first time a group high in a governing body tried to manipulate events to their own ends through a figure that no longer holds political power, regardless if they relinquished that power willingly or not, and I could easily see many of these nobles, though obviously those that looked favorably upon the Rose, looking to Alteon to undermine Victoria's authority no matter how much the man stood to the sidelines or not. That these nobles are even callous enough to pester Brittany, as she's still recovering, would seem to be proof enough of this fact.
There is another reason why this is a matured response from Victoria on Alteon staying away, but I'll get to that later.
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And here we have quite the appropriate reaction to finding out how you and everyone else around you came close to dying due to an uncaring god waking up from a nap.
The real meat of what we tell the crowd however is far more interesting however
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I must say when Jaania asked the Hero what they would tell the people about her and what happened at the Fissure, I never would have expected the player being given the following options. The truth of the matter seemed straightforward. Yet, now I understand in this moment how our feelings upon Jaania and her actions might either color or highlight how we present the truth to the public. For all intents and purposes, there really are no lies in either of the speeches given just a difference in levels of gentleness or harshness depending on whether you land squarely in the camp that she was a hero that made some really terrible missteps throughout this entire saga in her quest for peace or a fool that left misery in her wake for her obsessive need to be in control.
The more neutral truth of course is that the answer lies somewhere in the middle in terms of who Jaania was as a person and the choices she made but I must admit that I do like that there is this divide between how the speeches are delivered based on how intense players might have felt about her.
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Good to know that the Ateala can now move freely across Greenguard once again. Kind of sucked that they were being given no choice to remain in Atrea because the Rose attacked them.
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I don't think I'm ready for a depressed Yashta. He's been stoic and vigilant so far but with the Empress currently out of commission and him now having more time to himself to be alone with the grief of "failing" his task it feels like there's no telling how he'll be the next time we see him.
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It seems clear to me that Safiria's "indifference" to the matter is her way of letting Thursday slowly take the reigns as the one who will eventually "unite" Darkovia as she put it which is kind of sweet since it's making Thursday as more legitimate authority figure. Though I am somewhat concerned what this might mean for those within Safiria's own halls, though I doubt there are any vampires dumb enough to challenge her at the moment.
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As I said before, on one hand it's good that the dragonslayers and the dragonlords are now in close proximity to each other so that they are less suspicious and more open to dialogue between each other but I can't say that I'm less concerned that the close proximity might also make it easy for them to start fighting again as well especially now that there is a disconnect in leadership for the dragonlords once more and if the slayers resentment towards dragons ever reach a boiling point...well I just hope the goodwill we saw at the end of Awakened Depths lasts.
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It's so heartwarming to see Nythera go from the girl that wanted Warlic dead for petty reasons to the one that mourns him as one of the people she now likely respects the most.
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gonna be a long while before that wound heals
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Now this epilogue slide right here really shows Victoria's maturity when making decisions as queen. While less cooler heads may have been prone to simply dismantle the Rose completely and call it a day, putting the organization under state control might be in everyone best interest as it makes it accountable directly to the crown. Furthermore, it will likely make it more difficult for the nobility, be it the ones we've just seen or more egregious examples like Lysander, to try and use the institution to their own ends.
Additionally, this new arm of Greenguard might just be a worthy substitute to the already dwindling position that is the Guardian Order when it comes to giving people aid against magical threats.
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I wonder what lands they'll find themselves in next if the main goal is to find a way to completely free himself of his connection to the Shadowscythe armor.
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Buddy the debt was paid when we kept quiet about you to everyone else.
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So glad we said it to his face
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It's funny, in another time and in another place this statue is probably something new budding mages would see as they entered an academy to learn about magic and learn from the most renowned of magical scholars. A whole different life on what could have been had that tragic day never happened.
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rin-and-jade · 3 months
I Think My Body Just Hates Me: A Post on (Alter-related) Adverse Reactions
A case was presented:
You eat a chilli. Nothing happens. Another alter eats the chilli. Broke out with irritation. Now you're thinking,, what's going on?? What just happened?
That's an adverse response, Phoenix Wright objected-- Okay really, that doesn't fully explain WHY it happens on some parts, or HOW such reactions got shared collectively, and basically other things you'd have questions in this topic.
Let's put that ace attorney joke aside real quick, and solve this case with evidence together.
TLDR Fast Pass: Available at most bottom.
What do you mean, then?
When i mean by "adverse effects" , it's the particular repercussion when you ate something you couldn't tolerate. This vague term fully encompasses what will be discussed here: allergies, sensitivities, and intolerances.
Recapping ourselves like the usual, heres a definition on 'adverse'
"is an adjective describing a factor that seems to work against or actively harm something" - dictionary.com
So.. does this mean the food is fighting back against you? Or maybe, outside of culinary mentions, would be the lotion "eating" your skin because of an ingredient? Well not really, as its not alive, heh.
It's more to how our body responses to whatever we eat, or interact with for a more broader description. We have an immune system that controls this response--but its not just the immune playing a part in this.. you'll soon find out.
How the theory works
This will be based off by one fact, compartmentalization.
When it comes to being a system, many things get dissociated,, age, feelings, life views, self perception--many, lots of them. Does this mean we could dissociate allergies?
Don't get it wrong, we cannot. Though other variables like stress, or lifestyle, or the gut-mind axis can still be compartmentalized and dissociated away, which in turn, causes alter-specific issues when it comes to consuming foods.
Whats the usual precursor for these reactions? Histamines. When i say "usual", is because there are other things as the precursor that would create an adverse reaction without needing the presence of histamines to pull that off.
I will now attempt to address the three main reasons you--or your other alters have specific effects when it comes to ingesting or using something:
1. Immune response
Back to where i mentioned histamines. These are the chemical in your little immune system protocol that starts going on a rampage when met with foreign or threatening objects in your body.
it's job is to get rid of the allergen and make sure any damage was put to a halt, though sometimes it can get falsely alerted, and instead fight its own innocent cell bystanders.
There are two outcomes that causes an allergic reaction outside of your collective allergy, and instead, definitely alter-specific caused: stress and inflammatory-containing foods.
For stress, this alone causes a shift on our body responses. Cortisol, the fancy name for the chemical behind our stress can activate mast cells, which release histamines. Your body is more alert and on-guard physically in this window, so foods that had never bothered you will be in risk of being falsely alerted by the immune system.
There possibly are foods that can cause consistent allergic reactions, or there are ones that play a gamble wether it activates a reaction or not.
This is because to how alters have different reactions or behaviors in handling a situation, taking account hypervigilance and overthinking is a valid source of stress too. Which explains how some alters have more issues within this context, while some are not as bothered.
The previous food gamble can be explained by inflammatory-containing foods. All meals have their own nutritional makeup, from vitamins, to minerals, to protein, to carbohydrates and sugars,, especially histamines.
The notion here is you're a glass of water, half full due to stress, the water represents the histamine. If you were to eat more foods containing with it--and to how stress already influenced your histamine levels prior, you are going to overflow with water, creating symptoms similar to real allergies as your body doesn't have enough time to metabolize and remove the previous batch.
This is why stress can aggravate real allergies you might have, too.
How to fix this: manage your stress levels, and educate what foods are high in histamine to prevent adverse effects.
2. Sensitivities
Sensitivities are similar to allergies, though the difference here is they do not get activated or cause symptoms by your immune system's alarm. Rather, they are caused by other issues such as irritation.
Histamines still play a role here too, other chemicals such as bradykinins and prostaglandins are also involved. Let's learn them through one example:
Citrus fruits like lemon and oranges are known for their acidity, the acid inside the juice causes irritation through skin contact or upon ingestion. Such acids can potentially damage cells/stomach lining, causing them to call for help by releasing histamines.
The body notices the call for help and urges bradykinins to rush into the vessels. Bradykinin are known for vasodilation,, creating a bigger blood flow, which helps in transporting.
When bradykinin fled to the scene, prostaglandins are made on the spot, which is a main precursor for pain and inflammatory reactions. Prostaglandins causes blood to clot, or increase in temperature within the injured area to promote sealing and healing, they cause redness and itchy sensations in return (if it was ingested, then cramps will haunt you).
Cytokines might get signaled to control the inflammation, they check wether this damage is caused by pathogens, allergens, or other possible threats. Cytokines are flexible, they can make more of them to fight the infection, or stop the inflammation for healing. Take notes that too many cytokines will cause more severe and prolonged symptoms, the moment when adverse effects peaks sits around these times. When peak activity reaches, other symptoms such as bloating, rashes, pain, eczema or loose stools will happen.
To sum this up, basically: cells touch something -> cells hurty -> cells call help -> bradykinin opens up the passage for incoming help -> prostaglandins accumulates and creating ouchy -> cytokines realize somewhere is ouchy -> cytokines thinks wether it makes more or stops the inflammation -> cytokines might duplicate to tackle/cytokines halts the inflammatory responses to promote healing
How to fix this: understand what foods potentially irritates you. Some alters have different tolerance and base levels within most chemicals. Pay attention, go through trial and error, do elimination, and take notes.
3. Intolerances
Intolerances is a more specific area within sensitivities, as it involves products the body could not process/handle well, thus being intolerant. This is where adverse effects still can happen without the presence of histamines, nor involved from the immune system.
Because it involves more on body processes than any other chemicals that will vary between parts (like, levels of cortisol which affects those) it has a broad spectrum, either having similar intolerances, or specific alter-related intolerances that does not affect anyone else. We are not sure why, but you do can have these two types simultaneously, too.
collectively shared intolerances:
This is because we have endogenous enzymes or chemicals to break down specific food groups, it is heavily dependent on a biological perspective on how much, and what kind your body produces to effectively does its job on converting those molecules to energy.
When it comes to collective shared intolerances, this explanation helps us understand that. Take in mind that your diet, lifestyle, and other chemical levels can affect how these endogenous enzymes produce, which also explains how an intolerance can be in different intensities depending who's at front, as each alter has each to their own living styles.
How to fix this: avoid food groups that aggravates your digestion, buy and take enzyme supplements that could help (lactase pills for those who has lactose intolerance).
Specific intolerances:
Just to how stress can cause allergy/immune reactions and sensitivities, so can it with intolerances, too.
Wow, we got to get rid of stress in our life huh, its literally the precursor of everything at most.. curses, i will defeat you, final boss..
This time, we should take note that our organs work together--and not independently. This interconnected process tells us that one issue somewhere will affect somewhere else, silently.
Some intolerances arise due to shifts of various things such as stress levels, sleep pattern, and nutritional intake. Its nature is temporary, though far from fake. Assuming that parts have their own adaptation to living, it's starting to make sense,, have a look on how these variables affect intolerances:
Sleep schedules: this heavily affect the circadian rhythm, this circadian is fully responsible to reset and start afresh for every body functions from appetite, to memory, to energy production,, so much more. This is because how sleep activates the glymphatic drainage which regulates waste and rejuvenates to maintain maximum performance. If there were to be lingering wastes, it will be equivalent to how those aches are disturbing your daily functioning from your previous gym session. Not good. Annoying factor 100.
Stress levels: another thing cortisol can generate is not only histamines, but also adrenalines. Adrenalines, within healthy amount, regulates everything from immunity to blood circulation, when adrenaline levels peak together with cortisol, it disrupts multiple functions, due to fight and flight mode. This mode is your survival mode,, when you are trying to survive, it will use any existing energy and resource to prioritize more important organs like the brain. This causes other processes such as digestion, to suffer. Which also explains why you get tummyaches more often when you're stressed out, too.
Dietary changes: Your gut is reliant on what you eat to convert them into whatever your body needs for function. Eating less, or abrupt changes, will cause an imbalance to how your body adapts with the new pattern, that can create problems. This can also happen because of FODMAPs, but using a simple example for now: if you are not used to eating fiber, your body will have a hard time breaking down which in turn, creates bloating and other discomfort. That's because we have a microbiome that adapts to the foods we eat, who says its just our gastric juices doing the job? It's also the little guys! So the lack of little guys specific for fibre digesting will cause less efficiency to break them down leading to adverse effects. This also applies to other food groups too, though most people have issues with sudden changes around fibre intake.
Last takeaway
So.. does this mean your body hates you? Absolutely not, in fact it would be your mom. (im kidding, please let me off this one time with the joke)
Take this as a reminder that everything you do, especially as a system, will greatly change your body functions,, its best to educate yourself to the max and put these knowledge to good use.
What are your experiences when it comes to food or products? Do find that frequent fronts creates a more noticeable change and effects? Feel free to let me know! It is fun listening to what you all have to say.
- j
Main Points:
Adverse Reactions Explained: When different alters react differently to the same stimulus (like eating chili), it's called an adverse response.
Immune System Role: Histamines and stress can cause allergy-like reactions in some alters.
Sensitivities: These are reactions caused by irritation, not immune responses. Chemicals like bradykinins and prostaglandins are involved.
Intolerances: Specific to food or substances that some alters can't process well. Stress and lifestyle changes can affect these.
Shared vs. Specific Intolerances: Some intolerances are shared by all alters due to biological factors, while others are specific to certain alters due to stress, sleep patterns, and diet changes.
How to Address These Issues:
Manage Stress: High stress levels can trigger adverse reactions.
Know Your Foods: Identify and avoid foods that cause irritation or intolerance.
Understand Intolerances: Recognize how stress, sleep, and diet affect your body.
Conclusion: Your body isn't against you; it's reacting to various factors influenced by being a system. Educate yourself about these reactions to better manage and improve your well-being.
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thejournallo · 8 months
Explain the method: Energy Exchange
As always, I will love to hear your thoughts! and if you have any questions, I will be more than happy to answer them! If you liked it, leave a comment or reblog (that is always appreciated!). if you are intrested in more method check the masterlist!
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This method is really based on the karmic energy that the universe is filled with! Before we go in on how to do the method in question (which is really simple), I will explain to you some basics about what energy is!
what is "the energy"? (talking about science too)
In some simple words, energy is what we feel, what we are made of, and what everything is made of. We have energy that is constantly changing, especially when we move forward. All living organisms constantly take in and release energy.
Energy, in a more scientific way, can be described as: In physics, it is the quantitative property that is transferred to a body or to a physical system, recognizable in the performance of work and in the form of heat and light. Energy is a conserved quantity—the law of conservation of energy states that energy can be converted into form but not created or destroyed. Common forms of energy include the kinetic energy of a moving object, the potential energy stored by an object (for instance, due to its position in a field), the elastic energy stored in a solid object, the chemical energy associated with chemical reactions, the radiant energy carried by electromagnetic radiation, and the internal energy contained within a thermodynamic system.
(I will explain energy manipulation on Tuesday with "explain the basics" because it gets deeper; if you want to be tagged, let me know!)
what is energy exchange?
It is the easiest method in the world because it is based on a karmatic exchange of energy. This is simple AF. I explained all the different kinds of energies before because we can spread our energies in many different ways. For example, if we want love, we can release our "love" energies with kinetic movement. Just visualizing our love going out of us and beginning to spread as we run or simply walk is a great way to attract love to us. You can still give love by giving a hug, because that is still giving energy; it is still spreading love, you know!
my thoughts:
I always believed in karmic energy, so I always spread as much love and kindness as I can but I'm happy to realize I can release my energy in other ways! 8/10
If you are interested in more manifestation methods, don't forget to check out the masterlists at the top of this post, where you can find manifestation,shifting, witchcraft, and much more!
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kairologia · 1 year
Planets in Hellenistic Astrology — part 1 : the ascendant + the luminaries (sun/moon).
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Where modern astrology places the emphasis on signs, traditional astrology deems planets THE most important part of the practice. It places planets as actors whereas everything else serves as setting, stage & costumes.
The form of astrology I practice focuses on the use of the 7 traditional planets, as outers (Uranus/Neptune/Pluto) had yet to be identified due to their invisibility to the naked eye — and though I still use them, I don’t emphasize them as much. The 7 traditional planets are usually divided thus: the Luminaries (Sun/Moon), fast-moving Personal Planets (Mercury/Venus/Mars) and slow-moving Social Planets (Jupiter/Saturn).
Now that we got that out of the way, moving on to the actual point of the post,
The core of the chart : the sun, moon & rising.
The core of the chart is represented by the luminaries plus the ascendant. I sadly often come across descriptions of this triad that are too vague or not explained clearly & understandably, which often leads to widespread misconceptions around what these three components represent (especially the sun + ascendant).
Simply put, the Sun and Moon represent the two energy or power sources of the body/mind — as these Celestial Bodies provide most of the light in the heavens. They are luminary bodies that carry distinct energies and symbolize archetypal influences that manifest based on their sign, house, and aspect placements.
The Sun is the emissive luminary & shows how one’s vital energies are spent. The Moon is the receptive luminary & shows how one’s energies are regenerated & recalibrated. The Sun and Moon combined represent the driver, where the Sun signifies the driver's actions, and the Moon signifies their reactions. The Ascendant, on the other hand, serves as the vehicle steered by the influences of the Sun and Moon.
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— Starting with the Sun,
The Sun, through the annual cycle of solstices and equinoxes, establishes the seasons of the year. In a chart, the sun directly corresponds to the themes of the whole sign house of Leo. Much like the sun enables visibility in the universe, it allows topics ruled by the sun (i.e, whichever house Leo occupies in one’s chart) to become prominently visible in our lives. As an example, if Leo is in your first house, the sun represents your identity, what with it ruling your first house of self, and if Leo is in your fifth house, it signifies that the sun rules over matters related to your pleasure, sexual and romantic pursuits and enjoyment of life, and so on for other house placements.
As an isolated archetype, the sun, being a life source, symbolizes aspirations, a drive to enlighten or illuminate something, mirroring its central role in the solar system where everything orbits around it. This conveys a sense of being drawn towards embodying and actualizing the self in a specific manner — making it an aspirational energy.
In addition to what was stated previously, the sun represents vitality, spirit, soul, the conscious mind, intellect, the father, judgement, public reputation, action, and authority. It holds a place in the day sect.
This isn't to negate any potential resonance with your sun sign, as resonance means different things to different people.
Trivia :
— Domicile: Leo
— Exaltation: Aries
— Detriment: Aquarius
— Fall: Libra
— Quality : Hot and Dry (choleric temperament)
— Colors: Gold, yellow, amber
— Professions: Leaders, royalty, professions that work with solar significations
— Places: Houses, palaces, theaters, halls
— Day of the Week: Sunday
— Body Parts: Heart, eyes
— Animals: Lions, felines, eagle, phoenix, nightingale
— Minerals & stones : Gold, Chrysolite
— Moon :
The Moon defines the lunar months through her cycle of waxing & waning phases. She primarily symbolizes the themes of the whole sign house that Cancer occupies in your chart.
The moon stands out as the most impermanent celestial indicator, residing in each zodiac sign for no longer than two and a half days. Its phases undergo constant shifts, mirroring elements that are in perpetual flux, such as bodily cycles, our bodies in general, mood variations, and all sorts of cyclic phenomena such as routines.
While its influence extends over emotions, it encompasses more than just that aspect. The moon serves as a mechanism of recalibration of both our emotional and physical well-being.
The moon also represents the body, sensations, emotion, memories, the "gut brain," intuition, senses, the mother, the lineage, women, conception, appearance, sight, nurture, older brothers, housekeeping, possessions, silver, and glass. It is of the night sect.
Trivia :
— Domicile: Cancer
— Exaltation: Taurus
— Detriment: Capricorn
— Fall: Scorpio
— Quality : Cold and Wet (phlegmatic)
— Places: Mountains, bodies of water, baths, fishponds, springs, docks
— Colors: Silver, white, pale blue
— Day of the Week: Monday
— Professions: Sailors, nurses, midwives, messengers, travelers, fishermen
— Body Parts: Breasts, fem reproductive system
— Minerals & stones: Moonstone, pearls, selenite, silver
— Animals: Fishes, creatures that live in water or come out at night
— And lastly, the ascendant;
The rising sign corresponds to the zodiac sign ascending above the eastern horizon at the time of your birth & containing the exact degree of your ascendant.
From a technical standpoint, the rising sign forms the foundation of your natal chart & sets the tone for it, acting as a cornerstone & subsequently dictating the house placements for all celestial bodies.
A birth chart is a comprehensive map of your entire life, encompassing more than just your personality traits — with this in mind, the rising sign (being the 1st house) holds a direct connection to you. It directly signifies you — your physical form, your identity, personality, character, and overall vitality.
I want to clarify that the ascendant being the you indicator in a chart does not imply that it encapsulates the totality of your essence. Astrology is nuanced, complex & there is no such thing as a “core” self. It’s not sun, not the moon, & not the rising either. Humans are all too complex for such oversimplifications and astrology mirrors that. Nevertheless, the rising sign remains the primary indicator you’d look at where “me” topics such personality are concerned.
It also important to note that the rising sign dictates the trajectory of transits within your natal chart, forming the basis for horoscopes and forecasts. So when reading horoscopes, go with your rising sign!
Fun fact: historically, when asked for your sign, you were expected to answer with your rising sign, a practice prevalent for millennia & until around a century ago. The shift towards sun signs was, simply put, an accident in history (thanks, Alan Leo!)
Part 2 : Mercury/Venus/Mars/Jupiter/Saturn.
Check pinned if you want to book with me!
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venomous-ragno · 2 years
Writing advice...
... About military things by a soldier :)
You wanna write a story with a militaristic setting, like CoD or R6S? You wanna create an oc with a military background, but you don't know where to start?
Well, lucky for you or not I know what that feels like and I've also got the combat / real life experience to help ya out!
Feel free to hop in my askbox or dm's and ask questions. I'll gladly elaborate and do my best to answer in full and plenty:)
Disclaimer: My experiences and knowledge are mostly based on the German military, the Bundeswehr. They may differ from those of other countries.
Happy writing y'all :)
Pt. 4 / ?: Habits a soldier most likely has (due to the military)
1. Never wearing parts of their uniform in combination with civilian clothing. Not only is it forbidden by military law, it also just feels wrong. Superiors go feral when they see it.
2. Sleeping absolutely everywhere and anywhere, likely huddled up with comrades. 48h work days exist. You can't be picky about where or when you sleep - your body needs it and you need your body. A comrade of mine used to have a blanket she'd carry around at all times. It wasn't particularly thick or fluffy, but it made sleeping cramped in some dirty back room propped against a wall just a bit more comfortable. Yes, we all cuddled.
3. Staying awake no matter how exhausted you are.
4. Being a neat freak. Our uniform and overall appearance must always be flawless and in line with current standards. Gear must be cleaned and polished after every use. Not only that, but needing things to be in one exact place and knowing by heart where everything is. God have mercy on those that mess up our patterns.
5. Nicotine or caffeine addiction. 9.9/10 soldiers are addicted to either one, most likely both though. Chugging a 0,5l monster energy at 5am is normal.
6. Ignoring non lethal wounds and ailments until it's no longer possible or a superior forces you to go see the doc. Pretty self explanatory. You just get used to being all in even when your whole body aches and you've had a combined 30mins of sleep that night - heck, it's what we're trained to do. Tough to admit to yourself that you need a break though.
7. Using the NATO alphabet to spell words, no matter the context. You'd make a call somwher, they ask you to spell your name and you do just that - most often gaining confused reactions by civilians. Similar to this: Using military phrases like stand by and good to go no matter the environment you're in. (Not to mention the phonetic alphabet)
8. Being a fast eater. Sometimes you got about 5 minutes to wolf down an entire meal.
9. Learning to observe before chiming in. If you even chime in at all.
10. Taking hats off when going inside any kind of building.
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anaalnathrakhs · 1 year
oh god ed reddit is having the “uwu anorexia isn’t rooted in fatphobia my mental illness is not abt you” talk again please god help me
fatphobia doesn’t mean “being a meanie to fat ppl” i’m begging you to use critical thinking skills for five seconds and apply what you know about literally any other form of oppression to this situation.
people’s point isn’t that you having anorexia makes them feel bad and therefore you’re a bad fatphobic person.
they’re pointing out how the deeply ingrained fatphobia our society upholds, from misconceptions about health to moralization of looks and weight, including yes being jerks to fat ppl’s faces bc they’re fat, is affecting what you think about your own looks, weight, health, body, clothes, eating habits, etc.
the logic isn’t “you became anorexic because you hate fat people so much you never wanted to be fat yourself (and that makes you a bad person)” it’s “fatphobia is a prism that transforms the root cause of your ed into disordered thoughts, behaviors, and patterns (and unlearning fatphobia will help you with recovery and harm-reduction)”
like. it’s not for no reason that anorexia is a disorder that disproportionatedly affects women. it’s not for no reason that there’s sky high comorbidity rates for eds and ocd. it’s not for no reason that people who need control in their lives so badly that they develop a mental disorder abt it get obssessed with being skinny and not with being a sumo. it’s not for no reason that ppl who feel the need to retract to childhood due to trauma envy things like being skinny light and frail, instead of being a tubby baby. it’s not for no reason that there is an incredibly common anorexic thought pattern (internal and self-directed, don’t make me say what i didn’t say) that associaties restriction and weight loss with moral goodness.
for each of these there IS a number of exceptions, but you can see case by case how the root cause (trauma, need for control, for self-destruction, growing up poor, whatever you think is “unrelated to fatphobia” basically) is processed through the prism of the fatphobic culture we’ve all been raised in. some people just, voluntarily or not, deal with those root causes in different way, which might or might not be healthy. but it’s a consequence of ambiant fatphobia that “i should starve and be skinny about it” is a statistically pretty common response to this distress.
the point isn’t “it’s fatphobic that you don’t deal with your neuroses in a body positive way uwu” the point is that no matter how cool you are with fat people on like, a personal level, you’ve been (like the rest of us) bombarded with fatphobic thought patterns your entire life basically, both directly fatphobic things and reactions to this fatphobia. maybe spoken to you directly, maybe not. maybe about you maybe about other people. you live in a society that places moral values into looks and health, and also pushes some deeply rooted falsehoods about how those things tie into each other. you have a disorder defined by obsessive behaviors. maybe, just maybe, deconstructing the logic that those obsessives behaviors are based upon will help you deal with this disorder. and recover or reduce harm.
basically, anorexia isn’t “getting skinny disorder” it’s “obsession disorder”, obsession with looking attractive, or pleasing your family, or going back to being a kid, or being healthy, or being fit, or being driven and capable, or being worth saving, or having your suffering known, or having control over something, or whatever. the fatphobia that is omnipresent (and i repeat, omnipresent, nobody is singling you out as a bad fatphobic meanie, or even talking about your behavior towards other people around you) in our society picks the direction in which many many people will express that disorder.
of course if you live in a society that tells you “being fat is morally bad” at every turn, when you start developping an obssessive pathological need to control things, without another factor weighting in, most people’s default reaction will be anorexia. food is a regular fixture of everybody’s life, everyone wants to be morally good, and even if we know/understand/believe to an extent the flaws of that “fat = bad” logic we know the world around us still believes it, and nobody wants to be treated like shit. we can think it’s stupid and fight against fatphobia and work to treat fat ppl better in our lives and support body positivity, but in any case, one always judges oneself on different metrics than they judge others, cuz we control our self-improvement. that’s natural. just it doesn’t mesh well with a pathologically obssessive need for control above self-preservation.
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rocketturtle4 · 1 year
Why Kawi Felt Inentionally Ace Coded
This is the second post I am making about this show for this week, the first was about what I think went down around time travel in this ep and I will directly reference those theories.
Also I just think the way this episode was playing with flash forwards and backs (with both Piseang’s conversation with his mum AND Max’s convo with Kawi – ALSO A FLASHBACK FYI) is VERY INTENTIONAL. (for the purpose of keeping us both in and out of the loop)
Okay so, for the record I really didn’t plan to actively engage in BMF this week, I am mid spiral on an entirely different TV show and this show did not have my full focus while I watched it this morning.
This moment
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[Image ID: Kawi saying "Do you think it's possible for two people dating to have no sexual activity at all]
Took my attention and kept it, I was yelling and I made 2 quick reaction posts about the fact that I was yelling (1, 2)
I will add here that @dropthedemiurge posted about Kawi being definitely ace coded LAST WEEK (I couldn't find it sorry but I remember reading it) as well as this week 2 and @heretherebedork had two different posts about this this week.
Also there is legit evidence for this being about touch starvation and intimacy issues (@shouldiusemyname) and if they do this well I wont be mad but…
And it felt a bit smack in your face ace coded in a way that to me was throwing up giant WE ARE GOING THERE flags. These flags, to me, were primarily in the LANGUAGE that was used more than Kawi’s physical body langue (which was more ambiguous between the two theories), and this is even trickier because of the layers of translation involved.
So lets talk about those flags
(Also I’m demisexual and demiromantic so my own lens is definitely colouring my view)
Max’s convo with Kawi
I actually loved this convo FOR Max’s response, not because he responded well (if Kawi is ace) but because he DIDN’T respond well. This show is doing a really good job of allowing it’s characters to be flawed and I reckon both Max and Piseang got to be flawed in this episode.
Max has been our gay Yoda
Max has been on point with all his advice
Kawi and Piseang are together in part due to Max’s advice,
But do you know what else Max is?
Max isn’t the person Kawi needs to talk to in this moment, because Kawi’s experiences are no longer aligning with his, and all of his advice thus far has been based on HIS OWN EXPERIENCE (which he literally says by the way):
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[Image ID: Max speaking while the subtitles translate the start of his sentence as "Personally,"]
Kawi’s language in this convo was REAL SUS
On top of the first line pictured above, their conversation includes
Max: You’ve already crossed the line, what are you afraid of?
Kawi responds
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[Image ID: Kawi saying "I'm not afraid. I just don't think it's that significant."]
Then we get Maxs scoff (SCOFF!!): "Right, The word from someone who’s never had sex"
And his positive take on how important sex is for a relationship and an Individual
And the implication that doing it with someone you love is even better
Max: Are you going to sleep next to each other holding hands forever?
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[Image ID: Kawi saying "That's good." with an acesexual black, grey, white and purple flag added to the image]
@sparklyeyedhimbo I like the flag one so I borrowed it.
Then Max points out that it will only work out if Piseang feels the same way.
my thoughts:
Max is very dismissive of Kawi in this convo, there is a real disconnect with Kawi’s tentative questions and Max’s certain responses. Again I THINK THIS IS INTENTIONAL as per above. (For anyone who wants to check again its part 3/4 from around the 2 minute mark)
Kawi doesn’t seem afraid, he seems genuinely confused about not wanting sex. And personally, I’ve BEEN THERE.
Back in the bedroom
Now here we get some fear as Kawi finds condoms, panics and pretends to sleep.
Something I find interesting about this is he doesn’t pretend to sleep facing away from where Piseang would lie or curled up, he is still placed fairly centrally on the bed. His body language isn’t overly defensive (in my uninformed opinion). Now this could just be that he trusts Piseang regardless but I wanted to point it out.
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[Image ID: Piseang standing at the foot of the bed look at Kawi apparently asleep in bed]
Then Piseang Time Travels (Full clown, I’m committed)
(I just watched the scene again and Kawi opens his eyes and we don’t see Piseang while the music plays, this scene is legit from Kawi’s point of view and we’ve already seen that the travel isn’t visible to the person not holding the magic globe so I AM EVEN MORE CERTAIN)
Anyway back to this post
Piseang goes to bed and looks at kawi like this
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[Image ID: Piseang staring at Kawi]
(I’m just putting this here and choosing to interpret it as weighted with future knowledge lol)
Which post is this again?
Ah yes Ace!Kawi
So we get bed in the morning and Kawi pretending to sleep and then Piseang goes
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[Image ID: Piseang rolls to lie on top of Kawi]
And Kawi informs him that he’s heavy.
There’s no recoil
There’s no fear
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[Image ID: Piseang says "Would you like to get on top instead then?"]
Even then he’s startled more than scared in my humble opinion
Until Piseang tries to kiss him
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[Image ID: Kawi making a very surprised/scared face]
Then Kawi pushes him off and leaves
Piseang continues to try and encourage intimacy
(I’m less convinced about my projections for what happens in the future, Piseang looks so content, maybe he just get’s a glimpse of domestic bliss…It needs to be next week already. FOR THE RECORD I’m sticking with clown theory 1 if I have to choose).
We get this moment
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[Image ID: Two images of Kawi as Piseang wipes something off the corner of his mouth and Kawi's expression goes from anger to something softer]
And Kawi’s change of experession here is so tender, I feel like this could be coded either way intimacy issues or strong romantic feelings, it’s not lust though that’s for sure. (I'm not sure if I'm supposed to be using coded for intamacy but *shrugs*)
(oooo I wonder if the language play came from his glimpse into the future)
I’m going to skip ahead to the theme park or this will go forever
The bits in between feel more ambiguous to me
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[Image ID: Piseang saying "If you just wanted to eat, why did you ask me to take you to a theme park? then Kawi saying "I just wanted to get the vibes. The thing that can make me the happiest is eating"]
Food over sex is a legit part of the ace community (the same way tucked in shirts and clear phone cases are part of the bi community from what I understand)
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[Image ID: Kawi still saying "The thing that can make me the happiest is eating" now holding up a corn cob]
(If Kawi had held up cake here I would be ALL IN)
Then we get the rollercoaster metaphor!
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[Image ID: Kawi and Piseang both looking at the rollercoarster, Piseang looks excited Kawi looks concerned/apprehensive/is making a woah face]
I’m just going to transcribe here it’s quicker and I’m running out of time before I go out tonight:
K: This is too much. Not this ride
P: Come on, Let’s try it first
K: No, I don’t like it.
P: You haven’t tried it yet. How do you know if you like It or not. You said you’d never been to a theme park.
P: If you don’t try it, it’s the same as if you’ve never been here
e.g. Coming to a theme park isn’t the same as enjoying the ride
Then P holds out his hand
P: If you’re scared, just hold onto my hand, Okay?
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[Image ID: Kawi looking at Piseang]
K looks at Piseangs hand, Looks at Piseang, Looks at the ride and says
K: No! I won’t get on it. You can go alone if you want to. I’ll just wait here
And walks off
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[Image ID: Piseang looks disapointed]
This again felt to me like a rejection of the fear as the primary motivation, he directly says he’s not afraid but he still doesn’t want to
I’m not sure about this scene in the car, it mostly just felt like Kawi was fed up at this point.
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[Image ID: Kawi and Piseang in the car]
Possibly this scene highlights the different places there in and how Piseang is open to new experience and Kawi’s not? This feels more intimacy coded than ace.
Restaurant Scene
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[Image ID: Kawi and Piseang looking tired in the restaurant]
Both Kawi and Piseang look so worn out in this scene, they both spent the whole day not communicating their true wants and fears and it’s left them all worn down
But Piseang doesn’t give up
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[Image ID: Piseang saying "Whatever I did wrong today, you can tell me." and Kawi responding "Today was great."]
Kawi responds to this sincerity and reaches out to hold Piseang’s hand.
KAWI is the one WHO REACHES OUT, again this reads as specifically felt to me as a reason against touch starved.
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[Image ID: Two images of Piseang and Kawi holding hands in the restaurant]
And then we’re in the bedroom (time skip anyone).
I’m actually not going to analyse this scene at all much. If Kawi is ace then he can still choose to have sex provided he and Piseang have communicated and if it’s intimacy issues then I also think it’s okay provided they’ve communicated first. ( idon't actually currently think Kawi is demi for the record)
(even when Piseang takes his shirt off, Kawi’s eyes stay on Piseangs face)
(although Piseangs do too actually…)
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[Image ID: Two images of Kawi and Piseang after they have removed their shirts staring at each other. The first image contains the subtitle of Piseang saying "are you sure?"
(god his eyes are so big here compared to their often squintiness)
He doesn’t pull back but leans into the kiss. He’s clearly sure of his decision. I’m just not sure about his reasons.
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[Image ID: Piseang and Kawi kissing]
Both Piseangs hands are on Kawi, but Kawi’s hands are straight down, I think this could go with either theory but personally on the few occasions I’ve made out with someone “what do I do with my hands?” loops in my head lol so I found this relatable.
Make of this what you will!!
Thoughts on Kawi and Kissing Piseang while he’s drunk
Honestly this doesn't feel weird to me, romantic attraction can involve kissing and drunk!kawi is just giving in to his confused thoughts and feelings, Aesthetic attraction can trick you too if you're not aware of your own identity (lol I had sex with someone before I experienced sexual attraction for the first time and felt very confused about why I didn't really feel like doing it again after even though it had been a positive experience, It was WILD), Kawi kisses Piseang because he likes him and is then confused about Why TF it doesn't feel like it's "supposed" to, *shrugs* make of that what you will.
Additional Thoughts
I’m reading into past future events now but I wonder about Pear and Kawi’s relationship.
Did they have sex?
There was clearly something fundamentally wrong with it, and the show talks about Kawi prioritising work, but it’s all a bit ambiguous and we never got any impression of intimacy. The fact that Pear is pregnant and Kawi doesn’t question if he’s the father, how long have they been broken up? Why did Pear seek out Not in the first place? Did Pear assume Kawi was gay because they didn't have sex??
The scene where Kawi stares at Piseang while he was sleeping (Ep 9) I'm not going back to find it now or this won't get posted for like another 14 hours but it also felt ace-coded but I shrugged it off.
(@lurkingshan and @clairificusrex since you helped with my thoughts)
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this is the most genderfluid car (derogatory)
, reads the caption this picture of a ‘94 Oldsmobile Cutlass Ciera Wagon S was submitted to this blog with.
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And while I would indeed like @sapphicshart​ to elaborate on why this car would be so genderfluid and why in a derogatory way, and perhaps appreciate how they reused the window triangles from the regular one at the rear end of the body, I feel that must make way for my first reaction upon the claim of “most genderfluid”:
Dear friend, prepare to get absolutely motherfucking BODIED.
This is the 1982 Nissan Pulsar NX (Pulsar EXA in Japan and Australia), and it’s not the car we are interested in.
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The Pulsar NX was a way Nissan devised to get a more youthful and exciting coupe out of the underpinnings of the Nissan Pulsar/Sunny/Cherry (or even Holden Astra, if you’re feeling weirdly Australian), …conventionally unappealing little sedan and hatchback. Ah, right, I’ve still not made the body styles master explainer - let me brief you very quick. The above is a coupe, a car with two doors and a trunk compartment that is separate from the cabin. When the doors are four, it’s what you see below, a sedan.
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Whereas a hatchback is one with a rear hatch that contains the rear windshield, making the trunk compartment part of the cabin.
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See what I meant with the “conventionally unappealing”, eh.
Well, in 1986 the base Pulsar/Sunny/Cherry/Sentra/so on received an update, and thus the Pulsar NX based on its guts was updated with it.
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And if your brows are furrowed by unfamiliarity and not by the painful realization of how hard our poor submitter is about to get pulverized, you must understand that this car’s body style is… rather unique.
In late ‘60s America, word started spreading that the Department Of Transportation would ban convertibles due to the awful lack of shit between passenger heads and pavement when they decided to change side - thus began the popularity of “targas” like this here NX (though manufacturers called them a lot of different names because Porsche copyrighted that word).
In a targa, instead of both roof and rear windshield all folding down behind the cabin, the roof is a solid panel (or, as in this case, two) that is removed and stored away and the rear windshield stays there, on the rear structure that remains at the service of body rigidity and occupants safety. And personally that feels extremely genderfluid to me.
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But of course, there are many targa coupes, so this would not be such a peculiarity. But the thing is, while this car has two doors and a trunk compartment separate from the interior and thus a coupe, it can also be argued a hatchback since it has a hatch that includes the rear windshield.
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But why in tarnation would they design a rear hatch like that when, since it doesn’t create any more room above the trunk, it has no cargo space advantage? Well, remember how one key difference between targas and convertibles is that in the former the rear windshield stays in place? Well, here it does stay in place, if you want to. If you don’t, though, you just take it off.
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So the Pulsar NX is a coupe that is also a hatchback and a targa and a cabriolet. Except that now, as you can see, the rear compartment is open. So arguably it’s also a pickup - or, if you will, a ute. (It’s doing that weird thing it does sometimes with post submissions where it keeps me on the old editor where I can’t change text color so please pretend that link is the trademark ‘link to a related things-about-cars-in-posts post’ blue.)
But then you’d at least want a canvas cover or something just in case it rains and your rear passengers and/or cargo don’t like rain, right? So indeed, here’s the optional canvas canopy.
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Meaning it could also have both a fixed glass rear windshield and a folding plastic one, making it both a hardtop convertible and a soft top one.
But what if you wanted to transport too much cargo to fit under the hatch -or the canvas cover- but you still wanted to have it protected, as you could do in a ute with a rear canopy?
Well, folks, I truly saved the best for last.
Because this thing is not just a coupe, a hatchback, a targa, a soft top convertible, a hardtop convertible, a pickup and a ute. It’s also a shooting brake. (Again, pretend that’s blue.)
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You see now why the rear hatch hinged like that.
So while this is a post about a most [specific sexual identity or orientation] car, I am not, as per tradition, offering other options nor a vote between them, because democracy does not apply to matters of fact. (And also again I’m stuck on the old editor.)
But of course, if you want to participate in the creation of any future installments, hop on over into the Discord server linked in my pinned! It’s got glowing reviews :)
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lesbianneopolitan · 8 months
hey why do you like Neo so much lol. No hate, just curious cause like, there are so many characters in RWBY I just wanna know why you (and a shocking amount of others apparently) identify with her so much
I've been asked this before, but because I was also recently asked on Twitter, I'll answer it again
Everything started with V2- Neo's design and personality caught my eye, yeah, her personality and the fact she was a sadist despite being presented with softer and 'cuter' colors, that's what I liked most at first
Even if her character wasn't thought to be part of the main story, the show gave me enough to end up liking Neo even more. And before I realized it, I caught up with V8 and not long after they gifted me RWBY Roman Holiday
Learning about Neo's past managed to make my brainrot worse, mainly because it managed to make me see myself reflected on Neo even more (for one reason or another)
I really loved witnessing her descend into madness due to loneliness and revenge, or the fact she isn't a good person (even if she suffered in the past, I think the book and the show made sure to make clear the bad tendencies that Neo has, independently to how much she has suffered, she's a chaotic person)
I also really REALLY LOVE her Semblance and I wish I had it lol
They also ended up referring to her as the Mad Hatter on occasion, reference to Alice in Wonderland (another of my main interests), and that gives points- part of her fighting style is based on fencing (my favorite kind of weapon and sword is the rapier)- everything just feels like perfection
And all of this without the necessity of Neo speaking, because she's mute
I just, love this bitch
On the topic of WHY I identify with her, though, it's probably mainly mental illness and trauma, as in, this is a topic I've talked about with my therapist before. I've noticed how a good bunch of women I know that are traumatized and are mentally ill tend to identify more with the villains than they do the heroes, and for each of us, there may just be part of our traumas that are comparable to certain fictional characters even if sometimes the reactions of the fictional characters are often more exaggerated and stuff because, well, they're villains lol
In Neo's case for me, there's also small things like my hyperphantasia compared to Neo's Overactive Imagination, or the fact Neo had an imaginary friend when she was younger that was an alter ego and a side of herself (when I was younger, I too had an alter ego that was the part of me that I couldn't express irl, born from the trauma I suffered), and while I personally headcanon her mutism to be a physical problem (vocal cords), my anxiety and certain stressing situations make me go mute, so I thought the fact she's mute is pretty cool
There's deeper stuff, like relating to how ashamed her own parents were of her for how she was, who she wanted to be, having parents that controlled her a lot, or that feeling of feeling lonely even when in a crowd of people because people keep pointing at you and saying how weird you are for being different, despite trying to be friendly
Or when it comes to relationships, I could also understand the struggles of being so attached to one person, that you try to fill that void with someone else almost desperately once losing them
The thing with the Curious Cat, despite being fictional possession, also reminded me too much of my sexual abuse (entering by the mouth made me really uncomfortable- hell, I did break for a week, in a way, and the loss of control of someone's body to be at the mercy of another reminded me of those dark times too), so I just got an extra reason to identify with Neo in this V9, it's why I gave my Neo's design 'scars' from that incident (physical changes, that to me are a representation of PTSD scars left behind and that you have to learn to live with)
I also have a tendency to identify with some characters that want revenge or are lonely- the revenge part because the person that abused me most in life didn't get any kind of punishment, so it's cathartic when fictional characters can have revenge instead (independently of the target being the real problem or not) and BRUH, there are possibly more things I'm forgetting, but I think the ask already got long enough to know there's a good bunch of psychological and spiritual factors between me and Neo that made me so attached
It's one of those cases in which it feels like, 'Neo was tailored for me' even if I'm obviously not the only case lol
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tbgblr2 · 1 year
Sophia and John – that one time in bed.
(Written from the point of view of John from ‘John and Sophia’ )
9 months ago we made love. 9 months ago I filled your womb.
Now 9 months later, and 3 days past your due date, you’re doing your best to get some sleep before the inevitable sleepless nights and multiple times a night feeding schedule takes over our lives.
However, we are both incredibly horny.
You return from a bathroom break and snuggle back up in bed, pressing against me, my big spoon to your little (though I’m sure you wouldn’t agree) spoon.
Your ass inches back and presses into my crotch. The reaction between my legs was obvious.
My hands snake down to between your legs, but I’m blocked, your big belly pressing against your thighs forming a barrier from my fingers.
I move to a different offensive, my hand tracing slow and light lines up and down your back.
Your groan is heavenly. I know I’ve found the right spot.
I play for what feels like an eternity on your back, your ass pressing and jiggling against me, my own erection getting more and more obvious.
My fingers knead the base of your skull at the top of your neck then I bury my hands in your hair and pull. The gasp is heaven to my ears.
Your top half turns towards me whilst your big belly sits anchored to the bed. The view of your breasts, clad in your lingerie was breathtaking.
My hand forms a claw and I brush my fingers through your hair, finally reaching your forehead where I once more push my palm flat and cover your eyes and the bridge of your nose, obscuring your vision.
You’re panting heavily now, so turned on.
My lips meet your forehead and kiss… then moving my hand away, my lips travel down, kissing your nose then finally settling on your lips.
We spend a moment in that embrace, our tongues meeting and playing together, but soon you need to turn away again, the stretch on your back from being rotated toward me difficult in your pregnant state.
My hand moves around to your bump and I feel the baby inside, wriggling and almost ready to meet us.
You grab my hand and pull it towards your breast. I’m happy to oblige, starting above the lacy fabric of your bedclothes, very light touches causing you to gasp and writhe… before sliding my hand under and cupping my full hand around the expanse of one.
I rub all the way down from your chest to the full roundness of the end, squeezing a nipple and hearing you gasp. My finger comes away wet, milk leaking from you as a result of my playing.
“I want you in me” you moan, your voice barely more than a whisper.
I hadn’t had enough yet. My lips kissed the back of your ear, my teeth moving to grab your lobe where I sucked and nibbled. My own voice husky “say that again, I didn’t hear you”
You were a lot more pronounced “you in me, now!”
I couldn’t help but chuckle as I hefted myself off the bed and yanked down my pyjama trousers. Your eye caught sight of my erection standing long and proud. You made an air kiss at me.
Taking one of your knees, I separated your legs and pushed the fabric of your panties to one side. I pushed your babydoll night dress up and exposed your belly. You were still lying sideways, no real comfortable way to lie on your back anymore but I made do.
I took your right leg and lifted it up, placing it on my left shoulder as I got in close to you. My own knees straddling your left leg as my cock found it’s wet, waiting target.
Your moan as I slid in deeper and deeper sent me into a wild frenzy, there wasn’t anything slow and sensual about this, my hips started bucking back and forth like an animal.
I watched the vibrations course through your body, breasts and belly jiggling as I thrust back and forth. Your hand reached out and grabbed for mine – I obliged and held on as your groans got more intense the closer and closer you came to your orgasm, your hand gripping mine tighter and tighter.
I felt your shiver and convulsions a mere second or two before my release, jets of cum spurting out of me and flooding your insides, dribbling out and forming a pool under you.
Later that day, contractions started in full force, but that is a story for another day.
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hornets-nest666 · 1 year
Many people have some questions regarding to the choices we've made. The purpose of this post is to provide a clear understanding of the situation, to prevent the spread of misinformation or baseless criticism.
So, let's start with the first character we want to discuss: Rosco. There were people who didn't approve of his design and appearance. In the animated series, Rosco was on the heavier side, but in the comics, currently, he is thin, even skinny. Then why? We want to be honest with you instead of trying to kiss your ass and make excuses. We see him like this. Yes, it's that simple. It's like how Connie sees Sheba as being full, even though she is not portrayed that way in the canon. (And right now, I'm talking about this person's creative work, not the person themselves. I have never criticized Connie's creativity.)
By the way, we'll get to Sheba a little later.
I want to highlight a crucial aspect that many people have overlooked. Roscoe was a plump kid since his early years, and he faced bullying from his peers due to his weight. Our intention is to shed light on the challenges that overweight individuals, especially children, may face.
To be honest, I myself was a witness to bullying at school. Regrettably, it is a common issue that many children have to experience. However, it is important to note that we strongly disapprove of this behavior and, on the contrary, aim to raise awareness about this problem.
No one should be subjected to humiliation based on their physical appearance or any unique features they may have. This applies to people of all body types, regardless of being overweight or thin. Unfortunately, some individuals choose to overlook this and instead resort to intimidation and derogatory remarks, accusing us of being fat phobic.
Now, let's address the questions concerning Sheba. Some people, particularly those who are fans of Connie, have been upset with her physique. These people argue that Sheba being overweight is normal while being thin is not, and accuse me of being fat phobic for not portraying her that way.
Let's make something clear. These people claim that Sheba as overweight, and some have even attempted to prove that she was depicted as such in the original work, despite the fact that I have previously provided evidence (which can be found below) that debunks this rumor.
I am not judging their interpretation of the character in any way. Clearly, they appreciated how Connie illustrated the character, and for that, I am happy for them. However, it is unnecessary for them to shove their personal head canons on everyone else. No one is required to draw the way you want them to. Many people hold various opinions on this character. However, I, personally, along with my assistant Leila and our translator Kalu, perceive her like this and it's NOT BAD. Surprisingly, the negative reaction towards the portrayal of Sheba came as a shock to us. It seemed as though everyone prefers exclusively caring for overweight individuals, while negatively judging thin individuals solely based on their body size. This situation seems to exhibit a double standard.
Do you enjoy Connie's artwork? Well, why are you still here? Instead, you should be on her blog. I've come across several artists who portrayed characters differently from how I imagined them. What do you think I did? I simply continued to browse through their artwork without resorting to trash-talking or discussing it in a chat room with my friends.
There's a simple truth: if you appreciate someone's work, you follow them; if you don't, you just move on. I have no intention of apologizing for my work or belittling myself in front of those individuals who think it's acceptable to insult an artist based on their perspective. By reacting this way, you only reveal that you have nothing better to do.
Let's recall our most memorable April Fool's JOKE, which left a lasting impression on many people. I never thought people could get so offended by a really harmless joke.
Interestingly enough, it was Connie's fans, as well as Connie herself, who seemed to be the most offended. It seems that the significant age difference in the prank was taken quite seriously.
However, let me explain everything in order. Bendy, at the age of 18, is naturally inclined towards romance and has always followed his heart's desires. Regardless of anyone's attempts to dictate his dating choices, Bendy's rebellious nature ensures he remains unaffected, simply pursuing relationships with whomever he chooses.
Moreover, it is important to acknowledge that in my country, the transition into adulthood begins at the age of 18, and this fact cannot be denied. From the age of 18, individuals have the freedom to make their own decisions and shape their own lives. Consequently, once I reach the age of 18, I can start a relationship with a man who is 50 years old, since I will legally be considered an adult and capable of making my own choices. If you don't like it then you should direct your arguments towards the laws and regulations of my country, rather than towards me personally. You can try to reach out to Putin himself for a response.
Furthermore, it is worth noting that the same principles apply not only in Russia, but also in certain states across the USA.
I also find it funny to see the hypocrisy of individuals, who consider Bendy to be a child, while behaving in a deceitful manner. Why don't you bring up Bendy's 18+ content? Why don't you express surprise and concern about Bendy's age, saying something like, "Wait, Bendy is only 18!" It seems dishonest, doesn't it?
I did not draw anything like this based on the Oswald and Bendy pairing, because it was meant to be a joke. It's surprising to realize that there are individuals who need even the simplest things to be explained to them.
And of course, there will be those who will immediately ask, "Well, if Bendy doesn't care, what is Oswald's perspective?"
Just like any guy who has discovered his perfect match.
A relationship isn't just about one person; it's a mutual connection. If Bendy had an issue with Oswald's age, he would have rejected him. And I'm certain Oswald would have respected that. It's surprising how others feel the need to criticize Bendy, an adult who can stand up for himself, for being content with his partner's age. He will find his way in life without their judgment.
(Leila: Speaking from my own life experience, my mom and dad are 11 years apart. They live normally, and it hasn't caused any problems so far. :b ✌️)
That marks the end of this post. I sincerely hope that, through this, you are able to understand and empathize with the opposite perspective. As I said, this post is purely explanatory, as there are still individuals who remain unwilling to understand. I will not apologize for my artistic expression or any of the actions taken. I do not perceive them as insignificant or as errors requiring forgiveness.
They simply represent my creativity, personal interpretations, and humorous anecdotes, which some of you may view as subpar.
In that case, kindly refrain from visiting my blog again.
Thank you for your attention. ♥️ Additionally, I would like to extend my gratitude to Leila, Kal, and my dedicated audience for their unwavering support. You all hold a special place in my heart. 😭💝
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pinkverbena · 1 month
「➤ F&H 1946: Pav's extra story - some enemies (drawings and concepts) + interactions between two idiots.
Three months of work, it's not much, i would have liked to illustrated more, but was fun at least...
[ content - archive ]
//CAUTION!: Violence, mutilation, mentions of torture, abuse, certain signs of trauma, Funger experience, labor exploitation and others.
ACT 1 > Kaiser's cult
■ An alternate version of the Bremen Elite Trooper, it seems that is infected with...huh, a parasite?, or maybe it is a parasite that took over the body, also have a yellow cloth around, funny.
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■ This woman of unknown origin is said to have been a spy for Bremen in the past, or rather, there are several clones of her corpse spread throughout the neighborhood, with old glory, an artificial human. Willing to expand and return those years of conquest, but for now she must meddle in the life of a certain man who has taken the existence of her Lord and any ally who frustrates the cult's plans. Hoping for some miserable miracle of resurgence, which are useless attempts. Arrogant, if you lose against her, she will force you to enter the golden calf and then burn you with it, slowly until your flesh and bones are destroyed, including other torture techniques. If she is defeated, will melt, being expelled from her own skin as a last reaction, only being a mass of withering flesh.
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■ And in his absence, they have created his figure to comfort themselves in days of glory, taking advantage of the commotion of the Bremen masses to boost false hope and supposed influence left by the charismatic individual. Using the support of the citizens, they rejoice in the political chaos and find the culprit of the Kaiser's fall. All of them with the power offered by the army, the experiments and contacts, in a matter of time they had to flee from the sight of the Empire, it seems that the remaining authorities are looking for them for treason. Although they continue to use some militia suits, weapons and others.
This...is not the Kaiser, but a representation of him, created based on a skinless corpse of someone who suffered a cruel fate, during the nights and midnights of the events, quite peculiar things tend to happen, some of these are the processions during these hours and throughout the neighborhood, the figure being carried by some followers.
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■ He will proudly get his hands dirty for the just cause of expanding the Kaiser's influence, even if he must start from this desolate neighborhood with his other comrades. A man who shows disdain and jealousy towards Pav for reaching the ranks faster in the past, he who longed to serve at the Kaiser's side and his blind vision of hunger for power drove him to do the impossible to reach the rank of lieutenant and use the army as the power of Bremen to his advantage, even though he was certainly clumsy with weapons at first and his hostile and even manic personality, he was able to achieve his goal when Pav left the rank of lieutenant and escaped. Sadly even if he couldn't be at the Kaiser's side, at least longs to be able to ruin Pav's existence even more.
''You're a coward, Yudin!, ran away, but you won't escape from me!...do you know how much it cost me to get to this position?, and you came as if nothing happened!, i had to destroy a lot of lives as much as you!, shed blood!, i longed for Kaiser to look at me!''
''Our ambitions and talents are different, but they led us to the Kaiser, the difference is that i would never have stabbed him in the back, people of Voronya like you should be dead, i would have liked to know that you would not survive...with your family''
The lieutenant is an expert with swords and knives, and does not tend to use his firearms frequently in attacks. He tends to kick and try to cut off the body parts.
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Suffers the fate of becoming an unrecognizable creature due to the effects of being exposed outside for too long in days and due to his mental/emotional imbalance.
Will break walls, chase you through hallways and do everything to catch you, is more aggressive than his human form, wanting to tear you apart and rip your head off, taller, although his back is not noticeable has more muscle mass and in other places, looks stronger, although does not have arms, the strength comes from legs. Uses the extensions of ropes/threads of flesh as whips, usually makes strange sounds that can be detected with the radio and be careful when passing by.
He must be attacked first by the eyes of the extensions and then by the missing limbs.
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■ They shout: ''Hail king, hail king!, our lord!, give us back our lord!'', are more insistent, like the Wheel of Fortune they go round and round, these can be shot in several parts. In reality some of them were not even followers, they were just people who were used as test subjects. Their eyelids are sewn with wire and they spill a liquid of melted gold, spinning on a three-sided bone.
ACT 2 > Office building
■ They have been abused in different ways by the Moth Boss in the past. They can be found in various parts of the office building, it seems that can be recruited.
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■ This man does not have a face, the bag being the only thing that adhered to his skin. Prior to the events, Seimei helped him buy the necessary things for his baby (although they were not that close), his wife was a jealous and abusive woman, even if her husband did not have enough money for the support and the constant mistreatment of the boss. So overwhelmed that now he carries on his back the heads of his wife and the giant head of his baby, which float like balloons, communicating telepathically with this man. When Pav and Seimei defeat the Moth Boss, he thanks them, then dies with an agonizing scene when his wife's head starts insulting him. In an alternate event, Pav or Seimei can kill him with one blow, he is quite harmless.
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■ Tend to alarm their other companions, and are able to talk like a radio announcer. Faithful to the Moth Boss, they will do everything possible to get in the way, and are more dangerous if they come in groups. In the past, these were the bootlickers of Seimei's boss, hiding the secret that he was abused by this man. They walk erratically and seem to still retain their memories, showing hatred and a superiority complex towards Seimei. Has a variation, like climbing plants.
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■ In the past he was Seimei's boss, the main culprit of the suffering of most of the workers, a perverted exploiter obsessed with using them as tools and lining the pockets of the authorities. He has had Pav's neighbor under threat for a long time, even after being found dismembered in a strange ritual circle, he has returned with a new transformation, among tumors and the dust of the basement.
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ACT 3 > Noisy neighbors
■ The gossiping wife even with her transformation, can be a nuisance, she will force you to eat the food she cooks for you (unless you kill her) she does not seem to have twisted intentions, or who knows, her mind has not been well after the effects, when entering her home, she follows you everywhere from behind until you sit on the dining room chair, she insists with various questions to make the conversation more pleasant (never mention her appearance), she will get violent if you do not eat the dish offers you. The woman call her husband and go up the stairs of the house, Seimei insists that they can escape now through the kitchen or find a way to hide. It is possible to destroy her hunchbacked spine, her weak point or shoot her from behind.
■ The husband is dead, only his head remains, on a silver platter, what now inhabits it is a parasite that makes sounds similar to the Xenomorph and enters the mouths of humans to hatch inside and cause a slow, painful death, until burst into blood and flesh. One way to kill the parasite is with fire, other methods are a mystery.
■ Neighbor and police ghouls, can be recruited, they are scattered throughout the neighborhood, inside abandoned buildings, others near or inside the police station.
■ They were once neighbors, affected by the curious influence, behave like snails, melted and slimy flesh, if touch them, you get infected. As a defense mechanism, expel acid with mucus.
■ A mix of leech and plant, it is a type of enemy of the park area, a neighbor in the past, there are several like this. It can cause extra damage by its teeth and the part of the human face must be weakened, then the main entrance of its other mouth. It is divided into those with flowers and others with poisonous plants. The parts can be used for medical purposes.
■ Venus flytrap style, it is more wrinkled, with certain parts of a tumor, it can control corpses and they walk slowly until catch the next victim, and tear off their skin.
-Fun fact: There is another enemy that i hadn't illustrated, but it was a carnivorous plant shaped like a jar and other plants (poisonous) would grow inside the organs of some neighbors that are affected.
*ૢ✧ Interaction between two idiots - Category: Worst neighbors
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"Remember these words, Seimei, i told you that if we were to get out of here, you should at least put the bullet in that fucking maniac"
"What the hell are you talking about when my idiot boss now has the face of an insect?"
''Former boss, but he won't be saved from being a former imbecile''
''Wearing nice shoes melts your brain''
''Look at your own first, soldier''
''Stop your delusions, old man, the office is already a war zone...''
Honestly, i wasn't going to come back to this account because i felt like i didn't do well enough for this, i was motivated by the support that some had given in my posts, thank you very much!, i don't consider myself an artist so, only go more for the written part.
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