#but he's also a terrible liar and angry all the time and no one can stand him
grinchwrapsupreme · 1 year
The Durrells was so smart when they made Leslie the family member who winds up fluent in Greek because if it was any other character they would have been able to solve problems before they became plots
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mae-gi-writes · 4 months
Finders Keepers | Gally [TMR] - Part 6
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In which Gally gets soft for one of the boys in the Glade, only…is it a boy? alternatively; In which Mai disguises herself into a boy to fit in the Glade, only to be suspected by the keen eyes of the Builder's Keeper.
taglist: @edynmeyer1 @ss28 @kurowvie @vaugarkel @marikittt @angelfrombeneth @undeniableadrenaline @persiar9 @ss28
Also available on Wattpad.
"She needs to be banished."
"I say we banish her!"
"She doesn't belong here!"
"She's a liar!"
The Homestead is filled with angry shouts and protests as Mai sits fingering the hem of her shirt nervously. There's no doubt that there is outrage at the prospect of her lying, but it's definitely the fact that she's a girl that's getting her into this big mess. But what could she have done when the voices in her head are so strong that she has no choice but to obey?
Last night had been terrible. She had nightmares, flashbacks of the night before, the look of Henry's face plaguing her mind until she woke up with a heaving chest. So fearful she'd been that she'd crawled from her mattress to the edge of Gally's bed, wishing to feel him close at her side.
Gally, who had still been sleepy when his eyes had blinked open at her, merely grunted before flipping his blanket open for her. The girl took this chance to burrow herself into his side. She hadn't cared about personal space or about the fact that the Builder would make fun of her for this. She'd only wanted to feel safe, and it's with Gally that she could have a peace of mind.
Which is how she found herself cooped up into Gally's arms in the morning, opening her eyes to see none other than his peaceful features. She'd spent some time admiring him alright, tracing them with her eyes and realizing that Gally looked years younger when he didn't have that permanent frown on his face. And when the Builder had slowly come out of sleep, the girl had quickly squeezed her eyes shut in an attempt to feign sleep.
She'd felt him take a surprised breath, the arm around her waist tensing underneath her, before he'd gently tugged his limb out and moved away from the bed with the kind of surprising gentleness that she hadn't suspected he had. What he hadn't known however, was the way Mai's heart had been beating erratically against her chest this entire time she'd forced herself to stay still.
If she closes her eyes now, she can almost feel the sensation of his hands along her waist. It makes her shiver.
"Alright everyone calm down!" Alby's voice booms through the room and there's instant silence that prevails, leaving only suspicious eyes and reluctant looks at the Leader of the glade.
"Nobody is getting banished for anything," Alby continues despite the flurry of protests at his words. He raises his voice so that it booms across the room, "Mai is one of ours. She's a Glader just like the rest of you."
"She shuckin' lied to us!" One of the gladers spit out.
"And did that hurt you? No? Exactly," Alby points out, "as far as I know, she hasn't hurt anybody around here."
"I agree with him," Minho says from his spot, arms crossed and looking over at Mai with a wink, "if anything, she's the one that's helping to fees your stomachs, you stupid slintheads."
"But she still lied. Does that not count for anything?" another glader asks.
The choral of debates pick up and Mai can't help but cover her ears out of instinct. They're all too loud, so loud they make her ears hurt and she has half a mind to walk out of the room before Alby finally yells out for silence.
The noise ceases and everyone listens.
"Right," his voice rings out with authority, "this is what we're gonna do. It's true that Mai broke the rules by lying to us, but that does not mean she gets banished. She didn't hurt anyone. She's the one who almost got hurt." he turns to her then, a flash of sympathy swimming in his eyes. But she gives him a quiet nod, as if in understanding, "so one night in the Slammer is your punishment."
Mai will take it. It's not the best, but she'll survive.
So she doesn't protest or fight when Newt and Minho flank her sides, accompanying her to one of the Slammer cages. They help her inside before closing the door behind her with apologetic looks on their faces.
"Sorry Greenie," Newt says, "we'll get you out of here first thing in the morning."
"I'll come and slip you food," Minho reassures.
"Thanks," Mai's voice is weak and tiny as it echoes out of the cage. She doesn't say anything else as she settles down onto the hard muddy floor. Great, and now she'll have even more dirty clothes to wash.
The hours go by and time seems to lose meaning. Mai tries to occupy herself by counting how many roots she can find sticking out from the opposite mud wall but soon loses interest when the light of the sun slowly disappears and turns to a blanket of darkness. Soon, all the bustling and the clinking of tools, the shouts and the buzz of conversation still to a stop once the light of the day starts going out. And that's when the fear starts to crawl over her spine.
She tries not to think about what had happened with Henry but it's almost impossible to close her eyes without seeing all of him in display before her. Mai clenches her teeth together, arms wrapping protectively around her knees as she allows her face to bury into the small nook of comfort that it creates.
Crunch. The sound of footsteps cause Mai to jerk up, eyes flitting towards the black sky. Her breath catches in her throat as she waits, muscles tense. She's had enough adventure to last herself a lifetime and is in no need of more boys like Henry around. Especially right now.
But then, a voice slips through the silence and causes her to sigh out in relief.
"Hey Greenie."
And there comes his face between the caged bars, frowning is usual frown as if everything displeases him. The familiar sight is one that is welcome by the said girl, whose chest fills with emotion upon seeing his figure standing a few meters away. She's never felt so safe with anyone but Gally and that simple fact brings back memories of them cooped up together in his bed. Heat flushes through her cheeks at the thought and she's glad it's night time, so that Gally doesn't have to see the embarrassment flooding her face.
"Hi Gally," she croaks out weakly.
He lets out a sigh. She hears him move about until she spots his figure as he takes a seat perched right atop the cage.
"Thought you'd be hungry," he proceeds to toss her a wrapped sandwich that Mai grabs without hesitation.
She unwraps it with barely restrained hunger and the first bite is amazing, flavours exploding onto her tongue and causing her to groan in delight. She hasn't eaten since morning and her stomach is practically growling itself to death at this point.
"You'll have to stay the night," Gally's voice echoes through the cell wall.
Mai bites down onto her lower lip, "I know." Her eyes flutter up to his. She's surprised by the gentleness she finds there. It's not something she's used to, "I'll be fine."
Gally doesn't respond for a while. Mai busies herself with the food in hopes that the awkward atmosphere will somehow dissipate. She's not quite sure how Gally takes it; the news about her being a girl. They haven't spoken about it since and something in her heart squeezes at the thought that he doesn't want anything else to do with her now that he knows her secret.
But then again, he wouldn't be here providing her with food right?
That is why she's surprised when he says:
"I'm sorry."
Mai blinks up, surprised.
"Why?" The words fall out of her mouth before she can stop them, "it's not your fault. If anything, it's mine."  The last few words trail off into a whisper, as though saying them aloud might bring back the memory of last night.
He takes a breath, exhales it out as one hand rubs at his hair. He has a very bad habit of doing that when something's on his mind.
"Gally," Mai calls out once she's done with her food and crumpled the wrapping paper up into a ball. When his blue orbs meet hers, dancing with the light of the lamp, she gives him a small smile, "thank you. For saving me."
He grunts as if to say you're welcome, and she swear she spots a blush crawling up his face. Grinning to herself, Mai settles back against the wall as she hears the soft chants of the cicadas signaling that the night will be long.
"You don't have to stay here with me, you know." she says suddenly, only to find Gally already looking back down with furrowed brows. The look on his face is somewhat endearing. She's learnt to love it, his grouchiness.
"It's either that or you're all alone, greenie."
"I can take care of myself."
"That's not what you said last night."
Mai flushes at his words. Well, he's not the greatest at softening blows now, is he? "Well, that was--it was just last night..." her words end in a mumble, causing a soft snicker from the said Builder.
"Try and get some sleep, Greenie." He settles himself more comfortably against the top so that he's lounging onto the edge, visible enough for Mai to see him without having to crane her neck or look about, "I don't need you being all cranky tomorrow morning. And--" he peers down at her with what looks to be a smirk, "--don't think I'll let you off the hook so easily just 'cause you're a girl."
"Slinthead," Mai mutters under her breath, but loud enough for him to hear as she nestles her head against the wall and curls up her legs underneath, "night Gally."
"Goodnight Greenie."
The next few days are weird.
Weird, because Gally now has to re-train his brain into thinking that Mai's indeed, a girl, and that it's not just something that he's come up with as a theoretical explanation. No, she's actually a girl and she looks like one, even.
It's not just the fact that she's tiny and pale and looks like she could snap in two with just a huge gust of wind. It's not just the fact that she's always in the kitchens and is now able to tie her hair back with a bandana to keep it away from her face -- something that she'd avoided because it would make people talk back then -- not just the fact that Mai, he realizes, has soft and fine, delicate features akin to a doll, a complete contrast to the rough hands and the hardened faces of the boys in the Glade.
No. It's the fact that despite all of what he's just described as above, despite everything that he's listed out like a reason for him to blame upon, it's Mai's brown eyes -- those big, beautiful eyes framed by lashes and always looking at him like she's in a permanent state of surprise -- that has his heart skipping and his chest tightening for god knows what reason.
Maybe he's coming down with something. He surely is. He feels hot and cold and hot all at once, and that's proven to be signs of sickness.
But it's a harder face to ignore than most. Suddenly, Mai is the center of attention and all boys are basking, begging to be part of her circle. Some gladers are giving her a helping hand when carrying stuff to and from the kitchen, some are chatting her up whenever they find her alone and free, others are always asking whether she needs anything; someone to walk with her, someone to guard her showers, someone to help her pick up branches for firewood.
Gally's not too sure how he feels about that. So he decidedly puts a stop to all his feelings. And plus, the Greenie is now fine with everyone and seems to be getting along quite well. She doesn't look in need of his help any longer.
Nevertheless, a few days go by and finally it's time for the box to come up. They all crowd around it nervously, knowing exactly at what precise time the metal hinges will scream with effort as the box is dragged upwards. Gally is busy frowning down at the metal-clad hole in the ground with such intensity that he almost misses the soft tap on his shoulder.
He turns, eyes flickering over Mai's features as something in his heart tugs. A cold, he thinks to himself, he really needs to get himself checked out by the Med-Jacks.
"Gally," her eyes light up when she smiles. She has a pretty smile. How had he not noticed that before when she'd claimed to be a guy?
He nods to her, frown still in place as he turns back to the hole, "Greenie."
"I'm not going to be a Greenie anymore," Mai reminds him, "we'll get a new one today."
He glances back at her over his shoulder, "the name suits you."
She pouts and this particular expression on hers throws him off guard, heart suddenly clamoring in his chest and his hands suddenly aching to reach out and pinch her cheeks. God she's cute when she wants to be.
The familiar clanging of metal and the whirring of cogs steals his attention away. All Gladers turn to it expectantly as the box slowly crawls up to their level before finally coming to a stop with a screeching halt.
"Open it up!" Alby shouts as him and Newt grab both sides of the box. Gally leans over to help and they tug it out of the way to reveal a young, pudge-faced boy that looks no older than twelve.
"It's a boy!" one of the Gladers shout out in what sounds to be happiness and Mai can't help but scoff.
Since Mai is the greenie right before him, she has the responsibility of introducing the boy to the Glade. He's young and has a cherubic face, and almost bursts into tears the moment he is lifted from the box. Alby had had to calm him down and explain to him how the Glade works in the privacy of the Homestead as everyone resumed their work for the day, and after that the young boy was introduced to Mai as Chuck.
Chuck is nice and friendly once he gets comfortable with Mai's presence, and the two seem to hit it off once they get past the pleasantries of the Glade. He seems already a bit homesick and Mai is quick to reassure him that the Glade already feels like home to her.
"Don't worry," Mai says as she helps him tie up his hammock next to hers. Gally had previously forced her to move her hammock as close to his hut as possible in case of any inappropriate behavior from the boys now that her identity was out in the open, so she was now placed on the very edge of the Hammock space, right in front of the said Builder's front door. It's not a problem in the grand scheme of things. But it is an issue when Gally just has to glance at the new kid to make his eyes water.
"He's not that bad you know," Mai explains to Chuck as the younger boy settles himself into his hammock, "he's a bit grouchy sometimes. But he's got a good heart."
"Are you sure we're talking about the same dude?" Chuck asks, fingering the hem of the new t-shirt he's received from one of the Gladers.
Mai can't help but laugh, "yes, we are. I swear to you. His heart's in the right place," she pauses, hesitant to say the words that come next, "He was actually really sweet to me throughout my first month at the glade."
Chuck's eyes are gazing upon her with a childlike curiosity that has her squirming in place and Mai feels the heat of embarrassment crawling up her cheeks as she tries to blow out some air. That's when he drops the bomb:
"You like him?"
Her heart stops, head whipping up to his, "what?" she stammers out, "what do you mean?"
"You know," Chuck says with the calmness of her mature person despite the fact that he's two feet shorter than she is, "like when people like each other. Not just as friends. As something more. Do you like him that way?"
"I--" Mai's heart is pumping so loud she's surprised Chuck can't hear it. But if it's not her heart, it's her face flushing red that gives her away. She doesn't need to answer, for Chuck seems to have read it straight from her expression.
His face explodes into a mischievous grin, "you do like him!"
"No, I--"
"Yes you do. Look at your face, it's written all over it!"
"No no, not like that--"
"You do! You like him!"
"Who likes who?"
Mai turns, yelping in shock as Chuck almost falls from his hammock. The Keeper of the Builders is staring him down, eyebrows raised in suspicion before his blue eyes direct themselves towards Mai's face. He repeats his question, "you like someone?"
Somehow, the darkness in his tone is impossible to ignore.
Mai is quick to dispel his thoughts for fear that her red face is going to give it all away, "no of course not, I--"
"Yes she does, and guess what Gally? She--"
Mai's hand shoots out, slapping onto Chuck's mouth before she sends Gally an innocent grin. The latter doesn't seem quite as thrilled at the new statement, gaze flickering between Mai's uneasy smile and Chuck's struggling expression.
"She what?"
"Nothing at all!" Mai throws the younger boy a glare before shoving him back into his hammock and turning to Gally with a smile so huge it looks like it hurts, "what you up to, Gal?"
If he's noticed the nickname, he decides to ignore it in favor of crossing his arms and cocking his head at her. There's a ghost of a smile, just barely there, on his face, "I wanted to show you somethin'. " He then turns to walk away, glancing back at her over his shoulder expectantly like he wants her to follow him.
So Mai throws Chuck one last glance of disapproval, "don't go anywhere alone. I'll finish the tour this afternoon." before she's off skipping in Gally's direction all while whistling a soft tune under her breath.
They make their way to the Builder's section, looking more like a garden with an array of tools scattered about the place while others are poised dangerously over overgrown tree roots. Gally calls out for the mess to be cleaned up and Mai's stomach clenches with sudden admiration. It's not something she'd say out loud but seeing Gally in his natural element makes her insides turn to mush.
He ducks into a small hut designed to keep his floorplans and blueprints. Mai follows, only to stop dead in her tracks at the piece of furniture sitting at the centre of the room.
"What's that?" She cocks her head curiously.
One of his hands go up to rub the back of his neck. He seems embarrassed, eyes shying away from hers to gaze at the furniture instead.
"That's a bed," he says almost reluctantly, voice scratchy and rough and making Mai yearn for more, "I thought it might fit you."
Surprise flits across her face, "thank you, that's—really kind of you." She shakes her head then, "but I'm not sure I have space to fit that in the Homestead—"
But the words get stuck in her throat when the Builder turns to gaze her head-on, those cerulean eyes like aquamarine storms of emotions flickering across his pupils like words that he can't seem to find.
"It's yours. Alby and I— well," he hesitates, "we thought you might want a Hut."
Mai stares at him. A hut? Just for her?
Her heart skips a beat and suddenly the air around her feels warm. Surely he didn't do that just for her right?
"But that's not fair is it?" She murmurs out, "all the other gladers—"
"Have eyes on you," he cuts her off with a firm stare, "it's better if you have a place of your own."
"But my hammock's right next to your hut. Makes it safe enough doesn't it?"
"I'm not always gonna be there Mai, I—" he swallows thickly, as if he'd stopped himself from saying anything else in case he might say too much. Pressing his lips together instead, Gally continues in a grumble, "it's better this way Greenie."
"I'm not a greenie anymore."
A semblance of a smile ghosts past his lips, "I know. It still fits you though."
Mai can't help but grin before she shoves him playfully. Although Gally barely budges. He's built like a brick wall after all. It's impossible to move him.
"Well, thank you Gally," she looks back towards the bed, "I'll take care of it."
"Right you do, Greenie."
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agroteraa · 8 months
The Wrath of the Stag
Chapter two (the finale)
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Oliver Quick x f!Reader
My fic masterlist
Part 3.2.
Part 1: Actaeon
Part 2: Artemis
Part 3.1: The Wrath of the Stag (ch.1)
Warnings: smut, dubcon, fingering, choking, penetration sex, mentions of drugs, almost?onesided!Felix, dark!Oliver, character death, angst.
Word Count: 4K
So, you and Felix had reached the labyrinth.
Lush and blooming in daylight, it seemed hazy and darksome at night. But still, it was the same maze in which you used to love playing hide-and-seek and catch-up with Felix. You could never catch up with him, no matter how much you wanted to, which made you childishly angry, and he laughed and teased you all the time. Now it seemed somewhat symbolic to you.
"So, what did you want, can you finally say, please?" he wondered with a smile. He was already drunk enough, too, but you started sobering up a little from this long walk.
"You were right. Oliver can be weird. I thought we would talk, but he brushed me off and started dancing with one girl, then another... and then he and Venetia..."
You couldn't hold back your tears. Felix hugged you, comforting you. His warm embrace protected you from the cool air and sense of desperation. It seems as if he was covering you not only with safe arms, but also with his angelic wings.
"Hush, sweetie, hush," he said, quietly asking after a while, "...is it getting better?"
You nodded, looking up at him with tear-stained eyes.
Felix smiled slightly, gently wiping the tears from your cheek. Raising his eyebrows, he looked at you expressively, there was a pause in the air. Felix bent down and reached for your lips. You started answering without fully understanding what you were doing. All this alcohol, torn feelings, Oliver's behavior and, of course, the unrequited love for Felix buried deep inside you for several years, made you try to experience this feeling at least once. You enjoyed his warm, soft lips, hugging his shoulders, until it completely dawned on you. No, you couldn’t do that. Feelings for Felix were long in the past, and Oliver was in the present. The situation might be terrible and confusing, but at least you need to talk, and only then make such decisions as how to respond to someone's feelings or not. Especially since your feelings and thoughts now actually belonged to Oliver.
You gently pushed the guy away from you, "I'm sorry, Felix. I can't do that."
"Why not?"
"I'm... thinking about Oliver now."
"What?" he couldn't believe his ears, "Are you really ready to forgive this freak, even after everything I've told you?"
"We should at least listen to his side... and besides, I have... feelings for him," you finally admitted.
"Y/N, what should we listen to? He's a liar and a creep, that's all! What feelings? Oh, don't make me upset, please. I wouldn't want you to choose anyone over me, but if it's Oliver, then it's some kind of insult even!"
He grimaced, and you got angry, "Well, then don't be offended and better choose your own friends next time. Or, as your sister says, "toys"! But it's not for you to tell me who I should or shouldn't be with!"
"Fine. Have fun then! But I assure you, Oliver is unlikely to stay here for long..." Felix threw up his arms, and in a fit of anger turned around and left the maze.
* * *
Not far from the house, he plopped down on a bench, where Farleigh approached him with some two girls. Felix moodily lit a cigarette.
"Hey, buddy, what’s with the face?"
Catton Jr. said nothing and only frowned more, rolling the cig in his lips. Farleigh gave him a drink from his bottle, and then, turning around, quietly suggested, "Coke?"
* * *
You were wiping away the remnants of tears, leaning on the statue of the Minotaur and inhaling the sobering cool air. Looking up, you met the gaze of a horned monster. Despite the intimidating appearance, his eyes were plaintive, like a gentle cow's. You always paid attention to this detail, ever since you had noticed it once as a child, it helped you stop being afraid of the statue when you were running with Felix and Venetia in the maze. Any thing or person, if you look at them closer, does not seem as intimidating as at first glance. Perhaps even worthy of pity.
A familiar horned silhouette appeared in the maze.
"Oliver? How did you..."
"How did you like the party, Y/N? It seems that you completely abandoned your birthday boy tonight," he was slowly approaching you from the darkness. Up close, Oliver looked even more amazing in this suit. You involuntarily looked him up and down, lingering with your gaze on the naked torso peeking out from under the jacket, on which again hung only one chain reflecting the light of the moon. His summer-tanned skin contrasted so well with the glaringly white suit. The pebbles creaked softly under his feet as he came up to you and gently stroked your neck. Your skin covered with goosebumps. You swallowed, pushing those thoughts aside.
"Are you kidding me now? I didn't leave you for the whole evening. And it wasn't me dancing with some random girls and Venetia."
"Oh yeah? But it wasn't me who kissed one of the Cattons this evening!" his fingers closed palpably around your throat.
"Oliver... what are you doing..." he let the grip, and you continued, "Are you crazy? Why the hell were you following us? You're really doing this, gods… Just like Felix said... "
"Said what?"
"That you were watching Venetia and me and that you... did obscene things and told him that you... liked both of us."
He narrowed his eyes, "What else did Felix tell you today?"
You frowned, "That's all," he continued to look at you silently, "That’s enough for me, isn’t it for you?"
He pinned you at the pedestal of the monument, enclosing you between his strong arms. He looked at you with unblinking, darkening eyes and asked, "So, why the hell did you kiss Felix Catton?"
"He kissed me! I've been wanting to talk to you all evening, and you brushed me off... and then you started dancing with some girl.… And then with Venetia… And that's after everything Felix told me.… He tried to comfort me, but I... refused him. I wanted to talk to you first," hot tears rolled down your cheeks again. His face seemed to soften a little.
"First of all," Oliver said, "calm down, my dear. Secondly, you don't know anything. Thirdly," he runs his thumb over your left cheek, wiping away tears," This is still not a reason to kiss someone else. I'll explain everything clearly to you now."
Without warning, he got under the hem of your dress and inserted one finger into you. You exhaled sharply.
"About the window case... yes. I was looking at you, just at you, unable to look away. I will not apologize for this, although it is a pity that Felix and, in the end, you misunderstood me because of him. But these are his problems. Are you going to be mad at me for not being able to resist your beauty? Don't be silly, Y/N. Did you see yourself lying in a swimsuit under the hot summer sun? I did. I'll tell you, it's a sight that you can't handle yourself. Or rather, it was only my hand that could somehow handle it."
He added a second finger and slightly accelerated the pace.
"What about the party… I was in a bad mood, I needed to talk to Felix and explain about this situation so that he wouldn't upset you, but I couldn't find him anywhere. So, I asked his friend first, and then his sister. The fact that they were both drunk, high and desperate for any male attention is not my problem either. I don't know what you’ve imagined..."
The pace of his fingers became ruthless, Oliver also added a third finger, and it almost caused you real pain from the suddenness of everything that was happening. Another tear involuntarily rolled down your cheek.
"...but I've been hoping all evening that after talking to Felix that I'll finally get, as you said, my main gift..."
He licked your hot tear off your face with his even hotter tongue.
You almost came from a mixture of fear, excitement and arousal.
"I saw you walk past me, holding his hand and not saying a word to me. Of course, I followed you, especially since I needed to talk to him. And what do I see? How he. Kisses. My. Girlfriend."
It was the first time he had said "girlfriend". In a different environment, you'd been absolutely happy, but now a feeling of unknown anxiety had been added to this feeling. Oliver himself would prefer announcing it in different circumstances, but there we go. He pulled out your fingers, which glistened in the dark. You were panting a little. He ran his digits lightly over his lower lip.
"Tell me, is my name Felix Catton?"
You were silent. He couldn't be serious, could he?.. But Oliver leaned over to you and almost whispered his question into your lips, "Is. My. Name. Felix. Catton?"
"So, what is my name?" he asked, staring intently into your eyes so that you wanted to sink through the ground. His hands squeezed your forearms painfully enough.
"O-Oliver..." you answered almost soundlessly.
"I can't hear you, Y/N. Say it a little bit louder, please."
You were silent, shaking slightly. It was like the air has left your lungs. Oliver sighed.
He took you by the hips and pulled you to him, turning you over with your chest and stomach on the pedestal of the monument, your front parts of your body were not used to the cold of the stone and immediately became covered with goosebumps, just like your palms and elbows, which you had to lean on now. He bent you and spread your legs wide apart, lifting the hem of your dress.
"You have a very beautiful outfit today, darling. I'm sorry I was out of sorts and didn't say it sooner – you look amazing tonight. Of course, I noticed it right away," you heard the sound of a belt slowly unbuckling, and then the sound of a fabric coming down, "So, who is this? Helena? Or Hermia? Oh, it must be Hermia, isn’t it? How ironic. I hope in this version of the story she won't have to choose between Lysander and Demetrius?"
Oliver, holding your hips, bent down and left a few kisses on your neck, going down to your shoulder blades.
"She won't have to."
With those words, he entered you, abruptly and without warning. You exhaled in a little shock. Oliver entered and fill you up completely at once and, almost without giving you time to get used to it, began unhurried, but nevertheless impatient movements with his hips. You started to sigh and whine, feeling yourself getting wetter by the second. He smiled, feeling it, "I didn't expect anything else. So, tell me, dear, what's my name? Only louder this time."
You let out a moan in response, and Oliver picked up the pace, "I'm going to bang those words out of you."
Your eyes were watering, but he watched the way you were twisting and panting. You liked this. He could see it in your face, which was slightly tilted to the side, could feel it within his core. He continued thrusting, his hips meeting your ass with each movement. He reached up, wrapping a hand around your neck and pulling you closer, the sensation restricting your breathing ever-so-slightly turned you on even more.
"So... what's my name?"
"Oli...ver..." you moaned, stumbling because of his strong grip and the rhythm he had set.
He practically went in and out of you completely with every move, the stone of the pedestal seemed to melt under you. The feeling of a little fear and anxiety completely turned into a pleasure that overshadowed everything else. Oliver took his hand off your throat and moved it to your hair, burrowing into it slightly.
"Oliver… Oliver!" you said louder, breathing heavily, the words turning into moans again.
"Good girl, that's exactly my name. And all the other names, and even more so lips, hands, and so on, you must forget. This is my wish for my birthday."
You looked back and your eyes finally met. His eyes were completely dark with lust, and his lips crooked into a satisfied smile when he caught your gaze. He was horned and you were incredibly horny. Heck, he was horny too, of course, not to say more.
You gasped every time as he was pushing inside you. You were so fucking tight, still so tight, you were need to be fucked more like that sometimes, he kept thinking to himself as he gritted his teeth, feeling your body pulsating around him.
"Fuck, girl, making such a mess over me," he groaned. His head fell back and his grip on you was tightening.
The moon casted a shadow of the two of you on the ground. Oliver's horned silhouette was crashing into you, and a horned monster was looking at it all from above. You were close to the end.
You were mewling, bucking your hips, wanting to take him deeper, the tip of his cock brushing against your most pleasurable spot with every thrust. He drove into you harder, holding you tighter, clenching his jaw. His pace was absolutely merciless and was already just abruptly knocking the air out of you instead of any screams.
"Oliver!.." you came around his cock, and a minute later he followed you, piling on top of you. He was breathing heavily, and then he kissed you on the shoulder, then on the neck, after that he turned you over and sat you on the pedestal of the statue, straightening your dress.
Buttoning up his white pants, he knelt down, gently wrapping his arms around your leg, kissing your knee and looking deep into your eyes. The feel of his warm fingertips against the slightly cold skin on your calf gave your chills. Then he took your hand, kissed it and pressed his face against it. Closing his eyes, he began to rub his cheek against your hand, burrowing his face into your palm. It was an act of adoration after the act of forcibly asserting his authority.
He was again just a mere stag by his Artemis’s side.
You stroked his dark soft hair, and then you began to grope his antlers. Sharp and hard, now you were stroking them securely, although it seemed that a moment earlier Oliver could stab someone with them out of rage. Maybe even you. Any thing or person, if you look at them closer, does not seem as intimidating as at first glance. Yet maybe not quite any.
He rose from his knees to the level of your face, and leaning on his hands next to your hands, he asked softly and hoarsely, "Are you mine, Y/N?"
His piercingly blue eyes were glowing in the dark along with his suit, which seemed almost luminescent white in the night.
"Yes, Oliver, I am yours," you replied, sealing your promise with a kiss.
* * *
You walked silently back to the house, out of the maze, through the garden, past the pond. The small pebbles crunched under your feet. The fresh air, all these wild experiences and emotions today and their passionate resolution made your legs feel wobblier with every step, and your eyes began to feel weary.
Upon entering the hall where the party was going on, you were greeted by loud music again:
One, two, three, four
Let me hear you scream if you want some more
Like ah, push it, push it
Watch me work it
I'm perfect
Oliver kissed you on the stairs. Few people paid attention, but he knew that Felix would most likely notice if he was here. And he was here, and he noticed. You turned around and saw that Felix was already dancing with some girl and was clearly having a good time with her. You were upset. It didn't last long, you thought bitterly. Even though he probably had a lot to drink, it was no excuse to forget his intentions so quickly. But you didn't know that he had been high for a long time on top of everything else.
"Can you get me something to drink?" you moaned.
"Baby, haven't you had enough for today?" Oliver began mockingly, and then, seeing your frown, added, "The wishes of the birthday boy’s girlfriend are the law," and left for cocktails.
That's right, I'm a superstar
Everybody wanna come up when I'm at the bar
All the people wanna try
It's like, give me some more
Try a little harder, honey
Give me some more
You were looking at Felix and the girl in the fairy costume again. He could not take his hands off her, then bent down and began to whisper something to her, or maybe not only whisper, which made her giggle.
Perfection… ha-ha!
The female singer's voice seemed to mockingly comment on the situation.
Your heart has almost broken once again this night. When you saw a drink nearby on a nearby table, you knocked it over without looking at the contents. Damn, it seemed like it was something very strong. Oliver returned with two cocktails, blocking you in every sense from this view. Smiling, you downed another cocktail in almost one sitting. Your head began to spin pleasantly again, pushing out unnecessary thoughts. You and Oliver danced a little. How fabulous he was in that outfit, your birthday boy. The music seemed to disappear for a while when you enjoyed this moment of dancing, without taking your eyes off each other.
Then, the music almost abruptly hit you with a throbbing headache and a heaviness in your eyelids and legs. It seems that fatigue and a sense of stress have returned, multiplied by repeated alcohol intoxication. Oliver led you through the entire crowd and all the rooms, almost every one of which had its own mini-party, until you found yourself on your floor. He carefully helped you undress and put you to bed. Your body ached pleasantly, feeling the soft mattress underneath and the duvet above.
"Good night, Ollie."
"Good night, Y/N," he said softly, "And... Sorry for everything."
"We sort of settled everything," you assured him, being sure that he was only talking about the events of the evening, and not about anything else, "Everything will be fine."
"Everything will be fine, that is for sure."
* * *
Oliver returned to the hall, a bottle of wine in his hand. Felix never let talk to him, literally sent him away, and Quick wanted to give him another chance. Or maybe he didn't want to anymore after Felix laid his eyes and not only the eyes on Y/N.
Catton Jr. danced merrily with his fairy, and then at some point took her by the hand and led her across the hall, outside. Oliver watched all this closely, gloomily drinking from a bottle, leaning against the wall.
Felix's clouded mind told him to finish the job, his regrets almost completely blocked by drugs, alcohol and the desire to lick his wounded ego. Therefore, his almost mindless brain led him down the road that he already knew well. Into the maze.
Oliver followed, his wrath building with each slow but firm step as he was running through all the events that had happened. Going to his parents without warning, ignoring his requests and pleas to stop, turn around, or at least not go with him. The discovery of the truth, the way Felix pushed him away, calling him a fucking liar, yet he had nosed into Oliver's life himself. The way fear and contempt were read in his eyes, mixed with an inner struggle whether to tell it all to everyone or not. To tell it to Y/N or not. The way he started turning Y/N against him. The way he started hitting on Y/N, especially now, knowing it all. And how he immediately traded you for some random girl. And all this was on the date of his birthday celebration.
No, there won't be a second chance, Oliver thought to himself as he poured a huge dose of the drug into the bottle.
It was tempting to say that Felix flew too close to the sun, but he was actually the sun himself. So dazzlingly bright and inviting. It was all the others who were too close to him in the rays of his destructive splendor and the hopes of living the same incredible life as his that endlessly flew up and burned. Besides, it was the middle of the night in Saltburn, so the allegory would be completely missed. However, in addition to those infamous wings, Daedalus created something else - the labyrinth of Knossos, where the Minotaur dwelled and suggested a horror, devouring beautiful young men.
Which meant that Icarus was destined to die anyway from the creation of Daedalus.
The dark antlered silhouette followed the winged youth with the confidence of a predator.
By stepping into this labyrinth, carefree Icarus himself signed the verdict of his fate.
* * *
It still seemed to you that all this was a terrible foggy ill dream from which you still could not wake up from. The scream that Felix had been found with was still ringing in your ears sometimes.
It had been a few days now, and you still couldn't believe that he was gone. No matter what, he was an angel. Childishly selfish, but still generous, open-hearted and always ready to help and support. You remembered his costume at the party and smiled bitterly. Really an angel. And even more so now.
You were so regretful that you didn't speak to him again that night. Were so sorry that you went to bed early and didn't see much. That you never knew that Felix and Farleigh were taking some drugs that night, to the point it was too much and too late, and Farleigh was anyhow to blame for it and he couldn’t save him. That you couldn’t save him.
You went into Oliver's room, but he hadn’t come yet. While waiting, you began to walk around the room, and suddenly saw a book by his bedside table, your birthday present. You sat down on the bed, picked up the book and began to look at it again. Icarus with golden wings, falling away from the sun. You ran your finger over the gold embossed cover. Tears welled up your eyes. Gods. You started crying uncontrollably, hot tears dripping right onto the cover of the book. Gently throwing the book on the bed, you buried your face in your hands and bent over in sobs.
"Y/N, what are you..." Oliver came into the room and rushed to hug you.
"Ollie... the book... I..." you spoke barely legibly through sobs. He began to calm you gently, squeezing you tightly in his arms, "I'm here, my darling, everything is fine."
He wish he could take away this pain that you were experiencing right now, but it was impossible to take away what he had caused himself. Yet he was sincerely comforting you, hugging and kissing you in the most caring way possible, "I'm here and I'll always be there, no matter what happens, you'll be safe and sound with me," his whispering was hot and assuring.
Oliver used to think that there was nothing better than the feeling when you comforted him. However, the way you looked at him with your eyes full of tears, trustfully snuggling closer, searching for his support and his consolation, it turned out to be a feeling on a completely different level. The way you needed him, him and no one else. And only he could grant you any relief. At that moment, he felt that he was close to the deity. Your personal deity.
And Oliver was ready to arrange a hundred more accidents to experience this feeling again.
A hundred? This was, of course, too much. But it was in his power to do a couple more.
He took a deep breath of your scent, burying his nose deeper into your hair and holding you closer. Besides, Saltburn looked like a lovely place for your future shared happily ever after.
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captain039 · 1 year
Stains of red
Astarion x omega!reader
Warnings: Vampire things, blood, light gore, witch things, fantasy things, swearing, age gap, heats, smut, shameless flirting, virgin reader, indulging in pleasure xD, pining, jealousy, possessiveness
I can’t wait for the game I must write. I’ve watched too many TikTok’s on him🤣 so I may not get his characteristic. But I have an idea on them lol.
No spoilers for the game cause I haven’t played it lol
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The raven awoke you as he did all mornings, cawing on your window seal making you huff and almost throw your pillow at him.
“Must you?” You said and he just cawed flying into your house and landing on your bedside table.
“Good morning” you chuckled and Pax cawed in response.
“Any hostile creatures lurking?” You said and he just cawed again fluttering his wings slightly.
“Helpful” you rolled your eyes and stretched. You started your day as you always did, some tea and toasted bread with jam, sitting on the front porch watching Pax fly away back to his family. You saved Pax when he was a baby bird, ugly little thing really with no feathers, but you raised him and now he wakes you every morning and watched the forest for you. Though you didn’t understand him, he understood you well enough. The forest felt cold somehow today though, like something cold was lurking within it and feeding off its emotions, same feeling you got from a certain vampire. Ever since your parents died to a vampire, Astarion has apparently made it his duty to check on you. He wasn’t the one who killed your family, but he was the one to tear the other vampires head off in a craze. You’ll never forget the look in his eyes when he did, nor will you forget the softness he showed younger you. You practically grew up by yourself, self sustaining beyond measures, Astarion didn’t know a thing about children, yet he didn’t let any of the village members come. He brought you food, books, clothes, anything you needed till you got old enough to take care of yourself. Your teenage years were hard, a lonely omega presenting wasn’t ideal for anyone and you felt like the gods truely hated you in those times of your heats. Astarion was neither alpha, beta or omega, you supposed it was due to him being practically dead. He just had a simple cold smell, like snow if snow smelt like anything. Due to him being the only male around you’d ever see your teenage lust was after him, a man however many years old who raised you, sort of. You cursed the gods daily because of this lust, now thought it simmered deeper within your heart and you hated it.
“Why’re you looking so thoughtful?” You heard a hum in front of you and jumped seeing Astarion there.
“Gods sake Astarion!” You glared and he laughed.
“Darling, you should be aware of your surroundings” he huffed with a smirk and you rolled your eyes. Pet names, boy did he love his pet names, darling, sweetheart, dearest, sweet thing, whatever his mind could think of and it drive you insane.
“Why’re you here?” You asked frowning slightly at his scent, a woman’s scent, a beta, gods had he bedded and fed someone before coming here? You glanced to his mouth, no red stains or signs of feeding, he bedded her then. That was somehow worse.
“Can I not see you? I am hurt” he pouted and you sighed standing up and grabbing your plate and cup.
“I have not seen you in months” you didn’t mean to snap, but you did as you walked into your cottage, him following.
“Were you not in heat?” He said casually and you flushed. You were in heat, how the hell did he manage to know your cycle?
“I was” you grumbled going to the sink.
“Not that it affects you” you scoffed, why were you angry?
“Why’re you angry sweetest?” He asked leaning against the counter beside you, tilting his head.
“I’m not angry” you lies washing your cup and plate before drying them.
“You’re also a terrible liar” he huffed. You turned abruptly and huffed at him before a knock came. He snapped his head to the door alerted, eyes narrowing.
“It’s just one of the villagers probably” you rolled your eyes at the vampire and opened the door. A villager indeed, only his fingers were missing.
“Gods what happened?” You asked.
“I was chopping some wood I got distracted by something, I was putting the wood down and left me hand there!” He said and you gulped.
“Right” you said turning around seeing Astarion staring at the man’s fingers.
“Astarion” you said softly and he snapped his head to yours mouth slightly agape. He snarled and went to your room while you took the man to your other room. You were a witch of sorts, you knew few spells, mainly healing ones, hence why the villagers came.
“Sit down” you said and the man sat down. You recognised him as the butchers son, a handsome young alpha, not to sharp though apparently. You made him hold his hand on the table and began chanting softly. You moved your hands around, watching the yellow glow emit from them and swirl around his fingers. Soon enough they were back and normal apart from the blood stains.
“There” you smiled.
“Thank you so much miss” he smiled softly a slight flush to his cheeks.
“Idiot” you heard and turned to glare at Astarion in the door way.
“Excuse him he has no manners” you huffed and cocked your head at the vampire who huffed and left.
“I can’t thank you enough miss” the alpha said still flushed as he shook your hand.
“It’s alright, just don’t do it again” you laughed lightly.
“Course, I was wondering-“ he stopped mid sentence glancing to something behind you and gulped.
“Thank you” he said and disappeared quickly.
“What did you do?” You turned to Astarion who shrugged.
“He’s a perfectly nice man!” You growled and went to clean up the blood.
“He was clearly trying to fuck you” Astarion said with a scoff and you flushed and froze.
“Excuse me?” You said as you scrubbed the blood a little harshly.
“Fuck you darling, bed you, a night of pleasure?” He said like you were stupid.
“I know what it is!” You said voice going higher.
“Have you still not had someone bed you?” He said voice teasing almost though something was strange about his tone. You threw out the rag and briskly walked past him to avoid that conversation. He scared off half the village! and you were in love with him for gods sake!
“Get out my house” you huffed turning and pointing to the door.
“I just got here” he huffed.
“I don’t care” you pointed to the door again.
“So dull” he whined, but left making you sigh in relief.
You watched the firefly’s over the small lake you had in front of your house. Nice clear spring, perfect in any weather it truely was a blessing. Sometimes if it was a warm night you’d go out for a swim with little clothing, enjoy the water under the warm night sky. It was a warm night and you felt like you could use a swim. You finished tea and changed into a robe and grabbed a towel. You laid the towel by the bed of the lake and glanced around before slipping your robe off and stepping in. You walked out a bit before resting on your back and sighing, eyes closing and tuning your ears into the wild life. You could hear critters scurrying around to grab their nightly meal, an owl nearby hooting softly, a few rabbits hoping along the ground and- footsteps? You lowered your body back into the water and glanced around, you couldn’t see anyone even with your heightened senses. You listened closer, two footsteps one heavy and one extremely light, the heavy one sounded like they were running. Then you heard a scream and blocked out the noise by covering your ears quickly before the smell of blood floated on the wind. You quickly left the lake and put on your towel before rushing inside and locking the door. You panted harshly missing the red eyes that watched you through the window.
Next part ->
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colonelarr0w · 7 months
Can we pretty please have Sukuna reacting to his crush telling him that thier lover cheated on them. Like the reader has been in a relationship with this person for a few months.
Would he comfort her? At all?
Also can I be‼️ anon
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Sypnosis - He may be heartless, that doesn't mean he'll stand silently by and watch as you get yours broken.
Warning(s) - canon JJK violence, mature themes, foul language, Sukuna is nice for once (?)
A/N - First time ever writing for Sukuna -- wish me luck! And yes, you can be that anon, I love you guys.
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"Brat, wipe those tears, you look pathetic," Sukuna says coldly, sneering at the sight of your tears running down your cheeks. You quickly lift your wrist, roughly rubbing the water from your eyes and turning yourself away from him.  
At the sight of you turning, oddly enough, he feels a strange sensation somewhere in his chest – what was it though? All he knew was that it wasn't anger, no, he couldn't find it in himself to be angry at you in that moment (shockingly).  
"Sorry," you mumble, sinking your teeth into your bottom lip in an attempt to silence your sobs, but the action does very little to prevent the shaking of your body. Sukuna notices, raising an eyebrow in curiosity.  
His head tilts at you; you had come to Yuuji asking for a movie night and snacks, which wasn't out of the ordinary. But what was out of the ordinary was that you showed up on Yuuji's doorstep crying.  
The fact that Yuuji relinquished control to Sukuna so easily was also shocking – but Sukuna was never one to complain about having control over what was rightfully his vessel.  
He lets out a small "tch" at your apology, turning himself away from you and crossing his arms over his chest. Some part of him wants to turn back around and inquire about what had happened – but at the same time he could genuinely care less. 
You remain silent in your place on the couch, knees curled up to your chest as you keep your watery eyes focused on the television, which plays a repeat of an old rom-com that you mentioned that you enjoyed. But from what Sukuna could see, the sight of the two main leads being happily in love is only worsening your mood – but why? 
Usually you would be smiling and chipper, pointing out everything that the male lead did for the female with a too-sweet smile plastered onto your face. But now you were just staring at the screen with a look that Sukuna couldn't describe – and he despised it.  
`"What's going on? You're never this silent, I detest it," Sukuna comments, angrily scrunching his nose as he turns sharply to glance at you. Your hands tighten over your knees, eyebrows pinching together as you bite back the fresh round of tears that cling to your lash line.  
"Nothin' happened. Jus' wanted to come over and watch a movie," you lie through your teeth, voice slightly muffled from where you keep your mouth pressed against your clothed legs. Sukuna clicks his tongue against the roof of his mouth, glaring at you.  
"I'm not lying." 
"You are. I only know because you're fucking terrible at it," Sukuna spits, furrowing his eyebrows together in frustration as you look away from him again. Your eyes water, and you lift your wrist to swipe away the tears before they have the chance to fall – remembering what Sukuna had just said about them rendering you 'pathetic'.  
"Nothin' happened. Even if something did, why would it matter to you?" Your voice is laced with a bitterness that Sukuna hadn't heard in you before – and honestly, he didn't think that you were capable of sounding so cold.  
"It doesn't. I just don't wanna deal with your sulking," Sukuna rolls his eyes, resting his cheek against his knuckles as he sneaks another glance at you. You seem to sink further into the couch – there's that sensation again. What the fuck was it? 
You remain silent, keeping your eyes fixed on the movie, which is nearing its conclusion. The male lead tenderly reaches for the female, holding her face and steering her lips to his own. Sukuna notices your nails digging into your legs, no doubt leaving behind angry red marks that you would complain about later.  
"So talk." 
You glance at Sukuna, narrowing your eyes at the unfamiliar tenderness that flickers in his irises. Your eyes involuntarily water, eyebrows furrowing together as you look back to the television screen.  
"Nothin'. My boyfriend – he just, y'know, got bored of me. Guess my best friend looked better," you explain offhandedly, obviously trying to downplay the situation for the sake of not working yourself up. But Sukuna could tell that the situation deeply bothered you, judging by the way you blink back your tears and curl your arms impossibly tighter around your legs.  
Sukuna's hands subconsciously curl into white-knuckled fists, anger flaring up in his chest as he mulls your words over in his head. He shocks himself – why did he care so much about what happened to you? Why did he suddenly have the overwhelming urge to strangle the life out of your now ex-boyfriend? 
"He what?" Sukuna all but growls, turning his head to settle all of his attention on you. You, however, don't spare him another glance, not wanting to see his mocking expression or the smirk that he's most definitely wearing in response to your sadness.  
A shame that if you had looked up, you would see the genuine anger that Sukuna displays.  
"Wasn't slick about it either, but it's whatever," you say with faux indifference, shrugging your shoulders. You sigh shakily, tears slipping down your cheeks as the movie in front of you ends. "It's whatever Sukuna." 
"It can't be whatever if you're staining the couch with tears," Sukuna bites back, glaring at you – though his anger is very clearly directed elsewhere. You let out a shaky sigh through your nose, not wanting to discuss the situation further.  
"Well it is whatever, so fucking drop it," you growl out, voice wavering slightly as you reach for the television remote, flicking through channels until you land on some random documentary, opting to leave it on for background noise. 
Sukuna grumbles something incoherent, lifting his legs to cross them over one another as he sits silently on the couch across from you. Every now and then, his eyes flicker to sneak glances at you, taking mental notes of your body language and facial expressions.  
"I'm...sorry that he did that to you," Sukuna grumbles out, his voice at a volume that you nearly miss. The tenderness in his voice is so foreign, but at the same it sounds so natural coming from him – almost like he had rehearsed this very scene a thousand times over in his head.  
You sit there stunned for a moment, not having expected Sukuna to be offering you his condolences. In truth, you didn't need them, nor did you want them – but the fact that he had softened up for a passing moment to say those words to you brought a little bought of warmth to your stomach.  
"It's whatever," you say again, this time with a bit more indifference than before. Sukuna finds himself smirking, which he tries to hide but to no real avail – you catch it just before it fades away.  
He'll pay your ex-boyfriend a visit later, right now, he wants you to keep that barely there smile on your face. 
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insane-brit · 1 year
Royalty (Ch. 1)
Muzan Kibutsuji x Soulmate!fem!reader
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Part links: Prologue, Chapter one, Chapter two, Chapter three
Tags/warnings: Dialogue, slow burn, dark story/themes, enemies to lovers (or maybe just enemies. who knows), spoilers for Mugen Train Arc, slight spoilers for Entertainment District Arc, slight jealousy, talks of death, worry, anxiety, past memory, some pain, masking worry with optimism. 
A/N: Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all the love on the Prologue. I am excited to continue this story and feel free to let me know if you want to be tagged in upcoming chapters. This story will be a slow burn as I don’t want to rush it.
Also, I plan to stray from the canon story as this is a fanfic and AU, but will loosely have parts of the canon story incorporated.
Word count: 2.5K
“That little girl is not even 8 yet! She shouldn’t be feeling this way Sakonji!” The older woman whispered.
“I know, but there’s not much you can do.”
“Not much I can do? Well, there must be something! I’m not going to stand idly by and watch my granddaughter’s mind deteriorate!”
Hina’s eyes drilled into the angry red mask. She was at a loss, and no one knew how to aid her. There weren’t many people she could go to, much less that she trusted, but out of anyone she thought Urokodaki would have something for her.
“What do you expect me to do Hina? Call upon the spirits and command them to give her a bond? I understand that this is devastating, but that is not how this works.”
The lantern burned low in the hut. A mere hour or two of fuel left before it would cast the room into darkness. The two adults sat next to each other, and farther in front of them, a little girl lay on a dark futon seemingly sound asleep. A lighter-colored blanket covered her form up to her neck, her back facing them. Hina lowered her head to her hand, palm raised to cover her eyes.
“Don’t take me for an idiot. I just don’t know what to do. How do I explain to her that she may never receive a thread?”
Urokodaki remained silent looking at the sleeping child. Turning his head barely to look at the woman.
“You be direct. False truths will only cause more pain in the end.”
She took a sharp breath in, letting the hand fall from her face and onto her lap with a faint smack. “You’re telling me what I don’t want to hear.”
“I know, but you already knew what I was going to say. Now it’s up to you to inform her. I refuse to be the one to do so.”
She paused, looking at her granddaughter before nodding her head.  
He gently put his hand on her back, an attempt at consolation. “Get some rest. You traveled a long way and need your energy for the journey home.” He stood up, walking over to the door before turning to look at her sitting form. “I won't be long. Don’t get into trouble while I’m gone.”
Hina lightly scoffed at his remark, rolling her eyes as he closed the door softly behind him. She scooted over to the little girl, leaning down and placing a kiss on the side of her head.
“I’m sorry sweetheart. I’m sorry fate has treated you this way,” She brushed some hair away from the girl’s face. “But I know in my heart you’ll do great things. Soul tie or not.”
Hina turned over, snuffing the lantern out before laying down herself. Unbeknownst to her, her granddaughter opened her eyes, gazing at what little she could see of the wooden walls. Her eyes were dull as the conversation between Urokodaki, and her grandmother circled in her mind. May never get one? Why? Did she do something wrong? Did-
“Hey… are you even listening to me?”
A hand waved in front of her face, knocking her from her stupor. Startled, she whipped her head to gaze at the white-haired man stationed next to her.  His fuchsia eyes glowered at her form, which was off in its dream world.
“Yeah,” she blinked a few times. “I’m listening.”
The former smile on his face was downturned. His eyes narrowed as he raised an eyebrow.
“You know, you're a terrible liar, and it’s not very flashy of you.”
She rolled her eyes, scoffing. “Tengen, I don’t need a lecture. Especially from you.”
Hands raised in defense; he leaned back against the stone in front of the Butterfly Mansion. The sun’s rays reached far into the sky as it lowered itself on the horizon. Igniting the land in warmth and an array of rich tones. It was almost blinding, and she raised her hand to shield her eyes. The Sound Hashira hummed next to her; eyes closed with a small smile on his face. Ever since the arrival of Tanjiro Kamado and his younger demon sister, Nezuko, tensions were high among the slayers. As much as she wanted to think she wasn’t wary at first, the Echo Hashira would be deceiving herself if she did. However, with the bittersweet victory of the Mugen Train, her judgment of the small slayers had shifted. She supposed Tomioka was right to have given them a chance, but it amazed her that it was him of all people. She would have to show her gratitude to him but at a different time.
The death of Kyojuro Rengoku following the defeat of Lower Moon One exhibited the harsh reality of their day-to-day life. She was cognizant of the dangers and death that danced in their shadows, but this was another kind of pain. A wound that wouldn’t stay closed and leaked as if weeping for the fallen Pillar. Which she did often alone late at night. No one was around to see her walls barren, unguarded and splayed for anyone to see the rising tide that was her emotions. While she wasn’t as close to the Flame Hashira as she would’ve desired, she knew him well enough to call him her friend. Tengen on the other hand, was closer to Kyojuro than anyone. On a handful of occasions, she had caught him mourning. She never approached him in these moments no matter how close they were. It felt too raw and private, and if he knew she had seen him, he never confronted her about it.
“Were you thinking about your bond again?” Tengen said cracking one eye open.
“When am I not?”
“So, you were thinking about it!” He teased, a wider smile gracing his features.
“Bold of you to assume that’s the only thing on my mind.” She grumbled massaging her temple. Tengen was the only person besides the Master, Urokodaki, and her grandmother to know that she didn’t have a soul tie. It is well known that bonds form in the early stages of life and it has never been heard of to have one materialize after 5 years of age. However, it has also never been heard of not having one at all. At least, until she never got one. She waited for years, staring intensely at her wrist to see the red thread assemble itself before her eyes. Stretching to the one that was supposedly meant for her, but it never came. Over the years she had wishful thinking that dwindled to a mere flame that had eventually snuffed itself out. There was no point in longing for one when she was now at the ripe age of 22. Her time had come and gone, but regardless of saying that, deep down she still hoped. Why? She had no idea, but it constantly plagued her. Even more so, she had no idea why she decided Tengen out of all people was the one to confide this information to. The Master, Urokodaki, and her grandmother made sense, but him? She’s surprised he hasn’t run that mouth of his. The anxiety she felt at anyone else knowing weighed on her mind daily. She did not doubt that people would find it taboo, no matter how progressive the world became.
Tengen sighed at her words. “I assumed nothing. I only made an observation and I have no doubt there are more worries in that head of yours.”
“And what about you? Don’t you have your own? What about Suma, Makio, and Hinatsuru?”
“I haven’t heard from them,” she turned to look at him as he spoke. “Their letters stopped coming a while back.”
Silence rose between the two of them. She could see the conflict in Tengen’s eyes. He cared greatly for his wives as they did him. She had met them a few times and saw first-hand just how important and beautiful their relationship was. Lucky bastard. Though his family was known for having multiple soul ties. She couldn’t help but feel a tinge of jealousy, but happiness for all four of them.
“Will you be going to look for them?”
“Yes,” he grunted standing up from the cobble where they both were sitting. “You can come along if you want. I could use that breathing style of yours.”
She stood up alongside him, wincing, her back aching from the firm ground. Aoi and the others would have her head knowing that she wasn’t maintaining her health in light of recent events.
“That all depends on the Master, but I would be happy to lend a hand,” the corners of her lips upturned slightly as she looked at him and then at the darkening sky. “I don’t want to lose anyone else.”
Despite his growing smile, the tension in the air could be cut with a knife. “Great! I need to gather a few more items,” he drawled, and she raised an eyebrow at him. “But then we should be ready to head out in a few days.”
She shook her head. Whatever was going on in that bare brain of his she sincerely hoped it was something good, but she didn’t pry.
“I think I’ll go on ahead of you. I can see if I can get any leads on those three and meet up with you in Yoshiwara.”
“Come on,” Tengen groaned. “I would like to have someone I like to talk to travel with me.”
She shook her head in defiance. “You know my breathing style does better when I’m alone. It’s not as big of a risk, and I don’t think the Sound Pillar”- she pointed at him- “wants to lose his hearing.”
They both smiled at each other, a few breathy laughs escaping from their mouths. Her style, Echo breathing, relied on high frequencies that were known to be a danger to group efforts. There have been more than a handful of accidents in the past, many she’s not proud of, which is why the executive decision was made for her to do missions alone. However, Master Kagaya occasionally granted her to travel in the company of others. It did get quite lonely at times, but she preferred the safety of others over satisfying the sociable aspect of herself.
Tengen hummed, “I suppose you’re right. Though, it would be a very extravagant way to retire. Having a comrade kill off my hearing.”
She kicked some stones his way. “I’ll let you know what the Master says. If granted, I’ll leave at dawn, but for now, I’m going to get some well-deserved rest.”
He let out a loud laugh and gestured some form of what she assumed to be a goodnight. “If not, I’ll drag you there myself.” He exclaimed before strutting off to who knows where.
She studied him as he disappeared into the estate’s shadows. He couldn’t fool her. Despite his optimistic exterior, he was terrified. She could recognize that kind of spirit anywhere as many of the same haunted her. And for his sake, she hoped that those three were alive. If they were to perish, she didn’t think he would ever recover. He would be a shell of a man and taper off into misery. She couldn’t bear to see his downfall.
Lying in her room in the mansion, the Echo Pillar was restless. Sleep evaded her and instead, her psyche was infested with dread. Shinobu had been kind enough to offer her residence temporarily following her previous assignment, along with Aoi and the butterfly girls helping her in any way they could. She was forever in their debt and thinking of them brought a smile to her face despite the growing pit in her stomach.
Earlier, her crow had returned with word from Master Kagaya. Said message permitting her to venture out to Yoshiwara, a red-light district all too familiar. It’s not that she had any history with the district, but rather passed through it on multiple occasions. Therefore, becoming acquainted more than she ever thought she would. Lucky for her, that will come in handy.
What she didn’t understand was why she was filled with apprehension. It was like her body and mind were working against her. This had only ever been a problem when she was a beginner slayer, but as she rose in the ranks she learned to deal with these sentiments. Fear was a constant. It never went away, but confidence and vengeance outweighed it in every circumstance. So why was it so prominent now?
Sighing, she turned her head to gaze at the aperture that granted the moon entry. Its rays highlighted every surface in a delicate glow. Night, despite its tendency to harbor barbaric creatures was a time she always looked forward to. The darkness leaked like ink and grasped at the innocent, but it provided comfort to those in need. She could never loathe it.
Her muscles ached. No position good enough to lull her into unconsciousness’s sweet embrace. Abruptly, what felt like a fire erupted down her arm. Its path licked under her pallid flesh and burned away at her veins. Sitting up faster than ever before, she clutched her forearm. Biting the inside of her cheek so hard, iron filled her mouth in a matter of seconds. Nails dug into tender flesh as something slithered through her arm. Confusion swarmed her mind. Was this from the previous demon she fought? There was no way, that thing’s blood demon art couldn’t have done this. It would’ve already taken effect and finished her off by now. Regardless, she was dangerously close to finding a solution to the rapidly growing pain. Tucking her arm, she hoisted herself onto her knees. Her head ducked low and her eyes went wide, her skin felt clammy. Under the palm of her hand that was grasping her arm, a deep red glow oozed out. Limbs shook as she slowly raised her hand away from the skin. The vessels excreted a scarlet substance under the complexion of her arm. Spreading agonizingly slow towards the wrist. Her breathing grew heavy as terror’s maw tore her insides, and through a clouded mind, she watched as a thread, red as wine, circled her wrist. It traveled through her fingers caressing them before pulling taught. The tightening in her arm caused her to clench her fist. The thread continued, creeping around her extremity before elongating to the slightly cracked door. Its length was ongoing. A feeling of bliss stroked up her arm replacing the pain and she let out a shuttering breath. The thread pulsed and she could feel it dilating under her skin.
Pure shock all but made her heart stop. “How…how is this possible?”
She gently rubbed the thread between the pads of her fingers. Its texture was coarse and some of the bristles pricked her skin.
She finally had the sanctified bond she had always longed for. 
Her other half.
Her soulmate.
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< previous chapter
Word Count: 2,240ish
Summary: Steve worries about you. Tony opens your files.
Warning(s): Talk of torture / abuse
Notes: We're going to continue to see major differences from my original character fic LEGACY. I hope you all are enjoying them!
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Over the course of the next few weeks, you felt like Tony was pulling away from you more and more. He seemed to have a lot more Stark Industries meetings than normal and a lot less time for you. There were many times when you asked FRIDAY to get a hold of Tony or tell you where he was, and the AI refused. You also began to notice that security at the Tower and the new Avengers facility–mostly when it came to you–was getting more and more intense. This made you angry. You decided to channel your anger into school work, training, and your Stark Industries work. You started to spend half of your week at the Tower and the other half at the update facility. The Team members at the facility could tell that Tony was seemingly pushing you away, but none of them could get you or Tony to talk about it.
One night, you were up late in the facility kitchen, finishing up some classwork, when Steve walked in.
“Hey,” he greeted. 
“Hi,” you responded, not looking up from your work.
“It’s a little late for homework, don’t you think?”
“And it’s a little late for you to be up, old man.”
“Ouch.” Steve leaned against the counter, watching you as you worked across the kitchen island. “Y/N?”
“What’s going on?”
“What do you mean?”
“You’re almost… manic. It seems like you’re constantly go, go, go. Always trying to keep busy.”
“I just have a lot to do.”
“You and I both know that’s not the reason. Tell me what’s going on.”
“Steve, I’m fine.” You didn’t see him reach across the kitchen island before he had pulled your classwork away from you. “Hey!”
“You can get it back once you start talking.”
“There’s nothing going on.”
“You’re a terrible liar.”
After a short staring contest, you gave in. You explained how you lost the flash drive with your files on it. How you knew that you could reach out to Fury for them, but hadn’t convinced yourself to just yet. You then talked about how you felt like Tony was pulling away and how security seemed to be tightening around you.
“It’s beginning to worry me, Steve,” you admitted. “What if–” You cut yourself off, squeezing your eyes shut to try and stop the threatening tears.
“What if what, Y/N?” Steve asked after a few moments.
“What if he doesn’t want me anymore?” You whispered, voice cracking. “I mean, my real parents didn’t want me. So why would he?”
Steve moved quickly around the island, his hands going to your upper arms as you hung your head. “Y/N, don’t ever speak like that again, you hear me?” You met his gaze and all the seriousness that it held. “Of course Tony wants you. He loves you. You are his daughter, his favorite person. Tony just… well, he’s Tony. He struggles show that he cares.”
“He’s never had that problem with me…”
Steve sighed. “I’m sure that he’s going through something. I will try to reach out. I need you to promise me something though, Y/N… Promise me that if you ever start doubting if you are wanted again, you come to me. Immediately. No matter where I am, I’ll answer. Alright?”
“Good.” He leaned in and kissed your forehead, his lips lingering a bit longer than they probably should have. “Now, let’s get you off to bed. And I expect you to sleep in, no early morning training for you.”
You nodded and slowly stood up. The exhaustion was finally hitting you. You took a few steps before stumbling and almost falling. Steve was quick to catch you, hoisting you up in his arms.
“I’ve got you,” he whispered, almost like a promise.
You closed your eyes and leaned into his chest as Steve carried you to your bedroom. He kindly tucked you into bed and kissed your cheek before leaving. You quickly fell asleep after.
Tony hadn’t slept in three days. He was reading over your files for the hundredth time. His eyes were skimming the pages, skipping from line to next random line, not able to focus.
The fetus was injected with the serum mixture. Both the fetus and the host are showing no signs of symptoms.
The subject was born healthy. So far no signs of any abilities.
Today the child manifested remarkable strength for being one year old. The child is now showing signs of super strength.
The child fell while trying to walk, resulting in a few bleeding scrapes. Before the child could be taken to medical, the scrapes had been healed. The child was then cut with a small blade to further test the occurrence. The child completely healed within minutes.
The host agent finally decided upon a name: Y/N.
During today’s lesson, Y/N didn’t get her way. The instructor suddenly changed their mind as Y/N continued to fight. A new instructor was brought in with the same result.
Y/N was put through trials to test her mind control. During the trials, multiple instructors began feeling emotions that weren’t their’s. As the trials continued, instructor’s started to notice that other instructor’s emotions were being manipulated. 
Despite her age, Y/N has started daily education courses on math, science, technology, and languages. The languages that will be focused on first will be English, Russian, Spanish, Mandarin, and French. After full mastery of those languages, she will undergo instruction on other languages. 
Y/N’s education will be closely monitored to ensure high standards and so that she will be able to seamlessly blend into any environment HYDRA may need her to.
We have begun to do regular studies on her brain. We are using any method available.
The Winter Soldier was brought in to help instruct Y/N on weapons and fighting styles. The Asset has been instructed to not take it easy on Y/N. Her age does not matter.
Y/N has begun to grow defiant. Y/N will begin to have her memories routinely wiped, like the Winter Soldier.
Alexander Pierce came to inspect Y/N for the first time. She exhibited most of her abilities: strength, healing of the Winter Soldier, and mind control. She attacked Alexander Pierce. The Winter Soldier had to stop her. Pierce was impressed, ordering for her memories to be wiped and her training to increase.
A female HYDRA agent has begun teaching Y/N the art of seduction.
Y/N’s art of seduction lessons went as planned for the first week.
Y/N has been fighting her instructors. As punishment, her memory will be wiped and she will be kept in the cage for a week.
Tony Stark, aka Iron Man, and SHIELD broke into the facility in which Y/N was being held. She was taken.
Y/N has been placed with a foster family in California. She will be closely monitored.
An agent disguised as a SHIELD social worker paid her a visit to her school. She claims to not remember anything before her rescue.
Tony Stark has adopted Y/N.
Y/N moved to New York City with Stark. She is living in the Avengers Tower. She is no longer attending public school, she is taking online classes.
A HYDRA agent on assignment as a SHIELD agent got a hold of Y/N’s SHIELD file. She does not remember her past.
Y/N has been regularly training. It is clear that her subconscious remembers some of the HYDRA training on fighting techniques.
Tony pulled his eyes away from his scattered reading. He closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose, trying to stop the tears from coming. HYDRA was still watching your every move. And the things they did to you… Tony wanted to wipe every member of HYDRA off of the face of the planet. That was his goal. 
Unknown to everyone else, Tony had been rerunning background checks on every person that worked for the Avengers Initiative and Stark Industries. He had fired every person that looked even remotely suspicious but couldn't find anyone that was actually HYDRA. Tony was even going out on secret missions, trying to finish off HYDRA loose ends. He knew that he should tell someone—tell you—about your files and what he had been doing, but he didn’t know who he could trust anymore. Including you.
Tony’s chest tightened, his breathing started to become laborious, and he began shaking. 
“Shit,” Tony muttered. “Not now.”
“It seems like you are having a panic attack, sir,” FRIDAY stated.
“You—You th–think?”
“Do you need me to call someone for you?”
Tony believed that he could handle it. All of it.
“I’ll come with you. Maybe someone else needs to talk some sense into Tony.
“That’s what Pepper’s for, Steve,” you responded. The two of you were walking out toward where the quinjets were parked. “I’ll be fine. I’m only going to be gone for a few days, then I’ll be right back here.”
“Let me just fly you.”
“Steve, you taught me how to fly the quinjet, besides FRIDAY’s going to pilot the whole 30 minute flight because I want a nap before I need to work.”
“Y/N.” Steve got in front of your path and stopped. 
“I appreciate the concern, but I’ve got this. Okay?”
He waited a beat before responding. “Okay.”
“I’ll see you in a few days.” You walked past him and turned around to walk backwards. “If I remember correctly, there was some mention of a birthday party.”
“It was supposed to be a surprise.”
“Your friend Sam doesn’t do well with surprises.”
“Clearly. Call me when you land.”
“Will do.”
You turned back around and headed for the quinjet. You got it off the ground, waving to Steve, before turning on autopilot. You honestly had mixed feelings about going back to the Tower. The Compound was feeling more like home than the Tower now. You knew that Tony would be okay if you moved into the Compound full time, but you didn’t want him to feel like you were abandoning him. And you didn’t know if you were ready to be away from your father for that much. Though, it did seem that Tony was okay with it since he was pushing you away.
You set up a cot in the back of the quinjet and curled up for a nap. You needed to sleep, especially if you were going to do what Pepper needed you to do and if you were going to run into Tony.
“Miss Stark, we’ve landed,” FRIDAY announced, waking you from your nap.
“Thanks, FRI,” you yawned, sitting up with a stretch. “Is, uh, is Dad home?”
“Mr. Stark is home and in his lab. I have already informed him of your arrival.”
“Great,” you muttered.
Grabbing your things, you took a deep breath before walking off the plane and heading inside. You leaned up against the wall of the elevator upon entry and watched the floor numbers move. You groaned when you realized you weren’t being taken to your floor.
“Sorry, Miss. The Boss told me to drop you off at his lab.”
You sighed. You were hoping that there was going to be a few hours before you ran into Tony. But if he wanted to see you, maybe something was going to change. You left your bags in the elevator and stepped out into Tony’s personal lab. Tony’s head spun towards the sound of my footsteps.
“Hey, kid!” He greeted you with a smile. You noted that his smile didn’t quite reach his eyes. Not to mention, the dark circles that seemed to have grown since the last time you saw him.
“Hi, Dad,” you replied. You glanced at the holograms he was working on. It was a watch, in which he had a replica of it on his wrist. “What are you working on?”
“Some new nanotechnology.” He turned off the holotable and gave you his full attention. 
You nodded. “Well, FRIDAY brought me here on your request. I’ve got a lot of things to do for Pepper so if we could hurry this along that would be great.”
“I just wanted to see how you were doing. I feel like we haven’t seen too much of each other lately.”
“Well, that’s not exactly my fault now, is it?”
Tony was a bit taken back by your tone, but not by your words. He had been busy trying to protect you. “I admit I have been busy. But you have been spending more time at the new facility so it’s really both of our faults.”
“Are you serious?” Tony didn’t immediately respond. He looked away like he was nervous. “What are you hiding from me? Why are you hiding from me?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about. Everything’s fine.”
“We’ve both just been busy, kid.”
“Usually people aren’t too busy for their kids… You know what?” You shook your head. “Nevermind. I can’t do this right now. I really need to go to work.” 
You turned around and headed for the elevator. You wished that your dad would call after you, to stop and talk about whatever was going on with him. But he never did, letting the elevator close between the two of you.
next chapter >
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raayllum · 2 months
I think sometimes the way I approach fic / meta writing / analysis stems from how I character build and write my OG stuff as well, because while the classical writing advice is about asking "what does your character want?" I've always found it most useful to ask "What does your character want, and what are they willing to justify to get it?"
(Asking how they justify their actions is also incredibly useful but more on that later.)
For example, when ('good') characters are under stressful situations and respond well regardless, we take that as being indicative of who they Truly Are—heroic, helpful, selfless, often even compassionate, etc, and when antagonists behave that way, we dismiss it as just glory hounding or being selfish, when it can Be multiple things at once.
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When ('bad') characters respond poorly to stressful situations—threatening harm, using dark magic to saved loved ones, being angry and cold hearted—we take that as who they are, and when it's the protags, we say they're stressed or coerced or any number of things... that are true for the antags often, too! And still true even if you don't like them or have as much compassion towards them.
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But unfortunately sometimes people are rarely inclined to do the opposite. They're rarely inclined to take antagonists' good moments as honest statements of their character because "well they're mean/evil" and often dismiss protagonists' complicated or less than stellar choices because "well they're good and they feel bad" (Viren saying he'll never forgive himself for the things he's done even when they saved his son, and Claudia crying over what she's done to save her father? yeah those scenes don't exist anymore sorry).
The fact of the matter is that, at least in TDP and in many other works (including my own), actual antagonists are not always evil and awful and morally bankrupt 100% of the time, and actual protagonists are not always perfect or good or making the right choice (because sometimes there isn't one, tbh).
Who your character is at their best and their worst, regardless of circumstance, is ALL of who they are. It all has to be taken into account. No cherry picking. Rayla can be selfish and dismissive and a liar who routinely fails at whatever she sets out to do and is awful at communicating, and Viren can love his kingdom and his family and genuinely believe that's what he's doing everything for, and neither encompasses their whole character. A perfect example is Claudia, who we cheer for when she chooses Soren over the world-saving mission of the egg in 2x07, and despair at when she chooses Viren over the world-saving mission of maybe not freeing the dangerous imprisoned Startouch elf in S4 and S5. Same principle, character, motivation, different circumstance, but we're happy about Soren (because he's not Viren) and bummed about Viren (because he's not Soren), and because character traits are consistent, and whether those traits are good or bad is inherently circumstantial. Claudia's loyalty can be great, and it can be a terrible, awful justification. Both of those things are true.
To be clear, this isn't to argue for false equivalency: Viren and Claudia and other antagonists are far more often Wrong than the protagonists are, and the protagonists are routinely more Right than our two favourite dark mages are. TDP likes its complications and circumstantial stuff, but there's still some things that are Bad No Matter What (like gaslighting your child, or routine dehumanization). And some of our associations are because antagonistic characters tend to be routinely cruel and mean, which are part of the horrible things they do, and protagonist characters are routinely kinder and more compassionate to the people around them, and protecting each other / innocent people is part of what makes them a good person, but... There's no inherent difference between a lot (not all, but some) of the actions the characters across the board take, particularly in arc 2, just their perspective and who we're personally more attached to and thereby more willing to justify their decisions surrounding.
Like idk my main WIP protag buries people alive en masse and tortures someone vindictively because they killed her friend and I'd still classify her as a Good Person (fictionally), and it's just always wild to me when people don't take All Parts and Choices and Relationships of a character into account especially because TDP spells it out for us over and over that we Should with quite literally every single character, whether those actions are good or bad:
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Once again I am asking for encompassing wholes and character nuances where the only time a character should be like "well it's totally fine that you did a Thing actually" (Rayla towards Callum's dark magic use or Callum towards Rayla lying to/stealing from him) or "totally not okay that you did a thing" (Runaan about Rayla sparing Marcos, or Claudia doing dark magic) is taken as an aspect of Character Bias, not a definitive Narrative get off the hook slant or condemnation, because neither of those things Get us anywhere in a writing or analytical sense thank you
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krockdove · 1 year
You know, after watching the last batch of Earthspark, I was really disappointed for a number of reasons. I was angry about it.
But then I learned the producers were treated terrible by Paramount and had no choice but to end a lot of things in season one, now I'm not mad at them at all. I instead curse Paramount forever.
so....I'll write some headcanons I was looking forward to in Earthspark. I maybe do a series of related posts. Today is about one of the most important characters, Starscream.
Warning! This post contains spoilers.
Let me make one thing clear: I have no beef with his redemption. No, rather, I believed that Earthspark would do it as a matter of course. I never once doubted it.
The one of themes in Earthspark is "Second Chance". Starscream is the character in the Transformers franchise who most deserved a second chance, the character who could become the most dramatically three-dimensional with a second chance. Even though S1C was made under pressure to wrap everything up quickly, his redemption eventually came, which is what the show was meant to do from the beginning. The problem is, because the story had to be wrapped up in one season, all the dramatic plot points, connections between moments that should have been important, and characterizations were weakened across the board.
We are happy with his Redemption, but this is Earthspark. Not TFP. That means, we once had the opportunity to explore Starscream's character much more deeply. Not just in one episode, but a few.
Especially since I was serious about what was hinted at in the Warzone episode, I was disappointed that it wasn't used in the story.
I've seen several theories about that episode, the conclusion was that Starscream was caught in the Space Bridge explosion and was officially declared dead. I was actually pretty sure. That's why his appearances were low throughout the season, and he survives the explosion, BECAUSE Allspark revives him and fuses with him, right?
It makes it natural for Megatron to talk about the battle like that way and reveal his trauma, especially if he thought he lost both Shockwave and Starscream because of his actions. (This explains Soundwave's anger too.)
So Starscream was treated as dead, but actullay he was secretly imprisoned by the evil GHOST. He was unconscious when it happened, so it would have taken him a long time to figure out what was going on. He doesn't know that others to think he's dead. He sees his comrades locked the cell and thinks Megatron has really abandoned them.
This misunderstanding would have been a very important source of conflict when he was later reunited with Megatron. I even expected him to be the one to reveal the truth about GHOST.
I was almost certain that the GHOST and Mandroid plots would carry over into S2, so I thought it would be a conflicted ending with Starscream revealing the truth at the end of S1. It would have been nice if Starscream's character to be explored at the beginning of S2, along with his redemption, and the past war story.
And that would have made for some interesting drama not only between him and Megatron, but also with Optimus.
Imagine if that really happened. Starscream insists GHOST is wrong. How do you think Optimus and Megatron would take it?
Yeah, I can hear their doubts up here.
The point is, Starscream is seen as untrustworthy. Megatron would have a 50/50 chance of trusting him, but Optimus certainly wouldn't. From his perspective, Starscream would be seen as trying to drive a wedge between him and Megatron and reignite the war. In this situation, no one is lying, but someone ends up being unfairly labeled a liar. Optimus would compromise for the sake of the people he cares about, but they wouldn't include Starscream.
And I think this is the perfect moment for Hashtag to appear!!
Like, she's going to show up and be one who believes Starscream. If she believes in him, so do some of the Terrans – not all of them for now – but eventually the Hashtag and the Terrans believe in Starscream, and it would be really touching if that led to his redemption!
(also it inspires Terrans to dig into the truth of the GHOST themselves)
After it was revealed that he had an Allspark inside of him, he must have had an internal conflict. When he realized that the hope of his home planet and their people lay within him, could he handle it?
He struggles with it, but eventually does something heroic to help the Terrans. Maybe he uses the power of Allspark.
Terrans believe in Starscream when even Optimus doesn't, and it changes him, it would have fulfilled the show's message – Everyone deserves their second chance.
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nyoxt · 12 days
For Ram! The OC questions~!!!
[7] Are they a good liar, and what would they probably lie about? -
[27] Do they have any scars, how did they get them and how do they feel about them?
[39] What is their sleeping habits and favorite sleeping position, either alone and with someone?
That's all! Take care and take it easy!
[7] Are they a good liar, and what would they probably lie about?
Ram is a great liar! Lying is a sort of a fun social game to him (as is flirting. or joking). If Ram was a POV character in a story he'd be quite an unreliable narrator, because he would definitely make shit up to make the story more exciting. Usually the less he trusts the person the more he lies to them. 
And if not being honest to strangers is more of a job requirement/safety measure, than if he feels the need to lie to people he loves- that will be about his well being/health. He's one of those ppl who will cheerfully tell you they're fine to try and not make you worry even if they're obviously falling apart, you see
I'll put the rest under readmore because 1) there are bad pictures and 2) a bit of gore
[27] Do they have any scars, how did they get them and how do they feel about them?  He’s got some noticeable ones from being shanked or perhaps shived on multiple occasions in prison. Missing hand can count as a scar, I think. Ram lost it during one of his escape attempts and I didn’t think of a specific situation, but  the general gist is that it was either crushed by some mechanism or violently torn off, and this damage was very preventable if only he wasn’t trying to fiercely break free from whatever he was trapped at the moment. Kind of a “trapped animal chewed off its limb to break free” situation, but instead of freedom he became a laughing stock for the wardens, got a long time in solitary confinement, no fingers and a healing by a very uncaring hands.
(old sketch buuut it's not like im gonna turn it into something finished so why not throw it in here for the occasion, eh?)
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Also he’s got some scars from one time he was bitten by a dog. He feels bitter and angry about all the stuff he got in captivity and doesn't like to talk about it, so folks that inquire about it will either get a fake story (new one every time) if he's in the good mood, or his go-to joke for every injury- that he got it while shaving. [39] What are their sleeping habits and favorite sleeping position, either alone and with someone? 
When he was a kid he loved to sleep all curled up in a ball in some tight space, and is not happy that now his horns and overall complexion make this impossible. And when Ram was living on the streets he got a habit of sleeping in a sitting position, hugging his backpack, ready to jump and run at any suspicious sound.
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and/or snuggling with Duncan for warmth and sense of safety
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Ram's also been a very light sleeper since childhood. “Wakes up if a person sleeping in the same room changed their breathing pattern” kind of light sleeper. So his sleeping habits boil down to “staying awake by all means ‘till he literally collapses out of exhaustion and physically can’t wake up”. And his favorite sleeping position is “whatever, hope I won’t wake up with a terrible neck pain because of the stupid horns”. As for sleeping with someone- he’s very, very, a snuggler))
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pholiabanna · 1 year
Mike and expressing feelings
Maybe this is controversial, but a very popular take in the stranger things fandom is that Mike has trouble communicating his feelings. Melvins use this as an excuse for him not saying ily to El, but some bylers also seem to believe he does have trouble.
However, basing myself on what I've seen portrayed on the show so far, I don't think that's the case. Ever since season one, Mike has been very vocal about expressing his discomfort or disagreement. From confronting his own dad ("I'm the only one who cares about Will") to screaming at Hopper (when he hits him and calls him "liar", he didn't precisely struggle with letting him know how frustrated and angry he felt). He also has no trouble standing up against authority figures (Hopper when he said they couldn't look for Will, Owen's agents who he didn't trust enough to stay on lockdown...).
My point is, him rarely opening up about his feelings hasn't been established on screen for his character either. Since he's the leader of the party, that role can only work if he expresses how he feels about plans or situations, which he does in all seasons.
The only feelings he's having trouble communicating are his love for Will and his lack of (romantic) love for El. But in my opinion, this isn't because he's a person that normally struggles with voicing how he's feeling.
It's a really hard situation for him because to begin with, being in the process of accepting your queerness in 80s America had to be terrifying, so things like being scared of El's or Will's reactions definitely come into play.
Also the guilt. He can't tell El he doesn't wanna date her, because seeing her cry in front of him while asking him why he doesn't say he loves her, knowing what she's gone through, breaks his heart. He's a compassionate person, and even if he's not in love with her, it doesn't mean that he doesn't care about her, and given she's going through a terrible time with the loss of Hopper, he puts her before himself and tries to be the best boyfriend he can for her. But the heart wants what the heart wants, so he can't say "I'm in love with you" because he isn't. He can't express his romantic feelings for her, but not because he's a boy that struggles with expressing his own feelings, but rather because those romantic feelings don't exist. And his true nature would be telling her the truth (and in my opinion, all of his talks with Will in season 4 were about him building up courage to eventually tell her that, because again, he's a boy that likes to be vocal about his opinions and he's trying to overcome the fear of rejection in this particular case, which is what's holding him back from his natural state).
He's also not opening up with Will at the beggining of the season for this particular reason. He's coming to terms with the fact that he loves him, and he seems like he's bursting with it. That's the thing, Mike has always been very vocal about his feelings, and with Will particularly. This has been portrayed on the show many times ("I'm gonna stay by you no matter what, we'll defeat the mind flayer together, meeting you is the best thing I've ever done..."). He opens up his heart to him with no problem. His behavior in season 3 and the beggining of season 4 was about him not acting like his usual self. In those scenes where there's clearly something that he's not telling Will, it's been established that he's acting as someone he isn't. So when he's not expressing what he's feeling, that's not his normal self. That's not his core trait, he's acting out of character. And that's because the feelings he wants to scream and yell are being affected by external reasons (fear, self acceptance, internalized homophobia...). Still, after spending some time with Will in season 4, he slowly goes back to his real self, and he starts to let him know what's worrying him ("El and I fought, it was a bad fight, I feel like a random nerd"). He has no trouble opening up with the right person. He's in the process of reverting back to his true self, the guy who has no problem being vocal about his thoughts. The reason why he still hasn't been fully honest about his romantic feelings with both Will and El is because of the misscommunication trope, the painting fiasco and the fact that season 5 is planned to be a continuation of season 4, so they dragged the storyline for a bigger payoff, where Mike being completely honest about his feelings will make him come full circle, and go back to being his true self, once all the obstacles are overcome.
So in conclusion, Mike is not "so in love with El but he has trouble telling her because he's a boy who has always struggled with communicating his feelings". Instead, Mike is a boy who's always been blatantly honest until growing up and his own personal battles have made him stop himself from doing what he wants more than anything (being honest) and his journey consists of overcoming those obstacles, because his honesty wins over his fears.
Anyways, that's the way I've always seen it. I'd love to hear more opinions in this topic and I'm completely open to discussion! Let me know what you think.
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imholtorf · 6 months
Which ROTTMNT characters you would date?
I'll be describing the characters from Rise of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles that you would want to date. Leave your answer in the comments.
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Raphael is the oldest of the turtle brothers (unlike his other counterparts), he is the leader of the TMNT, instead of Leonardo. He has a large muscular body that you can't help but feel attracted to him. He is exuberant (otherwise cheerful) and passionate, though he can impulsive, not rationalizing before making a decision.
Raph has a soft side, he's tender and kind. He'll always protect the people he loves and comforts them.
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Though Leo made be frustrating to deal with, he's arrogant, wanting to prove himself he's the best, doesn't take things seriously and puts full faith in himself instead of others. But, when you get to know him better, you'll see that under the surface he's really just insecure and just wants to be accepted by others, wants to be more than "the face man". You can find him relatable that you want be accepted by others and be more than what you are. Leo would see the error of his ways and would willing to make it up for it.
There are times when he decides to be serious and sensible, he would use his charisma and relaxed, flexible nature to sway to you when you're down on your luck.
If you like a person who is flamboyant, Leo would be your type.
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If you have a thing for nerds or geniuses, Donnie's your man. He has high intellect and skills on technology and general sciences. If, there's something technology you really want, Donnie would be the one to build it for you. He can be annoying when he brags about his high intelligence, he will describe his latest inventions at length, not realizing he maybe boring the others.
Donnie has a fear of being nothing without his brains and tech, but you'll be the one to encourage him that it's him who's important to you, not his tech.
Donnie is autistic (confirmed by the creator) as he struggles to understand certain basic human emotions and emotional outbursts, which you can relate to him how difficult it can be when you have a disability.
But, his emotional experiences are very different from the average person. Donnie can be a terrible liar, as you can easily tell by his expression and the tone of his voice.
Donnie has a passive-aggressive streak that takes people off-guard. You can be his lab partner, but his workshop is personally off-limits.
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If you like someone who is playful and lighthearted, Mikey is your guy. He is intuitive, able to adopt new skills quickly, determine others' problems, and at times accurately predict situational outcomes.
Mikey is creative at heart and he uses his creativity in various ways. He is family-oriented and compassionate, Mikey is openly sentimental and encourages others' emotional vulnerability.
Mikey has three personas he created: Doctor Delicate Touch, Doctor Feelings, and Doctor Positive. To deliver a harsh truth in his "Doctor Delicate Touch" method, Mikey often starts off being sweet, but quickly becomes angry and frank. Doctor Feelings uses his emotional intelligence to advise others, and Mikey faces issues with determined optimism as Doctor Positive.
Mikey never gives up and puts faith in himself and others.
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Hamato Yoshi/Splinter
It would be surprising why would anyone want to date Splinter? Considering the fact that he's absent-minded, lazy, stir up mischief and trouble with his sons, but don't let his appearance fool you.
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Back in his younger years, before his mutation. He was movie star as Lou Jitsu, he was famous all over even Foot Lieutenant and Foot Brute are fans of him despite being unaware that he's a member of the Hamato clan. He is also the Battle Nexus champion in Hidden City.
His appearance is mixed of Elvis Presley and Bruce Lee, that would make fawn all over him.
He is a very skilled martial artist that no human or creature can beat him, which give Baron Draxum the idea to infuse his DNA with the mutagen on the turtles. Yoshi did vowed to put his fighting aside, he's not afraid to fight in order to escape Draxum's lab with the turtles.
After, he got mutated, he choose to raise the turtles he rescued as his sons. Splinter maybe extremely flawed and doesn't spend much time in family outings, but he deeply cares for his sons.
Long ago before he ever became Lou Jitsu. When he was a young child in Japan, he listens the story of the Shredder from his grandfather Hamato Sho. Then on the spring day, his mother, Hamato Atsuko left her father and son so that she could perform her clan duty, which devasted Yoshi.
For many years, his grief over his mother leaving him made him bitter towards his own clan, disbelieving the existence of the Shredder, and decided to abandon his family duties.
You can feel bad for him, knowing what it's like to lose someone you're close to and with a reason to resent your clan or family.
Splinter may not be the young charming man that he was in the past, but he is full of surprises.
"Age has its privileges"
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Baron Draxum
If you're interested in dating a villain, Draxum is the one. This Yōkai looks very amazing in his mask and bodysuit, and even has his minions: Huginn and Muninn lay on his shoulders acting like shoulder pads.
Although, he does desire to take over Earth's surface by mutating all the humans for his mutant army. But, you cannot deny his skills in combat and alchemy, even his powers, he can grow vines out of nowhere, he can create portals, and made gauntlets out of plant-like substances. If you have a taste for theatrics, Draxum is the one, he does his speeches in a dark manner and overall dramatic posing.
He may resent towards humans, and is responsible for Splinter and the turtles' mutation years ago, but he would become more sympathetic to the humans when he developed a friendship with April O'Neil.
When he was reformed, he can be hard to open up, so you have to take with him slowly.
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April O'Neil
If you're looking for someone who is adventurous? April O'Neil is your girl.
She is upbeat, quick-witted, selfless, and go-with-the-flow, she is very brave and is quick to jump into action, she is not afraid to put up fight on anyone: human, mutant, creature, or animatronic.
She has a forgiving nature, she's very loyal to her friends and family, and she'll always be by their side.
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Cassandra Jones
Cassandra Jones or Casey Jones may be a tough one to date with, she can be intense, do frantic speech pattern, and the tendency to shout.
But, when you get to know her better, you'll get use to her behavior.
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She made be a slimy Yōkai, but Sunita is enthusiastic, fun-loving, and feisty, embracing herself as a Yōkai in everyday life. She enjoys trying out new things and is open to experiencing all the sights and activities New York City has to offer. Sunita isn't afraid to fight and defend others.
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us3rnam3-r3dact3d · 6 days
how do u come up with your titles? they read like song lyrics- and if they are could u drop the songs 👀👀++ to what extent does that song influence the story? (my bad if you've answered this before I have terrible memory)
Ooohhh crab anon, the bag of worms you opened!! You are completely right, (almost) every title of my stories have come from song lyrics. And not only have I compiled the songs for you, I’ve written a lil blurb on why I chose that song and included recommended songs for each fic with applicable lyrics. I hope these satisfy!
another cup of wine | “Brandy (You’re a Fine Girl” Looking Glass
Listen, I’m gonna be real with y’all. This one is just because Darlin’ and Sam drink wine out of cups instead of glasses. No deeper meaning here, just an applicable lyric I liked. The song does have a sort of swag and divorced dad rock vibe that I think Sam in particular would listen to.
Recommended listening
“He Needs Me” Shelly Duval
“I’ll take a chance / I will because he needs me”
“No Choir” Florence + the Machine
“And it’s hard to write about being happy / ‘cause the older I get / I find that happiness is an extremely uneventful subject”
the only anchor i have left | poem by Andrea Gibson
The only one not taken from a song. I’ll link the poem below. I think the whole thing is very good for Bright Eyes. Lost and anchorless without something to be angry about. A common Andrea Gibson slay.
Recommended listening
“Your Needs / My Needs” Noah Kahan
“To see a friend, to see a ghost”
“your life, your dreams / your mind, your needs/ my needs. / Your needs, my needs.”
“Second Child, Restless Child” the Oh Hellos
“And they saw the trouble in my eyes / they were quick to recognize the devil in me.”
i always wanted to die (clean and pretty) | “Last Words of a Shooting Star” Mitski
One of two or three Mitski lyrics I’ve used since she is just so good. Tbh I don’t know where I was going or where I want to go with this one. The general vibes are… tragic. I might retool later on.
Recommended listening
“Lonesome Town” Ricky Nelson
“There’s a place where lovers go / to cry their troubles away / and they call it Lonesome Town / where the broken hearts stay”
“This Too Shall Pass” Danny Schmidt
“We think too big / we think our self is one whole thing / and we claim that this collection / has a name and is a being / but deep inside / when every cell divides / well, it sets upon the rule that states / self-interest is divine”
let this whole town hear your knuckles crack | “Damn These Vampires” the Mountain Goats
Somehow the only fic so far with a title from tMG, my favorite band of all time. I’m sure I’ll find more in time. This song has western vibes that I don’t think fits the DAMN crew very well, and somehow I paired this song in my one fic that doesn’t involve Sam. However, the vibes are immaculate.
Recommended listening
Seventeen Going Under” Sam Fender
“I was far too scared to hit him / but I would hit him in a heart beat now / that’s the thing with anger / it begs to stick around”
“Saint Bernard 2” by Lincoln
“Lord make me a liar ‘cause I swore to god / when swearing still felt like the truth”
it’s my gut i can’t ignore (i’m hungry) | “Gone, I’m Gone” Eva Noblezada and the cast of Hadestown.
Also surprising I haven’t used more broadway lyrics, but here we are. My absolute favorite musical which, in part, is about hunger driving you to do desperate things. This piece was so largely focused on food insecurity for me. Every chapter revolves around food to some degree, and even the metaphors and similes Angel uses to describe the world around them are tied to food. It’s something that those of us who grew up with food insecurity can relate to; when you’re hungry, everything reminds you of food. When you live hungry, it consumes your every thought. When Noblezada as Eurydice delivers the line “it’s my gut I can’t ignore / Orpheus, I’m hungry,” you can hear it in her voice. It’s worth a listen for that line alone.
“Abbey” Mitski
“I am hungry / I have been hungry / I was born hungry / what do I need”
“Class of 2013- Audiotree Live Version” Mitski
“Mom / will you wash my back this once / and then we can forget / and I’ll leave what I’m chasing / for the other girls to pursue”
as long as you’re with me (you’ll be just fine) | “Nothing’s Gonna Hurt You Baby” Cigarettes After Sex
This whole song has excellent David vibes. The protectiveness, the quiet possession. He’s a soft soul at heart, I think, and this song fits well. This collection is one of my faves just because we get to see many different sides of him and ways in which he can be protective, possessive. From quiet reassurance to acts of service to beating the shit out of people. As long as his pack is with him, he will keep them safe.
Recommended listening
“Cold Cold Man” Saint Motel
“Oh my love / I know I am a cold, cold man / quite slow to pay you compliments / or public displayed affections. / But baby, don’t you go over analyze / no need to theorize / I can put your doubts to rest / You’re the only one worth seeing”
there is a light (i feel it in me) | “Abbey” Mitski
Already tied to this series, this Mitski song is just perfect. An exploration of how trauma can effect us in ugly ways, this piece pairs perfectly with Mitski’s music. This song explores the deep hunger within the singer, countered by the lightness she feels within herself. Angel, in this piece, is haunted by their hunger and treats David poorly because of it. The light that he shows them helps them to reach for the light within themself. We love healing in this house!!!
See the recommended songs under it’s my gut i can’t ignore (i’m hungry).
the rest of you, the best of you (honey belongs to me) | “NFWMB” Hozier
Oh boy I could go on for ages about Hozier. His songs are on almost all of my Redacted playlists and so I listen to his work pretty much every time I write for Redacted. His lyricism and prose are evident in my work, I think. This piece, one of Angel’s first indications of how protective David is, fits so well with this song. Swinging wildly between protectiveness and possessiveness, David mirrors the song’s progression throughout the piece. I think “Belongs to me” is the operative part of this title.
Recommended listening
“You’re Mine” Phantogran
“(No one’s gonna love you) / (No one’s gonna touch you) / ‘cause you’re mine! / (No one’s gonna look at you)”
“Always Forever” Cults
“You and me, always forever / We could stay alone together / You and me, always forever / Say you’ll stay, never be severed”
i assume you’ll be coming for blood (that makes two of us) | “Venom” Little Simz
Alright so… for real… this piece should have been named “is it wickedness? is it weakness?” after the first (or last, depending on how you play it) track on Kendrick Lamar’s “Damn.” That entire album is a work of art, and it can be played cohesively forward or backward, each play telling a different story. Forward is Kendrick’s life as it is, and backward is how it might have gone had his father died when he was young.
In this story, the inciting incident for Sweetness to be so different from the Sweetheart that we know is their mother dying when they were young. I’m positing here that Sweetheart in the main universe still has their mom and that’s why they’re kinder.
Anyway. I stand by “Venom” being a banger. It’s themes don’t run as cohesively with this story as Damn.‘s do, but I can live with it. For now.
Recommended listening
“Damn. Collectors Addition.” By Kendrick Lamar.
Yes the entire album. This particular edition, too, since it is the “wicked” timeline.
“Love’s gonna get you killed / but pride’s gonna be the death of you”
“United in Grief” Kendrick Lamar
“Pray none of my enemies / hold me captive / I grieve different”
remembering again the full extent of what forever is | “Through Me (The Flood)” Hozier
More Hozier! We know I love him and the new stuff he’s put out for Unreal Unearth and all of it’s EP’s are changing me fundamentally as a person. Hozier’s work has always connected with me deeply, all the way back to when I was a repressed queer kid listening to “Take Me To Church.” Now, as he’s putting out this big push of music, I’m finding myself connecting with the core of his music again. This song, a song about surrendering to the impossibility and incomprehensible nature of love, is perfect for William and Alexis. Will’s love for Alexis isn’t healthy, and it doesn’t lead him to sound choices, but he feels he has no choice. So he surrenders to it.
Recommended listening
“Eat Your Young” Hozier
“It’s a kindness / highness / crumbs enough for everyone / old and young are welcome to the meal”
“My Love Is Sick” Madds Buckley
“You’re an infection / I am keeping / No matter the sepsis / you are staying / I’d rather the wound / Than have you removed / Enough rotting for two / Killing me, keeping me high”
the world (it burns through me) | “Through Me (The Flood)” Hozier
Oh boy two for one! I for sure snagged this from the same song as the last piece I posted too. Yada yada surrendering to love and all of that. Love is something that’s has happened to Darlin, not something they have taken an active part in. They take the opposite message from William in this song; they fight the current, don’t let the world take them under. They are a fighter, in the end.
Recommended listening
Arsonists Lullaby” Hozier
“All you have is your fire / and the place you need to reach / don’t you ever tame your demons / but always keep them on a leash.”
“Problems” Mother Mother
“I’ve found love in the strangest place / ties up and branded / locked in a cage”
and my body remains (but the person is gone) | “Divine Loser” Clem Turner
Asher’s main trauma response in this piece is dissociation, pulling away from himself and his body to protect himself. While “Divine Loser” isn’t necessarily about dissociation, there are a number of apt lyrics that tie in with Ash in this story.
Recommended Listening
“To Someone From a Warm Climate (Uiscefhuaraithe)” Hozier
“You’d shake for minutes there and move your legs / wrap the blanket over you and keep your head within / let your breath heat the air until you’d feel it getting thin / Uiscefhuaraithe.”
“Wait” Get Set Go
“Wait, wait for the dawn, my dear / wait til the sun gets here / and you will wait too long / he will be gone”
when i call, you come home (a bird in your teeth) | “I Know The End” Phoebe Bridgers
Ooohhh boy! I love this song. Phoebe does something to me y’all. This song is sad, which makes it an interesting choice for a, generally, happy ending fic. This piece, like most things I write about the pack in childhood, is tinged with a sad sort of nostalgia. It’s the knowledge that we as readers have that, whatever comfort and love David gets from Gabe is temporary. We know how this story ends. We know that Gabe will die. And so even these happy moments are seen through that lens. I Know The End.
Recommended listening
“That Funny Feeling” Bo Burnham
“That unapparent summer air in early fall / the quiet comprehending of the ending of it all / there it is again, that funny feeling / that funny feeling.”
“Black Eyed Dog” Nick Drake
“I’m growing old and I wanna go home / I’m growing old and I don’t wanna know / I’m growing old and I want to go home / Black eyed dog, he called at my door / The black eyed dog he called for more.”
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True feelings
Pairing: Crosshair x F!Reader 
Words:  9 064
Warning: Angst, fluff, mentions of deaths,
Summary: Crosshair is a dick, but you still love him.
A/N: I haven't double-checked, cause if I did I would have never posted it... I apologise my dear, beautiful anon that asked for this. It has taken ages, but I hope this one is to your liking :) (despite I changed it a bit when I now think abotu it... Sorry :( ) - If you hate it I will try again soon :)
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I also post on AO3, if anyone’s interested :) 
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“You’re angry”, normally his voice would make you melt, but not today. You were tired. You were supposed to go home, take a bath, relax. But here you were, at 2 a.m. patching up that idiot because he couldn’t have just waited until morning. 
“Am not”, you barked at him, tapping the blooded wound, a bit harsher than it was necessary, ignoring the little hiss from him. A part of you knew he was exaggerating, as always. A damn drama queen. All this was just a show. The wound wasn’t even that bad. You were sure Tech with his medical knowledge would be able to patch him up. Damn, even Hunter wouldn’t fuck it up. And yet, here you were, bandaging this big baby, because you knew you couldn’t say no to him. 
“You’re a terrible liar”, he continued, not getting a point across, that you weren’t in a mood to talk. And so you rolled your eyes and put on a protective layer of bandage on it and sighed, while cleaning up the place around. No reminder of it being clean, before he came to you. “Isn’t it your job to take care of us?” You turned at him and sent him one your death stare, weaker now that you were more than tired. You didn’t even care about fighting him. After all that was what he was here for. Most of the time. Just to annoy the hell out of you. And for some reason you loved that about him. 
“You’re welcome, Crosshair!” You murmured and shook your head. There was no way you would get tangled in his little game. You haven’t slept for almost three days, and you really needed your bed right now. And arguing with the Clone would only postpone your rest with at least an hour or two. 
“Again, it was your job to help me, so…” 
“What's your kriffing problem, Crosshair!” you hissed, angry at yourself he got under your skin so easily. You took a deep breath and closed your eyes, shaking your head. “You know what? Never mind. My job, as you nicely put it, is done here. I’m going to sleep.” 
“Must be exhausting to sit in this safe little barrack all day and enjoy the safety of the Coruscant.” That was Crosshair at its best. Despite knowing he was a jerk, despite his words cutting deeper than any knife, despite his overall, misunderstood annoyance towards you, here you are always there for him. Always being ready to help him and his brothers. A one call, a word that he would be back and you would abandon anything only to make sure he was safe. Just like today. In the beginning you would lie to yourself, trying to believe, you were like that towards the whole Batch, but when even Echo gave you that smirk one day, you knew it was a lie. And despite having those bizarre and pathetic feelings towards the Sniper, he was still nothing but a jerk to you. 
“It’s how he is”, Wrecker once told you, but you knew it was way beyond that. You saw Crosshair with his brother, hell he wasn't like that even with the Regs. You never asked, too afraid to know the truth. Being close to him in those few moments was enough for you, at least that’s what you believed, what you wanted to believe. Yet another lie. 
You didn’t even know how to answer that. Not like he wasn’t right. You were safe here, no War surrounded you, you weren’t on the battlefield. You were just a station medical help. And despite knowing it all, it still hurts hearing him say it. You hoped he would at least respect your work a bit, but it seemed it was again another lie. How many times can a person lie to themselves before it becomes pathetic?  
And so you packed your bag, unable to even look at him. Because if you did you would lose any composure, already so damn close to losing yourself to a sob that is threatening to come. Putting everything away, you turned off all the equipment and stood at the doors. When he didn’t move you sighed and turned off the light. 
“Make sure you change it in the morning, Corporal.” And you left, not caring how petty it was to call him by his ranks. If he wanted to act like any other Trooper around here then beat it. You would treat him that way. And before you even left the barracks, you let the tears fall down, hoping no one would see you. 
“I hope you were nice to her.” Hunter murmured, when his brother came back to the ship. They decided to stay on the planet to refill and actually rest a bit. Letting Crosshair get checked up. “She looked tired.” 
“Well, she did her damn job, so what’s the issue?” He barked at his brother, walking towards his bed, ignoring the stare from the Sergeant. 
“Well, that went well.” Echo murmured, making Hunter sigh in annoyance. “Has he ever told you what the issue is with our little medic?” 
“I kriffing wish! He’s just getting more and more snappy whenever he sees her. Like a damn spoiled brat!” Echo chuckled at it and patted his brother on the shoulder. “She’s got a terrible taste in men!” 
“I told her the same thing!” 
It’s been a while since you’ve seen the Batch. They were off to whatever planet and you were left alone again. Well, not really alone. You were surrounded by Clones and Jedi and other medics and yet you felt lonely. And hurt. Crosshair's words were still cutting deep and you couldn’t get them out of your head. Maybe that’s why when the opportunity to join a small team of Clones to one of the missions came up, you were more than ready to join. You’ll show him. You weren’t just a nobody that spends her time in a safe barrack. You are a capable medic, able to do her job wherever. At least that’s what you were telling yourself at night, when you were unable to sleep. 
You didn’t know the details of the mission. It was a last minute thing and you were just being lucky (or unlucky, as some thought) that you were at the right place at the right time. A medic was needed and you were a medic. Easy as that. Your first field mission. And so you packed whatever you may need, reading everything that there was to read. At least whatever was given to you about the field missions. Nothing new really. You were meant to stay back and only go out of the hiding when the fight was over, to patch up the actual soldiers. It felt new, exciting, but still you could imagine Crosshair's snarky comment about “always hiding”. 
No! It was something new and exciting for you. You would not let that man destroy it for. You will kill that mission and when the Batch is back, you will proudly tell him to shove his opinion up his ass. And maybe, just maybe, he would start to act normal towards you. You didn’t expect him to be nice to you, but at least respect you for a human being, for a medic, for your job. 
“You look ready!” You jumped at the voice behind you and smiled, seeing a familiar face. “You packed for at least a week?”
“Yes, Sir!” Cody smiled at you and looked at the special bag near your legs. “I don’t know how Kix does it, really! I packed and unpacked at least five times, unsure what I would need.” 
“Don’t worry, kid. Knowing Tech, they would have a nice medical back up on the ship.” Your smile dropped hearing the name. No. That was not possible. Your first field mission could not be with the Batch. Not with him. “You ok?” 
“You have got to be kidding me”, something big in your stomach dropped, hearing the sneering hiss behind you. A voice you knew well already. And a voice you hoped not to hear for a while yet. 
“We need to make sure that these bases are destroyed alright. These aren’t big, but are guarded well, so we would need a special team to infiltrate them.” Cody briefed them in, but you weren’t able to focus. You tried hard not to look at Crosshair who was looking at the map, with the same bored stare as always. Leaning on the wall, biting on his damn toothpick, he looked even more pissed than ever. And that itself pissed you off. He had no reason to act like that. It was your first mission being screwed because he was being a part of him. And yet, that stupid part of you was so happy to be able to go on a mission with him. 
“So why do we need a civic with us?” Crosshair finally asked, his glare directed at you, his toothpick still between his teeth, angrily being bitten by its owner. You weren’t sure if you wanted to be that toothpick, or wanted to use it to stab him with it and watch him bleed out. Maybe both. 
“Maybe those bases don’t look tough, but there are quite a lot of them there”, Cody answered, looking between the Sniper and you, apparently unaware of the ‘lovely’ relationship between the two of you. “You need a medic, and as we are a bit behind with the Clone medical team, we are accepting the help from civilians. And you will need a medic on that mission. Having only Tech as your medic isn’t going to be enough this time, no offense.” He looked at Tech, who nodded, almost not paying attention to his words, already planning something out. “Our little friend here has saved many asses back at Coruscant. She will be a good help to you as well.” 
“Oh, we are familiar with our little medic”, Hunter murmured and you couldn’t help but chuckle, nodding to Cody. 
“Who do you think patches them up when they land at Coruscant?” The Commander smirked and came back to the map. 
“There is no timeline for this, but I advise you that when you start the operation you don’t stop for too long before you take out the other bases.” His eye landed on Echo and there was a minute, you thought he was about to say something, but he only nodded and left you all, probably going to his own briefing. 
“Your first field mission, kid! How ya feeling?” You raised your brow at Hunter and sighed, unable to stop the giddy smile from showing. 
“Quite excited if I’m being honest!” 
“Great! That’s what we needed a civic for whom that whole damn War is some kind of a game!” You turned towards the Clone and opened your mouth to say something, but stopped when he took some steps towards you, stopping centimeters away from you. You could feel his breath on you, if you raised your hand, you would be able to hear the beat of his heart. “It’s not some night out on Coruscant to get excited about, princess!” The nickname was new, and if it was spoken by anyone other than him, maybe, you would have taken it as a compliment. But the way he spit it at you, it was nothing but another way to hurt you. “Just so you know, I don’t play by the books. You get in our way, I don’t care if you’re a medic. I leave you behind, get that?!” The venom in his voice took you off guard. Yes, you weren’t friends, he always seemed to enjoy bringing you pain, but this was new. The way he spoke, the way he looked at you, it was like you were the enemy. And it broke your heart into pieces. 
“Crosshair!” Wrecker interjected, but the Sniper turned and walked into the ship, leaving you all behind. You stared at his back and swallowed, biting harshly on your lip, trying to stop the tears from appearing. “Come on, kid, he didn’t mean it. He’s just tired, you know!” You nodded and sent the boys one of your most beautiful fake smiles. You were thankful to Wrecker for standing up to you. But deep down, a part of you knew that Crosshair was right. It wasn’t a game, and the thought that you even saw it as one for a millisecond was a mistake. War wasn’t something you used to show others your strengths, and he was right to call that upon you. 
“So… Which one of you is going to show me around?” Echos smiled softly and let you in, hoping that at least for the mission sake, Crosshair would try to behave. 
“Not bad!” Echo commended, looking at the target which you just shot. “I didn’t know you could use the blaster.” 
“Just because I’m a civic doesn’t mean I can’t protect myself”, you shrugged, getting rid of another of the targets. More like spotchka bottles, which you didn’t even dare question about. 
“Sounds like there is a story behind it”, he started, raising a brow at another target being hit. It wasn’t that he considered you a friend. But he did like you. He enjoyed talking to you, whenever the Batch was stationed at Coruscant. You were polite, nice, funny, a bit sarcastic at times. But what’s important, you were kind and really good at your job, so he had no idea why Crosshair was being a complete jerk towards you. 
“You should at least buy me dinner first, Echo”, he chuckled, letting you win this one. He was the first person to understand if there were topics someone didn’t want to discuss. You never forced him to talk, and so he wasn’t about to do it to you. “I may not be a soldier, but I am not a defenseless little girl. I would rather sit in one place my entire life than to bother any of you.” You sounded so small, so broken at that moment, that Echo was close in actually finding his brother and kicking his ass. “I have never left this planet. I… Is it really that bad that I’m excited?” You put the blaster away and took a deep breath, trying to gain control over your body again. “I’m not excited about the War. I.. I just want to experience more… Does that make me a bad person?” 
“No!” He was fast to answer. Of course it didn’t. He understood you well. He remembered how he felt leaving Kamino as well. Like an excited child, finally able to do more. To be more. “Curiosity is normal. And no one should make you feel inferior for feeling that.” He wasn’t good at that, and an actual human contact was always Fives’ forte, but he pulled you to him, hoping it would calm you down, just a bit. “Do you want me to talk to him?” 
“No.” You shook your head, reciprocating his hug, with a small smile on your face. “The last thing I want is to make someone uncomfortable. And to be a reason for the fight between brothers.” You pulled away and gave him a real, big smile. “I will just stay away and ignore him as much as I can.” 
And you kept that promise for the whole two days until it was time for you to leave Coruscant. You helped Tech with the list of the most important things. Or more like he let you stay while he did the list. And added some medical things you considered to be essential, but he may have forgotten (which he of course haven’t). 
“Am I really needed?” You joked at him, making him smirk a bit at that. 
“I keep asking myself the same question.” Crosshair stared at you, while cleaning his rifle. You shook your head and smiled at Tech, looking through your list. “Hunter asks if we’re free to go.” 
“We should have everything”, Tech looked at you and you nodded, giving him back the list. “I’ll get the ship ready.” And he left, leaving the two of you alone. You waited, getting yourself ready for some more snarky and hurtful comments. You decided that you won’t let that affect you. You will do your job. Make sure the boys are safe on that mission and come back to that planet. You decided to close off your heart to that man, not letting him play with you. You still couldn’t understand why you yearned for his approval so much, but this had to end. You weren’t some pathetic little girl. 
“I won’t cause any problems. I will do my job and stay away from you so as not to bother you.” You started, not even turning around to face him. You didn’t need to see him, to know the way he looked at you. With annoyance and anger, for whatever reason. “This mission ends and you won’t have to see me again.” And so you got past him and got into the ship, ignoring the sick feeling in your stomach. 
He looked at your fascinated face and couldn’t help but snark under his breath. You were all getting into hyperspace and you sat next to Tech to see it for the first time. You looked like a damn kid making him even angrier. If anyone asked, he wasn’t really sure why he despised you so much. Echo was right, you were a good medic, at least from what he saw. You did patch him and his brothers up a couple of times already. And you did it well. Additionally, what he did hear from Regs was that you are capable and good at what you do. But if he was being honest with himself, hearing it from the Regs could not really be considered a compliment. 
What irritated him about you the most was the way you were always happy and cheerful and how so damn gullible you were. Always smiling to everyone, always pleasant, always so damn kind. You were so easy to manipulate and hurt that he never realized when he actually wanted to see you fall, to see you hurt, to see that damn smile disappear from your face. 
“I hate seeing you hurt”, he clenched his wrists remembering the first time you patched him up. It wasn’t anything serious, but it was an order to see a medic and as much as he hated them, he knew which fights he was able to win. 
“You don’t even know me”, he remarked, making you giggle at that. He watched your small hands work over his wound and he liked how warm they were. 
“Doesn’t mean I want to see you hurt!” You winked at him and it was then he realized how foolish you were. How innocent and he wanted you gone, before that War would take any resemblance of innocence from you. “That’s why I’ll be here, waiting to patch you up when you need it.” 
And so here you were. Not on the damn Coruscant, but here with them. It was over a year since that first meeting, and the more he saw you, the more he heard of you, he was becoming more irritated, with you, with this War, with the Sepis and with himself. He was so pissed when he found out that the medic assigned to them was you. He hoped all his remarks would get to you but apparently that never worked. 
He looked at you once more and bit harder on this toothpick and grimaced. He shook his head in anger and left the cockpit, hoping to have you off his head as soon as it was possible. Missing the way your eyes were following his moves.
You frowned looking at his retreating form. You tried to understand him. You thought and tried to remember if you offended him someway, but the more you thought the more certain you were that nothing really happened. Sure he was pissy when he first met you, but it was far from how he was now - cruel. 
“A quick one, boys. We go in, get the disc, destroy everything else and get here. Best case scenario without an extra job for our medic here.” You chuckled and closed the last little bag you were preparing. 
“I want you all to have each”, you started handing them to the boys. “They aren’t big so it shouldn't be an issue for either of you. But they do have the most essential things you may need. Each one of you have an adhesive spray, a mix of bandages that may be of need. I added bone-knitters there as well. I wasn’t sure how long you guys may be gone, and when it comes to fractures in bones, it's best to take care of it as soon as possible. It’s nothing special, a normal medpack so you know…” 
“How the hell did you manage to get all that equipment from Coruscant?” Wrecker gasped seeing all of the best supplies. Something he would expect was given to the Jedi Generals not Clones. At least not the non-medic ones. 
“I have my ways”, you winked at him and stopped in front of Crosshair, extending his medpack to him. For a second there you were sure he would ignore you. But he did take it and added it to his tools. “I added some eye drops for you, just in case.” And not expecting any kind of response from him you turned and stood next to Echo. Missing the way his eyes softened a bit, only to quickly come back to the way he was. “Be safe there, OK?” They all nodded and left the ship, leaving you alone. Hating that you couldn’t come with them. 
“You do know, you don’t have to check up on all of us after every mission”, Tech asked, when you scanned him, looking for any injuries that he may have hidden. It would not be the first time when a Clone would hide that he was hurt or wounded. Like one particular Captain of the 501st. 
“I know, but I do enjoy it. It is my job, but more than that I want to make sure you guys are OK. Believe it or not I kind of like you guys.” He smiled softly at that and you felt your heart melting. Tech seemed like someone completely unavailable when it came to feeling, but you found that he was probably the most welcome to any kind of interaction that anyone would be willing to give him. And so you gave him all the attention you could whenever you had a chance, enjoying the way he always seemed to seek you out to tell you about whatever the hell he found out. “I’d like you guys to take the vitamins I prepared for you. I know it seems silly, but with the amount of missions you participate in, it is crucial to keep even the basic functions going.”
“We appreciate it, really!” Hunter murmured, smiling at you softly. “Even if not everyone shows that.” His eyes landed on the far away place, where Cross normally went into after every mission. Normally you gave him space, not wanting to bother him. But it has been three missions already and you were not able to check on him since then. And you promised yourself you would have to do it this time. Even if it meant fighting him over it. 
“You boys are good to go. I’m gonna check up on Mr moody”, you smiled hearing Wrecker’s booming laugh at your nickname and took a deep breath, readying yourself for whatever the Sniper got to offer. “Crosshair?” he didn’t move when you walked to his space in the ship. You sighed and swallowed trying to find a way to start this all, without making you even more angry that he always was. “I need to check you up and I brought you vitamins.” You tried to make your voice sound soft and gentle. You didn’t need him to know how nervous he made you feel. But deep down, you were sure he knew. 
“I’m OK, so leave.” He murmured and you frowned, biting your lip nervously. 
“You said that after each and every mission so far.” You started, taking a step closer. “But I need to check, you know, even if it's just to sleep better at night.” You tried to joke, but seeing no reaction from him, you rolled your eyes at his childish behavior. “Come on, Crosshair. It won’t even take ten minutes. You make it more difficult than it needs to be. Stop acting like a kid!” You yelped when he was right there, pushing you on the wall behind, making you drop your kit. One of his hands landed close to your head on the wall, and you closed your eyes from the shock of it all. When you opened them, you looked up at him to see nothing but annoyance and irritation. 
You were never afraid of the Clones. Sure they were all respected and intimidating, but you knew that they were all good people. But today, at this moment, you felt yourself shiver. You felt your legs shake from an actual fear from one of them. And it was the man that you stupidly fell for. The man you tried so hard to be accepted by. But despite it all, you could see nothing but anger and disgust in his eyes right now. 
“Don’t you dare call me a child, you spoiled, little brat!” He hissed and something broke inside you. It was not fair. He didn’t know you. Didn’t even try to get to know you and yet it was so easy for him to push judgment. The one who has been ridiculed for something he couldn’t control - his genes. Here he was calling you a spoiled brat not knowing anything. And so you have had enough. 
You pushed him away from you and clenched your hands angrily. Whatever calmness and control you tried to maintain was done for. 
“What the fuck is your problem, Crosshair!?” You shouted, pushing him away, once again. “What have I ever done to you for you to hate me so much!? Why do you have to be a jerk to me all the damn time?! You don’t want me to call you a kid, but since the damn mission started, fuck, even before that, you yourself have been acting like a spoiled brat!” 
“Don’t you dare!” He started, but you didn’t let him finish. You took one more step and looked him deep into his eyes, that you once loved. Tech laughed at you once when you said that you would be able to differentiate them all just by their eyes, lecturing you how being a Clone meant they all had the same eye color. But that wasn’t it. Each of them had something special in their look and Cross wasn’t different. You loved that darkness he held, something so very different. So special, something so lovely. But now, after loving them for so long, you hated to look at them. Hated the solemn fact that you let yourself be so vulnerable for a man who didn’t care for you. 
“No, Crosshair!” you stopped him and felt yourself breathing harsher with every sentence that left your lips. You didn’t even care that you were now surrounded by all of the crew. You didn’t care anymore. You have had enough of it all. “For almost a year I have been trying to get you to like me, to notice me, to make you see me as something more than whatever you thought of me. All I ever was, was be nice to you and your brothers. I was always there for, even when my shift was over, even if I had a day off. I know it’s my bloody job, but I wasn’t born like you to fight in this war!” You didn’t even realize when you started crying. You weren’t screaming anymore, but your voice was more stern and angry than any of them have ever seen you before. “I’m just a civic who wants to help you all in this awful time. I’m not perfect, but I work on my weaknesses everyday and try to be stronger to be sure I will be able to help however I can!” You pushed him again, and to your surprise he let you. You were never the one to get physical, but you were so damn furious right now, that you didn’t care for anything. “What have I ever done to you! What made you cruel towards me?! What made you hate me so much?” You hated how your voice broke a bit in that last sentence, but you kept on looking at him, with the same determination as before. You needed to know to be able to move on. 
“You wanna know what irritates me so damn much about you, princess?” He sneered and took a step towards you, but you didn’t step back. He was close, closer than ever, but you didn’t pay attention to that. You were too angry to care for something like that. You did, however, notice how Wrecker tried to interfere, but was stopped by his brothers. “You are so damn happy all the damn time. You are acting like a spoiled brat that joined the damn army because you were bored. You are pushover that let everyone do and say whatever they want because you need to feel fucking liked by everyone. I hate that fake smile you always give to everyone, I hate that stupid innocence of someone whose life was nothing but nice and comfortable. War isn’t a place to make friends, Princess! People die everyday, and that annoying smile of yours isn’t going to change that. You are pathetic, and I hate that about you!” There was silence after his outburst. You felt like you were just shot straight to the heart. Each and every of his words hurt more than anything you have ever experienced before. And not because they were true - which they weren’t- but because this is what he thought of you. Without even trying to meet the real you. 
“My mother died at my birth”, you started, taking a step back, looking down on the floor, unable to continue to look at the eyes of a person who hates you so deeply. “My father was a bounty hunter, and didn’t care much about being a great parent. You asked me once where I learned to shoot Echo.” The Clone shifted uncomfortably being mentioned now, during the fight between you and his brother. “My father was never really a dad to me, but he did believe I had to be able to defeat myself. So he taught me, shaping the next bounty hunter in his head. He was cruel and demanding. I was 9 when he died and I didn’t even feel sad about it. After that I lived on the streets, living from day to day. I learned how to patch myself, because if I didn’t I’d die. And I would probably keep on living on the streets if the War didn’t break. I enlisted myself as a medic, because I thought of a reason to live. Not to kill as my father wanted, but to save.” You looked up at him to see softness in his eyes. For the first time since you met him. You noticed how his body shifted, how he took a step back. How his anger evaporated from him. “I was given a purpose to my life. And I promised myself I would never come back to that dark place I was, when I didn’t feel anything when my father died. And so I smiled, and laughed and made sure that no one around me would ever need to feel like that. Because Crosshair, being alone and broken is the worst possible feeling in the world, and I hope you will never have to feel it.” You wiped your tears and turned around tired of this all. “And Crosshair?” You turned one more time and looked up, finding his eyes again. “My smile was never fake with you.” And you walked to the small, little place the boys designed for you, to feel at least a bit comfortable. 
“That explains her easiness with a blaster” Echo started, hoping to cool down that anger he felt from both Wrecker and Hunter. He just hoped Crosshair would stay quiet, because he wasn’t sure anyone would be able to stop Wrecker in actually beating the hell out of his brother. 
“I will go see if she needs anything”, Hunter barked, shaking his head in anger at the Sniper, then leaving everyone to tend to you, hoping he would be able to help at least a bit. “Come on, Wrecker, she always enjoyed your hugs.” The Clone stared Crosshair down and with one of Mando’s curses directed at him, he went with Hunter. 
“I have some things to deal with, but I believe you owe her apologies, Crosshair!” Tech murmured and not waiting for the response he left, leaving Echo with Crosshair alone. 
“Aren’t you going to say anything?” Crosshair spit at him angrily, unable to even look at his brother. At anyone. This sick feeling in his stomach was nothing he has ever felt before. He never knew your life wasn’t this comfortable as he thought. A part of him hated himself for being a jerk to you, but another one was angry at his brothers for taking your side in this. An irrational one and he knew that. 
“Seeing you right now? I don’t think I have to.” Echo answered, and clapped his brother on the shoulder, leaving him alone as well. He hated how this went, but he knew that the two of you needed that serious talk. You needed that to get rid of those feelings towards his brother. Feelings that only brought you pain. 
You spent that night cuddled in the protective arms of Wrecker, crying your eyes out. It hurt so unbelievably. The memories of your child, the fact that you said it all, when you promised yourself you would never come back to it. And how all this came about. Now when you were calmer you regretted all of this. You were even close in going there and stupidly apologized to the Sniper, but Hunter stopped you. He even talked to you and asked if you wanted to continue the mission. Because he could always contact Cody and ask for someone else. You smiled at how thoughtful he was and promised him you would end what you started and that what happened just now would not affect your work. You wouldn’t let that happen. They needed a good medic, and you wanted to finish the mission to be sure that they would come back safe. 
And so the professionalism stayed. Or more like ignorance. You knew that the only way for you to focus on your work was to ignore Crosshair, at least as much as it was possible. And so you still organized the medpack for him before each of their missions. You still checked if he was OK, and to your surprise he let you actually make the check up. You acted as his medic and just that. There were no more talks, smiles or desire to get to know him. You were kind of thankful for this whole ordeal. At least it helped you open your eyes, and saved your time on a man who saw you as nothing special. And who hated your own existence. 
“I need to get to the market to buy some things”, you mentioned to the boys, when you landed on Tanalorr for fuel. “We are running out of food, thanks to someone.” You looked at Wrecker, who chuckled awkwardly, sending you one of his charming smiles you couldn’t resist. “Not to mention I did not think the mission was going to be that long.” It has been almost a month, “We are running out of medical equipment as well.” 
“Do we even have enough credits for all of this?” Echo asked, looking troubled at the perspective of having to go back to Coruscant only to re-pack. “I’m not gonna lie, I don’t feel like coming back only to get it done.” 
“Don’t worry about the Credits.” You smirked and winked at him. “I was sent here by the Republic on a mission as your medical support and I am responsible for you. Which means the Republic will take care of things.” 
“If the credits weren’t an issue before why didn’t we let loose a bit?” Crosshair asked. Since that encounter between the two of you, he didn’t speak much, but when he did, there was less and less spite in his tone. At least he was trying, you thought. 
“Well, it’s not that I have no credit for the money I spent. The Republic checks what we spend the money on, and if it turns out to be something not necessarily needed it is taken out of our own private money.” The boys frowned and you chuckled. “Don’t worry, I have worked for the Republic long enough to know what they accept and not.” You grinned and sighed. “Ok, which one of you volunteered to be the bag carrier?” 
“I may not be as perceptive as others but are you OK?” Wrecker asked, after what seemed to be ages. He has been acting strange since you both left Marauder and you couldn’t help but smile softly at the way he cared for you. You still remembered the way he looked that day, when they all came on you and Crosshair fighting. 
“You may think that, but you are as perspective as any of them, if not more, Wreck.” He chuckled nervously at that and you leaned into him and kissed his cheek softly, making him blush. “I’m not, but I will be.” He nodded and let you walk in front of him. You smiled softly at the way his whole body acted like some kind of shielding for you. His eyes were roaming the surrounding looking for anything fishy, being your guardian Angel. "I see how you're always standing just two steps away from me. Whether it's with my little confrontations with Crosshair or whenever we go outside." He looked away sheepishly, scratching the back of his head awkwardly, almost shyly. This is what you liked about him. He was a giant sweetheart. "I am the luckiest doctor in the whole Galaxy" you winked at him and he chuckled softly, following your steps. 
It has been a while since your mission with the Batcher. You haven’t seen them for almost two months, and if you were honest with yourself you started to worry. The war was slowly getting to an end. Everyone knew that, but no one really wanted to agree on it. It was like if you spoke too loud, you would have jinxed it. Childish, and yet no one wanted to actually say anything. The Batch were being sent on more and more restless missions and they didn’t even come to the Coruscant anymore. And damn you missed them. At least most of them. 
You forced yourself to believe you were too busy to think about him, and yet there were times when his face appeared in front of your eyes and you hated yourself for that. When you left, you hugged all of them, except for Crosshair. He didn’t even come out from the ship to say goodbye. You forced yourself to believe it was better that way. After all you hoped you weren’t as pathetic as long for the man who didn’t give a damn about you. 
And now all this seemed like a mean joke. The memories of that mission was one of the few things keeping you going. You knew, you wanted to believe that finding them would make that hell a bit better. Seeing Wreckers smile, talking until the morning with Echo and Tech. Spend the night away just sitting with Hunter, doing nothing. And him. Just knowing that he is close was all that you felt that you needed. Now that the Republic fell and the Empire rose to Power, you needed something common, something familiar. You needed the Batch, like a man needs air to breath. 
You stopped in front of what seemed to be a bar. Ord Mantell wasn’t the most friendly place in the Galaxy, but the last four places you checked were just some silly rumors. And right here, right now you had a feeling like that was it. You hid behind your hood and walked into the building, hoping. Hoping to finally see them. 
Your heart skipped a bit, when you heard a booming laugh of the one and only Wrecker. But what made you stop in your trek was the little girl that was sitting with him. She couldn’t be older than 13. A kid. A child with a Batch. So the rumors were true. They were traveling with a little girl. 
“Can I help you?” Your eyes traveled to a voice next to you. A Trandoshan female was looking at you with a raised brow, her arms crossed at chest. You opened your mouth to say something. But now that you have finally found them you weren’t sure if it was a good idea to have come here. Looking at how happy Wrecker was, it didn’t seem like a good idea to get into their little life now. They were all a family and you were just a medic. A nobody. You took a step back, unable to do anything else but just run. 
A familiar voice stopped you. You looked up to see Echo standing in the middle of the room, staring at you in a mixture of disbelief and relief. The sound of your name was all you needed. Forgetting about the doubt you had just seconds ago, you ran at him, hugging him with all you had, sobbing at his chest like a little child wanting to be comforted. 
“Long time no see, Doc.” Echo whispered, hugging you back, smiling, happy to see you again. 
You didn’t want to believe Hunter, when he said that Crosshair has joined the Empire. It didn’t feel right. There was a lot to be said about the Sniper, but the fact that he would abandon his brothers and join scumbugs like an Empire was the last thing you would expect. Hunter told you about how he tried to kill them twice already, and you couldn’t help but feel anger burning inside you. Not towards the Batch, not towards Crosshair, but towards the Empire that was taking everything from you. 
You told them how you escaped from Coruscant when the Empire rose. How you were traveling from one planet to another looking for them. Hoping you would be able to join them in whatever they planned on doing. Whatever it was, you let them know you were not leaving them. The moment you told them you weren’t leaving, you were once again a part of their team. A part of their family. First few nights you spend cuddling with Echo, Hunter or Wrecker. To keep the nightmares away. It was awkward at the beginning especially with Hunter, but the more frequent they became the more protective he became and was pulling you to him automatically. His senses always knew when you were stressed. When even the hugs didn’t help, you stayed with Tech. Awake talking about everything and nothing really. 
You met Omega and you could not fall in love with her. She was a sweetheart with a sense of humor similar to the Batch. It took you a while to process that she was a Clone as well. And biologically older than them. But you tried to ignore it, and look at her as what she was. An amazing, beautiful and smart teenager. She quickly became an integral part of your life. Like a little sister you never knew you needed in your life. 
You were a family. You finally found your place on Pabu. Saying goodbye to Echo wasn’t easy, but you were happy to know he was following what he truly believed in. And so you moved to this peaceful Island, far away from everything and everyone. Becoming an integral part of the population here. And despite your life finally becoming normal you were still missing something. Missing someone. 
“You better come back! Come back with him!” You made Hunter promise, before they left. Tech got a signal from a base, a signal from Crosshair himself. You didn’t want to get your hopes up. But you did hope he would come back. And not for you. Because you knew that even if he did come back you would be the last person he’d like to see. But for himself, for his brothers and for Omega. You made a decision, that you would take a step back, make place for him if it was what he needed. All you wanted was for him to come back. To be reunited with his family. Even if w=you would never be able to be a part of that family. 
Crosshair didn’t know what he should feel. It was like a damn dream. One second he was strapped into that damn electrolight, and another second his brothers with Omega, were saving him. He didn’t oppose this time. He followed them and he let Omega hug him, when they were back on the Marauder. He wasn’t ready to hug her back, but he was thankful. He would never say it out loud, but he was damn happy to be back with his family. 
He wasn’t sure what to say. Anything he thought of felt too trivial to say out loud. A thank you wasn’t enough. I’m sorry; just didn’t sit right with him. And so he just stayed quiet, observing the Five of them. There were times when he got himself smiling softly at something Omega said, there were even moments when he let himself roll his eyes the same way he did in the past, when Wrecker said something idiotic. It felt familiar, it felt like home again and when Hunter caught his eyes once he smiled at him softly nodding his head. And that was enough, Enough for his brothers. 
Seeing him again was like a mixture of the most painful and the most amazing feeling ever. When the Marauder appeared on the landing platform one afternoon you actually cried in relief. And you laughed out loud when Omega jumped happily at you, giving you her biggest and brightest smile. You were so happy to see them back, that you almost missed the one person, who was the reason for your feeling of emptiness. Here he was standing at the exit of the shuttle, looking at you. There was something unrecognizable in his eyes. Something you have never seen before. His stare was still as intense as ever, but his eyes were some kind of softer. 
You wanted to go to him. And hug him, but seeing him now it was like realizing that you longed for something that could never be yours. Those words, that day was still a reminder of what he really thought of you, of how he saw you. And so you nodded at him and took Omega with you for a walk, listening to everything that had happened when they were gone. 
“She made me promise I will bring you back.” Hunter started, standing next to his brother. “When she heard that message from you, she was determined to make us go get you. She cried when I told her you went with the Empire.” Crosshair frowned, still looking at your retreating form. He didn’t expect to see you here. He would never have thought that it would be you who would cry for him. “She never gave up on you. Even when I did.” Crosshair looked at the Sergeant and raised his brow. “You tried to kill us. Twice. Just a reminder there.” He couldn’t help but laugh softly at that. 
“She looks happy”, he finally stated, see how you laughed with Omega and Wrecker about something he couldn’t hear. 
“Don’t change that”, the Sniper frowned at Hunter’s tone. “She is ready to step away if it means you’d feel comfortable.” Crosshair scoffed. It was something you would have done. Apparently you haven’t really changed. Always putting someone else's feelings before yours. It was one of these things that annoyed him about you. It did. And it still did, but for some completely different reason. 
“You should talk with him,” Tech murmured, thinking of the next move. You were one of few people he actually liked to play against. True, you never won against him, but at least you gave him a challenge. “You have been stopping away from us since he came back.” 
“You’re imagining things, Tech.” You answered, already trying to think of another move, hoping that today you would maybe, somehow win against him. “I am giving him space. Our last real conversation didn’t end well.” You bit your lip and sighed. “I’m not sure I would be able to handle another rejection from him.” 
“Rejection?” He asked, looking up at you. You have never talked with Tech about your feelings. Especially not about your feelings towards his brother. You loved Tech, but he wasn’t the best person of the Batch to talk about it. 
“I love him. It's so stupid and illogical, I know” you rolled your eyes and crossed your legs. Something you always did when you felt overwhelmed. Something he noticed quite quickly. “I remember that day like it happened yesterday, that’s why it hurts so much. Because I know that nothing really changed. This is the same Crosshair as the last time I saw him. It is the same man that said he hated me, he hated everything that I built to become someone better. It broke me then and it breaks me every time I see him”, you sniffed and closed your eyes, to stop the tears from falling down. “I am so happy that he is back. I am happy your family is full again. I am happy he is safe and back. I am incredibly happy that you all are happy again. And I am happy to step back to make sure you all will stay the same way. For as long as it's needed.” Tech frowned looking at you. It’s not that he didn’t know about your feelings for his brother. But he never understood how deep they were until now. 
“You said you love him. Not, loved him.” You smiled softly and nodded.  
“I did. Didn’t I?” 
‘I love him’. He would never have thought he would hear those words directed at him. Well, they weren’t really directed directly at him, but they were about him. You said it. You told Tech out of all of his brothers of your feelings. You told Tech about how much pain it brought you to love him. Against many opinions, Crosshair wasn’t heartless. 
He hated the words that left his mouth that day. It’s not that he lied. No, he wasn’t one to lie. But the words that left his lips then weren’t really true to his true feelings. He never knew what irritated him about you. He always felt angry whenever he was with you, but at the same time, he longed to be with you. He didn’t understand his feelings then, and he wasn’t sure if he understood them now. But he knew something now, that he didn’t know then. It wasn’t hate that he felt towards you. It was this lack of power to be able to protect you. You seemed so innocent, so powerless, so damn happy all the time and he was afraid. So damn afraid that this damn world would screw you and destroy that innocence inside you. He liked it. He longed for these smiles you sent his way. He enjoyed seeing you annoyed, because it meant that maybe you were able to fight for yourself. And so he took the role of a bad guy to teach to defend yourself. 
And the more he focused on this role, the more he hated the world around him. He hated the thought that this world will destroy you one day. That it will wipe away that beautiful smile you sent everyone. And so there was so much hate inside him, that he didn’t know where he should direct it. And despite wanting to protect you from the pain, he was the one bringing you the biggest pain of all. He made you remember something you were sure you wanted to forget about. Your past. 
A past where you had to be strong to survive. The past where you couldn’t smile. The past where you fought everyday against the tyranny of the world. You fought for so long and he was too stubborn and too blind to see that you didn’t need his protection. You just needed for the world to go on. The same way as it went. For him to be there for you. Just like his brothers were. 
Just like you were for him. 
“This one is on me”, he smiled softly seeing the way your eyes widened seeing him, behind you, ready to pay for your Caf. He wanted to laugh at the way your mouth would open and close, unable to say anything. “It's nice weather, how about we take that outside?” There was no smile on your lips that day. But there was something in your eyes that made Crosshair believe that not all was gone. He still had the opportunity to let your world go on and maybe one day be once again a part of it. A better part of it. 
It was strong and beautiful and it made him act on his true feelings. It was hope. 
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lovebatty · 9 months
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ㅤ( English and Spanish ver. )
( MERMAN!AYATO AU )ㅤDiabolik Lovers: Travel Fish — Pearl 01
ㅤCW: Heatstroke.
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English ver.
Roman: ( The sun is a bit strong, my head hurts... )
( Although having Azariel on my legs cools me down a little... it feels good. )
Azariel: Hey!
Hey, wake up! You’re not falling asleep, are you?
Roman: Huh...?
Azariel: Hey, you sure have guts to be just a mangy human, wanting to sleep when you have his highness in front of you.
And then, who is going to take me back to the sea? Do you think I’ll just crawl around?!
Roman: Excuse me, really. It’s just... the waves lulled me to sleep.
( I didn’t know what other excuse to make... )
Azariel: ...Whatever, it doesn’t matter anyway.
Roman: Hey, Azariel...
Azariel: Ah? What do you want now, human?
Roman: I was just wondering... Do you know what happens to crabs when they lose their shell? Their home...
Azariel: Ah... I don’t know, what’s wrong with them?
Roman: Huh? I’m asking you! I’m sure you know.
Azariel: I’m afraid I don’t know, why don’t you find out on your own?
Roman: L-liar! You said you knew everything about the sea...
Azariel: Idiooot! ♪ Of course I know.
Maybe... I just don’t want to share my knowledge with a slob like you, didn’t you think about that?
Roman: How cruel you are, Azariel!
Azariel: Haa? You’re the cruel one here who leaves me waiting in the bay for an hour and then falls asleep!
So...! If I knew, you’d have to pay me this time.
Roman: Pay you...? With what exactly?
Azariel: I don’t know, let me think about it... How about...
...With a kiss.
Roman: Silly—!
𓇼 ㅤSomewhat embarrassed by his words, the traveler pushed the emerald man away from him, and the merman laughed at his quick response to that, enjoying the scene.
Azariel: All this time I gave you a little of me at no cost...
Roman: I know... and I thank you so much for that, you have been very nice to me and you have taught me many things.
Azariel: Hmph! Do my scales bother you?
Roman: Your scales? Not at all. They are actually quite pretty...
Azariel: Yes, you already told me that, right?
That's what you should always do, be grateful, for honoring you with my presence for so long.
Roman: ( I am, even... if is true that, despite I spoke to him at the beginning... it was Azariel who decided that we should meet again. )
( Still, I don’t regret anything. )
Azariel: Hehe, you’re blushing.
𓇼 ㅤTo annoy and provoke Roman, Azariel approached and gently rested his head on Roman's shoulder while he watched the sea next to him.
Azariel: Don’t you mind if I lean on your shoulder? Like this...
𓇼ㅤHe asked, with a smile as he ran his wet fingers through the boy’s dark hair with one hand.
Roman: Ah! No...
( How tired... I feel strange, but if I tell him he might take it as an excuse and get angry, I don't want that. )
Azariel: Hm...
Roman: With your tail... is it very difficult for you to move? I mean, on the surface.
Azariel: It is very difficult for me to move on land. My tail is too heavy... and the situation gets worse as it gets longer!
But I wouldn’t change it for anything. I think... it’s also very important... it makes me feel like a real merfolk.
Roman: ...I understand.
Azariel: ...
What? What’s the matter?
Roman: Huh?
Azariel: All the time you are asking questions and suddenly you have become silent, what do you have?
Roman: I’m fine, seriously—
Azariel: You lie! Come here! Let me see...
You're a terrible liar, you know? I should punish you for this. You are in our territory, in case you already forgot.
...Haa, there is no doubt that lower species believe they can do whatever they want. Stay still.
( Azariel... )
Roman: I won't move, I promise.
( I don’t feel very different, but... strange. I think the most curious thing here is having him worrying about me. )
Roman: ( Really? )
Azariel: ...
Oh, oh my...
...You’re boiling...
Azariel: Hey, are you okay? Are you able to move? Answer!
( Damn... damn ragged... )
( If he is like this because he lied to me, he couldn’t have gotten so bad all of a sudden... )
Roman: Azariel... your hands... are cold, it's nice...
Azariel: ...!
( ...What did he say—? )
( I have to do something, and quickly, maybe... if I use my powers... he will calm down. )
Stay still... don’t move.
Roman: ( I can’t keep my balance, if he wasn’t helping me I would have already fallen in the sand... )
Azariel: Hey... do you want me to touch you more? Where are you hot?
Roman: Hot...?
Roman: Uh... ah.
Azariel: Just for today, I will do whatever you want... Where do you want me to do it? Come on, tell me.
Azariel: Come on, come on... don’t be quiet now, you have to tell me.
Ugh... In the meantime, take that off...! It just gets in the way!
𓇼 ㅤThe redhead growled through his teeth, grabbing his shirt with both hands and pulling hard, tearing the fabric to remove a piece of the clothes he was wearing. Azariel undressed the poor black-haired boy, whose eyes were very heavy and he kept sighing. That only worried the noble merman more.
Azariel: That should be enough... look at me, here I am.
𓇼ㅤHe told him, taking Roman by the chin so that he turned to look into his eyes.
Roman: ...My cheeks?...
Azariel: Did it take you that long to say something like that? Anyway. Your face, right?
𓇼ㅤWhen he finished speaking, the young fish moved forward to kiss the other’s entire face continuously, placing his cheeks between his cold, sunlit hands, surrounding that area under a certain body of water that was being controlled by the newt, using his powers to see if it made a difference.
Azariel: Mm...
You’re burning... it’s burning a lot.
I’m a little surprised you haven’t...evaporated...Chu.
It must be because you’re a human, right? Heh, sometimes I forget that...
Roman: Ah…
( Azariel’s lips... are touching my skin, I like it... )
Azariel: You’re getting better... now...
Roman: ( He feels so fresh... )
Azariel: ...How good. You right now, with that helpless and lovely expression...
𓇼 ㅤSuddenly, Azariel arched his back at a shiver along his spine; the warm hands of the outlaw traveling across his skin with his fingertips. A blush appeared between his freckle-covered cheeks.
Can you hear me—?
Roman: Y-yes...! Yes.
Azariel: You...! Hold on tight.
From what I see, your body heat has dropped considerably. A total relief, It would be a shame to lose... «something» like you.
Shame on you... I know what to do to teach you a lesson.
( He was kissing my neck, I couldn’t help it— although I think... he did it on purpose. )
Roman: Ah?
W-wait, no! No, no!
Heh-heh... Stop, it tickles me! Stop! ♪
Azariel: That’s it... you’re back.
Roman: Did I...? I think, you’re right— H-hey! No more kisses!
𓇼ㅤBoth boys smiled at each other, Roman leaned over Azariel to touch his cheeks and there kiss him with much love, the mortal’s laughter echoing along the beach.
Azariel: Ah, never do that again... I forbid you, do you hear me? You should tell me when you're in danger.
Azariel: A what?
Roman: Yes... sorry for worrying you, Azariel. I didn't think this would happen, I really believed I was just imagining it.
But— nothing like this ever happened to me before... today was a pretty hot day, so it must have been heatstroke...
Roman: ...Forget it. Hehe, at least I want you to know that I am more than grateful to you. I owe you one.
Roman: Oh, yes! You’re right!
Azariel: Yes, I'll take that as an apology.
I... ah, I’m so tired, just I want to return to the sea.
Excuse me again, I completely forgot...! Come, I’ll help you.
Roman: ( And he continues arguing... Hee-hee! ♪ )
Azariel: Ugh, do you remember now? You are the worst, Roman!
Roman: S-sorry, Azariel! I really didn't think of it like that—!
Azariel: I’ll never come here again, it’s not worth it at all. I even have sand between my fins, it's so disgusting.
Carry me, carry me now! What are you waiting for?!
( Although he denies it, I know that he liked being here, even if it was not the most opportune situation. )
( It’s very cute... )
ーー END OF PEARL 01 ーー
Admin's comment 🧚🏻‍♀️
I was finally able to bring some Merman!Ayato ( Azariel ) for you guys, who really liked the concept. I had a lot of fun writing this, even if it's a small thing, and I'll definitely keep working on it since it's my favorite Bloody Kisses AU. (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
If you like it, please consider giving this post a fav, reblog and why not, even follow me❕ As always, thank you so much for reading. Have an amazing day. ♡
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Versión en Español.
Román: ( El sol está algo fuerte, me duele un tanto la cabeza... )
( Aunque tener a Azariel sobre mis piernas, me refresca un poco... se siente bien. )
Azariel: ¡Oye!
¡Oye, despierta! No te estarás durmiendo, ¿cierto?
Román: ¿Eh...?
Azariel: Che, si que tienes agallas para ser sólo un humano sarnoso, queriendo dormir cuando tienes a su alteza frente a ti.
Y luego, ¿quién va a llevarme de regreso al mar? ¡¿Piensas que vaya solo arrastrándome?!
Román: Discúlpame, de verdad. Es que... me arrullaron las olas.
( No supe qué otra excusa poner... )
Azariel: ...Lo que sea, da igual de todos modos.
Román: Oye, Azariel...
Azariel: ¿Ah? ¿Ahora qué quieres, humano?
Román: Sólo me preguntaba... ¿Sabes qué le pasa a los cangrejos cuando pierden su caparazón? Su hogar...
Azariel: Ah... no lo sé, ¿qué les pasa?
Román: ¿Eh? ¡Te estoy preguntando a ti! Estoy seguro de que sabes...
Azariel: Me temo que no lo sé, ¿por qué no lo averiguas por tu cuenta?
Román: ¡M-mentiroso! Dijiste que sabías todo sobre el mar...
Azariel: ¡Tontooo! ♪ Claro que lo sé.
Tal vez... sólo no quiero compartir mis conocimientos con un zarrapastroso como tú, ¿no lo pensaste?
Román: ¡Qué cruel eres, Azariel!
Azariel: ¿Haa? ¡Tú eres el cruel aquí que me deja esperando en la bahía una hora y luego se duerme!
¡Así que...! Si lo supiera, tendrías que pagarme está vez.
Román: ¿Pagarte...? ¿Con qué exactamente?
Azariel: No lo sé, déjame pensarlo... Qué tal...
...Con un beso.
Román: ¡Tonto—!
𓇼ㅤUn tanto avergonzado por sus palabras, el viajero empujó a el hombre esmeralda lejos de él, y el tritón se rió de su rápida respuesta a aquello, disfrutando de la escena.
Azariel: Todo este tiempo te di un poco de mí sin costo...
Román: Lo sé... y te agradezco mucho por eso, has sido muy lindo conmigo y me has enseñado muchas cosas.
Azariel: ¡Hmph! ¿Te molestan mis escamas?
Román: ¿Tus escamas? No, en lo absoluto. De hecho son bastante bonitas...
Azariel: Sí, ya me lo habías dicho, ¿verdad?
Eso deberías hacer siempre, estar agradecido, por honrarte con mi presencia durante tanto tiempo.
Román: ( Lo estoy, aunque... es verdad que, si bien yo le hablé al principio... fue Azariel quién decidió que volviéramos a vernos. )
( Aún así, no me arrepiento de nada. )
Azariel: Jeje, estás sonrojado.
𓇼ㅤPara molestar y provocar a Román, Azariel se acercó y apoyó su cabeza dulcemente en el hombro de Román mientras observaba el mar a su lado.
Azariel: ¿No te molesta que me recueste en tu hombro? Así...
𓇼ㅤPreguntó, con una sonrisa mientras pasaba sus dedos mojados por los cabellos obscuros del muchacho con una sola mano.
Román: ¡Ah! No...
( Qué cansado... me siento extraño, pero si se lo digo puede que lo tome como una excusa y se enfade, no quiero eso. )
Azariel: Hm...
Román: Con tu cola... ¿te es muy difícil moverte? Quiero decir, en la superficie.
Azariel: Es muy difícil para mí moverme por la tierra. Mi cola es demasiado pesada... ¡y la situación empeora a medida que se alarga!
Más no la cambiaría por nada. Creo que... también es muy importante... me hace sentir como un auténtico sirenio.
Azariel: ...
¿Qué? ¿Qué te pasa?
Román: ¿Eh?
Azariel: Todo el tiempo estás haciendo preguntas y de repente te has callado, ¿qué tienes?
Román: Estoy bien, en serio—
Azariel: ¡Mientes! ¡Ven aquí! Déjame verte...
Eres un pésimo mentiroso, ¿sabes? Debería castigarte por esto. Estás en nuestro territorio, por si ya lo olvidaste.
...Haa, no hay duda de que las especies inferiores creen que pueden hacer lo que quieran. Quédate quieto.
( Azariel... )
Román: No lo haré, lo prometo.
( No me siento muy diferente, pero... extraño. Creo que lo más curioso de aquí, es tenerlo preocupándose por mí. )
...Estás hirviendo...
Azariel: ...
Oh, oh vaya...
Román: ( ¿De verdad? )
Azariel: Oye, ¿estás bien? ¿Eres capaz de moverte? ¡Contesta!
( Maldito... maldito andrajoso... )
( Si está así porque me ha mentido, no pudo ponerse tan mal de repente... )
Román: Azariel... tus manos... están frías, es agradable...
Azariel: ¡...!
( ...Rayos, ¿qué dice—? )
(Tengo que hacer algo, y rápido, tal vez... si uso mis poderes... se calme.)
Quédate quieto... no te muevas.
Román: ( No puedo mantener el equilibrio, si él no me estuviera ayudando ya habría caído en la arena... )
Azariel: Oye... ¿quieres que te toque más? ¿Dónde tienes calor?
Román: ¿Calor...?
Solamente por hoy, haré lo que tú quieras... ¿Dónde quieres que lo haga? Anda, dime.
Román: Eh... ah.
Azariel: Vamos, vamos... no te quedes callado ahora, tienes que decirme.
Ugh... ¡Mientras tanto quítate eso...! ¡Sólo estorba!
𓇼ㅤEl pelirrojo gruñó entre dientes, agarrando su camisa con ambas manos y tirando con fuerza, rasgando la tela para quitar un trozo de las prendas que llevaba. Azariel fue desnudando al pobre pelinegro, a quién le pesaban mucho los ojos y se la pasaba suspirando. Eso sólo preocupaba más al noble tritón.
Azariel: Con eso debería ser suficiente... mírame, aquí estoy.
𓇼ㅤLe dijo, tomando a Román del mentón para que voltease a mirarle a los ojos.
Román: ...¿Mis mejillas?...
Azariel: ¿Tanto tiempo te ha tomado decir algo así? En fin. Tu cara, ¿cierto?
𓇼ㅤCuando terminó de hablar, el joven pez se adelantó para besar todo el rostro del otro con continuidad, colocando sus mejillas entre sus manos frías e iluminadas por el sol, rodeando esa zona bajo cierto cuerpo de agua que estaba siendo controlado por el tritón, usando sus poderes para ver si aquello hacía una diferencia.
Azariel: Mm...
Estás ardiendo... quema mucho.
Me sorprende un poco que no te hayas... evaporado... Chu.
Aunque debe ser porque eres humano, ¿cierto? Je, a veces olvido eso.
Román: Ah…
( Los labios de Azariel... me están rozando la piel, me gusta... )
Azariel: Estás mejorando... ahora...
Román: ( Se siente muy fresco... )
Azariel: ...Qué bien. Tú ahora mismo, con esa expresión indefensa y de encanto...
𓇼ㅤDe repente, Azariel arqueó su espalda ante un escalofrío a lo largo de su espina; las cálidas manos del forajido viajando por su piel con la yema de los dedos. Un sonrojo apareció entre sus mejillas cubiertas de pecas.
¿Puedes oírme—?
Román: ¡S-sí...! Sí.
Azariel: ¡Tú...! Agárrate bien.
Por lo que veo, tu calor corporal ha bajado considerablemente. Un alivio total, sería una pena perder... «algo» como tú.
Qué vergüenza, eso deberías decir tú... pero sé qué hacer para darte una lección.
( Me estaba besando el cuello, no pude evitarlo— aunque creo que... lo hizo a propósito. )
Román: ¿Ah?
¡E-espera, no! ¡No, no!
Je-je... Para, ¡me hace cosquillas! ¡Para!
Azariel: Eso es... volviste.
Román: ¿Lo hice...? Creo que, tienes razón— ¡O-oye! ¡Ya no más besos!
𓇼ㅤAmbos chicos se sonrieron, Román se inclinó sobre Azariel para rozar sus mejillas y allí besarlo con mucho amor, las risas del mortal haciendo eco a lo largo de la playa.
Azariel: Ah, nunca vuelvas a hacer eso nunca más... te lo prohíbo, ¿me escuchaste? Deberías decirme cuando estás en peligro.
Azariel: ¿Un qué?
Román: Sí... perdón por preocuparte, Azariel. No pensé que esto sucedería, realmente creí que solo lo estaba imaginando.
Pero... nunca antes me había pasado algo así... hoy fue un día bastante caluroso, así que debe haber sido un golpe de calor...
Román: ...Olvídalo. Jeje, al menos quiero que sepas que te estoy más que agradecido. Te debo una.
Román: ¡Ah, sí! ¡Tienes razón!
Azariel: Sí, supongo que tomaré eso como una disculpa apropiada.
Yo... ah, qué cansado estoy, la verdad sólo quiero regresar al mar.
¡Disculpame de nuevo, lo olvide por completo...! Ven, te ayudo.
Román: ( Y sigue discutiendo... ¡Je-je! ♪ )
Azariel: Ugh, ¿te acuerdas ahora? ¡Eres el peor, Román!
Román: ¡L-lo siento, Azariel! ¡Realmente no lo pensé así—!
Azariel: No volveré nunca más aquí, no merece la pena. Incluso tengo arena entre las aletas, es tan asqueroso.
¡Vamos! ¡Llévame, llévame ahora! ¡¿Qué estas esperando?!
( Aunque lo niegue, sé que le gusto estar aquí, aunque no fuese la situación más oportuna. )
( Es muy adorable... )
ーー END OF PEARL 01 ーー
Comentario del admin 🧚🏻‍♀️
Finalmente pude traer algo de Tritón!Ayato ( Azariel ) para ustedes, a quienes realmente les gustó el concepto. Me divertí mucho escribiendo esto, aunque sea algo pequeño, y definitivamente seguiré trabajando en él ya que es mi AU Bloody Kisses favorito.ㅤ(⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
Si les gustó, consideren darle a esta publicación un fav, rebloguear y, por qué no, incluso seguirme❕ Como siempre, muchas gracias por leer. Qué tengan un maravilloso día. ♡
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morn1e · 4 months
marnie's LEAST FAVORITE TRAITS in other people? like idfk i bet you she hates people who are happy or gaf about being good lol
no no this is true yeah! no fucking happiness allowed in her shop🤬🤬🤬🤬
but to be serious here is a list i suppose:
- cheerful people. marnie sees absolutely nothing to be happy about all the time, especially in a shithole like paradise, so at the end of the day it just annoys her.
- bossy people. nobody tells her what to do damn😡😡😡!!!!!!!
- rude people. again nobody can be rude to her but her to everybody else😡😡😡!!!!!!!!
- liars. only she can lie to everyone else but not someone to her😡😡😡!!!!!!!
- nosy people. marnie is a very very private person&does not care abt others so PPL SHOULD DO THE SAME!!!!!!
- people who are deemed as selfless or they call themselves that. to marnie there is no such thing as selflessness - there is always a motive to doing a good deed, usually for own satisfaction in doing a job well done. if u call urself selfless then you are most absolutely not.
- sensitive people. it just annoys marnie a lot. emotional feels bullcrap irritates her a LOT. grow a spine. stop crying like a baby.
- obnoxious people. this one is obvious.
- humorous people. nothing makes marnie laugh unless others misfortune. not crappy jokes. shut upppp!!!!!!u r not a comedian😡😡😡
- talkative people. shut up&leave her aloneeee!!!1!1!! she does not give a crap abt what you have to say!!!!!!!!
- silly people. grow up. only exception to this is dude. he can be silly, he has her permission.
- ungrateful people. be grateful damnnnnn😡😡😡!!!!!!!!
- religious people (p sure this is not a trait? but including anyways). religious folk are annoying because they are. especially christians. nothing makes her more angry than her bending over to save a person because she was in a good mood for once& the family going “oh THANK GOD!!!!THANK U FOR SAVING MY RELATIVE!!!!😍😍😍” bcuz she did the hard work, not god. ungrateful.
i could go on an on but the idea is she pretty much hates any trait because she Does Not like people. even the most pure hearted least annoying person would irritate marnie because nobody is truly pure hearted&not annoying does not exist in her book. the most hateful jerk asshole would irritate her because how dare they be this terrible and to her especially out of all people. she finds fault in any person. only trait she somewhat likes is stupid people because it is easy to fuck them over for her own amusement&she would be in genuine awe in how a person can be this gullible. but they would also annoy her because they are stupid.
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