#but he shakes his head to clear it and grabs a carrot from the basket and squats down to stick it out to a nearby bunny
dewdrop-writes · 2 years
Love your Xiao x God!reader fanfic and was wondering if--- since you're continuing Venti's x Reader's into a multi-series like Zhongli's already is--- if you could make another part with Xiao and Reader living that cottagecore life and telling everyone else who dissed her she wanted nothing to do with them. I just kept thinking about how there are Rubedo x Rejected!Reader fics like that and thought... "But what if it were with Xiao???"
Of warm breezes and softened hearts
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oh my god yessss cottagecore life with Xiao would be so nice....like he isn't very social so he wouldn't mind the distance but one on one he can be really nice to be with??? And since I'm in a Xiao meed due to the recent archon quest, here comes the boy
This is a spiritual part 2 to THIS
Length: 1k words
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The gentle hum of a warm breeze grazed across the lush green blades of grass, rustling them in it's gentle hold. The humming of birds hovered around - carried on by the wind and wrapping the quaint meadow in a beautiful melody.
You hummed along with the birds, a soft smile on your features as you delicately plucked ripe, spongey sunsettias from the branches of a looming cuihua tree. The branches themselves seemed to reach out to you - making picking the fruits an easy task. With a happy hum, you stroked the bark of the tree after clearing it of fruit.
It seemed to make the winds surrounding you excited - as it picked up speed and washed over you in a gust of warm air.
You chuckled and shook your head, already used to such strange antics of the nature around you.
You set out meat and pellets for the wildlife to enjoy, before moving to the little garden outside your small dwelling - pulling out weeds and harvesting carrots, radishes and potatoes. Soon enough, your little basket was filled to the brim with fresh ingredients.
You rounded the corner of your cottage, peeking at the Adeptus who was dutifully grinding wheat into flour and sweet flowers to sugar on your stone mill. You leaned against the wall of your abode, smiling.
He seemed to sense your presence, glancing over his shoulder at you. The warm sun cast a lovely halo of light upon his darkened crown of hair. The corners of his lips twitched upwards into a gentle smile.
"Any progress?" you asked, pushing yourself away from the wall and setting down the basket weighing in your arms. He nodded, motioning towards the canvas bags he'd already filled. You grinned, approaching him.
"Looks like we're set for a while," you spoke softly, looping your arms around his frame from behind. He leaned into the touch.
"I still have some ingredients left," he spoke, "I can grind them all down, if you'd like."
You shook your head, pulling him closer to yourself.
"I think you've done more than enough. How about we head inside and get the oven warm?"
He nodded.
"Anything for you, your grace."
You rolled your eyes playfully.
"It's (Y/n). I've told you hundreds of times to stop calling me by that silly title," you chided, finding enjoyment in the teasing manner his lips quirked upwards.
"Of course, anything for you, (Y/n)."
You ruffled his hair and pecked his cheek, before retreating.
"Come on then, my vigilant Yaksha," you spoke, grabbing a few of the bags off the ground and making your way over to your discarded basket.
With a soft grunt, the man picked up the rest, following you dutifully.
You strained the solids from the creamy almond milk mixture with the help of a cheesecloth, gently pouting the mixture into a ceramic clay bowl you'd made. It was a little lumpy - but did the job well. You poured out a little bit of milk in addition to that and reached for one of the bags of sugar. Digging in with a perfectly shaped ceramic spoon - one Xiao himself had made, you scooped sugar into the mixture. Happily humming to yourself, you mixed the ingredients up, unaware of the silent presence stepping into the room and coming to a halt in the doorway.
You left the ingredients to simmer, as you poured water onto your dirtied hands, shaking off the stray water before wiping them dry with a small towel.
"It smells good," Xiao spoke quietly, yet still managing to startle you.
You whipped around to face the adeptus.
"My apologies - I didn't mean to scare you."
You smiled nervously.
"It's not your fault. It's just a...learned reaction."
You saw irritation flash in his teal eyes briefly.
The two of you rarely spoke of the events prior to your lovely living situation. The hunt for your head, or the time you nearly lost Xiao. It was a sore topic. Thankfully, your abode was situated neatly in a tucked away meadow, with various monsters patrolling the area to keep away intruders. Truthfully, you didn't know if there were any intruders at this point. None had gotten to you, at the very least.
At first, before you'd installed safety measures, the archons and the various citizens of Teyvat had tried to contact you, though. Bringing forth offerings and long winded apologies.
"Your grace, I know what I and my people have done is unforgivable-"
"It is. There's no buts about it," you replied, your shoulders tensed.
The geo archon lowered his gaze.
"Take your stupid gifts and get out of my sight."
You grimaced as the memory refurfaced.
Xiao rushed forward, his gaze searching yours in concern.
You shot him another shaky smile.
"Bad memories. Nothing more."
He sighed, and hesitantly reached out, caressing your cheek with a calloused hand. You leaned into the touch, closing your eyes.
The sweet scent of almonds, and the ever so faint smell of herbs lingered in your nose, soothing your senses. You cupped Xiao's hand in your own.
"I love you," you whispered softly, opening your eyes.
Xiao looked a little flustered.
"I love you too," he spoke, gently pressing his forehead against yours and placing a chaste kiss upon the tip of your nose. You exhaled in a soft laugh.
Later, that night, you ate almond tofu together in comfortable silence. You watched with proud joy as the adeptus who had first been so keen on not eating - not showing any signs of weakness around you - was lowering his guard and settling into this blissful domesticity you had created.
"It tastes perfect, as expected," he told you after finishing his final bite.
You rolled your eyes.
"I doubt it beats the one served at Wangshu Inn."
He shook his head.
"It tastes much better than theirs."
You smirked.
"Maybe because the main ingredient is love," you cringed inwardly at the cheesiness of the statement.
Xiao, however, seemed taken aback in a pleasant manner.
"Maybe so."
As night dawned upon the two of you, you changed into nightwear, as Xiao prepared himself to go out.
"You know, I doubt you need to go patrolling every night. We should be safe here," you sighed, your brows creasing.
He smiled at you sadly.
"I want to make sure you sleep safe and sound."
You strode over to him, placing a gentle hand on his chest and pressing a kiss to his lips.
"Be safe out there, Xiao."
He nodded.
"I will."
"I better not see a scratch on you tomorrow."
His lips quirked upwards. "You won't."
With that promise lingering in the air, you finally made your way back to bed, slipping under the covers. A final glance exchanged between the two of you, and Xiao was gone, donning his mask.
You allowed your head to hit the pillow below it with a sigh.
You only hoped he would keep that promise.
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milflewis · 1 year
fran. my beloved. happy birthday and i love you and here is 1k of dantteri being stupid. hope you like it !!
“What the fuck.”
Valtteri looks up from two mueslis he was comparing trying to remember if Lewis said he wanted the one with raisins or without. Lila twists in her seat, curls bouncing, little hands grabbing at the shelves.
Valtteri reaches out, dropping the two boxes into the cart because who cares, whichever one Lewis doesn’t want, Valtteri or Sebastian will eat, and nudges it further away from the shelf of produce, out of Lila’s reach.
Daniel Ricciardo gapes at them from the end of the aisle, tanner than Valtteri saw him last, broader along the shoulders, shirt pulled tight, jeans low on his hips. Valtteri is reminded of the years that have passed since then, seven if one wanted to keep track, when he sees the grey creeping into his curls around his ears and across the hair on his jaw.
“Language,” Valtteri says, pushing the cart along and out of the aisle, fruit next on his list. Sebastian had sent him a google spreadsheet, colour coded and everything, because apparently all of Valtteri’s friends are freaks.
Lila laughs, grinning up at him, front tooth missing, “fuck!”
Valtteri winks at her, throwing a, “now look what you’ve done,” over his shoulder. Lila laughs again, she loves this game. She’s heard worse at home even though Lewis is denying to everyone, including himself, that he is not the reason she is constantly calling Alonso a cunt.
Daniel scrambles to catch up, eyes wide, basket swinging. “Hey, I, I didn’t mean — wait, is that Lewis and Seb’s kid?”
“No,” Valtteri says, drawing out the ‘o’ sound, rolling his eyes, though it’s very clear, even if Daniel wasn’t getting the annual Christmas cards of the Hamilton-Vettel/Vettel-Hamilton family, which Valtteri knows for a fact that he is, that Lila is Sebastian and Lewis’s daughter.
He hands her another piece of one of the brioches he’s buying and grins as she holds it in her hands, knuckles white, biting carefully around the edges before eating the middle. All Lewis she is and when she smiles at him, chocolate smeared in the corner of her mouth, saying, “thank you,” already holding out her hand for another piece, she’s all Sebastian.
He shakes his head and breaks off another one, “Last one.” She nods, not listening, Sebastian, watching Daniel nearly collide with another shopper because he’s too busy staring at them.
Valtteri pushes the trolley up against the stall, out of anyone’s way, and considers the food in front of him. “Apples or oranges?” he asks and Lila frowns back at him, still chewing.
Valtteri throws in some kiwis and a mango, grinning when Lila declares “bananas!”
“Bananas it is,” he says and runs a hand over her hair absentmindedly as he reaches past her to grab them. He can hear Daniel’s footsteps following them as he moves on, Lila trying to catch his open jacket with her feet. His stupidly bright shoes squeak along the floor.
“This is insane.”
Carrots. Celery. Kale. Potatoes.
Daniel has caught up to them now, half walking backwards so he can face him. Valtteri gives him another five minutes before he bumps into someone else. It is strange — what lingers, what sticks to him, after all these years — he can’t help, even now, to want to reach out and guide Daniel around, maybe knock him into a shelf but keep him from properly falling over.
Daniel’s eyes are staring at him, also familiar, dark and wide like he’s trying not to blink, like he can’t quite believe that Valtteri is in front of him, minding Lewis and Sebastian’s child. He swallows, once, twice, and then again, trying to get his throat to unstick.
Valtteri can count on one hand the amount of times he’s seen Lewis nervous, like, proper mouth biting, words tumbling over themselves nervous. He had to force himself to stand up straight at least twice, hands in his pockets, very deliberately looking Valtteri in the eye, four years ago, telling Valtteri that they had found an adoption agency that they were very happy with and that they, well, mostly Lewis but Seb too, were sort of, maybe, not that he has to, of course, but, like, if he wanted to, but no pressure, but Lewis wanted him to be the godfather.
Valtteri hadn’t been able to stop himself from asking why and Lewis, fuck, he had just glared at him, sharp and angry, like he had always done in those last few years, unable to let anyone get away with talking shit about Valtteri. Why not, he had pushed at him, nervousness all gone, why the fuck not. Valtteri had just shrugged, Lewis softening.
Because, he had grinned then, something soft and quick, smaller than Valtteri had seen aimed at him in years, everyone needs a VB in their lives and I want them to be loved, you know? And you — you’re pretty good at that, man.
Are you trying to bribe me into staying your friend now that we’re not racing together with a baby, Valtteri had asked just to watch Lewis laugh and he had never exactly said yes to Lewis’s question but they had never, not really, not where it mattered, needed words to talk.
It is remarkably easy to forget how much Lewis Hamilton loves you, for all that he is so very loud about it.
You’d be Uncle Dan if you’d stayed around, Valtteri thinks, making sure to grab both regular milk and oat milk from the fridge, Daniel’s eyes flickering around the shop and back to Valtteri, trying desperately not to stare at Lila, who’s back to knocking her feet against the trolley, laughing at the clink clink the lights on her runners make against the metal. Sebastian and Lewis would’ve never allowed it to be any other way.
Daniel has always been so good at making Valtteri feel small that sometimes, Valtteri forgets that he’s pretty good at doing the same thing to him.
New beginnings, Valtteri thinks and asks Daniel to get the orange juice, yeah, the one with bits, this one, yeah, nice to know Sebastian is still weird, from the cold shelf beside him. Valtteri can be kind to him again, he can do that, he can, and he tears another piece of brioche off, shaking his head as Lila lights up, tilting her head as she smiles at him, Lewis, Daniel laughing behind him, the sound just a little wet.
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willowbleedsonpaper · 3 years
Winter In The Shade II
Part II
Sirius Black x Ravenclaw Reader
W.C. : 2591
Requested by @amourtentiaa : It is Sirius' fifth year at Hogwarts, the same year he ran away from home and to the Potter's. Soon, he discovers the unfamiliar sight of his brother Regulus smiling and looking truly happy, next to him a Ravenclaw girl who immediately captures his interest. What will happen when the Black family gets involved in their sons lives and the ones they hold close to their hearts?
Warnings: Mentions of food. / Slight panic. /
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Sirius Black didn’t obsess over things. He just didn’t. It wasn’t in him to have something on his mind for more than necessary. He worried, yes, but this was different. There was nothing to worry about, unless he considered the rare sight of his brother smiling something to worry about. If anything he shouldn’t be worried but happy for him. No he wasn’t worried. He was...curious. Who was the girl who managed to make his brother smile?
“Stop it.” Remus grunted, snapping his fingers in front of Sirius to get his attention.
Sirius only glared at his friend as he made him jump in his seat, the cup of tea he held in his hand now all over his sweater. “Really?” Sirius hissed as he placed his cup back on the table “I’m not doing anything.” he defended himself.
Remus rolled his eyes “The fact that you are putting excuses out means you are.” he said matter of factly, shutting Sirius as the rest of his friends laughed.
James and Peter found this entire situation incredibly entertaining. Not only because Sirius had been paranoid since he saw his brother with that Ravenclaw girl, but because Remus thought it was creepy that Sirius was so invested in finding who the girl was, and that turned every interaction between Remus and Sirius into fights.
“Just go and ask whatever it is you want to know!” Remus said desperately.
“And have him see me?” Sirius hissed, pointing his fork in Regulus’ direction “Over. my. dead. body.”
Remus groaned loudly, muttering under his breath as he started to angrily stab his breakfast.
Sirius ignored him and turned back to the Ravenclaw table, his back straightening as his eyes scanned the entire Great Hall. Only the low chuckles from Peter pulling his attention back to his friends.
“She left.” James laughed “But you know Moony’s right. You need to do something about it.”
Sirius scoffed but said nothing as he held his head on his hands.
“How long has it been since you saw them? Two weeks?”
“Three.” Sirius muttered bitterly.
“Oh, you’re counting them.” Remus snorted, shaking his head.
Sirius turned sharply, pushing Remus’ head and almost getting it all over his plate “Shut up, Moony.” he said, turning back to James “And you’re one to talk, how’s Lily?” he mocked, making James smile sardonically at him.
“That’s different. At least I am doing something about it. You’re just staring. Speaking of…” James said, his eyes drifting from the table as he took his things in his hands, getting up from the table “Evans!” he didn’t say another thing, leaving the table before anyone could say anything.
“You could always talk to her.” offered Peter, making Remus and Sirius turn to him.
“I got that Peter, but she’s always with him.” Sirius said, referring to Regulus “It’s like trying to find a fish out of the water.” he sighed.
“Have you tried late at night?” Peter asked, getting questioning looks from both of his friends “I’ve heard she takes late night walks outside the castle, rarely gets caught so she won’t be easy to find but, you know, she’s all alone.”
“How do you know that?” asked Remus with wide eyes.
Peter just shrugged his shoulders as he went back to his breakfast “Rats talk.”
The ceiling of your bed had started to lose shape as you stared at it, your eyes blurry as you blinked several times to clear up your sight with no luck. With a heavy sigh you turned on your side, letting out a soft groan as you read the clock on the wall across from you: 03:00 am.
You weren’t getting much sleep that night.
Careful not to wake any of your roommates, you rolled out of bed and grabbed the closest sweater you had, wrapping it over your shoulders. You made silent work on the heavy door to your dorm, walking down the stairs as you came across a few other sleepless Ravenclaws. You smiled mostly to yourself as you got to the massive library in the common room, a big group of first years sitting on the floor with books surrounding them in every direction, the sleep in their eyes known to you and every other student.
“Hi Y/N.” said one of the boys nearest to you, giving you a sleepy smile.
“Hey Félix.” you said to him, coming to kneel beside them as they all turned their attention to you “Shouldn’t you all be in bed?” you asked.
“You’re up too.” Saide, one of the girls said, and you chuckled “Why aren’t you sleeping?” she asked with amusement.
“I sensed a bunch of first years up and had to come down and see I wasn’t missing on all the fun.” you told them, scrunching your nose in a funny manner, making them all laugh.
Félix grabbed one of the biggest books in their selection, dropping it in front of you with a big thud “If you think Herbology is fun then feel free to join us, although we all know how good you are at that one.”
You made a face, sticking out your tongue as you practically crawled back “No, thank you.” you laughed humorlessly “You know I barely got out of that one myself, Sadie here had to help with my own homework.”
“True.” she confirmed, making all of them groan in defeat as they grabbed back their books.
You watched their tired eyes, all of them reading over and over the lines that still made no sense to your own brain “I’ll tell you this,” you said, capturing their attention “Since I know you won’t go to bed even if I tell you to, I’ll go down to the kitchens and grab you all some food so you can keep studying.”
They all cheered in whispers, whether it was because it was the middle of the night or due to their tired selves, you almost pouted at how cute they were and how much they reminded you of yourself and your friends.
It took a couple of minutes for you to narrow down all the things they wanted to something you could actually carry with you in “Ravenclaws studying in the middle of the night” amounts. Confident with their choices they let you go, opening the door to the common room easily as a soft breeze flew around your face, making you take a deep breath as you stepped out and started to descend the stairs. It was a long walk down to the kitchens, and a dangerous one considering the hour. Luckily, you knew your way around the castle.
The corridors echoed with the inevitable sound of your movements, your footsteps carried a rhythm of its own as you tried to be quiet, taking what you considered graceful steps with a calm but steady pace. But sometimes you couldn’t help yourself and take a few skips on your step as the air flew around you, the sound of the owls making a melody that made you wish you could dance. You had to stifle the giggles that escaped your lips every time you caught yourself making more noise than necessary, never scared of getting caught but because it would be a little embarrassing to be seen doing so, especially in the middle of the night.
Most of all you wished Regulus was there with you. It was rare to see him out in the middle of the night, almost impossible that you found him at the same time as you were outside. You wanted to make memories at Hogwarts with him, to have stories to tell when you were older about the fun mess you two would do at dramatic times in the night. You wanted to sing his favorite songs, and have him teach you how to dance, laugh as you escaped the angry calls of Professor McGonagall and get detention together for the rest of your time at Hogwarts. You wanted to have fun with your best friend. But where was he? Probably not sleeping, you knew he got the same amount of sleep or less than you did. But he decided to be boring after dinner and head straight to the Slytherin common room.
Lovely, you thought to yourself as you realized you were outside the kitchens, the characteristic aroma of it reaching your nostrils. How could it be that it smelled so amazing at the three in the morning? “Magic.” you mumbled as you turned to check on your surroundings, confirming that no one had followed you.
Stepping inside you focused on the task at hand: Feeding sleep deprived first years. Pulling out your wand you conjured Lumos, the soft light enough to get you around. The elves were very organized, laying tray after tray of food on the counters as if they were expecting you. You just hoped they wouldn’t mind your late visit.
You turned in your place, looking for something you could use to carry more things, letting out a squeal of excitement when you saw a basket there, it had a few carrots inside, carrots that you placed away as you started to collect the much needed snacks. Freshly baked bread and cookies were the most requested items. “Alright, food for the brain...Oatmeal cookies.” you said, as you placed them inside the basket “Chocolate chip cookies” you sang, humming as you placed the entire tray inside “Weird looking cookies, I can give those to Félix since he sold me out with not being good at Herbology.”
You were so entranced with your task, placing the cookies and bread neatly inside the basket that the sudden noise in the kitchens made you jump in your place, making you drop one of the cookies as you turned sharply, your wand held high as you stared shakily into the darkness. “Who 's there?” you asked, voice barely above a whisper.
When no one answered you, you relaxed your arm, letting it fall at your side as you sighed heavily “This is why I need sleep.” you told no one, kneeling to the floor and picking up the cookie that you dropped “Maybe I won’t feed the weird looking cookies to Félix, then.” you mumbled, looking suspiciously at your surroundings before you picked up the basket and started your way back to the common room.
The small scare in the kitchens left you on edge. Blame the lack of sleep or the fact that you were all alone in an enormous castle that had actual ghosts, your previous urge to dance and run around the hallways was now replaced with a need to run from whatever you were imagining was behind your back.
“No one’s there. No one’s there. No one’s there.” you repeated time and time again, turning to look over your shoulder every time you thought you heard something. Were you finally losing your mind? You were certain you heard a chuckle.
Almost reaching the stairs for the Ravenclaw common room you were more relaxed, your tired mind barely registering your surroundings. Turning one last time to be safe no one had seen you, you turned only to be met by the firm yet soft feeling of someone else's chest.
You didn’t have time to register how loud was your scream when a pair of hands took hold of your shoulders, preventing you from falling as you clutched the basket against your own chest.
“Merlin.” you mumbled, your eyes scrunched shut as you realized there was an actual person before you, a silly smile forming on your lips only to fall once you opened up your eyes.
“Are you alright?” asked a familiar yet strange voice.
You swallowed hard, nodding your head as you took one careful step back “Yes, thank you.” you said, putting on a smile as you examined his face and looked for any badge in his chest. He wasn’t a prefect. You let out a sigh of relief and he furrowed his eyebrows.
“You really are hungry.” he said, his eyes falling to the basket in your hands “Are you eating all that by yourself?” he asked.
It took you a second to react, your eyes following his gaze before you let out a nervous chuckle “No, no- this isn’t, it’s not for me.” you explained, the raise of his eyebrow making you come up with an explanation without him even asking “First years are studying and need some fuel, I’m just taking care of them.” you said, lifting up the basket with a smile.
“Let me guess.” he said, his hand going inside the basket as he grabbed a cookie “Food for the brain?” he asked.
You found yourself nodding with a smile, a sudden realization striking you as you stared with wide eyes at the boy in front of you. Regulus told you studying snacks were food for the brain; it was an inside joke the two of you had, or at least you thought. With a shiver running down your spine you took a more careful look at the boy in front of you, the black hair and beautiful grey eyes, a smile so familiar flashing at you from the wrong face. Food for the brain.
“Regulus.” you murmured, capturing his attention.
“Sorry?” he said.
You shook your head, taking a step back before you said “Your Regulus’ brother.” you told him “Sirius.”
Sirius would have smirked and said some flirty comment back to you, but the look on your face told him it wasn’t the best idea.
Footsteps caught both your attention, making the two of you turn to the source of the sound before he took a hold of your arm, pulling you next to him and behind a pillar. There was little to no space between you, his chest heaving with his breathing brushing close against your arm as he held a finger to his lips, looking forward and over your head.
You couldn’t help but stare up at him, the resemblance he had to Regulus so scary it made you wonder how you never noticed before.
His eyes were glued to the hall, only moving back to you once the sound of footsteps was fading in the distance. “I think they’re gone, but try not to scream again.” he said, focusing back on you “How come you know my name but I don't know yours?” he asked, the flirtatious tone on his voice having no effect in you.
“You’re Regulus brother.” you repeated “Scarily similar.” you explained.
He ignored the last comment, erasing any hint of bitterness “Still, I didn't get your name.”
Your eyes danced between him and the stairs, taking a more secure hold of the basket in your hand you looked up to him “I have to go.” you said with a smile “Goodnight Sirius.”
Before he could react, you had walked around him, your arms brushing together as you ran up the stairs. He had reached his hand to take a hold of yours but gave up in the end, you clearly didn’t want to talk to him and that only made you more interesting. Regulus had clearly talked to you about him.
You sat with Regulus after a long day of classes, the weekend finally there for you to spend together and relax. Except you couldn’t. One thought still bugging you after days of the events.
“Hey, Reg?” you called, looking back to where he sat on the grass.
He hummed.
“Can you tell me about your brother, Sirius?”
@iwritesiriusly / @trinimalfoyyy / @megaprincesscakes / @lunalovegoodsgirlfriend
Winter In The Shade
@plethoraofpuppies / @dracoissohot / @funravenclaw2002 / @nehireerdogan / @ktyflwr / @lilyevanswhore / @edithsvoice / @medalloway-blog / @falconxbarnes
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shootybangbang · 3 years
In which peaches are eaten in more ways than one
[Pairing]: Arthur Morgan/Reader
[Rating]: Explicit
[Prompt]: Arthur watches you seductively eat a juicy peach (from @outtricking)
[Ao3 Link]
The abandoned manor’s peach orchard is overgrown with tall grass and small white clusters of wild carrot blossoms. Most of its trees stand bare, choked with ivy, the vastness of their skeletons the only testament of their former grandeur. But here and there are straggled survivors, the majority of which have long since been picked clean by other travelers and passing wildlife. The only fruit left is strung up high in the topmost branches, hanging down golden-edged and plump. Ripe enough to make your mouth water.
“I don’t think climbing’s an option,” you say, pressing down on a tree’s lower branches to check its give. “We could get a big stick and try to knock ‘em off, or maybe you could just… uh… y’know… ”
You mime picking up an object and placing it on your shoulders.
Arthur sighs. “You want me to carry you.”
“It’s quicker and easier than anything else.”
“You ain’t paid me to be your horse.”
“That’s true,” you admit. At this point, the number of things you’ve had him do out-of-contract would probably fill a book. A decent person would concede his point and apologize. Instead, you try out a more oblique method. “And I’m probably too heavy for you, anyway.”
He gives you an irritated glance and shakes his head. “You tryin’ to bait me into provin’ you wrong?”
“Figured it was at least worth a shot,” you say, shrugging.
Arthur looks up at the top branches of the fruit tree, then at you, and works out a rough height comparison in his head. He sighs again and kneels down. “Alright then. Get on.”
“What — really?’
“Don’t wanna hear you complainin’ about this later is all.” He looks back in your direction expectantly. “C’mon. You want them peaches or not?”
You place a tentative hand on his right shoulder, leaning against him for support as you swing one leg over his left. “Then do I just… um… like this?”
“Yeah. Just like that. And now the other — yeah, there we go.”
Arthur steadies you by holding down your knees. He grips you firm but gentle, like a man trying to keep something frail and flighty from slipping between his fingers, and stands up.
The sudden shift in balance is startling. Your hands frantically search for something to hold onto for support, and you end up grabbing at his wrists as you reorient yourself. He stiffens at the contact, but says nothing.
When you’ve straightened your back enough to survey your surroundings from your new vantage point, you take a moment to appreciate the new perspective. “So this is what it’s like to be tall. Bet you run into a lot of spiderwebs.”
Arthur ignores this. “Can you reach ‘em?”
“Yeah, I think so.” You twist off a particularly large peach from a nearby branch and take off your hat to use as a makeshift basket, then swivel your hip to reach towards another that’s just barely within your grasp. “Too bad we’re not close to town”, you say, thinking already of possible desserts. “Sophia told me that over in Georgia they eat peaches with cream and sugar, and…”
For a while, you ruminate dreamily about peach cobblers and preserves, about the luxury of vanilla ice cream melting on latticed peach pie. And all the while Arthur clenches his jaw and tries as hard as he can to concentrate on what you’re saying in an attempt to divert his focus from the weight and warmth of your thighs atop his shoulders.
It’s something that he’ll carry with him for some time, he recognizes with a heavy pang of guilt. Something he’ll almost certainly keep carefully tucked away for later, when he’s alone in his own bedroll.
Late afternoon, you help him set up camp along the Kamassa River. After the horses have been watered and the kindling gathered, you both sit sprawled and weary against the ruined hull of an old boat half-sunk in the sand.
Resting his head against the sun bleached boards, Arthur briefly closes his eyes.
Through the woods comes the sound of cicadas, deafening in their multitude, ringing like an omnipresent hum, insistent and rhythmic in its cadence. Like a chant, a soft murmur of chitinous voices. Alongside it, the quick, clear notes of riverwater running through the rocks and the rustle of leaves overhead, the sway of branches arching from the wind in slow, lazy waves that merge overhead like a green sea.
And the distinctive scratch of graphite across paper. He drowsily cracks an eyelid open and angles his gaze downwards.
The battered notebook in your lap looks like it’s seen its fair share of miles. It’s tattered and dog-eared, with smeared ink at its edges. The leather cover is scuffed and stained, and the pages don’t quite sit flat, due to the occasional pressed flowers trapped between them.
He watches you scrawl out what looks like a brief itinerary of the day’s route, listing off landmarks passed along the road and detailing what flora and fauna you’re able to remember. Then little snippets of description that you cross out and rewrite with increasing frustration, disjointed but pretty little phrases littering the margins…
Your pencil stills. “You’re reading over my shoulder.”
“Trying to.” Arthur points to the corner of the page, where you’ve drawn a wobbly line with little stick trees atop it. Under it is a crude half-circle labelled boat. “This supposed to be where we’re at now?”
You bristle. “Yes.”
He gropes for something inoffensive to say, then opts for silence.
“Well, you’re the artist,” you say, offering him your pencil. “You draw it.”
“Sure,” he says, taking both notebook and pencil in hand. He flips to a clean page. “Not like I can do worse.”
Brushing sand off the seat of your pants, you stand up and stretch, raising your arms high and fitting your fingers together like interlocking gears. “I’m gonna go check on the peaches.”
The Kamassa runs cold, even in the dog days of summer. Earlier, you’d wrapped the peaches in sackcloth and submerged them in its waters, then ringed them tight with rocks to hold them in place. Now, you cut an inelegant figure as you crouch at the river’s edge and fish one out, cupping it thoughtfully against your palm to check whether it still holds the fading glow of afternoon heat.
You pick out the two biggest peaches in the pile before resecuring the rest, then seat yourself back beside him and proffer one to him.
Arthur shakes his head. He’s in the middle of sketching the sandbar in the middle of the river, drawing the shapes of shrubs and other assorted vegetation out from the blank paper expanse. “Don’t wanna get the page dirty.”
“Make sure you eat one later then,” you tell him. “So you don’t die in a ditch before I can hire you out again.”
He snorts. “Didn’t realize peaches could make a man bulletproof.”
“Ah, well… it’s more of a superstitious thing, really. Like knocking on wood or throwing salt over your shoulder.” A hint of embarrassment creeps into your voice. For a moment you seem almost shy — but then you toss a peach up in the air and catch it again, like a performance of the world’s worst juggling act, and it passes. “You give people peaches for good health and a long life. Considering your line of work, I figure you need all the help you can get.”
“Figure a decent gun’ll do me more good than any peach ever will,” he says wryly. “You eat ‘em both. God knows you need the luck just as much as I do.”
The rippled light reflected in the water is only just beginning to tint gold. The horizon edges pale, shifting slow to the soft, warm shades of early evening. But only the faint suggestion of it, a subtle gradation filtering in imperceptibly at the present, but that he knows will flood in all at once with the inevitable trajectory of the sun.
Golden hour, Mason had called it. Goes quick, but it’s worth it. I’ve known some photographers to set up camp and wait all day for just that little window of time.
The landscape itself feels soft and heavy, almost drunk from its own perfect interplay of light and dark. The clarity of day dims to a suggestion of itself, and everything is briefly gilded, momentarily transfigured into something striking and achingly pretty, and you no exception.
A sliver of sunset settles over your skin. A veil of amber, a veil of rose, both colors folding in on themselves like silk. The glint of light that reflects across your irises makes visible the ridged corona circling your pupils, the tiny crenellations and impurities of color. Bright and sharp as cut glass.
He watches you bite into a peach, and its dusk-pink skin breaks beneath your teeth with a wet, crisp noise as you tear through to the soft and yielding flesh beneath. Then you bite down again, and your lips are shiny with nectar now, dripping with it.
A clear rivulet of peach juice runs down your wrist like blood. You raise your arm to your mouth to catch it, then trace it back to its source with your tongue, and he can’t help but wonder at the taste — the sweetness of fruit mixed with the salt of your skin.
“Oh, these are really good,” you say with pleasant surprise. “Sure you don’t want one?”
Arthur tries to suppress the sudden twinge of arousal running through his body by staring very hard at a tree. “I’m sure.”
When he’s finally able to settle himself to a manageable level of sexual frustration, he forces his attention back to sketching. He lays out the wash of sand and silt that lies liminal between woods and water, then the ridge of grass that marks the river’s reach when swollen with rain and spring melt. The twinned, twisted alders on each shore whose roots hold fast to the ground as their boughs reach over the water and towards each other, like doomed lovers. The gaptoothed boat hull half-buried and long abandoned.
By the time he’s finished, both peaches have been reduced to their pits, and the light has begun its transition to a deepening red. A last brief cry of sunlight before it’s stifled by the cold blue of evening.
“It’s beautiful,” you tell him, when he hands the notebook back over. “If you finally get tired of robbing stagecoaches, you should do this for a living instead.”
He makes a dismissive noise, but there’s a clear look of satisfaction on his face. “You flatterin’ me because you want another favor?”
“No, I’m serious. This is pretty enough to belong in a book.” You touch your fingers to the page with the kind of care he’s only seen you lavish on the things he’s known you to hold very dear: the faded red hair ribbon, the well-thumbed guide to wildflowers, the thin jade pendant you sometimes wear tucked under your shirt… and now this — just an offhand scribble of his of no particular effort.
“I, uh… it’s a real rough sketch.” A flush of embarrassment colors his cheeks, and it’s obvious to anyone with eyes in their head that for him, compliments are a gift as rare as they are precious. “Next time you hire me out, I’ll sit down and draw you something proper.”
“I’d like that,” you say, and nod. “I’ll hold you to it.”
A few hours later, Arthur sits by the fire and tries to measure the exact depth of the idiocy he’s plunged himself into.
You’d gone to bed first, citing exhaustion. And he’d taken the time spent alone to jot down a few thoughts in his journal, attempt a handful of sketches, then inadvertently kindle in himself a desperate, hopeless need for intimacy so intense that, were he truly on his own, he’d not have hesitated to take himself in hand for relief.
It’s a foolish thing to do, encouraging his own infatuation like this. But the images are fresh in his head still and his hand itches to put them to paper, wanting to keep them somewhere beyond the whim of memory.
And so he traces with his pencil the soft, indulgent cast of your eyes as you’d cupped the peach in your hand, bringing it to your mouth with the simple decadence of Eve and her apple: the innocent gesture embodying something intensely sinful. Each bite near tangible in his blood, as though it were his heart in your teeth, its every painful beat an ache of barely suppressed impulse.
Then the drip of nectar down your wrist, the pink flick of your tongue lapping it up with a quick, smooth glide across your skin. Peach juice glistening on your lips like honey. And his own base reinterpretations of it all, distorting reality to innuendo and bringing to the surface things he’s only let himself imagine in the confines of his cot, with the tent flaps drawn tightly shut.
The weight of your thighs on his shoulders comes to mind again, and if he shuts his eyes he can nearly place himself into that oft-used fantasy of his — you, sat on the edge of a hotel bed with him knelt before you, whispering hoarse and breathless praise as he licks into you. Your fingers running through his dark blond hair as you speak to him like a favored pet.
The flat of his tongue running against your clit with slow, careful strokes. Your desperate whimpers as he draws the nub between his lips and sucks, the tremble of your body, the taste of your slick. The sound of his name on your lips, the syllables of it faint and shivery with pleasure.
And afterwards, the sight of you sprawled across the sheets, eyes dreamy and soft as you beckon him towards you. Take out your cock, you’d say. Show me just how much you liked doing that to me.
Arthur closes the notebook and walks down to the river. He dips his hands through its surface, the reflected moonlight there rippling into a bright mosaic of broken glass in his wake, then cups the cold water between his fingers and splashes it over his face.
“Dirty old man,” he mutters to himself. “Oughta be ashamed of yourself.”
When he reaches down to repeat the action, he brushes against sackcloth and automatically pulls the bundle of submerged peaches from the water.
Long life and good health, you’d said. He scoffs at the very notion of it. It’s a foreign concept for someone who’s taken so many lives that he’s all but guaranteed his own to be nasty, brutish and short.
And truth be told, it’s been a long time since he’s even bothered to think about any future for himself outside of the immediate. Not much to look forward to save the small, petty pleasures afforded to him, most of which have been bought with the blood of other men. Not much to work for, save the next big score. The promise of stability — it’s not a luxury afforded to the likes of him. Nor should it be, if a man’s fate really is weighed by his deeds.
He’s made his peace with it by now. Kept his expectations low and steered clear of personal commitments. So it’s really very stupid then, that he’s spent so much time nursing the seeds of his own wretched affection that they’ve already begun to sprout.
More and more these days, he’s caught himself marking down points of interest whenever he’s out wandering. Setting up the skeletons of future excursions in his head. And with each new meeting, the possibility of the next looms in him eager and expectant.
Arthur unwraps a peach from the sackcloth and brings it to his mouth. It’s sweet — sweeter than it has any right to be, growing as it has unattended and abandoned in that red Lemoyne dirt.
The cicada song has quieted to a whisper. Fireflies spiral in arcane patterns over the grass, blinking their silent messages through the dark. Night birds are calling, their sounds strange and strident over the rush of river water.
In the midst of all this, Dutch Van der Linde and all his talk of savage utopia seem further away than ever. More past than present.
He bites into the peach again and closes his eyes, savoring the taste. Long life and good health. Probably no more unfeasible than any other thing he’s had preached to him for the last twenty years. And not an unpleasant prospect, if the days spent are anything like this one.
No, he thinks to himself, pulling another peach from the bundle. Not a bad prospect at all.
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lilith-of-rivia · 3 years
The Witcher's Healer (GeraltXfemaleWitch!reader)
Master List
Trigger Warnings: None
Pairing: (GeraltXfemaleWitch!reader)
Word Count: 2,539
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The morning was quiet as you left the warmth of your small cottage. The sun had barely risen. Frost thick on the grass, as it crunched under your feet. The fall was deepening, winter not too far behind it. The empty water bucket hung lazily from your arm as you walked in silence to the river, Poe your guard dog in toe. The cool breeze chilled you to your bone, making you pull your wool sweater closer to your body. The river got louder as you approached, the water clear. It was very low this time of year, the snow on the mountains nearly gone as the summer came to its end.
Poe splashed recklessly around the water near the bank as you filled the bucket you had, glancing around looking at the fall greenery that was in need of picking. You grabbed the shears from the pocket of your skirt, leaving the bucket on the bank, and walked around, plucking, pulling, and cutting the foliage, putting them in your pockets. The season for growing was coming to an end, meaning your little herb and veggie garden had to be harvested, tilled, and re-seeded for next spring. A lot of work, but being a healing mage in the middle of nowhere far from any town meant fending for yourself. Most of the time at least.
The door to the house shut behind you, Poe sitting on the rug in front of the fireplace, warming his cold toes. You poured the bucket of water into the kettle over the fire, waiting for it to boil while you went to the small kitchen in your cottage. The sun was now coming up over the mountains, shining brightly through the window onto your cold cheeks. You plucked and pulled at the greenery, hanging bundles over the fire to dry. The day’s chores only grew as the sun got higher in the sky. From feeding Poe to checking snares in the woods behind your house. Thankfully you had been lucky, catching multiple rabbits and even a deer. The process of butchering, cleaning the hide, and smoking the meets would take nearly the rest of the day.
You walked back inside after checking the box in the ground that you had built to smoke meats and keep animals away, the hides now tanning on a rack outside the house. You walked over to the basin by your bed, washing the blood off your hands and forearms. Glancing over to your bed you saw the tick marks. Today marked 397 days. 397 days since you last saw your love. Since he kissed you goodbye, said he’d be back in a year or less. He was thirty days late. He had never been late, in your nearly 50 years of tending both physically and emotionally to him, he had never been late. It made your stomach ache. You would never know if he was dead or not, his line of work being increasingly more dangerous than your own.
“What if he doesn’t come back?” You whispered to yourself, tears threatening to spill down your face. If your love did not return, you had no idea what you would do. Your heart said you wouldn’t make it on this earth without him. Being a mage meant immortality. An immortal life without him was not something you wanted.
You walked back outside, the warm sun hitting your face as you walked into your gated garden, basket in hand. You began plucking and pulling herbs off their bushes, tying them in bundles before putting them in the basket. In a couple of hours, you were done harvesting. Your growth this year had been plentiful, thanks in large to the bag of manure your love had brought to you at the beginning of the season.
Carrots, tomatoes, potatoes, radishes, cabbage, onions, cucumbers, three large squash, and all the blueberries, strawberries, and raspberries you could eat. After taking multiple trips, everything from your year of tending, growing, watering, was on the table in the center of the room. After bagging all the root vegetables into mesh bags and storing them in your cellar you moved onto canning and preserving your fruits. The cans went onto the shelves in the cellar along with countless other jars of fruits from the rest of the season.
“I miss him so much.” You said as you looked from the newly cleaned table to Poe. he was laying on the couch now, his head tilting as you spoke almost as he understood you. Your body started to shake with sobs, your mind racing with what could’ve happened to your Witcher. You heard Poe Jump off the couch, soon his tongue was licking your hand softly as he whined at you. You looked down at him through clouded eyes, his ears were back. You started to pet him, his head pushing into your leg as he cuddled into you attempting to stop you from crying.
“I missed you more my love.” Your head snapped up to the door of your home, the fire lighting up his face in the dark of the night. He stood there, tall, hair a mess, his eyes were sunken in. he had two packs on his shoulders, his swords on his back. You could see the pain in his leg as he winced to put down his belongings. You could hear Roach outside, munching on grass happy her travels were over for a while.
“Oh, Geralt…” Your voice cracked as you cried more, his heart broke at the sight in front of him. You looked disheveled, face sunken in, bags under your eyes.
“Come here, my love.” His arms opened after he shut the door. Before you could move Poe was at his feet, his tail wagging so hard his entire body was shaking. He gently jumped up whining softly at him. Geralt chuckled softly, his hands petting the dog’s head, scratching behind his ears.
“I missed you too, but I need to see your mum” He gently pushed Poe off him, took two large strides, and wrapped his muscular arms around you. Your arms wrapped around him, hands gripping his shirt tightly.
“You’re late…” You whispered into his shirt, his hands stroking your back.
“I know….I’m so sorry.” His warm lips were on your forehead as he caressed your back.
“I thought you were dead…” His hands came up and cupped your face pulling you back so you could look at him. His fingers softly brushed your tears away. No one else on the planet saw this side of your witcher. Only you. With you he was soft, loving, caring. He smiled and laughed all the time. He was everything to you, and you to him.
“Nothing on this continent will ever keep me from coming back to you, dove.” his lips softly pressed to yours, it was soft, sweet. Everything in your body yurned for him. Your hands gently held onto his arms as the kiss deepened.
He pulled away too soon for your liking, making you open your eyes. His eyes were looking over your body. You knew how wrecked you looked. You hadn’t been eating or sleeping regularly. You had lost weight and it was showing. The only thing you could do to keep yourself from crying throughout the day was keeping busy. So you occupied yourself from dusk till dawn, many days only eating some bread with some form of fruit. Not nearly enough for the chores around your household. He dipped his head down, hand cupping your jaw tilting your head to the side. You felt his lips linger over your neck as he inhaled your scent deeply. You could almost see his stress melt away.
“Are you hurt?” You asked. Your hands gently pushed him back as you untied his tunic, ready to heal anything that needed your magic touch.
“Not too bad, nothing I haven’t dealt with before.” You gently removed his shirt, fingers gliding over the newer cuts along his sides and arms.
“Sit down, I’ll go mix the herbs and prepare a stew for you, my love.” You whispered, meeting his eyes. He shook his head and kissed you.
“You have not been taking care of yourself, dove. Let me help.” with a sigh you nodded.
“Go grab some potatoes, carrots, and onions from the seller. I have cured meats in the hatch outside if you’d like to grab some of that as well.” He nodded kissing your head before walking outside to gather the meats first.
You walked into the kitchen, putting a large pot over the fire, and grabbing a bread pan. You quickly mixed some flour and water with a few eggs and rosemary before placing it into the bread pan, placing it into the cast iron stove next to the fire. You grabbed the small hatchet by your wood piled to cut some kindling. Just as you were about to kneel to start the fire, Geralt grabbed your shoulders, lifting you. His hand took the hatchet as he kissed your cheek.
“I’ve got this, dove.” He whispered, steering you in the direction of your herbs. You smiled at him, your heart leaping.
After months without him, it was a breath of fresh air to have him in your home again. His sent clouded your mind as you chopped up the veg, placing it into the cast iron pot with some water and other herbs and seasonings from your cabinets. Once the meet was in the pot you covered it letting it simmer. Geralt had the fire in the oven started, bread in, and had gone back outside to chop some more firewood for the night.
You watched from the window, he was still shirtless even with the cooler temperatures, his witcher blood keeping him warm. You admired how he moved, every muscle contracting in his arms and back as he swung the ax, splitting the logs. You were grateful you wouldn’t have to do that with him home. You were grateful to have him back in arms reach.
“I got you something on the road.” Geralt said as he watched you from his place at the table, his swords in hand as he sharpened and polished them. You were pouring the stew into bowls and cutting the bread. You placed one down in front of him, lightly kissing his forehead as you sat.
“You didn’t have to do that my love.” He smiled and handed you a bag.
You pulled out the contents, your eyes widening. Inside was a beautiful black fur cloak. It was incredibly thick, made from wool and wolf’s fur. It was by far the most luxurious piece of clothing you’d ever owned. Under the cloak was a knitted wool sweater. It was green, brand new.
“Geralt….these must’ve cost a fortune you didn’t have to.” You looked at him with a smile as he ate.
“I know I didn’t have to (Y/N), but you never spend money on yourself, and you’ve been taking care of me for years. It’s no ring, but it’s better than a ring I believe. More practical. And besides your cloak and sweaters are so old, they hardly keep you warm.” He said with a smile, one eyebrow cocked at your slight confusion.
“What ring are you speaking of Geralt?” You asked as you admired the cloak. Your hands brushing through the fur.
“We’ve been together for more than half a century love. You are my wife. We may have never gotten married and I may have not asked you outright. But when women approach me in taverns when I’m away my response is always; “no because my wife is waiting for me at home”.” Your heart raced in your chest, your face was warm and you felt like crying in the best way. You had always thought of Geralt as your husband. He never asked you properly to marry him, but you never pushed, understanding that his trials and mutations had made it hard for him to express his emotions, in fear of the loss and suffering he may endure. But hearing him call you his wife, made you happier than you ever thought was possible.
“Geralt of Rivia, are you trying to ask me something?” You asked with a smile spread across your face. He returned the smile, rolling his eyes playfully as he reached across the table grabbing your hand.
“My dearest (Y/N), will you do me the honor of being my wife?” In an instant, you were in his lap kissing his face all over, not leaving an inch unkissed.
“Yes of course.” His arms circled your waist as he kissed you deeply, holding your body closer to him.
“I love you so much.” You whispered into the kiss. He smiled into your lips, fingers tightening around your waist.
“I love you, my dear.” He pulled you back, leaning over and pulling your chair closer to his. He placed you in your chair and stood up, hanging your cloak and sweater on the wall, before sliding the bowl of stew and bread over.
“Eat.” You listened, eating the stew as you watched him, tidy up the kitchen. Knowing exactly where everything was put.
“Anything exciting happens while you were away?” You asked in-between a bite. He nervously scratched his neck, placing garlic into its hanging basket.
“I went to a very important party for Queen Calanthe’s daughter. Uhm, got a very interesting gift out of it. Not really a gift, a cures more like.” You could sense his frustration, making you worry.
“Geralt, tell me what happened.”
“It was so stupid, all I did was saved a poor knight from being slaughtered because he was cursed, no monster. But the stupid curse broke all because I saved him. So he and Pavetta insisted I take something. Because I’m so stupid I jokingly claimed the law of surprise. I don’t even fucking believe in destiny. You know that. Yet here I am, stuck with a princess’s unborn fucking child.” His hand slammed into the wall as he finished his rant, his chest heaving up with frustration. You pondered his words, thinking over them. A child surprise was a big deal, but nothing you couldn’t handle.
“That’s why I was late, I didn’t want to tell you. I didn’t want to burden you with a fucking child.” You stood from your seat, walking to him, cupping his cheeks making him look at you.
“Geralt, there is nothing in this world we cannot conquer together. You need me as much as I need you. Nothing will drive me away. Unless I catch you with some whore, then you better hope I never find you.” You said the last part with a chuckle. He leaned into your hand. Kissing your wrist.
“What did I do to deserve you?” He asked as he held you close to him.
“From my recollection, you saved me from a Kikimora while I was hunting.” He smiled and kissed you softly.
“Are you sure we can do this?” He asked, closing his eyes, pressing his forehead to yours.
“We can do it, my love. As long as we are together.”
“Together, forever.”
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nyxerebus · 3 years
His Sun (Daryl x Reader) - 9
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Chapter 9
“You're in a better mood than usual?” Glenn had been grinning all day and has been in a great mood. You were balancing a basket of dirty laundry and was on your way down to the small river in the forest to try and wash the blood and sweat away.
“Oh, nothing” You didn't believe him, not when he had that dreamy look on his face. “Come on! Its clearly something! Why wont you tell me?” Glenn looked around, making sure no one was within hearing distance, he even grabbed your arm and pulled you farther away from the camp. “Okay, promise you won't tell anybody” He took one more look around, and turned to you grinning from ear to ear. “Maggie and I hooked up”
“No! Really!?” You were stunned, he and Maggie?! “Wha! Why are you so surprised, you dont think Maggie is nice?” He looked very offended at the idea that you didn't like Maggie. “No! Maggie is great! She is gorgeous and super nice, I’m just surprised you got with her. She is wayyy out of your league” Now he looked offended. “What!”
“Yeah, sorry bud”
“Well, you don't have to remind me” He pouted and looked away. “But congrats! Are you a thing now, or is it a friends with benefits situation?”
“I don't know, we haven't talked about it”
“What do you want?” He smiled, “I really like her. She's super cool and sexy! I want to be together”
“Then you need to talk together! Let her know what you want” Glenn nodded excitedly. “I will!” You both parted ways and you headed over to the river. Glenn and Maggie.
Their kids will be so attractive.
“Here we go” You finally heard the river flowing. The clear water was streaming down the small river. You sat the basket down and started working. You had asked Maggie for some soap, so you started to rub it into the clothes. Focusing on the stains and armpits. When a clothing article was lathered in soap, you pushed it into the cold water and rubbed the soap out using the harsh stream. But the snap of a twig pulled you out of your work. “Hello?” When nobody answered you unsheathed your knife from your belt and stood up. The sound of something walking drew closer and the bushes started to shake. Sweat was forming on your forehead and neck, were you really going to face another walker?
Your prayers were answered as a lonely bunny jumped out of the bush. Your frames visibly relaxed and you put away your knife. “Just a little guy, no walkers” You calmed yourself “Hey little guy” You bent down again and tried the pspspspsp technice, but the bunny didn't move. just stared up at you with its big eyes. “Right, that only works on cats huh?” You sighed and looked down. Annoyed that you didn’t bring your herb bag, you had some spear carrots you could give to the bunny.
“You're awfully calm, I thought bunnies were terrified of humans” You stared at the bunny, waiting for the answer that never would come. “Well, I have some work to do. You can join me if you want” You turned back around and continued with the laundry, and the bunny never left. He just sat there staring at you.
“(Y/N)! Where ya’ at?” Daryl's voice was coming closer and closer, and when he walked out from behind a tree, the bunny bolted back into the bush it came from. “No, wait” but the bunny was gone.
“What are ya talking to?” Daryl looked down at you confused. “Just a bunny” He still looked confused, “Ya were chattin’ with a, a bunny?” He raised his brow at you. “Yeah, when you say it like that i sound mad” You looked up at him and giggled. “What can I do for you?” Daryl bent down and sat down next to you. “Nothin’ important, just wondering where ya were at” He looked down, not meeting your gaze.
“Aw, you missed me” You poked his side teasingly. But when you saw him wincing, you stopped. “Sorry, i forgot about the wound” You rubbed his arm, apologetic. “No worries’, forgot it was there too. And its nothin’ i can't handle” He puffed his chest. “Sure big man” A comfortable silence fell between you. You continued to wash the clothes. “Here, let me help ya’”, he grabbed some of the clothes and started to wash out the soap. But he pushed the shirt too deep and it got dirtied by the dirt on the bottom of the river. “No, your doing it wrong” You tried to take the shirt from him, but he held it up above you, just out of reach. “What ya talkin about? I’m doing it perfectly” He smirked down at you, even when you both were sitting he was taller than you. “Asshole! Give it to me”
“Nah” You tried to reach, but it was useless. You were now on your hands and knees, but since the rocks you were balancing on were wet, it was easy to slip and fall. Which was exactly what you did. You placed your left hand on the wrong rock, and slipped and fell down into the river. You fell on your behind and lost balance so you fell down and ended up on your back. The river was not deep, but your head fell under water. You quickly got ub and were leaning on your elbows behind your back, the river was shallow enough so that the water only reached up to your chest when you were leaning back like this.
“Happy?” You questioned the snorting man, still dry and happy on the land. “Very” You rolled your eyes at him and reached your hand up. “Give me a hand, would ya?” He, of course, reached out and grabbed you. But before he could help you up, you pulled as hard as you could and was able to pull him into the water with you. “You fucking brat!”
He landed face first onto your lap, and was soaked through all his clothes. He was about to cuss you out, but seeing you laughing and feeling the softness of your thigh, made his heart flutter. He remembered the painfull look in your eyes when you shoved him your scars and told him about your past, and he swore he would do anything to hear you laugh and protect you from the cruelty of this world, even if that meant he would get soaked in river water.
“That's what you get!” You were able to say between the wheezes of your laughter. “Yeah, yeah” He stood up and was on his knees in front of you. “The water is cold as shit” He wanted to look away, but your cute face, laughing and red nosed from the cold, he couldn't look away from that. Your laughter died down, and you stared back at him with as much admiration. You loved his eyes, always have. And they looked even more beautifly with the blue water flowing under you. “Daryl” You whispered, leaning into him. He leaned down towards you, slowly. He stopped when he could feel your breath on his mouth. “(Y/N)”
You were about to throw caution into the air and kiss him, but was rudely interrupted when someone called both your names from the forest. Both of your heads snapped towards the sound and were met with a smirking Carol. “Sorry, did I interrupt you?” She was so smug. “Get out of here!” Daryl shouted trying to hide his blush from being caught. Both of you were supporting a heavy blush. “Take your time love birds! Just know that Rick has called for a meeting” Before Daryl could shout more at her, she ran back.
You both were sitting in the water, trying to comprehend what had happened. After some minutes, Daryl broke the silence. “We should head back” He didn't look back at you, just stood up and got out of the water. But after he threw his crossbow behind his back, he reached out his hand to you. And this time you let him help you up. “Just go ahead, i have to finish the rest of the washing”
“Nah, could be walkers here. I’m stayin’” You finished the washing in silence. When you both emerged from the forest and into the camp, all eyes were on you. This did not help the blushing issue. “We are invited to dinner in the house, so please, everyone, behave” Rick wasn't directly addressing you both, but you understood what he was saying.
Clean up and look presentable
You nodded at him and walked over to your tent. The wind had picked up, and the wet clothes were becoming colder. You started to shiver, and cursed yourself for deciding to wash your sweater and warmer clothes today. You started to hang up the wet clothes, but stopped when you felt something warm wrap around you. “Here, ya looked cold” Daryl's gruff voice came from behind you. You turned around to thank him, but he had already walked off. Leaving you with his poncho wrapped around your shivering body.
A/N: WOOO! Im back!! ready to continue the series and write more stuff!! Hope you like it and message me or comment if you want to be on the taglist!
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ultimatetornshipper · 3 years
Daminette December Day 6
Oh what’s this? Two chapters in a row from Marinette’s pov? Sorry just couldn’t help myself, like I just had to man
Hope yall enjoy it~
Princes and Pedestals
Chapter 6 – Comfort
Marinette didn’t sleep that night.
Sure, negotiations had gone wonderfully and she, Cass and Steph had spent the afternoon discussing everything from fighting stances to Stephanie’s potential wedding dress. They hung out with Ivy again and went to the beach to pick up shells.
Most of the day's activities were Stephanie’s ideas but Cass and Marinette also enjoyed them. Now and then Jason and Dick would join them or Cass would go to do something or another, but Steph was practically attached to Marinette’s hip. She smiled, Alya and Chloe would be jealous.
She had fun, but when night fell and everyone had retired to their bedrooms, there was nothing to distract her from the memories.
His smile and the sparkle in his eyes when he was up to good mocked her whenever she closed her eyes. Reminding her that she’d never see them again.
When the birds started singing she’d given up trying to sleep. Marinette stood and for the last time she put on one of her black dresses. She put her hair in a single braid down her back and put on a practical pair of boots with it.
She stared at the silver necklace he gave her a month after they met. She hadn’t worn it since her week in isolation after he died. She'd kept it with her whenever she travelled but she’d never had the strength to wear it again.
She picked it up. On the silver chain hung an oval shaped emerald.
To remind you of me when I’m not with you, Bugaboo.
With shaking hands she tied it around her neck. It felt right to wear it this one last time.
She took a deep breath, she needed to be alone today, being around other people wasn’t something she had the energy for.
She eyed Tikki, still asleep on one of the many pillows on the bed. She loved her kwami dearly, but... she wasn’t in the mood for company.
She stood and walked over to where her writing supplies lie on the table. She quickly wrote a note for Tikki asking her to tell anyone who came looking for her that she was safe and that she’d be back by nightfall.
Satisfied, she grabbed her coat and her knife in its scabbard and made her way downstairs to the kitchen. She didn’t want to eat, but she needed the energy if she was going to be out all day.
When she got there the staff were busy preparing the meals of the day, the smells made her stomach rumble.
She didn’t really know who to approach or what to do but before she could worry about it too much a middle aged man with red hair approached her, he wore an apron and gave her a slight smile, “You the Guardian?”
“Yes, that would be me,” she answered, before she could figure out how to ask for a basket of food or something similar he chuckled lightly.
“Your Majesty, Alfred said you might show up, he asked me to give you this and to tell you Bluebell is saddled up for you in the stables. He also said that George left a saddle bag in her stable for you,” he turned around and picked up a basket and a thick looking basket, handing them to her.
She stared at the objects in surprise, “How did he...?” she started, not even knowing how to phrase the question.
He seemed to know what she meant, though, and just shrugged, “He just does that sometimes. We’ve learned not to question it,” amusement shinning in his eyes, he continued, “But if you’ll excuse me, I really need to get back to work,”
“Please, don’t let me stop you and uh... thank you,” she said lifting the basket slightly.
She turned out of the kitchen and a small wave of homesickness surprised her. Nathaniel also always knew what you needed before you did, helpfully supplying it before you could even phrase the question.
It was an ability all of Duusu's holders had, knowing how to take care of people and enjoying the act of doing so.
She made her way to the stables as the first rays of dawn started lighting the sky. Small rocks and sticks crunched between her boots and the cobblestone.
The fresh, chilly morning air motivated her to don her coat. When she got to the barn she saw a young dapple grey horse saddled up in her stable. The name on the door said ‘Bluebell’.
“Hey girl,” Marinette held her hand out and petted her. She opened the door and attached the saddle bag to the saddle, putting the blanket in it. She tied the medium sized basket to Bluebell’s back the way she’d been taught since it distributed the weight best.
She lead her out and once they were outside she climbed onto her back. She lightly kicked Bluebell’s sides and made her way to the forest.
She followed the well trodden path through it for an hour, while the sun slowly rose over their heads. Eventually, they reached a beautiful meadow. The path continued on, but Marinette was hungry and wanted to stop and eat.
A river ran through the clearing. The woods stretched out the other side of it. In the distance she could see the range of mountains they’d passed on their journey to Gotham.
She took out the blanket and spread it out. Then she removed and opened the basket. Inside she found all her favorite foods, as well as a bundle that contained apples, carrots and sugar cubes for Bluebell.
She allowed the horse to roam free, but she never wandered far. Marinette ate a few grapes, a small bun of bread and a few bites of cheese.
She gave Bluebell an apple and a sugar cube. The rest she rewrapped in the cloths she got them in. She removed the charcoal and parchment in the basket that Alfred had added for her to sketch with. It was a nice surprise; she wouldn’t have thought of including it.
She wasn’t sure when she started talking to Bluebell but eventually she found herself telling the horse everything, from the moment she met him to her initial thoughts. She told her about things she hadn’t thought of in ages.
She told her about how his favorite color was blue and his favorite season winter. She told her about how hard he'd tried to hide it when he started realizing he was getting sick.
She told her about how weak his grip had gotten towards the end and how it taken every piece of her self control not to take his ring and wish it all away.
She wasn’t sure when she started crying but before long her cheeks were wet and she was sobbing as she spoke of the memories and the pain and just how tired she was.
And when she was done she realized that it was already afternoon. She fed Bluebell some more, even though she’d grazed for most of the day, then she packed everything onto Bluebell.
As she rode back she felt as though a massive weight had been lifted from her shoulders. Today she’d found something in Bluebell’s presence that she hadn’t experienced for the longest time.
Bluebell didn’t have expectations of her, she was a horse, she didn’t put her on a pedestal like everyone else, to her she was just another human.
Maybe some people would find it funny that she’d found comfort in a horse, but Marinette couldn’t bring herself to care.
It was dark when she got back, she unsaddled Bluebell and brushed her.
She dropped the basket and blanket off at the kitchen and asked the staff to pass on her thanks to Alfred.
She made her way back to her room, passing the sitting room, just as Dick was exiting it. His eyes widened when he saw her.
He looked incredibly relieved, “Guys, I found her!” he called out, then made his way over to her, worry still evident on his face.
“Marinette are you alright? We were so worried,” he took her hand and seemed to be checking her over for injuries.
She frowned, had Tikki not told them that she was going out?
Steph suddenly appeared next to her, along with Jason, Cass and Damian.
Steph pushed Dick away from her, “She’s fine, Dick, you’re invading her space. I told you that Tikki said she’d be out,”
Stephanie’s hand rested on her shoulder. But she didn’t miss the way the girl’s gaze had caught on Marinette’s red rimmed eyes, along with the black rings under them, that clearly indicated that she hadn’t slept.
All the others still seemed intent on making sure she was fine for themselves, some less discreetly than others.
Jason took her cloak off before she even realized it and had folded it, asking a passing maid to wash it and fix the tears she hadn’t noticed.
Dick kept asking questions, but she zoned him out almost immediately.
Cass steered her towards a couch in the living room, and held her hand tightly, while studying her.
Damian was frowning at her muddied boots and a tear or two in her dress. It was an old dress, she was sure none of the tears were new, but she also had a feeling that wouldn’t ease his worry.
Stephanie started arguing with Dick, telling him to leave her alone and that she was clearly fine, though it seemed like she didn’t completely believe the words herself. She wasn’t the only one though, everyone looked worried.
Marinette was surprised, sure her court cared for her. But they never worried or asked questions about where she’d been, they trusted that if she looked fine she was.
So this, this was new.
She found that she didn’t mind too much. Well, she didn’t mind it in general. Right now, however, she was tired and emotionally drained and would rather explain everything later.
“Do you want me to take you back to your room?” Damian whispered from behind her, most of the others were too caught up in their own conversations to notice.
She turned around and met his gaze. Accept this time, she didn’t flinch. He seemed surprised too, maybe talking to Bluebell had done her more good than she’d realized.
She gave him a tired smile and nodded. He studied her for a moment more before looking up and glaring at his siblings.
“That is enough,” he said evenly, “She is clearly tired. If she so wishes, she will tell us what happened tomorrow. Now, I will be escorting her to her room so that she can get some rest,”
Most of his siblings stared at him in shock, while Cass smiled approvingly. Marinette stood and took Damian’s offered arm. He escorted her out of the room.
When they got to the hallway Plagg flew out and gave her a sad smile, “Hi, pigtails,”
She softly smiled back as they walked, “Hey, Plagg,”
He landed on her shoulder and whispered in her ear, “You should have seen him freaking out when you were missing. A true black cat, overthinking everything when it comes to their bug. He'll do well,”
He then curled into her neck and purred, she hadn’t missed the sad tone in his voice. Plagg was still grieving, it would take time before he’d truly bond with Damian.
She looked at the boy walking next to her, he seemed to be lost in thought, but he glanced at her every now and then, as though he was checking to make sure she was still there.
She spotted the ring on his finger, reminded of what Plagg said, she decided to break the silence.
“I'm sorry if I scared you guys, I figured Tikki and the note would be enough assurance,” she said softly, turning her head to look at him.
He glanced back at her, and she saw his gaze catching on her red rimmed eyes, “She showed us the note, but those have been faked in the past to hurt us before and we don’t know what your handwriting looks like, a lot of people have been known to target us and those we’re involved with, so we’re a bit paranoid,”
Suddenly she understood their reaction, they thought she might’ve been captured and her note was planted to buy the kidnappers time.
“I didn’t realize that. Though, in future, you should know that you would’ve been able to tell if something was wrong through the miraculous, thanks to Plagg and Tikki's connection,” she said, smiling at him, “Thank you, though, I’m not used to people worrying about me,”
He looked at her in surprise, but his voice was even when he spoke, “How so?”
She shrugged and looked forward again, “People tend to overestimate me,”
What an understatement. Everyone seemed to think she was practically invulnerable. Well, except for Damian and his siblings apparently.
She felt him tense slightly, he seemed to be pretty protective of her already. He had resonated quicker with Plagg than she anticipated.
They walked the rest of the way to her room in a comfortable silence.
When they finally got there he opened her door, but before she could go in he took her hand. She turned her attention to him and he studied her for a moment, clearly hesitant.
“Goodnight, Marinette,” he said softly, staring into her eyes, gaze searching.
She stared back at him and gave him a small smile, “Goodnight Damian,”
That night she slept better than she had in years.
@animegirlweeb @loysydark @toodaloo-kangaroo @forgottenfriends @wolf-for-life @heyitsbugette @f-rget-lt
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wizardofrozz · 3 years
Prompt 17: Hayride
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Dean Winchester x Human!Castiel, Toddler!Jack Kline
Word Count: 1,386
Warnings: none
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 Dean stumbled into the kitchen, rubbing a fist into his eye, yawning; he hissed when his shoulder knocked into the doorway.
           “Daddy!” Jack squealed, clambering off his chair and scurrying towards Dean.
           “Mornin’ munchkin,” Dean chuckled, hefting Jack into his arms and loudly kissing his cheek.
           “Ah, there’s my boys.” Dean glanced up at the back door, finding Cas shuffling in with a bright smile on his face, carrying a small basket with peas and carrots. His dusty blue Henley molded around his thick arms, complimenting the way his worn jeans hugged his thighs; Dean licked his lips, clearing his throat.
           “Mornin’ sunshine,” Dean beamed, meeting Cas halfway. Their lips brushed in a gentle kiss that sent Dean’s skin ablaze; Jack giggled between them, kissing Cas’ cheek. “Ready for breakfast? We’ve got a busy day ahead of us.” Dean asked Jack, bouncing him on his hip. The four-year-old clapped happily, bouncing so much it almost knocked Dean off balance.
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The farm-turned pumpkin patch was teeming with families and clusters of laughing kids. Jack was borderline vibrating in his car seat as Dean steered Baby into an empty parking spot; Cas’ face lit up just like Jack’s, sending Dean’s heart soaring.
           “Alright,” Dean started, twisting in his seat so he could see Cas and Jack. “What do my boys want to do first?”
           “Sam mentioned picking out pumpkins,” Cas offered, his eyes darting around the variety of activities visible from the parking lot.
           “Well, duh,” Dean laughed, stretching to squeeze Cas’ shoulder. “How about we go pick out a few pumpkins, then go on a hayride.”
           “Hayride?” Cas and Jack chorused, blinking at Dean.
           “Don’t worry; you’ll love it,” Dean snorted, shaking his head. He climbed out of the car, shooing Cas when he stayed put, squinting at him.
           “Daddy, let’s go!” Jack whined from the back seat, bouncing impatiently.
           “Alright, alright,” Cas huffed, hiding his smile.
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Dean glanced over his shoulder, watching Cas squat down to zip Jack’s coat while they waited in line for apple cider; the cart was heavy and difficult to manage under the weight of their pumpkins. Of course, Jack picked the pumpkin big enough for him to lay on top of and hug, but Dean had no chance of saying no when Cas turned his giant pleading blue eyes on him. After managing to fit the pumpkins into the impala’s trunk, Dean stopped at the ticket booth for the hayride. He found Cas sitting on the tabletop of a picnic table with Jack perched on his thigh and snuggled into the side of Cas’ borrowed canvas jacket, both giggling and sipping their cider.
           “Who’s ready for a hayride?” Dean called, smiling brightly as he approached his little family.
           “Me!” Jack screeched. Cas made a startled, high-pitched noise when Jack nearly elbowed his cup, and Dean surged forward, grabbing Jack before he toppled off Cas’ lap.
           “You alright, sweetheart,” Dean snorted. Cas looked flustered as he blinked up at Dean then back down at his cup; Dean shuffled forward, tugging Cas under the arm Jack wasn’t cradled in. He knew Cas was still getting used to Jack being so energetic and squirmy all the time, and it left him more than a little flustered at times.
           “Sorry, daddy,” Jack mumbled, running his fingers through Cas’ hair.
Cas huffed out a laugh, snuggling closer to Dean's side, reaching for Jack. “Don’t apologize, baby. You just scared me.” Dean pressed a long kiss to Cas’ hair, breathing in the crisp apple smell of his shampoo, getting lost in it for a moment. “Come on; there’s a hayride waiting for us.”
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Jack insisted on standing as they waited in line for the hayride, and the longer they waited, the more excited Jack got and the more talkative he got too.
           “Where’s it gonna go, daddy?” Jack asked, tugging on Dean’s pant leg.
           “It’s a surprise,” Dean chuckled, ruffling his hair. Cas stepped closer, bracing his hands on Dean’s shoulder and resting his chin on them, watching Jack excitedly ramble. It was finally their turn, and Dean swept Jack off the ground, positioning him on his shoulders; Jack smacked the top of Dean’s head happily, making him flinch with every hit. Cas chuckled as he climbed up into the hay-covered trailer, earning a playful glare from his husband.
           “Jack, stop moving,” Cas ordered gently as he reached for him. As soon as Jack was secure in Cas’ arms, Dean climbed onto the trailer, steering Cas towards an empty seat with a hand on his lower back. Cas squirmed around in his seat, sitting Jack on his lap and loosely wrapping his arms around the boy’s stomach.
Dean dropped down next to Cas, pinching Jack’s side, earning a burst of laughter. “Don’t try to stand up, okay?” Jack nodded, wiggling around in Cas’ lap before leaning back against his chest, playing with the fingers locked around his stomach.
           “The straw is itchy,” Cas grumbled, furrowing his brow. Cas shifted in his seat, leaning into Dean’s side. “What’s the point of this?” Cas whispered to Dean.
           “Fun, Cas,” Dean whispered back, shaking his head fondly. “Just enjoy the breeze and the decorations around the farm, sweetheart.” Dean kissed Cas’ ear, letting out a breathy laugh when Cas’ shoulder shook slightly.
           “Hi!” a high-pitched voice exclaimed. Dean and Cas snapped out of their little world, their eyes shifting towards where the voice came from. Opposite them on the ride was a little girl with light blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes focused on Jack. “My name’s Sophie.” Jack tilted his head, blinking at the little girl before turning a questioning look towards Dean.
           “Say hi, honeybee,” Cas laughed, squeezing their son gently.
           “Hi,” Jack mumbled shyly, his cheeks turning a slight pink color. “I’m Jack.”
           “Sorry,” the girl’s mother laughed. “She’s a social butterfly.”
           “Jack’s just a little shy,” Dean assured, rubbing his son’s leg. “Like his dad.” Dean shot Cas a quick smirk, briefly catching the eye roll from the ex-angel.
           “I like your shirt,” Sophie cut in, smiling softly at Jack. At the mention of his favorite shirt, Jack lit up, sitting up in Cas’ lap and smoothing a hand over the bee picture.
           “It’s my favorite shirt,” Jack explained, returning the girl’s smile.
           “So, he’s yours?” the mother asked.
           “Ours,” Cas corrected, flickering his eyes over to Dean.
           “Oh yeah, that’s kind of what I meant,” she laughed, looking towards Dean with a warm smile. Dean opened his mouth to reply when the trailer jerked forward before moving at a steady pace.
           “We’re moving!” Jack exclaimed, clapping around Cas’ hands.
           “Let’s keep a lookout for decorations,” Cas whispered against Jack’s hair, turning in his seat towards Dean. Jack pointed out clusters of decorations, asking what they were and listening with unwavering rapture as Dean explained the scenes. Cas looked just as awestruck and thrilled as Jack and listened to Dean’s explanations just as closely. The irritation of the straw didn’t seem to bother Cas anymore as they continued, and Dean couldn’t help but smile at the wonder written all over his son and husband’s faces.
           “Hi!” Jack and a few other kids screeched as the hayride passed the pumpkin patch.
           “I like this,” Cas hummed, smiling wide and bright at Dean.
           “I knew you would,” Dean laughed, kissing Cas’ cheek. By the time the ride pulled back into the starting spot, Jack was talking animatedly to Cas about the zombie scene they saw near the end and didn’t realize they were walking away from the hayride.
           “Daddy!” Jack screeched, reaching for Dean, pulling Cas off balance. Cas stumbled into Dean, laughing and shaking his head. “Again, again!”
           “We need to get some lunch, kiddo,” Dean sighed, slinging his arm around Cas and Jack.
           “We’ll see,” Dean replied, avoiding the puppy dog eyes Jack was giving him.
           “Mhm,” Cas hummed, raising a brow at Dean, rolling his eyes fondly, knowing Jack would wear him down.
           “Don’t give me that look, Cas,” Dean scolded. “I don’t buckle for everything he wants.”
           “Okay, Dean,” Cas sighed, shifting Jack on his hip. Dean’s cheeks burned, and he ducked his head, dragging his little family towards the farm’s deli to order lunch and fill their empty stomachs.
They did, in fact, go on another ride after lunch.
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primroseprime2019 · 2 years
Last Line Tag
Thanks for tagging me @talesofsorrowandofruin
Here’s an excerpt from my story Bloodlines:
"Paige?" I was snapped out of my thoughts and I turned to Simon who had an uneasy look on his face. He shuffled his feet and bit his bottom lip. "A-are you okay? You've been... really quiet," he said.
I was silent for a moment. Was I really okay? Even I didn't have any answer for that. "I... I'm okay Simon," I said. Two boys rushed past us and we turned to see a girl pressing her ear against the Principal's door.
"What do you think they're talking about?" One of the boys— a peachy skinned, dark red eyed and tan haired boy— asked the girl.
"I don't know Aaron," the girl said in a hushed voice, "it's all muffled." I frown at them and shake my head. Eavesdropping was just another way to get into trouble. Harry and Scarlet knew that all too well, considering the many detentions they've gotten themselves into. And for some reason, Scarlet always had a way of sneaking out without anyone noticing.
I was brought out of my thoughts when the kids scurried away from the door as it opened, revealing the principal and the vice principal walking out of the office. Everyone turned to them and stared nervously. The principal stopped and looked down at me. I stared up at him blankly. He blinked at me before he followed the vice principal. The bell rang and everyone started to leave.
"Paige?" I looked over at Gregory as he stood next to the bike rack, holding his bike by the handlebars.
"You gonna be okay?" He asked. I frowned as my thoughts swirled around. Why did everyone keep asking me that?
"I'll get back to you on that," I said simply before I started walking away. He frowned as he watched me.
I walked into the forest, making a beeline for a clearing. The forest wasn't far from the school so I pretty much had a way to go there to have some time to myself. I walked into the clearing and I sighed shakily before I dropped my backpack onto the ground and I fell to my knees, throwing my head back, a heavy sigh escaping me.
I ran my fingers through my hair. I knew Gregory wouldn't let me live that down, neither would Mom. I let out another sigh and laid back on the ground. I stared up at the blue and white sky.
It was pretty to look at. It made me feel okay even on the bad days. Whenever I had a breakdown, I always went on walks and mostly because Dad wanted me to. It helped calm me down and Mom always welcomed me with suggestions on snacks and cuddles.
I was 19 years old now. My birthday had passed. And I was more than excited. And nervous.
God, I was scared of graduating and now that I had, I was in college. Every vampire teenager was. I placed my hands over my eyes, letting out a frustrated yell.
"Bloody hell!" I shouted before I got up, grabbed my bag and went to a dirt road. It led to a barn. I knew who owned the barn. Picking up a carrot from the basket on the table, I walked over to the horse's stable and walked up to a grey horse.
Tagging: @movieexpert1978 @wingsy-keeper-of-songs @ritasrandomblogofrandoms @tiny-prince-alef @kannra-orhara @emeraldflower25 @curetapwater @evilwriter37
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The Little Things in Life - 5
Warnings: cheating, non-consent sex (series); not the sex you’re expecting but it’s the sex you get.
This is dark!Steve and explicit. 18+ only.
Series Summary: Your suburban life begins to show cracks and your next door neighbour, Steve Rogers, seems intent on shattering what’s left.
Note: I finished part 7 yesterday but I’m legit just coasting at this point which means that I’m not rushing anything. I’m doing what I feel like in order to manage my anxiety so one day at a time. :D I do appreciate you all reading. Thanks to everyone for their feedback. :)
I really hope you enjoy. 💋
<3 Let me know what you think with a like or reblog or reply or an ask! Love ya!
Based on this drabble
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You didn’t sleep well at all. You woke early and pulled on your torn jeans and the old tank with the bulldog on the front. You looked in on Kayla before you went downstairs and carefully crept to the back door. You went to the shed and got your tools. 
Your small garden in the back was marked off with chicken wire and stakes. You climbed over the low barrier and checked in on the early sprouts. Carrots, cucumbers, and tomatoes to start. It would be a while as the tomato vines had only began to wind up the cages.
You heard the gate. You stood up and neared the fence. Your heart sank as you saw Steve round the corner of your house. He wore only a pair of track pants and his sneakers. You glanced up at your bedroom window; confused.
“Hot out, today,” He said.
“What are you doing here?”
“I was on my morning run.” He neared and you backed away from the wire. “I didn’t see you out front.”
“Oh gee, it seems like maybe I’m avoiding you.” You hissed.
“Logan tell you about Thursday?” He asked. You nodded. “Should I grab some wine? Or tequila?”
“I don’t think I’ll be drinking for a while.” You muttered. “Please, go.”
He put his hands on his hips. You didn’t miss the way he pushed his chest out or the way the muscles of his arms bulged. You tore your eyes away guiltily. He chuckled.
“I’m married,” You whispered and slowly glanced at him. “And I’m not interested.”
“You could’ve fooled me, honey,” He leaned on the top of the low fence. “You were shaking like a virgin.”
“Stop.” You sneered. “Go.”
He smirked and stood straight. He stretched his hands and traced a line of sweat along his torso with his finger.
“I’ll see you on Thursday.” He said. “Can’t wait.”
He left you with as little fanfare as he’d arrived. Your shovel slipped from your hand and speared the dirt. You spun and grabbed your head as if it would burst. You squatted down to collect your things. He wasn’t going to stop.
The days flew by. You hated how time could seem to drag one moment, only to speed up when you wanted it to stand still. You were trying desperately to distract yourself from the two men tearing you apart. 
You spent hours in your office working as your mother volunteered to watch Kayla. You could hear them in the front room, giggling. You were thankful for the help though you regretted that your mom was spending her vacation time with your kid.
Logan’s nights were as late as ever. Your conversations tense. Every time you looked at him you saw Karina; the reflection of him as he posed in the mirror. He fucked you again on Tuesday. It was as unenjoyable as Sunday though you were surprised by his sudden burst of libido. Until you found out that Karina was out of town.
You were distracted from your blinking cursor as your thoughts drifted to your brewing resent. You rubbed your eyes and leaned back in your chair. It was harder and harder to focus.
A knock had you spinning around in the chair. You listened as your mother answered it and her voice came muffled through the door. You stood and went to peek down the hall. You cursed silently as you spied your visitor on the doorstep. Your mother turned back and smiled as she saw you.
“You’ve got a guest,” She chimed.
You sighed and emerged from behind the door. You tramped down the carpet and your mother gave a smile to Steve before she flitted back into the front room. Her voice spiked as she greeted Kayla and your daughter giggled in response. You leaned on the door with a frown.
“I’m working,” You said. “And my mother is here.”
“She’s nice,” He replied. “Like you.”
“My daughter is in the next room,” You lowered your voice. “I told you to stay away.”
“You know that’s not gonna happen,” He licked his lips. “I know that you’re looking forward to tomorrow as much as me.”
“You need to go.” You sneered.
“I just wanted to return these,” He held up your gardening glove. The spare pair with the teddy bears on them that you kept buried at the bottom of your basket of tools. “You forgot them last week.”
“What?” You reached out to take them and he caught your hand. He stepped closer and pushed your palm against his crotch. “Steve!”
He cupped his hand around yours and you felt a twitch. You tried to recoil but he had a firm hold on you.
“You should wear something nice tomorrow.” He purred. “Maybe a dress.”
“Let me go,” You demanded as you struggled with him. “What are you--”
He relented and shoved your gloves into your hand. He clung to you and leaned down to whisper in your ear.
“I think of you… at night,” His lips brushed your temple. “It’s so exciting. I can’t stop thinking what it’d be like if you were really there. With me. Beneath me.”
Your lip trembled as he finally released you. You drew back and grabbed the door. He stopped it before you could slam it.
“Now, now,” He said with a smirk. “Your daughter’s in the next room.” He pulled his hand away slowly. “You don’t wanna scare her.”
You stared at him and shook your head. Stunned.
“Bye… Steve,” You uttered and closed the door gently. 
You could see him through the frosted glass. You turned the lock and but he didn’t retreat. His palm came clear through the window as he touched it and you backed away. You looked down at your gloves and heard his fingers slide down the glass.
You went to the living room and looked in on your mother and Kayla. They were nestled on the sofa as they watched cartoon superheroes. You smiled but it quickly died as you forced yourself away from the doorway. You continued onto your office and glanced back at the door. The glass was pale; Steve was gone.
You carried on to the back door and eased the screen door open. You crept quietly down the steps and neared the shed. You stopped dead as you saw the latch. The lock was broken and the metal loop was on the ground. 
You neared cautiously and pulled the door open. Your gardening basket was overturned. He wanted you to know he’d been there. It was a message; he would find a way to get to you.
Thursday came and your mother picked up Kayla at five. Logan was home early to your surprise and seemed eager to finish the beer he’d left at the Rogers’. You were in dread as you looked in the mirror and turned in your loose dress. 
You were certain that even with a belt cinched at the waist, it betrayed little of your figure. The neckline was high-cut and the skirt reached your knees. You wore flats and a thin cardigan over it. You were assured that you were matronly enough to deter your covetous neighbour.
You were so distracted, that your anger with Logan was only a nagging jab in the ribs compared to the tightness in your chest. The anxiety that had you clutching the thin handles of the tall gift bag. You’d gone out and bought the same brand of wine Steve had given you. A gift for Sharon. Out of courtesy, or maybe, it was guilt.
You crossed the street with your husband. You avoided looking at him. You found it harder every day. Sooner or later, you knew you’d snap. You’d have to say something. You couldn’t live like this forever.
Sharon answered the door. She wore a red jumpsuit that enhanced her figure. The last of her baby weight was barely noticeable. She was stunning. You handed her the wrapped bottle of wine and she thanked you as she peeked in the bag.
“Steve’s in the den,” She said to Logan. “But dinner’s on it’s way.”
Your husband thanked her and dipped into the next room. She beckoned you into the kitchen and gave you a stack of plates.
“We should set the table.” She said. “I might be too lazy to cook but I can pretend I did.”
She grabbed the silverware and followed you into the dining room. Like the rest of her house, it was immaculately decorated. You recalled the designer she had brought in last year to do the nursery. You wondered how her and Steve could live in such a boring cul-de-sac. They should be secluded away in some exuberant mansion.
“Then, you can help me make the margaritas,” She trilled and drew you from your envy. “Oh, take that thing off.”
She dumped the utensils on the table as you set down the plates. 
“How old is this dress?” She asked as she pushed your cardigan down your shoulders. “Have you lost weight?”
“I… don’t know.” 
You wriggled free of your sleeves and let her sling your cardigan on the bag of one of the chairs. You began to place the plates carefully around the table. She turned to a small table and opened the slender drawer. She pulled out some folded cloth napkins and began to roll up the silver in the black cotton.
“I was on this mission once. When I was younger.” She said as you neared to help her. “I was undercover as a waitress for two months. By the end of it, I wondered if it would be easier to just stay. It was a nice restaurant and the tips…”
“I did some bar tending in university,” You offered. “I got demoted to cleaning dishes after I broke a bottle of Grey Goose.”
She laughed and watched you place the cutlery alongside the plates. When you finished, she led you back into the kitchen and set up her big blender. She dumped in ice, Cointreau, and a healthy dose of tequila. You recognized the half-finished mickey from the party. She revealed another from under the counter and added to her brew.
“Um, I don’t know if you need all tha--” 
She held down the button and the motor drowned out your voice. She nodded to the cupboard and you turned and opened it. You pulled out for stemmed glasses and placed them on the counter. She turned off the blender and lined the rims with salt before she poured the icy mixture.
The doorbell rang and she shoved the glasses towards you.
“That should be the food,” She announced. “Take those to the table and get the guys, will you?”
You watched her go, her strides long as she floated on her gold heels. You took the glasses out two at a time and then dipped your head into the den. Steve and Logan chattered as sports highlights flashed on the large television.
“Dinner,” You said quietly.
Steve looked up first and nodded. He stood and Logan mirrored him. Steve waved him along first and your husband surprised you as he neared and placed a peck on your lips. You turned as he wrapped his arm around you and guided you across the hall. His hand rested on your hip but you nearly jumped as you felt a pinch on your ass. That wasn’t Logan.
You ignored it and swept away from Logan as you entered the dining room and sat at the chair where your cardigan hung. Your husband sat beside you and Steve made sure to take the seat across from you. You avoided his eyes as you let Logan hold your hand on the arm of the chair.
Sharon entered with a bowl of roasted potatoes. Next she entered with a rotisserie chicken and finally a spiced veggie medley. You couldn’t believe she had paid for the delivery. You knew the restaurant well and it was expensive on its own and the delivery fee was little better. You’d only been there once and Logan had bawked at the bill.
Sharon served each of you and then took her own seat. She reached for her cup and raised it.
“There’s more in the kitchen,” She promised. “I’ve pumped enough for another hangover.”
You gave a sheepish smile and sipped. Steve took a large gulp as his eyes caught yours and you quickly averted your gaze. You focused on your plate and barely tasted the savoury food. You flinched as you felt something against your foot. 
Your flat was so thin you could clearly feel the leather toe of Steve’s shoe against yours. You nearly choked and hid it with the glass. You shot him a dark look and he smirked. He was brazen though the other two seemed entirely oblivious. You pulled your feet back and tangled them under your chair.
“So, Sharon,” You cleared your throat. “I heard you were thinking of going back to work early.”
“Oh, yes, actually, I was just discussing my return and, well,” She smiled and looked to her husband. “I hadn’t had the chance to tell Steve but… they’ve offered me part-time hours until I’m back in full form and then I can get back in the field.”
“Mmm,” Logan swallowed and turned to Steve. “What about you? I thought you were hanging it up.”
“I am,” Steve assured him. “It’s not for me. I’m just fine staying home with Sarah… admittedly, I didn’t think Sharon would be going back so soon.”
There was a silence and you glanced over at Logan. He shifted in his chair, realising he may have stoked a spark to a flame.
“Steve,” Sharon said softly.
“It’s fine,” He pushed a potato around with his fork. “Really. Only part-time.”
“I… haven’t said yes, yet,” She lowered her voice.
“No, no, if that’s what you want,” He shrugged. “We talked about it before. You know that whatever you want, I want. I just didn’t expect it to happen… now.”
“I didn’t either but--”
“Let’s talk about it later,” He interrupted. “We have company.”
Sharon laughed nervously and glanced across the table. Your lips wavered as you tried to hold your smile and you took a bite of chicken just to keep yourself busy. You looked down at your plate again then back up. Steve was watching you again. He raised a brow and tilted his head just a little; as if to say, see?
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mushroommushy · 3 years
Tw: Gore
This will be a twist on the episode from season 4 of Octonauts, "Tiger Shark". What might've happened had things gone differently.
Tweak made a small sigh as she finally managed to fasten the 'Sandy Cam' as she had nicknamed it to the hard shell of her sea-dwelling friend. "There we go! The cam is on Sandy!" She said, wiping her forehead to push the strands of long hair that had fallen into her face. Grabbing a fresh carrot from the fin of the vegimal beside her, she took a quick bite, the familiar crunch of the vegetable erupting in her mouth. From the corner of her vision, she caught Barrot hiding behind a cart. A slight chuckle escaped her mouth. 'Poor thing still thinks I'm gonna eat him..'
Turning her attention back to the turtle in front of her, she gave a tug to the harness holding the camera in place. "All secure, Sandy!" She confirmed with another bite of her snack. "Dashi, open the octohatch for her!" She requested, casting a sideways glance at the fellow crewmate. The dog gave her a smile. "Already on it, Tweak!" A pull on the red labeled lever and a bit of bubbles rose from the bottom of the launch bay and her friend sunk under the water. "Bye Sandy!" She called, waving with her green-furred paw.
The large turtle gave a little wave of a flipper before gliding through the hatch to exit the mechanical ship. As she entered the water it gave her a little shiver of happiness to be back out in the open water before heading off in the direction of the reef, her flippers propelling her forward hastily.
Back inside the octonaut, Dashi pushed on a button and the screen flickered to life, showing a live feed of Sandy's surroundings. "We should get Shellington down here to look at this." Dashi spoke softly. The rabbit beside her shifted the pink ribbon tied around her head. "I have a better idea."
Soon, the three of them were settled down in the game pod, snuggled into the comfy bean bags and sipping cool smoothies as the cam showed the colorful reef surrounding Sandy. Fish of millions of colors were blurs as the turtle sped ahead, heading through tunnels and under ledges of coral. A smile spread across Tweak's face. "Whoever says Turtles are slow has never seen Sandy swim." Shellington was listing off the species of fish swimming past the cam as if it was counting the alphabet. No matter how long she could practice, she doubted she could ever do that. Even when she was raised in the Everglades with her father she had struggled to remember names of the species of creatures in her home area.
A pod of bottlenose dolphins darted past, fearful looks in their eyes and ushering the young ones in front of them with their snouts. In a panic one of them swam over Sandy, his tail smacking the cam in a circle before it stopped facing behind Sandy. A sharp gasp escaped Shellington's mouth, leaning forward. The shape of the large shark was recognizable even to tweak. "A tiger shark!" He cried out. "Sandy move!" Even before he said it, the turtle was moving. The reef became even more hazy as she moved forward at high speeds. "Did she escape?" Tweak asked nervously, not realizing she had stood up, her ears twitching anxiously.
Dashi rotated the joystick on the remote controlling the Sandy Cam. "No." The shark opened its mouth, the teeth glinting as the water refracted light. The teeth closed down and the camera flickered out to black. Tweak's feet moved on her own, throwing her carrot down and sprinting to the hatch and jumping through, soaring through the tubes and landing neatly on her feet on the familiar steel floor of her workshop. Her eyes scanned the gups before they landed on Gup-B. 'It's the fastest.' The thought flashed through her mind like an arrow before she hopped into it. Her dog friend jumped out of the hatch as the glass covering closed over her. "Dashi, open the octohatch." Her voice was cold and worry filled as she sunk down under the water.
The hatch opened as she sped through it, racing to the reef. She barely acknowledged the Gup-A in the distance, holding a returning Captain, Medic and Lieutenant of the Octonauts.
The Polar Bear gave a happy sigh. "We've officially explored the entire reef. I can't wait to go home and rest up for awhile." The two beside him made noises of agreement before snapping to attention as an orange blur raced past. Peso blinked a couple times before pressing his feathered face against the glass. "Was that..Tweak?" Kwazii had a look of pure confusion written across his face. "What's she doing in the Gup-B." Just as he said that, the radio made a static sound before Dashi's voice came through.
"Captain, the camera we put on Sandy showed a Tiger Shark chasing her. Tweak is-." The Captain cut her off. "We know, and we're right behind her." He maneuvered the Gup around and followed the stream of bubbles left behind by Tweak's driving.
Tweak slowed down where the camera last showed Sandy to be. By now, after not seeing her friend nearby and safe she was pushing down the tears threatening to well up in her eyes. "Sandy!" She called out. "Where are you?!" You could hear the desperation and fear in her voice. The Gup-A pulled up beside her. "Any sign of her Tweak?" The Bear asked, concern written across his face. The green rabbit shook her head, her ears moving constantly to pick up even the slightest sound of her friend. "N-No." She mentally scolded herself for stuttering before a rubbery band of gray slapped into her helmet. She pulled it down into her hands and examined it.
"This was the harness that held the camera on Sandy's shell.." She mumbled bleakly, her voice cracking. Kwazii's voice cut in. "It's a'ight matey, we'll find her. Promise." But even with his reassurance, it didn't help to ease her nerves. She got back into the shark-like gup. Even seeing a shape such as a shark sent a wave of determination and rage through her and she disappeared into the depths. The three left behind looked at eachother before looking at the tracker. An icon of the shark gup showed. Kwazii tuned into the radio. "See anything matey?"
Tweak's voice crackled through. "Not ye- Ah!" She swerved down as a striped shark came at her head on. "Now I do!" She yelped, speeding through the reef, the shark behind her snapping it's teeth at the gup.
Barnacles let out a growl and contacted the octopod. "Shellington! What can you tell us about Tiger Sharks?" The otter moved his hand to his chin, his eyes casted downward. "They are known as the waste baskets as the sea. They will eat anything they can fit in their mouths. They are fast and strong, making them amazing hunters, Captain." Tweak let out a noise of frustration, pressing on the wheel hard and wishing she had a carrot to chew on. She was biting her lip so hard she could taste blood. But she wasn't focused on that. She was focused on evading this shark and finding Sandy. She pressed a button and ducked behind a clearing in the coral. Dark stripes appeared on the orange metal shark, "Glad I added this Tiger Shark camouflage.." She whispered.
She lowered her head so her green head was less visible to the shark, praying she was safe. The shark swam around into the clearing and looked at her, as if debating wether to eat her first or tear her to shreds. Tweak took a deep breath, before yelling in surprise as the shark butted the gup, accidentally making her slam herself into the control panel and hit the turbo button. She yelped, the metal machine accelerating at insane speeds.
Tweak just barely lifted it up high enough to avoid the coral and crashing. Her eyes were wide, staring at the controls. She was too focused on that to notice the giant rocky reef she was heading towards.
Peso, from the Gup-A gasped and radio contacted his mechanic friend. "Tweak! Watch out! Reef ahead!"
Tweak looked up just in time and swerved around, ducking into a cave in one of the towering pillars of rock. She wasn't able to pull the gup back in time to stop it from smashing into the dead end and denting the front of the gup and shattering the glass covering. Tweak blew bubbles from her mouth, putting on her helmet and hiding behind the gup. She pressed the radio on her collar. "T-Tweak to octopod. I-..I need backup." She said desperately. She received no response. "Crap..it's broken.." She whispered.
But she went deadly still as she heard fins swimming down the tunnel, her ears lowering as she curled herself into a ball. The shark nudged the gup aside, staring hungrily at the rabbit.
Meanwhile, in the Gup-A Captain Barnacles was searching all over the reef, panicking at this point for her safety. "Tweak? Where are you?" Peso gulped nervously. "Flappity Flippers..she could be anywhere in this huge place.." Kwazii's tail lashed in anger. "Aye matey, we need to find her fast before that shark turns her into a snack!"
The Captain nodded. He wasn't showing it much on the outside, but he was worried sick. He cared for each of the crew like they were his Cubs. He didn't treat them as if they were young, but he would damn well throw himself in danger to keep any one of them safe. "Her radio isn't working. The gup tracker isn't either. We'll have to find her ourselves. Let's just hope we find her first." He huffed, eyes narrowed.
Back inside the cave, Tweak was backing herself up slowly. "Nice..shark.." She murmured. She was forcing herself not to shake, worried it might trigger the shark to attack her with brute force and sharp teeth. The shark swam forward, going around her several times before sniffing her cut arm. Tweak stiffened up completely, praying. 'Oh me, oh my..' The shark maneuvered around her again before sinking its teeth into her right arm. The rabbit cried out in pain, sucking air through her teeth. Blood rose out, swirling in the water. She raised her free hand, punching the shark in the nose to get it off before falling to the floor once it released. Soft cries of pain escaped her, holding her arm to her chest.
The shark went in for more, now attacking her leg and ripping fur off her skin and shredding the flesh. Tweak let out a screech of pain, trying to kick the animal away.
Sandy, who was surfing around the reef now, managed to hear her friend's screams and froze, going still in the water before propelling forward as fast as she could. "TWEAK?" She called out in anguish. She tried to follow the sounds of her rabbit friend, swimming around in a hurry.
By now, Tweak was screaming, the shark now biting into her stomach and thrashing her around like a rag doll. She could taste the blood in her mouth as it dribbled out, standing her fur red and clouds of blood rising into the water. Her blood. She was starting to go faint from bloodloss, the edges of her vision fading to black. 'Sorry everyone..don't think I'm gonna make it out of this one..' She thought solemnly.
Just then, a hard shell crashed into the shark, causing the now torn up octonaut to slam into the wall out of the momentum. At least she was free from the jaws of the shark. Bad news. Water was now leaking into her helmet from a crack in the glass. She wouldn't be able to breath for long.
Thankfully, a familiar voice snapped her to attention. "Tweak!? Tweak get up! Are you alive?" The hazy shape of a turtle appeared in her vision. "O-Oh no..your helmet..you're wounded badly..I-I need to get you to the surface. She nudged the limp rabbit onto her shell, before speeding out of the cave and making a race for the surface.
Tweak put her helmet down as they got there, all the water flooding out. Blood was still dripping from her mouth and forehead. "I-It h..urts.." She had to stop in the middle of her sentence to cough, blood leaving her mouth even more when she did.
Sandy let out a noise of distress. "Let me try to see if any of your crew is nearby from up here." She ducked her head into the water, looking down for any sign of them. She sighed in relief as she spotted the familiar Gup-A. "CAPTAIN BARNACLES." She yelled as loud as she could. "Up here!"
Captain Barnacles was slightly startled, but did go up. "Sandy? Are you-..." He had reached the surface now, seeing the mangled body of Tweak. Her usual fluffy green fur now matted down and stained with her own blood. Kwazii stared at her for a moment. "I- I'm gonna.." he turned around and threw up, tears running down his face. "Oh my lord.." Peso whispered. "I-I-..Is she alive..?"
Sandy looked at him anxiously. "Barely. We need to get her to the octopod. Her helmets broken. The Captain nodded. "Get her in here, Sandy." He put on his own helmet and jumped out of the gup, swimming over to the turtle and carefully lifting the mechanic from her shell. "Alright, Tweak..your safe now.." He went back under for a few moments and came back inside the octopod. "We have a lot of work to do to keep her alive.." He mumbled.
Alright, that's it everyone! I hope you enjoyed!
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taeminyourmind · 4 years
Snowmen & Hot Chocolate (2013) x Taemin (F)
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A Christmas Love Story is a set of 8 short love-filled stories  that follows you and Taemin’s relationship through the years during  Christmastime. Each story represents a new year with the series beginning in 2013 and ending in 2020.
Genre: Fluff
Summary: Months after losing your father, you keep your promise and attend your town’s annual Christmas Winter Wonderland where you’re paired with an excited Taemin for the snowman making competition.
Pairing: Taemin x Reader
Word Count: 2k+
A Christmas Love Story Masterlist: Snowmen & Hot Chocolate | Secret Santa | A Sleigh Ride Confession | You, Me & Ice Skates | Mistletoe Kisses | A Christmas Proposal | A Christmas Wedding | Baby’s First Christmas
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Freshly fallen snow coats the ground, blanketing every surface with white. The frigid wind blows some snow from the rooftops, sending them to the ground as if they are descending from the sky. You gaze up at them and watch as they gracefully fall to the ground to join the others.
The bright white string lights placed around the park reflect off the snow and give the illusion of diamonds shimmering. You walk towards the brightly lit banner that welcomes everyone to the town’s festivities. Snow softly crunches with each step, building your excitement for the event you’ve been looking forward to all year, though this year will be different.
Fond memories of coming to the annual festival with your father flood your mind, making you slightly smile. Your glove-covered fingers wrap around the ends of the multi-colored knitted scarf around your neck, the last thing your father made before his passing. He always told you, while knitting it with his thin framed glass on the end of his nose, that it was something to keep you warm and remember him by. He made you promise that rather than crying about his absence, to enjoy life and the things you got to do together. To be here without your father for the first time is bittersweet.
It’s impossible to not become a little sad during the holidays, especially when you lose a loved one. But the feeling of joy crashes into you when you step beyond the banner - carolers dressed in red and green attire hold their songbooks and melodiously belt out Christmas songs in the brightly lit gazebo, children’s laughter can be heard from every corner of the park as they race to a small hill with sleds and tubes in their hands, the aroma of baked goods and hot chocolate warms the body as the wind spreads its scents, and the gorgeous sight of bright white lights snaking up trees and festive tents work together to make this place a Winter Wonderland.
“___?” A man with a clipboard asks. You jump a little at his sudden presence and quickly nod. “You’ll be partnered with,” he pauses to look at the clipboard. “Taemin for the snowman making competition.”
You look behind the man to see a young man warmly dressed, huffing into the air to see the steam from his mouth. The sound of the man clearing his throat grabs his attention; his cheeks, already a pinkish hue from the temperature, deepens in color.
“Right,” the man says and hands you a basket. “These are the materials. Just find a spot and wait for the whistle.”
Just as quickly as he arrived, the man quickly vanishes and to the next pair. You and Taemin share a friendly smile, standing still in silence. Taemin lightly kicks the snow in multiple places before he turns to you.
“I already scouted this place out,” he says and tilts his head to an area across from you. “And the best snow to build in is over there.”
“Isn’t that cheating?”
“I like to call it scouting out the competition,” he smiles and reaches out to grab your hand. “Let’s go before someone steals it.”
Before you can say anything, your body is jolted forward as Taemin leads you to the area he’s secretly picked. His hand tightens around yours and pulls you closer as he tells you to not get lost among the crowd. When you reach the spot, a whistle sounds and joyful cheer and chatter begins amongst those in the competition.
“How should we do this?” Taemin asks, letting go of your hand and facing you.
“I’m good at doing the bottom.”
Taemin smiles and nods. “That’s great! I’m good at the middle and head.”
“Let’s get started!”
Immediately, you and Taemin drop to the ground and gather snow to make the snowman. You work busily and quickly to pack snow together for the bottom with Taemin glancing over every now and then to align the shape of the middle and top with the bottom. Around you, people chat away and laugh while some take a bold step to playfully throw snow at each other. Every now and then you feel the urge to make small conversation with Taemin but swallow it back, too shy to talk. Instead, you heavily concentrate on helping the young man place the middle and top of the snowman on top of the bottom.
“I think it looks good,” Taemin says with a smile as you both step back to examine the construction. “Now it just needs decorations.”
The snow makes a soft crunch sound when you and Taemin kneel beside the basket the man with the clipboard had given you. You and Taemin reach in at the same time, your hands brushing against one another before you both pull away quickly. He gives you a soft smile as his cheeks, once again, grow deeper in color before shyly looking away. The longer you gaze at him, the warmer you feel your cheeks become as you can’t find it in you to turn away from him.
“You go first,” you softly say and motion to the basket.
Taemin takes a moment and looks at you with gentle eyes that have a sparkle in them from the bright lights. A small smile spreads across his face as he doesn’t protest and reaches in to grab a snowflake patterned scarf. You reach in next and hold up a crooked carrot.
“Aha!” Taemin exclaims with a wide smile. “You got a crooked carrot!”
Your eyebrows furrow as you look from the carrot to him. “What’s so special about it?”
“My grandmother always told me that if you find a crooked carrot, it means that you will find true love.”
You look back to the carrot and examine it while Taemin watches on with wide eyes of excitement. A soft smile appears on your face as you turn back towards him.
“My father hated making snowmen with the perfect carrot nose. He said it doesn’t give them character.”
You cautiously stand to your feet and hold your hand out to Taemin, who takes it and pulls himself to his feet with your help. Together, you decorate the snowman and give him as much personality as you can with the materials gives. After Taemin wraps the scarf on the head, you step back and proudly look over your creation - a pirate snowman equipped with an eyepatch, a hook-like arm, scarf around the head, small sticks as a beard, and angry eyebrows.
“I think ours is the best,” Taemin leans over and whispers. His voice pulls your body towards him as you lean in closer while shivers go down your back.
“I think so too,” you smile and watch the judges begin to make their rounds.
Some time passes as the judges look around and intently examine each snowman. You and Taemin plop to the ground beside each other and find yourselves making an army of smaller snowmen. You’re concentrating on forming a perfect ball when a blast of cold smacks against your face. Your body freezes at the frigid temperature when you slowly turn to Taemin who can’t hide his laugh as he goes back to making his snowmen. A mischievous smile slowly spreads on your face as you crumple the ball you were forming in your hands and reach in front of him and press the snow against his face. You laugh at his small squeal and wailing limbs.
“You think it’s funny?” He asks while placing more snow in his hands. Unable to speak, you nod while uncontrollably laughing.
Taemin’s laughter joins yours as you playfully throw snow on each other, your bodies tense whenever the snow touches your skin. The sound of someone clearing their throat halts you and Taemin’s mini-competition as you look and see the man with the clipboard hovering over the two of you. Immediately, Taemin helps you to your feet and helps each other brush off the remnants of the snow.
“If you two weren’t lollygagging, you would’ve heard us announce you as the winners.”
The man’s statement takes a while to set in before you and Taemin erupt with joy, tightly hugging each other while doing little hops. The warmth of his body makes you tighten your hold on him as he whispers “I told you we would win” in your ear.
“As the winners, enjoy two free hot chocolates free of charge,” the man said, handing you and Taemin each a free voucher. “Merry Christmas.”
“Wait,” Taemin calls out to the man before he has a chance to walk away. “Could you take a picture of us and our snowman?”
The man, who sported a hard exterior, smiles at Taemin and takes his phone. You and Taemin stand on each side of the snowman and smile for the picture and make a funny face at the request of the man. Before Taemin has time to review the photos, you lock your arm with his and pull him towards the hot chocolate stand.
“Someone’s in a hurry for hot chocolate,” he smiles and finds his footing to walk beside you.
“Yup,” you nod with a proud expression. “Lola makes the best hot chocolate and I want to get there before all of the candy canes are gone.”
“Candy canes?”
“You don’t know about the trick, do you?” You ask and watch Taemin shake his head. “Well then, you’re in for a pleasant surprise.”
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“So,” you say as you sit next to Taemin on a bench, watching as he takes a sip from his red holiday cup. “How’s it taste?”
He pauses for a second, his eyes looking upwards as if he’s in deep concentration, and playfully smacks his lips. You playfully nudge him with your shoulder and take a sip from your cup.
“It’s good,” he smiles. “I never thought about putting a candy cane in hot chocolate.”
“Yeah, my father and I used to do it all the time. It’s become a tradition of ours, just like coming here every year and entering the snowman competition.”
“If you don’t mind me asking, I noticed that you talk about your father in the past tense, has he…?”
You slowly nod and give Taemin a soft smile. “Earlier this year. He made me promise to keep our traditions alive and remember our time together rather than spend all my days crying.”
You and Taemin sit in silence for a moment and watch the crowd begin to grow smaller and smaller. Your fingers clutch your warm cup tighter and allow its steam to warm your nose.
“My grandmother died a couple of years ago,” Taemin softly said, breaking the silence. “She was my best friend and I still find myself talking like her and doing the things we did together, like coming here.”
“We’ve both been through some tough times, huh?”
Taemin gives you a soft nod before finishing his drink. Without looking at him, you hand him a napkin and stand to your feet. For a moment, you and Taemin look at each other with warm eyes and a gentle smile.
“I’m afraid I have to go,” you say while looking towards the ground. “Can you send me the pictures we took whenever you get the chance?”
“Of course,” Taemin smiles.
You give him one last smile before turning and walking away, holding your coat tighter against your body as the night grows later. Taemin finds himself watching as you walk away until a thought pops into his mind.
“___?” He yells, causing you to stop and turn towards him. His heart skips a beat when the snow softly falls around you and the bright lights give you an ethereal glow. He finds himself lost in your warm eyes. “How will I send you the pictures?”
You smile at him and point towards the napkin in his hand before turning and walking away. When you disappear from his sight, Taemin curiously opens the napkin to see your handwriting saying: “000-111-2222. To my snowman and hot chocolate partner, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.” Unable to control his happiness, he smiles at the napkin and looks back to where he last saw you. For the first time in a while, you and he can feel the joy of the season, all because of a snowman competition and hot chocolate.
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saelwen · 4 years
Pure Blood
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Maedhros x Oc
Chapter Two
Summary:  We all born with white blood which symbolizes our pure soul. As we grow up, our blood can change to red and become darker if we begun doing cruel things. The darker the blood, the cruel you are. Mine’s occur to be pure white but will continue to be after i meet my soulmate?
Warning: Fluff
Words: 1,220
The sound of the morning birds chirping woke me up from my heavy slumber. I open my eyes slowly and look out of the window, seeing that it's still dark outside.
"Ugh... Why did I volunteer to go the market?..." I groan under my breath, nuzzling more into the soft pillow under my head. A tired sigh fell from my lips and I sit up, rubbing the sleep away from my eyes with my hands. "Come on, Rose! You have to do this for Dad!" I said while slapping gently my cheeks.
I got up from my bed and begin to dress for the day. Dressing into a soft grey gown with beautiful blue roses embroidered around the waist and chest line. I let my wild curly hair loose, only pining a small hairpin on the side of my head so that my hair won't go to my eyes.
I quickly ate my breakfast and go prepare the wagon. Mom and Dad were still sleeping so I try to not make any loud noises since they both need to rest. I go into the stables and grabbed Dante's reins, our beautiful black and white Shire horse. He was a gentle giant, always wanting to be pet and eat carrots.
"Good Morning, Dante!" I said cheerfully as I pet his snot, feeding him sugar cubes. "Ready for a long journey?" he huffs and hit his hooves on the dirt, shaking his head. I chuckle and lead him outside to the wagon.
After everything is ready, I climb to the wagon and grab the reins. "Let's go, Dante! We have a long day before us." I said as I gave a gentle shake on the reins, making Dante walk forward.
It was nine in the morning by the time i arrive to the market. I build my bank quickly and begin greeting customers, trying my everything to grab their attention but failing miserably. Dad was right, the new farmers have won all our customers.
Hours go by and i don't sell a single thing. All morning i have an weird feeling, especially in my right hand. Like if my hand sometimes disappeared. It was weird but i try to ignore, rubbing sometimes my right hand so to see if it's still there.
I sat down on a small smooth rock behind my bank and pull a book from my pack. Since no one comes here to buy our vegetables, then i will go to my little world with this book.
I was on chapter ten, lost on the meeting of the lovely maiden with the stable boy, when a big shadow hides the sunlight from me. Looking up from my book, my pale green eyes met a pierce stormy ones. Full of deep raw emotions. He was so tall that i had to tilt my head back just to look to his face.
I notice his pointy ears peeking out from his beautiful wavy red hair which glowed as the sunlight hit it. His features were cat-like, with high cheekbones and thin lips. He was breathtaking. I've never saw an elf up this close. They normally stay in their cities and don't go out very often.
He was wearing simple elven travel clothes, which looked a little worn out. My eyes notice that he didn't have his right hand.
He hide his right arm behind his back and clears his throat gently, grabbing my attention.
"Oh! I'm sorry!" i said while standing up quickly and putting my book away. My pale cheeks were burning from embarrassment from being caught staring at him. "How can i help you, kind sir?"
He looks down to me, his grey eyes studying me carefully. I don't know why but just having him staring at me, i could feel my stomach full with butterflies. He was so mesmerizing and intriguing.
"Are the apples any good?" His voice was rough and husky, making a shiver run down my spine.
I clear my throat, looking down to the red apples on the basket, and nod. "Yes! They are sweet than candy, Sir!"
He grabs two of them and puts on his pack, then he looks back to me, a hit of a small smile on his lips made my heart beat like crazy. "How much do i owe you?"
"One silver coin, Sir." i said with a soft smile.
He nods and pulls out two golden coins from pocket. He gently puts on my palm, his rough fingers brushing softly against my pale skin. The hairs on the back of neck stood up and my skin feel like it's on a fire. The need of touch him, to run my small fingers through his beautiful long hair, runs through me. I notice his pupils have widen and a small gasp fell from his lips which he covered with a cough. He felt the same thing as i.
His fingers lingered a little on my hand and then he pull away. I look down to the two golden coins and shook my head. "This is too much, Sir. I just need one silver coin," i said while trying to give back his money.
He took a step back and smile softly, making my knees weak. "I think apples that are sweeter than candy value more than a silver coin, My Lady." he said. "And on top of that, if a beautiful maiden as yourself is selling them then they must be a treasure."
I was a giggle mess when he said that, my all face must look like a tomato. A snort fell from me and i clap my hands together to my mouth, my eyes wide in embarrassment.
"I'm sorry!" i whisper, trying to hide my face with my hands. "I hate that."
He chuckles and shook his head, red locks falling down his broad shoulders. "Don't apologize for that... It's cute." he said gently,
I put away the money and bow gently to him. "Thank you, Kind Sir. I hope you like the apples." i said cheerfully to him.
"I will... Don't worry." he whisper as his stormy eyes pierce my green ones. He gave me a nod and walk away. I stay still, my eyes still focus on his tall figure as he pass through the crowd. My heart was beating like a hummingbird wings and my all body scream for him not to go away.
I never felt this way for anybody. It was like he had put some kind of spell on me. I need to know more about him.  I need to know what is this weird emotion I'm feeling.... Could he be my soulmate?
A bright smile forms on my lips and giggle ringed from them. "I need to come here more often." i whisper with a giggle.
Hey Guys! Here's a new chapter of Pure Blood! Are you liking so far? I hope you do. Feel free to comment and tell me what you think!
☕Buy Me a Coffee☕
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thevoilinauttheory · 4 years
Ink Long Dry: Bartering Meals
Who: Liliah’to Zhwan and a special guest :)c What: Liliah’to is finally getting on his feet again. Content Notes: None! Lots of food, but that’s about it.
The clangs and clatters of pots and pans and utensils were the hard-earned victory that Liliah’to held onto. From nothing, back to where he began - maybe a little further. Moons of trading in rocks for dirt, herbs for flowers; slow progress for money. He grabbed whatever his hands could lay on, dented, chipped, broken. He knew their worth, a cook always knows their tools. Of course, they needed a good clean, but he finally had them.
The means to cook gave him more to work, from there it was solid - not much, but solid. A proper mortar and pestle, not just stone; bags and pouches, all at the waist; jars for drinks, for medicine; thread for bandages; wrapped ice crystals stored in a metal box; knives for gathering, knives for cooking, knives for hunting. Building and building slowly, back to where he was.
“Where you goin’, kid?” “Where’re you going?” “Just shy o’ Quarrymill.” “Sounds like a good destination to me!”
Liliah’to hopped in along a caravan - nowhere new, but it had been some time. He’d find plenty to work with, plenty to share. This time, he promised, this time would be better. It wouldn’t be the first time he’s been knocked down, it surely won’t be the last… but this time would be better. He’d pay them back in a meal. His shoes would hit the dirt again, and walk until there were holes. 
He stopped by Rootslake, ankles shaking in the water they soaked in. He uprooted cattails, cutting it into parts, scraping the seeds from the head and letting them scatter. They were tucked aside sassafras roots and leaves, a heavy stock of them arranged into a long bag. The pockets on the side were stuffed with marsh marigold buds and chickweeds. As he made his way more north he gathered up a bag for rose hips, a bag for barberries, a bag for elderberries. Several bags for chestnuts and acorns, right beside the pouches of dandelions and chicory. Nothing went to waste in his hands. Especially not the mushrooms.
All of those stuffed bags and totes were plopped down beside him, toes at the edge of a river, a measly stick and string in hand. He couldn’t afford a proper rod, but he never had much issues this way - nor using his hands. He had gotten wet enough, today, however.
“That’s a whole lot t’carry.” “It’s a whole lot to make.” Liliah’to didn’t lift his head, he didn’t need to. Something in that voice was… safe, for now. Safe and careful. “T’make?” “Well, how else is a guy supposed to cook!” He laughed, yanking up a single fish, tossed in a haphazardly woven basket. The string flittered back into the water. “T’cook?” That voice grew curious. “Y’cook? Like… what?” “Everythin’! You name it, I can make it. Or, uh… I can try to make it!” The response was silence. He finally turned his head about, no one was there. How strange, he shrugged and resumed his bells pulling up smaller and smaller fish. When it was deemed hopeless to continue, he unstrung the stick, tucking it beside a tree - the string back in his pocket. There. Beside him. There was another basket - properly woven - filled with fruits and vegetation. Apples, blackberries, carrots, onions, radishes. Liliah’to’s surprise was clear, that was a lot and out of nowhere!
“Would those help ya’?” The voice was above him, this time. In the trees? “Very! Gods be, these are amazing!” “Grew ‘em m’self. Will y’leave somethin’ by that southern Hedgetree?” “Of course! Thank you, mister...?” His head turned up to the tree, a man laid lazily on a branch - like a cat - that somehow supported his weight. His face but a plate of gold. A smile upturned in his voice. “Doesn’ matter. Jus’ hungry, s’all. Too close t’Bentbranch, though.” “I see… then don’t you worry! I like to make sure no one leaves hungry. And you--” He pointed up at him, beaming smiles. “Your leaves won’t either!” He cracked behind his joke, a joke that was received with a roll of the man’s head.
What would he make, what would he make?
After some thinking, and the bells that set the sun, he decided. He cooked some distance away from where he was directed - fire under a sacred tree wasn’t the best of ideas. But what he plated up was nothing short of perfection! To him, at the very least. He had to resort to the previous day’s gatherings to make everything just right - the perfect thank you for wonderful ingredients!
Liliah’to set the spread out as the dark came. Nettle soup with fish, topped with a dollop of cream and pepper; a side of flatbread made of acorns and cattails; and, of course, he couldn’t let such fruits go to waste - and a tart was made for dessert. He took a step back, looking up at the trees. How would he know?
“Damn, that smells amazin’.”
Behind him. He jumped. How could a man that large be so quiet? “Hope it tastes that way too!” The man sat himself beneath the tree, helping himself without a second thought. Mouth half-full of soup soaked bread, he addressed Liliah’to. “There’s ‘nuff room fer two, ain’t like M’takin’ up the whole place.” “Oh! Of course!” If there was one thing better than food, it was food with people. He sat himself on the other side of his spread, taking out the leftovers to join the masked man in conversation. He shared in what he had, even an attempt at wine from elderberries. 
“Y’travel ‘round like this all th’time? Jus’ cookin’ fer people?” “Food, drink, medicine - you name it! I typically barter for it, though, if not for coin, then for other ingredients. These fruits are perfect payment enough!” “Is that right?” The man’s mask shifted to fill his mouth partially, before the thoughts spilled out in muffled speech. “How long y’gonna be ‘ere?” “A while! The Shroud has a lot to offer in the autumn moons.”
“Then if y’need anythin’ - jus’ leave somethin’ here. Or… any o’ ‘em, really. Can gather up anythin’ yer havin’ a hard time findin’. Food’s a good motivator. Gives me somethin’ distraction’ too, win-win, I think.”
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dreamyyang · 4 years
To All The Boys I’ve Hated — 01
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Summary: “What starts with ‘f’ and ends with ‘uck’? Firetruck! Welcome to Camp Firetruck, we hope you aren’t carrying any carrots because the demon rabbits will attack you.”
Three weeks of summer camp with the seven boys you hated the most was a clusterfuck of chaos waiting to happen.
Warning(s): themes of bullying (here and there), behaviour that really shouldn’t be condoned, cursing, a few questionable life decisions, weird animals and even weirder camp counsellors, author has never been to a camp so spare her if she fucks up
A/N: it’s here y’all
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Your heart ached, its walls clenching in anguish. The pain coursed through your veins like electricity, the sparks concentrated in the cavity in your chest. The light from your eyes had vanished. It had been snatched away from your irises, leaving behind a shadow of its former glow of happiness. Your lips were dry and chapped, the lines on your lips ran deep, but not as deep as your emotional scars—
“Wipe that look of long suffering off your face would you? You look like we’re sending you off to a concentration camp,” your mother said, exasperated.
“But birth giver, do you not see that you’ve thrust upon me a fate that I believe is just as painful—”
Your mother only rolled her eyes, tossing a pile of clothes at you, “Save the theatrics for summer camp, would you? I hear they tell stories every night. You can recite your tragic soliloquy then. Now start packing, you don’t want a late night.”
Your body lazily slid down the side of your bed, limbs flopping onto the floor in response. Your mother smacked you on the back of your head, “You’re dragging the clothes down with you.”
You pouted exaggeratedly, speaking in a baby voice, “Sowwy mummy, pwease forgive me.”
“I’m this close to selling you.”
You huffed, making a face at your mother’s back as she left the room. After sitting on the ground and staring at your open suitcase for what felt like an eternity, you finally got off the floor. You grabbed the clothes on your bed as well as those from the clothes basket your mother had left behind and began packing. Your mind was already trying to come up with ways to get out of going to camp.
To be fair, your mother was sending you to a place where you’d had some of your best memories as a child. You’d spent two weeks of your summer vacation at Camp Firetruck since you were six years old but you stopped going by the time you were eleven. Now going back at sixteen just felt weird to you. Wouldn’t you be too old by now?
Of course, there was a bigger reason as to why you didn’t want to go back to camp but you forced yourself not to think about it. You shook your head, squeezing your eyes shut as you tried to mentally push out your thoughts. It took you a few minutes, but you finally opened your eyes, having been able to move your thoughts to the back of your mind. You stared down at your suitcase for a moment before slamming it shut and zipping it up, as if that was a way for you to keep your memories at bay.
You stood up, a queasy sensation in your stomach making your knees feel weak. You let out a shaky sigh, rolling your eyes at yourself.
“Fucking hell, y/n, it’s not that deep.”
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The loudness was unsettling. Camp was far more chaotic than you remembered and you were feeling extremely uncomfortable. There was a flurry of activity around you, campers of all ages were running around, parents were yelling goodbye and telling their demonic kin to behave themselves and the camp’s theme song ‘Firetruck’ played loudly in the background. In the middle of all the life and activity was you, standing stiffly with your suitcase in hand, backpack on your shoulders and a terrified expression on your face.
You were trying to get to the quadrangle where orientation would be held but there was so much going on and you felt so out of place. A hilarious contrast to your previous summers. You used to fit in perfectly. Perhaps that was why camp felt more normal back then, you were just as loud and full of energy as it was— and still is. After what felt like an eternity, you managed to make it towards the front.
Having noticed that you were struggling, a boy with bright orange hair walked up to you, “Need help carrying your bag?”
You shook your head, “No, it’s just that there’s so much going on, I’m scared I’ll hit someone with my suitcase.”
“It’s fine, they’ll just laugh it off if camp is still as chill as I remember it to be.”
“You haven’t been here in a while? Me neither!”
“Yeah, I moved back to Shanghai for a while. That’s my hometown. Well, city. You?”
You bit your lip, refusing to recall the memories that had been in your head the previous day, “I got busy during the summer. So yeah…”
You trailed off before realising that you had yet to introduce yourself, “I’m y/n, by the way. You are?”
The boy tilted his head slightly, “Don’t you remember me?”
You frowned and blinked, “Should I?”
The boy seemed amused as he smiled, shaking his head, “Nevermind. Well, at least we can get to know each other this summer?”
You smiled weakly and nodded. You didn’t get along well with boys, especially those your age, but that was mainly because the boys at your school weren’t exactly the nicest people. However, you were sent to camp because your parents felt you were being too asocial. This could be a chance to break out of your shell and prove to yourself that not all boys were terrible.
He hadn’t told you his name yet and you were about to ask again when a familiar boy walked up to the two of you, “I see you’ve met y/n.”
Park Jisung. What was he doing here at camp? You would’ve expected that his parents would take their little golden boy on some sort of exciting trip abroad. You tried your best not to feel disheartened but your hopes of having a male friend for the first time in years was already making its way down the drain. If he was friends with Jisung then it was unlikely that he was going to like you for long.
Suddenly, the unsettling feeling came rushing back along with a distant memory. One of twelve year old Zhong Chenle shrieking in front of the entire class, “Y/n has boy and girl parts!”
Your eyes snapped from Jisung to Chenle, panic rising in your mind. There was no way you were dealing with this. Not for three weeks. You cleared your throat, preparing yourself to grab your suitcase and make a run for it. All of a sudden, the sharp feedback from a microphone breached your ears, directing yours as well as the rest of the campers’ attention to a familiar bespectacled boy who was struggling with his megaphone. Your palms grew sweaty as you watched in horror.
“Uhm, check? Testing? He-hello?”
There stood one of your biggest nightmares. Clad in the dorky lime green camp shirt and jeans with a cap shaped like a siren with a smiley face. Mark Lee. The tension in your mind built as he continued to fumble with his megaphone. That malicious, soul-sucking wretch who’d be sent from the murky abyss of hell to personally torture. The smiling cicada with chibi eyes could only mean one thing. You were going to suffer.
“Yo campers!”
“Fighting haeyadwae!”
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“Mom please pick me up, I’m begging you!”
“No, y/n, what a ridiculous reason! Just because the boys you don’t get along with are at the same camp as you are, doesn’t mean you should leave,” you could practically hear your mother rolling her eyes as she spoke.
“But ma—”
“No! You kids are so ridiculous, you fight all the time and make it hard for everybody else.”
“Nothing doing, y/n, you are staying at Camp. God, when did you become such a brat? You’ll really use any excuse to stay inside your room like a bat.”
“Seriously though—”
“Natural sunlight won’t hurt you, now get off the phone, I’m driving.”
“Fine, I love y—”
Your mother cut the call because you could finish your sentence. You sighed, you were definitely one of two things: either someone who committed a heinous sin in their past life or an adopted child.
“I’m guessing it didn’t go well?”
You shrieked, surprised by the sudden voice. You spun around, involuntarily reaching out to punch the owner of the voice. However, you just ended up punching air.
“Ouch, that hurt,” Na Jaemin said, sarcastically.
You internally groaned, you were really hoping to avoid interacting with Mark and his friends. Especially Jaemin. Out of the seven devils, he was inarguably the worst.
“Why were you eavesdropping?”
“Why are you being such a baby and crying for your mommy?” He retorted with a grin which you ached to punch off his face.
“None of your damn business,” you snapped before walking towards your assigned cabin, making it a point to harshly brush your shoulder against his own.
You heard him mumble to himself but you couldn’t be bothered to try and listen. You were just fixated on appearing confident as you walked away.
“Channel your inner Hwasa, channel your inner Hwasa,” your mind repeated until you’d reached your cabin.
You swore you could feel Jaemin’s gaze burning through the back of your head but that could just be the self consciousness that he brough out in you. Na Jaemin was easily the most intimidating boy you knew. Standing within even a centimetre’s radius of him terrified you. You fought the urge to behave like the stupid main character from the horror movies you loved and turn around to look at the monster creeping around behind you. You swallowed, your throat uncomfortably dry and your palms sweaty. Before you could reach out to twist the door knob, your cabin mate stepped out, pushing you off balance. Your eyes widened as you caught a glimpse of Lee Jeno, his face mirroring your surprised expression.
Jeno panicked, his arms reaching out to grab you. Thankfully, he managed to pull you back to your feet. Your scalp was less than thankful though, it was burning with pain. Jeno, being the idiot he was, had grabbed a fistful of your hair to keep you from falling. You grimaced, your hands massaging the back of your scalp as you softly hissed in pain. The boy in front of you was still wide-eyed, words spilling from his mouth incoherently. You held up a hand, your face still scrunched in pain, halting Jeno’s unintelligible apology.
To his credit, Jeno looked incredibly apologetic. And slightly scared of what you were going to say; you weren’t a person of few words. Indubitably, you were going to give the poor boy an earful. His friends had teasingly mentioned that he looked like a puppy and he silently prayed that he would look pitiful enough for you to not raise your voice.
Your angry rant never came. Jaemin had strutted up to you with a pleased grin on his incessantly chapped lips, “Getting kinky are we? Gosh, at least do it inside.”
Your glare was quickly diverted to him, much to Jeno’s relief. You were aching to give the both of them a piece of your mind but you couldn’t work up the courage to do it. You hated how weak Jaemin made you feel. Clenching your hands into sweaty fists, your gaze awkwardly darted away from Jaemin to the bright red ‘9’ that had been painted onto the cabin door. You were at the correct cabin but why had Jeno been inside your cabin? Your mind began to race with thoughts. Perhaps him and Jaemin were trying to pull a prank on you. That would explain why Jaemin had been keeping an eye on you a few moments earlier.
Trying your best to muster up the courage to sound harsh, you glanced at Jaemin for a second before speaking, “I’d prefer it if you stayed away from my cabin, Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb.”
You could have sworn you saw Jaemin’s eyes twinkle. He jokingly stood at attention and saluted you, “The Tweedle twins reporting for cabin mate duty.”
“Fucking pardon?”
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crystalgirl259 · 3 years
The Flame and the Dragon Ch13
Chapter 13: The Cursed Castle
The staircase led to the first floor and Kai was back in the front hallway. The enormous locked doors to the front mocked him as he passed by. He snorted and growled trying to navigate his way through the labyrinth of chambers. His stomach refused to silence. He turned down another hallway but every corridor appeared the same. They were made of stone and lit with candles, but each was decorated in a different manner. This only made it more difficult to decide where to go.
Two oak doors blocked the end of the hallway.
A light leaking from the bottom caught Kai's attention. He turned the handles and shoved the doors open a crack, preventing any noise. His eyes widened as he scanned the enormous dining room Even in the darkness, the room was stunning. A smooth, green carpet covered the floor, while a red carpet stretched from the entrance, up too small steps, and to a large platform where a gold and silver table sat. Matching chairs in a similar fashion lined the walls opposite the ends of the table.
Behind the table, three windows covered almost the entire wall, shaped like the top of an octagon.
They were lined with maroon curtains tied with a gold cord. The darkness outside told him it was still night. A crystal chandelier lit with many candles hung from the ceiling on a thick chain, while candle holders lit with cream-colored candles rested on the oak tables. A huge fireplace framed with black stone rested in the opposite wall where a huge mirror rested above the mantelpiece. There was no ceiling. Instead, there was a balcony. Kai recognized as one of the ones he'd traveled when Cole showed him to his room, branched from one wall to the other.
Kai shivered to wonder what the room must have looked like during the day, with light spilling in from the windows.
In the far corner, lights danced behind another door, diverting his attention. He slowly approached the door and gently pushed it open. A short stone hallway lit by orange and yellow lights led to the kitchen where he could hear voices. Caution and curious, Kai pressed his back against the opposite wall, keeping himself in the safety of the shadows, before silently sliding towards the kitchen entrance. He carefully leaned over to peer inside. The kitchen was full of bright lights though he could only see a few candles and enormous wheel-shaped chandeliers hanging from the ceiling.
In the corner was an enormous brick structure that Kai could've mistaken for an alter if not for the black smoke pouring out the brick tower.
There was blazing yellow and orange fire burning wildly within it. The kitchen was huge. It was an entire room made of stone and glass and the floor was made of a sandy-gold stone. The fire pit, contained by the enormous brick stove, rested in the far corner embedded in the wall. A line of black tools hung from the wall around the stove, so they were within easy reach. A tall man, taller than Kai with short black hair and ghostly pale skin stood before the fire pit.
With a wave of his arms, the fires roared to life, before calming with the flick of the man's wrist.
He carried jars of spices from the mess upon the huge wooden table in the middle of the room and rearranged them in the towering spice cabinet next to the stove. Servants moved about, two he recognized as the man and woman in the tower, scurried about the kitchen carrying plates of little cakes, baskets of apple and fruits, and trays covered with silver tins. They placed them all on a huge wooden table in the middle. The table was full of knives and cutting boards and overcrowded with apples, peppers, carrots, and other vegetables.
The servants gathered them all in baskets before relocating them in either the huge icebox in the corner of the enormous pantry, so large it covered almost the entire wall.
Over a large silver sink, Neuro scrubbed pots beneath a faucet of running water. Steam rose when the hot water touched the cool, gray water. Nelson was sat on one of the countertops drying plates. Tox and Ronin who Kai recognized from the tower were carrying large pots, struggling with large towers of plates and cauldrons of water. The two placed the objects on the table before a flash of turquoise and green surrounding them. A green naga and a short troll stood in their place.
They then relocated the dishes from the countertops to the cupboards above the counters.
They were carved from wood but each one had a glass window so people could see where each one went. The raven-haired man in the corner turned around, barking orders, revealing his true face. He had a few inches on Kai and pale, almost grey, skin and onyx-colored eyes. A strong hand wiped the sweat from his brow. He wore black gloves and a sleeveless black vest with silver shoulder braces, a silver wolf symbol with red eyes, and in front of a blue area on the chest.
His legs were designed with gray pants and black boots.
His white cooking apron was blotched with soot and stained red. Kai ducked behind the wall hoping he wasn't seen. His heart hammered in his chest in confusion and excitement, as he pondered who, or rather what, they were.
"UGH! I can't believe this! I slave all day over a hot stove, quite literally and what!? It all goes to waste!" He hollered as he raised his hands in protest. The other servants and the boy on the counter jumped. The only one unafraid of the cook's temper was Neuro, who was still doing dishes.
"Oh, stop your grousing! It's been a long night for all of us!" Neuro told him. Shade rolled his eyes but said nothing else. Not a moment later Jay, who Kai also recognized from the tower, bulldozed into the room through the opposite door, panting heavily. Echo ran beside him, looking just as exhausted as Jay.
"Sorry guys," Jay panted, before glowing in a dark blue light. A blue fox took his place. Kai's eyes almost bulged out of his skull. He couldn't look away as Echo closed his eyes and in a flash of gold, only a brown centaur remained. They had intended to continue their search for Kai, but they noticed how much work the others had to do since dinner was canceled and it wasn't like Kai could leave the castle. Wasting no time, Jay, in the form of a Raijū, grabbed a stack of plates clearly too heavy for him.
The tiny creature struggled to use his powers to float but managed to lift it and made his way towards the pantry.
"Jay let me help you," Echo begged his companion.
"I got it," Jay grunted until finally, he faltered as his body fell, sending plates scattering around him. Without thinking Kai dove and slid across the floor to catch the falling creature in his arms. Plates rained around him, as Kai pulled the shaking fox in his arms. Everyone, who had moved for the same reason, froze and stared at the boy on the floor. Kai blinked in surprise until his eyes widened in remembrance.
"Oh, you're there," Jay said. "Echo and I wondered where you disappeared too." He smiled. Kai reacted quickly. His entire body jumped and he fell backward until he was in a half-sitting, half-lying position. His eyes were wide with shock and awe. The action sent Jay flying into the air, forcing him to use his powers to float. The cook crossed his arms and smirked at the teen on the floor. Jay rubbed his head with a paw before blinking at his savor.
He smiled brightly and extended a paw to Kai, who stared at him with a mixture of shock, confusion, and amazement.
"I'm Jay, please to meet you."
"Uh, hello," Kai replied as he shook Jay's paw with two fingers.
"I apologize about this," Neuro said as he leaned forward slightly so his eyes met Kia's bewildered ones. "My name is Neuro, and before you ask, no you are not in any way mad, and I do hope our presence didn't shock you; we didn't expect to meet you formally until tomorrow, otherwise we would've made your acquaintance already but now that you're here, we'd like to welcome you, Master... Kai, is it?" He asked. Kai nodded, still shocked.
"Sorry about before." Tox hissed as she slithered over. "We didn't get to introduce ourselves, the name's Tox." She smiled before there was a flash of green. When it faded again a green-haired woman landed on her heels and offered a hand to Kai.
"Hello," Kai replied, a bit breathlessly, and shook the offered hand. Tox took the opportunity to pull him to his feet.
"Sorry, about earlier." Echo smiled sadly before reappearing as the brunette boy with gold eyes a moment later. "I hope all of our transforming back and forth didn't scare you." He smiled sincerely.
"It's alright, I don't mind." Kai smiled. "I'm assuming these are your cursed forms?" He asked gesturing to Jay's fox form.
"Only if we want, it's just exhausting to stay human and easier for us to move like this," Jay explained.
"But the Dragon Lord is a mix of man and creature, so how come none of you are?" He asked, wondering why they were suddenly switching between their human forms and the monstrous forms he recognized from the fairy tale. They all shared uncomfortable looks so Kai thought it'd be best to drop the subject.
"I'm Ronin." The troll smiled from the counter. Kai nodded with a small smile.
"Easy there, lads, you don't wanna shock the boy anymore than he already has been shocked tonight." Shade teased before narrowing his eyes to the teen in front of him. Kai stayed still as Shade's hard eyes, void of emotion and impossible to read, scanned him over critically. "The boys told me you're the reason the Master was throwing a fit this afternoon, is that true?" He asked and Kai raised an eyebrow.
"If he threw a tantrum because I refused to obey him then that is no one's fault but his own; I made myself perfectly clear when I said I refused to become another one of his servants just because we made a deal." He answered. Everyone froze for a bit, then Shade did the last thing anyone expected, he laughed.
"You got guts, it about time someone deflated the oversized ego of Cole's! He needs to learn to lighten up a bit." The cook laughed in such a way, Kai wasn't sure if it was good or bad until the noirette smirked. "Welcome to the hellhole, I'm Shade, the cook here and Neuro's husband, at your service."
"My name's Nelson." The boy he'd seen earlier jumped from the counter to greet him with a bright smile on his face. "You've already met Jay." He said and gestured to the blue fox floating in the air, knocking Ronin off the counter. The troll growled and began a chase. Kai ducked and moved, hoping to avoid the crossfire. Soon Tox and Echo both returned to their human forms and joined in the play.
"Don't mind them." Neuro chuckled. "They're always eager to see a new face; now, if there is anything at all we can do to make your stay more comfortable, please do not hesitate to ask."
"Yeah, we haven't had any guests here in ages!" Jay smiled, stopping in the air, causing the other three creatures to crash into him.
"Well, I am a little hungry."
"You hear that? He's hungry!" Neuro instantly beamed as he turned to Shade.
"Start the fire!" Shade smiled as he spun around and waved his hand. The oven erupted in flames. "Pull out the spices, break out the china!" He ordered and not a moment later, everyone did as commanded. The spice cabinet flew open and various jars of different colored herbs were removed and drawers opened, revealing the forks, spoons, and knives.
"Wait!" Tox countered. "Didn't the Master say-"
"Until I die, not a soul in this castle is going to bed hungry!" He declared, boldly. Kai almost blushed at the attention.
"Really, you don't have to-"
"Shut it!" Shade cut him off he dropped the two huge pots he'd been carrying on top of the roaring stove. Before Kai could blink Shade flew in front of him making him jump and stumble backward. Shade circled him, scanning him up and down then pinched his arm making Kai growl, and snatch his arm away
"What the hell are you doing!" He demanded angrily but Shade didn't seem to hear him.
"I've got my work cut out for me." The chef shook his head both in disappointment and in excitement at the new challenge. "Not to worry, when I'm done with you you'll never eat again! You need it, you're way too thin for a normal seventeen—"
"That's even worse! Do you ever eat?! You're nothing but skin and bones!" Shade gasped in horror. Before Kai could answer, Shade started running around the room gathering ingredients. "We are going to need chickens, chestnuts, and broth for stuffing and plenty of hazelnuts!" He started shouting randomly, grabbing a basket of apples from the pantry, and began slicing through each one like butter. "Three cups of flour, six eggs, and a quarter of milk… MOVE IT!" He roared.
The servants scurried throughout the kitchen as the dook randomly shouted what he needed.
The chef darted from the icebox to the pantry or the table. He was grabbing, slicing, and throwing food over his shoulder into pots, on pans, or plates. The whole process was so quick and complex, Kai suddenly felt dizzy watching him work.
"HERE!" The naga answered while Shade placed a tray of sliced cheeses and crackers and assorted fruits in her hands.
"Bring that to the dining hall and don't spill a single one or I'll skin you alive!"
"GOT IT!" She replied, before jumping off the counter and dashing towards the dining room. When Kai felt something pull on his sleeve, he looked down and found Nelson tugging on his sleeve.
"You'll love it, Shade's a great cook." He reassured the brunette. Smiling, Kai scooped the small boy into his arms, making him yelp, and walked towards the dining room. He shoved the doors open, so Tox and Ronin could get in and place the food on the table. He gently placed Nelson on the table and turned around just in time to see Jay fly in. The blue fox struggled to carry a huge bowl of gravy on his head as he panted exhaustedly. Taking pity on him, when Jay started to slowly fall to the ground, Kai took the pot of Jay's head and carried it to the table.
"Hey! That's our job!" Jay moaned in annoyance. Kai chuckled at the pout on the fox's face.
"What? So now I'm not even allowed to help? Fuck that! Listen, guys, I appreciate all this, really, but I can take care of myself, I really can't stand being waited on all the time." He insisted. The servants just nodded and retreated back to the kitchen before coming back with more food, putting up no resistance whenever Kai offered to help. When Shade finished, all things delicious and imaginable were spread across the table. Kai noticed they'd only set one plate for him, but looking at the display before him, he knew there was no way he could ever hope to eat all the food.
A basket full of ripe, red apples arranged next to a basket of bread and rolls that sat next to a plate of butter.
The centerpiece was a huge chicken stuffed with chestnut stuffing, next to a bowl of hot, buttery gravy. Wheel-shaped plates of cheese and crackers that were hemmed by pieces of ham and beef served as appetizers. A single, large golden goblet was filled with rich, burgundy wine. For dessert, there were plates of fruits. There were strawberries smoothed with cream and dusted with brown sugar, raspberries coated in chocolate, hazelnuts dipped in honey, and over a dozen tiny cakes filled with cream with light pink frosting.
Kai couldn't say anything as his mouth began to water at the sight of all that delicious food.
"I take pride in my work," Shade smirked, before gently shoving Kai into the dining room. He turned to leave but Kai stopped him.
"Aren't you having any?" He asked. Shade paused and raised an eyebrow, before remembering this was only Kai's first night here.
"I can't."
"Why not?"
"I literally can't, I can't leave the kitchen, I'm bound to it." He replied, sounding angry and almost sad. The noirette didn't give Kai time to answer and turned to leave again, but Kai jumped in front of him. He blocked the door before turning to the rest of the confused staff.
"You guys can't expect me to eat all that by myself, right? I assumed you were making enough for everyone?" He asked and Shade blinked. Kai's determination refused to falter. Again the cook smirked and crossed his arms.
"You got a good heart, but even though we can, we don't need to eat; it's part of our curse."
"When was the last time any of you actually enjoyed your own cooking?"
"Over a hundred years ago." He answered flatly. He resisted the urge to urge to snort at the stunned look on Kai's face. Instead of questioning him, Kai strolled back to the table and sat down at the table.
"Come on, the food looks delicious, and I already know there's a possible way I can finish all this by myself, so feel free; I'd don't mind, I like company."
"Sure." Jay shrugged as he hopped onto the table and grabbed a cake before plopping it in his mouth. Shade plucked the blue fox by his tail.
"At least have the decency to wait, I didn't go through all the trouble of cooking just so you could eat it all in five minutes." He scolded, while everyone else either grabbed a chair or followed Jay's example and took a seat on the table. Shade dropped Jay next to Nelson and leaned against the table, before grabbing one of the cakes and took a bite. "So, Kai, what would you like?" He asked. Kai's eyes scanned the mountains of food again, already feeling his stomach begging.
"I'll just have a bit of everything." He finally said. Kai had never cared much for the laws of physics, but whoever said the matter couldn't be created or destroyed clearly never met Jay or Ronin before. In the span of a few short seconds, the two creatures had devoured over half the food that was leftover, after everyone claimed their meal. They made all that food vanish in less than a few seconds. Kai could only stare at them in shock.
"Don't think about it." Someone suddenly said. Kai jumped and turned to Echo, who was standing next to him, munching on a cake and a strawberry. "Ronin and Jay are eating machines, Shade says the day he leaves either one of them in the kitchen unattended is the day he lets us all starve to death." The centare laughed before eating his strawberry. Shade nodded at this, sinking his unusually long canine into an apple. Kai chuckled before stealing another cake, while the two boys fought over the last of the cream-filled sweets.
He couldn't believe how much he was enjoying himself.
Everything unhappy and frustrating about the previous evening just seemed like a bad dream. Once everyone had eaten their choice of food, they'd began bombarding Kai with questions about himself, each one of them curious to learn everything about their new guest. He'd given up trying to persuade them not to call him Master Kai and decided it was just something he'd have to get used to. The younger staff and Nelson were all careful to avoid anything that related to his siblings, which he was grateful for.
Despite his unusual happiness, the ache of never seeing his family again left a heavy hollow weight in his chest.
"So, you like books?" Nelson asked, sipping a glass of orange juice.
"Lloyd and I used to spend all our time in the bookstore whenever we got a chance." He nodded. Jay perked up and let go of the cake he'd been holding, sending Ronin, who was trying to take the cake, flying backward and almost off the table.
"We should show you the library then, right Tox?" He asked, turning to the naga, who was busy licking the last of the chicken off a drumstick.
"Of course, it's on the second floor."
"You have a library? Where is it?" Kai asked, excited.
"We'll show you tomorrow, we've gone through the whole day already." Echo replied. Kai blinked before looking around for some form of a clock in the room. An antique grandfather clock in the hallway, chimed to life, alerting the staff it was already 9 o'clock.
"Wow, I guess time really does fly when you're having fun." He chuckled and continued to socialize with the younger staff. Tox, Jay, and Nelson all asked Kai questions about himself, especially when he let it slip that he liked to write. It rather surprised everyone else. It was almost too impossible to believe this guy was the same rebellious and feisty teen who'd all but sent their Master into a fury the night before. Ronin suddenly stopped eating and jumped from the table.
In a flash of turquoise, he returned to his human form and grabbed a large tray, and began piling it with enough food for at least two people.
He clenched the silver handles and turned to the stairs.
"Where are you going?" Kai asked curiously.
"The Master didn't come down for dinner, so he must be hungry." He answered flatly. A sudden rage filled Kai and he snorted, remembering the argument they'd had earlier. Ronin turned to the new guest and offered a small smile.
"He's really not bad, except when he's in a mood, but really, he's not bad; you'll forgive him when you get to know him and until then, have a good night." He smiled before exiting the room and strolling up the staircase Kai hadn't noticed before. Kai's ever narrowed but he said nothing.
"You'll have to forgive him, Kai." Neuro sighed. "It's just been so long, and he hasn't really interacted with people for quite some time; sometimes he forgets what it's like to be kind and I'm sure you can understand, haven't you ever felt so out of place it was like everyone was against you for reasons you could not understand?" He asked and Kai almost choked on the wine he'd been drinking. He couldn't answer, but Neuro's words echoed in his mind like a guilty conscious smacking him for an act of stupidity.
He didn't answer and instead just looked at the floor.
For a moment he wondered if it was Cole or him Neuro had been talking about. The last chapter of the fairy tale repeated in his head, and for the first time in two days, he had to remind himself it wasn't just a fairy tale, but a true story. A true story about a hundred years of isolation. He shook his head and tried to dispel the thoughts. He didn't want to think about that right now. He didn't want to spoil his good mood with those thoughts. He didn't regret his and Cole's argument earlier.
Tragedy or not, he reacted the way anyone would, he told himself.
Kai sighed and stood from his chair, causing everyone in the room to stare.
"I'm going to head to bed if that's alright." He said with a small smile.
"We'll go with you." Jay volunteered, floating up and resting on Kai's shoulder. Kai chuckled before offering an arm to Nelson. Nelson took advantage of the gesture and took hold of Kai's hand.
"Are you three coming?" He asked, Shade, Echo, Neuro, and Tox.
"No thank you," Tox replied.
"We should clean this up, and don't you dare volunteer to help, this is the only time of the night Shade and I get to be alone." Neuro smiled, teasingly, though the smirk on Shade's face suggested a few not so innocent intentions. Kai shuddered, before turning to Echo.
"I have to help the others; the rest of the staff will want to meet you tomorrow." He replied and Kai nodded, before leaving the room, and asking his new friends the quickest way to the East Wing. No one noticed the shadow standing on the balcony overlooking the dining hall, or the green eyes transfixed on the smiling form of their new guest and the equally laughing faces of his staff. He retreated to the safety of the shadows hoping to let them have their moment of happiness, undisturbed...
No one but Ronin noticed the flash of black retreating towards the West Wing. Ronin stopped outside a familiar door of dark wood, engraved with the stunning carving of a dragon. It stood tall and proud as beautiful as it was dangerous, powerful wings twice its length flexed to its full length empowering the border of the doors. Ronin shifted the weight of the tray to one hand and used his free one to knock the silver door knockers. Without an answer, the doors unlocked themselves with a loud click and the shifting of gears like a clock.
Swiftly, but gently, Ronin turned the doorknob and gently pushed the large doors open.
He was met with darkness, lit only by the crack of light from the hallway.
"Master?" He called gently, before entering the room and carefully closing it behind him. Only the bright glow of a large red candle in the corner lit the room. Shredded tapestries hung from the walls, and tattered orange curtains covered the glass doors leading to a balcony. A table covered in white cloth sat on the raised platform. On the table sat the Master's most treasured items, which Ronin dared not touch. The once-grand room was caked with dust and cobwebs.
The only thing untouched by the dust was the huge canopy bed in the corner.
The frame made from iron and the comforter and pillows were shades of black, red, and amber. The curtains around it were tattered and faded with age, but they'd done their job keeping age from touching the bed. The curtain was open and Ronin could see his master sitting there, wrapped in his enormous wings.
"Master? It's time for dinner." He called again. The Dragon Lord finally acknowledged his presents and opened his wings. Ronin gave him a small smile, before setting the tray down on of the broken tables. Of all the servants in the castle, Ronin was one of the only two allowed such familiarity with their Master. He wasn't sure if it was because he'd been there the longest, or if it was because Cole was the one who brought him there and offered him sanctuary.
Ronin accepted that gift with pride.
He made no effort to take advantage of it. Cole smiled and rose from his seat.
"Shouldn't you be making sure our guest doesn't get lost?" He teased.
"Don't worry, Nelson is with him; I'm not foolish enough to leave him alone with Jay, even you wouldn't do something that cruel."
"You put too much faith in me, all of you do." He chuckled lightly. "Anyone else would have, should have, given up on me long ago; I'd have already given up on myself by now."
"Don't say that!" Ronin said, too outspokenly, but it was too late to stop himself. "You don't have enough faith in yourself, you're one of the strongest people I've ever met! I refuse to believe that man who saved me can't be saved himself." He finally choked out, though it hardly measured up to what he wanted to say.
"You really think I don't want to believe that?" Cole asked rhetorically. "Do you really think, I hadn't thought of that when three strangers literally dropped on my doorstep? I hope and I pray and yet instead of an angel I get this brazen, obnoxious boy who can't hold his tongue or keep his temper." Cole chuckled, but Ronin knew it wasn't humorous. "I'm done and I won't pretend to be anything other than what I am." He sighed. Ronin opened his mouth to protest but Cole just smiled.
"Go to bed, I'm sure Kai would enjoy the company." He said and Ronin didn't argue. He just nodded and before leaving his master alone. When the troll was gone, Cole turned to the tray on the table, and with the weave of his arm, it crashed against the wall with the loud clang of metal and silver. He scowled to himself. They all placed too much faith in him. It would only be disappointing when he failed. He growled with disgust at himself before turning to the table in front of the balcony and gazed at the crimson red candle as the bright purple flame flickered back and forth.
One hand braced the rim of the table, the other covering his face with his black scaled paw.
The peace was married to the memory of those who'd given up everything for him. The ones he had lost. The ones he failed to protect.
"It's hopeless."...
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