#but he cares very much for his ladies
bitebitesnap · 11 months
Raditz definitely has a harem of women he spares from worlds he's conquered. They usually tend to him whenever he's back on the ship, brushing his hair out and cleaning his armor for him. They're also the reason why he usually skips out on training-he'd rather be doted on by his ladies than exhaust himself on a pointless endeavor.
They have to make themselves useful to him otherwise Vegeta will kill them. Raditz can only make excuses for so long before his patience snaps so they usually stay very close to him.
Also imagine going from having your world devastated by a monster only to have the same guy purring in your lap a week later after he spared you. The whiplash.
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capybaraonabicycle · 5 months
Anne: I want to be like you: Unmarried because I don't give a shit about romance.
Josephine: Anne, I'm a lesbian. And my wife just died.
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ragtimedrakes · 4 months
I'm just sayign that minato and ryoji both occupy opposite ends of the aromantic experience
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britneyshakespeare · 4 months
not until i started reading restoration and post-restoration plays written by women like aphra behn and susanna centlivre did i fully understand romantic comedy on another level. the male love interests are just built better. like as much as i love a midsummer night's dream, if i were hermia i would never risk death or a forced life in a nunnery for lysander. no. hell no. he's just ken. but if i were miranda would i risk my thirty-thousand-pound inheritance to elope with sir george airy? if i were leticia would i contemplate leaving behind my country and my hated old husband i was tricked into marrying the second i learn that belmour is still alive, to live with his banished ass in exile? hm. let me thin—yes.
#text post#tales from diana#aphra behn#susanna centlivre#the busybody#the lucky chance#i think i enjoyed the men and the relationships in the lucky chance moreso than i did in the rover or the feigned courtesans#(the other two behn plays i've read so far)#i loved her characterizations of the women in both plays of course but i didn't quite feel myself in their situations#it was also quite more reliant on the same character archetypes#the modest one ends up with the selfless lovesick hero and the more innocent libertine one ends up w a reformed dashing rake.#and i'm ok w that right? like those tropes make sense. the plots and the witty dialogue are still enjoyable#but i find the lucky chance really upped the stake of the melodrama as well as the foils between the two main couples were more complex#you have one very melodramatic honest couple (leticia and belmour) who narrowly escape ruinous disaster#and then lawfully make their love official (most luckily BEFORE leticia has slept w fainwould and consummated the marriage)#and then you have the much more complicated and comical relationship between mr. gayman and julia fulbank#lady fulbank's marriage is done and done. no averting it. but she unabashedly carries a torch for him#she admits as much to her husband that she still loves him and she doesn't really care who knows#but she wants to be honorable to her marriage bc that's the lot she's chosen in life—his material comfort#and she does use that to the benefit of gayman when he's in financial ruin.#but her two stupid men. her lover and her husband. more or less work together to make her work against her own honorable wishes#she's compromised. and she SORT of gets what she really wants. she willfully foreswears the bed of her gross husband forever#and it's ambiguous whether or not she chooses to cuck him for gayman while he's still alive or what#very interesting ambiguous ending and i've never seen another character quite like lady fulbank in literature from that time#the lucky chance is worthy of far more study and interest than it's received. it's so funny and incredibly challenging#also. men don't hide in treasure chests enough anymore#more plots where men hide in treasure chests. thank you cymbeline by shakespeare and the lucky chance by behn. you guys got it
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ruthlesslistener · 1 year
You misunderstand, a baby girl is a grown man that had committed atrocities. Pk is the perfect baby girl.
And you cannot convince me wl and or herrah did not call him baby girl.
Oh thats true. I was under the assumption that a babygirl was like, some sort of pathetic man that you wanted to impregnate or something. Which def. works for WL, even if she likely picked it up when overhearing nobles flirt and thought it was just a generalized term of affection. Herrah I feel would do it in a condescending fashion and be surprised when PK doesn't fight it, but then again Herrah had a very different view of PK before Hornet's conception and likely didn't realize just how detatched from normal gender concepts the god-king of Hallownest actually was
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why does William continue insisting that Eliza should just settle down and forget the detective business and STOP undermining him and going against his order and DEFINITELY STOP jumping in the middle of his cases (particularly ones where she's used some unscrupulous means to get in the middle of them), when almost every time she does something incredibly cool (sometimes actually saving his life at the same time), and the camera immediately flashes to his face wherein can be seen a mixture of general annoyance + a very distinct oh snap that's really hot
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omarwolaeth · 1 month
thinking 'bout how the lads interact with what the bracelets represent, especially in their decks
#marwospeaking#Yuuya is by far hardest to work with on this because he Varies. but that might just be him being opposite to Yuzu so it might count?#anyway Yuuya is a bushfire made by fireworks set off without proper precaution (the improperly set off fireworks being Zarc..#.. being influenced into the position that made the lads through his desire to both destroy and entertain his crowds)#It's small sometimes. but in the right conditions is an unstoppable conflagration#Yuuto literally does not die. In a world where we never truly get the other two (Yuugo and Yuuri) interacting with their host (Yuuya)..#.. outside of duels. he very much does. He is undead in a way the others don't quite match (pre Zarc revival) and it's opposite to..#.. En Bird's life (assuming it counts death too as part of its cycle)#Yuugo uses machine monsters - things that distinctly don't breathe. and in most cases have exhaust pipes billowing fumes#and machines can be warm to the touch at times. which you could feasibly slide against Rin's Windwitches for being Very Cold Ladies#Also he's trapped no matter where he is. Neo Domino has a stronger grip on him as a person than anyone else. and when he might finally..#.. escape that. he's trapped in someone else's body with no canonical recourse. because the story ended on Yuuya's terms and no one elses#Yuuri is hardest to place but I think he's very stationary. Sere's monsters are dancers - constantly moving - and she's very able to#adapt as she goes despite how stupid she can be book-wise. Yuuri is rooted into his role. even when he discards his loyalty his role was..#.. always in Zarc's interest no matter if he knew or not. The Professor's loyalty from him is an add-on to that#... I'd argue Zarc cared more about his pieces than Ray cared about hers also? He made cards for them on the fly so they'd Win#Even in moments where that victory is not in a wholly positive light - Odd-Eyes Raging and Gatlinghoul - but we know he's capable of it..#.. a la allowing Yuuya to debut pendulum monsters on his behalf in order to win against Ishijima#something something this can then apply to the other lads. they never lose except to each other and Ray's girls (at least on screen)#Yuuto survived 3 years of war. even despite Yuugo and Yuuri showing up. so methinks Zarc must've had a role in helping him survive#Like. Zarc's distinctly present for his Lads. Ray's not present for her lasses until one of them speaks through her#Sure it's very possible that's a bracelet thing - they are floodgates at the end of the day - and not a Ray thing. but it also wouldn't..#.. surprise me given Ray is an Akaba. we know they will sacrifice others for a gain later on - Ray's was sacrificing a whole world to make.#.. a safer one for everyone to live in. irrelevant on if they remember it or if they never existed originally. Except Leo Akaba. He does#(with memory reading tech) and it tortures him the whole time. she didn't mean to hurt him but Still#Zarc's distinctly not better than Ray - he's still broken wide open when it comes to his hatred of humanity (but not his human half)#and it resulted in multiple near-deaths the second time around - but I can't say Ray's that much better if it turns out the bracelets..#.. weren't floodgating her ability to help her lasses#Completely unrelated but. I don't like what Arcray represents ngl. makes it seem like Zarc could never move on with the help of his lads#and has to rely on someone who killed him and sent him to purgatory about it in order to heal.
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atopvisenyashill · 1 year
i don’t care that rhaenyra’s oldest are illegitimate not bc i’m a targ stan who thinks she can do no wrong but because legitimacy is a social construct that does nothing more than enforce the patriarchy and class system, and rhaenyra having kids out of wedlock with a man she is consenting to sex with is fine, actually, and if you’re hung up on that it is my opinion that you are clinging to the rules of propriety and patriarchy when analyzing her because you think she should be punished for having sex outside marriage and not like, all the things she actually does that are morally wrong, which is like, textbook misogyny.
“but the lords” so the thing is i don’t give a shit if the lords think she’s a slut. i understand the time period bc not only am i not stupid, i also understand that it is still a big issue in many communities for mothers to have children out of wedlock. i am saying i do not care because it’s a fake issue the way “brienne can’t really be a knight because she’s a woman” and “sansa can’t rule winterfell when she has true born younger brothers” or whatever else. legitimacy is a tool of the patriarchy, of colonialism irl, of classism, and the argument “rhaenyra is a bad person for having children out of wedlock when she knew that would put them in danger” is stupid bc legitimacy doesn’t fucking matter and neither does marriage.
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caravanlurker · 3 months
Hi I'm Lauren I'm new to this app, I'm just trying to make some friends. Can i be your friend?
Oh—sure! Cursory glance at your blog shows that we have a few interests in common. Who’re your top 3 Owl House characters?
#talking#I’m gonna be a bit basic and say that it’s the family trio Luz. Eda. King. in that order I love them so much#luz is everything to me. she’s the most I’ve resonated with a cartoon protag & she brings out the best in people but also takes no prisoners#like YEAAAH make that pigeon griffin!#eda would also be so funny to be friends/mentees with#like she’s literally collecting and selling human junk to people at the start of the series#but she’s great to the people she cares about she’s been through so much#also im very happy that in the end her family got bigger#reconciled with her sister and her partner. got a cool battle harpy form. pirate hook hand. love!!!#king is a critical hit for all the character tropes I don’t relate to but LOOOVR#look at his design!#he names that robot JeanFrancoius or something after thinking it was gonna kill him 5 mins ago#he’s also so important the last two ladies so the affection rubs off onto him too#he roleplays Owl House with the collector for months to stave off the end of the world#his dad is the corpse everyone’s been living on and he’s responsible for the new age glyphs for his sister to study LIKE ARE YOU HEARING ME#HE’S SO CUTE AND COOL DOIBLE THREAT#bllaaaaaarrrghhhhh ok that’s enough talking I just got like 10 hrs of sleep yesterday feeling good#i usually have a delay between seeing messages and replying to them so if it takes me like a week to respond it’s not because I I’m annoyed#though at the same time I don’t mind if friends reply to me like months later since I’m never urgent about anything I text#how do I tag you#Lauren!
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wraithsoutlaws · 11 months
been thinking about the neglected section of dagger's lore after he leaves the bakkers as a teen and winds up in a smuggler outfit and aaaa for so long i couldn't grasp details of it all but now its flooding in and its coming together :ratscream:
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inanthesis · 7 months
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I'm gonna try and tackle some drafts today but bc of some nonsense I saw I twitter say it with me folks: Zhongli is the man he is today because of the many friends he's made and the many losses that have eroded him over his life and he was not solely influenced by one dead dust chick.
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butchladymaria · 2 years
Sorry for ranting but that post really resonated with me,thank you! it aways seemed so weird how everyone was ignoring these themes and focusing only on what they considered badass about the lore. When playing i could clearly see facets of the suffering that afflicts mainly women on each female character,like the old lady who mistakes you for her kid and gives you sedatives to make you forget,implies that "your fathers blood" is to blame when you atack her and remarks that "you were aways the brave one" when the player has no woes to share... it instantly reminded me of stories from older women about what life was like with abusive husbands and sedatives being prescribed freely due to their stress at home with no way out. Adellas negative levels of self esteem due to church brainwashing (that mirrors Adelines) and the presence of the female rivalry that is instilled in many of us,Ariannas entire questline and the questions it makes the player ask themselves in the end, and finally the doll and Marias whole THING,especially if seen through the lens of a lesbian or GNC woman! like how can people be so blind and not realize how womanhood is a core theme here?? I get disagreeing with individual analysis but to outright deny that there is something there is bonkers to me
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okay but seriously, all of these insights are SO important!!! the women of bloodborne are so much more complex than people seem to give them credit for. the old woman and adella especially so clearly have biases. but what really gets me is how realistically those are portrayed: tools of the power structure they were born into which serve to separate and isolate each of them in their subjugation.
this got Insanely long… under the cut it goes!
i mean, seriously though. the women of oedon chapel are very different, each from a different marginalized background of their own. in addition to what you described, the old woman lives in central yharnam — which the church has essentially thrown to the dogs. arianna is a so-called “vileblood” who is forced to the margins of society because of that and her (presumed) identity as a sex worker. adella has been groomed within the church (a word which specifically implies a process beginning in childhood) to see herself as nothing but a worthless vessel for “lowly blood”. these women are all subjugated by the church in different ways, and in an ideal world, they would realize they have much more uniting them than they do separating them.
which is exactly why the church has invented scapegoats to prevent that from happening. the church tells the old woman that it isn’t them who has reduced her home to ruin and likely sent her son to die in the hunt; they tell her it’s foreigners and their tainted blood. the church tells adella it isn’t their fault of that she is treated worse than dirt and has no one to turn to when she is abducted and nearly murdered by a branch of the church itself no less; they tell her she deserves it, because she’s only worth how much she can be bled out for others. they tell her it’s the fault of “vileblood” taint turning the world mad, not their own poisoned healing and insane experiments. i mean seriously — the parallel between arianna’s (implied) “vile” blood and adella’s self-described “lowly” blood is not lost on me.
and arianna, who is wholly innocent yet painfully aware of how isolated she is in that chapel, is left to stumble into a sewer and left with nothing but madness and isolation and the wretched thing she birthed when she is raped by a god and forced to bear its child… and based on how we see the upper ward of the church positively crawling with the exact monsters that she was forced to birth, i’m willing to bet that this is exactly what the church wanted.
bloodborne illustrates how prejudice is ultimately used to subjugate and silence all but the upper echelons of the powerful; and how it is the most vulnerable in society who are left to suffer the worst of it, utterly alone and alienated from their would-be allies. it shows how a class of the oppressed can be so purposefully be driven apart, so their oppressors remain unchallenged. it shows how even those like adella who play a crucial role in their grasp on power are still treated like scum. their oppressors enable, orchestrate, and weaponize the pain these women suffer and force them to bear it all alone.
and as for maria & the doll — again, i COMPLETELY agree. lesbianism aside, maria is undeniably, fundamentally gender nonconforming, especially when compared to the other NPC women. the relationship between her and gerhman is something i plan to go more in depth on in a later post — but i will say that i actually see gerhman as more of a paternal/protective figure. that is to say: i think gerhman in the text represents the gender role of men as a protector of women taken to its natural conclusion; not as a role made for service or assistance, but rather for ownership of the woman under protection. he’s an incredibly tragic and twisted man. i want to poke him like bug under microscope etc.
i am so glad my post resonated with you!!! these are honestly the kinds of conversations i want to have with other fans — because they’re so damn INTERESTING to me to pick apart!!!
tl;dr: The Girls Should Unionize.
#soooo glad this is all Fictional to the Funnie Werewolf Simulator and has Noooo Real World Parallels 😄😙🤩 /s#bloodborne#rape mention#this is why alfred and adella are fundamentally not the same btw#both hold bad views and are absolutely blood racist? 10000%#but adella has been groomed by the church to have no one to turn to but them likely from childhood much the same way any abuse survivor is#what she Needs is to have her worth as a human validated outside of that abusive power structure#what alfred needs is like. a goold ol slap in the face imo#like this man is just frothing at the mouth to do Genocide from the second u meet him. he isn’t exploited or abused#at least as far as canon implies#hes just violently blood racist#& cares more about murdering some lady who had to watch her kin slaughtered than uhhhhh checks notes#doing Fuck All to actually better the lives of the vulnerable people around him#whereas adella is one of the Few people who will go out of her way to care for and look out for the good hunter#sorry this is kind of an alfred hate page#why would u make him your blorbo#isnt his whole Point that bigots can be very nice and unassuming to those who they presume share their violently bigoted opinions#their bigotry has been instilled for VERY DIFFERENT REASONS.#adella was taught this so she could be more easily degraded into having absolutely 0 identity or self worth#alfred is bigoted because it Serves His Interest.#by acting on it through violence and propagation he is reinforcing the status quo and the power he holds within it#adella only snaps when she believes (!!!for bigoted reasons!!!) that the good hunter has been tainted#like at least imo she probably is expected the good hunter to beast out? because i think with all the talk of like#‘foreigners and their tainted (vile?) blood are to blame for the scourge’ that we hear from like….#Everyone?#even the damn huntsmen enemies?#it seems pretty likely to me#and even that Drastic action of having to take someones life fucking breaks her down even further#oops. like all of these tags are just a huge tangent . i should just make a post about this too#mine
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gwidien · 9 months
hc: loyalty. i think about how nobody in camp thinks trelawny is trustworthy or, at least, that there's some serious doubts as to his loyalties. how, really, this is understandable—trelawny does appear like a mysterious rash and does disappear just as mysteriously. i think about how, ultimately, they're wrong.
charles: you think he'll talk? arthur: 'course he'll talk. he'd sell his own sister to save a train fare. he don't know how not to talk.
when trelawny is taken by bounty hunters and beaten, battered, and threatened to divulge information about the van der linde gang, he doesn't squeal. he could have if he had no loyalties—it's like he said, they didn't come for him, so it's logical to assume that by being a traitor, he'd spare himself potential death and further pain. why not spill? but he doesn't. he lies about being an intellectual looking for work at a university near rhodes. he takes the beatings not knowing if he'd die for not cooperating. when they storm his caravan and pummel him until he leaves a trail of his own blood, he doesn't break. when they drag him to the cornfields teeming with armed men, he doesn't throw them under the bus. trelawny gave nothing away about the van der linde gang at no benefit to himself when the very opposite would have. that's loyalty.
arthur: thanks for disappearing on us during that sean business, by the way. trelawny: i'd done my part. each to their strengths, dear boy.
the thing is that trelawny, at the end of the day, is sensible. he didn't stick with the gang during the "sean business" not because of a lack of loyalty, but because of pragmatism. he knew he had nothing more to offer. he isn't a gunslinger or a fighter. there really would have been no reason for him to be at the shootout. this may look like disloyalty because it seems like he's true to them only when it's convenient, but it's less that and more that he played his part, and for him to stay would have been to the benefit of no one. loyalty, perhaps to arthur and the rest of the gang at this moment, is being there and by your side 24/7, but that's not how trelawny views it. as he proves with the bounty hunters, he's loyal when it counts.
similarly, this is partly the reason why he leaves the company of the van der linde gang for good. by this time in chapter 6, trelawny is fully aware that the group has broken down. dutch is not the leader they remember. the law like the force of an army is bearing down on them. they're not just fighting that, either, but each other, dividing and hostile. why not leave unannounced? he has no reason to stay and nothing more to offer them. dutch and micah, and to a lesser extent, javier and bill, are belligerent and antagonistic towards anyone who displays even a shred of doubt. trelawny could have done the thing he's good at and simply slipped away and spared himself the headache, but he doesn't. he packs up, uncharacteristically antsy, and tells arthur face-to-face that he's leaving despite his own trepidation. he gives arthur that respect and courtesy not knowing what the reaction would have been, if the others would have been tipped off, or if he'd gotten heat for it. he tells arthur despite these uncertainties, and not just because there's no point in him staying on a sinking ship, but because he considers arthur his honest-to-God friend.
i'm sure everyone already probably thinks all of this about trelawny, but the thought has been taking up prime real estate in my head and i had to put it down into words.
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datastate · 2 years
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i’ve finished sirius’ conclusion (aka i’m up to date on all of witch’s heart now)
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heavensmortuary · 2 years
#krakens croaks#i got so mad yesterday at my boss i actually had to walk from behind the counter to hide my anger#because a lady came in and told us she suffered from covid and when she left my boss said 'maybe it taught her a lesson' because#shes a known 'karen' type#how cruel do you have to be#and he constantly makes fun of the 'redneck' people here and peoples appearances and their weight and stuff#and it makes me so. pissed.#'im suprised he can even read' he cant. the boy cant read. he needed my help to sigj his name on his card#youre gonna make fun of a boy who is college age who cant read?#and then preach to me about how much youre mistreated at work? maybe people are mean to you because youre so. idk cruel on the inside??#i can never tell with him. hes so nice and kind on the outside but theres NO love#he got angry with me for telling a very mean lady to have a nice day#i dont give a shit im here to be kind and get my job done#delete later#its SO much easier to complaim about people but ive TRAINED myself NOT to hate people. get some self respect and respect others.#all good work youve done flies out the window the instant you talk shit about the person you helped#its 5 hours of hearing this every damn day#its so hard not to be that way. but you must#shout out to the lady who called me a bitch the other day. i dont care. its my job to help. ill help you#and im not high and mighty. i dont like you. but thats what we are called to do. because ill love you even if you hate me for no reason.#its so hard working in an environment without other christians lol
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soulsxng · 1 year
This absolute menace (endearing) of a genius...
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And this absolute menace (terrified) of a genius...
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Made this fucked up lil' cinnamon roll (equal parts endeared and terrified)!
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tagged by: @soraeia tagging: steal it and tag me!
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