#but for some reason it makes me nervous. as if anyone is going to judge my tastes lol
gvaine · 2 months
Do u have anymore merthur fic recs love? 💕
yes, always!! i don't know what you're into so here's just a wild mix of a few ones i loved a lot lately
tongue tied by watchriverdale 3.6k words, rated T, curse fic
for the good of the kingdom by magog_83 12.6k words, rated T, jealous!arthur
unafraid and true, giving their very best by withlightning 723 words, rated E
Quickening Days by Fahye (published 2008) 22k words, rated M, time loop
something you don't even have a name for by nextstopparis 2.6k words, rated E
The History of Two Conversations (On Paper) by takadainmate (published 2009) 11k words, not rated, epistolary elements
i hope there's something in there for you!! 🥰
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cutielando · 8 months
lucky number 100 ~ lando norris
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Summary: Lando finally gets the win he deserves in his 100th race.
Word count: 1.2k+
Other works: my masterlist
100 races.
If someone had told you that you would be with Lando and see his 100th race with McLaren, you would've probably laughed in their face.
You and Lando have been together for years, you being by his side ever since he started his racing career. You had never missed a race, not a weekend went by when you weren't seen on the paddock proudly wearing your boyfriend's number on your back.
With the COTA Grand Prix coming up, it also being Lando's 100th race in Formula 1, it was safe to say he was more nervous than he usually was.
That is precisely the reason why it was 1 in the morning before race day and Lando couldn't get himself to go to sleep. Thoughts plaguing his mind, all sorts of scenarios regarding the race going through his head.
You had fallen asleep earlier that evening, having been exhausted by the qualifying and everything. However, you woke up a little past 1, stretching your arm over Lando's side of the bed in search for his warmth but you were met with the cold sheets, making you frown.
"Honey?" you called out, rubbing your eyes and waiting for a response.
When you couldn't hear anything, you pulled the covers off your body and took Lando's hoodie that had been discarded on the floor and pulled it over your head.
You opened the door to your bedroom and walked out, quietly searching for your boyfriend in the middle of the night.
You found him sitting on the couch in your living room, watching TV with the volume down with a lost look in his eye.
"Baby, what are you doing up? You need to get some sleep before tomorrow" you said, making your way over to him and sitting down next to him, snuggling up in his arms.
"Sorry, I couldn't sleep. Kept fidgeting so I decided to come out here so I wouldn't wake you up" he wrapped his arms around your shoulders and kissed your temple, savoring the feeling of your body snuggled up to his.
"What's got you worked up?" you whispered, trailing one of your hands up and down his chest, knowing it was one of the things that helped calm him down in any situation.
"The race, I guess" he shrugged, not being able to really pinpoint the trouble himself.
"What about the race?" you pushed, knowing he had to get whatever it was off his chest.
"I don't know, I just feel like everybody expects me to win because it's my 100th race and everyone will be disappointed if that doesn't happen and I'll let everyone down"
You nodded your head, understanding now where he was coming from.
A lot of his fans and people in the F1 business are constantly talking about him winning this race, how amazing it would be if he did it and how it has been long overdue, which obviously puts a tremendous amount of stress on him.
If he does deliver, he's going to be on top of the world. But if he doesn't, people are going to judge, they're going to talk shit and judge him.
"You don't have to listen to anyone. Screw what other people are saying, you don't need to put this pressure on yourself. Just drive how you know you can and let the result be whatever it may be. I'm still going to be proud of you, regardless if you end up being P1 or P20, baby" you raised your head and took his chin in your hands, making him look at you.
"You're not going to be disappointed if I don't win?" his voice was so soft and vulnerable, it made your heart break at the thought of possibly being anything but proud of him.
"Baby, no. I'll be proud of you if you finish first and I'll be proud of you if you finish last. That doesn't matter to me. All that I care about is that you are safe and come back to me in one piece. I love you, and I'm always going to support you in everything, but you need to stop letting these things get to you. You know what you're capable of, put that talent to use and have fun"
He sighed but a small smile made its way on his lips before he slowly nodded his head.
"You always know what to say, one of the many reasons why I love you" he leaned in and pecked your lips, bringing you into an even tighter hug afterwards.
"I should consider switching my job as a full-time wag to being a motivational speaker" you joked, enjoying the sound of his laugh filling the room.
"10 minutes to go" Lando's engineer said as he poked his head in his driver's room where the two of you were hanging out.
Lando nodded and his engineer left, leaving the two of you alone again.
"This is it" he spoke up, looking at his hands which were fidgeting on his lap.
You took his hands in yours, intertwining your fingers with his in order to calm him down.
"Remember, don't push yourself too hard and risk crashing or getting hurt. It's not worth it. You'll get your win, baby, but don't push it today if it's not meant to be. Be safe, please"  
Lando nodded and gave you a reassuring smile, kissing you deeply after you stopped talking.
You squeezed his hand as you pulled away and stood up, motioning that you should get going.
You walked with him until you got to his car, giving him one final kiss before he got into the car and put his helmet on.
Lando's engineer motioned for you to join him, giving you a pair of headphones so you could be up to date with everything happening.
You all watched the formation lap before every driver got into their respective positions. You held your breath as you saw the lights before it was time to finally begin the race.
Lights out.
He did it.
He had won first ever race in F1. 
You couldn't explain the pride and love that filled your heart when he was the first one to see the checkered flag.
He had absolutely dominated the whole race, managing to overtake every single car on the track and maintaining his position when it seemed that he might be under attack.
You don't think you had ever seen him drive better than he did today.
"Y/N! I did it!!!" he shouted as he ran to you, helmet and balaclava already off.
"I'm so proud of you, baby!!" you squealed and jumped into his arms, squeezing him like never before.
"Oh my God, I did it, my love. This is all for you" he exclaimed, holding you tightly and squeezing your waist.
"No, Lando. This is for you. You've been waiting your whole life for this, you've worked so hard all these years and today everything finally paid off. I'm proud of you to the moon and back, baby" you pulled away from the hug just enough so you could lean in and kiss him, pouring every single feeling of pride and adoration for him into the kiss.
"I love you so much" he muttered against your lips, refusing to let go of you when his PR manager called him for some interviews.
"I love you too, my winner"
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webslingingslasher · 9 months
waitttt what does peter do if one of the frat dudes refer to trouble as his bitch, or if he heard anyone call her that? it happened to me before, but was such a let down because he actually just let his friends say it 😻 we’re no longer together btw
while peter's in the bathroom you butt into the group and voice your opinion, 'i think you guys should do the maze! everyone does haunted houses.'
one brother didn't like your opposing opinion, 'why do you think you have a say in anything we do? you're just parker's bitch.' you freeze on the spot, you didn't mean to offend anyone, or try to impose, you were just trying to voice an outsider opinion.
your brow furrows, 'okay, well, i was just thinking that-'
'no one cares what you think.' it's aggressive for no reason, you want to stand strong but feel yourself slinking to the back of the group. another member catches your mood, he jabs an elbow and gives a supportive smile.
'you know he didn't mean it like that, he's just on edge.' you give a barely there nod and drone out the brothers proposal, feeling sorry for yourself until peter returns and has his hand resting on your lower back.
when no one spoke up for you it felt like it was mutal agreement, you didn't feel welcome in the house that night. you slide closer to peter and mumble softly.
'i just got a call from ally, i gotta go.' you don't even give him time to respond, high tailing it from the frat house and back to where you can not feel like such a bother.
you weren't going to make a big deal of it, and you knew if you told peter, especially in the moment, he'd make it a big deal and your embarrassment would increase tenfold. it doesn't make you feel any less bad when peter looks disappointed and confused.
ten thirty in the morning you’re standing outside peter's front door humming. playing off last night as a fluke, you don’t feel so judged. you think the other brother was right, the comments weren’t coming from a place of resentment but because you just confirmed his anxieties about his party turning out to be a dud.
ethan greeted you at the door, you gave him a quick hug before squeezing by him. ‘good morning, friend.’ ethan wrapped his arm around yours as he tugged you further into the house, turning for the kitchen.
‘your boy is in the shower, want some breakfast?’ you nod and smack your lips watching him make you a plate from the earlier meal. tearing a piece of french toast with your teeth you peer up to watch the brother from last night pass by.
you give a small wave, testing to see if he was still bitter from last night, he wasn’t. but you became extremely upset looking at his face as he turned to wave back. the bar chair spins by how quick you drop, making it to him in three steps, you tug at his chin.
‘did peter fucking hit you?’
you already know the answer, he has a black eye to prove it.
‘i know i was out of line last night, i shouldn’t have-‘
‘no, no, no.’ your mind spins, this isn’t what you wanted. that's why you didn't say anything, you wonder who tattled. you shake your head in dissapointment, you pull in the brother for a tight hug.
'i am so, so sorry. i didn't tell him to do anything, i didn't even tell him anything!' he gives a nervous laugh, 'i shouldn't have-' you push him away and hold his arms, 'nothing you said warrented that, okay? i'm sorry, i'm really, really sorry.'
he shrugs it off, he does seem mostly unbothered, but it makes you shake in fury. peter doesn't understand that he just proved his claims right. peter punching a guy for calling you his bitch, made you feel like his bitch.
you stare at ethan and raise your arms, 'tarrent.' you roll your eyes, of course he'd be the one to gossip. without second thought you stomp up to peter's room, going straight into his bathroom and slapping the glass on the shower.
peter jumps in alert, you're giving him a dirty glare behind a slight fog. 'hey, trouble. did you have some french toast?' you stay silent as you tug the shower door open, you barzenly step in, peter does his best to block your clothes from the showerhead with his body.
'you are such a douchebag, peter. what you did? that was such a douchebag move.'
he knows what you're talking about, you make him feel shameful. he was, but only to a degree. he probably shouldn't have punched him, but he also shouldn't have called you a bitch and sent you running away.
'no one should speak about you like that.'
'you shouldn't put your hands on people like that.'
peter narrows his eyes, 'is this what we're doing?' you cross your arms, 'i want you to apologize.'
peter keeps his hold for a few seconds, then he deflates and looks to the side. 'i'm sorry. i shouldn't have punched him.' he warms up when you coo and rub his arm.
'aw, petey. yeah, that sounds perfect. let me know when you're coming downstairs so i can grab him.' the second you leave the shower he stops you, 'hey! what does that mean?'
you hold a hand to your chest, 'you didn't punch me, i don't want your apology for it.' peter turns the water off to wrap a towel around him, 'just- hold on.' you're followed back into his bedroom, you do your best to ignore water droplets over his chest.
'you want me to apologize to the guy that called you a bitch?'
'i want you to apologize to the guy you gave a black eye to.'
'for calling you a bitch.'
you slap your hands on your thighs, 'for calling me your bitch, peter! and when you go around punching guys that say that, you make them right!'
when you say it like that it's painted in a new light, all peter could think about the blatent disrespect, he didn't think about how it would affect you.
'i mean, the guy was petrified to see me. he kept saying sorry and wouldn't look at me, that doesn't make me feel like you protected my honor, it feels like you tarnished it.'
peter can't even look you in the eye, he feels horrible. you already felt like you weren't liked because of his frat brothers comment, and now you would feel like everyone would be scared to talk to you.
peter just made you feel more uncomfotable in his house than a passing comment could ever.
'i didn't think about it like that. i'm sorry, trouble.'
he sounds sorry, you accept the apology, but just this once.
'the next time you punch somone on my behalf, it'll be because i asked you, agree?'
peter nods quick, 'yeah, yes, agreed.' you look him over, he still has some shampoo suds in his hair. 'i'm going downstairs to finish my breakfast, and the next time i see you, you better be ready to give an apology.'
he's still annoyed at the thought, but he'd do anything for you. 'yes, ma'am.'
ethan had just taken your plate away to wash it when peter came down the stairs, he was fully dressed this time and his hair was only slightly damp.
he raised his eyebrows at you before taking a deep breath, calling for the brother by his last name. peter stretches before shaking out his shoulders, he called out again, but for a house meeting.
you were weary at the least and curious at the most. staying in your seat you watch carefully, each member at the house stood around in a half circle.
'it's been brought to my attention that my actions last night were out of line and childish. i let myself, my brother and my frat down. it's a rule we try to solve things with words first, and i didn't do that.'
a few eyes flash towards you, you know they're all thinking about how you got him to apologize.
peter turns to look at his brother with a purple ring coating his left eye. 'i should've never hit you and i'm sorry.'
'ah, it's alright, man. i came after your girl, i'd do the same.' your eyebrows turn in with how quick things turned around. guys are so easy.
peter still feels like it's not right, so he speaks up.
'the apology may have been prompted by someone else,' everyone knows who, 'but this part wasn't.'
peter looks at his fellow member, 'i want you to punch me.' soft oo's pour from the groups mouths, you feel choked up. the brother looks nervous, 'are you sure?'
'yeah, it's only fair. i punched you, you punch- oh, son of a bitch!’ a righthook to his jaw, he didn't see it coming.
peter held his face and hissed, 'fuck me, that sucks.'
'yeah. tell me about it. my eye's still pulsing.' peter winces, 'yeah, still sorry about that.'
a red splotch painted peter's jawline, making sure to look at the small crowd when he spoke. 'if you guys have a problem with my girl hanging around, you let me know, not her. and i promise, no punching.'
when no one adds anything he looks to his friend, 'we good or you need another hit?' the brother raises a fist, before lowering it and cracking a smile. 'we're good bro.'
the members disperse, you slow clap for peter.
'very impressed, parker.' his nose scrunches, he hates when you call him by his last name. 'does that mean i'm out of the dog house?'
you reach out for him with a pucker, he gives a slow kiss, it's the first one you've given him since you've seen him.
'hm, i'm gonna need at least three more kisses before i think about it.'
peter has no quelms in finishing your request.
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Closer pt.2: cbf!soap x f!reader
Warnings: smut mdni (18+), mentions of sex, mentions of masturbation, nudity, awkwardness, body image issues, reassurance, slight hand job
Long part but real stuff will happen in this next part due to length
Ever since that night it was hard for Johnny to keep his hands off you, more so than usual.
He tried not to make it obvious when he pulled you into him and held you by the waist. Truth be told it wasn't any different than all the other times he held you, but to him it was so much more. Ever since he felt you flutter around his fingers and heard how you sounded, how he made you sound, he was addicted to feeling you.
Johnny wouldn't admit that he had thought about having sex with you a lot more than a best friend should. There were countless nights at basic training and AIT where he'd touch himself after ending a call with you just thinking about what it'd be like to have you with him.
He thought it was a little embarrassing how he wanted it to only be you, that he wasn't sure there was anyone else out there he trusted right now to take his virginity but you, so when he found out you felt the same he felt immense relief.
And that's what gave him enough courage to start.
Neither of you went any further than touching each other. You both barely kissed each other while it happened, Johnny too afraid it might be a step too far and he assumed you felt the same when you avoided his lips.
He didn't have a problem with what you were doing together, he'd be content if he left and all that happened was him fingering you especially because he was a little nervous about having actual sex with you, but that didn't mean it wasn't on his mind often.
Johnny could only imagine how good you'd feel around his cock...
"You make me worried when you get this quiet." You teased him, bringing him out of his thoughts, and he sent you a look from your bed.
You were at your desk doing homework while he talked your ear off from your bed, a regular routine since he had come back.
"I'm not gonna do anything." He huffed and couldn't help but smirk when he saw you smile. "Unless you want me to tell your neighbors to fuck off."
"Please don't, I still have to live here until I graduate."
He sighed dramatically and flopped back on your bed, his eyes on the ceiling. He went quiet again, feeling his stomach tie up in knots at the thought of asking you if you wanted to take it further.
Would you want to go further with him? Fingering was one thing but actual sex?...he wasn't exactly the most attractive man and he may have gotten more muscle but he didn't think he was all that impressive compared to a lot of the other men's dicks he'd seen in porn.
Though he knew that wasn't real he just couldn't but feel like maybe he wouldn't be up to standard, which was mainly the reason he stopped you every time you tried to touch him.
"What're you thinking about?" You wondered innocently and he swallowed hard.
It was you. He could tell you anything and he knew you wouldn't judge him but this was getting into uncharted territory.
"Do you...want to take things further?" He couldn't look at you as you both fell silent.
He could feel his heart in his throat before you spoke.
"Like now?" You asked and he sat up, finally looking at you with pink dusted cheeks.
"It doesn't have to be now." He shrugged and pulled at his mohawk. "Just...whenever I guess."
You had a flustered look on your face as well while you struggled to look at him. You went quiet again and made the face you always do when you were in deep thought, the face he loved but almost dreaded right now as he waited for your answer.
"We can." You told him and his eyes widened. "Like you said, I trust you and...at this point I can't see myself doing it with anyone else."
Johnny tried not to let that get to his head, or his heart, but he felt some sort of pride and relief knowing that you felt that way about him.
"Awesome...I mean great-" He fumbled and cringed, but you gave him a sympathetic look. "Yeah."
"I'm going to take a shower." You told him and he nodded, his entire body on fire.
When you were gone he tried everything to get rid of the nervousness he felt. He wouldn't say he was anxious guy, in fact he was overly confident in literally everything he did yet when it came to this, when it came to you, he was a mess.
How was he supposed to do this? He wasn't sure if he could live with himself if things didn't work or if he made it bad.
He paced around your dorm, stuck in his own thoughts before he glanced at your bunny. He propped it up on your bed without further thought and stood in front of it with his hands on his hips.
"What the fuck am I gonna do?" He huffed as it's beady eyes stared back at him. "I should know what to do but I'm lost. She might not even like what she sees, she might think this is a bad idea."
Johnny was in the SAS, he had practiced disarming bombs and sniped professionally yet this was the most nervous he had been since his last exam. He almost felt pathetic, especially as he aired out his anxieties to your stuffie.
He stared at it, noticing how it's fur was more worn and how it had discolored from the years of use. It was your prized possession, something that gave you comfort when you needed it and he wished it helped him the same.
"You don't even have to worry about anything." He sighed as he picked it up gently. "Wish I was you right now."
He ran he thumb across the bunny's face, a soft smile pulling at his lips. To think that a stuffie was the reason why he was here in the first place, the whole reason why you two became best friends. He had never lived his life without you in it and despite all of the other embarrassing stuff that had happened you were still here.
"What're you doing?" You stepped in and gave him a curious look.
His smile only grew wider.
"Remember when I got this back from Holly?" He asked, knowing you did but wanting to reminisce with you.
"How could I forget you calling her a 'daft cow' at the age of five." You laughed as you tossed your towel in your closet and he chuckled.
"Yeah, that was kinda mean."
"It was deserved I think."
"Worth the phone call to mam."
Johnny set your bunny back where you had him, the fondness taking over some of the nervousness as he watched you hop onto your bed. He joined you immediately, sitting close enough that he could smell your body wash.
You snuggled up close to him, melting into his side like you always did and he naturally wrapped his arm around you.
Neither of you said anything, both of you too focused on taking in each other's presence rather than anything else.
"Are you nervous?" You asked softly and he sighed deeply.
"Yeah, you?" He asked just as softly and you nodded.
You surprised him when you straddled his lap, his hand holding onto your hips firmly while you struggled to look at him. You placed your hands on his chest and he stared at you, holding you close to him while you chewed your bottom lip
"What's wrong?" His eyebrows knitted together. "We don't have to-"
"I know, I'm just worried about..." You trailed off before you gestured at yourself, at your chest and stomach.
Johnny shouldn't have been surprised knowing that you felt insecure about yourself just like him but for some reason it made him forget all about his own. How could you be insecure when you looked the way you did? Hell, you were the prettiest girl he'd ever seen, there was no reason for that and he'd gladly change your mind.
"I can take my shirt off first." He offered with a smile but you still looked nervous.
"It's different." You argued but he shrugged.
"Better if I'm half naked too."
Johnny tossed his shirt on the floor and gave you a grin, suppressing a shiver when you place your hands on his bare chest. It wasn't the first time you'd touched his chest but everything felt heightened right now.
You scoffed as you squeezed his pec and his ears burned.
"Even your chest is bigger. What were they feeding you?"
He barked out a laugh and you giggled, your shoulders loosening up while you ran you ran hands across his chest.
"Nothing good, but a man's gotta eat." He said and you hummed, your smile faltering. He frown as he rubbed circles into your hips and waited until you looked him in the eyes. "I could close ma eyes. Would that help?"
You hesitated but nodded, looking a little guilty as you did so, but he just smiled and shut his eyes. There was moment before you took off your shirt and he clenched his jaw, imagining what you looked like right in front of him, on his lap.
You let out a shaky breath, you hands shaking as well when they returned to his chest. He gave you a comforting squeeze and you told him to open his eyes.
When he did, he felt himself began to grow hard and stopped you from moving anymore on his lap to save himself. He had thought about what you may have looked like bare in front of him but his thoughts had nothing on the real thing.
You looked beautiful. He's not sure what made you think he wouldn't like what he was seeing because the long he stared the harder he got and the more he had stop himself moving his hand to touch you, especially as your nipples hardened.
Johnny licked his lips.
"Can I touch you?" He wondered, as if he hadn't touched you many times before.
When you nodded he ran his hands up your waist, cupping your breasts and massaging his palm into them. You sighed and leaned into his touch, pressing yourself against his lap.
He groaned and began to kiss your breasts. He reveled in the way you whimpered, in the way your soft skin felt against his lips and tongue and grinned when you shuddered underneath his touch. He took a nipple into his mouth and ran his tongue across it, playing with the other between his fingers while you squirmed.
Every time you moved it only made him harder and it was hard to keep his head straight. You threaded your fingers through his hair and tugged lightly, which practically short circuited him.
"Johnny!" You squealed when he lightly nipped your breast.
"Sorry, couldn't help it." He grinned and you whined when he ran his tongue over the spot to soothe it.
He pulled away but held you close to him, his forehead resting against yours. He stared deep into your eyes, clenching his jaw when you purposefully began to grind against his hard cock.
It felt good but some of the nervousness came back.
"You know, I'm fine with staying like this." He admitted but you didn't look convinced.
"Really?" You breathed out and he nodded.
"Yeah...you're beautiful."
He didn't miss the way you became flustered and god it made his heart flutter when you smiled before you wrapped your arms around his neck.
He opened his mouth to say something when you pressed your lips against his. He was stunned by the kiss but didn't pull away this time and instead melted into it. He hummed as you kissed him tenderly, your lips soft against his own while you stole the breath away from him.
Soon he was passionately making out with you, his head going dizzy as you held onto his face while he lightly pinched your nipple. You moaned into his mouth and he stuck his tongue in, tasting you like he had dreamt about.
Johnny was so caught up in you, being consumed by you and consuming you as well that he missed the way your hands had gone to his sweatpants. It wasn't until he felt you tug at the hem of them that he pulled away.
He couldn't look at you, shame bubbling up inside him while he caught his breath. His face had to be red.
“I can close my eyes.” You offered sincerely and he clenched his jaw.
“Nah, I can’t do with the suspense.” He let out a shaky laugh. “Just, don’t get your hopes up?”
“Johnny, don’t say that.”
He grunted but grabbed the hem of his sweatpants. Despite his racing heart, he pulled them down and let his cock spring out, unable to look at you as the cold air made him twitch.
You were silent for a moment and he was sure his entire body was red.
“Johnny, Jesus fuck, how is that supposed to fit?” You squeaked out and his attention snapped towards you with confusion.
“It’s not that big-“
“Yeah it is. Believe me compared to the dick pics I’ve gotten this is…you’re huge.”
He wasn’t sure if he believed you but the way you stared at him made some of the nervousness disappear.
You were telling the truth. He was just a bit over average length but he was thick, and yet somehow he didn’t realize that.
“Can I touch you?” You wondered and he shifted.
“Uh, yeah.” He swallowed hard.
You hesitated for a moment before you attempted to wrap your hand around him. Your fingers couldn’t even connect and the feeling of your warm skin against his throbbing cock made him get even harder.
His breathing got heavier as you held his heavy cock and watched a bead of precum form at the tip.
You gave him a tentative squeeze, not hard, and a moan got stuck in his throat. He guided you on how to move your hand snd soon he was squirming underneath you.
He was impossibly hard and he could feel the tingling pleasure race through him with every passing movement. Your hand felt so good, better than he imagined. He was so close and it was only your hand.
“Holy fuck.” He cursed breathlessly. “I’m gonna come-you need to stop.”
You didn’t stop however, a gleam in your eye as you listened to him moan and watched as precum dribbled down his shaft and over your fingers.
He groaned and grabbed your wrist, pulling you into a heat kiss that you gladly returned. He held onto tightly as he rolled on top of you.
Before long it was just you and him completely naked on the bed together.
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A/n: boom. I know I said I’d wait until tomorrow but I’ve got other stuff planned so here’s this enjoy
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mm-lurking · 2 months
Russian Roulette of Poison - Aventurine
A business deal, lies and a poisoned wine glass is how you find yourself in Aventurine’s arms, crying bitter tears of pain. A/N: I started playing Penacony and met Aventurine. Had some ideas brewing so here you go.
Warnings: Aventurine x fem! reader, angst drama and tension, I made up half of the stuff I say here, its all fanon, there is no logic only feelings
WC: 2356 — It’s another grand night in the magnificent land of dreams, Penacony. The Dreamscape Hotel is bustling with the most renowned guests and exquisite catering befitting for such a place. Everything glimmers and dazzles from the floor to the ceiling, there is a joyous melody playing in the background and the most unique conversations you have heard. But none of that matters to you as you sit at the far end of the lobby anxiously observing Aventurine, your situationship, and that lady next to him. From your position, you can only make out their figures but it is enough to make you nervous.
You massage your temples as you ponder on what is going on between them. Aventurine stands in front of the bar with a hand in his pocket and a wine glass in another with a smug smile on his face as he converses with that lady. Judging from her pose, she seems to be relaxed and friendly almost as if Aventurine was a long-lost friend she had reunited with at Penacony. Judging from her clothes, she seems to be someone of high status and wealth. Your head starts to throb as you dig through your mind and try to figure out where you had seen her before. She looked so familiar but why couldn’t you figure out who she was?
There’s a saying that goes: trust your gut. Trust your intuition for it tells you something is wrong before you even realise so. And right now your gut was sending you signals that something wasn’t right about the conversation between those two. That you had to interfere and see for yourself what was going on. In this land of dreams, even the brightest smiles hold sinister intentions and you knew for yourself you couldn’t trust anyone wholeheartedly here.
So you make up your mind and slowly walk over to them both, the bright lights shining over you as you move from the darkness of your corner back into the dazzling atmosphere of the hotel. Your eyes are fixated on the lady this time as she grabs two wine glasses off the counter and pours sparkling wine into them. Just like everything else in this room, the wine fizzes and reflects the light of the gleaming chandeliers in the room. Your eyes narrow immediately as she pours the wine into his glass; the subtle yet obvious change in the liquid immediately alerts you it's poisoned.
To your surprise, Aventurine casually just takes the glass and swirls it around, smiling at the woman while doing so. Now, you didn’t doubt his abilities -of course not! There is a reason he had earned the notorious reputation he has today. If life was a poker table, he always had a royal flush in his decks. Even if the odds weren’t in his favour he always found a way to turn the tables. Life was a grand gamble and he would always be the final victor, the one with the most chips and most wins at the table. Only a fool would misjudge a mastermind such as Aventurine.
But this was different. You were almost certain he didn’t know his wine was poisoned. To the untrained eye, the wine would appear as normal but to you, an expert in toxicology, it was obvious as hell. Years of forensics and cleaning up murders meant you were often able to predict danger before it unfolded.
“Don’t drink it..!”
Before you register your actions, you are already standing in front of Aventurine and the guest as you tightly grip his wine glass and look at him in panic. He glances at you momentarily with a confused look before shaking his head.
“It is rude to stop me from consuming a drink that was especially poured for me don’t you think?”
“My my, who do we have here? Care to introduce her, Aventurine?”
The woman interrupts your conversation and you turn to look at her, nervously fidgeting with your hands as you think of what to say. She doesn’t look angry but the way her eyes narrow slightly implies she isn’t too happy either.
“Oh her? I coincidentally ran into her at Penacony. She occasionally works with the IPC if contracted.”
Aventurine answers for you and you blink at him before quickly nodding. No, you both being here in Penacony was not a coincidence; he had brought you here with him given your…special relationship with him. The woman smirks and lifts her wine glass higher, swirling it intently before staring right into your eyes.
“And this friend of yours has quite the nerve to interrupt us so rudely don’t you think, Aventurine?”
“The guests on Penacony are always a handful.”
He replies and you sigh quietly. Of course, he wouldn’t really take your side just because you both were into each other. You weren’t boyfriend and girlfriend, but not exactly just friends either. Friends don’t kiss each other secretively while passing in the corridors. And friends definitely don’t spend the night together every few days. Keeping your complicated relationship status aside, business was business and right now you looked like a fool interrupting their conversation like this.
“The wine is poisoned Aventurine. Don’t drink it.”
You ignore the way they both take jabs at you and glance at Aventurine. You tightly grip his wine glass and try to take it away, but it doesn’t budge. The laugh the woman lets out in disbelief makes you turn your attention to her as she stares at you and scoffs.
“Poisoned? Are you out of your mind?”
“I saw it myself.”
“You saw the wine being poisoned? In this room full of people?”, she stretches her free hand and motions around the room at the bustling atmosphere surrounding you three. There were already eyes on you from the beginning and now more people were starting to look in your direction from the way the guest loudly spoke. Embarrassment creeps in and you feel yourself turning pink from the awkwardness of the situation. Regardless, you stay resolute and repeat your thoughts.
“I remember what I saw very well, madam. My eyes do not lie.”
You look straight into her eyes and she rolls them, clearly outraged by your accusations.
“You have quite the audacity to assume I would poison the wine of my dear guest so publicly.”
Aventurine watches quietly and seeing how neither of you were backing down he tries to calm down the tension.
“Hey, let's not go there now-“
“How about this, friend of Aventurine, since you don’t believe me, why don’t I drink the wine myself to prove to you that the wine isn’t poisoned?”
She cuts Aventurine off and smiles at you slyly as she raises her glass high in the air and takes a large sip of the wine. You nervously gulp as she pushes the glass away from her lips and looks at you.
“See? Nothing happened at all. You are embarrassing yourself.”
“Enough. You’re humiliating yourself now. Everyone is looking at us, friend.”
Aventurine hisses into your ears and you feel your heart drop at the lack of his understanding of you. The shame and discomfort causes tears to form in your eyes and you harshly gulp, unwilling to show your weakness. Whispers and chuckles erupt in the air as you hear people talking about you and pointing fingers at you but you shake your head and focus on the situation at hand.
The woman keeps talking, insulting your intelligence and common sense but you’re too focused on your thoughts to fully register anything. You rack your brain as you try to think about how to prove yourself. It doesn’t take too long for you to figure out another path. Right, that must be it. If he wasn’t going to believe you then-
Without a word, you snatch Aventurine’s glass forcefully and take a sip of his wine. He is unable to stop you in time as the sparkling wine runs down your throat and the instant you swallow the liquid a bitter burning sensation sets in your throat.
-you would have to prove yourself in the most extreme way possible. Just as you suspected, it wasn’t the wine but the glass itself that was laced with poison. It was not strong enough to kill you immediately but not weak enough to set in slowly either. You stop momentarily and stare at the glass before gulping down the rest of it completely.
The average person would assume that the bitterness in their throat was the result of the strong wine; continuing to take slow sips throughout the party and allowing the small yet steady dosage of the drug to cause harm. This way the perpetrator wouldn’t be traced back so easily among the various servers, bartenders and guests. Yet you drinking the wine down in one go meant only one thing.
Aventurine stares in horror as the wine glass shatters on the floor and you fall along with it, choking and gasping for air. Loud gasps echo in the room as people watch everything unfold. You feel nauseous and an overwhelming amount of pain in your body from how the poison sets in so rapidly. Blood drips out of your mouth as you cough and tears follow. He quickly drops down to your level and takes you into his arms as he hurriedly observes you. The look of horror soon turns into full-blown anger as he looks back up at the guest, who is now smiling evilly without saying a word.
His voice is laced with frustration and shock; though he wants to say more, nothing comes out of his mouth. You don’t ever remember seeing Aventurine this mad. How his eyebrows knit together and his eyes are illuminated with fury as he stares at the guest makes you mentally chuckle even in such a state.
“A fool should never interfere in the wiseman’s plans.”
The guest completely ignores Aventurine and looks straight at you while speaking before scoffing and walking away. Aventurine wishes to run after her but he reconsiders when you weakly stroke his arm to stop him. He looks back at you with a sad smile as he tries to help you.
“Silly girl. What on earth made you do that?”
You foolishly smile back at him and attempt to take a deep breath which makes you cough harshly.
“You never trusted me…even at the moment you didn’t believe in me…” His eyes widen and he exhales slowly. You both had a rocky relationship since the beginning. In between the romance and intimacy, there was a gaping hole regarding the emotional connection and understanding of each other. The trust you had in each other wasn’t firm and he definitely didn’t trust you as much as you trusted him.
He doesn’t know what to say. He’s still processing his emotions as his gaze flickers back and forth between you body and the spilled wine. Seeing you like this deeply hurts him but he knows he hasn’t been the best man to you. Had he had faith in you and listened to your intuition, would you still have ended up like this?
“Anything for you Aventurine…anything…even if you don’t love me as much as I-“
“Don't. Please.”
He had never lost a gamble or a bet. Everything and everyone in his eyes was a chip at the table, a token to take a risk with to go big or go home. But tonight, his favourite chip was at the losing end and nothing could turn the bet back into his favour. You can hear his rapid breathing as he calls for backup and help all while trying to keep an eye on you. He couldn’t appear weak, even in such a position, he couldn’t show others how tightly his fist was clenched underneath the table.
He continues to hold onto you tightly, shouting orders and clearing the crowd to get you medical assistance. His panicked voice is all you remember before your eyes shut close and your breathing becomes almost undetectable. – In a quiet corridor, away from the main hall of the hotel, the guest dials her top contact and patiently waits. Once the line connects, she exhales.
“The job is done.”
A small laugh is heard over the guest’s phone after she speaks. She can hear the loud rustling of papers and items on the man’s desk before he replies.
“Despite the memory loss induced in her, it seems she still hasn’t learnt her lesson.”
“Same foolish woman. Even after such a tragedy her mind still does the same pattern of behaviour that got her in trouble.”
“She didn’t remember you at all, Sapphire?”
“No sir.”
A moment of silence follows. Sapphire inhales slowly, wondering if she should speak her mind. After all, she was the guest Aventurine had been talking too and just like him; another member of the Ten Stonehearts. Regardless of their differences of opinion, he was still a colleague.
“You have something on your mind. Say it.”
“Sir…what about Aventurine?”
“He won’t know a thing. Besides, what happened to that girl is none of his concern.”
The call ends with a click and the man sighs as he places the handset back into the receiver. Besides the telephone, his nameplate glistens on the table glitters like the very gem he is named after, a Diamond. He rubs his temples and frowns as he recalls your case from seven years ago.
“Looks like you have caught on our little trick, infiltrator of the IPC. You were found in the wrong time and the wrong place. Lucky for you, your forensic skills are too excellent to throw away.”
“Can’t answer me? That is fine. Besides, I have no choice but to cause a slight corruption in your memory. Such a shame, Sapphire and you would have made good friends. A little electric shock is all you’re going to need and we will overlook your charges.”
“Oh my, fighting back are we? Don’t worry, there will be nothing left to fight for once we are done with you.” ⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ ©mm-lurking 2024 do not copy, steal or reuse my work.
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miniteezez · 8 months
By Your Side
C.Jongho x fem!reader
Synopsis: As ateez's 9th member, jongho makes it his job to look after you always.
Warnings: reader gets hurt, bad language, injury
Happy late birthday jongho!!!
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Currently, you were on the final day of shooting for the 'Dont Stop' music video. Everyone had filmed their chunks of the video except for you and mingi. You two had a scene of being thrown out of a car.
"Now then. This has to be done very carefully ok? Renea are you OK to step in?" The director turned to his assistant to help film the scene. She just hummed, glaring slightly. For some reason, you got the feeling she really didn't like you. But, pushing that aside, she was good at her job and helped where possible. Jongho was completely preoccupied. His arm was loosely around your waist, hand messing with your skirt. Since seeing your outfit for the shoot, he'd been glued to you. Wearing a ripped black jumper, it hung off your shoulder and was tucked into a short pleated skirt. With mismatched length socks, one to your thigh one to your knee, you also wore boots. He thought, no he knew you looked stunning. So much so he didn't realise he was subconsciously stopping anyone from going near you. The director called you and mingi over, jongho still unconsciously following.
"Now then. Don't actually push them. You're just there for them to act off of, ok? Mingi will go first." He explained to which she just nodded and cilmbed into the car with mingi. Everyone stood to the side, watching as they did a few takes. Mingi made it look really easy, falling effortlessly every time.
"I'm nervous." You whispered, turning to look at the taller male. Jongho smiled, kissing your head softly.
"We're all here, I'm right here. OK?" You nod quickly, reluctantly leaving his side once mingi was finished. Jongho watched as you climbed into the car and started talking to renea.
"They don't get on very well." Hongjoong commented, seeing your uncomfortable expression as the assistant spoke.
"No, they don't. I wonder why?" Seonghwa folded his arms, pouting in wonder. From the side, wooyoung giggled slightly.
"I think renea has a crush on jongho." The boys all looked at the second youngest. Most of them understanding. Jongho furrowed his brows.
"She does?"
"Yeah, she's got you as her wallpaper. I think she doesn't like (y/n) because you're so close." San observed, wrapping an arm around Woo.
"She can't handle that (y/n) is your favourite." Yeosang walked over, standing beside yunho. Rolling his eyes, jongho glanced over to you and hummed.
"Well she'll either have to get over it or leave. Because it's never going to change." The boys all smiled at their younger friend, admiring his deep connection to you. Of course you were their youngest, and they all looked over you. But you were Jonghos number one. When the music began, everyone looked over to the car. Hongjoong frowned, stepping forward and squinting to see better through the dimmed windshield.
"Is she - is she yelling at her?" It was only then the boys realised renea looked angry and could hear her raised voice. But by then, it was too late. They watched in shock as she very forcefully pushed you out of the car. You landed against the rubble with a harsh thud, curling in on yourself immediately. Hongjoong went full angry captain, storming over to the director.
"The fuck was that?" He spat to the equally shocked man. He stuttered incoherently, but Jongho wasn't paying attention to that. The minute your body hit the floor, he felt his heart drop and blood go cold. Without a second thought he was at your side. Hooking his hands under your arms, he pulled you up into his lap. Instinctively, you tucked your face into his neck and Jongho could tell you were crying. The car was quite a step off the ground and, judging by how hard you fell, he knew you'd be hurt.
"Hey, can you look at me sweets?" Gently, he cupped your cheek, bringing you to look at him. He felt instant anger at the sight of your tears, the cut on your cheek and just the hurt in your eyes. Bringing you back into his embrace, he held you protectively for a few minutes.
"Can you stand?" When you nod, jongho helped you to your feet before turning to Yeosang. Coming over, jongho urged you to the other man before making a beeline for renea.
"Why did you do that?" She just looked at him bored.
"Oh I didnt do anything. She's just being dramatic." She scoffed, having the nerve to even smile. Jonghos eye twitched, hands gripping at his coat as to not do something stupid. Seeing this, Hongjoong walked over with the manager.
"Are you so jealous that you had to throw her out onto a dirt road?" He almost laughed, if
it wasn't for the rage. Huffing , renea let out a laugh.
"As if I'd be jealous of that thing. Plus it was just my job. I dont know how you care so much. She's nothing special." Losing it, jongho launched for the assistant, only to be pulled back by the director and hongjoong.
"It wasn't your job to hurt the artist. Follow me." Your manager took her away swiftly, leaving the others to calm down the youngest male. Yeosang rubbed your back as mingi looked over your wounds with a scowel.
"We'll get you fixed up, ok?" He reassured but you just sniffled, looking past the tall man to Jongho. Exchanging a knowing look, Yeosang and mingi turned.
"Oi! Jongho!"
"Get over here!" Startled, jonho escaped the men holding him and came back. He carefully took you from Yeosang into his own arms. Both of you physically relaxed at the contact, his fingers running through your hair.
"Come on. We're done here." Hongjoong announced, leading everyone out.
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Back at the dorms, no one commented as jongho took you into his room. They understood. You sat on his bed, looking down at your lap as the male grabbed some supplies. Sitting beside you, jongho lifted your legs onto his lap and frowned. Both knees were bleeding, grazes and bruises littered along your skin. He couldn't stand to see you hurt at all.
"This might sting." You pressed your head against his shoulder as the disinfectant made contact with your broken skin. Biting your lip to suppress any noises of pain, a stray tear rolled down your cheek.
"What did she say? When she was yelling at you?" He asked, wiping over your knee with care. You sniffed, wiping your face and most likely smudging your makeup. But you didn't care.
"She just, she said I was a whore. That I'm embarrassing to see." Hearing this, jongho clenched his jaw and nod slowly.
"Why did she say that?"
"Because I'm always with you. Because I'm obsessed in her eyes..." After finishing on your knee, he turned to you with a stoned face expression.
"She's jealous. You know that right?" When you just looked confused, jongho smiled and pulled out a wipe. He took it to your face to gently remove your make up.
"She wants to be you. Wants to be in your position." His voice was kind, hand moving softly along your skin.
"She likes you." You mumbled, jealousy written all over your face.
"Yeah? Well you're the only one who can have me." Making eyecontact, you blushed heavily, letting his words sink in.
"You mean?"
"Was I not obvious enough?" He chuckled, stroking your cheek tentivley. Leaning into his touch, you smiled up at him. His eyes wondered over your face, taking in every detail. Putting a hand on his neck, you drew him forward and placed your lips against his. Although initially shocked, jongho kissed back instantly. His fingers laced through your hair, pulling you flush against him. In that second, you both forgot the situation that lead you to this point. When you parted, his thumb ran across your cheek lovingly, a redness painting your face.
"I really wouldn't mind if you were obsessed with me." He smiled almost shyly, causing you to laugh quietly. Cupping his face tenderly, you kissed across his face sweetly. From his forehead to his cheek to his chin. Letting your lips linger on his, jongho felt his face wash over with red.
"I just might be." Immediately, he simpered, kissing you once again. You smiled against his lips, arms hanging over his shoulders.
Reluctantly, jongho got up, clearing his stuff away before helping you change into some comfy clothes. You crawled under the covers of his bed and waited patiently for him to also change. It didn't take long until he was climbing in beside you. He wasted no time in pulling you into his chest, allowing you to wrap yourself around him comfortably.
"Hongjoong texted. They fired renea. Which is great. But imagine her reaction to seeing us together." He smiled proudly, fingers running up and down your arm soothingly.
"I imagine she'd do worse than push me." After saying that, jonghos grip tightened.
"I'd probably kill her." He said without emotion causing you to giggle. You loved the protective side of him. Tucking your head under his chin, you sighed in content and closed your eyes.
"I think we're getting take out later." His voice was quiet, knowing you were resting.
"Noodles. Spicy." Jongho smiled at your sleepy response, lips pressing to your temple. For now, he'd hold you whilst you slept. He'd savour the feeling of knowing you were finally his.
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anzulvr · 8 months
Hiii! Could i please request a karma x reader where reader is a crybaby and really sensitive but also super sweet to everybody no matter how mean they are?
Karma x sensitive reader // <3 // fluff, hcs.
In which Karma catches feelings for a crybaby.
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— ୨୧ first meeting.
Karma and you get along well from the start, unlike most people in the main campus you don’t talk badly about E-class and you don’t make any judgements towards people without getting to know them- that’s especially important to note because Karmas never had the best reputation. Even so, you didn’t judge him based off rumors and comments made about him behind his back, earning you his respect!
— catching feelings.
Karma is the last person to be interested in dating, so whenever he starts getting all nervous and flustered around you he thinks he’s nauseous. He only realizes hes into you when he sees he’s sort of defensive over you, definitely brought to his attention by Rio(meddler) or Nagisa (He just wants to help).
✦ any time you’re upset he’s the first to ask who did something, super ready to fight anyone.
✦ He realizes he’s never wanted anyone to stick around as much as you.
—ʚ[End Class]ɞ
(If you were to drop to end class for whatever reason)
// first time meeting Korosensei you’re a sobbing mess.
Even then you’re trying to be nice telling him he’s not that scary (in reality you’re terrified because why is he like 10 feet tall..)
Korosensei frantically tries to get you to stop crying. “I promise I would never lay my tentacles on a student- I wouldn’t hurt you!! You can ask anyone in here I-”
Karma is laughing his ass off to the point he’s gripping his sides cause they hurt.
You get to sit next to him. Lucky (???) you.
The rest of the class is quick to warm up to you, if you’re not already friends that is.
— When you’re officially together.
Hes the biggest tease in existence, he can’t go 20 minutes without poking fun at you.
Has so many pictures and videos of you happy crying. (He will not let you live down.)
Also has a folder of pictures you send him whenever you’re crying over small / dumb things you find funny when you realize what you’re crying over.
(cause literally me too?? I’ll cry and laugh mid way when I realize how stupid it is 😭)
[Name]: we’re out of cookies.
[Attached image of you crying]
lmfao I’ll buy you some calm down💀 :[Karma]
[Name]: NVMM.. false alarm we have another box 😆!!
don’t care I’m at your doorstep with 5 boxes open up :[Karma]
[Name]: Wow you’re fast it’s only been like 3 minutes..
— <3 —
He brings up moments like that anytime he has the chance to embarrass you.
“Remember the time you cried cause you found out chickens live only like seven years.”
“Shut up it was really sad.”
“[Name] we had fried chicken like 20 minutes later and you devoured that shit.”
“That was so good, we should go again.”
No one is allowed to make you feel bad though, Terasaka is extra careful not to say anything to make you cry on days where he doesn’t want to end up on the ground.
You’re his go-to for advice. Especially if he’s ever arguing with anyone like his parents or his friends because you know more about emotions than he does.
Cannot handle seeing you upset because of something he does, the second your eyes even get the littlest misty he’s apologizing with food and flowers.
You hold a special place in his heart because often times you’re the only person he’s comfortable opening up to.
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A/N: im behind on like 30 requests IM SORRY 😪😪😪
Also I didn’t really check for spelling errors for this one so tell me if you catch any pls!!!
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The Butler Types (Jade/MC/Barbatos)
Jade has no fears. What is it? There's a demon butler visiting NRC? Jade has one fear.
NOTE: I only write for female reader but everyone is welcome to read it!
I'm bitter because it's my birthday and Halloween Jade refuses to come, so I'll celebrate it with the better butler boy. *glares at Jade*
— (`⌒*)O-(`⌒´Q)
Jade is not one for fear.
Sure, he has his fair share of them. One simply does not grow up in Coral Sea without developing some. But one also simply does not grow in Coral Sea without losing some.
So Jade isn't one for fear.
But why does it have to be a butler type?
Jade can only watch, eye twitching in a nervous tic he got from Azul, as his crush ogles at the demon butler in front of her, hanging at his every word and blushing under his gaze.
His name is Barbatos, he is the loyal butler of Lord Diavolo, the Crown Prince of Devildom and the Headmaster of the Royal Academy of Diavolo, one of the few schools that might be older than NRC and even Crowley himself.
And he's exactly (Y/N)'s type.
A good looking, devilish butler with a gentle appearance and behavior who hides something darker and dangerous behind his tea brewing skills and overall otherworldly excellence? Big hell yes from her.
Why does Jade know that? Jade knows everything he possibly can about his crush, including the knowledge that he is exactly her type.
Or, at least, he's the closest anyone at NRC can get to her type.
He understandably did not account for possible visits from the Devildom, a Kingdom that has kept to itself for most, if not all, of its existence, and now he's paying the price. Floyd, the menace, is having a field day, watching from the bench they share as his other half gets more and more agitated while the demon charms Shrimpy.
"Oh, I'm sorry, am I holding you up? You must be busy with Lord Diavolo– I mean, with helping Lord Diavolo," Jade feels like eating glass at the enamoured look (Y/N) sends the demon, clearly not wanting to part but also not wanting to be rude.
"No need to worry, my lady, the Young Lord has given me some free time while he speaks with Lord Crowley," Barbatos gives her a smile the eel just knows is making her legs weak. "And I'm enjoying your company very much."
Barbatos is particularly hateful because he's actually being nice. His niceness is inherent, not trained like Jade's. And the eel can tell the Prefect can tell, she's good at judging one's character. It's one of the reasons why they get along so well, she can tell when Jade is being genuine or not, a skill very few have.
If only that skill wasn't helping the green haired demon get closer to her.
"O–oh, I see..." The girl places her hands on her burning cheeks, and Jade feels another bitter sting. That is his face, that's the face only he can get from her when he compliments her. "Thank you for your kind words."
"All of them true, I assure you."
"Oh, stop it, I'm already blushing."
"It was not my intention to make you uncomfortable, my lady, but... I must admit you look very lovable," Barbatos offers a hand to her, one she shyly takes, only to then squeak when he places a soft kiss on the back of her hand. "Please, allow me to be selfish and keep you by my side for a few more moments."
Jade walks so fast, it almost feels like he's swimming through the air. Floyd's loud laugh follows him like a predator, together with a playful "go get'em, tiger shark". As soon as he reaches the duo, he takes a silent deep breath, making sure his usual smile is on his face as he takes (Y/N)'s other hand, a privilege he earned, and brings it to his chest, right on his beating heart
"There you are, Prefect. I've been looking for you."
"J–Jade!" The eel is more than please to see her eyes completely leave the other to focus solely on him, the blush on her pretty face now all his.
When he looks up, mismatched eyes meet green eyes, and he can tell Barbatos has been fully aware of his presence from the very beginning. A sharp—quite literally—smile forms on his face at the annoyance in the other's eyes.
Ah, the greed of a servant who finally found something they want to be selfish about.
Would be entertaining if what the demon wanted wasn't Jade's already.
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joekeeryswife · 1 year
Pedro? Pedro. Can I request where reader is mid 20’s and has been dating Pedro for a few months and she brings him home to meet her family at a family reunion? 👀😍 I LOVE me some Pedro 🤤
Family reunion - p.p
hello angels! i hope everyone is okay. this request is so cute. if anyone has any requests don’t be shy to put them in my inbox. i honestly hate this i might delete it tbh. anyway, enjoy loves🤍 ⚠️age gap couple⚠️ (i based this on my family, i hope that’s okay xx)
taglist (feel free to add yourself🤍) @1-john-4-19 @newtandminhoaretoocute @mavs101 @brilliantopposite187 @mimi-luvzyu @iloveshawn @jaydiann @one-sweet-gubler (if there’s a line through your name i can’t tag you for some reason x)
you and Pedro had been dating for 10 months and it had been the best 10 months of your life. he had been the best boyfriend in the entire world. you and Pedro had travelled to your home town as it was your family reunion tonight and you thought it was the perfect opportunity for Pedro to finally meet your family. you had met his family about two months ago but Pedro was always nervous to meet yours.
your family was always welcoming, no matter who they were or what their background was they never judged a person. it was set in stone that Pedro would meet practically all your close family tonight and you could tell the nerves were getting to him. "does this look okay? do you think they'll like it?" he was looking in the mirror at his outfit, he was wearing dress pants and a creamy coloured shirt.
you were sat on your shared bed and had just finished putting on your heels. you always thought Pedro look beautiful in anything he wore and this time was no different. you stood up and walked to him, wrapping your right arm around his waist and pressed a small kiss to his cheek, trying not to transfer your red lipstick "you look perfect baby. i promise they're gonna love you" you gave him a reassuring smile which was met with a nervous one from Pedro. it wasn't a formal event by any means so you didn't bother dressing up too much but you were wearing a light pink co-ord set which fit your body perfectly.
after a couple more minutes of you both looking over your outfits you laced your fingers with his and started making your way to the car. Pedro decided to drive so he could keep his mind occupied. he wanted to make a good impression. you always talked about how much your family meant to you and he wanted them to like him. he was quite a bit older than you, probably closer to your parents age (which seemed crazy) but he had no idea how they would react.
obviously you had told everyone that Pedro was older than you and they really didn't mind. they always wanted you to be happy and if it was with someone older than you so be it. it took you guys about 40 minutes to get to your grandparents house and that's when he felt his heart start beating faster. he saw quite a few cars outside meaning everyone was here, which also meant he was meeting everyone right now.
you could see the nervous look on his face as you unplugged your seatbelt and smiled as he took a deep breath before unplugging his. you both got out of the car and started making your way to the front door, hand in hand. "i promise you'll be fine. you have nothing to worry about" your thumb stroked over the back of his hand as he nodded his head.
you finally arrived at the door and knocked straight away, giving him no time to even think. you heard footsteps approaching the front door before you saw your nan standing there with a huge smile on her face. "y/n" she said, arms open as she pulled you in for a hug, making you let go of Pedro's hand. your nan was one of your favourite people and not seeing her for months was hard, face-times and calls were sometimes not enough.
she rubbed her hand up and down your back as you tightened the hug. "i missed you so much" you said as you felt a small kiss being placed on your forehead. "we all missed you" she pulled away from the hug and moved her attention to Pedro who had his hand out for her to shake. "so this is the famous Pedro we've all heard so much about" she smiled and swatted his hand away playfully and pulled him in for a hug.
"it's nice to meet you" he smiled and hugged her back. that put some of his nerves at ease to be welcomed with open arms. "it's nice to meet you Pedro. everyone's already here so you guys go inside." your nan moved out of the way so you could both go to the living room where you were sure everyone was. you were surprised to only see your niece, Olivia and cousin, Hannah. Hannah and Olivia were on the floor colouring in Olivia's colouring book, not focused on anything but making sure they kept the colours in the lines.
"hey guys" you said with a huge smile on your face. Olivia was 5 already and it felt like she was growing up to quickly from the last time you saw her. they both looked up from the colouring book and Olivia's face lit up with excitement. she squealed and got up from the floor, running to you with her arms raised hinting that she wanted you to pick her up. "auntie y/n. i've missed you" she said, wrapping her arms around your neck once you had picked her up.
you felt your heart swell as you hugged her. "i've missed you so much angel" you smiled and kissed her head. she pulled back from the hug and looked at Pedro with a confused expression on her face. "who's that?" she wrapped her arms around your neck again, her shyness showing making you smile. "that's Pedro. he's my boyfriend. are you gonna say hi?" you whispered to her before she pulled away yet again and looked at him. "hi" she said with a small wave of her small hand. "hi" he replied, smiling at her.
she smiled at him as she finally felt comfortable again and you let her down so you could greet your cousin. Hannah was a year younger than you and she was practically your sister, she walked to you and wrapped her arms around you. "i'm so glad you're here. i've missed you" you heard Hannah say as she rocked the hug slightly. "i've missed you too. it's so nice to be back home" you said, pulling away from her.
"Pedro this is Hannah, my cousin" you smiled at him as he once again stuck his hand out for Hannah to shake but she shook her head. "thank you for making my cousin happy. she doesn't stop talking about you so it's nice to finally meet the man" she hugged him as your cheeks flushed a bright red. "you're welcome. she makes me happy so i guess it's only fair i do the same" he joked, making her laugh loudly.
"i think we should go look for everyone else. mums probably dying from waiting" you laughed as they pulled away from the hug. "your mum has not shut up about you since she got here. she can't wait to see you" you laughed and Hannah smiled as you grabbed ahold of Pedro's hand and started making your way to the kitchen where you heard your mums voice. your mum didn't notice you at first but once she did she practically ran to you and pulled you into her. "my baby. i'm so happy you're home" she said, tears filling her eyes. you hadn't seen your family in almost a year, with everyone having different work schedules and different events happening this was the only time you had gotten a break.
she pulled back and put her hands on your face as she looked over you, taking in the moment that you were actually home. "you look beautiful sweetheart" she lent in and kissed your cheek before turning her attention to Pedro who she immediately hugged. you saw your grandad who had the biggest grin on his face and you couldn't wait for Pedro to finish introducing himself to your mum so you made your way over to your grandad who opened his arms wide for you to hug him.
"how've you been?" he whispered to you as he hugged you tightly. just hugging everyone made you realise how much you'd missed them over the last year. "i'm okay. i've missed everyone though. i hate being away" he nodded his head and kissed your cheek and turned to see Pedro and your mum making their way over to you.
now your grandad looked mean and scary to anyone who didn't know him but he wasn't, he was the kindest, most selfless man you'd ever met. you had been on face-time with your grandad when Pedro was over one time and had spoken to each other for 5 minutes before Pedro had to go to work but speaking on face-time was completely different to meeting him in person. "Pedro, it's nice to see you in person. how are you doing?" your grandad stuck out his hand for Pedro to shake, which he immediately did and nodded at him. "i'm doing great thank you. how are you?"
Pedro was more nervous to meet your dad and grandad more than anyone but seeing your grandad in person and being welcomed by everyone who he had met so far made him feel at ease. that was until your grandad offered to show Pedro around and meet the rest of your family without you. "are you sure? i can show him around grandad" you said, looking between Pedro and your grandad who just shook his head. "Olivia has been wanting to spend time with you and Stacey has just gone into the living room with the baby. you haven't met her yet, Pedro will be fine"
you looked at Pedro who nodded his head reassuringly and smiled when you gave him a small kiss on the cheek before scurrying off back to the living room where you awed loudly seeing your new niece in your cousins arms. "oh my goodness look how adorable you are" they heard you say as you took the baby from Stacey's arms making the two of them laugh at you.
"come on, her dads outside with everyone else" your grandad led Pedro to the back garden where your dad, brother and the rest of your cousins were. he saw everyone in a circle speaking but he couldn’t quite make out what they were saying. “guys, this is Pedro, y/n’s boyfriend” your grandad announced making them all turn around to look at him. this was intimidating. 5 men staring at him intently, analysing him as he approached them.
after a few seconds of awkward silence they all smiled and hugged him at the same time a chorus of hellos. “welcome to the family mate. one rule is treat her well which it seems you are already doing so well done” your brother Adam said and Pedro nodded. of course he was treating you well, you were the best thing to happen to him and he loved you. “would you guys mind if you left us alone?” your dad said, sipping his drink before they all nodded.
“we will be inside” your brother said and it was now left with your dad. your dad could see the anxious look on Pedro’s face and sent him a small smile “you don’t have anything to worry about, i just wanna get to know the man who’s been making my daughter happy is all” your dad said, hoping to give him a little bit of reassurance.
“i’ve seen y/n hurt in the past. you’re her first boyfriend in five years i think and i would hate if something happened between the two of you. she looks happy in every photo i’ve seen of you both and the way she talks about you shows how much she loves you. i hope you aren’t one of those people who will hurt her. she doesn’t deserve it” it was true, your last boyfriend had crushed you and it took a lot for you to open up to Pedro.
“she told me about her ex and i’m nothing like that. i love her a lot and if i’m being honest she’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me, i wouldn’t dream of hurting her, she’s to special” your dad nodded and smiled again. his words seemed genuine. your dad patted him on the shoulder “thank you for making her happy. i’m glad she met you” with that the two of them made their way back inside the house. your brother and two of your cousins were in the kitchen and the rest of the family were in the living room.
the two of them walked in and saw you next to Hannah with the newest addition to your family in your arms, huge smiles on both of your faces as the baby cooed as she looked at you. “you are the cutest thing i’ve ever seen” you said making Olivia look up from her colouring book with a frown on her face. “excuse me auntie y/n but i am actually the cutest thing” she sassed, making everyone laugh loudly.
"i'm sorry Liv. i meant you are the cutest thing i've ever seen" you smiled at her and she nodded and went back to her colouring book, satisfied with your answer. once everyone had gone back to their own conversations Pedro came and sat next to you, wrapping his arm around the back of the sofa. you passed the baby to Hannah and turned to him. "everything okay?" you watched as he nodded and smiled. "i think your dad likes me" you felt relieved that your dad liked him, he hated your ex boyfriend so for him to make Pedro feel welcomed made you happy "i told you that you had nothing to worry about didn't i?" you lent in and pecked him "yeah you did"
"i'm sorry Liv. i meant you are the cutest thing i've ever seen" you smiled at her and she nodded and went back to her colouring book, satisfied with your answer. once everyone had gone back to their own conversations Pedro came and sat next to you, wrapping his arm around the back of the sofa. you passed the baby to Hannah and turned to him. "everything okay?" you watched as he nodded and smiled. "i think your dad likes me" you felt relieved that your dad liked him, he hated your ex boyfriend so for him to make Pedro feel welcomed made you happy "i told you that you had nothing to worry about didn't i?" you lent in and pecked him "yeah you did"
“i’m sorry Liv. i meant you are the cutest thing i’ve ever seen” you smiled at her and she nodded and went back to her colouring book, satisfied with your answer. once everyone had gone back to their own conversations Pedro came and sat next to you, wrapping his arm around the back of the sofa. you passed the baby to Hannah and turned to him. “everything okay?” you watched as he nodded and smiled. “i think your dad likes me” you felt relieved that your dad liked him, he hated your ex boyfriend so for him to make Pedro feel welcomed made you happy “i told you that you had nothing to worry about didn’t i?” you lent in and pecked him “yeah you did”
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dreamescapeswriting · 2 years
BTS Mafia Reaction || You’re Not Finically Stable [Request]
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⤜Copyright: © DreamEscapesWriting - August 2022
"I'll be right back, I stink," You groaned as you quickly kissed your boyfriend on the lips and headed into the shower he had just left. The two of you were staying at his place for the week because you were closer to your job when you stayed here. You'd just finished a double shift and you were ready to shower and forget everything that had happened whilst you were working. It had been too long a day and you were ready to sleep beside your boyfriend without a care in the world.
"Babe, your phone!" Jin called out as you just got into the shower, he sighed and looked down at your phone as it continued to buzz on the nightstand. As it continued to buzz he noticed that the number was withheld and his stomach began to churn, had someone found you already? The two of you had only been dating for a couple of months but it wouldn't be completely unheard of for rival groups to find you and target you all because of Jin. Instead of worrying about who it might have been he just answered the phone, if it wasn't a rival he could simple relay a message that you were in the shower. 
"Hello?" He called out as he answered the phone, holding it to his ear as he peeked through the bathroom door at you while you showered. He hated how tired you looked lately and he was going to do anything to make sure you relaxed tonight with him. 
"Hello, this is an automated message. Please call us back on 0800 001066  in regards to your inquiry about selling your eggs or becoming an egg donor. Thank you." The line was clicked and Jin stood still, staring down at the phone as he tried to think of any reason you would be donating your eggs anywhere. 
"Hey, I forgot my-" You stopped talking midsentence when you saw Jin,
"What's wrong with you? You look like you've seen a ghost." You giggled nervously while looking at him. You were nervous when you saw Jin holding your phone, your stomach sank at the sight of it. You'd been waiting for a phone call about selling your eggs all week long and judging by the look on Jin's face he had just answered the call for you.
"Why are you selling your eggs?" He asked bluntly while staring over at you, you bit down on your lip as you tried to think of a way to explain this to him. Jin never had money troubles, he was dirty stinking rich which meant he wasn't going to understand your need for this. No one you had spoken to about this understood so why was he going to be any different.
"I needed the money," You admitted while slowly sitting on the edge of the bed, gripping the towel around your chest as you tried to avoid looking at Jin. You never wanted to admit to anyone that you were struggling when it came to finances which were why you took on so many hours at work and even contemplated getting a second job. 
"So you're selling your eggs?"
"Look, I don't expect you to get it. Okay? But you don't need to get so judgy about it! I need the money and it's the only option I have before I get kicked out of my shitty apartment," You rambled quickly before sighing and rushing toward the bathroom so that you could hide in peace only Jin wasn't going to let you. If you were struggling he wanted you to come to him, he was your boyfriend and he was always going to care for you. 
"Hey, Hey, no." He sighed taking your wrist in his and bringing you crashing against his chest. He looked down at you and shook his head, there was no way on this earth he was ever going to judge you for something that was out of your control. 
"I wasn't judging, I just wanted to know. Why didn't you tell me you were struggling. I would have helped." He smiled a little as he brushed his hand over your cheek, feeling a flutter in his chest as you snuggled closer to his touch.
"I don't need help. I don't want you to give me money." You admitted while looking up at him, the last thing you wanted was for someone to give you money. You weren't some charity case, you were an adult who needed to make her own way in life.
"I wouldn't give you money...I would give you a job or ask you to move in with me so you don't have to worry about rent." He explained while smiling down at you, the smile hadn't moved since he thought about the idea. Moving in together would be an amazing step in your relationship and he would be able to protect you a lot more if you were closer to him.
"We're dating, we're going to move in together at some point...Why not do it early?" You stared up at him a little shocked. He was right, the two of you were going to end up dating but was it too soon? What if he eventually got sick of you and decided that he didn't want to be with you anymore? There was no way you weren't going to help him pay for the things inside of his giant mansion either...Though you were pretty sure the only thing your salary would cover would be the electricity bill once a month.
"But I still need to pay toward the rent," There was no way on the planet you were going to move in and not pay for something, it would be wrong...At least to you, it would be,
"Why? You know what I do for a living right? You don't have to pay me anything, hell, you don't even have to work." You sighed at him and tapped his chest softly. You did know what he did but it didn't mean it would make things easier for you to do. You'd feel rude for just living rent-free with him.
"Jin." You warned,
"I'm serious. You can live here rent-free, if you want a job you can keep it but I don't want you to worry about bills or rent," He smiled proudly of himself before you let out a small sigh.
"I'll move in but I'm paying for something. Maybe the monthly food shopping?"
"If it'll make you feel better," He said before kissing you all over your face, slowly walking you back toward the bathroom, pushing you into the shower as he stripped out of his towel to join you.
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Items were falling down around you as you stared up at the balcony of your apartment. All of your clothes were hanging over the bars as well as on the floor beside you as your arsehole landlord threw you out. He didn't even have the dignity to let you pack your things up, instead, he was throwing everything out onto the streets three floors below while you begged him not to. 
"You're such an arsehole!" You screamed as you watched him pour your underwear down onto the floor while laughing hysterically with the men he had up there with him. They'd ripped you out of your apartment that morning when you woke up, you were just thankful Yoongi hadn't been around for any of this. Not only was it embarrassing but you were 99% sure he would have killed them if he caught them laying one finger on you or even looking at you in a way he didn't like.
"I gave you three months! It's not my fault you're broke!" Your landlord boomed before your laptop was sent crashing to the floor, snapping in front of you as you began to cry. All of your life work was on that thing and not to mention it was a work laptop that you were now going to have to cover with your salary. Yoongi had heard the commotion as he pulled up in the parking lot and he couldn't believe what he was seeing right now the fact that you were crying made his blood boil.
"Hey, what's going on?" He questioned, walking closer to the scene when he noticed that everything that was being thrown onto the ground was something you owned. Included the painting he had gotten you for your birthday a few months ago, it was smashed onto the floor.
"Yoongi!" You yelled out before something was thrown down making you flinch. You rushed toward him, trying to turn him away from the scene and push him in the direction of his car but it wasn't going to work. Not when he'd already seen what was going on.
"J-Just go home. This is nothing. Just some couple fighting," You lied as you tried to hide the fact that you were sobbing hysterically in the street but Yoongi had already seen you.
"Yn, don't lie to me. I can see it's your stuff, what's going on?" He ran his hand over your cheek, wiping away the tears that started to fall harder as you realised he was going to find out sooner or later.
"Y-yoongi...Please, Please if you love me don't get me to explain anything-" He pulled you out of the way as your TV was sent hurtling to the floor and smashing into pieces. Yoongi was beyond pissed that someone was trashing your apartment and that they had nearly hit you with their lame attempts at kicking you out.
"Dirty fucking slut! Should have whored yourself out to make a bit of extra money!" Yoonig narrowed his eyes to get a better look at the man that had just hurled an insult at you and he smiled smugly to himself. 
"Wait here," He told you calmly, kissing your forehead before trying to walk away from you, 
"What? Yoongi...No," You begged, reaching for his arms to try and stop him from doing something he would regret. Though you were more than sure the men in your apartment would be the ones to regret it since Yoongi was who he was in this world.
"No, you're right. Come with me." He smirked taking your hand in his and beginning to walk with you through the building and up to your apartment door. 
"Wait right here," He said while standing you just out of sight before he stepped through the door of your now trashed apartment. He could hardly believe that someone would do something like this. Even when he threw someone out of apartments he owned he would never do something like this to them, no matter how far behind on rent they were.
"What are you doing in here?" Yoongi asked calmly while looking at the men, all three of them stopped and stared over at him. Their faces lost all colour as they noticed that the owner of the building was standing close to them. He'd bought this place quickly after he began dating you because he knew how shitty the neighbourhood was and he wanted to be sure you would have a safe spot to live.
"Boss?" The landlord asked with a giant smile on his face. He seemed to be pretty happy to see Yoongi standing there which meant he had no idea the two of you were dating.
"Hmm. What are you doing?" He questioned while looking at the landlord, the other two men looking at Yoongi anxiously suddenly feeling like they were being scolded by a teacher.
"Some little whore was behind on her rent, we were showing her the way we deal with it," The same smug expression was on the landlord's face and Yoongi looked back at him. You hadn't mentioned being behind on rent to Yoongi lately, if he'd known he would have helped but right now that wasn't the point.
"Yeah. No one fucks with Mr Min and gets away with it." One of the other men laughed loudly and Yoongi stepped further into the room and nodded his head, running his hand along his jaw. There was no coming back from this for them and he was just sorry your things were broken.
"So you're trashing her items?"
"Yes sir," He said sounding so happy with himself so Yoongi smirked and began to push him toward the balcony door and pushed him roughly against the edge of the railing. The landlord cried out, terrified of what Yoongi was going to do to him.
"There's just one little thing that you're forgetting though," He said as he shook the man making him whimper, even more, a wet patch beginning to grow on his pants as he pissed himself from the fear he was being caused. 
"Babe!" He called out before you walked into the apartment, looking at Yoongi as you tried not to look at anything else. You weren't sure you could trust yourself not to cry if you saw the state of everything inside of your home.
"Babe?" The landlord's voice shook as he stared over at you automatically realising his mistake, 
"But she never mentioned the two of you were dating, she never said she was seeing someone if I'd have known she was seeing you boss I never would-"
"I don't want to hear it. I want you to say sorry to my little angel," Yoongi said as he got his gun out from his pocket and held it against the man's temple. It didn't scare you one little bit to see Yoongi acting like this in front of you, you'd seen it a million times and right now was no different either.
"I-I'm s-sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" The landlord wept as Yoongi let him move away from the railing, dropping to his knees in front of you as you keep your eyes on Yoongi not wanting to look at the other man.
"Now tell her you're going to clean everything up and replace it,"
"I'll c-clean everything! I-I'll buy you everything new and you can have the apartment," Yoongi kicked him onto the floor and walked over to you as he put his gun away. Wrapping his arm around you be made sure you were okay before smiling at you,
"She doesn't need this place back, she'll be with me, right?" You smiled back at him and nodded your head.
"Right," You nodded in agreement before he kissed you softly in front of everyone. 
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All week long Hoseok had been trying to get in contact with you but every time he tried to reach you it was somehow disconnected or told him that the user was no longer in service. For a while, he thought you'd blocked him from contacting you but you'd just shown up at his door carrying take-out food. It was a complete surprise to see you when he thought you were just going to disappear from the face of the planet. 
"I got food from work, I figured we could eat together." You said with a smile walking into the house as though you didn't have another care in the world. Hobi smiled a little, relieved that you weren't ignoring him but upset that you were still hiding something, 
"I've been trying to call you all week," He stated while following you into the kitchen. It didn't go unnoticed that your whole body tensed up at the mention of him trying to call you.
"Oh...I must have let my phone die," You lied, trying to keep your voice from shaking as you plated him something to eat. You were behind on your phone bill but it was nothing that wouldn't be fixed at the end of the month...You just had to make it until then even if it meant living off leftovers from work and trying to scrape by on extra hours for a while. Maybe you could convince your boss to give you extra shifts if you were lucky or maybe get approved for another job in the city. Only without a phone, you weren't going to be able to know if you got it or not so you were basically fucked.
"Yeah, that's what I thought too but it's not like you to let it die and then not charge it all week." He let out a laugh as he tried to make it seem as though he was making casual conversation. It was clear that there was something going on with you and he wanted you to feel comfortable coming to him to talk about it. The two of you had been dating for six months now and he never wanted you to feel as though you couldn't go to him with something. 
"Usually you're glued to that thing," He mentioned while staring at you, you said nothing for a while as you just stared down at the plate in front of you. Your heart racing against your chest as you realised by the tone of his voice that he knew it hadn't simply died like you said it had.
"Hobi..." You trailed off slowly, you hoped he was just going to drop the whole thing and pretend as though none of this was happening but it was unlikely. Hoseok was like a dog with a bone when it came to things like this and he was going to get the answers he wanted out of you.
"Tell me the truth Yn. What's going on with you? You're busier than usual, your phone is out...Do I need to be worried?" He hated the thought of you being in any kind of trouble - financially or otherwise and he would do anything to help you out. Hell, just last week he bought a restaurant because you told him that they served your favourite meal there and he wanted you to be able to have it whenever you wanted.
"What do you mean? There's nothing, I just let my phone die I'll sort it at some point," You rambled before Hoseok sighed and moved closer to you. His hand slowly took your body into his and he moved you around to face him, you were never a good liar and whenever you stared at him you couldn't lie. That was why he had done this, he wanted you to look him in the face so he could see what it was that was going on with you.
"I mean that this isn't like you. Your phone is disconnected, it is clearly dead when I keep getting told the user isn't in service," He knew that it wasn't dead and you felt your bottom lip wobble a little. If he knew you were struggling would he end things with you? The only reason you hadn't told him about any of this was that you didn't want him to think less of you for any of it.
"Hobi." You whimpered a little, your voice cracking as he stared down at you in the eyes. 
"Are you struggling? Yes or no," The longer you stared back into his eyes the more you realised it was going to be impossible to get out of this so you nodded your head. Letting the tears fall down your cheeks as he suddenly brought you into a tight hug and kissed the top of your head.
"I'll fix things," He told you simply, it wasn't a question it was a statement and you knew you weren't going to have a choice in the matter.
"You don't have to," You whispered a little, trying to make it seem as though you weren't expecting him to do any of this for you. 
"I know. I just want to," He admitted before taking you over to the kitchen table and sitting you down on one of the chairs. It was his turn to look after you after all of the times you'd helped care for him by patching him up after a fight.
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"Will you just check in the bedroom for me? I'm sure I left it somewhere around here," You mumbled to Namjoon as you looked under the sofa once again for the ball your dog was looking for. The three of you were going to go for a walk in the park - under the careful watch of Namjoon's men of course. Over the last few months, you'd grown used to four strange men keeping a close eye on you at all hours of the day. Even when you weren't with Namjoon there were always two of them keeping a close eye on you so that they were able to protect you. You weren't an idiot, you knew who Namjoon was and what he did for a living but none of it bothered you. He was still the man you had fallen in love with. 
"You sure? Maybe he took it out into the garden," Namjoon offered before heading in the direction of the bedroom. Laughing to himself when he could hear you speaking to your pet dog as though he was going to answer you as a human would. 
"Where is it, boy? Where's your ball huh?" Namjoon loved the fact that you treated the pup like a baby it was one of the many things he loved about you. Once he was in the room he stared around at the floor and began to hunt around for the bright red ball that your dog adored. It didn't matter if you gave him another one he wouldn't play with it, he wouldn't even touch it. All he cared about was his pretty red ball.
"If I was a dog where would I hide my ball?" Namjoon mumbled before looking under the bed, stretching his arm down underneath and patting it around before he finally touched something.
"Got you," He laughed before it rolled further away from him making him mumble a curse word and reach for the box it had drifted behind. Saving time Namjoon pulled out the box with the ball and frowned when he saw pieces of paper sticking out of the plastic box and spilling out. It wasn't like Namjoon to snoop around in your private things but all of this felt odd to him. 
"What the hell..." He whispered as he saw that most of the letters were about bills being late or that your rent was on its final warnings. You'd never mentioned anything like this to Nmajoon before and he wondered if any of them were before you started dating but it wasn't. Most of the letters were from last month and there was even an eviction notice on top of the pile that was dated last week.
"Did you find it? Because we can't find it in the garden," You sounded out-breath as you rushed into the bedroom only to stop and see what Namjoon had in his hands. 
"You're going through my things?" You mumbled snatching the box away from him and throwing it onto the desk behind you as you shook your head at him. This was the last thing you had ever imagined happening.
"No. I was looking for the ball when I found them. What is all of this?"
"My private things, you shouldn't have been going through!" You yelled but Namjoon wasn't going to let you pick a fight over this, sure it was wrong of him to look at it all but it was also wrong for you to be hiding all of this.
"When were you going to tell me you were getting evicted?" He questioned as you moved away from him, staring down at the pile of letters that were now all over your desk. You'd never been good at telling people your problems and you weren't going to tell your boyfriend that you had been struggling.
"I wasn't because I'm not going to be." You lied when you knew damn well you were one week away from being thrown out onto your arse without being given a chance to get any of your things from the apartment.
"Oh yeah? How do you expect to pay your rent?" Namjoon asked sarcastically as he stared down at you. He knew you worked but it was a weak-paying job since it was mainly supposed to be an internship at a company he owned. The only reason you were getting a little cash from it was that you were dating the boss.
"I've got a job, I can manage." Namjoon sighed hearing you mumble under your breath and he turned your head up to look at him.
"Your job barely scrapes enough to pay for your food. Yn, why didn't you tell me about this?"
"I didn't want you to think I was weak because of it, I thought I could manage." You managed to say right before the tears began to spill down your face and you cried right in front of him. Letting go of all the stress you'd had ever since receiving the first eviction notice from your landlord.
"I would never think of you as weak...I would want to help though. At least let me pay your rent for a while...Fuck that, move in with me." He mumbled as you frowned, staring up at him.
"Move in?"
"Sure...You and your big dog...There's more than enough space for you and you don't have to worry about bills...Okay? You can focus on working at your internship," The idea sounded more than perfect to you but you would only feel guilty if he did all of this for you. 
"Don't. There's nothing you can say that will make me take no for an answer...U-Unless you don't want to move in." It was the first time you'd ever heard Namjoon stutter and you smiled a little, 
"No. I want to, but I can't just not pay for bills-"
"Shh, it's just until you finish your internship," He lied before bringing you into a loving kiss so that you weren't able to say another thing about it.
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Jimin frowned when he saw you standing inside the pawn shop he wouldn't have believed it if he hadn't seen it for himself. He'd gotten a call from the owner about twenty minutes ago saying that he might need to come down so he did. He hadn't been expecting to find you sitting in the pawnshop trying to get the man to take some of the jewellery you were holding in your hands.
"Please, can you just tell me how much it would be?" You begged as you stared at the blad man behind the counter. You wouldn't be here if you weren't completely desperate enough but the man didn't seem to care all he cared about was showing your face to Jimin. As soon as you bought the pieces into the store the man that owned the store knew that they were something he had once sold to Jimin and he wasn't going to let you get away from stealing from him. Not to mention he wasn't going to get into trouble for buying from someone who had stolen from Jimin.
"How do I know you haven't stolen this from some poor lady in street," The man mumbled as you stared back at him, how could he think like that? Not everyone was a monster. All you wanted to do was sell the jewellery to get your rent paid on time and you could buy them back at the end of the month when you got paid.
"Why would I do that? I just need the money for my rent and then I'll come and buy them back. They're all my pieces and I can promise you I'll be back. It's not a big deal." You explained, not noticing your boyfriend walking closer to you. As Jimin got a closer look at the pieces in your hand he realised that it was all gifts that he had gotten for you over the last three months of your relationship. He didn't know what hurt more, the fact that you were selling them or that you weren't coming to him when you were struggling with something. 
The two of you were supposed to tell one another everything that was going on in your relationship, he hated the idea of you wanting to hide this from him.
"Mr Park! Thank you so much for coming, I believe she might have stolen these from you." The bald man said making you flinch when you turned around to see your boyfriend looking at you. Standing inside of a pawn shop wasn't something you were exactly proud of right now and you felt as though you were going to be sick the longer you watched Jimin.
"Jimin," You whispered a little shocked to see him there but Jimin looked away from you and down at the pieces you had placed on the counter. It was a necklace Jimin had gotten you for your birthday, along with some bracelets and he sighed a little.
"She didn't steal them," Jimin said without looking at you. He simply picked up the necklace and put it around your neck, looking down at the rest as he then placed the bracelet onto your wrists without another word.
"Sir?" The man asked while looking slightly confused at what was going on in front of him. You stared down at the cabinet starting to feel your body heat up in embarrassment as you realised you'd been caught out.
"She's my girlfriend, who didn't think to come to me when she was struggling," Jimin spoke to the man who appeared to suddenly get nervous at the mention of you being Jimin's girlfriend and you bit down on your lip. Was he going to hate you for trying to sell things? You were going to get them back you just needed some time to get the money together.
"Jimin I was going to get them back, I just needed the rent money." You whispered as he began to lead you out of the store and in the direction of his car. He still said nothing as he helped you into the back seat and followed after you, telling his driver to go.
"Jimin...I'm sorry," You whispered while staring at the side of his head, the fact that he wasn't looking at you made your heart break into a million pieces. You couldn't believe you'd managed to fuck up the one good thing that you had in your life right now.
"I'll do anything to make it up to you, please...P-Please, don't be mad at me, I was going to get it all back." Your voice was strained before Jimin finally stared at you and shook his head.
"I'm not mad at you for selling it, or trying to." He admitted as he relaxed against the seats, bringing you to rest with him as he put your head on his shoulder. The action made your heart melt as he began to rub your back softly, 
"I'm upset because you didn't come to me. I thought we told each other everything?" He whispered as you let out a shaky breath,
"We do I just- I didn't think to come to you with this...Admitting that I struggle isn't something I do," You whispered before he pressed his lips to your forehead and smiled weakly. He admired you for that, he was the same way but he wanted you to be able to come to him no matter what.
"Next time you're struggling we're going to get through it together...Because that's what couples do. Okay?" He questioned while looking down into your eyes, you smiled up at him and nodded your head.
"Okay, Jimin...I promise," You whispered before kissing him softly.
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"So where is this girlfriend of yours I keep hearing about?" Taehyung's grandfather asked as he sat across from his grandson at a restaurant. It was a new place that they had decided to visit today and Taehyung was pretty happy with it so far. All of the staff seemed to be friendly enough and they all understood who he was and knew not to bother him.
"She's out with some of her friends, I guess it saved her from having to meet you." Taehyung teased as he began to look down at the menu not noticing that you were inside the restaurant. For the last ten minutes, you had been pleading with your manager to let you swap tables with someone else all to avoid having to explain this to Taehyung when you got home later. The truth was he didn't know you worked here and you would have loved it to stay that way if you were given a choice.
"Hello, I'll be your waitress for the evening. Can I get you sorted on some drinks?" You questioned while staring down at the tiny notebook in your hands, clutching it so tight you were a little surprised it hadn't ripped apart under your touch.
"We'll take two red wines and can you make sure everyone inside the restaurant is treated to something from us," Taehyung's grandfather said as he looked at you, you smiled warmly at him and nodded your head. It was the first time meeting his family members and you weren't surprised to see they were just as kind as Taehyung was. 
"Taehyung, what would you like?" His grandfather asked as you slowly turned your gaze to look at your boyfriend who was staring at you silently trying to figure out who you were. When you first approached he figured that you were some look-alike. After all, everyone in the world had someone that looked like them and he had just been lucky to meet yours. But as soon as he heard you speak his eyes looked like they were practically about to bounce out of his head as he realised that it was you standing there and not some crazy look-alike. You gave him a silent look not to cause a scene right here and he sighed staring down at the menu making a mental note to wait behind for you after his grandfather had left.
"I'll take tteokbokki and some kimchi stew." He mumbled as you nodded your head repeating it back to them before heading toward the kitchen and feeling as though you were ready for the earth to swallow you whole.
"You told me you worked at a department store," Taehyung said as you were cleaning up the tables inside the restaurant, doing your best to try and not cry about all of this. As soon as it was closing time Taehyung sent everyone except for you home and told them that he would take care of locking everything up with you. It was time for the truth to come out and you knew you weren't going to be able to hide it anymore.
"I do. But I also work here and at a soup kitchen on the weekends." You admitted while spraying down the tables and wiping them clean, moving on to the next one as Taehyung followed close behind you. It wasn't the fact that you worked here that was bothering him, it was the idea that you had lied to him about being shopping today.
"So why did you tell me you went shopping?" You stopped what you were doing and turned to look at him. This wasn't exactly something you wanted to tell the whole world about doing especially not him. Taehyung was in the mafia, he didn't need to worry about whether or not he had a stable income but you did. You had bills to pay and a mouth to feed and that was all you cared about right now.
"Because I didn't want to tell my boyfriend that I couldn't meet his famous grandfather before I'm working one out of three jobs to be able to live." He sighed a little and rubbed the bridge of his nose, you moved away from him to go and clean some more but he stopped you. Bringing you into a close embrace as he shook his head,
"What are you struggling with most?" He questioned as you stared at him in silence, you didn't want to answer that right now but you knew he wasn't going to drop it. 
"My rent, it's the only thing I struggle with. I'm going to move out as soon as I can." You explained your idea of moving into a small apartment but the whole thing seemed to get lost with Taehyung as he frowned at you.
"How about instead of a smaller place you move into a bigger one?"
"How could I do that when I struggle with my one-bed apartment?" You frowned, clearly not understanding what Taehyung was hinting at and it made him smile a little.
"By moving in with me," You let out a small gasp. It was something the two of you had spoken about before but never taken the subject seriously since you only ever talked about it in passing.
"I'm serious. Move in with me and we can either spilt the bills or you pay for one thing." He told you while shrugging his shoulders. He'd been desperate to ask you to move in for months and now was the perfect opportunity to do so.
"You sure?" You quizzed before nodded and kissed you deeply, 
"If you do, does that mean you'll quit two out of three jobs? Because...and don't tell anyone, but I miss falling asleep beside you every night," He admitted as you giggled at him, agreeing to as you kissed him over and over again.
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In all of the months that you and Jungkook had been together he'd never once been to your apartment and he often wondered why. At first, he figured it was because of your roommates that you claimed to have, he figured that you didn't want them to see him and get scared but now he knew that was wrong. Unless he'd gotten the address wrong but it couldn't have been, he'd hired someone to find you and this was the place they claimed you were at. Only the whole building looked as though it was about one gust of wind away from falling down around him and he wasn't sure anyone lived inside of it. 
"Hey, get back here." He heard you call out while giggling, he frowned beginning to walk closer to the building when he saw a small light of some sort coming from one of the rooms. 
"Babe?" He called out while moving closer to it, stopping when he saw that inside of the room was a whole bedroom set up. A suitcase was by the door, a camping light was left on and a sleeping bag was in the middle of the floor. It looked like you'd been staying here a while and you had. You'd been living here since before you met Jungkook but you'd been saving up to get your own place. It was just hard when every single apartment you went to look at wanted a three months upfront as well as a down payment to secret the place. You would never be able to afford it if you didn't work your ass off - quite literally. There were times when you wouldn't see Jungkook for a month or two just because of how much you were working. It worried him sometimes when he would hear you doing double shifts twice in a row, there were so many times he'd wanted you to slow down and now he could see why you hadn't.
"Jungkook?" Your voice cracked as you turned to look up at the door to see your boyfriend standing there looking completely shocked to see you sitting in such a mess. He thought it might have been some kind of sick joke when he first pulled up here. You'd told him so many stories of your roommates but now he could see all of it was a lie.
"What's going on?" He questioned, walking further into the room and sitting beside you on the sleeping bag. You stared over at the cat you had just been chasing and bit down on your lip deciding it was time to lie your ass off.
"I was...I-I come here to feed some of the stray cats." You mumbled but you knew he knew it was a lie since most of the things inside of the room gave it away that you were in fact living here.
"Try again,"
"I come here to look after cats, I don't know what else you want me to say." Your voice cracked as you tried not to cry in front of him. How were you supposed to admit to Jeon Jungkook - leader of the mafia world in Seoul lived in a shitty abandoned building.
"I want you to tell me the truth," He pushed the can of beans away that you'd been eating from and stared directly at you but you didn't dare to look at him. You just stared at the floor trying not to cry,
"Jungkook. J-Just leave, please...I don't want to do this," You begged as you took in a deep breath. Once he knew the truth he was just going to leave you, you knew that for a fact. Only, you couldn't have been more wrong.
"I had you followed her and I want answers. Why did you lie to me about roommates? Why did you lie about where you live?" He tried to hold you but you scrambled away from him and shook your head, begging for him not to make you do this.
"Don't make me say it." You begged over and over again but he got up and stood in front of you, carefully taking your hands in his and making you look at him,
"You're living here aren't you?" The look on his face made your heart sink, he was looking at you as though he thought you were disgusting and it was enough to make your skin crawl.
"Only...Only for a while, just until I get back on my feet and I can get my own place. I-I'm close to getting the money together! I am! I am! I just need to work a few more shifts and I can do it!" It sounded like you were trying to convince yourself more than you were trying to convince him but Jungkook didn't care about that. He didn't care that you were trying to get the money he cared that you were living somewhere that could kill you or give you a disease. 
"Yn." He whispered as you shook your head, repeating over and over again that you were going to get everything sorted and that you just needed some more time.
"Yn...Stop." He said sternly before staring down at you, 
"Get your things and lets go," He ordered you,
"Go? Go where?"
"Home. You're coming to stay with me and I don't want to hear anything about not wanting to. You don't have a choice, I'm not letting you stay somewhere you could get sick or murdered." He mumbled while helping you collect everything that was yours inside of the room.
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Tagline: @millenniumspec @chiisaiblog @rjdy-367 @tinyoongles @softiegukk @sw33tnight @taestannie @sstarryoong @cherrybubblesandvodka @army24--7 @acciocriativity @mitzwinchester @heyjiminnie @kimahnjung98 @halesandy @jin-from-the-block @aerastus @namjooningelsewhere @ratherbfangirling @psychosupernatural @afternoonteabiscuit @lyoongx @periandernyx @heeseunger24​ @laylasbunbunny​ 
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edenmemes · 2 years
andor sentence starters
❝ i don’t like seeing you nervous. ❞ ❝ the risk of doing nothing becomes the greatest risk of all. ❞ ❝ i’m gonna do us a favor and not mention this happened. ❞ ❝ you’re gonna get us both in trouble. ❞ ❝ i’m not moving. you want it, you take it and i walk away. ❞ ❝ if it’s not important, why not tell me? ❞ ❝ don’t tell anybody you saw me. don’t tell anybody you know where i am. ❞ ❝ you don’t look so good. ❞ ❝ you need to get as far away from here as you can. ❞ ❝ you're like me. we were born in a hole. all we know is climbing over somebody else to get out. ❞ ❝ it’s all about you, isn’t it? it’s always all about you. ❞ ❝ ah, you’ve remembered how to mock me. ❞ ❝ that’s as close to an apology as you’re gonna get. ❞ ❝ maybe we should quit while we’re ahead. ❞ ❝ welcome. and just in time for dinner. ❞ ❝ there’s no way out alive. of that you must be sure. ❞ ❝ my anger, my ego, my unwillingness to yield, my eagerness to fight...they've set me on a path from which there is no escape. ❞ ❝ i'm struggling to understand why my faith doesn't calm me. i believe in something. why am i so unsettled? ❞ ❝ you don’t have to worry about me anymore. ❞ ❝ i thought you left without me. ❞ ❝ you have a different path, and i’m not judging you. ❞ ❝ it’s better you don’t know. ❞ ❝ you’re avoiding the question. ❞ ❝ hey. you know something i don’t? ❞ ❝ i told you, i’m doing everything i can. ❞ ❝ you might as well wear a sign that says, "i promise to disappoint you." ❞ ❝ you’re bleeding on my floor. ❞ ❝ you knew where this was going. you’ve always known. ❞ ❝ i need to hear you tell me you can follow the plan. ❞ ❝ pull yourself together, all right? ❞ ❝ this time...you can’t stay, and i can’t go. ❞ ❝ i burn my decency for someone else's future. i burn my life to make a sunrise that i know i'll never see. ❞ ❝ i said i know you. i know all about you. ❞ ❝ why don’t we do something fun tomorrow night? ❞ ❝ i knew i could count on you. ❞ ❝ i am going to ask you a question. i expect an honest answer. ❞ ❝ i yearned to be a savior against injustice without contemplating the cost and by the time i looked down, there was no longer any ground beneath my feet. ❞ ❝ that’s cold. even for you. ❞ ❝ you’ll stay with me. i need all the heroes i can get. ❞ ❝ i’m thinking clearly and you’re not. ❞ ❝ is that your defence? you’ve been ‘careful’? ❞ ❝ any civilized being knows an open invitation is no invitation at all. ❞ ❝ rule number one: never carry anything you don’t control. ❞ ❝ what’s the hurry? got some place to be? ❞ ❝ you come all this way to scold me? ❞ ❝ i’d never lie to you. ❞ ❝ you’re not here to save anybody but yourself. ❞ ❝ what, not happy to see me? ❞ ❝ i’ve never loved anyone the way i love you. ❞ ❝ i won’t have peace. i’ll be worried about you all the time. ❞ ❝ turning back will be impossible. ❞ ❝ there’s no room for doubt on the path to success. ❞ ❝ two guys jumped me. it went too far. ❞ ❝ you fall here, you fall alone. ❞ ❝ i’m just saying out loud what you already known. ❞ ❝ you love me because i show you what you need to see. ❞ ❝ it’s just me against everybody else. ❞ ❝ you don’t want to hear what happened? ❞ ❝ hey. i won’t forget this. ❞ ❝ you think it’s hopeless, do you? freedom? independence? justice? ❞ ❝ no one’s more at risk than i am. ❞ ❝ you wanted to leave? this is what it comes to. ❞ ❝ what are you staring at? ❞ ❝ we’ll die with nothing if we don’t put aside our petty differences. ❞ ❝ you’ll make an effort tonight if it kills you. ❞ ❝ i write when i can’t sleep. ❞ ❝ you haven’t been listening to me, have you? ❞ ❝ us? i don’t know you. ❞ ❝ i’m not gonna put my people at risk for someone else. ❞ ❝ your father’s looking for you. ❞ ❝ why would i go anywhere with you? ❞ ❝ i'm glad you’re here. no matter what the reason. ❞ ❝ that’s what a reckoning sounds like. you want it to stop, but it just keeps coming. ❞ ❝ come on. we need to get out of here. come on. ❞ ❝ being a leader isn’t just something you can turn on and off. ❞ ❝ it’s been a day of surprises for all of us. ❞ ❝ you lived because you ran. ❞ ❝ i imagine that no matter what you tell me or tell yourself, you'll ultimately die fighting these bastards. ❞ ❝ you think i haven’t thought this through? i’d be the first one to fall. ❞ ❝ wouldn't you rather give it all at once to something real than carve off useless pieces till there's nothing left? ❞ ❝ you’re wasting energy. you know i’m right. ❞ ❝ i just want what’s mine. ❞ ❝ must everything be boring and sad? ❞ ❝ you have a problem, you come to me. ❞ ❝ i’m starting to think we’re in over our heads. ❞ ❝ everyone has their own rebellion. ❞ ❝ can one ever be too aggressive in preserving order? ❞ ❝ the day before is always hard. too much time to worry. ❞ ❝ don’t touch me. ❞ ❝ i wake up every day to an equation i wrote fifteen years ago from which there's only one conclusion, I'm damned for what i do. ❞ ❝ i’m just trying to clear my name. ❞ ❝ working with other people is never easy. ❞ ❝ just being in your presence...i've realized that life is worth living. ❞ ❝ do you have any idea how much trouble you’re in right now? ❞ ❝ i knew you were lying. i knew it. ❞ ❝ losing hope? your mind? keep it to yourself. ❞ ❝ must everything be boring and sad? ❞ ❝ the axe forgets, but the tree remembers. ❞ ❝ perhaps my deranged belief that there was something better fated for me in the future was a dream worth clinging to. ❞ ❝ i’m not here for career advice. ❞ ❝ there’s a difference between fear and losing your nerve. ❞ ❝ you’re slouching. is that how you present yourself to the world? ❞ ❝ perhaps you should have a rest. ❞ ❝ i didn’t deserve what happened. ❞ ❝ you should go. i didn’t realize how late it was. ❞ ❝ i’d forgotten how sensitive you can be. ❞ ❝ you’re lucky to be alive right now. ❞ ❝ so, that’s it? that’s why you’re here? revenge? ❞ ❝ you can wear a ball gown if you’d like. ❞ ❝ this is the last place you should be. ❞ ❝ so much going wrong, so much to say, and all of it happening so quickly. ❞ ❝ it’s easier to hide behind forty atrocities than a single incident. ❞ ❝ what were you gonna do if i wasn’t here? ❞ ❝ i’ve been worried you might do something like this. ❞ ❝ don’t you dare talk to me like that. ❞ ❝ the very worst thing you can do right now is bore me. ❞ ❝ if you’re not willing to risk your conscience, then surrender and be done with it. ❞ ❝ we’ve come a long way from where we started. ❞ ❝ i show you the stone in my hand, you miss the knife at your throat. ❞ ❝ people blame you for what happened. ❞ ❝ i think about you constantly. ❞ ❝ i dreamt you came back. ❞ ❝ you pull in the net and the easy thing, the quick thing, is to assume that everything you've dragged to shore is a fish. ❞ ❝ i should...i should say thank you. ❞ ❝ i've given up all chance at inner peace. i've made my mind a sunless space. i share my dreams with ghosts. ❞ ❝ don’t die until you put up a fight. ❞ ❝ you came here to kill me, didn’t you? ❞ ❝ i’ve been shamed enough for one night. ❞ ❝ if you wanna say something, you should say it now. ❞ ❝ i would rather die trying to take them down than giving them what they want. ❞ ❝ is that meant to scare me? ❞ ❝ i’ve been turning away from the truth i wanted not to face. ❞ ❝ you’re bleeding. ❞
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thought--bubble · 2 months
Taking a little breaky break
This is just a heads up for my small little group of people on here. I have come to call my friends. I just wanted to let you all know that I'm going to be taking a much needed respite from tumblr and probably discord, too. I am feeling lost, sad,overwhelmed, and confused.
I know it sounds silly or whatnot, but all of this stuff is overwhelming and depressing, and I feel sick when I open this app at this point.
The best word to use, I guess, would be winded, maybe?
I joined Tumblr in Sept 23, and at first, it was really fun, a much needed escape from my daily never-ending list of crap to do.
I unfortunately learned how crazy this fandom can get early on and the hard way. I had hoped that that was just a one-off due to my newbie ignorance and took it as a lesson learned for myself.
But it's starting to feel like the drama never fucking stops. It just keeps going, and nice people, kind people, just get dragged and ridiculed for seemingly no reason. I will pathetically admit that I am a sensitive soul, and the things I've read and seen have seriously negatively affected me.
When people are catty regarding people they don't like or that don't like them, I can usually reconcile that to a particular degree. People are, in fact, people. Not everyone is going to vibe with everyone, and people will make jokes at others' expense, and it isn't exactly mature, but it happens.
That is what I expected when I heard this was coming. Some catty shit slinging between people who don't like each other.
But that isn't all this was, and I'm having a really hard time with that. I even thought, "Oh maybe some moderately rude jokes here and there where you know cultural differences and stuff could account for that" like I'm from the northeast and we can be harsh out here. So something that may be offensive to someone from another area may be looked at here just as a joke made in poor taste.
I know I myself have made jokes or whatnot, but you would think certain things would be off limits.
I thought I could combat the negative with positives. Silly jokes, little messages filled with love, but even that isn't working at this point.
My heart hurts, and my brain hurts.
And all this stuff has made me question myself. I had a block list a mile long for the longest time. Filled predominantly with people I had never spoken to because I was scared, nervous, I didn't want to accidentally interact with a post of someone who would be upset that I did, I unfollowed blogs I liked based on this same principle. I just desperately did not want to make someone mad or uncomfortable and find myself back in some weird mean anon tornado.
I tried to sus out who would be bothered by my presence and who wouldn't. I can't even know if my thoughts on who may or may not be upset by me were based on my paranoia or a perception i developed or was potentially affected by outside sources.
Now, i just don't know what the hell is going on.
Sorry for the word vomit. Just wanted to be honest. There are some of us out here who are just standing around with question marks over our heads.
Maybe it's because I wasn't here for a lot of that other weirdness. Maybe it's because of early events that shaped my experience on this app, but I for sure 100% need a break.
I'm an odd duck and love this app mostly because it's the only site I've seen where others actively fan-girl over my favorite Ewan character.
But right now, not even my love for Will can keep me on this app, and for those who know me, that's truly saying something.
This post is not meant to badmouth anyone at all. Honestly at this point I couldn't bad mouth anyone because I'm fucking lost on who anyone really is or how they really feel about things, dude I'm just plain lost.
Thank you to those who have been kind. My apologies to those I may have judged or assumed things about based on who the hell knows.
I hope that when I come back, I can open this app without yet another person that I like having a post of them being torn apart. Or a post of a story that I had heard being told in a completely different way and throwing me for a complete loop.
For now I am going to watch Will edits on TikTok and maybe read via Ao3.
Love and healing vibes to all.
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Santi +/x AuDHD!reader headcanons
(could be platonic or romantic - but written as not co-habiting)
Author’s note: maybe this is too niche, idk, but sometimes I like to think about the blorbos and how they’d interact with an AuDHD reader (because that’s me, so for obvious reasons). I headcanon that Santi is particularly compatible with a neurodivergent reader, maybe because I’m being self-indulgent… but also because why on earth would he not be? So here are a few poorly written / cobbled together thoughts which have been rattling around in my brain.
PLEASE NOTE: These are written in as general a way as I could manage (which may make it slightly less fulfilling, sorry, as it’s therefore lost specificity) but please note: since everyone who is AuDHD is so completely and vastly different, I couldn’t possibly have made this “fit” everyone’s experiences. Sorry if there are things you don’t relate to, but I tried to include a few more common experiences in there so hopefully there’s at least something.
Also! If you have any hcs of your own (for any Oscar/Pedro characters) PLEASE share them because I want more ND!reader content out there! 😀🧡 (Will also consider ND!reader requests if you have them, provided I think I can do it justice!)
Warnings: brief mention of panic attacks / anxiety (Santi). Geared towards ways that Santi helps reader out - that’s where my head was at, so it is what it is. Broadly neuro-affirming, I’m not putting anyone down for any traits ofc, even if they do cause challenges sometimes! Hope that makes sense!
Santi is so organised and tidy. He can make a plan and execute it with great attention to detail (have you seen that storage locker?!). If you struggle to stay organised and keep the house tidy etc., Santiago will have no issue helping you out, whether it’s coming up with a routine, creating a system, or simply doing a quick blitz anytime he’s over at your house. He finds it sorta therapeutic anyway, and you never feel like he’s doing it because he judges you or the condition of your place. It’s just wired into him to find order. Hell, sometimes if you lose something around the place you call him to see if HE can remember where he last saw it, and usually he can. That military routine never really left him, even all those years later, so he’s a great constant for modelling structure!
Santi will FaceTime you to body-double whatever chores you want to complete. For example; you have a Wednesday evening tradition to call each other while you each fold the laundry, or do whatever else you need to get done. You do get things done, and he makes you laugh the whole time too. He sticks to this routine as much as he can, no matter what else he has going on, or which country he is in. He loves this quality time with you, and to him it’s just a bonus that it helps you out.
Running late to meet him? He’s learned to bring a book and a flask of coffee along. He’ll wait, you’re worth it.
Sensitive to noise? Santi can’t relate fully, but he knows what it’s like for some sounds to instil negative effects. (See how this veteran is feeling around the fireworks at 4th July and you’ll get it.) He will respect your need for quiet when you need it. Besides, he’s slowed down a lot since his younger years and more and more enjoys the little things like curling up and reading a book. That said, if you want some stimulation and fancy hitting a dive bar with blasting music, or wanna dance in the kitchen, he can also be convinced. He has the range to accommodate all of your sensory preferences, your routines and your impulsive ideas, and he’ll gladly follow your flow.
He’s a magician at regulating you. This man is observant and can read people like nobody’s business, so he knows when you’re getting overstimulated or overwhelmed - often before anyone else does. When he sees it happen he’s happy to help you calm your nervous system however you need. Whether that’s a soft / firm hug, distracting you by talking to you in his soothing voice, working-out with you, letting you fidget with him - his hands, bracelets, whatever - or borrowing a texture of his, like playing with his soft curls.
Better believe this guy sends you texts throughout the day to check that you’ve eaten / drank water.
If you’re running late to an appointment and he’s free he will 100% drive you.
He loves to cook and always “accidentally” makes extra, so that you always have a stock of tasty “emergency” meals in your freezer for days when you don’t have the energy / functioning to cook.
Don’t wanna make the phone call? Santi will do it for you. Besides, he can charm the socks off of anyone so it’s probably best he deals with it anyway.
Santi is charming but he also has the ability to be straight down the line in his communication, especially with you as he trusts you so much. That means you rarely have to guess what he’s thinking or feeling about any particular thing. He lays it out for you and that’s super helpful. Of course, he can be closed off about his more complex, deeper emotions, but that’s something you seem to bring out of him - at least, in ways that no-one else has managed. You’ve had plenty of deep heart-to-hearts with the man and you know you can count on each other in a pinch, whether you need comfort or to vent about something you have going on.
Santi experiences panic attacks and anxiety and can relate to some of the ways you also struggle. He gets that people’s brains work in different ways and he’s far from judgemental about that. You’ve never once made him feel lesser when he’s been struggling and he will NEVER do that to you either.
Your sense of humour cracks him up no end.
He loves that you can be “blunt” / direct / a little “too honest”. He always knows where he stands with you, and for someone as (secretly) insecure as Santi that’s no small thing.
If you indicate you are burnt-out… he BELIEVES you. No questions asked - except for what you need, of course.
Forgotten something? Santi has started carrying spares. This man is nothing if not prepared, and now that simply extends to you. Whatever day-to-day items you carry (or often lose) he makes a mental note of the item and brand and buys multiple - for his place, his truck, wherever.
This man has social skills galore, so you can lean on him at parties, or in whatever situation if you’re feeling uncomfy or want a “way in” to a conversation. You can even leave him to do all the talking if you like, though of course he will enable you to have the floor if he can see that you want it. On the flip side, if you talk a lot, he is absolutely listening and rapt with whatever you are coming out with.
Don’t always look him in the eye? That’s okay. The man is so beautiful he’s used to people not being able to stare directly at him 😝 Besides, he finds you and your mannerisms completely charming.
He’s deadly, sure, but overall he’s actually quite a calm and not hugely reactive person - especially in a crisis. That can be so helpful in balancing you out on some occasions where you may react in a heightened way, or be emotional or worried / catastrophising about something. Despite his ability to skip town at the drop of a hat - before deciding to stick around - he does have the ability to be pretty steady and stable and sometimes that’s what you need.
He appreciates you and everything you do for him. He helps you out sometimes but you never feel “in his debt”. He is endlessly praising all of your amazing strengths and attributes (amidst some fond teasing ofc) and appreciates all that you are as well as all you do for him, and he couldn’t ask for a better person to have in his corner.
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nahoney22 · 2 years
Oneshot request. Fives with a female reader who's a wallflower that doesn't get noticed, and is kind of awkward and shy. Some dialogue prompts to go with it "Sarad, it means flower." and "You were the first person to notice me, really notice me." Can include some mild angst. SFW and no y/n please!
Let’s see what we can do nonny. Hope this was okay ♥️
After Hours
𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁 𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁 𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁 𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙
Fives X F!Reader
word count: 3.1k
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You would never believe that the only person to notice you, a shy and shielded worker, was an Arc Trooper who was as loud as anything but with a heart of liquid gold. Maybe he can make work-life just a little more bearable?
warnings: none. Fluff, mild angst. Reader is introverted and often feels isolated. Mentions of soup being a choking hazard. SFW and no mention of y/n. It’s a little rushed and not proofread towards the end.
𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁 𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁 𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁 𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙
Being a part of the engineering squad for the GAR was always a dream of yours. Sure, it was not exactly highly paid nor was it extravagant in any way, (your family liked to remind you that you could be better off doing something else) but you take pride in your work.
After all, how often can you casually bring up in conversation that you just repaired a Republic Gunship in just a day?
So here you are at work again, a never ending cycle that despite the pride you have - it was hard. It wasn’t so hard in the fact that you didn’t know what you were doing because you did, but because you were too quiet for your own good.
It’s not like you could help it. As a young child you were always berated by your teachers for not talking in class yet always presenting excellent work. Yet there was that burden at work that you felt lonely. You would always drag yourself to sit alone at tables in the Mess Halls and instead of going out and schmoozing with your colleagues at the end of a long shift, you would retreat to your own barracks and settle yourself down for the night.
You were known and always given the gratification for your work from your leaders yet despite them knowing who you were, they did not know who you are.
Often when you worked you would be lost in your own thoughts. So when you were underneath an Eta-2 that belonged to the General of the 501st, you were none the wiser when you heard something being called out.
For a peculiar moment you thought nothing of it and that it was a Clone Commander calling out some kind of order you didn’t know. But as you feel something kick at your feet, you realise that it was your name being said. It felt very odd for someone, anyone to be saying it which was why you probably had such a delayed reaction.
You pull out from under the starfighter and flip your visor up to see a Clone peering over you, hands tucked behind their back. He wore the same colours as the 501st and judging by the kama and double pauldron you knew he was a Arc Trooper. “Uh, can I help you Trooper?”
You remain looking up at him and he suddenly stills as you speak. He came over to you for a reason and now suddenly everything he was going to say blew right into the air. He’s looking at you, eyes a little tense but there was something endearing to him about the splotches of oil on your face as you watch him with a curious gaze.
Oh. You had thought that maybe he had to relay a message from General Skywalker about his ship but instead, this Clone, one you had not spoken to but at closer inspection had seen before was here for no reason.
You stay still on the Creeper, the board you used to easily navigate under ships or any other vehicle and awkwardly twist the screwdriver you had in your hand around. You were growing a little nervous and as you glanced just past his legs you saw two other clones standing by some crates, watching you both.
“Are you pranking me?”
Your words sounded a little sad and the Clone hated that. It sent a horrible panic through his body and he quickly shook his head and apologised. “N-no ma’am! I… I came over because I saw you on your own and was wondering if you wanted to come with me to the Mess Hall for something to eat?”
You blink up at him, dropping the screwdriver on your chest. Why was this happening? You two had never spoken and suddenly he wants to eat lunch with you? Unfortunately for you both, his niceness is not being taken into account and so you declined. You slipped the visor back down and slid back under the ship to continue the work.
He watches you practically slip away and he is half tempted to try and catch your attention but he knows better than to prod and poke.
You hear him retreat and you feel a heavy burden on your shoulders. Your mind is racing with what to do but when you had made your mind up to crawl back out and call out to him, he and his friends had disappeared.
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As the next few days dragged on, that wave of loneliness hit more than ever. You had not particularly noticed it before but ever since that Clone spoke to you, knew your name, and had even asked for your company it had been infesting in your mind like a bad smell.
Someone had actually made an effort with you and you threw it away. Quite rudely in fact. You didn’t give him a reason as to why you declined and you had that horrible feeling that a grudge was now being held on you.
For those few days, you had kept an eye out for the Arc Trooper. You wish you had learned of his name and even been brave enough to ask someone or anyone where he could be but instead you had to do the annoying task of just keeping an eye out. Supposedly you were grateful for the armour being more stand out as living on Kamino was quite difficult when it comes to hunting down Clones.
A klaxon blares out from within the landing docks which means that lunch will now be being served. You throw your oiled and singed rags away and make way quickly to one of the refreshers to wash your hands and face. You grimace at first at your disheveled state and begin to wash away the labours of that morning. You even went ahead and smoothed your hair out more than usual because you were hoping that you may see that Clone. But you had a feeling you had blown your chances of even having a friend… or someone.
Once in the Mess Hall you’re keeping an eye out but over the sea of white plastoid armour, you assumed that the 501st must have been deployed elsewhere. Your shoulders sag in disappointment and plop some greyish unappetising soup into a bowl for you.
You’re looking for somewhere to sit and you spot your fellow colleagues all sitting at a table together and there is plenty of room for you. You’re mind is screaming at you, begging that you walk over and ask to sit with them but your heart had a different idea as your legs carried you to a table on your own. The same sad table you sat at every day. Alone.
You curse at yourself for your shy and awkward self because you swore one of your colleagues had smiled at you, even shifting to the side as a prompt for you to sit by them. But, no.
Playing with your food was always a bad habit of yours and one your parents had told you off for. So with them in your mind, you take a spoonful of soup and place it in your mouth.
In the corner of your eye however, you see a blurred figure. As you turn your head, you eyes widen and ever so gracefully you begin to choke on your food.
The Clone from before stood before you, tray in hand whilst you began spluttering into a napkin.
“Kriff, you alright Sarad?” He comes over to you swiftly, placing a hand on your back and patting it. You’re nodding quickly, cheeks heating up in embarrassment as you try your damndest not to cough. It was almost the same when you’re in an exam hall with a dry and tickling throat and you’re doing your best not to cough too much to draw attention.
“Y-yes, sorry.” You stutter once your airway is clear, hand on your chest in slight relief that you almost died to some dull tasting soup.
You quickly stand and the Clone thinks you’re about to make a run for it but you turn to him, hands crossed stiffly across your chest before saying, “I’m sorry about the other day.”
He’s surprised and it’s shown on his face but then he shows you the most handsome smile you had ever seen on a human before. You try to ignore that feeling that just erupted in your heart and focus on what he was saying to you.
“I see no need for the apologies but I am feeling brave today and I wanted to ask if I could instead sit with you? Rather than you sit with me?” He’s charming in the way he talks and it makes you feel warm. This time, you weren’t going to ruin your chances so you nodded, smiling softly.
“I’d like that.”
Judging by the smile that widened even more, he was relieved you had said yes and took a seat across from you and didn't take any interest in the food on his tray.
You realise that you’re stumped for any conversation starters but you were smart enough to know that you should perhaps ask his name.
“So uh, what’s your name?”
“Fives.” He sticks his hand out to you and although he sees the slight reluctance on your features, your hand glosses over his glove and gives it a gentle shake.
“I’d tell you mine but it looks like you already know.” You say, taking a sip of your water as your swore you still had something lodged in your throat. Or maybe it’s because you were struggling to talk to Fives.
He smirks with a nod. “I do. I asked around.” He said it so casually that it didn’t somewhat appear at all creepy.
You grow warm. “Can I ask why?” You ask sheepishly and watch as he leans forward, arms resting on the table.
His gaze is trained on you and it’s almost as if he’s reading you like some ancient text. He had seen you around before and of course, he was attracted. But he often saw how lonely you had looked. Fives was curious, curious to know who you really are.
“I want to know if you’ll let me sit with you?Myself and my brothers have often seen you alone.” He sees you frown a little but he knew that he was only speaking the truth.
“Nice to see my loneliness is obvious.” You mutter but you weren’t bitter at him because it was true.
Fives gives you a reassuring smile and he’s half tempted to reach out and give your hand a comforting squeeze but he refrains for now. “Well, I’m hoping to change that! Tell me something about yourself, Sarad?”
Sarad. You swore he said that to you before but you weren't so sure but you definitely heard it this time. You knew that he knew it wasn’t your name so it was obviously some kind of nickname. You were about to question him about it until that deafening klaxon rang out again.
“Maybe another time?” You look up to him, seeing that he had small disappointment on his features that the conversation had to be cut short and it made you feel good. Like, really good. Someone disappointed to not speak to you?
You don’t realise you were staring until you felt something tapping at your foot. Your cheeks burn all the way up to the tips of your ear as you realise it was him gently prodding at your feet under the table like a pair of young teenagers. “Y-yeah, of course.”
Fives watches you leave, bidding you goodbye and once out of eyeline he silently fist bumps the air in celebration.
𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙 𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙 𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙𐄁𐄙
Since then, you have seen Fives more often than not. He always had something to say whether it be about the weather here on Kamino which is typically always the same or even about his knowledge on starfighters.
You always found yourself laughing at something he would say, blush when he would pay you such a casual compliment that he thinks wasn’t a big deal. Ever since, you have really come out of your shell. Conversations breezed easily with him but then realisation of possibly liking him scared you.
And he liked you too, a lot.
He was a Clone, a man made for a war you are currently fighting in. It couldn’t work and it pained you. Soon, he will have to go and you will never know when you will see him again. Over the last few days he’s been a safe space for you. Work has been tough? He would listen. You just wanted someone to sit with? He would be by your side. And now he could leave any second. You were scared to be by yourself again and before you could hurt yourself anymore, you had to make a drastic choice.
So, you did the foolish thing of distancing yourself again.
He noticed in an instant when you would make an excuse to go elsewhere and he would follow you like a lost loth-cat, asking what he did wrong. Of course you would say nothing and that you were just busy with work but he had his doubts.
He knows you’re working late tonight as you did every night but after the gruelling two days of missing you he had to get you alone again. So he waited and waited until he finally saw you packing up your things. It’s after hours and all Clones have a curfew but he did not give a single Kriff if he got into trouble. He could leave soon and he had to know if he pushed things too far or made you uncomfortable.
You dust your hands off your pants and wipe the sweat off your brow when you turn to see Fives.
Stilling, your eyes widen when you see him just in his Blacks. He’s toned, clearly, and absolutely beautiful in the dark moonlight of the hangar with the occasional flash of lighting piercing his silhouette. “Can we talk?”
He’s walking to you when he sees you chew on your lower lip, an anxious wave flowing through your blood. “You shouldn’t be here, you could get in trouble.” You try to speak as normally as you can but the waver in your tone blows your cover.
“Screw getting in trouble. I don’t care. I had to see you, sweetheart.” He ignores your way of trying to brush him away. As his body was getting closer and closer and with the nickname he gave you, you tried to hide your face by looking down and hoping your hair would cover how warm you suddenly got.
He stops in front of you, arms folded over his chest and it took all your willpower not to gaze at his arms. If it wasn’t his charm that had you hooked, lined and sinker then his physique was no better. “Are you ignoring me? Have I upset you?”
You take a moment to collect yourself and take a deep breath. Wearing your heart on your sleeve was something you never had to worry about until now. He came along and made you feel every emotion you had not felt in the year you had worked for the Republic. Now is the time to pluck up your courage and speak your mind freely. “No Fives, you haven’t upset me. Quite the opposite.”
His face twists in confusion but ushers you gently to continue.
With enough built up courage, you take a deep breath. “I really, really like you and it scares me.”
Fives eyes widened in pure joy for a mere second but then vanished soon after. “Scared? Why, Sarad?” He takes a step closer, his hands coming up and placing delicately on either side of your arms so your attention is trained on him.
“I’ve never,” you sigh glumly, feeling like a fool for what you’re about to admit, “I’ve never been this close to anyone who isn’t family. I know you’re a Clone and connections like this are not allowed which is why I had to distance myself. I could not cope with the idea of me liking you for it to just go nowhere, y’know?”
The Clone watches you intently as you talk, his fingers ever so gently caressing over your arms but you weren’t finished, “You were the first person to notice me, really notice me. And now you could leave in the next few hours and I could be none the wiser. I’m used to being on my own but since you’ve come into my life I’m so scared that this courage you’ve built in me like a building will just be knocked down.”
By now you’re crying and you don’t care. People didn’t understand what it’s like to hug walls and watch everyone talk with each other apart from you. It was hard for you to engage in conversations in fear of saying something awkward and embarrassing so you avoided it. You hated the feeling of going back to that. “I don’t want to be alone again.”
He’s closed you in against the ship you were working on, head tilted and eyes glazed with something you hadn’t seen before. “Oh princess, you don’t know how much I like you do you?”
You’re a little surprised by both the nickname and confession but mainly the confession. “You do?”
“Of course! I don’t start trying to make conversations with people I don’t like, do I? I wanted to learn so much from you and to just adore you and I have… I do.” He admits and he’s proud to admit it.
“I’ve seen your confidence grow and it’ll never leave you now. I’ve seen you even speak to your colleagues now! It’s little but it’s something.” He sighs in happiness, cupping your cheek with his right hand whilst the other settles down to your waist. “I don’t care what the Republic says about us. I want you, Sarad.” He whispered and his face is so close to yours you can feel him breathing. Warm and beautiful.
You gave in and had to ask, “What does Sarad even mean?” You say sniffling yet you were smiling.
“Sarad,” he says softly, “it means flower.”
Then he’s kissing you.
His lips are like silk and his hold on you is so gentle yet so firm that you could faint in his arms and he’d catch you in an instant. The moan that escapes you is surprising yet also welcomed as you find yourself kissing him back, fingers twirling the hairs at the back of his head.
There was something so alluring about kissing the Arc Trooper in the currently abandoned Hangar, after hours in the full moon light. Rain was pittering and pattering against the ground that drowned out the breathless sighs that echoed around you both.
When he pulls back, you’re both grinning as he takes your face into his grasp and places a kiss to the tip of your nose, “Sarad, my little wallflower.”
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tags: @padawancat97 @twistedstitcher27 @teletraan-meets-jarvis @jennamelinda12 @nunanuggets @andyoufollowyourheart @littlefeatherr @kaitou2417 @eyecandyeoz @captxin-rex @cwarssimp @jesseeka @ashotofspotchka a @oohyesplease @megafrost4 @adriiibell @theroguesully @equalityforcats s @rexandechosandwich @mustluvecho @inagalaxywickedfahaway @misogirl828 @ladykatakuri @sadspring @chxpsi @alexandrisonfire @arctrooper69 @salaminus s @by-the-primes @torchbearerkyle @tech-aficionado @in-the-crosshairs @therealnekomari @a-c-lee @autumnleaves1991-blog @tech-depression-inventory @mylifeinthetardisforever r @brynhildrmimi @greaser-wolf @lucyysthings @fiveshelmet @buddee @s1st3r
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myrddinmirror · 6 months
The Lost Treasure Theory
A far-fetched detective investigation in ten parts. Conspiracies, secret places, mysterious signs… and a missing treasure.
Let's imagine the first season as a heavy rock that stands firmly, and the third season as something that is hidden in the fog. The second season turned out to be strange, with many hints, vaguenesses, mirrors (in which everyone sees something different) and lines hanging in the air (some people call them Chekhov’s guns). I like to think of it as a wobbly rope bridge connecting the first season to the third. It is stretched over an abyss, at the bottom of which the sharp stones of fan kinks and fetishes await, it is strewn with glass shards of the spectator's hearts, and anyone who steps on it will inevitably slip on wet traces of tears of those who tried to pass here before. The wind of unbridled fantasies coming from the ocean of theories shakes this already unstable bridge, making the task of preserving the mental equilibrium and the ability to reason almost impossible for any impressionable traveler. My investigation rests on very ephemeral grounds, so I try to hold on as tightly as possible to the nearly invisible railing that Neil handed out for us. I cling to any available clue, trying not to fall into the abyss, and after each careful step I freeze for a while and catch my breath. Everything around is hidden in mist.
Part 1. Conspiracy
Let's take a closer look at the scene of Gabriel's trial (1).
-I see. You're casting me down to Hell. Well, I accept my fate. Sometimes an angel just has to say, "Guys, enough."
Gabriel is absolutely calm. This is not at all sudden for him. He was ready for the Fall and doesn't mind. Why? Because Beelzebub is waiting for him in Hell, everything is fine. Probably, the couple agreed in advance that they would not stay in Hell, but would immediately escape when they had no other choice.
-You are not going to Hell.
We look closely at the changing expression on Gabriel's face as the Metatron reads out his sentence.
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He's nervous, he thinks fast. And judging by how quickly he figured out what to do, he's not as stupid as he seems. Or he already had a PLAN thought out in advance for such a case.
-These clothes are tailored. Can I keep wearing them?
It would seem that this is not the most relevant question right now. But he pursues several goals at once: a) to distract attention (see, I’m an idiot and only think about clothes) b) we know that he has a Fly in his suit c) he guesses that they will answer him, and he needs an excuse to materialize the Big Box and not arouse suspicion.
-Well, I'll just need to take off my clothes and clean out my desk, then. I'll be right back.
We can feel the relief in his voice and he smiles again. Now let's move on to the final conversation with Beelzebub (2).
-You. Thank you. -Silly, silly angel. Why? -I was coming to you, but… I… forgot.
Looks like they actually had a plan. Why does Beelzebub give him the Container Fly? They could not help but realize that sooner or later either their relationship would be detected, or he would be punished for refusing to start Armageddon. The fly was part of the plan. Most likely, "Thank you" was said precisely for this gift. But if Beelzebub assumed that Gabriel would reset his memory, then what does "Why" mean? Why did you come to the bookstore? Why didn't you come to me (as we agreed)? "I was going (was going to go) to you, but my memory was already in the fly, so I forgot where I had to go".
(1) 12:47 Ep.6 (2) 28:10 Ep.6
Part 2. The box is heavy - the box is empty
Naked Gabriel with a box in his hands walks down the street to the bookstore. We are clearly shown that he did not arrive in the elevator that materializes in the Dirty Donkey (1).
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Is that a hint that he was somewhere else on Earth before he came to Soho? Let's remember. Let's fast forward to Gabriel's first conversation with Aziraphale (2):
-My arms were aching 'cause I had to carry that box for so long.
Where he was? Why did his hands hurt? One fly doesn't hurt anyone's hands. One fly doesn’t need a BIG box. At first, I had the idea that someone stole "the thing" from the box while it was outside the store door, but this is not the case. If one looks closely at how Gabriel carries it one can see that he barely holds it in his palms (3).
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Later he throws it at the front door (4) and it is quite obvious that it is empty and light. Well, let's move on to Gabriel's escape from Heaven (5):
14:50 - he puts a matchbox with a fly in an empty box, leaves the box under the camera and goes somewhere 15:07 - he is undressed and carries the box easily (i.e. it is still empty, so he did not put his clothes in there, for example) 15:10 - he is in front of the elevator, reaching for a matchbox with a fly (his memory is still with him), and the box already seems heavy, he has to hold it by the bottom.
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He pulls the fly out, losing the matchbox. 15:18 - he is in the elevator, elbowing the Earth button. He's holding the box with both hands, and he's gripping it with his fingers because it's obviously HEAVY.
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While he is going down in the elevator, his memory resets, since Saraqael does not see him on Earth. 15:32 - it turns out that Gabriel does not have a desk, so he could not take anything from it. Whatever he put in the box is not his personal belongings. So he took something, then forgot about it, then… lost it?
(1) 14:18 Ep.1 (2) 19:00 Ep.1 (3) 14:08, 14:30 Ep.1 (4) 14:57 Ep.1 (5) Ep.6
Part 3: Insurance and a Reliable Plan
So what the Archangel took was not his personal item and hardly a souvenir. It’s something really important. Realizing that with the memory cleansing he would essentially lose himself, Gabriel had to take something to protect him. What about emergency insurance? In case you get caught? Crowley, if you remember, had holy water as an insurance against Hell - a demon-threatening thing that can both save and destroy. What could be so useful and possibly so terrible to other angels that Gabriel could take with him? It could be either a very powerful artifact, or it could be an important dossier, like compromising someone from the Archangels. There is a lot to speculate about, but let’s start with the fact that, as in a good detective, authors always give the viewer some clue. What is so important, so significant in the series that you might consider a good prize for an Archangel on the run? I think you have already guessed that I mean the Book of Life. Gabriel and Beelzebub had a great plan. They were supposed to meet secretly while they could, and then run off with the Book. If Gabriel had been brought down to Hell, it would have been easy, and in case of force majeure, he had a fly. It is obvious that both the Archangel and the Prince of Hell are well aware of the punishment of erasing the memory. A fly is a container for memory, a gift that matters. Of course, the plan did not involve any bookstore. Who in their right mind would entrust themselves and the Book of Life to the "traitor" whom you just recently ordered to be killed? It is also obvious that it would be very unwise for a naked Archangel with a big box to take the elevator down to the hall of Hell. Therefore, the plan was very simple: Gabriel gets to a familiar bar in Scotland, Beelzebub learns about his disappearance and goes there. Then they go off into the sunset together. Happy End. However, in the world of Good Omens, nothing can go according to plan. As they say, watch your hands. The Almighty again lays out three cards. And now the boy… I mean, the Book is lost, and the fugitive is missing. How did this happen? Let's think about what Gabriel had left when the fly reset his memory in the elevator. He still has an idea of himself ("I’m me. I just don’t know who me is") and he still has his angelic powers. Angels can feel love. He forgot Beelzebub, forgot the bar, and when you don’t remember anything, you get instincts. Angels have no instincts, so he was led by a sense of love. Very strong, truly great. He might have ended up in Tadfield, but Adam is still powerful(1), so Tadfield is closed to outsiders. And where else in Britain there is a knock-down love? We all know where (2). Gabriel came to the bookstore, Aziraphale, whom he vaguely remembered (3), opened the door, and for lack of a better one, the Archangel thought that it was him he was going to (4). An ordinary cock-up, as Crowley would say.
(1) 10:37 Ep.1 Crowley sits on a bench reading the Tadfield Advertiser. On the first page is a large article "According to voters of latest: "Best Village in England" poll Tadfield really is the loveliest place to live." And on the blue background: "Entirely perfect weather AGAIN for Tadfield".
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(2) 20:25 ep.1 "You’re funny. I love you." A farting song emerged from the overfed zombie, and confessions emerged from Gabriel. Overflowed, too much love. (3) 14:57 Ep.1 "Hey you!" (4) 17:07 Ep.1 -You don't recognize me? -No. Sorry. -Then… why did you come to my shop? -I don't know. I just thought I should. You know what it's like when you don't know anything at all, and yet you're totally certain that everything would be better if you were just near one particular person? … I had to come here and give you the thing.
Part 4. Lying or not?
I’m no brain scientist, but when Gabriel comes to the bookstore, he’s acting like a real memory-loss person. You believe that he doesn’t know who he is, where he is, or what he’s doing here. He has the reactions and behavior of a curious child. At the same time, he has a vague sense of anxiety, as well as a vague sense of recognition of Aziraphale, and it all seems quite natural. However, at some point I began to think Gabriel was lying. To begin with, he suddenly stopped having questions, he no longer asks: who am I? How do you know me? Who are you? What the hell is going on here? A person who has lost his memory is only interested in bookselling and gravity, seriously? Review the episodes listed. Don’t you think the same as I think?
-And now I will make a noise when I move around (1).
He is the outspoken troll of Aziraphale, grins and walks away, very pleased with himself, it is clear. Not a child, but a smug bastard.
Aziraphale talks to the Archangels on the street in front of the bookstore (2). The door swings open and Gabriel appears, loudly and joyfully declaring that he is Jim, the bookseller's assistant. Why would a memory-losing person who knows he’s in danger of something terrible, rush out into the street so loudly in front of strangers? Maybe because this is Gabriel-with-memory, who, of course, recognized the visitors, realized that a hidden miracle of great power had been created, and now just checks the boundaries? When the miracle passes the final test (Michael does not recognize Gabriel at point-blank range), he mocks the angels:
-What about me? Uh, guys, shouldn’t you keep a close eye on me too?
Typical Gabriel's insolence and self-confidence.
There is an idea that you cannot punish an angel outside of Heaven. After all, in the first season, Aziraphale had to be kidnapped first and then executed. This means that Gabriel, who has regained his memory, must realize that on Earth, with all his powers, he is practically invulnerable. This is indirectly confirmed in episode 6, when representatives of Hell and Heaven demand that the escapees be handed over to them. It would seem, here they are, punish on the spot. With humans, by the way, there is no such problem, only Crowley’s intervention saves Maggie and Nina from immediately turning into salt pillars. But maybe Gabriel is just a very brash son of a bitch.
There are also more obvious signs that the fugitive is okay in the head:
You can't fool Crowley that easily (3). He listens very carefully to Gabriel’s nonsense and says:
-Ah, you can do better than that. Come on, think! Think hard!
I think at this point, the Archangel realizes it’s better not to push Crowley, he "shines" his eyes and pop out a biblical phrase. Think about it, if ALL his memory is in a fly, where did this piece come from? Well, the trick was a success, and they are leaving him behind.
The prophecy of the Second Coming (4) is coming out of Gabriel. Is this a conscious attempt to warn? Or a random trigger on the word "tempest"? The only thing that’s clear is he’s got his memory back.
Conversation with Crowley (5):
-You have no idea of trouble you’re causing, do you? -No. Or yes. Or… no. -Year. I’ll tell you something Jim, or Gabriel. If any harm comes to Aziraphale because of this, I will…
And Gabriel is listening. VERY carefully. And he looks like he understands everything.
Crowley arrives in the Archangel’s room (6). The demon openly attacks. Gabriel is frankly nervous. When Crowley says that Aziraphale was not at the execution, Gabriel surprisingly asks "He wasn’t there?". Not the kind of reaction you’d expect from someone who doesn’t know what you’re talking about, is it? And it’s no less strange when Gabriel almost jumps out of a second-floor window. For a person, with or without memory, these are guaranteed injuries (the floor is high, and the bottom is asphalt), and the act is absolutely senseless. The archangel is not in any danger of such a jump, but it is a great way to avoid a very unpleasant conversation. Crowley then demands that Gabriel remember. He replies:
-I don’t have my memory. -Well, where is your memory, then? -In a matchbox. No, I took it out, first. And I put it in the box and brought it here. And it’s everywhere.
First, how do you know all this? Second, what do you mean, everywhere? It’s not in the fly anymore? You don’t want to admit you already got it back, do you?
I have an idea why the memory (partially) might have leaked back into Gabriel's head. And also why he’s not in a hurry to get away from the store when Heaven is already on his heels.
(1) 06:25 Ep.2 (2) 12:45 Ep.2 (3) 20:54 Ep.2 (4) 38:45 Ep.3 (5) 41:35 Ep.3 (6) 14:20 Ep.5
Part 5. Memory Leak
If we consider ourselves sufficiently convinced that the Archangel is no longer as unconscious as he wants to appear, we will have to look for some moment when his memory may have returned. The first assumption. Several times we see that Gabriel tried to catch the fly, and that it often circles around him. The interaction with it may have caused a partial leak, but we’re not seeing any specific episode. Second assumption. It was a side effect from "the tiniest, most insubstantial, fractional, half a miracle". The chair Gabriel was sitting on was on a portal to Heaven. Crowley, Gabriel, and Aziraphale were holding hands, and the miracle was directed at the Archangel, so that a huge power passed right through him. I mean, some kind of electroshock therapy. And immediately after the miracle there was such a dialogue (1):
Aziraphale: Good news, Jim. Nobody’s going to notice you. You’re safe here. Crowley: While we figure out what’s actually going on. Gabriel: I think I know what’s going on.
And I think your memory is partially coming back to you, but you really need to keep it a secret.
In Ep.6 we see what memories actually return to Gabriel from the fly, and there is nothing about the Beginning nor about 6000 years of service as the Supreme Archangel, and only briefly the events of the Armageddon't (2). Gabriel truly remembers only the most dangerous, most well-encrypted moments of his life - his relationship with Beelzebub. Everything about their feelings and the alleged conspiracy, including the theft of the artifact. Why did he not leave the bookstore? Because he did not remember the reasons why Heaven sought him, he did not remember Beelzebub. But he knew that he was in some terrible danger. And where should he run? Here he is protected, cared for - but only as long as he pretends to be a helpless fool. However, there is one thing that is so powerful in itself that it affects Gabriel even when he has forgotten about it. The Book.
(1) 41:50 Ep.1 (2) Of course, maybe this doesn’t matter, the authors just didn’t have enough timing, but we agreed at the beginning that we would consider the script well thought out, right? If it is written poorly, then such theories make no sense at all.
Part 6. Hide a tree in the forest
So, it’s not even matter if Gabriel remembers something about his previous life or not. The catch is that the Book disappeared between the memory erasing in the elevator and his appearance in the bookstore (i.e. this piece is not recorded in the fly), and this period remained with Gabriel only in the form of vague sensations. He carried the box somewhere for a long time, his hands hurt… the rest is unknown. When the Archangel walked along Whickber Street, the box was already empty, so there is no Book in the store. However, if you don’t know or remember this detail, you might think it’s there. It’s a very logical decision to hide a book among books, right? And guess what? There are at least three person looking for the book in the series, and all three of them think Aziraphale has it somewhere. The trap of the obvious. Let’s start with Gabriel. Yes, he doesn’t remember it, but he’s looking for it. I don’t know why. Perhaps it would be appropriate here to recall Octavo (1) and other Terry Pratchett grimoires with the ability to strangely influence people. There are two things in the series that indirectly indicate this search. First of all, a very strange thing Gabriel found himself doing in the store: placing books by the first letter of the first word in the first sentence (2). Occupation, at first glance, the most absurd. But! Aziraphale’s permission allows Gabriel to open all the books without raising any question or suspicion. He doesn’t remember what the Book of Life looks like, but he obviously recognizes it when he starts reading. The second point is the dialogue about gravity (4). Yes, here again, we’re paying attention to the fly, but at the beginning it’s about the books not staying where Gabriel puts them. Maybe it’s a hint like, "I remember putting the book in the box, but now it’s gone, where could it have gone?"
(1) Octavo - A Magic Book that the Creator himself has forgotten on Discworld. It contains the Eight Great Spells, which have their own consciousness and are designed to help the Discworld in important situations. The book is located in a specially sealed room in the basement of the Unseen University's library chained to a lectern, for safety of the browsers, not the book. The wizard Rincewind who had once accessed the Book, read it, and one of the Spells, the Change Spell, settled in him, preventing Rincewind from ever learning any other magic. (2) 06:05 Ep.2 -What exactly are you doing? -I thought I'd make the books easier to find, so I thought if I put them in alphabetical order… -By author? -What's "author"? (3) No, I was shelving the books by the first letter of the first sentence. (3) He really may not know this, because the only book he knows has an obvious "author". (4) 16:17 Ep.3 Gabriel drops the book on the table. Crowley says it's gravity, it needs things to stay where they are ("So things would stay where you put them, not just drift off".) -But it doesn't stay where I put them. It goes down (5). Except for flies, they go up. (5) It is still possible to speculate a little bit that the book dangling in space near Crowley when he launched the nebulae was the Book of Life, and it certainly did not fall anywhere. This idea is interesting because it could suddenly take off in the third season if Neil decides to somehow develop the plot about the Book.
Part 7. Saraqael
The second investigator is Saraqael. She’s the head of Heaven’s security, an angel who needs to know everything but prefers to stay in the shadows. She is so underhanded that Gabriel has difficulty remembering her name (1). I believe that she was the one who provided the compromising images of Aziraphale from the Earth in the first season. And unlike the other Archangels, she immediately recognized the Metatron in human form (2) .
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Neil wrote (3) that Saraqael does some secret things in the second season, and is also an angel you do not want to mess with. I would point out that it is she who executes the sentences like erasing memory or turning humans into salt pillars, i.e. she has real power and authority in Heaven. We are not shown what "secret things" Saraqael does, which means that it is not about some covert actions per se, but about motives. The secret motive is to find the lost Book of Life without anyone in Heaven or Hell knowing it was missing. Besides, the Book’s disappearance is extremely enough to force her out of the shadows. Saraqael doesn’t seem to believe for a second that Aziraphale himself performed a powerful miracle, and it is she who sends to him an inspector, and in fact a spy: a naïve angel who sniffs out at the bookshelves all the time. It is possible that Muriel reporting to Saraqael separately on everything that’s going on in the bookstore. When Crowley sneaks into Heaven, Saraqael spots him, but doesn’t stop him. Why? Because she’s running a similar investigation herself, and it is extremely important to her that the insightful demon notices something interesting. Much more important than just turning on the alarm. Saraqael prefers to keep her mouth shut for the last general conversation, but she listens very carefully to what others have to say, and I think she will give us more surprises in the third season.
(1) 27:52 Ep.6 (2) from 34:00 Ep.6 (3) answering questions
Part 8. The Metatron
It will be very funny if in the third season it turns out that the Voice of the Almighty all this time was the only positive character from the side of Heaven all along and sincerely wished good to our angel and demon. In the meantime, we can assume he’s the third investigator on the missing artifact. No proof, of course, but there are some observations. The Metatron, entering the bookstore, hears Michael's threats to erase Aziraphale from the Book of Life and gets very, very angry (1). It can be assumed that it was precisely the words about the Book that enraged him, and not about the actual powers of Michael, because in fact, she really is now performing the duties of the Supreme Archangel. What if the overreaction is caused by the fact that he is aware of the loss and absolutely does not want to draw attention to the Book once again? By shutting Michael up and sending the angels to Heaven, he shuts down the discussion about the Book before it even begins. He asks Muriel to stay ("except the dim one"), saying: "I may need you". That is, at this point he is not yet sure that his plan will work. Of course there is a plan. Many say that the Metatron thought to separate Aziraphale and Crowley, because on Earth they are said to be a danger to Heaven. And supposedly he was sure that Crowley would refuse the offer. But isn’t it much more dangerous to give Aziraphale enormous power? What if Crowley agreed? No one set the condition that there is only one attempt. What if the demon suffers a few days alone and changes his mind? Since the Metatron was watching Aziraphale, and he openly mentions it (2), then he must know that Crowley ALWAYS returns to the angel. So, it seems to me, the plan was exactly the opposite: to drag them both to Heaven, where firstly they would be under constant control, and secondly, they would have neither the time nor the opportunity to endlessly wander around the store. It is for this case that the "naïve" Muriel is needed, who, as it turns out, just successfully addicted to reading books (3). She remains the "caretaker" of the bookstore, but at the same time she can carry out a "stocktaking", and no one will ask why she is scouring the shelves so diligently? When the Metatron returns for Aziraphale and discovers that Crowley has refused, he seems more vexed than satisfied (4). And then he asks: "Anything you need to take with you?" and glances quickly towards the bookshelves. When the angel answers "No", he makes a strange sound (5). I think this could be a test - does Aziraphale know something about the Book, is he hiding it in the store? Maybe he will somehow give himself away now? No? Well, we'll look without you. There is one more thought. As the Metatron takes Aziraphale away to talk, he glares at Crowley (6). Many have decided that he has something personal against the demon. Perhaps, but we have not yet been shown anything that could serve at least a hint of reason. But if we assume that the Voice of God is looking for the Book, and Crowley is one of the few who knows what it looks like, because with its help he "launched" the Universe (7) (not the fact that this is the same Book), then the look becomes clear: the Metatron may fear that the demon has pocketed it or is ready to pocket it for himself on occasion.
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(1) 33:56 Ep.6 -You're talking utter balderdash. I mean, complete piffle! You don't have the authority to do anything like that. … Right, you, you, you, back to Heaven, spit, spot, not another word. (2) 42:28 Ep.6 (3) 40:23 Ep.6 -What's that you're holding, Muriel? -I'm reading a book. -Excellent! What a perfectly splendid thing to do! (4) 47:47 Ep.6 (5) 48:19 Ep.6 (6) 36:14 Ep.6 (7) 01:13 Ep.1
Part 9. Secret place
Do you remember in Part 3 of this theory, three cards were mentioned on the Almighty’s gaming table? The first card is a bar with a jukebox in Edinburgh, a secret rendezvous between Gabriel and Beelzebub, a place where the conspiracy was ripe and where the memory-deprived Archangel with the heavy box was likely to come. The second card is a bookstore in Soho, a place of strong love, where the Book could be so safely hidden if someone brought it there. And now the time has come to reveal the last card - the place where, perhaps, the Book of Life was actually hidden. I’ll start a bit from afar. As Gabriel drank hot chocolate on the first day of the rest of his life, he said to Aziraphale:
-I'm me. I just don't know who me is. But you know me. You recognized me. -I know someone who LOOKS like you. -That's probably me then. I think that's one of the main ways you can tell (1).
I think you know where I’m going with this. There’s one place on Earth Gabriel loves more than anything else combined. The place where he spent his hours admiring (2) what he held most dear in the world. If an angel can be attracted by a feeling of intense love, then, of course, for Gabriel it will first of all be a monument to himself in the Edinburgh graveyard. It’s scary to imagine how many total years he spent there. An egoist and a narcissist, to whom could he entrust the most powerful and dangerous artifact? Obviously, only to himself. The statue is mentioned 3 times in the series (3). And it's also in the opening credits. I don’t believe that all this is just for the sake of one joke against Gabriel. In part 4 of the theory, which talked about the possible restoration of the fugitive Archangel's memory, or at least about some flashes of enlightenment, I deliberately kept silent about one more episode. It happened at the moment when Aziraphale called Crowley from Edinburgh right from that very graveyard and happily reported on the hard work done. Among other things, he said, "Do you remember the statue of Gabriel in the graveyard? I’m looking at it now." An unnecessary detail, what does it have to do with the bar? None, but Gabriel heard these words, and we are shown how he, seemingly in deep thought or even in a stupor, suddenly reacts (4). Does it really matter? God knows. Now you have to ask: but we don’t see any Book at the statue, where exactly could Gabriel have put it? We are given two clues. First: the statue either has a large cross in its hands, or it doesn’t.
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Given that the statue is not CGI and the props were installing it in the graveyard, there’s very little chance it’s a mistake. It looks like a sign. Just look at this:
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Cross marks the location of buried treasures, right? There is a second clue. We’ll talk about that in the final part of the investigation.
(1) 16:46 Ep.1 (2) 24:45 Ep.6 (3) First time in 1827: Crowley showed it to Aziraphale (09:01 Ep.3). Second time: Aziraphale comes to Edinburgh to investigate (34:03 Ep.3). Third time: Gabriel showed it to Beelzebub (Ep.6). (4) 35:20 Ep.3
Part 10. Ben Gunn
In one of the posters for the series, Treasure Island is in a stack of books to read.
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If you remember, there was a map with a cross. But when the pirates arrived at the designated place, the treasure was gone. Some clever guy (by the way, "retired" by his side) solved the puzzle, dug up and hid the valuable prize. We know that Aziraphale (our "retired pirate") is brilliant smart. Not knowing why the fugitive Archangel was in danger, he could draw his conclusions from the facts he had. So, Gabriel has a box in which he carried something heavy for a long time. He is in danger from Heaven - for what? Because he stole something very valuable. Jim looks with frightening enthusiasm at the books in the store, strange for the Archangel, who earlier called a book just a "material object" (1), right?
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Knowing what artifacts are in Heaven, it is not difficult to deduce what was in the box. Further, having analyzed the dialogue with Gabriel ("I’m me"), knowing his love for himself, remembering the statue (namely, one of the most exciting episodes in Aziraphale’s life began with it) and getting a CLUE in the form of a song from the Edinburgh bar (the statue is located right there!) the angel only had to go and check his hunch. We have a hint. When Aziraphale leaves the Bentley in Edinburgh, he has a briefcase (2). What could he have stored in it? He puts a pen and a notebook in his pocket. From his pocket he also takes out a portrait of Gabriel (the briefcase is on the floor at this time). Aziraphale didn't spend the night at a hotel and doesn't need a change. Apparently the briefcase was empty. The angel leaves the bar with a briefcase and we never see it again. And so he stands at the graveyard and looks at the statue. He looks strange, thinking about something (3).
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Why did he come here? This place has nothing to do with the bar and the song. He could have called Crowley from any other location. Showing a moment of nostalgia is very expensive for extremely limited screen time. Therefore, all this has a separate meaning. By the way, at this moment there is a cross on the statue, but there is no briefcase with Aziraphale (4).
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But it seems there is a FRESH HOLE in the ground right next to the statue (5). That second clue.
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Well, here’s the thing: Aziraphale found the Book, took it, put it in the briefcase and hid it on the same graveyard in a crypt we know. Exactly the same way as Ben Gunn hid the treasure, moving it from the original location to the cave. The crypt is the perfect hiding place. No one knows about it (except the Masons?), but it is a very memorable place for Crowley (the demon immediately recalls the story of Wee Morag as soon as Aziraphale SPECIFICALLY mentions the surgeon). It is extremely dangerous to take the Book to London: the Archangels are trampling around the bookstore, and on his way to Edinburgh, Shax broke into the car. Right now neither the angel nor the demon needs the Book, but it is easy to take away if needed (6). I have no doubt that Crowley KNOWS where the Book actually is. This alone explains his absolute calm when Michael proceeds to a direct threat to immediately apply the "Extreme Sanctions" (7). And the Metatron, who at that moment enters the bookstore, sees and hears everything.
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He can't help but realize that both Crowley and Aziraphale KNOW. That’s one of the reasons why he’s so alarmed and casts such a stiff stare at Crowley, who is calmly lounging in a chair. He knows, but he can't do anything yet. The big game is just beginning.
(1) 00:48 S1Ep.2 (2) 21:22 Ep.3 (3) 34:02-34:08 Ep.3 (4) 36:37 Ep.3 (5) 36:54 Ep.3 (6) Neil mentioned that Aziracrow can move between locations by miracle, they just don’t like to do it because they’re used to imitating people. (7) 33:41 Ep.6
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darilarostarg · 1 month
What do you mean giving Rhaena part of nettles story line makes sense?
When I say it makes sense in the grand scheme of things, I mean this is a show that obviously has time limitations and has already gone through a lot of changes etc.
I believe it was very clear from the end of season one (honestly from episode one) that this was not going to be a “book accurate” interpretation of the dance. Characters have been changed greatly already; some aged up, down, kept alive, killed differently etc. Once I saw the show was taking some liberties with characters and storyline, I kind of knew Rhaena would get a re-write. Just due to the fact that she really doesn't do much during the dance. If they kept it book accurate, we would literally see her leave for the Vale in season two, and we would most likely not see her again until the final couple of episodes a few seasons later. 
I just think if I'm looking at it from a strictly production pov, without care for character and story, I can see how a writing room would be lowkey dumb enough to “Rhaena could take parts of Nettles and that saves us writing, introducing and casting a new character three seasons in” and think it would work. 
But honestly, the more I have thought about it, I don’t think Rhaena will claim Sheepstealer. I think it will most likely just be a sub-plot where she tries and fails, just so she is not just shipped to the Vale and viewers forget about her. Rhaena hatching Morning is very important to her character, and for some of the moves that the Greens make in the very late stages of the dance.  
I think it is possible for Nettles to be removed, just due to the fact that we haven’t heard a thing about her casting along with the other dragonseeds. However, Daeron is also an important player, and he is unlikely to appear this season. But I really do not see how they advance Daemon’s story, as well as Rhaenyra without Nettles. She’s very important. 
While the inclusion of Nettles makes me nervous, for both the actor that will play her and Matt (due to the fandom alone, this fandom is not fucking normal when it comes to the actors), she needs to be own character for the story to work. Not sections of her story imprinted onto Rhaena. Both characters deserve better than that. There is no reason why they cannot keep Nettles, and make the effort to give Rhaena a more substantial story while in the Vale. If they are so willing to do it for other white characters, they can do it for Rhaena. Not to mention the ickiness of viewing two black characters being viewed as interchangeable?  
Ultimately, we cannot judge before it comes out. It might not even be true! But I’m always prepared for the worst lol, writer rooms have ruined so much for me in the past.
I say this not the dog on the show. I still really love the show, and I’m lucky enough that I am one of those people that can fully separate my canon interpretation of F&B from HBO’s adaption, despite certain elements of the show and choices made not working for me, and i’m lowkey only here for Matt but let’s not tell anyone that!
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