#but fans that always gotta have an issue with the idols’ hard work are always worse
sugarcherriess · 2 years
kev you are glowing
he is a slut (affectionate)
🐿 that song is a bop and i miss his vlives
why am i suddenly seeing tweets like this? cuz idk anything other than ist being shit at their jobs but i dont think it was that bad? like yeah compared to maverick it looks half assed but then again there r always highs and lows in EVERYTHING, so?? idk rlly cuz i fking hate ist and like do you rememver everyone getting worried about the merger without knowing for sure what will happen and what wont? the worst possible scenario is kinda happening but because its tbz they still deliver. but like i really dont know what im talking about but i thibj my point is be aware wasnt as bad as deobis on twt make it out to be? idk tho cuz im not the type to dig into every detail of kpop stuff im just kinda here for the music and content. so im kinda confused rn cuz yea i hate ist but i thought it was just becasue of the overworking+lack of proper promotion shit not actually the creative stuff as well?
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1. Sunwoo WHORE and kev. Kev. Kev i love you i love please tell me your secret to this glow. I cant be the moon bro pls tell me a cheat code
2. I dont understand the attachment kpop fans esp international kpop fans have with lore in kpop groups’ music??????? Ist is a fuckass company fs but not everything has to be bast on some sort of lore? This isn’t expected from soloists or other pop idols then why is everyone so hellbent on picking apart any group’s albums and connect it with their other releases? Like things very well CAN be released as stand alones and yes you are allowed to like them?
Its stupid as shit because its always a problem with non-korean kpop fans. Ive seen it so much with BTS’ new music as well and its getting so old like if the idols are having fun with their music then let them have fun not every comeback has to be a philosophy lesson??? Kpop fans always gotta have a problem with a comeback one way or another. Nobody is asking them to act like pretentious douchebags and put in their two cents and yet. They still act like their run of the mill “observations” add anything to kpop discourses
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absolutebl · 9 months
This Week in BL - Korea drops my favorite cameo ever & gives KISSES
Entirely subjective yadda yadda. Organized sorta by favs in each category.
Sept 2023 Wk 1
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Ongoing Series - Thai
I Feel You Linger in the Air (Fri grey) ep 4 of 12 - Well that’s one way to find out if he’s gay, see how he reacts to reading a het sex scene out loud. Yai is flirting so hard it’s like he knows everything. 
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Dangerous Romance (Fri YT) ep 4 of 12 - Oh no! I love them. Also cohabitation trope! Also ALL the other ones: hair dry, meet in childhood... GMMTV going no frills with this one.
Hidden Agenda (Sun YT) ep 9 of 12 - Zo’s drama over Pat helping Joke flirt seems awfully manufactured. I’m losing faith in this show. Could GMMTV PLEASE hand JoongDunk a decent script? 
Only Friends (Sat YT) ep 5 of 10 - Sand & Ray are the only interesting couple, and I’m pretty much only watching for them. They gonna go south fast, tho, and they're already ruined by persistent singing. Ooo. When Sand said Top "stole his ex" did he mean Boston? How gay. 
Naughty Babe (Sat YT) ep 2 of 8 - The pronoun conversation had a bonkers translation but I enjoyed the actuality of it. The reasons for Yi's trickery are very convoluted soap opera. But I suppose that is the amnesia trope for you. 
Be Mine Super Star (Mon Viki) ep 10 of 12 - Boys. We discussed this already. No sex in onsens! I found this one dull, until the end when LLS showed up. Happy to just have him in everything. Thank you Thailand. Looks like it is a classic ep 11 DOOM next week. Who cares? 
Venus in the Sky (Tues iQIYI) 1-2 of 10 eps - The usual Thai pulp claptrap this time a reunion romances in and around a convenience store between a boy who recently quit his job and his former bestie who is now a doctor. Mostly not great acting, plot, or production but the sound is okay and no bad effects or singing (so far), so that’s something. The gay brothers have a fun relationship. It’s vampy and campy but fun. I like it but not sure anyone else would.
Love in Translation (Sat iQIYI) ep 4 of 10 - The date was cute but I still don’t like the lead or the premise (we moved into Cyrano de Bergerac territory). It’s moving slowly but it seems like we might be over the crush/stalker part of the narrative, so that’s a relief. 
Crazy Handsome Rich (Sun Gaga) ep 2 of 10 - I just can’t. The sound is too weird. With punch down humor and other issues incoming I may DNF this. You’ve been warned. This ep we got to see LLS with his shirt off. Did anything else happen? 
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Ongoing Series - Not Thai
Jun & Jun (Korea Thur Viki) ep 8fin - No wonder he is everyone’s favorite hyung, boy can read the room like no one else. I love that we got to see exactly how clingy and demanding Choi Jun was always going to be. Only Lee Jun is easy-going enough to put up with him. Also I’ve never watched a KBL with more innuendo. For Korea this was… raunchy. I gotta say had Laws of Attraction not come along, Simon might have been my favorite character of 2023.
Final thoughts on Jun and Jun:
A delightful office romance about an ex-idol who joins cubical life only to find his new boss is his first love. Others boys are sniffing around too. Operative word being "sniffing" as much of this romance involves smell. With a snappy script, enjoyable sides, a pretty as peaches cast, and descent chemistry this show made up for in style what it lacked in substance. I like fluff. I loved this. I smiled every moment I was watching. With tons of rewatch potential (especially the last few eps), my only caution is this is for fans of the BL genre only, I don’t think it’ll work for anyone else. A solid 9/10 from me. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED
I like that Korea is trying high heat, but Taiwan and Thailand are leaps and bounds better at it.
Love Class Season 2 (Korea Fri Viki) eps 9-10fin -
Omg they so cute as flirty bf. Eeeeeeee! CAMEO!!!!! My fav guest couple ever! So exciting!!!! I love that they intersected with MY Strongberry couple (Private Lessons). I’m not used to this but Holy innuendo Korea, what with Jun & Jun and now this show? It’s a bit much for my gay little heart. The final episode was entirely unnecessary, but it was fun to see them being all domestic and stuff. Maru with his dumb lettuce leaves was hilarious. I feel like I need to rewatch this one to really understand it properly, so I will likely do that soon.
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Summary of Love Class 2:
3 couples form within a semester of university: 1. a hyung romance reunion of exes, one of whom has a dangerous past, 2. a friends to lovers romance, and 3. a mature student and TA one night stand + complexities (many aspects of which had me laughing). I enjoyed the characters and dialogue of this show immensely. It was a little bit more breezy and friendly than I was expecting after the first installment, Love Class. I’m not entirely sure Korea can handle multiple couples like this because it definitely felt disjointed, especially the 3rd more mature couple (also my favorite) who probably should’ve had their own series. But it was definitely fun and something different from Korea. 8/10 RECOMMENDED
Also, Korea tried to give us higher heat... that was... interesting. I mean, you tried hon...?
Kisseki: Dear to Me (Taiwan Tues Viki & iQIYI) ep 4 of 13(?) - Everyone is a sad sack this ep. Ooooo. Teach/student my favorite. We never get this one. It’s messy. I’m not sure if there is a plot. I’m not sure they’re sure if there is a plot. But I am still enjoying it.
Why R U? (Korea Wed iQIYI) eps 5-6 of 8 - Why is the Fighter character always so frustrating regardless of name or country? Ji Oh stalking his crush via IG is so relatable. He’s very first crush awkward, unsure, and sweet. They also gave a nice kiss - I love the backpack drop (kiss version of a mic drop?) I still hold that if you haven’t seen the original this might not make much sense. But I am enjoying it. 
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My Personal Weatherman AKA Taikan Yoho (Japan Sat Gaga) ep 4 of 8 - Oh goody, another JBL where we have to pay attention solely to what they do and not what they say. 
Minato's Laundromat Season 2 AKA Minato Shouji Coin Laundry Season 2 (Japan Thu Gaga) ep 9 of 12 - Big fat sigh. 
It's Airing But...
My Universe (Sun iQIYI) ep 3 of 24 eps - I couldn't get hold of it and I'm not mad. I'm putting it on hold until distribution gets sorted, or icky get their shizz in order (like that'll happen).
Next Week Looks Like This:
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9/15 You Are Mine (Taiwan Gaga) Secretary has to deal with grumpy boss.
9/15 Bump Up Business AKA Bump Up Project (Korea movie) suspected cinema release? I don't know much about what's going on. Last status update. Love story between a trainee who is about to debut and a celebrity from the same agency. Kpop boy group OnlyOneOf has signed up to star in this idol-based BL (based on a webtoon). They’ve been auditioning for this since Libido IMHO. You can watch me chronicle their BL MV series in this post. It’s from Idol Romance who will do sad but can do good kisses (Wish You, Nobleman Ryu, Once Again, Kissable Lips, Poongduck 304, Tasty Florida, Tinted With You).
Still To Come In September
9/26 I Cannot Reach You AKA I Can't Reach You AKA Kimi ni wa Todokanai (Japan ????) - Adapted from the manga, childhood best friends: The cool, smart one who’s good at everything, and his average, dorky friend who struggles. Always by the other’s side, but not together in the way they truly want to be. No matter how hard they try, their hearts cannot reach each other.
9/27 Absolute Zero (Thai iQIYI) - from 2021, Studio Wabi Sabi and New Siwaj finally bring us this “time loop to prevent tragedy” romance. We don’t always get HEAs from them, so I'm on my guard.
9/27 Bon Appetit (Korea iQIYI) - from 2022, 8 eps from GoGo Studio, romance between an office worker who lives off junk food and the man next door who cooks well.
9/? Mr Cinderella 2 (Vietnam YouTube?)
2023 forthcoming BL master post (see comments, some are inaccurate, NOT KEPT UPDATED).
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I love him. And I love his version of this character better than Jimmy's.
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I also love it when a show gets meta. (Both Why R U? Korea) Why they didn't just go for YRU? the world may never know.)
(Last week) 
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ridiasfangirlings · 5 months
Highschool AU where first years Anna, Neko, and Sukuna are put in the school festival planning committee and have to help with the stage performances. President Munakata tells them that last year there's a popular musical number performed by a group of students but they had a falling out and don't want to perform again this year. Now the trio have to put the group back together for the festival (it's the group from the Idol K movie - Shiro, Kuro, Fushimi, Yata, Nagare, and Yukari).
Aw, they gotta get the band back together! I imagine this would involve delegating a point person to talk to their respective club-mates, like Neko is in charge of talking to Shiro and Kuroh, Sukuna handles Yukari and Hisui and Anna gets to take care of Yata (and Fushimi, even though he’s in the Blue club now). Imagine they’ve been working really hard to get this festival going, especially Anna — this is her brother Mikoto’s last year at school and she wants him to see a fun festival that she helped put on. Initially Sukuna and Neko are less interested, Sukuna tries to act like he’s too cool for stupid things like the school festival and Neko is more interested in the club room snacks than doing any planning. But then they both see how hard Anna’s working and end up helping her, imagine Neko hugging Anna and apologizing while Sukuna’s being all tsun and mumbling that well I guess I could help and when Anna says thank you he totally starts blushing. 
They decide to start with the easy one, which would be Shiro and Kuroh. Neko immediately tackle hugs Shiro all ‘Shi~ro, we need you to sing at the school festival!’. Shiro is game for it but Kuroh is hesitant and doesn’t think it’s a good idea, like you recall what happened last time. The first years have no idea so Kuroh gets to explain all the mess that occurred after the performance, Hisui tried to make Shiro join his club and then Yata and Fushimi got into a fight and destroyed the backstage area. Shiro adds oh that’s right didn’t you and Yukari-san grab the swords for the drama club performance and start fighting, Kuroh clears his throat and says anyway it might be too dangerous to hold that performance again. Neko breezily says as long as everyone behaves though it will be fine right and Anna adds that they will make sure everyone is well behaved. She looks so earnest that Kuroh gives in, if they can get the other four to agree he and Shiro will perform. 
Next they go see Hisui and Yukari, Yukari is touched that his dear younger brother wants to perform with him. Sukuna says he doesn’t care about those other guys but he wants to see Nagare sing. Hisui is intrigued by the request but still hesitant, after all he was not a fan of being on stage. Sukuna says that Nagare’s been working on that super awesome hologram program right, you can just use that (and since Hisui won’t be there physically he can’t get into fights). Hisui decides that Sukuna’s words have convinced him and agrees. Yukari is bribed with new makeup if he agrees, just think of how beautiful the stage will be again and there won’t even be any swords. 
The last issue is Fushimi and Yata, Sukuna isn’t sure how well this will go because aren’t those guys always fighting like kids. Anna says it won’t be a problem, going into their classroom to ask. Fushimi immediately says no, Yata’s like what the hell you asshole how dare you say no to Anna. Anna takes Fushimi’s hand and just says ‘Saruhiko.’ Fushimi’s all ‘w-what?’ and Anna smiles at him, as she says Saruhiko will sing, won’t he. There’s a long pause as she stares at him and finally Fushimi clicks his tongue and pushes up his glasses as he mutters ‘fine.’ Anna adds that Saruhiko and Misaki won’t fight at all either, Yata’s like you can count on me as long as Saruhiko doesn’t start it. Fushimi starts to say something caustic in reply and Anna just says ‘Saruhiko’ again, Fushimi sighs and grumbles that he won’t as long as Misaki doesn’t do anything stupid. Sukuna and Neko are in awe of Anna’s abilities, she really is impossible to say no to.
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mirageofficial · 1 year
yk i gotta ask 01, 20 & 23 for the whole group !
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01 — who is the ace of the group? if it’s someone else, do you think they deserve that title, or should it be yourself?
XEPHER “a lot of our fans say i’m the ace. which is absolute bullshit in my perspective — i’m good at what i do, but i’m no ace… it’s probably because of my facial expressions? i’m not sure, but it’s definitely nari. i don’t think there’s anything she can’t master when we perform.”
NARI “it’s me. i feel like i’m the ace? i mean, i’m a main dancer plus a lead vocalist and rapper… i have a degree in composition, and also literally have writing credits for 99% of mirage’s discography alone… but our fans rarely argue this because nobody gives me killing parts anymore. if i had to choose someone else, it’d be xepher — she trained for such a long period of time, and she knows how to finish off a performance, too.”
EUNAE “this is hard, simply because i feel like our music is very balanced and gives everyone a shining moment very often… i wouldn’t pick any of them, they don’t need to know my choice — and i don’t want to inflate anyone’s ego too much.”
NAKO “eunae for sure. why would i even pick myself? i used to look so awkward on stage when we were rookies because i wasn’t used to them, meanwhile eunae looked like a seasoned idol since day one… it’s always the theater kids...”
ARIN “all of them won’t say it, but it’s me. i won’t get into it because it’s obvious, but the second i open my mouth to rap on a title track… and i don’t even mean this in a selfish way, everyone will understand what i’m saying… i barely rap because singing is what everyone knows me for.”
20 — if you had to replace someone in the group, who would it be and why?
XEPHER “i want to be a good leader and say i wouldn’t replace any of them, which is true, but if i absolutely had to pick someone— it’d be nako. though she claims she’s been doing better, her mental issues from her past really threw us all off balance as were working together to debut. i only say this because i wouldn’t have let her debut at all, i don’t think she’s gotten better since 2019.”
NARI “eunae. don’t get me wrong, she’s a great vocalist and performer, but she hates acting and barely trained… meanwhile the rest of us spent years just trying to debut, and she makes it in less than a year? i say this because i feel she needs more experience, this poor kid has the weight of the world on her shoulders, our company rushed her because they just wanted us to shut up already.”
EUNAE “nako. i adore her to pieces, but when she came back to the company i was suddenly rushed into debuting. i’m not allowed to say it, but i didn’t finish my training because they were desperate and figured i would be fine since i had some experience. her arrival cut my time short, i’m still struggling because of it, even if you can’t see it yourself.”
NAKO “i think my answer is pretty obvious, but i’d replace myself. part of my heart is still with txt and my old members, i can’t take back that history and the memories. plus, my own health struggles after joining made it very clear that they felt i shouldn’t have joined so soon. but, i’m fine now and the group functions just fine together — this is just a what-if question.”
ARIN “eunae. she’s not a strong rapper, which is what the required essential skill for our group was, and her short training time makes me look untalented for training as long as i did… and it doesn’t help that i’m the youngest. that’s the only issue i have with her.”
23 — if the group were to disband, which member(s) would succeed on their own and which member(s) would struggle?
XEPHER MAJORITY SAYS… “she would not re-debut, instead she’d probably become a full-time producer — unless she was ever offered to be in a trio with nari and arin.”
NARI MAJORITY SAYS… “she would become a soloist and start out struggling, but then make it big later on.”
EUNAE MAJORITY SAYS… “she would succeed but not as a soloist, probably in another girl group or something. as long as her brother remains well-known, she’d be just fine.”
NAKO MAJORITY SAYS… “she would make it big as a soloist for her image, but probably wouldn’t release a lot of music like people would want her to.” NAKO SAYS… “if mirage falls off, i will be falling off the face of the earth before i find a good reason to stay in this industry after disbandment.”
ARIN MAJORITY SAYS… “she could succeed, but she’s already too sick and tired of how shitty this industry is… so maybe she wouldn’t want to re-debut.”
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hamliet · 3 years
Not Agaaain! - Or, Hawks Will Have To Choose Twice Over
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Large parts of this meta are taken from a conversation with the always-wise @aspoonofsugar, who is herself not a huge BNHA fan, but keeps up with it mostly so that I can blather to her constantly. 
I think I’ve already been quite clear that I think it an odd narrative choice to teaming up with the hero commission to save Dabi. While the text has strongly indicated Touya will be saved eventually, I don’t quite see how the top three heroic symbols can play a role. 
Shouto himself to Enji that he cannot earn his family back through being a hero, but instead by being a father:
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Like, does anybody think Enji should be able to have it all--the esteem of heroes and the commission and his family? When the entire narrative has set it up as either/or, as a choice Enji will have to make since he made it previously and chose... poorly? 
Even in this chapter, Best Jeanist is focused on what to say to the public, not on, you know, the actual revelations. It’s a focus on leaving the past in the past, because “things are different now.”
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Except that attitude is precisely what Dabi was calling out:
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And it isn’t only stated by Dabi, but by Natsuo:
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And also by Deku himself:
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Which isn’t to say that isn’t where Dabi’s arc will probably go eventually (moving on) but is to say the wounds from Dabi’s past are still very much festering, and literally so. 
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You gotta treat these wounds, not leave them to heal on their own, because some wounds are too deep to heal on their own. Touya most likely fell into the wrong hands after burning in the forest (Ujiko seeming a likely suspect) that might have fixed him up in the present, but did nothing to address the actual circumstances that led to him self-immolating in the woods. He needs to learn emotional regulation and have his pain acknowledged, not ignored (the symbolism is again very literal):
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So how do we do this? Because the heroes right now seem to be sweeping things under the rug again which worked so well the first time. And maybe this is supposed to happen and we have to suspend disbelief because BNHA is kinda like that sometimes. But I’m not so sure, and frankly I hope not because it’s... not awesome writing, and I’d like BNHA to be well done. 
So how does this connect to Twice and Hawks? Well, Hawks is clearly thinking about Twice in these panels: 
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However, Hawks still isn’t realizing his own role in what happened; it’s simplistic and self-centered, which has kinda been Hawks’ thing since his introduction.
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Hawks directly states that he’s projecting onto the Todorokis this chapter:
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Now, projection isn’t necessarily a bad thing, and I don’t doubt he sincerely wants to help his mentor. I do doubt his rationale. To quote Sugar-chan,
instead of fixing his own issues, he is trying to fix his childhood idol. I think the revelations about Endeavor have actually shaken Hawks, but he is not acknowledging them. 
He’s not getting to the route of his own problems: the hero commission exploiting him and his own choice to kill Twice.
Let’s examine why Hawks seems to have latched onto Twice so hard. They have quite a bit in common: they grew up traumatized and impoverished, but one had their quirk lead others to save them and one did not. Twice was also mentally unstable and believed he was the cause of the League’s problems (self-centered in a sense, but not in a negative connoted way); it sounds not only similar to Hawks, but to Tomie. I mean, he legit makes Twice the exact same offer the hero commission gave him and Tomie. 
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Hawks killing what represents the part of himself that wasn’t saved does not typically indicate good things in terms of character development. Unlike when Enji killed High End, Twice is not Hawks’ negative qualities, but is instead also his good qualities. Hawks even says he wants to be like Twice:
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Hawks’ having killed Twice might very well impede his goal to help the Todorokis. Dabi and the League don’t have any reason to trust Hawks and have some very good reasons not to; double-agent role aside, Hawks offered a chance to Twice and then when Twice didn’t take it (because Hawks wasn’t actually listening to what Twice wanted: to save his friends), Hawks stabbed him in the back, quite literally. 
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Dabi was even there for that; why would he trust Hawks is genuine? Why would he trust his family if they’re working with Hawks? 
There’s little indication that Hawks sees seeking to save Touya as anything different than his quest to save Twice, and writing-wise, he kind of shouldn’t. Hawks has had absolutely no consequences to deter him from following the same route. Unless the past only dies for Hawks or he’s gotten from Point A to Point B of realizing the past matters offscreen (since he’s literally said it doesn’t since his introductory chapter):
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Given the prominence of Twice’s death (not just in the narrative, but it had a volume cover devoted to it; you’d think it’d be pivotal) this does not seem like awesome writing, so I’m going to assume that this is setting up a future conflict for Hawks rather than resolving one. 
So what happens when Dabi refuses to be saved, which seems almost certain to happen? (Also for people who might be nervous about that: rejecting redemption several times is a staple of a redemption arc.) What will Hawks do then? 
How will that differ from what Shouto would do? (If Shouto’s endgame would be to follow Hawks’ lead, then it doesn’t make much sense to have Hawks admiring Shouto instead of the other way around, nor for a character introduced halfway through to demonstrate how to solve the problem midway through the story when killing villains isn’t really new or unique). 
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Unless Hawks gets those consequences, why would he make a different choice than the one he made last time he was driven into a corner?
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hatsukeii · 3 years
Okay I know I’ve reposted something of the sort but I’m just fucking annoyed now so I’m doing it myself.
I know I haven’t been in the fandom for long and yes I’ve definitely said things that go into the category of hard stan (cough on my knees for no one but he’s an exception type stuff but nothing more than that considering I am very much a minor) but does that equate to me seeing San as a sex object? NO, NO, AND NO.
San has been my favourite since I checked Ateez out, and if not for his stunning performance and killer looks I’m gonna be honest I wouldn’t have actually looked more into the group, I genuinely thank him for bringing me into the fandom and introducing me to eight very talented and interesting people. San himself is extremely good looking, very charismatic, and is obviously one of the more emotional and sensitive members of the group. It’s what makes him so endearing, the way he nudges people with his head as a sign of wanting affection, or how he’s always the first to bring comfort to other members, he’s a living human being with actual emotions and issues that people seem to look past very often.
Now what really makes me disappointed is the way some stans don’t realise how uncomfortable and insecure they can make San just by doing stuff like zooming in on body parts for thirst posts or commenting on nothing but his body whenever the slightest bit is exposed. I’ve been into them for less than a month and even I know that he gets very insecure at times, he wants people to like him for him, wants to be the best performer you could see, and it eats him up whenever he doubts himself. All selfish stans care about is their own lewd thoughts and needs that just have to be satisfied by, I don’t know, someone with a killer set of abs and a handsome face. I don’t know if you guys are slow in the fucking head, but I’ll break it down for you. If you would not like to be talked about in a purely physical and sexual context, the idol would not like to be talked about in a physical and sexual context either.
And since you know me I’m a writer on Tumblr I’ve obviously tried looking for fanfiction and what do you know it’s pages amongst pages of pure filthy smut. Now I’m not saying you can’t write that, erotica is a means of expressing art in the form of writing and that is valid, but coming from someone who doesn’t enjoy erotica who has skimmed through some of these posts I just gotta say it has made me very uncomfortable, but that’s a very personal issue, I’m just putting that out there to prove how he’s constantly being sexualised by people, well meaning or not.
I’m someone who goes through waves of very bad insecurity and sadness and to have to watch someone I admire put up with shit like this with the addition of people actively making it worse and him very obviously feeling upset and uncomfortable about it pains me to an extent. Yes, fireworks promotion had him looking very very good in revealing clothing, but do you not see how uneasy he is constantly trying to hide his abdomen, or holding things against his torso? Please stop doing this to him. He’s so much more than just the guy who dances like a demon or the guy who wore a backless shirt to MAMA or the hot dude doing body waves in a crop top or yada yada yada. He’s Choi San, someone who’s worked very hard and gone through a lot to get to where he is both in the idol scene and in the mental scene. Hell I’d go as far as to say that he probably still struggles with his own mental health regarding body image and self worth, and obnoxious fucking fans are not helping at all.
And if I see any comments that go along the lines of “but he’s so hot in the crop top I have to zoom it🥺🥺🥺” or “he’s wearing barely nothing on top he was asking for it” I hate you just keep that in mind. I don’t want to hear you say you’re a fan of Ateez, because you obviously aren’t. Get off my page, unfollow me, I don’t care. I don’t want you here.
Ok n e ways stream deja vu and eternal sunshine
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melodiesofblueroses · 3 years
𝘙𝘰𝘰𝘬𝘪𝘦 𝘔𝘪𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘬𝘦𝘴
→ 𝘓𝘦𝘷𝘪𝘢𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘹 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
𝘚𝘶𝘮𝘮𝘢𝘳𝘺: Levi has been messing up on the latest choreo a bit too much lately, and his manager is starting to get worried about him. 
𝘎𝘦𝘯𝘳𝘦: Fluff
𝘞𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵: ~3.2k  
𝘏𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘴 𝘶𝘱: f!reader , idol au
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“alright, take five.” at the mention of those words, the seven demon brothers all collapsed onto the studio floor, thankful to finally have a small break. they had been practicing for weeks now on their new dance routine, and although they weren’t perfectly in sync yet, they were getting much better with each passing day. all seven of them couldn’t wait for their next comeback; they wanted everything to be perfect. not only were they given creative freedom for this album, but they even got to direct the mv! the whole group was stoked to say the least. 
“we’re so close!” mammon shouted as he lay sprawled across the hardwood floor. “just a little more practice and we’ll be ready.” the others couldn’t help but nod in agreement. the album release date was so close, they could practically taste it. although the date was scheduled for a few months time, they all knew that if they worked harder, there was a huge possibility that it’d be moved up. the entire album was all finished and ready by now, the only thing left to do was memorize the choreography and film the mv. it was all so exciting.“but levi! ya gotta stop messing up at every take.”
“h-hey, i’m not messing up!” the third eldest retorted in between his heavy breathes. though he tried his best to defend himself, levi saw how all the others nodded in agreement at mammon’s statement. the only thing that did was make him feel worse about himself, which wasn’t ideal for someone who already had a hard time believing in their worth. “sure i may be a little out of sync with the rest of you guys, but that’ll be fixed soon. i just need more practice.” 
“levi, it’s been weeks now, and the problem still hasn’t gone away,” satan added, recieving a glare and a punch from levi who sat right next to him. he couldn’t help but chuckle at levi’s angry face. satan may be younger than him, but it was still so fun to mess with levi. his flustered reaction was much too priceless. “we all want you to perform with us, but you keep dragging the entire team down.” 
“pfft, harsh much,” belphegor snickered as he took sips of water. 
“wait, what do you mean dragging the group down?!” needless to say, levi was quite red in the face right now due to both anger from his brothers’ hateful remarks and embarrassment from being called out. everything was welling up inside of him, and levi couldn’t help but explode at them. he’s had enough of their rude comments the past few weeks. “i’m a member of nageki as much as any of you are. without me, it wouldn’t even be nageki!”
“yeah, that’s true but that doesn’t necessarily mean that you have to be included in the mv you know.” satan smirked at his ‘gotcha’ comment, enjoying the fact that levi was taken aback by his remark. ah, it was so fun to make levi so flustered. “if you don’t get better soon, then we can always exclude you from this particular comeback.” 
“y-you can’t do that! can you…” although he mumbled out the last part, satan couldn’t help but overhear it due to their proximity. all satan did was grin in response, which made levi’s heart shatter. sure, levi wasn’t the best member on the team for either choreography or singing, but hearing his brothers want to drop him so quick did numbers on his self-esteem. he already didn’t think of himself too highly, but now that he knew that his brothers didn’t think of him as a valuable member of the group, well, levi felt like crying more or less. was he really that useless that even his brothers don’t want him in the group? choreography was the bit that he enjoyed the most too, so hearing them drag him for it made him lose faith in himself. he wasn’t even good at the part he most enjoyed. 
“satan, that’s enough,” nageki’s leader and the eldest brother, lucifer, demanded. his tone was sharp and cold, enough to make everyone in the room shut up and listen to him. it was quite difficult to imagine that he had so many fans pining after him, especially since he was so cruel and heartless (at least in the brothers’ eyes). “and levi, satan and mammon do have a point. your dance moves are getting lazy, and you can’t even seem to keep up the same pace as us. as much as we really don’t want to exclude you, if this keeps up, then we’ll have no choice.” the way he said that last part so nonchalantly angered levi the most. even though lucifer said that they would all be deeply saddened to drop levi, it surely did not show on his face. it almost felt as if he was mocking levi in a way. 
levi was way too depressed now to even say anything. the least he could do was just angrily stare at lucifer and hope that it was enough to burn holes in the back of his head. maybe creating this idol group with his brothers was a mistake. they surely didn’t seem to appreciate the effort he put into this group anyway. levi spent countless hours alone trying to perfect his singing for that one line or trying his best to improve his dancing; he poured his blood, sweat, and tears into the group, yet no one appreciated it. they all ignored his efforts and hyperfixated on the one time he made a mistake. 
“alright guys, quit it.” at the sound of their manager’s voice, the whole group turned around only to be met with y/n’s disappointed glare. it shook them to the core and frightened them more than any of lucifer’s gazes could. she was quite the menace after all, not to mention that she made most of the decisions for them. “i leave for two minutes to talk with the choreographer, and all of you are at each other’s throats and dogpiling on one another. you seven are a group, and above all, you’re all brothers, so act like it.” the anger in her voice was quite prevalent, and no one had the guts to respond and say a word to her. even lucifer dared not to say anything to her. “i think the stuffy atmosphere of this studio is getting to you,” she sighed, her tone much more soft this time around. “go out for lunch or something, but come back in an hour.”
“you’re such a saint, manager,” mammon cried out, getting up from the floor and stretching before grabbing his coat from the rack. “how about we all go down ta’ the closest burger joint? lucifer’s treat.” needless to say, he quickly retracted that last statement once he felt lucifer’s deathly glare on him. 
“that sounds great,” beel muttered, holding his stomach while seemingly daydreaming about all sorts of food. “i’m starving.” 
“go out and have some fresh air, except for levi, i need to talk to you.” at the mention of his name, levi whipped around and stared at his manager, becoming even more red at the embarrassment of being called out by her. all his brothers couldn’t help but ‘ooo’ at this statement, which only embarrassed him even further. 
“you’re in trouble~” asmo sang, though all that did was receive a glare from levi and a punch on his shoulder from lucifer who made it quite clear to quit teasing the third eldest. it wasn’t like levi was necessarily mad at asmo for that statement since he knew it was the truth. asmo just didn’t have to rub it in like that! 
one by one, all the other brothers existed the room, giving levi a few sympathetic looks since they knew he was in for it now. as much as they adored their manager, none of them truly wanted to get on her bad side. y/n was sweet and kind and caring as one can see by how she wants only the best for the group. she had no problem standing up to any haters or other companies that dared to sully nageki’s name and reputation, and at times, she couldn’t help but dote on the brothers. everyone in the group truly loved her, but when she got mad, oh, she got mad alright. it’s not like they didn’t understand, however. they knew that the idol industry was cutthroat, and y/n was simply looking out for them and wanted them to succeed in such a toxic and stressful industry. the brothers did need a few lessons here and there after all. they were all brothers, conflicts were sure to arise. 
levi was quite embarrassed at the entire situation and a bit tierrifed. for one, y/n was the manager, and she had the say in quite a few decisions. if she wanted levi out of this comeback, then she would have him removed promptly. and just the thought of that made levi shudder. he could take insults from his brothers no problem. sure, they may sting a bit and lower his already rock bottom self confidence, but they were just his brothers. he has lived with them for so long; levi was quite used to such comments by now. 
but y/n. 
y/n could make or break his entire career. i mean, he knew that she would never go that far since she practically had a heart of gold, but levi didn’t think that he’d be able to handle it if his crush told him that he was messing up the entire group. her words alone would either give him motivation to continue on or give up on becoming an idol entirely. levi felt as if she knew him better than he knew himself.
and that was another thing: levi had a crush on his manager. he knew that it was unprofessional; he knew that it was most likely never going to happen, but levi couldn’t help but fall for her. she always was there for him. whether he phoned her at two in the morning for her to come watch him dance or came to her with issues he was having with his brothers, y/n never failed to let him down. she always stuck by his side and helped him resolve each and every problem, no matter how small and inconsequential they were. y/n wanted the best for him and would do whatever it took to make him happy. and levi had never had someone like that before, someone to care for and cherish him as if he meant the world to them. it felt nice to say the least. so to be in the room, all alone, with his crush who could easily make him cry, well, levi was of course rather nervous. 
“alright levi, what gives?” she sighed, helping levi up from his spot on the floor. y/n quickly took note of the way he winced when he stood up with his left leg, though she brushed it aside for now. surely it was merely sore from the intense practice session they just had. “i know that you’re a great dancer and all, but you seem to be messing up this time around. is something bothering you? you know, you can tell me anything.” gah, the way she softly smiled at the end attacked his heart. she was too dangerous for his heart and wellbeing. 
“i-i’m fine,” levi stuttered, too nervous to be standing so close to his crush. “it’s just that this choreography is a bit more difficult, so um, yeah. it’ll take me a bit longer to get used to, but i promise i’ll get better!” he tried his best to defend himself, but levi couldn’t help but mentally curse himself for admitting that the choreo was difficult. what would she think of him now? that he was an incompetent fool not cut out for being an idol? he’d have to try his best to backtrack. 
“hm, really? i personally thought that the choreo for the last comeback was much harder…” 
“a-ah, yeah…” crap, levi had forgotten about that. last comeback was way harder than this current one, that was basically a fact. it took all seven of them weeks to perfect it, and even then, all of them thought that it wasn’t the best that they could do. it was sufficient, sure, but it wasn’t the best, and all of them couldn’t help but hate their last mv because of that. to them, it was a sign that they were becoming much more lazy and incompetent, so they all vowed to become much stronger dancers. well, that was coming along swell for levi. 
“levi,” y/n started, taking his hands in hers which surely made him short circuit. this surprise skin-to-skin contact made levi so flustered. why didn’t she give him a warning beforehand? was she trying to kill him? maybe this was her plan all along, to weaken him by her warm touch before informing him that he wouldn’t make this comeback. he wouldn’t succumb to such normie tactics! then again, her hands were so soft and warm. levi never wanted to let them go. they made him feel safe, and besides, it made him imagine what the two of them would be like as a couple. they’d be adorable together, no doubt about that. then he could hold hands with her everyday. oh, it would be such a dream come true. amidst his romantic daydreams, levi had forgotten about the fact that y/n was indeed talking with him right now. it didn’t register until he heard her voice again, to which he finally snapped out of his thoughts and focused on her. “please be honest with me, i promise i mean no harm. what’s going on? i would never take you out of this comeback, you know that. don’t listen to your brothers, ok?”
“...ok.” it was as if she read all of his thoughts. embarrassing. levi fidgeted with her hands, caressing them and memorizing every single aspect of her skin before he gave his answer. her touch comforted him, needless to say. she was right; levi knew that she would never take him out of the group, even for one mv. of course she was right, y/n was his manager after all. y/n was always by his side and solved every single problem that came his way, so why shouldn’t she solve this one? taking in a deep breath, levi attempted to calm himself before he said his answer. y/n would always take him seriously. “it’s that, well...i’m excited for zaramela’s concert tonight!!”
“...a-ah, i see…”
well, there was that awkward silence that levi had feared would happen. maybe if he continued to explain himself, then y/n would see his point of view. yeah, that should work! “you see, this is my first time going to one of her concerts, and i’m so pumped!! i’ve never seen her live before, so i can’t wait. i’m so excited that i can’t focus on anything else, not even on the latest tsl movie release!” as he went on his long passionate tangent about how awesome zaramela was and how he wished that one day he’d become a top idol like her, levi unknowingly tightened his grip on y/n, holding her hands close to his chest as he continued to fanboy. 
y/n, on the other hand, couldn’t help but giggle at how enthusiastic levi seemed to be. he really did admire her so much, huh. he was quite adorable, especially when he talked so passionately about things that he loved. “i can tell that you can’t wait any longer,” she commented. levi didn’t notice the soft look that she gave him as he was too busy going on and on about his love for zaramela. if he saw that look, he would’ve had a heart attack right then and there. “well, have fun, and make sure to hide your identity well. you did dye your hair for this comeback, so at least you got that part down.” 
“yes manager!!” levi shouted a bit too loudly, ecstatic that she had allowed him to go out and see his favorite idol. if it all works out in the end, then maybe she might go with him to a concert next time! just the two of them, alone in a concert, under the moonlight and stars. ahh, it sounded just like a date. well, it would be a date! a date with y/n sounded just perfect to levi, and maybe, at the end of it all, they would share an intimate and passionate kis-
as levi was trapped in his daydreams yet again, he quickly snapped out of it when he felt something on top of his lips. wait wait, y/n was kissing him! he wasn’t prepared at all for this, what?! this wasn’t how levi had planned his first kiss with her to be at all. it was supposed to be on a romantic date under the stars as the moonlight illuminated her features, and levi went in for a kiss. it wasn’t supposed to be a spontaneous thing! well...this didn’t feel so bad either. unconsciously, levi began to kiss back after a few seconds, and he allowed himself to relax as he started to feel all warm and tingly on the inside. ahh, y/n’s touch was way better than he had imagined. this didn’t even begin to compare to all of his daydreams about her. this was much better, so much better. 
“make sure to go out and enjoy the rest of your lunch,” y/n commented once she pulled back, much to levi’s disappointment. if only it had went on for a few seconds longer. levi wanted to relish in her touch, but it was gone way too soon. “you have about thirty minutes left, so get yourself something tasty.” with those final words, y/n began to flip through her clipboard and get ready to go out, mentally adjusting the schedule for the team for the remainder of the week. there was just so much to be done this week. 
levi, on the other hand, remained frozen and speechless as he continued to process what had happened a few moments prior. his crush really had kissed him out of nowhere. this was his chance to ask her out. i mean, she had basically reciprocated his feelings right now, so what better time than to ask her on a date. his wildest dreams were sure to come true then. 
“hey, y/n.”
“hm?” she turned around, a cute confused look on her face that made levi’s heart do backflips. y/n was too cute for her own good. 
well, it was now or never. swallowing his nerves, levi averted his gaze from her and mumbled out his question. “would you maybe like to, you know, come with me to the concert?”
the moment y/n smiled, levi had his answer, and oh how he was so ecstatic. not only would he get to finally fulfill his dream of seeing his favorite idol live, but he got to spend it with his crush. this was way too good to be real life. “sure, i’d love that.”
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jjk-biased · 4 years
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yoongi x reader
requested by @ughtear​ ( Hi! I was just able to see your post and I was wondering if I could request prompt 3+1 (three times he proposes and the one time you say yes) with Yoongi? The idea of it makes me so soft! Also, I’m new at requesting so I don’t know what format is 🥺)
genre: fluff
words: 1.8k of cute stuff!!
synopsis: 3+1 (Three times Yoongi proposes and the one time you say yes)
masterlist | events masterlist
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Kindergarten was such a hassle for young Yoongi. Coloring within the lines and connecting the dots were too exhausting and all he wanted was for nap time to come. He should be at home sleeping with his blanket in hand. Hatred for school aside, Yoongi wasn’t very social. He was a shy boy who would rather listen to some tunes even if he didn’t understand the lyrics that well. 
Well, he couldn’t exactly hate school.
There was this girl who always approached him, someone he could say was his friend. During recess, when the noisy kids stumble their way towards the outside, he could be seen sluggishly lagging behind as he talks (well, listens) to this girl in messy pigtails and pink overalls share her entire life story. 
Y/N Y/L/N.
You were a very cheerful kid who, despite the very young age, could easily detect and adapt to people’s attitudes. Unlike the ever-bratty Sohee who cried because Yoongi wasn’t giving her the compliments she wanted about her new Sailor Moon bag from mommy or the annoying Taka who demanded he play heroes with Yoongi, you knew your limits.
Whatever that meant to two toddlers. 
Yoongi liked you the most. You were a fun person to be with. You would let him nap when he wanted to and you always gave him the dog stickers from the prizes you get for being a good kid. You would give him some of your snacks (except for the juice boxes, he knew you loved those so much) and would wait for him when recess starts.
So one day, little Yoongi asked his parents what it meant to like a friend so much and what he should do about it (well of course, he messily relayed his story because he would get off track and tell them about the dog he saw). His dad wanted to poke fun and tell him something he didn’t understand anyway.
“What’s marriage?”
“Well, Yoongi, it’s when you like your friend so much that you want to be friends with them for life!” His dad replied, earning a smack on the head from his mother because that was wrong on many levels. 
“I’m gonna marriage n/n!!” Little Yoongi cheered, or rather grinned but that was already the most he could express before going back to watching his favorite show. 
The next day, without his mother knowing, Yoongi’s father told him to give you flowers if he wanted to “marriage” you. Yoongi giggled as he pocketed the little rose that his dad handed over before skipping to school. 
He liked being friends with you so much that he wanted to “marriage” you. But he wasn’t expecting the news he’d received that day. 
You had to move to Seoul with your father after your parents separated, leaving little Yoongi in Daegu with a crumpled little rose. 
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The next time he saw you was in high school. Obviously, you weren’t the messy pigtails and pink overalls n/n anymore but that was the latest memory of you that Yoongi could remember. To see you, nimbly looking at your fingers as the teacher introduced you to the class as the transferee -- it overwhelmed him. A good kind of overwhelming he supposed. 
But with Yoongi being Yoongi, he didn’t want to approach you first. For all he knew, you could’ve forgotten the little Yoongi who usually wore blue shirts and loved dogs. He wanted to approach you, he really does, but with his reputation as one of the quiet basketball players of Daegu High and the possibility of you being questioned by his so-called fans, he couldn’t.
To his surprise, you approached him the same way you did when you were little. With a “Is that you Yoon?” from you and a rare gummy smile from him, the two best friends were once again joined by the hip. 
“I can’t believe Min ‘I hate moving’ Yoongi is a basketball player,” You snorted, staying close to your only friend in your high school as he goes to the gym. 
“Well I can’t believe Y/L/N ‘I’m never taking my pigtails off’ Y/N isn’t wearing pigtails anymore,” Yoongi replied, chuckling a bit at your embarrassment. 
“Sh-Shut up!” 
Your friendship was easily built again, it was stronger even. You didn’t mind the occasional “You’re my love rival but Yoongi will be mine” declarations that you got once a week (surprisingly, more than half of the female population loved the quiet, basket-ball loving types. )
They should see Yoongi in a pet store, you snickered. 
“Hey! Why are you laughing at me?! You think you’re better than me!?” 
Ah right… You forgot… Sohee, you remembered her as the girl who seemed to like Yoongi in kindergarten, was also issuing a “love war” with you for your best friend’s heart. 
“Not really, darling. I just think you’re stupid… But you didn’t hear that from me,” You cackled just as Yoongi arrived to get your ass out of there. 
That morning aside, the school had finally opened their festival. Your class prepared a cafe-like service where everyone cosplayed (you had no say in it) and you were sadly and unwillingly put in a maid costume. Perhaps it was karma for calling Sohee stupid. Yoongi got lucky and was just put in a simple prince costume.
“I don’t think this is fair,” You sighed, tugging at your skirt so it could cover more skin. Yoongi grunted, somehow also unhappy that he had to dress up as some lame ass prince. 
“Stop whining, short-stack. At least your legs are covered. Now let’s go around to check the other booths,” You huffed, dragging a reluctant Yoongi around. 
Maybe you shouldn’t have done that. 
Class 3-A and 3-B somehow agreed to combine their booths. It would’ve been a harmonious unification had their booths been something other than the ones they had: A marriage and a jail booth. 
The little shits changed their rules and made it into something you thought was so funny. Some idiots from 3-B would “jail” and handcuff you to some poor victim that would also get caught and from there, you had two choices: pay 5,000 won to be set free or get married for only 500won. It was genius and you would’ve made a lot of moola because you’re also a little shit. But you were one of the victims. Fuck.
So here you were now, being dragged by Taka, another someone from your childhood, to 3-A’s marriage booth for your very unfortunate fate. 
“Why is she alone, you idiot? You gotta handcuff two people for it to work,” 3-A’s president chided upon noticing you were the only one handcuffed. Luckily, Yoongi trailed along (to laugh at you or use this as blackmail, you weren’t sure). He seemed so ticked off when Taka dragged you though. 
“Well,” Taka smirked as he raised his free arm, “it can always be me.”
Horrified at his very forward advances, you cringed and silently cried for Yoongi’s help. Before you could voice out your dislike, however, Yoongi had already pulled you from Taka’s hold. 
“Marry me, Y/N.”
Your face immediately turned into different shades of red. You were too speechless to even respond to him shoving Taka away and handcuffing himself to you. Some of the people who were in 3-A’s room gasped because even they couldn’t believe that this was happening. Yoongi was nervous, it was embarrassing after all, but it wasn’t obvious in any way. You were about to give him his answer but then...
Sohee crashed the wedding before it could even start and 3-A’s president let you guys go as an apology for the commotion. 
You couldn’t forget that day… especially when you almost answered yes. 
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Perhaps it was inevitable. Your friends and their mothers seem to have already known what was ahead before you two got there. But eventually, you and Yoongi got together. You already knew he wanted to pursue a music career and were more than supportive when he decided to sign under a small company named BigHit.
While together, you two worked your best to pay your rent and debts. You two ran away from Daegu after none of your parents approved of your career choices, with him and his dream to be a producer and you and your dream of arts. It was hard having to leave your comfortable life in your little hometown but having Yoongi with you helped a lot.
A few years later, your boyfriend (now changed into the rapper and producer of the idol group BTS) found out that his company loosened its strict ban on dating and he was finally able to introduce you to his friends. (though they knew Yoongi had someone in his heart, they were never able to put a face to it)
Your favorite member (shh don’t tell anyone) had to be Hoseok. He can easily lift everyone’s spirits up and he displayed so much warmth when Yoongi introduced you to the guys.
There was a reason why Hoseok was so easy to hang out with. He was the first to know that Yoongi had someone in his life and would often come to him when he wanted to talk about you (there were times he was so excited about you that he wanted to tell everyone,,, thankfully he had hobi to talk to). So it was like Hoseok already knew you before he could meet you. Because of that, Hoseok was the middleman. The person who would be the voice of reason if you two fought. You also went to Hoseok about Yoongi, especially because you still weren’t allowed to tell the world that you were with Min “BTS’ Rapper and Producer” Yoongi. 
Hoseok was also the first one to know when Yoongi had plans of proposing. He was aware of your history and would always laugh whenever you’d describe a jealous high schooler Yoongi yanking you away from some random named Taka. 
It had to be one of the most painful things for Hoseok when he was told to keep quiet of the surprise. He was bubbling with excitement that day and was mirroring Yoongi’s eagerness to finally ask you the question you’ve been denied of answering since. 
After a simple dinner out, you both decided to walk in a quiet park (it was quite late so no one was around). Yoongi inhaled, unconsciously gripping your hand quite tightly, and looked for the velvet box with his other. 
You stopped at some point to gaze at the comforting contrast of the night with the city lights but you felt Yoongi halt in his tracks so you turned around. 
There he was, one knee on the ground as he grinned that gummy smile of his that you’ll never get tired seeing, with the question you’ve been wanting to answer for your whole life. 
“Will you marry me, Y/N?”
It took Yoongi three times to propose to you, and he wouldn’t want it any other way. 
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permanent taglist: @luvinseokjinnie @97faerie @amoreguk @bbyjoonies @borednia @tanumiki @taescake
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deltaengineering · 3 years
that was the winter anime 2021 that was
Still not quite ready for a dozen posts about how terrible the likes of Combatants Will Be Dispatched are, sorry. Watch Vivy though, it owns. Here’s some more things that are (mostly) good. As always, worst to best.
Yatogame-chan Kansatsu Nikki S3
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Yatogame has long run out of hot Nagoya facts and its ensemble comedy never amounted to much, so now it seems mostly content to just spam more and more wacky character designs. About the only thing that it has left going for it is that 3 minutes a week are more effort to drop than to watch, so I expect them to make a movie next. 4/10
Go-toubun no Hanayome S2
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Quints is a weird one. S1 was a barely good enough (i.e., well above average) implementation of the ages old harem chestnut. S2 is actually better at the core of its appeal, since it gives all the characters a sharper profile (things like taking Nino from joke to badass and making Ichika a villain are no mean feat), but it does pay a steep price for it. You see, to deliver a steady drip feed of meaningful character moments it apparently has to rush through the source material at a breakneck pace, which completely wrecks the "story" part of this story and makes every episode seem like a recap. And it still keeps wasting precious time on vestigial nonsense like its framing device and the Kyoto flashback scenario that was already the worst part of S1. But by far the most annoying aspect is its insistence on keeping all the options valid, since it prevents any real progress and makes everything seem arbitrary and pointless. So sure enough, after a season of much ado we still don't end up anywhere — you can't really raise the stakes if all at stake was "who wins" to begin with. It's watchable and even enjoyable scene-for-scene but it's getting harder and harder to call it a solid show overall. 5/10
Skate Leading Stars
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I was watching this primarily because I didn't like Yuri on Ice much and wanted to see if something that is a blatant attempt to cash in on it would be better — because while YoI delivers on one aspect (being hella gay), it really is an absolute shambles of a sports show. And sure enough, Skate Leading has none of the auteur appeal of YoI, but it just works much better. In particular I appreciate how it managed to make me care even a little about a cast of assholes, which is a nice contrast to the nauseatingly ingratiating way YoI tries to make you love its characters. Also, Skate Leading is just generally cheap and unambitious, so not susceptible to trying hard and painfully flaming out on the presentation side like YoI is. But at some point you gotta let go of these comparisons and on its own Skate Leading is... just fine, I guess? Competent, mildly engaging, not very memorable. And that's probably where it loses to Yuri on Ice in the end after all, even if I think it's "better". 6/10
Idoly Pride
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Idoly Pride sold itself on me with a really good (and hilarious/tragic) first episode that was just too bizarre to ignore — I mean, how can you ignore GHOST IDOL MANAGERS. Well, the majority of the show isn't like that. It's a competent and solid version of the idol franchise show, yes, but it really had more potential than that. Especially midseason, it gets lost in these dozens of characters, and while they're all likeable, it does seem like a waste of a good story just centered on Mana/Kotona/Sakura. By the end it comes back around to the heart of the matter with a Maeda-style sob story, which could be a disaster but seasoned veteran Jukki Hanada makes it work anyway. Overall, there's quite a bit of ridiculous hacky melodrama in this, but quite honestly that's the best part and I wish it would concentrate more on it. The rest is just okay. 6/10
Yuru Camp S2
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Yuru Camp is still likely the best pure iyashikei show when it gets down to business. Compared to S1 though, this seems to happen less and less. At its peaks (i.e., basically any quiet moment with Rin) it's at least as good as ever, and there's some good cast additions like Mini-Inuko, but it appears that Yuru Camp simply has run out of things you can do with camping and it fills up the time with other... stuff. This stuff includes the generic school club shenanigans it was never particularly good at, and a gigantic helping of crass consumerism. Yeah, I would say the majority of Yuru Camp is just a straight up infomercial at this point, which itself ranges from the perfectly acceptable (which cute anime isn't about food constantly), to the sketchy (I don't know whether the Izu tourism board cut this production a fat check, but if they didn't, Yuru Camp still gives its best effort to make it seem that way) to the highly irritating – I am aware that camping requires gear and you can't just ignore that, but you most definitely do not require whole arcs dedicated to talking about raising funds for the purposes of acquiring the Lamp of Comfy Happiness at your friendly local Caribou™ either. Not to mention an arc where the aforementioned lame school club does the same, for double irritation. Make no mistake, this show is so riddled with scenes that beg for a solution to embed affiliate links in video files that it makes me wish I was watching something as anticapitalist and underground as Love Live. And irritating really is the last thing a show with this core concept, as stellar as it is at that, can afford to be. Bummer. 6/10
SKOO the Infinity
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Skoo has one really huge asset: ADAM, its magnificent villain. It also has one really huge liability: Reki, its not magnificent protagonist. To be more specific, it's very good at anything outrageous, physics-defying and silly, such as most scenes ADAM is in, and quite bad at anything serious, dramatic (in a serious way) and down to earth, such as most scenes Reki is in. So, what's the verdict? Well, the rest of the cast is more ADAM-like, and Reki's co-protagonist Langa is fine as the straight (yeah, right) man. The tedious buddy drama is a comparatively small part of this show, and at least it pays off quite well in the end. Seriously, I was ready to give this a 6, but the final episode is probably the best one of the show, in all of its aspects. That's really not something you see often. Skoo's a great time. Except when it's not. 7/10
Non Non Biyori Nonstop
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Speaking of the rare good ending, what about we gave one of those to a slim and inconsequential slice-of-life show? NNB has always been solid, comfy and amusing quality with a couple of standout moments (usually something with Renge), and Nonstop has that plus an ending as conclusive as any show of this type is ever going to have. Besides, it does a lot of things right by focusing on more characters than the central 4 (especially Konomi has great material in S3), it expands the universe just enough to not get stale, and it moves things forward — It's definitely a lot better than the movie, is what I'm saying. Apart from that, well, we're three seasons in, if you have any interest in this you probably don't need me to explain what's good about NNB at this point. Bonus points for being nothing but an ad for the manga. 7/10
Wonder Egg Priority
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Oh boy, so here's the big one. Wonder Egg is the rare Meaningful Arthouse Show About Real Issues You Guys, as you might have heard. And well, the long and short of it is that it's a very good show with quite a few glaring problems (besides not actually being finished due to production issues, but what we have is enough of an ending to be able to meaningfully talk about it). In particular, one problem: WEP is, at its core, one of these metaphorical Magical Girl-ish series that are just a thin layer of abstraction over coming-of-age or societal problems. The issue is that "metaphorical" in this case means "literal" and "thin" means "basically nonexistent". This show is not subtle regarding what it's about, at all. This is a double-edged sword — on the positive side, some things really should just be said aloud, and I'm really, really fucking tired of the Ikuhara style of "here's some wacky things, maybe a blog post will eventually tell you how it's actually about the most important thing ever" obfuscation — if it's really so important, just spell it out. On the other hand, there are limits to this and when a second, different Ai appears I don't really need a voiceover line telling me that yep, this show is about parallel universes now. WEP spells out many important things, but it also spells out many things that are implicitly clear or better left vague. Not to mention that with being so obvious up front, the show's tendency to leave figuring out what it's actually saying about it up to the viewer can leave the wrong impression. Again, I settled on the opinion that it's subtle after all where it counts the most, but you might easily get the impression that it pulls its punches (Ikuhara does this the exact other way around — once you figure out what the fuck he's talking about it's abundantly clear what he's saying about it).
In fact, this show is so good at subtle, quiet character moments that it calls into question the need for big huge fighting fantasy layer in the first place, especially since I'm not a fan of the fantasy designs and the fights aren't great. Sure, they look impressive on a technical level (this show is very good looking in general), but the lack of actual impact or rhythm makes me think this is not made by people who are very familiar with action and maybe they should have asked some seasoned shounen veterans for this — or just, you know, not do it. They can (and do) impress with character acting in quiet scenes just the same. And while Ai's character story actually does pay off quite nicely by the end we got, and Momoe and Rika are also handled well, Neiru's backstory is significantly less good, not to mention the whole Frill subplot regarding the show's mythology that they introduced just before (and that's the part to be resolved at a later date), which is a huge can of worms. We'll see how well they handle that, I suppose, but as it is it's a weird and vestigial detour that doesn't add much besides thematic headaches.
But yeah, apart from all that — I like it, a lot. Great character writing in the details, cool looks for the most part, tons of ambition, and a message that I consider to be appropriately handled — for the most part, and for now. Not quite ambitious arthouse anime at its finest, but also not a pretentious disaster like Sarazanmai, Monogatari et al. 8/10
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b-rainlet · 3 years
Gotham for the fandom ask thingy.
(I ran here so fuckin fast you have no clue)
Hello anon! :D I will answer this now, so you don't have to wait any longer but also....this would be very nice to answer through gifsets...(maybe when I am feeling up for it).
For now, have this:
(It's not proof read because I just sat at this for several hours and I don't wanna look at it anymore).
Favourite Male Character
You mean...besides the obvious answers?? :D
Ngl, it's S2 Jerome. I love that little twink with his parental issues and his tragic backstory and I wanna see him happy. There's a reason I have a bunch of AUs where he ends up having a family (mostly in the form of Lee as his Mother) and gets some actual help instead of being ostracized for being a mentally ill person snapping after years of abuse.
(This also ties into my very strong feelings regarding the fact that nobody actually helps the people at Arkham. And I don't mean the main villains there, I mean all the inmates who get treated like shit and are left behind on the regurlar (remember in S2 when Arkham was about to explode and nobody was talking about evacuating the inmates???? I do).
Other than that, one of my faves is also Jonathan. Which may be a little surprising because I barely talk about him but he was my favourite character throughout the show and he had way too little scenes.
(Kinda telling that the characters I latched onto are both helpless teens who were fucked over by the people who were supposed to protect them and can both trace their villain origin story back to Jim Gordon not caring enough about them lmao).
But the cast is big and varied enough that I actually like everyone? Butch, Zsazs, Penguin, S1 and 2 Ed, Jervis, Harvey, Jim......I like them all!!
(Special shoutout to 514A too, he was soft and baby and I wanted to keep him safe and sound really desperately).
(Another special shoutout to Barnes!! I didn't expect to like him when I first saw him, given he looked like he was gonna be mean and stoic and all, but I ended up really liking him and his story!)
Favourite Female Character
Let's just pretend Ecco doesn't exist for this answer ajdkaskaslj.
I fell in love immediately upon seeing Ecco but all! the women! are so!!! good!!!!
I especially have a soft spot for the side characters. I mean, upon first watching I got attached to Alice (even though she only features in two episodes lmao), and also Kristen Kringle - who isn't talked about much within Fandom, but she was pretty and her and Ed were actually quite cute but then she had to die for him to become the Riddler which was...pretty much telling us from the beginnning 'The woman here die to advance the men's plots'.
Barbara was also a big surprise to me because I figured she'd be the female love interest and nothing more but!! her and Jerome were the best thing in S2 and also the most entertaining thing about the Maniax Plot. (In several ways, I think I had the most fun watching this show during S2 , it was just. Good).
Also upon being in this Fandom and thinking about certain characters a bit longer I also really like Vicky Vale. And Montoya. And I wish they had kept both around for longer.
(I also wish they wouldn't have made Vicky a love interest for Jim. Or Sofia. No love interests for Jim except Lee and Barbara please).
Also Selina!! I love both Selina and Tabitha with all my heart - which may also be surprising because I barely ever talk about Tabby but I contain multitudes aklskddsm, and while I like sharing my horny thoughts about Ecco, I also love to think about Tabby and daydream about her being happy and exploring her (and Selina's) issues with showing weakness and affection and their strong loyalty regarding people that they trust.
I just.....women. Women good.
(Women also deserve to have more character than just being somebody's love interests and I have enough wips that completely sideline the guys to focus on the woman instead lmao).
Least Favourite Character
I don't have many characters that I hate??
I generally tend to instantly love everybody unless they are specifically made to be unlikeable. (I also spite-like characters who are hated for petty reasons, I just have a lot of love in my heart and not much energy for hate lmao).
But there were characters who annoyed me while I was watching.
For one, I think Gotham has a variety of super entertaining villains, but the main villains of each season tend to be....boring.
Safe for Strange they all kinda fell flat for me. Theo. Kathryn. Ra's Al Ghul. His Daughter. Mostly because their plotlines were less exciting than stuff like Jerome's carnival or Mother and Orphan's Hotel of Horrors.
Or their motives seemed a lot less understandable than the ones of the other Batman villains who pretty much always come from a place of suffering and abuse and break/snap under the pressure that's put on them (continuing this take of Gotham creating its own villains by leaving behind - mentally ill - people that need help, which I think is very true to most - if not all - Batman villains).
And then you have some characters that simply suffer from the fact that the show was cut short - which is pretty much any and every S5 character that had way too little screentime, but in this specific case means Jeremiah.
Because I disliked Jeremiah a lot while watching.
Without wanting to step on anybody's toes, him and Nygma are probably the two characters on this show I ended up disliking the most.
Mostly because Miah felt like a very cheap copy of Jerome and to this day I think it was a bad idea to replace Jerome with him, since Jeremiah - to me - seems like a super flat character.
Maybe if we had gotten him without meeting Jerome first, just having a Joker character introduced in S4, maybe I would've adored him, who knows.
But in comparison to Jerome...no. Just no.
(I will spare you from any longer rambles, but I think if you follow me, I talked about the ways Miah is lacking for me before).
My made up version of Miah though? I love him.
With Nygma it's even worse because I adored him. I instantly liked him. I was 100% behind him right up until the godawful Isabella plot happened and then it just all went to shit so quickly, I couldn't stand seeing him on screen anymore.
It's surprising that I didn't stop liking Oswald but to me, Oswald pretty much stayed the same while Ed became all bitter and hard and I just miss dorky S2 Ed you know?
It actually got so bad, I completely turned my back on Nygm/obblepot as a ship because I was so severly disappointed and I barely talk about Ed because I just can't stand what they did with him.
(Another victim of bad writing).
Favourite Ship
I'm just gonna stick to canon ships because I don't ever shut up about my Fanon ships so you probably know which ones I love the most :D
There isn't much romance going on within Gotham if I think about it - apart from Jim - which I definitely prefer. You wouldnt guess it from my blog, but I am not a fan of too shippy stuff because in most cases it just means sex scenes and I can live without those. I want action! Blood! Dead People! Not a two minute make-out session between two bland characters!
I gotta admit that Ed and Lee have some cute scenes and I would definitely ship them if I didn't dislike S4 Ed so much (S2 EdLee tho?? Yes).
Also I thought Jim and Lee was okay and Baby Batcat was quite cute at times but mostly I don't care about the canon ships.
I do ship Barbara and Jim though :D
I remember right before they hooked up in S5 I was like: 'I wouldn't mind if they got back together' and then went 'yay!' when they did and I wouldn't have minded a little more 'Will they?? Won't they??' between those two and them just having the mother of unhealthy relationships on this show.
(Also Jim/Barbara/Lee poly relationship but we can't have everything).
Favourite Friendship
So many good relationships on this show!
I need to rewatch the show soon because I probably already forgot about most of them but from the top of my head: Oswald/Butch and Oswald/Zsazs
Which were both then done dirty lmao. One by having Oswald be overly petty (one of the few times I was like...Pengy...wtf...) and the other by passing up the obvious opportunity to have Zsazs find out who really killed Falcone and just...letting Oswald and Victor never interact again. 
Then of course Ivy and Selina which also gloriously fell apart. Just like Ivy and Oswald. 
(Gotham isn’t the best when it comes to maintaining friendships). 
And the biggest and most grandious friendship of them all: J Squad. 
(Who have too little scenes together honestly and then also simply fell apart after Jerome died. Consistency who?)
Favourite Quote
I don’t know, I don’t have many quotes in my head from the show. Me and my niece mostly reference: “Yeah, that’s a spoon.” - “IT IS ALSO A FORK!!1!!!”
Also: “Gotta Go! Gotta Go! They’re after me and the Scarecrow!”
(There are some dialogue blurps I have written down somewhere because they are inspriration for gifsets but in order to be able to just recite some of them from Memory, I would have to watch this show way more obsessively). 
Worst Character Death
I don’t even gotta say anything do I? :D
But I think the character death that actually made me cry was Jerome’s first death. I clearly remember crying because...he just wanted recognition! And praise! And instead he was used as a pawn and betrayed by someone he idolized and he was only 18! My poor little meow-meow!
Seriously, the only things that make me cry on this show: Jerome’s first death, any and all mention of Bruce as a baby - told by an emotional Alfred, any and all Bruce/Alfred interaction at all and Solomon Grundy. 
This made me so happy you have no idea Moment
I seriously need to rewatch this show, it’s been so long :D
But I remember being pretty excited for the J Squad Team Up - because I was like ‘If I were Jerome I would definitely work with Tetch and Scarecrow since they’re also in Arkham atm’ and then he did!!
And I also distinctly remember in S3 that I was close to falling asleep right when they scene came on where Oswald realizes his feelings for Nygma and let me tell you - it caught me so off guard, I was awake instantly lmao. 
(I knew that people shipped them but I was so used to mlm ships being popular when they only have a handful of scenes and are platonic friends that I didn’t expect them to actually have a possibility of being canon). 
From then on I was super pumped for them to deliver on that ship but well....we all knew what happened asnksnndk. 
Saddest Moment
Aside from the already mentioned scenes in the character death column, the scene where Bruce leaves and Selina runs to the airport. I always liked Selina but she wasn’t a priority character of mine (much like Bruce isn’t) but then that scene happened and in an instant, I felt super protective over her. 
She is now my baby. My daughter. My beloved wife. She deserves everything and most importantly she deserves better than Bruce Wayne. 
(Coincidentally that was also the scene where I decided I don’t care much about Bruce asldjkjlj. I absolutely adore early seasons Bruce though). 
Favourite Location
There are so many different locations, I don’t think I can adequately answer this with my spotty memory :D
But I always loved the few episodes where Alice features, because I love how her scenes are shot so probably the little carnival Jervis prepares for her.
Also!! Jeremiah's church!
Or Commissioner Loeb's secret house (Especially the Attic).
There are a lot of cool locations, I gotta gif some of them soon :D
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Kpop Opinions I have~
Hey guys! Here are some kpop opinions I have...not really sure if these are popular or unpopular but thought I would just drop some of these here. LMK if y’all want me to do more opinions. It’s okay to disagree with me but please be respectful. I would love to have a discussion on any of the opinions I have said and if you wanted to reply with some opinions of your own (or drop them in my askbox) feel free to do so! I hope you all are staying safe :)
1.) Side Effects is one of Stray Kids best title tracks
I’m tired of the SE slander like that song is that bitch and it will forever be that bitch
2.) Simon Says and Superhuman are also one of NCT 127′s title tracks
Bro if you don’t like these songs I....I don’t even know what to say. I guess I could see why people wouldn’t like Simon Say’s a little more than I could see why people dislike Superhuman but honestly I love those songs so damn much. Again, those songs are that bitch and will forever be that bitch
3.) Taeil is one of the funniest members in NCT
Self explanatory, homeboy is so damn funny
4.) Map of the Soul 7 is my favorite BTS album
The songs on there just hit a little different, I don’t care what none of y’all say
5.) Epiphany > Euphoria
Some of y’all have never watched Jin perform this live (like on Youtube....doesn’t have to be in person) and it shows. That song be making me feel some type of way like....his vocals are just....I don’t even know how to explain it
6.) Y’all gotta listen to Stay from Blackpink at 3 am or when you can’t sleep
This isn’t really an opinion I guess but it hits different when you listen to it when the world is asleep. There is something so comforting yet sad when you listen to it that late. It’s a very bittersweet feeling yet it’s so calming. I hope this makes sense.
7.) Likey is Twice’s worst title track
I don’t know why but the hatred I have for that song...I just...next caller
8.) Out of all subunits in NCT, WayV has the best music
Not one bad title track or b-side. I said what I said.
9.) I enjoy Rosé’s vocal’s/vocal color over Jihyo’s
Please don’t get me wrong, I LOVE Jihyo and she’s my bias in twice but something about Rosé’s just be hitting different. Especially in song’s like Stay, Hope Not, and You’ll Never Know. Jihyo’s voice is absolutely beautiful though and I would give up my life for her lmaoo. (I’m not claiming anyone is a better vocalist, this is just my preference! If you enjoy Jihyo’s voice more than that’s great! Both girls are amazing vocalist)
10.) Idol collab > BWL collab
I’ve seen a lot of discussion about which was better, Idol or BWL (referring to collabs) and I personally enjoy Idol more. Nicki’s verse just be hitting different and I’ve always been a fan of her. If you prefer BWL then that’s fine! I just personally like Nicki on Idol more than Halsey on Boy with love.
11.) NCT ballads >>>>>
Honestly ballads >>>>> any other song....they just be hitting different idk
12.) Blackpink’s line distribution doesn’t need to get fixed
I’ve seen a lot of people saying X member needs to get more lines and I personally feel as though their line distribution (as of right now) makes a lot of sense and is pretty fair. I think if they were to switch it up, that would be great but like I really don’t understand the big deal. I understand it’s a little disheartening that Jisoo and Lisa tend to get the leave amount of lines but Jennie and Rosé have the main positions so it makes a little more sense as to why they usually get more lines. Plus, blinks tend to overplay how bad the distribution is when they have one of the fairest distributions in kpop.
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13.) Unstanning a group because of their fandom is a valid reason
Y’all how are you gonna tell someone that their reason for unstanning a group is invalid? Like good for you that you would never unstan a group for that reason but people are different. If the only part of the fandom that you are around is very toxic then it can make stanning a group very hard. Fandoms are a huge part of kpop (why tf do you think we have names??) and it is apart of the experience so yes, you can unstan a group because of the fandom. That doesn’t mean that the person doesn’t still see the talent of the idols. It could just mean that they want to separate themselves a little bit from the group and the fandom. Nothing wrong with that, please get over yourselves.
14.) I think it’s great that we talk about the double standards in kpop but we also fail to talk about issues that male idols experience
Ex: Sexual harassment, sexualization, mental health, yada yada.....I’m not trying to say that girl groups have it easier than boy groups or vise versa but I just think that it’s important to point out the just because they’re a male idol, doesn’t mean they can’t go through some hardships (again, not trying to say that girls have it easy because I KNOW that they don’t...both sexes deserve to be respected and I just think that’s important to note)
15.) I don’t really care for Red Velvet b-sides
I’ve seen a lot of people hype of RV b-sides and I personally don’t really see the hype? I guess I just enjoy their title tracks more and I think that there are groups that have better b-sides (personally preference though)
16.) One of these nights is Red Velvet’s best song and it honestly might be my favorite kpop song
The emotion in the girls voices when they sing just really be making my heart hurt and the meaning/story behind the song just makes it even more meaningful. It’s a work of art and I could listen to it all day everyday
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ryqoshay · 4 years
How to Handle a Nico - Dinner at the Nishikino’s
Primary Pairing: NicoMaki Words: ~4.1k Rating: K Time Frame: Late in Maki’s 1st year and Nico’s 3rd year in college. Story Arc: Stand Alone
Author’s Note: This chapter was assembled from a patchwork of about a dozen instances I wanted to include and thus wrote each separately. And somewhere along the lines, MS Word decided not to sync between my PC and mobile devices, so I ended up with two, slightly differently edited versions. Thus, here’s hoping my self-purported prowess with prose was successful in stitching this scene into a sensible structure. Please forgive any unsightly seams.
Nico couldn’t remember the last time she had been this nervous. No, wait, just a few days ago, her first date with Maki. Well, first official date, not counting all of the not-actually-date-but-technically-were-dates from years prior. Unfortunately, that was quickly falling into second place as she approached the gate to the Nishikino home.
Perhaps the date had been easier because she knew Maki, knew Maki liked her, knew Maki liked spending time with her, knew Maki wanted to date her, and was fairly confident Maki was attracted to her. She had known all of these things even before they started dating officially. As such, looking back, she wasn’t sure why she had been so nervous for their first date, because with the exception of one little hiccup named Etsuko, it had all gone splendidly.
But the parental Nishikinos were more of an unknown. Nico had met both of Maki’s parents a handful of times throughout the years, but had never really gotten to know either. She was all but certain she would have little problems with Maki’s mother as she had apparently been talking behind the scenes with her mother about her and Maki’s developing relationship. And she had been quite supportive of Maki’s time as a school idol, so Nico didn’t think she would object to her intended career choice.
Maki’s father on the other hand… Nico remembered quite vividly when he almost made Maki quit being a school idol after her grades slipped the tiniest of bits; not even enough for her to drop from her position as top of her class. Umi had been the one to stand up to him, which made sense insofar as she understood having parents with high expectations. Still, looking back, Nico couldn’t help feeling a bit of regret that she hadn’t been the one to protect Maki. Sure, she had offered her support, but…
“Good evening, Yazawa-san.” A voice came over the speaker.
Nico jumped. Had she even pushed the button to announce her presence?
“Yes, good evening.” She replied as she recognized the voice of the Nishikino estate manager.
“Ojou-sama has informed me of pending arrival, though as always, you are most welcome here.”
“Thanks.” Nico replied as the buzzer sounded to indicate the gate was unlocked.
One gate down, literally. Nico thought as she made her way toward the front door. Though part of her wished Maki had been the one to answer the intercom, she was nonetheless thankful that it had been a member of the house staff with whom she got along well. At least it hadn’t been…
“D-Dr. Nishikino?” Nico sputtered as the door suddenly swung open to reveal a towering, bespectacled man who immediately fixed her with a cool and calculating gaze.
Damn. Why had she stuttered? This wasn’t the first time she had met Maki’s father, and if all went well tonight, it wouldn’t be the last. You can do this Nico! Sure it wasn’t the man she expected and she was caught a bit unaware, but… Gah! Stop being intimidated. You’re here for a reason! And that reason is Maki-chan!
“Yazawa-san.” Maki’s father stated flatly.
“Hi…” Nico cutoff by clearing her throat. “Good evening.” She corrected, offering a polite bow. “I’m…”
“I’m afraid my daughter will be unable to entertain your visit tonight.” Dr. Nishikino interrupted. “We are expecting an important guest who should be arriving presently.”
I’m an important guest? No, wait, of course I am! I’m Maki’s girlfriend now. So, buck up and tell him that.
“Yes, sir, that guest is me.” For emphasis, Nico indicated the stylish dress she had picked out specifically for the occasion. “I’m Maki’s date.”
“…” Dr. Nishikino raised an eyebrow but remained steadfast in his position.
“Nico-chan!” the voice of an angelic savior came from behind the barrier of the paternal Nishikino. “Papa, let her in.”
Dr. Nishikino stepped aside and…
Holy… Nico had to make a conscious effort to avoid letting her jaw hit the floor. Not that Nico, at any point, had forgotten that Maki was beautiful, but when the redhead went all out, it was all she could do not to stare. Though elegantly modest, the deep purple dress still managed to highlight Maki’s best features.
“You’re early.” Maki said, bringing Nico back to reality.
“I’m sorry, did I take you away from your precious piano?” Nico couldn’t help teasing a bit, figuring the younger girl had wanted to arrive at her parents’ home earlier for a few moments of nostalgia with the instrument she grew up playing.
“Yeah, actually.” Maki admitted as she glanced away sheepishly.
“Well maybe after dinner, you can continue your concert, but with an audience?” Nico pointed herself as if it wasn’t already obvious who she meant.
“I’d like that.”
“You look lovely, by the way. Purple always looks good on you, Maki-chan.”
“Thanks.” Maki replied as pink dusted her cheeks. “You look good too. I like when you leave your hair down. It makes you look more…” She trailed off.
“Sorry, I meant…”
“More mature?” Nico completed what she believed to be her girlfriend’s thought.
“Uhm… yeah…”
“I’ll have you know Nico is always mature.” She squared her shoulders and placed her hands on her hips pridefully.
Maki raised an eyebrow in a way that left no question as to her linage.
“Anyway, I haven’t seen that dress before, is it new?”
Maki nodded. “Mama and I just got back a little while ago from picking it out.”
Huh… Mama and I were also just out shopping for my dress. Nico thought to herself. And, wait a minute… “We match.” Or at least they matched in the way their old idol costumes matched in overall theme and enough details to be an obvious set while maintaining enough individuality to be unique as well.
“We do?” Maki glanced down at herself before back at Nico. After half a second, she smiled. “Yeah, we do. What a nice coincidence.”
Nico found herself wondering if the coincidence was perchance planned by a pair of meddling mothers who meant well. She made a mental note to ask her mother about the issue later, if for no other reason than to thank her for the cute gesture.
“So, dinner isn’t for a little while yet” Maki continued “but they might have appetizers ready already so why don’t we head to the dining room and I’ll quick check?”
“Lead the way.” Nico decided not to bring up how she still got lost in the huge house, even after visiting frequently over the last few years.
“You coming, Papa?”
Nico realized she had all but forgotten the paternal Nishikino was still there. Stealing a quick side glance, she found him quietly observing the couple. If she was reading things correctly, his aura had warmed somewhat, though was no less calculating than before; gears were obviously grinding behind his stoic expression.
“Your mother and I will meet you at the table.” Dr. Nishikino stated. “I’ll go find her.”
As Maki took her hand to lead her through the house, Nico noticed her grip was tighter than normal. A lot tighter. Maki was more nervous than she was letting on. Just how worried was she about her father’s approval of their relationship? Nico already knew Maki’s mother was wholly supportive, as was her own, but the only things she really knew about Maki’s father were that he had high expectations for his daughter and was not particularly fond of idols.
“Wait, Maki-chan,” Nico said, stopping in the hallway before they reached their destination “hold up a moment.”
“Eh?” Maki uttered, not seeming to notice the change and almost yanking Nico’s arm out of the socket before being held to a halt. “Nico-chan?”
“What’s wrong?”
“Wh-what do you mean?”
“Maki.” Nico fixed her girlfriend with a steady stare. The redhead returned the gaze, though was far more furtive, and when she began to fidget with her hair, Nico reached out and gently touched her hand. “What’s wrong?” She repeated.
Maki released a puff of air. “I’m nervous, alright? I… I just really want Papa to like you.”
“I’m nervous too.” Nico admitted, her thoughts racing through things she could say to calm them both down. “But you know, he didn’t turn me away at the door, so that’s gotta count for something, right?” She paused for a moment. “Well, technically, he did, but that was before he realized why I was here, but he still let me in, so that has to mean he’s willing to give me a chance, right?”
“I just… I know he’ll bring up idols, and…”
“Maki-chan.” Nico took a step in to close some of the distance between them. “Nico didn’t become the No. 1 Idol in the Universe without learning a thing or two about reading her audience.”
“…” Maki’s expression wasn’t one of disbelief but of continued concern.
“Look, I’m not going to lie to your father about my career of choice, but I’m also not going to try to convert him into a fan or convince him that idols are the most amazing thing ever, even if I believe that myself.”
“I know…”
“And I am attending college and aim to get a degree.” Nico continued. “Sure it won’t be a fancy medical degree like yours, but I’m getting it while still being an idol. So that’s also gotta count for something, right?”
“Papa does respect hard work.”
“And Nico is a hard worker.”
“I know.” Maki affirmed, dropping her hand before leaning her head into Nico’s hand. “Nico-chan is one of the hardest workers I know when it comes to working toward her goals. It’s always admired, and envied, about you.”
Nico scoffed. “You say that as if you don’t work hard as well, Maki-chan.”
“Mmm…” Maki hummed in a tone that implied she was paying attention to something other than the conversation at hand.
Hand… Maki closed her eyes and nuzzled her cheek against Nico’s hand, causing her to open her fingers to increase contact. It should be fine here, right? Nico moved in the rest of the way and tilted her chin up. Maki followed her hand as Nico guided her down. Their lips touched and…
“Oh dear…” A startled voice uttered, causing the couple to jolt away from each other. “I’m terribly sorry to interrupt, Ojou-sama.”
“I-It’s f-fine…” A blushing Maki stumbled through.
Nico recognized the woman one of the newer members of the Nishikino house staff. She was responsible for general assistance wherever needed.
“Welcome, Yazawa-san.” The woman said with a polite bow, but when she righted herself, her expression was thoughtful. “Although, now that you’re dating Ojou-sama, perhaps Yazawa-sama is more appropriate?”
“Just Nico is fine.” Nico assured.
“Right, anyway, I’m on my away to retrieve some bottles of Cloudy Bay at the behest of the master.”
“White?” Maki inquired.
The woman nodded. “We’ve prepared a delightful shrimp pasta for the main course.” She turned to Nico. “Ojou-sama has informed us of your talent in the kitchen, so we hope to meet your standards, Yazawa-sama.”
Guess the new title is going to stick. Nico thought to herself. “I’m sure it will be great.”
“The caprese salads should be ready if you wish to head to the dining room now.”
“Tomatoes, of course.” Nico couldn’t help commenting.
“Yes.” The staff member confirmed. “We have also been informed of one of your preferences, so for dessert, we will be serving traditional crepes with lemon and sugar.”
“Sounds delicious.”
The woman smiled before bowing again to excuse herself and hurrying down the hall.
“Is there anything wrong with your father requesting white wine?” Nico asked, trying to gauge her girlfriend’s reaction.
“I don’t believe so.” Maki shook her head. “White is better paired with seafood, after all.”
“Yes, but…?”
“No, sorry, I didn’t mean it like that.” Maki shook her head again. “Cloudy Bay is actually one of Papa’s favorites. He’s quite fond of the New Zealand area in general.”
“One of his favorites? That’s gotta be a good sign, right?”
“I hope so.”
Nico took a deep breath, held it for a moment, then released it slowly. “Well, the salad is apparently ready, so we may as well get to it.”
Maki nodded before taking Nico’s hand once more to complete their journey to the dining room. Nico noted, thankfully, that her girlfriend’s grip was far more relaxed this time around.
Upon arrival, the couple was greeted by the Nishikino estate manager who showed them to their seats. Shortly thereafter, Maki’s parents arrived and took their own seats. Next the chef and her assistant from before arrived with the first course. Finally, the first bottle of wine was uncorked and the meal was underway.
“So, Yazawa-san,” Dr. Nishikino stated, drawing Nico’s attention “you’ve known Maki since high school, am I correct?”
“Yes.” Nico affirmed. “It was Maki-chan’s first year and my third.”
“I see. And were you one of the girls who helped convince her to become an idol?”
Well, that didn’t take long for the subject to come up. Nico thought to herself. Straight to the point, I guess, unlike a certain dishonest daughter of his…
“Actually, it was the other way around.” Nico replied.
“I was in a disillusioned and jaded state back then, after my first attempt at forming a group fell through.” Nico admitted. “And it was Honoka and Maki-chan and the others that pulled me out of my funk and helped me remember why I adored idols so much and wanted so desperately to be one.” She couldn’t help smiling as fond memories flooded her mind. “I really do owe them all a debt of gratitude for that.”
“I see. And you are still an idol now?”
“Part time.” Nico nodded. “I was able to find a small production company that was willing to work around my classes. It fills up my schedule and keeps me busy, but also lets me keep my foot in the door.”
“Because you intend to go full time even once you’ve earned a degree?”
Nico wasn’t particularly fond of the wording of the question and had to resist the urge to call it out; had it been Maki and they were in a more casual setting, she likely would have done so.
“I do.” She said aloud instead. “And once I retire from being an idol, the degree will help me find other employment.”
“And what type of employment might that be?”
“Something still in the industry, if possible.” Out of the corner of her eye, Nico caught a suppressed expression of surprise on her girlfriend’s face. Understandable, as it was news to Maki as well. “Choreographer, trainer, costume design, heck maybe even a producer, someday. Basically, I’d like to pay forward my debt by helping the next generations of idols.”
“And one is able to earn a living in such an industry?”
“Others have before me; I believe I can as well.” Nico gave another glance to the redhead beside her. “I may not have the skills to become a life-saving doctor like Maki, but I can still do my part to make the world a better place; one smile at a time.”
“Medicine, law, business, engineering,” Maki’s mother suddenly spoke up “these are noble pursuits and necessary to sustain life. But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for.” She smiled at Nico. “I believe Mr. Keating’s words hold true for many things. Music, painting, writing, really the arts as a whole are what make life worth living.”
“Mr. Keating?” Nico inquired.
“The lead character of Dead Poets Society.” Maki responded. “We should watch it sometime, Nico-chan; it’s really good.”
“And it is because the arts are so important” Dr. Nishikino continued “that my husband and I strive to support them as much as possible. In fact, we will be attending a performance of The Barber of Seville late next month and have not even started sending out invites to fill our box. You two are more than welcome to join us.”
At this, Maki’s eyes lit up. “Next month? When?”
“I’ll message you the dates later, but it’s a weekend so you should be able to work it into your study schedule.”
Maki turned to Nico with an expression rivaling the one she wore when December started. “Do you want to come with me?”
Nico smiled at her girlfriend’s excitement and word choice. “I’d love to. But where have I heard that title before?”
“From my playlist.”
“Tchaikovsky?” Nico made sure to pronounce the name as correctly as she could.
Maki shook her head. “Rossini.”
Nico racked her memory. “Cinderella?”
“Yes, different opera, same composer.”
“One smile at a time, you said?” Maki’s father suddenly stated.
“Oh, yeah.” Nico recalled her words from a few minutes ago.
The barest hint of something tugged at the edges of Dr. Nishikino’s lips. “Well, if nothing else, you have succeeded in making my daughter smile.” He nodded toward Maki, directing Nico’s attention back to the mentioned reaction. “And as my wife and I can attest, that is not always the easiest of tasks.”
“… P-Papa…” Maki offered a mild protest as pink dusted her cheeks and her mother chuckled.
Nico couldn’t help a smile of her own as she turned back to Maki’s father. “I think I’m up to the challenge.”
Wait… wasn’t this a bit hypocritical? Nico suddenly thought. Why claim to be a patron of the arts while simultaneously disallowing one’s daughter from being an artist?
On occasion, Maki had bemoaned being railroaded into the medical career while her dreams of being a professional pianist were dismissed as a passing fancy. Yet she hadn’t acknowledged the contradiction. Was she even aware of it? With the level of reverence Maki held for her parents, Nico could easily imagine her remaining oblivious; well, that and Maki’s overall naivete in many aspects of life.
Should she tell her? Was it even Nico’s place say such a thing? Nico was no stranger to speaking her mind when it came to her own interests, or those of her siblings. And she was dating Maki now, which meant defending her girlfriend’s best interests also shouldn’t surprise anyone. Or at least what she believed to be Maki’s best interests, as her parents obviously felt differently.
“On a related topic, Yazawa-san, Maki has told us much about your shared love of music.” Dr. Nishikino continued.
Nico derailed her own train of thought and refocused her attention on the conversation at hand. “It is one of our favorite subjects to discuss… or argue over.”
“And you often listen together while studying.”
“I believe music helps keep us in a good mood, which then helps us study.” Nico explained.
“I think we can all attest to the positive effects of music.” The Nishikino matriarch said.
“Indeed.” Her husband agreed.
“And Maki-chan has helped expand my appreciation of other genres of music.” Nico turned to her girlfriend. “And I’d like to think I’ve expanded hers as well.”
Maki nodded an affirmation with a smile.
“Maki also has told us that she often helps you study.”
“She does.” Nico confirmed. “Maki is incredibly smart. Even if she doesn’t know the answer to a problem, she is often able to logic things through and help guide me in the right direction. Honestly, if I didn’t already know she was going to be a doctor, I’d’ve suggested she become a teacher.”
“Now that would be an interesting career choice.” Maki’s mother said thoughtfully.
“Hrm…” Her father seemed less than convinced. “So, do you help her study in return?”
“Well…” Nico started.
“Nico-chan helps in other ways, Papa.” Maki offered. “Even if she isn’t able to help me with a given topic, she helps ensure I take regular breaks so I can come back with better focus. She makes sure I’m hydrated and helps track my nutrition and is quite insistent on keeping a decent sleep schedule. Honestly, she’s better at taking care of me than I am.” Her eyes widened as her admission registered in her mind.
“That’s right,” Her mother continued with the thoughtfulness from earlier, though Nico was sure she detected some teasing undertones “wasn’t it Nico that saved Maki from herself back on her birthday?”
“Mama…” Maki was losing a battle in trying to keep down another blush.
“Maki is very diligent in her studies.” Nico stated. “And I’m happy to help where I can.”
“Hmm… sounds like another couple we know, right Dear?” Dr. Nishikino sent a sly smile toward her husband, the teasing more obvious now.
“… Perhaps.” Maki’s father conceded.
Was it Nico’s imagination or did she just catch another glimpse into the source of some of Maki’s behavior? The Nishikino patriarch wasn’t the easiest to read behind his stoic mask, but his daughter wasn’t always straightforward with her emotions either and Nico had figured her out fairly well by this point.
As far as Nico was concerned, the rest of dinner went quite smoothly. Once Maki’s father got past his initial questions, he remained mostly quite. It ended up being Nico and Maki’s mother carrying the bulk of the conversations, which honestly didn’t really surprise Nico all that much. Maki’s mother inquired about Nico’s family, though Nico suspected she already knew most of the things anyway and it was more for Maki’s father’s sake. Still, Nico wasn’t about to pass up the opportunity to brag about her amazing siblings and about how proud of them she was in taking care of the household and themselves in her absence.
After dinner, Maki’s parents excused themselves to finish up the day’s emails and paperwork. Nico couldn’t help but wonder if that would be something Maki would end up doing once she became more involved with the hospital administrative duties.
As for Nico herself, she joined Maki in the Nishikino music room for the previously promised private concert. There, she had happily settled into the best seat in the house, next her girlfriend on the bench. All in all, it was a wonderful conclusion to what she believed to be a wonderful night. However, as confident as she was, she still wanted to be sure, so she made a mental note to ask the one she believed would know best, or at least better than herself.
“So, how did I do?” Nico asked, once she was sure they were well beyond earshot of anyone even remotely associated with the Nishikino residence.
“You were perfect, Nico-chan.” Maki responded with a smile that sent a warm feeling through Nico’s chest. “I think Papa likes you and is fine with us dating, and we already know how Mama feels.”
Thank the gods… Nico thought with relief. And with that load off her mind, “Of course I was perfect,” she decided to get in some teasing of her own, after spending the evening watching Dr. Nishikino do so “Nico is always perfect.” She grinned and held up her signature gesture.
“Id…” Maki’s typical retort was interrupted by a yawn.
Nico laughed before continuing the tradition. “You love it.”
“… Maybe…” Maki managed to get out as her energy seemed to be leaving her rapidly.
Nico leaned her shoulder into her girlfriend. “Steady there, Maki-chan, you going to be alright getting back to your dormroom?”
“Eh? But, I thought…”
“You thought…?”
“I thought I was going to your place?”
“Well you can, obviously you’re always welcome, but…” Nico motioned to Maki’s outfit, taking the moment to enjoy the view as well “I figured since you don’t have a change of clothes, you wouldn’t want to put this back on in the morning.”
“It’s fine…” Maki stifled another yawn. “I just want to go home…” She blinked and shook her head. “I mean your home… Yours… yours and Nozomi’s, I mean… ueeehhh…”
Nico chuckled. “It’s your home too, Maki-chan.” By the gods did she want to kiss the redhead whose cheeks were now matching her hair, but even this late at night, there was a risk of being seen. Later. She promised herself. “Nozomi and my names may be on the lease,” she said instead “but that doesn’t make it any less home to you or Eli.”
“T-thank you…”
“You don’t have to thank me for that; that much is normal for couples, right? But you know, Eli does leave a lot of stuff in Nozomi’s room…” Nico thought aloud “perhaps I should clear out a drawer and make some room in the closet for you.”
“I’d like that.” Maki smiled. “I’ll be sure to bring some stuff over soon.”
“Good. For tonight, you can borrow your usual sleep shirt and we’ll figure out something else in the morning. I think the outfit I lent you the other day is clean, but if not, maybe Nozomi has something that will fit you.”
Maki nodded.
“Then it’s settled.” Nico took Maki’s hand as they boarded the train together. “Let’s go home.”
Author’s Note Continued in Followup Post
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najatheangel · 3 years
Hello ☺️❤️ hope you are doing good☺️❤️ may I please request a written ship with Ateez, Seventeen and SuperM. I have libra sun☺️❤️ people tell me that I have very warm nurturing sweet and very welcoming personality but I also have very strong and sharp personality❤️ I can be very soft and I can be very cold too❤️ I love music a lot!! I even write lyrics and books ❤️☺️ I am ambivert ❤️I have love for aesthetics and my favourite colour are black, whitish shiny pink. I want to spread humanity and love!!!☺️❤️ I love people!!! I just adore and love everyone, I love them!!☺️❤️for looks, I have elbow length wavy black hair, I am 5’2, I have black eyes with long eyelashes and I have tanned skintone. People say my eyes and lips are very attractive❤️thank you soo much ☺️❤️
Hello snowball, I’m so glad I got to read more about you. Ahh thanks for being so patient too. The wait is finally over here’s your ship. 😊😊✨✨
From Ateez, I ship you with...Hongjoong
Positive Side: Oml y’all should honestly get married I’m not joking. First all, you both have this sweet, nurturing and welcoming aura to you that makes everyone feel comfortable to be around you. When your with the Ateez members, you and Hongjoong are mama and papa duck always looking out for them, giving them advice when they need it most and spread love to them everyday to make them feel better. When it’s time to go to work, that’s when your sharp strong personality side comes out and give the people what they love. This man is a song composer himself and would be super happy if you would help him write songs for the album. He would look like a proud husband when you sing the lyrics back to him on key while staring into his sparkly eyes. For his solo debut, he made a song out of your name and got to perform it on a few music shows. Lastly, you both would love to give back to the community doing protests to support all kinds of movements, donate to charity and you both even adopt a stray puppy from the animal shelter and name her snowflake. Together, you both love being surrounded by your loved ones and when they see you two together, they inspire to find a future partner like you.
Negative Side: One thing that you two have in common that I notice is that you both are people pleasers and sometimes that can back fire if your putting to much energy into one person that doesn’t share the same power back. For example if one of your friends all of a sudden we’re talking about you behind your back, you would try to avoid confrontation as much as possible and brush it off pretending everything is fine. When stuff like that happens to the other person, they want to know thier name, address, who they’re associated with, etc... So they can handle the situation. It’s like you both have that you want to try to cherish and try to make those friendships work by trying to live up to thier needs and desires, but it can hurt both of you in the process.
But...: The both of you don’t want to live to see thier spouse unhappy so whenever you or Hongjoong encounters a person like that, the other person handles them and make sure you completely cut that negativity out your life. That’s how you protect each other from haters and fake people that don’t appreciate the things you do for them. With that being said, those bad experiences make you two even closer not afraid of facing anyone or anything.
Ahhh I wish I knew more about astrology love. It would’ve been a lot more helpful. I only know the basics, but no worries I’ll do my research.😣😣
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From Super M, I ship you with...Taemin
Positive Side: Adorable sweethearts sharing the same love for music. Taemin is getting to that age where soon he wants to find his potential wifey which is you. He admired how charming you can be when your meeting people and how you can manage in any social event making sure everyone feels at ease. He noticed one time you were singing to one of your baby cousins to sleep singing replay and from that moment on, we was whipped with a capital W. Taemin wanted to show you the beautiful sides of life by taking you to all kinds of book stores to help you find inspiration for writing your lyrics. He would no mind pulling all nighters with you if it mean’t he can stay with you much longer. You both love spending time with each other’s family and friends so it’s not much of an issue when they first meet each other, your both always welcomed to meet up as a whole group for the holidays. Lastly, your both each other’s biggest fan throughout your entire careers. Your always in the crowd smiling and screaming “Taemin fighting” or “Taemin hubby, good luck.” the loudest in the crowd.
Negative Side: Now your fights are very rare because both of you are very soft people and don’t like starting arguments for no reason. I would say the only issue would be that you two tend to keep your problems and worries to yourself instead of bothering the other person about it. Taemin in this case tends to hide it more often because with him being an idol they have to keep that bright image and not show they’re weak sides all the time infront of fans. Sometimes it’s okay, but when it comes to you, he wants to show only his best and bright sides infront of you instead of the bad and the ugly.
But..:Once you’ve started to notice the pattern of Taemin sad facial expressions and his sad tone of voice, you grasp him by the hand gently and decide to pull him to the side asking him if he’s actually okay. It might to him awhile to open up, but once he eventually bursts all his emotions towards you, it’s the most heart breaking yet beautiful sight to witness because that helps build your level of trust together. He starts to feel more comfortable sharing his hardships with you and would only actively listen to your advice so he can face that obstacle head strong.
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From Seventeen, I ship you with...DK
Positive Side: Princess and Prince vibes. You two are radiating singing sunflowers that loves to shower people with happiness, peace and smiles. At first, people kinda mistook you for twins almost because of how much your personalities are alike and how good your telepathy is. That was all until you two started hanging out more becoming more lovey dovey with each other by gazing into each other eyes, linking arms with each other and even creating your own alien language. Only you two would understand each other’s humor and would make up silly couple handshakes that would have all the seventeen members shook for. Knowing how musically talented you both are, Dk would try to convince woozi to be help write and compose songs for every comeback wanting you to share your talent with the world right beside him. Also the height difference would be so adorable, I can imagine him looking down at you smiling all excited while skipping down backstage with you before he takes off running to perform. He LOVES kissing you, it’s like vitamins to him he’ll need it three times a day before he gets cranky. Dk is definitely the guy that’ll bring your romantic fantasy to life.
Negative Side: It’s not a big problem, but once you both start dating and your schedules become more busy, it’s hard to stay apart. Your both very loving and affectionate people so it is bound to happen when you desire phone calls, hugs and kisses from each other everyday. When your not together, your moods become a lot gloomier than usual and it’s hard for the both of you to continue on working or being by yourself without seeing each other at least once a day. Your obsessions of each other is not to the extreme, but you both still feel very lost and alone without each other.
But..: You have very good patience and once your able to meet up with DK the next time, your probably not gonna leave his place until the next week. Those reunions with him make it much more rewarding to wait around for and love become much more stronger than before. For the whole day, reserves time on his schedule for you and will take you anywhere and do anything with you as long as it made you happy. He’d be willing to take you to Disney land no matter how far away you were. “Hurry snowball, we gotta pack up right now if your still trying to make the teacups.” “How is that even possible honey? You have a show in literally three hours” He cups your face kissing you and then squeezes your cheeks. “Shhh, there’s always a way. We’re only 40 min away so we gotta hurry. Are you in?” Reaches his hand out to you and then runs out the door giggling.
Ouu look at that melon skin. It’s glowing.😳😳
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Out of everyone, I ship you with... Hongjoong
@kpopsnowball thanks so much for requesting love bug. I hope this somewhat made your day. Love youuu.
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psycho-slytherin · 5 years
Strangers ch. 38
Surprising the boys for dinner doesn’t quite go as planned.
Pairing: Yoongi x Actress!Reader
Word count: 2k
Genre: fluff, angst
<–– Prev   Next ––>
Yoongi clears his throat, leaning against the doorframe. His hair is messy, his pale cheeks tinged red. “I mean… What are you doing here? How did you get in?”
“Th-the door was unlocked,” you breathe, feeling as though you walked in on him doing something a lot more intimate than recording. His appearance does not help. If you hadn’t just heard him rapping, you’d think he was, well… “I- you said we could do dinner.”
“And you said probably not, so we figured you were busy. We have the night off, the guys are all out…” Yoongi looks around as though hoping one of the members will pop out of the woodwork. 
“Oh.” You get the hint– clearly he wants you to leave. “Sorry. I’ll be going, then–”
“Ah, shit. Sorry, no, you don’t have to.” Yoongi scratches his head. “I just wasn’t expecting- I mean, I look like a mess-”
You laugh, reaching up to ruffle his hair further. “You look like you’ve spent hours in this studio. It’s a cute aesthetic, though. Your fans would go crazy over it.”
“Does that include you?” Yoongi replies, now back to his teasing self.
You feel your heartbeat quicken. “Nah. Anyways, I should be going–” 
“Hey, wait.” Yoongi tugs at your arm as you turn to leave. “Stay. I don’t mind. Maybe you’ll inspire-” he shuts up, pressing his lips together.
“Maybe I’ll what?”
“Nothing. Are you hungry? I’m starved, let’s order pizza.”
“Sounds good,” You reply, following him to the living room. “Hey, are you sure it’s okay that I’m here?” Yoongi raises a brow. “Of course, why wouldn’t it be?”
“I mean, we’re alone…” 
Yoongi laughs. “Are you worried about the paparazzi? They can’t get up here, it’s okay. Besides, we are supposed to be dating.”
You relax a bit. In truth, you were nervous that he’d think it improper to hang out alone, especially now that you’re single again. You should have known– of course it wouldn’t be an issue, he only sees you as one of the guys. Almost to underline your insecurities, you catch a glimpse of yourself in the living room mirror: bundled up in all your layers, you look like a potato with legs. Of course. Surrounded by beautiful idols every day, it makes sense that Yoongi would barely consider you a girl. 
You blink hard, forcing yourself back into Friend Mode. 
“Well, what are you waiting for?” You race to snag the comfiest armchair, Yoongi’s favorite, for yourself. “A girl needs her pizza!”
Yoongi orders and returns to the living room, sticking his tongue out at you when he realizes where you’ve sat. “So how have you been?” he asks, stretching out on the couch.
You yawn. “Since I last saw you? Just did some Moon Over the Sea filming and the cologne shoot.”
“Oh yeah, how’d those go?”
You think of being brought to tears during filming at the thought of Yoongi being gone from your life. Of Jeongyeon commenting on how you and Yoongi would never stay together, how you’re hardly a couple at all. Of sitting on Wonho’s lap, half-clothed, your lips brushing his skin. “Fine. How about you?”
“Pretty good. Promotions went well, our Japanese fans really liked the new song. We won three awards, which is nice.”
“Wow, we stan global superstars,” you laugh, and Yoongi draws himself up. 
“No need to sound so sarcastic.”
“I’m your friend, darling. I’m literally the only one allowed to sound sarcastic. Y’all are killing it, everyone knows that.” You flop upside down, letting your legs dangle off one arm of the chair while your head rests on the other. “Hey, what were you recording just now?”
Yoongi freezes. “What? You heard it?”
“Not the whole thing, just a bit of your sixteenth or seventeenth or whateverteenth take,” you snicker. “And it was good, really good.”
“Oh, thanks.”
“Can I listen to the rest of it?”
Yoongi coughs. “Nah, I don’t think you’d like it. I don’t know if I’ll include it in the mixtape anyways; I think I was just venting into the mic.”
“Isn’t that how all the best diss tracks are made? I remember listening to Cypher 2 and just about dying during your verse.”
“It’s not really a diss track…”
You sit up. “Really? It sounded so angry.”
“Yeah, well, I was feeling angry.”
A knock at the door interrupts your conversation. “Oh, pizza’s here,” Yoongi says, rising. He returns a few minutes later with a large veggie pizza. The smell makes your mouth water– you didn’t realize how hungry you were. 
“Fucking yes. Ugh. Food. Yes. Give.” You reach out and take Yoongi’s offered slice, almost moaning when you take your first bite. You’ve been on edge all day– and if anxiety burned calories, you’d be on par with the Flash this week.
“No need to sound so turned on,” Yoongi laughs. “You’re worse than Seokjin hyung.”
“You’re just jealous that the pizza’s getting more action from your girlfriend than you are,” 
Yoongi coughs. “Keep talking like that and we’ll forget that this whole relationship is fake, y/n.”
“Heh, my bad.” You were just joking, but the discomfort in Yoongi’s voice… did you take it too far? Your friendship has always been dumb, and a little flirtatious, but now that you’re actually supposed to be together, it makes sense that Yoongi wants to draw a few hard lines in the sand. He’s right, things can’t get too blurry. He’s right, you’re not really dating. He’s right. 
It’s not real.
And hey, why would you even want it to be real? If you fell for Yoongi, it would be like admitting that all along, you really were just a fangirl, just another ARMY obsessed with BTS’ Suga. 
Besides, even if I did like him, you think ruefully, he probably wouldn’t believe me. It’s not like you have any trust left in the bank. Man, you’ve gotta work on being a better friend.
Speaking of… 
You look around and click your tongue. “Dammit. I was hoping to see Jimin tonight, Lisa wanted another video of him.”
“He can just send you something later.” Yoongi turns on the TV and tosses you a blanket. “Here, I know you’re cold. And hey, are you sure Lisa’s not posting those videos anywhere?”
You shake your head. “I follow her on all her socials. I definitely would’ve seen it if she had. Besides, I trust her.” Sure, she’s been a little absent these last few days, but she’s still Lisa, your best friend. Now that you think of it, her birthday is coming up– maybe you’ll arrange a video call with Jimin for her?
“Aight.” Yoongi flicks off the lights and grabs for the remote. “What do you want to watch?”
You chew on your pizza crust thoughtfully. “La La Land?”
The rapper snorts. “Really?”
“What can I say, I’m a sucker for well-spoken pianists. And fast rises to fame.”
“And here I thought you would’ve wanted a happy ending. I mean, the musician doesn’t even end up with the actress.”
“Happy endings are for suckers.” You press a hand to your forehead, dragging out your words dramatically. “You don’t understand me, Mom. Emotions aren’t real. Nothing matters, life is meaningless.”
“Oh god, you usually don’t bring out Emo Y/n until you’re at least two drinks in,” Yoongi groans good-naturedly.
You laugh, sitting back up. “Just play the damn movie, dumbass.”
The opening to Another Day of Sun starts playing, and… is it your imagination, or is Yoongi tapping along, as though it’s his hands at the keyboard?
Dork. You allow yourself a small smile in the dark room. If someone had told you, just a year ago, that you would be having movie nights with BTS’s Suga, acting alongside your ultimate idol, and– even just in character– kissing said idol, you would’ve thought they were batshit insane. 
But now… Yoongi’s so pretty, in a thousand ways you never noticed through your screen. The timber of his voice when he wakes up with a hangover, the surprised delight of a particularly good pun, the sleepy whispers during your late-night phone calls. You would never have known that when he’s stressed, he clenches his fists so tightly his nails leave crescent moons on his palms. You could only have guessed at how much he swears in real life, how when he’s recording in his studio he leaves his phone in his room to avoid distractions. 
The members are good at meshing their onstage and offstage personalities, sure. But Yoongi and Suga are like day and night to you now.
“I’m so lucky,” you murmur, as Emma Stone twirls happily in her yellow dress. 
“Where did that come from?” Yoongi asks, tossing a pillow at you. You bat at it lazily, only half watching the movie.
“It’s just pretty crazy, huh? How far we’ve come?”
“Psh, that it is. Thank goodness your shoe broke that night.”
You lift your hand to your throat, rubbing the Starry Night charm on its new chain. “Thank goodness I told you the truth eventually.” And in that moment, with the movie on and the lights low, with your belly full and nighttime settling on the city, you feel equal parts strong and vulnerable. It’s always the dark with us, isn’t it?
“Fame, flashlight– gi-give it to me!”
“Gah!” You jump and fumble for your phone. Shit. Shit. Why wasn’t it on vibrate?
Yoongi, of course, bursts out laughing. “You’re kidding me. Y/n, that’s your ringtone?”
“Shut up,” you hiss, answering the call. You don’t like picking up unknown numbers, but it could be a job offer. “Hello?”
A deep voice you don’t recognize responds. “Hello, may I speak to l/n y/n?”
“This is she.”
“My name is Detective Kang, with the Seoul Police Department. I need to interview you here at the station at your earliest convenience. Would you be able to come in tonight, or perhaps tomorrow?”
Your heart seems to pause. “Police?” You immediately think back to all of your recent actions– you definitely paid for your groceries, and the rent, and the medicine for your injured leg. Hell, you haven’t so much as jaywalked in the last week. Did you accidentally break the law somehow?
On hearing your voice, Yoongi sits up. “Y/n? Is everything okay?”
“You’re not under any suspicion, ma’am,” Detective Kang continues. “We believe you may be able to contribute to a case. This will just be an interview– you’re not legally required to come in.”
“A case? But, um, how can I help?”
“Well, I’m with the Missing Persons division, and–”
A sense of dread fills your stomach and clouds your mind at the detective’s words. Missing Persons? What?
“-We hope you may be able to provide us with some insight as to the recent disappearance of Lalisa Manoban.”
Your heart, which was pounding hard in your chest, now seems to have left your body entirely.
“Lisa’s… missing?”
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chenziee · 4 years
Rules: It’s time to love yourselves! Choose your 5 favorite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc.) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you brought into the world in 2019. Tag as many writers/artists/etc. as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
I was tagged by @roxi4​ <3 I actually didn’t think I even wrote 5 fics the past 12 months but apparently I wrote 7... yay? xD
1) Happy Anniversary
Summary: Eren has always been considered a "sociopath". Going through a therapist after therapist, he didn't want to change. Why would he, when everyone was so stupid? There was no reason to change. That is, until Levi came into the picture. Then... Then there was definitely no reason to change.
My first ever, and probably last, smut fic. It was hard and I spent almost the entire year working on it with long breaks ahahaha and it’s still not as dark and crazed as I would have liked, but it’s my baby and I will love this fic forever.
2) Canvas
Summary: Eren loved watching Levi work. Loved watching blood trickle down from the wounds, loved watching the fight leave the victims' eyes as they realized there was no escape, loved watching his Levi being the cause of it all.
And most of all, he loved being the only one who could bring Levi back from his crazed trance.
When I started writing this one, I didn’t actually know what I was going to write and how it would turn out but it did end up being the fic that’s closest to what what I want to create to date (fucked up, I know, shh) and I’m still very happy with it :D
3) Gotta Catch ‘Em All! (or not)
Summary: Eren was just trying to get to through the forest to get to the town but he wasn't excactly counting on his sense of direction (or lack there of.)
He was never this glad to get lost
I don’t know what to say in my defense with this fic but I love how it turned out and that’s good enough for me xD
4) Storm
Summary: Levi couldn't think of a better time to face a huge storm than when he's stuck hiding in an old, barely standing shack, preparing for a coup with a bunch of brats who idolize him. This day was going to be wonderful.
This thing was actually homework of sorts and there are issues that I really should fix but... I do like the feeling in it.
5) Demonic Doors and Jealous Shibas
Summary: Levi wanted nothing more than a quiet, peaceful evening after a stressful day at work. Was that really too much to ask? 
I actually don’t like this one as much as I should but I like it the most from what I was left with.
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wincore · 4 years
omg sorry i fell asleep but you summed it up p well 😤 capitalism just creates such a divide (like you already mentioned) and idk like just bc the rich have money they feel entitled to further exploit those who aren’t rich ... which is super messed up bc they’ve gotten rich by exploiting others in the first place. (1/4)
not to mention how unhealthy it is where people are always trying to work work work and make money all the time, no one ever stops and takes a breather. practicality over passion always wins bc you gotta pay the bills right ?? money basically dictates everything. if you got money you got power. (2/4)
stan culture on the other hand ,,, it’s honestly disgusting. especially in kpop there’s just so many issues with it. thinking you own the idol bc you’ve supported them for so long ? putting idols on a pedestal, treating them as if they could never do anything wrong and then when they do putting literally this random person who you’ll never meet above your identity and morals, like how far detached from reality are these people ? (3/4)
not to mention the way it clouds critical thinking, people can’t seem to be critical of the content the consume which is so important. sorry this is getting loooong lol i’ll stop now. (4/4)
i keep remembering a meme(?) i saw which was like if hard work makes you rich show me a rich donkey and now im not even sure if that was a meme 😔
the problem is that just bcs an idol is made to behave a certain way, fans attach a 2d personality to them like ?? they’re not an anime character? or a video game npc? you cant just do whatever the hell you like to them? they don’t know you and you don’t know them off screen so please. stans are literally so creepy like who’s gonna tell them making your life around idols and stalking them isnt cute and is making someone incredibly distressed and mentally affecting them?
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