#but every time it plays I think of Kallus
silvercaptain24 · 2 years
How is it that a song that isn't even remotely connected to Star Wars in the least and doesn't even have words always makes me think of Kallus when it comes on?
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cptrackham · 14 days
Fic: A man is not dead while his name is still spoken
1,707 words. Set during Rebels, ft. Captain Rex.
A short story, because I refuse to believe that the clones' story - their mistreatment, abuse, betrayal - was allowed to fade into obscurity, until all that was left was three old men hiding out on Seelos. AO3 link here.
Kallus was waiting for them when the Ghost touched down on Yavin IV.
Or rather, waiting for Rex.
“Mothma and Organa are waiting for you, Conference room four,” Kallus muttered to him, as the rest of the squad began off-boarding procedures and checks.
What for?” Hera demanded. Ever the protector “Rex, you need me to come with?”
But Rex waved her off, running a hand over his bald head. “No, it’s alright,” he sighed. “I think I know what it’s about.”
It’s not like it was a secret. The news had even reached the Outer Rim by now. A scandal like this, news travels fast.
But not many people would know what it means to Rex. Organa was perhaps one of the last few to understand.
As the door slid open to the conference room, Mon Mothma and Bail Organa turned to face Rex with a sorrowful expression he’d become far too familiar with over his long years (metaphorically speaking). He hated it. “Senators,” he greeted.
Bail, only there as a full-sized hologram, smiled at him. “Rex, it’s good to see you,” Bail said, in a gentle tone that only served to put Rex more on edge. He didn’t want to have this conversation.
So he cut straight to the point. “I’ve already heard,” he said, perhaps a bit sharper than intended. “They’re playing it on the news in every port. Riyo – Senator Chuchi’s death. What happened?”
“As far as the public is aware, she died of a heart-attack following a particularly stressful debate in the Senate,” Mon Mothma said. “But, there is cause to suspect foul play was involved.”
Rex nodded. “Of course there is. Can we prove it?”
“It’s unlikely,” Bail said. “The press report was issued by Palpatine’s own office, they won’t allow an autopsy to reveal anything, and any dissidents – I’m sorry, Rex. With Riyo’s death, it’s clearer than ever that we are losing our grip in the Senate.”
For most of his life, Rex’s face had been hidden under his bucket, emotions indecipherable. He still hadn’t quite got the hang of schooling his expression. He took a deep breath, and forced his scowl to fade. It wasn’t their fault. Stars knew Bail did all he could. “I see. I… thank you, for thinking of me.”
“Of course,” Bail said, quickly, one translucent hand reaching forward as if the hologram could comfort him. “I know how close you and Riyo were, in the early days.”
“But, Captain, there is something else,” Mon Mothma cut in.
Intrigued against his better judgement, Rex glanced between the two of them. Bail was no longer quite meeting his gaze, and Mon Mothma had clasped her hands behind her back in that way she did before starting an important speech. “Oh?” Rex asked, hesitant.
“Riyo was a vocal component of our campaigning,” Mon Mothma said. “The most vital spokesperson in the senate, in fact. With her gone, we have, as Bail said, lost our hold in the Senate, and any hope we had of passing de-escalation, de-militarisation, and reparation bills has dropped significantly. In fact, we’re taking steps to withdraw key figures to positions of safety.”
“Including myself,” Bail cut in, with a wry smile. “I will be returning to Alderaan on a more permanent basis.”
“And, unfortunately, it means we’re having to abandon some of our current campaigns, even some of our most long-running ones.” Mon Mothma hesitated again. “Including Senator Chuchi’s Clone Rights bill.”
Rex almost laughed. Was this what they were so concerned about? For all Riyo’s efforts, that bill had died a slow and painful death years ago. “I understand, Senator,” he said, hoping Mon Mothma hadn’t yet spent enough time around soldiers to pick up the ‘no shit sir’ undertone.
But Bail raised a hand, as if to ask Rex to wait a moment. “We aren’t happy with this,” he said. “I, personally, cannot allow Riyo’s work to be dismissed so easily, not when she has probably lost her life because of how much she cared. So we were hoping you would help us take this case to an even more ruthless court.”
Rex frowned at him. What other court? All there was, was the Empire. And it wasn’t like the Rebellion had anywhere near enough funds to provide the pensions Riyo had promised.
Bail smiled. “The court of public opinion,” he clarified.
Mon Mothma took over, as if practiced. “We want to share the clone’s story,” she said. “Your story. It is, perhaps, one of the clearest examples of how underhand, how manipulative, how immoral the Empire and Palpatine himself are. It shows how everyone has been played for fools since before the war even started,” she said, passionate, and Rex remembered that Mon Mothma had been a Separatist. “It shows how none of us had a choice, how so many of us died for nothing. You and your brothers most of all. If you – and any of your brothers – would be able to share your story, it could make a huge impact on how the Empire is perceived. It could sway a lot of people.”
Rex took another steadying breath.
She wasn’t wrong.
“My brothers and I,” Rex said, slowly, parsing through his thoughts as he spoke, “Have spent a long time fighting to get out of the eye of the Empire. They gave us their attention once. It wasn’t good.”
Very few people knew the full truth of what the clones has lost, following Order 66. Mon Mothma and Bail at least knew enough to flinch at Rex’s harsh understatement.
“We understand,” Bail said. “I don’t expect you to come to a decision quickly. Take the time you need.”
“But don’t wait too long, Captain,” Mon Mothma said. “The Empire will make everyone forget Riyo Chuchi soon enough.”
Rex stared at her, unsure whether to resent her callousness, or admire the cold practicality. A solider through-and-through, he was leaning towards the latter.
He didn’t say anything else. He couldn’t, thoughts too full of his history, the chance to share it, and Riyo.
Falling back on muscle memory, he saluted, about-turned, and walked from the room.
It was Zeb who found him later. “You’re moping,” he said, nudging Rex to shuffle along the crate he was sat on and make room.
Rex sighed. “I’m old. I’ve seen a lot of shit. Sometimes, it requires moping. I’ve earned a good mope every now and then.”
Zeb chuckled. “Yeah, but no one’s allowed to mope alone. Hera’s orders.”
“I’ll be fine Zeb.”
“I know that. Want to take it up with Hera?”
Rex smiled – for a couple of seconds.
Zeb let him sit a silence for a good long while, the lasat instead paying attention to the bowl of food he’d brought with him. Rice dish, a concerning shade of red.
Most of the food was gone before Zeb spoke again. “You want to talk about it?” he asked, through a full mouth.
An easy dismissal sat on tip of Rex’s tongue, but he hesitated. Bail had said he understood, and he might have meant it with all the genuine goodwill in the galaxy, but he didn’t. He couldn’t.
Rex hesitated, before asking, “If you could tell everyone what happened on Lasan – the massacre, the ion disruptor rifles, how you’ve been persecuted and hunted since – would you do it?”
“Yes,” Zeb said, without hesitation, with an air of finality, and through another full mouth.
“Even if you knew it would put a high-priority target on the back of every lasat who survived?”
Zeb’s fork paused halfway to his mouth. He hesitated, then lowered it back to the bowl, swallowing his current mouthful loudly. “Alright,” he said, voice carefully measured, “that’s a bit of a problem, I’ll give you that. Is this a theoretical exercise?”
Rex shrugged. “Not exactly.”
Zeb fell silent again, food abandoned. “I think,” Zeb said, eventually, “that telling the truth is as much about stopping it happening to other planets, other cultures, as much as it’s about getting justice for me an’ mine. I think any lasat who lives is already suffering enough that another target ain’t gonna make that much of a difference. I think any lasat who’s survived this long, can take care of themselves. And I think I’d owe it to all who came before to have their death mean something, not just to me, but to anyone else who’d listen.”
Having said his piece, Zeb took another mouthful of rice and kept eating.
A few more bites in silence later, Zeb swallowed and asked, “Did that help?”
“Yeah,” Rex said. “Yeah, that helped.”
“Good. Now let’s go get you fed, before Hera hunts us down and skins me for wilful neglect of an elder.”
Rex went to Mon Mothma’s office early the next morning.
“I can’t promise you anything,” he said, before she could speak, “I can’t even say how many I’ll be able to contact, let alone how many will agree to it. But I’m going to need a bunch of brand-new encrypted channels, and a really long-range transmitter.”
“I am CT-7567, Captain Rex of the 501st Legion, CO of Torrent Company.”
“CC-36 36, Commander Wolffe of the 104th Wolfpack Battalion.”
“CT-9901, or Sergeant Hunter, CO of Clone Force 99.”
“I am ARC Trooper Echo, formally of the 501st and Clone Force 99.”
“I served as Sergeant Hound in the Coruscant Guard, this is Grizzer.”
“Commander Bly, CC-5052, of the 327th Star Corps, serving under General Aayla Secura.”
“I am CC-2224, Marshal Commander Cody of the 7th Sky Corps, CO of the 212th Attack Battalion, and Second in Command of the Third Systems Army under General Kenobi.”
“You probably think you know all you need to about us. I doubt many of you look at us favourably, these days, if you see any of us at all. You probably think we were loyal soldiers of the Republic, soldiers of the Empire. Some of you might think we were traitors to the Republic cause, who assisted with the Empire’s takeover of the galaxy. Some of you might even think we betrayed the jedi – and I can’t fault you for that.
“But, here’s some things about us you might not know…”  
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seth-shitposts · 6 months
AU that's been in my brain every once in a while that I know I sure as hell won't be doing myself anytime soon, if I do it at all-
AU where the grand inquisitor and minister tua lived and switched allegiances.
No I don't have indepth details, but I have random thoughts (I lied there's more here than I thought there'd be)
(I'm most probably going to throw this over on to Ao3 as a concept fic)
Tua stays in hiding for nearly a year, moving from refugee camp to refugee camp. She has to pull her weight, help build community. Something about it gives her something to almost strive for, it's something more. She realizes she has a lot more skills than having just been a public face, once upon a time.
Something happens where she's not at the camp, but elsewhere. Possibly receiving information on where the next round of supplies will be coming from for the camp. She comes face to face with Kallus and feels the same terror she did back when she was fleeing the Empire. She knows Kallus recognizes her, maybe he's here to bring her back to the empire for the charge of treason. If she runs back to the settlement, she would only be putting those who've helped her in danger. Nearly a year ago, she wouldn't have thought twice about it. But now she's frozen, eyes locked with kallus. However, Kallus turns a blind eye to her, acting as though she weren't even there. As if she hadn't run off with valuable information of the empire to give to the rebels inexchange for her own life. As if she weren't someone he's obligated to capturing.
Something about it is rattling. She isn't sure if he's playing a game to get her to lead him back to the settlement or if he thinks she's part of a rebel cell. Either way, she stays away from the camp for a while. Going from place to place, again, but some how ending up in a pattern of following Kallus. Seeing... differences. This is not the same man who she worked alongside and ran from on Lothal. Similarities are there, but the differences...
Tua has never been bold. She knows that. She used to admire Kallus’s boldness. She envies it. The first true act of boldness she takes is approaching him when she sees him again, alone.
There's many questions she has, but the moment she steps up to him, stopping him from whatever it is he's doing, it all dissipates from her tongue.
"Are you trying to get yourself caught, Tua?" The agent's brow twitches, looking around to make sure there's no eyes on them.
"If..." Tua takes a shaky breath, reassuring herself, "if you intended on that, you would've done so weeks ago. That's been..." whatever these differences are, they've been grating against her. "Your loyalty. It isn't the same."
Kallus looks away from her, returning to organizing items in a create. Imperial equipment. "I don't know what you're talking about."
*Lies.* "don't give me that," Tua hisses. She may not be bold, she may be a coward, but she is not unobservant. "I may not know why, or what you're doing, but whatever it is, it isn't for the empire anymore."
"Tua, run back off to wherever it is you came from. We are strangers. You are a citizen I do not recognize."
Kallus looks at her in shock. He must be just as surprised about how different she is as she is about him. But her boldness is new. And probably temporary. So she has to push on before she loses her resolve.
"You're right. We are strangers. Because the man I worked alongside would have chased after a traitor without hesitation. The man I worked alongside was undoubtedly loyal to his empire. Unwavering. Bold. No minor task was below him. 'All leads must be pursued.' You said that more times than I could keep track of." Tua thought that her boldness would've started to disperse, but... it's the opposite. It's only built itself up and it's absolutely *electrifying*.
"The woman I worked alongside had never once been this bold." There's something almost... friendly about the comment.
"The man I worked alongside had never said something with so much warmth." Something has undoubtedly changed him. "Who are you?" She whispers, making sure only they can hear, "because it surely isn't Agent."
A tension in his shoulders slides off. "You're right. It's not agent anymore, but I can't tell you anything more."
Tua looks back down to the equipment. All of it valuable and unquestionably stolen. "You're graciously delivering food and water to a citizen that is going to distribute it to those who need it." She looks back up to him, wanting to help. "Just tell me where and I'll make sure it's delivered."
Kallus blinks at her. Then he huff a smile. The man she worked alongside never gave a single smile that wasn't arrogant. Something or someone rattled this man to his very core. "Yes, of course. I do charity work to promote morale in the name of the empire."
Kallus tells her a location and she asks him for another time and place. More she could do. He tells her that if she goes with the person she meets, she can do more there and that she isn't to mention him at all.
"Oh, and Maketh?"
She nearly drops the lid of the crate. Kallus catches the lid and secures it.
"The day you defected from the empire. I'm sorry for nearly killing you."
Tua shakes her head with a smile. "The man I worked alongside never apologized a day in his life." She straightens her posture and gives him a nod. "But to the one before me, the one what I never had this conversation with, I would say that those days of 'its not personal' are behind us. He could make it up to me by one day telling me the story of how he got here." Whatever he's doing is dangerous. Takes a courage that even now, Tua knows she could never even hope to possess. Truly envious, truly admirable.
Truly inspiring.
The Grand Inquisitior survived, relatively unscathed. He doesn't know how or why, but just as much fear rises in him as anger. The emperor had put his faith in him, graciously given him tools and knowledge. All things he was continously denied and held back from in the Jedi Order. And he's felt it lately; how the emperor has been slowly pulling back on those things. Losing faith in his abilities. Or has he been losing his usefulness? He can't even follow through to the end of his own fate. He failed in stopping a single Jedi and his padawan. And yet he still lives.
He still lives. He hadn't felt competent enough by the Jedi Order, but he still yearned to strive for that. At least until the events of Offee and Tano. That was when he lost faith in the Order. He out lived the order, he survived order 66. Despondent, he looked to Sideous who offered him what the Jedi Order had denied him time and time again. All he had to do was relinquish himself. He doesn't even remember his own name these days. He traded everything for the promise of knowledge. He had felt like someone had faith in him and his abilities. He made it much further as an inquisitor. Though he continuously lacked *something*. To fill the void, he always just pushed himself harder to be of use, to feel competent, to gain more knowledge.
But lately Sideous hadms been holding back. Limiting him. He thought maybe if he can simply just complete his mission, help ser through to the plans for Lothal, he would gain that back and the void would threaten to consume him.
But he failed. He failed, and yet he is still alive. And for that, there would be punishment.
All of this cumulates to him escaping before it is found out that he's alive. Going into hiding, he spends time scavenging ruins of sith and jedi, looking for artifacts, data, anything he can find. Most of which ends up just becoming a collection because he's no longer able to bend the force to his will and he can't open any of the jedi artifacts. It leaves him endlessly frustrated. He debates pursing Kanan and Ezra on his own. Bringing them to the emperor. Proving that he is of use.
He runs into similar problems as the artifacts, unable to track them. So where does he go? He finds the person he worked alongside to hunt these very people.
Agent Kallus.
He approaches the agent when he's alone, on a planet. The agent is perceptive, as always. He knows of the inquisitor's presence immediately. But just as the agent is aware of his presence, he is aware of a lack of intense, heavy anger that the agent formerly held. It's replaced by... something else. Something he hasn't been near or felt himself in a long time. So long that he doesn't know how to place it, what to call it.
"Grand Inquisitior? Shocking to see you. What do you need from me?"
"Straight to the point, how like you. What gives you the impression that I need you?
"Last I saw you, you were with Kanan Jarrus. He escaped and you were not heard from again. We both know what that failure means, and seeing as how you sought me out when I was alone and away from staff, I assume that you are in hiding and need my help." Kallus shuffles datapads around, before giving his attention to him. "Does that sound right?"
He laughs, "seeing as how you haven't made any move to arrest me, *I* assume you're interested in offering your help. Would I be correct in spectating that you have failed in capturing your rebels?"
Kallus gives him a calculated look. The inquisitor hates that he can't prod into what it could possibly be about. He's lost so much of his power. "You're looking to return to your pursuit."
Agitation rises in him. It feels as though Kallus is trying to dangle his goal outside his reach. "You are going to help me."
Kallus takes another moment to think on it, bringing further agitation to him. "What do you have to offer in return?" The agent seems to be choosing his words carefully. Kallus is planning something. Hiding something. "Helping you would only put myself in danger."
He narrows his eyes at the other. "You've never once cared about the dangers to yourself, just results. The result here would be you finally capturing your rebels."
"That's," it's barely there, but it *is* present; a pause, "no longer my directive. What do you have to offer me?"
There's another game here. Another angle. "You aren't one to leave things half finished, *Agent*."
Now *that* causes a flare in Kallus. A flare that is immediately shut down. He smirks, Kallus knows he's on to him.
"These rebels have bested you." He relaxes against the wall by him. Maybe he can get an upper hand.
"At least I didn't fail so spectacularly that I had to fake my death and go into hiding."
He sneers, growling at the other. "Alright then, Kallus. What is it that you desire? Help with your lasat? We could easily take him in a fight."
"Absolutely not." There's no hesitation. In fact, where he thought there would be interest and intrigment, there's apprehension and a whiff of fear. "Why do you wish to pursue a task you've already failed past redemption? We both know that it won't grant you solace or reinstatement."
He knows that Kallus is just trying to change his attention, he knows that's what he's doing, but knowing that doesn't stop him from halting.
"You're chasing after a ghost for what? The implausible chance that you'll be accepted back? What is it that you actually want?"
A year ago, he would've simply cut kallus down where he stands. But the faith that he had in the emperor, much like the faith he had in the order, has wavered. Even if he does bring them to the emperor, and he does dedicate himself once more to lothal, there's no guarantee that he'll be accepted back. That he'll be granted the privilege of knowledge. That he'll be allowed to keep breathing.
He reels himself back. Kallus has a purpose for trying to sway him. For avoiding the capture of these rebels.
"And what is it you want? What are you seeking?" He sneers.
"The answer to that depends on the answer you give me."
"I want access to knowledge. Knowledge denied to me by the order. Knowledge that was given to me by the emperor."
"That same knowledge that he stripped from you?"
All he can do in response is curl his lip at Kallus.
"The jedi order is a distant memory, and, to my understanding, chances of you returning to your previous position are slim to none."
"So what do you suggest? What do you want from me?"
"Are there other ways to aquire what you seek?"
He thought over this himself more times than he could count. "It isn't an easy path, and even if I take it, return to it, there's no guarantee I'll be accepted back. And the chances that I will run into the same blockades as before are certain." The very thought of... it's enough to make him laugh, bitterly.
"So these blockades," Kallus nods carefully, "they were in the way? Placed there by the order?"
"I am losing my patience."
Kallus seems to be doing the same, but he takes a deep breath. "Large obstacles don't appear out of nowhere. Without foundation. What was the foundation that supported them?"
He stares at Kallus for a long moment. "With that suggestion, my oath would be even more difficult."
"Anything worth working for always is. Are you willing to put forth that effort?"
"What is it you want. What is it you're working for?" He's asked this for the umpteenth time.
Kallus takes an apprehensive breath, one that's shaky in his lungs. Daring. Bold. "A change in your allegiances. In your short term goals. In exchange, I will offer help for your long term goal of knowledge. However I am able."
A year ago, he would've laughed. He would've turned him over to the emperor for his own gain.
Something, however, that Kallus has, is expressing so freely is filling a void that he tried to run from for so many years. Its a void that niether the emperor nor the jedi order could successfully fill. And he wants to know what it is. Needs to know what it is.
"Alright. Tell me what you want me whatever minuscule goals you wish for me to complete and I will see through to them." He goes to bow, but pauses when Kallus extends his hand. "What is..." he motion vaguely to the gesture, "all that?"
"A handshake. There will be mutual benefits in this deal."
The former inquisitor considers it. Kallus is approaching this as an equal. "Fine," he sighs, accepting the offer. "And do not worry, your treasonous secret will not leave from me."
Appreciation flows from the Not-Imperial. "Thank you, I'm aware that you don't much care for the empire and that none if this would matter one way or another to you." Kallus grips his hand tighter and holds his gaze firmly. "So know that if you do expose me, I won't hesitate to bring you down with me."
He laughs at that, something light for the first time in longer than he can keep track of. "I would say just keep me from becoming bored and you won't have to worry, but you've sparked too much interest for me to need to clarify."
Kallus rolls his eyes. "Also,"
"There's more you worry about?"
The look that falls over Kallus’s eyes is quite possibly the darkest he's seen on him. And the feeling that washes over him from the Not-Imperial is quite possibly the most delightful brush of corruption that he's experienced since the day Sideous gave him access to knowledge.
"You harm The Ghost Crew in any way, shape, or form, and I will make whatever the emperor could've done to you look like a joke. Force or not."
Oh, oh this is going to be fun. "I wouldn't dream of it." He smiles toothily.
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nicki0kaye · 3 months
random kallus hc inspired by someone else's post #3
I think getting him to socialize will be like pulling teeth. It obvs depends on how you interpret his few lines in season 4, but I don't think he was doing the bond villain voice as a joke when he greeted the Spectres. I think he's just like that.
And I think he knows it's off-putting, and is using that as a shield of sorts so he doesn't have to go too far into the unknown after entirely uprooting his life and leaving the Empire.
the explanation I always come back to is 'be what they expect', like that's his strategy within the Rebellion. This is important bc my main hc for Kallus is that everything about his presentation is fake. His accent and cadence was taken from the big bad in a show he liked as a tween. His only formal education is from the Academy, so he lacks a lot of standard knowledge others take for granted. He was an entirely different person before entering the Empire (though it was the Republic at his time of enlistment), and even though he's been in character for the last 20-ish years, there's nothing stopping him from constructing a new one. Nothing but himself and his goals.
Now there's also the comfort aspect. Creating a whole new life is terrifying, and I do think there's a measure of comfort he takes for having 'valid reasons' for not reinventing himself. He's also been shaped by the Empire (and his life before, as a gang lord's son) to expect the worst of people--to make formalities weapons, to always expect the knife in the back, to take any opportunity to tear someone else down so he can rise higher. That's created a paranoid, hyper-alert state re: other people, and the people of the Rebellion have every reason to distrust and ostracize him bc of his past as an ISB officer.
All of this is to say, 'be what they expect' is both a strategy to lessen the friction between him and the Rebellion, and also as a means of protecting his own sense of stability. Changing shit up now could draw unwanted attention, give Rebels cause to distrust his goals and intentions, call into question who he is what he's capable of, and ultimately would be taxing and anxiety inducing for him.
I think he's a proud guy who doesn't do shit in half measures, and that means taking 'failure' very seriously, including social failure. If he's a stuck up asshole ex-Imp, he's not gonna win anyone over, which means he won't feel bad or like he's fucked up if no one likes him much. He's setting himself up for failure as a means of controlling the situation, bc he is very out of his depths and hyper aware of what a mistake could cost.
that isn't to say I don't love hcs where he loosens the sphincter and genuinely tries to socialize and make nice, I fucking adore those, I just think getting him there would be a process. He's a recovering perfectionist, he's gonna need the help.
I also just...look, one of my criteria for imprinting on a character is how likely they are to sit there with a neutral expression while mentally furiously playing 4D chess against themselves and their perceived opponent re: literally any social interaction. I love the mfs who look like they have their shit together but in reality are one misstep away from a meltdown over 'failing' at being a human. It's the autistic people pleaser in me.
and I love the idea of that person being worth saving. That they can bond and find love and friendship and learn to be better at this shit. I like exploring that process, warts and all. I like forcing them to admit they need other people, they want other people, even if it scares them shitless.
There's a song from the musical Company called 'Being Alive' that reminds me a lot of what I feel is the core driving force for Kallus' change. It starts with the character more or less listing all the reasons love sucks, actually, but there's a turn midway where he starts begging for all these little inconveniences because; "Alone is alone, not alive"
And I think Kallus is deeply embarrassed that he feels that way. That for all the perfectly understandable reasons to hate the Empire, he ultimately changed because he was tired of being alone and wanted to be alive. So there's also this layer of penance and self-denial that is informed by his guilt for all he's done, but is ultimately him punishing himself for wanting something so selfish and being so 'weak'.
He hasn't earned friends yet. He doesn't deserve to be loved. He has so much evil to make up for, so much work to do, it'd just be a distraction, and worse a selfish distraction.
And there's reason to consider him an inherently selfish character, I think it should probably be applied to him more, it's a much more realistic take on him, but I personally prefer the obnoxious martyrism of it all. That he's able to flip his morals because they were, ultimately, a put-on anyway. That he is aware of right and wrong and his ability to empathize hasn't withered into nothing after years of violence and cruelty. And even if he can't feel empathy as strongly as he once could, he is at least hyper aware he now runs with a crowd that draws strength from empathy and needs to readjust himself accordingly.
So I guess even if he is still talking and acting like a bond villain, he is tailoring his words and actions to suit the Rebel's sensibilities. And I think he's hyper aware that's a choice--that other people (like Zeb) are just naturally care about the right things and treating others the right way. That he's already deceiving them in a way, which inherently makes him a two-faced liar, and it would just make things messy if he added to that deceit by acting personable and kind and understanding. It's so important the Rebels trust him, so important that they not question his intel and motivations, so it just makes sense that he not push too far and make it obvious he can be anyone. That he could mirror them perfectly, say exactly what they want to hear just how they want to hear it.
No one knows he's a fake person, so he has to keep the mask on. He has to stay in his little ex-imp box and put the real reasons he defected on the back-burner so that this under-funded, over-worked, run-on-shoe-laces-and-hope band of misfits don't die on his watch.
And i really like it when he's proven wrong, and forced to abandon the box and face the horrible ordeal of being known better than he knows himself.
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jedi-bird · 2 months
Hello! for the meme for shippers: 2, 9, and 25 :) :) :)
2) Talk about three of the most important ships throughout your life.
I had to think about this one for a bit because my memory isn't great some days and my ships change quite often. But probably the most important for me was Clint/Coulson. I kind of stumbled into it at a time when life was... not feeling worth continuing. And an obsession very quickly grew lmao. On the nights when I couldn't sleep but I couldn't turn lights on in the house because of a stalker, I would sit and read fanfics of them until the sun would come up. I can't even remember or find half those fics anymore, but I still love them with all my heart.
Second would probably be Baze/Chirrut. Spiritassassin still holds a very dear place in my heart and nothing is prying them away from me.
Third is Sakura and Li from Cardcaptor Sakura. Probably one of my favorite canon ships. I love the innocence and the friendship that grows into something deeper. They are adorable together in every version Clamp has made and I love having a "pg" ship if you will. Reading the manga always reminded me that love doesn't have to be grand gestures and wild passions. It can be holding hands or sharing a meal or just supporting each other. I never needed anything more that the manga and anime had, because to me it was perfect.
9) Do you have many ships that never got together at all?
Officially? Probably most of them 🤣
I never understood the need for ships to me canon. I'm happy when it happens and a lot of the time I wish people who wish it to be good luck. But for me, I like just enjoying my own little thoughts without having to worry about whether I got it right or wrong. In fact, I'm probably personally happier that most of my ships aren't canon. It makes it more fun to keep coming up with more and more ideas I'll never write (or likely finish if I do).
And if we're talking about do I ship characters but then have them break up in my fantasies, why yes. Yes I have. Someday maybe I'll write the rebelcaptain divorce fic that floats around in my head at times. Or I'll quit whimping out and finish the Bodhi/Cassian fic and do the ending in afraid to do.
25) Have you ever shipped a pairing before you even started watching the show/movie simply because of the gifs and graphics or similar?
Short answer. Yes. Sort of.
Long before I ever had the chance to watch Star Wars Rebels, I shipped both Hera/Kanan and Zeb/Kallus. Years of amazing art work drew me in so when I finally had the time and ability to watch shows again I was already a big fan of both ships. Obviously, I had been watching Star Wars for years, but most of the cartoons I watched long after everyone else moved on.
I ship Will and Hannibal even though I'll never be able to watch the show (I've tried and it's far too graphic for me, so I just live it through friends posting gifs and fics). Same with some video game characters for games I've never played. The power of great art and passionate friends draws me in lol.
Mostly though, I'll watch something and then see people drawing art or writing about characters I didn't think about and wind up falling into the ships after reconsider. The demi/ace part of me tends to not see ships on a first viewing unless they're canon and even then, sometimes I hate them lol.
Thank you for the ask! It's much appreciated!
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eirenare · 6 months
Hi hi~! Life update here
Hi there!
Yes, I'm still alive lol, it's just that 85% of my social media time I currently spend it on Twitter (I refuse to call it how Elmo Muskrat wants the site to be called lol), and 15% I spend it on Bluesky (which, by the way, if you wanna find me there, I'm Eirenare too there lol).
I'm still very veeeeeery much in my Reylo brainrot haha, so yeah, you might see me posting or reblogging every now and then some of it, although I've been as well into some other stuff lately (Elden Ring for example), so you might see me posting about that too, so just a heads up there about it (and don't worry, everything I post here, regardless of what it is, as usual it'll have its tags and spoiler warnings, a "read more" if need be, etc).
My energy's been specially low for the past months though to be honest, so I can't guarantee I'll be very active around here (except for private messages, I'll be checking these every little time), just that every now and then I'll come here and post or reblog some stuff, probably Reylo and other things Star Wars or series/movies, life updates too, maybe will share in a bit of my Elden Ring brainrot and theories as its DLC approaches and I get more and more excited.
Anyways, here's some random life update stuff and anecdotes that I wanted to say before I log off for the night here:
I fell into the Kalluzeb (Kallus x Zeb, from Star Wars Rebels) rabbithole some time ago and it was, and is, neat, I love them so much
earlier today I had churros and hot chocolate as desert at lunch time and I was in cloud nine all the while I chomped on them
apparently my brain won't cease to come up with new Reylo AUs which is amazing and so much fun but also if I ever showed you guys screenshots of my Google Docs you might just faint because there are just so many things there between WIPs I'm currently working on that are already on Ao3, future things to go on Ao3, vague WIPs, AU ideas... and my energy is running so low and I'm working on various Ao3 WIPs so yeah lol I don't think I'll ever write even half of the fics I noted down
I watched Barbie at the cinema and it became one of my new comfort movies and one of my fave movies of all time
somehow I'm not as bad as I thought I'd be at Elden Ring even though I'm clumsy, a scaredycat and my tunnel vision goes lvl 100 when I'm playing videogames which usually means "good luck remembering to look at your stamina bar and using key items", so seeing myself not get too stuck on bosses was unexpected and neat (in fact, funnily enough: somehow this game even makes my anxiety lower at times and it barely increases it at all even when I'm fighting bosses, go figure lol)
I had the chance to buy Final Fantasy XVI at a much cheaper price than release price but because at that site I didn't see any warning that it was temporary, by the time I went to buy it, it had risen price again so now I'm awaiting once again for both better prices and for my wallet to recover
my brother bought a PS5 back in spring and a copy of Star Wars Jedi Survivor and, since we live in the same house, I did play that game and it was amazing asdfgffdgfjfb there were only a very few things I didn't like that much but holy shit was it good, some stuff even felt tailor-made for me in ways I wasn't expecting but that I enjoyed very much (and also the tears, the rivers of tears I shed on certain scenes lol) and now I'm super hyped for the 3rd whenever it is that it'll happen
the official Star Wars accounts at Twitter have been posting quite a bit about Reylo and the sequels and Ben for the past days (and I gotta say, the account from Spain even added some extra Reylo flavor in some tweets that other accounts didn't which is curious) and I'm clowning kinda hard, hoping that DLF finally realized most of the people actually like a lot Reylo (or don't mind it) and the ST, and hoping (always hoping, always dreading to hope too much, but hoping anyways) that we'll get Rey and Ben reunited in her movie
Anyways x2, enough anecdotes and thoughts for the night, see you around lovely people~! <3 Hopefully soon lol, but if not... *looks at 2024 fast approaching* if not, then I'll 100% be around to gossip and scream for when the Rey movie begins production and talks begin and all that stuff, lol.
Good night~! :D I hope you have a great day and/or a good sleep~! <3
EDIT: looooool apparently this was my 100th post in here and I got a free badge for my profile so yay, nice~ x) XDD
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kanansdume · 2 years
You know what would’ve been easier than trying to 180 Agent Kallus into someone he isn’t just to try to force him into a redemption arc that doesn’t work for him?
Using Governor Pryce.
And I don’t mean the version of her we get once she’s introduced in season 3, since by that point they’d already settled on Kallus getting the redemption arc and Pryce is painted as pretty irredeemable.
But they MENTION Pryce as someone who exists out there and could become an antagonist if they ever wanted to bring them in. We don’t know a single thing about Pryce except that they are technically Governor of Lothal and always on Coruscant playing politics with Palpatine.
Which means that Pryce as a character was WIDE OPEN to be whatever they wanted it to be.
Instead of having to lampshade the fact that they’d already said Kallus was the one in charge of the genocide on Lasan by having him say he’d been lying about it this whole time and it was actually the EMPIRE’S choice and he had very little to do with that choice, they could’ve just... started with a blank character. Instead of pretending like Kallus doesn’t REALIZE how brutal the Empire is because he simply doesn’t ask questions even though we’ve seen him not only bear witness to Tarkin’s willingness to execute their own people and then actively go along with Anakin’s plan to kill Minister Tua before she even reaches the ship she thinks is taking her to her execution anyway, they could’ve let Pryce be that person.
I know that the reason they chose Kallus was likely fan reaction to him, I don’t know how it could be anything else, but they had to REALLY change over Kallus’s character and actively ignore a lot of ways they’d chosen to write and animate him over the last season and a half in order to try to make him seem redeemable.
Kallus spends a season and a half smiling and smirking gleefully every time he gets to enact violence against other people, whether it’s the rebels, civilians, or other Imperial officers. At least with Anakin, they understood the necessity of not showing him smiling gleefully as he kills people and even went so far as to have him CRY after all of the murder to really hit home that even though he doesn’t regret what he’s done and would 1000% do it again if he thought he had to in order to save Padme, it doesn’t necessarily bring him joy or amusement. Kallus, by contrast, seems to gain a LOT of joy and amusement from his actions and the violence he commits and the only other emotion we tend to see him show is frustration at being foiled again or anger at someone else’s failure. There’s no real build-up to Kallus saying he doesn’t truly know the atrocities the Empire commits because he just doesn’t ask, implying that if he truly understands just how violent they are, he’d decide they were the bad guys. But Kallus watched Tarkin stare him DEAD IN THE EYES as he has the Grand Inquisitor behead the Commandant and Taskmaster behind him and doesn’t even flinch or blink an eye as it happens. And afterwards, he still goes on to happily lead Minister Tua to her grisly doom, actively participating in the violence and atrocities they commit even against their own.
Kallus is not and never was someone who just didn’t understand how bad the Empire truly was. He’s not presented as someone who just needs to ask a few questions and find out the truth about the Empire to be convinced to turn on them. And he’s certainly not presented as someone who would be upset to come back to his ship and see that no one really gave a damn if he lived or died given how callously he treated Minister Tua. He’s not anybody’s friend, he never tries to build bonds with the other Imperials, and he certainly doesn’t mind betraying any of them and is never shown happy that one of them has survived. They are tools for his own ambition, tools to achieve their goals, and he gets that and seems to THRIVE on it.
But they had Pryce. They had Governor Pryce out there somewhere, clearly ripe to bring in and do whatever they wanted with because we knew exactly nothing about them except their rank and their absence.
Which means if they wanted a high-ranking Imperial officer to redeem and turn into an inside man for the Rebellion, Pryce was right there, completely blank and able to be molded into whatever they wanted the character to be. They clearly knew they had a third season since they set up a bunch of stuff for season three in season two, including Kallus’s redemption arc. So they knew they had an entire season to work with, which is PLENTY of time to take a character introduced as someone reasonable and maybe not entirely into the Empire’s ideas and redeem them, turn them over to the Rebels’ cause. Without having to pretend their own claims about Kallus having committed genocide were actually just lies and rewrite Kallus’s entire character in order to make this arc work.
Even if you pretend the first time we’ve ever met Kallus is when he gets stuck in an ice cave with Zeb and ignore all of the ways he’s been written that make this redemption arc unworkable, they still decide to make him sympathetic by giving him the worst sob story ever and compare judging Imperials for their CHOICE to join the Empire and do its dirty work with judging Lasat for just BEING LASAT, as if that’s in any way comparable. So it still doesn’t work because they’ve connected Kallus with literal genocide, which is pretty hard to make forgivable.
It should’ve been Pryce, and I’m forever going to remain salty that it wasn’t.
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kalluzeb4later · 1 year
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I posted 150 times in 2022
That's 150 more posts than 2021!
6 posts created (4%)
144 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 147 of my posts in 2022
Only 2% of my posts had no tags
#alexsandr kallus - 82 posts
#kalluzeb - 68 posts
#art - 53 posts
#garazeb orrelios - 52 posts
#fic - 40 posts
#fanart - 35 posts
#kallus - 34 posts
#fanfic - 30 posts
#fan art - 30 posts
#rebel kallus - 28 posts
Longest Tag: 132 characters
#he came to the conclusion that he is and shortly began plotting his betrayal to the empire or something idk i didnt watch season 3 ♥
My Top Posts in 2022:
Soulmate au snippet
Inspired by “He Will Always Say the Words” by MommyMayI on AO3 (specifically chp 3. Im gonna make things just a bit worse for Kallus. Why is he just so… whumpable?)
“That doesn’t mean anything.” Zeb was getting angry.
“Come on open your eyes and let’s show ‘em.” Zeb cajoled him.
Kallus kept his eyes firmly shut.
“Just open them and we can show them they are wrong.” Zeb roared.
Kallus would have jumped from his seat if he wasn’t bound to it. Despite his best efforts his body was now shaking.
His limbs felt like ice, the sensation creeping towards his center, before a sudden lurching pain from deep within caused him to vomit.
Kallus had just enough sense to turn his head towards the side before the burning bile in his throat could spill on himself.
He could vaguely hear the sounds of panic from the rebels ,as they no doubt flinched back in disgust, over the horrid sensations wracking his body currently. Every muscle in his was contracted, held taut, and beginning to burn with strain as the vomit just KEPT COMING. He’d had horrible hangovers and thought times from his ISB training with different substances but this was something else. Something deeper, more painful, and terrifyingly cold. It felt like something important was being expelled with each retch, something vital that he was sorry to lose.
He couldn’t help opening his eyes and saw that whatever was spilling out of him was not food, bile, or blood that he suspected. Whatever it was was black.
He couldn’t focus on everything the rebels were saying as their voices climbed in pitch with their panic. He could only make out the Jedi screaming “soul sickness” before losing his breath and consciousness. His eyes rolled back and faded to black just as he felt the lasat’s hand catch his face to try and turn him to face him.
3 notes - Posted November 28, 2022
I understand why if you drew Kallus as a lasat you would keep him blonde/yellow to match his human hair
I want to go on record and say that I think if Kallus was to be true to lasat color tones (which appear to be gem tones) …
He would be pink
7 notes - Posted November 25, 2022
Fic idea
Swap/dimension hop au
(Non-con elements)
Kallus and Zeb (and maybe some other rebels) from the canon dimension end up in an alternate universe where Kallus was always a rebel and Zeb was an Imperial lasat. One of FEW Xenos in the Imperial Navy due to his battle prowess (similar to Thrawn)
Kallus and Zeb are on the run from the Empire when Kallus is tripped up and falls behind. He combats with the Imperial Lasat thinking maybe this is the one from Onderon who ended up here instead of with Saw Gerrera
Kallus loses and is at the lasats mercy when the Lasat removes his helmet and it’s an alternate Zeb.
Kallus is devastated to see it.
Things get worse when Kallus notices how the Imperial Zeb is looking at him. Zeb from his dimension never looked at him that hungrily or cruelly.
He quickly forms a desperate plan. A way to live a little longer and distract from his allies’ escape. He thinks he knows what this Lasat likes and subtly ups his vulnerability and plays the right body language to entice without being too obvious.
The Imperial Zeb takes the bait and his prize. Kallus plays into it and dissociates: imaging HIS Zeb despite nothing ever happening between them or any sign of mutual attraction (as far as he knows) in their own dimension.
He imagines/laments another time and another place and does what his dimension taught him: hope
( it would probably just be a smutty snippet for no reason other than I saw the fan art of an Imperial Zeb and this idea wouldn’t leave me alone. Kallus will do anything at his own expense for the rebellion)
14 notes - Posted November 24, 2022
47 notes - Posted November 25, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Found a fic and a fanart match up. I thought I reblogged the fic but couldn’t find it again so I’m posting it here with another artists Instagram art I found to match the story
74 notes - Posted November 25, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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thefandomchaos · 2 years
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I’m bored so instead of doing 30days I’m going to answer this now because I’m bored-
1) Anakin Skywalker, but I can’t really choose just one favorite.
2) Ezra Bridger, I love that blueberry cinnamon roll so much
3) Kallus or Thrawn. Kallus changed sides at the end but his one of my favorites, and Thrawn is just a amazing villain. He studies his enemy, down to cultural stuff.
4) it would be unfair to pick Anakin again so this ones goes to Obi-Wan, our favorites negotiator.
5) R2-D2, he is best droid, in every single appearance, his hilarious and sassy even in Binary
6) guessing this mean like- flying ship- and it’s going to the Millennium Falcon because that piece of junk is iconic
7) Dooku or Assaj, both are really interesting to me, I loved seeing Ventress story and I’m excited to explore Dooku’s in Tales of the Jedi.
8) Return of the Jedi, is amazing and has a satisfying ending. Vader redemption + Badass Luke. The Ewok’s are adorable, Han and Leia relationship is everything, Luke and Leia relationship as well. 10/10
9) Revenge of the Sith. It my favorite over all movie. I loved seeing Anakin’s fall, his relationship with Padme and Obi-Wan, the fall of the republic, the birth of Darth Vader. Everything is amazing, and don’t get me started on the Duel on Mustafar.
10) He is just so precious I can’t-
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11) I warn y’all- BATTLE OF MUSTAFAR- Iconic, one of the best duels- Props to Ewan and Hayden to learning this iconic moment and all the trainers. They anticipate each others moves from the teacher spent together, there is so much anger, hate and pain. The cinematography is fantastic that when I watched it I was just awestruck. Every single moment from beginning to end is amazing, the choreography is amazing, the acting is amazing. 10/10
12) Anakin and Obi-Wan during the Battle Over Coruscant. From start to end. I loved seeing there banter and how you can see the years of relationship and fighting together. I wished a lot of the deleted scenes were kept because it would be even funnier.
13) this is hard because their is so many good options. But I have to go with either “This is where the fun Begins” or “I have the High-Ground” because I loved playing those scenes out in my room
14) there is a lot of scenes that make me Happy, So is hard to pick. So instead- going with one that constantly makes me laugh. Clone Wars, S3ep18, when they’re trying to escape and the magnet thing goes off and all their weapons go up- I always laugh at Anakin getting beamed up because is something nobody expected and It’s just hilarious to me
15) Any moment of Order 66, every-time is mentioned or I have to relieve it, I constantly hate it because it absolutely breaks me. It’s so sad and depressing and then you see everybody who survived it living with the trauma- is just horrible
16) I don’t have much but Ima just show one thing- My funko’s
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17) Probably the Duel of the Fates moment. Great battle and we get to see the start of the Sith and Obi-Wan starting to become to character he is.
18) Obi-Wan and Anakin VS Dooku. We really get to see how powerful Dooku is while fighting two skilled Jedi as if nothing and later fighting his former master and getting away. Also you get to see the growth of Anakin and Obi-Wan later for ROTS
19) Hard choice between the battle on Mustafar or The Battle over Coruscant. But I think I have to go with the latter.
20) Blowing up the Death Star + Han coming in to help. Is just the best scene for me
21) All I have to say, Vader reveal
22) Vader Redemption + self sacrifice. Also getting to see Force Ghost Anakin
23) I wish that instead of Padme rushing over to Anakin after they fought Dooku in AOTC it was just him and Obi-Wan. Because Obi-Wan has to be worry for him! His Padawan just lost his arm! I wish we saw that instead of Padme rushing in. In other words, I wanted what we saw in “Galaxy Adventure”
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24) Palpatine. I get that’s the whole point but everytime I see him or his mention in anything I get so angry and quietly cuss him out. (No hate towards the actors at all-)
25) I haven’t read any yet, but I do have Rogue Planet that ima read soon so-
26) “Hello There” is just the best line-
27) “do or so not, there is no try”
28) “don’t choke on your aspirations” My dude did the best dad joke-
29) I don’t know is this really count but- best memory for me is getting to watch all the movies and some of the series with my older brother. His the once who convinced me to watch Star Wars and is now another thing we can bond over.
30) Is just something to iconic and fun. I can constantly re-watch and never get bored- and there is still new things happening. Most characters are incredibly written and the story building is amazing.
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kybercrystals · 3 years
when you rewatch rebels and pay especially close attention to all of agent kallus’ interactions with the other imperials you quickly start to realize how much they all wish he didnt exist lmaoooo
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knitgeek · 3 years
So you know that post about TCW bloopers? Well, I raise you one - Rebels blooper reel:
Hera turning too quickly and smacking the camera with her lekku
Constant door malfunctions on the Ghost, resulting in many cut scenes and bumped foreheads
Anytime a Clone Wars actor is on set the Rebels cast geeking out because they grew up watching them
Chopper rolling past in the background of scenes he’s not supposed to be in
Zeb forgetting his lines and switching back to his regular accent
All the wobbly lightsaber takes
Agent Kallus yelling “Sorry mate!” after kicking the stormtrooper off the bridge in s1
Ezra noticing the different camera blocking for him and Sabine when he gets his growth spurt
The first take of the reunion scene between Ahsoka and Rex is just them crying cause they haven’t worked together in so long
Hera making wierd faces while filming her flight scenes in the Ghost
All the horrendous cursing after messing up their lines
The cast taking selfies with random props
Kanan messing up introducing the crew to Cham Syndulla wasn’t scripted
They use real Loth cats to film, so there’s plenty of footage of the cast (Ezra) cuddling and playing with them between shots
Sabine doing the darksaber fight in one take, because she was so emotionally drained afterwards
Anytime a Mandolorian removes their helmet and their hair is sticking up
Ezra humming the mission impossible theme while in the air vents
The Grand Inquisitor pulling out his spinning blade, but it doesn’t work right and the whole take is ruined by a squeaking noise
Ezra’s voice cracks from s1 and s2
A time lapse of the cast painting the stolen tie-fighter from s1
A stormtrooper tripping over a mouse droid in the background of a shot
Thrawn delivering a brilliant monologue , then sneezing
Zeb dropping the Kallus dummy they used to film the cave scene
After Kanan gets his visor in s3, it falls off his face countless times before they just glue it on
A million takes of Rex throwing his helmet until he finally hit the Stormtrooper in the face
Hera and Kanan calling the crew “the kids” off-screen and it somehow worked it’s way into the real script
No one told Kallus when in the scene he’d be thrown against the glass so his reaction was real
So was Kanan’s, bc he really was supposed to be the one to do it
Vizago behind the scenes with reading glasses on looking over his script
Vader and Ahsoka talking about lunch plans while filming Malachore
Choppers arms randomly popping out and getting caught on the set
Hera doing the “Zeb-Ez-Chop-damnit, Sabine!” Thing That Parents Do
Ezra: “But Ahsoka is dead!” *looks directly into the camera and winks*
Chopper tipping over while rolling down the ramp of the Ghost
Ezra’s babbling to Tristen in s3 being twice as long as what they included in the final cut before Kanan stopped him
Zeb spinning his bo rifle too fast and throwing it accidentily during a fight, but he stays in character and goes with it
Dance battles between Stormtroopers
Sabine and Ezra hiding in closets/crawl spaces and popping out to scare cast members
Kanan flirting with Hera but she can’t keep a straight face so they just end up laughing
Sabine yelling “What??” bc she can’t hear under her helmet
Ahsoka re-taking the shot with Mori landing on her arm bc the trained bird kept landing on her head instead
The Jedi “using the Force” but the prop doesn’t move and everyone’s dead silent until someone says “performance anxiety?”
Hair and makeup room live-streams from Sabine every season when they re-dye her hair
Hondo not learning his lines, just knowing generally what is happening in a scene so no two takes with him are the same
When Hera is unconscious in the Med bay, she falls asleep and starts snoring in the middle of a take
Ezra igniting his lightsaber in a scene and glitter popping out bc Sabine rigged it to explode
This got really long but idc I’m just having fun thinking about this chaotic family
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mcklunkers · 3 years
Welcome to more Star Wars bullshitery headcanons folks! Sorry about the delay! I think this is 14 but honestly I don’t know. Enjoy!
-The ghost crew make tea in the microwave and Kallus had a mental breakdown and 40 minute rant when he found out.
-Thrawn knows the words to almost every Sean Paul song and no one knows how or why.
-Ahsoka got a shirt for Obi-Wan that says “SHORT KING” on it. One time on a mission he got hurt, and the medics had to cut it off while trying not to giggle. The shirt wasn’t salvageable unfortunately, but his secret Santa gift that year was an orange white and blue mug with “short king” in bold and a crown made of lightsabers.
-Anakin stole all of Obi-Wan’s hair bands when he grew his hair out which played a part in the tragic loss of the Kenobi mullet.
-Board games got banned in the Empire because no one could beat Thrawn and Sheevy was tired of receiving formal complaints about it. There is an underground board game league that just consists of random ensigns challenging Thrawn to strategy games and losing. The only time Thrawn lost a game was playing Pictionary with Eli because he was studying the “art” for so long he ran out of time.
-Everyone forgets that R2 was PADME’s droid first. As much as R2 loves Anakin, Padme is still his favorite and he will not hesitate to remind Anakin of this. It just goes:
“Give me my droid back!”
“Fuck you bud I’m my own droid, and if I belonged to someone it would be Padme”
-Eli is deadly afraid of Possums. Ezra loves possums. Thrawn intends to stay out of the argument when Eli finds the possums currently nesting in Bridger’s room.
-Count Dooku’s back pain is not from age, it’s from years of bending over to spar with Yoda.
-Kaminoans fight like giraffes.
-Fives has at least once argued with a restaurant employee about being allowed to order off the kids menu
-Faro has Eli Vanto’s comm ringtone set as “Thank god I’m a country boy”, and everytime it goes off Thrawn has a Pavlovian ear twitch and smile. This is because of a strip tease that Faro was told about in confidence. She has no problem exploiting it if it chills her friends out.
-Every padawan has a graduation photo when they become a senior padawan, and later when they become a knight. Aayla Secura and Quinlan Vos are renowned for having the best photos. Anakin’s were considered the most awkward in the history of the Jedi order. Ahsoka kept them and gave them to Luke.
-Boba Fett will be completely awake the second his alarm goes off, and completely asleep the second he decides to be. Fennec once broke a bowl because he was just sat on the counter completely asleep upright with his helmet on. She always checks before entering rooms now cos no one needs that at 3am.
-Wolffe’s sneezes are really high pitched like a cat, and the other clones roast him for it. He refuses to go to planets where there’s pollen.
-Ezra Bridger found out he had a peanut allergy when someone offered the ghost crew food and no one else wanted any, and rather than let the merchant feel like they were rejecting his hospitality, our little orange boy powered through. Hera has to this day never been more worried about Ezra, including the Thrawn-Purgill incident.
I hope you guys have a great day! Asks are always open, hope you enjoy this post lads!
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phoenixhrt22 · 2 years
Alexsandr Kallus Headcanon because he’s my favourite Rebels character!
Also I believe he deserved more screen time and character development.
I’ve seen a lot of posts where people have been debating Kallus’ backstory and I want to jump on the band wagon.
Despite his fairly upper class accent and well spoken mannerism, I am definitely behind Kallus being from a poor background.
I also have this thought that perhaps his family aren’t Coruscant natives, but despite him being born there, he was raised in a household where his family still uphold their home worlds values. I imagine that the people of his family’s home-world live in the mountains and all have large lung capacities, large body frames and excelled endurance. Hence why he has no problem going toe to toe with lasats. I also have read a few other peoples posts where Kallus speaks space-Russian. I kind of like this idea because his first name sounds very Russian, so I imagine he has an accent growing up but the empire modified his accent so he fit it with all the other officers.
I think maybe that his families home-world would be one where it’s a matriarchal society, everything was ran by the women, I kind of imagine that his family owned a bakery. His father was a baker and a stay at home dad and his mother was a freelance electrician/mechanic for the lower levels of Coruscant.
He was an only child, so he was raised by both parents but had a particularly close bond with his father, seeing as he was home more often.
He definitely learned how to work machines and droids from his mother, he also is an excellent baker (this is a fact he’s hardly told anyone). Sadly when he’s 12 his parents die in a fire and his home is burnt down, leaving him an orphan.
From there he ends up in an orphanage which cares little for his well-being and for the next 4 years he leads a life of petty crime by using the skills his mother taught him. He illegally races speeders (underage I might add), he’s an excellent pickpocket (see the scene where he takes Lyste’s code cylinder) and he also runs a good hustle in card games (it took Zeb years to figure out Kallus was cheating every time they played).
Finally at age 16 maybe 17 he is picked up by the authorities and his case attracts Colonel Yularen, who recruits him to the academy. Kallus just wants to belong to something/gain a family of some sorts and he believes the empire will do this for him. At first he doesn’t buy into what the empire are preaching (xenophobia, homophobia etc… he has had lots of friends that would be considered “inferior” by the empire), but goes along with it because ‘hey it’s a roof over your head, three meals a day and your own clothes.’ After all he’s a survivalist first and foremost. During the academy he doesn’t have many friends (aside Jovan, and their relationship is built off of being academic allies), this is most likely because of his rough background compared to his rich peers.
Unfortunately after Onderon he starts to buy into the empires bs, I imagine his first squad kind of became the starting of a new family for him, even if it was all of them being brothers/sisters in arms.
Then after Bahryn, Zeb reawakens the desire to belong to something and be part of a family (Cue the scene where Konstantine, who he thought was a friend, completely ignores the fact that Kallus went MIA for several days). He then defects and we know what happens from there.
After Lothal he is accepted as a Spectre on the Ghost and had gained the family he has always wanted. He’s an amazing uncle to Jacen, I think he was definitely hesitant at first as he’s got no experience with children. But eventually he fills the role well, he’s so good with Jacen that I believe that Hera names him Jacen’s Guardfather (Star wars version of a Godfather).
Once he and Zeb retire to Lira San, I imagine that Kallus bakes as a hobby and to help with his ptsd or anxiety. Zeb loves his baked goods, and so do their kids. I toyed with the idea of them adopting or staying just the two of them, but eventually I believe that Chava would have pushed them to have children. Besides both of them have always wanted a family. They adopt twin girls, Anya and Miya.
Skip to the Sequels, and Jacen, Anya and Miya are part of the new Ghost crew.
Also Alexsandr’s nickname is ‘Sasha’ and I will die defending this.
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cl-01-kestis · 3 years
The Proposition
Dismay - Grand Admiral Thrawn x Rebel!Reader | Part 10
Summary: You seem to be growing closer to Thrawn with each day that goes by as you’re kept prisoner on Lothal, and after spending a late night with him, you receive an interesting invitation.
Warnings: this is a pretty long chapter, alcohol consumption
Cheunh Translations:
Nah = No
Mar = Yes
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It was day 4 of being Thrawn’s ‘guest’. You’d grown accustomed to the monotone colours and lack of untidiness in the chamber you were cooped up in. Your holodevice had been repaired, you got it back last night and left it on your nightstand so you could use it in the morning when Thrawn woke up and went to do his job as Grand Admiral.
The feeling of waking up beside Thrawn every morning was something you had adjusted to very quickly whilst being held by the Empire. Neither of you would be touching, you’d be in your own sides of the bed, but your bodies would still be fairly close. He held you whenever you had a nightmare, or couldn’t get to sleep (mostly any chance he got to).
Today was Benuday, you knew because you were trying your best to keep track of the days that went by and the limited time you had left with Thrawn before the rebels made an attempt to rescue you. This morning, he made you breakfast but unfortunately didn’t have time to wake you up due to how busy his schedule was for today, so you woke up alone and in a cold bed. But hey, you got breakfast.
Thrawn wasn’t in his chambers when you showered and done your usual routine of walking around aimlessly and scrolling through your data pad. He left you a note in Cheunh saying that he was requested at the cock pit and wouldn’t be back for a while, so you had no other choice but to lounge about.
You thought a lot about how much you missed your daughter, and as well as Kallus and all the other rebels back on Yavin. It hadn’t even been a week and you hated it, you hated the Empire. But Thrawn’s company was the only medication to distract you from all the negativity you were experiencing. He comforted you when you were feeling upset, laughed with you at corny jokes, uttered a smile whenever you done literally anything, stole glances from you every chance he got, and treated you as an equal rather than someone below him.
The only thing that brought you peace at this moment in time was the fact that Thrawn hadn’t changed one bit. The only difference was his ageing appearance and wiser-sounding vocabulary. Aside from those things, he was the same boy deep inside you always knew and grew up to love. Now that was comforting.
As well as spending time with each other whenever he didn’t need to work and catching up on the 14 years the two of you were apart, you truthfully opened up to Thrawn about Omani. You told him her interests, stories you remembered of her whe she was a baby, the things she hated, what she wanted to be when she became an adult, and all the small details Thrawn had missed out on for so long. In a sense, you felt like you robbed him from fatherhood, he was so fond of having a family, only to miss out on his daughters entire childhood. It felt wrong.
He didn’t seem to show any signs of anger or disappointment towards that, but then again, he was excellent at hiding things, especially his emotions. Either way, he was infatuated by your stories of Omani’s birth, the things you went through during labour, all the hardships and trauma, but she was a healthy baby girl. When you told him that, his eyes sparkled. You could tell he already truly loved her, and he hadn’t even meet her yet. You hoped he would get the chance one of these days.
The little squeaky gurgles of a 6 month old Omani blasted out of the speaker of your holodevice as it projected a video you had kept for years, one of many that logged videos and photos of Omani’s growth and all the things she was up to throughout her childhood. In the video you were watching, you, looking much younger, had her perked up on your hip and swayed about as a song echoed in the background. You looked at the camera which was set down on a table in the cantina on the rebel base at Yavin 4, bouncing her on your hip and holding one of her tiny blue hands, her fingers wrapping around one of yours, proving how small she really was.
Ahsoka was in the background, not in the video much but you spotted her laughing and encouraging Omani to dance as she wriggled in your arms. At this time, she would’ve been talking by now. No other words apart from ‘Mama’, ‘Nah’ and ‘Mar’. But she laughed a lot in the videos, her cheeks bright and her face glowing as she looked up at you and tried to grab your hair with her small hands.
Thrawn sat beside you in his bed, his shift was finally over and he joined you in watching the videos on your holodevice. So far, he was absolutely loving it. His smile outshone everything in the room as he watched a younger version of yourself dance with your, then, 6 month old daughter. His smile seemed to widen every time you or Omani laughed, and whenever you took her hand and waved it at the camera.
The two of you watched a few videos of Omani’s childhood, heartfelt laughter and stolen glances rippled between you and Thrawn as you watched each video with a sense of comfort. There was currently one of Omani as a 7 year old, holding your device and walking around your apartment with a big smile on her face. You remembered this video well, it was for your 35th birthday and she surprised you that day by waking you up with a surprise. Her small giggles echoed from the speaker as she started jumping on your bed, and in a flash she was tackled to the mattress and you were blowing raspberry’s on her neck and cheeks, your hands tickling her sides which caused her to drop the camera at a perfect angle where the both of you were seen toppling over the bed and into the floor, you taking the impact of the landing and making sure she didn’t get hurt as you cradled her in your chest.
“You’re truly protective over her” Thrawn comments with a light tone, leaning on his elbow as he relaxed on his covers. He was still wearing his Admiral uniform, he was too curious to see what you were watching than to change first.
“She was so clumsy as a kid, I always had to watch out for her,” You smiled. “Scraping her knees was a constant” You commented, feeling your heart swell with sadness as you remembered how upset Omani got every time she tripped up and fell over. You and her were very similar, you fell over a lot as a kid - Thrawn could confirm - and one time you even face planted and left a small scar on your upper lip, one that isn’t even visible but if you pointed it out, someone would notice.
“I understand that, was she an active child?” Thrawn asked curiously. In reply you rolled your eyes and let out a chuckle.
“Active is an understatement, she was uncontrollable in some aspects. There were times she got stroppy though, if she didn’t get her way, and those were the times it was hard to be a parent,” You sighed. “She was a very fragile kid, if she didn’t get her way she would start getting angry and kicking her feet” You paused the video playing on your device, looking to Thrawn who was staring up at you from his position on the bed. He had his head tilted to the side very slightly, an eyebrow raised but not in an insisting manner.
“I think she gets that trait from you” You smirked, intending for the comment to be brushed aside but Thrawn huffed once he heard what you had said. “I admit I was a stroppy child, but I grew out of that phase quickly” Thrawn defended himself, leaning his head back on the mattress and moving his elbow away to cross his arms over his chest, looking up at the ceiling and immediately contradicting his words as he pursed his lips. You didn’t say anything, laughing instead and biting your tongue to make sure you didn’t say anything that would make him more agitated.
“Aside from that though, she grew up a lot quicker than I anticipated. One day, she’s this little bundle of joy in my arms, the next she’s a fully grown woman with her own blaster in her hands” You sighed in a mellow manner, hanging your head and doing your best not to let the facts upset you. Thrawn sat up from his position on the bed and hesitantly rested his hand on your shoulder.
“Childhood always slips by much quicker than everyone expects. Adding onto that, she’s a Chiss as well, and our childhood is shortened by 4 years compared to yours” Thrawn explains. You know about the Chiss ageing system, you’ve always known it, but something about Thrawn saying it made you calm down and come to terms with the fact that Omani was a different species compared to you, she was half human but her genes were dominated by Thrawn’s, there was no denying it. She aged the same as him, spoke the same as him and looked exactly like him, but her face structure and habits were all taken from you. That was about the only thing that made you two related. But either way, no matter how much she looked different compared to you, she was still your little girl.
Both you and Thrawn agree - and have spoke about a few times - is that Omani was unexpected in the best way possible. You certainly didn’t plan on being a mother for a long time, or ever. Thrawn wasn’t in a good position to be a father and if anything, you shouldn’t have been parents at all. But because of your escape, and because of your decision to have a child, you’ve grown into the best version of yourself that you could ever be. Omani’s brought out the goodness inside you, she made you forget about the person you used to be back in the Empire, back when you tortured and killed people unapologetically. She made you see things clearly, and because of that you were complete. You didn’t fear anything, not after giving birth and raising Omani up until she was 14. You hoped Thrawn felt the same.
“What time is it?” You asked, closing over your holodevice and setting it down on the bedside table before looking back to Thrawn with a tired gaze. He looked over at the alarm on his table and sighed.
“17:45, we should probably get ready for bed” Thrawn yawned, running his hand through his hair and immediately messing it up. He ruffled his navy strands, ruining the sleek gel look he always wore. You felt privileged to see it in all honesty, no one else saw him in this type of way apart from yourself. Well, back at the academy Eli saw him like this as well whenever you three sparred in the training rooms, but you didn’t have a problem with that.
Coming to think of it now, where was Eli?
You frowned as the thought came across your mind, and all of a sudden you couldn’t stop thinking about it. You had been so focused on building up a sturdy commonality with Thrawn once again that you didn’t even realise who else was missing. Eli.
“H-hey, quick question” You spoke up as Thrawn stood up to head to the refresher.
“Yes?” He raised a brow, his back turned to you as he took off his Admiral top, revealing his thin black vest that hugged his muscular form beneath.
“I meant to ask this sooner, but where’s Eli?” You felt nervous about asking, but you were eager to know.
Eli was such an important part of your time at the academy. Yes, Thrawn was very important to you back when you trained there but Eli was your best friend, through thick and thin. He was a human that spoke Cheunh ontop of that as well, and he became a massive part of your life back at the Empire. You didn’t see him much after you graduated because you had your own squad but there was the occasional time when the both of you caught each other at the cantina and stayed there, talking till you were both kicked out.
Thrawn stayed quiet for a while, his body going stiff but eventually he cleared his throat and let out a plain, emotionless sigh.
“He was transferred many years ago to another commanding officer” Thrawn’s voice was oddly upsetting, he seemed depressed by just talking about the issue, you ended up feeling bad about even asking about it.
“The Emperor felt that he was distracting me too much from my duties as Admiral, at the time, and Eli was transferred, I’ve never heard from him since” Was all Thrawn said before walking out of his bedroom and leaving you alone to bask in your thoughts and brainstorm his answer.
“The... Emperor?...” Your voice trailed off, hand reaching out but eventually coming back down as his words dawned on you.
The Emperor.
When Thrawn came back to his bedroom, you were in the kitchen preparing yourself a drink, an alcoholic one. Thrawn didn’t have many spirits in his cupboard, he mostly had Caf pods, milk, tea bags, and Dasani water. But you managed to find an expensive bottle of Spotchka at the back of the cupboard, hidden away for no one to find, but due to the glow of the blue neon beverage, you spotted it immediately. You poured yourself a small glass, making sure not to spill any considering it looked and smelled like it costed more than Thrawn cared to admit, but you didn’t pour too much in case he was saving it for a special occasion.
Putting the lid back on and screwing it tightly to make sure no spillage would occur, you turned around and leaned lazily on the kitchen counter, holding onto the half full whiskey glass. You carefully sipped at the blue liquid, the sharp taste hit your taste buds but you didn’t cringe or spit it out. Spotchka was a drink you weren’t very familiar with, you hardly ever drank considering you were Imperial in your younger years and done nothing but work, and then after that you were a mother, so there was no time to sit around and get drunk. You weren’t saying you’d never had a drink before, you did. You just never really got drunk.
“I see you’ve found the spotchka” Thrawn’s voice startled you, almost causing you to spill the drunk but thankfully it didn’t tip over the edge as you regained your posture.
“You need to stop sneaking up on me” You chuckled, placing your free hand on your chest and taking another sneaky sip of the Spotchka in your glass. Thrawn smiled, removing the wet towel which was hanging over his neck and bundling it up in his large hands. He was now in his lounge wear, black vest and joggers with wet hair and tired eyes. Even you couldn’t deny, the man looked like a kriffing god. He could do nothing and look absolutely incredible, even at his age of 47. You admit, you were jealous he even looked that good, you wish you looked the same as you did 14 years ago but motherhood wasn’t kind to you.
“I think I’ll join you” He said, walking up beside you and getting himself a glass of his own, opening up the bottle and pouring himself some Spotchka. Turning around and leaning on the counter to match your position, he raised his glass close to you. In return, you raised your own and clinked it softly with his, offering a small ‘cheers’ before sipping at the blue drink. Thrawn took a generous sip before clearing his throat and rolling his head around his shoulders, sighing in relief at the sound of popping as his tense muscles relaxed. You copied his actions with a smile, using the base of your palm to push your chin to the side and crack your neck.
The two of you shared a moment of blissful silence, happily drinking at your Spotchka as your shoulders touched. Neither of you moved away, occasionally sneaking glances at each other but not enough to make the moment awkward. Nothing was ever really awkward between you both, everything always happened naturally and nothing was ever forced.
“You know, I have a proposition for you, if you’d like to listen?” Thrawn spoke after Maker knows how long, swirling the remaining Spotchka in his almost empty whiskey glass as he turned his head to look at you. In return, you nodded whilst finishing off your own drink, hiking it back before placing the glass on the counter and looking up to Thrawn.
“There’s an event, tomorrow night at the Imperial Palace. Many people, including myself, will be going,” He started, crossing his ankle over the other as he finished off his drink and placed it next to yours.
“Many Senators and other parties will be attending- I- I was thinking maybe you might want to go with me as my... partner?” Thrawn sounded so nervous, you weren’t even sure it was him you were speaking to. You spent a few seconds thinking about it. An Imperial Party, with Senators and full of people You loathed. But ontop of that, you’d get to go with Thrawn and maybe make a statement about being a rebel and also being his partner for the night. But then again, you couldn’t be too sure that being a rebel would be your role at the party. If that were the case, an assassination would surely take place.
“It sounds good to me, but aren’t I your prisoner?” You raised a reading brow, nudging his side softly as he looked away and blushed very slightly.
“You were a prisoner when Pryce was in control of you, but with me you’re a guest,” Thrawn answered.
“I’d never see you imprisoned like that again, Rcati, seeing you like that in the prison cell made me angry but also scared” Thrawn was genuine with his words, but you could tell he was careful with the way he constructed his sentences. He was more than angry and scared, you knew it, he was just too hesitant to admit it. Either way, you didn’t force him to open up about anything and by the looks of it, he knew you knew he was holding back with his words.
“In that case, sure, but what happens when I meet people and they ask me my occupation? Haven’t I been missing for 14 years?” You chuckled dryly, still looking at Thrawn who sighed and turned to directly look at you.
“The people attending the ball aren’t part of the team on Lothal, so no one will know who you are apart from me, and Pryce if she’s going” Thrawn explained with a calm exterior, gesturing words with his hands and rubbing the back of his neck as he cleared his throat.
“Hmm... okay...” You hesitantly agreed. “But what about an outfit? I’m not too fond of showing up in an Imperial uniform” You frowned, fiddling with the hem of your shirt which belonged to the man standing beside you. He rolled his eyes and nodded his head, arms still folded as he blew a loose strand of hair away from his eyes.
“I’ll have a tailor come down and get your measurements now, we’ve got little time to get everything organised” His arms fell back down to his side as he sat up from the counter and walked out of the kitchen to fetch his coms device. Sighing, you took both of the empty whiskey glasses and cleaned them out, leaving them on the dryer as you let out a small yawn and left the kitchen to see where Thrawn had gone.
By the time the tailor had arrived, you had washed up in the refresher and had your hair up in a bundle as you stood in the middle of the room with barely anything on. Thankfully, Thrawn had his back turned to you, sitting in his chair and analysing work from days prior as you got measured for your dress. You were wearing nothing but a pair of briefs and a bra that Thrawn managed to get for you. The tailor was a woman in her mid 50’s, greying hair and very delicate fingers as she wrote down each of your measurements with intricate detail. You held in a gasp every time the cold sashe of tape wrapped around a part of your body, from your hips, to your arm, to your legs. She measured absolutely everywhere, but you didn’t say anything.
“So, what design are you looking for, my dear?” The tailor asked, you were almost startled by what she called you but then you remembered she didn’t know you were a prisoner.
“J-just a simple gown thank you, I’m not too fussed” You reply shakily, rubbing your upper arms at the cold as the tailor started sketching ideas on her notepad whilst switching her glance from the paper to your body shape. You felt very exposed, shivering in the cold as you done a little awkward tapping motion with your feet in an attempt to warm yourself up.
“I’ll work right on it, my dear, what’s your shoe size?” The tailor asked. “Oh, I’m a (S/S)” You replied with a smile, picking up the black T-shirt from the ground and slipping it back on.
“Is there anything else you request, Grand Admiral?” The tailor asked with a clear, confident voice. You shuffled in your spot and crossed your arms as Thrawn turned back around in his seat, looking prepared to cover his eyes in case you were undressed, but relaxing once he realised you were dressed again.
“That’s all, thank you” He dismissed the tailor with the wave of his hand and in a flash, she was out of the room without another word with her tape and scribbled notes.
“Well that was riveting” You joked, your teeth chattering as you tried warming yourself up. Thrawn closed his data pad and stood up from his seat, making his way over to stand at your side and smile.
“Is it always this cold here?” You complained, frowning slightly as you continued rubbing your arms and clenched your jaw unconsciously. Thrawn rolled his eyes instinctively at your comment, unexpectedly scooping you up in his arms and, without a word, carrying you to his bedroom and dunking you on the mattress. You didn’t say anything, too taken aback by his actions as you lay on his bed with a shocked expression. Thrawn hid a smirk as he looked at your face, placing the covers over you and patting your shoulder before exiting the bedroom.
“Aren’t you coming?” You yelled out to him with a confused frown. “I’ve still got work to finish!” He replied from the main office.
“But You finished work two hours ago?!” You yelled back, sitting up in his bed and cupping the sides of your mouth so your voice could project further.
“You keep forgetting I’m the person in charge of this facility, Rcati!” Thrawn said, this time a chuckle in his voice as he replied to your eager sounding question. Sighing at his answer, you lie back down on the mattress and close your eyes, eventually slipping into unconsciousness as the silence surrounded you.
Thrawn listened carefully from his office, his eyes looking at the open door even though he couldn’t see you. He heard soft snoring a few minutes after your loud exchange of words and he smiled to himself, pausing his work to admire you, and just you. He didn’t want to move from his spot in case you heard his footsteps, but he wanted to see your face.
Thrawn was in a dangerous position. Each and everyday you were with him, his feelings for you grew uncontrollably. Everything you did drowned him with undeniable affection and he knew that it wasn’t a good thing. Loving you came at a price, if someone from the Empire or New Republic found out about the way he felt towards you, his career and life would he on the line. It wasn’t that he prioritised his work over you and Omani, he was just scared in case either of you bit the dust undeservingly.
For the time being, he had to keep his distance.
It was the day of the party. After 11 hours of sleep, you woke up to find Thrawn packing clothes for the trip ahead. He didn’t have work today due to the party and the limited time both of you had to get to Coruscant on time.
“Are you sure this is appropriate for a woman my age?” You asked the tailor who suited you in a black dress. You couldn’t believe that she had made this dress in under 24 hours, it was so beautiful and elegant, but you felt like you were looking at another person as you stared at yourself in the body sized mirror in front of you.
“Nonsense, my dear, you are going to a ball after all” The tailor replied, tightening the thread on the corset that wrapped around your waist comfortably, but at the same time you felt very sucked in.
Thrawn was out of his chambers, fetching his medals to wear on his Admiral Uniform at the party to obviously show to others that he was important. The thought made you roll your eyes. Typical Thrawn.
The tailor sorted your hair out naturally, placing a black headpiece on your head and adjusting it until she was happy. You looked like a Senator, but you were comfortable with that. She fitted you with jewellery and two long, black gloves that reached your upper arm, as well as a pair of black heels.
You looked and felt different, this was different than all the other Senator outfits you wore throughout the past years, you no longer felt like a New Republic Senator. You looked like an Imperial, and you hated that. Your worse fear was for someone from the Rebellion to find yku looking like that, and also being with Thrawn. You’d be considered a traitor and no one would trust you anymore, that frightened you. This whole ordeal made you uneasy, you weren’t sure why you agreed to do it in the first place, maybe boredom? A need of new enviromnent? You couldn’t exactly remember.
You flattened the material of the dress skirt with your palms, avoiding the chance of your nails catching the material as you sighed at yourself in the mirror.
“Thank you for everything, this is truly beautiful” You thanked the tailor as she finished up on your dress, smiling at you through the reflection before taking a step back and bowing politely to you. You unconsciously done the same which earned you a large smile from the tailor who seemed impressed at your kindness towards her. No more words were exchanged as she took her belongings and had a stormtrooper escort her out of the room. The soldier clad in white armour looked at you for a brief second before clearing their throat and excusing themselves out of the room and the door sheathed shut.
You looked around Thrawn’s office, pulling the dress skirt up and trying not to trip over yourself as you walked over to his office table and pulled out one of the drawers. Your assumption of him keeping a blaster under his desk was confirmed and you didn’t hesitate for a moment as you hiked the skirt of your dress right up to your hip, with great difficulty, and tucked it into the stockings you were wearing. Once you were all set, you checked your appearance before Thrawn returned and escorted you to the ship which would be taking the two of you to Coruscant.
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asterian · 4 years
Detention (Agent Kallus x reader)
Prompt: 14. “Shut up” “Make me” + neck kisses
Words: 1,364
A/n: sorry about the delay, my life is kind of a mess right now, i hope you enjoy. 😘
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"Sir, we caught a rebel trying to pass the blockade"
Spoke a stormtrooper in a formal tone as soon as he entered Kallus' office, gaining the attention of his superior who seemed to be lost in a never ending pile of reports and datapads.
"I'm on my way" Kallus answered without even looking at the trooper who was already out of the room.
Alexsandr sighed tiredly, pressing the bridge of his nose and closing his eyes for a moment, trying to push away some of the stress before getting up to see this rebel.
It had been a long week for the Agent, between commanding the ship, dealing with rebel activity and all the paperwork it comes after every encounter, locating/hiding the rebel base, being Fulcrum and Thrawn watching his every move, let's just say Agent Kallus desperately needed a break.
As he walked through the vast ship he couldn't help but wonder which one of you was captured this time, Bridger? Orrelios? but when he arrived at the docking bay he realized it was worse.
It was Spectre seven. It was you.
Kallus’ eyes widened a bit when he saw you. Out of all the members on the Ghost crew, why did it have to be you? He didn't expect it to be you, in fact he didn't want it to be you for two simple reasons: he was falling for you and hard, but most importantly, you could be really annoying sometimes, and right now it was the last thing he needed.
"Agent Kallus" you said unsurprised as soon as he was right in front of you "no wonder why it smelled like rat" you added, doing your best to pretend you actually hated this man, even though it was a lie.
This was not the first time you've been captured, fortunately Agent Kallus, your very own Fulcrum, had helped you out every single time. At this point you had developed a very curious… relationship, if that could be considered as one, with the imperial agent. So you winked at him when you met his hazel eyes that had already a hidden plan for you.
"To the detention block" he commanded and the troopers obeyed, guiding you through the halls, one on each of your sides while Kallus walked in front of you in complete silence, the only sound you could hear was the boots of the troopers echoing through the empty halls, how boring.
A playful smile curved your lips when you decided that if you were captured you could at least have some fun.
"Do all the agents here shave the same ridiculous way or is it just you?" You teased "do you guys go to the same barber? If so I really pity you and I would totally get why you wear the buckets all the time" You asked the trooper on your right. He didn't say anything.
"You don't talk much, huh?" You continued speaking, trying to see how irritated Kallus could get. "But what about your boss? Hey, Kallus, has someone told you that you smell like a Hutt? No, actually, I bet Jabba the Hutt smells way better than you."
You noticed how Kallus seemed bothered even though you only saw his back and the way he seemed to walk a bit faster, trying to get to the detention block as fast as possible. He was running out of patience, yet he was trying his best to keep calm. And you, oh boy you were having the time of your life.
"Have you ever told these troopers how I once beat you in a fight with just one hit? It's a very short story guys, you'll see I lost my blaster so I had to use my hands so I punch him-"
"Quiet, rebel" Kallus finally spoke looking over his shoulder. His eyes pleading you to stop and you could only smirk at him. This wasn't over, not yet.
"Alright, then why don't you tell me when will you finally give up, Agent Kallus?" You said "You'll never catch us and you know it."
He didn't answer, just limited himself to keep walking.
"Isn't it funny that all the rebels you capture always find a way to escape?"
Finally you arrived to the detention block and Kallus was relieved and mad at the same time.
"Leave us" he commanded "I'll interrogate this rebel myself"
"Yes, sir" the two soldiers said and then disappeared down the corridor.
Kallus used his code cylinder to turn off the cell's cameras as well as to lock down the door before stepping inside the cell with you.
"Do you have an idea of how dangerous it's that you are here?" He protested, a bit of anger and worry dancing on his tone.
"Relax, Kallus" you said calmly while he helped you take off the handcuffs "nobody would notice I'm here or when I'm gone, we've done this before." You turned around to meet his eyes, giving him a teasing look. "It was fun messing around with you, tho" you teased.
"That little game of yours could have blown my cover"
"But it didn't" You added calmly which drove him even crazier.
"You think this is funny?"
"Yeah, in fact it is very funny to me" you told him, oh you knew just how mad he was already, you saw it in his eyes and how he clenched his jaw. So you continued, speaking fast just to annoy him a little bit more. "But you have nothing to worry about, even if those bucket heads find out you're Fulcrum they'll never reveal it. They ain't gonna last a month in battle, unless of course they somehow tell someone else like your boss or-"
"Shut up!" he said, his voice coming out of his mouth a bit louder than he wanted to, making you jump in surprise. You stayed quiet for a moment until an idea crossed your mind.
A bright smirk formed in your lips while slowly you got closer to him until your lips were barely brushing his.
"Make me" you whispered in a challenging and dangerous tone.
That was it.
Next thing you knew the ISB agent pinned you against the wall capturing your lips on a heated kiss that made your eyes flutter close.
His hands travelled down the sides of your body to your hips giving them a soft squeeze before grabbing the back of your thighs and lifting you up with one strong tug, pulling you impossibly closer to him with your legs wrapped around his waist.
He didn't break the kiss, not until both of you were in need of air.
"Stars, you're annoying!" Alex confessed, making you both laugh a bit.
"So I've heard" you said before kissing him again. Your hands moved to play with his golden hair as your mouths danced together.
Kallus kissed a little trail all along your jaw until he found your neck, leaving open mouthed kisses here and there, making a cold shiver run down your spine, and then you felt his teeth on your skin.
"Kallus-" you moaned softly as he continued with his task, nipping, bitting, marking your flesh.
"I said silence, my dear" he murmured against your throat, making you throw your head back to give him more access.
Was the cell always this hot? Was the cooling system malfunctioning? You didn't know and honestly didn't care but you felt your skin burning like Mustafar lava under his touch but it was not enough, you needed more, you needed him.
Taking a handful of his hair, you give it a small tug, just enough to gain his attention.
"Weren't you m supposed to interrogate me, Agent?" you cooed biting your bottom lip, he raised an eyebrow, well aware of your intentions.
"Well, then" Kallus said in his usual formal tone, following your game "tell me, what do you want, rebel?"
"You" There was a dark smirk forming on his lips.
This was going to be a very interesting interrogation.
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anathtsurugi · 3 years
So, Star Wars buddies, y’all remember how I wrote that soulmate AU a couple years back...
Well, When You Pry it From My Cold, Dead Chest is finally getting a continuation. The new story will be posted in about a month as part of @kalluzebminibang‘s mini bang event, but the first chapter is available right now on my Patreon. So if you still remember my odd little story, if it touched your life in some way and you’ve maaaaaybe got a few spare dollars lying around for a rainy day, you can hop on over and be one of the first to see the start of the new fic.
But for now, if you haven’t got the spare change but are still excited for the new story, here’s a little sneak peek at the upcoming You Can Take My heart, You Can Take My Breath.
 Ever since returning from Mandalore, Kanan had been working with him to try and figure out a way to regain his soulmark. Nothing they'd tried had come anywhere close to succeeding. Zeb still possessed amber in his field of vision, and would occasionally report other flashes of color flickering in and out. So it seemed the problem lay not with him, but with Kallus himself.
 These last few days, he had gone out early in the morning to meet with the Jedi, before he had to be on shift and before Kanan would meet up with Ezra for their own regular training. But this was even earlier than he normally woke. He doubted Kanan would even be awake yet. Even so, he would head out, maybe take a little extra time to get into the necessary head space...
 "I know you're not goin' out at this un-Ashla hour," Zeb grumbled from the bunk just as he finished dressing. "Y'should come back to bed."
 Kallus gave a fond sigh as he crossed the few steps back to the bed, dropping to one knee beside it. "I will do no one any good lying here unable to sleep," he said, leaning down to press a kiss to his partner's lips. "Go back to sleep, my love. I'll return in an hour or so."
 "Mm, there's other things we can do if you can't sleep, y'know," Zeb mumbled, voice thick with sleep.
 "Be reasonable, Garazeb," he started with a small laugh. "We can't have sex every time I can't sleep."
 "We could. It's an option. You're just choosing not to."
 Again Alex laughed, placating his lover with one last kiss. "Maybe so, but you at least require sleep, and if you're a good boy and get enough rest, I promise you can kriff me up against the wall when I get back."
 "Promise?" the Lasat grumbled peevishly as he rolled away from him.
 "Fine. But I'm holdin' you to that. I don't care how late we are for morning shift."
 "Fair enough," Kallus conceded as he got back to his feet.
 "L'ashkerrir an," Zeb mumbled, barely awake.
 Kallus stopped in the doorway at the sound of those words, feeling that same flutter of unbound joy in his heart as he had the very first time Zeb had spoken them. He hoped it never stopped.
 "And I you...my dearest Zeb," he said softly, adoringly, before allowing the door to slide closed behind him.
 Kallus took no weapons with him when he departed the Ghost, despite every instinct he had always begging him to. The very first time they'd gone out into the jungle, Kanan had insisted he wouldn't need any weapons.
 "Are you crazy?" he'd asked, certain the knight hadn't yet been informed about the local fauna. "Do you have any idea what's out there?"
 Kanan had simply given him a shit-eating grin and offered up cryptically, "Only what you take with you."
 Whatever that meant. Still, Kallus had obeyed, and he had not found cause to doubt Kanan yet. This particular morning was no different, if not a touch earlier than even he rose. The sky had barely begun to lighten as he moved through the dense jungle. He'd likely have had trouble finding his way if he didn't already know where he was going. However, much to his surprise, their usual clearing was not deserted when he arrived.
 "Couldn't sleep?" Kanan asked as Kallus stepped into the circle, clearly having been sitting in meditation for some time already. As had been the case on all the mornings prior, he was not wearing his typical mask.
 "I don't know that I've slept properly since Atollon," he admitted, tired of his own stoic front. He had learned quickly that the knight could read him like a holobook. "Though neither, it seems, could you."
 "Call it a hunch," the Jedi said, nodding to indicate he ought to sit down beside him. "Feel up to contemplating your innermost self this fine morning?"
 "As much as one ever is 'up' for such a task," he conceded as he came to sit beside the man he had previously hunted. "Though Zeb did try to argue that it isn't even properly morning yet."
 "And he was right. Unfortunately for those of us with normal biorhythms, the Force says 'jump' when and where it wants to, so we mortals must abide. Let me see your arm," he said, holding out his hand.
 "See, Kanan?" he joked half-heartedly as he rolled up the sleeve of his jacket, resting his forearm in the Jedi's outstretched hand.
 "I can see better than you can right now," Kanan returned in a similar tone, caught somewhere between joking and serious. Exhaling, he brought his other hand up to run his fingers over the skin where the soulmark had once been, and when he winced at whatever it was he was feeling, Kallus was once again grateful not to be able to feel it.
 "Close your eyes," the Jedi told him.
 Kallus did as he was bid, easily quieting the skeptical voice in his mind that had grown smaller and smaller since he'd watched the inquisitor burn away a piece of his soul.
 "Quiet your mind," Kanan coached him.
 Kallus knew the Jedi had not found it easy to convince him to let go of the tight patterns of control Imperial conditioning had worked him into. He still didn't find it easy to just...let go. To give up control of his mind and his thoughts and allow himself to just...be. The closest he came was his state of mind when engaged in a particularly fierce fight ― the sort where he had gone beyond gauging his opponent and plotting his own moves and had simply become lost in the rhythm of the moment...the dance of it. He couldn't say how much time had passed when he became aware of Kanan's voice again.
 "When you first realized Zeb was your soulmate...what did you feel?"
 "Relief," he answered without having to think about it. "Even though I had tried- to give it up...I had feared that my partner had died soon after Lasan. There was something...freeing...in finally hearing those words spoken aloud."
 "That relief was immediately followed by anger."
 "Because he was your enemy?"
 "Because I was his."
 "What do you mean?"
 "I think I had always known...from the moment I was able to understand the words on my arm...that there would be enmity between my partner and I. The older I became, the more I was prepared to hate myself...for all of it. When the moment finally came...all I had left was anger...hatred...for him, myself...for the galaxy and everyone in it. I tried to tell myself I'd done the only thing I could do..."
 "But you knew different."
 "Deep down...I suppose...yes. I didn't begin to consider the implications of any of it until after Bahryn...and then everything was happening so quickly...and Zeb was forgiving me everything...even if he shouldn't have done. I loved him...so fiercely in those days. I clung to it when I was weak...in my darkest moments..."
 "And then you were captured."
 Kallus gasped, any response he might've had slipping away from him as the memories pierced his awareness, sharp and unforgiving.
 Thrawn's red eyes...his cruel sneer...
 The inquisitor's chilling voice...her molten, scorching touch as she-
 "NO!" he cries out in anguish, struggling to pull back, to turn away from the horror of it.
 "No. Don't run from this. Stand your ground, Fulcrum," the Jedi's voice comes to him again, firm but not unkind, guiding him in the darkness. "We're so close now."
 So Alex let the memory play out, trembling, but not looking away as he relived his worst moment.
 "It- broke me...when that bond was cut," he recounted, his voice unsteady. "I had bled for it...killed for it...in a way, I had died for it...and they took it from me. As easy as peeling off a glove...they stole a part of my heart from me...the part that was good...that was true and worth saving...the part that Zeb loved. They stole it from me," he hissed, feeling the sting of tears as they pushed their way through his closed eyelids.
 "Do you really believe that?" he heard Kanan asking him. "That the part of you that's worth saving is lost?"
 "Yes," he answered, voice still unsteady, but certain. "I don't- doubt his love...but why should someone as wonderful as Garazeb Orrelios...be bound to such a broken creature as this?" He had taken comfort in Zeb's promises...after Atollon...but did he believe himself worthy of them?
 "That's it, then."
 Inhaling sharply, Kallus suddenly found himself blinking his eyes open in the grey pre-dawn light to find Kanan now sitting in front of him, unseeing eyes gazing rather pointedly into his. Kallus had to resist the urge to pull back from him.
 "That's why you haven't been able to regain your soulmark. It's because you aren't certain you deserve to have it...that you don't want Zeb to be tied to you when, in your view, he has the chance to be free."
 "It- would seem so. Yes," he said quietly, achingly, as he let his gaze drop to the small patch of dirt that separated them.
 "Then there isn't anything I can do to help you," Kanan told him, reaching a hand up to grip his shoulder. "Until you know what it is that the two of you share, that bond won't return."
 Kallus inhaled slowly before giving a long sigh and looking up at the Jedi. "I understand. Thank you for everything you've done."
 "Don't give it up for lost yet, Kallus," Kanan scolded him mildly as he climbed to his feet. "Zeb's a stubborn one. He'll help you scrub out that Imperial mindset. You just need to give him a chance to prove himself. Go back to him. You two can probably get in a little extra time before the day gets going."
 "Right. I'll...catch up with you," he said, voice still little more than a whisper. Not watching Kanan go, the only indication he had that the younger man had done so was the quiet sound of his footfalls.
Interested yet? Wanna see some more? Come check out the full chapter over on Patreon.
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