#but even though I'm the talk of the town no one actually approaches me themselves so like
p3rson27 · 1 year
I love the way wine hits it's like
I'm fine :) (I'm so sexy and powerful and this alcohol isn't affecting me at all)
*stands up*
Uh oh
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The hellfire club x reader
Includes: Mike wheeler , Lucas sinclair , Eddie Munson, Dustin Henderson ( I know there are some others , but I don't know them , so we will stick to our main characters<3)( Also I am sorry this took so long , but I am writing so many exams I'm gonna die and also I procrastinated as much as possible)
Warnings: yandere things, stalking, obsessive behavior , bullying, I hate this and really struggled with it even though I loved the idea
Summary: you defend Dustin once and not it's over for them. They need you
Thank you to @saturnsbabe69 for helping me figure out how to write this<3 (and sorry I was so late)
The hellfire club was known around school as a group of losers who enjoyed playing board games in all of their free time, hence a lot of people made fun of them
You on the other hand weren't exactly font of them , but you should never tolerate people making fun of others. So when you saw a boy knocking down a boy's- Dustin was it?- tray down in lunch and calling him a 'careless loser' you decided to do something small for it
Now , you weren't exactly willing to end up in detention for an unknown kid and his friends , but you could be really discreet when needed
You passed by the by Dustin and his friends who were currently cussing out tha boy and gave them a reassuring smile
Reaching Brad , the boy that had knocked Dustin's tray you stuck your foot out causing him to fall on the ground, head first
"oops , Brad are you ok? Maybe you shouldn't have been such a careless loser"
That's the same exact way those boys fell for you
After that expect them to be following you around
Lucas and Dustin , can and WILL stalk you , following you home , knowing your program and all that. And let me tell you, Dustin will look through your garbage
Mike will stare a t you from afar , collecting information but not obsessively stalking you. He will however try and discreetely get close to you , throu a class or even by accidentally bumping into you
Eddie was definitely the first one to approach(let's assume he is only like two years older) and in a non discreet way.
He will call out your name on the hallways asking you if you wanna go with them on the movies or something
Embarrassed you decline
All the other boys facepalmed but at least now it was out and they could actually be more open about you
Dustin would find you in the halls to talk to you about class , Lucas would play basketball and yell "this shot is for you" (and then most likely lose), and Eddie would just talk to you non stop asking you out once a week
Mike I think would be tha least annoying but don't expect him to not be obsessed. My boy would upgrade his stalking and he would totally threaten anyone that speaks to you
You become kind of their friend and you talk to them , but rejecting them anytime they ask you out
In the beginning they didn't mind much , convinced you'd come around and actually fall for them eventually
When sometime had passed and you seemed to remain immune to their efforts to woo you , they decided that needed to get more serious
They even scolded themselves, because what were they thinking , you are so delicate and perfect , so how could you fall for their distasteful attempts right?
They put on a nice dinner , maybe even a picnic in one of the most picturesque places in town
They make sandwiches and all , Eddie even learns some romantic songs to play to you, while Dustin prepares the food and Lucas carried it. Mike makes sure everything is perfect , collecting flowers and orchestrating tha whole thing
They take you there , in a blindfold that they really struggled to concise you to wear and they confess their feelings in depth
You end up not saying no to their advances not long after
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blubushie · 10 months
I'm going to be completely honest, you are extremely cool. I do have an actual question though: When did you start using tumblr and why? What made you decide to share your story via this account?
Sorry this is a mite late, I typed all this up and then my browser crashed and I had a 5-second breathing exercise so I didn't lose my mind over my lost 5 paragraphs.
I actually had a Tumblr account from 14-17. I first joined because I had the understanding that Tumblr was largely a safe haven for the Other Crowd—people like me that were social outcasts or didn’t fit in anywhere else. I deleted that account when I was 17 because Back In My Day they were too many creeps on Tumblr that were obsessed with the sexualisation and anatomy of an intersex 16 year old boy. I had too many questions about what was under my clothes, I had too many chasers flirting with me and talking about my anatomy in ways no child should ever be spoken to or of about, and I’ve been down that road before and it got to be too much so I shot through (luckily that hasn’t happened since I’ve been here now except for the occasional hate asks).
I came back after meeting Lozza (who I’m aware is active here—please fucking DM me if you’re reading!) who got me into TF2, and I came for the TF2 crowd and to talk about my fic. Funnily enough, this all started because of Learnin’ the BLUs, and how I wanted to reach people with my writing and my take on Sniper from someone who’s been in his shoes long enough to get it.
I stayed because TF2Tumblr largely doesn’t seem to understand much about Sniper. I haven’t seen an instance of anyone really getting him down as a character—hell, I don’t think even I fully get it. I impart a lot of my own experiences onto him, but I’m lucky (or unlucky) enough that I have the ability to do so. I’m a bushman, a functionally extinct species. I’m a sniper. I’m a bounty hunter. I understand Australia and what it would’ve been like for him to grow up there as an Other, I understand the culture—a major problem with people writing Sniper in Australia is that they base him off city roo things when this bloke is from the outback. Australians aren’t a monolith. We’re not the same across towns in the outback, let alone across states and territories. And city life and outback life are two VASTLY different experiences. The outback covers about three-quarters of the Australian continent but only holds 5% of its people.
You’re alone out there.
A lot of people don’t understand, or even know, a bloody thing about sniping. There’s a helluva lotta maths involved. It’s rocket science with a rifle. They don’t understand camping, or what makes a bushman a bushman, or what drives people to be bushman, or that there’s some kinda magic in Australia itself that sings in your blood and pulls at you like a noose when you leave. They don’t think about how he wouldn’t recognise a single star when he looks at the sky in New Mexico, how the moon would be upside-down, how there’s suddenly people everywhere when most of his life he’d be lucky to see a total of five people over the span of a month. That shit affects who you are as a person. They also don’t understand that shy, gentle Sniper wouldn’t be a thing—shyness and gentleness is not something people are looking for in someone who deals with other people through violence. Clients want confidence, determination, they want someone cold but friendly enough that they themselves aren’t afraid to approach them.
He's a professional, and a businessman. I am too.
The fandom has a tendency to tip the scale in one of two directions far too often. It lacks nuance and balance. Me being here, a bushman and sniper and bounty hunter, hopefully provides some much-needed perspective to a fandom that I sometimes feel is lacking it.
Over the year I’ve been here, I’ve sparked friendships and connections and I’m so glad I made the decision to come back. People are reading my fic and liking it, I’ve got mates, and all’s good. My being comfortable in the hole I’ve carved out for myself in the escarpments of our little hellsite has made me feel I can be more open about who I am and what I do. That’s how you ended up with me telling my stories about the things I’ve seen out in the bush, the things I’ve experienced, the people I’ve met over my adventures and the person I’ve grown up to be.
I also came because (if you haven't noticed already) I have a Whole Lotta Thoughts about a Whole Lotta Things. And I stayed because, for what's felt like the first time in my life, people want to listen.
I’m glad I’ve come back, and I plan to stay for much longer this time. :]
Also thank you for calling me cool! It always surprises me when people say that cuz I just see myself as some bloke tbh 😅
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huntinglove · 5 months
Peaches, pond, and moonlight for the selfship game!
Hi hi!! Thank you so much for the ask!! I'll answer these for my current faves!!
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Peaches - How did you and your F/O meet?
I met Charlie because of a blind date! The app we were both using was really strict about not sharing your personal information through the chats, so we agreed to meet up and talk face to face! I was actually using the app to find some friends, because I had just moved into town, but... I'm glad we went a step further.
I ended up being a few minutes late and when I got there he was nowhere to be seen, I thought he had left so I went to a cafe to relax instead. I'm not sure how he found me, but he ended up buying me a slice of cake and sending me a note, apologizing for being late! I decided to join him in his booth and have our date anyways!
He was absolutely sweet and adorable all the way throughout it all and we even shared the slice of cake while we got to know each other! I caved and ended up telling him that I was already in love with him afterwards, he was blushing and smiling so hard he ended up passing out because of what I said (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)
I met Alma when I was staying on campus during the night! I had to finish and submit an assignment to one of my professors, so I ended up staying there until a little bit over two in the morning... When I went to take the elevator so I could go home, the thing got stuck and I guess Alma heard me calling for help and decided to give me a hand!
When they approached me I was... Terrified! They crawled out of the elevator's walls like something straight out of a horror movie, I think it made me black out for a second...
Once I woke up again, they were very kind and patient and we talked for a good while, just getting to know each other! They gave me some tips about my essay's hypothesis, I helped them pick a name for themselves because they didn't remember the one from when they were alive and they even told me about how they passed away...
They decided to help me out because I was nice to them, so they lowered the elevator to the ground floor and opened the doors so I could leave! We kept in close contact after that, both because I started staying late more often and because I took a job as the campus' night guard!
I met Mychael on the day I went looking for my missing cat... I guess I was a bit unprepared because I didn't think it'd take as long as it did, I forgot to pack water and food before I went into the woods. I also remember stepping in a circle of mushrooms and passing out because of the spores.
When I woke up, I was in a cozy looking cabin, laying in bed and covered by a soft blanket. My body couldn't move at all, and that's when Mychie showed up! He gave me some medicinal tea to help me regain movement and relax, asked if I was okay and was very kind and caring overall.
I don't know why, but I swear I thought he was a cosplayer when I first looked at him... I didn't mind it when he told me that he wasn't human, especially with how adorable he looks!
Pond - How do you get along with your F/O’s friends?
Charlie is quite shy and struggles a bit with befriending people, so I haven't met any of his friends yet, but we spend most of our time with one another anyways! I'm sure we'll get along great when we get to know each other though, anyone who's kind to him already has my trust!
Alma says they were always a loner, plus there aren't any other ghosts in the building... They say that other than being their partner, I'm also their best friend! Which is an absolute honor to me, of course!!
Mychael has an easier time befriending animals because they're not as judgemental as humans. It took quite some time for him to believe that I wasn't scared or upset by his appearance when we first met...
He jokes about his only friends being his lovely little hens in his backyard! They're all so adorable that I can't even blame him, I even got to hold and pet Sunny for a good while!
While it seems like my darlings have a certain.. pattern... I can confidently say that my friends absolutely adore them! They always have such kind things to say whenever we hang out together or when I bring them up in conversation!!
Moonlight - Freebie! Say anything you’d like about your F/O
Charlie gives the best hugs, even if he won't ever admit it himself! He holds me in a way that doesn't feel underwhelming or suffocating, it's like I was made to be in his arms, and he was made to be in his!
When we haven't been around each other for a while, he'll just hug me while we're sitting down and gently away side to side for comfort and reassurance, it's very nice!!
Alma really likes to feed my body and play with my hair whenever they possess me, though they have a rough time asking for it. They enjoy being able to experience actual bodily sensations again, and I'm more than happy to lend myself to them to help them achieve that!
Mychael is an incredibly fast learner, teaching him my first language has been very fun and easy! He has an easier time with writing and reading, compared to speech, which is absolutely understandable. He also has a lovely singing voice and I always catch him humming our favorite songs when he's working on chores or knitting!
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usernoneexistent · 1 year
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Challenge: Surprise... by @hp-12monthsofmagic
While surprises can be fun not all are good especially in Duncan's case when a well intended surprise backfires bringing up painful memories for him.
Warnings: grief, past death
There was something consoling about the beach; Duncan found out very quickly, especially today. Living in a forest community for the past year, which, to put it mildly, was very dull. Despite never settling in one place for more than a couple years with his mum, it was always a city which gave him some form of familiarity.
He wandered to Tayport, too, a small and quaint port town. It was better than losing his sanity in nature or getting dragged along to Jacob's workplace, the dodgy pub with the weird name, die freche Klippe, or how Duncan translated it then. He remembered Jacob's laughing fit over the German version. Jacob quickly realised Duncan preferred being alone and trusted him to be home alone.
He went back to the moss-covered stone cottage, which from a distance, blended in naturally with the trees. It was eerily quiet despite his aunt, uncle and cousin visiting from Romania. His uncle, Onkel Charlie, had a very cool job working with dragons compared to his father. Though the actual job, dragonologist, was something he would have thought to have existed until last year. 
Duncan carefully opened the door; hopefully, he had the house to himself again for a few hours. With nobody around, he could steal the ginger newt biscuits in the kitchen. What he was not expecting was to get bombarded in the dining room.
"Überraschung!" Tarragon shouted with excitement, although her pronunciation wasn't perfect. The bunting and banners unfurled themselves, displaying the message 'Happy Almost 11th Birthday'.
Duncan stood to light a deer in highlights. It wasn't his birthday today; it was in three days. He wouldn't have minded if it was any other day, but Jacob threw the party today of all days. 
"Well, I ken it's a little early but I figured we celebrate it before Pip, Charlie and Tarra leave. "Jacob said with an apologetic smile. Duncan clenched his jaw. He felt fuchsteufelwild!
They all waited for his reaction; Tarragon looked at him in particular nervous anticipation as he approached the table where a white cake with blue icing decoration. It looked like the cake his mum got him last year. Ten and a half candles were lit. Small gifts were wrapped up tidily next to it.
"Do you want tae blow out the candles and make a wish? "His auntie Juniper warmly smiled at him.
Duncan doesn't want to. He didn't ask for any of this. Especially when Jacob had chosen today of all days. Duncan wondered if he did it out of spite or pure oblivion. Neither conclusion made Duncan feel any better. In one swoop motion, Duncan swiped the cake off the table.
The cake splat straight to the floor. Icing and cake parts flew into Tarragon's face. His trainers were covered in white and blue cake frost.
"Duncan, what the hell? "Jacob said, his eyes wide with shock.
“Du bist ein arschloch!“ Duncan yelled. "You forgot mama died today!"
His aunt and uncle comforted Tarragon but were just as shocked as Jacob. Jacob's jaw dropped before his hand smacked against his own forehead.
"I'm so so sorry, Duncan. I didn't realise that…." Jacob paused, gulping. "That today was when Abi- your mum-" He couldn't finish the sentence.
It didn't matter anyway since he ruined it all. Duncan stormed upstairs to his attic room. He drew the curtains behind him to make it clear that no one would enter. All day he just wanted to avoid anything about his mum. He tried to stop thinking. To stop hurting. He missed her. He missed everything; playing Mensch Ärger dich nicht, her helping him with homework, telling him off for causing the goldfish to float or even when she nagged at him.
"Do you want me tae check on him?" Duncan heard his auntie Juniper offer through the thin floorboards.
"Probably for the best. I don't think he wants to talk to me for a while." Jacob sighed. "I messed it up big time."
He heard the heavy footsteps of her used boots. Juniper pulled aside the curtain as Duncan hid under his bed covers. The bed was pushed down as his auntie sat down next to him. 
"Go away! "He yelled. "Leave me alone."
"Duncan," her voice was quiet and soft. "I'm sorry. It was my idea; had I known, I would have never thrown the party. I'm sorry I did nae realise it today is the death of your mother."
Juniper waited for Duncan to demand her leave, but he stayed quiet. A muffled sob escaped his voice. They both knew it was trying to contain it all in. 
"The first year is always hard after losing someone you love." Juniper continued on. 
Duncan finally peaked his head out from under the covers. He quickly wiped away any tears; he was too embarrassed and ashamed that he cried in front of his aunt. 
"Will it stop hurting soon?" 
She wore a sad smile and shook her head. "It will always hurt, even after five, ten or even eleven years. You just learn how to live with the pain."
Duncan was somewhat disappointed with the answer, but at least it was true. It was better than all the teachers, social workers, and doctors telling him his mum was in a better place and what a tragedy it was. 
"What can I do?"
"Remember her. Do something special for her if you feel like it. Give her a special day to remember her. It doesn't have to be today. Anything day works." His aunt advised. "And allow yourself to be sad. It's better if you cry than holding it all in."
Duncan fought back the tears, though it was a little late. Like they had a mind of their own. 
"Come here," Juniper shuffled closer and hugged her nephew tightly. She wasn't his mother, and would never replace her, but he missed the motherly comfort. 
Once the tears dried up, he pulled back again. Duncan looked away. His mother wouldn't let him leave things in a mess. She would tell him that he should apologise to whoever he had wronged. 
"I'm sorry I ruined zee cake." 
"It's fine. We can always make a new one."
"Also I need to, eh, to sorry to Tarra."
"Apologise?" Juniper suggested what Duncan was trying to say. "You did give her a wee fright, but she'll forgive you easily. She's a good wee egg like that."
Duncan's eyebrows knitted in at the last sentence. "Wee egg?"
"It's something we say here." Juniper lightly chuckled. "Just come downstairs whenever you're ready. There's nae rush."
Watching his aunt leave, Duncan felt a heavy weight in his chest. The day was painful as he had expected, but the events were not. He still hadn't forgiven Jacob for his part in the blunder. Though he did regret ruining the cake. It looked absolutely delicious. 
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irlkisukeurahara · 10 months
Pokémon Unown Legends Tale - Free Snippet Teaser... Meet Hop and Leon
On the other side of town, there was another pair of family members visiting Unova. A pair of brothers, ages 23 and 17. The older of the brothers was looking through his phone with a cheerful look on his face. His little brother followed behind, also on his phone. He gripped onto the leash of his trusted Pokémon, Dubwool, keeping him close. The older brother suddenly spoke up.
“Hey, Hop, get a look at this! The Aether Foundation is supposedly sponsoring the Gym Challenge here in Unova!” He held his phone out, “How about we go watch? Maybe someone from the Aether Foundation would be willing to discuss…science-y things with you. Hell, maybe one of them has read your book!”
“Eh?” The younger brother raised his head sluggishly, narrowing his eyes as he looked at the news article his brother had opened. He rolled his eyes, “Someone at t'e Aether Foundation readin' my book? Hah! Yer gonna make me laugh for t'e first time in yer insufferable life, Lee.” He spoke with a hefty Irish accent, as opposed to his brother, whose accent was entirely Galarian. “I hadn't met one person who'd read my book ot'er t'an our friends in Galar, what makes ya think that someone in Unova's gonna recognize it?”
“Don't be so sure,” Leon chuckled a little, looking back at his phone. “The gym is on the other side of town, just at the local school. Let's drop by there, okay?”
“Sure, just boss me around why don't ya.” Hop scoffed.
Leon nervously laughed, “Rotom, take us to the Aspertia Pokémon School.” His Rotom phone began to light up, opening a map.
“If yer gonna be t'e one t' lead, knowin' ye, we'll somehow end up in Alola.” Hop grumbled under his breath. “And I'm not even exaggeratin'. I might as well replace ye with a newborn baby. I bet one of t'ose could navigate better t'an you.” He slumped forward in his stance, raising his uneven shoulders. “T'is is gonna be a long day.”
“Imagine how I feel!” Hop's Rotom phone scoffed, “I have to be stuck with BOTH of you morons.”
“Speak for yerself, ya hunk'a'junk!” Hop scolded.
“Hey!” Leon whined a little, “I'm actually using my map this time! Don't be like that.” His Rotom began to float away towards the destination, as he followed behind. Hop grabbed his flask from his back pocket as he began to walk. He glanced down at the necklace he wore, a Catholic cross, then down at his Dubwool. Hop took a swig of his flask, exhaling quite loudly after. Because he wasn't watching where he was going, he rammed right into his brother's back. He flinched back, glaring up at Leon as if it was his fault. Hop shoved past him and began to walk ahead of him. Leon watched in silence, sighing. He tried to pay his attitude no mind, but it was hard. He wanted his brother to be happy, but it's clear he's let himself go. Leon sighed again, closing his eyes briefly as the two crossed the street. They approached the school when Leon suddenly spotted a familiar face. “Kazarah!” He perked up, raising his arm to draw attention to himself. The woman turned her head first, smiling. The children around started squealing amongst themselves when they noticed the ex-champion of the Galar region there now too.
“My, if it isn't Leon and his brother Hop!” She turned her whole body to them both, Hop instantly averting eye contact with her. “Fancy seeing you two here, how are you doing?” Skylar noticed her mother was talking to someone, so she also looked. She gasped seeing the brothers, excitedly tapping her feet. Astrid also looked over, expressing a similar reaction, though in complete jaw-dropping silence. “I forgot you dyed your hair.” Kazarah pointed out the streaks in Leon’s hair. Leon chuckled a little as he smiled at the woman.
“We're doing pretty good!” Leon then had a sudden realization and grabbed his brother's arm. “Right, Hop! I've never introduced you!” He motioned to the woman, “This is Kazarah Valks! She's part of the Aether Foundation. She’s helped me a lot when I was champion. And this is her daughter, Skylar! She has been the Alola Champion for the past three years! You two are the same age, I think.”
“It's an honor to meet the both of you!” Skylar squealed, “Ex-Champion Leon Callaghan!! You– You were my hero growing up! Well, besides my mom of course.” Hop rolled his eyes, not wanting to listen to a girl he didn't know babble about how great his brother is. He reached for his hearing aids with the intent of taking them out to distance himself from the conversation, Skylar spoke again. “And– And Hop Walten! You've always been such an impressive battler! And your book! Oh, your book!” Hop lowered his hand, now focused on Skylar. His mouth began to open, “I've probably read it a dozen times! You're a genius!” Astrid frowned. Who reads for fun? Blegh.
Leon smirked, “Told ya, lil bro.” He chuckled a little.
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bopinion · 1 year
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2023 / 26
Aperçu of the week:
"Ah - does one check what one wishes for?"
Bad News of the Week:
It has been one week since the far-right AfD (Alternative für Deutschland / Alternative for Germany) held political office for the first time with the regional administrator in the Sonneberg district of Thuringia. Since then, shock waves have been running through the country. This, is the word, is a breach of the dam and a bad omen for the upcoming state elections in the eastern states, where the AfD is in some cases ahead in the forecasts. There is talk of firewalls that must now be erected against the right, and it is the task of the democratic parties to prevent the AfD from gaining power.
Yet this development was actually seen coming. Many East Germans still feel that they are being treated as second-class citizens, which is not true. And the tendency toward populism and extreme views, especially toward minorities such as migrants or Muslims, is almost traditionally high in the east. Apparently, many are simply no longer reached by the "mainstream parties" that like to be lumped together ("Those up there in Berlin are all the same..."). There is a lesson to be learned from this. Or at least it should.
The conservative CDU and CSU have apparently learned nothing from this. They cannot understand why a fundamental, albeit hardly justified, dissatisfaction with the traffic light coalition of Social Democrats, Greens and Liberals governing at the federal level is not paying into their account. And what is party and parliamentary group chairman Friedrich Merz doing? He is also veering toward populism.
On the leading news portal spiegel.de stood last Monday - as pretty much first reactions - two messages more memorable one above the other. Above, a journalist writes in the commentary "Those who stayed at home are the problem" about the fact that a voter turnout of 60% (in the district council election in Sonneberg) means that 40% apparently did/do not care whether an extreme right-wing party rules their district. And below that you can read "Reaction to AfD triumph: Merz announces tougher course against Greens". Excuse me?
So the conservatives really want to seek your salvation in not fighting against the AfD, but instead even swinging to its course, positioning themselves against a supposed left? Even though the CDU currently governs together with the Greens in six (!) German states? By the way, there are only three other governing constellations, so the Greens are currently their primary political partner. And they are now to be attacked primarily in order to sharpen the own profile. And that should then convince a conservative clientele not to vote for the AfD (anymore).
I'm curious to see what course the respective CDU state associations will take in the next election. So far, we've heard mostly good things about the joint work with the Greens at the state level. This questionable approach already proves one thing to me: Friedrich Merz, who was not politically active at all during the long years of the Merkel government, has not yet arrived in the current reality. Please explain this to him by someone from his party. Otherwise, the far-right will continue to grow stronger.
PS: Yesterday the first AfD mayor in Germany was elected in Raguhn-Jeßnitz / Saxony-Anhalt. Pandora's box seems to be opened...
Good News of the Week:
France is on fire. The 17-year-old Nahel M. with a migrant background is unjustifiably shot by a policeman on Tuesday morning during a traffic control in Nanterre near Paris, the video evidence is clear. Since then, there have been serious riots all over France: hundreds of cars are set on fire, stores are looted, town halls are stormed. 45,000 police officers are on the streets every night, public transport is at a standstill, there are isolated curfews, and dozens of rioters - often frighteningly young - are taken into custody every day.
So far, so bad. But it's the things you don't see in the media for days that are remarkable - remarkably good. A state force that automatically stands protectively in front of one of its police officers? No, a press conference by the prosecutor Pascal Prache of Nanterre says "The legal conditions for the use of the weapon are not met." The policeman remains in custody, under investigation for second-degree murder. And Prime Minister Elisabeth Borne acknowledged already one day after the incident that the police operation "clearly did not comply with the rules of engagement for police."
A grieving family condemning a systemically racist police force and showing solidarity with the protests? No, the mother Mounia M. says "I don't blame the police, I blame one person." And grandmother Nadia M. calls for an end to the violence: "We don't want the rioters to destroy stores, buses and schools. They are using Nahel as an excuse. We want the situation to calm down. I want this to stop." She said people should stop the nonsense, adding that the judiciary will do its job.
A president who uncompromisingly takes a hard line against the riots? No, Emmanuel Macron calls the riots "inexcusable," but the death of Nahel M. "unforgivable" - and so far refuses to declare the state of emergency demanded by many. Participation in the EU summit, a government trip to Germany, countless appointments: canceled, the captain remains on the bridge, his statements are serious but moderate.
Representatives of minorities showing understanding for the outbreak of violence as a logical consequence of oppression and two-class society? No, for example, soccer superstar Kylian Mbappé also wrote on behalf of the national team that they were "shocked by the brutal death of the young Nahel." But just also: "Since this tragic event, we have witnessed the expression of popular anger, the content of which we understand, but the form of which we cannot approve." Violence, he commented, should give way to "other peaceful and constructive expressions."
All of this is good. Because only a differentiated, balanced approach by all French people can fill in the rifts in society. Which have existed not only since the tragic death of this teenager. And bring peace back to the country - including Nahel M.'s family.
Personal happy moment of the week:
We started the new table tennis season. And have already played a few hours in the first week. Especially because my son has recently discovered this hobby for himself at school. Fortunately, I can rely on my muscle memory: I haven't lost a game yet.
I couldn't care less...
...about the US Supreme Court and its landmark decisions. The partisan political influence is so obvious that one is reminded of banana republics.
As I write this...
...I am thinking about Putin. Because a colleague told me about an interesting theory about the short uprising of the Wagner mercenary troops in Russia last weekend: the whole thing was a fake staged by the Kremlin or even Vladimir Putin himself. With three goals. First, to test whether and how the elites stand by him and his position of power. Second, to test whether and how the population stands by his "special military operation" and his leadership. And third, to prepare the ground for declaring a general mobilization after all - since the need for a more broadly based military force has finally become apparent. Seems absurd? Haven't cracks in the system and crumbling control shown instead? Well, who knows? Maybe the history books will one day.
Post Scriptum
My symbolic thinker Aristotle is wearing a green awareness ribbon in the second half of 2023. As a sign of the planet earth threatened by our actions. The protection of which mankind still does not consistently tackle, although it has actually arbitrary reasons for it. After all, nothing less than survival is at stake. In his hand he holds a fictitious issue of Time magazine with the cover "The return of history", in which the graphic artist Patrick Mulder has given a Putin portrait a Hitler beard. As his policies increasingly bear fascist traits and threaten to drag all of Europe into an abyss.
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I made a new friend in my 30s...
I know a lot of people struggle with the idea of making friends in your 30s.. and also making friends in a new city as a non-school-attending-and-remote-working adult. I am 32 and recently Made A Friend after moving to San Francisco 2 years ago. Here is my story of how I made a friend.
Before covid, my hobbies were basically hanging out with my pre-existing friends, reading, baking, and netflix. When I moved to SF, I didn't have any friends, so falling back to my old hobbies left me feeling pretty isolated. It also didn't help that I was in a shitty and stressful living situation.
After talking on the phone with a friend in my old town about how neither of us Do Anything or Have Hobbies, I had a flash of fuck it I'm going to sign up for some shit really fast before the depression and anxiety kicks in a stops me. So right after that phone call, I signed up for two activities that had always been on the back of my mind. The first activity was fencing because I had seen a fencing gym nearby and had always thought it would be cool. The second activity was improv comedy, which is also something I had been kind of interested in but never bothered with. Both of these things I signed up for with the intention of making some motherfucking friends, specifically female friends.
The fencing class came first. When I arrived the class was composed of 3 entire other women!! 3 entire women!! and only women!! I was overjoyed to have found a non male dominated space as I work in tech and am extremely sick of men. The first class went well, and there was one girl who I felt like could be a potential friend fit. Unfortunately, that was about as good as it got.. the rest of the 7 classes almost nobody showed up. I was often the only student or there would be just me and some random guy. I really liked the sport, but when I got to the second level epee (type of sword) class, and it was all men, I just couldn't do it. You know how it is. I decided to cut my losses on fencing eventually after about 2 months. I hope to come back to the sport someday because its pretty badass and I was good at it, but I needed to make some friends first.
Improv comedy classes bore more fruit than fencing. I started taking improv 101 at a local improv school, and there were 2 other women in the class. I got friendly with one of them, and we ended up doing a bunch more classes together. Our relationship never really progressed beyond improv, but that was ok. Through improv I started to actually start to be invited to social events centered around improv. People from my classes would get together to go to dinner and then see an improv show, or grab drinks after. It took about 6 months to get to the point where I could say "Im getting dinner with my improv friends" Even though I didn't feel like I was making friend friends, I was making acquaintances. Before you make a friend you have to make an acquaintance. My sense of social isolation really lessened during this time and I ended up continuing all the way with improv, making one of the house teams and performing weekly.
About 3/4 of the way through my improv journey, I decided to pick up ballet. I had done ballet as a child, and wanted to revive that part of my life. I hadn't been working out at all during my time in SF, even though that's the #1 piece of advice for beating depression. I wanted something that would be intellectually challenging as well as being a form of exercise. Entering my first ballet class was exciting because it was almost all women! So many options for potential friends! Class was twice a week and I would always make a point to chat with people before and after and ask them questions about themselves, why they are doing ballet, etc. I stuck with this approach for a couple of months. As time went on, we all kind of ended up picking our "spot" at the barre, and I started chatting more with the girl on my left. I could tell that she was making friends with some of the other girls in class, and I was desperate to get in on that friend group. That sounds kind of sad now, but really, I was desperate. I realized that if I wanted to make a real connection I was going to have to focus more on one or two people instead of chatting with kind of everyone like I had been doing, so I focused on chatting with the girls who stood next to me.
One day, a group of about 6 of us decided to go to a nearby bar after class. I got to know them on a more personal level, such as their relationship status, their pets, etc. It turned out that the girl on my left lived about 4 blocks away from me! We started carpooling to ballet class and from there we realized that we had a lot more in common - we were the same age, both had a small dog, both in a long term relationship. One time, she got into my car and I realized that she was wearing the exact same perfume that I had just bought! We had a laugh about that. With her, it was so easy because our lives fit together so seamlessly. She also shared with me that she was in a phase of trying to make friends after recently completing a degree. I think that finding someone who was also putting themselves out there was key. We started going to other workout classes together, texting a lot, and just generally being in each other's orbit.
That pretty much brings me up to date. It took me about 2 years and maybe 100 acquaintances to make 1 friend. It was extremely hard and depressing at times. During this period, I also got on an antidepressant. I don't think that the medication was integral to this process per se, it just gave me more energy and a little extra oomph. Since probably only a brave few have soldiered through this wall of text, thanks for listening!
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blazlngblade · 2 years
Nice to meet ya, Rosa! I wanna thank you for the concept art of Schwartz that you found btw (mini sent it to me) I spent an entire day analyzing it and then crying about how clever Auguste is. It’s just absolutely amazing and I had so many breakthroughs analyzing it.
And my hcs are just scratching the surface until now. Today’s talk has inspired me to put the events of how Gilderoy and Auguste get together onto paper, and it’ll hopefully go into my sideblog (zazu75) very soon! I am going to introduce this into the world and people will enjoy it and/or suffer with me. I shall not be stopped.
As for travel, I’m a firm believer that Atlasdam to whispermill deserves to be a three week trip. Because -points at the og game- that doesn’t sound like it’ll work if whispermill wasn’t in the middle of nowhere and far away from other towns. Especially when you’re traveling with eight people! Some have prayers (clerics) and others wanna train. And some hunt. And putting camp together and breaking camp.... and it’ll be even longer in the colder and hotter regions! I’m not a survivalist or very much an outdoors person but I think the trips should take forever. Also because it gives more time for the found family dynamic to grow. o wo
(Also can we say trauma on the road? Because. Trauma on the road is fun 8))
And speaking of trauma: fluff without trauma isn’t as flavorful. I may have accidentally traumatized both Millard and Gilderoy throughout MoA.... Well, I say accidentally but I went that extra mile on purpose. And knowing Gilderoy has a dislike of small spaces makes it so much more delicious. Because that’s a fear now, for me. 8)
(And speaking of MoA the fact Alfyn wasn’t present in CLEARBROOK of all places still pisses me off. He’s too hotheaded and too righteous to just disappear when the bandits are around I’m so mad about it he should’ve been there front and center with Zeph. There’s so much I’m mad about in MoA but that one takes the cake!)
I am very glad that sketch is useful! It's useful to me as well as I was always a bit curious to what he actually looked like. Every fan who would draw Schwartz always took such a different approach so it was hard to figure out what may have been true. Gosh I need an artbook so badly for CotC.
Wispermill does look very far from Atlasdam that's for sure! And more space is needed because the Flatlands had many new towns on the map thanks to Theatropolis and Nameless Town, as well as Lutzach. The Flatlands having 6 new towns means that things should be spaced from each other, and it's good that looking at the map, this would be the case. There's a lot of empty space. Although, I don't actually knw where Lutzach is in the Flatlands.
Lots of things happen on the road, fluff and trauma. Traumatic fluff! :'D I enjoy suffering, but comfort at the same time... That's basically Sofiano for me. I want them to be cute, but lots of drama and trauma too. :') It's all based on a headcanon story idea I have of them as children. Orsterra is not a nice place, and I will not make it nice.
I'm glad Gilderoy's dislike towards narrow spaces is something you can work with. When I heard that, my first assumption was he is claustrophobic, and I don't see why not. I'm a bit claustrophobic myself, so having something to relate to a character I like, is always nice.
Yeah, I was honestly expecting Alfyn to have been there too if Zeph was there. Honestly, if the Main 8 were never going to be playable which I know was the case back in the day, they said that themselves once (I don't have the source for it though), they all should have had some cameo in the main story, like how Primrose did.
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bluerosesburnblue · 3 years
I don't suppose you could explain the ending for khux for me?? i've watched it and i've been following the translated storyline for it and this ending just. does not make a ton of sense to me. i can usually figure out kh endings no problem but this time i'm just lost.
Isn't that just the state of the writing for it, where even people familiar with the series are having trouble understanding it. And, of course, the game dies as it lived: screwing over Global so we can't even compare/contrast with an official English version yet to see if it's more clear
Anyway, sure, I'll try to break it down scene by scene (Note: these aren't the actual scene titles, I just needed a way to delineate them so I made titles up)
Scene 1: The Master and Luxu
The update begins with a continuation of the past flashbacks expanding on the Case of Luxu and the Master of Masters' instructions to him. He explains that he knew that Darkness could only truly be defeated in the future, and so he made sure that Keyblade wielders would exist to fight it by recruiting many Keyblade wielders in Daybreak Town (as per the start of KHx) and then using the Dandelions to stall Darkness's takeover and give them time to make sure that the Keyblade legacy would live on. As Luxu turns to leave, though, the Master stops him with one more bit of information that he feels Luxu needs to know
He explains that back when he was younger, the being known as Darkness tried to gain the advantage in their battle by becoming incorporeal and attacking people's hearts instead of their bodies. There were 13 of these original Darkness beings, and because they lack bodies they aim to win by quantity and so created the Heartless as lesser, but more physical versions of themselves. The original 13 still haven't given up their desire to regain a physical form, however, and so they target those with strong hearts to take their bodies for themselves
The Master of Masters, knowing this and knowing that something without a physical body can't be destroyed, came up with a plan. He took in six children, his apprentices, and raised them to be a prison for Darkness. To foster light so strongly within them that Darkness couldn't possibly taint it, and then seal the strongest 7 of the 13 Darknesses within himself and his students, trapping the Darknesses inside their impenetrable hearts of light. Then, he instigated the Keyblade War. This is only my interpretation of the line, but it sounds to me like the purpose was to get the Foretellers killed in the War and the Darkness sealed inside of them along with them. How this relates to them coming back in KH3 is unclear
When Luxu asks if the War and the idea of a traitor were necessary, the Master goes on to say that the purpose of making the Foretellers believe there was a traitor was to instill negative emotions like fear and doubt in them. Darkness feeds on those emotions, and so by making sure that his students would produce them and yet not have their light tainted, he would attract Darkness into their hearts by giving it something to eat, only for it to realize that it was trapped in light that couldn't be consumed. The infighting amongst the Foretellers was bait to lock Darkness in their hearts the entire time
After that, there's only six left and so the Master chose five individuals, the Union Leaders, to be the uncorruptable lights that would house the weaker Darknesses. The final one, he would simply trap in the Data Daybreak Town
At this, Luxu flies into a rage at his master, angrily shouting that he can't possibly accept a plan that sacrifices so many people, but the Master stands up and starts talking over him. He's made it clear that he doesn't see Darkness as human, and he's seen this inhuman thing take countless lives, including people he's cared about. He doesn't believe them to be heroes, and he doesn't care. The entire purpose is just to ensure that in the end, humanity is what survives the war. He knows it's a tragedy, but for one who believes that tragedy can't be fully avoided, this is a solution that will at least save some
Luxu accepts this answer and leaves, but behind his back the Master muses on what Luxu, the traitor, needs to do. Luxu was the traitor from the lost page the entire time, given a role to take him out of the infighting so that his identity as the traitor wouldn't be discovered (or at least, that's how it seems to me considering that he needed the Foretellers to fear and doubt to attract Darkness to them)
Scene 2: Fleeing Daybreak Town
We now cut to the real Daybreak Town in the present, where Lauriam, Elrena, Ventus, and Brain have just emerged from the Data Daybreak Town into the real-world version of the lifeboat room. Daybreak Town is breaking down around them, about to be fully consumed by the aftermath of the Keyblade War which had been temporarily staved off while the Data simulation was running
Brain is attempting to enact his plan to extract all of the Dandelions from Data Daybreak Town and bring them into the real world, but he's worried that there won't be enough time to actually do it before the simulation shuts down and the real Daybreak Town is destroyed. The only thing he has time to do is get their three remaining friends (Ephemer, Skuld, and Player) out to the real world, and the only way that he can think to do this is to send Lauriam, Elrena, and Ven away to the future and to safety and then send the remaining lifeboats back into the datascape so that there's enough for the three trapped in there to use
Brain is willing to stay behind to man this operation, but he wants to ensure that at least one of the true Union Leaders (Lauriam) manages to live on in case things go wrong and save as many of them as he can, so those going to the future must be sent first. Lauriam, etching his mission to finally find Strelitzia (or even just her data) into his heart, departs with Elrena and Ven. Once they're gone, however, Brain notices someone enter the room and turns to find Luxu approaching him
Scene 3: Those Trapped in Data
We now cut to Player, Ephemer, and Skuld in the data version of the lifeboat room, contemplating how the others are doing. Just as they muse about how quiet the end of this world feels, Player turns to find that four of the remaining six Darknesses have entered the room (presumably the other two are the one sealed in Ven and the one that Luxu was fighting in the real world and who helped Maleficent, who seems to be gone by the time Brain and the others end up back in the real world)
The Darknesses, it seems, have come to politely ask the gang to open up a way out of the Data Daybreak Town for them, so that they can spread to other worlds. They don't want to fight, and obviously even if they did they'd win, so just open a gate for them to escape with already. They could always just take over Ephemer's friends and force him to watch as they rip them away until he complies
Ephemer mocks this and moves in to attack, but before he fully commits he whispers his plan to Player: he and Skuld will hold them off to buy time for Player to get into the last pod and run. To his shock, however, Player begins mimicking Darkness's speaking patterns and then goes to attack their friends. It seems that Darkness has done to Player what they did to Ven, taking them over and forcing them to act out. Player is now their bargaining chip; they'll only give Player back if Ephemer opens the gate. And since Darkness can only be defeated if it has a body, their options are to give in or destroy the possessed Player
This initiates the final boss fight against Ephemer and Skuld, Player's dearest friends who have been with them since before the war
And the duo prove no match for the Darkness-possessed Player, who taunts them about not just leaving when they had the chance. Ephemer begs his friend to stop as Player goes in to finish off Skuld, and in his desperation to protect one friend, he opens up the portal to Game Central Station and forces his fallen friend though. As it closes, Ephemer breaks down in tears, muttering apologies to the friend that he was unable to save
Scene 4: Luxu and Brain
We cut back to where we left off in Scene 2, with Luxu confronting Brain in the real lifeboat room. He introduces himself, and Brain is taken aback that one of the missing masters has finally returned. Luxu asks Brain if he's a Union Leader, and when Brain confirms that he is, Luxu then gestures to the missing pods and asks where the others are. Brain tells him that one escaped, and the other two are still trapped in the data. Luxu's confused; there should be five Union Leaders, but Brain only listed four. He asks what happened to the fifth, and Brain confirms that they were struck down
Luxu assumes that Brain is going to make his escape, but Brain denies this. They have a friend who he calls a Dandelion (even though Player did not consider themself one) who is trapped alongside the other two Union Leaders, and he intends to get all three out no matter what. Furthermore, Brain has no intention of using one of the real lifeboats. Rather, he has resigned himself to staying behind in the past and finding some way to survive the end of the world to eventually extract the rest of the Dandelions from the data as well, and wake them from their data sleep
Luxu, however, has some bad news. While normally that would be true, the Data Daybreak Town was designed to lock Darkness away. Once it's locked up, nothing will ever be able to get out of it again. If anything could get out, then Darkness would as well. It was meant to be a grave for an intangible being
Not only that, but Luxu expresses doubt that Brain has properly prepared for his friends who use the lifeboats to awaken in the future. What does Brain plan to use for mediums? Who are the memories going to come from? Brain doesn't have an answer, but he has to do this and he's willing to put his life on the line for it
This seems to earn Luxu's respect
Scene 5: The Two Who Remain
We now resume with Ephemer and Skuld in the data lifeboat room, having just sealed Player away. The two real pods that weren't used yet are digitized and sent to Ephemer and Skuld to use for their escape. Ephemer picks up the weakened Skuld and places her in a lifeboat, then looks forlornly over to the one on the other side of the room. The one meant for Player. Then he reclines back into his own pod and the two leave the Data Daybreak Town
Scene 6: "You're So Gullible"
We now join Player inside of the familiar tunnel that joined the Data Daybreak Town to Game Central Station
The four Darknesses swarm around Player, commending them for goading Ephemer into being desperate enough to open up a gateway for them, implying that Player was at least partially in control by the end of the fight. In a bizarre way, they seem to be trying to help Player as they warn them they must cast off their body if they don't want to be destroyed by the simulation shutting down
Player laughs
They ask if Darkness is always this easy to trick. After all, it can't go anywhere without a Keyblade and without a body it can't use one, either, which is why it needed one of them to open a path for it. Player turns, and locks the end of the pathway that leads to Game Central Station. And since Ephemer sealed the Data Daybreak Town end when he cast Player and the Darknesses through the portal, all five of them are now trapped in this space between worlds on the cusp of shutting down along with Data Daybreak Town. This was Player's plan all along, opening their heart up just enough for the four Darknesses to try and use them as a host and then provoking their friends into sealing them away and taking Darkness with them
Darkness flies into an anger-fueled frenzy but is unable to do anything to escape. Player collapses, and Chirithy appears. Petting them much like they did during the Keyblade War, Player apologizes for forcing Chirithy to be sealed away with them since their hearts are bound. Chirithy shakes their head, signaling that they don't hold it against Player, and the two go in for a final hug and are bathed in light
Scene 7: The Destruction of Daybreak Town
Back in the real lifeboat room again, Ephemer and Skuld emerge and are met with blaring sirens signaling that the world is at its end. The other are gone, including Brain and Luxu, and the two have no idea what happened to them (or that Luxu was involved). They simply hope that they made it out safely, and decide to check outside just to see what's going on
They're met with the destruction of Daybreak Town. Smoke is everywhere, the sky is red, and pieces of debris are being drawn into a swirling dark orb in the sky not unlike the destruction of Destiny Islands from KH1. Ephemer decides that they need to leave, now, and Skuld muses about how it takes a lot of time and effort to build something, but none at all to destroy. The two retreat back into the lifeboat room to make their exit
Scene 8: The Master's Plans
We now cut to our final continuation of the flashback of Master of Masters' talk with Darkness from before he disappeared
Darkness muses that it truly does not understand the Master of Masters at all. The Master asks if it wants to, and Darkness replies with a very clinical, "Yes, understanding your enemy is important." The Master muses if it means all of the Darknesses or just the one who is speaking, and Darkness states that it's speaking for all of them
The Master muses for a bit about how small worlds are easy to control. If this small world simply expands gradually over time, then eventually there will become parts of it that the light can't reach, but Darkness will have free reign over anywhere it pleases (much like real light can only shine so far, and anywhere it doesn't reach is filled with shadow). This skews everything in Darkness's favor when vying for control and is precisely what would happen if the world of the Age of Fairtytales continued to expand
Darkness simply notes that of course it will always be around, that's what "friends" do, but the Master says that sometimes he'd like to be left alone. And so, to get away from Darkness, he plans to flee to a world that Darkness does not know about. One where neither Darkness nor Light can be controlled. Darkness asks what this world is, and the Master says that humanity, even if their lives end, want to believe in a world that exists for them in the future. For him, this is a world of fiction and imagination. This implies that he plans to flee into the world of Quadratum, the fictional world that we learned about in Melody of Memory that exists on the other side of the "real world"
Darkness is clearly lost as it asks if he's talking about the Data World. The Master simply says that even if it started out as fiction, you can make it real. But he won't explain any more. After all, the point is that this is a world that Darkness doesn't know about. It cannot reach it, even if it tried
Of note is that he mimics what the illusory Xehanort remarks about Sora in Melody of Memory by calling this a place where neither your "eyes nor voice" can reach, much like Sora's voice could not reach Kairi in The Final World from Quadratum. His final description of it is as "a world of [symbol]." It's unclear if this is an actual term that is unpronounceable and unspeakable in-universe, or if this is simply done to censor the word for the players
Scene 9: Goodbye
We once again return to the real lifeboat room amidst the destruction of Daybreak Town. As she gets into her pod, Skuld starts sobbing and thanks Ephemer through her tears for staying with her until the end. Ephemer tells her that she can't give up until it's all over. As he goes into his pod, he flashes back to all of the time that he spent with Player, and mutters their name through his tears as their pods close and the room caves in around them
Scene 10: Where Do Dream Eaters Come From?
Player and Chirithy are floating in a white void alongside all of the other Dandelions that were trapped in the Data Daybreak Town and their Chirithies. Some of them are familiar faces, like the "My friends aren't my power" kid and the squad of four kids that Player had befriended and their ex-teammate. As Player awakens, they watch these sleeping Dandelions revert to the forms of hearts that are then eaten by those Chirithies, transforming them into the Spirits seen in Dream Drop Distance
Player's Chirithy explains that because Chirithies are bonded to their Keyblade wielder's heart, they take on a state to match their wielder. If the wielder dies, so do they. And if the wielder falls into a deep sleep, they take on a stronger form to protect it
Contrary to what the fandom is saying, NO, Spirits aren't dead Keykids. Rather, the Chirithies are simply taking their sleeping hearts into their bodies and transforming into a stronger form to keep them safe. This is only my assumption, but I would assume that this is possible since they don't technically have bodies anyway, having been digitized. Therefore, their body-less hearts would otherwise have been sent directly to sleep with no protection, hence the Chirithies moving in
Now, this still doesn't make sense regarding Dream Drop Distance by overriding the lore that all Dream Eaters are simply the form that Darkness takes in Sleeping Worlds, which made sense from a metaphorical perspective of "you sleep at night which is dark, so dreams are darkness and both good and bad dreams are made of the same stuff." And also you can totally craft Spirits and have them explode if they take too much damage, all with zero indication that a keykid heart was involved in the creation process or released on destruction, but whatever, let's just move on
Player asks if this is what will happen to them and their Chirithy, and Chirithy responds that they have a choice. If Player doesn't want to go to sleep, then their heart will be broken down and reconstructed as an entirely new heart to live a new life
Smash cut to an unfamiliar town where a woman in purple with black hair and silver eyes hand over what is obviously a baby Xehanort to a hunched figure in a blue cloak, holding a cane. She sobs. Cut again to the figure in blue holding baby Xehanort standing on Destiny Islands' play island. Cut once more and Xehanort is now his teenage self from Dark Road on the beach of the play island. The figure in blue is standing on the ledge behind him, and as Xehanort stands up to walk to the shoreline, the figure collapses onto the ground. Xehanort does not notice this. Two more cuts, this time to the day that Xehanort found himself in Scala ad Caelum and a chess match with Eraqus
We return to Player, who closes their eyes peacefully and decided to move on to another life. Chirithy is confused, but goes in for a final hug as both of them dissolve into light, Player's heart flying off into the white void
The implication of all of this being that not only did Player reincarnate as Xehanort, introducing reincarnation into a series that it has never been a part of and overcomplicating the lore even worse, but that Xehanort isn't even from Destiny Islands in the first place, invalidating nearly all of his character motivation from the series
This is so bad that it deserves its own post though, so we're moving on
Credits Roll: Scenes From the Game Play Over It
Post Credits: Aftermath
We find our scene in a vast expanse of water, littered with debris. A lone lifeboat floats amongst the rubble. Some houses from Daybreak Town can be seen partially submerged, setting this after its destruction. The lifeboat comes to a stop and opens up, revealing Ephemer's silhouette. He looks around
It's unclear why Ephemer seems to have landed so far back in the past compared to the others, though some people have noted that he also doesn't appear to have lost his body, so it could be that his pod simply didn't activate (note how we only saw it close, not disappear into light like Lauriam and crew's) and that Ephemer didn't time travel at all but simply rode out the destruction of Daybreak Town inside the lifeboat
We see a rendition of the scene from KH2 where Diablo the raven brings Maleficent's cloak to the three fairies and she revives, showing that this scene was, indeed, her coming back from her time travel adventure
Lauriam wakes up in the field of flowers from Dwarf Woodlands, and looks confused and startled as a white butterfly flits about him. The flowers clearly a nod to his element among the Organization
Elrena is shown still unconscious along the cliffs that lead to Maleficent's castle in Enchanted Dominion. Much like Lauriam, her element is represented in the thunderstorm that rages around her
Ventus is shown unconscious in the Keyblade Graveyard, and a silhouette approaches him. Many believe this to be Xehanort finding him, though as of now the figure's identity is unconfirmed
We cut to a scene of Luxu dragging the black box behind him in the Keyblade Graveyard, much like a certain scene from the end of Back Cover. However, this time the scene continues and he removes his hood to reveal Brain's face. The implication here is that after Scene 4 above, Luxu took Brain's body as the first of many that he would steal to prolong his own life. This is why neither of them are seen when Ephemer and Skuld emerge from the datascape; Luxu has already taken Brain's body for his own and made his escape to survive the destruction of the world with the black box
We get a title card, but are treated to one final scene. Brain wakes up (sans hat) in the same town that we saw baby Xehanort being given away in. A hooded figure in strange garb arrives, holding Brain's hat, and asks if he is Brain. At Brain's confirmation, the figure returns the hat and introduces themself as Sigurd (a Norse mythology name much like the other Scala ad Caelum characters so far). They seem to have been waiting for Brain and report that they found him into an earpiece of sorts
Brain is understandably confused, and Sigurd explains that they know of the Brain who escaped Daybreak Town's destruction and that he would appear in this spot on this day. Brain panics, realizing that he doesn't know where any of his seven other friends are and if they made it to safety. Sigurd tells Brain that he's the only one who made it to this spot. Brain, utterly crushed that all of his friends have seemingly perished, listlessly follows Sigurd as Sigurd leads him to their headquarters
On the way there, however, something catches Brain's eye. He sprints to the fountain and looks up at something that's not in the frame in shock. Sigurd explains that this is a statue of this town, Scala ad Caelum’s founder (so Xehanort's actually from Scala...) and the first ever Keyblade Master, Master Ephemer. The camera pans up to show the statue of Ephemer as we know him holding the Master Keeper Keyblade that he got from Brain
Brain is overcome with emotions, and through his tears states that he knows exactly who that is. That's his best friend, and he's so proud of him for rebuilding
This is just my speculation, but what I believe is going on in the final scene with Brain is that when Luxu took his body, he ejected Brain's heart from it. A lifeboat wasn't used up, so Luxu must have either used time travel on his own to send Brain's heart to the future or simply left Brain's heart stranded and waiting in the ruins of Daybreak Town. This would let Luxu have his body, but Brain's stranded heart could make a new one with the proper resources in the future like the other hearts sent via the pods. That's what I think the focus on the hat is about. Luxu is shown without it after he takes Brain's body, and Sigurd has it. So my assumption would be that the hat was the medium used to bring Brain's body back like Maleficent's cloak was for her. It’s possible that Luxu set this up, but I can’t confirm. As for the memories, I couldn't say
I would also speculate that this scene takes place a decent amount of time before Dark Road, since Eraqus has been implied to be a descendant of Brain due to their similar looks. If Brain is in Scala ad Caelum in the past, then he could easily be the grandfather that Eraqus mentioned
My final bit of speculation is that the reason Sigurd and crew know who Brain is is because Ephemer, the founder of Scala ad Caelum and the inheritor of the Book of Prophecies, likely saw when Brain would emerge and set up a system to take care of him, knowing that he wouldn't survive to see him again
Apologies for the length, the ending was 40 minutes long. But, hopefully, I've made it clear which scenes are connected to which and what is actually happening. If it wasn't actually clear, there's two flashback sequences involving the Master of Masters that take place before KHx, the scenes in the data and real lifeboat rooms are running concurrently with each other (Brain and Luxu are having their conversation at the same time as Player is being possessed by the Darknesses, etc.) and everything else is roughly chronological with the exception of the scenes where Maleficent, Lauriam, Elrena, and Ven are revived after time traveling. Lauriam, Elrena, and Ven's scenes all must take place sometime before or around BBS (Lauriam and Elrena for their ages to match up, Ven because he's in BBS). Maleficent's is at the beginning of KH2
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totiredtowrite · 3 years
"The Horse Wrangler"
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Warnings - I dont know how old west doctors offices are designed
Note: k the dni is smaller BUT STILL LOOK AT IT
/̵͇̿̿/’̿’̿ ̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿
The horse wrangler.
The most wild, spontaneous, and determined man most will probably ever meet. You'd almost have to be, training wild horses. Anyone with a weak will would quit almost immediately, but Bokuto? Never. There hasn't been one horse he couldn't train to an extent, and he takes pride in the fact that he's the best there is.
Only a few people could handle his terrifyingly overwhelming presence, those two being the bank teller, and surprisingly, the school teacher.
Sadly, though, he simply couldn't fall for someone who matched his energy. No, he had to catch feelings for the most elusive, introverted, and scarce man in the town.
"It isn't my fault!" He would say. He'd try his hardest to convince Akaashi, who was unimpressed on every level, that he wasn't that far gone. He only wanted to know your name and where you lived and your entire family history and every little thing about you and-
"Right," Akaashi always looked unimpressed at his explanation. After all, there isn't really any way he could explain that away. It was evident from how Bokuto spoke about you. Hell, it was easy to tell that he was thinking about you, even. His eyes would glaze over in adoration, hand propping his head up while his heart practically melted out of his ears. If that made any sense.
"Akaashi," Bokuto asked, accentuating his name as always, "Where d'ya think he works?"
Keiji didn't even need to ask to know what he was talking about. "Doctors office."
Without even looking, he could feel Bokuto jump excitedly. "Really?'
Akaashi only hummed in response.
Without waiting another second, Bokuto leaped up to run out of the schoolhouse, (where he honestly shouldn't have been anyways), to get to the doctors office. About halfway there though, he paused. What would he even use as an excuse? He was healthy in pretty much everything. No wounds aside from a few bruises, no health issues, nothing.
He pushed his bottom lip out in confusion, walking the rest of the way. To anyone passing by, it was obvious that he was trying his hardest to think. Sadly though, his logical thinking skills only really seemed to apply themselves when he was working.
He turned a couple heads on the streets, people stopping to greet him or waving to him with a smile. Being a popular and sociable man, he greeted them back. All the more reason as to why his little crush on you was bound to not work out.
Approaching the door to the doctors office, Bokuto nervously fidgeted with his hands. The plan was simple! Just go in and ask you out! He's never had a problem doing things like this in the past, so what was the point in thinking about it right? The absolute worst thing that could happen is you saying no.
Gathering up a breath, he threw open the doors to the office.
All that really garnered for him was an odd look from an older woman in the corner, a linen cloth to her lips. Upon not seeing anyone else in the room, he causally made his way over to her. "Excuse me," he said, catching her attention. "Do you know where...uh..." he paused. Bokuto now realized that he didn't actually know your name. "Where the guy is?" He settled on.
The woman raised her brow. "The guy?" She repeated, voice hoarse and confused.
Bokuto nodded feverishly. "You know, about this tall," he stood to hold his hand at your height, "(h/c) hair, (e/c) eyes that make you feel like you're drowning," he sighed dreamily.
She just gave him a knowing look. "The door in the back. Y'can just walk right in." She was waiting on her medication anyways, which the apothecary was already working on. It's not like keeping Bokuto in the dark would help her or hurt her.
"Thank you!" He said a little too loudly, turning and bounding off to the door. He was cautious to open this one with less force, standing there for a couple seconds in the doorway until you noticed him.
You looked startled for a second. Bokuto, on the other hand, was now burning that expression into his memory to cherish it for as long as he lives. "Hello," you started softly, "Is there something you need today?" You narrowed you eyes as you spoke. This...buff, energetic looking man didn't seem to have anything wrong with him. You shook it off. "The apothecary is currently busy, if you needed medication." You explained, "Would you like to have a seat?"
Bokuto shook his head. "I'm actually, uh, here for you!" He was bouncing on his heels.
You made a face. "Here for...me?"
He nodded, leaning forward to out his hands on the desk in front of you. "For you," He repeated.
"Ah," you said, shifting awkwardly in your seat. This isn't the first time somebodies come into the office looking for you. Honestly it happened more than you'd like to admit, despite your efforts to remain scarce. "Well that's very flattering, but I-"
"Please!" He interrupted quickly. "Just lemme take you on one date! You can decide everything else!"
You paused. He looked...genuine. You honestly couldn't put your finger on it, having dealt with many people who only wanted to be with you for the appearance. Bokuto, though, looked like he wanted something a little deeper than that. Maybe you were just being hopeful, stupidly so, but the look in his eye didn't seem veiled in anything.
You could see his nerves, his flushed cheeks.
"Fine," you said after a moment, locking eyes with him. "But I don't promise anything after one date."
"You won't regret it!" He said, energy coursing through him again.
As he ran out the door though, he remembered one crucial thing.
He didn't ask your name.
Do not repost, translate, or copy my work on to other platforms.
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aarcanechaoss · 3 years
1. Cosmik Debris
Ariadne is as foreign as Yami, she lived a year alone in a home that wasn’t her own- yet still Julius asked her to join his squad
Warnings: none
note smut is in tags because I want people to read it lol
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What does one do when they arrive in a place that isn't their own?
If you were brave perhaps you'd try to make friends, figure out your way in your new home.
If you were Ariadne Grimmwolf... you'd hide from everyone in the first library you can find.
What does one do when a magical grimoire lands in your lap within the same month of your arrival? Ariadne wouldn't touch it for a solid month after, she wouldn't touch it even as it floated and followed her around- from room to room and town to town. It took that month before she even held it. It was a simple book, silver and black details with a black three leaf clover in the middle and the lightest shadings of a wolf along the spine again still detailed in silver and black. When she opened the grimoire it was empty... and she doesn't really know why it would have anything in it anyway. She didn't feel the shift of air around her, or any kind of magic as she looked upon the book but knew better than to try and get rid of it letting it float about or press itself against her beneath the cloak she'd found as if it had a life of its own.
She'd been in the Clover Kingdom a year before anyone approached her- she assumed word of her being a foreigner who washed ashore- not that she minded anyway she was too shy for social interaction most days. She'd spent her year trying to figure out what magic she had only to come up confused beyond measure. At most she was far, far stronger than she was before. (That definitely wasn't her who knocked the large oak down about six months ago... definitely not.)
But Ariadne never expected a man to appear before her, even if she had sensed him around following and watching (not being creepy about it at least just surveying her), bright and gleaming as though the sun were a crown upon his head. She'd practically thrown herself behind a tree when he actually spoke to her.
"Hello!" He said. She gave a meek wave. "Do you understand the language yet?"
She froze for a moment- though she assumed word travelled she didn't think they knew what she looked like.
"I do." She said quietly.
"Interesting.... What's your name?"
"Oh how pretty. I'm Julius captain of the Grey Deer."
Julius blinked- clearly he expected a better reaction than that. The two fell into silence both uncomfortable and comfortable all the same.
"What kind of magic do you have?" Julius was buzzing, he couldn't help himself- two foreigners appearing in the Clover Kingdom within the same time frame was enticing... though she was admittedly harder to find.
"I- I don't know." She frowned. She was being honest. She couldn't make water move or sink into the ground, she couldn't fly or make fire from nothing... she really didn't know.
Julius looked a little disappointed, but he realised- as he'd been watching her for days she seemed quite strong and well connected with the nature around her, that's all he could gather though.
"I knew you were following me." She said finally. "You didn't hide it very well."
He hummed, he most certainly did hide well- ah... like Yami she could sense people, how interesting.
"I have a proposition." Julius grinned. "Come join my squad. I have a team that could do with someone strong like you."
Ariadne didn't really have an option- she could continue to nearly starve in the woods and back alleys or live in a place she could learn about this new home of hers... she nodded- though she hadn't moved from behind the tree the entire time....
Julius wasn't lying when he said he had a 'team' though Ariadne wasn't sure if they really were one...
"William, Yami this is Ariadne." Julius announced once they'd settled themselves in the future Wizard King's office.
"What are you talking about?" Yami was the first to speak after scanning the room.
"Aria- Ariadne where did you go?" The man stood looking about the room- he was certain she was just standing there... before spotting her hiding behind the bookshelf beside them, her cloak's hood pulled down over her face.
"Come out they aren't scary."
"I'm okay from here." She said, both William and Yami looked towards her, Yami frowning- his concern as to why he didn't sense her presence was clear to Julius.
"Hello there." William smiled, Ariadne only further shuffled into the corner away from them.
"Such a shy thing she is- ran and hid behind a tree when we met." Julius laughed.
"Probably because you were being creepy." Yami muttered. "Let me guess found you, watched you for a few days then announced himself loudly and proudly, asked about your magic and boom you became a magic knight?"
Ariadne stared wide eyed as she processed what he said.
"Yeah pretty much... he's really bad at hiding."
"Yes Yami I believe you both may excel in what you called Ki." Julius exclaimed. "I noticed while watching her she seemed very keen with finding things like snakes and spiders etcetera."
"Ki? I was just keeping an eye out?" She said quietly.
"Anyway... anyway this is exciting isn't it boys? New member and I want her a part of your unit."
"Unit?" William and Yami asked in confusion.
"Since when did we count as a team?" Yami asked.
"Why else do you think I send you on missions together when I can?"
The room fell quiet.
William was still watching the shy woman who ducked further away when she noticed him. He smiled again; she was just really shy after all.
"If you weren't before you three are now an official team until stated otherwise. Understood?" Julius stated, there was no room for disagreement in his tone. The three magic knights nodded.
"May I ask why?" William questioned finally.
"You three are interesting and you'll work well- I foresee it now. So here is your first mission. You're going Wyrm hunting."
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holycatsandrabbits · 3 years
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Tollense, an original serial romance by Dannye Chase, Chapter 4
A history professor falls in love with his best friend, a 3000-year-old vampire.
Chapter 4
1997 (One year later)
The convention center had been beautiful under the blue Minnesota sky when Liam had arrived, and it was still beautiful now with its windows backed by heavy showers of falling snow that threw diffuse, moving light onto the walls inside the conference room. Beautiful and alarming.
Liam’s university was located in Florida. Florida was quite nice in January, and besides, there were theme parks. Didn’t people always like theme parks? But instead, the conference was being held in Minnesota, and this was the final day. In an hour, Liam and his colleagues, other faculty of the history department, were supposed to start the twenty-some-hour drive home.
“Could have been at Disney World,” Kurt remarked, startling Liam. Liam had been too busy watching the storm to realize Kurt had come up beside him.
“What on earth?” Liam asked, quite rightfully surprised, not by Kurt’s sudden unexpected presence, as he was used to that by now, but because Kurt was not a history professor, and therefore didn’t have a reason to be at the conference.
“Thought I’d drop in,” Kurt said. “See how things were going. Anyone interested in your research on Tollense?”
“Everyone. It’s very exciting.” Liam kept his voice low. “Am I talking to myself, or can everyone else see you?”
Kurt smiled at him. “I wouldn’t give you that kind of reputation. I’m visible.” Liam could see it was true, as Kurt’s good looks were attracting a few appreciative glances. “Are you ready to come home?” Kurt asked.
“Yes, we’re due to head out soon. Not that we’re really looking forward to it.”
“Well, your co-workers can head out whenever they like. I’m taking you home.”
Kurt looked surprised by Liam’s surprise. “You’re from Florida. You have no idea what to do with snow. They’re pulling locals off the roads, Liam. I'm not letting you drive in this weather.”
“But you don’t even know how to dr— wait.” Liam felt a bit of a shiver crawl up his spine. “Oh, no. I’m not teleporting home.”
“I’ve been doing it for thousands of years. With humans. You know that. It’s perfectly safe.”
Now a bit of hurt flashed over Kurt’s features, and like all his dark expressions, it was vaguely unsettling. “You don’t trust me?”
“Don’t be ridiculous. I just don’t want to teleport.”
“Why on earth not?”
Liam hated to lie to Kurt. Partly, it was because Liam was not entirely sure that Kurt couldn’t somehow tell that he was lying. Kurt claimed that he couldn’t read minds, but he was a vampire who could teleport himself from Florida to Minnesota, and Liam would not have been at all surprised to find that Kurt was aware of the snowstorm confronting Liam without having checked the weather.
But it was also true that Kurt was Liam’s best friend and it seemed wrong to lie to him. Except Liam couldn’t tell him the truth about this, because that wasn’t going to help anyone. It was better if Kurt didn’t know that Liam was in love with him, that for over a year now, Liam had been obsessed with the memory of Kurt kissing him, slow and sweet, and that the last thing Liam needed now was for Kurt to pull him close and show off his impressive supernatural abilities in a rescue. Kurt had made it clear that he never allowed himself to fall in love with humans that he met, and Liam had to be protective of his heart, already cracked and in danger of breaking.
“Look, if you are so dead-set on it, you can use your mind-control powers to convince me,” Liam joked, and immediately realized that was worse than lying, because Kurt flinched.
“If I do that,” Kurt said, in what sounded like a carefully controlled voice, “I will lose you anyway.”
“Wh— you’re not going to lose me. I’ll get a hotel, then. Drive home later.”
“I don’t want you driving to a hotel!” Kurt looked exasperated. “Liam, you are the most adventurous person I know. Why not this?”
“Oh, I’m hardly—”
“Yes, you are. You’re like an explorer, always hungry for something new and unusual. You’re brave, and not terribly cautious, which is bad for your driving habits, but it’s perfectly safe when it comes to me, because I am never going to let anything happen to you.”
Kurt had stepped close, and Liam could tell how upset Kurt was because Kurt was losing his grip on the human appearance and mannerisms he tried to put on. Right now he looked sleek and strong and shadowy. He didn’t reach for Liam with his hands, but Liam could feel something surrounding him, like a faint cool mist. It felt oddly familiar, and Liam got the impression that the mist might actually always be there, a piece of Kurt holding onto him, and Liam had just never been consciously aware of it before.
And then everything suddenly snapped back into place: Kurt looked ordinary again, and Liam realized with a shock that a couple of his colleagues had approached them.
“What do you think?” asked one of them. “We’re talking about getting a hotel.”
“I have a ride home,” Liam said faintly. Everyone looked at him in surprise, including Kurt. Few of Liam’s fellow faculty had met Kurt, partly by Kurt’s design, because he wasn’t terribly social, and partly by Liam’s. Liam was aware that his very close friendship with a very handsome man was likely to give him a certain other reputation, one that was quite deserved (though sadly not much practiced), but not very wise in the current political climate.
Nothing for it now. “Chris Mullens, Doris Sullivan, this is my friend Kurt, ah, Smith. He was in town for something else and is heading back to Florida today. He offered me a ride.”
“Is it safe?” Doris asked, looking concerned.
“Kurt’s a very good driver. Got a— a car like a tank.”
Doris laid a hand on Liam’s shoulder, and to Liam’s surprise, Kurt seemed to bristle at that, almost literally, and the whole room seemed to go with him, the air around them feeling oddly sharp. Liam understood that Kurt was concerned that he’d change his mind and be convinced to travel with his colleagues, but it undoubtedly looked like something else from the outside— a sort of possessiveness.
“What a nice friend,” Chris said lightly, looking at Kurt in a way that Liam did not like at all, as if Kurt was not a person but a problem, not a good-looking man but a tempting trap. Liam’s personal belief was that men who were so vehemently opposed to homosexuality were probably terrified that they themselves might be vulnerable to such a “trap,” but it was better if that went unsaid.
Kurt rescued him, of course. “Yes, Liam and I have been friends for a while. I used to date one of his students, Martina.”
Chris’s face cleared a bit, losing some of its distaste. He had apparently not heard of bisexuality, or whatever word might describe Kurt. “Oh. Sure.”
“Ready to go?” Kurt asked Liam. He barely waited for an answer before steering Liam out of the room. They walked down an empty hallway where the storm winds were pushing hard enough to make the windows shift in their frames. Kurt spoke in a gentle voice. “Give it a few years. The world is becoming more tolerant again. Humans keep discovering their natures over and over.”
“This must all be very trite to you.”
“Not in the least.” Kurt’s eyes were sharp on him. “Do you think Chris is the one sending you those threatening letters?”
Liam scoffed. “He barely knows how to tie his shoes. Worse than even the typical history professor.”
Kurt looked unconvinced. “I’ll keep an eye on him all the same.” He held out a hand to Liam. “Let’s go home.”
Liam looked down at Kurt’s hand. A pale blue vein ran delicately along his wrist, and Liam wondered what flowed there, if anything. “What about my luggage?”
“I already picked it up from Dr. Sullivan’s car. It’s at your place.”
“You’re awfully confident that I’d say yes to this.”
Kurt sighed, exasperated. “I can’t believe you haven’t asked me sooner. I thought I’d be taking you to the Louvre every weekend. Or Rome. At least Antietam.”
Liam laughed. “I should have.”
Kurt smiled, looking at ease for the first time since he’d arrived. “You should.”
“Next weekend then.” Liam finally took Kurt’s hand, and their fingers fit together easily. As always, Kurt was slightly cool to the touch.
The convention center faded away into a sort of bland white light. Liam felt like he was floating, but still with his feet planted on the ground. He looked down and found his own office floor beneath his shoes.
“Stay still a moment,” Kurt warned. “People can get dizzy when they’re not used to it.” He dropped Liam’s grasp and put a steadying hand on his arm instead. And now was the moment Liam had dreaded: Kurt was so close, so strong, and so hauntingly strange.
“We must seem so very fragile to you,” Liam said.
“You are fragile.” There was a harsh coldness in Kurt’s voice.
“So how did you learn to do that? To teleport?”
Kurt shrugged. “Just always could.”
“Always?” Liam frowned. “I thought a vampire’s abilities were based on age.”
“They are.”
“But if you’ve been doing it as long as you can remember— since at least Tollense— doesn’t it follow then that your origins would have to be a great deal older than that?”
Kurt narrowed his eyes, considering.
“Or else,” Liam said, “maybe you’re not a vampire.”
“I drink blood.”
“A lot of creatures— uh, beings— are said to drink blood. I’m sorry, it must be so frustrating not to be able to remember.”
Kurt looked at him with a sort of gratitude, but then he turned away, toward the door. A second later, there was a knock, and Kurt finally let go of Liam’s arm.
It was one of Liam’s graduate students at the door, Jonah. “Hey,” he said. “Hope I’m not interrupting anything. Just have a couple of questions. I thought I heard you talking. Do you have company?”
Most of the students never met Kurt either, despite the fact that he was around quite a bit. Liam had learned by now that Kurt only appeared to those students he thought he might start a relationship with. Kurt had been alone since Martina had graduated, and Liam assumed it would only be a matter of time before he picked another student, someone to provide him with blood and share his bed. In between lovers, Kurt drank blood from animals, but he had told Liam that it was much better to have a human source. Kurt chose those people whom he thought would be open to the idea of a finite relationship with a vampire, those who wouldn’t be afraid of him but also wouldn’t want to stay with him indefinitely. Because Kurt never got attached.
“Let’s find out,” Liam said, and opened the door wider. His heart sank immediately when he saw that Jonah could see Kurt standing by the desk. Liam thought back for a moment to Kurt’s reaction when Doris put her hand on Liam’s arm. But Kurt wouldn’t get jealous, of course.
Liam definitely was.
Updates Fridays on Ao3 and DannyeChase.com (rated E), and Tumblr (rated T)
Want to create fic, art, or other works based on this series? Please do! Just dm or tag me.
My previous serials are for Good Omens: Mr. Fell's Bookshop and Love's Endless Light
My Carrd
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jaycewrites-192000 · 3 years
Growl: Chapter 8
Warnings: None
Tag List: @theravencawsatmidnight @etroman @kaariqueen
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Your P.O.V
For once, I was actually looking forwards to going to school. Thanks to Kyotani, I've become steadily more confident in my academic skills. It's not a huge step forwards, but, a step forwards none the less. My grades have been getting better as well, which was just a added bonus to my already great mood. I would have to really consider how I'm going to thank him for all his hard work. Maybe I'll take him out to eat somewhere he likes? Or maybe take him and Killer to a dog park? Or we could go to that new guitar shop that just opened up a well ago, he does play bass after all, maybe he'd want to check out what they had.
"Maybe he can teach me how to play too." I chuckle. Geez, this all was starting  to sound like I wanna ask him out in a date. It's not totally untrue. I would like to ask him out but, there's no way I could actually go through with it. I don't even think he likes me like that. "Man...this sucks. Why can't I just-" My words were cut short when I suddenly bumped into someone. "Oh! I'm sorry!" I quickly apologized. The person I ran into turned to face me, oh....great. "Uh, hey there...you?" I say awkwardly. "You? Really?" The person of, girl, I ran into was an old "enemy" of mine. "I think I've made myself known to you the last time we met." She spat as she placed her hand on her hip.
This was Chiharu Kumiko, also known as, "Oikawa's number one fangirl". She's hated me since the day I became friends with him, always thought we were dating or I had a crush on him. Which was the furthest thing from the true, and yet, she still had it out for me. "Yeah you did. Now if you don't mind, I need to get to class." I say as I try and walk past her. "Sure, "get to class". So you can hoe around with Oikawa-Senpai?" Ignore her, Y/n, ignore her. She's just trying to start a fight, a fight I will finish if she keeps pissing me off. "Bitch I know you hear me!" Kumiko grabs onto my arm and jerks me back. "Let go!" I snap at her, yanking my arm away. The commotion we were causing seem to attract a small group of people. Great, just what I wanted. Kumiko raised her hand to strike me, but before she got the chance, someone grabbed her hand. We both look back at the person who stopped her. "Kyotani?"
"What do you think you're doing?" I could tell Kyotani was furious. His voice was intimidating and his eyes narrowed. I was surprised he wasn't crushing Kumiko's hand right now, he was defiantly holding back. "The hell!? Let go of me you freak!" Kumiko jerks her hand away from Kyotani. Before she left, she turned to me, glaring daggers. "This isn't over, skank." With that, she storms off. I roll my eyes, my attention now back at the crowd, I hid my face in embarrassment. Thanks a lot Kumiko, you attention seeking bitch. "Problem!?" Kyotani snaps at them. The crowd eventually dispersed and continued on their own ways.
"Are you ok? Did she hurt you?" Kyotani asked. I shake my head, a smile retuning to my face. "Thank you Kyotani." I say gratefully. "What's that girl's problem?" He asks. "She has a thing for Oikawa and she thinks I do too."
"Do you?" That question kinda took me by surprise. I didn't know Kyotani would be interested in stuff like that. "No. He's annoying." That made him chuckle. 'Cute...oh right' I suddenly remembered, I still have to thank him. "Um, Kyotani. I wanted to thank you for helping me study. My grades have been getting better because of your help! So, I was thinking...maybe I could take you somewhere as a thank you. If you want to, that is."
"O-oh...sure you can if you want." Kyotani murmurs. "Really? Cool! Let's meet up after school ok?" Kyotani nods, I wave him goodbye before hurrying to class.
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Your P.O.V.
I waited at the school gate for Kyotani, and I just could help but smile like an idiot the entire time. How could I not? I sorta, kinda, maybe just asked my crush out on a date, and he said yes! Now I just have to manage not to mess it up. "Just don't act like a creep. Shouldn't be too hard." I say to no one other than myself. "A creep would talk to themselves though, so I should probably stop." I sigh. I might have been ecstatic about Kyotani and I having a day to ourselves, but I was also super nervous. This would be my first "date" with a boy.
What am I suppose to do? What am I suppose to say? Maybe I should have a waited to go home and change, maybe do something with my hair. I shook my head, reminding myself that this is not a date. I'm just thanking him for helping me study. That's all. I can call it a date for when I actually gain the nerve to ask him out. "Hey." I gasp at the sudden voice. I turned to see Kyotani approaching. "Hi." I wave. "You ready to go?" He nods and walks beside me. "Um, so I was thinking." I began. "Maybe we stop by the new music store and then after we can grab a bite to eat? Anywhere you like."
"Sounds good." Kyotani simply says. The two of us made our way into town, talking the whole way to the music store. It looked like one of the newer ones in town, it has that new shine to everything. As we walked inside, I immediately felt out of place. Everyone inside the store was clearly a professional, and I knew absolutely nothing about instruments. But I had to admit, everything in the store looked amazing. Maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea to pick up a music lesson, maybe I'll try the (favorite instrument). "See anything you like?" I asked Kyotani. I could tell he was already invested in the different basses they had. His eyes were glued onto the different colored, slick shinning stringed instruments. "Hmm...I don't really need a new bass. Maybe replace the strings on mine." I walk over to the basses to join him in browsing, when I came across something. Stickers. I pick a few and look them over, there wasn't really any that stuck out in particular, until I found one that couldn't be ignored.
"Oh! Kyotani, look at this!" I showed him a sticker of a Shiba Inu, it was growling and there was some foam in the corners of it's mouth, and a firey background behind the dog, yet it still had that cute appeal to it. I saw Kyotani's eyes light up. "It looks like Killer." He says as I give it to him. "Right? I figured you'd want to put it on your bass." I tell him. He looked over the sticker a few more seconds before nodding. "Yeah. I will." I smile brightly and reach into my school bag. I pulled out my wallet and counted out the right amount to pay for the sticker. "What are you doing?" Kyotani asks. "Buying it. You like it right?"
"I can't let you pay for it." I shake my head. "I don't mind. Besides, I'm treating you today, remember?" I take the sticker and approach the counter. "Just this for today." I tell the cashier man as I slide the money and sticker on the counter. He nods and rings up the sticker before handing it back to me. I turn back to Kyotani and hand him the sticker. "There you go. Now let's go eat, I'm starving." I subconsciously grab his hand and lead him out of the store.
Third P.O.V
Unknowing to Y/n, Kyotani felt his heart flutter and his cheeks warm. He felt like he had made a really good choice befriending her. Kyotani smiled slightly and wrapped his fingers around her hand. "Yeah, me too."
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The two teens made their way to a small restaurant, Kyotani had suggested it, told Y/n that it was his favorite place to go. Curious about the place, Y/n was excited to go as well. The waitress lead them to their table and set menus in front of them .They both ordered and and the waitress held up a pen and notepad. "And would the lady and gentleman like the couple's special? 10% off your order and free desert." The waitress asks. 'Wow, that's one hell of a deal.' Y/n thought to herself. "We're not-" She cut Kyotani. "Gonna refuse that! Thank you so much." She clasps her hands together. Kyotani gives her a surprised look. "Lovely! I'll have that right out!" She took the menus and walked away. "....Y/n?"
"I didn't have that much money and it was a good deal, you have to admit...sorry..." Y/n mutters, looking down at the table. "N-no it's fine just...it was shocking." Kyotani says, rubbing the back of his neck. "Yeah..." Y/n clears her throat awkwardly. "I mean, seriously who would willing admit they're in a relationship with me?" Y/n blinks a few times, did she hear him correctly. She looks up across the table at him. "What do you mean?" She asks.
"Well, I don't get asked out a lot, if you can imagine." Y/n leans her head on her hand. "Really? You'd think girls would love a 'bad boy' like you." She giggles. "But really, you're not that bad Kyotani. People just has to get to know you." Kyotani shrugs. "I just didn't mind it as much before..." He trails off. "Before what?" Y/n asks. "Nothing. Forget it."
Y/n raised an eyebrow then leans back in her seat. 'Ever the secretive type.' She thought with a sigh. "Well, I think you're just fine the way you are. If others can't or won't take the time to actually know you, then that's their loss." She tells him. Once again, Kyotani felt his heart skip a beat. This was getting dangerous. Kyotani hadn't felt something like this, he never had crushes before. But this, it felt like more than just a crush. He hated the thought, but he could possibly love Y/n. Why he hated it was simple. Kyotani wasn't just 'not a ladies man', he wasn't a anyone's man. All his life he had better things to focus on, like volleyball, rather than stupid crushes and relationships that wouldn't last more than a year and a half.
So that's why this was so scary. Kyotani really really liked Y/n, but he couldn't stand the thought of giving up something he loved because of his bad habbits. Wether that something was volleyball, or even Y/n. She wasn't to blame. It was him. Kyotani wasn't the best of people. If he hurt her, in anyway, he would never forgive himself. So, it would be best, if Kyotani ignored these new feelings. For the better, for himself, and for Y/n.
The two were walking home together that night. Kyotani made sure Y/n got to her home saefly before saying goodbye. "Thank's for treating me today, even though you didn't have to." Kyotani tells her. "Aw, it was nothing." Y/n waved it off. "That's what senpai's are for right?" She winks. Kyotani gulped and nods his eyes. "Y-yeah. Anyway, see you later. Thanks again." He turned to leave. "Kyotani, hang on!" Kyotani was about to turn around to ask Y/n what she stopped him for, when suddenly she hugged him tightly. Kyotani's face turned a light shade of red as he felt her arms wrap tightly arounf his waist. Slowly, he raised his arms to hug her bag, but before he could she quickly let go and rushed to her door. "Goodnight!" She squeaks out before hurrying inside her home. Kyotani was left there alone, eyes wide with shock. His agaped mouth closed, and his arms dropped to his sides.
"...Damn it."
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charliedawn · 3 years
The Joke's on Us part 4
Warning : possessive behavior.
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A dark shadow floats on top you and gently caresses your face.
" Soon..We'll be reunited, old friend."
Penny gasps, recognizing that shadow from the deep confines of his memories..Maturin had mentioned him when they were still friends.
" Shardik.."
At the mention of his name, the shadow quickly turns towards Penny whose breath stops. Shardik's smile widens and he floats on top of Penny to stare at him straight in the eyes.
" Ah..You must be one of the creatures Maturin created. A shame, I really thought you would be more..impressive ?"
Penny only snarls at him before responding with a threat.
" What were you doing ? I swear that if you touch her..I'll kill you."
The entity, far from being intimidated, only laughs loudly at Penny's menace which seems to amuse him more than anything.
" Really ? And how will you do that without your powers, Penny ? Don't forget that I am as powerful as you were and as old as Maturin. Funny, the old turtle really thought you and Pennywise could stop me when he is gone. Imagine how much he was disappointed when he realized that your hatred towards humanity was blinding you. He never got you those powers to use them against humans, or children..He wanted you to protect them. But, now that the old turtle is dead and you two are too weak to stop me. I'll be able to rule over that planet. I'll suck upon its energy until there is nothing left. I'll even start with you little charming town. Derry, is it ?"
Penny glares up at him, but had to admit that he can't protect you like this. Now that he is only human, he is happy, happier than he's ever been..but..The shadow chuckles evilly in the shell of his ear.
" That planet has been without order for much too long..It passed its life expectancy hundreds of years ago..But don't worry, as soon as I will have ate her, Maturin's powers will be in me and I will make sure to bring an end to humanity.."
Penny growls at the mention of you being eaten by Shardik and tries to jump on him with a roar.
" Don't you dare touch her !"
However, he suddenly wakes up, covered in sweat and sees that you are the one who woke him up. Your eyebrows are tensed in obvious worry and, without any words, Penny wraps his arms around you. He had felt fear before..but not like that..never like that..His heart is racing against his ribcage and he is holding onto you like it is the last time.
" P..Penny ? Are you alright ?"
Your question makes him open his eyes and come back to reality. You are running your hand gently on top of his head, smoothing his hair in the process to calm him down. He finally steps back and looks at Pennywise that had woken up as well. The both of them had felt it..He was coming back. You look at the both of them with a confused expression and finally ask, tired by the secrecy of both men.
" That's it. What's going on ? Why do you look so grave all of a sudden ?!"
Penny doesn't answer, he only stands up and gets out of the room without another word. You turn towards Pennywise, hoping for some kind of explanation. He doesn't peep either and only returns to the sofa that had become his bed for the time being. However, you don't let it go and sit in front of him with a determined look on your face.
" Now, you're going to tell me what's going on."
You didn't mean to make it sound like an order, but you couldn't just let them fend for themselves anymore. Pennywise finally turns towards you and sighs loudly before telling you what this was all about.
" Penny and I always had a very deep connection with Maturin, we could feel his presence and so could he. However, Maturin is not the only entity out there. The world has at least 12 entities guarding it. One of them being Shardik..Shardik is one of the twelve guardians of Beams that hold up The Dark Tower. It is a cyborg bear that stands over forty feet tall and one ugly unkillable bastard with more energy than millions of suns. He was pissed to know that I killed his brother and wanted to come and exterminate this planet on which lives his brother's murderer..But like many, he was scared of us. But now that we lost our powers ? He's coming, and with you being the turtle's successor ? We will all die for sure."
You lean against the back of your chair and sigh loudly. You only are a painting teacher..Of course he would crush you. But, that didn't mean you had to give up.
" Well, aren't you the optimist ?! Why don't you show me how to fight instead of complaining ?!"
He ignores you and only turns his back to you as he pretends to fall asleep again. You stand up and suddenly throws his blanket off. That get a reaction and you can hear a growl from him as he stands up to face you menacingly.
" Why ?! You want to know why ?! Because of this !"
He suddenly takes you by the shoulder and digs his thumb in your wounded flesh. You whine in pain and Pennywise immediately retracts his hand.
" Do you really think that you'll ever be able to vanquish Shardik the bear with a human body ?! He would squish you in an instant! Learn how to heal yourself, then we'll talk about your fighting skills.."
You glare at him: deep inside, you know he is right, but that doesn't make it any less frustrating. You humph at him before leaving the room to join your bedroom, but then, you hear someone crying upstairs. You follow the sound and find Penny, sitting on the floor and leaning against one of the corridor's wall. He looks up at you when he hears you approaching and you crouch by his side with a reassuring smile.
" Hey..We're going to be okay..Alright ?"
You try to comfort him, but he only sobs.
" What if..What if you can't beat him ? What if the only solution is for us to get back into who we were ?"
You sigh, knowing that if there were to be no other solution, you would have to break your promise..You would have to hurt them, one way or another.
" I guess I'll have to change you back. I know that I prefer you to have the choice but..If there are no other solution, I'll have to break my promise. I can't let you die. Not when I know I could have avoided it.."
You sit next to him and you both stay quiet for a moment, lost in your thoughts until Penny looks at you with his eyes full of uncertainty.
" And what if I don't want to get back to what I was ? What if I want to stay human ?"
You can't help but smile and tears start to build up in your eyes..Why couldn't the universe leave them alone ? You are so close to them finally accepting their new forms..
" Then, I'll guess it'll be my job to be sure that you don't have to."
He smiles back and before you know it, you are both holding hands. You don't try to get it out, even though you know that at any moment, Penny could come back to his old ways. You're not scared of him, you aren't even sure if you ever really were ? You don't even notice that Pennywise had climbed up the stairs and is now looking at the both of you from afar with a slight frown. He only turns away and waits when he is safe in is bed to grunt.
" What does she find in him..?"
Unaware that his eyes glow a slight orange in the dark for a second.
The next day, you decide that it's grocery shopping time. However, the two clowns are still sound asleep and you take the opportunity to get out alone. Once in the street, you take a breath of fresh air and start walking towards the shop, wondering what you should buy for the two men. You enter the shop and start looking around. You are lost in your thoughts and don't see another person coming in your direction. You suddenly collide with said person and look up to see a man with blue eyes and a nice smile.
" I'm sorry. I didn't see you there."
He extends his hand towards you and you take it with a grateful smile.
" No. It's me. I should have looked where I was going."
His smile widens as you shake his hand. He introduces himself.
" I'm Dan. I don't really know my way around here. I'm the new teacher from down the block."
You smiles politely and introduce yourself as well.
" I'm Y/N. Nice to meet you. I'm the Art teacher of the neighborhood."
His eyes seem to light up at the mention of you being an Art teacher.
" Really ?! You're the Art teacher ? My cousin never stops talking about you. Tom ?"
You seem to remember last time and wince at the memory. Seems like Tom hadn't said anything about the incident..You try your best to keep your composure and automatically feel that you need to make amends somehow.
" Do you want..Do you want a coffee ?"
He smiles again and nods.
" Sure ! Lead the way."
You take your groceries and pay them before getting out. You end up in a small coffee shop and both take what you want before sitting outside.
" I'm sorry. You must think it's weird that I never came before. I just moved in from the States so..Tom isn't even aware that I'm back yet."
Oh. Well, you still hoped that Tom hadn't talked to anyone about what had happened. You smile and shake you head.
" Not at all. Tom is a very nice boy and I always like to meet the families of my students. It helps to understand them better. Although, it's the first time I actually invite a member for a coffee."
" I should be honored then."
He takes a sip of his coffee before winking playfully at you. You blush and let a small chuckle.
" To tell you the truth..Tom and I have been quite distant since our older brother died. I do sometimes feel guilty for leaving him, but.."
You see that he is concerned and put you hand on his compassionately.
" I'm sorry..It must have hurt."
You had heard about Tom losing a brother, he did have a period when he could only draw dark things. Horrible things. It must have been a shock for everyone in his family. Dan smiles gratefully at you before answering.
" Don't worry. It's been a year now. I'm stronger than this."
You smile sadly at him, but then feel two very familiar shadows looming over you from behind. A hand grabs your shoulder and squeezes it in silent warning.
" Hi Y/N. Who is this ?"
Penny..And Pennywise is certainly not far behind. Dan stands up and stretches his hand towards them with a bright smile.
" Oh ! Sorry ! My name is Dan, I'm the brother of one of Y/N's students. And you are ?"
You are about to answer when Pennywise does it for you. He takes his hand and smiles forcefully.
" Pleasure. My name is Robert, and this is Bob. We're her roommates. Unfortunately, she seems to have forgotten about us this morning. You should have woke us up, Y/N. We would have helped you with the groceries."
He may sound calm, but you know better: the way he pronounces the last word makes you understand that he is pissed. Even Dan seems to understand as he retracts his hand and addresses you one last smile.
" Well..I should go. It was nice to meet you, Y/N."
However, he still writes something on a piece of paper and hands it to you.
"Here is my number, just in case."
He then gives one last nod in acknowledgement to the two men before turning and walking away. You have cold sweat running down your back as you can feel the murderous glares of the two clowns behind you.
" Let's go. Shall we ?"
Penny finally ask, more like commands as he grabs you harshly by the arm and drags you towards the house. You just have the time to get your bags. As soon as you are home, you run towards the kitchen and pretend to be busy with putting the grocery items on the shelves and in the fridge.
" W..What do you want for..?"
You don't have the time to finish your sentence as Pennywise suddenly comes behind you and wraps his arms around you.
" Now, princess..You're going to turn around and face us. We're not angry. We just want to talk."
"..Just want to talk..?"
You repeat with a broken voice, making sure that you heard right. Pennywise only nods slowly and you gulp loudly before turning around with your eyes closed tight.
" Come on, darling..You know that we want to see your eyes..Come on."
You tentatively open one eye, then the other in shock. They are not angry..They are very mad. You see that their eyes have changed colors and their skins are white..the same white than a few weeks ago. Suddenly, Penny takes you by the throat and pins you to the fridge while Pennywise presses his nose again your throat. He then inhales deeply and growls perceptibly.
" Looks like your little stunt hurt us more than we thought..I'm smelling your fear, sweetheart. And it smells delicious..One more minute, and we would have surely taken our true appearances back."
You don't understand. You hadn't hurt them, so why are they taking their clown forms back ?! Why are they angry even ?! You try to breathe, but Penny's mouth is against yours in a second..You open your eyes wide 'Everything makes sense now. They are jealous. Pain..They're in pain. You whimper when he bites your bottom lip. But, you don't open your mouth and he groans.
" You are going to open that mouth, sweet thing..Or I'm not sure you'll have a mouth to close at the end of the day.."
You open your eyes wide and tears are falling down your face. You don't have a choice but to open your mouth. But before he could do much, Pennywise gets a hold of him and throws him away from you.
" What the heck, Penny ?! When I said we were supposed to talk, I didn't mean by putting your tongue in her mouth ! Jeez ! Get a hold of yourself, kid !"
For a moment, shame and guilt seem to take a hold of Penny and he shakily stands back. He seems confused himself..Why did he do that ? Pennywise is taken aback by the clown's kiss..Where the heck did he even learn that from ?! Pennywise then returns to you, curled into a little ball on the floor and his heart tightens..Sh*t. They got carried away..Again. He sighs loudly and takes back his human form. Penny also loses his white skin and his yellow eyes. He wants to approach you but, you cry out.
" Don't touch me !"
Penny freezes and tries to nuzzle your neck as an apology, but you frown and push him back.
" No, Penny ! I'm angry ! You didn't have the right ! I didn't want you to be my first kiss ! I wanted someone who loved me !"
He looks up to Pennywise for help, but the older clown just shrugs. He has no idea of what to do..Truth is, he doesn't even know what all the problem is with "first kiss". He knows that a girl had to remain pure in order to marry when he was still alive..But he thought that rule had been abandoned long ago ? However, you seem very upset and Penny doesn't like it when you cry. He tries to think of a solution, of anything to make you forget what happened..He wants to get out the music box, but in your rage, you grab it and smash it against the wall. To your horror, you realize too late what you've done and Penny roars before pouncing on you, his teeths bare and ready to chomp on you. Pennywise tries to make him get off you, but he is too weak and Penny doesn't have any problem pushing him aside. However, Pennywise falls and knocks his head against a nearby table. You can see blood, and so does Penny. Penny quickly gets back to his human form and shakes Pennywise to wake him up.
" Pennywise ! What's going on ?!"
Pennywise only groans in pain when Penny shakes him again. You instantly come by his side and automatically feel the sweat covering his arms and forehead. You then see a strange mark on his neck and blood starts getting out from his nose, eyes and ears. You quickly unbutton his shirt and gasp in horror.
" Oh my God.."
He was covered by black sports that seemed to spread all over him like a..a disease.
" P..Pennywise. Did you have the..?"
" The black plague ?"
He guesses and you nod. He sighs and finally nods.
" Yes. It was not as bad as my family though.."
You bite your lower lip..By how fast it was spreading, he had a few hours at best. The disease seemed to have survived with him. You are about to call the ambulance when Pennywise stops you.
" Don't..Don't call the hospital. Those bastards won't know what to do..They're not prepared. Plus, they could get infected."
You sigh before remembering that..
" Pennywise..You bit me."
Your voice is shaking as you wonder if you will have it too..? Pennywyse's eyes widen and he curses.
" Sh*t. I have no idea.."
You have trouble breathing and put your hands in your pockets as you pace back and force, wondering what you should do ? You suddenly feel something inside your palm and quickly get it out to look at it. Sam's number..Inviting him could maybe break the deal and make them return to what they were ? Save them ? You shiver at the thought. Yes..But at what price ? You look back at Pennywise, his eyes are closed and his breathing very bad..You don't have a choice. You call him. It doesn't take you long to have him on the other side of the line.
" Hello ?"
" Sam ? Hey ! Could you come over ?"
You emphasize on his name, which make both of the clowns groan loudly in disapproval. However, they know what you're trying to do and don't try to stop you.
" Yeah ! Sure! I'll be right here !"
You force yourself to smile, still wanting to sound excited as to see him. However, the clowns seem to slowly change and growl loudly in the background. You hang off and look at them with a small sad smile.
" You know that it's the only way..Please, don't make this even more complicated than it really is."
Both clowns seem to understand your sacrifice and Pennywise slowly takes your hand with, for the first time in forever, tears in his eyes.
" Thank you, sweetheart."
You only nod and then, ask Penny to move him upstairs, as for Dan not to see him. He reluctantly agrees and helps you move the man upstairs. You then ask Penny to go hide in the basement. You prepare yourself and it doesn't take long for the doorbell to ring. You take a big breath before opening the door and letting Dan in. He looks around and finally smiles at you.
" Hi. So, what did you want to talk about ?"
You bite your lip and start thinking of a good reason for his presence.
" I..I just thought that it's been a long time since I've last had company and I wanted to see you again.."
He smiles and nods before sitting down on the couch. You gulp loudly before sitting beside him and looking at everything but him. He seems to catch on your nervousness and gently runs his hand on your back to soothe you.
" Hey, if you're not ready, I understand. I can wait and.."
" No !"
You hadn't meant to sound so desperate, but Pennywise was dying and you didn't know how to save him but to hurt him the only way you could. You take Dan by the collar and suddenly kiss him on the lips. He seems surprised at first, but reciprocates soon enough. You open your eyes and see that his are closed, he is actually enjoying the kiss. You smile. Maybe it wasn't so bad ? Penny and Pennywise would go down to the sewers and you would get to have a normal life back. However, you should have known that things wouldn't be so simple. Dan starts to be more persistent and slowly slides his hand up your thigh.
" No, Dan, wait.."
But he doesn't wait and only deepens the kiss to shut you up. Suddenly, someone pushes you apart harshly and you see Penny that took back his original form. He glares at Dan and growls menacingly before taking you in his arms and running in the basement. When he stops, you call him, nervous and scared that he would hurt you.
" Penny ?"
You ask, afraid that something had gone wrong..But, Penny only smiles with his multiple rows of very sharp teeths before answering you in his familiar high-pitched singing voice.
" ~I'm back.."
You smile in relief, but Penny suddenly takes you by the throat and you only have the time to look at him with widened eyes.
" Don't look at me like that..We wouldn't want Shardik to come and get you.."
When you fall into complete darkness, you barely hear Penny adding something in the shell of your ear.
" Don't worry. When all of this is over, we'll make sure to remind you who you truly belong to..You've been playing with us for too long, pet. With no humanity to abide by, there will be nothing to hold me back.."
Whereas upstairs, Pennywise enters the room transformed as you and takes Dan by the neck to kiss him harshly. However, when Dan opens his eyes, Pennywise is standing before him with a large grin.
" Surprise, shawty ! Not the person you were expecting, huh ? What ? Never kissed a clown before ? Remember that when the girl says no, it means no."
And then, without a warning, Pennywise sinks his teethes into Dan's shoulder. However, he doesn't scream. Pennywise feels something acid in his mouth and quickly steps back with a sour growl.
" You aren't human.."
Dan only chuckles before sitting on the couch in a nonchalant manner. His skin quickly turning to a pale shade of white and his eyes brighten almost mischievously.
" Man..Didn't think it would take you this long to figure it out.."
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ververa · 4 years
heeello, I have a request!! Can you write a Leonore Osgood x Reader where the reader is her seamstress? ✨💗Something where Leonore starts to order more dresses as an excuse to see her more often and flirts with her at every good opportunity. I think Leonore is a very confident woman, so she may have taken the initiative to kiss the reader as soon as she thought she had a chance, not being able to withstand a rejection
thank you and sorry if I made mistakes, I'm not very good at writing in english :/
ps. I love your blog💖
“Beyond The Wildest Dreams”
A/N: Thank you so much for this request!!! I had a lot of fun writing it 🤗😅 It's longer than I intended and it's only a few of all the ideas I had for this fic 🙈 So, I actually may write a 2nd part or since I have a few requests for Lenore I may combine them
Anyways I kinda feel like it's not exactly what you wanted, but I hope you will enjoy it!! 😇
Also many thanks to @misssmephisto who always supports me and who helped me a lot with this fic!!! 💜💖💜💖💜
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Lenore Osgood x fem!reader
Word count: ~5k
The moment you saw Lenore Osgoode for the first time the whole world simply stopped existing. People around you, models, photographers, former and possibly new clients, even your nervousness - caused by the very first fashion show of yours, was long forgotten, as you watched the gorgeous blonde taking a seat at the audience, right in the first row. She didn't quite fit with the rest. She was fabulous.  No other in the room stood a chance with her. Self confidence radiated from every fibre of her body, not to mention that one look was enough to tell she was an enthusiast of refined style. She was with no doubt upper class. Her outfit itself indicated that she was one of those filthy rich people. Normally you tried to stay away from them, not feeling well in their company, yet this one time you were ready to make an exception. Who could ever blame you? Lenore truly distinguished herself and looked absolutely stunning dressed in a long, red dress and a mink coat. 
She was beautiful and tall - you could put on her whatever you would want to and it would drape perfectly, only adding to her captivating charm. But clothes were more than that - for you at least. It wasn’t just about materials draping nicely or the person looking good. You considered clothes to be a person’s second skin. A layer supposed to not only cover all the imperfections, but also hide their dark secrets and sins, at the same time giving out a hint of their attitude. And that particular approach of yours combined with your skills made you an exceptional designer and  a wonderful seamstress. On the other hand though, it made you misunderstood by many people - especially your fellows - which seemed to be the dark, less nice side of your profession, but you didn’t care about it at all. You were too busy, positively bedeviled with work, to spare your precious time to think about it.
As your eyes set on Lenore you immediately knew that you wanted nothing more, but to dress her up in all the finest materials you could get. Tailor her clothes to fit whatever was her guilt, to match the darkest parts of her soul. You looked her up and down, for what felt like a hundredth time that evening, and still you couldn’t get enough. You were ready and highly likely to come up with yet another project just like that. You knew for sure it would be something different. It had to be special, exclusive, hand-selected, designed just for her and as spectacular as the woman appeared to be.
The images of Lenore in taffeta and silk kept crossing your vivid imagination. You were just having some debate with yourself on what colour would suit her best, though much to your dismay you were brought back to reality by one of the assistants working there with you.
“Miss Y/L/N, we have a little problem backstage”
You turned towards the young man, resigning from watching the blonde and reluctantly giving your full attention to the man. 
“I’m coming” you nodded and - after glancing at Lenore one more time - you followed him to find out what kind of problem he was talking about.
Lenore sat and watched, but she didn’t even bother to pretend she was interested. She had a sense that being there was just a waste of time. And as a worldly woman that she beyond any doubt was - she hated wasting her time, especially in places like that.  Shabby and tasteless. Full of inelegant, crude people who tended to get above themselves way too often, while in reality they had absolutely no idea what true sophistication and fashionability were. They came there to watch the show, but it had nothing to do with them being interested in fashion. It was just another way of exposing their self-importance. Lenore knew it better than anyone, but that was all right with her. She used to be like them too, though she no longer needed to prove anything to anyone. That's why for her being there was more like a torture.
If it hadn’t been for her impulsive and capricious decision to fire her tailor she wouldn’t even think of attending such a ridiculous event like a fashion show in a small, prospectless town. What could she possibly see there? Nothing. Those were simple people, not accustomed with high standards and clearly not ready for any fashion revolutions. Lenore hadn’t expected anything spectacular. There was no use in getting her hopes up, since she was there only because she needed a new seamstress. Enjoying the show was far from probable and she was well aware of it. Yet she went and stayed there. Fairly sick to death, but determined, hoping that if she put up with all the inconveniences, she would manage to find what she was looking for. 
Cheap clothes and shoddy jewellery - was all she got to see for the first hour or so and that was enough to drive her crazy. Lenore wasn’t sure whether she wanted to laugh or cry. Those people's taste or rather lack of it - cried to heaven. Calling something like that a fashion show appeared to be some barbarous jape. And at that point Lenore was fed up and ready to leave. It was so naive of her to envisage witnessing something groundbreaking, but there was still one more line of clothes supposed to be walked out - and that was it. A real breakthrough. Something out of the ordinary. Something that Lenore wanted, but didn’t know it before.
She watched - suddenly interested in everything that was happening on the runway. Models walked down one after the other, then disappeared, but each one of them - presenting another outfit, left Lenore even more astonished than the previous one. 
Lenore Osgood had always been a material girl, but she felt no remorse about it. Clothes were her own kind of cakes and ale and she felt no shame choosing the perfect fabrics and jewelry that would suit her fancy, after all she had enough money to afford whatever she desired.
At that point all she wanted was that one particular line of clothes. The show wasn’t over yet, but Lenore already knew she was going to be the one to buy all those outfits. She kept waiting though - well aware that the last outfit was supposed to be the most extraordinary one. However she didn’t get to see it, as instead of the last model some man appeared on the runway - informing there was going to be a short break, because they had some problem. 
Lenore huffed. She had never been a patient person and so - obviously - she wasn’t going to wait like others.The heiress stood up, flicked her long coat and not paying any attention to people - who intently observed her every move, not even trying to be discreet- she headed out to the backstage. She couldn’t care less about the rules or the fact that unauthorized people weren’t allowed there. It did not apply to her - that was how Lenore perceived every prohibition she encountered. She had never been the one to care much for the commonly accepted norms. She simply did what she pleased, completely unbothered by the possible consequences. Even more so at that moment - she just needed to meet the designer face to face. After all it didn’t happen often that someone managed to captivate her like that.
How surprised she was when instead of a man - as she incorrectly assumed the artist to be a male - her eyes set on you - a young woman. That’s when her amazement doubled. 
At first Lenore stopped, slightly confused. She didn't speak up immediately. You weren’t there alone and she couldn't interrupt you and deprive herself of the opportunity to watch you working.
Some young, very tall and skinny woman stood there next to you. Lenore figured it must have been the model, supposed to walk down the runway as the last one. Lenore examined the woman’s body and immediately noticed that the dress she was wearing did not quite fit her - that was the problem apparently.
Lenore stood a few meters away. Not too far, so that she could see what you were doing, but still not close enough for you to notice her presence.
The blonde observed how your hand reached for some pins and then how you put a few of them in your mouth.
"I'm sorry, Y/N" the model said, sobbing
"Please, stop apologizing. Everything is alright" you mumbled, not really able to speak, because of the pins you kept between your lips.
"I destroyed the dress..."
"You didn't destroy anything. Now calm down and let me fix this little malfunction" you said, crouching behind the girl.
You took a seam ripper in one hand and held the fabric of the dress with the other. Normally seam rippers were used to help with occasional mistakes, but you were prone to experimenting with different sewing tools. Necessity is the mother of invention - you often said. And just like that, in one swift move you ripped one of the seams - only to pin it back together with pins within seconds. Except after that little operation of yours the dress became a bit looser. Not too excessively, but just enough to fit the model. 
“See? It’s fixed.” you said, proudly looking at the result of your work and zipping the dress “Now, stop crying. There’s no need to cry” you reassured.
“But I couldn’t put it on…”
“Because it was too small”
“Exactly… I-I… I need to lose weight” she said in a breaking voice.
“No” you shook your head “Clothes are supposed to fit you, not the other way. Now go”
The woman nodded and rushed out, passing by next to Lenore, who was standing there with a cigarette in her hand - shamelessly checking you out.
“I must say, that was very impressive” the heiress stated, thereby making you aware of her presence.
You quickly turned around and were instantly met by the blue eyes and probably one of the most entrancing smiles you had ever seen. There she was. One and only Lenore Osgood in the flesh. You couldn’t help the gasp - she looked even better up close.
“I… Umm… Can I help you, madam?” you asked, internally scolding yourself for taking so long to say anything.
“Actually, you can, darling”
“I’m listening” you said, trying to act as natural as possible, despite the fact the nickname she used made your heart skip a beat.
Lenore pulled at her cigarette, then smiled - obviously pleased with your answer.
“You are the one who designed those close” she stated, but with a hint of uncertainty. 
“That’s right” 
“Well then, allow me to felicitate you. It was a wonderful show - the last part at least” she stated, rolling her eyes as she remembered how sorely dull the beginning of the event was.
“Thank you” you beamed at her words.
“You are welcome, darling” her smile got even wider - making you wonder if she realized what effect that goddamn nickname had on you.
“Now, let’s say I have an offer for you. What would you say if I asked you to work for me?” she continued.
How could you say no to her? You would most likely be out of your mind if you had denied such a proposal. Her invitation was one of those you could not and definitely did not want to decline. How could you do it after she bought all the outfits from your new collection - paying even more than they were actually worth. Not to mention that working for her was what you dreamed about ever since you saw her.
That's how you found yourself standing at the door of Lenore's mansion the very next day. She wanted to know what other ideas you had and see different projects of yours, so you took your binder and sewing planner with you. As you nervously waited for someone to open and let you in, you held the items tight, pressing them to your chest - as if they were some precious treasure.
"Miss Y/L/N? Come in, Ms Osgood is waiting for you" an older woman informed, as she led you inside.
You followed, looking around - taking in every detail of the house interior and trying to memorize it. You always held to a particular belief of the house being the image of its owner's soul. Some people found it ridiculous, but in that case it was true. Lenore's house was as superior, noble and remarkable as the heiress herself.
"Y/N!" the blonde called and you turned round. You immediately stopped, when you caught the sight of her.
Lenore was slowly descending the stairs - looking as gracefully as ever. You smiled to yourself, when you realized she was wearing one of the outfits that you created. You had never felt such joy and pride seeing your previous clients wearing something that you designed. But to be fair, none of them radiated with such regality as Lenore. No one could ever match her dignity or a sense of majesty, and apparently that was what made your projects look even more exquisite.
"Is it alright if I call you by your name, dear?" Lenore asked, stopping for a moment to allow her little monkey jump from her shoulder to the shoulder of the woman who let you in.
"If I'm allowed to call you by yours" you smiled.
"Absolutely, darling" the blonde said enthusiastically, as she moved towards you. A smirk appeared on her face, indicating that she did not miss the way you blushed at the nickname. "Let's sit down, shall we?" she suggested, pointing to a spacious room, where a white sofa and armchairs stood.
You nodded, as you moved to sit in one of the armchairs.
"Would you like something to drink, Y/N?" Lenore asked.
"Just a glass of water, please"
"Darce! Bring Y/N a glass of water" she ordered, clicking her fingers.
You shifted in the armchair. The woman in front of you made you feel nervous for some reason, but you tried to act professional.
"You wanted to see my projects, so I brought my binder…" you said, a bit hesitant.
"Wonderful!” she exclaimed, grinning “May I?" she asked, as she reached out for the item.
"Of course" you passed her the binder and then observed, as she intently studied each page.
"Your water, Miss Y/L/N" the older woman said, handing you the glass.
"Thank you" you smiled, carefully taking the vessel from her.
"What a talent and creativity!" Lenore praised, glancing at you with a smirk on her face, not paying attention to the other woman.
You smiled, taking a sip of the water - hoping it would actually help with calming your nerves.
Lenore spent almost an hour on deciding which of your projects she would like to get. She obviously liked them all, but she needed her clothes to be different. She needed them to be extraordinary, fancy and expensive. And so you suggested creating something just for her.
You were a hardworking person - used to staying up late to finish sewing different outfits. You always went all out and thereby made your clients satisfied, but with Lenore you wanted more. Making her satisfied simply didn't seem enough. You wanted to impress her, blow her away. Little did you know that the heiress already was spellbound - not only by your projects, but by you yourself.
Lenore had never met anyone who delighted her so much. Such manners, such a style and sophistication. Not to mention you were so extremely accomplished for your age. All that impressed her in a way, but also fascinated her. She was truly enchanted by you. No wonder. You had a peculiar background, attitude and approach to the real world. You were a rare sample and Lenore happened to like thinking of herself as a connoisseur. She liked uncommon things. That's why she desperately wanted to have a taste of that extraordinary, magical power that radiated from you. A taste of that particular thing that made you so special. Though before she decided to do anything, she needed to make sure you would not disapprove of her. Because rejection was something Lenore didn't take well.
Lenore figured out that taking things slow was a good thing to do. She decided to warm you up a little and make sure that she actually had a chance. She didn't want her intentions to be too obvious. Lenore had always been a little skeptical of displaying any sort of affection. She'd rather play around. Yet she couldn't deny it felt sort of different with you.
Lenore loved teasing you more than anything. You always seemed so stressed and flustered whenever you would come to her house to deliver yet another outfit - and she found it adorable.
At first you would come to her house once a week. Each time bringing with you a different dress and a few of new projects for Lenore to have a look and either go with them or tell you what she would like you to change. She rarely wanted to make any adjustments though. Lenore appreciated all of your ideas - only occasionally asking you to make a particular outfit in different colour or use another kind of fabric than you had intended to at first, but she never criticised you. As a matter of fact, she was always praising you. Maybe even too excessively. She complimented basically everything about you - from your creativity and ideas to the way you dressed. It appeared that she knew exactly what to say to make you blush - of which she was not only aware, but also took pride in succeeding in doing it. However, as much as you loved it, you could not quite help all the worries that clouded in your head - when you began realizing that Lenore became someone more than just your client and boss.
It had been going on for months. You grew so used to spending time with her and designing clothes for her that at some point your life turned to be all about Lenore. Everything either reminded you of her or inspired you to make another outfit that would fit her and only her taste. Lenore and even her monkey became such a huge part of your life, that you couldn't picture yourself not doing all of the things  you were doing and you definitely could not stop thinking about Lenore. To say that it scared you would be an understatement. The realization of your true feelings made you freak out completely. So much so that you did not know what to do. So much so you couldn't act the way you used to before. That's why you decided to take a break - hoping it would help you distance yourself. 
You enforced your idea immediately - as instead of informing Lenore face to face, you called her.
"Ms Osgood, I need some time off for… personal reasons" you told her.
Lenore agreed of course, though that sudden phone call took her by surprise. She knew something wasn't quite alright, when you used her full name, but she didn't ask any questions.
She kept repeating everything that had happened the past week, yet she couldn't figure out what was actually going on. You had never taken time off before and the way you called whatever was happening - "personal reasons" caused her a lot of distress. What did that even mean? Were you in trouble? Was she supposed to do something? And why was she so worried about it?
At first Lenore tried to convince herself that she didn't really care. But she did. Her little game turned into something utterly different without her even realizing it. You turned out to be far more than just her seamstress and she appreciated you for more than only your brilliant mind or skills.
Lenore truly cared about you and missed you dearly. She missed your smile and seeing you blush at her compliments. She missed listening to you talking about your projects - so passionately. 
Lenore was a grown-up and experienced woman, however she had never felt the way she felt with you. With you everything was different, new. And whatever she desired at the very beginning changed.
While you locked yourself in your apartment and lost yourself in work - as an attempt to distance from her, Lenore kept thinking of all the ways she could get closer to you. She was so desperate, so lovesick that she - the great heiress was ready to beg, even bow before for you if that was what it took.
You didn't expect Lenore to turn up at your door. It had been three days, you were sure everything was on the right track and you would manage to cure yourself of your fascination. Though, the moment you opened the door and saw Lenore in all her glory, everything came right back to you. All your feelings hit you again - that time with doubled power.
"Lenore… w-what are you doing here?"
"It's nice to see you too, Y/N" she said, passing by you - not waiting for you to invite her inside.
You took a deep breath, trying to calm down. How could anyone be able to make you feel so weak and yet so empowered at the same time?
Lenore walked in, then looked around your apartment. It wasn't too big, but she had to admit it was classy - you perfectly combined living space with workspace. But your flat wasn't what interested her the most. The heiress turned round to face you and offered you a cocky smile, as she took in your form. Lenore was used to seeing you in various dresses and heels, though that day you looked completely different. You were not only barefoot, but also instead of a dress, you had a white shirt and denim overalls on. Your hair was put in a messy ponytail and a measuring tape was draped around your neck - signifying that you were working.
"So, how can I help you?" you asked, not looking at Lenore.
The blonde smiled. "I was just passing by and thought I'd check on you"
"Check on me?" you repeated, raising your eyes.
"Yes" Lenore said calmly "Would you mind if I stay here for some time?"
"I-" you were about to protest, but it was too late, since Lenore sat down on one of the chairs and lit her cigarette.
"So, have you managed to resolve those personal reasons of yours?"
"Not really, I guess" you said, watching Lenore cross her legs.
The way you stared at her body didn't go unnoticed. Lenore didn't miss how flustered you got either, but she said nothing. It wasn't the right time - not just yet.
You sighed, approaching a table on which you had different materials laid. You got back to work, trying to ignore Lenore's presence. It was hard to focus on anything though. It was impossible when she was sitting there and watching you, but you kept trying anyways.
Lenore didn't speak for a few minutes. She simply enjoyed the moment - the possibility of watching you work and being around you in general.
"Is this a new project?" she asked, dragging on her cigarette.
"Actually yes. It's going to be your dress for the party that you're attending next month"
"Oh. Well, it looks nice"
You laughed at her words.
"It doesn't look like anything yet"
"I'm sure it'll be wonderful. Every project of yours is, darling"
You looked at her, not able to contain the smile caused by her compliment.
And that smile was what motivated Lenore to make the first step. 
"You know, I was thinking about you for the past few days," she began, as you focused on pinning the fabric together again.
"They don't appreciate you enough. I mean those men you're working with. They're wasting your potential. You should work for your own brand and not for theirs"
"Well…" you were about to say something, but Lenore cut you off.
"And I figured out there are two ways I could help you in"
"Yeah?" you said, but still didn't pay much attention to her words.
"Yes" Lenore stubbed her cigarette and stood up, as she continued "I could either become some kind of your patroness. This is the first option, but personally I like the second one more" she explained, as she stopped on the opposite side of the table.
"What's the second option then?" you asked, reaching for yet another pin.
"Well" Lenore smiled. You were still so oblivious "I could be your sugar momma" 
"Shit!" you cursed, as you accidentally hurt your finger with the pin "W-what?" you choked, looking at her. Your eyes were wide open, as Lenore approached you and carefully took your hand in her own. She then slowly brought the finger you had just cut to her lips and kissed it.
"I said…"
"No. I k-know what you said… I… I just…" you stuttered, not able to form any coherent sentence.
"Which option do you like better, sweetheart?" she asked in a low voice.
"I…" you gasped, staring at her lips.
You couldn't bring yourself to speak, so instead you leaned in and kissed her. You could feel how her lips formed a smirk and even though your eyes were shut at that point, you could see that damn sly smile.
"I was hoping you'd go with the second option" Lenore chuckled.
You wanted to respond to her words, but before you managed to regain the ability to think properly - Lenore lifted you up and made you sit on the table.
"Your dress…" you tried to protest, but were immediately cut off.
"I'd rather take you this time" Lenore said and captured your lips once again.
That definitely wasn't what you had expected when you accepted the job offer. You hadn't even dreamed about it. And even if you had, being so close to Lenore, feeling her warm hands on your body and her soft lips pressed against yours was beyond any wildest dreams you could ever have. 
Tag list: @midnight-lestrange, @natasha-danvers, @stopkillinglilyrabe, @welshdragonrawr, @saucy-sapphic, @yang12e, @xixxiixx, @pradababey
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